#black hawk dog food
wastelesspantry · 7 months
Exploring The Premium Quality And Health Benefits Of Black Hawk Dog Food
As pet owners, we strive to provide our furry companions with the best nutrition possible to ensure their health, happiness, and longevity. With an abundance of pet food options available, finding a brand that prioritizes quality ingredients and nutritional excellence can be a daunting task. Enter Black Hawk, a brand renowned for its commitment to crafting premium quality dog food that not only nourishes but also delights our canine friends. Let's delve into the world of Black Hawk dog food to discover its exceptional quality and the myriad health benefits it offers to our beloved pets.
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Nutritionally Balanced Formulas
Black Hawk understands that every dog is unique, with individual dietary needs and preferences. That's why they offer a diverse range of formulas tailored to suit dogs of all breeds, sizes, and life stages. Whether you have a playful puppy, an active adult dog, or a senior companion, Black Hawk provides specialized recipes formulated to support their specific nutritional requirements. From grain-free options for sensitive tummies to formulas enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, Black Hawk dog food caters to the diverse needs of our canine companions.
Holistic Approach To Health
Beyond providing essential nutrients, Black Hawk takes a holistic approach to pet health by incorporating wholesome ingredients that promote overall well-being. Their recipes are enriched with antioxidants, omega fatty acids, and prebiotic fibers to support immune function, maintain healthy skin and coat, and aid in digestion. By nourishing dogs from the inside out, Black Hawk helps them thrive and live their best lives.
Transparent Sourcing And Manufacturing
Transparency and accountability are fundamental values upheld by Black Hawk. They believe pet owners deserve to know exactly what goes into their furry friend's food and where it comes from. That's why Black Hawk provides detailed information about the sourcing and manufacturing processes behind their products. From farm to bowl, Black Hawk maintains strict quality control measures to ensure the safety, purity, and integrity of their dog food.
Health Benefits For Canine Companions
The benefits of feeding your dog Black Hawk extend far beyond just meeting their nutritional needs. By choosing Black Hawk dog food, you're investing in your pet's health and happiness in the following ways:
Enhanced Digestion: With natural prebiotic fibers and probiotics, Black Hawk promotes a healthy digestive system, reducing the risk of digestive upset and improving nutrient absorption.
Optimal Weight Management: Formulated with high-quality proteins and controlled levels of carbohydrates, Black Hawk helps dogs maintain lean muscle mass and healthy body weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues.
Healthy Skin and Coat: Enriched with omega fatty acids from sources such as fish oil and flaxseed, Black Hawk supports skin health and promotes a shiny, lustrous coat, reducing itching, flakiness, and shedding.
Improved Energy and Vitality: By providing dogs with the essential nutrients they need to thrive, Black Hawk dog food boosts energy levels, supports muscle development, and enhances overall vitality, ensuring dogs can lead active and fulfilling lives.
In conclusion, Black Hawk dog food stands as a shining example of excellence in pet nutrition. With its premium quality ingredients, nutritionally balanced formulas, holistic approach to health, and transparent sourcing and manufacturing practices, Black Hawk sets the standard for what pet food should be. By choosing Black Hawk, you're not just feeding your dog; you're nourishing their body, mind, and spirit, allowing them to thrive every day.
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robertmcdwells · 11 months
Black Hawk Original Lamb & Rice Holistic Adult Formula is designed to meet the AAFCO standards for the growth and maintenance of dogs. It ensures that your pet has the correct ratio of protein, vitamins and minerals. It is 100% Australian-made and owned. It is a super premium dog food that is great for the health of your dog. This dog food can be given to all breeds of dogs. It is also good for dogs with sensitive stomachs.
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greenwitchcrafts · 21 days
September 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: September 2nd
First Quarter: September 11th
Full moon: September 17th
Last Quarter: September 24th
Sabbats: Mabon- September 22nd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn Moon, Child Moon, Corn Harvest Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Haligmonath, Leaves Turning Moon, Mating Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, Moon When Dear Paw the Earth, Rutting Moon, Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth & Yellow Leaf Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo & Libra
Nature spirts: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Chang-e, Demeter, Freya, Isis, Depths & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone,carnelian, cat's eye, chrysolite, citrine, iolite, lapis lazuli, olivine, peridot, sapphire, spinel(blue), tourmaline(blue) & zircon
Colors: Browns, dark blue, Earth tones, green & yellow
Issues, intentions & powers: Confidence, the home, manifestation & protection
Energy: Balance of light & dark, cleaning & straightening of all kinds, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environment
The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22nd or 23rd) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight & allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. 
• While September’s full Moon is usually known as the Harvest Moon, if October’s full Moon happens to occur closer to the equinox than September’s, it takes on the name “Harvest Moon” instead. In this case, September’s full Moon would be referred to as the Corn Moon.
This time of year—late summer into early fall—corresponds with the time of harvesting corn in much of the northern United States. For this reason, a number of Native American peoples traditionally used some variation of the name “Corn Moon” to refer to the Moon of either August or September. 
Known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Autumn
Element: Air
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, balance, berries, corn, cornucopia( Horn of Plenty), dried seeds, equality, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue, brown, dark red, deep gold, gold, indigo, leaf green, maroon, orange, red, russet. Violet & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog & Wolf
Birds: Goose, hawk, swallow & swan
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate & yellow topaz
Food: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, breads, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & wine
Herbs/Plants: Benzoin, bramble, corn, ferns, grains, hops, ivy, milkweed, myrrh, sage sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers:  Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, mums, passion flower, rose
Trees: Aspen, cedar, cypress, hazel, locust, maple, myrtle oak & pine
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Modron, Morgan, The Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sin, Sophia & Sura
Gods:  Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, Esus, The Green Man, Hermes, Mannanan, Thor & Thoth
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellwork: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self-confidence
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields & Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Collect fall themed things from nature like acorns, changing leaves, pine cones, ect)
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you & commit to healthy changes
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Fill a cornucopia
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh/Brythonic God Mabon Ap Modron, who's name means "Divine/great Son", However,there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s for the Autumn Equinox & has nothing to do with this celebration or this time of year.
• Though many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lughnasadh) & Equinox as a time for giving thanks before the name Mabon was given because this time of year is traditionally when farmers know how well their summer crops did & how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you & your family would have enough food for the winter.That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, animals & food
Some believe it celebrates the autumn equinox when Nature is preparing for the winter months. Night & day are of equal legth  & the God's energy & strength are nearly gone. The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he is reborn at Yule.
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- Is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals on which Israelites were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. Originally a harvest festival celebrating the autumn harvest, Sukkot’s modern observance is characterized by festive meals in a sukkah, a temporary wood-covered hut, celebrating the Exodus from Egypt.
• Mid-Autumn festival- September 17th
Is also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival. It is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture, similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years.  On this day, it is believed that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes – which symbolize beacons that light people's path to prosperity & good fortune – are carried & displayed. Mooncakes, a rich pastry typically filled with sweet-bean, egg yolk, meat or lotus-seed paste, are traditionally eaten during this festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the legend of Chang'e, the Moon goddess in Chinese mythology.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• The Oschophoria- Were a set of ancient Greek festival rites held in Athens during the month Pyanepsion (autumn) in honor of Dionysus. The festival may have had both agricultural and initiatory functions.
-Amidst much singing of special songs, two young men dressed in women's clothes would bear branches with grape-clusters attached from Dionysus to the sanctuary of Athena Skiras & a footrace followed in which select ephebes competed.
Ancient sources connect the festival and its rituals to the Athenian hero-king Theseus & specifically to his return from his Cretan adventure. According to that myth, the Cretan princess Ariadne, whom Theseus had abandoned on the island of Naxos while voyaging home, was rescued by an admiring Dionysus; thus the Oschophoria may have honored Ariadne as well. A section of the ancient calendar frieze incorporated into the Byzantine Panagia Gorgoepikoos church in Athens, corresponding to the month Pyanopsion (alternate spelling), has been identified as an illustration of this festival's procession.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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giorno-plays-piano · 9 months
Favors and Debts
Part II
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Pairing: fae!Yuji/Sukuna x reader
Warnings: noncon, yandere, a bit of smut, murder, captivity, stalking, violence (not towards reader), Sukuna having a purity kink.
Words: 1.4k
Summary: Of all creatures fickle and cruel, the fair folk are the ones inspiring fear and awe alike. You were unlucky enough to save one of them from captivity, and now you must pay for it.
Part I
He lied to you. Since the night he ordered all his captors slaughtered, he has been following you like a shadow, waiting for you to slip up and finally let him in. Have you drown in your nightmares until you'd crack under pressure and take down your door clad in iron, throw away the mirrors of all shapes and sizes hanging down the walls of your tiny apartment.
You have resisted thus far. You've learned to live with a wicked fae breathing down your neck.
At first, you only saw him in your dreams. A response to a severe trauma, the doctors said, nodding knowingly. You haven't told them Yuji was one of the little folk: it was futile. Men of science would think you damaged beyond repair if you believed in elves and fairies. An abused man dreaming of revenge for 7 long years? Now, this was something. Of course, he could have found accomplices. Of course, they could have murdered men and women of the village. You kept quiet, letting police and doctors make their own conclusions. Nothing could be done to help dead villagers, anyway.
Then, one day, the fae boy came to the apothecary, where you worked as a junior pharmacist. He has been wearing the face of an unremarkable city man who needed his stomach pills. When you turned away to the shelves and reached for them, he caged you with his body, somehow slipping through the counter, and murmured against your ear, "I'll eat your heart, little bird."
When you turned around in frenzy, hands shaking, expecting to find Yuji with his six horrifying hands ready to tear you apart, you found only an average-looking city man trying to hide a yawn behind the counter. He wasn't a fae. He was human, just like you, and yet Yuji found a way into him like found a way in your dreams.
You were never alone. He has been watching you like a hawk, making sure you never grew close to anyone, especially not men. Once there was a handsome boy with whom you exchanged pleasantries far too many times for fae's liking, and he took over him for a couple of seconds, face changing to Yuji's, black symbols appearing on his skin as he looked you up and down, the corners of his mouth tugged just slightly upward. "Keep yourself pure for me," the fae whispered into your ear as you stood frozen, afraid to move until the boy became himself again.
Least to say, you could afford having neither lovers nor friends. God knows what that fae would do to them if he could force himself into their bodies without much of a struggle.
Sometimes, you dreamt of different Yuji. That Yuji was just a kind fatherless boy who made jokes when you bandaged his hands and thanked you so sincerely when you gave him the ointment for treating his wounds. He nealry cried when you brought him your food and hid his face in his palms out of shame for having to rely on a young woman's pity. He was gentle with horses and dogs, and they flocked to him like he was their master, only enraging the villagers further.
Although you tried not to think of it much, you missed that boy. If it were him visiting your dreams, you wouldn't even mind.
The years are flying by, and soon the promised time will be up, but you aren't afraid. Your room is full of iron and mirrors. The door and every window are lined with a thick layer of salt. There's a sack of dried rowan berries under your pillow. Your stomach doesn't let you have as much sleeping pills as you like, but dreams are just dreams. He can't drag you away through them to his realm, or he would've done it already.
But it's the last night of the seventh year, and when you are running the streets of the city back to your safe heaven, you know you aren't asleep this time, the fairy catching up with you, his speed utterly terrifying. You barely have time to fly up the stairs, trying to lock your heavy door, but he is behind you, forcing you inside: the gushes of wind swipe the layers of salt you so cautiously poured on the floor, and the mirrors fall down the walls, all cracking like they're made of thin ice.
"I've waited for so long for you to show me the way," he says in a low voice, a grin lightening up his handsome features, and you see he is no longer a boy but a man, his shoulders a mile wide, his two heavy arms splitting in six again in front of your very eyes. "I have been patient, little bird."
You weren't, you want to say, but your tongue is numb, and so is your body as the fae advances on you, reaching out his many hands to place them on your face, your waist, and your hips. He seems content with how much you tremble before him.
"The brat misses you," he whispers, his hand tender on your chin as he makes you look up at him, and you raise your brows, unsure you heard him right. He laughs as you. "The boy. Yuji."
You blink. Isn't Yuji just a false name the villagers gave a fae to hide his true one? Why does he refer to him as his own person?
Because he is, the realization strikes you.
"Are you using Yuji's body?" You whimper, eyes already wet as you think of the tremendous difference between a gentle boy in the barn and a cruel creature taunting you in your dreams.
The fae smiles back at you, his face inches away from yours.
"If only you knew how much he pleads me to let you go," he bares his sharp teeth at you like a predator ready to pounce on his prey. "Poor child. He's been in love with you ever since you kicked away that iron girdle."
Horrified, you feel blood rushing to your head as you frantically think what to say, not realizing the fae keeps nudging you towards your bed, towering over you like a giant, mirrors coming further apart under his feet. His fingers are rough and calloused, but he is strangely gentle as if a part of him wishes you well. Is it him? Yuji, the kind boy, trying not to hurt you? Or is it his frightening master trying to trick you into submission?
When the fae lifts up your cotton dress, he tenderly strokes your skin until he reaches your waist, relief strangely washing over his sharp features. "You aren't wearing a girdle."
Biting down on your lips, you look at your ceiling, tears trailing down your cheeks. You thought of it. Iron was convenient to use against the fair folk, and many maidens in fairytales wore them as a protection against the fae charming their way in girls' bedrooms. Surely, with your rooms stuffed full of anything made of iron, it only made sense to wear something as well. And yet... and yet every time you went to blacksmith to commission a piece, you thought of wounded Yuji, his face pale, palms bleeding from the iron girdle forced into his hands.
In the end, you never bought it.
"My pliant little bird," he whispers against your bare skin and you squeeze your eyes shut, thinking how foolish you were to believe you can fend him off with your heavy iron door and mirrors hanging down your walls.
He lays you on your bed, carefully avoiding its iron frame, and soon you realize you are no longer in your room, your bed simply levitating somewhere in the dark, the fae your only companion. You're gone. Your time is finally up, and no one will save you from the monster who has been chasing you since the night you freed him from his shackles.
"Why are you cruel to me?" You ask him in a small voice, head on the pillow as he caresses the inner side of your thighs. "I've done you no wrong."
The fae laughs, "Cruel? You are to wed the Fairy King, little girl. I'll even give you that human brat as a wedding present. Now, stop crying and spread your pretty legs for me."
Tags: @minshookie29
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themodernwitchsguide · 2 months
altars for nordic gods
keep in mind that altars like these have very little historical backing, and this information is mostly for the use of the modern pagan. also pretty much every god can be honored with offerings of meat, mead, wine, and your own blood.
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Colors: grey/silver for justice; deep blue, black for magic; red for war
Offerings: nine sacred herbs (chamomile, nettle, fennel, crab apple, mugwort, plantain, watercress, chervil, betony), runes, food for ravens, poetry
Crystals: sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, lepidolite, obsidian, labradorite
Animals: his ravens (Huginn and Muninn), his wolves (Geri and Freki)
Colors: yellow, white, grey for thunderstorms; red for war; blue for the sky
Offerings: rainwater, hawthorn, oak, garlic, onion, hearty meals
Crystals: fulgarite, blue quartz/calcite, yellow jasper, sodalite, obsidian, hematite
Animals: goats
Colors: black, green for mischief; yellow/gold for wealth; red, orange when he is combined with Logi
Offerings: yellow rattle, birch, mistletoe, snake shed, cinnamon, dandelion, coins/money
Crystals: labradorite, jade, malachite, pyrite, citrine, bloodstone, gemstones, serpentine
Animals: birds, horses, snakes, foxes
Colors: dark blue, silver/grey for justice; red for war
Offerings: holly, mustard seed, bread, oak, ash, good deeds are especially emphasized with Tyr
Crystals: lapis lazuli, sapphire, red jasper, bloodstone, obsidian, hematite
Animals: wolf, dog, bear, eagle
Colors: gold/yellow, white for opulence; sky blue, pink for beauty
Offerings: chamomile, daisies, white blossoms, honey, juniper berries, laurel leaves, sunflower
Crystals: sunstone, celestite, selenite, pearl, rose quartz, pyrite, milky quartz
Animals: foal
Colors: blue, silver/grey, white for the moon; yellow/gold for opulence
Offerings: cardamom, allspice, sweet wines, milk, handspun fiber, feathers, moss
Crystals: moonstone, selenite, celestite, pyrite, milky quartz, rose quartz, agates
Animals: falcons, hawks, geese
Colors: red, orange, black for the underworld; white, grey for the dead
Offerings: white flowers, apples, willow, dark chocolate, coffee beans, mushrooms, clove--leave food until rotten
Crystals: bloodstone, jet, onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, volcanic stone, red jasper, hematite
Animals: owl, raven, dog, wolf
Colors: red, pink, white for love; green, brown for nature; gold/yellow for her cape; purple, dark blue for magic
Offerings: jasmine, rose, verbena, collecting cat whiskers, honeycomb, fruit, fresh flowers, chocolate
Crystals: amber, petrified wood, agates, garnet/ruby, pyrite, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, emerald, jade, tiger's eye, cat's eye, amethyst
Animals: cats, pigs, horses, falcons
Colors: green, brown for nature; yellow/gold for sunshine
Offerings: grain, apples, bread, nuts/seeds, venison, anything phallic, antlers, birch, hawthorn, coins/money
Crystals: green aventurine, agates, petrified wood, jaspers, jade, citrine, zoisite, pyrite
Animals: deer/stag, boar, horse, bee
Colors: white, blues for the sea
Offerings: fish, sea salt, shells, beads, tobacco, fishing gear
Crystals: aquamarine, larimar, gemstones, pearls, malachite, sodalite, azurite, iolite
Animals: seabirds, sea mammals
Colors: white, light blue for winter; brown for the hunt
Offerings: raw meat, berries, nuts, clear liquors, pelts, antlers
Crystals: milky quartz, bloodstone, blue calcite, chalcedony, jaspers
Animals: arctic fox
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
Sometimes, when I look up from my studies (gearbox re-assembly) I like to stare out the window. There, on the power lines outside my house, are a whole bunch of black-billed magpies. I'm told by the ever-present voice in my skull that I am in fact looking at a Parliament of magpies, but this is no doubt a holdover from the era when Parliament existed. It might even be from when the monarchy existed.
Birds have it really easy. They fly around a lot, play their songs whenever they want, and maybe threaten the local hot dog cart owner into surrendering some merchandise. Their lives have a downside too, though: dangerous predators like house-cats and hawks, and the existence of motorized vehicle traffic. Plus, they have to try and get food in the winter, and that's exactly what those magpies were doing this one weekend in January.
When all the goodies are covered in snow, or worse, frozen by one of the howling ice storms that periodically blow through this area and knock out civilization for a week or two, the birds can't get at their vittles. Once, years ago, a nice lady down the street would put out peanuts for them, and they would sup greedily. Perhaps these magpies are simply a much later generation, raised on the legends of their ancestors as this being A Good Place where Sometimes You Get Peanuts. No such luck now: she pulled up stakes and left for somewhere she didn't have to live next to a guy who tried to Prius-swap a Celica with a natural-gas-fired jet turbine on the roof for batteries. Boring.
Still, I decided that I would also do my part to make life easier for these wild scavengers. That night, when I backed out of my driveway, I made sure to rip the handbrake a little early, knocking my next-door neighbour's compost bin over, where it immediately disgorged its contents of spoiled theatre popcorn and government-issued Nature Valley® Extreme Environment Survival Bars onto the road. The birds would eat well tonight, they wouldn't expect another handout from what was clearly a miracle, and I would enjoy some karma in having made another living thing's life better, if only momentarily.
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Era IV - V Ghouls HCs (part 1)
Color shows who made what hc - reblogs are appreciated!
Phantom and Aurora are siblings with Aurora being the older sibling. Back in the Pits since they were ghoul kits they've been inseparable. They were summoned together. Can be a bit chaotic with each other if left alone together, but the moment Swiss joins in they'll all need to be watched like a hawk.
It took a while for Mountain, Sodo, and Aether to warm up to Copia as frontman since they were used to Terzo
Ghoulettes have girls night every week. They blast white girl bangers all night
Ghouls send Copia the ant with bindle photo when he scolds them to get out of trouble (it always works)
While most ghouls like to play fight, Swiss and Aurora do it the most and it’s usually pretty intense so the others avoid with them unless feeling particularly worked up. You would think they were actually trying to kill each other but no
Cirrus, Cumulus, Sodo, and Swiss watch those shitty reality TV shows to point fun at humans and the awful things they do. This is nearly a weekly thing if any of them have time to hang out with free time.
Cumulus and Cirrus always would send messages with at least one emoticon
We know Mountain is the tallest, but the smallest current ghouls are both Cumulus and Aurora at 5’3”. However, they are not the smallest ghouls of modern day Ghost (that title goes to Mist at 4'10" aka three sauces tall.)
Summoning day is June 21st, 2015
Favorite animal is pangolins because they look like dragons
Transmasc (ftm)
Went by Dewdrop when water ghoul, but changed it to Sodo when he became a fire ghoul
Middle child energy
He still has some fin-like features on him, but not as much as before. Some water ghouls could have scales like fish, so you'd have to squint to see the patches of scales on Sodo now. They were larger when he was still water. The fire features kinda override it.
Not mean (unless it's Aether /j), just easily irritated
Would never get angry at any ghoulettes. He drinks respect women juice everyday. He most definitely fears Cirrus sometimes
Sometimes joins the ghoulettes with their girls night just to get away from all the chaos, especially after a rough week
Will sell Aether's non-existent soul for a single corn chip
Ok he actually does care about Aether, but he just has limits to his shenanigans.
Since he was transformed into a fire ghoul instead of naturally born like that, the features a fire ghoul would normally have are weaker with him (ex: he doesn’t radiate much heat from his body)
Wants affection and then bites when he’s had enough like a cat
Doesn’t take criticism very well
Summoning day is June 24th, 2015
Favorite animal is tigers because of how big they are and goofy they can be at times
One of my three weed smoking girlfriends
Little sibling energy that Sodo is the main victim of
One of the most kindest ghouls you'll meet
He has some knowledge in healing and health, so if any of the ghouls, or anyone who is close to him in general, are sick or injured they go straight to Aether
He does that thing where he gets his hands wet and flings his fingers out to get water on Sodo
Helped take care of and watch over ghoul kits back in the Pits
He is still around the Ministry after leaving Ghost and still hangs out with the others when they're not touring.
If he could wear socks in sandals all the time he would
Very sensitive. Cries at those sad dog ads and donates the Ministry’s money
Summoning day is June 19th, 2015
Favorite animal is ram since he has similar horns like them and how tough they are when butting heads with each other
Gentle giant
Has long, dark black hair that is super soft to touch and doesn’t mind the others playing with his hair
Ghoul equivalent to a golden retriever
Like a big brother to Sodo and Aether
Doesn't hunt like the other ghouls. He is able to control his urges, and plus there's already food inside so why bother
Plant dad. Even if you give him a fake plant he'll still love and cherish it. Names them all
Usually will have to stop Sodo from trying to lunge for Aether’s throat
Taller than the average earth ghoul at 7’3”. There were bruises on his face because of walking right into door frames when first summoned. Gets front passenger seat privileges
Keeper of air jail (lifting somebody up if they are causing trouble) Grabbing em by the scruff when the others are fighting
Any pronouns
Summoning day is July 18th, 2016
Favorite animal is blue marlin because of how fast it can swim and the sword-like appendage on their noses
Likes to keep fishies
Can only sleep when it’s pitch black
Has shark like features (the teeth, tail, sense of smell, etc)
Not shy at all, but just not very social. Possible social anxiety? Yes social anxiety bc projection
Eats the rainbow aquarium rocks like they're Nerds candy.
Mainly sticks around with Mountain since the two have good chemistry.
Gets mad at his own hiccups
Summoning day is April 4th, 2016
Favorite animal is mourning dove because of how they coo
Wine aunt
Anxiety. Not too terrible, but it still is awful
Would bring a dead animal inside after hunting and call it her Girl Dinner™
Literal Disney princess. She could sing and birds would fly to her to sing along
Terrified when first summoned. Glued to Cirrus’ side for the first six months
She is one of the sweetest ghoulettes, but she has quite a bit of weird and creepy pictures and items that will freak people out. Her and Swiss send each other cursed images and videos
Very motherly and protective of the others
Loves to wear fluffy, cloud-like clothing
Link to part 2 will be here soon!
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|| Lost and Found ||
Frank Castle x female reader
Tags/warnings: meetcute! With dogs!
Oral (f rec), beardburn, coming in pants (m) 😍, written for the @bernthirst-events #beardthalbash, thanks to @darlingshane and @anna-hawk for organising!
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"Midge! Miiiidge!" Your voice echoes through the endless trees as you call out again and again, listening hopefully for the familiar thunder of paws on the leafy undergrowth coming back toward you, but there was nothing but the muted twitter of birds. "Midge, come!" You shout again, your voice starting to tremble with worry as you walk hurriedly along the forestry path. The light was beginning to fade earlier in these shortening autumn evenings, and it would soon be impossible to find your runaway pup. You take out your phone, dismayed to see the signal nonexistent out this deep in the woods.
"C'mon Midge! Midge, please come back!" The back of your throat is rough from yelling and your eyes are glistening with tears. You couldn't go home, you had to keep looking for her.
"Miiiidge?!" You tried again, and stopped in your tracks as you heard a rustling nearby, but it was just a blackbird rummaging in the leaf litter.
"Oh Midge…" you croak out more quietly, still holding her broken lead tightly in your fist. You cursed yourself for not replacing it sooner after she had been chewing it, for not buying a stronger one. You were so wrapped up in your own admonishment that you jumped out of your skin when someone walked up the track behind you.
"Ma'am, if you don't mind me askin', are you alright?"
You turned and were met with the figure of a large bearded man. He kept his distance when he realised he had given you a bit of a fright, giving you time to take in the fact that he was wearing a dark green shirt with the park ranger logo embroidered on it along with utility pants and sturdy walking boots. His eyes were dark and he was looking at you kindly.
"I'm Frank, I'm a ranger. I heard you yelling, can I help?" He asks, and you find yourself stuttering over your words, partly in relief that someone else was around, and someone who hopefully knew these woods a lot better than you.
"It's- it's my dog, she… oh, I've been searching and calling for her for hours, she broke her lead when she saw a squirrel and bolted after it! I couldn't catch her in time and she's just- she's just a pup!" You sniffle as your eyes keep flitting around to look through the trees. "I can't find her, she doesn't know this part of the woods that well, I can't leave her alone out there."
The ranger nods and steps a little bit closer. "Alright, I know that you're worried about her, but this sorta thing happens a lot. I'm gonna help you to find her best I can. Can you give me a description? An' I heard you callin' out 'Midge', s'that right?"
You wipe at your damp eyes, nodding. "She's a border collie, black and white. She's 8 months but she's small for her age."
"Okay ma'am, do you remember when and where you last saw her? I'll radio my team and we'll be able to have more eyes and ears lookin' out for Midge okay?" His voice is low and authoritative but soft with it, and your tears soon stop as you're distracted by the way he goes straight into action.
"Back over the ridge near the fire pass, I think it was about two hours ago…" you tell him.
Frank unclips his radio from his belt and relays all the information, getting confirmation from a variety of voices shortly after.
"Okay, let's take a walk back that way huh? You got some treats or somethin' with you?"
You fall into step beside him, grasping the bag of mini bone biscuits from your pocket. "Yeah."
He smiles. "That's good. Those her favourite, huh?"
"Yeah. But she just loves any food really."
You pick a few out hoping that Midge might be able to smell them from wherever she is and her greedy stomach might lead her back to you.
Frank nods. "Is she alright with guys? I know some dogs don't like a man with a beard, can scare em sometimes."
You soon dismiss Frank's concern. "No not at all, actually she'd likely love you. I mean, our postman is quite a big guy and she's always happy to see him at the house. Though I guess he does bring treats for a lot of the dogs."
Frank smiles again and starts calling out for Midge as you come near to the spot where she ran off and you join him, shaking the bag of treats. He takes out a flashlight and starts a sweep. "Which way did she head, do you remember?" He asks.
You point down the slope in front of you and he starts making his way through the trees with you following behind and both calling. After a little while walking down the hill he holds up his hand in a signal to stop and you stay quiet. He listens and you strain your ears too, eventually hearing a distant whimper.
"Oh! Oh it's Midge!" You're suddenly sick with fear that she's seriously hurt and start running towards the sound, the thick branches scraping against your face and arms. Frank catches up to you quickly and urges you to slow down.
"Hey, hey! Watch yourself now, there's a ton of burrows and shit you could break your ankle in if you're not careful. Just hold back with me. It's alright, we'll get to her."
You reluctantly slow your pace as he's right after all, he does know these woods better than you and very soon he's crouching down at the roots of a big tree. As you round it you see little Midge on the ground whining and wagging her tail as she sees you. Her back paw is caught between two roots and she's clearly in some pain.
"Hey, hey Midgey, shhh it's okay, just stay nice and still." You try to calm her, holding her collar as Frank is extremely gentle as he carefully moves the roots to work her paw free and lift her up.
"There we go," he says as he holds her.
Both of you look the pup over for any other injuries before he radios that you'd found her to his colleagues. As you feel her ankle joint there's a little bruising but she doesn't seem to be in any great distress and when you hold out one of her treats she's more than eager to gobble it up.
"Oh Midge, it's alright baby, you're gonna be alright!" You stroke her soft fur in comfort, more for you, lifting your head to look at the ranger, your eyes shining slightly with tears. Just then Midge tilts her head up and licks Frank's face so sweetly and he cracks a smile. "Heh, that's a good sign."
You're so relieved and the rich sound of his laugh as Midge keeps on lavishing him with licks is infectious, making you chuckle too. It makes you feel so much better after all the worry.
"I can't thank you enough, Frank. I was so scared it would be so much worse!" You tell him as you all walk back to the park entrance.
"Hey no worries, it's all just part of the job." He replies as you reach the gate. It was almost completely dark now and the rain was starting to come down in a drizzly mist. "You local? Do you need a ride home?" He asks.
You glance down the road. It was only about a mile and a half walk away but you didn't want to risk Midge getting away from you again as she might manage to wriggle out of your arms on the road.
"Um, actually that would be really great if it wouldn't be too much trouble? We're not far."
"Not at all ma'am, best make sure this lil lady doesn't have another chance to get into trouble again, I know what they can be like!" He jibes, booping Midge gently on her nose which she licks afterwards.
When you reach the outside of your little lodge house after the short ride, you thank Frank again. In the light from the porch his dark eyes are twinkling as he bids you both goodnight.
"I'm sure she'll be back out and about in no time, just keep an eye out for those darn squirrels yeah?"
You laugh a little now that your worry is mostly over, and you notice how handsome he is as well as the kindness and trust that seemed to just emanate from him effortlessly, putting you at ease. "I certainly will! I'm so glad you found us, thank you. Once she's rested and recovered from her ordeal maybe we'll see you around?"
"Yeah, I sure hope so." He replies giving you a gorgeous smile as he gets back into his truck.
Frank is just signing off an email when he hears a familiar bark from outside the office. Lady, his own dog, responds with her own short huff, excited to see her playmate again.
It's been a couple of months since Midge's incident and maybe him carrying treats in his pocket might have had something to do with it, but she always ran up to the ranger station and let her arrival be known every time you walk her. And Frank sure as hell doesn't mind as it means he gets to see you.
It had started with polite, friendly waves and a big pet for Midge whenever you happened upon each other in the park. Then, you would frequently stop to chat to him, ask him about his day and he about yours, and then you had started to drop by after his shift finished so you could all go on a walk together. There was nothing Frank loved more than being in the outdoors, except now he got to share that with someone, and he found himself increasingly glad that it was you.
Frank always made you laugh with the way he would run around playing with Midge and Lady, even after a long day's work. You showed him the tricks you had been teaching your pup, and on your regular hikes you also started to learn more about each other. Frank started looking forward to the times he would see you, your easy and generous smile lighting up his world and maybe even pushing to broaden the boundaries of it, maybe let someone like you to become something more. It had been a long while since he thought he felt something more than friendship blossoming, and gradually opening up to you felt right.
Still, right now he was so damn nervous. He had been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for days and then he'd inevitably chicken out, but he promised himself he'd do it tonight. And even if you turned him down, there'd be no regrets.
"Hey big bear!" You say as you greet him. "Which route do you wanna take this evening Frankie? It's your turn to pick." You ask him as Frank steps out with Lady and locks up the office. He almost loses his nerve when he turns and sees your pretty face and your sweet voice calling his nickname caresses his ears.
"Uh, I was thinkin' up by the creek," he suggests as the four of you start walking up the trailhead. Frank scratches at the back of his shirt collar. "Can't remember if I mentioned before but our place is up that way."
You turn to look at him wide eyed after you throw the ball for the dogs as they run ahead. "It is? Wow, it's so gorgeous up there. You're so damn lucky Frank, a perfect job and an amazing commute!"
He can't help beaming back, you seemed to see the positive in almost everything, he guessed he was pretty lucky.
Okay, he decides, now is the time to do it. Just put it out there. Just ask. What's the worst that could happen?
He clears his throat. "Was wonderin' actually, if you'd… uh, maybe you might wanna-" He couldn't believe he was stuttering over such a simple question. Fuck, was it supposed to be this hard? Thankfully, you stepped in and saved both of you from any more of his awkwardness.
"Frank, are you inviting me to your place?" You ask.
The light rain that's falling makes the longer strands of his hair lie in curls against his forehead. He runs a hand through it pushing it back, nodding. "Yeah, I mean, no pressure or anything. Just, if you wanna maybe have a drink with… me?"
You smile at him again. "Yeah, I'd love to."
By the time you reached his lodge you were both slightly soaked by the autumn drizzle. Frank stacks up the wood burner as soon as he lets you in, giving you and the dogs a towel to dry off with as he gets the fire going.
Once you dry off your hair and the dogs, you look around his home in awe. It's so beautiful, hewn from trees from this very forest, nothing too big and grand, just perfectly cosy. He had a neat but well stocked kitchen area, with a solid oak table and chairs by the window. A set of natural carved steps led up to a mezzanine with shelves stacked with all sorts of books and what you assumed was his bedroom.
There were glazed double doors that opened out the back onto a wooden porch and the mossy lawn behind bordered by the trees. And beside the wood burning stove was a tired but comfy looking sofa with a massive thick rug in front of it where Frank gestured to you to make yourself at home.
You kick off your shoes and hang your coat up on a hook near the door beside his next to the dog leads, and settle on the couch.
"This is magic, Frank," you tell him as he opens the fridge taking out a couple of beers.
He shakes his head, dipping his face a little like he's embarrassed or something as he walks over and hands you a bottle. "It's alright. You hungry?" He asks.
"I'm alright just now, just thirsty!" You smile, clinking your bottle against his as he sits down across from you after placing a couple of logs onto the now steadily blazing pile of kindling.
"Did it come with the job?"
He shrugs, fingers stroking his thick beard. "Uh, kinda." He takes a swig of beer and smiles as he notices Lady bringing out one of her favourite toys and letting Midge play with it without a gripe.
"Heh, look at that. S'good they're gettin' on so well." He remarks, and you hum in agreement as you watch them play.
"Yeah, I'm so glad," You say as you turn your gaze back to him. "It means we can spend more time together."
The corners of Frank's mouth pull up just a little. "S'that so? Cos I've been thinking I'd like that." He admits, the nerves rapidly melting away.
You move just a little bit closer to him on the couch, turning your body to face his. "I know I'd like that…" you confess. As you put your beer down on the side table, your hand brushes his knee and you decide to leave it there. He gazes directly at you and you feel your body temperature rise but it's not because of the fire that's burning nearby...
His fingers lightly stroke over yours and when you look back up he's so focused on you, the brown of his eyes seems so deep and dark and soft you could get lost in them. He's searching your expression for permission.
"Can I kiss you?"
His voice melts like thick honey in your ears and you're leaning in with a whispered yes instantly, almost before he can get all the words out. He raises a hand to cup your face stroking his thumb softly over your cheek and you close your eyes as he slowly leans in and gently captures your lips with his own. He's so very tender but you can feel the control he possesses as you eagerly kiss him back, the captivating strength and power held in check only by a hair trigger. Your fingers thread through his beard, guiding him to you and right now he'll go wherever you want him. He thinks maybe he should stop, a gentleman would stop and let you take the lead, dictate the pace, but you already are.
Under the light tang of beer you taste sweeter than he could imagine as your tongue slips in so softly, so teasingly between his parted lips against his own and he can't help the low moan he lets out as you surprise him by shifting to climb into his lap.
You gently pull away for a second, and your words are laced with a barely concealed urgency that has him struggling against that fucking gentlemanly conscience he had just a minute ago.
"Tell me if this is too fast?" You probe, looking down at him, your pupils already blown out. You'd been waiting for this. You'd given him all the signals for a little while now, hoping he'd maybe feel the same, waiting for him to be ready.
Frank's eyes dart from yours, down to your mouth and back up again. "Don't feel too fast to me," his words almost vibrate through you with his low tone. "Just feels right."
He moves to kiss you again and it's bliss. His lips are so soft, as is his beard although slightly tickly against your skin. You sigh and smile making a contented sound and he shows you some more of that control, his hands running up the sides of your thighs to rest on your waist, just lightly holding you. He still lets you set the speed, what you want and you let him know as your fingers slide up the shirt covering his broad chest weaving into his hair. His kiss goes deeper as you move in his lap, slowly shifting forward, pressing your hips against his and he makes his reaction to that known with the sexiest noise you've heard him make so far. You want so desperately to hear more.
"Been goin' crazy over you, you know that sweetheart?" He reveals, as you both pull away momentarily, still just inches away from each other's mouths. Your breaths are shallow, you've not felt this excited in a long while.
"You think I haven't felt the same?" You smirk.
In the days after Midge's rescue and recovery, you had found yourself thinking about Frank a lot. About his kindness, competency, and yeah maybe sometimes about how handsome he is… still you never thought he'd take a second look at you, but now you had both arrived here, feeling Frank's fingers twitch against you desperate to touch and you eager for him to do so.
You urge him to continue to explore as your lips meet again, the sensation of his fingertips so tentatively sliding up under your sweater and chasing the goosebumps away as they glide over your bare skin. You nip teasingly at his lower lip and he rewards you with a small grunt before his tongue delves back deeper into your mouth as you move your core over the now obvious bulge in his pants. He trails hot kisses down the side of your neck, pulling at the neckline of your top and you peel it off so his lips can access more of you.
"You're so gorgeous darlin'," he speaks into your skin as he places every kiss with care and attention, his eyes flicking up to meet yours as he mouths around the swell of your breasts still held captive by your bra. You tug at the hem of his shirt, leaning back for a moment so he can move to take it off. Your hands are back on him instantly, tracing over his muscular torso, fingers excitedly running over every dip and rise, appreciating every rough line of his varied scars now bared to you. You're both almost panting for breath, and he's struck dumb as you claw at his belt buckle but he gently puts his hands over yours, halting them.
You glance up. "Oh, if you don't want to-"
Frank chuckles, bumping his nose against yours. "I do. God, I really do… I just need to make sure it's what you want."
You can't believe this guy, he's almost perfect. Frustratingly so.
"Frank, I really want you." You tell him in all lucidity.
He licks across his lips at your confirmation, making the damp spot in your panties grow as he lets his eyes rove over you.
"Well, I'm gonna take you to bed then. C'mon." He says as he encourages you to your feet and guides you up the stairs.
You shimmy off your pants and socks in between more fervent kisses before he lays you down on his bed, leaving his own on as he lifts your foot and starts kissing his way up the inside of your ankle and calf. You part your legs wider to make space for him and his broad shoulders, your heart rate increasing by bounds as you anticipate his next move.
"Mm, s'this okay sweetheart?" He checks in as he nears the juncture of your thighs, his beard brushing the sensitive skin there, "Can I take these off?" He adds, and you hum in the affirmative as his dark eyes meet yours and he smiles. "Been just dyin' to taste you..." You flush with heat at his purred confession and lift your hips as he hooks his fingers around the waistband so he can pull your underwear down. He kisses your mound softly when he returns, taking his time.
"Anytime you want me to stop," he says before lightly kissing your clit and you let out a shuddered breath. "You just tell me baby, okay?" You nod and moan out loud when he begins to lap his tongue right between your glistening folds. You know you'll never want him to stop.
Your body writhes as he continues with wide slow licks between your thighs, relaxing as it's clear he more than knows what he's doing. You whimper, jolting unexpectedly as he begins flicking the hardened tip of his tongue over your clit before softening it again and repeating, swirling, sucking and worshiping your almost steadily dripping cunt like it's a fountain in the desert. When your thighs press in bracketing his head at a particularly sensitive touch, he wraps his big paws around you, fingers greedily switching between kneading the soft flesh of your legs and cupping around your ass as he devours you.
The hair of his beard rubs against your skin and the sensation is addictive. You move your hips against his rhythm and he reaches up to take one of your hands that is currently fisting in the sheets to position it on his head, to make you grab his hair and show him exactly what you want.
You gasp as he very quickly and easily hits a pressure and tempo that has you arching your back right off the mattress. Frank groans as you guide him, squeezing your legs around him almost rutting against his face, moaning so deep into your pussy you can feel the vibrations go through you. And just like that every focused movement he makes brings you further pleasure, taking you higher and higher, and seeing and feeling your reaction just keeps him going.
"Attagirl," he praises, briefly raising his head to look at you. Your juices shine on his lips, spread all around his mouth and wetting some of his beard. The sight just makes him look even hotter to you.
"Frank- mmn! God that's so good, please don't stop…"
He would never, diving right back between your quivering thighs and working you up to and over the edge like it's his only purpose. He can't help himself, you're so fucking sexy like this he's almost humping the bed trying to ease the throbbing need that's barely contained in his jeans. He might have thought about you like this before, how you'd sound, how you'd look, but nothing has prepared him for the reality.
He groans long and low as you clamp your legs hard to his head, you're trying not to but you can't stop your hips from rising, can't help fucking yourself hard against his face, but he wants it, encouraging you until your orgasm explodes from within. The intensity shakes you from your very core, rippling through your body in multiple waves as Frank still holds you firmly to him, licking you through it devotedly as he ruts his own hips into the mattress with another sexy moan. He slows down as he feels your tight grip in his hair easing off, his now near-black eyes meeting yours as he pants and licks his lips.
"You okay there darlin'?" His question is sincere but you almost snort with laughter with how fucking good he's made you feel. He can't be real.
"I'm-" you giggle and throw your arm up over your face as you feel nothing but euphoria.
"god, I'm… yeah, yeah I'm okay! Oh… shit. Wow!"
He grins and wipes his face on the sheets before crawling up the bed to lie next to you, and you turn on your side to face him, drawing him into a kiss as you reach for his pants for a second time.
He catches your hands yet again, shaking his head apologetically. "Uh, it was kinda 'oh shit wow' f'me too y'know? It's… been a while."
It takes you a brain-melted second to get his meaning and then a satisfied smile spreads across your lips. "Frankie, you know that's hot, right?"
He laughs falling back on the sheets, a slight blush dusting his cheekbones. "Hmm I dunno bout that, kinda feel like a teenager again, but as long as you're satisfied for now darlin'."
"I think that'll keep me going for a long while!"
"Not too long though, yeah?" Frank turns his head to look your way and try to gauge your meaning, the faintest hint of concern in his tone. This wasn't a one time thing right? It didn't feel like it was.
The corners of your mouth hook upward yet again. "Definitely not too long." you assure him.
Your eyes track up to the large skylight in the roof above the bed as you catch your breath back, watching the moody, inky clouds gently rolling past.
"Must be a fantastic view of the stars when it's clear." You muse, still gazing up as you feel the warmth of Frank's hand slide over your stomach to hold you close to him in the afterglow.
He follows the line of your sight. "Yeah, it was a pain in the ass to install but worth it for sure."
You turn in his arms to face him. "You put that in yourself? Wow, that's something."
He gives a shrug. "Well I always planned for it when I built the place."
You're incredulous. "What? You built this place?!"
Frank just chuckles, smoothing a couple of stray strands of hair out of your face.
"Yeah, haven't always been a ranger. Used to do logging, bit of carpentry. Just thought how hard can it be? Had the idea in my head for a good long while before I had the means and the land to make it happen."
"Frank Castle… I'm officially stunned. That's incredible!" He has the audacity to shrug again like it's nothing and then laughs out loud as he watches your brows draw together.
"Hey, I'm serious! That kinda skill, that's rare. And, I guess it explains this…" you run your fingers over his large biceps, giving them a quick squeeze before smoothing them over his chest.
He hums. "Yeah, only some of it, have to thank the gym for the rest."
You grin as he pushes up on an elbow, leaning his head on his hand as he traces slightly ticklish patterns over your skin as he regards you as if you're a goddess.
"And what about all this darlin'? What about you? You're somethin' special."
You shake your head but he's determined to make his feelings known to you.
"M'serious. Y'know I was totally shittin' it thinking about askin' you here, askin' you out? Was too damn scared you might not say yes."
You can't imagine Frank being scared of much, and you don't know how you could ever say no. Even before the sex.
"Well, I did say yes," you point out as you lean over to kiss him. He still tastes of you and the memory of the intimacy you'd shared is fresh in your mind. "...and I'm really glad that I did."
"Hm, well I better give the dogs their dinners," Frank muses as he strokes at your side, "and make ours too I guess..." he adds with a smile as your stomach chooses that moment to grumble loudly.
"Oh, yeah, I didn't think I was that hungry until you mentioned dinner!"
Frank grins as he pushes himself up, grabbing a couple of clean towels from the cupboard near the bed. "Alright, m'gonna clean up real quick and make us somethin'. If you wanna have a long shower while I cook you go right on ahead darlin', there's plenty of hot water."
You smile as you stretch out under his ridiculously comfortable covers, watching his gorgeous ass disappearing into the bathroom as you call after him. "I'm loving the sound of that idea!"
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @cetra , @sleepsvessel & @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster thank you ^_^
Afhiri sea slugs, isopods (dairy cow and zebra), geckos and other various reptiles, cats, small birds, musteloids (particularly raccoons and red pandas), viverrids, japanese raccoon dogs, opossums Candor lions, various eagles (wedge-tailed, golden, crowned), hawks, swans and geese, bighorn rams, crocodillians, sea turtles, elephants, animals that use sun compass orientation Cirok corvids (raven, crow), dogs (rottweiler, doberman, pinscher, greyhound), venomous black snakes, scorpions, spiders (particularly trapdoor spiders and sicarius), bats, black caiman, sharks
Afhiri pastels! pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, white, black Candor changes depending on form but in general purple, blue, red, yellow, orange, gold, brown, white, black Cirok black, grey, white - absolutely no Colour (thanks to booboo i now think of like toxic waste green when i think of cirok too)
Afhiri September Candor August Cirok November
Afhiri tapi tapi - tempura kidz fear. moe shop and fun - sir sly. sir sly's vibe is way off for afhiri but the lyrics were written for her Candor a sun coloured shaker - yndi halda and (spring) this was your place - sunlight ascending Cirok jouska - evenS (probably favourite song of all time btw) and i come with knives - IAMX
Afhiri two/2 Candor three/3 Cirok four/4
Afhiri celandine, sunflower, pink tulip, daisy Candor bay tree, gladiolus, heliotrope, rose Cirok chives, anemone, begonia, deadly nightshade
Afhiri fresh morning, grass, dirt, cotton candy, bubblegum Candor cedar, musk, sandalwood, the ocean, burning  Cirok decay, death, rot, overwhelmingly of resin
Afhiri tugtupite Candor meliphanite Cirok magnetite
Time of day
Afhiri sunrise Candor midday Cirok night
Afhiri summer Candor summer Cirok winter
Afhiri taverns, meadows, by rivers and lakes Candor monasteries, temples, places of worship Cirok the dank, cold and forgotten, the forbidden
Afhiri sweet things, nothing good for you Candor warm meals Cirok raw meat
Afhiri sugary sweet drinks, energy drinks Candor various teas (green, oolong, herbal, black) Cirok piping hot black coffee
Afhiri air Candor fire Cirok water
Afhiri garlic, ginger, cinnamon Candor paprika, turmeric, bay leaves Cirok dried chives, cloves, saffron
Afhiri the most beautiful sunny cloudless summer sky Candor a colourful golden orange, red, and purple with light cloud cover Cirok stratus clouds, grey, calm and quiet
Afhiri warm day with lots of sun and a gentle breeze Candor blazing hot summers day with minimal to no wind Cirok cold winters day with fog and light snow
Magical power
Afhiri manipulative magic that makes someone act against their own will, anything that makes them laugh or dance. also the magical power of Insults Candor holy smites, blinding lights and divine energy Cirok phasing into the realm of the dead to walk partly as a ghost
Afhiri shortsword and dagger combo, dual hand crossbows Candor mace and shield, longbow, floating/flying greatsword Cirok dual daggers, throwing knives, poisons and venoms
Afhiri cotton candy, bubblegum, and i designed her with fruit salad in mind! Candor spicy roasted pecans, maple roasted sweet potatoes, sea salt dark chocolate Cirok liquorice, black jack, toxic waste
Method of long distance travel
Afhiri roadtrip in a classic volkswagen camper van Candor flying Cirok underground trains
Afhiri impressionism, abstract expressionism, street art, dadaism, CoBrA and fauvism Candor baroque and classicism Cirok optical art and minimalism
Afhiri of the self, of emotional pain, of returning home Candor of imperfection, of failure, of not being worthy Cirok of being seen, of death, of vulnerability
Mythological creature
Afhiri azeban, mujina, nymph Candor chalkydri, phoenix, psychopomp Cirok tsuchigumo, black dog, gargoyle
Piece of stationery
Afhiri a childs box of crayons, dairy Candor fountain pen, ruler Cirok ink, letter opener
Three Emojis
Afhiri 🤡🍀🪈 Candor ☄️🎇🪽 Cirok 🕷️♟️🔪
Celestial body
Afhiri the moon Candor the sun Cirok black dwarf
THIS TOOK ME FOREVER GUYS... TWO DAYS. I WORKED ON IT FOR HOURS. i hope........ its worth it <3
tagging @cetra @dekariosgale @courierseis @euryalex @hibernationsuit @jerichoes @vanoefucks @captaintiny @gwynbleidd @arduath @rcpunzel @avallachs @fuckitwebhaal @hexdruid @sovereign-spaw @galesgrandad @thefathersbride @dandeyrain @doggybone @swanfey @voerman @full---ofstarlight @chaos-storm @covenscribe @raphaelsboudoir @simtalics @kymal @graynstairs @neonbutchery @hungryblackbird @moxley @thlix @isayashai @darlinghowl @astarionsfordf150 @moon-jun @lovaboy @ratscrap @picklepals @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @rigaudon @neosunbrella @sternenstaub28 @centipisde @kirkwall @lusus--naturae
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ammomancer · 26 days
pn character name post...TWO! last name edition and also the random psychonauts around the motherlobe who i didn't feel like including in the first one
including ones that aren't real surnames but are real words/clearly plays on real words. if one is missing assume either it doesn't mean anything/I couldn't find a meaning or I didn't think it needed explaining (e.g. Sweetwind, Doom)
Aquato - clearly a play on "aqua"
Nein - "no" in German
Zanotto - from a diminuitive of Zane or Zani/Zanni, the Venetian form of Gianni, which is short for Giovanni, which is the Italian form of "John" (God is gracious, Hebrew). unrelated but "Zanni" is also where we get the English word "zany"
Oleander - a flowering shrub that is grown as an ornamental or landscape plant despite being poisonous
Cruller - a kind of twisty donut :)
Boole - possibly from a Middle English word for bull
Canola - genericized trademark of a brand of cooking oil. the "can" is short for "Canada"
Zilch - German surname of uncertain etymology, slang for 'nothing'
Athens - after the Greek city, which Athena was probably named after, not the other way around
Lutefisk - Norwegian word for a traditional Nordic fish dish. it's soaked in lye.
Bulgakov - son of Bulgak (Bulgak being a surname in its own right that means "restless" or "troublesome"). Mikhail is probably named after the Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov, best known for The Master and Margarita
Fir - as in a fir tree
Phage - short for bacteriophage; a Greek suffix meaning "eater"
Bubai - Mandarin word meaning "invincible"
Tripe - animal stomach lining prepared for food; figuratively used to mean nonsense or valueless ideas/writing
Fideleo - possibly from Latin "fidelis", faithful/loyal
Cooper - barrel maker (English)
Soleil - "sun" in French
Houndstooth - a fabric pattern (that Becky does not wear)
Rolls - likely alluding to fat rolls
Bonaparte - French-ified version of Buonaparte, an Italian surname meaning "good match" or "good solution"
Teglee - derived from famed black velvet painter Edgar Leeteg; "Leeteg" was originally "Lütig", which I can't find a straight answer on what that means
Inflagrante - from "in flagrante", a shortened version of "in flagrante delicto", a Latin term that literally translates to "while the crime is blazing" and basically means "in the act"; it can refer to being in the act of doing something bad but particularly when shortened also means. well. in the act of Doing A Sex
DeLucca - alternate spelling of Italian De Luca, "[child] of Luca"; Luca ultimately meaning "from Lucania"
Pokeylope - pokey (slow) + lope (to walk slowly). good turtle name
Loboto - clearly a play on "lobotomy"
Forsythe - man of peace (Scottish Gaelic)
Natividad - Spanish for "nativity", meaning birth but particularly referring to the births of Mary or Jesus. a common name in the Philippines in addition to Spanish-speaking countries
Martinez - son of Martin (Spanish). "Martin" is derived from "Mars", Roman god of war and root of the word "martial"
Joseph - "he [God] will add" (Hebrew)
Gette - variation of Goethe, derived from "Gott" (God in Middle High German as well as modern German)
Neriman (also spelled Nariman) - a name of Persian origin, possibly meaning "brave mind"
Potts - topographical name. if you lived near holes in the ground you might have gotten called Potts
Malik - "king" in Arabic and various other Semitic languages; as a surname, is most common in India and Pakistan
OKAY now for the miscellaneous motherlobe NPCs
Brianne - "hill" or "power" (Celtic)
Chet - short for Chester, "fortress" (Latin)
Colin - young dog (Scottish)
Crenshaw - possibly "twisted wood" (Old English)
Dustin - from Thorsteinn, "Thor's stone" (Old Norse)
Evan - from the Welsh form of John
Forrest - take a guess.
Frank - Frenchman, more or less
Hawkins - diminuitive of Hawk or of Hal (from Henry, "home ruler", Germanic)
Jared - descent (Hebrew)
Kim - diminuitive of various names
Kramer - shopkeeper, merchant (German)
Lance - land (German/Old Saxon)
Larry - short for Laurence, "from Laurentum" (Latin)
Lori - short for Laura (laurel) or Lorraine (kingdom of Lothar, a Frankish king)
Sherri - from "cherie", French for darling
Susan - lily (Hebrew)
Thad - short for Thaddeus, Greek name of unclear origin
Whitlatch - "white path" or "white stream" (Old English)
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wastelesspantry · 8 months
Pawsitively Irresistible: Black Hawk Dog Food Sale at Wasteless Pantry Mundaring
Pamper your furry friend with our exclusive Black Hawk Dog Food Sale. Elevate their well-being with premium, ethically sourced nutrition. Choose package-free options, making this sale not only a treat for your pet but also a conscious choice for a sustainable lifestyle. 🐾🍽️ #WastelessPantry #BlackHawkDogFoodSale #PetWellness
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Happy WBW! Does your setting have any unique in-world symbolism? Like, are roses considered romantic there, or a different flower? Is there a popular symbol for death besides a skull?
I forgot this was in my drafts! Sorry this is so late! If you have questions about why any of the symbols apply to a certain concept let me know! I might do more posts like this in future, not sure yet.
I'm going to stick to Kishetal for this one, and I'm going to keep this one on the short side (For me). I'm keeping this one to just Love and Death, Hope that's okay.
The Kishite understanding of love is quite a complicated one, in that there is no singular definition of love, and as such no singular word for it. The word Pati means desire or want for, this acts as a suffix for terms relating to types of love. Broadly love can be divided into ten categories, Ulipati (Romantic love), Kipati (Maternal or Paternal love), Kurapati (The love of a pet or animal), Lupati (The love between friends, Platonic Love), Seshpati (Lust, physical love), Impati (Love of an inanimate object or place), Jalimpati (Greed), Ushpati (Love of food and drink), Irpati (Love of Beauty, "Wonder"), and Naholpati (The love of deceased person, grief). 
Ulipati (Romantic Love)
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Associated Animals and Creatures: Songbirds, Hoopoes, Dragonflies, Cranes, and Doves
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Cherry Blossoms, Lilies, Tulips, Hazelnut, Mint, and Artichokes.
Associated Colors: Purple and Dark Blue
Other Associations: The Sunset, Silk, Hoopoe feather crowns, The Heart, Coral, Jasper, and Bells.
Associated Deities: Uniki "The Great Matron"
Kipati (Maternal/Paternal Love)
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Associated Animals: Bears, Lionesses, The Durasi, Owls, and Octopi.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Barley, Opium Poppy, Dates, Sesame seeds, Fir cones, and Olives and Olive Trees
Associated Colors: Orange, Brown, "Earthy colors"
Other Associations: Mud, Mudbrick, Kipsha (Barley cakes), Date syrup, Eggshells, Bird nests, The Stomach, and Owl feathers.
Associated Deities: Olhasuma "Goddess of the Life Giving Sky, Giver of Fertile Rains", Jalpaha "The Great Father"
Kurapati (Love of a Pet or Animal)
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Associated Animals: Dogs, Cats, Cattle, Weasels, Sheep, Horned-Rabbits, and Mice.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Carnations, Oak Trees, Acorns, Oats, the Black Pine, and Thistles.
Associated Colors: Green
Other Associations: Collars, Shepherd's crook, Wool, Boar Tusks, and Leopard Skin.
Associated Deities: Unlakachi "The Wild God/ The Howling Lord", Jaramuha "The Horned God, God of the Shepherd"
Lupati (The Love Between Friends, Platonic Love)
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Associated Animals/ Creatures: Wolves, Deer, Ibex, Hawks, and Taruni
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Walnuts, Poplars, Roses, Beans, Onions, and Garlic.
Associated Colors: Yellow and Blue
Other Associations: Ships, Shields, Ladders, the Sun, Wrestling, Foot races, Amber, The Liver, The Throat, and Bow and Quiver (Not arrows)
Associated Deities: Fepaha "The Drunken God", Jalri "The Great Sun"
Seshpati (Lust, Physical Love)
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Associated Animals: Giant Minks, Oysters, Peacocks, Stags, Donkeys, Goats, and Serpents
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Asparagus, Cumin, Irises, Sycamore, Figs, Fennel, Lisjir, Cherries, Sweetgum,Pomegranates, and Lotuses
Associated Colors: Light Green and Pink
Other Associations: Honey, Spears, Perfume, Lapis Lazuli, Phalluses, Breasts, Lips, Flutes, Dancing, and Drums.
Associated Deities: Shibachi "The Pleasure Giver", Jaramuha "The Horned God"
Impati (Love of an Inanimate Object or Place)
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Associated Animals: Spiders, Rodents, Dragons (Tulininya), and Corvids.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Chickpeas, Crocuses, Fumewart, Rosemary, Sage, Reeds, and Almonds
Associated Colors: Silver and Orange
Other Associations: Houses, Lyres, Bread, Fire, Hearths, the Oxhide ingot, Needles, Linen, Bronze, Iron, Anvils, The Arms, and "House spirits"
Associated Deities: Girmaha "God of Golden Fields", Hasunku "The God of the Flaming Stone", Kimaba "Goddess of the Oven"
Jalimpata (Greed)
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Associated Animals: Hermit Crabs, Kiriki, Foxes, and Bisku
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Saffron, Cinnamon, Peaches, Lentils, Heliotropes, Rice, and Pistachios
Associated Colors: Gold, Red, and Yellow
Other Associations: Gold, Ostrich Feathers, Frankincense, Pearls, Salt, Ivory, Silk, Apuna, The Eye, and Rakashim
Associated Deities: Ikeshpaha "The Golden God"
Ushpati (Love of Food and Drink)
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Associated Animals: Pigs, Boars, Ducks, Bees, Fish, Seagulls, Frogs, Sheep, Wild Game, Snails, and Lamalaru.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Apples, Figs, Carrots, Beets, Mushrooms, Garlic Flowers, Parsely, Juniper, Grapes, and Violets
Associated Colors: Red, Yellow, and Purple
Other Associations: Beer, Wine, Food (Duh), Pans, Cups, Amphora, The Stomach, The Hand and Fingers, and The Mouth.
Associated Deities: Kimaba "Goddess of the Oven", Fepaha "The Drunken God", Jalchibiku "God of the Vast Waters"
Irpati (Love of Beauty, Wonder)
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Associated Animals and Creatures: Spirits, Disuruku, Tigers, Falcons, Tiamawa, Parrots, Oceanic Fish, Whales, Butterflies, Lizards, and Exotic Bird Species (Mostly from the east and south)
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Hasir Flower, Cypress Tree, Apunian Lotus, Cornflowers, Palm Trees, Cedar, Regalu, Botagalu, and Ivy
Associated Colors: Blue, Orange, and Most Bright Colors
Other Associations: Magic, Ruins, Art, Marble, Gemstones, The Moon, Virginity, Clouds, Birds, Ice, Snow, Mountains, and Giants.
Associated Deities: Sonma "The Dream Giver", Silima "Goddess of the Roaring Snow", Humbalima "The Stonebreaker"
Nahulpati (Love of the Dead, Grief)
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Associated Animals: Swans, Dogs, Vultures, Foxes, Jackals, Hyenas, Crows, Boruku, Crabs, and Dolphins.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Jasmine, Dried Flowers, Myrrh, Gladiolus, Grasses, Dandelions, and Clover
Associated Colors: White, Black, and Green
Other Associations: Burial Stones, Skeletons, The Elderly, Hills (not mountains), Singing, Mirrors, Calm Water, and Time
Associated Deities: Nahulpaha "The Judge", Shashuma "The Great Scribe"
Death is a complicated topic in Kishite culture, and ultimately can be divided among its two patron deities, Nahulpaha and Dualik. I wil address the differences between each of these aspects of death and their symbolism.
Nahulpaha (Nahul= Death, Paha= Father/Dad)
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An important aspect of the Kishite understanding of death, its inherent impermanence. Nothing that dies, will stay dead. All living things reincarnate; mortals, animals, plants, and even some non-living items like mountains, forests, houses, and ships. The only difference being that mortals, those who are among The Awakened, have the potential to eventually, after many mortal lives, enter the Divine Realm, something that Animals, Plants, and even Spirits, cannot do. The Cycle defines the boundary between spirit and mortal; where the former exists exclusively as a spiritual being with an indefinite and/or malleable form, the latter exists as a soul inhabiting a defined, physical body. When a mortal body dies, the soul receives judgment, a process by which they decide if they should be reborn again on the same world, or continue on to be reborn in the next, each life coming closer to divinity. if reborn on the same world, the soul will not be burdened with the memory of the rejected life; while they are reborn as a clean slate in each new mortal world, and again into the spirit realm, if they reach the realm of the gods, they regain the memories of all of their satisfactory lives and attain the capacity to all of those people at once. A life may be rejected for any number of reasons: most commonly, the soul was too young to move on in the cycle, the soul was not satisfied or happy with that life, or the soul believes they did more harm than good during that life.
There is no concept of ghosts or the undead in Kishite folklore, however it is possible for souls that reject judgment to become trapped between lives, there they may attack or threaten the souls of the dead on their journey to judgment. There are a number of rituals and ceremonies meant to counteract this threat.
It is the duty of the deity, Nahulpaha, to guide the dead soul, to help them with judgment, to act as a mediator between the different aspects of the self. While called the Judge, Nahulpaha does not actually provide a sentence. It is thought to be impossible to lie to Naholpaha, as the god knows the mind of the soul.
The god is typically depicted as a dark or cloaked figure, who carries in his hand a torch, some say that this torch is some small piece of the sun given to him by the other gods. This may lead to a false impression by outsiders that Nahulpaha is meant to be a scary or wicked figure. However in the Kishite understanding he is quite the opposite. Nahulpaha is shown as kind, he comforts the dead so that they may judge themselves without fear or anger, he guides the souls to their next life, he sings and dances to comfort the lost children, he howls to welcome the faithful hounds, he pounds the drums to invigorate the fallen soldiers, and it is he who weaves the blankets for the worn mothers. Though he is initially believed to appear in his shadowy form, it is believed that he takes the form of the soul he is addressing, thus to speak with Nahulpaha is to speak with oneself.
Though it is his duty to usher mortal souls to the Divine Realm, he is alone among the gods in that he may not enter there. This arrangement is his choice, one made when mortal souls were first created. It is not unusual for the dead to be placed in their burial stones with food and drink, not for themselves but as gifts for Nahulpaha.
Dried Flowers
Burial Stones/Cairns
A Torch
A Black Cloak
Dualik (The Destruction, The etymology of the name dates back to before the age of the Calamity, preceeding the Kishite Language by thousands of years)
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Dualik (Destruction and Time) is one of the three Primordial Beings, alongside Shobiash (The River of Creation) and Shuam (Law). They are the eternal embodiment of time and of destruction, the ferryman of the Shobiash. Both Dualik and Shuam are believed to be born of the river and the primordial nothing. It is the role of Dualik to destroy the universe at its proper time, known as the Nalbani, and to subsequently usher in the birth of a new universe. Dualik has very little to do with mortals or with the events of Kobani, and is thought of as either indifferent to or ignorant of the struggles and fates of the worlds that they oversee. This does not mean that "The Destruction'' is evil, rather it is viewed as a necessary mechanism of reality, one which all beings must heed, though one that few if any will ever see face to face.
And though Dualik is seen as time, decay, and errosion, they are also responsible for rebirth and recreation on a cosmic level. Only Dualik knows when it is the proper time for the universe to be brought to its end, and when the next should be created.
Dualik is rarely referred to in myth or ritual, when they do appear they are depicted as a many armed figure atop a barge or as 3 black circles each inside of each other.
A Ferry Boat
Three Circles
A Many Armed Figure
The Tide
The Cycle of the Moon
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
September 2023 witch guide
September 2023 witch guide
Full moon: September 29th
New moon: September 14th
Sabbats: Mabon September 23rd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn moon, falling leaves moon, song moon, leaves turning moon, moon of brown leaves, yellow leaf moon, wine moon & Full corn moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgon& Libra
Animal spirits: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Ch'ang-o, Demeter, Freya, Isis & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs/plants: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & Narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone, chrysolite, citrine, olivine, peridot & sapphire
Colors: Browns, dark blue, greens & yellows ( Earth tones)
Energy: Balance of light & dark, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environments. Also cleaning & straightening mentally, physically & spiritually.
Technically, the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the September equinox around September 21st. The Harvest Moon is the only Full Moon name determined by the equinox rather than a month. Most years, it’s in September, but around every three years, it falls in October.
In September, the Full Moon is the Corn Moon from the Native American tribes harvesting their corn. It can also be the Harvest Moon, which corresponds with the Anglo-Saxon name, while Celtic and Old English names are Wine Moon, Song Moon, and Barley Moon.
Also known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Fall
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, berries, corn, cornucopia (horn of plenty), dried seeds, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue brown, drk red, deep gold, gold, indigo, lead green, maroon, orange, red, russet, violet & yellow
Oils/incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog, goose, hawk, swan, swallow & wolf
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate  & yellow topaz
Foods: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, bread, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & winw
Herbs/plants: Acorn, benzoin, cedar, corn, cypress, ferns, grains, hazel, hops, ivy, myrrh, oak, pine, sage, sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers: Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, mum,passion flower& rose
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Modron, Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sophia & Sura
Gods: Esus, Green Man, Hermes, Mabon, Mannanan, Toth & Thor
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellworks: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self confidence
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Hebrew: שלוש רגלים, shalosh regalim) on which those Israelites who could were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. In addition to its harvest roots, the holiday also holds spiritual importance with regard to its abandonment of materialism to focus on nationhood, spirituality, and hospitality, this principle underlying the construction of a temporary, almost nomadic, structure of a sukkah.
• Mid-Autumn festival- also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar lunisolar calendar with a full moon at night, corresponding to mid-September to early October of the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the Chinese believe that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• Festival of Dionysus- There were several festivals that honored Dionysus, the God of wine. It was a time of fun, games, feasting & drinking wine.
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields, Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
Many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lammas) and equinox as a time for giving thanks. This time of year is when farmers know how well their summer crops did, and how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you and your family would have enough food for the winter. That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, and animals, and food. 
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh God, who was the son of the Earth Mother Goddess. However, there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s, and the holiday was not originally a Celtic celebration.
Some believe Night and day are of equal legth and the God's energy & strength are nearly gone . The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he reborn at Yule.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Mabon: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Autumn Equinox Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials
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funkylilworm · 19 days
Anti Fairies OCs 👑😈
Also I accidentally forgot to give them bat wings, so don't pay that any mind
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Full name:
Ynohpmys Erifrats Elkinwt
She /Her
Bi (Leans more towards women)
35 yrs old
Voice claim:
Cree Summers (I'm thinking more of 0:16)
Race :
Average in Fairy standards
Species :
Anti fairies
Explosions, being evil, pain, misery, suffering, crazy stunts, parachuting, paragliding, all sports, scuba diving, roller-coasters, thrill-seeking, pranks, web surfing, making videos, and vlogging
Symphony, people being happy, staying still for too long, long silences, herself, being told what to do, boredom, and eggs
Personality :
▪︎Negative- Charming, evil, Impulsive, insecure, dimwitted (but not as much as Eiwoh do to being manipulative), competitive, impatient, blunt, clumsy, unpredictable, and cunning
Laid back, thrill-seeking ,pain driven, chaotic, and energetic
Putting people in danger, causing misery, crazy stunts, parachuting, paragliding, all sports, scuba diving, roller-coasters, thrill-seeking, pranks, web surfing, making videos, and vlogging
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Full name:
Full Name:
Eiwoh Yar Elkinwt
[can't think of one]
34 yrs old
Voice claim:
K'noy Keraxis from Starkid's "Nerdy Prudes must die " & "Welcome to Hatchetfeild" (skip to 0:38 ,I couldn't find any speaking part videos with K'noy)
Tall in fairy standards
Anti fairies
Physical pain, singing, jazz ,singing jazz, power , being in control, eating children, being evil, causing misery, food , playing music ,pain, suffering, misery, and biting
Waiting , staying couped up, anything that's cute (dogs are the only exception ), and slow moving vehicles
Cannibalistic, idiotic, dumb, gluttonous, unpredictable, chaotic, feral ,wild ,lose canon, rude, evil , wreckless, power hungry ,and short tempered
Always drooling when hungry, deranged, appears to be always randomly giggling cackling laughing and twitching ,crazy , and impatient
Eating, singing, listening to music, scaring people, rollerskating, and boogying
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▪︎Anti -Webster
Full Name:
Retbsew Otto Elkinwt
Gender :
33 yrs old
▪︎Ynohpmys [Wife]
▪︎Eiwoh [Husband]
Voice Claim:
Bullfrog from Captain laser hawk: A blood remix
Height :
Short in fairy standards
Anti fairies
Being evil, misery, pain, dramatic entrances and exits, dark magic, hexes , spells & potions, the arts ,musicals ,plays , broadway , telenovelas , drama shows , fashion design ,romance shows , and drag shows
Being second to anything, having their plans fail , nosey people, people that try to be heroes , know it alls , failure, dumbasses, loud chewing, dogs, cold wheather,and the beach
Manipulative, deceptive, perfectionist, overthinker, evil (more evil than their spouses), confrontational, untrusting, and stubborn
Intelligent, tough, dramatic, theatrical, charming, and rude
Instead of wishes they make deals through handshakes and/or contracts (I mean as an anti fairy they still us their magic, typically during Friday the 13th, to cause pain and misery to anyone who commits superstitious acts ,the deals thing is moreso a hobbie), acting , fashion design, sewing, knitting, and play writing
☆Retsbew is like the lead in their relationship with Ynohpmys and Eiwoh
☆Sense the Ogs relationship is extremely wholesome and healthy, Symphony Webster and Howie's anti-counterparts's married relationship is extremely rocky and unhealthy ,but they'll get a redemption arc but only to redeem their relationship
☆Retbsew dream is to rule Supreme, to rule the entire universe under their boot ,with their partners in tow ,by their side
☆Retbsew has a hate list, basically a list of enemies
☆Retbsew has added Adnaw Omsoc Irep and Dev to his hate list after he found out Irep has stolen his idea
☆The Elkinwts (Retsbew Eiwoh and Ynohpmys is married with Retsbew's last name) enemies with the Twinkles (Symphony Howie and Webster are married with Webster's last name)
☆There's a running gag going on where any time the Elkinwts plot against and/or antagonizes the Twinkles and Brock it always ends terribly for the Elkinwts
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Publishing now my Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell daemon opinions:
Mr Norrell: might take a little research to narrow down for sure which exact species but. neurotic prey animal, I'm leaning towards rabbit. If you ask Norrell, he'll say that he's happy she settled as something so English and sensible, but in his secret heart of hearts he wishes she settled as something wild and romantic like a hare, but that's all very tied up with his (perceived(?)) abandonment by the Raven King and the whole "burying your heart in the winter woods" thing. When they were younger, she probably spent a lot of time as a crow. I think he also resents how weak and vulnerable a rabbit-daemon makes him look, so he pushes her away as much as possible, whereas she (being of a very anxious disposition, and also representing the part of him that still hopes for the King's return) does her level best to cling as close as possible. Thus Norrell is at eternal war with himself.
Strange: a small english hawk, suitably magician-y (I'm a Norrell fan at heart, I don't have any massive insight into Strange). They get on well, Strange isn't well adjusted but he likes who he is.
Childermass: weasel. Incredibly close, almost of one mind despite quite a long range. Childermass strikes me as someone who doesn't lie to himself and is more self-aware than most, thus there's very little emotional distance between him and his daemon and she can stray quite far from him without getting lost. The weasel is only borderline-appropriate for a servant's daemon, being small, brown, and unnoticeable but also being a predator known for ferocity, cunning, and resourcefulness. He's very pleased with her shape and she's very pleased with him, if a little critical at times.
Segundus: a jay – a member of the corvid family so magician associated, but a small and secretive forest bird. Also quite a pretty bird, not somber like a crow or a rook. Honeyfoot is a pheasant. I'm influence here by the lovely fic from dust we came (which I also must credit for getting me thinking about the topic) which I entirely agree with on the topic of Honeyfoot = brown game bird.
Drawlight: a rat, but a small enough rat that he can say his daemon's a mouse. Obviously, Drawlight hates him and dearly wishes he'd settled as something pretty and rare but nope. Rat. An intelligent and social animal, which is also a synonym for a turncoat.
Lascelles: a really smug cat. Like a Persian or something. Highly bred, snooty, nice contrast with Drawlight.
Emma Pole: a fox, perhaps. Something that handles captivity very badly. I don't think Emma actively likes herself, and she certainly doesn't like her life, but she very much believes that she deserves better, so her daemon likes her. A classic inner "don't give up!! Tear them to pieces!!" voice I think.
Arabella Strange: dog daemon. A terrier. Considered approachable and friendly, an inquisitive mind that will ferret out secrets.
Stephen Black: a difficult one, but I think his daemon is quite normal, fitting in with how much he conforms to english society. Best if there's some noble/regal flipside. A badger? Sensible and dutiful associations, very English, but also. A badger has teeth and is very much a predator, high up in current English food chains. Also in the Wind in the Willows the Badger was like the wise powerful guy living in the dangerous woods and that fits with who Stephen becomes.
Vinculus: a drab parrot, rare and exotic and special but doesn't look like it. Annoying and loud.
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dol-soul · 4 months
The Orphan and The Unknown; In the Beginning
Note: Let's all start at chapter 1 shall we; To develop Soul's journey together
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"The Unknown"
Name: Soul
Age: 19 (Recent)
Gender: Genderfluid/Feminine Leaning
Pronouns: He/She
Unique Stat: Disassociation
About: The orphaned girl under the only orphanage of the town. She was nicknamed The Unknown due to the fact that there is not a single information about him or relatives that exist in the world that ties with him.
When dropped at the orphanage at infancy, all that was on his was the name she would be called as "Soul" as well as birthday.
Bailey keeps her around and doesn't plan on losing him because of his unique apperance. Submissive and meek for many but there's hidden rage in him.
Extremely frugal on herself but is willing to work and spend thousands for those she loves.
She's too kind hearted and gets into trouble trying to help others. His disassociation stat goes hand in hand with her trauma stat yet is much harder to lessen than trauma.
Miscellaneous Facts:
— Soul always has different hairstyles for every occasion; the one thing he spends countless money for is hair decor and hair products. She will always keep her fringe the same although.
— Soul's favorite food is pancakes.
— His go-to hair accessory for school is Robin's flower crowns to keep her sane.
— Soul is poly, he's aware of this.
— She's a crybaby and easily sensitive to everything.
— Loves dogs very much and wants to buy one for the orphanage one day; even willing to pay an extra fee if possible.
Relationships w/the other LIs:
Soul is absolutely smitten by Robin.
Soul pities Kyler.
Soul is scared of Whitney.
Soul envies and looks up to Sydney
Soul admires Alex
Soul has conflicted feelings over Avery
Soul has not met The Great Hawk
Soul has not met Black Wolf
Soul has not met Eden
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"The Orphan"
Name: Robin
Age: 18 (three months younger than Soul; her birthday hadn't passed yet)
Gender: Trans woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Special Stat: Confidence
About: The naive and kind orphan; Famously known for being innocent. Robin hasn't transitioned due to all the debts Bailey puts on and even then she gives all her savings for Soul when he took her debt too if it means even helping her a little. Robin and Soul are well known to be childhood friends and have a bond that no one can really tear apart.
On the sidelines, Robin is extremely protective of Soul and desires to keep her safe as much as he does with her.
Shes far too weak to really protect him.
— Robin is poly, although she's not aware of this fact yet.
— Robin deeply admires Soul.
— She likes chips, sour cream specifically.
— The green butterfly clip is her most prized possession, Soul gave that to her.
Relationship w/the others:
Robin cherishes Soul very much
Robin is wary of Kyler
Robin dislikes Whitney
Robin wants to be like Sydney one day
Robin distrust Avery
Robin has not met Alex yet
Robin doesn't know The Great Hawk
Robin doesn't know Black Wolf
Robin doesn't know Eden
Note: I haven't met the three other LIs in my run yet!! Bailey's debts keep fucking me up 🥹👍 You guys can take this timeline to be like.. the first few weeks of the game. Robin and Soul aren't dating yet 💔 but now you can ask them both questions!
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