#black DSi
three-dee-ess · 5 months
Aforementioned Flipnote 
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Sorry for weird link, I’m anonymous and shy rn lol
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black DSi
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zegalba · 1 year
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gummi-stims · 10 months
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A Fuzz the Cat stimboard with the Nintendo DSi, flipnotes, and glitchy gifs, in mostly black and white with hints of red
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creekbeast · 2 months
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Ouuughhh my favourite drawing program ...sometimes the limits are the delights
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oddkarma-bug · 23 days
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Absolutely nothing will beat the feeling of Pokemon Black and White’s Team Plasma battle intro
This game was on another level- and someone is going to have to pry Unova from my cold dead hands before I EVER give up my love for this Gen of Pokémon
(brb gonna redraw this with mine and my Fiancé’s Artsonas—)
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toyota-supra · 9 months
pettiest most hater thing I could possibly think to post about but I hate when people comment on game console colors (mostly portables but not always) as a natural thing everyone had to pick or deal with
you people could afford colors? come on. next you're gonna say you could afford controllers too
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* drak space *
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maouserpentine · 2 years
Pokémon: Dark Star
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Hello everyone, my name is Victor. A few years ago I witnessed something very… odd, and now I feel it’s time for me to share my experience. The year was 2010, and the latest games in the Pokemon franchise had just come out, with Pokemon Black and White. I was 13 years old, in my final year at middle school. At the time, the people at my school were heavily into all things Pokémon, so a new generation coming out was considered a big deal and it was what everyone was talking about at the time. The constant chatter helped encourage me to join along with this obsession of the franchise. Being someone born in 1997, I practically grew up with the series. I used to play the older gens when I was younger, so my temptation for the new games took the better of me, and so I eventually decided to go purchase the new generation.
 After much deliberation, I decided I wanted Pokémon Black and had my mom take me to the local GameStop. However, upon reaching the store dismay began to ensue. Looking at the areas which usually contained all the new Pokémon games had nothing, an empty shelf, only with the words “Sold out” remaining. I began to feel a creeping sensation of dread, would I have to go home empty-handed? After thoroughly looking through the shelf to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, I went over to my mom and told her about the conundrum. After a bit of hesitation, she decided to ask the employee at the front desk about the empty shelf.
The employee explained how, due to its popularity, all of the cartridges were already claimed by others. I was filled with terror and thought that maybe I would go home empty-handed. After this revelation, I felt immense sadness. My mom noticed this emotion and asked if I wanted to leave and come back another time. Reluctantly, I agreed and began to leave the store. However, before reaching the door I heard the employee say something to me.
Employee: “Wait! I completely forgot, someone recently brought in a used copy of the game. Maybe I can check the back and try to find it for you.” 
A used copy? I was confused over this, as the games have just recently come out. Although me being a naïve 13-year old I didn’t really consider this that much, and the thrill of getting the new game prevented further questioning. The employee came back to the front desk and showed me the cartridge, seemingly that of a used Pokémon White. I was a bit disappointed that the game was White instead of Black since I had wanted Reshiram as opposed to Zekrom, but my desire to play the new game outweighed my disappointment. After a few minutes went back, I came out of the store with 40 dollars less and a “new” Pokémon game.
When I got home, I immediately brought out my DSI and began playing Pokémon White. Due to it being a school day I was only able to play so much and had to stop after beating N. Over the next couple of days, I continued to play, obtaining the first two gym badges and catching a host of new Pokémon I became fond of. In fact, I had only just obtained my second badge and managed to have five Pokémon I wished to keep on my team. However, this is when things started to go wrong. One day while preparing to open my DSI and continue playing Pokémon White I accidentally dropped the DSI, breaking it. I was devastated, and immediately told my mom of the situation. 
Mom: “Sorry sweetie, but I don’t have the money to afford you another DSI right now. How about you ask for one another for your birthday?”
My birthday!? That was several months away. But alas, I couldn’t do anything and just simply had to wait patiently for the day I could continue. After a grueling few months, the special day came. April 9, 2011, also known as my 14th birthday. On this day, I was given a new 3DS and was overjoyed as I could finally carry on with Pokémon White. I scurried to my room, managed to find my copy of Pokémon White, and plugged it into the 3DS. Because of the fantastic timing, I was able to still secure the mystery gift Victini gift that was sent to end only a day later.
Unfortunately, due to how long it took to get a new 3DS I already was spoiled of the event, but ultimately decided on still getting it to at least obtain Victini. After this, I finally booted up my save file. The save was the same as I remember it, with Hilbert being placed right outside the Nacrene City gym. I opened the menu and went to view my party, which had also (not surprisingly) remained the same. There it was, my team consisting of Sawk, Boldore, Muuna, Panpour, and my starter Plato the Servine. I took a short while viewing each and every one of them and then proceeded to continue on my journey. I went west and headed towards Pinwheel Forest where I stumbled across Team Plasma. After defeating a few grunts, Team Plasma retreated and gave me back their stolen Dragon Skull. With this task completed, I ventured onward toward Castelia City where I intended to retrieve my Liberty Pass. However, this is the part when things started getting a bit weird. As soon as I entered the city, I was immediately greeted by the NPC of the mystery gift event. A dialogue prompt appeared, with the person saying:
???: “Good evening.”
???: “You must be Victor.”
???: “I have a mystery gift here for you.” 
???: “It seems quite urgent, you may want to check this out before traversing the city”
Hearing my name sent a chill down my spine, I had just named the player character the canon name Hilbert. So how did this NPC know my real name…
The man then walked away. At the time I thought this was strange. While I didn’t have complete knowledge of the event, I could’ve sworn that the mystery gift was obtained through the city’s Pokémon center. I decided to think nothing of it and decided to enter the Pokémon center. Here’s where it really became strange.
Upon entering the Pokémon center, I noticed that the only NPC in the building was Nurse Joy. No other NPCs were there, not even the pokemart clerks. I was very confused about this and was questioning myself as to how this would relate to the event. I went over to Nurse Joy to heal my Pokémon. Everything seemed normal during this, with her saying her usual dialogue before healing my team. But the dialogue after this is what caught me off guard. 
Nurse Joy: “Thank you for waiting.”
Nurse Joy: “We’ve restored your Pokemon to full health.” 
Nurse Joy: “Now, I think it is time you do what must be done.”
This was the point where I knew something was really off, as there was no way Nurse Joy would ever say something like this. I scurried out of the Pokémon center with confusion clouding my mind. I decided that performing the event was the best course of action. Before traveling to the liberty pier, I became curious about what would happen if I tried leaving the city and heading north. On doing so, a new message appeared on my screen.
“You cannot go this way right now, you have something you must do.”
I tried going north again. 
“You cannot go this way right now, you have something you must do.”
At this point I was starting to get a little freaked out, why couldn’t I leave? I tried entering another building in the city, and that same message appeared again.
“You cannot go this way right now, you have something you must do.”
Lastly, I tried to enter any of the piers found at the bottom of the city, with each of them displaying the message once more. Everything kept showing the message until I reached that pier.
Liberty Pier.
I reached the area and found the captain of the ship waiting for me. I interacted with him.
Captain: “Oh! There you are.”
Captain: “Your timing is perfect, and it seems you got the liberty pass too.”
Captain: “Well, hop onboard”
Captain: “After all, it seems like there is something waiting for you there on that island.”
I hesitantly kept pressing a, allowing Hilbert to get on the ship. After a few brief seconds, the boat departed and we eventually arrived at Liberty Island. 
At the island, even more, things were off. For starters, there were no normal NPCs in Liberty Garden. Not only that, but the Team Plasma grunts that were meant to be outside in the garden were all not present either. I was beginning to feel more scared of what’s to come and just wanted to go back and continue on my journey. After all, Victini isn’t needed to complete the Pokédex. I went up to the captain to try and leave.
Captain: “You know what you must do.”
At this point, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to continue but nonetheless, I continued onward. I stepped inside the lighthouse to see a few team plasma grunts run out of a door at the end of the hall.
Plasma Grunt: “It’s no use! We can’t fight that thing, we have to get out of here!”
The grunts ran past me and out of the door I came in. Too late now I thought to myself and headed into the door they ran from. When the next room came into view it was completely destroyed, there seemed to be remnants of furniture scattered around now completely destroyed along with some plasma grunts lying on the ground and a few huddled in a corner. In the center of the room floated a small Pokémon, Victini.
The game didn’t even let me walk up to it and the screen already began to flash indicating that a battle was beginning. The battle started as usual with legendary music kicking in but Victini looked a little strange. While its appearance was normal it’s colors looked a little bit desaturated and it had a slight glow effect around it, and I can’t be sure but its smile looked a little bit more sinister. I looked at the level and my jaw dropped as I saw that Victini was level 77. My highest-level pokemon was only level 25. I had no hope of beating it. As expected Victini one-shotted all of my pokemon, not even letting me get a single hit in. When the battle ended, instead of whiting out I was still standing in front of Victini. One of the grunts shouted.
Plasma Grunt 2: “He lost…”
Plasma Grunt 2: “We gotta get out of here!”
The grunts who weren’t lying on the ground started running out of the room and before I even had the chance to press anything Hilbert began running out of the room on his own. Hilbert and the grunts made it out to the front of the lighthouse when Victini appeared out of nowhere in front of Hilbert. It seemed like a cutscene started as the game wouldn’t let me move at all, the grunts kept running as Hilbert stood frozen in place. Victini started to glow and Boldore popped out of its ball in front of Hilbert, as the screen began to be completely engulfed in white while a low rumbling noise played through the speakers.
The screen went black and my heart was pounding out of my chest. What was going on? I hadn’t heard about anything like this happening to anyone else!? The screen turned black and text appeared on the screen.
“A few weeks later…”
Weeks?! What was going on, something must be wrong with my game I thought. The black screen slowly faded back into the game where Hilbert was lying on a bed in the lighthouse with bandages covering one of his eyes. All of my Pokémon were out of their balls gathered around him moving around as if they had a life of their own. Plato was by the bed and I got the impression maybe the Pokémon had been taking care of Hilbert after Victini made that huge explosion. Something was wrong though their sprites looked off. I opened the menu to get a closer look at them all. When I checked their summaries I was shocked and disgusted to see that my entire team had seemingly been mutated akin to something in the Fallout games. Although my Servine Plato was more or less unaffected for whatever reason, parts of its body were seemingly missing as if it had been removing them for some reason. Panpour seemed desaturated and drained looking as if it had been overexerting itself for a long time. Then I realized… my Pokémon had been taking care of Hilbert after the explosion. After this realization I felt back for being disgusted by them, they were clearly still my Pokémon and had been nothing but loyal and kind even in their new mutated forms. While I thought about this Sawk’s sprite jumped up and down by the door like it was leading me out of the room, and I realized that Boldore was nowhere to be found.
I quickly ran out of the room, with my pokemon all following behind outside of their balls. But when I exited out the front door the game went into one of those weird-looking 3D cutscenes that the DS era of pokemon had. The camera showed the outside of the lighthouse with Hilbert walking outside then the camera panned to show Boldore dead on the ground in a pile of rubble, worst of all its face appeared to be melted off showing its skull. I was horrified, Boldore must have protected me from the blast and paid dearly for it. I got the impression my pokemon were just as sad as I was.
I went to where the boat had been before to see, I saw it still floating there abandoned with the captain nowhere to be seen. When I tried stepping on the boat, it began to depart from the island. For some reason, it seemed as if despite being abandoned the animation played all the same and I found myself back on the pier. Now back in Castelia I wandered around what appeared like a ruined version of the city, now completely empty. The city once known for its large number of NPCs was now devoid of nearly all life. As I wandered the streets I came upon a group of Mandibuzz gathered around a person lying down. Although the sprites didn’t properly convey what was happening, I got the message and left quickly so as to not become their next meal. That's when I got a call on the Xtransceiver from Bianca, I was surprised that she was alright as I answered the call. Bianca's face appeared on the screen and she looked worried. My trainer's face also looked a little different than it normally should with the bandages present in Hilbert’s overworld sprite being seen in the art, as well as a sad look on his face. 
Bianca: “Hello? Hilbert are you alright, I’ve been calling every day for a while now and you haven’t answered till now!”
Bianca: “Anyway now's not the time, listen there's a safe house in the Drifveil city gym you have to get here as quickly as you can!”
Bianca: “There are apparently dangerous mutated Pokémon running around everywhere and I don’t recommend fighting them!”
Bianca: “I don’t want to keep you too long, so please hurry!”
With that, the call ended leaving me back alone in the abandoned streets. The absurdity of this entire situation had begun to dull on me at this point; this clearly wasn’t part of the normal game. I decided to continue anyway and see where this game was trying to lead me. I began to try and continue normally which wasn’t too difficult as all of the trainers were gone. Occasionally, I would run into a wild encounter with the opposing pokemon being horribly mutated-looking and deformed in different ways. I could beat most of them with my team but some of them were ridiculously overleveled, luckily I was able to just run away from them.
After walking through a similarly abandoned Nimbasa city and plenty of routes with not much happening, I finally reached Driftveil city. Although it initially looked somewhat abandoned I knew there had to be people here as I looked around for the gym. Finally, I found it and I quickly ran inside to see a few generic NPCs gathered inside, suddenly the textbox appeared again and one of them began to speak.
NPC: “Oh hey you’re that Hilbert kid.”
NPC:  “Bianca said you should be coming.” 
NPC: “Go down the elevator, that's where everyone is.”
I decided to heed his advice and just get on the elevator. After descending and completing a short elevator puzzle, that I assumed was part of the original game’s gym challenge, I had reached the bottom. Down there appeared to be a much larger gathering of people, and as I stepped off of the elevator Bianca and Cheren ran up to me.
Bianca: “Hilbert! You’re alright!”
Cheren: “I’m glad you’re alright, now that you’ve arrived we should call Professor Juniper to tell her of your arrival.”
The Xtransceiver screen popped up again now with Hilbert, Bianca, Cheren, and Professor Juniper who looked scared for some reason. Juniper began to say something but her voice sounded a bit distorted and staticky. Her image was also covered in static and hard to make out. 
Juniper: “You a- *static* -u -ave to get- *static* -re quickly!”
Cheren: “Professor? Is everything all right?”
Cheren:  “You’re breaking up, is there some kind of interference?”
Juniper: “It- *static* -ation *static* - but that’s not impor- *static* -his name is *static* DARK STAR!”
Suddenly Victini appeared behind Juniper and a second later exploded in a blinding flash. The call cut almost instantly afterwards, leaving both Cheren and Bianca seemingly in shocked silence for a few seconds. Suddenly text appeared on the screen in bright red.
“I will always win. I. AM. VICTORY!”
Distorted laughter played incredibly loudly through the 3DS’s speakers causing me to drop it. Luckily, it didn’t break and I picked it back up now nervous. Bianca and Cheren were arguing, seemingly panicked, running around the room but I wasn’t able to read most of what they were saying due to being kind of dazed. Suddenly Victini- No, Dark Star appeared in the center of the room between Hilbert and the others. It barely looked like a Victini anymore. It was now much taller, almost stretched out and deformed. Its bottom jaw hung loosely from its head and its body was covered in various burn marks. As I stared at the creature’s two small burning red eyes it then began to glow.
“Watch the world burn!”
Dark Star exploded again engulfing the screen in white once again. When the explosion cleared everyone in the room but Hilbert had been reduced to nothing but shadows on the walls seared onto the stone from the blast. Text flashed on the screen again.
“This is only the beginning, I will show you my world.”
After that I almost immediately turned my 3DS off. I took the game out, and threw it across my room too scared to play any further. I didn’t play Pokémon for a while after that, scared that if I played again I’d be met with the face of that thing once more. That was until 2 or so years later when Pokémon X and Y came out. I had decided it was time for me to face my fears since I didn’t want to be too afraid to play one of my favorite game series ever again. After some deliberation, I got Pokémon Y and went home to start playing. Sure enough, I loved it and after a while of playing I had almost completely forgotten about my fears. After beating the game and the final fight with AZ I felt relieved to watch the ending cutscene of his and Floette’s touching reunion. As the camera panned up from the scene and overlooked Lumiose City the camera stopped, and I saw a white flash over the horizon.
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radrobotz · 6 months
did anyone else used to take pictures of cartoons and stuff w the dsi camera and then recolor their ocs in the little editor thing
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dreamcast-official · 7 months
none of my irls own a ds let alone a copy of pokémon black/white so i need to fish forever to try to get a milotic.
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webtrinsic1122 · 1 year
Don’t normally post stuff like this, just wanted to let y’all know imma be selling some stuff soon so I can get some money for the Kanan Jarrus lightsaber so if you’re interested in any of these things lmk:
Aoi Asahina Cosplay small size + Monokuma plush (No Wig) (60$)
Black Butler Item Lot: Black Butler Manga Issue #4, Sebastian 068 Nendroid Figure, Grell Suticliff Plush Keychain. (80$)
(Hot Topic) Never Worn Size Medium Fandom Shirts: Doctor Strange, Star Wars, Spider-Man [3] (25$)
Boba Fett Cardboard Cutout (20$)
Eleventh Doctor Cardboard Cutout (30$)
Vertigo American DJ Brand Colorful Stage Light. Dented but working Condition. (40$)
Scuffed Blue DSI, Charger, Screen Protector (No stylus) + Five Games: My Friends, Mario and Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story, Sonic: Classic Edition, Adventure Time, Super Scribblenauts. (60$)
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three-dee-ess · 1 month
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recently i got my Holy Grail of 3DS’s and today i decided to make it a matching boots screen :3
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zegalba · 1 year
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rarestdogebutmemey · 1 year
Shiny hunting at a card tournament like a fuckin NERD
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goldensunset · 10 months
once again eagerly reading and watching you liveblog your pokemon experiences hell yeah dude
i've been restraining myself from liveblogging pla for a third time bc i super super enjoy running my mouth and love paying attention to things that everyone else would find boring and irrelevant. but this time i was like ok it would simply look embarrassing for me to talk in detail about the entirety of the exact same game three times in a row. but then again each new time i've played i've had a different level of context. first i had absolutely no knowledge (save from a major spoiler, yet still one removed from context), then i had the knowledge from this game itself, and now i have the knowledge of both this game and its predecessor. there have been some new things i've noticed and some new thoughts and feelings i've had for the first time. i wish i'd written them all down to like document them now
and yeah baby i am so so so happy i've gotten the chance to play gen 4 now. both of these games make each other so much more special in my eyes in a sort of indescribable way. my relationship with platinum is bizarre bc yeah i only just played it for the first time this year but also having played pla means i can recognize all these callbacks and know where things are going. and even stronger than that- as a certified younger sibling i can verify having had the true younger sibling experience of watching one's older sibling play a video game and feeling like you're playing it yourself. granted i only remember bits and pieces of the games i watched them play (diamond from my brother and platinum from my sister). but like certain things are so vivid in my memories dude
the pokémon center theme and jingle (but granted those are so culturally significant anyone would know them). the pc box opening sound (dude that's such a small thing and yet it almost killed me hearing it again after so long). 'the water is a deep blue color...would you like to surf on it?' >yes< 'pippi used surf!' (empoleon cry and animation). the surf music. the sinnoh wild battle music (hearing that in pla was like hey i think i recognize that but with japanese instruments?). the biking music. 'chop chop machop! chop away on rocks!' (we used to say that to each other all the time it was like a little sung ditty). exploring the underground and digging and dodging traps and capture the flag and secret bases.. the sound of the map opening (it's such a satisfying crunch). like dude... i am getting nostalgia for my childhood... for something i myself didn't play and only faintly remember from forever ago... and only recently have been able to fully be a part of. it's such a surreal and unique experience. if anyone ever asks i'm going to tell them i played gen 4 as a kid bc i basically did (technically i did bc i used to beg my sister to let me play the mining minigame in the underground lol. that's the only thing i wanted to do). partially. i don't remember everything but like i remember a lot
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michealfelloff · 1 year
Guess who found their old dsi?
It was me. I found my old dsi and my copy of Black 2 from when I was 7 years old. Feeling nostalgic not gonna lie
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