#black sugar pirate ship
badgerbl00d · 2 years
omg can ypu write something with one bed trope with shanks, rayleigh, rosinante/corazon and (if you’re comfortable writing him) maybe doffy?
I’d love if it could be like mutual pining ish and not established relationships 🫶
i don’t have a preference for how it’s written (like headcanons, blurbs etc) so just however you like it! i love to read the things you write 🤩
only one bed trope with the one piece boys
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☆ characters: shanks, roger, benn, rayleigh
☆ up next: taking an aphrodisiac with them and seeing who gives in first w/ one piece boys
☆ a/n: absolutely loved this request! i'm still on marineford so i'm not super familiar with cora and doffy, but i promise i'll make up for their absence in this fic in the future ;3. enjoy!
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It was a calm day at sea, with steady winds and vibrant sunlight.
Being a Red-Haired pirate meant drinking, and fighting, and a lot of playing cards, and more drinking.
As time passed you’d grown somewhat envious of crews with women on them. You longed to spend your idle time with other women, painting your nails, gossiping, even just spending time together. 
Your crewmates tried as best they could, but there was only so much hair braiding grown men could tolerate. 
Shanks, out of all of them, was the most eager to help you feel more at home. He let you paint his nails- though you were limited to red and black polish. He let you teach him how to make sugar scrubs, and even sometimes, if he wanted to “relax and rejuvenate” himself, he’d do facemasks with you.
You’d always thought he was handsome, even before you’d joined the crew. And had more than once found yourself staring at his wanted posters. But to be on the seas with him was an entirely different experience. The friendship that accompanied piracy was unexpected, but an unbelievably close bond. 
You felt the same about all your crewmates, they were family and you knew you’d readily die for them. But you didn’t get the same butterflied around all of them that you got around Shanks.
When it was late at night and you were still outside completely unaware of the dropping temperatures and waning moonlight, he’d find himself making his way out of his cabin to find you and lead you back to bed, offering to braid your hair the way you taught him.
More often than not, you’d accept his offer, soaking in how gently he took your hair into his hands, his knuckles softly grazing the back of your neck. 
You’d been lounging outside on the deck where the sun shone brightest, taking advantage of the unusually pleasant weather.
 You laid out on a towel, the sun bathing you in that kind of pleasantly ebbing heat that makes you feel like it was coming from within. 
You could feel your skin tanning, glowing, and glistening as the ship gently rocked back and forth. 
Your bikini was tiny, a necessary measure to ensure that you got evenly bronzed, and you’d happily sauntered past your crewmates, unbothered by their playful whistles and cheers as you walked past them toward your spot. 
After a peaceful fifteen minutes of sunbathing, you were joined by your captain.
“Mind if I tan with you?”
“Not at all, Captain.”
Shanks smiled, you knew he liked when you called him that. 
He laid down next to you, your arms grazing one another. 
You felt yourself dozing off, before a loud bang! woke you up.
You and Shanks both shot up, running toward the source of the sound, along with the rest of the crew. 
A plug had gotten shot out of the hull of the ship and water had started flooding it. 
Fuck, you thought, my room’s gonna flood.
Shanks and Benn barked commands at the crew and you all started working towards plugging the source of the flooding. 
You were limited in your ability to help, given that you were still in a bikini and knew a lot less than your crewmates about plugging holes. 
Shanks laughed as you got soaked by the water and by the time the problem was solved, he was out of breath. 
You made your way back up to where you’d been, hoping to have caught some more sun before having to face your definitely flooded room. When you were greeted with the warm orange and purple hues of sunset, you headed to the kitchen for a beer. 
You sat on the counter and turned when a slight knock on the wall beckoned your attention.
“Hey, Shanks.”
“So,” he started, not wanting to upset you, “Your room got-”
“Flooded. Yeah, I figured.”
You sighed, there was nothing of significant importance in there, and you knew you could buy new things, but it was going to be a pain in the ass.
“Thanks for confirming, though. I’ll go and buy new stuff next time we dock. The lack of a bed kind of sucks though,” you polished off the beer in your hand. 
“Sleep with me,” he said.
“Ha. ha.” 
“What? I’m being serious!”
You paused to consider it. 
“Shanks, c’mon. I’ll take a bunk in the men’s quarters.”
“Not sure that’s any better.”
You laughed, “It’s definitely not.”
He got up and extended a hand toward you, which, after a moment of hesitation, you took. 
“You don’t even need to grab anything, I have a bunch of extra shirts.”
“And an extra toothbrush?”
He smiled at you, “We can share that too.”
“Ugh, gross.”
You waited until you were really tired to actually make your way over to his bedroom, hesitating before you finally knocked on the door. 
He opened it, and it was clear he’d made his best attempt to clean up his room for you. 
You sat on the poorly made bed and told him his room looked nice. 
“Good enough to sleep in?”
He smiled with pride. It was sort of adorable. 
He sat on the other edge of the bed, unexpectedly awkwardly. 
You decided to lay down and make yourself comfortable, you pulled the covers over yourself.
“Very soft,” you noted.
He lightly laughed and followed in suit, situating himself under the covers. 
You had your backs to one another- it felt too foreign like you didn’t know one another. 
You flipped over, “Shanks turn around.”
He happily obliged, turning with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
Reaching down, he pulled the covers up to cover your arms and the two of you talked about anything and everything. 
Neither of you remembered falling asleep. 
You woke up later than usual the next morning, the sun was already high and beaming through the Captain’s window. The soft duvet that covered you seemed as though it was trying to keep you in bed, and it had the generous aid of Shanks, who had a strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
He was still asleep, it seemed, and was breathing gently. 
You should’ve been up hours ago to get all your chores and work done…  but you had a feeling that the Captain might let you off the hook this one time.
Sleep started to weigh down your eyelids again, and you let it wash over you, snuggling back into Shanks’ chest. You fell asleep quickly, but not before feeling him press a soft kiss 
to the back of your head. 
The warm bath water, full of bubbles and essential oils, soaked into your skin, slowly sloshing back and forth and back and forth along with the steady lull of the ship.
The few moments you got to yourself were always cherished. They were rare, and when they did happen you always felt anxious, but you finally felt as though you could relax. 
You dipped your head below the water a few times, letting your hair soak, braiding it over your shoulder as you closed your eyes and let yourself let go of all the anxieties, and worries, and stresses that came with being a Roger pirate. 
The dim warmth from the candles paired perfectly with the bit of moonlight that made its way through the bathroom window.
And, like clockwork, when you’d allowed yourself to indulge in the moment and started to finally relax;
Knock. Knock.
You sat up, sighing.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” you arranged the bubbled around yourself as the door opened.
Roger walked his head in, and just as quickly covered his eyes when he saw you in the bath.
“Sorry, Y/n,” he laughed, “Didn’t know you were taking a bath!”
“Right. Because that definitely isn’t what bath-rooms are for.”
He sheepishly tugged at the collar of his shirt, his hand still resting on his face.
“So…” he started, clearly guilty of something.
“Just tell me what happened.”
“Right. Right, well, you see, Rayleigh and I thought we might work on getting the boys to bond a bit more.. Since they fight so much.”
You sat in the tub, watching as he struggled to tell you why he really interrupted your alone time, not saying anything.
“Companionship is the most important thing for good pirates. Establishing connections. There is no better greatness than being loved, than having a partner, someone to rely on. And well, the boys are so young and they bicker so much and fight day in and day out, and so we figured we’d try and start patching that up while they’re still just kids-”
“The point, Roger?”
“Yes-” he stumbled over his words, “Yes- the point. Alright, so Rayleigh suggests a friendly game of catch, seeing as they were in good spirits and they agreed and so we started, just with simple baseballs at first.”
He slowly took his hand off his eyes and searched your face for some kind of expression, anything.
You gave him nothing, but your impatience was evident.
He cleared his throat, “And the boys seemed to enjoy it so I- so we suggested using something more challenging and… R-rayleigh found a bowling ball.”
You’d tried to keep a completely neutral expression, to keep him on edge. But at this, your eyebrows failed you and furrowed. 
Still, you said nothing.
“And Shanks- strong boy, very adept and- and promising.. He, well, unintentionally of course-”
He nodded and swallowed hard. “He threw it through your window. There’s glass everywhere. It broke the bedframe, there’s a dent in your wall. It-it’s a mess. That they’re cleaning.”
You remained silent. Wordlessly you stood up, earning an uneasy laugh from your Captain as he debated whether or not to cover his eyes again. He chose not to.
You walked toward him, reached past his shoulder, your nose grazing the tip of his, and grabbed your towel. 
You dried yourself off and wrapped the towel around yourself.
“So where am I sleeping tonight?”
Roger smiled.
“Would you rather sleep with Rayleigh? Or share a bed with the boys?”
You huffed. 
You’d decided to take the right side of the bed, since it was closer to the door and, as you had so eloquently put it, “Get the hell out of here” in the morning. 
Roger had laughed when you’d said that and despite your best efforts to stay upset you smiled at him. 
The two of you lay down on your backs, facing the ceiling. 
“Comfortable?” he asked. “No.”
He shifted and brought two arms around your waist pulling you into him.
Your cheeks turned a violent shade of pink, you didn’t like not being in control.
“Nuh-uh,” he said, “Captain’s orders.”
You sighed but obliged, letting him spoon you. 
His arms were strong and you could feel the muscles of his chest through the thin t-shirt he wore. 
“You’re hugging too tight!”
He relented, albeit slightly.
You pushed his arms out and crawled on top of him, laying down on his chest, resting your head on your hand which was propped up by your elbow.
He laced his hands together and brought his arms up behind his head, laying on the pillow and looking at you.
You liked this more, you were on top.
“Better?” he asked.
You nodded. 
“Do you ever worry about those two?”
He smiled one of his signature smiles at you, “No.”
You pinched his chest.
“Ok! Ok- yes,” he admitted, bringing a hand down to rub at the spot you pinched, “Christ, woman.”
You ignored him, “So do I. But it’s only because I know they’ll both be great. In one way or another.”
“Or another,” he laughed.
You woke up in the middle of the night, your arms wrapped around your Captain’s neck, head on his chest. His arms were around your waist and he was out cold, lightly snoring. 
You smiled and pressed kisses wherever you could reach.
In the morning, your anger would return and you’d give both him and the boys an earful. Rayleigh, too, if he wasn’t smart enough to wait out your temper. 
But for now? 
You’d sleep. 
When Roger woke up the next morning your side of his bed was empty. He groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
When was the last time I slept that well? he thought to himself.
There was more sunlight entering his room than usual and he turned toward the source of it.
There, right in the center of his wall was a gaping hole, perfectly round. 
On the floor beneath it was a bowling ball. 
He stood up, contemplating the mess in his room. He looked through the whole to find you barking at Shanks and Buggy to continue mopping the floors. You had a ruler in your hands and Buggy was rubbing the back of his head. 
He laughed, loudly. 
‘I think I’m in love,’ he thought, before going out to join you in yelling at the two. 
“I’d like to apologize in advance,” Shanks announced to the crew, earning several groans in return.
“Yes, yes,” he continued, “Well, as it would happen, I miscounted. Two people are going to have to share a bed.”
This time the crew responded with some cheers and whoops, and you heard more than one person mention your name. 
You sighed.
Hopefully, it was Lucky and Yasopp. They probably shared their bed anyway.
“To decide fairly, Benny here suggested we draw straws.”
More groans from the crew.
“Tough crowd,” Benn mused. 
Shanks held up a plastic cup with a bunch of wooden sticks in it like a child at an arts and crafts fair. 
He shuffled them around before drawing two. 
The air was hilariously tense. 
Who cares if they have to share a bed? you thought to yourself. 
“Benn! Haha!” he laughed, “And…. Y/n!”
The crew erupted into a cacophony of whoops and cheers. 
Your cheeks darkened and you nibbled at the inside of your cheek. 
Of course.
You made brief eye contact with Benn, who looked as cool and composed as ever. 
Noticed only by your Captain, was the slight blush that dusted his cheeks. 
The room was smaller than either of you had expected. 
And so was the bed. You’d have to practically be on top of each other. 
“I’m more than good on the floor, you take the bed. I only ask for a pillow.”
You gave him a look.
“I’m not gonna let you sleep on the floor Benn, and there’s only one pillow.”
You both sat in silence staring at the bed.
“I’m sure there’s a way… to work this out.”
You giggled, “In a 2-foot wide bed?”
Benn smiled. 
“It’s funny. We’d die for each other in battle but a bed is where things get awkward.”
“It’s only awkward ‘cause you’re so awkward.”
He looked down at you, a somewhat insulted expression resting on his face. 
“I’m fine sleeping with you!” 
He raised a brow.
“N-no! No! Not like that! I’d never- I just meant like…” you gestured broadly toward the bed
“You’d never, hm?”
“See what I meant about you making things awkward?”
He laughed.
Sitting on the bed made things less tense, you folded your legs, sat on your heels, and faced Benn who sat leaning against the wall with his legs hanging off the bed.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, searching for a lighter. 
He came up empty-handed.
“I have one,” you said, reaching into the front pocket of your bag to grab your pink lighter.
“Cute,” he leaned forward, cigarette between his lips, lighting it. 
You flipped through some pages of a magazine as Benn read.
“Can I try it?”
“Be a little more specific, sweetheart.”
Your body warmed up at the nickname.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded eagerly, reaching for the cigarette that still resided between your vice-captain’s lips.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist before you could reach it. 
You blinked to look up at Benn, “Let me help.”
He took the cigarette from his lips and brought it to yours, which were already so obediently parted. 
You inhaled the smoke, your lips closing around the cigarette, gently brushing Beckman’s fingers. 
“Take it easy,” he said. 
You breathed in, tears pooling in the bottom of your eyes, and tried to hold it in, but found yourself stuck in a spasm of coughing. 
Benn laughed, and rubbed your back, before taking another puff himself. 
You scooted closer to him, emboldened by the burning heat in your lungs, and were practically on his lap.
“Let me try again,” you asked, “Guide me.”
He held the cigarette to your lips, and you awaited instruction.
“Gently suck in the smoke- don’t inhale, just suck lightly.”
You obeyed, your lips softly closing around the soft paper, drawing in the smoke to the back of your throat.
“Good,” he praised, pulling the cig away from your lips, “Now hold it there for a moment, let it warm your mouth.”
You held it, turning to look up at him.
It took him a moment to find the words he was looking for, what with a majority of your ass on his lap, your hands resting on his chest, your eager doe eyes looking up at him- he was getting rather distracted.
“L-like that, yeah.”
“Mm-mmm?” What’s next?
He smiled, lightly laughing, “Now just inhale through your mouth as you normally would, but do it slowly.
Your lips formed a perfect ‘O’ as you inhaled the smoke, feeling a deeply satisfying burning sensation spreading through your lungs. 
Benn had opened the room’s main window earlier, and a cool breeze had found its way in. You got up, to Benn’s obvious disappointment, and closed it. 
This time when you sat back down, you inched yourself the rest of the way forward, making your way fully onto his lap. 
Maybe it was the smoke that had started filling the room or the fact that now you two were alone and touching there was no point in denying what you’d been feeling for one another, but this time, as he drew the cigarette from his mouth you leaned forward and placed your lips on his. 
His lips closed back around yours, slowly at first- not out of hesitation but indulgence. 
You felt his tongue lightly swipe your plump lower lip, teeth gently pressing down against it, and you released a staggered breath into his mouth.
Your heart was pounding against your chest as your mouth flooded with the flavors of tobacco and an unidentifiable clean taste, almost like lemon. 
His hands found the fat of your ass, and as he laid his back against the bedrest, now fully taking up the bed, he lifted you up so you were fully on his lap, your thighs straddling his hips. 
A strong arm trailed up your back, resting his hand against the base of your neck, gently pulling backward to give him access to your throat. 
He placed hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, his tongue swiping over every place he kissed. It made you incredibly sensitive and you started to softly squirm in his grip, moaning his name between kisses, holding half-lidded eye contact as strings of saliva connected your mouths. 
You didn’t sleep much, despite Benn’s sincere efforts to get you both to bed.  The last thing you vividly recalled before sleep outweighed your desire for more of him was how overwhelmingly sweet and sensitive his touch was on your body- how softly he handled you. His strong arms massaging your back and palming your tits. 
The next morning you both awoke to a violent knocking on your door.
“Vice Captain! The Captain is requesting your presence, immediately!”
You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes, the idea of leaving the intoxicating warmth of your bed making your head hurt. 
To your delight, Benn simply wrapped his arms tighter around you and flipped you both over to face away from the door. 
“Tell him to fuck off! I’m busy!”
You giggled, knowing that the crew would put two and two together. 
For a moment you worried about how they’d react- was this something that could potentially be dangerous? 
As though reading your thoughts Benn gave you another reassuring hug, his hands finding your boobs, lightly squeezing them. 
“Worry about it later, Sweetheart.”
And just like that, you fell back asleep. 
“Tired already?” Rayleigh teased, handing you the beer you’d sent him to grab.
“It’s ten past three, I should’ve been in bed hours ago.”
He laughed, rubbing your back.
“I figured you’d have gotten used to the late nights after a good expedition.”
You shrugged, “I guess, but I’m never more tired than when we’re done with an ‘expedition’.”
He smiled at your air quotes around his term. 
You popped open the can of beer he’d handed you and took a few big sips. 
The moon was full and the clear sky ahead meant perfect travel conditions for when the crew set sail tomorrow morning. 
The salty air smelled like home, and you took a few deep breaths. 
It was chilly out, but the fire in front of you more than made up for it, and you felt warm inside from the several beers you’d downed. 
The ship was still full of life, but it was now concentrated into small groups of partiers that were somehow still awake. 
Your captain was, of course, one of the main contributors.
You leant against Rayleigh as the both of you watched him and laughed. 
Your vision slowly blurred as you closed your eyes. 
A not-so-gentle tap on your shoulder woke you up. You blinked your eyes open, suddenly aware of how cold it was. 
A pair of strong arms were wrapped around your body, carrying you bridal style.
“What the hell?”
“Calm down,” Rayleigh replied, “You fell asleep and I figured I’d bring you to your room but it’s- uh, occupied.”
“What does that mean?”
You jumped out of Rayleigh’s arms and peeked into your room to see what was going on.
Shanks and Buggy were passed out on your bed, several alcohol bottles littering the floor. They were sleeping back to back like a pair of milk-drunk kittens. 
“I don’t wanna move them,” Rayleigh explained, “Or they won’t sleep for a week- what with all that alcohol in their system.”
You hated to agree but the two boys were energy houses if you’d ever seen one, it was best to let them sleep when they slept. 
“Okay, I’ll take one of their bunks then. Not ideal but if it keeps them out of the way…”
You walked into the room to grab your toothbrush and makeup remover and slipped past your vice-captain to head toward the men’s barracks. 
“Y/n, sweetheart,” he called out to you, “Hold on a sec, will ya?”
You turned, “Rayleigh, I’m tired and I haven’t showered yet- what do you want?”
He walked toward you, approaching you with his typical confidence, standing in front of you so as to block your path. 
“Why don’t you spend the night in my room, hm?”
You rolled your eyes, and pushed him to the side, too tired to entertain him. 
He grabbed your wrists as you tried to walk away, pulling you into his chest.
He stood you still, wrist still in hand, and bent down to talk in your ear, and for some reason you let him. 
“I’d like to use this opportunity to remind you that my room has its own private shower.”
You sighed.
“And a bath.”
Private bathroom… clean sheets…. Rayleigh. You thought about it for a second.  
“Okay, fine but only this once.”
His room was bigger than expected. You had half a mind to chew him out for living like this while half the crew was stuck sharing bathrooms and beds, but you supposed that was one of the perks of being vice-captain.
“What do you think?”
He winked at you.
“It’ll do, I guess. Where’s the shower?”
He laughed, and despite your best efforts to not inflate his ego, you also smiled.
He pointed toward the bathroom and you entered.
You stepped out of the shower and looked for a towel, failing to find one.
“Rayleigh! Where are your towels?”
“Top drawer, sweetheart!”
Double fuck. 
You inhaled, “Rayleigh?”
“I can’t… reach.”
You could practically hear the infuriating smile spreading over his face.
“Coming,” he said, his voice had a slight lilt to it. 
He knocked before he entered and you covered yourself as best you could. Not like he hadn’t seen this much before, right? You’d worn bikinis on board. 
Wrong. He walked in and was struggling to keep his eyes off of you, a light blush spreading across his cheeks.
This made you feel good- great, even. To have Silvers Rayleigh blushing at the sight of you? Scoundrel or not, you’d take it. 
He grabbed you a towel and eagerly turned around to hand it to you. 
“You know you’re gonna have to remove at least one hand to grab it right?”
“Which would you like me to remove?”
He seemed slightly taken aback at your sudden reciprocation of energy. 
“Surprise me.”
He looked down at you with an intensity that you almost recognized- but this was different. You’d seen how he looked at enemies, at pirates and warlords he was planning on killing, but this? This was full of desire and lust.
Surprise me, his words echoed in your head. 
He was so irritatingly arrogant. So self assured. You figured a lesson might be useful. 
Before he could register what was happening you landed a heavy slap to his face, and wrapped the towel around yourself.
He held his cheek in shock, watching you walk out.
You got into his bed, not bothering to put on any clothes. 
Extremely aware of his hawk-like watch on you, you sat up in bed and peeled the towel off. You faced away from him, to ensure he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing anything. 
You slipped under the covers and turned off the lamp at your bedside. 
Within seconds you felt Rayleigh crawling into bed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing kisses to your neck.
“Pretty as you are, you give me a headache, you know that?”
“I know.”
Another kiss to your neck. 
He trailed a hand up and down your arm, lulling you to sleep. 
Yawning, you felt sleep start to settle into your body, feeling as though gravity was pulling you down further into the mattress. 
“This won’t happen again, Ray.”
“I know.”
Three weeks later, you woke up in your Vice Captain’s bedroom for the ninth time since that night. 
His hands were tangled on and around you and he was snoring loudly. 
You turned to face him, his arms stayed wrapped around you. 
“G’morning,” he yawned, “Sleep good?”
You kissed him, and then kissed him again, and again. 
“I did.”
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buggyandthebartoclub · 8 months
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Date Night Headcannons featuring Law, Penguin, Shachi, and Barto with NSFT included for the lovely Heart Pirate Homie Hoppers @guilty-sugar and @mandiemegatron <3 (plus Barto... you know... as a personal treat..)
NSFT Content warnings: No gendered language for reader of any kind used, Pengun's mention of/implied oral sex, Shachi's contains mentions of sex while mutually intoxicated (alcoholic ice cream), and implied unprotected sex/finishing inside, Barto's includes mentions of implied oral sex and biting A/N: This can be read as canon or modern au - some activities listed as possible date ideas are modern things but can easily be substituted for canon verse activities if you want Heed the warnings stated, this is an 18+ self ship blog, all posts subject to possible 18+ material - this post does contain NSFT content
He does have the date planned out but he wont tell you that whatsoever, and when he asks you out it almost sounds like a threat but you can tell by the way Law is only looking at you from the side of his eye while scowling with a deep blush dusted across his cheeks that he's genuinely interested in a date night together, further confirmed by the smirk that spread across his face when you accepted
Is cleaned up and dressed nicely in all his usual clothes but new shirt in a darker black than he already owned and some additonal jewelry (a chain and two rings), and his usual boots that he spent the night before polishing while arguing with the boys about whether or not he should wear a flashier shirt to your date
He will open doors for you and pay for the bill but don't expect him to pull out any chairs for you or go giving you his jacket because you're cold. He would just stare at you deadpan and tell your ass no. Should've planned for the weather better
Takes you somewhere like a little hole in the wall bookstore or antique shop where y'all could look around and maybe snag a few things (books if at the bookstore, and coins for him and whatever catches your eye at the antique shop if you go there), pays for your things but only if they're reasonably priced and WILL shame you if you pick out anything too expensive or what he deems stupid. As long as it's not overpriced he'll still buy it for you even if it is stupid though
Spends most of the date listening to you talk and asking pointed questions to keep furthering the conversation without adding much until you get onto a topic he actually has a pointed interest or knowledge in, though he does actually love listening to you talk about your interests (as long as you aren't getting repetitive or into asinine details... he can show some irritation on his face creep out in those moments. You only get to repeat yourself one or two times before he bluntly calls you out on it unless you've been together awhile then he just sighs deeply and does a little circle in the air with his finger to signal you to sort it out and hurry it up)
Absolutely will tune out and ignore you for a whole hour on your date, absorbed in his book while y'all just coexist peacefully if you went to the bookstore, or will enthusiastically tell you all about the coins he found if you went to the antique shop. In the case of the coins, he tries to act childish and calm at first but his passion and neediness will overpower that as he rambles endlessly to you about his coins, completely steamrolling over any questions or comments you have until he's done talking
Fully expects a goodnight kiss and is pleased as a peach when he gets one. Sinking into your lips and letting his hands slide onto your hips, he's got you melting into his chest in moments
Is an absolute tease in bed, loves edging you and running his hands all over your body, sliding his nails lightly down your side to watch you squirm at the sensation, licking and nipping at your skin and blowing on the damp spots his makes, relishing in the noises he draws out of you
He'll do foreplay for hours, until he gets bored or his hands start to cramp whichever comes first
Then he gets absolutely sex drunk, unable to do anything other than shut his eyes and let his head fall against you, fingers digging into your hips as he loses himself to the sensation of your body around his, taking almost no time at all to finish, he uses a condom but h'll still pull out and pull it off at the end just so he can come all over you
He will do some aftercare and its adequate, dogshit at any sweet-talking after, the deed is done its time to clean up and get ready for bed, though he complains about snuggling, he does automatically go to snuggle with you when y'all curl up under the covers together, but he quickly stops talking and closes his eyes and tells you to shut up and go to sleep if you ask him if he wants to stop snuggling
Will just leave in the morning unless you tell him before hand you want to do breakfast, though he will make you some coffee and make sure to leave a note if you don't do breakfast. Otherwise he will absolutely make you a small and reasonable breakfast he makes you come to the table for and will even eat with you before he leaves
Total sweetheart who has the whole date planned out in his head before he asks you out but completely changes to something different once you accept the date because he thinks everything he came up with was not good enough for you
Dresses to the nines, and he definitely makes sure to dress in an extra layer so he can offer you a jacket if you get cold (don't expect his hat though unless you've been together a long while, in which case, he usually has his old hat with the puffball on it stuffed in the jacket pocket for you just in case)
Complete and total gentleman, by far the most considerate of the Heart Pirates listed. That means doors are opened for you, chairs pulled out, he's not even going to let you think about paying. it has nothing to do with how he sees you and all because he wants you too see him as capable and dependable, someone who cherishes the relationship you have together and always will
He would definitely be brushing his hand against yours, distinctly looking anywhere BUT your hands, until you finally hold his hand and he'll look your way with the dopiest smile and bright flush to his cheeks, pulling you closer to him as your fingers tangle together
No matter how well he plans though he always forgets something, whether it's simply the music to the star lit picnic, or something big like tickets to the actual even y'all had planned to go to (thankfully usually just small things! The big ones are a rare occasion, and always beats himself up more than you could ever even think of hinting at towards him and he always makes it up to you even if you insist it was nothing to worry about!)
Cheek kisses are all he ever lets himself hope for in the beginning and absolutely falls over the first time you sneak a quick peck to the lips instead, and absolutely melts into your whole touch when you let him have more of you
His insecurities come to light when y'all are intimate, not that it dulls his enthusiasm or technique, but you can deftly tell he's always a little nervous, always a little worried in the back of his mind if you're really enjoying your time with him or if he's what you really want, because he surely doesn't deserve this here with you right now, but a few well placed kisses and sweet affirmations whispered in his ear and he's completely fine for the session, worried abandoned until next time
LOVES giving/pleasing you in any way, especially with his hands and/or mouth, he's fantastic at foreplay and oral. Enjoys receiving but is insecure about how he looks and sounds the whole time so he tends to avoid it and go straight into pleasuring you.
Does great aftercare and will snuggle you all night long, he doesn't care what part of his body goes numb from you sleeping on it, he just wants you there as close as possible.... until he eventually does have to adjust, but he will still be big spoon if you let him readjust so his arm wont go numb)
Absolutely brings you breakfast in bed from a cafe or bakery nearby and will have even gotten a few extra goodies he hides in the bag for you to have as a treat to yourself later after he has to leave for work
Has plans but they’re not meticulously thought out, there’s wiggle room for change of plans if y’all decide to switch it up and go w the flow for the evening or leaves room for y’all to head home and duck out for a night at home if you find yourself overstimulated or not up for being out
His plans? Pizza and laser tag followed by a trip to the alcoholic ice cream store before heading home together
He tries to look nice but casual, by that he means he put on clean cargo pants and shoes and metal band tee with NO puns on it (despite what he really wanted, he took half of penguins advice when he was told quotes and puns on a shirt for a date was a no go), a jacket w a fur trim on the hood (think loke’s jacket from fairytail) 2 band bracelets, and a couple of rings, and he even got law to paint his nails black (if only bc law didn’t want black nail polish all over the fucking floor if they did it themselves), plus his hat and sunglasses 😎 of course.
He will give you his jacket if you get cold, but reluctantly and expect him to complain about being cold, he would much rather you just snuggle up in the jacket with him than hand it over
Is respectful by all means but definitely is not as overt in his gentlemanly ways as Penguin is, despite Penguin's best efforts to instill in him this is a DATE and he should act like it, Shachi can't help but treat you like he always does, the bestest friend ever that he's totally in love with and comfortable with (and super horny for, he finds that important to add, to himself silently in his head of course lol)
Pays for everything but isn't offended if you pay, in fact it really flatters him and makes him give you the "AWHHHH Babes!! You didn't have to do that!"
Does absolutely take laser tag way too seriously and goes for blood in the laser tag room. Thankfully yall did a few rounds w a group so it didn’t start directed at you. But it does quickly turn into an almost all out bully session after a few rounds when the groups disperse and you do a few rounds just y'all
He wasn’t mean by any means but he definitely had sooooo much fun at your expense he’s in tears clutching his stomach by the end and you’re trying to keep up your pout, trying not to crack in laughter at the ridiculous sight of him rolling along the floor like an idiot
He DOES apologize after though and holds your hand as your get boozy ice cream and is really sweet letting you get anything you want and giving you puppy dog eyes to let him pretty please try a bite of yours he’ll share his (he just wants the attention and to share bites of y'alls spoons together the SAP)
Literally can not stop complimenting you and especially after the boozy icecream he is one sweet word after another… along with sweet warm touches as he giggles and begs you to come back to his room with him, whimpering and whining the whole way back about all the things you do to him how it isn’t fair how riled up you get him
Seriously he can not shut up, you have to start making out with him when you get back to the room just to get him to stop and even then he’s moaning groaning whimpering and whining, he’s absolutely sooooo noisy and it’s even worse when he’s tipsy or drunk
Will be biting you all over and licking and kissing each spot tenderly after to make up for it but you’re gonna have some marks on your neck and inner thighs, your lips even a little red and tender
Dont worry he will ENTHUSIASTICALLY try to make up for his roughness and you’ll love every minute of it
Drunk Shachi will beg and plead the WHOLE time cum inside you, acts like he’s in literal bliss while he’s fucking you, talking about how perfect you feel, how you make his brain mush and we’ll you take his cock while begging and pleading to cum inside just this once please there’s no WAY he can finish anywhere else and be satisfied
He will viciously snuggle you after and throw an absolute FIT if you try and disentangle from the whiny little furnace he is so be prepared to quickly clean up w a shirt that’s tossed aside and pulling up just the sheet bc that man is already attaching himself like an octopus and he is OUT
WILL give you rubs and sweet kisses and take you out for breakfast in the morning if you wake up sweaty sore and grumpy tho and give you his softest clothes to wear out since it was your shirt you fuckin grabbed to clean up w the night before
Has plans and they are meticulously thought out long before he has the courage to ask you out
His admiration of Luffy evident even his dating life as he makes plans inspired by Luffys interests and adventures, looking to recreate excitement his idol has enjoyed for his next favorite person, you! He totally plans to take you out on a treasure hunt for the best food, fight, or fun such as the new arcade he found last week right before he finally asked you out
However, he is totally willing to scrap any and all plans if you're not up for something so thrilling or adrenaline pumping, and won't even be disappointed about it, he just wants to impress you (almost as much as he wants to impress Luffy)
He even takes a bath and cleans his clothes/piercings, brushes his teeth etc before your date on his own accord (after a possible hint that being clean might bolster any physical intimacy chances), what a good boy! Even puts on some brand new nipple rings for your viewing pleasure!
Absolutely will give you his jacket if you get cold, hell he'll tell you to keep it! It looks so much better on you anyway! Although that does leave him shirtless shivering in the cold but he absolutely will not complain about it if that happens
Brings you weed flowers and you love them because there's lots of pokey green thorns and they remind you of his mohawk and he blushes and stutters when you tell him so and thank him with a kiss to the cheek
Absolutely gets excited and starts babbling at lots of points during your date, often bringing up Luffy, but also surprisingly manages to bring it back around to y'all and tie in his babbling so at least the conversation is somewhat participateable, not that you mind, his hilariously sweet devotion to Luffy is one of the many things that endeared you to him in the first place
Frequently gives you extravagant over the top compliments throughout your date, even going as far as to say "Next time we see Mistah Luffy I'm totally taking you with me, show you off like a prized treasure I found! Ha! He'll be so impressed by my impeccable taste in partners, he'll be 'Woah Barto! Where'd you find this gem at?' He'll totally dig your vibe! You're like the coolest person in the world, outside of the Straw Hat crew, of course!"
Is extremely protective of you, even though he knows you can take care of yourself he definitely goes a little guard dog, barking and growling- I mean, cussing out anyone he thinks is looking at you wrong and definitely punches someone if he hears any insults about his beloved treasure
After the date is over and he's nervously taken you back to your room wherever it may be, letting nerves turn him into a blushing and stuttering mess, trying to find a way to ask for kiss (I mean, he was SUCH a good boy the whole date! AND he bathed! He can definitely ask for a goodnight kiss right? You had a lot of fun you even kept smiling and blushing at him he's SURE that means its okay to ask for a kiss...), but you take the breath out of his lungs when you stand on your tiptoes to give him a kiss and fry his brain completely
Don't worry though he recovers after a minute and he's all over you in the best of ways, he's all tongue and teeth and searing heat, kissing you with as much passion as he shows for beloved Straw Hats, and really showing you what that long tongue can do
He's completely lost in you, your hands in his hair and his teeth on your neck when you tell him what a good boy he is and there's no stopping him now and after the filthiest groan you've ever heard and a buck of his hips he'll tell you directly, you're not leaving that room anytime soon, and certainly not walking on your own two legs if he has anything to say about it
Comes all over you and will absolutely lick it all up after and then just grabs something to clean you up with off the floor and tosses it to you before grabbing something to clean himself off too before yanking the blankets up and pulling you onto his chest and passes out like a drop of a hat. He adores you but you have to explain to him in the morning if you want your aftercare to look any different (though he will enthusiastically do any changes you ask for)
Enthusiastically makes you the worst breakfast in bed ever, the man can absolutely not cook but he does take you out after to make up for his shit cooking skills (and the disaster int he kitchen don't look at it its fine)
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
Supersons headcanons:
Since Damian's a vegetarian and is much more used to eating healthier stuff, he is much more vulnerable to getting stomach aches after eating junk food and too many sweets
Jon's favorite color is yellow
Damian sometimes wears non lens glasses for the aesthetic when going out in civilian form
Jon once won a roller skating competition and earned a golden medal as a reward. He keeps it hanged up on his wall in his bedroom near his desk
Damian was one time interviewed by Buzzfeed in one of their "The puppy interview" type of videos (the series where celebrities get to play with a bunch of puppies while answering questions the whole time). He was in such a happy and smiley mood during the entire video due to being surrounded by all of the small little pups around him and getting to play with them. He even named each puppy in his head while answering all of the interviewers questions and also tried to adopt them all at the end once the video was finally over (Bruce said no though because It's too many puppies to actually handle and take care of at the same time). This video is known as one of his most popular ones because it shows an unusual joyous side of him to fans and viewers
Jon is the type that's quick to download any kind of app games that look fun to him and now he just has so many of them on his phone because of it, that it's beginning to run out of storage space at this point
Damian will always "borrow" Jon's clothes but never returns them back to him
Jon loves pop tarts. His two favorite flavors are cherry and blueberry. He got Damian to obsess over them too after letting him try one of them during a sleepover at his house. Damian's favorite poptarts are brown sugar cinnamon and the s'mores one
Damian hates Oreos and any Cookies n' creme flavored food while Jon is the one that actually loves them
Damian has beef with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after losing a skate boarding race to them one time with Jon (a refrence to another headcanon of mines that's in a separate post)
Jon and Damian both cosplayed as Ashley and Leon from the Resident evil 4 remake one time for fun while going to a video game convention (Jon was dressed as Ashley while Damian was dressed as Leon)
Jon adores Damian's young little Nephew and Niece Mar'i and Jake and loves it whenever Dick is visiting with Kory and them at the Manor, because that's when he gets to see them both again all the time
Jon had one time gotten some chocolate milk spilled all over his shirt because of some new bullies who had done it to him during lunch time. Jon was very upset about it because it was his most favorite shirt that was just ruined, especially because of the worst fact that it was also currently picture day at his school, so he was gonna have to be forced to take his photo looking like this. Fortunately for him though, Damian had soon found him sitting down outside before photo time, as the young half Kryptonian was just in a distressed mood. After explaining everything to his best friend about what had happened to him earlier, Damian immediately got an idea and used his artistic skills to fix the problem by grabbing one of his black pens out of his backpack and drawing on top of the stains on Jon's shirt with it to make it look like it had actually belonged there. Once he was finally done, Jon's shirt looked surprisingly even better than before, with all of the line art that Damian had drew on it looking like an artistic peice of a pirate ship on the sea, making the chocolate stains look like the splashes of the seas water on the shirt. Jon happily thanked his best friend and gave him a tight hug in response, quickly running to go get his school photo taken soon after letting go of him. And while Jon was now busy doing that, Damian meanwhile went to go find the bullies that were messing with Jon to give them a little payback for what they had done to his best friend earlier and everything else that Jon had told him about. After that day, the bullies never bothered Jon again, which was kind of a surprise to him, especially with how unusually fearful they would always seem to be whenever interacting with him now. He has no idea why they currently act this way with him, but he doesn't mind it so much and is happier about it being this way instead anyways, since they leave him alone now (Another thing that had also surprised him was the fact that all three of the bullies had matching black eyes in their picture day photo in the school's yearbook as well. And after getting the chance to show them to Damian while in confusion about it, his best friend just shrugs his shoulders and says he wonders what it could've possibly been that had happened to them in response, while also seeming very "clueless" about it as well)
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honeyhoneypp · 7 days
Hii I Iove ur op hcs!! Could you maybe do a hc on the monster trio reacting to their partner being pregnant out of notice?
A Good Mother
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One Piece men with a pregnant girlfriend
What is wrong with your body? You wonder why you have been feeling sick lately, or why you haven't had your period even though it's been 3 months, or why your body has been feeling heavier and your stomach look rounder. You have also been craving food, but at the same time, food makes you feel sick. Could it be possible that..?
Female pronouns! Fluff + some angst on Zoro’s part
At first he didn’t really noticed your mood swings or food cravings, he just thought you wanted to be stronger like him! So he didn’t get worried, but he did notice how you started to get sick, which really worried him.
But what got him worried sick was when you suddenly fainted in the middle of a battle, he thought the enemy had hurt you, but Chopper quickly grabbed you and brought you back to the ship.
Luffy was fighting the captain of a random pirate crew that got in his way, you were fighting one of the pirates but suddenly you started to feel dizzy, your vision became blurry and your legs started to get weak, and suddenly everything went completely black.
Luffy watched as you fell to the ground, thinking that the pirate had hurt you, he quickly stretched out his arm to hit the pirate in the face and easily knocked him out.
Luffy— “____!” — The captain tries to stab Luffy but he was quick to dodge __
Chopper— He quickly picks you up — “I got her, Luffy! Don’t worry”
When you finally wake up you were on bed, Chopper was sitting next to you.
Chopper— “Oh! You’re awake!”
— “Chopper..? W-What happened?”
Chopper— “You fainted in the middle of a battle, ____”
— “I did?”
Chopper— Nod — “Do you have any idea why this can be? Have you been drinking water, sleeping, have you been anxious?”
— “I’ve been hydrating myself and sleeping well, and I’m not anxious…”
Chopper— “I should probably run some blood tests to see if you have low sugar levels..”
— “I… I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”
Chopper— “Hm? Why is that, ____?”
— “I’ve been feeling weird lately”
Chopper— “Tell me more”
—“I’ve been having some weird food cravings, sometimes I just want to eat everything, but other times I can’t even look at food or I feel like I’m going to throw up. And I haven’t had my period for about 3 months now, I think… and also… I’ve been feeling my body a little bit heavier, and I’ve noticed that my stomach has gotten rounder too.”
You stand up and pull your shirt up to show Chopper that indeed your stomach looks rounder than before.
Chopper— “____… when was the last time you had sexual relations?”
— You sit back on the bed — “I think it was exactly 3 months ago… Chopper, you don’t think I’m pregnant right..?”
Chopper— “Well, those are signs of a pregnancy, but if you used protection then it’s probably something else. You used protection right?”
— “No.”
Chopper— He sighs — “You had sexual relations with Luffy, right?”
— “Yeah…”
Chopper— “____, I think you’re pregnant, but I’ll have you do a pregnancy test to be sure”
Chopper quickly went to look for something in his cabinets, then he came back with 3 pregnancy tests and 2 cups, one with water and the other one empty.
Chopper— “Here, drink this” — He hands you the cup of water and you drink it, then he hands you the empty cup and the 3 pregnancy tests — “I need you to urinate in this cup and then put the tip of the pregnancy tests inside the cup and leave it for around 10 seconds. Then bring the tests to me, got it?”
— “Okay…”
You quickly run to the restroom with all the things, you urinate in the cup and put the pregnancy tests inside of it, one at a time and then you wait for the results to appear.
After some minutes you start seeing how 2 lines start to appear on the pregnancy result.
— “Does this mean… that I’m pregnant?”
You throw the cup away and quickly go into Chopper’s office, you hand him the 3 pregnancy tests and he readers each one of them.
Chopper— “____, you are indeed pregnant. And since you had sexual relations 3 months ago, I’ll guess you’re already 3 months pregnant.”
— “I-“
Luffy open the door aggressively, he just came from defeating the whole pirate crew and quickly came to see how you were.
Luffy— “____! Are you okay?!” — He grabs your shoulders —
— “Y-Yes, Luffy. I’m okay”
Chopper— He taps your leg — “Do you want to tell him or should I tell him?”
— “Please tell him…” — You sit back on the bed —
Luffy— “Huh? Tell me what?”
Chopper— “Luffy, these are really important news, don’t freak out”
Luffy— “What do you mean? Just spit it out already”
Chopper— “____ is pregnant.”
Luffy— “Pregnant? You mean she has a baby in her tummy?”
Chopper— “Yes”
Silence filled the room, Luffy just stared at chopper and then at you. You were anxious, you didn’t know how he would take these news.
Luffy— He scratches his neck — “Okay.”
Chopper— “What do you mean ‘okay?!’ Luffy, this is something serious! Having a baby is a big responsibility!”
Luffy— “She’s just carrying a baby in her tummy, what’s the big deal?”
Chopper— “Luffy, are you not listening to yourself?! She’s carrying a baby! That means she won't be able to fight anymore, she'll be vulnerable to any kind of attack for at least 6 months! And after those 6 months you'll have to take care of a human baby that doesn't know how to defend itself!”
Luffy— “Shishishi, it’s okay, I’ll protect both of them! But if I can’t I trust you guys in protecting them! I think it’s a fun idea of having a little guy or girl running around the ship!”
Chopper— He sighs — “Luffy-”
— You put your hand on Chopper’s head — “Chopper, it’s alright. Trust him when he says he or his crew will protect us” — You smile at him —
Chopper— “Well I guess you’re right… Then I’ll protect you, ____!”
— You giggle — “I’m sure you will!”
Later that night
You were laying down in bed, Luffy had his head on your abdomen.
Luffy— “I can’t believe you have a baby here, that’s so funny. How did that even happened? Did you swallowed the little guy or girl?”
— “What? No! Luffy, do you seriously don’t know how I got pregnant?”
Luffy— he shakes his head —
— Sigh — “Remember that night? That night where I made you feel good and you also made me feel so good?”
Luffy— He thinks for a moment — “Oh yeah! That! Shishishi, that was a fun game, we should do it again”
— You laugh — “You’re right. But that’s the reason I got pregnant”
Luffy— “Oh, okay.”
— “You don’t understand, right?”
Luffy— He laughs — “Nope!”
— You smile at him — “You’ll understand someday, let’s go to sleep.”
Luffy falls asleep with his head on your abdomen, he didn't understand what was happening to your body or how big of a responsibility was taking care of a baby, butt he knew he had to be more protective of you. After all, you're carrying his and your baby! And he's excited to see the baby.
He didn't really notice how your eating habits had changed, but he did notice your mood swings, he didn't want to think too much about it. I mean, they're normal, right? Maybe you're on that thing girls call "period."
But then he started to get worried when it had been over a week and you were still having the same mood swings, you're the person he tolerates the most, after Luffy of course. But he started to get annoyed by how you started crying over the smallest things, making you have a small argument.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, he was frustrated, he made you cry by raising his voice at you for questioning him about spending time together... why did he raise his voice at you? He was mentally insulting himself.
Then suddenly Sanji opened the door aggressively.
Sanji— “Hey, marimo” — He said with an aggressive tone —
Zoro— “Hm? What do you want?”
Sanji— “____, she fainted, she’s at Chopper’s office right now”
Zoro— “…What? She fainted?! Why?!”
Sanji— “I have no idea, I found her on the kitchen”
Zoro— He quickly stands up to go to the door — “Damn it!”
Sanji— He grabs his shoulder making him stop — “I heard how you raised your voice at her this morning, don’t you ever dare to hurt her feelings again or I’ll kick your ass”
Zoro doesn't say anything, he just slaps Sanji’s hand off his shoulder, but Sanji was right, he shouldn't have raised his voice at you. He quickly went to Chopper's office to check on you.
Zoro— “Chopper!”
Chopper— He flinches — “Zoro! You scared me!”
— “Zoro..?”
Zoro— “____! Oh, good you’re alright.” — He hugs you —
Chopper— “Yes, she just fainted because of being stressed, it’s nothing serious don’t worry”
Zoro— “…____, I’m really sorry for raising my voice at you this morning, I shouldn’t have done that… It was so stupid of me”
— “It’s okay, Zoro. I just been sensitive these past few days because I- I’m pregnant…”
Zoro— He freezes on place, did he heard you right? — “What did you said?”
— “I’m pregnant.”
Zoro— “You’re pregnant… Chopper, is that true? Is a baby actually growing inside of her?”
Chopper— “Yes, it’s true, those are the consequences of having unprotected sex”
Zoro— “So… how long do we have to wait for the baby to come out?”
Chopper— “Well since the last time you both had sexual relations was 3 months ago… I’ll say you have 6 months left.”
Zoro— “Well, what am I supposed to do now? Is she going to be okay?”
Chopper— “She’ll be okay, she just won’t be able to do a lot of psychical activity, like fighting.”
Zoro— “She won’t?!”
Chopper— “Yes, she’s carrying a baby so she won’t be able to do a lot of stuffs”
Zoro— “But what if I’m not able to protect her…”
— “Zoro…”
Chopper— “Don’t worry, Zoro. That’s why you have your crewmates! We’ll also protect ____!”
Zoro— “You’re right, thank you Chopper…”
Chopper— he nods — “If you guys ever need parenting advices please let me know! I’ll be studying more about human babies to help you guys.”
— “Thank you, Chopper, you’re the best doctor”
Chopper— He gets bashful — “Oh, you big dummy! Complimenting me like that doesn’t make me a bit happy, why would that make me happy?” — He says while doing a cute little dance —
— You giggle — “Whatever you say, Chopper.”
It was already afternoon, you were with Zoro in the crow's nest, he was resting with his head on your lap after a hard day of training.
— “Zoro, you should get some rest, you can’t be training hard everyday without rest.”
Zoro— “I can’t… I need to get stronger, and since you’re pregnant I’ll have to train way more”
— “It’s okay, Zoro. You heard what Chopper said, they’ll also protect me! Don’t you trust them?”
Zoro— “I do trust them, ____. But I want to be the one that protects you, what if everyone gets defeated? What will happen to you and our baby?
— “Zoro…”
Zoro— “And don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that we're going to have a baby... but I'm just worried, you know that my dream is to become the greatest swordsman and I train hard every day to achieve it, but that doesn't give me much time to spend with you.”
— You listen to him carefully —
Zoro— “I want to be there for you, I want to be a good father and boyfriend, but I also have my own dreams and you know that and I don’t want us to argue for that, like we did in the morning, it’s not good for you or the baby.”
— “I understand, Zoro. I’m sorry I acted that way this morning… being pregnant is hard, it can make you more sensitive or have mood swings, or that’s what Chopper told me… So I’ll need you to be patient with me too”
Zoro— He smiles at you and sits next to you — “I understand, ____. I’ll try my best to be a good boyfriend for you and our baby”
— “I know you’ll be a good father, Zoro”
Zoro puts his hand on your abdomen and feels the small bump.
Zoro— “I can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or a girl… Either way, I’ll teach them to be the next greatest swordsman.”
He's a little stressed about the idea of ​​having a baby, as he doesn't want to make you feel alone due to his constant training, but he'll make sure to figure something out, and now you understand that too.
He was quick to notice your mood swings and cravings, noticing how sometimes you just wanted to eat the weirdest combinations or the entire refrigerator or how sometimes you couldn't stand the smell or sight of food.
Of course, he was very worried. Did you want to try new foods that he didn't know about? Did you get bored of his food? He couldn't go on with this, so he decided to ask you because he needed answers immediately.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing your favorite meal. He noticed that you didn't eat the meal he made this morning. He thought that you probably just didn't like what he made, but he was also thinking about other things.
Did you start to get bored with his cooking? Did you hate the food he was preparing? Or why haven't you been eating the food he's been preparing for you these past few days?
After finishing preparing the meal, he quickly walked out of the kitchen and went to the girl’s room. When he arrived, he knocked on the door, and you lazily said, "Come in."
Sanji— He opens the door and comes inside the room — “My love! I prepared your favorite dish!”
— “Oh, Sanji! Aw, you didn't have to, sweetie”
Sanji— “My love, I noticed that you didn't eat this morning, so you're probably hungry right now”
— “I'm not! I swear I'm okay!”
Sanji— "Are you getting bored of my food? Don't you like it anymore? You haven't been eating any of the food I've been preparing these past few days."
— “Oh, sweetie, it's none of that I swear! F-” — You quickly cover your mouth, you feel like you are going to throw up again —
Sanji— “My love?”
You quickly ran out of the room, you weren't going to be able to go all the way to the restroom to throw up so you had to lean onto the ship rail and throw up everything you had on your stomach.
Sanji follows you and he starts patting your back, letting you know that he's here if you need anything.
Sanji— "____?! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Some water? Should I call Chopper?!"
— “Sanji, I can't stand the smell of food, I have barely been eating because of that... I think I'm sick, please take me to Chopper”
He nods, then he picks you up and takes you to Chopper’s office when he arrives he opens the door with his foot.
Chopper— He turns his head to the door — “Sanji?! ____!? What happened to her?”
Sanji— “She’s been feeling sick lately, she can't stand the smell of food or she feels like she throws up, please, Chopper, do something!”
Chopper— “Okay, please put her on bed.”
Sanji doesn't say anything else and he generally out you on the bed. He's really worried, what if it's something serious? What if it's some kind of sickness that not even Chopper can cure?
Chopper— “Okay, ____, please tell me your symptoms”
— “These past few days I've been feeling like I want to throw up just smelling the food, I have also been noticing that my stomach has been getting rounder, and I've also been feeling more sensitive.”
Chopper— He thinks for a moment — “When was the last time you got your period?”
— “I haven't gotten my period for 3 months now”
Chopper— He gasps — “Could it be that… ____, when was the last time you had sexual relations?!”
— “3 months ago… wait…”
Chopper— “But you used protection right?!”
Sanji— “Um…”
— “…No”
Chopper— “____… I think you're pregnant”
Sanji— “SHE’S WHAT?!”
— “What?! A-Are you sure!?”
Chopper— “I'm sure, but to be more sure I'll need you to take some pregnancy tests”
Chopper quickly ran to the cabinet and gave you a pregnancy test and a cup.
Chopper— “You’ll need to urinate in this cup, and then put the tip of the pregnancy test inside the cup, if it has 2 lines then that means you're pregnant… but if it has one line then it means you aren't pregnant. Any questions?”
You nod at everything Chopper says, how is Sanji taking this? Does he even want to be a father?
Sanji— He coughs — “So, Chopper, I have a question.”
Chopper— “Go ahead”
Sanji— “If she's pregnant…” — His eyes turn into hearts — “Does this mean her breasts will get bigger?!”
Chopper— “Yes indeed, they'll also get more sensitive and could probably leak breast milk, it's something normal but it could be embarrassing for ____.”
Sanji— “Bigger… sensitive… and they leak milk?!” — His nose starts bleeding —
— “Sanji!” — Your face turns red —
Chopper— “Sanji!?”
Later that night, after Chopper performed a blood transfusion on Sanji, and you took the pregnancy test that indeed came out positive, Sanji is still resting in bed. However, you are feeling impatient and decide to show him the pregnancy test now.
You open Chopper’s office and see Sanji resting on the bed, but he isn't asleep, he is just staring at the ceiling.
— “Sanji?”
Sanji— “____-love! Was the pregnancy test positive?!”
— You hand him the pregnancy test — “It is…”
Sanji— His eyes shine — “My love! We're having a baby! I can't believe this I real!”
He stands up picks you up and gently puts you on the bed.
— “Sanji, are you actually happy? I mean, do you really want to have a baby?”
Sanji— “Of course I am happy! I always wanted to start a family with you! Oh, this is the best day of my life!” — He starts filling your face with his kisses —
— You giggle — “Stop that! It tickles!”
Sanji— He laughs — “I'm sorry I'm just really happy!”
— “I'm happy too, but I won't be able to fight while I'm pregnant…”
Sanji— “You don't have to worry about that, ____. You know I'll always protect you!”
— You smile at him — “I'm sure you will”
Sanji— “I love you so much, sweetheart”
— “I love you too”
This man is happy about the idea of having a baby. He knows you will be a wonderful mother, and he is excited to see the changes your breasts will have. However, that's not all he cares about, he cares about your well-being and commodity, and will always be there for you if you ever need something. Trust me, he‘ll be the good father he never had. (biologically)
The three of them have their own opinions about having a baby, but even with different opinions, the three of them will be great fathers! And they trust their crewmates to take care of you anytime they can't! <3
Please let me know if I made spelling mistakes, some things don’t make sense or got their personality wrong!
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viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
Hiiiiii viiiiiiiiin!!!!!!!! Hope your doing just lovely💗💗💗💗❤❤❤❤❤❤. Last fic you wrote for me was so good thank you again your the best.!!!!😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭😭💋💋💋💋 I was again wondering if I could please request the same type of reader(fem pls) from last time x red hair pirates again but in a different scenario it could anything from fluff/cute or angst just anything.
Thank you so much 💋💋💋😭😭🥺🥺. Have a super duder amazing day!!!!!❤💗❤❤💗❤💗
~🍮 anon~
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Red Haired Pirates x Fem ! Sweet / Naive Reader
Includes: Red Haired Pirates and Female Reader
A / N: Hey Puddin !! I'm glad you're requesting from me again !! I'm always happy to write for the red haired sillies LOL. I hope you have an amazing day as well <33 Also , you can call me Vin or Vix ! Sorry that this is a lot shorter than normal !! I hope you still enjoy <3
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It was another casual day on the Red Force. Everyone was either chilling or playing games. You were in the kitchen , swaying your hips to a song you were whistling. You had found another recipe that you wanted to try out. It happened to be a chocolate mousse cake with a smooth exterior.
You hummed some sea shanties as you sprinkled unflavored gelatin powder over a small dish filled with water. While waiting for the gelatin to become gelatinous and clear , you heated a pot of heavy cream just until it started steaming. When the gelatin 'bloomed' , you whisked it into the heavy cream.
While you were whisking , the door to the kitchen was pushed ajar. You didn't bother to look over since you knew they weren't gonna bother you. You checked the mixer to see if the cream came out as stiff peaks , which it did. You smiled while you whipped egg whites along with cream of tartar and sugar to create a fluffy meringue.
From behind you , you heard a gruff voice speak to you. "Are you making some kind of fluffy cake ?" It was the captain of the ship himself , Red Haired Shanks. The two mixes you made were individually folded into the bowl of chocolate you set aside a bit ago. To fold , you used a rubber spatula to gently run it around the mousse and through.
"I'm making a Chocolate Mousse cake !" You responded cheerily. You continued folding the batter around until it was the perfect consistency. You poured it into the cake platter and pushed it into the already preheated oven. You turned to your captain and brought the rubber spatula to his lips. "Here , try it ! It's a new recipe that I wanted to try out." As your words slipped past your lips , his tongue trailed along the utensil.
"Sweetheart , this is delicious !" He laughed heartily and took the spatula from your hand to finish it. "Thank you , Shanks !" His laugh was contagious. Because of that fact , it caused you to laugh along with him.
"Lucky wanted to know if ya needed any help in here , but it don't seem like you need any lil missy." He patted your head , ruffling your (color) locks. Your smile widened as you pulled him into a hug.
"Oh ! When you're done , Beck says he has a surprise for ya." Shanks spoke smoothly , placing his arm around your smaller waist. "Ooh ! I have the timer going , so can I come now ?!" You asked , stars lighting up in your doe like eyes.
"Of course !" He pulled away from your embrace and gently pushed you towards the door. "Hey , Beck ! Lil Missy wants to see her surprise !" Shanks shouted from across the deck to his first mate.
"I'm right here , Shanks. There's no need to shout for me." Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The gray haired man stepped out of the shadows and stood next to you and the captain. Shanks' brown eyes met with Benn's black ones. The one armed man chuckled and stumbled away from you as Benn walked towards you. He handed you a small , black bag.
"Here. We feel bad that we ruined one of your other bathing suits , so we pitched in and got you some new ones. Along with that perfume that you said you liked. Yasopp also got you a necklace with your name engraved on it." As he said that , he showed you the red heart pendant that said 'Sweetheart of the Red Haired Pirates' on the back.
As you read it , you huffed. "Sweetheart of the Red Haired Pirates ??" Cue some laughs erupting from the crew who now surrounded the two of you. Despite your initial embarrassment from the necklace , you looked back at them with tears filling your eyes.
The crew started panicking. You heard variations of 'we didn't mean to hurt you' and stuff like that. You laughed and held the bag close to your chest. "Thank you , everyone. I appreciate it." Your smile could replace the sun , according to them. It was so bright and so sweet that it made them question how you were even a wanted criminal in the first place.
Benn patted your back gently and gave you a soft smile. "Glad you like it , doll." Your face burned a bit , but you just smiled kindly at him. "Why don't we have a party for our little missy ?!" You heard your captain yell. You turned your (color) eyes towards his direction and noticed him slamming down bottles of alcohol. The crew cheered and basically all yelled 'hell yeah !'
Though the party raged on , you had to retreat to the kitchen to check on your dish. You combined the layers together and waited for it to cool on the stove. You sat on the counter and huffed. As much as you loved the boys , they could be a bit too rowdy for you sometimes.
Being in the kitchen by yourself gave you the quiet time you needed to rejuvenate. Your eyes turned to the door as you heard it crack open. Your eyes met with playful brown ones. "Oh , hey Yasopp !"
"What up , missy ?" He replied , closing the door behind him. "Whatcha doin' in here ? The party is out there." He walked over to your side and stared down at you , his smirk never leaving his face.
"Oh ! I was finishing up this chocolate mousse cake ! And I needed a bit of quiet time. Hope I didn't upset you guys too much !" As if to make up for it , you kissed his chin. He laughed and slung an arm around your shoulder. "You didn't upset us ! We were worried aboutcha." He shrugged and put his large hand on your smaller head.
"I'm sorry , I didn't mean to worry you guys . ." A hint of sadness coated your voice. This made Yasopp feel horrible. He panicked and smiled nervously. "No , fuck. That's not what I meant. Forget what I said. Did ya make the cake for us ?" He asked in an attempt to change the topic. It worked. It seemed like you had completely forgotten what he said previously.
"Yeah ! I hope I made it big enough. Wanna try a piece ?" You asked as you began cutting slices into it. You pulled a piece off and placed it onto a clean plate. "Only if ya feed it to me !" He laughed and placed his rifle on the table.
You nodded and got a fork from the drawer next to the cabinet. You took a piece off of the cake and placed it towards his lips. "Say ah ~" He opened his mouth and you gently placed the slice on his tongue. He wrapped his lips around the fork and made a noise of satisfaction.
"You're gonna feed him and not me ?? Wow , Sweetheart. I'm - HIC - I'm offended !" You heard from the doorway. Your head snapped over to find the source of the voice , Shanks. He had clearly drunken too much. You swore that he would find any chance he could to drink.
"Oh , come on ya oaf. I'll feed you too." You handed the plate to the blonde , who gratefully accepted the offer. He picked his weapon up from the table and walked outside with a smile on his face.
You cut a piece off for Shanks and fork fed him as well. "And what about us ??" You sighed and shook your head playfully as you noticed the line behind the red haired captain.
After cutting off slices and feeding everyone , you were exhausted. You sat against the door of the kitchen and watched everyone play around and sing loudly.
You shifted as you felt someone sit beside you. "Hey , Roux. Did ya enjoy the cake ?" You asked happily. "Is that even a question ? Definitely. You're the baker of the Red Haired Pirates , missy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He took a bite from the meat he had in his left hand and laughed.
"Of course ! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a new recipe." You informed , taking a sip from the alcohol you had gotten earlier. "Really ? It was VERY good." He complimented while putting hid large hand on the small of your back.
"Aww !! Thanks !!" Your cheeks lit up a red shade from his compliment. You kissed his cheek and giggled softly. "Heyyy ! I want one too !!" You heard from a drunken crewmate. Another line . . Sigh.
After hugging and kissing everyone's chin or cheek , you were more tired. Without knowing , you ended up passing out on the deck.
You woke up in the women's quarters , accompanied by Beck and Shanks. You jumped out of bed and stared at them. "What are you two doing here ?"
Benn rolled to his side and yawned. "Mornin' sleepy head. You asked us to stay." You tilted your head at his words. "Yeah , you begged us to stay here with ya , Missy." Came the voice of Shanks from your right. You scratched your cheek from embarrassment.
"Fuck , sorry you two." You kissed both of their foreheads before you were dragged back down by Shanks.
"Now hush up and go back to sleep , Reader." Before you could complain , you heard light snoring from behind you. It was Shanks , of course. He was already out. You couldn't leave either , since both of them had their arms trapping you against the bed.
Eventually , you just let it happen. The smell of smoke , cologne , and alcohol have you a slight headache , but it lulled you back into sleep.
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Codywan POTC AU ideas
Ok so people seemed to like the idea (and my lack of experience in actually making posts that reach people showed when I tried to make this post through reblogging and it didn't appear anywhere :') ) so here's what I currently have with some rough drawings!
Here's the original post I made about it
Ideas and drawings for AU below, please feel free to use!! No idea if I'll actually write something for it, the creature in charge of driving my brain will decide I guess.
Ok so, Obi-Wan fills the role of Elizabeth and Cody is Will in terms of who’s the governor’s child (or grandchild/ward here) and who is found floating at sea with a mysterious medallion and becomes a blacksmith. Going to deviate from the story a lot but needed Cody to have that blood importance link - you will see why later.
Dooku is governor who takes in his grandson Obi Wan as his ward after Qui-Gon’s death, then brings him with him to port royal (feel like Dooku is a good fit for all the colonisation/sugar plantations/definitely not the good guy the films presented him as considering Caribbean in the 1770s.) Obi-wan and Cody grow up keeping in contact and obliviously infatuated with each other as per films.
Not sure if there’s a Norrington equivalent here. Satine would probably be the easiest fit in terms of romantic triangle but couldn’t be an exact match as she’d never be a soldier even if we ignored period accuracy (no idea if I will or not) and a lot of his actions would be an insult to her as a character. Think it would probably be that Satine and Obi-Wan are dear friends who aren’t interested in each other romantically but are being pressured to marry because advantageous match etc. (Possibility of both getting into Methodism and abolitionism through that and that being their points of discussion, and the clash occurs when from start of events of second film Obi-Wan goes and begins to take a much more active route to abolition eg. Killing slavers and boarding their ships to liberate those inside. Satine being against the killing and violence etc but thats later on!)
For Captain Jack Sparrow, who better than the greatest space pirate of them all, Hondo Ohnaka! (Was considering having Quinlan Vos for it but feel like his moral compass is too strong honestly)
As in the films, black pearl (possibly renamed) attacks the port and Obi-Wan is taken aboard with medallion when he invokes parley and, when he gives his surname as Fett, is taken away as they leave. Barbossa I’m currently thinking is Maul (which ties in beautifully and absolutely not completely accidentally with the clone wars episode where Hondo’s crew mutiny him to join Maul) who is going to manage to get singularly obsessed with Obi-Wan by the end of the events of the first film where he is not actually dead/possibly reincarnated like Barbossa in the films but blames Obi-Wan for everything (which would honestly be more justified than the root of Mauls obsession in canon).
Cody breaks Hondo out to help him rescue Obi Wan, they assemble a crew on Tortuga. Various Jedi characters will be appearing as part of a large network of escaped slaves and outlaws (for various reasons) who want to help people in similarly difficult and/or dangerous situations. The Jedi have had dealings with Hondo before and essentially have a similar reaction to him as ghost crew in rebels - don’t trust him as far as they can throw him but often forced to work with him against their better judgement.
Plot progresses as first film but more oh the real villains are the colonisers (though Maul and his crew are giving them a run for their money). Find out that not only is Fett blood needed to break the curse since Jango was involved with initial treasure taking, but there’s a mysterious extra reason why people are wanting to get their hands on a son of Fett. Murmurs of gaining favours with others saying it’s bad luck to have one on the same ship as them. Jedi and Hondo who have known Fett are also reluctant to give their opinion when Cody asks what Jango was like.
Movie accurate romantic and sexual tension between obi-wan and cody, gonna say period accurate homophobia also playing its part in stopping them acting on it.
After being rescued from being marooned Obi-Wan promises Dooku he will marry Satine if they rescue Cody, then sneaks out of ship to help take the Pearl and then on to rescue Cody. If it is Jedi in the crew they may well go with him but otherwise same as film. Hondo persuades Maul that he should become a commodore and Mauls crew “take a walk”. Then events as film but Obi wan kills Maul.
When they’re back at port royal, Cody saves Hondo from execution and Obi Wan saves them both either through really banking on his power as Dooku’s ward/heir or sneaking them away with distraction (possibly even before execution date). I quite like the second option as there’s an opportunity for using smugglers tunnels and a first, desperate kiss as Cody escapes with Hondo to join the crew on the Pearl.
So ends first film as it were. Here’s some more rough drawings of Cody and Obi-Wan start of first film vs third film. I absolutely used a reference for that first drawing of Cody and I nabbed the obi wan base for the drawings from another piece I’m working on so sorry about style discrepancies!
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Second film! Satine and Obi-Wan’s wedding is taking place the next day and Cody, who has been writing letters back and forth with Obi-Wan , is waiting in the smugglers cave for him so they can run away together. But Obi-Wan never shows. Cody either hears at port or through Satine directly (who knew the plan to run away and was banking on the scandal meaning she could avoid marriage for a good while afterwards) that Obi-Wan has been taken into captivity by a Lord Palpatine/Sidious working for the interests of the East India Trading Company. The charges are for aiding and abetting pirates, his role in helping Hondo and Cody escape has been discovered apparently (maybe yes maybe no, Palpatine doesn’t give a fuck he just wants the compass). Cody somehow finds out about the compass being the wanted trade (Satine as a go between perhaps? Saying she’ll send hired men to get the thing that will save her fiancé?) and heads off in search of Hondo.
Hondo’s meanwhile been visited by an old friend to tell him it’s time to pay his debt, and the black spot appears in his hand. Surprise it’s not Jango! It’s Either Fox or Rex! Hondo scared shitless and runs ship aground on an island which is where Cody finds him and his crew at that time. (Do the Jedi help him get there??) Anyway think the island scenes will be more OFMD vibes than actual events of dead man’s chest.
Hondo tricks Cody into going onto shipwreck to search for key he’ll trade in return for compass. Flying Dutchman arrives and with it it’s captain, Darth Vader.
Another very rough drawing I added extremely rough shading to! Vader is combined Davy jones style with a vampire squid because 1) on brand 2) the membrane sections reminded me of the his mask. He’s wearing a bicorn hat which wouldn’t actually be the trend for another couple of decades but let’s just pretend Vader is incredibly fashion forward.
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Cody is alive and so not of interest to Vader, until Hondo, who Vader has sensed and has appeared in front of on the Pearl, tells Vader that he’s a Fett and so part of his payment of 100 souls. Vader scoffs that a Fett son is payment of another’s debt and can’t be used by Hondo, but Hondo replies that Jango Fett died on land and so has no need to settle his debt anymore. Vader finally accepts when Hondo tells him Cody is in love, giving him a fortnight to find the other 99 souls.
Cody hasn’t heard this on the other ship so first he hears of it is Vader basically telling him and welcoming him as another son of Fett. Cody is confused when Vader tells him he can join his brothers on deck, figures he means crew mates, but instead comes face to face with dozens of men who look near identical to him in various states of ‘fishification’.
More rough drawings! I spent too much time on these but they’re still rough so heck it. Only did Alpha 17, Rex and Fox for these ones.
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Alpha has been part of the crew for the longest time, as the first son that Jango Fett ‘paid his debt’ with. Torn between hair styles, but he’s turning into a great white shark. Alpha hasn’t known any life outside of the ship as he was barely walking when Jango took him to Vader. Jango essentially decided to settle his debt with Vader by making the souls to give himself because he’s a full out bastard. Mostly this meant one night stands and then showing up a few years down the line and promising to the mother he’d take care of the child.
Fox actually managed to live his life without Jango taking him as a child but it was still a hard life and he’s actually encountered Lord Palpatine/Sidious before. He doesn’t talk of that time but he has the brand on his neck from it (the pirate P). Either Palpatine killed him or eventually he either ran into Jango or those who knew of sons of Fett and believed that sending one to Vader would grant you favour from him/gain you a wish or something. It doesn’t, Vader just subtracts one from Fett’s debt. (Possibility of Palpatine killing Fox hoping to gain communication/favour with Vader?)
Rex is the most recent addition to the brothers in the crew aside from Cody. He’s only a couple of years younger and only a bit of fishification has started. He’s the most hopeful still of the brothers. He’s the one Cody trusts most and has as a confidant for his plan to steal the key.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan has escaped and disguised himself as a pirate. Manages to find Hondo and various Jedi. They may their way to island with the chest on it and Cody, who has managed to escape the Dutchman (name change pending) appears and fights Hondo.
Feel it would be kind of funny if Maul were to appear at this point and go all KENOBI, just to add to the chaos.
Vader is Anakin and fulfils the role of Davy Jones with Calypso being Padme (fun bit when they go to see her in her human form and they’re met by the handmaidens). Not a perfect fit as padme isn’t flighty and wild like the sea but hey ho. So Vader locked away his heart and trapped Padme in human form.
I honestly have no idea if the twins are running around somewhere or not and what they’re doing. Ashoka is definitely around somewhere as is Ezra and other rebels.
Had an idea of reincarnation or believed to be of Obi-Wan as someone Vader viewed as his in some way. Can either actually be reincarnation of just that they look similar/obi-wan is a descendant but Vader ends up obsessed with him which helps add validity when they pretend he’s Calypso/Padme.
Satine has been facing off with Palpatine and his cronies from a legal stand point but Palpatine isn’t playing fair or legal (particularly when he gets Vader’s heart (possibly delivered by Maul?)). Bo Katan would be sick to turn up and fight anyone and everyone.
Not sure if Jango is actually dead or not, but he had Boba and since he stuck around and loved his mother he thinks of him as his true child and has amazing cognitive dissonance to not be horrified and trying to rescue the others. But think he’s probably dead and boba’s running around somewhere not even aware how much danger he’s in (but possibly told by Jango not to tell people his real surname).
Oh also! Note on initial drawing - so I imagine that occurring with Mace Windu filling the role of Barbossa in the wedding scene!
Anyway hope there’s something in here that intrigues people!
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fairy-writes · 7 months
I would like a medium mocha with sugar and Edward Elric please!!!!!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Prompt: Paranormal pirate AU scenario with Edward Elric
Word Count: 0.9k (so close to 1k rip)
Fandom(s): Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing(s): Edward Elric x Reader
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Pirate!Edward, 
Notes: You guys love giving me difficult requests lmao
This is also a female reader as opposed to my typical gender neutral :)
Trigger warning for death and drowning in this fic!
You were awoken in the night by hands roughly grabbing your arms and hauling you from your hammock. You let out a scream, and someone shoved a wadded-up ball of cloth in your mouth as you struggled. 
It was your fellow crewmates. You recognized their stink. 
You were dragged, kicking, and muffled screaming up to the deck where the rain was coming down in torrents like knives. Your hands were bound, your legs tied together. A cannonball is tied to your ankles, and you are heaved to the ship’s side. 
They’re going to throw you overboard. That much is obvious. 
You see him.
Edward Elric. 
The captain of the ship. One of the youngest in pirate history. 
And the love of your life.
He shoves his way through the growing crowd of pirates. His bright crimson coat had already darkened to a deep maroon in the hurricane of rain. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” He demands, shrugging someone’s hand off his shoulder and smacking someone else’s away as they try to pull him back.
“‘s bad luck to have a lady aboard, Cap'n.” At this, he scoffs,
“And I thought we didn’t put much stock into fairy tales.” He snaps, and you can see his metal hand curling into a fist.
You begin to struggle again, trying to wriggle toward your savior’s side.
That ends up being your downfall.
Seeing as you’re perched on the edge of the ship, only your crewmate’s hands holding you aboard, you begin to teeter over the side.
Right as a massive wave hits and sucks you overboard.
It feels like you are being pulled down for miles and miles by the cannonball at your feet and the waves pulling at your skin. Dragged down and down and down until you can’t see the bottom of the boat or Edward’s grief-stricken face. 
You feel as if your lungs are about to pop. The pressure from the water builds and builds. Behind your eyes, in your nose, under your tongue. You claw at your throat with bound hands, try to swim up, try to stop the sinking, but the cannonball is too heavy, and you are growing weak.
You hit something. Maybe a rock. Maybe a whale. You can’t tell. But you inhale out of reflex, coughing and inhaling more water as it invades your mouth, your nose, your lungs, your entire being. It feels thick like tar as your throat burns and constricts. Your lungs balloon and feel like they are bursting at the seams. Your body convulses. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, couldn’t—
And everything goes black.
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Edward sits with his head in his hands at his desk. The ship rocked back and forth. Usually, it would’ve put him to sleep, but not anymore.
You were gone. Drowned. Dead. Never to come back.
He had always prided himself on being a man of reason. A man of science. Ever since he was a boy and his mother passed away, his father lost at sea, leaving him to raise Alphonse with little help. 
But now?
He thought about putting the tiniest bit of thought into the same superstitions that killed you. Wasn’t there one about the Elixir of Life at the end of the world? He had no idea. After all, he wasn’t supposed to believe in that stuff.
It was only then that he realized something.
His room was illuminated by a bluish-green glow.
He got up, turned, and felt his jaw go slack.
Was this a prank?
You were in front of him!
You were glowing blue and green with your hair floating as if you were still in the water and water running in rivulets down your body. But it was you!
He whispers your name like a prayer to a god he didn’t believe in, and your eyes open.
You were crying.
“Eddie?” You murmur, and he feels his knees go weak at the nickname. You were the only one who could call him that. Not even Alphonse could call him that. 
“Wh—How are you here right now?” He barely manages over his thundering heartbeat. You take a shaky step forward, and he rushes to catch you before your knees buckle.
You’re cold. Freezing even. His hands are soaked instantly by your tears and the mysterious water that’s dripping down your body. But you're here and now. 
Edward gathers you in his arms and presses his nose to your soaked, floating hair. He doesn’t care that his clothes—which were drying slowly—are now wet again. All that matters is the fact that you're here.
“I don’t—I don’t understand… how—how am I here?!” You whimper, and his heart cracks at the sound. It’s like you can’t stop crying.
“I don’t know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m—” 
Sorry for what?
Sorry for failing you?
For bringing you aboard when he knew his crewmate's superstitions?
For watching you sink instead of diving in to pull you out?
He realizes he’s crying. And your hand is on his cheek, looking at him with red-rimmed eyes and tears streaming your cheeks and dripping down your chin.
“Don’t cry.” You weep silently, and he smiles. 
“How can I not?” He asks, voice cracking, and you shake your head,
“Because you are still alive.” His smile drops,
“But without you.”
You begin to disappear, but not before you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“I’m never too far away.” Your whisper is but a butterfly on the wind, and he’s left alone in the dark of his quarters.
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queen-rainy-love · 2 months
Cookie of the Week: Captain Caviar Cookie
This Cookie of the Week is...
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Cookie name: Captain Caviar Cookie
Pronouns: He/Him
Rarity: Epic
Position: Middle
Type: Bomber
Lore: Captain Caviar is an elder of the Crème Republic Convocation of Elders, being the only one to represent Choco Mud Town, being head of the pirate-combating House Caviar, and the captain of the Salty Shark. Before the Cookie Odyssey, Captain Caviar explored the Duskgloom Sea at the request of Oyster and quickly became an enemy in Black Pearl. His first official appearance (shadow figure) was in Cookie Odyssey where he and the Council have Clotted Cream go to the meeting of the Ancient Heroes. His first full appearance is in CO chapter 2 (The Glory of the Crème Republic) where he later appears after Wildberry, GingerBrave, and Crunchy Chip request to meet him. He offers them to hop aboard his ship to discuss. When GingerBrave asks questions about what is going on, Captain Caviar believes he can take care of any threat toward the Republic. Later, Captain Caviar meets with Oyster in a session with the Trade Board. She thanks him for his aid and assures him that his efforts will be rewarded, saying that they have been good partners, and talks about what is going on in Choco Mud Town. He agrees, saying that he will investigate the rumors. He tells Oyster to tell him directly what she wants and she sends him an aid with information. Once he and Oyster’s Envoy arrive at the destination, they look into the rumors going on. Later in Chapter 3 (The Heroes of Light), the Elders discuss Canelé’s conspiring with the White Masks and selling illegally made mudshakes. He expressed his shock at this because his crew enjoyed the drink and left the rest to Oyster. The next time he appears is when talking about Mille-feuille's direct involvement with the White Masks, however, Captain Caviar grows vocal once Custard suggests the Convocation of Elders simply covers up the situation. He objects to the idea of covering up both Elders' disgraceful and hypocritical crimes. This leads to a fight between the elders…before Dark Enchantress’s army attacks the Republic. The last we see of him in this chapter is when he is helping Vanilla Sugar escape the Lyceum. The last time we see him in the game is during the holiday cake event where he is seen sharing a cake with Oyster and his crew.
Personality: Even though reserved and intimidating, Captain Caviar has a big heart, unwavering morals, and clear trustworthiness. He does prefer to be a lone wolf among the Council. He believes that his navy can protect the Republic safely and keeps to his moral compass and beliefs. Captain Caviar is not afraid to speak his mind. Captain Caviar is typically friendly to those who would respect the Navy. He has a unique relationship with Oyster—while he has no love for the political games of intrigue that she plays, they are each other's most reliable allies in the Crème Republic.
Skills: Captain Caviar's Skill is called Black Shark Torpedo. This skill has Captain Caviar summon the Black Shark submarine and have it shoot three Black Shark Torpedos at the enemies and grant allies with Debuff Resist. The torpedoes will aim for the enemy with the lowest HP in descending order. Once it hits the target, it explodes, deals area damage, and inflicts DEF Reduction. Captain Caviar becomes immune to any Fear and briefly becomes resistant to interrupting effects. With his Magic Candy, his skill becomes Black Shark Torpedo Mk.2. This adds a chain of explosions and can bypass DMG Resist. Captain Caviar also gets a decrease in Reflected DMG for himself.
Costumes: Captain Caviar has no costumes.
Cookie Decor: Captain Caviar does not have Cookie Decor.
Thoughts: He is the dad everyone deserves and needs!
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undying-lilies · 1 year
a long-awaited sneak peak of the story concept I utterly failed to ignore
a.k.a. the Little Mermaid gets adopted by pirates who are hired to kidnap the prince she may or may not have saved :D
A knock sounded on the door. Captain Harlock’s eyes flitted over to the prince, but he said, “Come in.”
The door opened, and in walked a girl that was so stunning she looked like she belonged in a painting.
She wore the plainest clothing Lorcan had ever seen - a skirt that had clearly been fashioned out of an old sail and a beige blouse - but she wore them with the grace of a princess. Hands so pale and dainty they looked like alabaster held a tray and hair so glossy and black it looked like the depths of the sea was pulled back with a simple gray handkerchief. There was a choker with a single pearl attached to it around her neck.
On the tray was a hunk of bread with a knife sticking out of it, a pot of something that smelled like coffee, two crude mugs that had been fashioned out of scraps of metal, and a little bowl of sugar cubes. She breezed by the prince and set the tray on the desk before the captain.
“Is it tea time already?” Harlock said, taking the tray from her. “Thank you, Lassie. I would’ve forgotten if it weren’t for you.”
These pirates made time for tea? Lorcan had a sudden vivid image of Harlock making him walk the plank while sipping a cup of tea with his pinky out.
The girl smiled at Harlock and turned around to leave - but when she spotted Lorcan, she froze. Her coral-colored eyes slowly widened to the size of dinner plates.
Then, without so much as a “goodbye”, she ran out of the captain’s quarters.
“Hmm. Strange,” Harlock commented from the desk. 
Lorcan leaned sideways to catch a glimpse of the girl as she hurried downstairs. He turned back to the captain. “Who was she?” 
“Lassie?” Harlock started pouring tea into the mugs. “She’s our little free spirit. She sorta flirts about from one thing to the next on our ship - she’s mesmerized by almost anything. She’s usually much more friendly, though. One lump or two?”
“Er . . . one lump.” Lorcan wasn’t about to refuse tea from a pirate who could kill him any second. “Where did she come from?”
“Well, we’re not really sure,” Harlock said, dropping a sugar cube into one of the mugs. “We found her in the middle of the sea with nothing but a pearl. I mean, absolutely nothing. Had to use an old sail for some of her clothes. Here you go.”
That was maybe a bit more information than Lorcan needed. He took the mug from the captain and took a sip to distract himself from scandalous thoughts he had no business thinking - and nearly spat the tea out. 
“This is scalding!” Lorcan cried. “Are you trying to burn my tongue off?!”
“Yeah, that’d be Melshi,” Harlock said, dropping two sugars into his own mug. “He’s our cook. He has a habit of boiling the water for a bit too long. He has a habit of cooking everything for a bit too long, actually.” He sipped on his tea and seemed to relish in the extra-hot liquid. “Mm, just the way I like it.” 
“You’re all deranged,” Lorcan said. “All of you. I can’t survive much more of this.”
“Feel free to die, Your Highness. Care for some bread?”
Lorcan would’ve thrown his hands in the air, but then he would’ve sploshed the hot tea all over himself and probably die from first-degree burns instead of the pirates. “Fine.”
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ziggyandleo · 11 months
Fun Pirate Facts!
These are all fun facts in light of Our Flag Means Death. Keep in mind that sources of real-life pirates are usually written from the people trying to stop piracy. They aren't very good.
Stede Bonnet was allegedly one of the only pirates that had people "walk the plank." (Although this isn't 100% confirmed and the whole walking the plank thing may have come later).
Anne Bonny and Mary Read probably were in a romantic relationship while Anne Bonny was in a relationship with Calico Jack.
Both Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet really did take the pardon offered by the English crown before eventually ending up back in piracy.
Pirates have been around for a long, long time. But the "Golden Age of Piracy" in the Caribbean started because sailors were hired as privateers (legal pirates) by various countries trying to get the upper hand in colonizing the Americas. The privateers were basically told to attack other countries' ships. Eventually, the privateers were abandoned by their employers and they turned to piracy. (It's far more complicated than this, but this is the gist of it.)
Pirate ships were fairly democratic. Not always, but especially in the early Golden Age, the captain was often voted in by the crew. A pirate who was especially well known for this was "Black Sam" Bellamy. (And I stg he needs to make anappearance if s3 happens)
Stede Bonnet was one of the only pirates who paid is crew a salary. Normally, pirates would split the loot amongst themselves.
Loot wasn't necessarily treasure and gold and gems like is often portrayed. It was usually luxuries like indigo, sugar, cocoa, etc.
Ed Low SUCKED. He was known to enjoy torturing and killing, which was actually a bit unusual. Pirates were known to steal and kill and use violence, but they normally weren't excessive. Ed Low seemed to just like the power and violence of being a pirate captain. He's the exception to the general rule that pirate ships were mostly run democratically.
It wasn't unusual for pirates to raid slave ships and offer joining the crew to the freed people. A couple pirates known to do this was Black Sam and Blackbeard. That's not to say pirates were radical abolitionists. Trading people back to the slave trade in exchange for something wasn't uncommon either.
In pretty much every version of pirate media, a "Pirate's Code" is mentioned as if it's a list of rules all pirates agreed on. That's pretty inaccurate. There was a general Pirate's Code that varied from crew to crew. But you have to remember most pirates were illiterate. There wasn't a giant book with a Pirate's Code. It was mostly communicated through word of mouth and y'all know how that game "telephone" usually goes.
I can write more if people like this. There's a lot of fun rabbit holes to go down to research.
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gellavonhamster · 5 months
One Piece || Smoker/Tashigi || set after Punk Hazard ao3 link rus || ao3 link eng
Halfway there, he realized that if he didn’t stop then, soon he’d fall down and wouldn’t get up anymore. So he had to rest against the wall and spend some time standing there, inhaling and exhaling steadily. It was unclear what made it harder to breathe, dizziness or fury.
The two petty officers that were passing by slowed down the pace.
“Hello, sir!”
Usually a nod is response was enough. This time, however, he must’ve looked as shitty as he felt, because the petty officers exchanged hesitant glances.
“Are they letting you get up already?” one of them asked.
Smoker summoned up all the strength he had left, straightened his back, and stared at the speaker.
“They are,” he said forcefully. “Are you a doctor now, Burke?”
Burke drew himself up; his companion, whose name Smoker couldn’t remember, try as he might, did likewise.
“No, sir.”
“Perhaps you’d like to go and teach our doctors how to do their jobs?”
“No, sir.”
“Great. Dismissed.”
As soon as they disappeared around the corner, he leaned against the wall again.
They let him get up, of course. They let him walk. Admittedly, to the window and back, so that he would smoke there and not at the other patients. But the doctors at G-5 had the same problem with discipline as the rest of the personnel. He didn’t have to wait for too long for all the medical staff to sneak away on some outside-of-duty business. He would’ve given them a rap on the knuckles in any other situation, but not this time. The rest of the wounded were dozing when he left.
There were not so many wounded after Punk Hazard. The number of fatalities was larger.
His destination was a nook at the end of the corridor, which housed a hot plate and a little cabinet containing tea, coffee, and rows of identical grey mugs. Smoker has no idea what kind of tea they kept there. Normally, he drank coffee, and made it in his and Tashigi’s office, but he couldn’t go there at the moment. Or rather, he had to go there, but later.
If he didn’t pass out on the way.
His own lack of strength filled him with rage. After that failure of a fight with Doflamingo, which made him feel like an egg in an egg slicer, he was all covered in thin scars that kept opening up here and there for the first few days. By now they were already healing, but the ever-present pain was still there, just less intense. Painkillers helped, until they didn’t. That could not have been more inconvenient at the time when the entire base had come under his command, and on top of that, had become a temporary home to a pack of brats they had to ship to Vegapunk. When Tashigi dropped by the infirmary that morning, she mentioned she was trying to contact the families to inform them that their missing children had been found, were in the care of the Marines, and were to return home in the near future if all went well. What made the task more difficult was that some kids couldn’t really explain where they were from. Where do you live? With Mama. And what’s the name of the island? I dunno. Can you describe it? It has those trees, and a beach. All in all, that was not the time to lie up.
A separate, particularly virulent sort of rage came from realizing just how much he fucked up. Serving under a spy for two years and having no damn clue. Throwing his lot with pirates again – that crazy kid must think they’re bosom friends at this point. Losing to that vile cackling kingling in pink feathers, a government-sanctioned thug, an asshole drunk on impunity. If not for Kuzan, he would have stayed there, in the snow. And until he was back on duty, he was going to be of as much use as he would have been if he had. Dammit.
Alright. Tea. The only kind available in the cabinet was black tea, and the sugar bowl was empty save for a few grains, but as far as he remembered, Tashigi took her tea unsweetened, just like her coffee (that is, the right way, in his opinion). Could use some honey, on the other hand, but the rations of the Marines obviously didn’t include any. Now he had to carry the mug to the office – once again, without passing out on the way. Ideally, without spilling the drink.
Knocking on the door of his own office would’ve been weird, so Smoker didn’t do that.
It took him some time to spot Tashigi behind a barricade of documents on the desk. Thick dusty folders, some boxes full of papers. He could only hope that it occurred to her to put some of the personnel to carrying that crap here and she didn’t lug it all by herself. She didn’t even hear the door open, so engrossed she was in reading some file. Had he been healthy, he might have waited for her to notice him. Might have lingered at the doorway watching her work and fiddle with the corner of the page and occasionally adjust her glasses, not because they slid off but simply by force of habit. However, no matter how embarrassing it was to admit it, he needed to sit down badly.
He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.
Tashigi jerked her head up. Blinked a couple of times. And sprang from her seat as if something stung her.
“Sir? What are you doing here?”
“What, is it not my office anymore?”
“You know very well what I’m talking about! Weren’t you told…” and she broke down coughing, quaking with it, even hunching over. Smoker came closer and put the tea on the desk next to Tashigi’s personal mug, its bottom dark with the leftover coffee grounds. 
“Brought you some hot tea,” he said.
He made that coffee mug himself. That must’ve been her fourth, he reckoned. Tashigi, with the clumsiness characteristic of her, broke each mug eventually, and got so upset about it every time as if she had caused him a terrible offence. He just shrugged and made a new one. That suited him fine, relieving him of the need to figure out what to do with the results of another evening at the potter’s wheel. Besides, working with clay was easier when he knew who was going to get the thing he was making.
Tashigi looked up at him. Up close, it was impossible not to notice her unhealthy pallor and dark circles under her eyes. Her neck was wrapped in a shaggy blue scarf.
“You’ve lost your mind,” and then, flustered, “thank you.”
Smoker sank on a chair next to her desk. He took the cigar case and the lighter out of his pocket, then cast a sidelong glance at Tashigi and put them back, not without regret – sure enough, she was used to constant smoke, but normally she wasn’t constantly coughing. Tashigi sat down too, touched the tea mug and immediately hissed and pressed her hand to her lips, having scalded herself.
“Told you it’s hot.”
“Yes, I… I see. Why are you doing this? You can’t leave the infirmary yet.”
“Can’t bear listening to you cough anymore. Like some damn miner.”
“I’m taking care of it.”
“Yeah, sure you are. I know you. Bet you’re forcing yourself to work nonstop. You’re gonna get all the brats sick.”
“I don’t think it’s contagious,” she took a sip carefully. Looked at him over her glasses. “I just caught a cold, that’s all. A bad cold.”
Shit. Well, sooner or later one of them was bound to bring that up. Sooner must be better. In a way, that was why he came here.
“You could do with some cold training,” he couldn’t help muttering. Tashigi slammed the mug down on the desk, spilling tea on the documents she was reading.
“You know what, you could train all you want, but it still won’t prepare you for someone else running around naked in your body in the freezing cold.”
“Don’t twist it round, Tashigi. Unbuttoning a shirt isn’t running naked.”
“In winter and for normal people, it is!” Oh, now she was definitely angry, eyes glittering with outrage or fever – trust her to work with a fever – or both. A couple of years back she wouldn’t have dared to tell him off like that, even for a good reason. She was still polite and shy, but now she could also bite. Hold her own. And good thing that she could. When she inevitably outgrows him and gets promoted, he won’t have to worry. At the same time, even her anger had something cute about it. Like a tiny bird – a sparrow or a swallow or something – threatening to peck him to death. “And how dared you take off my, my…”
“Your what?”
“My bra!” she spat out crossly, and flushed red. Before he met Tashigi, Smoker had no idea people were able to blush as often and as hard for any reason whatsoever. He could’ve assumed it was some peculiarity of her organism, but then goddamned Trafalgar Law switched their minds, and he had to witness her redden in the exact same way while in his body. Now he knew what he looked like with a maidenly blush on his cheeks – like a laughingstock. And the entire first unit of G-5 now knew it too. Fucking great. “What did you do with it?”
“Tore it off and threw it away!” he raised his voice to match hers. Bloody hell, were there any limits to how red that woman could get?
Tashigi glowered at him and opened her mouth to say something, but hunched over in a coughing fit again, and covered the bottom of her face with the tip of her scarf. She was shaking violently, far too violently for her fragile form. Granted, that fragility was misleading, and he didn’t need to swap bodies with her to know it; they trained together all the time, and he’d seen her in combat. But he could see she was struggling. He couldn’t help her in any way, yet he leaned forward on instinct, wishing to… hell if he knew what to do. And he winced when sharp pain pierced his ribcage, one of his worst wounds making its presence felt.
Tashigi lowered the scarf, and Smoker saw that it was not cough she was shaking with anymore, but laughter.
“Looks like we’re both… falling apart,” she spoke hoarsely. There were tears in her eyes, but no pain; no more anger, either.
“Tell me about it, Captain.”
Tashigi gave him a sad smile, took her glasses off, and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. Reflexively, she reached for a wrong mug, then remembered it was empty and took another. Smoker glanced at the coffee mug abstractedly. At its bottom, like at the bottom of its broken predecessors – all but the very first one – there was an outline of a little bird traced in clay, a very simple one, like a child’s drawing. He wasn’t much of a painter. Tashigi must’ve thought he drew these birds on all his ceramics. He never explained, and she never asked.  
He sighed grimly.
“Actually, you’re right,” he admitted. ��I should’ve been more careful. Should’ve kept in mind it wasn’t my body. It’s my fault you caught a cold.”
“You could’ve said that when I came to visit you again, instead of dragging yourself here with that tea. Since you don’t feel well.”
“No, I couldn’t. And I’m fine. I feel better here,” he wasn’t even lying. That single jab of pain aside, he could swear he felt better as soon as he entered the room and sat down across from her. “I am sorry.”
Tashigi took another sip and put the mug down.
“All right, I forgive you. Apology accepted.” It was probably intended to be a proud, affected smile, but it still came out sincere. “Forgive you the cold, that is. I don’t even know about the bra. Why did you tear it? Do you know how much they cost? More than T-shirts.”
“Want me to buy you a new one, huh?”
She grew embarrassed. “I d-don’t think that would be appropriate,” she stammered out.
“Mm-hmm. That’s why it was a joke”
“Oh. Right,” she adjusted her glasses nervously. Whatever she imagined a second ago, she kept it to herself. Whatever he couldn’t help imagining when she blurted that out, he kept it to himself as well.
“Mind if I smoke?”
She gave him a perplexed stare.
“No, I don’t believe that you’re feeling fine. Since when do you ask for permission?”
“Since you started coughing. Don’t worry, it won’t become a habit.”
“Then knock yourself out.”
The smoke from two cigars at once began to stream towards the ceiling.
“I tore it because it was uncomfortable. Who knew it was only gonna get worse,” he grimaced. No, he’s always has enough brains to realize that women weren’t wearing those things for the aesthetic only, but he had no idea that it literally hurt when it all jiggled. Tashigi smiled with the corner of her lips; must’ve thought he had it coming. Well, yeah, that wasn’t wrong. A minor payback for letting her body catch cold, but a payback nonetheless.
“You could’ve just undressed and unhooked it,” she pointed out. Smoker shook his head.
“There was no time or place to undress. And I didn’t want to… touch your body like that,” he said. “That would’ve been rotten of me.”
“And you said you couldn’t keep in mind it was mine,” Tashigi said quietly. Something changed in her gaze, but he couldn’t begin to interpret it.
“Well, I noticed,” he hesitated, “some things.”
“Such as?”
Of course he noticed. Except that there was no time to pause to think about it on Punk Hazard – they were all too busy trying to stop Caesar, stop Vergo, save the kids, and not get killed in the process. It was later, in the sick bay, half in delirium, that he thought back on the delicate skin under his fingertips and resigned to the awareness that yes, it was her. He touched her, and he could no longer forget what it felt like. He pinned her hair up so that it didn’t get into his eyes, and now, when he looked at her and saw that a strand or two have got out of her ponytail, his hands remembered: like silk. He wanted to reach out and tuck that errand strand behind her little ear. Wanted it even more than ever before. He clenched his fists.       
As to that whole thing with the bra – ha, wouldn’t he have liked it if the only thing he remembered was the way it was uncomfortable to run with breasts bouncing at every step, not the fact that those were her breasts. Oh, he had some ideas on other, much more pleasant circumstances in which they could bounce like that, but he wasn’t going to think about that when she was sitting in front of him. Sometime later. He didn’t touch her body more than was unavoidable when he was trapped in it, but he was no saint.
He shrugged.
“Short height. Shitty eyesight. Stuff like that.” Again, he wasn’t even lying, because how do you not notice that? Especially the height – he couldn’t have imagined what it was like, having to look up at almost everyone. “Not having the Devil Fruit powers was a bummer, too. Like I lost a hand.”
“And I gained an extra one,” Tashigi grinned. Judging by her face, she suddenly remembered something – and her cheeks turned pink once more. “And now I know why you never button up. No smoke without fire, right? You’re very hot. I mean… to the touch.”
Smoker chuckled. She positively had a talent for innocently phrasing things in… an interesting manner. 
“What, now you want one too? The Devil Fruit?”
“No. It’s such a lottery, isn’t it? You can become invincible, or you can learn how to turn into, I don’t know, a sloth. I’d rather keep practicing my Haki. And swordsmanship, of course. I have to become stronger than… the others.” She pressed her lips together stubbornly, and Smoker thought he knew at least one specific swordsman she wanted to surpass.
She was always trying to get stronger. To prove to the world that she was worth something – as a Marine, as a warrior, as a captain. That was why he hadn’t gone easy on her ever since she entered the service under his command; you couldn’t afford to relax if you wanted no one to doubt your prowess, and she couldn’t afford it twice as much. He remembered what it used to be like for Hina – not that he had to explain that to Tashigi. Female Marines were not uncommon, and it was considered that total equality had been achieved in that matter, but in reality, an officer was more likely to be taken seriously if that officer was a big man, not a pretty young lady.
The actual stance of the Marines on many issues differed from the official one. For example, sexual relationships between subordinates and commanders were against the regulations, but in practice were rarely condemned – unless they were used as a pretext if anyone involved had high-ranking ill-wishers. Barring that, such things were discussed with knowing grins, and no one ever said anything to the culprits’ faces. Only behind their backs. If it came to light that a girl was sleeping with her commanding officer, no one would stop saying hello to her, it’s just that many people would secretly start thinking her either a naïve little fool unable to say no, or a calculating bitch sleeping her way up the ranks. There were certain words to describe such girls, and if she happened to make some enemies, those words would make themselves known.
He couldn’t risk everything she had achieved and would still achieve. She could bite all right, but she hadn’t yet grown a shell for such words to ricochet off. And he was responsible for her as her immediate superior and mentor. If she served under someone else and mentioned that her commander had started making unambiguous advances to her, he would’ve told her: it’s a bad fucking idea. The fact that he was that commander changed nothing.
“You will,” he assured her. “But first let’s get you back on your feet. You won’t get far if you keep coughing your lungs out.”
Tashigi shook her head. “I can’t believe you of all people are giving me lung-related advice,” she murmured. She finished her tea, put the mug on the desk, and fixed her eyes on him. “Fine. I’ll go to the infirmary right away and ask the doctors for something for my throat.”
“That’s the spirit.”
“And you’ll come with me and go back to bed.”
“I told you I feel better here.”
“Yeah, right. Like you would admit if you didn’t. I know you. Sir, if you keep exerting yourself too much, you won’t get better for quite some time. And I need you,” she turned pink again but held his gaze when their eyes met. If anything, he sensed some sort of challenge in her gaze. That was the last thing he needed. “I mean, there’s so much work and you’re the base commander now and…”
“Alright,” he interrupted her. He couldn’t take that staring game now for health reasons – yes, precisely for health reasons. A bad fucking idea, he reminded himself. Bad, and yet so tempting. “A day or two I can afford. But not more.”
She beamed at him, and he rolled his eyes and looked away, making an effort not to smile back.
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desastre-fag · 2 years
I guess I just lost my husband (I don't know where he went) Chapter 1: I got a a brand new attitude
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Amongst the panic as the English board the revenge one crew member remains placid, mostly due to their all encompassing fear, hands raised as they are guided to kneel with the rest of the crew. All are panicky within their own right, however the meekest member is called forward first to be interrogated, guns pressed against their trembling skin to guide them into the captain’s cabin. 
With one last glance at their captain lovers, who stare back at them with love and concern of their own, they are pushed harshly into the room, forced down by their shoulders into an armchair in front of a desk.
An Englishman stands in front of them, hands resting on the desk - shoulder width apart - in an act of intimidation, brow furrowed at the trembling mess sitting in front of him, curled into themselves. 
“What’s your role on this ship? You’re certainly not a pirate.” The bald headed man sneers, getting even closer to their face, which pales considerably before they manage to answer.
“I’m only the cabin boy, sir.” The man’s face relaxes at this, a look of thought coming over him for a fleeting moment before the interrogation continues. 
A few more questions pass before they are allowed to leave - well, before they are escorted back out onto the deck, guided to sit between Lucius and black Pete.
“What happened in there?” Lucius is the one to ask, arms held tightly around his midriff in what seems to be a nervous gesture.
“They basically interrogated me, asked about Stede a lot.” They answer, anxiously looking for said captain but unable to spot him.
“Where is he, by the way?” Lucius fidgets and looks down at the decking, black Pete piping up before he can sugar coat anything.
“I’m pretty sure they took him away for his own interrogation, he is sooo fucked.” 
“Not helping, babe.”
There’s no trial, Stede signed a confession and that was good enough for the English army, good enough for them to sentence him to death by firing squad. The only slightly good news is that Edward has been spared, handed over to Izzy per his request. The cabin boy doesn’t know what or how to feel, of course they are devastated for Stede, yet relieved for Edward. 
They stand next to Ed, cursing Izzy Hands and everything he has done under their breath, absolutely delighted when they witness Edward surge forward to punch said man - sending him to the deck. However, once they notice the dangerous glint in his eyes they pull him backwards, hands grasping his arm in desperation as the English raise their rifles.
In a flash, he pulls them with him to stand protectively in front of Stede, shouting at the top of his lungs, “Act of Grace!” Soon he has the entire crew shouting it with him, Stede following as the cabin boy reaches up to pull off his blindfold, smiling gently at him.
The conversation becomes background noise to them as they indulge, swimming in his eyes as they gently cradle his face, tears lining their lower eyelashes. They snap back to the dire situation at hand when the rifles are raised once again, promptly taking a protective stance in front of the blond man, Ed moving back to do the same.
Just when Stede begs for them to re-apply the blindfold, Lucius stands and swiftly begins reading out a log entry from the crew’s very first robbery, Olu presenting the plant as evidence. It’s enough, and the admiral is forced to stand down as he becomes agitated. 
Edward, Stede, the cabin boy and a handful of English guards re-enter the captain’s cabin to go over the act of grace agreement, the cabin boy only following to discover what their lovers had agreed to.
One soldier explains it simply, also adding the clause that for the agreement to apply to Stede, Ed also had to sign. Izzy makes a comment, ignored by everyone as the salt and pepper haired man signs with an X. The three lovers are left alone for a moment, Stede requesting the privacy, causing Izzy to curse as he walks out of the cabin.
It’s quiet for a moment before the cabin boy speaks up, “So, you have to serve the King for ten years?” The words are framed as a question, although it’s really just a statement. “Can I come with you?” This question however is asked with a sense of urgency, causing both Ed and Stede’s faces to fall.
“I really wish you could, dearest, but army service is no place for you.” The blond haired pirate captain reaches for them, holding their face as they did for him mere moments ago.
“I don’t think I can live ten years without you.” Tears begin lining their eyes once again, allowed to fall only to be brushed away by Ed’s thumb, who uses his thumb to turn them towards him.
“We’ll find a way out soon, love, promise. We’ll be back before you even know it.” And if a tear falls from his own eye no one mentions it, as he presses a firm kiss to their forehead, Stede taking the time to do the same before they are taken aboard the English ship.
Both parties stand at the edge of the ships after tearful goodbyes, maintaining eye contact until they can no longer, only able to spot distant black dots. 
It’s been a hard few days, Izzy taking over as captain clearly having a negative impact on the crew’s morale. It was only a matter of time before words of mutiny began spreading throughout the crew.
The crew of the revenge sway back and forth, gaining momentum with the shared weight of Izzy Hands between them, at the edge of the ship. Just on the final swing, someone calls for them to stop, causing them to turn and stare in awe at Edward Teach (born on a beach). One member of the crew in particular startles, dropping Izzy in the process, before gathering themselves and dashing to their lover.
“Ed!” He catches them, lifting them up in a crushing hug before pulling them into a searing kiss, pouring every emotion since they departed into it. 
“Oh, I missed you, love.” Placing them back onto the firm deck, he holds them by the shoulders, staring at them as if they would disappear if he blinked. The two lovers smile softly at each other, recommitting one another into their memories before the moment is interrupted.
“Where’s Stede?” It’s an innocent question, one that they should rightfully ask about their second lover, but it’s the hopeful look on their grinning face that kills Ed on the inside. His face falls, smile shrinking as he turns back to the frozen crew.
“Izzy, we’ll take tea in my room.” With that the cabin boy is whisked away to the captain’s cabin, building a pillow fort with the fearsome pirate legend at his request. As they both lay there, cabin boy resting upon Ed’s chest in the dim candlelight, they ask about their second lover’s whereabouts once more.
“He didn’t want to come back.” He breaks, tears freely falling down his cheeks as he presses his lips to their temple. “I waited for him, but he never came.” The cabin boy’s face is crestfallen, brow furrowing in thought and despair before lifting their chin to gaze at Edward. 
“He just left you?” And if that alone doesn’t crush Ed’s heart, the way their voice cracks halfway through pummels it into dust. He brings a trembling hand up to swipe their hair out of their face, smoothing it down as he presses a firm kiss to their temple.
“He left us . I waited from dusk to dawn for that man, with no sign of him. After the sun began to rise I had to leave, otherwise the English would’ve caught me.” They lay together for a while, Izzy eventually bringing the tea that was asked for, placing it just inside of the fort to avoid entering it himself. 
Edward sends for Lucius, asking for the scribe to write his song lyrics down. The cabin boy tiredly contributes, adding the occasional word or phrase of their own. Lucius, taking his role as unofficial therapist seriously, offers advice and his own words of comfort to the despairing lovers - highlighting the fact that the both of them still have one another. 
One moment later, Ed is performing his lyrics for the crew, soul pouring out for them all to see with the cabin boy sitting next to him. The words are met with thunderous applause, plenty of compliments passing around - the word ‘visceral’ being said far too many times. 
Feeling their adrenaline dissipate, the cabin boy bids farewell to the salt and pepper haired man as they slip away back to the captain’s cabin in order to get some rest - sleeping without their lovers caused some difficulty. They instantly fall to a deep sleep once they settle into the bed beside the window, soft snores echoing off of the wooden walls. 
They are soon awoken, the sound of voices rousing them as they turn from facing the window to face the two men. Izzy stands at a distance from Edward, seething as he holds a book from Stede’s library.
“I should’ve let the English kill you. This, whatever it is that you’ve become, it’s a fate worse than death.” He grits out, not noticing they have awoken, freely speaking his mind.
“Well, I am still Blackbeard so-” Ed is cut off as the shorter man rips a page out of the book, scrunching it as he shoves it into the captain’s face. 
“No. This… This is Blackbeard. Not some namby-pamby in a silk gown, pining for his boyfriend.” In an instant, Ed has him by the throat, face coated in anger as he pins him to the bookcase. The shorter man steals a glance at the bed, noting the awake state of the cabin boy - laying still with a look of panic and fear.
“Choose your next words wisely, dog.” The glare set upon him would make any other man keel over, perhaps piss themself, but Izzy merely steels his panic and lifts one hand up to cup Blackbeard’s neck.
“There he is.” He is swiftly pushed away, Ed releasing him and backing away in the same motion, Izzy smirking to himself before continuing with a hoarse voice.
“Blackbeard is my captain. I serve Blackbeard. Not Edward. Edward better watch his fuckin’ step.” With each word he leans closer into the man, teeth grit and eyes set into an icy glare of his own. He waits a few seconds before moving away, leaving the cabin in a huff with his shoulders squared. 
“Dear, are you alright?” Edward’s trance is broken by the cabin boy’s voice, laced with sleep yet still concerned for him. 
“I’m fine. Scoot over, love.” They do as he says, shifting closer to the window and lifting the blanket to invite him in. Once laying in the bed, he pulls them down to lie on his chest, arms wrapping around their waist, staring out through the window with an indiscernible look in his eyes. 
In the dead of the night he slips out of the cabin unnoticed, leaving his lover to sleep the night away til dawn, and stands at the railing of the ship gazing out at the sea. Lucius soon joins him, making his presence known by the creaking of the door opening and closing behind him. 
“Oh there you are, we’ve been looking for you everywhere.” A relieved smile grows on his face whilst Ed’s face only hardens, glare coming back to life with the new company.
Only the waves know where he is now.
It’s well into the morning when the cabin boy awakes, beams of sunlight blinding them momentarily before they raise their arm to block the rays. As they adjust to their surroundings they stand, arms reaching up to stretch out their back before falling back down to scratch at their lower stomach. 
Then they notice the bare shelves around them, no trace of the books or various trinkets which once decorated the space. Confusion strikes as they make their way out of the cabin, stepping into the harsh sun and stumbling upon first mate Hands. 
The man’s usual scowl is gone, replaced with a self satisfied smirk, at least until he registers their presence in front of him. 
“Was no one keeping fuckin’ watch? Useless fucking twats, back into the captain’s cabin with you.” Shooing them away, he turns in an unusually nervous nature, searching for the elusive Blackbeard. 
“What? I only want to see the crew-” They’re unable to get another word out before the short man grasps their shoulders, turning them swiftly and guiding them back to the door they just closed behind them. 
It’s only when he turns to leave that the cabin boy notices a significant limp, trailing their gaze down to his foot to find stark red seeping through some bandages sticking out of the top of his boot. They go to call out to him, stopping themselves at the slam of the cabin door, the faint click of a lock following.
Left to their own devices, with no books to read or trinkets to mess with, they simply sit upon an armchair - trying at least ten different positions before finding a comfortable one. Time passes slowly, and eventually they grow bored of their spiralling thoughts. What was happening? Why were they locked in the cabin? Why couldn’t they spot any crew members on deck? Where’s Ed? 
Their saviour from their own questions comes in the form of a leather clad Blackbeard, face set in stone and painted in dark charcoal around his eyes and mouth. Seeing his partner waiting for him makes his eyes soften for a moment, hardening once he sees them wearing the shirt Stede had let them ‘borrow’. 
They feel the urge to stand and greet the man, moving their legs from the crossed position they were in to stand, only to be stopped as he comes closer. Placing a hand upon their chest, he guides them to be sitting once again, lifting the same hand to cup their nape. He fiddles with the stray hairs there. 
“I know where I went wrong with Stede now.” The first words spoken between the two only confuse the cabin boy further, more questions popping up with none being answered. Their brow furrows, only to be smoothed out by Ed’s thumb as he uses his other hand to cradle the side of their face. 
“What do you mean, Ed?” He chuckles, low and dark, at the question. Using both hands, he reaches to hold them by the chin, forcing them to maintain eye contact.
“I should never have given him the chance to say no, to leave me - leave us .” His grip tightens, and they panic for a moment before relaxing into the touch, more to comfort Edward than themselves. 
“I’ve learnt my lesson, I won’t make the same mistake twice.” Determination flares in his dark eyes, staring intently at his remaining partner, a fierce possessiveness and protectiveness growing within him. 
“These are your living quarters now. You’re not a cabin boy anymore either, your only job is to stay in here, where I can keep you safe.” Where I know you can’t leave me. He doesn’t allow time for any of the information to sink in, willing himself to sit behind the desk as Fang comes into the room and closes the curtains.
“Oh, and love, it’s Blackbeard in front of the crew. Not Ed.” The cabin boy can only stare at their lover in shock and confusion, none of the words processing completely with his abrupt change of character. 
There’s no time left to question anything as Jim is brought into the room, made to stand in front of the desk. They take a quick glance to the cabin boy, sitting near the other side of the room, with a disorientated look on their downturned face. 
So deep within their own racing thoughts, they fail to comprehend the conversation between the pirate captain and Jim, snapping out of it at the dull thunk of Jim’s body hitting the floor. In a flash they’re across the room, kneeling at Jim’s side and pressing their fingers to their neck. The steady pulse is a relief, causing them to sit back on their haunches with a soft sigh. In the next breath they’re looking at Blackbeard.
“What was that for?!” They don’t receive a response, only Edward calling out a sharp, “Next!” Frenchie shuffles in, seeming to be in high spirits which instantly deflate at the room’s atmosphere. He stares down at Jim and the cabin boy, Jim unconscious and the cabin boy kneeling at their side. 
“Hey, Iz said you wanted to… see me.” The cabin boy is delighted to see him unharmed, being one of their closer friends from the crew, and if it weren’t for Jim laying across their lap they would leap across the small space to embrace the man. 
“Yes… I heard you can sew.” The gun which he had been idly polishing is raised now, pointed directly at Frenchie, who raises his arms in turn.
“Yep. Sew like the wind.” A nervous chuckle escapes him as he glances between the two threatening men, keeping both Jim and the cabin boy in the corner of his eye, even as loud cackling starts from the two men. 
“Get him to work, Fang.” With the dismissal, both Fang and Frenchie leave the same way they came, Frenchie casting one last concerned glance to the two people on the floor. With a slam the door closes behind them and the cabin boy gently lifts Jim from their lap to stand, moving to the front of the desk.
“What the fuck was that about? Where’s the rest of the crew? Why did you do that to Jim? Answer me!” Edward’s gaze flickers from his gun up to his partner, eyes distant and cold as he assesses them. Rather than answering he stands from the chair, coming around to the front of the desk and grasps them by the shoulder. 
Pushing open the door to the cabin, he pulls them along to the railing along the side of the ship. At first they don’t know what they’re supposed to be looking at, but then they see it - the crew of the revenge, marooned on a small island. 
Dread fills them as the crew frantically wave, hoping to be saved by the ones that purposefully left them there. An even colder feeling drops into their stomach when they are unable to spot one member in particular.
“Where’s Lucius?” A hand resting on their nape is all the answer they need, as it directs their field of view to the crashing waves of the sea. Bile fills their throat, tears bubbling up and breath hitching at the implication. 
“Everything’s going as planned, captain.” Of course it’s Izzy Hands who interrupts, standing just behind his captain with his arms folded behind his back. “Jim is secure in the brig and Frenchie has finished the flag.”
“The brig? Why are they in the brig?” At the question Edward tightens his grasp on their nape whilst Izzy remains silent.
“Take them back to my cabin, Iz.” With the command to his first mate he walks away, leaving the cabin boy with the easily angered man. He sneers down at them, grabbing them by the wrist and pushing them in front of him, taking a familiar route back to the captain’s cabin.
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chellerbelles · 4 months
An excerpt from my current WIP - my story for Rogue & Gambit week. The only context I'll supply is that "Mer Gambit" is a 16 year old merman, and this is a Sister story to The Soul Matter. Ao3 FFnet
In my mind these stories take place at the same time, so reading The Soul Matter first isn't necessary. There's some crossover lore and stuff, but anything important is restated in this currently untitled WIP. I'm thinking something like "Threads of the Multiverse". Or maybe Bonds? Mates? Titles are hard.
Anyway, teaser/spoiler below! ;)
“World destroyers!” The New Sun snarled.
He lunged for Mer Gambit, who scampered backwards just as easily as he would’ve in water. Before the New Sun could get close however, he froze midair.
“Arr, energy manipulation powers be very useful, don’t ye think?” Pirate Legend Rogue said. “Fire to port!”
The cannons boomed as they went off…behind them. Mer Gambit frowned, thinking there was a mistake as he turned to look.
A few more New Suns were behind them, each one of them had been hit by a cannonball, not that it did them any harm. Many more New Suns came into view, a whole swarm of them flying towards the ships. Mer Gambit looked back to see the New Sun in Pirate Legend Rogue’s grasp being twisted in ways that Mer Gambit couldn’t believe weren’t hurting him. The only part of the New Sun that seemed to be in tact was the black armband that had appeared.
“It be like playing with a voodoo doll, only without the doll,” Pirate Legend Rogue said with a hearty laugh. “Being in an energy form ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, is it sugar?”
“I will… destroy… all of you…”
“Aye, I’m sure ye think ye will. Come, me little puppet. Dance for me.” There was no mistaking the malicious glee in her voice as she twisted the New Sun around in pretty little patterns.
“Which is exactly what I be feeling about ye plans to destroy me new cabin boy,” Pirate Legend Rogue said, and gave Mer Gambit a mischievous wink.
Mer Gambit didn’t know whether he should feel relieved or very, very afraid.
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
Sanji made his last round inside his galley, Mr. Noodles sat perched on a bar stool watching him. The roses that Zoro got him were still sitting in the jar where he left them. He needed to figure out what he wanted to do with them. Sanji slid some butter into his apron pocket to soften.
Sanji finished unloading everything he had bought at the market this morning. There were still a few cartes of things waiting for him to deconstruct. Sanji had scored a crate of fresh unwashed eggs. He would water glass them later tonight. He left out the stuff he needed to make a batch of kimchi and a new marinade for Luffy's jerky. The meat was in the freezer to firm up for easier slicing. He also left out the prime rib he got on sale for dinner tonight. He had the perfect seasoning for them.
Sanji cut the core of napa cabbages out, placing them into the bucket he was using for a compost pile, they used to have one on the Baratie they would give it to a local farmer who they worked with to get fresh produce. There were things that even he could not salvage and use, but the compost was a good compromise since it fertilized and grew more food. He split the leafy vegetable apart with his hands. It was hard to get used to such a quiet kitchen. He was used to the hustle and bustle of the Baratie. The chefs arguing, the waiters yelling out food orders. Everything about the kitchen was loud and controlled chaos. Well, Sanji did sort of miss having someone he could talk to.
“OK so I know you're a cat, and you don't understand what I'm saying, but I don't care. Right now, I'm making kimchi. It's spicy, sour, and so good. A chef who used to work at the Baratie before settling ashore and marrying a sweet woman showed me how to make it,” Sanji began to chop the pieces of cabbage up. “I'm doing the shortcut method. Usually, you don't chop it up, but I like it better this way,” Sanji put all the cabbage into the large bowl. “Then we just wash and salt the cabbage until it wilts and the water from the inside of the cabbage is drawn out by the salt,” Sanji would leave it overnight with something heavy on top.
Mr. Noodles had at some point hopped from his stool to wind his way around Sanji's legs purring. He was ecstatic to have something small and cute to care for. Clementine may have been Zeff’s cat but she did like him and barely tolerated the other chefs. It had been his job to brush her long silky golden fur. She had been a very pretty kitty, with one gold eye and one blue. Mr. Noodles was of course very handsome with his soft slick black fur.
“Zeff my old man, although I'd never call him that to his face, had a ship cat, her name was Clementine,” Sanji took out the bowl he used previously for the marinade. Mixing soy sauce, worcestershire, orange juice, and zest , he whisked in honey, brown sugar, grated ginger, and chopped garlic. He threw some habaneros into his mortar and grinded them down into a nice paste before adding them as well. “I remember the look on Zeff’s face after we got off the Rock. Clementine had gotten off their pirate ship shortly before they attacked the Orbit. It's said that cats can sense doom. Anyway, we stayed on an island while we recovered, and one day, she walked right up to Zeff as if she had only been out for a stroll. She died shortly before Luffy came crashing in. Zeff had been practically testy lately, so that didn't help him at all,” Sanji covered the marinade and placed it into the fridge.
“I think after I'm done with my prep, I'll head back out for some personal shopping and check out the fish market. Maybe I'll be nice to our sentient plant life and pick up a sword cleaning kit. He doesn't have much money and would be more focused on buying swords. Why he needs three? I'm not sure, but that's his thing, I suppose,” Sanji took a paper towel to dry the prime ribs, or else it would reject the butter. He stabbed holes into the top of the meat. While he did know how to trim meat, it had come pre-trimmed and on sale to good of a deal to pass up. “I haven't seen him use it at all while we've been on this ship and there's no way that his sword hasn't been well kept in the past,” He took the softened butter out of his pocket and upwarped it, placing it into a small bowl. “Maybe I'll grab some ink for Nami-swan! I can't get Marimo and not my sweet Nami,” Sanji tossed in chopped rosemary and thyme, salt, pepper, Dijon mustard, and a bit of worcestershire then he mixed it. “I should pick another notebook while I'm out, I might as well grab something for Luffy and Usopp while I'm at it. Just so I don't have to hear them whining.”
Sanji stabbed holes into the fatty part of the meat and used butter to lube up the sliced garlic and rosemary, slipping them into the holes. He coated the prime ribs in the rest of the butter before placing them in the fridge. After a quick clean-up, Sanji was ready to head out. With a goodbye scratch to Mr. Noodles Sanji left the Going Merry
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faolonfiendrender · 23 days
Piracy is easy money, you just find a poorly guarded shipping channel between some imperial power, and some colony that produces either high value mineral wealth or high value cash crops, wait there with your boat (don't worry about food or water, I'm sure we can handle these problems as they come up) or even better, wait on an island the ship comes near. Attack the ship, but make clear that you aren't necessarily wanting to kill them, you just want a bunch of cargo, and we can do this without shots fired if they just let you on board to take what you need.
After doing this a bunch and not spending the money you get from smuggling a few dozen barrels of sugar or tea at market rates minus the king's tariffs or selling off plantations at cut rates to people those in power don't want to own shit because you stole the deeds, and as such the means to modify ownership from some bastard passenger who tried to threaten you. He deserved it, he owned a plantation.
But suddenly you start seeing that your unguarded sea lane is guarded and apparently that bastard was an actual bastard of some noble and now your friendly port is no longer so friendly because some spoiled guy who's grandfathers grandfathers great grandfather was a gallant variety of mass murderer known as a knight raised a big stink about his bastard being deprived of his property and the guy you sold it too is mad and won't take barrels of brown sugar as refund.
And to make matters worse, it seems the bastard held a grudge as two guys you know are sellswords have been following you now that you've fled to a freeport. And one day they find you in an alley, and you only survive because you know the trick to throw a knife on point and the other guy's sword gets caught in his sheath allowing you to smack him in the face with your empty pistol. In response to your shouting for explanation the guy who now has a black eye says that a bastard payed them to kill you.
So now of course you are here to kill the next time you go pirating, but the bastard ain't even in his plantation, so you have now killed the supervisors and guards and people are looking at you like you had a plan besides killing the overfancy prick who ruined your life. And apparently this plantation runners didn't speak your language and neither do all these people who didn't join the fight because it wasn't theirs, just happening near them.
So, you find one of them that does speak your language, and you ask them to help you with that galleon your crow's nest spotted 20 minutes ago on the other side of the bay.
So of course, you all slip across in dinghies without the ability to see because the lot of you can't risk the light. And while everything is so dark, you hear commotion on the galley, and then shots and cursing, but they don't seem to be shooting at you so you keep going.
When you get there, some guys in fancy uniforms are hanging in nooses from the mast, and one of the sailors spots you and asks to parley. Apparently the captain was from the imperial power, and the crew were from one of the older colonies, and their favorite singer was singing a good old song that they loved, but the captain didn't like not knowing what was sung, so the song mocking his nation's cruelty to them was swapped to his language. The captain shot him, and the crew decided that he wasn't fit, and he wouldn't step down so the mutiny turned lethal.
So you, and your new friends realize that you have no good place to go, and neither does the galley, so the lot of you propose that you all just hope that this tiny island is overlooked and you can all live hear. After all, if it can grow sugar, it can grow grains, and besides you can just steal from passing merchant ships.
And things are good until the bastard arrives with a small army because he hasn't heard from his plantation. So, the galley and your ship, both anchored at opposite sides of the mouth of the bay to act as fortresses of sort shoot down a bunch of his ships.
Not enough though, as a ship of bastard soldiers get through. and your friends on the land are damn good at their fighting, but you had neglected munitions for those on the land because the ships are more important so your people flee to the jungle.
You meet them there. Some were captured. You spy on the old plantation and see gallows are being built. You come up with a plan.
Night falls, and the patrols thin. With knives and infantry sabers and shovels and sickles glinting in the dark, your people sneak with the prowess of a master hunter, the prey being men in gaudy uniforms with rifles and large swords. Mercenaries.
They didn't bother to make the powderhouse a different building than it was six months ago when you freed these people on accident. You steal away with their munitions, their powder, their bullets, their muskets and rifles and blunderbii. Your people are armed. A gun and ten shots and a blade to every man, and several women.
Just before the watch should change, you attack. You bring your best men as your guard. One is a mutineer, big burly man with arms thicker than some people's legs, best with a rapier of all things, though you can believe it those things were always heavy in your hand compared to the pistols and knives you preferred. Another is the man you would have made your first mate if he had let you, instead he's simply the senior deckhand with extra shares, and he likes those old swords that knights used. Finally is a woman who came forward from the former slaves, give her a sickle or machete or cutlass and she can beat five men thrice her size without even using the sharp edge. And of course you brought your club and your pistols and your knife, swords always felt heavy to you.
everyone else catches the soldiers in their barracks, formerly the huts your people had improved or built over your time there. You go to the manor house. You oddly find no guards, but you find the bastard, awake, with a crazed look in his eyes.
He simply says of course it was you before leveling some strange contrivance that looks like someone shoved a pan flute with three pipes through a pistol. It is a gun, he shoots each of your friends before the pipes fall out of his pistol and your friends fall groaning to the ground. He draws the sabre at his side, you draw a pistol. you manage to draw and fire twice. The first time, you hit his sword's basket at an odd angle, leading the bullet to ricochet. The second gun grazes him.
He is on you. You can barely draw your knife in time to make his sabre fall away as you backpedal. by the next swing in range, you have your club. It is back and forth, him swinging at your head then switching low to gut you, you managing to catch his blade on your knife and bringing your club down at him before he steps back and immediately reengages. It is clear he is trying to lure you into a pattern so that he can set up an opening to strike. You try to punish him each time. It is clear the blows from your club and light cuts from your knife are slowing him.
Eventually you see an opening, he stepped back and rose his blade in anticipation of you striking at his head. You lunge forward with your knife. You were wrong. The cutlass mercifully only catches your shoulder with the weak of the blade, so the arm is still there, but you are bleeding heavily. He is too. Your dagger made it into his gut.
In your panic you managed to grab his sabre hand, though you dropped your club in the process. You grapple with the saber while he grapples to keep you from using your knife more. He lets go of the knife to claw at your shoulder. You manage to stab again, this time getting under his ribs. You hear his sword clatter to the ground.
Blood is smeared in your face as he tries to claw at it, blood is smeared on your hand as you stab him again with what mobility you can get. You keep stabbing as he starts trying to beat the back of your head, but mostly hitting your shoulders.
Your third pistol, slung on your chest, pressed uncomfortably between you two. You feel movement, quick movement, on it. and heat, like someone laid a hot iron bar between the both of you. and then you hear the bang and the feel the pain shoot through your pectoral muscle and feel the hand beating you go limp.
As you roll off of the bastard, you see that there is a hole in the underside of his chin, and the side of your chest opposite your injured shoulder has a gash in it, with your pistol pointing up said gash towards where his head was. As the adrenaline fades, so does both your ability to feel pain, and your vision.
The last thing you see is a large group bursting through the door, you note with pride that they are wearing plain clothes, not the ostentatiousness of those mercenaries.
You are still unsure if you died and this is the hereafter, or if you lived. Your old mate died, but the other two lived, though neither of them will be the same. Nor will you. both arms hurt to move fast or lift much, a scar runs up from your sternum to your right shoulder, one matches along your left shoulder blade. You know your little land of those who wish to be free won't stay relatively unnoticed after that, but by god, you lived.
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atonalginger · 10 months
Unexpected Guest
word count: 1859 words TW explicit language pepper in there. Alcohol reference. Kidnapping mention (happened in the past "off screen") Overall its pretty mild.
Sam had a ball game on the big monitor and was relaxed on the couch with Jay’s brother, Fox. Fox’s husband was in one of the reading chairs nearby with Cora quietly talking about her latest find. Bella leaned on the kitchen counter with Sophie across from her picking at her food.
“Come on, baby, it’s your favorite.” Bella begged.
Sophie scrunched her nose and pushed the cheesy noodles around on the plate.
“Maybe we should just give her a cookie or something,” Jay whispered, “Cora and I made chocolate chip cookies last night.”
“You can try,” Bella laid her head on her folded arms, “I don’t know anymore.”
Ever since they’d left Kryx, Sophie had been withdrawn. She barely spoke, only ate a few bites at mealtimes, and generally hid from everyone. Some of it was the loss of Mister Azure, some of it the trauma of the break-in, and some of it, Bella suspected, was the absence of Delgado. She’d felt similar the first few times she left the Key after they first hooked up. She still didn’t know what it was about that smug bastard that hooked her so but she’d never had great taste in men so it wasn’t exactly surprising. She didn’t know how to feel about her little girl getting attached though; Del had many enemies and she did not need Sophie being a target.
“Not even one bite?” Jay asked sweetly, “Cora poured a lot of love into these.”
The cookies were a ‘welcome home’ treat for Bella and Sophie’s arrival. They used to live in the Core Manor with Jay when Sophie was a baby. It was a packed house now, with Sam and Cora living there. Cora was happy to set up the small living room for a long term sleepover with Sophie while Bella took her bed for a few nights. Just until Jay and her clan loaded back on her ship and flew off for another adventure. Then it would be just Bella and Sophie for a while.
It was Del’s idea for them to shelter in Akila City. Someplace where the sharks and Naeva wouldn’t dare try anything. He was right about Sysdef, they’d be fools to attempt black bagging her in the middle of Akila City. That would be a diplomatic incident. She was Akila born, Freestar raised after all. But Naeva? Naeva wouldn’t give a shit.
“What’s shakin’ sugar plum?” Sam gently nudged Sophie’s arm with his elbow, “you want a chocobite?”
“No,” Sophie said in a small voice.
“How about a cheesecake chunk? We’ve got plain and raspberry.” Sophie shook her head.
There was a knock at the door. Cora hopped up and hurried to the door with a skip in her step, “That should be grandpa, I asked him to bring some special things over.”
“What you plotting, gumdrop?” Sam asked from the fridge. He had three long-neck bottles in his fist.
“It’s a surprise for Sophie, Da-ad,” Cora made a face and darted her eyes at the little blonde at the counter.
Cora unlocked the door and swung it open to reveal Delgado standing confidently on the front patio space, a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a small bag under his arm. He bowed with a flourish and a sly smile.
Fox’s husband muttered under his breath, “Holy shit.”
Everyone in the house was staring at the uninvited guest as he passed through the threshold and closed the door behind himself. Sophie looked at the adults in front of her and then turned her body, her little hand gripping the back of the stool, to see for herself. When she saw him she gasped and squealed, “PAPA!” She hopped down with energy and knocked the stool over as she barreled over to him, her arms held wide.
“Mi Conejita!” Delgado knelt down and let the little girl slam into him, knocking him off balance on impact. He laughed and hugged her tight.
“I’m seeing things, right?” Sam was leaned in between Jay and Bella,
“The King of pirates isn’t in our living room right now?”
“Papa?” Jay was staring at Bella.
Bella hadn’t hold them about what happened on the key last week. She had finally told Jay and Fox about the kidnapping in the spaceport months ago and the undercover work but she left out the last week. She figured she’d get to it eventually. Because why would she ever think he would be in Akila City. He’d been exiled for over twenty years. And the whole ‘Papa’ thing was news to her as well. That was the first time she’d heard Sophie call him that.
“Those are pretty,” Sophie said about the bouquet. Bella looked down and saw they were all flowers from southern Akila. From the region she, Jay, and Fox were born. Faded blue and yellow flowers and white budding clusters tied with a scarlet bow.
“Those are for Mama,” Delgado brushed a piece of hair from Sophie’s face, “I brought you something too.”
He pulled the small bag from under his arm and held it out to her. Sophie grabbed it excited and reached in. Her jaw dropped open and pulled a bright blue trilobite with many visible stitches and patches. There was a red silk scarf wrapped around about where one would assume a trilobite’s neck would be. Sophie squealed, “ZUR!”
“I said I’d make sure he got better,” Delgado pulled her in for another hug, “Samina helped too. It took a special surgery to get Zur’s back legs better and unfortunately she had to amputate a few. But Doc said he’s got a full bill of health now.”
Bella had rounded the counter and was standing at his side, “you had Samina stitch him back together? Del, she has human patients.”
“I stitched him back together,” he stood up and held out the bouquet to Bella, “but I needed her for a few legs. And she was happy to help if it meant the little one smiled.”
“You?” Bella blinked and looked down to her bouquet. She took it while fighting back tears; no one had ever given her flowers. Even Sophie sperm donor, back when he still played like he loved her, never did something so thoughtful. She looked back up, “What the hell are you doing here? How?”
“I go where I please,” he said with a smug grin.
“Sure but how did you not get arrested?” Jay said from the counter, “I’m pretty sure there’s a half million credit price on your head in the FC alone.”
“Higher,” Fox said from the couch, “not to mention the exile. Never seen someone waltz through that.”
“I have my ways Ranger. Vanguard? Ranger Vanguard?” Delgado looked amused, “What do they call you anyway?”
“The last one,” Fox said with a shrug, “they all think it’s hilarious.”
“It is,” Delgado agreed. He looked down as Sophie grabbed his leg in another hug. He knelt down and picked her up, “everything okay mi conejita?”
His little bunny. Bella hated how much she loved that he called Sophie that. And her little girl took to it immediately. Sophie hugged his neck, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” He looked to Bella, “and you, Mama.”
“Shush, you,” she narrowed her eyes and fought back a grin.
“Hey Sophie?” Sam had set down the bottles and was now carrying a cookie, “you maybe hungry now?”
Delgado raised an eyebrow at the the approaching cowboy.
Bella said low, “Sophie’s been refusing to eat today. Bad enough everyone’s been trying to bribe her with sweets.”
“Conejita, you aren’t eating?” Delgado looked sad, “why?”
The little girl hugged him again. Bella sighed, this was bad. He couldn’t stay and no way in hell was Bella taking Sophie back to the Key.
Delgado seemed to noticed the small plate of mac and cheese and started walking them toward the fallen stool. He used his foot to kick the stool up and steadied it with his free hand, “Why don’t you sit down and eat your lunch and then we can hang out.”
Bella, and everyone else, braced for the protest. Sophie was shrill when denied what she wanted. But to everyone’s surprise, except Delgado’s, Sophie dug into her cold mac and cheese. Sam walked over and and placed the cookie next to her plate on a napkin before grabbing the bottles and turning to return to the couch.
He paused and held one out to Delgado, “Want one?”
“Not this time,” Delgado said.
This time.
“You never answered my question,” Bella came up beside him at the counter, “What are you doing here?”
“Mister Azure missed his Sophie.” Delgado smiled at Bella and touched her cheek with the back of his index finger, “and I missed you. Key’s not the same without you around.”
“Isn’t it dangerous leaving the Key with Naeva’s recent…actions?” Bella asked.
“About that,” Delgado flashed a smile, “she ran off. No one has seen her or her closest crew in a few days. Jazz said all her shit is gone. We’ve got eyes watching for her but for now the Key is secured.”
“And the sharks?” Bella looked away.
“Jazz is working on that,” Delgado glanced at Fox, “and from the sound of it a couple of C1 chumps dunked Ikande and Toft in a stew pot.”
“No one kidnaps my niece,” Fox lifted his fresh long neck bottle and tipped an invisible hat, “especially no United Colonies bootlicker.”
“Bold words for a Vanguard Captain,” Fox’s husband teased.
“I did that to help you and Jay, thank you very much,” Fox momentarily glared back at his husband.
“All done!” Sophie dropped her fork on her plate dramatically and turned to Delgado, “Can we go for a walk?”
Bella sucked in air and said quickly, “Honey, I don’t think we can—“
“Of course we can,” Delgado picked her back up and turned for the door, “Come on, Mama, let’s go for a walk.”
Bella’s eyes went wide. He wanted to just walk around Akila City. The most wanted criminal in the whole Settle Systems. Just walking around Akila City with Sophie on his arm. She didn’t even notice Jay take her bouquet and place it in a tall glass of water.
“Come on,” Delgado called from the door, “the view from that wall is beautiful this time of day.”
“You think we’ll see an ashta?” Sophie asked excited.
“Maybe,” Delgado opened the door, “my Papa used to tell me stories about the giant blue ashta that roamed the plains. Big as a barn and wicked fast…”
Bella hurried to catch up with them once she got her feet unglued from the floor. Outside the guards who patrolled the paths ignored them. Some of locals pointed and whispered but no one dared anything more. She was still puzzled as they walked the wall, stopping from time to time for Bella to point something out. How did he do it? How was he just wandering?
Part of her wondered if it mattered. He was here now, Sophie was happy, and Bella couldn’t deny she was happy too. Might as well enjoy it while it lasted.
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