#but I didn’t mind high school surprised I don’t remember note of it
miss-floral-thief · 7 months
…? Huh a choir t shirt from high school
0 notes
tonycries · 3 months
Great With Kids? (You Can Have Mine) - C.K.
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Synopsis. When your younger brother gets a new babysitter, only two questions linger on your mind: 1. How come your parents didn’t trust you in charge? 2. How dare the sexy babysitter be so perfect - it made you want some attention too.
Pairings. Choso Kamo x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, babysitter! Choso, male masturbation, voyeurism (from reader), Choso with nipple piercings and eyeliner hngh, unprotected, 69, choking, overstim, oral (male + female receiving), creampie, dirty talk, friends-to-lovers, Choso is down BAD and always has been, mentioned younger brother, swearing. 
Word count. 9.0k
A/N. Gojo longfic next time because I miss my pretty blue-eyed princess.
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Your younger brother’s new babysitter was hot.
With a capital h. 
Scarily hot, in fact, that it made you wonder why the hell people stopped having babysitters past the age of 14.
Ah, Choso Kamo, the ever-elusive eldest son of the Itadori’s from next door. You still remember the first time you met him - well, mostly. 
The world was rocking gently at exactly 12:34AM after a night out with your old high school friends. And so were you, stumbling tipsily into your driveway, soaking up the warm summer air. 
Fumbling with the doorbell, you fully expected your parents to still be away on that extravagant couples’ cruise they’d won - one that probably cost more than your tuition.
Which also meant you expected the old lady from down the street to be babysitting tonight. Still wide awake and absolutely bursting at the seams to give you a detailed rundown about the neighborhood tea - who’s divorcing who, and her top suspects for who stole her prized garden gnome. 
What you certainly did not expect was for that door to swing open and to find yourself face-to-face with the most ridiculously attractive man you’ve ever laid eyes on. Shirtless.
Dazed, your eyes involuntarily sweep his figure from head to toe - taking in every inch of those dark, sleep-mussed locks falling effortlessly around his slightly smudged eyeliner, all the way down to the chiseled- oh god, were those nipple piercings?
Alas, the universe isn’t on your side, and you don’t get to confirm, because suddenly the door slams right in your face, almost rattling off its hinges at the force. The sound echoes in your ears as you blink in disbelief at what the fuck that was. Was that real - was he real? 
You double check the address you’ve known for years - just in case - because, hell, if you were dreaming then this was a damn good one. Taking a deep breath, you try to focus on something that won’t make your head spin before reaching for the door again.
But before your finger could even graze the doorbell, it cracks open once more. The same mysterious man towered before you, this time - you note, with a tinge of disappointment - wearing a snug t-shirt that still doesn’t do much to hide that godly physique. 
“Not that m’complaining, but who’re you and why’re ya in my house?” you manage to slur out, voice betraying the shiver that runs down your spine at his intense gaze. He simply leans against the doorframe, arms crossed and expression unreadable. 
“Choso,” he drawls lightly, eyes never leaving your face. Shit, even his voice was hot. 
You nod slowly, mind racing as you blearily try to remember just where you’d heard that name before. Some family friend? Nah, you’d know him if that was the case. An actor? God, he sure had the looks. 
Mercifully sensing your struggle, he clears his throat, snapping you out of your drunken reverie. “Not surprised you haven’t seen me around, sweetheart, but my parents live next door.” he offers, tone laced with amusement and something else you can’t place. “M’babysitting your brother for tonight.”
You almost don’t hear the second part of his explanation, because it hits you like a ton of bricks - oh shit, this was Choso? Choso either-a-hallucination-or-a-vampire Kamo? 
In all your years of having the Itadoris as your neighbors, you’d only seen fleeting glimpses of their eldest son - a flash of black hair at the window, or a sculpted, tattooed arm waving off Yuji at the doorway. And, well, you didn’t know what exactly you’d anticipated. You just didn’t expect him to be so…hot. Or stand half-naked in front of you.
God, he made you more dizzy than the alcohol. 
“Damn,” you mutter under your breath, more to yourself than anything. Yet Choso still hears, quirking an eyebrow, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Everything alright there?” he hums, the hint of a tease in his tone. Smug bastard.
You nod your head, clutching onto the doorframe for support as you lean in closer. “Mhm, perfect.” Wait- was that a blush dusting his face? Damn, this dream just keeps getting better and better.
Liquid courage coursing through you, you bat your lashes, too tipsy to even attempt a wink, “Well, Choso, let me know if ya need any help babysitting, jus’ know I’m always down to-” 
And then - perhaps to save you from the embarrassment of an awful pickup line - that’s when the universe decides to remind you of exactly how many kamikaze shots you’ve downed. The world lurches beneath you. Your hands scramble for something - anything - solid.
Ah, falling down really does feel good, especially when the ground is so warm, and soft. Smelling faintly of vanilla, with a hint of sunshine. 
And then it’s all black. 
To match his eyes.
The smell of vanilla still lingers in your mind as you slowly pry your eyes open, squinting against the harsh morning sunlight streaming in through your window. Groaning, you feel as though you’ve been run over by a truck. Five of them, in fact. 
Trying to will away the pounding headache, you bury yourself deeper into the snug covers of…your bed…that you’ve been tucked into? 
Oh shit. Sitting up with a gasp, you hastily try to rub away the sleep from your pointedly makeup-less eyes, remnants of last night now flooding back to you with a surge of embarrassment. 
Choso. Shirtless. Babysitting. Shirtless. But most importantly - your awful display of drunken flirting. The man appears once in a blue moon and you hit on him? Perfect. Great. Wonderful. 
And just as you’re entertaining the idea of convincing your parents to move neighborhoods, you realize with a jolt that he must’ve been the one that carried you up here and took care of you. Even after all of that. 
With a sigh, you rub your temples, wincing as it throbs at the laughter carrying from downstairs - one of them so decidedly Choso. Deep voice ringing in your ears, you can almost feel the lingering traces of his strong arms holding you flush against his chest, or the warm hands gently wiping off your eye shadow.
And it seems Choso had a penchant for interrupting your barely-lucid thoughts, because the door creaks open, ripping through the heavy silence in your room. Heart in your throat, you startle as Choso carefully steps into your room, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“G’morning,” he says, voice so gentle that some small, strange part of you thinks you could listen to it forever. “Feeling any better?”
You offer him a sheepish grin, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks at the memory of your drunken antics. “Yeah, I think so. Thanks for... well, everything.”
Chuckling softly, his gaze softens as he steps closer, taking in your slightly-disheveled appearance. “It was the least I could do, sweetheart. Now, c’mon, your brother and I are making pancakes.” 
You fidget nervously under his gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious even as he turns to leave the room at your silence. Say it, you idiot. Say it. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, words tumbling out in a rush. “I didn’t mean to... y’know, act like a Victorian man seeing a woman’s ankles for the first time-” 
“It’s al-”
 “I swear I’ve seen ankles-”
A large hand cradling your cheek, his thick rings searingly cold against your chin as he tilts your chin up to meet his warm gaze - and those suspiciously red cheeks. “S’alright, sweetheart. I didn’t mind.” 
And, well, if this was his way of shutting you up then by God was it effective. Because you didn’t trust yourself to speak even as Choso gives you an easy smile. Even as he withdraws his hand, the air thick with something you were too hungover to overthink about. 
Not until he turns back to the door, flashing you a teasing smile, “Besides, it was kinda cute.”
And with that, Choso steps through the door with the audacity of someone that hadn’t uttered words that sent your mind reeling. 
As the creak of the door echoes behind him, Choso’s warm touch still sears into your skin. Something hot and prickly pooling in your stomach. Only one thought rings clear in your hazy, still-hungover mind - one that makes your cheeks flare: this was going to be a very interesting summer.
You just didn’t realize how interesting it would be. Not until two weeks, four days, and sixteen hours after you first met Choso. 
It starts out innocently enough, taking the early shift at your internship, volunteering to help with the chores - you find yourself subconsciously making excuses to be around him whenever he’s scheduled to babysit.
You’ve probably learned everything there is to know about the man by now - from the way he likes his eggs (sunny side up) to that time he accidentally dyed his brother’s hair neon pink while trying out a recipe for homemade hair dye. 
Likewise, Choso happens to be the only one who knows that you were the one that accidentally caused that flood in your dorm that required five floors and two plumbers to resolve. 
At this point, Choso’s at your house more often than not - where Choso is, there is you, and where you are, there is Choso. And your brother…and sometimes Yuji, but semantics.
“Semantics” are probably why you find yourself rushing home straight from your internship, ignoring every invitation for an after-work drink - to see your brother, of course. No other reason - definitely not because of the way Choso will inevitably be there too. Or because of the way his smile makes something strange coil in your stomach. Or-
Okay, maybe you speedwalked up your driveway faster than usual a little bit because of Choso. But as you’ve said - semantics.
Yet, sometimes you even think there’s a familiar flicker of something more in those dark eyes.
Stepping into the yard, the air thick with the scent of freshly cut grass and the deafening sounds of splashing, a smile tugs at your lips at the awfully wholesome view that greets you.
Your brother and Yuji are locked in a fierce battle, water guns being brandished like the most seasoned warriors.
And Choso - towering over everyone else - was at the epicenter of the chaos, his laughter booming over the commotion. Shirtless. Again. 
His bare, tattooed torso gleams in the light, muscles flexing with each movement as if sculpted by the gods themselves. Droplets of water glistening on his dark hair like diamonds in the fading light.
Traitorously, your cheeks burn as you step closer, desperately trying to rip your gaze from the milky abs peeking out and the tantalizing glint of metal winking so sinfully at you under the sun.
So he does have nipple piercings.
God, you have to get your mind out of the gutter.
As you approach, Choso’s grin widens, a playful sparkle dancing in his eyes. Without hesitation, he scoops up a large water balloon and takes aim, launching it with frightening accuracy in your direction.
The icy water hits you before the realization, and you squeal in surprise as the balloon connects right with your chest, seeping into your shirt. Glancing down with a startled laugh, you realize a moment too late that your once-pristine white shirt is now completely see-through. 
Heat rushes to your cheeks, but the damage has been done. Smug bastard, you think, glancing up at Choso, slightly red-faced yet wearing a sly grin as he surveys the aftermath of his well-aimed shot.
“Shoulda just told me if you wanted a peak, you lecher. This shirt was expensive, y’know.” you call out, mock-glaring at the man that stood so infuriatingly beautifully in front of you.
Choso throws his head back in a laugh that makes something tingle all the way down from your toes to your burning cheeks. “Maybe you shoulda just kept your guard up, sweetheart,” 
You scoff, “Maybe you should stop being a distraction then.”
His grin widens, reaching for another nearby water balloon, “S’not my fault you’re so easily distracted. No need to be a sore loser.”
“Oh, it’s on now.”
“Well, well, looks like we have a new contender in the water war,” Choso remarks mischievously to the kids, gesturing towards you. Yeah, really smug bastard.
Ah, what the hell. This shirt was on sale anyway.
Now, Choso knows you’re hot - always has.
Ever since that first day he moved in next door, when he stumbled upon you sunbathing in your backyard wearing that sinful bikini. And, well, after hours of moving boxes upon boxes of Yuji’s dumbbells, the mere sight of you was like the gates of heaven spread wide open for him. 
But, especially now - all drenched and disheveled. Your shirt sticking to your curves like a second skin in all the ways that should be illegal - and also makes some strange part of him slightly jealous. Beaming smile directed right at him - shit, this might as well just be the final nail on his coffin. Death by you.
Amidst the chaos and confusion, you're a force to be reckoned with. Choso can barely tear his eyes off of you, breathless and victorious in pure adrenaline-fueled bravado, declaring “Beg for mercy and I’ll let you off easy, Choso.”
“Kinky, but absolutely not, sweetheart.”
Clutching a particularly large water balloon, raising your hand high high high - hurtling it straight at him with an unapologetic smirk, “Then, better run for your life.”
Oh? Maybe Choso was a masochi- what was that- 
A flash of his favorite lacy pink, your poor buttons faltering at the sheer force of your throw. Choso doesn’t even feel the cold splash! square on his chest as he’s drenched icily from head to toe. Too transfixed.
Too focused on trying not to make it obvious he’s mentally calculating the chances of your shirt coming off altogether…
Eyes locked on the sliver of soft skin peeking out at him. Only registering you and the traitorous rush of heat flooding his cheeks - and his cock - as he averts his gaze, internally smacking himself for letting his thoughts wander into such dangerous territory. 
Both thanking and cursing the gods above, Choso realizes with a pang that he’s not just screwed, he’s absolutely twisted, tangled, and tied up in knots.
So utterly screwed, in fact, that he probably needs to make a quick run to the bathroom now.
Like, right now.
With a muttered excuse of a bathroom break, each step more urgent than the last, Choso can’t help but wonder if the water balloon incident was some sort of cosmic punishment for his wandering thoughts. Some divine intervention from his ancestors for being such a pussy around you all these years.
And as he slams that bathroom door closed, bunches his pants bunched underneath his heavy balls, and takes his throbbing cock in his hands, Choso thinks he might just see the gates of heaven - well, at least he’ll be able to give his ancestors a piece of his mind there.
With a groan, he leans against the closed door, eyes scrunching shut as he takes his swollen cock in his fist. Leaking hot precum and glistening in the dim bathroom light. He grips the base tightly, pulsing and achingly hard for you. 
Cold rings searing against his skin, Choso wastes no time - wanting to get this over with and join you again more than anything - starting up a hasty, desperate pace up and down his length that makes his knees buckle. Tighter on the base, just teasing his furiously flushed tip. Pink. Pink to match your bra.
With you so sinfully soaked through, wearing that goddamn lacy bra out there, Choso wasn’t as strong a man to possibly get you out of his mind. He can’t help but imagine your sultry smile, how it would look wrapped around his cock. 
Arm straining now, a shiver runs down his spine - all the way to his throbbing erection. “Shit.” he breathes, “J-jus’ like that, sweetheart.” 
Head only filled with you, and your lips and you-
He milks his base tighter - would you take him all in one go? Look up at him with those beautiful, teary eyes as you choke around his cock? 
One hand pulls in urgent, jerky little moves that have his hips bucking into his fist. The other reaches up muffle the fucked out moans leaving his swollen lips. God, it would take everything it had in him to not fuck up into your pretty lil’ mouth. Watch you cock-drunk and taking him so well. 
Or maybe…
Eyes rolling to the back of his head, Choso fights back a groan as he reaches a hand up to teasingly thumb under his slit. Delicate beads of precum dripping onto the cold tile with a deafening drip! drip! drip! Smearing at the way he rubs maddening little circles under that one spot, grazing his sensitive veins. 
Maybe you’d be a a fucking tease - run your tongue under his pulsing head so agonizingly slow. Knowing you, you’d probably pull away as soon as he bucks his hips into your mouth. Lips swollen and glossed prettily with his precum as you whisper, “Now now, baby. If you don’t act like a good boy then you won’t get to cum~”
“Sh-shit, hah-” Choso thinks he’s going insane, he can practically hear your hums as you kiss along his length, tongue darting out to trace his throbbing veins so obscenely. Flicking at his sensitive head. Eyes sparkling - ready to positively devour him. 
All for him. 
It’s too much. 
“Ah- Ngh, fuck.” he moans hoarsely, letting out a low, fucked-out little call of your name. “More. Need m-more, sweetheart.” 
Body shuddering violently, sweat dripping from his brow, Choso’s thighs quiver as he fucks his fist at an almost-animalistic pace. Chasing his release with reckless abandon. 
Choso’s heart pounds wildly in his chest as he tries - and fails - to maintain control. Raspy whines of your name escape through the crevices of his fingers, cracking ever-so-slightly in a way he knows he’d be embarrassed about if he was in a better state of mind. 
Giving up his futile attempt, long fingers snake down below to cradle his balls in a way he knows you’d do better. Tugging and pulling at a jerky rhythm that matches his hand. 
Some tiny, practical part of his brain hopes - prays - that you won’t call off the water fight early and come up to check on him. He knows he should hurry up, he knows he’s fucked if you ever found out. Shit, he should bake you apology cookies tomorrow.
But fuck are so you perfect for him. Voice so pretty and eyes so warm as you turn your gaze to his undeserving self. He’d kill to see if you still look at him that way when - if - he absolutely ruins you.
Would you be able to take all of him? Would you pout adorably until he shoves his dick down your throat? Gagging as he hits the back of your throat over and over - oh how Choso would love to mess up your mascara. He’d fucking tattoo your lipstick stains on his dick if he could. 
“Cum f’me, baby.” you’d mewl, and shit would he burn down this entire world to hear you call him that. “Mm, fill me up with your cum, wan’ taste you, baby-”
“Fuck,” he curses again, voice thick with need, and tight balls twitching so sensitively. “Fuck...fuck fuck fuck. M’gonna cum- shit- gonna cum, sweetheart.”
You - all see-through white shirts and lacy bras that drive him wild. Giggling with the audacity of someone who isn’t making him slowly lose his sanity. You with prettily lips painted white with his seed. Cum and saliva mixing into a lewd pool on the sterile tile as you suck the soul out of him. 
And then he’s cumming. 
A raw, drawled-out keen of your name and he’s spilling into his fist. Thick, hot spurts of cum that paint his palms white in a way he wishes he could do to you. And behind his closed eyes all he sees is you - you you you-
You, dragging out his orgasm so torturously, lips decorated with his seed, dribbling down to your lacy pink bra, gushing so lewdly down your ready throat. You with your eyes dazed, lips swollen and quirking up into a fucked-out smile as he does so well for you - cumming, all for you.
You, with your wide eyes and disgust on your face as you realize just what he’d been doing on this suspiciously long “bathroom break”.
Body still twitching with the shockwaves of probably one of the Top 5 orgasms of his life, Choso all but collapses against the bathroom door, panting heavily, utterly spent. For a moment, he lies there, wondering if this is what heaven truly felt like.
But as the euphoria of his high ebbs away into nothing but mere tingles, a slight wave of nausea crashes over him. 
Sighing, Choso reaches for the paper towels, ready to clean up his mess. If only you were there to milk him dry then he wouldn’t have to-
God, he was definitely baking you apology cookies tomorrow. 
Now, when it started drizzling shortly after Choso left, you took it upon yourself to usher the kids back home and hand over his t-shirt personally like the good samaritan you are - out of the goodness of your heart, of course. 
Not for any reason whatsoever because you were hoping to get at least one more glimpse of those sinful nipple piercings up-close.
Okay, perhaps there was a slight ulterior motive involved. 
Either way, what you’d expected was for a flash of silver as you handed over his drenched t-shirt. Or maybe that familiar easy smile to warm you up from the icy water.
Literally anything but to find yourself frozen outside the bathroom door, cunt dripping, and ears ringing with the muffled echoes of his pornographic groans.
At first, completely mortified, your fight or flight instinct had kicked in as you realized just what those rhythmic, fucked-out little grunts meant. Only for you to choose neither option - staying rooted to your spot with the utterance of one, simple, word - your name.
Confusion whirls in your mind almost as much as the throbbing in your cunt, knees weakening. Heart thumping louder and louder in your ears at each whine of your name. Shivers running down your spine - all the way to your wet cunt as it really sets in that this was Choso. And he was fucking his fist in your bathroom. To you.
And you didn’t mind?
In fact, you find yourself leaning against the door, thighs squeezing together - mere inches away from where you imagined him slumped against it. Soft strands sticking to his forehead, cock hot and heavy, aching for release. Ragged breathing as if caught off guard by the intensity of his own pleasure. Broken whispers of your name leaving him over and over-
Really, you know you should give him your privacy. But if the white-hot ropes of pleasure running up your spine are anything to go by then, well, is it really that bad?
You have half the mind to just reach down down down - just a little release. Almost jealous of Choso-
You’re sure you could rival Usain Bolt with the way you ran down those stairs. Cheeks flaring, his damp t-shirt still clutched tightly in your hand. Mind racing with only one thought - this little fuck wanted you just as badly as you wanted him.
You can barely remember what transpired after your little discovery. You couldn’t decide who looked more dazed - you or Yuji, who was being practically dragged out that front door as Choso exited hastily with vague mentions of baking and cookies
And in the ringing silence that followed after that front door slammed, you couldn’t help the smirk that found itself onto your face. This was going to be fun.
But if there’s anything you’ve learned about Choso - it’s that even after twenty-something years on planet Earth, that man can not take a hint.
You somewhat had an inkling after the fifth time you decided to sunbathe in just a skimpy bikini at exactly when you knew he’d be watching. Well, you might not have gotten any reaction other than an extremely flushed face at the window, but at least you knew he’d have more very fun bathroom breaks.
Hell, one time you even bought ice lollies for the whole house - but especially Choso. Making sure those dark eyes followed every lick and trail of it dripping down your fingers under the scorching summer sun. Ultimately resulting in nothing more but a heavy gulp and for his ice lolly to hit the grass faster than it could even begin to melt. 
Ugh, should you get your brother to start another water fight? That went down well last time. 
It’s only after another failed attempt at trying to get him alone and a few hours of deliberating whether you should ship your interrupting brother off on a cruise too that you realize you have to get out the big guns.
“The big guns” being stealthily organizing a sleepover for your brother at the Itadoris, then inviting Choso over for a movie night. Simple, right? And, well, if anyone asked, you could just say the movie just so happened to be rated R. 
It wasn’t too hard to convince your brother that a sleepover with Yuji would be the best thing since sliced bread. The excitement in his voice palpable as he agreed, not suspecting a thing.
You just didn’t think it would be even easier to convince Choso to come over with a simple playful text of “Netflix no chill. Haha jk…unless?” But then again, when has Choso not surprised you?
And that night, as your brother eagerly headed off to Yuji’s place, you couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of guilt - but, hey, it was for a good cause, right? 
It’s a win-win either way - your brother gets to spend the night with a friend and you get to be here, so achingly close to Choso on that couch. So close that you could feel the heat radiating off of him, stealing glances at his sharp profile as the conversation flows easily about the movie playing on screen.
Shifting ever-so-slightly closer, electricity crackling between you two was palpable. You smile in anticipation, after all - you weren’t lying about the movie being rated R.
Now, Choso certainly didn’t come over to your house tonight expecting a wholesome rerun of Cars 2. However, he also wasn’t expecting the blockbuster action movie to suddenly unfold into something so steamy.
Goddamn lecherous directors and their goddamn pervy movies.
Eyes firmly trained on the ground, instead of the actress currently fake-moaning dramatically onscreen, Choso tries to ignore the subtle shift of your hips or the way the temperature in the room has currently increased by about 10 degrees. Or the way your moans would sound a million times prettier in his ears.
Alas, Choso was not a strong man, and he especially tries to will away the blood rushing straight to his cock right now - but how could he? You were such a vision of temptation, so close and warm and close to him on the couch.
This was absolute torture. 
“God, this is so painfully fake. Don’t you think so?” your voice rips through the deafening silence between you two, tone careful and balanced, startling Choso out of his little reverie.
His eyes flicker hastily to meet yours, and for a moment, he seems caught off guard by your sudden interruption. “Oh, yeah.” voice rough with a hint of nervousness. “I’ve seen better performances in middle school plays.”
You nod, the tension between you thickening as you lock eyes. “I mean, who even writes this stuff?” you continue, leaning in even closer to Choso, words positively dripping in sarcasm. “It’s like they’ve never actually had sex before.”
Choso lets out a shaky laugh, the sound strained as he shifts subtly in his seat - but not subtly enough. Because you catch the way he desperately tries to adjust his now-uncomfortably tight pants. Success. 
“Yeah, exactly,” he clears his throat, ripping his gaze away from yours.
You study him for a moment under the dim lighting, noting the way his hands clench and unclench in his lap, the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he struggles to control his breathing. He was nervous. Nervous and horny - exactly where you wanted him. 
A sudden rush of adrenaline courses through your veins, and you lean even closer to the man. Not even a hair’s breadth between you two - you relish in his strangled gasp as your tits press so enticingly against his arm. 
“Choso, just a thought.” you hum casually, lips mere inches from his ear. “Wanna recreate the scene better?”
His breath hitches at your words, muscles rippling so deliciously beneath your touch. “Do you know what you’re saying?” he rumbles, lowly. Eyes darkened and unreadable.
You smile, heart pounding against your chest as your lips brush against his earlobe. “Absolutely.”
It was like something snapped.
Because then he’s kissing you. And you’re kissing him. Because goddammit you haven’t spent the last month sneaking glances at those pretty lips for nothing.
Movie completely forgotten, Choso is warm under your touch - all sculpted chest and urgent pulses as his lips kiss you dizzyingly. Groaning lowly as your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer.
He breathes you in with an infectious desperation that bleeds into his hands, wandering every inch of your skin - as if he didn’t have enough time. And he probably didn’t. Distantly, Choso thinks that no time in the world would be enough to absolutely fucking wreck you the way he wanted to.
Large, hurried hands grope your chest, squeezing so teasingly in a way that almost made you think he was trying to feel out what bra you were wearing - lacy pink. His favorite, of course.
You minx.
Urgently tugging the hem of your tight shirt over your arms, Choso tosses it god-knows-where. Mouth watering as he pulls away to greedily take in the heavenly view of your heaving chest - the same one he’s shamelessly fucked his fist to for too long.
God, you were perfect. With a soft, little oh! Choso leans down to leave hot, open-mouthed kisses on every bit of exposed skin he could reach. Nipping, and tugging lightly. Relishing in the way you whine for his lips again.
Threading a hand through his soft hair, you lightly pull him back to you. Breath fanning his face, lips ghosting over his own.
“Kiss me, you fool.”
And, well, Choso didn’t have to be asked twice. Molding his mouth against yours once more. Letting your lips part, you intertwine your tongue so sinfully with his. He tastes just like he looks - so intoxicatingly delicious.
With a breathy sigh, he lightly taps the curve of your ass. Hands lingering for far longer than necessary, kneading the flesh in a way that has your skin searing. 
You get the signal. Urgently, you loop your legs around his waist. “Choso- bed.” you whisper, muffled in-between kisses. “Now.”
Shivers run down your spine at the way he chuckles darkly, “Honestly, sweetheart. I don’t even hah- know if we’ll make it there.” Mumbling against your lips, “Would you kill me if I take you right here right now?”
“I’ll kill you if you don’t fucking do something.” you hiss, words dripping in desperation. Ah, but Choso, ever the merciful man, shuts up whatever other retort on the tip of your tongue with his own. Kissing you with almost-bruising intensity as he gets up from his seat. Strong arms securely wrapped underneath you, holding you flush against his warm skin.
Choso doesn’t pull away even once as he hastily makes the route to your room. And honestly, with the speed at which your back hits the soft mattress, bouncing at the sheer force at which you two fell on top, you wouldn’t even be surprised if he teleported there.
Now safely in the confines of your room, you all but rip off Choso’s snug t-shirt. Those familiar obscene nipple piercings winking at you under the dim lighting in greeting. 
“Always wanted to do this.” you murmur, surging forward as if on autopilot. Lips latching delicately onto the pretty pink nipples, tasting the cold metal on your tongue. 
“Oh- oh, fuck. A-always knew you had a thing hah- f’my piercings, sweetheart.” Choso breathes out, letting you have your fun. His favorite bra now at the foot of your bed. Fingers deftly sneaking under your skirt, blood rushes straight to his cock as he feels the positively soaked state of your panties - if you could even call them that. 
Sanity snapping, he immediately flings off your skirt. Throwing it somewhere across the room with no care or concern for where it ends up. All so he could look down at oh-
Oh god, if you had to describe Choso’s face as he takes in the sight before him - it would be absolutely losing his sanity. Your pussy dripping and clenching around nothing - all for him.
Strings of slick trail down your thighs as Choso hooks one, long finger under your slutty g-string, tugging impatiently.
You keen as the cold air hits your dripping cunt. Yet Choso’s eyes stay locked hungrily on the sticky fabric intertwined around his fingers “Guess you were expecting this, huh?” he murmurs, voice thick with desire. 
Scoffing, you buck your hips up for something - anything. “I’ve been wanting to fuck you since that first night I hit on you, y’know,” you admit, the heady air of your room melting away any reservations you had previously. 
And that seems to snap Choso out of his trance - eyes flickering over to you, darkened with something so carnal that it makes your cunt throb. “Oh yeah?” he mumbles, swiftly stuffing the g-string in his pocket before leaning down, hot breath hitting your ear. “Now, what was that pick-up line you were gonna say that night?” 
You gasp in embarrassment, heat flooding to your cheeks at the memory. “Wha- that doesn’t matter. I was drunk and-”
The delicious sting on your ass hits you before the realization that Choso smacked you. He smacked you. Even later do you realize that you like it - slick beading so obscenely at your sloppy hole.
“What was it, sweetheart?”
You shudder at the tone that leaves no room for argument. The words tumbling out of you as Choso caresses soothingly over the handprint on your ass. “I- it’s stupid. I was gonna say that I’m down to sit on your face, baby.”
“Thought so,” he grins, pulling away from the dizzying proximity. Shifting - well, more like manhandling - you to flip positions. 
God, you could almost sink into his muscles as he lays back on your bed. Voice low and dangerous as he utters words that go straight to your dripping pussy, “Now, sit on m’face.”
And before you know it, you find yourself hastily straddling Choso’s pretty face. Hands snaking down his milky abs, lips kissing along his tattoos, catching purposefully on his sensitive nipples. 
Warm breath fanning your quivering cunt, he reaches up to cup your ass, nudging your needy core to his mouth. Kneading. Groping. 
Not stopping his ministrations even when your slick oozes slowly, torturously through your swollen folds and onto his awaiting tongue. A maddening drip! drip! drip! ringing in your ears above your thundering heartbeat.
Choso groans at the mouthwatering sight above him. You - spread so shamefully open for him and clenching around nothing. 
“Luckily for you, sweetheart, wanted you to sit on m’face ever since I saw you.” sweet juices flowing down his throat, words muffled against your throbbing lips. 
He barely even gets the words out before he’s surging forward. Licking a long, languid stripe up your heated folds. Again. And again. Faster at the pretty moans that spill from your lips.
Pushing his tongue in between your slit, past that first, tight ring of muscle. Bullying it deeper and deeper. Chin pressing against your throbbing clit, ravaged at each movement of his face. 
He caresses your warm walls, relishing so filthily at the way you clamp down on him in surprise. “Hngh- oh shit, baby. Ah-”
Your sweet moans are music in his ears and shit - you called him “baby”. It’s as if every wet dream he’s ever had has come to life as Choso dips in and out at a ruthless pace. Pulling out to tease your dripping entrance, pushing past mercilessly into your plushy walls. In and out in and out in and out-
His cock strains so painfully against his pants at the way your sloppy hole sucks his tongue in so obscenely - almost as if it hurts to part. Tongue fucking you the way he wishes he could with his cock right now.
“Oh- Hah- Choso! Fuck, baby. S’good.” your body arches into his absolutely depraved tongue. 
Desperate whines spilling incessantly from your mouth at the way he quirks his tongue up just right to graze that spot he knew would have you grinding down on him for more. “Ah! Right there - jus’ like that!”
As if he knew exactly how to drive you wild. Exactly how to break you. You almost don’t notice the mindless, shallow little thrusts of his hips into your open palm. Almost.
Eyes snapping open at the tremors, you reach a hand across his quivering thighs. All the way down towards the very obvious dark patch on his pants - right where his furiously hard tip was leaking thick, relentless precum that made your mouth water. 
Oh, how you’d kill to taste him - see if the rest of him is as intoxicating as his mouth is.
So you do. 
Choso was so pussy-drunk in-between your thighs that you think he barely notices the way you fumble with his belt. Shakily pulling those pants down just enough to glimpse the rock-hard erection that those boxers do nothing to hide. 
“Shit,” you whisper, voice strained with need. 
You always imagined Choso had a big cock - but this was ridiculous. Your pussy clenches in both nervousness and anticipation as you imagined the delicious stretch of him splitting you apart on it. Breaking you. 
And that’s probably when Choso notices - you clamping down so filthily on his tongue. 
“Oh?” he rasps, voice sending white-hot vibrations of pleasure right up your spine. “Didn’t think you were so desperate for my cock, sweetheart. Gon’ make me cum, hm?”
Now, you’ve always thought of yourself as a woman of action rather than empty words. Which is probably why you urgently pull down his boxers. Choso’s painfully hard erection springs out, hitting his lower abs. 
You take a moment to admire the long, heavy cock in your hands - a deliciously pretty pink on top, furiously leaking glistening precum. Saliva pooling in your mouth - you shove it as far down your throat as you possibly could. 
Oh, how many times in his life has Choso imagined this moment right here. In the shower, right before bed, right after waking up too. You’re really a dream come to life. 
A startled, strangled moan of your name leaves Choso’s kiss-bitten lips as you take him all in one go. Only to pull back and spit once- twice on his throbbing cock. The steady stream of spit cool - followed so maddeningly by the warm heat of your mouth once more. You start up a torturous, filthy pace bobbing your head up and down on his cock.
He strains his head to catch a glimpse - even just one - of your nose pressed against his pelvis. Breathing in the heady scent at the tufts of hair at the bottom, already wet with precum and spit. His dirty girl. 
Popping off with a lewd squelch, “Feels good, baby?”
“Feels perfect.”
But he wasn’t gonna fall far behind.
Immediately attaching his lips with yours once more, Choso dives nose-deep in your dripping cunt. Rolling your throbbing clit in between his lips. Flicking his tongue along the sensitive bud in a way that makes your head feel so light. He alternates between a slow, languid torture on your clit and fucking into you unforgivingly.
Your movements stutter as you teasingly lick at his sensitive slit. The salty flavor of his precum is probably your favorite taste now. That bastard.
Reaching down, you cup his heavy balls, massaging the tender flesh in harsh, hasty circles that match your mouth down his length - up and down up and down up and-
Muffled moans and lewd squelching filling the heated room. A rhythmic, sinful cadence that both of you were losing your sanity to. Movements more frantic now. Desperate to make the other cum. Desperate to be first.
Letting out soft, raw grunts, Choso fucks up his throbbing erection into your mouth. Your eyes water as his tip abuses the back of your throat. And it makes you wish you could see how messy he looked right now. All smudged eyeliner and slick-glossed lips. 
Gagging around him, a mixture of drool and precum drips sinfully down the corner of your mouth as you increase your pace, pooling messily on his lower abs. Sloppy - so sloppy.
So it only made sense that your orgasms were the same. 
Pleasure dizzyingly overwhelming, you gush around Choso’s mouth with a stifled squeal. Stars behind your eyes, vision blurring, mind blanking - the only things you register being the languid tongue lapping up at your sweet juices and the guttural groan of what sounds like your name as Choso shoots thick, hot spurts of his cum down your throat. 
Throat burning as the salty taste fills your senses, you milk his cock for more more more- his dick pulsing and stuttering in your mouth. Cum staining the fresh sheets below - a problem for later. 
Right now all you were focused on was riding out your high, grinding almost animalistically on Choso’s pretty face. 
You’ve barely removed yourself from him with a lewd pop! before Choso’s wrestling you back onto the mattress. Two fingers squishing your cheeks into an embarrassing pout, cold rings digging into your skin. The other hand snaking in between your thighs to play with your still-twitching cunt. 
“Didn’t say we were done yet, sweetheart.” he mutters. You weren’t done - no, far from it. Because fuck a refractory period - both of you were going to take all you could get.
And before you can think of anything else, Choso is leaning down, hand prying your lips apart for him into a brutal kiss. Teeth clashing, lips bruising. He forces his tongue down your throat. Tasting himself before you barely get a chance to taste him as well. 
“Hah- fuck-” you flinch as he swears into your bruised lips. “So fuckin’ sweet. You taste so good sweetheart.” The sheer debauchery and ache of his cock too much for him. 
Tasting him. Tasting you. Both a heady flavor that leaves you yearning for more. 
You bite down on his bottom lip in retaliation, relishing in the drawn-out groan that rumbles into your mouth at this. The kiss is feral. It’s animalistic. It leaves you feeling so fucking dirty. 
And you barely recognise the dazed, predatory glint in Choso’s eyes as he pulls away, his mind clearly miles away as he spits once. Twice. Three times on your face.
The wads of saliva and cum hit your face with a warm, wet jolt. You whine at the way it seeps into your skin, dripping down your cheeks so fucking obscenely. Pooling at the sheets below in a way that makes you feel sorry for whoever had a shift at the laundromat tomorrow.
“Now, what do we say, sweetheart?”
A fucked-out, delirious smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you realize - yeah, you wouldn’t have it any other way. “Thank you.”
Not even when Choso lets out a dark chuckle, throwing your legs over his sculpted shoulders and manhandling you so that you’re splayed out so shamefully for him. Dripping cunt spread for his greedy gaze and clenching around nothing - aching for him. Begging for him.
Not even when he lines up his still-rock hard cock at your entrance, tip - angry and red - weeping so desperately as he nudges at your sloppy hole. Dragging his head along your folds collecting every bead of slick, just grazing your pulsing clit. Every muscle in your body trembling and anticipating what was to come.
You mewl at the stretch as he presses in - deliciously painful, boderling insane, and exactly what you wanted right now. Splitting you apart on his throbbing cock. 
And especially not when he bottoms out inside you in one, harsh thrust. Burying himself inside your sloppy walls till his twitching balls smack against your ass. 
“Ah- hngh- oh fuckkk.” you keen in both pain and pleasure - broken, raw moans leaving you uncontrollably. But not for long, because suddenly Choso’s shoving two ringed fingers in your mouth, bullying their way inside till you’re gagging and moaning around them. 
Pressing right at that spot on the back of your tongue that makes your eyes tear up so prettily. Hey, if he couldn’t see you choking on his cock properly, the least he could do is see you choking on his fingers, right?
“Now now, wouldn’t want anyone else to hear, hm? Our brother’s would get worried.” he chuckles. Pure, dark amusement in his eyes as he takes in your swollen lips, the teartracks down your cheeks, how utterly beautiful and debauched you look underneath him. So much better than any lust-hazed imagination of his.
And yet, even when you’re being gagged and split apart on his cock, you find it in yourself to be mouthy. Words muffled around his thick fingers as you raise a brow. “There’s no one else home, though?.”
The corners of Choso’s lips lift into a devilish grin, “The neighbors, sweetheart.”
His tone is teasing, but there’s an undercurrent of seriousness that sends a chill down your spine. He’s just joking, right? Right?
And probably because he was losing his patience - and partly to shut you up - Choso begins to move.
Pushing past the resistance, beginning to fuck into you in shallow, uncontrollable movements of his hips. Just little motions to get him off, groaning at how sinfully tight you were - the way you were sucking him up so good.
Next time, Choso thinks, reaching down a hand to draw tight, little circles on your poor, abused clit - next time he’ll fuck you right. Hours upon hours of teasing you so you don’t know what it feels like when you’re empty without him. 
But fuck does he think he could just about pass out right now.
There’s no going back now. Choso fucks you in a way that makes you feel so deliciously filthy. Plunging into your heated cunt with no restraint. Thrusts positively savage.
Pulling all the way back so that his leaking tip just barely kisses your sloppy entrance, slamming down down down, Choso fucks you at a merciless pace. Relishing the delicious stretch of your cunt as he thrusts into you with a desperation that surpasses the need for reason. 
“Sh-shit, sweetheart. God, s’tight. better than I ever could’ve imagined.” he moans breathlessly, brows furrowing, eyes rolling to the back of his head, the feeling of you milking the absolute soul out of him just too much.
“Oh, yeah- wanted this for so long-”
You yelp every time he rams his cock into you, the smacking of his toned pelvis against your thighs stinging almost as deliciously as his tip kissing your cervix. The obscene slapping of skin on skin makes your cheeks burn - both pairs as his heavy balls smack against your ass each time he shoves his throbbing cock into you.
And because you can’t leave him alone, of course, you find your nails digging harshly into his muscled shoulders. 
Pulling him impossibly closer. You want more. You need more. 
Maybe you say those words out loud - you don’t even know anymore, too delirious and cock-drunk from Choso and your last orgasm and Choso - because his eyes widen ever-so-slightly, mouth falling open into a small oh. Your cunt twitches at the surprised, fucked-out little laugh that leaves him,  “More? My sweetheart wants more?”
And, as you’ve come to learn with Choso - anything you want, you will get. 
“Then fucking- take it.” he grunts lowly, each word punctuated by a harsh thrust of into your plush walls that sends both of you spiraling deeper and deeper into insanity.
And God does he make you take it. Every inch of him fills you, stretching you beyond your limits - both your cunt and your senses as he leans down to bury his head into your neck, hips moving so sloppily, hiking your leg further up his shoulder. The change in angle making you see stars.
Your hips buck up in tandem with his, uncontrollable little ah! ah! ah! leaving you at each thrust. You whimper in pleasure and overstimulation into the heady room, “Yes. Yes yes yes- wan’ cum. Need more. Need you-”
“Fuck- Hngh-” is all he manages to gasp out, pleasure overwhelming his sensitive cock. Choso’s balls twitch almost painfully as they keep smacking your ass. Brain still not keeping up with his body because shit, this is all he’s wanted for years, the least he could do is make you cum before him.
“Sh-shit, sweetheart.” he rasps into your heated skin, “So close- m’ so close.”
You all but sob at his words, “M’too- hngh- ah, m’gonna cum, baby.”
You didn’t expect the petname to be what breaks him, but then again you didn’t think there was anything more left to break. Because Choso groans gutturally, cock twitching inside you “Shit, you’re driving m’crazy, y’know that?”
“I know.” you mewl, voice breaking at the way he increases his frenzied pace on your clit. You could barely even call them circles, just filthy little movements to get you closer and closer to the edge. So close. You writhe beneath him, desperate for release.
And what you didn’t expect was for Choso to connect his sweaty forehead with yours. You take a second to admire just how beautiful he is - all smudged eyeliner, tousled hair, your release still shining on the lower half of his face, and yours. All yours. You could probably stare at the sight forever.
Choso’s hot breath fans your face as he moans breathlessly against your lips, words slurring together as he ruts into you mindlessly, “Always did, y’know?”
“I know.”
“No- y’don’t hah- understand, I- for so long fuck- I-”
“Choso, just kiss me.”
And then you’re kissing him. And he’s kissing you like you’re the most precious thing on Earth. A slow, tender little dance that doesn’t match the way he rams his cock inside you. 
And then you’re cumming. Stars behind your eyes - or maybe those were tears - clamping down desperately on the harsh, jerky movements of his glistening cock that fuck you so sinfully like his little slut. 
White-hot pleasure runs down your spine, or maybe that was Choso - painting your insides the prettiest white you’ve ever seen. Shooting thick, hot ropes of his seed into your waiting pussy. A creamy ring forming around his base as he spills his cum into your snug cunt as he moans against your lips.
It’s messy. It’s sloppy. And as Choso fills you to the brim, hips still unforgiving, seed dribbling out of your dripping pussy at the way it was so overfilled - you think that it’s all you could ever want. 
As his cock twitches finally, exhaustedly - and you distantly wonder how the fuck it isn’t seizing up - Choso collapses onto you, thoroughly fucked-out. Finally pulling out with an obscene squelch, you hiss lowly at the pool of cum that forms beneath you. Gushing out of you sinfully. 
A weighty silence in the air as you both try to catch your breaths.
In the haze of your orgasm you realize that even after all that transpired, he still isn’t laying his full bodyweight on you.
Too afraid to break you.
To break whatever this tender little understanding in the air was.
And it makes some part of your heart clench so delightfully. Subconsciously, you thread a hand through his damp hair, breathing in that familiar smell of vanilla and sunshine - and the heady scent of something so Choso. It makes you intertwine your body so impossibly close with his, not knowing where one of you ends and the other starts.
“My parents are coming home tomorrow.” you start, casually. 
“Mhm. But I’ll still be around here, sweetheart.” Choso rumbles into the crook of your neck. Kissing soothingly over the marks he’d made in the heat of the moment - some carnal little part of him proud of the way you looked like you were fucking thrown to a pack of wolves. 
Words hiding a tense little fear beneath them as you probe further. Something prickly and scared rolling around in your stomach. “For babysitting?”
Settling deeper into the covers, basking in the afterglow of him. You know you should get up and clean, but right now this was all you wanted. And maybe no other words were needed. 
“God, am I glad your parents aren’t home.” 
Except maybe those. 
You chuckle as you pull back to stare into those deep, dark eyes. Cheeks flaring at the tender little warmth in them much more than they had when he was fucking you so sinfully. A devious idea coming to mind - because now that you got a taste, you were absolutely hooked.
Choso Kamo was absolutely intoxicating.
“Well, we still have time so how about-”
A distant click!
“Honey, we’re home~!”
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A/N. Fun fact this was originally supposed to be called Timeout! but it was giving too much me during beep test.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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tbko111 · 5 months
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
⊱ contents: yuta x fem reader, smut, noncon/dubcon, yandere, delusion, obsession, masturbation, stalking, virginity loss, mind break, creampie, manipulation, ⊱ wc: 2.6k ⊱ synopsis: There was just something about your friend Yuta that slowly urged you to let your guard down. Maybe it was his gentle nature, or his softspoken voice. Either way, you trusted him into your dorm room.
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Yuta has spent years of his life shying away from intimacy. Inevitably he has masturbated at times, but was never big on it. Once he entered high school – festering with amorous teenagers, he still didn’t give it much mind.
That was until he met you.
It started off small. Being quiet, people would find you hard to approach, but Yuta felt otherwise.
"You dropped this." you muttered, holding out an eraser. Yuta blinked for a moment, surprised to hear your voice for the first time. It was like honey – easy on the ears. It even made him wonder why you don’t talk more.
"Oh, thank you." he smiled.
You awkwardly smiled back. It was his first time getting a clear look at you, and he thought about it for the rest of the day. He only thought you were kind of pretty, nothing more. Or so he told himself; he was too convinced he wouldn't find love again.
But the two of you surprisingly shared a lot in common, easing into conversations over time. It started as a normal friendship, but love waits for no one, and he couldn't help but start to admire your every detail. Your every move, every habit, every word… so thoughtful and reserved. It was tantalizing. Only to this point you felt similarly, thinking he was intimidating at first but putting your guard down at his unexpectedly sweet and sensitive personality.
It was spring, just the right amount of breezy and students abustle over the romance in the air. You had known Yuta for quite some time now, being comfortable enough to give gifts - albeit not too forward.
After school, you remain seated as your classmates race eachother to the exit. Yuta takes note of this and stays back as well.
"Are you not going?"
You fidget, then reach into your bag.
"Here, you can have this." you held out a small box of cookies. Adorned with small flowers to complement the season. He stared for a moment before accepting it.
"You remembered my birthday?" Yuta beamed, touched. 
"Um... I just made too much yesterday." you chuckle, not daring to make eye contact. But he knew it was no coincidence. It was singlehandedly the best cookies he's had in his life, and he later lost sleep recalling your abashed face.
The more he got to know you, the stronger his feelings got. He wanted to know more. To feel more. You would only offer small joking pokes, or touch him accidentally which were always followed by apologies. He would calm his beating heart secretly wishing you wouldn't pull back all the time.
In the dead of summer, the two of you sat in front of a convenience store. Licking your ice cream carefully, you looked to the side to see Yuta blush and turn away. You suddenly grow embarrassed of the display, and cover your mouth.
"You want some too? I have change." you glance at him gingerly, trying to ease the air.
"What? Oh. No, I'm fine." Yuta lets air in through his collar, quickly looking away again. Something tells you he's not this worked up from the weather.
That night he touched himself for the first time in ages.
"Hahh... Y/n... Y/n... Y/n..." 
Yuta mumbles to himself, twitching at his own touch. He rubs his length up and down with thoughts of you playing in his head like a movie. Your gaze, your voice, your everything, how you'd look so pretty with your lips wrapped around his cock, and how you'd look when he finally gets to fuck you and see your face melt into a pleasured mess, all for him.
"Fuck..." he inhales, climaxing at the thought.
Eventually, unable to get his mind off of you, he would steal small belongings as mementos of you, even touching himself with your handkerchief. It felt like a crime. This is wrong. I'm sick. He tried to tell himself, but as if in withdrawal from a drug, he'd cave into ogling you at every chance. No girl has made him feel this way before.
Pleasure finally overtook his guilt over fantasizing such vile things. He'd follow you at night "Just to make sure you're safe", and always keep an eye on you. He didn't have to worry about seeming creepy to you; he was all too good at putting up a front. To the point you only ever saw him as a kind friend, nothing more.
You've grown a soft spot for him and he didn't mind taking advantage of it. Yuta had always been nothing short of generous, but even he had his limits. Especially when it came to such an insatiable need.
By the time you trusted him, your every kind gesture became an indicator that you must like him back, justifying everything under that pretense.
It was winter before you knew it – roughly a year since you've met Yuta. You offered to do homework at your dorm room, and his pulse nearly stopped at the suggestion. He tried to sound casual, agreeing a little too quick.
"Come in, there's not much to see, but..." you welcome him in, taking off your shoes. He breathes in, almost going lightheaded from how your scent surrounds him.
You take off your coat, then your school blazer, the dress shirt framing your figure with more definition making him gulp and turn away.
Unloading your things and settling down, you help eachother with questions within the warmth of your room. There's about an hour of silent working – though it takes everything in Yuta to focus, until you stretch and groan complaining about the workload. One joke here and there turns into full procrastination as the two of you laugh quietly at trivial conversations.
At one point, you gently slap him on the arm, snapping what remained of his self-restraint. The giggles die down, and coming to your senses you find Yuta eyeing you shyly.
The room is falling dark. You hadn't bothered to turn on the lights, and the daylight was beginning to fade away.
He leans in, making you pull away just slightly. But he won't let you do that this time. You were so cute that rational thought was flying out the window. All he knew was that you both wanted this.
He swallows, then snakes his hand up the back of your head, leaning in until your lips meet. For a moment you’re resistless, frozen in shock. Soon you’re quick to push him away, feeling your face burning up.
“Wait, Yuta, I didn't know y-”
Yuta finds your shocked face cute, but soon grows impatient and coaxes you back with a groan. He might just die if he keeps his hands off for any longer.
"If you really don’t want it, you can bite my tongue." he breathes, not even giving you room to respond. He knows you wouldn't, anyway.
He starts off with a small kiss. Running one hand down your arm with the other caressing the side of your head. You gasp, allowing him to slide his tongue in – desperate to taste you. The wet sounds make your head reel, but of course you don't bite. Despite being reluctant, you can't bring yourself to hurt him. You only groan softly, and feel Yuta purr into you like he’s in heaven.
He keeps you in place with an alarming amount of authority. The kiss grows hot and sloppy. It’s hard to think as he lifts you with surprising ease and lays you on your bed - conveniently close to your floor desk due to lack of space. He finds his way atop of you, one knee resting comfortably between your legs. You try to push away for air, and he lets you, only to start kissing your neck and down.
“Ah… Yuta, what-” your voice wobbles.
He shifts to loom over you completely, breathing erratic and needy. He continues to leave marks, feeling your body as if dying to memorize it by touch. Despite every alarm in your head going off, you don't want to believe that Yuta is a threat.
The affirmation is cut short when you jolt at the feeling of him unbuttoning your top.
“W- Wait!”
Yuta had held back for too long. He's been nothing but good to you. He deserved this – you deserved this. Having none of you was endurable, but just a taste was never going to be enough. All he got from your protests was that you were just shy. How cute.
“I’m sorry, I need you. I’ll make you feel good, I promise…” he’s murmuring, telling himself that more than anything.
He opens your shirt delicately, revealing your bra, and your arms fly up to cover yourself.
He steadily casts them aside to awe at your figure. His gaze lingers for uncomfortably long with bated breath.
“You’re so…” he trails off, lovestruck.
Your eyes meet his, and you can't help but look away. You've never let anyone see you so vulnerable before. He dips his head down to continue tasting your neck, and you feel him fumble to remove your bra. You tug at his clothes in place of asking him to stop, but it only tempts him more.
He finally removes it and puts it aside, shaking slightly at the sensation of your bare breast. Starting off with just his fingertips, he grows greedy and kneads them, carefully, as if you’re made out of glass. He’s nice as always – misleadingly so. You groan and pull your legs together as he teases your nipple, and grabbing his wrist with your weakened arms proves useless. 
His hand travels down your body, each touch torturously tender.
A finger hooks on your now semi-unzipped skirt and stockings, undressing you like you're a precious gift. Yuta timidly runs his fingers over your panties, a grin creeping on his face at the dampness.
You feel your heart drop as you sense him undoing his pants. You look down with wide eyes to see him pull out his length. Being inexperienced, just the thought of that entering sent a foreboding chill down your spine.
“No...” You're too scared to even raise your voice.
Yuta sighs shakily, face flushed.
“Stop being such a tease. You’re killing me…”
His rough yet pretty hand pulls down your garments slowly, making you attempt to draw your thighs together at the sudden airflow.
He lines himself up to your entrance, and you curse yourself for being wet. You try to shrink back, but gasp when he holds you by the waist, lifting you slightly for better access. His tip pokes your slit, making you shudder and stifle a sob. Even now, you can’t bring yourself to slap him, or scream.
Yuta isn’t a bad person.
You shake your head, hands firm on his arms to no avail.
He marvels at the sight, in a trance.
“I’ll be gentle.”
“No, Yuta, don’t-!”
You cut yourself off with a guttural shriek as he forces himself in, inch by inch. You gasp for air as you claw at your sheets fruitlessly.
He takes a moment to settle, groaning as your muscles contract frantically.
“Ahh… oh, god, you feel even better than I thought…” Yuta tilts his head back, screwing his eyes shut in bliss.
To your dismay his cock goes even deeper, until you can feel him in your stomach. You gasp for air, moaning pathetically as every nerve screams for help.
"Mngh, no, i- it hurts-"
Yuta groans, getting even more turned on.
The pretty sight of you twitching around him alone threatened to make him cum right then and there.
"It's okay. I'll go slow..."
He starts moving, painstakingly slow. Somehow, him being so gentle is worse than being forceful. You’re left with no choice but to fully suffer through every little sensation.
Even as he goes at a leisurely pace, you can't help but fight back tears. It's also torturous for him, but for different reasons. He cares about you too much to fuck you as brutally as he'd like.
There are only timid movements for a long while, until he gradually picks up speed, and your legs are on the verge of giving up already.
"You're so pretty." He mumbles.
You cover your face, unable to answer. Your lip is bitten to suppress shameful noises, but the crude fill in your stomach makes your jaw weaken.
Your mouth hangs open, and soon the room fills with lewd noises as he continues to shower you with affection. He babbles barely coherent compliments, kissing your neck. He winces slightly at your tightness, clenching around him with all your life.
“Relax for me.”
You sputter into your arms. You're a moaning, flinchy mess and your legs shake like a leaf as he loses himself in you – slowly going faster and harder.
"...Let me see your face."
You groan, unrelenting, but the way his eyes bore into you has you complying meekly. He leers, pleased with the display.
"Look at you… you love me. You take me so well."
His familiar smile almost convinces you that nothing is wrong.
"Say it. I wanna hear it from you."
He bucks his hips in deep, going almost fully in and out, earning violent twitches followed by helpless moans. It's music to his ears.
As you very slowly ease into the feeling, what remained of your fighting spirit diminishes as his cock fills you just too right, involuntarily arching your back. Your sounds grow more harmonic as euphoria washes over your body.
He whispers breathily, pleading so weakly in spite of the power he has over you.
"I love you..." you drawl, barely words at all. Your once pained face is now melted in pleasure; pupils blown and eyes barely open.
Yuta smiles, sickly sweet.
"Good girl, I love you too. I love you so much. I'm yours..."
His dark eyes make you shudder as he looks at you - looking almost coy as if having his nervous first kiss and not fucking you into your own bed. You feel high as he continues to thrust into you using your waist as a handle. His kind voice and affectionate teasing with his thumbs contrasts all else.
Feeling every sense overstimulate, sinful moans freely escaping your mouth, you weakly reach out to hold him.
"Ahh, Yu..."
“You feel so good, I- fuck,”
Yuta curses under his breath – you never even thought he was capable. But neither did you of this whole situation.
You're no longer in control of what kind of vulgar face you may make. You feel burning ecstasy build up inside, until you’re dangerously close.
"Mngh- Yuta...! I can't, I..."
"Shh, I got you." 
His sweet voice hypnotizes you to relax, not even letting you register the gravity of him cumming inside. His breath hitches harshly and the grip on your waist tightens, as if to say you're not going anywhere.
Your eyes roll back, feeling him paint your walls white. You feel his cock so clearly, you're convinced you've memorized its shape. Your body shudders in pleasure and in that moment, you truly are convinced he's the love of your life.
“Ah… mmn… ugh,”
You lay twitching in place, small moans emitting as you breathe. You can hardly even remember where you are.
He stays inside for moments longer, savoring the moment. You tighten instinctively as he pulls out slowly with a cute smile plastered on his face.
“You’re amazing.'' He's breathless, either from the sex or breathtaken by you alone. He kisses you, stroking your hair lovingly.
And you can’t help but kiss back.
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♡ ao3
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rinhaler · 7 months
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𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
would you fuck your high school bully if you got set up on a blind date with him? if he was hot, probably, right?? ... right?
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.    ✧. ┊ ex bully!rensuke kunigami x f!reader
Genre: porn with a plot Notes: a concept that has rotted my brain for weeks now. ty to @chososdoll for beta reading as per ♡ Warnings: 18+, alcohol consumption, pro player!kunigami, pleasure dom!kunigami, consent check, overstimulation ♡, multiple orgasms (duh!), pussy eating ♡, fingering, slight nipple play, dumbification, size difference, vaginal sex, dacryphilia ♡, enemies to lovers?, pool sex ♡, skinny dipping, morning sex ♡, wake up blowjob, shush kink?, praise, reader has pubes! (landing strip), calls your pussy 'she', bullying mention, pet names (baby, princess). Words: 15.1k
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“This seems a little…”
“Sad.” you laugh, repositioning yourself on the couch beside your best friend as you watch your fourth horror film of the evening. She tuts, but not before gesturing that she needed a refill on her wine. So, you reach over to the side table and start taking off the lid for her. “I don’t know. It feels a bit desperate, no?”
“No!” Maisie objects.
She can’t remember the last time she heard you gush about a guy. And honestly, neither can you. It’s been forever since you went on a date. And it’s been even longer since you got laid. You shake the thought away as you pour the red liquid into her empty glass.
You’re happy alone, for now, you think. It’s not like you feel lonely. Admittedly, it isn’t the best feeling when you have to listen to all of your friends talk about their date nights or cosy nights in with their partners. It isn’t the end of the world, though. Maybe happy is a strong word to describe how you feel.
You’re content being alone.
“I’m not saying you have to marry the guy,” she continues, lifting the wine to her lips when you finish filling her glass. “Just meet him. He’s so sweet, and he’s gorgeous!”
“You fuck him then!” you laugh. She takes the opportunity to flaunt her engagement ring that she hasn’t even had for a week yet. You roll your eyes, but laugh, grabbing her hand so you can examine it again. It is beautiful. Are you a bad friend? Because the stab of jealousy you suddenly feel is almost painful. “I’ve never been on a blind date. I didn’t even realise they were still a thing, why won’t you just show me him?”
“I promise he’s extremely sexy. Trust me, if I wasn’t engaged I’d definitely take him for a ride.” she giggles, and you laugh back at that. She has similar taste to you, so you’re sure you’ll feel the same way when you see him. It’s intimidating though. You’re putting complete faith in her that she won’t fuck you over. And then, you realise, you’re thinking about it as if you’ve already accepted. Maybe it’s a sign. You should just take the plunge. “I don’t want to tell you too much and spoil the fun, but—”
“I’ll do it.”
“Y- really?!” she wiggles a little closer to you in excitement, her wine sloshing in her glass as she approaches. “I’m gonna text him now! Eeeeeeek!” she squeals, putting her wine down and picking up her phone. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her fingers move so fast as she texts the mystery man.
You want to pry for more information, but you know her too well. She’s stubborn. And the blind date aspect for her is too exciting. There’s no use trying to get her to spill. Though it doesn’t stop you from attempting to extract even a slither of information.
“How do you know him?”
“He’s a client.” she pays you no mind, perfectly manicured fingers tap away at her phone as she formulates a text message.
You’re surprised, for multiple reasons. You hadn’t expected her to answer that truthfully, let alone with no hesitation. It came so easy for her to say; which means one of two things. Either, it’s true, or, she had a well-crafted lie prepared in case you asked that very question. But if it’s true… that’s interesting.
She’s a social media manager. And while her clients aren’t necessarily A-Listers, they aren’t exactly nobody’s, either.
“Oh my God, is he a footballer?” you smile, widely. She peers up from her phone and you find it hard to read her expression. She’s always had a good poker face, but you’ve known her long enough to recognise her tells. And when she licks her lips, you have your answer. “AH! Is he rich? Oh I bet he’s gorgeous, fuck, is he shredded? Like—”
“The horny jumped out!” she laughs, and you playfully hit her arm before laughing along with her. She doesn’t say anything else about it. Now, she is fully committed to the blind element of the date. “I’ll drop you off, I’ll tell him what you’re wearing so he knows it’s you. He said he’s free Thursday night, does that work?”
“Great! So 9PM on Thursday.”
“Um…” you hesitate. Fucking 9PM? You know you aren’t that old, you’re in your mid-twenties for crying out loud, but that seems very late. You’re usually tired by 10 o’clock. But you refuse to risk her chastising you for being boring. So, you suck it up with a beaming smile, “Perfect.” it almost hurts to say.
She claps, enthusiastically, before picking up her abandoned wine glass again. You’re both silent, fixated on the movie. But you spot Maisie out of the corner of your eye finish her drink in a hearty swig. You don’t comment, though, still trying your damnedest to focus on the movie. It’s too late, though, you’ve missed most of the plot since she started plotting and preparing your upcoming date. You don’t dare break the silence, though. She looks utterly engrossed.
However your own attempt at concentrating is thwarted when you hear her glass land a little too harshly onto her coaster. It doesn’t smash, thankfully, but you’re both staring at each other after that.
“I haven’t got a fucking clue what’s happening in this.” she admits, and you laugh, agreeing. “Let’s go plan your outfit for Thursday!” she suggests, throwing the blanket you’re sharing off her body before walking hastily to your bedroom.
This is so her.
She’s more excited for this date than you are.
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“Deep breaths, you look gorgeous!” she assures you, holding your hand as you squeeze it again and again to calm your nerves. “For what it’s worth, by the way, he’s my sweetest client. He’s really respectful and kind, a lot of them can be rude but he’s never been like that.”
“Yeah! He’s really understanding.” she nods, eagerly. “Do you want me to come in and wait with you?”
“No, um… c-can you wait and let me know when he’s coming in? Or, just be here in case I get stood up.”
“Don’t even think that, he’s excited! He’ll be here. I’ll drop him so fast if he does, but I know he won’t.” she assures you.
You take another deep breath before smiling at her. She reaches over to give you a hug. It’s a tight, reassuring squeeze that makes you feel better for a fleeting moment. She waves like a child when you step out of the car, and she wolf whistles before you close the door.
If nothing else, at least you look good. You both agreed that there’s nothing like a little black dress, and your high heels accentuate your legs. They clack as you stomp across the pavement. And when you realise your steps are in time with your heartbeat you think it wise to slow down.
As the entrance to the restaurant comes into view, you look down the street and give your friend one final wave. Though, really, it’s meaningless. You know as soon as you sit down you’ll pull your phone out and start texting her in a panic. The maître d’ welcomes you with a beaming smile, checking the reservation list for the booking strategically made under Maisie’s name.
Still so committed to the blindness of the date.
It’s sort of exciting to think he doesn’t know anything about you, either. Though it’s scaring you slightly that he could take one look at you and turn around. And you won’t know until it’s too late. You won’t know until you’re being pestered to order after telling the wait staff that your date hasn’t arrived yet several times.
They’ll have to be polite despite how humiliating it is to tell you that other patrons need to be seated and seen to and you’re wasting their time. You’ll have to swallow your pride and leave. You can’t possibly eat alone after shouldering such a burning humiliation.
Oh God.
You text Maisie. And your fingers tremble as you type out the message. Telling her that you cannot go through with this and that you’re about to leave. A barrage of texts come through as she tries to give you a pep talk. But your anxiety flares and your leg begins to bounce as you try and shake the nervous energy from it.
Part of you thinks it’s best to stay sober, but your body is screaming differently. One drink won’t hurt, you decide, ordering two glasses of wine in case your date ever turns up.
And then you remember who he is. Or who he might be. He’s a client of your best friend, the social media manager. He must have some level of fame to need that representation. You’re pretty sold on the idea that he is likely a footballer. And through this thought process you manage to relax, if only a little. If he’s famous, he could be busy.
You decide to offer him some grace.
Though you should have given him the time to be really late before you got so worked up. You’ve only been seated for three minutes, after all. It’s not like he’s stood you up for an hour. You decide you’ll give him fifteen minutes before you leave. That’s a suitable amount of time to be able to leave and not look really foolish.
Every person that enters makes your heart race. Is it him? Only to realise it’s a couple or a double date or a family party in tow. You check the time on your phone, nine minutes have passed. Your cheeks fill with air as you puff it out slowly through pursed lips.
YOU: he’s not coming. MAISIE MOO 🐮: dw he just called me! he was stuck in traffic!!! YOU: rly? MAISIE MOO 🐮: yah! should be there any minute, have fun 😉
Your heart rate intensifies again as you see a man walk through the entrance and close an umbrella as he greets the maître d’. It prompts you to look outside, the windows are practically black save for a few lights on in the buildings across the road. But your eyes focus on the fat raindrops and their white outlines as they roll down the glass. How didn’t you notice the sudden torrential downpour?
Even from your seat at such a distance from the entrance you can see how large and well defined his hand is as he shakes raindrops from his orange hair. The colour makes you shiver, but you bat it away. It’s him, it has to be him. He’s alone, after all. And you see the maître d’ smile in your direction.
Hell, he might be happier that he showed up than you are.
You hear him laugh, and it’s deep, as he’s guided into the restaurant. And you can’t help but smile as you see him. He’s handsome, very handsome, and he has such a positive energy beaming from him. His face seems warm despite being chilled by the wetness of the rain. There’s pink in his cheeks and at the tip of his nose as he continues to smile kindly.
And, really, you’re speechless.
He smiles so sweetly, you almost didn’t recognise him, as he takes his seat opposite to you. And he thanks you for the wine. His eyes betray him as he looks at you with optimism. You know him, you’ve always known him. Those amber eyes that you’ve never seen in another man again since him. They seem so kind, now.
But you know better.
While he knows nothing.
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting,” he grins, looking briefly over the menu. “I got stuck in traffic and then I had a hard time in the car park.” he laughs, his thumb indicating he’s referring to the multi-story car park down the road. The one notorious for its broken machines and confusing layout.
“Well, you’re here now.” you smile, weakly. Tipping the remaining contents of your glass until it flows between your lips. It goes down smooth and you almost feel it swim directly to your braincells, feeling slightly faint until your senses return to you again. You blink it away, and your eyes squint at him suspiciously. “Excuse me, I have to pee.” you tell him.
“Oh, sure.” he smiles. “Should I order for you if the waiter comes by? What would you like?”
“Are you paying or are we splitting the bill?” you wonder, taking his menu from his hand before he can even register that it’s gone. Your eyes scan the menu quickly, not looking for anything in particular.
“I’m old fashioned, so—”
“Great, then I want this.” you tell him, pointing to the most expensive meal on the menu as you place it back into his grip. He chuckles, gently, before looking up at you. Your smile filled with anger and malice as you turn on your heel to find the bathroom. “Oh, and an expensive meal should be paired with an expensive drink, right?” you tell him, leaving before he can respond.
He watches as you approach a waiter, asking where you can find the bathroom. They point you in the right direction. But before you go, you point towards the table your date is still seated at, telling them you’re ready to order. You ascend the staircase to the second floor and slip away into the bathroom and out of your dates line of sight.
Your heart pounds furiously.
Little hands shake as you search for your phone in your purse. Christ, you could use a cigarette right now. You feel light-headed as you take deeper and deeper breaths as you pull up your texts, your fingers tremble as you lean against the sinks.
YOU: do you hate me? be honest MAISIE MOO 🐮: ???? what’s wrong? Do u think he’s ugly? YOU: no he isn’t ugly. ANNOYINGLY. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MAISIE MOO 🐮: … MAISIE MOO 🐮: what? YOU: do u remember me telling u about a school bully 😊 MAISIE MOO 🐮: stop it YOU: YOU SET ME UP ON A DATE WITH MY BULLY!! WHAT DO I DO?? MAISIE MOO 🐮: NOOOOOOOOOO MAISIE MOO 🐮: OMG OMG OMG IM SORRY MAISIE MOO 🐮: FUCK YOU: I told him to order me the most expensive stuff on the menu bc he’s paying.. so I might just eat and dip MAISIE MOO 🐮: stopppppp omg lmk when ur done I will pick u up im so sorry ily
You sigh, putting your phone back in your purse. Is that really the right thing to do? Maybe not right, it’s morally wrong, of course. But is it the best decision to make? Do you really want to sit and eat a meal you probably won’t enjoy with your former bully watching your every move?
“Fuck.” you whisper to yourself. You decide to pee while you’re here, and you wash your hands for longer than you intended. It’s distracting you from your worries as you stare at yourself in the mirror and feel the comfort of the warm water encasing your hands as you clean them. You shake them when your done, little drops of water landing back in the sink before you go to the hand dryer. Maybe you’re stalling. You’re definitely stalling as you realise you’re drying your hands for far too long.
With one final look into the mirror, you take a deep breath and decide to return to your date. He smiles as he sees you descend the stairs again. And instinctively, you smile back. It’s a habit you’ve developed, not necessarily a bad one. But in this instance, it feels like a betrayal to yourself. You tell yourself to remain straight faced as you sit down, pulling your chair closer to the table.
“I’m Rensuke, by the way. I realise I didn’t introduce myself.” he grins, beaming white teeth almost blinding you as he awkwardly holds his hand out for you to shake. “Sorry, been a while since I had a date.” he laughs as he puts his hand down.
“I know who you are.” you laugh in return, though it’s not because of what he said. You just can’t help but find yourself amused over the fact he doesn’t recognise you. He laughs, too, looking a little uncomfortable all the while. He scratches his head as he nods, coming to his own conclusion.
“Oh, right. You’re a football fan, then? Sorry, you didn’t strike me as the type.” he continues, assuming you’re familiar with him through his fame. You hold your eyes shut for a beat too long, an annoyed smirk creeping its way onto your face as you try to bite your tongue.
“Sure, let’s go with that.” you comment, taking a swig from your newly filled wine glass. He cocks his head in confusion, but drinks with you. “So, why are you here? In London, I mean. I assumed you’d be… not here.” you ask, unable to control your tongue. There’s venom in your words, but not enough to kill.
“Um, I—” he clears his throat, coughing into his balled-up fist. His honeyed eyes find yours again, an incredulous look appears on his face as he formulates his thoughts in his mind. “I feel like I’m being set up.” he chuckles, though you can sense the worry behind his voice.
You take another sip from your wine glass. A sip turns to a glug as you empty the red liquid from the crystalline glass. You refill it yourself; sensing things are about to go south very quickly.
“This wasn’t really a blind date, right? Maisie told you who I am and you wanted to meet me. Am I right?” he wonders. And at that, you do scoff. And now you’ve lost all interest in holding your tongue.
“Oh my God. You’re so full of yourself, you haven’t changed at all.” you tell him, crossing one leg over the other as you rummage through your purse in search of a cigarette that will never appear. “I had no idea I was being set up with you. If I knew that, I wouldn’t have agreed.” you tell him without remorse. Defeated, you throw your purse down to the ground by your feet.
There’s a sense of shame flaring within you that you couldn’t keep it together until the end of your date. Of all the people roaming planet earth right now, why did he have to be your blind date? You stare at him as you observe his confused expression, he’s utterly bewildered by your words.
“I’m… we’ve met before, huh? I’m sorry, I’m having trouble remembering. I— are you a fan? Or… were you?” he asks, trying to decipher your identity. You scoff, again, preparing to stand to your feet. He reaches across the table and grabs your wrist. You look down at his large, veiny hand and then into his eyes. Your own vibrating with a slight twinge of fear. You feel like that teenage girl all over again.
“Let. Go.” you warn him, voice quiet through your gritted teeth. He relinquishes his hold of you instantly, apologising profusely. He’s just confused about what he could have done for you to hold such disdain for him. But your warning replays in his mind like a record on repeat. It’s like his fractured memories are forming again, becoming whole as he hears your voice again and again.
Let go.
You sounded so much weaker back then. You’re more defiant, now.
“Are you Ryusei Shidou’s little cousin?” he asks, eyes widening and brows raising in excitement. You sigh, sitting properly in your chair with correct posture as your eyes look angrily at him.
“No, I told you—”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re not really cousins your families are just close. I remember.” he smiles. His eyes almost dazzle as he looks at you, all recollection of his past hits him like lightning as he repeats your name again and again like a mantra. “Is that really you?”
“It’s really me.” you repeat, sarcastically. “Cancel the food order, you can still pay for the wine.” you tell him as you pick up your purse and prepare to leave.
“What? Why? We should catch up!” he tells you, an expectant look on his face as he hopes to convince you.
“I don’t want to catch up with you?” you tell him.
“But… why not? It’s been so long since we saw each other.”
You signal the maître d’ when you finally catch his attention. Rensuke looks disappointed as you continue to ignore him. Instead, you alert the man that you’ll be leaving early and to cancel your orders. But you make sure to tell him that Rensuke will happily cover the bill. And he does, hastily pulling out a wad of cash from his wallet as you depart the restaurant. He hurries after you, he’s in slight disbelief when he realises how fast you are. You’re almost halfway down the road when he finally exits the restaurant.
“Slow down!” he calls out to you, running right up behind you until he’s walking at your pace. He opens his umbrella and holds it above your head as you carry on walking. “You’re gonna get sick if you keep this up.”
“Leave me alone.”
“At least take my umbrella.” he requests, “I’ll go to my car and leave right now if that’s what you really want. But at least take it while you wait for a ride home.”
You accept, not too proud to take something that might offer you a small comfort in the absolutely obscene downpour plaguing the city. How quickly you’ve transformed from a vixen to a drowned rat. He must be loving this.
“I really would like to catch up with you, y’know…” he smiles.
You look up at him as the rain soaks his gorgeous gingery locks dampening and sticking to his forehead. Maybe he has changed. It’s been years after all. He’s grown up, it’s plain to see from his chiselled jawline alone. And he was always big back then. One of the tallest guys in your class, and so big and beefy to boot from playing so much football and training in the gym.
He terrified you.
And now, he’s bigger. An inch or two taller and completely filled out into an even more muscular physique.
“I can take you home, too. You don’t need to talk to me if you don’t want to… but, it’s freezing. You’ll be waiting ages for a taxi or for Maisie to come get you.” he speaks softly. And unfortunately, he’s right. You know all too well how tough it is to get taxis around this time, but it would be worse if it was the weekend so at least you’re thankful for it being a Thursday. You want to decline. You’re so ready to decline.
But for some reason—
“Okay.” you nod. You walk ahead, though, leaving him behind as you walk to the parking complex you’re pretty confident that he used. He laughs, hurrying after you again and allowing you to lead the way. It seems you know the area way better than him.
He guides you to the elevator and to the top floor of the complex. You aren’t sure what you expected when you step out. It’s not like you’re familiar with cars. But you were expecting some kind of expensive sports model. A Ferrari or something. Instead, you’re greeted to a black Range Rover.
It’s definitely outside of your pay grade, but you can’t help but feel a little disappointed.
“I thought you’d have a nicer car, Rensuke.” you decide to goad him, thinking it’s the least he deserves at this point.
“This is my incognito car.” he smirks, looking over his shoulder at you as he unlocks it. Of course he has an incognito car. You huff a little as he helps you up and into it, closing the door behind you. He circles around the back and you see him looking around in the boot before he comes to the driver's side and sits behind the wheel. He gives you a towel, presumably used for his training days, and tells you to dry off. “My nicer cars are at home, sorry to disappoint.”
“Oh, wait…” you snicker as a thought comes to you. “Were you gonna try and pretend you’re a nobody if I didn’t recognise you?”
His face fills with a pink hue as he feels completely caught out. And you can’t help but burst into hysterics. It’s tough for him, meeting girls who will actually like him for him and not his bank account. When Maisie suggested a blind date, he thought it was as good a chance as any to try and form a natural connection.
“Anyway, I’ll take you home now.” he tells you, trying to change the subject. “Sorry the date didn’t go to plan.”
You huff, again, as you try to dry your skin with the towel. Eventually you give up and use it as a horribly soggy blanket. “I can’t believe you even wanted to go on a blind date. Girls used to throw themselves at you in school. I told Maisie a blind date seemed really desperate.”
“Did we go to the same school? I was a virgin ‘til we left.” he informs you. You look at him, surprised, and he nods to clarify. “I was focused on football and shit, didn’t have time for girls.”
“Well, you had time to bully one girl.” you remind him, regretting saying it instantly. You thought confronting him would feel better than this, cooler. Like you can finally get closure and make him feel almost a fraction as bad as he made you feel back then. But instead, really, it just feels… cringe.
He offers a weak smile at you. The tension could be cut with a knife as he pulls out of his parking space and drives down each floor. He wants to say something, and really, so do you. Maybe you should just let the hatred go. It was a really long time ago, after all.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t a good guy back then, but I like to think I’ve changed a lot.” he speaks, eyes focusing on the road as the street lights and car beams blind him in the rain. “Your cousin bullied me, y’know. Dunno if he ever told you, but I took it out on you. That wasn’t fair though, so I’m really sorry.”
“He is not—”
“Yeah, yeah. I got it, princess.” he smirks, “I wouldn’t want to claim a relation to that blonde freak either.”
The insult towards Ryusei makes you laugh. You’re still close with him to this day, and ‘blonde freak’ is the perfect descriptor. But you don’t like to think of him as being capable of bullying. You had a feeling that was why you were subject to Rensuke’s torment each day, but you didn’t want to discover the truth. He always made it a point to vilify you for being related to Ryusei. Though you adamantly denied it each time.
“So, you were a prick to me for being related to someone I wasn’t even related to?” you respond, seriously. It’s a hard pill to swallow. Though you’re unsure any answer to his bullying would have made you feel better. It hurts to know you suffered so much, ultimately, for nothing. “Wish I told him you were picking on me, he would have fucking killed you.”
“Yeah, I don’t doubt that.” he laughs a little. It’s soft, but not weak. It’s almost like acceptance. As though he deserves anything and everything you’ll throw at him. “We’re good now, though, if we’re in the same place we’ll meet up for drinks. He’s a fucking good player, too. Always admired him. He kept me in my place for a long, long time.”
You stare at him as he speaks. How have you never noticed how soft his features are? He’s so relaxed, peaceful. He looks at you briefly when he notices you staring, but just as quickly looks at the road again as his cheeks fill with heat, reddened with embarrassment.
“I was immature…” you start, looking down at your shivering, wet thighs as you decide to accept your own faults, too. “It’s been a long time since then. And we were young, it’s obvious that you’ve changed. I didn’t give you a chance and I was childish.”
“No, no—”
“I’m serious. Ordering the most expensive stuff and going off in a strop, that was really immature so... I’m sorry.” you tell him, and he smiles at that. He can’t help but think you’re a great girl. He looks over at you again, smiling so widely his eyes close.
“You never gave me your address, y’know.” he reminds you, laughing when the realisation hits you that you’d let him drive off with no real destination in mind. “Is it too late for that catch up?” he wonders, looking at you with hopeful eyes. The orange and brown colour tainted with sparkles of red as the stop light reflects from them.
And you’re powerless.
You find yourself agreeing before your brain can even keep up with the way you’re shaking your head. No, it isn’t too late. And his smile is almost as blinding as the headlights of each car in the road illuminating the falling raindrops and deep puddles forming in the street.
“I know where we can go…” he thinks to himself
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You never thought you’d be coming somewhere like this. Truthfully, you feel like a kid again. You remember skimming some money from your daily lunch allowance given by your parents to save up enough to go to the arcade every weekend with your friends. Saving the extra coins to use the DDR machine.
Let’s just say you mastered Captain Jack on expert difficulty.
“Another strike? You’re too good, puttin’ me to shame.” Kunigami laughs before picking up a ball and preparing for his turn. “You better not tell anyone you thrashed me; my reputation will be in tatters.” he warns you, jokingly.
You watch him as he takes a swing and hits all but two pins, leaving an awkward split between them. You hear him mutter under his breath but can’t decipher whatever it is he was talking about.
For some reason, you feel like he’s going easy on you. It’s not like he was a stranger to the arcade either back in the day. You always scarpered whenever he showed up with his friends, deciding it was the perfect time to grab a bite to eat and hope by the time you were done they’d be gone.
“I wouldn’t have invited you here if I knew you were gonna show me up like this.” he smiles, sitting next to you after completing his turn. “I didn’t know you liked bowling, thought you just liked using the dance machines.”
“You remember?”
“Yeah, uh,” he chuckles and scratches the back of his neck as he recalls the memories from way back then. “Me ‘n Raichi, remember Raichi? Anyway, girls on the dance mats… well, we were teenagers, so—”
“Oh my God you’re so embarrassing.” you interrupt him to put a stop to his stuttering.
“Look, it was a sexual awakening that’s all I’m saying.” he laughs. “And you were the best one, never missed a step. I remember we used to watch you for ages before we came in to scare you away.”
“Disgusting. Pair of perverts!” you lightly smack his arm as you continue to tease him. “I was good, though. Wonder if I could still pull it off…” you look at the machines in the distance as you contemplate restoring your former glory, you feel a newfound sense of confidence as you think about Rensuke finding you attractive back then.
You decide to go for it.
He follows you as you approach the machine, standing on the second player arrows right next to you.
“Always wanted to try!” he shrugs as you look at him suspiciously. “You can teach me.”
“No, I can’t.” you laugh, slotting two-pound coins into the machine so you can both play. “It’s just memory and hoping your feet will respond in time. Good luck, though.”
“Yeah, sounds like you have real faith in me.” he rolls his eyes, throwing his coat over the red metal bar behind him and rolling up his sleeves. You quickly kick off your high heels as you scroll through the songs. You hover over Captain Jack, and his face lights up as memories of you back then flow through his mind. “You always did this one. There was a different one I remember liking, though…” he tells you.
He starts to scroll through the songs, listening to them carefully as he searches for the one he remembers. Your eyes widen in horror as he settles on one, and he looks at you with pride.
“This one!” he exclaims, loudly.
“No, no way. I could never get the hang of it and I’m even more out of practice now. Afronova is too hard it won’t even be fun!” you warn him, but he wiggles his eyebrows at you teasingly. “Let’s do it la—” he interrupts you by pressing the select button.
“It can’t be that hard.”
“You put it on the hardest difficult, idiot. We’re fucked!” you laugh, but get into position. You’re both definitely going to fuck it up, but at the very least you’ll get a good laugh out of seeing him eat his words.
All colour drains from his face as he sees all of the arrows immediately come into view on the screen. He barely knows where to look let alone where to plant his feet. He looks at your side of the screen, though, seeing you miss a fair few moves yourself but you manage to keep up the pace enough to earn some words of praise from the machine.
If you’d know you were going to be doing this, you definitely would have worn a bra. You hold your arms across your chest as you continue to jump and follow along with the arrows as best you can. Kunigami, however, decided to give up and watch you instead. He puts his feet down a few times on ones he think he might actually be able to get.
You’re left panting by the time the song comes to an end and your final foot stomp leaves you breathless. Rensuke claps, proudly.
“Fucking hell.” you gasp for air, leaning over the red bar behind you. You think you might actually throw up. “You dick, you barely did anything either.”
“I was captivated by the master at work, you were amazing!” he praises you, and you can’t help but giggle. “I think we should do an easy one next.”
“Agreed…” you respond, flipping through the songs until you land on 5678 by Steps.
You both laugh and joke as you easily follow along with the routine on baby mode. And it’s easy to keep up a conversation with him like this. Discussing more memories of spotting each other in the arcade and what you got up to on weekends.
It makes you sad, in a way. Knowing how sweet he is now and what he was capable of back then. You could have been friends, great friends. Maybe even best friends. Though you’re sure Raichi wouldn’t have liked that.
He allows you to pick your favourite song for the final round. And, naturally, he can’t keep up with you. But this time he actually does his best. But for you, it’s like muscle memory. You don’t miss a single step through the whole routine and you don’t even feel out of breath when it’s over. Kunigami however is sweating and panting again, his already wet hair sticking onto his forehead again as the sweat clings to it.
“It’s getting late.” you tell him, “Should we get some gross bowling alley food and call it a night?” you wonder, moving to pick up your discarded high heels so that you can decide what to do.
He rushes by you and hops off of the step, snatching your shoes up before you can. You watch him, nervously, as he gets down on one knee while holding your black pumps. You’re too speechless to object when he helps you slip your feet back into them, so delicately. And he smiles up at you from his lowly position as you gain another six inches of height. He holds his hand out to you, helping you down the step after you take it.
You exhale, deeply, after feeling how unbelievably soft his hands are.
“I think I’ll get a hot dog.” he thinks, not letting go of your hand and he leads you up the small flight of stairs and into the eating area.
“Oh, the burgers were good last time I came here.”
“Ohhhh fuck you’re right, I’m getting one too.” he laughs, ushering you into a secluded spot to sit down. “What do you want to drink? I’ll run up and order everything now.” he smiles.
You quickly look through the drinks menu and tell him you want a strawberry and lime Kopparberg. He nods approvingly at your choice. You watch him walk up to the bar to order, unable to take your eyes off him. He’s chatty with the bartender, and you wonder what else they’re talking about. You see him grab a pad of paper and a pen from behind the bar, handing them over to Rensuke. And he smiles, happily, signing it for him. You see the man thanking him over and over before Rensuke walks back over to you.
“You only just got recognised?” you tease him.
“It’s rarer than you’d think, y’know.” he laughs, “he said his kid is a fan. No big deal.” he shrugs, sliding your drink over to you.
He moves on from the subject of his fame and status in favour of complimenting you again. Telling you how talented you are and how fun it’s been hanging out with you again. You end up telling him about your job. It’s nothing fancy but pays the bills. You tell him about how you pretty much fell into the job of doing admin work for a law firm and now you’re training to be a solicitor.
His face lights up as you tell him. Like he’s proud. Or maybe it’s a twinge of relief that he didn’t fuck you up mentally enough to ruin your life. Either way, his smile is contagious. It only grows wider when your two plates of food are put down in front of you. And you hate that you’re trying to eat politely. There is absolutely no way to eat a dirty burger in a ladylike manner. He laughs at you when a dollop of ketchup drops on your chest and tries to slither down your cleavage. But, ever the gentleman, he cleans it up quickly with a napkin.
“Sorry,” he hesitates after realising how intimate it is. He hands it to you and you finish clearing your chest. “Good call on the burgers, though, they’re so good.”
You smile as you chew your food, still doing all you can to appear polite and demure. But he doesn’t mind, or care. Canines tear his burger apart with ease, and he can’t seem to stop himself from smiling each time he looks at you.
“So,” you start, putting down the final bite of your burger in favour of taking a swig of your drink. “You perving over me, did that affect the bullying?” you wonder, laughing lightly as he almost chokes on his food.
“I wasn’t perving, it was, I— ugh. I always thought you were cute. But I wasn’t about to tell you that.”
“You thought I was cute?”
“Oh, like you didn’t have a big fat crush on me? I heard the rumours.” Kunigami laughs, drinking his beer as he leans back into his seat.
“No, no, rumours and hearsay. I told one girl I thought you were hot on our first day and it turned into a game of broken telephone and spread like wildfire. I hated you!”
“Sure, sweetheart.” he winks before taking another drink. “Don’t worry, I can keep a secret.”
You shake your head, opting to finish your burger instead of disputing it further. He does the same, leaning back and sighing with relief before taking another drink. He slaps his stomach, as if he’s gained a beer bellying rather than possessing the rock-hard abs that you know reside there.
“This was fun. Really fun.” he tells you, crossing his arms over his chest as he continues to get comfortable in the booth seat. You nod, agreeing. “What are we calling… this?” he wonders.
“What do you mean?”
“Was it just a ‘catch up’ or could it still have been a date?” he asks, smiling when your eyes widen and your face flushes with heat so much that you feel the need to fan yourself. You tell him that you’re just hot from eating, but another cocky eye roll tells you that he’s not buying that. “I’m hoping you’ll say it was a date, if you were wondering.” he speaks, low and gravelly as he leans across the table to tell you.
“Well, it was technically a date. Just not the location we’d planned.”
“I enjoyed this a lot more.” he tells you, looking around at all of the arcade machines and the people bowling in the distance. “I go to snooty restaurants a lot, I don’t get a chance to relax like this as much. So, thank you.”
“R-Right, no problem.” you smile, unsure of what to say. “I guess we should get going, then.” you finish, gathering yourself and clutching onto your purse as you prepare to shuffle out of the booth. He looks a little deflated, then, but he follows your lead.
He puts his arm around you as he guides you to his car, helping you inside again. He even gives you his jacket to wear when he notices you shivering. Though you opt to wear it over yourself like a blanket.
You look out of the window as he climbs inside and shuts the door. The rain stopped while you were bowling, but it’s still so dark out. It’s damp and dreary, it’s just miserable, really. But the cold chill of staring out into the black abyss leaves you when Kunigami turns on the radio. Some generic pop music you’ve never heard in your life, and it makes you feel old and out of touch. But the face he pulls says the same story, and he begins flicking through other stations until he hears something he recognises.
“S-So… do you live nearby?” you ask him, curiously.
“I do! Just got a new place a few weeks ago, I’m still unpacking.” he smiles as he envisions all of the moving boxes still piled up in each room. “So where am I taking you?”
“If you go to Maisie’s office I can direct you from there.” you tell him, clicking your seatbelt into place as he pulls up directions on his phone to the office. You look out of the front window when you hear raindrops begin to pitter patter again. “Um… Rensuke…” you start, hesitating to speak as you wonder what the fuck you’re even thinking of doing right now.
“What’s up?” he asks, eyes darting to you before he starts the car. The only thing that can be heard is the light drops of rain. It makes your skin jitter, you feel a chill as you look at Kunigami, the rain rolling down the windows in your peripheral vision and you feel thankful to be here and not out there.
You feel desperate. And you’re sure you’re going to humiliate yourself, but you don’t want the night to end. In a million years, you never would have pictured yourself enjoying the company of Rensuke Kunigami. He’s a busy man, you’re sure. He fit you into his busy schedule and you’re sure he has better things to do than spend all of his free time on a date. A date that is supposed to be drawing to a close.
But you don’t say that.
In fact, you barely say anything.
He can’t help but smile, though, knowing exactly where your next destination will be.
“I don’t want tonight to end, either.” he confesses. You feel your body become lighter as you realise he feels the same way. He starts the car promptly, and you note how sure he is about where he’s taking you. “Can I show you my new place?” he asks.
He’s so cocksure as he says it. His eyes don’t meet yours and you sense it’s because he knows you’ll say yes. And who are you to disappoint? You’re curious, anyway. You wonder if it will be as impressive as you’re envisioning in your mind. Footballers are rich, aren’t they? But maybe he isn’t a high earning player. Either way, you’re curious to see the home that your former bully has worked so hard for.
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You lose track of time as you pull up to his house. Or mansion, you should say. He’s allowed through the security gate currently being manned by a member of staff, and he drives up and towards a three door garage. You can’t believe you’re visiting somewhere like this, it feels like a dream.
It’s something Maisie is accustomed to, Rensuke even tells you how confidently she strutted around and didn’t even bat an eyelid when she came over to discuss his contract. But you’re left speechless as more comes into view.
He doesn’t bother parking in the garage, pulling up directly to the stairs leading up to the front door. He’s out first, doing a little jog around your side to open the door and help you out.
“I didn’t bring you here to brag, by the way.” he insists.
“And here I was thinking you were trying to woo me into bed.” you laugh, and laugh harder the redder his face becomes. He holds his hands up defensively, waving them dismissively as he tries to assure you that was not his intention.
“I’ll take you home right after if you want! I swear I wasn’t—”
“Relax! I was teasing you.” you tell him, bumping into him as you enter the mansion. He offers you a drink, which you accept, happily. He pours you a glass of wine but gets himself some water directly from the tap. “You aren’t drinking?” you question, feeling a little uncomfortable that you’re drinking alone.
“I won’t be able to take you home if I drink more than I already have.” he chuckles, handing your wine to you.
He drinks his water, and you take a sip of your wine. His smile, that beautiful smile, it’s so disarming. You’re tottering on your heels to walk by his side as he encourages you to follow him. You feel as though time is flying when he takes you from room to room. There are still moving boxes in each room but it doesn’t detract from the lavishness of it all.
You laugh when he tells you there’s a tennis court out back.
“What are you going to do with a tennis court?” you giggle.
“Play tennis, I suppose.” he laughs back.
You don’t mind even a little when you feel his cold hand come into contact with the even colder skin between your shoulder blades. You mind even less when his hand snakes down your spine and settles in the small of your back as he guides you to the next room.
“Oh wow…” you express, hit by the warmth of the room. Your heels clack against the tiles with each step you take. You leave his side as you get closer and closer to your target. And you scream, smacking Kunigami’s arm as he rushes behind you and presses his fingers into your sides. “An indoor pool… you’ve really fucking made it.” you tell him, and he shrugs.
“There’s one outside as well.” he informs you.
“Now that was a brag.” you laugh.
“Shit, was it?”
You crouch down to the balls of your feet, letting your fingers swim through the pristine pool water. You aren’t quite sure how to describe the colour of it, but it’s mesmerising, as if sage and turquoise paint mixed specifically to fill this pool.
He takes your hand and encourages you to stand upright again. And he doesn’t let go as he leads you out of the room. The thought of going back to your poky apartment after being in here is harrowing.
It almost feels like he’s doing charity work.
There’s a rumble outside that causes you both to stop in your tracks. And once you enter the living room again, you see the heavy rain pouring down violently on the windows again. It’s louder than before. The raindrops are weightier.
He squeezes your hand as you yelp after seeing a bolt of lightning pierce through the sky. You look up at him, eyes full of grace as those honeyed eyes warm your soul for the umpteenth time tonight.
“There’s a weather warning from The Met Office…” he tells you as he checks the time on his phone. He lets go of your hand to look at you again, unsure of what to say. “I can take you home… before it gets any worse…” he whispers. His voice betrays him, though. You can hear the voice of a liar interspersed with his desperation to be a good guy.
He doesn’t want you to leave.
You don’t want to leave, either.
“It’s… dangerous, though…” you start, looking out of the window again at the gloomy weather.
“In that case…” he bends down, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear. “You should stay.”
You mewl, softly, as he not-quite kisses against your ear and the smooth skin behind it. And your head tilts, for him, so that he can press one final kiss against your neck. You don’t want it to stop, but he withdraws himself with a cheeky smirk while your eyes are heavy with lust.
It’s been so long.
Too long.
You might have lived your whole life up to now without being kissed like that.
He curls his finger, instructing you to follow him back upstairs. You put down your wine glass and hurry after him. He doesn’t wait, this time, leading ahead as he brings you to one of the bedrooms.
“Wait here.” he commands, and you do.
You walk up to the standing mirror against the wall and check yourself out. Trying to make sure you makeup hasn’t smudged or there isn’t food in your teeth. Your hair is still soaked, but that can’t be helped. When he walks back into the room you quickly back away from the mirror as if you’d been caught doing something wrong.
“The bathroom is just opposite to here.” he reminds you, pointing.
You look down at the pile of items he brought in from another room. There’s an unopened three-pack of toothbrushes and a brand-new tube of toothpaste. You can’t help but smile when you pick up the rolled-up ball of white, fluffy bed socks.
And you hate to admit how your knees go weak when you realise he’s gifted you with his football jersey to sleep in for the night. There are shorts, too, but you doubt you’ll need them. You want to keep your dress on for as long as possible. You’ll just sleep in the jersey and your panties when you’re ready.
“Thank you.” you smile at him. You notice the tips of his ears and his nose turn a blush pink as he sees you holding up his jersey and modelling it against your body.
He doesn’t say anything as he leaves the room, giving you the space you need to do whatever it is you’re planning on doing. You take the opportunity to freshen up, you pick up the dental hygiene products he’d thoughtfully left for you and head to the bathroom. You catch his figure slipping into his own bedroom and closing the door behind himself.
Your mind runs rampant now that you’re truly alone. Look where you are. You’re brushing your teeth and preparing to spend the night in Rensuke Kunigami’s house. Sorry, mansion. How the fuck did this happen? Your heart begins to race. Are you actually going to fuck him?
You can’t.
You can’t.
You can already feel your inner child cussing you out for letting him kiss you like he did, no matter how brief it was. It helps, slightly, to tell yourself you have a reason to spend the night. The weather. It would be dangerous to drive in weather like this.
But, Christ, you can feel your cunt throb with want as you think about him railing you in every room of the house.
“Stop.” you whisper to yourself.
You finish brushing your teeth and spit into the sink. And that is when an idea hits you. You splash your face with water and find some cleansing wipes in the cupboard underneath. You start getting ready for bed. Because that is what you should be doing. Sleeping, alone, until you can go home.
When you’re done clearing your face you decide to slip into the clothes Kunigami gave you to wear. Even the ill-fitting, downright hideous shorts.
You emerge from the room, and see Kunigami appear again with a wide smile.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed.” you blurt out, awkwardly, and Rensuke stops in his tracks.
“Oh… really?”
“Yeah I’m… tired.” you lie, already turning back into your room. “Goodnight.” you call out, not bothering to look at him as you’re already shutting the door behind yourself.
“Goodnight.” he replies, the disappointment in his voice doesn’t go amiss.
You can’t.
You just can’t.
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You can’t fucking sleep.
It’s closing in on midnight when you check the time, and you have a multitude of texts from Maisie blowing up your phone. You can’t bear to respond, though. Not after all of the horror stories you told her about Rensuke. The thought of her knowing that you’re spending the night at his house is just embarrassing. Even though it is innocent enough. You didn’t even kiss, really. You’re just sleeping until morning.
But you can’t sleep.
Your mind is racing with ideas of what could have happened if you didn’t say goodnight. What else could you have gotten up to if you hadn’t had your responsible brain hardwired in. You’re thankful for it, you are. But just because it’s responsible doesn’t mean it’s always right. Right? It’s been so long since you’ve gotten fucked.
Are you depriving yourself over something so trivial?
You throw off your duvet and prepare to leave the room. You’re not looking for him. In fact, you’re hoping he’s asleep, like you should be. But if he catches you roaming the halls, you’ll just tell him you were going to use the bathroom.
The corridors are cold. The chill in the air caresses your no longer covered thighs, you discarded the shorts barely any time after you said goodnight.
You aren’t sure where you’re going, you only have the flash from your phone to light the way. You’re sure he wouldn’t mind you turning the lights on, but you don’t want him to catch you if he is awake. And you don’t want the light creeping into his room to disturb him if he did actually manage to get to sleep.
When you find yourself in the same room as the swimming pool, you have no idea how you even got here. It’s like you were summoned. It’s a mermaid’s lagoon and you were drawn in by a sirens song.
You can’t remember the last time you swam. It’s not like the weather is ever nice enough for it, and you hate public pools. But this… it might even help you feel tired enough to sleep.
You look behind you and approach a set of loungers.
As you’re about to pull Kunigami’s jersey over your head, you screech. The sound of breaching water echoes through the room and you turn around, sharply, to see the source.
“Are you okay?” he bellows, his voice reverberating through the room. “Were you looking for me?”
“Jesus Christ,” you yell, laughing soon after. “I- I couldn’t sleep. You almost gave me a heart attack, I didn’t even know you were in here!” you tell him, truthfully, and he laughs. He swims under the water from one end of the pool to the other. You stand at the edge when he comes up for air again. “I just couldn’t sleep.” you confess, though it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. Your voice is quiet and mousy so that your words won’t carry throughout the room.
“Me neither.” he tells you, looking up at you as he does. You notice his eyes stray, catching a glimpse of your panties under his jersey before he shamefully looks away. But he looks, again, as he admires you in his jersey. “Why can’t you sleep?” he asks, the sound of water pouring is boisterous as he raises his hand and pats the edge of the pool.
You look at it, his hand, and understand what he’s doing.
You can’t.
You can’t.
But you do. You crouch down, submerging your lower legs in the warm liquid while it ripples against the back of your thighs and ass. Your breath hitches when you feel his hand on your thighs and raking up the sides. He stands up, his forehead resting against yours as water cascades from his soaking body.
You can’t bring yourself to care when you feel it splash up against you.
The only thing on your mind is how close he is.
“Why can’t you sleep, baby?” he tells you in hushed tones. The weight of his words and the way he speaks them makes your body limp. But he’s there to keep you upright. He angles his head so that his eyes, those honey pot eyes, can focus on you. Your words die on your tongue as you try and formulate a lie.
One won’t come.
“Why did you say you were going to bed when you weren’t tired?” he whispers, again, and you feel your resolve begin to crumble. He’s like an archaeologist, meticulously brushing at an ancient relic that he has no business handling.
He should have left you be.
“I… I don’t know, Rensuke.” you lie. And it’s an awful lie. He’s grinning from ear to ear as he hears you struggle to think of anything better than that. He knows. You both know. That’s why you can’t object when he pulls you closer. His hands force your legs around his waist. How did you get here?
“You look good, princess,” he tells you, tugging gently as his jersey, looking down at the strip that drapes like silk over your cute tits and perfect frame. “Want you to have it…”
“But it’s yours.” you respond. You’re a little taken aback by how demure your voice is as you speak. It’s like you’re instinctively making yourself small for him. Your inner child is protecting you, still to this day. He shakes his head at your words, though.
“It’s yours, I’ve got plenty.” he assures you. He keeps a tight grip of your thighs as he begins to walk you further into the pool. You wrap your arms around his neck and will yourself to remain some semblance of control. But he smirks, his nose touching yours before he pulls away again. “You’re coming for a swim… do you want to take it off?” he wonders.
Your eyes widen in horror as you recall your decision to decision to forgo a bra, knowing it would ruin your outfit. You shake your head, defiantly.
You can’t.
You can’t.
“I’m not wearing anything underneath…” you inform him. He chuckles, at that. In his mind, he knows. And deep down, you know it too. If you don’t find your willpower soon, your bare-naked form won’t be an issue. He closes his eyes and holds them shut, laughing when you repeat his name a few times in an attempt to get him to open them again.
“Take it off, ‘m not looking. You can hide under the water.”
Your movements are halted but for barely any time at all. He has a way of making you submit to anything he wants and you aren’t sure why that is. You were so mad at him hours ago. You didn’t even want to have dinner with him.
But look at you now.
Your legs are wrapped tight around his waist and you’re throwing his football jersey away. It doesn’t land on a lounger, but near enough. And you hold onto his shoulders as he begins to walk you both deeper and deeper into the pool. You don’t want him to feel you, not like that.
It’s getting out of hand.
You can’t stop it.
You can’t help it.
“You can open your eyes.” you tell him, and he stops walking. His eyes slowly open and it takes an incredible amount of restraint for his eyes to not wander beneath the water. And, you feign innocence. You aren’t sure what is wrong with you, because you know you shouldn’t have. But you look away, pretending something in the distance has piqued your interest.
You give him the opportunity to leer at you.
And he’s so thankful.
Even submerged and obscured by the greenish, dithering water, your body looks like an oil painting. To him, you’re a work of art and he’s grateful that you’re even letting him experience you in the slightest. But this… you’re a masterpiece, he thinks.
“Hey,” he speaks, he moves a hand from your thigh to your chin and you cling to him instinctively. He guides your line of sight back to him, looking back at you with a serious stare. “You don’t need to fight me, you know.”
Your heart practically stops at that. At the very least you think it skips a beat. But you hold his stare, eyes vibrating as you look between his as you search for an explanation. Are you truly so easy to read?
He sees you wrestling with your conscience. He doesn’t want to intervene, but what else can he do? He pulls you closer to him, a surprised whimper leaving you as you feel your bare chest come into contact with his.
It doesn’t register to him, though.
You don’t fight when his lips begin to trail your own. No pressure is applied, but you’re breathing is heavy. And he can’t deny that his is matching your own.
“I’m not seventeen anymore.” he reminds you, quietly. Your eyes weld shut and your self-preservation begins to scream at you. Imploring you to have some fucking common sense.
You can’t.
You can’t.
“I know…” you confess.
You look at him briefly, giving him silent permission to proceed. And he takes it. Without hesitation he takes it as his lips capture yours in a sweet kiss. You feel like you’re in a romance novel as it continues. It’s polite but not entirely tame. And for you, it’s been entirely too long since you last kissed anyone. You feel him smile into the kiss when he hears the softest little moan crawl out of your throat. But it fades, fast, when he remembers how lucky he is to be experiencing this.
He doesn’t deserve it.
He doesn’t.
And so, he takes it seriously. He brandishes the plumpness and texture of your lips to the forefront of his mind as you allow him to continue. He implants the way your body arches into his as his fingers trace up the curve of your spine, and how your mouth parts ever so slightly when he reaches the nape of your neck.
You’re perfect.
“Has it been a while? Since you had sex.” he asks, quietly, like it’s some sordid little secret. You feel embarrassed when you register what he’s asking. The insecurity creeps in and you try to pull away. He doesn’t let you, though, pulling you closer and reaffirming his interest with another searing kiss. “You’re so responsive, baby, that’s all.” he tells you.
You kiss him again.
And you feel pathetic. Like a dog humping a stuffed animal as you begin to instinctively roll your hips against him as you beg for more.
“Feels like forever…” you confess, hiding your words into another kiss and hoping he’ll forget you even uttered them. You hear him grunt when you sensually slip your tongue between his lips. He reciprocates, licking at yours as he carries you to the edge of the pool again. “W-What about you?”
You regret asking. Of course, the answer won’t be the same for him. He’s gorgeous. Beautiful, in fact. He’s rich, famous, successful. You’re another in a long line of women who throw themselves at him when given the opportunity.
You certainly aren’t naïve enough to think otherwise.
“Since I had sex? Not too long ago.” he responds, and it’s effortless. You knew. You fucking knew and yet you’re still feeling hurt. And you feel ashamed of yourself in the same breath. It doesn’t matter, really, you know who came before you and who came before him are irrelevant to what’s happening right now in this moment. But still, the feeling of embarrassment lurks. “I don’t remember the last time I fucked anyone the way I want to fuck you, though.” he finishes.
And now, you’re ravenous.
Your lips find his again. And the politeness has died, drowned in the pool along with your morals and self-respect, you figure. Your fingers grab and pull at whatever they can find. One hand finds purchase on one of his biceps and digs and squeezes into the hard flesh. The other tugs and pulls at his hair residing just above his undercut.
And he moans when you yank his pretty orange tufts. He breaks the kiss, laughing, for a moment after he recognises what you just stole from the pits of his lungs.
You feel your ass come into contact with the edge of the pool as he sits you down in the middle of a kiss. He breaks it, sinking down further into the water until you’re looking down at him. Your heart rate quickens as you feel deft fingers hook into the waistband of your panties.
And you can’t control your body, moving on autopilot as you lean back and keep your legs together as he steals the black lace from your body. He has no regard for where they land, but you hear a faint splash as they float on the surface of the pool. You won’t see them again, you think. They’re soon to absorb the chlorinated water and sink to the tiles framing the pool.
You sit back upright but find yourself unable to meet his eyes again. Instead, you stare up at the ceiling as he gently pries your thighs apart one by one. He’s slow, and careful, as he parts them. Soaking in the sight of your intricate folds.
“Pretty everywhere, huh? So fuckin’ pretty…” he expresses. You feel his thumb drift along your inner thigh to your pubis. A soft, low chuckle escapes him as it comes into contact with your pubic hair. A perfect landing strip guiding his eyes to your scintillating cunt. “You did this for me.” he states. He doesn’t ask, he tells you. And your eyes snap back to look down at him, defensively splashing him with water.
“I didn’t know it was going to be you,” you remind him. “I wanted to be prepared in case I—”
“But it was me.” he interrupts, wrapping his arms around your thighs after wiping the excess water from his face. “You’re letting me see. So it’s all for me, princess.” he continues. You don’t have a response, despite his logic seeming broken at best. It’s for him, now. But had you known who would be walking into that restaurant…
His breath fans across your heat as he places his thumb at the top of your lips and pulls back the hood of your clit. You gasp, letting your head sink as you lean back on your hands and rest your weight on them. And he spits on it, sucking at it soon after.
“’h my God…” you start, moving a hand to his hair, threading your fingers through damp, orange strands as he continues to suckle at your clit.
You’ve lost the means to feel embarrassment anymore as he looks up at you with his head buried between your thighs. Though you can’t deny the hot flush you feel as he makes a holy show of flattening his tongue between your lips and licking upwards from your oozing hole to your still exposed clit.
But you lose him, again, as he decides to focus.
He didn’t think he could burrow any deeper between your legs until you feel his still hooked arm drag you closer to the pools edge. You tug at his hair again when he finds his rhythm, and he emits another grunt that vibrates throughout your sex.
You admire how his muscles flex as his grip around your thighs intensifies. He feels how your hips begin to buck, like you’re getting there. Like he’s helping you get there but you’re still trying to run from him.
You can’t.
Not anymore.
He looks up at you with golden retriever eyes as you begin to moan. It’s quiet, until it’s not. Quiet, secretive breaths begin to turn into sinful, saccharine moans that echo right back to you as they bounce from the walls.
His nose wiggles and nestles against the perfectly formed line of your pubic hair. It tickles, but he’s always had an affinity for landing strips. It’s nothing he can’t handle. And it’s something that drives him wild.
You clamp your legs around his head as you start to dance along the cliffs edge of your orgasm. But he parts them, easily, his veins bulge in his hands as he grips tightly into the doughy flesh of your thighs.
“Ren- Rensuke—!” you cry out, unable to even warn him before he’s already dragged you into toe-curling bliss. And he prolongs it, divinely, not altering his ministrations even as you begin to shudder and scream. “S’too much, Rensuke, f-fuck…” you pant, looking down at him as he finally begins to slow down.
“’m not done, though.” he warns you. He liberates your left thigh from his grasp, but his fingers lightly trail down your inner thigh and he can’t help but marvel at the sight of your sensitivity. You twitch and spasm from the lightest of touch.
Though the whine that rips through your vocal chords is just as delightful. You couldn’t help it, you couldn’t even predict it when you felt two thick fingers seamlessly slot inside of your clenching entrance and curl up against your g-spot.
“Fuuuuuck, no, Rensuke, c-can’t.” you warn him, partially succumbing to light headedness as you feel him hone in and target your squishy slippery inner walls without remorse. You’re shivering. You’d like to think it’s just the exposure of wet skin to the stormy air, but it’s too much. You know it’s too much.
“You think too much,” he tells you, head sinking low again to continue feasting upon your gorgeously ruined flesh. Your pussy pulsates through the recent orgasm and the overstimulation. He’s going to be disappointed when he realises you can’t even fathom the idea of cumming again.
You just can’t.
Your body goes limp as he nudges a particularly delicate spot and presses down on your lower abdomen. The moan that leaves you at the feeling is downright pornographic. You can’t see, you can’t feel, but he’s smirking. He doesn’t relent, but his ego and his cock swell with pride as that salacious fucking moan plays on repeat in his brain.
The hand applying pressure ventures up north of your body. And your cunt clamps down on his fingers as his adventurous hand grabs the fat of your breasts and gropes your flesh. You moan, weakly, with no energy left in you as he tweaks at your nipple with his thumb and forefinger.
You’re pathetic, you think.
It was this easy for him to reduce you to this.
But you can’t help it. Your body is spent and you can feel another orgasm climbing through your nervous system. And yet, despite being wrecked, your body still finds the energy to clench and groan as you feel pleasure surge through you. Your toes curl, again, before they spread and widen and you try and gain some sort of control over what Rensuke is thrusting upon you.
Another scream is torn from you as you fall, no, you’re pushed from what seemed like a higher cliff than the first. Your back arches from the tile and further into Kunigami’s titillating touch.
“Rensuke, I- I…” you aren’t even sure what you want to say when you begin babbling. You manage to rest your weight on your hands again and look down at him. He showers your inner thighs with adoring kisses, they’re sweet and loving and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were falling in love.
He pulls his fingers out of your spasming walls and looks up at you. Your jaw is agape, slightly, as you feel him spit a perfect glob of saliva onto your clit without even looking. He needs to stop. You shake your head as you see the gears turn in his brain and you catch up almost instantly. You try to pull his wrist away but you’re weak.
“C-Can’t, Rensuke… no more!” you tell him, despite trying to sound firm, you just sound pathetic.
He can’t stop.
So he doesn’t.
He rubs the two fingers that were inside you just moments ago repeatedly over your throbbing clit. The smile sprawling across his face is that of a menace. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He thinks he knows your body better than you do.
And, hell, he might.
You say you can’t.
But why are you moaning for him?
“Doin’ so good for me, princess.” he tells you, kissing your inner thigh again as he continues his assault. His eyes droop as he admires how tender and overstimmed your pussy is. You can keep going, though. He’s sure of it. “You moan really pretty when you cum… ‘n I can tell she likes attention.” he speaks, it’s gruff but somehow still soft. He doesn’t look at you right away after he speaks. Instead his eyes remain focused on your tremoring cunt.
“I’m— I c-aaaan’t. Anymore, no more, ‘mmm hmrmf…” you struggle to even make sense in your mind of what you were originally trying to say as the nonsense you actually spouted takes root in your brain. He laughs, shallowly, as you try to reason with him.
You can’t reason with him, though.
Not when he knows better and your cunt is betraying your weak will.
“Goin’ dumb for me ‘cause you feel too good, huh?” he chuckles, tilting his head as he tries to command your focus on him. The way every inch of your skin trembles with pleasure makes his cock leak like he could never imagine. He’s glad he’s in the water so you can’t see what a pathetic mess your pretty noises alone have him reduced to. Though he makes a mental note to get the pool cleaned tomorrow. “Don’t need to think when you’re cumming. Jus’ cum for me. Can tell she wants to… just let go, princess.”
“Haah, hn- hnnnnng—!” you finish with a cry, you can’t believe he’s managed to make you cum three times in such quick succession.
Even as an adult, Rensuke Kunigami has found a way to reduce you into a sobbing puddle.
He frees you, eventually, allowing your body to catch up to what has just happened. He finally lets you close your legs and allow your twitching quim to recover, alleviating the pressure between them.
He hoists himself out of the water, though. And he climbs effortlessly above you. And, really, you know he’s always been a big guy. It’s arguably his most defining trait. But fuck, like this, while you’re shivering and spent, he’s fucking massive.
“Do you want to stop?” he asks. The soft, caring voice contrasts completely with his all-consuming presence. He lowers his head to kiss between the valley of your breasts and down to your navel. But he stops short and looks at you again. “We can, if you want. But… I’m having fun with you.”
You should answer. He’s asking for consent, after all. Your lips part and reseal repeatedly as you try and decide on what to say. You’re having fun, too. But can you handle it? Can you handle more of this?
“You’re so… big.” you whisper, and you don’t know where that even came from. You giggle when you see him smile at your silly comment, and he immediately has a retort spring to mind.
“My cock matches, y’know. Why d’you think I made you cum so much?” he tells you. “Well… I like making pretty girls cum anyway, but you’ll thank me. If you wanna keep going, that is.”
“I want to fuck… want you to fuck me, ‘Suke.” you admit. He lifts your back away from the cold, damp tiles and pulls you into his embrace. You receive one final, show-stopping kiss from him as he pulls down his swim shorts. You keep your eyes on him, not having the confidence to look down below.
He grabs your chin, his thumb helping tilt your head and guiding you to look at his length. And, embarrassingly, you gasp. He chuckles, kissing your forehead and you look between him and the impressive size he possesses. It’s scary, honestly, looking at how thick and heavy his cock is and what it will feel like inside.
There isn’t a doubt in your mind that you’ve never seen a dick like this and you surely won’t again. He’s big, thick. And long to boot. His tip is prominent but soft. Like you could suck it into your mouth and hear a pretty pop sound once it’s in. You could run your tongue along the ridge and make him hiss from the pleasure.
The thickness is akin to an energy drink can. Eight long inches threaten to invade your apparently well-prepared walls, but still, you aren’t so sure. His veins aren’t prominent, but they’re there. You see them running along his shaft in different directions. And then you do find one. One throbbing, prominent vein as you admire each and every inch of his heavenly member.
You’ve never had an affinity for balls. Seeing them as a nuisance that are just there rather than anything you have any interest in pleasuring. But for him. For those. You could be persuaded. They’re heavy, God they look heavy but every inch of him does. He’s a large, imposing man and his balls are no exception.
It turns you on to no discernible degree to think about how full and aching his balls must be after you’ve teased him all night. How they’ll tighten and release as he floods you with his cum when he’s through with you.
“Need you, Rensuke, n-now.” you tell him, unable to function without feeling him inside of you for a second longer.
A brief panic shoots through your veins as he pulls you back into the water like a siren. But he stops short of pulling you to your death.
At least, in the literal sense.
You might experience your fourth little death as soon as he sticks his tip in you.
The water sloshes around you as you’re pushed into the pool wall. Your legs sit comfortably on his hips as he guides his still leaking cockhead into your greedy cunt. You moan in tandem as you become accommodated with each other.
“You’re so cute, s’fucking tight, princess.” he tells you, silencing any response you might have had with an ardent kiss. You try to pull away, but he doesn’t let you. And it’s calculated, of course, as he pushes further and further into your sticky walls.
It wasn’t enough.
Three wasn’t enough.
The thickness of his length would have you screaming if he wasn’t keeping a firm grasp on the crown of your head so you couldn’t pull away to voice how the stinging stretch was affecting you.
He doesn’t let go until he’s in. Fully in. You feel him kiss your cheeks and now you can finally moan, pant, screech if you so choose. But as your breathing comes out in hiccupped sobs, you realise he isn’t kissing your cheeks.
He’s kissing away your tears.
“Took me so well, gorgeous.” he mutters against your skin, still continuing to softly peck his lips against your damp skin. “You’re so good… such a good girl, princess. I’m so proud of you, bein’ so good f’me tonight.”
It makes you cry more, though you aren’t sure why. You can barely think about what he was like back then. When he was cruel and callous for no viable reason. But you’d never have heard such sweet sounds from him like you’re hearing now. You’re a good girl, and it’s for him.
Your tongues tangle into a clumsy fervour as he starts to move his hips. The sound water lapping at your bodies is deafening. He lifts you up, slightly, so that he can pound himself into you without restriction.
Both of you find it hard to keep kissing romantically and consistently the harder and faster he batters his cock against your insides. Your lips touch but your mouths hang open. And he’s looking at you. Really fucking looking at you as he drinks in every facial contortion you make from the feeling of his cock bullying itself against your self-destruct button.
He loves the way you bite your lip when you’re close. How your eyes cross and you look so damn wet and pathetic as he brings you to ruin again. It’s a sight he’d have tattooed on the back of his eyelids if he could. He’s been around the world and still couldn’t name a more beautiful sight.
Maybe you could be a porn star, he thinks. If both of your careers fall through, he knows what a good fallback will be if you were so inclined. You’re perfect. Every inch of you, top to bottom, is perfect.
You can barely hold onto consciousness as you feel his heavy breeder balls slap relentlessly against your ass. But you hang on, you have to when he grabs the lower half of your face and pinches your cheeks until your lips pucker.
“Is my good girl about to cum?” he asks, and you nod, dumbly. “That’s it… stay with me. Wanna watch your pretty face while you cum again.” he orders.
You breath faster, fighting against the crushing urge to close your eyes and let go of your body completely. But you’ll do anything he asks, in this moment, so long as he keeps calling you a good girl.
“Can I cum inside?” he asks, thrusts increasing in pace as he jackhammers into you. He’s close, too, but he wants you to cum first. It’ll tip him over the edge if you cream him like this. It’s all he wants. It’s all he needs. “Or should I p-pull out?” he struggles, the thought of spraying your body with his seed appeals to him just as much.
“D-Don’t pull out, Rensuke, don’t you dare…” you command. “Hnf, ah, I’m! Haaah, aah, f-fuck—!” you finish.
“Shit, shit.” he follows you right after. It seems that he would have came inside whether you wanted him to or not. “Ohhhh, fuck, baby. Fuckin’ perfect pussy… take it.” he finishes, too, his pace only slowing by a fraction as his cock spurts rope after rope of pearlescent cum into your cunt.
The sound of water calms after some time. The waves lap around you, carefully, as you breathe and sweat after such a vigorous workout.
It surprises you, a little, as he kisses you after the fact. You thought he’d turn a little colder after he got what he wanted. But you underestimate him again, clearly, as he kisses you sweetly.
“That… amazing.” you tell him, not possessing the energy to fill the rest of the sentence. The start and end are enough for him to figure it out, though. And he cradles your body in his arms as he walks you both to the shallower end of the pool with the staircase. “’m so tired.”
“I know, baby.” he hushes you, you feel like a child in his hold. You’re so little in comparison and you’re still surprised he didn’t break you. He manages to effortlessly pick up his jersey and walk you towards the pool room door. “Gonna get you cleaned up, ‘n we can go straight to sleep.” he promises.
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You can’t remember the last time you got such a good nights sleep. Really, you barely remember even falling asleep. You remember Rensuke washing your body and your hair in a warm bubble bath. But you don’t remember him putting you to bed.
Waking up in his arms was a nice feeling, though.
So nice you felt compelled to wake him up with a reward.
He stirred in his sleep as you began to kiss down his bare chest and further down his body. He’s a light sleeper, you came to realise, as he woke up with a cheeky smile on his face and asked what you were doing.
You took his cock between your lips and showed him just how thankful you were for his attentive treatment and aftercare from last night. And you may have wanted to give him a reason to remember you if he wanted to consider going on another date.
He got close.
Really close.
Until he pulled you away to sit on his cock.
“’m not wasting my cum in your mouth when I can cream this cunt again.” he smirks, helping you straddle his hips before lowering yourself down onto that perfect fucking dick again. And he watches you ride him, his jersey riding up slightly with each rise and fall of your hips.
“L-Love your cock, Rensuke, s’fucking big.” you moan like a slut with no remorse. You can’t act coy anymore. Not after last night.
“S’all yours, baby.” he tells you. His attention is stolen from observing your enjoyment when he hears a buzzing on the side table. He reaches for it, and you don’t even notice while your eyes are screwed shut.
And he realises it isn’t his phone.
It’s yours.
He moves slightly, so that he’s sitting upright, covering your mouth as he answers the call. Your blood runs cold as you feel the cold glass of your iPhone screen pressed against your cheek and your ear. Your eyes widened in horror as you look down at Rensuke for help.
“Hello?!” Maisie.
He uncovers your mouth, allowing you to speak. “H-Hey, Maisie.”
“I texted you so many times, where have you been? Did you get home alright? I was so worried!” she yells at you. You can tell she’s in her office pacing back and forth on the tiles as her heels click with each step. She’s pacing. She’s furious.
“S-Sorry! I was just, it was a weird night!” you try and answer simply without lying or giving too much away. But your heart quick starts again as Rensuke holds onto your hips. You're mouthing and no no no! Butit’s ignored as he nods sadistically. He holds tightly onto your hips until your flesh spills between his fingers. And he fucks. You whimper pathetically as you seal your lips in a bid to keep quiet. He really is a sadist, he looks like he’s going to cum to the sight of you desperately trying to maintain your composure.
“I cannot believe I set you up with your old bully, that is so my luck.” she laughs. “Did you just get a taxi home?”
“A-Ah! Uh, yeah I know, c-crazy.” you struggle. “S-Sort of. Eliza was in the area so she picked me up.” so much for not lying.
“Oh, really? That’s good.” she replies, though the click clacking of her heels comes to a stop. “Weird, though, considering I rang all of the girls to see if any of them had talked to you. None of them did.”
“T-That’s… weird.” you reply, eyes rolling back as you try and maintain a level head and think of a way to get off the call. “Um, I uh—”
“I’m at work, just looking through some of my client's details. I’ve got Rensuke’s address up on my screen right now.” she starts. Oh fuck. “You know what else is on my screen?”
“Find my fucking friend you little slut! Oh my God!” she screams, though you can’t tell if she’s actually screaming or if it’s melded into laughter. “Did you fuck your bully? You whore!”
“I— It’s complicated, nngh!” your free hand flies to your mouth as you spasm through another mind-altering orgasm shatters through you. Rensuke keeps a firm hold of your hips as you tighten around his cock. You hold the phone as far away from your face as you possibly can, though it doesn’t matter. Not when Rensuke cums in you again with no regard to his volume.
“Oh… my God.” Maisie speaks, though you barely hear it. You bring the phone back to your ear and sigh. You already know you’re busted, there’s no point in hiding it now. “I thought I heard a mattress squeaking. Have you just fucked?!”
“Hmph… yeah. Sorry.”
“I’ll pick you up later if you need a lift, I want all the details you absolute slut.” she laughs, sitting down in her office chair as she actually starts to do some work. “How was the date though, was it good?” she asks, knowing she’ll have to go soon.
You look at Rensuke’s pink, sweaty face and wide smile. You melt into the way his thumbs stroke into your sides so tenderly. And you smile back at him, a newfound confidence you’ve never felt before.
“It was… fucking amazing.”
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© 2023 rinhaler
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xhmeusworld · 6 months
high & dry | choi seungcheol
genre: smut, angst, best friend! seungcheol
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pairings: choi seungcheol x gender neutral reader
warnings: dom! cheol, fingering, dirty talk, begging. absolute filth honestly
note: this was originally wrote with a different idol in mind, but i just had to make it cheol.
honestly, no matter how hard you try, you can’t remember how he came into your life. he was always just there.
choi seungcheol was a part of your earliest memories.
you contributed this to the fact that your mother enrolled you in soccer when you were four, the coach being seungcheol’s dad. on that field is where you first laid eyes on the dark-haired boy. every practice, cheol always accompanied his father and you two become friends almost immediately.
it was no surprise to both of your parents.
“what if y/n and cheol get married when they’re older?”
“i’m literally already planning the wedding.”
you were three. cheol was five when that conversation occurred between both of your moms. you remembered hearing it when it was time to leave the soccer field, but you were obviously too young to know what they were talking about.
all you knew was that cheol was your best friend.
from there on out, the two of you were inseparable. where one went, the other followed. if one jumped, the other jumped.
entering kindergarten, you remembered feeling so excited just because you could see cheol more, only to be disappointed when you learned that he was ahead of you in second grade.
he was there for you when homework stressed you out to point where he ended up finishing it for you. he was there to get you ice cream in the early hours of the morning.
he was there for you when your prom date stood you up, leaving you a sobbing mess in front of your house.
he was even there for you through your first real breakup freshman year of high school. you knew cheol didn’t like him anyway.
“why is everyone looking at me?” you asked cheol as you moved through the hallway, preparing to go to next period. you awkwardly kept your head down toward your feet as hushed whispers reached your ears.
your best friend softly touched your back in reassurance, but he was clearly as confused as you were. “just ignore them, y/n. clearly they don’t ha-“
his voice abruptly stopped as well as his feet as you neared your locker, a large group of students surrounding it. you moved your head up to see what was going on at the same time cheol grabbed you and turned you into his chest. “don’t look!”
at this point, his advice came too late as you caught a glimpse of the red spray paint that was covering your locker. you felt like you were going to be sick when the word registered with you.
“do you think we will always be friends?”
your voice broke the silence of cheol’s room, which was only illuminated by his green LED lights. after the incident at school, you couldn’t bring yourself to be alone and you weren’t surprised when he offered to let you stay the night.
cheol flashed you his signature smile, the smile that had your heart doing flips in your chest. he rolled over onto his side to face you, using his arm to prop himself up to look at your face. you were resisting the urge to stroke the stray piece of hair that had fallen into his face.
moving onto your side, you let out a sigh. cheol’s knuckles were scabbed from tracking down your ex-boyfriend. as soon as he saw the word on your locker, he knew it was your ex’s doing and it wasn’t long before he tracked him down, only to make sure he never attempted something like that again. while you knew he did it to defend you, you felt guilty that he got hurt in the process.
“of course, we will always be friends, y/n! i got you. I always got you. why wouldn’t I?”
one thought rang in your head.
because i love you.
but you kept your mouth shut. you weren’t going to ruin the best thing in your life just because of some dumb feelings that caused you to break up with your ex in the first place.
nothing could disrupt the relationship you had with seungcheol.
or so you thought.
junior year rolled around and everything began to change.
cheol had just entered his freshman year of university to study music and producing. you were so proud and excited for him, but also afraid. afraid of what might change between the two of you. his university was over an hour away from you and the distance was going to have an impact.
you knew that he was going to be busy. cheol was going to go to college. make new friends, discover new opportunities, leave you behind.
he promised that he would never do that and always make time for you. “i’ll come home on the weekends to see you, y/n.” but six months into the year, the texts became less frequent. calls became nonexistent. you often went months without seeing each other and when you did, it was brief and awkward.
eventually, the contact stopped all together.
he still liked your social media posts and you still liked his, but that was it. neither one of you reached out. you didn’t congratulate him when one of his songs won an award at a university showcase. in return, cheol never even said anything when you revealed your senior year that you had been accepted to the same university to study pre-med. it was like your friendship never truly existed.
you pretended like you weren’t hurt. maybe it was meant to be like this. you never truly believed in signs, but maybe this was the universe trying to tell you something. maybe it was better off that you didn’t have to pin over choi seungcheol anymore.
and you were finally getting to where you felt okay. where you could breathe and walk around campus without the anxiety of running into him.
until you got persuaded to go to the first frat party of sophomore year.
your plan was just to go for a little bit and have fun. loosen up, make sure your friends were safe and not doing anything stupid.
you definitely didn’t expect to run into the one person you didn’t want to see.
and you definitely didn’t expect what happened next.
maybe it was the alcohol in both of your systems. or the fact that you both were older, away from your parents. maybe it was stress. you weren’t sure, but at this point, you didn’t care.
cheol’s lips were attached to your neck, goosebumps risen on your skin and his teeth nipping gently at the soft flesh. you let out a breathy moan, as his fingers slowly stretched you in and out.
his hands gripped your hips tightly, his body pressing you even closer against his chest. “does that feel good? do my fingers feel good inside of you?”
you couldn’t do anything but release a whine. of course his fingers felt fucking amazing. they filled you up so well, so much better than your own. but he was such a tease. although you hadn’t talked to him in years, you could remember the conversations you had as teenagers about the sexual experiences you had. you remembered he enjoyed teasing. he enjoyed begging, but you did everything you could push that to the back of your mind.
until now.
cheol chuckled as your wetness coated his fingers, sliding a third one to mix. “god, you’re dripping and it’s so all for me.”
you let out another whine. “go faster.”
“are you sure you’re ready for that, sweetheart?”
instead of responding, you let out a frustrated noise, your hands going down to grab his wrist, trying to make him speed up yourself. you attempted to buck your hips against his hand to gain more friction, but he was holding onto your waist so tight, it was nearly impossible.
“aw, you’re so cute when you’re needy,” he whispered, his teeth tugging on your ear lobe, earning a moan from you.
his three fingers curled up inside you and you let out a yelp. cheol couldn’t help but smile. “there’s the sweet spot.”
you could see stars as his pace increased and decreased, wanting to tease you and prolong your climax as much as possible. you knew this was giving him a power trip. you could feel the authority radiating off of him and you didn’t want to disobey, but you couldn’t take it any longer.
“cheol-“ you whined. “please.”
you felt his breath hit your neck as he smiled. “please what?”
“i wanna cum.”
“oh, does baby want to cum all over my fingers?”
you nodded quickly, not even caring about how eager you sounded. “oh yes, cheol, please wanna cum over your fingers so bad.”
before you had the chance to even comprehend what was happening, cheol curled his fingers once and again, pulling them in and out at a fast pace. his other hand moved down to land a slap on your clit, which he purposely been neglecting, and you let out a moan. you didn’t even care that you guys were in a frat house full of people. let them hear.
the dark-haired boy pulled and traced figure eights across the area you needed him most and you quickly felt the pressure building up in your abdomen and it wasn’t long before you came undone.
you were exhausted as cheol removed his fingers from you, but it was clear the night was far from over as he flipped you onto your back, his eyes dark as he surveyed your naked figure.
“you know, I thought about this a lot when we were in high school.” cheol said softly as he reached down to plant kisses along your stomach. “the way you would look under me. the way you would feel under me. so soft. god, i even imagined how innocent and small you would look. all at the mercy of me and only me.”
a moan left your lips at his words, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders, your fingers digging into his skin. you couldn’t help but arch your back as you felt the hardness in his jeans brush against your bare core. “i thought about this too.”
at your confession, cheol nipped at your neck, earning a high-pitched moan from your lungs. you could already feel the wetness between your legs once again and you were sure he could too.
cheol pulled back from your body, reaching down to undo his belt and slip his jeans and underwear down his body. they were quickly discarded on the floor where your clothes and his shirt had landed forever ago.
your eyes widened as you took in his size. you knew he was big, but you didn’t think he was that big. the tip of his cock was leaking pre cum and it was so red and angry that you knew it had to be painful for him.
cheol give you a smile. “like what you see?”
you nodded, quickly, feeling lightheaded. “yeah, cheol, you’re so big.” your voice came out small and weak, like a mouse, and that gave him such an ego boost.
he pulled you closer, his lips returning to your neck. it wasn’t long before he pushed his cock into you, your back arching from the relief you felt the moment he did so. a deep groan fell from his lips, and his eyes squeezed shut as he began to thrust his hips into your own, the feeling of him allowing pleasure to bloom across your entire body.
"fuck," he moaned, "you feel so good."
instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he began to pick up his pace, sweat beginning to glisten across his forehead. he buried his face into your neck, leaving kisses along your jaw while containing the grunts that came from him.
it felt as if flames were licking up and down your body, your hands gripping the back of his shoulders and your own moans soft and delicate with each and every movement. you could feel an intensity building up into the pit of your belly,
"i-i'm close," you whimpered, throwing your head back.
"then let go for me, my baby. I got you. i always got you,” cheol cooed, allowing his thumb to swirl around your clit, which sent you completely over the edge for the second time that night.
there were those words again.
you didn’t have to be told twice as your walls clenched around him. the pressure in your abdomen finally being released.
you let out whines and mewls as cheol chased his own high, the aftershocks of your organism still running through your body.
cheol followed soon after, a deep groan leaving his lips as his thrusts began to slow before he pulled out, painting your stomach white.
suddenly the room that was filled with both of your moans was silent except for pants that we were leaving both of your bodies. the older boy quickly reached across his nightstand to grab tissues before softly cleaning you up.
“I remember you not liking sticky stuff,” he said, quietly. “you used to cry when we were kids if your hands were sticky from food or something. you didn’t like the feeling.”
the fact that he remembered that detail after all these years and the fact that he was talking like you guys never lost contact made your heart hurt. why is he pretending like nothing happened?
but you didn’t want to think about that right now. all you wanted to do was curl up next to your best friend and sleep. you would deal with everything in the morning.
cheol had the same idea as he pulled you against his chest, planting a kiss on the crown of your head. your slowly moved your feet to entangle them with his. “go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
and you drifted off to sleep with his fingers in your hair and his arms wrapped around you. your heart hoping that tomorrow, after years, you would finally have your best friend back.
once again, you were wrong.
when your eyes finally opened the next morning, choi seungcheol was gone and all you had left was your lonely heart
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junkdrawerfics · 6 months
Gonna ask me to dance, Cowboy?
Jasper Hale X Reader
Summary: Reader was in an accident that damaged her spinal cord and left her temporarily wheelchair bound. It's during this time that the Cullens move to Forks, and she meets and falls in love with Jasper. A little bit of your story, wrapped up with a big surprise at the end. Requested by @twilightlover2007
Words: 2457
Note: Obviously went with Jasper and boy did this take on a life of its own! I hope you like it!!! It's a little cheesy, but that's what I like.
Disclaimer: I have limited knowledge of temporary paralysis and life with a wheelchair. If I'm wrong about anything, please let me know!
The accident happened before the Cullens moved to Forks. You don’t remember much of it, which the doctor says can be common given the head trauma you experienced. All you know is that you were driving home from a game and a drunk driver decided not to stop at the red light.
The accident left you with some severe damage to your spinal cord. Not irreversible, but enough to strand you in a wheelchair. It took almost two months alone for the fractures in your leg to heal, and then another to find a good physical therapist in Seattle who could work with you.
In the midst of this, the Cullens showed up. And you fell for Jasper like a newborn fawn trying to walk for the first time. A fitting comparison considering your legs worked just as well. 
Your friends thought you were crazy. Afterall, he was the least…approachable of the group. Always frowning. Not at all talkative. Everyone thought he was a bit of a grouch. But you knew better.
You met the real Jasper the first Friday after they arrived. It was another game day, meaning your little high school was going all out cheering for the team throughout the day (even though everyone knew you didn’t stand a fighting chance). 
You were making your way to the pep rally at the end of the day when someone jostled you from behind, sending your wheelchair right over the sidewalk’s ledge and into the grass. You cursed the school’s outdoor hallways so hard that day. It was raining, as it always was, and the moment your wheels hit the ground, you could feel them sink into the mud.
You were effectively trapped.
Or at least, you thought you were. Until a certain blond appeared out of nowhere.
“Are you alright, miss?”
You huff out a laugh, trying to keep a smile despite it all, “Yah, yes, I’m okay. Just a little stu-”
When you look up, the words get stuck in your throat. Jasper Hale. Jasper Hale is standing right in front of you, in the rain, hair already sticking to his face, and despite the concern dripping from his features, you can’t help but notice how absolutely gorgeous he is. How did you not notice before?
Before you can stop yourself, the thoughts spill out of your mouth, “Wow, you’re really pretty.”
Shock flickers across the blond’s face, though it’s quickly replaced by a soft smirk that makes his eyes crinkle just a little, somehow making him look more attractive. You blink. And blink. And blink. Until what you said finally sinks in.
Your face goes impossibly red. 
“I am so sorry,” you squeak, eyes wide. His smile only widens when you continue to sputter, “I’m fine! Really. And um, I, you can, you don’t have to worry! I’ll just-”
You try to push yourself forward, anything to escape this moment, but your wheels just spin futilely in the mud. You’re not going anywhere, not without help, and Jasper seems to know that, his gold eyes glinting with amusement. You purse your lips, face only going darker.
“Would you like help, darlin’?” Jasper asks, voice low and honey-like, and wow - it seems so unfair for someone to look so handsome and sound like that too.
You cast him an embarrassed smile, “Yes please. If you really don’t mind, that is.”
The blond chuckles, the sound making your heart flutter. He makes it look effortless, the way he maneuvers you out of the grass and back onto the hallway sidewalk. You hum happily when you’re back on solid ground, wheeling back and forth a bit to dislodge the mud from your rims.
“That’s better,” you sigh, spinning back to face him, “Thank you so much.”
Jasper nods, “It was my pleasure, miss.”
You roll your eyes playfully, “Please, call me (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). Miss makes me feel so old, and I’m like, a hundred percent sure you’re older than me.”
Something flickers behind his eyes, but it disappears as quickly as it came. 
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss (Y/n).” You narrow your eyes, but he only grins a little teasingly, which you refuse to admit makes your pulse race even more. “The name’s Jasper Hale.”
“Nice to meet you too, Jasper.” Officially at least.
“I suppose you were headin’ to the rally?”
Your nose scrunches,“Yep. Before the impromptu shower, at least.”
“Would y’mind if I accompany you?” 
Blinking, you glance up at him in surprise. Jasper just looks down at you, face still set in a charming, calm smile, so different from the scowl you’d grown accustomed to in passing. He’s being genuine. Actually genuine. It makes your face go warm all over again.
“I think I’d like that.”
You don’t know what possessed Jasper Hale to help you that day, but he did.
From then on, you and Jasper became friends. He was still a bit odd, but his whole family was. And you liked them. Even Rosalie, whose bluntness was refreshing compared to most of the girls at your school. You befriended all of them, but you and Jasper were particularly close.
Falling for him was easy. Between the soft smile he seemed to reserve only for you and the way he always supported you, how could you not? You realized it after a particular hard day of physical therapy, when your legs were aching and it felt like you were making absolutely no progress. It was a day that Jasper offered to pick you up because your dad had to work late.
Jasper can tell you’re upset before he even reaches you.
You sit at the entrance to the rehab center, head ducked, fingers fidgeting in your lap. You see Jasper’s shoes first before he’s kneeling in front of you, honey eyes dark with concern as they flicker over your features. You look back at him, eyes blurry with unshed tears.
The blond’s gaze softens, “Oh, darlin’.”
And you break.
All the pent up frustration and guilt you’ve been holding onto comes pouring out. You manage to stay quiet, barely, but your whole body trembles with your tears as you collapse forward into Jasper’s arms. He holds you close, not saying a word, just humming softly into your hair.
The longer you stay like that, the calmer you feel. It’s like magic, the storm of your emotions calming to a dull roar, until you can take in a few deep breaths
It’s only when your hiccuping goes quiet that he draws you back, eyes scanning you again. You glance down, feeling too raw, too vulnerable like this, with his thoughtful gaze burning over you. But you also feel undeniably safe somehow.
“You’re doin’ so well, darlin,” he eventually murmurs, voice low, soothing your frayed edges. “I know you’ve been hurtin’ and you’re feelin’ like giving up, but we’re all so proud of you. Someday you’ll be back on your feet and I’ll be here ‘til that day comes. And long after it.”
It’s the most you think you’ve ever heard him say at once. His words ring with something so genuine, you can’t help but melt.
“Thanks, Jasper.”
“Always, darlin.”
It felt like more than a promise about that day. More than just a friend being there for another friend. And it was the moment you realized you really liked Jasper Hale. 
It was only a matter of time before you learned about his world.
None of them told you, of course. They couldn’t. But the truth was hard to deny when a lone vampire came through Forks and almost killed you. 
You knew it was a bad idea to go out by yourself. Even though your legs were getting stronger from your perseverance in physical therapy, you still couldn’t walk by yourself. Which made you quite the easy target.
Luckily, Jasper was just in time to save you.
After the shock, though, came all your questions. Why did that man try to bite you? How did Jasper throw him all the way down the alley? How did he know where to find you and that you were in trouble?
A silently distraught Jasper ended up taking you back to the Cullen house. The air was tense, except for Alice, who was more than excited. She foresaw it all, of course.
Carlisle explained it all to you as Jasper paced off to the side. A scowl lingered on his lips, his eyes set on something distant. The moment you felt a flicker of panic though, he was there, kneeling at your side, smoothing a hand over your shoulder. You covered his with your own, holding on so tightly that if he were human, he'd probably be hissing in pain. You had a good grip strength from wheeling around for a few months.
It took time to settle into this new reality. Jasper gave you space to process, scared to push you too hard, but you wouldn’t have it. Vampire or not, you couldn’t stand the distance. You hadn’t realized just how ingrained he was in your life until then. Whenever something happened, no matter how small it was, you wanted to rush to him and tell him everything. You hated life without him.
So you ended up asking him out.
Dating came as naturally as breathing. Nothing changed. He still drove you to physical therapy and walked you to all of your classes. Only now, he would press a kiss to your forehead when you parted ways and take you on dates after every p.t. appointment. 
You had never been happier.
That’s when you came up with an idea for the upcoming school formal.
“You ready, darlin?” Jasper pauses at your side of the car, wheelchair pulled out and set up behind him.
You grin, squashing the nerves buzzing in your chest before he can sense them, “Yes! Now help me out of here, mister.”
The blond chuckles. He helps you down from the car, touch overwhelmingly tender, as if he’s scared of breaking you. Which, you suppose, he could. You settle into your wheelchair with practiced ease, your dress only causing a little trouble.
The night starts off perfectly. You take your pictures and meet up with his siblings inside the venue. Everything is beautiful. As usual, Forks high went all out with the theme. It’s something cheesy, like ‘a night under the stars’, everything draped in a deep navy blue, the ceiling decorated with shimmering stars.
When the dancing starts, you give Alice the cue. She sends you a little wink before dashing off to the dj booth. You catch Edward grinning out of the corner of your eye. It was impossible to keep him out of it, what with the whole mind reading thing, so you just shoot the man a playful glare. He stifles a chuckle, making an excuse to go get some punch, despite the fact he can’t drink it.
Sighing softly, you steel your nerves, spinning back to your boyfriend.
“Hey,” you call, catching the cuff of his suit.
Jasper’s eyes turn to you, and oh, wow, you’ll never get used to that. The way he looks at you, it’s like you’re one of the stars decorating the night. His eyes glow with an overwhelming warmth and something so so fond. All of a sudden it feels like you’re the only two in the room, everything else fading away.
“Yes, darlin?”He hums, slipping your hand into his to brush his thumb over your knuckles.
The touch sends sparks cascading over your skin, settling in your chest among the wild butterflies. You bite your lip to try and hold back a massive smile.
“You gonna ask me to dance, cowboy?” You tease.
A smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth.
Jasper makes a show of pretending to tip a hat, voice bright with amusement, “My apologies ma’am. I shouldn’t have kept you waitin’.”
“Mmm, I’ll forgive you,” you hum, biting back a laugh, “just this once, Mister Hale.”
“That’s very kind of you, darlin. Now, would you give me the pleasure of escortin’ you to the dance floor?”
“Why, of course.”
Jasper figures he’ll hold you up as you dance, or maybe spin you while you sit. Anything you want.
Except you do neither of those things. Instead, you gather every ounce of your strength, and shakily push yourself to your feet. Your wheelchair disappears (thank you Alice) and you stand there, all on your own.
After a few seconds, you’re certain that your legs won’t give out, and glance up at the blond expectantly.
Jasper stares back at you, eyes wide, brows arched. It almost looks like he’s forgotten to breathe, his whole body rigid. Shocked. Your grin finally breaks loose, so wide it makes your cheeks ache. Squeezing his hand, you take a tentative step closer. A little wobbly, but you stay standing. It’s only one step, but -
You’re walking.
In an instant, Jasper’s hands are cupping your face, and it’s only then you realize you’re crying. Tears race down around your smile and he’s quick to wipe them away, drawing you close so he can rest your foreheads together.
“My Lord, darlin-” He lets out a breathless laugh. “-you’re goin’ t’make this old man’s heart start again.”
You giggle, curling your arms around his neck, “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Been a long time since I’ve been surprised.”
“But I did?”
“Yes, you certainly did.”
Jasper leans down, pressing his lips to yours. It’s soft, featherlight, and you feel like you’re floating. It’s perfect. Everything about it is perfect and so much better than you expected.
The vampire pulls back, just enough to whisper against your lips, “You’re amazin’ darlin. Absolutely amazin’.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” you hum back, “Now, dance with me, cowboy.”
Your song comes on. The one you first danced with Jasper to in your kitchen, when he set you on his feet and held you close to support your weight. A knowing grin falls across his lips, his eyes creasing as he looks down at you.
“It would be my pleasure.”
Unlike that first time, you don’t have to stand on his feet. You don’t even have to clutch onto him to stay upright. Instead, you rest your hands on his shoulders, and Jasper traces his along your waist. The two of you move together slowly, perfectly.
By the end of it, you’re leaning against him, head tucked under his chin, just soaking in the feeling of his arms around you, his lips pressed to the crown of your head. Your legs are shaking, but you don’t care.
This is everything you could ever ask for.
I had fun writing this!! It came really clearly for me, though it ended up being a lot longer than I thought because I wanted to add so much exposition.
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eymie · 4 months
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pairing: sejanus plinth x fem!reader
warnings: smut, kissing, fingering, handjob, doggy style, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cream pie, oral (f. receiving)
summary: you’ve liked sejanus for a while, to your excitement he’s assigned as your project partner this year.
a/n: i’m sick and tired of trying to get sejanus fics and they all have coryo in them UGHH (still enjoy them though)
def doing a pt2
When the professor called out your name followed by Sejanus Plinth, your interest piqued. You turned to meet his gaze, a soft smile on his face, probably happy he wasn’t assigned to Arachne or Livia.
You were called to sit with your partners to form study plans for further need. Sejanus was soft-spoken for the most part, unless provoked you assumed.
You both decided it was a good idea to meet at one of your homes instead of the library that filled up awfully fast more often than not.
Sejanus’ house was good but he opted not to. You didn’t bother to ask why so you offered up your own house. For the most part your parents were out working, they had a high ranking and were close friends with Sejanus’ parents. Your maids were quiet and you had no other guests at the time.
Your first project came up quick, a presentation to the class on the Hunger Games like there was every year. It was an annual project in the curriculum, you and Sejanus were assigned the history and forming of the games.
You had seen Arachne whispering something to him later than day, to which you ignored at first. The more you thought about it was odd, Sejanus talking to Arachne. Odd.
Arachne knew that you liked him and you were embarrassed to consider she told him.
Sejanus was supposed to come over to your place on the weekend to work on the project together. You spend the rest of your friday after school wondering what Arachne had told him, hoping it wasn’t what you assumed.
You knew your maids would let him in and direct him to your room, to which you were supposed to leave your door a few inches open. But, neither of your parents were home and they wouldn’t be til Sunday and Sejanus would come over on Saturday.
You hated yourself a little bit that you planned your outfit ahead of time. Your top was tighter than you remembered so you put a cardigan over top, you didn’t intend to seduce him. Yet, you wouldn’t mind if it worked.
“Miss, you have guest.” Your maids voice rung through the air, your door cracked open to reveal her and Sejanus.
“Thank you, you can come in.” You smiled sweetly, adjusting your cardigan slightly. You haven’t seen Sejanus out of his uniform since the last gala, to which he wore a suit. His clothes were more casual, not too casual because he still had expectations. “I already did some research, at least we got an easy topic.”
“I did too, I brought my notes.” He placed his notes on your desk, pulling up a chair to sit with you.
To your surprise Sejanus and you worked well together. Brief small talk about class, friends, interests and his laugh. You really did like his laugh. You felt a slight spark when his skin brushed yours, intentionally or not.
“Sej?” You asked, he looked over to yours. His gaze was sincere, a soft smile on his face as he nodded at you to continue. “Are you close with Arachne?”
“Oh… can’t say I like her company very much.” He replied, the smile dropping from his face. He went back to writing more notes. “Why?”
“No reason, I just saw you two talking in class.” You mumbled, a bit embarrassed to have brought up the subject. You looked down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers.
“She told me something funny, don’t know if I can believe something Arachne would say.” He mentioned, a slight teasing tone in his voice and suddenly your interest was piqued. You knew what he meant.
“I wouldn’t either.” You looked up at him, a teasing smile lingered on his face.
“Why not?” He rose an eyebrow, a playful tone in his voice.
“I just don’t know if I trust everything she says, she does like to tease.” You mentioned, to which he nodded his head. There was a pregnant pause between the two of you before he spoke up again.
“She told me something about you.” Your eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was referring to. You could believe Arachne couldn’t told him, not that he’d tell you she did. “Are you two close?”
“Not very, but she is close to my close friends.” The only reason Arachne knew was because Livia couldn’t keep her mouth shut and you had told her at a sleepover. You played with loose threads of your cardigan, shyly looking back up at him. “What’d she tell you?”
“Something I hope she wasn’t teasing about.” He said, a sincerity in his voice. He laughed a bit, a breathless one.
You were quick to reply, “Maybe she wasn’t.”
“I don’t want to ask.” Sejanus said, hanging his head low not wanting to make eye contact. You licked your lips, admiring the way his chocolate brown curls fell.
“Should I drop it?” You asked, a sense of anxiety coursing through you.
“Well aren’t you curious?” He looked back up, a smile on his perfect face. You weren’t curious, you knew exactly what she had told him. But, who did it hurt to lie.
“Of course I am.”
“I thought about it for a while, I can’t tell if she was being truthful. You and I have known each other since I arrived here, our parents are friends after all.” Sejanus admitted, looking at you for a bit of reassurance. You nodded along, acknowledging how long you’ve truly known him.
You were kind to Sejanus when everyone bullied him for being from the districts, along with Coriolanus who tolerated him.
“So why’re you being so shy.” You asked, your knees brushing against his to which he didn’t pull away.
“Because I don’t what it to be a lie.” He admitted and you couldn’t help but feel like he was confessing something.
“I think I know what she told you.” You regretted the words when they left your lips, practically confessing your feelings.
“You do?” You nodded, your hands now brushing his. Your chairs were close, both knees now touching. He leaned in a bit closer, eyes boring into your own. “Well, is it truth?”
You nodded again, to which he leaned in even closer. His eyes didn’t look away from yours once, you were the one to turn your head. His hand delicately moving your face back to look at him. You barely had time to react before his lips were pressed against your own. A surprised moan slipping from your lips into the kiss. It was soft, his hand delicately caressing your cheek.
Sejanus deepened the kiss, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek as well. He moaned into the kiss, feeling a rush of emotions he had never experienced before. This was wrong, but it felt so right.
You pulled him in further, and he gladly followed. His hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth tasting the sweetness of your lips. As his tongue pressed against yours, his hands slid off your cardigan, revealing the soft material of your top underneath. He groaned into the kiss, feeling the heat between them growing stronger.
"Sejanus,” You mumbled against his lips, fingers clawing at his shirt.
Sejanus broke the kiss, breathing softly as he looked into your eyes. His heart racing, his body tingling with desire. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Yes, for so long." You mumbled, brushing your lips against his. Sejanus smiled softly, relief flooding through him.
"Good" He leaned in to press another, this time firmer, kiss to your lips. His hands traced the outline of your waist, pulling you closer to him once more.
A soft moan that escaped your lips only served fuel to his desire. His tongue danced with yours again, his hand sliding up to cup your breasts through the fabric of your top. He groaned into the kiss, feeling as if he was going to lose himself.
"The bed,” You whispered, barely audible.
Sejanus broke the kiss once more, his breathing heavy as his eyes bore into yours. He asked, his voice rough with lust. "What?"
"I need you." You confessed, hands pulling at his shirt. He smiled and you moved your hand to run your fingers through his curls.
"I need you too." He whispered, his hands never leaving your body. With a gentle nudge, he guided you back towards the bed. His lips trailed kisses down your neck and collarbone as he helped you onto the mattress.
He traced slow patterns along your legs with his hands, never quite making contact with the pars of you that ached for him. Your eyes immediately flew to the crack in the door, you heart beating out of your chest. "Fuck, close the door."
His eyes flickered to the door before meeting yours once more. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he leaned in to capture your lips in a slow, deep kiss. One hand slipped between you, finding the hem of your shirt and slowly pulling it upwards.
"Sej, the door." You whined, not wanting to get caught by one of the maids.
Sejanus broke the kiss again, this time pressing his forehead against yours. He stood up and reached for the door handle. He closed the door and flipped the lock with a nonchalant motion before returning to the bed, his gaze never leaving yours.
As you pulled your shirt off, Sejanus' eyes traced the movement before settling on your bare chest. His breath hitched slightly as he took in the sight of you.
"What?" You questioned, shyly covering yourself to which he pulled your hands away.
Sejanus shook his head slightly, trying to clear it. His hands traced light patterns along your skin before leaning down once more, this time pressing his lips to the soft flesh just below your earlobe. He breathed out, "Nothing, You're just... beautiful."
You squirmed under his touch, panties soaked through with a small wet patch. His hands travelled to pull off your shorts, fingers pulling at the elastic waistband of your panties.
"I'm so wet." You embarrassingly admitted, clenching your thighs closed so he couldn’t see your glistening cunt.
"Really?" He whispered, his hand sliding lower to explore the wetness between your legs. His thumb tracing soft circles around your clit before delving inside you.
"Sejanus wait!" You grabbed his wrist stopping him.
Sejanus froze for a moment, his eyes searching yours for guidance. His fingers still moving inside you as he asked, "Wait for what?"
"I wanna touch you first." You mumbled, looking into his deep brown eyes.
Sejanus smiled softly, his hand leaving you for a moment to gently tug off his belt. "Then let me help you," He whispered before guiding your hand to his cock, already half-hard.
As you spit in your hand, Sejanus watched with a mix of curiosity and need. He leaned down to kiss you softly, his tongue playing with yours as he felt your hand wrap around his length. He groaned softly into the kiss, hands bucking forward slightly as he felt the wet warmth of your hand on his hard length. He kissed you deeply, their tongues entwining as he rock against your hand.
"Good?" You asked, begging for reassurance.
Sejanus broke the kiss with a soft moan, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure.
"So good," He whispered, his fingers finding their way back between your legs. "You're so wet and ready for me."
"Need your cock." You admitted, squeezing your thighs shut, to which his large hands spread back open.
Sejanus' breath caught in his throat at your words. He leaned down to kiss you again, "I want that too."
"Are you close?" You squeezed your hand tighter, sliding it up and down. A groan escaped his lips, curling his fingers inside of you. "Need you to come."
Sejanus' eyes darkened with desire. "You can have that and more." He whispered, his fingers slipping inside you. He thrusted his fingers slowly, his cock jerking against your hand as he felt your fingers squeeze him tighter.
"God your hands." You moan, walls clenching around his thick digits.
Sejanus' fingers found your sweet spot, his thumb brushing against your sensitive nub. "Tell me what you want," He whimpered into your ear, his hips grinding against your hand.
"Want you to cum." You whispered, begging him silently to come undone.
As he felt his orgasm building, he groaned softly int your ear. His fingers moving faster inside you as he bucked his hips into your hand with growing desperation.
"Please." You beg, your voice low and sultry.
With a hoarse groan, Sejanus' body tensed and his seed spilled out between your fingers, painting your palm with his release. His lips found yours again in a deep kiss.
Sejanus let out a long sigh as he felt himself slowly coming down from his high. He watched as you licked his cum off your fingers.
"Sejanus, I want you to fuck me." Your eyes bore into his, a long pause between you. The air was thick but the silence was thicker.
"i want that too," He whispered, his voice hoarse with desire. "Are you sure?"
"So sure." You nodded, leaning back on your elbows.
"Spread your legs for me," He ordered softly.
You whimpered slightly before spreading your legs for him, revealing your glistening wet cunt. Sejanus' eyes darkened with lust as he stared down at you.
"You are so beautiful," He breathed, his fingers tracing light patterns on your inner thighs.
"It's embarrassing." You whined, turning your head away from his gaze. You attempted to close your legs but he held them open.
Sejanus' lips curved into a tender smile
"Don't be embarrassed," He whispered, his fingers sliding between your legs to tease your entrance. He pushed his fingers inside of you slowly feeling you stretch around them.
"Sej, I wanted your cock not your fingers." You whine, not trying to act like a brat but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to feel him, not just his fingers.
"I need to stretch you first." He slowly thrusted his fingers back inside you, slipping in a third one. You squeezed your eyes shut, wondering how much more he’d stretch you than this.
"Don't care if it hurts." You huffed, grabbing his wrist trying to stop him, to which he was quick to pull your hand away.
Sejanus' eyes widened slightly at your response. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before pushing his fingers deeper inside of you.
"Don't you want it?” You ask, trying to convince him to skip the foreplay.
"Yes-- but I need to take care of you first." He assured you, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out. "I want this to be good for both of us."
"I don't want to cum on your fingers." You huffed, lying back on the pillow.
He smiled reassuringly, he continued to stretch you with his fingers. Gradually he increased the depth and speed of his thrusts. "Don't worry. we'll get to that soon enough."
"Wanna cum on your cock, Sej--" You whined, squeezing your thighs around his hand. His large hands spread your legs back open.
"I know you do," He murmured, pulling his fingers away and positioning himself at your entrance. He paused for a moment before slowly pushing inside of you.
Your back arched off the bed, a soft moan slipping from your lips. Sejanus watched as you arched your back, the bed creaking beneath you. He groaned deeply, his eyes locked on yours as he began to move inside of you.
"Oh my god, you're so big." The stretch burned, you didn’t expect him to stretch you this wide. You threw your head back, trying your best to accommodate his girth. A throaty moan ripping from your throat.
Sejanus' fingers dug into the sheets as he tried to maintain control. "I want this to be good for both of us," He gritted out, his hips beginning to move faster and harder.
"It's so good." You panted, bucking your hips up to meet his thrusts.
He felt his body tense, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable. "You feel so good," He moaned, pressing deeper inside of you as he lost himself in the sensation.
"W-wait-- wait a second." You pant, pushing against his chest.
Sejanus' eyes flickered open as he felt you writhe beneath him. He pulled out, leaning back before asking "Are you okay?"
You turned onto your stomach, arching your ass into the air. Your glistening stretched cunt on display in front of him. "Fuck me like this."
He positioned himself behind you, his thick cock at your entrance. With a deep breath, he slid inside you once again, taking you in a powerful thrust that filled your needy pussy. His hips slapped against your ass with each powerful thrust. His hands found your hips, holding onto them as he took you harder and faster. He groaned, his body slamming against yours, hands groping the fat of your ass. His hand slid down to the arch of your back, pushing down causing you to moan out.
"Sejanus-- fuck!"
"Oh god," He moaned, his eyes closed as he felt his orgasm building up inside of him.
"Inside--" You beg, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. You whine at the way his large hands spread your ass.
With a deep groan, Sejanus pushed his cock into you one last time, his thick cock sliding deep inside pulsing and twitching with release. Your tight walls gripped his cock tightly as he emptied his seed into you.
"Yesss!" You whined out, gripping the sheets under you. You heard him pant above you, your cunt still stuffed full of his cock and cum. He leaned forward to place soft kisses along your neck and shoulders.
Feeling you whimper around his cock, Sejanus smiled softly. Gently pulling out his cock from your full cunt. "You okay?"
"Mhm" You hummed, panting into the pillow. Your body twitched in ecstasy, needing him inside you again.
His eyes searched your face for any signs of pain or discomfort but he only found pleasure and need. "You didn't cum?"
Sejanus' fingers spread your tight cunt, watching his cum spill out. His tongue went out to lick your cunt. Feeling your warm cunt, he knew couldn't hold back from tasting you. His tongue darted out to explore your sweetness, lapping up every drop of your juices.
"Ohh--" You gasp, arching your ass up further. Your fingers threading into the pillow, grabbing it for stability.
"The taste of you made his mouth water, he lapped at your sweet cunt like a starved man. As he continued to suck your sensitive clit, he slid two fingers into your wetness, massaging the spot that would make you cum. "I'll make sure you cum."
He groaned as your body shuddered and your cunt spasmed around his fingers. His hands were gentle yet firm. guiding you through the most intense orgasm of your life. As he watched your writhe, he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction. His mouth lingered by your ear, fingers still exploring your cunt. His voice was low as he whispered praises, "That's it."
"Sej-- oh!" His free hand tilted your head back, capturing your lips in a firm yet gentle kiss as he positioned his cock at your entrance again. "Wait--"
His cock slid back into your slick cunt, filling you to the hilt. The sensation was overwhelming, but your cunt was practically sucking him in. "You're so tight."
"I can't-- c-can't take it." You gasp out, squeezing your eyes shut. The way his thick cock split you open.
But, he didn't slow. Instead, he shifted his position to slightly hit your sweet spot, and watched as you moaned and arched your back. He murmured approvingly, "You can."
Sejanus gripped your hips, cock bullying your insides. His cock pistoned in and out of you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again until you were crying out in pleasure. "Good girl"
"I can't,” You beg. Sejanus’ free hand entwined his fingers over yours. Leaning over your body, his hot breath fanning over the back of your neck.
"Yes, you can," He bit out between clenched teeth. His hips bucked wildly, driving himself deeper into you with each thrust.
"I-I'm so close." You felt the knot inside you tightening, ready to snap.
"I know you are," He groaned, feeling your walls clench around him. "Need to see your face when you cum undone."
Sejanus flipped you onto your back without pulling out. He held himself up on his arms, watching you eagerly.
"Spread your legs for me," He ordered, smirking when you instantly obeyed. You spread your legs showing him your raw fucked out pussy, stretched out from his fat cock.
With a slow, deliberated pace. He began to thrust in and out of your cunt again. Each of his thrusts sending pleasure through your body. His hands gripped at your hips as he leaned down to nip at your neck and earlobe.
"You like that, don't you?" He groaned, his voice thick with need. Feeling you nod against his chest, he increased the intensity of his movements. He cock pounding into you relentlessly, hitting the spot that made you cry out in pleasure.
Sejanus didn't stop his thrusts, knowing that the quicker he fucked you, the quicker you'd cum. Your breaths came in short gasps as you tenses underneath him. You dug your nails into the back of his neck, scratching at his skin to pull him closer. The feeling of your nails and the way your walls squeezed him drove him to the brink of his orgasm.
You slid your hand down to your clit, his hips bucked needily against yours. Your eyes rolled back, your back arching off of the bed. Your nipples pressing into his, chest rubbing against each other.
"That's it," He breathed, his voice thick with lust. "Cum for me."
"Sejanus!" You cried out, your walls spasming around his hard length. Your tight cunt milked him mercilessly as wave after wave of pleasure consumed you.
Sejanus' body tensed and he let out a long, low groan as you clenched around him. His cock twitched inside you, his hot seed filled your cunt, overflowing. "So it was true."
Sejanus smirked, "So you like me."
"Yeah, but you knew that.”
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babydollmarauders · 8 months
jack hughes x fem!reader
surprise song! part (and final part) of the Speak Now Fic List
summary: in which y/n writes she and Jack’s first dance song and it’s Jack’s first time hearing it
notes: Taylor doesn’t exist in this alternative universe, and you’ll understand why! (2.5k words)
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“i want you to write our first dance song.”
when Jack had told me that just five months ago, i was at a loss for words.
i’m no pop star, by any means, and i’ve never desired to be one. i dabble in song writing as a way to release my anxiety and that’s it.
i’ve bounced lyrics off of Jack for as long as i can remember. we went from facetimes in high school, after practice, singing him verses i was unsure of, to sitting beside him in bed, my guitar in my hands as i tried to work out lyrics and having him put his two cents in.
he knew i never planned for anyone else to hear them. they were for he and i’s ears only. yet he still complimented my voice, my lyricism, the instrumentals i played out in the dead of night.
he told me i wrote like a poet. he called me the greatest storyteller who’s ever lived.
but the greatest compliment, and also the greatest challenge, he’s ever given me, was to write the song to which we’ll have our first dance as husband and wife. to write our love into the purest form of art.
it took me four months to write what our love felt like, into words. constant lyric changes, and multiple instances of scrapping a song altogether and starting anew. it took another month for me to get it all made in a rented studio. recorded and produced into the song it is now.
but as i took so long to perfect it to my liking, i took the greatest risk of my songwriting journey. i never once bounced lyrics off of Jack. i wrote only when he was on roadies, hiding my journal inside of an old blanket that sits on the high shelf in our closet when he was home.
i wanted this song to be a complete surprise once it was finished. i wanted him to only hear it once it was in its perfected form. and that would be today.
my leg bounces on the couch, my fingers playing with the fringed side of the decorative pillow that lies within my lap, as i wait for Jack to get home from practice.
my nerves are quickly rising, my anxiety getting the best of me. if he dislikes this song, then i only have one month to create an entirely new one.
i feel sick. like i could both pass out and lose my breakfast at any moment.
my head perks up as i hear the apartment door open, the un-hushed whispers of Jack and Luke reaching my ears, and when they step into the living room, the signature smile on Jack’s face brightens.
“hi, baby.” he grins, bounding forward to press a kiss to my forehead. “i didn’t think you would be awake already.”
“i got it.” i rush out, the monotonous small talk of the moment not appealing to me in the slightest.
“got what, doll?” Jack’s brows thread together in confusion, and i can hear Luke’s pots and pans clattering in the kitchen.
“the final demo of our first dance song.” my teeth sink into my bottom lip, watching realization settle over Jack’s face. “the producer sent it to me this morning.”
“that’s great, baby! why do you look like your gonna throw up?” he laughs, taking a seat beside me on the sofa.
“because i’m scared you’re gonna hate it.” i confess. “i spent so long on this one song, making it into something i’m proud of, but it all means nothing if you don’t think it’s good enough.”
“hey.” he coos softly, a gentle hand raising to cup my cheek. “i love everything you write. and i know that this song is gonna be no exception.”
his forehead rests against mine, my eyes fluttering shut as i take a deep breath.
“are you ready to hear it?” my words come out in a whisper and i can feel him nod against me.
“i’ve been ready since the day i asked you to write it.” i pull back to smile at my fiancé, heaving out a deep sigh.
“hey Luke?” he calls out, getting a distracted ‘yeah?’ in return. “you mind giving us a few minutes alone?”
“uhh-” Luke peeks through kitchen entryway. “‘in my room’ alone? or ‘leave the apartment’ alone?”
“in your room is fine.” i assure him gently and he nods.
i watch as he turns the stove off before walking to his room. as soon as his door shuts, Jack is turning to me with an excited smile.
“okay, let’s listen!” my hand shakes as i lean forward, clicking on my laptop that rests on the coffee table, pressing play on the file.
the first notes echo throughout the living room, the gentle guitar strums causing Jack’s eyes to crinkle as he smiles softly, bobbing his head, his eyes glued to the laptop screen.
“Down the block, there's an antique shop
And something in my head said, ‘Stop,’ so i walked in
On the counter was a cardboard box
And the sign said, ‘Photos: twenty-five cents each’
Black and white, saw a '30s bride
And two lovers laughin' on the porch of their first house
The kinda love that you only find once in a lifetime
The kind you don't put down”
he looks over at me, confusion written across his face, but his eyes still shining with joy.
“And that's when i called you and it's so hard to explain
But in those photos, i saw us instead
And, somehow, i know that you and i would've found each other
In another life, you still would've turned my head even if we'd met”
his eyes grow softer, my cheeks heating up.
sure, i’ve written love songs about Jack in the past, but this one was special. this one speaks a truer and deeper meaning than any of my past songs.
“On a crowded street in 1944
And you were headed off to fight in the war
You still would've been mine
We would have been timeless
I would've read your love letters every single night
And prayed to God you'd be comin' home all right”
his smile is gentler now, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he snakes his hand over to hold mine, and i know he’s thinking about the same thing as me.
remembering the time early on in his NHL career, when i confessed to him that every time he went on a roadie, i had so much worry that he would get hurt and i wouldn’t be there for him. when i admitted that, regardless of me not being a highly religious individual, i prayed before every game that he would come out okay. that he would come home in the same condition as he left.
“And you would've been fine
We would have been timeless
'Cause i believe that we were supposed to find this
So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine
We would've been timeless”
salty tears roll down my cheeks at the sight of his, gathering on my chin and dripping down onto our conjoined hands, gripped tightly together in my lap.
“I had to smile when it caught my eye
There was one of a teenage couple in the driveway
Holdin' hands on the way to a dance
And the date on the back said 1958
Which brought me back to the first time I saw you
Time stood still like somethin' in this old shop”
he pulls me closer, until i’m practically sitting on his lap, pressing his lips to my cheek, and i wonder if he’s thinking back on when we first met too. but what he doesn’t know is that i saw him first. i’d never told him that bit.
how i silently pined after him for months until we really met. it’s written in my vows though.
junior year, when i first saw him in the school hallway and it felt like everything around me had frozen.
he had been standing at his locker, laughing about something that Trevor had said. i heard the laugh first, and my entire body felt warm. but then i turned and caught sight of him, and it felt like time had stopped. my heartbeat had sped up, everything around me drowning out until all i could focus on was him.
“I thought about it as i started lookin' 'round
At these precious things that time forgot
That's when i came upon a book covered in cobwebs
Story of a romance torn apart by fate
Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love, like we did
And i'd die for you in the same way, if i first saw your face”
our foreheads press against each other, my thumb wiping away his tears.
“In the 1500s off in a foreign land
And i was forced to marry another man
You still would've been mine
We would have been timeless
I would've read your love letters every single night
And run away and left it all behind
You still would've been mine
We would've been timeless
'Cause i believe that we were supposed to find this
So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine
We would've been timeless”
his lips slot against mine, perfectly placed in harmonious synchrony, our fallen tears mingling together upon the meeting.
“Time breaks down your mind and body
Don't you let it touch your soul
It was like an age-old classic
The first time that you saw me
The story started when you said, ‘Hello’
In a crowded room a few short years ago
And sometimes there's no proof, you just know
You're always gonna be mine
We're gonna be-
I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray
We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made
And you'll say, ‘Oh my, we really were timeless’”
my thoughts drift back to the first time we really met.
it was on new year’s eve in our junior year. Cole was having a joint new years and birthday party.
*** DECEMBER 31ST, 2019 ***
Cole’s house is crowded. insanely so.
i didn’t originally plan to come. but Cole’s become a good friend of mine through our shared history class, and he’s been blowing up my phone all day, begging me all day to attend.
so now here i stand.
alone in the crowded living room of Cole Caufield���s billet residence, a red solo cup in my hand as i people watch.
i’m unsure of what to do. Cole currently sits on the couch with a few of his hockey friends from the US National Development Program, and i feel awkward going over there. but i don’t actually know anyone else here.
i tend to keep to myself more often than not, which results in the rest of my friends being fellow introverts that would never be at a party like this.
“y/n!” my eyes grow wide, my head snapping to find where the call of my name had originated from, and i’m slightly surprised to find Cole grinning over at me, his hand waving in the air and motioning me over.
my eyes flicker beside him to see Jack sat next to Alex, both paying no attention to anything going on around them.
with none of Jack’s attention on me, i figure it’s safe to go over and wish Cole a happy early birthday.
i push my shoulders back, standing up straighter, attempting to push my way through a horde of fellow high schoolers.
but my walk is a lot less confident once i witness Jack’s gaze drifts towards me. i stumble a little, crinkling my nose as a guy i share pre-calculus with bumps me in the back.
“hi Cole.” i force a smile on my surely red face, fidgeting under the gaze of all the boys, but especially anxious now that Jack’s attention is on me.
“hey! you came!” Cole rises from his seat, pulling me into a hug, recklessly causing my drink to slosh in its cup.
“well you were texting me all day. you wouldn’t take no for an answer.” i chuckle as he plops back down to the couch with a sigh.
“i couldn’t throw my birthday party and not have my favorite girl show up!” he shouts, my face heating up. “oh! guys, this is y/n! she’s my friend from history!”
the guys all mumble out distracted ‘hey’s, no longer paying any attention to me, more interested in their new conversations or, in Trevor’s case, trying to charm a girl.
except for Jack. his baby blues are still locked on me, the corners of his mouth pulled up in a small smile.
“hello.” it’s only one word, but my heart races in my chest. i’ve been pining after this exact boy from afar for months, and now he knows who i am. “i’m Jack.”
“hi Jack.” i shake his hand, his touch sending shivers down my body.
*** PRESENT ***
Jack’s hand rubs my thigh, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“We're gonna be timeless, timeless
You still would've been mine
We would've been
Even if we'd met on a crowded street in 1944
You still would've been mine
We would've been
Down the block, there's an antique shop
And somethin' in my head said, ‘Stop,’ so i walked in”
my arms wrap around my now-husband’s neck, my hands toying with the hair at the nape of his neck.
our family and friends watch on from their seats, Ellen’s eyes catching mine, tears already threatening to pour over.
the first guitar chords stream out from the speakers as Jacks hand wrap around my waist, and we begin swaying around the dance floor.
Jack’s eyes gaze into mine, smiling as he whispers the lyrics back to me, relieving some of my anxiety from our guests hearing my song.
i grin back at him, craning my neck to press a kiss against his lips as the song nears its end.
i purposefully avoid looking anywhere near the crowd, laying my head on his chest as the song ends, the final chords strumming.
his heartbeat echoes in my ears, quickening as he presses a kiss against the top of my head.
his words are mumbled into my hair, his lips pressed to my scalp- “our love is timeless.”
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7surugi · 1 month
daybreak | haitani ran x f!reader
[content] sfw, literally just comfort :], mentions of character deaths, nudity (taking a bath together), soft! ran, mostly ran-centric
[word count] 5.4k
[note] this was originally meant to just be a soft midnight beach scene but then i went a little overboard. this is my first time writing a reader insert, and i am quite happy with how this piece turned out !! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) <33 (after editing, i realized that i mentioned rindō a lot,,, i just miss him, sorry.)
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The summer heat comes like it always does, waking up with sweat sticking to your skin, the humidity cuts your throat dry. Summer in Japan is not kind to you this year. You don’t have air conditioning hooked up in your studio, your old fan isn’t enough to keep you cooled down and you ran out of your favourite popsicles two days ago. It’s nearly impossible to focus on your studies when suffering from such heat.
Luckily, there is a family-owned café that is only a seven-minute walk from your place. You almost find yourself here every day out of habit, just finding comfort in the place. And you find yourself there now, three hours before noon, sitting near the entrance with textbooks sprawled out, drinking an iced coffee to wake your body.
The door opens, the shimmering of the wind chime sings gently, you glance up from your textbook, a random curiosity to see what type of person has entered the café.
You’re rather surprised, you don’t think you have ever seen someone so attractive before. He’s tall, you take note as he passes by you, walking towards the counter. A faint scent of lavender and bergamot follows him. You stare a little too long, lingering on the stranger, it’s not often when you see young people here during the early mornings.
It is not long when he notices and turns around to return your gaze, sending you a lazy smirk which makes you flush in embarrassment from getting caught. You turn your focus back to your textbook, reminding yourself that you have to study, you have more important things to focus on instead of a pretty stranger.
When he asks if he can sit with you, despite the place being empty, and even now, you don’t know why you ended up saying yes to him.
You meet Ran Haitani and he never once leaves your mind, with long braided hair and deep lavender eyes that you find yourself getting lost in, you don’t think you’ve seen someone with such a pretty eye colour before.
Ran often finds himself here, at a small family-owned café, sitting in front of you. He can’t count how many times he has seen you on both hands (he can, it’s a little less than ten, he remembers). He convinces himself that he comes here because he likes the way they make mont blancs, and partially to come and see you. He thinks you know of this, too.
You say you come here to study, he doesn’t understand why you would study in a place like this instead of home. But the more he comes here, the more he finds himself to actually like it. It is a little small compared to other cafés he is used to, but the moment he leaves, the wind chime tinkling as the door closes, a part of him wants to return, missing the scent.
And so, he returns, and every time he enters the café, lies you.
(He assumes this must be the reason you return too, it’s almost magical — and he snorts at his own choice of words.)
“You don’t talk much, do ya? It was like that last time.”
“I’m trying to study, Haitani.”
“Haitani? It’s Ran to you.”
“It’s Haitani when you annoy me,” you retort, brows furrowed as you shift your focus back to your textbooks. “Told you I need to study for the entrance exam… I can’t afford to fail it.”
Ran knows you can’t, but he also knows there’s always next year, and you probably wouldn’t appreciate hearing it from someone like him, but he believes that school isn’t everything.
Perhaps you’re desperate, he learned that after barely finishing high school (that you barely attended due to practice and tournaments), you didn’t take the university entrance exam, too busy focusing on your figure skating career. You say that things weren’t going how you thought it would — nothing more than that — your eyes are dull, a familiar sadness that flashes by.
“Don’t you have things to do? I know you’re rather… busy,” you are cautious as you say this, sending him a knowing look.
Ran smiles, deciding to divert the topic. He knows you know what he does, how recklessly he lives his life, and he has never once hid it from you, but he doesn’t want you to know any details. “I am busy, but not right now. Aren’t you happy seeing me? ‘m a bit hurt…”
“I like spending time with you, Ran. I really do, but not when I’m studying,” his smile drops into a thin line, hearing that almost hurts. And he realizes that maybe he really is distracting you during an important time in your life (but you also have a few months until the entrance exam, so believes you could give him a little bit more of your time, being too diligent isn’t a good thing — he reminds himself that it’s desperation that you’re chasing). “Maybe we can meet somewhere else when I’m not busy…”
His ears perk up at the comment, lips forming into a smirk as he fiddles with his fork, playing with half eaten mont blanc. “Oh, yeah? When are you free, sweetheart?”
Ran usually just sits and hangs out with you here, showing up unannounced, and over time you seem to be expecting him. Your pretty eyes lighting up as you smile so sweetly at him when he enters the café. Eventually, you begin to let him walk you home, always mentioning he doesn’t have to, but he insists, even if your apartment is only around five minutes away. One time he took you out for ramen, another time when you brought him home to eat instant ramen and make homemade dango together with your leftover rice flour and silken tofu.
The aquarium would be nice, he thinks you would like it. Or maybe a nice restaurant because he would like to show you his favourite spots he goes to with Rindō. Anywhere, really.
“I’m free on Saturday,” you softly say, not meeting his gaze as you pretend to write something down in your notebook.
“Alright, I’ll pick you up.”
Eyes trained on you, you still don’t glance at him, only slightly nodding as a small smile graces your face. He smiles, too.
He wishes you would look up. He wants to fully see your face, shy with blushed cheeks. He wants to see you.
It’s a feeling of normalcy; a luxury that Ran has almost forgotten until now. He feels like someone normal and regular, Ran is anything but normal. Sitting here, drinking sickening sweet tea and eating his favourite mont blanc as he watches you do your own thing. Ran is anything but normal, he doesn’t want to be normal, but with you, he guesses it’s alright.
If anything, he has gotten used to it.
On their shared computer (one that is kept in Rindō’s room), Ran finds himself glued to the screen, watching low quality videos of you figure skating. Ran doesn’t know much about sports that aren’t martial arts — often finding any sport unrelated to fighting rather boring. But something about this, or rather you, has his full attention, invoking an unknown (unfamiliar) feeling. He doesn’t have the words to explain it.
He moves the mouse, clicking onto a new video. It starts like all the ones before, introducing you, and then the piano slowly begins. So divine, captivating, he holds his breath as you glide across the ice so naturally, twirling close to the edge. He watches in deep admiration, he remembers attending Rindō’s jiu-jitsu tournaments when they were children, always cheering his brother on from the crowds, he wishes he could have cheered for you too.
On the empty ice rink, the lights are shining for you and only you.
It’s enchanting.
Another video is a younger you with tears welled up in your eyes, relief and frustration at the silver medal that hangs around your neck. It all glistens as the light shines down on you, twinkling against the medal.
And like everything in the world, money rules over all. Ruling over with an iron fist. It shines so vividly, it’s almost blinding. From silver to bronze to nothing. He can sense your anger, the unfair bitterness that wells up inside of you, the tears you desperately hold back, yet you force yourself to smile. So prettily, he almost falls for it, it almost eases his own anger at your injustice.
Always smiling, the smile of an angel.
Saturday’s date never comes. Kakuchō calls him up saying there’s a sudden emergency meeting. Details are still a blur, pieces are missing, but South wants everyone at Rokuhara Tandai’s hideout before evening hits.
He called you two hours ago, telling you that something important came up and that he would like to take you out another time. You being you, always so sweet and understanding towards him says it’s okay. The disappointment you try to hide in your voice is evident, and his heart feels heavy. He tells you he is sorry and you tell him it’s okay because sometimes things happen unexpectedly.
Rindō barges into his room, his uniform is half on, asking him to do his hair. He feels his brother’s stare, rather intense, and Ran grows annoyed by the minute.
“What’s your problem? Don’t wanna go today? I think South and Kakuchō would get pissed if we bailed.”
“I know, I know. South would come for our asses.”
“Then what is it? You’ve been frowning all day and I know it wasn’t me. I was mostly in my room.”
“It’s just the shitty weather,” he replies with a heavy sigh.
Rindō makes a face, looking at him quite dumbly. “It’s sunny out?”
Ran just looks at him and sighs again. Louder. Rindō wouldn’t understand his woes.
(He can’t tell Rindō about you just yet. You’re his little secret, a safe place for him, his paradise — though, he is sure Rindō knows something is up. Rindō knows his heart well enough.)
“So are you gonna do my hair or not?”
“Obviously, I am. C’mere. Can’t have my baby brother looking like a mess.”
He breaks out into a grin the moment Rindō gets annoyed and hits him on the arm — not hard enough to leave a bruise, but hard enough for Ran to loudly groan at the impact and attempt to swing back at him (he swears he misses on purpose). His previous annoyance vanishes as he play fights with his brother.
There is a downpour that night, raining crimson red.
Grey skies, clusters of clouds forming together, and the humidity sticks to his pale skin. The storm has long passed, sweeping violence, lulling it back to the sea. Rindō is out today, meeting a few friends, probably causing trouble, or kissing pretty girls. Ran doesn’t know, barely registering his brother’s words earlier due to being half-asleep.
Technically they’re supposed to be laying low after the battle between Rokuhara Tandai versus Brahman verus Kantō Manji Gang; ‘the Battle of Three Deities’, is what people call it, and Ran likes the name very much. However, instead of laying around at home as he often finds himself doing, he finds himself on the other side of Roppongi, knocking on the door to your cheap studio.
He doesn’t understand why he drags himself here, he’s still exhausted from everything and he wants nothing more than to just sleep, to forget everything.
It’s less than a minute when you open the door, your eyes slightly widen at his unannounced arrival.
You look as if you had just woken up, a mess, and Ran finds you beautiful. There’s something so mesmerizing in raw beauty, something he finds so beautiful in you. His gaze softens once he sees your heavy eyes, brimmed-red, and he feels a sudden urge to hold you. To keep you close.
“What’s wrong?”
“Hey, you alright?”
The two of you smile, bursting out laughing for a few seconds at speaking the same words at the same time. You take a small breath, shaking your head, saying, “you go first, Ran. I asked first.”
“Hm? I believe I did. Ladies first.”
He notices that you say his name a lot more these days, rolling off of your tongue so sweetly, so naturally, it almost doesn’t feel like his name.
Ran, Ran, Ran.
He loves the way you say it despite hearing his name being said a thousand times before.
Your hand wraps around his wrist, tugging him inside. He closes the door behind you both, eyes never leaving you; watching as he follows right behind you, trained on your messy hair and back.
“An acquaintance of mine died the other day,” he casually blurts out. Acquaintance is probably not the right word — friends is definitely the wrong one. South was an interestingly strong guy; beating the shit out of S-62 generation, resulting in them falling in line behind him, the only one capable of handling their brutality — or at least that’s what they said to him. He is someone Ran spent a lot of time with, someone he didn’t particularly like or dislike. He can’t put his finger around it.
You pause, turning around the moment the words spill from his lips. “Oh, Ran… I’m sorry. Are you alright?” You ask, genuine worry across your face, eyebrows furrowed as you attempt to search in his eyes. “No, sorry, that was such a stupid question…”
“No, no. It’s not stupid.” He is quick to hush, appreciating your concern, but he doesn’t want to worry you. He didn’t come here for that. “‘m alright. Trust me. I just felt the need to come and see you.”
“I’m here for you. I am so sorry about your friend… why don’t you go and sit down? I’ll make you that tea you like. I can’t make it like the café does, but…”
After Izana passed away, Ran felt something inside him shatter, despite not being super close to the boy — or rather, the boy not allowing any of them to get close. A wall of steel surrounding him and his lonely heart. He really admired him, he thinks he always will. Ran felt lost. Mutō who randomly disappeared the moment he was released from juvie, only for his remains to be found near the Tokyo bay area, and now South who had also been killed… Ran doesn’t know how he’s supposed to feel. He feels nothing and maybe that’s what scares him.
And if something were to happen to him, especially Rindō—
No, no, no. He shouldn’t think that way.
He steps closer to you, lifting his other hand to brush a strand of hair from your face. You lean forward into his touch. “It’s alright. I already had somethin’ to drink before I got here,” he tells you. “Now how ‘bout you tell me what’s wrong with you? You look terrible, sweetheart.”
“Geez, thank you for pointing it out, Haitani. Not everyone can look nice everyday.” Your words make him smile, he knows he looks good everyday. Your gaze turns down, not wanting to meet his eyes as your expression drops. Your lips twitch, forcing yourself to slightly smile. “I… I just don’t know what I’m doing,” voice barely above a whisper, barely found, so Ran loosens his wrist from your grip to grab your hand, holding it tightly within his.
Your breathing is slow and jagged, almost as if you are holding back the oxygen you desperately need. Ran feels as if he can feel your heavy heart and how irregularly it beats.
He squeezes your hand a little tighter and you wince.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to squeeze you so hard…” he rubs circles against the back of your hand with his thumb over and over again. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Huh? Now? Where are we going?”
“Yes, right now.”
You protest, turning your head away from him, “I’m not even dressed and you didn’t—”
He softly sighs, raising both hands to cup your face. He gently squishes your cheeks together, your pretty lips forming a pout and you frown at the action. Ran smiles, saying, “you look pretty. You always do. Let’s go, okay?”
“… Okay.”
“I said okay, Ran.”
The two of you board the evening train and go to a deserted beach hours away from the city. Just the two of you.
The road ahead is too dark, foggy and you cannot see anything, even yourself. It’s a scary thing to be alone. The waves are awfully calm, lulling you in with a terrifying silent noise. It’s the call of the void and you’re afraid to drown. You think it might rain, or so you thought it would earlier, yet it never came.
Maybe the rain will come once more tonight.
“I watched it, those videos of you.” Ran’s voice breaks you from your train of thoughts, you take in his words, his comforting presence, and swallow down your bleak thoughts.
You tilt your head in confusion at his vague words, “huh?”
“The videos posted of you skating. I think I saw most of ‘em.”
“Oh… well, what did you think of them?”
You feel rather embarrassed about it, you don’t know why though, millions of people have seen you ice skating before. You can’t bring yourself to watch them anymore. This bitterness only continues to bottle up inside of you. As fresh as these wounds may be, you wish they would hurry and fade, you don’t ever want to remember it. Not yet, at least.
Ran lowly hums, it mixes in with the gentle evening breeze. “Wish they were higher quality. You looked like a little snow fairy dancing around. The way you skate is so pretty.”
You huff a laugh, biting your lip, snow fairy, Ran always says such weird things. However, your chest feels warm at those words, heart fluttering, you wonder if Ran really does see you as something so pure. So divine.
“But I noticed at a point you stopped looking so happy, almost like you were just forcing yourself. You looked as if you were just waiting for the pain to pass.” Ran’s comment pierces your heart and aches. You don’t like how Ran always sees through you, his gaze is so intense, too observing, and you have to force yourself to not look away.
“I really loved it,” you confess. Figure skating was all you’ve ever known. “I really, really loved it,” you repeat, not to Ran, but to yourself.
“I know. I could tell.” He says it through sleepy hooded eyes, his signature lazy smile.
Ran’s words are so simple, yet you always feel so seen by him. It sort of scares you, being known completely by another. You think Ran is someone who would accept you no matter what. You wonder why.
(You do not understand your own question, because ever since you first met him and now, you accept Ran no matter what. You always will.)
The sun has long set, passing by with a blink of an eye during the train ride here, the sky grows darker and darker.
“Were you close to him?” You find yourself asking. “The person who passed away,” you add on for clarification.
“Not really,” immediately replies Ran.
“Oh… are you sad?”
“No, not really.”
“Oh, okay. That’s good.”
You don’t press more on the matter. Ran will only be vague when it comes to those things, despite your worries. There are sides of him he doesn’t want you to see, the ones that tie to him and his borderline cruelty. You can understand this about him and his silent wish to keep you away from his world.
There’s a constant buzzing, Ran takes out his phone, flipping it open as he squinting at the small screen. “Hm? Hold on, it’s Rin… gimme a second,” he says, fiddling with his keypad as he types a reply (or two from how long it seems to take him).
“He said he’s gettin’ lazy so he is gonna crash at a friend’s place tonight,” Ran says, always reporting what his brother does to you. Something you find so endearing, because you never met Rindō, but you feel like you have known him your entire life. You think Ran is so sweet, Rindō must be an angel from how Ran’s eyes soften when he mentions his name (even when the stories he tells are embarrassing ones that Rindō doesn’t know about, teasing his brother, yet his eyes speak so fondly. Light falls back into lavender when he laughs about an old memory that only they know, and now you).
You don’t know Rindō yet. You only know he loves bourbon, working out and partying with his friends, DJing, and that he has a huge collection of CDs that Ran thinks you would really like. Rindō is Ran’s precious little brother, he loves him very much, and you think you like him too. You hope you can meet him one day. You really do.
“You’ll be lonely tonight, Ran,” you tease.
“I won’t. I have you.”
You want to believe Ran is teasing you back, it sounds like it, but you know Ran isn’t teasing you despite the light tone. The look in his eye is so sincere and warm, a shiver runs over you when you realize you can read him so clearly, his usual unreadable self is nowhere in sight at this very moment.
“You so wish you did…”
Ran’s smile lets you know that he knows that’s not true. It makes your face heat up and you shyly avoid his gaze, immediately turning away. You know this only makes his smile turn into an amused smirk.
(He has you, he really does. You already placed the key to your fragile heart in the palm of his cold hands.)
As night falls, it is a quarter till midnight when Ran takes you to a ryokan after the two of you dined at a local restaurant (it’s quite fortunate that there are still rooms available, Ran pays for one room for the both of you to share). The two of you don’t go home tonight, Ran thinks you expected it because you show no sign of shock or resistance when entering the traditional inn. It’s been a while since he’s last been to an onsen; the first and only time being with Rindō and a few members of S-62, back when most of them were first released from juvenile detention. It’s been a long time since then, the air is rather nostalgic.
One of the inns’ attendants leads the two of you to your room, a little far from the entrance. The room is simple, one you would expect to see in a traditional inn, it’s cozy, reminding him of the countryside he had visited once so long ago; a fleeting memory. Ran is rather exhausted, wanting nothing more than to lay down your futons together and sleep the night away.
It’s unfortunate that sea salt sticks to his skin, grains of sand he feels in his hair. He desperately needs to bathe, to relax, and so do you.
One of the private onsens is unbooked – a medium one outdoors – Ran suggests it, anticipating your answer, and despite his own hopes, he’s surprised when you agree to it, only if Ran promises not to look, and of course, he promises.
Entering has his heart racing, you two quietly wash yourself, making random small talk to avoid the awkward tension.
You remind him many times not to peek, he promises to you again and again that he won’t, but he did accidentally catch a glimpse of you wrapped in a white towel and that leaves very little to the imagination.
A million thoughts flood his mind, his self-consciousness trying to rack for anything to help him, to stop his mind from going down the gutter. Seeing you like this, so close within his vacancy, is driving him insane. Nobody can blame him for feeling this way, he’s a healthy young man, a simple man, and the prettiest girl he’s ever seen is naked beside him. It’d be more insane if he wasn’t going crazy.
Though, he has always been good at self-control. And he won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. He enters the water first, sighing in relief.
Embarrassing memories of Rindō flood his mind. A younger and cuter Rindō, all shit faced and wobbly from trying his first shot of alcohol. A memory of Tenjiku’s ramen eating competition that ended with Mocchi throwing up on Shion’s brand new shoes. A memory of him and Rindō arguing over everything and nothing on a staircase that led to both of them falling down, sustaining injuries and one with a sprained wrist — a moment of silent agreement between them in telling others it was from a batshit crazy fight from a group of random delinquents that stepped into Roppongi.
The memory of it all makes him scrunch up his face in sheer embarrassment at his younger self. How embarrassing… he wishes he didn’t recall it.
Water splashing, the sound of you entering the bath causes him to open his eyes, instantly frowning at the distance between the both of you.
“Why are you sitting so far away?”
“Why would I sit closer?” You sink deeper into the water, holding onto the towel around your body tighter, mumbling something about being naked underneath your breath.
Ran rolls his eyes. “I think you are too far away from me,” he replies before asking, “may I come closer then?”
His eyes stay on you, your cheeks are flushed due to the heated water and this situation. You shyly look at him through your lashes, nodding. He breaks out smiling once you agree, standing up to move closer to you, taking a keen note on how your eyes flicker up and down, trailing along the ink on his body before you turn your head towards the opposite direction. How cute, he thinks, amused by your actions, your expressions enticing something in him.
“There,” he hums in satisfaction before teasing, “now you can take a better look at my tattoos, hm?”
“What? I saw you looking and I don’t blame you one bit. I am quite proud of my tattoos and my body.”
“I think you are imagining things…”
“And I think you are in denial, sweetheart.”
You scoff at him, rolling your eyes as you lean back against the rock to relax. Ran does the same, closing his eyes as peace slowly begins to wash over him, all of his worries disappearing, melting into the water.
“Thank you.”
He tilts his head, opening his eyes to look at you. “Hmm? For what?”
“For everything,” you simply say. “You have the heart of an angel, Ran.”
Ran slowly blinks, ignoring his racing heartbeats that clog his throat. “Are you stupid?” Slightly shocked by his own bluntness, not meaning for those words to escape his thoughts.
You giggle, turning your gaze down to the water, watching as it slightly ripples through small movements. “I probably am… considering I find Roppongi’s top delinquent such a sweet guy.”
You are definitely a strange one, he’s thought this since your second meeting. Ran knows he is not someone sweet — he is someone rather cruel and selfish, only caring about himself and a few selective people. He rules with blood stained hands and he knows you should know that too. He is a little worried that someone will take advantage of your pure heart if he isn’t around.
“Maybe it’s ‘cause ‘m only sweet to you.”
He expects you to look away from him, but you don’t. You smile at him, your eyes glimmering against the starry night sky; shimmering with something he has never once seen before. In his mind, there’s a click, wishing to capture you in this moment forever.
“Yeah, maybe…” He thinks you look so pretty right now (well, he always does). You look so lovely in this light. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
Your words catch him off-guard once again, leaving his heart is racing and he hopes his cheeks aren’t as red as he knows his ears are. You have this strange effect on him, leaving him with many mixed emotions that he has never felt before.
There are many things Ran wishes to say, things he knows he won’t say, and things he can’t say.
You’re rather adorable, thinking of forever with him. Voicing your silly little thoughts and Ran finds it all incredibly sweet, this wishful thinking.
Another thing is that there is no such thing as forever; no matter how deeply you wish for it, your little hands aren’t enough to hold something so big — Ran learned this the hard way. Always striving for something more, barely holding onto the things that he already had. The only thing remaining is Rindō, always Rindō, and Roppongi that sits perfectly in both of their hands.
Maybe he could hold you too.
Forever sounds nice. Living in daydreams with you for all time.
“Me too,” he ends up saying, indulging you. (He hopes you mean it and in his heart, he knows you do.)
Ran doesn’t like to think so hard on things, especially life, since it will do nothing good. But he does believe humans can only live for something; they need something to keep moving forward, just like how he does. He doesn’t want you to become someone so empty — aimlessly wandering to feel something again. Ran is surrounded by life and death, dull and lifeless eyes, and broken dreams crushed beneath the sea of pessimism. He has seen this many times, in the eyes of everyone he has ever known. Ran doesn’t want you to end up the same way. He has too much on his back already, but if you can stand on your own he could stand beside you.
Overwhelmed by everything this world gives to you, you feel so small and alone, as if the sun may never rise again. You cry. So silently and the relief and heart ache Ran feels for you is so intense. Seeing you cry doesn’t feel good, neither does knowing you keep trying to hold back your tears.
He instantly moves a little closer, wrapping a heavy arm around your shoulders, taking in the scent of the inn’s shampoo, faintly sweet of lavender and vanilla, matching the one he had also used. Your scents mix into one. He leans his head on yours, eyes flickering from you to the distant waning moon.
Only the sound of your quiet sniffles, the gentle waves and the occasional owl calling out can be heard tonight.
“I’m scared, Ran,” you mumble, voice muffled by your arm as you hide your face.
Ran would never voice those concerns out loud, unlike you, you’re brave in a different way he has never seen before. Being so open and vulnerable in this moment, he is almost envious. Showing weakness has never done him any good, the moments he has, it’s always been used against him.
“I know,” replies Ran, his arm moving down to your waist as he pulls you closer and you are almost sitting on his lap. You’re settled a little awkwardly on his legs, the towel around your body shifts, falling down at the sudden moment, creating a ripple in the water. Your legs are fully pressed against his, he can fully see and make out your body, the droplets of water that drips down your shoulder and chest. You are completely bare in front of him and Ran can see everything. Strangely, it does not feel sexual, it feels more intimate and pure than anything he has ever known. Ran wishes to be closer. “And you’ll be okay. I know you will be. Have a little more faith in yourself, baby.”
With one hand, he cups your cheek, lifting your head to gently wipe away your tears. They attempt to fall against your cold cheeks, Ran catches them, the stars and himself are captured within them and your eyes.
Beneath the sea of stars, the world sleeps ever so quietly; Ran kisses you so softly and you kiss him back.
Dawn that you are so desperately wishing for is nowhere in sight, not yet, it will come around soon. He kisses you again and again and again.
(Ran shows you that you are not alone.)
Ran knows that he will introduce you to Rindō one day. Soon. And he knows Rindō will love you. His girl. His lovely angel.
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hellfirenacht · 3 months
Water Balloons
Summary: You’ve been dating Eddie for a few months, but never talked about the future.
Tags: Eddie x Reader, sfw, fluff, neither reader or eddie want kids, mentions of breeding kink but it’s Reader being a little shit, NO ACTUAL KINKS INDULGED IN, no use of y/n, fem!reader
Notes: I have nothing against breeding kinks or parent!Eddie fics. But this is for anyone who does NOT enjoy those specific things. 
Bassed off of this post by @deathbecomesthem 
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You and Eddie laid on the roof of his van, a blanket under you both as you stared up at the sky. The two of you had been watching the late summer sun slowly disappear over the horizon in shades of fiery reds and oranges. Now the two of you stared at the stars above, creating new constellations as your fingers intertwined. 
This had been the best summer of your life. Eddie had asked you out the second he ran off the stage in his graduation gown, diploma in hand. You had barely said yes before slamming your lips against his. He’d been waiting two years to ask you out, not wanting you to have to explain to people that you were in your early 20s and dating a high schooler. 
Summer days were stretched with Eddie visiting you at work, day long games of dungeons and dragons, hanging out at the pool, and driving around with music blasting. Nights had been endless memories of the Hideout, watching him play, sneaking into his trailer when Wayne was at work, and long conversations that would only end when the sun came up. 
You didn’t think it could be better than this, which is why you had been putting off this conversation for so long. 
Eddie was talking about how he’d snuck into the High School to play Dustin’s latest one-shot. Without Eddie as the DM, the other members had been taking turns running different smaller campaigns. 
“The kid has imagination.” Eddie said, his hand giving yours a squeeze. You could feel the clunky rings on his fingers digging into your skin but you had grown used to the feeling by now. “He always threw me off when I was in charge but he’s on a whole other level as the DM.” 
“Did anyone catch you sneaking in or out?” you asked, looking at the small sliver of moon above. 
“Not a soul.” he looked over at you and grinned. “Besides, what would they do? Expel me?” 
“Arrest you for trespassing.” you nudged him with your own grin. “Remember, I don’t have bail money.”
“I’d break out.” Eddie said. “Get myself a spoon and start digging.” 
You giggled and ran your thumb over the back of his hand. You’d always had a thing for his hands before, but after dating they were one of your favorite parts about him. His fingertips were rough and calloused from playing guitar, but the rest of his hand was smooth and soft from the lotion you’d always put on him when you applied it to yourself. He used to pretend he hated it, but now he always offered his hands whenever you pulled out your lotion. 
“I ran into Cass Finnigan earlier.” you said, trying to keep your tone casual, as if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest. Things were going so good, why ruin it?
“Cass?” Eddie sounded surprised. “Huh, I haven’t seen her since she graduated."
“She’s pregnant. Probably about three months.” you said, your voice going a little quiet. The pause between the two of you was closer to term than Cass. 
“Yeah?” You could hear a strain in Eddie’s voice that you wish you knew what it meant. Was that stress? Yearning? Gas? Most times Eddie wore his emotions on his sleeve but your own anxiety was clouding your reading of him.  
“Yeah.” you echoed. “Surprised me, considering how young we are.”
“Too young.” Eddie said, and you felt him shift next to you. 
“Way too young.” 
The silence between you stretched miles, each of you trapped deep inside of your minds as you thought about a former classmate's pregnancy. 
You decided to rip the bandaid off.
“I don’t want kids.” You said, staring harder at the sky. You held your breath, waiting for the shoe to drop. Kids had never been something that appealed to you, not in a million years. The idea of children, pregnancy, parenthood, none of it sounded rewarding or exciting. It only filled you with dread and anxiety. 
You’d lost boyfriends over it, partners that you had really liked. They all said the same thing. That you were still young, still in school, of course you didn’t want kids now. You’d change your mind. 
You never did though. 
As you held your breath, Eddie deflated next to you. Shit, this was going to end the same. He was going to repeat those same tired lines and you’d have to break this off. 
Then Eddie started laughing.
“Oh thank Christ.” he said, rubbing his face. “I was terrified you were dropping a hint that you wanted to start a family.” 
“What? Oh no- Eddie. Eddie, no.” you shook your head quickly, the tension in your body starting to ease up a little. “But I mean it, Eddie. I don’t want kids. Ever. Like, ever ever. I don’t want pregnancy, I don’t want to adopt... I don’t want to be a parent.” 
“Me either.” Those two words could have knocked the wind out of you. 
You sat up and looked down at him. Eddie looked so pretty with his long hair splayed on on the blanket and brown eyes that reflected the stars that you had just been looking at. 
“Do you mean that?” you asked firmly. “Because I mean it.”
Eddie sat up and faced you, not letting go of your hand. “I’m not dad material.” he said. “I never have been, and I never will be. Being a parent scares the shit out of me. I wouldn’t even know what to do with a kid even if I had one.” 
“I think you need to feed it sometimes.” you gave him a smile. “Take it for walks twice a day and teach it not to poop on the floor.” 
Eddie laughed, and pushed you down so that he was on top of you. “No, that’s me you’re thinking of.” he joked. Moving his legs on either side of your hips. 
“Oh, I hope you’re housebroken, Munson.” you laughed. “Otherwise I want a refund.” 
“Sorry, I don’t do returns. You know this.” he kissed your cheek.
“You’re so fucking weird.” you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I believe the word you're looking for is freak, sweetheart.” 
Your fingers ran through his hair and he closed his eyes, a faint smile on his face. “You’re really okay with that?” you asked. “I know we’ve only been dating a few months, but I don’t- I’m not just dating you to date you. I want this to be real. If you want kids, we can stop this whole thing and-”
Eddie didn’t let you finish, cutting you off with a kiss. “No returns.” he said firmly before kissing you again. “I don’t want kids.” Kiss. “You don’t want kids.” Kiss.
You couldn’t resist messing with him, and looked up at him with a grin that Eddie learned quickly meant trouble. 
“Oh but Daddy, don’t you wanna knock me up?” you said, batting your eyelashes. The look on Eddie’s face was priceless as he looked at you like you’d eaten a bug. He tried to get off you but you grabbed him and pulled him back. “Come on, Eds, let’s make Granny Eckard right and get some Munson Jr. Jrs running around!”
“Absolutely not, oh no. Get off me, woman!” Eddie struggled to pry you off, but you just held him tighter. 
“Don’t you wanna... uh....be my Daddy and also be the father of my children?” you laughed, tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“I think my poor dick just went into early retirement.” Eddie said dramatically. “I may never get it up again because of this conversation. And what will you do then, hm?”
“You have fingers and a tongue still.” you wiggled your eyebrows. “And I have plenty of toys if those go limp, too- MMFFF...!”
Eddie had covered your mouth with his hand, and despite how pale he had gone for a second he was now laughing hard. “Stop talking. You’ve abused your talking privileges for the night.” Eddie looked down at you. “I’m gonna let go, and you’re gonna stop making it weird. Can you do that?”
You nodded, still shaking with your laughter. It was tempting to keep going, but you wanted to check just one more time. 
His hand pulled off your mouth and you both sat up again, your giggles echoing in the small park that you were in. 
“I mean it.” Eddie said, taking your hand again. “I don’t want kids either. I could live the rest of my life with just you and I’d be happy.”
Your heart jumped up in your throat. “The rest of your life...?” 
Eddie realized what he said quickly. “I mean, you and I have been friends for years and I know that the whole dating thing is new for us but... yeah. I know I’m not exactly Mr. Romantic, but...”
That was enough for you, and you took his hand and kissed his knuckles gently. “So... kids no, but open to marriage?” 
“Not right now.” he said. “Later.” 
“Aww, am I not enough for a whirlwind, runaway marriage?” you smiled. “Not gonna drive me to the courthouse right now and make an honest woman out of me?”
“Considering how your specialty was always a bluff check, I doubt anyone could make an honest woman out of you.” Eddie snorted. 
“I guess you’re worth the wait.” your leaned closer to him. “You were always worth the wait.” 
“You’re gonna make me blush.” Eddie said, cupping your cheek and kissing you softly. “You know... since we’ve agreed that kids are off the table, I do have a half used box of condoms in the back of the van that could be used right now.” 
“Oh, and what happened the the other half of the box?” you smirked, knowing full well what happened. 
“Well, you see sweetheart, a few weeks ago we decided to have a water balloon fight but we ran out of balloons so me and Jeff had this idea-” 
“Eddie no!” you laughed, smacking his arm. “Seriously? Where was I during all this?”
“You abandoned me.” 
“I was at work wasn’t I? Remind me to quit tomorrow.” 
Eddie pulled you in closer “Well that’s only where a few of them went. The rest went to this really hot chick who somehow decided to take a chance on the biggest freak in Hawkins.” 
“Lucky her.” you said, pecking his lips. “So... wanna show me these makeshift water balloons? For science, of course.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” Eddie said with a smile. 
Eddie helped you down from off the top of his van, and you just knew that this was it. No matter what happened after tonight, you knew that you both were in it for the long haul. No need to change or force things just because of what everyone said you should do. From then on, it would be just you and Eddie, and that would be enough.  
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jnginlov · 11 months
ateez as romantic tropes
⇀ genre fluff, angst, comedy
⇀ style blurbs
⇀ wc listed per member (between 1.1k and 2.2k)
⇀ warnings all readers are gender neutral, listed per member
⇀ reactions from the gc “Yep mhm would def swoon over him yes mhm yep” “BRUH I give you all of your content for free” “I need Yunho to help me obliterate my kitchen cabinets” “Losing my mf mind over him”
note word count variation does not reflect any preference for specific members, some stories just felt like they needed more backstory or had more action
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home for the holidays
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⇀ pairing hs crush!seonghwa x hs crush!reader
⇀ wc 1.5k
⇀ warnings mentions of food
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“seonghwa! come in!” his mother greeted him at the door of his childhood home, ushering him inside quickly before enveloping him in a warm hug.
she bombarded him with questions about his life in seoul, what he’d been eating, how he’d been sleeping, as he removed his shoes. he tried to keep up with all of her fussing as he dragged his suitcase down the hall and into his bedroom but he could barely get out more than a few words before she was moving onto her next thought.
“anyway, your father went out to pick up some tofu so i could make you sundubu-jjigae,” she explains before she’s cut off by the sound of the doorbell and the kitchen timer going off simultaneously.
“i‘ll get the door,” seonghwa volunteers before his mother can say anything else, and pads back to where he had been only moments prior.
he’s not exactly sure what he expected on the other side of the door, especially so late in the evening, but he thinks he might be able to feel every nerve ending on his body alight when he opens the door to find you.
you look both severely different and exactly the same as when he’d last seen you, minus the lack of your high school’s blue uniform. of course you’ve changed your hair, your style seems to have improved as well, but mostly you just look more mature, more you, if that’s possible.
“oh, seonghwa,” you chirp, your surprise evident on your face, “i didn’t know you were back.”
“i didn’t know you were still in town,” he counters, his expression mirroring your own.
you don’t say anything, simply trying to process that the boy you’d had a crush on in high school had become, well, a man. he was considerably more attractive than he had been years ago, if that was even possible, and he almost seemed to hold himself with more confidence even if he was just standing in the middle of the entryway of his childhood home. you try to urge your mind to stay in the present but it can’t help but dig up your old memories of high school seonghwa and all the reasons you should have told him you liked him back then.
when you don’t say anything, seonghwa speaks up, asking, “is there something i can do for you?”
you suddenly are remembering your mission and the tote bag that’s weighing down your shoulder, housing the reason you’ve been coming to his parents house for the past few months.
“right!” you say, taking one of the containers out of your bag and presenting it to seonghwa. “this is for your mom.”
just as you mention her, seonghwa can hear his mom shuffling down the hall behind him, her slippers slapping against the wood floor to announce her coming.
“y/n is that you?” she says once she’s right behind her son. “well don’t make them stand outside,” she scolds seonghwa, gesturing for him to move so that you can step past the threshold.
“hi mrs park,” you greet his mother with a bow, still holding the container in your hands as you trade your outside shoes for the guest slippers.
“you shouldn’t be walking this late by yourself dear,” she scolds gently before heading back to the kitchen, you pittering after her lightly.
for a moment seonghwa stands in shock, doorknob still clutched in his hand and gears turning in his head. since when had you become friends with his mom? and since when did you start knowing which ones were the guest slippers? and since when had he started to miss you?
“and i wanted to get it to you while it was fresh.”
seonghwa joins you both in the kitchen and catches the tail end of your statement, presumably an explanation as to why you’re walking to his house so late.
“it would have been perfectly fine tomorrow,” his mother only replies, removing the lid from the container you’d given her and revealing a loaf of, what looked to be, homemade bread.
“it’s a cinnamon milk bread,” you say and seonghwa turns to see you looking at him. he doesn’t say anything in response and you simply smile, turning back to his mother after just a moment. his mind is still reeling as he watches you, stood casually in the kitchen as though you belong here. you hold none of the awkwardness that normally is present when someone visits another’s home for the first time and some little voice in the back of his mind tells him that it feels domestic. of course, he tries to push that thought away.
“here,” his mother says after she’s transferred the bread into her own container and returned yours, “you should stay for dinner. i’m making sundubu-jjigae.”
you shake your head, a slight look of hesitation on your face and seonghwa assumes that you’ve probably stayed for dinner plenty when he was gone. “that sounds delicious but i should be getting back. i have another loaf cooling on my counter that i need to pack up,” you explain.
“well at least have seonghwa walk you back,” she suggests, and you’re obviously about to decline, based on your body language, when seonghwa insists.
you agree then, not putting up much of a fight once you know his mother isn’t forcing him for her own satisfaction, making your way back out and beginning a steady trek back to your own house.
“how’s seoul?” you ask after a beat, not wanting to walk in awkward silence the entire way.
“it’s nice,” he says simply before adding, “busy.”
you nod in understanding. “i’m sure.”
“how are you?” he asks.
as you turn to look at him again, your eyes crinkling slightly as you grin, he feels like he’s never left his hometown. he’s still sat in his desk at school watching you laugh with your friends across the room during lunch. you would always notice him staring, turning and presenting him the same warm smile you give him now.
he realizes in this moment that he wishes he’d told you, all those years ago, about what his friends always teased him for, about how much he liked you, because now it’s manifested into a gentle ache that seems to pull him back, to that time and to you. he guesses there’s a reason that people say distance makes the heart grow fonder.
you notice the expression on his face, the same one he wore in high school when he was deep in thought. not one that would appear during a test or when studying but one that would show when he was debating with his friends or talking about his future.
“what are you thinking about?” you ask to break the silence, genuine curiosity sparkling behind your eyes.
“hmmm nothing i guess,” he tries to play it off but you give him a suspicious look. “school,” he tries again, being broad about his approach.
“i guess that is the last time we saw each other,” you say and he wonders if you remember it all as clearly as him.
you toss around the idea of admitting what you never had to anyone before and maybe it’s something in the comfort of the night air or just the way seonghwa’s eyes are so focused on you but you decide that if you never say anything now you’ll surely regret it.
“you know,” you continue after another moment of silence, “i had a crush on you in high school.”
seonghwa feels his heart stop for a moment, his entire body consumed by a warmth that’s surely tinged his skin red as he tries to remember how to breath and walk at the same time.
“really?” he huffs, hoping you don’t notice how wobbly his steps have gotten.
“yeah, i don’t know, you were just really sweet and cute,” you elaborate and seonghwa can’t tell if he wants you to stop talking or continue, your voice starting to overlap with his heartbeat in his ears.
he’s so distracted trying to control himself, he almost doesn’t notice when you’ve stopped in front of your house. he certainly doesn’t notice the sly smile that’s stretched across your face, indicating that you’ve clearly observed his reaction to your news.
“how long are you going to be in town?” you ask, fiddling with the strap of your tote bag and urging your heart to stop beating up against your rib cage.
“just two weeks,” he manages to say in between deep breaths to calm his own pulse, eyes wide and lips parted slightly.
“well, let me know if you’re free at any point,” you say, preparing to take the final leap. “we can get coffee or something.”
he nods as you turn to walk toward your door and seonghwa, for the first time, feels his mouth moving before he can stop it.
“what about dinner? tomorrow?”
you turn back, smile beautifully complimenting the blush on your cheeks, and nod.
“see you then.”
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⇀ pairing white knight!hongjoong x traveler!reader
⇀ wc 1.1k
⇀ warnings implied panic attack/crying in public, street harassment, creepy middle aged guy
note i always find random hangul in fics annoying but for this you don’t need to understand what he’s saying because the whole point is you don’t
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of course you would manage to get lost in the biggest city in korea on your first day of your month long trip. you’d planned for almost everything, except, of course, navigating through the intricate seoul subway system. to be fair, your friend joomi had promised to pick you up from the airport before she’d been called in on a work emergency. you had assured her that you could find your way to her apartment on your own but now, as you stood on the wrong side of the platform, watching yet another train, that would have taken you toward your destination, leave, you’re not so sure anymore.
you huff in frustration, the wheels on your suitcase clicking against the tiles as you try to find an empty bench, hoping that you can maybe collect your thoughts before you start to feel the familiar sting of tears behind your eyes. you try not to think of how you might look right now, stale from your flight, sweaty from running between trains, and slightly pathetic from being overwhelmed by something everyone else seems to have mastered.
you quickly abandon your bench search as your phone tells you how long you would have to wait for the next train and you weigh the worth of spending an hour and a half sitting in the stuffy station or dragging your suitcase around the street above, settling on trying to maybe just find a convenience store or some place to grab a coffee.
luckily the area you’re stranded doesn’t seem too crowded, the streets easy to navigate without having to serpentine between people with your month worth of luggage. you find a semi empty convenience store pretty easy enough, paying for a couple snacks, an ice cup, and a drink with ease, conscious of the way the other people in the shop are doing double takes at you, likely due to your suitcase and the duffle on your shoulder.
you’ve never been more grateful to korean convenience stores and their included seating as right now, able to finally take a breath as you sit with your food.
as you try to mind your business, texting joomi to update her about where you are and the predicament you’re in, you can almost feel a burning gaze coming from one of the tables diagonal your own. you try to ignore it, as you did with the gazes earlier, but it feels different, somehow predatory.
“이봐, 너는 어디서 왔니?”
you look up to see a man, probably in his late 50s, starring intensely at you, confirming your suspicions about his watching you.
when you don’t respond, he says something else in korean, something you can’t understand with your limited knowledge of the language, and you try not to panic, but as he stands, seemingly trying to make his way over to you, you feel your heartbeat skyrocketing.
“i don’t-“ you start, gripping your phone tightly as you flounder for what to do.
the man takes another step toward you, saying something else that you can only assume isn’t nice from the way he seems to snarl it and reaching out to grab the handle of your suitcase that you’d placed behind the chair across from you but before he can take hold of your bag it’s being pulled away by a different man, someone who looks to be around your own age.
he addresses the older man with a forced smile, obviously angered at the situation and you try to interpret what is happening before you. you can’t understand a word either man is saying, trying too hard to just process the situation you’re in, but eventually the older man leaves, your savior watching intently to make sure he’s really gone before turning to you.
“you, uh, speak english?” he asks, finally rolling your suitcase back to where you’d originally placed it, although you assume it’s more of a courtesy question as he’d probably heard your unsettled words when trying to address the other man.
you nod, a gentle “yes” escaping you as you try to parse what this new man wants from you.
“are you okay?” he asks gently.
you try to search his eyes for any sense of danger but all you can see is worry.
“i’m fine,” you say with a little more certainty than before.
“good,” he says with a slight sigh, his shoulders visibly relaxing. he looks between you and your suitcase once before speaking up again. “what are you doing here?”
you take a moment to decide whether to tell him or not but you assume if he had wanted to harm you that he wouldn’t have stepped in to help you before, and so you tell him, “i’m waiting for a train, it doesn’t come for another hour.”
he nods in understanding.
“what’s your name?” you feel yourself ask before you register what you’re actually doing.
“ah, my name is hongjoong,” he replies.
all of his words are slow, deliberate, as he speaks to you, a contrast to how quickly he was talking in korean only moments ago.
you try to slow down your own words as you ask, “how do you know english?”
he seems to almost perk up at that, interested to tell you, “oh, i’m learning right now. sorry if my grammar is bad.”
you shake your head quickly, “no, no. you’re fine. i’m just glad i have someone to talk to.”
he hums in understanding before asking, “what is your name?”
you introduce yourself, even spelling out your name for him, before you notice the plastic bag in his hands.
“oh, would you like to,” you trail off, gesturing to the seat across from you in invitation.
he seems hesitant and you almost want to take back your offer before he says, “you are sure?”
you nod with a gentle smile and he mirrors your expression, helping you move your duffle onto the ground beneath your table and taking a seat across from you.
you talk casually with hongjoong for the rest of your wait, letting him give you a list of things you should try to do with your time in seoul.
“isn’t the han river more of a date spot?” you question as he collects both of your trash into his plastic bag.
“you could take your partner,” he says, glancing at you and you know he’s trying to gauge your reaction as his ears tint pink.
“oh!” you quip, your own face blooming with warmth. “uhm no, i don’t have a boyfriend or anything,” you rush to say, flicking your gaze between the table and the floor.
“then, what if we went?” hongjoong practically whispers and your eyes shoot up to his face, his now as red as yours.
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boy next door
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⇀ paring mechanic!yunho x house flipper!reader
⇀ wc 1.5k
⇀ warnings mentions of food, eating, suggestive, allusions to sex, recent breakup, mentions of a cheating ex, imagining hitting said cheating ex
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maybe you should have listened to your friends that told you flipping a house all by yourself was a bit ambitious, but they should have known telling you that would only make you want to do it more. your family might have called you stubborn but you liked to frame it as strong-willed. so here you sat, covered in streaks of paint as you ate your lunch on the floor of a kitchen that was still wholly unusable while the fresh varnish on the living room walls started to dry.
you had yet to buy any furniture, an air mattress your only comfort at night, after selling everything from your apartment in the city. all of it was stained by memories of your ex, moments you’d shared together before he’d told you he’d been seeing someone else behind your back for months.
it’s fine, you could use a change of scenery anyway.
the suburbs were treating you well so far, the neighbor on your right a little old lady, ms. lee, that housed and cared for the feral cats in the area who had given you the most delicious treats she made herself as a house warming gift. you’d expected your other neighbor to be similar, or maybe a little family like most suburbs attracted, but what you had experienced yesterday was far from family friendly.
you’d come back from the hardware store around noon, buckets of paint weighing you down as you made your way up the driveway. you had spotted your neighbor’s garage door open and a shiny, certainly vintage, black car peaking out from inside. however, what you hadn’t noticed when sat in your own car, but were certainly aware of now that you could see inside perfectly, was a man, clad in a black tank top and track pants, leaning into the open hood of the black car.
you weren’t the type that normally stared at people, preferring to mind your business in most public spaces, but how could you not when a man built like a greek god, skin glowing from his efforts, was grunting in frustration as his arms flexed to adjust something in the depths of the vehicle, muscles defined so clearly as he fixed whatever was wrong. you tried not to think about how long it had been since you’d last gotten intimate with anyone, your ex seemingly uninterested every time you had tried to initiate anything for such a long time that you were surely only projecting your frustrations onto the poor man in front of you.
“hey! you must be the new neighbor.”
oh no, how long had you been staring.
“oh! yeah, i just moved in.”
although he had to have noticed you checking him out, he didn’t say anything about your ogling, a warm smile adorning his handsome face instead of the disgusted snarl you were prepared for.
“you’re fixing her up all by yourself?” he asks with a tick of his chin toward your house and you’re guessing he’d talked to ms. lee after she visited you.
“that’s the plan,” you nod with a chuckle, still feeling awkward from having been caught gawking at your new hot neighbor.
“my name’s yunho,” he introduces, cleaning a spot of grease off his hands with a rag before tossing it over his shoulder gently. “i’m not particularly known for my design skills but, if you ever need someone to hammer a nail or lift something heavy, feel free to ring my bell.”
you tried not to think of the double meaning of that last phrase, begging your mind to climb out of the gutter, and assured him you would before trying not to trip over your own feet on the way up to your front door.
and so your lunch break was spent thinking about the hot guy next door and how you could manage to avoid him for the rest of your life in order to steer clear of embarrassing yourself any further. of course, you could never expect for your life to go as planned.
the next week you’ve moved your focus into the kitchen, starting with the god awful cabinets that were certainly installed without a thought to the house’s time period or even functionality. although it was physically strenuous, taking a hammer to the cheap wood of those horrible cabinets was certainly helping you release some of the anger that had been simmering since the breakup. Maybe you should have printed out a picture of your ex’s face and taped it inside.
you were so focused, and making a pretty loud ruckus, that you almost didn’t hear the sound of your doorbell ringing. trying to think of who could possibly be interested in visiting you at 3 pm on a tuesday, you made your way to your front door, leaving your hammer in the kitchen but keeping your gloves on. you would have looked through the peephole of your door to determine if it was worth opening but of course the last owner of the property felt that a peephole wasn’t necessary. although, as you open the door to your neighbor, the hottie not the lady, you’re not sure a peephole would have changed your mind.
he’s in a simple outfit today, just a white t-shirt and dark jeans, but you still have to resist giving him a full glance up and down. his hair is slightly damp and based on the way you can clearly smell his smoky vanilla shampoo you can guess he’s just had a shower.
“hi,” you greet, trying not to think of the way you’re certainly looking and smelling like you’ve been dunked in a pool of your own sweat, your house currently without air conditioning and it being late spring.
“hey,” he says, the same warm smile making a reappearance as he stands on your porch.
he doesn’t say anything else and you almost wonder if maybe the heat is starting to get to you. could this be a dehydration induced hallucination?
“can i help you?” you ask after feeling like you’ve been making enough awkward eye contact, although yunho’s smile hasn’t budged.
“right!” he chirps, as though remembering what he’s doing. “i just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead or anything. i heard a lot of things breaking and some yelling, so just wanted to make sure you’re alive.” he nods, his hair bouncing slightly and for a moment he really looks like a big puppy, eyes expectant and big as he waits for you to say something.
“oh, sorry,” you apologize, not even aware that you had been yelling but to be fair, you had been really sucked into the vision of getting to hit your ex with a hammer and make him as broken as you’d felt. “i was just taking out some anger on the old kitchen cabinets.”
he cocks his head to the side and again you find your mind drawing up another comparison to a puppy. you wonder if anyone’s ever told him that before.
“you’re taking out the cabinets?” he asks, almost seeming worried and you raise a brow.
“yeah,” you say, trying not to sound defensive and hoping he doesn’t have some sort of secret attachment to the fixtures. “they don’t fit the house and they barely functioned before.”
he shakes his head at your clarification and now it’s your own turn to tilt your head in confusion.
“you’re doing that by yourself? i thought i said you could ask for my help with heavy lifting,” he explains his worry and you don’t get a chance to respond before he’s starting to walk back to his house. “i’m gonna grab some gloves and another hammer,” he calls from your yard as you watch him go. “i’ll be right back.”
so you spent the afternoon destroying your kitchen with the neighbor you had vowed to stay away from only a few days before. to your credit, you did try to refuse his help, insisting that you could do it and telling him about the lack of a/c, but of course he stood firm, pointing out that he’d already made the effort to grab his own gloves and tools. maybe you’d met your match in terms of stubbornness.
“thank you,” you’d said with sincerity as you both sat on the floor of your now bare kitchen, open pizza box between you that you were regretting letting him pay for but, again, he had insisted. “there’s gotta be some way i can pay you back,” you said as you took another bite of your slice, eyes looking at the man across from you expectantly.
“well, i can think of one way,” he says, placing his half eaten slice on his plate and brushing off his hands.
you perk up at this, eager to know what you can do to make sure he knows how appreciative you are.
“let me take you out to dinner,” he suggests and you’re glad that you’re already sitting or your knees might have buckled and forced you to sit anyway.
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opposites attract
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⇀ paring hydrophobic!yeosang x lifeguard!reader
⇀ wc 2.2k
⇀ warnings slightly suggestive, he’s not literally hydrophobic he’s just a hater, mention of drowning, drinking alcohol (not you)
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yeosang has spent every summer since he could remember avoiding the one place his friends had managed to finally persuade him into visiting, the local water park.
now it’s not that he was deathly afraid of being in the water, in fact his parents told him that he used to love swimming as a toddler, but he just didn’t see the appeal of anything that swimming and pools had to offer. the hot ass sun forcing you to reapply sunscreen every few hours, the screaming children that would make your head pound, the gross water that had surely seen every bodily fluid, and, worst of all, the annoying ass lifeguards that yeosang just knew were judging everyone with their hypercritical stares.
“you need some vitamin d,” wooyoung says, rubbing in the sunscreen he’d just put onto his arms until the cream had become sheer. “you can’t just sit in front of your computer every day.”
yeosang scowls as his best friend passes him the sunscreen, hesitantly squeezing some of it onto his legs.
“especially if you’re trying to get back into dating,” san adds as he removes his shirt, tossing it onto the picnic table the group had claimed.
“who’s dating?” yunho asked as he joined the group, setting his bag down and pushing his sunglasses up to sit on top of his head, ready to apply sunscreen onto his face when yeosang passed the bottle to him.
“yeosang,” wooyoung says as he shoves his flip flops off, leaving them where they lay and stretching his arms above his head.
“you’re dating someone?” yunho questions, eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“not yet,” san answers for him just as yeosang opens his mouth and he gives san an annoyed look.
“hey boys!”
suddenly, all three of yeosang’s friends are lighting up as they turn toward the source of the voice unfamiliar to him. each of them perks up as they return the greeting of the stranger, a lifeguard that was headed in the direction of yeosang and his friends.
“y/n!” san calls your name excitedly as you approach, stopping just outside of the shadow from the umbrella attached to the table.
“i didn’t know you were working today,” yunho says, finishing up his sunscreen application as he smiles brightly at you.
yeosang tries not to let his nerves show on his face as his eyes flick between you and his friends, always a little on edge when meeting new people but especially when that new person is particularly attractive. you’re wearing what he assumes is the typical uniform, a pair of short red swim trunks that show off your legs and a tight white tank top that leaves little to the imagination. he tries to resist the urge to let his eyes roam over the skin that’s exposed by your uniform, glowing from the summer sun, and instead he focuses on your face, shaded by the red visor you wear but expression as bright as though you’re channeling the beams from the sky above you. yeosang is tempted to bask in their warmth as your gaze flicks over to him but instead he looks away, trying to look busy as he rummages through his bag for nothing.
“sua called off today,” you explain, “so here i am.” you shrug as you gesture around yourself.
“oh, this is yeosang,” san speaks up with a harsh slap to his friends shoulder and yeosang flinches away from the touch before shoving san’s hand off.
“yeosang, this is y/n,” wooyoung provides, sliding toward you, “our favorite lifeguard.”
at his statement you reach up to pinch at wooyoung’s cheek, giving it a little shake as you let out a coo, “aw. i would say you’re my favorite patrons but i’m not in the habit of lying.” you chuckle lightly as wooyoung swats your hand away from his face with a pout.
“nice to meet you yeosang,” you greet him easily, nodding slightly and he’s thankful you didn’t reach out to shake his hand.
“you too,” he lies, not at all happy to meet someone who chooses to torture themselves out in the heat as a job.
“okay, well i’ve got to continue making my rounds, just wanted to say hi,” you explain as you back away from the group, headed back on the main path next to the pool you’re all closest to. “if you guys are staying for night swim i’m gonna be stationed at the wave pool so feel free to come chat.”
night swim, the only reason yeosang agreed to come. the local park had an adult only, alcohol provided, swim night that they hosted every other week. they would close down the more dangerous parts of the park, like the deep ends of the pools and the giant water slides, and just let people chill out in things like the wave pool and even go on the kiddie slides.
yeosang had agreed for the alcohol and the offer to be able to sit at the edge of the pool while his friends enjoyed trying not to drown as they wrested in the water. unfortunately he was not aware he would be dragged to the park while the sun was still out or when his friends were going to be chatting up the cute lifeguard the whole time, and he is an adult so he can admit you’re cute.
“you good?” yunho asks, noticing yeosang staring after you. the latter hadn’t even noticed he’d been looking straight at your butt as you retreated until his friend snapped him from his thoughts and he hoped he could blame the redness on his cheeks being the summer heat.
“yeah, yeah,” yeosang nodded finally pulling his arm out of his bag as he tried to anticipate what the group was about to pressure him to do.
he really did try to fight to just stay under the umbrella until the sun set but of course wooyoung needed him to go down the slides with him before they closed for the night and yunho had to show him the lazy river before it would be crowded with other drunk people and san demanded to go off the diving boards together before the deep end was off limits. so, because yeosang is a good friend, and his friends were extremely annoying when they whined, he did all of it. he honestly wasn’t as upset about the situation as he thought he might be, even finding himself sometimes enjoying the whole affair, but he would never admit that, he had a reputation to uphold.
lucky for yeosang and his reputation, the afternoon went by quickly and families with their sticky children trickled out as the sun set behind the horizon, initiating the start of night swim. of course as soon as he and his friends had finished their first drink and started sipping on their second yunho was quick to remind them about you over at the wave pool.
“i think i’m just gonna go back to the lazy river,” yeosang said with a jerk of his thumb toward the stack of intertubes behind himself.
“what why?” san asks, slipping his towel back off his shoulders.
“the lazy river is packed,” yunho adds, eyebrows scrunched as he looks over at it before turning to look at the wave pool that’s comparably more deserted.
wooyoung on the other hand has been paying a little too much attention to his best friend, noticing how yeosang’s eyes would flit over to you whenever you passed them during the day, and his lips curl up into the smile he always wears when he’s messing with someone. “i’m sure y/n would love to get to know you,” wooyoung grins, eyebrows wiggling before he sends yeosang a dramatic wink.
san’s mouth quickly forms an o as he realizes what wooyoung is implying and yunho just rolls his eyes at their antics, however neither are helping as wooyoung wraps his fingers around yeosang’s wrist and starts tugging him in the direction of the wave pool.
he can do nothing as he approaches the pool, not really in the mood to make a scene even if he could feel his heart climbing into his throat with every step that led them closer to you.
once the group is in sight you wave, sat on the edge of the pool with a float tube on your lap and feet dangling in the water. both of the lifeguard chairs are occupied and yeosang assumes that, because of the alcohol involved and the shutting down of half the park, lifeguards are double booked at the open areas, another lifeguard sat opposite you on the other side of the wave pool.
you smile brightly as wooyoung drags yeosang toward the edge of the pool, san and yunho shuffling behind. the latter two boys easily step into the water, not too interested in being involved in whatever scheme wooyoung has cooked up. wooyoung however ignores the pool in favor of sidling up right next to you.
you have to crane your neck to look up at the boys and yeosang moves his head to look at the water, feeling like a little kid as wooyoung still hasn’t let go of his wrist and does the talking for him.
“hey,” wooyoung greets you easily. “yeosang’s not a fan of the wave pool. do you mind if he sits with you while we swim?”
it’s not an entire lie, this spot being yeosang’s least favorite in the whole park, but he’s not too interested in sitting next to you in silence while his friends laugh at him. he knows it will be silent because he’s certainly not confident enough to start conversation, plus you have a whole job to do, and he’s certain his friends will be laughing at him because they’ve already noticed his attraction to you.
“sure,” you agree, to a bit of shock from yeosang, and pat the concrete next to you, shifting the tube on your lap so that it’s not in the way.
“great!” wooyoung declares but yeosang certainly doesn’t agree as he gets shoved to the spot you patted and a harsh push on his shoulder encourages him to take a seat. “have fun,” wooyoung adds before he’s scurrying off to join yunho and san.
there’s barely enough time to process that his best friend has abandoned him before you’re speaking up.
“so, not a fan of the wave pool,” you prompt and yeosang spares a glance at you.
you’re still looking over the pool, scanning for any danger or situations to whistle at people about.
“uh yeah,” he answers plainly, placing the cup he’s surprised didn’t spill during wooyoung’s tugging on the ground between you two. “i mean, don’t really like water parks in general so,” he explains with a shrug, venturing to put one of his legs into the edge of the pool, the other still tucked underneath him.
“really?” you ask like you’re actually surprised, like you’ve never actually met someone that didn’t like a water park, but based on your profession he’s sure you probably don’t often run into people who don’t frequent any pool.
he doesn’t answer, just shrugging once more as he watches the way the water ripples whenever he shifts his foot under the water.
“any particular reason?” you ask and yeosang ventures another glance at you, this time making eye contact with him as you’ve turned your head to face him. “i mean you don’t seem to be scared of water or anything,” you say as you gesture toward his leg that hangs off the ledge.
instead of returning to hold your float tube you place the hand you’d used on the concrete, leaning toward yeosang just slightly and he can smell a hint of the sunscreen you’d been reapplying through the day as well as something that he assumes is a cologne or perfume you must of sprayed on during your break. it makes his brain feel a bit fuzzy as you tilt your head at him, waiting for an answer.
“uh, i don’t know.” he can practically hear wooyoung judging his bland response and tries to rack his brain for anything else to say. “just don’t find it interesting i guess.”
you hum in acknowledgment, nodding slowly as you observe yeosang and even though the hot sun went down over an hour ago he feels like he might melt.
“so there’s nothing specific about it you hate?” you pry, taking another quick glance over the pool to make sure no one drowned when you weren’t looking before you return your gaze to the man beside you.
yeosang reaches out for his drink and realizes a moment too late how close your hand is to the cup, his fingers brushing against your warm skin and causing a tingle to shoot up his arm. you don’t mention the contact but yeosang swears he sees the corner of your mouth tick up as he takes a swig of his beverage, placing the cup on the other side of himself once he’s swallowed.
“no secret hate for lifeguards or anything right?” you continue to interrogate him, a teasing tone seeping into your words.
he could mention how he thinks you’re all overbearing and judgemental but he’s not sure that would work in his favor right now considering you don’t seem to actually be all that bad.
“no,” he says with a shake of his head, eyes not leaving your own.
at that your smile seems to grow, eyes holding a sparkle of something yeosang can’t quite read.
“good,” you respond, “because that would make asking you out a lot harder.”
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marriage pact
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⇀ paring ex best friend!san x heartbroken!reader
⇀ wc 1.1k
⇀ warnings therapy mentions/appointment, previous heartbreak, reader feels a lot of guilt, reader cries, cursing
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you wish, with everything in your power, that you could reverse time, or maybe just knock some sense into your 14 year old self, and maybe you technically could, if you only shoved everything back in the shoebox and put it back on the shelf. then it would sit where it had for years before, except instead of dust, it would collect guilt, your guilt, every time you passed and remembered what was in it. your high school diary, a few birthday cards, notes with ink so faded the words were indecipherable, a paper clipped stack of photo booth strips, and one intact copy of the marriage pact you’d made with your best friend choi san, well, your high school best friend. why did you have to find it now, just as you’re reaching the age which you’d either need to be already married or fulfill your half of the contract by saying “i do”?
you think for a moment that you could simply throw out the entire box, but you’re too sentimental for that, it’s why the box had been with you so long in the first place, but now the memories, that should have been happily contained, have come to seep back into your life and the heartbreak taints every single one.
you could throw away just the pact, but your trash stinks enough already and you can practically hear the voice of your therapist telling you how it’s just an opportunity, an excuse, to reach out and maybe mend something that’s been broken for so long.
damn her for being right all the time.
and so you call, hoping his number is still the same or you’ll have wasted all your worrying for nothing. there’s nothing to indicate it’s his voicemail box, the generic computer voice reading out it’s typical prompt, but you might as well. if it’s a wrong number they’ll simply never call you back and you’ll go on with your life, as best you can.
“hey, i’m not sure if this is the right number. i’m trying to reach choi san. i’m-“ you pause for a moment, trying to figure out how to describe yourself. “i’m an old friend,” you settle on. “so, yeah. if you can give me a call back, i just needed,” you pause again. did you need to? maybe you should’ve written a script just in case. “wanted,” you amend, “to talk.” you pause again, wondering how you should end before the line beeps, signaling it’s been ended for you.
at your appointment the next day, your therapist seems proud, even as you try to change the subject, work around your feelings. she manages, as she always does, to steer you back on track, approach your emotions head on, and as she makes you recount the memories, and sensations, attached to the items in the shoebox, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. your first instinct is to silence it and so you do, barely registering the action before you’re sucked back into your session. only after you’ve penciled in your next meeting do you register that you’d sent a call to voicemail.
“hi y/n,” he starts easily and his voice has the hair on the back of your neck rising.
“i’m sorry i missed your call yesterday,” and he sounds genuinely apologetic. “i actually wanted to talk to you too i was just really busy until right now. i’m free for the rest of the day, so if you get a chance call me back. lo-“ your breath hitches at his mistake, forcing you to realize how shallowly you’d been inhaling the entirety of the message. “bye,” he concludes, an emptiness in his tone, before the message ends.
as you sit in your car, still in the parking lot of your therapist’s office, you remember that you had intentionally left out your name when leaving your message and that even after all these years, all this time apart, he can still recognize you by your voice alone, no matter how garbled by phone speaker quality.
you toss around the idea of waiting until you get back to your place to call but you can feel the nerves starting to tangle your stomach and are certain that you’ll have talked yourself out of it by the time you would get there. instead, you call back.
he picks up on the second ring.
he sounds like he’s smiling and you hope that’s a good sign, not an indication that he’s about to laugh at you and tell you to fuck off.
“hi,” you breath in response, probably a little pathetic.
“you wanted to talk?” he supplies and if you could get out of your own head you might pin the statement as sounding a bit teasing, maybe even a hint flirty, but you can barely register anything when everything you’ve wanted to say for the past few years is suddenly all mingling at the front of your consciousness.
“uh yeah,” you confirm plainly, trying to will your mouth to create any other sound.
as if he can sense your distress, just as he always had, san speaks up for you and says the words that had settled on the back of your tongue, “do you remember that pact we made when we were 14?”
in the moment you feel like it’s the right thing to say but as soon as the words are out of your mouth you anticipate the moments you’ll lie awake at night berating yourself for them.
“i love you and i’m sorry i made you hate me.”
you feel like you’re waiting for the storm to finally hit as your words are met with pregnant silence, san’s breath on the other end of the line as clear as if he were sat in your passenger seat, and for a moment you allow yourself to imagine just that.
“i never hated you,” he says with clear exasperation, seemingly surprised. “have you thought i’ve hated you this whole time?”
you nod shakily before remembering that he can’t see you and muttering a broken, “yes.”
“i’m so sorry,” he acknowledges before shushing you gently, and only at the sound of his comfort do you realize that you had started sobbing.
you try to calm yourself, your heavy breaths pacifying into watery hiccups as san eases you back from your sudden emotional release.
“can i tell you something?” san says after a moment and you nod once again before chuckling at yourself and verbally confirming he can.
“i love you too,” he says with an ease that almost makes you jealous. “so can we talk more about that pact?”
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love at first sight
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⇀ paring clumsy!mingi x er nurse!reader
⇀ wc 1.9k
⇀ warnings lots of eye talk, hospital setting
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it was well known in the er that the full moon night shift was bound to be chaotic, something about the energy of the phase making people feel like they’re invincible and leading them to accidents that seemed next to impossible to occur. even if you weren’t superstitious about any of that astrological stuff, you couldn’t ignore the evidence as this night, like every full moon before it, brought you a plethora of patients that each had a problem more severe or strange than the last. you were quickly running out of beds and soon you’d run out of space in the waiting room as you noticed another person entering through the sliding glass doors.
“this is the busiest i’ve ever seen it,” chae, the triage nurse stationed at the front desk says as you move past her to the file folder, ready to grab the next patient to take back. she was new to the emergency department, a sweetheart who’d done all her clinicals in your pediatrics department and therefore had never seen the full moon effect.
“your first full moon,” you note, digging through the file folder to pull out the next one and look at the name. “you’re doing great,” you note with a gentle pat on her shoulder.
she smiles at you appreciatively before turning to address the patient quickly approaching the desk.
you take a glance into the file in your hands. “painful eyes, difficulty seeing. possible hazardous material in eyes,” the intake form reads and you sigh. what does “possible” mean in this situation?
“song mingi,” you call out into the waiting area and a rather tall man, eyes shut tightly, pops up from his seat immediately, another shorter man following suit and reaching out a hand to stabilize the taller as he stumbles. they both make their way to you, the shorter guiding the taller so he doesn’t bump into anyone or anything on his way.
“mingi?” you ask gesturing toward the one who clearly is having eye problems while looking at the other, seemingly fine, man and he only nods.
“i’m his brother, hongjoong,” the shorter one says and they don’t seem to resemble each other very much but you think nothing of it, more interested in treating your patient, who appears to be in quiet a bit of pain, then anything else.
“you can both follow me,” you say, scanning your badge to open the door and moving just slower than you might normally to allow hongjoong to lead mingi.
once you arrive to one of the empty rooms hongjoong guides mingi to sit on the bed, muttering about how stupid he is, before taking a seat himself on one of the plastic chairs off to the side.
you pay no mind to the muffled communication of the men as you place mingi’s folder onto the counter next to the sink and move to start taking his vitals. they both go silent as you wrap the blood pressure cuff around his arm, clipping the pulse oximeter onto his finger as well.
all of his vitals come back normal, only slightly elevated, as expected, because of the stress and pain, and you note them onto his chart.
“so what did you do to your eyes,” you ask as you go to remove the blood pressure cuff.
“uh well,” mingi starts his voice strained with a mix of pain and embarrassment, “i was trying to scare my friend and he was, uh, holding air freshener.”
you resist the urge to roll your eyes as you assume what happened next in his story.
“okay,” you say with a nod, putting the cuff you’d removed back in the basket and taking down notes on his chart. “did you try rinsing your eyes?”
he swallows thickly, his adams apple bobbing, and you let out a silent sigh as you prepare for whatever else must have went wrong.
“we tried,” he says a little shakily, “but the bottle must have had leftover cleaner or something in it.”
of course it did. you hold yourself back from asking how or why and glance at hongjoong who looks as exasperated as you feel, eyes closed and fingers massaging his temples.
“so you don’t know what the cleaner was?” you ask and mingi shakes his head, wincing as he squeezes his eyes tighter.
“can i take a look at your eyes?” you ask as you set down his chart, grabbing the pen light out of your scrub pocket.
“uh sure,” he says but you can hear the hesitation once again.
“okay, i’m going to hold your eye open for a second,” you explain, adjusting the bed so that his eyes are level with your own. “i’m going to shine a light into them just so i can make sure there’s no debris and they’re dilating properly.”
he gulps again and you know that he’s preparing for it to be painful.
“okay,” he says, a little more determined, and you place your fingers on his eyelid, starting with his left eye.
you try to move as quickly as you can, not wanting it to be too painful, but his hurt grunts are still audible as you check both eyes. fortunately, they’re dilating fine and you can’t see any damage or debris.
“they look alright,” you note aloud, slipping the light back in your pocket and writing more on his chart. “let’s just get your eyes properly flushed and some antibiotic drops in there, then we can see how they’re doing.”
mingi’s shoulders relax a little at this and you start to make your way toward the door, heading out to grab the irrigation tubing and kidney dish as well as ask another nurse to prepare the drops you’ll need.
“will he need to stay overnight?” hongjoong asks as you open the door and you turn back to him.
“we’ll want to keep him for at least an hour after we administer the drops to make sure that nothing gets worse but if he’s cleared up by then you’ll be able to go,” you explain and hongjoong nods as you leave.
flushing his eyes takes a moment as he fights to close his eyes a lot during the process, which is understandable, but the eye drops are worse, managing to get his eyes closed right before the solution hits his eyeball no matter how well you manage to hold his eye lids. eventually, with the help of another nurse holding his lids while you administer the drops, you manage to give him the proper dosage and leave him to check on another patient. you promise to return in an hour and instruct both men on how to use the nurse call button in case anything happens before then.
“he’s kind of cute,” chae, now munching on a granola bar as she takes her break behind the nurse’s station, says as you approach. “in like a himbo way,” she elaborates when you raise a brow at her, only shrugging as she take another bite.
you shake your head in slight disappointment. “he’s my patient,” you say. “i’m not really focused on how attractive he is.”
“so you agree he’s attractive,” chae chimes, peeking up for a moment before you roll your eyes.
“i’m not doing this with you again,” is your only response, moving past her to continue with your work.
an hour later you knock gently on the door of mingi’s room before entering to find hongjoong still in the plastic chair, phone in hand as he scrolls, and mingi asleep on the bed, the heartbeat monitor beeping quietly. you take that as a good sign.
“hello,” you greet hongjoong before you move toward the bed, preparing to wake your patient.
hongjoong greets you in return, tucking his phone away so he can pay attention to what you’re doing.
you take a brief glance at the heartbeat and oxygen monitor, noticing that his vitals are normal before taping mingi on the shoulder with enough force to jostle him awake. he grunts slightly before stretching, eyes scrunching up for a moment before they blink open.
“good morning,” you say with a teasing grin and mingi turns to face you.
suddenly the beeping of the monitor that had been steady and slow before is increasing rapidly and your head whips to look at it with surprise.
“you don’t have a heart condition do you?” you ask with concern, brows furrowing as you turn back to look at mingi once again.
his face and ears are bright red and his eyes go wide before he sits up with a start. “uh no, i don’t,” he rushes out, his words shaky as he lowers his gaze to his hands that now sit in his lap, messing with the clip on his pointer finger as though he wants to remove it.
“is everything okay?” you ask with genuine concern. “what’s wrong?”
mingi clears his throat and keeps his gaze firmly focused on his hands as he answers, “nothing. i just- you’re really cute.”
“oh my god,” you hear hongjoong huff in disbelief before his face drops into his hand, eyes covered in what you can only assume is embarrassment.
now it’s your turn to blush, a heat creeping onto your cheeks as you try to calm your own heart.
“oh,” you breathe, trying to collect your thoughts and remain professional. “thank you,” you say quickly before you hurry to take the clip off his finger, ignoring the heat of his skin against your own as your hand brushes his own.
“how are your eyes?” you ask, your own gaze moving about the room sheepishly.
“good,” he chirps, voice cracking slightly.
“good,” you mirror with a sharp nod. “i’m, uh, going to write you a prescription for antibiotic drops and just use those twice a day for the next two weeks,” you say, returning to business. “just come back if they get worse.”
mingi nods, still not looking at you and you clear your throat.
“thank you,” hongjoong says for mingi, and you nod in response.
you leave as quickly as you can, eager to be rid of the weird energy that had been created in the room. luckily your shift is close to over and one of the other nurse practitioners catches the way you’re acting a bit weird as you file the prescription, telling you to go home early and she’ll cover for you. you fight for a moment before finally giving in and deciding to make a quick stop at the 24-hour convenience store on the way home.
“oh!” a familiar voice snaps you out of your thoughts about which late night snack to pick and you turn quickly to see none other than song mingi standing before you, a look of surprise on his face as he looks at you.
“hi,” you squeak, just as surprised.
you feel your blush from earlier returning and turn back to face the shelf you’d been browsing.
“i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable before,” mingi says, keeping his distance but not looking away from you.
you shake your head and glance at him for a moment. “oh no,” you reassure, “i just wasn’t prepared.” you let out a slightly nervous laugh.
mingi hums thoughtfully and nods slowly, taking an experimental step toward you.
“could i ask you something?” he requests and you turn to face him fully.
“sure,” you reply with a gentle shrug.
“let me know if i’m overstepping,” he begins, eyes flicking from yours to the shelf of snacks and back, “but could i get your number?”
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enemies to lovers
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⇀ paring chef!wooyoung x host!reader
⇀ wc 2.1k
⇀ warnings wooyoung is mean, discussion of food and eating, mentions of bullying in high school
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so maybe your job wasn’t the worst, and most of your coworkers were pretty manageable, but wooyoung, he’s what made it unbearable at times. you’d already asked your manager to be scheduled for when he wasn’t, but he’d explained that you were the best one up front and he was the best in the kitchen, so of course you’re both going to be scheduled during the restaurant’s busiest times. “plus maybe it will force you two to work out whatever’s wrong.”
what your manager didn’t account for was that there was no working out what was wrong, considering it had been nothing that you were aware of. wooyoung had simply looked at you on your first day and decided he hated you. could you have asked why? of course, but you’re not sure he would have told you because to every question you asked him he would simply huff and roll his eyes, telling you to ask someone else.
his little act had quickly gotten on your nerves and so you were fast to return his disdain, deciding that his uncalled for behavior was enough of a reason to hate him.
“you know, if you just talked to him you could make everyone’s lives just a little bit easier,” soonha, you’re favorite waitress, says as she unties her apron and makes sure all her pens are organized in the pockets before placing it in her locker.
she’d been listening to you complain about everything wooyoung had done during your shift that had pissed you off, from as small as walking in a minute late to the way he’d complained about you blocking his path when you were eating a snack in an empty corner of the kitchen, a spot you’d chosen because it was specifically out of the way. of course the worst had been when he’d sided with a patron that was lying about their wait time, almost getting you in trouble with the manager on duty before you actually showed her the patron’s check-in timer.
“he’s the one with the problem,” you scoff, pushing your arms through the sleeves of your jacket. “he should be the one talking to me. you know he didn’t even apologize today.”
soonha only rolls her eyes, shutting her locker before a look of surprise takes over her features and she’s whipping around to you.
“oh my gosh, i totally forgot i told kay that i would restock her citruses,” the waitress says, pulling out what you can assume is a list from the bartender, kay, of the number of lemons, limes, and oranges that needed to be brought up to the bar.
“hey let me do that,” you say, grabbing the slip of paper from her hand.
“are you sure?” she says, although the way she glances at the back door tells you that she’s not too attached to the task.
“of course,” you reassure. “you’ve got the baby at home, go,” you encourage her and she’s basically running out the back door.
“they’re just in cold storage,” she reminds you quickly as the door shuts behind her and you chuckle with a gentle shake of your head in amusement.
the task is easy enough, grabbing a small empty cardboard box from the deserted kitchen as you make your way to the walk-in refrigerator, noticing that the kitchen staff all appear to have left for the night and thanking whatever higher power was watching over you for not making you the last person in the restaurant with wooyoung.
it’s been a while since you’d actually been inside cold storage, your job description not calling for it unless you were being an extra hand for bartending, although that was something that most of your staff asked the waiters for. this mostly meant that you couldn’t remember if it was normal for the door to click like that when it closed behind you. obviously that didn’t matter much anyway and so you just continue with the task at hand, searching for wherever kitchen staff had put citruses when they were rearranging.
as you’re reaching above your head to grab a handful of lemons to place in your trusty cardboard box the door to cold storage is suddenly cracking open, nearly causing you to have a heart attack as you’d believed you were the last person in the building. to your dismay, in walks the last person you’d probably ever want to see, possibly even over some robber interested in making off with your cold stock, wooyoung. he takes a moment before he registers that it’s you and the familiar scowl takes over his features, adjusting the large box in his arms.
you try to appear unaffected by his presence, taking a breath to calm your racing heart at the shock from a moment ago and turning back to counting your lemons. you sigh as you realize he must have been in dry storage when you passed through the kitchen and curse yourself for getting your hopes up about this task being easy.
the door makes that same click as it closes behind him but you don’t hear wooyoung react, moving to the shelf right behind you and standing with his back only inches from your own. the box he’s holding makes a soft thump as it hits the ground and you clearly hear the tape ripping off the top. from what you can tell he seems to be placing whatever was in the box into the crate on the shelf behind you and you’re trying so hard not to pay attention to him as you continue your own job.
soon enough your little box is filled with the correct number of fruits, you even double checked your counting, and you turn to leave the fridge as wooyoung starts to breakdown his now empty box. however, you don’t get very far, the door not budging when you place pressure against the handle.
you let out a huff as you place your box down and grab the handle with both hands. when the door still doesn’t move you lean your shoulder against it, trying to use your body weight to leverage the thing open.
“what are you doing?”
you feel your skin prickle at his voice, obviously annoyed with whatever antics he thinks you’re up to now, and you turn around as slowly as you can manage, face blank.
“the door is stuck,” you explain and wooyoung’s face scrunches up in response before he’s moving toward you.
“move,” he demands and you slide off to the side before he can place his hand on your shoulder to move you himself.
of course he’d taken off his chef coat, leaving him in just his white undershirt and black slacks, and you resist the urge to watch his arms as he gives a harsh push to the door. unfortunately for the both of you, his shoving is just as successful as yours was and you roll your eyes at him.
“what the fuck did you do?” he says, turning to you with anger painting his features.
if you didn’t hate him you might have found him slightly attractive now, gaze dark and sharp as he looked right through you, but he had some vendetta against you and therefore you had one against him.
“me?” you say in disbelief. “why do you think i had something to do with this?”
he scoffs and it’s probably a sound you would be able to identify in your sleep at this point, having heard it so often.
“you always do,” he mutters and you don’t know what to say in response, opting instead to just roll your eyes once more and chalking it up to whatever mystery grudge he’s holding against you.
“whatever, i’ll just call-“ you cut yourself off as you dig your hands into your jacket pockets and realize that your phone is still sat inside of your open locker in the break room. “never mind,” you mumble as you pull your hands from your pockets and decide to just take a seat on the chilly floor.
“right,” wooyoung says looking down at you with one eyebrow raised before he’s pulling his own phone from his pocket.
you’re barely listening as he speaks with whoever he calls, only picking out a few words here and there as you start to realize the predicament you’re in. of all the people to be trapped with.
“mingyu should be here in half an hour or so,” wooyoung tells you before he joins you on the floor, sitting across from you. “he told us not to kill each other in the meantime.”
you just flick your eyes up to him, your expression passive, before you go back to counting the floor tiles.
you’re not sure you’ll survive until help arrives, the first minute going by in a silence that feels like it’s crawling along your skin, threatening to eat you whole. by the second minute you’ve counted all the tiles on the floor that you can see five times and have moved onto counting the crates behind wooyoung. maybe you can go through and count the things in the crates next.
“what are you doing?”
you’re tempted not to answer him but you have a feeling he’ll ask again and the only thing worse than loosing count once is loosing count twice.
“counting,” you say plainly, starting with the crates again, however, you don’t even get close to where you’d left off last time when he speaks again.
“well, stop,” he says and you make sure he sees your look of confusion and annoyance. “you’re making me paranoid,” he elaborates and you just huff, turning you head so that he’s no longer in your line of sight.
“why do you hate me?”
you immediately don’t want to hear the answer and you whip your head back to him, worry on your features as you prepare to take it back.
except you don’t take it back, his face painted with bewilderment causing you to pause. he looks as though he can’t understand why you would ask, as though the answer was written on his forehead and you should simply be able to read it.
“are you trying to tell me you don’t remember?” he asks, and it’s the first time you can recall him being genuine with you.
you shake your head with a similar look of confusion.
“high school,” he supplies as though it will jog your memory.
the only problem is that it doesn’t, you didn’t go to high school with wooyoung, in fact you didn’t go to high school with anyone you work with, because you only moved to the area after graduating.
“wooyoung,” you start as you watch his features begin to soften, “the first time i met you was here, on my first day.”
he shakes his head with force, like he’s trying to convince himself.
“you were in that group, with miri, that always laughed at me,” he continues in disbelief, continuing to ramble about this group of bullies, and you feel your heart sink.
“wooyoung,” you repeat to catch his attention and he silenced himself. “i didn’t go to high school with you.”
you watch as his shoulders, which had lifted with every word that had come out of his mouth only moments ago, drop back down and he pales, eyes wide as he really sees you for the first time.
“i’m sorry,” he says, his eyes filled with regret as he remembers every little thing he’s done to make your life at work a living hell for as long as you’ve worked here. “i’m so, so sorry.”
“honestly,” you begin, processing everything that’s happened within the last few minutes, “if i thought someone i worked with was my high school bully, i would probably do the same things you did,” you say with a chuckle and you can see a blush start to tint wooyoung’s cheeks.
there’s a moment of quiet, one that feels like the polar opposite of the silence you sat in before, and you feel like you can clearly see the gears turning inside of wooyoung’s mind.
“did you eat dinner?” he asks finally, looking at you expectantly.
you just shake your head and watch as a bashful grin makes its way onto his face.
“can we start over?” he suggests. “i can make us something,” he adds, not oblivious to the way the other chefs had bribed you with food in the past. “after mingyu saves us, of course.”
right on cue you can hear someone puttering around in the kitchen, heading your way.
“sure,” you nod gently, a soft grin on your face, as wooyoung stands, offering his hand to you.
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brother’s best friend
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⇀ paring soccer player!jongho x sports photographer!reader
⇀ wc 1.8k
⇀ warnings cat-calling, jongho punches somebody, cursing, implications of harassment
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you’d had a crush on your older brother’s best friend, jongho, for as long as you could remember, a secret that you’d kept to yourself just as long. unfortunately, within the last few years it had gotten much more difficult to hide this little fact, partly due to the fact that you’d managed to become best friends with probably the worst secret keeper on your college campus but, mostly because you were forced by your job to interact with him more than ever.
you were one of the student sports photographers on campus, assigned to photograph the men’s soccer team in the fall, a team which jongho and your brother were apart of. that was how they met in middle school, your brother the school’s goalie while jongho played midfield, and you hadn’t known peace since. of course you loved being able to pursue your passion and get paid for it, but with each game that you had to attend it was becoming more and more difficult to focus on your job.
jongho had grown a lot during the summer before his freshman year, the training for the team intense but rewarding, and suddenly you weren’t the only one with a more than platonic interest in the boy. by sophomore year, he was a star player, attracting the attention of those who weren’t even interested in soccer, or any sport for that matter. people would start to come to games just to see jongho sweaty and focused. now, as you and jongho began your junior years, your brother a senior, your jealousy was starting to peak.
“don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same if it wasn’t your job,” billie, your best friend and roommate, said as you threw another dirty look to the group of girls that had been shouting jongho’s name every five seconds.
you’d been complaining to her about all the attention on jongho, openly admitting your jealousy as she’d managed to pry the information of your crush out of you last year.
“i wouldn’t scream his name and distract him from his game,” you bite, bringing the viewfinder back up to your eye and following the ball as someone on the opposing team threw it back into play.
your job required you to attend every soccer game, and the occasional practice, to get shots for the campus newspaper and website. billie had started to tag along as your assistant at the beginning of this semester, claiming to just be happy to hang out with you even if she wasn’t getting paid, totally not because she had a crush on your brother or anything.
“right,” billie says with a nod, adjusting the strap of your camera bag on her shoulder, “because you can get his attention without all the drama.”
your best friend had gotten some weird idea in her head that jongho was secretly in love with you, an idea that had prompted her to dig into your feelings for jongho in the first place. you tried not to listen, not wanting to let her feed any sort of delusion that you and jongho were somehow possible.
“you know, when you said you would be my assistant, i thought you meant like helping me, not being annoying,” you say sarcastically, snapping a few pictures as your attacking midfielder managed to get control of the ball.
“maybe you’re being annoying,” billie pouts in response. “i’m just saying what i see.”
you resist the urge to roll your eyes, trying to focus on who has the ball and what moments to capture.
“am i not an objective party?” she asks and you have no idea where she’s heading with this argument. “you’ve known him for years and so you’re set that he doesn’t see you that way. i’m a fresh set of eyes to tell you the truth!”
you scoff at her. “you said yourself i’ve known him for years, wouldn’t that mean i know him better? so i know that he’s not interested?” you argue, players surrounding the ball and crowding your lens.
“you’re biased,” she says with a sense of finality and you pull your camera away from your face, deciding to glance through some of the pictures you’d just taken to see if you needed to adjust any of your settings. the lighting had changed a bit since the beginning of the game.
“yeah,” you agree after a moment, “and you’re a hopeless romantic.”
you turn and trek around down the field, looking for a new angle. you hear billie running after you, your camera bag bouncing against her hip gently and you remind yourself to at least buy her dinner after this as thanks for following you around for 90 minutes.
just as you both reach the other side of the field, the referee is blowing a whistle to signal the start of halftime and you sigh, glad to already be on the side of the field where the players benches are. you weren’t required to get pictures of players on the bench or any of the team huddled, but you liked to. they made good shots to advertise the team pride and allowed everyone to have professional pictures, even if they didn’t play in that game.
“hey y/n, hey billie,” you brother says as he passes you both, jogging toward the bench to grab his water and take a rest.
billie lights up and waves as he passes, you only roll your eyes, following after your brother to get closer to the bench.
“make sure you get my left, it’s my best side,” one of the players, hojin, says jokingly as you snap a wide shot of all the players sat on the bench.
you chuckle lightly, enjoying your banter with the players, as you continue to get a few more wide angles.
“what’s your name sexy?” you hear someone call behind you and turn to see one of the players of the opposing team looking right at you.
you don’t say anything for a moment, kind of shocked that anyone on the opposing team was talking to you as that had never happened before. you recognized him as their center midfielder, opposite jongho for a majority of the game.
“none of you business!” billie calls back for you, linking her arm with your own and pulling you closer to your team.
the guy doesn’t seem all that discouraged at first, sending you a wink before his eyes flick to something, or someone, behind you and his face drops.
you turn around just in time to see your brother sitting back on the bench, features sharp, and jongho turning to look at their coach, anger clear on his face.
you try not to think anything of it, knowing that your brother and jongho were naturally very protective, as billie tugs on your arm that’s still linked with hers.
“c’mon,” she says, “don’t forget to get your huddle shot.”
you try to return to business as normal once the game resumes, making sure to get a few key pictures that are always a hit for article features, but you’ve started to let your camera drift centerfield, toward jongho. except unlike other times this has happened it’s not simply because you’re being distracted by how handsome he looks. he’s started getting a bit aggressive with the player opposite him, the one that had called to you during halftime, and you watch through your lens as the player says something to jongho. whatever he said must have really upset jongho because just as you’re pulling away from the viewfinder he reels back and sends his fist right into the other guy’s face.
you feel your blood run cold as you watch the whole interaction unfold, a ref blowing the whistle sharply as he runs to centerfield. your brother, who had been on the bench, bolts for jongho, other players from both teams moving in to break up whatever is happening. somehow the other player manages to remain standing after the hit, stumbling back a bit, and jongho takes a few steps forward with a raised fist before your brother gets to him and pulls him back.
“what the actual fuck is wrong with you?” you hear your brother saying as he drags jongho toward the bench.
you hand billie your camera, telling her you’ve got enough for today and that she can just mess around with it before you stomp toward the bench yourself. your best friend sends you a slightly concerned, if not sympathetic, look as you leave but does as you say.
“are you crazy?” you say once you get to where jongho is sat, your brother popping a disposable ice pack and placing it onto his hand.
“if you’re here to lecture me i don’t need it,” jongho grunts. “i already know it was a bad idea.”
you scoff in disbelief as your eyebrows shoot up. “a bad idea? it was unbelievably stupid! what in the world would posses you to do something like that?”
jongho looks up at you for a moment, eyes blank, before looking at your brother who’s stood next to you, looking at his best friend expectantly.
“well?” you brother says, crossing his arms.
“some people should just keep their mouth shut,” jongho says looking down at his hand that’s covered by the ice pack and you scoff again, crossing your own arms.
“jongho,” you say sternly and he looks up at you again, eyes almost pleading for you not to press further. “i know you. this is not you.”
he shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant, before saying, “maybe it is.”
you sigh, sitting down next to jongho and placing a hand gently on top of his forearm.
“no it’s not,” you insist, much softer as you rub your thumb along his arm soothingly.
your own palm tingles at the sensation of his skin against yours but you can’t bring yourself to pull away.
jongho looks at your hand on him for a moment before glancing up at your face. after a moment he turns to where your brother is still standing and ticks his head in some sort of signal that has your brother patting jongho’s shoulder once before leaving you both.
“you asked if i was crazy,” jongho starts, turning to meet your slightly confused gaze. “i am crazy,” he says with a humorless laugh, “crazy for you.”
your thumb stops it’s movements as you freeze, wondering if you’re hearing him right.
“i couldn’t let him get away with what he was saying about you,” jongho explains. “i just snapped.”
you close your eyes, shaking your head like you’re trying to get rid of the thoughts clouding your judgement, before you ask, “can we go back to the part where you’re crazy?”
he chuckles again and you open your eyes to see a soft smile on his face.
“i’ve had the biggest, most embarrassing crush on you for years y/n,” he says, a blush dusting his cheeks.
your own lips curl into a smile as you reply, “that’s impossible because i’ve had the biggest, most embarrassing crush on you for years jongho.”
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↼ ateez masterlist
note hope you enjoyed and these couples may be making a reappearance at some point in the future (also if you genuinely want to know the hangul just translates to “hey, where are you from”)
feedback always appreciated
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Please Don't Kill Me Mr. Ghostface!
Ethan Landry x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k 
Very susceptible reader, Ethan’s reaction to Richies death, heavy insinuations to smut, faking the reader and Quinn's death, the slight cringe from scream movies dialogue <3, they literally have sex in the stab shrine room (when will it be my turn), (that is all skipped over), me being unsure of which ghostface was at which part of the movie. I have only seen Scream 6 once and was just going off what I remembered from it! So if things are wrong (timing, Ghostfaces, etc) then I’m sorry! 
Author’s Note: This one requires some suspension of belief lol. I don’t know HOW to justify the reader doing all these things except Ethan was cute and this is fiction <3 I hope you enjoy love!! Also I wasn’t 100% sure on if Ethan’s name was Landry or Bailey. I went with Landry (which I’m sure is fake but what we all know him as! So when I refer to the house under that name, I was torn lol)
Requested by anon, ooh ok so can i request ethan x reader where reader is in on the ghostface thing (but she’s not killing people she just knows about it) and like helps them with stuff (maybe with like faking quinn’s death and stuff like that idk) but also it’s somehow fluffy relationship stuff in there too lol (sorry it’s kinda all over the place😬)
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You were laying on the back on Ethan’s bed, scrolling mindlessly through your phone. His room was as familiar to you as your own was. You had practically grown up at the Landry’s home, going to school together for your entire lives and staying close to Ethan throughout it all. Once you had hit your senior year in high school, it seemed only fate the two of you would start to date.
You put down your phone with a gentle huff. Ethan was sitting in front of his computer, doing homework. You turned your head to face him, trying to telepathically ask for attention. As if he could read your mind, he spoke. 
“Give me five more minutes.” 
“I told you taking chemistry for your lab credit was dumb,” you said gently, wanting to sneak in an ‘I told you so’ but also not wanting to agitate him. He was brilliant but he couldn’t always grasp the concepts he had too. You suspected some sort of undiagnosed learning disorder but you were far from a doctor. You were just his best friend. 
“I don’t remember you being there when I picked classes,” he said quietly. You rolled your eyes. 
“I was there in spirit.” You grabbed your phone again, flipping onto your stomach. You opened it back up, looking past the screensaver of you and Ethan over the summer before, when you had been on vacation with his family. You reopened Instagram to continue your doom scroll. The first story you opened was that of a friend from school. 
You usually skipped through them, not even registering what they said, but paused at the large bolded letters over a black screen. 
Rip Richie <3 
You didn’t deserve to be caught up in that. 
You squinted, trying to place a Richie that you knew. The first that came to your mind was Ethan’s older brother but just as quickly as the thought came it left. It couldn’t have been him. He was with his girlfriend in Modesto or something. Plus, how would this rando in high school know before you and Ethan? You kept flicking through your friend's stories, confused. Someone had posted a blurry picture of some sort of a crime scene. It was clearly reposted over and over so the picture itself was almost lost. You squinted and then opened your google app.
“Okay I’m done,” Ethan said, shutting his laptop with triumph. “I’m gonna ace that test tomorrow.” He looked over your face and could read you with ease. Something was wrong - or at the very least, confusing. “What?” 
You googled Richies name. A flood of reports came up. Your lips parted in surprise as you looked up at Ethan. 
“What?” he repeated. Before you could explain, his phone rang. You both looked towards where it was resting on the bed beside you. You picked it up. A picture of his dads face was on the screen. 
“Oh God,” you whispered, unable to contain it. 
“What?!” He grabbed his phone and answered it quickly. You sat up, tossing your phone aside and getting off the bed. You knew right now that he was going to be grieving more than you. You had to be there for him. “Hello? Dad?” You stood beside him and watched as his face fell according to the muffled voice coming from the receiver. His eyes were laced with confusion and then a flash of pain. “What do you mean Richie-” He was cut off. 
There were a few more words and then his eyes went dead with emotion. You weren’t sure what to do so you stood beside him. He hung up the phone after a moment and then looked up at you. 
“Richie?” He nodded. His mouth was ajar, stunned. He threw his arms around you and you embraced each other as he stood up. “What happened?” you questioned. He was silent. You didn’t think you were going to get an answer until he spoke, quietly. 
“He was murdered.” 
“It’s actually kind of easy to rig the roommate system,” you muttered, sitting at a chair in front of your computer. The room behind you was filled with the remaining Landry’s. 
You turned around to the curious eyes. 
“So he’s in?” Wayne questioned. You nodded. 
“He is going to be Chads Meeks-Martin’s roommate,” you explained. He slapped you on the back in approval. You had always been on good terms with Wayne. He was the kind of dad who would ask if you had a boyfriend and then wink at his son after the question. He had been slightly overjoyed when Ethan told him you were dating. This came only after, he caught you and Ethan making out in his bedroom. It was mortifying but he was pretty okay about it. 
“Thanks kid.” 
Wayne was not on board with telling you about the trio of Ghostfaces he had planned but Ethan insisted. You had been there when he found out about Richie and you had been there through all of his hardships. 
“And you’re okay with coming around my place when we have to…you know…” Quinn made a gesture of slitting her own throat. “I mean, I need someone to drag my body out of there while my dad brings a new one.” 
You tried to ignore your moral dilemma to this. Ethan had promised you wouldn’t be implicated in any of this. But sometimes when Wayne looked at you during this you knew that you would go down with them if he went down. You were in on this now. You couldn’t exactly back out. 
“Yeah, no problem.” 
Quinn smiled brightly. She was slightly too excited about this. Part of you still didn’t think it was actually going to happen. You couldn’t imagine Ethan actually killing anyone, even when his eyes lit up while talking about it. 
“For Richie,” Ethan promised, placing a hand on your back. You nodded, getting up and out of your seat. You gestured to the computer. 
“I didn’t think this is what I would be doing with my computer science classes,” you admitted. Ethan smiled gently at you, ever soft, even when planning people’s literal murders. 
“For some reason I feel like she’s gonna have no problem faking our deaths but is gonna have a major problem not getting to hang out with Ethan everyday,” Quinn teased. You rolled your eyes. You wouldn’t be able to see him when he’s hanging out with his new group of friends. At least, you would have to act like you didn’t know him as closely as you actually did. You were meant to be Quinn’s friend in all of this. 
Wayne was grabbing papers off the table, presumably planning. He actively tried to burn everything after memorizing it. You thought it was dumb of him to write anything else. 
“You gonna be okay?” Ethan questioned, jokingly. You rolled your eyes. 
“You shouldn’t be worried about me E. I’m not the clingy one in this relationship.” 
Sam and Tara shouldn’t have been as nice as they were. You recognized the hate in Sam's eyes, the paranoia that was justified. She was out, attempting to get Tara from a party she went to. You sat in the apartment with Quinn. She was working through some homework. You were still amazed she did all that during this planning. 
You walked around her room, making sure that all of the blood that needed to come out, would come out. You liked to double check. You blamed the nerves. 
“Is he supposed to be here soon?” Quinn questioned. You glanced back at her. 
“You know we aren’t supposed to talk that much over the phone.” You were standing on top of her bed. Everything was in place for when your Ghostface arrived. You hopped down. She turned away from her computer. 
“I know you’re not supposed to. I also know he can’t help himself.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Soon. Within the hour,” you admitted. She left her computer open, to show that she was ambushed. You and Quinn were supposed to die tonight at the hands of Ghostface. After Sam and Tara left, he would sneak in and find you both, unsuspecting and oh so helpless. By the time the sisters returned home, you would both be dead, or close to it.
You glanced down at your phone which was still open to your texts with Ethan. 
Can’t wait to stick something in you tonight ;) 
You rolled your eyes, flushed, and turned off your phone. 
Quinn helped you to make sure everything would look as realistic as possible. She explained, again, that they would blame Sam for all of this. Once she was dead and Richie’s death had been paid for, the two of you would be able to return to society as though Ghostface had held you captive. 
You were too far in to back out now. 
You heard the front door open. Quinn shut her blinds so that no one would see Ethan maskless. It had been a couple of weeks since the two of you had been alone (or alone with Quinn). He walked in through the front door, which Sam had left unlocked in her rush, and quickly made his way to Quinn’s room. 
You met him halfway, throwing your arms around him. His laughter was muffled by the voice changer. You took his mask off of him, eager to get your lips on his. You couldn’t believe you were really doing this. You couldn’t believe your boyfriend was going to fake kill you. 
He kissed you before you could get to it. 
“Alright alright love birds,” Quinn grumbled. “Get in the closet Ethan, the girls are gonna be back soon.” 
“Will you give us one sec?” Ethan questioned. Quinn looked like she wanted to argue but knew that an argument would just continue this further than she wanted to. You stood outside of her door, leaving it ajar. He looked around carefully to make sure no windows were in view. You were alone. 
You took the mask from him. You felt it in your fingers. You hadn’t seen him in the outfit yet. You had seen Quinn and you had seen his dad but you hadn’t ever seen him in the full get up. 
“You’re so scary,” you whispered, a buzz in your voice. “I would be terrified.” 
“Are you scared?” He put the mask up to his face. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” You scrunched your nose, shaking your head. 
“What’s that part in the first Stab?” You thought for a minute, pressing yourself up against him. He looked at you with adoration in his eyes. He had missed you desperately. You had grown up together and spending a long time apart was proving to be more difficult than he thought it would be. “Please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel!” 
He chuckled lowly and clutched your face, leaning over to kiss you. You let him, relishing in his lips. Who knew when he would slip away again to see you. You would be sentenced to hiding until all of this was over. He placed his other hand on your side, holding you in his grasp. 
“Alright you two! Andele, andele!” Quinn opened up the door. He let you go. You grabbed the mask with both of your hands, rubbing it with your thumb. It was scary. It wouldn’t be hard to act the part. 
“You ready to die?” he asked but his voice was so gentle it was almost comical. It was like he was checking in on you. 
“Yes sir.” 
You put the mask over his face and then he was no longer your boyfriend. He was Ghostface. You slipped into Quinn’s room and prepared for your end. 
“Maybe I should’ve joined in on the killing,” you muttered, looking up at the ceiling. You were stuck in the Ghostface shrine that Richie had created. It was fun for a while, considering there was so much to look at, but there were only so many times the Stab movies were interesting to watch. Quinn came and went but mostly went. You weren’t sure where Wayne was keeping her otherwise. 
The burner phone in your pocket buzzed. You quickly reached for it. 
“Lemme up.” 
You knew that voice. You also knew he wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near here until much later. This room wasn’t even supposed to be found yet. He hung up the phone. You walked to the elevator and pushed the button to lower it. It took a few minutes but you heard it come back after a while. 
Ethan practically threw the gate open. 
“What are you doing here?” 
He threw his arms around you. 
“Those people are really fucking annoying.” You scoffed. You were grateful for the company but not at the behest of his cover. “I missed you.”
“Does your dad know you’re here?”
“I’m supposed to be in a study group.” 
“Skipping study group to see me? Tsk, tsk Ethan.”
He dipped his head to kiss you. You put your hands on his cheeks. You melted into him. You tried to imagine what Quinn would’ve said if she was here. Probably some crude joke that all three of you knew to be true in the end. 
You pulled away from him and kissed his jaw as you did so. 
“Bet you’ve never made out in the Stab shrine before,” he questioned jokingly. You scoffed. 
“Alright Ethan,” you scoffed. “How are you feeling?” 
“I don’t wanna talk about feelings,” he whined. “I have to be back soon.” 
“You came all the way up here to have sex in front of all these dead peoples possessions?” He paused. He knew how that sounded. He also knew he had faked your death. He wasn’t super sure how to handle this one. 
You narrowed your eyes. 
“I’m not gonna see you before the whole big thing. You sure you don’t wanna talk about it?”
“Pillowtalk,” he breathed. You pretended to think. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
You sat up against the wall of the backrooms. You dragged him away from the prying eyes of all the killer memorabilia. 
“Are you scared?” you questioned. He had his head resting in your lap. He had to leave soon, you both knew it. 
“No,” he said quietly. “My dad will be there. He wouldn’t let us die when he’s with us.” You were brushing your fingers through his curls. You looked down at his big doe eyes, a faint smile on your face. 
“I’m scared.” 
“Don’t be.” 
“You can’t stop me,” you promised. He rolled his eyes. He hummed pleasantly from your touch. “You’ll be safe, yeah?”
“I’m going to kill someone.”
“I know. I know.” You tried not to think of it. You couldn’t imagine his eyes going black, killing people without remorse. Even when he was rushing at you with the knife, you knew he was just Ethan. “I still want you to be safe.”
“I’ll be safe.” 
“You have to go.” He groaned. You pushed him gently so he would get off of you. You would be stuck here. Maybe you would have another Stab marathon. You were beginning to like even the shitty ones. Stab 3 started to become an odd comfort. “I’ll be here when you’re done.” 
“You promise?” 
“Yeah E. I promise.”
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abrcmswrld · 7 months
Treacherous | Mike Schmidt x Reader
Summary: Reader and Mike have been best friends since childhood. After a fight, Reader is given a surprise visit.
Warnings: General Angst, General Fluff, a suggestive make out scene in the nude but nothing too crazy, mentions of feminine clothing in one part but overall gender neutral
Author's Note: IM EDITING THIS RN SO PLEASE JUST IGNORE THE MISTAKES AND LIKE DUMB STUFF This is my first fic for Mike so bear with me! I tried so hard to adhere to the movie timeline but if it seems shaky please just ignore it lmao. I'm also bad at pacing sorry. I’d love to make this a series cause I’m in love with a good friends to lovers trope.
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Mike had always been a bit of a mess. All of the time that you've known him, this has never changed. You can recall times on the playground of boys calling him names for his sensitivities. How were they to know the gravity of his situation? How were you to know? But you always felt called to stand up for him either way.
So you'd hound them off. You'd grab his hand and pull him off the dirt and to a quiet corner of the playground. The two of you would sit on the wooden border, picking at the grass and watching the other kids play.
His sensitivities would quickly turn to a certain hardness that you'd never fully come to understand, even in your late twenties. He'd open up the tiniest bit in high school, after his mother had passed away. He was only 17 years old. You were still children.
You have memories of standing uncomfortably in the dress your mother had insisted you wear to the funeral. You didn't know how to approach him then. He sat alone in a chair on the far side of the funeral home, a blank expression on his face. You couldn't say a word as you took tiny footsteps towards him. And he didn't say a word either, just looked up with bloodshot eyes. You'd hugged him then, feeling his shoulders shakes against you.
Soon it was time for the two of you to start thinking about college and your lives outside of the scope of small town high school. Talks of plans to find something new and excited were quickly stomped out by the failures of his father. You can recall a 23 year old Mike begging for your company on late nights when his father's drinking had reached a climax.
And you'd gladly show up for him. Abby was only six by that time, and Mike was all she had. Mike spoke about his father with disdain to you. Never crying the way he had as child, but you could see a sad anger within the conversations. And really, you couldn't blame him.
You can remember a night on the roof of your childhood home. It wasn’t your first time sneaking Mike through the window of your bedroom. It was a cold December night, and you were home for the holidays.
“I don’t think my dad’s coming back.”
Your knees were pulled up and under your chin as you rest your head and listened to his worries. “What do you mean?”
He sighed. “I mean, he hasn’t been back for three days and I think this might finally be it.”
You furrowed your brows and met his gaze.
“I’ll move back here.”
In that moment he had begged you not to. You were so close to finishing your degree and he insisted that he could not be the reason you didn’t finish. So you heeded to his wishes. You finished your final semester.
In the 6 months that you were gone after that night, his dad had not returned. Mike had stepped up to be a guardian for his sister. Family court would later assure this in legal documentation.
You had hugged him tightly the first night you were home and assured him that you would be there, for the both of them.
You would prove that to him when his original babysitter had ghosted him.
“Probably got tired of not being paid.” He had said when you asked why.
You don’t ask for pay. You had a day job that kept you stable enough to live. And as Mike’s hours were night shift, there was really no problem with the arrangement.
It would go on for a few weeks. You hadn’t seen pay, but you didn’t mind. Mike would cook you breakfast when he got home. That was payment enough for you.
But you could notice he wasn’t doing well. Dark circles had formed under his eyes. He had confided in you about the actions of his Aunt Jane. He showed you the papers with bold letters proclaiming a request for a change of custody. His stress and worry made sense to you now.
He would have to prove he was fit, a big ask in a court setting, especially for someone like Mike. You had encouraged him the best you could.
But everything had come to a head on a night when Mike had intended to actually pay you.
He woke you from your light sleep on his couch, alerting you that he was home. He sat his tired body on the recliner.
“There’s a 20 dollar bill in my jacket pocket.”
His eyes are closed as he speaks. It seems the night has been a rough one for him. “You don’t have to, but thank you.” You find the jacket lying on the kitchen table. You feel slightly bad as you reach your hand in to find the bill, but your guilt falls into confusion as your fingers brush the tiny bottle inside.
You let your eyes travel over the orange bottle in your hands. You furrow your brows. You turn to face the recliner he sits in.
He turns his head to face you, tired eyes falling on yours. He sees the bottle in your hands and you can see a sense of uncertainty and dread fall across his features.
"What are these? Sleeping pills?"
He immediately tenses, as if he had been avoiding this topic with everyone. But he responds quietly, “Yes.”
You fall silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. Realistically, there was nothing wrong with sleeping pills. People use them all of the time to sleep. But Mike seems hesitant to cover the topic of these pills and why he uses them.
An additional concern comes up in the way he had stuffed them in his jacket pocket. Why was he taking them to work? You hate the way your thoughts sound like the micromanagement of a mother, but all you can see is the bright yellow of the custody papers and Abby’s sweet face in your mind.
“Have you been taking these at work?”
He’s silent. It’s enough of an answer for you. You sigh as you sit the bottle down on the kitchen counter. You’ve known he wasn’t well. The incident that had gotten him fired from his last job, the dark circles under his eyes, the hardness about him, it all worried you. But you had always chose to let him live. Let him make his mistakes.
“Mike, talk to me. What’s going on with you?”
He lets out a spiteful scoff as if the conversation is beneath his worries at the moment. He lets out a shaky sigh. “I feel connected to him there. I don’t know why, but I do.”
There’s no doubt in your mind who he is referring to. His baby brother. The one he couldn’t save. You let him continue.
“If I can put myself into the right state of mind, I can see it. I can watch it over and over. And if I try hard enough maybe I might see who took him.”
He voice drifts off to a quiet and weak tone, “That’s all that matters to me.”
You can tell he’s hurt by the way that his voice comes out strained and weak, and it hurts you too. It’s not as if you couldn’t understand the pain of the situation. He’d cried to you all those years back when it first occurred. What you can’t understand is how he could let it ruin his relationship with Abby. Abby who is alive and well. Abby who, even if discreet, sees Mike as the moon and stars.
“And what about that little girl who sits around and draws you all day long?”
It makes you feel like a bitch to even say such a thing to him, but if it gives him a shake maybe it’d be worth it. “What about her?”
He stands still as a statue, emotions shifting across his face as he processes the words you’ve shot at him. You’re sure they strike like a bullet. His mouth opens and closes again, so you speak again.
“I know how badly you want to bring him back, Mike. To bring him back and be able to pretend none of that ever happened.”
He furrows his brows and you can the see the hurt flood his expression.
“But you’re going to lose them both if you don’t get your shit together.”
You sigh. You hate the way you sound like a mother scolding a child. You take a shaky breath. “Do you think that this job is really good for you? I mean-“ He cuts you off with a scoff and a laugh.
His tense attitude has you uncomfortable and defensive. You hate the way your voice becomes strained as you speak. “I just think it’s taking a toll on you.”
“I need this job, otherwise I’m never gonna see her again.”
And of course you know that. He needs a job to look good for a court that’s supposed to be able to decide if he’s right to take care of his sister. But what good does a job do on paper if the court can clearly see the way his mental stability is shaky? He hesitates and meets your eyes with a tense look as he speaks,
“You’re here to babysit Abby, not me.”
You stand silently in front of him for a moment before grabbing your coat. You turn toward him. You can see the quirk of regret on his expression, but he doesn’t speak, doesn’t take it back.
“It’s gonna take more than a shitty job that drives you crazy to keep her. I think you should find somebody else to babysit Abby.”
There’s malice in your tone and you hate it. But you can’t make excuses for him. You ignore his voice as he says your name quietly. You just let the door close behind you a you walk to your car. You wait for the door to open again behind your back. It doesn’t.
He doesn’t text you either. In fact, you don’t hear from him for another week and you wonder if he’s already replaced you and plans on holding the grudge.
You assume he must have. He must have found another babysitter for Abby. It seemed he was saving money to actually pay whoever took that role.
You can’t stop yourself from becoming more and more sad as the week goes on. You find yourself worrying more and more about Mike. And Abby. There’s no doubt in your mind that Jane was still adamant on proving in court that Mike was an unfit guardian.
You don’t know why you feel as though your presence could somehow remedy that. You don’t know why you feel an ache so deep in your heart. Friendship breakups are common. But Mike was different.
You still don’t let yourself text him. You would give him the power to choose that route. To choose you and the friendship you had given him since you were both children. And by the end of the week you have to force yourself to sleep.
And by the end of the week you get what you had secretly hoped for.
The knock on your door is urgent. You're half asleep as you rise out of the comfort of your bed. Your feet press against the cold floor as you rush to see who it could be. As you glance through the peephole you're met with those familiar black curls.
You open the door swiftly, shivering at the cool breeze that flows in. He looks like hell. Abby stands at his side. You're stunned, "Oh my God." You open the door wider and usher the two of them in.
Abby seems to be physically uninjured, while Mike's face is bloodied and bruised. You whisper to Mike,
"What the hell happened?"
He looks to Abby before he answers. "Abby should get some rest while we talk." You nod immediately. "Of course. She can sleep in my bed while I patch you up."
You lead the young girl to the bed and ensure she's tucked in. She thanks you quietly before you leave the room. You grab some first aid supplies from the bathroom cabinet on your way back.
You point Mike in the direction of the couch. He winces as you wipe the open cuts with alcohol wipes. You raise an eyebrow, “ You look like hell, Mike.” He scoffs in response.
“So you gonna tell me who did this to you, or am I just gonna have to keep wondering?”
Mike hesitates. You stop your movements to look at him with concern. He shakes his head, “You’re gonna think I’m crazy.” You sigh,
“Mike, I know you. Just tell me.”
And so he does. He explains everything down to the little details he can remember. It sounds crazy, it absolutely does. But you can’t bring yourself to think he’s faking it.
“I know it sounds crazy, but I know what I saw. She knows what she saw.” He points in the direction of the room Abby was soundly sleeping in.
“I believe you.”
He closes his eyes and exhales a large breath. You continue to clean the cuts along his face and head. “I don’t think you’ll need stitches.” He nods. There’s still an awkward tension between the two of you. He’s upset with himself for letting you leave the way you had, and you’re ashamed of yourself for letting him push you away. You break the silence at the same time,
“You know-“
“I’m sorry-“
You can’t help but laugh a little, and he smiles weakly back at you.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry too.” You continue.
He shrugs. “You were just looking out for me. I understand that now.” It means a lot coming from Mike. He’s stubborn, not usually one to admit when he’s wrong. It makes the moment all the more sincere. You smile slightly, letting a hand brush his cheek where a bruise is blossoming under the skin.
“I wouldn’t have said what I did if I didn’t care about you.”
He nods slowly and leans his cheek into your caress. You can feel the warmth of his hand as he lets it fall to your hip. His voice falls to a whisper.
“I care about you too.”
You smile and swipe a thumb over his bottom lip, where the plush skin has split from impact and smeared blood across his pale chin. He groans as he leans up, it’s only then that you notice the large gash on his side.
He attempts to stand, hobbling on his injured leg. “Mike,” He turns toward your bedroom, ready to grab Abby and get out of your hair. When he turns his back, you can see the blood seeping through his shirt and the large tear across his back. You grab his hand,
He faces you again, letting a quick glance fall to your now connected hands. “Let her sleep, she’s alright. Let me help you.”
He stands awkwardly in front of your bathroom counter. His muscles flex with each touch of your fingers around his wounds, his fingers gripping the counter until his knuckles are white.
“I think it’d be best if you took this off.”
You’re awkwardly fiddling with the hem of his long sleeve shirt. He meets your gaze in the mirror and you feel small. Your voice is nearly a whisper, “I- I just can’t see.”
You stare at the floor as he pulls the shirt over his head. The gash is messy, but not deep enough to require stitches. Regardless, it’s covered in a thick layer of blood and sweat. You usher him to turn, and you see that the cut on his side is not better.
He can see the way your eyebrows screw together. “Is it that bad?” His voice has a touch of dread hidden in its tone. “I mean,” You glance at him.
“I don’t think you’ll need stitches, but you need to clean them or they’re gonna get infected.”
He swallows and nods. You walk to the shower, turning the knobs and adjusting the water to an appropriate and comfortable temperature. You clear your throat, “Here. I’ll, uh, I’ll let you…do your thing.”
You turn on your heels to give him privacy. As soon as your fingers touch the metallic surface of the doorknob, his hand catches your free hand, pulling gently. You turn toward him, meeting his eye. He pulls you closer and carefully pulls you into an embrace. You’re worried you’ll catch his wounds with your hands so you let them hover above his skin, not actually touching. But you want to.
You can feel his breath on your neck where he’s buried his face. He speaks into the sensitive skin, “Thank you. I don’t thank you enough.” That’s the moment you finally let your hands rest on his skin.
“You don’t have to thank me, Mike. I do it because I care about you.” You gently brush your fingers across his upper back, avoiding his cut. “Besides, you’d do it for me.”
He pulls himself from your neck, and you drop your hands from his back gently, expecting him to pull out of the embrace. But he stays close to you and only pulls back enough to see your face. Your cheeks are so hot. You can feel it and you know he can probably see it. He keeps his hands at your sides, just above your hips in a way that feels respectful. You allow yourself to put your hands on his forearms, thumbs resting in the bend of his elbows.
“Your water is gonna get cold.”
It’s a whisper as it comes out. He simply nods but doesn’t drop his hands from your sides. You smile shyly at him.
“Come with me.”
Your face is instantly hot and you’re suddenly hyper aware of the steam that’s building in the room and around the two of you. With your eyes wide and your mouth opening but no words coming out, he looks at you with hesitation, like he can’t believe the words actually left his mouth.
You can see the fear building on his expression the longer the silence drags on. Thoughts are racing through your head. You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought of this. You loved him. There’d always been a flutter in your stomach and a heat in your cheeks that let you know that perhaps it could be more than a friendship. You want that. But is this really how it’s going to happen?
You imagine the two of you going from childhood friends to becoming well acquainted with each other’s bodies in the span of one stressful night after not speaking for nearly a week. But there are no alarm bells going off in your head. You can’t bring yourself to feel ashamed.
So you kiss him. With his arms still around you and the heat from his bare chest creating a sense of protection from everything. With the whirl of water hitting the tub filling your ears. With the image of Abby sleeping soundly in your bedroom in your mind.
When you pull away, he looks at you with a sense of longing you’ve not seen on him before. You don’t want to say a word, not right now. It’ll be complicated. You know it will be. And you’ll have to have that conversation eventually, but right now the only thing you want is the heat of the water and the silk of his skin against yours.
So you finally unwrap yourself from him to begin working the buttons on your shirt. You’ve turned your brain off momentarily. Your fingers are on autopilot as they remove each article of clothing. If you allowed yourself to think, you’d surely turn in on yourself from the shame.
But when you’re finally bare and displayed in front of him, he doesn’t speak. He only looks with a fondness in his eyes that goes beyond a lustful stare. He slowly works his pants off his injured figure, wincing in the process, and soon he’s just as bare as you.
You’re shaking and cursing yourself internally for doing so. God, why were you shaking? You know he notices as he reaches his hand out to touch your arm lightly, grounding you in reality, and speaks, “Are you okay?”
You nod. More than okay.
The water feels heavenly as it beats against the skin of your back. Mike hobbles into the shower after you. He’s hesitant as you usher him to switch with you. It’s gonna hurt, but it’s necessary.
Your fingers lightly brush the wound on his back. He'd already been wincing slightly from the sting of the water, but your touch has him tensing immediately. You grab a cloth and dampen it enough to be effective in cleaning the general blood and grime from the afflicted wound.
The moment your cloth cover hand touches the  wound, he cries out through closed teeth, "Fucking- fuck!" His hands are planted against the shower wall in front of him. He bites his lip, holding in the whimpers of pain, trying his hardest not to wake Abby.
"Shh. It's okay, Mikey."
You let a gentle hand fall to his non injured side, brushing his skin. You're trying to sooth his tense and pained form as much as possible.
Soon enough you have both gashes cleaned up and ready to be bandaged. Mike turns to face you in the shower. His face still has a slight touch of discomfort to it, but he smiles weakly at you.
“Thank you.”
You smile back and nod. You’ve hardly said a word outside of attempting to sooth his pain with sweet words. The cold is starting to seep in from the tiny crack in the shower curtain. You can feel tiny goosebumps beginning to form on your skin. He frowns slightly and breaks the silence again.
“Did I cross a line…with this?”
Your head is already shaking before you can even comprehend the question. Like your body knows the answer before your mind does. “No, Mike.” He hesitates in his response, standing still and quiet before stepping towards you.
He seems to be able to move around a little better. You’re not sure if it’s the water cleaning the previously irritated wounds or if it’s the adrenaline pumping through his body. Either way you’re thankful as his hands are grabbing at your face and pulling you into another kiss.
It’s sloppier than the previous kiss you had shared, and he’s pushed you back so far that your back is hitting the cold tile of the shower wall. A fog has taken over your mind as you reach around his shoulders, digging your fingers into the plush muscle of his back.
The feeling of his tongue swiping into your mouth has sent you entirely mad. You’re whining slightly at the feeling and your eyes are half lidded. You can’t even think of the fact that this is your childhood best friend kissing you. Making you shudder. You can’t find it in you to care, you want him.
It’s a whispered moan as you let your head fall back against the tile, exposing the delicate skin of your neck to his wandering mouth.
Despite his injured form, his hands are tight around you. You'd thought of this before, in the heat of the night alone in your high school bedroom, hormones taking over completely.
You'd imagined the strong grip of his hands and the contrast of his plush lips. The bite of white teeth and soothing warmth of the hot water.
It’s absolutely divine, you think. He is divine. You know you’ll have dark bruises on your neck from the way he bites. You can’t help but run a hand through the hair on the back of his head and tug slightly. The moan is elicits rumbles through your neck and you want more.
You’re absolutely drunk off of the feeling of his body being this close to yours, nearly intertwined. You don’t even think when your nails swipe the cut on his back. That is until he lets out a yelp in the crook of your neck and promptly jump back.
You’re wide eyed immediately, realizing what you’d just done.
“I’m- I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Mike.”
You can still see the remnants of a wince on his face but he laughs. And you find yourself letting out a nervous laugh with him. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
You laugh again, holding the palm of your head to your forehead.
“We should probably get out. It’s getting cold.”
You nod.
You manage to sneak past Abby’s sleeping figure long enough to grab old clothes from your room. You find yourself thanking the universe than Abby is a heavy sleeper.
You’re also thankful that you hadn’t given Mike back an old t-shirt that he had left in your home years ago. He smiles at you when you hand it to him. He puts it on and examines the familiar print on the front.
“You’ve been holding this one hostage, huh?”
You gently nudge his shoulder and let out a chuckle. “Shut up.”
You’ve layered blankets in the middle of your living room floor. You speak as you lay pillows down on the makeshift palette. “Abby is sleeping peacefully, I’m not letting you drive home tonight, and there’s no way I’m letting you sleep on my tiny couch.”
You point exaggeratedly at the “bed” you’ve created for the two of you. “Ta-da.” You let yourself fall back onto the layers of pillows and blankets. It’s surprisingly cushioned. You sigh. “Actually not that bad, Mikey.”
He watches you with a smile from his seat on your couch. “You’ve really out done yourself.” He slides off the couch and into the layers of blankets and pillows next to you. He turns to rest on his uninjured side, facing you. It’s dark in the room, but you’ve left one lamp on. You can see his features glow under the warm light. You brush a hand on his cheek lightly.
“I’m glad you didn’t die tonight, Mike.”
He snickers, but you’re serious. The thought of his face on the news, just another tragedy at Freddy’s, haunts you. “I’m serious.”
He simply stares at you. “You’re not gonna go back there, right?” He closes his eyes and shakes his head slowly.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna take care of her. I can’t keep a job.”
Your thumb brushes at his cheek, soothing his tension. “I’ll help you. When have I ever left you alone in this?” You shiver as you think of the only time you’d walked out on him after that heated argument. You push the thought away and close your eyes.
“Really love you, Mike. You’re my best friend.”
You open your eyes hesitantly and you can see the shine of moisture in his. “Love you too.”
You place a kiss on his lips. It’s chaste, but full of a deep warmth. It leaves you wondering what comes next.
You tuck yourself in close to him.
“Goodnight, Mike.”
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goldenraeofsun · 1 month
“Jesus Christ, would you mind not dying while I’m eating my lunch?”
Dick wakes up with a pounding head and aching ribs. “What?”
“Oh, you’re actually awake.”
Dick forces his eyes open. Jason’s less than charming face swims into view, one cheek bulging with food. Above Jason is an unfamiliar popcorn ceiling lightly streaked with yellow – no doubt a product of Jason’s stress habit of chain smoking.
Huh, Jason is actually eating lunch right now, Dick did hear that right. 
“And don’t move.” Jason swallows. “I just stitched you up, and if you bleed on my couch, I’m gonna kill you for real.”
Dick moves to sit up, ignoring Jason’s squawk of offense. “I’d be surprised if any piece of furniture in your place doesn’t already have some blood on it,” he points out, breathing heavily as his ribs ache in protest.
“Yeah, but it’s my blood.” Jason sits back, eyeing him critically. 
Dick levels him a flat glare. “I don’t have cooties, Jay.”
Jason reaches behind him and snags a plate with what looks like a half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Says you.” He takes another bite. “I was going to have fresh tuna with dill and red onion slathered with black garlic aioli on house-baked sourdough at that new cafe that charges you for bailing on your reservation, but somebody had to get shot up around the corner with no fucking backup at noon on a Saturday.”
Dick winces. “I thought backup was coming.”
He had pinged Tim on the comms that he should suit up in case things got rough. And Tim had responded… by pinging Jason.
Not Dick’s finest hour. 
Especially because he’d done a double take at the sight of Jason’s shiny red helmet instead of Tim’s tired grin and gotten himself stabbed in that half second of distraction.
“In case the World’s Second Best Detective didn’t put it together,” Jason continues waspishly, “Tim was not joking when he told you he sprained his wrist doing a hula hoop trick.”
Yes, Dick eventually caught on. Jason didn’t make it easy, though. Instead of spewing his usual growled quips during the fight, he went on a Mad Libs style rant about tuna, hula hoops, and the merits of fratricide. Dick finally got what he was saying just as he was passing out. 
On a related note, Dick also might be dealing with a mild concussion.
Dick flails. “I mean, would you have believed that hula hoop story?”
“Totally,” Jason says at once. “That bullshit sounds exactly like TimTam.”
Dick sighs heavily and resists the urge to brood on his failure to foster a better relationship between Jason and Tim. “You don’t even know him. Not really.”
Because Jason, like Tim, like every Robin who put on the cape and colors, was notoriously stubborn. And once Jason decided he didn’t want to get to know Tim even after the pit rage had settled, Dick has been having a hell of a time changing his mind.
“Sure I know him,” Jason argues. “Yay high,” he gestures somewhere around his knees, “stole my name and outfit twice, has a shrine dedicated to you in the back of his closet.”
Dick blinks in surprise. “A what?” 
“You didn’t know about that?” Jason says innocently. “He has like a dozen pictures of you and the old man in your glory days.”
Dick grimaces. “I stopped being Robin at eighteen.”
“Yeah,” Jason polishes off the first half of his sandwich, “sucks to peak early, doesn’t it?”
Dick almost laughs but remembers his ribs just in time. Instead, he schools his face into something resembling a frown. “You’re such an ass.”
“An ass who saved your life,” Jason says. “Careful. I can yank those stitches right back out, you know.”
Dick settles back on the couch, craning his neck to inspect Jason’s patch job. A neat pad of gauze hides the deep knife wound on Dick’s bicep, and a soothing cream covers the large bruise taking up valuable real estate on the right side of his torso. He scans the window behind him, trying to gauge how long he was out of it, but the downtown Gotham smog covers most of the view in a grayish sepia tone. “What time is it?”
“A little after three,” Jason says as he takes another bite.
Dick’s stomach rumbles. 
Jason stiffens. “Oh no,” he says, his eyes narrowing, “I’m not playing nursemaid and chef. Find your own lunch.”
“But I’m injured,” Dick says piteously as he makes his eyes as round as possible.
Jason remains unfazed and finally proves he left half his heart in the Lazarus pit along with his scrawny teenage muscles. “You should’ve thought of that before you interrupted my real lunch.”
Dick’s gaze slides from Jason’s face to the last half of his peanut butter and jelly, considering. He has definitely had worse in the med bay post-patrol. Bruce’s preferred brand of protein bars still makes him gag a little bit. 
As Jason tracks his gaze, his frown deepens. “No, Dick,” he says sternly, like he’s speaking to a misbehaving golden retriever.
“But Jay –”
Jason crams the whole thing into his mouth. “’u wan’ it? Come ’n get it,” he says, spewing half chewed crumbs all over Dick’s starving, coalescing body. 
Dick recoils. His little brother is such a jackass. Tim would never treat him this way. 
“I hate you,” Dick calls as Jason gets up.
“That’s an odd way of saying you owe me, Dickface,” Jason says over his shoulder as he heads into the kitchen. “Specifically, twenty four dollars for that sandwich.”
“Seriously?” Dick’s mouth falls open. “That’s outrageous!”
“Funny, that’s what I was thinking the entire time I was saving your ass.”
“For one sandwich?”
“I have a little thing called taste,” Jason calls over the sound of running water. “You could get some, someday.”
“I have a little thing called common sense,” Dick grumbles, “and I’m pretty sure I just saved you from being conned by a sandwich.”
If it’s three in the afternoon, then by the time he gets back to the Manor, it will be nearly four. Alfred will make him stay for dinner, which is fine; there’s nothing better than a homemade dinner after the day he’s had. But Alfred also has a strict no-snacks-before-dinner rule, so Dick won’t get to eat for another four hours at the earliest. He really shouldn’t have skipped breakfast this morning –
A brand new, unchewed PB&J gets shoved in front of his face. Dick beams up at his favorite little brother. 
“I’m adding it to your tab,” Jason says sourly.
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moonyswritinq · 1 year
If you're still taking request and if it's okay could you do smth small ( the format you're more comfortable/in the mood for ) for a male reader in a queerplatonic relationship with Eddie ? Love your writing and thank you !
eddie munson in a queer platonic relationship
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SYNOPSIS ➢ Headcanons for Eddie Munson in a queer platonic relationship with you.
PAIRING ➢ eddie munson x male reader
CONTENT WARNING ➢ swearing, fluff, mentions of weed and alcohol
WORD COUNT ➢ 1.1 k
AUTHORS NOTE ➢ thank you so much for the compliment and for the request, i hope i made it justice! this is written with a male reader in mind, but it can be imagined as gender neutral, as well.
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You and Eddie first met in class in high school, bumping into each other.
You had noticed him before, with his eccentric persona and unique style of clothing, but had never dared approach him until now. He immediately recognised you, as you stood out from the rest of your peers with a queerness equal to his.
The two of you got to talking and quickly realised you got on well together. You could match his level of quirkiness, retorting quickly with wit and cleverness.
When you went your separate ways, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about you. He realised he needed to get to know you better.
And so your friendship began, similar to of the falling headfirst into a deep pit without being able to get back out.
You were immediately close to each other, and there was no turning back.
It’s no secret Eddie sucks at the subjects in school and that his grades are all very low, so he’d often beg for your help and tutoring with those puppy eyes of his. You stood no chance of denying him.
Eddie’s an open person and would allow you into all parts of himself — just sort of dumping all of him onto you.
He introduced you to all of his interests at once; his favourite artists and songs; the wonder of D&D roleplaying;  him and his bandmates’ band; even teaching you a few things on his guitar.
If you play D&D, you’d sit right next to him at every session, even helping with some campaigns. He loves playing with you. If you don’t play, he’d insist to have you there, still, just to be near you. And if you played any instruments, he’d want you to join his band.
In turn, he will listen to you talking about all your interests with equal enthusiasm, and wanting to be shown all of them.
Eddie will try to remember everything you tell about yourself, storing the information to be able to surprise you with it later. Although his memory would fail him sometimes, the effort was still endearing to you.
The two of you didn’t really define you relationship, making it into something that was not quite romantic but still not strictly friend-like. You enjoyed each other’s company and were happy to leave it at that.
He likes to keep you especially close, just having some sort of physical contact at all possible times. He’s touch deprived, aright?
In public, Eddie will mostly settle for just an arm around you or to lean against you. In private, though, he is much more demanding; wanting to hold your hand, interlock your fingers, almost to the point of cuddling, and tracing his fingers across any tattoos you might have.
When he’s under some sort of influence this is increased tenfold and he would just dump his whole body on you like a weighted blanket, the weight of him a bit suffocating but also comforting.
If he’s too revved up to stay still beside you, he would play-punch you, hopping on light feet, and which would eventually lead to a play-fight. Who’d win depended on how irritated you’d be with him, and if you’d let him win or not.
Eddie likes to argument about things, but in a banter-kind-of-way. Whether it be music, which he’s especially passionate about, or the best ways to get high or drunk. You’d call each other things like fucker, prick, idiot, and twat, but in an endearing way.
He’s a cheeky motherfucker — and he knows you love it though.
Eddie’s favourite thing to spend time with you is to put on some of his favourite music and sing along to it, having a karaoke party all by your own; or to spend a day out, either walking around the woods or driving around in his van; or to get high and just laugh at stupid shit together.
Let’s be honest, everything he does with you is Eddie’s favourite thing. He’s happy to spend any time with you, no matter what you do together.
Eddie would always drag you to his concerts (if you weren’t already part of the band) and you loved to see him perform.
You’d often help with getting him ready, both with preparing his equipment and his outfits.
You introduced him to eyeliner and he’s been obsessed with it ever since. He always gets you to do it for him, straddling his hips to gingerly hold his face as you applied the makeup. He loves the intimacy and how beautiful you make him look.
Your conversations are always interesting, ranging from the silliest things, such as how melons are considered berries, to the important and big things in life, like future plans. Sometimes you’re just quipping back and forth petty retorts, sarcastic and witty with your banter. You’re always entertained in each other’s company.
With how much time the two of you spend together and how you clung to each other, people would often assume you were a couple. You’d just deny them, saying you two are friends, which the rest of your friends rightfully doubted. Or, if they seemed to be having a problem with it, Eddie and you would fuck with them and be even more affectionate with each other.
It didn’t help people’s assumptions either that Eddie loved nicknames. He’d go around addressing you with hot stuff, handsome, good looking, and his favourite, pretty boy.
He’d be in the middle of a band practice, pausing to call to you:
“Hey, handsome, would you kindly turn the speaker up? Can’t even hear my guitar over the drums.”
You’d just nod and comply without a second thought, while the other bandmates stared at the two of you.
“What?” Eddie asked.
“You just called y/n handsome. Is anything going on between you?”
“No? I just stated a fact. Don’t you consider him good looking?”
“Didn’t say that.”
“Yeah? Then there you have it.”
“Stop bullying them, Eddie.”
“What’d you say, hot stuff?”
He’s a prick, and he knows it, by the cheeky grin he always sent you. He loved fucking with people like that, and implying things that weren’t happening, almost like it was a hobby of his. You admired the commitment though.
Sometimes you’d retort with your own flirty nicknames, turning the conversation into a competition of who could out-flirt the other.
At the end of the day, Eddie is glad to have you in his life, always looking forward to the next time you’d see each other.
And he’d often want to go to sleep with you beside him, cuddling or not. Just your mere presence calmed him and allowed him to sleep peacefully without the help of weed or alcohol.
All in all, you are happy in each other’s company and had a deep connection, something that extended the normal restrictions of friendships and relationships. It doesn’t matter what you labeled it as, as long as Eddie and you were happy.
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samptlay · 2 months
Could We Be High School Sweethearts? - Out on The Field (Continued)
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Damn it. Now you have all eyes on you.
It was by instinct (instinct?), honestly. Everyone knows that if you stopped moving in this cold, you’d freeze to death, literally. (get it?) So the only reasonable explanation to fix that problem would be to move. A lot. So that’s exactly what you did as soon as the couch blew the whistle. Within 30 seconds, you were already halfway around the track while other girls were yards behind you, unable to keep up.
Other students were blown away and anyone can tell by looking around that they were shocked by your speed. No girl had ever been able to run as fast as you that school year and the fact that you were new had everyone off their feet. Especially Childe.
He was surprised, taken aback, and overall impressed. Everyone’s heads were turning as their eyes followed your movements. You were looking straight ahead, oblivious to all the eyes on you. Within less than a minute, you were back in the line you were in originally. You had almost beat Childe’s time himself. Panting and catching your breath while looking down and supporting your upper body with your hands on your knees looking at the ground, though you had just enough oxygen in your brain to take note of the silence around you. You recognized the pairs of shoes and legs striding towards the back of the line, to you.
You were about to ask him for something to drink since we were already on the verge of hyperventilation, but you felt a water bottle tap on your head. Looking up, you see the ginger smiling down at you with the bottle suspended in the air. “That was impressive if I do say so myself. You know it’s been a while since someone as cute as yourself has been able to finish one lap that fast. Good job, comrade.” The beams take a step back and you properly stand on your feet and take the water from him, opening it and chugging it all down.
Then you remember the words he said, and recall him calling you “cute.” It makes your cheeks flush a bit but you’re sure he won’t notice and assume it’s due to your run which is practically true. Observing your surroundings, you see a lot of eyes on you, even as the coach tells everyone to look back to the front so they can continue running. After a few seconds of panting for breath, the other girls come running in, some looking defeated and some down-right pissed. It was smart of you to avoid their glares or else they would have left a vivid picture in your mind for the rest of the day.
Feeling a heavy arm throw itself on your shoulder, you already assume who it is as both of you walk back to the building.
“Girly, what do you say we go out on the track one of these days, hm? Just you and me. We can help each other with improving stamina and endurance! It’ll be fun, you know. And we can get closer~. You’re already fast but we can all improve, what do you say?” “I say that you seem to have no sense of personal space.” You scoff, jokingly rolling your eyes before you go silent to ponder his request. Considering that you are practically the future of the Fatui (as well as everyone else but still) and have those skills that would help you climb up the ladder for a good position in the organization, you don’t see why not.
Of course that wouldn’t be the last time you saw the ginger that day, he was simply infatuated with you.
You silently walk outside of the gymnasium, carrying your school bag since Athletics was the last period of the day, wondering if you could look at a few coffee shops in town so that you can find one to frequent. But you still didn’t know your way around town. Suddenly, all you see is black and you feel a pair of big rough hands over your eyes, and you can only exhale a sigh. “Guess who?” You can only mentally roll your eyes before putting your hands on top of Childe’s.
“A sly ginger with nothing better to do than bother a girl with no interest in him whatsoever?” You reply in mock annoyance, actually quite happy that he’s here so that you could maybe ask for his help and where to go. You can hear him grumbling before whining and giving you back your vision, removing his hands from your face. You turn around and you’re met with a sulking Ajax, pouting, and whatnot. “Hah… Here I am trying to figure you out but it seems like you know so much about me with that sentence alone. What the hell, comrade?” He teases, ruffling your hair while you scowl and push him away, yet it isn’t harsh.
“Whatever… Since you want to bother me so much, you can at least make yourself useful by” You trail off as a deep voice interrupts your thoughts. “Showing you around town?” You pause, looking up at him with wide eyes as you blink in surprise. Maybe you were looking at the road hopelessly for longer than you thought. “Was it that obvious?” He chuckles, grabbing your arm and yanking you at the campus gate. “I have to say I’m surprised you haven’t had someone else do it for you though, it’s already been what, three weeks since you’ve got here?” The way Childe was calling you out made your cheeks flush, after all, it wasn’t your fault you were more focused on adjusting to the Snezhnayan school system and trying to get comfortable with things at home.
You let out a small sigh, realizing that he was right. You had been so preoccupied with trying to get everything in order that you hadn't made time to explore your new home. Maybe it was time to take a break and see what the town had to offer. You turn to him and give him a small smile. "That would be great, actually. I could use a guide."
Childe flashes a wide grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of showing you around town. You can tell that he's pleased with himself for having convinced you to join him. "Alright then," he says, taking your hand in his. "Let's get started. I know all the best spots in town."
When you follow him through the bustling streets, he points out the local shops, restaurants, and cafes, regaling you with stories and insider tips about each one. You can't help but be impressed by his knowledge and enthusiasm. Everywhere you go, people seem to know him and greet him warmly, as if he's a beloved fixture of the community.
As the two of you walk, you can't help but feel grateful for Childe's help. Not only was he showing you around town, but he was also making you feel more at ease in this new environment. You never would have thought that you'd make a friend so quickly after starting at the Academy, but here you were, laughing and joking with someone who had once been a complete stranger.
Eventually, the day draws to a close, you realize that you had a great time with Childe. You had seen so many new things and had learned so much about the town that you now have to call home. And it was all thanks to him. "Thank you so much for showing me around today," you say, turning to him with a smile in front of your dad’s house (you call it that but Childe is sure it's a mansion) since he took it upon himself to walk you the whole way there.
He grins back at you. "Anytime. I'm glad I could be of help. And who knows, maybe we can go shopping next time? I’d buy you anything you put your eyes on." You raise an eyebrow at the statement. Was he trying to get you to swoon? Because you couldn’t tell if you would be able to completely resist him in the future. You’re feeling a sense of warmth in your chest while he walks away. You stand outside until you can no longer see him in the distance, and if you had to be honest you would admit you’re looking forward to spending more time with him, soon.
Since when were freckles that cute on someone?
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Borders by @cafekitsune
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