#brand citizenship
shivjoys · 1 year
if greg is canadian then he’s one of those guys who spent half his childhood in the U.S and is always talking about it like it will give him status points (it doesn’t)
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
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I mean every time I see this post I side eye it because Mx. Web is right but yeah I guess it's somehow a twitter thing
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neyatimes · 11 months
SLASA: Amputee football association brings together Sierra Leone's civil war survivors
CNN  —  On a busy weekend in Freetown, Sierra Leone, dozens of people gather to watch an afternoon football match not unlike countless others you’d find anywhere else in the world. But there’s one striking difference – these players are all amputees. They’re members of the Single Leg Amputee Sports Association (SLASA), an organization co-founded by pastor Mambud Samai in 2001 after he returned…
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whincorp · 11 months
Get a passport to a new life with the Dominica Citizenship Program. Enjoy visa-free travel to over 130 countries, and enjoy a host of other benefits. Invest in your future today.
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worldspotlightnews · 1 year
Mexico investigates migration chief over deadly fire in detention center | CNN
CNN  —  Mexican authorities are investigating the head of the country’s immigration agency, in the wake of last month’s deadly fire in a migrant detention center that killed at least 38 people and left dozens injured. Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed on Wednesday that the Attorney General’s Office is probing Francisco Garduño, commissioner of the National Institute of…
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reportwire · 1 year
After a tragic shipwreck, no peace for the dead or living | CNN
CNN  —  Two weeks after a boat packed with migrants sank off the coast of southern Italy, there is still no peace for the living or the dead, and the missing – mostly children – continue to wash up on the beaches. The latest – a girl aged five or six – was discovered on Saturday morning, bringing the toll from when the ill-fated boat broke apart on the rocks on February 26 off the village of…
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vyapaarjagat · 1 year
The Sustainable living Caring for Climate Guide For Everyone
The Sustainable living Caring for Climate Guide For Everyone
Aarya Chavda Ardent and zealous reformer of change, 13-year-old Aarya Chavda began her journey as an Author, Illustrator, Speaker, Heritage and Environment Crusader, at the age of 6. Since then, she has been fundraising for a cause by donating her art and book proceeds for the welfare of underprivileged cancer patients. Aarya outperforms her age. Through her books on the diverse cultural…
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy birthday!!!! More FMA!
He’s fucking tired.
In Xerxes, he’s Van Edris. In Xerxes, he’s the son of a former slave, having narrowly escaped being born into his father’s fate by virtue of him being awarded freedom by the time of his birth. In Xerxes, he’s an uncommon commodity, an alchemist with a skill that hasn’t been seen since his father fucked off to who knows where.
In Amestris, he’s Edward Elric. In Amestris, he’s the son of Trisha Elric who was born free and died free because while there are lots of different forms of freedom, in Amestris there’s one that everyone shares. In Amestris, he’s unknown and unremarkable and no one gives a fuck about what he does.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he says flatly.
This is what he gets for visiting his father’s country. It’s just fucking unfortunate that the really good alchemical texts are here.
He should have let Al (Van Altun, as they know him, even though the two of them having been using their Amestrian names almost their whole lives, regardless of what country they were in) do it. They’re not nearly as weird about him.
Pakor is alright, as far as kings go. He’s freed a lot of people, is poking at the laws of ownership that has governed his country for centuries to see if he can do anything about them without getting beheaded for it. He’s also known Ed since he was a barely able to walk, back when his father still made court appearances and brought the family along with him. Former slave against most talented alchemist in the country, and people tended to politely ignore the former. Hell, Ed’s been counting on the same thing since he was twelve.
Of course, now it’s coming back to bite him. People say he’s a genius, but if he was really smart he would have stayed far, far away from court. Like in Amestris, perhaps.
“You’re fluent in both languages,” Pakor says, coaxing.
“So are you,” he says accusingly. “We’re speaking Amestrian right now!”
Pakor sighs and switches to Xerxian. “You also speak Xingese and Drachman. You’re a difficult man to keep secrets from.”
“I’m also Amestrian!” he shouts. “And free, might I add! You can’t sell me off to slavery just to get some intel!”
“It’s not like we’ll brand you,” he says, affronted, and Ed is reminded that alright for a king is still pretty shitty. “We just need someone to do a little – double checking. To ensure the situation in Amestris is as it’s advertised.”
“You want to gift me to the Fuhrer to spy on him and you’re, what, just hoping he doesn’t notice that I understand everything and know everything and am, oh yeah, one of his citizens? I’ve been to Central before! With my luck, I’ll get recognized the first day here and then run out of Amestris! And, again, Amestris doesn’t have slaves! The leader of the country really can’t have one.”
Pakor sighs. “You’re very dramatic, Edris. It won’t be so bad. Here, I’ll say you’re my personal slave and that you’re on loan. It’ll be for cultural exchange purposes. He speaks Xingese, so you can communicate in that language without letting on you know Amestrian.”
Ed pinches the bridge of his nose. “This is a stupid fucking idea.”
“If you do this,” Pakor says, “I’ll give you the key to the royal library.”
Ed slowly lowers his hand, eyes narrowing. “I’ve been asking you to let me in there for years.”
“I figured I’d need to bargain it away eventually,” he says. “I was hoping you’d marry one of my daughters for it.” Having even light court obligations is bad enough, he’s in no way stupid enough to marry in. “You’re very difficult, you know. I’m your king. I shouldn’t have to bargain with you.”
“Tough shit,” Ed says, because Pakor may have known him for nearly twenty years, but that knowing goes both ways. Besides, he can’t piss him off because then he and Al will stop reparing all their shit bridges and infrastructure. “Fine. But if I lose my Amestrian citizenship over this, I’m going to be pissed.”
“Noted,” Pakor says brightly.
It doesn’t help that everything he’s heard about Fuhrer Mustang makes the man sound insufferable.
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
It's all connected. Corporations began marketing gay pride themed merchandise. An increase in "I-identify-as" populations began to flood gay bars and events, where outward appearance (marketed as "gender expression") became heavily emphasized.
Commercial visibility and marketability does not equal human rights progress.
Ability to consume does not equal citizenship to an oppressed group.
Biology, (referring to sexual orientation and sex) is not a brand you can buy into or boycott out of.
Corporations selling rainbows do not reflect our values.
The churning out of new "all inclusive" pride flags to pledge allegiance to is not indicative of liberation.
A historical homosexual slur being sold by the multi-billion dollar media obfuscates predominantly lesbian relationships ("queer women", "queer relationship") and retraumatizes many gay and lesbian people.
Gay pride only extending to people able to purchase detracts from the meaning of gay pride and distracts from the struggles of the most vulnerable. It positions the most privileged within marginalized and oppressed groups as those who represent the whole.
And associating body modification, aestheticism, and "expression" with self identity turns the lived experiences and material realities of entire subgroups of people into niche market categories that people who aren't even a part of these groups can identify into and out of based on social trends.
Biology becomes devalued, overshadowed by the social and manufactured "genders". Infinite genders means infinite target audiences. Lived, material realities of certain groups of people become materialism.
Human rights movements are becoming human rights industries, with the wealthy more directly capitalizing off of the exploitation of the poor, of the homosexual, of the female, of the immigrant, of the dark skinned, of the mentally ill, of the disabled, of the sick, of the marginalized and oppressed.
Don't buy into it.
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thebarontheabyss · 12 days
Hello, everyone. This one is quite lengthy, so feel free to skip it, but I feel the need to put it out there.
The next update is scheduled for the end of May, a deadline I can definitely meet ❤️
I've been writing this draft for months now, unsure what to say or how to say it, but I’m so tired at this point I’m just going to word vomit everything.
I live in Israel, an apartheid state that is committing a genocide against the Palestinian people. Having this opinion around here brands you as a traitor and puts you in direct opposition with 95% of the Jewish population. Especially in the past year, it can make you feel incredibly isolated. Being a leftist around here is kind of like being back in the closet for me.
I always knew something is wrong about this place, and so I refused to join the IDF when I was 20 (Just said i’ll kill myself if enlisted lol) But seriously, I was, and still am, ashamed of my roots and didn’t know how exactly to talk about it here.
Although my platform is extremely small, I still want to speak out and say that there are people in Israel who are not genocidal freaks, although we are a tiny minority.
In recent years, I’ve been trying to get another citizenship so I can move, but the process is long and expensive. I also lost my job half a year ago, which has made this even more difficult to achieve. In the beginning, working on the game really helped, but I eventually sank deeper into depression that I’m currently fighting against.
"The Bar on the Abyss" has been a source of solace and expression for me. In a way, this game is my way of processing and coping with the reality I live in. Although it provides an escape, sometimes real life breaks through the dam you create and floods you.
But my situation is nothing compared to the people of Gaza right now. Although it's extremely difficult to oppose the occupation from the inside, there are organizations that are working towards this goal. For instance, I support the ISA branch in Israel, which does great work.
I also reblogged a donation post today if anyone had the money and wants to help ❤️
Anyway, that’s it. I'm feeling really sad and exhausted, and I felt really guilty for a long time by not speaking about this.
I’m trying to cope with this reality, hope I can leave as soon as possible, and more importantly, I hope for the end to the occupation and the genocide.
Stay safe.
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yuwigqi · 3 months
Batfam members by which obscure Olympic Sport(s) they would be (its a stunt for charity or something):
Bruce: His inquisitive nature leads him to ask: Is there a limit on how many Sports You're Allowed to Compete In? Not for him. He wins gold in Golf, Diving, Badminton, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Ice Dancing with Cass (she's not going to prom of course, so this is his best chance at a father-daughter dance) BMX Racing, Men's Skeet (he has nothing against sport shooting! Honest!), Dressage, and Weightlifting (wait? 860 KILOS??), and Beach Volleyball (Dick is his partner). In fact, he already did sports with Dick and Cass! Why not all his kids! Badminton with Bette (she's basically his niece, come on now), Tennis with Jason, Luge with Tim (Tim literally falls asleep on top of him), and 3x3 Basketball with Damian and Duke.
Kate: Kate runs a poll on twitter asking for the "Straightest sport possible" and that's how she ends up doing a fucking 50 kilometer race walk. Why the fuck is walking an Olympic Sport?? I don't know Kathy, its for charity, just do it please. So for one day, Kate turns into Karen, and speed walks 3. Fucking. Hours. Kate is tempted to melt her Bronze of course its fucking bronze medal down into parts for nose piercings out of malic
Luke: Obvs wants to go into a combat sport. Which is why Dick purposefully tells he he wouldn't be able to do anything else, and dares him to try Artistic Gymnastics. He gets Gold in Rings and Silver in Pommel Horse and Vault
Dick: Dick wants to challenge himself by doing the other Gymnastics he's never done. So he signs up for Rhythmic Gymnastics! But...it's a women-only sport. Which is why Dick comes out as genderfluid and is a woman specifically for the games (cue Tim being fucking furious at Dick about enforcing negative stereotypes). And naturally, Dick wins. But also....you know...he kind of really feels...empowered with she/her pronouns. Like....it feels right. And thus, it took winning an Olympic Sport for Dick to realize he was bigender all along.
Bette: She's like actually a Tennis player, so that. Also, she idolizes Dick and wants to impress him with her super good Gymnastics skills. After winning the gold she bites it in tradition, and it actually bends. She actually ended up with a fucking poorly made tin medal fuck this is so embarrassing noone look at me
Babs: Curling, another weird fucking sport. It's basically like shuffleboard on ice. And honestly, like, its not an athletic sport. Honestly, you probably could do it in a wheelchair. And a huge part of it is technique and intellect. It was MADE for Oracle. After she wins Tesla reachers out for a sponsorship deal to make a robotic wheelchair, and Babs makes a working spaceship just to fucking spite Elon. She also hacks X and removes all the X branding, literally turning it back into Twitter.
Jason: I kid you not, in 2024 they will add competitive breakdancing To the Summer games. Jason is on the first U.S. team. It...you know there were worse ways to make money on the streets than street performing...and you know...it was fun too...I made like $74 one day outside an iHop. No shit fuck Babs don't look for it please don't fuck no please
Tim: Skateboarding has also been recently added to the Olympics. Tim isn't allowed to put his Superboy stickers on it because Young Justice happen to be involved in several international incidents.
Steph: Everyone remembers Steph lived in Africa, but no one even bothered to ask her about it, much less ask which country. Ethiopia, thank you for asking. Curious how they offered her citizenship right after she announced her Olympic plans. Steph wins gold in Speed Skating, giving the continent of Africa its first ever medal in the Winter Games. (She mentions this every single time possible)
Dami: Modern Pentathlon is by far the weirdest fucking sport in existence, but Dami loves it. He gets to swordfight, shoot things, and most importantly. meet a horse.
Cass: Karate kata. Cass in a combat sport would just be unfair, so she does the Kata, just showing off the execution and form. Ice Dancing with Bruce, as mentioned earlier. Her outfit is based on the Black Swan, of course. Frustratingly Bruce is much better at it than her, and she's unsure why. Until it dawns on her she's competing and he's having fun with his daughter. After she stops caring about scores, they two get the highest score in history.
Duke: Artistic Swimming. 2024 is the first year men will be allowed. "No Bruce, I'm isn't going to use my powers to see easily in the water, god." And showing off his abs to that pretty girl in his Women's Studies Elective is definitely not part of his choice of sport. Nope. (She's turned off by his puberty acne, and Duke cries in his room for 8 days straight)
Harper: No Bruce. No Steph. Fuck you Cass. No. No. No. Hey Harper, just wanna let you know, as part of the charity thing, we're doing a gala, and Bernard's busy. Do you think Cullen would like to go?...Fine Tim, I'll do it, for Cullen. Harper of course needs to do something to make an impact though. If she's gonna do this shit, she might as well have fun with it. Which is why she starts a one-woman crusade to add a new sport. It takes petitions, conferences, and a few million dollars in charitable donations to the IOC...but a new sport is added, and Harper Rowe because the Olympic's first ever gold medalist in Sumo Wrestling.
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neyatimes · 11 months
West Bank: Angry Palestinians mourn 12 killed in Israeli military operation in Jenin
CNN  —  Thousands of Palestinians marched through the streets of Jenin on Wednesday for the funeral of the 12 people killed in Israel’s largest military operation in the occupied West Bank in more than 20 years. The two-day incursion into the sprawling refugee camp, which caused extensive damage to roads, homes and cars, ended earlier Wednesday, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said, as the…
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worldspotlightnews · 1 year
Rescue workers race to save 400 migrants adrift on boat in Mediterranean sea | CNN
CNN  —  The Italian Coast Guard is leading rescue efforts to save at least 400 migrants adrift on a boat in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Malta, along an immigration route that NGOs have warned is perilously dangerous. Three rescue operations involving several vessels are ongoing to assist the boat of 400 migrants, as well as another boat with an estimated 800 people on board, the…
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Over the past few months, we’ve watched as major corporations such as Disney , Anheuser-Busch, and Target have hopped on the LGBT train and alienated their traditional client bases as a result. Regardless of the often swift and brutal backlash they know will follow, others, including North Face, Nike, and Kohl’s, are always waiting in the wings to become the next sacrificial lamb.
It turns out there’s a reason for this counterintuitive behavior that goes far beyond virtue signaling: Companies are trying to raise their Corporate Equality Index. The more woke issues a company supports, the higher their score.
A CEI is essentially a “woke” credit score that is determined by the Human Rights Campaign , a 501(c)(4) organization that describes itself as “the largest LGBTQ political lobbying organization within the United States.” No one will be surprised to hear that George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is HRC’s largest donor. Other donors include the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the labor unions for the National Education Association and the United Food and Commercial Workers, according to Influence Watch .
Influence Watch reports HRC’s public charity arm, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, plays an influential role in Democratic Party politics by pressuring companies to comply with its social agenda.
A company’s CEI is derived from its performance in five areas :
Workforce Protections (5 points possible).
Inclusive Benefits (50 points possible).
Supporting an Inclusive Culture (25 points possible).
Corporate Social Responsibility (20 points possible).
Responsible Citizenship (-25).
The New York Post reports that “HRC sends representatives to corporations every year telling them what kind of stuff they have to make visible at the company. They give them a list of demands and if they don’t follow through there’s a threat that you won’t keep your CEI score.”
James Lindsay, editor of the website New Discourses, told the New York Post, “HRC administers the CEI ranking ‘like an extortion racket, like the Mafia.’”
In a 2018 letter to CEOs from BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, whom Fortune magazine has dubbed the “ face of ESG ,” he emphasizes a “new model of governance” in harmony with ESG values.
Fink wrote , “Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose. To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society. … [I]f a company doesn’t engage with the community and have a sense of purpose, it will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders.”
Fink is mistaken. Society is not demanding that companies serve a social purpose. Rather, ESG is being forced upon society by the global elites who wield it as a weapon and a control mechanism they can use to consolidate power over the masses.
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brakingpoint · 2 years
breaking away from my commitment to not being a tinhat blog to briefly give my 2 cents on which drivers i think are gay/bi
max: bisexual but will never fully consciously realise due to his desperation to settle down into a white picket fence 2.5 kids and 2 cats marriage with kelly. perhaps, subconsciously, that is why he is so quick to settle. so his cock does not have time to wander
checo: cheats like a straight man. will kiss the homies after a beer or two but always remembers to say no homo because gay activities aren't very catholic
charles: i know he's Not French but he's gay in a french way, where if you don't have a deeply tragic homoerotic bond at least once in your life they revoke your citizenship but it doesn't actually count as being gay
george: things i did not learn at oxford - proper orchestration technique, anything about non-brazilian hip hop, the different types of augmented sixths. things i DID learn at oxford: george russell would lick his best mate's nipples at the bullingdon club party for the photo op but he would staunchly refuse to identify as anything other than straight
lewis: on the one hand i think he is actually genuinely gay or bi and will come out publicly within the next five years. on the other hand only the worst kind of straight man could have done that to nicole scherzinger's boob
carlos: he's not gay but he IS in a deep long term open relationship with lando
lando: see above. also i used to watch dan and phil and i see no other explanation for whatever the situation is with him and max fewtrell. he's bisexual i know it in my soul
esteban: god love him but that is a heterosexual man. a charmingly sexless one but a heterosexual nonetheless
fernando: will fuck other men as an intimidation tactic only but he's never needed to resort to that because he's intimidating enough already
valtteri: not an iota of gayness in him. heterosexual wife guy. ass fixation easily explained away by being finnish
daniel: he has successfully gaslit everybody into thinking he's bisexual due to his relentless flirtations with other men but it's all part of the brand. he has never, ever won a game of gay chicken
kevin: no.
pierre: once again, gay in a french way but ALSO gay in a gay chicken way with yuki and against all odds they both won like katniss and peeta in the hunger games
lance: despite his gay little voice everything about him and his ex has me confident that he not only fucks exclusively heterosexually, but he fucks WELL
mick: i think there's a lil sumn sumn there. i don't know if or when it will ever come to light. but i don't think he's one hundred percent committed to straighthood. maybe it's bisexual osmosis from having seb as a mentor
yuki: DOES identify as straight but also identifies as never ever losing a game of gay chicken so now he and pierre have been fucking nightly for approximately several months and it's getting increasingly romantic each time
zhou: remember when we all used to say metrosexual in the early 2000s to describe a straight man with the fashion and grooming sense of a gay man?
alex: he and lily absolutely have bi4bi energy in every aspect of their online posting and that is why they are thee superior formula one couple
nicky: straight but i could fix him
bonus 1 (nyck): a man that short has to adapt to maximise his dating pool. it's basic evolutionary theory or something idk i dropped biology after gcses
bonus 2 (hulk): no.
bonus 3 (nico rosberg): the most flagrantly bisexual individual i have ever seen in my life and i look in the mirror daily
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sukunasstomachtongue · 7 months
The Race: Lap Two
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Pairing: Sukuna x Bunny (black fem OC)
Rating: Mature | Minors leave me alone
Warning: Cursing, houseless character, light smut that I couldn’t follow through on, OOC Sukuna (don’t say anything I need comfort), my brand of humor, barely edited
Series Masterlist | Previously
“Well, if it isn’t little bunbun. Why are you here? Got fired for being a bad role model to the youth?” Gojo shifted his weight to rest his elbows on the counter. The harsh fluorescent lighting all government-funded buildings had washed out his complexion, yet he still managed to look nothing short of ethereal to Bunny.
She tsk’d, a habit of her boyfriend that she unfortunately picked up. How she managed to quietly slam the book in her possession closed would be a mystery to Gojo.
“If you’re not here to clear your debt, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, Gojo. Technically you’re not even ‘sposed to be allowed within 20 meters of our doors.”
Both individuals refused to break eye contact, waiting for the other to chicken out and avert their gaze. Bunny had to fight off her signature sinister grin, the one she displays in the backstreets while riding shotgun in a barely street-legal car. No, she had to save that smile for the right time and place. The local public library barely surviving and on its last two legs hardly fit the criteria.
She gave him what Shoko called her ‘librarian smile.’ Kind and sickeningly sweet, giving the impression that she had all the time in the world to help a patron in need.
Gojo conceded after a few seconds of being on the receiving end of that smile. Her brown eyes glinted with victory.
“What if I did come to pay off my debt, hm? I can stay?” Bunny said nothing but went to work on her computer, lazily tapping the tablet on the patron side of the counter, prompting the man to move and look at the information displayed.
Gojo, Satoru
Amount Paid: $3.86
Amount Due: $834.98
Will you be paying: Cash, Credit/Debit Card, or Check?
“Fuck me, Bunbun! This is insane! What type of operation are you running?” Gojo groaned into his hands, ignoring the harsh glares aimed his way for his loud voice. Long nails tapped rhythmically against the keyboard, before clutching the side of the monitor and swinging it around to show more of his account.
“You have a bad habit of renting movies and never returning them. You rented ‘Return of the Mask’ and ‘Belly’ five years ago. Should I ask why those two movies were rented at the same time?”
Her taunts only drew more groans from his throat. Quickly slapping his face, Gojo reaches into his pocket, grumbling about unsuccessful hookups and drunken mistakes. The slam of his plastic card made no impact on Bunny. As quickly as he presented it, the librarian ran it through the system, clearing his debt.
“You know, now that you’re clear we can take down your mugshot on the bulletin board. Wanna take it home?”
The wide grin was all the answer she needed.
“Bunny, we need to restock our hygiene packs tonight. Glen said we’re down to five and it's only getting hotter out there.”
“I’ll get on it after I take my break.” She replied, busy logging books back into the system. After Gojo left, the library returned to its usual hushed business. Citizens came and went through the automatic door, focused on their own tasks.
Filling out job applications, playing computer games, writing an essay, meeting up for study sessions, and inquiring about citizenship classes, the library serves as a vital organ in the community. Its value is what made Bunny want to work there in the first place. All her tasks served a purpose for the greater good.
That’s what she had to tell herself to not lose her mind and go ballistic on the inconsiderate patrons and lazy coworkers.
Those hygiene packs were a task given to Glen, who passed it to Asano, who decided to drop it in Bunny’s lap before leaving for the day. Granted, at this location, Bunny didn’t have the authority or sway to go against an order.
Still, Bunny gritted her teeth and got to it like she said she would. The supply room had a table and old worn-out chair that could have been from the 70s, providing a workstation to build the packs. They were nothing lavish. A few water bottles, dental care, deodorant, a towel, new socks, and other necessities to ease the constant dingy feeling of being unhoused and exposed to the elements and the city’s unpleasant side.
She got into a grove after the first two packs were done, head bopping to city pop that fought the static out of the old radio in the corner to be audible. Every few packs, her neck would tilt to the side to lightly stretch the stiff muscles there. When she reached for the last pair of socks, her stomach grumbled. The few snacks she stole from the vending machine were not enough to tie her over until dinner.
Would Sukuna make his rendition of her grandmother’s red beans and rice tonight?
Thoughts now focused on food and related topics, she unchecked the box next to ‘socks’ on the supply list on their worn board. Hands full with the large bin they used to transport the packs outside, Bunny made her way outdoors.
In his earlier years, Glen had old lockers from a high school repurposed to look presentable along the inside of the exterior wall. They stood under the protruding concrete covering, shielded from harh weather conditions, visible from the central help desk inside where someone could keep an eye out. Opposite of the lockers was a poster from the early 70s, faded but still legible, inviting everyone inside to access resources everyone needed in the modern age.
For the last few hours of her shift, Bunny led story time in the children’s section, several coming from the school she worked at which led to many tears of joy and anger directed at her by children who were not happy to see her absent that day. Ending the story time with a nice group hug and a promise to return to her rightful post had her back in their good graces.
From there, she remained stationed at the help desk, offering book suggestions and recommendations to classes the library offered to the colorful clientel. The short hand on the clock had begun nearing 5, signaling the end of her time here. Making her rounds, Bunny waved her goodbye to the others as she walked to the back to retrieve her purse.
Stepping outside the automatic doors, the sight infront of her made her pause to confirm the person digging a pack out of the outdoor lockers was who she thought it was.
Dropping her bag on the table, Bunny released a loud sigh. Her shoulders ached after hours of shelving new and returned books all day. The local library had a much larger stock than the one at the schoolhouse, with more genres outside of children and young adult. It had been her first challenging shift in a long time, not including the last hour.
The smell of garlic invaded her nose, making the muscles flex as the button of her nose scrunched up. There was no reason for something out of season to smell so pungent.
“Come here and taste this broth, I’m not sure if I added enough paste.” There, with one hand tucked into the tie of his apron with the other clutching the ladle above the pot, stood her boyfriend, hard at work trying to feed them. The sight warmed her heart.
The onions brought tears to her eyes.
The surprise she had in store for Sukuna sent shivers down her spine.
“Suki…” He grunted and twisted at his waist to look back. Before she could open her mouth to continue, the hot ladle was at her lips waiting for entry. The tip of her pink tongue dipped in the liquid, coating her tastebuds with flavor.
“Good. Could use some lemon or citrus for some tang.” Sukuna eyed her with thought, taking her suggestion as he slurped the remaining broth, smacking his mouth to extract any hidden flavor.
“No. That’ll mess up the balance. This is why we can’t cook together.”
“We can’t cook together because you like to hog the front right burner.”
“It’s the best one.”
“It’s the biggest one and is supposed to be used for big pots, not frying a single egg.” Bunny grimaced as her shoulder tinged in pain, the already tired nerves becoming more agitated as she danced around her surprise. Just like a bandaid, Bunny coached herself. “ Suki-”
“Agree to disagree. Why are you wincing? Got into another fight with that old hag?”
“Fortunately no. She learned her lesson the last time.” Or maybe not like a bandaid at all, maybe like removing shrapnel from a wound. Nice and slow, and gently to not lacerate any nearby blood vessels.
“Good. I know you want to be a lady of leisure but right now we still need your income. Unless you wanna end up on the streets like that brat.” Or maybe not like a bandaid or like shrapnel. Instead, just like a rug being ripped from under her orthopedic loafers.
“Come on Yuji, he knows.” At her beckon, the pink-haired kid slid into the kitchen, back against the nearest wall. His arm was in a dingy cast and he looked weary. “How’d you know?”
An exasperated sigh came from the stove, followed by a slurp, hum, and finally, the click of the burner being switched from high to medium.
“My sweet stupid Bunny, did you already forget that we installed cameras last month? Set the table. And you, brat. Sit down and get ready to tell us everything.”
As she followed his demand, Bunny fell even more in love with her boyfriend.
Sukuna, Yuji decided after smelling the first decent meal he’s been given in three months, was not as bad as everyone on the scene said he was. Sure he had a temper and really didn't care for the community of street racing like most did - like Yuji did after losing his grandfather- but it didn’t make him a horrible person. In a way, Sukuna was on the other side of the same coin as Nanami. They both were serious about their chosen illegal interest but also had a life outside of it. Nanami with his day job, and Sukuna with-
“Fucking Martha decided she wanted to flirt with Geshin instead of completing her tasks. So guess who had to cover her thirsty ass instead of making the itinerary for the career workshop that’s happening in a week?”
“Me. I wanted to cuss the bitch out for pulling that shit but I’m scared she might have a degradation kink or something. Y’know last employee evaluation I swear to god that hoe had stars in her eyes when Boss yelled at her about her performance.” Bunny ranted as her hands set the table, paying no mind to the opening notes of pork being cooked.
“Geshin… that's the guy who just had a baby, right?”
“Yep, and that’s his fifth baby this year. Man needs to get locked up at this point. He’s trying to become the next Genghis Khan. I don’t know why Martha would want his ass when she was just at his last baby shower. Eating that dry-ass cake like Betty Crocker made it.”
“Damn, that’s crazy.” At his commentary, she cut her eyes to look at the back of his head.
“What did you do today?” The roar of the pork being seared and fat popping against the heat of the pan set the ambiance in their kitchen.
“Nothing. Worked on my jobs, bought some shit online, got a call from the old man for the next race.”
“Oh yeah? When and where?”
“Next Weekend. It's a collab with some other organizers in the outskirts. The track is legit.” Calloused hands worked swiftly to cut the pork into manageable pieces while Bunny opened the kitchen window to air out the smoky atmosphere building up. Sukuna scoffed at the action, he thought Bunny was overdramatic for opening the window every time he cooked using fire.
He had a house, a business, someone to come home and compare days to, Yuji watched. It was a shock to him and anyone on the scene if they found out, except Gojo he assumed. Gojo poked and prodded at Sukuna like an old zookeeper who’s been tending to the same wild animal for decades.
“Next week?” Bunny pouted, the table was finally set with everything but the protein. She sat next to Yuji, still facing her significant other as they rambled on. Briefly, Yuji wondered if he took the older man’s seat, but made no move to relocate when Bunny began pouring water for three cups and opening a bottle of wine to pour into two glasses.
“I know, you have that convention.” For the first time all night, Sukuna looked at the kid at his dinner table. He looked hungry and noticeably thinner than the last time he was seen before that race. His arm had been set in a cast that took on a reddish-earthy brown. Their hair had the same disheveled look, but for two different reasons.
Briefly, the two males shared a thought.
Are we related, they thought to each other, with Bunny none the wiser as she placed portions on their plates.
“Thanks for the food.”
Yuji had not finished closing his mouth around the first bite before the older man probed him.
“Alright brat, start talking.”
Shifting the hot pork to the side of his mouth, Yuji spoke. “Got pulled out the car and an ambulance took me to the hospital. The doctors said it was a miracle I survived without any serious injuries. The only thing I really injured was my wallet.”
“They say we’re all one emergency from being homeless,” Sukuna muttered. Yuji took a stab at another piece of greasy steaming pork. Bunny quietly placed more food on the kid’s plate.
“They were right. I don’t have a dollar to my name. My car got compounded. No family. This is the first meal I’ve had this week.”
“Oh Yuji…” At her sorrowed tone, Sukuna’s lip pulled in one direction. Good thing they never threw out her old futon.
“What a day,” followed by a long yawn was how Bunny started her night routine. Stepping into the shower to wash away the past eighteen hours, she let out another loud yawn to emphasize her energy levels to Sukuna who stood at the vanity, completing his skincare routine.
No funny business tonight.
“I bet. On top of your job, now you want to become a mother.”
“Not a mother. A helping hand, that’s all. A fun auntie at most. Yuji is only 16, too young to be on the streets.” the shower door slid down its track, wide enough to allow another body to slip in behind her. Rough hands sheltered her shoulders from the water, radiating heat through the layers of melanin-rich skin.
“You and your bleeding heart. I can’t even begin to understand how you end up in these situations. He better not steal shit out of my office.” Sukuna talked, hands massaging along the muscles of her neck. Bunny sighed in relief, her lazy bun hitting the top of his pectorals as she relaxed.
“He’s a good kid. On the train, he basically sat between me and everyone else like a guard dog.” Her body wash added the mellow scent of cucumber melon to the humid air. As her sudsy cloth scrubbed her skin, her ass nudged the lazy weight of Sukuna’s dick.
“Oh, so thats what this is? You wanna take in a stray, huh? Thats it. Is this about the cat from last week? I know you were sad when it went back to its owner but you-”
A sharp about face interrupted his ribbing. Sukuna suddenly found it hard to concentrate with a steaming soapy woman clouding his retinas. Fuck Martha and Geishin and every single person at the stupid library for tiring his girlfriend out with their bullshit. She probably wouldn’t even take a simple cockwarming session with her energy so low.
“C’mon, Kuna. Be serious. Tell me you would have left him on the street looking like that?”
“I could have.” A glare had Sukuna retract his statement. Lifting a hand from her frame to wipe the droplets from his face, he ceded. “I get it. Fine, lets take the kid in for a bit, until he’s back on his feet.”
A downpour of water thudded at their feet as Bunny wrong out her cloth. Adding his soap, unscented for sensitive skin, she began working a lather on his abs. “He can help you in the shop.”
“Mmm, no. Sorry Bunny. This is your stray, your responsibility. Ask ‘im if he ever finished school. Get him a GED or some shit.”
“Like trade school.”
“Fuck, go ahead and adopt the kid.” The couple fell quiet after that. Sukana placed a few kisses on her temple when they took turns standing underwater to rinse. His hands slid down her skin and rested for a beat on the sides of her asscheeks. This was intimacy. Pulling her cheeks apart to let the water wash any trapped soap was the most intimate shit he’s ever down.
A ding from the towel warmer signaled the end of their shower. Before she could reach to turn the water off, Sukuna had pressed her against his body, their flesh conforming to each other. His dick twitched awake as he inhaled her scent. Cucumber melon, warmth, and smell that was purely her. He couldn't help but land a few kisses and nips along her neck as the water continued to spray.
The water bill would definitely be in the triple digits this month, much to Bunny’s chagrin.
“Y’so tense, Bunny. I think you need a massage.” He huffed into her ear, finally ready to turn off the water. The sudden cold goaded her into pressing herself tighter against her significant other, seeking more external warmth.
“Mm, that sounds nice.”
“C’mon pet, lets get you dry, huh?” Together, they exited the shower, steam spilling at their feet. Bunny detached from him and lazily bounced over the warm towels, wrapping one around herself and bringing the other to Sukuna to wrap around his hips.
“Go lay on the bed, pet. I’ll get the body oil.”
“Oh fuck, Kuna. Thank you, baby!” She moaned into the cotton sheets, her breath caught on the last syllable and making her high-pitched at the end. Sukuna’s hands were strong from his day job, and all the strength was being used on her, working knots and stagnant energy out her muscles. He had her belly down, with his thick thighs trapping her torso under his straddle. His fingers dug into the flesh of her upper back, bullying the blood up towards her neck and down her arms.
“Welcome baby. I gotta take care of you since you insist on taking care of that brat. You were already tired before. You gotta stop that bleeding heart of yours.” Sukuna let his drool drip freely on her oiled back, making the trip every few minutes to collect the saliva and massage it into her pores.
His dick was no better, beading at the tip and collecting in the small of her back. Bunny could feel it. He knew she could feel. She knew he knew she could feel it. Though her libido was rising to the occasion, her body yearned for rest. True rest. But she was too tired to dissuade Sukuna. Hell, as long as she didn’t have to ride she wouldn’t protest all that much.
His hands moved from her upper back back to her hips and the swell of her ass. Her skin gleaned under the big light. Under his touch, the oil, saliva, and cum mixed to create a new concoction.
“Oh fuck, bunny. I know you feel me.” He groaned as he bucked his hips, his dick sliding along the crack of her ass.
“I do but- I’m so tired, Kunabear.” the shake of her hips contradicted her words. Soft lips planted scorching kisses on her tattooed shoulder and warm hands moved from her ass to slide under her hips. “And, Yuji might hear us.”
“So just spread those pretty legs, toot that ass up for me, and bite down on a pillow so the kid doesn’t hear his savior getting fucked.” His fingers ran up her slit, collecting the escaped slick to rub against her clit. “Shit,” his hips bucked again, mindlessly rutting his dick against her oiled flesh. “Always wet for me, no matter what your mouth says, that pussy will always listen to me.”
“I-ah, fuck me. Here, damn.” Her hip rose as she arched her back perfectly. With more space to move, Sukuna trailed to her opening, keeping his thumb on her aching nub. A whine escaped her throat. He fingered her frantically, barely prepping her hole to take his heavy cock. “Gimma a kiss at least”
“How about ten?”
Bunny stared at the fresh coffee dripping down into the pot. Her body was enveloped in the robe Gojo got her from his last trip overseas. It was nice and fluffy and the cause of Sukuna’s hairy eyeball from across the room. It took everything in her to not laugh at him angrily stabbing his breakfast quiche.
“Don’t give me that look.” She scoffed. Her boyfriend rolled his eyes, too tired to start shit with a sleep deprived Bunny.
“Just make me a cup too. Gotta finish a couple projects today so I need to head out in a few. You going anywhere today?”
“No. I’ll be doing laundry and picking up after your mess.”
“That’s you hair in the drain baby. Don’t put that shit on me.” As they went back and forth, the stairs creaked under the weight of a body coming downstairs.
“Morning. Coffee?” Bunny offered him before yuji stepped foot into the kitchen. His eyes pingponged between the two adults before nodding, giving a grunted hello as he sat down at the same chair as last night.
Bunny busied herself with pouring three mugs, concocting hers and Sukuna with their usual cream and sugars. At the sight of Yuji’s eyebags, her hands reached out for the pot again to pour a little more into his mug.
She dispersed the mugs, keeping hers in one hand and digging the other in Sukuna’s wild hair. Wordlessly, he offered her a piece of his quiche.
“Sleep okay? I know the futon is old and seen better days?” She asked her ward. Yuji gave a brief shake of his head. He barely let the coffee cool before tilting half of the liquid down his throat.
“Futon’s fine. You guys were loud.”
Sukuna had to place his mug back on the table to avoid spilling it at the brat’s words. Red eyes attempted to meet his girlfriend’s but she had her head turned down to avoid any contact.
Yuji wanted to apologize for his comment, which was actually an understatement. From Yuji’s perspective last night, he’s surprised Bunny was fully functional today.
He could see why Gojo talked so much perverted shit about the woman. Megumi let it slip once that Gojo had a chance to get with the sassy librarian but Sukuna swooped in at the last second.
“Close your ears next time.” Bunny choked out, swooping down to take another piece of the quiche before leaving the kitchen, fluffy robe flouncing in the air.
The two males sat in silence, the sound of Sukuna scrapping the last of his breakfast up filling the void.
“I don’t give a rat's ass if you hear.” Sukuna replied, collecting his dishes and sipping the last of his coffee. “We do fuck loud and often. So if that’s a problem you should probably leave now.”
Yuji grimaced. He and Sukuna both knew putting up with a little noise was infinitely better than sleeping outside again.
“Bunny, I’m out!” Sukuna yelled, his rough voice reverberating through the room to wherever his girlfriend ran too. His keys were in his pocket and he was almost out the door before she responded.
“Take ‘im with you!” The men looked at each other again. Sukuna scanned the kid up and down, eyeing Yuji’s build and hands before grunting.
“You ever worked on cars?”
“Yeah. I can do the basics.” Yuji offered, hurriedly stuffing his feet into his shoes by the door.
“Yeah, well you’ll be doing filter changes and refilling wiper fluid. Let’s go.”
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