#best aminal ever
octoooo · 3 months
Been staring at Cyerce Nigricans for a while now
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now you have too >:)
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mimi-croissant · 5 months
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These are my children and they’ve been plaguing my mind since I read this book
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itsfuckinrico · 2 years
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and a lil video from his concert (it was super cool)
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pipcoded · 1 year
Seeing belos’ brain constantly subjecting him to The Horrors and him consistently denying The Horrors through odd rituals that injure his psyche like hmmmm i think this boy has ocd
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Hi everyone, I'm back with another Gaza G*fundme post. Both of these people reached out to me over Instagram to help them evacuate and rebuild their lives. Please donate or share if you can, it would mean the world to them and to me personally to help them in whatever way you can - even if it's just a little. People in Gaza need our help more than ever.
If all of my followers donated just one dollar each, we could raise thousands together.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I am not Palestinian.)
Dr. Alaa Saleem is a surgeon in Gaza. She is such a kind soul and is trying her best to evacuate. Dr. Saleem's life, career and livelihood have been completely destroyed. For all the people she's helped and lives she's saved as a medical professional, the world has rewarded her with unfathomable horror. Please help her here.
Heba Hani is currently trying to rebuild her life. Despite the ongoing genocide, she's found some meager joy in making pastries with the little aid Israel allows into Gaza. The zionist entity destroyed the only home she's ever known. Please donate to help Heba below.
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pursuitofdopeness · 2 years
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Aminé bringing the Best Tour Ever to Chicago – 2022
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0 notes
bellaireland1981 · 1 year
Starting Over | 4
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Summary: You come home to work to find your husband of three years in bed with your supposed best friend. It’s the wake up call you finally needed to take your two year old daughter and get the hell out of Texas. With nowhere to go you head to your big brother in San Diego. The sagger squad takes you under their wings, and shows you what having a family means. You get a fresh start… will you find your happily ever after?
Characters: Jake “hangman” Seresin x Sister! Reader, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader (Eventually), Hangman x Phoenix (eventually) , Adorable OC Gracie!   The Dagger squad
Word Count: 6129
Warnings: Angst, cheating husband, emotional abuse, eventual fluff, smut in later chapters, Sweet uncle Jake, Adorable Rooster with a toddler… if I miss any please let me know.
A/N: I don’t own the characters or storyline for Top Gun Maverick. All OC’s are mine. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO COPY OR REPOST MY WORK TO ANY OTHER PLATFORM! DON’T STEAL! Reblogs, likes and comments ALWAYS welcomed. THANK YOU @waywardodysseys​ and  @beyondthesefourwalls​ as always for reading over my work and helping me flush out ideas!!
Taglist is open! If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM  to be added. It’s getting to hard to keep track of asks. 
CH 1  CH 2  CH 3
The next morning everyone descended on the house to head over to the zoo together.  Gracie had already finished her breakfast and was playing with her toys while you packed her diaper bag with an extra set clothes, diapers…you really needed to tackle potty training, snacks, and her sippy cups.
“Are we ready for a day with animals?” Jake asked excitedly, coming into the living room. “Princess G! It’s zoo time!”
“Aminals! Unco Jakey we go bye bye!” Gracie cheered, running as fast as her little legs would take her over to Jake. He picked her up, tossing her in the air to make her laugh before holding securely in his arms.
“Ready to go, Tulip?” he asked you, “Everyone is outside.”
“Yup!” You replied, “I think I’ve got everything…. Wait! Sunscreen!” You ran back to the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of sunscreen before retracing your steps to the living room.  “Ready!”
Jake laughed, shaking his head and heading out the door with your daughter. Once outside, Gracie saw Bradley next to his Bronco, she got even more excited, once more squirming in Jake’s arms trying to get to him.
“Woosta!!” She yelled, “Unco Jakey, down!”  To keep from her squirming out of his arms, he set the toddler down and watched as she ran to Bradley.
“Hey Princess!” Bradley said, shooting a smug smirk to Jake. “Ready for the zoo?”
“Yes!” She replied, “You come too?”
“Yup!” He replied, “Let’s get you into your seat so we can get going, ok?”
“You know, Chicken, I’m really starting to think you’re trying to steal my Princess G from me.” Jake complained, scowling at Bradley.
“I can’t help it that she likes me more, Hangman.” Bradley threw back, teasing his friend. “She’s got taste!”
“Relax, Hangman,” Phoenix said, walking over, “He’s just a shiny new toy. The newness will wear off, then she’ll be her uncle's little princess again.”
“Or…”You said, coming down the front stairs after locking the house, “Gracie has room in her heart for BOTH of you goofballs.”
“I suppose.” Jake said, playfully, “But you love Uncle Jakey more, right Princess G?”
“I wuv you, Unco Jakey!” Gracie replied sweetly, then turned to Bradley and grabbed his face with her little hands. “I wuv you too Woosta!”
“I love you too, Princess.” Bradley replied, smiling widely and kissing Gracie’s cheek.
Your heart absolutely melted the sight.  You could feel tears prickling behind your eyes, emotions overwhelming you. You wanted your little girl to have a dad who loved her and wanted her. Your heart broke that her actual dad was sickeningly closer to your own dad. You were thankful she had her Uncle, and now his friends too.
Jake, seeing your reaction, gave your shoulder a squeeze, dropping a kiss on your head.
“Ok, let’s get going!” Coyote said, “We’ve got a zoo to tackle!”
Bradley put Gracie in her carseat in Jake’s truck.
“Woosta!” Gracie called, “You sit wif me!”
“Guess you’re a backseater today, Rooster.” Jake teased him.
“I will happily ride with you, Princess!” Bradley said, climbing in next to her in the truck. You smiled at him, handing him her diaper bag to keep in the back. He winked at you, before directing his attention fully to your daughter.
“Alright, let’s get this show on the road!” Jake called to everyone still outside of vehicles. You climbed into the front of Jake’s truck and got settled in. Phoenix jumped into the seat on the other side of Gracie, while Jake got into the driver’s seat.
“Buckle up” he reminded, although everyone was already in the process. “Looks like I’ve got 3 backseaters and a co-pilot today.”
“Wow, Bubs” You laughed, “That was pretty bad.”
“Yeah it was.” Phoenix agreed, “If anything you have a co-pilot and you’re flying a commercial plane with passengers.”
“Or a co-pilot and crew.” Bradley threw in. “Apparently Hangman is a plane snob and everything has to be a fighter jet.”
“Note to self…never ride with naval aviators.” You said, rolling your eyes. “Maybe I’ll just ride with Bob and Fanboy next time.”
���Critics.” Jake said, “All of you are critics. Princess G is the only one that loves me.”
“But she apparently loves Rooster more.” Phoenix teased, smiling at Gracie.
“Ouch.” Jake pouted, “Phoenix, that hurts.”
After getting to the zoo, you applied sunscreen to Gracie while Jake go the stroller from the back of the truck and got it set up. Phoenix placed the diaper bag in the basket under the stroller for you, while you buckled Gracie into her seat. You pulled the shade down so the sun wouldn’t beat on her head and be in her eyes. You made a mental note to look to see if they had any toddler hats or sunglasses your next Target trip. Living in California, that would be a necessity for outdoor outings.
“Ok! We’re set!” You said, moving around to push the stroller.
You all made your way to the entrance of the zoo before stopping in front of the Welcome sign.
“Group picture!” Coyote said, “We can send it to Maverick. Maybe he’ll frame it and put it on his desk.”
“Hand me a phone,I’ll take it” You offered, “Team Dagger coming right up!”
Coyote pulled his phone out, handing it to you. The squad all got in front of the welcome sign and you snapped several pictures, both nice and goofy, before you handed the phone back to him.
“Family picture!” Jake said, motioning you over with Gracie in the stroller for a picture.  “Need a picture with my girls.”
“I’ll take it.” Bradley offered, using his own phone to snap some pictures. “I’ll text them to you.”
Once pictures were done, you actually made your way into the zoo.
The whole group stayed together for the morning, walking between exhibits and habitats. You found yourself laughing more than you had in probably years. The group was a lot of fun and definitely close. Gracie alternated between being in her stroller and being carried by various people in the group. She loved being with her Uncle Jake, who carried her on his shoulders. Bradley took several turns holding her, both on his shoulders and carrying her on his hip with one arm around her.
By lunch time, she was content to be in her stroller, in the shade,  munching on some french fries and chicken nuggets from the cafe at the zoo.
You sat next to her at the picnic table eating your own lunch, the rest of the squad spread out between 2 tables.
“This was a great idea.” Phoenix said, taking a bite of her sandwich. “I can’t tell you the last time I was at a zoo.”
“It was.” You replied, “I haven’t been able to do much like this with Gracie. It’s so fun to watch her reactions to animals.”
“Wait until we take her to Disneyland!” Jake exclaimed, “Do you want to go see all the princesses and Mickey Mouse, Princess G?”
“Pwincess!” She agreed, happily. “Mickey too!”
“Isn’t she too little for that still?” You asked, “She’s only 2!”
“Ok, we’ll just take her for her birthday!” Jake reasoned, “Or….we take her now and for her birthday.”
“You’re insane, Jakey.” You laughed, “Disney is too expensive for multiple trips.”
“It’s not bad if you get the memberships.” Bradley said, handing Gracie a piece of his cookie.
“I saw that” You smirked at him, “Y’all are seriously goin’ to spoil my daughter.”
“Yeah, Rooster, stop spoiling my niece.” Jake said, handing her a piece of his own cookie as well.
“You’re laughing now, but she’s all yours when she turns into a gremlin with all the sugar.” You said, “Don’t think you’re leaving me with a sugared up toddler.”
“Princess G is not a Gremlin, Tulip.” Jake said, feigning outrage, “She’s a sweet, cuddly, Princess. Just so happens she is also my favorite niece.”
“She’s your ONLY niece, Bubs.” You laughed, rolling your eyes. “And if she gets all sugared up and refuses to nap, she’ll be your only Gremlin niece.”
“She’s got you there, Hangman.” Coyote laughed, “It’ll be alright, tho. Between all of us, we can run her energy off. I vote we let the baby have all the sugar today!”
“Spoken from someone who’s clearly not spent time around small children.” Phoenix pointed out, “We have to wait to sugar her up until AFTER her nap.”
“Not helping, Nat.” You said, shaking your head.
“Yeah, Phoenix” Bradley said, shaking his head at her, “Not helping here.”
“You gave her the first piece of cookie!” You exclaimed, laughing. “Bob! Aren’t you supposed to be wrangling the overgrown kids?”
“My bad.” He said, looking innocent. “Stop corrupting Gracie y’all! Wait until she’s older!”
“BOB!” You laughed, “I think I’m going to need to call in the big gun here. Maverick is clearly the one that keeps you all contained.”
“Actually,” Phoenix said, “Penny would probably be the better option for that.”
“Noted.” You replied, reaching around to grab the wipes from the diaper bag. You wiped Gracie’s hands that had become very sticky, and her face from the cookie crumbs.  
“Will she nap in her stroller if we walk her around?” Bradley asked, as he finished his own meal.
“Yeah, she’s pretty good about knocking out when she’s tired.” You replied, “I’ll just lay her seat back and put the shade fully down to block the sun.”
“What’s the plan for the afternoon then?” Payback asked, from the next table, “What does everyone want to see?”
“I want to check out the reptiles, snakes, and insects.” Bob said, “That exhibit looked pretty cool.”
“I can check out some reptiles.” Payback replied. Fanboy agreed with Bob and Payback.
“I’m out.” Bradley said, “Not all about the snakes and insects.”
“Same.” You replied, “Enough of the snakes and bugs in Texas, no thanks.”
“What about The Lost Forest?” Jake suggested, “It’s got the birds, the monkeys, and such. Then we can hit the bigger animals in Africa and The Outback before leaving later.”
“I like that plan.” You said, “I want to see the Sloths for sure. They’re my absolute favorite.”
“OK, how about we split up then and we can all meet back up in a bit?” Bradley suggested, “Birds and forest animals sound good to me!”
“Me too,” Said Phoenix. “I do not do snakes.”
“Alright, let’s go see some more animals then.” Jake said, “We’ll text you guys when we’re heading back to another area.”
“Sounds good.” Payback said, “Let’s go see some reptiles!”
Your smaller group headed toward the Lost Forest section of the zoo. Gracie made it through the monkeys and gorilla habitat then knocked out in her stroller. You made sure the sunshade was blocking the majority of the sun from her but still allowed the slight breeze through to keep her cool.
Jake pulled Phoenix to a display set up as a photo op, making her take a picture with her face through a cutout of animals. You laughed, pulling your phone out to snap a picture.
“Jake put your face through too!” You said, holding your phone up. He happily ducked behind the display with Phoenix to pop his face into a cutout. You laughed, holding up your phone again to snap another picture.
“Here, leave Gracie with me. Go get a picture with Jake.” Bradley said.
“Ok.” You replied smiling, “Then you’re the next victim.”
He laughed, shooing you over to the display.  
Jake and you posed for a picture before you told Jake and Nat to stay put and went back to send Bradley over.
“Your turn, Hot Shot.” You said, nodding to the display.
He walked over joining the others for a picture. Once you snapped a few, they joined you again.
“OK, I need something cold to drink. I’m going to go find something, does anyone else want anything?” Phoenix asked.
“I’ll come with you, I could use a drink too.” Jake said.
“I’m good. I want ice cream!” You said. You’d seen several people with ice cream cones and it made you really want one.
“Ice cream does sound fantastic.” Bradley agreed. “I’ll tag along with you. We can meet up at the start of The Outback and text the others.”
“Alright. You’ve got precious cargo with you, Rooster.” Jake said, “Take care of my girls.”
“I’ll guard them with my life.” He promised, winking at you as he said it.
“Phoenix, can you please babysit my brother for a bit?” You asked, playfully, “He requires intense adult supervision.”
“I’ll do my best.” She laughed, “But I make zero promises that I won’t duct tape his mouth closed.”
“You can’t blame her there” Bradley shrugged.
You walked over to Jake and hugged him, whispering “Just be you Jakey. Let her in.”  He hugged you back, before pulling away and flashing you a sweet smile, following Phoenix after their drinks.
“Let’s go find some ice cream,” You said, “There’s gotta be a cart or shop around here somewhere. I’ve seen a million people with ice cream.”
The two of you headed down the path in the direction you’d been heading before the pictures.
“What did you tell Jake to put the goofy smile on his face?” Bradley asked.
“Just reminded him to be Jake and not Hangman.” You shrugged, “He really does like Nat. Beyond just  liking and respecting her as a coworker and fellow aviator. He really likes her. Sometimes my brother gets in his own head and he doubts that anyone could actually like him so he puts on a act to protect himself.”
“I would say that Phoenix likes Jake too.” Bradley said, “Also more than just a friend or coworker. She will fight it though. She’s had to build a solid wall to keep herself protected, being one of the few female Top Gun pilots.”
“They’re a match made in Heaven.” You smiled, glancing at Bradley. “You know, he really respects the hell out of all of you. He might not show it often…or maybe not at all… but Jake cares a hell of a lot about you all and what you think about him.”
“Honestly, before the Uranium Mission, I thought Jake was an arrogant asshole that cared more about himself than anyone else.” Bradley admitted, “But after spending time training with him and then when he literally saved my life… he finally started to show us there was more to him. Part of it was us finally being open to seeing another side of him too. We all care about him too, Y/N. We’ve built our own family.”
“It’s really good to see my brother happy.” You said, “Now my goal is to show him he deserves to happy and loved.”
“What about you, Sweetheart?” Bradley said, “Don’t you think you deserve that too? I know Jake wants that for you. The rest of us see that you deserve the world too.”
“I’m working on it.” You admit, quietly, “I know I don’t deserve anything that I’ve been dealt from Trent.”
“I know Jake’s a little worried he’ll show up.” Bradley said, “I saw let him try. He’ll quickly learn that we don’t let insecure pencil dick asswipes mess with anyone in our family.”
You laughed at the colorful description of your soon to be ex husband.
“I’m serious.” He said, “I can’t wrap my head around how anyone could have you and Gracie and not consider themselves to be the luckiest person in the world. It proves that he’s too stupid to breath the same air if he can’t see how special the two of you are.”
“Thank you, Bradley.” You replied softly, “You’re really sweet.”
“Just callin’ it like I see it.” He said, redness creeping up over his neck and face.
“I think we’ve found the ice cream.” You said, pointing at a small building to the left.
After getting ice cream cones, and losing the battle over paying for them to Bradley, you made your way to a bench in the shade so you could sit and eat them while Gracie continued her nap.
“This is exactly what I needed.” you said, happily eating your ice cream.
“It was a great idea.” Bradley agreed, eating his own cold treat. “Think Gracie will want some when she wakes up?”
“Gracie never turns down ice cream.” You laughed, “She’s one hundred percent her momma’s lil’ girl.”
“She’s definitely as pretty as her momma.” Bradley said smoothly. He knew you were technically still married but he couldn’t help the way you and Gracie were pulling him in. Knowing there was zero chance you’d be working things out with the douchebag, alleviated any guilt for flirting with a married woman.
“You’re a natural flirt, aren’t you, Bradley?” You asked, smiling. Regardless if he was seriously meaning to flirt with you or not, it felt good. He was a really good man, you knew that from the few days you’d known him. It felt like you’d known him longer. He was the type of man you wished you’d fallen for instead of buying into whatever Trent had tried to sell you. He was the type of man you wished your daughter had for a father. Maybe once all the dust settled after the divorce and you were ready, you could find a man like Bradley.
“Possibly, but it doesn’t negate the fact that it’s also true.” He shrugged, smiling. “You’re beautiful and Gracie looks like a mini version of you.”
“Thank you, Bradley.” You replied, ducking your head to hide the heat creeping over your face.
He made a mental note to give you more compliments so you’d hopefully start to see what he saw when he looked at you. He also made a note to talk to Phoenix to get her opinion on how Jake would react to him pursuing you once your divorce was final.
“Mommy, I firsty.” Gracie said groggily. You stood up from the bench to get her cup from her diaper bag and gave it to her.
“Hi, Baby Girl.” You said, “Did you have a nice nap?” She nodded, sipping her cup.
“Me have some?” she asked, eyeing your ice cream cone. You laughed, crouching down to offer some of the treat to your daughter.
“Told you she was my girl.” You said, smiling up at Bradley, still sitting on the bench.
“Woosta ice cweam too?” she asked, sitting up and turning to see Bradley.
“You want to share mine too, Princess?” He asked, “It’s way better than Mommy’s!”
“Hey!” You exclaimed, laughing. “Cookies and Cream is the best ice cream, thank you very much.”
“Not as good as cookie dough.” He insisted, scooting closer to the stroller and leaning over, elbows on his knees, to offer a bite of his ice cream to Gracie.
She happily sampled the ice cream he offered, a little getting on her nose. He laughed before wiping it away with his finger.
“See, isn’t that better than Mommy’s ice cream?” he asked the toddler.
“Yes!” She agreed, although you were sure she was just agreeing with whatever Bradley said, not caring what she was agreeing to.
“Traitor.” You pouted, playfully. “Guess that just means I get to enjoy this ice cream all by myself.”
“I’ll share with you, Tulip.” Jake said, coming up behind you and nabbing your cone to lick some of the ice cream.
“What the hell, Jakey!?” You glared, “Unhand my ice cream. You can get your own.”
“That actually is really good.” He said, handing you back your cone. “I think I will go grab one. Phoenix, you want some ice cream?”
“That does sound pretty good.” She agreed, “I’ll come with you.”
“Looks like they’re getting along pretty well.” You observed as they headed across to the ice cream shop.
“It does.” Bradley agreed, watching the pair. “Looks like we’re on to something here.”
“Ice cweam, Woosta” Gracie said. “Pwease.”
“Good manners, Gracie Girl!” You praised, smiling at your daughter.
“Here you go, Princess.” Bradley said, tipping the cone towards her again.
“How are y’all gonna get ice cream without us?” Coyote asked, coming over. Bob, Fanboy and Payback joining too.
“Jake and Phoenix are across getting some now, y’all can get some and then we can finish up the rest of the habitats.” Bradley suggested.
Once everyone had their fill of ice cream, you all headed to The Outback and Africa habitats. Gracie was most excited about the kangaroos and then the Elephants and Giraffes. Jake pulled her out of the stroller, setting her on his shoulders so she could see the animals better. You tried to capture as much of the experience as possible in pictures and videos. You planned to print out the pictures and add them to her photobook. Thankfully, even in your haste to get out of the house, you’d managed to grab her other baby books so you’d have those for her when she got older.
“Alright, as fun as this day was,” Payback said, “But, I am starving and surprisingly beat.”
“You literally fly fighter jets, pulling G’s for a living..” You teased, “And the ZOO tired you out?”
“OH! She’s got you there, man.” Coyote laughed.
“Weak.” Phoenix teased, “I am starving though. The ice cream was great, but I need real food.”
“I could eat.” Bob agreed.
Later that evening after Gracie is in bed, you’re sitting on the couch with Jake, only half way paying attention to the movie on TV. You open your email app on your phone seeing your lawyer sent something to you.
Opening it up you see it’s a notification that she’s gone ahead to file the request for legal separation and that she’s had it served to Trent. She also said she’s filed the petition for an order of protection.
“Everything ok, Tulip?” Jake asked gently, “All of the color just drained from your face.”
“Yeah.” You replied quietly, “Just an email from my lawyer… she’s filed separation papers and a petition for an  order of protection.”
“That’s good though, right?” He asked, “It’s the first step to your freedom.”
“It’s good.” You said, looking at him, “I promise it’s good. I’m just…scared. What if he really does come here? What if he makes it impossible to be free from him? It’s been nice to ignore it all for a few days, but I can’t hide anymore. I have to face this…but I’m scared.”
“You’re not alone, Tulip.” Jake reassured, scooting over to you and pulling you close, “He’ll have to come through me…and the rest of the squad. We won’t let anything happen to you or Gracie.”
“What if Gracie asks about her dad, Jake?” You asked, “Am I doing the right thing trying to cut him from her life?”
“You are absolutely doing the right thing, Sweetheart.” He promised, “He hasn’t asked about her once in all of the messages he’s sent. He admitted to not wanting her. He doesn’t deserve her. And if Gracie asks…which, honestly, she hasn’t yet and she’s so young… I think you have time to figure out what to say to her if she asks.”
“I just want to protect her from everything…. But I don’t want to deprive her either.” You sighed.
“She isn’t missing anything by not having that piece of shit in her life.” Jake said, “She’ll have all the uncles and an aunt she can handle and… someday maybe she’ll get the dad she deserves…and her mom will get the love SHE deserves.”
“I love you, Jakey.” You said, sinking into your brother’s embrace. “Thank you.”
“Love you too, Tulip.” He replied, dropping a kiss on your head, “Just have some faith. You’ll see…it’ll work out.”
Over the next couple of weeks, you fell into a routine of sorts. During the day while Jake was at work, you would clean up the house and throw dinners into the slow cooker or just prep if it was a non slow cooker meal in the mornings. Gracie, content to play or color while you got stuff done. During her naps you would sit out on the back patio reading, enjoying the warm weather, or on your laptop looking into childcare options so you could accept the position with Penny.
You had just gotten Gracie down for a nap one day when you got a phone call from your lawyer.
“Hi, Y/N.” She said, once you’d answered the phone. “I just wanted to give you an update on how things were going.”
“Hello.” You said, “Hoping it’s good news?”
“As expected, he has his feathers ruffled. He retained a lawyer and has already contested both the divorce and objected to the order of protection.” she said, “He’s counter suing for custody of Gracie, saying you relocated out of state without consent.”
“He doesn’t even WANT her!” You exclaimed, feeling your heart rate increase, “He can’t take my baby. Please don’t let him take her!”
“Y/N, it’s ok, honey” She said, her voice calm and soothing. “I fully expected this. He will not get custody of that sweet little girl. You have a hearing for the order of protection Monday at 9:30. Once that is in place, and it will be, we move forward with the divorce, requesting it be expedited as well as full custody of Gracie. Ideally, it would be great if we can get him to terminate parental rights… and we might be able to get that in return for no child support if you’d be willing to do that.”
“Absolutely” You said, “I literally want nothing from him other than my freedom and my daughter.”
“Ok.” She said, “I will keep in touch. Please continue to forward any texts or phone calls from him to me. I imagine his lawyer will instruct him that all communication is to go through legal, but he hasn’t shown he’s capable of following directions thus far.”
“Thank you, so much.” You said, “For everything.”
“It’s my pleasure Y/N” She replied, “I’ll be in touch.”
After hanging up you sat on the couch, desperately trying to keep the anxiety flooding your system contained. You couldn’t fall apart. Gracie was depending on you. Despite your best efforts though, the tears started falling freely down your face. You sat on the couch, allowing the tears to fall…giving yourself a moment to let the feelings out.
There was a light knock at the door a while later.  Quickly wiping your eyes, you walked over to the door, checking through the window to see who was there before pulling it open.
“Bradley…” You said, “Shouldn’t you be in the air?”
“I’m on the ground today, instructing.” He said, “Jake is in the air though, but he forgot a manual he needs when he’s done.”
“Come on in.” You said, stepping back and letting him in. “I have no idea where he’d have put the manual but you’re welcome to look for it. Would you like a drink or something to eat?”
“I’m alright, Sweetheart.” He said, offering a smile, “Thank you. He said it should be on the nightstand next to his bed…. Y/N, is everything ok? Have you been crying?”
“I’m fine.” You said, plastering on a smile. “I was just watching a sad movie.”
“Sweetheart.” He said gently, walking over to you, “Wanna try that again? You’re a lousy liar, Y.N.”
“My lawyer just called.” You choked out, unable to keep the front up. A fresh round of tears spilled down your cheeks and a sob made its way out, despite your best efforts to hold it back.
“Oh, shit, Baby, come here.” He said, pulling you into his embrace. “It’s ok. I’ve got you. No matter what, you’re safe and Gracie is safe.”
He held you, letting you cry, gently rubbing your back with one hand, the other cradling your head. He didn’t say anything more for the moment, just giving you the time you needed to break down.
When the tears finally stopped and you were able to catch your breath, you pulled back.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“Absolutely no apologies, Sweetheart.” He replied, “I’m glad I was here.”
“A crying hysterical female was probably not what you signed up for when you told Jake you’d get his manual.” You said, “And I soaked your uniform shirt.”
“Y/N,” He said, a soft genuine smile on his lips, “My shirt will dry. Never apologize for having feelings or showing them. You don’t have to be tough all the time.”
“I’m still learning that.” You admitted, “Jake and I kinda had to be tough growing up. I tried not to break down on him because he had enough on his plate and then in adulthood…well… I’m sure he’s filled you in.”
“He has.” He said, “But just because he’s worried and he needed someone to talk him down. What did your lawyer say?”
“Trent is contesting the divorce, and he’s counter suing for custody saying I took Gracie out of state without permission.” You said, “I don’t know how he can do both… I would think by counter suing he’s agreeing to a divorce. My lawyer told me she expected it but I’m still scared, Bradley. I can’t lose my daughter…and I can’t go back to Texas.”
“You won’t lose her, Sweetheart.” He said confidently, “If need be you have a whole bunch of people to testify on your behalf on how amazing of a mother you are. Judging from the voicemails and texts that Jake showed me though, no judge would see him as the better parent choice. And you won’t have to go back.”
“I have to go to court Monday morning too.” You said, “That’s when the hearing for the order of protection is.”
“I can talk to Mav and take off to stay with Gracie so Jake can be there for you in court.” He offered.
“Bradley, I can’t ask that of you.” You said.
“You’re not asking, Sweetheart.” He smiled, winking, “I’m offering. Plus, I get to spend time with a sweet Princess…so win for me!”
“Thank you.” You smiled back.
“What time does Gracie usually wake up from her nap?” Bradley asked.
“She should be waking up in the next half hour or so.” You replied.
“Alright, I’m going to have Phoenix cover my pilots for the first part of the afternoon.” Bradley said, “When Gracie wakes up, I’ll have you two follow me back to base and you can hang out with the squad until Jake is done for the day.”
“You really don’t have to do that, Bradley.” You said, “I don’t want to interfere with your job. We’ll be fine until Jake gets home.”
“I’d feel better knowing the two of you were on base, Y/N.” He relied, “Jake will be happy you’re there too.”
“You won’t get into trouble?” You asked, biting your bottom lip, an anxious habit you’d picked up over the years. “And your bosses won’t get mad?”
“I won’t get into trouble.” He promised, “If the admirals take issue with it, I’ll send them Mav’s way.”
“Ok, then.” You said, giving in, “But if you’re giving up your lunch hour to babysit me, you have to let me make  you lunch.No arguments.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He said, laughing. “I’ll go grab the manual for Jake so I don’t forget it and then I’ll call Phoenix.”
“Ok, I’ll get your lunch going.” You said, “Anything sound good in particular?”
“Whatever is easiest. Please don’t go out of your way.” He said, “I usually grab a protein bar from the vending machine, so really, whatever you feed me is 100% better than that.”
“I’m going to start sending extra food with Jake for you.” You said, shaking your head, “You cannot fly when poorly fed.”
He chuckled, heading up to Jake’s room. While up there he called Phoenix and filled her in. She quickly agreed, saying she’d let Mav know.
With the manual in hand, he headed back downstairs. He set the manual down next to the door and heads into the kitchen.
“I reheated a plate of chicken, loaded potatoes and veggies I made last night.” You said, handing him the plate of heated food.
“Thank you, Sweetheart.” He smiled, accepting the plate. “Have you eaten?”
“I ate when I fed Gracie lunch.” You said, grabbing the pitcher of lemonade from the fridge and pouring a glass before setting it on the table in front of Bradley.
“This is amazing, Y/N.” He said after digging into the food.
“Better than the protein bar?” You teased, smiling at him.
“No contest, Sweetheart.” He said, winking. “It’s gonna taste like sawdust now tomorrow.”
“Nope, absolutely not.” You said, shaking your head at the man, “You are not eating a protein bar for lunch anymore, Bradley. I meant it, I will be sending lunch for you with Jake.”
“He’ll hate sharing his lunches.” He laughed.
“He can deal.”  You said firmly, “And anyone else that only eats protein bars will be getting food sent for them too. I tend to make too much every meal anyway so it’s not a problem.”
After feeding Bradley lunch, you pulled out Gracie’s diaper bag and filled it with some toys, a change of clothes in case she needed it, restocked the diapers, and snacks. Once her bag was ready you got to work prepping the food for the dinner you were making that night, making note of anything you’d need to stop at the store to pick up.
“I think tonight is a a lasagna night.” You said, taking inventory of the fridge and pantry. “So you can plan on that for lunch tomorrow.”
“That sounds amazing.” Bradley grinned, “Thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome.” You smiled. “Any requests for the squad dinner Friday?”
“How about we just order pizzas and make it easier on you?” He suggested.
“Ordering pizzas is not a home cooked meal.” You replied, leveling him with your sternest look, while trying to keep a straight face. “I could make homemade pizzas though if you want pizza.”
“Let’s make a deal, Sweetheart.” He said, hands on his hips, trying to look like a tough negotiator. “I’ll throw stuff on the grill and then you can boss me around in the kitchen while supervising me preparing sides to go with the meat.”
“Deal.” You agreed, offering your hand to shake on the deal. “But we’re making Jake help too.”
“Deal.” He parroted, taking your ordered hand and shaking it firmly with his own, both of you lingering a few seconds longer than necessary.
“I’m going to go check on Gracie and start waking her up.” You said, “I don’t want you getting in trouble for being gone too long.”
“It’s ok.” He said, “I’ve got Phoenix covering. She was going to let Mav know you and Gracie will be on base too.”
“Ok.” You said, “Gracie will be excited to see you…and to get to go to see the jets again.”
You walked back to Gracie’s room and quietly walked in. She was just starting to stir as you came into the room. You grabbed her shoes from the top of her dresser and a clean diaper to change and padded over to her bed.
“Hi,Sweet Girl.” You said gently, allowing her to wake up slowly. “Mommy’s going to change you and get your shoes on then I have a surprise for you.”
She sat up on the bed, her chubby hands rubbing her eyes.
“Pwize?” she asked, groggily.
“Yup!” You said, smiling. You made quick work of changing her and putting her shoes on. You finger combed her curls to untangle them from her sleep, then carried her out the living room.  “Gracie, look who’s here.”
“Woosta!” She squealed, fully awake now and reaching for her favorite mustached aviator.
Bradley smiled widely, reaching out to take her into his own arms.
“Hey Princess!” He said, hugging her close. Gracie wrapped her small arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. “Aww, is someone still sleepy?”
“She’s usually pretty cuddly when she first wakes up.” You said, smiling at the cute pair. “Today, you’re the lucky one that gets to benefit.”
“I will happily take the cuddles” He replied resting his cheek against the toddler’s head. “She's a good cuddler.”
“Yes she is.” You confirmed. “Gracie, do you wanna go to see Uncle Jakey at work?”
“Woosta too?” She asked, her head still resting on his shoulder.
“Yes, Baby Girl.” You laughed, “Rooster too.  We are not telling Jake he wasn’t the selling point today.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” He smirked.
A/N: Phew! Let me know what you’re thinking so far! Thank you for reading and joining on this journey! 
awesomebooklover17, krismdavis, mygyn, jayniebop, hisredheadedgoddess28, jstarr86, @cherrycola27​, @harrysgothicbitch​ , @caidi-paris @senjoritanana​ @bethabear12 , @flyinlove  , fulla02 , @sophham​
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Otacon x Reader
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Highly cursed at the halfway point. Spoilers for End of Evangelion and I wouldn't recommend that sane people watch it just to try to understand what the hell is going on. Yes there are parts where people turn into orange liquid followed by screams and upbeat happy music about suicide. Also do not look up the hospital scene for this movie (which it is infamous for). You have been warned.
Your smash main is Snake, you're a weeb or you fall in love easily and are used to being hurt by others.
First Date:
None. This man is busy raising a child with Snake.
Second Try:
The two of you meet on a fan board and quickly exchange numbers. Soon he invites you over to his house for a date. You asked where he lived but he said he would prefer to pick you up. You wait outside until you feel what seems to be an earthquake. You go to run but then you look into the sky. "IS THAT A GIANT ROBOT!" The "vehicle" pulls up and sure enough, Otacon is waiting for you. "Good evening. You look wonderful..." He then handed you a bouquet of flowers and you came inside.
Man, he really was an otaku. His home consisted of a bedroom that was really more like a storage space, a bathroom and a kitchen. "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to bring some refreshments." You looked around for a spot to sit down, his room being like that one photo of Yoshihiro Togashi but notably much cleaner. The walls were stacked from the floor to the ceiling. You would have to tell your date that piracy was also an option. Most of it was just anime so you knew better than to touch it.
There was a small CRT and just about every console you could think of. Even the bad ones.At the far end of the room was a computer. You didn't really understand how that stuff worked but you figured his setup must be very expensive since all you had was Windows 95. You saw a purple creature on the desktop. "What's a bonzi buddy?
"You then noticed that Hal had come back. "I brought you a bento and some pocky. Only the best for my little waifu." He then blushed and turned the television off. "Sorry. I forgot that I was playing Policenauts on my Saturn earlier.."He then asked Alexa to play his spotify playlist which consisted of nothing but Hatsune Miku.
After you were finished eating, he took you by the hand. "Allow you to show you my prized collection." He brought you to his glass stand filled with various figures. It had a little bit of everything. Transformers, all the Gundams, some Code Geass. Even this weird one he called Zone of the Enders? "Yeah, I'm a huge fan!" He then looked around to see if the almighty Mr. Kojima was watching."
But this... This is my favorite." It was a giant build of EVA 01. "I never knew you liked Evangelion..." He then pulled out a copy of End of Evangelion. "Would you like to watch it with me? I have the renewal edition..." You gazed into his eyes and kissed him. "Wow..." He then turned on his hello kitty DVD player and inserted the disc.
The two of you started frenching during the komm susser tod sequence. You began to stroke him while the lyrics "It all returns to nothing" played. "Looks like someone's snake is solid..." He then thought to himself while the screams of those being turned into orange juice could be heard. "It's just like one of my Japanese amines!" You gave one final pull, yelling "It all CUMS TUMBLING DOWN, TUMBLING DOWN, TUMBLING DOWN"
Having finished, Hal shut off his VR machine. Ever since David had left him to go on a date with a woman, he hadn't felt the same. He thought back to when he asked him if love could bloom on the battlefield and then started to sob into his arm. "WHY DOES EVERYONE I LOVE LEAVE ME!?" Little did Snake know but Otacon had created a program where he could be with him in a dating sim. He would later sell it on steam and become as rich as Snake did from the fortnite cameo, bringing him into the spotlight. They would later get back together and become the ultimate power couple.
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tetsunabouquet · 3 months
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To close of easter: The best Easter Bunny Ever. I'm usually a sub, but something about Amin's soft boy persona makes me want to pull out my inner dominatrix.
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minheelovelee · 11 months
thoughts on epex hyung line and cockwarming🤔
LOVE LOVE LOVE. thank u anon!
warnings: nsfw. fem!reader.
- lets you cockwarm him while he’s busy.
- cant stand to see you sitting there all cute and lonely.
- claims it helps him focus. probably just an excuse to stick it in.
- doesn’t break. would tease you by not showing any reactions.
- too needy for it. 6 minutes in and he’s already bucking up.
- snuggle with him. he’s struggling.
- might be good at it if he was tired. then he can think about something else besides being an inch away from fucking.
- gives really nice reactions. looks so pretty.
- another one who’s not good with cockwarming.
- buries his face into your neck to hide his sounds. :( just wants to move.
- just thinks it’s mean. if you do it to tease him, he’ll just call you a meanie and cry.
- sticks with it if you promise to treat him to something afterward. like head. or ice cream.
- so down. he could fall asleep like that. it’s kind of uncomfortable in the morning, so he tries to pull out before you wake up.
- he’s really good at holding out. also has fantastic pull-out game. he’s the best person to cockwarm. ever.
- will turn on a movie and let you sit on him as long as you want.
- also might do it under the blankets when chilling with the boys. he thinks it’s funny to get you all teary-eyed.
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vnknowns · 5 months
𝒛𝒆𝒗𝒂 𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏
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( alisha boe, ciswoman, she/her ) have you met zeva amin yet? you know, the twenty three year old undergraduate student. i think they’re a senior majoring in political science. ring a bell yet? every time i walk past their dorm i hear the archer by taylor swift blasting through the door. everyone who meets them say they’re ambitious but can also be a little neurotic. guess when you meet them you’ll figure that out yourself.
‣ FULL NAME: zeva iselin amin ‣ ALIAS: zee, zev ‣ DOB: november 16, 2000 ‣ AGE & ZODIAC: twenty-three & scorpio ‣ SEXUALITY: pansexual & panromantic ‣ YEAR: senior ‣ MAJOR: political science ‣ CHARACTERISTICS: ambitious, neurotic, intelligent, determined, magnetic, controlling, stubborn ‣ STUDENT ACTIVITIES: singles tennis, student president, debate team ‣ LANGUAGES: english, norwegian, conversational french ‣ HAIR + EYE COLOR: brown hair & brown eyes ‣ HEIGHT: 5'4" ‣ FACECLAIM: alisha boe
if you were to ask zeva amin how she grew up, she would say something like “alarmingly average” or that it was a “modest upbringing”. her parents owned a rather successful cleaning business, and so as a child zeva would go along with her mother to clean these gorgeous, sprawling estates, and would wonder why they didn’t live like that. why did these people get to have so much, when zeva’s family didn’t? they certainly didn’t struggle, but they also didn’t live the life of excess that zeva’s mother’s client’s families did, and that’s what she wanted. what she came to crave. 
zeva has always been a “force of nature”, according to her family, and the apple of her parents’ eye, given how she is their only child, with very few cousins or other family members to share the attention with. 
despite her “humble upbringing”, zeva always craved more; pushed her parents to do more, to be more, to strive for more. they had already become friendly with some of their clients, but upon zeva’s insistence, they started cultivating those relationships, and ultimately, it paid off. they got her foot in the door for a scholarship to a prestigious prep school, one of their clients insisting that zeva would be perfect for it, and would be in the same class as her daughter. 
zeva had always excelled in school, had always pushed herself to be the best, having developed a love for reading from a young age. the first time she heard the phrase ‘knowledge is power’ it stuck with her, and she has used it to her advantage ever since. her first year at the prep school was rough, and she had to fight to fit in, given that most of the students either already knew each other or knew of each other, since their families were well connected and most were legacies. but zeva is not the type to allow herself to fade into the background, not letting her background and lack of pre-established connections set her back as she forged her own connections, made friends with the right people and got in where she could to better her own circumstances.
zeva would say she was well-known and well-liked throughout her time at the prep school, although certainly not universally liked. she made some ‘necessary’ enemies as she fought her way near the top of the food chain, doing absolutely anything she could to be the best of the best, to gain the life of excess and prestige she believes she deserves. what people didn’t realize, was just how much she was working behind the scenes and little things she set in motion to work things to her advantage.
still, despite all of zeva’s hard work and efforts in applying to every ivy league she could, she only got accepted to one and she couldn’t afford to go. radcliffe was her next best option, the school basically as good as an ivy league just without the actual classification, and according to zeva, she would “rather be a big fish in a small pond, than a small fish in a big pond”. so she took her scholarship to radcliffe and hasn’t looked back, set on making a name for herself and owning a sprawling estate of her own one day, and a legacy to go along with it.
zeva amin. alisha boe fc, 23, senior, political science major. probably wants to rule the world someday tbh???? (mastermind by t swift plays in the bg)
zeva is 4 leprechauns in a trenchcoat. not really, but she could probably convince you she is!!! shes a silly little mastermind girlie who just wants to be rich and influential and will do anything to make it happen!!! 
she’s a smart little overachiever who wants everyone to love her and she’s neurotic and honestly a bit unhinged and could mastermind her way into or out of any situation probably!! 
someone that zeva went to prep school with and was close with!!!
someone that zeva went to prep school with and they absolutely hate her for one reason or another!!! (she probably did some foul shit to them that she honestly doesn't even remember atp LKSDJF)
study buddies!!
if ur char is rich and influential or has a powerful/influential family, zeva will find some way to weasel her way into their life or their radar (whether they want her there or not!!!! if it's not.... she probs will end up blackmailing them or finding dirt on them LKSDJF)
she does singles tennis so i'd love a fellow tennis player for her to be friends with and practice with!!!!
i would also love a tennis rival that she absolutely loathes and wants to crush (maybe they're better than her and she just CAN'T STAND IT)
a fellow debate club member who she just CANNOT STOP ARGUING WITH!!!!
someone she is horrifically attracted to and maybe they flirt and stuff but zeva doesn't want to give in bc this person is poor or doesn't have any ties that she can use so they are #useless to her but she's SOOOO DRAWN TO THEM AND SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHY!!! (they could also be in a lil situationship but she pretends they don't exist until she gives in again bc she Will give in again KLSDJF)
zeva is student president so i'm sure she has connections with the other student govt officers as they'll prob work closely together!!!! she's very Opinionated and a bit neurotic so i'm sure she's not very easy to work with (although she might make it Seem like she is)
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battleangel · 7 months
Humanity Is Stupid & Contagious
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I wish humanity could just admit that we dont work as a species on this planet.
We dont work as a species period.
We dont.
As a species, we are social creatures.
Therefore, as macro as it gets, we are engineered in the Upside Down (our current "reality" aka "life") to social climb, to be competitive, to be political, to try to get ahead, to use force might and violence to win, to want to accumulate wealth social capital land resources assets, to want to be the best, to acquire power.
I want to be the only 7 star general other than Lord Washington.
I want to be Trump, The Art of the Deal.
I want to be Napoleon, Bezos, Cook & Elon.
I want to be Ford.
I want to be Bill Gates.
I want to be President.
I want to be Commander In Chief.
Everything bigger faster stronger.
The smartest.
Clout privilege wealth social capital.
Sucking dick for clout.
This is all embedded in the very fabric of the Upside Down but in the dreamscape we are naturally one and harmonious.
Everything is flipped upside down here in the Upside Down.
Our differences in the dreamscape -- and the dreamscape is made up of untold trillions of separate dreamscapes that make up a kaleidoscopic explosion of thoughts dream imagination love knowledge philosophy esotericism energy meditation -- are what created and creates unfolding ever evolving ever mutating (the real X-Men) DNA hybrid dualism but down here in the Upside Down, the differences are used to falsely create division, tear us apart, make us afraid, make us prejudge, make us hate, make us ostracize, haze, bully, assault, kill, rape, murder, beat, torture, ethnically cleanse, arrest, jail, mass graves, death camps, death squads, rape rooms, mass incarcerations, hangings, lynchings, beheadings, burnings at the stake, capital punishments, executions, make an example of, mass hysteria, scapegoats, fall guys, columbine shooters, false gods, false heros, false kings, false crowns, false idols, world religions aka cults, brainwashing, conditioning centers, reprogramming, human experimentation, cloning, DNA splicing, genetic mutations, lab experimentations, synthetic chemicals and toxins, lethal injections, the electric chair, drawn and quartered, dragged by horses, decapitations, slavery.
Its like, it just doesnt work.
Human nature is rewarded in the Upside Down for being cheap, dirty, low, cutting corners, being the fastest, quickest, least expensive, best technology, most scientifically advanced, most destructive weapons, most deadly chemical warfare, more black label projects, more government secrets, more undercover agents, more guns, Gatling, AK-47, multiple rounds, multiple clips, multiple magazines, rat a tat tat, more badges, more stripes, more chevrons, more ranks, more insignias, more titles, more letters before and after your name on LinkedIn, more zeros in your bank account, more friends on Facebook, more followers on Instagram, more views on TikTok, more retweets on Twitter, more subs on Youtube & Twitch.
More Napoleon Bonapartes, more let them eat cake, more off with their heads, more they dont want to work, more welfare queens, more get a job, more Funquishas and Watermelondras.
More campaigns, more slogans, more supermans.
We never learn from our collective atrocities.
Why would any time ever be different much less the next time?
What war did WWI stop?
Korean War?
Vietnam War?
US Mexico War?
Hundred Years War?
Cold War?
Gulf War?
Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Cultural Revolution?
Khmer Rouge?
Rape of Nanking?
Trail of Tears?
Idi Amin?
Gaza Strip?
18k killed in Chile in 1 day?
9/11 inside job?
Nerve gas
Hiroshima & Nagasaki?
Atomic bomb?
10k dead Americans in Normandy?
666k dead in Civil War?
Weve never collectively as a species learned from any past war, atrocity, crime against humanity, war crime, genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Its been hundreds of thousands of years.
Why would anything ever change if it hasnt already?
The track record is abysmal and speaks for itself.
Why, as a species, do we blindly and ignorantly choose to continue to procreate, replicate and propagate our human race when the end result has always been untold human suffering?
There is no amount of joy that can cancel out the amount of suffering that has been needlessly caused and experienced in the Upside Down.
Its time to end the human experiment and we have not had a good run.
Millions upon millions killed, raped, starved, gassed, beaten, tortured, hazed, humiliated, mocked, imprisoned, jailed, assaulted, exterminated, exploited, traumatized, gaslit, intimidated, ethnically cleansed, used.
Abused, overworked, harrassed, trafficked, groomed, conditioned, brainwashed, broken, violated, fetishized, objectified, commodified, consumed, dehumanized, retconned, manipulated, overmedicalized, pathologized, drugged, indoctrinated, molested, institutionalized.
There is no amount of good, joy, happiness or anything else that can even come close to equaling out these endless and ongoing atrocities, forget cancelling them out.
Humanity is a virus that has been allowed to endlessly replicate itself and it has to stop.
We are causing catastrophic human suffering to our own species because we wont stop reproducing ourselves for no fucking reason at all.
Once you add in the ecocide, ecological and environmental destruction, hundreds of thousands of animal species that have been made extinct, climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency, deforestation, the destruction of rainforests, landfills, nuclear waste, oceanic pollution, overfishing, factory farming, industrial waste, toxins, pollutants, synthetic and lab made chemicals, GMOs, pesticides, overextraction of earths resources, raping & pillaging mother earth, sewage, food waste, fast fashion, big box retail, air pollution, air toxicity, non biodegradable waste taking tens of thousands of years to break down in landfills, oil spills, drilling for oil, coal, endless construction, endless Amazon warehouses, endless delivery drones, methane emissions from factory farming, greenhouse gas emissions, millions of cars clogging the highways...
The answer is we need to subtract the human race from the equation.
If all 7.8 billion of us currently alive on the planet made the conscious decision not to procreate, we could end all this suffering in this generation.
Weigh the reasons to procreate: continue bloodline and current family lineage, have a little mini-me, fullfill narcisstic fantasies of having a living breathing extension of your own ego, looking for something to give you your identity and a reason to live, looking for purpose, the social rewards that come with being a parent, the social pressures to procreate, making your mom & dad happy, keeping up with your friends that are popping out babies, an unexamined need and desire to fit in, unquestioningly accepting society's pronatalist stance and adopting it as your own without examining it, desire to create heirs, egotistical fantasy of living forever and trying to accomplish this by having children, wanting miniaturized versions of yourself who will endlessly kiss your ass stroke your ego and hero worship you, to build your own myth aura and mystique, narcisstic desire to be a matriarch/patriarch, societal insistence that feminity equates to motherhood, believing the lie that motherhood is a womans highest calling, believing the lie that not having children is selfish, succumbing without thinking to the non-stop societal programming, conditioning and brainwashing to procreate and create bodies for the capitalist machine, spouse is pressuring or demanding or coercing you to have kids, wanting to play dress up with your doll aka daughter, wanting to be an adult and parenthood is tied with adulthood in our society, unexamined fear of old age and dying alone and becoming old sick and infirm without children, believing the lie that you are incomplete and somehow defective as a woman until you shit a fetus out of your cervix, wanting to prove your worth and adopting parenthood as part of an ultracompetitive persona that can do and be and crush everything crossfit marathons pilates keto school grades corporate promotions salaries the house the car the spouse and now kids further bolsters your superman/superwoman persona, falling for the societally peddled lie that holidays are incomplete without little kids running around, incorrectly and inadequately trying to address childhood and generational trauma experienced in family while growing up by having your own kids vs doing the necessary self reflection, introspection, shadow & somatic work, reiki & therapy, wanting a daughter who is your BFF, wanting a child for nothing but fantasy & wish fulfillment, obsessive martydom complex leads to desire to martyr oneself by sublimating your identity, body, sexuality, career, income, social life and freedom for the all-consuming and obliterative identity of motherhood, desire for people to take you seriously, to compete with or keep up with siblings or best friends who already have kids, believing the carefully crafted and packaged lies that overly romanticize parenthood and wanting the Hallmark fantasy, slavishly following cultish and pathetic religious dictates and never questioning the religious indoctrination and brainwashing of your youth which commanded you to be fruitful and multiply, a desire to be respected through becoming a parent, a fear of appearing like an outsider if you are in a long term relationship or marriage for decades and never have kids, an irrational fear of missing out where you believe the propaganda that nothing is worse than reaching old age realizing you actually wanted kids and not being able to have them when in reality absolutely nothing is worse than having kids realizing you absolutely despise being a parent, regretting having them, being stuck with them for 18+ years and never being able to publicly voice your opinions although while quite commonplace are societally taboo especially from mothers who must always be docile, happy, pleasant, energetic, cheerful, full of vigor and most importantly never tired or complaining at all times.
Okay. Now, go reread this post and look at all the reasons not to procreate.
Like, its not close.
Humanity is stupid and contagious but you dont have to be.
End the endless cycle of human suffering.
Choose to not procreate.
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the-strange-world · 8 months
Rating October kpop releases (01-15)
Masterpiece 5 | amazing 4 | good 3 | ok 2 | skip 1
(I decided to be a little more honest with the rating from now on! I rarely listen to these songs more than once. I included the bsides I added to my playlist too)
Love Effect - ONF : 3 | BSIDE - Be Here Now
FULL METAL JACKET - EPEX : 1 • BSIDES - No Roof & Surrender
I Want That - (G)I-DLE : 2.5 | BSIDE - Eyes Roll
Sure Thing - 82MAJOR [prerelease] : 1 • it really reminds me of another song
Fact Check - NCT 127 : 4 • I think it’s their best title in a while. Love is a beauty & yacht reminds me of other songs but idk what | BSIDES - Angel Eyes, Space, Love is a beauty, & Real Life
Off the record - IVE [pre] : 1
RA TA TA - Ailee feat. Lil Cherry : 1
With UNIVERSE - PENTAGON : 2 • I wouldn’t listen to it much but it’s a pretty and emotional song. I read most of them left the group. I wish them all the best!
Honey or Spice - LIGHTSUM : 3 | BSIDES - Whoopie, Not My Style, & Skyline
First Class - 82MAJOR : 1
Dazzling - POW : 5
C’mon - JINI feat. Amine : 4 | BSIDES - Bad Reputation & Here We Go Again
Traveler - Dain (or dyne on Apple Music) : 2
Sugar-holic - ITZY [JP pre] : 3
In The Mood - Wheein : 2 • surprisingly I didn’t really like this album | BSIDE - Bittersweet
Something Casual - Rothy : 2
Chasing That Feeling - TXT : 1 | BSIDES - Happily Ever After (someone please tell me what song the La part is from), Deep Down, & Skipping Stones
Baddie - IVE : 2 | BSIDES - Holy Moly, OTT, & Payback
Stars - ID:Earth : 1
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shiwakekgenyo · 11 months
I'm having an artblock rn, but today i made some little drawins bc i wanted to try my new markers, and i missed the feeling of drawing something.
So i drew some of my favourite amine characters (and I will draw more in the future). They are not the best I ever did but I'm happy that I finaly did something that isn't that horrible.
And sorry for my bad English ^_^
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parkcrdavis · 2 months
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pinterst / playlist
full name: parker jade davis
age: twenty-seven
date of birth: september 14th, 1997
zodiac: virgo
gender: cis woman
birth city: lincoln city, oregon
residence: lincoln city, oregon
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: bartender by night, bookstore clerk by day.
trigger warnings: alcohol addiction, death, cancer
Growing up, it was her, her mother, her brother Peter and her father. When she was three, her mother left them, leaving her father to be a single one even though he was struggling with an alcohol addiction, making it hard for him to be present even when he tried to be. So, it left five year old Peter to do his best on taking care of her.
Peter and Parker were as thick as thieves the older she got. It was clear he was protective and someone who was willing to throw hands to anyone who even looked at her wrong.
In high school, she thrived in being a social butterfly, she was kind and talked to pretty much anyone no matter what their what their social circle was. School was one of her favorite places to be because it got her out of the house away from her father.
She was on the cheering leading and was a member of the track team; both of these hobbies were passions of hers, it was her way of being lost in something so she didn't have to think about the things at home.
Dare nights were the most fun; she liked the way everyone came together to hang out and bond. It was until the night Chris took a dare, jumping into that water and never resurfacing.
It was terrifying and difficult to live with the secret of what that night did to all of them. She went forth, graduating and moving into college.
Peter ended up leaving town after dare night, needing to life his life in freedom and leaving Parker behind. It was something she understood but deep down she couldn't bring herself to leave their father who had been trying to get sober since the news of Christopher's death hit the town.
About a year into college, her father was diagnosed with cancer. She ended up dropping out of college and moving back into her childhood home to help him out. She ended up getting two jobs, one at the local bookstores and one of the bars at night. It was the only way to keep up with the hospital bill payments.
christopher wilder — they were teammates on the track team, she used to hang out with him after school. she thought he was a super neat guy and his death was harder than she would ever admit. it haunts her sometimes at night, wondering if there was something she could have done to prevent it.
river calloway — high school sweetheart, they were together from sophomore to senior year. he's pretty much the one who got away since he pushed her away after the scandal over his father came out. she tried so hard to pretend that losing him wasn't hard on her but it in fact was.
cherry amin — her ride or die; the two of have been thick as thieves their whole lives and she wouldn't be where she is today without them.
kai wilder — the two have had tension for years, something parker didn't even think twice about when she was with river but it's always bubbled to the surface when it wasn't supposed to... little does she know the tension will remain.
zeppelin cardoso — they've been friends for years; they are practically attached to the hip and lately their friendship has been blurred by their hook ups. zep has feelings and parker is completely oblivious to them.
michael geary — have hooked up before, this hook up was one of the ones to rattle her because she thought maybe there could have been something here but clearly that wasn't the case.
childhood friends — friends she grew up with, her little circle. she's pretty much a friendly person so she tends to build them up. she's loyal and will do anything for those she cares about.
hook ups/exes — she tries not to get into relationships because of the broken heart she got in high school. so, she usually sticks to hook ups. these can go either way, i'm totally down for whatever.
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 months
My media this week (25 Feb - 2 Mar 2024)
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nancy is the superstar of this show. she's in it for 5 seconds, drops the best line, steals the scene
🥰 What I Used To Be (thepinupchemist) - 117K, stucky, omegaverse trauma recovery fic - a relatively light tone, mostly escapist fic focusing on the recovery, not dwelling overly much on trauma details, kidfic but I really dug it
😍 The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi (Amina al-Sirafi #1) (Shannon Chakraborty, author; Lameece Issaq & Amin El Gamal, narrator) - just gonna KJ Charle's review bc she's better with words than I'll ever be: "Good god, this was incredible fun. Absolutely cracking. A sort of take on Sinbad but with more historical accuracy (apart from the demons, marids, etc), with a middle-aged retired lady pirate getting the crew back together to take on a Frankish coloniser/sorceror/baddie. It's just fabulous exuberant fun." I cannot wait for more!
😊 The Werewolf Companion (MargaretKire) - traumatized derek hale, intriguing larger worldbuilding, hot, wet, messy sex that really leaned into the 'definitely not human' aspect of werewolf fucking without going full xeno. super enjoyable
🥰 My Man Jeeves (Jeeves #1) (PG Wodehouse) - our intro to Bertie & Jeeves 💖 [via Serial Reader app]
💖💖 +50K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
A Fine Cure from Fennel Seed (Lucius Parhelion (Parhelion)) - original work, 10K - absolutely delightful amuse-bouche of an original fic; short, hot, slapsticky hilarious, set in the '30s
Matt Berry and Peter Capaldi read a FIERY letter exchange
Hot Ones - Quinta Brunson
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e1-5
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Mystery of the Haunted Subway" (s7, e3)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "We Need to Talk About Cody" (s7, e4)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Trouble at the Tunnel" (s7, e5)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Collaborators" (s7, e6)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Parade of Peril" (s7, e7)
Ghosts (US) - s3, e3
Um, Actually - s9, e1
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival" (s21, e8)
D20: Adventuring Party - "I See Your Butt Plug and I Raise You a Fist" (s16, e8)
Up First - The Sunday Story: The Diaspora's Troubled African Dream
How To! - How To Let Go of a Friendship
⭐ Switched on Pop - Beyoncé's Country
The Sporkful - Gary Gulman’s Ice Cream Joke Was A Cry For Help
Overinvested - West Side Story (2021)
Consider This from NPR - How The Underground Railroad Got Its Name
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Da'Vine Joy Randolph on 'The Holdovers' and becoming a matriarch
⭐ 99% Invisible #438 - The Real Book
⭐ Vibe Check - Be Forreal!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Wendy Williams
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Jerry’s Hat Museum
Short Wave - Is It Possible To Feed To World Sustainably?
Decoder Ring - The Gen X Soda That Was Just "OK"
Off Menu - Ep 228: Ray Winstone
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - All About That Bass
I Said No Gifts! - Oscar Montoya Disobeys Bridger
Throughline - The Right to An Attorney
The Assignment - Polyamory Is Having a Moment
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Black History in Plain Sight with Places Editors Jonathan and Michelle
Short Wave - Could Dune Really Exist? What Scientists Think of Our Favorite Sci-Fi Worlds
What Next: TBD - The Supreme Court Takes on Content Moderation
Dear Prudence - Am I a Bad Father If I Don't Want to Acknowledge My Kid Publicly? Help!
Welcome to Night Vale #243 - Lost and Found
You're Dead to Me - The Inca Empire
Today, Explained - It’s Shotime!
It's Been a Minute - Three ways to think about journalism layoffs; plus, Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation
Consider This from NPR - Are We Alone In The Universe?
99% Invisible - Roman Mars Describes Santa Fe As It Is
Under the Influence - Seeing is Believing: The Power of Demonstration Commercials - Part 2
CREDITS: Carole King
Chromeo Radio • Party
Pop Radio • 1990s
"Easy" [Commodores] radio
Steely Dan Mix • Focus
'90s Dance
Billy Joel Radio • 1980s
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