#bully redemption
ruubesz-draws · 3 months
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(Shimo is a prankster)
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Ghidorah every time Godzilla gets a new enemy.
True frienemies right there!
I was going to make a Godzilla animatic of this exact scene but discarded the idea later (wasn't sure whether we were allowed to use the audio without getting a copyright strike idk)
I LOVE the Mickey Mouse Shorts lol
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dollya-robinprotector · 8 months
So here's the thing: This post
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Everyone's honest reaction to that information:
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Look I know it's not exactly the "BEST" but they're the first on the list so let's just bear with me for the comedic effect, 'ight? *bow*
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thewhizzyhead · 6 months
WAIT I WANNA BRING UP ANOTHER THING ABOUT HOW BULLYING IS ADDRESSED IN NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE. one thing I really liked about how Max is shown as a bully is his talk with Pete at the Pasqualli's parking lot. When Pete tries to stand up to Max, Max pushes him down and emphasizes that Pete isn't a loser because of his own qualities - rather, Pete is a loser because Max simply said so.
Of course we can attribute this to Max's god complex but I think that this point in particular is less than often really brought up in teen-centered media featuring bullying: that bullying exists not because of nerdy behavior or whatever the fuck, but because bullies will it into being. And to have a BULLY of all people say that out loud - to have the main villain point out the root of their behavior without showing any kind of shame whatsoever - showcases just how much of a menace Max is.
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petes-5yr-cocoa · 6 months
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yeah idk what to title this one we got a bit of everything bruv
+ shoutout to @ihavenoideamanokay for the wonderful idea that bailey & richie are related
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richie has like 23.62 uncles now in my head & you can pry that from my cold dead hands
Those teenagers scare the living shit outta me
Putting the “fun” in “disfunctional”
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pompadourks · 10 months
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #102
When Flash first overhears Peter talking about the "Stark Internship," he rolls his eyes and thinks, "Of course he'd go with that excuse at Midtown School of Science and Technology."
Whatever. Flash knows the truth. He's seen the car that Parker gets picked up in, seen the body guard / chauffeur and the absolutely insane amount of discrete safety tech he always has on. Flash is convinced that the whole orphan thing is just a cover story and Peter secretly has parents at least as rich and influential as Flash's own.
Maybe they're politicians or the mob or something, and that's why all the secrecy. Honestly, Flash is doing him a favor by bullying him all the time for being an unimportant orphan. It's the perfect cover. Maybe he'll even drop the ridiculous Stark Industries lie and come up with a more believable backstory soon.
Then, one day Flash and Peter end up in a kidnapping situation.
The kidnappers take Flash's watch, but they leave some of Peter's tech since it's better hidden. As soon as they're alone, Flash expects Peter to hit that panic button and get them the hell out of there.
Only... he doesn't? Did Peter learn nothing from K&R training? Flash reaches over and hits the secret panic button 3 times immediately, no hesitation. Peter is shocked. Flash is like, "Oh come on, I obviously know your secret."
He's kind of curious and excited now to see who Peter's secret parents are, once the cops get them out of there.
He is not at all prepared when Iron Man bursts through the door.
He's even less prepared when Tony Stark steps out of the suit and totally freaks out at Peter, hugging him and checking for injuries.
... maybe he's finally met Peter's secret parent after all.
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batwingsrosa · 6 months
I‘m sorry, but if i saw my best friend surpressing a smile seeing me hanging upside down, my underwaer- possibly even my genitals- being exposed in front of strangers, that friendship would be over.
She would be dead to me from that point onwards.
You certainly wouldn‘t see me begging her on hands and knees to take me back.
That train has left.
The fact that Severus still tried to reconcile with her after this incident shows me how desperate he must have been, how much he must have loved her.
And my heart just breaks a little more for him.
Lily Potter was a horrible friend and Severus Snape deserved so so much better.
I have nothing else to say on that topic.
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yeewanhaw · 7 days
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r.i.p kieran duffy you would have loved the gen 1 star stable jorvik ponies
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ccarrot · 1 year
This whole Sigma will join the ADA by the end of the Decay of Angels arc is a lovely wholesome idea but hold on. lets be real for a sec. Is the ADA going to even be a THING by the end of this arc? How the hell do they recover from this arc?
They've been framed as terrorists, they're on the run, reality has literally been altered so that no one will believe them, their members are scattered, 3 actively dying, FUKUZAWA likely wont make it out of this arc. And, its definitley not just the ADA that won't recover, the Port Mafia's actively falling apart right now too! Nearly all the members we know save for Mori, Kouyou, and Verlaine have become mindless vampire puppets! The Hunting Dogs unit will be disbanded once it's known that 2 of it's 5 members are actively involved in a world domination scheme. Not to mention the Special Division is in such a tight bind considering Taneda's out of commission and they have to take responsibility for this ENTIRE situation!
Ending the vampire outbreak might be an immediate solution but golly these groups have been so thouroughly destroyed. Natsume's Tripartite Framework is in shambles! And it's been a mess since the very beginning! The ADA and Port Mafia were at odds all the time and the Special Division stood complacently aside! The framework is a disaster! Is it just going to go back to the way it was?
Will they just get their hands on the Book and undo all the damage that's been done? Because that would be imo an AWFUL way of handling things. It would be so unsatisfactory. It would be actively erasing so much of this deveopment by just undoing what went wrong. Do we really want things to go back to the way things were? Where the ada was good and the mafia was evil and they were at odds all the time or we'll just say they're in an "alliance" and let that be the end? No! I want these people to suffer as humans and that mean things cant just go back to how they were.
Like i was taking abt this nawy(hiiiii) but now i really do feel like the ADA and PM will be done soon.
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scionsthings · 18 days
So, basically you're gay
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petrerpkr · 8 months
Jegulus is just a Jeverus in a slightly different font. Marauders fans already push severus' entire personality into regulus nowadays
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somedayonbroadway · 29 days
Ok so: Oscar gets pushed into the semi frozen Hudson river by a gang of bored rich kids. Morris was held back by them until they decided they were bored and leaves. Morris get Oscar out of the water but doesn't know where to go that was near and warm because Oscar was experiencing hypothermia, they go to the Newboy Lodge House. How would the Newsies react?
I think it would go a little something like this…
Jack was putting the littles to bed when he heard the knocking on the door. He immediately went into protection mode. He stood up straight and rushed to the door, ready to peak out and fight off the bulls. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d tried to raid this place and take the boys for nothing. Race was behind him, ready to get the kids out if he needed to. But when Jack looked out through the crack in the door, he froze.
The knocking came again, harder this time. “Kelly! Open up! Come on!”
Race squinted. “Morris?” he asked.
Jack shushed him, reaching to open the doors. He was dumbfounded at the sight before him. Morris was standing there, holding a shivering, nearly blue Oscar against his chest. The younger boy was soaked to the bone and Morris had tear stains on his cheeks, but looked fairly dry despite the water dripping off of his brother. Morris looked up at Jack and Jack could see that the older boy had a bruise forming on his left cheek and a split lip. “S-some assholes pushed him into the fucking river… h-he can barely talk— I have nowhere ta take him,” Morris insisted.
The newsie looked over the brothers again. Oscar was definitely dazed. He didn’t even seem to know where they were. So Jack turned back to his second. “Racer, go get all the blankets we have. Get the littles into one bed to keep warm, Specs! I need water on the fire! Al, any extra clothes you can find!” Jack barked out before he rushed to help Oscar inside. He wrapped one of Oscar’s arms around his shoulder and Morris supported him from the other side.
They got him inside close to the fireplace and Jack helped lay him down, quickly taking out a pocket knife. Morris immediately scowled and grabbed his wrist, ready to fight but Jack looked up at him as his boys squared up behind him. “Hey!” he hissed. “We need to get him out of these clothes. I’m not gonna hurt him, okay?”
Race rushed back down the stairs with blankets and Morris grabbed him by the collar. Race gasped and immediately went wide eyed as Morris backed him into a wall. “Jack!” Race cried, not expecting the attack.
Jack raised his hands up in surrender. “Morris! What the actual hell?!”
The older boy’s eyes were watery. A tear fell down his cheek as he tightened a fist in Race’s shirt. “Don’t… I swear Kelly, I’ll—“
“No one is gonna hurt anyone, Delancey! Race brought blankets for Oscar, that’s all, I have ta get these clothes off of him before he freezes to death!” Jack hissed.
Morris tried to scowl through the fear, but he sniffled as tears began to freely fall down his cheeks. He shoved Race back as he lowered himself back down to his brother’s side. He slowly began to undress him, shoving Jack’s hands away when he tried to help. “Don’t touch him.”
Jack watched as Morris shakily unbuttoned Oscar’s vest. Oscar was trembling violently, his eyes trained on his big brother. “M-M… M-Mo—“
“It’s okay, we’re gonna get you warm,” Morris promised, stripping Oscar down to his undergarments until he could conceal the younger boy beneath some blankets. He then let Jack help wrap Oscar up in about seven blankets.
The other boys did as Jack had asked and soon Morris was holding fast to Oscar as Jack sat with them. Race was whispering with Albert about how poorly Morris had treated them after simply trying to help, but Jack knew better than that. Morris was scared. He wasn’t sure he remembered ever seeing Morris like this. “What happened?” he whispered finally.
The older boy scowled. “Some rich bastards think it’s funny ta push a kid into the Hudson.”
Jack bit his lip. “They hurt you too?”
“Don’t pretend like you give a shit, Kelly. I came here cause of Os, I wouldn’t have asked if I had anywhere else ta go. This don’t make us friends—“
“I get it, Delancey, Jesus Christ, I’m sorry I asked,” Jack insisted, standing up and walking over to his boys. “Get up ta bed. Now,” he said before turning back to the brothers who made his life a living hell. “Your welcome, I guess. Feel free ta leave whenever,” he muttered, headed towards the stairs.
But Morris looked down at Oscar and sighed. “Kelly,” he called, causing Jack to pause. “Thanks…”
Jack didn’t respond. He just sighed and rushed up the stairs.
Morris sniffled and hugged Oscar a little tighter as he tried to warm up the boy.
“Well… this was a shit night, huh?” Morris muttered to himself.
Oscar snored slightly and cuddled up a little more to his brother’s chest. Morris wasn’t exactly sure what to do. He’d never been the touchy feely type. But he managed to brush a hand over the boy’s hair and sniffle as he let out a long breath. “We’re okay…” he promised. “I’m so sorry, Ozzie, it’s gonna be okay…”
And he just kept repeating it over and over again, praying it was true.
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south-sea · 8 months
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i've been promising it for ages, so here are finally some notes on the two iterations of black arms/doom i write for. in this house we ignore the "black doom is an evil space tyrant for the sake of being an evil space tyrant" thing and have fun exploring his motives from different angles
(it's because i had no idea that was even a thing until like a week ago. i've always thought the motivator was Just Food, and i like that significantly more.)
i like to think of eclipse's paternal qualities as something telling to black doom/the species as a whole, at least outside of canon instances. so that's an intentional trend across both.
it's also intentionally implied the alt arms are more or less what aruna's hive could/would have turned out like if he were less traditionally stubborn and foolhardy.
as for their plans and how things ended up:
alt doom started out as generally interested in how humanity might progress. once in contact with gerald, his plan was to trade his DNA for the chaos emeralds as a source of energy for the black comet, as its at-the-time power would have been mostly depleted by the time it circled back around in 50 years. this agreement was doomed to fail; both he and gerald almost immediately realized how badly it could backfire, got paranoid, and mutually planned to destroy each other. the fact humans are good sustenance for the black arms was just a convenient bonus at that point.
given shadow didn't make it past SA2 on this timeline, it left sonic to defeat the black arms. and in sonic fashion, this meant putting them in their place and sending them packing without properly destroying them.
alt doom is not so much one to accept he's been beaten, and more one to re-approach something from a different angle once he realizes his methods were flawed. this leads to him picking up and just going Somewhere Else. he's a scientist too, on some level. he can figure it out. and he does. rather than being all traditional and stubborn, he learns to work with other species, which in turn leads to securing better/more diverse materials, more ethical/convenient food sources, etc. the arms' population booms and advances at breakneck pace from then on. they diversify and spread out. without having to fight for survival, things are chill. it's considered the good end.
aruna's is the bad end. shadow is present on this timeline, and summarily wrecks his entire shit (for good reason).
the trouble with aruna's hive is it was in a constant state of nutritional deficit. they were the multiverse's scavengers, tending to pick planets clean whose populations were already critically low. not for any moral or ethical reason, just that the hive itself was so comparatively small in numbers, they didn't much have a choice.
this led to desperation. he got Tired of it. his last ditch effort to secure some means of easier travel/means to acquire food was to obtain the chaos emeralds. so he struck a deal with gerald, as these things always go.
he comes back 50 years later, finds his son has sided with the humans, and just snaps. just goes absolutely nuclear. if the deal isn't going to be upheld, and shadow sees the black arms as The Enemy, then he's just going to take the emeralds (and by extension the whole planet itself) by force. he's done playing nice. he and his people are starving. have been starving for enough years he's lost count.
this ends with the entire comet being blown up, and that's the last thing he sees as he's falling back to earth.
what all goes on after that point is between nobody but him, the multiverse's worst and, somehow, eventually, a familiar fallen god. (it's going in another aruna-centric post, some day, maybe, i hope.)
there's even still more i could say about how their respective hives operated and how they interacted with them personally, but that also needs to go in another post because this one's already long enough. but oh man is there more to say.
(and a shoutout/direct link to @motobug as always for the mobian design)
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irishmacguirefucker · 2 months
My biggest character flaw is that I don’t care about John marston the way you guys do. Like you guys want him carnally and have feelings for him but I (oldest sibling) see him for what he is (younger sibling)
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pistacheriot · 1 year
would you think someone is a great person if they wanna fuck your mom??
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introspectivememories · 5 months
i feel like im going crazy i just saw a fun little tiktok about bnha and it was animated and the art style was cute and it was about the dekusquad except bakugo was a part of it???? and it wasn't like an au video or anything bakugo was just a part of the dekusquad??? and so i go to the comments thinking "oh someone's gonna call this out right? like in what world is bakugo part of the dekusquad" but!!! everyone in the comments was just agreeing with the poster??? top comment: i'm glad we all agree that bakugo is part of both squads.... no he isn't????? second comment: bakugo is the founding member of the dekusquad IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD????
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