#binding without a binder
kalethemonster · 2 years
pre-top trans men get yourself some trans tape noooowwww, especially my fellow aussies as its getting hotter and i dont want yall melting this summer. i got mine from an aussie trans run company called sock draw heros (its based near oxford street in sydney,,, bc ofcourse it is) and it’s great. i am currently able to sit in bed shirtless with little to no dysphoria and stay relatively cool despite using a fuzzy ass wheighted blanket every night. it also survives the shower so you can wear it for multiple days and not smell like complete ass also it can be used in combination with a binder if you think you need it, just remember to be careful guys and practice binding safety
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menlove · 4 months
man as much as I understand why we bind/tuck and that it's not a bad thing if I could wish one thing upon the world it would be for everyone to get so much more normal about men with boobs and women with bulges (and everyone in between w whatever secondary sex characteristics). bc it sucks. it's uncomfortable and can be super super damaging even if you're using the best methods in the world.
and ofc it sucks from cis society but I think I have even more beef w people in the trans community that push this idea that if you're not binding/tucking you're not Serious about being trans.
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Stop telling girls to ‘try a binder’ as if they’re harmless jfc
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years
I sing my praises about Shapeshifters frequently IRL but the best binder I've ever owned is actually a sports bra and my chest isn't even all that small. First time I put it on I was like "Damn! He works out!" In fact I barely use my binders these days except when I wear skin tight clothing or a light colored shirt.
Take the pads out of this bad boy and you got yourself instant pecs, pain free. Not sponsored. I just really love this bra. It only goes to 3x but CALIA has a large range of aparall that may work just as well for big bodies. While it doesn't keep em from bouncing completely (like most bras and binders) it is great for exercise. Breathable. Comfortable. Not painful.bJust be sure to wash cold and air dry. Or wash cold and dry in a dryer for a slightly more relaxed fit. Or don't get this bra at all. I don't own you.
I also use this tank top sometimes for hot days when I'm just hanging out in the house but I'm taking a break from using a binder or a bra. It doesn't do much in terms of compression and the skin tight fit really puts my chest in my periphery but it does keep em in place when i'm just walking around the house or watching TV or cooking.
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onewithblankets · 1 year
wish binders didn’t have a time limit on them. I want to be outside of my room for more than 8 hours a day sometimes
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vamptastic · 8 months
ohhhhh i know i am being a bitter old man but seeing all the people on that post going yeah so true ive never had an issue with binding in my life much less pain it's all smooth sailing for me. well i just simply wish i was living that life is all
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iicraft505 · 2 years
what is it about being in this apartment and being conked over the head with dysphoria
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impishcupid · 2 years
what the fuck am i supposed to do with these fat titties
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toastspirit · 3 months
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halcyoncyrus · 4 months
Gamers I'm gonna be real I'm not gonna survive this summer
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years
Tumblr media
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anotherfakeboy · 3 months
🎀detrans note game🎀
time to do this since I'll never make the right choices on my own
let's go until the end of "pride month"
10 notes - wear panties rest of month 25 notes - shave pussy rest of month 50 notes - won't cum without permission for month 75 notes - no T for rest of month 100 notes - shave upper body rest of month 200 notes - shave legs rest of month 300 notes - won't bind rest of month 400 notes - shave face rest of month 450 notes - start wearing makeup for month 500 notes- only wear feminine clothes for month 600 notes - all rules apply until August 1000 notes - all rules apply until September 1500 notes - will destroy all my binders 2000 notes - will use she/her on dating apps 2500 notes - will try to get pregnant 5000 notes - will permanently detransition
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little-periwinkle · 2 years
Unrelated but I did end up getting a binder bc my paycheck was surprisingly bigger than I thought it was so I had the extra $40 to spare to buy it. I went with Underworks this time, I have NEVER used their products, but I hope to God it works bc I REALLY would like to start binding again AND since I now have a comfy office job I got it sent to my office instead so my mom/dad won't pry
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PSA: Please don’t ask participants to do grounding/mindful/somatic/etc practices at your events
Grounding exercises should not be an activity in large group settings, especially unsolicited and without warning, especially if you’re not aware of every single person in the space’s mental health conditions, physical health conditions, and personal relationship to their body.
Practices such as mindfulness, grounding, somatic exercises, breathing techniques, body scans, etc. are very helpful therapeutic tools to help manage stress. They can (and do!) help plenty of people– when taught safely and used effectively!
HOWEVER for people with conditions that cause psychosis and/or dissociative conditions such as depersonalization/derealization, these techniques are contraindicated and can make their symptoms significantly worse. They should only be used with guidance from their mental health team and adapted to their needs. For people with conditions like anxiety and PTSD, being aware of breathing can trigger a trauma response or anxiety attacks.
And for people with conditions that cause chronic pain or other uncomfortable bodily sensations, becoming re-centered with their bodies can cause more awareness of the pain they are in, which a level of (ideally functional) dissociation is actually helpful. For people in wheelchairs and powerchairs, touching the ground beneath their feet isn’t always an option. For people with cardiac and pulmonary conditions, deep breathing can be impossible or can trigger asthma attacks. For disabled people in general, doing body scans can be impossible due to paralysis or limb differences. They can bring awareness to things the person wasn’t aware were wrong to begin with (which is helpful in certain spaces, but not a great ice breaker at a retreat!)
And for trans people, binders and other garments can restrict breathing, and taking repeated deep breaths while binding can cause rib damage (which is why you shouldn't bind at night, while coughing from sickness, while exercising, etc). Becoming centered in a body that makes you dysphoric can be deeply distressing, again, a level of functional dissociation helps.
This also goes for plenty of other people in marginalized bodies, such as people of color, people who use substances, queer people, and more. Becoming grounded in your own marginalized body can be a heavy weight to carry, and needs appropriate and individualized care to be a beneficial experience.
As an alternative, I suggest doing a round of gratitudes instead, it allows for people to choose their level of vulnerability in spaces, while not being generally contraindicated for many people. Doing fun (and appropriate to the setting) icebreakers are great. Ask what brings someone to the space. Check-ins about basic needs such as if people need to use the restroom, eat, drink water, are rested, etc. can be more appropriate body check-ins for folks to do.
I don’t recommend doing these exercises even with a warning beforehand. If I'm in the room while someone is leading a breathing exercise, even if I try to ignore it, I (and most people) would automatically become aware of my breathing. The same goes for any other techniques. These techniques can cause real, life-threatening levels of harm for some people, and can even just be deeply uncomfortable or distressing for others. Dissociation is not inherently evil or bad or harmful. It is the way the body and mind naturally respond to adverse experiences (note: it can also cause distress and at higher levels, can be disordered) it is best to allow people to exist as they are in communal spaces. Let people show up as they are.
Most spaces are not equipped or appropriate to respond to emergencies, difficult feelings, and all the varied responses that can come from folks doing mindfulness in group settings.
I personally do some things before large gatherings and events to feel centered on the activity I’ll be doing, and afterward, I decompress. Encourage participants to lean on their natural supports and offer suggestions for it! Be creative in your caring!
This also doesn’t mean to discourage these practices! If you see someone doing deep breathing, check in with them, offer a space for them to decompress, care for them! Worksheets or posters on techniques like square breathing and 5 senses check-ins are great for a quiet room or spaces where participants can decide if they want/are able to engage with those tools. It should be a fully consensual opt-in, rather than being forced to opt-out. Having to leave a room when a group leader says “We’re going to start a mindful breathing meditation, please feel free to leave if you have psychosis, chronic pain, or are trans” is obviously othering and outs people.
Sincerely, someone who has psychotic symptoms, dissociation, chronic pain, is trans and whose body is marginalized in many ways and is really tired from trying to explain this at every event I go to
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miss-rileys-blog · 18 days
☆ Detransition Note Game ☆
(Number of notes in accordance with my personal levels of “discomfort”)
Feel free to copy and paste or edit to suit your own goals!! <3
Every 10 notes - Days wearing women’s underwear
Every 15 notes - Days I go out in more feminine clothing
Every 20 notes - Days I’ll sleep in a bra and panties
Every 25 notes - Days I cannot bind in any way
Every 50 notes - Weeks I keep my entire body shaved (including facial hair)
Every 100 notes - Times I wax my body hair off
50 notes - I buy a new dildo
100 notes - I ask my girlfriend to have lesbian sex with me
200 notes - I wear pretty makeup out
300 notes - I throw away at least three pairs of boxers and buy double the amount of panties
400 notes - I ask my girlfriend to take the most humiliating, feminizing nudes possible of me
500 notes - I’ll ask my partner to call me her girlfriend in private
600 notes - I masturbate in a stall in a men’s restroom
700 notes - I cut up my binder (will post proof)
800 notes - All of my food orders will be under my real name (will post proof)
900 notes - I go out (in public) in girl mode
1000 notes - I try to actually make my breasts bigger or pump my pussy regularly
1/12 days of wearing women’s underwear complete
1/8 days of wearing feminine clothes complete
0/6 nights of sleeping in panties and a bra complete
1/4 days without binding complete
0/2 weeks of keeping body shaved complete
0/1 waxings complete
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transgenderpolls · 4 months
*eg. had top surgery, or got enough atrophy/chest hair from T to basically get rid of dysphoria, or with a combination of HRT and working out, you pass without wearing a shirt, etc
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