#bts dark story
crystalsnow95z · 11 months
My mental state isn't the best right now, so I decided to just write without planning ahead since it helps me feel better. Edit: This is an old story. I'm fine now.
Trigger warning: stalker, anxiety, nightmare(dream cut*ing but not Tae or the boys), vom*t.. not for the faint of heart. unedited version. I may post a fluffier rewrite in my normal style.
Jungkook was in the middle one of his 2 am lives when his phone started ringing,9 interrupting the music. "What? Who's calling this late?" He checks his phone, seeing Taehyung pop up.Why would he be calling this late? He would get a notification that I'm going live on his phone, and he could just message in the chat.. I need to answer this..
"I'm sorry Army, I have a phone call." Jungkook exits the room and picks up the phone. "Hello?"
"Jungkook-ah, I'm scared.. could I come over to your place tonight?" Taehyung was whispering into the phone, his voice trembling and breathless.. "I just can't be home right now.."
"Taehyungie-Hyung, what's wrong? Of course I'll come get you." Jungkook searches for his car keys, remembering the tablet he left running. "One second." He covers the phone to talk to his audience.
"I'm sorry, Army, i love you guys,but I must go now. Something important came up." He quickly turns off the live the words coming out fast, bowing deeply to the camera for a moment before shutting it off. "I'm getting ready now. What's wrong? Is that wind? Are you outside?"
"I went..went t.to the convince sto.store to get some cold medi..medicine beca..because I wasn't fe..fe..eeling well and on..on..on my way back h..h..home there wa..was a wo.w..woman banging o..on my..my door ca.calling my name..Saying they ha..had to s.s.see me..That they were my..m..m.." Taehyung switches topics mid sentence."If i d..d..didnt open up they'd break in..but i wasnt in..so..i ran in the op.op.osite dir..direction and call..called the police, but.but didn't find,so they.. couldn't do anything..They just offered to ta..take me home, but I don't want to. She's somewhere.. I'm too scared to go home, Jungukkie.." Taehyung was still whispering, speaking quickly without even stopping to take a breath. His heart pounded violently in his chest, making it hard to breathe. His eyes darted around, looking for any signs of people around him, but the night was silent except for the sound of the tree branches swaying in the wind. I need to get as far away from home as possible.. she just hid somewhere I know it..
"Someone was at your home? Where are you now? I'm going to come get you. Send me your location." Jungkook slid on a pair of slippers, running to his car and mounting his phone, connecting it to his car. He could only pick up pieces of his stuttering mess of sentences."You'll be okay, TaeTae-hyung. You can stay the night with me as long as you need to feel safe."
I need to get to him as soon as possible, he's just barely keeping it together, his voice is trembling so much..
"Okay, please hurry.. I don't want to be alone..i can't keep moving..I'm feeling dizzy.." Taehyung finds a place to sit, his knees threatening to give in on him choosing to sit by the river sliding down the trunk of a large tree, hoping that no one would notice him in the shadows, almost dropping his phone when he shared his location. His body trembled uncontrollably, still feeling the anxiety swallowing him. "I..I got it.."
"Hyung, hyung,listen to me,you need to try to calm down. You're hyperventilating.. you need to take a deep breath.. I'm coming to get you, you just need to hang in there. You're going to pass out." Jungkook sets the location on his phone, speeding to find him, not caring if he got pulled over. "Breathe.."
Taehyung tried to take a deep breath but ended up coughing instead.No matter how many times he tried to fill.. "I can't Kook.." He whispers softly. Jungkook continued to try to soothe him but, he could hardly hear Jungkook over his heart pounding in his ears. He clutched the phone tightly in his hand, leaning heavily against the tree as he waited for the wave of dizziness to pass.
"Taehyung-ah! Please.." Jungkook begs desperately, eyes tearing up when he hears his hyung's dry coughing without a sign of ending. "I'm almost there, just try to stay with me a little longer."
"Taehyung-ssi !" The woman calls out to Taehyung, his blood turning cold. "I saw you yesterday and heard you coughing, so I made you some Jook and ginger tea. I just want to take care of you, honey."
Taehyung covered his mouth with his arms to try to silence his coughing. Tears swelling up dilating with fear leaving only a sliver of color left around his pupils, his blood running cold. She was watching me yesterday? But I didn't go anywhere. I was home.. How long has she been following me? I felt like ive been being watched for the past month while he was doing my schedules, has it been that long...?
"Hyung are you there?...Taehyung-ah!" Jungkook tried to get Taehyung to speak. He had to know he was okay. He checks to see if he hung up, but he was still there.
"Taehyung-ah! I heard you coughing! I know it was you. You don't have to be shy! I just want to help you. I know how much you dislike cooking so I made you a meal.."
Jungkook could hear the woman calling from his end, panic setting in. He was only a few minutes away from where Taehyung was, picking up speed. "I'm hanging up to call the police okay, hyung? I'm almost there just hang on a little longer."
Taehyung couldn't find his voice to answer, curling up in fetal position to try to make himself as small and unnoticeable as possible. He was in no condition to try to reason with them. His chest tightened painfully, feeling like the weight of the world was pressing down on him. He held his breath trying to stay as quiet as possible.
"If you don't show yourself, I'll hurt myself. I love you so much.. Your rejection hurts so much. I just want to be with you.." The woman's voice was even closer now, but Taehyung didn't dare lift up his head to see how close.
Please...please leave me alone..Fans don't act like this.. Taehyung couldn't hold back a sob, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Please go." His voice comes out as a high pitched sob, pleading to the woman to leave him alone, but she ignored him feeding into her own fantasy.
"My sweet Taehyung, you don't look well at all, let me take you come and take care of you. Lets get you home.." The woman reaches for Taehyung, his whole body tensing up. She strokes his hair gently pulling him into her lap."I love you Tete, more than anyone else in this world. Don't cry baby. I know you aren't well..you've been working too hard. I've been watching.."
"Plea..please..don't to..t..touch m..me.." Taehyung picks up his head to plead with her, but she just reaches to hug him, wiping his tears with her fingers.
"I know you don't mean that, you just don't want me catching your cold. It's okay, baby.. I don't care. I'll gladly be sick with you.." she shushes him, stroking his hair. "Don't cry.. I know you must be lonely since you started living on your own.." she kisses his tears. "You're even beautiful when your crying..."
Taehyung tries to push her away, but to no avail. He didn't have any strength left. I can't do this. I'm not getting through to her..She's going to take me..Taehyung gave up fighting, giving in to black haze that washed over him, his body growing heavy in the woman's arms.
"Get away from him!" Jungkook rips Taehyung out of her arms holding him protectively to his chest. "You don't do this sort of thing.. He told you no! Please you have to understand there's boundaries!"
The sound of sirens drawing near makes the woman look uneasy. "Did you call the police just because I came to take care of my love?"
"He isn't yours." Jungkook glares, drying Taehyung's cheeks with his sleeve."You don't do this to people you love. Army doesn't act this way. Can't you see how scared he was? Didn't you even consider his feelings? He won't like you." Jungkook's voice was eerily calm with anger.
The woman sat there in silence, Jungkook breaking the delusion.
"Hyung, hyung I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.. Taehyung-ah, please you're okay now..just breathe for me..."
Taehyung hears Jungkook calling to him, slowly opening his eyes, noticing the tears streaming down his face, sitting up quickly, knocking the oxygen the paramedic was holding against his face away."Junggukkie.. You're cry.." Taehyung tries to speak, but coughs.
"Take it easy Hyung.. You're okay now..the police handled it.. she's gone.. You're safe.." Jungkook tries to soothe his distressed hyung, sniffling. "She let the police take her."
Taehyung looks around, noticing the police car and ambulance nearby. Did I pass out...? Taehyung blinks slowly, trying to get his mind clear. He notices the stretcher, the medics prepping to lift him, but he clings to Jungkook's arm shaking his head.I don't need to go to the hospital.. I don't want to go..
"We can't make you go, but you lost consciousness, and you're running a fever." The paramedic suggests lightly. "You should at least get checked out at the hospital.."
"No, thank you, I can go in the morning. I just want to go with Jungkookie. Please?" Taehyung politely declines, taking Jungkook's hand and squeezing it. It took everything he had to keep his voice steady. The thought of them making him stay alone in the hospital overnight caused the tremors to return."I just want to go.."
"I'll take care of him. He's been through enough.." jungkook hugs Taehyung to his chest, feeling his hyungs heart still thumping hard in his chest. "Could we go now, sir?" Jungkooks speaks curtly, losing his patience.
"The police would like a statement first.." The paramedic gestures to the police car, the policeman noticing that Taehyung was sitting up now, going over there.
"Please I don't want to talk about it again..I already gave a report earlier.. it's the same woman.." Taehyung buried his face in Jungkook's shoulder, coughing into it.
"I told you over the phone what he told me and I told you what I saw." Jungkook glares at them, holding Taehyung closer."You already caught her this time." Jungkook hints at their failure, picking up Taehyung to leave with or without their permission.
"You can go then. Could I have a number to call in case we need anything?"
Jungkook gives them the number to his manager, scooping up Taehyung bridal style. "Have a good night officer." Jungkook bows, carrying Taehyung to the car.
"Oh my gosh is that V and Jungkook?"
"What happened?"
Taehyung hears voices of the passerbys in the distance, making his anxiety spike up again, holding Jungkook tightly.
"I won't drop you don't worry and i'll call the company in the morning and explain what happened okay hyung? Hyung?" Jungkook lifts Taehyungs chin noticing that Taehyungs eyes were unfocused even though he was looking straight at him. "Hyung look at me." Jungkook places him in the passenger seat.
I've been watching you.. The voice of the woman echos in his head, the memory of her unwanted touch making his body tense up again.
"Taehyung-ah!" Jungkook claps his hands together, making the elder boy jump, being pulled out of his own mind.
"I'm..I'm okay.. let's just go.. I don't feel well.. I want to lay down.." Taehyung's voice came out soft, Jungkook leaning close to hear him. Jungkook didn't believe him. He could hear Taehyung's heart thumping in his chest, his breathing came in short gasps and his eyes were still two black disks.
At least he's breathing. It's a start...
"Ah, Taehyungie-hyung, you're burning.." Jungkook hisses with surprise when he picks up Taehyung to carry him inside. He didn't think much of him falling asleep in the passenger seat. He'd already been feeling poorly the past few days, but he didn't expect his fever to get so high.
" 'm cold..." Taehyung's voice is soft, speaking slowly just barely awake. Jungkook lifts him gently out of the car, him pressing his pounding head into Jungkook's chest. "Hurts..."
"What hurts hyungie?" Jungkook asks helping Taehyung onto his back, supporing him with one arm under his butt, the other holding Taehyung's wrist, but only gets a soft hum as a response. "I'll get you some medicine when we get inside okay?" Jungkook carries him to the door letting go of Taehyungs wrists to try to get the key, but him instantly starting to fall back. "Please hang onto me just long enough for me to unlock the door okay?" Jungkook leans forward to try to keep him in place, relaxing when he feels the elder boy grip him.
At least he responded.. he's mostly out of it.. I gotta do something to cool him down..
Jungkook unlocks the door, carrying his ailing hyung to his room, gently placing him on the bed, taking off Taehyung's shoes and socks, tugging off his pants.
"cold.." Taehyung curls up, hugging his knees to his chest preventing Jungkook from getting his shirt and jacket off.
"Taehyung-ah you're being so difficult right now.."Jungkook strokes Taehyungs sweaty hair from his eyes. "Alright, alright.. You can keep it.. let me see if I have any cold medicine."
"Don't.." Taehyung coughs out the words.
"I'm not going far hyungie. Please I need to try to get your fever down. I'm just going to the other room." Jungkook pleads with him, his heart sinking when Taehyung grips his hand tightly. "You're still pretty shaken up..Okay hyung, I'll hold you for a bit, but then you need to take some medicine.." Jungkook pulls him into his arms.
Just as Jungkook almost had Taehyung back to sleep his phone starts to ring, leaving him trying to quickly fish it out of his pocket to try to silence it. Jimin is calling? Did he already hear about what happened?
"Hey, I'm trying to get-" Jungkook starts to talk but Jimin's panicked voice cuts him off.
"What's going on? There's photos of you holding Taehyungie while talking to the police all over weverse with captions about you abruptly ending your live."
"Jimin-ah I'll tell you about it later, but Taehyungie-hyung is burning up with a fever and he keeps coughing..I need to check for medicine but I can't leave him alone, he's still really freaked out about the thing that happened.." Jungkook avoids bringing it up.
"Aiigo, my poor baby.. he canceled going to the gym with me because he said he didn't feel well.. let me talk to him..he might let you go if he has someone to talk to." Jimin was burning with curiosity, but trusted Jungkook's judgement to not say anything with Taehyung around.
"V-hyung, it's Jiminie-hyung. He says he'll keep you company. Is that okay?" Jungkook holds the phone by his ear so Jimin could talk to him.
"Tete?" Jimin could hear Taehyung's breathing, but Taehyung didn't respond. "Hey Tae? I got a compliment from my personal trainer today. He's really surprised on how quickly my strength is improving." Jimin starts to ramble on about his day, giving Jungkook time to escape the room while he was distracted. Jimin knew he was still holding the phone when he hears Taehyung coughing, or give a little yes, in acknowledgement, but he didn't add anything to the conversation.
He's really out of it, I don't think he's even really processing anything I say to him.
"Hey Tae? Can you tell me how you're feeling? I'm worried about you.." Jimin wanted to see if he could get a coherent response out of Taehyung, and after a long pause he went to speak again, but heard Tae starting to speak.
"It feels like my heads gonna explode, my stomachs swirling.. and my hearts still thumping too hard, and..and it's freezing.. but I'm all wet.. I swallowed a frog.. and..I'm still vibrations.." Taehyung tries to think of the words he needed to explain, but a thick fog clouded his thoughts leaving him feeling frustrated knowing they weren't the words he wanted.
Jimin understood what he meant, though, wishing he could be there to comfort him, but a yawn escaped him, reminding him how tired he was."That sounds awful.. Don't worry, Taehyungie, Jungkook will get you feeling better, and I'll come in the morning.. I'm too tired to drive, or I'd come right now."
Taehyung goes to try to talk again, but the sound of Jungkook's footsteps spooks him, dropping the phone to the floor relaxing when he sees the familiar face of the mankae.
Jungkook enters the room with his supplies, setting them up on the table, pouring some medicine for Taehyung, propping him up against the wall. "Here Hyungie. Take this. It'll make you feel better."
Taehyung tries to take the cup, but when Jungkook saw his trembling hand he pulls it away again. "Let me do it. I don't want you spilling it." Jungkook tilts his chin up, using his thumb to part his lips, tipping the liquid into his mouth.
Taehyung coughs, swallowing it down. "Jiminah.."
"What about him Hyungie?" Jungkook asks, dipping a rag into the bowl of water to wipe the sweat off of Taehyungs forehead.
"I made him ran away.." Taehyung says, pointing to the floor.
"I'll get him for you. You just lay down okay?" Jungkook helps him gently slide back into a laying position, picking up his phone. "Hyung are you still there?"
"Yes, what happened? Is he okay?" Jimin asks worriedly.
"He dropped the phone. I'm not sure.. he's really out of it.." Jungkook furrows his brow with worry when Taehyung starts coughing into his fist.
"I got him talking for a bit, but it was like..when you try to use a translation app. You know what they mean, but the words are off.." Jimin explains what Taehyung told him, fighting off another yawn.
"I'll take care of Taehyungie-hyung.. you get some sleep. Okay? You had a busy schedule today."
"I'll come in the morning. I don't have anything planned until the afternoon. I love you Jungkookie, take care of Tae and send him my love."
"I will.. sleep well hyung..I love you too." Jungkook hangs up, focusing all his attention on his ill member. Jungkook runs the cloth over Taehyung's thighs, going down, washing the sweat off of his legs, forcing Taehyung to straighten out, but the older member instantly tries curling up again, making him have to put his hand on Taehyung's knees to keep him still. "Stop for a minute, Taehyungie-hyungie. I'm almost done. I just need to do your left leg."
Jungkook continues to gently wash Taehyung's body, unzipping his jacket and gently pulling his arms out, Taehyung moaning softly in complaint. "I know, I know..you can be mad at me, just let me cool you down some then we can cuddle all you want." Jungkook pushes up his shirt to run the cloth across his abdomen, gently making circles on his belly up to his shoulders.
Taehyung slowly starts relaxing at the rhythmic motion, exhaustion taking over.
(Here is the worst trigger warning. Cu*ting involved. Follow green lines to skip)
"Taehyung-ah I love you.. don't you understand how much I love you? You told on me. How could you do that? I told you if you left me I'd hurt myself.. this is all your fault." The woman shows her arms covered in cuts and bruises, the blood dripping onto his skin. "You said that you loved your fans. How could you lie to me like that?"
Taehyung tried to move away from her, but his legs wouldn't move. Move..please.. I need to move..I can't breathe..
Taehyung could feel his lungs burning from the lack of air, but no matter how many times he tried to fill them, nothing came.
"You said you loved us.." the woman multiplied, each having more cuts than the last, tears streaming down their cheeks. "You said you loved me!"
Taehyung finally got his body to obey, managing to step back, but he rammed into someone. The figure wraps around him, whispering in his ear. "That's it, love, come to me.." she leaves kisses on his neck. Taehyung tries to pull away.
"No! He's mine!" Another voice yells. Taehyung finds himself being pulled from all angles, but when he tries to scream, no sound comes.
~~Switches to a quick vomit scene ~~~
Taehyung wakes up from the nightmare screaming loud enough to wake up the sleeping mankae drenched in cold sweat. He bolts up, struggling to catch his breath but only finding himself coughing, giving no relief to his burning lungs. He frantically looked around the room, only setting his panic further when he didn't recognize the room, fear churning his belly.
"Taehyung-ah! What's wrong? What's wrong?" Jungkook reaches to touch him, to try to comfort him, but in his mental state, he doesn't even recognize the voice of his dear mankae, Taehyung backing away.
"Don-" Taehyung's stomach lurched, his small dinner from earlier pushing up his throat, spraying onto Jungkook and his bed.
"Woah..it's okay, it's okay.. I'll take care of it, okay? " jungkooks eyes widen with surprise, searching for something for him to be sick into. Taehyung didn't hear Jungkook's words. His mind was replaying his dream, sending the sick up his throat, gagging up the kimchi fried rice J-hope prepared for him earlier that day.
Jungkook brings him a waste bin, but he does not find it before the round of sick hits his bed again."Aiigo,You're really sick.." Jungkook sympathetically rubs Taehyung's back, holding the bin by his face in time for the next round.
"Taehyungie-hyungie you're okay.. I'm here.."
Recognition shines in his eyes when he sees the shadowy figure of Jungkook standing next to him. "Jungkook-ah.." Taehyung sobs,reaching for the golden mankae, tears streaming. Jungkook quickly takes off his shirt and wraps his arms around Taehyung, completely disregarding soiled bedding. Consoling Taehyung was the only thing that mattered to him.
"Don't cry, Taehyungie, I'm here, I got you.." jungkook strokes his hand through Taehyung's wet hair. "You're safe.. it's just me.. Hyungie it was just a dream. You're okay.." jungkook continues to whisper sweet nothings, trying to keep his voice steady. He was hot before.. but now I'm already sweating from holding him..
Taehyung coughs into Jungkook's chest as he tries to slow his breathing forcing himself to breathe deeply. I'm worrying Koo.. I need to try to pull myself together.. I have try..
Taehyung forces himself to take deep breaths, loosening his grip on Jungkook to try to down play the fear that still gripped him. "no worry..Koo no.." His words did nothing to stop Jungkook's worry. Not when he could hardly speak clearly.
"You think you can stay up long enough so I can wash you up? You're fever's really bad hyungie.. I'll carry you there." Jungkook could see Taehyung's eyes already drooping shut.
"Maybe.." Taehyung wraps his hand around Jungkook to make him easier to lift, gripping tight when being picked up,the woozy feeling returning. "Slowly..slowly.." Taehyung whined softly, closing his eyes to try to stop the room from spinning.
"I'll go slow, okay, just don't choke me.." jungkook says breathlessly, coughing when Taehyung loosens up on his neck. "Are you going to be sick hyungie?"
Taehyung shakes his head slightly. " 'm kay.."
Jungkook shuffles his feet across the floor, unsure on if he could believe him, wanting to keep from shaking him as much as possible until they were safely in the bathroom, propping him against the bathtub as he turns on the water, trying to get a good temperature that's not too cold.
Jungkook strips off everything but his boxers, doing the same with Taehyung, gently leading him to the tub. Taehyung jumps when the water touches his hot skin. "It's okay.." Jungkook holds him, wetting a cloth and running it across Taehyung's body.
Taehyung was shivering, clinging to Jungkook's body. "Cold Koo..it's cold.."
"I know, I know. It's cold for me too.." Jungkook's skin covers in goosebumps. "I'll get us out soon, okay?" He warms up the water to bring just above lukewarm, covering Taehyung's eyes and wetting his hair. "Just let me wash you up, and I'll wrap you up in a warm towel. Okay?" He massages shampoo into Taehyung's hair.
Taehyung doesn't reply, clenching his jaw shut to keep his teeth from chattering. I want out...
"I'm almost done." Jungkook finishes washing him as quickly as possible. "I'm sorry Hyungie.. I know.." He turns off the water and gets out to get a towel, drying off Taehyung's body.
"I'll do it myself.. yo.you dry yourself off,or.. or you'll get sick..." Taehyung pulls the towel from him, drying his dripping hair, trying to keep his teeth from chattering.
"Okay, hyungie." Jungkook smiles softly, relaxing when he hears Taehyung speaking in coherent sentences again. Jungkook starts drying himself off when he hears his phone ringing. "Don't try to stand up hyungie. Stay here, okay? I'll be back."
"No..no I'll go too." Taehyung shakily stands, putting his hands in front of him to stop himself from falling, a wave of vertigo washing over him.
"Woah Hyungie, be careful.." jungkook wraps the towel around Taehyungs waist, lifting him up. "Come on then. I bet it's one of the members."
Jungkook was right. It was Jimin."Jungkook-ah how's Taehyungie?"
"Super clingy..but I just gave him a cold shower, and I think his fever went down.. I'm not sure what else I can do.. he's still coughing and he can't walk without getting dizzy.. he also got sick when he woke up." Jungkook gets dressed, choosing an oversized shirt for Taehyung.
"I'm getting ready to come over now, don't worry, Koo. We'll get him feeling better together. Try to get him to eat something for now, I don't think he's eaten much lately.." Jimin frets over Taehyung. "Even if he won't eat, you should. You need to keep your strength up so you don't get sick."
"Okay, I will. Thank you, hyungie.." jungkook gently gets the shirt on him, kissing Taehyung on the forehead, notcing that he's fallen asleep again. "He's such a sleepy bear.."
"Let him sleep, I'll bring some of my pillows for him. Give him cuddles until then, okay?"
Jungkook nods with a yawn, cuddling into Taehyung's cheek, voice slowing down as he starts drifting off."I'll take care of him.."
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the-ow · 19 days
ig destacadas ' ★
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thequeenviana · 2 months
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Yandere Taehyung × OC × Yandere Jungkook
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
A painful cry escapes from Yana's swollen lips as her husband mercilessly beats her with his belt, the force of each strike leaving marks on her pale skin. Helpless and lying on the cold, dirty ground of the mansion's basement, Yana endures the brutal assault as this is not new to her. Her husband gazes at her with a mixture of disgust, hatred, and rage, his desire to kill her was evident in his eyes and actions towards her.
However, he knows it won't be that easy; he intends to make her suffer for all the harm she has caused his family, especially his beloved Nara.
Finally, he ceases his attack, observing Yana's battered state on the ground blankly.
Blood surrounds her body, as if she is bathing in her own pain. Yet, there is no trace of regret or guilt in his eyes as he coldly looks on her trembling figure. Yana, still crying in agony, curls herself into a ball, her body heaving with sobs.
A whistle suddenly reaches his ears,the sound echoing on the basement,but he pays no attention, refusing to turn around and identify the source. As the person approaches with a deadly smirk and an aura of danger, he stops and places a comforting hand on the younger man's shoulder.
Overwhelmed with emotions, the younger man breaks down in tears, hastily wiping them away. The older man embraces him tightly, his gaze fixed on the bloody woman, who is still painfully breathing. Yana, lying on the ground, gazes blankly at the ceiling, numb to the presence of the newcomer, as she already knows who it is,and she's scared of this man more than the one who beats her up to a pulp just right now.
She can't number the tortures that he have done to her that made her traumatized but still her love for him won't ever change even though he even cutted off her two pinky fingers after he have accused her of stealing.
"I missed Nara, hyung! So much!" the younger man cries out, his tough facade crumbling. The older man gently pats his back, closing his eyes and suppressing his own urge to break down in front of this cruel woman.
"I know, Jungkook. I missed her too," he whispers softly, reaching for the gun concealed in his black pants.
"Let's put an end to this woman's life. I can't bear it any longer."
Jungkook nods, his anger evident as he swiftly turns around, crouching in front of Yana. With a voice filled with coldness and hatred, he grips her blood-soaked hair tightly.
"I wish it was you who was dead, not our love," Jungkook harshly says through gritted teeth.
"And I also wish I never met you, you clingy bitch," he adds, his eyes burning with resentment. Yana, in her final moments, looks at the two men, making eye contact with them. All she sees is pure hatred and rage, as ever since Nara entered their lives, they both despised her from the depths of their hearts, deceived by Nara's lies.
A faint smile appears on Yana's face as her entire life flashes before her eyes like a movie recap. In her mind, she wishes she could express her feelings to both of them, to tell them that she had been there for them from the very beginning. But in the end, they abandoned her, even after all the time she spent by their side. She loved them both, forever.
She wished she could bring back time, change everything and never met them, stay away from them and live her life to the fullest.
She broke her family,her parents heart for this mans.
She turned her back to her parents who's begging for her to stop her ridiculous actions,but she never listened for this mans.
She have wasted and pushed away her best friends who she believes that time was not supporting her but now she regrets it for not listening to them,
She missed them,very much and she wishes to just for the last time she can say sorry to them,one last time and hug them tightly.
"I wished you two had trusted me more, because I was the one who was there for you both from the start. But you chose to believe her over your own best friend," she silently declares in her mind. With her eyes closed, she smiles one last time.
In the basement, the sound of the gunshot reverberates, marking the end of the woman's life.
"The end."
"Wait, what?!"
The young girl suddenly stood up from her seat, shouting in disbelief. The book she was reading was still in her hand as she stared at the last word, flipping the pages back and forth, hoping the author was playing a cruel joke with the ending.
"You've got to be kidding me! That's it?"
She continued to stare at the book, a pout forming on her red lips. Dissatisfied with the conclusion, she put the book down and crossed her arms in defeat.
She yelled in surprise as someone shouted near her ear, startling her. Her flailing hands accidentally hit the intruder in the nose.
The unexpected hit made the person groan in pain and touch their nose to check for blood. She quickly turned around to see her younger brother, Jae, still touching his nose and moaning in discomfort.
She gasped and quickly moved his hand away to inspect his nose, sighing in relief when she saw it was fine.
"Why would you do that? You know how clumsy I am sometimes."
Jae scoffed at his older sister before grinning and sitting beside her. His attention was drawn to the book.
"Why were you cursing, sis?"
Jae asked, noticing his sister's disappointment. She huffed, crossed her arms, and looked down at the book.
"I just don't like the ending of the book. And stop calling me old sis! It's annoying!"
She said, lightly hitting his head. He groaned and playfully glared at his older sister.
"What, you're my older sister, so I'm gonna call you that!"
He retorted.
"But still, don't add 'old' to 'sis'!"
She huffed and looked away, as Jae chuckled at his older sister's childish behavior.
"Oh, come on, just tell me why you're upset about the book's ending."
He asked, resting his head on his arms on the table and focusing on his sister.
"Can you believe it? The girl in this story died just like that, without getting justice for that evil woman, Nara's lies. Oh, I hate her! But I don't like what Yana did in this story either."
She shrugged before continuing, as Jae silently and eagerly listened to her rant.
"Yana was too desperate in this story. She didn't even do anything to get revenge for what that woman did to her life! And also, she was so clingy to those men! Like, woman, there are so many men in the world, not just them!"
She paused, panting and reaching for a glass of water which she quickly gulped down before slamming it back onto the table, startling Jae.
"And! You know those men! If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't be that dumb to chase them desperately and lower myself to them! Ugh! If I were Yana, I would change the whole story and make her life have a happy ending, not her chasing those men desperately and throwing herself at them like a whore!"
She spoke quickly, as Jae frowned at his sister's frustrating words about the story.
"Maybe the author planned it–"
Jae tried to interject, only to be cut off by his frustrated sister.
"No! It's absurd! How can someone just end it like that without a proper ending and justice for the character!"
She rolled her eyes and looked away as Jae looked at her blankly, shaking his head and chuckling.
"You should sleep now," Jae suggested, patting her head before standing up and leading her to her bedroom.
After wishing his still-grumpy sister a good night, he left for his room.
On the other hand,Fae slowly trudged towards her bed, slumping onto it, her mind still preoccupied with the frustrating ending of the book. She grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly as she lay down.
"If I were her, I wouldn't be that stupid!"
Fae muttered, rolling her eyes as she gazed out of her window. The tranquil night gradually soothed her racing heart, and sleep began to envelope her, leading her into a deep slumber that she would never forget her whole life.
The mansion was suddenly engulfed in a wave of panic.
The once peaceful silence was shattered by the noises that stirred Fae from her sleep. She frowned and groaned in annoyance at the disturbance, her mind still foggy with sleep. The murmurs of hushed voices filled the air, their whispers carrying an undertone of urgency and worry.
Gossip swirled around her, whispers of strange happenings that stirred the mansion's usually calm environment. Yet, Fae was too lazy to wake herself fully and investigate the cause of the commotion. Despite the intriguing rumors and the frantic atmosphere, she preferred the comfort of her bed, choosing to ignore the chaos and attempt to drift back into her peaceful slumber.
As Fae was on the verge of slipping back into a deep sleep again, her bedroom door suddenly burst open, causing her eyes to snap open in startlement. She gasped, quickly sitting up to see who the intruder was, her expression filled with anger as she prepared to unleash a barrage of words, determined to set this person straight and impart some wisdom about the importance of not disturbing a sleeping human, for God's sake!
But before she could utter a single word, her eyes widened in disbelief as she laid eyes on the furious man storming towards her.
"Young Master–"
One of the girls attempted to intervene, trying to stop the raging man from getting closer to Fae.'wait who were these people!' Fae couldn't help but wonder who these people were. Were they intruders? Are they being invaded?What was happening? Her mind raced with panic, but her thoughts were abruptly cut off as the man forcefully pushed the woman aside, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. Fae's eyes widened at the sight, her heart pounding in her chest.
In an instant, the man's hands closed around her neck, squeezing tightly, cutting off her airflow. Panic surged through Fae's veins. She desperately tried to speak, to gasp for breath, but the man's grip prevented her from doing so. She clawed at his veiny, tattooed, muscular arms, her attempts at resistance in futile. She knew she stood no chance against this imposing figure.
Fae managed to choke out a word, only to be abruptly silenced by the man who was choking her.
"You! I told you to stay away from her! Yet, you hurt her again!"
He yelled, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and....hurt? as he glared at Fae.
Confusion swirled in Fae's mind. 'Hurt who? What was this man talking about?' She couldn't comprehend the situation unfolding before her.
"Yah! Stop that!"
A manly voice suddenly shouted, and the man was forcefully pulled away from Fae. She gasped for air desperately, silently thanking the unknown savior who had intervened and saved her from the clutches of the man who had been choking her.
Fae's gaze darted between the man who had attacked her and the newcomer who had come to her rescue. As she looked around, she realized there were other unfamiliar faces in the room. Fear gripped her heart. Who were these people? And where in the world was she?
Questions flooded her mind, but before she could voice them, the man who had attacked her spoke up again.
"Let me go, hyung! This witch hurt Nara because of her jealousy!"
Fae furrowed her brow, her confusion growing as she looked at him with a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.
"Calm down, Jungkook!"
The name struck a chord in Fae's memory, though she couldn't quite place it. She shrugged off the familiarity, still struggling to understand what was happening. Was this some kind of prank?
"How can I calm down? This bitch is crossing the line! She's hurting Nara because she's jealous of her!"
The man continued, pointing an accusing finger at Fae, who glared back at him, her anger boiling over as she stood up in bed.
"What did you just call me, you bastard?!"
Fae burst out angrily, her voice filled with indignation.
Everyone in the room gasped, their eyes widening at Fae's outburst. It was a rare sight to witness their young madam raise her voice, especially directed at someone like Jeon Jungkook,her love.
Jungkook himself froze in place, stunned by Fae's sudden outburst. Had she really just shouted at him? It was a new and strange experience for him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He continued to stare at Fae, trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within him.
Fae rolled her eyes, her frustration still evident as she exclaimed, "GET OUT, ALL OF YOU!"
Her voice rang out even louder this time, causing everyone to flinch, except for Jungkook, who looked at her with wide eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what was happening. Why was his heart racing like this? And why did he feel a strange sense of hurt at Fae's words? It was the first time she had ever shouted at him and what's strange for him was he didn't like it.
Jungkook's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but he was abruptly pulled away from the room, not fully comprehending what was unfolding.
Fae's gaze settled on the last woman who was about to exit the room.
Fae called out, causing the woman to freeze in her tracks.
'God, I need to find out what's happening!'
Fae thought to herself, feeling utterly confused by the events that had transpired. She yearned for answers, realizing that this was not a prank anymore.The unfamiliar faces in the room made it clear that her family wouldn't orchestrate something like this, knowing how sensitive she was.
As she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the confrontation, a mix of fear and confusion coursed through her veins 'like the hell is happening,am I being kidnapped?oh hell no! that's not it and what the heck does that handsome man a while ago talking about?'
She only remembered sleeping in her room,then this!
She stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute as she addressed the last woman who had paused at her command.
"You! Stay right there. I need to know what's happening. I demand the truth.Did you all kidnapped me!?"
The woman's eyes widened, her expression a mix of surprise and fear at her young madam's exclaim of being kidnapped?
'Oh no,we need doctor Lee again' The woman thought with fear for the young woman's well being.
As the room fell into a tense silence, Fae's mind raced with questions. Who were these people? What had transpired to lead to this moment? And most importantly, why was she at the center of it all?But one thing she was sure of,she was kidnapped.
With each passing second, Fae grows annoyed as the woman still did not talk anything .
The woman looks here and there not meeting Fae's annoyed eyes.
"Young Madam,I think you need to take a rest right now. Your father will come here and he will answer your questions."
She quietly excused herself and left in a hurry as Fae grips her hair in frustration.
Fae stands up straight again and ignore what the woman had said.
'No!I need to go home,my family is probably waiting for me!'
With a determined mind, Fae cautiously stepped forward towards the door, her main goal being to escape from wherever she was and return home. She couldn't shake the feeling that her parents must be worried about her by now.
Casting quick glances around, Fae stealthily crept out, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the people who had caused her distress. Fear gripped her as she worried they might catch her and lock her up.
As she ventured further, she noticed that the hallways were devoid of any people. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly ran down the left hallway. However, her hurried pace came to an abrupt halt when her eyes fell upon a picture hanging on the wall.
"Wait... What in the world is this?"
Fae exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening as she stared at the picture framed with a golden border.
"Is that me?!"
Horror washed over her as she realized she was in the photograph, surrounded by faces she couldn't recognize. A sense of unease crept over her, causing her to slowly back away.
But her retreat was interrupted as she bumped into a solid chest. Startled, she quickly turned around, only to find herself face to face with a strikingly handsome young man. She couldn't help but be awestruck by his appearance.
'Oh my god, he's so handsome!'
Internally fangirling, Fae found herself momentarily lost in admiration of the handsome man before her. 'wait where does he came from?I didn't seen him coming.' However, her focus quickly shifted back to her priority: escaping this imposing house and reuniting with her family, who she missed dearly.
Fae cautiously backed away from the man, catching his attention. He raised an eyebrow, surprised by her actions. It was the first time for him, as she had always been the one to throw herself at him, acting like a clingy leech. Her sudden change in behavior intrigued him.
"Jungkook told me what you did again, Yana," he said, his gaze turning cold as he took a step forward, cornering her against the wall next to the photograph.
Fae furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of his words.
'Jungkook again? No... no, Fae, that's ridiculous and did he just called me Yana?! Nope! It's probably just a coincidence,' she chuckled, momentarily forgetting the dire situation she was in.
Growing increasingly impatient and angry, the man punched the wall, not too forcefully, to bring Fae back to her senses. She flinched and became scared as she saw the murderous look in his eyes.
"W-what are you saying?!" Fae stammered, her fear palpable. There was a dark aura surrounding the man that made her tremble. Something in his eyes told her to run as far away as she could.
The man let out a dark chuckle, his deep voice resonating through the empty hallway. He briefly looked down, poking his tongue inside his cheek. Under different circumstances, it might have been attractive, but given the situation, Fae couldn't focus on that.
He looked up, glaring at her once again before speaking, "If you do that again–"
Fae had had enough. Before he could finish his sentence, she forcefully pushed him away, causing him to stumble back. Seizing the opportunity, she dashed away, leaving the angry, handsome man yelling for her to come back.
Gritting his teeth in anger, the man dusted off his expensive shirt and straightened it, glaring at the spot where Fae had disappeared. A loud commotion reached his ears, and he turned around to find a group of maids running towards him, panting heavily.
"Young Master Kim, pardon us, but have you seen Young Madam?" one of the maids asked, fear evident in her eyes from their frantic chase.
Raising an eyebrow, the man answered coldly, "I saw her running in that direction," pointing towards the path Fae had taken. With a smirk on his handsome face, he walked away, knowing full well that the woman's father, whom he had encountered earlier, would be furious after what he had said earlier. Punishment awaited her once again.
As he continued on his way, he heard the maids rush off in the direction he had pointed, their footsteps fading into the distance.
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tulip-fiction · 1 month
Fan Fiction
Content warning: mental health, hearing voices, toxic parent
Alone - Begins ≠ Youth
Takes place on the way to Haru's appointment in episode 3 (around 31 min mark)... tag me if you find a GIF of the fake crying and then when Haru drops the act!
Haru could feel his stomach twisting in on itself. He was on his way to another psychiatric appointment to check on his progress and medication dosage. He wasn’t on edge about his appointment though. He was never nervous about talking to the doctors, he’d told the lies so many times before that they come easy now. But that voice, it doesn’t lie, and the words it whispers to him scare Haru.
Everything was all falling apart again. The truth he was always running from had found that video. Hosu had seen the comments and already Hosu was pulling away. Haru had known all along that his friends weren’t really his friends. It was all a lie, like everything else. They didn’t even know him. And as soon as they learned the truth of who he was, they would run from him like everyone else had. And he’d be alone. Again.
Haru shook his head and grabbed his ears, but he couldn’t block that voice. It wouldn’t let him lie to himself. The truth was that he was already alone. He’d been alone ever since that day. But he was having so much fun pretending the lie was real, so he would keep pretending he had friends as long as it lasted.
Haru’s mom watched him in the rearview mirror. “I know you’re disappointed about not going with us to the United States. We will all do something fun together this summer when your brother comes home.”
More lies. He’d be in the hospital again over summer break. They both knew it.
The lies hadn’t stopped for 7 years. That day Haru got lost was the first time he was aware of being alone and the crushing terror of that feeling. He had wanted nothing more than to be safe in his mother’s arms. To have her squeeze him so he could feel her with him even when his eyes were closed. But that initial safety he felt when they were reunited was an illusion. He would always be alone after that day.
Haru’s mother had rushed to his side, tears of relief in her eyes. He wished he could go back to that day, when he believed her tears were proof of her love for him. When he had believed the lie. She hadn’t loved him, she loved being seen as the caring mother. She loved when everyone saw the lie and believe it to be true. So she wept and rushed him off before he could find the strength to stop his tears and tell anyone about the horrors he had seen.
Even when little Haru was home safe and dry, warm in his bed, his tears hadn’t stopped. They had slowed, falsely comforted by his mother’s presence at his side, but they continued to leak from his eyes even after they had long closed from the weight of the day.
Haru had woken with a scream the next morning. His mother appeared by his side and told him he was safe. Believing her, he told her about the monster in the arboretum and the child he had trapped.
Young Haru had been confused by her reaction. At first he thought she was scared for what had happened to him, her hand over her mouth and her eyes wide. But he reassured her that the man hadn’t hurt him, his cuts and scrapes were from falling when he ran away. But she just sat there, staring at him.
When her eyes eventually softened, and her hand placed calmly in her lap, she finally spoke. “Haru, it was only a bad dream. You are just a normal boy that got lost in the woods. You were scared. Anything else you imagined is not real.”
Young Haru had believed that lie. Or at least, he had wanted to. How could his young mind imagine that his mother would lie to him? Even now he didn’t understand the lie. He didn’t know that his mother had read about the missing boy in the paper. How the parents had been scrutinized and questioned. That she and others had judged the parents for every misstep they had ever made. But even if he didn’t understand the reason for the lies, he knew the truth now, that she had lied to protect herself and the lies would never end.
Haru had believed the lie for as long as he could, but the truth found him shortly after on the city bus. That monster in his nightmare had gotten on the bus and looked right at him. That moment, his world shattered. That was the first time he heard the voice. It had told him to run. To live. But he had frozen, too scared to even breath, and that was his first trip to the hospital.
But the lies hadn’t stopped. His mother wouldn’t let him speak the truth and Haru had been alone ever since.
“Your appointment won’t take long, it’s only a quick follow up,” Haru’s mother said. “Just tell the doctor how well you’re doing. That nothing has changed. Your memories haven’t returned. Your medication is working and you feel normal. When you’re done, I’ll drop you off at school so you can see your friends.”
Haru nodded and gave a reassuring smile. He wondered if these were the lies she believed herself. Or did she also have a voice that whispered the truth to her? She was always angry when the truth surfaced. She’d drop the act of pretending to love him and the cruel honesty would slip from her mouth. That she was exhausted by him and this life. But those moments were the only times Haru understood his mother. He knew the exhaustion well.
So many lies. Each one an impossible weight.
He had no memories. Lie.
His medication was working. Lie.
He was fine. Lie.
His family loved him. Lie.
He had friends. Lie.
He wasn’t alone. Lie.
He was living a normal life. Lie. This wasn’t living.
This wasn’t living, but it was the only life Haru had and he wanted to live so bad, so he would pretend this was living. He’d never give up, no matter how exhausted he was from running from the truth.
Haru slumped against the car window, his exhaustion in this moment felt unbearable. Haru wanted the lies to stop. He wanted to be free of the weight of them. But he would bare it because speaking the truth meant all the lies would be exposed. Everyone would know. Then they would leave, like they always did, and he’d have to face the truth that he was alone.
So instead, Haru would lie like he always did. Then he’d go back to school and be with his friends. Even if those friendships were a lie, he could pretend he wasn’t alone when he was with them, and sometimes he actually believed it. So he’d hold on to them as long as he could, even if it wouldn’t last. Even when the voice whispered the truth in his ear. Even if he would always eventually have to admit that he was alone.
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judetmblr · 2 years
01.    ·   🖋️     ✶⠀৴  𝗞𝗲𝗶 𝗧𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗆𝖺   .. ꥻ
02.    °   📹 ⃞    ﹏  𝘀𝘂𝗇𝖺 𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁𝖺𝗋𝗈̄ ݃   ⋆   ׁׁׁׁׁׁׁ   ☆̲
03. ㅤᵎ 〇ㅤ𝗛𝗂𝗋𝗎𝗀𝖺𝗆𝗂 𝗦𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗈̄    ▹ㅤ꒷ 🥃
              ▬      ©  𝗃𝗎𝖽𝖾𝘀𝘂𝗲...    🌑
▞         𝗡𝗢
   copies, 𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗌.⠀⠀⠀⠀
▞           𝗦𝗜
   𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗉𝗂𝗋𝖺𝗋𝗍𝖾 𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝗋
       𝗺𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗮.
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kpopyourcherryy · 1 month
Hey Everyone! It's Jade~
I feel like I keep going on and off from this site It's just not what it used to be imo ever since that big policy change forever ago now But anyways!
I decided to fully get back into writing, a lot has happened in my personal life so I have more time and have found my passion for it again. If you wanna support your girl pls go support me on Dreame; The Love You Want-Dreame
Good Ol' Wattpad; The Love You Want - jxxde - Wattpad
I'll be transferring some of my stories to both sites and kind of creating a book of short stories for each group I've written about, and for my longer collabs with my dear Maya (i miss you bitch idk if you're even still on here :,/) I'll put them in separate "books" of their own so they're kind of like micro novellas.
I also have another book in the works that is a Mafia AU! so be on the look out for that one as well!
And before I go, one of the stories I plan on reworking heavily and really fleshing out to make something super cool is Playing With Fire, my Demon! Wonho fic. It's one I go back to and always fall back into love with. I also have plans to continue 3 years on both sites too, just possibly reworking a bit.
I'd like to think that my long-winded hiatus is finally over <3 ~
Please support me on my little writing journey one more time my loves <3 Feel free to send an inbox here at any time I miss you guys terribly!
With love & light, Your Jade ~
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oshisanbignaturals · 8 months
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making a separate post for this hehehehe <3
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transparent ver doesnt he kinda look like barbie here. barbiecore or whatever
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sweetwolfcupcake · 2 years
Rose Gold: Anonymous
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Shades Of Obsession Universe
Rose Gold Masterlist
Warning- Stalking, Name Calling, Threats Saesengs/ Obsessed 'Fans', Panic
The headlines had surely reached Hybe even before Jin had contacted Namjoon. The news article was ridiculous, analysing your and Jin's body language, predicting you to be either a staff member or even an obsessed fan who had sneaked into the Hybe building. 
But the comments of some fans were the ones that had put you to unease- some already had stamped you as a prostitute, some called you his deluded ex-girlfriend and even claimed to know you and some even labelled you as his wife secretly married to him. There were some sensible reasonings, precisely predicting you as his girlfriend but the other claims were ridiculous. 
When Jin came to know of those who had tried to distort the truth, you had seen the anger burning in his eyes. He wanted to go straight to the CEO, PD Bang but you convinced him to have a discussion with Namjoon and the rest of the members first. Your and Jin's relationship was to be exposed to the members too soon, but the circumstances did not allow anything better.
When Jin reached BTS' dorm with you, he found the rest of the members already waiting for him and you. The only presence in the living room that slightly surprised him was that of Aerin, but he did not mind, your sister was his sister, after all, your family was his family. He greeted her warmly before his gaze met with Namjoon's. 
The leader was composed on the surface, but he could easily sense the subtle hints of the tension brewing underneath. He felt your hold tightening around his hand and he gave a reassuring squeeze in response. Nothing could touch you when he was with you 
"Hyung, you should have at least let me know that you were in a relationship, forget that,  you should have stayed in the studio." Jin sighed, the edge in Namjoon's voice was clear.
 There was no way that the leader was opposed to him dating you, Namjoon was genuinely worried as far as the leaked pictures were concerned.
 "Joon, we were not in a relationship until last night- not official at least. Things just happened and we were headed to her apartment and...And today we come across this shit." 
Jin spat the last word as the ridiculous commentary and allegations thrown at you came back to his mind.
 "Let's talk to PD nim, we need to take legal actions against such companies- they stalked us and they might be stalking (y/n) now." he suggested to which Namjoon shook his head. 
“I've already spoken with him, he says that staying quiet is the best option for now, but if things escalate- we will take legal action. And (Y/N), you have to sign a strict non-disclosure agreement regarding your relationship with Jin-hyung." Namjoon said as he turned his gaze on you.  
Jin frowned in displeasure before concern laced his mind and he turned to you "(Y/N), I think you should delete your social network accounts for now." 
"But the image is blurry enough, I do not think I'm recognisable, also, only my back is showing." 
You had a point, but he did not want to take the risk
  “No, Hyung is right, better be safe than sorry," Namjoon added.
You nodded with a quiet 'okay', the gravity of the situation was finally settling in and that was what you had feared the most. This was the reason you were evading a relationship with Jin, but now the situation was inescapable. 
The talk was long and mostly grave, other than the Marknae Line's teasing and commentary regarding Jin being 'too old for a relationship' that helped to melt done the tension a bit and you were grateful to them.
 But what truly made you feel happy was the fact that none of the members seemed to be repulsed by the idea of Jin dating you, they barely had any direct interaction with you, except for Namjoon a few times. Yet, they embraced you in their life as their Hyung's girl with as much warmth and ease as Taehyung had done when Aerin first introduced you to him.
 Taehyung had been nothing less than a brother to you and he never made you feel any less than family, ever and now, seeing the rest of the members being as warm and accepting had your heart melt. 
You could do this, you had decided then and there, as on as you had Jin by your side, you wanted to fight- you could fight anything.
The next few days were surprisingly peaceful, excluding the fact that you had no social network account, you wanted to make an anonymous one, but Jin did not allow it. You knew what he was doing-keeping you from seeing the new record lows some delusional 'fans' and pathetic news agencies would hit. 
So, you were blissfully ignorant and it did not seem as though any of your colleagues knew about the news or the fact that you were the girl in the picture- even if they did, they had been kind enough not to bother you with that and leave their poised noses out of your business.
It took a couple of months for the storm to simmer down, the incident had been forgotten- or so you thought. Until you began to receive messages from an unknown, untraceable number
'I know that you are the whore who followed and seduced Jin that night'
It was a plain text and yet, it left you rattled. You had blocked the number immediately and were even considering changing your phone number.
 But it was not the only message. 
There were various unknown numbers, texting you- threatening you. And when things did not cool down even after a week, you had to let others know. 
That was the reason why you found yourself in a lit-up, soundproof conference room in Hybe, while a number of lawyers discussed the matter, with a few Cyber Experts and of course, the BTS members. 
You could see how Jin's tense jaws clenched and unclenched when a few lawyers suggested the matter be dismissed and that it would be best not to take action- Jin had an admirable fuse, because, within a couple of months as Jin's girlfriend, you came to know how fiercely protective Jin was of you.
 "Someone is threatening my girlfriend's life, there has been a clear sign of stalking  and you say we should just keep quiet?" 
Jin's voice was stable but low- almost threatening.
 "PD nim, (Y/N) as already signed the non-disclosure documents, is it not Hybe’s responsibility to protect her and her family?” Jin asked with a sharp edge in his voice as he turned to Bang Si-Hyuk.
The CEO who sat with poise contemplation at the end of the table.
 "Miss (L/N), for how long has this been going on?" Mr Bang turned to you with the question.
 "A week, I am even considering changing my number." 
You replied immediately and the man nodded.
 "I'm afraid that would barely help. We should consider tracing the numbers behind such threats and sue them with charges against threatening, stalking and invasion of privacy." 
You were satisfied with the decision, but apparently, Jin did not feel the same.
"We should sue the news agencies as well, those who have fared up rumours- let's set an example." 
Jin's voice was firm and final but Mr Bang shook his head
 "That cannot be done Jin-ssi Hybe should remain lowkey. For now." Mr Bang reasoned.
 "He is right Jin, I guess suing those people is more than enough, the threats would stop." you added.
 Jin's sharp gaze softened immediately as soon as his eyes met yours "You are being too kind Jagi." he gave you a strained smile before nodding at Mr Bang and the rest of the lawyers.
Although you had deactivated all your socio network accounts, you knew that those who truly wished to stalk and trace would fins one way or another to twist and slither their way to you.
It was late at night when you were on your way back home, the bus stand was empty, no passengers waiting, it was around midnight after all. It had begun to drizzle so you were quick on your feet, trying to reach your apartment as soon as possible. There were a few people strolling around, and it made you feel slightly at ease. Although you remembered that you had put a very important pendrive right in your bag, you cannot help but stop and check once again. Feeling the tiny device, you sigh in relief before beginning to walk again.
And then it hit you.
There were no people in your sight, not in front of you.
But you could still hear light footsteps as you walked, and while you slowed, the footsteps slowed too.
When you had stopped for a moment, the footsteps had ceased as well, there were no people passing by.
You gulped, feeling your stomach pulsating in knots and throat drying up. 
Someone was following you, someone was physically stalking you now.
With a shaky breath, you continued to walk, doubling your pace despite feeling your knees turning increasingly boneless. The footsteps increased in pace as well and at that point, you were jogging your way back to your apartment, vision blurring with springing tears.
You could almost feel the person closing in and the jiggling of your keys as you broke into a sprint.
Tears ran down your eyes when you realised that the light footsteps had turned into a heavy jog. You could feel you lungs burn, you breathing turned irregular as your stomach twisted into knots.  
The view of your apartment building brought slight relief, the security guard had to be somewhere nearby. 
But the relief was short-lived.
You felt the hit before the greasy wetness and the crack.
An egg. The stench told her that it was a rotten egg.
Instinctively, you ducked your head as you began to run toward your apartment building.
And you were right, this time, you missed a stone.
You wanted to scream for help, but could not, your voice turned empty and all you could do was let out a shaky breath.
 You heard the banshee-like yelling before another stone was hurled at you, this time hitting your shoulder, and despite the thick layers of clothing, it managed to hurt you.
Finally finding your voice, you cried out to the security guard sitting in front of the apartment building, you were sure that a few neighbours must have heard you as well.
The guard sprint into action, rushing towards you.
And you were relieved, finally being able to stop. Holding his hand in a bruising grip.
“Hey-Stop!” he yelled “Please get in and call the police.” he quickly instructed, nodding towards his abandoned chair before sprinting in the direction you assumed the woman had run.
Your knees finally gave up as soon as you reached the apartment building. Sniffling and shaking, you landed on the stair with a thump. The burn on your back barely bothered you.
With quivering hand and barely-contained sobs, you searched for your phone in your bag. The device dropped to the floor with how unstable your hold was. Picking it up and unlocking it, your thumb moved in its own accord, clicking reflexively on the contact.
You took in deep breaths, finding it difficult to keep up a rhythm.
Your call was picked after two rings
“Hello? (Y/N)?”
You sobbed out.
Taglist: @illnevertrustmyselfagain@papijiminfeed@bangtanxcoffee@ratherbefangirling@nikkeeee @severephilosopherkid @mak7sstuff@era-genius @angryperfectionpersona @awhore42dcharacters
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"I wanted to die, rather than falling in love. I've been a worst lover. Then again i want to live for death looked at me as if I'm his muse, as if he will love me Without looking at my disheveled body, without asking and expecting anything. And that's why I'm born to die so i could be with my Eternal lover Death himself. "
My dear Grim reaper
"Remember pain makes you feel alive. "
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mak3itr7ght · 8 months
Pair : BTS bias x Fem!reader ♡
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It was raining..the cold of the upcoming winter was greeting the students. He was walking along the hallway with his funny gait, a cigarette was resting between his lips, and his eyes were wide open. He was certainly concerned about his last fail in the lab and scolding himself again for being such a dumbass. His mind was always so full of thoughts, a whole knot, and he was unable to untie it. Cambridge's classes weren't for him, it was monotone, so predictable, and too much more practical than theoretical. With his mind traveling in other places, and his body set to reach the next class, he didn't notice that someone was about to approach him.
'always heading to your science classes with that lab coat, another cigarette in your mouth, that messy hair, and those lost eyes'
It was a feminine voice who caught his attention, her tone was playful and it seemed like she knew him well. He just turned around to face the girl and at the sight of her on his face was starting to create a smile. He didn't say anything, at least with his mouth but his eyes were telling her that, at that moment, he just came back from his journey into his troubled mind. She approached him, she was smiling warmly, her (your eye color) eyes were shining and her (your hair color) hair were gently resembled in a lower bun.
'What's going on in that beautiful mind, huh?'
She added while adjusting his coat, which was open, and let her adjust his tie and his sweater, too. He was looking at her, almost in a trance, his look was softening slowly, and she was close enough to make him smell her delicate scent. She raises her eyes, which were focused on his suit before, meeting his.
'Too many things'
He answered. He was a mysterious man, he was introverted, but still had a kind heart, he liked studying any type of field, not only his major, which was physics, but he was into literature and philosophy as well. And she belonged to the literature field, but she was into science as well. They were kinda completing each other, but they were still very different. They were like the sun and the Moon. She was bright, always smiling and cheering for him. Since the first day they met. He was a lunatic, overthinker, and had both a bright and a dark side. She loved him anyway, knowing that there would be things that he wouldn't tell her and she was good with that.
She chuckled at his answer. Like she already knew it before he said it.
'Mind if I come with you and attend the class? I have to wait for my next lesson and it will be in a few hours'
She asked, showing him her most innocent look, she had natural-born deer eyes, so it wasn't that difficult to put on a persuasive look like that.
'You still ask but it's not the first time you're doing it'
He said back. When the bright side of him came up, he was able to use some sense of humor. His smile became a little more bigger. Suddenly she took the cigarette off of his lips with two fingers and threw it away. That was unexpected.
'You don't see that but your cough is getting worse. You should moderate your smoking habits'
She said with a more serious look while looking at the cigarette that she had thrown just a few seconds before. It landed on the courtyard of the academy, its flame had already been extinguished by the pouring rain. She looked at it for a good minute while he was looking at her, at first his sight was full of surprise by, not just her action, but her words, she wasn't the only one to concern about his health, but for the first time he felt those words, it was like his ears finally listened to them, not just heard them. His eyes softened again, admiring her not-perfect side profile's features, her (your nose shape) nose, reminding him of her origins, her heart-shaped lips, which were a bit pale because of the cold, her eyes which seemed dark because of the clouds that were covering the light of the sun. It seemed like It was night when it was just morning. Unexpectedly he started to speak.
'The noise of the rain..seems like music, doesn't it?'
She looked back at him with a face full of confusion, followed by a sort of smirk.
'But you hate music'
She added, playfully. She knew he wasn't into music. She tried many times to change his mind but failed every time. He chuckled and approached her some more.
'Today I had a peculiar meeting.. that gentleman told me that algebra is like a music sheet, that you don't have to read it, but hear it'
He said, turning his face and looking at the rain. She did the same, feeling his words.
'You know, I hate algebra, but I think that.. that man was right'
She smiled, still keeping her gaze on the rain. Suddenly he removed his coat lab and put it on a chair that was near one of the columns of the hallway. She didn't notice that until he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him in the courtyard, under the rain.
'what the-!!'
The girl yelled out in surprise. He started muttering a sort of melody while putting one hand on her hip and the other still grabbing hers. She smiled, getting what his intentions were. She rested her free hand on his shoulder as she got closer to him. They started dancing under the raindrops, letting the moment wholly overwhelm them.
'You'll get a cold'
She said while laughing. He laughed with her.
'You too, according to my calculations.'
He retorted.
'I won't complain'
She said.
'Me too'
He added. They spend half an hour like that, for them the time stopped and every concern disappeared. It was a cure for them. That moment. He didn't care about skipping a lesson as she didn't care about her thesis that she needed to start writing. The rain was dancing with them, the cold seemed to soften at that moment, it was all so unreal and so beautiful... so eternal
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biaswreckmepls · 3 months
Fan-Chosen BTS fics #4 - April 2024 - Day 1
and when I'm with you I turn all shades of pink
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26191900/chapters/63736951
Author: tkfics
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung
Status: Completed
Chapters: 7/7 (118712 words)
Tags: Magic AU
He glanced at the available seat next to the boy, before looking at Jeongguk again. “Mind if I sit next to you?” He asked, pointing to the empty chair.
That earned him an eyebrow raise, the closest to an actual reaction Taehyung had seen from him, and he stored that in his mind as a win.
He gave the younger a small shrug.
“Why not?”
or, in which light witch taehyung tries to befriend dark witch jeongguk, not realizing that their relationship would bloom into so much more.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26191900/chapters/63736951
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
Devastated to announce that my clotted cream brainrot has come back😔 Even tho I thought i was over him months ago....
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taeslovehandles · 2 years
Yoongis own body is fat and 'ugly' in the eyes of his family. His born gift is to shapeshift into any person he sees. Can be pictured or videos too. Taehyung is his brother. Taehyungs gift is to turn people into animals. Married to Jungkook who sadly has passed away a year ago.
Taehyung was devestated and changed from his bubbly self to a colder more angered version. Thats when he starts demanding Yoongi to shift and look like Jungkook so that he can continue his life with his husband. Even if its Yoongi. Even if they are brothers. Taehyung wants Jungkook. No one else.
He doesn't care that Yoongi is unhappy, that his decision is egoistic and cruel or that his brother begins to show shapeshift sickness.
Even less does Taehyung care that Yoongi gains more weight due to him loving to cook and having Jungkook try everything. Only another reason to keep Yoongi shifted.
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Got inspired as I was watching encanto lmaooo.
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miasparadigm · 2 years
The Meeting
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I'm sorry if this is late but I have a really important exam coming up this month so it's been taking up alot of my time.
Tw: mention of injury, Tw: manipulation, Tw: abuse of power, Tw: gaslighting, Tw: mentions of syringes and needles, Tw: threatening
I think thats all of them! I hope you all like this one!
His feet tapped against the marbeled floor in anticipation. Thoughts flooded through his mind, some rendering anxiousness, others confusion, and some... anger.
The constant staring at the door had tired out his eyes, and his patience had started dwindling.
Not that he had much if it to begin with anyway.
Clearly, Veronica had baited him for laughs, but he still sat there. For a while longer at least.
He just needed her to say it once. That's why she must've called him anyway, what else was there to discuss after the incident at the lab? Her recklessness and greed for knowledge had left him on the brink of death, and his state after recovery was nothing less than hell.
It had been four months and she, his superior, never even acknowledged what had happened to him.
Daniel took one of the sugar sachets present on the table and played with it. A waiter had come by and taken his order half an hour ago, it was literally just coffee with no sugar, it shouldn't have taken this long. Life was just against him at this point it seemed.
The only sound present in the place was the occasional clanking of utensils and murmuring of the staff. It would have been embarrassing for him to be stood up infront of them, but that wasn't of his concern today.
The whole caffe was empty save for him and the staff, he wasn't sure if it was because of the fact that today was just not a busy day or that Veronica had cleared out the whole place for a reason only known to her. He had an inkling it was the latter. He had spent too much time with her to not know better afterall.
A hand slammed at the table and Daniel's gaze snapped up, his eye twitching in annoyance.
Veronica looked just as much of a mess as ever, her hair strewn about in disarray, her clothes wrinkled and her eyes held disdain.
Funny, how the very same gaze he had tried to avoid had become a source of pride for him now.
"You're late," he seethed.
"And yet, you stayed," Veronica replied nonchalantly, taking a seat on the other side of the table.
Her retort further fueled his anger and he flexed and unflexed his fingers as a distraction.
"Why did you call me here?"
"Just a bit of conversation really, perhaps our last meeting left a few topics-" her eyes trailed off, a habit that Daniel knew meant she was going to say the most shit eating words, "undiscussed."
"The last meeting? You mean the time I almost died?" he gestured at himself. "You used me a Guinea pig. Left me in constant agony. Hell, I'm pretty sure my body is giving up on me."
Veronica leaned back in her chair and rolled her eyes.
"You were always one for dramatics, Daniel. A Guinea pig, really? It was a mistake. You were in the way and the syringe injected you instead of... well, the actual guinea pig."
"It was exactly ten meters away from where I was."
Veronica gave him a pointed look.
"To you perhaps." she said, gazing at his form,"besides, shouldn't you be proud? Being used for science? Isnt that what we all aim to do? You came so close to actually achieving something."
She gave him a quirk of a smile, and Daniel wanted to do nothing more than knock it off her. He wasn't the best gentleman, but the british blood in him wouldn't allow him to even think about hitting a woman.
But this wasn't a woman. It was Veronica.
"So is that why you're here? To experiment on me more? Was almost killing me not enough?"
Daniel's voice had gotten loud enough to gain the attention of the staff, causing him to become flustered. Veronica gave them a reassuring charismatic smile and they soon resumed their actions.
"You are an asset with untapped potential, imagine the lives you could save," she encouraged. Encouragement wasn't really the right word, since the web of lies she spins was something Daniel knew of very well. This was just another one of her schemes.
He ran his hands through his hair in exasperation and pursed his lips.
"Why the hell would I ever work with you again? You're crazy! Absolutely bat shit crazy."
Veronica shrugged in response, tapping her nails on the wooden table, her eyes drifting to the side every now and then, clearly thinking about something else. She didnt even pay him her full attention, despite her being the one who called him here.
Her eyes met his gaze again.
"The lab would do well with you in it, but it seems that I had perhaps overestimated your dedication and intellect."
That stung him more than it should have. She was the one who had snatched his dreams from him afterall.
Daniel clapped his hands in mock, which resulted in Veronica's non chalant expression to morph into an irritated one.
"Wow, I didnt know you were such a saint! Saving lives? Is that what you really wanted to do?"
"You cannot deny that my work has saved lives, Daniel."
The answer made him want to pull his hair out. Her god complex knew no bounds.
"Yet," he jabbed a finger towards her direction, "you cannot deny it killed many more. You didnt even give a shit about them."
"Casualties were a necessary."
He scoffed at that and leaned back in his chair, mirroring Veronica's own stature. It had become clear to him that arguing with her was futile, pity, since it was something he should have known very well. He used to be her 'closest' assistant afterall.
"Bloody hell," he muttered.
"Well then, it seems that you will not be returning. But I should warn you, it's best to keep this whole ordeal under wraps," Veronica instructed, ignoring him.
"Excuse me?"
She shrugged in response and gave a tilt of her head.
"I'm just saying, it would cause unnecessary chaos."
"On the contrary, I think the public should know what their amazing saviour has been up to," Daniel objected. He felt a ray of hope blooming, perhaps with the right steps, he could use this information against Veronica. Maybe turn his misery around.
His hope crashed the moment he heard laughter. His throat constricted at the sight of her cackle.
She pointed a finger at him
"You?" She asked, wiping a tear from her eye, her laugh dying down into a chortle. "You think they'll believe you? What have you ever done for them except causing discord? Do you know what they call you, Daniel? They think you're a joke."
She rested her face in her hands as she continued, a cheshire grin decorating her face.
"No, but really, do you think I don't have the means to destroy you? I just had tea with president of the institute yesterday, I have plans with the chair this weekend. Do you think the higher ups will prefer you over me? They'll actually listen to you of all people?"
Her eyes narrowed as a twinkle of mischief brightened them.
"Speaking of people dear to us, how's Alex?"
Bile rose in his throat at the mention of her name by that monsters mouth, and Daniel thought he would throw up right there and then. He cant let her hurt Alex. Cant let her bring him any more pain than she already has.
Unfortunately Veronica had made her point very clear, it was obvious he could do nothing at this point. He was powerless against her. She would always be 5 feet ahead of him, it seemed like the distance seemed to increase with time.
Daniel gulped down his fear and anxiety, as he recognised that Veronica was waiting for an answer.
"Fine," he managed out, his voice threatening to break, he liked to think that it was due anger, but even he couldn't delude himself into believing that.
"I couldn't hear you, could you speak up please?" She requested oh-so innocently, but he knew he had to answer that too. He wanted the coffee to come faster so he could somehow use it to drown himself, anything to avoid this embarrassment.
"I said fine. The information about the experiment will not get out," he spoke up, his voice wavering.
"Well then, I'm glad we reached an agreement, I really did make many compromises for you, you know?"
He glared at her, something she revelled in. It was unfortunate how quickly the tables had turned on him.
The scraping of a chair against the marbeled floor caused Daniel to snap out of his thoughts, giving Veronica a weary look.
"Anyway," she started, getting up from the chair, "I better get going, science will not unveil itself."
Without another word, she walked right past him, not even bothering to spare him a glance, perhaps the smallest mercy he had gained from someone today. The fact that it was by her made him want to throw the table at wall.
As she walked out the door, a waiter came and put his coffee on the table. Seems like they were in on it too. Veronica really did have too much power.
He lifted the hot paper cup and took a sip.
It was too sweet.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
So at my school, I’m in this team and we’re planning on going to a competition. I was filling out the forms for going and one of the things asked was suggestions for “team bonding activities”. I don’t really interact with people in the real world and don’t know how to, so I was asking what I should put, and one of the other members, whom I already know, said that I should just do “spend an hour explaining the lore of game I like”, since I am one for infodumping and I have genuinely done this to her (it was over the Layton games).
Thing is, I’d genuinely do it (I love to infodump about things I like), and now I’m considering if I should make a PowerPoint presentation detailing the Cookie Run Lore
If so, what are suggestions on what to put?
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jeoncanis · 2 years
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A typical Sunday, 7 pm. You and your significant other were cuddled up under the duvet. The air conditioner was set at the right temperature, blending with the warmth your partner was sharing. "I'm bored," you said as he looked down at you with a clear question mark on his face. "Whatcha wanna do??" he asked. And there was a sudden boost rushing through your blood as a splendid idea clicked in your mind. You hovered on top of him and " Let's go to the amusement park, shall we?" you asked. Being an 'anything for my lady' type of a guy, he gave in and helped you to get dolled up for spending the night. Soon after reaching the amusement park, the inner child in you had no control over the excitement. And he was standing there adoring your childish self. You pleaded him to ride the Ferris wheel with you and he couldn't bring himself to say no. Getting inside a block of the ride, he was seated right next to you. Soon the ride stopped on top that felt like reaching the sky. The twinkling stars and the moon being the best pair never failed to satisfy you like every other time. But the man next to you felt himself slipping into the world of fantasies, imagining the most impossible. He swore to die just by gazing at the reflection of the moon, from the corner of your chocolate brown eyes. He suddenly held you by your nape and smashed his lips on yours. Kissing you passionately with the moon witnessing the act of love, he parted away, chuckling at the view of your cherry cheeks. "I love you Bubba♡!!" he said pulling you into another sweet kiss.
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