#black otp
khoicesbyk · 3 months
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | May contain sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 8,640 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 5.) Joy Of Winter.
It's December in Cordonia. And many in the kingdom were abuzz for the annual Cordonia Winter Festival. It has become somewhat of a national pride and many were ready to celebrate. None more than Marquise. He loves the event and the fact that it has become his wife’s newest pastime brings him joy. 
December wasn't just the month of the Winter Festival. It was also the month of his graduation. He was to finally graduate with a Doctorate in Psychology. He was excited and couldn't wait to go to Boston. But first, before he could celebrate he had business to attend to. 
It was a few weeks removed since his mother-in-law had gotten into a physical altercation with Countess Alicia. With many of the nobles beginning to take Lady Alicia’s side and wanting Shantel to be removed from her post. But Marquise knew better. And after the security footage of the fight was released, he had both ladies meet him in his office to discuss and remedy the issue. 
“Good morning to you both. Thank you for joining me. Please have a seat.” he said to them both. 
“Thank you for having us, Your Majesty,” Shantel replied. 
“Yes. Thank you.” Alicia agreed. 
“You’re both very welcome. Now that you both are here, we can get down to business. Apparently, you two have an issue that needs to be resolved. Now.”
Alicia huffed. 
“There wouldn't be an issue, Your Majesty, if someone here had remembered her place.” 
Shantel rolled my eyes. 
“If by ‘remembered her place’ you mean that I should've remembered that I am a Duchess and you’re not, then yes you’re right I should have, and by doing so I should’ve had you thrown out of the palace.”
“You have no authority there!” Alicia sneered. 
“No, I don't. But my husband, perhaps you know him, his name is Prince Damien Miller, he does. And so does my daughter. The Queen. After all, it is HER palace. Not yours. And certainly not your step-sister’s.” Shantel shot back. 
“Your husband is a coward and idiot!” Alicia seethed. 
“If by that you mean he chose better and by that I mean he chose me and not a bottom feeder like you. Then yeah you're so right he is.”
Alicia’s face contorted with disgust. 
“Why you no good god awful Jezebel!” Alicia snapped at Shantel. 
“You're still mad that he didn't want you then and still doesn't want you now!” Shantel spat back at her. 
“Why you–” Alicia started to say before Marquise cut her off, “That is enough! Have some decorum! You’re both grandmothers for God's sake.”
Shantel raised an eyebrow. 
“You know what? You're right, Your Majesty. We should know better. Especially me. After all, my sweet granddaughter is the Crown Heir. I have an example to set for her. I wouldn't want her to see me act like this.” 
Alicia scoffed. 
“This is why you are not and never will be worthy of your so-called title and station as Duchess. You think because you slept with Damien that you belong among us. You are nothing but a commoner. A low-brow American commoner at that.”
“Correction: you slept with him. And according to him, you were never really that good. Unlike you, I married him. I love him. Something you have always been incapable of doing.”
“Ladies!” Marquise warned. 
“I don’t even know why I’m even here. We both know you'll do nothing but side with this sad excuse of a noble.” Alicia said to Marquise. 
Marquise took a deep breath and straightened his spine. 
“You're here because whether you like Shantel or not, whether you like the fact she is married to Damien or not, she is still an active member of The Royal Family. And you decided to put your hands on her. Knowing that it's against the law to do so.” Marquise said to Alicia. 
“She started it!” Alicia protested. 
Shantel rolled her eyes. 
“Countess, with all due respect, I have seen the security footage and heard the accompanying audio as well. You antagonized her after she, my father-in-law, and Commander Devereaux were situated and settled into their rooms and when she snapped at you for your rudeness during dinner, you threw a drink in her face. Which ended quite badly for you.” 
Alicia rolled her eyes and Marquise raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me, Countess?” he asked. 
“Of course not. I'm not a heathen. Unlike some people.” she replied while gesturing to Shantel. 
“I'm not so sure your actual husband, Earl Amos, would agree.” Shantel shot back at her. 
“Ladies! Last. Chance.” Marquise warned. 
The two women glared at each other but said nothing. 
“Now this issue between you two needs to be put to rest permanently. You are both nobles of very high society, given you both have close proximity to King Dominic and Shantel has close proximity to myself and my wife.”
“So just what are you proposing, Your Majesty?” Alicia asked. 
“After speaking with both of your husbands I let them decide what the best course of action is to take,” Marquise replies. 
“And what did they decide?” Shantel asks. 
“Your husbands decided that you two are going to work together.”  Marquise replies. 
They were stunned. 
“What?!” Shantel asks. 
“Excuse me?!” Alicia asked. 
“Allow me to explain, because Shantel is the Education Minister, she needs a second in command. That's where you come in Alicia. Because as of this moment, per your husband's request, you are no longer Head Of Staff at the palace in Cloutier.”
Alicia blinked. 
“What do you mean by his request?!” Alicia asks. 
“What I mean is Earl Amos requested you be fired from your position as Head Of Staff for embarrassing and potentially jeopardizing his house, social standing, and name. And I will honor his request. Effective immediately. Instead, you will serve as Shantel’s second in command. Consider it fair and well…karmic punishment.”
Their jaws dropped. 
“So you’re saying that I have to work for that?!” Alicia asked, gesturing at Shantel who rolled her eyes. 
“Yes. This was the solution both men came up with and as King, I signed off on it.” Marquise replied. 
“Unbelievable. I can not believe that no good coward would turn on me!”
Shantel shook her head. 
“Next time pick on someone who can't fight. You know, like your step-sister?” Shantel quipped. 
Marquise turned his attention to his mother-in-law. 
“As for you madam, you said it best. Your granddaughter is the Crown Heir. And it is up to you to set the greatest example for her. And as her father and your King, I expect you to act like it. Now as far as Alicia working for you is concerned, I expect you to be a fair leader. Is that clear?” Marquise asks. 
“Of course. She's not the first combative person I've dealt with in a workplace and she won't be the last.”
Alicia scoffed. 
“This is humiliating! I shouldn't have to work with her!” 
“Not work with her Countess. Work under her. She is officially your boss. But as she has just assured me, she will be fair. And I expect that you will be compliant.”
“And if I’m not? What then? You forget I’m protected by my brother-in-law.” Alicia asked. 
“First of all, his detail does not extend to you. And hasn't extended to you since he lost power. And secondly, I could just forgo the solution and go with Damien’s original idea,” Marquise replies. 
“What idea?” Alicia asks. 
“That I strip you of your title and lands. That was Damien’s original idea. The only reason he didn't push harder for it is because of your grandchildren. He as well as your husband didn't think it would be fair for them to have to lose what's rightfully theirs because you want to be a 60-going-5-year-old.” Marquise replied. 
Shantel snickered quietly.
“It's no wonder why many of the nobles don't respect you, Your Majesty. You let worms like her get away with murder, while you punish their betters for no reason.” Alicia sneered at him. 
“Oh, I definitely have a reason. It's called I'm the King and this is my kingdom! Now if you’re that unhappy with how I rule and run things, you are free to live anywhere you'd like. Just know that it won't be here in Cordonia.”
Alicia huffed. 
“Are we done?” Alicia asked. 
“Get out of my office!” Marquise hissed at her. 
Alicia got up and stormed out. Slamming his office door. 
“Well, that was fun,” Shantel said. 
Marquise raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to shake her head. 
“I'll be fine, son.”
“I know. But I meant it when I told her that you would be fair. Do not make me look like a liar.”
“I would never do that to you. You know this. I know how hard you work to balance everything.” 
“You know she's going to run and tell the first noble she comes across that you have been unfair to her right?” Shantel asked. 
“I'm betting on it. But I've been in power long enough to know how to deal with these wealthy idiots.” he replies. 
“What if she tries to gather enough support to oust you and my daughter?” she asks. 
“Unless she can somehow convince the 5 heads of the Great Houses of Cordonia to support her cause, I doubt it. Also, Countess Madeleine, Duchess Kiara, Duke Bertrand, Duchess Olivia, and Duke Landon pledged their support to the crown when Khari was born and reaffirmed that pledge when my boys were born.”
“Madeleine took over for her mother?” Shantel asks. 
“Mmhmm. Duchess Adelaide has kidney cancer on top of having Cirrhosis.” Marquise replied. 
“Oh my God!” Shantel said with a gasp. 
“Her health struggles haven't been made public yet, but due to her rapidly declining health, she quietly passed the duties as Head Of House over to her daughter when the boys were six months old.” 
“Is it terminal?” Shantel asks. 
“That I don't know. I do know that Adelaide is on the donor list. I also don't know how high up the list she is.” Marquise replies. 
“Does my daughter know?” 
“Yes. We went to see the Duchess a few weeks ago.”
“How can Madeleine be Head Of House if her mother is still a Duchess?”
“Her health. If a Head Of House ever falls gravely ill, they can pass their duties on to their heir. Maddy won't officially be Duchess of Fydelia until her mother officially passes.”
Shantel nodded. 
Just then there was a loud commotion outside of Marquise’s office door. 
“What in the world?” Shantel asks. 
That's when Earl Amos Barbaroux came in with Countess Alicia hot on his heels. 
“May I help you?” Marquise asked. 
“Yes, yes you can. You can tell my so-called husband that the deal he made with Damien is off!” 
The Earl rolled his eyes. 
“Please my King, I apologize for intruding into your office. But my wife is being unreasonable.”
Alicia whirled around on him. 
“Unreasonable?! You are trying to dehumanize me by forcing me to work for someone who is way beneath my station!” Alicia yelled at her husband. 
“You don't have a station!” he yelled back at her. “I have a station!”
Shantel and Marquise looked at each other as Earl Amos took a deep breath. 
“If it wasn't for me, you'd still be the same noble whore, that your parents passed around, family to family, until they found mine, specifically they found my father, and begged him to match us together!” 
This left the King and his mother-in-law speechless. 
“You—” Alicia started to say before her husband cut her off, “I have had to put up with you and your constant disrespect and condescendence for decades. And now is when I put my foot down!” 
“Enough! Whatever the issue is or issues are between you two, will not and can not be solved by you two having a shouting match in my office. So if you two don't mind.” Marquise said to both of them while gesturing to his office door, “Thank you.”
Earl Amos nodded. 
“Yes, you’re right Your Majesty. I apologize for my behavior towards you and Duchess Shantel.” he replied to Marquise before addressing Shantel, “ and speaking of you Duchess, I would also like to extend my sincerest apologies for my wife and her unbecoming and unscrupulous behavior towards you all these years. I have never been more ashamed or embarrassed.”
Shantel nodded. 
“Thank you for your apology, Sir.”
Earl Amos gave her a small smile and nod before turning his attention back to his wife. 
“His Majesty asked us both to leave his office. So let's go,” he said calmly to her. 
Alicia crossed her arms as she glared at him. 
“I am not going anywhere with you! You no good traitor!” Alicia sneered at her husband. 
“Well, you’re certainly not going to be staying in my office all day so you and Earl Amos can both take your leave.”
Alica scoffed at Marquise. 
“Countess, I will NOT repeat myself,” Marquise warned her. 
Alicia huffed and began to turn on her heel. But not before saying one last thing to her husband. 
“I should've had Edward kill you when I had the chance!”
The Earl scoffed.
“Well, now you can't. And until our youngest three children have finished their studies and are off to university, I am stuck living with a shrew of a wife better known as you.”
Alicia stood there with her mouth open as she watched her husband walk out. Then followed behind him not too long after. 
“Well that was certainly eventful,” Shantel said to Marquise. 
Marquise only shook his head. 
“Too eventful.”
“What happened to them?” Shantel asks, “From all I ever heard he's been nothing but good to her.” 
“He has. But she's never been any good to him.”
“But why? What has he done that she hates him so much?”
Marquise looked at his door for a moment.
“Off the record? The three youngest children he mentioned…aren't biologically his.”
“What?!” Shantel asked. 
“Their biological father was a man Alicia had been having an affair with for years. He worked on her and Amos’s estate staff. And rather than risk the scandal of divorce, he's raised them as his own.” Marquise replies. 
“Do you think their children know he's not their biological father?” Shantel asked. 
“I doubt it. I don’t think he wants them to know.”
Shantel nodded. 
“I can understand why. It would break his heart. Where is their biological father?”
Marquise exhaled slowly. 
“You don't know this but your brother-in-law had him executed when the man threatened to go public about his and Alicia’s affair.”
“You're joking!”
Marquise shook his head no. 
“Nope. And Edward made sure to have this man erased from all public records. And he even told Amos that he was to raise the children as his own until they became of age.”
“Edward, had every trace of him erased?”
“Yes. You forget he had A LOT of unchecked power then. No one would have questioned him then. It took me a while but I did find the man’s name.”
“What was it?”
“His name was Yohan. But that's all I have been able to recover about him.”
“Surely the man had a family.”
Marquise exhaled slowly. 
“If he did, they were silenced by either execution or exile.”
Shantel shook her head. 
“So is that all nobles do? Cheat on each other and drink themselves to death?” she asked. 
“No. They also brag about their insane wealth and power while thinking it rivals mine.”
“And we both know your power is unmatched.”
“Exactly. So now that all that ugliness is over, how about I treat you to lunch?” Marquise asked.
“I would love to have lunch with you son-in-love.” 
Later that night Marquise had caught Shanelle up on his very colorful morning. 
“Alicia was cheating on Earl Amos?” 
“Yes. For years. And she was able to get away with it.”
“She knew he could never challenge her because all she had to do was run to either Edward or Genevieve and she'd be safe. So he knew it was safer to keep quiet.”
Shanelle took a sip of her wine. 
“Now are you sure this Alicia woman working under my mom is a good idea?” 
“Absolutely. I trust your mother, I especially trust in her judgment. I also trust that Alicia will remember that she has more to lose than gain if she defies the decision that was reached.”
Shanelle nodded. 
“Now onto more exciting things. Like your graduation next week.”
Marquise snickered. 
“I am so excited. I can't wait.”
“Same! We've been waiting for it and now it's here. How do you really feel?” she asked. 
“Honestly, I’m relieved. It's been a long journey. But it's been worth it. And now by this time next week, I will have my degree in my hands. And then we and the kingdom will celebrate our favorite kingdom pastime.”
“I know I’m so excited. I love seeing the palace and the orchard all decorated. And it'll be the first Winter Festival that the boys will be able to participate in.”
“They were at the one last year.”
“They were with Nina all day. She kidnapped our boys.”
“Not that you minded my Queen.”
“But you’re right. They will have a blast.”
“And of course, there's my favorite: the annual snowball fight.”
Marquise raised an eyebrow at his wife. 
“What do you have planned for this year, my love?”
“Battle of the sexes!” 
“You mean I get to throw a snowball at you?”
“No. It means you will finally be dethroned as the defending snowball fight champion.”
Marquise snickered. 
“May the best team win my Goddess.”
“I know I will.”
Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly. 
Over the next few days, the couple spent time together before His Majesty had to get ready for his solo trip to the States. While he was excited to go, his children weren't. They had never been away from their dad for that long. So the Princess came up with a great idea for her and her brothers. They would go with him without him knowing. She pulled out one of her Daddy’s biggest suitcases and did her checklist. 
“Okay, boys! We have our snacks, our juice, and our chocolate milk! Now do you have your blankies?” Khari asked her brothers. Both boys held up their blankies. 
“And you have your touchdown bears?”
The boys held up their bears. 
“Alright! Let's hop in!”
All three climbed into the suitcase and shut it. 
“Okay, boys! We gotta be quiet so Daddy doesn't know! So shhh!” she whispered to her giggling brothers. Who tried their hardest to quiet down so they wouldn't get caught. Sadly they were caught when their parents couldn't find them and looked all over the palace for them. But they discovered the suitcase they were hiding in. 
“Babe?” Shanelle asked over her shoulder. 
“Yeah?” Marquise replied. 
“Is this one of your suitcases?” 
Marquise looked at it.
“Yeah, but I never packed this one.” 
“Then why is it closed?”
Marquise went to open it when he heard familiar giggling. He shook his head and started to chuckle. 
“What's so funny?”  Shanelle asked. 
“I just figured out why we haven't been able to find the children.”
“What do you mean?”
“Take a listen.”
Shanelle leaned in and heard the same giggling. 
“No, they didn't.”
“Yes, they did.”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
“Let's play along.”
Shanelle nodded. 
“There's my suitcase! I've been looking all over for it!”
“Good, I'm glad you found it. Now you and my dad can go on your trip.”
“Yup now let me just zip it up.”
The giggling intensified when he zipped up the suitcase. 
“Say, my love, have you seen the children?” he asks. 
“No, I can't say that I have,” she replied.
“Oh well! I'm sure we'll see them before I leave.”
Marquise picked up the suitcase and carried it down with the children giggling inside and him and Shanelle snickering the whole time. When they got to the main hall where Shanelle’s parents were waiting they heard the giggling. 
“What in the world is going on?” Damien asks. 
Shanelle told them and asked them to play along. 
“Well, Your Highness. I believe we're ready to leave.” Marquise said to Damien. 
“Yes, my King. It seems that we are ready. It's just I haven't seen the kids. Shantel and I looked everywhere for them.”
“Y’know that's funny! Their mother and I were just saying the same thing.” 
“Where could those kids be?” Shantel asked. 
Shanelle just shook her head laughing softly. That's when Margo walked up. 
“Are you ready to leave my King?” she asked Marquise. 
“Yes. We will be leaving shortly. Do me a favor. Take a listen to the suitcase.”
Margo took a listen and heard her grandchildren giggling. 
“Why are they in the suitcase?” Margo asked. 
“Because apparently, they think they're going with me. So we're playing along.” Marquise whispered. 
Margo nodded. 
“Mama, since you’re here have you seen the children?” Marquise asked. 
“No, I haven't. I thought they were with you and their mother.” Margo replies. 
“No. No one has seen them. Damien and I can't leave without saying goodbye to them. Oh well! Let me take my suitcase and Damien and I can take our leave.” 
“That's an unusually large suitcase, my son. What do you have in it?” Margo asked. 
“You know I don't remember what I packed in it. Let me check.” 
Marquise opened the suitcase and there were his children and their giggling. 
“There you are! What are the three of you doing in my suitcase?” Marquise asks. 
“We don't want you to leave so we're going with you Daddy,” Khari replied. 
His heart exploded as he helped them out of the suitcase and sat down with them. 
“My love you know you and your brothers can't go with me.”
“But!” Khari pouted.
Marquise put a gentle finger to her lips. 
“My love. I love you and I love Zyon and I love Kylo. But you three are too young to go with me.”
“But we don't want you to go Daddy.”
“I know you don't. I won't be gone long.”
He hated seeing the looks on their little faces. 
“I'll see you three Thursday.”
“It's not the same Daddy,” Khari said, shaking her head sadly. 
“Dada…” Zyon whined. 
Marquise took a deep breath. 
“If it's one thing you three know how to do perfectly, it's tugging at Daddy’s heartstrings.”
He gathered the three of him in his arms.
“I love you. I love each of you. I don't like to leave you but sometimes Daddy has to. But I promise I  will never ever be gone for very long.”
Marquise looked at his children and smiled before clearing his throat and singing softly. 
“Come now my sweet babies please don't cry. Let's wipe those tears from your eyes. Let's see those smiles so they brighten up the day. Always remember no matter what, Daddy is never too far away.”
He held his children close before Kylo looked up at him then went and grabbed his blankie. 
“Blankie!” he said as he held it up to his father. 
“You want me to take it with me?” Marquise asked. 
Kylo’s only answer was a smile. 
“Thank you, my love. I will take great care of it.”
Zyon followed suit by giving his father his touchdown bear. 
“My! I'm being spoiled today. Thank you.”
He held his two boys close to his chest. 
“My two sweet loves. I love you both more than I could ever tell you. I will see you both soon. I won't be gone for long.”
He kissed them both on their foreheads before sending them to their mother and turning his attention to his daughter. 
“Come here, my love.”
Khari stood in front of her father with a sad look on her face. 
“Are you mad at me Daddy?” she asked. 
“Never. You are allowed to feel whatever it is you feel. I could never fault you for that.” he replied. 
“So I’m not in trouble?” 
“No. You and your brothers kinda gave yourselves away when you first started giggling. We couldn't help but play along.” 
“You knew that we were in the suitcase the whole time?”
“Yes, my sweet one. We did. Your mother and I couldn't help but play along.”
“Oh…” Khari said dejectedly. 
Marquise tilted his head before gently tilting her chin up. 
“You have no idea how much I adore you. I adore the way you love your little brothers. I know why you feel the way you do. I used to feel that way whenever my mother had to leave for a short period.”
“Really?” she asked. 
“Yes. When I was 8 years old, Mother had to go on a leaders fellowship to Namibia for three months and I missed her terribly. Every day I would ask everyone on her staff when she was coming back.” 
“You did?” Khari asks. 
“Ohh yes. Every single day until your grandmother returned.” Margo replied. 
Khari giggled. 
“My point is I know what it feels like. I know you don't want me to go but I have to. It will only be for a few days.”
Khari looked down at the ground. He pulled her close to him. 
“Do you know what happens next Saturday?” he asked her. 
“Your graduation?” she replies. 
“Yes. Do you know why I’m excited about it?”
“Because you worked really hard for it?” 
“Yes. But that's not why I’m excited about it.”
“Then why Daddy?”
“Because you and your brothers will be walking across the stage with me when I get my degree.”
Khari perked up.
“We will?” 
“Yes. I asked if it would be okay and the committee I spoke to agreed.” 
Khari nodded. 
“Look at me, my love.”
Khari looked up at her dad.
“I will only be gone for a few days. I know you’re sad but we’ll be together again on Thursday.”
“You promise Daddy?”
“I swear it on my heart, my life, and my soul. I will never be away from your side for too long.” 
Khari chewed her bottom lip and then nodded. 
Marquise wrapped his daughter in a loving hug as he stood up. 
“I love you, I adore you. My sweet beautiful Princess.”
Khari gave him a big kiss on the cheek. 
“I love you too Daddy. I'm sorry we tried to trick you.”
“No need to apologize, my love. Now go to your mother. Okay?”
Khari nodded. 
“I will call you and your brothers tonight okay?”
“Pinky promise?” she asked, holding up her pinky. 
“Pinky promise,” he replied, hooking his pinky to hers.
With a soft kiss on her forehead from her father Khari was at her mother’s side. Marquise stood up and looked to his father-in-law.
“Your Highness, NOW we can leave.”
“Of course,” Damien replied with a small chuckle. 
With final goodbyes to their loved ones. Marquise and Damien were soon on their way to the airstrip. Once in the air Marquise silently became curious about his children’s plan to go with him. 
“Something on your mind son?” Damien asked. 
“Just wondering where Khari got the idea to pack herself and the boys in a suitcase,” Marquise replies. 
Damien chuckled. 
“From me. It's an old story that I told her when she asked me if her mother had ever gotten into big trouble as a child.”
“What do you mean?” Marquise asked. 
“Shanelle was 4 years old when she didn't want me to leave on a trip home. So she packed herself into my suitcase and fell asleep.” 
Marquise snorted. 
“And I nearly missed my flight because Shantel and I couldn't find her.” Damien replied. 
Marquise nodded with a smile. 
“I guess she thought she’d succeed where her mother failed.” Damien quipped. 
“She would have if she and the boys weren't giggling so much.”
Damien simply nodded with a smile. 
His Majesty and Prince Damien’s US trip began when they touched down in Tennessee. There they were taken across the state line into Kentucky, where they visited His Majesty’s Bourbon Distillery. They toured the facility and even got to taste the special holiday blend. As well as touring the four adjacent horse farms. That's where His Majesty got the idea for the name of the distillery. Terre de Chevaux. Which means Land Of Horses.  
That night he called to check in with his children. 
“Hello, my little ones! I miss you so much.”
“We miss you too Daddy. How is your trip?” Khari asked while holding the phone so her brothers could see. 
“It's been fun. I toured the distillery and the horse farms around it and do you know what I found out?” Marquise replied. 
Khari shook her head no.
“I met some of the horses. And I learned their names.”
“What are their names?” 
“One is named Esther after my grandmother. Another is named Victor after my uncle. And the last one is named Ellie.”
“Like Grandmother?”
“Exactly my love.”
“Wow! Will we get to meet them, Daddy?”
“I hope so.”
“Where do you go next Daddy?”
“I will go to the capitol in Washington D.C. tomorrow, where I will get to speak to Congress, and then your grandfather and I will be in Boston. Where I will see you three Thursday.”
“We can't wait! Right boys?” Khari asked her brothers who were trying to take the phone from her. 
“It's time for bed my loves.”
“Okay, Daddy. We’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“I love you all. So much.”
“We love you too! Right boys?”
Later after putting their children to bed, Shanelle had a quiet conversation with her husband. 
“Finally! They're all down for the count.”
Marquise snickered. 
“I miss you. You know that right?”
“Yeah, I know. I miss you too, handsome. But like you told the kids we’ll see each other Thursday.”
“Indeed we will. It's amazing that we’ve been to Boston twice in one year.”
“I know you should go play the numbers while you’re in the States.” 
Marquise snorted. 
“Yeah sure I will.”
Shanelle let out a small yawn that she failed to hide. 
“Go to bed, my Queen. I'll text you in the morning.”
“Alright. Goodnight Handsome.”
“Goodnight my Goddess.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Shanelle.”
After blowing her husband a small kiss, Shanelle went to bed. The next morning, His Majesty touched down in Washington D.C. to re-sign the Cordon-America Act of 1985. After signing the act Marquise got the chance to speak to Congress. Something he only ever dreamed about. 
“Good Morning everyone! My what a dream come true this is for me. I actually get to speak to Congress as a whole. If only my Poli Sci professor could see me now.”
In his nearly 45-minute speech, Marquise highlighted the importance of the act and the continuation of the shared goal between his kingdom and America. A free, safe, and fair world for all to live in. After his speech, he and Damien toured The Library Of Congress, where he saw the original Declaration of Independence. Once the tour ended, they traveled to the Maryland National Cemetery so Damien could lay flowers at his in-law's graves. 
“I haven't been here in a few years. It's good to see them.” Damien said as he laid the flowers on each grave. 
“Thank you for bringing me here. Shanelle talks about them all the time. Especially your former mother-in-law.”
Damien snickered. 
“Yes. Mom is where Shanelle gets her personality from. That Jamaican fire runs through my daughter's veins.”
“And mine,” Marquise added. 
The two shared a chuckle. After a short flight that evening, His Majesty found himself back home in Boston and getting ready for his graduation. The next day, his wife, children, mother, and mother-in-law arrived from Cordonia. And he couldn't wait to hold his babies again. 
“I've missed you three so much,” he said as he hugged them. 
“We've missed you too Daddy! How has your trip been?” Khari asks. 
“It's been good but it's better now that you three are here. And just like I promised you, we’re together again. And you and your brothers can explore the house.” Marquise replied as he led his family into the living room. “But before that, I believe I have a few items to return.”
He pulled out Kylo’s blanket and Zyon’s bear. 
“I believe that these belong to the two of you.”
Later that night after a big dinner and getting his children off to sleep. His Majesty went to check on his mother who was just settling into her bed. 
“Are you alright Mama?”
“Yes, my love. I'm fine. I am perfectly happy.”
“Happy eh?”
“Yes of course my son. By this time Saturday, you'll have your Doctorate in hand. And will be able to display it in your office back home.”
Marquise chuckled. 
“It means the world that you’re here with me.”
“It means the world to be here. To represent our kingdom and our family.”
“It's funny. I look around this room and I can't help but miss Papa. I wish he could be here.”
Margo took his hands in hers and looked at him with a warm smile. 
“I know you do, my son. The last time I was here was with him when you earned your bachelor's degree. He would be thrilled to see you earn your Ph.D. As a matter of fact, the whole flight he would've had the children in stitches and excited about your graduation. But it's just Papa that you miss is it?”
Marquise took a deep breath. 
“No. My heart aches for her. I miss her. I wish she could be here as well.”
“She is here my love. She's so incredibly proud of the man you have become. She would be filled with such pride at all you have accomplished in your life. And so would Papa. They look down from heaven with smiles as bright as the sun and as wide as a Cheshire Cat.”
Marquise shook his head with a smile before kissing her forehead softly. 
“Thank you, Mama. You always know what I need.”
She kissed his cheek. 
“I'm your mother. I will always know what you need.”
“Get your rest, Mama. I'll see you in the morning.”
Margo smiled at him as he left the room and returned to the master bedroom where his wife was. He climbed into bed with her and wrapped himself around her. 
“My big ass baby.”
“I've missed you.”
“I've missed you too but you are way too heavy. Now get off of me.”
Tried as she might, but Shanelle could not get him off of her. 
“Marquise…I…can’t…breathe! Get off me!”
He finally let her go.
“Big ass creep!” she said as she caught her breath. 
“Your big ass creep. Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” 
She snuggled into him. 
“How are you feeling?” she asks. 
“Relieved. It'll all be over soon. All the hours of study and presentation and research will have all paid off.”
“Mmmhmm. And soon you will officially be a Doctor and a King.”
Marquise snorted. 
“Very funny.”
“You love me.”
“Indeed I do. I will say I can't wait to see our children walk the stage with me.”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
“Their little cap and gowns came the day after you left. So Khari has been teaching the boys how to walk the stage.”
“Please tell me you got it on video.”
Shanelle handed him her phone. 
“See for yourself, Your Majesty.”
Marquise watched as his daughter tried to teach her brothers how to walk a graduation stage in hilarious fashion. 
“Well…she tried.”
“Yup. They are cute though.”
“Very,” he said with a small smile. 
As he lay in bed with his wife, Marquise became contemplative. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” she asks. 
“My thoughts are worth more than all the literal gold in our vault. But since it's you, sure,” he replied. 
“What's really on your mind? Is it your mother?” she asks. 
Marquise sighed. 
“Yes. I can't help but wish she was here. I can't help but want her to be here. I want to see her celebrate with you, Margo, and your parents. And I want to see her standing behind our children. Cheering them on.” he paused to clear his throat, “You would think that after 26 years my heart would have healed itself by now. But it hasn't. That void in my heart is still there. That need to see her, to be around her, to be able to hold her hand or hug her is still there. I just hope to God that I've made her proud.”
“I know it is. And I know in my heart that you have made her proud. Everything that you've accomplished in and with your life has made her proud. This is just another accolade to add to the list of things that she's proud of you for.” 
He kissed her forehead softly. 
“Thank you, my love.”
“It's what I’m here for.”
He smiled at her as he held her close. 
That Saturday was the big day for His Majesty. After getting dressed himself, he hilariously got his children dressed in their caps and gowns. With both boys being so enamored with their caps. Once everyone was ready it was time to head to the university. Once they arrived Marquise took a very deep breath for this was it. Everything he'd worked for had led up to this very moment. And it was a moment that didn't disappoint.
He finally got to do the one thing he had been dying to do. Walk the graduation stage. But what made it even more special was his children walking with him. He was proud as they stole the show. Afterward, he found himself in his mother’s arms. 
“I am so proud of you, my love. So proud! You've done it, my boy! You've really done it!” Margo said proudly. 
“Thank you. I'm still in shock but I am so thankful to have you here. By my side, to celebrate with me.”
“My love, there is nowhere on this earth that I’d rather be. I got to watch you achieve yet another one of your dreams.”
Marquise closed his eyes and laid his forehead against hers. 
“Look at me, son.”
He looked at her. 
“I wholeheartedly believe that Eleanor is jumping for joy right now. She is elated that her son is not only a King but he's also now a Doctor. You are her greatest dream come true. Her smile is as bright as the sky and as wide as a canyon. And so is Papa. You know he is in heaven just bragging about his boy doing it yet again. Telling every angel he comes across that his son has become a Doctor.”
He pulled her close. 
“Thank you. For every single thing. I would not be where I am, I would not be the man I am, without you. Please don't ever forget that.”
“I never have and I never will my son. Now go celebrate my love. Go on.”
Later that night after hours of celebrating with his family. He spent time with the one he loves most, his wife. They were nestled together on the couch in the living room. 
“I'm so proud of you. You know that right?” she asks. 
He placed a sweet kiss on the palm of her left hand. 
“I know. You've been one of my biggest cheerleaders throughout all of this. When I wanted to stop or give up you told me to keep going. Or else you'd slug me.” he replies. 
Shanelle snorted. 
“Mission accomplished.” 
Shanelle took a look around the room. 
“Our story began right here. In this house. On this couch because someone’s big ass pulled his hamstring racing a bunch of teenagers.”
He punched her. 
“That's what you get!”
“Jerk!” she hissed. 
“Chicken, shrimp, or goat?” he asked.  
“You're lucky I love you.”
“I really am. Because at the time we got engaged, there was a part of me that feared you would've turned me down.”
Shanelle took a deep breath. 
“Please don't hate me for this.”
“For what?” he asked. 
“There was a part of me that wanted to tell you no. A HUGE part. I wanted to run away from you and not look back.” she replied. 
“Why didn't you?” he asks. 
“Because I love you. That's why. I couldn't let you go even when my brain was screaming for me to do so. You showed me what true love is. You made a promise that you have never broken. You promised to love, protect, and nurture my heart and my love. And you have constantly and consistently kept that promise.” she replies. 
“And I always will. If you don't believe anything else from me, you can believe that.”
Shanelle smiled at him as they continued to enjoy a quiet moment together. Once back in Cordonia, planning for the Winter Festival kicked into high gear. Crews worked overtime making sure every detail was perfect and to Shanelle’s exact specifications. All the while Marquise had plans of his own. 
With the palace being as big as it is, there is a lot of unused and mostly dead space on certain floors. So he decided to have three floors converted. One into a personal bowling alley. Another into a massive indoor ball pit and playground for his children. The final floor is the one he's most excited about, that floor will be an indoor laser tag arena. And it has to be tested out to make sure it's safe and ready for the barrage of kids and adults who will want to play. Because it will be open to his family and the staff and their families. 
That Friday before the Winter Festival, Their Majesties hosted their family, both immediate and extended at the palace residence. While the children were having a time running around playing, Marquise pulled Logan aside. 
“Come with me,” Marquise said to Logan. 
“Where we going?” he asks. 
“It's a surprise. Trust me you'll like it.” Marquise replied. 
“Nope! You know I don't like surprises unless I’m in on them. So where are we going?” Logan asks. 
“I'll show you when we get there,” Marquise replied through clenched teeth. 
“Ohhhh…okay Uncle Scar.”
“Shut up and move Simba.”
Marquise led Logan to an elevator and used a keycard to enter. 
“Well, this is spooky…” 
“Get in the elevator Logan.”
Logan shot him a suspicious look before he and Marquise got into the elevator. 
“Okay. I'm in the elevator. Now what?” Logan asks. 
“Now we go down to the basement,” Marquise replied. 
“To your dungeon?” Logan asks. 
“No. That's on the other side of the palace. And you'd have no access to that. But this is something else.” Marquise replies. 
They rode the elevator down and got off when it dinged. Once out of the elevator, they walked down a hall to a door with a keypad. 
“What's behind the door?” Logan asks. 
Rather than answer, Marquise smirked and then slid his keycard to open the door. When the door opened, Logan’s jaw dropped. 
“Welcome to my newest toy.”
“What is it?” Logan asked. 
“This is my brand new laser tag arena,” Marquise replied. 
“That's what I said.”
“Dude! When the hell did you have time to do all of this?” Logan asks. 
“Construction started back in May. And was completed after the boy's birthday. But it's still not quite ready yet.” Marquise replies. 
“What do you mean?” Logan asked. 
“It hasn't been tested…yet,” Marquise replies. 
That's when Logan’s grin widened. 
“And who's going to be brave enough to test it out, sire?”
“Why we are, my good man!” 
“Man! Let's go!”
The two suited up and spent a few hours laughing and having a good time in the arena. When they left both were buzzing. 
“That was amazing. Thank you for sharing it with me. Even though you cheated half the time.”
Marquise snorted. 
“You're welcome. And thank you for coming. I'm glad you had a good time.”
“I can't wait to tell my wife about it.”
“As long as you don't tell the children. I want it to be a surprise for them.”
“My lips are sealed, Your Highness.”
When they got to the common area, their wives were enjoying a glass of wine.
“And just where have you two been the past few hours?” Shanelle asked them. 
“Out.” They both reply. 
The wives looked at each other. 
“Uh-huh. You two went to check out Marquise’s laser tag arena, didn't you?” Bronwyn asks. 
The men's jaws dropped. 
“How do you know?!” they asked. 
Bronwyn answered by pointing to Shanelle. 
“How do YOU know?!” they asked. 
Shanelle shrugged. 
“I might've accidentally stumbled upon the construction site one day.”
“You mean you were being nosy?” Marquise asks. 
“It is my job to be,” Shanelle replied. 
Marquise groaned. 
“Relax. Your kid doesn't know. I haven't told her.”
Marquise visibly relaxed. 
“I can't keep nothing from you, can I?” Marquise asked. 
“Nope. Now move it, you two. We have a Winter Festival to get ready for tomorrow.” Shanelle replied. 
The next day was the day of the Cordonian Winter Festival. All of Shanelle's hard work and planning had finally come to fruition. Many enjoyed a plethora of winter activities. Including snowmobiles. Which Marquise, Logan, Branden, and Brayden took full advantage of. 
“Alright, Brayden. We got a big job.”
“What's that?” he asked. 
“We gotta beat your dad and brother in the race,” Marquise replied. 
“Yeah yeah! Go super fast!”
“And do you know what we win when we win?” Marquise asked his nephew. 
“What uncle?” 
“Bragging rights my boy! Bragging rights!”
“So ready…set…”
“And we're off!” 
While the dads and the boys enjoyed the snowmobiles, Shanelle took the girls ice skating out on the frozen pond. 
After riding around on snowmobiles it was time for the main event, the annual snowball fight. That both royals were determined to win. 
“Any last words before I take your title, Your Majesty?” Shanelle asked her husband. 
“Keep dreaming woman!” Marquise replied with a smirk. 
“I am so going to enjoy this!”
“You enjoy losing?…how very odd.”
Once the trash talk was done, the whistle was blown and the fight was on. It was a battle of giggling proportions. With trying to take out one another. 
“Will you hold still?!” Shanelle shouted at her husband. 
“Why? So you can hit me?!” he replied. 
The snowball fight was epic and ended in a draw. Which was a delight to all who participated, watched, and cheered. Before the event was over His Majesty decided to try his hand at axe throwing with Sam and a very animatedly drunk Logan. 
“Uh, Logan?” Sam asks. 
“Yeah?” Logan replied. 
“How many of those have you had?” Marquise asked, pointing to the pint in Logan’s hand. 
“Including this one?” he replied before downing the rest of the pint, “eight.”
Sam and Marquise looked at each other. 
“You've had eight pints of Skullcracker Ale? Are you nuts? That stuff is powerful!” Marquise asked. 
“Yeah, I know. Who knew you Europeans could make a strong ale?” Logan replied before grabbing an ax, “Now let's really have some fun!” 
“Oh Dear God…” Marquise groaned.
“If he hits either one of us…” Sam warned. 
Sam and Marquise stood way back and watched Logan toss the axe and wildly miss his first target. 
“Missed it by an inch. Let me try again.”
Logan tried again with Sam and Marquise looking on. 
“How long are you going to let this go on?” Sam asks. 
“Until either he runs out of steam or they run out of axes,” Marquise replied. 
“Which one is more likely to happen?” Sam asks. 
“They run out of axes,” Marquise replies. 
“So we're gonna be here a while?” Sam asks. 
“Yup so settle in my friend,” Marquise replies. 
Later that night after the Winter Festival had concluded, His Majesty told his wife what had happened at the ax throwing booth.
“Logan had how many pints?” Shanelle asks.
“You heard me. He had eight pints of Skullcracker Ale.” Marquise replied. 
“How did you let him drink that many pints?” 
“First of all, I didn't let him do anything. He was already halfway through his eighth one when I got there. And second, saying you’re great friends with the King will get you anything in this kingdom. Including eight pints of Skullcracker Ale. Especially when the limit is four pints.” 
Shanelle groaned. 
“That hangover is about to be epic.”
“Oh yeah. He's gonna be feeling it for days. But thank goodness there's a hangover cure.”
“I can only handle three pints of Skullcracker Ale. I don’t know how Logan managed to drink eight of them.”
“Because he has an iron liver?” 
Shanelle snorted. 
“That's for sure.”
“And how are you, my love? What was the final tally?” he asks. 
“I'm good. I'm exhausted. Today was so much fun. And the money raised during the silent auction was enough to fund the Children's Fund. All in all, it was a great day. People had fun and that's all I care about. It's why I do this every year.”
“I know and you do a brilliant job at this if I do say so myself.”
“Careful Your Majesty. Your personal bias is showing.”
“So? I'm allowed to brag about and celebrate my beautiful wife’s accomplishments all I like. Thank you very much.” 
“Fine. Just one question.”
“What are we doing for Christmas?” she asks. 
“How about somewhere tropical?” he replies. 
“Works for me!” 
“I shall make our Christmas arrangements post haste.” 
Just then there was an urgent knock at their bedroom door. 
“Who in the world is that?” she asks. 
“I'll go find out,” he replied. 
When he got up and answered the door, there was an attendant on the other side. 
“Yes?” he asked as he stepped outside. 
“Apologies for the disturbance this late Your Majesty but there is news out of Earl Amos’s house.” the attendant replies. 
“What is it?” he asked. 
“Earl Amos Barbaroux is dead.” the attendant replied. 
“He was stabbed to death in his office.” 
“What?! By who?” 
“Lady Alicia, sire. From what I have been told they got into an argument and she stabbed him in the chest with a letter opener. Repeatedly.” 
“Where is she now?”
“An arrest warrant was issued for her but she's taken refuge at the old palace but that's all I know at the moment.”
Marquise groaned. 
“Great…thank you for informing me. Please keep me informed of any further details.”
“At once sire.”
When Marquise entered the bedroom, he had an annoyed look on his face. 
“What's that look for?” Shanelle asks. 
“Earl Amos is dead,” he replied. 
“Lady Alicia’s husband?” 
“Yes. She stabbed him to death.”
“What?! Why?” 
“I don't know yet. But I will find out. Just not right now.”
“What happens to his estate in the meantime?”
“It goes to their oldest daughter.” 
“Do you know where she is now?”
“Hiding out at your palace to avoid arrest but that's as far as I've gotten.” 
“She won't be there for long. I'll put the call in to have her removed from the property. I will NOT be sheltering her.”
“You're not. Her step-sister is.”
“I don't care about her step-sister. Genevieve can kiss my whole ass. Alicia’s gone as early as tomorrow morning.”
Marquise smirked. 
“So says the Queen.” 
“So shall it be.”
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plantsonplutoart · 3 months
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Moonflower study dates! Because it’s possible to be both academic rivals and the best of friends 🌙🪷😌
James and Sirius are definitely sitting across the table drooling over them
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snarky-magpie · 3 months
I've seen a lot of Jegulus hate in my feed lately for some reason, and this is my response to all of that:
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bakakween · 4 months
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the only reason fem!Zoro would wear a wedding dress
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
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requested by: @moondrop-gummies request: Can you do grumpy sunshine where she’s the grumpy but doesn’t believe she can be loved and he’s the sunshine who treats her like she’s the best thing in his life and they’re roommates? Thank you in advance! 🎀
Feel free to use and reblog!
grumpy being unable to accept anything kind that sunshine tries to do for them
sunshine just admiring anything grumpy does
sunshine staying at home despite being invited elsewhere just to spend more time with grumpy
sunshine doing the things around the house that grumpy dreads doing
grumpy being snarky about the nice things sunshine does but they both know grumpy is actually enjoying them
sunshine having endless patience with grumpy because they know/hope that they'll come around eventually
sunshine making sure to tell grumpy that they deserve the world
grumpy warming up to sunshine and being in a bright mood in sunshine's company
grumpy being patient with sunshine and listening to their long, colourful stories but that's the least they can do when sunshine does everything for them
grumpy's love language is telling sunshine that they deserve more (than grumpy could ever give them)
sunshine's love language is showering grumpy with affection until grumpy snaps
grumpy trying to push sunshine away to guard themselves from developing serious feelings
grumpy hyping sunshine up when they find out that sunshine has a crush, not knowing that it's them
^ and immediately changing course when they find out (because sunshine shouldn't throw their love away on someone as undeserving as grumpy)
sunshine not paying any mind to grumpy's self-depricating rants and just keeping up their high level of affection and warmth
grumpy being able to let their guard down and accept the love because of sunshine's unconditional and unwavering support
grumpy 'you're an idiot to choose me' & sunshine 'I would be that idiot in any universe and you love it'
grumpy being seriously worried about sunshine having developed feelings for grumpy ("you can't be sane. you should see a doctor.")
grumpy being the biggest sunshine stan but they adore them too much to be willing to expose them to the madness that means grumpy
sunshine doing everything with grumpy that want but nothing more and nothing less because they know how important it is to respect grumpy's boundaries
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simplylilyyy · 6 months
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Day 5: 40 year old
Too late for Zosan Week? Probably, but OH WELL~ I really wanted to contribute so here's some 40!ZS
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dualcertifiedtkstrand · 2 months
trying to explain jackanne to anyone is impossible. they’re best friends. they’re husband and wife. they’re friends with benefits. he’s gay and she’s a lesbian. they love and are in love with each other. they’re partners, romantically and in business and in crime. they’re frenemies. she would kill anyone, including herself, to keep him safe. he would give anything, everything he’s ever worked for, in order to make sure she’s happy. they’re two halves of a single heart. they’re strangers getting to know each other. they know each other better than anyone else. they’re happiest when they’re together. they alone will never make each other happy. they would never allow anyone or anything to tear them apart. they’re soulmates, and they’ll find each other in every life.
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sanjisbiscuits · 8 months
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them >>>
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wistfulwatcher · 11 days
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in a n o t h e r life
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Person B: Dom or sub?
Person A: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though
Person C: I'm gonna tell them
Person B: Don't you fucking dare
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xblackreader · 4 months
• [sydcarmy] art by me
when they gently graze hands in season 26 I’m gonna lose my mind.
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🔪 I have opened my tip jar at the top of my homepage! feel free to tip the chef
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tgcfsketches · 4 months
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Chapter 63! This is one of my favorite scenes, so I want to draw it! Part 1
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colorful-horses · 4 months
"is that th-"
The My Little Pony 'Classics Reimagined' Valentine's Day Special Romeo & Juliet IDW Cheesepie one-shot? Yeah, it is.
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apencilandpen · 4 months
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fading echoes spin away
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thesilverlady · 26 days
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