#bro tell me these responses aren’t canon
bamboo-bees · 1 month
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/slams hands down/ Dammit I love these boys
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Father Mine- 2. Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!reader
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Just note- this and father mine aren’t in the canon of Miguel’s and mini Miguel’s story line<3 also this is absolute crap and I’m so sorry it has a lot more plot and less of Miguel and mini Miguel interaction. Though whatever they do have is pain. (ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE I LOVE ALL OF YOU) please comment and reblog if you liked it :DD
Warnings: angst. FATHER MINE PART 1 Part 3
“Where is she?” He asks Jess.
“She didn’t follow.” Is what the woman replies and that’s that.
A spark of worry shoots through him but he ignores it. Now is not the time to worry about anything but the anomaly.
He scans his surroundings and tries to look for wherever the kid may be.
A part of his mind still screams he’s just a kid.
That weak thinking, letting things slide mindset was ahat got Gabriella killed. It was what killed an entire universe. He couldn’t let more people be killed for the sake of the life of one man.
“Split up. Look for him.” He orders Ben and Jess and they leave promptly.
Not now. Not now. He’d check up on you after.
“Miles!” You whisper-shout at the boy.
He almost shouts but you cover his mouth with your hand, “you’re in the wrong universe, you’re on earth-42.” His eyes widen, “I’m here to help you.”
“Why should I trust you?” His eyes narrow at you.
“I don’t know.” You look down, “But I’m asking you to trust me anyways.”
After a beat of silence he talks, “how did you know I was in the wrong universe?”
“You were bit by a spider that was from here. It’s venom altered your dna to this universe. And the go home machine scanned your dna, which was this universes and sent you here, I’m running out of breath and I can hear your mom from this univers walking here so let’s please just go.” You pull him out through the window just as the door opens and Rio steps in.
You and Miles drop down into an abandoned alleyway, and you hide a wince because of the pain in your leg. He turns invisible and you open a portal. Just as he walks through, Ben comes into view and sees you.
“Mini Miguel! You’re here! You know your dad was pretty worried you didn’t show! I’ll tell him you’re here wait- I” you web his mouth and eyes and as he flails about you launch yourself upwards and unhook his watch.
“I’m sorry, Ben.” You apologise to his mumbling form as his hands thrash around to remove the webs.
You jump into the portal and it closes.
“We’re in Miguel’s APARTMENT?” Miles’s all but shrieks and you wince.
“Jeez, bro. Don’t worry. He won’t look here.” You hand him a bottle of water from the minibar.
He drinks it all in one go and breathes deeply. You calm him down, “this is just for a few hours. Then I’ll shift you to your own universe.”
“Why not now?” He asks.
“You need to eat, and you’ll be fine. No one’s going to be named Captain tonight right? You can’t help anyone if you’re half dead.”
He clenches his jaw and sits down as you go to the kitchen and get a leftover pizza from the fridge. It was from that family night you had with Miguel and Lyla the day before Miles’s arrival.
You head to the living room after heating his food and his eyes are transfixed on a photo frame in his hand.
It’s a photo of you and him that Lyla had managed to sneak and Jess had printed for your birthday.
“He seems nice. When he’s not trying to kill me.” The boy scoffs.
You don’t answer, just handing him his food.
He eats in silence and you take the time to clean the house. Even if you did hate him just a bit, it didn’t mean he deserved to live in a messy house because he was too busy working.
“You really love him, huh?” Miles piped up and you look up from fluffing a cushion.
“Hmm.” You hum in response, “I don’t know.”
“If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here fluffing up his cushions and cleaning his home. Or should I say your home as well.” He raises an eyebrow.
You throw the cushion, “his home. Come on, we need to get to his office so I know what universe you’re from.”
He follows you to the window and has to swallow a gasp when you walk through it and float like you’re walking on air.
You chuckle, “it’s an illusion, sort of like that Indiana Jones movie.”
“The thing with the grail?” His voice is shaky as his foot comes to rest onto the platform connecting the window to the opposite balcony.
“Yeah, I got it made to fuck with Miguel.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I bet he would have freaked out?”
“You have no idea.” You smile a little at the memory as you jump of the platform and land lightly on the terrace.
Every few minutes you usher Miles into the few dark alleyways in the futuristic city of Nueva York to use the hidden pathways that are used by the underground thug gangs that you had managed to sniff out.
It takes about half an hour to reach the tower, and Miles turns invisible, “you couldn’t have done that before?” You raise an eyebrow.
He just looks sheepish and you try not to roll your eyes, “come on.”
He follows you through the entire area, sees them all wave and smile at you as you walk to where spider-byte may be.
“Ben, come in.” Miguel speaks, “Ben!”
With a groan, he phones Lyla. She picks up immediately and her voice is frantic, “you need to get back. Now.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s Miles.” She informs him, “mini you is with him.”
His eyes widen under the mask and without a word he opens a portal to go home, “Jess. We’re going back to base.”
“1610. Earth 1610.” You recite as you make a portal.
As soon as it opens, the door to the room swings open.
It’s a sort of déjà vu if you think about it.
The same room, the same scenario. But this time it’s you he’s after.
Your blood runs cold and you push Miles inside, “save your dad.” Are the last words you say to him as the portal closes in time just as Miguel pounces through air.
He looks at you and you freeze. His eyes are red and his fangs are out.
As he stands to his feet, your breathing becomes uneven.
Fuck you’re panicking. And it’s weird, because you’ve faced evil villains before. You’ve fought people that make Miguel look like a shortie.
So.. why the fuck are you so scared? Or were you always just a coward?
“You’re hurt.” He says in an eerily calm voice.
“Why-why do you care?” You huff out and his eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean?” He raises his hand and you flinch. You notice the way his eyes widen and the hurt that floods the pools of his eyes.
He takes another step forward and you back away, “Stay the fuck away from me.” Your hand shoots forward. Only widening the chasm between the both of you.
“What. Happened? Who hurt you? Was it Miles? Did he force you to help him?” He snarls.
You stare at him dumbfounded, “Who hurt me? Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
You scoff, “I helped him of my own accord.”
It’s then that he takes a deep breath and a step back.
“That’s right. I helped him get away!”
“….how could you do this to us? To me?” He points to himself.
“What are you going to do now? Try and kill me like you did him?”
“I would never. I am your father-”
“You are a selfish monster.” You say and his breath hitches. The look on his face breaks your own heart and all you want to do is hug him.
“Don’t say that.” He points at you, “you don’t mean it.”
“I meant every damn word.” You scowl and reply, “you are not my father. I am not your daughter.”
He schools the hurt on his face, “So be it.” He webs your watch and breaks it into tiny pieces in a matter of moments, “it’s cute that you thought you could one up me. Really.” He chuckles, “You are relieved of your duties effective immediately. You will never be allowed into Earth-928 or any other dimension hereafter.”
He webs you closer to him as he opens a portal into some obscure universe, one you’ve never heard of, and just before he pushes you in, you glimpse the tears in his eyes, your own running down your cheek as you scream profanities at him.
The last thing you see is his face before you’re thrown into complete darkness.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
hello..! I noticed you reblogging ayato itto gorou thoma content and literally just this week I have started to obsess over ayaitto (as a relationship generally, not necessarily romantic but not excluding romance either) so I was wondering if you have headcanons or other thoughts about it?? just an open prompt for you to ramble if the fancy strikes you, but if you don't have anything to say that's cool too, either way thank you for putting them on my dash in this time of obsession ^u^
Okay I know this is such a late response but this has been sitting in my ask box for ages and occasionally triggering small bouts of brainrot in me so I just really need to try and get it all out aha! Sorry if your AyaItto obsession is over already </3 I tried my best 
I genuinely adored seeing art of that poly ship, it made my heart so happy! Though AyaItto isn’t my Go To Ship for either of them I think it’s genuinely such a fun idea and so I figured I’d toss some headcanons out there :D 
Some rambles below the cut!
So like… their dynamic in canon fascinates me, the fact that Itto, through whatever shenanigans, has no idea who Ayato is, and Ayato seems to have no desire to tell him, so their relationship is pretty relaxed.
I’d imagine Ayato kind of lets loose a little when he’s with Itto, allowing himself to relax and indulge in ‘frivolous’ things that he doesn’t get the chance to when he’s around others. Thoma and Ayaka aren’t aware of their friendship (at least at first), and Ayato often finds himself sneaking out to go and see his silly oni friend. 
Though Ayato finds Itto’s escapades downright ridiculous, he may find that this big goofy teddy bear has just managed to rope him into some harebrained scheme that could get them both into a fair bit of trouble. Though he’d never admit it, Ayato loves the thrill that he gets from letting go of the high expectations set for him and just letting himself be a bit silly. 
Itto isn’t really someone who cares about rankings and the like. Everyone is equal to him, and the fact that Ayato puts up with his shenanigans and continues to come back, even offering him advice or encouraging words, means that he quickly comes to consider Ayato one of his best bros. 
This isn’t to say that Itto doesn’t get influenced by Ayato in return, though. Sometimes Ayato’s lecturing actually sinks in and Itto will sometimes act unexpectedly refined or well-mannered in situations where it truly matters. Though Ayato definitely also teaches him some tips and tricks he’s picked up over the years spent dealing with the bureaucracy. Not that Itto uses them for anything other than juvenile pranks and talking his way out of trouble, but the fact still stands. 
They often have beetle fights together, and play rounds of Genius Invocation. While Ayato is a master at the card game and trounces Itto handily every single time, he seems to have a knack for picking out beetles that are a little less inclined to engaging in combat, meaning that he’s one of the few people that Itto can actually beat in a beetle fight, and boy that oni will never let him forget it! No, Ayato doesn’t pick out the piddly looking beetles on purpose, why would you even ask something like that?! How absurd. 
Itto finds Ayato really funny and entertaining to be around, and Ayato finds Itto to be somewhat soothing and relaxing to be around, despite his boisterous attitude and loudness. He likes seeing the stark differences in their lifestyles, and may even occasionally find a way to swoop in behind the scenes and save Itto from an ill-timed arrest or something along those lines! 
They’d have a really interesting dynamic together I think, and I feel like it’s something I’d love to explore in writing some time! 
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
One thing I need the fandom to drop when it comes to Wu is them thinking he never talks about the ninja’s parents to them. It was never his information to disclose to Jay that he was adopted if he was even aware of that, it was up to Ed and Edna. If Jay’s mom had to make the tough decision of leaving her child behind and was never seen or heard from again despite being married to a movie star I don’t think she would’ve ran up the mountain to tell the Bros what just happened. I’m 75% sure he hardly even knew Dr. Julien or that Zane was a robot (poor guy probably couldn’t comprehend that robots could exist and be so human). Somewhere in the comics he holds a baby Cole and he was good friends with Lilly. Cole would’ve been surprised or confused when in S13 Wu says she never had a necklace like, “What do you mean? You knew my mother?” I feel at some point Cole either realizes he knows Wu from his childhood or Wu’s cryptically like “I remember you used to fight your parents on bedtimes constantly” and giggles
(Disclaimer: this is all my opinion, if anyone reading this doesn’t like Wu or disagrees with me ur valid to do so. Love u all really)
Yeah I’ve had a bit of time to think over the “Wu didn’t tell the ninja about their parents” and my blanket statement response would just be Wu couldn’t have told the ninja about their parents before their parents have even been conceptualised as characters.
The reason the ninja are continuously interesting for this many seasons is partially because their backstories weren’t told right at the beginning and they have room to develop and grow. Their parents characters are only introduced when it’s relevant to the plot, and are only canonically conceptualised right up to the season they get released. Which does make sense considering how many times the show was going to end. There’s no point planning seasons ahead of time if you aren’t sure those seasons will exist, otherwise you end up with unfinished and unsatisfying story arcs. The price of this is that the retcons contradict either Wu’s integrity or knowledge. Or do they?
Yeah I agree 100% with you on Jay’s mother. Wu probably doesn’t even know what happened to her, and considering what Nya said in s5, that elemental powers can skip generations, Wu may not have been sure Jay was her child. But even if he was, if Ed and Edna hadn’t told Jay, then it’s not really up to Wu, or at least he shouldn’t be held accountable more than Ed and Edna.
With Cole, I don’t think Wu really withheld any information about Lilly. I haven’t seen anyone debate this yet so maybe Cole doesn’t apply lol, but yeah I think Wu has been transparent about her probably. I mean considering how Wu and Cole were close, and Cole told Wu about her death as seen in s8/9 in his flashback. I haven’t seen the comics so idk how true this is (I don’t really consider the comics truly canon anyways) but I sometimes hc that Lilly kept her identity as master of earth from her family as sort of a way of dividing her work and home life, which is why Cole’s dad was originally against him being a ninja.
I also think that Wu knew Dr Julien (not very well) but didn’t know he died or got kidnapped afterwards and when he discovered Zane as a loner, and realised he didn’t remember, Wu told him that Zane had a family and that they’d look for him (which was a fruitless search bc dr Julien was at a lighthouse at sea) BECAUSE LOOK
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EPISODE 2 of Ninjago and this is my favourite scene ever look look lok at this
…anyways. I think this argument is strongest with Kai and Nya’s parents. In my personal opinion I still think maybe they didn’t want Wu to tell them due to them feeling as if their parents abandoned them on purpose? Idk that’s just a theory based on how quick Kai was to turn on his dad and how much beef Nya had with her mum. Although I still think that Wu offscreen told the siblings what he knew if they asked, or that he’d make off hand comments about how cool their parents were (they were friends). Or maybe he didn’t out of fear of pressuring them. I’d feel like he’d relate considering his own father. Maybe that’s the whole reason why he didn’t tell Nya about her water powers. Because she was doing so well as a samurai and didn’t want her to live through that pressure.
Idk I think there are so many cool options when trying to make sense of Wu that I feel like it’s a shame no one sees that potential. On that note, thanks anon now I have generated more ideas about Wu and I really want to make something out of them now :P
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You’ll have to excuse me, I’m kinda old
And I’ve been through this song and dance before.
I don’t want you to tell me about how obviously the symbolism, song lyrics, motifs, or themes of the story allude to the main character being gay/queer.
I want you to tell me if the author said he was queer. I want you to tell me if the publisher categorizes him as queer. I want you to tell me if he has been explicitly advertised as queer. Hell, I want you to show me the mainstream media that has stirred the pot on this, announcing it or broadcasting people who are against it.
You don’t get to live in this fantasy where being a gay main character is an easy thing, and the only worry is “Will They or Won’t They.”
You get to live in the world where if a character is queer, the author isn’t coy about it; its not a freakin’ mystery to be unraveled by analyzing the outro lyrics. Because not only would his editors/producers not want to be blindsided by that, but they need to market accordingly and predict audience responses. Because there will be people who boycott and hate it just because.
You don’t get to insist your ship is endgame by just saying the boys are dressed too cute to actually be straight. You have to insist your ship is endgame by showing actual improvements in actual gay men’s civil rights.
Do you see any evidence that the author is ALLOWED by his producers to write a queer main character? If not... the purpose of a lead female character is to be placed prominently in the advertising of the show, to show a balance and contrast to young girls. You remember those, right? Young girls? Many of whom aren’t yaoi fangirls, so their first priority when picking a show to watch isn’t imagining that all male best friends are secretly lovers.
You don’t get to ask for queerbaiting marketing because talking about actual gay men’s acceptance in society is too hard, so you’d rather pretend the real issue is who gets to hold Izuku’s hand in the opening sequence and not the massive amounts of worldwide homophobia and how it would affect Shonen Jump, Viz Media, Bones Studio, Crunchyroll, Medialink, Animax, and Warner Bros to have a cash cow franchise endorse a gay main character. 
You don’t get to step backwards and ask for scraps.
You ask for real acceptance with a main character who is obviously written and marketed as queer. You don’t ask for your ship to be featured in the opening so that your gif sets look wicked cool.
And with all that being said, of course Bakugou is the most important relationship in Izuku’s story. This is a Shonen Jump anime, the rival is always the most important relationship in the hero’s story. But back in my day, yaoi fangirls didn’t insist that their ships - Grimmjow/Ichigo and Renji/Byakuya? Goku/Vegeta? Yugi Moto/Seto Kaiba? Hiei/Kurama? Ash/Gary or Red/Blue? Tai/Matt? Davis/Ken? - were canon and endgame, and if the authors looked like they were indulging them, they called it queerbaiting because “Shonen Jump would never.” Has something changed? Feel free to show me. 
That’s all I ask.
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foreveranevilregal · 2 years
Felix finds out Pepa is bisexual
Oh, absolutely.
Some disclaimers: I'm not claiming this is canon or trying to make it canon. Just exploring an idea. Please keep in mind that they lived in a different time, so people's opinions might not necessarily line up with what we think today (but this is positive, I promise). And I myself am bi, so I feel qualified to write on the subject. Please be kind.
On with the show!
“I’m going to the market, I’ll be back soon.” Pepa leaned down to kiss Félix.
“Okay, mi vida.” Félix smiled, watching her as she walked away. He allowed his eyes to drift lower, appreciating some of her more generous assets.
“Gross, man, don’t check out my sister in front of me.” Bruno made his presence known, grimacing in disgust.
Félix chuckled. “Can’t help it, bro, she’s a real catch. Not my fault my smoking hot wife has a brother.”
“Can you not refer to my sister as ‘smoking hot’ in front of me?”
“What, you want me to lie?” Félix grinned.
Bruno squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t want to be part of this conversation anymore.”
“Okay, okay.” Félix clapped a hand on his back. “But I just can’t believe how beautiful she is. I could just look at her all day.”
“Yeah, you and half the encanto,” Bruno muttered under his breath.
“What was that?”
“You definitely said something.” Félix frowned, confused.
“Uh…” Bruno scrambled for a response. “Just that it’s nice you and Pepa ended up together.”
“Hmm.” Félix sounded unconvinced.
“I didn’t think anyone would be able to tame her,” Bruno remarked.
“She’s definitely a spitfire,” Félix agreed.
“She dated so many people.”
“Eh, so did I. I had a lot of girlfriends back in the day, before Pepa stole my heart,” he dismissed with a wave of his hand.
“So did she,” Bruno blurted out without thinking.
Félix did a double take. “What?”
Bruno clamped his hand over his mouth, horrorstricken. “I said nothing, forget I said anything.”
“No, no, no, you can’t say something like that and pretend it didn’t happen.” Félix shook Bruno’s shoulders.
“Yeah I can, watch.” Bruno tried desperately to remedy the situation.
“Pepa’s had girlfriends?” Félix sputtered. “What??”
Bruno’s eyes widened. He rubbed his arm, panicking. “You didn’t know? Sorry, sorry. I thought you knew.” He averted his gaze. “Did she really not say anything?”
“This is the first I’m hearing of it.”
Bruno sucked in air through his teeth. “She’s going to kill me. Well, you were a good brother-in-law. Too bad my life’s going to be cut short.”
Félix ignored his histrionics. “So Pepa isn’t only into guys…” He mulled over the point. “Am I the last person to find out?”
“No, no, it was only me and Juli that knew. Well, us and the girls she dated.” Bruno winced. “I’m not making this any better. I’m sorry, Félix, don’t be mad. I really did think she told you. She’s your wife, she should have told you. And I’m still talking. Shut up, Bruno.”
“Hey, I’m not mad at you.” Félix threw an arm around his shoulder. “It’s just something I gotta process.” He exhaled loudly.
Bruno sighed in relief. “Don’t be mad at Pepa either,” he said with a wan smile. “It’s a lot for her to carry. People here aren’t exactly the most accepting of anyone who’s different. Trust me, I should know.” He laughed awkwardly. “Being the town weirdo and all.”
Félix nodded in acknowledgment, eyes wandering out towards where Pepa had disappeared. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell me.”
“Like I said, Julieta and I are the only ones who knew. And that’s because we grew up together. Pepa’s not exactly subtle about her feelings.”
“True enough. After I proposed to her, it was nothing but rainbows for a week.”
“Right. It was even worse when we were younger. Eventually, she learned how to hide it. She made us swear not to tell anyone because it’s not ours to share and I’m a dead man.” Bruno gulped.
“You’ll be okay, Bruno.” Félix was used to dramatic Madrigals by this point. He turned to walk back inside the house, needing time to think. “I should go get my chores done before dinner.”
“Okay.” Bruno shifted his weight from foot to foot guiltily. “And Félix? Pepa loves you, a lot.”
Félix looked at him strangely. “I know, Bruno. I love her too.” He walked inside, somewhat more subdued than before.
“Good. Because you two are really good together.” Bruno toyed with the hem of his ruana. He seemed to be pondering what to say next. “Now, at my funeral-”
“She’s not actually going to kill you,” Félix called through the door, waving away his fears.
“Let’s hope you’re right!”
Something felt off when she came home. Pepa couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but Félix didn’t kiss her back as enthusiastically as he normally did. And he was awfully quiet, which was very uncharacteristic of him.
“¿Estás bien, mi sol?” she asked, frowning.
He nodded, giving her a weary smile.
“Did something happen while I was gone?” She began putting away the food she had bought.
He opened his mouth to speak, then reconsidered and closed it again, shaking his head.
Pepa planted her hands on the counter, turning towards him. “What happened, Félix?”
“Later, mi vida.” He tried to deflect, to no avail. “After dinner.”
A cloud appeared over Pepa’s head. “What do you mean, later? If you have something to say, say it now.” Worries started swirling around her head. What had happened? Was something wrong? Why wouldn’t he just tell her? Her stomach twisted into knots as she considered possibilities, each worse than the last.
He walked over to her, rubbing her back soothingly. “No te preocupes, mi amor. There’s nothing to worry about, I promise.”
“If there’s nothing to worry about, then why won’t you just tell me what’s wrong?” Her voice came out shriller than she intended. She took a breath, closing her eyes to calm down. “I know you, Félix. Something is up. So come on and say it.”
He looked at her uncertainly before asking, “How was the market?”
“Fine,” Pepa replied brusquely. “Félix, what…”
“Did you see anyone interesting there?” he continued, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and swaying her from side to side.
Pepa’s head lolled over her shoulder as she savored the affection. “Just the usual people.”
“Really? No ex-boyfriends?” he teased, pushing aside her braid to kiss her neck.
“Félix,” she whined, squirming around in his grasp. “Don’t be silly.”
He raised his mouth to her ear and whispered, “What about any ex-girlfriends?”
Pepa jumped into the air, squeaking. Did he say what she thought he said? Voice shaking, she asked, “What did you say?”
“I know you heard me, Pepa.” He was so calm. How was he so calm? Unless it was just pretend. And once he got her to confess, then he would…he would…
She staggered over to a chair, collapsing onto the seat just as her legs gave out. Her eyes were blown wide with fear as she tried to gauge her options. Finally, she decided to go with flat out denial. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. “
“I think you do, Pepa.”
She wished he wouldn’t be so calm about this. He should be furious. He should be yelling at her for lying to him (but she wanted to be with him so much, she didn’t want to risk telling him this and losing him over something out of her control. She loved him. She loved him so much and it felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest-). But he wasn’t. He was just watching her, as she sat there, frozen in her chair, unable to talk.
Mortified, she threw her face into her hands as she began to cry profusely. Great. This was it. This was the part where he told her he was going to leave her. Now she was going to end up alone and lose the love of her life because she couldn’t be like everyone else. It would just be her and her cloud for the rest of her life. And to make matters worse, she could hear the rest of her family in the courtyard on their way back from town, cutting their conversation short.
He put his arms around her shoulders, squeezing her reassuringly. “This is why I wanted to talk later, amor,” he said quietly. “Let’s go upstairs.”
She let him slip his hand over hers and pull her out of her chair, guiding her upstairs to their room. She had stopped feeling, a numbness spreading through her limbs. Somehow, her body came to rest on their bed.
He lay down next to her, steeling himself for what had to be said.
Pepa turned on her side with her back to him. She couldn’t bear to look at him. Not when everything had fallen apart so spectacularly and he was going to leave her for being…the way she was. The sooner she got used to not having him near her constantly, the better. She fixed her eyes on the wall, focusing on the pattern of the wallpaper.
“Pepa, we should talk about this.” His words were quiet, devoid of any judgment. He put a hand on her shoulder.
As soon as she felt the touch, she shrugged it off. She didn’t deserve his affection, and she didn’t understand why he was toying with her. Why didn’t he just get it over with and say it?
“Say what?”
Horrified, she clapped a hand over her mouth. Had she said that out loud? Her breathing sped up as she fought to draw air into her lungs. Blinking back tears, she spoke to the wall instead of her husband. “Just say what I know you’re thinking. I’m awful, you don’t want to be with someone like me, and you’re going to leave me.” Choking back a sob, she buried her face in the sheets, letting them absorb her tears.
“Is that what you think of me?” Félix sounded…hurt? “You think I would do that to you?”
She pulled her face out of the sheets and turned to face him. “I don’t see why you wouldn’t,” she spat out bitterly. Wind blew the tears off her cheeks. She closed her eyes, hoping it would make the room stop spinning.
“Pepa…” He reached out for her hands.
She yanked them away, keeping them clutched to her chest. “Look, just say it. Say whatever it is you have to say and then let me move on in peace.”
“Move on? Are you leaving me?” He sounded so genuinely baffled that it brought a smile to Pepa’s face.
“Why would I do something stupid like that?" she scoffed. "You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I would never leave you.”
“And I won’t ever leave you either. I seem to remember some wedding vows that were exchanged saying ‘till death do us part’.” He brushed tear dampened bangs out of her eyes. “I took them seriously.”
“So did I,” she whispered, meeting his eyes.
“Then we’re gonna be fine, Pepi.” He took her hands in his, squeezing them tight. “You were jumping to conclusions. You didn’t even ask me how I feel. You just assumed you knew.”
“How do you feel?” Pepa chewed her lip nervously. Okay, here it was. He was going to be a good husband and not abandon her, but he’d never be able to look at her the same and his love for her would wane and- She found herself hyperventilating and tried to hide under the covers.
Félix sighed. “Honestly, Pepa, I feel hurt.”
And there it was. Her heart sank. At least she didn’t have to see him. The sheets muffled her tears.
“I’m hurt,” he pulled the covers off of her head, “because you kept this from me.”
“What?” Now she was confused.
“We shouldn’t be keeping secrets from each other. That’s not what you do when you’re married.”
“How did you even find out?” Her voice shook.
“It doesn’t matter. The part that hurts me is that I didn’t find out about it from you.”
Anger blazed in her eyes. “Who told you? I bet it was Bruno. Oh, I’m going to kill him,” she seethed, clenching a fistful of sheets.
Félix looked at her sadly. “We’re supposed to be a team, Pepa. Not hide things from each other. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it doesn’t matter, mi amor.” She kissed his cheek softly. “I’m with you. I chose you. It doesn’t matter if I find women attractive. You’re it for me.” She clung to his arm, desperate to feel him next to her now that she wasn’t going to lose him.
“Doesn’t matter?” Félix asked in disbelief.
Uh oh. She should have known there would be a catch. Time for damage control. “Of course it doesn’t matter,” she cooed. “I’m exactly the same person I’ve always been. Nothing has changed. I love you with all my heart.”
“Wha-“ He shook his head. “I know that, Pepa. But it does matter. It’s a part of who you are, and it hurts me that you don’t trust me enough to share that with me.”
Pepa gasped. “You think I don’t trust you?”
“Yeah, I do. Why else would you keep this from me?”
“Because I didn’t want to risk losing you!” she yelled.
Silence filled the air, interrupted only by her sobbing.
“You actually thought you would lose me?” he asked gently, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yes, Félix!” she cried out, her words garbled by the tears. “I…I know what everyone thinks about… people like me. I’ve heard it enough times, at church, in town, everywhere. I got the message. No one would want me. So I had to hide it.”
“Oh, Pepa…” Félix wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body shake as she sobbed. “I can’t imagine how hard that was for you. But…did you have to hide it from me too?”
“I didn’t know how you’d react. For all I knew, you’d be disgusted and never want to see me again.”
“It hurts me that you think so little of me.”
“Can you stop saying I’m hurting you?” she demanded, wresting herself from his hold. “I know. I know, okay? I’m a horrible person, and I’m sorry. I didn’t ask for it. It wasn’t my choice. My choice was to be with you. So,” she took a deep breath, “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It doesn’t matter to me anymore, because I have you. Why would I want anyone else? It’s in the past.”
“It matters because it’s part of who you are, Pepa. I want to know all of you. I want to love all of you. But I can’t do that if you don’t share yourself with me.”
“Really?” Pepa couldn’t believe her ears. “You’re…actually okay with this?”
“Pepa…you are my wife. This changes absolutely nothing about my love for you. I love you, just as you are.” He kissed her forehead.
“Thank you.” Tears of joy streamed down her face. It felt too good to believe.
“I married you because I wanted to be with you. So don’t keep yourself away from me. I want to know all of who you are.” He kissed the back of her hand. “No more secrets, okay?”
She nodded, still tearful. “No more secrets.” She fidgeted with the end of her braid. “That was the only one.”
“Thinking about it, it’s really not that surprising,” Félix mused.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve seen how you dance with people at parties.”
“Félix!” She swatted him with a pillow.
“A lot of things make sense now, actually.”
“Like what?”
“Like how much you flirted with guys as a teenager, but would get really quiet around girls.”
“Those weren’t all crushes!” she protested, her cheeks burning.
“So you admit that some of them were?”
“Shut up!” She crossed her arms, fuming.
“Hey, you don’t have to be embarrassed about it. Teenage crushes happened to all of us.”
“I hate you so much.”
“No you don’t.” Félix peppered kisses all over her face, sneaking his hands up her sides to tickle her.
“S-stop it!” She erupted in a fit of giggles. Normally she hated being tickled, but she was feeling practically euphoric right now. Félix knew, and he didn’t care. And he still loved her. He could tickle her until the morning for all she cared.
Much to her surprise, he did stop. “You know…there is one thing I’ve been wondering…” Félix trailed off.
“If you’re going to ask if we can invite a woman to our bed-“
“No!” He was quick to reassure her. “Unless…is that something you want?” He looked at her unsurely.
“It’s not.” She kissed him on the lips. “What were you going to ask?”
“I was wondering if we’d kissed any of the same girls.”
Pepa burst out laughing. “What?”
“Well, you know, I dated a lot of girls before you.” Félix scratched behind his neck. “I know you dated other people before me. Maybe there was some overlap.”
“How on earth am I supposed to know whether there was any overlap?”
“How about we both make a list and see if we write down any of the same names?”
“I’m not doing that, Félix.”
“Okay, okay.” He raised his hands in defeat. “But it got you to laugh, didn’t it?”
“It did.” She smiled at him sweetly. “Thank you for being so wonderful to me.”
“No need to thank me for treating you the way you deserve to be treated.” He snaked an arm around her middle, pulling her into him. “I was kidding. Mostly.”
“Mostly?!” Her eyebrows shot up her forehead.
“I’m curious now.”
“Let it go, Félix.” She kissed him deeply before whispering in his ear, “It wasn’t as many as you think.”
“What??” he yelped. “Who?”
Her laughter was light, tinkling. She looked at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s getting late, mi corazón. We should sleep.” Pepa extinguished the lamp by their bed.
“You can’t just say that and expect me to be able to fall asleep after.”
“Good night, Félix.”
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ayo!! congrats on 666 <33 I'm not sure if its much of a request but I love how you wrote the demon kids personalities! I was wondering what kids of personalities you would see the other brothers kids having? Hypothetically of course (unless 👀)
BRO- I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while! Fan kids are fun to think about, what can I say? Now, these kids aren’t canon to the Awfully Familiar series, the HOL is crowded enough as is… but I hope you enjoy anyways!
(I’m giving all the kids names just so no one gets confused with which kid is whose)
Levi’s Kid
Uh let’s use probability to figure out how rare children of our snek boy are. The Otaku left the house (unlikely), spoke to a human being (very unlikely), did the devil’s tango with them (impossible)
I’m kidding, but seriously what the fuck why did this human exchange student look so much like Levi? Was that a tail? Hehehe… what a weird practical joke…
(I’m calling this MC Percy. Three guesses as to why)
Okay, onto the kiddo’s personality. I’m picturing them being REALLY hyped and REALLY enthusiastic about their hobbies and isn’t afraid to yammer about them. They’re good at what they do and they’re damn proud of it! They turn their envy into *~inspiration~* and get better at the things they enjoy doing!
In all fairness to Levi, it’s a bit easier for his kid because Percy isn’t literally being eaten alive and consumed by this sin every waking moment of his life… perks of being half human! :D
Percy loves swimming, and the ocean, and fish, and they brought a shark back from the beach- wait hang on a second-
It’s not uncommon for Levi to be hardcore gaming while Percy swims around in the fish tank.
The pair of them have a very good relationship, Percy is kind of Levi’s hero with how eager they are to get better at the things they love doing and how they almost never self pity spiral. The one issue is… ugh… Percy is a 🤢…. Sorry. Percy’s a 🤢 🤢-
Other than that, the two get along swimmingly. (Ba dum tisssss)
Percy’s reaction to Levi’s cool military titles is basically “WOAH! YOU HAVE BOATS?! CAN I GO ON ONE?!” And Levi would be a monster to decline.
Percy wore a pirate hat despite Levi telling them numerous times that they were a part of the navy, they CATCH pirates. Which are apparently still a big problem in the Devildom…
Also, Percy and Lotan absolutely adore each other. It makes Levi very happy
Satan’s Kid
Satan’s a pretty charming guy, and it’s canon that he’s amazing at seductive speech craft so it’s no surprise that he was able to seduce a human.
You know what is a surprise? The fact that Satan, the smart one, didn’t think to use protection! Like- DUDE I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU.
Whatever, anyway, when this kid slammed onto the floor of the assembly hall no one had time to react when the kid suddenly grew horns… and fangs… and a tail… OH FUCK THE KID WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR FIRST TRANSFORMATION WHAT THE FUCK-
(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to call this kid Lyssa, mainly because of the meaning of the name)
The first thing Lyssa did was launch themselves straight at the first person they saw, and I ask you to guess exactly who sits in the middle seat of the assembly hall. That’s right… Satan… yay…
This kid nearly clawed his face off in the span of two seconds and it took Lucifer and Beel working together to drag them off of him and then Asmo had to step in to use his powers to calm them down. Well. That was eventful.
So Lyssa has a volcanic temper and they’re honestly really bitter and upset at everything, which is something that’s supposed to come in adult life, not so early. So what’s up with this kid? Well, when you’re born with a burning rage deep inside you that can be set off at even the slightest inconvenience and because of that everyone around you immediately assumes you’re dangerous or crazy can really do some damage to a kid.
So who oh who is Lyssa going to blame for this…? Hmmm… who is responsible for the anger? *Side eyes Satan*
“Wow, this kid is blaming me for passing down my wrath even though I couldn’t control giving it to them and if I had the choice I would have made sure they wouldn’t have to live with it and they’re mad at me for subjecting them to existence itself… wow this feels so bad :( who would treat someone like this..?” “*Dad sigh*”
The two of them do eventually get along. It’s actually Satan who extends the olive branch and offers to help them control their anger. As the two spend time together, Lyssa’s intense hatred slowly subsides.
So… what’s Lyssa going to do now? They’ve spent so much of their life being defined by their anger… who the fuck are they????? U-uh… cats! Cats! Lyssa likes cats! Is liking cats a personality? No? Okay… um… Music! Music is relaxing! Lyssa likes music! Um… um… ooo- look at that! They like space! And stars!
You knew what they don’t like? School. Lyssa doesn’t like learning in a controlled environment where they’re being told what to learn. Leave them alone so they can go read about space.
Beelzebub’s kid(s)
*munch* *munch* *chew* *chomp* huh, *chomp* why does the takeout- I mean the human look so much like him…? They’re his kid..? *choke* *cough* *cough* …Huh. Want some chips?
Surprisingly chill first meeting. Well, Beel and the kid were chill, everyone else was freaking the fuck out.
I’m calling this kid Pepper. Why? Fucking guess.
Pepper themselves is just… chill. They’re sort of like a capybara, their vibes are just so immaculate that everyone wants to hang out around them.
Unlike Beel, Pepper’s penchant for food mainly comes from “food is good.” instead of “my body is literally eating itself alive every second of the day and I need to be eating something at almost all times in order to stave off a rampage.” Beel is very happy that his kid doesn’t have to live with food constantly on the brain.
All was well until three days into the exchange program when Pepper asked at the dinner table “so when are we bringing my twin down here?”
…twin genes man… twin genes…
Second kid, I’m calling them Cane. (CANE PEPPER, GET IT?! GET IT?!) this kid is less like a capybara and more like a honey badger. They don’t give a shit.
Here’s the thing though… they’re identical twins.
Cane is basically Beel but smaller. They follow Beel to the gym and usually get stopped at the door. “Kids aren’t allowed in the gym.” Ha, the rules don’t apply to Cane, they just cross their arms and raise their eyebrows and whoever is stopping them just steps aside. Don’t fuck with the honey badger kid.
Pepper and Cane are super close though, but don’t ask if they have a telepathic link or something, Cane will fuck you up and Pepper won’t be able to stop them. (I know a pair of identical twins, and the amount of times they’ve been asked if they can read each other’s minds is enough to make anyone homicidal)
Belphegor’s kid
*squints* how’d this happen..?
Whatever. When Belphie’s kid woke up on the floor of the assembly hall everyone took one look at this kid and collectively went “shitballs”
Belphie was in the attic and his kid was wandering around the house like they ran the place! What the fuuuuuuuuck was Lucifer supposed to do with this????
Anyway, meet Arien.
Arien, how does one describe this little hellspawn? Well, one would call them the brood of Lucifer or the spawn of Satan but that would be false because this manipulative evil devil-child that crawled straight out of a teacher’s nightmares is BELPHIE’S kid. And it fucking SHOWS.
This kid won the demon/human genetic lottery and they’re going to make it everyone’s problem. Basically, they’re sin is sloth, but unlike Belphie, Arien’s is more voluntary, if that makes sense. They sleep and slack off because they like not doing work, not because they’re always tired. They have this sort of lazy relaxed facade that vanishes the second it’s not needed, it’s honestly kind of terrifying.
They quickly learn that if they just pretend to be having troubles with being constantly tired, the rest of the house will go easy on them if they miss their chores and schoolwork.
Jeez Louise when this kid met Belphie…
They both just stared at each other for a solid five minutes before anyone said anything. Belphie somewhat nervously started up his “oh woe is me get me out of here :(“ charade, and the kid played along for a few weeks, until of course, they got suspicious.
You remember how Belphie guilt spiralled with L!MC? Yeah imagine that but 40 times worse, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
But yeah, blah blah blah Arien breaks Belphie out, they don’t die, family’s back together, happily ever after. But not quite. Arien’s “oh no I’m sorry I’m sleepy…” charade was found out and boy howdy was everyone pissed.
Surprisingly, it was Belphie who gave Arien the wake up thwack, but Arien called Belphie out on his laziness so Belphie was forced to become a better example.
The way they fixed Ari’s behaviour? Extra chores, extra schoolwork, extra everything, and the boys did nothing to help. Basically, “this is how we felt! Deal with it!”
It worked… thankfully.
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sun-flower-children · 3 years
BakuSquad’s Boy Part 1
A/N: Based on a fic that doesn’t exist anymore :( I’ll be adding my own head canons from what i remember of the og fic. This whole thing is in a headcanon format :)))
Kirishima was sitting down when he noticed their new transfer student walking into the cafeteria looking lost. Without thinking twice he quickly caught the attention of the male and motioned him to come over.
“Is it okay if I join you?” you asked, recognizing the spiky haired student as your classmate.
“Of course, let me introduce you to everybody!”
The redhead introduced all the guys sitting at the table. The talkative blonde with the lightning bolt in his hair was Kaminari . The smiling black haired boy with oddly shaped elbows was Sero and the angry-faced pale blonde with red eyes was Bakugo. While the rest smiled at you he merely sneered and ignored you.
“Don’t let him bother you too much, he's a grouch!” Kirishima said smiling.
The entire lunch period was spent talking to the Bakusquad and explaining how you transferred from the hero school in your home country and enrolled at UA. Laughing with them and bonding over memes and hero training.
It didn’t take long for you to become part of the friend group.
Y’all are a chaotic group of motherfuckers
The group chat is mess; Bakugo is trying to help people w homework, Zero is constantly sharing tick tocks and at 2 am Denki will spam it with memes ( which pisses Bakugo off bc it wakes him up when he forgets to mute his notifications)
Y’all will study together, which surprisingly, can be super productive sometimes.
It honestly didn’t take very long for you guys to become inseparable. They have you back and you have theirs. Training and working out together is a plus because sometimes y’all are too busy to actually fully hangout.
Kirishima will compliment you in a “manly” way and will totally be your hype man. Will be ecstatic when you give back the same energy. One time Bakugo joined you guys for his morning workout and his jaw almost fell to the ground when he saw you take your shirt off.  He couldn’t help but stare like holy shit you were ripped. Training with Kiri really did pay off. Bakugo smirked to himself when he noticed his red haired friend was also checking you out when you didn’t notice. 
Going to the mall with Sero and Denki is a whole ass ride. Y’all will go to so many stores and either waste all your money or just fuck around. Hot Topic is definitely a favorite of theirs. They don’t care if it’s not your vibe because they will want to deck you out in the fitting rooms to see what you look like. Once they pushed the curtain before you were done changing your shirt and both pairs of eyes went straight to your body, making you blush.
After being friends for so long the Bakusquad could read each other's emotions and all recognized that they had crushes on you. They talked about it and concluded that this would by no means would get between their friendship but would amicably flirt with you.
They organized a sleepover not too long after. But it was basically them all fighting each other about who’s room they would be staying in. Ended up going to Bakugo’s room because it was the closest for most of them. When you got there you were so caught up with the movie that you didn't realize they were low-key fighting each other for a spot next to you/ touching you in general. It was when y’all were going to sleep when you realized you left your sheets and what not in your room. Bakugo without missing a beat said you could sleep with him which then prompted Denki to tell you that “Bakugo’s feet smell like shit you don't wanna sleep with him” for Kiri to go “ Hey that isn’t manly, you should sleep w me Y/N.”. While the three of them were battling it out you and Sero were just sitting crouched in the corner. “I mean Y/N I could always get sheets and stuff from my rooms ‘cause it's not that far from here.” only for Bakugo to throw a pillow straight in his face yelling “Shut it Soy-Sauce face!!” Yeah they felt really bad in the morning when you ended up sleeping on the floor with nothing covering you.
Sero will want to smoke with you. The first time he smoked with you, you ended up having a panic attack and he felt responsible for making you panic and so anxious. He tries to smoke by himself for the meanwhile until you convince him to let you try again. It goes much better this time. Y’all start vibing to his latin playlist and he tries to teach you but y’all just end up stumbling over each other and constantly laughing. When dancing becomes physically exhausted and watches tick tocks and videos on his phone. Which ends up with y’all crying over the video where the racoon tries to wash his cotton candy but it dissolves. At some point the tears become too much and you both reach for each other which ends up with y'all sobbing and cuddling each other. Y’all fell asleep like this :)
The whole squad smokes at one point or another. Kirishima does it whenever he’s just in the mood to hangout and he uber chills. Bakugo does it to relieve stress and just enjoy life a bit. Denki smokes the 2nd most in the group just whenever he needs to kill time or he wants to vibe.
There will be times when y'all will smoke together and just fuck shit up. Like, one night after exam y’all are smoking but shit starts getting wild. Like y'all are hopping off the walls and dancing around to random music. Denki will find a roach that's stuck on its back and trying to get back off its legs but y’all are dancing all around it thinking it's like break dancing. “ AYYYY FUCK IT UP” Bakugo would yell “GET INTO IT” Sero would then yell. One of y’all took a video and accidentally posted it on Snapchat so the next day Mina would ask like wth happened last night bc y’alls tik toks and snapchats were wack af. Sero would probably speak on behalf of the group and say “ We were just really hyper.
When they all become hyper aware of their feelings not only for you but like low-key for each other they all change a lil bit. Like:
Denki stops flirting with people outside of the Baku Squad. He’s more touchy with y’all. Holding onto arms, arms over shoulders, hands on waists, holding hands, sitting in y’alls laps (this is a big one)
Kirishima has more energy when he’s with you guys. Like he could be running lower on battery than normal but one of y'all just comes up to him and he lights up like a light bulb.
Bakugo stops ruining desks and promptly yelling at people. He’s toned down and becomes a bit more chilled out. Mostly when he's with you guys. He is still a grumpy gremlin when he is with people who aren’t the Baku Squad.
Sero actually hides it pretty well and no one notices and changes that are indicative of a crush. Probably a bit more confident in himself
Kirishima and Denki acting like they haven't seen each other in sages when it really has only been like five minutes.
And then proceed to aggressively walk toward each other, slap each others asses and plant a kiss on each other's cheeks before erupting into a huge fit of laughter. While people around them are just like ‘wtf is going on’
Touching becomes a thing.
Y’all will actively find each other when y'all want a hug or cuddles or smth. Forehead and cheek kisses are a thing. Bakugo takes much longer to warm up to everyone starting really with you and Kirishima. most comfortable holding y’alls hands loosely and rubbing your knuckles. Denki probably does this the most. He lives for physical affection, just give this poor boy his much needed cuddles and kithes.
Despite y’all high-key crushing for each other you all still are absolutely focused on your career paths as heros. Bakugo helping teach english and you trying to help ( if you know english well enough to teach )
“Ok idiots for the last time what word do we use to describe Sarah?”
“I mean she took these poor dudes apples and all of these are positive adjectives...i think.”
“Yeah Sarah’s kind of a bitch.”
“I mean Bakubro they aren’t wrong...”
You guys work so well during team vs fights bc of how well you all know each other.
It’s an absolute mess but y’all love eachother <3
I will be making a part 2 ( + 3 i think ) so hang around for more :)
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starofvirtue · 2 years
hot take: shu x souther
BUT! OK BEFORE YOU GET CONFUSED AND VERY CONCERNED BECAUSE YES I WOULD BE TOO IF I WERE FOCUSING ON ANIMANGA CANON KNOWING SOUTHER’S CHARACTER-- i’m basing this SOLELY off of Ken’s Rage’s Dream Mode in Hokuto Musou and Souther’s reaction to Shu clawin his fuckin eyes out. lemme explain
based off of what i can remember in Hokuto Musou’s Dream Mode where you play as Souther,
      Souther is getting the Nanto Rokusei Ken members together as a part of his military and DOESNT have child slaves. instead, if i can remember, it’s more-so that he’s determined to take over the Wasteland in a more Raoh-like fashion? and at one point, he meets Shu, who is protecting a village from raiders and whatnot-- Souther aids him, but tells him that in return for Souther’s assistance, Shu would have to serve him in his military as an officer-- though Souther did kinda... force Shu.
      Shu says yes, but on one condition: when Shu is finished serving Souther, Souther has to let the village go free, and that he doesn’t hurt the children. Souther agrees, and the two work together.
      At some point when they’re up against Jagi (or raiders? a bit blurry), Shu is separated from Souther-- then is ambushed and killed.
      when you complete Souther’s dream mode-- the people love him, praise him, adore him. points at this. bro. he sees shu leading his men alongside him, and atop the pyramid alongside souther-- he suggests he could wave to his subjects, considering they adore him. souther snaps out of this dream and proclaims he has no need for love, being told that shu’s men are arriving to the empire soon.
      not to mention that in the actual anime and manga, Souther was genuinely shocked seeing Shu sacrifice his eyesight-- now I KNOW that it could be because of Shu doing it so suddenly, but man.
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      the way his expression softens up a tad seeing how Shu readily sacrificed his sight for a young Kenshiro as Shu walks off, carrying the injured boy?? when EARLIER it was like
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      of course in RP threads taking into account of the actual lore-- i would absolutely have it to where they Aren’t. you know. In A Relationship considering souther’s behavior in canon AND NOT TO MENTION the FUCKED UP SHIT HE DID-- I AM NOT FORGETTING THAT... but if i have threads that take place before Souther’s basically beginning his Holy Imperial Empire OR threads where Souther... you know. Isn’t a COMPLETE piece of shit, i may actually hint at somethin being there on Shu’s end.......... you cant stop me
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scoriasoil · 3 years
yet another meta: Why Yvette did nothing wrong actually
Okay, so, I’m finally gonna write this up in full. My motivation is—outrage at how dirty Tales does Yvette. My thesis statement is—Yvette did literally what almost everyone reading this would have done; Rhys and Vaughn deserved to get their asses betrayed. My approach to analysing canon is going to be a little different this time, but bear with me.
So. Imagine you’re Yvette.
Despite the fact you live in a highly-advanced Space Future, you work for Hyperion, a company with a corporate culture of misogyny best exemplified by the fact Hugo Vasquez is a fairly successful executive. You have found two friends, Rhys and Vaughn, who aren’t quite as bad as the status quo—but they’re still men, who lean way hard into the whole “bro” thing with each other.
They do not include you in this. (Narratively, it only kind of occurs to them after they’ve met you that “girls can be bros, too”—which is a whole different conversation.)
Well, whatever; maybe you think that’s a dumb concept anyway, and you still think they’re good enough people that you are willing to do a lot of shady things to get Rhys—not yourself!—higher up and sitting pretty on the Hyperion food chain.
You are so excited for his promotion that you organised the celebratory dinner just for him. You even took the initiative to book the table. Judging by the way things go down later, you’re probably expected to do a lot of the organising in order to just hang out with them.
You don’t bring your wallet because you’re expecting Rhys to be coasting on that promotion you busted your ass to help him get. Well, he doesn’t receive the promotion, but he still identifies you as a lunch leech. That is apparently your defining trait in Rhys’s eyes—that you would like him to pay for meals sometimes. By contrast, he identifies Vaughn as a money man, which is a way fonder title than any of the alternatives we know Rhys could’ve given him.
Rhys and Vaughn get the bright idea to participate in some shady Vault Key deal to try recouping Rhys’s losses. Of course, they make this plan without asking if you want in, or even for your thoughts on it, right in front of you.
You watch as they start walking off without you, and don’t even notice until you say, that’s cool. Well. You’re going to go grab lunch... alone. (You sound like you’re used to having to eat alone.)
Vaughn follows you—not to invite you along or anything, or even ask for your thoughts now. Nope. He and Rhys tell you that you have to help them, because you’re their friend (as they have just apparently remembered). What they want you to do is steal transport and robots. You remind them that this is Hyperion, and if you steal so much as a candy bar you’ll get murdered.
And with that in mind, you tell them in no uncertain terms that stealing $10million from Hyperion, along with those assets, is a super terrible idea and they are going to die. “One of us moves up, we all move up,” is one of the thing Rhys can tell you in response, like it’s a motto you guys say to each other a lot.
You cave. You agree to two things: getting them clearance to go to Pandora, and acquiring them a car.
Of course, Vaughn complains about the car you acquire for them. “You can’t spring for premium?” he asks, like you wanted to do this in the first place. You remind him a standard Hyperion car offers more defence against the horrors of Pandora. You clearly have more common sense that would make you a more successful negotiator on Pandora, which raises the question—why didn’t they push for you to come along?
Well, anyway.
The next you hear from Vaughn and Rhys, it’s not because they’re updating you on their Pandoran adventure or even sending you cool pics of the planet. It’s because they’ve got themselves in trouble and have just... decided that you’re going to get them a Loader Bot and send it down to help them.
You didn’t agree to that, but, whatever. You do that for them, too. You make Rhys promise not to destroy it. (He has an option to destroy it anyway.)
This little move results in you getting hunted down by Hyperion Security—you know, the outfit that disappears people for stealing candy bars—and they interrogate you for "everything” you know. Rhys and Vaughn have left you with a “mess” that you don’t know how to clean up, but you’re trusting them to come up with something, because:
This was their idea, and you’re all in this together. Right?
the “betrayal”!!!
Picture this.
You’re lightyears away on a space station removed from the action, having been left out with such resigned acceptance that this is probably the norm for you. The next you even hear about Rhys and Vaughn is that Rhys has suddenly deviated from the original stupid plan they made without you, and found himself going down the road of a new, stupider plan.
Your bosses have somehow found out that Rhys uploaded some kind of data that Hyperion desperately wants, right into his head courtesy of his cybernetics, and they’re after him.
And they want you to find him. After all, they know he’s your friend and they’ve been monitoring your calls.
From your perspective, your two flaky friends have dropped you in shit and left you to deal with it, and if you continue covering for them, they might be able to escape Hyperion’s clutches, but you are going to die. You just are. You know how disposable you are to Hyperion over the most minor infraction; what you’ve done is a hell of a lot worse than lifting a candy bar.
So your options right now are this: literally straight-up die for Rhys, or co-operate with Hyperion by trying to cut a deal that’s best for everyone.
And you still care about him and Vaughn, despite the fact they are being demonstrably terrible friends to you. This is the deal you cut with Vasquez, the guy Hyperion is sending after Rhys who is already mad as hell at the guy: you will help him find Rhys and Vaughn, but you want Rhys unharmed.
back on pandora
As it stands, Rhys and Vaughn haven’t been contacting you again, or even keeping you updated. You have to ring them next, with Vasquez presumably breathing down your neck during the call. Because Vasquez tracks that call and find them in the middle of the Pandoran desert.
One of Rhys’s options is to immediately think you sold him out at this point... and sure, you did, but it shows you what Rhys really thinks of you, doesn’t it? His immediate willingness to believe you sold him out stands in stark contrast to the disappointed horror he can extend when he thinks Vaughn did the same thing.
Still, as you told him, you’ve been searching for the signal of the Loader Bot he either lost or destroyed earlier. And you send that Loader Bot to Vaughn and Rhys, even though you’re being monitored closely by Hyperion at this point. You must manage to do it furtively, because Hyperion doesn’t murder you for briefly reneging on the deal to help your friends.
Again. You’re kinda smarter than those two.
The assistance of Loader Bot is partially the thing that gets Vaughn and Rhys away from Vasquez, down on Pandora—at least this time.
the reunion
You don’t factor into Rhys and Vaughn’s 'tale’ for a while after that. Again, they make no attempt to contact you as whatever they’re going through goes down. They do not know you’re working with Hyperion at this point—so they’re either not contacting you because they don’t care enough about you to let you know they’re okay, or more generously because they’re worried about Hyperion tracking them. (My money’s on a bit of both.)
The next time you hear from anyone involved in the whole charade, it’s Vasquez (or so you think) and he has Rhys’s body parts all rearranged and piled up in a cooler. You’re outraged.
Now, exactly what your deal with Vasquez was requires some examination.
At this point, you will coldly remind Vasquez that the deal was for him to retrieve Rhys’s head intact, because whatever is inside there is a “critical Hyperion asset.” This implies you would have been fine if the head wasn’t attached to anything. However, you will later describe the deal to Rhys, when you seem him alive, as this:
“They wanted to kill you and rip some top secret file out of your head. I made sure they spared you.”
So, there’s two interpretations here: you were fine with Rhys dying the whole time, and were just concerned about his head getting back to Helios intact. Or, you really did beg Hyperion to bring Rhys back alive.
Given the fact you sent Vaughn and Rhys the Loader Bot to help them after you cut your deal with Hyperion, you cared about their wellbeing on Pandora. It seems far likelier you would have asked Hyperion to keep Rhys alive in return for your help tracking him—so you’re not lying here when you tell Rhys you made the case for Hyperion to ‘spare’ him.
You’re telling him this while you’re trapped in a Hyperion prison cell and Helios is about to crash out of orbit.
At this point, he’s been mistreated more by the two Pandoran con artists he only just met than it seems you ever mistreated him during your whole time as friends, yet he can choose not to afford you the same patience he’s been extending to them.
He obviously knows that your options were co-operate with Hyperion or die, given how familiar he is with Hyperion as a whole, but he can choose to be so mad that you didn’t effectively martyr yourself for him that he leaves you to die anyway. Like, I think we’ve established that he would never have died for you.
And, even if he does save you from the prison cells, you mean so little to him that Rhys gets another opportunity to renege on his forgiveness here. He can coldly let you drop you into space when Holojack opens Helios’s vents.
You have spent your career at Hyperion—a company that rewards ruthless individualism—helping your friend Rhys climb the corporate ladder. We have no reason to believe you’ve been anything but a huge support for him up until this point. You turn on him only when a series of bad decisions of his own making threaten your life.
He has two opportunities to kill you.
if he does save you
There’s a chance Rhys will forgive you for betraying him (in response to what I would describe as betraying you first, but whatever). If this happens, you’re still not invited to join in with his and Vaughn’s plans to open the Vault of Traveller. 
You can’t be there at the final fight. There’s no indication they plan to split any of the treasure with you, even though they would never have got to Pandora in the first place without your help.
You’re not part of the gang. You’re not part of the best friends club.
Figures. You never really were.
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nikibogwater · 3 years
Aight, loves, I’m only running on four hours of sleep here, but it’s time to Blether (bitterly)
Niki Blethers: Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT!)
Okay, um, how ‘bout we start with the good stuff first and then move into the Real Discussion.
Animation? Gorgeous. Even watching the movie on a janky iPad screen, I was blown away by the visuals.
Voice Acting: *chef’s kiss* I think this is easily Emile Hirsch’s best performance as Jim. And oh land, Colin O’Donoghue once again nails Douxie’s desperation, exhaustion, and sorrow. Give everybody an Oscar here, they deserve it.
Some of the emotional beats hit so hard. I can’t say all of them, unfortunately, but I was definitely in tears in a couple of places.
Dang, this movie did not screw around. It was extremely hard to watch the Arcane Order torturing Douxie and Nari, Nomura’s death, Jim breaking pretty much all of his ribs…I know whump fans are gonna have a good time with this.
Douxie body swapping with Nari was both viscerally uncomfortable and also made my heart bleed because oh my gosh Douxie you selfless king, c’mere and let me hold you, you brilliant boy. Also @sergeantsporks, how in the blue blazes did you predict that was coming.
Really great to see Barbara in the thick of things. I guess she and Strickler adopted out all the Darklands babies. I’m also so glad that Jim’s father wasn’t some important, mysterious person who left for a noble cause. The guy is just a deadbeat, and that’s all there is to it. It really helps build up the theme of Jim’s arc—that anyone, even the most unlikely people, can move past such challenges and be a hero.
The moments between Jim and his mom were wonderful. Very heartwarming.
Badass Nari with the Earth Titan lives in my brain rent-free now.
As much as I hated Nari’s death, I have to admit that Douxie’s response to it was appropriately heart-wrenching. The way he kept desperately calling her name, only to gasp it out once more when he realized she was gone—that was some good angst right there.
I still hate it, tho. 🙂
Jim and Toby being both the beginning and the end for the series is so heartwarming. Honestly lost it over Toby’s death sequence and the way Jim was clinging to him and sobbing.
Okay, time to address the many elephants in the room:
M!Preg Steve should not have happened. Period. That wasn’t funny, that was disgusting, and honestly kind of insulting to the very real challenge of bearing children and giving birth. I’m sorry Dreamworks, but that is a hard no for me.
There were a handful of scenes where characters didn’t feel fully present, emotionally. Like, when the team realizes that Douxie is in the Order’s clutches….no one seems very worried? Like, guys, I know there’s a lot going on right now, but they literally killed him the last time he meddled in their affairs, why is nobody expressing any concern here? And when Douxie realizes he’s never going to see Archie again, he just kind of….shrugs it off? Bro, Archie is your Familiar, he practically raised you, and has been your one constant for nearly 1000 years, don’t you at least want to shed a tear or something? This isn’t anything major, but it was enough to break immersion for me in a few places. Just….why aren’t you guys emoting like you usually do?
I especially noticed this with Nari. She always seemed…really disconnected from everyone, which felt odd, because in Wizards, she very clearly cared about the others, and expressed genuine sorrow over Jim’s suffering and Merlin’s death. But here she seemed kind of….ditzy and out-of-it. Girl, why don’t you just tell Jim what to do. Use your words, I know you have them.
The ending. Oh. My. Gosh, that ending.
Let me make one thing clear here: I’m not averse to bittersweet endings. One of my favorite movies of all time is How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. What I hate is the fact that this movie basically retconned the entire series.
These characters who we have loved and followed over the last few years, related to their struggles, took comfort from their triumphs—all of that is gone now, in terms of canon. Everything and everyone was reset, with the exception of Jim. That doesn’t feel bittersweet. That feels pointlessly cruel. And to make it even worse, it wasn’t reset in a way that would allow for everyone to live in much-deserved peace. The Order is still there, the trials and suffering of the series still have to be repeated—but hey, it’s fine, because at least Jim gets to live happily ever after!!!
I cannot fathom how in the blue blazes anyone thought this was an appropriate finale to this series. What was the point of all those adventures, all those relationships, all those struggles and triumphs, if you were just going to erase them at the end? It feels cynical, not bittersweet or conclusive.
This was….a very difficult morning for me. Most of you know that my passion and love for this series has been a huge driving force in my creative growth as an author and an artist. To have it turn so sour, so suddenly, right at the end of it all…I’m probably going to need some time to get over this.
That being said, I know the team behind the movie was under a lot of pressure. Tales of Arcadia is known for being innovative and breaking storytelling molds. I can understand their desire to take the ending in such a drastically different direction. But I don’t think it was the ending this series deserves.
However, I’m aware that this is all pretty subjective. If you loved the ending, please don’t let my take on it ruin that happiness. Just be aware that I will probably be ignoring this movie’s existence as I continue to create fan content. I love these characters too much to abandon the fandom altogether, don’t worry.
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jackonthelongwalk · 3 years
do you think Tory is responsible for Hawk breaking Demetri’s arm? love all of your autistic hawk posts!!
Great question! Thank you!
If you do not head-canon Hawk as autistic, don’t understand anything about masking or mimicking I don’t care to hear your opinion as it’s not really relevant. Also I don’t want to hear your opinion if you think peer pressure isn’t real or don’t believe it has very serious ramifications. I also don’t want to see some weird misogynistic responses about Tory. 
Let’s start with the language here “is Tory responsible?”
Responsible: being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it
Short answer no! Tory is NOT the primary cause for Hawk breaking Demetri’s arm. Hawk broke Demetri’s arm due to his intense loyalty to Cobra Kai, his need for revenge for Miguel, and how he has been manipulated by Kreese + Johnny and finally by being pressured by Tory and the group.
(Due to Hawk’s black and white thinking (likely stemming for his autism) his need for revenge (for Robby hurting Miguel) is paramount. He can’t see why it would be fair or just for the miyagi do’s to “get away with” what they did without retaliation. This of course is born out of the ideas and rhetoric Johnny and Kreese have been drilling into the Cobra Kai’s.)
Tory did peer pressure Hawk with the help of the other Cobra Kai’s
Peer-pressure -Peer pressure is the direct influence on people by peers.
**NOTE autistic people are quite susceptible to peer pressure, particularly in childhood and teenhood it’s extremely common for autistic people to struggle with getting peer pressured. It’s very confusing when your friends are telling you to do something when you’re conflicted and unsure but friends aren’t supposed to make you do something you shouldn’t do. So often times autistic people will be more likely to be peer pressured because it’s confusing.
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Tory most certainly peer pressures Hawk into breaking Demetri’s arm. But she should NOT be the sole one to “blame” firstly Rickenberger and Mikey (the two stunt guys who are always in scenes with Hawk) are right behind/beside Tory in the shot, all of them are yelling with pretty equal vigour. Mitch is also participating quite enthusiastically.
Hawk is VERY clearly conflicted there’s no question about it (I’m rewatching the scene over and over for this analysis). Hawk gets Demetri on the ground his arm behind his back and immediately Demetri begs Hawk
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“No please stop Eli stop” Hawk is already looking doubtful of his choice, there’s that sharp breath we often see him do, he’s adjusting his hand on Demetri.
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Tory is the first one of the group to speak “Do it, finish him” then we hear Mikey and Rickenberger and the rest of the group starts encouraging Hawk. Using language like “do it pussy” (which is believe is Mikey)
the group is getting louder and louder and again we hear Tory’s voice quite clearly
“Hawk finish him” and Hawk does it. I’m pretty sure there’s even some clapping. Hawk gets up and backs away his face does not read excited or exhilarated he just looks sad, conflicted, GUILTY and he doesn’t look away from Demetri until Tory looks at him and says “pussy” she’s satisfied. She also pats him on the back and looks him up and down these are classic reassurance cues, to me this says that Tory most certainly KNEW that Hawk did not 100% want to do this. She felt like she needed to reassure him.
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Mitch also reassures and congratulates Hawk with their little ‘bro tap’ and he (hawk) does this half smile at Mitch but you’ll notice Hawk never really looks away from Demetri for more the a second or two and the smile drops as soon as none of the Cobras are looking at him.
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He even looks over his shoulder as Tory and the group leave to check if they’re watching him.
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“This isn’t over LaRusso” rings out in the arcade and Hawk is just looking at Demetri, he does his classic eyes darting around and quickly turns around to follow the group! Why? Likely because he didn’t want to be alone with Demetri, if they were alone his guilt would have consumed him right in the moment and he would firstly “look like a pussy” and secondly would be confronted right in the moment with the ramifications of what he’s done.
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If Robby wasn’t in jail Hawk most certainly would have gone after Robby and Demetri would not have been involved at all. It was wrong place wrong time for Demetri. Hawk wanted revenge it’s true but riddle me this...
Hawk would NOT have done it if they were alone/only Sam was there it absolutely would NOT have happened. Twisted his arm sure, broken it? Absolutely not. Peer pressure (not just Tory) is the reason it went down the way it did.
Hawk IS responsible, even when a person is peer pressured they are still responsible for their actions, I’m not in anyway saying Hawk isn’t responsible for this. He is the one who got Demetri into the position to break his arm. But pretending that Tory + Mitch and the rest of the group didn’t have a hand in how it went down isn’t accurate.
Hawk was blinded by his need for revenge but I’ll reiterate he would NOT have broken Demetri’s arm if they were alone. There’s absolutely no way.
I see a lot of people saying that Hawk hates Demetri which isn’t quite right. Hawk hates that Demetri reminds me of his old self, Hawk hates that Demetri knows him “better than anyone” Hawk hates the Demetri knows he’s masking. However Hawk still clearly (from the major hesitation in this scene) cares deeply for Demetri.
Let’s briefly talk about the scene at the dojo when Mitch Tory and Hawk interact about the arm breaking.
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Gif by @miguelsc
Mitch in this scene is bragging to another student about how Tory kicked ass, he took care of Chris and Hawk “got that beta Demetri in an arm bar like Chris Jericho” and he acts out the arm break. At this point Hawk is doing his classic eyes darting around making no eye contact he’s feeling guilty and uncomfortable. He is not energized by the retelling.
In comes Tory
“You know I didn’t think you were actually going to do it.” Her voice is even the tone is neutral she doesn’t seem to be expressing surprise at all. Because she isn’t, this reads as a cover up she’s trying to shift all of her guilt onto Hawk when she KNOWS she was vigorously yelling for Hawk to do it. This is confusing for Hawk she very clearly wanted him to do it, she + the group were very encouraging she even reassured him afterwards.
Hawk again does some eyes darting around and takes a sharp breath before saying “they got what they deserved for what they did to Miguel” notice the language here “they” he can’t even say Demetri’s name. He can’t confront what he did to Demetri specifically or he’s going to crack his mask, so he keeps it general it’s about the miyagi do’s as a whole.
So no it’s NOT Tory’s fault ultimately it’s Hawk’s fault he is the one who committed the act did Tory + Mitch + the other Cobras have a hand in how it went down? most definitely.
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analogicisms · 4 years
Nickleback (Demus)
Summary: Based off @underdog-arts Band AU. Janus and Remus are both broadcasting majors and Remus just wants to maybe mush lips and make out ????
Based on: @underdog-arts Band AU which can be found on their Patreon. 
Ship: Flirty Demus (future romance obvious). Pre-Canon timeline.
Rating & Warnings: PG13-ish. Make outs. Pretty vagueish. 
Disclaimer: The author does not own Sanders Sides or any of the characters found therein. They are also not affiliated with Thomas Sanders, Joan Stokes, or the Thomas Sanders team. Only the complete story as it is written is the property of the author and is not to be copied or reposted without express permission from the author. Also, this is based off @underdog-arts Band AU.
A03: Link.
“Wait… so you’re saying you don’t hate Nickleback?”
 The blond enby looked his way, eyelids lowered in a way that made them look as if they were about to let Remus in on the secret of his lifetime. The little smirk that slipped onto their face did nothing to stop the sudden rapid thud of his heart against his chest that seemed to be a constant side effect of spending time with the person. 
 What an odd name? Still, it fit the enby. Like a glove.
 “That’s a great way to say it,” Janus said with a little lilted chuckle. It was almost musical, in a way. “I don’t really like them but I will definitely listen through one of their songs if it’s on. Kinda a tradition, at this point. And really, they aren’t awful, really. Just not…”
 “Anything to write home about?” Remus asked with a snort and a shrug. 
 Janus eyed him at that moment before slowly nodding. “Precisely, my friend.” 
 Their gazes held for a few moments after that. Remus felt like he needed to say or do something. Like, maybe let out a fake fart sound. Anything to break the almost iron hold that those pretty mismatched eyes had over him. He glanced from one, then to the other, and before he could stop himself, his gaze was falling to the tiny little smile that tugged on Janus’s lips. 
 When his eyes met Janus’s once more, Remus blushed to see the look in those amazing eyes. Janus had totally caught the way his gaze lingered on their lips. And yet, they weren’t saying or doing anything. Just grinning at him in a playful, engaging way. 
 That was all good right?
 If only he could text his brother and ask. Roman was a bit of a Chad when it came to most things and was definitely always clueless in his own love life, but seemed to have a knack of romance when it came to other people. And that was what Remus needed right now. 
 As Janus picked up the document that explained their project, Remus pulled out his phone and quickly typed a text to his brother letting him know about the eye gazing that just went down and asking what to do next. 
 A few moments passed as he watched Janus set up the recording equipment that would allow them to create their radio broadcast project and when he looked down next, he saw the telltale ellipses that announced that Roman was responding. 
 Come on, bro.
 He didn’t want the moment to pass though he was pretty sure it had already. A soft generic trill let him know that his brother responded but just as he opened the message, his phone was tugged out of his hand. 
 The next few moments happened in an almost dreamlike manner. He looked up to see that Janus now had his phone, their two-toned eyes locked on the screen as the little smile slowly grew into a bigger and more playful smirk. 
 Remus watched as the other clicked the button on the phone to put it to sleep, set it aside and quite obviously out of reach from Remus, before finally looking up at him. They turned their chair slightly to face him more easily. 
 “So… you’ve got a crush on me and want to kiss me, Remus?”
 Remus blushed. He was so not a blusher but at that very moment, he couldn’t help it. Then again, the other was not weirded out or upset, so that was still very much in his favor, right?
 His fingers itched to ask Roman but Janus had made that impossible. He could only rely on his own instincts. 
 I’m so screwed. 
 Remus decided that honesty was probably the best policy at this point. 
 “I… um…” Honesty. “Hell to the fuck yes, I do.” 
 Janus rested their elbow on the table’s surface and tilted their head, resting their cheek on their closed fist. The look on their face was definitely a “tell me more” sort of look. 
 “Oh? Yes, you do to which… the crush or the kissing?”
 Remus grinned. “Both. Definitely.” 
 Janus grinned back. 
 “Then what are you waiting for?”
 Remus’s eyebrows rose nearly into his green hairline. He quickly gained his confidence once more, however, and reached out to take hold of the other’s shirt. Tugging them in, he grinned a sharp smile, his brown eyes locked on Janus’s heterochromatic ones. 
 “I guess I’m waiting for you to say you want it just as bad, babe.” 
 Janus chuckled and rolled their eyes. 
 “Guess you’ll be waiting for a very long time then,” they said, looking unfazed. However, the burning interest in those eyes was not something Janus was able to hide. 
 “Wrong. You just did.” 
 The slightest of blushes tinging the other’s cheeks was all it took. Remus surged forward and kissed Janus hard, feeling a rush of relief and excitement as the enby kissed back just as eagerly. 
 They continued to kiss like that, not stopping until the next broadcast major team came for their turn in the booth. Janus was certain that they could talk the instructor into giving them another session but Remus honestly couldn’t care. 
 One F would not be a hard price to pay for what just happened. Still, rather than tell Janus that, he did the only thing he could think of at this point. 
 “Wanna go up to my dorm and pick up from where we were so rudely interrupted?”
 Remus’s heart thudded rapidly once more as the other moved into his space, brushed their lips against his own, and practically purred out their response. 
 “Maybe next time, sweetheart.” 
 With that, Remus watched Janus walk away. He was already feeling great about the next time he would see the enby but that feeling tripled when Janus—now about halfway down the hallway—glanced back at him with that same little smirk. 
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oumakokichi · 4 years
I have a question for you about your opinions of Kaito. I've seen that you say he's homophobic and all that, but there is something about that statement that really bothers me. In his Love Suit Event, it heavily implies that Kaito not only has romantic feelings towards a very clear male rival, but also wants to win the plane race to earn the right to confess those romantic feelings. A lot of people see him as gay or bi coded, so I thought I'd ask what you thought about that.
I’ve been thinking about how to reply to this ask for a little while now, and I think I’ve finally got my thoughts all laid out. This isn’t meta, but my response will nonetheless be somewhat long, so I’ll be putting most of it under a read-more.
Anon, I’m really not sure what to tell you. Me saying that Momota has homophobic lines and behavior isn’t just my interpretation or opinion; it’s an actual fact that he does say homophobic/transphobic slurs in the game. Not in his FTEs, not in his love hotel or salmon mode, but in chapter 2 of the actual game, directed specifically at Korekiyo. The word specifically is “okama” (オカマ), and it has a very heavy and unfortunate history as a slur in Japan used predominantly against gay men and trans women, who as I’ve stated, are unfortunately often lumped together and assumed to be “the same thing” by cishet people.
I’ve had people spread misinformation about this slur, claiming that he used it in the chapter 3 trial instead and that that’s why he was being so derogatory to Korekiyo instead, but this is factually untrue. He uses this slur in chapter 2, well before Korekiyo murders anyone and before he’s revealed to be incestuous and a serial killer. And even if it were true, trying to justify the usage of homophobic and transphobic slurs with “well the person he was saying them to was a bad person so it’s okay” is a fundamentally flawed way of thinking.
It’s also a fact that he reacts with complete disgust and is horrified by even the idea of Saihara potentially coming on to him during one of his dates in salmon mode. He specifically says, “you don’t swing that way, do you!?” while using his most horrified sprite, and unlike the slur, the localization did more or less keep this line.
Again, there have been people who have tried to argue that this was simply because Momota was “sad at the idea of Saihara coming out without telling him first,” and again, this is factually untrue. Both the localization and the original Japanese dialogue of the game make it explicitly clear that he is completely grossed out at the idea of Saihara being attracted to him. This isn’t my personal interpretation or anything like that; it’s quite literally in the text.
I went and reread Momota’s love hotel to refresh my memory of the scene, and... I’m really not sure where you’re getting that he’s referring to a “very clear male rival.” He is certainly referring to a rival as his “ideal romantic partner,” but he never says anything at all about said rival’s gender. There’s absolutely nothing in the scene itself that ever specifies that he’s seeing Saihara as another guy.
In fact, for all that he talks quite enthusiastically about his rivalry with this person, he never once says any of his usual lines about “a man’s passion” or lectures about the way “men should behave.” Considering a good part of his interactions with most of the other male characters in ndrv3, not just Saihara, often involve him talking about what is or isn’t appropriate for a man (Hoshi’s suicidal tendencies are “effeminate” and unfitting for someone he looked up to, Gonta crying in the investigations is “unmanly,” etc.), I would actually say that it’s more likely he isn’t talking to another guy here, but this is just my speculation and it’s open to interpretation if nothing else.
However, it is a fact that just because Saihara is playing the part of his rival in his love hotel scene does not automatically mean that said rival “must be a guy.” Saihara plays the part of literally everyone’s ideal romantic partner in every single love hotel scene, and in most of them he’s very clearly being perceived differently than he actually appears. Hoshi, for example, is pretty clearly seeing Saihara through the lens of his dead girlfriend who he mentions in his FTEs, despite not ever explicitly referring to Saihara in his love hotel event as a man or a woman.
There’s no denying that Momota’s idea of romance is linked with passionate ideas about rivalry and competition, and that he likes grand gestures. But again, there is nothing in the text whatsoever about his rival being another man. That part is purely speculation, and nothing in the actual love hotel scene ever states that.
In my own opinion, I cannot agree with saying that a character who canonically uses homophobic slurs and reacts with open disgust to another guy coming on to him is “coded” to be gay or bisexual. Coding is the deliberate placement of subtle clues and details woven into the text to clue readers in that a character may be a certain sexuality or gender identity. With rare exceptions (like Mac from It’s Always Sunny, who by this point has been confirmed to be a gay man on the show), characters who use homophobic slurs aren’t usually “coded” to be gay or bi.
If anything, I feel that the trope of “homophobe who’s secretly a closeted gay man” does more harm than good to the LGBT community, implying that we’re responsible for the violence and prejudices used against ourselves. This trope also reassures other people whose prejudices and homophobia might be less outspoken that they’re not “really” showing any homophobic behavior or attitudes because they’re not outright saying slurs or showing their disgust, and leads them to assume that they’re not complicit.
I also feel that it’s worth pointing out that being a member of the LGBT community does not excuse anyone from homophobic or transphobic behavior, either. Having grown up in a highly conservative and deeply homophobic household, I understand perfectly well what it’s like to grow up closeted and repessed about your own sexuality. But brushing off the use of slurs directed at other people and saying that it’s okay because the person saying those slurs eventually came out is... not a great look, honestly. Even previously-closeted LGBT people still have to be held accountable for their behavior and for the harm they might have caused other people with their actions. There is no “free pass” for saying slurs to other people.
That being said, if people want to headcanon Momota as gay or bisexual, that’s an entirely different matter. Headcanons are separate from coding and are simply a matter of personal preference. Again, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to reclaim a character and actually show them growing from and apologizing for their past behavior. I can understand people who might relate to Momota’s better qualities, and who want to interpret his character in a positive way.
But it’s important in making these headcanons to not erase the fact that he did, canonically, say a homophobic slur, and to not speak over other LGBT people who are understandably uncomfortable with this fact. Just because the localization erased said slur entirely doesn’t change the intention of the original dialogue, and it doesn’t change the way Momota consistently reacts negatively to the idea of other men showing any sort of attraction to him that isn’t purely “bros being bros.”
I’m absolutely not trying to be harsh or dismissive here anon, and I hope I’ve been clear with that in my response. Again, if other people want to headcanon him as gay or bisexual because they love or relate to his character and want to see him grow from his flaws, that’s totally fine! But he’s in no way deliberately “coded” to be gay or bisexual when there are multiple instances of him having homophobic behavior in the actual, canon text.
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mhathotfic · 4 years
As earlier promised, here’s the big list of big brother head canons. Real quick though, most of these have little bits of my personal ships in them except for Iida because when I wrote his I didn’t have anyone I really shipped him with and now it’s the exact opposite problem where I have to many Iida ships I love
Warnings: brief mention of child neglect
- Ok, so you know those parents that like to document everything their kid does because they’re just so proud?
- Yeah that’s how Todoroki is with his little sister
- Like I’m not even kidding, she’s the background picture on his phone
- He just loves her so much, ok
- He likes getting new things for her
- Toys, clothes, books
- Really whatever she might need or like
- Enji doesn’t care enough to get her even just some nice things
- So Todoroki might as well take matters into his own hands
- Whenever they go to visit Rei he lets her pick out flowers for her
- She always tries to get her favorites since she wants the visit to be extra special
- She loves it when Todoroki reads her bedtime stories
- She likes to compare him to the story book princes
- She’s really well-mannered and polite
- She calls all of Todoroki’s friends by their name followed by san
- except Midoriya she hasn’t explained why but she insists on calling him Izu-Niichan
- The first time she met Midoriya she stared at him for a good five minutes before he asked her about it
- “In the stories the prince always lives happily ever after with the princess but you and Shou-Niichan are both boys. Hmm… Shou-Niichan likes you a lot though, so it must be ok right?”
- Midoriya.Exe has stopped working
- “(Yn) I think it’s time we head home, it’s almost time for your nap” “Huh? But I’m not even tired yet!” “No arguing, or I won’t read you a story today” “That’s no fair!”
- They don’t talk about that incident
- A week after that though he read her a brand-new story about two princes
- She has definitely figured out why
- Because I’m sure you’re curious her hair is red at the roots and fades to white at the ends
- She once accidentally froze Enji’s legs together
- That’s when they learned she has an ice quirk
- All the Todoroki sibs were just like !!!!! our little sister did that???
- Todoroki was so proud
- He works carefully with her to make sure she can use her quirk to its fullest potential
- He won’t start helping her with hero training until she’s old enough to make that decision for herself though
- She accidentally called him Daddy once
- She doesn’t remember doing so though because she was already half asleep
- But Todoroki remembers it
- It was kinda bittersweet for him though
- On one hand he’s happy that he means that much to her
- On the other it makes him mad that he had to fill that role in her life because their father refused to
- Either way he’s determined to not let her suffer the same type of childhood he did
- She’d have a good life, he’d make sure of it
- Oh boy, he’s such a doting brother
- Midoriya sweetie, honey? She’s six, she can definitely walk around just fine on her own you don’t have to carry her around all the time
- He keeps a separate notebook so he can keep track of her hobbies and interest and do research on them
- See after being bullied for so long he’s really worried about her feeling isolated
- He was really relieved when her quirk manifested
- He’s glad that she won’t have to go through the same thing he did
- But my goodness did it surprise him
- She got their mom’s quirk but it’s a little stronger
- She was sleeping when she first used it
- Inko asked him to check on her and when he opened the door there were so many things just flying around her room
- He just kinda closed the door then slowly opened it again
- He then proceeded to lose it
- “M-MOM!? (YN) HAS A QUIRK!” “Izuku, you’re going to wake her up!”
- Inko is on the verge of cuteness induced heart attack every other day
- Like she’s gone into his room with fresh laundry and found them taking a nap together and she just melted
- She took pictures and if you ask nicely, she’ll show you
- He taught her how to read and write by letting her sit on his lap while he was taking notes
- He didn’t know she was learning from him until Inko started trying to teach her only to find that she already had a good grasp of it
- He’s actually pretty stern with her
- He doesn’t let her have her way all the time because that’s how you end up with a spoiled little girl
- He’s still really gentle with her, but he’ll put his foot down when needed
- “But Oniichan!” “I said no (Yn), you can’t have ice cream for breakfast. It’s not healthy for you ok? You can have some later today if you’re good” “Fine”
- Since she follows him around like a puppy, she’s picked up some of his habits
- She mumbles to herself a lot and has the same love for heroes
- If you ask her who her favorite hero is, she’ll undoubtedly say it’s Midoriya
- She loves his friends especially Uraraka because their quirks are so similar
- She was left alone with Todoroki for about fifteen minutes while the others got ice cream
- She rapid fire asks him about what he thinks of her brother
- “Do you like Oniichan? If you do, then are you going to tell him? When are you going to? How much do you like him? I think he likes you a lot, but I’m still his favorite ok? You can be with Oniichan as long as you don’t keep him all to yourself ok?”
- Once everyone comes back and Midoriya hands her the ice cream she tells him something along the lines of she approves
- He’s really confused until he asks how she behaved while he was gone
-“I think she gave me permission to marry you” “HUH?! I’m sorry Todoroki-kun that must’ve been uncomfortable for you” “I can’t say I’m all that bothered by it actually”
- He’s still not exactly sure what he meant by that
- He lives to make her laugh
- He sees it as a great achievement whenever he can get her laughing until she’s in tears
- They basically have langue of their own and yes that langue is memes
- No one ever know what they’re talking about
- But they look happy, so no one questions it
- He adores her and will find any excuse to brag about her
- They’re on some type of hive mind I swear to God
- Like they can look at each other from across a room and he just nods, and brings her a snack no questions asked
- He always brings exactly what she wanted to
- His friends thought maybe her quirk was telepathy or something but nope
- He calls it his big bro senses
- He calls her Pichu you can’t convince me otherwise
- Pichu is actually a great way to describe her
- She has the same quirk and even less control of it
- If she gets too worked up, she might zap you
- Kaminari forgets to tell his friends about her habit of shocking others so everyone in the Bakusquad has definitely been zapped
- “What the hell was that?!” “Oh yeah, she doses that sometimes”
- He’s actually a pretty responsible brother
- Whenever he goes somewhere with her, he makes sure to have everything she might need
- He always forgets to take everything out of his bag before going back to school though
- “Why do you have a doll in your bag?” “Huh, oh man that one’s (Yn)’s favorite she going to be so mad at me”
- She was, don’t get in between a girl and her favorite doll
- He’s learned how to style her hair in all sorts of ways
- He’s especially good at braiding her hair
- When she lets him, he’ll pick out her outfit
- Sometimes he picks a really nice outfit
- But most of the time it’s obvious she was dressed by him
- Like they aren’t ever bad outfits, but they’re interesting
- He takes her to parks a lot
- She likes exploring new places so he tries take her to different parks as much as he can
- One time a certain purple haired boy happened to be running in that park
- It couldn’t hurt to just talk to him really quick right?
- Wrong, he might have big bro senses, but she has little sis senses and she exclusively uses them to mess with him
- “Hey, Denki-Nii is this your friend?” “Yeah, this is Shinsou” “Oh! He’s that boy you like, right?”
- You ever seen a video of a golden retriever playing with a puppy retriever?
- Yeah thats them
- He’s just adores her so much
- She’s so spoiled oh my God
- He wants to be a good role model for her
- He’s heard that kids base their future relationships on the ones they make when they’re still young
- So, he wants her to know exactly how much she’s worth
- He’s not ashamed of playing dress up with her
- She wants to be a princess and it’s the manly thing to do
- If someone tries teasing him about it, he just kinda looks at them in pity and shakes his head
- “Why should I be ashamed of making my sister happy?”
- He paints her nails for her all the time
- One time she asked if she could paint his
- And that’s the story of the time he went to school with messily done red nails
- He gives her piggyback rides all the time
- Yes, he knows she can walk but this way is way more fun for both of them
- He gets really excited whenever she learns to do something on her own
- Then he gets a little pouty because she won’t need him anymore
- “You’re my best friend! I’m always going to need you!”
- Cue the water works
- Sero called her Minishima once
- It just kinda stuck
- She is now known as Minishima by all
- She picks fights with Bakugou a lot
- She’s on good terms with his other friends
- It’s literally just Bakugou that she picks fights with
- Kirishima thinks it’s hilarious so he provokes the situation
- He’s hanging out with Bakugou today? Better bring the kiddo
- She wants to have a tea party? What’s a party with just two people?
- “Hey! Don’t think that I’ll let you win just because Eiji-Niikun likes you!” “(Y-yn)!”
- It appears that there’s one drawback to his game
- her quirk is crystal manipulation
- Instead of hardening her skin she can crystallize things
- She has definitely used it to trip Bakugou before
- “What the hell brat!?” “He’ll never believe you”
- He did and scolded her about how that wasn’t a nice thing to do and made her apologize
- She looks up to him so much and he doesn’t really know how to handle it
- Like she looks at him like he’s just the coolest person ever
- And suddenly it’s clear to him why Tensei always tried to be someone he could look up to
- Of course, he got it before but it’s just different being the one someone looks up to
- All he wants is for her to be proud to call him her older brother
- He definitely picks out her outfits whenever he takes her somewhere
- She actually insists on it he doesn’t she’ll get pouty
- “(Yn), I you’re old enough to pick out your own clothes now” “But I want you to do it! I always like what you pick Tenya-Niikun!” “If you insist, I suppose I have no choice than”
- She loves riding around on his shoulders
- He knows he’s spoiling her a little too much, but he can’t help it
- He’s just completely wrapped around her little finger
- His friends think it’s really cute
- It’s not often you get to see him relax and let himself just be in the moment so it’s absolutely precious to watch them
- She loves playing pretend and has managed to get not only Iida but the whole dekusquad to join in her games
- Their all wrapped around her finger let’s be honest here, even Todoroki has a huge soft spot for her
- She has no idea she has so much power over them and thinks it’s normal to have five heroes in training ready to drop everything to play princess with her
- Her quirk is also engine but hers are on her heels
- She likes to have impromptu races with him
- He likes to let her win because its adorable to see her celebrate her victory
- He reads to her all the time as a result she well above the average reading level for her age
- Bedtime stories are a chapter or two form whatever classic he’s deemed age appropriate for her
- Nap time buddies, like just super snuggly all the time
- There’s legit a corner in his room that’s dedicated to being the comfiest nap spot for a five year old girl and her older brother one can imagine
- We’re talking fluffy blankets plush pillows a few stuffed animals and some story books in case she wants a story
- Ya know, the works
- It’s really cute honestly
- I can see him being a low key over protective
- Like he seems like cool chill older bro who doesn’t care as long as she’s having fun, but he’s so worried all the time
- He’s just like ‘you’re so tiny, literally everything could hurt you, but you walk around like you could kill God and that’s a problem’
- I know I’ve said literally everyone wrapped around their little sis’s fingers and he’s no different
- Proudest brother of them all
- Will take any opportunity to mention her
- Low key though, it’s way to embarrassing for him to casually gush about his younger sister
- “Who’s the kid on your phone?” “Oh, that’s my sister (Yn)” “I didn’t know you have a sister! She’s so cute!” “Ah thanks, she is pretty cute huh?”
- Ok so you know how some kids decide that when they get older they’re gonna marry the person their closest with because they think that’s what you have to do when you love someone?
- Yeah she thinks they’re gonna get married
- “When I grow up I’m gonna marry Nii-kun!” “No you’re not” “I am to!”
- She gets really jealous and huffy when he has to do something with out her even though he’s home and can hangout with her
- Like she understands when he has to leave for school but now he’s home! That should be her time!
- She’s definitely the 'you can’t date my big brother! He’s mine!’ type of little sister
- There was an incident when she met some of his school friends
- She looked Kaminari in the eyes and told him he’s not allowed to like her brother
- Shinsou has never scooped her up and excused himself so fast in his life
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Mondo Oowada x an effeminate male S/O
Request: Oml heyyy may I request a Mondo x male! S/O (imagine or headcanons i don't really know the difference dkfjlds) where the s/o is very feminine and tries to get Mondo to do feminine things? Painting nails, etc.
Of course! This was gonna be a head canon post but I just kept writing so I turned it into an imagine. The bullet points were getting too long LMAO, but it does include some personal headcanons throughout. And thank you for giving me my first ever request! Means the world to me! - Mod Kokichi
Imagine below the keep reading cut! SFW and no spoilers included~
     Your first day at Hope’s Peak Academy as the Ultimate Tailor, you got teased a bit. It was inevitable. You were the new transfer student, fresh meat to pick on, and you were a dude in a skirt, a doubly enticing threat to bullies. Immature high-schoolers were always going to whisper and glare at the ones willing to step outside the norm.
     On one of your first days there, during a particularly ruthless bullying session, the school’s hall monitor and student council president, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, stepped in after noticing the noise, breaking up the situation by standing between you and your oppressors.
     “Bullying is not supported in this progressive and nurturing school environment!” Taka’s loud and volatile personality always made quick work of the school’s trouble-makers. He spun quickly around to you, inviting you to spend lunch at his table for your trouble.
     You hesitantly agreed, but were glad you did in the end. That day, you met Taka’s best friend, Mondo Owada, a toothpick between his teeth and his feet kicked up onto the lunch table as he fixed his perfectly styled hair.
     You immediately found him extremely attractive: the sharp jaw, the bit of chest hanging out the top of his tank top. Quickly, you fell into their little friend group full of excitable and extroverted men. There were random stragglers to your lunch table on certain days, with Akane and Shuichi tagging along occasionally, but the main staples that ate with you every single day were Fuyuhiko, Mondo, Taka, Kaito, and Nekomaru, subconsciously scaring away anyone who wanted to start shit.
     You weren’t nearly as close to the rest of them as you were with Mondo, however. You often found yourself leaning against his chair, sharing your packed lunch with him, entranced when he laughed.
    He found himself always hanging out with you, shootin’ the breeze, smoking up on the roof after classes, putting his hand around your shoulder when you told a joke that made him and Taka crack up at lunch. He kept many secrets of yours, and promised to take them to his grave.
     When you came out to him as someone who likes men, he stuttered his response a little, but pulled it together.
     “It takes a real man to admit what his heart’s feelin’, S/O, you can be sure your secret’s safe with me until you’re ready to tell everyone else.” Feeling the atmosphere become awkward out there alone on the rooftop, he quickly changed the subject “So, Ultimate Tailor, huh? Shit’s pretty sick. Seen some of your clothing designs out in the art wing’s showcase. Don’t tailors just tighten up and fix a person’s clothes, though?” You smiled at his interest in your field.
     “Uh, yeah, normally I think they take in and size up clothes, b-but,” you put a hand to the back of your neck, nervous with his complete attention on you, “ I think some make designs from scratch, I have always loved making my own clothes. Maybe I should just be the Ultimate Fashionista instead of Enoshima…” you giggled, feigning envy humorously. Mondo smirked.
   “Yeah, maybe you should. You gotta design me a new coat sometime. This one’s seen better days.” You both looked at the dirt caked at the bottom of his coat, permanent stains throughout, and loose threads hanging in random places.
     “F-for sure!” You grinned.
     Your days returned to normal, lunch together and group hangouts after school, but something was different...to Mondo at least. He had to admit, to himself only of course, that he felt a little jealous of you. You could just come out and tell him who you are inside. He could never be that open. He usually was the one keeping secrets, not expressing them. But then, he caught himself. Why should he feel jealous...he was a simple guy, he didn’t even have any secrets or desires to share, even with who would listen. He brushed it off as just his normal hot-headed mindset, and packed up his stuff in his bag for the day.
     But the next few days, his eyes would linger on you even more, and he would become uncomfortable, his insides warm, his head clouded with that same envy tugging at his heart strings. In the hallway after last period, he kicked his locker, frustrated at this knot in his head and mind. What the fuck is up with him. Then it clicked…
     “It takes a real man to admit what his heart’s feelin’.”
     The next day, he pulled you out to the rooftop, his cheeks red and his heart beating wildly. You waited patiently, sitting down, figuring you were just in for another hang out session like usual, and pulled out your homework from third period, until he began to speak.
     “L-look man, I have been thinkin’, ever since you told me you’re into dudes…”
     Oh no...your head dropped expectantly. You felt like this was bound to come eventually, no matter what. He was this macho dude and hung around you all the time. It must be bothering him, ruining his rep-
     “That shit takes heart, like I said before, and I owe you my truth too, r-right, since you trusted me with yours?” He startled you, looking for validation. Mondo only stuttered when he was pissed and screaming, but he looked nervous now, a look of begging to be understood that you empathized with all too well.
     “I…” he looked out over the roof. Stop being a little bitch, Mondo, he seethed internally. “Fuck, I don’t know, man. I like you? I want us to be more than just friends. I mean, you’re cool as my bro, but…” He didn’t expect you to reach out and take his hand hesitantly, his cheeks flushing. You didn’t want his evident struggle to drag out until he blew a fuse.
     “I think that sounds ‘sick’ ” you mused, taking up one of his favorite sayings. He nodded, a arm around your shoulder, unable to look you in the eyes. But he felt a wave of peace run over him.
     Your close friends immediately picked up on this new relationship, seeing you lean on Mondo a little harder at lunch, Mondo’s blush as he rested his hand on yours over the table. Nekomaru slapped your shoulder loudly that first day as a new couple, almost shattering the bone there. He laughed, saying he couldn’t wait for you two to just finally admitted your feelings. A team works smoother when everyone is on the same page, after all.
     Weeks passed, and inside school, there was little issue. It’s the 21st century. Most were accepting of your obvious relationship. Those bigots who weren’t didn’t try anything. No stupid ass student was picking on a dude with Mondo, Taka, Fuyuhiko, Kaito and Nekomaru at his back.
     The problems started to arise when Mondo took you on rides on his bike, to his gang’s HQ or stomping grounds in general. That was the outside world, not an institution of modern and formal learning like Hope’s Peak. Japan itself was a little behind western society in terms of LGBT acceptance, and like the rest of the world, had a long ways to go.
     With Mondo being the leader of a biker gang, a setting known for violence, masculinity, grit, toughness, and a yakuza-like brotherhood of men, it just wasn’t an environment most conducive to openly gay relationships, but no one in the gang dared to call out Mondo, knowing how hot-headed he is and ultimately respecting him as their leader. They owed him unconditional loyalty.
     That was, until one day, a rather cheeky second-in-command saw you filing your nails, sitting in Mondo’s lap on a couch at HQ, and decided he’d had enough. He confronted you both in front of everyone, all eyes on you, making you shrink back into Mondo’s chest.
     “Eh, boss. If you’re gonna have a dude in a fucking dress doin’ his nails and twirling like a princess on your dick, why not just date a chick? This is gettin’ a little embarassin.” He spoke angrily. Mondo was taken aback, not used to being challenged by his men, obviously the alpha of his pack. He paused, struggling to find a response.
     “What’s the fuckin’ issue?! Like most of you idiots aren’t so close that you might as well be tuggin’ each other’s dicks anyway!” He spat defensively, refusing to take back talk from a subordinate. He looked down to your shaking form in his lap, seeing that you were obviously disappointed with his response and looked up at him with a bit of anger, tears at the corner of your eyes.
Why was he defending his rep, and attacking the man back? He should be defending the relationship, and pushing forward acceptance. It made you feel like he wasn’t proud of you, ashamed of what you two had become.
     He saw this in your eyes and hated himself, changing his stance quickly. He scooped you up from under your thighs from his lap and set you on the couch beside him. He stood, stepping up to the out-of-line gang member, chest out, looking down on him with malice.
     “Maybe you’ve forgotten your place, yeah? You forget who’s in charge? I’m involved with S/O, he’s with me, so he’s part of the gang. You’re gonna accept that, or there’s gonna be trouble to deal with, got me? What, you such a pussy that you can’t accept shit if it ain’t what you expect it to be?!” The second-in command cowered, breaking eye contact with Mondo, and the rest of the onlooking members returning to what they were doing. “Now, we got any other issues?”
     When Mondo drove you home on his bike hours later, you sat behind him as always, but squeezed onto his waist a little tighter than usual, and his heart beat proudly, knowing for once he was sure he did the right thing. You two rode silently, you pecking his cheek before slipping inside your house. He walked back to his bike, blushing like mad, and you two texted all night.
     The very next week, Mondo was over at your house for the first time, doing homework in your room. Well, that’s what you were supposed to be doing. Mondo wasn’t exactly the model student, much the the chagrin of his best friend Taka, and you just weren’t in the mood. And so you sat, him eating some chips from your pantry, watching you paint your nails on your bed, a towel to catch loose drips under your flattened out palm. You looked up to him, smiling at having his full attention on you as per usual when you were alone..
     “Want me to paint yours next?” It just slipped out. You didn’t really mean it. A guy like Mondo wouldn’t want that, surely, but you figured it wouldn’t harm to tease him. To your surprise, he responded rather quickly.
     “I seen Kaito walkin’ around this week with that shit on his nails. Maki apparently forced him to after he lost a bet to her. Didn’t look that bad, actually. Kinda looked sick with his jacket, all purple and shit,” he paused to think, “ fuck it, sure. But no pastel shit, yeah?” Your heart leapt with excitement. There’s no way you expected him to answer in a positive manner, but in this relationship, you quickly learned that you often underestimated Mondo, and let his macho-biker-gang persona leave you biased. You didn’t want people judging you by your sexuality or the eyeliner you wore, and suddenly felt hypocritical for ever pre-judging your big motorcylce-head of a boyfriend.
     Mondo held his hands out after you finished, observing the slick coat of black polish that covered his once grisly and battered nails. Yes, you had to manicure them real quick to even get the polish to stick. They had dirt under them and the cuticles were disgusting.
     “Hell yeah.” he simply spoke, smirking before pulling you in to lean on him as you finally pulled out your homework.
     Weeks turned into months, and soon Mondo was watching you get your ears pierced again in a new place, then sitting in the chair to get his done. He took you, in turn, to get “ink that matched your bitchin’ sense of style” as he put it. The tattoo didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would, and certainly inspired you to design clothes that showed it off and accentuated it.
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