#but I’ll never post it here because I’m afraid of the fandom
buzzheadchick · 8 months
An hour before midnight and anyways happy anniversary to Rockstar’s Bully/Canis Canem Edit. Would be cool if there was a sequel.
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pebblume · 5 months
I never realized how liberating writing fanfiction would be. I hadn’t written creatively in years. It’s been so long that I kind of forgot what it felt like. The childlike rush of pouring your heart out onto a blank page, not caring about the results as long as you were having fun. I’ve tried writing fanfic a couple of times, for different fandoms across the years, but never finished anything I was really happy with, nothing that I felt comfortable sharing with the world. But something just clicked for me this past week. I realized how much fun it was to stretch out my writing muscles, to get inside the heads of my favorite characters. I realized that it didn’t have to be perfect to be worthy of being shared and loved by others. I realized that I had so many stories inside myself - more than I thought possible. 
But perhaps what I’m most in awe of is fanfic readers. The people who read my work and leave kudos and bookmarks and comments - one word comments, sweet comments, silly comments, paragraph-long comments. I love them all. I used to be afraid of leaving comments on AO3, afraid I wouldn’t have enough words, wouldn’t have the right words, to depict how I felt. But when I felt firsthand how much those comments meant to me I started leaving more and more of them, spreading a digital paper trail of love to all my favorite authors. More and more often I recognize the profile names and images in my comment section and think, Hey, I know you! Now I’m not just a guest on AO3, or a passive reader. I belong here. 
I won’t lie and say I don’t miss drawing a bit, my previous creative outlet. There are plenty of drawings inside me too, itching to be realized. I really just don’t have the time for two time extensive hobbies, not when I need to balance school and practicing and little things like sleeping and eating and relaxing. I miss it, but not as much as I thought I would. There’s a level of investment to sharing a story online that feels…special. When I post my art, I get engagement, and it feels nice, but ultimately, most people are only spending about ten seconds looking at the work I spent eight hours on, if that. When someone reads my fics, we’ve now spent time together. You’ve lived inside my head for a bit, made it your home. It’s about feeling seen, I think. Writing makes me feel understood in a way visual art sometimes doesn’t. It makes me feel vulnerable in the same way performing music does, but less exposed too. It’s interesting to me. 
The only downside, if you can call it that, is now that the writing bug has infected me, I’m finding it harder and harder to stop. I’ll have an idea and then suddenly five hours have flown by because I’m on a creative streak and I just want to write one more idea down, which turns into two, and so on and so forth. I dread stopping, because what if I forget something? What if I get into a writing block later? Suddenly I have people who want to read the things I write and I want to provide it, I really do, but I also have responsibilities. I say, as I write this, ignoring my audition tomorrow afternoon. 
I still have a bit of embarrassment attached to fandom works. When I tell acquaintances that I like to draw or write, I rarely tell them I mean fanart and fanfiction. As if loving something that deeply, that sincerely, is inherently shameful in this age of irony and soulless remakes. Especially when my interests usually consist of media marketed towards children, nevermind the fact that it has more emotional maturity than most ‘adult’ works. But I’m trying to get better about it. A lot of my closest friends know about my hobbies, and some I’ve even let see my work. It’s terrifying but also giddying, seeing them like an art post or comment on a fic. After all, to reap the rewards of being loved, one must submit themselves to the mortifying ordeal of being known, or something like that. 
I realized today that I’ve written over 30,000 words in the past two weeks about about two characters who don’t belong to me, but whom I’ve made my own.
And I’ve never felt happier
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Hi, I have a question and you seem like a really balanced person, so here goes: I want to join a drag king collective, and I’m so excited about it, but the king leading it has some Interesting views. It’s the kind of thing where it’s constant “fuck Zionists” and what feels like extremely performative activism (Palestinian flag in bio but no actual fundraising/peace efforts, posting misinformation/irresponsible rhetoric etc.) I’m scared that if I join it I’ll be treated different, and even more scared that my friends will think the antisemitism justified (they aren’t great at understanding what antisemitism looks like these days). Idk what to do about the fear of someone being antisemitic because I don’t want it to stop me from doing what I want, but I also know it’ll devastate me if it does happen. If you can offer any insight I’ll be very grateful.
Hi friend!
I'm really glad you reached out to me. Not because I pretend to know all the answers, but because I love that we can all rely on each other during this time.
Unfortunately, whether you sign up for this is ultimately a matter of your own personal priorities and how you are prone to handle confrontation.
Personally, if it was me, I would join. I'm not afraid of defending myself (but I very much used to be, so no shame if you're not there yet). If I wanted to explore my gender identity through performance (if indeed that is what you are doing. I've never been personally drawn to perform drag, so I cannot pretend to know exactly why one might start. But I don't think I'm out of line to assume that it involves some kind of exploration or critique of gender both personally and societally) I certainly wouldn't let antisemites be the reasons I didn't go for it.
If the Anti-Zionist jerk starts coming at you, you can simply say "OK, great. Real quick question: What's a Zionist?" And watch him squirm to say anything real or substantive other than "a Jew." He might say, "They're basically Nazis!" or "They're people who want Palestinians to suffer!" or some other confidently incorrect hyperbolic statement. If he does so, you can say, "Oh! Well, then that's definitely not what I am," and move on.
If he says something slightly more substantive, like, "They're people who think Jews should get to take land from Arabs/Palestinians in order to have a Jewish ethnostate!" You can use the same response as above. But you can also say, "Oh, weird. That's definitely not what I thought it was. Which Zionist Jews have said this, exactly? Cuz I heard it was something completely different." Remember, their goal isn't actually to educate you or help anyone or even to provide limited but factual information. The goal is to shame you into aligning with their self-righteous point of view. That is not an effective tactic when you respond with QUESTIONS instead of outright CORRECTIONS. Making people explain themselves is a great way to defang a bad faith accusation like that.
Finally, they might say, "It's someone who supports Israel." In this case, either of the above methods will work. Or you could question even further. Here's an example of a chat:
You: Supports Israel how?
Jerkface: They want Biden to use our tax dollars to fund a genocide!
You: Oh, well then I'm definitely not a Zionist.
Jerkface: No, you don't understand! It's people who think that Jews can only be safe in a settler colonial apartheid ethnostate that justified its existence by crying about the Holocaust.
You: Well then I'm still not a Zionist. I don't know why you're assuming these things about me. But people should generally cry about the Holocaust. It was really bad thing that people did to Jews. Do you not think the Holocaust is a big deal?
Jerkface: Of course I think it was a big deal. That's why we all have to condemn THIS genocide. The Jews are the Nazis now.
You: I don't know. I don't think that' show Nazism works. But I definitely don't like genocide. If liking genocide makes a Zionist, then I'm definitely not whatever you're accusing me of.
Jerkface: No! I'm just saying that Zionists don't want a ceasefire. They're trying to kill all the Palestinians.
You: I don't know what to tell you then. Because that's still not me. Of course I want Hamas and Israel to both stop bombing each other.
Jerkface: No, Palestine is JUSTIFIED in bombing Israelis because of the oppression.
You: I think its weird that you're conflating Palestinians with Hamas. Are you saying that Palestinian civilians are bombing Israel as as a protest tactic? I thought for sure that Hamas, a terrorist organization, was the group responsible for Anti-Israeli violence. Personally, I've always though that most Palestinians just want to live in peace and don't support terrorism and violence. I don't know why it would harm Palestinians to suggest that both Israel and Hamas should end this conflict diplomatically rather than with violence.
Jerkface: Right! That's why we need to tell Biden to call for a ceaseefire!
You: OK, but I still don't know if you're saying Israel should just stop firing or that Israel and Hamas should stop bombing. I definitely want everyone to stop bombing each other. But I'm not really sure why Hamas would care about what Biden says.
I call this the "Rabbi method," because when you go to a rabbi, they never really give you an answer to your question. They answer with other questions designed to get them to see their own answer.
Either Hamas is a terrorist group unfairly targeting Israeli civilians and launching bombs into civilian territories--something that is clearly bad and which makes average Palestinian civilians innocent victims (this is the truth btw) that require both Hamas and Israel too lay down their arms. OR Palestinians and Hamas are interchangeable terms and the ongoing oppression of Palestinians have driven them to violent, offensive, armed resistance--which you may or may not agree with as a revolutionary tactic (To be clear, this is NOT TRUE OF PALESTINIANS. PALESTINIANS ARE NOT TERRORISTS AND DO NOT DESERVE TO BE BOMBED). Palestine IS NOT HAMAS. Hamas is bombing Israeli civilians.
Israel is retaliating with extreme force and prejudice against a terrorist organization in a way that is devastating the lives and futures of Palestinian Civilians, who very much deserve for all sides to lay down their weapons and address their mutual grievances diplomatically and responsibly. What is occurring right now is a messy, ugly, brutal war that is killing and traumatizing all civilians in the Levant. And a one-sided ceasefire leaves the side that ceases firing dead. A ceasefire means that EVERYONE must cease firing.
Unless Jerkface has a plan for how to ensure the safety of Palestinian civilians from Hamas that also includes Israeli safety from Hamas, asking for Israelis to simply lay down all their weapons without any guarantee of safety is asking for a nation of mostly Jews to die without putting up a fight. And wanting Arab Israelis and also Jews not to die is not what Zionism means. It's not even what pro-Israel means. That's just called not being violently antisemitic, actually.
Israelis aren't mindless Zionist Nazi Monsters who get off on killing Palestinian babies. Palestinians aren't Noble Savages who have never done anything wrong as individual people and who are inherently morally superior to every single Israeli because they were born Palestinian. Both Israelis and Palestinians are complex, global micro-minorities who have both perpetrated tremendous harm to one another over the course of several decades, and neither group is going anywhere. Neither group deserves for its people to die. Neither group is only "worth helping" if western onlookers categorize them as "innocent" and "good." If someone's activism isn't geared toward respecting the inherent dignity of Palestinians and Israelis regardless of either group's history, then that person is not engaging in activism. If someone is asking you to support that cause because their chosen cause involves perfect cinnamon rolls being targeted by pure evil enemies, then they are not asking you to join them in activism. They are not even asking you to join them in a political reality. What they are asking is for you to join their toxic fandom.
And reducing this conflict down to simplistic fandom rhetoric is not going to help anyone and is frankly offensive to all Jews, Israelis, and Palestinians--all of whom deserve to be seen for the traumatized, suffering, imperfect people they are.
People don't earn support by being good. They inherently deserve support, because they are people.
All that said, maybe it's not emotionally useful for you to engage in this group. Maybe this type of conflict is too much for you. That's OK, too.
And while I would never let antisemitism take away an opportunity for me to fulfill a dream, I will say that my experience of Antisemitism during this time is 100000000% responsible for making me realize that the dreams I had before this experience need to evolve. I no longer wish to be in the town where I live. I wish to be home with my family closeby, because when the chips are down, that's who matters. The idea of moving back to my home state was unthinkable to me before October. Now? I cannot get out of here fast enough. There's nothing I want that is exclusive to my current location anymore. The community I thought I'd built for myself is gone. And while antisemitism didn't take them from me, it sure as fuck showed me that I never had it in thee first place.
If you're going to join this collective, be sure its worth the fight. And if it's not worth the fight, then look for a place that is. Exploring your gender identity freely should not come at the cost of living your ethnic and religious identities openly. Ever.
Don't trade one closet for another. You deserve more than that. We all do.
hope that helps @kit-chaos-doodle
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rott1ngbra1n · 5 months
Sorry for being sudo inactive!! I’ve been on a trip, where I got to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway!! Genuinely such a good show. If I went on about how amazing it was, we’d be here all day
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But on the note of me being gone for a bit, ya boi has been crafting! Along with some more ramblings as usual-
More art below the cut (under my ramble-)
The chapter one outline of the Alley Cat AU has been completed! Now it’s on to drawing some panels out and finalizing the draft! Of course I will probably post more concept work before then, as some details still need to be worked out. But we are making headway!
I’m going to also work on making a masterpost here soon, so that way everything is in one neat spot. But the story will be hosted here! Here’s some more smaller concept work to tide you guys over until the next post! I obviously want to finish a couple chapters but I’ve also started work on a chapter explaining how Morro met his cat! Originally the cat was unnamed but I think Wisp works well for them, I will try to finish the reference sheets for all of the characters before I post any chapters.
I’m also going to finish up my work on chapter one, before posting any of it. So that way the wait between isn’t as awful (fun fact that’s been my New Year’s resolution- to try and post more-) but please be patient with me, I’ve never really worked on a project this big before and I am a full time college student with a job. So I will do my best!
I want to let you guys know as well, the ninja and their dynamic with Lloyd will stay pretty similar to that of the show. With them obviously being suspicious of Lloyd and his “cat”, but because they find him and Lloyd doesn’t try to do anything regarding the Serpentine (because Morro shook some sense into him-) there’s no residual “you unleashed the snakes on us-“ vibes. Instead right off the bat Kai takes one look at Lloyd and says “You are now my little brother. You cannot deny this.”, adding more fluff.
That also means we have to find another person who unleashes the serpentine. Because plot reasons and all that jazz, I’m working on it but I think it would be funny if Jay did it by accident or one of the other darkly boys did it. I’ll toy with both ideas and some other ones before I settle on it, I have time. I hope.
I’ve got some other things I’m cooking up, some Ninjago related, others pertaining to other fandoms I’m in.
Aside from that, I also have a Redbubble! There’s some stuff in there I’m reworking, so a minder and apology for that, but I’m going to try to get some more Ninjago works posted up there. Along with some original works! Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out!
I also have a KoFi that I am also redoing and working on! If you’d like to commission me, that would be the spot! I’m still trying to figure it out so if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask! KoFi link here!
I really appreciate all of your kind words and reblog tags (I do see them, they make me laugh and smile), it means a lot and I hope you all enjoy what else I’ve got in the oven!! Thank you so much!!
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Savanaclaw Headcanons
Tw: Dark content up ahead y’all!! Mentions of manipulation, gaslighting, possessiveness, etc. 
Banner made by my lovely bestie @herestrish don’t steal pls or I’ll eat your kneecaps, I’m entering my Hannibal era <3! Jokes aside. . . disclaimer!! 
These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don’t condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision. If these headcanons sound dry. . .I’ll redo them I’m sorry I was tired 
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Leona Kingscholar
Okiedoki, these headcanons were WAY long overdue and me being the chaotic and messy person I am, did not plan these ahead nor did I make a posting schedule. Without further ado, here we go! Can you name a bigger kin? Leona is me and I am Leona. From what I’ve seen in the fandom, Leona seems to be a personality that not many people differ from. Like it’s all collectively and mutually agreed on how he acts. Regardless, the character traits I assign him are overprotective, possessive, and manipulative.
No one here can argue that Leona isn’t smart, mans is brilliant only issue being he lacks motivation. Assuming I got all my facts straight, he’s smart and talented and has all amazing qualities, but it doesn’t matter because he’s not the firstborn. His signature spell is so dangerous, he’s constantly being upstage because name and reputation matter more than actions. Not to his darling, he’s possessive over his S/O because you’re his. You’re not someone given to him because of his status or lack of, you’re his because you were able to charm the lion and gain his affection. You’re his because he won, he won YOUR affection. All hell will break loose if someone DARES to even touch you, looks at you wrong, or do anything to hurt you. He’ll often refer to you as one of his belongings but words aside, he really does see you as his equal. This ties in with his overprotectiveness and his overall fear of losing the one person that matters in his life, you.
Manipulative. Though he wants a fair game, mans is cheating. He’s not above using dirty methods to get you to be his in the first place. He’s probably gaslit you before and you wouldn’t know. He’s smart and he has Ruggie, this is important. He’d probably disagree with you and advise you to do something else, when you decide to go off on your own he’ll send Ruggie to stir up the pot but not right away no, that’s too convenient! He’ll wait until you have a sense of security before striking, when things go downhill and you come back to him he won’t smile, he won’t say anything other than, “I told you so.” He’s so smug about it too, that smirk when he’s in the right and you’re in the wrong.
I’d say personally, he’s a 7/10 on the yandere scale, he’s definitely not someone you want to mess with and by all means half of the time it’s him just being protective. Bro’s the type of guy to help you study but not before he makes you give him a kiss or fuel his ego for a bit. He’s able to lower his guard around you, sleep comfortably with you, and laze around, just don’t get too comfy. Any signs he notices of defiance and he’s not afraid to show you why the others respect him. His scale may increase if he’s angry, he’d never hurt his S/O but the others?
Ruggie Bucchi
I don’t know much about Ruggie just because he’s not a character I was very interested in but he’s so funny. Getting straight into it, possessive, manipulative, and overprotective. He’s not a threat, a solid 4/10. I happen to remember that Ruggie was raised by his grandmother and that in book 4 went back home with a lot of food because the kids in his home didn’t have enough. Ruggie has a good heart, it’s just hard to get him to trust someone else because of it. I like to this that his S/O is someone who was able to remind him that it’s okay to be selfish just as much as it is important to be selfless. With that in mind, I think Ruggie being possessive over his S/O is reasonable. Ruggie keeps things that matter to him close, that includes you, babes!! Just as he steals anything else, he stole your heart. Your safety and security matter a lot to him, maybe not at first but as time goes on it’s his first priority. I’ll be honest, Ruggie is a fun person to be around. His jokes and his mannerism are sure to make you smile along with his good heart.
Furthering into his possessiveness, I like to think he gets super jealous when his S/O is with someone else or not having their attention on him. Someone approaches you and asks you to have lunch with them or to study, Ruggie gets pouty and gives you the silent treatment. You’d ask him something and this man will be so petty. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask [Student Name]” or “I don’t know, you seemed to have more fun with them so I don’t want to disturb you”. That kind of petty. He won’t lie, he loves the attention he gets from you. You desperately trying to make it up to him because you NEED him. That being said, he’s a pain in your ass but he’s saved it multiple times. I like to think that Ruggie is that person who at the start of it tries to show that he doesn’t care. The type to flee when you’re in danger or not help because there is nothing to gain until he catches feelings. Slowly saying things like, “Well, we can work out the details of my reward later. . .” or “It’s whatever, I owe you anyways”. He gives off mammon vibes, just not a simp.
As time goes on and he and his S/O start to get closer, he’d be more willing to help you and do things for you. Manipulative, it kinda rubs off on him from Leona tbh. I know for a fact Ruggie knows some underhanded moves to get what he wants, at first he’ll play with your heartstrings, being pouty and petty. If that doesn’t work he’ll get annoyed and just flat-out ignore you. He’s not going to grovel and beg, he’s done plenty of that already. He’s going to make you beg for his attention and his help. The type to pull your hair in class and pull pranks, having the teacher find you and scold you while ignoring Ruggie. Unrightfully giving you detention as he looks the other way. As you’re sitting and doing your boring work, he pops in for a second and just mocks you.
He’s kinda like Ace just a bit toned down! He’s not a dangerous yandere just an annoying one but you should be alright with him!
Jack Howl
Jack gets two, over-protective and possessive. He’s not a dangerous yandere either, like a 3/10? He’s a character with morals and without a doubt, genuine love and concern for his S/O. I know he means well and he does, he’s a super sweet yandere!
Jack is most definitely a protector. As we saw in the game, at first he didn’t seem to want to do a whole lot with us until we got to book 2. He’s super loyal and caring, qualities that his S/O loves and respects as does he. If you’re ever being picked on or bullied, Jack is on the case! He’s going off on them, saying how it’s so cowardly of them to pick on someone who can’t defend themselves. Do you need a walk home? Jack will do it! Do you need some help with an assignment? He doesn’t know much, but he’s down to help you learn better! He’s a sincere lover who cares a lot, and he’s possessive. I feel like Jack at first would hate his feelings. He has no right over you so why does he feel so upset when you’re talking to someone else? Did you find a new partner? You’re staying out late? Don’t you need him….? He shouldn’t feel like this, but he does! Jack would try to deny it at first, surely ir’s just admiration! I mean you did stand up to Leona after all and that takes some real guts!
Possessive. Once those feelings subside, he’s doing what he can to have your attention on him. Inviting him to all his spell drive practices, offering to help you with homework or the other way around. He just wants to protect you. Sure his presence can be suffocating to the point he’s a bit clingy, I mean I don’t think you’re gonna get attacked in line waiting for your food, but who knows? He’s always there, conveniently as well. Acts of service are one of his love languages, you need a book from the high shelf? He’s already on it. You don’t have a partner for the project? No worries neither does he. Leona and Ruggie notice his behavior, often teasing him but never going further. Jack is. . .how do I say this? Awkward. He is so awkward, the type to invite you out to eat and just eat in silence. The type to be content being in your presence so he doesn’t really do anything else. Give him time and he’ll be better, promise!
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 6 months
From the beginning I’ve said I wasn’t someone who was going to let the way people act in this fandom affect my enjoyment of tumblr. But lately, I feel like I’m cracking. I feel like every single thing I say is going to be put under a microscope, I’m not motivated to write because I’m scared I’ll be attacked for writing Eddie or Steve the “wrong way” the energy here lately has fucking sucked. I hate it. I hate feeling this way over something that is supposed to be my escape from my fucked up life and brain. I just wish everyone could grow the fuck up and stop acting like petty ass bullies. Over EDDIE MUNSON, it’s like some people have written and read him OOC so much at this point they forgot who the actual character is. A dorky metal head, who was ridiculed and bullied by his entire town, who still wasn’t afraid to be himself despite that. The ridicule and bullying I see in this fandom actually baffles me considering that’s the reason we are all here. I’ve been treated like shit my entire life, this is supposed to be my safe space and it just doesn’t feel SAFE anymore. So I’ve been taking a step back. If I haven’t been as responsive this is why, I haven’t been posting my own works as much, and this is why. Basically the atmosphere and the attitude here lately has been awful, I avoid my dash constantly, and I shouldn’t feel that way. I’m even scared to post THIS, but I don’t care. I’m constantly quiet, I stay in my own lane, I never want to cause issues with anyone but I still constantly have to see it between others. It’s exhausting, I’m exhausted, and this used to make me feel charged. I’m afraid to be myself in a community that I used to make me feel the opposite way. It’s truly disappointing. I wish so much that we could all just be nice to each other.
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specters0rd · 4 months
Operation: Cure MC's Sadness.
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Words: 1,503
Chapter: Prologue
A/N: I greatly apologize for possibly making the guys OOC, it’s a been a while since I wrote a fanfic (let alone a series) and not to mention my first ever fic for Ikevamp. Sooo… Scheduling for the other fics? I’m still figuring it out given that it took me a while to even finish this up, but I’ll make sure to post teasers here and there. I’m also still figuring out how to bring in Vlad and his minions in as well as connect Sebby & Will into this. If you got any suggestions for any the guys (except for Vincent and Theo, they’re the ones that made me want to do this and first one I came up with) don’t be afraid to suggest them in my ask box, reblog, and comments!
taglist: @natimiles @bicayaya @koco-coko
The poking from the beams had sobered up MC who wasn't sure if they actually slept or not, the eyes cloudy and slightly dry as they could barely make out the ceiling and orange sunlight stabbing them in one side. While a grunt escaped from their lips as their hands rubbed off the blurry dryness while they tried to recall last night, their body slumped over as they took a moment to admire the decor of the bedroom, especially with the painting they had the privilege to choose all thanks to a certain devil art-dealer. MC’s mouth couldn't stop themselves from curling up with fondness before falling as last night came rushing back to them. While they threw their blankets and legs over the side to get up, the urge to zone out and actually process everything finally took over, not surprising since a situation like this is quite... The story one can say. Once upon a month, MC was enjoying her time at the Louvre before being thrown into some kind of Alice in Wonderland plot with time, historical  figures and vampires. What a YA fantasy-historical novel! Now this main character is… Stuck with no way back.
"Righttt... Homesickness. It's only been like... Two weeks since the damn door broke?" They whispered to themselves as they tried their best to read the clock; a skill that they still haven't mastered even a month in this mansion, tragic honestly. A hushed curse escaped from their mouth as they could guess roughly that they had 15 minutes or less to hop in and help Sebstain with breakfast. This only leads to more… Cursing from the struggling dork who’s playing detective right now over socks. Yes, over socks.
“You still haven’t broken that habit of yours, have you?” A chuckle from the butler as he broke the bloke’s case with a swift point of his finger to the clue; socks had been under the bed the whole time. This left the victim of messiness and forgetfulness to facepalm in shame once again.
“Oh god damn it. Thanks, Sebastian.” MC shook their head as they quickly snatched the socks and threw them on along with their high-quality shoes whilst Sebastian stood still at the door. A quick glance could tell the man before them was more concerned than the usual exasperation; they could feel the guilt sink in as the butler sighed.
“As much as I wanna don’t wanna push you to talk, MC, I think now is the time you open up. Especially because it’s clearly affecting your sleep and work.” The man spoke with seriousness and softness as he signaled to follow him towards the inevitable; a mansion meeting.  
“Never thought I’d have an intervention…” MC joked as they followed aside the butler shaking his head at them, the fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose.
“You wouldn't have one if you didn't try to pull the workaholic route for solving your problems...” 
“Ah, Fair point.”
“And here I thought Theo was bad…”
“Oh shut it, Arthur. You're one to talk here.” 
Theo shot a glare at his typical flippant frenemy as Arthur's attempt to soft the atmosphere slightly failed. MC's mind was fried at this point so even bickering didn't help nor rubbing their temples and guilt away.
“Was that really bad? God…” MC knew it was a rhetorical question especially with the sympathetic and annoyed looks at the table.
“I don't know what your definition of “bad” is, but typically, bumping into paintings, eye-bags, and breaking plates more than you usually do is quite bad, Hondje " Theodorus leaned back in his chair as his blues scolded the “family dog”.
“Not to mention forgetting food and leaving cups of coffee behind,” Mozart added as he took a bite of his breakfast, paying no mind to the soft glares from Napoleon, Issac, and Vincent.
Arthur shifted closer in his chair as his hands intertwined on the table; a sigh escaped from his lips.
“They are starting to get the point, lads. It's about time to start getting to the heart of the matter now.” Arthur gave a soft chuckle, the seriousness never leaving his eyes as he continued.  “So, do you think you can explain why exactly that's causing this? Or is this workaholic habit the whole reason you haven't talked about it at all?” He arched his brow at them as he noticed MC immediately trying to puzzle it.
“I think the answer is quite obvious, but hey…” A voice hunches over Arthur, making the man jump and almost flings his coffee across the room.
“OH JESUS,MARY, AND JOSEPH. USE THE BLOODY DAMN DOOR DAZAI.” Arthur cursed at the tardy man before him, his glare never leaving him as Leonardo with the help of Jean drags Dazai and throws him into a chair. 
A smile never leaves the eccentric, in fact, it only widens when looked at MC’s reaction. Not even the patriarch's glare seems to wipe it off him.
MC was trying to hold back their laughter at the scene before immediately stopping when eyes were all on them, a sense of anxiety in the pit of their stomach as they spoke.
“Well, yeah…  It's pretty obvious for the perceptive folks here. I'm just gonna assume you want more details from me, right Arthur?” They looked at Arthur for confirmation, which earned a quick nod from him as he checked if his good old suit survived.
“Well…” They paused for a moment to gather their thoughts and ease the tightness of their throat. “I'm starting to think it finally dawned on me that I can’t go home yet… And the fact I never really fully processed everything. I kinda just threw myself into the chores. I mean it helps! Only to the point though… I think? Ugh…”
A comforting hand from Vincent laid on [Y/n]’s shoulder, noticing they were shaking at little.  While MC smiled at him, they looked back to see everyone contemplating how to solve the issue now they got the reason for. 
Comte took a moment to look at the clock before letting out a sigh.
“Well, one thing is certain, you need to take a break.” Comte paused for a moment before smiling. “Make that a week-long break.”
MC arched a brow at him before she felt a poke on the head by Napoleon, they looked up to see his smirk.
“Yes, MC, it's fine! You really need to work on that workaholic habit, I swear.”
A small croak, or well more like a tiny squeak, interrupted the moment. Issac was trying to say something and it ended up… An awkward way to make himself known.
“Ahem…” The physicist paused for a moment while trying to fight off his embarrassment. If MC wasn't giving Dazai and Arthur death glares, Issac would’ve been eaten alive… Well, for now.
“I was wondering what MC wants to do on their break… I mean, not sure if I can do much, but I'm free if you need someone to hangout with or… Vent too.” Issac lightly scratches the curve of his cheek with a sheepish smile.
“Not really sure either… But I'm all ears if you want to do something…” Jean chimed in with an earnest look in his eye despite how deadpanned his voice sounded.
Leo clicked his tongue as he thought of what he could do. “I mean, I’m sure if I have the time right now. Given Comte and I had an appointment with-”
“I mean, MC can accompany us with that invitation we got from my good old friend I haven’t seen in a while-.”
“Hold it guys. You're all getting ahead of yourselves there.” MC chuckles as they pop the last croissant in their mouth. 
“I’m assuming that at least most of you are gonna… I don't know. Try and ease me by making me chill and hangout with you all?” 
“Call this operation: Cure MC’s sadness” Dazai wiggled his eyebrows as his grin widened at the eye rolls he got from some of the folks at the table.
“Well, first of all it's not most of us…” Mozart huffed a little. “And second of all, it's nothing grand to try to help someone.” He side-eyed a pouty Dazai.
“Hmm… How about this? We all have a set week to make time for MC during their break.” Sebastian proposed to everyone as he picked up dishes to clean.
MC put a hand to their chin as they thought about it.
“I don't mind the idea, but how about each of you are duos!”
“What do you mean?” Vincent asked as he tilted his head to the side a little whilst everyone was either just as curious or slightly skeptical.
“Well, two of you each hangout with me on different days”. MC looked around to see everyone’s reactions before landing on Sebastian.
“Of course, I wish we could hangout too, but-”
“We’ll figure it out, don't you worry, MC.” Sebastian said before leaving towards the kitchen.
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Hello everyone! I hope all of you are having a good day so far, first off. I know the booping around here has been fun! Normally I would do some silly little roleplay event around this time, but…
I’m afraid that I have to shut this blog down, likely for good. I’m very sorry to all of you who enjoy it and read it, and I am sorry that you’ll never see it’s conclusion. But this blog has been going on for about two years now? And only recently got traction last December, with the event. As much as I love the event, it was a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t have a set storyline for it, and that was my fault. Now, months later, the storyline is stuck.
When something like losing motivation for a project happens, I tend to simply…never touch it again. I don’t want that to be the case for this blog. In the beginning it was very infrequent posting, and I had been debating on deleting the blog back then.
I know most people and interactions are only because of the event, and that’s great! I’m OK with that. But my ideas are running short and I can’t think of a way to continue it. And I can’t just pretend that the event never happened and go back to how the blog was beforehand.
I know I can’t keep going with this blog as a whole if I can’t continue the Citizens event, so I decided to either scrap the blog or turn it into something else entirely. Since no one I know is in the Hatchetfield fandom, the idea of passing this blog on is impossible. If anyone wants to take this event and make it their own on their blogs, I’m giving you permission. I know how many people want to see it continue.
The point of the event was for them to make it to high school, and they haven’t even done that. I’m sure someone out there can write it better than I can.
This blog has been a big part of my life these past four months, and I am eternally grateful for all the amazing people I met along the way. Maybe I’ll make another Lords in Black blog down the line if I get my motivation back. It’s been fun interacting and reblogging with all of you either way. I’m hoping I can do so again in a different context.
I’m either deleting it or changing it come tomorrow. Either way, all the posts on here will be gone. Please do save any that you particularly liked.
I’m hoping that I’ll see you all again. I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you enough for this.
-Sweetie Mod
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universal-imagines · 1 year
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☾ found feelings
fandom: haikyuu!! pairing: nishinoya x reader word count: 1.2k request: perhaps a scenario with nishinoya comforting his crush when they get rejected by their own crush. maybe ending with them realizing that nishinoya is better then their crush anyway?  
a/n: this request has been in my inbox since i first made this blog, and it’s been written for about as long too i just never got around to transferring it from my notebook to my computer but here it is now! i had to make a separate post from the ask cause the set up was all weird. this might also be the last post i make with banners cause i lost all my old ones and no longer have photoshop ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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please do not use any of my works, in any shape or form, without permission.
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He knew. Call it a libero's intuition, if you will.
The moment Nishinoya's cell phone rang, almost vibrating its way off his nightstand, he stopped what he was doing to answer. Only one person would call him this late, and today of all days too. But something told him it wasn't about the positive response you'd wanted.
Congratulating himself on another good save, he allowed himself a tentative smile along with his usual greeting.
For a couple of minutes, all he got in response was a sniffle. But he was patient. If volleyball had taught him anything, it was waiting for the right time to move.
"They rejected me," you finally voiced his suspicions.
A part of him couldn't help but be relieved. As mean as that was, he was afraid of missing his chance. When you first told him about your crush, he'd felt a tinge of pain in his chest. And his stomach twisted every time you gushed about them. It was eating at him. He should have been happy for you, but it hurt hearing you talk about someone else. It was worse than missing a crucial point in a match.
The other part of him was heartbroken on your behalf. He knew just how much of yourself you put into that confession. It was nothing short of pouring your heart out. He knew because he had listened to you practice, day in and day out, as you worked yourself up to confess. So hearing you so broken about getting rejected hurt and made him angry. This person he didn't even know didn't deserve your affection, much less your tears.
"I'll be right over." He wanted to say so much more, but that could wait until he could comfort you in person.
A heavy sigh of frustration left Nishinoya's body as he let his phone drop onto his lap. He had every intention of keeping his promise of coming over, but he had to compose himself first. What kind of impression would he give if he looked ready to beat someone up? Probably not a bad one cause it showed he had his friend's back, but there was more to it than that. And he wasn't ready to explain it all just yet.
But he was ready to get some late-night comfort food, however. All your favorite snacks and meals were at the top of his checklist, along with two pints of ice cream.
Two convenience store stops later, among other places, Nishinoya made his way toward your house. It wasn't a long walk, but after his 35-minute detour, he arrived at your home almost an hour after promised.
One knock. Two knocks. Three knocks it took for you to open the door. As expected, a puffy-eyed [ name ] appeared in the doorway. The sight of you almost sent him on a rant, but he stopped himself.
"Sorry for taking a while..." he searched for your eyes, "But I'm armed with snacks." The last bit came out as more of a question than a statement. He wasn't sure how enthusiastic he was allowed to sound, so he wanted to assess the situation first.
You didn't even look at the bag of goodies he brought before enveloping him in a hug.
"Yeah... sorry," he whispered, doing his best to return the hug.
Finally moving from the door, both of you ended up in your room. It was quiet for a while, but not in an awkward way. You were both just enjoying a pint of ice cream. The silence might have lasted longer if it weren't for Tanaka, who sent Nishinoya a meme.
'Damn Tanaka,' Nishinoya thought as he scrambled to silence his phone.
"They said they never gave me any reasons to get my hopes up. That... they could tell I liked them and went out of their way to make it obvious they weren't interested, but..." You drew a shaky breath. "I can't believe I didn't notice. I must have been so annoying."
"Did they seriously say that?" Nishinoya's blood was boiling.
You nodded, needing another moment to gather yourself. "I could even feel how annoyed they were." "What an ass. You'll probably think I'm saying all this because I'm your friend and would take your side in any situation, but he didn't deserve you. If that jerk could not see how amazing you are, that's on them. Not you. It just sucks you got your heart broken because of someone like that."
Nishinoya was glad to see you roll your eyes at him because it meant you were feeling slightly better.
"I don't know about being amazing and all that. If that were the case at least one person out there would like me, but there's no one." You shrugged.
"There is." The response slipped out on its own. "I'm sure there is," he quickly added.
"Doubt it."
"Because... well, because no one has ever said anything." You threw your arms up in defeat.
"What if they're afraid of telling you? Of getting rejected? You just found out how much it hurts."
"Yeah... you're right."
'Stupid. Stupid Noya.' He would shoot himself in the foot if he could.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" He was panicking over what to say to fix his mistake.
"No, it's okay. You're right. After what happened today, I don't picture myself confessing to anyone ever again. And if anyone does confess to me one day, I know I'll never be that mean."
Nishinoya chuckled. "Being let off easy still hurt, you know."
"Sure, but it can't be as bad as being outright rejected on top of being ridiculed for confessing." You crossed your arms and huffed, but he could tell it was more for show.
"Can't argue with that," he shrugged. "So, is it safe to assume you're less upset about getting rejected but more about how they went about it?"
You nodded with a soft smile.
"I hope you know that ass really didn't deserve you. Besides, you can do so much better!"
"Oh yeah," you chuckled. "I deserve someone who will cherish me and treat me right. Someone who will bring me pizza at midnight."
"Ha, I've done that." Catching himself once again, Nishinoya quickly added, "And it wasn't fun."
"What are you talking about? We stayed up all night watching movies and talking. I remember cause you forgot you had practice the next morning and were dying." You were now laughing.
"Exactly, not fun."
The night went on like that, harmless banter back and forth with some movies and laughter sprinkled in between. The person who'd ruined part of your day was long forgotten by now.
"You should just stay over at this point. It's 4am, and you don't have practice tomorrow. So it's okay, right?" You were already pulling the blanket over the both of you as you spoke.
"Fine. Just don't kick me off the bed when you wake up in the morning cause you forgot you asked me to stay."
"I only did that once!" You laugh at the memory.
"Once was enough!"
"Okay, okay. I'll make it up to you if I do it again." You scooted a little closer to him and shut your eyes.
"How about you make it up for last time first?"
"With what?" You yawn.
'A date.'
He thought he had said it outloud when he heard the exact same words he was thinking, but you'd been the one to utter them. Maybe it'd been a figment of his imagination, he was tired after all. But he would soon find out they weren't. He would have to wait until morning though, cause you were out like a light.
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please do not use any of my works, in any shape or form, without permission.
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zukkaoru · 3 months
oooh prompt 28: “It’s okay, you will move on. We will move on.”? with whatever fandom you want lol
ummm it's bungou stray dogs bc this prompt just gave me post-doa arc kunidazai feels fdgfhgjhk also it got a bit longer than intended but it's fine we're fine we're doing great!
tw: dazai-typical suicide mentions/suicidal ideation
“It’s okay,” Dazai whispers, his fingers carding through Kunikida’s hair. He isn’t good at this—he has never known how to comfort another person—but he refuses to leave Kunikida to suffer alone. Not when there’s something hanging heavy between them, not when Kunikida is trusting Dazai enough to be this vulnerable around him, not when Dazai is the only one Kunikida will come to for help.
Kunikida sniffs, but he doesn’t respond verbally, so Dazai continues.
“You will move on,” he says, because he knows this to be true. He knows what it is to face the empty void of loss and not see a way forward. He knows what it is to be trapped in the darkness, unsure if you’ll ever make it through to the light. “We will move on.”
Kunikida nods, faintly, which Dazai feels more than he sees. He stares at Kunikida’s glasses, abandoned on the floor nearby, unsure if he should say more. Unsure if there is anything else to say. It’s been months, and no one in the Agency has fully recovered. Kunikida is not the only one losing sleep to nightmares and spiraling anxieties. Dazai would be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed the growing bags under most of his coworkers’ eyes.
“How do you…” Kunikida’s muffled voice trails off. He tightens his grip on Dazai’s shirt, then lets out a shaky breath. “How do you deal with this?”
“The trauma?” Dazai asks, his tone lighter than it should be for such a topic. “Or the insomnia? Or the knowing your body will never work as good as it used to?”
“I don’t know. All of it?”
Dazai snorts. It’s not funny, really, except—
“I don’t.”
Kunikida lifts his head. He offers Dazai a half-hearted glare, made weaker by the wetness of his eyes. “That can’t be true. You’re still here.”
Dazai blinks.
Something in his chest tightens. It’s almost painful, but vaguely pleasant too. He scoffs, looking away.
“I don’t deal with it,” he whispers. “I just ignore it. It’s not healthy, but I’ve never planned on living long enough to deal with the consequences. So.” He shrugs. “It’s not genuine. No part of me is genuine. Not for as long as you’ve known me, at least.”
“I don’t believe that for a moment,” Kunikida argues. He sighs, leaning his head back against Dazai. “And anyway, how can you assure me I’ll move on if you haven’t?”
“Well…” Dazai frowns. Instead of answering, he pinches Kunikida’s arm and mumbles, “You’re mean.”
Kunikida hums. The lack of an argument is enough to tell Dazai that he’s still shaken from whatever nightmare woke him. So Dazai swallows down a joke that wouldn’t have landed and searches for something honest to say. If Kunikida thinks he can be a truthful person, maybe he should give it at least half a shot.
“It takes time,” is what he finally settles on. “Grief, loss, pain—only time can lessen the weight. And even if they never go away, you will learn to live with them as time goes on.” It’s a miserable sentiment, knowing that there is nothing you can do to ease your ailments. Knowing that the only solution is to wait them out and hope death doesn’t come for you first.
(Or, in Dazai’s case, hope death does come for you.)
But it’s the only advice Dazai has that is true. Any other claims he could make would provide Kunikida with nothing but false hope.
“I was afraid you might say that,” Kunikida whispers. “I don’t have time.”
“Nonsense! You’ve got your whole life planned out, and I’m sure you didn’t plan your death before thirty.” Dazai pokes his cheek. “That gives you at least seven years.”
“Not what I meant.”
Dazai ignores that comment. “Me, on the other hand? Well— I’ve only got til about twenty-five before I—”
“No,” Kunikida cuts him off, lifting his head sharply. He reaches for Dazai, then stops himself midway, curling his hand into a fist and dropping it back into his lap. “Don’t…don’t say that. If I have to take all that time to heal and move on, then so do you.”
Dazai grimaces. It sounds nothing short of torturous—living to thirty? Three decades spent walking through such miserable existence? He never even wanted to make it to eighteen.
But he did make it to eighteen—he made it past eighteen. And now he’s twenty-three, still putting in the effort to navigate the new life he’s found himself in. Maybe hanging around for a few extra years wouldn’t be the worst fate he could suffer.
After all, his dream of a completely painless suicide cannot be fulfilled if the people he leaves behind will grieve him.
This isn’t about him, though. This is about Kunikida.
“Fine,” he relents, the lie falling easily from his lips. “But that won’t make it any easier to pass the time.”
“It will,” Kunikida says. And before Dazai can argue, he kisses him softly. “It’s easier, knowing I’m not alone.”
Dazai’s brain short-circuits, for a moment, and then he buries his face in Kunikida’s shoulder to his whatever horrid expression he must be making. “Stupid,” he mumbles, his cheeks burning. Traitorously, his heartbeat won’t slow like he wants it to.
Kunikida chuckles. “You said yourself that we will move on. That means you have to be there too.”
“Shut up.”
“My point still stands whether I continue talking or not.”
Dazai purses his lips. Kunikida doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t need to, because he’s right. He already made his point. Dazai included himself in Kunikida’s healing process, and he can’t quite bring himself to regret it, though he knows he’ll be no good at helping. Even now, when he was trying to offer Kunikida comfort, the conversation got turned onto him instead.
He sighs, allowing his eyes to slip shut. “Kunikida-kun?”
“You’re too kind to me.”
“I’m not,” Kunikida argues. “But perhaps we can have this conversation when it’s not two in the morning?”
Dazai nods. Then, for good measure, he turns his face so he can press a kiss to Kunikida’s neck. “In the meantime, can we—?”
“No,” Kunikida interrupts. He peels Dazai off of him, and Dazai whines, but he allows it to happen. “We still have work tomorrow. Or…later today.” He shakes his head. “We should try to fall back asleep.”
Dazai pouts, but when Kunikida only glares back, he gives in with a melodramatic sigh, flopping back down on the bed. “Fine.”
He goes completely limp, forcing Kunikida to maneuver him back into a normal sleeping position. He half-expects him to just give up part way through, turn over onto his side, and leave Dazai to sort himself out. But he doesn’t, of course, because Kunikida is too kind and when he’s finally comfortable, his head is lying on Dazai’s chest.
“Goodnight,” he whispers.
Dazai’s response gets stuck in his throat, so he just resumes running his fingers through Kunikida’s hair and listens to his breathing until it evens out and he’s drifted back to sleep.
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cassidysparacosm · 6 months
(SERIOUS) TW: Stalking, Abuse
My blog is being stalked.
I wish i didn’t have to make this post. The way it should’ve gone, everything should have been moved on now with those who needed to be blocked, blocked. But due to the fact i’m now once a week being reminded of how i’m being stalked, i can’t ignore this situation any longer.
TLDR: @/Disableddeinosaur aka Beanie starting drama within 2 servers and threatening to harass users if they disagreed with their opinions. 1 year after banning them they continue to remind me that they’re stalking me.
Further explained context below.
Context: In late 2021 i joined an amphibia discord server. The people there were nice, and i enjoyed being there. The moderator, Beanie, known as Mossy at the time, was also part of this group. They seemed suprised when i mentioned i was born the year pokemon diamond and pearl came out, but i didn’t think much of it at the time.
It is important to know that Beanie often hid behind a mask of promoting good ideals such as exposing racism and ableism in fandom circles.
I was also in another discord server with many of my now tumblr mutuals, the syrup arc server. This was a roleplay server where we’d make tupperbots for amphibia characters from AUs we’d made and have fun with them. Back to beanie’s server, a channel had been made where we talked about amphibia blogs on tumblr that had… well, questionable art. This ranged from full on implied NSFW to just aus that beanie didn’t like, such as the Moth mAnne au by Missakat. They claimed giving Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu from the amphibia series blue and green eyes respectively was racist, and blacklisted artists who did. I internally disagreed with this, but never expressed it. Why? Because Beanie was older than me. I’m not exactly sure how old specifically, but they had a job that looked like it required some experience and their suprise at my age indicated that they were an adult at least. I disgreed with them wanting to call out creators for the wrong eye colors, but i agreed that creators who are actively racist or ableist definitely deserve to be exposed.
Exposing creators we didn’t like was encouraged in Beanie’s server, so here we come to the first event. I found an amphibia artist who drew what is basically vore, but would deny if asked and refuse to tag for people who were uncomfortable. Beanie expressed to me that they already knew of this person, as they’d had a negative interaction in the past so both were aware of each other. I was encouraged to join the nsfw artist’s server, to act as a spy and screenshot and report back any uncomfortable behaviour they made. It’s worth noting i did make the choice to join myself, but why Beanie didn’t try send an alternate account or a different actual adult from their server is unknown.
I soon left that server after getting the screenshots they wanted. And even sooner after, the toll of the almost ever-present negative atmosphere of beanie’s server was too much and my parents intervened and got me to leave.
While most of the time when a friend of yours move on from a server the right thing to do is to respect their wishes and leave them alone, this is not what beanie did, and still refuses to do a year later. Instead they followed me to 2 different amphibia servers, one where they made a tupperbot of themself and guilt-tripped themself publicly “Muffin (the name i went under at the time) only left because you’re a terrible person! You’re a horrible awful person” etc to themself.
Friends of mine on tumblr (that i’ll refer to as ST and SL incase they don’t want to get involved) tried to comfort them, as they were new to the situation and Beanie and just wanted peace on the server.
Meanwhile on the syrup arc server, Beanie had began to regularly make a point to get into dificult situations with 4/5 of the server mods (the fifth being me, who never disagreed with them so i stayed on their good side though mostly because i was afraid of what they might do if i spoke out). They would make rude and unneeded comments towards others opinions such as their favourite pokemon or their art style, and when confronted would make a gigantic deal out of it or privately message me and essentially tell on them to me.
I admit, for at least 4 months i did nothing. The mod chat was chaos because everyone else was saying the things beanie had done, and the fact i could’ve made the final decision and didn’t was driving a wedge between our friendship. Individually the mods tried to speak kindly to beanie, help them understand why people were becoming wary of them or just not talking to them. The most prominent time being when my friend i’ll refer to as S started a conversation in an attempt to explain to them kindly, but Beanie refused to listen to any of their messages, calling them a slut, and repeatedly implied that S was ableist for disagreeing that their behaviour was an issue. The mod of the server, C, who has expressed before that he himself is neurodivergent, eventually stepped in and tried to explain to Beanie again but their imput went completely ignored despite the conversation stopping.
This behaviour in both servers continued to be an issue for at least another month or two, and both servers had gone from active with at least 20 people in each to basically dead beyond Beanie and only like 4 people online at a time.
Finally one day i was sitting down with a close family member of mine who works in security, and he advised me to block Beanie. I was very tired at the time but i do remember what i did.
I went to the mod chat, told the other mods i was sorry for ignoring their concerns for so long, and banned beanie myself. I also advised the second server’s creator aswell who agreed with my choice once I’d explained the context and banned them too.
You’d think that’d have been the end of it, but it wasn’t. For a solid week afterwards it was a constant back and forth with Beanie and some of the server members who’d personally experienced their behaviour. Except for the fact Beanie would entirely ignore whatever the other person was saying and then call them racist of ableist (which, none of us never even knew their race because they never said it??)
Eventually the two servers decided it would help best for us to let it go, and so we stopped talking to them. I blocked them, and as far as i’m aware of all of the others did too. Once again, you’d think this would be the end of it but unfortunately it is not.
It took 2 months for me to feel safe online after that. And then i got a ask in my ask box in this blog. I don’t exactly remember the wording, but i sent it to a groupchat so i could probably find it if i need to compile a evidence document against them. Essentially it was mocking my pinned post, saying it was ironic of me to say no bullying when i ‘bullied’ them.
After that there was nothing, and i actually began to go to a therapist for reasons i’d like to remain private relating to my paranoia. I admit it was partly my fault for not moving to action quicker, though. I shouldve blocked them long, long before that day and i am so, so sorry to the members of the syrup arc server aswell as the animation server for not acting sooner.
Thankfully they’ve left them alone it seems, but last week i recieved a notification, a personal reminder from Beanie that they were not over their ‘mistreatment’. Despite being blocked on my main account, they somehow have managed to bypass that ability for this blog (this is my sideblog) and now are reminding me once a week through a notification that they’re still here.
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That they’re still a stalking, self-righteous bully who has nothing better to do than entrust their mental health to a group of 14-19 year olds on the internet and then say they’re horrible people for not being able to handle them anymore. Even if you weren’t part of either of the servers, please, block them. This situation should’ve been done and over a year ago, and blocking and reporting them seems to be the only way to get them to at least quit harassing us.
This is a completely serious post, and i am begging anyone who reads this. Please. Block them. Do not interact with them, just block them.
I have sent them a ask condeming their choice to continue this fight, which i have no doubt they’ll respond to and ignore everything i said.
Ask i sent below: [
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Mentioning my mutuals for more engagement
@skythealmighty @sluggintub @aces-archon-quest @velvelic @luc1d-dr34m5 @calebthepianist @strawberry-seal77 @breadthefurry @technicolor-abstraction @rainblescake
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jaxt0y · 9 days
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-- 𝙃𝙀𝙔, 𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙔𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔, let's all take a peek at the 𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃, ℙ𝕌ℝℙ𝕃𝔼 𝔽ℝ𝔼𝔸𝕂 - he's the jerk with the JOKE of the week . . . 𝑾𝑯𝑶 𝑵𝑬𝑬𝑫𝑺 𝑯𝑰𝑴 ?
[ 1 ] :   INTRO.  hi! my name is mae, i'm 25, i use she/her pronouns & i go by est. this is my semi - selective, low activity rp blog for jax of "the amazing digital circus." icon border & psd are both by jessources. all graphics here are made by me unless stated otherwise.
[ 2 ] :   ETIQUETTE.  you know the rules.  no godmodding, bigotry, racism, forcing ships, or hate of any kind . jax is an ass who loves to mess with others for the fun of it, it's literally nothing personal against your muse, but i will never godmod. just be a decent person i don't do well with drama & i dislike callout culture & i won't be participating in it in any way. of course i want to know who to avoid, but i would prefer these things to be handled & discussed privately & maturely. do not follow if you are a minor or if you use/support: amber heard, gina carano, evan peters, chris pratt or scarlett johanson. if any drama occurs or has occurred with someone i know, i am open to discussing it calmly & in private.
[ 3 ] :   FOLLOWING.  if i follow you,  it means i want to write with you! . if not, it's likely because i can't see our muses clicking well or that i am unfamiliar with the fandom. i will soft block if you don't make an effort to interact with me ooc or ic for some time. i will block you if you break any of my rules.
[ 4 ] :   TRIGGERS & NSFW. triggers you might find on this blog include: themes of existentialism, dissociation, & some violent behavior. i will be tagging triggers as: "trigger cw" & will happily tag anything if asked. my own triggers include: dissociation/depersonalization/derealization, body horror, trypophobia, & eye gore. i'm happy to write nsfw themes so long as we've spoken beforehand!
[ 5 ] :   ACTIVITY & FORMATTING.  my activity is typically sporadic no matter the blog. i do have a life outside of rp & my own mental health to look after. sometimes i'm able to write many replies a day, others only one or none at all. patience in regards to replies is much appreciated & expected. my lengths are usually multi para but they can be shorter or longer depending. never be afraid to send random asks, multiple memes, or turn answers into threads! i love collecting a variety of prompts, but i’m privy to deleting them if they’ve been sitting for awhile or if i can’t think of anything good enough, same goes for threads. sometimes i’ll post one-liner starter calls, but you never have to match my length exactly but i do expect something to go off of. i use small, bold, & italic text. you also do not have to match my formatting & i implore you to tell me if you need it changed for accessibility purposes. my eyesight is not the best, so i ask you to please avoid screenshot-ed replies or using too much fancy text.
[ 6 ] :   SHIPPING. i love shipping with all my heart, exploring dynamics no matter what they may entail is my favorite thing, especially with a complicated guy like jax. he's very closed off & not the most in tune with his emotions, so good luck if you do want to explore a relationship with him (just be sure to talk to me first!). lastly, i ship funnybunny & bunnydoll, but if you write pomni or ragatha i will never expect you to ship with me unless, yet again, we've talked about it. i see jax as panromantic & pansexual.
[ 7 ] :   PORTRAYAL. since tadc is ongoing, my portrayal is subject to change as episodes are released. i know that jax is a jerkwad, but i love to see what makes characters tick, & as of now i don't see him as this irredeemable asshole, just someone who relies on self preservation to survive.
AFFILIATES: @pomniegranate
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Oh my! A Kataang shipper (I’m assuming based on the few posts of yours I’ve read) who doesn’t hate on Zuko or Zuko/Katara to raise up their own ship!? Not possible! Seriously though, I’m very glad to find your blog, it’s a very refreshing change of pace. People can ship what they want to but some in this fandom (most, and it’s very concerning) love to go feral for their own ships and destroy anyone who doesn’t agree. And why does most of that have to involve crapping on the twelve-year-old pacifist who survived a genocide!?
I never really watched ATLA much when I was younger but I’m watching it properly from start to finish now and I’m trying to enjoy it, but I keep finding horrendous takes on tumblr that bring me down. I finished the Southern Raiders episode earlier and wanted to come talk about it with fellow fans here, but I think I’ll just stick to enjoying the show by myself because the way so many people are using this episode to prove how bad Aang is makes me uncomfortable. Everyone using TSR to boost Zuko and Katara are missing the point. This isn’t a Zuko and Katara episode, this episode is a Katara episode. Aang isn’t the villain here getting in the way of what’s right. He was raised by monks.
The best way I can think to illustrate this point is (and please bear with me because I’m not sure I’m going to articulate this right) someone afraid of snow. Imagine your whole life you’ve been raised to avoid snow. There’s nothing wrong with snow by itself, but you’re repeatedly told to avoid it and that it’s bad and harmful so you grow up fearing snow. Now one day one of your closest friends wants to go play in the snow and your first instinct is to firmly warn them away from it because that’s what you’ve been told growing up. They’re really insistent on playing in the snow and you realise you can’t stop them and it’s not really your place to so you just try to advise them against anything too crazy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, one of your other friends is actively encouraging playing in the snow and mocking you for your fear of it. That’s how I see the Katara-Zuko-Aang interactions of this episode. Aang is the person raised to fear snow (in this case, violence and killing), Katara is the one who wants to play in the snow (in this case, getting justice for her mother) and Zuko is encouraging it. When Aang confronts her, he’s not upset at what she’s doing, he’s upset because she was going to steal Appa from him and not tell anyone where she was going, which I think is pretty fair given that they’ve already lost Appa once and Aang wasn’t there to stop it.
Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to get so long or out-of-hand. I just got excited to talk to someone with common sense in this fandom and started rambling!
hello friend!! im honored you find my blog to be an island of tranquility amidst the turbulent ocean of the atla fandom 💛
i completely understand your desire to restrict your enjoyment of atla to yourself and your close circle, as there are indeed far too many people on tumblr who take "fandom" to the farthest extremes of harassment and abuse, issues the atla fandom are (unfortunately) particularly rife with. so many anti-aang people love to be loud, proud, and violent about their lack of media literacy... 💀
im also glad you enjoy my posts about tsr!! i fully agree, tsr is a katara episode, and to in any way decenter her perspectives and experiences is to fundamentally misunderstand the ep. (people who interpret tsr as a ship episode, or worse, as an episode in which aang is a villain, are either willingly ignorant or have been deeply failed by the educational system. critical thinking is a tool!! we must exercise it to keep it sharp!!)
i also think your analogy of snow is apt to describe the triangulation of tsr! i might revise it slightly to suggest that aang is not necessarily "afraid" of snow (violence/murder) but more so that he has been raised to be wary of the detrimental consequences that violence, and especially murder, can have on both those who impart and those who witness this bloodshed. i fully agree, tho, that aang is by no means upset at katara for wanting to pursue her vengeance -- he's simply reminding her that she has a choice (after all, allowing her to take appa on this journey represents the ultimate trust aang has in katara's decisions, whether she chose violence or no, bc you're so right that aang is sending appa off with her not so long after appa's devastating disappearance!! that's how much he faith he has in katara to make the decision that is right for her!!)
no need to apologize for rambling in my inbox 💛 tsr is one of my favorite eps in the series, i love getting to talk about it!
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shellody · 4 months
Both TMA and TMAGP are PSAs about sleep health
This feels like such a stretch even to me but let me explain oki (be prepared this is kinda a long post
So it’s finals week where I’m at, and I had to make an article about sleep health for a highschool (which you can read here if you like) but it got me thinking and connecting some dots.
In TMA 167, we learn a bit about Gertrude’s assistants. One of them, Fiona Law, was able to survive for quite a while because the Fears don’t care much for people who aren’t conscious enough to be afraid. This isn’t the only example of this, as MAG086 also shows that when the victim was asleep, he wasn’t injured or even touched (the blanket never did anything, but falling asleep did the trick).
Now, I take notes on TMA and TMAGP and I haven’t written anything down on whether or not it’s canon that Jon doesn’t get sleep. But, considering how much work he does, we can probably assume he isn’t getting the recommended 7 hour minimum. And during season 2, at the peak of his paranoia and overwork, he’s obviously not doing well.
Now, what about TMAGP? I don’t have much evidence yet, even with the statement-like things we already have, but here’s the thing. Not a lot of people have mentioned that Sam and co. are working the night shift. So if something bad happens to them, and I can find a way to link it to this silly thesis of mine, you best bet I’ll be coming back to this post. There’s scientific evidence that working night shifts can be pretty bad for you if not done correctly, and once I find proof that Sam or Alice or whoever isn’t doing their night shift health practices, I will be a menace and this fandom will never get rid of me.
Ok that’s enough of my bonkers sleep deprived (oops) essay. Can you tell I’ve gone insane
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heymacareyna · 8 months
twenty questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @brynnmclean! Thank you! This was so fun!! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28 on AO3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I write Arcane (Caitvi) fanfic almost exclusively.
Previous fandoms/ships have included the following:
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus (Leyna)
Shugo Chara (Rimahiko)
Miraculous Ladybug (Adrinette)
Mortal Instruments (Malec)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
say my name and every color illuminates: a multichap Caitvi contemporary soulmates au.
you are the best thing that’s ever been mine: a multichap Caitvi contemporary omegaverse au.
All You Need Is Love and a Cat: a multichap Adrinette shifter au.
All Business: a oneshot Malec tech support au.
pour some sugar on me (in the name of love): a oneshot Caitvi holiday smut piece.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to each comment, but sometimes a few will fall through the cracks, and then the longer it takes, the more awkward I feel about responding...
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't written angst in a long time, and there was never much of it, but the angstiest thing I ever did was probably "Sunshine" (for the Psy-Changeling series), a brief oneshot about one half of a mated pair dying in the other's arms.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This one's tough because I write a lot of romance, which dictates a happy ending. Probably “All You Need Is Love and a Cat” (an overall happy story) or “Obviously” (a story with some angst but a happy ending).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, not so much. Fandom has been kind to me overall. The weirdest comment I ever got, though, was on a slow-burn Leyna fic, in which the reader suggested I should "think harder about what I'm doing"?? lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do now. (I didn't for a long, long time.) I primarily write FF sex. I might write Leyna or Rimahiko (MF) smut in the future, though. We’ll see what happens.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve written one crossover. It’s not on AO3 because it was absolutely batshit. That’s all I’ll say about that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not a whole fic, as far as I know. Once I found a single sentence (it was a distinctive sentence!) from one of my Leyna fics copied into another Leyna fic. I contacted the author and asked them to remove it, and they did.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My Caitvi oneshot pour some sugar on me (in the name of love) was translated into Spanish.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah, I haven’t. I think it’d be super cool, though!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Now that’s mean. Leyna and Caitvi can battle it out for the rest of time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I want to finish “you are the best thing that's ever been mine” (Caitvi omegaverse), but at this point I have no idea where I'm going with it, so progress is, uh, unlikely.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is definitely my strength. I like banter and conversation.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Committing to finishing all the long-form fics I start, lol. And I’m not much for description, unfortunately.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sheer terror. I wrote bits and pieces of Spanish for my Leyna fics, and I was always afraid of getting hate for it not being realistic enough.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fanfic I wrote, ever, was for the movie Cats Don’t Dance. It was backstory for the FMC, Sawyer the cat. Handwritten with illustrations and everything. My first posted fanfic was for the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud, in 2008.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
You can’t pay me to pick one. Here’s three.
“A Good Chance”: Rima thinks there's a good chance she might actually lose her scholarship. Nagihiko thinks there's a good chance he might actually lose his mind. College AU.
“Obviously”: Best friends Reyna and Jason rule student government, while best friends Leo and Piper wreak havoc as the campus troublemakers. But when Jason and Piper get together, the four of them begin to spend a lot of "quality time" together—and uncover why the rival university burned to the ground. College AU.
“say my name and every color illuminates”: In a world where people only see color once they make eye contact with their soulmate, Caitlyn and Vi have learned to live in black and white. But a chance encounter at the gym changes everything. Contemporary soulmates AU.
tagging: @korblez @commander-krios @birgdets @sunsetsharkblog @sparatus and whoever else is reading this and would like to!
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Hello people! This is my introduction :3
I am a person of many names~ Some know me by their loveliest day dream, others their worst nightmare-
Just kidding, I go by any of these names, and I will put in my bio which I’m using at the time~ (it’s fluid)
Nyx, Rei, Ether, Gray, Aether, Nexus, Kaeya, Nox
I am also Genderfluid, so my current pronouns will be listed in my bio as well :3
Neurodivergent! Diagnosed with Tourettes and my therapist is pretty sure I have ADHD, Depression and Anxiety (getting tested for any kind of neurological disorders on April 10th 2024🤭)
I love getting questions about my Tourettes, Gender Identity and whatever else!!! Please don’t be afraid to ask if you have questions!!
Little warning: despite being on Tumblr for about 2 years now, I still have to idea what the proper “etiquette” is. Like- what a blorbo is, or if emojis are as despised here as they are on like… discord or something
Idk man 💀 I’m always confused
I love many things, from video games to anime to cartoons for children way younger than me
Here are all of the ones that I can remember right now (not listed in any particular order):
Percy Jackson
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Marvel (Avengers really)
Genshin Impact
My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
Spy x Family
Marauders (Kinda)
Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Forbidden West
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
Moon Knight
Jekyll and Hyde
Whump (Just in general)
DnD (Mainly Homebrew because I am kinda new to it)
I also love making art, and will post that a lot
I have an Ao3 Account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/SoManyPassions/pseuds/SoManyPassions
I have a lot of works but am also working like a dog to get more stuff posted ✨
I have so much writing in progress, and can’t wait to get it out there!
Let’s see… what else…
Im working on my own Fantasy/Fiction Series called The Solstice Academy (Yes that does mean that it’s initials shorten to TSA)
I am open to writing submissions for any fandom listen above! I have some stipulations, some minor and others are more important, like how I will never write smut/sexual content. If you have any submissions that you’d wanna see (like your favorite character getting tortured) message me and we can work something out! I can’t promise that I’ll get to it immediately (or that it will get written at all) but I will do my best to fulfill your request!
I think that’s all about me!
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