#being scared
rammiesystem · 4 months
If you are afraid of the dark:
tw normal activities
features ted, schlatt, and connor!!
Strangers/Just Met:
Goes out of his way to find you and bust your kneecaps in the dark.
Also blocked/unfriended.
Bullys the hell out of you or blocks you and reports your account as spam.
Puts your message on twitter and @'s you.
Doesn't care at all.
studies your behavior when he reaches to turn out lights.
Bully's you about it FOREVER even if it isn't relevant.
Used the last piece of bread? Go buy him some more before he exposes you for having a fear of the dark. Stole his favorite candy? Same thing.
Pulls up every meme he knows and points it towards you to make sure you read it.
Turns off every light in the house.
Makes you stay in the house while he manically laughs.
He really just gives you a soda and goes back on his DS, he couldn't care less because, same.
Best Friends:
Grabs the flashlights hides them around the house and turns off the braker and tells you to find all the flashlights and he'll turn it back on.
Makes fun of you sometimes.
"I knew you were a pussy still."
Gives you a hard time before letting you borrow Jambo after being at his house and the power goes out because of some storm or him just turning it off.
Genuinely didn't hear you over his amazing DS.
Gets you a blanket if the power goes out and sits next to you.
While Dating:
Babies you in the funniest ways possible till they aren't that funny anymore because they are repetitive.
Holds you when the power goes out if you are there.
Zoom or Discord calls you if you aren't at home with him.
Laughs it off like you were joking.
"Wait. You weren't joking doll?" and "I thought you were (your age) not 5 doll."
Genuinely does take care of you when it is needed though.
You take comfort in each other when the power goes out.
He tries to make jokes on it sometimes.
Very sweet about it because. Same.
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So these two... Cynthia and Lydia.
Can I share my thoughts about them for a minute or two?
I liked that their relationship started out rocky, created out of what I like to think is just plain one upping eachother.
Starting with them doing the 'repeat it back' exercise for the first time and what their teacher says as he wanders the room stuck with me.
"Pay Attention to your Partner. See Beyond Their Words."
So to see Lydia stating; "You're Scared" as an attempt to make her uncomfortable and succeeding when Cynthia leaves is a pretty damn good way to start an 'Enemies to Lovers' relationship if I ever saw it.
This is followed up with Cynthia helping the other Thespians coming out of their shells for roles that they wouldn't have necessarily believed themselves capable of doing and Lydia thinking that she should be the star, while the others are beneath her. It throws her off and has to restart her audition.
(Cynthia kicking her heels up on the chair during auditions was my kind of energy that I live for.)
Fast forward a little bit to the Halloween party, where Lydia recognizes Cynthia, even in full costume, because she 'walks like a neurotic pigeon'. (I will not lie, I laughed way too hard at that.)
And after convincing Lydia to help her run lines, they share a 'play kiss' and this changes things between them... They see eachother in a new light and the way they keep working through things with their 'rehearsals' I think both helps and also complicates their... I'll call it a situationship. So when Cynthia is told that things will end after the play, I feel like she finds herself on unsteady ground again and panics when she finds herself not wanting things to end because she enjoys being with Lydia.. But regardless, their 'relationship' is on a timer. A countdown.
Finally the play.
Now I've been in musicals + plays where I both acted and helped out with set designs and props so I understand the nerves that come from being on a stage and preparing one. We were often doing 'warm ups' or 'exercises' an hour or two before curtain up to get rid of last minute nerves and jitters.
And it's here where I see the way they have changed since they first met.
Lydia's paying attention when Cynthia snaps. She sees more than Cynthia is letting on, like a good partner and I like to think that she used the 'Repeat it Back' as a way to calm the nerves- at first. And Cynthia, who at first is irritated by it and then after a moment, you can see her visibly relax.
Because this is normal. Practiced. Rehearsed.
And finally, Lydia stating that Cynthia is scared has a profound weight to me this time round. Only because Cynthia has told Nancy that she doesn't like being laughed at, and she doesn't like being scared of anything... She told her that in a moment of vulnerability and I believe she has only had moments like that with the Pink Ladies. Not so much with the TBirds.. Yet.
So for her to repeat it back to Lydia in a vulnerable state gives me a sense that she feels safe with Lydia enough to be vulnerable with her. Even if only for a minute or two. And Cynthia's own realization when Lydia repeats it back in the same soft tone makes me 'look beyond the words' in Lydia's case as well.
I take it as them saying they're scared about what they feel for eachother. Like 'Im scared for how I feel about this. Im scared too.'
They are being scared... Together.
And I think the revelation of that alone would still border on being both reliving and terrifying, so much so that I think that is why Cynthia leaves... It would certainly would be a lot to mentally take in.
The writers for this show did a damn good job and I applaud them for taking this direction between the two of them...
Again, these are just my thoughts, I may be wrong in my interpretation of things but I would love to hear opinions about this if anyone is willing to share.
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cardierreh15 · 5 months
Uhm, so that movie that’s coming out with Anne Hathaway— the writer of that movie originally wrote for the characters to be black— BITCH IM GAGGED!
I’m sorry— I may be married to one but listen I will neverrrrr, as a black writer/artist — will NEVER cater to a certain audience or demographic simply because I’m not meeting my sales criteria— where is your DIGNITY!?
Im not gonna do that to her ok? Thats not fair, ik how hard it is to be a black writer but thats just crazy to me! Also, the fucking publishers — count your mf days… I’m so sick of these bitches I stg.
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mental-health-advice · 5 months
I think I’m scared of improving idk why but idk how to stop this
Hey there,
When we have been struggling for such a long period of time, it is only natural that we can be scared of change and consequently of things improving for us. It’s important to remind ourselves though that change or any improvements that we make within ourselves does not have to be immediate or all at once. It’s actually a lot easier and less scary to make small improvements or changes over a longer period of time for many reasons like for example:
It can be a lot less overwhelming
Things can seem a lot more achievable by making small steps for change at a slow pace or at a pace that you are most comfortable with
You can usually notice the improvements within yourself a lot more when you work gradually towards them and more so if you take things step by step like with goals and tick off each step as you accomplish them
It can also be quite helpful to know that it’s more than OK to be scared to want to get better and that when on the road of recovery and/or getting better it’s also more than OK to stop if things are getting too overwhelming and so choosing to stay where you are for a while. Recovery and improving on oneself isn’t a one road/ one directional thing, it’s OK to go forwards and backwards, stop and to move along to improving yourself when you feel ready and are able to do so.
Ways in which you could overcome the fear of making improvements within yourself, is to just take thigs slowly, know that there is no rush and to not put any boundaries on yourself in regards to when you ‘should’ be better by.
Also, please do not be too hard on yourself and know that you are definitely not alone with how you are feeling in regards to being scared to make improvements on yourself – whatever it may be!
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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lunarmimikyu · 2 months
how do you try and be not as scared as yesterday?
i really like learning everyday but being scared always stays the same why is that?
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
And yet, they hesitated. The knowledge that they might never see each other again, that some of them---maybe all of them---might not survive this night hung heavy in the air. A gambler, a convict, a wayward son, a lost grisha, a suli girl who became a killer, a boy from the barrel who had become something worse.
What bound them together? Greed? Desperation? Was it just the knowledge that if one or all of them disappeared tonight, no one would come looking?
-Six Of Crows
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coeyymarie · 5 months
Top Favorite ‘True Scary Story’ Channels
Bad Vibes Storytelling Being Scared Blue Spooky Darkness Prevails Lets Read! Mr. Nightmare Mr. Spooky Southern Cannibal Stop and Scare! Uncle Josh’s True Scary Stories Unit #522
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boraxquinn · 6 months
What will you do when Jin returns?
Bora: Burst into tears, then record for five seconds, then hug him and start crying again. T.T
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raffaellopalandri · 8 months
七転び八起き (Nana korobi, ya oki) - Fall down seven times, stand up eight
Bloganuary writing promptWhat’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?View all responses I am scared of failing, as I am always highly committed and present in everything I do. Image taken from Internet The fear of failure is a universal human experience, often lurking in the shadows of our most ambitious endeavours. When we pour our hearts and souls into…
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uaravsh · 1 year
I've been quiet for years I forgot how to communicate and hold a conversation analyzing every sentence and how wrong it might've sounded. I am making others uncomfortable with my discomfort.
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antvnger · 1 year
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I love the adrenaline rush from being scared. Haunted houses, horror movies, mystery and suspense books, I love it. I love it because I know all that stuff is “scary safe”. It’s not real and just for fun, so it’s okay.
Now if I’m scared and I have a good reason to be scared, that’s a whole different story. Like when I’m out in the field, I try to push that aside though and keep a clear head to do whatever I gotta do to move past what scares me.
Do I believe in paranormal stuff? Yup.
Hhmm what calms me down…music helps a lot. So do some tv and movie stuff that’s like nostalgic and comfortable that helps too. My pups help calm me down too. When I’m out in the field, I quote things to myself. Things like favorite movie quotes and things like that to help distract me enough from what scares me. And I also remind myself what I gotta get done when I’m out on a mission and make myself focus on that too.
I don’t really have any scary stories honestly.
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Miscellaneous Symbol Headcanons
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spacedustmantis · 1 year
Ayyo I used to rp with you in Councilblr and I’m just a scared little guy but like.
I low key really miss talking with you??
You’re very swag, swagmaster (I haven’t slept in so long)
-Randal Randus (Probably Not Soup(?))
!!!! yea!!!
we've just kinda drifted apart but i still sometimes think about what we had (roleplaying gay people). you're very very cool and i kinda missed you too :3
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mildelectrocution · 3 months
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Inspired by Darwyn Cooke's iconic Batman & Robin illustration, and the New Batman Adventures.
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majoringinsarcasm · 9 months
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spookberry · 15 days
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this came to me in a vision
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boybecoming · 8 months
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an ode to testosterone weight gain
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