#border search
mgeist · 2 years
The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 133: Michael Nesbitt on How the Senate Pushed Back Against a Government Bill on Searching Digital Devices at the Border
The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 133: Michael Nesbitt on How the Senate Pushed Back Against a Government Bill on Searching Digital Devices at the Border
It isn’t every day that a Senate committee examines legislation and makes notable changes against the wishes of the government. But that’s what happened last month as a Senate committee reviewed Bill S-7, which raised significant privacy concerns regarding the legal standard for searches of digital devices at the border. A chorus of opposition sparked by Senator Paula Simons led to changes in the…
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kakyogay · 3 months
funny computer virus
[audio referencing this video]
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megpricephotography · 19 days
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Happy 11th Birthday, Flynnie!!
Birthday boy enjoyed a run around in the buttercup field & some birthday snacks!
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chaldeanu · 1 month
sunday, the insecure dom who needs your consent to everything he plans to do with you. but you can’t say no to him, anyway — but you don’t even want to because he’s whispering sweet praises against your skin, convincing and luring you into his paradise. just be his and he will ensure every part of your body to be equally worshipped. tell him that you love it, that you agree to it, that he’s doing everything right. let him…
a desire for dominance born not out of the wish to control you, but because he wants to spoil you with his feelings, his touch. he knows what’s best for you… let him do it, let him guide you, let him be your sun — be the warm light that makes you happy, the only one you need…
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anyatomy · 26 days
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i think they have a fun potential dynamic 🪻🧡🪻
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paging-possum · 3 months
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I’ve been wanting to make search and find pages for a while and I’m finally getting around to it! :D
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himemeika · 3 months
I fucking hate copyright so much why did THESE images get removed from Pinterest?!?!?
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uvanuva · 5 months
Hi Uva <3 Tell me about your OC?
Hi mira <3 Well, it all started with therapy KSKDSNSKSK
(NOTE: sorry if this becomes a vent session, mira)
(spoiler: it did)
My therapist used to say how important it is for us to name the schemas, feelings or/ and behaviors that weren't actually healthy so we could separate ourselves from those bad thoughts/lines of thinking. That helps understanding they are one way of answering the stressful scenarios instead of "the only way".
So, when I got the bpd diagnosis, she applied the Jeffrey Young's schema test (I'm a sucker for it tbh) so we could work on those traits. One of the most strong ones was Abandonment (which was obvious from bpd) and she asked me to name it. I couldn't go up with any names but I could clearly imagine this angry hurt child. It helps me to understand that sometimes what I'm feeling comes from her, from bpd and fear of abandonment, which is only a part of me and not the definition of uva herself.
It also helps me to not get flooded with the bad emotions and gives me some distance that helps to analyze the situation with a more rational perspective instead of getting drowned in resentment. Imagine her, imagining border, being sad and feeling alone, makes me wanna calm myself down and help her. Almost like helping myself as a kid. Being hero I longed to see.
(She's super honest too, like, brutal chaotic honest)
So yeah, an oc but my personal friend. She's a kid that floats around like a spirit, has an angry face, don't trust people and will leave people behind before they leave her. She can't stand the feeling of abandonment and has anger issues. Black eyes, pigtails, black hair with bangs and she's just trying to protect herself from the scary world tbf. Border can be mad sometimes but she just needs to feel safe and a cozy hug.
(BTW, the therapist idea was for me to give it a name to the schema and actually tell it to shut up. Like: "hey you, shoosh, get lost, I don't wanna hear this negativity cause I'm okay and things are not as bad as you're saying", BUT I COULDN'T DO IT. I WANNA ACTUALLY HELP HER, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO SAY SHUT UP AND BE RUDE??)
For once I'm trying to enjoy myself, having some alone time without feeling alone and she helps me with that too. I'm loving making picrews of her! So fun!
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b-radley66 · 24 days
Chapters: 3/8 Fandom: Borderlines Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Ensemble Cast - BAN Additional Tags: Found Family, Border Patrol, The Lost Era (2293 - 2364), Deltans Series: Part 3 of Borderlines: Book III - Visigoth Summary:
Reeling from a loss, the Banshees muster around each other to find out what happened to one of their own. The search will take them into forbidden space, into a maelstrom of a world.
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turning anon back on temporarily if you all promise to BEHAVE
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hootiee · 10 months
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for no reason i changed my tumblr theme again <3 i like this one better
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"Kinder eggs are So DAngErOuS! KiDs coUlD ChOke oN ThE pLasTiC!" Yes. I'm sure that a huge yellow plastic container in a chocolate egg that everybody knows about because it's a huge part of the goddamn marketing is the most dangerous thing that could happen to your kid. Not toys like this or legos that cripple you when you step on them or fucking school shootings. It's really fortunate that you went and banned the fucking kinder eggs. The children of the USA are safe now.
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hottakehoulihan · 9 months
"I don't have ADHD, I am ADHD" ...?
Is this a reasonable thing to say? Is there a better way to say it?
...maybe I've aspergers or autism too, but those diagnoses are fairly new things and I haven't seen a competent mental health professional in years or maybe ever (it ain't easy, free, or pleasant) and I don't know I just know I am neurotypical-passing in dim light up until I have to social for any length of time. So I won't assume and don't claim that. Nor will I assume/claim any other comorbid things.
But yeah, I recently saw, probably here, the phrase "I don't have autism, I am autistic." --emphasizing that it's not a thing that can or should be removed, like a benign mole or a malignant cancer, but rather that it's a circumstance that must be managed in some situations, like trying to find clothes that fit when you're very tall and have very large breasts, or trying to navigate a business with low doorframes and impolite bystanders when you're very tall and have very large breasts.
I digested and accept the distinction, though it may not be relevant soon since I limit my social excursions and the four social events (one unexpectedly televised I hate that) I had in the last week have me feeling wrecked and I'm avoiding anybody but actual friends for several days until I feel capable of breathing deeply again.
But it does make me wonder if it shouldn't apply to other flavors of neurodivergence. The old joke "it's only paranoia if they're not out to get you" has validity; probably every flavor of differentness has situations in which it is extremely adaptive.
And it's not like Adderall-et-alla cures or--for me--even greatly mitigates symptoms. My difference is not a part of me I could have removed without killing the host. So perhaps it is just that. I am ADHD. ...though that really doesn't feel like a great way to put it.
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birdo-is-here · 3 months
fuck North of the Border did it again
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asia kate dillon as achilles in iphigenia crash land falls on the neon shell that was once her heart (a rave fable) via theatre incognita and teatrotaller in 2012
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typheus · 1 year
something they dont tell you about knitting n crochet is that theres a very real possibility you may end up spending an ENTIRE MONTH looking for one (1) yarn :(
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