#but I sure as shit hadnt before
batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months
I just bought the original boy wonder comic aka Dicks debute and Oh my fucking god i'm cackling
The entire fucking plot is
Dick: "My parents were just murdered but I know whose responsible, Im going to do the good thing and tell the police"!! Batman: "Lets... not do that"? Batman" Im going to hide you in my home for a while" Dick"???" Batman: "Oh dont worry my parents were also murdered, and I want to ERRADICATE the ones responsible" Dick: "Oh in that case count me in"!!!
Dick: "What now that i'm trained"? Batman: "Do you have any experience as a... paper boy"? Dick: "Nope! Why"? Batman "I want you to become a gang target." [FIGHTING GANGS EXTORTING MONEY FOR ZUCCO MONTAGE} Zucco + his gang "Lets show Batman whose da boss eh"? Dick with a sling shot: ":DD" Gang member: "Oh-oh shoot"
Batman pulls a man up from certian death: "You wanna confess"? Blade, the goon: "Yes yes please, it was all Zucco" Zucco not about to let that slide,: "Oh you dirty squealer" Zucco throws him off the fucking crane Batman: "ROBIN TAKE THE PICURE"!!! Dick: "I GOT IT :DD"!! Zucco: "THE FUCK"??? Batman: "Haha- with this sent to the govenor, your boss will be the electric chair"!!
Bruce: "So now your parents death is avenged you ready to go back to the circus"?? Dick: "No, Mother and Dad would like if I continued the crime fighting life, and as for me well- I love adventure :DD"
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duck-in-a-spaceship · 2 months
The Smoker and Ulixes sit by the shores of Martinaise, and sketch the coast, and talk about art and communism.
My @palestaticexchange gift for @freddiegoesmetal! They requested communism and Ulixes and Steban and the Smoker and Cindy, so I just kind of grabbed some of those characters I thought would make an interesting story and went with it! I had a really great time working with these themes and characters, so I hope you like it!
Full fic below the cut-
Waves hit the shores of Martinaise. They crash up against the rocks, eating away at them, taking away particles to carry across the sea. It’s low tide, but in a handful of hours the waves will rise, and rise, until they rush over the place where you are sitting, until they tug at the cloth of your jeans and wet the pages of your sketchbook warped and bloody.
Of course, you will be long gone by then, far away from the ocean’s reach.
You’ve found a fairly flat rock to sit on, warm and dry from the glow of the late-spring sun. It makes the cool sea air and occasional splash of mist that reaches your face refreshing, instead of the cold bite they held in the winter months. You didn’t come here often, then. Not quite dedicated enough to withstand the chill when you had another choice.
A frozen image of the scene, captured in messy streaks of charcoal, sits in your lap. The strokes bubble up where the waves crash, and smooth over the waters further out. Clouds gather in great swoops of negative space in the sky, larger and grander on the page than they ever were in real life. The piece is mostly done, and yet you sit, and stare, and occasionally add another stroke of charcoal among the masses.
The waves hide the sounds of footsteps until they are right upon you, until there is a man wandering towards you and a gaze over your shoulder.
You tilt your head back, looking up to meet his eyes.
A pair of round glasses stare back at you, slightly fogged in the day’s humidity and speckled with spots of water. He has a scratchy beard, the kind he clearly shouldn’t be growing out, but is desperately trying to anyway. His clothes speak to a similar kind of effort: they’re professional and academic, stained and secondhand.
You’ve seen him… around, you know that much. Lingering by the apartments, shadowing the incredibly communist man that lives on the first floor. Other than that, he’s a stranger to you.
The communist shadow clears his throat, and adjusts his glasses. “Sorry,” he apologizes. For what, you wonder. Looking over your shoulder? Interrupting your drawing? Daring to exist at all? He gestures towards the sketchbook in your hands. “I was just curious as to what you were working on. That’s very impressive.”
There’s a cigarette in his hand, and he’s smoking it deeply, like he wants it to fill the cracks in his lungs, fix something in his life that’s been broken. You would know. You’ve smoked a cigarette for every reason under the sun, some just to try out and see how you liked them.
You smile at him, and nod your head in response. “Well thank you, I appreciate it. Just experimenting though, really.”
He nods his approval, speaks around the cigarette in his mouth. “That’s good all the same, experimentation. Pushing the boundaries of what we’ve been trained to expect is the first step of revolution. There is a reason the moralists love their monotony.”
A laugh flutters out of the corner of your mouth in the millisecond before you gain the composure to stifle it. This man, the communist shadow, is much too earnest for your laughter.
Still, he doesn’t miss your reaction. His brow furrows at it, but he is not embarrassed and he is certainly not deterred. None of his judgement is reflected back on himself; it all goes to you.
It’s okay, there’s not much of it. Just thought you should know.
You lean forward slightly, resting your chin against the heel of your hand, and smile up at him. “Well, then, there’s a reason I’ve never claimed to be a moralist.” He has a response to that, but you cut him off before he can continue. “If you happen to have any extra cigarettes on you, by the way, I could go for a smoke.”
It’s an invitation, not *just* to offer you a cigarette, but to sit, stay a while. He’s patting his jacket pockets right away, until he finds the box, and slips a cigarette from it.
(The brand is familiar to you, but only barely. You stand next to a woman at the bar, leaning on her, really, her body taking your weight while your drunken knees fail you. You came here with her, kind of. She’s a friend of a friend, a woman you only met that night, yet she’s gripping your arm like she’s pulling you off some kind of edge. Maybe she is. She smells like smoke, and when she takes the drink out of your hand, you make her trade it for a cigarette.)
The communist shadow finds his hesitation, and pauses for a moment before he hands you the cigarette.
Then he accepts your invitation, and offers a lighter with it.
“I’m Ulixes, by the way.”
You take the cigarette, and simply hold it out for him to light. He huffs in annoyance, but complies. It’s a two handed job anyway: one to hold the lighter, and the other to cup the flame away from the sea breeze. Your drag is slow, careful, not really matching his desperate, deep inhales.
“Nice to meet you, Ulixes. I’m Martin Martinaise.”
The communist shadow tucks the lighter and box back into the folds of his jacket, in some inner pocket that hides them from the world. Then he sits down next to you, resting his feet flat on the jagged rocks below. He hums idly, acknowledging your comment.
“A man of the people, then,” is his dry response.
“Just a man of the city.” Of alleyways and dark sidewalks and underground bars. The places between buildings and streetlights and other, respectable establishments. Martin Martinaise is a good face to wear, because it isn’t a face at all.
“You live in the Capeside apartments, do you not?” he asks, not pushing the issue further.
“Mhm, on the second floor. Nice view up there.”
A nod. He’s looking out across the ocean now, attention away from you and your drawing. Your attention has wandered from the sketchbook in your lap as well, but instead of the horizon, you watch him. He’s chewing on the end of his cigarette instead of smoking it. “My friend lives over there too, moved in when we started attending university.”
“Oh yes, I’ve seen you two around.” You flash him a smile, sharp with knowing and gentle with understanding. “Scuttling around after dark with each other.” What is university for, you suppose, if not *experimenting?*
Now he looks at you, eyes narrowed, like he’s figuring you out. There’s not much about you to figure out, you don’t think. Everything about you is either right on your sleeve, or tucked away so deep no amount of searching will reveal it. Not even to yourself.
When Ulixes picks his words, you know he’s done so carefully.
“You make it sound like some kind of… deviancy.”
You take a drag of your cigarette, and sigh out the smoke. “Not at all.”
Whatever he was looking for in your face, he must find, because he breaks eye contact with a clearing of his throat. “We have a book club, if you’re interested in joining. Our entry requirements have… relaxed recently.”
A *book club*? That’s a new one. “Oh have they?” you prompt, out of curiosity or interest you really aren’t sure. You follow threads like this to a fault, until you’re sitting in another stranger's apartment and you think you might as well finish what you’ve started. Until you’ve formed some kind of habit where you don’t know how to stop. You think they call those an *addiction.*
“They have, truthfully. We’ve even let Cindy join some, although she’s terrible about doing the reading, comes and goes as she pleases…”
“The reading?” you echo.
“Yes. The reading.” He tilts his head forward, and then enunciates his next words with extra precision, like you’ve dropped the point somewhere along the way and need him to pick it up for you. “For the book club?”
Ah. He’s being serious. Well, you always assumed he was being *serious,* but no, he’s being *literal.* You don’t quite suppress the laughter this time, it comes bubbling out of you, sea foam on the waves.
“Oh.” Ulixes blinks, then turns his face away. It seems to be an effort to hide the red suddenly blooming across his face, and it’s failing spectacularly. “I see. Ah, no, it’s not– I mean we– well… It’s a book club. We read books.”
“Of course, shadow.” The epithet slips out without your permission, another habit you’ve formed. “Just books.”
He nods again, scrambling to correct you, to pick up the pieces he’s dropped at your feet. The picture you’ve assembled with them is not one he can stand to view. Then again, you’ve seen straight men run to their own defenses before. Usually there’s less blushing involved. Harsher words.
“Communist literature, specifically. There’s a lot of debate involved, that’s what Cindy stays around for, mostly. To paint and argue. Have you met Cindy?”
It’s such an obvious deflection that you have to chuckle at him again, but you nod along all the same. “I have. She makes herself a little hard to ignore, doesn’t she?”
“Oh most definitely.” He’s relaxing again, jaw loosening on the wrecked end of his cigarette. “Her methods are… flashier than the tactics Steban and I employ, but they certainly catch people’s attentions, which is a feat in and of itself.”
“You have to admire her boldness. Burning paint on the bloodied square…” Your voice trails off, unsure of what endpoint you’re searching for.
Instead, you tap the corner of your sketchbook. “Not very well suited to my own style, unfortunately.”
“I don’t think it’s about style as much as it is, as you said, boldness. The will to make a statement.”
You shrug and rub your fingers together. Charcoal smears between them, and then off onto your pants. It’s black against grey, like new lines on an old tattoo. “Not much power to a statement if it’ll be washed away in the next rain. Or when someone spits on the sidewalk.”
Ulixes shakes his head, hurriedly doing away with your arguments. “You can’t value your work by what it means to others. In a capitalist society, art is beholden to the values it can be sold for at auction. The minds of the populace are shaped by that influence and then-” He waves a hand through the air dismissively. “It’s all tainted from there.”
“Still, I don’t think Cindy makes her art for it not to be viewed. My work just wouldn’t have the same effect. Dust in the wind.”
Ulixes tilts his head at you. There’s a bit of a gleam in his eyes, that or the sun is hitting the water droplets on his glasses at just the right angle. “Have you ever heard of infra-materialism?”
“Can’t say I have.”
He shifts his body in your direction, pulling one of his legs up onto the rock, leaning in slightly. “It is a theory developed originally by Ignus Nilsen, or at least extrapolated from his initial ideas. At its core, infra-materialism states that our thoughts are not merely intangible organizations of ideas in our minds, but that they radiate outwards, even potentially influencing the world around them, taking the form of an ideological plasm to do so.”
Ulixes pauses for a moment. He’s making sure you’re still with him, still following along. You suppose you are, so you nod your affirmation.
“Depending on how much plasm a society is producing, how strong their ideological beliefs are, these influences can have different effects. The most famous example, of course, is increased crop yields of turnips under communist rule.”
“And better art?” you prompt.
“Potentially, but that isn’t necessarily the point here. The point is that a message doesn’t need to be observed by others for it to have value. Simply thinking it, whether you realize it or not, is putting it out into the world. Writing it down is simply an exercise in cementing the concept physically.”
It’s a nice thought, in a way. That you could have an impact on the world simply by existing in it, simply by thinking the right things. That you could remain firmly Underground, as long as you poked a hole in the dirt for your thoughts to race through.
“Maybe if I sit here with you long enough, I really will be Martin Martinaise, hm?”
“You’d need a lot of plasm for that, very high level.” He turns away from you slightly, back to chewing on his cigarette. It’s not even lit anymore, he’s just gnawing on the fucking end of it. Like a dog on a stick, tearing off layers of bark.
“It’s a nice idea,” you admit. “That you could believe in the next world and watch it come true.”
“Isn’t that what you do, what art is?” he gestures to your notebook. “You look at the landscape, see something worth capturing there, and make it come true.”
Finally, your gaze and thoughts return to the sketchbook in your lap. You prop it back up on one knee, legs crossed in front of you. “Just drawing what I see.”
Ulixes spits out the butt of his cigarette, smears it against the rock with his shoe. It leaves a streak of black in its place. His own graffito to be consumed by the sea. “The waves are blue, not black.”
You smile at him good-naturedly. “I’m using charcoal.”
“Still. The scene changes.”
He has a point. The sky isn’t filled with black and grey clouds, and the waves don’t break in scribbled streaks. There’s chaos there, and mood, more than just staring out at the waters could convey.
You flip to a new page of your sketchbook, and tear it out. “Here.” A pencil of charcoal is held out with it, an old spare. “What do you see, then?”
“Oh no, I’m not- I’m no artist.”
“An infra-materialist though, right? Don’t feel the need anymore to ‘cement this concept physically’?” You parrot his own words back at him teasingly, and they’re enough to give him pause.
“Not… particularly. I philosophize, spend time on my thoughts and ideology to develop plasm. *Technically,* there’s no evidence that art-”
“Oh come on. Humor me.”
He takes the paper and charcoal.
His strokes are too dark, the pencil heavy in a beginner’s hands. Unwieldy and foreign. It reminds you of the first time you lifted a cigarette to your lips and breathed in too eagerly. Your lungs shook with the effort it took not to cough, red face betraying your inexperience anyway. Ulixes’ hands do not shake with determination, but the furrow of his brow betrays him in the same way.
You turn to yet another page, and begin tracing out the shape of his nose, his eyes. Without the cigarette in his mouth, he’s gnawing on the inside of his cheek, you realize. As you draw the lines of his back, it’s impossible to miss the tension there.
“What brought you out to the coast today?”
He shrugs, focused on scribbling out the waves on the shore. His ocean looks like it's reflecting the night sky. “Just wanted to go for a walk, clear my mind.”
Of course. Why else? “Did it work?”
“No.” There’s such an easy candor to him it makes you want to believe his every word. Another part of you wonders if he lives in the same extremes you do: everything on the surface, except what matters most. “But this discussion has given me plenty of new thoughts to fill my head with.”
“Glad to be of service.”
His focus has shielded you from him, has shielded him from the world, and he doesn’t even notice as you stare at the curve of his eyelashes, as you try to capture the right emotion in his eyes.
More time passes, filled only by the crashing of waves and scratching of pencils against paper, before it is broken again.
“In dark times, should the stars also go out?” The words are muttered, so soft you aren’t even sure you caught them right, at first.
Ulixes clears his throat, straightening slightly. He takes his eyes off the sketchbook in front of him, but doesn’t look at you either. The horizon has, once again, captured his attention. “In dark times, should the stars also go out?” he repeats. “It’s a quote, something Steban always brings up. I’ve been thinking about it recently.” He takes off his glasses, finally wiping away the droplets and the mist. “Bringing it into question.”
The words sound like some great confession when he says them, but you struggle to see past the mundanity. His friend says a quote. He doesn’t quite agree with it, or understand it, or something along those lines. What a wildly normal thing.
Still, you make an inquisitive hum, and tilt your head for him to go on. It must really be bothering him, for it to be brought up now, nearly unprompted.
He points out to the island on the sea. It’s a smear of black charcoal on your page, and a similar streak of brown in real life. You remember learning of the old man that lived there, the revealed murderer of the mercenary that hung in the Whirling’s backyard, your backyard, practically. Somehow, that news was overshadowed for many by the pictures of a cryptid stalking through the reeds, of that somewhat charmingly oblivious RCM officer reaching up towards it.
An interesting place, certainly.
“That island was a communist holding during the revolution. It was supposed to be a valuable asset, a powerful stronghold. Then the air raids came, and their weapons failed them at the singular, most crucial moment. All of the destruction and aircraft, the fires… the skies would’ve been black with the smoke. Indistinguishable from the night. The stars would have gone out from the sky.”
You’ve never figured out exactly what it is about yourself that seems to make people want to open up in your presence, but it’s rarely a trait you resent. At this moment, certainly, it’s strangely appreciated.
Ulixes is grabbing the lighter from his jacket again, raising another cigarette to light as you turn his words over in your mind. How, you wonder, does one rationalize the loss of the revolution in the face of infra-materialism? Did the revolutionaries simply not believe enough? Did they not so clearly imagine the future? If guns and fortresses weren’t enough to change the world, you don’t know how he thinks he’s going to do it. Dei knows you won’t.
“The stars have come back though. Not now, of course, but they will still shine in the sky once the sun goes down.”
“Of course.” He’s lit his cigarette without extending the offer to you, and you don’t ask. “But it’s a frightening thought, isn’t it? To have something that should be a constant suddenly taken away. To watch hope smothered in the sky. Even the stars go out.”
You look out at the ocean, at the sun catching the sea spray, at the gulls flapping their wings through the air, at the island. It sits in stark contrast, hard and unmoving against the soft, ever-shifting pull of the waves. The tide is coming in. You can’t sit here much longer.
The portrait in your lap is as finished as it will ever be, and you tear it out to offer to Ulixes. “I guess we have to appreciate them while they’re here.”
He takes the paper, examining it for a moment. When he’s done, it’s tucked into that same inner pocket of his jacket. “Thank you. This is… you’re very good at this.”
“Just practice,” you assure him, smiling.
In return, he offers his own page. The same scenery you were working on earlier greets you. His lines are dark where he laid them confidently, but fade away around the island. There, they are many, they are faint. There are a multitude of attempts to correctly capture the slope of its edges, the angles of the old fortress. The care he gave to it is clear, highlighted by how it sticks out amidst everything else on the page.
Before you can offer any of this commentary, he’s standing, and cutting you off. “I need to get going, this has become much longer of a walk than I intended it to be. It was nice talking to you though…” He pauses in the space where your name should be, and then realizes you aren’t going to fill in the gap. “Mr. Martinaise,” he says instead.
“It was nice talking to you too, shadow.”
Ulixes waves at you as he departs, and then makes a half-there gesture to the paper in your hand. “Hopefully I’ll see you around again.”
You wave in return, watching him as he goes. The art in your hands remains, as does yours with him. Carefully, you fold it in half, protecting the charcoal as much as you can from the outside world. There’s something written on the back.
You turn the paper over, unfolding it to reveal the message there. It’s only a couple of lines. Ulixes has written his name on the top, followed by “BOOK club” (the word ‘book’ underlined several times). Underneath that is an address, a time, and then a pass-phrase for entry.
‘Remember Dobreva and Abadanaiz.’
The revolutionary lovers.
You carefully refold the paper, sliding it in between the pages of your sketchbook. Maybe you’ll have to go sometime, accept the invitation and meet up after dark. The stars will be out.
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orcelito · 2 months
Ykno the suckiest thing about being broken up with for someone else is that like. Well I'm doing generally fine, all things considered, but I Am kinda sad thinking about the things I've lost and all the casual affection that I can't have now.
But she's out there having all the affection she wants from her coworker, and it's just like. Damn this feels so skewed and SO unfair.
#speculation nation#and then U add in the fact that the girl she broke up with me for is already dating someone else (poly sort of situation)#and im just like. WHYYYYY did she break up with me instead of trying to negotiate poly???#she was gonna at first but when i expressed concern about poly given her obvious communication problems about it#then she dropped me like a hot coal. like sorry i wasnt about to let myself be stood up and ignored for basically a whole day#just to accept u trying to negotiate poly. like What?????#anyways i may have a bit of a history with being a bit of an asshole and breaking up with them#but at LEAST ive never broken up with anyone to immediately start dating someone else#and at LEAST ive broken up with them in person and not over text!!! the fuck?????#i keep alternating between 'surprisingly okay with it all' and 'maybe a little sad' and 'absolutely fucking LIVID'#and i keep wanting to yell at her more but i already said quite a lot of things. so id just be repeating myself#and at that point id just be a vitriolic piece of shit. which i try not to be.#so im letting her live in peace while i continue to be So Pissed about it and it just sucks man lmfao#why do i gotta be the bigger person fr. i even apologized for the hurtful things i was saying in anger. literally in that same conversation.#and she gets to pull this stunt and walk free and spend so much time with her new 'love' ignoring the world etc etc#honestly i hope it fails miserably for her. bc sure theres a chance it works out but every single part of this is impulsive and So Stupid.#and even tho my ex agreed with me when i told her it was INSANE. she was just like 'i have to' like OKAY????#jesus fucking christmas she's revealed a side to me that i really hadnt seen before.#so i hope it fails and i hope she tells me about it. i hope she owns up to her mistakes. for my own satisfaction.#but i have 0 intention on ever taking her back. because what the fuck????#i may be a flawed individual with plenty of problems. but i still have basic fucking dignity. and i am NOT accepting this back in my life.#and god damn her friend is moving into the unit across from mine for this coming year#and i may have to see my ex sometimes bc of it 😭😭😭#the friend seemed generally level headed tho. idk if i happen across him & he doesnt avoid me maybe i'll ask him what he thinks of this#bc she was treating me with such love and affection showing me off to all her friends. and then she drops me like a fucking coal.#i wouldnt say i made friends with them myself but we were at least friendly. so i doubt theyd have a good opinion of her for this.#so would the friend loyalty take precedence? or would he be willing to chat with me and confirm Yeah what the fuck?#bc if i had a friend who did this same exact thing id be side-eyeing them SO hard.#id support them bc theyre my friend but i would also be like 'hey uh Why did you do that. that was pretty awful of u you know that right'#& itd also make me more cautious of them too. for being Able to drop someone so suddenly lol.
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gregoftom · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
#tomgreg#THEYR E SO CUTE IM GONNA actually be sick.#i hate so much tom's fuckin. laugh here bc its so high pitched and heS NOT HOLDING BACK. AGAIN.#something something he's his true self around greg something something after years of repression he feels alive again something something#schoolboy tom makes another appearance. he's so playful!!!#AND TOUCHING GREG'S SUIT AGAIN. just like the tie before in fucking UHHH i cant remember the episode. but s2 i think.#he does it really quickly though. like he remembers they're in public and he's gotta stop treating greg like they really are spouses.#and abt the next part don't worry i'm gonna be. talking. about That. but this part gets its own bit bc!!!!!! man#OH AND DONT THINK I DIDNT NOTICE GREG TOUCHING TOM TOO. TOUCHING HIS ARM UNNECESSARILY. they're so touchy here. sigh. sigh.#yet not a hug. just light touches. a hug would be too friendly. if that makes sense? these touches are more. spousal.#like you'd hug your mate at a party right. and sure you might hug a partner or spouse. but idkkk idk it reads more.#just the touchings of the suits. oh you look nice tonight dear. don't wanna spoil your pretty outfit. that'll happen later at home. GODDDDDD#BECAAAAAUSE OF WHAT THEY SAY NEXT!!! THE WHOLE. PROVE IT THING! OH  HH GODDHNWEW#my head cracks open. ok okok ig ot ta go i'm going i'm fucking. bye#im so fuckin pressed about the nero sporus thing IF TOM HADNT SAID THAT BULLSHIT I WOULDNT BE THINKING SHIT LIKE THIS#i mean maybe i would BUT I WOULDNT ACTUALLY PUT ANY STOCK IN IT BC HE WOULDNT HAVE SAID IT OUT RIGHT. god. i'm in pain#lord send the plagues. end my suffering
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catastr0phic-blues · 1 year
i am much less consistently actively miserable now than i was as a teenager though, which is nice to remember. i guess i sorta forgot how shitty i used to feel? not just as a teenager but up until a couple years ago?
like earlier today the boy and i were talking about how i slept in (woke up at 9ish?) and i was reminded that i regularly slept until the middle of the afternoon til relatively recently. which obviously theres nothing like, inherently wrong with that? but i was certainly sleeping that late because i was wildly depressed. and its nice to be reminded im not in that specific bad place anymore i guess
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vagueiish · 3 months
kind of unfortunate that the only trans support group in my area that isn't geared towards minors seems to be inactive :/
#im sure that the website *not* being updated in over a year doesnt inherently mean the group is inactive#and i could probably just...confirm with an email. or something#but. idk#maybe i could crash a youth group like 'how do you do fellow kids'#(thats a joke btw)#i could in theory go to [nearby Big City] to check out groups there but like#i've made a vow to never drive in the city - being a passenger while city driving is stressful#im not exactly timid on the road but ime city driving involves being pushy af. or at least the highways into the city#so thats a No there#and trains exist but then you have to figure scheduling. walking or taking the subway and such isnt an issue for me#but if i take a late meeting for example and i miss the train out of the city... i dont have anyone whose couch i could crash on#online groups exist i guess but then Everything Lives Forever on the net#it's easy enough to stay mum about stuff that could get me doxxed#and while i have put some identifying things on here i dont think ive put enough to connect to the me irl#but idk#but it's kind of strange#before i was kinda just... not quite meh about the whole thing. but i hadnt really examined my feelings about all this beyond#'well when i imagine myself like this it makes me happy'#that wasnt the full story though. im certain it's not. i just.... was trying not to dig too deep into myself#i didnt really want to connect with myself#i feel like transitioning inherently involves (re)connecting with yourself physically - in addition to all the mental and emotional stuff#and like. theres a lot of shit i need to untangle re my relationship to my body#i know in my bones that transitioning is the right step for me. i just....havent really considered what all that means for me#im being told that i have a right to take up space. im just not sure what shape i want to take#idk. anyone know any good not shitty online spaces for this? hmu#gender stuff#to the void with love
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sarrai · 6 months
Happy International Asexuality Day!
I'm happy there's so much more awareness these days. I spent so many of my younger years thinking I must have been, at first, straight (100% based on liking fictional male characters more at the time lol), then bi (for feeling the same way--what i now realize is "nothing"--about both genders irl). Realizing asexuality was a thing in my early 20s shifted my perspective drastically and it's fit ever since.
I hope newer generations don't need to deal with that confusion, or struggle of trying to experience a relationship you have no interest in just because it's "normal".
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hauntingblue · 8 months
Wtf is sabo flying with those birds
#bellamy is alright.... omg#okay dragon so your child no but this random one you found you take care of.... i see how oit is....#i think its so important they have queer people and women in the rev army..... like oda really thought long and hard bout that one#like a genderfluid drag queen that transitions people is dragons right hand.... are you kidding#if the la gets here we are gonna get so many one piece is woke shit you have no idea.... girl it was always woke#amnesia plot omg..... i am sure it is so he wont tell dragon he knows luffy until its too late and dragon already wants him with him....#bc if he knew right away he wohld just return him back or smth#the rev army karate school for kids ahdhskshj#they have revolutionary school too omg... this is a whole system.... thank god luffy i dumb bc i dont think the world could handle another#one of this things dragon is doing like damn bitch this is avant garde#nvm about the amnesia i am sure he got his memory back right when he found out ace died bc he hadnt seen him or luffy#nvm nvm it is coming ace mentioned#oh just by name..... so it is when luffy gets his wanted poster#oh NVM IT WAS WHEN ACE DIED OMG#so convenient.... so many points of faliure lmao.... like the rev army knows everything they are spies.... how has he not seen#in his big position too.... a wanted poster of ace or luffy??? like#episide 737#and what did ace say to the blackbeard crew before he died... that he didnt want luffy to know????#oh hes gonna come back to base and find out ace died oof#omg dragon worried and not even reading the news to not read luffy died (in my head this is true)#the amry didnt know about luffy agdkahdkahd#not the ace flashback saying he wants to become a great pirate to leave his mark in the world to prove he is alive... thats the one that#gets me.....#passed out for three dags.... just like luffy¿???? or did he spend a week#omg FINALLY luffy crying when meeting sabo omg luffyyyhhhh being a crybaby again akdhaksjka i love youuuuuuuh#me as fraky rn i didnt think i would be crying today#luffy just hugging sabo's head.... being a crybaby again just like when he was a child... and omg....#and luffy saying he let ace die.... baby no............ nooooooooooo#zoro getting reminded of ace...... omg#episode 738
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chisatowo · 2 years
Finally getting my antidepressants tomorrow hashtag winning
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miya-rin · 2 months
“what the fuck do you two think youre doing?”
shit, you think, you didnt notice the balcony door had been slid open until you heard the voice of one of your brothers. you start to pull away from suna’s lips which earns you a small whine from his end, his grip tightens around you and honestly it its quite cute the way he is trying so hard to savour the moment. “come back later, we’re kinda busy.” the boy mutters before trying to move your face away from the distraction so that he can kiss you once more.
“suna you get your hands off of her right now, i dont give a fuck that its your birthday.” osamu pipes up, he looks furious and a little bit disgusted, if it hadnt been for the situation youre in right now you would think its kind of funny.
“samu lay off him, it was a mutual agreement, im just as guilty as he is ok?” that does not seem to help the boys understand, if anything they seem even more angry with you both.
“what the fuck do you mean it was a mutual agreement? are you two hooking up or something? yn he just turned 18 a few hours ago are you forgetting that?” atsumu says, he is rambling on with every excuse he can think of as to why this is “so wrong”, from the corner of your eye you can see suna trying so very hard to hide the grin that is creeping its way onto his face, his hands still all over you despite the fact that you arent alone anymore.
“listen, it was his birthday wish ok? i swear it didn’t mean anything,” sunas grip begins to loosen ever so slightly, “i just though it would get him off my back and get him over his little crush on me.” suna’s facial expression shifts but you choose to ignore it, you have bigger problems to deal with at the moment.
“no this is not ok, how would you feel if me or samu kissed one of your friends because it was their birthday wish?”
“that’s different, why would my friends want to kiss either of you?”
“excuse me? ill have you know that many women want to kiss me! and dont think youre getting off the hook either suna, ill make sure you never-“ you dont even want to hear the threat that is about to come out of his mouth, you just want to get out of this shitty situation.
“boys please, just give us five minutes to talk and then we will be back inside ok? i promise.” your efforts to plead with your brothers finally work.
“…fine,” atsumu mumbles, “but this better be a one time thing. im not gonna deal with you two being all lovey dovey around me.” and with that he lightly tugs on osamu’s sleeve, signalling him to walk back inside and continue the party. he closes the balcony door but not before bringing two fingers up to his eyes and then pointing them at the two of you. its a warning.
you turn back to suna and notice the sad look on his face - he looks kinda cute like this, “so, what do-“.
“did you really mean what you just said to them?” the poor boy looks heartbroken, after waiting three years to finally have a chance with the girl he loves wants the moment is ruined like that? “did you actually just do that so i would leave you alone?” his hands fully leave your body now and he takes a step back to put some distance between you two.
“well i mean sort of yeah… ive never looked at you in any way other than my brothers best friend if im going to be honest, i dont know if thats because of the age difference or what but ive never thought we could be anything.” the look of hurt is prominent on his face no matter how hard he tries to hide it, normally playful banter would have been thrown back and forth between the two of you but rintarou just stays silent, an indication that youve fucked up.
“listen suna i dont know what you want me to say, i wasnt really thinking when i said that to atsumu it just came out. i am 4 years older than you and many people would not approve of us if i decided to give you a chance.”
“who cares? i could treat you so right if you would just let me. i have waited entirely too long for this moment, all im asking for is one date.”
“you said that about the kiss too, one thing is never enough with you is it? you always need more.” a playful smile creeps onto your face which is outshined by the one on sunas, he knows that your smile means that you agree to go on a date with him.
“i really hope you arent fucking with me right now, that would be so cruel, especially on my birthday.”
“oh give the birthday excuse a rest now will you? you dont need to keep on at me you have already got what you want.”
“mhm i absolutely have,” he walks closer and once again wraps his arms around you, placing a hand under your jawbone to make you look up at him, “and i couldnt be happier.” he states as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss once more <3
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mangosrar · 10 months
call it closure
chris sturniolo x fem reader.
long asf. smut. filth. sexy chris 😛😛😛
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your relationship with chris had always been complicated, a will they wont they sort of thing. you both loved eachother, that was obvious, yes you were his, but he wasnt yours.
you both decided friends with benefits would be the best option. well for him. part of you agreed just so you could play pretend, trick yourself into thinking you had him, and you knew nothing lasted forever, but he fooled you for a while.
everyone knew chris had major commitment issues, but you just didnt understand. he treated you like the only girl ever behind closed doors, but the second anyone else was around, he would drop your hand.
you thought this would be fine, you had him, you had him to yourself and that was all that mattered. until you realised you didnt. he had you eating out the palm of his hand on complete puppet strings. he said jump and you asked how high. you had fallen down a dangerous rabbit hole, and the only way to escape was to drive a knife straight through the heart of whatever it was you and chris had.
the house was the quietest youve ever heard it. matt and nick were out so chris had invited you over to smoke with him but you were pretty sure he had over done it because he had gone completely none verbal and just started staring at the wall. he was slouched down on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table and his hands in his lap. you were too, slouched down on the couch with your knees up. he took a deep breath in before breaking the silence.
"do you think were soulmates in every universe?" he said. not moving his eyes from the spot on the wall. you could have cried right there and then, feeling a deep aching pain bloom in your chest from his words. you hated how he was so absentmindedly killing you.
there was an abundant pause and a thick tension gathered in the air, you wondered if chris could feel it too.
"are we even soulmates in this one?" your voice was so quiet and soft you weren’t sure he even heard you, until he let out a frustrated sigh before bringing a hand up to his face and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"come on y/n dont start this shit now" his voice was harsh. he kept his eyes closed waiting for you to drop it, like you did every time, but you werent sure how much longer you could carry on like this.
"what chris? im being serious, i dont even know what this is anymore, you treat me like im everything one minute and then act like you couldnt care less is i fucking live or die the next!" you let your feet fall and land on the floor as you sat up and turned to face him.
"you know thats not true" he took his hand off of his face and let it rest in the air. his eyes still closed.
"do i?" your voice was quiet and broken. this was draining. the heavy presence of the fact he wasnt truly yours was sucking the life out of you. he opened his eyes and looked at you.
"we both agreed to do this y/n you cant put all of this on me" he sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together and staring at you intensely.
there was a pregnant pause, he was waiting for you to defend yourself, or at least try to argue his point, but you couldnt, he was right, to a certain degree. yes you had both agreed to friends with benefits but you hadnt agreed to being hopelessly in love with someone who only reciprocated those feelings in the dark.
you dropped yours eyes, tearing them away from his and letting them linger on his hands before taking a deep breath in.
"i cant carry on like this, its killing me." he tried to cut you off momentarily but you held a hand up, stopping him. "i wont beg for you to love me anymore chris, because i know that somewhere deep down you really do". he said nothing as he stared at you. he was completely speechless. he felt that pain, just like you did, deep in his bones. you searched his eyes for something, anything, a sign that you were lying and just embarrassing yourself, a sign that told you he wasnt at all affected by this, any sense of doubt. you found nothing.
and with that, you left. you got up and walked out of that house, leaving chris to sit there and regret every singe life decision that had got him to this point, but he didnt come after you, he didnt try to stop you, he didnt try to change your mind and thats what stung the most.
end of flashback.
"im going to pack the car so everyone bring your bags down!" chris shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
you pulled the zipper closed on the bag before taking your phone off the bed and making your way downstairs, nick following close behind you. you didnt even look up at chris. you couldnt, you wanted to take complete advantage of the short amount of time you had left to distance yourself from him as much as possible.
it had been about 3 months since you walked out on chris, you hadnt spoke at all, he hadnt tried and neither had you, both of you just accepting fate and trying to move on, but considering the fact his two brothers were your best friends and you practically lived at their house with how much you were over, it was proving to be quite the challenge.
you just politely dropped your bag at his feet and scurried off into the kitchen, bumping into matt.
"you want me to drive the first or second half?" you asked. considering you were the only two that could drive, you insisted you would split it.
"i dont mind but, you sure you wanna have to sit next to chris for that long?" he lowered his voice slightly, his eyes darting to chris who was grabbing all the bags behind you, as his face scrunched up slightly. you glanced over your shoulder at him briefly before crossing your arms over your chest and shrugging.
"its okay, he wont talk to me anyways" you let out a pathetic laugh through your nose, trying to make the situation a little light hearted and a lot less embarrassing. matt obviously picked up on this but was kind enough to ignore it.
"ill do the first half, he will probably fall asleep by the time we swap anyway" he patted your shoulder and you nodded as he made a bee line for the front door.
matt and nick were probably the worst part of this whole situation. they were stuck smack bang in the middle of this pandemonium. of course they both knew what had happened but they gave you the courtesy of separating you and chris with you and them and decided to move past it. you and chris were both aware of how awkward it was for them, and thankfully, he was mature enough to not kick up a big fuss every time you were around. you hadnt spoken at all since that night, only the odd flash of a smile sent each others way when you crossed paths and that was rare, so when nick invited you on their weekend get away to a cabin in the middle of no where with them, you were obviously delighted.
the drive was excruciating. if it wasnt matt and nick arguing it was chriss shitty trap music playing or the gps redirecting you. while you were driving up front chris hadnt even spared you a glance, he didnt utter a single word to you the whole time.
part of you was grateful but another part of you wished he would have, selfishly, so you could just get over it and enjoy your weekend, but nothing was enjoyable anymore as long as chris was around.
"i call the double bed" chris yelled, running through the house.
"y/n theres a room with two singles, wanna bunk with me?" nick asked, slipping his backpack off of his shoulders.
"sure" you nodded, before making your way to the room, setting your bag down and plopping on the bed with a huff, matt trailed in behind you, with your suitcase.
"come on grouchy pants, were gonna have funnnn" he said swatting your leg that was dangling off the edge of the bed.
"i need at least 3-5 business days to recover from being within a 1 mile radius of chris for longer than 30 seconds" you let out a breath as you looked over to matt who was leaning on the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.
"that bad?" he raised his eyebrows in question.
"that bad" you replied flatley. matt just chuckled and motioned for you to follow him downstairs. you huffed and sat up before stomping down the hall after him.
in all fairness, it hadnt been that bad. the 4 of you had eaten, laughed played games and just had fun, regardless of the hanging tension wedged between you and chris. it was now 11:30 and everyone was asleep, but your mind just couldnt switch off, tossing and turning, checking the clock every 5 minutes. you huffed and looked over at nick who was out like a light. hot tub it is.
"i dont know madi, it just hurts" you spoke.
"has he even tried to talk to you?" she spoke over the phone.
"not one single word, and the thing is i dont know if i wanna strangle him or just kiss his fucking face off" you huffed, readjusting your arms so they were resting on the edge of the hot tub with your phone in your hands, the rest of your body being engulfed by the warm blanket of water.
"im worried my advice is gonna get you in trouble" she laughed, making you blow out a huff of air through your nose.
"it doesnt matter, i cant bring myself to do either" you and madi spoke for a little while longer beofre you wrapped the call up, put your phone on the ground and let your body sink lower into the steaming water until it was resting on your collar bones.
you sighed and let your head fall back, this is what you needed, a relaxing moment, the quiet calm of the night lulling your brain into a state of tranquillity, no matt and nick arguing, no chr-
"cant sleep?" you almost had a heart attack, your body jolted forward as your eyes darted around searching for the body that owned the voice.
"jesus, chris you scared the life out of me, how long have you been sitting there?" your hand rested on your chest, feeling the rapid beat of your heart from being startled. he just stared at you with drooped eyes from his position on the patio chair, opposite the hot tub.
"long enough" he said. his face didnt show any sign of emotion. his stoic expression sending an un willing chill up your spine, despite the warmth of the chlorine filled bubbles around you. chris leaned forward and you swallowed thickly.
"did you mean what you said?" his voice was alot softer and quieter than before, like he was worried you would break at the slight tone of his voice. you couldnt bring your self to look back up at him, he would eat you alive. you paused momentarily, weighing out your options of whether you even wanted to entertain this conversation with him or just cut him dead.
there was no way in hell that you were letting yourself fall back down this slippery slope again, so just like before, you abruptly got up and out of the hot tub, reached for your towel and made your way back inside, without sparing him a glance, keeping your eyes trained to the floor, leaving chris once again, to watch you walk away from him, and all the same, he didnt try to stop you.
"nick open the fucking door!" you whispered loudly. no reply.
resting your forehead against the door, you mentally cursed yourself for even going in the hot tub. you should have stayed in bed and this whole situation would be avoided, chris too. speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"what are you doing?" he stood just beside you with a questioning look on his face.
you huffed, pulling your head back and looking up at him.
"nick locked the door" you sounded so defeated it made his heart beat a little harder in his chest.
"you can come sleep with me, ill take the floor i dont mind" he motioned his head towards his designated bedroom while keeping his eyes trained to yours.
you dropped your head and sighed. how was this happening. you had spent months walking on egg shells, doing everything in your power to stay as far away from him as you could, and now you were forcing him out of his bed so you could sleep there.
he stared at you waiting for your answer. he knew you had no other option, you couldnt sleep on the couch with matt and you were also stood in a wet bikini and a wet towel. be realistic y/n.
"sure, okay" you looked up at him, and his eyes gained a fraction of hope momentarily, before he nodded and started leading you to his room. this was going to be a long night.
"um, i dont.." you paused and cleared your throat. "i dont have anything to wear" chris looked up at you from his position on the bed before his eyes trailed over your body, stood in a towel in the bathroom doorway shifting on your feet, looking like a nervous little girl.
you cleared your throat again, snapping chris out of whatever trance he had gotten into. he stood up and walked over to the dresser at the end of the bed, pulling out one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers, before padding over to you and handing them over.
"thanks" you smiled.
"no problem" he replied, watching you turn back into the bathroom, slamming the door in his face and leaning against it, you werent sure if this was going to work, your left control was wearing thin.
how had it ended up like this? you tried so hard to have some composure but you couldnt help it, he was shirtless, clad in grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips, basically inviting you to jump straight on him.
his lips trailed down your neck as his hands ran up your sides, relishing in the feeling of your skin against his after 3 months of complete torture without it.
he brought his lips back up to meet your in a hot and heavy kiss, tongues dancing together, teeth clashing, the works. frantic hands gripping his hair relentlessly, pulling groans from his mouth.
chris brought his hands to the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head and separating the kiss, before diving back in and sucking purple marks into your neck and collarbones, earning breathy whines from you.
there was a moment of hesitation from you as he trailed his hands lower fiddling with the waistband of his boxers that you were wearing.
"chris wait" he halted his movements and brought his face up to yours. god he was making this so hard. he was breathing heavy and his hair was messy from your curious hands, his chain dangling between the two of you.
"we shouldnt be doing this" you shook your head, eyes wide.
"why y/n?" he asked breathlessly.
"because chris" you whined. he knew exactly why. all your hard work of keeping your distance from him had just been thrown into a sweltering ball of gasoline and chris had completely set it alight.
"call it closure" he whispered. he could see the inner turmoil you were facing. you knew you were about to give in, and judging by the smirk growing on his face, so did he.
you pulled his face down to yours again and he hummed into the kiss, the feeling of your lips on his being something no drug could ever amount to.
he continues his trail down your body, leaving wet hot kisses in his trail, keeping his eyes glued to yours. he was dragging this out, savouring the blaze of your touch.
"chris please" you whined.
"what baby? tell me what you want" he spoke in-between leaving kisses on your stomach and thighs.
"just fuck me" that was all he needed to hear before he was yanking your shorts down and doing the same with his own pants and boxers. he was on his knees between your legs, pumping his cock in his hand, eyes wondering over your frame hungrily.
"so pretty" he muttered before brining his lips to yours again and pushing his cock into you, giving you no time to adjust to his size before he was pulling all the way out and slamming back in over and over again. you were already a mess underneath him, mewling and moaning like you would never get the chance again.
"missed you so much baby, so fucking much" chris grunted in-between thrusts before peppering light kisses down the side of your face and neck. you just whined at his words.
his pace was relentless and your hands flew to his back, dragging your nails down his skin, pulling a low "fuck" from chriss lips.
"so good to me y/n, cant believe i ever fucking let you go" he said as he stilled his thrusts and pulled back, sitting on his knees and lifting your legs up to rest on his shoulders, and continuing his thrusts.
you let out a lewd moan at the new angle, hands gripping the bed sheets as chris arms wrapped around your thighs, drilling his cock into you so deep, hitting that spot inside that made you see stars.
"oh fuck chris dont stop" you mewled, letting your head fall back.
his pace became impossibly faster, every single thrust knocking the air out of your lungs.
you were pulsating around him, your high getting closer and closer. chris dropped your legs and doubled over, shoving his head into the crook of your neck with a deep groan.
"fuck y/n i can feel you squeezing me" his words were strangled and breathless. he brought his lips to yours once again but the pleasure was so good and you were so close you couldnt keep up with him, chris noticed this and smirked against your mouth.
"come on sweet girl, give it to me, come all over my cock" he said as he brought his thumb down to rub hard, fast circles over your puffy clit making your back arch even further off the bed.
you let out a strangled moan of his name before being launched into a pool of complete, white ecstasy, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. his thrusts did not falter as he sat up watching you ride out your orgasm with hooded eyes.
“you look so pretty like this ma”
he wasnt far behind, his hips stuttered before he let out a loud whine, followed by a hiss and a string of curses, painting your insides white, sending a few more thrusts, filling you to the brim, before collapsing on top of you.
the two of you were sweating and panting, both completely silent, just relishing in the feeling of the post sex haze. your hands come up to his hair and you ran your fingers through it soothingly.
he planted a soft kiss to your collarbone before bringing his face up so he was eye level with you. his eyes trailed over your face, creating a memory and he took a deep breath in before speaking.
"i do love you”.
sorry for starving you guys i’ve just been mad busy but i’m back !!!! love u. bee ❤️‍🩹
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @urmyslxt @soursturniolo @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @chrisfavoritepepsi @kenleighsbl0g @udonotknowme
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dunmeshi-darlings · 6 months
omg yippee.
can I ask for you trying to wake Laios up after he falls asleep ontop of you? after like a long day of fighting shit. or something in that vein. he has big dog energy so I feel like its something he would do
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(anon i had to use this gif for it, it was to good to pass up lol)
Nobody has ever claimed that adventuring in the dungeon would be easy work, in fact its notorious for being extremely difficult the further and further down you go
So you can imagine after a particularly grueling fight against a monster, that after everyone has eaten they would all be beyond exhausted. So its safe to say that its immediately bed time after senshi finishes up cleaning and everything.
However to your surprise, Laios doesn't head to his sleeping bag and instead heads to you with yours. When you ask him why he responds "after the last fight it looks like my bag got damaged...plus yours is way comfier." he would say with a slight blush. And looking over at his bag you see it fully rolled out and several noticeable large gouges and burn marks on it, seems he wasnt kidding.
You sigh and say that its ok, motioning for him to lay down. You thank yourself for deciding to get the EXTRA large sleeping bag since you often roll around in your sleep. He smiles excitedly and thanks you and takes the leftover pillows and blanket he has and lays down beside you, of course even then you two are still laying next to each other and basically laying side by side.
You cant help but notice just how warm he is, You can feel the heat radiating off of his body and sure you are phsyically touching but even then you note just how warm his body is next to and laying beside you. Of course with how tired you as well as everyone else is, you dont think about this too long before immediately falling asleep.
You have some nightmares about being crushed by a trap in your sleep, however the cause of said nightmares is quickly apparent when you finally wake up and realize that laios is no longer laying next to you....no now he is currently laying on top of you, his large frame draped across your chest and stomach as he he snores happily, an obvious drool stain at the corner of his mouth.
You cant help but chuckle softly, its no wonder laios was sleeping so peacefully. He saved everyones hides during the fight and took some nasty hits, so he definitely has earned his rest...However as you try to slowly move him you realize something very quickly....Laios is VERY heavy.
You hadnt really thought about it at first, But laios Armor is made of incredibly durable (and heavy) plate and with how easily he is able to move around in it as well as carry his sword, Laios has built up quiet a bit of muscle on himself. Add this together with his already impressive height and you have a man who is heavy with more muscle than most people realize.
You regret not listening to namari's advice in regards to building up some muscle mass for yourself as you try to move laios off yourself gently, as adorable as he is sleeping you really need him to move and you dont want to shout to wake him up cause you would feel bad. You struggle, quietly grunting as you try to wiggle out from under him, stopping whenever his snoring stops, only to return to your fruitless wiggling.
While laios doesnt wake up, your wiggling and quiet grunting drew Chilchucks attention once he finally woke. He tiredly looked over at you as you simply whispered "help me" to which he sighs and stands up, taking sleepy steps towards you and laios as he starts repeatedly smacking laios in the face. "hey laios! wake up your crushing Y/N"
After a few smacks laios's eyes groggily open as he rolls off you, yawning loudly and stretching before looking down and realizing he was laying on top of you. He blushes and rubs the back of his head, saying he was sorry. "sorry, so used to sleeping with my dogs where we would all just lay on top of each other and fall asleep, my bad."
Now that you are free from your meaty blond haired prison, you cant help but laugh at the situation, this was definitely something everyone will be able to make jokes about from here on out.
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can you write blaise zabini with "i can see you"?? where him and reader only ever talk during social events outside of hogwarts (blaise's mom's multiple weddings, pureblood balls, formal parties and stuff) so during school year they basically ignore each other's existence and reader is sick of it. like, they're def not in a relationship or anything (yet) but blaise follows reader with his eyes all the time and everyone of his friends has noticed even tho he doesnt have the balls to admit to himself yet
(bonus if reader isnt exactly close to the slytherin gang but has casual conversations with each of them except for him)
i can see you // blaise zabini x fem slytherin reader
playlist: i can see you - taylor swift
summary: youve always been acquaintances with blaise zabini , just completely casual. so why does he always stare at you yet avoid speaking? you dont know why - and that frustrates you so much.
y/n used , fluff
tysm for this request its so good!! i hope you like it i tried my best <3
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"youre staring again." theodore stated simply , snapping blaise zabini besides him out of some sort of trance.
"what? staring at what?-" blaise stuttered.
"y/n of course , dont even bother denying it mate everyone with eyes can see you- even pansy and her eyesight is shit." theodore laughed as pansy smacked his arm and mumbled an argument.
blaise ignored the two and searched his whole brain for a way to deny and defend himself against the boys claims , he wasnt staring?! of course he wasnt why would he!
"and again , you just cant help yourself can you?" theodore chuckled as blaise was snapped out of another daydream. he hadnt even realised that his eyes had once again magnetised to you - at this point he did it so subconsciously even he didnt notice.
"why would i stare at-"
"y/n!" pansy said excitedly as you walked dangerously close past the group , pansys interruption having saved a flustered blaise the embarrassment of you hearing him.
"oh hi pansy!" you said with a small smile ,"what are you up to?"
blaises eyes darted everywhere but on you as you now stood infront of the group , he seemed to have a newly found interest in the floor.
well , of course blaise has talked to you before! youve talked at parties and gatherings outside of school but...in school blaise seemed to avoid you like the plague. and of course he hadnt noticed the amount of times you went to engage in conversation before he would run away.
"nothing much, lifes pretty boring when quidditch isnt on!" pansy said as you nodded in agreement , "but ill see you in herbology right- can you help me on my assignment?"
you nodded your head with a smile , "sure! i need to finish mine too."
"great , see you tomorrow then , bye y/n!" pansy smiled and waved and you began to walk away.
"bye panse! oh and bye theo , blaise!" you smiled and waved before blending in with the corridor crowd and you friend group.
blaise simply watched as you figure disappeared into the crowd , the only trace of your past presence being the blush that lit up his cheeks.
"see, simple as that. shes no saint blaise , you can communicate with the girl." pansy teased as blaise threw her a look.
"i do talk to her!"
"just not in school." theo added with a laugh.
"well-" blaises attempt to defend himself was cut short by his name being shouted down the corridor and the sound of pattering feet getting closer.
"blaise!" your voice called out , reappearing from the crowd.
the whole friend group gaped at you in surprise , coming up with no valid reason for you to be shouting the boys name and running over with such urgency.
"y-yeah?" blaise muttered once you were stood directly infront of him, breathing slightly heavily.
"i need to talk to you." you stated before grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the refuge of the nearest empty corridor.
whilst you pulled him the tall boy couldnt help his vulnerability and shyness , it always came naturally when he found himself around you in school. he didnt know why of course.
"blaise im just wondering if i did something?!" you let your words out like a long kept secret as you both stood in the silence of the hall , "i mean we talk at events and parties but you dont talk to me in school - you stare and then you stay silent! did i do something wrong because-?"
"no! no , merlin you never did a thing i just- i dont know i get....quiet." he muttered.
"quiet? blaise zabini you are far from a quiet person , i dont think there is a single moment in charms where you dont talk! its just-..its frustrating because i really like you!" your confession spilled out so quickly you caught yourself off guard, covering your mouth quickly.
blaise stared back in shock , studying your face for any hint of perjury in your words.
"im- im sorry...i dont do it intentionally! i think....that i like you too" he stuttered as you both blushed.
"well thank merlin for that because if you didnt id simply have to move schools." you laughed lightly as blaise smiled at you.
after a few moments of silence you tip toed up and kissed his cheek softly , making him smile.
"promise to talk more? maybe even go on a date?.." you asked hopefully.
"i think id have to be mad to remain mute when someone as perfect as you asked me not to." he smirked as you laughed , "a date sounds good - i promise to talk , but i cant promise not to stare, beautiful."
"wow a turn of events! i never thought my silent admirer could flirt so boldly!" you teased as his arms rested around your waist , pulling you closer.
"i can do more than flirt." he winked as you smacked his arm lightly , with a surprised giggle.
"sit with me at lunch?" you asked hopefully.
"sure , away from both our friends though." blaise added in annoyance making you laugh.
"oh 1000% the teasing would be relentless!" you added as blaise looked at you with slight shock.
"your friends tease you about me?!" he asked , you nod back.
"oh yeah , i think everyone saw you stare zabini, even me. i can see you yknow" you mocked , hinting to how you were all well aware of his constant fixation on you, blaise himself being the only person oblivious.
"shush." he said softly as you both laughed , his hand intertwining with yours before pulling you down the corridor and towards the great hall.
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orcelito · 1 year
I always find it kind of funny what some other ppl consider "slow burn". Like I've been reading a fic that the writer repeatedly said was slow burn, but some 40k words in and they've had their first kiss...
I'm not complaining, but that just doesn't feel like that slow of a burn to me lmao. But Then Again, this is coming from the person who writes some of the slowest of burns... not the slowest, mind you, but like. In discacc, I'm pretty sure their first kiss happened around... what, 400k words in? Something like that. And they hadn't even officially Met (in person) until like some 70k words in.
And Then there's ITNL. Currently 74k words, and Wolfwood hasn't even officially entered the story yet.
We're in for the long haul, y'all :]
#speculation nation#itnl shit#discacc shit#sure i'll tag it. this post has me remembering writing it :')#but yea like. hm. i dont think it'll take as long in ITNL as it did in discacc for the relationship shit to happen#if i had to estimate... maybe around 200k? for the first kiss at least. based on my plans for it & all.#keeping in mind that ITNL as a whole could be 400k words. or more...#im notoriously bad at properly estimating word counts though#as seen by my 'im 150k words into discacc and halfway through the game so Surely the fic will be 300k words'#and im sitting pretty at 500k and still a good third of the game left. whoops.#i say it's not the 'slowest of burns' bc one of my fav fics ever is at... what... 600k? 700k? i havent looked in a while actually#so i dont remember. but after all of these words the protagonist still doesnt even realize he's got FEELINGS.#they held hands Once. easily made up for with everything else in the story. utterly fascinating mysteries. so on so forth#for the intersection of fandoms of ppl who know p5 and my shit. itnl rly is inspired by Marigolds.#the short and sweet summary that really tells you very little (so u have to tell via tags what it is)!!!#the time travel and years passed before even MEETING the other person again#im not going as in depth into it but the inspiration is there. im still just utterly enamored with Marigolds years later#and this is a trope so common in p5 fandom (the NG+ style of time travel) yet i hadnt seen it at all in t.rigun#so. yeah. maybe i moved to a new fandom and am taking inspiration from one of my fav fanfics ever#but to be fair discacc has been largely inspired by Marigolds too. just more with characterization than story structure.#anyways. dont worry ITNL readers there will be vw from like the moment they first meet. flirting inevitable.#but the actual resolution will take a while. Emotional resolution even longer than Physical resolution lol#if u read this far into the tags then xoxoxo love U. hope u enjoyed the hints of the planned structure for ITNL
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k3n-dyll · 6 months
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Domestic!Sevika [Drabble]
||Men, minors, and ageless DNI
CW: None just Vika being cute
AN: not proofread, just started writing
Masterlist Divider Creds Helpful Palestine Links
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Domestic!Sevika who has never been in love before you, finding herself roaming around your apartment while you're out and noticing a basket full of undone laundry sitting near the washer.
You've been super busy recently and haven't had much time or energy to keep up with certain household chores and laundry was one of them.
Now, Sevika has never been one to just...do shit for people. Not unless it benefitted her in some way. And yet now she finds herself sorting your darker clothes from the light ones, washing them separately, drying them then heading back onto your bedroom and putting them away. She doesnt even roll them into a ball and toss them into drawers like she sometimes does with her own things - she folds them. Neatly.
She finishes and is quite proud of herself, going back to giving herself a bit of a tour of your place, but oh, look at that - the sink has dishes from last nights dinner date.
On any normal day you'd have washed them after eating but Sevika had other plans, which is why she was over at your apartment the next morning in the first place. A part of her feels bad for practically carrying you into the bedroom the night prior instead of helping you clean up, so she may as well make up for it by washing those dishes now, right?
Needless to say, when you get back that afternoon your apartment is spotless and something heavenly is wafting from the kitchen. There's no sign of Sevika until you walk back into your bedroom. Shes lounging on top of the blankets of your now made up bed, reading a book.
"You did all this?"
And she just stares at you for a moment, thinking.
"Oh, dinner? Yeah. I figured since you cooked last night..."
You shake your head and begin to explain what you mean fully. You could literally see your reflection on the counters when you walked through the kitchen and shes just sat here as if she hasnt moved all day. Even when you elaborate, she just shrugs as if she hadnt just made your life 10 times easier by simply being left alone in your house for a day.
"I dunno...I just got bored I guess"
Is her explanation for it, though that was clearly a lie, but you werent going to push her into saying anything sappy. Her work around the house said enough. She's been here before, sure, but its clear that she takes in every little thing you do. She's cooked your favorite dish, folded your laundry and sorted it in the specific way that you always do. She'd managed to get every little organization quirk of yours down to a T.
"Well, thank you for getting bored" you respond, kissing her on the forehead, and while she'd never say it out loud but that little bit of praise makes her heart jump.
I love her sm
Little drabble that is solely based on my urge to act like a housewife when I'm with my girlfriend. I'd lasso the moon for that girl istg
Taglist: @half-of-a-gay, @porcelainmystery, @delinthecut, @sevsbaby, @archangeldyke-all
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Steve hadn't meant to evesdrop on eddies new band. Really, he was an innocent party here.
Once things had calmed down in the aftermath of Vecna, Steve and Eddie had scrounged up every penny they could -steve even sold his precious beemer so they could have the extra cash- and got the hell out of dodge. Eddie couldn't stay in a town where everyone still looked at him like he was a murderer and Steve loved Eddie too much to keep him trapped in a town that hated him.
They had settled into chicago nicely, far enough away from the hellmouth that was hawkins, indiana that they werent constantly jumping at the sight of their own shadows, but still close enough they could be back in less than a day if shit started going down again.
The metal scene in chicago was just starting to take off, and Eddie quickly fell in with a local band that was in need of a new lead guitar. Steve had yet to meet any of Eddies new band members, his work and class schedules keeping him entirely too busy and exhausted for socializing. All of which led to this moment, Steve hovering awkwardly at the end of the hallway leading backstage as Eddies new bandmates tore him apart.
"Seriously how'd a guy as hard core as Ed end up with a preppy little asshole like that, i mean did you see what he was wearing?" The drummer scoffed
Self-consciously Steve worried at the hem of his black polo, he had stressed over his outfit all evening before they headed out to the venue. Eddie assured him that he looked great telling him he looked "like a sexy little gothed up jock" in his black polo, his tightest jeans and just the barest hint of eyeliner and mascara to make his eyes pop
"I know it must have been slim pickings back in butt fuck nowhere but Ed's got options now. Sure, the guy has a nice ass, but Ed could pull someone who's not gonna ruin our cred by dating a guy who looks like a narc" the bassist added on meanly.
Swallowing past the lump in his throat Steve turned to head back to the bar when Eddies voice stopped him in his tracks.
"People who disrespect my boyfriend dont get to talk about his ass" came Eddies sharp reply "Steve is more metal than all of you dumb fucks combined, and he's the inspiration behind all of the lyrics that are making us so big in the scene right now. If you cant fucking respect my boyfriend, you sure as hell dont deserve to get famous off the songs i wrote about him so im fucking out and im taking my songs with me."
"Ed you cant be fucking serious" the drummer started
"No, fuck you guys! You act all high and mighty but your just as fuckin shallow and small minded as the dumb hicks Steve and I left Indiana to get away from. Good luck finding someone to replace me and my songs before the fest next month" Eddie spat, his footsteps thundering against the concrete floor and around the corner into the hallway, coming up short as soon as he spotted Steve frozen in the hallway shocked at Eddies fierce defence of him.
"Oh sweetheart" Eddie crooned bringing a hand up to cup the side of Steves face his thumb gently swiping away the tears Steve hadnt even realized had begun to fall "I'm sorry you had to hear that baby. Lets go home" Eddie took his hand back from Steves face, wrapping it around his waist and tucking Steve firmly against his side ushering a still dazed Steve down the hall, out of the bar and into the cool night air
"Your didnt have to do that Eds" Steve said quietly, reluctantly pulling away from Eddie now that they were out in the open where anybody could see.
"Of course i did baby. You're the love of my life. You matter more to me than anything else in this world. More than my guitar and metal and dnd. And certainly more than some mouth breathers who wouldnt know what metal is if it got up on stage and took a bite out of a demon bat" Eddie replied with a grin and a wink swooping down to press a quick peck against Steves mouth as he stood in the middle of the sidewalk frozen in shock at Eddies declaration
"Im more important to you than music and dnd?" Steve asked in a quiet awed voice, his heart beating rapidly as if it was trying to physically escape his chest and burrow itself into the flesh of Eddies own ribcage.
"Sure are sweetheart, now why dont you get that sexy ass of yours moving so we can get home and I can show you just how much I mean it" Eddie replied, his voice lowering into a deep gravel that drove Steve crazy, hands reaching out to pull Steve forward a few steps urging him in the directon of the van parked furthur down the street.
Steve stumbled after Eddie, letting the other man lead him, his brain still not fully back online after Eddies bold decleration of love.
Steve didn't believe in any god, but he found himself thanking every god he could think of for bringing Eddie Munson into his life.
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