#bnha x USJ
class1akids · 2 months
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Daiki Yamashita and Nobuhiko Okamoto visited the USJx MHA collab. Yuki Kaji tweeted that he wanted to go too 😭
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Nobu replied:
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(I can confirm, the Todo-sama cheese-cake is good. I saw many people disliking it because of the hot pepper, but to me it was a good twist)
No idea what Kaji's reply means though....
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animestsstuff2 · 23 days
Izuku boyfriend headcanons!
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Izuku is so sweet and nice. I feel he would be such a silly boyfriend.
Izuku, who on the first day helped you up after Bakugou shoved you aside on the way into home room.
Izuku, who was surprised to see you sit beside him in almost every class and of course stuttering occasionally when he would answer questions you asked him about himself.
Izuku, who brushed your worried self off after he destroyed his arm in the school festival battle with todoroki, face red as he turned away from your worried eyes. Your hand dusting his wrapped arm the other going to squeeze his hand.
Izuku, who you brought food to in his hospital bed after the Hosu incident, bringing him marshmallows which made the hospital hot chocolate slightly better.
Izuku, whose face burned red anytime Iida commented about you and him, eyes glancing feverishly over at you in the dorms you now lived in. Your contagious laugh and bright smile distracting the boy, making him forget sometimes of the war waging.
Izuku, who helped you study for your exams, helping you train your quirk better. Izuku who sat tense and nervous as your head rested on his chest having fell asleep during his rambling of one of the written topics.
CrushIzuku, who kinda liked how fearful you were of thunderstorms because it meant you’d come to his room to hide out. Izuku who would have checked the weather the day before and secretly prepared with your favourite snacks and movies. It always ended with you two asleep, unknowingly cuddled under the blanket.
CrushIzuku, who was hospitalised for longer than usual after the camp invasion. Izuku who found out you came to try and visit everyday. Izuku who stumbled back the day of his release, looking down at his chest which you had buried yourself into, crying “Y-You jerk! I was so worried, stop breaking yourself to save others!”
BoyfriendIzuku, who brought you for lunch immediately after the hospital, face red and stuttering as he rambled about asking you out..but, never actually getting to the point “w-well..Y/N you see I- well wait no, I pla-planned this better. Y/N-“
BoyfriendIzuku, who couldn’t get over it when you said yes. His face was so red the waiter actually asked if needed some ice or an ambulance. Izuku, who still got butterflies in his stomach everytime you grabbed his hand or kissed his cheek. His face turning red, especially when Denki or Mina seen and cooed at the both of you.
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akashigadabi · 1 year
Premise: It’s just after USJ and you’re going to see Shouta in hospital. Heaven help anyone who stands in your way.
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: some swearing
Summary: It’s just after the USJ incident, and for some reason no one but Hizashi remembers to call you and tell you Shouta’s in the hospital. Anyone who tries to keep you from him is getting bitten.
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Fuck fuck fuck. Where was Shouta? Your mind can only tumble between equally frantic thoughts while the receptionist takes her sweet time to give you his room number. It’s been agony waiting for them to finish their treatment plan, especially when they should have consulted you anyway. You’ll just have to make do with what’s left, you suppose, even if it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
Once you get to his floor, however, a nurse sitting at the station stands and moves to stop you.
“Let me through!”
You know the nurse is just doing her job, but right now you just want to strangle her. With how frazzled you feel, you just might. Then she just has to push it by touching your arm, and it takes everything in you not to bite her hand. You were a little feral, just like Shouta, but you never had your lover’s hero shtick to help redirect your impulses.
“Forgive me, but we cannot allow—”
“I said let me through. I’m his wife, godsdamnit!”
You don’t succeed in not snapping her head off, but she takes it well enough. Instead of getting offended, she nods and asks for a patient name.
“Aizawa Shouta.”
“Oh, I know that one. That teacher. I helped bandage him earlier. Follow me.”
You’re practically a nervous wreck as you follow her through the ward. The anticipation and anxiety make your heart beat like a scared rabbit, and all you can do is imagine the worst. It bothers you that no one but Hizashi called to let you know Shouta’s status, but then again, perhaps it had only slipped their minds in all the chaos. Perhaps that assumption was generous.
After all, they have to know you’re one of his immediate emergency contacts. They have to know they need to call you if he’s become badly injured because of your Quirk. You aren’t a Pro Hero, but there are other licenses, certificates, and permits that allow someone to use their Quirk. Anything from Certified Work Permits to Investigative Licenses to Limited Competency Certifications exist for those who wish to use applicable Quirks within certain scopes.
Your specific situation involves having a Restriction Level One Compassionate Healing License. It means that you can use your Quirk on others, even in public, regardless of if the situation is as mild as a sprained ankle or as critical as a skull fracture. Unlike Recovery Girl, your Quirk doesn’t use the patient’s stamina, so you don’t need them to be well-rested or a mild case, or to wait for them to recover somewhat first. Being a doctor or a Hero didn’t suit you, so this seems like the next best alternative. Especially since the government and HPSC recognize how difficult it often is to keep healers from assisting someone injured or dying in front of them and how disastrous it would be to punish said healers, especially if the public got wind of it. So they offer an alternative. Those with healing Quirks who don’t wish to become medical professionals or Pro Heroes full or part time can instead choose to obtain a Compassionate Healing License, ranging from Restriction Level Five to Zero. Level Five had the most restrictions, while Zero had none. It basically meant there were no restrictions on how you could use your Quirk to heal, both in consideration of its natural limitations, and in consideration of its legal ones.
By the time you arrive at his room, you’re ready to collapse from stress, but you have just enough presence of mind to thank the nurse as you lurch into the room. Of course, it’s worse than you thought. He’s bandaged from head to toe, doing a remarkable impression of a mummy. He looks almost like a broken doll lying there, and it breaks something inside of you to see him like that. You sink into the chair next to his bed, barely noticing Hizashi’s jacket that he wears when he wants to be lowkey off-duty.
“Oh, baby,” you whisper with tears in your eyes. “What did they do to you?”
You don’t expect your idiot (not really) husband to answer you then, sounding like he’s on death’s doorstep for a casual nap instead of his dire straights.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”
“Oh, so it’s just a flesh wound?”
“Shut up, you insufferable man. You almost died. Let me fuss over you.”
Your hands shake as you uselessly smooth the blankets on his bed. You want to touch him, to reassure yourself of his continued existence if nothing else, but you don’t want to risk hurting him. You haven’t used your Quirk on him yet to ease his pain or wounds. The way it works was that the more positive emotions you felt, the more you could heal. If you felt positive emotions about the patient, even better. Even neutral emotions worked for adequate healing in a pinch. If you needed to “fake it” to heal someone, you could focus on a positive memory or something with positive emotions attached to it to coax your Quirk into healing the way you wanted it to. It sort of reminded you of how people made a Patronus in that one Pre-Quirk book series. Shame the author was some hateful hag, but at least no one has to see her post Chirps. (Chirper replaced Twitter in the last stages of the Pre-Quirk Era, and she’s been dead for the last three hundred years, so no worries there.)
Shouta grumbles but allows your still-trembling hands to flutter over his form, hovering without touching.
“They said I’ll make a full recovery,” he tries again, attempting to soothe you. “You probably don’t even need to use your Quirk. We could just wait for Recovery Girl to—”
You interrupted with a put-upon little huff.
“Why would I let you suffer when I can fix some of it now?”
“Silly woman.”
“Infuriating man.”
Your fake glaring contest lasts for all of five seconds before he sighs and relents. “Fine. Get it over with, then. But you’re the one comforting Hizashi if this wears you out.”
“It won’t. I worked out that the more I love someone, the less energy it takes. Now hold still.”
You reach for his eyes first, because you know how much he needs them for his Quirk and in your Quirk sense, they’re an angry blood red. You don’t know how they look since they’re bandaged, too, but you gather it’s not pretty. Any damage to his eye socket or orbital floor would be hell for his career. Not because being Quirkless was such a terrible fate, but because without it, he’d be vulnerable. Even as an Underground Hero, people recognize him, and if they know he couldn’t use his Quirk properly—or at all—anymore, they’d take advantage of that. They’d see it as a weakness, and in a way it was if they knew he couldn’t rely on Quirk cancellation in his fights. He might fight mostly Quirkless, but Erasure still gave him an advantage.
Only a fool would insist otherwise.
He sighs in relief the moment your energy enters him, flowing into his eyes first, then into the rest of his head to ease the migraine he has. Whether it’s due to his injury, the medications used for surgery, a general lack of sleep, or some combination you have no idea. In hindsight, after you’ve chased away the majority of the pain and swelling, you readjust your assessment to include a concussion and skull fracture in the list of injuries. How lovely, a sarcastic part of your brain mutters as you berate yourself for losing sight of the forest for the trees in your rush to scrub away his pain. On the other hand, the concussion and skull fracture are irrelevant, gone like a flash of sunlight on a rainy day. Frankly, you don’t care. It all hurts him, so you get rid of it. Every single layer down to the last.
His lip, which had busted before he bit through it, also healed, as did his broken nose and a deep gash under his eye, though they might both scar. His scalp healed too. Someone had yanked on his hair hard enough to rip a chunk of it out, and you could almost feel the echo of it throbbing despite the pain easing. It made you furious to know someone had hurt him so badly. It made you ache, too, as if you’re the one laying in bed beaten to a pulp.
Next you heal his arms. One at a time, of course. You start with the one closest to you. A crease grows on your brow as you register the shade—still an angry red, but a shade lighter. His entire body glows like a red star, flickering in various hues of the color that spells danger for the one enduring the wounds. It’s not until your power flows into his arm that you discover the horrifying truth. Fuck the sprinkling of bruises and the little nicks. His arm is broken in five different places, which explains the glare of red bathing your second sight. You sigh from the depths of exasperation, because of course this absolutely insufferable man with no good sense of self-preservation manages to have his arm broken in five places.
“Why does it feel like you’re glaring at me?”
Of course your bastard sounds like he’s amused and apprehensive in equal measure, you think fondly even as you contemplate tying him up in his own capture scarf so he can’t get himself so damaged again.
“Probably because I am. How did you manage to get your arm broken in five different places, Shou?”
“He what?!”
Hizashi’s alarmed cry comes from the doorway. You turn to glare at him, because really? This is a hospital for fuck’s sake! People are trying to heal!
“Hizashi, you know I love you, but if the next sound out of your mouth is another screech, I’ll toss you out of the window myself.”
“And I’ll help,” Shouta added gruffly.
You flick your finger at his already healed cheek.
“No the fuck you won’t, mister! You shouldn’t even be moving yet, let alone throwing Hizashi’s loud ass through a window.”
“Sorry,” Hizashi apologized as he shuffled into the room and closed the door. “I’ll try to be quiet.”
“That’s like asking a cat not to be an asshole,” you mutter as you turn back around, ignoring the indignant “Hey!” from Hizashi as you set to work again.
Undeterred, the inappropriately energetic man sidles up to your side. Not close enough to get in the way, but definitely close enough to watch you work. It’s a delicate process. Even with all the love you have for Shouta, it takes fierce concentration. Mostly due to all the fine-tuned control you need for the seemingly endless fiddly bits. You sit back once you’re done with his arm and massage your temples. Only Shouta, you think again. Only Shouta.
“Your arm is healed, but your wrist and two of your fingers are broken too.”
There’s a sharp intake of breath at your side, and oh yeah, Hizashi’s here too, isn’t he? You’d nearly forgotten since you’d had to block him out to focus. Funny, that. At least Shouta’s arm isn’t hurting him now, though the fact that the other has also been set doesn’t feel particularly promising.
“In addition to the five breaks on his arm?”
“Yes, and some bruising and small cuts. I’ll fix the wrist and fingers then move to his other side. Once I do, it should be safe to touch his face and this limb. Do not touch anything else unless I say otherwise, got it? We don’t wanna hurt him more by aggravating his injuries.”
“Right. I can do that. I’ll hold his hand once you finish doing your thing.”
Without any further discussion, you dive right back into the healing session. Even though your Quirk isn’t directly tied to your stamina, like an inverse of Recovery Girl’s, you can still get tired. The mental and emotional exhaustion that can lead to a period of brain fog or numbness, like the kind that comes after a good cry—or even a short bought of depression in extreme cases—isn’t a cakewalk just because you can often otherwise function as normal. Still, Shouta’s worth the backlash, and you can always sleep it off. You heal his wrist and his fingers as promised, then pause and frown because while the halo of his arm has cooled to a healthier pink as it repairs itself, his ribs scream at you.
“What is it?”
It comes out as a grunt. You don’t care, just reach out to brush your fingers over them. Some are bruised, and some are cracked. Ribs can be bandaged, but not properly set. You probe around with your power to make sure they haven’t punctured anything, then cut off the flow of energy.
“How many?” Hizashi asks when you stand.
His hand grips Shouta’s like a lifeline as you round the bed, pausing to correct the damage you see as you go. “Sprained ankles.”
“Shouta,” you hear the blond murmur as you heal a nasty bruise on his leg that feels suspiciously like the outline of a boot. Ouch. Definitely from a kick. The broken blood vessels sing in relief at your touch.
“He’ll live, Zashi.”
He’s got another three breaks on this arm that’s speckled with bruises, another broken finger, and huh. A broken clavicle. You list aloud the injuries as you caress each one, sending warm waves of healing energy through them. You heal the nasty scratch on his neck, too, and the random thigh muscle he somehow pulled. That seems like the worst of it, aside from the hodgepodge of bruised organs that includes his spleen, his liver, and both kidneys, and a bruised abdomen. Thankfully he has no internal bleeding, but he’d have been sore for a while otherwise.
By the time you finish, you feel a little numb, but only just. It seems to have messed with your emotions again in a limited capacity. The closest you can feel to happiness at the moment is bitter relief, though the love you have for him never fades even when you get these spells. They’re temporary, and part of this may be due to stress instead of just being induced by your Quirk backlash.
Mostly you feel tired, like you’ve been crying for a long time and can’t cry anymore but on a low level. It’s a largerly emotionally drained feeling mixed with the barest hint of brain fog. You don’t heal all the time, after all, not like Recovery Girl or some of the Quirked doctors. Even when you do, it’s not often to this extent. You don’t always have to push yourself so much, but now you feel as if you should. Quirk training might just save Shouta’s life one day.
You’d never forgive yourself if he needed you but you were too weak to heal him.
“Is it done, then?”
“It’s done. Give it an hour before you start taking off all his casts and bandaging, though.”
“Are you going somewhere?”
You shrug.
“I’m taking a nap.”
With that, you crawl into bed next to Shouta to sleep off your backlash. Hizashi doesn’t protest. Smart man, that one. Anyone who tries to pry you away from Shouta’s side right now still stands a high chance of getting bitten. Hizashi must like having both of his hands. Good.
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Seat 21 - Chapter 5
A/N - Welcome to chapter 5! I’m sorting out a masterlist now, so y’all can access the chapters easier. Happy reading!!
Careful is not blood leaking from your hairline, flooding your face. Careful is not gravel leaving raw skin peeled off in chunks. Careful is not having your head slammed in by some,, monstrosity of a creature.
Taller than any person I’ve met, muscles bulging grotesquely from skin as dark as the deepest pits of the ocean. A bird-like beak, filled to the brim with canines has what can only be described as a grin etched on its face.
It makes me sick.
Seeing Aizawa sensei like this makes me sick.
My stomach churns, and I duck my head under the water to take a deep breath.
Oh my god.
Aizawa sensei is going to die.
We are all going to die.
The man of mist shows up.
“Tomura, one of the students have escaped. We should take our leave.” His voice hums through the thick silence.
“Ugh, that means the pro heroes will be here soon. It’s game over.” A man, boy? I didn’t notice him, steps from behind the creature. I can almost feel the pain of his rasp.
“It’s gonna be okay, we’re saved!” Mineta chatters, clinging onto Asui.
Disgusting, bulging eyes scan over us. Fear burns my throat.
“Huh, some of the brats made their way over. Maybe All Might will come if we start picking them off?” The young man - who surely can’t be that much older than us - stalks over. He crouches down, scanning our faces. I feel Tsu lightly tremble beside me.
“This one will do.” He sneers, reaching toward her face.
I don’t know who he is. I don’t know what he can do.
I do know that Asui Tsuyu is so unbearably kind. I know that she has been the first person to know who I am and show no care in a very, very, long time. 
I know I want to protect her.
At whatever cost.
“Get your fuckin hands off, get on out of your seat.” His hand stops, inches away from Tsu’s face.
“All eyes on me, all eyes on me.” Their eyes; both Tsu’s and the villains turn to look at me. But otherwise; they’re still. I see the disgust in the villain’s eyes.
“I said get your fuckin hands off!” I spit as I sing, frozen as if my own song affects me.
I need to move.
“Get on out of your seat. All eyes on me, all eyes on me.” My voice warbles, just enough for the villains face to fall into a scowl. 
“You say the ocean’s rising, like I give a shit.” I hate everything about this, but I have no choice. I wrap my arms around Asui’s torso and tug her backwards.
She moves seamlessly through the water, the only major movement since I’d started singing. 
I need to breathe.
I need to keep singing.
A quick shallow breath is all I allow myself. 
“Nomu, finish him.” The villain glares, seemingly speaking to the creature.
“You say the whole worlds ending,” Project. I need to project. 
Like Asui, Aizawa sensei is kind. He may not seem it at first, but he is. He gave me a chance. He protected us. Protected me.
He promised to be careful.
“Honey it already did.” My instincts scream against it, but I have to swim. 
“You’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you’ve tried.” I haul myself onto the land, slightly winded.
Movement in the corner of my eye.
“Got it? Good, now get inside.” I cry out, holding the note as long as I can. 
He’s not too far. If I can just shuffle close enough…
“We’re going to go, where everybody knows,” The gravel scrapes my scales, stinging.
“Everybody knows, everybody knows.” I’m so close. I can almost reach.
“We’re going to go, where everybody knows, everybody knows.” I repeat, reaching out. And it blinks at me.
It blinks at me.
And then it bats me away.
Gravel digs and stings and I gasp. 
My webbing tears and I can’t breathe.
 “Aren’t you fascinating?” The rasp comes from closer than it should’ve. My hands, bloody, tremble.
“Hinode-san, move! His quirk disintegrates everything!” A desperate cry. Midoriya.
Large hands grab my hair by the roots. This is it.
Nothing happens.
“No.” Quiet. Pained. Firm. Frightened tears fill my eyes.
Aizawa sensei stares, eyes glowing and unblinking.
The villain drops me with a scoff.
“Hinode, go. Take the others and leave.” His voice is so,, quiet. I don’t like it.
“Wow, you really are so cool, Eraserhead.” The compliment is sarcastic, mocking. 
“You’d really die to save these brats?” Aizawa-sensei’s stare is more than enough answer.
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evilminji · 1 month
DP X BNHA Idea!!!!!
Izuku goes missing during the USJ. He falls through a green portal!
I mean? Kurogiri IS there. And we don't know that ALL that neck piece does is support his body. Could be Support Tech too. Portals made by an artificial Quirk are finicky? Why the FUCK would a Nomu, no matter how intelligent, have any control over his portals?
That requires a clear visualization and conscious PREMEDITATED set of decisions.
Something he is no longer capable off. It's one of the major flaws in their shitty, shitty "research". The see only the end results of people working with their Quirks. Mentally processing information and MAKING DECISIONS as INDIVIDUALS WITH FREE WILL and? Reduce it all down to the Quirk itself.
It's bias.
They never saw PEOPLE as anything of worth, after all.
That's why Best Jeanist can have such a "weak quirk" and still kick so much ass. Miriko can be a terrifying war god of a battle rabbit. It was never the Quirk. It was the PERSON weilding it.
The Strongest Quirks in existence, in the hands of weak willed men, could be defeated by one determined quirkless man with a heavy rock or a gun. They would die like insects, cowering in the mud. And All for One never understood that. It's why he underestimated his brother. It's why he was always doomed to fail.
It's WHY... Izuku has no idea where he is.
And there are like... seven? No wait, more. Ghosts. Arguing over what to do.
At least Grandma Midoriya is here. She like Aunty Mitsuki and... oh hey! That's Aunty Mitsuki's uncle! At least he has family... sorta... dead family? He's gonna go with family. At least he has people he KNOWS with him, here to yell at the weird chest ghosts.
And Grandma hugs.
As they float in a... void a green. Ha ha... ohgodwherearethey...
There is a crowd forming. Apparently that portal guy is a NOMU? And Mr.? Cloud? Wants his body back. Has been following the portals the Nomu creates to try and tear his way in from the OTHER side.
What side?! What side are WE ON? Please EXPLAIN.
And?? Now someone is shouting to break it up. There are skeletons gently shoving people and doing crowd control. And.... wait. WAIT! :O
Is that a HERO UNIFORM!!! That IS! And a crown! Is that part of his outfit? Or is this place RULED by a DEAD HERO?! *vibrates in hero nerd*
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xan-izme · 1 year
"Wut up Cuz" (Shouto x Older Cousin Reader)
Where Shouto has an older cousin who is a junior in UA high. She's known to be a pretty chill person by students and teachers. But at home she gets pretty overprotective of her baby cousin. Especially when it involves her uncle, Enji.
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Shouto was a quiet and rather serious kid. That was all a mask to try and get to his goal to overthrow All-Might. Well, it wasn't truly his goal, but it was all he knew!
But that mask would quickly melt away as soon as he would see his older cousin. To Shouto, you were a real hero. Someone who was honorable, trustworthy, and most of all, strong.
You were his cousin from his mother's side, when you two first met, you were quick to keep him by your side. You treated him like glass, something that was preciouses and should be showered with love. 24/7.
The older you two got, the less you two were able to hang out. But the two of you would speak over the phone. You would go as far as taking him without your uncle's consent or knowledge, which you didn't really care for.
You got into UA. Once you got into Highschool, you became well known. Aced all your test, made sure to be well behaved and played well with others. Your quirk was also praised by many. you rarely flaunted your quirk; in all honesty you were too lazy too.
Shouto has looked up to you from day one. So, when he got news of you getting into UA and how good you were doing. He worked harder.
When Shouto finally got into UA, you and he didn't get to see each other, due to you being very busy with a problem and him being fixated on training harder to overthrow All-might.
You really did want to see your dear cousin, but you felt like he could handle himself, so you continue taking care of business.
When the attack on JSU happened, you left with the teachers, you didn't care what the adults said to try and keep you from tagging along, your baby cousin was encountering villains for the first time!
Once you got there, you helped as much of the other freshman as you could, the moment you spotted Shouto, you refused to let him leave your side.
After the USJ attack you were kind of grounded from outside of extra-curricular off campus school activities. No field trips, no special training sites.
Shouto felt really bad that he sorts of ruined your reputation in school due to him not being strong enough.
But the bright side, was that you got to be with him more. The two of you would walk around campus before class began, then you would drop him off at class, give him a small fist bump then take leave.
Your chill, you don't seem like the type of person to have an outburst. But Shouto knows, when you and his father are in a room together, an argument or just a full-on fist fight is bound to happen.
"Why is this child in my house!?"
"Ya'll hear a bi**h?"
"Excuse me??"
"Your excused . . . Why you still here? I said you're excused. Leave"
It's no secret you disliked your uncle. Not after the things he had done. Things between the two of you would get heated fast, Fuyumi nearly called the cops the first time you and Enji actually started to physically fight.
If it means you had to sacrifice yourself for your family, you'd gladly take it. Because at the end of the day, your family was preciouses, even if Enji would be a little bug you wanted to crush so badly.
Family was your soft spot. If any of your cousins came up to you to ask the impossible, you'll do it without question. But at the moment, you don't mind just walking around campus with Shouto. Just you and him, no worries in the air.
Just a quiet and warm feeling around the two of you.
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{This is a short one, mainly used for what Y/n would be like in most of the upcoming BNHA fics}
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teenandbeyond · 6 months
Hanta Sero x Reader
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Since my Tumblr on my laptop was acting suuuper buggy* Excuse the quality.
(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞
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🩹Christmas Love🩹 (BNHA)
Warning(s): Fluff
Sero takes you out on a date or... You take him out???
Before Sero’s knuckle could leave your door, it was open in a rush.
He jumped back in surprise, but couldn’t hold back the fond smile at what he saw.
You grinned wide, jumping in excitement, “Hanta! It’s snowing on Christmas! In Japan!”
“I know, can’t say I expected to wake up to it.”
You hurried back in to put on your cute Christmas coat and boots you liked before closing the door behind you.
He sighed, the puff of air visible with the chill, “Looks like our original plan won’t work with all this snow.”
Your grin was wide, “That’s okay. We can improvise.”
He yelped as you quickly grabbed his hands, dragging him along. Then he chuckled.
“I’m coming, baby. I promise.”
“Then put those nice thighs of yours to use and walk faster!”
✧*̥˚ *̥˚✧
“So, what are we doing first on this improvised date of ours?”
You didn’t answer, too focused on all the pretty Christmas decor decorating different places.
“Hmm…? Oh! We should check out the antique Christmas stand first!”
You dashed away, Sero having to rush after you.
“Hello, sir. You have such pretty things here,” you were looking with interested eyes after a polite bow.
“Oh, yes. I have old Christmas gadgets from all over the world here—I’m quite a collector, but I’m getting older you see. I’d like to let you younger folk gain happiness from them like I did at your age.”
Sero watched you look at everything with a soft smile.
He loved you so much.
As if you felt his eyes, you looked at him, only to shyly smile at the burning gaze and busy yourself with a Santa plate.
And you didn’t even know it.
The two of you hadn’t exchanged the ‘L’ word yet.
It wasn’t because he was so busy at UA, because you visited him every other day with special permission.
Or because you hadn’t gone on too many dates.
It was fear, he’d met you during the break before high school started. And you hadn’t known each other long before he’d gone through USJ. You were a rock he hadn’t known he needed.
You stuck by him. Helped him with his studies, helped him just get a break from it all, and comforted him after each villain situation.
He fell for you, it was impossible not to with how kind of a soul you were, and you fell for him.
So you made it official. But things were still kind of fresh.
So he thought it would be too soon to tell you…. ‘[Name]! I’m in love with you!’
So he just kept all that deep love in, letting enough of it seep out and pass as ‘like’.
Even though what he felt was so much more deeper and passionate than the simple feeling of ‘like’. ‘Liking’ was a boy’s feeling, he was a man that loved you.
But…what if you didn’t feel the same?
“Hanta? Are you still there or did you freeze from the cold?”
He snapped out of it, eyes meeting your amused ones.
“Yeah, just…You’re really cute right now.”
That look, so full of something you couldn’t place had you playing with your gloves. It was too intense.
“W-well anyway, I decided to get this,” you showed him your choice. “Let’s go!”
You zoomed away, but something caught his eye before he could follow you.
A gold carnation necklace.
“Ah, yes. It isn’t necessarily Christmas-themed, but I wanted to get rid of it.”
“How much is it?” he looked back up to the seller.
The elder man smiled at him, “Free of charge. You can take it.”
“There’s no way I could—”
“I know a man in love when I see it. Carnations are a wonderful flower to show that love with—and it’s old, nothing I can do with it. Go ahead!”
“Thank you.”
The seller put the necklace box into a pretty bag.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Yes, you too.”
You patiently waited a distance away, looking in different directions to find where Sero had disappeared to.
“Sorry, I got caught up buying something.”
“That’s okay! I noticed there was a hot chocolate stand not too far from here, let’s go there next!”
Sero just followed like the dutiful boyfriend he was, though he had to admit, once it cooled down a little, the hot chocolate was delicious.
The two of you continued walking, holding each other’s free hand as you talked about anything coming to mind.
Then Sero got bumped into.
“Hanta! Are you okay?”
He waved off the person so they wouldn’t keep feeling bad.
You pulled him to the side to check his hand.
With the pout, you checked his hand, body hovering over it to block some of the cold.
“I told you you should’ve worn gloves…that would've helped a little.
“I wasn’t thinking about it.”
He watched as you took care of his hand, so gentle with him, checking how he was feeling.
You were always gentle and caring with him.
That’s why…
“I love you.”
Crap, did he say that out loud?
Your hands paused just as you placed one of your gloves on his wrapped hand.
“Uh, [Name] I—I shouldn’t have—”
“—Do you mean it?”
He couldn’t lie to you.
“...Yes. I love you so much it–it doesn’t make any sense. I love how much you care for me. I love when you’re so happy your face lights up. I love when you’re sad and come to me, wanting me to make you feel better. I love everything about you…” he looked away from you, “I know it’s kind of soon, but I just can’t help it. I–”
“—Love you, too.”
“Wait, huh?”
Your smile was soft and happy, “I love you, too. I had been hoping you felt the same way. I was going to ask you later today.”
Now Sero was happy, a bubbly grin stretching onto his face, “Wow. This is the greatest Christmas present ever—And I didn’t even need the necklace.”
“What necklace?”
He shyly rubbed his neck, “I, um—That man from the store gave me a necklace—A flower to confess love or something.”
“I’ll still take it. Just to be sure you really love me.”
“Of course, I love you! I’m serious!”
“I’m just teasing, Hanta. I know.”
“No. You need to be assured,” he went to attack your face with kisses.
“Stop! Your lips are cold!”
“Your face is hot enough to make up for it.”
“Shut up!”
“You loooove me.”
“You love me too, goof!”
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sophsiaaa · 9 months
going home
bnha masterlist
pairing: tomura shigaraki x fem reader
summary: Stranded in another world that eerily follows the plot of your favourite manga, you find yourself sucked into the story, trapped on the side of the villains. You're just a girl who knows too much and wants to go home, but with Tomura Shigaraki watching you, escape won't be easy.
notes: I know this is a kinda cringey premise but I've had this idea trapped in my head for months and I love shigaraki so here.
chapter contains: attempted sexual assault (not shigaraki), canon typical violence
Tomura was in a bad mood. 
This whole business with the Hero Killer had really pissed him off. Made worse by the fact that the media was still looping his arrest footage, his oh so tragic backstory. Every convenience store and outlet on the way back from the mall was running it.  
But what about his Nomu? They’d terrorized Hosu. They should be on the front page. He’d attacked the USJ. His master had promised that the world would learn to fear him. This was bullshit. Fucking Stain .  
Tomura ducked his head low beneath the dark shadow of his hood, keeping to the alleys and deserted side streets on his way back to the bar. The sun was dipping below the horizon, night rising, but it was still best to be careful. After all, he’d just held that Midoriya kid hostage at the mall and there were bound to be heroes looking for him by now. They could look all they liked, with Father in his pocket instead of on his face, he’d be unrecognizable. Unlike Stain, his face wasn’t being blasted on TVs across Japan.  
At least that little mall trip had helped. Tomura was still pissed, but now he had some clarity, something to work for. Killing All Might and forcing this rotten society to question just how secure its sense of peace and justice was. Yeah , he liked the sound of that.  
He grinned and kicked a can down the street. It clanked against the pavement in a hollow roll, but its tin-rattle was quickly drowned out by the voices Tomura heard in the next lane over.  
He slipped around the corner and raised a brow at the scene before him.  
There was a woman on the ground in a pile of rubbish and a blanket, looking wide-eyed up at two guys standing above her. She looked like shit, but that didn’t seem to phase the men. They were practically licking their lips as they leered down at her ragged figure. Gross .  
Tomura thought he might have seen them around before, they were pretty generic looking; just two NPCs playing at being villains. Clearly low level. The taller one had no obvious quirk, and his hair stuck up in pineapple spikes, sleeve tattoos plastered to his skin. The shorter one, who was now grabbing the woman roughly by her shirt and yanking her up, had massive radio-dish ears – a hearing quirk of some sort. Potentially useful.  
“Pretty stupid of you to be sleeping out here where anyone could grab ya!” said Radio-Head.  
The woman leaned as far back as she could. “Let me go!” she said, in English.  
Tomura raised his other brow. He could understand English well enough, though he was better at reading than speaking. His master had wanted him prepared to make allies with whomever it took, Japanese or foreigner. Still, it was jarring to hear her English against the familiar Japanese of the two men who had her.  
“Foreigner?” said Pineapple-Head. “No way. This is great!” 
“Yeah, means she won’t go to the heroes. They’d never believe her!” Radio-Head yanked her close and she yelped, kicking out at his knees only to be pressed against the rough brick of the alley wall. “Isn’t that right lovely?”  
“Fuck off! Let me go!” she said, again in English. She bit Radio-Head's fingers when he tried to press a palm over her mouth.  
He jumped back and Pineapple-Head pinned her arms instead. “You good?” he asked.  
“Fucking bitch bit me!”  
Tomura had had enough of watching this cutscene like some creepy vouyer. He shoved his hands in his pockets, pinkies tucked into his palms, and slipped out of the shadows, heading down the alley toward the bar. The two men startled, caught like misbehaving kids. Pineapple-Head almost jumped out of his tattoos. Radio-Head pulled out a knife and stood in the way. He hid his throbbing fingers. Tomura smirked. Heh . The woman was clearly pretty stupid if she let herself be caught sleeping out here, but at least she wasn’t just rolling over for these losers. Even now, she was trying to wriggle free as the men glared Tomura down like he was a threat, a bigger dog who might wrench away their bone. 
“Fuck are you doing here?” Radio-Head said. “Can’t you see this alley’s taken? 
“Yeah, piss off man!” said Pineapple-Head in the lamest gangster voice ever. 
Tomura scowled. Who the hell were these bastards to tell him to leave? Did they have any idea who they were dealing with?  
The woman called out this time. “Help!” she said and strained towards him.  
Tomura’s scowl only deepened. What, did she think he was her hero or something? This was her own mess. He needed to get back to the bar before Kurogiri bugged him. Plus, he had those new recruits to deal with – the crazy girl and the ugly guy with patchwork scars.  
“Get going before I make you!” said Radio-Head, brandishing his knife. It gleamed white in the rising moonlight. The bastard was all confidence as he barrelled closer.  
Tomura didn’t like that. Didn’t appreciate being threatened .  
He huffed. “You really think you could make me leave?” And he took a step forward, fingers itching in his hoodie, the weight of Father suddenly heavier. He was just going to leave; this woman wasn’t his problem. But these cocky assholes were just begging to be destroyed.  
And besides, he was still in a bad mood .  
Pineapple-Head was starting to move his palms toward the woman’s chest when Radio-Head lurched forward. The knife swiped in an ungraceful arch, missing Tomura almost comically. Off balance, Radio-Head fell forward, caught only by four fingers.  
“You know, you really should be more careful with that thing.” The knife clattered against the ground as Tomura pressed a fifth finger down. “Somebody might get hurt .” 
Radio-Head couldn’t even scream as his body turned to ash.  
“What the fuck?!” Pineapple-Head, finally catching on, forgot the woman and dashed for Tomura. He had no weapons, but he extended a palm and blinding light spewed out in an arrow. An emitter quirk, then.  
Tomura ducked it but had to squint as he reached out and held Pineapple-Head's face in his palm. The creep struggled and gasped, a fish on the chopping block, as veins of decay spread over his skin. He didn’t turn straight to dust, but rather, fell to the floor in chunks. His blood ran in lines through the grooves of the pavement.  
Tomura grinned. The thrill of destruction coursed through him, had his heart pounding. He’d killed them. The incessant itch that had bothered him since the Stain incident dissipated just a bit and he breathed deeply. Damn that felt good.  
“You killed them.”  
Oh, right. He forgot about her. 
The woman had cowered back in her nest of squalor, palms pressed flat to the ground, back against the wall, eyes rimmed with the glass of coming tears. She cast her gaze between her villainous saviour and the two dead piles of men.  
“Yeah, I did,” Tomura said in English. He grinned wider and stepped toward her. One more kill couldn’t hurt. Besides, this woman had seen his face. Seen him kill. It’s not like he could let her live.  
But as he approached, fingers poised to kill, she suddenly stood up. “Thank you!” she said. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She whispered it to herself, over and over, lowering her head in relief.  
Tomura hesitated. His movements stuttered. Was she seriously thanking him right now?  
She looked up at him, and there was something sickly about her that made Tomura almost feel sorry for her. A pallidness, a darkness. An otherness. She looked like she'd been sleeping in this alley for a while. She looked pathetic.  
Tomura pursed his lips and shook his hood back on. “Whatever,” he said in Japanese. He walked away, reaching for Father, for the sick comfort of the hand over his face. He really should kill her. He headed back toward the bar. 
“Wait!” Footsteps.  
Tomura ignored her, feeling an itch creep up his neck. The woman jogged up beside him, following.  
“Hey, please!”  
He could feel her looking at him as she struggled to keep pace. Would she just piss off already before he changed his mind? He didn’t have time for this side quest. “Go away.”  
“I need help.” 
The itch grew worse. “Do I look like a hero to you?” Tomura hissed.  
She stepped in front of him. "Please. Can you-" she paused, looked up at the hand on his face. Recognition lighted her eyes. She backed away. "Oh, you're..."
Her back was against the alley wall in a second, Tomura’s four fingered grip around her throat. He squeezed hard. He itched harder. This was more like it, the fear in her eyes, not that sappy gratefulness. Finally, someone who knew who he was.
He bared his teeth, scarred skin pulling tight. "Oh, you recognise me? That's nice."
The woman couldn't even speak.
“I did tell you to piss off,” he mumbled in Japanese, a little lightness entering his voice, a little laughter. He reached up and scratched, nails dragging coarse red lines over his neck. So itchy. “I'm glad to be noticed," he switched back to English, "but can't have you running to tell the heroes where I am, so...”
He pressed his fifth finger down.  
And nothing happened.  
No relief, no thrill, no death. The woman stared down at him, her pulse rapid in her throat. She didn’t decay. Tomura pressed in harder, as though he could tear into her flesh and turn her to dust. But she just wheezed. His quirk had no effect on her.  
His bloodshot eyes went wide. Why the hell wasn’t she dying ?  
“ Please ,” she said. "Don't."
Tomura sucked in a harsh breath; his eyes slitted into vicious papercuts. It must be her quirk. Some sort of immunity, like Eraserhead. He was touching her, skin to skin, hand on neck, and she wasn’t dead.
“What’s your quirk?” he demanded.  
The woman grimaced, tugging at his hand. “Quirk?”  
“Yeah. Tell me.” Tomura leaned closer, breath on her face. He needed to know. He needed...
But no amount of closeness could have prepared him for her response.  
She took a weak breath and shook her head. “I don't have a quirk...”  
Before Tomura could even understand what she meant, her eyes slipped closed and her head lulled into strangled unconsciousness.  
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
Props to Bakugo for pulling out the win and also accepting that he's not the strongest guy out there.
That fight was shit show from start to finish in my tl and source. I had to fight AFO *twice* I'd beaten him to death and started fighting other villains. Then he sucker punched me and seeing a revitalized AFO made me feel like I was 8 years old again. I could even feel the heat of the house fire he caused. Hawks bailed me out and I insisted on going back and finishing the fight because this was my last chance to prove to my inner child that I could protect her. Because at this point i felt like if I couldn't protect myself no one could. So I went back.
He had the upper hand for a while but then I got my second wind and beat him across the landscape before using an ultimate move I came up with on the fly which was the barrage of 300 blows dad used to fight the Nomu at USJ followd by a USSmash in mid air. I called it the United States of Smash: High Octane which wasn't very creative but it was what it was and it was the only time I used it. The blow was so powerful it ended up obliterating AFO off the face of the earth and turning Gunga Moutain into Gunga Mesa.
I passed out afterward and then ate 3 bulk cases of cup noodles when I woke up.
-Yumie Yagi AKA High Octane (noncanon bnha)
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miseria-fortes-viros · 3 months
follow-up for your poll- i read enough bnha fic to piece together the entire plot wo reading/watching anything official BUT because i was mainly going by 'if it's in enough fics it's probably canon' (ie big events like the usj, basics of quirk theory, etc) i thought erasermic were canonically married. for. wayyyyy too long. it's in EVERY FIC it feels like they just ALWAYS have a throwaway line about them being married. anyways i'm watching the show now and these guys have 0 chemistry. none. so you should read source material or you might get gaslit about gay
like honestly i don’t care what other people do bc it’s none of my business but initially when i made the poll it was reactionary on my part. apparently the aftg fandom (book series) has a TON of people in it that are just….writing meta and talking about how much they dislike x character for whatever reasons, without having actually read the books. which, i feel like i don’t even need to explain why that makes the fandom experience suck just a little bit more for everyone else. like first of all, how can you say you like something without having actually experienced it, in favor of letting other people experience and interpret it for you?? your opinions are all secondhand. you’re just regurgitating what other people have told you. it could be the best written fanfic in the world but it still won’t do the same thing for you as reading the series. and people who have actually read and loved the series are rightfully annoyed at this!! but yeah. that was the epiphany behind the poll. again it’s not my business what other people do, but if you have dogshit opinions about books you haven’t read, you can’t really be surprised if actual fans get upset with you. and also fanon/canon are two different things like you’ve said lol
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class1akids · 6 months
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The MHA X USJ collab will be a 4D movies ride, featuring Deku, Bakugou, Shouto and Uraraka doing security at a concert.
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ficfinding · 1 year
Im looking for a BNHA/Avengers crossover x reader story. The reader replaces Wanda (maximoff name and powers) the reader and peter somehow end up in the bnha universe i think because of the tesseract. Peter and reader are put in class 1A for safety while trying to get home. The LOV team up with a new Ultron that has an infinity stone. During the USJ attack reader detroys the stone.
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eyes-of-mischief · 1 year
weekly fic recs | 35
fandoms: bnha, jjk, tgcf, svsss, yoi
Butterfly Mouth by Oodles
Toudou Aoi likes a challenge, so he tries to figure out what Inumaki Toge's type is, and accidentally discovers more about himself along the way.
android girl by like_vines
the two of them have never liked to be apart from each other for too long.
Achilles, Come Down by HotCocoaaa
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
“Satoru?” The word rings, fuzzy in his ears as it whines like tinnitus, familiar and heart stopping.
‘I’m dead.’ He can’t even hear his own thoughts over the loudness of the world, staggering where he stands, eyes still fixated on the sky, on the sun. ‘I’m dead, I died, I felt my heart stop, this can’t be, it can’t-’
“Hey,” it comes again, a little more urgent than before, a little closer, another hammer to his ears and all the noise shrieking behind his eyes. He recoils hard enough to go stumbling as a hand reaches for him, covered in flesh rather than empty bone, tan and recognizable. Unbelievable.
There’s something wet trickling from his nose. Bile stings on the back of his tongue. The words dissolve into the rest of the white noise as he stares up at the blue of the sky, and tries to remember if he’d ever had a hallucination as bright as this.
‘I have to be dead,’ he thinks.
Somehow, he isn’t.
bnha x jjk
May Death Never Stop You by slex (slexenskee)
Gojo Satoru has spent a lifetime trying to do the right thing the right way.
He decides to spend his second terrorizing the local yakuza, reliving his middle school glory days with a pop punk youth aesthetic and a regrettable affliction for black leather, uprooting the criminal underworld and hero industry alike and casually taking up costumed aggression as an occupation.
A Gojo Satoru is reborn as Todoroki Touya AU
A Stone Turned Over by Chloro
“Oh? Is he strong?”
“The strongest quirk-user,” Shoko said. She didn’t show much interest in heroes, but everyone knew that much. “He might even be a match for you two.”
Suguru’s sinking feeling got stronger as Satoru snapped his head around, raising his glasses with a manic gleam lighting up his eyes. “Really?”
portals, prayers (and the mortality that accompanies both) by disjointed_symphony
Inumaki Toge is trying to fight a cursed spirit; then he pops right through the floor, a black hole, and out into, apparently, another universe.
Villains are in the midst of attacking USJ when a blue portal opens, suspended mid-air. A teenager with pale hair and markings around his mouth falls out.
(And, sometime later, following his errant student, Gojou Satoru lands gracefully in a run-down bar.)
The Darker The Weather, The Better The Man by capyshota
At the point where Xie Lian is struggling to breathe through the intense winds, he stops and turns his back to the source of it all. He squints to trace back his footsteps, but finds they’ve already faded into smooth snow drifts at the thirty foot mark.
“…A lot of things out here can catch you off guard if you aren’t careful.”
save your tears (for another day) by anatheme
In which the SYSTEM provided Shen Qingqiu a way to distract Luo Binghe during their reunion in the Jinlan City Arc:
And then he felt it, a hot and stinging sensation in his eyes.
Something warm and wet trailed down his cheek. His vision blurred and he hurriedly tried blinking it away.
Shen Qingqiu quickly wiped his face before anyone could see. He stared at the wet trail in his hand in horror and betrayal. What the fuck, SYSTEM?!
Too late, Luo Binghe already saw it, judging by the sharp intake of breath and everyone going silent around him.
How to Forgive Your Shizun with the Power of Hindsight by bingheluvr69
It occurs to Shen Qingqiu that, as a teacher, he can teach Binghe how to forgive a Shizun who'd push him into the Abyss one day, and a whole mess of misunderstandings may be avoided
Devil's Trill by feelslikefire
When Victor Nikirofov finds an angel wandering lonely through the edge of his realm in Hell, he makes the boy an offer. Yuuri, who has his own reasons for being far from Heaven's light, finds it a hard bargain to refuse. An angel & demon BDSM au.
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Seat 21 - Chapter 3
A/N - another chapter ready and raring to go! i’ve also started posting this story to Ao3 :) enjoy!!
Somehow, class feels lonlier the next day.
I swear I can feel people staring at me, even though Tokoyami assures me that they’re not.
Home is even lonlier.
It’s a two and a half hour train ride to my home town, and it only runs three times a day. It wouldn’t get me to school in time, so Mama’s renting me an apartment in the city. It’s small and old, and in the bad part of town.
But it means I get to go to U.A.
I miss my brother today. Seeing me, most people are surprised with how Jun can be. He’s a little ball of energy, just finishing up elementary school now.
Some days I wish I was him.
I would give up my quirk any day to be as carefree as he is.
Udon is lonlier without his excited yells, and mama’s following laugh.
But time moves on, and so do I.
Midoriya recovers swiftly, thanks to recovery girl.
He gets voted in for class representative, but passes the role onto Iida.
The press invades school grounds.
I pray its not my fault; even though Aizawa assures me it isn’t when I try and apologise.
Before I can recover, its time for our next practical heroics lesson; this time off site. 
I spend the majority of the ride to U.S.J fiddling with my translucent skirt, occasionally signing confirmation to Tokoyami and Dark that yes - I’m fine, there’s no need to worry. 
Loud talk of everyone’s quirks fills the bus and has me like a deer in headlights. I get afraid at somepoint I’ll tear my skirt.
I would be lying to say I wasn’t scared out of my mind for whatever All Might would say about me today.
It would be another lie if I said Aizawa sensei’s presence at this lesson wasn’t oddly comforting.
But to my guilty relief, it isn’t All Might that greets us at the stadium-like centre. Pro hero Thirteen is a much more grounding figure. She calmly explains that the USJ is primarily used for rescue-based training - her primary line of work. 
My shoulders sag as she goes through the different environments. Earthquakes, floods, avalanches (both snow and rock), severe weather, sea wrecks and more. The opportunities for scenarios are endless. Awe overtakes me.
I can’t stop gazing at the water.
This is what I want. This is what I can do.
Surrounding gasps tear my attention away from the still blue.
“Is this apart of the exercise?” A voice I recognise as Kaminari’s asks. Aizawa weaves between Tokoyami and I, standing in front of the class.
“No, it’s not. This is a real villain attack. Thirteen, evacuate the students, and call the school for backup. I’ll try and hold them off.” He grumbles, pulling his goggles down.
My entire body trembles.
Actual real villains.
Stumbling up to Aizawa, I finally see what everyone else has. A black and purple abyss, with waves of people emerging left, right and centre. Sneers and eyes that can only be described as hungry are trained on us.
Shaking hands reach up and tug his scarf, gently but frantic.
“What, kid.” He sideyes me, sparing me a second of attention. There’s so much that I want to say, but my hands are shaking too badly.
Careful. Is all I can sign. Over and over and over again.
Careful. Careful. Careful. Careful.
A calloused hand warms my shoulder.
“I’ll try.” Aizawa sensei’s voice is rough. Sparing not even a second, he leaps into battle.
“Come one everyone, we need to evacuate.” Thirteen ushers us towards the door, but the same dark mist starts to appear before us.
Piercing yellow that can only be eyes is trained on us and my body freezes. 
My breath quickens as Bakugou and Kirishima attack the mist, Thirteen quick behind.
At first, I think the darkness is a result of my fear; but then my eyes catch a swirl of deep purple.
We’re inside the mist.
Spiders crawl up my skin as I twist and turn to escape.
Freezing cold is my reward for escape.
 My lungs feel free, and I feel strength seep into my bones. A blur quickly becomes a villain hurling toward me, but with a simple flick I’m far out of his way.
Oh god, I didn’t want them to know so soon. 
But my frantic eyes spot mossy green starting to go limp, and my comfort is no longer priority. 
I push as hard as I can and launch myself towards Midoriya, trying to grasp for anything. An arm brings me to the leverage of under his arms as I swim as fast as I can to the surface.
We breach surface and the unmistakable tongue of Asui carries Mineta onto the shipwreck. Midoriya, still spluttering, can’t speak.
I have to.
For his sake.
I rip off my mask.
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going-dead · 2 years
What has been your favorite part(s) to write in your BNHA X DP fic so far? There’s so many amazingly heart racing moments, and I can only imagine racing to get those brain thoughts out in words!
Hope you have a wonderful day 👍
There’s a few moments in the fic I had planned from the beginning that I really enjoyed writing and reading the responses to (i.e Danny getting shot, the usj, and the meeting with Hawks to name a few)
I’m glad that the responses from the readers reflected my own excitement when writing those moments because even now I’m unsure if the feelings are coming across enough when I write them down.
And Of course I enjoy writing this fic so much that even the parts I have trouble getting I to words I enjoy writing.
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maz1e · 2 years
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prologue 1 — nefarious.
#. synopsis! — upon catching the vicious villain, the heroes made the decision to hold his case perhaps he may be able to disclose the names of those who attacked usj .
#. characters! — villain akumu , principal nezu, midnight(kayama nemuri) , present mic(yamada hizashi) , vlad king(kan sekijirō) , unnamed u.a staff and pro-heroes .
#. warnings! — bnha x oc , talks about horrendous crimes(mass murder , drug deals) , ooc , personal headcannons .
#. word count! — 718 .
#. masterlist!
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as the young man sits in a well-lit, quiet room, the pro-heroes outside is questioning why they are called in for work when they should’ve been patrolling or taking care of the students seeing how usj was just attacked recently. they have no leads on what happened that day. unbeknownst to them, the kid in the room is someone who can help them.
present mic is internally panicking, some were slightly arguing about the situation, some didn’t recognise the person in the room and calling this meeting a waste of time. while midnight, she immediately knew who this kid was. the memory from almost a year ago is eating her alive. the worry clouding her mind, she can’t bear it. but she must stay professional.
“everyone, settle down.” the principal calmly says, quite unusual for him to walk alone, but because aizawa was gravely injured, he must stay in the hospital until then. “everyone must be confused why they were called in for a meeting.”
everyone in the room, except for midnight, looked at the small principal for answers.
“you must be wondering who that person may be.” he says calmly. “that person is the villain akumu— or rumoured to be akumu.” the heroes looked at him like he was crazy. the kid in that room cannot be older than 16 and the villain they are talking about has been doing crimes for 6 years now.
“principal, i find it hard to believe that the person sitting in that room right now is the villain akumu, the police’s investigation says that akumu is 20. that person in the room right now is a child.” present mic spoke up, may it be the truth, he does not believe that a child like him can do such horrendous crimes. he must’ve been forced to— or—
“mic. stop.” midnight spoke out, she understood why he was acting like that. “the rumour about the death trial is true isn’t it principal nezu?”
“i’m afraid so.” says the principal. “but the trial is still on hold and possibly be dismissed if akumu chooses to cooperate.”
“principal, if what you’re saying is true then, what is the reason why the trial is still on hold? i see no good reasons to keep him alive. he’s the cause of that massive incident 5 years ago which killed dozens of heroes and 100 civilians. he’s the mastermind of the world’s largest drug deals.” vlad tried to reason with the principal. he himself is worried about the safety of the students of u.a, if akumu does have accomplices, they’ll do their most damn to break him out of any prison, just as what happened 5 years ago.
“i understand but we cannot prosecute this child without at least his name. besides, upon seeing his criminal record, he has connections to the deepest parts of the villain society, and probably even the villains who attacked usj. he may be a criminal but he’s also a valuable person. but we do suspect that akumu may be quirkless seeing how he interacted with midnight’s quirk.” says nezu, as he finally opened the folder in his hands. “we may not be able to get him to talk now but what i suspect is true, with this small piece of information, he will disclose anything we ask him.” he then took out a photo of a young girl, she has white hair but slightly tinted with pink and elf ears. she looks incredibly similar to akumu.
“akumu is seen with this young girl on multiple occasions, she is not registered in any database as if she doesn’t exist. she may be our last resort.” says nezu as the older woman looks intently at the photo. she looks incredibly similar to the girl she met a year ago—
“principal— i may know who she is; she may be the girl i met a year ago, kazehana.” says midnight as she looked at present mic. “i did see her with akumu. she also mentioned that she has an older brother.”
“i see.” said nezu as he handed midnight the photo. “please retrieve this girl, all i ask you to do is not to frighten her, we do not know what she can do and may appear more dangerous than she looks, good luck.”
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