#bro asked if we should look at planning a day to go to the mario thing and like. it's still nowhere near disney prices but good gourd
foundationsofdecay · 8 months
remember when universal studios hollywood was so pathetic in attendance that they were begging for people to come to the point that an annual pass was barely any more expensive than a regular day pass. oh how times have changed
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istadris · 23 days
So this is a weird idea, but bear with me because these are awesome.
Bowser is frustrated as he is running out of ideas to defeat the Mario Bros. Kidnapping, battling, even karting or tennis, there just doesn't seem to be a way where he could stop them from thwarting him. How could he inflict the most humiliating and final defeat on these two pesky plumbers...?
"I know!!!" Bowser suddenly exclaims, feeling very smart, "seduction!! Forget Peach, I'm going after the Bros this time!"
"Which one-?"
Here is Bowser's plan :
Seduce both bros separately
Make them fall madly in love with him
Lead them along for a while
Dramatically reveal the truth, causing a never ending rift between Mario and Luigi as each realises the love of their life has been cheating on them with his own twin! How could he! The drama! The anguish!
Step back and enjoy
Flawless plan, surely! And once Bowser starts enacting it, it actually seems to work! Before he knows, he's so busy planning secret dates with one brother without letting the other know about it, he has to tone down on the kingdom invading business.
Mario and Luigi are aware of the whole plan.
Even if the bros didn't tell each other everything, Luigi can't lie to save his life and Mario has no concept of discretion, so of course it doesn't take more than a couple of days to realize they've been dating the same (evil, Koopa-shelled) guy.
And. They're rolling with it.
"I mean, I feel a bit bad leading him along like that," Luigi says as he's chilling with his bro on a beach of Delfino Island, "but he kinda started it? Yet I wonder if we should tell him."
Mario only lifts his sunglasses to give Luigi his best "are you really feeling bad for the double-crossing villain who decided of his own free will to star in a soap opera" unimpressed look.
"But as far as preventing him from kidnapping Princess Peach goes, dates with Bowser is more relaxing than running through kingdoms and jungles."
Mario gives Luigi cheeky finger guns in agreement.
"Plus, It's not like he's a bad lover," Luigi admits, prompting Mario to nod appreciatively, "and it's nice to be spoiled for once."
(Does Peach know? My dears, she asks for ~*~details~*~)
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A Different Type of Loss
It was a mildly pleasant evening as the sun steadily dipped through the trees and giant mushrooms of the kingdom’s valleys. The day was winding down, and Luigi decided to retire to his room for the evening. He should be feeling excited, and yet here he was with a somber expression on his face.
Luigi sat down at his bed and picked up a picture frame of him and Mario. It was the day they had graduated high school, their faces grinning, holding up their diplomas and holding onto each other. He set that one down and picked up another. This one was their first day at Spike’s Wrecking Crew. Luigi continued looking through the other pictures he had on his phone, in his photo albums, and so on, until he got to one of the more recent ones.
This one was different. Instead of just him and Mario, Princess Peach was in the photograph too, her smile every so slightly different than the grins of the brothers. She was wearing a pink and gold ring on her finger, having just accepted Mario’s proposal. Luigi felt upset at himself for feeling down.
He had helped Mario come up with the plan to propose to her, just like they had done everything together. He had grown quite close to Peach, to Luigi she was already a sister to him. He should feel nothing but joy at the fact that his bro was finally getting married in two days’ time to a woman that he dearly loved and who loved him dearly in return. Luigi was going to be the best man at the wedding for goodness sake! He shouldn’t have any right to feel sad.
Looking away from the photos, Luigi started up at the ceiling, and then at the walls of his bedroom. Almost everything of Mario’s was gone, and what was remaining were just a few pieces of furniture that were going to be removed while Mario and Peach left for their honeymoon. Luigi, of course, had volunteered to do it, but Peach and also asked Toad and Toadette to help him.
Speaking of which, Luigi heard a knock on his door. He answered it, and there he was, the little mushroom man who was Mario’s self-proclaimed best friend.
“Heya!” said Toad.
“Oh. Hi, sorry, I wasn’t expecting company, well aside from Mario,” admitted Luigi. “Uh, come in, I’ll make you some tea!”
Toad happily sat down at the table. The house wasn’t very large so there wasn’t much room for extraneous furniture. Still, it was cozy enough for Mario and Luigi to sit down for meals together as well as have the occasional guest.
As Luigi heated up the water, he asked “Hey have you seen my brother lately?” Mario was usually home right around now, and while they had split up to run some last minute errands separately, Luigi had been under the impression that his brother wouldn’t be too long.
“Actually, yes,” said Toad. “Mario actually sent me over to let you know that he was not going to get back until late this evening. Seems like it was a last minute date night with the princess.”
“Oh.” Luigi’s expression changed to be less politely hesitant and a bit more wistful. He quietly poured two cups of tea, handed one to Toad, and then put both his hands around his mug. Instead of drinking it, Luigi just stared into it.
“But hey, I’m totally down to hang out!” Toad suggested, hoping it would improve his friend’s mood.
Luigi continued to stare at his tea, barely acknowledging Toad but still trying his best to be polite. “Oh. Yeah, yeah you can stay…” he trailed off.
“Can’t believe the wedding’s the day after to tommorow already,” grinned Toad. “Princess Peach is so lucky to have your brother, and I’m so relieved to be part of a wedding that isn’t some coercive sham. Time flies so fast! Seems like only yesterday that we dodged THAT Bullet Bill, quite literally, eh Luigi?”
Luigi shuddered. Perhaps enough time had passed that Toad felt comfortable joking about it, but a lot of things from his experience were things he tried to block out of his memory. He refused to do so completely, as he’d made good ones too, like the sheer relief at Mario saving his life, finally getting the chance to give Bowser the pummeling that he deserved, and being recognized as a hero. But he could never quite move past the fact that he had been mere inches away from death on several occasions.
“I’m so sorry,” said Toad, regretting that he had brought the subject up. “I only wish that you and Mario had arrived here under better circumstances��� To be honest, I was shocked when the two of you had decided to move to the Mushroom Kingdom. After all that happened, I’d figured that you probably didn’t want to have anything to do with us…”
“It’s not your fault and never was,” Luigi reassured him. “In fact I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you and Peach, and for that I’m eternally grateful.” He finally took a sip of his tea. “Besides, while living here has taken some getting used to, the Mushroom Kingdom is quite beautiful and the neighbors are lovely. Even if we have had to deal with Bowser’s shenanigans on more than one occasion.”
Toad decided to change the subject. “So, do we have any last minute wedding prep that needs to happen? I just can’t shake the feeling that we’re forgetting something. I thought about helping you move the rest of Mario’s furniture but when I checked in with him he just said to leave it until after the wedding.”
“No, I don’t think so. The rehearsal went fairly well yesterday,” said Luigi. “I suppose I could workshop my best man’s speech a little bit more though… It can be hard to know the right thing to say when your bro…”
“That’s right!” exclaimed Toad. “Oh Luigi, you are so lucky to be the best man at the royal wedding! Do you want me to look it over for you?”
Luigi started to feel a lump in his throat. Tears were already welling up in his eyes. “Toad, I- I’m-“ he started, but not knowing how to get it out. He gulped down another sip of his tea, then blurted out “I’m scared! I feel so horrible for saying this, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to do this!”
Toad’s eyes widened in alarm. “WHAT!? Why? I thought you looking forward to this!”
Luigi rubbed his head with his hand. “I know, and I love and support my brother one hundred percent! I love Peach like a sister already, and I can’t think of a better woman for him to marry! I should feel so good about this, have nothing but pride and joy, but I’m scared that- that-“
“That what?”
“That I’m losing him!”
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
Can you do a lee!Mr compress with a ler!toga and twice?
Good vibes only
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Summary: toga and twice invite Compress to play super smash bros with them, but everyone in the LOV knows that you should and will be in a good mood around toga. One way or another it’s good vibes only around toga, plus twice also wants his friends to be happy (I adore twice he so sweet 🤭)
Also the bold bits in twices line are you know his “other half” speaking.
Lee: Compress
Ler: Toga and Twice
Compress had uh…well… not so good day. Actually it maybe one of the shittiest days of his life. He’s had numerous unlucky bad days but none of the compare to today. It just started awful from when he burnt it breakfast and everything after that was just terrible. All he wanted to do now was just relax to take his mind off of all of the horrible stuff that occurred.
“Aww thats so rude I was just about to be 1st, I’m the winner” Twice whined. “That’s the same person who hit me with a squid” Toga agreed complaining aswell.
“Oh hey press what’s wrong? Did something happen? Let me beat them to a pulp”Twice greeted him questioning him as he cracked his knuckles. “Yeah press what’s wrong?” Toga turned around seeing how upset he looked.
“It was not a…good day is all” compress sighed trying not to think of it. “Do you wanna play Mario kart with us?” Toga asked as she picked up an extra controller handing it to him. “You’ll probably feel better, I’m getting 1st place again” Twice chimed in. “Y-yeah thanks you two” Compress half-heartily smiled grabbing the controller.
“I call dibs on princess peach” Toga smiled claiming her character. “I call dibs on Waluigi” Twice followed up also claiming his character. “Hmmmmmm I’ll take Kamek” He also claimed his character. “Which one should we play on?” Toga asked. “How about 150cc” compress suggested, plus that was his go to anyways. “Sure you guys are gonna lose anyways, I’ll kick both of your asses blindfolded” twice teased.
“Didn’t you lose last time according to my memory?” Toga smirked. “Um NO I was in 1st place and you know it!” twice folded his arms, looking away from her. Compress couldn’t help but chuckle at there antics.
Just as the race started, compress was in 1st with toga in 3rd and twice in 9th. “Woah press didn’t know you were good at Mario Kart”
“Well I have been playing with shiggy”compress half heartedly giggled. “What shiggy plays games other than animal crossing?!” Toga laughed. “Yeah I know I was surprised when we asked me to play Mario kart” Compress scoffed.
“I WAS SOOO close” twice whined. “ 2nd is the best aka me how’d you get in 8th place ” toga giggled. “You really are good press” toga smiled before she quickly stopped interrogating him “compress? is that a frown?”
“No nope it’s and upside down smile” he lied badly. But was toga or twice gonna point it out? Nope she has an plan in mind. “D-do you wanna play another round we can play 200cc this time” compress stuttered as he insisted another round not wanting toga nor twice to be upset.
“Hmm fine 1 more round” she squinted her eyes at him. When compress looked away sighing in relief he hadn’t payed attention to the code she’d given twice. (Yes they got this little code thing that only the two of them can understand😭😭).
Once again compress taking the lead in first place with Toga in 2nd and Twice in 3rd they were all neck and neck before he felt a jab to the side.
“Hn!!” Compress yelped, jerking away from the ticklish touch. He looked a twice to see him with both of his hands occupied by his controller. He just ignored it and glued his eyes back into the screen.
I got a banana pEEL” Compress squeaked, clenching his controller he looked over at toga who totally didn’t pinch his hip. Once again compress suspected nothing yet before looking right back at the screen.
This trend kept on happening. Were twice and toga take turns poking compress in the side, swiping a finger across his foot, or a light scratch on the back of his neck. All until “guhuys knock it ohoff this is chehEating” He giggled.
“What are you talking about and why are you so giggly” toga smirked full aware of the situation. “I wonder what’s so funny, He’s giggling his life away” Twice added on.
Both Twice and Toga looked at eachother as they clawed Compress sides. Compress immediately clamped his arms down to his side trying to escape the tickly grip “guhuhuys nohohot funnehehehe”. “Nobody’s laughing but you press— Duhhhh” Twice teased.
“Stohohohohop ihihihit”
“Stop what” toga asked.
“Tihihickling mhehehehe”Compress answered not realizing that he just fell into a trap by saying that. Twice then pins his arms above his head “You got it dude!! tickles coming your way”Twice teased as he used one hand to hold his wrists in place, while he raked his fingers down his armpits.
“Nononohoho thahahat’s not whahahat I meAAAHAHANT AHAHA” Press shrieked as he squirmed around trying to escape.
“Stop squirming Press im trying to make sure you have all of you’re ribs” Toga rolled her eyes. “Now I have to start over 1….2….3…” each rib she counted, she used her nail to lightly scratch between it.
“I mean I hope it does after all you did ask for tickles” she reminded. “Press you made me lose track again hmmmm let’s see how many did I count” she acted clueless as she rapidly pinched his sides and hips.
“Oh it is what about here?” Twice smirked, as he was near his feet. Compress hadn’t noticed that twice had use his quirk one was keeping him pin down while he was near his feet.
“Waitwaitwahahahait twice twice buddy cohome on let’s tahahalk about thihis” press lifted up his head as much as he could so he could look at twice and try to reason with him.
“Sorry man you broke toga’s rule” twice shrugged his shoulders. “Whahahat rule?” “Her ‘good vibes only’ rule— you’re obviously sad we’re not blind” he explained.
“Ihi’m nohot sad though” press giggled, becoming more and more giggly as he started to anticipate the tickles, since he could barely lift up his head.
“Too late dude—much love” Twice smiled as he scribbled up and down the soles of his feet.
“Hey I’m here too y’know” she playfully pouted as she squeezed his thighs rapidly.
“Will you stop being sad and tell us what’s wrong?” Toga asked.
“You promise?” They both asked.
“Good” Toga sighed in relief.
“Well what happened why’d you come in looking so gloomy?” Twice asked. “Ihi just had a shitty dahay from start to finishehe from when I burnt my breakfast, all the way to when I came back here, it just messed with my emotions and of course got to me. I was just ready to come back and relax but after that torture you two goofs out me through I feel a lot better” he smiled.
“We didn’t take it too far did we?” Twice asked also. “Of course not it’s was just playful banter” press giggled.
“I’m glad you told us, also we don’t ever want to cross and boundaries we just really care about you and don’t like seeing you so sad and gloomy” Toga spoke her mind and twice of course.
“If anything ever makes you sad again promise to tell us” Twice looked at him in his eyes. “Ihi promise” press couldn’t help but giggle. “You guys are so sappy” Dabi rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch.
“Looks like some one else need to be tickle tooooo” twice sang as he wiggled his fingers at Dabi. “I swear on Endeavor if you tickle me you’ll have a 6th degree burn” Dabi playfully threatened. “6th degree? That’s not even a thing!!” Toga looked at him lost.
“Exactly that’s how severe it is” Dabi smirked.
AAAAAAAH I hope you all like it it wasn’t intended to get all mushy like that at the end but idk what came over me but yeah 😭😭
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
A Semi Successful Rescue Mission: bowser x luigi
similar prompt as fic Frightened To Flirty in 3 Seconds Flat + the idea that bowser should have used luigi to roleplay practice his wedding with peach in the movie
first half has the same vibes as THIS post
mario, dk, and peach infiltrate bowser’s castle on a rescue mission
story under the read more
Semi Successful Rescue Mission (also on ao3)
The sound of rushed footsteps echoed through the corridors as Mario, Peach, and Donkey Kong looked for Luigi.
“We have to hurry,” Mario said, finishing a scan of the room and moving on to the next. “Based on the picture of Bowser you showed me, it might be too late!”
Sprinting down another hallway, they almost ran into a platoon  of Bowser’s troops before quickly backtracking. “Too late for what?” DK asked, trying to keep up with the plumber.
Peach gave the all clear on her end and the trio skidded around a corner, checking more rooms. “It’s only been 2 days, Mario,” she said. “It’d be too soon for Bowser to actually harm your brother; I’m honestly surprised we made it this far in so little time.”
It was true. The original plan would have taken at least another day or two, but Mario knew they would have run out of time by then.
“It’s not Luigi I’m worried about. I mean, I am worried about him,” Mario slammed another door shut and opened another. “But the one we should really be worried about is the Koopa King.”
Peach and DK paused to exchange a look. Mario stopped as well, looking to both ends of the hall before ushering the group into an empty room. “Look,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Sometimes when my brother gets to a certain level of scared he’ll get really, and I mean really, flirty. If that koopa is anything like your description of him we have to get to Luigi and snap him out of it.”
The two royals blinked.
“What?” Peach asked, unsure of where this was going.
“It’s some kind of- of self defense or coping mechanism, I dunno the specifics. Our cousins used to joke around about it when we were younger and call him ‘Lady Killer Luigi’ but it was a whole thing.”
Making sure the coast was clear, the three moved out and began checking the rooms for Mario’s younger brother.
“Mario, I still don’t understand-”
The three made their way to the last room with the biggest double doors Mario had seen in his life. He had a bad feeling about this.
DK snorted. “Relax, Princess. He’s probably just scared his brother’s gonna get hurt insulting that overgrown turtle with a crappy pick up line.”
“It’s much worse than that.” Mario said, pushing open the doors. Their eyes took a moment to adjust before Peach and DK’s jaws dropped. There, at the end of the aisle, was Luigi in a wedding dress. The younger plumber was standing next to a fully suited King Bowser, Kamek standing at the podium behind them.
“Not again.” Mario muttered to himself.
DK’s head whipped to the side to stare at Mario in shock. “AGAIN?!?!”
“Oh my god, what is happening right now,” Peach whispered.
“Mama Mia. This is just as bad as the time he charmed the entire wedding party and the couple getting married.”
“HE WHAT?!?!”
DK had never felt so lost and confused, so many things, so much information! He needed to sit down.
“Luigi,” Mario took a cautious step towards the ‘couple’. “Step away from the koopa.”
Luigi looked at his bro, side eyed Bowser, and then back to Mario.
His skirts swished as he shuffled a bit closer to the groom.
“Weegee, you leave him alone right this instant” Placing his hands on his hips, Mario stomped his foot on the carpet and gave his best Disappointed Big Brother stare. “You can’t marry a guy you just met!“
“Is this reality?” DK whispered to Peach as they watched the argument unfold. A few Shy Guys had joined them in the pew and were passing around bags of popcorn.
“I’m not sure anymore,” Peach answered, shoving a handful of snack into her face. She didn’t know if they should be watching but it was so hard to look away.
Luigi grinned, taking hold of the Bowser’s purple ribbon and yanking the king down to his level. The koopa grunted at the motion. “Listen here, you little-” he growled but was cut off by Mario.
“Weegee, no.”
“Good thing I’ve known him for almost 2 days then.”
“Luigi Mario, don’t you dare-”
Catching everyone by surprise, the green plumber grabbed Bowser by the face and slammed their lips together.
“Holy-!” DK and Peach squawked at the sudden kiss. Shy Guys were tossing popcorn everywhere in excitement.
“Damn it, Luigi,” Mario sighed, rubbing his temples.
Luigi pulled away first; sliding a gloved hand under the king’s chin and closing his mouth. With a wink and a playful pat to the larger man’s cheek, he turned and made his way to his big brother, shaking his shoulder.
“Relax bro, we were just practicing for his and Peach’s ‘future wedding’. It’s all pretend.“
“If you say so...”
        - 3 Hours After DK, Peach, Mario, And Luigi Leave Bowser’s Castle-
Kamek shuffled into the training hall, decimated exercise equipment was scattered every which way, scorch marks evident on some of them. The advisor even saw a few claw marks on the stone walls that had definitely not been there this morning.
All evidence pointed to one thing: Bowser was furious. Not only had he been embarrassed by that coward of a green plumber, he’d also been seen practicing for his wedding with the princess and kissed said plumber, IN FRONT OF PEACH!
Plus they’d all escaped and somehow set his prisoner’s free in the process. All that hard work for nothing.
“What?” He growled, growing hot with rage just thinking about the absolute disaster today had been. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“I- erm, I have some... bad news, about the wedding, Your Majesty.”
The king groaned, running his claws over his face. Stupid practice wedding, stupid rizzed up plumber. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“Yeah yeah. We’ll have to postpone it again until I recapture the hostages and fix whatever damage to the castle and troops Mario and the others did.”
He swore, the next time he saw Luigi-
“You and Luigi are officially, legally, married to each other.”
Kamek barely dodged the burst of flame Bowser threw his way.
“Whaddaya mean me and Greenie are actually married?!”
The king snatched Kamek in one massive paw, eyes blazing as he glared directly at the magikoopa. “Explain!”
Apparently even just reading the scripts for the wedding could count as official if the contract was signed and the ceremony was sealed with a kiss. The advisor hadn’t thought they’d actually get that far. He’d thought even less that the plumber would be the one to initiate it as a prank on his older brother.
“Great, just great!”
Bowser released the magikoopa and tried to ward off an incoming headache. “Aauuggghh, whatever!”
“Yes, Your Ruthlessness?”
“Find a way to break the marriage contract and tell the troops to set a course to the Mushroom Kingdom.”
“But Sire! You can’t marry the princess if-”
“We’re not kidnapping her this time,” Bowser snapped, smoke and sparks appearing at the edges of his muzzle.
“We’re getting my ‘bride’ back.
can’t write this part but some possible ideas:
the others get informed about the situation (king consort luigi) via magic ball zoom call with kamek and toadsworth
mario is panicking, peach is worried, DK thinks it’s hilarious, and luigi’s nervous but honestly fine with it
bowser tries to kidnap luigi either loudly or quietly:
loudly:bowser bursts thru a wall or sets a diversion, kidnaps luigi, but luigi switches back to rizz mode; the divorce can only happen if both parties sign
quietly: he gets caught (luigi stalls him) and ends up talking with everyone; there’s a part where he’s like ‘I’m just trying to divorce the guy but all the divorce stuff is at my castle’
bowser’s signature was already on the contract during the practice run, luigi sneakily signed it as a joke when no one was looking before leaving
slow burn thing where bowser starts crushing on luigi while trying to convince him to get a divorce
normal luigi starts being less scared at the koopa kingdom and uses his status to form relationships with other kingdoms kinda behind bowser’s back
luigi also teases mario about liking DK
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Since I did just watch it, I figured I should give my take on the movie. THIS IS NOT DEFINITIVE. How I feel is my opinion, and you are not inclined to agree with me. Also, this really isn’t a criticism post but more just stuff I noticed or would point out to anyone else who is planning to watch it.
To start: Plot. It’s about what you would expect of a Mario Bros movie. Just like the games, it’s a simple “rescue story” premise. Someone is in danger, Mario and his friends rescue them. However, I feel like this gives backstory to the games rather than being something happening during the game events. Also, it changes the standard story a little in that Luigi is being sought after most of the movie rather than Peach, who instead is training Mario to come with her and rescue him and the Mushroom Kingdom. We meet who eventually will be Mario’s friends and get some insight on how they might have met, even Mario Kart logic! Overall, nothing groundbreaking, but still enjoyable for anyone who has been with the series, no matter how long.
On those same lines, pacing is strange, but gets to the point so the movie doesn’t take forever. It seems like parts would be longer, like when Peach first meets Mario and he asks for help. It sounds like this would be a build-up of moments to trust him on her journey, but instead she almost immediately trains him. Does this take away from my enjoyment? Absolutely not. If you came to this movie for the plot writing, though, I’d say don’t get your hopes up.
Characters; as I said, we get to meet some of the main characters in many of the mainstream games. Obviously, there’s Mario, Peach, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Toad, and Bowser. Alongside those, we also get to see personalities for some characters who have only been seen as enemies or side characters, like Kamek, the Koopas, and the rest of the Toads. I liked that we also got introduced to the fact that more Kongs exist other than three I always think of, which sort of gives a glimpse of Donkey Kong’s background. In short, there are lots of characters and most have been given the personality and backstory they lack. It’s not incredibly well-written, but again, doesn’t take away from my enjoyment.
Animation: AMAZING! I love how goofy it makes the characters look with their actions, while still showing an amazing amount of detail. You could see points where game design was taken into account when characters walked, ran, and jumped; even the go-kart designs were true to the Mario Kart games for the most part. Rainbow Road scene was gorgeous, and I love the design of the kingdoms and Bowser’s… ship? Floating lava-castle-island thing? Whatever it is, it looks awesome. Character designs are so cartoonish but still lifelike, even the hair looks well-designed and animated. Basically, everything about this is just *chefs kiss*.
Soundtrack: Ok, the orchestral stuff I could listen to All. Day. Long. Like, it sounds so cool, especially since I can pick out parts from games I’ve played. Now, the other songs that have nothing to do with Mario? I felt like some didn’t fit. Take on Me is a great song, sure, but it didn’t fit with the whole “racing down the track” scene. Holding out for a Hero? I mean, it works, but such a cliche pick. Now, I loved the No Sleep ‘Til Brooklyn pick, mainly because it fit with the scene of them running, non-stop, to their first job. I can’t put all of it here, but overall, Orchestral was great, non-Nintendo stuff could’ve had more thought. Still didn’t take too much away from overall enjoyment.
Game references: I think this is the thing that made the movie interesting for everyone. Even my mom, who barely plays Mario games, could find references she enjoyed (she loved the training sequence because she said it was an accurate depiction of her playing any Mario game lol). We loved picking out the small things, like the kart selection scene, (which, by the way, I LOVE that they used an A button to signal they were done designing because we all know that is always the pick button, at least in my experience), Kid Icarus showing up, Wrecking Crew being a plot point with Spike as a sort-of heckler; Cat Mario’s sequence was legit just taking me back to middle school and my Wii U days. If there was ever a reason this was made, it was for the long-time fans, and this is where you can really tell. Anyone who is new to the world of Nintendo would probably have very little to no idea about any of this, and quite frankly if you had audiences full of people like that with this movie, it might’ve failed. The reason I enjoyed it so much was because of the little references and because of the small details like this.
In short, this was, quite frankly, exactly what it needed to be. Even Miyamoto himself said this was for the fans; it wasn’t like they cared about the critics, and neither did most others who went. A movie like this isn’t about plot perfection or the best writing in general, it’s about what we love from the Mario series, and the rest of the stuff is a bonus.
I did my best to write this a comprehensively as possible, but I’m not great at long writing, so please feel free to tell me if you couldn’t understand something!
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lifeiszestyy · 2 years
*A Sparkle Star Galaxy short story*
Day 7 of @writersmonth - flag / castle AO3
Summary: Mario and Luigi take a short breather in Toad Town before they reach the final castle where Bowser has trapped Princess Peach.
Date: Yellow Sun 17, 4504 Scenario: Towards the end of Super Mario Bros. Setting: Toad Town, the Mushroom Kingdom, Astraea Characters: Luigi (26) + Mario (26) + Dea T. (11) + Clara T. (7)
After several days of traversing the Mushroom Kingdom and fighting off Bowser’s minions, Mario and Luigi finally make their way to Toad Town. After fighting their way through the barrier of baddies stationed outside the town, they find all of the houses boarded up, minions of all kinds walking up and down the streets.
The brothers lean against the wall of an alleyway to catch their breath.
“Sorry, bro,” Luigi says. “It would have been nice if we didn’t lose those Fire Flowers, huh?”
“Don’t worry about it,” says Mario. “We’ll find more before we enter the final castle.”
“I sure hope so.”
Mario looks around the corner just in time to spot a child run out into the street. He’s wearing a metal helmet too big for his head, red spots painted on the helmet, and he waves a spear too large for his small body.
“Let the princess go!” the child yells.
A group of Hammer Bros. blocking the street turn toward the child and start snickering. One steps forward and says, “Yeah? You gonna take on all of us at once?”
As the child takes a battle stance, Mario rushes out into the street.
“Bro? What about our plan to sneak into the castle?” Luigi calls out.
The Hammer Bros. look up as they see a man in a red cap and overalls run at full speed towards them. “Uh, who–?”
Mario jumps over the child and jumps on the heads of the Hammer Bros. in succession with enough force to knock each of them out in one hit.  As Mario lands on the ground, a group of unconscious people on the ground around him, he turns to the child and kneels down. “Are you okay, little one?” he asks softly.
The Toad child clutches his spear and points it at Mario, his lip quivering.
“No, no, I’m here to help!” Mario holds out his hand and says, “My name is Mario, and I’m from the Metro Kingdom. I’m a friend of Princess Peach.”
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Dea T. …”
Luigi runs up to Mario and says, “Hey, the stragglers are trying to pin us in from behind. We’d better hurry.” He looks down at the child and says, “Oh no.”
Mario places his hand on Dea T.’s shoulder and says, “Dea T., you’d better hide until we’ve beaten everyone inside the castle, okay?”
“I can help!” Dea T. says. “My father was a knight!”
“Dea T., I don’t know where your father is, but I think he would rather you be safe than in danger.”
As Dea T. bites his lip, a young voice calls out, “Get away from my brother!”
Mario looks up to see an even younger girl with a green-spotted Toad hat and a pink dress run up to them, swinging a large bag.
Dea T. turns and says, “Clara T.! I told you not to follow me!” He gestures to the Mario Bros. and says, “They’re not bad guys! They’re here to help!”
Luigi looks at Mario and says, “I’ll hold off the minions while you get these two home, okay? Let’s meet up here in a few minutes.”
Mario nods. “Got it!” As Luigi leaves, Mario says, “Let’s get you back home. It’s dangerous out here.”
As Dea T. leads the way, the Toad girl looks at Mario and asks, “Is that your brother?”
“Yes, his name’s Luigi, and I’m Mario!”
The girl pouts. “How could you let your brother go somewhere dangerous alone? What if he’s hurt?”
“We trust each other. He’s strong enough to fight on his own. But we’re more powerful together.”
“See, Dea T.? You should have taken me with you!”
“No, Clara T. You can’t fight.”
“You can’t either!”
Mario scoops the two of them up in his arms and says, “The two of you are still very small, and the enemies are very strong and some have powerful magic. The people who love you will be very sad if you're hurt. I’m sure the princess would be sad, too. So, leave the fighting to the adults like me and my brother. We’ll take care of everything. Okay?”
Dea T.’s eyes sparkle. “Are you a hero?”
“No, no…”
Dea T. looks at his spear and says, “Do you want my father’s spear?”
Mario smiles and says, “I’ll be fine without any weapons. I’ve been in a lot of scraps before, and I always come out on top.”
“Wow…” Dea T. looks around and says, “Our house is right there. We can get there from here.”
As Mario puts the two of them down, Clara T. pulls out two Fire Flowers from her bag. “I was saving these for me and my brother, but if you and your brother are heroes, then you two should use it.”
“We’re not heroes, but thank you, little one. Watch the castle. Once we raise a flag at the top, you’ll know that we beat Bowser and his army should leave soon. Stay inside until you’re sure it’s safe, okay?” He boops both of them on the nose. “Siblings must watch each other’s backs.”
Dea T. nods solemnly. “I understand, Mr. Mario. May the Stars bless you.”
“May the Stars bless you!” Clara T. repeats. She grabs Dea T.’s hand, and the two of them run to the back door of their home.
Mario gives a sigh of relief and makes his way back.
Dea T. and Clara T.’s aunts scold them tearfully, but they’re allowed to sit by the window and watch the castle. A few hours later, a white flag with a red star is raised from the top of the castle, fireworks signaling the end of Bowser’s siege. Dea T. clasps his hands and thanks the Stars.
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
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prompt/note: i wanted to a break between the AoT posts so i wanted to post a prompt about the BNHA bois forgetting about your birthday and them attempting to make it up to you. / the req status should be opened soon if any of you want to start of thinking of reqs you want to send me. fandoms and rules are pinned to the top of my blog. also, for any other blog writers, isn’t the beta testing their doing super fucking annoying.
request status: CLOSED
pairing: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, iida tenya
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you were bit more dressed up more than usual today and bakugou noticed. he didn't say anything as he thought you were just getting more dolled up for the hell of it. he gave you a quick compliment and went on his way, stating that he had a few things to do with Kiri before the day ended
you got a bit down, feeling that maybe he had forgotten. you quickly dismissed that thought, realizing that maybe he was planning a birthday party for you and didn't want you finding out.
the rest of the day flew by, an excited feeling bubbling up inside you as you inched closer to the end of the day. you wondered by Bakugou was planning on doing for your birthday. you knew Bakugou wasn't good with planning such lovey dovey things but since it was your birthday, you figured he must've done something.
you went to Bakugou's room, knocking on the door softly as you heard a rough come in. you were about to say hello when you realized he was in training close, ready to go workout with Kiri.
"where are you going?" you asked, twiddling with your fingers. he didn't bother to even look back at you, "training with Kirishma," he murmured.
you sighed, "oh, I just thought you would be able to come out with me tonight," you tried to say. he shook his head no. "no, I already told you I was going to train with weird hair so stop asking!" he screamed, making you jump a bit.
Kirishima gave you a sympathetic look as you gave Bakugou one last look and walked out of his dorm.
you walked into the hallway, seeing Uraraka and Momo walking out of Momo's dorm with a small cake. they immediately saw your tear stained face and put the cake down.
"hey, what's wrong?" Momo asked. you sighed, trying to get out what you were saying but the sobs that racked your body wouldn't let you, "wait, are you trying to say that Bakugou forgot your birthday?" Uraraka asked.
you nodded, "I thought he was trying to throw me a surprise party but I walked in there, asking him if he wanted to do anything and he kicked me out saying that he was going to workout with Kirishima," upon you finishing your sentence, Bakugou and Kirishima walked out.
Uraraka gave Bakugou a death glare as Momo pulled you into her arms and walked you into your dorm. Bakugou paid no mind to them as Kirishima looked to him and sighed. "pretty crappy day for her, huh?" Kirishima asked, looking at your dorm room door. Bakugou shrugged, "she'll be fine later. she's probably mad about earlier," he said, not putting much mind on it.
Kiri gave him a look, making Bakugou confused, "I guess. just sucks she spent her birthday trapped in her room but whatever you said bro," Bakugou stood in place, wide eyed realizing that today was in fact your birthday. "
don't tell me you forgot." "FUCK."
Kirishima slammed his hands against his face, not wanting to see Bakugou's face. Bakugou felt his heart drop, feeling a huge sensation of guilt and sadness washing over him. "that's why everyone was surrounding her desk this morning," Kirishima nodded, shaking his head in disappointment, "I don't know dude, you better figure it out before it gets worse," he mentioned before walking away.
Bakugou walked into his room, slamming the door and laying his bed. he had no idea how he was going to even start to apologize to you but he knew he had to do it tonight.
he knew Kirishima had a point.
he hadn't been the most diligent in trying to be with you recently and he kept shoving and cancelling your dates last minute to train or get work done. Bakugou was the one who asked you out first and promised you he would try his hardest to make it work out and now you were crying on your birthday.
the night was coming in and he walked over to your door, quietly knocking on it. you didn't bother to open it, knowing it was Bakugou who was more than likely to be the one who was knocking.
you flipped to the other side of the bed and ignored the knock, figuring he would leave you alone if you didn't answer. Bakugou knew that you kept the spare key for your dorm room in the small pot by your door. he dug for it, panicking that maybe you had moved it but as he finally found it, he grabbed it and unlocked it.
“hey,” his rough voice said. you shut your eyes, pretending to be asleep so he could leave quicker. he went by your side of the bed, realizing that you had fallen asleep, “damn, I didn’t think you’d be in bed this early.”
he sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed.
“listen, I know you probably don’t care for what I have to say but you mean a lot to me, idiot. I know I fucked up, big time actually but I want to make it up to you. please? I thought maybe we could get dinner, let me treat you right and like I’m supposed too.”
Bakugou moved a piece of your hair out of the way and kissed your hair softly. a part of you wanted to continue to be upset at him but hearing his apology and what he wanted to do to make it up to you, you wanted to wake up.
“I guess I’ll be leaving before Aizawa kills us.”
you shuffled in place, pretending to wake up, making Bakugou turn his head around to look at you. “Suki?” you whispered, rubbing your eyes.
he made his way back to you, sitting on the edge of bed, “I’m sorry for what I did today,” he murmured, not even wanting to look at you in the eye, “I’ve been a dick, more than usual recently and none of it has been your fault. can I make it up to you?” he asked.
you stayed silent for a moment, “Suki, I understand that you’ve been a lot more busier than usual but that isn’t my fault. it really hurt that you forgot my birthday and it hurts even more that you’ve been putting me in second place,” you murmured, trying not to sound hurt.
Katsuki nodded.
“I know. I promise I’ll do better.”
he gave you a kiss on the cheek before getting up from the bed and getting ready to leave, “love you Suki’,” you said, finding a comfortable spot in bed again, “you better,” he laughed before leaving.
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you were beyond livid. todoroki had been anticipating your birthday for weeks now. the two of you were planning on going out to dinner if Aizawa had given you both permission, which he gladly allowed but two days before the outing came and he wasn’t having a good day. insults were being said and now the two of you were angry to say the least.
you figured that maybe by Saturday, he would have forgotten about the argument and the date would still have happened but what you hoped for fell through and now it was noon on Saturday and you were in your room crying to Kaminari of all people. 
he rubbed your back, trying to get you to calm down as he told you to try and forget about the argument. he knew the two of you liked each other a lot but he couldn’t help but side with you on this one so he suggested a plan!
he took Todoroki’s spot for the day and the two of you went out for your birthday. since no one else had gotten permission to leave for the day, only Kaminari was able to do this but in the backside of your mind, you knew Todoroki was going to be upset to say the least. 
both you and Kaminari walked to the nearest train station and took the ride to the outskirts of the city and went to a small ramen shop to catch a late lunch/early dinner. 
the only one who knew about you and Kaminari leaving was ironically enough, Bakugou. he had saw the two of you leaving the building, unenthusiastically asking where the two of you were going since you were leaving school premises. 
“so, we still have a few hours before we’re due back to school,” Kaminari reminded you. you gave him the signal to give you a minute and pulled up the nearest arcade, which happened only to be a few blocks from the ramen shop and a bit closer the train station, “you in the mood to play arcade games?” 
Todoroki walked down stairs to the kitchen, hoping that you were to see what kind of mood you were in. he wanted to apologize for getting angry at you and prepare himself for you dinner date in a few days. 
“hey Todoroki!” Midoriya greeted, as happily as ever. he waved at the green haired boy as he sat down next to him and watched him scroll through his Snapchat story, “oh, ( your name ) isn’t on campus?” Midoriya asked him. 
Todoroki gave him a confused look, “what do mean?” he asked back, a small bit of panic settling in the pit of his stomach. “oh, well, since it’s birthday, it looks like she went out with Kaminari,” he replied, showing Todoroki his snapchat. 
you and Kaminari both had posted a few photos and videos from the day. the ramen the two of you had eaten and then a few videos from the arcade. you were playing Mario Kart, singing some really REALLY shitty karaoke, and eating some really bad junk food. 
“is something wrong?” Midoriya asked. Todoroki ran his fingers through his hair, panic finally fully setting into his stomach, “I didn’t remember that today was her birthday,” he murmured, playing with his lip as Midoriya’s eyes widened, hearing what his friend was saying.
the two of you remained quiet, trying not to freak out. 
“what do you mean forgot? I thought the two of you were both planning something out!” Midoriya exclaimed, “we were but then the two of us got into a pretty bad argument and haven’t talked since. I forgot that we were supposed to go out together today and I think she took Kaminari instead,” he explained. 
Bakugou chuckled, shaking his head, “she sure did. I’m on Kaminari’s private Snapchat story and they seem to be getting really close,” he tossed his phone to Todoroki who watched the two of you dancing and singing together.  
Kaminari was sitting pretty close to you, his arm was around your waist, a little too firm for Todoroki’s liking. Bakugou couldn’t help but laugh at his ‘friends’ reaction as he tried to keep his anger to a minimum as he continued to watch his story. 
you were damn near cuddled up to his chest, laughing and giggling at whatever Denki was telling you and he HATED it. you never acted like that around him. you never laughed or giggled that way with him. never have you ever held yourself like that with him.
“well, did you get her anything at least? that should save your ass, at least a little bit,” Bakugou said. Todoroki stared at the floor, too scared to look at them when he replied no, “well then....don’t act surprised if she doesn’t take you back after this,” he added on. 
“Kacchan!” “it’s true! you’re just mad I’m right. Kaminari might be an idiot but he can actually hold a conversation with a girl and be civil around them when he puts his one brain cell to use.” 
Todoroki growled, remaining silent for the rest of the night as he stayed downstairs to wait for you. now that he was realizing it, the way you were being with Kaminari did correlate to what Bakugou was saying and although he didn’t want to admit to it, he knew Bakugou had a point. 
the night crawled in as Todoroki was now alone in the living room. you were getting to the front of the building, Kaminari telling you some stupid joke that made you hysterically laugh as you walked into the living space. upon entering it, you saw Todoroki sitting there with shame and anger on his face.
you waved Kaminari good, telling him you’d text him later to thank him for hanging out with you. you stared at half-n-half, not saying a word, your face saying everything it needed too. 
“where were you today?” “out with Kaminari.”
your short sentences made him realize you were still as angry as you were the day you argued with him. “I saw you getting pretty close with him,” Todoroki stated. you chuckled, not believing what he was telling you. “yup, that’s kind of what happens when your boyfriend was being a dick on your birthday,” and there it is, Todoroki thought. 
“you could have reminded me about today.” 
your voice was at an all time high, not caring who heard. “you know what? this is useless. your playing the victim when in reality I should be! it’s my fucking birthday and you know what I got as a birthday gift? another argument from my fucking boyfriend and not even a measly happy birthday text.” you continued to yell.
“you know what?” Todoroki was suddenly nervous about you quick attiude change, “maybe what Kami said was true. maybe you need to weed out the dicks in your life until you get to the good people.” you said before walking away and not sparing Todoroki another glance. 
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this argument happened the day of your birthday, actually.  he had forgotten your birthday and although you had told him a few days in advanced, you weren’t making a big deal of the day itself. 
you just wanted to make a small cake, enough to feed you and Iida so when you asked him if he wanted to come to your dorm after dinner so you could eat the cake together and he outrightly denied, claiming he had a ton of training and homework to get done. 
“seriously? it’ll just be thirty minutes!” “no! I told you, I have to train for exactly an hour and a half before I take a shower and do homework! you should have known that. I wonder why we’re even together with that dismissive attitude of yours.” “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY YOU DICK!” 
he stared at you, your birthday had completely passed his mind and he felt so shitty as you dropped the cake on the floor, letting it splatter everywhere. 
everyone who heard the conversation stared at each other, not wanting to say anything as they saw Iida process what he had told you. he never meant to insinuate that he wanted to break up with you but it came out like word vomit and you were gone. 
he grabbed a mop and broom, slowly picking it up as he saw the disappointed faces of his friends. Iida knew he fucked up, way too badly this time and now you were crying on your birthday, practically broken hearted and angry at him. 
Iida sighed, sitting at his desk and mourning silently. the time read 7:30 and he wanted to do nothing more than bang on your door and apologize like there was no tomorrow but he knew that idea could be thrown out the window as you weren’t even texting him back. 
he saw the small gift you had given him on his birthday and felt a small wave tears hit his eyes. you did so much for him, going out of your way to bring him lunch on some days and other days, you offered to patch him up if you saw that he had gotten busted up during training. 
Iida stood up, going to the door and running to the kitchen. he knew this could be the only thing he could do to even start making it up to you again. you loved the cookies that Tensei had made for him a few weeks ago when he dropped by to visit.
he called his brother, explaining the situation to him as he immediately got a mini lecture as a response. Tensei basically yelling at him for not treating you right and how guilty he should be feeling for not only forgetting your birthday but also making you cry today. 
Iida got work as Tensei explained everything to make the cookies. he was lucky enough to have everything he needed to make the cookies, even going out of his way to remind himself to put small written notes on the cookies themselves when he finished. 
within that time, you were laying in bed, thinking about everything that Iida told you. you tried not to think about it, putting it on the fact that maybe he was stressed and forgot and everything just came tumbling out of his mouth. regardless, you tried to sleep, only to be awoken by a frantic knock.
you growled, slipping on one of Iida’s sweaters and going to the door. to your surprise, it was Iida himself, holding a plate of cookies and words coming out of his mouth like vomit. 
“I am so sorry. I meant nothing I said earlier and I apologize for acting extremely out of line. I never meant to insinuate that I wanted to break up with you and I never wanted to in the first place. please forgive me.”
you stared at him, lifting an eyebrow before rolling your eyes playfully, “the next time you decide to say something like that, we’re over and you’re not getting another chance after that,” you stated, taking a bite of the cookie and instantly letting out a moan of pleasure, “holy shit, are these Tensei’s cookies?” he nodded as you snatched the plate out of his hand. 
“that sucks that you made me cry tonight because we could have shared them but since you are on thin ice, these are mine! see you tomorrow, Iida!” you giggled, shutting the door on his face. “see you tomorrow, love.” he replied, a smile on his face as he made his way back to his dorm room to finish up some homework. 
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radiowrites · 3 years
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Call You Mine
Yet it was sweet, in an Oliver way.
A Ghost Hunt Fanfiction, one shot, 1050 words. Post-series, Rated G, Mairu pairing
Read it on: AO3 / FF.net / Under the cut!
A birthday gift for @elizabethchelly ^^
It was the weekend. With their last case wrapped up nicely, Mai had suggested to Oliver to visit the temple not far from the house they had stayed at before they started home. The rest of their coworkers had already gone, and Mai saw the chance for some time together. You could call it a date, if they were a normal couple.
The betrayal on Oliver’s face was evident when they arrived and he saw the bustling flea market that lined the pathway up to the temple.
Mai wouldn’t admit that maybe she knew the flea market set up on this day if the weather was good. She hadn’t expected it to be so busy, though. Crowds still unnerved Oliver, and she hadn’t meant to put him on the spot.
Oliver indicated that he was going to just go straight to the temple, and Mai shrugged. Shopping alone was fun, too.
Mai meandered down the wide road, weaving in and out around groups of people to see the wares. Each seller set up their booth differently, some with tables, or just a tarp spread out on the ground. Occasionally a booth would have a tent to shade their potential customers.
There was a variety of secondhand goods from various eras. One tarp was clearly people who had cleaned out a home recently, full of kitchenware and gently used clothing. Another table was full of handmade crafts and souvenirs, aimed mainly at tourists. The antique dealers who were old pros at this, and they were the only booths Mai generally drifted past without stopping. Her main excuse was antiques were way out of her budget. But the real reason? She didn’t really want to take home anything haunted.
A table of brightly colored toys caught her eye, but when she came closer to inspect she realized most of them were anime and video game collectibles, with price tags to match their value. The seller, a middle-aged man, didn’t acknowledge her with his eyes glued to a book in his lap.
Mai picked up a small keychain depicting a Boo from a Super Mario Bros. game. On one side of the keychain, the round white ghost covered its face with a bashful expression. When she flipped it over, the countenance changed into a menacing toothy grin. The character reminded her of a certain someone. Generally calm on the outside. Quick to explode when angered.
Yep, it was her through and through. Oliver would agree.
The price though…she wasn’t a gamer or collector, so she didn’t know if it was fair, but it was more than she hoped. She should have thought ahead enough to carry more cash. She could afford it, if she didn’t plan on buying lunch.
Mai tried to catch the seller’s eye. No response.
“Hello?” she said.
The seller looked up at her with disinterest.
“Can you take any less?” she asked.
Understandable, but she really did want it. Mai stifled a sigh as she went for her purse.
Oliver leaned over her shoulder, making her jump. She thought he had went on ahead. She held up the little ghost, sticking out her tongue to match its expression.
Oliver took it from her hand and set it back on the table.
Mai’s protests died on her lips when he wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Don’t bother with it, honey,” he said. “I saw another one down the way for cheaper. I’ll buy it for you.” Mai was still processing the word honey coming out of Oliver’s mouth—directed at her—as the seller closed the book with a snap and stood up.
“Wait a moment,” the seller said to Oliver. “How much less did you see it for?”
Mai found herself outside the booth, her new ghost trinket in her hand for thirty-percent less than the original price, and Oliver already strolling away from her.
“Hey!” She trotted after him and caught his elbow. “What was that?”
“His price was unreasonable.”
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it. What was with calling me honey?”
“I needed to establish we were together,” he said. “I could tell the type. Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to haggle prices with a girl.”
Mai knew she should tell him it had not been necessary. First off, it was so like a foreigner, it was funny. The seller would have guessed they were a couple if Oliver had just used her name. Second, she was a big girl, and didn’t need a man to protect her from the world. Yet, it was sweet, in an Oliver way.
Damn it, she had lost focus on the main subject. Mai had been exposed to the concept of terms of endearment from Luella and Madoka, which she had learned right away was way out of Oliver’s comfort zone.
“You told me pet names didn’t interest you,” she said.
He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. “And that has stopped you when?”
She paused, not wanting to be hasty in her rebuttal as she ran past situations through her mind. Nope. No babe, or honey, nor darling, had ever crossed her lips in reference to Oliver. Maybe in her head, but not out loud. If anything, she had realized, it was more awkward for her than him to fit those into her vocabulary.
But he was looking at her, waiting, and it dawned on her.
She burst out, “You can’t seriously consider Naru a pet name?”
“Of course.”
“That’s—that’s a nickname!”
“Same difference.”
“It is not!” She dragged out the last word in a whine.
He intertwined his fingers in hers and started tugging her gently towards the direction of the temple. Hand holding was currently his favorite way of finishing a conversation. And it worked, too.
She settled into glowering at him, now truly matching the ghost keychain in her opposite hand. One would hope he didn’t know anything about Super Mario Bros., or he would be calling her ‘Boo’ next.
When that occurred to her, she released an exaggerated breath and said, “Fine. Let’s go, Naru-chan. I expect you to buy me lunch, too.”
Oliver had turned his head away from her, feigning interest in another booth across the way, but not before she caught the slight smile on his face.
I just learned this from Wikipedia, which I must immediately share:
In an interview with Nintendo Power magazine, Mario franchise creator Shigeru Miyamoto stated that while working on Super Mario Bros. 3, co-designer Takashi Tezuka had the idea of putting his wife in the game. According to Miyamoto, "(Tezuka's) wife is very quiet normally, but one day she exploded, maddened by all the time he spent at work. In the game, there is now a character who shrinks when Mario looks at it, but when Mario turns away, it will grow large and menacing".
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
can i request bakugou fluff where the reader who is usually like sweet joins in on bakugou, kirishima and kaminari's "boys night" and plays video games with kiri and kami and is SO competitive and yells and stuff and beats them and bakugou is just like ... woah and its all fluffy 👉👈 sorry if this is messy, i hope you are taking care of yourself ! <3
hi love!! omg this is such a cute request, i love☺️💕hope you have a great day b!
Boys Night
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
warnings: swearing
genre: fluff!
a/n: mmmmm more bakugou fluff 🤩 theyre playing Mario Kart btw(for the sake of this blurb let’s pretend they don’t live in dorms for their third year 😁)
“What are you guys doing this weekend?” You asked.
“I’m going out of town with my parents,” groaned Mina.
“I’m on house arrest because I flunked that chemistry exam,” sighed Sero. You chuckled.
“What are you doing Bakugou?”
Bakugou looked over at you, crossing his arms.
“Hanging out with Dunce Face and Shitty Hair.”
“Yeah were having a guys night! It’s gonna be super manly,” smiled Kirishima.
“WAIT Y/N, you should like, totally join us,” smirked Denki. Your face grew warm.
“Oh are you sure? I don’t wanna intrude on your plans...”
“No you should totally come! It’ll be super fun!” insisted Kirishima. You looked over at Bakugou, whose face seemed to be turning as red as Kirishima’s hair.
“Uh do you mind if I join you guys this weekend?” You asked Bakugou. He shrugged.
“I don’t care dumbass.”
“Then it’s settled! Y/N, were meeting at my place at 8 o’clock on Saturday,” explained Denki. You smiled.
“Sounds good.”
You walked up to the front door of the Kaminari household. You were a bit nervous but excited to hang out with your friends. More so nervous to be hanging with Bakugou outside of of school.
You knocked on the door and it opened immediately.
“Y/N IS HERE!” shouted Denki behind himself, “hey Y/N, you look great!”
You chuckled.
“Thanks my sweatpants and I are happy to make an appearance.”
Denki led you downstairs to his basement. The LED lights and smell of energy drinks made it clear that this certainly was a ‘guys night’.
Bakugou and Kirishima sat on some bean bags while they taunted each other as they gamed.
“Uh hi guys...” you waved shyly. Kirishima paused the game.
“Oh hey Y/N! Here we’ll add you in after Bakugou and I finish,” said Kiri. You nodded. You took a seat next to Bakugou on the open bean bag.
“Hi dumbass...” he whispered.
“Damn it Bakugou! Beat me at the last second!” laughed Kirishima.
“Alright new round. Here’s a controller Y/N.” Kaminari handed you a remote and switched the game settings to four players. You all picked your characters and waited for the game to load.
“Hey now go easy on them,” joked Kaminari. You chuckled.
“I think I’ll be okay...”
The screen flashed and all your characters appeared.
You immediately pressed onto the gas button and off your character went, surpassing the rest of the boys.
You drove through every turn and jump with ease as Bakugou, Kiri, and Denki attempted to catch up.
“What the hell!? You some secret video game addict or something?” huffed Kaminari. You chuckled.
“Maybe you boys just suck.”
“Oh they’ve got comebacks now!” laughed Kiri.
“I think you guys should be worrying about making a comeback, not me. I’m about to lap Bakugou.”
Bakugou playfully nudged your elbow in hopes of you losing control of your remote. You repeated the action back to him.
“Aw is someone a sore loser?! It’s okay Katsuki I’ll give you some tips after I beat you,” you teased.
Bakugou nudged you once again. This time a little too hard, causing him to fall off of his bean bag and onto you.
“Bro how did you still win?” questioned Kaminari. He pointed to the screen where your character was next to the first place symbol. Bakugou looked down at you. He had his arms on each side of your face holding himself up.
“I’ll beat you next time dumbass.”
You smirked.
“We’ll see about that. Round two?”
After about 15 rounds of video games, you all were exhausted. You had once each round, causing the boys’ competitive natures to pop out even more. They couldn’t believe that their sweet school friend was ruthless when it came to video games. One person found it especially attractive.
You found yourself on the bean bags once more. More specifically, you found yourself resting your head on Bakugou’s leg as the two of you laid across the span of bean bags.
“You cheated,” groaned Kiri.
“I did not!” You laughed.
“Honestly I like this competitive side of Y/N,” said Kaminari.
“It’s hot,” blurted out Bakugou. Your eyes grew and you looked up at him. He eyed you, keeping a cheeky smile on his face.
“Well I’ve gotta get home,” you explained. You sat up and grabbed your things.
“Okay next weekend we are playing again and I am determined to beat Y/N!” proposed Denki. You laughed.
“I doubt that Kaminari. Well thanks again guys, I’ll see you Monday.” You began to walk up the stairs.
“Hold up. I’ll-uh-I’ll walk you out.” Bakugou ran after you. The basement filled with “ooooo’s” from Kaminari and Kirishima.
“Thanks Katsuki.”
Bakugou led you to the front door and opened it for you.
“So listen, um, maybe next weekend we game at my place. Just the two of us? If you’d like to...” said Bakugou. Your face grew hot but you nodded happily.
“I’d love that.”
“Cool...so I’ll see you later then...” said Bakugou nervously. You smiled. You took a small step towards Bakugou, kissing his cheek. He blushed intensely.
“I’ll see you later Katsuki. Maybe next time you’ll actually win.”
“Oh I plan to.”
[MHA taglist: @bibly @big-phat-cat @sapphoscolonoscopy @luluwiie @happyheartsss @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful]
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repentantsky · 4 years
6 Times Nintendo Asked for Too Much Money, for Too Little in Return, on Switch, or Despite It
I’m critical of anyone who I think is ripping people off, and Nintendo, sadly, espeically since it’s games don’t drop in price, has done that a lot. That’s not to say Sony and Microsoft have never done it before, but since the Direct was an egregious reminder of how they mishandle business, I thought now was as good a time as any to remind people, they kind of have a history. 
6.  Charging over $100, for a remake’s full content
Now, I will say, in most cases a remake can go full price. If it’s ground up like a remake should be, and adds extra features or content to sweeten the deal, that’s fair play, however, locking content behind a paywall is cheap. Enter Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadow of Valentia. While the base game was just full price, which was 40 bucks on the 3DS, it cost far more to unlock all of it’s extra content. A $25 dollar Amiibo combo back, which unlocked special content, and a $50 dollar season pass, which was mostly just new dungeons and weapons, brought the total to $115 dollars for all it’s content. Hey, I get it, DLC is a thing, but a season pass that costs more than the base game, is just a shitty thing to do. Nintendo even went so far as to alter how they added it up, to make it seem cheaper than it was. To make matters worse, they did all this while giving out free content like crazy on Nintendo Switch games, kind of telling everyone who wasn’t an early adopter of the system, to screw off. It was also the first real screw ball thing they did after Satoru Iwata-San had passed away. Talk about a spit in the face. 
5. Overcharging for MicroSD’s.
One of the major problems of the Switch, is that it has too little space for all the games Nintendo wants you to buy on it, and to be fair, that we also want to buy on it. While most first party titles are pretty small in terms of what they require from the Switch, it has a massive 3rd party library as well, and how does Nintendo handle that, by charging double for what anyone could get for MicroSD’s that do exactly what the Nintendo branded ones do. I mean, seriously, imagine paying 100 bucks for 256GB of space, when you could pay 50. Be careful about that though, some MicroSD’s couldn’t be formatted, which would mean you couldn’t you them on the Switch. While that seems to have calmed down more over the years, it still happened at the time, and it still sucked. Overcharging because your name is on a product, is shameful, and screw everyone that does it, Nintendo included. 
4. Charging for Nintendo Online. 
I get it, Microsoft and Sony do it, and I hate that as well, but at least in return, you can get some actually decent games, and better deals on products, espeically with PSN for the latter, and come on, Game Pass is worth it no matter who you are. Nintendo though, even though it’s cheaper, has thus far refused to release any games past SNES era, a large portion of games released on Nintendo Online are cheap 3rd party rip-off’s of first party Nintendo games, and it really doesn’t appear like Nintendo plans to make the service truly worth it any time soon. As much as I love Nintendo, it’s really hard to justify paying for an online service that nets you so little, but alas, here we are. 
3. New Super Bros U Deluxe 
Yeah, a full price port of a game is never a good idea, and this whole list could have been made of them. Instead, I’m only going to include a few, but this one might be the worst. I mean, Super Mario Bros U is a great game, but it’s not worth full price just because it got ported. There’s not that much content there, even with the added Luigi U content inspired by the year of Luigi. It’s a hard sell trying to convince a logical person that the same 4 hour game, with an extra hour to hour and a half of content, which is just levels you already played as Mario, is a good buy, because it isn’t. I don’t know what Nintendo was thinking with this port, and it’s sad to see it, but alas, like all Nintendo games, it’s still full price on their store.
2. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
I will put it on record that I love Tokyo Mirage Sessions, it’s a somewhat more light-hearted game than the it’s source material, at least from Atlus’ end, but that doesn’t make it bad at all, in fact it’s great. However, it kinda failed on the Wii U, quickly leaving store shelves and never being heard from again until it’s Switch version was announced. It’s still a great game on the Switch, but either Nintendo got greedy, or Atlus let them, and a game that basically a commercial failure, came out at full price same as before, and that was easily a deterrent for many, as it should be. Selling a port of a game that flopped on a system that flopped, isn’t exactly a good consumer move, and yet, it’s exactly what happened. 
 1. Asking you to pay more for Miitopia
Look, I get that there is certain difference between playing a game on a handheld, and playing it on your 4K TV if you have one, and I’ll admit the idea of play Miitopia on my 4K display is both appealing and hilarious, but it’s just a port. It’s not a remaster, it’s a port. And for that extra 10 bucks we get what, a horse and some makeup? How people can justify that is beyond me. The “Oh I didn’t play it on 3DS so this will be my first time buying it” is an excuse to hide behind because your love of Nintendo is too strong. If don’t call out a company for it’s bad practices, or buy into those practices, they are only going to do worse, and if this list isn’t proof of that, that I don’t know what to tell you. Charging more for a port than an original release is shady though. 
And that’s my list, did I miss anything you think was too much on the Nintendo Switch? Let me know in the comments below, reblog this post if it interested you, feel free to leave a note, and hey, if you think I’m biased against Nintendo, just look at the photo I post that’s coming directly after this goes live. Have a good freaking day/night whatever your time zone’s got you on.  
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phantomthiefsbitch · 3 years
a true love's kiss (saiouma love across the universe au) chapter 2: cupcakes
Shuichi Saihara.
The Ultimate Detective, also know as the man I fell in love with. Something about him just kept pulling me closer. I'd leave him and my heart would tell me to go back. He'd leave my room and my brain would yell at me to tell him to stay. It'd yell at me to just tell him to lay with me for hours. But I never could do it.
The truth is, I lied. I did have his key-card. It was in his pocket the whole time, but I guess he must have been too tired to notice that contradiction. I just wanted to spend some time with him, y'know? Plus, it wouldn't have been considerate to just go into his room!
The taking off the shirt thing wasn't a lie though! I swear! He really did have blood on his shirt! I have a tendency to blush super easily, so it was embarrassing seeing him ask why I was turning red.
But, he did say he'd meet me at my dorm today! So I got into my best pyjamas, stayed up all night redyeing my hair, and tidied up my room!
I sat on my dark purple bed, clutching my scarf and softly ripping at it to take out my stress, waiting for a text on my Monopad from Shuichi.
"Hey Kokichi, I'm putting my clothes on, I'll be there in like 5 minutes okay?"
I jumped up at the ding coming from my device as I quickly picked it up to respond.
"neeheehee ok shuiiiichi!!"
I started doodling on my whiteboard while I waited, drawing doodles of me and shuichi together, holding hands. I'm not really a perfect artist, so we were kinda stick figures, but hey, it still counts, right?
I almost tripped running towards the door, preparing myself before unlocking it.
"Hey Kokichi."
"Nee-heehee! Heeeeeey, Shuichi!"
"I made you something, I hope you like it"
His soft hands touched mine as he handed me a folded purple piece of paper.
"Your hands are really warm, Kokichi"
"Your hands. They're warm."
I felt the blood rushing to my face as he let out a small chuckle.
"So what did you invite me here for?"
"You told me to come to your dorm."
"Weeeell, I was thinking we could just hang out! I have my Nintendo Switch, so I thought maybe we could play something together! I have Minecraft, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart!"
We sat there for what felt like hours switching back and forth between games, sharing a batch of cupcakes I forced Tojo to make for me. They were blue and purple, with cute little cat faces made out of white chocolate on them.
"These are really good, Ouma." He said, his voice being muffled from the cake in his mouth.
"I know, right?! I'm such a talented baker!"
"You made these?"
Come on, what was I meant to say?! A little white lie never hurt anyone.
"We should bake some together sometime. That'd be fun, right?"
"Of course! Anything for you, Shuichi!"
He let out a small chuckle and returned to the game as I put my head onto his shoulder. He started stroking my hair and I was so red I probably looked like a tomato.
To be honest, it was the most fun I'd had my whole life. His laugh, his smile, and the way he held my hand when I was scared of something dumb like a creeper noise, each making me fall deeper in love with him. It's so dumb, he'd never love someone like me. But I can't help it, he's the only one who cares to even talk to me.
"I should probably be going now. It's almost nighttime. I had a really good time today Kokichi. We should do this again sometime."
"Awwww, fine! But you better text me when you can so we can hang out again, okay?! I'm not always gonna be the one making the plans, Shuuuuichi!"
I just wanted to tell him to stay. The truth is, I wanted him to stay and just sit with me, kissing me all day. But I was too much of a coward to tell him.
"Of course. Bye Kokichi!"
"Bye Shuichi!"
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
“8 hours and counting...” || l.dh
anon: “Can you do a best friends to lovers with nct haechan?”
a/n: here you go! thank you so much for requesting and I might’ve went a bit overboard with this,,,
pairing: lee haechan/lee donghyuck x gender neautral reader
genre: best friend to lovers!au, college!au, fluff, slight angst, haechan lowkey being a jerk, slow burnish?
featuring: mark lee, huang renjun, lee jeno, na jaemin and choi jongho
word count: 2.3k (oops)
summary: haechan misunderstood the situation thinking you had found a boyfriend and allows jealousy to take over and it is up to you, to slap— well, more like kiss him back into reality.
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Haechan stared at the red iPhone in front of him. Well, more like he was glaring at the device. The reason was because he sent a text to his dear best friend, L/N Y/N, asking to meet up at the cafe because he was bored and he wanted to spend time with you.
He sent that text a few hours ago. 8 hours ago to be more precise, his brain taunted.
Sighing, he stood and paced around the room as endless scenarios ran through his head. Usually you would’ve answered his text within seconds after he sent it, the latest you ever took was 20 minutes! And that was because you were in a replacement class! Haechan knew your schedule like the back of his hand, of course he knew when you were free to text. And this was one of the moments, so where the hell was you?
Maybe you had a replacement class you forgot to mention. Haechan scratched their side of his head as he tried to remember if you had any classes cancelled in the past week. You didn’t. What if you were kidnapped?! His eyes widened at the thought. Oh no, should he make a police report? But you have to be missing for 24 hours before you’re “officially” a missing person and it’s only been 8 hours and 47 minutes... (Technically 8 hours felt like 8 years in Haechan’s book.)
Before he could think of even worse situations, Haechan’s phone rang out loud and the boy quickly dived to answer it. He groaned in disappointment once he read the contact name. It wasn’t you, just stupid Mark Lee. He swiped the accept button and raised the phone to his ear. “What?!” He asked annoyed.
“Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today,” Mark said on the other line.
“Hahaha, very funny Minhyung. What do you want?” Haechan replied with a sarcastic laugh.
“Jesus, I was going to ask if you want to go to the arcade today. Renjun said he’s going to beat your high score at Super Mario,” Mark explained.
At mention Renjun, Haechan could hear his voice yelling, “Be there or be square!” in the background.
Haechan swiped out of the call app and into his texts, his message was still on delivered. At least it was better than being left on read, right? But there was also a 80% chance of you being missing.
“Hello? Dude, you there?” Mark’s voice drew Haechan out his thoughts. Haechan shook his head, maybe the arcade would be a good distraction.
“Yeah, I’m in.”
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The arcade was not a good distraction.
“Bro, are you okay?” Mark asked as he slung his arm over the younger one. “Renjun beat you in Super Mario. I repeat, you—“ he jabbed his finger at Haechan’s shoulder “—lost to Renjun!”
Renjun, who was sitting across from Mark, kicked his shin under the table. The older hissed in pain as he grabbed his leg. Mark glared at the boy in front of him, who’s now indulging himself in a conversation with Jeno, pretending like he didn’t stab Mark on the shin with the back of his heel.
Haechan mindlessly stirred his soda with the plastic straw, the whole time his mind was occupied with you, you and you. He made a mental note to blame you the next time he sees you. It’s stupid Y/N’s fault that he lost to Renjun in Super Mario! Ugh, now he has to play the damn game again just to get back his rightful place at the top of the leaderboard.
He looked at his phone the nth time since he entered the arcade. His lockscreen was empty from any notifications. No new messages or any missed calls. His wallpaper was a picture of him and you, who was on his back. It was a candid picture (courtesy of Jaemin) and the two of you were caught in the middle of laughing. He loves the picture, but right now it’s becoming a reminder that you have yet to reply to his message. It’s officially been 12 hours since his text. 12 hours and still nothing.
Suddenly, his ears perked up at the sound of someone’s laughter. Not just anyone, he knew whose laugh was that. It was yours. There’s no doubt that it was your laugh, he’s heard it his entire life. (And it’s also his favorite sound but he’d rather die than admit that.) Haechan sat up straighter and craned his neck, his eyes scanning the area for a certain person.
And there you were, standing in all your glory. His eyes lit up once he found you, but they immediately darkened in the next second. You weren't alone, beside you was another boy. A boy that he did not recognize. He saw you open your mouth to say something which resulted in the boy to ruffle your hair and sling his arm around your neck. The two walk past their table from the mini cafeteria and into the arcade. You didn’t even notice him.
Haechan’s fist tightened around the head of the chair as he watched you and the boy laugh together. Who the fuck was he and why the fuck was he with you? Mark seemed to notice where Haechan was staring and spoke up.
“Oh hey, isn’t that Y/N? HEY Y—MMPH!” Haechan swiftly moved to slap his hand over Mark’s mouth. He waited till you and the mystery boy disappeared into the aisle of arcade machines and finally slumped back into his seat.
“What the fuck was that for?!” Mark demanded and glared at the boy beside him.
Haechan rolled his eyes at the older and slumped back deeper into his seat, a pout on his lips. Mark paid no mind to him and just ruled it as one of his moments. While the other boys were laughing at Jeno choking on a french fry, a thousand thoughts were running through Haechan’s mind. The main one was who was the guy with you?
You couldn’t possibly have a boyfriend, right? No, you wouldn’t. You would’ve told him. That’s what best friends do, right? But that’s what he’s always going to be to you.
The best friend. He hates it.
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Something’s wrong with Haechan. You’re sure of it. You stared at your phone in your hand as you reread his reply over and over again.
Haechan [8:33am]: hey you wanna go to the cafe for breakfast??
Haechan [8:35am]: hello???
Haechan [8:35am]: y/nnnnn
Haechan [8:36am]: don’t ignore meee :((
You [9:42pm]: omg im so so sorry
You [9:42pm]: im sorry hyuck i was at a family reunion :(((
You [9:43pm]: we can go to the cafe tomorrow if you’re still up for it!
Haechan [9:45pm]: i have plans tomorrow. maybe next time.
You [9:46pm]: alright..
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First of all, Haechan would’ve popped off at you for replying to his texts so late and for ignoring him the whole day unintentionally. And secondly, he would’ve sent multiple texts at once, all caps and fighting emojis. Not just “i have plans tomorrow. maybe next time.”
“Who are you and what did you do to my best friend,” you mumbled to yourself. You sighed to yourself and placed your phone back on your desk. Maybe he’s really mad at you for ignoring him the whole day. In your defense, you were showing your cousin around town! You hadn’t checked your phone the entire day.
‘I should probably get him coffee as an apology tomorrow,’ you thought to yourself as you got ready for bed. Yeah, coffee sounds like a good plan.
You were wrong. It was not a good plan. It all started the next morning when you sent a good morning text to Haechan. He didn’t reply to you. You found it weird but you brushed it off. Maybe he was rushing off to school. He had a habit of waking up late anyways.
But the moment you saw him at campus, he immediately took off without giving you a chance to call out for him. Even weirder. Every corner you turn, there he is laughing with someone else but the moment you take your eyes off him for a second, he’s gone. You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched Haechan trying to subtly walk away from you. He can’t really be that mad at you, right?
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It has been 4 days since you last saw Haechan and it basically confirmed your suspicions. He was avoiding you. But the question was why?
You tried to remember if you did anything to piss him off the past week but your brain gave you nothing. You tried asking his friends but they shrugged as they didn’t know the reason as well. You finally decide that you had enough of it and go to confront him.
So that’s how you ended up in front of Haechan’s apartment door. You rang the doorbell and waited, rocking back and forth on your heels. You heard shuffling coming from behind the door and it opened to reveal a just-woken-up-from-a-nap Haechan.
You smiled at him once he opened the door but Haechan’s eyes widened and he slammed the door shut. You blinked. What just happened? Regaining from the shock of his actions, you wasted no time and bent down to get the spare key under the welcome mat.
You quickly opened the door to his apartment and stepped in, ready to give Haechan a piece of your mind for his stupid antics. Haechan shrieked when he saw you came in.
You glared at him and jut her finger at him accusingly. “You’ve been avoiding me,” you said.
Haechan gulped and played it off. “No, I have not,” he said through gritted teeth and walked past you to the kitchen.
“Yes, yes you have! I texted you and you didn’t even reply back for days, Haechan,” you said, following him into the kitchen.
“Taste of your own medicine, then,” he mumbled under his breath. But it was loud enough for you to pick it up.
You raised a brow and scoffed. “Is this because I didn’t answer your texts the other day?”
Haechan turned his head to the side, not wanting to make eye contact. His lack of response told you that it was a yes.
“Haechan, you can’t be serious. I told you I was at a family reunion!”
You stared at him with your doe eyes widened. “Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend, what are you talking about?”
“Are you sure you weren’t out with your boyfriend,” he blurted out. Haechan slapped his hand over his mouth, that wasn’t supposed to be said out loud.
“I saw you with another guy at the arcade that day,” he blurted out once again. He winced once those words left his mouth. Dang it Haechan, couldn’t he keep his mouth shut just this once?
You blinked for a few seconds before realization finally settled in. You couldn’t help but laugh at his accusation, causing Haechan to glare at you. “You mean Jongho? He’s my cousin,” you told him after you stopped laughing.
Your cousin. The word echoed in his head. The "boyfriend" was just your cousin.
“Besides,” you added, leaning against the counter, “why would you care if I got a boyfriend anyway? What, do you like me or something?”
Haechan visibly stiffened at the last sentence. Oh boy, he hopes you didn’t notice him freeze. But of course you noticed it, you noticed every detail of him.
“Wait, do you actually like me?” You asked. You were internally panicking. Holy shit, does he like you? It’s too good to be true, right?
“Yeah,” he said quietly after a few seconds of silence. He was looking down at his feet. “Is that a bad thing?” He whispered, finally lifting his head up to meet your gaze.
‘Of course it isn't, because I like you too,’ you wanted to tell him. You had liked him the moment he introduced himself as your neighbour when they were 6 years old. But the way he flirts around other girls always gave you the thought that he didn’t feel the same.
You stayed silent too long for Haechan’s liking. ‘Oh no, they’re going to reject me,’ he thought. Before you could even open his mouth, he quickly added on, “It’s okay if you don’t like me though! I totally get it.”
“No, no it’s okay, Y/N. I understand. You don’t like me, I mean of course you wouldn’t. You probably see me as a brother and nothing more. So let’s just forget this ever happened and—“
He was too busy rambling to notice that you were advancing towards him. You got on your tiptoes and gave him a peck on his lips. Haechan immediately shut up, and froze on the spot. It was merely a peck but it was more than enough to make him stop working. His cheeks were now red at the sudden contact. You had an amused smile in your lips.
“D-Does this mean you like me too?” He stuttered out.
Instead of saying anything, you nodded and wrapped your hands around his neck, bringing him down for another kiss, this time it was longer. Haechan smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist.
When you pulled away, you whispered, “I like you too, idiot.”
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“Wait, so Jongho is that cousin who could break apples with his hand? While singing?!” Haechan repeated what you told him. You were now sitting on his lap, your back against his chest, his arms around you.
“Uh huh, he even broke a watermelon with his finger once,” you added. “And he’s like an older brother to me, so if you ever break my heart...”
Haechan visibly shuddered at the thought of Jongho breaking his neck. He hugged you tighter and buried his head into your neck, causing you to let out a laugh.
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thank you for reading and requests are open!
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icequeenoriginal · 4 years
What if you made a fanfic where bowceit puts a spell on roman where roman sees bowceit as virgil and virgil as bowceit
Author’s Note: I am so so so so so so so sorry. You asked this over a year ago, maybe longer but I got so distracted that I did not get to it until now. I was never going to abandon this, even if the AU is basically over. I hope it was worth the wait. I love the prompt by the way.
Mario AU belongs to @sugarglider-s
A03 link 
Warning: Brainwashing, mistaken identity, misunderstanding, fighting, villain but sympathetic Deceit, crying, yelling (Let me know if I missed anything)
Pairings: Prinxiety and Logicality 
Title: The Original is Always Better
It was supposed to be a fun day.
It was rare for Patton’s and Roman’s free days to line up with one another, even rarer for Patton’s, Logan’s, Virgil’s, and Roman’s free days to line up but on a Saturday at the end of the month, the stars finally aligned for such a thing to occur. They would have to thanks Remy next time they see him. 
Patton had come up with an idea for them to have a picnic on Emile’s island. They could make a whole trip out of it. They could visit Emile, swim in the ocean, lay on the beach. 
“That sounds like a perfect idea dear,” Logan replied, which made Patton smile and blush.
Roman nodded, “I can bring my beach ball, I haven’t used it in ages!”
“Could be nice to get some sun for once,” Virgil added.
And so the day was set, they would leave before sunrise in Patton’s pink plane. That way they could get as much of the day in as possible and a certain snake wouldn’t see them leaving the Mushroom Kingdom.
Patton and Logan spent the day before preparing the food as well as packing. Roman and Virgil meanwhile, came up with games as they packed. 
It was going to be a great day.
Keyword: Was.
As the main four were happily planning their getaway, Bowciet was sulking in his throne room, nothing his servants weren’t used to. 
He had suffered another bitter defeat by the Sarcastic Brothers. Plan after plan, he could never win. He would get so close and those annoying jumping brothers would always stupidly find a way to beat him. 
And the worst part? After they were rescued, the princes would go on and on about how they were so happy that they were saved by their wonderful boyfriends.
“What do those princes even see in those two lowlife peasants plumbers anyway?!” Bowciet exclaimed.
“Because they’re cool?” A Gomba suggested.
“Because they are kind?” A Koopa offered.
“Because they don’t kidnap them?” A hammer bro adds.
Bowciet growled and blew fire at them, making them run out of the room in pain and fear. Bowciet slumps back into his chair.
What his minions said was absolutely ridiculous. They were completely not cool, cool people do not ruin the plans of a king! They were both a four at best and they weren’t THAT strong. Logan could jump pretty high sure, but he was as boring as a textbook. How could Prince Patton ever be attracted to that? And Virgil, an anxious freak who jumps at his own shadow, Roman likes that?
Bowceit knew he would be a much better match for the princes but they never give him a chance to prove it. They usually turn their back to him when he puts them in their cells and ignores him. How rude of them. 
No matter how many presents and compliments he gives, they never give him a chance. Roman even had to gall say they both could not stand the sight of him.
They could not stand the sight of him.
But they could stand the sight of those plumbers.
Bowciet smirked, his newest plan was forming in his mind. 
He summoned a Magikoopa to his throne room.
“Yes, your majesty?” The Magikoopa said as it entered the room.
“I need you to make me a spell, as quickly as possible.”“What kind, your majesty?”Bowceit smirked, “Illusion”
As much as Virgil hates getting out of bed early, and boy does he hate it, he was very happy to find out that the seats on Patton’s plane leaned as flatly as possible. He sleeps through the entire plane ride with Roman run his fingers through his hair. Virgil breathes in Roman’s scent. He smells like the flowers in his garden and the tea he makes. Mainly honeysuckle and strawberry, it causes Virgil to dream of running through the fields with Roman. It is them alone, with only the flower-covered valleys and the warm sun. 
In his dream, Roman’s smile rivals the sun, as if it doesn’t do that in the real world. Dream Roman runs a bit of head, a gap is starting to form between them. It made Virgil a bit nervous but Roman only looks over his shoulder and smiles. “Follow me!” Dream Roman shouts happily, “Don’t stop following me.”“Never” Virgil whispers.After a few more minutes of Virgil chasing Dream Roman, Dream Roman stops and stands in the middle of the endless field. 
Virgil stops a few feet behind him and pants, trying to catch his breath. Dream Roman turns to face him and lifts up Virgil’s chin gently. Virgil blushes and Dream Roman smiles at him.
Dream Roman smiles back and says, “It’s time to wake up Virgil.”
The dream ends as Virgil begins to blink, he feels someone is shaking him awake. He turns to the source of the shaking before immediately freezing when seeing how close Roman’s face is to his.
It did not matter that this was how Virgil normally wakes up, Roman always makes him freeze with how beautiful he is. Virgil can’t help himself as he scans every feature of Roman’s face as if he was seeing Roman for the first time.
Roman smiles softly at him, flashing his pearly white teeth, “Hey sleepyhead, we are here.”
Virgil nods quickly, face completely red with blush. “T-Thanks Ro.”
Roman kisses his forehead before pulling him up and out of his seat. Virgil can barely keep up as Roman runs out of the plane, having to hold down his hat as they go. 
Virgil has to squint when the light suddenly hits his eyes. Once his eyes adjust, he gasps at the sight in front of him. The beach sand is crystal white and very warm when Virgil touches it. The water is cyan blue, so clear that you can see the fish swim through it. The palm trees are ten times Virgil high with huge lush leaves. It wasn’t like Virgil hadn’t been to Emile’s island before but you don’t really have time to stop and smell the roses when an evil snake monster kidnaps your boyfriend.
Patton quickly rips off his shirt and jumps into the ocean to swim around, having changed into his swimsuit on the plane. Logan soon joins him, making sure to put out the picnic blanket and the picnic basket.
Virgil yawns, “I think I’m going to take another nap. The warm sand is just too tempting.”Roman giggles, “Okay then babe. I’m going to make a sandcastle next to you then.”Virgil had to physically stop himself from swooning. He knew that Roman had a bunch of stuff planned for them to do together and Virgil knew that Roman generally did not want to give up what he comes up with but he always does it for Virgil. Virgil is always his priority. 
Virgil pulls Roman into a kiss before laying down. 
Roman blushes, “What was that for?” Virgil wasn’t always one to initiate kisses.
Virgil covers his face with his hat to block out the sun and to hide his blush, “Just felt like it.”
Roman smiles at Virgil, his heart soaring with love for his boyfriend. Virgil always found a way to be sweet without trying. It was one of the things Roman loved about him.
Virgil woke up again to someone shaking him. This time it was his brother so Virgil was far less jumpy this time.
“What’s up, bro?” Virgil asked sleepily 
“We are about to eat lunch and I figured you would want some,” Logan replies 
“Lunchtime? How long have I been asleep?”
“You slept through the entire morning.”
“Did I miss anything?”“You missed Roman joining us in the ocean then he and Patton make this giant sandcastle,” Logan says as he points to a sandcastle that is about two stories tall. It looks like a miniature version of Patton’s castle except on the front, instead of a glass window with Patton holding a rose, it is a drawing of Patton and Roman made into the sand. Roman peeks his head out of the sand castle’s window and waves, “Virgil! My love! You are awake! Look what we made!” 
Virgil’s eyes widen in shock at how big the castle is and how it can hold both Roman and Patton. Roman does not seem to notice this as he exits the sandcastle with Patton.
They all sit on the picnic blanket and Patton serves the food. They eat are given their favorite sandwiches and favorite kind of chips. Patton also packed potato and macaroni salad for them all to share. 
“What do you guys want to do next?” Roman asks between bites.
“Hmm…Oh! What if we went for a walk around the island?” Patton suggests.
“That sounds absolutely wonderful Patton! I have been meaning to take note of the flowers around here to expand my garden!” Roman replies
Virgil snickers, “Do you even have any garden space left Princey?”
Roman waves him off, “I can just start a fourth garden.”“FOURTH?!”
“Instead of debating Roman’s plant obsession, we should finish our lunch so we can begin our walk,” Logan says while waving his hand to silence his brother and his brother’s boyfriend.
The other three nod in agreement and eat their food in relative silence.
Once they pack up their things and changed on Patton’s plane, the four head deeper into the island. They pass by plants and bushes that are twice their size but they oddly seem to be walking on a mostly clear path. Roman runs a bit ahead, hardly able to contain his squeals as he sees all the plants in front of him. He scribes a quick drawing of them into his little orange notebook. Virgil is standing next to him, holding his umbrella and smiling at his boyfriend’s antics. He adored Roman’s passion and will do anything to not let that fire die.
Eventually, the four come across an empty field. It has patches of leaves all around it. They all look at one another, something feels off. It seemed too quiet, none of them were used to pure quiet.
Patton squats in front of one of the patches of leaves. “It looks like the bed Emile has.”
Logan nods “The Emiles must collect leaves and make beds that they sleep on.”
“Why aren’t any of them here?” Virgil asks, nervousness creeping into his voice. 
“They might all be doing something right now.” Roman offers, hoping to calm his boyfriend.
No one else replied, there was no way it was something as simple as that, it never was. Patton moves to investigate another pile of leaves when it suddenly begins to shake. Before Patton can react, a Goomba jumps out, causing Patton to yelp. Patton falls on his back as the Goomba lands just by his head. Logan quickly stomps on it and helps Patton up.
Two dozen more Goomba jumps out from under the other piles of leaves surround the four of them. The four each take out six Goombas but don’t have time to celebrate when more of Bowceit’s minions surround them. 
Roman bursts into laughter “No originality Bowceit? Oh well! I’m going to make this fun for me! Whoever defeats the most minions gets the first swing on Bowceit!”Logan, Virgil, and Patton all exchange a look before all smiling and nodding. Unbeknownst to them, Bowceit was smiling too, his plan was working exactly as he expected. 
The four fought the Koopas, not noticing that they were being moved further and further away from each other. They push Logan and Virgil to one side of the field and Patton and Roman to the other side. Once they were where Bowceit wanted them, he sent Hammer Bros. towards them.  They throw their hammers between the two groups, forcing all four of them to be on their own and surrounded by Koopas. 
Bowceit smirks and walks out from behind the tree, receiving glares from all of them. “Well, well, well…look what the Koopas dragged in.”
All four of them groan, making Bowceit hiss at all of them. “Rude.”
“What do you want Bowceit, this time?” Logan says, annoyance and bitterness dripping from his mouth. 
“Oh please Logan, as if you do not know,” Bowceit replies as he looks at his gloved fingers.
Logan rolls eyes, “Of course…well since you are up to your old tricks, I might as well use mine!” Logan then jumps up in the air, well over the enemies. He lands a punch square into Bowceit’s jaw. As the two begin to scuffle, Virgil takes out the Koopas on their side to go help Logan fight Bowceit. 
On the other side, Roman starts to take out the Koopas near him. That is when he notices that the Koopas near him and Patton are running towards Virgil. Roman immediately feels suspicious. Bowceit normally sends the most amount of Koopas at Roman. He looks around and that’s when he spots it.
A magikoopa, directly diagonal from Patton waving its wand, ready to cast a spell. Roman runs to Patton as fast as he can.
“PATTON!” Roman yellsPatton turns to him confused, “Huh?!”The magikoopa fires the spell.
Roman shoves Patton out of the way and yells in pain as the spell hits him and knocks him to the ground. 
“ROMAN!” Virgil shouts and jumps over the group of Koopas. Logan kicks Bowceit away from and turns to the group of Koopas, ready to take them out so they can’t stop Virgil. He pauses, confused when he sees that they are not following Virgil, just standing. Logan turns his head to Bowceit and sees him smirking. 
Virgil quickly helps Roman up, “Ro! Are you alright?”
Roman blinks at him before grabbing his arm and throwing him across the field. Everyone but Bowceit freezes in shock. Virgil hits a tree and rubs the back of his head in confusion.”
Bowceit smiles, “Not the one I was intending,” Bowceit shrugs, “But I can’t complain!” Bowceit walks to Roman and smiles, opening his arms. “Excellent throw my dear”
Roman giggles and blushes. Bowceit takes cups his face and Roman leans into his touch, shattering Virgil’s heart.
Bowceit turns his head to Virgil with the evilest grin on his face as he carcasses Roman’s cheek. 
Virgil went numb. 
Virgil will be the first to admit he has a lot of fears. Some odd like jumping too high he gets lost in space and some serious like burning to death in lava. This, however, was worse than any fear of his.
Bowceit winning. 
He had gotten one of the princes. His prince. His Princey. And Roman looked happy in his arms. Roman’s normally kind and playful grin was replaced by a devilish and evil grin. And his eyes…
Oh god, his eyes.
One thing Virgil loved to do was just stare into Roman’s eyes. Roman’s eyes are normally warm, brown, and playful. His eyes now…they were ice blue. Piercing ice blue that sent daggers into Virgil’s heart. 
Bowceit picks up Roman bride style pulling the giggling prince close. Bowceit sends him a wink and runs off with Roman. 
Logan, who has been frozen in shock the entire time, takes a step forward only to have to dodge a hammer throw at his head. Logan narrows his eyes at them but something purple catches his eyes.
Logan sees his brother shaking, on the verge of tears. Logan is livid. He jumps up and stomps down hard on two Goombas. He angrily but silently takes out the rest of Bowceit’s minion in the area. Logan is panting by the time he is finished but ignores it to run over and check on Virgil.
Virgil clings onto his brother as he tries to get himself to breathe. This was not the time to panic, but it was also the perfect time to panic. Did this have to be Virgil’s life right now?
It took a while but Virgil was finally able to get his breathing normal enough to think straight. Patton made sure to give him a big hug just to make sure.
“Okay, okay,” Virgil pulls away from him “So what the heck just happened?!”“Language!” Patton shouted. Just because it is a stressful situation does not mean he will be allowed to curse.
Virgil blinked at him before shaking his head, “What happened to Roman?”
Logan pauses for a moment before replying, “Clearly, he has been brainwashed in some way. Most likely by whatever that spell was.”
“Right, right, great, great! Now how do we fix it?!” Virgil asks, already feeling his panic returning. 
“Well, it’s a spell, right? We need to find a magikoopa,” Logan offered.
Virgil nods, “Right, right. That makes sense. Of course, it makes sense. Is it always this hard to breathe?” Virgil says as he pants.
Patton pats his back as Virgil tries again to catch his breath. 
Logan puts his hands on Virgil’s shoulders, “Virgil. You are my brother. I will do anything for you. I will get Roman back.”
Virgil smiles and puts his hand on one of Logan’s hands, “Thanks bro, now let’s go kick some magikoopa butt!”
~Roman laughs as “Virgil” carries him through the island. “Virgil” jumped through the air, making Roman hold onto him tightly.
This was surprising to Roman. Virgil was never this energetic after a fight Bowceit. Though, to be fair to him, this time did not require traveling through nine different worlds to get to said fight. 
Roman was happy about this small change. Normally his poor stormcloud would be too drained to want to do anything but cuddle in their shared bed. Roman wouldn’t mind if it was because Virgil enjoyed it, he minded that it was the only thing his love could physically do that did not strain his body.
Well, now was not the time to think about that. Now was the time to admire “Virgil’s” jumping skills. He knew both Logan and Virgil hated their jumping ability but that did not make it any less impressive. Though, Roman did think it was odd that “Virgil” seemed to land so loudly. He figured Virgil would be the lightest on his feet, after Patton and him of course. You can’t spend your youth dancing and not be.
Roman had no time to think about it as he gasps, nearly jumping out of “Virgil’s” arm. “Virgil” stops moving to prevent Roman from falling out of his arms. 
“Stop! Stop here!” Roman demands.
Bowceit raises an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Look at those flowers!” Roman untangles himself from “Virgil’s” arms and motions to the flower field in front of him, “I have never seen such amazing and huge flowers!”
Bowceit would admit that the flowers in question were…okay looking. They were very tall with bright pink flower petals. The petals were very vibrant pink with white accents. Bowceit feels his piranha plants were much nicer.
“We have to see more of it!” Roman shouts as he points to the field. 
“Maybe later, I have something much more fun in mind.”
Bowceit had a plan. He would convince Roman to come back to his castle and marry “Virgil”.
“What could be more fun than this?” Roman asked perplexed. What could be more them than running through a flower field and fall into each other’s arms only to stay there and watch the sunset?
“Well I was thinking we could go to Bowceit’s castle–” Bowceit begins only for Roman to cut him off.
“Pffft, we spend enough time there, too much time in my opinion,” Roman says with a laugh. 
Bowceit did his best to hide his annoyance with that statement. The spell may make him look and sounds like Virgil but unless he acted Virgil, there was a chance Roman could peek through. 
“Yeah but you knocked him out, maybe we could trash the place?”
Roman made a very perplexed face and Bowceit sucked in his breath. After a few moments, Roman bursts into laughter. “We do that too much too. Come onnnn, please?”
“I just…had a funny prank idea we could pull on him!” “Virgil pushed.
“I promise we can do that next time but when are we going to have a quiet moment and who knows how long these flowers again?”Bowceit did not have time for this. Another problem with the spell was that it only lasted until the sun went down. That is what he gets for rushing the creation of the spell but he wanted this done today. So much for being eager.
How would Virgil react to Roman’s begging? He knew virtually nothing about the younger plumber due to not caring to. The only thing he knew was he got upset easily which either led to tears or him getting punched in the face by the purple plumber. 
He did once overhear Roman describing a painting Virgil apparently did for him to Patton when they were both in his dungeon but he doubted it could help him in this situation. Unless…
“Alright, but just long enough for me to get a…drawing in,” “Virgil” replies, almost hesitantly. 
Luckily for him, Roman’s pleading face morphs into a soft accepting smile, “Of course dear. Then we can do whatever you want afterward.”
Bowceit smirks, “Excellent.”~
A magikoopa was flying peacefully when a green shell suddenly came flying at it. The magikoopa had no time to react before it was knocked right off of its broom and falls to the ground. 
The magikoopa screams as it went tumbling to the ground. It hit the ground with a thud and it grips its head in pain. 
Once its vision cleared, it gasps as it sees it is surrounded by a very angry Virgil, Logan, and Patton. All three of their arms are crossed and they are glaring daggers into the magikoopa.
The magikoopa scrambles onto its butt as it looks at the trio, absolutely terrified. Before it can try to escape, Virgil grabs it by the robe and drags it to make it face to face with him. 
It squeaks, “Don’t hurt me! I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Virgil growls out, “You were there! You cast a spell on Roman! Now tell me what you did to him!” 
As Virgil is talking, Logan walks around him to be behind the magikoopa. “Just so you know, Patton and I won’t hold him back.”
“In fact, we will help,” Patton says, his voice sounding like a horror movie villain.
The magikoopa began to sweat profusely. “It-it was an illusion spell!” it squeaks out.
“What kind of illusion spell?” Virgil asks, tightening his grip on the Magikoopa’s robe.
“It made Bowceit look like you and you look like Bowceit to Prince Roman! If it hit Prince Patton, it would have done the thing to Logan!”
 “That must be why Roman attacked you when you touched him,” Logan says as he rubs his chin in thought.
“Alright so now tell us how to break the spell!” Virgil shouts. 
“I am not telling you anything!” the magikoopa says, acting as if its voice was not completely shaky.
However, before Virgil could do anything, Patton rips the magikoopa away from him.
Patton glares at the magikoopa with nothing but malice with his eyes. “You are going to tell him so we can save my best friend or you are going to deal with me,”
“Like you can hurt a fly!” The magikoopa barks at Patton.
“I only hurt those who deserve it, and you for one, deserve a lot.” Patton throws the magikoopa to the ground in anger. He pulls out his umbrella and swings it down on the magikoopa.
“WAIT!” the magikoopa screams.
Patton stops just as the umbrella is about to hit him. “Yes?”“I’ll tell you everything! I swear!” the magikoopa pleads, getting on its hands and knees.
“Then start talking,” Patton says with a glare. 
“There is no way to break the spell!” Patton winds up to swing again.
“BUT! THERE’S A BUT!” the magikoopa “The spell will end when the sun goes down! His plan is to marry the prince before then as you!”
“Anything else?” Patton asks
“Bowceit Jr. made me come up with a spell to make himself taller.” the magikoopa replies, looking down at the ground in shame before bursting into tears. 
The three of them look at each other, very uncomfortable. They slowly back away from the crying magikoopa and head off to find Roman.
Roman had a great time in the flower field. He was able to collect some seeds of the flower and have a nice walk through the field with “Virgil”.
Though “Virgil” seemed to be awfully quiet, not having anything to say to him.
It strikes Roman as odd. Sure, Virgil was always one to keep to himself. When Roman would boast and brag to his Thomases and Talyns, Virgil would walk silently next to him with a smile on his face as he intently listens to whatever Roman has to say.
However, when they are alone, Virgil becomes the more talkative one. He would go on about his adventure with Logan, his ideas for songs, and anything that was on his mind. 
Roman figures that something must be wrong. With him being uncharacteristically pushy earlier and with him not saying anything, there must be something going on in his mind. 
“Mind if we rest in the tree for a bit? My legs are a bit sore.” Roman asks while pointing at a tall tree.
“Virgil” shrugs and follows him. Bowceit knew it was a bit late in the afternoon but he was sure they still had enough time to complete his plan. He goes to sit next to the tree but stops to watch Roman climb the tree. 
“What are you doing?” “Virgil” asks.
Roman stops his climbing. “What does it look like? I’m sitting in the tree.” Roman replies, almost laughing.  
“But why?”
“Because we always sit in trees together?” Roman replies, looking very confused. 
“Oh? Oh! Of course! Sorry, I completely forgot.” “Virgil” scrambles up the tree after him. Roman continues to climb up confused. 
Roman sits on a high branch that overlooks the island. Bowceit could see that the sun was beginning to go down. He frowns, he is running out of time. He was nowhere near his castle with the wedding chapel. He doubts that there were any wedding chapels on Emile’s Island, there were hardly any buildings at all.
“Alright, what is wrong? Don’t tell me it’s nothing, you wouldn’t be frowning if something wasn’t wrong.” Roman asks, his arms crossed so there was no room for discussion. 
Bowceit was stuck. He began patting his sides nervously, it was a habit he has always had ever since he was younger. 
As he was doing that, he felt a small box in his pocket. The ring! He had completely forgotten that he had it on him with everything going on. 
Bowceit tried to hide his shock at discovering the ring but he clearly did not do it well as Roman cups his face. 
“Stormcloud, tell me, please. You know you can tell me, anything babe.” Roman asks gently. 
Bowceit’s finger’s rest of the ring box. This was his last shot. 
“I have something to ask you,” “Virgil” asks as he slips his hand into his pocket. 
Roman is confused, he knew Virgil put his hands in his pockets when he was nervous but he had no idea what was making Virgil nervous. 
“Will you…?”
“Will I?”“Will you…tell me why you like me?” 
Bowceit didn’t know what possessed him to ask that question. It was always lingering in his mind. Why them and not him? He was a king after all! With minions and a huge castle,  not to mention very adorable children. So why did the princes date the plumbers? They are plumbers, what exactly do they have to offer?
Roman’s frown was deep that Bowceit was so sure that it would cause permanent frown lines. He takes a deep breath and says, “Okay, I am only going to say this once more. So make sure it stays in your brain this time because you know I hate repeating myself.” Roman emphasis his point by poking “Virgil” forehead. 
“Alright, alright, I get it.” “Virgil” replies, waving Roman off, “Just tell me.”
Roman makes a show of clearing his throat, tapping his chest, and do some vocal exercises. “Alright. First off, I demand as your prince and loving boyfriend that you never doubt our relationship again. I know you get anxious about a lot of things but we should not be one of them, my stormcloud. I adore you. I love how cautious you are but are still willing to jump over literal lava when I am kidnapped. You are strong and a hero. But that is not all I like. I like it when you sing when we sit together under a tree and read a book. I like doing nothing and everything with you because it is you. You are an amazing artist and musician. You are an amazing brother and boyfriend.”
Bowceit is shocked, to say the least. He has never heard Roman talk this soft or sweetly. The ring felt heavy in his hand.
“And secondly, I don’t just like you, I love you.” Roman says as he puts his hand on “Virgil”’s hand that is resting on the tree branch. 
Bowceit looks down at their hands before looking up at Roman’s face. He is smiling, the most loving smile Roman had ever given him. Roman’s now blue eyes seemed to shimmer with joy and love.  
This is all he ever wanted from the prince. And yet…
It felt wrong. This was wrong. 
He squeezed the ring box. He had to make a choice. 
As this was happening; Logan, Patton, and Virgil seemed to be running around like chickens that have lost their heads. They first headed straight for Bowceit’s castle after talking with the magikoopa. They were shocked when they did not find Roman but rather the danger noodles making a gigantic pillow fort in their father’s throne room.
They headed from world to world afterward but they could not seem to find Roman anywhere. They made it back to the Mushroom Kingdom before deciding to take a breather. 
Once they arrive, Virgil walks up to the closet tree and punches it. He immediately regrets this action as his anger quickly turns into pain. He sticks his wounded fist into his mouth to silence any curse words that threaten to escape. 
Patton pulls him into a hug, gently rubbing his back. He rocks Virgil back and forth in an attempt to soothe him. Virgil tears up, though he is not sure if it is because of the pain or the sadness he has been trying to suppress all day. 
Once the pain dulls, Virgil pulls away from Patton, and Patton lets him go. Virgil tends to pace when he needs to calm his mind down. 
Virgil paces in front of Patton’s castle, almost biting his nails but stopping when he remembers he has gloves on. “AGH! Where could they possibly be?!” Virgil shouts in anger.
“We will find them, Virgil,” Logan replies.
“No, no. No, we won’t!”“Virgil–”
“No, no Logan, don’t you dare! Don’t tell me we will! Because we have looked everywhere! We went to every Zone, fuck, we’ve been to his castle! And even if we do find them, they probably are already married. That’s probably why we can’t find them because they’re on their goddamn honeymoon! It’s over! He’s gone!”
Virgil pauses, the weight of his words hit him, “He’s gone…I lost him.” He nearly fell backward from it. He begins to hug himself, trying to catch his breath. 
Logan is completely lost. He wants to reassure his brother but he doesn’t know what he could possibly say to help him. He had no logical positive explanation. The logical explanation is that Virgil is right. He did not know what to do. 
Luckily, Patton does. 
“So you’re just going to give up?” Patton says, making the two brothers turn to him. His pink sleeved arms arm crossed and he is glaring at the pair. 
“You guys are only heroes when it’s easy for you? Now that you’re in a hard spot you’re just going to stop?” Patton says angrily 
“Well, dear, there is not–” Logan starts but Patton silences him with a hand raise. 
“Don’t ‘dear’ me! And don’t you dare say there is nothing you can do! What would Roman say? What would Roman DO? Do you think he just sits around and waits for you guys to save him?’“No…” Virgil replies “He never gives up. H-He would keep trying…”
“That’s right! So you need to do that too!” 
Virgil is silent for a few seconds before standing up straight, “You’re right…”
“What was that?” Patton says, his face morphing into a smile. 
“You’re right!” Virgil shouts, determination coming back to him, “I am not going to give up! Because I am not a quitter!”
“That’s right! So what are you going to do?!”
“I’M GOING TO BREAK BOWCEIT’S FACE!”Patton blinks at him, “…What else are you going to do?”
“Oh uh save Roman. THEN BREAK HIS FACE!”
“Okay, kiddo.”
“Maybe you won’t have to,” Logan chimes in. 
Both Virgil and Patton turn to him and say, “Huh?” 
“Think about it, where was the first place we checked when we knew Bowceit had Roman?”
“Bowceit’s castle, but he wasn’t there,” Virgil replies, still confused. 
“And when we saw that they were not there, where did we go?”
“To every other place, we know Bowceit has a tower.”
“So that means we didn’t check…?”
“…THE ISLAND! THAT SON OF A BITCH NEVER LEFT THE ISLAND! WE GOT TO GO!” Virgil screams before taking off in a run. 
“Virgil! Kiddo! We have to take the plane!” Patton shouts after him. 
“Oh right.”
“Cover your eyes and follow me.” “Virgil” instructs Roman as they climbed out of the tree. Roman raises his eyebrow skeptically but covers his eyes with one hand, using his other hand to take “Virgil’s” hand. 
They walk for a while before Roman hears what sounds like running water. “May I open my eyes now?”
“Not yet, not yet, Count down from..from 300.”
“Virgil” sighs, “Please? For me.”
Roman rolls his eyes behind his hand, “Okay, okay. But this surprise better be worth it. One, two, three…”
Bowceit steps back from Roman with a frown. He shakes his head and runs away as quietly as possible.
He could not believe that he was actually doing this. He should be jumping at this opportunity and fast, the sun was starting to go down. He looks over his shoulder at Roman still counting. He sighs and continues to walk away.  
Damn his stupid conscience.  
Once the plane touches the ground on the island, Virgil runs out of it. He is prepared to rip this island to sherds to find his beloved. Luckily he only has to run for a bit before he finds Bowceit. 
He jumps up and goes to punch Bowceit but Bowceit dodges. Virgil lands and gets into a fighting set “You…”
“I’m not here to fight,” Bowceit says putting his hands up in defense. 
Virgil rolls his eyes, “Wow, that’s a first, but I do not care. Where’s Roman?”
“He’s down that path,” points, “He’s fine, just counting.”
“What? Why is he counting?” Virgil asks, prepared to hear something about a bomb. 
“He’s counting down until the spell breaks. Go and get him.” Bowceit says. 
“How do I know you’re not lying?” 
“Because I’m heading to my airship by myself. But don’t believe me, it doesn’t make a difference to me.”
Virgil stares at him, and he can’t find any indication that Bowceit is lying. “…Why are you doing this?”
“I don’t want to win this way.”
Virgil looks at him in utter shock. 
“Oh pick up your jaw from the ground plumber. Don’t read into this. I will marry one of those princes, just not like this.”
Virgil couldn’t hold back his smirk, “Not if my brother and I have anything to say about it.”
Bowceit smirks as well, “We will see.” He salutes Virgil before stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking off. 
Virgil’s smirk morphs into a relieved smile. He takes off to Roman, he’ll break Bowceit’s fave another day. 
~“Three…two…one…” Roman removes his hand “Oh my gosh…”
The lake he had been brought to was surrounded by Evening Primroses and Moonflowers. The sky was filled with bright beautiful stars. Roman smiles at the scene before turning around. Standing behind him is Virgil, staring at him with his bright brown eyes. 
Roman runs over to him and takes his hands. “This place is beautiful. Did you find it on one of your adventures? Wait, don’t tell me. I want to listen to the wonderful sounds of this place.” Roman looks around with a smile before his eyes land back on Roman.
His brown eyes. His soft, warm, and oh so loving brown eyes. 
“Stormcloud, why are you crying?” Roman asks as he cups Virgil’s hand and wipes the tears away with his thumb.
Virgil lets out a watery laugh, “Nothing baby, I just love you so much.”
Roman kisses his nose “And I love you too. And I will always love you.”
Virgil grins, “I know.”
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Here's some more info about Diamonds in the Dark! Today I'm going to share some more stuff about it, which will be mainly about my OCs and also their story with Fawful (this is going to be a bit long, so... yeah lol)
First of all, we have Rosemerry - she's Fawful's half-sister, which the two have no idea about when they first meet. The two have gotten to know each other back in Woohoo Hooniversity. They've gotten along really well, especially since they both were bullied for various reasons. However one day, Fawful got kicked out from the university because he caused trouble. Of course, Merry did not believe that.
Skipping forward, there's Ben. He's Cackletta's adopted son, and also her top student. He has huge knowledge about magic, and he can cast fire, telekinesis, telepathy and even ability to heal someone. Of course, he meets Fawful as soon as the other has become Cackletta's pupil. Fawful was pretty jealous of Ben, especially since he wasn't able to cast magic. Despite for that fact, Cackletta still liked him, mainly for his skills like robotics. However, one day Ben finds out that what his mother was doing wasn't for the good at all (she lied to him that they're doing the right thing). Therefore, he runs away and rethinks his life decisions. A bit later, Cackletta and Fawful assault the Beanbean Castle Town. Ben suddenly appears in the same area, and tells Fawful to leave this place be. However, the other bean mocks him for running away. So Ben ends up using his telekinesis skills to knock Fawful out from this place. After that happened, Ben goes and tries to heal all other beans that have been wounded during the assault. At the same time, Merry appears. This is how they've met. Merry questions Ben on what was going on. The other bean explains the entire situation they're both in. When Merry heard that Fawful was also responsible for the mess, she is very disappointed. The beanish didn't want to believe that Fawful could've done such thing.
Ben tells her his entire backstory and how he felt the same way about his mother. While Merry was quite hesitant to trust the beanish at first, the two became close friends.
So like we all know, Fawful and Cackletta have lost the battle against Mario and Luigi, and Fawful was knocked out from the castle. He falls onto a beach, hurt from the previous battle. However, a beanish named Favalis appears in the same place. They really wanted to draw a sunset, but seeing a wounded person has made them scrap the whole idea. Of course, they didn't know who Fawful really was. So they took him to their house and helped him recover. And while Fawful was at first very hesitant and quite arrogant towards Favalis, they cared about him quite a lot. Soon, Fawful has also started to like them. Which finally has made him tell everything that happened before they met, even though he was scared that Favalis would change his mind about him and kick him out. However, the other beanish admitted that they don't really care whenever he was evil or not. They told him that life is so unfair, and they aren't surprised that Fawful would do such thing. Favalis also ends up telling  Therefore, the two became close.
One day, Fawful takes Favalis on a trip to the Mushroom Kingdom. From there, he creates a shop called "Fawful's Bean 'n' Badge", where badges are traded for beans. Favalis becomes his assistant, though they wondered why did Fawful decide to do that. So they asked him about it. At first, Fawful tells them that the main reason why was because he wanted to take his mind off the Mario Bros., that were totally ruining his mental health by even thinking about them. When he sees that Favalis was becoming worried about him, Fawful asks them to not worry about him and tells them that creating this shop was actually a part of his plan of conquering over the Mushroom Kingdom.
After some more time has passed, Fawful began preparing for his plan. And while Favalis was very careless towards whenever happens to the kingdom, they were uncertain if that was actually a good idea. Favalis was simply worried for Fawful's mental health and concerned that he'll hurt himself during the takeover. However, they were too afraid to actually tell Fawful that, so they continued to help him. They've also ended up drawing a bunch of various portraits and posters of Fawful, which made the other very pleased.
And lastly... Reddo. He is an alien that came from a parallel universe, sent there by his race as a simple punishment for his doings. He also has huge knowledge about magic, and his abilities were about controlling ice and water. While Reddo didn't intend to become evil in any way, he was looking for something... particular, that was sealed below the Toad Town. Of course, that made the other Toads very suspicious of him and even ended up trying to catch him. Disappointed, Reddo wonders what he should do. The news about a strange man that looked otherworldly spread like a wildfire. Fawful found out about those news, and he really wanted to make Reddo join him in conquering over the Mushroom Kingdom. He soon finds the alien, and makes an offer. Reddo didn't really care about whenever happens to this kingdom (especially since they didn't accept him), so he decides to join in hopes that once they win, Fawful will let him go whenever he wants. While totally unintended, the two become quite close. They both knew robotics (for example, they created a Mechawful that could be able to use magic), and they respected each other's strength. Like, Reddo was very impressed with Fawful knowing so many things. And vice versa - Fawful was impressed with Reddo being so powerful and that he's done so much for him.
So here it is! Thank you so much for reading it. If any of you have questions, then feel free to ask!
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight. won't somebody help me chase the shadows away? Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight. Take me through the darkness to the break of the day.”
character: tokoyami fumikage - MY HERO ACADEMIA
note: would you guys want a continuation of my Levi imagines?? bc I wanna write more i just don’t wanna write it if no one is interested in it. also this imagine has a lot of timeskips but they’re needed. I know some things don’t align like they do in the anime/manga but bare with me here. 
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“guys, where are we going?” you asked Mina and Uraraka as they giggled, “somewhere! just relax, it’s not like we’re going to kill you or anything!” Mina managed to say through her excitement. 
you sighed as they continued to drive to the destination. they had taken you out all day, on some kind of girls trip, and still hadn’t told you the reason why they began this trip in the first place. 
“Fumi is going freak out that I’m not back at the dorms yet,” you pleaded, “Fumi not so much but Dark Shadow will and you guys won’t be the one dealing with it.” 
Mina shook her head, “Dark Shadow will be fine! just be quiet and we’ll be to our last destination soon,” she said indicating that she wasn’t going to explain anymore. 
“trust us, you’re going to be shocked,” Uraraka said trying to calm you down, “we just need to get there in one piece.” 
you, Bakugou, and Kirishima sat together as you laughed at Bakugou screaming at Kirishima for something, “looks like someone keeps staring at you, ( your name ),” Kirishima whispered as you gave him a look. 
“Kirishima, stop it,” you replied before trying to look at who he was talking about, “it’s true. bird brain over there hasn’t been subtle about it,” you instantly knew who they were talking about. 
Tokoyami watched as you talked to your two closest friends with mild annoyance. ever since the three of you got paired up for a project very early on the year, it was like all of you became a pact of three. it was an odd pairing but in some way, all of you evened each other out.
“Tokoyami? is that who you’re talking about?” you asked as as they both nodded, “huh,” you murmured before turning around to see if they were right. 
he instantly turned around to continue talking to Jirou and Todoroki, “oh god, you like her,” Jirou said realizing his eye trajectory, “and you’re jealous!” Kaminari put in. 
Tokoyami's eye twitched, “now which one are you jealous of? Bakubro or Kiri?” Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow to smack Kaminari across the room which he did successfully. 
you looked to see your yellow haired friend groaning, “Kami? what the hell happened?” you tried to say over the laughter, “Tokoyami happened,” he muttered as you turned to look at the raven who was now trying to hide himself behind his uniform jacket. 
“good job Tokoyami!” you told him, giving him a bright smile, “ohoho, you got it bad,” Jirou whispered as Ojiro agreed, “you’re all red in the face,” Todoroki added in flatly. 
“shut up!” he screamed as Aizawa finally walked in, “that’s funny but you might want to hurry up on that crush before one of the two boys takes her,” Jirou mentioned a little more seriously, “and I get the feeling it’s going to be Kirishima.” 
Tokoyami watched as you sat next to the red haired boy and started whispering to him. he knew the two of you were close but with Jirou’s warning, he started feeling that it might’ve been a little closer than he thought. 
Friday nights were usually reserved for relaxing and that meant video or board games. Mina and Kaminari usually picked Mario Kart or Smash Bros but this evening, they decided on Just Dance. 
“seriously? do you know that half of these clowns don’t even know how to dance?” you and Jirou mentioned as Bakugou scoffed, “keep for yourself,” he retorted making you laugh, “yeah, I think you’re probably the worst one here,” you kept antagonizing. 
he shot you a dirty look, “come on guys, who’s first?” Kaminari mentioned as he clicked through the music, “( your name ), you’ve been talking a lot of shit, go first,” Bakugou offered as you growled. 
“can’t, I’m eating popcorn,” you mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn, “the napkins are right there!” he exclaimed as you sighed loudly, “Tokoyami, can you tie my hair, I don’t want to get my scrunchie dirty,” you asked as you motioned to the scrunchie next to him. 
Jirou gave him a look as he grabbed the grey hair tie. he grabbed your hair and messily put it into a ponytail as you wiped your hands. you grabbed the remote from Kaminari’s hand as you played ‘Gimme More by Brittany Spears. 
you stood in front of the TV as Bakugou waited for you to royally mess up. you on the other hand knew you had the upper hand. those times singing and dancing in the shower had to pay off eventually. 
“looks like you’re wrong,” Kaminari muttered as a few of the boys stared at you. Tokoyami’s mouth hung a little open as he tried to contain his drool. you weren’t doing anything 
Izuku looked over to him before leaning over to close his mouth. Izuku and the few other boys who weren’t staring at you like you were a piece of meat tried to hold in their laugh. they wondered how a game for kids ended up with half of 1-A drooling. 
once the song ended, you looked over to Bakugou, “your turn, Katsuki,” you said smugly as you dropped yourself on the couch to catch your breath. you watched as Katsuki tried to pick one of the easier songs on the list, “no sweetie, I went medium. you’re going medium,” you threatened as he started to lowly curse you out.  
“good job,” Tokoyami complimented as you gave him a tired smile, “thanks! you should go up with me in a few songs!” you asked as he shook his head no, “come on, it’s fun! we can do an easy song if you aren’t a dancer,” you pleaded. 
he sighed before nodding, he couldn’t tell you no. 
you left a few people go before asking for the remote. you scrolled through the music choices before picking ‘One, Two Step’ by Ciara. it looked like a fairly easy song for the man in the game. 
you gave Tokoyami an encouraging smile as the song started. Jirou couldn’t help but be impressed by your confidence. she knew the song would go straight over Tokoyami’s head but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
halfway through the song, you had a three second break as you gave Tokoyami a soft smile. Tokoyami felt his heart stop but got screamed at because he was going to ruin his score. 
after the song finished, you held onto Tokoyami’s shoulder as Mina and Jirou clapped, “that was awesome! Tokoyami, I didn’t know you danced!” Mina exclaimed as he muttered that he didn’t. 
“maybe he’s just a better dancer with me,” you smirked before taking a sip of water. 
you were running through the forest with Shoji and Midoriya as the three of you tried to get to Bakugou and Todoroki. you were trying to make sure Midoriya was okay and weren’t hearing what they were talking about until Tokoyami’s name came up.
“wait, what’s going?” you yelled to Shoji as they both gave you a concerning look, “Tokoyami, he lost control of his quirk. it’s too dark and he can’t handle it,” your eyes widened as you tried to comprehend what he was saying. 
you looked at Shoji before seeing Tokoyami engulfed by Dark Shadow, “TOKOYAMI, NO! TRY TO GET HIM TO LISTEN!” you screamed as Shoji stiffened, “no! you can upset Dark Shadow even more!” he yelled back. 
“GET HER OUT OF HERE!” Tokoyami screamed as you shook your head no, “TOKOYAMI, I’M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE! SHOJI AND I CAN HELP YOU!” you yelled back. 
Dark Shadow heard your voice and went towards you, making you jump behind Shoji in fright. Tokoyami, although he was blinded by Dark Shadow, just felt that you were terrified of him and broke his heart even more than it already was.  
you felt tears prickling your eyes as you watched Tokoyami fight himself for control. you stood next to Shoji as Midoriya was explaining some kind of plan to get Tokoyami to the light. 
“Fumikage, please!” you screamed as all of you ran towards the other boys. Todoroki immediately realized the situation, “GRAB HER!” Shoji screamed to him as he pointed at you. 
you felt Todoroki grab you as he held you back, “TODOROKI, STOP IT! LET ME GO! PLEASE!” you screamed as you watched Dark Shadow get closer and closer to Shoji and Midoriya before slamming Moonfish against the tree. 
“NOT ENOUGH, IT’S NOT ENOUGH!” Dark Shadow screamed as you tried to give him one more chance to calm himself down, “FUMI, YES IT IS! IT IS ENOUGH, YOU CAN STOP, IT’S OKAY! WE’RE ALL OKAY! I’M OKAY! SHOJI IS OKAY! MIDORYA, BAKUGOU, AND TODOROKI ARE TOO!” you yelled as Bakugou and Todoroki let out their quirks to reel Tokoyami in.
once Tokoyami fell to the ground and Todoroki felt it was safe enough to let you go, you immediately ran to him as he coughed up a storm. Shoji knew right now was not the time to let you be lovey dovey with Tokoyami but figured the two of you were strong enough be by yourselves. 
you grabbed Tokoyami as soon as he was fine and held him, “are you okay?” you breathed as he nodded, “I’m fine, I’m more worried about you right now,” he muttered as you shook your head. 
“I’m okay, I was behind Shoji making sure Midoriya was okay,” you admitted still hugging him, “I saw you, scared, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again as you nodded to reassure him. 
you grabbed the boy by the beak and gave it a peck, “lets go! we can’t stay here too long!” you grabbed his hand before running in the direction Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugou went.
you were nervously talking to Nejire as she gave you words of encouragement. you had signed up for the beauty pageant for the festival, unbeknownst to the class excluding Momo, and you wanted to surprise all of them. 
all of you were instructed to stand in a line as they would call all of you out one by one. you were being called last as they had the first years towards the end of the line. 
“is your boyfriend going to be in the crowd?” Nejire asked as you nodded, “yeah, I think he’s coming with Mirio and Deku so I think he’ll be in the front of the stage.” 
she giggled at your flustered state, “that’s adorable, I’m sure he’s going to be surprised at how great you look,” before you could respond, Nejire was called up. 
you gave yourself one final pep talk before receiving a good luck message from Momo. she had helped you with the entire surprise as she was there to give you fashion advice the entire time. 
you walked out from the back as Present Mic screamed your name. you waved at the class. the entire class stared at you with a bewildered look. Tokoyami had fully stopped functioning as he watched you twirl in that beautiful dress before going to the line of girls. 
“you knew and didn’t tell us!” Midoriya screamed to the bird as he shook his head, “I had no idea!” he replied as came up to the mic for the first round of questions. 
your quirk was flashy, a lot more flashy than some of the other quirks that the girls had and if he was being truthful, he knew you could’ve dragged all the girls to filth if you really wanted too. 
after your first round of questions was finished, you made your way to the back and upon arriving, you noticed your very flustered boyfriend standing and giving you an accusatory look. 
you gave him a sheepish smile, “hey Fumi,” you whispered as he sighed, “why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he took in your outfit.
you were wearing a dark purple dress with a crimson colored necklace, “I wanted to surprise the class? give us more leverage against the other first years?” you said more in a question than a response. 
he sighed as you gave him a peck on the beak, “plus, it’ll give me bragging rights if I even make the top five,” Tokoyami pin-pointed your pettyness and laughed, “bragging rights against who?” you shushed him with another peck on the beak. 
“hey, the first years are up! might want to say your goodbyes!” Nejire warned as you nodded, “I’ll see you after! love you Fumi!” you exclaimed before running in the direction that Kendou was going too. 
Mina and Uraraka finally stopped at a beach. you were more than exhausted already but you knew that if you didn’t continue on with their shenanigans, they were going to pout for says. 
“guys, we really should be getting back to U.A. you know we graduate in a few weeks, right?” you mentioned as they nodded, “which makes this surprise all the better!” Uraraka exclaimed. 
you sighed as they tried not to say anything more. you noticed a few things laid across the sand as they walked you to the middle of an X. 
“are you guys serious?” you sighed as they told you to be quiet and close your eyes.
doing what they told you to do, you shut your eyes before feeling someone turn you around. you heard commotion before hearing someone tell you to finally open your eyes. 
you immediately seen Tokoyami down on one knee, holding a ring that looked like an engagement ring. 
“my love, with our careers being just outside our window, I felt as though these last few days have very eye opening. we are on the path of becoming heroes and with that comes change. I wanted to give you this ring as a promise that you’ll always be my number one. this is not our engagement but a promise that we will get there one day. would you take this ring as a promise to stick by my side?” 
you felt tears prickling down your face as you nodded yes. 
“I love you,” you whispered as you buried your head in his neck, “I love you too, my beautiful feather.” 
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