#but I haven't decided if I'll post it yet
norrisleclercf1 · 1 day
Domestic fluff you said? can you imagine Jenson and presenter!wife who's in the first trimester and maybe she's attending a WEC race for work and when either of them are not working, they find each other to spend as much time together 🥺
A/N: Silently crying cause I love Jenson so much
"Just please wear something comfortable," Jenson whispers, as he slips on his Herta shirt, as you slide on some stretchy pants and eyeing one of Jenson's shirts.
"Yes, I'll be comfortable, and if I feel tired, I'll even sit down and drink plenty of water," Jenson sighs, he loves that you're one of the best presenters for sports, your specialty being cars, that's how you and Jenson met all those years ago.
"Baby, please," Jenson hooks his fingers in your waist band and pulls you close, placing soft kisses over your face. "I'm proud of you, but please take care of yourself, if not for me, for the baby," You giggle as Jenson places a hand on your stomach, your stomach where you're not even showing yet.
"Jense, I promise," You whisper, and lean up kissing his stubble gently as you decide to steal one of his shirts, wanting to be as close to him as possible. You wouldn't lie saying you haven't been clingy since you've become pregnant. Jenson was your comfort person and all you wanted was to have him around you because it made you calm.
Normally you'd love Les Mans, but being pregnant and with your husband participating in the race it had your heart rate racing, but you swallowed that anxiety cause you knew the moment you raised your concerns, Jenson would pull out of the race so fast.
As the day drawled on you felt exhausted and just wanted to crawl into Jenson's lap and never leave. Heading to the teams garage you waved at some of the mechanics and admired the gold car, it was gorgeous, but a certain tall Brit caught your eye as you move and see him sitting down laughing, wearing his glasses.
Stalking up to him you stop, pouting as your hormones were starting to get the best of you, "Jense," You whisper, and he looks up, eyes going soft as he immediately and without hesitation pulls you into his lap as you melt and curl into him closing your eyes.
"Over worked yourself again, His hand going over your stomach, almost protective of your little peanut. "Just hold me," You whisper not caring that the media admins were going crazy, and would only post if you allowed them. But, you enjoy the smell of your husband, your home.
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buckttommy · 1 day
This is a genuine no hate to any ship question, but given that we haven't really seen much of Tommy or his relationship with Buck yet at all, why do you see a possible endgame? Or is it just based on the potential you see if they do properly give time to the character and relationship?
I answered this in another ask before, but I'll answer again because I don't feel like digging through my tag. I do see potential there. As of right now, as in, at this current point in canon, I'd say there's a 35% chance of BuckTommy endgame, which is not an insignificant number. A lot would have to be done in between now and the end of the show to give the relationship (and Tommy's character) enough weight to be satisfying. But to be completely honest, I thought there was potential the minute I started seeing "invisible string" posts floating around. Not because the invisible string was intentional when Tim brought back Tommy's character but because, whether intentional or not, the threads are there and are easily exploited. Lou is aware of the invisible string theory, but more importantly, Tim is aware of the invisible string theory, which means there's a non-zero chance he could play with it if he decides he wants to take their relationship further. So, the potential is there. We'll see where it goes from here, but I wouldn't count the idea out.
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ros3ybabe · 2 days
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Where Have I Been?
hello lovelies. so, I started the challenege, did one day, and all of a sudden I feel off the face of the earth. I fell into a bit of a depression, and while I've managed to pull myself out, life has been busy busy busy! This is probably the 2nd busiest week of the year (the 1st will be in August, and you'll find out why). Here's an update on life:
I fly to Colorado on the 16th, so....under 5 days now. I haven't packed or anything yet, but I plan on doing that either tomorrow or Thursday. And I have to clean and prepack for when I return because....
I signed a new lease for a new place to live! I'll have roommates who I haven't met yet (I'm taking over someone lease, actually), but my lease starts August 18th. I return from Colorado on the 14th of August, so....I'm going to be very busy once I return.
I decided to call it quits on getting a 2nd job. It's going to mess up the schedule with my first job, and it would only make me 200$ more a month, which I'm not worried about missing our on since I'll still sell stuff on depop once I return from Colorado and I'm going full time at my current job.
I've gone out to lunch with my dad a few times as well, it's been really nice hanging out with him and spending time with my dad. I lucked out in the dad department and spending time with him is one of my favorite things!
I've been debating going to San Fransisco in October for an XG concert, but I don't know if I'll have the money or ability to anymore. (thank you new apartment and all those fees and expenses!)
my anxiety has been terrible. I haven't changed anything about what I do, but I did squish a lot of anxiety inducing things into the span of two weeks, which....my bad on that. Now I know, don't do that to myself.
I bought new makeup! The juvias place bronzer, charlotte tillbury setting spray, nyx eyebrow stuff, and blush, ughhh I love buying new makeup, I just wish it didn't cost money!
I've gotten better at doing my makeup! I've had people not even notice I'm wearing it because it looks natural despite being like, a full face! Thank you perfect color matches on my skin tint, foundation, and concealors!
I went to two movies with a friend. We saw the new Strangers: Chapter One and the Planet of the Apes movie. Both were definitely good, in my opinion.
I now have to plan with my boyfriend for when he needs to come down here and get his stuff and work out changing the utilities to our roommates name since I'm leaving. I don't feel like it should be my job to coordinate that, but oh well. I guess it's too hard for him and his best friend (my roommate) to call each other for once?? Ugh, men get on my nerves sometimes.
I need to ask my dad and a friend to help me move upon my return, which also means I won't be able to work that weekend, which kind of sucks.
I need to declutter my room and start throwing away things I don't want or need anymore this week to make it easier on myself when I return from Colorado but hahaha I procrastinate a lot.
I'm stressed about paying rent. I'll have to pay rent for here and rent/fees for the new place before august and then September's rent for the new place, and my new rent is about double what I pay now. so yayy, adulting and finances. I don't feel qualified to be an adult, but here I am, age 21, an adult.
That's about it for now! Lots of stress, lots of anxiety, lots of stuff happening super close together. But that's life, I guess. Forgive me for my absence from my blogs. I also stopped studying spanish for now, and my routines are non-existent. Colorado will change that, tho, for sure. I do plan on updating a little more frequently once things settle down when I'm in Colorado. but for now, it'll be kinda here and there with my posting.
thank you for all the patience and kindness, lovelies. til next time 🩷
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aceass1n · 26 days
Ok hear me out
We always talk about how Till is Ivan's sun but Ivan is also Till's sun.
Part 2 here
From a young age, we're taught that we cannot look directly at the sun—that to do so would damage our eyes permanently, would ruin our sight. We can only appreciate the sun in obliques, in asides; we appreciate its warmth, we delight in its light, we gasp in wonder at the colour it allows us to see. But never can we adore it directly; even eclipsed, it remains deadly, dangerous.
Till only looks at Ivan—truly, fully looks at Ivan—once and he is ruined.
For the rest of his life, he will be blinking away the afterimage of Ivan. Ivan's smile will be seared into his eyes, doomed to flicker into sight with every blink.
For so long, he knew Ivan only by his unwavering attention, reserved for Till and Till alone. The weight of his gaze was Till's warmth; his protectiveness allowed Till even a modicum of colour in his life. After all, without Ivan there to watch out for him, to keep him safe, could he have adored Mizi so completely, so without risk? Ivan ran back into hell for him; if Ivan had left anyways back then, what would have been left of Till by the time Alien Stage begins? Without the sun's warmth, what could possibly have blossomed?
So Till knows. Till knows that Ivan loves him, and that it is not a love he can afford to look at directly. It is a love that stands at Till's back, in his periphery (always in his peripheral vision, nothing more); it is a love that keeps Till warm with its constancy, that allows him even the briefest light of freedom when it can afford to do so.
Till thinks Mizi is his sun, and allows his world to fall into darkness when she is gone. But he forgets himself, forgets the steady warmth of Ivan's hands as he undoes the collar again and again, forgets the light in his snaggle-toothed smile. All their lives, Ivan has been eclipsed by Mizi, and even unveiled, Till cannot bring himself to face Ivan properly.
But Round 6—oh, round 6. Ivan takes the harmonies, takes the contramelody, lets Till shine. Once again, his love allows Till to fill the world with colour; it illuminates Till to his own detriment. Even when he dies, he dies giving Till a chance to live, just as the sun promises life to so many things which dwell on Earth.
And, like a sunflower too long deprived of light, Till looks.
Only once, but it's enough.
Ivan as the sun. Ivan as the eclipse. Ivan as destroyer, as lifebringer, as light and flame and ruin and hope.
Ivan as afterimage. Always to linger in Till's vision, an apparition darkening his sight with every blink, superimposed onto Till's world.
Ivan as ghost.
It's too late for Till to rearrange his worldview, too late to abandon the false god, the false sun that Mizi was for him—it wouldn't do him any good. But what can he do in the face of such a supernova but worship the wreckage that Ivan has made of his life?
The memory of Ivan, the afterimage of him, is (at least for now) enough to sustain him. Perhaps when he dies—perhaps then he will find his sun again.
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sunburnacoustic · 10 months
on Supermassive Black Hole by Muse?
(If you haven't seen the semasoulalai post what are you doing)
(poll option 2 is capped because of the character limit)
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selvrse · 16 days
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haven't posted here oops-
some new cq ocs while I was on short hiatus
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cmdonovann · 3 months
shop update!
casual reminder that i've updated my ko-fi shop now! there's some new books available on there.
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the---hermit · 5 months
2024 reading goals
Let's talk about reading goals for the new year. I also want to be better at checking in during the year how I am doing with my goals, so expect further updates (ideally each quarter).
read all the books I buy during the year (or the most of them anyway): This has been one of my main goals for the past couple of years. I think I have been pretty good with this. I never got to read the 100% of the new books, mostly because at the very end of the year between the holidays and all I always accomulate some books, but never too many, and I generally end up working my way through them at the beginning of the year. Having this goal in mind has made me better at buying books I actually want to read right away, and at not making my physical tbr get bigger every year. It is fundamental for me to keep being as good as I can be with this goal, and I am pretty confident I can do a good job.
read more non fiction that is not uni related: I love non fiction books but since I have a lot of non fiction to read for uni I never really read much in my free time. I would like to read more in my free time, and I decided to keep a very minimal goal of a non-fiction book for each quarter of the year. Of course any book I have to read for a class does not count. If I can get more than one non fiction book read each quarter that is even better but I prefer starting with an approachable goal.
decrease my physical tbr: After sitting down and writing out all the unread books I own it is imperative I do something to conquer my physical tbr. I have done it with my graphic novel section, I can do it with the rest. The main focus is the fiction section, but I will keep track of the non fiction as well. I haven't planned how to yet, but I think my main approach will be to fit as many of the books I already own in the propts of the reading challenges I will do during the year. I might look for audiobook to help me with this goal. Once I'll have a better plan I might write a specific post about it.
get back to reading in French: For years I have been saying I need to work on picking back up my French and this year this is one of my goals. To do so I would like to slowly get back into reading in French. Again I want to keep this approachable so I'd like to read one French book each quarter. Ngl if I read even just one book it will be a win because it will be more than I have done in the past years. For this I will need recommendations, because I only own The Stranger by Camus in French, and no other books. I am thinking about getting a copy of The Hobbit since it's one of my favourite books and I know it pretty well, that could be a good option to start. But any recommendation is welcome. (Note for my future self checking in: even if i read one book each half of the year that counts as enough because I am scared to read in French again so I need to go easy on myself)
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mintjeru · 2 years
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[chiluc angel au]
lore drop! diluc always wears a translucent veil to cover their face, and bc of magic, it can't be blown upwards by the wind to reveal how they look. it can, however, be blown against them so ajax can see the contours of their features. all this does is make him more curious though.
open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: A three page traditional comic of a scene from my Chiluc Angel AU.
On the first page, Ajax washes dishes at the kitchen sink while Diluc sits on the couch behind him, reading a book. "You're always wearing your veil, even at home," says Ajax. "Why won't you show me your face, Master Angel?"
"Mortals cannot comprehend my appearance," replies Diluc.
A tiny Ajax face at the bottom of the page laughs a "haha" with furrowed brows.
On the second page, Ajax says, "Okay, so you're self-confident. But still, not even a little peek?"
"No, what I meant was-" Diluc starts.
On the third page, Diluc finishes his sentence with, "you would literally be blinded."
A serious air and gloom hang over the scene.
Ajax is silent for a moment, and then responds, "You know what? Nevermind then."
"A wise choice," says Diluc.]
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softpine · 1 year
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hacker voice we’re in
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canongf-archive · 1 year
also!!! another thing i've been considering!!! i might remake this blog!!! i'd keep this one up and turn it into an archive, and i'd keep this url too, the thought of starting fresh just sounds kinda nice!!! i haven't decided yet but i'll keep you posted!!!
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theangrypomeranian · 3 months
current word count on new WIP:
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sisterdivinium · 22 days
Sometimes I think about contacting one of my professors and telling them I'd like to write an actual thesis to only then reveal it would be a lengthy study on WN. What if it worked and I got to research this show I love and get paid for it and not have to scramble for writing time the way I do today?
But then I think my professors might not remember me... Or that I'd need to reference some of the things I've already written here and that would necessarily mean revealing to them and anyone reading such a hypothetical thesis all the stuff on this blog -- and then you people would also probably be able to track down the study and me, personally, by extension.
I really don't know what would be worse. Having a name and face strangers on the internet could forever attach to this username or having professors I have studied under and who were quite admiring of my work find out that I not only like to analyse the gay nun show but I also write stories where the older gay nun gets eaten out by her scientist girlfriend inside a chapel...
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eterniityblooms · 24 days
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since i don't have any visuals anywhere for any of my rain world ocs, here's the ones i Do have refs some for!
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lionydoorin · 2 years
after @filmsrobin gave me an idea, i NEEDED to write something, so, i hope you guys enjoy :)
ever since she got invited to accompany the moss tour, it has become her task to get closer to robin, gather her trust and ask her questions about her life so that the hawkins post can make an appealing article about the artist. she knew, for a fact, that fred benson of all people wasn't capable of doing the job – he is loud, and nosy, and never understands when a line has been crossed. the one time they tried to interview robin together, it was a nightmare; she didn't answer any of their questions and they left with their notebooks empty, a recording full of short, one-sentenced answers.
so, she took a shot. went there alone. found a pace robin enjoyed and rolled with it. talked about more than what the post wanted her to; she explored her mind, let her go all out about the lyricism and poetry behind her music, let her talk about her past, her sexuality, her beliefs.
and nancy isn't blind, really. she knows, for a fact, most of the things she experiences whenever they're talking aren't just in her head. how she feels robin's eyes linger on her when she's organizing her papers, full of questions to ask and thoughts to provoke. how robin blushes when she compliments her, and how robin seems to notice she does the same when complimented, too. how robin calls her honey or princess like she's waiting for a certain reaction.
she knew robin would look for her during concerts, just like she is doing now, and sing her sweet love songs like she means it.
(but robin is way out of her league. they're in different worlds, universes even. they've never made a move. maybe she just wants to have fun, trying to get into her pants or, at least, make her flustered. maybe she likes the idea of having nancy fall for her.
maybe nancy really is falling.)
as 'stay open' comes to an end, the crowd erupts into cheers. robin throws her body back and turns around, a smile fluttering on her lips as she toys with the microphone cable in between her fingers and leans in to pick up the water bottle that's hanging close to the stereo. she drinks a little and settles it down, turning to run and grab the acoustic guitar waiting for her close to the band set up.
"thank you, guys! i, um-" she wets her lips, putting on the guitar strap around her body to be able to hold the microphone on its stand, on the center of the stage. the cheers calm down as the atmosphere seems to stop and listen. "i know you guys are expecting me to cover the same songs i usually do, i see you on twitter," she chuckles, raising her eyebrows, her eyes scanning the room to find nancy's gaze, "but tonight, i decided to do something different. there's this one song i am dying to sing to you."
nancy feels her face warm up. robin looks up to the crowd, then, a playful smile on her lips.
(this was definitely not said directly to her.)
"as you guys know, i'm a really big of taylor swift," cheers once again. robin's eyes return to lock into nancy's. she feels her body getting tense. "and there's this one song that reminds me of a really special someone. so, i hope you like it."
and then, she starts singing.
nancy loves taylor swift. could every single one of her songs from the heart, and she'd told robin that. so, when robin starts singing 'delicate', gaze still fixated on hers, it isn't hard to see what she's trying to do.
it's like the world has stopped spinning, like everything stopped, and all she could do is hold that eye contact and hear these words being sang to her.
(dark jeans and your nikes, look at you; oh, damn, never seen that color blue; just think of the fun things we could do; 'cause i like you)
for a while, her body was frozen, and that was the only sensation nancy could focus on. the chill going up her spine, her arms protectively crossing around her own body, eyebrows shot up in a mixture of confusion and fondness.
it felt like a message being sent. a declaration, even.
(this ain't for the best; my reputation's never been worse, so, you must like me for me; yeah, i want you)
nancy knows she started moving to the beat before she could think about it. knows the shy smile that is playing on her lips, nodding along to the lyrics, not breaking eye contact. hopes she won't regret it, later.
(is it cool that i said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? 'cause i know that it's delicate)
robin returns her smile with one of her own, too, eyes closing to feel the beat as she sings it. head moving from side to side, frowning into the microphone as she pours her emotions out, opening her eyes to connect them to nancy's from time to time.
nancy likes her. that's a fact. she knows, for a fact, that she is getting lost inside these blue eyes and the way they linger on her in between breaths. how her raspy voice pronounces each line, and how she leans towards the microphone and bobs her head and taps her feet on the beat of the music.
nancy is falling for robin buckley.
so, she holds the contact. nods as the song goes on, as if she is answering a question, making a statement. she can see, as it goes on, how robin's smile seems to grow every time nancy shows a different reaction to the song. she's nodding along, as well, eyes always focused on hers, on her face, on her presence. pouring every ounce of honesty into her words.
(sometimes i wonder; when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me? sometimes when i look into your eyes, i pretend you're mine, all the damn time... 'cause i like you)
nancy is still processing what happened when she gets to her hotel room for the night.
when she went to interview robin after the concert, she could feel a shift on their usual energy. the need she tried to keep buried inside her chest threatened to slip out at any given chance, making the tension in the room palpable, the atmosphere heavier. but dustin henderson, robin's manager, was there for the first time in a while (of course he was) wanting to make sure that she was doing well on the interview.
but they didn't need to say anything to each other.
after what robin sang onstage, looking right at her, she knew reality wasn't far from her imagination.
not when their fingers brushed multiple times during their chat, not when she felt the sparkles on her fingertips as robin passed a bottle of beer. not when robin seemed to open up a little more, lean closer, smile more tenderly towards nancy, her teeth grazing her bottom lip before biting it briefly. not when their hands lingered a second longer as they shook their hands goodbye, when robin pulled her into a tight hug and made her let out the smallest sigh.
shit, nancy really is down bad.
she lies down on her hotel bed as soon as she arrives, groaning into the pillow as she does so. she never wanted to kiss someone that bad; to slip her hands into those beautiful blonde locks and pull her close, losing herself into those lips, that seem to be so soft and inviting.
and now, at least, she knows she has a chance.
she's giggling, then, kicking her feet on the bed like a silly teenager that has just got noticed by her crush. maybe that's what she is, on the inside, at least – silly, and falling, and so, so needy for what she thought she couldn't have.
nancy is quick to open her spotify app, browsing through taylor swift songs to listen to as she writes down her thoughts on the evening. she is mumbling the lyrics to 'jump then fall' on a loop, losing herself on hours and hours of putting into words the entire eery energy of the night. playing delicate. invisible string. style. anything that reminds her of that face – that same smile, those same eyes that were looking oh so softly towards her.
when she falls asleep, is thinking of soft hands and blue eyes and a galaxy of freckles.
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feluka · 9 months
tales of the abyss breaking bad au where jade and guy are walter and jesse
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