#birds singing as the sun disappears and the sky is changing colors
swankpalanquin · 1 year
i love the long twilights of summer
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theetherealbloom · 2 years
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Chapter Three: Light Carries On Endlessly Even After Death
Summary: The Reader is dragged into the Last of Us universe and has no choice but to watch the events unfold or will she be able to change what was already written?
Paring: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Age-gap Romance, Violence, ANGST, tiny fluff, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Singing, Suggestive content, the pandemic, character death, Zombies, eventual SMUT, MY SCIENCE IS WONKY, probable plot holes, rusty writing
Word Count: 9.7k
A/N: This chapter is inspired by a mix of quotes and songs! Super unrelated, but it occurred to me, if I was in TLOU universe, I would not survive. I need my antidepressants and immediately would call it quits LMAO. (I know dark humor sorry :,) If you want to see my thought process (idk if you want to) I’ll put it at the end notes! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and notes! I genuinely appreciate it and it means alot to me <3
Song: Make You Feel My Love by Adele
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You trek your way into the forest, you hear your footsteps squishing through the mud and dirt, and the pounding of your breath. The sun is beginning to set, dusk then brings you moonlight, a time to reflect on the day that has past and look forward to the day that will be refreshed by the glow of the sun. It is the time when the birds sing farewell till the stars call them to sleep under the wings. Each color intensifies in beautiful solemnity, uniting in the darkness. 
No one spoke for the entirety of the hike, the silence carries your melancholy, yet it is a permanent friend of your subconsciousness. The deafness is only broken by ragged breaths and the beating of human hearts. Joel comes to a stop, his back facing you and Ellie as he speaks, “We’ll camp here for the night. I’ll take watch.”
You look to Ellie who merely shrugs, the two of you say nothing and begin to set up camp on the forest floor. You hear the rushing water of a river nearby and realize where you’ve ended up. Placing your backpack on the floor, you raise your arms and stretch to the sky, undoing the painful knots in your back and neck. You let out a sigh of relief and prepare for the inevitable. Joel calls out your name and you turn to face him, ready to take on the brunt of his pain and rage.
His eyebrows lower slightly, and the tone of his voice goes down a pitch, “You and I need to talk.” You take an uneasy breath and nod in agreement despite the sweat coating both palms. He takes a step closer to you and asks, “Did you know?” he raises his voice a little, “Did you know about Tess?” You look down in shame and whisper, “Yes.”
It takes everything he has to keep his control, jaw clenched and narrowed eyes, “Why?” he says. A question so simple, a three-letter word holding so much weight, and so much anger towards you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You swallow and avoid responding, choosing silence over an argument. He scoffs and shakes his head, and you cross your arms across your chest. The more he fumed, the smaller you made herself.
You shift your weight from one foot to the other, and only look up to see his broad shoulders and back facing you, he mumbles with a quiet rage, “I’m gonna go check the area and make sure it’s safe and that there aren’t any infected nearby.”
“This ain’ gonna work if you keep hidin’ secrets from me Hummin’ bird.” He turns and walks away, disappearing into the woods. “Well, that was dramatic.” You turn to find Ellie sitting comfortably, back resting against the pine tree in a crisscross position, you open your mouth to ask if she was okay but decided against it. Instead, you nod, “Yeah. I’m, um, sorry about that.” Ellie only shrugs, “He must’ve loved her or something.” Your gaze softens as you whisper into the cool navy twilight, “Or something.”
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The sleeves of your white lab coat itch your arms as you focused on typing up your report. The clacking sound of your keyboard could be heard from around the lab as you typed. You were invited to assist in a study focusing on quantum mechanics and theory. The lab wasn’t as busy today, most of them had decided to join the conference that was being held at Harvard, busy networking and connecting with possible investors or fellow researchers.
It was only you and Adam that was left in the lab, his excuse was he would rather put acid in his eyes than shake hands and give fake niceties. He’s nearby testing his new hypothesis, and decides to make conversation with you, “If we manage to prove this, then it is possible, somewhere in the many worlds, a pandemic happened earlier in a different universe.” You roll your eyes in amusement, “Yeah, I guess so.” You’re in thought for a moment before asking, “Do you think humanity won? Like, they overcame it?” He hums, “Maybe. Or maybe they lost.” You snort and throw a careless joke, “Everyone would blame our shitty government and us, the scientists. How ignorant must you be for it to happen twice?” 
“Well, all disaster movies start with a scientist being ignored.” He says matter-of-factly, and you give no response,  and you continue typing up your report. Silently hoping that if it were true, that humanity would still have hope, small but just enough to let the shine through, and believe that they haven’t lost yet. You look at the time and log out of your work computer, packing up your things, and asking Adam if he would like to join you for lunch he politely declines, so you bid him farewell as you head out the doors to step on the grey pavement of the campus and make your way to a nearby restaurant. It’s a beautiful day, you think to yourself, clear blue skies and a cool breeze that caresses your skin. You take notice of the blue butterfly fluttering its wings and flying right past you, you smile as it leaves an afterimage of change.
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You wake up with a deep inhale, your eyes struggle to open, and try to understand where you were. Tired from the dream, well, a memory that replayed like a cassette tape on a player that pressed rewind. You blink a couple of times before rubbing your eyes awake and retrace your steps in your mind as you recall what happened last night, only to remember giving Ellie your jacket and waiting up for Joel to come back from scouting the area for any signs of danger.
You sit up a little straighter and crack the aching parts of your neck, you look next to yourself and see Ellie lightly snoring up against a tree, still asleep. You look at the familiar jacket draped over your body that had kept you warm during the cold night. Joel must’ve placed it on top of you when he found you barely awake and functioning.
You can’t help but smile and feel your heart flutter at the thought of him taking care of you. You feel the muscles of your cheeks tighten as you try to hide away your smile and hoist yourself up quietly, not wanting to disturb Ellie’s slumber. Letting Joel’s jacket drape off of your shoulders, you use your hands to hold the collar, creating a cape that drapes behind you. 
You head towards the sound of the stream, it burbles as it travels along its bed, bubbling over rocks and branches. It was a delicate duck-egg blue, like the delicate sweep of a painter's brush. It snuck and snuck its way past all impediments, even the river's stones. Twigs spun across its murmuring surface, small messengers from the mountain trees that had brought them there. The creek rushed across the riverbed's pebbles. It sounded like a starling flock's airy, silky spin.
In the background, the mountains stood silently, a sullen presence of sky-punching glory. Snow brooches adorned their lofty peaks, which were encircled in angel-white wreaths. A weeping torrent cascaded down the granite wall. It appeared to be a silk-blue slide pouring down the mountain. It looked to be bound in silver as it carried its burden of ice crystals. It emitted a distant thrumming sound, similar to the constant rumble of a drum roll. It glowed brightly as it fed the riverbed, the forest's lifeblood. It was a breathtaking sight.
Your gaze turns to fine Joel’s figure kneeling, hunched over, and quietly picking stones from the river’s edge. You watch from a distance as he silently stacks a pile of stones to create a cairn, a memorial for Tess. You make sure your footsteps can be heard as you approach him, but he gave no acknowledgment as you decide to sit atop a large rock. It takes a while before he looks at you, and finds you staring right through him with sorrowful eyes. 
You let out a huff of air before speaking in a neutral tone, “I don’t mean to keep secrets from you. If I had come here a day before the pandemic, a day before your birthday, I would have done everything to make sure this never happened.” You paused for a moment then continued, “You asked me why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t tell you because I thought I could do it on my own. I’ve been doing this for my whole life, keeping the peace and fixing things by myself, and I got it right every time. And the one time I get it wrong it cost someone’s life.” 
You feel your voice quiver as you spoke, eyes darting to look past him, afraid of the rage and grief he feels, “Someone you loved is gone. I’m sorry, Joel. But God, I know that will never be enough and no amount of apologies will bring her back. I had a chance and I fucked up. If I could… If I could press rewind and trade her life for mine I would if that would make it any better for you.”
“No.” Joel states and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and slowly bring your eyes to look at him, “No?” And he shakes his head and picks up another rock as he says, “I accept your apology, but stop doin’ that.” You tilt your head quizzically, “Don’t do what?” He gruffly replies, “Minimize your life as if it doesn’t matter. As if it ain’t just as important.” She felt her breathing pause and peered intently at him before trying to argue, “But–” He shuts her down before she could go on, “Stop it, as you said, no amount of apologizin’ is gonna bring her back. She’s gone. I made a promise to her that I’m plannin’ on keepin’, you gonna help me or not?”
That throws you off balance, you expected him to lash out, maybe throwing a rock or two at you, not this. Slowly you nod, “Yes. Yes, I will.” Joel looks and searches for any form of malice or lies and finds none. He simply stretches his arm to you, the rock he previously took from the river’s edge, and holds it out to you like an olive branch. You slide off the rock you were sitting on and take the rock from his hand, crouching down and quietly placing it on top of the cairn. 
You stare at the pile of rocks for a moment, quiet in thought, but then Joel says your name in a whisper that wouldn’t even fog the glass, you raise your eyes to look at him as he asks, “Was she, in your world, did she, um, already um…” And you already know what he’s wondering before he tries and say the words, so you save him the trouble of continuing, giving him a nod you reply solemnly, “Yes.”
“And when we get to Bill and Frank’s? What do you know about that?” He says, and you blink back your tears, flashbacks of that episode occur in your mind, remembering their love for each other and what would happen once we got there. You apologetically smile at him, “Out of respect for the both of them. It’s best to find out when you get there.”
His eyebrows arch inwards in concern, “Are they okay?” And you hesitate, thinking how to appropriately word this without lying, but then you remember, “Yes, they’re content.”
Joel’s eyes look back down at the cairn the decides to get up. You see him hold out his hand for you, and you take it to hoist yourself up. “Let’s go back and see if Ellie’s awake.” He states, then let’s go of your hand, making his way back to the kid. You stand there for a second, glancing at the pile of stones that represent her legacy, then back at Joel, you decide to walk forward toward your future beginning to unfold.
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The sound of birds chirping can be heard as you walk behind Joel, finding Ellie awake with her sitting upright with her knees pulled to her chest and your jacket still being used as a makeshift blanket. Joel goes through his pack to get a bark of food and Ellie breaks the silence to question you, “You want your jacket back?”
You nod and grab it from her as she holds it out to you, putting it on, you remove Joel’s brown jacket to place it on top of Ellie. Her face drops, “Seriously?” And you shrug to whisper, “You guys need to talk too.” You begin to pack up and wear your backpack.
Joel takes a bite from his food only to crumple the wrapper to throw it at Ellie as if she was some dog. You look at him in slight annoyance as Ellie rolls her eyes and takes picks it up from the ground to also take a bite of food. He makes himself busy as he adjusts the strap of his worn-out backpack, trying to ignore the kid, but Ellie is persistent, “I’ve never been in the woods.” She chews before continuing, “More bugs than I thought.” Joel doesn’t respond, disregarding her statement, and fidgets with the buckles and straps. Ellie huffs, her shoulders tense and her voice louder as says, “Look, I’ve been thinking about…”
Joel shoots straight up to swing his backpack over his shoulder, “I don’t want your sorries.” Your eyes swing over to Ellie as she retorts, “I wasn’t gonna say I’m sorry. I was gonna say I’ve been thinking about what happened. Nobody made you or Tess take me. Nobody made you go along with this plan.” Joel stands there as he listens to her go on, “You needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice.” Then her voice lowers an octave and slightly quivers, “So don’t blame me for something that isn’t my fault.”
Joel has his jaw clenched and you could see the vein in his neck preparing to burst, but all he does is give a silent nod at Ellie, then she looks away. Joel picks up his rifle and Ellie stands up to walk to him, backpack, and food, in one hand and Joel’s jacket in the other. She stretches out her arm for Joel to take it from her, a truce, as he gently grabs it and folds it. A small smile stretches across your face and you relax.
“How much longer?” Ellie asks him, and he responds calmly, “Five-hour hike.” The kid nods and states, “We can manage that.” 
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You take note of the trees arching and twisting from above you, the leaves creating patterns with their shadows, and not a single blade of grass out of place. It’s surprisingly quiet and almost peaceful as you follow Joel and Ellie across the wooden bridge, letting your mind wander, and quietly hum tunes that remind you of home. And when you no longer wanted to hum, you reflected on what happened on September 26, 2003. When it all fell apart on Joel’s birthday. The day seemed so normal, with clear blue skies and a celebration of life between a father and a daughter. You should have known, but now you learn, blue skies were a sight you never trusted again. 
“You’ve gone this way a lot? No infected?” Ellie asks, seemingly exhausted from not talking for so long. “Not often, no,” Joel replies, steadily looking for any form of danger, “What are you looking for?” And you respond for him, “People.” Ellie hums in acknowledgment, “Are Bill and Frank nice?” Joel replies lightly, “Frank is.” Glad you’re behind the two, and maybe it’s the past that’s talking, but flashes of their love come back to you in a blur. 
Ellie continues asking Joel the question, “Where’d you get that scar on your head?” You frown at that and remember exactly how he got it, he sighs at her. “What? Is it something lame? Like you fell down the stairs or something?” Ellie teasingly said, and his whiskey-deep voice gravelly replied, “I didn’t fall down any stairs.” 
“I fell down the stairs a lot in high school. Every year for four years.” You mumble your input without any thought and Ellie looks over at you with concern, “How the fuck are you still alive.” And you frown slightly, “To be honest, I have no fucking clue either.” The kid turns back to Joel, “Okay, so what then?” Ellie asks and Joel vaguely replies, “Someone shot at me and missed.”
“See, that’s cool. Did you shoot back?” The young girl states and looks at Joel with so much wonder and amazement, Joel glances at her and then responds, “Yeah.” Ellie continues, “You get him?” He’s practically done with her asking so many questions but replies anyway, “No, I missed too. It happens more often than you think.” 
“Because you suck at shooting or, like, in general?” You then bite back a laugh at Ellie’s comment, however, your eyes crinkle as you do. Vexed, Joel turns to look at Ellie, then away from her, “In general.” You snort at his response and this time he looks over his shoulder to look at you and you stare right back at him. 
Ellie glances at Joel’s revolver gun in its holder and looks back up at Joel, “You know, seeing as it’s just the three of us, and she has a gun already, I was thinking I should pro–” Joel doesn’t hesitate with his response, “No.” Ellie only rolls her eyes at his response and keeps quiet for a bit.
The three of you step over a fallen electric pole and turn a corner, “Cumberland Farms.” Ellie reads out the sign as you pass by it, Joel hurries his pace a bit before saying to you both, “Hang back a minute. I gotta grab some stuff I stashed.” 
“Stashed? Why do you have stuff stashed here?” Ellie asks still following Joel, irritated he says, “You ask a lot of goddamn questions.” She smirks, “Yes, I do.” Joel opens the door to the store, the sound of metal scraping against the floor as he does. “So, you gonna answer me or what?” Joel sighs and gives in, “We hide supplies on routes in case we find ourselves short on gear which I currently am because…”
“No way!” Ellie exclaims happily, and hurriedly makes her way to a Mortal Kombat machine, “You ever play this one?” You watch her mash buttons and mess with the joystick, while Joel lingers around, “I had a friend who knew everything about this game. There’s this one character named Mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones.” She sighs, “Oh man.” You look to Joel, entertained by him looking through a bunch of junk, Ellie turns to notice what you're looking at, “You forgot where you put your stuff.”
Joel shakes his head and denies, “No. I’m just zeroing in on it. It’s been a couple of years.” You lightly laugh, your shoulders slightly bouncing up and down as you do, “So, what? You’re using echolocation to look for it?” Joel only glances at you and sighs. Ellie smiles and says, “Okay, well, I’m gonna take a look around. See if there’s anything good.” Joel kicks something and replies, “Trust me, it’s all been picked over already.” Ellie hums thoughtfully, “Maybe, maybe not.” She makes her way to an open door and asks, “Is there anything bad in here?”
“Just you.” He retorts, and Ellie sighs, “Ah, getting funnier.” 
Joel shoves something and it doesn’t budge, “Fuck.” You laugh again at his struggle, and he looks at you unimpressed, “Do you, by any chance know where it is?” You smirk, “Yep.” He raises his eyebrows at you, “Do you wanna, maybe, I dunno, help me?” You twist your mouth to the side, cross your arms across your chest, and look up, mockingly thinking, “Eventually.”
Joel sighs at you, one hand on his hip as he does, then he says your name in a low-pitched voice, and you smile innocently at him from across the store. “And why won’t you tell me where it is?” You shrug and playfully say, “I like seeing you struggle.”
Electricity fills the air and you feel the warmth on your face, his brown eyes have now turned a shade darker than usual, and you watch him breathe a little deeper. Your tongue darts out a little bit to wet your lower lip and feel your heart race wildly. He stands there confidently, you notice his salt and pepper hair, his beautiful tan skin, and how the lines under his eyes and forehead remind you of maps you wish to trace your fingers on as they stretch, and there are too many miles to count. 
Wide-eyed in realization, you open your mouth, finding words to explain or excuse yourself but found none. Closing your gaping mouth, you quickly turn around to walk out of the store. Joel says your name, low and thick, you can feel the vibrations through your bones, it stops you in your tracks with your back facing him, “Where do you think your goin’? Turn around.”
You close your eyes for a second and try to quiet your beating heart, you follow his command, like a puppet on a string. “Where is it?” He asks as you feel his stare roam all over your body even from the large gap between you two, and you blink owlishly at him and out of breath, “Um, it’s at, um…” You clear your throat and try again, “It’s at the end of the aisle, underneath the newspapers.” 
“Come over here and help me lift this shit.” And your feet move forward to the man who is now crouched down and waiting for you. You kneel next to him, and as you tilt your head to look at him, you are now inches apart and unknowingly even closer at heart. You shyly look down on the piece of wood hiding his stash, “You should um, probably open it.”
He says nothing in response and you watch as he pulls his knife out and slices through the wood to create a small gap to lift it off the ground. You help him move it to the side, fingertips brushing against each other, feather-light touches that ignite a fire within you. In the corner of your eye, you see him begin to dig through the supplies he had left behind. It then occurs to you that you haven’t heard from Ellie in a while, you look to Joel with a concerned look, “We haven’t heard Ellie in a while,” you whisper.
He nods and proceeds to call for her, “Ellie?” He receives no response and the worry expands in your belly. Joel gets up and so do you, this time you try to call for her, “Ellie.” Getting nothing as well. Joel pulls out his revolver and turns to you, “Wait here.” You nod and follow his request, he approaches the door, “Ellie?” and she walks out fine and unscathed, “Picked over, my ass.” She says holding up a box of tampons. 
You let out a sigh of relief, even though you knew she would be fine, but the nagging voice in the back of your mind reminds you that things could change for the better or worse in any situation. Your being in this universe has an effect now, especially the fact you’re running around with the two main characters of this story. Whatever you say or choose not to say will have repercussions if you’re not careful. That’s something you learned the hard way.
Joel puts his gun away as Ellie shoves her find into her pack. He kneels down to put away the green toolbox and rifle under his stash, Ellie watches and asks, “What are you doing?” He responds, “There’s not much ammo out there for this thing. Makes it mostly useless.” You help him put the board back on and to no one’s surprise she tries to take advantage of the opportunity, “Well, if you’re just gonna leave it there…” Joel stands and you follow suit, he looks at Ellie sternly, “No.”
He turns to walk out of the store and Ellie follows after him, defeated. You watch the two go-ahead before glancing at the open door, knowing exactly what Ellie had found down there. Swallowing down your fear, you force yourself to keep going.
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You continue to walk along the road, the clouds march on and the trees bow down to give their leaves, to offer you some shade along your journey. Walking by you see the wreckage of an airplane atop a hill, broken parts, and pieces scattered along the field. Ellie breathes out, “Holy shit.” The three of you stop walking to gaze at it fondly, “You fly in one of those?” The kid asks you and Joel, and he replies, “Few times, sure.”
Ellie is looking up at you, searching for your answer, and you give her a nod, “Yeah, a couple of times.” She brings her focus back to the wreckage and sighs, “So lucky.” Joel disagrees, “Didn’t feel like it at the time. Get shoved into a middle seat, pay 12 bucks for a sandwich.”
“Dude, you got to go up in the sky,” Ellie says, and you frown, simple things that got taken for granted, you knew all too well. “Yeah, well, so did they,” Joel says with dejection in his voice, then decides to keep moving. Something all he’s ever known. Ellie mutters, “Grim.”
“So everything came crashing down in one day?” Ellie questions and Joel nods, “Pretty much.” Ellie doesn’t settle for that and chooses to follow up with a, “How? I mean, no one was infected with cordyceps. Everybody’s fine eating in restaurants and flying in planes. And then, all at once? How did it even start? If you have to get bit to get infected, then who bit the first person?” She pauses, “Was it a monkey? I bet it was a monkey.”
You huff in amusement, “If it were a monkey, this wouldn’t have happened.” Joel looks at you then turns back to Ellie and replies, “It wasn’t a monkey. I thought you went to school?” Ellie frowns, “FEDRA school. They don’t teach us how their shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic.”
You flinch at her statement and think for a nanosecond, fuck. You hear your memories echo back to you. You snort and throw a careless joke, “Everyone would blame our shitty government and all the scientists. How ignorant must you be for it to happen twice?” Adam replies, “Well, all disaster movies start with a scientist being ignored.”
You painfully exhale and look to Ellie, parroting back the words you heard not long ago, “All disasters start with a scientist being ignored.” Joel and Ellie listen to you intently as you remember what had happened, and you continue on, “A scientist named Dr. Neuman sometime in the 1960s had feared this would happen. People laughed and brushed it off.” 
You close your eyes and try and untangle the strings of memories and information about their world, “Your outbreak started in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 24, 2003. A flour and grain factory,  on the west side of the city. The perfect substrate. A normal woman suddenly turned violent, attacked four of her coworkers, and bit three of them. They locked her in the bathroom and when the police arrived, she tried to attack them, and they shot her. The people she bit were taken for observation. You could imagine what happened a few hours later.”
You open your eyes to realize you had stopped walking and see Joel and Ellie analyzing the new information, you press on, “No one knows who bit her first, but there were fourteen coworkers missing. Possibly already spreading the virus. The cordyceps mutated because the world got warmer, and some of it go into the food supply. Flour was the case, and there were certain brands of food that were sold everywhere all across the country, and across the world. Bread, cereal… pancake mix.” You paused, unable to go on, so Joel picked it up from there and continued walking as he spoke, “If you eat enough of it, it’ll get you infected. So the tainted food all hits the store shelves around the same time Thursday. People bought it ate some Thursday night or Friday morning. Day goes on, they started to get sick. Afternoon, evening… they got worse. Then they started biting. Friday night, September 26, 2003. And by Monday, everything was gone.”
Ellie is quiet for a bit then nods, “It makes more sense than monkeys. Thanks.” Joel lifts a shoulder, “Sure,” while you only nod with the silence that you continue to carry. Joel raises his arm to stop you and Ellie, “What?” She asks him. He exhales, “We’ll cut across the woods here.” Ellie looks at him skeptically, “Isn’t the road easier?”
“Yeah, it’s just… There’s some stuff up there you shouldn’t see.” Joel says, the tone in his voice very fatherly. You look to Ellie expectantly, as she cheekily smiles at him and walks ahead, “Well, now I have to see.”
“I don’t want you to.” Joel comments disapprovingly, but Ellie marches on, and he grunts, “Serious. Ellie.” You follow after the two, and the young girl asks, “Can it hurt me?” Joel replies straightforwardly, “No.” She turns and walks backward as she talks to him, “You’re too honest man. Should’ve said ax murderer.” Ellie carries on walking normally, while you and Joel look at each other consciously, with full awareness. 
You decide to take a risky leap, gently take his hand, and squeeze it reassuringly. His weary eyes are drawn to your linked hands, fingers interlaced like a beautiful zipper of prayer. Hands are the maps and compasses we use to navigate our lives. Some people read palms to predict the future but you read hands to predict the past. Every scar has a tale worth sharing. Each calloused palm and fractured knuckle represents a missed punch or years spent in a factory. Your eyes tell him, ‘It’s okay, let her know.’ And he seems to understand, giving you a short nod. Because, what is a girl if not a buzzing creature discovering what the world will take from her?
“Whatever it is, I think it’s gone,” Ellie yells out to you both, only to stop short moments after to look at the ditch below. Skeletons were jumbled together and littered the dirt. You and Joel reach Ellie, with hands still intertwined, she’s looking up at you both for an explanation. Joel emits a long, deep, audible breath expressing his sadness, “About a week after Outbreak Day, soldiers… went through the countryside and evacuated the small towns. Told you you were going to a QZ, and you were… if there was room.” He hesitates, “If there wasn’t…” 
These people were wiped clean away, leaving only a wristwatch or a blanket. The only proof that they ever existed. Ellie feels out of sorts as she mutters, “These people weren’t sick?” Joel replies fixed and controlled, “No, probably not.” The girl nods while blinking away her melancholy and frustration she asks quietly, “Why kill them? Why not just leave them be?” You take a shaky inhale before responding, “Because dead people can’t get infected.” 
Joel squeezes your hand in reassurance, and it grounds you from remembering what had happened that sunny day. How easy it was for the government and military to manipulate everyone into believing everything was under control. People that you trusted and elected for a hopeful cause only for them to betray you in the end. You tip your head up to Joel and he looks at your sparkling eyes, looking up at him searching for some kind of answer. But he gazes at you, with no answers, instead, is filled with promises. Because what is an adult if not a terrified being desperate to protect something you can't save?
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You, Joel, and Ellie approach the electric fence gate surrounding the small town of Lincoln. The site is hauntingly beautiful, a white large house can be seen from a distance, while trees dance in the wind, you can picture this neighborhood having plenty of kids playing out on the street without a care in the world. As you approach the gate, there’s a number keypad attached to the side, he glances at you and Ellie, “Stay there.” He punches in the four-digit code and there is a high pitch ring, indicating that the passcode was correct, and the metal gate unlocks.
Joel opens the gate for Ellie to walk through first, and then you. He closes the gate behind him as he follows you both inside. The environment is suspenseful and suspiciously quiet, Joel places his hand on his revolver while noticing the wilting yellow flowers outside the house. He pushes down on the door handle, surprised that it was left unlocked, he removes his revolver from the holster and cautiously walks inside. Ellie mumbles, “What the fuck?” while Joel yells out, “Bill? Frank?” Your palms begin to sweat and you discreetly wipe them down on your pants, Joel turns to look at you and Ellie, “You stay there. You hear anything… you see anything yell.” 
“What if they’re gone?” Ellie asks and Joel doesn’t respond, only looking at her before turning and opening the door to the kitchen. She sighs and proceeds to look around the house. A grand piano sits in the living room, and Ellie curiously presses on a bunch of keys to listen to the notes play. And then you spot it, head tilting, you carefully take the envelope and key that sat on top of the wooden table, and feel the sense of sorrow you knew followed you around like a shadow. 
You look to Ellie who was staring at you expectantly and then hand her the letter. You didn’t need to read what you already knew. Your footsteps are heavy as you pull out a seat from the dining room table, and fold your arms atop the desk before bending your head down. Your muscles were aching and exhausted, while the pounding in your head decided to return for another round. Ellie pulls out the chair next to you and opens the letter, quietly reading it.
You hear Joel from down the hall, trying to knock and unlock the door of Bill and Frank’s room, but hear the front door shut from the wind. This causes him to jump and call out for you and Ellie. None of you decide to reply. He stalks down the hall and turns right to the dining room, to find you quiet and resting your head against the dining table with Ellie reading the letter.
“It’s from Bill.” The girl says, and Joel decides to holster his revolver again. She reads aloud,  “‘To whomever, but probably Joel’. I figured I fell into ‘whomever.’” And then shrugs, “It came with this,” she pushes a key across the dusty table adjacent to her and he removes his backpack before tossing it to the floor. He grabs the key to inspect it and then states, “So they’re dead?” Ellie nods, “Mhm. You wanna…” Joel shakes his head no, “Go ahead. You do it.” 
Ellie clears her throat before reading out loud the words you cried over for a good week, “August 29, 2023. If you find this, please do not come into the bedroom. We left a window open so the house wouldn’t smell but it will probably be a sight. I’m guessing you found this, Joel, because anyone else would’ve been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps. Hehehehehehehehe.” She pauses in confusion but goes on, “Take anything you need. The bunker code is the same as the gate code but in reverse. Anyway, I never liked you but still, it’s like we’re friends, almost. And I respect you.”
You can already feel the flip in your stomach before you’ve even heard the part that would hit him the most, “So I’m gonna tell you something because you’re probably the only person who will understand. I used to hate the world, and I was happy when everyone died. But I was wrong because there was one person worth saving.” 
And it all comes rushing back to you, the love story of Bill and Frank, a chance meeting that would have only happened during the end of the times. You quietly tried your best to sit up straight, but your posture is still drooping and sagging. Placing your elbows on the table, and folding your hands, interlocking your fingers, you closed your eyes and let your head rest against your hands. And when your eyes closed, your guards came down, tears freely flowed down your cheeks, mentally deadened, tired, and nauseous as you listened, “That’s what I did. I saved him. Then I protected him. That’s why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do and God help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. I leave you all of my weapons and equipment. Use them to keep…” Ellie stops abruptly, not wanting to continue. 
Ellie purses her lips together in a line while Joel snatches the letter to read what she could not. To keep Tess safe. He swallows down his guilt and anger, “Stay here.” You open your puffy, bloodshot eyes as you hear him storm out of the house leaving the door open behind him. Feeling out of focus and indisposed, like a single loose thread that comes all undone. You curl one leg up to your chest and let your chin rest on top of it, and you can feel the snot dripping down your nose as you do. Bring the sleeve of your jacket, to wipe it off from your face, then use the palms of your hands to wipe the tears away. 
But it proves useless as the tears continue to flow, Ellie silently moves to stand next to you and then gives an unexpected, but not unwelcomed, hug. You continue to cry harder, choking on every breath you take as you do, as you wrap your arms around Ellie’s waist and silently stroke your hair. Joel comes back to the house finding the sight of you broken and sobbing uncontrollably. Ellie only looks at him with saddened eyes, and a silent plea to help you.
You’re uncomfortably shattering into pieces,  stitch by stitch it tears you apart, and a stained-glass variation of the truth leaves your brokenness on display. Joel walks behind you, unsure what to do or say, but he can feel the magnetic pull of wanting and needing to help you, quietly he asks you, “What do you need?”
He wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t incredibly silent if your voice hadn’t echoed off the walls, your voice hiccuping, so small and soft as you admit, “I don’t know…” But Joel does. Without question, Ellie gently lets go of you, to be replaced by Joel’s large arms wrapped around your shaking frame.
The seasons will eventually change, and you may choose to go into them shattered and busted, with stiff souls, wounded hearts, and raggedy spirits. But the tiny part of you will continue on because hope endures the agony of sadness; it does not require your protection or defense. For now, you will allow yourself to cry, sigh, and wish for things to be different in the comfort of the two people you’ve grown close with. Later, you will discover raw, wrung-out calm when you allow yourself to be human.
After a reprieve, you willed yourself to stop crying. You take a shaky inhale and be the first one to pull away from Joel. Sweaty, puffy, and slightly dehydrated, from the amount of crying you’ve managed to do in a small amount of time. You feel drowsy, exhausted, overwhelmed, and embarrassed. Rubbing your face with both hands, you heavily exhale and try to regroup yourself as you do.
Joel gently holds your wrist to reveal your face, he’s kneeling down in front of you, “You good?” Your eyes shift uncontrollably across his face, not able to focus on him properly but you nod anyway, you have to keep going, “Mhm, yes. I’m good now,” you said. He gives you a short nod and slowly pushes himself up to face Ellie who was quietly sitting down again, “Show me your arm.”
Ellie stands up and lifts her sleeve to reveal the bite on her arm already healing. Joel nods and says, “I just finished making a truck battery. It’s charging right now.” Ellie nods back, “Okay.” He continues on, “I have a brother out in Wyoming. He’s in some kind of trouble and I’m headin’ out there to find ‘em. He used to be a Firefly.” Ellie continues to silently nod, indicating that she was listening to him as he spoke, “And my guess is he knows where some of them are out there. Maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is.” 
Ellie blinks, “All right. Listen about Tess…” But Joel shuts that down pretty quickly, he lifts his hand to stop her, “If I’m taking you with me, there’s some rules you gotta follow. Rule one, you don’t bring up Tess. Ever. Matter of fact, we can keep our histories to ourselves. Rule two, you don’t tell anyone about your… condition. They see that bite mark, they won’t think it through. They’ll just shoot you. Rule three, you do what I say when I say it.” 
Joel looks at you pointedly, “Rule three applies to you too Hummin’ bird.” Your face scrunches up in annoyance and exclaim, “But I’m a grown adult!” Joel only lifts his eyebrows, “Do you know exactly what happens now from here on out? You ever lived in an apocalyptic world?” You move your eyes away from him and mumble defeatedly, “No, and just a few hunches and theories, I guess.” He harrumphs and looks at you and Ellie, “Are we clear?” He says. You both respond, “Yes.”Joel’s eyes narrow and says without smiling, “Repeat it.”
“What you say goes,” Ellie says and he looks to you for the same statement, “What you say goes, Cowboy.” He lets out a huff and shifts his weight to his other foot, “Okay,” he mumbles. The kid questions aloud, “So what now?” And Joel decides it’s time to start preparing, “We grab what we can.”
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Loud footsteps are heard as the three of you descend the metal stairs, Joel flicks on a switch and the lights flicker open. The sound of the 80s playlist playing can be heard filling the room. Joel goes to pause it while Ellie takes a good walk around the bunker, and looks at the wall of guns, “Holy shit. This guy was a genius.” You laugh lightly at her comment, walk over to Joel’s side to look at the playlist and security cameras, saying “Well, under normal circumstances, this would be seen as paranoid.”
Ellie snorts in amusement and acknowledgment, she turns to Joel and asks, “Why was the music on?” Joel places his hands on the table and replies contemplatively, “If he doesn’t reset the countdown every few weeks, this playlist would run over the radio.” Ellie makes her way to the side of the monitor, she peeks at it and states, “‘80s.” He glances from behind him, not wanting to dwell on it any longer, and tells the kid, “Grab some cans from over there. Nothin’ dented or swollen.” She lingers a bit by the wall of guns on display and points at it saying, “Dude.” Only to be replied with Joel’s firm, “No.” Ellie exasperated, “There’s a wall of them.” He gives her one hard look and Ellie pinches her lips into a thin line, walking away to start grabbing the canned food.
Joel’s gaze turns to you, while you tilt your head to the side to look up at him, and you feel a question forming on the tip of your tongue, the way you hold your breath as you wonder if it’s even worth bringing up, you and him inches away from touching, lingering and wanting you to say something. Instead, you pull away from his malt-musing mountain gaze, away from the comfort of his warmth and inviting pull. Afraid of what this could mean, or the possibility you might wake up and find yourself alone again. To only find his ghost wandering in your kitchen, haunting you if this all turns out to be nothing.
“I’m gonna go, um, help Ellie.” You say pointing behind you with your thumb, and then stumble your way around the bunker to look for the young girl. He watches you leave his side, and if he could have one wish it would be to have more time. He’d like to stop the clock and make time stand still because this is just how he always wants to feel. To hear the way she stumbles when she answers, and just for a little bit, secretly, he forgets about his cynicism because he can't wait to see what happens next.
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You three end up going through everything in Bill and Frank’s home. On the upper floor, you and Ellie look around the bedroom as Joel opens the door to a closet, pulls on the pull cord switch of the light, and grabs a box of women’s clothes in Ellie’s size and yours. You and her open the box and happily dig through the pile of clothes that had been left behind. Eventually, you settle on a basic white tee, a pair of cargo pants, new white socks, and a lovely maroon leather jacket.
All three of you decide to check on the battery, Joel turns the knob of the charger and grunts, “Needs another hour.” Ellie checks the faucet by the sink and turns it to the right and happy squeals, “They have hot water! I’m taking a shower.” She then looks to Joel who was busy sorting through the clutter, “And then you’re both showering. Because seriously…” And before walking away she makes a sound to signal you both that you reeked of sweat and more stench imaginable. She walks away to go back inside the house and leaves you both alone together. 
Not knowing what to do or say, you give yourself a hug, arms folding in front of your middle, eyes darting to everything but him. Joel watches the way you shift around the bunker. He does not know what you are thinking, how you prefer your tea, if you take sugar in your coffee, or whether you like walking in the rain. He takes notice of the way you keep going just like he does, when you laugh it sounds like a melody he’s all too familiar with but there’s a different hidden note between each breath you take. 
You are impossible. Impossible is admitting you came from a different universe, it’s also attempting to connect in this world, trying to hang on to others while everything around you is exploding. And yet you’re standing there in front of him, real and full of light. He does not want to believe it, he worries in his mind that he will destroy each and every part of you, engrossing darkness and bitterness he has accumulated for the past twenty years. Beginning on the day the world fell apart, when it took Sarah away from him. And the weight of the world was placed on his shoulders.
You begin to hum to yourself as you take a walk around the bunker and appreciate the lengths Bill went through to keep him and Frank safe. Joel finally gives in to the tug of war in his mind and asks, “What song were you hummin’ on the hike here, Birdie? I didn’t recognize the melody this time.” His question pulls your attention away from the wall of guns and you incline your head toward him, “Oh? Uh, just a song from my world, I guess…” He looks at you expectantly and you take it as a cue to continue, “It’s a song by Adele.” You said as you scrunched your nose a bit.  A look of puzzlement crossed his face, “Who’s Adele?” he says. You slowly blink at him, “Damn, your world ended too soon and robbed you of Adele.”
The conversation continues on, it goes from books to favorite drinks, and bit by bit you’re beginning to piece together the man in front of you. It astounds you, how he kept going even when the world took away the people he loved. And later you hear Ellie yelling from the house, telling you both she’s done, you look to Joel and he tells you to use the shower first. You smile at him and give him a small thanks as you head up the stairs. The small talk you both had left him floating and hates that his mind continues to think about worse-case scenarios and look for emergency exits just in case. But is it courage or faith that he shows up every day? And maybe one day he won’t be afraid.
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After the nice steaming hot shower, and changing into your new-ish clothes, you yell Joel’s name to tell him it’s his turn. He proceeds to go into the bathroom and you go downstairs to see Ellie messing with the piano keys, you gently tap her shoulder and she looks up at you with adorable eyes full of wonder, “Scoot over.” The kid moves and you sit down on the piano bench next to her, you mumble, “I’m surprised it’s still tuned after all these years.” Ellie’s ears perk up, “You know how to play?” and you tilt your head to the left, “Just enough to impress friends now and then.” She smiles, “Can you show me? Please?”
Your mouth pinches in thought, wondering which song you could play, “Hrm, I guess I could. But you might not recognize this piece of music since it was never released here.” She nods excitedly, “It’s no big deal. I need to hear you sing since you keep humming all the time.” You roll your eyes at that, “Okay, okay.”
You ready yourself, comfortably slouched, and your head down. Your fingers glide over the keys and you begin to sway as you play the starting notes of Adele’s ‘Make You Feel My Love’. “When the rain is blowing in your face. And the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace. To make you feel my love,” You sang softly as your fingers continued to dance over the ivory keys, your spirit became virtually an allure with each small sway of your head and body. Joel silently walks down the stairs, enchanted and allured by your melodious voice. He leans on the frame of the foyer, slicked back salt and pepper hair, and currently has the softest eyes for you.
“The storms are raging on the rollin' sea. And on the highway of regret. The winds of change are blowing wild and free… You ain't seen nothing like me yet.” You sang and the buildup as it developed into a slow roll that shattered into the souls of everyone who listened like a tremendous tsunami. Joel and Ellie were entranced by the enticing music emanating from your voice, resulting in a tranquil silence. The lyrics soared and swelled from the depths of your spirit as if everyone in that room could sense your hope and affection. Your love became their love, and the audience and singer became one.
“I could make you happy, make your dreams come true… Nothing that I wouldn't do. Go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love. To make you feel my love.” You vocalized and slowly stopped playing on the ivory keys, letting out a sigh of relief you turn to Ellie who is in awe of your talent and skill. “Damn, I wish we could bring this with us.” She says and you throw your head back in laughter, your shoulder moving as you catch your breath, “Joel would break his back carrying this thing.” 
“You callin’ me old, sweetheart?” Joel says smugly, you and Ellie swiftly turn to look behind you, to find him relaxed, happy, and all cleaned up. You can feel your body begin to burn in embarrassment and attraction to the pet name he called you. Including the fact, he’s pulling off the wet look pretty damn fucking well. Ellie saves you from having to explain yourself and comments on his appearance, “Well, don’t you look pretty.” 
That brings him back to reality and begins to become grumpy old Joel once more, “Shut up.” He mutters and then tosses her a stick of deodorant which she catches. The kid looks at it and comments, “Nice,” then proceeds to get up from the bench with you following after the both of them.
You make your way to the blue Chevy S-10, Ellie goes to the front passenger seat but Joel clicks his tongue, “Go sit in the back, Ellie.” She groans and as she was about to walk to the back of the Chevy you shake your head, “It’s okay, you can take it for the meantime, I suspect you haven’t been in a car before.” And Ellie is practically vibrating with joy as she hops inside the car, Joel looks at you from the rearview mirror and you give a thumbs up while Ellie continues to explore parts of the car, “It’s like a spaceship,” she says and you hide a laugh while Joel mumbles, “It’s like a piece of shit Chevy S-10 but it’ll get us there.” And after a moment he adds, “I think.”
Joel begins to put on his seatbelt and he tells Ellie to do the same, but she only gives him a perplexed look, which he then shows her and she clicks it in place while smiling, “So cool.”
He turns the key and the engine rives to life, Ellie opens the glove compartment and finds a cassette tape, he glances at her, “Would you leave it?” Ellie gives him a cheeky grin to slide it into the radio. “Put it back. Ellie.” Joel states in a serious tone. Linda Ronstadt’s ‘Long Long Time’ begins to play, the first ever song you hummed a couple of days ago. You look out the window to the left, Joel and Ellie converse as you tune out the rest of the world, only listening to the music. You hear the buzzing of the gate open and Joel drives into the open road, and the lovely voice of Linda Ronstadt reminds you that love will transcend into every universe, and the thought of that lulls you to gently close your eyes and let yourself fall asleep.
Previous Chapter -> Next Chapter
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End Notes: (Idk do people read this? Btw this is lengthy since lol almost 10k words o-o)
Yes, Type 9 is The Runner-away-er of Conflict… hecking I had this whole argument planned out at first, all the yelling and fighting between the reader and Joel and nearly going through with that concept, but in the end decided against it. Because to me, it felt too soon. It wouldn’t progress the story forward, it would have just taken twenty steps back lmao. Joel is the type to keep going, to keep moving cuz he has to. So him reminiscing would be out of character and the reader getting mad and confronting him wOULD ALSO BE OUT OF CHARACTER LMAO
Anyways, as you read, I ended up giving them a moment to mourn and talk it out, because I felt like you needed to hear those words too. Do not throw away your life just to make someone happy. That’s destructive. 
I tried my best to write about grief this chapter, and had to rewatch Episode 3 to put myself through the torture again hooray! Towards the end, you can see my writing become somewhat poetic(?) but honest. I didn’t want to extremely exaggerate it but just enough to hopefully make u cry a bit. If you did cry pls tell me, it tells me that I wrote okay enough for you to cry)
But I also wanted it to give you some hope and to remind you that you are a light in many people's lives I promise.
Furthermore, I lowkey procrastinated on this chapter, I was hoping it would be out by Wednesday but the new Hogwarts Legacy game has me in a chokehold so I 1000% got distracted!
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hiddenlittleoasis · 8 months
Here's my first writing piece of this account! (Posted below)
Shoutout to @cysketch for creating this lovely piece that served as my inspiration💕
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Early bird songs are carried away in the morning winds, but not fast enough to keep the whistling of the feathered choir from sharing their work with the ears of young Poca.
The rabbit boy stirs awake to start one of the last mornings left of summer, shivering as reminders of autumn gust through an open window and out another. Even knowing of the unlikely chance of getting a visitor today, he diligently gets up. He hurries to ready for the day: pulling on a sweater, descending the stairs, counting stock, and opening up the door to the little home shop.
Poca breathes in deeply as another chilled gust sweeps through his home, rattling the children's toys hanging on display. Like most things Poca has for sale, it’s only thanks to the winds that blow through the high-rise that a layer of dust hasn’t made its home on all the merchandise. Many times Cherrise, Poca’s neighbor downstairs, has told him how foolish a shop so hard to reach is. Many times Cedeir, the friendly delivery critter, has crawled to Poca’s door, gasping for breath through jokes equating the climb up Poca’s stairs to a hike up a mountain. Many times Poca has just smiled kindly, opening shop again the next day with the same vigor as the day before.
Today is no different.
Right on time, just as every day, a box rolls up the steps with a huffing and puffing Cedeir behind it. “Must you order so many boxes to the summit of your mountain Poca?”
And Poca politely smiles.
Not long after Cedeir has left there’s a rattling below Poca that pauses as a window is pulled open. “Are you still insisting on running that shop, silly rabbit boy?” Cherrise calls out.
But Poca just smiles.
Soon it is midday. Tiny mice hurry from their cozy homes, dug out of some of the many boxes in Poca’s shop. They greet Poca eagerly with many excited squeaks. Poca greets each back just as happily, not by name for they have none, but by giving each their favorite unique snack from his shop before setting down some of the aging snacks out in dishes for the friendly mice to feast.
The morning winged choir returns shortly after the mice have had their meal, singing to Poca with a familiar tune. He is no stranger to the daily performance that his feathered company puts on in hopes of earning their dinner for the day, and politely applauds as the show finishes before setting out more dishes of old shop snacks. The birds hurry to fill their beaks before taking off to hide on the roof. Poca’s gaze follows them until they disappear over the edge of the fading red tin, contently admiring the creatures much smaller than him.
A petal falls from a disturbed window box as fleeing wings stir the plant inside, drifting down towards Poca, gently settling between his ears as he turns his gaze to the soft clouds of cotton floating by. The color fading from the petals and browning in the leaves that Poca has so persistently cared for serves as another gentle reminder of the cooler season rapidly approaching. Meanwhile the colors changing on the clouds reflect the day slowly drawing closer to a close.
For a while more Poca keeps watching the sky around him from his favorite spot; in front of a display fridge with his own name printed on it, hiding memories of a paint-filled summer night. As Poca watches the fleeting moments of summer, cherishing the last few memories they’ll make with the critters this year, an evening autumnal wind sweeps past Poca’s high rise, rustling the tired plants and biting at Poca’s fluff through his sweater. The clouds hasten their drifting just slightly as the breeze urges them towards the horizon, to meet with the sun that is rapidly setting.
The sun escapes the sky much quicker than it once did, and the nip of the nighttime air ushers Poca back inside his little shop. He grabs a little broom to sweep, searching for some activity to serve as an excuse to keep the shop open just a little longer in case of any traveler in need stopping by.
A new voice, almost swept away in the winds, “E-Excuse me?”
Poca is quick to turn around, and his guest continues on hurriedly when they see they’ve gotten someone’s attention. “Do you have water? My family is traveling, uhm migrating, because of the cold weather and my grandmother is very old and thirsty and…” Poca smiles gently as they put bottles into a bag, letting the older bird child go on.
Before the bird child can finish their extensive plea Poca is already coming around the counter, kneeling down and offering the well packed bag. “O-oh thank you s-sir! How much do I need to give you? I have…” the bird child starts to ramble again, but Poca makes no requests, only insisting on giving them the bag.
Watching the eyes of the bird child widen as they finally understand Poca’s kind offer warms a deep place inside Poca’s chest, fighting back against the biting cold of the night. “T-thank you sir!! I…I’ll tell my family about you!! Goodbye!” The bird child grabs the bag and struggles to take off with the extra weight, but soon soars off into the distance until they blur with the dark of the sky.
Cherrise would ridicule him, telling Poca about how he can’t run a successful business by giving everything away.
Cedeir would question him, asking Poca where he gets all his packages from if he isn’t making a profit from his sales.
Poca wouldn’t mind though, he knows the warmth he feels inside from the grateful smiles pays for so much more than a few snacks and bottles of water.
Soon Poca shuts off the lights and closes up his doors, hurrying up to bed.
After all, tomorrow will be a busy day.
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lulucifer-s-husband · 9 months
7th june 2001.
A kid was brought in a grey world,
Among a already damaged family.
All they saw was desaturated.
All they heard was muffled.
All they tasted was bland.
That kid cried at night, begging,
That is there was a god, a star,
Anyone up there,
That it would hear their plea.
The moon looked down at the kid.
The silver lady talked in a soothing
Voice :
"Don't be scared my child, I sadly do
Not have arms to rock you, but I will
Always be somewhere up there in
The sky, so if you ever feel sad or lost,
Just look up, and you will see that
I am never far from you."
The kid asked if she could change
Their life into a better one,
The moon answered in a sad voice:
"Honey, you are the only one able to
write your own book, all I can do, is
watch over you, and give you a
blessing from the stars."
The kid wasn't afraid of the dark or
The night, as he knew the shadow
Were protective, and that the silver
Lady up there, was always watching.
She was hearing every cry , or silent
Scream from the child.
Soon, the moon reminded this kid that,
Like everything in this word,
They originated from star dust.
If they look up the sky, they can see
A big family, watching over them,
Loving them unconditionally.
The child quickly understood that like
The stars, they had something magical
Within them.
A sparkle.
A tiny sparkle.
They couldn't change the world outside yet,
Their little hands were way too tiny for that,
But they sure could change the one
Within them.
They decided from there, that they will paint their world of colors that doesn't exist, would sing notes that were never heard, and smell flowers that none ever laid a finger or a sight on.
During one of these day, locked up into their cage, not even a golden one  but a rusted one, the kid was watching TV.
They looked at the blue blurr, saving worlds and facing any threat with the same arrogant smile.
They craved for a similar freedom, so they simply closed their eyes, and since couldn't get that freedom outside, they were going to get it inside.
Inside them.
Then in a simple motion, was painting on the grey wall around them, beautiful scenery, the sky was full of dragons flying away in the distance.
The sun was gently shining on their skin,
And they were dancing with the wind and their illusions.
Some would have called them dellusional or crazy, they called themselve creative.
The kid was forgetting their sad and poor life, to become a princess , or a knight, or a peaceful fox living in the forest.
They were abandoning themselves to their illusions, gifting themselves what nobody ever gave them.
They were creating loving and caring illusions , they were crafting friends, love and adventure.
Now, as they cry in the night, they also
Cry in the arms of their illusions.
They never sleep alone,
Nobody is there to rock them,
So they will let the wind in their heart do it.
Nobody is reading them stories,
So they will live them within a far away, inner wonderland.
Nobody was telling them they mattered, so they would build illusions that would love them.
On the balcony of their rusted cage, they would sing to the sunset how much they wished they were a bird, so they could fly, fly far away from this hell.
Their song was almost begging the sun to take them with him, as he was disappearing in the horizon.
They would sing their pain, to the sun, to the moon and stars, mornings and evenings.
They would pray for a better future,
They would pray for some peace.
They didn't had faith in any god,
They didn't had faith in anyone,
Except maybe, ironically,
They knew they were a warrior.
They would survive all of these storms,
They didn't wanted to live a tragedy ,
But a fairy tail, with a happy ending.
They wanted to survive all of that,
So one day the adult they would become,
Could look back at it, and be proud.
They promised themselves that even when their heart would be filled with hatred toward this world and humanity, deep inside they would never forget how beautiful life was.
How flowers smelled wonderful,
How sunrises looked soothing,
How cat's furr was soft,
How water was refreshing,
And how the starrysky was looking after them.
They would curse the whole world and beyond, and yet, still have faith in the futur.
This was delusional.
But this kept them going throught any storms.
So today, the little kid that survived into the adult they became, carry this so called dellusion, this hopeless hope, this crave for living, and thanks all of these illusions and dellusion for keeping them safe all these years.
And the adult they became, is now very proud of them, and thankful for all they kept safe within them.
They promise they will parent this little kid, they will give them the love they never got, and the safety they never felt.
-09/08/22 a love letter to the child I used to be.
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
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Shawn’s hand enveloped yours fully, his fingers intertwined with yours. You had to walk briskly to keep up with his long strides. It was a peaceful morning, and the grass was covered in dew. Birds sang their cheerful choruses from the lush tree branches above your head.
The sun was out, casting a pale, cheerful glow to the parts of the trail that weren’t bathing in shade, and fluffy white clouds flew around like dandelion seeds in the breeze, steering clear of the blazing star.
You and Shawn idled along in silence, except for the sounds of nature and the path beneath your feet. Sticks cracked and leaves crunched, filling your ears with Earth’s symphony. Chipmunks and squirrels scurried busily around, collecting acorns and walnuts to hide for later, somewhere so secreted that even they would be unable to locate them come dusk.
The shady bits of the trail were almost chilly, but the sunbathed parts were warm and pleasant. This pattern continued as the two of you continued walking, the sun beating down on you until the shade welcomed you.
The birds and insects narrated your journey, singing an endearing song of love and nature.
The sun rose higher and higher until it reached its midday throne right above your head. Radiant beams streamed from it, falling onto the grass and ridding it of dew. The sun reigned in splendor there until it began creeping back down the aisle, too slowly to be noticed. It still cast mesmerizing light onto everything it touched, spreading golden joy onto the grass, but everything around you sensed that things were going to change.
Insects flitted around, creating thick clusters that moved as one, and deer hid in tall fields of grass. Rabbits made their way to their burrows, and you kept walking.
As you and Shawn approached the trail's end, hills spread out before you, grass coated in a rich layer of the hazy evening sun.
His hand clasped firmly around yours, Shawn darted off towards it, pulling you along with him. Once you reached the top of the hill, you lay down there to admire the sunset.
The sky was a fiery orange, burning around its king, the sun. The grass was warm and inviting, and it closed around you snugly. The breeze ruffled it ever so slightly, not even enough to make the trees sway. The sun was a mere golden orb sinking to the west, casting sturdy shadows every which way. Once it disappeared, the night came, drawing the color from the sky.
The moon rose up until it hung above you, luminous and warm, like a watchdog, waiting to scare away anything that dared approach you. The sky was a rich purply blue, speckled with stars and galaxies lifetimes away.
It was peculiar to think that something that would take lifetimes upon lifetimes to attain was right at your fingertips, so long as you dreamed.
Shawn’s arms closed around your body as the chill of the evening set in, providing you warmth and security.
The crickets chirped merrily, a lullaby of sorts, as if they were wishing you a peaceful night. The breeze stirred just enough to rustle the grasses and lull you both to sleep.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Thank you EzraPFoxglove01for requesting this adorable thing! I sorta changed a lot you asked for by making it go into depth, and it ended up being the longest story I've ever written lol. So I'm definitely gonna add a shorter, more cutesy version of this story soon.
Change her outfit all you wish; it doesn't have a big part in the story at all. Though due to where she lives, it sorta makes sense for traditional Japanese wear to be her attire. And this is the kimono I have in mind, but change whatever :D To be honest, it makes sense to change the look to be more suitable for fighting while still maintaining an innocent, feminine character.
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Word Count: 6733
"Hay....ya!" A feminine voice yelled out as she kicked a large hole into a tree. She didn't really have an specific training area so she often kicked and punched holes into tough looking trees, which proven to be as affective as training dummies and whatnot. She pulled away from the tree with a large smile on her innocent features.
She held her arms up to her chest with clinched fists. "Alright! Just 113 more to go," she reminded herself as she prepared for another kick. Yet just before she kicked the tree, she heard rustling in the bushes surrounding her.
She paused and looked around her everywhere. The wind began to blow which made it hard to hear whoever or whatever move again as the wind blew the all the bushes. She made a pouty face and walked over to where she heard the noise the first time. She had a bag that wrapped around her colorful kimono that contained kunai knives, and she pulled one out just in case. To be honest, with her small, airhead, and pouty form, she was the least intimidating person most people could ever see. And her small, F/C kimono with cherry trees on it added onto it.
The wind slowed down for a second and in that time, rustling in the bushes was heard again, where it did last time. "Huh?" She hummed as she slowly and cautiously opened up the bushes. "W-Who's there!" She yelled nervously as she parted the bushes completely. "Ahhh!" She screamed as she stepped back, tripping on whatever she stepped on. A baby bunny jumped on top of her from the bushes, it's guinea pig looking face staring boldly at her. Fuck it was frightening for a bunny to withhold so much toughness and boldness.
She whined as she pulled the bunny of her, causing it to run away quickly. She stumbled to her feet, barely managing to maintain her own balance for a moment. She watched the bunny hop away into the forest as she calmed her nerves. Once it disappeared, she sighed and opened her bag to put away her knife. Yet the sound of a voice behind her caused her to throw it towards the voice with perfect aim and fast speed. Yet as she turned around, she saw her kunai knife had been frozen but it wasn't frozen quick enough to prevent the one and only Kuai Liang from behind cut a little.
"Good aim," the Sub Zero complimented in his deep and husky voice, a smirk on his face. He pulled the kunai from the ice prison it was it and tossed it towards Y/N. Y/N's innocent E/C eyes widened as she gasped.
"Liang!" She ran towards him to hug him– but no, we can't have that without her tripping halfway. "Oof!" She hit the ground hard and whined as she slowly stood back up. She had cut her face on a rock but that wasn't good enough for her to not want to hug him just as hard. So once she stood up, she lunged at him and hugged him so incredibly hard. "I missed you! How are you!"
Kuai chuckled as he softly wrapped his arms around her. "I see you haven't changed one bit, dear friend." It's true that the two of them are close friends; although they don't have any fundamental qualities in common, they managed to meet one day and their opposite personalities captured each other's interest. And so here they are, together after departed months back. Right after Sub Zero and others were free from Quan Chi, the two got close again and only had a couple weeks to get close again before Kuai had to leave. Finally, months later, they're together again!
"I've been just fine, L/N. How about yourself?" He asked as he pulled his arms down. As expected, Y/N didn't let go and continued to sway back and forth.
"Oh, I've been good! Sorta lonely, yeah but I met this one guy! He leads an entire clan that let me in!" Y/N sweet voice called out in reply, her eyes twinkling. "I don't see him often but we've been talking a lot more recently. He's really nice...like a big, strong, teddy bear, hehe," she giggled as her legs went limp. Kuai chuckled at her dramatic description and pat her head; pushing the person she's talking about to the back of his mind. She got back on her feet again and pulled away from him. "Sooooo...do you have any combat stories to share? An adventure?"
Kuai shook his head. "Unfortunately nothing to tell now, but soon," he spoke as he looked up at the bright blue sky. It was maybe 8 in the morning  at the time. Y/N held her arms in front of her as she swayed back and forth as her head tilted in confusion.
"Okay...Oh! There's flowers growing around here and I want you to see it. They're so pretty- and pink," She emphasized as she took Kuai's hand and pulled him to a nearby pond. The trees surrounding the pond were waves with red and pink flowers ground from them. It's hard to tell, but in the distant was a village. And jn that village was, drum roll please, Hanzo Hizashi himself. As the two friends spoke about the scenery, Hanzo had just gotten ready for a day of training.
As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath and examined the place surrounding him. The birds were singing, the soft winds brushing past the trees and plants, the warm sun and clear skies. The sound of children playing can be heard from the background. It was pure bliss really. Yet even so, he had an uneasy feeling wash over him. The feeling that there could possibly be an unwanted visitor.
Hanzo walked closed the door behind him and walked out. He took his time going from his home to a place a little outside of the village; a more personalized dojo. It contained dummies and targets designed for his spear and fire. The little dojo was little ways across a pond near the village so that's where he was headed.
"And that's why that's my favorite color," Y/N said as she finished her story. Kuai Liang, to be honest, wasn't paying attention to her at all and simply nodded. She smiled at his politeness to at least pretend to acknowledge what she's saying; Y/N knows she can get really immature sometimes and right now really isn't her best moment. "Eheh, so what do you want to do?"
Kuai looked over at her with a soft smile on his features. He really was such a peaceful man at heart. "I believe I saw a few rare ducks fly into the pond. Would you like to go see them?"
"You're not going anywhere."
Y/N sharply turned her head towards the pissed looking man walking towards the duo and gasped. She stood up, saying, "Kuai, this is the man that let me into his village! Hey Hanzo, this is Kuai‐"
"He already knows who I am," Kuai cut her off coldly and stood up. "Hanzo, I mean you no harm; had I known this was your territory, I would not have come." Hanzo pulled a sword from his back and held it up in a firey fists once he got close to them. Y/N stared idlely at them with growing anxiety. The two picked up on that quickly, making Kuai speak up again before Hanzo could. "The girl does not know of our rivalry. Don't punish her for my mistake, Hanzo‐"
"Do no speak to me like that. Leave at once!" Hanzo may be alive, but that doesn't mean he can't revert his voice back to his hellish Scorpion one. Kuai took a few steps back before turning around and disappearing. Hanzo and Y/N watched the whole way through in complete silence. Once Kuai was gone, they silence broke.
"And you," Hanzo walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Exactly what made you think bringing a guest without permission was anywhere near exceptable? You endanger every one of us at this village that way." Y/N could feel his fire-hot breath against her as he spoke. A shiver fell down her spine as looked him right in the eye. She didn't respond, but rather bow her head. Hanzo scoffed, flames igniting from his fist that began to burn her clothes, making her whimper beneath him. She felt the flames heating up her neck, which made her whimper more as the pain wasn't something she was exposed to often. "Part of me wants to kill you right now. You are very lucky to have caught me in a better light."
Hanzo let go of her, stepping away. Y/N bowed her full body lowly, hands to her knees. "I'm deeply sorry sir, I really am. I promise I will never bring another guest again. I knew not of Kuai and your's relationship and if I had known when I met him in the woods a little bit ago, I would have got him to leave. It was foolish of me to have not stayed in the village and possibly risks a bloody situation. For that, I am sorry." As Y/N finished, she heard nothing but the sound of a sword being put away.
"As long as this never happens again, L/N," he spoke coldly. "I forgive you. You may continue what you were doing before he arrived here."
"Thank you so much, sir!" Y/N called out happily as she stood up straight with a smile on her face. "I promise you won't regret it!" Hanzo remained quiet and simply glanced down instead. A more calm and positive feeling took over his previous anger quickly, leaving behind a little bit of confusion. Y/N took a few steps back over to where that tree she was kicking earlier was before Hanzo spoke up again.
"I apologize for being so harsh, as well. You said you met you here; was this planned?" He asked her as he his fists were undone. Y/N shook her head when she turned back towards him. Hanzo examined her face for a moment before sighing, then a smile grew on his face. "Very well. I appreciate your honesty. Actually, would you care to join me for tea later? As leader of this clan, it feels right for me to know all my people, whether they are a weary traveler or blood."
"Of course I would," she said softly. "What time?"
"Tomorrow at dawn."
"So be it." And with that, Hanzo began to walk towards his dojo and Y/N walked towards her special tree. The two of them had that tea on their minds as they practiced whatever it is they were practicing. How would it turn out? Would Y/N innocent immaturity get her in trouble? Would Hanzo appear too serious? Will they make up and gain trust? Maybe something else? We'll see in the next paragraph.
Time flies by quickly when you're having a good time, and for Hanzo, he was quite happy about the thought of getting to know Y/N more. And also to learn more of her relations with Kuai. As for Y/N, she was nervous as all hell since she knows she can be a handful sometimes. To be honest, a simple deep breath was able to calm her down and bring the adult side out of her. So here she was now, looking at herself in the mirror of her guest cabin and taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.
"You got this Y/N," she told herself as she took her final deep breath. The kimono she was wearing was different as it was longer and above the wrists, meaning she was unmarried. It still had a pretty design on it, with the colors overall being F/C, pink, yellow, and blue. The had her H/C hair up in a bun with two strands falling over her shoulders. She had a pin that kept her hair up with a beautiful flower attached to it. To contribute to her Japanese asthetic, she had a folded fan that was black with red cherry trees designs in it in her hand.
She smiled at herself in the mirror one more time before she turned to face the door. She slid open the door to the guest home and put on her shoes before walking outside. She closed the door and prepared to head off the selected location. On the other hand, Hanzo was sure to be formal as well.
He wore a montsuki, which is a formal black kimono worn over a white under-kimono and hakama, which are traditional Japanese trousers. It was common for samurais to wear this underneath their armor, so it suited him well. After all, he was both ninja and samurai; he kept his hair in a man manbun as well. He was very good at maintaining a formal way of speaking and acting, yet he knew Y/N isn't all that. Someone as free spirited and naive really isn't all that capable of it, in his mind.
He was sitting down in a chabudai; one of those short legged tables that have cushions to sit on your knees on rather than to sit on chairs. At the moment, in another room of his lonely home, was a kettle that was boiling water. Authoress is not a Japanese fanatic who knows Japanese and is basing these designs of real Samurai and Wife dolls by their bed, I swear. It was perhaps halfway done by the time he heard a voice call from the outside of the front door; "Hello, it's Y/N. May I come in?"
Hanzo smiled softly to himself as he stood up and walked over to the door, sliding it open. To say he was shocked to see the free spirited girl in such a good-mannered attire was an understatement. "You look lovely tonight," he stated as he looked Y/N head to toe. On Y/N's side, she noticeably blushed and gave him a sweet look.
"You look lovely as well, truly."
Hanzo raised a brow and stepped aside for Y/N to step inside. And rather than her normal fast walk with swaying arms side to side, she slowly walked in with her hands held together in front of her. "I haven't yet seen this side of you, Miss L/N. I am a proper kind of person so don't think I won't hold it against you if you act unmannerly," he teased as Y/N giggled to herself and took her shoes off at the front door.
"I thought that maybe I should act a bit more, I guess, fancy in order to match you. As long as you don't believe in the whole women are beneath us bigger men and shouldn't talk unless spoken to thing, then this shouldn't be too hard, hehehe," Y/N said as she was lead to the chabudai by Hanzo. She sat down on her knees on side and he on the other.
"Of course I would not act on such a thing. We are all human with equal rights," Hanzo replied as he sat his hands in his lap. His looked down at Y/N'a hands, which were on the table, before shooting her a look that told her that she was doing something wrong. Y/N hummed in confusion before gasping lightly. She put her hands in her lap and smiled innocently, creating a chuckle from Hanzo.
Come to think of it, the hone hasn't yet been described. It's easy to imagine the paper and wood that made up the walls and doors, and the warm light that shun over the two people. The carvings on the wood above them and around them, the large pot with a bonsai in it in the corner of the room. The little wooden seats with drawers distilled in them built into the walls of the home. The wooden tables with traditional statues and little plants in pots across the home. The sword holder near the front door, the mats across the floor to give the unique taste. In the kitchen had built in furnaces where people would burn a fire in the wholes on the bottom and put cooking appliances and kyūsus on top of it. If you don't want to imagine that, here's something help.
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"Have you ever studied Japanese arts? Surely you must have had some experience in a place like this, or perhaps a friend to lecture you on what to do," Hanzo explained his thought process as he looked interestingly at the smaller girl.
"Actually, I had Kuai teach me a lot about Chinese culture. But when I met a swordsman named Kenshi, I learned more of Japanese tradition. I may not be the best, but I tried to use my knowledge of both cultures to act as good as possible! Um, I mean," she paused as her face lit up red. "To act as good as possible." She but the inside of her lip nervously as she grew more and more embarrassed of her voice level as she spoke. Hanzo chuckled.
"I'm glad I invited you here. You are very knowledgeable it seems. Plus quite entertaining," he complimented. The kyūsu began to steam loudly, meaning it was finished. Hanzo glanced over to the kitchen.
"Heh, I wouldn't say knowledgeable," Y/N replied, "but thank you." Hanzo stood up, nodding his head towards her as he walked put of the room.
"I apologize but the tea must be attended to. I will be back in a few moments," Hanzo explained before he disappeared behind a wall. Y/N nodded in understandment and began to fight with her hair, kimono ends, fingers, and whatever else she could once he walked out. When Hanzo walked into the kitchen, he felt heat rise to his face. He leaned onto a little table with his hand on it to keep his steady and his other hand over his chest. Oh kami, he thought, she gets cuter each time I see her. Whether she's trying to be like me but failing miserably or being her bubbly self does not matter; she is perfect.
He did his best to calm his nerves before grabbing the kettle from the furnace and grabbing a kyūsu, an appliance for making tea, and slowly pouring hot water into it. He made a kind of sweet green tea, one that many foreigners don't know about, called Sencha. It has to be made with the coolest kind of hot water, basically, otherwise it will turn bitter. He made sure the watch it carefully for about half a minute before grabbing two cups and pouring the tea. He then picked up the two cups and headed back to the chabudai. Yet before he got to the room, he paused.
A feminine voice sung a soft song as she waited for Hanzo to return. Hanzo felt his cheeks heat up again and his chest felt warm. He could recall this feeling but from where he first felt it is unknown to him. The ready may be able to assume that he was thinking of his first love, his wife, and how he felt when he fell in love with her. But that idea hadn't even crossed his mind as he felt there was no way he could ever feel such an extreme emotion towards anyone else. And marriage isn't even a question since she isn't from the clan. He took a deep breath before walking back into the room.
Y/N stopped singing and she smiled widely as she saw him. "Hey Hanzo! Or, um, sorry, haha. The tea smells very nice," she complimented as she gripped the sides of the cup with her little fingers. Yeah, there was definitely a way he could feel such an extreme emotions towards anyone else. Hanzo sat down on his knees on the other side of her, mumbling a quick thank you to Y/N and a thank you to the Gods' gift of tonight. And in his mind, a thank you for what to him felt like a gift from the Gods' to end his grief from his early wife.
"Mm! This is really good!" Y/N gasped after tasting it. "This is the best tea I've ever had!" Her eyes were wide in awe and her expression showing her impressment. Hanzo chuckled at her adorable reaction as he took a sip of his wom drink. It's been maybe 8 minutes since Y/N got there and she already forgot to remain all traditional and civil. It was adorable to him; she was so precious really.
And throughout the night, the two of them talked and laughed and jokes and got close. They remained at the chabudai most of the night, aside from when Y/N asked for a tour. She adored the bonsais, scenery that can be seen from outside the window, paintings around the home, and everything. She was so naive but to Hanzo, that wasn't particularly a bad thing. It made her all the more fun to be around. And because of how great of a night they were having, they even agreed to meet up the next day.
"Excuse me, Miss Y/N," Hanzo said as he stood up from the chabudai. "I will be back in one moment. Please help yourself to more tea if you'd like."
"I will," Y/N responded sweetly. Oh, on a side note, Y/N completely forgot about the traditional thing completely so don't expect her to stay put in the few minutes Hanzo was gone. Actually, by the time Hanzo came back, Y/N had her head in her arms on the table her body slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of her breaths. Hanzo couldn't help but find himself smiling down at her. He got that warm feeling in his chest again though it was different this time. It wasn't as unfamiliar as before. He knew what it was; it was love slowly blossoming.
He sighed softly before picking up the sleeping girl's tired form and carrying her against his chest. She shifted a little bit in his grasp and ended up being hudled against him more, making that warn feeling in Hanzo's chest grow more. Such a sweet, innocent creature. He slid open his door and brought her back to her guest home, where he laid her in bed and brought her hair down from its updo in order for it to not be as bad of a mess tomorrow. He kissed her forehead and then left to sleep in his own bed until the next morning.
The next day was the same as the previous. And then the day after that, and the day after that day, and so forth. But one day was a particularly cold day and a cold blanket of snow began to cover the land. Y/N was at Hanzo's place, watching the snow fall through an open window with her E/C eyes wide in amazement at the beauty. Hanzo was standing behind her with two cups of tea in his hand.
"Would you care for a drink?" He asked, making Y/N turn around.
"Thank you, Hanzo!" She said as she took the drink from him and took a big sip. It tasted sweet, as it was the tea she had when she came over for the first time. "Say, I sorta wish we could have gone outside today. I noticed that you like to fight in that place by the pond a lot; which is really great to watch! You're so strong, hehe. But you've never actually seen me fight before," she explained right before she took a sip of tea. "Y'know, I'm painfully aware that people view me as an immature, innocent, naive girl who isn't the most aware of her surroundings. But I think you'll be impressed to see what I can do," she said confidently as she hummed.
Hanzo took a sip from his tea and nodded. "Perhaps. When it gets warmer out, I'd love to watch what you can do," he replied with an extra caring tone with his voice. He caught onto his tone quickly and blushed a little bit. "But there is something we can do outside," he started.
"What is it?" Y/N asked, standing up.
"Well, there's a hotspring nearby. We can swim in there if you'd like. However be sure to dress in something not too revealing if you would like to."
"There is? I'd love to!" She exclaimed as she bounced up and down. "I'll dmgi get dressed now," she eagered on as she put her shoes back on before leaving. Hanzo grabbed her up of tea and brought it to the kitchen. It's a shape it would go to waste, but he can always make more. He returned to his bedroom to grab something to put on while swimming but please, just imagine what he'd wear to swim. Traditional swimwear is too nasty to be used in this book, but swimming trunks are too modern. As for Y/N, considering she never had a particular home or culture, it made sense for her to just wear a full body suit she could have gotten from anywhere in Earthrealm.
Of course, the both of them were sure to bathe before hopping into the hot spring. Well, Hanzo slowly got in whereas Y/N jumped in without any care. It was warm, shocker there.
"Ahh...Thank the Elder Gods for getting me here before I froze to death," Y/N shuddered as chills ran up her spine. Though those chills were disappearing as the warmth of the hot spring washer over her soon enough. Hanzo rested his body against the large rocks around the hot spring and found a seat-like area. Y/N swam around happily and sung to herself.
Oh, one thing worth mentioning for the sake of the next paragraph is that Y/N had a necklace around her neck. Hanzo had never noticed it before as it was always under her kimono or shirt. However that necklace had a great significance go it; she was told that with that necklace, she would be able to find her parents who seemed to have lost her at birth. That necklace was the only thing that remained of them and hopefully destiny was kind enough to help her find her parents.
"Kyaa–" shrieked as a splashing sound was heard. Hanzo stopped daydreaming and looked over at Y/N, who's hair covered he face and arm frantically tried to keep her body floating. She quickly pushed her hair out of her face and whined over and over again worried. Hanzo instinctively swam over there as fast as possible, grabbing ahold of her gently yet sturdy. "Where is it!" She cried out, feeling her body and looking around the waters.
"Where is what?" Hanzo asked in his husky voice that was now in a confused tone.
"My necklace! I can't find my necklace!" She replied worriedly, tears swelling in her eyes. Hanzo looked at the tears forming and felt his whole body shiver woman's his heart drop. "I can't see it anywhere!" Hanzo began to swim towards the rock formation he was against earlier, making Y/N cry out, "wait!"
"Y/N," Hanzo sternly spoke. "I will find your necklace and return it. Worry not, please, dear friend," he reassured, taking her hand in his. She shook nervously and wiped her tears. Slowly, she nodded which told Hanzo he could swim away now. And so he did; he headed towards the stop where she cried out and with one deep breath, he went underwater. He had to hold his nose for warm waters were very dangerous to go under as dangerous fungi grow in hot waters. Yet even so, he swam to the bottom of the hot spring using one hand to stir around to look for the necklace.
Y/N waited on the rocks, sniffing and whimpering. She hasn't told Hanzo the origin of the necklace, but he could tell it was important to her. When she was little, she was handed the necklace and was told it would help her find her missing mother as long as she stayed pure. What that means is that Y/N had to remain free from murder, theft, and other ways of sin. Not only that, but she could not ever preform certain adult actions as then she would never find her parents (I say that because Y/N never had a parent figure to teach her what nono stuff is), which is her number one goal in life. She grew up going from city to city, state to state, country to country, and even had been in Outworld before. She grew up with so many cultures and had never found someone that was like her in any way. It felt like she didn't have an identity as she had nothing to trace her orgins to.
Splash! Hanzo took a deep breath of air as he finally reached the surface again, with a silver necklace with a S/F/C gem inside it that's carved to show an unknown design. "Is this your necklace?" He asked as he held it up. Y/N gasped, lunging back into the water and swimming towards Hanzo. Once she got up to him, she wrapped her arms around his muscular figure and cried.
"You found it! Thank you so much!" She cried out happily, pressing her body against him. Hanzo blushed at the sudden affection and slipped the necklace back onto her. He adjusted the back of of it so it wouldn't fall off her so easily again. "I love Hanzo... You're the best friend I've ever had... I really mean it," she whimpered out. Hanzo began to swim towards the rock formation again and once he did, Y/N let go of him.
"I appreciate it, Y/N. I love you as well, you're the closest friend I've ever had," he said back to her with a warm smile on his features. Y/N smiled back at him before examining her unharmed necklace.
"Hmm... Ever since I could remember, I would move from every country in the world to another. I've been to Paris, Beijing, New York, London, Los Angeles, a few different places in Mexico and Colombia, Holland, Tokyo, Osaka, and many more. I was carried from place to place by various of adoptive mothers, and each of them left a bit of their culture and identity with me by the time I left.
"But I had one that was a fortune teller and psychic. She was incapable kf having kids and didn't want to go through the trouble of raising one, so she took me, an 11 year old girl. She gasped when she saw me and took me in immediately. Before I left her, she gave me this necklace. "Y/N," she said, "you have the potential to see your real parents again. Train, grow stronger, read, grow smarter, listen, grow wiser. Stray away from the evil in the world and remain pure from your soul to your body. This is how you'll find your mother.""
Y/N paused and looked up at the larger male. He seemed intrigued with her story and made sure to listen carefully to her every word. So she continued, "as I grew older and began to travel on my own, I thought of her words every single hour of every day. I had no reason to live as I ever did was travel and meet new people, only to leave and never see them again. Just knowing who I really was became my only reason for existing. To this day, I bet the relief of meeting my real mom will feel like being deaf and hearing music, or being blind and seeing color, or being able to walk again after being paralyzed. But now," she paused.
Y/N smiled and looked up at Hanzo. "It's strange to feel so in place, so correct. I-I know I never felt this way about any place before! But I really think that as long as you're around, my chances of meeting my mom are good! Just being with you gives me hope for the next day, truly. It's like being with you is my reason to exist."
Hanzo closed his eyes and smiled back at her. He wrapped his arms around and embraced her warmly, his head being filled with nothing but pure bliss. Y/N hugged back tightly, feeling just as happy as he is right now.
And just as soon as it came, the day was over and the two had to return home and sleep. But this particular night, their dreams were better than usual. And two days later, the snow had cleared up and the ground was dry! That meant Y/N could go train today! Unfortunately, with her absent-mindedness, she forgot she wanted Hanzo to watch her so she remained in private as she kicked thicc ass trees down in two strong kicks and crushed stones into bits by simply punching it once.
"Hai...ya!" She called out as she forcefully brought her first to a stone celler that was abandoned randomly in the woods. But hey, no one was using it, so who's gonna cry about it being broken? The impact of her punch brought a giant circular impact onto the wall, and bits and pieces of it fell down. "Hehehe! 22 more to go!" She thought out loud as she pulled her fist back again. She wasn't alone in these woods, no, as there was a particular ninja/samurai person thing, idk, watching from the nearby bush. Not to be creepy of course! He was on his way to his dojo but heard noises, and discovered it was her after checking it out.
And d a m n. If Y/N saw his shocked face the first time he saw her punch the wall with that much force and endurance, she would laugh and tease him about it for a long time. He didn't expect her to be so quick in her movements and to cause such force. Like, a short little bebe in a pink, cutesy kimono with cherry blossoms being able to cause a fucking massacre to the wall? How could you blame him?
"Hmm... that reminds me!" Y/N exclaimed as she spun around to look at Hanzo. "I told you that you should watch me train! Is that what you were doing?"
Hanzo blushed heavily and was unfortunately incapable of hiding it in the direct daylight. "Indeed, Y/N. This is truly a wonderful sight to see," he replied as he looked away for a moment. Y/N gasped and ran towards him. He took a few steps back when he noticed how close she gotten, which caused him to get a little bit more flustered.
"You're sick? You're face is all red, Y/N whined as she pulled Hanzo closer. "You should be inside, mister, getting better! Not out here watching me fight when it's colder out here! Let's go bring you inside," he said as she grabbed his muscular arm and held it close. She turned towards the village of the Shirai Ryu and began walking towards it, pulling Hanzo along. How bold.
Hanzo but his bottom lightly and remained as flustered as before. "There really is no need, Y/N," he replied back.
"You're being quite irresponsible for a ninja, y'know," Y/N replied as she continued to walk him home. Hanzo sighed and just let her pull him along. He knew she would question him if he told her he wasn't sick so he choose into except it.
"Thank you for your concern," he replied lowly. Y/N giggled proudly and nodded.
"The best for you!" They arrived to the pathways of the village and began their walk. There was a few pedestrians walking by, including a dad and daughter and a separate woman. "I'll make you some tea and you can go to bed, okay?" Hanzo nodded, smirking to himself about how funny the situation really is.
"How caring," Hanzo spoke as they arrived at his home. The got inside and took their shoes off at the front door.
"Of course," she replied before heading towards the kitchen to make tea. Hanzo wasn't sick but he's been tired lately and what's wrong with sleeping in for one day? When he got the tea, it no doubt tasted way too bitter as Y/N doesn't really know what she's doing to be honest. But hey, it's the thought that counts.
Hanzo lied in bed, with an empty cup by his side and an small girl on the other. She sat on the bed, talking to him quietly about a bunch of random things until she said something strange. "To be honest, I know this is weird, but it almost feels like we're married sometimes. I mean, we're together all the time and have a very close friendship. You let me drag you in here and give you bitter tea even though you didn't want to. That's really nice, hehe," she giggled as she looked over at Hanzo. Her eyes shun something different from simply joy this time. Instead, it showed rather care. And potentially something more.
Hanzo felt a shiver go down his spine as he looked deep into Y/N's eyes. Emhe had to examine them to ensure that he wasn't just crazy or actually sick, but no, it looked like she really did care about him more than a friend. After all these months, it was officially, wasn't it? It was mutual. Hanzo smiled as he sat up on the bed. Y/N's cheeks lit up a little bit as he stared down at her with that look.
"Sometimes it really does feel like that, does it not? I can see as a good pair to be truthful. What about you?" Hanzo asked softly. Y/N cheeks flushed pink and her expression softened.
"I agree, definitely. I mean, how can I not, heh heh. You've been there from the very beginning and I've always seen you as this big, strong teddy bear of sorta. So sweet, so nice, so caring," she replied. Hanzo leaned in, making Y/N want to lean in too. And slowly, the pair came together and finally...they kissed. It was soft, tender, and it felt like it was meant to happen. Y/N's face turned red and Hanzo's tense emotions he felt disappeared immediately.
Heh, you know what? To be honest, they lady next door was known to be crazy about losing her baby girl a very long time ago. They had matching necklaces that were bought from a village far away from their's years ago when the Shirai Ryu was attacked by Quan Chi's forces. She escaped and went into hiding, and then found a man to marry to. Her child was named Y/N L/N, and whether she's not fully Japanese or fully related into the Japanese clan, she is blood and therefore she is capable of being the love of Hanzo Hisashi. Maybe the two of them will meet some day, huh?
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jaesqueso · 3 years
The Bachelorette: NCT edition - Ep. 7
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The season of love is finally here! An interactive series where you’ll get to choose who goes home each week and ultimately who Y/N chooses in the end!
pairing: nct(ot23) x fem!reader
summary: For the first time a week goes smoothly without much drama but could this make the bachelorette’s decision even harder?
episode guide
word count: 4,902
warnings: mentions of alcohol (all responsible!)
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
Last week on the Bachelorette:
The big mystery remains in the air with no one willing to step forward and make a confession,
Nevertheless some bonds were strengthened while others are stopped to save a broken heart.
Unfortunately at the end of the rose ceremony a heart did get broken leaving a not so pleasant goodbye that startled everybody.
5 bachelors remain on this love quest but after tonight one of them will be going home.
Who will she choose? Who will she reject?
Find out on the Bachelorette!
“Hi everybody!” Chris Harrison walks into the guest house. “Excited for another week?”
They all cheer for new opportunities to amaze you and get closer to that last rose and your love.
“Great because things are about to change!”
The boys look around at each other, what does he mean change?
“So far each date, wether individual or in a group, gave you the opportunity to win a rose ahead of the ceremony and secure your spot here for another week to compete for Y/N’s love, Well from now on there are no more date roses.”
“What does that mean for us?” Taeyong asks the question that’s on everybody’s heads.
“That means give it your all on the dates and the cocktail party because all roses will now only be handed out on the ceremony.”
Mixed feelings run around the room.
“But since there are less and less of you there are also more opportunities for alone time with our beautiful bachelorette as there will be no more group dates. This week you’ll have 1 one-on-one date and 2 two-on-ones. But don’t worry, since no roses will be hand out before hand that also means no one will be sent home on the dates too.”
Breaths of relief come out of everybody’s mouths.
“Alright, enjoy your dates and I will see you at the rose ceremony!”
As Chris leaves, the siren his heard and all eyes focus on the TV.
I hope you’re all having as much fun in this journey as I am. And I think it’s time we celebrate.
The bachelors look intrigued.
Jeno and Jaemin, hope you’re excited to join me tomorrow!
“Yes!” The two boys high five happy to be paired together on a date with you, over the weeks they not only bond with you but also ended up growing closer to each other.
“Wait, you’re going to celebrate without us?” Yuta groans.
“I bet you’ll get to celebrate too in a few days.” Jaemin comforts him.
“And don’t forget one of us will still be going on an individual date this week.” Jaehyun looks between Yuta and Taeyong,
“That’s right!” Taeyong excitedly says.
The following day Jaemin and Jeno get ready and enter their ride that’s already waiting outside to meet you. They are taken to a near by city where a parade is about to start and that’s where you’re waiting for them in a pair of light washed jeans and a cute flowy top.
“Hi guys!” You greet them with a big smile. “I found us a great spot to watch the parade, shall we go?”
“Yes!” They say at the same time following you to a nice place by the fence where you had an amazing view.
They stood by your side as you watched the marching band, the decorated vehicles and the big balloons being pulled by the villagers. You explained the guys what the parade was about along with a little story of the city and they actually seemed more interested in what you had to say than the parade itself.
You start to feel shy having all their attention on you, their piercing gaze, beautiful smiles and light touches on your arms. These two have definitely touched your heart and you can’t even imagine how you’ll make a decision if it ever comes down to the two of them.
Once the parade is over the three of you walk around the streets exploring the city. Everywhere you look is decorated because of the festivities and you’re having a great time.
You then decide to stop by a grocery store to get some food to go and watch the concert in the park. After finding a nice place with a good stage view you all sit down on the grass.
The sun starts setting as the band begins playing a nice smooth tune that sets a very romantic ambience all around. You look at the two boys sitting next to you and you couldn’t be happier with the choice you made today, even without saying a word their presence just makes you feel so comfortable, you can imagine your life with either one of them at this point.
In the guest house Taeyong, Yuta and Jaehyun talk about the changes in the game.
“How do you feel about no more roses in advance?” Yuta asks.
“Honestly I don’t know how to feel.” Taeyong starts. “This could be good or bad.”
“It definitely makes me more nervous,” Yuta comments, “those date roses were very reassuring and you could relax a bit ahead of the ceremony.”
“Absolutely!” Taeyong continues. “I feel like I’m a little bit of an underdog here, we only started to really bond recently so having to wait until the end of the week really makes me anxious.”
“I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing.” Jaehyun steps in the conversation. “We just gotta keep working hard on the date and the cocktail party just like we did until now. If we’re still here, there’s still a chance.”
“I guess you’re right…” Taeyong says before he’s interrupted by the siren.
“Let’s see who’s next.” Jaehyun gets up as they walk to the living room.
It’s good to go out and celebrate but it’s also nice to have a more chill and relaxed time.
They wonder if this will be another two-on-one date or the individual one.
Sometimes I just like to get on my car and drive around. Yuta, I’d love for you to join me on that ride tomorrow.
The mentioned boy cheers on his seat.
“Well, that means it will be us fighting for her attention after.” Jaehyun taps Taeyong’s back.
“Bring it on.” Taeyong tries to sound excited but deep down he’s scared about his future here.
As the band finishes their last song the crowd claps including the three of you and with the last beat of the drums a loud pop is heard starting a wonderful firework show. Your eyes sparkle at the splashes of color in the sky and you feel a hand gently overlapping yours. You look to your left and see Jaemin still looking up at the sky as if his touch wasn’t making his heart beat faster just like yours.
“Wow, that was amazing!” Jeno says as the last explosion disappears in the air.
“It really was.” Jaemin agrees.
“I’m glad you two enjoyed it, I’m so happy I got to share this moment with you.” You smile brightly as you look at them,
You let your back fall into the grass and they lay down too.
“You should be up there.” Jeno comments pointing at the night sky that now shows all the beautiful stars.
“But then I’d outshine them all.” You tease.
“Ok, you’re right.” Jeno chuckles.
“I think you’re good right here, next to me.” Jaemin lightly squeezes your hand making you turn your face to him as he does the same.
“Hey hey, I’m here too ok?” Jeno playfully says as he lifts up his torso separating your hands making you all laugh at his jealousy.
You lay there for a while talking and observing the stars until you decide it’s time to go back. On the ride home you almost don’t want this day to end but you try to calm down your heart thinking about the other bachelors back at the guest house.
“Can I ask you a question?” Jeno says as you exit the car.
“Of course.” You’re impressed with how talkative he is today, he’s usually quiet around other the other guys but you believe it helps that he gets along so well with Jaemin. Whatever the reason is you’re happy he’s loosening up.
“If you had a rose to hand out today who would you give it to?” Jeno asks.
You chuckle as Jaemin hits the other boy in the arm.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You wink. “Thank you for today guys, goodnight.”
“Thank you Y/N, goodnight.” They both say as you walk to the mansion.
“She would totally chose me.” Jeno says as he and Jaemin go back to the guest house.
“Right, keep dreaming!” Jaemin ruffles Jeno’s hair as they both laugh.
The next day a car horn is heard and all the boys go to the front of the guest house where they see you inside a convertible.
“You ready Yuta?” You call out.
“Oh I was born ready!” He almost runs to the vehicle taking the passenger seat.
“Bye guys!” You wave at the others as you step on the gas.
You drive pass the town, headed to the coast, feeling the warm air run through your hair. You tell Yuta how much you love the freedom of just driving around without a destination, observing the life around you without a plan. The sea breeze relaxes you as the low rays of sunshine embrace your skin.
You two sing along to the random songs that come on the radio, laughing at the misspelled lyrics and lines out of tune. Maybe your lonely car rides could be fulfilled with some good company like this.
You stop the car on the side of the road next to some picnic tables facing the sea. You both get out of the vehicle and you get a bag out of the trunk walking to one of the tables.
“Hungry?” You ask him.
“A lit bit yes.” He smiles taking a seat as you take out some bento boxes out of the bag making his eyes sparkle at the delicious food. “Wow! Did you prepare all this?”
“Yes I did.” You proudly state. “Let’s dig in!”
You start eating watching the sun slowly go down.
“This was really good Y/N, thank you.” Yuta complements the meal.
“You know,” you start saying, “it’s been a while since we went on a date just the two of us so I thought I’d make something familiar, a little birdie told me you like this type of food.”
“Oh yeah?” He grins. “That little bird seems to know me well, you should keep him around.”
You two laugh recalling a conversation you once had where you talked about food where he told you this.
“But I’m really glad you chose me for this date.” He continues. “I was starting to feel us drift apart and that’s the last thing I want.”
“I don’t want that either.” You reassure him. “I really like your company, Yuta, and I’m enjoying getting to know you.”
“Good to know.” He releases a relieved breath making you giggle.
“But the date is not over, I have one more thing planned for us.” You wiggle your eyebrows. “Shall we go?”
“Let’s go!”
He helps you pack everything and return to the car, driving off to your next destination.
Back in the guest house the dates are the focal point of the conversation.
“How did it go yesterday?” Jaehyun asks the two boys.
“It was really awesome.” Jeno cannot hide the excitement that still runs through his body.
“It really was, Y/N has done a great job planning these dates.” Jaemin agrees. “You know Jeno, if it’s us two fighting for that last rose I don’t mind sharing.” He winks.
“Well I do!” Jeno protests making the others laugh.
“But hey hey!” Taeyong interrupts with a frown. “What do you mean you two fighting for the last rose? Should I just give up?”
“Oh c’mon we can’t all be in the final pretty boy.” Jaemin ruffles his hair.
“Are you two excited for tomorrow?” Jeno asks the two who are still waiting.
“Very much.” Jaehyun replies.
��And nervous!” Taeyong adds.
“Don’t be, it will all be fine.” Jaemin cheers him up before the siren is heard and the gather around the TV.
Taeyong and Jaehyun don’t think I forgot about you, there’s a special place I’d like to take you.
The boys brighten up.
Hope you like dark places with neon lights. See you tomorrow!
“You guys going to a strip club?” Jaemin widens his eyes.
“Of course we are.” Jaehyun laughs.
“What could it be though?” Jeno wonders.
“I guess we’ll have to wait for tomorrow to know!” Taeyong says still feeling intrigued by your message.
You turn to a drive in movie theatre as the night takes over. You get some popcorn and a couple of drinks before park right in the middle of the space having a great view of the screen.
“Should we get into the backseat?” You suggest.
“The backseat? Right here in front of everybody?” He smirks wiggling his eyebrows.
“To sit more comfortable you pervert!” You chuckle, playfully hitting his arm.
You two follow your suggestion right before the film starts. It’s a simple sci-fi movie that you recall him mentioning liking the genre.
Halfway through, the now empty bag of popcorn is put on the side as you snuggle closer to your date. Yuta wraps his arm around your shoulder as your heads rest against each other.
Once the movie is over you two stay in his embrace while all the other vehicles leave the place, wanting to savour this moment a little bit longer. You then get back into the front seats to drive back to the guest house.
You decide to take the long route so you can talk a bit more a discuss the movie that honestly you didn’t pay that much attention to as you almost fell asleep against the warmth of Yuta’s body against yours.
“Thank you for today, I had a really great time.” He says as you drop him off.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” You smile. “Goodnight Yuta.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
He watches you drive off before entering the house with a huge smile on his face.
The following day Taeyong and Jaehyun excitedly leave the house to go meet you. During the ride they discuss what could possibly await them on this date. All doubts come to an end when the car stops in front of a museum where you wait for them in a beautiful short white dress.
“Do I hear wedding bells already?” Taeyong asks as they walk to you.
“Not yet!” You chuckle. “This museum holds temporary exhibitions and once I heard they were having a neon themed one I just knew I had to come. Are you excited?”
“Yes!” They both say.
“Well let’s go then!” You lead them inside.
As you enter the building you get into a dark hallway that leads into a purple themed room. It looks like something out of a dream, the lights playing with the mirrors on the walls making it look like there’s infinite space.
The next room is blue. Wavy lights decorate the space making it look like you’re under water.
“This looks like the aquarium we visited last week!” Taeyong excitedly says.
“It really does! Minus the fish.” You two chuckle leaving Jaehyun feeling a little bit left out. He tries to play it off by pretending to be distracted by the room setup that you don’t even notice the sadness on his face.
You then enter a room that looks like a fantasy garden. Neon green lights fill in the space with fake plants and trees. It almost feels like you’re in a magical forest where a mystical creature will pop out any moment.
The next area is yellow. The brightness almost blinds you and Jaehyun takes the opportunity to hold your hand to guide you inside. You’re startled by his action as you were not expecting it but let him lead you around. When Taeyong notices it he decides to hold your other hand making you giggle at the small trace of jealousy.
The orange room that follows the yellow one is very fruit having neon signs shaped like all sorts of exotic fruits. Your mouth gets watery at the sight.
As you walk into the following space it seems like you entered the red light district. There are suggestive images on the walls and even a pole in the middle. The guys seem to be too distracted by the spicy surroundings almost forgetting you’re there.
“C’mon lets get into the next one before you start getting ideas!” You pull them and they laugh realising they were staring.
Entering a a pink area the environment feels more tropical with flamingo light structures everywhere. Taeyong seems to really like that room and you recall a previous conversation where he told you this is his favourite color.
The last room of the exhibit is a combination of all colors making you feel like you entered a scene from Alice’s wonderland.
“Wow, that was really cool!” Taeyong sounds like a kid who just went on his first rollercoaster ride as you get out of the museum.
“I know right?” You agree. “But I gotta say, that orange room made me hungry, should we go somewhere to eat?”
“Yes, I’m starving!” Jaehyun supports your suggestion.
You all head off to a near by restaurant that seems to carry the neon light theme.
“Now I see why you wore white today, you’re shining brighter than all the lights in the room.” Taeyong complements you making you blush a little. Luckily they can’t see that over the lighting in the room.
You order some drinks that funny enough reflect the neon colors all around and come in glasses that look like lab material. You make a toast to having a good time together as the food arrives.
The conversation is cheerful but you can’t help feel like Jaehyun is holding back a little. Could he feel intimidated by the other guy who seems to be having the time of his life?
Taeyong really has changed is attitude and you’re glad he did. He gave you the chance to get to know him better and get closer to him, bonding over all the things you have in common and even the ones you don’t carefully listening and learning from each other.
Jaehyun seemed to have this fight in him before but now he seems to be too relaxed. Could it be that because you gave him a quick kiss on your last date he got comfortable and started taking his position in the competition for granted?
As you wrap up the meal the three of you go for a walk admiring the city lights before you head back.
You say goodbye to the boys  when you leave the car and enter the mansion taking a deep breath. This week all dates went pretty well making it harder for you to decide on someone to send home.
You join the boys in the cocktail party that are excitedly talking about all their experiences this week. They welcome you in, encouraging you to give your perspective on all the activities, which you gladly do before you start talking to them individually.
As there are less and less people in the house it’s easier to catch up with all of them before making the ultimate decisions of the night.
The first one to call you outside is Taeyong. You could still feel the rush from the date exuding out of him as he excitedly thanks you for taking him to the museum. You understood is a very cultured guy that enjoys these type of activities which is something that attracts you in him. Despite all the happiness he also discloses how worried he is thinking he might have taken too long to try and build a connection with you but he’s glad you were willing to take a chance on him which you assure him you don’t regret doing at all.
The next bachelor to talk to you is Jaemin. As always, your heart skips a beat when he takes your hand and leads you to sit outside. As always, he wants to know how you’re feeling and if there’s something going on inside your head. As always, you let it all out with him, this week went really well but that actually makes it harder for you to make a decision. As always, he comforts you and makes you feel like everything in the world will turn out alright as long as you’re by his side. And as always you feel like your heart is going to explode with this inexplainable connection you have with this guy since day one.
After a while you see Jeno walk outside and Jaemin calls him out leaving you two to talk. Just like Taeyong, Jeno still looks pretty excited from the date. You’ve been growing closer and closer to him and you’re not sure if this is a good things because everything is getting so messy inside your head. Nevertheless you enjoy every single second by his side and you appreciate all the efforts you see from him, trying to open up more to you and even around the others too. He does seem to be here for the right reasons and you definitely appreciate all the effort.
Next in line is Jaehyun. Now this is a hard to read guy. Sometimes he seems so in sync with you, other times so off. Some moments you spent together in the past drew you close to him and made you imagine a possible future but other times it feels like he’s not really here, or maybe he just got too comfortable. You start to regret going back and giving him that kiss. Maybe if you didn’t he would still make an effort to earn it. Tonight he talks to you like you’re the only person on the planet but in the date with Taeyong he didn’t feel like the same person. As you get closer to the finish line and choosing the man you want to share your life with, could this be a setback?
Finally you spend some time with Yuta. You’re glad you chose him for the only individual date you had this week because you haven’t had that much alone time with him almost since the beginning of this journey. Of course you talk to him in the other cocktail parties and in the group dates, but it’s different. When he mentioned he felt like you two were losing your connection you felt bad because you realised you felt the same way and you don’t want that. He’s a very nice guy and you’d like to keep him around. Even if he’s not the one you end up with you’d still like to keep him as a friend because he’s an incredible person to have in anyone’s life. You’re glad you were able to reconnect with him this week and realise that some of that initial sparkle between the two of you is still there.
After talking to all of them you feel as confused as ever. All of them have strong points on their favour and you’ll really have to evaluate what’s more important to you. It breaks your heart having to send people home week after week but you came here to find love. One true love. You just didn’t expect the production to do such a nice job casting and presenting you such amazing guys the make you more confused than you ever thought you’d be in this journey.
Before Chris comes to take you upstairs, you take some time to talk to all the guys in a group again. It feels good to be here drama free. The environment seems lighter and you all joke and laugh having a genuine good time. You like seeing them all get along despite being in a competition against each other. The good mood helps them focus on what they’re really doing here and that’s proving they’re the one for you, not bickering with each other and forgetting you’re the one they should impress, not each other.
Chris finally enters the room and you know it’s time to reflect on the outcome of tonight. You thought that by now you’d have your mind made up but you’re as confused as ever.
“One more week has passed, how are you feeling?” Chris asks as you two sit down in the decisions room.
“Mixed feelings inside me Chris.” You honestly say. “I feel like I’m really bonding with all of them so it’s really hard to think of someone to let go of.”
“Very understandable. How did you find it not giving out roses ahead of today?”
“It was weird but it was also good because I genuinely wanted to give a rose to everybody after the dates!” You two laugh.
“Well we couldn’t have that!”
“It’s really harder than it looks, I’m not only breaking their hearts but I’m also hurting myself a little bit by sending someone home.”
“Do you have any idea of how you’ll make the decision tonight?”
“I think at this stage I have to think about every single detail to be able to single some one out.”
“It is a hard and important decision as every week. I will leave you to it and be back in awhile so you can share the verdict with the nervous boys downstairs.”
“Thank you Chris.”
As he leaves the room you once again stare at the pictures on the wall trying to make sure you don’t regret whatever choices you make tonight. You feel like you can see a future with any of these 5 men but that’s not how it works, you came here to find the one and for that you’ll have to send them home one by one until you get to him.
You and Chris walk down the stairs joining the 5 boys that anxiously await to hear your decisions.
“Good evening gentleman. 5 of you stand before us but there are only 4 roses to be handed out tonight so that means one of you will be grabbing his things and going back home.” Chris then turns to you. “Y/N, whenever you’re ready.”
You thank him as he leaves the room and grab the first rose facing the guys.
“Before I start let me say I really like every single one of you and I feel like we’re building very strong connections. Unfortunately I can’t keep you all here. I want to find love and I’m modern and open minded but not that much.”
You all laugh at your comment and then you take a deep breath before starting calling them out.
His eyes sparkle hearing his name.
“Do you accept this rose?”
“Absolutely.” You two smile as you pin the rose to his jacket. “Thank you, Y/N.”
He walks back as you pick up another one.
The boy widens his already big eyes.
“Do you accept this rose?”
“One thousand times yes!” You feel him shake under your touch. “Thank you so much.”
You grab the next rose.
He sighs in relief.
“Do you accept this rose?”
“You scared me there for a second! Of course I do.” You giggle as you pin the rose. “Thank you.”
You bite your lip as you take the last rose on the bowl.
A smile opens up on his face as he steps forward.
“Do you accept this rose?”
“Definitely.” You pin it to his jacket. “Thank you so much.”
Chris walks back in.
“Jaehyun, that means that unfortunately you and Y/N are not meant to be. Thank you for being with us. You can now say your goodbyes.”
The other bachelors gather around hugging him. You patiently wait until he finally comes your way.
“I’m so sorry…” You mutter.
“It’s ok, Y/N.” Jaehyun wraps his arms around you, pulling your shaky body in for a hug. “I’d have to go eventually. Your prince charming is here but I knew I’m not him.”
“Thank you for everything, Jaehyun.” You say when he lets go, wiping a tear that fell on his cheek.
“I didn’t think it would be this hard to go.” He chuckles. “But it’s time, thank you, I had a great time.”
You watch him walk out with sadness in your eyes. The other guys gather around you understanding how hard these decisions are. As you get closer to the finish line it’s practically impossible not to get emotional when someone leaves. You only hope Jaehyun is right and your prince charming is really amongst these 4 men.
In the next episode:
4 guys remain on the quest for love and it gets harder not only for the bachelorette but also for the bachelors:
“You should be careful, you’re getting a little too cocky.”
“I feel like I’m deluding myself.”
“What are you talking about?”
And someone else will go back home.
“I knew it was only a matter of time.”
“I really don’t want to go.”
Stay tuned for next weeks episode premiering 01/08.
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
Episode 8
a/n: jaeeeeeeee T_T I know this chapter is way smaller than the other ones and I’m posting this later than usual but I was out of the country this week with zero time to write so apologies if this feels rushed… I promise to do better in the future! (for real this time) also want to wish a happy birthday to the person who commented on this episode’s voting that this will be their birthday 🥳 do give me some feedback please! ❤
taglist: @skrtbabe @yutahoes @yokshi-unbeliebubble @nakamotonudes @n0hyuck @negincho @love-and-other-possibilities @readers-posts @sylviacxt​ @tyongf-sunflower99​ @princessjunnie​
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Magic of Winter
AN: This is my first fic for @star-spangled-bingo​. I'm starting a taglist specifically for this bingo, so if you want a tag, just shoot me an ask. It's betaed by the lovely @stiles-o-dylan24​, thanks a million, hun.  
 Pairing: Bucky x Reader Warnings: None. Pure fluff. Wordcount: 1383 Square Filled: Huddling for warmth.
Summary: You and Bucky take a few days away at your family’s cabin.
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It was early in the morning, barely past six, but you just couldn't sleep anymore. Bringing Bucky to your family’s cabin had been a good idea, away from the hustle and bustle at the compound, just the two of you, unplugging from the world for a couple of days. It was so peaceful out here. During the summer months you loved waking up at the crack of dawn to listen to the birds sing as they woke up, but in the winter months, it was just quiet. There was a roofed patio at the back of the cabin with a view of the forest and through an opening in the trees, you could see the lake where you’d go swimming in the summer. The nearest neighbour was two miles away, but they rarely came up here during the winter. It was no secret that the weather could get pretty unforgiving up here. 
It was mornings like this that you longed for though, when after a long night of snowfall the world had kind of transformed and the blanket of white gave it a new look. It was muted in a way, even though it was always quiet here, and everything looked so clean. There was a tranquility that came with the undisturbed snow, and you figured you could sit for hours and just watch it. 
Even Bucky slept through the night here, something he rarely did at the compound. His sleep was often plagued with nightmares, but not up here. Here he had slept like a baby for three night's straight, and all of a sudden you saw a different kind of Bucky. Maybe it was the sleep, or maybe it was the fact that the two of you were finally alone, but since you got here, he hadn't been able to keep his hands off you. Not in a sexual way, although that was part of it, but you felt more like it was a need to have you close to him, that he always needed to be touching you to know you were there. When you cooked dinner, he would wrap his arms around you from behind and kiss your neck, and when you sat down to read a book, he pulled your legs over his lap and asked you to read for him. He’d pull you into him as you sat in front of the fireplace, stroking your hair and just enjoying the feel of having you close. 
Yes, this trip had been a good idea. It gave the two of you the freedom to explore a world where it was just the two of you, and to be honest, you wished every day could be like this. 
So there you sat, on the patio, a knitted sweater and padded leggings with a blanket wrapped around you, clutching a mug of hot chocolate between your frosty hands. It was the most peaceful you had felt in your entire life. This feeling of serenity was so great that you didn't even mind being cold. 
Bucky saw you through the giant windows, and he couldn't help but stop and look at you for a moment. It was like a picture taken straight from some dream he thought would never come true. This place is magical, you had said to him when you pulled up a few days ago, and it was one hundred percent true. It felt as though he was healing a little more for every second he spent here with you, and for the first time in his life he was at a place where he dared to dream of a future with someone, one filled with days like these. 
When he opened the sliding door to the patio, you jumped a little, but when you looked up at him it was with a warm and loving smile. To have someone look at him like you did now, warmed his soul, and he hoped with all that he had that that smile would never falter from your face when you looked up at him. 
“Good morning,” he said softly. 
The smile on your face turned into a wide grin as you looked back onto the forest. “It snowed,” you said excitedly. 
He took a seat next to you on the bench and pulled you into him, draping your legs over his as you adjusted the blanket to encompass the both of you. “It sure did,” he said, an amused look on his face. 
You held up the mug in a quiet question and then watched him as he took a sip. “It's good isn't it?” 
“Very good,” he agreed. “I woke up alone.”
“I'm sorry,” you said, cupping his cheek. He had let his beard grow out and you absolutely loved running your fingers through it. “You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up.” 
Closing his eyes, he leaned into your touch. Your hands were freezing cold, but somehow your touch still warmed on his skin. “It's alright,” he assured. He took your hand in his in an attempt to warm it up a little. “Aren't you cold?” he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
“Freezing. But I want to sit for a while longer,” you said. “When the sun rises over the lake over there… I can't describe it.” 
“Alright,” he dragged with laughter in his voice. “I'll go get us some more blankets then,” he offered, starting to get to his feet. 
“You don't have to stay here with me. Not if you’re cold.” 
“It's worth it,” he said with a wink before he disappeared through the door again. 
The two of you sat there in silence and watched the sky change colors as the sun slowly rose behind the mountains. Bucky rested his back against the armrest and you were seated between his legs with his arms around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. This morning couldn't be more perfect. The picturesque scenery, the man you loved wrapped around you to keep warm, the feeling of being the only two people on earth. No, this couldn't be more perfect, and you hoped that this memory, this feeling, would stay with you forever. 
“The snow is beautiful, isn't it?” you asked as the first rays of the sun reflected off the snow, making it look like it was filled with glitter. 
“I'm gonna remind you of that later when we have to dig the car out,” he teased.
You threw your head back against his shoulder and groaned, making him chuckle. “Can we stay one more night?” you pleaded. 
“I’d stay here forever with you,” he said honestly. He was in no rush to get back to real life. Up here he could have you to himself and not feel like he had to dial down the PDA because there was always someone walking in on you. Here he could have you all to himself, and be near you, holding you, and kissing you whenever he wanted. Like last night when you had shared a bottle of wine and danced in front of the fireplace, or earlier when you had dinner on the floor in front of that same fire. 
Suddenly you sat up and turned to look at him. “Do you like living at the compound?” you asked, looking deep into his bright blue eyes. 
“I don't know,” he said thoughtfully. “Why do you ask?” 
“What if we found a place for ourselves? I like the compound, don't get me wrong, but there's always people there and we hardly have any privacy… not even in our own rooms,” you added that last part, thinking back to when Sam had barged into Bucky’s room when you two were about to get your groove on. 
Bucky chuckled at the memory. “You’re right,” he said. “And I would love to live with you. Just you and me.” 
The smile that spread on your lips was brighter than the sun, and Bucky was powerless not to return it. “We’ll start looking then,” you said excitedly. “Tomorrow, when we get back.” 
“Tomorrow when we get back,” he repeated as if it was a vow. Then he kissed you to seal the deal. “Can we go back inside now? Before I turn into an ice sculpture?” 
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funkzpiel · 5 years
Another consideration (sorry) is if Jaskier did lose his voice permanently from the Jinn and Geralt feels guilty and doesnt stop trying to find a cure even though he knows there isnt one (or lies to Jaskier that he's trying to find one til Jaskier finds out)
He doesn’t sing again. That prickly part of Geralt that’s been traveling alone for most of his life gruffly thought he’d enjoy that result. After all, he did his level best to have the issue resolved. It wasn’t his fault that the bard got involved. He hadn’t invited him along – he had just wanted to fucking sleep for fucking once in his life, damn it. It had been his wish though, however unintentional, that brought the bard into this new life, this silent existence. A world without Jaskier’s singing.
It is like biting into a pie only to find it has no filling.
Those words haunt him in the lingering silence of Jaskier’s presence. They hang between him and the bard as heavily as any wraith might – leeching him just as much as actual conversations exhausted him. Jaskier, like the birds of the woods, was born to sing and talk and fill the world with the litany of his voice and his perspective and his life; and Geralt had taken part in shattering him.
Yennefer had, in her way, tried to heal him. They had released the Djinn – much to the mage’s dismay – and that should have been the end of it. Jaskier’s swelling went down, his bleeding stopped.
But when he opened his mouth to greet Geralt when finally he woke, nothing more than a wheeze passed his lips. In that moment, the witcher watched a part of Jaskier die. He saw it in the bard’s eyes – a small bit of the light that constantly filled him fading away like a cloud passing over the sun.
Jaskier stayed with him. Geralt doesn’t understand why. It was his fault, his words, his hasty and ill thought out wish that had crushed the bard’s vocal cords to dust. Jaskier should hate him, and yet he stayed. Geralt thought pragmatically that it was because alone, Jaskier would struggle. He was a man who had independently crafted a life and a career for himself off his voice, and now that was gone. He had his fingers, his lute, of course – but drunken pub-goers relished the bard’s songs, his lyrics, and with nothing to sing along to, it left Jaskier’s lute playing, while lovely, pale and hollow by comparison to what patrons expected to hear when they recognized who he was.
Geralt did that to him. So it was the least he could do to keep Jaskier by his side. To provide a safe place for the bard to sleep, coin for him to eat. And that must be why he stayed, he reasoned. Why else?
As they passed through villages, he asked for healers, for mages – anyone who might have insight into the bard’s situation. He even began to direct their travels in the direction of famous herbalists or sorcerers (or sometimes even creatures), all without ever making it plain, just in case they might stumble upon someone who might have a cure.
‘Sorry’ hung heavy on his heart, weighing it down between his ribs, pressing in on his lungs, strangling him. He spent his nights, already so prone to sleeplessness, on his back and staring up at the sky as though the stars might suddenly align and spell out the answers he sought. His eyes drifted to Jaskier, curled by the fire. Small and quiet. So fucking quiet.
Geralt was really beginning to fucking detest the quiet.
It made him admire Jaskier’s penchant for conjuring a conversation seemingly out of nowhere; particularly when he began to try and solve this problem of too much fucking quiet by doing what Jaskier could not: talking.
“Pleasant day,” he growled one morning, eyes on the meal he stoked above the fire as Jaskier silently worked on lacing up his clothing. Blue eyes sought him out over the fire. He could feel the weight of them, the surprise. But what else was there to say? His words had been efficient. The day was pleasant. What should he say next? Describe the color of the sky? Foolish.
He grit his teeth, hating himself for his blatant inability to provide even so much comfort as this. But he keeps trying. He practices. Only because when he does, Jaskier’s gaze falls to him – keen in a way those blue eyes had not been in some time since the silence started – and for a moment he feels as though his bard has returned again.
Jaskier, for his part, does not simply melt back into the stone of a garden wall like a shrinking violet. His voice was not what made him so lively, so vibrant; it was a side effect of all the life and sunlight and existence that the gods had seen fight to cram into a body as lithe as Jaskier. He learned how to speak with his hands and Geralt, a man who had only spoken through body language for so long, found it easy to listen. It was an act of communication that drew no end of curious looks when they went to villages. How could two men speak so silently? Some even began to suspect Jaskier was a familiar of Geralt’s – which made the bard wheeze silently, laughing.
Geralt couldn’t even be annoyed by that. It was good to see the bard laugh.
Jaskier’s hands grew more and more fluent as they travelled until he learned how to fill the silence in an entirely new way. And if Geralt’s attention were distracted, his eyes not on the bard, Jaskier found ways to grab his attention. A pebble to the shoulder, if annoyed. A hand to his side, to the small of his back, to his bicep if not.
But still, Geralt looked for a cure. He did not ask for forgiveness. He didn’t deserve it – not while Jaskier was still unable to say the words to pardon him for his wish. Wishes. How Geralt hated them, hated the word. His wish had driven Yennefer away. His wish had bound Jaskier to a life in which he could not do what he loved. Geralt didn’t deserve forgiveness. So he did not ask.
And then came the contract about the witches of the bog.
Ancient hags. Magical ladies. So old that Geralt wasn’t even sure if the word ‘witch’ truly befitted them anymore. He didn’t even know what to call them, what to research in his bestiary. Three witches of the bog. Complicated and powerful, hand in hand. Some of the village worshipped them. They kept the forest rich with game. They protected birthing mothers. They warded off those from foreign lands that might colonize their home, change it, urbanize it. It left the area like a capsule from another time; perfectly preserved.
Others hated them. Virgins tended to disappear now and then. Children too. Livestock would die, men would suddenly fall dead. Believers called it penance, divine and unknowable justice for deeds the public might never see or fathom. Nonbelievers called it terrorism at the hands of monsters. Geralt found himself stuck in the middle.
He insisted Jaskier stay in the village. This was beyond even his expertise. Even with normal monsters there was always the chance that he might fail, not protect Jaskier, however slim. Now? He would not tell Jaskier that he had a healthy fear for what laid ahead, but he made it known that for no reason should the bard follow him this time.
He approached the bog with his swords on his back but his hands nowhere near their hilts. Women as old as these, there was a chance he might be able to reason with them. Negotiate.
There was just as big as chance that he might offend them by trying.
His heart thumped in his chest as he kneeled in a dry spot in the bog. He set out the offerings the believers told him would attract the witches to him. He rested his hands on his thighs. Closed his eyes.
“Bog women,” he said, calling to them in a hushed, croaking voice, “Ladies of the North, Winter Women… I have no request but to parlay with you. I humble myself, I kneel, knowing I don’t deserve an audience. Would you speak with me?”
At first there was nothing. He wondered if the believers had lied, if the nonbelievers were far more stable by comparison. He was just about to stand, to leave, when a wind brushed the faint hairs not held back by his hair tie to wisp about his face. The willows around him swirled and sang a sorrowful tune. The fine hairs on the back of his neck and on his arms rose.
“What is a boy’s name?” A witch sung to him. A boy. Despite his years, he felt very much like a boy kneeling at the feet of those women.
He nearly responded. Nearly. But there was power in a name for folk such as them.
“You may call me witcher,” he said instead, careful in his wording. Another witch laughed, delighted.
“Clever witcher-boy,” the laughing witch chirped, stepping out of the fog. She was lovely. Her red hair hung down to her bottom. Her face was round like a peach, her cheeks pink like one too. She wore a gown unlike one he had ever seen before. She looked kind, her smile pleasant, but her eyes – if he looked too long, he could see the predatory glint in those eyes. Her glamor blurred around the edges and if he peered too closely, he could almost see—
His pupils dilated, huge and blown out as he tried to make sense of what he saw. Limbs, so many limbs. A body distorted with tumors; or what he thought might be tumors, but perhaps just did not know the right word for them. Too many mouths, eyes, faces. The punishing visage of those warped by black magic or simply the form of a god not meant to be seen or understood by mortal men? He didn’t know, but he did register something wet beneath his nose. Hot and dripping. His heart thundered. He wondered if it might burst when finally another woman came up behind him, bent over him, and gently rested a hand over his eyes.
“A strong boy with keen eyes,” the woman behind him hummed, “Few have seen past our glamor. Fewer still remained sane enough to tell the tale.”
The first witch cackled, having appeared from the fog as well, and sneered, “You steal our fun,” then said a name that made Geralt’s lashes flutter sickly. The name sounded more like the mad tumble of rocks down a mountain side that any human word. His stomach lurched. He was so fucked. “I wished to see how far a witcher-boy’s mind might bend.”
“A boy came to us in good faith,” the witch whose name sounded like falling rocks said. Her voice sounded like the voice of many women, but also, one woman. His mother. He wondered if that was part of the glamor as well. If that magic was seeping into his mind, collecting fragments and details that might sooth him, lure him into a false sense of security.
Too bad it was the voice of the woman who had abandoned him. It only served to wake him up.
He decided to call that woman Earth Mother. The name pinged something familiar in the far recesses of his mind.
“Laws of matronhood,” said the second to the first, naming her as well. He gritted his teeth against the sound of it – glass shattering, wolves howling. It made his muscles tense, ready to flee the jaws of a wolf. When the feeling passed, a human name appeared in his mind seemingly from nowhere: Beast Mother.
“Aye, I know the laws,” said the Beast Mother, then a final name. Geralt’s stomach dropped sickly like missing a step on a staircase. This name sounded like the wind – both tame as the first warmth of spring thaws the fields, and wild like the storm that punishes a village. Sky Mother, his mind supplied.
Geralt bowed his head as those final, hind-brain instincts washed over him and eventually dulled. He felt suddenly exhausted. Word thin by the mere presence of these women.
“What does a witcher-boy call to women such as we for?” Asked the Sky Mother.
“Does a witcher-boy come to kill us?” Laughed the Beast Mother cruelly, and even with the third woman’s hand over his eyes – cool and soothing and dark – Geralt knew the Beast Mother was grinning with too many predatory teeth. More teeth than any human mouth should have. Teeth and teeth and teeth—
“The village placed a contract on you,” Geralt forced himself to say. “But I’m quickly realizing this is no monster hunt.”
He was in the presence of gods, or at least as close to gods as reality might ever get. Every story, every religion, stemmed from something after all. These land spirits, these witches, these women – they were so much more than a contract to be hunted. They owned the land, the wood, the swamp, and all inside it. Fuck.
“If you know this, then why come?” The Earth Mother asked gently.
“Some of the villagers are suffering,” Geralt explained, “I’m here to help. To parlay.”
“Life is to suffer,” laughed the Beast Mother cruelly.
The Sky Mother said instead, “And what can a witcher-boy offer us? How can a witcher-boy help?”
The Earth Mother was against his back, matronly and kind. He felt like a boy hiding behind a mother’s skirts – or more accurately Vesemir’s legs. It felt both nostalgic and sickening at the same time, his mind peeled apart like an onion so easily in their presence.
“I am nothing and no one to you Mothers,” Geralt acknowledged, “But I cannot turn my back on suffering. If I do so here, I have no right to my namesake.”
“A witcher-boy wanted to be a hero,” cackled the Beast Mother, fangs gleaming in his mind’s eyes, pearly and wet with hungry spittle.
“A witcher-boy is kind,” whispered the Mother blinding him with her mercy, her hand.
“A witcher-boy is doomed,” offered the Sky Mother clinically, but not dispassionately.
“What did the village ask?” The Beast Mother spat, “Did they whine about their lost babes? Their disappeared virgins? Their dead men? Their cows?”
“The milk had spoiled in their udders, so we killed them,” the Sky Mother said simply.
“The men had raped and stolen and marred the virtue of our lands, so we removed them from the grace of our hospitality,” the Beast Mother growled.
“The virgins sought escape from abusive homes, sought freedom and peace, so we guided them to happier places,” the Earth Mother hummed.
“And the babes would have died a painful death from winter, from illness, from genetic deficiencies – so we lured them to that better place in peace instead,” the Sky Mother finished.
“Life is cruel,” the Beast Mother growled like the sound of hooves on earth, pounding in chase after the fox, “But we are not. A witcher-boy cannot fathom our motives, so we pardon him once, but question our intentions again and a witcher-boy will understand punishment for himself.”
Geralt bowed his head intentionally this time, hands in tight, humbled fists on his knees.
“Apologies, Mothers, I knew not what to expect.”
“As we said, a witcher-boy is pardoned,” the Sky Mother said simply.
“We know a witcher-boy,” the Earth Mother sang behind him, her voice the laughter of a babe’s first smile, the song of a mother kneading dough in the morning. “A witcher-boy withholds his name, but we know him.”
“White. Wolf.” The Beast Mother is grinning with too many hungry teeth again. Geralt shivered.
“You helped a Godling not far from here,” says one.
“Spared a group of trolls in the eastern mountains,” says another.
“Helped a succubus escape the fires of the cities and the purge of daft men who put their faith in nonsense,” says the last.
“The list is long,” the Earth Mother says, her other hand stroking through his hair now. She’s untied it, let it fall loose around his ears. She tsks and says, “At least a witcher-boy tried to bathe for us. You need fine oils for hair such as this.”
He feels disoriented, exposed. Unsure of his footing.
“I will explain to the village—” he begins, but clicks his jaw shut audibly when the Beast Mother howls, “We were not done, witcher-boy!”
He swallows dryly. His very bones shiver. The Earth Mother shushes his fears and continues to pet him like a dumb, beloved dog warming her feet. It feels… nice. He has to shake his mind awake not to fall for that glamor, that lulling sense of safety. There is no safety. Safe is an illusion.
“Clever witcher-boy,” the Earth Mother says proudly, fondly.
“You’ve helped people and creature alike on our land,” the Sky Mother said.
“But you’ve also taken justice into your hands, as if we were not suitable to maintain it,” snarled the Beast Mother.
“What are three Mothers to do with their witcher-boy, their kind hearted wolf, their man of stone?”
They might kill him. They were not wrong, he had taken their affairs into his own hands unknowingly when fulfilling contracts in these lands. If their territory extended as far as he thought it did, he had only done so twice perhaps. Maybe thrice. A werewolf that had gone mad, slaughter their family. A cockatrice that had been spoiling the hunt for another township, killing the best of their providers. A wraith left behind by a widow spurned.
“We would have gotten to them in our own time,” the Beast Mother said, answering his unspoken question of why, if they protected these lands, had they not handled it?
“Or perhaps we did handle it in our own right,” the Earth Mother offered with a chuckle. Working through him, he realized. A pawn in their ways just as he was a pawn to fate. He shuddered helplessly, a little flame of offense rising in his gut as it always did at the concept of ‘fate’. She brushed his hair back in apology, stroked his cheek. “You need a shave.”
Disoriented didn’t begin to cover it.
“Spoil sport,” the Beast Mother snorted. So that had been it, then. He had acted as unwitting representative for them and their will.
“You are a trustworthy wolf,” the Sky Mother said, “Good in intention, civil in mercy.”
“You will go to the village,” the Earth Mother continued. “You will explain the way of things. Those who cannot abide by those ways can flee freely or be dealt with accordingly… They will not pay you, witcher-boy. Their hearts are selfish and easy to see reason why they should keep their coin despite your bravery, despite how you put yourself between we women and their cowardly souls.”
“For this, for the works you’ve already done unintentionally in our name and for the works you will later do intentionally in our name, we women shall pay you instead.”
He stiffened. Every bone locked in his body like rusted hinges on a door, painful and tight. That was a dangerous offer. He could not deny it and live. But one wrong word would spell a world of pain unending. He swallowed.
“You are too kind to someone as undeserving as me,” he managed to croak.
The Beast Mother laughed cruel and amused, high like a harpy’s screech and low like a bear’s roar. He shuddered visibly. The Earth Mother smoothed down the hackles that rose on the back of his neck like a master calming a spooked dog.
“Correct, we are too kind. Wise of you to notice,” the Beast Mother said.
“What does a witcher-boy want?” The Sky Mother asked.
Geralt clenched his jaw, feeling more like a mouse caught between a cat’s paws than a witcher. It was an uncomfortable, greasy feeling, and he hated it.
“I require nothing –”
“—Ha! A man says he requires nothing from gods!” The Beast Mother howled like a pack of wolves.
“You would spit in our eye and refuse our gift?” The Sky Mother asked diplomatically.
“Do not let them frighten you, witcher-boy,” the Earth Mother hummed, stroking his hair again. “We Mothers are unused to debt.”
He could ask for a token from them; small enough so as not to ask too much, but enough to appease their debt. He could ask for some tidbit of knowledge; the location of a cache in their lands, perhaps. He could ask for hospitality in their woods; safety and peace whenever he visited. But as their champion, which he was quickly coming to find that he was unknowingly, he inherently knew he need not ask for any of this. They had always provided for him, had always shown him the way. He never went hungry or thirsty in these woods. The birds called when anything deigned attack him, warning him. He slept here. To ask for what they already provided would be turning a blind eye onto their gifts – a dangerous thing.
He should find something else – something small, something humble. And yet…
“My friend… what would it cost for you to heal him?” Geralt finally asked.
“Aaah,” the Beast Mother crooned, “A witcher-boy does not love silence after all.”
“A witcher-boy did not know what he had until it was gone,” the Earth Mother said, her voice if possible even more fond.
“Witcher-boys tend to be clever, and yet dumb as rock trolls,” the Sky Mother said blandly.
“Please,” Geralt said, leaning into the cradle of the Earth Mother’s hand which blinded him, protected him. She hummed soothingly behind him.
“We women are powerful and old. We saw the mountains form and the rivers fill. We were there for the first storm, the first wind that graced the ground, the first sprig of grass, the birth of the first land beast,” said the Sky Mother.
“But alas, this boon you ask for is not as simple as you think,” the Earth Mother said sadly.
He nearly asked ‘so you can’t help’ before he caught his tongue. What a stupid way to die, offending gods. The Beast Mother cackled. She knew what he had almost asked.
“It is not that we are not capable. You ask for something more than what we owe,” the Beast Mother said, fangs glinting, her words the framework of a hungry maw in his mind’s eye, waiting for an excuse to eat him. A merry chase, a dangerous game. It thrilled her to chase him like a rabbit through their laws and customs and loopholes, waiting for him to trip and yet hoping he might not so the game would continue. “And you cannot afford a cure outright.”
“What is the cost of an outright cure?” He asked. He had to know. Maybe he could—
“Souls. Innocent souls. Blood. Flesh. Creation and death. You request to overwrite a Djinn’s will, witcher-boy. That sort of magic by human means, by the means in which you could pay us, would change you fundamentally. You’d no longer be worthy as champion of our will. We have no intention of warping a witcher-boy and losing a pawn such as yourself. Too dull, too boring. Too simple. A witcher-boy offends.”
He hung his head again. His debt to his friend was more expensive than his morality, the makeup of his being, than his use to the world and to these witches, these gods. His stomach became a stone inside him. There was no outright cure…
His head rose a little.
“What cost for his voice?” He asked. Not a cure. A voice. The Earth Mother stroked him approvingly. The Beast Mother smiled with impressed fangs. The Sky Mother considered him.
“A steep price,” the Sky Mother said, like spring rain.
“A generous price,” snorted the Beast Mother, like boars stomping in the brush.
“A fair price,” hummed the Earth Mother, like the sound of a gentle hands guiding a plant into fresh soil.
“Name it,” Geralt said, something unidentifiable to his knowledge of himself in the edges of the words, though he recognized it in others. Pleading.
They named it.
He agreed.
“But first,” said the women with too many voices, “What is a witcher-boy’s name?”
They already knew it. Geralt knew that they did. But he hadn’t given it to them. There was power in giving a name.
Geralt paid.
He returned to town feeling exhausted, hollowed out and reed-thin, and yet he held the light of dawn in his chest, weightless and hopeful. He carried it with him over the hall and down the path that led to the village, leaving behind him his Ladies and the offerings he had placed on their humble altar.
He followed their instructions precisely.
He went first to the village alderman – a believer – and the man who had posted the notice – a nonbeliever. He explained that this village was not in fact their home, but the home of the women, and it was by their mercy that their crops flourished and their lives went by in relative peace. When the nonbeliever questioned him, cheeks red with rage that Geralt had not done as he was tasked, Geralt merely offered precisely what the women had told him to say.
“If you do not like living in the lands of the Ladies, you are free to relocate somewhere with no matronage. But if you stay and presume to keep calling the lands your own, and living outside the laws of matron and guest, there’s nothing I can do to spare you from them. This was their land first. They’ve upheld every law, provided every mercy. Live by their terms, live somewhere else, or find out for yourself why men have disappeared from among you by becoming another face on a flier.”
They had bid him not over explain. There was no faith to be had otherwise, no trust, and the Ladies asked for little more than that from their guests. To explain would be to condemn these villages to eviction. So he left the nonbelievers’ fate to themselves. Heed, flee or perish.
They didn’t pay him, just as the women had warned. The nonbelievers accused him of solving nothing. They called him a charlatan and a cheat. The believers claimed that they had not asked for help in the first place – and honestly, that was fair.
He didn’t need their payment anyways, not now. He would not go hungry or thirsty while in their wood. They’d tide him over until he left their lands in pursuit of his next contract. That was more than enough.
He brushed off their accusations, their thanklessness, like kicking dirt from his shoes. He wondered if that was what endeared him to the Ladies, or at least part of it – for both he and the god women understood thanklessness despite service.
He went to the inn, carried himself up to the room he had left Jaskier in. He could hear his lute from halfway up the stairs. It was a pleasing sound, something cheerful to wake to – it’d have to be, not to received complaints from other patrons also guesting at the inn.
The moment he walked in, he found Jaskier seated on the window sill, face to the early morning sun like a plant soaking in daylight as he played with mindlessly fluent fingers. Geralt leaned against the doorframe and enjoyed watching the dance of those fingers over the strings, plucking, always searching for the next note. He let himself bask in that moment, in the portrait of his bard in peaceful domesticity. Then, knowing the Ladies would not wait forever, rapped two knuckles against the doorframe, drawing Jaskier’s attention.
The bard let his song lull to a stop, his face lighting up at the sight of him returned unharmed. There was relief there, plain and naked as Jaskier was in most ways; unabashed and quick to feel, to express. He set his lute aside with the same sort of care that Geralt might give one of his swords and immediately his hands went into action, his whole body speaking to Geralt as easily as he once did with words.
Well, what happened, don’t keep me waiting? Were they in fact witches or something more nefarious? Well? Come on, Geralt, these stories don’t write themselves!
He smiled. There was a weight in his chest he hadn’t realized he had been carrying until now as it slowly lifted, so close to resolution as he was. He stepped forward without a word, amber eyes locked on his bard, his traveling companion, his friend, his partner. It drew Jaskier’s hand to a stuttering motion not unlike ‘um’ or ‘uh’ or ‘what’s going on?’.
“Months ago, I stole your voice from you,” Geralt finally said, standing in front of the bard, close enough to touch him – but not yet. A puzzled look spread across Jaskier’s face.
I don’t understand.
“I wished for peace not knowing I already had something better. Already had peace in my hands. I was just to blind to comfort, to kindness, to know that I had it.”
Jaskier gave him a baffled look that both said ‘well aren’t you chatty today?’ and ‘who are you and what did you do with my witcher?’
Geralt did not know this language, this new tongue he was trying to learn: intimacy, apology, love. He reached to cup Jaskier’s jaw and paused nearly there feeling foolish, blushing, because words and intimate touches had never been a language of his. It felt foreign. Like a crude imitation, rusty and weak for what he was trying to convey. But Jaskier just watched him patiently, brows drawn into a curious frown as he met him halfway and nestled his jaw into his calloused hand.
He brushed a thumb over Jaskier’s smooth jaw, freshly shaven and smelling of sweet oil. Memorized the lines of Jaskier’s face, the soundless paragraphs of his expression, and tucked it away in his mind for later.
“I am sorry knowing me left you silent,” he finally said, croaked, hushed, admitted.
Jaskier’s brows drew tight, his mouth a strange line. He shook his head.
“I understand if you cannot forgive me,” Geralt looked away. “I should have apologized the morning you first could not speak, but it felt wrong to ask when you could not answer. But now… Do you trust me, Jaskier?”
There was still that expression – anger, grief, confusion, all deserved. He’d leave him after this, no doubt. Geralt had pushed too far, presumed too much. But he pressed on. He had to see this through. Then he’d let Jaskier return to his normal life. Let him make his choice. Set him free.
He thought he heard a womanly sigh.
Jaskier’s hand came up to cradle Geralt’s on his jaw. In his touch and in his face, Geralt heard him: Of course I trust you, you daft excuse for a witcher.
Do or die.
He leaned down. Watched as Jaskier’s eyes widened. Watched until he was too close to see anymore. Got closer until their lips brushed – his so chapped against the bard’s meticulously cared for lips, soft and pleasant. The bard felt like a canary in his hands, all fluttering energy; fragile with hollow bones, more melody than flesh. He pressed, then swiped a tongue across trembling lips to ask permission.
Jaskier let him in. He sealed their lips together. Let his hand move from the man’s jaw to cup the back of his neck, crush him close without actually crushing him. Then he felt it. It began in his throat, behind his Adam’s Apple, and slowly crawled up – warm, not unpleasant but certainly not normal. It rose. When it met his tongue it tasted of night and bestiaries; earthy and deep. His voice. It passed by his teeth, slipped through their lips, then felt Jaskier jump in his hands. He leapt as though stung, or perhaps shocked like walking with socked feet and touching a door knob – surprising, sharp and fleeting. Then settled in his hands.
Geralt pulled away to mumble three words against Jaskier’s slack mouth, his own stomach twisting when no words actually bloomed despite his tongue and mouth doing what needed to be done to make words. He was mute. It had worked. The price had been paid.
He should have said it before he lost the chance to, and yet, there was a pathetic sort of comfort in murmuring the words soundlessly against Jaskier’s lips instead – like hiding behind a mask, bold because he could do so secretly.
Jaskier pulled away, speaking on instinct out of shock, “Geralt, what’s wrong with you—” then he stilled, eyes owlish. His hands shot to his throat. Patted and fluttered and searched for something that might give away what was going on.
Geralt smiled. His throat vibrated as it would if he had chuckled, but no sound followed.
“My voice,” Jaskier croaked, pale from shock and relief and all manner of emotions he wore as plainly on his face as he did his clothes. “How?”
Geralt felt relief bloom in his own belly: that weight lifting fully now that he had made amends, had fixed his wrongs. Relief that Jaskier’s voice was his own and not Geralt’s because that was a level of weird even the witcher couldn’t handle. He tapped his own throat with his fingers and looked at Jaskier pointedly.
Color leeched from the bard’s skin.
“You gave me yours?”
Geralt nodded, then blinked – confused – when Jaskier suddenly sprung to his feet, all pent-up nervous energy, and slapped faintly at Geralt’s chest with a sharp, “Take it back!”
Geralt’s brows drew tight, his lips pursed, utterly baffled.
“You lummox! Don’t you give me that look! You can’t—I can’t—this is too much!”
Geralt shook his head.
‘I had to make it right’ he said, using his hands, with his face, with his body; a pale imitation of Jaskier’s fluency.
“It wasn’t yours to make right! The Djinn did it, not you!”
‘My wish—’
“Was an accident! You thought the Djinn was under my control anyhow, it hadn’t been intentional. I honestly don’t recall if you even wished for it or said ‘I just want some damn peace!’ – you had warned me it was dangerous! If I had just listened—”
Wait. Wait.
Geralt shook his head. How had this spun away from him so quickly?
‘This wasn’t your fault.’
“It was no more yours than mine or mine than yours!” Jaskier pointed out, as if that had been his intention all along. He threw his hands out to his sides, pacing quietly – quiet, he hadn’t expected that, as if it had become a habit. He watched as the bard fluttered nimble fingers against his lips, eyes darting to Geralt distractedly, and mumbled, “Lovely kiss, by the way,” and when Geralt smirked he continued haughtily, “Which we will further discuss later, you oaf!”
Geralt chuckled without chuckling.
“You are,” Jaskier said slowly, finally stopping his pacing, “Insufferable. Your hero complex will see you into the ground one day, I swear, and no one will even know now because you can’t talk.”
Geralt gave him an obvious, deadpanned look. This? This felt right. Natural. Things had always been this way. Jaskier just hadn’t realized that yet.
‘You have always been my words.’
Jaskier stilled. In the lines of his body Geralt saw the quiet sway of wind through a garden well cared for; buzzing with bees, home to all manner of flowers, beautiful and soothing to its guests. So alive, so open. Jaskier was a garden. Geralt had merely returned the birds that had lost their way.
He waited. Waited for the inevitable. He had taken Jaskier’s voice, then made parlay for it without his permission. Surely the bard would leave him. He no longer needed the witcher, after all, and in his silent days had seen more than enough journeys to sing about for the rest of his life. Geralt waited.
“You bloody imbecile,” Jaskier breathed, his face going slack with subdued outrage and realization. “You daft man, you uncommunicative bastard!”
Geralt looked away. He didn’t need his voice. It was better suited in the bard. He didn’t need Jaskier. He had been on the road alone for years before him, and he could do it again.
But there was something in his chest – heavy, prickly and unfamiliar. Want.
He swallowed. He didn’t approach him, but also did not shy away when Jaskier stomped forward and reached for his face. He waited for the slap, for the slam of a door.
Jaskier guided his gaze back down to him.
“Don’t belittle my affections by presuming I stayed because you were convenient. I do not need my voice to live a comfortable or enjoyable life. I need you.”
He felt like shattered glass in a repair man’s palms, all his broken edges grinding together in wrong ways.
“What’s done is done,” Jaskier finally said, his hand reaching back to cup the back of Geralt’s neck as he had done to him not long ago. “And… you’re right. We’ve never needed words to speak and they have never been a tool you enjoyed using. I shall be your words. I’ve been with you long enough to know how to explain your creatures to townsfolk and gods above know I am a better haggler than you – you let that bastard swindle you into this contract for 250 crowns, for gods sake, Geralt! I was dying – ahh,” he shook his head, refocusing, “Nevermind. Point is, we’ve always made it work. We’ll make this work too. But for the record, I wasn’t broken, Geralt. Not with you.”
He pressed a chaste kiss to the witcher’s mouth, smiling and soft at the sight of Geralt’s baffled look, his inability to collect himself to react in the face of such an unexpected confession. Jaskier was the one to whisper into his lips this time between kisses, “Not that I don’t appreciate your sacrifice. The songs I’ll sing about the gift you’ve given me, Geralt – gods above, I’ve missed singing.”
‘I’ve missed it too,’ Geralt thought, perhaps said with his touch and the way he leaned into every peck Jaskier gave him, every breath against his lips.
“Fucking knew it,” Jaskier said, grinning against his mouth, “Filling-less pie, you emotionally constipated dog. And don’t think for one moment I didn’t hear you. We’ve been talking without talking for too long for me to have missed it, you know.”
Geralt felt heat rush to his cheeks and crawl up his neck, making a home in the tips of his ears. He turned away to hide it as Jaskier pulled back, but it was too late. The bard chuckled fondly and when Geralt finally chanced looking back at him, he grumbled embarrassedly – silently.
“It’s not the first time you’ve said you love me, Geralt,” Jaskier said, smiling with all his teeth, skin aglow like dawn breaking the night. “You’ve been saying it for ages.”
Jaskier drew his face back to him when Geralt tried once more to look away, bristly and unsure of himself and self-conscious that all this time he hadn’t been half as secretive – or aware himself – as he thought.
Jaskier took his time looking him over. Memorizing his face, Geralt realized, as he had memorized the bard’s when he found him on the windowsill. He felt exposed as he had at the Mothers’ feet. Known.
He leaned into Jaskier’s hand. Enjoyed the brush of a thumb over a sore scar on his cheekbone.
“I don’t need words,” Jaskier said gently, “But I am grateful to have them. Thank you, Geralt. I’ll use your voice wisely.”
The witcher leaned in, loose like a puppet with his strings cut now that it was finally done, and pressed his forehead to the bard’s. Power thrummed between them, the magic of being known and kept.
Silently, love spoke for them
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entishramblings · 4 years
The Miscalculated Whittled Elk [Legolas X Reader]
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A.N: So I’ve been having terrible writers block and you guys were totally right: I needed to change my scenery and switch up my topic. Hence why I decided to take a mini break from my fanfic and write this Drabble/Imagine/One Shot or whatever you want to call it.
Request: @queenofmankind​ - hi there! Can I request a Legolas X Fem Elf Reader where she’s in love with him and does something to initiate a courting between them but Legolas turned her down because he thought he was in love with Tauriel just to find out that it’s actually the reader he’s in love with? but she already left Greenwood because of heartbreak & may be planning to sail to the undying lands? Thank you!
Paring: Legolas X Fem Elf Reader
Summary: (Y/N) confesses her love to Legolas after BOTFA but his emotions and mind is clouded by recent events. Happy Ending :)
Word Count: 1,456
Warnings: rejection, fluff, cuteness 
It was almost dusk; the sun was setting and the colors of the sky peaked through the leaves of the forest of Greenwood. The pink, orange, and purple ethereal light reflected off the water droplets that had collected among the branches from the day’s rain.
(Y/N), an member of the Mirkwood Guard, sat high in the branches of an old oak tree. She listened to the sound of nature as she whittled wood with her silver knife. The birds were singing and the gentle breeze that brushed through the air provided a space of tranquility. She gently pressed her blade against the dark spruce wood that she held nimbly in her hand. With impeccable accuracy she drug the sharp mental against it; a thin sliver pealed off and fell to the ground below her. 
She continued the process until the spruce wood took the shape of an elk. She smiled softly at her work. 
(Y/N)‘s childhood confidant, Prince Legolas, would be returning home from fighting a battle between five armies with his father and most of the Mirkwood guard. He had been gone for many moons and his absence revealed to her the feelings of her heart. She was always quite fond of him but over the years the platonic friendship began to alter into something deeper. She had made up her mind that she could not conceal her emotions any longer. She decided it was time to unveil her affection. 
The elleth heard the loud blare of the Greenwood horn indicating the arrival of the kingdom’s fighting force. 
(Y/N) felt her heart pound faster at the thought of seeing her friend again. She placed her knife back in her weapon’s belt and held the small elk in one hand. She easily swung down from the tree and took off in a sprint towards the castle. 
She arrived slightly out of breath and full of adrenaline. She gazed at the beat up and bruised warriors warily walking through the gates. She had missed one hell of a fight. Her eyes eventually laid on the blue eyed Prince and a smile crossed her lips. 
She pushed through the worn out elven warriors until she was face to face with her friend. He stopped moving and looked down at her, for he was quite a bit taller. 
“Legolas! I am glad to see you well!”
His eyes seemed dull and his jaw was clenched. His face was one of utter disinterest and disappointment. 
(Y/N) faltered. The battle must have been rough for he was not his usual joyful and content self. She thought maybe her gift would bring him some happiness. 
As the two elves stood still in the mob of disgruntled warriors, (Y/N) lifted the whittled elk up towards her chest. 
She glanced down at it before looking up once again into the blue pools of uncertainty and confusion. 
She spoke with a pure and gentle tone, “I carved this for you.” Her delicate fingers began to fiddle with the small figure in nervousness. “It is made of spruce—like the dark wood we would play in when we were young.” 
Legolas gazed intently at the intricate wooden carving in her hands. The design was elegant and simple but expertly done. His hands softly brushed against hers as he took the elk. 
“(Y/N), it is beautiful.” 
His lips parted when he realized what was intended by this gift. 
“But, I cannot accept it.”
He saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes and the tips of her ears flushed pink. Her heart was filled with disappointment and embarrassment. 
“Oh,” the feebly response escaped her lips quietly. If Legolas wasn’t an elf he would never had heard the soft sound. 
The Prince felt guilt rise in his chest. He sighed, “I apologize (Y/N). Things are complicated right now with Tauriel and I do not think this is the best of times.”
Tauriel. The name echoed in her ears. She should have known. She should have picked up on the Prince’s longing gazes and shifting attitude. 
(Y/N) shifted her gaze from him. “I understand,” she uttered quietly. She pushed past him, leaving the miscalculated affection and whittled elk in his hands.  
She could feel the tension rising in her chest and the blood rushing through her ears. Self-consciousness and dread shuttered through her body as she quickened her pace. Oh what a fool she was. Her heart ached and regret settled in her soul. 
(Y/N)’s pace quickened to a run as she made her way towards the stables. She couldn’t be in Greenwood any longer. She couldn’t see his sympathetic face everyday and be reminded of the rejection. 
She mounted her white horse and urged the gentle beast from the stable. (Y/N) wiped a tear from her cheek as her horse‘s hooves pounded against the ground towards Rivendell. She could not live in this world having given her heart away and it being brushed aside. It was known that a ship was sailing to the The Undying Lands within the next moon cycle, for that would be her heaven. She left the leaves of Greenwood behind as her heart shattered into millions of pieces.
 Legolas was left in the horde of exhausted warriors in shock and regret. He hands grasped the wooden elk as elves bustled around him. (Y/N)’s small form had been enveloped in the chaos and she was lost from his sight. 
He squeezed his eyes shut as his fingers grazed over the crevices of the spruce figure. He had used to be in love with (Y/N) but he had abandoned his desires centuries ago when she had shown no romantic interest in him. ‘Twas years later when Tauriel caught his sight. He had thought if he couldn’t pursue his deep affection for (Y/N) he would have to find love elsewhere. He cursed at himself and his ignorance. His words from minutes ago haunted him—what had he done? He would much rather give his heart to his first love than to Tauriel who had just been a distraction. 
Legolas’s head turned in the direction that (Y/N) went. His blue eyes glanced down at the elk in his hands. Oh what a fool he was. 
The blonde haired Prince took off after the elleth. He pushed through the crowd as he searched for a glimpse of her glimmering hair or a flash of her bright eyes. But alas, she had disappeared within those around her. 
He quickly made his way to the outdoors and the Elven Prince let his eyelids flutter closed in regret. The scent of fresh rain and earthy dirt filled his nostrils as the sound of leaves brushing together filled his ears. Oh a food he was indeed.
His eyes flew open as he caught the echoes of hooves reverberating through his mind. His heart cried out in pain when he realized what that meant. 
Legolas ran to the stables and mounted their fastest horse, Arod. He compelled the beast to dash after the elleth hastily. His heart pounded like the hooves of his dark brown steed as he caught sight of (Y/N)’s small frame. He pushed Arod to quicken his pace. 
The Prince was gaining on (Y/N) and she knew it. He urged Arod to run ahead of her and halt in the middle of the path—forcing her to stop dead in her tracks. 
He dismounted and stood await for her to do the same. He could see the hesitance in her body language and facial expression. Legolas’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked upon her with hopefully eyes. 
(Y/N) sighed but slipped of her horse where she stood firmly. 
The Prince rushed towards her and grasped her face in his hands. She felt his hot breath on her skin as he muttered a simple sentence, “Oh what a fool I’ve been.”
Legolas smashed his lips against hers. For a moment (Y/N)’s world froze in shock and confusion. But she soon sank her body against his. Their mouths moved in a gentle rhythm and she hungry pushed back. Their lips battled for dominance until they molded into one of union and closeness where they shared one singular breath. His hands wandered down to her waist as her’s tangled themselves in his soft blonde hair. Legolas felt a fire burn within his chest as he yanked her body closer to his—not that they could really get any closer. His teeth gently scraped against hers and he pulled on her bottom lip. She allowed his tongue entrance. She felt a slight blush creep up to her cheeks as she indulged in her passionate desire. The heat between them grew as their mouths moved together. 
Oh what fools they both had been. 
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
West Moon (坠月之宴) Chapter 2 Part.ONE
A story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. Contains detailed spoiler from the AU (Alternated Universe) - 坠月之宴 West Moon Story.
Read the previous chapter here
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There’s some sub-chapter which full of battle stage so I didn’t put it here.
Stories under the cut-
Chapter 2-1
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You are my only dream.
The wind passed through the bamboo forest that day,
I passed by a good dream.
Want to hear the sound
But he strayed into a scene in spring.
It broke the black city.
This time,
Who disturbed whom?
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The jade chess piece fell on the chessboard with a crisp sound and broke the silence around.
I opened my eyes in the mist, and the sky light had dimly lit up for unknown time.
The morning breeze brushed over the bamboo leaves, blowing away the mist, and the green lake in the distance also had its starting point ripples.
The stone tables and benches are still the same, but the pavilions surrounded by bamboo shadows make me feel a bit strange.
MC: Strange. Where am I?
At the last moment of my memory, obviously still staying in the backyard of the wine shop.
I propped up and looked down at the table that had just fallen. The magic qin that was originally placed on the stone table was gone, only a criss-cross chessboard.
On the chessboard, black and white pieces are clearly distinguished, and white pieces are surrounded by black pieces.
There was no smell of demons around, I faintly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to wonder if I was in a dream.
The situation in this dream seems to be familiar, as if I have seen it many times in the past.
During the three years of deep sleep, my consciousness has been trapped in long dreams for some reason. The blurry and chaotic dreams are like fragments of colored glaze, which cannot be put together into a complete picture.
Sometimes I traveled in the wilderness, sometimes in the purgatory, every dream, whether absurd or cruel, is a long torment.
But occasionally there will be moments when the breeze comes, like this pavilion.
MC: Will I see that person again this time?
Inexplicably, I have a kind of expectation in my heart that I can't express
There was no one around, so I picked up the white piece on the side of the chessboard and placed it according to the memory in my dream.
The person who played against me doesn't know where it came from
In my dream, the five senses are not working at all times. I don't remember his appearance very much, but I still remember a little voice.
Dreamer: You messed up like this
His voice seemed to sound in my ears again, and I was slightly lost. The chess piece between my fingers had just landed on a corner of the chessboard, and a gust of breeze suddenly passed over the bamboo forest behind me.
??: If you play in such a mess, you will ruin the game.
A gentle voice rang in the ear, as if overlapping with the voice in the memory.
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I turned around subconsciously, but a pair of hands came from behind and surrounded me.
The wide sleeves engraved overturned the chess game in front of him, and the black and white chess pieces rolled to the ground, making a jade-like sound.
The temperature that was about to fit behind my back came through the thin clothes. I was shocked, suppressing the exclamation from my mouth.
MC: ... It's you.
With a chuckle in my ear, the temperature that surrounded me left.
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Mysterious Man: We meet again.
There is a faint smile on the corners of his lips, and his gradually clear face gradually overlaps with the figure in the dream
MC: It's you who helped me repel those monsters. Who are you?
I squeezed my sleeves tightly and looked calmly at the person sitting opposite.
He didn't explain, letting his sleeves skimmed over the messy chess pieces on the table, he twisted a black piece casually.
Although the hidden energy in his body is strange, but he has no devilish energy in his body, and he does not look like a bad person...
But maybe because of the little bit of familiarity, or maybe because he saved me once, I didn't feel nervous.
MC: Sorry, I didn't mean to play this game of chess...
Mysterious Man: How can you conclude that this game of chess is mine just because I am here?
I was choked by his words, turned around and had to ask again.
MC: Where exactly is this?
Mysterious Man: Don't you know it?
He did not directly affirm my guess, but I still feel that he seems to be suggesting something.
MC: Why... you appear in my dream?
Mysterious Man: How do you know this is your dream, maybe you broke into my dream?
I froze for a moment, and met his dim eyes.
Those eyes were like cold pools with no bottom, but just a moment of looking at each other gave me a suffocating feeling of oppression.
But he casually continued to play with the chess pieces.
Mysterious Man: Or, the owner of the dream is not you and me.
Hearing what he said, I seemed to really feel the prying eyes in the dark.
The abrupt sound made my whole body tremble, and I turned back abruptly, but only a bamboo leaf fell to the ground.
I breathed a sigh of relief. A thin layer of sweat had formed on my back, but the uncomfortable feeling had not disappeared.
MC: When will this dream end?
I desperately wanted to leave the dream, but the only insider hid the chess pieces and placed them on the messy chessboard.
Mysterious Man: Can you play chess?
MC: .... I understand a little.
He looked up at me with a smile but didn't reveal my clumsy chess skills.
Mysterious Man: There is a way of talking in chess called "raid".
Mysterious Man: Once the catastrophe occurs, the two sides will be trapped in a cycle of incomprehension. Therefore, after the raid, one party can pick up one son, and the other must make another move before the raid can be resolved.
Although I don't know how to play chess, I know a little about these terms, but I don't know why he mentioned this.
Mysterious Man: The catastrophe in this game is you.
I heard it inexplicably, but it seemed that I knew what he was talking about, and looked at him more defensively.
MC: When you will tell me your identity?
He did not answer, playing with the last sunspot on his fingertips. When I looked down, I realized that the previous game had been restored by him, but my white piece was missing.
Mysterious Man: This game of chess cannot be returned.
He sighed softly and threw the black stone between his fingers to the chessboard.
With a light "break" in, something was pierced.
Like a calm lake being broken by flying stones, the ripples in front of my eyes are like dissolving ink and still water.
I can't see his appearance, only the figure blurred by the waves seems to be reflected on the other side of the water.
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Mysterious Man: We will meet again soon. By then, you will know who am I.
His voice gradually dissipated, and the cyan layers in front of me faded away. I woke up like a dream. I shook my dizzy head and found that the person before me was gone.
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And there was no such splendid bamboo forest and water pool around. Fortunately, I was in the courtyard of the wine shop, and the magic qin was quietly placed on the stone table.
The sun in the sky has just risen, and from time to time we hear the singing of birds and the shouts of the morning vendors in the deep alleys in the distance.
MC: Was it a dream just now?
I rubbed my swollen temples, still echoing what the man said.
What he meant by the robbery in the game...what exactly did he mean?
Before I could think of a reason, a small shouting came from behind me.
When I turned around, the lady boss was looking at me in surprise.
Boss lady: MC, why are you here early in the morning?
Boss lady: ...Did you sit here all night?
Suddenly seeing a real figure appear in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment, and the lady boss suddenly saw that something was wrong with me.
Boss lady: What happened?
MC: Nothing, I was a little tired recently and fell asleep accidentally.
I shook my head, afraid that she was worried, so I concealed the bizarre dream.
Boss lady: The weather hasn't warmed up yet, what should I do if you catch a cold? Go back to your room and freshen up!
My mind gradually returned to clarity, and I nodded to her.
Whether it is this mysterious dream, fragments, or maybe the puzzles in the magic qin. For me now, they are hard to solve.
I took the magic qin back to the room and locked it, changed my clothes and planned to find the master.
After all, now only the master can tell me how to take out the fragments.
Chapter 2-2
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When I walked out of Three Dreams Square, the sky was already bright.
The street is bustling today, and the crowds are rushing in the same direction.
The golden sun shines over the glazed dome on the palace building. The water fell on the tall white platform standing in the far north of the city.
That is the tallest and most sacred building here.
My heart was slightly still, and then I realized that today is the day of sacrifice for the West Moon.
My steps uncontrollably followed the flow of people to the pure white platform, but an indescribable complex emotion surged in my heart.
The worship of West Moon Kingdom has always been presided over by the master. And I will also stand on that high platform during the annual ceremony.
Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation and noise from the crowd. At the same time, the vigorous bell rang from the northernmost end and awakened the entire city.
Commoners: It's an envoy of God!
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My heart jumped suddenly and I raised my head. As expected, there was a man in profound clothes standing on the towering hidden spirit platform.
It's Master!
The lingering sound of the bell dissipated, and everyone's voices fell silent, except for the hunting sound of the dark blue curtain being blown by the wind.
First, the hundred officials, and then all the people at the banquet bowed down and worshiped, toward the direction.
That tall, sacred and inviolable figure is the only person who can communicate with God in this world, and it is also the belief of West Moon Kingdom.
It is the gods who have guarded this country for hundreds of years since the establishment of this country
I looked at the master's back, and my heart shook slightly.
Master... was also the one who saved my life.
The sacrificial ceremony ended in a solemn sound of bells and drums. Seeing the master's figure leave from the high platform, I wrapped my cloak, passed through the crowd, and continued to the hidden spirit platform.
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There was a commotion behind him, and there was a rush of horse hooves galloping in this direction.
Passersby: Hey, girl! Be carefulㅡ
I didn't have time to get back to my senses, and there was a scream of horses behind me, and the sound of horses hooves close at hand, as if it was about to hit me in the next second!
I quickly flashed aside, and the tall horse passed me by, and the turbulent wind almost turned the cap on my head.
In a hurry, I had to saw the teenager on the horse.
The teenager who rides by has a handsome face, and his long hair is also raised high, with a strange color in the daylight.
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MC: Why is he?!
I was shocked, I quickly held down the veil, turned and flashed into the dark alley, fearing that the little magic star would notice.
Passersby: The second prince is out of the palace again?
This person has always been arrogant. A few years ago, His Majesty controlled him strictly and would not let him out of the palace easily. How can he let him go on the streets now?
Teenager: What's going on today? I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back!
The sound of horse hooves finally stopped. I hid behind the crowd and heard the familiar voice sternly scolding the restrained horse, but his tone soon softened again.
Teenager: Don't be afraid, I won't use you to make horse meat hot pot.
MC: This person, as expected, is still the same...
The officers and soldiers in the distance had already rushed over, and I quickly lowered the brim of my hat and flashed into the market with my back facing them.
I don't know how long this worry about being discovered will last.
Fortunately, the sacrifice was still going on, there was no one around, and I came to Master's residence with little effort.
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Haven't seen it for three years, the layout here is still the same as I remember.
Except for the necessary living utensils, there is nothing else, spotless, still cold and not like the place where people live.
I lifted my foot and walked in.
The warm sunlight flooded into the room through the window, and a new set of clothes was placed in a tray on the table, neatly folded.
I'm not familiar with the patterns on this dress. There was nostalgia in my heart, and I subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch it.
This is the uniform of the Miko. It is also the clothes I used to wear once a year.
In the past three years, I was in a long dream, and the rituals of the hidden secret was forced to shelve for three years.
There are not a few months left before this year's ceremony for the secret ceremony, is there already a new selection of Miko in the middle of the kingdom?
At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the back of the temple, and the ground shook.
My heart shuddered, and I recognized that the abrupt sound came from the backyard.
The backyard has always been a forbidden place for the master, and the master is still presiding over the sacrifice. Who would be there?
Listening to the movement, I had a bad feeling for some reason. Although it is a forbidden area, I haven't broken into it before.
Thinking like this, I stood up and walked towards the door to the backyard
Suddenly there was a door opening behind me, and there was a scream in my heart.
MC: Master is back!
Fortunately, the Master hadn't entered the room yet, so I went back to the room and picked up a book, pretending to look through it.
The familiar sound of footsteps gradually approached, and I lowered the book I opened and couldn't help but go to the door.
It might have been expected that there would be someone in the house, and the master had not even entered the door, and a cold voice had already come in.
Master: You are not allowed to come in without my consent next time.
Chapter 2-3
My heart sank, Master was not so indifferent to me in the past.
The door opened with a "creak", and the master stepped in at the answer, and I quickly raised a smile.
MC: Master, you're back!
Master: Why are you here?
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Master seemed a little surprised when he came in and saw me. His previous clothes had been changed, and the sense of distance that he could not reach seemed to fade with it.
MC: There are some things to ask Master for help.
He was startled, and nodded faintly.
MC: Master, I seemed to hear noises in the forbidden area just now, and I don't know if someone broke into it by mistake.
Master sat down opposite me, as if he didn't hear my reminder, and asked directly.
Master: What’s wrong?
MC: .....It's not a very important thing either.
I took a deep breath and started telling stories directly.
MC: Yesterday, when I was in the back of the wine shop, a qin suddenly fell from the sky.
Anyway, no matter what excuses, Master would not believe it. I simply let go of my courage.
MC: Who knew there was a hidden crystal fragment in this qin, It may also be that the hidden crystal fragments in my body have the power to summon.
MC: So I want to ask Master how to take out the fragments.
Master listened to my clumsy lie without saying a word, and there was no wave on his face.
MC: If you don't find the pieces quickly...
I paused and swallowed back the words.
Master: Wait for me here.
The master retracted his hand and walked towards the hall. I looked at his back in a daze.
These three years are just a long dream for me, but for Master, what three years are they?
Soon, Master took out an exquisite and simple black box.
Master: Take this with you and don't lose it.
MC: What is this?
I took the palm-sized black box from him, it heavier than I thought, and there's chilly sensation, as if some kind of energy was attached to it.
Master: This is the box of retreat, which can help you recover the fragments attached to their media.
Master: But before taking it back, the body attached to the fragments must be annihilated.
He motioned to me to open the box. I opened the lid of the box curiously, but found that there was nothing in the box.
I just wanted to ask, suddenly a chill spread across my body, and the spar on my chest actually resonated faintly.
Master: Feel it?
MC: Yes... I feel it.
I nodded, only feeling that my heart was filled with this strange yet familiar energy in the box.
This energy is indeed as sacred and clean as the master, but for some reason, I somehow remembered the power that I felt in Three Dreams Square last night.
That kind of pure and evil power.
Master: What's wrong?
As if he saw me distracted, and frowned slightly. His voice brought me back to my sense.
MC: Nothing, thank you Master.
In any case, Master will never harm me.
Having figured this out, I immediately put aside the worries I had just now.
Master glanced at me, and was about to ask something, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
The visitor was the emperor's attendant, and he was asking Master to go to the palace to discuss matters. Master responded and looked at me again when he got up.
Master: Be careful.
MC: Thank you Master, Master, take care.
Seeing the corner of the black robe disappear behind the door, I carefully put the box of retreat into my arms. I looked around, the voice I heard before was still suspicious
At this glance, I noticed that there were still a few brightly colored red spirit fruits on the table, which seemed to have just been picked off.
I couldn't help but murmur in my heart: Does master like this kind of fruit so much?
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I thought about it, grabbed a piece of fruit on the table, and ate it as I went outside, when I suddenly heard a strange noise in the courtyard.
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MC: Who?!
I stopped and looked around warily.
I don’t know if it’s my illusion. From the moment I enter the door, I feel like I have a pair of invisible eyes watching in secret.
While I was fully alert, a civet cat suddenly got out of the bushes and shook all the blades of grass.
Those black eyes looked at me, and then ran away quickly.I was relieved, speeded up and walked out.
After walking far away, my heart choked suddenly. Master's courtyard has always been a place where all the beasts are kept away. How come there are civet cats?
I looked back at the ebony gate in the distance. The stone lion head is majestic, but I suddenly feel a little ominous.
Is something wrong with the master?
When hesitating where to go next. Suddenly something was faintly hot in sleeve.
I took out and looked, and found that it was the black feather that fell from the boy in the dark alley yesterday.
The black feather was faintly glowing and deflected in my palm. I moved my palm, and it moved with it.
This is... pointing a direction?
My heart moved, and there was a subtle curiosity that the young man was calling me, or just my intuition?
For some reason, I always feel that the boy who held a sharp knife yesterday will not hurt me. And I even have an urge to see him again.
I thought for a moment and walked in the direction that black feather pointed out.
Chapter 2-5
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Following the direction guided by it, I gradually heard the noisy voices not far away.
This strange feather did not lead me to the remote and deep alley as I thought.
MC: Could it be that I was thinking wrong?
Not far away, the people watching the crowds in the city square went inside and outside for several times. I lowered my head and dialed the black potassium in my hand, but it slowly turned back to this direction.
MC: Okay, just let me see what you want to lead me into.
From time to time there was exclamation and applause from the crowd. I stood on tiptoe and looked around for a long time, only to see a golden hair top in the distance.
Looking at this posture, it seems that some strangers are performing some novel tricks.
The city have always been a place where foreign business travelers gather. Ordinary tricks have long been popular. Why is it so lively today?
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MC: Excuse me.
I squeezed into the crowd and saw a round table in the open space, there's stood a light blond boy.
His facial features are a bit unreal and delicate, and his friendly and clear smile has narrowed the distance again. No wonder the business is so prosperous.
At this moment, he turned his head to the side of my sight in the crowd.
MC: It's you?!
This boy is clearly the assassin I ran into in the alley that night!
My exclamation stuck in my throat. The boy's eyes seemed to stop on me for a short time, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he continued to look away from the crowd.
I confirmed that I didn't mistake the look in his eyes. But is this hearty blond boy really the same person as the silver-haired assassin who raised his sword?
If only the looks are similar, why would that black feather guide me here?
I subconsciously pulled the curtain down, intending to observe again.
The blond boy fetched an empty bowl and quivered back and forth. A stream of clear water poured out of the bowl.
The crowd suddenly cheered, and his fingers tapped the side of the bowl flexibly, and smiled as he spread the water around him like a flower.
I was caught off guard, so I had to lift the half-wet gauze on my hat.
At this time, someone screamed again, and I ignored the water droplets. I was surprised to see a red koi suddenly jump out of the bowl held by the young man.
There is a row of small fish tanks under his feet. As he rotates, the red and gold fish jump into the tank one by one from a high place, splashing clear water.
But the scene did not last. Sudden shouts rang from behind the crowd, interrupting the boy's performance.
I turned my head and looked like everyone else, and saw that the city guards appeared.
Guards: Today, the whole city is under martial law, no one can stay here!
Passerby: Why did the martial law suddenly come?
Passerby: I heard that the second prince was stabbed at the city gate just now, and I don't know if it was because of this...
I hadn't heard it really, the people watching the excitement were quickly scattered, and those who were slow were pushed a few times.
These brave guards do not seem to maintain order, but rather come to add chaos.
I wiped the drops of water on my face, pulled the veil down again, and quickly entered the crowd.
Guards: The one in the hat, stop! Take off the hat!
My heart sank suddenly, pretending not to hear, bowed my head and walked forward quickly.
Guards: I'm talking to you! The one in front, stop for me!
The officers and soldiers behind we shouted, and the curious eyes all around fell on me.
Oh no!
The situation is critical now, and I cannot expose myself in any case.
There was a burst of brisk laughter behind.
The conjurer put down the water bottle, jumped lightly from the stage, and stopped between me and the guards.
MC: ...Get out of here!
I lowered my voice, my anxious heart couldn't hold back and was about to pop out
He bends down deafly, picked up a small white porcelain fish tank, and put it in my hand without any explanation.
I stared blankly at the fish tank in my hand, a small red and white fish swimming slowly in the water.
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Mysterious Boy: For you.
He blinked, and before I could reply, he turned to face the guards.
Mysterious Boy: All the adults also join the show, how about my newly learned trick?
Guards: Get out of the way and don't hinder official duties!
The boy was not angry, but smiled and reached into his arms to get something, but after a while he took out a handful of soybeans.
The guards were about to get angry. The corners of the young man’s lips were raised, and his hands were held together. The soybeans thrown high into the sky turned into yellow coins.
Passersby: It's money now! Pick up the money!
People scrambled to pick up the copper coins scattered on the ground, and the streets that had just been evacuated were instantly blocked.
Guards: Hey, don't run!
He grab my hand and ran forward. Seeing that my hood was about to be blown away by the wind, he quickly reached out and pressed my head.
MC: Youㅡ
Guards: Find me that guy!
In a hidden alley, facing this familiar face, I didn't know what to say for a while.
MC: You, you run too fast.
Mysterious Boy: I will lead them away first, and you will wait for me somewhere else.
MC: Somewhere else?
He pointed to the back, and a large tree was far from behind the high wall that was twisted and looped.
MC: You mean, we will meet there later
Before I got a confirmed answer, I was pushed out by him and involuntarily rejoined the crowd.
And he slid in the direction he had come, but turned his head halfway, as if confirming, and glanced at me from a distance.
The guards saw him as the most conspicuous in the crowd at a glance immediately shouted and rushed over.
The young man shook his hand in the air, a burst of golden smoke suddenly exploded in the air, and the lazy smile on his lips was so beautiful and dazzling.
My hand was empty and I lowered my head. The little goldfish disappeared along with the fish tank.
Without thinking about it, I tightened my veil and hurried to the place he said before.
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There was no one in the depths of the alley, only an old tree.
There are still some dirty child footprints and messy feathers scattered under the trees.
MC: Strange, has anyone else been here?
With many doubts, I hesitated for a moment, but decided to wait for him.
I don't know if it's because he just offered to help, or the lingering sense of familiarity that always lingers in my heart.
But how could he and the assassin I met in the dark alley be the same person?
There was a sound of footsteps in the quiet alley. I turned around and held my breath nervously.
MC: Youㅡ
However, it was not the boy who appeared in front of me, but a few tall men in black. The leader saw my face and sneered.
Man in black: Finally found it.
I took two steps back quickly. I didn't know where these people came from, but I felt the strong murderous aura in them.
MC: Wait a minute! Did you admit the wrong person?
The man in black didn't listen to my excuse. He raised his hand to his companion behind him, and showed a dark color around his waist without warning.
MC: A Talisman? Are you a Master?!
The black-clothed man's eyes dimmed suddenly, and I realized that I shouldn't be so reckless. He knew that I had discovered his identity and would only want to kill me even more.
MC: We.... Let's talk first, in fact, I am also a master of the hermit, and I just joined yesterday. Everyone is a colleague...
Man in black: Stop talking nonsense, come on!
Read Part.TWO here
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fijiangecko · 3 years
Maintaining a New Life
Chapter 8 - In Motion
Read it on AO3 here
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The sun had risen and set 3 times since each group began their hunts. Each day providing no new information and the hope of keeping each other safe felt as if it was getting farther and farther away. Kuroo, Oikawa and Iwazumi split off into two groups most of the time, Oikawa and Kuroo walking around town while Iwaizumi kept an eye out for any Port Mafia patrols and your car.
Iwaizumi refused to be alone with Kuroo, stating multiple times that he would “rather gauge his own eyes out then look at the fuckwad who drove out one of his best friends”. A tad bit harsh for Oikawa's taste, but he maintained the peace between the two whenever they brought tension to the table. Kuroo doesn’t mean to be irritating but there’s still so much he doesn’t understand, and these two don’t help in answering his questions since they don’t know much about your past and why you left.
On your end of things, you decided to lay low during the day and do some rounds on the streets at dusk and dawn. Largely things remained the same for the Port Mafia: they operated on the schedule you created and stuck to the same routine based on what vehicles and hangouts you’d seen so far. 
Guess they really haven’t progressed all that much since I left, you think while watching the endless stream of cars. Washijo’s health wasn’t too good, and I can’t imagine it’s gotten any better with all the stress of transferring power and dealing with the mess that I left.
After little to no new information and more questions than answers, the weekend rolled around and the sun has started to hang lower in the sky. You lean against the counter in your kitchen, sipping on a cup of tea and listen to the birds sing from tree to tree. Looking to the clock, you sigh and set the mug down, heading towards the bedroom.
If everything goes according to plan, this whole operation should be relatively quick and you can just leave the club within an hour of getting in. You sift through what little clothes you have and get ready to blend in with tonight’s crowd; standard makeup, nothing too flashy, and a relatively short dress to match. None of your shoes really fit, so the black sneakers would have to do for now. 
With a deep breath, you take a final glance in the mirror and mentally prepare for whatever the night has in store. You double check that your car is stacked with any you could possibly need and rev the engine, taking the dirt road down onto the streets.
The sun starts to set over the horizon, leaving the bright orange orb blaring down on the asphalt as the tires roll down the highway. You don’t bother to turn on the radio, deciding to run through the plan and all of the backups you have prepared. Through public records you were able to find the new layout plans for “The Neon Nights”, so you knew relatively where everything should be and how to get to it. That didn’t always translate into action, though. 
Instead of chewing on your lip you moved onto the inside of your cheek, ripping it to shreds over the course of the past couple of days. You haven’t been this nervous in quite a while and it was really starting to fuck with your head. 
Confidence and assurance were two very different things but often got confused for one another. Back at the ADA everyone just believed you to be confident, and that’s not to say that you weren’t. You know you are one hell of a detective, doing the work that needs to be done and doing it effectively, but it was more so that you knew you were safe and around people that were relatively safe as well. Standard protocol in the Port Mafia was not to fuck with others that had gifts. Washijo always stated that it was to keep the peace on the streets, but that was total bullshit. At the very least, you knew that while the ADA was on their radar, there wasn’t anything that they would be able to do in order to harm your friends.
Now everything was uncertain, there was no more assurance. You didn’t know if they were going to be safe. Tendou always did what he wanted and Washijo just turned a blind eye to it. Now he knows that you’re alive and in Yokohama.
On top of that, he saw you with the two of your right hand men that left shortly after you and a new man from the ADA. Tooru and Hajime were found out because you got careless.
The Port Mafia is also aware now of who Kuroo is and that he has connections to you. There’s always going to be a crosshair aimed at the back of his head if you don’t get into that club tonight and do everything you possibly can to erase those damn records of not only your existence, but everyone you care about too.
You blink hard, letting the colors settle behind your eyelids before reopening your eyes and focusing on the road. The stream of thoughts that just crossed your mind had left your heart and head pounding.
Nothing will happen to them as long as everything goes as planned. I’ll find the data servers and wipe whatever I can then skip town. Again, you go through the plan as the last bit of sun disappears around the edge of the world.
 Coming to a slow halt, you park a few blocks away and walk the area in order to secure a teleportation spot and secure an escape route. The checklist in your mind finally had everything marked and every movement from now on was going to be almost robotic as you try to act like the crowd around you. Countless couples and parties line the edge of the building you once knew as a headquarters, the stink of alcohol present already from those who were leaving the venue for whatever reason.
By your lonesome you wait to meet the bouncer at the door, minutes passing as the line dwindles down until you can hear the muffled electronic music. The ground felt like it was shaking from the hundreds of people all dancing just a few feet past this wall. You peer around a few people ahead of you and make note of a pin on the bouncer's suit jacket, confirming that this club is still under mafia control.
You take another deep breath and just hope that news of your reappearance was just kept to the inner circle and henchmen like him weren’t informed quite yet of what was happening. The person in front of you walks inside the club, leaving you face to face with the man with shades. He looks you up and down, your heart picking up as you smile sweetly. Charm wasn’t your specialty but you know the basics. Without another moment to spare, he nods towards the mass of people and you quickly take your place inside the dark and dense room.
The music increases tenfold from when you were outside, feeling the bass changing the rhythm of your heartbeat. Hundreds of people crowd the center of the room, dancing to their hearts out while others line the bars stretched out on the walls.
You walk to the furthest side of the bar, mapping out where you are in your head and making note of little landmarks on the map you practically memorized. Figuring it would look more natural, you squeeze yourself in and order something. Partially to calm your nerves. 
“And the devil herself appears.” Chills run up and down your spine, the voice of whomever just spoke stopping you dead in your tracks. They lean in real close,from behind, lips grazing your ear, their breath warm against your skin as they whisper to you. “Nice to see you Y/N.”
Cautiously you turn your head and face the voice, only to be met with a head of bleached hair and a sultry smile. “Miss me?” He says while placing his hands on his hips.
“Terushima.” The tension in your body hadn’t quite left, unsure of where his loyalties are makes your mind run a thousand miles per second. You prepare to portal out of the club, but his hand on your wrist interrupts everything.
“Let’s have a chat in the back, yeah?” Before you even know what’s going on, you're being dragged to one of the side hallways and up a set of stairs. You take in the surroundings the best you can while being pulled along and realize that he’s taking you back to what used to be the main office area.
Terushima pushes open a set of doors into a lounge area. A large sectional couch faces glass panes that showcase the entirety of the club and a small personal bar and desk line the other two walls in the room. He lets go of the hold on your wrist and beelines it to the alcohol and starts to construct his own drink.
You’re stiff as a board in the center of the room, still taking in everything that just happened in the last two minutes. He watches as you try and create a plan, and laughs out loud at your distraught. “I’m not gonna tell anyone you know.”
It’s like your body snaps when you move to look at him. “Excuse me?”
“I said, ‘I’m not going to tell anyone’.” He strains his cocktail into a glass and saunters over to the couch, sitting himself down. “I really don’t do any work with the Port Mafia since I manage the club. There’s no real benefit to me telling them.”
“Wait,” you blink and scrunch your face together as you follow him down onto the couch, “you manage the club now?”
“Bingo.” The amber drink in his hands disappears slowly as it glides down his throat. “After you left and Tendou took over your position they redistributed everything and wanted to change our little jazz club into a full blow nightclub for the younger people to come and party. I was pretty much the only person around that knew how to keep everything relatively in order, so here we are.” The one free hand Terushima has open lifts up off of his thigh and plops back down in a sort of defeat. His chocolatey spheres hold your gaze.
“And you gave up on singing?” It’s an honest question. The last time you both had a serious conversation was when Terushima was the main singer for your aforementioned jazz club.
“No, more like I took a break. I couldn’t really say no to the Port Mafia so I put my career on hold.” A pained expression flashes across his face before returning to his previous position.
“I’m really sorry Teru.” You scoot closer to him on the cushion, setting your drink down on the table at the center and resting a hand on his shoulder. It was the best consoling you got considering this is basically your fault.
“Don’t be.” He can see the guilt in your eyes and quickly dismisses them. “You did what was better for yourself. Anyone who couldn’t see that you were unhappy was stupid and it wasn’t a suprise when they told me you were gone.” He rests that free hand on top of yours and rubs circles onto the back of your hand while reaching down to place his drink on the same table. “I just thought that I would never see you again, so spotting you by the bar tonight really shook me to the core, y’know?”
The smile that finishes his sentence is wicked, lips curling up at the end. There was always something left unsaid between you both; light touches here and there, lingering glances from across the dimly lit club room and the handful of “dates” (according to him) shared between you two. It never went anywhere; he being the flirt he was made you very nonchalant about his advances. Plus there was the matter of his gift that made things complicated, so it was just better for you to stay out of trouble the best you could.
Things are different now, though. Terushima didn’t cause your chest to tighten or make the blood in your system rush to your cheeks when you thought of what it would be like to be with him late into the night, curled into one another and just simply being. No, that spot now belonged to a tall, lean and dark haired man that weaseled his way into your heart and mind by using his shitty science puns and awkward dancing when he was almost blackout drunk. Those nights of wondering what life would be like with someone else no longer contained bleach blonde hair or a tongue piercing, but the easy comfort that came from Kuroo Tetsuro.
“Yeah, about that.” Your grasp on his shoulder tightens, other fist clenching “Tendou saw me a couple days ago and I’m pretty sure he’s on the hunt. I need to find the P.M. servers-”
“So you came here to find them.” He cuts you off, but doesn’t finish the sentence with a question. He might be a playboy but he’s been through the ringer once or twice and knows that you just didn’t show up tonight to see him. “Unfortunately they moved them a couple of years ago to create an arms deal station in the basement. To my knowledge they took all that stuff to Club Impac-”
Suddenly a young lady busts through the doors, drunkenly falling onto the floor with her eyes completely unfocused on the area around her. A man in a suit comes rushing down the corridor, targeting the woman on the ground.
With many apologies the guard pulls the woman rather harshly off of the ground and looks up to once again ask for forgiveness from Terushima, but meets your cold eyes instead. The spur of the moment interruption caused you to turn around in your seat and watch the events unfold.
Unknown to you, this man had worked under Ushijima for years and had met your eyes years ago. He recognized the dead stare you were giving him currently, but continued pulling the woman out of the room. A bitter taste fills his mouth as he shuts the doors, immediately ditching the woman by the restrooms and walking to the head of security to inform him of the guest that just happened to be sitting up in the lounge.
“Anyways…” Terushima continues filling you in on what has happened logistically within the mafia since your leaving.
Roughly 30 minutes prior to that conversation, miles out into the outskirts of the city the three men who have been trying to catch you at the right time huddled around a coffee table and went over their plan of attack one last time.
“You both got it?” Iwaizumi flicked the last piece of paper in a file down onto the hardwood, looking between the two taller men. Wordlessly they both nodded and turned to grab their respective bags with the appropriate clothes for the night. Oikawa’s outfit was a little more classy then the others to match his personality, Kuroo and Iwaizumi going for something pretty simple just in case anything goes haywire, but with their final touches done up they were ready to set out for the night.
“Do you really think that she’s going to be here tonight?” Kuroo asked Oikawa while Iwaizumi called a taxi. They were a little behind schedule and missed the train, so they had to opt for something quick.
“Out of everything we’ve done so far, I think this is our best chance at catching her. This club used to be a faux headquarters for her. I’m almost positive that she’s either looking for a certain someone,” Iwaizumi catches the tone in Oikawa’s voice as he spoke, making eyes at him while he finished his sentence, “or that she left something behind.”
They both knew that you were fond of Terushima, but they also knew that you had moved on from all of that. You had your eyes set on someone else. That still didn’t mean that you weren’t there for him, but the idea that it was anything but business was a little far fetched.
“So you guys used to be there all the time?” The taxi pulled up to the curb, waiting for Kuroo and the others to hop in. 
“Yeah. Every weekend she would have us come have drinks with her since we were her ‘groupies’, essentially .” Iwaizumi answered, using quotations with his fingers to get the point across. “It was more like a weekly check in but sometimes all we did was catch up with one another.”
The memories warmed his heart. He never once felt like he was working for you, but alongside you. You truly cared about their goals and ambitions, oftentimes ignoring the actual work that the Port Mafia wanted to get done and helping the citizens most in need. Coincidentally, that was how you made the most money and controlled the most area - the people liked you. Being in your squad was a different experience from every other job he had within the Mafia, and as soon as you disappeared he knew that he was going to have to get out sooner rather than later.
Oikawa felt the exact same way, and couldn’t imagine a life where he and Iwaizumi didn’t work together, so they devised a plan and faked their deaths in order to obtain what little freedom that would allow. Both knew that you weren’t dead, no matter how solid the evidence looked, and stuck their foot in the ground in Yokohama in an effort to find you. Two years later they accepted jobs as detectives with the ADA and walked in to see you, sitting at a desk, smiling and laughing with your fellow detectives.
The car ride was silent for the most part, the taxi driver asked a handful of questions before letting the radio fill the dead air. Iwaizumi kept track of how close they were and directed the driver to a few blocks off so they could walk up to the club (he really didn’t want to get this poor guy involved, so better to keep him out of it).
With a small wave from Oikawa, the boys head down the streets but their moods quickly shift as streams of people flood out of the building. The screams of hundreds fills the night air and the heavy footsteps of the three carry as closely as possible to the front entrance. Crowds topple over one another in an attempt to make it out safely as the sound of a single gunshot ricochets off of every surface, furthering the panic in the chests of innocents. Eyes flicking to every possible entrance, Kuroo feels deep down in his soul that you’re inside - you’re either the one firing or being fired at and either causes his chest to tighten, the neverending pit of anxiety at the bottom of his stomach somehow growing deeper. The three stand like a rock against a current of bodies, everyone just running past them and filling the space behind the group as they run.
Only a few moments before their arrival, Terushima and yourself were finishing your drinks and sharing a laugh when splinters flick off the set of doors, and single shot entering the room and shattering the large glass windows that look down on the dance floor. The initial panic takes a second to kick in before the patrons below start their scramble. Terushima’s instincts kicked in and he grabbed you rather harshly and shoved you down onto the ground, covering your body with his own.
“We know you’re in there Y/N!” The voice that spoke was unfamiliar to you, probably just some higher level goon that happened to know what was going on. While tucked under Terushima’s body, you open a small portal to the dashboard of your car and grab the handgun you left waiting. It always pays off to have a backup plan, you think while taking in the surrounding area. The men had yet to breach the room itself, leaving an opportunity for both of you to escape, whether that be jumping down onto the dance floor or using a portal.
“Teru,” his eyes focus on the door but you know he’s listening to your harsh whispers, “we can jump down and blend in the crowd-”
“No.” His jaw clenches, the lines on his face becoming harsher. “They deliberately shot at the window to lure us out there. The one talking is the head of this district so I’m sure every mobster in the area is here keeping an eye out for you.”
“Fuck…” your heart beats just as fast as your brain fires off thousands of different ideas. The crowd of people down below scream for help as they run out into the night and then another shot comes, this time it sounds like it’s from down below. In the crowd.
“Are they firing at civilians?!” Your mind spirals down. What the fuck are they thinking?
“One of those idiots might’ve thought that they saw you.” Terushima detaches himself from you and reaches under one of the tables, grabbing a hidden handgun and making sure it’s loaded.
As he checks the magazine, you muster up a portal big enough for a person to fit through, the other end looking out onto the streets. “Get in Teru. They’re after me.” You plead him with both your eyes and your voice, hands twitching around the cold metal of your pistol.
“Not happening sweetheart.” His smile is sly and coy, teasing you almost. “This is my club that they’re ruining and these people are my guests.” He gestures to the window and then to you, slowing the fall of his hand to emphasize his next words. “It’s my duty to protect them.”
Your lips tugs into a smile and you shut the portal. “Alright then.”
Down on the streets below the three men try to push up river through the endless streams of people running away from yet another shot. Women fall over, others trampling them in the fearful haze that covers the downtown. Iwaizumi rushes over and picks them up, shielding them from the hoards of shoes and getting them back on their feet.
SUV’s among other black vehicles speed around various street corners and men in suits start to surround the area, each fitted with different weapons of different calibers. Pressure grows in the small atmosphere of the downtown area, ears yearning to pop and get ahold of the situation but Kuroo doesn’t know if he would rather feel the throbbing in his head or the despair of hundreds.
Oikawa spins in circles, taking in every detail he can of the mayhem. Each of his senses feels like they’re on fire, enhanced from the sudden change in pace. It would be suicide to use his gift now, so the best he can do in trust his brain to intake whatever information is available.
The three converge after each attains their bearings and stand back to back. “What now?” Iwaizumi is forced to yell over the collage of sounds.
“We go in? I mean she’s gotta be in there, right?!” Oikawa shouts equally as loud, still turning his head around to look at the distressed faces. His voice comes out exasperated and rushed, his breathing picking up.
“Go in?! We can barely move five feet forward, how the fuck are we supposed to get in?” Kuroo takes the more logical stance, trying his best to find a solution to the problem at hand: what to do next.
Luckily, Oikawa, in his twisty turn around scavenger hunt, had spotted a fire escape on the side of the closest apartment building. If they wanted to get a height advantage and take a moment to clear their heads, that would be the spot. He shakes both of his companions shoulders and gestures his head to the ladder. Lightbulbs light up in their heads and slowly but surely they take small steps towards the iron bars, giving the people enough time to adjust to the change in current.
It only takes a minute or two to finally reach the ladder, Iwa hoisting Tooru with weaved fingers and will to lift with his legs, not his back. One handed, Oikawa pulls down the ladder and the three make their way to the landing.
The chaos seen from above is only less claustrophobic as it doesn't let their hearts take a moment to rest. Rather, showcasing the complete lack of control from anyone down below. Every person down below looks like a rat on the loose, caught at the wrong time as they scatter in all directions. Kuroo leans over the edge of the railing, trying to get a better view of the inside of the club.
“There’s a bunch of guys with guns pointed at the top room, part of the window was either smashed or shot at since it’s all over the floor.” Iwa observes to the left of Kuroo, also leaning over the delicate iron bars.
“Can you see in that top room?” Kuroo squints, but it doesn’t enhance his vision.
“Not really,” Iwaizumi starts to tilt his head in various directions, finding the best angle to peer inside that room. “Looks like there’s two people up there but I can’t make out any faces.”
“We should’ve brought Akaashi…” Kuroo mumbles to himself, at this point wondering everything that could’ve been different in this moment. “Well one of them has to be Y/N. I think that’s a given at this point.”
“That or she’s the woman one of the guys has hostage on the lower level.” Oikawa notes, gesturing to each of them to come to where he stands and uses his hand to try and guide their view to a better position.
You also take note of the hostage, peeking down from the remains of the windows. The thought that the Port Mafia is now so low that they would take hostages in order to obtain an ex-member leaves a bad taste on the tip of your tongue. Cold metal brushes your chest as you keep your gun close to your chest. Being as silent as possible, you carefully crouch around the room and get eyes on everything you can.
Terushima had taken off his blazer just a few seconds ago, throwing it over the edge of the couch and creeping closer to the double doors. He listens to whatever words he can make out through the veil of screams and footsteps, retaining only the name “Tendou”.
His head turns to yours from across the room, mouthing the words “Tendou is coming”.
With a clenched jaw, you turn back to the dance floor and see that two more girls were being kicked onto the ground, making a total of three hostages. Hands cover their ears as they plead for their lives.
“Alright Y/N! You’ve got one choice: you either turn yourself over right now or you sit and wait until Satori gets here and we kill those girls and Terushima!” Whoever spoke before loudy shouts again, the words bouncing off of every glossy surface of the club.
GODDAMMIT! Sweat builds in the palm of your hands, the bass from the speakers making the miniscule shards of glass on the ground shake; bits and pieces falling off the ledge and into various crevices in the tile. There’s really only one thing left to do, you think to yourself and Terushima watches as the familiar cerulean hue starts to color the very lines of your body. 
A portal opens to your left, the circle opening up to a view of the entryway of the building. From this vantage point you can see a group of men, all in suits and with their weapons either pointed at the hostages or the balcony. Without hesitation you aim the barrel of the gun at the closest guy and fire at his leg. The bullet enters his calf muscle, leaving through the shin and he immediately keels over. Other men are alerted by the sound and turn quickly to find the source. Like a trained soldier you close and open various portals, one at a time and in dissimilar spots to try and confuse them, and fire potshots at whoever catches your eye first. 
Arguing continues between Kuroo and Iwaizumi as they battle on what to do next; one trying to approach the situation like it’s made of delicate porcelain and the other ready to give blood, sweat and tears. Oikawa refuses to let his eyes leave the club, and it proves to be useful as rifts start to open and close within the confined space. His eyes dilate and once again he slaps Iwa on the shoulder mid sentence.
“What the hell Shittykawa?!” Iwa gnashes, foam practically running down the side of his mouth.
“She’s making her move.” Dominos start to fall, but for once in a very long time the two don’t know what lies at the end of the line. Kuroo can’t believe what he’s seeing - he’s only ever seen you use your gift sparingly and in desperate situations, never to an extent such as this. The last piece of the puzzle finally goes into place as it dawns on Tetsuro that this is life or death. There is no playing around and there are no wrong moves. 
“Alright Iwaizumi: I’m in.”
The aforementioned turns to him with a blank expression, a little unsure of what to do now. Oikawa watches as Kuroo claps his hands together and squats down and it hits him all at once; this is the first time he’s ever seen Kuroo’s gift in any capacity. Satisfied with the warm feeling on his skin, Tetsuro releases his hands and places them on the iron below, the space surrounding them glowing like they do.
In an instance, the vibrancy dies down and on the landing lies two items in a similar shape to hand grenades. A smirk tugs at his features and he states, “We’ll get in with these.”
Their jaws drop and Tooru starts to huff in disbelief, “I can appreciate your tenacity Kuroo-san but that seems like overkill.”
“Seriously…” Iwa adds sarcastically, slightly sticking out his arm to act as a shield between the two.
The smile disappears quickly and Kuroo brings a hand up to rub his brows. “They’re smoke grenades…”
Forming an ‘o’ with his mouth, Tooru starts to nod his head and Hajime drops the raised arm. “I knew that.”
Licking his lips, Kuroo passes one of the grenades to Iwaizumi and mouths “of course you did” to silently mock them. At least they share a brain cell.
Another few minutes pass, the gang of men make their way back down the ladder and into the frey. During that time you remain using the same tactic, effectively avoiding any unwanted attention from the growing crowd of henchmen. More had been called in after your initial shot, the head honcho making plays over the various walkie talkies. 
You close a portal and let your chest heave, taking long deep breaths and settling down. The spacing of your shots has been growing larger to keep the suspense up, but in this timeframe you create a mini portal to grab a new magazine and reload. You close your eyes and let the noise wrap you like a blanket, surrounding you and taking precedence over every other sense in your body. Right as you whip to the right and start to open a rift, the small tinks of metal on concrete are drowned out.
Slowly, smoke swirls around the dance floor, rising and expanding out in all directions. Another can sputter to life and causes the room to turn opaque. Light bounces around in rays that color the white sheet that now fills the room.
Right outside the doors of the club Iwaizumi charges up his ability, letting a firm feeling prick every inch of his skin before ramming himself through the doors. Tooru sticks to his back and fires at every shape he can make out through the fog, Kuroo acting as the kaboose and covering any stragglers that those two seem to miss.
From your end of things, the room starts to fill with white and immediately you shut the gateway, watching from your perch as the fog dissipates right as it reaches your feet. Terushima also evaluates the situation, deciding to take the chance and barge out of the doors and tackle whoever is closest. Unfortunately he didn’t think super far ahead and that leaves you in a compromising position.
Gunfire fills the hallways of the building, but the light that flashes up on the second level lets Kuroo know that shit’s going down. Without hesitation he leaves formation and hauls ass down the hall and up some stairs. Four men in total block his path to you, two being on the floor and the other two shooting in your general direction.  
It’s as if red seeps into his eyelids, rage pumps through his veins at a level he thought himself incapable. The barrel of his gun points down at the thigh of one of the standing men. As soon as the bullet hits its mark he rushes the other one and knocks him upside the head with the butt of the gun. In less than three minutes Kuroo had entered the building and knocked out two guys in order to rush to your side.
A wedge was pushed in the cogs in your brain, halting all functions and making your eye twitch. Kuroo squats down to meet your eye level and stares at you with piercing golden eyes. His pupils dilate when they meet yours which are full of confusion, then disbelief and finally annoyance.
“You fuckin’ asshole.” The words should be lost to the mirage of the night, but they’re the only things Kuroo can hear.
Almost scared, he reaches forward and curls his fingers around the flesh of your forearm and responds. “Let’s get out of here.”
Whatever shock that stopped your brain had washed over and now it felt like everything was moving too quickly in order to catch up. The fog was starting to clear and you can make out the figures of both Oikawa and Iwaizumi down on the dance floor below, watching each other's backs. Terushima stands near the edge of the balcony and joins them in taking down what seems to be an endless stream of goons.
He turns to you and winks, a silent goodbye as Kuroo grabs a tight hold of your arm and pulls you off of the ground. It’s a blur as you leap over several unconscious men and down the stairs. Whatever crowd was left was thin at best, no civilians in sight and many mafia members toppled over. Iwaizumi steps backwards towards you two, Oikawa shifting himself so the three act as armor around you.
Just as swift as the entrance, the boys shove you along and out into the streets. The screeching of tires alerts the four of you, yet another SUV speeds down the narrow streets of the downtown.
“Fuck” you whisper and get your bearings. Your legs are quicker than your brain and you shout, “follow me!” Your two fellow ex-members are already by your sides and Kuroo lags behind. Quickly you throw the keys to Iwaizumi. “When we get to the car, just drive. Doesn’t matter what streets you go down.”
Yet again Kuroo watches as the three of you work together like a well oiled machine, Hajime practically ripping the door off of its hinges and shaking the car as he sits. Tooru follows suit on the passenger side and deja vu strikes hard once Kuroo gets his but down into the seat.
Iwaizumi revs the engine and rapidly turns the wheel from side to side as the car skids and jolts into the center of a major road.
“Whatever happens, just keep her in the center of the road!” You whirl around and face the rear windshield, spotting the vehicles that now tail you all. Luckily the night means less traffic and Hajime can keep to the center of the road. Whoever was driving this late at night veers out of the way as the street turns crowded with several cars turning corners rather fast and joining in with those that already follow you.
You roll down the window next to you and start to shoot blindly out of the side, not daring to stick your whole body out of the car like last time due to the sheer amount of firepower that would be sure to hit you. Kuroo and Oikawa do the same as you, Kuroo ducking his head while doing so just in case any bullets come flying in through the back window and Oikawa tries to use the side mirror to aim his shots. 
Not even two minutes since this drive began and cop cars light up the road ahead, about three quarters of a mile in front.
“Uhh Y/N! We got a problem!” Iwaizumi white knuckles the steering wheel and starts to turn it, planning on going down one of the side streets to put all threats behind your car. You whip your head around and evaluate the situation, quickly realizing that this is an opportune moment for something you’ve been keeping up your sleeve.
“You better keep this car in the center of the road Hajime or so help me God I will kill you before anyone else has the chance!” You scream and place yourself in the center of the back bench which gives you a relatively clear view of the road. Breathing in through your nose and out with your mouth, you clap your hands together much like Kuroo did earlier in the night. Continuing your breathing pattern, Hajime returns the car to the center of the road.
“Step on the gas.” You command, your eyes closed in concentration.
“Y/N are you sure?!” There wasn’t a hint of doubt in Iwaizumi’s questioning, but more of a confirmation of action.
“Just fucking do it!”
The clock ticks down as both forces start to close in. Five seconds before impact: the cops are unsure what to do. Some stopped their vehicles and were preparing road spikes while the others continue charging forward and speak through the sound system, warning you all of what’s going to happen. The Port Mafia also starts to slow down as they are just as confused as the police. No one really knows what you have in plan, but those in charge of each group are determined to get to the bottom of things.
Four seconds to go and the pit at everyone’s stomach grows a size larger; a faint sapphire glow emanates just from your hands and Kuroo watches curiously. The phrase trusting someone with your life had never meant much to him, but in this moment he really understood the complete lack of control he has.
Three; Oikawa sits up right in his seat and straps himself in, also closing his eyes to alleviate the stress of the scene before him.
Two; the glow around your fingertips has grown exponentially into something almost blinding. Iwaizumi steadies the wheel and fights the urge to jerk the car.
Right before impact with the front runner the view of a country road lined with trees fills Hajime and Kuroo’s eyes. The car barely fits into the rift and bounces up and down. You weren’t able to align the two roads perfectly off of memory, so you opted to have it a little high up. Kuroo checks behind them and the road is empty. No sight of any buildings or vehicles - just a clear sky and the wilderness that surrounds them.
Tooru didn’t realize he was clutching onto his chest strap until he opens his eyes and lets out a breath he was holding. Hajime adjusts quickly to the new territory and slows the car down some, leaning back into his seat. Kuroo, amazed that you were in the clear, turns to you, but your head is lolled to the side. 
“Y/N?” Ever so gently, he shakes your shoulder and your eyes crack open. You turn to face him and blood is streaming from one nostril, down your face and dripping onto your shirt. He freezes up, just now realizing how much this whole ordeal must’ve taken out of you.
A tissue appears in front of both of your faces, Tooru’s hand attached to it. “You always pull that stuff off last second even though you could’ve just done it as soon as we got in the car.”
“Fuck off,” you sound drained and totally devoid of any emotion. “If we can get out of it without having to port out then we’ll do it that way, but the cops got in the way.” You take the tissue and start to wipe up whatever you can, your movements slow.
“Are you alright?” Kuroo is unsure of his place, a total contrast from inside the club when he was the most assertive you had ever seen him.
“Loaded question.” You want so badly to drop them off on the side of the road and hope that they just leave you alone, but your eyes blur every few seconds and you know that you are in no position to drive. Several emotions bubble up at the thought that they kept looking for you, put their lives on the line to find you and actually ended up saving you.
Effectively dodging the question, you slide back over to your side of the car and place your head on the window, giving Hajime directions to your home. They’re smart enough to know that now isn’t the time to talk, nor is it the time to ask questions like “what’s next?” and so on.
The high beams of your car light up the large house at the end of the gravel road, your headache nearing its end and the boys all ogle at your property. A flick of his hands and Iwaizumi turns the car off, then steps out into the cold air. He takes a few steps back and precariously opens the door you’re leaning on. With careful consideration, he crouches down and tries to let you use him as a crutch, but in all the time you had to think on the ride here, you shove him off and stumble a bit.
Gaining some balance, you speak with an unwavering tone. “What you did tonight was stupid. All of you.” You turn and meet each of their eyes, Kuroo and Oikawa still on the other side of the car. “I explicitly told you all not to get involved and still you fucking showed up.”
They all freeze at the accusatory finger you’re pointing and watch as you start to back yourself up to the entryway. Iwaizumi, who normally decides to let Tooru charm his way out of things, is the first to speak. “You’re right.” His eyes bore into your own, but he continues. “But that doesn’t change the fact that if we weren’t there you would’ve been fucked.”
“As if.” You spit back, not thinking clearly as you’re more focused on getting your own point across. Hajime only started fights when he thought it was absolutely necessary. This didn’t cross your mind, but Tooru’s as he realizes the upcoming screaming match. 
“As if?!” His voice booms over the forest, possibly shaking the leaves on the trees. “You were backed into a fucking corner Y/N! For god's sake, did you think Terushima was gonna be able to help you out of that shitshow?” He stops his assault for a moment, seeing if you would answer but you grind your teeth instead. “You needed our help. We’re the ones that got you out of that situation-”
“No Tooru! She doesn’t get to disappear behind everyone’s backs and tell us NOT to find her! Especially not us.” Tooru purses his lips, knowing that he’s right. Tooru would’ve thought that maybe after the first day or two you would contact them, allowing them to help, all things considered. He knows where Hajime is coming from and ultimately decides to let him continue. “She sure as fuck doesn’t get to tell us that we didn’t help either. I know damn well that once we all cool off you’re gonna have to apologize and admit to me that I was right.”
“That still doesn’t change the fact that you still decided to follow me.”  You're quick with your rebuttal. “I’m trying my best to protect you all-” A cackle catches you mid sentence, and you watch as Iwaizumi rests a hand over his face and laughs, shoulders shaking. “What? What’s so hilarious Hajime?”
“Do you really think that we need protecting?” His eyes peek through the cracks in his fingers, a sly smirk curling his lips.
“Maybe you don’t but the Port Mafia knows now that I’m involved with the agency. For the safety and protection of everyone I need to erase myself from their records and go away.” This is your retreat. You can feel your own arms wrap around your form and start rubbing slow circles into your sides. The more you think about it, the more you realize that you’re just pleading for them to live. Or pleading with them to leave you with the idea that they’ll be living a peaceful life without you.
“You do know who you’re talking about, right?” Iwaizumi takes his hand off of his face and glares at you. “You got Bokuto, who is an accidental genius; Sugawara and myself who act like human shields; Tanaka and Nishinoya who are the wildcards; Kenma and Asahi who can heal practically any injury and Kuroo, who can literally create a bomb if he has the right materials within his vicinity.” As he lists off the various members he sticks fingers up and counts. “I don’t think they need as much protection as you seem to think. I bet everyone’s losing their shit right now since you just walked out and now the three of us have been M.I.A. for almost a week.”
While he presents a pretty good argument, it feels like it just goes in one ear and out the other. Your only goal right now is to get them to understand that you don’t want them here. Anything you can do to save them is the top priority, and having them here with you is a fucking nuisance. “I don’t give a rat's ass about any of that! You and Torru have seen what the Port Mafia is capable of and there’s is nothing that is going to stop them from finding me! If that means blowing up the agency building, they will! You know Tendou will do anything and Washijo will just let him!”
“Y/N.” The desperation in your voice is becoming more apparent with each word as your sentences speed up and your tone gets higher and higher. Oikawa walks around the car and stands next to Hajime, taking your beat of silence as a cue to speak. “You know you can’t say that anymore. We haven’t been with them for years. Washijo might be too sick to even speak.”
“Plus everyone at the agency knows what this job entails.”
“You don’t get to talk Tetsuro.” He stands behind the two, and honestly your rage was so hyper focused on Oikawa and Iwaizumi that you forgot he was there. You snap at spit back. “It’s not a matter of knowing what they signed up for more than a problem of the Port Mafia doing whatever they want.”
“That’s why we’re here to help you.” Tooru still stands between you and the others, the mediator. “You know that we’ll do everything we can, everything you say, in order to protect them. Tendou didn’t just see you that night. Obviously he doesn’t care all that much about us but we’re on their records too so it’s not just your problem.”
“I can’t fucking do this right now.” It feels like no one is listening to you, just throwing water in the tank you’re already drowning in. With a sigh and balled fists, you come to a hasty decision. “You can all stay here tonight. I expect you to be gone by midday.” Without a chance to speak, you storm into the house and start preparing mats for them to sleep on.
Tooru runs his tongue over his teeth, lips shut and starts tapping his foot. There were a thousand different possibilities for how tonight could’ve gone - this being one that wasn’t on his radar. Hajime feels the frustration bubble over, but he knows there’s not much else he can say that will get to you. Focusing his attention on Tooru, he pats his shoulder and says, “She’s not gonna budge. C’mon.” The two walk into the house, following the lights and let you finish preparing their room.
Swiftly you finish fluffing the pillows and brushing past them, avoiding any contact, any chance for them to stop you. You slide open the door for the next room over and raid the closet, setting the room up for Kuroo.
“Y/N wait.” For one reason or another, you stop your actions and look to the aforementioned, him standing in the doorway. With a final push of your muscles, you throw the mat down on the floor and wait for what’s next. “I just wanted to say that- that I want to do everything I can to help you. I know it’s not much but Iwaizumi and Oikawa have been doing so much and I really think that-”
“Go to bed Kuroo. You guys are gonna have a long day making your way back into the city tomorrow, so you’re gonna need all the sleep you can get.” You shoulder check him, leaving the room and the yet to be unfurled bed mat on the floor.
In the late hours of the night you find yourself tossing and turning. The entirety of the past few hours replayed in your mind, every situation rewinds and restarts as you analyze the points that the guys made. You wouldn’t have lived through last night if it wasn’t for them. There’s no way in hell Tendou wouldn’t have gotten his hands on you if it wasn't for them.
You sit up, sweat dripping off of your brow bone and everything starts to feel like it’s closing in. The four walls around you feel like hands around your throat and your chest heaves. Throwing off the duvet you stand up and stretch, the small pops and clicks from your back. After a few moments you slide open the door and step into the hallway, heading to the kitchen to start a kettle.
Maybe you were being a little harsh on them earlier. Tendou was a real threat and only sought you out, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that whoever that boy was with him a few nights ago seemed to recognize you, Oikawa and Iwaizumi. They were there with you through thick and thin when you had to organize almost half of the mafia’s patrol cars, pickup sites and so much more. You went above and beyond to prove to that old fucking geezer that you deserved to be in your seat as an executive. Tooru and Hajime did nothing but support you, even after they discovered that you did in fact fake your death and worked as a detective in the same city they thought you abandoned. Even after that they still treated you like nothing happened.
The kettle whistles and you take it off the heat, trying your best to stay as quiet as possible in the early morning hours. Preparing a tea strainer and some leaves, you grab a mug and start to assemble everything. As the tea steeps, you open the back door and let the cool breeze engulf your body. 
The wood that covers the porch is cool to the touch, the soles of your feet uncomfortable, wanting to go back inside but you continue forward. The only things warming you under the cascade of stars is the mug between your hands and a blanket you placed around your shoulders. You venture off of the porch onto the soft moss that tickles your toes. Further into the trees is a small creek, in which you placed a few hardwood chairs.
No distractions, you allowed yourself to continue your train of thought from earlier. Once it fully settles in your consciousness that they are in their own right to want to be a part of this battle. Just as much was on the line for them as it was for you, and it never really hit until now. 
So what would happen if I let them stay?
This was the real kicker. And before you knew it, you were going through every possible scenario you could think of, listing the pros and cons of having a team to work with rather than only relying on yourself. 
The moon shifts throughout the night sky as you get up a few times to refill your cup, and before you know it rays of sunshine start to peer through the fog that settles under the canopy of leaves. With a new piping cup in your hands you resume the various tracks of different decisions. Inside, Kuroo slowly cracks open his eyes, the sunshine peeking through the blinds and the birds chirping. In the other room Iwaizumi sighs heavily and looks over Tooru. Shadows define his jaw and cheekbones, even accentuating the curve of his lips and the flutter of his lashes when he finally opens his eyes.
“G’morning.” Hajime’s voice is scratchy, his eyes red from the haziness that comes in the morning.
“Morning.” With a smile, they both take their time getting up and ready for the day. 
Kuroo straightens out his clothes (which he slept in) and walks out into the living room. He notes the kettle and jars of loose tea leaves on the counter, also noting that you’re nowhere to be seen. The door to your room is open as well, arousing his suspicion.
A glance passes between the two men as they each put back into their clothes. First it was Hajime trying to catch a glance at Tooru, and then vice versa just a few seconds later. They stumble around one another, pick dusting their cheeks but neither speaks.
A knock at the door interrupts their game of cat and mouse along with a voice. “Have you guys seen Y/N?”
Hajime finishes the buttons of his shirt and slides the door open. “No? She’s not here?” It’s like last night all over again, the panic bubbling in his chest.
“I haven’t seen her at all, and her room’s empty. I think she’s around since the car is still here and there’s stuff on the counter, I was just wondering if you guys heard or saw her?” Kuroo fidgets with his fingers, picking at the cuticles with his nail.
“You checked all the rooms?” Hajime takes command of the situation, stepping out of his room and into the living space.
“Yeah, all empty.” Kuroo follows him and Oikawa behind Kuroo.
“Well the back door is open, so…” Tooru nods towards the door although no one sees it.
Without another word the trio walk into the forest, taking in the scenery before them. Calm was the one word that came to mind. Branches crunch under their heels, alarming you to their presence. 
They can see your figure up just ahead and slow their roll. Kuroo stops in his tracks and just looks at you bathing in the golden sunlight, hair disheveled and eyes baggy once you finally turn and face them.
“Morning boys.” You sound and look tired, each of them knowing that you probably didn’t get any sleep at all but continue down the path to meet you. With a single gesture you get them to sit in the chairs beside you. You say nothing as you drink the cold tea - or what’s left of it at this point.
“What’s going on up there Y/N?” Oikawa pokes his temple and looks at you with the most sincere eyes. It’s not like the question wasn’t just on his mind, but the silence was starting to kill him.
“I did a lot of reflecting last night,” you start, setting the small cup onto the moss and straightening up. “For starters, I hope you all can forgive me for the way I treated you last night. It was unfair and I finally get that we’re all fighting for the same thing. You all have just as much reason to fight the Port Mafia as I do.” You make eye contact with each of them individually as you try to convey remorse. 
They each take it the same, knowing that adrenaline was high and that you meant the best for all of them. If anything, Hajime knows that the both of you will need to have a one on one conversation later to clear the air. 
“As for what I said last night,” you turn your eyes downward, knowing that you can’t bear to stare at their eager eyes, “I thought about it, and I want to take it all back. If you want, I could use the extra hands.”
Silence settles again, but Tooru doesn’t let it last long. He stands up from his chair and rushes over to give you a big hug. His arms encase you and he puts his head close to your shoulder. “Thank you.”
It catches you off guard, but tears build in your eyes. What did you ever do to deserve them? “Of course. I knew you guys weren’t gonna leave me alone once you knew where I've been hiding.”
“Damn straight.” Hajime joins the hug, placing his head on your other shoulder.
Kuroo stays in his seat and watches the scene unfold, not wanting to ruin a second reunion. He goes back to fiddling with his fingers and looking at the ground until the three of you break off from one another. You walk over to him and place a hand over his, preventing him from doing any more damage to his hands. Maneuvering them in a way to grasp one of his hands, he looks up at you, the rays of sunshine behind you, filling the forest.
Holding onto his rough hand and smiling down on him, you say “Let’s get to work.”
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hades!harry sneak peek
Harry’s circadian rhythm was fucked. 
It was beyond fucked— it was royally, godly, supernaturally shanked.
It’s no mystery as to how or why his sleep cycle is such an utter disaster considering he lives miles and miles underneath the earth with no sun to filter through his curtains, no birds to chirp him awake, and no distinguishable change in climate to alert him of oncoming dawn. No, Harry very much lacks this simple overland luxury that mortals and other gods eagerly take for granted— the gift of being roused in the morning by nature and its beautiful accompaniments. 
Instead, Harry is sequestered deep inside a giant fucking rock with endless emerald flames lapping at the walls of his palace and up along the windows of his bedroom, never changing color, never changing heat, and obviously never allowing a living, breathing bird to sing a single note in his ear. 
One would assume he had gotten used to it after carrying a two thousand year lease on this fiery pit he calls home, but how could he ever learn to settle when he has spent time dwelling the human world and enjoying its little golden mysteries that any other soul rarely ever seems to cherish. There’s so much to love about living above ground, from the energy-packed colorful music festivals, to the illuminated skyscrapers that overlook incredibly diverse cities, to the vast expanse of crystalline bodies of water that twinkle brighter than any jewel he’s ever laid eyes on (which speaks plenty, given that gems and priceless stones are well within his domain of expertise). 
The list of under-appreciated delicacies that the mortal realm holds is truly bottomless and he could drawl on for hours about how ungrateful and selfish people can be when they have everything at their fingertips. However, Harry would rather channel his thoughts into something more positive and beneficial to his sanity. 
He often finds himself wistfully sifting through all of the charming earthly encounters he’s organized into that imaginary archive, using them as a means to escape the dim world he had been burdened with reigning. It’s not that he necessarily hates the Underworld— he’s quite proud of it, actually; proud of how far it’s come under his design and taste— but staring at the same brimstone walls, obsidian floors, and onyx marbled columns tends to get old after a couple of centuries, let alone twenty. There’s nothing treacherous about a bit of escapism, especially not when his favorite daydream is something so minimalistic and overlooked. 
In Harry’s refined point of view, the most treasured aspect of the overland world is the ability to witness a sunrise. For decades upon decades, when he has the chance to spend a whole day as just another person in the crowd rather than a celestial being, the event he looks forward to above all is being awoken by buttery light cascading in through the silk curtains of an elegant balcony door, preferably in a quaint yet lavish hotel room somewhere in the backwoods of Paris or Rome. In his opinion, there’s nothing that can quite compare to the sensation that crawls across his bare skin as the first rays of sun tickle the hairs along his arms and caress the crests of his cold cheekbones. It’s an otherworldly experience, the way his flesh tingles as it absorbs the innocent heat and spreads it across every cell in his magically-heightened body. It melts him down to his icy heart in a manner that only one other thing— or person, rather— has ever managed to accomplish. 
He thinks he could sit there for hours, on a cushioned deck chair with his feet propped up on the railing as the sun kisses his chest and nose raspberry red, the cool morning breeze carding into his tousled curls as he sips from a glass of finely mulled wine that costs more than any regular person would dare indulge, his eyes falling shut in bliss as a honeyed warmth drapes over him like a weighted blanket. He’s well aware that the over-exposure will later leave him itchy, stinging, and peeling, yet that understanding somehow always makes him crave it more. If there’s anything being an immortal god has taught him is that a little bit of heaven has to come with the hell, and if it makes you happy and numbs away some of your troubles— even if just for an instance— then any hell is definitely worth bracing. 
It’s the small moments like that which keep you from teetering over the edge; if you have the chance, allow yourself to swim in it, or risk drowning in what could have been.
Harry wishes he could take credit for that quote— it makes him sound like a wise deity instead of a sulking one. It’s not his, however, and he refuses to take credit for such a perfectly articulated belief, especially not when it comes from the mind of someone just as perfect, if not more. 
If he’s being truly honest, he knows it’s borderline unhealthy how all of his thoughts somehow always tend to funnel into his love for his wife. She’s always there, lurking in the back of his brain when she’s not at its forefront, influencing every action he partakes, every word that passes by his lips, and every notion that tweedles the gears in his head. Persephone has a hand in everything that makes his heart thaw, so of course her name is sprawled all over this specific piece of joy in his life, as well. And when he allows himself to fully bide on what could have possibly made this seemingly unimportant experience— something as casual as feeling the sun heating his skin as it rises in the morning— flourish into his most adored above-ground pastime, it’s obviously logical that Y/N is behind it. All his happiness continuously comes together through her, as it has for the last two millennia. 
Y/N had noticed a while back how during their adventures in the human world, Harry seemed to really enjoy sunrises; so much so that he’d shake her awake at the ass crack of dawn and drag her out of their very fluffy, very comfortable hotel bed and onto the balcony just so they could witness it together. He’d get this sheen of childish awe across his face as the sun would emerge from the distant horizon, bathing the dusky night sky in a splatter of drunken purples, mellow oranges, and pastel blues. He’d bend over the metal railing as far as it would allow, wanting to get as close to the natural artistry as possible, a wonderous, giddy smile twisting his dimples into place as the stars would disappear into the phenomenon. 
Harry would point and laugh softly in sheer amazement as all of the stunning shades would swirl together among the clouds before eventually fading away, leaving him breathless and dazed at how something so mystical could be happening right in front of everyone’s eyes and yet not many put effort into appreciating it. He’d never understand how humans could sacrifice such an exhilarating experience for a few extra minutes of sleep. 
Y/N filed under that group, unfortunately. She’d never really been one to pay much attention to sunrises anymore since she was used to living six months of every year on Olympus. Seeing the sun break through the clouds every morning was routine for her and as far as routines go, it had eventually gotten old. She’d lost interest long ago, save a few times here and there when she would be in a particular mood and savor it. But all in all, sunrises just weren’t that extravagant to her anymore. 
However, Persephone had never stopped to think about what they meant to her husband— to a man who lived the majority of his eternal days underground in a literal hell hole, too busy with his kingly duties to come up and enjoy seeing daybreak. A sunrise is something short of a miracle to him, and watching his face light up with astonished joy— both metaphorically and literally— as they’d watch the scene together quickly became something short of a miracle to her. 
[ coming soon! ]
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im-hqlover · 4 years
Arranged marriage/Royal AU - Chapter 1 - The wedding.
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A / n - hey, today I bring something that I was planning to do for some time, but I never had any inspiration on how to do this, until I read a fanfic about an arranged marriage between Jason and the reader, and that inspired me, so credits to @writingblock101 ​, who was the fanfic writer that I read. I hope you don't mind me being inspired by your fanfic. (and I must say, it was very good, I just loved reading) 
Hope you like it!
(none of the images used on the aesthetic belong to me, credit to their creators)
Warnings: arranged marriage, maybe some bad words, assault, sex mentions, rape mentions, death mentions, angst, war mentions, cry (Idk if it is necessary, but I will put anyway), maybe english errors/mistakes. 
important details to mention: 
-This is kind of a Royal AU, but time kinda mixes with middle Ages and current time, so some technologies exist and others don't, it's kind of confusing, maybe, but I hope this isn't a big problem.
-The reader is 20 years old, Jason is 22 y/o
-The reader is female.
Pairings: Jason Todd x reader 
Y/n = your name
F/n = father name
M/n = mother name
Kd/n = Kingdom name
F/f = Favorite flower
Words count: 5591
Next chapters: Chapter 2, Chapter two’s alternative ending, Chapter 3
Gender: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Straight 
Height: Shorter than Jason
Weight: Not Defined 
Skin Color: Not Defined 
Hair Color: Not Defined 
Eyes Color: Not Defined
Other details? Y/n is myopic
(I hope I have put all the information, let me know if i forgot something)
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There I was, wearing a wedding dress while the royal seamstress was doing the last details. The mirror was facing me, where I could see my reflection, and my face was not at all well, my eyes were still red from crying.
This moment should be happy, it should be with my beloved Hunter, but unfortunately he ended up being brutally killed in that war. I begged him to flee, to go to a distant place, but we to stay together, but he said that he swore an oath, and that as a warrior, he would never run away from battle. He said he would come back alive, and that as soon as he came back we would be married, but I knew he would never come back from that war, hardly anyone did, and when the news came that he had been killed, I spent days crying.
That war was destroying our kingdom, it was destroying lives, it was destroying everything. I just wanted it to be over soon, and it seems like my wishes were heard, but not in the way I would like it to be. 
The kingdom of Gotham, which had the kingdom of Metropolis as an ally, accepted the agreement to end the war, but that meant that I would have to marry one of the sons of the Gotham's king. They just told me that my future husband was an indomitable warrior, who killed several cruelly, it might not be much information, but I was sure I already hated him. 
- The dress is ready princess, if there is something bothering you just let me know.
- It's all right Madeleine, I think there is nothing that is bothering me in the dress.
The seamstress nods in agreement, she opens her mouth to say something, but ends up being quiet, then someone knocks on the door.
- You may come in. - I answer in a monotone voice. 
I can see by the reflection of the mirror that it was my mother at the door, and as soon as the old seamstress saw the queen, she immediately left my quarters. I don't say anything, and just look in the mirror as my mom approaches me. 
- You are so beautiful.
I don't answer it and just ignore her.
- I know you don't want this daughter, but you know this is for a greater good. 
- You promised me you would never force me to marry.
- I know we promised that daughter, but that was the only solution found to stop the war.
- No! that was the option that was best for the kingdom and for you, because the other agreements you and father would lose territory, resources, money and more! Already with an arranged marriage the only one who suffers is me! - I say sharply and angrily, and soon tears come again, I leave her side and go towards the window. 
- You aren't the only one who will suffer, do you think that your father and I aren't upset about this too? We know how much you loved Hunter, and we know what we promised. But situations have changed, think for your people, how many lives are you going to save, that's the only way.
- No, it's not! There must be thousands of other possibilities, but this is the easiest! Now get out of my room. 
- Daugh-
- I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF MY ROOM, NOW! - She was silent and left, I could see there were tears in her eyes, I never fought with my mother, but after that, things changed. 
I took off that dress, and put on a more comfortable outfit. I lay on my bed and started to cry again. What's the use of being a princess, having luxuries and everything you can imagine if you can't have your own life? I just… wanted to be free. 
I get up from the bed after a while, I wipe away the remaining tears, and went to the window. I loved seeing that landscape so far, after the village, there was a beautiful open field perfect for horseback riding, and further away, there were several mountains where the sun disappeared, and when it set, the landscape was even more beautiful. I even made a picture with that landscape, it wasn't as incredible as the real one, but it was still cool. I get out of my daydreams when I hear a knock on the door. 
- Who is it? 
- It's Juliet your highness, I came to tell you that dinner is on the table. 
- Okay. Tell them I'm not hungry. 
- Are you sure, your Highness? You haven't eaten right for days. 
- Yes Juliet, I'm sure. - My voice gets angrier, and then the maid leaves my room. I lay on my bed again trying to sleep, but my thoughts wouldn't let me. 
Tomorrow we will depart for the kingdom of Gotham, and then the journey will take about three weeks if we have no unforeseen events. The trip would be long, and I was tired of just thinking about it. 
I will miss my kingdom. 
The next morning, I was awakened by the rays of sunlight that appeared outside. I sigh tiredly and put the pillow in my face, I try to sleep a little more, but there was a little bird that kept singing and it was driving me crazy, so I decide that it would be best to get up soon, since apparently I wouldn't be able to sleep again. I choose some clothes from my wardrobe, and I go to my bathroom to shower, and after that I go towards the kitchen and get some coffee along with a piece of cake, but I refused to sit by the table with my family. 
The hours go by being arranged clothes and various other things and placed in the carriages, all day I avoided talking to people, and only spoke when my answer was very necessary.  Before I leave, I take a hot shower and put on comfortable clothes, neither screwing up that I would wear tight or extravagant clothes on this exhausting trip. 
The trip was long, especially when there was nothing to do, most of the time I was thinking and sometimes listening to music, and sometimes when I got tired I ended up sleeping, the good thing was that the carriage I was in was just me and the driver, so I didn't need to interact with my family. The days passed slowly, but we finally arrived at the famous kingdom of Gotham. 
I’ve never been there before, but I must say it was interesting, the kingdom was made up of some islands and the castle was on the mainland,  along with some nearby villages, in battle mode it was interesting to note that they had certain advantages on account of the islands. 
I sigh as I realize that we were soon arriving at the grand castle of dark stones like the night sky of the Wayne royal family,  and wow, that was huge compared to the castle I called home, and a little bit scary to be honest. Through the carriage window I could see the sun going through the clouds, I look at the phone to check the time and it was already 3:37 pm. As soon as the carriage stops I open the door, and oh, the outdoors, I couldn't stand being confined anymore. 
I look back and notice that the other carriages were also stopping, I think I must mention that there were many carriages that came so much from my kingdom, as for the allied kingdoms, not to mention that there were other carriages that appeared to be guests from the kingdom of Gotham.  
I don't know how long I stood looking at the whole place, but I came back to reality when I noticed that the driver was calling me. 
- Is your Highness okay? - He looked concerned as he unhorsed the horses.
- Yes Matt, everything is fine, and please call me y / n. - I give him a half smile, while responding in a gentle way, or at least as much as I could do with my bad mood.
- Okay, y/n. 
I realize that my family was near the grand entrance to the castle, waiting for me to join them, and this is what I did, even if against my will. It was not long before soon what I assumed to be King Bruce Wayne appeared to welcome us, and wow, as all of this was not at all fake, two kingdoms that were at war until a few weeks ago act as if they were always friends, that was unbearable and made me sick. 
- King f/n, queen m/n! It is a pleasure to have you in our kingdom. - A pleasure? A pleasure to have your enemy here on your land? How I hate politics and this blatant falsehood. 
- It is a pleasure to finally talk to you diplomatically King Bruce. - My dad shook his hand, and Bruce hugged my mom and kissed her hand. 
I was the one behind, preventing people from seeing me, I am simply taken out of my "comfort" when my father calls me to approach and greet the king. 
- So you must be the princess y / n, it is a pleasure to meet you. - He says as he kisses my hand gently, and I could feel my face heat up, both nervousness and shyness, how, urgh, seriously did he have to be so handsome? I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but see that detail, even though I hated him, I had to admit that he was a very handsome king. 
I mentally punched myself for having these thoughts, first: you can't fall in love with him, no, not even thinking, that would be absurd, second: AGE AHEM. third: um, I don't, just no, that wasn't right. But what's wrong with finding someone good-looking, isn't it? Was your son that handsome too?  
- I-It's a pleasure to meet yo-you too. - Damn, why do I have to stutter just now, y / n, get yourself together! 
- I'm sure Jason will be very happy to meet you. - Jason? I didn't remember exactly the name of my future husband, in fact I don't remember even if they told me his name, but from the way the king spoke, it is probably him.
- Hope so. - Actually my desire was to answer: Ah, what a pity, I don't have that same pleasure, and I'm almost sure that in fact he won't be happy to meet me. But diplomacy, I didn't want to be the cause of a new war. 
King Bruce also shakes my brother's hand, and then invites us to enter his "humble" castle, he didn't say that, but well, never mind. I was impressed, not only was the outside of the castle impressive, but inside, it was just magnificent, they had good taste. 
The king gave us a brief tour of the places we passed until we reached our rooms, he said that we would see each other later.
My nerves were on edge, there were so many feelings, nervousness, anxiety, fear, maybe anger too.  I was not able to spend much time alone as soon as several different servants came bringing my things, so much so that I would get ready for the wedding, so much my personal belongings that would probably stay there from now on. 
After they left I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then I got dressed, while I was still wearing a towel I just looked at the white dress in front of me, it was beautiful, made with the best fabrics, and made just for me, the way I always dreamed. 
I always imagined wearing a dress like that at my wedding with Hunter, and knowing that I was marrying a complete stranger knowing only what people told me about him, which I must say, weren't very good things,  they disturbed me even more. 
Until now, reality had not reached me as much as that moment, and soon I began to think not only about the wedding that would take place in a few hours, but the one after.  It was tradition for the couple to have sex right after the wedding, and it made me even more nervous, not just because I never did it before, but also because I didn't want it to be forced, I wanted… to be passionate, even if it was clumsy, but it was good, and I'm sure that something forced and that neither wants, isn't really a good thing. And I was sure he would probably want me to have sex with him, and it terrified me. 
But there was nothing I could avoid, the only thing I could do was to accept it, what if he wasn't so bad? What I heard were rumors, what if they were a lie? I really wanted to believe that, but I knew that maybe I was just lying myself to think about it.
I look at my bags, what if I ran away? I mean, nobody there in that village knew me, so they probably wouldn't recognize me, and that would give me an opening to escape, where to? I don't know, but it sure would be better than here.
I put on some clothes that nobody thought a princess would normally wear, I grab a hooded sweatshirt to try to hide my face, I also go back to the bathroom and turn on the shower, when I leave I close the door, it wouldn't last long until someone realizes , and I'm sorry planet for wasting this water, but it will give me some time.
When I leave the room I look everywhere, I didn't know anything about it, but I was sure I could find a way out. I was careful that no one noticed me, and as I often go unnoticed, it helped me.
It took a while, but I found a way out, and soon I headed towards the village that was there. I didn't have a plan, what would I do now? Maybe that idea was stupid, of course it was, but desperation does things to people, and I was really desperate.
I walked calmly through the crowd of people who were there, it seemed like there was a main street or something. As I walked I heard two women about my age commenting about the wedding.
- Hey, did you know that Prince Jason's wedding is today? - Said a woman with light blond hair to a shorter woman with black hair.
- Yes, it's a pity that he's getting married like that, I'm sure his wife must be awful.
- Clearly. I would certainly be a better wife, he certainly doesn't deserve this marriage.
- Yes, but she is a princess, and we are simple citizens, we would never have a chance.
- Yes, you're right. I wanted to have the chance to stay with him, have you seen those muscles? And those scars just make him hottest. 
- Really do you think so?
- Of course. A man with scars is very sexy.
- Well, maybe.
- Ah, whoever she is, even if the prince doesn't deserve her, she is someone lucky. I would give anything to have the same chance.
I couldn't help laughing lightly and rolling my eyes, if she wanted to be with the prince so badly that she switched places with me? I'd be very happy. The two women realized my presence when I laughed and then look at me in bewilderment.
- Why are you laughing? - Asks with blond hair. 
- Were you listening to our conversation? - Says the black-haired one.
- I'm sorry, I just heard by chance. - I shrugged 
- Sure, tell another one. - The blonde says rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
- How can you like this Prince Jason so much? - I ask curiously meddling in the conversation at both.
- It's none of your bitch business. - The black-haired one says.
- Huh, ok. But I’m pretty sure he’s not that great. Have you heard of the terrible murders he did? - If the two of them were already outraged and angry with me, they managed to get even more.
- Who are you to talk about Prince Jason? You certainly don't know anything about him. - The blonde says sharply, and clearly offended. 
- Maybe. But what good could he have?
- What you heard was half true, because what he murdered were enemies and very bad people who deserved death and who threaten our kingdom, what he did was to protect the citizens. - The blonde replies, it looked like she was going to make a huge speech now about her dear Prince Jason. 
- Of course. - I say rolling my eyes.
- Even more, Prince Jason is very kind to those who deserve it, is very protective and gives his life to save innocents and his people, he is sweet even if he doesn't seem at first. - The blonde continued to talk about the qualities of the prince that I doubted were real, until the sound of horses is heard not far from there, and his knights, masked and not very friendly people. 
I don’t realize when a masked man attacked me from behind, I struggled and tried to scream, but he had covered my mouth, he then pushed me against a wall, grabbing my right arm which was hurting me, and with his other hand still covering my mouth, I was paralyzed for a few seconds, until I managed to react by kicking the weak point of the men, I run as much as I can to the furthest away. 
There were a lot of people running and horses around, it was suffocating me, until someone hit me causing me to fall to the ground and a horse almost stepping on me, but he just stepped on my side, but it was still terrifying, I got up staggering, but as soon as I get up I come across a sword which was being wielded by one of those bandits. I swallow hard and raise my hands to try to protect myself, even if it was flawed. 
If I stayed there he would probably attack me, but if I tried to run it would be useless, since he was on a horse, I didn't know what to do, and I didn't even know if I could do anything since I was paralyzed with fear. 
But before that bandit could do anything I hear someone say: The royal cavalry! And then that guy who was pointing the sword at me had to defend himself against one of the royal knights. I walk backwards trying to get out of there, but guess what, I ended up stumbling on the sidewalk behind me and ended up falling on my ass.
I almost never participated in the fights because I didn't feel well being in these situations, the only times I ended up participating were some rare training sessions and a small invasion that took place in my kingdom many years ago. 
My heart was beating so fast it felt like it would leave my body at any moment. I looked in the direction of the knight who had attacked the bandit in front of me, he looked different from the other warriors, while the entire cavalry wore black and white details on their armor, he wore a red that looked like the color of blood. 
The bandits retreated and disappeared from the village, and as soon as they were gone I heard the voice of one of the knights announcing: 
- Princess y/n, from kd/n kingdom is missing! And it's probably in the village! If you find a young woman who doesn't seem to be from here, let us know! 
If my heart was already beating fast for the whole situation that just happened, somehow I was able to beat even faster, and I felt my face getting hot for some reason. 
Obviously, sooner or later they would realize that I was gone and would go after me. I was still on the floor, without reaction, and soon I put on my hood to try not to be recognized, I notice that a crowd is forming near where that guy reported about me. 
What did I do now? If I ran out, it was more than clear that they would notice me and talk to me, but if I stayed there, someone would soon find me. I didn't realize when that same knight with red accents came up to me, and wow, he was incredibly tall.
- Are you alright lass? - He speaks with his voice being muffled by the helmet, he extends his hand to me, offering his help for me to get up. 
- Uhum. - I just hum in response and take your hand and get up. If I spoke he would notice my accent, and my "disguise" would be over.
- Are you sure you're okay? You are shaking. - I didn't even realize until he spoke, it was true, my body was shaking with all that adrenaline, I felt like my legs weren't going to hold my weight for long. I take a deep breath, trying to control myself, and answer a rather low yes, looking away from the crowd that was still forming not far from there. - Wait, princess? 
I freeze, and look at him, how did he know? I was sure that no one knew about my appearance, maybe I was wrong about that. 
- What? - I ask trying to disguise, but to no avail. - Stay here. - He spoke and then he went to the crowd, towards that other knight, he said something to him and then went to his horse, I knew there was no escape, so I just sighed and waited for that guy to come back. 
What was I thinking? It was obvious that my plan couldn't have worked, it was silliness, it was reckless, it was very stupid. And now I wanted to hit my head against the wall for such idiocy.  
The red knight turned his horse next to where I was, and then offered his hand so I climbed on the horse, I sighed upset but didn't resist, and soon climbed.
- Better hold on tight. - He said, and I could have sworn that under that helmet he was smiling, just a hunch. I did what he asked, even if a little hesitant at first. 
It didn't take long for us to arrive at the castle, and as soon as we stopped at the entrance my parents were waiting for me, and with a not very happy face, of course, there was no way they would be happy after what I did. My dad helps me out of the horse, I almost fell, but it was close. 
- What do you think you were doing y/n? - My mother asks angrily to me.
- I wanted to see the village, to get to know a little. - It was a lie, but should I say that I tried to escape? It was stupid, and I wasn't going to admit that I was going to do that.
- You might as well do that after the wedding! - She says even more angry, and clearly not believing my lie.
- Don't you understand?!? I feel suffocated all the time with this whole wedding thing here, and there, I just ... I just wanted to be alone for a while, or at least enjoy my last moments of freedom. - I say as tears of frustration start to fall. This part wasn't exactly a lie, I really just wanted to be alone for a while, just hoped it would last longer than it actually did.
- We were worried y/n! What could have happened? And why didn't you tell us? We would have let you go. - My father says approaching me.
- Of course, being followed by a guard all the time!! What a freedom huh. - I say looking away.
- This is for your protection! You aren't just anybody, you know very well what could have happened. - My mom comes over touching my arm.
- Don't touch me. - I walk away from them.
- There are only a few hours left before the ceremony begins, it is better to get ready. - My father says stiffly and soon he and my mother enter the castle again and I follow behind them, they took me to my room and left me there alone. In the end, all I did was in vain, I decide to take a shower again and get dressed soon.  
After I put on the dress, some maids came to make up and do my hair. I was quiet all the time, just holding on to all the bitterness that I was felt. But this time I took the opportunity to think about the reason for this marriage, this was what would stop the war at once, people would be saved, blood will be prevented from being spilled even more than it already was, I had to do this for my people, who was the one who suffered the most from the whole war, even if I didn't want to, it was for a greater good, and I hoped it would really end the differences between our kingdoms. 
After they finished doing my hair and putting a beautiful wreath on top of my head, I put on my white flats, I insisted that I keep flats because I found high heels uncomfortable, besides I don't balance myself very well in them. My mother insisted at first that I try, but I refused. 
I looked in the mirror one last time, I was really beautiful, and I was happy about it. I soon hear a knock on the door, it was probably now.
- It's time, daughter. - My mother said entering the room, she was wearing one of the dresses that I had designed.
- Okay. - I sigh and go to the door, my mom takes me to where the ceremony would be and my dad was waiting for me at the big door that would soon be opened for me to enter.
- You look stunning daughter. - I wrap my free arm in my father's arm, and of course, in my left hand was a beautiful bouquet of f/f. 
- Thank you dad. - I say a little discouraged.
- Come on, I'm sure your future husband isn't as bad as you think he is.
- Pff. - I say cynically, obviously not agreeing with my father's speech.
- Give him a chance. - He looked at me, begging me to at least try to make it work.
- Maybe. - I answer looking at the giant wooden door in front of me. I see out of the corner of his eye that he smiled at me.
The sound of the orchestra begins, and soon at the doors open, the bridesmaids with the boy who I supposed took the rings, entered in front of us, the boy passing by following the big red carpet to the altar where the priest and the bridegroom was, and the bridesmaids were soon after throwing flower petals.
I swallow hard, now it was my turn.
Everything there was so beautiful, everything adorned with the things I always dreamed of, thousands of people lifted from their seats in fancy clothes, looking at me as I passed the corridor, chandeliers that illuminate the whole place, and there at the end of the big rug was he on the altar, the man I didn't even know and who would be my husband, when I approached the altar my father kissed my cheek and soon went to join the other guests.
My heart was beating very fast, and I could feel my whole body shaking, my fiance took my hands and he must have noticed that they were shaking, he smiled at me to try to reassure me, I try to smile too, but I hope I have been a smile and not a grimace. 
While the priest spoke a lot of things I was able to analyze the appearance of the man in front of me, he was much taller than me, he had a very muscular body and had some visible scars on his face, he had black hair that you could tell they were kind of curly, and his eyes, when I had the courage to look into his eyes, they were so pretty, a bluish green, that I even felt hypnotized, he must have realized I was analyzing him and smiled confident, my face soon starts to heat up and I look away from him.
I had to admit, he was really handsome. If what that woman had said about him was all true, maybe it wasn't so bad... was it? I expected it, but there was no way I could be sure now, and who knows when I would find out. Some more time passes and finally the time comes for the vows, where I started to get even more nervous, if that was possible.  
- Jason and y/n, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? - When priest said, I wanted to answer, obviously it was not my will, this is an arranged marriage! 
- Yes. - Jason and I answered at the same time and soon the priest continued.
- Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?  
- I will. - Sometimes I stutter to answer, and try to look away. 
- Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church.
- Yes, we will. 
The priest looked at Jason so he could speak his vows.
- I, Jason, take you, y/n, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. - He seems to have trained a lot, because at no point in his speeches did he stutter or appear to be uncertain about that. 
I take a deep breath, remembering the words I had to say, please don't stutter now y/n. I hesitated for a moment, I looked at my mom and dad quickly, and then I looked at Jason.
- I, y/n, take you, Jason, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
- To show the commitment of both, to alliances. Alliances are physical symbols of a couple's commitment and their emotional and spiritual connection. They are considered a perfect circle, with no beginning or end. - The boy with a red pillow gives the rings to the priest, who before giving the rings, speaks. 
- y/n and Jason, may these rings be a visible reminder of your feelings for each other right now. - Only if it is out of hatred for each other, because love I am sure it is not. - As you look at them, remember that you have someone special to share your life with. Remember that you have found each other and each in other, and that you will never walk alone again. 
I could not prevent a tear from falling out of the corner of my eye, and every time I remember me "it is for the good of the people".
- y / n, I give you this ring as a sign that I chose you to be my wife and my best friend. Receive it and know that I love you. - I looked at my left hand while he put on the golden ring, it hurt to know that those words were false. 
I took the other ring, and did the same with Jason.
- Jason, I give you this ring as a sign that I chose you to be my husband and my best friend. Receive it and know that I love you. - I stammered in parts, but that's okay. I looked at him awkwardly.
- Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - The priest did a little pause and then continues. - y / n and Jason, no one but yourselves has the power to proclaim you husband and wife. However, you chose us as advertisers for this good news. And so, having witnessed your exchange of vows before everyone who is here today, it is with great joy that we declare that you are married. And to seal that moment, you can kiss. 
Jason puts one hand awkwardly at the beginning around my waist, and the other holds my face, my hands wrap around his neck and so we kissed. It wasn't exactly a kiss, and there was certainly no passion, just nervousness and something awkward. 
When we kissed I could hear the sound of the guests clapping. When we finished the kiss we smiled awkwardly at each other, Jason offers his arm for me to hold, and that's what I did, the bridesmaids went ahead of us, throwing more petals, while we both went out into the great hall. 
Now it was official. I was married.
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A/n - Phew, I finally finished. It took a long time, in fact, I was so entertained writing that I spent 5 hours writing non-stop, consequently I had a huge headache, but it was worth it, because I loved writing it, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
This was very hard, especially the translation part, since it has more than 5000 words, so it is very likely that it have English errors, and if you have found some, please let me know!
I would even divide this chapter into two or three parts, but I decided to leave it all together. So I hope you enjoy a long chapter.
I plan to start the next chapter soon, as I’m really inspired to write this, so it’s better not to lose the inspiration to write while it is here, isn’t it?
See ya!
Until the next cap!
- Ina -
166 notes · View notes
avmisworld · 4 years
When BTS meet you for the first time:
Kim Seokjin:
Jin runs a pale hand through his short black hair, nodding absentmindedly to the staff he sees on his way down the hallway, his familiar polite smile spread across his face.
He has a long and intense day of dance practice ahead of him, a day he couldn't start properly without his daily cup of coffee and a sweet pastry from the company's coffee shop.
Pushing the simple glass door with the palm of his hand, Jin steps into the small, cozy restaurant, the small golden bell above his head signaling his arrival with a tinkle.
"Good morning", Jin says, bowing lightly at the different staff members and workers sitting around the round oak tables filling the shop, the space soon filled with various greetings towards him.
The room is filled with a strong smell of coffee beans and melted chocolate and sweet baked treats, and the young man breaths in the delicious scent with satisfaction, looking around the softly lit room, with the dangling yellow lights shining like stars in the sky and the colorful pictures and motivational quotes hanging on the walls.
Seokjin had always found this place calming and homey, with the soft piano music playing in the background and the wide glass windows showing off the busy street mere metres away from the shop, adding to the other-wordly atmosphere.
Sitting down at his usual spot in the edge of the cafe, Seokjin slips off his black jacket, revealing the simple white t-shirt under it as he carelessly flings the piece of clothing across the empty chair beside him.
It was hot inside the coffee shop, nothing like the weather outside, with the winter starting and the winds blowing, causing the people on the street to cuddle even closer into their thin coats and sweaters.
"Hello and welcome to our coffee shop. How can I help you?", Jin is surprised at the sound of the soft, feminine voice coming from in front of him, his head snapping upwards to stare at the young waitress in front of him with wide eyes.
Jin was a hundred percent sure that this waitress was working here for less than a week, since he hasn't since her before, and everyone here knew who Jin was and what he orders by heart thanks to his frequent visits.
Also, judging by her skin color and slight accent, the girl in front of him was a foreigner. Seokjin couldn't help but let his eyes linger one second too long on the girl's shiny, long hair, twinkling dark orbs, and plump pink lips, before clearing his throat loudly and smiling slightly.
"Hello", he replies, trying to stay calm despite the increasing race of his heart the longer he looked at the beautiful young woman. "I'd like an Americano and a purple sweet potato cake, please".
The younger girl nods, bowing her head slightly before turning to walk back to the kitchen, Seokjin's eyes following her lithe figure until it disappears behind the simple white door.
Staring outside, Seokjin stares at the people rushing past the window, their eyes trained on the ground underneath them or locked on their phone screen. The image of the girl doesn't fade from Jin's mind, unfortunately, and he wonders why he can't stop repeating the image of the foreigner's stunning smile.
"Here you go, sir", Seokjin's startled out of his thoughts at the sound of the soft, quiet voice, a steaming mug of brown liquid placed in front of him, the froth on top drawn carefully into the shape of a heart, and a pretty porcelain plate, holding a small, bright purple muffin, wisps of steam still coming out of it.
"Thank you", the dark-haired man says, eyeing the petite girl for another second, before clearing his throat nervously, causing the girl to stop just as she was about to leave the table.
"I'm sorry, do you want anything else?", the girl's pretty face is sporting a soft pink blush now, and she's fiddling with her fingers nervously, placing them on top of her simple turquoise dress shirt.
Before he can think it over, Jin is shaking his head quickly, making sure to send the girl a genuine smile to calm her down, before saying: "No, no, I was just wondering… Are you new here?"
The young woman seems to blush even harder at that, laughing sweetly in something akin to relief, and Seokjin can feel his own smile widen at the sound of the twinkling giggle. "Is it that obvious?", she mumbles, tucking a strand of dark hair that managed to escape her tight ponytail.
"It is for someone who's here nearly every single day", Seokjin says with amusement, finally catching the waitress' gaze when she lifts her head up to meet his eyes.
"I'm Kim Seokjin", he introduces himself, reaching out one of his long hands to the other, watching as she sends one of her own tanned ones to shake his, her smile now looking shy and bashful, yet just as beautiful.
"I'm Y/L/N Y/N", she introduces herself, and Seokjin can't help but smile even wider at the other's name, happy to get one step closer to knowing more about the mystery girl.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N", Seokjin says, trying to ignore the warmth seeping through the girl's hand, tightening the hold on her hand just a little bit more. "I think we'll be seeing each other a lot more from now on".
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Min Yoongi:
Yoongi enters the music bar, pulling his black snapback even lower on his head as he shuffles through the bustling entrance, trying to draw as least attention to himself as possible.
Going to a packed bar by yourself as an idol was in no means a good idea, but Suga was having a serious writer's block that was killing him, and sometimes the best way to deal with that is to just be a normal person.
Nobody should be able to recognize him, not with the hat covering his shiny silver hair, the mask drawn up to his nose, and the simple black clothes, yet the young man could still feel the buzz of anxiety in his body, mixed with an unexplainable excitement.
Honestly, Suga could already feel some of his inspiration coming back to him just by entering the small bar, his eyes immediately scanning the dark space, the colorful lights hanging above the drinking bar, the assortment of chattering men and women sitting around long black counters and smooth round tables, or swaying lightly to the jazz music playing on the large black speakers.
Walking over to the ginger-haired barista, Yoongi asks for a bottle of soju, bowing in thanks when the woman hands over the ice-cold green bottle with a smile, and heads for one of the empty tables at the back of the bar, facing the small stage built for amateur karaoke singers and the occasional guest artist.
Sitting on the hard wooden chair, Yoongi takes a long sip of his drink, sighing with satisfaction at the burn of the alcohol in his throat, filling his stomach with the familiar warmth he was seeking.
He examines the groups of friends, probably university students celebrating the start of the weekend, talking loudly and laughing boisterously. He watches lone people like himself, nursuring glasses of alcohol to their chest, and imagines why they are here, their story. He stares at sweet couples with envy, admiring the way the man tightens his hold around his girlfriend's waist possessively, proudly telling the world who she belongs to.
The sound of a sweet, honey-like voice snaps Yoongi out of his thoughts, and he thinks he never turned his head as fast as he did right now, his eyes catching the girl standing on the stage immediately.
She's beautiful, magnificent even, and the bar seems to quiet down significantly when she starts to sing, as if the world itself was holding its breath. She's wearing a simple black mini dress, the sleeves hanging off her shoulders, and her hair is cascading down her shoulder like a waterfall of darkness, swallowing Yoongi whole.
Her stage presence is incredible, even the way she holds the small black microphone radiating some sort of silent power, and Suga can't help but stare with awe, letting the girl's soft voice sweep him away like the wind.
It feels like everything and nothing at all, and even though the song is English and he can't understand half of the words, the melodic voice of the mystery singer is enough to make Yoongi shake with emotion, his hands grabbing the bottom of the table to steady himself.
It seems like hours, or maybe seconds, before the girl is done, her sentimental expression changing into a beautiful smile as she bows to the cheering crowd bashfully, her aura nothing like the powerful, heartbroken one from seconds before.
Yoongi can't even stop himself from getting out of his seat, his feet unconsciously making their way after the young woman, his thoughts jumbled and he doesn't even know what he's going to say to her, for God's sakes. (Maybe, "you're my muse?")
Either way, he's walking, grabbing the other's hand before he can even think of the consequences, and she's turning around, even more bright up close, like a star in a sky full of clouds, and then he's saying: "I'm Min Yoongi".
The girl is smiling now once again, and it's a kind smile, even though it seems a bit confused, and she nods her head, Yoongi's eyes following her as if in trance. "Umm… Nice to meet you, Min Yoongi. I'm Y/L/N Y/N".
Somehow, even her name inspires him, and Suga can't help but break into a smile, pulling down his face mask to reveal the gummies peaking through his pink lips. "Y/L/N Y/N. It's nice to meet you, too".
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Jung Hoseok:
Jung Hoseok strolls through the wide expanses of bright green grass, the white bucket hat on his head not doing much to hide the sunlight streaming through the tall oak trees in the park.
It's a nice day outside, the perfect day to take a walk around the lovely park next to the Bighit company building, and J-hope was enjoying the chirping of the birds and the warmth of the sun as he walks, letting his mind wander off his idol life and different responsibilities.
BTS was very busy lately, and being one of the writers and choreographers of their newest album, and an important member, J-hope could practically feel Bang PD breathing down his neck these days.
Humming softly to the song playing on the white airpods in his ears, "Make it Mine" by Jason Mraz, the brown-haired man matches his light steps to the upbeat tune, letting his eyes flutter shut when a refreshing wind brushes past him, ruffling his thin white t-shirt and loose gray knee-long pants.
A soft brush against his leg makes J-hope let out a shriek of surprise, his eyes opening at once as he jumps back, the hat on his head almost falling to the ground beneath him.
There's a small creature at the spot where Hoseok was a few moments ago, a cute white Pomeranian, tiny enough to fit in Hoseok's arms easily, looking like a female version of Yeontan.
The dog is looking at J-hope with interest, an almost confused expression on its face, like he can't imagine why the human in front of him would ever be scared of him, and J-hope lets out a sigh of relief, crouching down to the furry animal's height.
"Hey, buddy", he says with a gentle smile, running a warm hand through the dog's soft white coat, "Did I scare you? You scared me, too", he chuckles, examining the dog's well-kept appearance and light pink leather collar with a golden clasp. This dog obviously has an owner, and a good one at that.
"Where's your owner? Hmm?", Hoseok asks, raising his head to look around the mostly empty park and then back to the dog, who was still looking at him with intelligent black eyes, answering by licking the palm of J-hope's hand with his small pink tongue.
Before J-hope can check the collar, maybe look for a name or a phone number on the other side, there are footsteps approaching him quickly, and then a girl is crouching on the ground next to him, gathering the dog into her hands with mumbled apologies to J-hope and frantic kisses to her pet.
She's young, maybe a few years younger than J-hope, and a foreigner, if her appearance and accent were anything to go by. She was wearing a simple beige shirt tucked into faded mom jeans and mustard-colored sneakers, and her hair streamed down her back in dark waves, strands of it covering her face from her run a few moments ago.
"I'm so sorry", she repeats again, finally releasing the dog in her arms and turning to J-hope, her dark eyes wide with sincerity and a dark blush high on her cheeks as she bows her head multiple times, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of her.
"It's fine, really", Hoseok says with a laugh of reassurance, waving his hand to signal that he wasn't annoyed in any way. "Your dog is adorable. What's his name?"
The girl looks relieved, a deep sigh escaping her pink lips after seeing J-hope's gentle smile, and she smiles back, the shy gesture sending the young man's heart into a frenzy.
"It's a girl, actually.", she says with a grin, running a small hand through the dog's long fur, the pet purring in content at the feeling. "Her name is Bella".
"Nice name", J-hope says, blushing slightly before raising his head once again to look at the girl. "And what's yours?"
The girl seems flustered for a second, her eyes widening slightly before she smiles again, reaching her hand out towards J-hope's jittering figure. "I'm Y/L/N Y/N".
Breaking into a large grin at the sound of the answer, Hoseok doesn't hesitate to shake her hand back, feeling his body buzz with uncontained excitement at the feeling of girl's skin against his own. "Your name is even prettier. I'm J-hope."
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Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon firmly believed that the best way to reduce stress was going book shopping, no matter how much teasing it earned him from the rest of the members.
Pushing his golden-rimmed glasses up his nose, RM runs his hand across the shelf of books, enjoying the feeling of the different covers against his skin, from old leather to fresh paper, the pages making a satisfying sound when they catch on his fingers.
Namjoon loves this. The smell of the wood shelves, the soft lamps washing the room in warm lighting, the flowery armchairs waiting to be sat on, the calming silence, the centuries of history and dreams this place is filled with.
He doesn't know what he's looking for, he never does, but he always finds it in the end, and right now his body is leading him deeper and deeper into the long aisles, where the books are older and thicker, the colorful book-covers fading into hues of black and brown.
As if on their own, his eyes are drawn to a particular book, bound in a thick leather cover, the words "Candide" engraved in the material in cursive writing, barely understood from RM's spot just a few metres away.
It didn't look any different from most of the novels in this section, yet Namjoon still finds himself fastening the pace of his walk, his hand reaching out to grab the worn out book before another hand appears in front of his own, a feminine hand with long, thin fingers and manicured nails colored a soft apricot.
Namjoon retracts his hand immediately from the warm touch before looking up, his eyes wide when he sees the pretty girl in front of him, smiling sheepishly.
Her hair is dark and long, falling over her shoulder in a simple braid. She's shorter than Namjoon, petite, with a small waist and baby face, and she's wearing a simple mint t-shirt with buttons, tucked into classy white dress pants and white sneakers.
"I'm sorry", she apologies with a kind smile, bowing at Namjoon quickly, "Take it. You were here first."
Namjoon is too fascinated by the girl to even answer, and he feels his face heat up when he realizes he's been staring at her dumbly for the past few seconds.
Laughing awkwardly, the tall man runs a hand through his chocolate brown hair, not even caring if he was messing it up, before gesturing towards the young woman. "No, no, it's fine. You can have it, I was just looking."
The young woman seems confused and slightly uncomfortable, staring at Namjoon with dark calculating eyes. "Are you sure? I've read this book already, so it's not a big deal."
'She's smart, too', Namjoon thinks, his heart racing even faster with the growing feeling that this girl was special.
"Me, too", he says with a dimpled smile, "But I get you. Masterpieces need to be read more than once", he jokes, enjoying the girl's gentle laughter in the quiet space.
"Exactly", she agrees, a comfortable silence falling between them before Namjoon clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Can I ask… What's your name?", he questions hesitantly, hoping the girl can't see the blush on his cheeks in the dim light of the room.
The young woman smiles, and maybe it's just his imagination, but Namjoon swears the library seems less dusty and old, as if the girl revived the tired room with her joy. "Y/L/N Y/N. And you?".
"Kim Namjoon", the older man says, reaching his hand out to shake the girl's delicate one, the electricity he felt the first time he touched her changing into something warmer, like a pool of fire in his stomach, yet just as powerful. "It's nice to meet you."
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Park Jimin:
Jimin stares at the mirror of the changing room, trying to resist the urge to run a hand through his currently pink hair, already set to perfection by his hair stylist, who would very much not appreciate her hard work being ruined.
He's already wearing the clothes for their "Boy with Love" performance on the BBMA's: an elegant black suit jacket with a metal flower attached to the dash, matching dress pants, a simple white shirt, an assortment of silver jewelry on his ears and hands, and a pair of pink-tinted sunglasses to top it all off.
The only thing that was missing was his makeup, which was usually done as close as possible to the actual show, to avoid smudges and so on. In fact, the makeup artist should be here any minute now.
Jimin turns away from the mirror when he hears the sound of conversation outside his room, looking at the door curiously just as it opens and foreign girl enters the changing room, a small smile on her face.
She's pretty, Jimin notices immediately, with her petite yet curvy frame, the glossy, dark hair tied into a tight ponytail on the top of her head, the subtle makeup on her face, highlighting her delicate facial features, and her tanned skin.
She's wearing a simple black t-shirt, the kind you can find in any closet basically, tucked into ripped skinny jeans, and worn out white sneakers, yet she still looks better than Jimin feels.
"Hello, you must be Jimin-ssi.", she says in perfect Korean, bowing respectfully at the coral-haired man, who was still shocked at the fact that this beautiful foreigner is here, and knows Korean.
"I'm your new makeup artist, Y/L/N Y/N", the young woman continues, seemingly not noticing the idol's flustered state. "Should we get started?"
Jimin finally seems to get back to his senses, bowing his head lightly back at the makeup artist. His heart was still racing a hundred miles an hour, and he can't believe this girl will be mere centimeters away from his face in a few seconds.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N-ssi. Feel free to start whenever you're ready.", he says softly, smiling at the girl sweetly and feeling a small smirk form on his lips when Y/N blushes lightly, her gaze flitting to the floor when Jimin stares at her for a second too long.
Y/N nods, letting Jimin sit down at the black leather chair, in front of the mirror where bright lights are facing the young man, illuminating his skin and making it easier for her to see what she is doing.
Jimin can't help but shiver when Y/N crouches beside him, her head almost touching his own, and he resists the urge to scream because her dark, warm eyes are staring at him with so much focus, and he feels as if she can see straight into his soul.
He decides not to talk to the beautiful makeup artist right now, not wanting to distract her from her work, but he's relieved at the thought that she'll be working with them the rest of the time they're in the USA, guaranteeing plenty of opportunities to talk with the girl.
Y/L/N Y/N. Jimin knows he won't forget that name.
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Kim Taehyung:
Taehyung was tired, even though no one would ever notice it. Although he usually enjoyed fansigns, their latest comeback, "ON", left him more exhausted than usual, and he hated himself for hardly being able to keep his eyes open.
Another fan passes by in a blink of an eye, squeezing his hands in her own tightly while shouting 'I love you' as she leaves, and Taehyung responds with his own wink and finger heart, making the young girl squeal, and for a second the young man forgets the exhaustion seeping through his bones, the immense love he feels for his fans overcoming all the other emotions, yet the guilt doesn't disappear.
He puts a cute flower crown on his hair, made out of an assortment of white and pink daisies, the colorful accessory looking even brighter against his curly black locks and black leather jacket.
Taehyung smiles when he hears his fans yell various compliments at the sight of him with the cute accessory, waving them hello and causing the screams to strengthen even more.
He's so busy with entertaining the fans, he doesn't even notice the girl in front of him until she's letting out a quiet 'hello', causing Taehyung to turn his head and face the young woman in front of him.
She's pretty, with a petite body tucked into a thin, tight white long-sleeved shirt and a short denim skirt, showcasing toned legs and a small waist.
Her hair is long and dark, falling to her waist in luscious waves, but the shiny curls don't look styled, as if this was her natural hair. Her eyes are big and dark, her face small and cute-looking, with a button nose and plump lips, and she's hugging BTS' newest album to her chest tightly, as if treasuring it.
It wasn't the first time Taehyung saw a beautiful fan at one of their fansigns. In fact, all of their fans looked gorgeous to him, but even when one catches his eye more than the rest, he was usually really good at hiding it, making sure to give everyone his equal attention.
But this girl, something about the look in her eyes, the way she tucks a dark strand behind her ear, the pink blush on her round cheeks, the way her hands shake when she hands the album over to Taehyung, eyes widening slightly when their fingers brush.
Taehyung was a professional, yet he finds himself smiling warmly at the girl, reaching out to her and intertwining their fingers, a feeling of euphoria rushing through his body when he feels the fan's soft skin against his own.
"Hello", he finally answers, tilting his head down slightly to try and catch the girl's eyes, which were continuously fleeting away from him. "Why are you hiding from me?"
The girl seems bewildered at the question, and Taehyung can't help but thinks it's adorable, the way her doe eyes widen slightly, pink lips opening in surprise to reveal a row of perfect white teeth, but he resists the urge to smile towards the girl, instead keeping a small pout on his face, pretending to be disappointed.
"I'm sorry, I'm just shy", the girl mumbles then, lifting her eyes up almost forcefully to meet Taehyung's, before they fall back to their locked hands after a second, making Taehyung finally let out a deep chuckle, his acting long forgotten.
"You'll regret it later if you won't look at me now. Plus, I want to see your face, too", Taehyung explains, smiling in satisfaction when the fangirl lifts her head once again after a moment of hesitation, keeping her eyes on the idol's determinantly, despite the darkening blush on her cheeks.
"Woo-hoo", Taehyung cheers, releasing their joined hands to clap them together loudly, and the young woman laughs, covering her mouth with the back of her hand, but V can still hear the giggles escaping her mouth, sweet and melodic, and he thinks how much he'd love to hear it again.
"Now that I can see your pretty face, I should probably ask for your name.", Taehyung says with a grin, and the girl bows her head respectfully before saying, "I'm Y/L/N Y/N".
Taehyung still doesn't quite know what he's going to do, but knowing the fan's name, knowing she loves him, lights a spark of hope in his chest. "To, Y/L/N Y/N…"
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Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook likes practicing at 5 a.m in the morning, even if it means waking up before the sun is awake, when it's still dark outside, stumbling into the elevator of Bighit and pressing blindly on all the buttons until he reaches the right floor.
But there is also some good in working out so early in the morning. On days like this, when Jungkook was practicing for BTS' upcoming album until 3 in the morning, it's pretty pointless going back to his apartment, only to come back a few hours later. It's a lot easier to stay in the building, sleep on the comfortable blue sofa, and wake up two hours later to do his daily workout, without any disturbances.
Pushing open the opaque glass door with the palm of his hand, Jungkook muffles another yawn in the sleeve of his oversized black t-shirt. He's still wearing his sweat-filled clothes from practice, with the black Nike sneakers and gray sweatpants, but it doesn't really matter if he's going to sweat again.
His eyesight is still blurry and filled with tears of sleep-loss when he hops on the treadmill, but after a few minutes of jogging with his mind in haze, Jungkook starts to come back to his senses, the familiar adrenaline pumping in his veins.
It's when Jungkook is doing his deadlift workout routine, the muscles in his arms and thighs straining and his black long hair matted to his forehead with sweat, that the door to the gym opens suddenly, and Jungkook almost drops the weights he was holding from the surprise.
Standing in the entrance is a young woman, around Jungkook's age or maybe even younger. Judging by the black leggings she's wearing, the white crop top and the matching white sneakers, all Nike, the girl came to workout, just like the maknae of BTS.
Her dark hair is pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head, strands of it framing her small face, and her eyes are wide with shock at the sight of the young, sweaty man in front of her.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you", she says quickly, before Jungkook can even think what to say, the dark-haired man too busy admiring the girl's obvious curves and now, the honey-like sound of her voice.
"I thought the gym would be empty at this hour… I'll go now, sir.", the girl exclaims, bowing to Jungkook deeply before she's turning around, and that's when Jungkook comes back to reality, placing the weights on the ground and ignoring the screaming pain in his whole body.
"Wait, don't go.", He shouts just as the girl steps outside of the gym, and she turns around, her eyebrows raised slightly in confusion when Jungkook blushes, scratching the back of his sheepishly.
"You work here, don't you?", he inquires, relief seeping through his veins when the young woman nods, responding: "I'm actually new here. I work as one of the producers for BTS."
"Well, lucky for you, I'm Jungkook from BTS", Jungkook says, a small smile appearing at his face at the display of horror on the girl's face, "And this gym is for the use of the staff too, so…", he gestures to the vast space around vaguely, hoping he doesn't sound too hopeful when he waits for the producer to answer.
To his slight surprise, the woman steps into the room after a moment of hesitation, shouldering off her black Nike duffle bag and letting it fall to the ground. "Thank you, Jungkook-ssi", she says politely, bowing once again, a cute blush covering her cheeks like fairy dust.
Jungkook can feel himself blushing as well, the need to turn his head when he sees the young woman start to stretch overwhelming, so he clears his throat, taking a long gulp of water before saying. "It's no problem, Producer…?", his voice trails off slightly, and the woman smiles at him through the mirrors lining the walls, her bright grin and sparkly eyes forcing Jungkook to look away, his ears burning.
"Y/L/N Y/N, sir", she responds, and Jungkook hums in understanding, putting the cap back on the water bottle and examining the slight shake in his hand in distaste. So much for being a worldwide famous idol, when he couldn't even talk to a girl.
"Well… Welcome to Bighit, Y/L/N Y/N. I hope we'll be together for a long time.", Jungkook congratulates with a sincere smile. 'In more ways than one', he thinks.
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127-mile · 4 years
Le prince de cœur.
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Pairing: prince of hearts!Yunho x reader.
Genre: Alice in wonderland!au / fluff
Word count: 1050.
A/N: Requested by @sangyeon-lee​. It sucks, I’m sorry, I hope you’ll still like it.
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"We're going to have to stop meeting like this."
The voice above your head is soft, and it makes you open your eyes. The rays of sunshine blind you for a minute, and then your haze finally lands on Yunho. He smiles and as usual, he is dazzling. He crouches down next to you, and you lean into the touch when he slides his fingers against your cheeks. "Where am I ?" you ask in a small voice, and he looks around with a weak shrug of his shoulders. "You are in the same place as usual."
When you turn your head, you notice the rose bushes surrounding you, and you sigh. You are in the middle of the queen of hearts' castle. Fortunately, once again, the prince found you. You wonder how he's doing it. If he spends his days wandering around the castle and its garden in the hope that you will be there, or if he stumbles upon you every time without actually wanting it.
"I have to find a way to stop." you whisper, and Yunho stands up, offering you his hand, which you gladly take to get back on your feet. Your dark clothing contrasts next to the prince of hearts' white and red clothing, and if you are embarrassed once again, Yunho has learned not to see them anymore. It's a color he rarely sees in the castle, and now it's a color he associates with you.
It is not the color of the storm, but rather the color of the sky when the storm is over, when the birds start to sing again, when the air is peaceful, almost soothing. "Why should you stop, Y/n ? Seeing you asleep in the roses makes me happy. A breath of fresh air in a world that doesn't move."
It took you several visits to understand this world, a world no one knows, a world no one wants to believe in. And yet, you find it hard to imagine that such a wonderful place could stretch out over time without a single change.
"Come on, I have something to show you." he says, taking your hand in his. He intertwines your fingers, and he leads you through the never-ending garden. The rose bushes seem to stretch for miles, and you know than when you'll wake up in your world, you won't be able to get rid of the scent for days. Either way, you do not mind, it's as if Yunho is accompanying you wherever you are.
You don't know where he is taking you, but you do not say anything. You take advantage of his presence, letting the sun warm your skin. You feel good here when you are with Yunho, and you would give everything you have to stay here for the rest of your life. Everything seems so much easier. Yunho makes everything so much easier.
"Close your eyes." you obey, and your breathing hitch when you feel Yunho's hand on your lower back to lead you a little further away. Here, the rose scent is gone, and you frown. "A little more." when he stops, you almost whine at the lack of contact. "Open your eyes." once again, you obey, and what you see take your breath away. The rose bushes have given away to a field of sunflowers.
Roses are beautiful, but sunflowers have a different beauty, a very special beauty. "You told me you liked sunflowers the last time you came." he says in a whisper, a little hesitant this time, perhaps frightened by the reaction you could have. You turn to him, your head tilted to the side. "Did you do that for me?" he nods, and his hands cup your face.
"You mentionned the smell of roses that follows you when you are not here, a way for you to have me with you. So I wanted to have a part of you, here, with me, when you're not there." you look deep into his eyes, but before you have a chance to answer, he opens his mouth to continue speaking. "The sunflowers follow the sun, until night falls, and so do you. You come when the sun is high in the sky, and disappear when the sun goes down."
"And like you, they are incredibly beautiful, and they warm my heart when I look at them." you feel the tears clouding your vision, but you shake your head, you refuse to cry. Such a wonderful place does not deserve tears, be they of sadness or of happiness. Slowly, Yunho leans in and places his lips against yours for a long, and soft kiss. He tastes sweet, and you know that if you don't stop it immediately, you won't be able to stop at all.
"If only I could stay here." you whisper, and Yunho smiles. "You just have to close your eyes, and you will join me." he answer, and you sigh sadly, looking away from Yunho. "But that's not enough. I want you with me all the time." this time, his smiles fades slowly, but only for a second, before regaining his composure.
"This world is not real Y/n. Everything here is just the figment of your imagination. You just have to fall asleep and you will find yourself here, in Wonderland, with me."
This is why people do not want to believe in this world, not because they are not ready, but because it does not exist. No matter how much you force yourself to believe it too, you just can't get over the idea that your brain has created an imaginary world when you sleep, only to make you suffer when you wake up, far from Wonderland, far from Yunho.
"You are waking up, but fear not my love, I will be there when you dream."
When you open your eyes, Wonderland is gone. You are in bed, and once again, you feel empty. The scent of rose is still there, although less pronounced. You wonder how long you have before your brain gives way to nights without dreams, nights without Yunho.
There has to be something more, it can't all be a dream, you know it.
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