#breakfast? sugar! lunch? sugar! supper? sugar!
Not to be dramatic but I think I would die immediately if I had to survive solely on the food in the lost cities
#some of their food tastes like meat we know that#but it all seems so LIGHT#don't get me started on how sophie regularly eats deserts or desert like foods for a meal#do they have savory or spicy or crunchy foods? unclear!#if they do its definitely not a large variety#HOW is sophie not sick of it all#ive made mallowmelt. you cant eat much of it at a time without getting sick of it#yet EVERYONE is eating a bunch of it alongside other sugary/sweet food#i dont care what they think after a week i would slaughter some extinct bird and have fried chicken#i know that youth gives them nutrients or whatever. but it CANNOT be healthy#sophie you were in high school you should know what you should eat and how much#now i might be using the wrong word here#but its no wonder all the elves are fucking twigs theyve never heard of the word protein#speaking of twigs#with how much sugar sophie and co consume on the daily its a miracle theyve gained no weight#elves dont seem to exercise very mucu so HOW are they maintaining it#edaline you should never be in charge of a child you keep giving her FUCKING. SUGAR.#breakfast? sugar! lunch? sugar! supper? sugar!#repeat after me: WELL. BALANCED. MEALS.#eat a fucking vegetable please. its all you have except sugar please for the love of god.#sophie has no tastes buds left because her go to for everything is sugar#do you enjoy having stomachaches sophie? is that it?#THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU EAT TOO MUCH FUCKING SUGAR.#keefe over here in the forbidden cities having the time of his life finally eating something other than sugar#kotlc#im calm. im calm.#< seething with rage
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ichigo-dream · 1 year
Leon Kennedy - Eating Headcannons (SFW + NSFW)
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Dream and I were having a drinks sesh cause the weather is good with us atm, and we ended up having a full discussion about Leon and eating. We were discussing the criteria to qualify as what we have coined a “neo fem-boy”, and how Leon has a lilll bit of squish to him despite the muscle - cause baby boy likes to EAT (both figuratively and metaphorically). Leon canonically put on 40 lbs of pure muscle between RE 2 and RE 4, yet he still somehow looks a lil bit soft and squishy soooooo we had to write this shit down.
Basically we just wanna eat up soft Leon, enjoy~
It's established canon that this man wants dinner all the time (see Leon in Infinite Darkness and Damnation)
This boy is hobbit-coded - baby boy needs at least three square meals a day - we’re talking full fry up in the morning, actual lunch and a spread for dinner. Might even squeeze in brunch and supper while he’s at it.
Snack, snacks, snacks - always snacking on something.
Having low blood sugar and being in a relationship with Leon is a match made in Heaven.
Lil baby has a sweet tooth
His jacket and coat pockets will always have some form of sweet in them - gum, lollipops, hard boiled sweets, Tiic Tacs, jawbreakers,
Any time you’re in the car together or watching a film, you can hear the hard sugar shell clacking against his teeth.
Will hide food, and eat in bed - you get into bed after a long day and when your head hits the pillow, you’ll hear a plastic rustle. Reaching under you’ll find a half-eaten packet of cookies or biscuits he’d been snacking on earlier that he had shoved under your pillow.
Will finish your food for you
Birthdays are his fav - any excuse to have cake this boy will use it - will eat any kind, but boy is a slut for vanilla cake and strawberry jam filling - you will often have to wipe the cream and jam from the corners of his mouth.
Will fuck up a strawberry sundae especially in the summer time.
Speaking of summer, it’s one of his favourite seasons
Loves to eat outside in the sunshine when it’s hot and balmy
Perfect weather for ice cream or milkshakes – and he won’t waste a single drop. If he notices some trickling down the cool glass in his hands, he’ll lick it up, completely oblivious to how the small action makes you blush.
You’ll often catch him eating his cereal standing up, watching TV or nosying at the neighbours having an argument in the streets below, still in his pyjama bottoms.
Loves milkshake straws - has a collection of different flavours - though, when he doesn’t use a straw, he is always oblivious to the cute lil milkstache.
Will squirt cream straight into his mouth in front of the fridge.
Weddings, and other events are the worst for him, as whilst he loves desserts, they rarely serve his favourites.
“I fucking hate pavlova” he grumbles, proceeding to eat it anyway, just to get his sugar fix.
Loves fruit - will eat raspberries one by one off the tips of his fingers.
You’ll catch him eating ice cream sitting on the kitchen floor in front of the fridge in the middle of the night, sucking on his spoon and looking at you like a deer in headlights when he sees you standing there watching him.
Will get cranky if he doesn’t get to eat - hangry vibes
If he wakes up late, he will refuse to leave without breakfast - this boy will run out the door with a piece of toast in his mouth like an anime school girl.
His RPD uniform has lots of “fancy pockets” and what are they good for? Emergency snack storage - nuts, sweets, biscuits, dried fruit. 
For his birthday, you buy him candy bracelets - heart eyes for days - and he sits and absent-mindedly sucks on them at his desk at work, thinking of you.
As a birthday present, you wear a candy necklace during sex and Leon attacks your neck, sucking and biting at it whilst he fucks you.
Due to his habits, he always tastes sweet - all of him tastes sweet if you catch our drift (ya, his cum)
Whilst he’s squirting cream into his mouth, if you happen to be walking past and notice some of it lingering on the corners of his mouth and decide to lick it off, baby boy will forget everything he’s doing and fuck you over the kitchen table.
Speaking of cream - will use it on you when he fucks you, kitten-licking the sweet dollops off your warm skin (tits, collarbones, stomach - he's gonna eat you up)
If you’re curious about something he’s eating and want to taste some, he’ll kiss you in lieu of sharing (Leon is only possessive over two things - you and food).
Big into gum sharing - will use it as an excuse to start making out with you.
If things get a little messy when you’re eating cake, he will lick your hands clean if he’s in the mood.
Leon is a munch in more ways than one.
This boy will eat you out of house and home, including your pussy.
Could eat three square meals a day and will still go down on you like he’s starving.
Kitchen? Bedroom? Sofa? Standing up? Doesn’t matter - man’s is ready to munch anytime anywhere.
Whilst he’s eating you out, he’ll rut his hips against the bed - the sugar rush means he is always full of energy and ready to go at all times.
Will suck on your clit like it's a gobstopper.
Gets bratty when he hasn’t had a snack - but, it just so happens that he considers you to be the sweetest one.
Be prepared to be fucked within an inch of your life when he gets like this - or for him to eat you out until you can’t walk (will bring you a snack afterwards ofc).
This man gained 40lbs of muscle— but like we said, baby boy is still soft  
Leon puts you in a headlock whilst he fucks you and his biceps have a nice lil bit of squish which you relish in when he chokes you.
His ass jiggles - when he’s lying stomach down on bed, you love slapping it when you walk past and watching it jiggle like jelly - this action without fail will make him blush and whine “Stop!” every time.
You like to bite him
He’s too cute and squishy to resist honestly
Playfully nibbling his plump lil cheek
Biting his thick arms
When you’re riding him and can’t resist playfully kneading his tits like a kitten, and it makes him grab your wrists and fuck into you harder - he’ll later claim that him turning red from his cheeks to his chest was from exertion and not embarrassment.
He is the comfiest place to lie on when you’re fucked out and riding the waves of post-orgasmic bliss.
If you made it this far, comment “Bingo!”
Thank you for reading!
Ichigo and Dream xoxo
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finniusastraeus · 8 months
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This chart doesnt give you precise amounts and some numbers are innacurate so let me clear up here
30kcals per plum
78 per one 2-3'' apple(small), 116 per one 3'' apple (large)
45 per cup of chopped up watermelon
40 in 10 MEDIUM sized strawberries
1 kcal in 1 raspberry. So 10=10
In 10 red cherries there are 45 kcals
17 in 1 apricot
119 for a whole papaya so 59 for half
60 in a cup of cut cantaloupe
50 per 1 orange,
201 in a whole mango, 100 in a cup of cubed mango
37 per 1 tangerine
50 in 1 medium peach
105 in a 7'' banana, 70 if it's less than 6'' long
82 in a cup of pineapple cubes, 452 in whole thing (ik no ones eating a whole pineapple but yk)
20 in 5 olives
64 in a cup of cubes honeydew, 360 for whole thing
33 in 1 large cucumber, 10 in a mini, 8 in a cup of slices
42 in 1 kiwi
100 in a medium pear
240 in 1 avocado
82 in a cup of blueberries, 1 per blueberry
62 per cup of grapes, 2 per small grape
62 per cup of blackberries, 2 per small blackberry
Breakfast tips I learned at the hospital
One english muffin is 130 but if you cut it so you're only eating the edges it will look like youre eating the whole thing but only be getting a 3rd or about 45kcals!! and 1 teaspoon of margarine will cover both of those "halves" and there's 35 kcals in that. so 80 that looks like 160.
A cup of dry plain cheerios is also 80
78 in one large egg BUT throw out the yolk and only have the white. It looks like a full over easy egg but the white is only 17 kcals. Trust me on this one, have it for every meal you can get away with.
Fruit salad
10 raspberries=10kcal
half a small banana, thinly sliced=35kcal
5 thinly sliced strawberries=20kcal
15 blueberries=15kcal
2 tsp sugar free table syrup=0kcal LITERALLY BEST THING EVER
total 80 kcal and the syrup makes it the best breakfast in the world while adding no calories but it makes you feel like youre eating pancakes and keeps you full.
Frozen waffle/pancake, 1=95kcals
Use the english muffin excuse to make a sandwhich with just lettuce in it and whatever veggies you like.
what I do is 1 english muffin cut to look like halves but its a 3rd = 45kcal
1/4 cup lettuce=1-2kcal
1 slice of tomato=3
if you want more you can have 30kcal of margarine (1 tsp) on the toasted muffin and half a cheese slice which is 56kcal. so i dont reccomend it.
plus 1 egg white if you want=17
or fake balogny (im a strict vegetarian of 8 years) for 20kcal and like 5g of protien
One pack of mr noodles has 190kcal. never eat more than half
always make a salad if you can. most can be made under 20kcals and actually taste amazing but dont add dressing they're really high cal.
this is made to look like you're eating a lot
2 plain rice cakes=70
or one tomato basil=60
2 tbsp grated cheese=70
or 1 tbsp herbed goat cheese=35
slice some mini tomatos and mushrooms/peppers, onions, ect=5kcal
total 100-145 and it tastes amazing
this one would be hard to hide bc the brand name is literally skinny noodles but buy some skinny noodles (9 kcal per serving!! vegan and gluten free) and put them in a box or something. my family puts our noodles in long containers so it wouldnt be noticed and the package could be thrown away
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elsalouisa · 25 days
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"At nine o'clock punctually we had breakfast, which, like our lunch, was a delightfully informal meal, with noservants. Everything was set out on chafing-dishes in front of my grandmother, who sat at the middle of the table. We brought our plates to Amama, who served out all the courses, ourselves changing our plates and spoons at a side table. The chief attraction of the breakfast was the delicious beer-broth called ølebrød in Danish, which never tasted right out of Denmark. It was made of black bread, boiled with black beer—a kind of porter—and served steaming hot in a soup tureen. On the bottom of our plates we put a layer of brown sugar, and the soup was poured on to this and stirred for the sugar to melt; then thick cream was poured on to this. It may sound unappetising, I admit, but it is impossible to describe the delicious dish.
Another dish was the rødgrød or raspberry jelly eaten with sugar and cream. These were surely dishes for the gods. All the Court silver was particularly fine. We ate on silver plates; the cream was served in huge silver tankards. Dinner was at seven o'clock. We had, of course, to change for dinner and then change to go out for a drive with Apapa, and change back into dinner-clothes for supper—composed of tea and sandwiches—after which we played a card game called Loo for very small points".
HRH Prince Nicholas of Greece "My fifty years"
"We children loved the informality of these luncheons. There were no servants in the room and everything was kept hot in chafing dishes on a sideboard. We got plates, knives and forks from a side-table and then we took what food we wanted from bewildering assortment of dishes.One of the dishes I liked best was a soup called ølebrød. It was served for breakfast and is known only in Denmark. It was made of black bread and black beer boiled together, and you ate it out of a soup plate which you had previously lined with brown sugar. Over it you poured thick cream, Written down on paper it sounds like a fearful concoction, but actually it was delicious. Another thing we all loved was a sort of raspberry jelly, eaten with cream, also a Danish speciality, It all sounds vety greedy, no doubt, but to this day the mere thought of those excellent dishes makes my mouth water Dinner was a very formal affair, with the Master of the Household arranging the seating and everyone entering the great dining-hall arm in arm in a stately procession, on the stroke of 6.30. Afterwards we all dispersed to each other’s rooms, to meet again in the drawing-room at nine o’clock for tea and various other kinds of refreshment. Then “Loo” was played, curious old card game which has been popular for centuries at vatious Courts of Europe".
Memoirs of HRH Prince Christopher of Greece
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suzieb-fit · 4 months
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Who's ready for an essay?
Grab a cup of tea, sit comfortably and I shall begin.....😂😂
The never ending insulin pump saga continues....
I'm trying different hacks, tweaks and resets to try fix the algorithms. It's been a nightmare trying to get any kind of decent blood sugar "flatline". It seems to have got too high a number that it's trying to keep me at.
A few days ago, I switched it over to "manual mode", which means the background insulin delivery is set by me. Same as the old system I was using.
And mostly, it's been good. Less highs. But a few crashing lows. Like REAL lows. Last night was crazy. It was dangerously low for hours. Made no sense. So I had some supper. I was having a pretty serious hypo.
So that means a digestive rest phase of 12 hours. I don't personally class that as a fast.
And I've switched back to automated mode this morning. That means the pump automatically adjusts my background insulin, according to the information from the CGM. They are linked up.
Oh, and I'm expecting a new homeopathic treatment through the post today. The mucus thing hasn't actually been too bad the last few days. A few glare ups, but nothing terrible. But she wants to try something else, as I'm still not seeing a real difference.
Anyway, on with my day.
A 30 minute walk, then a short home workout. Full body strength.
Breakfast of collagen coffee and nuts, as usual.
In an unrelated topic, I'm actually really busy with my online training work just now. I've signed up three new people since Sunday.
I'm not complaining. Busy is better than bored!
I've done three workouts today.
Starting with that full body one after my walk.
Then I did some lower body.
I once again have to force myself to push away from upper body.
I decided that as I was already halfway through that first workout.
Anyway, I had lunch soon after lower body strength.
Bacon, scrambled egg, cheese, cottage cheese and salad. One of my favourites. But I say that about almost everything 😂
I then had an appointment in town, which meant a short bike ride.
Then an afternoon client session.
Very active day, and much needed!
Yep....an essay. Well, I did warn you 😂.
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Grief is love with nowhere to go.
King was awake in the dark, a very large part of his life, it seemed, was him lying awake in the dark. There was something that clenched his heart until it ached this morning, something he couldn’t shake as he laid in bed.
It was both shocking and perfectly understandable. Previous years he had been too… busy to try and process it.
He’d hadn’t even gotten out of bed yet and the weight of the day was too much.
Purple would understand if he didn’t get around to making breakfast. He knew what today was. King didn’t know how, he hadn’t told Purple the date.
He was torn between wanting to wallow in his grief, just let himself hurt and let his heart bleed tears on the pillows. And the familiar drive to ignore it, to keep moving forward, to treat the day like any other.
He got up, heading to the kitchen to start making coffee before pulling up short. He was going to go to the corner store for coffee. He was sure if Aqua was at work she might like the company… she had lost him too, after all.
He packed up a little bag of the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies he’d made the other day and set out into the dark.
It was a quiet walk, the sky not even bright enough to trigger the morning birdsong yet. He stared down the road to the cemetery… maybe today he could find the strength to visit.
But first coffee and Aqua.
He swung the door open and he could tell the difference between her usual greeting and today’s and he wondered if he was as obvious as she was.
“I wasn’t sure if I’d see you this morning, y’know with everything…”
King couldn’t get his his words to come out, so he just held out the bag of cookies which she gladly took.
“Ooh, pumpkin chocolate chip, not my favourite but pretty dang close,” Aqua smiled, turning away to start the coffee machine, “The usual, I assume?”
“Mm,” King nodded an affirmative and Aqua got to work. While the coffee brewed, they simply sat in silence, normally they shared a little gossip about recent happenings, but it seemed wrong to do the usual today.
Today was not just any day after all.
She handed him the hot coffee, and he took it to the coffee station to fill the cup with too much sugar.
Coming out here was a mistake. He wasn’t being very good company for Aqua at all. He hadn’t even said a word to her. He’d probably only reminded her her of what they’d both lost.
“Have a… nice day, Mr. King.”
The coffee burned his tongue and throat as he walked back out, he couldn’t even taste the sugar in it.
By the time Purple was up, King had long since finished his coffee. King had even made breakfast, just some fruit salad and toast.
“Oh thanks,” Purple sat down to eat, watching King as the older stick laid draped across the table, clearly in his own mind, “You can go back to bed if you want, y’know.”
“I might,” King conceded, raising himself from his seat and slouching his way back to his bedroom.
He woke, the roaring of the vortex echoing in his mind. He clung to the blankets as if they were his son’s hand, the sobs tearing their way out of his chest, leaving him breathless.
It had been a long time now since he’d had a nightmare that intense, but it was to be expected today.
He lurched out of bed, trudging to the dining room. There was a note on the table:
“Hey Baba, I went out for a bit, there’s tomato soup in the pot on the stove and a grilled cheese sandwich in the toaster oven. I’ll be back in time for supper, don’t make anything, I’ll pick something up on the way home.”
King warmed up the lunch Purple had left him, sore heart full of love for the boy. Purple was too good to him.
After eating and doing the dishes he left Purple a note of his own: “Gone to the cemetery.”
It was a warm walk, in the afternoon summer sun, but King didn’t mind. He’d take this over the stifling heat of the Nether.
He stepped into the cemetery and realized he hadn’t been here since the service. But he knew his way easily, since Gold and his mother’s graves were side by side.
And Gold’s grave was covered in flowers, mostly marigolds like the ones King had brought, but among them was one sunflower. Aqua must’ve dropped that off after her shift.
“Look at how many people miss you, Gold. Could you even imagine getting this many flowers? Where would I put them all if I had to take them home?” King allowed himself a watery laugh as he set down his own offering.
“Thank you for… for having been here. For bringing your sunshine into my life. I miss your smile, even if I can still see it in my pictures. I miss your ability to find the good in anything.”
“I hope you knew how much I loved you, how much I still love you and how proud of you I was. You were… you were a good kid.”
It was too hard to keep talking, his eyes were burning and his face was wet. He laid his hand on the headstone and tried to breath through the lump in his throat.
And as much as this hurt, it was better than the anger he’d known previously.
As tempting as it was to stay here surrounded by the memories of others, to drown in the flower petals and grief, he had someone back home waiting for him.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - Equinox in Zaun
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The Undercity keeps wild hours in springtime.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
Dinnertime in Zaun differs wildly from its Topside counterpart.
Fissurefolk navigate life by a schedule decadently suited to night-living. Most eat when they please, and how they please. They can't afford to live by a clock as moody as Old Hungry. Others set their timetables depending on their profession. Miners wake at dawn to a breakfast of cold gruel and bitter coffee. Factory-hands break for lunch by the whistle, bolting down a greasy fare of meat pies and cheap beer. The chem-barons favor a sweet repast of honey-glazed breads and imported fruits by twilight, followed by a more robust banquet of roast fowl by dark. The street folk have no concept of regular mealtimes at all: they subsist on a diet of grubs, pickles, and the odd stolen crust.
The exception is the Equinox.
Daylight is a rarity belowground. During the winter, the sky is a slate of ash and iron. A gloomy miasma hangs over the cityscape. The sun is a pale phantom. But come the Equinox, the sky morphs into pastel hues of rose and gilt. The smog is thinner; the air tastes sweeter. And the sun, warmer, has a way of kissing the skin.
Fissurefolk are an industrious lot. But even they are not insensate to the spell of springtime.
On the Equinox, the city basks. Work-hours are inverted. From daybreak to midday, the streets are busy with trade. Market stalls spill with exotica; vendors hawk their wares; peddlers their trinkets. The chem-labs, the factories, the mines—everything grinds at full tilt. By noon, the march of commerce ebbs. The sun crests, and so does the afternoon languor.
Fissurefolk throw their windows open to the slanting pink sunrays. The streets fill with bodies: shopgirls taking their ease, laborers unwinding after a shift, children at play. Some, like Silco retire for a rare siesta under the striped luminosity of the Laguna Lounge's shuttered windows, savoring brandy from a cut-glass beaker. Others, like Sevika, favor a different sort of savoring: the heady rush of a good smoke after a hard fuck as the dust-motes swirl gold through the slats of a brothel's backroom. Still others, like Jinx, prefer a less traditional mode of unwinding: a dance of daredevilry off the gables of sunbaked rooftops with fistfuls of paint-bombs. By dusk, they each sleep, sprawled, in the lap of the sun.
The rest of Zaun does the same: a honeyed hive, drunk on warm nectar.
Supper is served early, an hour after sundown. It's the city's way of drawing out the day. Or turning back the clock, just for a heartbeat, to the idyllic era before the Cataclysm. A time when the sky was an edgeless blue, and the air held a scent of leaves. A time when the rains were pure and the riverwater sweet.
The spread at supper is traditionally sweet too: sugared rhubarb and poached cavernfruit, roasted nuts and spiced ciders. It's a stimulus to the senses; the perfect pick-me-up for the night-shifts that resume by moonrise. And as the darkness deepens over Zaun, so does the city's appetite.
Dinner is served at midnight. The zenith of the Equinox, when the street-life is brightest. Hot and savory and spiced, it is a rousing tonic to the nocturnal chill. Families gather at tables laden with stewed mushrooms, skewered squab, and steaming loaves of chaff bread. Jars of fermented cavernfruit wine are passed around. Bottoms are raised to the gods. The old gods: the ones Topside pretends have no teeth.
And then, the feast begins.
On the Equinox, everyone revels. Even the monsters.
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The summer of 1942 - Tom Riddle x reader p3
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cross posted on Ao3
summary- Tom wakes up to his 2nd day at the Prothero home, and learns of a particular animal he's very interested in.
Once again Tom woke up to the sound of chaos-though thankfully, this time there was no banging on the bathroom door and yelling right outside his door. Tom sighed, not in the mood for human interaction right now, and pulled his blanket over his head-blocking out the noise, but only slightly.
Being so used to the chaos of his roommates back at Hogwarts-Tom easily went back to sleep and woke up around 6 am, when he usually woke up. With a groan Tom sat up, cracking his back as he did so.
It was quiet now, and Tom knew everyone was out working at the shelter at farmhouse. So Tom got up and got changed, combing his hair into its usual style and going downstairs, making himself some breakfast with the ingredients Mrs. Prothero left out for him.
Tom looked out the dining room window-seeing Prothero walking about the field, a horde of dogs following her around, a rope lead in one of her hands. Tom snorted as one of the dogs leaped up and muzzle punched her, Prothero’s hands shooting up to cover her face-and Tom could see some of those teens from yesterday laughing at her, only to scream and run when she turned on them-the dogs barking loudly and chasing after them.
He supposed that was why Mr. Prothero told her to be nice to him, because she bullied their workers.
Tom made himself a cup of coffee(of course with seven sugars and cream, once again taking a plain sugar cube and popping it in his mouth) and went back up to his room, getting more of his summer work done and getting another book out when he finished that.
Around noon-Tom had finished all his summer work-which wasn’t new, he had always finished it quickly-having nothing else to do at the orphanage, and he couldn’t find anything interesting in his Hogwarts history books, so he put those away and went back downstairs, looking at the clock as he saw the horde in the dining room and hanging out on the porch, all eating their lunches.
“Afternoon Tom, good day so far?” Mr. Prothero asked, drinking a tonic water, Tom nodded, holding a book in his elbow-glancing around the room-seeing some of the muggle horde looking back.
“yes, so far.” Tom said, setting his book down and making himself some lunch-a simple sandwich-but it would tie him over till supper. “who’s the bean pole?” Tom turned at the sudden voice, seeing one of the young adults of the horde with dark red curly hair and freckles all over, tall and built-a side smirk on his face aimed at Tom.
“Justin, be nice,” Mr. Prothero sighed, shaking his head. “this is Tom, he goes to school with (y/n), and we’re hosting him until further notice. I’m sure you know of the London child evacuation?” Justin, still smirking, nodded, a few of the boys next to him looking quite mischievous.
Tom sighed through his nose, and here he thought he left his bullies behind at the orphanage, but those types of boys existed everywhere he supposed.
“And you call me a bully,” Prothero muttered as she stepped into the house-sneakily kicking Justin’s thigh, sticking her tongue out at him as Justin tried to trip her.
“Because you are!” Colin said from the table, a mouth full of bread. Prothero just glared at him, and when Mr. Prothero’s back was turned-she threw a towel at him-Colin only gasped and tattled on her to Mr. Prothero. “See! She hit me!” “I threw a towel at you, you twerp!” Prothero groaned, clicking her jaw as Mr. Prothero just took a deep breath, pinching his nose. “if I hit you-you would be crying!” With another sigh from Mr. Prothero, Prothero scrunched her nose at Colin and stepped back-returning to her mission of getting lunch.
Colin stuck his tongue out at her back, and was met with another towel chucked at his face. “I swear she has eyes on the back of her head,” Colin grumbled, tossing the towel down and crossing his arms, his plate clean.
Tom was greatly amused, and a little relieved. The attention was off him and on Prothero, and now she was snarking at Justin and some of the other boys, the girls of the horde already finishing their food and going to relax outside-enjoying the sunshine while on their break.
“Oh like you aren’t terrified of Viper,” Prothero laughed, leaning back on the counter-Tom only now realizing the matching shirts they all wore, all blue(varying shades, either dye or worn out) with a symbol on the left side of the chest. Tom didn’t ask what for-he guessed they were shelter shirts. Pretty much every boy sneered back or cringed at the mention of ‘Viper’, many going into the defense that ‘she’ was scary and aggressive.
“Yeah, she just doesn’t like any of you,” Prothero said, crossing her arms triumphantly. “she’s not that way with me, have you even tried gaining her trust?” Prothero asked, laughing as the boys just huffed. Clearly not.
“Who is Viper?” Tom asked, the attention once again on him-but he ignored the eyes, mostly looking at Prothero, who nodded towards the shelter. “A snake, a reticulated python to be exact, she was rescued from an illegal trade route a good while back-pretty agressive, but she likes me-dunno why, but she does,” Prothero explained, her chest puffing with pride at having the affections of an aggressive snake.
The boys rolled their eyes, one of them whispering that Viper only liked (y/n) because they were both aggressive and willing to bite. Prothero heard that and grinned sharply-cackling as that boy jumped back.
He was seeing why some of his classmates at school called her weird.
But he was very interested In the snake, a reticulated python! He had read about those time and time again-they could get to be huge, and while they weren’t venomous-they were just as dangerous as any venomous snake. They killed their prey by curling around them and suffocating them. Tom wanted to meet this Viper; she sounded amazing.
Now, if one were less awkward than Tom, they would ask to meet the snake, but Tom-not much for human interaction(no matter how charming he was to his teachers during the school years) stayed quiet, planning to meet the reptile after the lights went out.
A few hours after Tom was sure everyone was asleep, snuck out-carefully going through the house until he was outside-thankful nothing had creaked too loudly.
He went out into the field-quietly shuffling through the shelter building until he happened upon the reptile room. It was separate from the rest of the building, one wall had several large glass tanks, and the other wall had a large room-like tank, where Viper was kept; According to the label by the bottom of the cage.
Tom stepped further into the room-his eyes locked onto the large tank, it was a big tank, perfect for such a large snake. Tom could compare it to his room back at the house, decorated with tree branches, foliage, and a big water hole in the corner of the tank.
Tom’s breath escaped him as a snake rose it’s head from the green, it was a shimmering black that reflected like a rainbow in the moonlight that shone through the window. “Hello,” Tom said in parseltongue, and the snake drew up further-its beady eyes almost sparkling.
“A sssspeaker,” Viper said, her voice muffled through the glass, slowly moving towards Tom, and Tom stepped closer, pressing his hands to the glass. “and what bringsssss you here, hatcchling?”
Tom swallowed, not sure how to explain it. “A war broke out upon my homeland, I wassss sssent here for sssafe keeping.” Viper nodded, turning her head curiously.
“you will be sssafe here, the family that keepsss me is niccce, esssspecccially the hatcchling, (y/n) they call her.”
Tom just hummed, the mudblood had truly gained the fondness of Viper then-he hadn’t doubted it but to hear it from Viper had only confirmed it. “you hold her differently than I?” Viper said, sensing Tom’s lack of ‘affection’ towards Prothero.
Tom had nothing against her personally, her being a mudblood was really all Tom had to pull, she was nice enough-though Tom thought she was plenty easy to rile up. “I don’t know her,” was all Tom said instead of spewing the thoughts he had been taught by his ‘friends’ back at school.
He knew well enough to not speak those words, even if he thought they were true. He wasn’t stupid like Malfoy or Black, spouting about blood purity and mudbloods at the drop of a hat. Tom was smart, and if he wanted to have a comfortable summer and a promising future-he would keep his trap shut, even if his thoughts said something different.
Viper gave him a look-as if knowing something deeper and nodded. “very well, now go back to sssleep, it’sss far too late for a hatchling like you, ssskin and bonesss you are.” Tom flushed a bit from being mothered by the large snake, but nodded, bidding Viper goodnight and going back to the house, sneaking back upstairs and going to bed.
What an interesting summer this was going to be(this was thought sarcastically, but Tom had no idea what he was in for.)
Tom didn’t know what he did(probably said something at the wrong time, he did that sometimes), but he and Prothero were fighting now. Spats really, childish spats that kept Tom entertained-but infuriated him at the same time.
“Would you stop slouching,” Tom grumbled one day at supper, Prothero sitting next to him, leaning over her food as she ate. She swallowed the mouthful she had and turned to Tom, smiling sweetly. “Riddle, do you think you’re my mum or something?” Tom made a face-clearly meant to say no, and Prothero got in his face, scrunching her nose as she bared her teeth. “Then stop bossing me around.”
She slouched again, and Mr. and Mrs. Prothero laughed at her actions and words. “She certainly has a mind of her own,” Mr. Prothero said fondly and Tom huffed, rolling his eyes and pushing around some peas on his plate. “Yeah, hate that in a woman,” Tom grumbled, and out of the corner of his eye-he saw Prothero stick her tongue out at him and Tom whipped around-glaring at her.
And to think he thought she was nice; she was a horrid beast-she definitely belonged in Slytherin-unlike Malfoys certainty that any mudbloods belonged in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff-far away from the grand house of Slytherin.
Tom eventually sighed, finishing his supper and cleaning up-gathering his plate and empty cup and putting them in the sink-starting to wash them as the Prothero’s also finished their food.
Behind him-he heard Mr. Prothero mutter something to Prothero and she grumbled, saying he(Tom) was a prat. But with another huff from Mr. Prothero, Prothero groaned and wandered over, sitting on the countertop next to Tom.
He glanced at her once, and continued doing the dishes.
“Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Prothero said and Tom nodded, agreeing but this was truly a good opportunity to rile up Prothero further. “I think we did too,” Tom said, placing the last plate on the dish rack and drying his hands, leaning back against the counter. Prothero nodded, glad to see they had come to a bridge of agreement. “but I appreciate your apology,” Tom said, hiding his grin as Prothero shook her head, as if offended by his choice of words, which she was.
“Apology?” Prothero coughed, furrowing her brows. “Who said anything about an apology, I was just trying to say that we-“ Tom quickly interrupted her, throwing down the towel he had been using to dry his hands and crossing his arms. “Please-don’t talk anymore, it’s only going to upset me~” Tom said with a jeering grin, chuckling mentally as Prothero huffed, scrunching her nose again.
“Fine-I’ll be quiet, I’ll be quiet if you will.” Prothero said and Tom nodded, crossing one leg over the other-shrugging a bit. “All right, I’ll be quiet.” Prothero huffed, nodding back. “Fine.” She agreed and Tom smirked-seeing another opportunity to rile her up. “fine,” Tom said back, holding back his laughter as Prothero glared and mocked his mocking. “fine!”
Tom had the last word-with one final ‘fine’ Prothero huffed, looking away from him, and Tom turned his attention to the room. it had been about five days since his arrival now, and he had finished all his school work-nearly read all his books, had explored some of the field, gone into the reptile house twice now, and now was having a spat with Prothero.
Oh, how fun this summer was turning out to be, and it was only the 5th day.
“You think you’re gonna miss it?” Prothero asked suddenly and Tom rolled his eyes, turning back on her. “Miss what, your talking?” he jeered and Prothero huffed, rolling her eyes at his taunt. “No! London?”
Tom quieted, shaking his head. “Nope.” he muttered, looking down at his hands. Prothero frowned, seemingly more interested in the conversation than she was before. “But it was your home?”
“It was a place I once lived, end of story,” Tom muttered, not wanting to talk about the orphanage or London. He had never been welcomed or liked there-more often than not called the devil's child for his odd eyes and even odder abilities.
Prothero just hummed, tilting her head. “Hogwarts then? You seem comfortable there, is that what you call your home?” Tom huffed, turning on Prothero with a scrunched nose. “Why are you so-pushy? Why must you know what my feelings are for places I’ve lived?”
Prothero threw up her hands, puffing her cheeks. “Well, I’m sorry! We’re going to be living together for two months, forgive me if I don’t want it to be awkward the entire time! Sorry for assuming you were more than just a stubborn prat!” Tom just copied her movements, throwing up his hands and stepping away, running into Mr. Prothero, who rose his brow-having heard their spat.
“Ah-thank goodness,” Tom breathed, pointing at Prothero and side-eyeing her-she had her arms crossed and was mocking him-angering Tom further. “please remove her from my sight!” Mr. Prothero sighed, giving Prothero a look. “What did you do to him?” Mr. Prothero asked and Prothero gasped in offense, gesturing towards Tom. “Me?! It’s him!”
Tom let out a huff from the back of his throat-throwing up his hands. He was done with this-muggle mess, and stormed up to his room, slamming the door.
Mr. Prothero chuckled, watching as his daughter rolled her eyes and jumped off the counter, kicking one of the cabinet doors. “Ah~ an unspoken attraction?” Mr. Prothero teased, Mrs. Prothero laughing quietly as she walked in, two empty wine glasses in hand.
“Attraction?! To that skinny little prat!?” (y/n) yelled, glaring at her dad, crossing her arms as her parents laughed gently, only teasing their daughter. “Have you lost your minds?!” (y/n) followed Tom’s lead and stormed out, only instead of going to her room, she went to the shelter and hung out with some of the dogs until she calmed down.
“They’re going to be a handful,” Mrs. Prothero said, hearing Tom stomp around for a bit and ranting to himself. “they were getting along quite well up until Wednesday,” Mr. Prothero hummed in agreement, remembering how the two had gone from civil to fighting in only three days.
 “Well, I think they both like the challenge, the boys are all scared of (y/n), so Tom is probably the first boy to not be, and (y/n) is much different than what he’s probably used to. I’m sure they’ll be friends one day; they just need to get over themselves.” Mr. Prothero said, smiling as Mrs. Prothero kissed his cheek.
“Wise beyond your years my love,” Mrs. Prothero said, glancing up to Tom’s room as they heard the pacing stop and Tom flop onto his bed-his scream muffled by a pillow. “I’m only fifty-one Bren,” Mr. Prothero laughed, kissing his wife as he turned, holding her close as they looked out the window-watching their daughter rant away to one of their shelter dogs.
“At least this summer will be entertaining,” Mrs. Prothero joked, patting her husband's chest and Mr. Prothero laughed, nodding along.
Oh yes, a very entertaining summer indeed.
-end of p3-
Yeah they’re suddenly fighting now, I feel like with Tom’s personality and rough edges, once he doesn’t care about being in someone's good graces-he wont be that charming boy all the teachers know him as-and then hes suddenly that cockney prat that’s easy to hate
Idk what I’m doing still lol
And yes I’m using Anastasia dialogue
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silvermarmoset · 2 years
which books they’re from under the cut!
options 1 and 2-the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe (mr tumnus’s tea and the badgers’ supper)
options 3 and 4-the wind in the willows, (toad’s stew from the horse-trader and his dinner with the jailer’s daughter)
options 5 and 6 are from understood betsy (her welcome home dinner and the meal that really starts to change her opinion of the Putneys)
options 7 and 8 are from Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown and Heavens to Betsy (the Christmas party at Mrs. Poppy’s and Mr. Ray’s Sunday night lunch)
option 9 is from the secret garden (Dickon, Colin, and Mary make a little oven in the garden so nobody can tell they’re eating between meals)
option 10 is from the wind in the willows again (badger breakfast). Sorry but Kenneth Grahame is just the king of food description!!
honorable mentions who just couldn’t hold up under the allure of buttered toast: Anne Shirley’s jam preserves and vanilla cake (Anne of Green Gables), Sara’s secret meal of savory soup and sandwiches (A Little Princess), the March sisters’ giveaway breakfast of muffins and cream (Little Women), Sam’s rabbit stew with herbs and bread (The Lord of the Rings), Strega Nona’s endless pasta (Strega Nona), everything eaten by Vianne but particularly the thick pancakes drizzled with honey and all those espresso drinks (Chocolat).
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toadallytickles · 1 year
i hope this isn’t weird but what’s ur workout and diet routine? ur stomach is actually to die for it’s so toned 😭
OH MY GOSH-! Not weird at all! I’ve been wanting to talk about my workout routine for so long, even wanting to create my own post on it but thought that would be weird! (〃›᳐ .̫ ‹᳐〃)ゞ
Here’s my previous answer from March 2022 if you want to check that out!
I want to state first that this is a lifestyle choice I want for myself. Working out and being physical are what I want for my future self. It’s not for acceptance, it’s not for society, it’s not for my relationships with others, it’s for my relationship with myself! And if you’re considering a lifestyle change, it should be for you too! It’s much harder if it’s for someone else! It feels a lot more controllable when it’s for you.
I used to follow workout videos by Chloe Ting, Lily Sabri, and MadFit on YouTube, though now only follow Sydney Cummings. I have dedicated my time to her videos since September 2022, and have now completed 4 of her monthly programs; Arise, Arise II, MOVE, and PROCESS.
She is currently doing her Summer Time Fine ‘23 program! It is her most successful program!
What I really like about Sydney is that she works out alongside of you. She doesn’t workout outside of the videos, her fitness is her own programs. She had her first child in June 2022, and has been rebuilding herself through the programs she makes free for everyone!
Her videos are at-home-friendly, though you can do them at the gym too, and they are welcoming of any level of fitness and experience! A warm-up and cool-down are included in her newer videos! She’s extremely enthusiastic and optimistic too! After each workout she gives a very motivating speech, it’s always different too!
My diet has not changed too much, I’m just more health conscious. Like I eat whole wheat bread now (at home lol), I have an egg every morning! Clay wants a more-vegan diet, so I do make protein shakes post-workout, and add protein powder to supper dishes if it blends well (like in spaghetti sauce, chilli). I think life is too short to completely take out sugars and treats, so I still indulge in fast food, pop, and chocolate~. It’s not gonna be the end of the world or ruin anything! I just have less of it!
My routine is breakfast, a 45 minute morning walk as a warmup, a Sydney Cummings’ video (I am now doing her Summer Time Fine program), one of her stretch videos as a cool down, then protein shake and/or lunch!
February 2023 marked 1 year of me working out consistently! 💪
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catbirdstations · 2 years
splatoon characters favorite cereals headcanons. this is a awesome post guys please click read more please i beg of you
marie: plain cheerios
callie: fruit loops but specifically name brand Froot Loops. nothing else.
captain 3: only eats a large bowl of yogurt and granola that gives them the same effects as eating a puck of melted laxative gummies for breakfast
agent 4: eats frosted flakes for breakfast lunch supper and dinner
agent 8: after escaping from the underground they ate only special k for 5 months
pearl: eats kind of disgusting off brand cereal thats 90% sugar
marina: name brand cereal that tastes identical to off brand counterparts but costs more and she still eats it
shiver: ground up fish that she eats with her shark friends
frye: eats fruity dyno-bites and feeds it to her eels. they love it!
big man: honey combs because i like him and honey combs
agent 3^2: only eats oatmeal
little buddy: ground up fish again
dedf1sh: sugar bombs and dirty river water
all of c side: lucky charms but only the marshmallows
fin bottom: potato chips
warabi: lactose intolerant but eats dry corn flakes
ikkan: also lactose intolerant but eats hospital raisin bran and whole milk
tangle bottom: eats unfrosted mini wheats with 5 tablespoons in sugar because I don't like him
taka: eats cookie crisps. need I say more
omega-3: dr pepper, blood, and root beer mixed together in a bowl full of wheat bran
paul: something something cereal that's 60% food coloring
ichiya: some discontinued cereal that somehow got put back on shelves. also 60% food coloring
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quordleona03 · 1 year
keep breathing
Breakfast: He says a blessing. The food is bad, but he's fasted since before midnight the day before. Dried egg, pancakes, coffee. Hawkeye sits across from him and two down, head down, stirring sugar into his coffee.
Lunch: A blessing on bad food. He tries to remember how hungry the Koreans are, to make himself mean the blessing. Hawkeye is in post-op, shoulders hunched with weariness.
Supper: A muttered blessing over sandwiches, brought to the operating room. He holds the sandwich to Hawkeye's mouth, feeding him carefully. It's a day. A night.
He counts his blessings. Food. Shelter. (Hawkeye.) Sleep.
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cynsugar · 1 year
plain rice cake with 0 c@l sweetener and cinnamon 35
7 chocolate chips 17
light tuna with another rice cake 135
steak 190, salad 10, rice 51, corn on the cob 99
1/4 cup blueberries 21
total 551
didnt take pictures today sorry. i want to eat like a cat, have fish at every meal but my family will notice. when i move out my fridge and pantry is going to be sparkling water, tilapia, salmon, tuna, mackerel, cod, sugar free monsters, cucumbers, leafy greens, bell peppers, tomatoes, pork, chickpeas, 0 c@l sweetners for sugar cravings, preworkout, supplement powders and pills, frozen fruit (unfrozen is too expensive), dark chocolate, instant coffee, low c@l sauces, bone broth, chia, quinoa, teas of every kind, popcorn kernels, acv, hemp hearts, flax,
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magioffire · 2 years
Whats the diet like your fae? i recall you said that they can't do gluten - how does that effect their meals? do they have the three main meals like we do ( breakfast , lunch , dinner ) or do they have a different system ? gimmie all the food culture -
word building questions ; always accepting!!
dokkalfar are omnivores with a lean towards fruitivore and insectivore/carnivore tendencies. they will eat just about anything that does not eat them first. however, like any organism, they have preferences and specific dietary needs. dokkalfar primarily consume a diet that in high in protein and sugars.
they have very high caloric needs, so sugar and other simple carbohydrates are commonly on the menu for dokkalfar for short bursts of energy they need throughout the day, while protein is needed to help maintain the muscle mass they require to do all the funny bug stuff they do.
since they dont consume grains, they consume their carbohydrates from root vegetables/tubers, nuts/seeds, legumes, fruit, fungus, and some easy to digest leafy greens (rarely). sometimes they even consume the flowering bodies of plants. because of their high caloric needs and how fast they go through energy, fruit is a common form of replenishing energy, and its very common for dokkalfar to snack on various fruits they find throughout the day.
since dokkalfar have a few cities along the coastline of their western-most territory, dokkalfar in the west have taken to enjoying sea food, particularly shellfish. insects make up the majority of the protein in their diet, but they do eat pretty much any form of protein they can get their hands on.
dokkalfar typically eat many small meals throughout the day, however they also enjoy camaraderie of eating among their own kind, so even small meals can be enough to warrant gathering -- for this reason drinks like teas, coffee, and wine are all very common to drink throughout the day too to excuse a get together. dokkalfar typically have one or two big communal meals a day, usually at dawn or dusk - during the twilight hours, and many small ones with smaller groups throughout the day.
for a healthy dokkalfar, they would need a big sized meal every 6-8 hours, or small meals interspersed over 3-4 hour periods, to keep their energy levels stable. so dokkalfar can have anywhere from 4 BIG meals in a day, or 6-7 small meals in a day. thats alotta food, almost twice as much and as often as humans need -- ESPECIALLY if they are active. so they would be kinda like hobbits in that they got , breakfast, brunch, lunch, post lunch tea, supper, dinner, midnight tea---
since they have a love of sweets and a resistance to toxins, dokkalfar enjoy drinking sweet teas steeped with the leaves of plants that would impart secondary pyschoactive effects, and many of their wines are cloyingly sweet (as well as strong). dokkalfar very much enjoy black tea seeped with aromatic spices and sweetened with sugar, like chai without any milk.
they love honey, will go to great lengths to harvest honey, and beekeeping is not unheard of among the dokkalfar. though they prefer the taste of wild honey. they refine most of their sugar from sugar trees, sugar-cane-like stalks that contain insane amounts of natural glucose. the bark and natural gummy resin from the sugar trees is popular to chew on throughout the day.
candy and sweets are a cornerstone of dokkalfar food culture, and while they cannot make pastries as we might know them, they have their own ways of creating pastry-like confections from non-grain plant material. im sure they've also figured out how to extract gelatin from animal collagen.
frozen treats are also popular, as dokkalfar extract ice from the mountainous alps that line their northern most border, bring them deep into the earth, and create sort of ice boxes. this allows them to have frozen goods all year round. frozen fruit shredded on top of shaved, flavored ice is really popular in the summer months.
they harvest a lot of spices, more in line with stuff like vanilla, and cinnamon, and other 'sweet' spices or spices that can be used in a sweet context. but they do harvest their own fair share of savory spices too, like spices in line with cumin, paprika, mustard seeds, stuff like that. they export and import a lot of spices and herbs, and like to experiment with different flavors, even if they usually circle back to sweet eventually.
they dont really consume animal dairy products. the concept of milk, cheeses, yoghurt, etc are all weird and alien to them. the only sort of 'milk' products they would use would be nut milks. like something in line with walnut, soy or almond milk. eggs, however, would be used in cooking and eaten. fermented products would be very popular, as dokkalfar are experts are manipulating the environment of their underground abodes to create perfect places for food to ferment safely.
raw meat is not off the table for dokkalfar, they are capable of digesting it without much problem. raw fish, especially in western coastal towns, is not uncommon, and neither is the consumption of raw bugs. however, when they can, they prefer to cook their meals than eat them raw.
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andswarwrites · 1 year
Day 9
Yesterday I wrote about our experience with the pandemic and schooling, but now I have another "pandemic tale" to tell.  While everyone was sharing stories about how the pandemic made them gain weight, S- and I took ourselves in hand and conquered obesity.  I mean, we gained some of the weight back, and losing it a second time is proving difficult, but I no longer have high blood pressure, and both of us still fit in our clothes, so we're doing okay.
Weight gain can be so gradual, it creeps up on you.  S- was always on the portly side, and we're both tall, and I would classify myself as "curvy", so when the pandemic first hit, we'd go for a run around the block every day, and eat whatever we wanted.  It wasn't until we visited my parents in the summer of 2020 that we experienced a shock.  My mom borrowed a scale from a friend and had the two of us weigh ourselves.  That was tough love, huh?  S- was around 300 lb, and I was only forty pounds lighter.
It was summer, so both of us began getting out for walks every single day.  S- would walk to and from work on sunny days, and that gave him 5 km, and I would walk over to see him at lunchtime and we would walk around the campus together, then I'd walk home, getting my own 5 km.  Just walking every day makes a big difference.  And we cut sugar, salt, processed food and alcohol.  Since we lost the weight (S- lost close to a hundred pounds, and I lost eighty-five) we have adjusted the diet.
For breakfast we lean towards fruit, oatmeal, the occasional slice of whole grain toast; for lunches we tend to make stews, wraps and sandwiches.  And for supper I have been making a lot of soups and salads.  We're not vegetarian, but I feel like we buy more cheese than we do any other animal product.  Now, tell me if this makes sense: I don't think full on deprivation is the way to go when you're losing weight.  You need habits that are sustainable.  So exercise and how you eat cannot be temporary, with a set goal in mind.
I do lose weight with the current diet we're having. However, the scale shows me some pretty discouraging fluctuations.  All winter I worked out, but this spring I hit a wall.  On the other hand, the days are now longer, the warmer weather is approaching, and I'm planning to go for a walk with a friend tomorrow.  There's a nearby park that helps you get away from the city for about an hour, in wooded trails.  It'll be muddy this time of year, but I've got good boots. 
Every time I achieve a goal, it is by taking one day at a time, and celebrating small victories.  For example, this year, I just passed the 100K mark in my daily writing.  I only started one story so far this year, the rest of my writing has been journalling.  I've been getting ideas for fiction, and my new main character has been taking shape.  I'm in no hurry to write a new novel.  It would be nice if I could write one in November, like old times, but I've still got a lot of editing to do.  So we'll see.
I have a confession to make: my self esteem is not quantified by a number: the amount in my bank account, the weight I see in the morning when I step on the bathroom scale, my age, the scores I get on tests.  They're all numbers, they don't fulfill me.  You know what fulfills me?  Life.  If we have enough money for the basic necessities, some fun splurges here and there, and enough set aside for emergencies, we're good.  My goal in watching my weight is mainly to make sure I remain healthy.  But if I'm eating well, working out as much as I can, and staying active, what more can I do?  Certainly not starve myself.
And as for my age: I used to think youth ended once your thirties ended.  Well I am halfway through my thirties, and I've got a new approach: I'm going to just enjoy each passing year, and mature as gracefully as I can.  And as for test scores: I know I am intelligent.  I don't need to define my intelligence by how many dates and facts I can retain.  I enjoyed school, but it has its place.  Can you learn?  Can you teach?  You're set.  Because if you can learn, you'll be able to grow as a person, and if you can teach, you can share your personal growth with those around you. 
I rambled again, didn't I?  I tend to do that, because a lot of topics are all interconnected in my head.  And that is what I'm going to talk about for the next four days, starting tomorrow: my head.  Starting with how I really feel about being called "weird" and "crazy".  But that's tomorrow's ramblings, not today's.  I forgot to mention: N- has an appetite that can be downright scary.  I had to start feeding her solid food at four months, and one of the only dishes that would fill her was green peas, avocado and egg.  That was her absolute favorite.
Now that N- is entering the teen years, I worry about her, because she can just consume food.  I remember hunger at that age, and between meals I had to satisfy myself with an apple.  And I lived.  I've been working on helping N- to savor and enjoy her food; my sister told N- to chew until she has tasted every flavor.  I think that is really good advice.  We should also be mentally present when we eat.  I prefer meals where we eat as a family, at the table, enjoying one another as much as we enjoy the food on our plates.
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captaindibbzy · 2 years
Mystery of what happened to the chocolate digestives solved.
Dad's taken to hiding them in the man cave to make sure I specifically don't eat them.
Because he's on one of his "you eat to much" tirades.
You know, three meals a day, maybe less, and the occasional snack.
When I was young and insulin was less developed as a technology dad used to have to time his meals very well in order to keep blood sugar up.
So he would have:
Every day.
If these were skipped or late he risked his blood sugar crashing, having a hypo, ending up in the hospital, or dead.
He seems to have forgotten that like he forgets that he is constantly eating. These days he'll have about 10 milky coffees a day or more, and every time he has a coffee or comes down he'll have a snack.
Biscuits, chocolates, sweets, crisps, nuts, toast. All day every day. He eats 90% of the snacks in the house but he doesn't remember he does it. If you ask him what he's eaten in a day he'll say "nothing".
Dad you don't know shit about health or nutrition and your attempts to control my life are going to backfire explosively.
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