#boy saw a chest and was like yep clearly these are all the reasonable clothes they have
rockingthegraveyard · 11 months
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odos-bucket · 3 years
More Protective!Batdad Fic, With the Pretense that this is a Series Mostly Given Up
They’re returning to the cave after Robin’s first night out since the start of Tim’s parents’ most recent stay in the city. It had been a routine patrol, made noteworthy only by the return of the boy wonder. They’d gotten into a bit of a scuffle with some muggers towards the end of the night, but it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle, and they had both come away from it unharmed. At least that was what Bruce thought at the time. And he paid pretty close attention to things.
But when the domino mask comes off he can clearly see where Tim has a black eye, and a bruise blooming over his cheek.
“What happened?” He leaves his cowl and gloves on the computer, and takes a few steps closer to where Tim is fishing his civilian clothes out of a bag.
“Huh?” Tim bunches up the shirt he’s holding into a fist, and his eyes dart around for a moment without settling on Bruce. “Oh.” Fingers of his free hand fly up to hover over his injured cheek. “Thief got in a lucky shot.” His voice is a fraction of an octave higher than usual.
Bruce’s eyes automatically narrow as he begins his mental recall of the events that had transpired less than twenty minutes prior.
“I didn’t see you get hit,” he says slowly.
Tim just shrugs.
The bruise is too dark to be less than half an hour old anyway. It had to have come from sometime earlier in the day. It had been hidden beneath the mask though, and they’d both already been in full costume when they’d met earlier that evening.
Before Bruce can say anything else, Tim is ducking into a private alcove to finish getting changed. He’s a bit slower at it than usual, and Bruce wonders if that could be indicative of other hidden injuries, or if Tim is just drawing it out to avoid further scrutiny. Several minutes go by, and he finally clears his throat.
“Just a second.” The words come out quickly.
Bruce goes to change himself, only to find that Tim still isn’t out by the time he’s finished and returned. He knocks gently on the wall that’s partitioning off the section of the cave where he’s changing, and hears a soft startled gasp, before Tim’s scurrying out.
“Yep! Sorry! Sorry! Just a little spaced.”
“Tim.” Bruce hopes his voice sounds gentle. “What happened?”
“What do you mean? I told you-“
“Don’t lie to me. That didn’t come from just now.” Bruce pauses and sighs. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Tim shakes his head.
“I won’t tolerate you hiding injuries from me.”
“I’m not.”
They stand looking at each other for several drawn out, silent seconds.
“Were you patrolling on your own?” Bruce asks after a minute. “I’m going to find out if you-“
“No.” Tim sounds even less like his normal self when he cuts in. “I promise I wasn’t.”
“All right. So what is it? Did something happen during the day?”
As much as Bruce wants to know about it if Tim’s getting into fights at school, or somewhere else, he recognizes that it may not be his place to intervene if this wasn’t vigilante related. That’s fine (at least so he tells himself) but he’d like assurance that someone’s looking out for his Robin.
“Is it something you can handle with your parents?” He tries.
Tim’s eyes widen for half a second, and then he bursts into tears.
Bruce briefly freezes, before returning to himself and rushing to Tim’s side.
“I’m so stupid,” Tim is muttering, barely discernibly. “I’m sorry. I was so stupid.” The words barely come out between bouts of gasping, shuddering sobs.
Bruce wants to beg him to tell him what happened, but settles for reaching out a careful arm, and slowly pulling him close. Tim freezes for a fraction of a second, before melting into his side, continuing to mumbled unintelligibly.
“It’s all right,” Bruce tries to sooth, very aware that he doesn’t really have the voice for that sort of thing. “You’re okay.” He desperately wishes that he could offer some more specific reassurances, but he still doesn’t know what’s going on. “I’ve got you,” he settles for, running a hand through Tim’s hair.
They stay like that for a while, Tim crying, and apologizing, and Bruce telling him it’s okay, and wishing he could be sure that it was true. Eventually the tears dry up, and the breathing evens out, and the tense body beside his goes limp with exhaustion. Bruce doesn’t let go, not until he feels Tim starting to shift around restlessly. And even then he stays close enough to be easily collapsed into again, should the need arise.
“I messed up,” Tim says, after a few false starts.
“Whatever it is, we can fix it.” A ridiculous promise, and one that Bruce normally wouldn’t be making without more information. But somehow- without Bruce meaning to allow him to- Tim has joined the narrow ranks of those capable of inducing him to speak or behave a-procedurally.
Tim shakes his head.
“Tim, I want to help, but you have to give me something to work with.”
Tim is too focused on keeping his eyes dry, and his breathing steady to respond.
“Do you want me to take you home?” Bruce forces himself to offer, forces himself to remember that this child isn’t his, doesn’t need him the way the other robins did.
Another sob escapes Tim, and he buries his face in his hands. There’s a pang in Bruce’s chest as he realizes what he has to ask next.
“Did something happen at home?”
The question is met with heavy breathing, followed by a drawn out silence, and then, finally, a slow nod.
Bruce forces down his rising anger, as Tim finally gathers himself to speak.
“I don’t know if they want me to go back.” It comes out in a hoarse whisper. “Dad was so mad at me.”
Fury coils in Bruce’s gut, and lies in wait for his next question to be answered.
“Did he do this?” He gestures to the black eye.
“It’s never happened before,” Tim rushes to say. “Nothing like this ever has.”
“That doesn’t matter.” Bruce practically growls. Tim, to his credit, seems entirely unaffected by the intensity of the tone.
“I started it,” he says.
“… There’s no way that’s true.”
“Bruce,” Tim chokes out, leaning back into him.
“I’m here. I’ve got you.”
Bruce pulls him close like he could absorb Tim into himself, like if he holds him tightly enough he can keep him safe- as if he’s actually capable of keeping any child safe. This will never happen again, he wants to say, I won’t let it. His mind is racing. He doesn’t want to let Tim back into that house, doesn’t want to let him out of his sight really. He’s never been able to fathom how the Drakes can have this selfless, determined, brilliant child in their care, and be so willing to spend all their time away from him. He’s been wary of them from the beginning. But he never imagined that they could pose this kind of danger to their son.
“This is so stupid,” Tim grumbles into Bruce’s shoulder.
Bruce can’t disagree, though he’s a little worried that they aren’t on the same page about what exactly that means.
“I shouldn’t have said anything,” Tim continues after a minute. “I thought- I thought things were going well!”
“Telling me was the right thing to do,” Bruce says quickly. “If somebody’s hurting you- no matter who it is-“
“That isn’t what I mean.” He takes a deep breath, and leans back a little bit.
Bruce watches patiently, as Tim calms his nerves, and steadies himself.
“I… told Mom and Dad about Connor,” he breathes. “Not the alien clone thing, obviously. But, I told them that I was seeing someone- a guy- and I don’t even know why I did it! In the back of my head I knew there was no way it was going to go over well. I knew that. I was just, I don’t know, feeling happy, and okay for the first time in a while. So I thought-“ He shakes his head. “I mean I didn’t think; that was the problem. And Mom reacted the way I knew she- the way I should have known she would. And I got mad, and I started yelling at her, and Dad, when I yelled at her, Dad, that’s when he- he…”
Bruce’s heart breaks. It’s not like he’d imagined that Jack Drake would have a good reason for lashing out at his son, but this was nothing.
“I’m still not hearing anything that you did wrong.” He forces himself to stay calm.
“Trying to come out to them was dumb! I didn’t need to do it. They were leaving soon anyways, it shouldn’t have mattered!”
“No. They shouldn’t have hurt you,” Bruce says fiercely. “This is part of who you are, so it should always matter. It’s not stupid to assume that people who are supposed to care about you would want to know more about what’s going on in your life. Tim, you did nothing wrong.”
He runs a hand up and down his back, like he’d done when Dick had nightmares as a child.
Tim glances at him out of the glassy corner of his eye, and scrubs his hands roughly over his face, before mumbling something that Bruce doesn’t catch.
He waits for a beat, before quietly asking if Tim will repeat himself.
“They don’t want me coming around here anymore,” he says more clearly, voice suddenly empty. “They- they saw that interview you did a couple years back, where you came out as bisexual.” His face is tinged pink, ashamed to even be repeating his parent’s words. “So they think that I, I don’t know, caught it from you, like it’s contagious or something. But I didn’t know where else to go! And I- I don’t want to give this up…“ He gestures broadly to the cave around them as hiccuping breaths overpower his speech.
Bruce just holds on as Tim continues to cry, softly repeating that he didn’t do anything wrong, carefully keeping the furious voice raging, ‘those bastards won’t take you away from me,’ under wraps. He doesn’t let himself think about every other instance of his sexuality being cited as a factor making him an unsuitable guardian that he’s committed to precise memory, the vicious arguments that his children should be taken away from him, the fact that if he hadn’t been born so lucky in so many other ways they might have been. Tim doesn’t need him to be angry, Tim needs him to be smart.
They wait out the tears again, until they’re not falling so heavily, and Tim is shuddering occasionally, rather than continuously, and can compose himself enough to speak.
“I didn’t mean to dump all this on you,” he says once he’s mostly calmed down.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Bruce threads his fingers through locks of lightly tangled hair. “I’m so glad you told me what happened. You’re going to stay here tonight, okay?”
Tim is with them often enough when his parents aren’t around that they already have a room made up for him, a room which after less than a year has come to show more evidence of his personality than his bedroom at the Drake’s mansion.
Tim nods.
“Thank you.”
Bruce squeezes his shoulder.
“Do you still have pajamas here? Or do you need to borrow a pair of Dick’s?”
It’s something easy in a moment where everything feels impossibly difficult.
“I brought them with me when I went home.” His breath catches on the last word, and it only half comes out.
“That’s all right. Dick won’t mind.”
Now it’s just a matter of getting themselves upstairs. There will be more to worry about tomorrow, much more, and it will undoubtedly only increase in the days that follow. Bruce will have to figure out whether or not Jack and Janet Drake are looking for their son, and he can’t quite decide which the worse option is at this point. He’ll also need to make sure he understands what exactly is within his power to do to keep Tim safe. Bruce stops himself before he can begin preparing for the future too obsessively. He brings himself back to the present moment, stairs, pajamas, bed, all very manageable tasks.
He just really doesn’t want to let go of the child in his arms. The realization that Tim might need him more than he thought is overpowering, making him feel violently protective, and a little bit terrified.
Some of the strain of the moment breaks when Tim uses the side of Bruce’s arm to stifle a yawn, but it’s still a little while longer before they’re ready to head upstairs.
When they do, Tim wanders up to his room, where Bruce hopes he’ll find easy rest. He stays awake and finds Alfred. There’s a lot they need to talk about.
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amazingphilza · 3 years
snapchat :: c!tommy x reader
fluff / angst , platonic , gender neutral ! first request whoop whoop :D [check pinned for more info on requests]
synopsis: ‘what’s so bad about adding every person on snapchat?’ tommy thought. unknowingly, with all the other people he begins talking to during exile, one ends up being you; tubbo’s younger sibling. that is until you both visit tommy in logstedshire.
cw: i purposely misspell a few words for the texting part, i hope it’s still readable for y’all! and i haven’t actually used snapchat in years so let’s pretend i know what i’m doing :)
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tommy smiled at his brand new phone
first thing he does? install snapchat and reddit
if he couldn’t talk to his best friends face to face anymore, at least he had people online to talk to, right?
tommy hoped from all his possessions dream would destroy, he could at least keep a phone
without much thought, tommy opened snapchat and began adding every account and messaging them the same obnoxious message
most people chose ignore tommy, not having a clue why he was messaging them
but as for you, when you had the notification that someone added you on snapchat and started aggressively messaging you, it made you curious
you read their user
“wife haver”?? huh???
instead of immediately blocking the person, you replied back
not even less than a second later you get a reply back
without context, you were more than confused
genuinely dying is very alarming but you shouldn’t text a random stranger your last words
plwase helo
where did tou go
Ohm hgod
you laughed at the person’s desperation and ignored the messages
if the stranger wasn’t going introduce themselves, you wouldn’t either
however, after a while you realized you had over 100 snapchat notifications within an hour of trying to ignore the person
however it was just jumbled up words and useless spam, nothing important
as if the stranger would said anything important to your concern anyway
do you ever shut up??
fuck you
a normal person wouldve taken offense by these messages but you found them quite amusing
it wasn’t like you had anything else better to do
and this acceptance was the start of your odd friendship with the stranger
you were still on edge because you had no idea who they were and their intentions but the anonymity was mutual nonetheless
if the desperate spamming “wife haver” isn’t going to formally tell you who they actually were, you weren’t going to risk exposing yourself first
but in the past few weeks, you and the person had normal conversations apart from the first day they messaged you
well as normal as you could’ve expected from someone named “wife haver”
they were the first to send an actual snap as well
that was when you found out the “wife haver” was an obnoxious boy that looked around your age, maybe a slightly older
he had sent you a photo of him holding a thumbs up and trying to smile when he was clearly upset
just got all my stuff exploded again, feeling good
you noticed his messy blonde hair and tattered clothes
what the hell happened to this guy?
part of you was confused, and the other was concerned
u good bro??
i don’t have anymore tools and materials if that’s anything
so no
this is shit
lmao it was probably deserved
im kidding that’s sad
but like do u actually need stuff?
you contemplated sending your next message and thought of the consequences
but in the end, you were probably better off than him so if he did try to do something suspicious, you could easily just leave with your trident or defend yourself
i can bring some things over if you’d like
please oh my god it’s so boring here
where the hell do you even live???
it finally hit that you would be visiting this mysterious person
you never really had much to do during the day and he had nothing against your enchanted netherite armor when compared to his worn-out clothes
you were surprised that he was quick to be comfortable with you visiting him so continued to message the boy
if you live nearby i can just stop over and bring some spare diamond tools and armor if you’d like or smth
DIAMOND !,?’/:@!?:/-',(
ya sure lol
his shock and excitement made you smile
maybe this wasn’t a bad idea
before replying, you quickly ran to your storage room you gather your spare items
instead of normally texting, you decided to take a picture of all the enchanted tools and armor and send back a snap
i’m down for tomorrow, turn on your snapmaps so i can come by ;D
he quickly replied back with handfuls of ‘holy shits’ and ‘YEAHS’
you couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear which caught the attention of your older brother who had just walked in to get blocks from the wall of chests
“ew why are you smiling at your phone like that?”
“oh shut up, tubbo”
“it’s weird”
you roll your eyes at him in a playful matter
“whatever! i’m gonna be out tomorrow to visit a friend, okay?”
“you have friends? wow, sounds like a first”
“you’re such a dick!!” you yell at him whilst trying to hold in your laughter
“oh yeah? go on, tell me about this friend of yours then. meeting strangers online, hm?”
“if you’re so concerned, you can come with if you’re not busy with whatever a president does. i promise they’re not some weirdo like you”
tubbo’s tone was sarcastic but he agreed then left you to your own thoughts
you were excited for tomorrow that you were restless in your bed when nighttime had came
somehow you managed to fall asleep from tiredness in the middle of the night
soon enough it was morning
before doing anything, you checked your phone and went through all your notifications
you then checked snapchat, browsing snapmaps and realized how far you had to travel
despite the long travel, you brought yourself up from your bed and gathered all the items you were going to bring
you stuffed a full set of enchanted diamond armor, tools, and over a stack of golden carrots all in your inventory
after finishing all your preparations, you searched for your older brother
with just a loud yell of his name he appeared almost instantly
“you ready to go, tubbo?”
“yep! you know where you’re going right?”
you scoffed at the question
“of course!”
and with that, the two of you traveled on foot until you reached the ocean
you had brought 2 boats with you knowing that you couldn’t imagine being in the same boat as your brother; it would’ve ended up in endless bickering
after a while of being at sea, tubbo started to become impatient
“what the hell! how far does this person live, y/n??”
“i dunno!”
you knew the general direction you were supposed to be going to after studying your snapmaps all morning but you couldn’t check how much farther it would take to get there; there was obviously no signal in the middle of the ocean
it felt like forever before you saw land in the horizon
suddenly you regained all the energy you have lost from rowing
“there!! that place with the white tent, i can barely see it”
with the burst of energy, you got to land in no time
the moment you got off your boat, the blonde spotted the two of you and ran in your direction
once appearing nearly feet apart, he stared at your brother who also had the shocked expression
your brother had more of a confused expression whilst the other boy seemed a bit mad
maybe he was always mad considering the endless conversations you had with him ranting about some ‘green bastard’
but tubbo quickly got defensive, stepping in front of you
you didn’t understand how they knew each other beforehand, but at the same time you never caught up with tubbo’s friends either
you needed answers
“what’s going on?”
“y/n! you were messaging tommy this whole time? why didn’t you tell me?”
tubbo was clearly frustrated and a feeling of guilt washed over you
it didn’t click that you never exchanged names and admitting it did not seem believable
tubbo was in complete shock, trying to process everything that was happening
you mumbled out your words
“a few weeks, i can’t remember”
“uh, yeah sorry” tommy had confirmed your statements. “i didn’t even know you had a sibling, tubbo! i actually didn’t know their name until now as well..”
“but if i knew i was messaging a tub-ling, i wouldn’t have in the first place!”
“what the fuck tommy!!!”
“no, but how do you even know each other?” you had interrupt the two
tubbo had chosen his words carefully
“we’re... friends”
tommy had seemed upset at this
“no, don’t talk to me, tommy. you were exiled for a reason. y/n? give him the stuff you wanted to him and let’s go, this was a waste of time”
you were saddened but obliged, you didn’t want to anger your brother even more
“fuck you, tubbo! can’t believe this was how you visit me for the first time, i don’t even want your pity shit”
before you could react, tubbo led you to the back of his boat
he got in the front and quickly rowed away from the land you barely stayed on, leaving your boat behind on the shores
you looked back at tommy who already had left back to his tent
the boat ride was silent and full of sorrow until you arrived back at l’manburg
once you got home you immediately opened snapchat to message tommy
hey tommy i’m really sorry about today. i had no idea,,,
you thought he would’ve ignored your message but instead replied right after
but your heart sank at reading the message
it’s fine
i think it’s best we stop talking y/n
you didn’t want to lose a friend so quickly but after all the tension from today, you didn’t know how to come back from it
so instead of arguing you agreed, even if it wasn’t honest
yeah, me too
and that was the last message you sent to tommy
even though the whole situation was confusing from the start, it didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy the random conversations you had
the bizarre encounter was unforgettable
it made you even sadder when you realized the first time you two used each other’s names through text would also be the last
a/n: ngl, i didn’t think i would finish this on a kinda angsty ending but here we are! and grrr it’s 4am and i just wanted to finish this,, let’s hope there aren’t that many grammar mistakes LMAO anyway i hope y’all enjoyed <3
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 4
(i originally planned to write the other schools for the manager scenario like theyre already in my drafts with plans and partly written out but like seijoh is my TOP PRIORITY (sorry pls dont hate me) BC THEY ARE MY BOIS)
also, most of my ask box is all for a kyoken ending and kyoken fluff and aoba johsai fluff and im quaking bc this is spurring me to create more aoba johsai imagines and my love for the other schools is just like being overshadowed by our little plant babies :’)
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request: Im the anon who mentioned the chaos about the dating and can I say I love it!!! 🙏🙏 i kinda have this hc for the boys that they fight whenever they go on bus rides, just because they want yn to sit next to them. But she usually sits next to the calmer members?? The reason the boys fight?? She may or may not have fallen asleep a few times, her head on kyo/iwa shoulder. 🥺🥺
(bruh im so soft for iwa and kyo like my best bois and i must write them out IMMEDIATELY bc theyre so uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!)
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oh dear
bus rides,,,,, yep here we go
the team is usually peaceful and civil w each other (minus iwa literally beating oiks up but thats irrelevant information)
like they dont really have fights or have any arguments bc they meet up every saturday to talk about the week and if anybody had any concerns or anything they were mad about since it was like a family meeting
but boy oh boy
when you entered this family,,, arguments and misunderstandings happened once a week
‘no! y/n-chan said she was going to go shopping with me!’
‘um, she already agreed to go to to the arcade w me’
‘wait, she told me we were going to go visit that cafe!’
yes you agreed to do those things w them but you never assigned a date
your attention was something that these boys were always wanting since they only see you during club hours and practices
their jealousy gets really ugly sometimes and the two first years actually get all smug about it 
‘hm, y/n, we still up for studying later?’
you ruffled his hair and smiled up at him
‘yep! we need to set an alarm though or else i’d end up staying after 1 in the morning again’
‘great. cant wait’
kunimi rarely shows any emotion towards his senpais but they couldnt miss the smug smirk that made oikawa grip the volleyball and mattsun holding him back
god hes such a little shite
everyone knows that the first years have a upperhand than them bc of your same grade so the upperclassmen were much more sensitive to spending time with you outside of practice
and they liked to spend that time wisely
when the time for away games come, you weren’t that worried about it
i mean,, why would you when boarding the bus is going to be so early in the morning at like 4 in the morning and theyd be sleeping the whole time so you get peace and quiet
in fact, you were looking forward!
but nope!
jesus took the wheel and said no
instead, you were watching the team members shouting and yelling at each other at the asscrack of dawn
say sike rn
the 2 coaches were actually not there yet so they werent able to help you and whip the boys to order so here you were, bleary eyed and clearly still tired, sighing and rolling your eyes at the fight
now you might be asking me, ‘author-chan, why are they fighting so hard for something as simple as a bus ride?’
well, my young grasshoppers, this is not just a simple bus ride
you are infamous in the team to be a sleeper
no matter what form of transportation, bus, car, any surface, you found yourself in dream land
yall i wish i was like that
the sleep paralysis demon beside my bed says otherwise
they freak out and fight over even a simple touch of affection from you, do you really think they wouldnt fight tooth and nail to being your pillow and freely watching your adorable sleeping face?
these men are fighting as if they were fighting something serious like a world war
lmao with how intensely theyre fighting, it practically is
but there were two players who actually didnt care either way since they only wanted you to be the most comfortable and they werent exactly the most squishiest members
in fact, they were basically all muscle and probably not the most comfortable
totally not my bias talking or anything
so it was no surprise when they didnt get themselves involved
iwa was already done w them and goes in the bus because mom deserves a nap
naturally, kyo follows the leader and boards the bus after him, leaving the others to fight it out in the school parking lot
you were happy that they were too distracted that they wouldnt notice you sneaking away into the bus and you were slightly disappointed that out of all the seats, kyo had to sit in the one-seater by the front
so you immediately went over to the other person, who was iwa-san, and he was just settling in, pulling out his teal blanket
you blinked at him when he caught you stare but he gently smiled before opening the blanket
‘i was never a fan of window seats anyways’
you happily bounced over to him and you placed your bag at the overhead compartment bc seijoh is bougee and can afford everything before you climbed over him to the seat next to the window
iwaizumi tried to make you as comfortable as he can so he kept the seat divider thing yanno what im talking about? between you
but his eyes widened when you casually pulled it up and snuggled closer to him
youve done this before so he opened his right arm for you to cuddle closer but he was still surprised 
you just closed your eyes with a smile as you pulled the blanket to your chin and practically glomped yourself to iwa
ugh im so jealous of you!!!!!!!!!!
‘hmmmm, youre so warm iwa-san. youre like,,,,, jacob from twilight’
his eyebrow quirked and he smiled, wrapping his arm around you and tightly holding you close
‘oh? the werewolf?’
he felt your head nod
‘mhm. so warm, and strong, yet so gentle and soft’
by now, both your legs were already swung over his lap and head on his chest as you sat sideways
his fingers traced circles around your middle as his other hand was fiddling with your fingers
‘didnt he like mark a little girl?’
‘iwa-san dont talk about that!’
his laugh grumbled his chest and you giggled, trying to become even closer towards his naturally warm chest and inhale his scent
lavender mixed with peppermint
it was such an odd combination from the people you knew and you were immediately drawn to it
thats why you usually wore his jacket rather than your own
he always gets confused as to where it is but you steal it and watch him look for it
you didnt hear that from me though
it didnt take a long time for you to fall asleep and by the time the 2 coaches finally arrived and yelled at the players, they were already late
‘oikawa, i thought youd handle this properly!’
oiks whimpered from the coach’s scolding but apologized then pushed everyone in
the sight in front of them made them both boil in jealousy and squeal in uwus
you, the softest and sweetest and kindest little flower human being, being cuddled up to iwaizumi, the brute and bara arms and the ultra macho strong man, who had his head on top of you
even though they knew you were a heavy sleeper and iwa slept like a rock, they still quieted down and silently walked over to their seats, hissing and shushing at anyone who even made the slightest bit of noise
rustle of the bags?
seat creaking as they sit down?
they only let this slide bc your sleeping face was just so cute and they didnt have the heart to wake you up
and also face the wrath of titan iwa and be thrown into the atlantic ocean like oikawa did one time
when you finally arrived at the stadium, they waited for a rough 10 minutes just to figure out how to wake you up
they didnt want to wake up iwa first and have him yell at them but they didnt want to wake you up first either
but kyo didnt understand the dilemma and instead just goes to the back where yall were at and he goes to the seat behind you so he could reach you easily and tickles your cheek
the team is just like 👁️👄👁️
your nose scrunches at this tingling sensation until it continues so you open your eyes and finds kyo just smiling down at you
oiks is literally shaking bc he could see the smallest smile on kyo’s face
‘wake up’
with his gruff voice, it sounded like he was ordering you around but you knew he couldnt help it and blinked tiredly at him, giving him a smile of your own
‘hm, hi kyo-san’
you winced at the sudden appearance of the sunlight and that made you fully wake up before flinched at the eyes of the other players
‘hello, everyone’
you said slowly and you sat up, noticing iwa still sleeping
oiks held his breath bc hes been friends w iwa since he was still a baby and he knows that its like waking up a sleeping dragon
‘wait y/n-chan-’
but you didnt listen and poked his nose
‘iwa-san? iwa-san, we’re here’
you cooed and the poking made his eyes flutter open and with his head still tilted to the side, he swore he saw an angel by the way the sunlight hit the back of your head giving you a smiling angel effect
hm, i could get used to seeing this when i wake up
you grinned and when he finally stretched, you sat up stright, waiting for iwa to get up so you could slide out
but kyo was an impatient little bean and just hoisted you out of there and towards him behind the seat
‘come on. i got your bag’
he mumbled and you nodded, letting him hold your hand
lmao wait i forgot the time this is set
this is set during the 2nd inter-high okay? okay
oiks was still complaining at kyo and iwa hogging you but you didnt listen and continued walking towards the entrance, glancing around at the other teams
as usual, oiks and iwa were walking to the front bc yanno, captain and vice-captain, while you and kyo walked at the back, mainly bc you didnt want any player to stray off like kindaichi did last time and look for him for hours
kyo gripped your hand and you turned your head to look at him to see his eyes glaring at anything
you chuckled which made him look down at you, the glare slowly disappearing
‘hm, kyo-san, you should really invest in contacts. it doesnt matter if wearing glasses makes you feel like a nerd bc you still need it to see’
he scrunched his nose when you scolded him and he was about to retort when him and the team caught the whisperings of the nearby teams
‘oh my god, seijoh and the beautiful manager’
‘how old is she? i hope shes at least a second year’
‘ngh id tap that’
‘is he her boyfriend? if so, the competition isnt that hard then’
kyo growled and was about to lunge at the yellow jacketed boy but you held him back, also worriedly looking at your boys
‘seijoh, down’
you ordered and they shrunk back, opting to just glaring heatedly at the other teams
you could still feel kyo shaking at rage to them sexualizing you but your hands squeezing him and the other hand rubbing his arm helped him control it
‘dont make a scene, kyo-san. its your first competition since your suspension, right? and you love volleyball so please keep it in. i can protect myself’
you whispered but he let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and continuing to glare at everyone as if he was asserting dominance
‘if they touch you-’
‘ill kick them between the legs, i know. you told me already’
you teased and he hummed in agreement
when they played, they were at ease bc the two coaches were there and they were also protective of you like their own so they wouldnt have to worry about someone to go after you
as they were warming up for the second game, you had to quickly fill up their water bottles bc they were already tired and dehydrated so you needed to fill them up
and they were all busy and you didnt want to bother them and you were going to be quick anyways so you just took the case of bottles and ran to the nearby water fountain
you were hurriedly filling them up and at your last bottle, you were about to cap it when you felt a presence behind you
he stood close and his arms snaked around your waist but you hurriedly tightened the lid and whacked him at the head with the heavy bottle
you continuously hit him and kicked him between the legs before hitting him again
you shouted and iwa and kyo were watching from the end of the hallway, panting from running so fast since they heard your shouts
okay a little flashback,
kyo was watching you from his perepharal vision and when he went up to spike, he took his eyes off of you for ONE DAMN SECOND and you nyoomed out of there
when he didnt see you anywhere, he wildly looked around and this caught the attention of the vice-captain
‘oi! kyotani! whats wrong?’
‘y/n. where is she?’
they took off running and the team was just like what
then they heard shouts and kyo knew it was you
his mad dog senses
hehe get it
he as about to tackle the guy but he saw you beat him with a water bottle and eventually taking another bottle and kicking him and hitting him with the two waters
the player cowered and scrambled to get away bc wow this girl was psycho
um no sir, she was protecting herself from hormonal testosterone filled children like you
maybe it was because the last time you were touched without consent was when you got bullied but you were definitely fighting harder and more aggressive at protecting yourself
you turned around and the rage from your eyes disappeared when you saw the two boys there
‘hey iwa-san! kyo-san! sorry, i needed to fill the water bottles!’
you grinned and placed the bottles back to the case before lugging it up
my god their eyes were shining
yep, thats my girl
when their games were over for the day, they made their way to the exit where the bus was at and you and kyo stayed behind again
you caught the eye of the guy and his team and you and kyo glared at him, both wearing a sadistic smile
kyo even went up to him and the team shrunk leaving the guy standing there in fear at the look on his face
‘listen, i dont like it when my baby girl gets touched by filthy shite like you. so do it again, and ill chop those damn fingers of yours, got it?’
lmao he’ll come for your ankles
the guy just nodded in fear while his team were cowering at the back
you chuckled and pulled kyo to go bc as much as you liked watching this, you needed to go to the bus to go home
‘cmon, kyo, i want to go. im getting a headache from the smell of garbage’
he shifted his gaze to you and sent you a soft smile
‘okay. lets go’
hah you thought it ends there?
kyo is a dramatic little shite so he made a show of grabbing your waist and kissing your temple before flashing them a finger
oiks was tapping his foot impatiently at the bus and when you and kyo emerged from the entrace, he was about to snatch you up but kyo stood in front of you
he said and didnt say anything else as he pulled you to the bus and into a two seater where you sat at the window again and he sat on the outside
‘hah? you want to sit next to me, kyo-san?’
you teased but he flushed red, hurriedly hiding in your neck
you laughed and brought a hand up to caress his nape
he mumbled and you pursed your lips to hide the squeal
‘youre so cute, kyo-san’
‘not cute’
‘very cute’
kyoken got away from your neck and went to hit the captain 
oikawa screamed
a/n: my first week of school was so weird bc we only have like 2 days and the other days are just free days bc we havent really done anything except talk about our classes but im just hating this system like ugh i actually want to go to school bc ya girl is going to a tech school and this 2-day a week is not the vibe
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
my one and only — yoo kihyun
a/n: here she finally is!! i hope you guys like it!! especially you fairy joo anon!!
word count: 2.9k (i know!! it’s the same length as the other two combined!!)
content: sub!siren!kihyun, dom!fem!reader, oral (fem receiving), pegging, hints of choking(?), yep just like in the first one you do almost die and yes the other siren is wonho, this is also one of those pieces that is only partly smutty, the whole piece is romantic and cheesy and i'm in love with it <3
summary: overwhelmed and dazed with thoughts of a certain siren, you learn that if you call out for the siren that’s fallen for you: he’ll answer.
part 1 | part 2
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it’s been so long since you went back to the beach. you’d say that you had almost forgotten your proposed date with a certain siren, but that’d be a lie. he hasn’t left your mind since you first heard his voice, saw his delicate yet sharp features. you were completely enamoured with him, though unsure if you loved the siren or if you’d truly just fallen for a boy with a soft heart and a cheeky smile.
but you do know that that unforgettable little siren is the reason you’re at the beach once more. it’s cold and dark out, so you’re 100% sure this is a bad idea, but your heart is calling out for him, and there’s no not doing this. you take your first step into the water, flinching at the frigid temperatures, but continuing on, forcing yourself to keep going until you could completely start swimming, swimming out to the exact same spot.
your entire body feels frozen like an icicle, and it’s hard to pinpoint just how much time you have left until your body completely succumbs to hypothermia. maybe this was incredibly irrational, now that you think about it, because it absolutely was, and it feels like you’re going to die because this siren’s got control of your head.
that is, until you hear a faint humming, the sound soothing you, turning the cold surrounding you from painful, sure death to a comforting blanket wrapped around you, the hum is enough to completely relax you. it’s at this point you’d be worried about drowning, but the humming becomes soft singing, it just won’t stop and you just feel so relaxed, there’s no reason to worry about it.
but that voice doesn’t sound like him. it’s softer, it’s lighter, and it’s clearly not kihyun. kihyun’s voice is sharper, it’s powerful and overwhelming, the kind of voice you get addicted to instantly, willing to die if just to keep hearing it. this voice was almost hesitant, shy, the kind of voice to fall for, it’s pretty and it’s cute and it’s not kihyun.
kihyun, please, your mind begs as you start to feel lightheaded, come to me.
arms wrap around you, keeping you from thrashing around more and trying to swim to the surface, to save yourself like you did once more. the voice keeps singing, still soft and hushed, like a whisper in your ear, it’s dizzying and makes your head spin.
you suddenly feel the arms release you, and you take the opportunity to snap out of it and swim to the surface, you barely make it, but you do. the burning in your lungs hits you all at once, but slowly dies down as you breathe more and cough up all the water.
“my love,” you hear, and you almost cry out of relief. that’s his voice, that’s him.
“kihyun,” you mumble in response, so close to passing out, it's amazing you’ve stayed conscious this long, “kihyun, kihyun…”
“it’s me, it’s me, just relax. i’ll bring us to shore,” he whispers, and it’s easy to just reach out for his hand that he’s extending for you, and that’s when you lose consciousness.
you awaken with a dangerous fit of coughing, looking around in the dark blurrily. you’re not awake enough to process what he’s saying, but kihyun, suddenly in a more human-looking form, doesn’t seem super thrilled with you, “i can’t believe you came for me at this time, when it’s this cold, wearing this, i know me being a siren can make people irrational, but god you’re dumb.”
“hehe, and you’re really cute when you’re mad,” you mumble, touching your fingertip to his nose, making a ‘boop’ sound when you feel his skin. his cheeks are always flushed-looking, but you’re sure it flusters him, you can see it in the way he coughs at the awkward moment and can’t meet your eyes.
“oh god, i don’t know what to do, you’re clearly going to die from the cold water if i don’t get you a jacket, maybe even if i do. and i don’t even know where i’d get you something to wear,” he mutters frantically, but you weakly reach your hand up to cup his cheek (obviously temperature doesn’t bother him) and he cups his hand over yours, kissing the inside of your palm, “stay with me, my crazy and irrational love.”
“crazy over you,” you flirt with a wink, which doesn’t exactly help the situation, and he’s not amused by your antics, too worried for you, “there’s a lost and found by the pier, maybe you’ll find a jacket there.”
he nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead before running off, trying to be quick. you lay there, on the sand, shivering and half close to death, until he returns with a long jacket and some boots for you. he’s also fully clothed now, and you realize he was probably naked the whole time you were dying, “is there somewhere we can go to get you warmed up? where do you live?”
“i walked here, help me up and i’ll guide us there,” you say, and he does just that, helping you, but before you can start walking, he cups your hands, trying to blow hot breath on them to warm them.
“i just wanted to say,” he starts, genuinely looking so small and vulnerable and in love like this, “despite how dumb and irrational it was, thank you for coming back for me.”
ha, that’s what i should be thanking you for, you think, but you smile, holding his hand as you lead the way.
you sit with him in front of the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate as he hums in your ear, lulling you into a more calm state, all the anxiety and fear over the fact that you nearly just died leave you body.
“i'm sure this wasn’t what you had in mind for our date,” he mumbles, chuckling with a hint of sass in his words.
“nonsense,” you respond, reaching out to grab his hand, holding it in yours as you speak, seeing the way he eyes your hands, “we can still have an amazing date! do you want some hot chocolate too?”
“i’ve never tried it…?”
you facepalm dramatically and he chuckles at your antics, “oh! right! you’re a siren! you’ve probably never tried a lot of things...uhm okay...i bet you’ll love it though!”
“then yes, i’d like some,” he smiles charmingly, and you make a cup of hot chocolate for him too, making sure to put a lot of marshmallows just for him. he won’t know how much of a declaration of true love that is, the fact that you gave him more marshmallows than you’d even give yourself. he doesn’t need to know that yet.
you give him the hot chocolate, and he seems to really like it, drinking it quickly like the temperature doesn’t even bother him, “this is really good! please make me more,” he smiles with some chocolate dripping down his chin.
“don’t move,” you murmur as you lean in, licking the chocolate off his chin and leaving a peck on his lips, smirking. you don’t leave his space, staying so close that you can feel his nervous breaths against your face, cupping his cheek while you adjust yourself so you’re on top of him, “kihyun,” you murmur, leaning in to kiss him again.
he groans, breaking the kiss slightly, as your hand fondles his chest, flicking at his nipple just to get a reaction out of him. your kisses move down from his lips to his jaw and settling on his neck. you nibble and suck gently as he tilts his head away from you, giving you as much access to his neck as you please.
“you ready to repay that favor?” you murmur in his ear, feeling the way he shivers underneath you.
“thought i did that when i saved your life,” he responds cheekily, smiling with those pretty eyes dimples that you want to kiss and kiss until your lips are blue. he’s always so unintentionally distracting.
“kihyun,” your tone is warning, and he caves instantly, immediately becoming much more docile and puppy eyed.
“what do you need me to do? i'm afraid i’m a bit.. inexperienced…” he mumbles the last part, almost seeming ashamed, but you press a kiss to his forehead, getting off of him and sitting back down on the couch.
“sit on the floor, between my legs, my kihyun,” you motion for him to move, and he does, slipping off the couch, onto his knees in front of you in an instant. his movements are so graceful and gentle, it’s like everything he does entrances anyone around him, “here, i’ll take off my pants and underwear,” you say as you do just that, “alright, now, lean in, kiss my inner thigh just a bit.”
he says he doesn’t know what he’s doing and yet he easily throws one of your legs over his shoulder and leans in, doing exactly as you instruct, leaving gentle, wet kisses as he gets closer and closer.
you guide him through every part of eating you out: teaching him to suck on your clit, how to use his tongue just right, but the thing affecting you the most is his groans and moans that you can feel deep inside, the sound and feeling of him being ten times as overwhelming like this.
you tug him around by his hair if only to make him more vocal, keep him whining and whimpering against you, “c’mon ki, be useful and make me cum,” he keeps doing just as you showed him, but honestly it’s more you grinding against his face as you got close that set you over the edge.
you breathe heavily, still reeling from the orgasm, as he falls back on his hands breathing also quite hard, “i haven’t cum that hard in so long,” you smile as you catch your breath, watching the way he seems nervous, adjusting himself to cover an obvious erection, “oh is kihyun needy too?”
“yes, he is,” he groans dryly. you motion for him to come closer with your finger, and he does exactly that.
“then you’re gonna like what comes next, baby,” you whisper before you lean in to kiss him once more, pulling him up so you’re both standing, and leading him to your bedroom.
you push him onto the end and he’s left dazed as you go through your drawer, pulling out a pretty pink strap-on and a few other things. you can see how he gulps, seemingly nervous as you come closer.
“are you okay with this, baby?” he nods without a bit of hesitance.
“absolutely, i just— is this going to hurt?”
“no, no no i promise it won’t. and if it does, we’ll stop immediately. this is all for you,” you reassure, and he takes a few deep breaths before letting you pull him onto your lap. the borrowed pants and boxers that don’t exactly fit his body come off so easily and he whines as your lubed-up fingers prod gently at his hole.
“m-my love,” he whimpers, gently holding onto your shirt, “it feels too good, you feel too good.”
“yeah? then i can’t wait for what you’ll feel like when it’s my strap-on in you, baby. don’t you want me to fill you up like that?”
“mmm, yeah, i know you want to ruin me, so do it, my love,” he groans as you start to finger him, keeping going until he’s completely comfortable and then adding another finger, stretching him even more, “i know i'm irresistible, i know i’ll make you feel better than anyone else, i know my voice ruins you, so ruin all of me, won’t you?”
you almost growl at his words, ferocious in the way you handle him, “you shouldn’t talk like that.”
“because i truly won’t be able to control myself anymore,” and in an instant, he’s lowering himself onto your strap, his mouth hanging open as he adjusts to the size.
“y-you’re so big,” he mumbles, closing his eyes as he gets comfortable, wiggling his hips around experimentally, moaning cutely. one of his hands goes up to cover his mouth, but you pull it away, holding both of his arms in place so he has no choice but to moan freely for you.
“you say that but you’re already fucking yourself on my strap, baby,” you giggle, holding him close, his back to your chest, “keep riding me, ki, show me how desperate you can get.”
he does exactly that, pleasing himself as you sit there, listening to his angelic moans, like they’re almost hypnotic. instead of using them to silence himself, he reaches his hands back to hold onto you, and you let your hands wander, one touching his aching length and the other wrapping gently around his neck. his breathing halts, even without any pressure from your hand.
it’s almost ironic, how it’s him that can’t breathe this time. your kisses on the side on his neck leave him weak and he loses rhythm on top of you. you help him by gripping his waist and forcing his body to keep pace, “baby,” you murmur in between pecks.
“y-yeah?” his stuttering, breathless voice and the ache for more in his words makes you groan, gripping his neck tighter, and he throws his head back onto your shoulder.
“tell me how good my cock makes you feel, baby,” you lazily stroke his length, using the leftover lube from when you fingered him to easily get going.
he whines, which is the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard in your life, “you— you stretch me out so good, my love. please, please, it feels so good, i’m already so—” his pleas echo in your head. they’re disorienting and entrancing and you can’t get enough of them.
“i’ll make you feel even better than now, watch this,” you forcefully pull him off of the strap, keeping your grip on his waist and you flip him over, pressed against the bed as you enter him again in an instant. he moans even louder in this position, even with his voice slightly muffled as he turns his head to the side. it’s like music to your ears, “feel free to get all your cum all over yourself and on my bed, i’d take it as a compliment.”
he cries out as you thrust into him, keeping a pace you know overwhelms him with the intention of pushing him over the edge, filling him with bliss, “o-oh! fuck! oh my god, you—”
“you shouldn’t curse, pretty angel, you’re too perfect and innocent for that,” you can see and hear just how close he’s getting, all the rocking back and forth giving more stimulation to his cock, “although, i do somewhat doubt your innocence, seeing as i’ve got you moaning like a whore,” he groans at your words, but he can’t think of a sassy response, the words not forming in his head, “i can’t get enough of you, my sweet kihyun. cum for me, let me hear how angelic you sound, will you?”
he does, cumming and almost screaming loudly, hypnotizing you with his gorgeous voice, trembling and shuddering with absolute bliss as the high fully racks his body. he breathes so heavily, unable to catch his breath until you slow down and eventually pull out, letting him recover from it all.
“are you okay? was that okay?” you ask him, leaning forward to play with his hair. he flips himself over, lying on his back, as he breathes and keeps an intense eye contact with you.
“that was… incredible,” he whispers, loud enough for you to hear. “you’re incredible. you’re amazing, you’re so perfect.”
his words almost make you flush, the sudden compliments take you by surprise, so you ruffle his hair a bit and run your fingers through it in a calming way, “thank you, ki. you did really well, my perfect boy.”
he smiles, his eyes fluttering closed, “hey uhm, can you tell me something?” you hum affirmatively, “tell me your name.”
you laugh almost incredulously, “you’re still hung up on that?”
“i mean, you know mine, and i know it’s hard to trust a siren, i know it’s not super safe to give your name away, but please. i’ll do anything to prove myself worthy of it,” he begs, sweetly reaching out to grab your hand.
“okay,” you sigh, “i’ll tell you,” he smiles, listening intently, kissing your knuckles as a ‘thank you’, “it’s… y/n.”
his smile is so sincere and adoring that there’s no reason to not trust it, and he whispers in between kisses to your hand, “beautiful. every part of you, even your name, is beautiful.”
you smile back, pulling your held hands to your lips to kiss his knuckles in return, “remember when i asked you if you even knew what love was?” he nods, and in that moment, you realize you probably didn’t even know either, “is this it?”
“yeah, i think this is.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @feelslikelove @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting @foenixs @sunflowerkeen @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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dripkingpetey · 4 years
give me a chance-j.virtanen
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a/n:this took me way longer than it should’ve but I've just had no motivation for writing lol (watch me not post another fic for the longest time-)
1910 words
“Y/n, I bet you’re the only girl that’s ever turned Jake down.” Brock said to you over the loud sounds of people talking in the background of the bar and he wasn’t wrong, any girl who Jake has every approached or even talked to would be falling in love with him right away but not you. You always used the excuses like “I’ve known him for too long, it would be weird.” Or “I just don’t want anything with anyone right now,” But all of that just made Jake want you more.
“He’s not wrong.” The young swede sitting to the left of you chimed in. “I’ve never seen anyone turn Jake down, you must have some anti Jake gene in you or something.” The three of you bursted laughing at Elias’ words before you took a sip of your drink. “I don’t know, I want something serious and I know Jake can’t give me that.” You said quietly but Brock and Elias definitely heard you as they exchanged a look to each other.
Jake came back to the area that all of you were seated and nuzzled his face into your shoulder, clearly very drunk. “Hey,” He grinned while slowly closing his eyes as he couldn’t help but drift off to sleep.
“Are you sure you guys don’t have something going on? Secretly fucking or friends with benefits?” Brock joked quietly, looking at you rubbing Jakes back and comforting him. “Seems like you and petey are the ones that are secretly fucking.” You commented at Brocks words and his face immediately turned red. 
By the next morning you had completely forgotten what you had said last night, the only thing occupying your head was the pounding headache from your hangover. “Hey,” Jake grinned while taking a sip of water in his kitchen and that was when you realized you had fallen asleep on his couch last night. “You’re creepy, were you watching me sleep?” You joked and threw a pillow at him. “For your information, I was not. I actually need to get ready for practice.”
“Do you mind taking care of Bruce and Donny today? I forgot they had to go to the groomers.” Jake asked nicely knowing you would say yes. “Yes, but only if you hangout with me tonight.” You smiled at him as he nodded. “Count me in, okay I really gotta go get ready.” Jake pulled you in for a hug and a light kiss on the head before he rushed to get ready, you waited till Jake left to get ready for the day. You had clothes there from spending time over there so much so you grabbed a pair of leggings and your favourite hoodie of Jakes before you hopped in the shower.
You ran some errands before you had to pick the dogs up from the groomer, you sat them in the backseat before taking a photo of you and the dogs to show Jake you had picked them up.
i got the boys :) 
*image attachment*
Is that my sweater?
I’ll be home soon, should I pick up dinner?
nope, i already planned what we’re doing for dinner
You started putting away the groceries and grabbed the ingredients you needed for dinner, you decided to make burgers and salad for dinner since you knew it was Jakes favourite meal and he was dying to try out the new grill he purchased the other day. 
“Hey.” Jake whispered right by your ear which made you jump while preparing the salad. “I already knew you were here,” “Yeah but you still got scared.” Jake chuckled at you and sat on the stool for the kitchen island. “What’s for dinner?” Jake raised an eyebrow at you before you pulled out the hamburger patties. “Burgers, you get to use the grill that you’ve been dying to use.” You smiled as Jakes eyes immediately lit up. “Oh god, you are a literal man-child.” You sighed with a chuckle.
Since Jake was gone on a road trip, you went over to his house to take care of his dogs and the house, it was the second game of their road trip when Jake got his injury.
You couldn’t help but sigh as you saw Jake get hit, he was against Dallas when Jamie Oleksiak collided with Jake. But the sigh quickly turned into fear when Jake was struggling to get up. “Oh shit.” You mumbled to yourself as the refs whistled and the trainer went on to help him. Jake slipped a little but got off the ice quickly with the help of Bo and Brock.
You watched the replays of the hit that they were showing on tv before you texted Jake.
i watched the game, call me when you can please.
You were half asleep when Jake called you, you quickly woke up from the call and answered.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Your voice was sleepy and Jake could tell. “Hey, I’m okay. Sorry did I wake you up?” Hearing Jakes voice made you calm down. “No, no its okay.” You mumbled, half asleep which made Jake chuckle. “I’ll be home tomorrow.” Jake quickly realized you weren’t listening when he heard your light little snores. “I love you” He whispered before hanging up to fall asleep as well.
You woke up early next morning and cleaned up around the house and  waited for him to come home. “Oh god I look like a mess.” You mumbled as you saw a glimpse of yourself in the window.  You quickly tried to fix your hair and outfit but quickly gave up and changed into a set of Jakes clothes along with a messy bun.
“Hey.” Jake said cheekily as he flopped himself on top on you, wincing a little from his injury. “Hey,” You mumbled quietly, now realizing you were asleep. “You’re home.” You grinned. “Would be better if it was our home though,” Jake winked as he whispered into your ear. “Jake,” You sighed as he kissed your cheek. “Y/n, just kiddinggg.” Jake said as he dragged on the ‘g’ and sat up on the couch.
“How was your trip? Well other than the injury.” You asked but quickly realized it wasn’t a good question to ask him. “The trip was pretty fun, but did you know the doctor actually said that cuddling will help out my concussion and my injuries?” Jake smirked as you looked up at him. “Oh really?” You teased, moving your body onto Jakes and burying your face in his chest while you traced the tattoos on his arm with your fingers. “Yeah, just like that.” Jake chuckled and rested his face into the top of your head.
Jake didn’t want anything super special for his birthday this year, just a little party at his place with close friends, which was surprising since Jake was a party guy.
“Morning, birthday boy.” You grinned over FaceTime to a half asleep Jake. “Hey.” Jake mumbled, pulling his blanket up to his head. “What do you want?”
“Woah, woah. I’m just trying to be nice and wish you a happy birthday,” You defended yourself as Jake laughed. “I’m just kidding, thank you y/n.”
You ended the call shortly after to go get ready for the day since Jake kept on whining about wanting to go back to sleep. 
You snuck into Jakes house with your spare key, setting down the breakfast you had picked up from his favourite cafe. You tippy toed quietly up the stairs to Jakes room, trying not to wake him up yet. Sneaking into Jakes bed and cuddling up behind him. “Hey.” You mumbled against Jakes neck before giving him a kiss there. “Y/n?” Jake mumbled, chuckling a little. “How did you get in?” 
“I have your key dummy.” You laughed, starting to play with Jakes hair and you knew he loved it. “I brought you your favourite breakfast.” You smiled as you saw the smile grow on Jakes face as well. “You did?” “Yep its in the kitchen,” Jake jumped up out go bed and headed downstairs as you sighed and laid in his bed for awhile.
Before you knew it, you had dozed off to sleep. Groaning as you woke up to the loud music playing downstairs combined with the sound of people talking. Making sure you looked presentable and awake before going downstairs.
“Hey, you’re up!” Jake exclaimed as you walked downstairs and greeted everyone, realizing that Jake was already very drunk. “The drinks are in the kitchen if you want one.” Jake grinned with his visible rosy cheeks. “Thank you.” You smiled at Jake and made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a red bull and taking a big sip so you can pour way too much vodka in the can than needed. 
Completely tipsy and almost drunk, you found yourself sitting on top of Jakes lap with your face inches away from his. Jake softly but his hand on your cheek and you leaned in as well, realizing what you were doing and pulled away.
“Why won’t you give me a chance?” Jake whined at you pulling your face away from his. “Jake.” You mumbled quietly. “No, don’t give me that ‘Jake’ bullshit. Give me a reason.” “Its not that I don’t feel the same way about you, I do, but I don’t know what you want out of this and I want something serious, not one of your casual Friday night hookups, I want an actual relationship but I don’t think you want that.” You finally let it all out, the things you’ve been whining about to Brock and Elias, he finally knew. 
It took Jake a moment to process what you said especially under the influence, but he tried to sober up before he could say anything else. “Just give me a chance y/n, I promise I can be the serious relationship you want.” You sighed at his words, knowing you needed another sip of alcohol before you could do anything else. “Tell me that in the morning Jake, when you’re sober.” You stood up and left the living room so you didn’t have to see the disappointed look on Jakes face, finding yourself in his bedroom and changing into Jakes clothes so you could drift off to sleep. 
You woke up to Jake wanting to talk about last night immediately but you somehow successfully persuaded him to let you wake up and have a cup of coffee.“I know I haven’t had the best reputation with long-term relationships but I wanna try, with you. So just please, can we work this out?” Jake said quietly, he’s never had to do stuff like this before and you could tell he was taking it seriously. “You know how this is gonna end if it doesn’t go well right? I need you and I can’t lose you.” You said quietly, afraid to make any eye contact with him because you were tearing up at the thought of losing him.
“Then I won’t let it go bad.” Jake sat closer to you and tucked the loose strands of your hair behind your ear and he noticed the tears. 
“You promise?” You mumbled, looking up at him. “I promise y/n.” Jake said while smiling lightly at you before you pressed your lips onto his and you could’ve sworn the kiss was out of a movie, it was perfect.
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everlastingdreams · 4 years
Weeping Monk x Reader : Playing With Fire     chapter 15
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Story Summary:  The Huntsman, that is what they called your brother. A name he had earned by hunting down the fey for coin. Coin that is given by Father Carden for his services. You refuse to stand aside and watch how your brother hunts down those who are fey. When you start to warn the fey camps your brother wishes to attack, you find yourself behind enemy lines. But when the Weeping Monk becomes suspicious of you, you realise you are playing with fire.
Chapter Summary: You sneak the Monk and Percival into Mirstone. Helping the Monk proves difficult as his stubborness matches your own.
Notes: Let me know what you think, please. ^.^ And sorry for some of the next chapters to come. And yep I am re-using some of the gifs I made. Also this chapter was absolute hell to write, I had like five different versions to piece this together whelp
Warnings:  Trauma, mentions of selfharm, mentions of past abusive violence.
Word count: 2841 words in this chapter.
Chapter:  15/ 33+ something (buckle up, it’s a wild ride.)
Night had already fallen when you arrived at Mirstone, both of you had agreed that it would be wise to leave the horses in a safe place nearby just in case. You knew you would have to sneak them into the village, preferably without being spotted, you did have a fey boy with you. Luckily you had lived here long and guided the Monk and Percival past the tents and homes with ease. The Monk suddenly stopped you in your tracks when he spotted one of your brother's men "Over there." You looked at where he was pointing at. Your eyes narrowed when you saw him. Ah. Brogan. "We will have to wait until he leaves." The Monk let out a pained groan, starting to regret coming here at all. Brogan was drinking from his flask, filled with ale no doubt. As the Monk lowered to his knees to rest for a moment you took his moment of faltered alertness to move away from him and the boy. Percival noticed, you brought a finger to your lips gesturing for him to remain silent. He gave a short nod but watched with wary eyes as you picked up a shovel that was leaning against a tent. You sneaked up to Brogan who had his back turned to you, only then did the Monk become aware of your absence. He immediately looked up only to see you slam the metal of the shovel against the back of Brogan's head. Brogan hit the ground as he fell unconcious. You grabbed that stupid ragged hat from his head and shoved it in his mouth before removing his belt and using it to tie his hands behind his back. It gave you a sick sense of gratification "I should have done that much earlier..." You beckoned for Percival and the Monk to come your way. The latter looked impressed but not happy with your action. You supported him again as you helped him to your home. "That was reckless." He actually scolded you. "Says the man that tried to free a woman and boy, and ended up having to fight the Trinity Guards." You shot back. "I won..." He quietly protested and actually smirked at the memory. "Barely." You quipped nodding to him, to the state he was in. He rolled his eyes at your comment, knowing it was true. He wouldn't have survived. He didn't plan to survive the fight. He had given you an oppurtunity to run away with the boy. Never had he expected that you would risk your lives to help him. And yet, here you were, dragging him to your home. The last time he was there he had held his sword to your throat and now you were helping him. With some difficulty you were able to open the door, it's hinges were terribly rusty. It creaked open and you helped him inside, it would be a stupid thing to help him downstairs. The door let into the kitchen immediately, if someone were to look inside through the windows they would discover you instantly.
“We should go to my bedchamber. They could see us through the windows down here.” You looked at the Monk apologetic.
He moved away from you and leaned against the wall, clearly not looking forward to having to climb a set of stairs.
“Percival, you go first. Don't want you to be behind us in case he falls down. Okay ?” There was a possibility it would happen.
“Alright, fine. Do I help ?” The boy looked up at you and the Monk.
You shook your head “No, thank you. This could get dangerous.”
The boy nodded in understanding and hurried up the stairs, looking down at you now “Well, come on then !”
You nodded to the Monk, not able to suppress the chuckle coming from you “You heard him. Do you need my help ?”
The Monk seemed to consider your offer, alerting you that he was indeed not fit to climb the stairs on his own in his state. You didn't wait for his answer and moved his arm over your shoulder and wrapped your arm around his back. He was taken aback by your action but let you help him up the stairs this way. It took a while but you managed to get him upstairs without tumbling down the steps. He leaned against the doorway breathing heavily, as he regained his composure. Now came the awkward part, for you to be able to help him and stitch up his wounds, you would have to see them. And by the uncomfortable silence in the room you knew the Monk was aware of it.
“It is hard to treat wounds you can't see...” You broke the silence and tried to sound casual.
The Monk gave a nod, not looking at you. You looked at the boy who quirked a brow and shrugged. You cleared your throat and awkwardly held out a hand towards the Monk. The situation was uncomfortable for both of you but this was not speeding things up at all. His eyes focused on you now, he send you an inquiring look. You straightened your back, not wanting to show how nervous you were “Shall I take your cloak ?”
Being straightforward proved fruitful as he finally started to take off his cloak, he handed it to you and you put it aside while he started to peel off the other layers that covered his torso.
You averted your eyes and looked to the boy instead “Are you hungry ?”
His eyes widened and he nodded, you quickly went downstairs to grab some bread and leftovers you could find before going back to your room. You gave the food to the boy who uttered a 'thank you' as he shoved some bread in his mouth. You had also brought something to eat for the Monk, and put it aside. You finally looked at the Monk and felt your breath hitch in your throat. Sure, you had seen a man's torso before but none of the people in your village looked like this. The Monk was far more muscular then you could have guessed. Of course he would be, with all that fighting he did. You hated to admit that even with the dark bruises and the bleeding wounds he looked good. If he had been anyone else you would have complimented him, but this was the person who had threatened your life not long ago in the room downstairs. The Monk had not noticed you staring at him, he was busy examining the wounds on his abdomen. When he turned a little to examine one on the side of his body right below his rib cage your gaze fell on his back and you swallowed back a gasp. Scars were scattered all over his back, recent wounds were mixed between them. Your brother often 'joked' how the Red Paladins were Father Carden's whipped hounds. That was his way of saying some of them engaged in self-flagellation to cleanse themselves. The amount of scars shocked you, you doubted the other paladins would have this many of them. Deep down you knew this was because the Monk felt he needed to cleanse himself over something he could not control, his fey heritage.
Most were healed but there were recent ones that looked no longer then a day old. Had he done this to himself the day he saved you and the boy ? Had he felt so much inner turmoil that he felt he needed to suffer for it ? He turned to look at you, having picked up on the uncomfortable silence. You averted your eyes, trying not to show that you had been staring but he had caught you doing it. "I can see if I have something for those..." You quietly spoke and gestured to his back. The Monk quietly shook his head even though the wounds on his back were burning "There is not enough time. It will be dawn soon."
He went to sit down on the edge of your bed. You gave a nod in understanding, you knew it would be dawn soon but something told you that that wasn't the real reason why he had refused your help. You grabbed the bowl of water you had on the table next to your bed and wetted the piece of cloth, preparing to clean the wounds so you could treat them.
“How did you get those ?” The boy suddenly asked and you saw the Monk's expression change. He swallowed thickly not acknowledging the question. How could he even start to explain it to the boy ?
You picked up on his reluctance to answer and turned to the boy "Percival, will you help me ?" He quickly nodded and you started to give him instructions. "Thank you, listen well. Go downstairs, crawl under the table. One of the floorboards is loose, under there you will find a small chest with some bottles with fey medicine and herbs. Will you bring me that chest, please ?" The boy had left the room to fetch the items without replying. 
"He's eager to help..." You let out a chuckle unaware the Monk was staring at you.
When you looked at him, you shrugged your shoulders "What ?"
He scoffed and shook his head, not believing how reckless you had been "You keep fey items in your home ? If they had known they would have killed you just for that."
You rinsed the extra water out of the cloth and he held his hand out to take the cloth from you, he wasn't looking at you, his attention was on one of the wounds on his torso now.
"That's why they were hidden." You casually said before reaching out with your hand to his bare arm, close to the deep gash he had there. He had removed your scarf to examine it. You had just wanted to clean away the blood to look at the wound but he flinched when he felt the damp cloth touch his arm, never expecting you to take it upon yourself to help him like this.
"I...can do it." So few words and yet he stumbled over them.
You raised a brow looking at him in doubt “Don't take this the wrong way, but you already hit the ground not long ago and I almost had to carry you up those few steps. If you insist on doing this alone you will still be here when the sun rises.”
The Monk scoffed at your comment and shook his head muttering “...carry me..”
You ignored him and tried to touch his arm so you could help him.
He moved so he stayed out of your reach, some of the blood running down his arm landed on your sheets.
"Stop moving and stop bleeding !" You said in frustration.
It made him look at you, eyes slightly widened. It made you realise how strange that probably sounded to him. "You're ruining my sheets, blood isn't easy to wash out you know ?" You almost pouted at the red now staining your white sheets.
"I'm aware." He stated the obvious as he looked at the sheets now.
Finally you sighed and spoke, your voice dripping with sarcasm "Would you be more at ease if you had your sword in your hands ? You weren't this uncomfortable when you visited my home the last time."
He stared at you for a moment and then he understood what you were talking about. The night he had warned you to stop warning the fey. He had felt strange when he had to hold you into place back then too, it had felt almost intimate then as well. But now you were trying to touch his bare skin and he didn't know why it made him so nervous, as if it was almost sinful. Which was ridiculous because you were just trying to help. It was his upbringing that caused him to react like this, he knew it was.
"You were not trying to help me that night if I recall." He deadpanned.
You frowned at that "You are more comfortable with me hitting you with a pan, then me helping you ?"
In truth, he was used to violence. He was not used to soft hands carefully touching him. So you were not far from the truth when you had asked that.
He answered with a hint of sarcasm "People don't usually touch me to help me."
"I wonder why." You shot back.
He looked up at you at that, noting the smirk that disappeared a second later.
"I mean... you are not making it easy for me here..." You gestured to him, damp cloth still in your hands "Did you never see a healer ?"
He had, even though he always tried to avoid getting an injury bad enough that he would need a healer "I have."
"Well, think of me as a healer then...it's the same thing." You tried your best to convince him.
He scoffed at that, knowing it was not the same at all. He never spoke to the healers, he didn't know anything about them and none of them were women.
"It's not the same." He replied, sounding a bit shorter then he had intented.
You were getting frustrated, this was going nowhere "Why ? What's the difference between me helping you or another stranger ?"
"You are." The words spilled out of him and he wished he had kept his mouth shut.
You were silent now as you thought about that statement.
He really did not wish to elaborate further on that, what would he even say ? That you touching his skin made him feel...strange ? A foreign feeling, something he had not felt before. Something he could not place. Only that it did not feel bad. That was perhaps the problem, it felt pleasant. It was something he believed he shouldn't feel.
Then you came to your own conclusion "You don't trust me to help you..."
He looked up at you right away, one thing he did know for certain was that he trusted you. Sure, you had lied to him about having stopped with warning the fey, but otherwise you had always been honest. Blatantly and recklessly honest sometimes. And you could have left him to die alone in the forest, instead you had brought him into your home to help him.
"I trust you." It was a statement that he needed you to hear.
You were not expecting to hear that coming from the Monk.
You were a bit taken aback "If you do, then please let me help you before you bleed to death on my bed."
He avoided looking at you, the conflict inside of him was clawing at him.
You took his silence as refusal “An infection could kill you ! Don't you care if you live or die ?!" "Not really. No." The truth came from his mouth faster then he could prevent it. "I care ! So stop moving and let me help you !" You were exasperated at this point. It appears that the more frustrated you became, the more stubborn he got so you tried a different approach.
You let out a deep sigh “Please, let me help you... Lancelot.” It was strange saying his name out loud for the first time.
And unbeknownst to you, hearing you call him by his actual name for the first time was why he finally gave in. He had only ever heard you call him 'Monk' until now. Finally he caved in, he looked at you and slowly nodded.
You cautiously took his arm in your hand and started to clean away the blood. You couldn't help but feel nervous, you couldn't push the thought away that you were washing blood off of someone who could easily kill you if he wanted to.
You tried to push the thought away, so far he had not threatened you anymore. You tried to be gentle but time was of the essence, this had to be finished before dawn. And in your haste you accidentally rubbed against the wound too roughly. He actually let out a short pained yell and you jumped and flinched as if he had hit you even though he had not laid a hand on you. You had sewn up your brother before, before you knew how he got his wounds. After you found out the truth about the origin of his wounds you had sewed him up one last time and did such a terrible job that he no longer demanded you to do so. But you were so used to your brother hitting you when you accidentally hurt him while sewing him up that it caused you to panic now. And you did what you had always done in that situation, you apologized.
“I'm sorry..I...I didn't mean to...” Your voice shook and your hands trembled.
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impala666 · 4 years
The One With The Monkey Part Three: The Party
Friends Rewrite (masterlist) Last Part (Part Two)
Ummm the reader meets Janice officially for the first time, and Rachel gets attacked at the airport.
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You were feeling great today! Joey was keeping to his word that everything was going to be a little bit slower like you wanted. You slept on the couch a couple times and it was lumpy and really kind of sucked, but you were in such a good head space. Your head space was so good that you decided to sign a contract to officially start school, and it wasn’t cosmetology like you had originally planned. Instead you were going to Esthetician school and you were going to help people feel good in their own skin while wearing it, and you couldn’t be more happy and proud of yourself. You couldn’t wait to call your mom and rub her face in it. Of course you had to pay it off so you were still going to work at the store, but that was just a detail to help you get where you want to go. “Hey, what’s got you so smiley?” Chandler asked when he looked up to greet you, but he couldn’t help wonder what was going on. He could never remember a time where you’d looked so happy. 
“Yeah, it almost looks like it’s about to hurt.” Phoebe smiled with her joke from her spot on the couch. 
“It does, but I just can’t stop smiling.” You beamed.
“Then tell us,” Joey begged, “we’re dying to know over here.” Joey stood up from his spot to put his hand on your lower back.
“I officially signed a contract to start school next year.” You smiled even brighter. You felt the air be squeezed out of you when Joey and Chandler wrapped you in a big hug. 
“Oh my god!” Joey celebrated.
“That’s amazing!” Chandler chimed in. 
“Oh, congratulations, Y/N/N,” Phoebe smiled proudly at you as she put a friendly hand on your arm. 
“Thanks, Pheebs,” you smiled at her as you adjusted your clothes after Chandler and Joey let go, and of course after Joey kissed you in congratulations. Just then you heard the door open and heard the sound of Ross and Monica’s voices, but they stopped when they saw everyone huddled around you.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Ross asked for himself and Monica, they both looked directly at you.
“I’m officially starting esthetics school next year.” Monica and Ross couldn’t help but smile themselves.
“Oh wow,” Ross said as he wrapped you in a quick hug which you happily reciprocated. 
“Yeah, I’m so happy for you, and you’re going to be working at the same time right?” Monica smiled her bright smile at you.
“Yep, I’m going to be pretty busy these next 7 months. But I swear it’s all going to be with it. I'll get to prove my mom wrong and help people and do something I love. But anyway, you guys were saying something when you both walked in.” You waved off your excitement to hear what Monica and Ross had been talking about when they first walked in. 
“Oh, yeah,” Ross continued as he took a seat in the arm chair and you and Monica sat next to each other on the couch with Phoebe. “What does the phrase ‘no-date pact’ mean to you?” 
“I’m sorry okay? It’s just that Chandler has somebody, Phoebe has somebody, and Joey and Y/N are together. I thought I’d ask Fun Bobby.” Monica explained since it seemed like she herself found a date. 
“Fun Bobby. Your ex-boyfriend Fun Bobby?” Chandler asked. Monica nodded.
“You know more than one Fun Bobby?” Joey couldn’t help but ask Chandler. 
“I happen to know a Fun Bob.” Chandler explained to his friend next to him, that you couldn’t tell whether it was a joke or not. You nodded your head in the direction behind Joey when you saw Rachel coming up with the drink that he must have ordered before you got there. 
“Okay, here we go,” Rachel announced while clearly trying to balance the almost overflowing liquid. 
“Oh, oh, oh, there’s no room for milk.” Joey complained with a whine. So Rachel did what she thought was the smartest idea in that situation, she took a sip out of Joey’s mug so that he had room for his milk. But it was a good thing that it was Joey instead of another regular customer, because Joey took it anyway. 
“There. Now there is,” she said smiling at her own quick thinking. 
“Okay, so on our no date evening five of you have dates.” Ross couldn’t believe what was happening. 
“Oh, six,” Rachel announced for everyone while she took a seat. Ross hid his face in his hands for a second to hide the anger that he wasn’t hiding very well. “Sorry. Paolo’s catching an earlier flight.” Rachel defended. 
“Plus, I mean, it is kind of hard to have a ‘no-date pact’ when two of us are already going out.” Joey mentioned that fact that you kept thinking about. Even though you felt bad about Ross not having a date, it wasn’t like you should have to stop acting like a couple. Which was what it felt like he was expecting, but you knew he was having a really hard time this year so you just decided to keep your thoughts to yourself. “Also I picked up this really hot chick at the mall. What's an elf to do?” Joey winked over at you, but you sent him a warm bright smile and he couldn’t help copy it, causing you to bite onto your lower lip. But of course he would try to make it into some kind of sexual thing with that elf costume; that he definitely gave back instead of keeping for the both of you. Ross had to shake off what had just happened between the two of you. 
“Okay, so I’m going the only one standing there alone when the ball drops?” He asked all of you. 
“Oh, come on. We’ll have a big party and no one will know who’s with who.” Rachel told him trying to make him feel better, but clearly didn’t help based on the way that he roughly adjusted in his seat.
“Okay, this is so not what I needed right now,” Ross whined. Looking like he was about to cry. 
“What’s that matter?” Monica seemingly becoming concerned about how upset her brother was. 
“Oh, it’s Marcel.” All of you made eye contact when the relationship problems with the monkey came up. “He keeps shutting me out, you know? He’s walking around all the time, dragging his hands.” As annoying as the monkey stories were getting, you still didn’t like how upset Ross got about it. 
“That is so weird, I had such a blast with him the other night.” Chandler let him know as you got up to get a cup of coffee and Chandler took your seat. “Yeah. We played, we watched TV. That juggling thing is amazing.” Chandler finished as you walked back over with your hot drink, and Joey guided you onto his lap as your place to sit. 
“What, uh...what juggling thing?” Ross asked completely clueless. 
“With the balled up socks. I figured you taught him that.” Chandler explained, but clearly Ross had no clue what he was talking about. 
“No.” Ross flat out said looking more hurt. 
“You know it wasn’t that big of a deal.” Chandler leaned forward as he brushed the whole conversation off. “It was just balled up socks and a melon.” Your eyebrows shot up at that weird detail. 
“Phoebe, hi,” one of the scientist men walked into the shop with such a big smile. So you couldn’t help but wonder what he wanted from your friend as she greeted him. When she tried to be polite and introduce everyone with her, he clearly had a message that couldn’t wait. 
“No. Have you seen David?” Max asked her. 
“No, he hasn’t been around.” Phoebe answered to him. 
“Well, if you see him, tell him to pack his bags. We are going to Minsk.” What the heck was in Minsk that was so exciting? Snow? You couldn’t help but wonder. 
“Minsk?” She repeated in utter shock. 
“Minsk. It’s in Russia.” David’s friend spelled out to her like he was teaching her something new. 
“I know where Minsk is.” Phoebe chuckled while you were sure she imagined ripping his head off for the unnecessary man-splaining. 
“We got the grant. Three years. All expenses paid.” He told all of you, so excited for this new career opportunity.
“So when, when do you leave?” Phoebe couldn’t help herself but ask. 
“January first.” He smiled proudly, but the look on Phoebe’s face said that her heart was broken.
Last night you had decided to sleep with Joey in his bed, much to Chandler’s dismay, but he was a big boy he’d get over it. You didn’t want to open your eyes because then you’d have to leave the warm covers over your body. But when you remembered that today was New Years Eve, you opened your eyes. You had nothing to do all day except go to Monica and Rachel’s party, plus the store was closed so no work. When you pressed the covers to your bare chest and turned your head, you saw that Joey was still in his own dream land. You could tell he was dreaming because his eyelashes were flinching a little bit. “Joey,” you whispered. Reaching out your hand to grab one of his that was resting on his stomach, however that turned to be a mistake when he pulled on your arm and tugged you into his chest like you were a teddy bear. “Hmmm, okay five more minutes.” You smiled as you got yourself to fall asleep again in Joey’s warmth. But who knew that the both of you would end up sleeping in bed all day until the party. You were about to be a busy bee, and you wanted to soak up all of the Joey time that you could get.
It was finally party time! You were dressed to the nines with your guy with you after spending all day in bed, and now you got to have some of Monica’s amazing food. You did not know how anything could top this. Joey and you were over by the fridge talking to a small group of people, while he was mingling you were doing everything in your power to hide from Janice. Because for whatever reason she seemed to be obsessed with your brother, and if she knew that Chandler had a sister the both of you would never hear the end of it from her. “You okay?” Joey leaned down to quickly whisper in your ear. You nodded.
“I want a drink and some food, but I don’t want to meet her. I don’t want to meet Janice. She’s loud, scared me, and she’s obsessed with my brother. Maybe I’ll just starve for the rest of the night.” You said out loud, but it honestly wasn’t sounding like too bad of an idea. 
“Ah, come on, just go get something.” Joey told you. Because you were just being ridiculous. You nodded, agreeing with him that you just had to do it, and whatever happened, happened. But when you excused yourself from the group you were talking to, Joey made sure to grab your arm lightly. “But if you need saving, just send a wink.”
“A wink?” You rose your eyebrow at him. 
“Yeah, our signal for me to come rescue you.” Joey couldn’t help but smile at how genius he was. 
“Good idea.” You smiled and nodded in agreement. So now that that was settled, Joey let you go and you made your way over to Rachel’s artichoke dip. 
“I love this artichoke thing. Don’t tell me what’s in it. The diet starts tomorrow.” You heard this Janice tell Monica as she sipped her champagne and leaned herself against Chandler. Right when you stopped next to Chandler you heard the laugh you had heard so much about; you were all for being nice and killing them with kindness. But that laugh just sounded like a dolphin was choking on something. 
“You remember Janice.” Chandler smiled like he was in pain as he reintroduced his ex-girlfriend to Monica.
“Oh...vividly.” Monica smiled at Janice. You couldn’t help but scoff as you took a bite of the artichoke dip, but unfortunately for you you were a little too loud.
“Oh, but I don’t think you’ve met.” Chandler turned to look at you and you could just see the evil in his eyes and his smirk growing. You immediately froze, you had no escape and couldn’t make eye contact with Joey. “Janice, this my baby sister, whom I love so dearly, Y/N. And Y/N this is Janice.” When Janice stepped forward you saw him silently laughing at you.
“Oh, you didn’t tell me you had a sister.” Janice exclaimed loudly. “It’s so great to meet you!” You were going for a handshake, but what you got was a hug. While you limply patted her back you looked over to Monica, begging her to save you. 
“Oh, hey, Y/N. I think I heard Joey calling for you. You should probably go.” Monica smiled at Chandler while he frowned when Monica helped you
“Oh, and you’re dating Joey, too!? You have all the luck.”She started laughing again. 
“Yeah sorry, I’ll just get back to him. It was-was nice meeting you Janice.” You smiled politely at her before you quickly walked back over to Joey, who immediately wrapped his arm around your waist. “She’s...nice.” You told him, not really knowing what else to say. Joey couldn’t help but just shake his head and smile at you.
“You are too nice.” He chuckled as he pecked you on the forehead. 
“Watch it, Tribbiani,” you tried to sound threatening as you hip bumped him slightly. You weren’t sure what was happening, but when you looked up, Rachel was back from the airport. She clearly didn’t have Paolo with her. Her hair was all messed up, her coat was all dirty, and she had a split lip. 
“Oh, my gosh!” Monica gasped in horror as she ran to Rachel by the door. “Rachel, honey are you okay?” Obviously she was not okay. “Where’s Paolo?” 
“Rome, “ she growled the answer as to where Paolo was. “Jerk missed his flight.” She finished explaining as she limped over to the chair that someone pulled out for her. 
“And then your face exploded?” Phoebe asked as she looked down at Rachel with concern. 
“No.” She told her as she officially. “Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab, when this woman-this blonde planet with a pocketbook-starts yelling at me.” Rachel started her story. “Something about how it was her cab first and then the next thing I know, she just starts pulling me out by my hair. And so I’m blowing on my attack whistle thingy and then three more cabs show up. So as I’m going to get into a cab, she tackles me! I hit my head on the curb and I cut my lip on my whistle.” Rachel’s story made you want to go find that blonde planet and give her a peace of your mind, but clearly that’s not what Rachel wanted or needed when she stopped crying and realized that everyone was there and dressed for the party. “Oh...everybody having fun at the party?” We all slowly nodded our heads for her. “Are people eating my dip?” She leaned over to ask Monica but she was still loud enough for all of us to hear. So, Monica just slowly nodded at her.
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azurewoods · 4 years
bnha 304‼️
(so, in summary, I think Todoroki Shoto is the other vestige on OFA. yep, here we go again)
Deku stans, how are we feeling? finally we got to see our favorite boy and, not less important, the two mysterious vestiges (it was just one panel but still. Progress).
This time we got a more detailed appearance of the vestiges, this could be useful to the theories going around about their identifies.
Now, I'm sure we all agree that one of them is an older version of Bakugou since they both have the same hair, same body build and proportions, not to mention his equipment on his wrists that could be an upgraded version of his grenades.
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But in this post I'm going to talk about the second vestige. The most popular theory is that Kirishima is the other vestige, mostly because of the hair and the equipment he's wearing.
The hair itself wasn't really similar but, again, they're presumably an older version in case they are deku's classmates and clearly when you get older you change a lot, including hairstyle. It really isn't enough proof but since the only panels we had of them were literal silhouettes, everything was possible. I even believed it myself, until today.
When I started reading the unofficial translation of the chapter, the moment I saw them, I took a good look at them. Definitely is a more detailed version of them, their hair, clothes, heights.
And that's what make me realize that the second vestige is no other than Todoroki Shoto.
Why? you may ask. Well, let's compare Kirishima with the vestige first.
The most solid proof of being Kirishima was the equipment he wears on his shoulders. But if you take a look at the new panels you can see they're not similar, not even remotely close to an upgraded version.
You can see that Kirishima has his arms far from his body in a "resting instance" since his equipment takes a lot of space between his armpits and his torso that could be seen as an 'uncomfortable position'. It also makes him look buff, if that makes sense lol, but the vestige in the panel doesn't look awkward or very buff.
There's also that mask he uses that covers the back of his head, ears and neck. The fact the he has his chest uncovered, uses black pants and boots. The vestige uses a kind of headband and doesn't use any of the last thing I mentioned. But, again, equipment changes.
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There's also the sleeves, the vestige doesn't wear them but it could be an upgrade since he does have short black sleeves.
Now there's just little detail that doesn't convince me at all. The hair. From the silhouette we could see the similarities if Kirishima wore his hair in a ponytail but in the panel of chp 304...
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It just looks so soft. And not just that, the type of hair and its form is really different from Kirishima's. He [the vestige] has hair that looks smooth and straight. It seems it's white or light hair.
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Meanwhile, Kirishima's hair is red, that looks hard and spiky. And there's the fact that he probably wouldn't change his hairstyle precisely of the reason why he decided to have it that way in the first place. It was a change of image, a new person, new choices and was inspired from his favorite hero Crimson Riot. His characteristic red and spiky hair is something Kirishima would probably not change in a long time.
It is totally razonable since his hero name is very similar to the pro hero, it's fan boy behavior lmao. And that includes Deku since his hero costume has bunny ears resembling All Might's; and Bakugou since, you know, his recently announced hero name Great explosion murder god Dinamight (self explanatory lmfaoo)
Now, it's time to show you why I think is Shoto.
First, his hero costume. He has a belt with first aid equipment, those things over his shoulders and that things in his wrists (sorry, when it comes to describe things my english knowledge is non existent). Meanwhile, the vestige also has a similar costume (in terms of a base and color), has a belt that has pockets attached, that thing around his shoulders that are not massive, they're like mini pockets or decoration that doesn't look heavy and, finally, both have equipment on their wrists.
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He has physical similarities in terms of body shape and height. He doesn't look buff but he sure looks well shaped.
And there's the hair. Shoto's hair is straight but not that straight on the ends, it is also long and smooth. But it is red and white and the vestiges is not, it seems to be white or a bright color, such as blonde or similar. However, I think it's not that crazy if Todoroki changed his hair color or something. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that Shoto didn't want to have Endeavor's hair color.
But, if you paid attention, they only show us the right side of the vestige. There's a possibility that his other side is still red and it's hiding it with his scar. I know the ponytail should be half red half white but who knows, maybe Shoto styles it with the purpose of hiding the red side on the ponytail.
Finally, on the other hand, we can make a guess of the vestiges heights but is not accurate because of the perspective the panel was drawn and stuff. So, Todoroki's height is 1.76 cm (5,9ft I guess?) and Kirishima's 1.70cm (5,6ft). Bakugou's height is 1.72cm (5,7ft), assuming Bakugou is one of the vestiges.
Bakugo is probably going to be tall (I mean, he arleady is), maybe grow a little above average.
Todoroki is tall and still has a lot to grow, and taking into account that Endeavor is big as f!ck, he js probably going to be taller. But if he "grew up all he could" then he's going to be like Bakugou above avererage height, or a bit taller
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For Kirishima, I think he's going to be average. We don't know his parents to help but he seems to be average. I think he might get tall but not that much.
So, it seems that the mystery vestige is taller than "vestige Bakugou". Yeah, he's hunched but it looks that, even if he straightens back, he's still shorter. I can't really tell because the room looks a bit tilted. But having said that, the heights matches more with Todoroki.
There's just so many similarities, I am genuinely convinced Shoto can be the other vestige and it makes sense if we talk about their relationship with Deku and OFA.
I mean, the main reason Bakugou was so rapidly accepted as the vestige, besides the physical similarities, it was of his relationship with Deku (he has history with him, he cares for Deku's wellbeing, he's atoning and most part of the war arc he spend the whole time at his side trying to protect him from Shigaraki/AFO), and his knowledge about OFA, how he thinks of it as a curse more than a blessing based of the repercussions it had on Deku and it's past users.
And Todoroki has been impacted in a positive way by Deku. He learned that his fire is his, to be open to friendship with his classmates, one of his first friends in a long time and, with others of the class, be motivated and do his because of Deku. Not just because is him, but for his action in the past that unchained a lot of good times. And now that OFA has been mention to Shoto and other heroes present in Deku and Shigaraki's fight, he's probably going to be involved in some aspect. If that's the case, they must have turned into vestiges a lot after or maybe it happened between the time skip between the Endeavor agency arc and the war arc (who knows, maybe something happens in the third bnha movie).
[p.s: just noticed that " vestige bakugou's" gauntlets look veeery similar to the ones bakugou is wearing in 'the three musketeers' illustration]
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Love you writing and your sooo pretty like holly crap (god really do be picking favorites) ANYWAYS. Can you do a request with a reader that is super grumpy and clingy in the mornings please. Do it with what ever character you want I dont have a preference. Love you bby😘😘
Nishinoya Yuu x Needy & Grumpy S/O In The Morning 🤣
(slight NSFW)
A/N: Awwwwww merci cherie, je taime aussi 💛 Whichever characters I want ahhh okieeee I did Noya here and I’ll probably do a part two with Toshi and a fluffy one with Hinata after I finish my reqs! Lmk if you’re feeling it!
At 8am, your bf woke up to a call from his best friend yelling at him to get his ass up
Noya told him to fuck off because his alarm was going to wake him up anyway, and Tanaka said ‘good’ and hung up
begrudgingly, Noya got up in your apartment while you were still asleep and dragged his feet into the attached bathroom to your bedroom to get ready and shower
Once his brain caught up with his actions he raced out of the bathroom to return to the bed just to kiss your sleeping figure on the cheek and lift the covers up a bit like he always does🥺
He took an extra second to stare at your beautiful sleeping face and he just did the sign of the cross and pointed to God because it is only by his grace that you shared a bed with him last night
Nishi turned on the shower in your en suite, leaving the door open because you said you love the way his body wash smells
A few minutes later, you woke up to the scent you love. You didn’t know why, but you were feeling upset and very needy (in more ways than one) this morning for absolutely no reason
All you knew was that you wanted your new bf of 2 weeks to make you feel better like he always does.
Not understanding why he’s up so early when he literally never wakes up before 1, you check your phone to check the date.
No! You smacked your bed sheets in dramatic anguish. Today is the day Nishi promised to meet Tanaka and Ennoshita all day to plan Hisashi’s big surprise birthday party. They were travelling to some beach house 2 hours away to see how it looks. Great.
Good for those man-children, you thought
They can all bite me tbh, you thought
So Ennoshita and Tanaka really think that they can just take your man away from you when you woke up moody for no reason all so they can get him to help them do something that’s completely fair? HOW DARE THEY!
They better think again!!!
Because you needed your man today, period
Noya was your boyfriend and you could swear Tanaka thought he was his sometimes
Well not really but that’s what the grumpy side of your mind told you this morning
You hear the pipe turn off and you hear your boyfriend get out of the shower and move around, doing God knows what in there but whatever it is he’s taking too long 😠
Sitting up on your butt in the darkness you looked around the dark room and then crossed your arms like a baby.
You yelled your boyfriends name.
Noya stumbled out the open bathroom door with his toothbrush and foam still in his mouth and his hair down.
“Ya, babe?”
He only had a towel wrapped around his wet torso and you liked it.
you glared at him for no reason.
“I don’t want you to go anywhere today.” You sneered.
He smirked because you looked so freaking cute. “Love, I told you already that I promised the guys that I would—“
“Let’s have sex instead, Noya. All day.” You stated: matter of fact.
Your boyfriend’s eyebrows raised so high they disappeared under his bangs. You’d only made love a handful of times and every time he wanted to go again you were dead asleep then one of you had to go, so hearing you say this was a lot for him to handle where ‘holding himself back’ was concerned.
Noya went back inside the bathroom and quickly finished brushing his teeth so you couldn’t see him from where you sat on the bed. In between spit and rinse he called out to you, “Don’t do this to me, Y/N. You’re not being fair saying something like that since you know the guys will kill me.”
Noya had already mentally fought down his morning wood today and the idea of having sex with you all day instead of being with his friends was like, all he ever wanted to do forever. Not that he didn’t love his friends—actually, he adored them and frankly spoiled them with his attention.... but the feeling of being inside your tight, wet, gripping walls????? There was no debate about it: it was the best feeling in the world.
Just then and as if he had implanted a microchip in his brain, Noya’s phone lit up with a second FaceTime call from his best friend Ryu. Noya dried his hand and swiped left to answer.
He immediately put his index finger to his lips as to say ‘be quiet’ because you were outside this bathroom.
Noya turned down the volume to a level only he could hear anyway, knowing how loud his friend was.
On the screen was Ryu and Ennoshita in the apartment the 3 boys shared. Ryu obviously propped the phone up on the wall so that Noya could see the two boys also brushing their teeth in their his & his bathroom.
Ennoshita was calm as usual, standing beside Tanaka. He asked him to rinse before he got toothpaste everywhere. “YN is pretty important too, Tanaka. That’s Noya’s new and first girlfriend, remember?” Ennoshita rolled his eyes as Tanaka spun in the air in exasperation.
“ENNOSHITA WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON DUUUDE ?!” Tanaka looked back at the camera. “Tell him, Noya. Tell him cause he wasn’t there. He didn’t see that night when Y/N walked in the bar and had all the guys buying her drinks. She just asked Noya once if he knew where the bathroom was and 💥 BAM. Noya was following her around like a sick puppy.”
Noya deadpanned. “That’s not true—“
it was totally true
Ennoshita looked at him like wtf.... “Simulationalously?” Chikara rolled his eyes again. “You mean simultaneously.”
Noya opened his mouth to finally say something, but before he could he heard you call him from the bed.
“Oh Noyaaaa.....?”
Nishinoya heard your lovely voice coo him sexily, knowing he would clue in on your sexual innuendo.
“Noyaaaaa baby?”
You cooed again, this time more playfully seductive.
Noya followed the sweet sound of your voice like he was in a trance, going to the edge of the door only as a precaution so that he could hear you better but not see you.
“Y-yes babe?” He asked shakily.
“I need your help with something baby....mmmm.” 🥺
With his phone still in his hand, Noya shut his eyes. His chest moved up and down noticeably as his breathing increased.
“Well damn.” Ennoshita finally looked at the camera now with wide eyes. “Is that Y/N? She even sounds hot.”
Noya opened one eye and nodded at his father-like friend.
Tanaka whined, “She’s hot as fuck, to be honest. Which is why she’s so powerful. Hey, give me your phone I’ll show you her Instagram.” Explained Tanaka. Ennoshita did and Tanaka pulled it up in a second, handing the phone back to his roommate.
After a second of scrolling Noya heard an, “Oh my God...” as Chikara ran a hand through his hair.
Tanaka nodded. “Yep! And that is exactly why we need to get our boy out of there safely before she engulfs him and turns him into her own personal robot! Before she realizes that she has him wrapped around her pretty little finger!” Tanaka pointed to Noya through the camera. “We have a party to plan, NOYA! I made an appointment with the venue and everything!”
Noya straightened his shoulders, agreeing completely with what his best friend was warning him of. “Right.” He finally whispered, determined now. “I double pinky swore that I’d be there.” Nishi nodded.
“Right! Exactly! That’s my Noya, my best buddy!”
“Noyaaaa.....I really need your help....”
Your slight moan that followed your call made Noya bite the knuckle of his index finger immediately to keep himself from running over to you because of how alluring your voice was.
On the phone, Tanaka spoke up: “Don’t go out there, man......”
Noya thought of something scary. “But Tanaka, my clothes are out there!”
Tanaka shook his head. “Who cares??! I’ll buy you new clothes. Just go downstairs and we will pick you up. Don’t look back just run. Just run—“
The three boys were silenced when they heard a loud moan coming from the bed. It was your moan that you raised your voice for, in hopes of that reaction precisely.
Noya couldn’t help himself anymore, he slowly peaked out from behind the bathroom door to see what you were doing.
And what you were doing should be downright illegal, as far as Noya or Tanaka were concerned.
What Noya saw was you laying on your bed, the sheets only up to your hip bones. You were only wearing a purple bra that had the straps falling off your gorgeous shoulders. Your eyes were closed as you were biting your lower lip. As much as Noya wanted to keep staring at your to-die-for rack and beautiful face, Noya’s eyes were glued to a movement however, which was you moving your hand in a steady rhythm under the sheets. Your hand was between your legs of course and you had a look of ecstasy on your face. Even though your lower half was completely covered by the sheets, it didn’t take a genius to know what you were doing.
The now-older second years on FaceTime couldn’t see anything from where Nishi held his phone but they sure could guess what was happening in that room from the look on Noya’s face!
After a minute of peeping, when Noya looked back at his phone screen all he could see was a closeup of Tanaka and Ennoshita’s ears because they clearly were desperate to hear more of his girlfriend’s antics. Your bf turned back to look at you when your voice mounted again.
“Oh Noya, I want it harder, baby, harder...”
Noya couldn’t feel his limbs. You made him so horny he was numb.
“This feels almost as good as the real thing, baby, but it’s not nearly enough......”
Noya screamed internally, feeling like he was at a crossroads. A crossroad where one side’s sign said ‘FRIENDS’ and the other sign said ‘REALLY? WE’RE PRETENDING YOU AINT COMIN’ THIS WAY? 😑’
As Noya stood at the metaphorical crossroads, you kept it up.
“Yes, Noya, I want the real thing.... I want it over and over again today.....As long as it’s the real—“
You broke your speech to moan.
“—As long as it’s the real thing, Noya. I want the real thing..... Mmmmmm Senpai—“
“Fuck!” Shouted Tanaka on Facetime as he slammed his fist on the counter in anger. “She fucking got him!”
Noya looked down at his phone and he could see his best friend cradling his head in his hands in defeat. Tanaka looked at Noya once and he knew it was game over. Ryu shook his head. “Just go, Noya. The hot chicks of the world win again for today. I’ll uh....I can reschedule our venue appointment.”
Noya started involuntarily bouncing as he looked at his friend from inside the bathroom. “A-are you guys s-su-sure bec-because I-I think I can st-still run out and—“
Getting irritated, you shouted at your boyfriend. Not knowing that your mad voice was a turn on for him too.
“Noya-senpai, If you come now I’ll do that thing you like with my tong—“
“COMINGG!!!!” Noya yelled as he tossed his towel and phone to the opposite end of the bathroom in a hurry. Take a guess where he went.
With the towel now over their vision, Tanaka and Ennoshita looked to and from eachother in awe.
“Soooooo.....does Y/N have any friends that look like her or..?”
Tanaka flicked his roommate on the head. “Shut up. Come on, you’re buying me breakfast.”
Ennoshita grimaced. “Why me?!”
“Because I’m really upset, Chikara. Duh! And you’re practically mine and Noya’s father!”
Ennoshita rolled his eyes for what felt like the 20th time that morning. “Alright.” He sighed, before hanging up the FaceTime call.
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years
A is for Arrival...?
Summary: Remus and Janus are shopping ready for the new arrival for their family.
Note: The start of an AU and series because I’m just a sucker for any type of familiar sides. Romantic Demus and Royality.
Next Part: B is for Baby Time
“Hey Jay?” Remus suddenly stopped; his eyes enormous. 
“Yes, dear?” Janus put on a dramatic Victorian tone, his spine straightening with his hand frozen poised with the packet of washing up sponges. 
“Do we need to get birthday stuff?” Janus immediately scrunched his face, “No wait! Listen. You celebrate your kid’s birthday every year so surely you celebrate his first ever one ever. Right?”
Janus stared into the distance as he dropped the sponges on the floor, “Call your brother.”
“No,” Remus whined but still pulled up his phone and promptly shoved it into Janus’ chest, “He’ll only make fun of me if I ask it. If you ask it, then maybe he’ll presume he’s the stupid!”
“Did he celebrate Logan’s first ever ever birthday? What would you even call it? First day of existence?” Janus frowned as he speed dialled the number. 
“If he did, he didn’t invite me!” Remus shrugged before picking up the sponges. He immediately crowded into Janus and smooshed himself into his shoulder. 
They picked up on the second ring, Patton’s sigh answering. Something that they probably weren’t supposed to hear. “Hello Roman. We just have a quick question,” Janus chirped. 
“Hey Janus. It’s Patton by the way. Wow, another question, huh?” Patton, meanwhile, gave Roman a stern look and thrusted the phone at him again. Roman pulled a face as he shrugged and ducked back down behind the sofa. Frowning, he put it on speaker so they could both suffer, “What did you want to ask?”
“Should we celebrate our baby’s first ever day? Like a birthday but for their very very first birthday?” 
“What!” Roman shrieked before leaping back on to the sofa; ever so suddenly finding the strength to talk. 
“What do you mean ‘what’! God, he’s such a douche,” Remus muttered.
“I’m a douche, oh am I? Why would you celebrate a baby’s first ever day. It’s their first ever day in this world! They get overwhelmed and scared so easily. It’s a big scary world out there and you’re going to shove a party in their face! The baby is barely old enough to move it’s own hands! It’s a baby!” Roman complained while Patton giggled.
“To treat this seriously for a second, when you finally get your baby, the very last thing you want to do is mess around too much. After all this time, all that waiting, you finally get this tiny fragile baby. A tiny itty bitty baby. All you’ll want to do is just sit there and watch them quietly. A party is the last thing you’ll think to do. Heh, me and Roman even forgot to eat that day and only remembered hours later,” Patton spoke softly with his own memories uplifting his annoyance. Roman smiled and knocked their shoulders together. 
“...So is it worth buying like finger food in case we forget to eat?” Remus interrupted.
“Uh... yeah? I mean, yeah that would work,” Roman fumbled.
“Okay. Cheers. Bye!” Remus called out while Janus rolled his eyes, “Wow. We really need to get them something for putting up with all this.”
“Well I’m going to keep talking to them, you weirdo.” Janus ran his hand through Remus’ crazed curls but he was quickly shrugged off as Remus went to evaluate which bleach was best for their toilet, “How are you two?”
“Yeah, all’s good here! Just your typical day, what are you doing?” Patton chirped.
“Baby shopping mixed with some normal shopping. Extremely exciting, I’m sure you’re jealous,” Janus felt his voice go soft at just the mere mention of his coming baby.
“Aww! That’s so sweet,” Patton sighed, “I miss that so much about Logie. Baby clothes shopping is the only reason worth becoming a dad.”
“Oh Pat! Such slander, I’m impressed,” Janus laughed.
“Oh hush! Everyone knows that baby clothes are the best cutest things in existence. Aw, are you going to buy Halloween clothes! Me and Roman saw some adorable skeleton onesies today and I came this close to buying it for the baby.”
“Yeah, I think at this point we’ve bought him more Halloween clothes than normal baby stuff. That’s the whole reason we still have to do some shopping. There were these pumpkin shoes and socks. Oh Pat! I swear if I wasn’t so macho and cool, I would’ve cried. Baby shoes are just so tiny!” Remus raised a brow at his squealing voice. But then he also knew exactly what Janus was talking about just from his tone alone. Those shoes were actually pretty cute. 
“They are right! Aw, do you know any more about the baby?”
“Well...” Janus drawled while Remus took a breath. They agreed that Janus was going to deal with this breaking news.
“We met up with the mother yesterday.”
“Oh! My! Oh! Oh, Jayjay! That’s amazing! How was she?” Remus quickly snatched the phone and flicked it to speaker. Janus raised a brow at him but he was only met with the most mischievous smirk back. He frowned but turned back to continue talking only now with Patton’s voice squeaking out across the aisle. 
“She looked exhausted. I felt so bad for her. Meeting up for a coffee looked like the very last thing she wanted to do,” Remus said. 
“Bless her,” Janus sighed, “She was lovely.”
“Aw, that’s good. We never really got to meet our surrogate, how come yours wanted to meet?”
“Well, she apparently had a bit of a health scare. All is good! Everything is all good! But she just wanted to sit down with us and actually go through everything that happened. So we sat and talked about the health of the baby. Again, all is good obviously. But... so... we may or may not have found out our baby’s gender,” Janus winced once the squeal erupted over the phone. Remus cackled at the amount of people who turned to look at them with dirty looks before he turned the speaker off again. Ah, yes wouldn’t be a trip to the shops if Remus couldn’t spread some mild chaos. 
“What’s their gender!” Patton screamed before launching up from the sofa. Roman was giggling as Patton jumped up and down and spun him around. 
“We’re having a boy!” Janus smiled. He would deny the glow in his chest for this rest of his life but he couldn’t help but grab Remus’ hand. Remus smiled, thankfully, and squeezed his hand with his own lovesick smile. Their baby boy.
“Oh a boy!” Patton squealed high enough for dogs. 
“Typical, not one girl in this entire family,” Roman chuckled. 
“Oh congrats guys! When’s the due date again?” Patton sighed.
“10th of December. I almost feel bad for the boy. He’s going to have to put up with the whole Christmas birthday combination.”
“I’m still upset that he wasn’t a Halloween baby,” Remus frowned. 
They chatted for a few more minutes before Janus finally hung up. They were still holding hands- they would look exactly like a couple from a lovey film if they actually dressed like normal people rather than Disney villains. All they needed to do now grab was some more normal baby outfits. A very simple easy task. Just look at some clothes and chose some cute functional clothes.
But every single time... every single time, they would find the most abnormal baby outfits possible. That and they always spent a good ten solid minutes of staring at the tiny shoes. They looked like build-a-bear shoes. They didn’t even look real. 
“I can’t wait until he arrives,” Remus mumbled as he picked up a hideous orange dinosaur patterned jumper set. Janus tried to hide the smile but he quickly placed his head on his shoulder as they stood there. 
“Neither can I. He can’t come soon enough. Just like how you can’t put back that gross set soon enough.”
“You don’t like it! I think it’s cute.” Remus tilted his head as if that made it cuter. 
“He’s so not going to be an orange baby.”
“You don’t know that! Does he even need a colour?”
“You’ve got green, I like yellow. He also needs a colour. While we can still have control over what he wears at least,” Janus stated like Remus was a toddler trying to argue that the sky was green. 
“So we both have our ugly colours. Then he also needs an ugly colour too! Orange is a disgusting colour!” Remus thrusted the jumper in his face. 
“Oh totally exactly, dear,” Janus rolled his eyes before he then felt the passion erupt from him, “Okay. Firstly, for your information, yellow is a beautiful colour thank you very much. You’re the one that chose the grossest colour of green to embrace. He can have purple,” Janus winced as he guided Remus’ hand back down to the shelf. 
“Yes. A beautiful colour. Not only does it screw over superfluous ridiculous gender roles, it also is close enough to match our dress senses,” Janus stated with a proud look. Remus opened his mouth but then snapping it shut with a respectful nod. Yep, that sounded like a plan.  
They eventually found some normal tiny eeny weeny pair of jeans and they used all of their collective strength to stay clear of all the Halloween clothes and bought some presentable jumpers. Janus was finally starting to get fed up with standing around in a shop before he realised that Remus’ eyes kept flicking to a shelf behind them. 
He never made any move to actually go look at whatever it was and he never mentioned it. Janus found every reason to keep looking at the same pairs of stripey socks to give him time but he still said nothing. It was so uncommon that Remus felt shy about suggesting something. What could be the harm? “What you looking at?” Janus asked while exaggeratedly turning around.
“Um... I just noticed...” Remus drawled off. It was just a discount shelf. It was stacked with just random broken items that clearly no one ever take any interest in. Remus shyly sulked up to it and pushed aside the chipped mugs and torn notebooks without any hesitation. He pulled up a baby blanket. 
It was the exact same incredibly soft material all baby stuff was made from. The stuff where your hand magnetised to its softness. It was a quilted baby blanket in a pastel lilac. It was cute but it wouldn’t be on a discounted shelf without reason. There was a large smudge of black marker on its corner. But as Remus held it up, Janus laughed. It wasn’t quilted. It was sewn to be a spider web pattern around the blanket. Clearly an old Halloween gimmick. 
He turned to ask if Remus was all ready to go then and was immediately punched in the stomach. Remus was all teary eyed and awkwardly looking anywhere but him. His fingers brushed through the blanket over and over again. 
“Oh Reem,” Janus cooed and tugged the blanket from his grasp but he didn’t let go.
“I don’t even know why I’m tearing up!” Remus pressed his arms against his face. Janus felt himself tearing up as well. Something about how Remus’ voice would go all wobbly and pitchy when he was on the edge of tears just always got to him, “Just... oh this is so fucking stupid.”
“Well you’ve got us both crying in a shop at 9 in the morning. I’d say it sounds pretty dumb,” Janus smiled.
“Just... he could be our little spider. Just like how I’m your octopus and you’re my snake,” Remus’ voice was practically crumbling away. Janus felt a disgusting childish tear slip down his face.
“Oh Reem.” Janus hugged him, only so he didn’t have to experience the embarrassment of people seeing his husband’s gross taste in blankets of course. 
“How much spider stuff have we bought him! Like that would be perfect. And this is purple and spider!” Remus felt a tear escape his control too but he just buried his nose in Janus’ hair. 
“Oh you are such a nightmare of a husband. I’m taking you back to the husband shop and refunding you,” Janus groaned, he broke away and snatched the blanket from his grasp and shoved it into their trolley. At least it was cheap. Plus they would probably end up staining it with gross new born baby vomit anyway. 
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btsposties · 5 years
MATES (2) -M-
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―pairings: Jungkook x Reader (this chapter), BTS x Reader
―genre: smut, mature, slight e2l, College!AU, werewolves!AU
―warnings: smut duh, foul language, dirty talk, boys being rough, grinding, choking, fingering, spanking, jealousy, teasing, marking kink, the boys can’t control themselves around you, idk smut.
―summary: The Bangtan boys, a clique of seven extremely good looking, rich, smart boys on campus, quite adored by females, except no one was able to really get close to them and past their brotherhood. You never truly bothered to get to know them, until that one fateful day where you discovered their secret. You tried to avoid them, but alas they could always sniff you out because the boys needed you. 
Let the hunt being.
―part (1)
tags: @ayujaded​ @toddsgirl27​ @mrcleanheichou​ @yeontanie21​ thanks for the support!
“Say that again?” the tallest male blinked and tilted his head, listening carefully to what the other male said. The members were all gathered in the living room of their grand house.
“I think we found an Alphas Mate” the owner of the deep voice repeated.
“Taehyung...” the tallest frowned, “You want me to believe that a mere powerless, fragile human is an Alphas Mate” he raised an eyebrow still unable to believe the other.
“For fuck’s sake Namjoon, Jimin almost screwed her brains out on the sofa, he was acting like a damn bitch in heat, no normal female human would get him like that” another male chipped in, “even Jungkook is whipped for her” he pointed at Jungkook who in turn just shrugged his shoulder.
“Yoongi please, this doesn’t make sense, please think logically.” Namjoon insisted. Never in his many years of being with countless females or even werewolves had he felt any raw animalistic urges to mark them as his mate, let alone even considering a human as a potential mate for life.
“But it is true, Namjoon, you have to believe me, I couldn’t control myself when I met her. I know I like flirting and playing around with females but she...” Taehyung paused and rubbed the back of his neck, frustrated that the Alpha wouldn’t believe him, “She was so beautiful. I felt like she was so perfect for us like she would fit right in, so challenging, so wild and free!” he exclaimed, the excitement clearly showing. 
“Calm down there pup, she isn’t yours,” Jungkook said in a firm tone, making Taehyung nervously shift in his seat. Jungkook looked at Namjoon who just sat there pondering at the possibilities of the existence of such humans. A human who could stir up even an Alpha werewolf’s heart.
“I guess I need to meet this Y/N that’s making the pack go wild” Namjoon finally decided that he had to see to believe and that the words of his excited brothers were just not enough proof. “It could just be the moon or the hormones, was she on her period or something?” he turned to Jimin.
The smaller and gentler looking werewolf chuckled, “No, I would’ve noticed on our previous encounter, trust me.”  he giggled at the last part, making the reason too obvious.
“Then I must go pay the little Y/N a visit sometime,” Namjoon murmured to himself.
You had been extremely cautious on campus ever since your little incident back at the Bantang household. You dreaded meeting Jimin or Taehyung again, afraid of how you might find yourself tangled in their hands again. You had just accepted the fact that you had learned of their secret- or at least that they weren’t normal humans and that they were surely going to contact you again. Damn, were they going to kidnap you? murder you? prey on you like what the wolf wanted to with Little Red? did they have some magical powers that could erase your memories? “Holy shit, I’m fucked.” you barely whispered out loud.
“Why are you just staring at your lunch? I can always have it if you don’t want any” Jackson, your best friend waved his hand in front of your eyes, hoping you would come back. “What’s gotten into you lately?”
You let out a sigh, “It’s...nothing really, I’m just overthinking things” you took another bite of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, lately, you just couldn’t find your appetite, mind preoccupied with Bangtan scared that they might show up the next corner you took, “I hope” you sighed again.
And just like that, two whole weeks had passed. Maybe you really were just being way too paranoid. Maybe they decided to leave you alone since you never spilled their secret. An implicit agreement of we won’t kill you if you don’t speak sort of thing. You decided that was most likely what had happened and felt like you should go back to your usual life without worries.
You walked into your most hated course of the semester, not because of the teacher or the subject, after all, it was just an ethics course that almost everyone had to take at some point. All you had to do was sit in class, read and hand in whatever work the teacher wanted you to write about. The reason for your hatred was because although you only had this class once every week, you shared the same room and roof as her - Sara. The annoying bitch that for some reason couldn’t keep her loud self to her side of the room.
“Huh, so it is true,” you heard her say. Great, here we fucking go again... you rolled your eyes and turned the opposite way from the source of the voice, the girl sitting next to you looked at you and shook her head almost taking pity.
You could hear the loud clacking of Sara’s heels, who wore heels every day to class anyway? “What do you want?” you deadpanned wanting this encounter to end as soon as possible.
“You see...” she sing-sang as she approached and stood in front of your seat, putting one of her palms on the desk and flipping her hair with the other hand. “There’s this little birdy that told me that you, Y/N, went to Bangtan’s house alone and fucked one of the guys,” she giggled and looked around the room, trying to catch everyone's attention.
“And where would you get that baseless rumor from?” you raised your voice challenging her, she was known to be a troublemaker, thus not a lot of people really believing the garbage that came out her mouth. Deep inside though, you were shitting bricks, did someone actually see you? the only one that knew was Jackson and no one else, and you knew that boy was loyal.
“Oh Y/N, someone saw you and of course, they told me. And now I’m telling the whole class!” Sara exclaimed and clasped her hands together clearly enjoying this, “So I guess it is true, isn’t it? You went to their house.”
You felt irked, why was she so annoying? You weren’t the type to be stepped on either, so you took a deep breath and readied yourself for chaos.
“Yep, so what of it?” you smiled.
Sara’s eyes widened a bit, not expecting you to admit that publicly, she then smiled, “did they give you their number? call you back? contact you again?”
You shook your head, thankfully.
“Then I guess they didn’t like you huh?” she continued and you raised an eyebrow at her statement because Jimin sure as hell looked like he was enjoying himself back then. “They dumped you just like the other girls, one fuck and forever dumped” she added.
Now everything makes sense. 
As if everything in the puzzle finally fit together, you finally made sense as to why the boys hadn’t shown up since then. That must be it. The rumor was true then, you were just another girl they fucked -or almost- and dumped. You let out a small relieved sigh confusing Sara. You were glad that they weren’t out there plotting to kidnap you for knowing their secret, they were just bored of you and since you had kept your mouth shut, they let you free. Right? 
Sara pursed her lips together, not liking the way you were ignoring her attempts at ruining your day, “I would feel so bad knowing that I did so badly in bed” she cleared her throat trying to get you to react to her.
“Right.” You hummed.
Sara frowned, she wasn’t satisfied with your reaction. You, on the other hand, could give no shits about childish Sara at the moment, too happy to finally have your mind at true peace. Just as Sara was about to say something else, the professor entered the room and asked everyone to sit down, making the upset Sara cross her arms and stomp back to her seat.
You were so preoccupied with texting Jackson and sharing your little feud with Sara as you walked down the halls that you had failed to notice the tall male that stood still staring at you as you approached his way. Face glued on the phone and to no one's surprise, you crashed against the body, the person's solid chest making you smack your phone to your face. Ah- Dammit, not again... you took a step back and rubbed your hurt nose while putting your phone away.
“My bad” you offered a dry smile.
“Y/N” he smiled showing his dimples.
“Hm? Yeah, do I know you?” You analyzed the male in front of you, his hair was combed up and dyed ash silver, sun-kissed skin, around 1,80. He wore very casual clothes: loose gray t-shirt ripped jeans and sneakers. It would be a lie if you didn’t admit that he was very attractive.
“N-, Y-yes? Maybe? I’m not sure...technically no, heh.” He looked down flustered and for a second you could’ve sworn that he was blushing slightly, “I’m Namjoon, nice to finally meet you Y/N” he extended his hand to shake yours.
You took his hand and shook it lightly, shy at first but then slightly confused. It wasn’t too rare for guys to ask you out or try to get your number but something about him seemed different, he spoke to you as if he really knew about you. The man called Namjoon must have sensed your confusing state, so to get things going, he moved to the side gesturing you to keep going on your way.
“So, how have you been?” surprisingly, the male decided to keep walking next to you, slowing down his pace every few steps so he wouldn’t get too ahead of your short steps. Honestly, you couldn’t help but find this cute. “I was wondering perhaps you would like to talk for a bit, somewhere more private?” 
Is he a stalker? am I in danger? You pondered, honestly weirded out at what Namjoon had suggested, you had no reason to go somewhere more “private” with him. “Uh, Namjoon... I don’t know you. Honestly, this is so stranger danger to me.” you said bluntly, cutting the bullshit.
“Huh. Guess I need to hang around a bit more around campus then...” he murmured to himself, you were still unsure on whether or not you should let your guard down in front of the handsome male. Suddenly he let out a laugh, taking you a bit by surprise.
“Okay then, if that’s all then I need to be on my way...” you waved goodbye as you picked up your pace, wanting to get away from him. There was something strange about him that you just weren’t sure what it was, your safest choice was to keep a distance from him.
Namjoon sighed, “I know that you know, Y/N” his voice dropped a few octaves as you slowly registered what he meant, you felt your heart drop and cold sweat breaking as you came to the realization of what he was referring to. You turned around wide eyes. It can’t be...no, I thought this was over.
“W-what do you mean?” you stuttered as you saw how Namjoon’s expression turned from friendly to serious, his stare piercing you, almost too intimidating. The man started to walk towards you, hands tucked in his jean pockets. 
Namjoon towered you, definitely. Eyes looking at you fiercely, one of his hands coming up to caress your cheek with the back of his fingers, “Y/N, the boys told me that they went crazy for you. I mean both Jungkook and Jimin? Taehyung I understand, he’s...easily excitable...” he trailed off and tilted your head slightly to the side exposing your neck, “You smell sweet, I guess that’s different from others...” he mumbled to himself.
Your breath hitched, unsure of what to do. This man, this Namjoon guy knew Jungkook, Jimin, and even Taehyung. He knew that you knew about them, was he one of the Bangtan? You weren’t sure you had seen him around, what did he want? Your mind was all over the place, nervous and yet curious about what was to happen as you listened to Namjoon. Something about him captivated you.
“Let’s go home Y/N,” he said and grabbed your hand, taking you to what you assumed would be the Bangtan household, to what he would call home. “We need to talk, all of us.”
You followed.
You weren’t sure why you followed Namjoon, you should’ve run for it, called Jackson, the police, your mom, oh how would she have screamed at you for not listening to your stranger danger radar. Yet here you were, getting out of Namjoon’s expensive Audi who-knows-what model sports car, you weren’t too knowledgable in that area. You were however somewhat familiar with the grand house you were about to enter, your last adventure with Jimin flashing past you as you saw the sofa, this time the house looked clean and organized.
“Y/N!” you heard a male shout as you entered the house, you looked up to find the familiar boxy smile man coming out of his room and greeting you from the second-floor balcony that looked over the living room and entrance. You smiled at him, he must have used his sharp senses and noticed that you were here- 
Oh, right...oh god, you had just willingly entered a house full of non-humans, why do you make such poor choices in life? Is this okay? was this it? Was this how you would die, in the hands of seven beautiful men?
“I need to send my location first” you announced just in time for everyone to hear. The rest of the Bangtan Boys were gathering in the living room some faces familiar, some not. You took your phone out and texted Jackson: I’m at the wolves den. Bangtan boys invited me over, I willingly stepped into this house again...curse their charms and good looks. Pray for me.
You could hear a loud and cheerful laugh coming from a brown-haired male as you sent the text to your friend. You looked up to find him trying to hold back his laughter, “We won’t hurt you, trust me, if any of us did anything to you the Alphas would have their fangs on our throats” he chuckled, you could notice that he had a very loud and bright personality.
“Okay, listen, I’m sorry I found out about your secret, I’m sure you don’t feel safe with me knowing...but I actually came here to say that I won’t tell anyone, I haven’t and I have no need to.” You turned to the unknown faces and smiled, “I don’t have anything to gain from that” you assured.
You were standing in the middle of the room, the seven boys all surrounding you, listening. Their expressions unchanging, as if focusing on something else and not on what you were saying.
“This human is the one?” a small-framed very fair-skinned male asked, “I’m not quite convinced, sure she’s banging from head to toes, she looks like she has personality but an Alpha’s Mate? not too sure about that” he slurred his speech, “didn’t you say you jumped her when you saw her, huh lover boy?” he pointed at Taehyung, your eyes turned to him horrified. Just what had they been talking about without your knowledge?
Taehyung nodded and Jimin came forward, “Now, don’t go all denying the fact that you all don’t smell her” Smell you? did you stink? You were uncomfortable with his remark, “She smells so sweet, I can’t describe it, it makes me go crazy even now” he winked at you and smirked. You rolled your eyes, you hated when they treated you like that, all superficial charms and empty words, you were too used to it.
All eyes were on you, their pupils dark, you felt like hopeless prey in front of them. Looking around the room you decided that you didn’t want to be the center of attention anymore and eyed the empty seat next to Jungkook and went to it, “Okay, you wanted to talk right Namjoon? Let’s talk!” you smiled nervously as you settled next to Jungkook who held his breath and lowered his head.
Namjoon observed the pack’s reaction to your presence, amused at the way Jungkook had just reacted now. He watched how the youngest of them let out a deep breath before leaning back on the sofa and turning to stare at your side profile. Meanwhile, in your seat, your hands slightly brushed against Jungkook’s when you went to push your long hair back behind your ears, a nervous habit of yours. Immediately you felt the strange sensation on your hands once again, it traveled up your arm and made your heart pound. Am I having a stroke or something? You touched your forehead anxiously checking for fever or sweating. Anything really that could explain the tingling.
“Y/N, let me introduce you to the pack as one of the Alpha’s,” Namjoon finally felt like easing the tense atmosphere, “We are a pack of werewolves, nothing too different from your species honestly, just stronger, better looking, faster...you could say that we are more enhanced humans” he explained.
“We also turn into big bad wolves” a male you have yet to be introduced to joked, “think of us as humans that sometimes act like canines who may or may not turn to big dogs when too emotional.”
You sat there trying to take everything in, time flew by as each member tried to chime in and tell you about their species although honestly, this was too much for you to take in. You turned to Namjoon when he loudly clapped two times to gather everyone’s attention.
“Okay okay, so let’s wrap this up it’s getting late for Y/N, I’m sure she has plenty of information she needs to take in,” Nanjoon proceded to point at Jimin and introduced every member to you, “That’s Jimin, you know him. That’s the oldest Jin. Yoongi, he’s a bit snarky but you’ll like him. Taehyung, no need to say anymore. This is Hoseok, he’s quite hyper. Then there’s me Namjoon and finally...” Namjoon looked at the figure next to you. Your body too aware of his presence.
“Jungkook” you breathed out and turned to face the male. His stare was piercing, lips slightly curling into a smirk as he reached out to gently hold a strand of your hair and letting it slip past his fingers.
“Nice to see you again love” Jungkook whispered to you.
“He’s the youngest, a bit tough and hard to read sometimes but deep down he’s a softie” Namjoon teased and received an Aish, Hyung from the younger one. “We have many things to discuss with you but we need time, I just want to make sure however that you know the following things...” the Alpha’s expression turned serious and everyone in the room quieted down.
“One: You cannot and must not tell others about us.” You nodded.
“Two: We are not the only ones of our kind, obviously.” You gulped and nodded, never really having thought about it. Were you hanging out with other werewolves without knowing?
“Three: Bangtan is not like the other packs, we are quite...unusual” you raised an eyebrow curiously, “Do you know what an Alpha is?” he asked you.
You gave it a thought, “Well, I guess it’s the leader? Of the pack? I guess” Namjoon hummed approvingly of your response.
“In a simple way yes. It’s the one that leads a pack, the dominant one.” his eyes slightly shifted to your left, your eyes following the direction of his gaze. “Bangtan...” he sighed, “Bangtan has three Alphas,” he said with slight annoyance in his tone.
“So you mean...Jungkook is an Alpha...” you reached the conclusion since Namjoon didn’t leave the gaze off the younger one even though he was talking to you. He must be referring to him as one of the Alphas, you thought.
Namjoon nodded, “and the third one is our lovely Jimin, though he might not really act like one. Don’t let him fool you.” Namjoon set his sight on you again, “Packs are not supposed to have more than one leader do you know what I mean Y/N?”
“N-not really...”
“We will decide and must decide who the top dog is” you sensed the tension in the air, this must be a sensitive issue for the pack. You weren’t sure why he was telling you this information.
“Y/N, you’ll help us” Jimin’s soft voice filled the room and the contents in your stomach turned, feeling a bit nauseous you frowned at Jimin, almost asking him to rephrase what he had said because your ears couldn’t believe him.
“I think I’ve overstayed” you got up and scrambled to grab your bag and headed towards the door, “This is not my problem, I appreciate that you guys trust me, but this is just too much, I won’t tell anyone but please keep me out of this.” your hands reached for the door handle only to have a large warm hand grab your wrist and stop you.
Your eyes opened wide, still not used to the superpower shenanigans that the boys were capable of doing, you pulled your hand away and looked at the owner of the hand that stopped you. Jungkook. 
“Y/N, let me take you home.” 
“No thanks, I’m fine.” you opened the door and it was dark outside, realization hitting you that Namjoon had been the one to give you a ride and that you were going to have to walk back home alone at dark in a very lonely neighborhood, it was at least half an hour walk. You pressed your lips together and took a deep breath, you had to do this, it’s too late to turn back, you weren’t going to embarrass yourself asking them for another ride after being the one to rush out.
“I wasn’t asking you,” Jungkook said dryly and stepped outside with you, he took out the car key and the same Audi sports car flashed its lights and unlocked itself. “Let’s go” he grabbed your hand and guided you to the car. The hand that Jungkook held felt incredibly hot and tingly, you blushed at the thought of holding his hand and settled in the passenger seat trying to ignore the rise in your body temperature.
“It wouldn’t be too crazy to assume you already know where I live”
“Yep,” Jungkook admitted. Of course they knew, they had probably investigated everything about you by now.
The first few minutes of the car ride was awkward. Pure silence and the sound of the car moving to its destination. Your hands holding tightly onto the seatbelt, unsure of what to. Next to you, Jungkook’s eyes were focused on the road, once in a while, you could hear him sniffle. “You can just leave me on the other side of the road so you don’t have to turn around-”
“Nah” Jungkook responded.
“I just don’t want my neighbors to see me come out of this flashy car, they’ll think I’m with a pimp or something” you almost facepalmed hard at the lame excuse. 
Jungkook turned to you and you could feel he was judging hardcore, “Y/N...” he frowned, “just what kind of reputation do you have with your neighbors? Getting out of a nice car doesn’t mean you pimped yourself out that doesn't make sense.”
You opened your mouth to refute but he was right, you sighed, “I...just feel a bit uncomfortable here, you’re just- you’re impossibly intimidating Jungkook.” you confessed eyes straight on the road.
Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle, “Am I really?” he turned to you once more, this time his expression different, mischief in his eyes.
“Are you serious? You’re just so quiet, and tall, to me at least. Big and everything I see you wear is black! You also look like you’re ready to break someone's face if you wanted to just for the fun of it.” 
Jungkook looked down at his clothes. Yep, black hoodie, black cargo pants, black boots, black hair. He almost laughed at your comment. “Well damn Y/N, now that you say it, I see what you mean!” he smiled amusingly, corner of his eyes wrinkling a bit. Your heart almost jumped out of your body.
“Plus, you guys don’t exactly have the best reputation around, especially with women” you added, “I’m not sure why you guys want me to help, I really don’t wish to involve myself in any Twilight Jacob werewolf-vampire dispute or whatever problem you guys have.”
Jungkook frowned, “Vampires don’t exist.” 
“Oh, but werewolves do?” you deadpanned.
“Yeah, well- not the types from romance novels, those kind vampires don’t exist.” he rubbed the back of his neck slightly uncomfortable with the topic, “As for werewolves, it’s complicated.”
“Complicated is an understatement,” you rolled your eyes, this conversation was ridiculous. Part of you just couldn’t believe the monsters you thought were fictional were very much real and breathing next to you. The other part of you very much so believed it all, after all, you had personally witnessed the powers. 
“Do you like scratches?”
“Huh?” Jungkook almost stopped driving, unsure if he understood your question, “what do you mean?”
“You’re a dog right?”
“Wolf. Werewolf. Part wolf.” he corrected you as saw a small pout forming on his lips not really liking you comparing his species to a regular household canine.
“Same thing, so do you?” you didn’t know what had gotten into you but your curiosity was getting best of you, you had to know now the answer, you didn’t wait until Jungkook verbally gave you an answer and reached out to him. You put your hands behind his ear, your fingers slightly tangling with a few strands of his hair and gave it a go.
Immediately, Jungkook tilted his head to the side, “stopstopstop” he giggled, “y/n this is dangerous, I’m driving!” he was trying to hold in his laughter. You pulled your hand away satisfied with the confirmation of your thoughts and burst out laughing.
“You can’t tell the others about this” he gave you sheepish smile.
For a second you were lost at the sight of this Jungkook, it was different and new seeing him show a softer side of him. You hadn’t noticed that he actually had very soft yet manly features: big doe eyes that you just discovered now that you had taken a good look at him- they weren’t that intimidating now that he wasn’t looking so serious, thin upper lip, his longish dark hair just reaching below his eyes. He looked very youthful, playful, innocent-like even.
“Stop staring so much, or I can’t promise I’ll control myself before I get you home if you keep this up” his words smacked you right back to reality. You whispered a quiet sorry and wanted to hide, Jungkook had just caught you staring.
“I wasn’t staring. I was just...taking in details of your face” you lied, “not every girl is dying to get in your pants Jeon.” you frowned.
Jungkook smirked slightly unable to hide his enjoyment, he set an arm on the window sill and rubbed his lips, he sucked in a bit of air through his mouth and looked at you sideways tilting his head back a bit, “Am I really just that handsome?” he raised and dropped one eyebrow cockily. 
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his silly expression, of all the things that could happen you didn’t picture yourself laughing with Jungkook during the car ride, both of you giggling at his endless exaggerated meme-able expressions showing you how “handsome” he could be. You were laughing uncontrollably the whole time this happened, truly comfortable with the Bangtan member. Maybe they were decent people after all.
“Jesus stop Jungkook! Focus on the road!” you laid your hand on top of Jungkook’s, giggling and his grip on the staring wheel tightened, his eyebrows furrowed and you let out an audible gasp. It was as if there was a spark when your hands touched. You immediately pulled your hand away and held it close to you dumbfounded as tingling started to take over it.
“I-i think I’m showing signs of heart attack or stroke, I don’t know, my hand...” you nervously spoke. Jungkook, on the other hand, slowed down and steered to the side of the road and parked the car on the almost empty street. He sighed before turning to look at you.
“Jungkook, I’m worried. It keeps happening whenever I’m around you guys or I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but i-”
“Calm down Y/N” Jungkook cooed, grabbed both hands and lowered them down, “Please, breathe” he whispered with concerned eyes. He could hear your heart quickly picking up the pace and you panicked, “trust me, it’s not something bad, just breathe, don’t panic.”
You took a deep breath in...and a deep breath out while looking at his lowly dimmed face. His hands felt very warm holding yours and although there was a tingling sensation, there was no pain or any other symptoms, your heartbeat going back to a steady and normal rhythm, your panic most likely the reason for its rapid beating. You somehow managed to calm down while doing breathing exercises with Jungkook, who watched you carefully the whole time.
“Looks like your hearts back to normal” he smiled, “you’re not having any sort of heart attack, you just panicked” his thumbs rubbed calming circular motions on your palm, “this tingling that you feel Y/N, I feel it too.”
“You do?” He nodded.
“It’s a sign,” he whispered lowly almost inaudible, “that we’re meant to be.”
He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, his gaze so soft and sincere that your body started to react to him on its own. Jungkook’s gaze dropped to your lips and he slowly leaned his body in, also acting on instincts. As if you could feel his very warm body heat spread over, you also started to feel the warmness in your cheeks as you could feel his face draw closer and closer. You felt like you were under a spell.
“Jungkook...” you mumbled and he stopped his movement immediately, his eyes traveled to yours as if waiting for permission to continue and you responded by lowering your shy gaze down to his lips, you weren’t sure if this was correct, you weren’t completely registering what was happening as you were mere seconds from kissing Jungkook. And it happened.
His soft lips touched yours lightly, lips slowly exploring yours, almost scared of hurting you or perhaps he was giving you a chance to back away before it was too late. But you gave in, you leaned forward and responded to his kiss by deepening it, intensifying it and Jungkook loved it.
“God you’re driving me mad right now” Jungkook pulled away to look at your expression, your half lid eyes were staring back at him, your lips slightly parted and breathing heavily. Your face truly begging for more and it was costing Jungkook inhumane self-control to not just take you right there. He cupped your cheek and his thumb caressed it as you melted into his touch, he was being so gentle with you that you just didn’t know how to coherently respond to his actions.
“I should get you home now” he whispered and left a kiss on your forehead, you both settled back in your seats, Jungkook once again focused on the road and you on the warmness on your forehead on the place his lips had touched. Your whole face was heating up, you hadn't said a peep, the mind too preoccupied replaying everything that you had failed to notice that you were home.
Jungkook got off along with you and stood next to you as you were a nervous wreck trying to open the door to your home. “Jackson’s not home?” he finally spoke.
You nodded and opened the door, the familiar smell of your house invading you. Coffee and food, mixed in with the lavender smell from the air freshener. “Do you want anything to drink?” you asked as you took off your shoes and settled your bag on the counter.
Jungkook didn’t expect you to invite him in, all he wanted to do was really make sure you were home safely. He looked around the house, it was pretty normal, not too messy yet organized in its own way. It suited you. He took a step in and closed the front door making sure to lock it.
“Water is fine, I’ll stay until Jackson’s back” you hummed as you went over the fridge and passed him a cold bottle of water. You told him to make himself at home, turned on the tv and that you were going to change into something more comfortable.
Oh god, why did I invite him in? It just happened so fast I couldn’t stop myself, he did give me a ride, this is just a small thank you- You spoke to yourself as you quickly put on your usual home clothes. A thin, loose, very worn out t-shirt and pajama shorts. You rushed out of your room not wanting to keep Jungkook awkwardly alone in your living room on his own for too long.
“Do you usually wear that at home?” Jungkook frowned eyeing you from head to toes and stopping his gaze at your chest. Oh. You froze in the hallway as you were making your way to the living room, and stared back at Jungkook who was sitting on the sofa eyes glued on you.
“I can see your tits poking, y/n” Jungkook was an honest man.
“STOP STARING” you shouted and covered yourself. Out of habit, you had taken your bra off when you had changed, a routine you did every day at the end of the day. As you were about to turn around and head to wear something more proper, you felt something pull you back and stop you on your tracks.
Turning around you realized it was Jungkook, again using his insane speed to get to you. “Does Jackson get to see you walk around the house like this every day?” his tone was low, dark, he almost sounded mad.
“No- Yes- Maybe?...” you stepped back and Jungkook stepped forward. You were clearly trying to put some distance between you now that you felt exposed, but he didn’t quite get the message through. You couldn’t help but blush at the fact that Jungkook was staring at you, knowing that just a flimsy fabric was keeping him from seeing your direct skin. 
It’s not like it was the first time a man admired your body or that you hadn’t been with a man...It’s just the fact that it was the Jeon Jungkook that was the one that was staring you down, he somehow made you feel flustered.
“Stay back. I don’t like it when you guys get too close to me.” He continued stepping forward.
“Why not?” he paused and tilted his head to the side waiting for your answer.
“I- It’s weird, I don’t know, I can’t control myself. YOU guys can’t keep your hands to yourself” Jungkook lips slightly curled up, he found your flustered self cute.
He continued to corner you until your back was facing the end of the corridor, he looked very composed, confident, unlike you. His big innocent doe eyes no longer there when his hand reached to touch your lips. 
“Show me what he sees every day” he whispered leaning down next to your ears.
Your body was on fire, there was something about Jungkook that made you so attracted to him despite barely knowing him. You gulped nervously and lowered the arm that was covering your breasts, you immediately felt your sensitive nipples perk up and rub against the fabric, clearly visible through the shirt.
Jungkook took a deep breath in, “Jesus Y/N, look at yourself” his hand went down to cup your breast and gave the nub a few circles with his thumb, “you should at least be considerate with your roommate, how much self-control do you think humans have?” his hot breath was on your neck, his hand gently fondling your breast before he rested both his hands on your hips. 
He was right, you hadn’t realized how uncomfortable this could’ve been for Jackson, maybe he hadn’t said anything because this was your house after all. You saw him as a really close friend you could trust and he was very respectful of your space so you had never once realized that your comfort could be a discomfort to others.
You gasped when you suddenly felt Jungkooks large hands get under your shirt and grab your breasts harshly, “Don’t go thinking about others when I’m right here Y/N” he warned, “focus on your Alpha” you let out a moan when he pinched your nipple as a form of punishment. You felt your lower region tighten and wetness on your panties, you were so incredibly turned on by the way he was showing his dominance over you, you didn’t know you had this kink.
His lips claimed yours once again, this time the kiss was more intense, both of you desperate and holding onto each other while you paused to take a breath, “Wheres your room?” he asked breath shaking and you pointed to the room to your left. It didn’t take a second for Jungkook to barge right in as he pulled you in along with him.
He held your thighs and lifted you up easily and you wrapped your legs around his waist, kissing him as he walked towards your bed. He dropped you down and stayed above you never once leaving your lips, you moaned into the kiss when you felt him grind his hips right between your legs, you could very much feel his length hard against your clothed core.
“Y/N, tell me if you don’t want this” he mumbled as he lifted your shirt up and left small kisses around your chest, he then took your breast into his mouth and gave your nipple a bite and pulling it with his teeth, you hissed at the mix of pain and pleasure. He continued to devour you, leaving kiss marks all along your breasts and every once in awhile biting down harshly, you were sure you were going to be covered in marks the next day. “Tell me Y/N” he asked again.
“J-Jungkook!” you could only moan in response to his treatment, there was no way you were able to give him a coherent answer and he knew it, he was only having fun with you. Jungkook never gave you a chance to rest or to process anything, his lips, and hand touching you all over never giving you a chance to catch your breath. You felt his weight off you for a second only to be drowned again in pleasure when you felt his slender fingers slide between and over your clothed core.
“You look so beautiful to me right now” Jungkook whispered as his fingers slowly slid up and down, he stopped at your dripping core and slightly pressed in, teasing you, making you wish he had taken your shorts off so you could feel him inside, “God, the faces you make when I touch you like this.”
He added even more pressure and your back arched, hands grabbing onto the bedsheets and moaning out his name. You moved your hips to get more friction, to have his touch all over your pussy, you wanted release, you wanted him inside, you just weren’t sure what you wanted anymore but you needed more of Jungkook.
“Please, please just fuck me already” you finally begged him as you held onto his arm, your hips never stopping as you chased after your orgasm. Jungkook’s breath hitched and he completely pulled away and stood in front of you, admiring the messed estate you were in.
“Take it off and show me your pretty little cunt” he took his shirt off and you could’ve sworn you felt yourself wet even more. Jungkook looked at you in a very erotic and cocky expression, his eyes full of lust. He licked his lips and growled as you took your shorts and panties off together, revealing your wet dripping core to him. You bit your bottom lip and started to slowly, teasingly touch yourself for him, you parted your folds and showed your glistening core to the man before you, showing how your pussy was aching to have something inside.
It took every ounce of self-control for Jungkook to not jump you right then, but he didn’t because he too also enjoyed the teasing game. He slowly pulled his pants down enough to reveal his clothed member. Your eyes followed his every movement, you gulped when you saw how big he looked. “You think your pretty little pussy can take me?” he taunted you palming his cock. 
You nodded and circled your clit with your slender fingers, letting out a small moan trying to seduce him over, you could hear the wet sounds your fingers made as they rubbed against your dripping cunt.
“Fuck yourself, show me,” Jungkook ordered and your body obeyed. You slid two fingers in and arched your back, hissing as you felt a bit of burn, you started to slowly pump your fingers in and out of you while letting out small whimpers. 
“Just look at that cunt taking in those fingers so well, keep going, stretch yourself more or it’ll hurt when I fuck you,” he praised you as he stood there watching, he pulled his boxers down and his thick member pop out, he let out a groan as he started to slowly stroke himself spreading the precum all over his cock.
“God, please come here” you begged as you saw the glorious figure masturbate in front of you, “Jungkook, fuck me” your fingers headed for your clit as you rubbed hard on the nub, raising your hips as you edged near your orgasm, “please, please” you whimpered desperately. 
Jungkook snapped.
He lunged forward and crawled on top of you, lips crashing into yours for a messy kiss, his hands all over you, grabbing your breasts harshly and giving them a slap making your skin go red, you winced at the pain and pulled away from his lips, “I’m so close” you warned him and he pulled your hand off your cunt. You let out a gasp when you felt your orgasm fade away due to the lack of stimulation, “What are you-”
“I’ll have your first orgasm” he whispered hotly in your ear and flipped you on your stomach, he pulled your hips and easily put your ass in the air with his strength, your stomach filled with butterflies as you loved how you were being manhandled. 
“Fuck!” you cursed when his hand suddenly came in contact with your ass. The sound resonating in the whole room, “That hurt-” before you were done saying the sentence, his hand came down on your skin once again.
“I’m punishing you for teasing me so much” his tone was low, he grinned when you told him to not slap your skin so hard, “Can’t you take a bit of pain, my love?” he asked as his hands caressed the now bright red skin, trying to ease the stinging, “Sorry, sometimes I forget humans are so fragile” he went for another slap, this time much gentler. 
“Please stop teasing me” you softly asked with your face to the side pressed on the pillow, “I can’t take it anymore.”
“Impatient aren’t we? I’ll reward you this time.” he kissed your flush ass cheek, “for putting up with my teasing.”
His hands were on your hips again as he flipped you around, he propped your legs open and slid two fingers inside you without warning, your eyes widened and you gasped at the sudden intrusion. His larger fingers filling you up more and reaching in deeper than your own. He started out with a merciless pace, wet sounds filling your room as he helped you reach your high.
His lips roamed your body leaving kiss marks all over until he just like the other Bangtan stopped at your neck, he gave a long sensual lick, sending goosebumps all over your body, you could feel his lips curl into a smile and you heard a small chuckle, he must really be enjoying your reactions to his every touch. He pulled his fingers out and slid his middle and ring finger back in, you held your breath knowing all too well what was about to happen.
Just as you were about to protest that you weren’t going to be able to take it so roughly, you felt his other hand make it’s way to your neck, his long fingers wrapping around your thin neck, getting a good grip around it he tightened his hold. “Jungkook!” you gasped when you felt your airway tighten, his lips traveled to your ears as he filled your head with filthy sweet nothings making you blush harsh as you imagined it all.
“Can my bitch come all over my fingers for me?” he pressed his whole body onto you, trapping you under his hold, he gave your breast a kiss and the other nipple a bite and pulling it, your back arched at the pain, your whole body on sensory overload, the whole time Jungkook pumping his fingers in and out of you.
Jungkook pulled away from your body, letting go of your neck and your eyes lost focus as your body regained its normal breathing. He stayed on his knees, he opened your legs up further and leaned forward, putting his torso between your legs and supporting his weight with his left hand next to your body, his torso preventing your legs from fully closing in. You gulped, you knew what he had in mind. 
Jungkook gave you a wicked smirk as he tilted his head slightly up and looked at you with lustful eyes, “I’m going to make you lose your goddam mind Y/N, you’ll forget what Jimin even tried to do to you” he curled his fingers upwards, searching for that spot, the one that would make you snap and break, “I’ll have you thinking about me and your pussy is going to wet your panties as you remember how I made you cum”.
He found it.
“Jung-!” you barely got his name out as his fingers started to furiously pump in and out of you. He pushed all the way in and moved his hand up and down with his fingers curled inside, the palm of his hand also rubbing deliciously against your sensitive nub. You were seeing stars, you were a moaning mess, body covered in sweat, hair sticking to your forehead, your body was trashing all over the place, 
“Jungkook, I can’t-” you groaned and grabbed the wrist of the hand that was fucking you so well, you couldn’t take the extreme feeling, you felt your whole body lose control, “God I- going to-” you were a loud mess, you held onto his wrists hoping he would slow down a bit but he slapped your hand away and pinned it down with his free hand.
“You are going to take it all” he continued to watch the faces you made, his cock twitching, desperate to be inside your sopping cunt, “I love seeing you like this” he bit his bottom lip and added more force against your clitoris with his palm, hand rubbing up and down, “God Y/N please come all over us both” he urged.
You nodded desperately, your orgasm just a few seconds away, your legs fighting to close together but Jungkook stopped them and made you take it all. 
And then it hit. You screamed out his name.
“Fuck, that’s it,” he whispered as your body tensed, your legs started shaking and his hand slowed down a bit as your orgasm took over, you felt your juices spill, with Jungkooks movements making it sprinkle everywhere, you felt some of it fall on your thighs, most of it dripping down to your ass cheeks, you felt the mattress dampen as you shut your eyes and let it all out.
You heard Jungkook curse as he pulled his fingers out of your sore region, his hands landing softly on your thighs drawing circles helping you come down from your high, he watched as your chest breathed in and out rapidly, he listened to your heart pounding inside trying to calm itself after an intense orgasm. 
“I might have ruined fingering for you,” he suddenly said.
You rolled your eyes and grinned, half agreeing with him and shifted your body to the side to look at him and your breath hitched, you saw how Jungkook was still holding a massive hard-on, his cock standing proudly in between your legs, you honestly for the first time felt worried being with a guy, not too sure you body was going to be able to take him after that.
“What’s wrong love?” he followed your gaze and looked down at himself, smirking, his eyes flipped up and met with your horrified look, “don’t worry love, I had plenty of fun this time” he smiled, the corner of his eyes forming wrinkles. He rubbed your inner thighs lovingly and stepped down the bed, pulling his pants back up and searched for his shirt.
You stared at your ceiling, feeling the soreness creep up and take over your legs, you let them slump down and let out a sigh. Why were the guys so irresistible to you? You normally weren’t so easy to sway. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt the side of the bed dip as Jungkooks figure sat at the side next to your spent body. 
“How are you feeling?” he pushed a couple locks of your hair away from your face, “I...got a bit carried away, I really was just going to wait until Jackson was back-”
Your eyes widened.
“ARE YOU FUCKING HOME?!” you heard Jackson shout outside in the living room followed by the slam of the front door, “I’m going to murder you for leaving me hanging after you said you were at their house!” he voice grew louder as he was closer to your room.
Your heart was pounding, you jumped up and scrambled to put on your clothes, this time also putting on a bra underneath. The whole time Jungkook stayed seated and watched you panic, a playful smile plastered on his face. You ran to your bathroom to check yourself out and make yourself more presentable. when you stepped out you froze when you saw Jungkook still where you left him, you didn’t know what to do. Your eyes scrambled around the room for solutions and stopped at your window. 
No way, this is the second floor...
“Y/N?” Jackson knocked on your door.
“I’m here!” you shouted back, stared at Jungkook and silently mouthed ‘you need to leave’, “I’m in the bathroom, I’ll be right out!” you told your friend.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Jackson asked through the door.
You grabbed your phone and unlocked it, 5 missing calls and 10 messages all from Jackson. You own loud moans and Jungkooks fingers inside you probably made it hard for you to notice anything. You were busy reading the missed messages from your concerned friend that you failed to notice Jungkook had gotten up from where he was.
“Sorry, I-” you were suddenly interrupted as you were pulled into a kiss, his hands cupped your face as his lips met yours so suddenly that you didn’t have time to react when he had already pulled away, “What?...” you whispered.
He rested his forehead against yours, your faces merely inches apart, “I hate when you pay attention to other males when I’m right here” he murmured.
“Y/N?” You turned your head to the door, the voice reminding you that there was another person in the house. 
“Jackson, I’ll be right there” you lied and heard Jungkook chuckle behind you.
By the time you turned back to Jungkook, he was gone from where he previously was and was opening the window. He can’t be serious...you told yourself. 
Oh but he was. 
He took a look outside as if calculating where he would land if he were to jump from there. Thankfully only your empty grassy backyard was waiting but it was still a long way down. A frown suddenly formed when you knew that Jungkook was indeed going to jump down from your window.
“No! what are you thinking? You’ll hurt yourself” you whispered really low as you grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back in, he already had one of his legs dangling outside, “Are you stupid? just wait until he goes into his room, just wait here.”
Jungkook grinned and his youthfulness really showed this time, his playful nature showing when he poked his tongue out, “You really have a lot to learn from our kind, y/n” and with that, you watched as Jungkook’s body slipped out the window and fell down.
You poked your head out the window in time to catch Jungkook landing smoothly on the ground with a squat to soften the fall, kind like how cats would always land on the feet. He got up and looked to see you watching him, he smiled, waved at you and jogged away, you watched him until his frame was out of view and stepped back in your room dumbfounded. 
What the actual fuck was that? How could you not be one bit hurt from that?
You finally stepped out of your room and headed to the living room where Jackson was laying on the sofa eyes busy on his phone.
“Sorry, I was taking a shit”
He looked at you in disgust, “You’re nasty.”
You giggled and went to join your best friend on the sofa, you went to hug him as usual when he suddenly froze and looked at you. You noticed he glanced at your body briefly and frowned, “You stink, go shower you nasty person.”
You tilted your head to the side, he had never said anything like that before, maybe you did smell like sweat after your little session with Jungkook, you blushed as you stood up a bit too conscious and wondering if you did smell, “Yeah, I had a long day. I’m going to take a nice relaxing bath.” 
“Yeah, you better wash that stink off,” You slapped his shoulder playfully at his remark, you smelled your shirt but only picked up the scent of fabric softener and the body cream you always used.
Huh, what smell is he talking about? You wondered.
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
bunbun would maybe like to request a sequel to the Joshushu fic you first wrote for me though? if that’s not too much trouble (〃▽〃)
Joshua x Reader fluff | 1.2k words
a sequel to: smitten
a/n: hi bunbun !! ngl it took me a while to think of the plot for this cause i hadn’t thought about the sequel before, but then.. THEN it clicked. sorry if it feels a little similar to spoopenteen, my mind just kinda went down this path and i thought it was cute. it seems to be that i keep on giving joshua technical issues or something lol i’m so sorry i’ll do him justice next time… ily and i hope you enjoy:)
A day hadn’t gone by where you haven’t silently thanked Mittens for practically setting you up on a date with your neighbour, and now boyfriend, Joshua. If it weren’t for her sneaky little maneuver back then, you don’t think you would’ve ever been able to muster up to courage to ask him out. So, you were infinitely grateful and your dog happily took advantage of your soft heart as an excuse for more treats.
With the proximity, it was nice to be able to send him off with a wave through the window every morning as he left to work, before heading off to do your own things. Dates between you two were always casual and easy because you saw each other so often, save for the few fancy nights he’d brought you out for dinner. Although living under the same roof would provide many benefits (money, resources, satisfying your longing to cuddle with him at night *cough*), you both agreed to stay at your own houses for the time being. As sweet as he was, you guys were still in the early stages of dating after all. 
You also got to officially meet his rowdy friends who had crowded the driveway when he first moved in and all of them quickly took a liking to you. Their familiar faces would drop by to hang out with you guys every so often and you enjoyed being in each other’s presence. So really, could things get any better? 
Maybe, if Mittens would stop betraying you and hogging Joshua’s attention whenever he stopped by. Just kidding you love her!
Today was an easy morning. With the current snowstorm pelting the weekend, there really wasn’t much for you to do besides stay in and pass time. The unexpected knock on your door did bring some life to your day, though.
Opening out to the front porch, you found yourself shivering at the cold gust of wind that entered your house. Maybe you should’ve worn a jacket first. 
At your doorstep, was your one and only boyfriend, backpack in hand and shivering as well. His nose and ears already dusted red from his short journey over.
“Hi, y/n.” He smiled, lips also clearly affected by the cold wind nipping at him.
“Josh! What brings you here?... Out… in the cold?” You took in his appearance and noticed that he seemed prepared for a sleepover of some sort.
“Okay so, here’s the deal—” You held out a hand to stop him.
“Come inside first, we’re both freezing out here for no reason.” You said and stepped aside to let him enter your house, stamping his feet at the front and taking off his thick coat. Mittens had now come over to greet her favourite person with some happy barks.
“So like, my heater broke.” He said flatly, partway through giving your pet some loving scratches behind the ears. 
You caught yourself before you could laugh at his unfortunate predicament.
“So I was wondering if you’d be alright if I stayed over until it’s fixed?” He continued sheepishly. “They said they wouldn’t be able to send a mechanic in until tomorrow.”
“Stay over?” You clarified, trying to process his request. He sent you another sheepish grin at that and you quickly retracted you initial hesitation. In all honesty, you didn’t really need to put much thought into your answer when you said yes, because more time with Joshua — why not? And it’s not like you had something against it.
“Have you had breakfast yet?”
He shook his head. “Not really, I literally woke up, screamed in agony when I realized the heater was broken, screamed again when they put me on hold for almost an hour, and then screamed again when they said it couldn’t be fixed.”
“Aw baby, you should’ve come here sooner then.” You giggled, cupping his cold face into your hands. “Come, I haven’t started eating breakfast yet and the water’s still hot so make yourself a drink.”
The storm only worsened throughout the day, and you found yourself glancing out the window every so often to see the snow gradually piling up on the grass outside. You dreaded having to eventually go out there and shovel all the snow out of the way, but more than that, you had this uneasy feeling that the power would go out at any moment.
Which of course, just had to be right.
You just finished a simple lunch with Joshua and was in the middle of tossing your old clothes into the laundry when the lights in the room shut off. Not long after, you heard soft steps padding your way and the flashlight from your boyfriend’s phone lit up the area in front of you.
“Did the power just…?” He started cautiously, eyeing the basket still half-full with your clothes
“Go out? Yes, yes it did.” You answered him with a sigh and nudged him to return to the living room. 
“Wow, life’s just really going at us today, huh?”
“Yep, and there goes my heater too, I guess.” You joked a little pathetically at the situation. “What do you wanna do while we wait this out?”
Joshua hummed, deep in thought when you arrived at the dark room and then turned to you. “Would you by chance have any extra pillows and blankets lying around?”
“Like to keep us warm?” You questioned curiously.
“Yes, but no. More like if you have any that we could use to say... build a pillow fort?” He suggested with a childish grin which you promptly mirrored.
“Oh, I like where you’re going at that.”
After about an hour of fussing over building the fort, the two of you stood in awe at your handiwork. For an impromptu decision executed in the dark, the two of you did a pretty good job — Joshua had even sprinted over to his house to bring over his own blankets and pillows.
“After you.” He sent you a sweet smile, lifting up the cover to allow you inside.
“Why thank you, kind sir.” You bowed, playing along with his little act. You then situated yourself on one side to make room for him. It was a little stuffy, but definitely enough room for both of you to shift around if you needed to.
By now, you had wrapped yourselves in one large blanket, courtesy of the family member who had gifted it to you a few years ago. In the middle of the fort was a dim lamp, using up the last bit of the energy its batteries held. It flickered occasionally and you silently wondered how long it would take for it to die out.
“So... what do we do now?” You voiced out loud and turned to stare at Joshua awkwardly. He returned the question with a small chuckle, just as lost.
“Good question,” He nodded, shivering a little as he did. “How about cuddles to help with the cold?” 
“I won’t pass out on an opportunity for cuddles.” You readily agreed, fitting yourself into his open arms and leaning on his chest. In the midst of the white noise and strong wind blowing outside, you could hear his faint heartbeat against your ear.
“It’s a little warmer now, isn’t it?” He asked, to which you nodded, snuggling a little bit closer into him.
The room fell quiet again, minus Joshua’s soft hums which vaguely sounded like some sappy Christmas carols that you couldn’t quite pinpoint the name of, but you listened contentedly, enjoying the peace despite the circumstances. You licked your lips when you noticed how chapped they had gotten and then smirked when you thought of a brilliant idea.
“Hey,” You gently poked his cheek and he stopped his humming to glance down at your face. “My lips are cold, could you do something about that too?”
And boy, did he have the perfect solution.
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
Little Starco Part 2
For some reason I decided one chapter wouldn’t be enough and made this a two-parter. Hope you enjoy this chapter as well!! Happy Halloween!
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters belong to Daron Nefcy and Disney. Little Nightmares belongs to Bandai Namco. All rights go to their respective owners.
The sound of scraping metal sent shivers down Star's spine. The girl kept low to the ground, keeping her breathing to a minimum to avoid making too much noise. She tried to slow her racing heart but that was a lost cause, fear was hard to fight back when faced with such a dreadful creature as the Janitor.
This is what Star and Marco had decided to call the creature they were currently watching from a safe vantage point. It was quite a bit shorter than the other creatures the two had come across on the Maw but was still massive in comparison to their tiny bodies. It wore a brown suit and hat, all covered in grime like everything else in the Maw. The Janitor's massive head was a hideous display, deformed folds of skin completely covering its eyes and most of its face. Its smile was a misshapen, twisted expression, a row of sharp, dangerous teeth hidden behind the snear. Thanks to its deformed face, the creature was completely blind, but its hearing was scarily good, the slightest sound instantly gaining its attention, making it difficult to outmaneuver and sneak around. And on top of that, it's long, spindly arms were almost impossible to avoid, at least twice the length of its body alone and its claw-like fingers were almost made for snatching up unsuspecting children. It was easily one of the most dangerous monsters the two had encountered on the Maw and they had made a point of avoiding it at all cost. But they didn't have much choice this time around.
The two had gotten quite good at traversing the large, rusted ship of the Maw in the time since they had partnered up. It was unclear just how much time had passed since day and night had no meaning in the dark, suppressive decks of the ship but if Star had to guess she would say it had been at least several months. In that time, Star and Marco had learned the ins and outs of the ship, survival becoming much easier than it had ever been before. In fact, life was almost good for them lately.
Of course, they owed all of that to their little Nome friends. Star and Marco adored the tiny creatures and they had made almost a home in the forgotten boiler room where the Nomes tended to gather. A few of them had even bonded to the two to the point Star and Marco decided to adopt them. Now they had little Nome children, something that never failed to brighten Star's spirits even on the worst of days, the blonde named two of their children Jackie and Janna and Marco had decided to name the other two Kelly and Tom. They weren't sure if any of them were male or female but they both liked the names so they stuck with them. It was nice to have Marco and the Nomes around and sometimes Star wondered if that was what it felt like to have a family.
Not that she had anything to compare it to.
Because they spent so much time around the Nomes, Star and Marco had picked up a few tricks from the creatures to help them survive. The Nomes had good instincts, often knowing where to find food or when to run from danger and the two had learned a lot from the adorable creatures.
Navigating the perilous halls of the Maw had gotten much easier for them too. Star and Marco mostly stuck to the kitchen area or the Hideaway (the place the two had dubbed their new home), getting quite good at avoiding the chefs and stealing food under their radar. But occasionally they would have to explore the other parts of the ship for one reason or another. They had learned to avoid the prison area due to tight security, Marco had suggested possibly freeing some of the other kids but Star reminded him there was no point. They couldn't help someone who didn't want it.
Then there were the upper decks of the ship which the two had decided not to explore, well Marco had decided, Star thought that they could find a way out up there but had yet to convince her partner it was worth the risk.
There had been one incident where the two while looking for a shortcut, had ended up in the depths, the deck underneath the one they were on and the two had vowed to never speak of what had happened down there… or what they had seen. Star shuddered just thinking about it and she would prefer to keep that out of her mind if at all possible.
Then there was the lair, the area of the ship where the Janitor resided. The two avoided this area of the ship unless absolutely necessary, the less time spent around the blind monster the better. Just being near the creature was a risk in itself.
But sadly, that was one Star and Marco were forced to take. Against their better judgment they had entered into the Janitor's domain. Of course, it was not without good reason. The Nome Tom had gotten himself caught in one of the Janitors' many traps and was now in need of rescuing.
Star felt her heartache as she saw little Tom locked in one of the metal cages, his expressionless face full of sadness to Star and the blonde itched to set him free. Luckily, Marco had come up with a full-proof plan (or what they hoped to be one) to stop the Janitor. Star had learned better than to hope too much but she had confidence in her friend's plan. After all, Marco was the best when it came to plans, often using his wits to get them out of tight situations and Star trusted her friend with her life.
Speaking of said friend, Star looked over at the boy crouched next to her, nearly cooing at his adorable new attire. The blonde had no idea where the Nomes had found a matching raincoat to the one Star had but didn't question it, she was used to not having answers and this was a pleasant surprise. Unlike Star's, Marco's was a deep red color and the blonde couldn't believe how good the color looked on him. Although maybe that was just because she was happy to see him out of his dreary prison outfit. Whatever the case, Marco looked amazing, even if she was too embarrassed to admit that to him out loud.
She still wasn't exactly sure how to describe her relationship with Marco other than warm but whatever her feelings were it was nice. And she wouldn't trade it for the world. Heck, it was the only thing keeping her going most days.
Marco seemed to notice her staring (more like gawking but thankfully that was covered up by her hood) and gave her a smooth grin, his hood down so she could stare into his chocolate brown eyes. "You ready?" he asked. He sounded calm and in control but Star knew that wasn't the case. He was just hiding his fear.
Still, Star simply nodded and replied back, "Yep. Let's take down this guy." Thankfully, Marco had had the common sense to wait until their voices were drowned out by the loud scraping of metal as the Janitor lugged around heaving cages to and fro his workspace, some of them empty, others not so much.
Without another word, the two stood and went to get into position. Star just hoped this plan worked because she didn't want to know what fate awaited her and Marco should they fail… not to mention Tom.
Star tiptoed over to the large metal cage, keeping a close eye on the creature who seemed to be busy wrapping something in the familiar cloth material Star and Marco had come to know all too well. Star swallowed quietly. She didn't want to know.
Finally, she reached Tom's cage, the small Nome letting out a series of noisy squeaks when he spotted the girl. Star smiled down at her friend, her bright eyes sparkling with joy as she spotted her tiny Nome child. She tried to figure out the best way to open the cage without making too much noise but it didn't seem there was a way. No matter what she did she was going to be heard by the Janitor. She looked over to where Marco was, making sure he was in position. The boy gave her a thumbs up and Star smiled.
This was it.
As quickly and silently as she could she opened the cage door, pulling Tom out and safely into her arms. She held him tight against her chest as he purred obliviously, clearly not realizing the danger they were both in. Star looked over to the Janitor, who had stopped its wrapping, tipping its head to the side as if listening for something. The blonde watched as its long, spindly arms felt around for her. Star took a few steps back, putting a bit of distance between her and the monster, before sucking in a deep breath and placing two fingers in her mouth and letting out a shrill whistle.
The Janitor jumped letting out a garbled grunt of surprise but in a second had turned in the direction of Star. The blonde didn't wait as she turned on her heels, running as fast as her small legs could carry her. She could hear the Janitor following after her, probably following the sound of her noisy footsteps. Of course, the creature was much slower than her and Star was able to keep ahead of it luckily, but it wasn't its speed that concerned her. It was its long reach.
She feared that any second one of its long arms would snatch her up and it would be all over but she forced the fear down. She had to focus, she couldn't risk slowing down because of irrational fears. She had to keep going.
She heard the sound of a switch being thrown and ahead of Star she saw a metal wall slowly lowering from the ceiling. Clearly, the Janitor intended to trap her in there. But little did it know… it had just played right into their trap.
Marco watched Star closely as she went to free Tom and could feel worry bubbling up in his chest with every second that passed. Worry for Star, worry for Tom, worry that their plan might fail. Pretty much everything. This all depended on him after all. He hoped he could pull it off.
He was trying to get the metal cage in just the right spot, double-checking and triple-checking to make sure it was positioned just right. They only had one chance at this. The Nomes all kept trying to help him push the large object but he made them stop and hide. He didn't want to risk one of them getting taken during their rescue of another. He took a few slow breaths to try and ease his mind but that did very little for him. He saw Star looking over at him and he gave her a thumbs-up, signaling her they were ready. He hoped they really were.
He jumped when he heard Star's whistle, his body tensing up as he watched his best friend running for her life from the terrifying creature. His instincts and protective nature screamed at him to go to her but he fought it back. He had to stick to the plan. He was surprised by the level of bravery he saw on Star's face, despite having a deadly creature close behind her. She really was amazing.
The Janitor reached over and threw down a lever, a switch was pulled and the door slid down with a mighty heave, falling much faster than Marco had been expecting. Thankfully, Star slid under the door at the last second, quickly releasing Tom and moving to Marco's side. The two watched as the door was caught on the metal cage, bending it and crushing it under its weight but the cage managed to hold. A second later the Janitor's hands appeared out from the gap in the door, feeling around for the two pests.
Star and Marco hung back for a minute, watching as the Janitor's gnarled hands searched for them. The blonde took a second to check on the Nomes who were all hiding in the corner, safe and out of harm's way.
The two waited for the right moment, before slowly making their way over to the crushed cage, avoiding the limbs at all costs. Finally, they each gripped the support bars holding the cage together and with a silent nod, they pulled against them with all their might. They could slowly feel them start to give, grating and groaning against the weight of the heavy door on top of it.
The Janitor heard the sound though and its hands began to move towards the pair, fingers opening wide and slowly beginning to wrap around their slim frames.
With a loud snap! The bars finally were freed from the cage, causing it to fully collapse and the door to slam to the ground. Star and Marco were thrown off balance and sent tumbling to the floor, the metal bars clattering down next to them. The two lifted their heads to see the Janitor's arms, now severed completely by the slamming door, writhing and twitching on the ground. From the other side of the door an ear-piercing growl rang through the small room causing shivers down the two kids' spines. They could hear the anger, pain, and malice behind that roar and for a few moments neither dared to move or breathe.
Instead, they just listened as the roar slowly faded, growing fainter and fainter as the Janitor left to go lick its wounds. Once the horrible sound was completely gone, Star allowed herself to breathe again as she rose to her feet. She offered Marco a hand up, which he happily accepted. She was surprised by how warm his palm was even after the terrifying situation and she felt goosebumps flutter up her arm.
The two shared a long look for a moment, millions of emotions and thought passing between the two before they just smiled and high-fived. "We did it, Marco!" Star cheered, pumping her fists in the air and letting out a whoop of victory.
Marco nodded, the remnants of fear slowly fading from his pupils. "Yeah, we did," he replied, his voice slightly choked. Star paused, seeing her friend was still in distress.
"Hey, what's wrong? We won, didn't we?" Star asked.
"Yeah, it's just…" The boy let out a shaky breath… before running forward and hugging Star tightly. The girl tensed in surprise but quickly hugged him back. She listened to his shaky breathing for a second. Marco was always like this after a scare like that. He always took the longest to calm down and Star would often have to soothe him into his sleep that night, cuddling and comforting him until he drifted off.
Star was so sick of having to see Marco go through this, again and again. She wanted him to be happy. To be safe. To not have to worry about anything anymore.
Finally, the boy pulled away, a thin smile on his face. "I'm okay, now," he muttered, trying feebly to reassure Star. But Star knew better.
Star opened her mouth to say something but he quickly cut her off. "Come on, let's go back to the Hideaway," he muttered, turning on his heels and walking away from Star. The blonde watched him sadly but followed his lead. The two picked up the Nomes and quickly left the lair through an opened vent.
They were silent as they crawled through the dark vents, Star watching Marco's back while silently contemplating a plan of her own. One that would get them out of this nightmare, once and for all.
"We can't keep doing this."
"Well, we'll just have to keep a better eye on the Nomes from now on and I doubt the Janitor will be giving us any trouble for a while."
"That's not what I mean, Marco!"
"Then what do you mean?"
"I mean… this! All of this. We need to get off of this ship!"
"But Star we don't even know if there is a way out of here-"
"Then we need to go to the upper deck."
"What?! No way, we don't know what's up there!"
"Well, it's either that or we stay down here and die."
"Do you really think we can keep avoiding monsters forever? Eventually, we're gonna get caught and then what are we gonna do?"
"Well… we'll...."
"Face it, Marco. If we don't at least try and escape then what are we even doing with our lives?"
"We're surviving."
"Yeah but I want to live. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want us to be safe and away from this awful place. Please, Marco.”
"Alright. Fine, you win."
"Really? You mean it."
"Yeah. Let's get off of this ship. Together."
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
Star felt the spray of salty seawater hitting her raincoat and she shivered as the cold drops dripped off of her. She clung tightly to the metal rungs, trying to avoid looking below her. They were currently climbing up the side of the boat, hanging on for dear life as the ocean waves splashed all around them, intent on causing the two kid's to lose their grip it seemed. Star ran a hand through her dripping locks, all of which seemed intent on blocking her face and she groaned in frustration.
She looked behind her to make sure Tom and Kelly were securely tied around her. Above her, Marco had Jackie and Janna strapped tightly around his waist to prevent them from somehow wiggling loose. The two had decided it best to bring the Nomes with them since they didn't want to risk being unable to come back for their small family.
The going was slow and tiring but Star felt her chest bubbling with excitement. Finally, they were getting off this horrible nightmare ship. She couldn't believe she had actually convinced Marco to leave. She finally felt like she was accomplishing something, probably for the first time in her life, and even though she could feel the tendrils of fear like always they were nothing compared to the anticipation building up inside of her, the promise of freedom was so close at hand. She could almost taste it.
Or maybe that was the gross seawater that kept getting in her mouth.
The going was slow and silent as the two kids slowly scaled the side of the rusted metal ship. The good news was, they had picked the perfect time to escape cause it seemed the ship was docked on some shore… for now. It was hard to make out through the thick layer of fog that had fallen all around them, could barely see more than a few feet in front of her, but she was sure that it was land. It had to be.
In the distance, she also thought she saw forms moving in the fog. It was hard to make out, but if she squinted she was sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. Something was moving in the distance. Or to be more precise… many things were moving in the distance. Almost like a line of them were entering onto the ship. Star felt her heart hammer away in her chest. If what she was seeing was right, then that could be their way out.
"Marco," she called up to her friend, unable to hide the eagerness in her tone.
"I see it," he replied. There was a quiver in his voice and Star doubted it was for the same reason as her.
Finally, the two made it inside the ship, finding a narrow gap in the hull they could slip through. They found themselves in another vent and Star felt slightly relieved by the familiarity of it. She hoped Marco agreed. The two traveled the narrow shaft in silence, deciding to keep the gnomes tied to them just in case the creatures got the idea to run off and get themselves into trouble again. Neither of the kids knew what this part of the ship had to offer and they would rather not put their little family in danger if possible. The farther along Star went the more she could swear she could hear a thumping in the distance.
She frowned, biting her lip as the noise grew progressively louder, the gentle thumping turning into a steady, pounding rhythm. After a while, it almost felt like it was shaking the ground beneath Star's feet and that was beyond unnerving. What the heck was that sound?
She soon got her answer.
The two found a boarded-up space and with a few pulls and tugs, they were able to clear the path, crawling through the narrow gap and out of the ventilation system. The two could only gap open-mouthed at what they saw on the other side.
Star and Marco were hidden up high in the rafters, which meant they had a perfect viewpoint to watch as a procession of creatures slowly marched through the upper decks of the ship. Their movements were all perfectly synchronized, down to the timing of their steps, to the sway of their bodies and that sight alone was enough to give Star chills. Of course, that wasn't even considering the creatures themselves. Their bodies were horribly overweight, their faces deformed and hideous looking, each one as ugly and disgusting as the last. They were both males and females there, or at least what looked to be males and females, it was really hard to say what they were. They all wore what Star assumed were supposed to be fancy suits, but the attire hardly was just as jarring as the rest of them, dark, dreary colors and faded patchwork making up their outfits. Their movements were all swayed and uneven, their bodies hunched over as if struggling to stay upright.
Every step seemed to be difficult for the creatures like they could collapse at any moment and yet they still trudged on towards an unknown destination. Star and Marco watched them go in silence, the blonde beyond curious where the creatures could all be going to. She doubted it was anything good but still, she couldn't help but wonder. Wherever it was, it had to be important.
"Where do you think they're all going?" Star asked her companion who shrugged.
"No idea," Marco replied, staring down at the creatures nervously. "But I'd rather not find out."
"It could be our ticket out of here?" Star pointed out.
"Or it could be a death wish waiting to happen," Marco argued.
Star considered that for a moment, Marco doing the same, the two letting out a simultaneous hum, the boy thoughtfully rubbing a finger on his chin. Finally, Star spoke saying, "Well, one things for sure, we aren't getting out that way." She pointed to the gangplank the monsters were entering from.
Marco nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, that's not happening."
"Soooo," the blonde said knowingly, leaning closer to her friend, waiting for his answer.
The boy let out a long sigh, before muttering, "Okay, I guess we don't have much choice."
Star, seeing the worry in her friend's eyes, offered him her hand, saying sweetly, "Don't worry. I won't leave your side, promise.”
Marco smiled at her, his eyes sparkling for just an instance as he took her hand in his own, feeling a spark of something flash between them. The two quickly ran across the wooden beam, keeping a firm grip on each other's hands, as they followed the path of the monsters. Marco felt much calmer now, allowing himself to rush blindly into the unknown cause Star was there with him and there was nothing the two of them couldn't do. Anytime the fear would try and cling to him, he would just squeeze his friend's hand and he would feel brave, once more.
Star was keeping a close eye on the monsters as she ran, eager to find out where they were going. That was until something else caught Star's eye and she felt her heart stop beating. She stopped dead in her tracks, shaking head to toe as pure terror took hold. Marco came to an unexpected stop beside her, watching his trembling friend in confusion and worry. He had never seen Star so afraid before. Usually, he was the one afraid and even though she had been frightened before, never like this. It looked like she had just seen a ghost or something.
"Star, what's wrong?" Marco asked, putting a hand gently on her shoulder. He swallowed thickly as she trembled in his touch. The blonde didn't respond, just staring blankly off into the distance. "Star, come on, talk to me! You're starting to scare me." He shook her arm as gently as he could, hoping to snap her out of whatever fear-driven trance she was in.
The blonde finally seemed to gain ahold of herself, shaking her head back and forth before staring at Marco, wide-eyed. "M-Marco," she stammered, but her expression was blank like she was staring right through him.
"What is it?" the boy in red replied, trying to hide his own fear. He hated seeing Star like this. She was supposed to be the strong one but right now she looked weak, helpless. The only times he ever saw her like this was…
Instead of responding, Star numbly lifted a finger, pointing off somewhere in the distance. Marco finally followed her gaze and was stunned by what he saw. Above the steady procession of the monsters stood a lone figure. She was dressed all in a brown kimono with long wavy black hair, a white mask covering her entire face. She stared down at the monsters as if watching over them all. Something about her posture told Marco she was the one in charge of all this as if she was controlling the creatures below her, like puppets on a string. Something about her was off, though but Marco couldn't quite place it and he felt a shudder go up his spine. He didn't know what it was but he didn't like looking at her. At all.
"Who's that?" Marco asked breathlessly.
"That lady," Star whispered, her face now unreadable, completely devoid of any expression. "It's her."
"What are you talking about? Have you seen her before?" Marco asked in surprise.
Star nodded numbly. "Yeah. That's the lady… the one I told you about," the blonde replied so softly Marco almost didn't hear it.
"Wait, the one from your nightmares!" Marco exclaimed in surprise. Star had talked extensively about the recurring dream she had, every time she had it she would turn into a shaking mess and it would take Marco a while to calm her back down. Just like right now. Only now, they didn't have the benefit of saying it was just a nightmare. Cause apparently that nightmare was now real. "But that's impossible!" the boy after a moment of contemplation.
Star turned to him and the look in her eyes told Marco she wasn't lying, the certainty in her pupils catching him off guard. "That's her, Marco. I'm sure of it."
Marco stared into her eyes for a few seconds longer, before nodding, saying, "Okay, I believe you." He paused, watching his companion closely before adding, "So now what do we do? Since… the lady from your dreams is here and... real apparently." When Star didn't reply the boy began to make suggestions of their next move, hoping to fill the unbearable silence with something. "Maybe we can… sneak past her? Or what if we climbed onto the backs of one of those monsters. I know it would be risky but still. Or oh hey, what if we just-"
Star let out a few shaky breaths, tuning out her friend as she stared down her greatest nightmare. She couldn't believe she was actually real. After all this time of wondering, of fearing that face in the darkness, she found herself staring right at it, in person. And the longer she stared, the more things began to make sense to Star. Something clicked into place, all of a sudden she had an answer to one of the mysteries that loomed over the Maw. And she was so certain it was true, that it felt as real and certain as the breath in her body.
"She's the one behind all this," Star whispered so softly Marco couldn't quite make out the words.
"What?" he asked, leaning forward to try and hear her a bit better.
Star turned to him, her eyes distant and half-lidded as she muttered, "She's the one who trapped us here. She's the reason all of this is happening."
"How can you possibly know that?" Marco asked skeptically.
"It's just… a feeling, I guess," Star replied with a shrug.
Marco pondered that for a moment. "Well, it does make sense. I mean, she does look important. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she's the person in charge of this whole place."
Star nodded solemnly. "Yeah. Which means if we're gonna get out of this place…" Star paused, letting the reality of what she was about to suggest sink in. "We have to kill her."
"Wait, kill her?!" Marco exclaimed, before slapping a hand over his mouth, looking fearfully in the direction of the lady, hoping she hadn't heard his outburst. But thankfully, her attention was still on the group of monsters entering into her ship, not on the two children watching her out of sight. The boy breathed a sigh of relief, before turning to his partner with an incredulous look. "Are you serious? We can't just... I mean-"
"We have to Marco," Star said, her voice far more confident than it probably should be considering what she was suggesting. "It's the only way we are ever gonna get out of this place."
"We could just… wait and sneak past her," the boy suggested, feeling less and less sure.
"That's not gonna work," Star replied, griping Marco's arm tightly. "This is the only way."
"There has to be another way."
"There isn't."
"Come on, Star," Marco argued, trying to keep his voice firm. "Think about this for a second. We can't kill her! Look at her, she looks crazy powerful."
"Yeah, well, what other choice do we have!" Star hissed. "And besides how is this any different from earlier with the Janitor?"
"Because we actually had a plan!" Marco retorted, trying desperately to talk some sense into his companion.
"Well then we make one," Star said stubbornly. She was not backing down.
"I don't know, we'll follow her around for a bit or something."
"You really think that's gonna work?" Marco asked, trying to hide his nervousness.
Star could see she was making her friend uncomfortable but she had to convince him. She just had to. Still, she spoke in a bit calmer of a tone as she explained, "Look, Marco. I know it's stupid and dangerous but… we have to stop her. Not just for us but for all the people she's hurt. If we can beat her, then maybe this horrible nightmare can finally be over, for everyone."
Marco opened his mouth to argue, but no words came out. He thought about what Star was saying, really thought about it. Was she right? Could taking down the lady really be the answer to their problems? Could it mean that not just them, but everyone that was trapped in this place, could finally be free? If they could pull this off (but that was a big 'if') then who knows, maybe he and Star could actually start a life together, away from this disaster of a prison. It was a tempting thought for sure. But he had no idea if that was even possible.
"Alright," Marco finally said hesitantly. He still wasn't sure this was a good idea but he decided to go along with this crazy plan. After all, there was no talking Star out of one of her ideas, he'd just have to make sure to be there to watch her back. "We'll do it your way, Star."
Star's eyes shimmered with joy as she exclaimed, "Really?!"
Marco nodded. Pushing all the regrets and doubts to the back of his mind as he replied, "Yeah. I trust you, Star. If you think we can pull this off, then I believe you."
Star grinned brightly at her friend, before throwing her arms around him in a surprise hug. "Thank you, Marco. I promise I won't let you down this time." She squeezed him just a little tighter remembering the day they first met when she had nearly lost him to the chef. She swore to herself she wouldn't let that happen again. She and Marco could do this. They could win so long as they worked together.
"I know you won't," Marco whispered softly, holding Star as tightly against him as he could, hoping this wouldn't be the last time.
Star and Marco spent the rest of the day following around the Lady, trying to learn as much about her as they could. They made sure to stay out of her sight, keeping a safe distance away at all times, neither daring to get too close. Thanks to this though, they did finally learn where the Guests (as they had decided to call them) were being led. To a massive buffet.
The two had watched in mutual disgust and horror as the Guest chewed greedily on the food laid out on tables before them, stuffing food into their disfigured mouths like there was no tomorrow. Star couldn't believe anyone (even a monster) could eat so much, especially the disgusting piles of meat that seemed to cover every surface of the tables but the Guests never slowed, Star unsure how the creatures kept from choking on the massive amounts of meat they stuffed into their mouths.
The Lady casually strolled through the rows of tables, not even looking at the monsters' disgusting display. The Guests didn't even seem to notice her, although Star and Marco did notice the tables she would walk by would suddenly start to eat at an even faster rate, cramming more and more meat down their throats. Everything about the Lady creeped Star out, possibly more than any of the other creatures on the Maw had and she could tell Marco felt the same, his form shaking beside her almost the whole time.
Star was suddenly glad, they had decided to leave the Nomes behind, hiding them away in a small crate where they hoped they would stay put and not be found. Tailing the Lady was gonna be hard enough without the noisy and oftentimes reckless Nomes around. Besides, Star didn't want to think about what would happen should one of the Guests get ahold of their children. They didn't seem to have a preference for meat.
The blonde held back a shudder, before gripping Marco's hand tightly and leading them forward a bit. They had learned to hide under the tables since it seemed to be the easiest way to stay out of sight. They watched as the Lady made her way to an elevator, which opened before she even reached it, the doors slamming shut behind her. Star and Marco shared a look. Where was she going?
But they didn't have too long to ponder this as one of the Guests suddenly spotted them from the next table over and quickly threw itself off its chair, crawling towards them on hands and knees. Thankfully, it was pretty slow and Star and Marco were able to outrun him. They had quickly learned the Guests weren't too much of a threat so long as you kept them at a distance. But unfortunately, the Guest had knocked over the table the two had just been hiding under, flipping it onto its side with it's bulking, heavy form, causing meat to rain down around the pair of kids.
Several other Guests looked over at the two and immediately started crawling towards them. Star felt her heart jump into her throat, gripping Marco's hand tightly and running away from the greedy monsters. Soon a tidal wave of Guests were on Star and Marco's tail, all of them crawling over one another to try and reach their meal first. The two kids, however, did their best to avoid the deadly creatures, running underneath tables, which were flipped and destroyed in the ensuing action, and even hopping up onto one of the tables to try and getaway.
The Guests seated around the table reached out for them with their grubby fingers but Star and Marco didn't pay them any mind, running past them at a safe distance away. The two kept their eyes on the elevator, knowing that was the only chance of escape they had. Marco was quickly losing breath, struggling to keep up with his fast-moving friend, his legs still not in good enough shape to keep going for much longer. The adrenaline seemed to be the only thing keeping him from collapsing right there but who knew how long that would last. And on top of that, Marco had just noticed something about their method of escape, something that nearly caused his racing heart to stop beating altogether. There was a button next to the elevator.
If Marco had to guess he would probably say that was the only way to activate said elevator and his brain quickly tossed and turned over ideas of how to hit the button without stopping and getting consumed by the crowd of Guests on their tails. He looked around for something to use, anything when his gaze fell on a small piece of sausage sitting on a plate in front of him. The boy snatched it up as he ran past, holding it tightly against his chest. He looked over to Star who was giving him a weird look, obviously confused why Marco had chosen now of all times to eat.
But Marco quickly passed the sausage over to Star panting as he explained, "Hit the button!" He pointed the button out to her and Star stared at it for only a second before nodding in understanding, a look of determination now on her face. She sucked in a deep breath before throwing the piece of sausage with all her might.
The sausage tumbled through the air for a moment before smacking hard into the button, the doors to the elevator sliding open in an instant. Star and Marco jumped down off the table running toward the elevator, the noisy and now desperate Guests still right on their heels. The loud groans were now almost deafening and Marco did his best to force his sore legs forward. The doors to the elevator were slowly beginning to close and Marco found newfound strength as he gripped Star's hand tightly in his own. He felt a warmth spread through his cold body and in one final, desperate push he and Star ran through the doors of the elevator just as they closed shut behind them. There was a loud bang as the weight of the Guests fell hard against the metal but the doors somehow held. With a lurch, the elevator started its ascent, the two now on their way to wherever the Lady had gone.
Star and Marco both panted heavily, trying to catch their breath after the terrifying and tense ordeal as well as calm their racing pulse. Star could feel her heart beating so fast she feared it might burst out of her chest and a quick glance over at Marco showed he was doing no better, the boy shaking head to toe and bent over as he tried to breathe in as much air as possible. The blonde watched him for a moment trying to think of something to say to lighten the mood and her friend's spirits, before simply stating, "Hey, that was really clever thinking back there."
Marco attempted a smile, still struggling to breath normally again but he managed to gasp out, "Well we wouldn't have gotten away if you hadn't made that throw. That was really impressive. I know I couldn't have done that."
Star blushed, turning her head away from the boy to try and not let her embarrassment show as she quietly muttered, "Thanks."
The two were silent for a minute or so, just listening to the metallic hum of the elevator as it carried them steadily upwards. Star could feel an uncomfortable tension forming between the two as they waited for the elevator to reach its destination. She knew that whatever waited for them probably wouldn't be pleasant (nothing on this ship ever was) but still the wait felt unbearable, every second seemed to drag on for an eternity as if time itself had decided to drag its feet and hold them hostage in this tense moment. Star shifted uneasily on her feet as both fear and curiosity bubbled inside her chest. Marco looked equally as uncomfortable as Star felt, his fingers twitching at his sides and his face set in a grimace.
Finally, the girl couldn't take the silence any longer as she asked her friend, "Sooo where do you think this thing is taking us?"
As soon as the words left Star's mouth, the elevator came to an abrupt stop, the doors swinging open, revealing a dark corridor ahead of them. "I guess we're about to find out," Marco muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. Star swallowed hard, staring forward into the unknown room and felt a sudden urge to leave.
But she couldn't now. They had come too far. They had to do this.
She felt Marco's hand grip her own and the warmth of his palm provided her with a small comfort, reminding her that she wasn't going in alone. They were together. And together, they could do anything. With that thought, Star stepped off the elevator and into the new area of the Maw, Marco doing the same. The doors to the elevator slid closed, the small bang causing the two paranoid kids to jump.
Star stood there in the dark hallway, letting out slow, uneven breaths as she took in her surroundings, which wasn't easy to do since there were no light sources at all in this part of the ship, not a single lamp lit or a candle. Nothing. Still, despite the lack of lighting, Star could see that the place was some kind of private quarters if she had to guess it was probably the Lady's. The place was well furnished and everything looked new and extravagant (especially considering the run-down state of the rest of the ship). Despite how expensive and lavish the place appeared to be, it was far from comfortable.
Something in the air felt wrong to Star like a heavy weight was pressing down on her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She could feel a creeping dread flooding her system and it took everything she had not to turn around and get back on the elevator. She didn't know if Marco could feel it too but a quick glance over at him showed his obvious discomfort.
This area was also incredibly cold, Star's breath now fogged and her bare feet already starting to feel numb. Even the lower levels of the ship, the dreary and unkept parts of the ship, had been warmer and more inviting than this place. She shivered, both from the cold and her own mounting fear but forced herself to continue further down the hallway. Marco stuck close to her side as they walked, allowing Star to take the lead while he gazed around nervously, every little sound and creak causing him to flinch. Star just kept her eyes trained straight ahead, doing her very best to ignore her own terror and just focus on the task at hand.
But at one point, Star could swear she heard a giggle somewhere in the dark but when she looked in that direction, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Still, she could swear she felt a pair of eyes watching her which only added to her paranoia.
As the two traveled deeper and deeper into the chambers they began to hear a low hum echoing in the distance. The tune was slow and gentle as the voice of a woman repeated the same song again and again. The voice carried every note beautifully but something about the tone felt hallow, almost sad. The melody itself was off-putting to the girl, every note causing chills to jump up Star's spine. And yet it was oddly... familiar.
"Wh-Where is that coming from?" Marco whispered over to Star.
"No idea," Star replied in her own low tone.
But the two soon got an answer as they got to the end of the hallway, finding a large staircase leading up to the second floor, the door above them slightly ajar, and the clear voice of a woman was coming from inside, humming that same ominous tune. The two stared up at the door at a loss for a moment before sharing a look, silently wondering the same thing. What now?
Star looked over at the door near the bottom of the staircase and quickly headed over to that. But Marco's gaze stayed on the second story, watching it closely as if expecting something to come busting out of it at any second. He did a quick glance over at Star before ascending the stairs, deciding to quickly investigate. Star had just started to push open the door when she turned to see Marco heading up to the next floor and felt panic fill her system. She ran after him, jogging up the steps two at a time before tightly grabbing onto his wrist, pulling him back towards her. "Marco, what are you doing?" she whispered, trying her best to keep her voice down despite how freaked she was.
"It's alright, Star. I'm just taking a quick peek inside."
"Yeah but-"
"You want to find out the Lady's weakness, right? Well, this is our chance to learn."
Star bit her lip but knew she couldn't argue with that, still she hated the idea of having her Marco so close to that crazy witch. If she hadn't felt she couldn't accomplish her mission without him, she would have left him with the Gnomes too. But they were a team and they needed each other which meant sticking together despite the danger. Star let out a shaky breath before releasing her grip on the boy's arm, allowing him to creep slowly over to the door, but kept a wary eye on him the whole time.
Marco gave the door a gentle push, opening it up just an inch more so he could see inside. The boy in red sucked in a breath before looking through the crack into the interior of the room, his searching eye scanning the interior quickly.
He could tell it was a bedroom of sorts, the décor as fancy as the rest of the residence, and his eye quickly landed on the Lady herself. She was at a vanity, slowly running a brush through her hair as she hummed the same tune to herself. Marco stared at her for a moment, taking in as much about the Lady as he could. She seemed to have her guard down at the moment and this seemed like the best time to take an analysis of their enemy.
But nothing about her really stood out to him, she was a mystery plain and simple, hidden behind the mask on her face. Still, he did notice something amiss in the room she was in. The mirror on the vanity was broken. Shattered into a thousand pieces making it impossible to look through and still, that seemed to be what she was staring at. Why would she break her mirror?
The boy frowned but moved away from the door, realizing he wasn't going to get anything else from just watching her. They needed to explore around more. He turned to Star and gave her a quick nod letting her know he was ready to go. The two then tip-toed back downstairs and entered into the next room, which was somehow even darker and colder than the last. The two shivered in their raincoats, rubbing their arms up and down their bodies as they attempted to regain some heat into their frozen forms. Star flicked open her lighter and she and Marco crowded around it, soaking in as much warmth as they could from the small flame.
A quick glance around the room, made them feel even more unnerved than they already were. The room was filled with faceless mannequins, all wearing the same outfit the Lady had been, a brown kimono. Even though the things were lifeless, in the dark they almost felt like looming presences, staring down at the two intruders and judging their every move. Star felt like she was being watched again, only this time on a much grander scale. Instead of a pair of eyes watching her from the shadows, this felt like she was in a faceless crowd all of which had their eyes on her and her alone.
“Let's get out of here, I don't like this place," Star whispered to Marco and the boy quickly nodded.
The two moved steadily through the line of mannequins, trying their best not to let their paranoia get the better of them as they journeyed deeper into the room. Even though Star was grateful for the lighter, she almost wished she didn't have it, since the harsh shadows it cast on the mannequins was almost as bad as being in pure darkness. Still, she persisted, refusing to let a bunch of lifeless forms get in the way of her goal. Feeling her way through a pair of mannequins led her into a different room, this one far bigger but with more mannequins still scattered about.
Still, not being in such a claustrophobic position with a bunch of creepy statues helped ease Star's nerves a little. But not much. Marco was practically attached to her hip as the two tip-toed deeper into the room, their breath fogged from the bitter cold they felt consuming their bodies. How could anyone live in these conditions? Star wondered. Even the freaking prison isn't this cold!
"You see anything?" Marco asked his companion in a low tone.
"Other than more creepy mannequins, then no," Star replied sarcastically. She was getting tired of this place already.
"There has to be something around here. Keep looking," Marco said, his confidence astounding to Star. How could he be so sure of himself right now? Marco really was amazing.
The two reluctantly split up to explore the room a bit farther, Star giving Marco her lighter to help him see and stay warm (even though he protested heavily) while she searched the room in the dark. Her eyes adjusted quickly and she was able to maneuver around fairly easy, although she tried to give the mannequins a wide berth. She really didn't like those things.
Finally, though she came across a doorway of some sort which had been boarded up to prevent anyone from getting inside. Star smiled to herself, thinking, Jackpot. She quickly called Marco over saying, "Hey, I think I found something."
Marco was at her side in a heartbeat, holding up the lighter so the two could peer inside. Something shiny reflected off the small flame and both kids grinned in victory. Something important was definitely in there. Star grabbed onto a loose board and pulled against it with all her might, Marco flicking closed the lighter before giving her a hand. Between the two of them, they were able to easily pop the board off from the wall, letting it clatter to the cold ground. The two crouched low as they ducked under the haphazard barricade and into the hidden room. Marco flicked open the lighter again and held it up so Star and Marco could see the contents of the room.
Both kids gasped in surprise at what they were seeing. The room was filled with mirrors all of which had been shattered, tiny fragments of glass lay scattered all over the floor shimmering in the flickering firelight. The two looked around in complete shock, taking in the array of broken mirrors before them. "Huh, someone doesn't like mirrors," Star muttered under her breath.
"Yeah, no kidding," Marco replied, kicking one of the broken frames with his foot.
“How many years of bad luck do you think she has?" Star joked, looking over at Marco with a small grin, hoping to lighten the mood a little.
Marco shrugged but there was a hint of a smile on his own lips. "Probably like a million," he replied and the two shared a giggle.
But out of nowhere, Star let out a loud gasp, shouting, "Marco!" She gripped the boy by the front of his raincoat, pulling him so close their noses were almost touching. "Do you know what this means?!"
"Uhhhh," the boy began, unsure what his companion wanted from him.
"We just found the Lady's weakness!" Star exclaimed, her eyes dancing with joy.
"Wait, you mean the mirrors?" Marco questioned, looking down at the shattered remains in confusion.
"Yeah, exactly! With one of these, we can take her down!"
“Wait, seriously!” the boy exclaimed in disbelief. “Are you sure?”
Star nodded. “Yeah, it's just this feeling I have.”
"A feeling?" Marco repeated, an eyebrow slowly rising. "Like the one about the Lady."
Star nodded. "Yeah, come on, Marco. Just trust me on this." She gripped his hand tightly, giving him a hopeful but pleading look, her sky blue irises causing Marco's heart to flutter in his chest. "This is the answer."
Marco stared long and hard at his friend, before slowly nodding, saying in a gentle but hesitant tone, "Okay, Star. I trust you."
Star let out a loud cheer, giving her friend a quick hug while exclaiming, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She quickly pulled away though and a serious frown returned to her face as she said, "Now come on, we need to find a mirror that isn't broken."
Marco nodded but felt his chest twist in doubt. How were they going to find one of those? The Lady seemed quite meticulous making sure they were all destroyed. It didn't seem possible that one would just be-
"Found one!" Star's shouted, breaking Marco out of his thoughts as he turned slack-jawed to see an unbroken mirror laying on a fancy purple pillow.
Star was squealing in joy as she reached out to grab it but Marco had his doubts and quickly grabbed her arm stopping her from snatching it up. "Wait, Star. Hang on a second."
"Hang on," the girl scoffed. "When we are so close to winning."
"Something about this just doesn't seem right," Marco replied in a tight mutter. It seemed so unlikely that a mirror would just be left intact like that. How could the Lady have possibly overlooked one, especially one that was left on a fancy pillow instead of just thrown on the ground like the rest of its counterparts? Everything about this sent Marco's instincts on edge. "It could be a trap."
Star rolled her eyes and jerked her hand away from the boy, telling him simply, "Stop worrying so much, Marco. It's fine."
"Does none of this seem suspicious to you?" he asked, giving her a nervous look.
Star thought that over for a second before shrugging. "Maybe a little. But what choice do we have? This could be our best weapon to use against the Lady."
Marco sucked in a deep breath, allowing his shoulders to sag. He knew Star was right. He hated it but she was right. This was a risk they were just going to have to take. Without another word, he stepped to the side and allowed Star to reach down and pick up the smooth mirror but he kept a watchful eye on her the whole time.
The girl in the raincoat, slowly reached down and placed a hand on the cool surface and instantly felt a tingling in her fingertips which quickly jumped up her arm and she ripped her hand away in surprise, letting out a gasp.
Marco was at her side in an instant, checking her arm for damage as he asked in a panic, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Star replied in a far-off tone, her gaze never leaving the reflective surface. She slowly approached the mirror again but this time picked it up off the pillow. As she did, she felt a new strength fill her bones, that strange tingling sensation flooding her insides causing her to become slightly disoriented. Her head buzzed with strange energy causing her to lose focus for a second and she shook her head to try and clear it. But the strangest of all was that the mirror seemed to be... calling to her. Was this why she had been so desperate to come here? Was the mirror leading her here all along? To her destiny? To her chosen fate?
If so, what was her fate? To defeat the Lady? Or die trying? Star didn't have an answer for that yet, but she was about to get one. She looked over at Marco who was watching her nervously, clearly unsettled by her bizarre behavior but she didn't have time to deal with that right now. She needed to find the Lady and end this nightmare once and for all.
So without a word, she headed back the way they had come, Marco following close on her heels, shouting, "Wait! Star, where are we going?"
"To find the Lady," was all Star said in reply as she ducked under the loose boards and into the next room.
But what waited for her on the other side, left her frozen in her tracks, everything around Star seeming to stop as she saw the Lady standing in the middle of the massive room. Her back was to Star but something told the blonde that the Lady knew she was there. The girl took a panicked step back, bumping into Marco who had also completely frozen up, unable to move or look away from the figure lurking before them. The mirror shook in her grip as she trembled in fear, her racing heart threatening to burst out of her chest.
Still, Star summoned up her courage and sucking in a deep breath took a step closer to the Lady, her foot making an unfortunate creak on the loose floorboard. But the woman didn't acknowledge the sudden sound or the kids in any way and so Star seized her opportunity and tip-toed towards her, tightening her grip on the mirror as she prepared to do... something. Okay, so she hadn't really figured out how to kill the Lady with a small hand mirror but still. At least she had some way to fight back against this foul witch.
In the blink of an eye, the Lady vanished and Star jumped in surprise, nearly dropping the mirror in her fright. She choked on a scream and quickly shuffled backward, her eyes scanning all around the dark room in search of the Lady. Her breathing became shallow and weak as ice-cold panic filled her veins. Where was she? Thanks to the inky darkness of the room, Star couldn't tell what was a mannequin or the Lady herself, the shadowed forms all around her impossible to differentiate.
Suddenly Marco's panicked voice cut through the moment, screaming out in warning, "Behind you!" Star turned just in time to see the Lady sneaking up on her, floating above the ground in a graceful but terrifying manner. Star closed her eyes and held the mirror as high up as she could, using it as some kind of shield and to her surprise, this actually seemed to work.
The Lady let out a high-pitched scream as the mirror vibrated in her grip. Peaking open her eyes, she saw a strange glowing coming out of the reflective surface and dark smoke pouring off of the Lady as she tried to reach out for Star. But a sudden force from the mirror threw Star to the ground and the Lady walked back into the shadows, clutching her chest as if in pain. The girl in yellow could only stare awestruck in the direction the Lady had disappeared from. She couldn't believe that actually worked. The mirror really did hurt the Lady.
Marco ran over to her and helped her up to her feet, asking worriedly, "You okay?" The girl nodded, snatching up the mirror and bracing it against her chest, while her eyes narrowly examined the room, watching and waiting for the next attack. She would be back.
"Marco, get behind me," Star said in a serious tone and the boy didn't argue, holding the lighter up over his head to provide some sort of illumination around them, feeble as it was, and it was a small comfort to Star. She didn't like the idea of having to face the Lady alone and in the dark. She felt fragile in darkness.
After a few seconds of waiting, however, Star began to feel unnerved. She hated waiting. She wished the Lady would just attack already. As if receiving her wish, the Lady appeared off to Star's left side, floating towards her even faster than before, the folds of her kimono fluttering behind her menacingly. But Star showed no fear as she merely turned in the Lady's direction and held the mirror up. Another burst of light came out of the mirror, as well as a loud ringing noise that caused Star to cringe. Again, Star was thrown to the ground and the Lady let out a howl of pain before vanishing.
Star felt sick as she opened her eyes, her head spinning like crazy, but she forced herself up, grabbing the mirror and getting into the same position as before. It didn't take long before she saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye but turning in that direction revealed nothing. Just more unmoving mannequins. Star's already disoriented mind was left completely stunned by this and her guard dropped in her state of confusion.
The Lady appeared again, this time floating in from behind the two kids. Luckily, Marco was able to spot her in time and quickly pointed her out to Star, who once more turned the power of the mirror onto the cruel witch. The Lady's scream was now a pained shriek but Star felt no sympathy for the monster who had held them captive on this boat. She deserved everything that was coming to her. The Lady, growing desperate now tried to fight through the pain and stepped closer to the pair, reaching out a shrewd claw. But the Lady was no match for the mysterious force behind the mirror and had no choice but to retreat to the shadows again, this time panting heavily from exertion and agony.
Star was lucky enough not to be pushed to the ground again, falling back instead into Marco's waiting hand, the boy catching her and holding her upright. The blonde gave him a quick grateful smile before returning her focus on finding the Lady.
The two moved around in a steady circle, their eyes scanning the inky blackness for any signs of the mysterious creature. Every second for Star seemed to drag on for eternity as she waited for her opponent to make her next move. And the longer it went on, the more doubt began to creep its way into Star's mind.
Unending, unbearable silence.
Not even the floorboards made a creak or groan. There was just... nothing. And that was far more unnerving than the loudest, most ear-piercing wail she had ever heard. She didn't know how much time had passed at this point but it felt like a year. Was the Lady behind this? Was she using her power to stop time or something?
Finally, she heard the flutter of fabric and turned to the source of the sound but saw nothing. Okay, that was weird. And creepy. Star gulped, trying not to let her fear show.
"Wh-Where is she?" Star whispered shakily, needing something to break the silence, if only for a second.
"There!" Marco shouted, pointing to a shifting shape off to their left. But as soon as it had come, it was gone, leaving the two shaking kids alone in the dark.
Star was starting to get paranoid, she was no longer sure what was a shadow and what was a real person. Not to mention the longer she held the mirror the sicker she felt. Her vision was starting to blur, making it even harder to tell where the Lady was, and her head felt fuzzy. The small mirror now weighed heavily in her arms which were starting to ache from the effort of holding it up, while her ears now rang with the familiar chime of the mirror's magic. Star wasn't sure how much longer she could keep this up.
There was another shift behind her and she turned to see what it was before something clattered to the ground next to her and she jumped. It was one of the mannequins, toppled over and now laying in the sight of the flickering firelight. Star took a few deep breaths, taking a step back, expecting to be greeted by Marco, needing to feel his presence to fuel her with courage but he wasn't there. Instead, a dark shadow fell over her and she turned to see the Lady towering over her, Marco suspended in the air by some form of smoky black cloud, struggling and gasping for air. Star, seeing her friend in peril quickly lifted the mirror, hoping attacking the Lady with it would cause her to release her friend. But before the pain with a simple wave of her hand, the woman flung poor Marco straight at Star.
The girl had no time to counter as Marco's fragile body collided with hers, sending both of them tumbling to the ground. Star groaned in pain as she slowly opened her eyes, her head spinning so bad at this point she could hardly think. She slowly raised her head, ignoring the wave of nausea that followed the movement, and gritted her teeth as she forced her aching body to rise off the wooden floor. She looked around blindly in the dark for a second (the lighter going out from the Lady's harsh attack) trying to spot her companion somewhere.
Until she heard his scream.
New terror gripped at her heart as she turned wide-eyed to see Marco once more suspended in the air by the Lady's powers. Dark energy flowing off of him and into the Lady herself. Marco was jerking around in a panic, trying someway to get free but it was no use. The Lady had him completely under her control. Her faceless mask showed no remorse as the boy began twitching in her enchanted grip, twisting at awkward angles that looked quite painful to Star's eye.
The blonde felt like her heart was about to stop beating as she watched the most precious thing in the world to her, being manipulated like a puppet by the vile witch. She looked around for the mirror, the only defense they had against the Lady, and found it laying right beside her. She crawled over to it and quickly flipped it over to inspect the damage. Only to stare in pure dread at the shattered surface, cracked and useless now just like all the others. "No," Star whispered in defeat. Feeling tears flood her vision.
She heard another scream from Marco behind her, the pain and terror in her voice, shattering something deep inside her. It couldn't end like this. She promised. She promised she would protect him. She promised they would escape together. She promised the Lady would never harm him.
She had failed him.
Marco was now at the mercy of the Lady and who knew what cruel fate awaited him.
Star felt a new energy coursing in her body, the blind terror and anguish vanishing in an instant.
But it wasn't over yet.
Anger, determination, resolve. These were the emotions that now channeled through her tired body.
She could still save him.
Star rose to her feet, feeling a power unlike anything she had ever experienced flowing through her veins. It was warm and safe and... right.
She could still end this nightmare.
Light was beginning to shine from Star's body, causing her to glow and light up the massive room. She slowly turned to face the Lady, who had begun to back away in discomfort, watching the girl closely now. Star could feel her fear.
The girl in yellow sucked in a deep breath before shouting in the most terrifying and commanding tone she could muster, "Let. Marco. Go. NOW!"
Then with a simple raise of Star's hand, a spiral of bright white energy shot out towards the Lady. The woman held up her hands in feeble defense, her own darkness rising up around her as some form of barrier. But it did no good. In a matter of seconds, Star's light had completely consumed the darkness and now surrounded the Lady herself. The woman let out a desperate scream of both anger and pain, before falling to the ground, finally releasing Marco from her cruel hold.
Still, the light attacked her, hitting her again and again as dark smoke poured from her beaten body. Then finally, the brightest and biggest blast of energy yet spiraled up towards the ceiling before arching back down and headed right for the Lady. It was as if an explosion had gone off, Star and Marco pushed back by the force of the attack, Star covering her face with her hands as she waited for the power to end.
Then it was dark again. But the room was significantly less cold. And as Star slowly lowered her arms, staring in the direction the Lady had just been in, she felt instant relief to see the Lady was gone. There was nothing left of her, only her torn kimono and the cracked remains of her mask was left. Star had done it. She had killed the master of the Maw.
Star let out a deep sigh, unable to believe it was really over. She and Marco were finally free.
At the thought of her companion, she quickly jumped to her feet, spotting Marco's prone form a few feet away from her. The fear returned as she ran over to check on him, screaming, "Marco!" The moment she was at his side, she began to shake him, still screaming his name, hoping she hadn't been too late. Please let him be okay, she begged.
Finally, Marco peeked open his eyes and let out a pained groan but it was the most wonderful sound Star had ever heard. The boy slowly raised his head, staring at her with half-lidded eyes, as he asked, "Wha happened? Did we win?"
Star felt hot tears stream down her face as she pulled him into a tight hug, holding him firmly against her chest, sobbing in relief. "I got you, Marco," was all she managed to choke out, soaking in his warmth and finally allowing herself to relax after the scare.
Marco wrapped his own arms around the girl, hugging her back and giving her a gentle squeeze to try and help soothe her. The two raincoat-wearing kids just lay like that for a few moments, holding each other and crying in relief that they were still together and in one piece.
Finally, Star pulled away staring into the face of her closest and best friend as she said, "I'm so happy you're alright."
"Yeah, thanks to you," the boy replied, though he sounded tired. "How did you beat her anyway?"
"I don't really know," Star answered. She hadn't really considered how she had done what she had done. She had been too preoccupied with saving Marco to really think about how she was saving him. "When I saw the Lady hurting you, I just felt this power, way down deep inside me. And next thing I know I'm glowing and light is shooting out from me."
Marco stared at her in disbelief, asking hesitantly, "Soooo, what like magic?"
Star shrugged. "I guess."
Marco considered this for a moment, before asking, "Can you do it again?"
Star paused, biting her lip, before saying, "I'll try."
She rose to her feet, Marco doing the same and the two kids held their breath as Star raised a hand. She took a few deep breaths, trying to force that same feeling from before to come out, hoping to draw on the power deep inside her. After a few seconds, she felt a warmth in her chest, which quickly filled her whole body, her form once more illuminated by pure light.
Marco stared at her open-mouthed in complete disbelief his friend was doing magic, right before his eyes. But after a couple of seconds, he exclaimed, "Star! You can do magic!"
"Yeah, I guess I can," Star replied with a grin. It felt good to use this power, she felt strong. Like she could do anything. Like nothing could stand in her way.
"I-I can't believe it!" Marco shouted, gripping his hair tightly in his hands. "My best friend has been magic this whole time!"
Star giggled, her cheeks flushing at her friend's praise when a new thought came to her. Her smile quickly turned into a look of determination and resolve. "Marco, do you know what this means?"
The boy shook his head, dumbfounded.
A smile slowly spread on her lips as she said the words she had been dreaming about since waking up on this floating nightmare. "We can finally leave."
The doors to the elevator slid open, revealing a giant room filled with greedy Guests, still stuffing their faces, just like they had been before. None aware their hostess was no more. Marco kept close to Star, his eyes scanning the room nervously, tightening his grip on the Nome he was holding, being Kelly. He could see the large door on the other side of the room, closed tight, their one chance at escape blocked by a thousand monsters.
Star, however, showed no fear stepping out of the elevator, light still swirling around her like a barrier. She took slow, careful strides into the room her eye on the goal ahead. Marco reluctantly followed behind her, making sure to stay as close to Star as possible while herding the Nomes to do the same. Marco jumped as he heard a grunt, turning to see a Guest eying him hungrily from his seat at one of the large tables. He screamed and tried to back away as it reached out a grubby hand to grab him but a simple turn of the head from Star froze the beast in its tracks.
Light swirled around for a second before a crack was heard and it slumped over dead.
Marco took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves, looking over to Star in disbelief. He saw her smile at him from underneath the hood, telling him softly, "Don't worry I'm not gonna let anything touch you."
Marco felt an odd relief at that and began following after Star at a bit quicker a pace. A few lamps to Stars side shattered the moment she walked by, bits of glass scattering on the floor but Star didn't seem to notice or care. Her attention was on the Guests around them, anytime one of them would even look their way, Star would turn to them and a second later they would fall over lifelessly. It was both terrifying and beautiful to Marco, seeing Star this powerful and in control. It was a feeling that neither of them had ever felt before. They had always been at the bottom of the food chain and Marco couldn't even imagine how Star must be feeling at that moment.
None of the Guests seemed to notice their companions' corpses dropping dead around them, too blinded by their greed to even look up from their plates and the few who did only seemed to do so when they spotted the two kids and their gnomes, their fat, sluggish bodies reaching out to claim their meals, only to be stopped by a single turn from Stars head.
Finally, the group made it to the other side of the room, leaving a pile of dead monsters and shattered glass in their wake, standing in front of the large, eye-shaped door that would finally free them for this nightmarish ship. The two stared at it for a moment and Marco was about to ask how they were going to get it open when the doors slowly slid open on their own. Marco turned to Star, seeing if she had something to do with it, but her face remained blank.
Beautiful, glorious light filled the entrance and Marco blinked both from being partially blinded and from the tears that dripped down his cheeks. It was better than he had imagined, as he felt the sunlight warming his cold, tired body. Next to him, Star pulled down her hood and the boy turned to his companion in surprise. The blond just smiled, the first real smile he thought he had ever seen on her lips and he returned the wide grin with one of his own, pulling back his own hood.
"Ready?" Star asked in a gentle voice, her blue eyes dancing and her blond hair glowing in the sunlight.
Marco nodded, replying in a confident tone, "As I'll ever be."
The two-faced forward again, now able to make out the long staircase leading up to a flood of beautiful light, and they silently linked hands, before starting up the staircase. The gnomes ran around them excitedly as they ascended the cold, metal steps. The two never looked away from the light though, both craving to disappear onto it, to finally be safe from the nightmarish ship.
As Star and Marco reached the top steps, they could hear lapping waves and seagull calls, they could smell the saltwater in the air and feel a warm breeze against their skin, all these sensations combined sending goosebumps down their spines. And as they took that final step into the light and off their dreaded prison forever, they both squeezed each other's hands tight. Star and Marco had no idea what new life awaited them outside the Maw but they no longer feared the unknown, cause no matter what happened, whatever dangers or joys awaited them, they were safe in the knowledge that no matter what they would always have each other.
Now and forever.
And no nightmare could ever change that.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Just Friends (Part 1)
You had first met the Winchester boys when they were working on a werewolf case near your town. They had come into the library to research their case.
At the time, you were living with your best friend in a small apartment at the edge of town. One night, she was out walking in the woods with her boyfriend. That was the last night you ever saw her, because she and her boyfriend were captured and killed in those woods by the werewolf.
She was wearing your sweater that night, so the werewolf had also caught your scent. It would've made you its next victim if Sam and Dean hadn't shown up in town and killed it. After your best friend's death, you really didn't feel like staying in your shared apartment alone anymore. So, the Winchesters let you move in.
This was not without a loud protest from Dean, though. He didn't want to have to take responsibility for yet another person, especially someone not yet experienced in hunting monsters.
It wasn't just the responsibility factor, either. Dean just didn't seem to like you. He frowned when there were no eggs to go with breakfast, even though you'd already made pancakes and bacon. Instead of blueberry muffins, he wanted banana nut muffins. If you wanted Chinese food, he wanted pizza, and on it went.
You were determined to win Dean over. You knew he had an obsession with pie, and your mother was an expert baker. One day, you were slicing apples to make the best damn apple pie Dean had ever tasted. When you had enough apples for the pie, you added the rest of the ingredients to the filling and set it aside. You then turned your attention to making the crust, measuring the flour, adding the eggs and other items.
Sam walked into the kitchen for a bottle of water and looked around for a snack. "What happened to all of the apples?" he asked.
You gave him a sheepish grin and confessed that you had sliced them all for the pie. Sam shook his head and grinned. "Is that for Dean?" he gestured towards the bowl.
"Yep, I don't know what his obsession with pie is, but I'm learning to just go with it," you replied.
"Is there another reason you're doing this?" Sam asked gently.
You stopped what you were doing and looked Sam in the eye. "I'm trying to get Dean to like me, because I don't think he does. All we ever do is disagree on just about everything. If I say movie, he wants to listen to music," you finished.
"He does like you. Dean sometimes takes a while to warm up to people," Sam explained. "Give him a chance, he'll come around. That pie is a step in the right direction, though. Can't wait to taste it," he winked as he headed back to the library.
An hour and a half later, you pulled a perfectly baked apple pie out of the oven and set it on the counter to cool. You went back to your room to gather your dirty clothes so you could start a load of laundry. Then you planned on getting lost in a book for a while until the pie had a chance to completely cool.
Dean followed the scent of cinnamon to the kitchen, where his eyes beheld the glorious sight of a freshly baked apple pie sitting on the counter. He wondered where it had come from, and decided to have a slice. He cut himself a generous piece and slid it onto a plate. He took the first bite and was in heaven. "Hey Sam?" he hollered.
Sam came over to see what Dean was shouting about, and you followed close behind. "What, Dean?" he asked.
"Where did this pie come from? It's phenomenal!" he raved.
"I made it this afternoon," you answered, a shy smile gracing your face.
"Oh. Maybe you could put in a little more sugar and cinnamon next time, hmm?" he said.
Your smile fell at hearing one more thing you couldn't seem to do right for Dean to like you. "Sorry, I'll try to remember that next time. Excuse me," you murmured, hurrying off to your room.
Sam angrily turned on his older brother. "What the hell, Dean? She worked really hard on that pie FOR YOU. She's convinced herself that you don't like her, which you clearly don't if you can't see how much you hurt her just now. She made that pie to try and get you to like her. So for once, you'd have one damn piece of common ground where you're not disagreeing on everything."
"She went to all that trouble just to make this for me?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, and judging by how you criticized her efforts, I would say you can probably count on her never doing it again. If I were her, I sure as hell wouldn't," Sam retorted.
Dean walked over to your door and he could swear he heard crying. He softly knocked and waited to see if you would answer.
"I'm sleeping, Dean," you answered, your voice still thick with emotion.
"No you're not, and I'm coming in," he replied, not waiting for your response. When he opened the door, he wasn't prepared to see your usually bright hazel eyes full of tears.
"Dean, I told you I was sleeping. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I know you don't like me, so I'll just stay out of your way from now on. Okay? Good talk, then. Goodnight," you said, trying to push him out of your room.
He braced his arms on either side of the doorway, preventing you from pushing him away. "Wait. I want--no, I need--you to know something," he started.
"What, Dean? Please tell me so I can go back to sleep," you pleaded.
"I'm sorry for what I said about the pie. It really was the best I've ever had. I didn't know you could bake like that," Dean remarked.
"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me. Like you should know I was taught how to bake by the best, my mom, who was taught by her mom, and so on," you explained. "I'm glad you liked the pie. I hope you're not apologizing just so I won't stop baking them for you," you replied warily.
Dean chuckled. "No, I was really apologizing. For that, and for the way I've been treating you since you got here. So, this may be a little late, but welcome to the team," he said, holding his hand out for you to shake.
"Friends, then. Or at least want-to-get-to-know-you-better people," you teased, drawing a smile from the elder Winchester. "Goodnight, Dean," you said softly and closed the door.
Over the next few months, you asked to be trained to become a hunter. You had self-defense sessions with both Sam and Dean, research with Sam and weapons practice with Dean. In between training sessions, you spent time getting to know the boys a little better, and they got to learn more about you.
As time went on, you found yourself having certain thoughts about Dean that weren't there before. At first, you tried to push those thoughts down, talk yourself out of it, that what you were feeling wasn't what you thought it was. However, the longer it went on, the harder and harder it was to deny it: you were in love with Dean Winchester.
What made matters complicated is when you went to the bar after finishing a hunt. You knew how the night was going to end. Dean would be cozied up to some bar chick that had the hair, eyes, legs and a butt to die for, and you were just....you.
It did little to change your feelings towards Dean, though, because you valued his friendship and his happiness above all else. However, it still stung, because you were hoping Dean would see that these women didn't appreciate him the way you did.
You saw past his mossy green eyes that seemed to look directly into your soul. His well-defined chest with the anti-possession tattoo on it. His strong but gentle hands that gave you goosebumps each time they touched yours in passing. Past his tough-guy outside to the kind, thoughtful and honorable man he was underneath.
One night after coming home from a wendigo hunt, you, Sam and Dean were at the bar in town, as usual. Dean had brought back to the table a beer for each of you and excused himself to the restroom. Sam watched you as you absently twirled your beer bottle without drinking it.
"So, when are you going to tell him?" he asked.
"Tell who, what Sam?" you responded cautiously.
"Tell Dean that you are in love with him," Sam replied.
"That's ridic--" you started.
"Oh come on, I'm not blind. Neither is Cas, and he said something first," Sam explained.
"Castiel knows?" you whispered. "I'm just fooling myself anyway, Sam. Dean doesn't see me as anything but a friend. Doesn't change the way I feel about him, though," you said softly.
"Listen, any man would be lucky to have you look at him the way you look at Dean. He's just too hard-headed to notice. I know I would be lucky, but you love Dean, not me. You should tell him," Sam advised.
"Maybe, Sam. Maybe," you said as you gave him a quick smile and excused yourself to the restroom. As you rounded a corner, you nearly stumbled into a couple with their arms wrapped around each other. You noticed the man was smiling and making serious eye contact with a gorgeous blonde. Then you realized who "he" was. A look of hurt crossed your face as Dean called out your name.
You threw open the restroom door and gripped the sink, trying to steady your nerves. You decided that you'd had enough fun for one night, and that you were going home. As you walked out of the restroom, you overheard Dean's conversation with the blonde.
"Well, who is she? How do you know her? Is she your girlfriend?" the blonde demanded.
"She's someone I work with, I guess you could say we're friends. She's not my girlfriend, we're not involved or anything. It's not like that between us," Dean explained.
Dean did not see you as you walked past him and the blonde, then over to your table. You told Sam you were going home because you were tired. He said he understood and offered to drive you home, but you declined. Sam suspected it was something else that made you want to leave but he didn't say anything. You walked back to the bunker, silently cursing because you'd forgotten your jacket and a cold wind was blowing.
You changed out of your cold clothes, took a shower to warm up and got into your pajamas. Then you locked your bedroom door and crawled in under the covers. You didn't want to talk to anyone about anything that happened in the bar tonight, especially with either Sam or Dean. Silent sobs wracked your body as you lay in bed. Unfortunately, you now had confirmation that Dean wasn't and probably never would be in love with you.
Over the next few weeks, you mostly kept to yourself in your room. When you ate, you took your meals mostly in your room, while doing a lot of reading and watching Netflix. After that night in the bar, you just couldn't face what you felt was pity in Sam's eyes or Dean's indifference. In fact, you realized that it hurt too much to see the boys day after day. You decided that you couldn't stay in the bunker anymore. As soon as you had the place to yourself, you would be packing up and leaving.
On the way home from a hunt, Dean shared some of his observations about you with Sam.
"I'm telling you, Sam, something isn't right with her," Dean said. "In the past few weeks, she's hardly come out of her room much, if at all. Even when she does, she hardly says two words to either of us, and that's only when we speak to her first. Plus, I don't think she's eating on a regular basis either. That and....I miss her."
"Really? I had no idea you felt this way, Dean," Sam remarked.
"I've gotten to know her, through her hunter training, and in between sessions. Let me tell you, she's something else. Picks up on new skills after being shown only a couple of times, she's an excellent shot. AND she can almost kick my ass," he chuckled.
"Is that all, Dean? What about off-the-job? How do you feel about her?" Sam asked.
Dean paused for a few moments before answering. "Ah, Sam, she's amazing. Her eyes are so expressive. You can almost tell what she's thinking just by looking in her eyes. Her smile is so genuine and it lights up her whole face. She has a kind heart, she always looks for the best in people, and she definitely doesn't give up on anyone or anything. That much is obvious after the way things started out between us. Most women wouldn't have put up with me or my crap for that long," Dean finished.
"Well, when did you first start noticing that something was ‘off’ with her?" Sam asked.
"There was that night we all went to the bar after that wendigo hunt. I was hanging around with that blonde chick, and....Oh Chuck," Dean said as the color drained from his face.
"What?" said Sam.
"When she walked by me on her way to the restroom, that blonde asked me if she was my girlfriend. I said it wasn't like that between us, that she was someone I worked with, a friend," Dean replied.
"Hmm. She came back to the table and told me she was leaving, that she was tired. I offered to drive her back to the bunker, but she decided to walk. I went to her door to try and talk to her when we got back, but her door was locked and the lights were off," Sam explained.
"She must have overheard what I said to that blonde. Dammit. Try her cell, will you? I've got a bad feeling about this," Dean said grimly.
Sam tried calling you, but it went straight to voicemail. "Nothing, no answer," Sam replied, as Dean mashed down the accelerator.
"Dean, what do you think is going on?" Sam asked.
"I don't know, Sam. I just have a bad feeling that for some reason or another, she won't be there when we get home," Dean explained.
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carl-grimxz · 5 years
Confused Feelings- Part 7
Carl Grimes x Reader
Part 7
Summary: Finally Y/N and Carl are together. Now they are able to be happy and in love. Woohoo we love happy endings.
Word Count: 2,581
Warnings: Slight smut... ;)
A/N: I’m so sorry this has take me so long to get out!!! This is the final part though and I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it. This is literally the first time I have written anything but I’ve been missing Carl sooo much since he’s been gone and needed to keep him alive somehow. I’m open to requests if anyone has any ideas for any other Carl imagines!!!! Please enjoy and thank you to everyone who has been reading xxx
It took us a while before we were actually ready to go and read comics together. Unbeknownst to us the adults in our lives had other plans. Rick wanted Carl to help out with the reinforcement of our security measures. Making and putting up sharp sticks on the other side of the fences to stop the walkers coming in again was the top priority. Then there was Sasha. She wanted me to help her and a few others get the house in better shape. Make it more ‘liveable’ you know.
Anyway this put Carl and I’s plan to hang out on hold for most of the day. I was pretty pissed about it and he seemed to be feeling the same way. I overheard Rick tell him ‘Y/N isn’t going anywhere’ in a whisper, when Carl was trying to get out of helping him. 
It was cute that he was fighting to spend time with me.
Eventually we both caved and agreed to do our bit to help out, then we’d have the entire remainder of the day to do whatever.
“Ok! That’s about it I think.” Sasha announced after having finished gathering all the spare weapons into one makeshift armoury in the study. We had been working non-stop for like 4 hours
“About time” I replied, relieved. I am exhausted.
“I know I know”, she laughed. “You’ve got places to go, boys in sheriff hats to see”. The look on her face was as smug as I’ve ever seen it.
I sighed, but laughed along with her. “Hey you’re the one that was all for this” I raised a brow at her and put my hands on my hips.
“Ummhmm. Go on you’re free to go”
“Thanks, Sasha” I grinned, already on my way out the door.
“Have fun” She let out a laugh.
I immediately left the room and went out into the main living area, assuming that if Carl is done with his chores then that’s where he’ll be. On a quick glance around I saw Carol and Michonne sat having a chat but no Carl.
He’s probably still helping Rick so I move to the windows to see if I can spot him outside. Sure enough, there he is. He seems to be using a knife to sharpen long pieces of wood for the barrier to the fences with his dad.
I decide to go out and see how they’re doing.
They both see me coming and Carls face lights up as we lock eyes.
“Need any help?”
Rick gives me a smile and shakes his head. “Nah we’ll start packing up for the day soon” I nod my head in response. “Why don’t you two go hang out, take a look at those comics you’re dyin’ to read” he looks directly at Carl and continues, “Although I’m sure it’s not the comics that’s your main concern”.
“Dad.” Carl became embarrassed and stood up to leave. “Coming?”, he asked stopping next to me.
“Yeah” I laughed at his desperation to get away from his dad. “Thanks Rick” I added as we began to walk back towards the house.
“Yep”, he said, sounding pleased with himself.
Carl lead me up to his room and shut the door behind us.
“How was it out there?” I ask wondering if his day has dragged as much as mine has.
“Boring. You?” He muttered while taking a seat on his bed.
“Well… I guess now we’re free to do whatever we want.” 
I let out a content sigh while moving towards him.
“Yeah” I agreed, sitting opposite him with my legs crossed. “So… comics?” I chuckled a little.
Carl laughed too, and went across to his backpack, getting a few out and bringing them back over. He came next to me this time, laying down on his stomach. He spread the selection out in front of us.
“Which one first?”
“Ummm” I thought about it while eyeing them up. “Spiderman, for sure”
“Good choice” He smiled up at me, and opened it up.
We had been reading the comics together in comfortable silence for a while, both now laying on our stomachs, when I felt Carls eyes on me. He keeps glancing at me every now and then. It makes me a little nervous.
I turn my head towards him and we make eye contact for only a split second before he looks straight back at the comic. I smile to myself.
“What?” I ask curiously.
“Huh” He looks back at me.
“You were staring”.
“Was I?”
“Carl.” I said leaning up on my hands, to get a better look at him.
“I was just thinking…” He said looking at the comic still, and then back at me. “You’re really pretty.”
I looked at him blankly, kind of speechless to be honest. I’ve never been called pretty before. I mean I know he likes me but, for some reason I didn’t think he thought about that.
“You are” he uttered, after he didn’t get a response.
I smile tenderly at the boy, thinking how lucky I am to be here with him.
He smiled too, looking straight into my eyes with his beautiful blue ones.
I only now notice how close he is to me. Ever so subtly glancing to and from my lips. I can feel his hot breath on them.
He leans in and closes the gap between us. His soft lips melt into mine, slowly at first and then something inside of me makes my hips roll closer to him. Almost like it’s an automatic response. At this he grips me harder, hands travelling up my back and round to my hips. We makeout much more intensely than our first couple of kisses. It’s like I can’t get enough of him. Carl turns slightly so that I’m underneath him, all while our lips still move in sync. I cup his face and his own hands move up to my chest caressing me gently.
I have never really thought about the thing that is bound to come next. Not until this very moment anyway. I want to. I want to share everything I have with him. It takes everything within me to stop myself from going all the way with him right now, but we can’t. Not right now when anyone could walk in. 
I lean away ever so slightly and Carl stops.
“Sorry” He says out of breath. Bless his sweet heart.
“No, it’s ok.” I say, not meaning to make him feel bad. I lean up on to my elbows and Carl rolls off of me looking embarrassed. 
“It’s just…” I don’t know how to say it. He might not even be ready to go all the way, but it felt like that’s where this was heading so I should say something.
Carl looks at me curiously. Clearly worrying over what I’m going to say.
“I want to… you know” It came out as a half question and when my eyes meet his own his eyebrows raise in realisation and I know that he knows what I’m referring to.
“We can’t though. Not now… anyone could come in” I explain feeling awkward.
“But you want to? I mean… you’re ready?” He holds my hand gently.
I nod my head.
“Are you?” I ask quietly.
He too nods his head at me.
I can’t help but smile shyly at him.
Carl turns his head back to the door in thought, and then back to me.
“Tonight. Once everyone is asleep. Come back then?” I’ve never seen him so decisive. It makes me want to even more.
“Ok” I bite my lip ever so slightly and kiss him once again. After a second I pull away and stand up off of the bed, grinning at him and then turning towards the door. 
The next thing I know, Carl has got up after me and whipped me round towards him again as I’m about to leave. He gives me a look of pure lust and places his lips on mine once more. I let out a giggle and peck his cheek before I open the door. 
“See you later” I smirk, and with that I’m out in the hall excited to be back in that room tonight.
We all ate together as usual a couple of hours later and I could definitely tell that something had shifted between Carl and I. It was a sort of tension… but the good kind. It felt like all of a sudden I saw him differently. I wanted to rip his clothes off ever since our makeup session earlier. What has come over me? 
I’ve never felt this way before, not that I’m aware of anyway. All I know is that I love this boy and that I’m ready.
Slowly, everyone started going up to bed and after saying my goodnights I went up too. 
I make eye contact with Carl and nudge my head towards the hallway to get him to follow me. He got the hint and once we were out the door I pulled him by his t-shirt out of sight even more. He smirked at my assertiveness.
“I’ll head up to my room…” I smiled, looking into his eyes seductively. “Once I know everyone is asleep… I’ll sneak over” 
“Ok” is all Carl said, while staring deeply down at me. That’s all he needed to say. The look on his face did all of the talking, and I can tell that he wants this as much as I do.
He placed a sweet kiss to my forehead and turned to join the last few people remaining downstairs.
I was left with goosebumps. All I want is to be with him. Always. Tonight will be a long time coming.
I waited patiently in my room, checking every now and then for signs that anyone was still awake.
After around an hour I decided that everyone must be asleep by now and I moved to the mirror to check that I looked ok for the last time. 
I sighed looking at my appearance. I’m nervous. But I know that I want this with Carl. I want him.
After fussing over my hair and if I’m honest, stalling I leave my room trying my hardest to stay silent and creep over to Carls room.
My hand lingers over the doorknob, trying to prepare myself.
After a moment, I gather all of my nerve and open the door, going inside.
Carl is sat on his bed, presumably reading one of the comics that we hadn’t managed to finish earlier.
He nervously stood up, placing the comic on his bedside table and made his way towards me slowly.
“Hey” I whispered nervously.
“Everyone asleep?”
“Think so” I nod, stepping closer to him and close the distance between us.
He nods slowly in thought. “You sure you want to do this?”
“I’ve never been so sure of anything Carl”
He chuckles slightly and looks directly into my eyes. 
With a look of pure lust he speaks again, “Me either”.
With that, I lean up and bring his lips down onto mine.
Very quickly Carls hands were all over me. We could barely get enough of each other. 
My hands run down his chest to the bottom of his t-shirt and I begin to tug at it, wanting it off. He breaks away from me, grabbing it himself and pulls it up and over his head, throwing off into the corner of the room. 
I’ve never seen his chest before but he actually has a very lean and toned torso, making me want him even more.
I take off my own shirt, as he takes off his jeans and Carl looks at me with wonder in his wide eyes. I’m stood in my bra and jeans and subconsciously cover my stomach with my arms nervously as he takes in my appearance.
Carl grabs my hands, pulling them down as he begins kissing me again.
“You’re so beautiful” He says and it sends chills all over my body.
He moves his hands all over, caressing me gently and rests them at the button of my jeans.
“Can I?” He asks, eager to go further.
I nod, smiling and Carl goes back to unbuttoning my jeans, while kissing me passionately. Her pulls them down and I step out of them. We’re both now left in just our underwear.
Carls arms reach behind me, bringing me closer and walks us back to the bed behind him. We fall clumsily down and I lay on top of him. My lips are still on his and my hips begin to grind down onto his noticeably going bulge. His hands stroke my back for a moment before beginning to unfasten my bra. Her does so surprisingly quickly and pulls it down my arms. 
While Carl takes in my form I take the opportunity to drag the comforter over the two of us. 
I then meet his soft lips with my own again and feel his hands come up to my breasts and he starts massaging them. It feels so good and I grind down onto him even more. 
Carl flips me over quickly and is now on top, sucking at my neck. After a few moments I tug at his long hair between my fingers, and pull his lips back up to mine. My hands fall to the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down. Carl rises up from me a little and removes them before moving his hands to my panties and slides them off. His eyes look me over with lust as he takes in the sight of me naked in front of him for the first time. He settles his hips between my thighs.
I let out a shaky breath and nod.
Carl positions himself and eases himself inside me carefully. I can tell he’s nervous too.
Carl practically whimpers with pleasure as he slides himself inside me slowly, pausing so that I can adjust to the feeling. I was expecting it to hurt but it isn’t actually that bad. I move my hips up, signalling to him that I’m ok. More than ok.
I moan a little, scratching his back in bliss.
“Y/N” He moans back to me, clearly enjoying this too.
I wrap my legs around his waist, to pull him deeper and can slowly begin to feel something building up within me. Carl started thrusting a little harder and faster and before long I’m arching my back up in euphoria.
“Oh my god” He gasps, as he finishes and we ride out our highs.
He kisses me with all of the emotion in the world and slumps down beside me. We take a moment to catch our breaths.
“I love you so much Y/N” He says, his arm going underneath me in an embrace.
“I love you Carl… more than anything.”
That was better than anything I have ever experienced. In this moment I know that I am going to do anything it takes to live a long and happy life with him. This world is tough but with Carl… I feel like we can get through whatever is thrown our way. To think only a couple of days ago my feelings were as confused as they could possibly get. Now things couldn’t be clearer…
Carl Grimes always has been and will always be the love of my life.
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