#but im always afraid people would be disgusted with me for trying lol
kikker-oma · 1 year
If you could change one (1) thing in the LoZ-franshise and it would become canon, what would you change?
Ooohhh I've seen some of these milling around!!
For me I would change this:
Like, im a romantic at heart, so I always would prefer to think Zelink is cannon, but even if they explicitly were confirmed as just friends or even if they ended up being family - LET THEM HUG AT THE END😭🥺
I love hugging my friends and family!! I adore showing physical affection! I've hugged coworkers and held hands with members at work to comfort them when theyre upset (if they initiated. Im not that dense to be touching strangers without consent lol. Ill ask people if i dont know them well enough to know what theyre ok with).
All of this to say: I don't feel good and I want hugs, so thats my answer lol. (Though believable lore/timeline connecting the games would be fantastic haha))
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earthtooz · 2 years
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𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ─ when the reader receives hate ! pt 1
includes: reo mikage, michael kaiser, isagi yoichi
warnings: gn!reader, they/them prns in kaiser + isagi, 2k+ wc for reo, 1.6k for kaiser and 1k for isagi, ooc!characters, borderline panic attack in reo's, hate and negative comments, happy endings for all, let me know if i'm missing any warnings, bad wriitng LOL
a/n: ask and u shall receive ! bro why is the cover image so low quality i can't be assed to fix it - ANYWAYS ENJOY ANON !!!
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if there’s one thing reo is used to, it’s the amount of eyes constantly surveying his every move. there is not one aspect of his life that hasn’t been intruded by the amount of aristocratic families wondering how he’s doing. reo’s quite fed up with it himself. 
but of course, if there’s one thing dating reo mikage entails, it’s having those same eyes scrutinising your every move even harder- a fact you accepted before he asked you to be his. a fact you were starting to get used to.
despite all the glamourised smiles and ambiguous compliments of your relationship, there will always be some who aren’t afraid to voice their opinions.
which, is how you got stuck talking to some ceo’s daughter at a gala you were attending as reo’s plus one. 
“i’m not trying to be mean or anything, just honest,” she says with a particular slice of her hands, flaunting her expensive nails and jewellery. “but i don’t think you’re right for reo, and i know i am not the only one who thinks that! don’t you think it’s time you stop hogging him and y’know, return him to those who really deserve him?”
something disgusting churns within you at the way she talks of your boyfriend, as if he were some goal; a fish in a sea of hungry fishermen. the statement makes you feel violated, you can’t imagine how reo would feel being talked about like this for his entire life.
“and who might that be?” you counter, trying your best to remain calm and not give in to the storm within you.
she flares her nostrils, narrowing her perfectly painted eyes. “look around. take a good glance at the competition.”
“i won’t do that because there is no competition. reo chose me, whether you like it or not,” you firmly place your drink down on the table beside you before pointedly showing her the beautiful promise ring, encrusted with diamonds that reo himself placed on your finger. “besides, if there even was a competition in the first place, i’m afraid you’re all much too late.”
with a final sneer, she turns around with a pointed flick of her healthy, smooth hair before walking away, classy and expensive as ever.
just like everyone around you.
you, on the other hand, find it hard to breathe, and the luxurious fabric of your even more luxurious outfit is clinging to your body. before you even know it, you’re making a run for the exit, slipping past crowds of people and ignoring their looks of curiosity. 
no one would bother to look too long anyways.
you should be proud of how you managed to remain level-headed during that interaction, but you can’t help but give in to her manipulative tactics. you did take a good look of the competition and they all looked like millions upon millions of dollars. they have had their life plan sorted from the very moment of their birth, their destiny handed to them of a silver platter, and although you know to look beyond the materialism and gold, it’s hard to ignore it when you’re surrounded by marble walls and crystal chandeliers.
suddenly feeling like an imposter, you just want to hop in a cab and go home.
bolting through expansive halls with decorative arches and doors to match, you’re almost at the parking lot where the chauffeurs awaited, just a flight of stairs await your descent.
it’s not until a hand catches your wrist that you stop. 
turning around, you find no comfort in the familiarity of reo’s face which was laced with concern and worry. he’s panting, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin, and his hair was all over his face. was he chasing after you?
“y/n! where are you going?” the purple-haired asks, eyebrows furrowing even more as he notices the distressed state you’re in. he grabs both your hands, manoeuvring you to look him square in the eyes. except, it’s so difficult, you’re looking everywhere but at him. “i was calling your name the entire time, did you not hear me?” 
“reo, please, leave me alone,” you request with a shaky voice, trying to get out of his grip with no success.
“i can’t, not when you’re like this,” he protests, “deep breaths, y/n, come back to me.”
a few moments of silence pass by, allowing you to return to your senses as reo holds your hands against his heart, stroking your skin with his thumb. no longer overwhelmed and suffocated by your thoughts, it’s hard to look your boyfriend in the eye, cowering away from his gaze.
“what’s the matter?” he asks gently, pressing a hand against your cheek delicately. it’s warm. you want to melt into him.
“it’s- i, i had a really- you know what, nevermind,” you murmur, shaking your head, turning your back against reo as you pull your hands away from his. 
you miss the expression of heartbreak that appears on his pretty face. 
your cold actions don’t deter him. instead, it makes him more determined to stay by your side, chasing after you even as you descend down the stairs. since your shoes were a lot more complicated than his, the soccer player catches up to you quickly to guide you by the small of your back as he mirrors your pace.
“i want to go home,” you mutter to him once you’re on the ground, trying your best not to collapse under the gaze of so many, surrounded by butlers and chauffeurs.  
he nods with a gentle gaze. “let’s go home then.”
his kindness is not enough to shield you from the scrutiny that bears into you. “no, reo, you should stay, i’ll just catch a taxi home or something.”
he looks at you in pure astonishment, slightly taken back by your weird attitude. 
“but i don’t want to. why would i want to stay if you’re not?” asks the purple-haired. 
opting to remain silent rather than answer, you try to walk towards the main road of the highway, only to be cut off by reo shoving himself in front of you.
“and why would i let you take a cab home?” your purple-haired lover questions, placing both of his hands on his cheeks so you can finally look him in the eye. “y/n, what’s going on? something happened, didn’t it?”
taking both of his hands away from your face, you take a step away; once again missing the look of astonishment and heartbreak that appears on reo’s face. “nothing happened,” you say stubbornly, rubbing your hands against your arms.
“i don’t want to go home if you’re like this, can we please just talk for a little?” he remains behind you, getting the hint that you don’t want to be provoked or touched in any way, even if it’s killing him. the soccer player’s fingers itch with the need to embrace and trace every part of you that you’ll allow, but, for the sake of your fragile state, he doesn’t.
with a small exhale, you agree. it would be unfair for you to leave reo in the dark, continually brushing off his genuine kindness due to some chick that got in your head.
he leads you towards the gardens nearby which were dimly lit, yet still very beautiful. spring was in full season, so you could only catch glimpses of the beautiful flora that aligned the path, but there was no denying that it was still breathtaking. reo walks beside you, synchronising his footsteps with yours.
eventually, you arrive at a fountain in the middle of the garden. where you take a seat on its marble ledge, reo whispers ‘one second’ to you before running off to the bushes where the red roses were. he returns quickly, jogging back to you with a singular flower in his hands. 
“for you, my love,” he declares with a small smile, bowing with an extended hand, expecting you to take his gift.
you readily do, heart warming at his silliness whilst twirling the rose in your fingers. “thank you,” you reply, pressing a kiss to his cheek when he places his hand next to you so he can lean against the fountain for support. 
the promise ring you wear on your finger feels heavier than usual, especially when he smiles fondly at you, a lovesick expression on his face that is no doubt mirrored by you. 
but looking at him, you can’t help but recall the stinging reality that he lived in a world of glamour, decadence, and allure; only doubled by the fame that came with his life as a pro-soccer player. you love reo with your whole being, really, sometimes you fear that your feelings might be a little too much, but loving him with a materialistic barrier in between is difficult. 
the idea of letting him go than stealing him away from the world of mystique feels suddenly a lot kinder.
“reo,” you begin after a few minutes of simply being in each other’s presence. he looks at you with widened eyes and raised eyebrows, directing 100% of his attention towards you. with a deep inhale, you continue.
“do you ever think that… we’re not, meant to be?”
the silence is deafening.
“what do you mean?” he asks with a small stutter of disbelief, “of course we’re meant to be! you’re the one for me- you’re my soulmate!”
usually, when reo says that, it makes your insides gush and flutter, but now it riddles you with guilt and scepticism. “how can you be so sure?”
“y/n,” he sounds so very desperate. reo’s eyes have always been the window to his soul and seeing the way they shine with tears, your chest clenches with an unpleasant feeling. “why are you doubting my love for you?”
his hand goes to your ring finger, playing with the jewellery that you suddenly feel like you don’t deserve.
“you agreed, remember? you agreed to letting me love you forever and loving me in return. i put this ring on you because it’s always going to be you, no matter what circumstance, i’ll always choose you.” 
“but is choosing me the right decision?”
“yes, a thousand times yes, there will never be. anyone. but. you.” reo increases the amount of emphasis he puts into each word, now changing his position so that he stood in front of you, caging you with his build. “can you tell me what happened, beautiful? because something clearly did and soured my gorgeous y/n’s mood.”
the sudden onslaught of compliments, mixed with how close reo was, broke down your resolve easily, crumbling at his feet as you gave in to his gentle demands. 
“i met an unpleasant someone who told me i should give you up for people who deserve you more,” you whisper, throwing your arms around his neck, a gesture of equal affection and possessiveness. 
he hums, seemingly calm but you know better. the furrow of his eyebrows was one of scrutiny and distaste. you’re glad he’s trying to remain subtle, you’ve had enough of emotional responses for one night.
“and who might this unpleasant someone be?”
“i have no idea. she gave me a name but it went in one ear then out the other.”
pressing his face into the junction where your neck and shoulder meet, the soccer player revels at this chance to be close to you. 
“it was probably important though,” you reiterate, “and, well, might be able to benefit you a lot better than i ever can.” 
he scoffs into your skin, causing you to shiver. “no one’s name is as important as mine, my love, and no one can boost it more than what it’s already worth. if anything, those who have me gets the boost, i’m already the best.” 
his (rightfully deserved) cockiness makes you smile ever so slightly as you punch his shoulder. “are you implying i’m a gold digger?”
“well, you didn’t choose me, did you?” asks reo with a raise of his eyebrow. “i begged you to go on a date with me and you only agreed the fourth time i asked.”
the recollection makes a giggle slip past your lips- a sound reo dearly missed as he admires your beauty in the dim lighting of the gardens. he places a fleeting kiss on your neck before looking up at you. 
“of course, everyone else won’t know that and assume,” you point out before leaning in towards his lips, unable to resist him much longer.
“who cares?” he mutters against you before melting against you in a gentle kiss filled with love, reassurance, and promises. “they’re all irrelevant anyways, just a bunch of talkers with nothing to back up their words.”
“then what am i?”
“you’re my future. you’re the one that actually cares about me, more than my money or my soccer skills. remember the first day we met and you told me to get out of the way? back in college?”
“well you were blocking my path. i was running late to my class as well.”
reo chuckles, pulling away from you so there was a little distance between your faces. “never thought i’d want someone so bad just because they didn’t know who i was.”
“then show me,” you say with a little challenge in your tone. “screw the gala, take me home, reo.”
“thought you’d never ask.”
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“kaiser gets it in! a miracle shot, just what you’d expect from bastard münchen’s genius striker!” the announcer exclaims as the crowd shoots up in excitement, roaring and buzzing with excitement as the members of germany’s football team all swarm around the blond, cheering and celebrating. 
kaiser participates in the hype, fist bumping his teammates before running back to position, but not without sparing a look at the screen that was displaying the match. no one misses the kiss he blows in the direction of the camera and although the stadium is filled with squeals (from boys, girls, grown ups and children alike), you know something they don’t.
right before the match, kaiser made you promise that each goal of his equated to ten kisses, a deal that you readily accepted and bumped up to twenty as a way of motivating him to take the game home.
that kiss he blew was just a way of solidifying that he was thinking of you and the wink he sent straight after was just making sure you’d keep your promise.
you can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world with him. 
as the match progresses, you can tell it’s going to be an easy victory, with all favours towards your lover’s team - kaiser earning another two himself. 
it’s almost scary just how effortlessly he dominates, settling the score at 3-1 for bastard münchen, once again making feats you thought were difficult look effortless. as the whistle blew announcing the end of the game, roars fill the stadium once again and you too, jump up with the crowd to cheer as loudly as you can.
repping his jersey with his name on the back, it just feels too good, especially when you bask in the afterglow of a well deserved victory.
you don’t miss the amount of glances kaiser sends your way, antsy to be able to reach you and spend some time with you because he’d rather have you congratulate him than a bunch of old, white men that just want to sponsor him. they can get in line because you’re his top priority.
you hope he sees you and the heart you make with your arms over your head just for him. 
dawdling out of the stadium always takes forever because of the amount of people that always come to see his game so when over half the people have cleared out, you make your way down to the front row, where your soccer genius boyfriend was waiting for you.
“you were incredible, my love,” you say as a greeting, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug, one that he readily returns. you don’t really care that he was sweaty, too overwhelmed by how proud of him you were.
not that your opinions really mattered in the grand scheme of things, but kaiser considered it a great lucky charm, one he holds highly.
“as always,” he mutters, pressing a kiss against your cheek. you giggle at the sensation, smiling widely as he continues. “tell me more about how amazing i was.”
rolling your eyes at his arrogance, you decide to indulge him, just a little. “the best out there, greatest soccer player of all time, and you looked so handsome too, my main character,” you pinch his cheek. “done?”
“not at all,” keens kaiser, smiling at you like a cat.
“get your stuff first and then when we’re home, i’m all yours.”
“i’m holding you to your promise, pretty, that’s sixty kisses from you.”
with a final kiss on the forehead as farewell, you bid him goodbye and watch as he runs off to get changed, joining ness who was waiting for him by the exit. the magenta-haired soccer player waves at you from halfway across the field, a gesture you readily return before turning around to go outside.
passing by the security guards who give you a little nod of acknowledgement, you’re relieved to see that the audience that gathered tonight had gone off into their cars, ready to go home for the night. 
you’re about to go around to where the players exit so kaiser wouldn’t swarmed by a flurry of fans and reporters, until you’re stopped by a hand on the shoulder. the grip wasn’t strong, but demanding enough for you to turn around and greet whoever wanted to talk to you.
it was a pair of teenage girls. they were well-dressed and pampered, but the look they were giving you was less than friendly. somehow, you already knew where this conversation was going.
“can i help you?” you ask, flashing them a smile.
one of them eyes you up and down, judgement very clear in her eyes. you cringe a little. “are you kaiser’s partner?” she asks. 
you nod in affirmation. you hate the sleazy feeling developing in your gut, expanding due to the scrutiny of their gazes. one of the girls nudge the other one in an ‘i told you so’ manner, which is returned with a smirk that is mischievous in kind.
“do you need something from me?” you question, finally letting your astoundment show on your face. really, you just wanted to walk away from this conversation and find kaiser so you could go home.
“yeah, we’re just wondering why, y’know, that he’d choose you.” 
“excuse me?”
“like don’t get us wrong, you’re pretty and all, but we just think that you’re kinda bland for him,” one of them states as the other hums in agreement. 
the audacity. you furrow your eyebrows and stand your ground.
“okay, cool. what do you suggest i do then since you seem to be experts in my relationship.”
“break up with him, duh?”
“and let one of you date him instead?” you scoff. “fat chance.” 
“just give him up, okay? we could love kaiser more than you probably ever could, clout chaser.”
“gold digger!”
now amused more than frustrated, you bite back the laugh that bubbles in your chest. it was entertaining seeing some sixteen year old girls try to tell you that you and your boyfriend (of two years) shouldn’t be together. 
being kaiser’s partner had its downsides sometimes, and it was mostly just the hate you receive for ‘stealing’ him off the market, especially since he was so young, some fans didn’t appreciate that he wasn’t an eligible bachelor. but, you’re used to it. so long as you get to watch him in the spotlight, you don’t really mind the darkness. 
you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. “right… are we done here? because this ‘gold digger’ wants to see their partner and congratulate him.”
“what part aren’t you understanding?” one of them asks before the other one completes the sentence. “you and kaiser just don’t look good together!”
before you could answer, a heavy arm drapes itself over your shoulders. “aww, why not?” a familiar voice asks. the two girls in front of you freeze, panic evident on their faces. “what disturbances held you up from seeing me?”
then you see and hear an overload of flashes and camera clicks. kaiser must’ve caught the paparazzi on his way out and you suddenly remember that you left him waiting, feeling slightly guilty when you turn your head to meet his gaze. you wrap your arms around his torso, happier than ever to feel his warmth against your own. 
“what happened here?” kaiser asks, a question directed at you and you only. 
“they were just telling me that they didn’t like that i was a main role in your theatre,” you say, earning an eyebrow raise from your genius boyfriend. “how should we fix that?”
he hums for a moment, meeting the widened eyes of his fans.
“kick them out,” he simply declares before turning around with you still in his arms. you two pass by paparazzi, paying them little mind except from the small smiles you send their way. 
once you’re in a clearer, quieter area, your boyfriend turns to you and embraces you properly, a gesture you return eagerly as he breathes you in.
“what a way to sour such a good victory,” murmurs kaiser, voice muffled by his jersey that you were wearing. “can’t believe i had to play your knight in shining armour instead of the king that i am.”
you pinch his neck which causes him to flinch with a little shriek. always leave it to you to dumb down his narcissism.
“i was handling it myself pretty well, y’know,” you sigh, “being the michael kaiser’s partner, i’ve grown immune to the hate i receive.”
kaiser frowns, “i didn’t think it happened often,” he whispers. “i’m sorry. how many times have you had to defend yourself without me knowing?”
“it hardly matters-”
“-but it does. i don’t like when people slander you, less when it’s for no reason other than because you’re with me. you should be marvelled at and admired, just like the masterpiece you are.”
his words cause butterflies to erupt in your stomach, a feeling you mask with a playful eye roll. 
“yes but,” you counter, reaching to cup his cheek, “being with you makes up for it.” 
he smirks, contrasting the downhearted expression he wore moments earlier. kaiser’s skill of immediately recovering from whatever kicks him down truly is something to behold and at times, envy. “of course it does,” he boasts, dramatically flipping one of his bangs. 
“besides, i’m willing to fight back if it means i get to be with you.”
before he can argue back, you grab his arm and pull him towards the entrance.
“now come on, let’s talk about it another day. i believe i owe you sixty kisses.”
“make it one hundred now for leaving me waiting for so long.”
“if you get too greedy i’ll leave you on the sidewalk.”
“you’d do that to your king? how dare you!”
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“what does your mum like?” you ask a clueless isagi who simply stares at the range of perfumes that the department store had displayed.
“i have no idea,” he mutters. “i never really paid attention to what smells she used.”
“fragrances, yoichi, not smells.”
“oh. right,” the star soccer player rubs his neck awkwardly, smiling sheepishly at you after correcting his small mistake. 
he was so adorable, you wanted to pinch his cheeks.
this was the first time that isagi was buying a gift for his mother with his own money, and the first person he turned to for help was his partner: you, explaining that this had to be the best gift she’s ever received. for how much she’s done for him, and how much she’s supported his soccer career, isagi doesn’t know if he can repay it through money, but gifts are hard to deny regardless.
readily agreeing to help, you have memories of isagi’s mother welcoming you into the family with warm arms. she would tell you how beautiful you are, how excited she was to meet you, and that her son better treat you well otherwise you could always turn to her for help; a statement that made the star striker gulp.
“i mean, you could never go wrong with a few classics like carolina herrera, dior, or chanel?” you suggest, walking over to the section filled with perfumes contained in shelves, their respective brands displayed on top. isagi follows you like a lost puppy, clinging close to your side by holding your hand, squeezing it ever so often.
everything you’re saying is going in one ear and through the other, and isagi lets it show on his face. 
“don’t worry yoichi, any perfume you pick tends to be a good gift regardless, besides, we have the whole day to figure out what your mum likes,” you reason logically, just in case it might provide him with some relief in the midst of expensive, designer fragrances. 
“right,” he huffs, reaching out to read the labels of some bottles.
after a long hunt of going through the shelves, he eventually settles on a fragrance from maison francis (with a pricetag that made you gawk yet isagi was very calm about, agreeing without even thinking about it), but since the packaged version was locked in a glass cabinet, you opted to call a store attendant.
“that’s a great idea, babe, need me to go with you?” he asks, readjusting the strap of his beat-up bag, the one he’s had since high school. funny how some things don’t change for isagi, you love that about him.
you shake your head in response, telling him to ‘wait here’ before strolling off.
however, during this brief time of being without you, isagi was approached by a trio who looked like they were a family, the eldest holding a phone between his hand.
“isagi yoichi?” he asks timidly, fiddling with the phone.
the soccer player flashes a friendly smile, hoping to reduce any of the anxiety they might feel from approaching him. he was just an average, friendly guy after all. “that’s me, need anything?”
“can we take a picture?” the middle daughter asks, pressing her hands together in a pleading motion.
“of course! come on.”
the set of siblings smile eagerly before ambling to isagi’s side, who squats down so he could fit in frame. after a ‘3, 2, 1’ countdown, the photo is taken and just as the dark-haired athlete was about to stand up, a store attendant approaches.
“would you like me to take the picture?” they ask politely, gesturing to the phone.
simultaneously, everyone agrees and soon enough, the photo is taken and done, allowing isagi to high-five them before waving them off, the three of them thanking him profusely for his time.
the store attendant lingers, turning to face him with wide eyes of admiration. “wow, i didn’t think i’d ever get to meet you!” they exclaim. “i watched your match against the under-20 team like so long ago! you were amazing!”
“oh, yeah,” isagi chuckles, flustered at all this recognition, even though he’s been getting more and more of it lately, “thank you for your support.”
although he inwardly cringes at the line that he’s reused over and over again, the store helper thinks nothing of it, beaming back at him. “you’re super cute too, do you think i could get your number?”
isagi lets his shock show on his face before blurting out: “no, i have a partner already.”
the attendant’s face drops into a look of disappointment and the striker wants to run off to find you. you never should have left him alone.
“what a shame. the person that you were just with right?” isagi nods. “don’t know what you think is so special about them, i personally think you’re too good for them and should find someone better, but, it’s not up to me.”
isagi feels his vision zero in, growing red with each word. him? too good for you? what irony.
“excuse me?” he vocalised lowly- practically a growl as he eyes the employee down. “i’m giving you three seconds to get out of my sight before i-.”
he’s too preoccupied with the fury he feels to notice the way the attendant squeaks, eyes laced with fear, before scurrying off mid-sentence, fully intimidated by the striker. isagi sighs, slumping his shoulders. he’s never used that tone to anyone outside of soccer in an attempt of pre-game slander and now he just misses you.
where did you run off to?
right on queue, you materialise beside him, huffing with a pout on your face. “i couldn’t find any store attendants, that’s so weird! where’d they go?”
deciding against telling you that he just scared one away for trashing you, he simply leans his body weight on you, sighing when you embrace him tightly so he wouldn’t knock the both of you over.
“whoa, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” you ask, unable to hide the smile on your face from his sudden acts of affection. “everything okay, love?” 
“i want to go home,” he whispers against your shoulder. “spend some time with you.”
“what about the gift?”
“i’ll order it online. it can arrive in time.”
relenting, you pluck him off you with great effort. “if you’re sure then, okay, let’s go home.”
“we can get takeout from your favourite on the way home.”
“what’s the occasion?”
“thought i needed to show you how much i appreciate you.”
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froggibus · 1 year
Would They Wear A Friendship Bracelet? - Scaramouche, Xiao, Kazuha, Childe, Diluc & Itto
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Includes: Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xiao, Kazuha, Childe, Diluc and Itto
Genre: fluff, could be considered crack
Summary: how they would react to receiving a friendship bracelet + would they wear it
CW: Scara is a brat, Xiao is a trog, general fluff and cuteness all around, some characters may be a lil OOC, (spoiler) of course they’re gonna wear it forever
i thought this was a cute idea and given ive been on a bit of a bracelet making kick, this happened lol. my first time writing any of these characters so im sorry if the lore is messy or they're ooc <3
looks at the bundle of navy, gold and red string in disgust
“you expect me to wear this? tsk, another one of your menial childish crafts.”
lowkey hurts your feelings
like you know he’s the most tsundere mf on the entire planet but sometimes he just goes too far 
you avoid him for the rest of the day after that
of course the minute you leave he’s tying it to his wrist 
he will never take it off either. it’s now his most prized possession 
next time you see him, you’re still a little upset about how he reacted
until he’s talking about something completely unrelated and you notice him fidgeting with something on his wrist
he’s running his fingers across it, an action that brings him comfort (and reminds him that no matter what he’s done, you still care about him)
never mention it to him tho or else he’ll pretend like he’s doing it just to appease you
his cheeks are instantly red
“you—you’re gifting this to me? to do what?”
looks at you in utter fascination while you explain what it is 
he adores the idea of carrying a physical object to commemorate your relationship 
his hand is probably shaking when you gently grab him to tie the bracelet around his wrist 
and of course his face erupts into an inferno
he’s never been handled with so much care before, and the sight of you tying a symbol of your affection into him is enough to make his heart race
you pull away with a smile, “there you go. you can always take it off if it bugs you or you don’t like it.”
he shakes his head
he’s never taking it off
he’ll probably find some sort of adepti magic to bind it to him so he’ll never lose or break it 
on long night when he misses you, he finds himself playing with the strings and thinking of you
his eyes are practically sparkling when you present it to him 
“it’s wonderful, my love. like falling leaves in the autumn sunlight”
a little hesitant to put it on at first 
he’s just worried he’ll lose it during all of the adventuring he does
you’re a little sad when you see he’s not wearing it tho
and of course he loves you so much and all he wants is for you to be happy 
he offers you a gentle smile and asks if you’ll help him put it on since he totally can’t do it himself 
obviously you happily oblige and tie it to his wrist with the biggest smile
he spends a solid five minutes admiring it
kinda weird but also feel like he would kiss it?? 
whenever he’s away on long journeys, he always has you close 
and whenever he misses you, he stares at that symbol of your love and remembers that you’re out there waiting for him
definitely not the first one he’s received 
teucer has almost definitely made him some before 
of course, yours is a little different 
“I love it, babe”
like this Fatui harbinger is always wearing this adorable little string bracelet 
you’d think it would take away from his reputation but people are equally as afraid of him 
he can’t just let you give him such a thoughtful gift without giving anything in return 
 so he sets out to make you your own bracelet 
honestly it’s really rough
his hands aren’t made for arts and crafts 
but even if it is slightly misshapen and filled with holes, you accept it happily 
the thought that he sat down and spent time trying to make it for you is enough to make you tear up
he ties it to your wrist and plants a kiss over the bracelet 
“there, now we match”
honestly you’re a little worried giving it to him
it feels stupid and dorky and he’s always dressed to the nines 
but as soon as he sees it, his face lights up
“you made this for me?”
you shift from side to side and awkwardly look at the floor. “yes…”
“thank you, darling. care to help me put it on?”
all of your worries melt away though
this man loves you to the point he would practically do anything to you
and seeing how cute and nervous you were giving him something you handmade just for him?
it’s enough to make him melt 
he examines the bracelet in the light, nodding at your handiwork 
he’ll always have it on him one way or another
whether it’s on his wrist, or in his hair, or attached to his keys or hidden somewhere when he’s the Darknight Hero
but it’s with him no matter what, just like you <3
he cries 
like actually cries when you give it to him
he’s seen other people exchanging them, especially as a kid, and always wanted one
but of course as an oni, resigned himself to a friendship bracelet-less life
“f-for me?”
he has that cute pouty look on his face and full on sobs when you nod at him with that big smile on your face 
stops crying long enough to attempt to put it on
struggles tho cause his big ass hands aren’t meant for delicate things like that
so he sheepishly asks for your help
he is never going to take the bracelet off
like ever
probably cuddles with his wrist at night just to have it close 
(also probably loses it a million times without even realizing it—but don’t worry, Shinobu is there every time to pick it back up and sneak it into his pocket)
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dystopyx-blog · 5 days
More about Scratch
Scratch is my original yandere x reader story that was started in 2022 and as of a few days ago has a whopping nine chapters :'). (I'm trying, I really am)
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Thank you @latolover for the lovely questions ❤️❤️❤️
Well the basic expectations are yandere chase, darling run. And sometimes yanderes look down on yanderes who don't chase, and pretty much all darlings look down on darlings who don't run. Like if there's a yandere darling couple where the darling seems genuinely happy in the relationship, they will be heavily judged by other darlings. Outside of San Valentine, yandere behavior (stalking, kidnapping, murder, etc) is outlawed, just like in the real world. But in San Valentin, yanderes can do whatever they deem necessary to get their darling. The only thing they absolutely cannot do is murder darlings. Other yanderes are fair game.
Ive had an idea for a different fic that takes place in the same world setting, but I haven't posted it cuz it wouldn't be a yandere x reader it'd be a darling x darling. But it would mostly take place outside of San Valentine, so you'd get to see more of how the system works in this world. The majority of the world are darlings, and they are afraid of yanderes because... they're yanderes. Yans have to hide their identities both out of and in San Valentin. Out because if they're discovered they'll be sent to San Valentin and some yans don't want that, and in because darlings will avoid them if they know they're yandere.
Being yandere is definitely viewed as a bad thing by most people. Some people are sympathetic, while others are afraid or even disgusted.
San Valentin is definitely not a tourism spot lmao, people–especially darlings–avoid that place like the Plague. It's basically a high security prison but a city. And it is incredibly difficult to get in or out without clearance.
The priority question is a really good question cuz I had to reflect on it lol. Technically my priority is just writing it and publishing it lmao. I'm happy when I can get a chapter out at all. But my priority has always been establishing characters and relationships, because once we get into the real meat of the story, things are going to get very uh... danganronpa? I think? I'm not familiar with the series but from what I do know, it's gonna be like that lol. You never know who you can trust in San Valentin.
Im upset because I can't remember the title of my main inspiration!!! There was this story on Quotev that had a city of yanderes. I cant remember if that was a fic where yanderes were like an established entity? I'm really into the idea of yandere and darling as like... an established thing within a world setting. A great example of what I'm talking about is the yandere school series from @ozzgin (cw for NSFW content on that account be warned). But there was a city that was known for having a lot of dangerous/obsessive people, I just can't remember if they called them yandere. So Scratch is kinda me taking the idea of a city of yandere and adding established yandere society to it? But again I can't remember the name of the initial fic :(((( if I find it I will update this post with a link!!
if this interested you, you can read Scratch for yourself here! ❤️❤️❤️
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sapropel · 7 months
you don’t even remember it, lol. how fucking shameful. you know how terrifying that experience is, having secret pictures of yourself get weaponized and publicized to call you out harder? do you know how mortifying, disgusting and invasive it feels having nudes attached for “evidence” to link blogs together, out of your hands and on the open web now? the person im talking about wasn’t guilty of anything more than calling their partner a title in bed that could be bad-faith-read into supporting incest, (of course, she didn’t support or excuse real abuse, not that it mattered to the calloutmonger who painted every other sexual post of hers with malice and predation) and you went right along and nodded your head at it like a good little duck following in a row. i remember you doubling down again and again, that this wasn’t okay and you were blocking people who tried to say that the mob spreading of her nudes couldn’t be justified. no one deserved to be cyberstalked through personal tiny blogs and made into a bloody spectacle, but for some reason this is always allowed to happen to trans women.
do you have any fucking idea how it feels? can you even imagine it? seeing people you thought were your friends, your friends friends, acquaintances, strangers; all of them hear the call that this one is one of the bad ones, and drop you like a stone without even a chance to speak out? you know what that does to trans women, who get constantly excluded and alienated out of irl lgbt shit and wind up online? you know how that feels? getting immediately thrown away and made into ammo for a dumbfuck culture war by people you thought gave even a tiny shit about you, who now call you an incestous danger to minors just like the alt right fucks do? and now, now you have the gall to turn around and try to act like you’re in any way above this when just a couple years ago you were baying for blood like the rest of them? you don’t have a single leg to stand on because you’re too afraid of looking bad to even consider you might’ve done wrong, to even extend the smallest piece of understanding towards women YOU helped get sexually harassed off the site. of course. everyone has bias but you, right? everyone has things to work on except when they’re big mistakes that would require actually doing some work challenging yourself. i dont want shit from you. i just want you to know that there are trans women who see right fucking through you. we can’t forget how we’ve been hurt, even if you get that privilege.
I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt so far but I hope you can see that it's absurd to accuse me of spreading revenge porn and get mad at me when I "don't even remember" but you won't give me any specifics about this situation you're talking about. If what you're accusing me of is true, how am I supposed to be held accountable and actually change myself for the better if you won't even tell me who or what you're talking about?
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candyredterezii · 5 years
boy I sure wish I could ask for help for things I don’t understand without fear of being reprimanded like “DO YOU NOT KNOW??” and basically be treated like I’m stupid or wasn’t paying attention when I need things explained to me more than once to understand them.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: first meetings [ii. the small pink-haired boy] Genre: just angst, drama, romance, historical fiction Pairing: Sorcerer!Sukuna x gn!sorcerer!reader (heian era; pre-curse sukuna)
Synopsis: in which you befriend the slave boy you’re supposed to spy on.
Warnings: not canon stuff, future dark themes,, smoll manga spoilers, slavery, whipping, mentions of rape, language and violence Notes: im kinda back i guess skksks also these are pretty much random au’s of my own take of sukuna’s back story uwu, theyre arranged in no particular order and you can read them in any order. This started out as a random one shot and i couldnt get it out of my head lol ksksksks, def not canon btw but it is canon that sukuna used to be an all powerful sorcerer before he turned to the dark side or smthng.
lil dictionary: non-person-  usually what they called slaves during the heian era.
masterlist [for other parts] ;; taglist 
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“That’s beautiful.”
Contrasting to your rather clean and prestigious appearance, the young boy was dressed in rags and had dirt painted on his face. You could tell by his uncommon red eyes that he didn’t want you here nor did he even want to be associated with you.
“...the boy is rather prideful.” your otosan recounted a few nights before, you’d usually have conversations like this since you were quite close with him and he did like to confide you with these things,“but he has spirit, he’d be good for a ward.”
“What are you doing here?” He spat, being a part of and the sole heir of your family meant you were also treated with dignity and respect, it seemed like this boy wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone, this made you grin wildly much to his disdain, “Oi, stop grinning like that. You’re creeping me the fuck out.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“And I don’t care.” 
“Has anyone told you that you’ve got quite the temper?”
“Well, has anyone told you that you’re being an annoying bitch?” he bit back, five minutes into your first meeting, this strange boy seemed to want to get furthest away from you. He seemed to be rather ignorant to his overflowing cursed energy, your father was right, this boy was definitely no joke. 
“That’s sad.” You pouted, “All I wanted to say was how beautiful that Kimono is.”
“I was at a store, looking for some clothes that best suited you when I saw a young boy of your age…” your otosan narrated, “Who had a rather high cursed energy, he seemed unaware with it. He works as an errand boy, I believe, he carries heavy clothes and silk… His looks are hard to miss Y/N, so I’m sure you won’t miss him...try to talk to him…”
The boy looks up to you, completely annoyed, “Well, you said it. Now fuck off, yeah?”
You chose to ignore him and just bend down to his level, you had no training for today so you might as well join the boy for a moment since you had time to kill, “You know, if you keep keeping that attitude up, you might scare the customers away.” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
“Yeah?” he clicked his tongue, “Looks to me that you aren’t even here to buy anything.”
“He seemed rather…” Your otosan described, “perplexed...so you might as well go in my stead…”
“Ah.” your grin doesn’t seem to fade despite his rather rough way of speaking, “You just seemed around my age so I got interested.”
“No shit, now buzz off. I got no time for kids like you.”
He talks as if he was older than you, it’s no surprise. Boys like him tend to think they know quite a lot.
“Do you wish to tell me your name now?”
He was silent for a moment.
That’s when realization dawned upon you, why he seemed perplexed around your otosan, why he thinks you were an annoying buzz, and why he couldn’t reply when you asked for his name. You feel yourself inwardly cringe at your mistake, it seems like the boy your father took interest in is a slave with no name, “Twenty.” he mumbles, shrugging nonchalantly.
“They call me twenty.” he recounts, his voice is still rough around the edges, remaining uncensored by his identity.
“Right…” you tilt your head, “Twenty…”
“You’ve got silks to bring to the next town, boy!” a loud voice calls out, cutting you short, making the pink-haired boy put the pretty kimono down and back for display. Without even sparing you a glance or a word, he retreats to the back and you’re left squatting there alone. You watch him from behind, specifically at the bandages that peeked through his wrists.
The boy had piqued your interest to the point that you made it your weekly agenda to visit him and a-some-nights agenda to watch over him. He still ignores you and seems to be annoyed by you every time but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it so you just sit there. 
You were also still in awe by how much raw energy he possessed, you’d ask your otosan if he knew any sorcerers with lost children because it surely seemed as if this boy wasn’t ordinary.
“Just keep an eye on him,” was all your father said as you watch the boy close up shop late at night from on top of a roof, “He might make a great sorcerer and shift the tides.”
Your otosan was not one for gambling on people but it seemed like he made a large bet on this boy. 
As usual, you’re watching over him close up. It’s late and the owner of the place walks out, a pipe on his lips. Right then and there, he slaps the pink-haired teenager right at the face, “You should’ve joined the customer awhile ago in the dressing room, boy.” he growls, “It would’ve been quick…”
You feel the negative energy emit stronger than ever and your grip on your knife is tight, “Don’t get involved, Y/N.” your otosan’s warning echoes in your head, yes your otosan may have been interested in him but he was never one to dwell in human affairs, saying they were annoying and a mess to clean up.
“...It seems like the lesson a few nights ago wasn’t enough.” you snap back to reality and watch his boss stretch out a whip with its pointy ends and you feel your blood run cold. 
‘Don’t get involved-’
You ignore your otosan’s words in your head and throw a stone right at a nearby sign, resulting in a booming clang, making the cat nearby yelp outloud. The pink-haired boy jumps on the spot and so does the older man at the sound.
“Ah fucking-” the older man curses, tucking the whip back in, “No food for you for three days. Know your fucking worth, non-person.”
Your grip on your nodachi lessens as you let out a sigh of relief, whatever legal terms your father must be talking about needs to be done quickly.
On the next day, you’re on your way to visit him again. Carrying the bento box that you know he’ll refuse again because of his ‘pride’ yet you stop dead on your tracks when you find his owner and an older man talking, Sukuna seems to be standing behind them, looking quite uncomfortable.
It didn’t take two and two to guess what was going on, the amount of cursed energy leaking on him was strong so you could only guess this was the man who wanted to get his way on him yesterday. Your nose crinkles in absolute disgust, “Don’t get involved-”
Once again, you ignore your otosan’s words.
“Hey!” You call out, you see his red eyes widen, “What are you doing?”
The older man frowns at your sudden appearance, “None of your business brat. Now go home-”
“I said,” You repeated, your voice dangerously low, “What are you doing to him?”
“He’s a non-person, kid.” his ‘owner’ growls, you notice his hands dangerously close to his whip, “A fucking slave in simpler terms, now get the fuck out before I beat him and you.”
“You don’t scare me.” Your eyes are narrowed, truthfully, no one ever scares you. You were the heir of your clan. It was to be expected and drilled since your curse energy manifested when you were five that fear would come last, “Now unhand the boy.”
“This bitch-”
“Now, now.” The other man smiles, cutting the pink-haired boy’s ‘owner’ off,  “Maybe I can take that young child with me too. After all, they seem to be good friends. Two is better than one…”
You watch the other older man snake an arm on the young boy’s shoulder and you could feel the fear leaking out, it was harder to mask and hide now. 
“Is it alright to put a little scar on’em? So that they’d know-” He gets ready to take out the whip while your fists are clenched, this would be easy. You could get away with this later, at least you’d take the boy away from this place and help him control his energy after. 
Yet before you’re able to land a blow, the pink-haired boy yells at you to move as his ‘owner’ takes out a whip to whip you.
For someone who didn’t seem to like your presence, he was rather quick to defend you, having his face get hit in the process by the sharp whip. Your eyes widen in surprise, “Ah, shit… Y/N, run!” he yells but you’re staring at his very bloody face.
It would obviously leave marks like the wrists and who knows which parts since he was always covered by that very loose raggedy kimono.
You clench your fists tightly and look up from his blood features, the ‘owner’ stops on his tracks when he meets your very cold gaze, “Do you know who you just messed with?” you asked, “You really think I won’t tell my otosan that you planned to make me your prostitute?”
“Y-Y/N, jesus christ just fucking run-” he tried to stutter out, any evidence of the prideful and strong boy who tried to shoo you away was now gone.
Yet like the stubborn child you are, you ignore him and instead take out your family seal and drop it in front of them, ignoring the pink-haired boy’s plea’s and watching the two men in front of you turn white as a ghost as they see the nameplate, “My name is Ryomen Y/N.” You stated, voice loud and clear, “And you better hope that I’ll let you out here dead or me and my otosan will hunt you down for the rest of your life.”
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taglist [if your name is crossed out, i cant tag you!] @shinhiromi ;; @hcn421 ;; @airybnb ;; @coldbookworm ;; @kristineyoshaii ;; @frankenstein852​
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rainbowsky · 3 years
Final round-up of fan fic asks
I've gotten a few more interesting responses to the fan fic discussion so I'm going to round them all up here. This will be my final post on the topic until/unless there's a dramatic new development, or a particularly notable response I want to highlight. Thanks to everyone who brought their thoughts and experiences to the topic. I hope everyone at least feels heard.
The biggest piece of advice that I would like to offer is for everyone to focus on what they love rather than what they hate. If we all did that, the world would be a better place. Alongside that, I'd like to remind everyone to please support authors whose work you like. It's so important. Give them a kudos, give them a nice comment, recommend their work to others. You never know what kind of grief and harassment they are dealing with to bring you these great stories, and our support means a lot.
This is in reference to previous posts here and here.
Anonymous asked:
With regard to fandom and fan fic issue, my years of experience being part of very large fandoms has led me to believe that big accounts are v important in facilitating and enforcing the general consensus of the whole fandom. Unless there will be big accs who'll remind everyone of being respectful & just not being a dick over other's preferences, nothing will change.
This is also the reason why I think certain solo fandoms have adapted weird and twisted narratives as their general fandom story because no big acc has tried to police them & and say hey pls be rational. Whether we like it or not, in a place where how far voices, ideas, tweets, posts get heard is based on the number of followers you have, big accs will have the power and influence in creating/curating/shifting the narratives.
So, if you want to know why your/our fandom thinks like this in general, look at what big accs are tweeting/posting, look at what ideas & values they follow, look at their preferences or how strongly they react to certain situations. it's taxing and toxic for big accs given the nature of social media these days, but it's also the reality of system, the more followers/audience you have, the more influence you will have.
So to anyone reading this I hope we all practice more restraint and reflection before we post anything. Remember that words, no matter what medium you write it in, will always carry weight.
So true. It is easy - even for myself who spends a fair chunk of time answering people's asks - to forget that people can sometimes be impressionable and what we say can influence people whether that's our intent or not. I get used to thinking of myself as a regular guy just doing my own thing when sometimes my thoughts and words go well beyond where I initially posted them.
I think it's important for us to be careful what we say, and it's equally important to be careful what we take from what other people say. Especially when it comes to big claims. Always get a second, third, fourth opinion and don't be afraid to ask for clarification if something doesn't sit right or sounds confusing.
It's also important to reflect on how our words and actions might affect other people's experience of fandom, and err on the side of 'live and let live' wherever possible. It's great to have our own preferences and to champion them, but we should try to do so in a way that leaves space for other people and perspectives.
The more unique perspectives and the more friendly, open dialog there is, the healthier the community will be as a whole.
There's nothing wrong with encouraging and guiding growth in the particular areas we are interested in, as long as it doesn't step on, oppress or attack those who are peacefully enjoying something different.
Anonymous 2 asked: bjyx fans attacking gdgdbaby for including zsww/lsfy dynamics in an event named bjyx then turning right around and attacking the zsww/lsfy event organizer for excluding bjyx? god, can you hear my facepalm and sigh of resignation and incredulity from over there? im genuinely not surprised that they're trying to drive an entire part of the fandom out by disgusting them (and me) with these immature tactics. i believe what im about to say next will sound quite bait-y and i respect your decision 1/?
should you choose not to post this. but i do know that it is not only me, in fact there are many out there, that is of this opinion. we just dont talk about it on twitter to avoid the potential mess it will bring lol. okay, here goes nothing. (do note that im talking about the majority here, not every single person is like this) so bjyx fans tend to be cishet females whereas zsww/lsfy fans are more diverse in terms of age and gender, and most of them are part of the queer community too 2/?
i would like to clarify that most of these zsww/lsfy fans are not dynamic exclusive (in the sense that they are friendly and interact with all ggdd fans) they just prefer to "identify" themselves as zsww/lsfy fans (on twitter specifically) just to form a distinction from bjyx fans who mostly are dynamic exclusive (as in; they do not consume non-bjyx content, and straightup refuse to interact with non-bjyx fans, often blocking them). as a result, id say that the zsww/lsfy communiy is way more 3/?
mature and respectful (after all, they're mostly queer people talking about a queer ship) whereas many problems in this fandom, such as the homophobia, adamantly insisting on "drawing lines" between dynamics, stem from the bjyx exclusive fans, comprised of cishet females who "may not know better". so, it is of no surprise to me that they're resorting to these immature tactics of calling gg unsavory names, and organizing retaliatory events with controversial topics in an attempt to "purify". 4/4
I trust that you have arrived at that theory through your own experience and observation. I haven't personally spent much time immersed in this stuff so I can't claim to have any real insight or expertise. If you say that's your experience of it, then at the very least that's how you've seen things up to this point.
I just want to say that I think we should always be careful about making assumptions about people's age, gender/gender identity, etc.
There are plenty of good reasons to avoid doing that; because those assumptions could be very wrong, because those assumptions are often laced with ageism, sexism, etc., because those assumptions - even when correct - might not be an accurate basis for the conclusions we draw.
But the primary reason I recommend avoiding those type of assumptions is because anything that enables us to clump a group of people together in our minds like that will tend to make them easier to demonize and dehumanize. They are no longer individuals who are each responsible for their own unique perspectives, they are now 'the X group' who is known for 'A B C series of easily attackable ideas or behaviors'.
If we attribute undesirable traits and behaviors to a group of people we feel opposed to in some way, that makes us feel more righteous and justified in behaving unfairly toward them, dismissing their humanity and warring with them. It's just risky behavior to engage in, even when it's well-intentioned.
There might actually be some truth to what you're saying. It could very well be that most of these people are young, inexperienced, heteronormative, etc. but if that's the case then we should try to use those traits to better understand and empathize rather than to better dismiss and discredit.
Just my two cents on that.
It can be really frustrating dealing with what feels like other people attacking us, trying to oppress us, etc. - especially when there are more of them than there are of us. In my experience the best solutions to that sort of problem are generally the ones that focus on what we are doing and want to do rather than what they are doing that we don't want them to do.
As I am always preaching, we can't control what other people say, do or think. The only thing we have any control over is what we say, do and think (and how we respond to what they say, do and think).
I have found in my experience that the moment I step out of a conflict mindset and instead step into a problem-solving mindset, everything starts to come together. I feel better, my outlook is more positive, I can begin to see solutions and allies rather than problems and enemies, and most of all, I become more focused on what I am doing than what others are doing.
So I would recommend everyone who is invested in resolving these conflicts focus on that. "How can we best showcase and encourage the types of stories we enjoy?" instead of "How can we stop these other people from doing things we dislike?"
Anonymous 3 asked:
Hello again! It’s anon #3 from the fanfic post. I really do appreciate reading your thoughts on various issues like this, so thank you for always taking time to write in depth. As for supporting without going to war, the simplest way has always been to just show appreciation for the creators, hype them up. Kudos are the easiest way on ao3 but comments in addition are great. This goes for all content—art, fics, vids..etc. Creators love to see and read how people react to their content. Sharing is also great, fic recs are very helpful, just be cautious with art and reposting though. Hope this helps a bit!
Thanks so much, Anon. I think this is excellent advice. And it's true that appreciation is great, but helping to expand the audience is also great. Recommending stories, pointing people to the pages/websites of artists we like (as opposed to reposting), sharing our own ideas and approaches, encouraging people to try new things... all of this helps build healthier communities.
And here's another one: WRITE! DRAW! CREATE!
I urge anyone with creative interests or talents to bring their voices to the community because we all can benefit from hearing from you.
Thanks again everyone for sharing your thoughts on this issue. I hope that over time we can all work in positive ways to improve the situation.
I think this subject has been well-covered now so I'm going to retire it for the time being. If anyone still feels they want to discuss it further please feel free to message me privately. Thanks.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Bank Shot Job
leverage 1.05
I decided I’m also going to start highlighting meta material in these posts for reference reasons (like for fics, headcanons, meta, etc)
I’m colorcoading by what character the meta pertains to btw
Clerk: Hello, Judge Roy.
Judge Roy: [slaps her ass] Hey, sweetheart.
Frank: Can I help you, your honor?
Judge Roy: Yes, Fred. Her phone number?
Frank: It's Frank. And she's 19, sir.
Judge Roy: That's too bad. She got a younger sister
- - - - -
Hardison: No. No more. We gotta talk to Nate. No more rip deals. They take too damn long.
Parker (ripping paper): That's why they're called "Rip Deals". You have to convince them they're getting a deal before you can rip them off.
Hardison: Two weeks. Two weeks sleeping in crappy hotels. Two weeks eating in crappy diners. Two weeks having my soul sucked dry. It's 107 degrees. Who lives where it's 107 degrees?
Parker: Juan's not so bad. I kinda like this town
I wanna see that domestic shit of them sharing hotel rooms and eating the continental breakfasts and dingy diners and everything about them living in rundown hotels for two weeks
- - - - -
Hardison: You know, I had to retask two satellites just to get a lousy internet connection. Took more than an hour to torrent the last episode of Doctor Who.
Parker: Hey! Illegal downloading's wrong. (lights paper on fire in trash can)
that’s it. that’s their relationship.
- - - - -
Hardison: How we coming on the breakdown?
Eliot (loading truck elsewhere): Fake addresses are shut down. Post office boxes are closed. The phones are cleared. Five more minutes, we never existed
bruh those props ??? I wish I had a screenshot but wtf where they DOING for the con ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Want me to call the Delgado family, tell them the news?
Eliot: Nah. Soon as I clear county line I want to do it. I just wish we could do more than bankrupt that corrupt son of a bitch
eliot is so good you guys im-
- - - - -
Nate: Get out. Now.
Hardison: Is he talking to us?
Parker: An unmarked van parked across the street from a bank that's being robbed? Yeah. I think he's talking to us.
Hardison: Yeah, well, five more feet and he would have been in the clear. What the hell was he thinking?
Parker: Don't be an idiot, Hardison.
Hardison: What?
Parker: Sophie was still in there
parker knows nate loves sophie and would never leave her behind because she may not always get people, but even she can see how much nate cares for sophie
- - - - -
Derrick: Everyone empty your pockets. Wallets, purses, watches, everything you've got, throw it over here.
(everyone throwing stuff to center of floor)
nate threw his fucking toothpick
- - - - -
Deputy Arnold: No, right here, right here, and we need ...
(Eliot crosses police line)
Deputy Arnold: Whoa, whoa, I need you to take a step back, sir.
Eliot: Tell me what's going on in there.
Deputy Arnold: I'm afraid I can't do that, this is an active crime scene, and you need to ...
Eliot: (to cop) I'm not talking to you. (to Nate) How many are there?
Nate: Yeah, you're right. Clearly amateurs, these two. Yeah. The younger one, looks like he's never handled a gun before.
Eliot: Is judge blow-hard next to you?
Nate: Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, definitely amateurs, That's what makes them so dangerous.
Eliot: Alright, 2 guys, both armed, neither one a criminal mastermind. You want me in there?
Deputy Arnold: Sir, we can't have you going inside the bank ...
Nate: Probably, uh, a good idea just to sit tight, don't you think? You know, and see where these guys' heads are
at, you know?
Eliot (backing away): Alright, your call boss.
Deputy Arnold: Thank you
poor deputy arnold + eliot being done with local law enforcement
- - - - -
Sophie: Okay. So what is the plan, Stan
“what’s the plan, stan” adorable.
- - - - -
(Eliot leans against a building across the street and watches Hardison and Parker pull up in a sedan)
Eliot: Nice ride.
Parker (taking notebook and removing badges): It's embarrassing. Everyone knows you don't rob a bank without an exit strategy. These two deserve to get caught. 42 seconds. (tosses notebook back to Eliot)
Hardison: What?
Parker: To rob this bank. One security guard who has never fired his gun before, 2 closed-circiut cameras outside, 1 inside, and a Glen-Reader safe built in the 50's whose default combination is the birth date of the manager's wife! Get in, get out, 42 seconds.
Hardison: Seriously
parker was so angry that she chucked the binder at eliot and he was like ??? we good ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Seriously? (to Bill) I'm Agent Leonard. This is Agent Elmore. We'll be taking over this crime scene,
Sheriff ...
Bill: Bill Hastings. Nice to meet you. You guys sure are quick, just called this in 20 minutes ago.
Hardison: Well, we were coming back from a little border skirmish. Patrol unit came under attack from a pack of Chupacabras.
Bill: Chupacabras? I thought those things were urban legend.
Hardison: You're adorable
I love it when hardison fucks with people it’s hilarious
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, what's going on?
Bill: Cut power to the bank. Standard operating procedure.
Hardison: Standard ... it's standard op ... it's standard? Where do you getting that bull-hockey from son?
Bill: Deputy Arnold, he took a seminar in crisis management last year.
Deputy Arnold: It was an online seminar. We got certificates.
Hardison: Certificates? Magic kits come with certificates. Does that make it cool for kids to saw their parents in half?
Bill: We're just going by the book.
Hardison: The ... the book? The book got a good man killed. I can't ... my blood pressure.
Parker: Ex-partner. Probably shouldn't mention the book again. Or propellers.
parker is doing so well with grifting considering and I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
Sophie: They are not cops, I promise you, they're friends of mine, you can trust them.
Derrick: Why should I trust you? I don't know who you are.
Sophie: I am a thief.
Derrick: Okay, I'm not sure what to do with that.
that’s it guys. that’s the show.
- - - - -
Nate: I didn't say it was going to be easy. But nothing's impossible, especially when you have the world's greatest thief on your payroll. Parker, have you ever robbed a bank that's being robbed?
Parker: There's a first time for everything.
- - - - -
Parker: The bank was built before 1980, before computers. Means it's got a larger than normal night deposit chute.
Hardison: 'Cause business had to drop off ledgers with their daily hauls. What, you thought my genius was only limited to ones and zeroes?
Parker: I'm thinking the chute's my way in. Only problem is, it's in the alley on this side of the building
the way she looks at hardison like damn boy you know my stuff
- - - - -
Hardison: I can take care of that, but, we actually have bigger problems.
Eliot: What's that?
Hardison: Well, Sheriff Coltrane over here called the FBI, the real FBI. Now the closes office is in San Diego, so they should be here, in about, um, give it 45 minutes.
Nate: We can't worry about that now.
Hardison: When do we worry about it?
Nate: In about 45 minutes
hardison, internally: lord give me strength
- - - - -
Hardison: Hold on ... Excuse me. (answers phone) Agent Leonard. We will do whatever you need us to do, just please, don't hurt anybody. Okay. (hangs up) Guys ... Boys, boys, come on, gather 'round. Now boys, that was THE call. The call we were waiting for. Now look, they have a list of demands. First off, they want 12 large pizzas. One cheese, one Hawaiian, extra pineapple. Two pepperoni and black olives, two meat lover's, t ... Seriously? Nobody's writing this down? Seriously? One triple-shot half-caf vanilla latte, tall,
(Parker goes down alley and opens deposit drop box)
Hardison: …three of the latest copies of the Hall and Oates CD. I know, right? Exciting stuff I didn't know they were coming out with a new one either. We're gonna need steaks. Steaks and a grill. They're trying to tailgate. Okay, they need your overalls, I don't know why. They need some kibbles n' bits, we need an Etch-A-Sketch, somebody in there likes to squiggle okay ... Are we good? Let's go people. Everybody. I need you guys moving. Everybody get out. Go. (hardison points at an officer) You stay. We need to talk about Hall & Oates.
I fucking loved this monologue,,, hardison is VERY GOOD at improvising
- - - - -
(Derrick opens night deposit box)
Parker: Hi.
Derrick (hands her the briefcase): There's a lot of money in there.
Parker: Yeah, I know.
Derrick: My wife's life depends on that money getting where it needs to go.
Parker: I understand. Sometimes bad guys are the only good guys you get
parker’s face softened and you can see that she understood. parker didn’t get people in the beginning of the show, and sure her values and ideas aren’t typical, but she was ALWAYS a good person. she cared and understood what was at risk and she consoled him.
also, this is yet another piece of evidence that parker was the main character all along!!! I’m not gonna go super into it because there are already posts out there about it, but she had three (3) episodes dedicated to her character in season one alone AND had her say what is basically the mission statement of the show here in this scene
- - - - -
Sophie: Things could be worse.
Nate: Worse than me getting shot and you blowing our cover?
Sophie: No, no, you're not gonna lay that crap on me. We wouldn't even be in this mess if you'd just walked out with the cash when you had the chance. I would've been fine.
Nate: I know.
Sophie: Yeah, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it a long time. Since way before I met you. I'm just saying.
Nate: Yeah, you're right.
Sophie: Okay
nate knows sophie is a strong independent woman and that is one of the only things I stan about him lol
- - - - -
Sophie: We lost communication.
Nate: Yeah, we did.
Sophie: Hardison, Parker, and Eliot ...
Nate: That's right, they are on their own. Yup.
they ended up doing great on their own, but also, can we acknowledge what a glow up it was building up to the rundown job ???
- - - - -
(Mom gets out of truck and tries to run)
Meth #2: Where the hell you think you're going, old lady? (pulls mom back) Where the hell you think you're g ...
Eliot (catches Meth #2’s arm): Hey, what smells like crank and screams like a girl? (Takes his gun and breaks his knee)
Meth #2: AAHH!
Eliot (kicks car door closed before Meth #3 can get out, empties the bullets from gun): That's the right answer. (throws gun into car at #3, hits #1 as he approaches) Come on. (fights #1, kicks door shut, beats #1 more, kicks door again) Stay in the car. (beats the hell out of #3 and #1, kneels down near mom and removes her gag)
Mom: Who are you?
Eliot: Well ma'am, we'd be the cavalry.
this entire fight scene always has me ROLLING it’s so funny
also I’m not sure if this should go on the List Of Non-Weapon Objects Eliot Uses As Weapons but eliot DID use the car door in the fight
- - - - -
Sophie: Just let the paramedics take him. The rest of us will stay.
Judge Roy: And give up my leverage
*sophie and nate look at each other*
both, internally: tHATS OUR WORD
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, listen. She's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright
Derrick: Your people ... they're good?
Nate: Yeah. The best.
nate’s smile when he says that??? proud dad alert
- - - - -
Sophie (looking at replay of tape): You're still a geek.
Judge Roy: They're trying to ruin me.
Hardison: Geek power, baby. Stay strong!
in other words: age of the geek, baby
also- kudos to 2008 hardison editing video like that. I can’t do that shit with today’s tech lmao
- - - - -
Bill: Go home now. Bank robbers are in custody, hostages are safe. FBI's got the whole thing wrapped up.
Taggert: Do you have any idea what?
Mcsweeten: Just go with it.
Deputy Arnold: Mr. FBI guys, can you help me here?
Bill: My, my. Look at this. Our local drug boys, both with outstanding warrants. It's incredible.
Taggert: Damn, we're good!
mcsweeten and taggert stumbling onto the leverage crew’s cons and directly profiting off of them is iconic. they have no idea. too pure for this world
- - - - -
Sophie: Hey, thanks Parker.
Parker: Whatever.
Sophie: No. It was an excellent performance.
Parker: Yeah, I think I can act okay when I'm yelling at people and bossing them around.
Sophie: Well, it's a good start.
proud mom!sophie + grifting parker
Nate: Listen, we have to make sure we get the cash to the Delgado family. Ow!
Eliot (tending Nate’s wound): Oh! Settle down. You act like you've never been shot before.
Nate (glances at Sophie): So, uh, pizza boxes, huh?
Hardison: Yeah, I know, I know, You could have done better.
Nate: No, no, no. No I couldn't have.
eliot casually stitching up nate’s wound bc no hospitals but also can we talk about how much nate has to trust eliot to literally operate on him
nate giving praise to hardison ??? rare af I don’t know her
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heartate-aa · 3 years
apparently raphael made a “rebuttal” to my post and it’s so fucking rich to see them try to continue to twist everything out of context and lie about me, both on the tumblr post and in the doc itself. im not through reading past the first page but this is literally full of shit. im having people come to me saying it’s full of shit. also. good job blocking me??? from your throwaway like what?? you’re so lucky someone mentioned that your post existed otherwise i wouldve never known about it because HOW was i going to see it if you blocked me.
raphael you’re so fucked up for this. you are SO. fucked up for this. im not lying. i have not lied about anything. i may have withheld things but i came clean about them.
you’re delusional if you don’t think im going to tell everyone what i did wrong and the shitty things i did. you think im afraid? of exposing myself? i’m not scared. i’m not scared of you, i’m not scared of the shittiness i’ve been guilty of because i WAS so shitty sometimes. but you. are literally. sitting here fucking lying through your teeth. and if your friend is ki, ki you’re delusional too for sitting there and eating raphael’s ass through this and feeding them my vents constantly as if raphael didn’t shit talk you and LITERALLY TRY TO MANIPULATE THE BOTH OF US. you literally admitted to thinking raphael is passive aggressive and expects YOU to come forward and admit you’re wrong. you have literally spoken to other friends about them and your issues with them and raphael gave you shit for it too after it got back to them.
i said in my post that i’m not done. that conversation was NOT out of context. i started from the beginning of the conversation, i put explanations, lengthy ones, beneath so many of the images.
but that’s not the point
i said i’m not finished. i’m not done talking. i have literally almost ONE THOUSAND FUCKING SCREENSHOTS. including places where i’ve fucked up, where i was wrong, and i’m going to share them. i’m not. afraid of putting my ass on the line. i knew this would happen. you’re literally incapable of admitting where you’re wrong. you are SO allergic to admitting to your faults and taking responsibility for your own actions and holding yourself accountable. for what? what are you fucking scared of?
stop fucking lying and saying i was suicide baiting or “emotionally cheating on you” like i was literally so fucking loyal to you i was so stupidly in love with you that i was in denial for so fucking long about the way you treated me and the shit you put me through. it’s so unfair that you and ki sit there twisting my mental breakdowns, and whether or not my actions following my hurt was justified is situationally dependent because i was NOT always in the right, is so fucked up and disgusting. you and ki are so fucking rich to sit there and talk shit about everyone “stuck in old tumblr ways” when ki is still in the business of capping people’s vents and passing them around like they’re fucking 14 years old. grow up. you guys seriously. are so vile for this. trying to weaponize things on a private vent that mostly stem from my fucking spiraling melt downs bc im mentally ill (and im not saying that makes it right for the situations where i  was in the wrong) but like are you serious??? 
i said i wasn’t done. that was only ONE POST. i’m NOT FINISHED. SHARING MY STORY. i am literally going to take the time to explain everything.
no. this is only public because you decided to start deleting your end of the discord messages. YOU brought this out by doing that.
i’m going to address literally everything in this bullshit doc in my own in the coming weeks and i will have MORE screenshots to refute the shit that raphael decided to spew in this doc like this is absolutely. just. dude seriously. you’re justified in your hurt and i KNOW i hurt you and i am going to be VERY transparent about everything i’ve done. also i just looked at the VERY first discord message cap that you posted and you saying im implying suicide baiting is literally a lie and you’re just making shit up to fit your narrative and it’s fucking sick holy shit im so angry right now you just keep stooping lower and lower and lower im fucking ill
after this post is published i will not be engaging publicly, nor will anyone else in this post. none of us want ‘drama,’ we just want sabrina and others to look at her actions critically, to learn and grow from her mistakes. i am not who she’s painted me out to be and while i wasn’t perfect, i was often reacting to her mistreatment.
you making the implication that im not going to address my own shitty behavior, DESPITE THE MULTIPLE POSTS I’VE MADE SAYING THAT IM NOT FINISHED AND THAT IM GOING TO SHOW MY OWN ASS TO EVERYONE, is just so?? you’re just twisting the narrative and literally anyone who looks at this can see that. you’re sick dude. god this is so fucked up i don’t even have words. but yeah. no. i would love to unpack this all here but i’ll unpack it when all of my fucking caps are ready because i am NOT going to let you fucking lie like this. you’re not going to lie anymore. im not going to let you fucking silence me or gaslight me or manipulate me any longer fuck you lol
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heistmaster69 · 4 years
pariet lilium (2)
pariet lilium
pariet lilium by @heistmaster69 chapter two
A/N: ive accepted that nobody will ever read this and im chill with that but if you do read this let me know pls ALSO TO MY FIRST FOLLOWER/MUTUAL @fanficflaneuse THANK YOU SO MUCH this is dedicated to you love! 
a chill 1.5k words
chapter one
“Sorry, Reed. They told me to.”
Frankie’s eyes jolted open. She felt afraid, alone. Her face was stiff and her eyes were full of tears. They ached, as did her chest. She sat up steadily and leaned against her bed frame, wiping a few stray tears with her sleeves. She grasped at her sternum, trying to ease what felt like a fifty-pound weight crushing her lungs. The tears were still falling, she had a lump in her throat, and she was coated in a sticky layer of sweat. It felt like the air in the dormitories was thick with dust. 
Frankie pushed her blankets aside and brushed her dark hair out of her face. A gentle light from the common room illuminated the room enough so she could see, so she stepped down, feeling the cold stone on her feet as she walked to the bathroom. The squeak of the faucet and the cold water dripping down her face didn’t do much to ease her. She needed a hug, and she wanted one from him.  Frankie pulled her quilt off of the bed and walked down to the common room to find some calm in a cup of coffee and the fire. After getting her mug, she heard a voice.
“Chess.” Draco sighed. His nickname for her. He sat in an armchair, blonde hair a mess, bags under his eyes with and a strange kind of emotion swimming within them.
“Merlin, did you sleep?” Frankie stepped toward the armchair, moving to stand in front of him. He couldn’t look at her. “Draco?”
He shook his head.
“Was it him again?” She sat on the rug in front of him, resting her forearms on his knees. 
“I could ask you the same question.” He met her gaze and she saw what was in his eyes. Fear. 
It’s no lie that Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater. The most loyal of them all. After what happened in the Chamber of Secrets last year, Draco’s nightmares had been full of him. His father returning to the Dark Lord and pulling Draco down alongside him. Frankie’s dreams were daisies compared to the thunderstorms of Draco’s, but he understood her. They understood each other.
“Yeah.” She looked away. “I just feel stupid. I should’ve known or something.”
Draco moved her face to meet his eyes, bringing his hand up to wipe away one of her tears. “What he did to you was a right awful move, Frankie. You didn’t deserve it.” Draco grabbed her coffee and took a swig like it was firewhiskey.
“He thought so.” She scoffed. “I can’t even say his name, let alone hear it. It’s such a stupid thing to be messed up about-I’m sorry, are you even alright?”
The two sat in silence for a minute, a few minutes.
“He’s trying to come back, Chess.” His voice broke. “I’m terrified.”  He sounded so scared and it broke her heart. 
In one fell swoop, Draco pulled Frankie off the floor and onto him. She immediately hugged him. She needed this as much as he did. As she felt his cries, she began to break into strangled sobs.
They sat there, holding each other, until the sun began to rise.
No one should have to take Divination this early in the morning. Trelawney babbled on about tea leaves and how they show the future, when really, all Frankie saw in Theo’s teacup was a blob.
“What is it with you boys and saying everything but my name?” Frankie, Francesca, Chess, and now Frank. “It’s only a little funny.”
“Not my problem, Frank, but what is my problem is these tea leaves. I’m seeing something very exciting-Blaise- come take a look at this!” Blaise turned from his table with Draco, peering into Theo’s teacup. 
“Woah, Francesca!” He exclaimed, nudging Draco to take a look as well, but he must’ve missed the joke, because he just looked confused. 
Theo showed her the leaves, it looked like two-oh.
“Well it looks like your prophecy’s come true, Frankster.” He smirked.
“Go on, Theodore.” She laughed.
“Well here, you see, it says that you have some massive knockers!” Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle and most of the boys in the near vicinity burst in to laughter, Frankie with them, shaking her head. 
“Shove off, Zabini.” Cher laughed. Pansy and Daphne began throwing crumpled up sheets of paper at the boys. 
Frankie noticed that Draco snuck a glance.
Daphne piped up. “Cher, don’t worry, Theodore can’t help it. He wants you too bad.” The boys led a chorus of oohs, shoving him and snickering.
Frankie couldn’t stop herself from seeing how Draco reacted.
He didn’t.
Frankie day in the library, sitting in between to rows of books. She was piling up a stack of books on spells, spell creation, and the Unforgivables when she saw a blur of bright blonde hair.
“Malfoy? Malfoy-”
He interrupted. “I’m sorry about the boys, earlier.”
Frankie rolled her eyes. “If you actually cared about me you would know that I didn’t give a single-”
“-I care about you Chess-where the hell is this coming from?” He walked up to her and leaned against the stacks.
Salazar, did I say that out loud? “I was only joking, dimwit.”
"If this is about last night-" He started.
"What about last night?" Frankie's heart rate began to accelerate.
"Nothing-I-It just happens often, not that I mind, Merlin I do not mind, but I was just hoping that I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything." He is so cute. Wait-no, no he's not.
"You didn't, I was thinking the same thing, actually." She let out s quiet giggle, not seeing the blush that crept up his neck.
"How would you make me uncomfortable?"
"I don't know. I must've been crushing you or something. Plus I'm definitely not on the top of anyone's list of People They'd Want To Cuddle. Most people just see me as the fat girl who no one would want to shag."
"Who wouldn't want to shag-" He coughed, praying that she didn't hear that. "I mean, you were definitely not crushing me, and Chess, cuddling you was a very nice experience."
Frankie chuckled to herself, turning back to her book. "Thanks, Malfoy."
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” He sat down across from her. “What are you reading?”
“About the Killing Curse.” She didn’t look up from the book, but she wasn’t focusing on the words anyway.
“Merlin, Chess. How wonderful.” They shared a laugh.
“Do you know what a Horcrux is, Malfoy?” Frankie looked up, pointing at a picture on the tattered pieces.
“Well it sounds lovely. What is it?”
“It’s disgusting. When you use the killing curse, you break your soul, and it can sort of create immortality, in a twisted way.”
“Immortality? So by using the curse, you save your soul to live another, well, someone else’s lifetime.”
“That’s the point. It’s really creepy.” Frankie tossed the book to him.
“It says here that Herpo the Foul used them to-bloody hell that’s disgusting!” He tossed the book back to her with a grimace.
“A Horcrux can be created by anyone who commits murder, if they want to.”
“I wonder if You-Know-Who made those.” Draco wondered. “I mean, my father told me stories that would make your skin crawl, and he was always blabbing about immortality and being invincible-” His face fell.
“Malfoy, do you think-”
“Oh my god, Malfoy. Oh my god.” Frankie threw the book and scrambled to her feet as Draco did as well. “Bloody, god, Merlin, oh my god!”
He was panting heavily, Frankie grabbed fistfuls of her hair, feeling nauseated.
“I think I’m gonna be sick, Chess, Merlin.”
“He-” She looked him dead in the eye. “He did that, didn’t he?” 
“Bloody hell Chess, Salazar-” He stared into her soul, and reached to grab her sleeve. “We’ve got to tell Snape.”
“And why, might I ask, were you researching Horcruxes to begin with, Miss Reed?”
“Professor, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you-” Frankie panted, still freaking out.
“Why is it important? What’s important is that the Dark-I mean You-Know-Who is still alive.” Draco shouted. 
“Malfoy, It’s fine. Professor I believe there is a way to reverse the effects of the Killing Curse, and Horcruxes are the key to figuring it out. It’s a strange loophole, I guess.” Frankie sat down next to Draco.
Professor Snape scoffed, but the two could tell that there was a strange gleam in his eye. “There is no cure for the Killing Curse-”
“It’s not a cure, Snape. It would separate the soul of the dead with the piece of the soul of the killer and return it to the dead’s body somehow I just haven’t figured out-you know what-I’m not an idiot, I’ve been studying this for my entire life-”
“He Who Must Not Be Named has not returned, Francesca. Ten points from each of you for wasting my time with your childish nonsense and being out after curfew.” He stood up and went into his quarters with a flourish of his robe. 
Frankie hadn’t even realized that Draco had been holding her hand the entire time.
A/N: okay so i know that this isn’t as long as the last one, but i felt it was a good place to stop. I’m going ultimate slowburn slow with this fic lol. pls let me know what u think ! love you all ! mwah.
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leos-spot · 4 years
I feel that im bi but for some reason i get so scared even admitting it to myself. like i am really progressive + i know theres nothing wrong w/ being bi but im scared of admitting it. should i say im bicurious?!? I pretend im a overenthusiatic ally but like i know I've shown a lot of attraction to women but i just dont know. My mom is particularly biphobic she thinks that gay people are born that way but bi's are immoral horny people, so maybe i internalized that?!? Sorry 4 rambling :(
Hey! No need to apologize ❤️ thank you for sharing this.
Well, this is a difficult topic because experiences are different for each person, so I can't give a 100% correct answer but I'll try to help 💕
The way I realized I was bi was thanks to this site tbh. I didn't even know the term "bisexual" existed! I grew up in a very evangelical environment so I just knew "gay = one of the worst sins ever / disgusting / unnatural" and I had that mentality for YEARS and it wasn't easy to get completely rid of it. It was a long process that started with learning more about the topic, learning to accept that there's nothing wrong with being gay and the most difficult part was realizing that the things I had been taught were not correct. I kind of always had questioned those teaching but was quickly shut down with "because that's what the Bible says" or "that's what God says and questioning it is a sin and you'll go to hell" so when I started to actually question all this stuff, it was very very scary and I often shut myself when I was thinking about this topic. This also let me to question more things about religion itself, but that's a different topic lol
It wasn't easy, but with hard work and reading all the stories from people here help me to accept that there was nothing wrong with being gay, that it was just people loving other people, no matter the gender, what matters is that there's love.
I think all that long process was what made it kinda easier to accept that I was part of the community too and never actually realized it.
In high school I studied in an all-women-school and I would never understand why I would always dream about holding hands with my friends, or why I just wanted to spend time This Girl but got too nervous when I talked to her, and even in one opportunity when we were in the quinceañero of one of my friends, I was talking with this other friend when this girl entered and we both just looked at each other and said "well I'm not gay, but if I were, I would say she is really attractive 👀" and now I look back at that and can't understand how I didn't realize™ (like a year ago I found that friend again and she told me she is actually a lesbian so I guess we both were in denial back then lol).
I was confused about being attracted to girls because I still liked boys and I thought there was something wrong with me. That's where I learned what bisexuality was and I was like 🤯🤯🤯. I had finally found the term I identified with and I accepted it as part of my identity as part of who I am.
Yes, I'm still learning more things I didn't know before, like... I'm still confused with my gender identity, but that's just part of the process too, right?
What I'm trying to say with this is that you shouldn't force yourself to accept an identity you are still not sure about. Take your time to grow, to learn about sexualities, to learn more about yourself.
Something I don't feel is talked about enough is the difference between being bisexual (sexual attraction to your and other genders) and being biromantic (romantic attraction..). Some people could be heterosexual and biromantic, or homosexual and biromantic, or bisexual and heteroromantic... There's so many possibilities.
Take your time to learn about all this, there's no hurry! Our identity is not built in one day, it's a long process (sorry for saying this so much!) that takes time and experience and learning that takes different time periods for everyone. Some people are sure about who they are since they're kids and some are still building their identity when adults.
And if after all this you still don't find a term you identify with? IT'S OKAY!!! It's completely okay. You are your own person and of you don't want to fit in one "category" it's completely okay. So it's okay if you decide for something and change it later on. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
Uhh.. This was kind of long but I hope I'm helping ❤️. If you want to talk, just send me a message and we'll talk! No need to be afraid, I will never judge you ❤️.
I really hope this helps! Hugs for you!
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
i keep digging myself down deeper // charlotte&lola
Summary: Lola takes Charlotte to confront her mother after finding out that she lied about Lola’s dad’s death. Lola is plotting a murder. Charlotte is trying to fix her moral compass. They still end up in a graveyard.
A/N: tagging @misscharlottelee as always, and @local-troubled-writer . this made me so fucking sad folks. also i think lola is overall a better person in this au and im so sad about the main story too now. wrote it at work.
[run to paradise au]
“Take Charlotte,” Doc says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world, like he knows Lola’s on a knife-edge and can trust the younger woman to pull her back. He says it like he’s trying to throw a wrench in whatever malicious scheme she’s concocting that she thinks he doesn’t know about it. 
Take Charlotte. Unlike you, she’s good. Is what Lola hears, and it sets her teeth on edge. It could have been Tommy, but Doc knows better than anyone that Lola’s got that man wrapped around her little finger, though he’s the backup if Charlotte won’t go, because god knows Lola hates Mick enough to murder him on a trip out of state, and she and Nikki together will never do anything good. He could ask Vince, but that’s asking for trouble, and Vince has actually kind of settled down. Lola on a rampage is liquid heroin, and Vince is finally in recovery. So take Charlotte, somehow the only stable one of the lot.
“We’re going to pay respects to your dad, right?” Charlotte’s got a backpack full of clothes for if they stay longer than intended, and Razzle on her heels, offering to drive them both to the airport. Lola confirms. “And Doc doesn’t trust you?”
“No he does not,” Lola grumbles through her teeth, throwing a glance over her shoulder at Nikki, on the sofa wearing only his boxers, covered in scratches and hickeys.
“He’s a smart man,” Charlotte says with a smile, but Lola’s not matching her energy, just rolls her eyes. That being said, Lola’s at the very least grateful that Charlotte’s not walking on eggshells around her the way everyone else seemed to, Nikki notwithstanding, since she’d found out her father had died when she was nine, and her mother had lied about it to her, and she’d believed that he’d just left because she was a bad kid ever since.
But now she was out for revenge, had told Doc she’d just wanted to visit her father’s grave, but the moment she’d been given the go-ahead, she knew she was heading home to confront and kill her mother for everything she’d put Lola through.
When they get on the plane, Lola’s pretty sure she can see Razzle waving from the terminal, and when she points this out, Charlotte leans over her and waves back, despite Lola’s noise of disgust.
“Don’t be like that Lols, notice how I didn’t say anything about your hickeys and band aids on the way here? You look like you had a raccoon try and rip out your jugular,” Charlotte tells her with a smirk, sitting back before avoiding her gaze, “and I don’t think Nikki would give it up that hard if you were still really grieving, so what’s your real plan here?” Cutting straight to the point, she’s so unbelievably no-nonsense about it, seeing through Lola before Lola had even fed her a lie. Lola knows she could convincingly lie to Charlotte in a heartbeat, but it’s not worth the effort; either way she’d have to tell her.
“I’m gonna kill my mom,” Lola tells her under her breath, before smiling at the stewardess doing final checks, while Charlotte sits in stunned silence.
“You’re gonna murder her?” Charlotte matches her volume, though her voice is full of disbelieving rage. They haven’t even taken off yet. Lola hums in agreement. “What? Just gonna shoot her in the face? You don’t even have a -”
“A plan? Of course I do. I’m gonna burn her house down. With a flare gun,” Lola fires back easily, before adding, “shooting her is Plan B. Also with a flare gun.”
The flight is only a few hours long, and Charlotte spends it fuming in silence, not wanting to cause a scene on a plane, in the airport, or in the taxi to the hotel. There’s no words for the rage, for the betray, for the being an accessory to murder, and she’d probably fight Lola if the older woman didn’t have biceps the size of a rotisserie chicken.
Lola leaves, claiming to get dinner, and comes back with a greasy burger and a flare gun, and Charlotte wants to cry, wants to scream, wants to believe this is all a bad dream.
“You’re fucking kidding me,” is what she says, and Lola gives a patient smile.
“Charlie, please just remember she set me on fire,” and she puts the flare gun on the bedside table, puts her trash in the bin, and goes to bed.
Maybe Charlotte considers taking the gun and throwing it in the ocean. But she doesn’t. Deep down, she’s pretty sure Lola’s not capable of murder, enough that she leaves the gun there; it’s trust. Lola wouldn’t make her an accessory to murder. Probably.
“You’re only an accessory if you come,” Lola tells her over a room service breakfast, and Charlotte feels like she’s going to be sick, “go sight seeing, meet me at the airport,” she shrugs, “if the cops ask you questions, just play dumb, like you do every time they come looking for Nikki or Tommy.”
“You’re not going through with this -”
“I’ll be done by midnight,” Lola’s not usually so focused and sincere, seemingly trying to ignore Charlotte’s negativity.
“Please, Lols, don’t do this; don’t do something crazy that you’ll regret,” Charlotte almost begs her, and Lola’s teeth stretch into a snarl.
“So I’m only allowed to be crazy when it benefits you, right?” She snaps, finally, and Charlotte swallows hard, eyes going wide in surprise. “Because when we rock up to your cheating ex’s house and I’ve got a baseball bat, you can call me crazy and be proud -”
“I never called you crazy,” Charlotte says through her teeth, completely unprepared to handle Lola, who’s never actually lashed out at her before.
“No, Duff called me a psycho, and you believed him, didn’t you? But I was your psycho, wasn’t I, Miss Lee,” Lola’s voice turned cruel and mocking, “it’s okay if I’m a psycho so long as you can wind me up and point me in the direction of whoever you want fucked up -”
“After fucking everything we’ve been through, you’re gonna accuse me of just using you?”
“No,” Lola said easily, flipping from feral to collected with an almost terrifying speed, “we’re friends, Charlotte, I know this, I just don’t think you’re used to my anger not benefiting you.” Her lips twitch into a cool smile, “I think you forget that we’re very different people, Charlie; before I met you, I was blowing cops to get me and Nikki out of trouble every other week, and all that’s changed is that Nikki has started bribing his way out.” it almost seems like a point of pride, and Charlotte has no fucking idea what to say to that. “But sure, I can be crazy when we’re hurting the boy who broke your little heart,” she coos in a mocking falsetto, before her expression just turns cold, “but when it comes to the woman who abused me during my formative years and set me on fire, sure,” she rolled her eyes, miming screwing a lid on a jar, voice dripping with sarcasm, “I’ll put a lid on it, for your sake.” She spat.
“I’m sorry I don’t want you to commit fucking murder,” Charlotte blurts out, realising far too late that she’s crying, and Lola’s hard resolve instantly crumbles, “I’m sorry if it seems like I’m just, just, just using you for your anger, I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry,” and she’s just crying now, sitting in the hotel with her head in her hands, “obviously I don’t think you’re a psycho.”
“Yes you do,” Lola sighs, but it’s neither angry nor an accusation, its defeat, a label she’s worn for a long time finally spoken by one of the only people she actually respected, “and I am; there’s nothing you can do to help it.” 
“Please don’t hurt anyone, Lols, please,” Charlotte begs, and Lola heaves another deep sigh.
“Go home, Charlotte, go back to Razzle and pretend this was all a bad dream; I don’t want you living in my reality. You’re better than that.”
“You shouldn’t live in this reality; Lola, you’re scaring me, I’ve known you for half a decade, and for the first time,” Charlotte snifled, sitting up a little straighter and avoiding Lola’s dark gaze, “I’m fucking terrified, okay? You’ll go to jail for the rest of your life.”
“Small price to pay,” Lola shrugs, and Charlotte’s going from guilty to frustrated fast, but Lola’s voice turns hard, “go home, Charlotte.”
“You’re not a felon,” Lola finally snaps, voice flat and angry, “you’re a romantic at heart with terrible taste in friends.” Finally, Lola stands, and Charlotte’s shocked into silence. 
“You’re the worst friend I’ve got,” it’s like it’s finally hit her, voice a little breathless, a little disbelieving, and Lola gives a wry smile.
“Now you’re getting it.” And she leaves. In the middle of the day. Leaves Charlotte alone and fragile in the hotel, off to do god knows what, possibly off to commit murder.
Charlotte calls Razzle; she’s never been scared of what Lola’s been capable of, maybe it’s that she’s never really thought Lola could commit murder, but now she’s afraid. The only thing that’s ever terrified Lola was her mother, and now, knowing what she knows, the truth about everything she’s been through, in some twisted way Charlotte can easily see how Lola’s made herself believe that the murder is just. Charlotte’s never known a killer, not really. Razzle reassures her over the phone, tells her that Lola’s just gone to blow off steam but that she’s got a good heart under all of it. She’s motivated by loyalty, not revenge. But then it hits them both; Lola’s mother besmirched her father’s name for years, the first person Lola ever truly loved and looked up to. The only man she’s been even more loyal to than Nikki is her father; and she’d kill for either of them in a heartbeat.
“I need to stop her,” Charlotte’s still got tear tracks drying on her cheeks when she sits bolt upright, phone still to her ear, “do I- should I call the cops?” She asks, and Razzle hesitates. It would be a betrayal that would send Lola spiraling further. 
“Go to her, you know you can talk her down; she loves you, she listens to you,” Razzle tells her, and when he says it, so sweet, so gentle, so self assured, she almost believes him, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She tells him, before sniffling loudly, “wish me luck.” She tells him, feeling far more capable than she had minutes before; Razzle was good like that, was supportive like that, knew just what to say when Charlotte needed to hear it.
Charlotte knows the address that Lola was given, and heads there first, but the street is quiet, the house is quiet, and there were no signs of Lola to be seen. She drives for a bit down the road, heart beating in her throat, anxious and mind jumping to all sorts of terrible conclusions, but there’s no signs of any disturbance. Lola had been on foot, and had left only an hour and a half ago, she couldn’t have gotten far. 
At the end of the street, there’s a park, and Charlotte comes to realise that school must be on break, because it’s teaming with parents and children, and she searches, wonders, thinks she sees someone who looks a bit like Lola, but doesn’t stick around to make sure. That woman looks too old to be Lola. 
She checks bars and liquor stores and gas stations, and finally has a hit from a cashier who sold her two bottles of vodka, and the gas station attendant who had given her a pack of smokes, despite her having already gone through a quarter of a bottle in the half-mile between stores.
The only thing at the end of this street was a graveyard.
Lola’s wasted, unable to stand, sitting with her back against a faintly worn grave, mumbling to herself. 
“How could she do this to us, dad?” Is the first thing Charlotte hears from her, an angry growl. With one hand around the neck of a mostly empty vodka bottle, the other comes to forlornly pet the gravestone. Catching sight of Charlotte out of the corner of her eye, Lola’s entire expression crumbles, and for the first time in their whole sordid history, Charlotte watches Lola begin to cry. Angrily, almost defiantly, she searches her pockets, before pulling out a cigarette, lighting it.
“Dad,” Lola says to no-one in particular, looking out ahead instead of at her best friend, face scrunched with angry tears, “meet Charlotte,” she announces, and Charlotte’s words die in her throat; “Charlotte, meet my dad,” and she nods to the headstone she’s leaning against. 
“I thought -” Charlotte tries, but no words come to her.
“We’ve just been catching up,” Lola takes a long drag from the cigarette, coughing when she follows it with a swig of vodka.
“What happened?” Charlotte asks quietly, approaching like Lola was a wild animal. Lola grumbles something unintelligible, mostly under her breath, and Charlotte gingerly sits beside her.
“He was a really, really fucking good man,” Lola murmurs, forlorn, resting her head on Charlotte’s shoulder, startling the younger woman, who wasn’t quite sure how to deal with this situation just yet, “he would have loved them, Motley,” she clarified, and she takes another smoke, “he was always a huge fan of rock, always had the hair to match. Mom would call him a long-haired yahoo but it was never malicious, it just-” she was crying now, and she had to pause, “she would have loved them too, back then, but when he was gone, I think she just started hating everything that reminded her of him.” She pauses, taking another drink, her voice defeated when she finally spoke, “probably why she hated me so much." 
Silence, then;
"She has a kid.” Its the most defeated she’s ever sounded. Even Charlotte feels it like a punch to the gut. “She gets to play happy families, and I get to slowly dig myself an early grave,” she finishes her cigarette and immediately lights another.
“Lo, what happened?” Charlotte asked once more, and Lola turns to her, eyes bloodshot and mouth in a thin, unhappy line.
“Nothing.” It sounds like it hurts to admit, “because I’m not a psycho,” she says quietly, “I’m not gonna hurt that kid.”
“Your… sibling?” Charlotte almost winces as she says it, but Lola laughs in an almost disbelieving way, leaning her head back against her father’s gravestone.
“My little brother; Milo, I think. I didn’t stick around long… she doesn’t even know I’m here." 
Charlotte wraps her arm around Lola’s shoulder, pulls her in for a hug, and Lola melts into her, lets herself be pulled into hug, her head on Charlotte’s shoulder as she cries unashamedly. They sit on the grave of Lola’s father until it gets dark, wrapped up in each other, giving comfort and getting drunk, and there’s stories spilling from Lola that she’d never told anyone; happy times from before her shit got dark, before her father passed, stories she’d thought she’d forgotten. 
"Did you mean what you said?” Charlotte asks finally, voice fragile, vodka burning through her veins, “do you think I have bad taste in friends?” Lola contemplates for a long while before humming.
“I think you deserve better than me. And Nikki. I think you’ve got good friends, Peach and Eileen, they’re good friends,” Lola nods resolutely, “they wouldn’t drag you down to Boston just to argue with you and watch them chicken out on murdering their mom.”
“They don’t wanna murder their mom to begin with,” Charlotte agrees with a half laugh, her arm tucked into Lola’s, resting her cheek on Lola’s shoulder. Lola hums an agreement. Gently, she rests her head against Charlotte’s.
“I’m sorry, Charlie.”
They gaze out into the graveyard, tired, drunk, and world-weary beyond their years. Moments like these are a sharp reminder to Charlotte, of just how terrifying Lola’s world can be, and just how lonely she once was. The way Lola clings to the band, to Charlotte, it very suddenly made clear and perfect sense. 
“You’re not the worst friend I’ve got, Lols, not even close; you give a shit when it counts the most. About me, about our band-family; you give so much of a shit you’d kill for us. You’re probably the most loyal person I’ve ever met.” Charlotte tells her honestly, and Lola’s quiet, before sniffling loudly, and laughing.
“Stop it, Miss Lee, I promised Tommy I wouldn’t have a thing for any more of his family,” Lola jokes, but hugs Charlotte tightly as she squawks with horrified amusement. 
Its a considerable walk back to the hotel, but as Lola crashes onto the soft mattress of the bed, she feels worlds lighter than when she’d woken up.
11 notes · View notes
Prompt List And Who I Will Write For
When requesting a oneshot you can but are not required to choose a prompt off this list (which is one of @marauder-exe‘s prompt lists that im using because i physically cant produce prompts lol) and just tell me what character you want it with (i will list characters and ships that i write for at the end)
Send requests here
1. “I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
2. “I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
3. “Can you just shut your mouth ?” 
5.“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.” 
6. “Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?“
7. “I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
8.  "Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
9. “You’re safe here, I got you.”
10. “Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.” 
11. “Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
12. “If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.” 
13. “We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
15. “You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
16. “I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.” 
17. “You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!” 
18. “What happened between us?” 
19. “Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
20. “Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
21. “You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.” 
22.“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way” 
23. “I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
24. “I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
25. “I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
26.. “I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.” 
27.“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.” 
28. “This will be the last time you lie to me.” 
29.“You never loved me, did you?” 
30. “You made me miserable and I still loved you.” 
31. “Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
32. “We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.” 
33. “Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.” 
34. “Your mind must be a horrible place.” 
35. “Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.” 
36. “And I thought you loved me.” “ And I thought I loved you.” 
37. “ Aren’t you even going to cry?”
38. “I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
39. “Did you always know that you were going to leave?” 
40.“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
41. “I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.” 
42. ”If you wanna know, then ask.” 
43.“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.” 
44. “We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
45. “Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
46. “When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?” 
47. “What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.” 
48. “It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.” 
49. “What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.” 
50. “Why do you have tO BE SUCH A HYPOCRITE ALL THE TIME” (this is my prompt bc the numbers were being weird)
 51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.” 
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” 
53. “You smell really nice.” 54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” 
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.” 
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.” 
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
 58. “You’re comfy.” 
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.” 
60.“But I want to hear you sing.” 
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
 62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
 63.“I think I love you.”
 64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
 65.“How about a kiss?” 
66.“You made this for me?”
 67.Aw, you’re blushing.” 
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?” 
69. “Let me help you with that.” 
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.” 
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?” 
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
 73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?” 
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.” 
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?” 
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.” 
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything” 
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.” 
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” 
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
 81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
 82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.” 
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.” 
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!” 
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.” 
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
 87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?” 
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.” 
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
 90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
 91.“It was always you.” 
92.I love you in every possible way.” 
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
 94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.” 
95.“Duck, you idiot!” 
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.” 
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” 
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
 99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
 100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..” 
 101.“Define normal.” 
 102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
 103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
 104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
 105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.” 
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.”
 107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.” 
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
 109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
 110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
 111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.” 
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.”
 113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
 114.“My middle finger salutes you.”
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.”
 116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
 117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.”
 118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
 119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.”
 120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.” 
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
 122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
 123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
 125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
 126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
 127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
 128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” 
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
 131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
 132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
 133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
 134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
 135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
 136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.”
 137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
 138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.
” 139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.”
 140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.” 
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
 142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
 143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
 144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
 145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
 146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
 147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
 148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
 149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
 150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
 151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
 153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
 154.“I know you lied to me.” 
155.“I’m not even sorry.” 
156.“You backstabber!” 
 157.“I never want to see you again.”
 158.“You never mattered to me.” 
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.” 
160.“Rot in hell.” 
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!” 1
62.“No one loves me.” 
 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 
164.“You made me cry.” 
 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 
166.“How DARE you?!”
 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 
168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!” 
169.“Just leave me alone.” 
170.“What did you do?!” 
171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
 172. “Just admit that was extra…”
 173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 
174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?”
 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 
176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 
177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 
178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 
179.“I never loved you.” 
180.“It’s too late.” 
181.“Quit ignoring me.” 
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!” 
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
 184.“I don’t want to be friends.” 
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?” 
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.” 
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.” 
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!” 
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.” 
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.” 
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…” 
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.” 
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.” 
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.” 
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?” 
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?” 
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.” 199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
 200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.” 
Characters/people i write for 
Steve rogers 
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson 
Thor Odinson 
Loki Laufeyson 
Bucky Barnes 
Peter Quill
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Bruce Banner 
Stucky (ship)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner 
Greys Anatomy 
Alex Karev
Mark Sloan 
Andrew Deluca 
Matthew Gray Gubler
Chris Evans 
Tom Holland 
Tom Hiddleston 
Johnny Depp 
Jensen Ackles
Sebastian Stan 
Daveed Diggs
Colin O’Donoughue 
Once Upon A Time
Killian Jones 
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley 
Sirius Black 
Remus Lupin 
Draco Malfoy 
James Potter
 wolfstar (ship)
Steven Hyde (That 70s Show) 
Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) 
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and-i-uh · 4 years
6? 22? Any other number you wanted to answer?
6- i dont have any stim toys, ive never really delved into that stuff, i was never really given the chance to explore stuff that would help me out with stimming and such. I also dont think i would like stim toys? Maybe i just have to try some but idk.
22- idk any specific songs i stim to. But ive stimmed while listening to mcr, and honestly i just stim to alot of the general songs i listen to. I really like singing along, i think thats a stim of mine, and some songs just listening to them is like stimming (anything with drums and/or guitars)
2- i like blankets a lot. Even if im hot and dont really need one, ill subconsciously grab the blanket on the couch and put it on my lap, and on my bed. There was one day i grabbed a pocket-sized beanie baby and put itin my hoodie pocket, and just knowing it was there made me happy. Also when i was with my friends one of them stuck their hands in my pocket and i panicked and like moved it out of their reach bc i was scared to get made fun of lol, it ended up being fine. I sleep with stuffed animals a lot. I think thats it
3- my school experiences were,,, not fun at all. Theres a lot to unpack there. My schools all had this thing called a “504 plan” or whatever. And it’s supposed to help people with certain disorders/disabilities. Mine only acknowledged my adhd as far as i know. Maybe my anxiety too. Some of the things that were supposed to ‘help’ were moving me to the front of the room, i got extended time to complete stuff (supposedly), extended time on certain tests (which i only saw on the act, literally i got no other extended time to do anything else. And after i got extended time on the act my scores shot up. Imagine the potential if i was given my actual extended time shit) and the meetings were hell. They started to have meetings with me in middle school, sixth grade i think. Having an administrator there, and my parents, and at least one teacher was terrifying to me. I think i cried every meeting. Honestly it felt like an interrogation to me, esp with all the damn eye contact and shit. My dad asked me if i wanted to continue it this year and i was immediately like fuck no nuh uh not happening. And whether or not I actually needed to be in the front of the room depended on the class, teacher, the people in there, but a lot of the time i would just be moved to the front and i would hate it. In eighth grade my math teacher moved me from the back of the room (a favorite seat in that class) to the front of the room in the middle of class for like a week. It was honestly humiliating and the only time i was eventually able to express my opinion on the 504 shit. Actually my freshman math teacher did that too. Ahaha moving on now before this gets too long.
4/5- three negative and positive things about being autistic.
(1) i dont really have a chance to not have a hobby. Ive always got an interest to keep me entertained and i like that.
(2) stimming is nice, i like it, im not afraid to let myself stim. Makes me feel better.
(3) im unique and shit. I have a different pov than other people and that allows me to have different ways of thinking. I think outside the box ig. I also have this weird version of confidence and objectivity that I appreciate in myself
(1) its hard to feel like i belong somewhere, bc im so different. Im getting better at it but im not good at getting close to people.
(2) i also like,, dont have certain permanence? Like object permanence? A lot of the time i dont really miss things/people unless im somewhere that reminds me of them. Idk if it’s negative really but its something,, even a spin, like bts, i dont really miss them that much until i do. Theyre still very important to me but yeah
(3) people dont really get me the same way other people get other people. And its hard for me to explain it to people. And theres certain people i get more than others. Its weird.
7- people need to give autistics a chance to be heard. Apply the accommodations you “give” them. Dont put them in the spotlight and give them space when needed. We are what you might call “picky” too. Eating, learning, socializing, we have our own things we need to be able to do shit. Learn them. Let us stim. Encourage us to learn about ourselves and remind us that youre there for us. But dont try to help us unless we ask or we actually need help. Dont trigger meltdowns on purpose, stop using the r word even in passing like its not a big deal. Be more than aware of us, accept us, appreciate us. Dont be a bystander.
8- i dont have much experience with meltdowns? I think? If i have i didnt have chances to recover. I had to go back to class or something. Idk how to recognize them in me either.
10- showering. Thats a big thing that even though i kinda need i forget to do. Except during school. I had a whole routine in the morning and i was super punctual. If i didnt shower i would be late, miss the bus, forget something.
12- meat. The way it feels. Disgusting. How do people eat it and not feel like dying? Same with lettuce. Spinach is fine but every time i try to eat lettuce I almost throw up. Bell peppers, pickles, vinegar, mayo, eggs usually, cheese sometimes. Just off the top of my head. One time i tried putting lettuce on my burger, was feeling adventurous, and after biting down i had to just take the lettuce off. Another time, my stepmom (newly married to my dad) made slads for us, and i was skeptical. There was white stuff all over the salad and she wouldnt tell me what it was. I tried eating a little carrot stick thing and almost vomited. Thats when she learned I cannot eat mayo. Even if idk that its mayo i still cant fuckin eat it. She forced me to eat bell peppers one time. Didnt go well at all. At all.
(Not gonna do the spin one bc ive already talked about them and if i do again itll be too long)
15- yes! I only do big stuff(?)(like yelling n shit) when im completely alone. Like if im home alone. Bc i get so loud. Sometimes ill hum in my room or sing to myself in my room though. Its so fun. As for phrases i repeat, ill repeat anything i find interesting. In a movie or song, or even something a friend said. One time my mom said the phrase “tough titty said the kitty but the milks still good” and i went around the kitchen repeating it until she got annoyed. Also sometimes something in the room will have a constant sound and ill like think a phrase to that sound repeatedly. Idk how to explain it lol. Idk if thats echolalia either
16- rocks. Typical i know, collecting rocks. But i just cant help it. I see a rock i like, i pick it up, take it home. I used to collect sticks. And when i was in elementary school, i used to pick shit up off the playground. Beer bottle caps was a favorite. Apparently the school called my mom about it bc they found my stash and thought it was from home and my parents were drinking excessively. 😬 oops
18- introverted?
19- kinda depends. Idk. I really cant tell wow. I would probably say hypersensitive. Just cause i have a ton of sensory issues and a lot of stuff bothers me. Like types of clothes. And how things are resting on my body. Yeah i guess i am hypersensitive.
20- i used to struggle with self love a lot. And sometimes i still kinda do. But in the past few years ive really started appreciating myself and trying to learn a lot about myself. Its going well id say.
21- empathy. Hmm. I think im very empathetic, actually. I can always tell when someone is feeling uncomfortable in a situation. And when i should tell people to back off of them if they wont say it themselves. And im very uncomfortable when theres secondhand embarrassment. And bullying, in something im watching or reading. Yknow, I actually cant watch mean girls. I just. I tried, i had to walk away bc I couldn’t take it. It also kinda triggers me so theres that. Bc of the bullying. But yeah im very empathetic. Otherwise socially im not good at that.
23- nope. Ive got like no support system other than tumblr and online friends. Apparently my dad refused to acknowledge im autistic and hes my favorite parent. Thats his big flaw though. And if i “came out” to him and said it myself he would probably come around. I know hes not completely nt either. My Opa has ocd, so nuerodiversity runs in the family ig.
While making this i got distracted and went on insta for like an hour oops lol
24- steampunk cosplay? Or college dorm tips? The steampunk one was freshman year, and the college dorm one was fifth grade. It lasted well into sixth grade and seventh grade.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
How do you feel about full length beards? I’m not into a lot of facial hair. I like some scruff, but that’s it. Have you ever been to a circus? Yeah, once. I was naive and didn’t know about the abuse that went on at the time. Do you know anyone who’s gone to a Fat Camp? No. Do you use Facebook IM everyday? No. I don’t even remember the last time I used it. How many surveys have you done already today? This is my first.
What’s the WORST show on Adult Swim? I don’t care for the Adult Swim shows. Family Guy and American Dad is okay, but after that it gets too stupid and weird for me. Sorry. Like once I saw this show, Mr. Pickles, and uh... wtf. The episode I saw was very disturbing. I don’t get the appeal of Rick and Morty at all. And why the hell is Mike Tyson Mysteries a thing? That’s just to name a few. I see previews of other shows and I just... wow. Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? No. Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? Not maliciously or because they thought it was horrible and wanted to embarrass me, but yeah. My mom has posted photos where she didn’t see anything wrong and she thinks I looked fine, but I was like EW NO take that down it’s hideous. I reallyyyy don’t like photos of me taken by someone else. I have to take my own photos if I’m going to take one at all because I know the angles and lighting and can add a filter. Plus, I can take a ton before finally settling on one. If someone else takes the photo and they want to post it, I have to approve. Which grade in school was the most fun for you? I enjoyed elementary and middle school. High school had its ups and downs, but there were parts I liked. I liked the last 2 years the best. Which would you rather have, a new puppy or kitten? I wouldn’t want another pet right now to be honest. We have our doggo and one suits our family best right now. Does drama seem to follow you everywhere you go? No, thankfully. I have other issues I struggle with, but not drama. Do you ever just want to go away to a new place where no one knows you? I don’t live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I was never Miss Popularity, so apart from family and a few other people, not a lot of people know me. However, I do want move away to a new place. My family and I have wanted to for a long time, we just haven’t been able to. A change of environment and scenery would be really nice. You’re ordering a pizza, you can have any kind of toppings, what are they? I’m a simple gal, I just like white sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, and crumbled meatballs with pesto drizzled on top. Do you hit ‘quiet’ or ‘ignore’ on your cell? Which one usually? Nah. If my phone rings and I don’t want to answer it, I just let it ring. Do you ever regret giving your number to people? I have before with some people. Have you ever been told that you’re afraid of your own shadow? Haha yeah. Have you ever tried Gouda cheese? Nope. Does/did your high school have pop machines? No. They decided to remove them the year I entered high school, which I was mad about. Do you use a public computer, or do you have your own? I have my own laptop. Do you ever find it odd how you type LOL when you’re not really laughing? >> No, because I understand that its function has moved far beyond representing actual laughing-out-loud. <<< Yeah. I remember discussing that in a class once. Have you ever gambled? A couple times. Not my thing. Although, what really made my experience unenjoyable wasn’t so much the gambling, it was that the casinos I’ve been to allow smoking and I don’t do well with cigarette smoke. At all. It gives me a killer headache, makes my heart rate go up, and makes me feel dizzy and sick. It’s awful. The smell in the casinos was too overbearing for me, so I spent very little time inside. Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? I really don’t want to work retail. And that’s not shade toward retail workers AT ALL. I salute you, honestly. You deal with a lot of shit. What’s the shortest you would ever cut your hair? I had a “bob” for a few years. Do you listen to any deathcore? No. Do you subscribe to any teen magazines? Which ones? No. I’m also 30 years old. Do you know someone who never smiles? Never? No. Has anyone ever made you feel uncomfortable at work? I’ve never had a job. Do you still watch South Park? I never did. I mean, I’ve seen bits here and there before because my brother used to watch it, but I was never into it myself. Tell me one movie you’ve seen recently that sucked: My mom, brother, and I recently watched this movie on Netflix called, The Platform. It had potential and was interesting at first, but the ending was just... no. It seemed abrupt and I was just really confused. Have you ever carved something into a dinner booth somewhere? No. When’s the last time you were carded at a bar? When I last went to the bar, which was almost 10 years ago. Do you smoke little cigars? Have you ever tried them? Nooo. You’re babysitting, what do you expect per hour for pay? Pfft, no I’m not babysitting. What’s the last thing you returned at a store? I very rarely return things so I have no idea. It’s been a long time. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? I don’t even recall the last time I petted a cat. Do you still look at clouds and make shapes of them? I haven’t in a long time. If you had to dye your hair for one year, what color would you pick? I already do, I dye it red. Who’s got your heart? Me. What’s your television addiction? I have several shows that I’m into. Have you ever stringed green beans before? No. What do you do to make yourself more relaxed when you’re nervous? It’s hard to calm myself when I’m anxious, but I try to distract by talking to someone, listening to ASMR, watching TV or something on YouTube, or reading.  Do you cook? If so, what’s the last thing you made? The only thing I cook is ramen. Oh wait actually I made a grilled cheese sandwich the other day. ha.  Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? Yeah, a few things. How do you usually spend your Saturdays? I spend all my days and nights the same, really. Do you make your own jewelry or clothing? Last year I briefly got into making beaded bracelets. I made a few. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? I do the same things everyday whether I’m bored or not: spend time on my social medias, watch YouTube, read, watch TV, scroll through Tumblr, do surveys, just lie there.... ha. Somedays just feel like they’re dragging and going by extra slow and the things I listed above that I like doing just don’t cut it so I just lie there mindlessly watching TV or go to sleep. Do you use drawing to describe what you’re feeling? No. Do you like the smell of new school supplies? As a kid I did. Like getting a new box of crayons. Do you give everything you do 100%? No. I certainly haven’t with life... Do you shop at any independent music stores? No. I don’t shop at any music stores. How do you feel about mainstream music? I like a lot of it.
What song lyrics describe your mood at the moment? *shrug* Do you have healthy eating habits? No. My eating habits are messed up. I have issues with appetite and other issues.
If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be? A dog. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about? I do the knock on wood thing, but it’s just out of habit, really. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? There’s so many places I’d like to visit. What food disgusts you the most? I don’t do seafood at all. What is your favorite thing to cook? Ramen. One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark? I wouldn’t want to get lost anywhere in the dark. :O Are you claustrophobic? Yes. What is your worst flaw? Oh where to start. One thing that always creeps you out? ALL bugs. What is your biggest fear? Losing loved ones, death, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life and just wasting away... If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind? I don’t believe in reincarnation. Ideal way you’d like to die? Obviously painlessly, but jeez. If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick? I like living with my family. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? Uh, a lot of things. Your favorite kind of dog? I love doggos, but I definitely have a special thing for Labs and German Shepherds. Do you have any scars? If so, how many? I have a lot of scars. I’m not going to count them. What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark? I don’t watch them in the dark. Unless I’m at the theater, obviously. I love scary movies, though. Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die? Cremated. What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic? Coffee and Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks. That’s also coffee, but you know what I mean. I don’t have a favorite alcoholic drink, I don’t drink. What is your favorite food around the holidays? I love either ham or turkey depending on the holiday and mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, and rolls. Easiest way to scare you? I’m such a jumpy, easily scarable (it’s a word, shh) person so you could really just say hi and I’ll jump. haha. Like my back faces my bedroom door and if I don’t hear anyone coming in or they just poke their head in to say something I’ll jump. lmao. Tell me one of your biggest secrets? Nah. What was your last nightmare about? It’s been awhile since I’ve had one, thankfully.
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