#but I’m mad and pacing around my room so here you guys go
carpentvrs · 2 months
pairing :: james potter x fem!reader (implied girly!reader)
warnings :: mentions of getting laid (no smut), fluff!! please mind that english isn’t my first language. 1.5k words
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james was truly smitten. he couldn’t not ogle at you at any given moment, heart eyes following you around every single room or corridor, sighs of pure admiration leaving his lungs whenever you would talk to him at breakfast or lunch while his head rested on his hand, dreamy eyes trying to catch yours.
but who was to blame him? you were just so pretty, your hair swaying lightly as you rushed to class, your hand accidentally brushing his as you stepped past him.
„why the rush, darling?“ he asked, keeping up with your pace as well as he could, still tired from last night which had lasted longer than it should’ve; peter, remus, sirius and him too busy sneaking around the castle and setting up shenanigans to sleep. at least there wasn’t ever a single day of boredom with them in the castle.
butterflies erupted in your stomach at the nickname, but you tried to suppress it the best you could. he managed to fluster you with his little pet names everytime without exception, and every yet so small sliver of hope you would get from them, you’d kill off. you’d go mad, otherwise.
„i’m hurrying to class james,“ you smiled at him, „and i think you should be too.“, grabbing his arm to pull him with you. you couldn’t see the way he blushed at your action, and he was glad. it was embarrassing how in love with you he was, considering the amount of attention other boys were giving you.
he could understand, obviously. it was already hard to not fall for your looks, but the fact your bubbly and inviting personality was just as perfect? how could anybody not fall for that? he was sure the sole reason remus and sirius saw you as only a friend was because they knew how enamored with you he was.
but you didn’t know. „he’s just a very sweet and nice person“ was what you said to lily when she asked you about it. you liked him, no question. but you saw the way he would flirt with other girls at parties and in hogsmead, occasionally winking at them even though lily and you were walking just next to him. so to you, he was just a friend, even though you would easily smother him in kisses if he ever just bought you flowers or opened doors for only you like the other stupid guys always did, not only as a friendly gesture but as something more.
you realized he wouldn’t, so there was no point in waiting for him. instead, while he was busy chatting with different girls at parties, you were seated in a quiet corner, talking to your girlfriends and having a drink or two yourself, dancing with guys here and there if they asked you nicely and sometimes, if they were being very polite, you’d give them a tiny kiss on the cheek and a little wave before getting another butterbeer and walking back to your friends once again.
that was probably what made you so irresistible, the fact you would never go as far as even giving a little peck on the lips while other girls were ready to go back to the dorm with said guys. you weren’t one to judge, neither the girls nor the boys, they could do whatever they want, it wasn’t your business. and if they wanted to get laid and got the chance, why not do it? just not with you.
however, they thought you were playing hard to get on purpose, and who wouldn’t be up for a challenge when it’s about a girl like you?
but even when every guys’ head turned to look at you whenever you entered the room, you didn’t care. you didn’t even notice, you were just living in the moment, deeply into the meaningful - or sometimes meaningless - banter with your friends, not a single care in the world.
well, for some reason one nerve of yours always got very terribly struck whenever you would lift your head only to see james‘ hand steadied on some other gryffindor‘s back. „whatever“ was what you always thought, head turning back to whoever was talking right now.
and it didn’t take long for james to leave your mind, at least until you were laid down on your bed at three in the morning where james would haunt your mind in ways you wouldn’t dare to say out loud.
„you got a date for the party today yet?“ he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as he possibly could. „i prefer to go with my friends, as you already know.“
„well, we are friends, no?“
„class starts in a few, we can talk later.“ you said to him, avoiding his eyes as you made your way over to lily who was already sitting at your usual place in the charm‘s classroom, her hands immediately going to fix the little ribbon in your hair when you sat down to her right. she must’ve seen that you were in a rush just a few seconds ago, and the confused look on your face didn’t go unnoticed either. „what’s up with you, you look-“
„james just asked me on a ‚date‘, i think“ you stated, but it came out rather like a question while you knitted your eyebrows in a puzzled manner.
„well, i told you before he has a thing for you“
„but i don’t believe it“
„why not? it’s basically written on his face that he’s head over heels for you“
you were just about to reply, a look of disapproval already plastered on your face, but got interrupted by the professor. after the lesson the topic was already forgotten, lily and you talking about what you were going to wear tonight rather than the, to you very ridiculous, james situation.
it wasn’t until the party, which you attended hand in hand with lily, that james and you began to talk again. you were just about to get yourself another firewhiskey shot when he appeared right next to you at the small bar counter.
„how come you always reject when you get asked out?“
the question caught you off guard. he wasn’t the first to ask you that question, but you’ve never felt so called out after someone interrogated like that. your eyes widened slightly and you nervously bit your lip. what were you supposed to answer? „i realized i don’t have a chance with you so i gave up on relationships completely“?
„i just don’t want to date someone i don’t like like that, i guess.”
it wasn’t a lie, after all. you could just simply wait until the feelings faded, and then maybe you would be open for something new. until then, you would just have to keep on pretending like your feelings towards him did not exist.
„i suppose you don’t like me, then?“
„you rejected me too today, didn’t you?“
you were startled by his questions, and suddenly it felt like it was just you two in this actually very crowded common room, the air around you feeling tighter and more stifling than usual.
„do you like me, james? like, like-like me? because everybody’s been telling me but i feel like i’m going crazy because i like-like you but you keep flirting with other girls and you wink and wave at them and you put your arms around them and i hate that but i don’t want things between us to be weird because i don’t want to lose you as a friend eith-“ you stumbled over your words in hurry, every nerve of yours spinning and pulling and you could feel your own face heat up.
“you like me?”
“i- uh- i asked first!” your heard was racing and you hoped to merlin that he felt the same way and you didn’t just make a fool out of yourself, confessing to a guy who doesn’t even see you like that.
he didn’t exactly answer the question, but he showed you.
his eyes were full of appreciation as he leaned down to you, gently caressing your face as he pressed his lips against yours. and finally, you felt at peace with your own feelings. your lips continued to move in sync until you heard a few claps behind you which broke you apart. when you turned around, you found sirius winking at you and lily eyeing you with a proud look on her face.
it was only when you faced james again that you saw the way he actually looked at you all this time, with his head resting on his hand, dreamy eyes trying to catch yours.
“of course i like-like you, how could i not?”
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ellecdc · 6 months
I have been summoned by the Poly!Wolfstar notification!!!!
I’m always a goner for brother’s best friend trope and this time it’s best friends so literally double the fun ☺️ This is just so soft and adorable pls you’re spoiling us, queen!
Part 2 where they tell Jamie and he actually already knew? Cause the joke is always James can be oblivious most of the time, but they don’t know it doesn’t apply to his sister so he already knew, most likely even before she knew herself cause he’s a sweet brother like that.
*sigh* I want a big brother
Love you queen! 💕
hahaha awe you're so right babes. it's really funny because I have this request and then the exact opposite version of this request - so it will be fun to write the other one too! it'll take me a lot longer though, angst always does.
part one here - but can be read as a stand alone
poly!wolfstar x potter!reader - you & the boys tell James
“You’re going to wear a hole in the rug there, dolly.” Sirius drawled in faux nonchalance as the two of you waited in the boys’ dorm room for Remus to return with James.
You were going to do it. Today. You were going to tell your brother you were dating his two best friends.
No big deal, right?
Except it was a big deal and you were absolutely losing your bloody mind.
And then your boyfriend had the audacity to be sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, casually telling you to relax like he wasn’t also shaking in his boots Doc Marten’s. 
Remus had volunteered to be the one to retrieve James for the lot of you. Mostly because you would have likely broken down in a mental state if it had been you, and Sirius likely would have blurted it out on his way up the stairs.
The door clicked and you could hear the quiet mumbling of your boyfriend and the much louder mumbling of your brother as the two entered the room. Based on the smiles on their faces, particularly James’ who eyes crinkled in delight, they were talking about something funny.
“Oh! Hey bug.” James called to you, seeming surprised you were here but not perturbed. “Hey Pads; Moony said you guys wanted to talk?”
Remus stayed standing near the door and you paused in your nervous pacing whilst Sirius scooted to the end of his bed, elbows on his knees and feet resting on his school trunk.
James didn’t look at all disturbed or uncomfortable. In fact, he looked completely at ease, here in the room with three of his favourite people in the whole world. Remus, the person who he goes to when he needs to feel grounded. Sirius, his best friend and partner in crime. And you, his twin sister and other half.
What were you doing here?
Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t tell him. This could ruin him; this had the potential to ruin three of James’ most precious relationships. How could you have been so selfish? He didn’t need to know, the least the three of you could do is keep this to yourself. Abort, abort, abort.
“So?” James asked, looking around at everyone with a raised eyebrow. “Are you finally going to tell me the three of you are dating?”
You were sure your heart stopped. Remus blew out an exasperated laugh and Sirius choked on air. 
“You knew!?” Sirius screeched.
James smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“How?” You whispered.
James’ face softened significantly when he took in your face that was drained of all colour. “Well, Pads here is about as subtle as an erumpent. Moony has been mooning over you since like third year. And I’d have to be blind – do not joke about my eyesight – not to notice the way you look at them.” He offered simply.
“So, you’ve known all this time and just let us tiptoe around?” Sirius asked, sounding a little miffed – at his friend for allowing him to make a fool of himself, or at his apparent lack of discrepancy, you weren’t sure.
“I figured you guys would tell me when you were ready.” James said simply again.
“Are you mad?” Remus asked quietly, pointedly looking at you ask he asked. He knew this was your biggest fear, the potential fallout. You weren’t sure what you’d do if James refused to accept your relationship with Remus and Sirius. You couldn’t bear the thought of breaking up their friend group; three people would lose if that was the case, but it would only hurt you if you were the one to step away. 
“No.” James said as he moved his head back and forth slightly. “I guess I was hurt you didn't tell me, but I could also understand why you didn’t. But no, I’m not mad.”
You blew out a breath at that, but it came out incredibly shaky. Unfortunately for you, no one in the room missed it.
“Awe bug. I’m sorry.” James said as he stood and offered his open arms to you. You took him up on his offer and accepted his hug, leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Jamie.”
“Don’t be, yeah? I’m happy for you, really.” He assured, rubbing roughly on your back. 
“Yeah?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him. You couldn’t see any contradictions on his face, only love.
“’Course. You’re the best, and I want the best for you.” He shook your shoulders a little, smiling like ‘did you seriously think otherwise?’
“Are they good to you?” He whispered, and though you knew your werewolf boyfriend and your canine animagus boyfriend could both likely hear the conversation, they allowed this moment to be yours and James’ alone.
“So good, Jamie. Promise.” You said, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
“You’ll tell me if they’re not?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but James wouldn’t let you pull away as you wont to do. “I wouldn’t involve you in it, James. They were your friends first; I’m not going to come between you.”
James’ brows furrowed a little as he seemed to ponder your words. “Perhaps...but you were my sister first. If anything, they’d be coming between us.”
You opted to smile at your brother and pinch his side like you knew he hated. “Never. That’s impossible.”
At that he finally let you go, returning your smile ten-fold. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say! So? Are we good?” He asked, turning to the rest of the room.
Remus had a proud and slightly emotional smile on his face while Sirius just stared between the two of you, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“I’m sorry. What just happened?” He finally spat.
Remus groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sirius, please. This went about as well as we could have hoped.”
James’ head popped up at that. “Oh! Sorry, did I make that too easy on you all?”
Sirius let out a scoff that sounded like “uhm, duh?”
“I could make it harder on you?” James offered.
“Please do.” Sirius said eagerly, causing you and Remus to groan in sync. 
James offered a quick ‘okay’ and cleared his throat, allowing silence to settle throughout the room as he picked up a stray book off his school trunk. 
Suddenly, he threw the book onto the ground, creating a booming thump. “MY SISTER!? ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU’RE DATING MY SISTER!?”
“JAMES PLEASE, JUST HEAR US OUT!” Sirius shouted back just as passionately. 
James scoffed in derision. “HEAR YOU OUT? HEAR YOU OUT. I THINK I’VE HEARD ENOUGH!”
“IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!” Sirius called back, dropping to his knees on the floor in front of James. 
You shared a look with Remus as the theatrics continued, knowing this could go on for hours.
“Should we leave them to their drama?” Remus asked you.
“Please.” You nearly begged, taking his hand and exiting the dorm, catching one last sentence before the door clicked shut behind you.
“I DON’T CA- wait are you really? That's so cute!”
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stevesjockstrap · 10 months
Alone on Thanksgiving? Mad at your dad?
Based on this post
Or, Steve invites Craigslist!Eddie to Thanksgiving as his fake boyfriend for entertainment and drama purposes
Rated: T? Always with the swearing idk | read on ao3
ETA a/n: shout out to @rocknrollsalad for a direct quote in here and putting up with me and @machtaholic for encouraging this 🖤
“Are you serious?”
Steve sighed. “Yes, Robbie. You know how much my parents have been on me since they’re losing what little power they have left. This is going to be awesome.”
She was pacing around their living room, making him anxious. “But why are you going to take this stranger from Craigslist? Why can’t you find someone you know? Argyle would do it. What if this guy doesn’t show, or he comes and steals something?”
“If he doesn’t show I’m in the same boat anyhow, but hey, there’s a thought. You think I can pay him more to steal something from my parents? I’d love to see that.”
“Steve!” She rounded on him, eyes wide. “You’re paying him? You didn’t tell me that!”
“For fuck’s sake, Rob. He didn’t ask for money, the post actually said he would do it just for food. But the guy’s driving half an hour and I’m willing to bet my family is worse than he’s expecting. Sit down, you’re making me dizzy. Read this and tell me this isn’t exactly what I need.” He scrolled on his phone and handed it to her.
Her shoulders relaxed as she read on, laughing finally, “You’re not going to make him propose or fight your dad on the front lawn, right?”
“Maybe for Christmas,” he smirked.
His parent’s house was always so cold and empty. It was his childhood home but he had never really felt any attachment to it. His apartment with Robin was small and cluttered but cozy, and full of memories of them and their friends. They had done a Friendsgiving the previous weekend that had been a dangerously good time. (The smoke detector had only gone off three times, a new record.)
Running his hand through his hair again, he looked at the clock. Would Eddie show? He checked his phone again, knowing there were no missed texts because he had just looked thirty seconds ago. Why was he more nervous about meeting him than introducing him to his family? They’d had one phone call and some texts, mostly arranging the time and place and Steve already apologizing for his family.
Eddie had laughed, “It’s okay, Steve. Trust me, I’ve dealt with worse.”
He went to the bathroom, just to kill time.
And of course the doorbell rang.
He quickly washed and dried his hands, sparing a second to pull his hair into a less raked-through mess.
Quickening his pace when he saw his mom still holding the door open, not allowing whoever was on the stoop in, he craned his neck to see out the door.
Oh fuck.
“If you’d just go get him, ma’am, we could clear this all up,” Eddie was saying. The words were polite but there was an edge to them, just the tinge of a sneer on his lips. It was perfect.
“He’s mine,” he heard himself say. His mom whipped around, eyes crazed and mouth open. “Uh- I mean,” his eyes returned to Eddie standing on his doorstep. Taking in the long thick wavy hair, big brown eyes, his lips pulled into a toothy grin now. He’d clearly attempted to dress up, grey slacks and a black button down, paired with heavy combat boots. The sleeves were rolled up to reveal tattoos up his forearms and the backs of his hands. There were more tattoos on his neck, and Steve’s eyes glued themselves to the ring through his lip. Guh. “He’s, uh, here for me.”
“Hi Steve,” he watched the lips form. “Was just meeting your lovely mother.” Again there was nothing wrong with the words themselves, nothing anyone could pinpoint or take offense to. But that slithery way he said it with a razor sharp sting, Steve was impressed. He was clearly an expert at this.
Steve tried to school his own expression and voice. “My apologies. Mom, this is Eddie, my boyfriend.”
There was a long silence where he thought his mom was going to combust. She opened and closed her mouth several times, her eyebrows furrowed. He’d never seen her speechless before.
Eddie sent him a smirk and he almost matched it but his mom looked at him finally and stammered, “Y-your, ah, I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes and pulled in a steadying breath. When she opened them she asked, “He’s your boyfriend?”
“Yes ma’am,” Eddie answered from almost behind her now as she turned to question Steve.
“And why is it you didn’t tell us he was coming? Why is he ringing the doorbell like a stranger?”
“I, um, well I did think he’d text when he got here or something…” Steve started, meeting Eddie’s eyes over her shoulder.
“What, and miss out on this warm welcome?” Eddie winked at him but quickly settled his face when his mom turned to him. Doing the exact thing he’d hoped for, Mrs. Harrington remembering she’s leaving a guest out on her doorstep.
Steve delighted in the fact that this was going to be a chess match and his mother was already several moves behind.
Her eyes narrowed and she held a hand out to welcome Eddie in, walking them all into the foyer. “Well, don’t let me stop you, go ahead and greet your boyfriend, Steven.”
It was a challenge, he knew, but they hadn’t discussed this. Eddie was on the ball, however. He continued his momentum to slide a hand under Steve’s suit jacket to settle on his ribs and the other he brought up to cup his face, leaning in and angling their heads together. Steve tried to relax and closed his eyes. Eddie pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, but from where his mom was standing she wouldn’t be able to tell.
“Hey, baby. Missed you,” he breathed when he pulled away. Steve was halfway to believing this himself.
“Yeah,” he sighed stupidly.
Eddie pulled his hands away and he almost reached back for them before stopping himself with a shake. He found he’d only gone a foot away when he opened his eyes though. Oh he was in trouble.
His mother cleared her throat from behind Eddie like she hadn’t put them up to this. Steve reached out for his hand and held onto it.
“Okay so I’m going to go introduce him to everyone else,” he said quickly and walked further into the house. Holding his hand.
They made their way through the dining room, Steve taking more and more pleasure with each stilted interaction Eddie weaved through with his family members.
His dad was propped in the living room with his uncle and Steve could feel his eyes on him as they made their way around. He knew his mother had ran to tell him all about it but he wouldn’t take being ignored well. It was making his skin crawl but he knew it would further piss off his dad so he kept it up.
After everyone else had been formally introduced to Eddie and Steve had gulped half a glass of wine, he felt almost ready to go deal with him. He took Eddie’s hand again and turned, but navigated them to the sliding glass door and outside instead.
It was chilly, late November in Indiana, but it felt amazing after the stuffiness of the house.
Steve remembered he still had Eddie’s hand in his and he quickly dropped it. “Uh, you smoke?”
Eddie grinned, all teeth and tongue as he held a battered pack of Newports out to him. “Not usually, really, but it makes for a good prop. Sorry they’re shit.”
“Holy shit. You’re amazing. I mean- perfect, I mean- fuck.” Steve laughed and shook his head. “The on-the-spot fact checking of my aunt’s political shit was next level. You could do this year round and make a killing, man.” He did pull a cigarette out of the pack and Eddie leaned into him, clicking the lighter for him, meeting his eyes as Steve sucked in.
“I don’t-“
The door slid open behind them and Mr. Harrington walked out.
“Looks like you and your date are avoiding me, Steven,” he said. Steve watched as he gave Eddie a very slow up and down look.
“No, dad. Just needed a break. It’s warm in there.” He made his face remain neutral. It’s not like anyone was cooking anything, his mom always got their big family meals catered.
His dad narrowed his eyes at him as he held eye contact, taking a drag from his bummed cigarette.
“Where is Robin today?”
He sighed. “With her family, dad. And for the last time, I’m not dating Robin. She’s a lesbian. This is Eddie, by the way. My date? He’s my boyfriend.”
When Steve had tried to come out as bisexual to his parents, his dad especially had made it clear that he did not accept that about his only child. As the years went on and he hadn’t spoken much about this part of his life, it seemed his dad had hoped it just went away.
Mr. Harrington scoffed, “I don’t understand why you want to throw your life away, Steven. I thought we’d raised you better-“ Eddie made a noise next to him and Steve knew he couldn’t look at him or he’d burst out laughing.
“Save it, dad. Believe it or not I love my life. Which is something I’d never thought I would be able to say. Can you even say that?”
His dad shook his head disappointedly and walked back inside.
“Excellent job. I don’t think you need me here after all,” Eddie joked.
Steve propped himself against the wall of the house, deeply tired from having to defend his choices to his dad for the umpteenth time.
“Maybe not need. But it’s been really fun having you here. Usually dinner conversation is about how big of a disappointment I am. Oh, I guess I didn’t give you that backstory. I’m graduating with my masters in psychology in the spring, and I’ve been early accepted into a PhD program. And there’s no money in helping people,” he chuckled. “So.” He scuffed out the butt with his heel and left it on his dad’s pristine patio.
“Steve. That’s amazing! Congratulations.” Eddie seemed genuinely excited for him and it brought a small smile to his face. “You look like you could really use a hug, man. Can I hug you?”
“Of course.” If he let himself hold on for a few seconds longer than strictly necessary, Eddie allowed it.
Dinner was quiet. His uncle asked Eddie what he did for work and he enthusiastically explained he was a line cook and worked nights at a bar. Steve surreptitiously looked around to take in everyone’s expressions and quickly covered his mouth with his napkin. He actually enjoyed himself during a holiday dinner for the first time he could remember.
Eddie at one point threw an arm around the back of his chair and he leaned in a bit into him, catching the disapproving stares they got from the corner of his eye.
Pie was passed around and by then Steve had had another glass of wine or two. He reached over to thumb the whipped cream from the side of Eddie’s lip without thinking, before popping the thumb into his own mouth. Eddie’s eyes widened and it was on the tip of his tongue to apologize but he caught himself.
“Thanks, babe,” Eddie said with a chuckle.
After saying their awkward goodbyes to everyone, Steve walked Eddie to his van. He looked down at his feet, fiddling with his keys.
“Hey, um, this may be out of left field and let me know if it’s too much, okay?” Eddie waited for Steve to nod. “Do you want to come to my uncle’s with me tomorrow night? It’s just the two of us and he always volunteers to work the holiday. But we do a thing, you know. A-and he’s always bugging me to bring someone.”
Steve blinked. “Would it have to be a fake date? I’m not as skilled at that as you are.”
“No, I mean, it wouldn’t- god I suck. I’m actually asking, like for real. If that’s okay? Just be you. And I’ll just be me.”
“That’s very okay. I’d really like that.” He couldn’t hold back his smile. Taking the chance, he leaned in, Eddie meeting him in the middle to finally press their lips together.
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stinmybubs · 1 month
"Do It For Us." Pt.5
Summery: Liar, Liar, Liar. Izuku Midoryia. You cant seem to remember the name? Who? Why is Katsuki, your first love talking about this man like you know him? Why is your memory so foggy after coming to UA? What happened to you?
?. ????? x AFAB! Reader x B. Katsuki
Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4
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You ended up fainting shortly after your panic attack, needed to be taken to recovery girl so you could rest. Once you awoke you couldn’t really remember much, it was like a huge chunk of your memory was stripped from you.
“Ugh….” You groan, holding your throbbing head, massaging it to try and ease the pain.
“What happened…?” The fog in your head made you feel like you just woke up from being under anesthetics. Your eyes drooping, your whole body feeling heavy. You felt to exhausted.
“You fainted when you…saw that Midoriya guy, is everything okay? You kind of missed the whole festival…” Mei looked at you concerned.
“What…?who…? Wait what happened? Why am I here.” Grabbing your head, rubbing your temple slightly trying to figure out what happened.
The door slammed open, your familiar blonde haired friend stomping into the room.
“Half the students are talking about how ya passed out. Fuck happened?” His red eyes scanning over your body, examining your pathetic state. He felt heavy concern, pulling up a chair next to the bed.
“I…don’t remember. I saw this boy…”
“I knew you saw fucking Deku.” Katsuki’s fists tightened, remembering how both of you were inseparable, both quirkless little shits. Well one of you was quirkless.
“I don’t know how he fuckin got a quirk. He fuckin lied to both of us…he-“ you cut him off with a confused look. You had no idea who he was talking about.
“Who…is Deku? Is it the kid I saw? Fuck my head.”
You didn’t know what was going on, and it scared the shit out of you.
“Don’t overwhelm her now. She was physically fine…but I think it’s up here that’s the problem. Which I can’t do much about!” The familiar voice of recovery chimed in. Tapping the side of her own head as she mad the statement.
Katsuki’s anger grew and you could tell, you didn’t know why he was so angry. Maybe he was just worried about you?
“I’m okay Katsu…just confused?” You assure him, standing up and dusting yourself off to prove that you were fine.
“You really don’t…I’ll be back. Make sure to leave your window unlocked tonight.” And that was it, katsuki threw the chair aside and took off, clearly he was still angry so you just sighed.
Your mind was so fuzzy, it felt like pieces of you were missing.
But you didn’t know what.
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Every since your little accident you’ve been spacing out a little more than usual. Slowing down your pace of work, which raised concern with your friends.
Of course you shrugged it off and tried your best to push through and ignore everything else.
Katsuki was a big help, he has been there for you the whole time. He apologized for what happened before you left for the hospital, and was surprised that you had no initial reaction to seeing him again.
He seemed to be controlling his temper better, at least around you, you could see his anger with his classmates. It seemed he was getting along with everyone.
From time to time you would feel eyes staring daggers into you, and it was always this green haired boy. The boy you saw before you woke up in recovery girls room.
The longing feeling whenever you saw him, the same feeling you feel with Katsuki, it was strong and it confused you. But every-time he tried to approach you katsuki intervened and swept you away.
Of course katsuki couldn’t keep you two apart forever. One day at lunch the boy stopped you in the middle of the halls as you were carrying a box of equipment you wanted to take apart and examine.
“Hey! Y/n…look it’s been a while and-“ you cut him off abruptly.
“Excuse me are we on the first name basis..? I’m not sure I know you.” The look on his face after your statement made you heart ache, you have no clue why your heart felt like this. He just started stuttering and sputtering none sense as you stared at him confused.
“Deku!” A girl ran up behind the green haired boy, she had short brown hair, and a carried a very bouncy vibe.
“There you are! We were looking for you for-“
As she talked you took this as a chance to walk away, rolling your eyes as you made your way back to your workshop.
The more you thought about the boy the more your head started to fuzz up, a slight headache beginning to creep up.
To Mei you were staring at the wall holding a wrench in your hand for 30min straight.
“Y/n! Y/n! Snap out of it!” The familiar voice of the pink haired girl snapping you out of your trance.
"huh? Wha-...What?" You stammered, a wave of confusion and slight panic coming over you as you frantically look around you to examine your surroundings.
"Hey! Hey its okay...are you okay?" Mei gently grabbed your shoulders to ease your panic, all you could do was stutter out random words as she tried her best to soothe your emotions.
Tears began to well up in your eyes, your vision becoming blurry as you began to loose control over your emotions. "where? Why? Why am i crying? What's happening!?" Trying your best not to panic you just let the tears flow.
"Why am i crying?" You sob, burying your head in your hands, your ands gripping your hair tightly.
"Y/n! Y/n! Hey its okay you're okay! Shit! Hold on I'm going to grab someone." Mei wrapped a blanket she has stashed away so she could sleep in the workshop, and wrapped it around you as she quickly dashed out the door.
"What's wrong with me!? Why cant i stop crying?" it hurt so bad, the tears pouring out your eyes hurt your chest as the pain of loss made your world turn.
"Y/n!" That familiar voice made you freeze, quickly you let your hands go and look up at your familiar friend. Katsuki. He was quick to reach you, grabbing your hands the look of concern on his face made your heart soar.
"Hey...it's okay...let it out." With that simple line that left his mouth, you didn't hold back anything from him, crying your heart out as he wrapped his arms around you to comfort you.
Katsuki didn't say any more words, like he knew you didn't even know why you were crying in the first place. His arms made you feel so safe, the comfort you felt from him is something you haven't felt in a very long time.
"it hurts! Katsu It hurts!" You cried out, the unbearable feeling of your heart being torn apart, the feeling of suffocation overcoming you. The feeling of his strong arms tightening around you, moving his hand to the base of your neck, trying to get you to look at him.
"hey...its okay...you should stay at my dorm tonight, I know you wont be able to sleep like this alone like you used to at my house." This statement made you giggle, remembering the night where you'd have panic attacks in the middle of the night and asked Katsuki if you could sleep in his room.
"Yeah...that sounds nice Katsu."
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A/N: OMG I actually didn't know people liked my writing or this series like that! I'm so sorry i didn't finish this part any sooner I've been so busy with my 9-5 college! But reading you comments made me motivated! XOXO! Stinmybubs! Sorry if the tag list didn't tag you properly :(
@h0n3y-l3m0n05 @kaiamtt @amiime @luvsymai @kcch-ns @wandasecretlover
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whimsyfinny · 7 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: provocative dancing, slight Sam x Reader, jealous Dean
Chapter Word Count: 4211
A/N: aaaaahhhhhhhh sorry this one took ages. I suddenly had a bunch of personal things going on so I struggled to find the time. Also this chapter is wild, I’m so sorry for the complete train wreck that it is. I just keep writing without questioning it too much. But yeah same as always pls let me know of any errors as I am the only one who proof reads this shit.
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Please read the below first:
Prologue Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Morning soon rolled around; my alarm waking me from my deep dreamless sleep, eyes wearily blinking open as I stared blankly at the old ceiling. Turning off the repetitive beeping, I flung back the covers and climbed out of bed, pacing to the bathroom to freshen up before heading down to breakfast. I was in desperate need of a laundry day as I was down to my last couple of clean items: a cropped black tank top that said ‘Singers Salvage Yard’ across the front in old cracked and over washed lettering, paired with a short denim skirt with frayed edges. It was an a-line fit a long time ago, but as I got older and my figure changed it just got tighter and shorter. I don’t even know why I still have the thing. Paired with my boots and some comfy socks poking over the top of them, I looked like I should be getting paid to wash cars. I grimaced, knowing full well that Dean was going to make a comment.
My mind raced back to last night with his parted lips and black lustful eyes - I couldn’t tell if he wanted to push me against a wall or be at my mercy, it was hard to say. Both sounded spectacular.
I strode into the central study room where the boys did all their research, looking for my flannel when I noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye. Instinct took over and I grabbed the nearest item to me - a lamp from the middle of the table - and held it up like a bat, ready to swing. The man flinched but held up his hands, an apologetic expression on his ruggedly handsome face.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” his voice was monotone despite his peaceful words.
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“CAS!” Suddenly Deans voice rang through the open room and we both spun to see him standing where I had just walked in, Sam following behind.
“Dean I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle her, I wasn’t expecting you to have visitors,” this Cas guy spoke, his tone forever unchanging.
“This is (Y/n), Bobby’s niece. She’s staying with us for a while to help with research,” he explained, before turning to me and giving me a stern look, holding his hand out.
“(Y/n) give me the lamp.”
I did as he asked, placing the cool metal into his palm as he returned it to the table. We shared a look for a second and I was unsure of the meaning behind it - was he mad about me almost bludgeoning his friend? Was it because I was going to use a lamp of all things? Or was it about last night, and the fact I left him hanging? Who knows, but I’m sure I’ll hear about it later. Dean was about to turn away when the monotone voice of Cas spoke up.
“I’m sorry (Y/n), please forgive me for startling you. Although…” he paused, looking me up and down and then almost knowingly between myself and Dean, “I have personally been caught off guard here as well - I was unaware that Dean was involved with someone.”
“Excuse me?” I blinked up at Cas, getting ready to snatch that lamp back. I saw Dean pinch the bridge of his nose and mutter an ‘oh boy’ under his breath.
“You’re sexual endeavours with Dean,” Cas looked at me like I was the one missing something here. Clearly I am. Cas continued, “you’ve been intimate, have you not? This means that you are a couple from what I’ve learned.” Suddenly his eyes went wide and he looked straight at Dean.
“Or is this a pizza man situation?”
“CAS STOP TALKING,” Dean bellowed, embarrassment creeping across his face. I’m assuming he’s not used to that emotion as he was getting very frustrated. I couldn’t help but stand there in disbelief.
“How the actual FUCK do you know about me and Dean after saying that you weren’t aware of me even being here before you arrived?”
“He can smell it,” Dean said quietly, arms now crossed over his chest.
“He can smell… me… on you,” as the words left his lips, his eyes locked with mine for a split second sending a jolt down my spine and hair prickling on my skin. I tore my eyes away from him and looked back at Cas.
“So wait, this weirdo can smell that I slept in one of Deans T-shirts last night?”
“You slept in one of his shirts?” Sam asked, piping up for the first time since this conversation started. Dean grinned like the cat that got the cream, embarrassment dissipating for a second.
“Yeah, she did.”
“Hmmm,” Cas mumbled, “No it’s not just that… It’s stronger, like there is part of Dean in her somehow. Or at least there was; not so much anymore.”
My eyes went as wide as the moon and my cheeks felt like they’d been set on fire.
“OH MY GOD,” I hid my face in my hands, wanting the ground to swallow me up. Whilst I tried to hide my entire existence, Dean cackled, leaving Sam confused.
“I don’t get it, what’s going on?” He asked, looking between all three of us. I couldn’t say a word through the white hot embarrassment, which left Dean to explain. He turned and looked Sam dead in the eye.
“You know how much I love pie, Sam,” he paused to see if Sam was catching on, which he wasn’t so Dean continued. “All sorts of pie. Like, uh, apple pie, cherry pie… cream pie…” Sam’s eyes shot open as wide as they could and he almost went as red as me.
“Nope!” He declared, promptly spinning on his heel and leaving. Cas looked confused.
“I smell no pie here.”
“Never mind, Cas,” Dean patted him on the shoulder before urging him to catch up with Sam who I’m assuming is in the kitchen by now. When it was just Dean and I left I peered at him through my fingers, my face still burning up.
“Dean what the fuck just happened?!”
He tried to suppress his laughter, explaining that Cas was in fact ‘Castiel’ and an Angel of the Lord, which explained his rigid behaviour and a weirdly strong set of senses.
“Why didn’t you butt in and explain who he was before everything got so embarrassing!”
“To be honest it was all pretty hilarious.”
“No it wasn’t! That was NOT an enjoyable moment!”
“Ok I’m sorry,” Dean paused, looking down at me with softer eyes, a slight smile still on his lips. He stepped closer and I pushed on his chest.
“You better be! You owe me big time for that one Winchester.”
He grinned as the furious redness on my face simmered down, just leaving a pink glow on my cheeks.
“Ok ok! Look let's just go and get some breakfast and put this behind us,” he put his hand on the small of my back, urging me towards the kitchen. I hummed, walking with him. There were a few moments of silence as we made our way down before he suddenly spoke up again.
“Did you know that he once smelt a bladder infection on a dead guy?”
Breakfast was uneventful. I was unable to make eye contact with Castiel, and it seemed that Sam was unable to make eye contact with me. Dean however was completely unphased. Once we were all finished and I’d cleared everything away I made my way to my room, grabbed my dirty clothes and then headed to the laundry room - today was going to be a practical one as I officially had nothing else to wear. Upon arriving I couldn’t help but grimace; a mountain of mens clothes covered in mud, blood and black goop sat in the middle of the floor by the washers.
“Gross…” I winced, the smell of dirt and iron filling my nose as I got closer and poked the pile with a pipe I found off to the side. I half expected the mass of clothes to sprout legs and walk off. The boys could probably find lore on the thing with how long its been sitting here. I huffed, scooping my hair into a high ponytail before shoving a bunch of my washing in a machine and turning it on before returning for face the Winchesters laundry. I can’t leave it here, that goes against everything clean and hygienic that I stand for. I could burn it? They would definitely complain about having to replace all the plaid shirts. Should I sort it or just hope for the best? Do I check the pockets? Knowing all the crap they carry around, I should definitely check the pockets before a load of bullets or a hex bag goes through one of the machines. I set to work, sorting out colours, blacks and whites - unable to differentiate between lights and darks at times - and search every pocket as I go. The amount of women’s phone numbers I find on napkins and receipts is ridiculous. I can’t help but feel a little deflated, knowing I’m probably just a name on Deans list. I put them to the side in a pile, keeping them separate from the numbers from Sam’s pockets. I load up another machine and turn it on, picking up the stacks of numbers and leaving the room.
I find the boys sitting in their usual places at the tables, surrounded by piles of books and files. Castiel was nowhere to be seen. I walk up to them and slide the collection of phone numbers over to them.
“I thought you might want to keep these,” I said, not understanding the tone in my own voice. They both took a few seconds to realise what it was that I was handing them and they both responded in an abashed manner, shooting each other a knowing look before staring at the accumulation of digits, not once making eye contact with me. Sam nodded a quick ‘thank you’ before I turned to leave, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him crumple them up and throw them away in a carrier bag on the floor next to him. At the same time, I caught Dean shoving his collection into his jacket pocket, which was hung on the back of his chair. I hastened my actions and turned away quicker, not wanting to have the knowledge that he was keeping them. A pang of something shot through my chest, and I couldn’t tell if it was jealousy, sadness, rage or self pity. Whatever it was, I needed to get the fuck away from Dean.
A few hours passed and I was still sorting laundry. My clothes were officially clean and dry and away in my room, however the task at hand was now the clothes belonging to the Winchester boys. I was a few minutes away from the final load of washing being dry, and I’d managed to arrange the clothing into piles of ‘definitely Sam’ and ‘definitely Dean’, with a ‘really not sure’ pile in the middle. The jeans were easy enough to tell apart and due to Deans T-shirt I wore to bed last night, I now knew that he wore a slightly larger shirt size than his younger brother. I guess he had bigger shoulders, despite Sam being taller. My train of thought snapped as I suddenly heard a door slam upstairs and a female voice call out. I recognised the voice immediately. I stopped everything I was doing and headed upstairs, my feet carrying me with purpose as I reached the study room; Sam and Dean also emerging from another corridor.
“Charlie!” Dean beamed at her, going to give her a hug before I caught up to them and shoved him out the way.
“Don’t you EVER abandon me again like that,” I said, embracing her tight. “I’m fucking annoyed at you…. But I’m glad you’re here. These guys are like wild animals.” She patted my hair softly before I stepped back and she had an apologetic look on her face.
“I knooowwww I’m sorry! But you were in such a slump I really had to do something. Plus these guys really needed whipping into shape,” she spoke the second half of her sentence quieter and we both peered at the boys, fully aware that they could hear every word we were saying.
“Anyway!” She exclaimed, moving away and plopping her backpack onto the nearest table, “I think I have a case for you guys…” her voice was excited but the way her expression changed when she looked from the boys to me was slightly concerning. Sam seemed to pick up on this too.
“That’s great, but what’s the catch?” He asked. Charlie bit her lip and looked between the boys and me again.
“It’s in a strip club and we will need (Y/n) as bait.”
“What?!” Both me and Sam spoke up at the same time, and all that Dean could muster was a huge grin.
“I’m gonna need more details than that Charlie,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Right, yes, I probably should have started with the other details. Anyway, I’m pretty sure this club is run by a bunch of vamps, using girls as bait to lure in unsuspecting men to feed on in the private rooms.” The brothers nodded, like they’d seen this sort of thing before. “Anyway,” she continued, “I’ve had a hunch about this place for a while and did some digging, and it turns out that just last night they advertised a new position available and they want someone that looks just like (Y/n). This is a perfect way to take them down from the inside.” Charlie finished speaking and scanned our faces for any sort of response. I shrugged.
“Sure I’m in.”
“No way, we aren’t putting you in the line of fire like that,” Sam turned to me, a look of worry already smothering his features.
“I agree with Sam, this will be more dangerous than the last case. We’ll find another way to take them down,” Dean said, before he added in an almost snide tone “plus I bet you can’t even lap dance. How would you ever fit in?”
I scoffed.
“Fuck you, I can lap dance just fine.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it.”
“I don’t need to prove shit to you.”
“Guys,” Sam held his hands up, “not right now.”
I turned back to Charlie.
“Look I’m in, can you make sure that no one else gets hired?” She grins, opening her backpack and pulling out her tablet.
Taglist: @justjensenandhisalteregos @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10 @feyresqueen @lori69 @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog @ceeshellecee @qinnroki @winchestergirl82 @mojos-hidden-castle @snowayumi @evzyi @mymuseisbipolar @magssteenkamp @koharuheartfilia @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @lazygrungekid
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Up Next:
Chapter 8 part 2
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artificialbreezy · 8 months
Omg dad Noah is the cutest but could you imagine him being so much more protective of his pregnant partner
i feel like Noah is just protective of the ones he loves period but when he sees the little plus sign on that stick it’s like something changes in him. he takes you EVERYWHERE. your midwife will be on the tour with you because god forbid anything happen to you. you guys find out when he’s on tour, your standing in a random hotel bathroom in New York and your pacing bc you’re so worried it’s gonna fuck up his career but Noah is anxiously waiting bc he wants his to be positive so bad. he hasn’t told you but he’s been thinking about this for months now. he hears the timer go off and looks at you and says “you wanna check it or do you want me too?” and you just kinda shrug and he checks it and his eyes immediately water and your stomach drops straight to your ass because you think he’s gonna leave and he looks at you with the happiest eyes and biggest smile, “baby, we’re gonna be parents!” and you’re like “wait. you’re not mad?” and he’s like “oh my god no. i’m so excited. we’re gonna have a little us running around before we know it.” and he’s immediately making plans for you to move in so he can watch you because he refuses to leave you alone. he’s gotta keep an eye on you. he makes sure you take your prenatal every morning, if you want any sort of take out he’s on his way to get it, when you show any sign of pain or discomfort he’s immediately asking “what’s wrong? do we need to go to the hospital? how can i help? baby why don’t you sit down?” and you’re like “noah i’m fine it’s okay, im growing a whole ass human inside my stomach. my guts have moved to make room for your baby-“ he’d interrupt you so fast, “our baby.” and you’d just smile and sit down like he said so he’d calm down. now he can’t keep his eyes on you 100% of the time. like when he’s on stage. but he’s also worried about the loudness of the venue being too much for your little ole body to handle now that your 7 months pregnant, so he makes you sit in the back with Davis. he’ll run back to the room during song breaks to check on you. he’s totally missed his cue a couple times because he got caught up feeling his baby kick. when he got back to the stage, he’d announce “sorry guys my girlfriend’s here and our baby was kicking like crazy and she never lets me feel her kick so i HAD too”. If noah has an interview he’s texting you the whole time and he’s making Jolly, Folio, and Nick keep their EYE on you. and he knows you wouldn’t tell him if something was up because he’s busy so he’s message the band group chat asking for the opinions on how you are and it’s always. she just has lunch or she’s sitting on the couch. it brings him ease knowing his family is keeping you safe when he can’t. bro and when you go into labor? he is your voice, your advocate. you guys talked so much about your birth plan (he wrote it all down so it would go according to plan) and when the hospital (if the hospital) is being picky he shuts it down FAST. “we are doing this the way she wants. no ands, ifs, or buts about it. the only reason we’re stepping outside of this plan is if it’s life or death”. he definitely would talk you through the pushing, he’d hold your hand, kiss your forehead. it broke his heart seeing you crying because of the pain but he knew you’d be okay. when he heard the cries of his little baby, the man wouldn’t be able to hold back his tears. he’d look at you, tears streaming down his face, “you did it mama.”
i got so carried away with this omfg
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yukisgf555 · 2 years
Best Friend Ran
warnings: NSFW!! jealousy, fingering, degrading, creampie, masturbation, vouyerism
side note: Rindou’s also in this lol sorry can’t help but include my bby😮‍💨
Ran knows he likes you. He notices how your eyes light up when you smile, how you do that stupid pout thing whenever you want him to buy you coffee, and even the way you rub your legs together whenever he touches you in the slightest.
He loves you so much he’s sooo happy to see you always !!
Until the day he sees you lock arms with Rindou, talking his ear off and leaning so close to him. Since when the hell does Rindou get so many bitches?!?!? Nevermind that, why the hell are you even all over Rin?
“Hi Ran!!” You were so happy to see him always
“Hi princess! Hey Rindou.” Ran narrows his eyes at Rindou but you don’t notice.
Rindou shoots Ran a look of question as to why Ran is doing that to him.
“Say y/n, wanna stay over at mine and rin’s tonight?”
“OMGG YES! We can get food or watch a movie, something like that.”
“okay, swing by at 7”
You leave to go grab your stuff for the movie.
“ What the fuck is your problem Ran you look like I just fucked your wife” Rindou said
“Did you?” Ran asked
“What? The hell? No?! What’s it to you anyways isn’t she just your friend?” Rindou is so confused on so many levels
“ yeah but keep your fuckin hands off her you little shit “ ran said
“Oh my god, is THE Ran Haitani pissed because your girl likes me more?? Maybe I should fuck her, she likes me better anyways you know” Rindou was trying to get under Ran’s skin. He didn’t really mean it but it was one of the few times he had an advantage over Ran.
“ I swear to god I’ll kill you. I could fuck her way better than you ever could. And you better not fucking touch her ever.” Ran gets in Rindou’s face.
“Jesus Christ let’s just go home”
The doorbell rings.
“I’m coming!” Rindou gets the door
“Oh hi y/n”
“hi rin, thanks for having me over! Where’s ran?” You asked.
“Right here pretty” he creeped up behind Rindou.
You walk in and set down your bag along with some snacks you brought.
“I actually have a bunch of homework to do so I can’t watch the movie tonight, you guys have fun though I’ll be in my room” Rindou walks off with his arms full of snacks.
“Y/n what do you say we watch in my room” Ran proposes
“Yeah sure lets go” you say.
Ran puts a random movie on and you snuggle into him. In the middle of watching though, a scene comes on where the guy and girl make out and it has you rubbing your legs together. Ran takes notice and leans into you.
“ Did you like that?” Ran asks and it sends shivers down your spine.
“w-what??” Your throat runs dry and you’re suddenly aware of how close you are to ran, his hot breath fanning your ear, and his bulge.
He’s hard.
“I said, did you like that?”
“y-yes.” You turned to him.
Ran reached into your pants and starts rubbing your clit through your panties. You whimper and sigh grabbing onto ran’s wrist.
“ tell me if you want me to stop”
“n-no keep going.”
Ran takes your pants and panties off and plants himself between your legs. He runs his fingers through your lips spreading your wetness all over your pussy and begins sucking your clit.
“ah- oh fuck ran.” you moan.
He slides a finger in and starts pumping into your gummy walls.
“Shit Princess this pussy tastes so good”
He adds another finger making you mewl. You cover your mouth remembering Rindou is in the room next to you, trying to keep it down so he doesn’t know. This makes ran mad and he starts scissoring his fingers at a fast pace, using his other hand to remove your hand from your mouth.
“Don’t fucking hide that shit from me, moan for me. Tell me who’s making you feel good. Cum for me.” Ran demands as he starts sucking your clit.
“ fuck! You Ran! You make me feel s’good!” You moan.
You spasm around him and your body jolts, seeing white as you choke on your moans. You cream all over ran’s fingers. He pulls his fingers out and pops his fingers in his mouth, savoring every last bit of your taste.
Ran pulls his dick out and starts sliding it in between your folds. He pushes his length in little by little until he’s buried into your pussy.
“Ran it’s too big” you whine
“ you can take it baby, s’made for you” he starts thrusting in you slowly.
“Ran, f-faster” you moan
Ran grips his hand around your throat and starts pumping into you at an insane pace. All you can hear is squelching and obscene moans.
“You fucking whore, taking my dick as if you weren’t all over my brother earlier. You like getting fucked like a slut?” Your pussy sucks him in even more, the words making you more wet in shame. You gargle out your moans while struggling to get air.
“ Yes! Fuck! Only by you ran, my pussy s’yours only” you scream out in harsh whines.
“ this pussy is mine only. Now cum all over my dick to prove it.” You dig your nails into ran’s back, and cum all over his dick moaning his name out over and over. Ran thrusts in you one more time, filling you up with all his cum as he moans your name loudly.
How could Rindou not hear that?
He couldn’t focus hearing your beautiful moans. It was like a symphony, and every single single noise that escaped through the thin walls went straight to his cock.
Oh how he wished it was him having his fingers shoved deep into your pussy. It should have been him, slamming deep into your pussy It should have been his name that you were moaning. It was supposed to be his dick you were creaming all over.
But all he could do is fist his cock wishing it was you. How wrong it was to be stroking his dick to his brother fucking a girl he likes. He didn’t care how filthy it was, he was in fucking heaven hearing you moan. A couple strokes and he tightened his grip imagining it was your pussy. He shut his eyes, throwing his head back as he spurt out globs of his cum. He’ll make sure the next time it’s you who’s stroking his dick and swallowing his cum.
for my babe @rannovia !!!!!!!!!
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rainydayz-nstuff · 1 year
Adventure Time
You can probably tell what I’m mostly going to be posting about 🫤 Anyways, this is briefly based on my own AT fanfic that I have.
So here is Finn x Ice Kings Kid! Reader (How you met)
Let’s start off with how you appeared since you’re human. Gunter found you while messing around in Ice King’s ‘research lab’
It was actually Simon’s old lab.
You, with very out dated clothes, were stuck in an Ice Pod where you’ve been asleep for many, many, years.
Ice King heard Gunter’s ‘wenks’ so he found both Gunter and a sleeping human
At first he asked Gunter if he had made a statue, then he opened the pod and you… nearly fell on your face.
Ice King caught you and realized you were still knocked out, and he kindly brought you to his bed and laid you down. He spent the next few hours pacing around the room and staring at you while he ate trail mix
When you woke up, he was chomping away and he was completely zoned out. Like, his pupils were huge.
You stared at him before blinking slowly. Finally, Ice King glanced down at you while letting out a hum. You locked eyes before he shrieked and started choking on his trail mix.
“Oh! Geeze, I’m sorry!” You instantly apologized.
Ice King recovered while taking deep breaths. You were now sitting up and he could tell you were kind of young.
Then, an idea hit him.
“I’m going to adopt you!”
“… You gonna what?
Ice king is now officially your dad (here you go people with daddy issues)
He teaches you how to play the drums, the keyboard, writing fan fiction, ruling the kingdom, how he’s gonna kid nap possible wives-
You just let him rant on and on because he seems happy to talk with you
He’ll also offer to kidnap anybody you may be interested in, he doesn’t judge.
MAKES A CROWN FOR YOU! It never melts, and it looks like a mini version of his!
Cried the first time you wore it in front of him
Okay, onto the rest-
He set up a coronation to officially welcome you to the kingdom as his child.
Sends out posters, invitations, notes tied to rocks, and some people actually showed up (over half are kidnapped princesses because why not?)
Finn and Jake showed up because they found out about this coronation and thought it was a trick to lure in princesses or he kidnapped someone and was going to make them stay in his kingdom forever.
Right as the official Ice crown was to be placed on your head, they kicked the doors open and stopped the ceremony.
Ice King, like usual, got mad and instantly flew in the air to use his powers.
He flew up too quickly and knocked himself out when he hit the ceiling.
Before you could rush over to your dad, Finn grabbed your hand and whisked you away like a bride
He gave you a reassuring smile to try and convince you that you were now safe
It didn’t make you safe
“Hey! Put me down!” You struggled to get out of his grasp. “Seriously, who are you?!”
Finn stopped running before he sat you down. Your shimmery light blue, bordering white, outfit matched the icy floor. “My names Finn, and that was Jake.”
His toothy smile and heroic pose made you stare at him blankly before you turned around. “I’m going back to see my dad.”
Finn’s face fell and he tried to grab your arm. “Hey, wait! Don’t go back there, it’s dangerous!” He tried to warn you, but your brushed him off.
“Don’t care. My dad just got knocked out, and I don’t think Gunter knows how to use bandages.”
After marching back inside, you found your dad mumbling to himself. And Gunter was stuck in bandages.
After getting the little guy out, you helped your dad and picked him up to bring him to his bed.
All the guests had left after the ambush so you changed out of the ceremony attire, and then put on normal clothes only with the crown on this time.
Finn, very interested in who you are, spied on you and noted how… familiar you seemed.
You had never met before, but he felt like you were something he was missing.
Then he realized you were human.
He outed himself when he gasped before he also fell to the ground and made a loud crash.
You stood tall over him while he stared up at you. Your eyes glared down at his nervous form.
“Get out of here.” Your voice laced with venom, but oddly enough… he blushed.
Finn stuttered a bit while you raised an eyebrow. He then quickly got up, grabbed your hand, kissed it, then ran away
You never told your dad what happened, but you still didn’t comprehend what just happened.
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charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Mónaco iii
Mateo con Una T - part ii
unem masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: charles is an asshole, likeeeeeee proceed with caution. angstttt (i tried my best lmao)
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This is the last piece of flashback you guys need to know, everything else you will find out as the story continues 🤭🤭
May 2018
“Charles Leclerc is a fucking asshole and I never wanna see him again,” I said as I got into the car. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. 
“Why? What happened?” Steph asked, “Are you okay? What did he do? Do we kill him?” 
I looked at her and told her what happened. 
He told me to talk in the living room to talk. He was pretty chill. 
“So…” I started, “Um… I’m just gonna be straightforward with you,” I see him nod, I took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.” 
He started at me for a second and said, “Really? Congrats! I didn’t know you were with someone already! You could’ve just told me this on the phone,” he laughed, “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that. Good for you!” 
“No, Charles. I’m pregnant… with your child.” His smile slowly faded away. 
“Nope, I don’t think so.” 
“What? What do you mean ‘you don’t think so’?” I asked him. 
He got up from his sofa and started pacing around the room, “Question. Do you know who I am?” 
“Charles… Leclerc?” 
“And do you know what I do?” 
“You… race?” 
He stopped pacing and said, “Yup. Not mine.” 
“But it is!” I told him. 
“No,” He said again, this time more aggressive, “And do you know how I know this? Because why else would you come here to tell me this four days before the race? Either someone put you up for this, to mess me up or you are a con artist. So which one is it?” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” I shamed my head. 
“I don’t? Please, you are not the first one that has tried this trick on me. I don’t even remember your name!” he yelled, “And even if it’s true, what do you want me to do? You want me to love you? To marry you? I would never marry someone like you! How even old are you?” 
“I’m eighteen…” I murmured. 
“HA!” he laughed, “You probably got knocked up by some random dude and now you wanna blame it on me! The famous Formula One driver! What do you want from me? Is it money? Is that what you want?” He really knows how to hurt people with words. 
My eyes started to burn, “I don’t need money from you,” I told him. Tears started to roll down my cheek, “I just want you to be there… for us.” My voice broke. 
“Oh please, don’t do this, with your crocodile tears” He rubbed his face with his hands, “Besides, you don’t even look pregnant at all!”
I lifted my hoodie, showing my baby bump, and his eyes widen a bit. “We had sex on March, you would be at least two months along” 
“Eleven weeks,” I corrected him. 
“Eleven weeks, right? You look bigger than eleven weeks. You probably got pregnant before me and you’re trying to baby-trap me!” He yelled. But he was right, I’ve seen pictures online of women being eleven weeks pregnant, and I am bigger than them. 
“No, that’s not true at all! Charles, you were my first time!”
“Wow,” he said in a sarcastic way, “Lucky me. Do you think I’m going to believe any of this? Do you think I’m that stupid?” 
“So this asshole basically called you a baby-trapper, manipulator, gold digger, whore?” Steph was mad, and she had every right to be. 
I stayed quiet for a second, technically he did, but he didn't use those exact words. 
“Steph, let’s just go home” 
April 2023
“Mateo come here so I can put sunscreen on you!” My kid dropped his little toy and came to me, “We’re going to go to the bookstore and then get some ice cream. Does that sound good, Mati?” 
“Yummy!” he yelled. 
After I was done applying sunscreen he started to jump around the apartment yelling “Ice cream! Ice cream.” 
“Okay Mateo Alexander, let’s go” 
The car rides with Mateo are always fun. He points at all the cars he sees or sings whatever is on the radio — he doesn’t know the songs but he likes to pretend he does. 
Once we got to the bookstore, I got him out of the child seat and walked into the store with him in my arms. I approached the register and greeted Steph. 
“Pascale is here,” she said. “She finally came with her two sons, I didn’t see their faces though.” 
I rolled my eyes, “I’m going to check the store, keep an eye on Mateo, and don’t give him candy,” I warned her, she put her hands up in defense, “We’re getting ice cream later and you know how he gets if he has too much sugar in his system.” 
Mateo yelled, “Ice cream!” 
I laughed a bit as I was leaving. As I walked around the store, I helped a few customers here and there. 
I was organizing a shelf when I heard my name. “Y/n?” My heart dropped to the floor. I turned around but I saw no one. Am I hallucinating or did I hear the voice of Charles Leclerc in my store, calling my name? “Oh sorry, I thought you were someone I know.” The voice came from the other side of the bookshelf. 
I speed walked to another section of the store as I was texting Steph “Code Red, you know who is here. Get Mateo.” As I hit send, my body collided with someone else’s. The person grabbed me by the arms so I wouldn’t fall back. 
“Wow!” The male voice said. “What’s the rush? Are you okay?” The first thing that I noticed was his blue eyes and then his thin lips. 
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized. “I would’ve seen where I was going,” 
“It’s all good,” he said. “More than good.” He let go of me. 
We stayed quiet for a quick second, “I’m sorry to be so straightforward but you are very beautiful, like breathtaking beautiful.”
“I’m Arthur, by the way,” he extended his hand towards me. I took it. 
“Y/n,” I introduced myself. 
“Y/n,” he repeated. “Do you work here, Y/n? So I know if I should come back again,” he laughed. 
“I own this store,” I told him. “I’m usually here on the weekends,” As I said that, my phone beeped
Steph - I can’t find Mateo. 
“Umm… It was nice to meet you Arthur but I have some stuff to take care of,” I said as I walked away. 
“Wait! Can I get your number?” He yelled a bit. 
“Come back next week and we should see!” I waved goodbye. What’s wrong with me? I need to find Mateo and get out of here before He sees him. 
Charles POV
“It’s so nice to spend the day with my two boys, you guys are always so busy” 
“Yeah, too bad Enzo couldn’t be here,” Arthur said. 
“It’s fine, he’ll come next time,” Maman said. 
Maman decided to take Arthur and me to her new favorite bookstore because “we needed to go there” I opened the door for her. 
“What a gentleman, thank you, Charles,” She said. 
“Yeah, thank you Charles” Arthur mimicked her. 
The bookstore had a whole different vibe from the inside, it was like stepping into a new world. We were greeted by a Taylor Swift song that surprisingly I recognized. I Knew You Were Trouble. 
“You guys go walk around, I’m going to the café,” Maman said, as Arthur and I were walking away, she spoke again. “soy Charles, don’t go too far. You have to meet this girl, she’s so sweet and she has this kid who is a literal angel. He reminds me of you actually. A lot.” With that, she walked away. I looked at Arthur, who only shrugged. 
As I walked around the shelves I saw a very familiar figure. 
Is that…? “Y/n?” The lady turned around. It was someone else. Something in my heart wanted to be Y/n. “Oh sorry,” I apologized. “I thought you were someone I know” 
The lady left and soon after a small kid walked by, he was looking from side to side. 
“Are you lost?” I asked him. He stopped walking and turned around. I held my breath for a second. 
“No,” he said. “My mommy works here.” He turned around and was about to leave, but I didn’t want him to leave. 
“What’s your name?” I asked him. 
“I’m Mateo with one T,” he put one finger up. “What’s- umm” he took a long pause for a second. “You?”
I laughed a bit. “I’m Charles.” 
A big beep sounded and then the music at the store stopped. 
“Mati come to the front please.” 
“That’s me,” the kid said and then he left running. He stopped for a second and came back walking. “Goodbye.” He gave me a tiny wave and left walking again. 
I felt my phone vibrate and when I took it out I saw a new message from Arthur 
King Arthur: I think I just met the love of my life 🥴❤️
Me: 🤣🤣 in what? five minutes? 
King Arthur: Sometimes you look at someone and you just know, brother. 
Me: I know you are crazy 🤣🤣 
👀👀👀🫣 I APOLOGIZE FOR MY LATE POST AHHHHH but how good was this?! I wanna hear your thought and theories!! What do you guys think is going to happen next? 👀👀
I’ll edit it properly later on after work, but here’s the chapter!!
I can only tag 50 people :( so the taglist for Una Noche En Monaco is closed 😭 I’m sorry 😭😭
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @reidsworld @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith @diasnohibng187 @im-just-here-toread @tyskills @rafaaoli @heavengirls111 @lighttsoutlewis @leclerc13 @c4ssi4-luv @livsans @ynbutbetter @marigoldgasly @vita-di-moda @sbrn0905 @yesshewrites1 @amsofftrack @fandomxs1 @ludmisorella @japanesekel @leclercsbae @padfootsiriusorionblackthethird @celestialams @dreamcarsound @bhiees @empathypostsf1
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 18 days
Wild Thing
Jon Moxley x fem reader
A young Jon Moxley meets Y/n somewhere in CZW in 2009 (inspired by Mox’s book)
Mentions: of blood, drug use, swearing, fighting, kidnapping
Main Masterlist
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Tonight was my first match in CZW’s Tournament of Death. I stood pacing back and forth in the locker room mentally preparing myself for the events that would occur when I could hear Eddie Kingston yelling at someone in the hallway. He sounded mad. The other men in the locker room exchanged looks and oos before one of them said “She sure is a feisty one isn’t she” to which the men all began to laugh. ‘Who is this she?’ I thought to myself. Eddie then stormed into the room and slammed the door behind him, preventing whoever was behind him from entering the room. He leaned against the door and I could hear angry knocking from the other side. “What does she want now?” said Danny Havoc. (But I just call him Grant) .“She wants to be in TOD, Jon won’t let her” Eddie explained. I didn’t know who this girl they were referring to was but she seemed pretty badass to me. A female wanting to participate in the tournament of death?! “Of course she does! Let me talk to her” said Grant with his thick Jersey accent. Eddie then opened the door to reveal a tall blonde in a Juicy Couture tracksuit. I was not expecting that. 
The gorgeous blond stormed into the room before running into the arms of Grant. “Tell Jon Zandig that I should be in TOD!” she yelled “Now doll, why do you want to be a part of TOD? You know I love ya but you’re too pretty to be doing this kind of shit,” he told her. 
“I want to prove that I can do the same thing you guys can do. Why is it that there are never any women wrestling in these shows? You know I can wrestle! I train my ass off and what do I get back? Nothing, because no one wants to hire a girl. They only want female wrestlers for swimsuit contests and dog food fights. I’m sick of doing that shit! I want to go out there and taste my own blood. TOD or not I want to show these people that I know how to wrestle!” The room was silent. I felt like an outcast, everyone seemed to know about this situation but me. 
Eddie was the first to break the silence. “Let me talk to Jon again. You know he likes you Y/n. I’m sure if you promise not to do anything stupid he will put you in the opener without TOD stipulations” 
Sure enough, Y/n got her match. I watched the match backstage with Grant, both of us hypnotized by what we were seeing. “Who is she?” I asked him, he almost looked shocked that I didn’t know of Y/n. “That’s Y/n, she’s the most badass bitch I have ever met. They call her the Hardcore Barbie because she looks like a Barbie doll and lives off death match wrestling. She’s really nice if you don’t piss her off. She also has good weed.” he told me 
I was so fascinated with her. I needed to know more about her. “Anything else I should know about her? She seems young?” I asked Grant. “Well, she started wrestling when she was 16 and she just turned 20. I know what you’re thinking, she won’t sleep with you, everyone here has tried. It’s so funny that these freaks think she would get with them. She travels with Kingston and me, so don’t you dare try nothing. I will kill you with my bare hands” 
Grant and I watched the rest of the match. I had never seen such a beautiful match. Y/n did in fact know how to wrestle. The man she stood across the ring from was twice her weight yet she picked him up with such ease. The fans loved seeing a pretty girl like herself beat up a sweaty dude. Y/n had beat the man to a pulp, she pinned him 1..2..3 and it was over. I thought it was funny how Grant watched on as a proud parent, that was his girl. I thought about what he said, how she rode with him and Kingston. Why did Eddie never mention Y/n before?
After the show, Y/n officially introduced herself to me. I felt like I was hypnotized by her beauty. She noticed how nervous I was around her and she used it to her advantage, inviting me to hang out after the show with Grant and Eddie. I had to accept, how could you not? 
Eddie explained to me why he hadn’t introduced me to Y/n before. He told me she was known for using her looks to her advantage. “So like she sleeps with people for matches?” I asked him “That’s gross, she would never do that. She mentally fucks you. If you look her too long in the eye you’ll fall right into her trance. She hypnotizes you and manipulates you. She looks all sweet but trust me she has a bad attitude” “So why do you hang out with her then?” I asked him 
“Because she’s fucken wild. She’s so fun to hang out with and she always has weed. Someone needs to look out for her. There are creeps out there man. For god sake she’s a skinny tall blond who lives in Juicy Couture, what do you think will happen?” he told me. Eddie had a good point. 
That night Y/n and I became good friends. Eddie was right when she said she was wild. Once she had a few drinks in her and some of the good shit she was the life of the party. I didn’t understand why Eddie kept Y/n a secret, sure you could tell that she had a few screws loose but don’t we all? For fucks sake if someone willingly wants to participate in TOD you know there’s some form of mental issues going on.
Just then a man approached Kingston and me. He had a fresh buzz cut, was covered in tattoos, had what seemed like a freshly broken nose and looked like the kind of guy who would have women chained up in his basement. “Where is she?” he spat, in a thick Russian accent. I could tell that he and Kingston knew each other, the tension was thick in the air. “Where is who?” Eddie spat back, his New York accent being more noticeable when he was mad. “You know who, stop playing dumb, bum” he responded. “You’re a real fucking idiot, Sasha, she left hours ago. I have no idea where she went but even if I did there’s no way I would tell you” Kingston spat. The men stood chest to chest, eyeing the other down. I did nothing, even I knew not to get involved in whatever this is. Now I didn’t know who the ‘She’ was that they were referring to but by now I think I had an idea. Then Grant came into the mix yelling “I told you if you ever showed your face here again I would fucking kill you” Just then an all-out brawl began. The two men began beating Sasha to a pulp. That’s when I noticed Y/n had vanished into thin air.
I let Kingston and Grant take care of Sasha and went looking for Y/n. In the distance, I heard the sound of broken glass. I followed the sound and found Y/n smashing the windows of a beat-up junk car with a baseball bat. She was mad, she looked evil. Now I knew why Eddie had warned me. “Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on here? What are you doing Y/n?” She turned to face me and I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. Her once bright green eyes had turned a deep forest colour, the whites of her eyes now red. Her makeup was smudged and her cheeks were stained with fresh tears. I was scared. I felt like she was staring into my soul, being able to read my every thought, know all my secrets. “What do you want, Mox?” she said through gritted teeth. “I just want to know what’s going on here. Why are Grant and Eddie beating the snot out of a guy named Sasha?” Her face dropped at the name, that told me what I needed to know.
Just then I heard someone yelling and honking a horn in the background. I turned to find Grant and Eddie yelling at us to get in the car! Y/n and I jumped in the car and sped off. The car was deathly silent. No one dared to say a word. I looked at Grant’s hands that gripped the steering wheel. His knuckles were bloody and bruised, that’s when I noticed the blood on Eddie. The silence was broken when Y/n began to laugh, Grant and Eddie began laughing as well. “What the fuck happened back there?” I asked with genuine concern in my voice. “That jackass back there Sasha, I broke his nose after he followed me home after the show last week. I don’t even want to think about what his intentions were, "she said. “Not to mention 'someone' stole $500 out of my purse at the show today” “If he ever showed his face around here again I said I would kill him” Grant responded. “I smashed his windows because that’s what he gets for trying to kidnap me and stealing my $500” I was honestly speechless. “ I found a bunch of money in his car so it’s only fair I split the reward with all of you,” Y/n said. I watched her pull the fat wad of hundreds out of her pocket and began counting it. “$500 for Grant, $500 for Eddie, $500 for Mox and $1,500 for me. Thank you, Sasha” “Thank you Sasha the rest of us chimed in” From that moment I knew Y/n and I would be best friends. 
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fairysluna · 2 years
NOT THE BEST IDEA — Modern!AU | Part 2
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MASTERLIST | Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: The secret is out, and now you have to learn how to heal your broken heart and how to move on, and soon a cute new guy would help you realize how much you were missing in life.
Tags/TW: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, therapy sessions (bc she needs it so bad), helaena being the best friend we all deserve, brief smut(?, mentions of violence, murder and blood, aemond still is an ass but now he's also obsessed.
Author's Note: I got a little carried away with Cregan’s storyline at the beginning, but here it is!! Hopefully this will meet all of your expectations, your ideas were super helpful so thank you all of you, hope this is worthy of them!!
Word Count: 6.0k
Tag List: @immyowndefender @bellameshipper @mysticgothicgirl @aemondswifeisme @issshhh
Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!!
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You entered the room. You started to pace back and forth around it as the nerves were eating you alive. Your hands were shaky, and the tears soon came back to your eyes; the guilt, the rage and the pain in your chest was making this whole situation too overwhelming. You could feel the panic running through your veins as your beloved friend turned around to see you. 
She looked serious, but not mad. Yet, the panic that you felt in the moment, along with the fear of losing her friendship over what had happened, had you seeing her serious semblance as something terrible. 
"I'm so sorry, Helaena..." You cried, keeping the distance between you both, too scared of getting closer to her and being pushed away, "I ruined your cake, I ruined your birthday, I- I don't even know what to say, I'm a terrible friend, this is your special day and I ruined it..."
Your words were stumbling against each other, your mind going miles per hour as you could only sense the fear of losing Helaena forever.
“I’m sorry, I’m- I’m horrible, I’m sorry… I never meant to ruin everything.”
The girl walked towards you and hugged you tightly. This action had taken you aback and it took you a few seconds to react. You wrapped your arms around her waist and buried your face on the crock of her neck, leaving her skin soaking with your tears.
"Nonsense..." She spoke softly, as she held you close, "Y/n, you didn't ruin anything, we can get another cake, mum can go and pick one from the bakery, it’s okay…”
“I’m so sorry…” You repeated.
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay,” she reassured you, “But, y/n…” she pulled back, only to look at your face, “you need to tell me what is going on, this is so weird, I’ve never seen you like this before.”
Your eyes closed as you felt embarrassment. You looked like a psycho back there, and you cannot even think what Helaena was thinking about you right now.
“You promise you won’t be mad at me?” You asked, your voice shaky and unsteady. Helaena nodded and you took a deep breath. 
You explained everything to her. How Aemond and you started to play around until eventually you were fool enough to fall in love with him, you told her how he gave you your first kiss and then offer you a relationship with the condition that should be secret, you told her that you were with him for almost a year before he decided to throw everything to the trash by a stupid letter. 
And of course, you told her how he forbade you to speak about this with anyone. 
“Oh, Gods…” Helaena said once you stopped explaining everything, “You had to go through all this by yourself? That’s why you were locked in your house most of the summer?” 
“I couldn’t bear to see him,” you confessed, “I loved him so much… Perhaps I still do.”
“And he brought his girlfriend now… showing her around as if he is bragging about it. What an idiot!” 
“I don’t want you to change the way you look at him, I know how close you both are.” you said softly, “my relationship with Aemond is now from the past.”
“How am I supposed to see him in the face now that I know how much he made you suffer? He’s the kind of guy we scream at while watching rom-coms, y/n. The type of guy we hate.”
“It’s okay, really.” 
“No, it’s not,” she shook her head, grabbing your hands, “you said it yourself, you still love him, it’s not okay.” 
“I must be okay, Helaena,” you quickly said, “he has a girlfriend, he moved on and I must do the same thing. I can’t keep crying for him when he doesn’t even care about me.” 
Helaena pressed her lips and sighed, “if it makes you feel better, she is old and you're prettier. She is his Philosophy teacher.”
Your jaw almost fell to the floor, “Shut up, she’s not.”
“She is.” she nodded, “he was his assistant and then… they fucked.” 
“Oh Gods…” you let out a breathy laugh and you covered your lips with your hand. 
“I always thought Aegon would be the one doing this kind of stuff.” Helaena said between chuckles, “You should’ve seen mum’s reaction when she found out, it was hilarious.”
You laughed. The tears were already drying on your cheeks when Helaena pulled you in for another tight and comforting hug. 
“You know I’m always going to be here for you, right?” 
You nodded, “of course I do,” you said in a soft whisper. “I think it is best if I don’t come to your house while Aemond is here.”
“That’s fine…” she replied. 
“I thought about killing him, actually,” you confessed.
Helaena pulled away from the hug and looked at you with a worried face, “Oh, babe…” she cleared her throat, “do you have plans this friday?” 
“No, why?”
“You need a therapist.” 
Two weeks later, you were seated in the waiting room of your therapist office, waiting for your second session. Helaena made you company the first time, but now she was out of the city with the rest of her family, so you were on your own now. You were sitting as you were looking at the Weather Report on the TV that was hanging on the wall. Your shoes were on top of the chair as you hugged your folded legs and placed your chin between your knees. You were completely bored without the company of your beloved friend. 
That day, you arrived a little early. You had at least fifteen minutes to wait before it was your turn. You were trying to distract your mind, counting random things like the tiles on the floor, or the chairs in the room. You did not even notice the guy that walked towards you until he stood up in front of you. 
"Is this seat taken?" 
You looked up at this guy. Then you looked around the room. Literally every single chair was empty; it was seven o’ clock on a Friday, there was no one there but you, the guy in front of you and the old secretary behind the desk. 
"Uhm... I think all the seats are empty actually.”
That made him chuckle, and he showed you his charming smile. He is cute, you thought.
“I saw you last week with a blonde girl, I thought she might have come with you today, too.” You frowned a little, has he seen you before? Was he watching you this whole time? Is he a creep? He soon widened his brown eyes, as if he had just realized how bad his words sounded, “Oh, Gods, don’t think I’m some kind of psychopath, I- I just saw you the other day and- I’ve never seen you before… I usually sit in that corner and the other day I saw you, and- Oh, fuck, did I just made a fool out of myself?” 
You laughed. It was subtle but you did. He also chuckled, a bit nervous. You've seen him before, he would usually be with another brown haired boy that Helaena once thought was cute. Perhaps he wasn't a psycho, perhaps he just wanted to be your friend. 
"It’s okay." You said, a breathy laugh left your lips, "you can sit." you tilted your head, and he soon sat on your side. 
He cleared his throat and stayed silent for a couple minutes. You did not say anything either. You were both unsure of what to say or do now. You saw him from your peripheral view and realized he was glancing slightly at you, as if he was trying to say something but the words would not come out of his mouth. Something came over you and soon you were the one breaking the silence.
"I'm y/n." you stretched your hand for him to take. 
He took it, slightly smiling and relieved, "I'm Cregan."
"Are you waiting for your session too?" You asked, trying to create a conversation.
"Umh, no,” he shook his head, “I've come to comfort my friend. He's going through some hard stuff.”
“How bad?” 
He sighed, “he found out his father is not his actual father,” he explained, and your mouth opened with surprise.
“Oh, shit…” you muttered.
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “what about you?”
You pressed your lips in a thin line as you really considered lying to him, creating a super dramatic story seemed tempting, but you could not bring yourself to lie to him. Not when he was looking down at you with those sweet, kind eyes. 
“My ex ruined my psyche,” you simply said.
“But I'm doing therapy now so I guess I'm healing my trauma, right?” You tried to joke, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.
“Right.” He chuckled, “How long have you been single?”
“Eight months,” you then smirked. “Why? Are you going to ask me on a date?”
Cregan grinned after hearing your teasing, “do you want me to ask you for a date?”
“Do you want me to say yes?”
You chuckled, "well, I'm going to answer you once I come out of my session."
"Then I guess I'll wait."
"Oh, you would wait for me?” You spoke with a dramatic tone that made him smile widely, “that's so romantic…”
"I would wait for you forever,” he replied, matching your tone almost immediately. 
You felt something in your gut that you instantly recognized. Your smile flickered as you realized what was happening, and you immediately regret it. You were not in conditions to jump into another relationship right now, not after everything you have been through and you knew that very well. 
But Gods, he was so damn charming.
You were not able to exchange more words as one of the doors was opened and a thin brown haired guy walked out it. He looked at Cregan with a raised eyebrow before looking at you and smirked playfully to his friend. However, he just moved his head in order to tell Cregan it was time to go. 
He stood up and turned to see you one last time. 
"I guess I'll have my answer next week," he inferred, "same hour?" 
You thought about it. You really did. Perhaps this was your chance to finally be happy with a nice and decent guy, and you were pushing back out of fear. Your heart spoke first, and then your mind wanted to slap you.
"Same hour." you nodded.
He gave you one of those bewitching smiles as he left and you stood there. Feeling so stupid for making this rush decision that would probably bring you big consequences in your future. But you could not help yourself, and at least now you have a week to think about your answer.
You were debating yourself during the whole session, and your therapists immediately noticed that something odd was going on in your messy head. You told her, of course, thinking that she might give you the green light that you were waiting for. You were expecting a positive reaction from her, saying that dating other guys might help you move on… but you knew that was far from reality once you saw her face turning serious and stern.
"Listen to me carefully, y/n,” she spoke demandingly, as if she was giving you a command rather than an advice. “No. dating. until. you. have. healed,” she said slowly, carefully pronouncing each word so there will be no space for misunderstandings, “you are in a delicate place emotionally right now, which leaves you vulnerable and weak towards new feelings and experiences. You might be right; this guy might be your knight in shiny armor, your savior, your future husband… but we cannot risk it.” She leaned over her chair, getting closer to you, “you have to be patient and wait until you have healed from what you went through, understood?”
You silently nodded, thinking about Cregan and his goddamn smile. Now you had no other choice but to reject him, and the mere thought almost made you shake out of nervousness and anxiety. Your overthinking mind did not help at all. 
As soon as you walked out of the office, while you were waiting for the bus, you called Helaena and told her everything. And of course, she said she was going to be there for you when the time to reject him would arrive. Perhaps dating this new guy is not the best idea. 
A week later, you entered the waiting room with Helaena hanging from your arm. You looked around trying to find Cregan, but he was nowhere to be seen. You felt some kind of relief after you thought he probably left and now you will not go through the anxiety that this situation would bring to you. But you were never that lucky. 
The bathroom door opened and Cregan walked out of it, looking as enchanting as the last time you saw him. He had a growing beard now, which made him look even more handsome than he already was. 
"That's him." you said to Helaena, she immediately looked at him in a discreet way and she gasped, 
"Oh, he's cute..." she whispered before looking your way, "you can do this okay? just explain all the things your therapist said and you will be fine, he doesn't seem like the kind of man who would get angry if he's rejected."
"Your brother didn't seem like a douche bag and look where I am now."
Helaena pressed her lips, "just relax, it'll be fine, you'll see."
Cregan noticed your presence almost immediately –again no one was there besides you three–, and he walked your way with a gentle grin on his face. Helaena saw him coming and she went to sit, pulling out a book from her tote bag. You felt your hands shake.
"I was waiting for you,” he confessed once he was close enough for you to hear.
"You were?" You asked, your voice coming out a bit lower than you expected.
"I’m afraid you owe me an answer.”
You smiled kindly at him, but your eyes showed him the struggle inside your mind. He knew it almost instantly, and you could see the disappointment on his face. You sighed deeply before starting to speak,
“Look, this will sound as a pathetic excuse, but trust me; it is not.” You put a rebel hair strand behind your ear before you keep going. Your hands shook as you were slightly scared of what his reaction might be. “My therapist kinda forbade me from being in a relationship, or even going out on dates, she says I must heal before jumping into a serious relationship with someone new.” 
Your voice turned progressively lower with each word you pronounced, and once you finished you stood there, looking at the tall and handsome man in front of you, expectantly. Cregan nodded, softly. Then he clicked his tongue and smiled once again. You frowned after seeing his reaction, and before you could say anything at all, he spoke first. 
“What if it’s not a date?” 
You froze. Your eyes narrowed with confusion as he chuckled. 
“There’s no need to be something else, we can be friends, right?” he proposed, “unless you don’t want to.”
“Uhm… I- I do, yeah,” you nodded.
“Then we can hang out as friends. That’s not a date, is it?” 
You couldn’t help but smile, “No, it isn’t.”
“Can I have your phone number, then?” 
You nodded, “Sure.”
And that is when your life turned a little better, and you finally were able to heal. 
Helaena scolded you, obviously. Saying that it is obvious that neither of you wanted just a friendship, but you immediately said that you would obey the words of your therapist and not get romantically involved with Cregan, no matter how badly you both want it… you were just friends. 
Two months have passed since you last saw Aemond, and now you barely thought about him. Cregan kept your mind busy, inviting you to go out and have some fun. To live a little. You were now inseparable. With Cregan you could publicly do all the things that you were not able to do with Aemond. Now you were not afraid of coming across someone you know, and you were not checking your surroundings every minute afraid of someone seeing you together. There was nothing to hide anymore. 
Soon you realized that Cregan was the whole opposite of Aemond. Not only physically, but also mentally. While Aemond was more serious, mature and stern, Cregan was unhinged, funny and easygoing. You found yourself thinking many times what you saw on Aemond in the first place, why did you even fall in love with him? 
You never told your therapist about your friendship with Cregan… she did not have to know.
Two more months passed, and you and Helaena finally managed to get the apartment of your dreams, right in the middle of town, in a good and safe area. The apartment was a complete mess when they gave you both the keys, and there was a lot of work to do, especially with carrying the furniture, fixing and painting the walls. You and Helaena knew you were not going to be able to do this alone, so you called for help. The next day, Aegon arrived first with a denim overall without a shirt underneath. Soon Cregan arrived too. 
Four people decorating made it faster and easier. It only took a week and a half to have everything ready. That same day at night, Aegon had invited his friends, for he said you needed to inaugurate your new home with a big party. 
You did not know when, or how, but soon you were drunk. 
Cregan was visibly drunk too, Aegon was already dancing on top of the center table while Helaena was taking polaroid pictures of everything, the music was loud and the amount of people was growing each time. You were actually surprised that the police had not arrived yet. 
An Abba song was playing in the background when everything happened. When Cregan was dancing with you as your smile was brighter than ever, as your entire body felt like floating whenever he would hold you by grabbing your waist every time your drunk state would make you trip on your own feet. You were singing loud, while Cregan would only look back at you with a tender smile. 
Little did you know that his eyes were filled with devotion for you. He really tried to be just your friend. He really did. But you made it so hard, your mere existence was tempting him. Cregan only held back because he cared too much about you, and because he really wanted to do things right with you. 
But while you were dancing, that smile on your face and the way your body moved; it just felt right. Cregan made you stop, holding you still in front of him as his hands cupped your face. Your eyes stared at him, and your smile flickered as you realized what was about to happen. The voice of your therapist appeared in the back of your mind, you felt your ears buzzing as you saw him sighing before he started to lean slowly towards you. 
You panicked, but you did not dare to move away because you knew you wanted this too. You wanted it so, so bad. 
He brushed his lips against yours, tempting you as you felt his heavy breathing against your lips. You softly whimpered, feeling desperate to kiss him, but he seemed to be taking his time to enjoy the moment. Your hands were holding his shirt, as if you did not want him to let go. 
But he did. 
Cregan felt guilty about his doings, knowing what you were going through, and knowing what your conditions were. He clenched his eyes pulling back, his hands covering his face as a grunt left his lips and then, he left. You felt the room spinning as you saw him leaving the apartment. 
You spend the rest of the night drinking, trying not to think about it. 
The next day, you woke up at noon. Helaena went to drop Aegon back to his house, and you were pacing around the apartment trying to clean some part of the mess everyone left behind. You just had a shower, which helped you remember what had happened between you and Cregan, and you wanted to punch yourself in the face. 
You felt the urge to call your therapist and call in for an emergency session because you were feeling as if you were about to lose your mind once again. You were about to dial her until someone knocked on the door. You left your phone on the center table and you quickly went to attend the door thinking it was Helaena. 
But you found Cregan on the other side. 
“Cregan…” you said softly, “I-”
“I forgot my keys last night,” he said, shyly.
“Oh,” you said, a bit disappointed, but you let him in either way. 
He walked past you, and you closed your eyes once you smelled his sweet cologne. You followed him towards the living room where he found his keys under the cushions of the sofa. You could only stare at him, the tension between you both was too obvious and you hated it. It felt so odd and uncomfortable, you felt guilty for it.
“Cregan, about last night-”
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted you, “I know I shouldn’t have done, but-” he stopped himself before looking at you with pledging eyes, “fuck, y/n, I couldn’t help it… you looked so beautiful and I just let myself go, I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking clearly-”
“You did it just because you were drunk?” you asked. Cregan tilted his head, his keys dangling between his fingers was a sign of his nervousness. 
“I did it because… because I crave for you, y/n,” Cregan said, signs of despair tainting his low voice, “I can’t- I can’t help it, I can’t keep denying this. I fucking need you.”
Your breath hitched as you looked at him. His eyes were begging, and you were certain yours were too. Then you could not help it anymore, it was as if he was a big magnet that pulled you in. You quickly grabbed his cheeks, pulling him close to you as you stood on your tiptoes to finally reach his soft lips. 
“W-wait,” he said between the kiss, “wait, no. Your therapist-”
“Fuck my therapist,” you interrupted him without thinking.
He pulled away, looked you in the eye as if he was trying to make sure he heard you clearly. He took a deep breath, still holding you close to his body, and he let out a breathy smile before saying,
“Fuck it.”
His lips soon reached for yours again, this time more hungry than before. It was passionate and deep, you both had been waiting too long for this moment to not seize it. His hands roaming up and down your body, desperate to touch you, to feel your soft skin under his big hands. You felt blissful, completely drunk by the taste of his lips. 
Minutes later you were in your room, Cregan kissing your neck as he was now claiming you as his. Small moans left your lips while he was whispering nothing but sweet words and praises against your ear that had you drooling under his broad body. He managed to touch every inch of you, to kiss every part of your body, and you could feel your heart bursting with joy and excitement. Your mind would only focus on the man that was now yours, in how good he was making you feel… in how loved you felt between his arms. 
Aemond did not even cross your mind, he had been out of it for a while now. 
Few minutes later, after you both finished, Cregan looked at you with glossy eyes and a small, tender smile. He started giving you soft kisses around your flustered face while you were trying to control your breathing. This felt even better than sex, it felt more intimate and loving. 
Cregan caressed your cheek, and you smiled. 
“Does this mean we’re dating now?” He asked with a smirk. 
You only chuckled and laughed, “I guess we are…”
He kissed you once again, and cuddled you between his arms. You wished this could last forever.
Once Helaena found out about your relationship with Cregan, she looked at you with a stern look, and, taking over her role as the mum friend between you both, she scolded you. Of course she was not mad, she was just worried about you and what might happen with your mental health if things do not go as well as you were expecting. You reassure her that you would be fine, and that Cregan was not like Aemond in any way. 
The next months were blissful. Your little mental breakdown at Helaena’s birthday was now long forgotten. You were doing fine, you have moved on from Aemond completely. However, it would be unrealistic to say you don’t think about him sometimes, mostly because you're curious to know how he is doing. Sometimes you would eavesdrop when Helaena talks with him on the phone, but you would never dare to ask for him… that felt wrong. 
Soon a year passed, and Helaena was organizing her birthday again. She wanted to do something small, not being such a fan of big parties. She asked you a thousand times if it would be okay to invite Aemond to the party, and you repeatedly said yes, Aemond was her brother and they have always been so close. It was her birthday, and you wanted to see her happy. 
With Cregan practically living in the apartment now, the decoration took little time. He helped you both to hang stuff in the ceiling and reorganize the furniture so there will be more space.
Soon the guests, which consisted of four more friends and Helaena’s family, started to arrive. And you would not lie to yourself and say that you were not deadly nervous of seeing him again. You were scared that you might react the same way as last year. You knew you loved Cregan, but what if Aemond appears and makes you doubt everything? What if it makes you realize that you never moved on in the first place? What if you have a new mental breakdown in front of him and Cregan?
There were so many doubts in your mind that you had to sit for a while, drinking mint lemonade to remain calm. Luckily for you, Cregan did not seem to notice your nervousness, he was busy talking with some of the guests. 
And when you were lost in your thoughts, Aemond walked in, but this time he was alone. He stepped into the apartment looking for his sister. You stared at him, expecting some reaction from you, but there was nothing. Nothing at all. Not even a slight tingle in your gut. You let out a heavy breath, relief and more calm. 
You laughed at yourself for a moment, thinking how ridiculous you were for being so nervous about it.
“Hi, y/n.”
You froze, your body tensed as you looked up at Aemond. Your jaw clenched so hard your teeth hurt, and your smile faded slowly. You swallowed hard, and the anxiety in your body came back. 
“Hi, Aemond.” you said, quickly. “Umh… Helaena might be in the kitchen.”
“I know, I saw her,” he softly nodded, curling his lips into a shy smile, “I came here because I wanted to know how you are? Helaena doesn’t give me many details.”
“You asked for me?” you spoke shocked.
“Helaena hasn’t given you my greetings?” 
You shook your head, “no. She hasn’t.” 
“Well, I’ve been asking for you a lot, lately… I’ve- I’ve missed you.” He says in a whisper, as if he was embarrassed to admit it. “I have also thought about you a lot.”
“Have you?” you questioned him, raising your eyebrow.
“Yes,” he nodded, “I realized how stupid I was with you and-”
“Aemond fucking Targaryen!  What the hell are you doing here?” 
You saw him tense as his relaxed face shifted into a rageful one. You frowned as you saw Cregan palming Aemond’s back so hard it made him tremble on his feet. You were about to open your mouth to ask what was going on, but Cregan spoke first. 
“I haven’t seen you in years! Are you still jerking off with Ms. Harroway pictures?” Cregan teased him, and you widened your eyes.
“Stark.” Aemond said bitterly, his one eye looking at Cregan with an expression you have never seen before.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Cregan asked again. 
“It’s my sister’s birthday.” He grunted, visibly pissed.
Cregan frowned, and you closed your eyes. You told him about Heleana’s brother in the first weeks of meeting him, but you never said his name. Perhaps you would realize that they met each other before. Now Cregan looked at you with concern, as if he was asking whether this is the brother who broke your heart.
“Wait, you’re Helaena’s brother?” He spoke in a growl.
“I am.” He nodded, unbothered, “I think the question here is why are you here?”
“It’s my girlfriend’s apartment.” Cregan said.
Aemond frowned, angry, “you’re dating Helaena?”
“No, I’m dating y/n.”
Aemond’s face fell with an indescribable rage. You didn’t notice it, for you were too busy trying to have an answer from Cregan about how they both met. Aemond was burning, his blood boiling as he heard you excusing yourself and saw you walking away with your new boyfriend.
He hated it. He hated seeing you with someone else being so happy and blissful. A year ago you were still waiting for him, you were still dreaming about getting back with him, but now you had moved one and fucked another man… and the fact that it was Cregan Stark made it even worse.
The same Cregan Stark that made Aemond be the second best in everything at school. No matter how hard he tried, how many nights he would spend studying for a test or training for the school Tourneys, Cregan would always beat him. He was Aemond’s biggest nightmare, and now, somehow, he managed to have you. Once again, Aemond lost to Cregan.
Perhaps it was the fact that it was him the one that was kissing you right in front of him, perhaps it was the fact that his ex left him for another man two months ago, or perhaps it was the pettines inside of him, but he was drunk in madness now. He wanted to pull you away from him and break his face. 
He saw how he grabbed your waist in the same way he did once, he saw you looking at him with devotion and love as you spoke, making him smile. You were clearly in love with one another, and Aemond could not handle it. He hated it. You should be begging him to get back together, to be with him again. You should be watching him the same way you were watching Cregan. 
You should be with him. Not with Cregan. 
As the evening went by, things were getting worse for the silver haired man. He had not stopped staring at you during the whole party; each movement, each word and each breath you took were under a stare filled with hate and anger, filled with spite. Aemond would be unable to take his eyes off of you, and with each minute passing by, he would get more and more mad. 
He remembered how soft your skin was, how gently you would kiss him and touch him, how beautiful your laugh was. He remembered your scent, your delicacy and playful stares. He would also remember the way you felt against his skin, the way you would squirm under his touch and how your soft moans would be silenced by his kisses.
At that point in the night, he knew he had to have you back. You were his once, and will be his again, he would make sure of it. He wanted you to be desperate for his touch once more, he wanted all your attention and love for him. Only for him. 
He was the only one worthy of your love. How did you even dare trying to find another man when he is all that you need?
A hand on his shoulder made him wake up from his trance. He soon recognized the voice of Cregan buzzing in his ears; “I’ve seen you staring at her the whole night,” Cregan grunted, trying to sound calm, “leave her alone, you’ve caused her enough misery already.”
Aemond scoffed, and his daring voice came out, “and who are you to tell me what I have to do?” 
“Don’t be a fucking asshole, man. You didn’t appreciate her when you had her, now she is happy. She’s with me, leave her alone.”
He clicked his tongue as a smug grin started to appear on his face, “I made her fall in love with me once, I know that as soon as I speak to her she will be eating from the palm of my hand once again.” 
Cregan clenched his jaw after hearing him speaking about you that way. He breathed deep a few times trying to maintain his composure, not wanting to start an unnecessary fight on Helaena’s birthday. Instead, he just let out a breathy laugh and say, 
“Look, she moved on… perhaps you should move on too and stop being so obsessed with her.” 
Aemond tensed hearing those words. He remembered them too well. The fact that Cregan knew them too was proof enough to know that you had told him all of it, and that was the last straw; what he needed to explode. 
In a blink Aemond punched Cregan and cut his cheekbone with his rings. You were coming out of the kitchen with a platter of cookies when you saw them pushing each other. Aemond was beating Cregan while the last one was trying to defend himself instead of punching back. Your heart sank as you heard the guests’ gasp. Alicent was the first one to react, trying to make the both men stop. 
Aemond did not hear his mother screaming, he did not hear your pleas. He certainly did not feel Aegon pulling his shirt. His eyes were only seeing red as his hand was still beating Cregan. He thought about not stopping until killing him, to get him out of the way so he would get back to you. Cregan was an obstacle on his path back to you, and he wanted to get rid of it. 
His mind was blind with the adrenaline of the moment, too filled with rage to even realize what was happening, and all his negative emotions became even worse when Cregan gave him a punch back. It was not until a group of three men pulled him back that he finally stopped.
He was breathing fast, looking bewildered by his own actions. He looked around, he saw you running towards Cregan as you worryingly held his bloody face. He frowned; you should be comforting him, not Cregan. 
Soon Alicent stepped in, grasping Aemond’s arm strong enough to force him to look at her, “What the hell were you thinking?!” She scolded him. 
He did not answer to his mother, instead, he looked at you. You were already staring at him with disbelief, and a bit of anger. You shook your head slightly as you were helping Cregan to go to your room in order to heal his wounds. 
Aemond clenched his hands, and he breathed heavily. He will have to find another way to make you his again, because killing your new boyfriend was not the best idea.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
i absolutely love the el!hughes series. What about a blurb of them telling ellen and jim, luke and quinn and the team?
i got very carried away with this one. it’s not even a blurb anymore, it’s a fic 😭
it’s been a week since Jack and i found out i’m pregnant, and Jack has been itching to tell everyone.
i was able to hold him off until i could make it in to a doctor and get an ultrasound done, just in case the tests were wrong. but that happened yesterday and our results confirmed what we already knew. i’m pregnant.
now, Jack has spent the past twenty minutes just staring at the ultrasound pictures while i get ready for the day. i can hear the guys all yelling around the house, Ellen scolding them to be quieter.
my thoughts spiral as i think about how everyone will react when we tell them.
“hey. where’s your head at, pretty girl?” my eyes shift in the mirror to look at Jack’s reflection. he lays in the bed, sitting up against the headboard with the ultrasound pictures clutched in his hand, but rather than the pictures, he now looks at me through the mirror.
“are they gonna be mad?” i whisper, my hand coming down to lay on my stomach, already feeling protective over my unborn child. i obviously haven’t started showing yet, but it’s insane to me to think that someday soon, i’ll have a baby bump there.
“is who gonna be mad, baby?” he stands from the bed, pacing around it to reach me. he steps behind me, his hands flexing along the sides of my waist.
“your parents. your brothers. everyone.” i mumble, slightly embarrassed over my insecurities. “i mean, your parents didn’t even have Quinn until they were in their thirties; are they gonna look down upon us for having a baby when we’re so young? we’re not even married yet.”
“hey.” he coos, using his grip on my waist to twist me around. my gaze settles on my feet, afraid to face him. “look at me.”
i lift my eyes to look in his, the blue instantly easing some of my anxiety.
“they’re not gonna look down upon us. we’re young, sure, but plenty of people start families at our age. or even younger.” he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, smiling down at me now. “besides, the marriage argument is kinda moot seeing as we only have five days until you become Mrs.Hughes.”
my face heats at the reminder. the idea of vowing to love him until death do us part only seems more exciting in this moment. i’ve waited for this moment for three years, and before that, i could only fantasize about dating my best friend. and now here i am, five days away from our wedding day. if someone told fourteen year old y/n that she would be marrying her hot hockey player best friend, i surely would’ve thought they were insane.
“they love you, and they love how happy you make me. even if they aren’t too supportive at first, once they see how happy i am about this, i promise they’ll be even more excited for it than we are.”
“did you just call our baby an ‘it’?” i laugh, lightly smacking at his chest.
“well, we don’t know the gender yet! i don’t wanna assume!” he replies, pulling me flush against his body. “you feeling better now?”
“yeah, i think so.” i admit. i crane my neck, pulling him into a soft and slow kiss. applying all my love into this kiss. pulling away, i brush my hand against his cheek. “let’s go tell them, yeah?”
“really?!” his eyes light up in excitement, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he pulls back to properly look at my face.
“yeah, babe. let’s tell them we’re having a baby.”
it’s no more than five minutes later that Jack and i stand in front of the living room couch. having successfully kicked Trevor and Cole, who were cuddling, off of it in order to seat Jack’s family. Trevor, Cole, Alex, and a couple of Quinn and Luke’s friends who are in town, stand behind the couch.
“you guys aren’t calling off the wedding are you?” Ellen’s voice is frantic.
“Hughesy, if you let that woman go, i will single handedly kick your ass.” Trevor raises an eyebrow at my fiancé, making me laugh. i blow a kiss to my closest friend since high school, after Jack.
“what? no! we’re not calling off the wedding.” Jack rolls his eyes, smacking my still outstretched hand away from my lips. he glances over at me and i steel my nerves, giving him a single nod.
“y/n is pregnant.”
the room is silent for a moment and i’m forced to scan people’s facial expressions for reactions; Jim and Ellen are stoically blinking at us, Quinn wears a smirk while Luke wears a slight frown, Trevor and Cole grin from ear to ear, and Alex smiles softly at us.
i clutch Jack’s hand in mine in order to ease my nerves.
“does anyone have anything to say?” i mumble. sensing my feelings, Jack turns his head and presses a kiss to the top of mine.
“i- um-” Ellen stumbles over her words.
“are you guys happy about it?” Jim cuts in, which makes Jack smile, nodding his head.
“yeah, we’re really happy.” he tells his father.
“scared! but happy.” i confess.
“then we’re happy for you!” Ellen cheers, standing to pull us into a hug. “oh, my baby is gonna have a baby!”
her reaction causes me to let out a deep exhale, letting the stress leave my body.
Jim hugs us next, bidding us a congratulations before Quinn swoops in.
“congrats, guys! and thank you!” Jack and i exchange a look, our faces scrunched in confusion.
“thanks! but what are you thanking us for?” Jack questions.
“because Luke and i made a bet on when you’d announce it. i said before the wedding, he said after. i won!” my eyes widen at Quinn’s words.
“what do you mean, when we’d announce it?” i ask him.
“when did you guys find out?” Jack chimes in.
“well we didn’t know know. we just googled y/n’s symptoms and pregnancy was the first result that came up.”
“you two couldn’t have waited a week?” Luke calls as he walks over to us, followed by Trevor, Cole, and Alex.
“i could barely get your brother to wait the week that we did wait. i don’t think he would’ve been able to handle another one!” i joke, patting Jack’s chest lovingly. the guys all laugh and Trevor throws an arm around Jack’s shoulders.
“congratulations bro! you’re gonna be a dad!” Trevor cheers, patting Jack’s chest a bit rougher than i just did.
“hey! i’m here too! ya know, the woman with the human growing inside of her!” i laugh and Trevor drops his arm from Jack’s shoulders, instead opting to pull me into his arms and pick me up in a hug.
“congratulations, y/n/n! hope you don’t get sick too much.” he tells me as he sets me down. at the mention of getting sick, i start to feel slightly nauseous.
“oh, you asshole!” i look towards the ceiling, swallowing and willing it away as Jack starts rubbing my back. the other guys all tell us their variations of ‘congratulations’ and ‘happy for you’ as we take a seat on the couch.
telling Jack’s family was the nerve-wracking announcement, but now Jack and i are back in New Jersey for training and we’ve decided to tell the team.
most of them were there for our wedding over the summer, but we opted to wait to tell them until a little later when the entire team could be together. besides, i know the other WAGS will want to throw me a baby shower, and our gender reveal is extremely soon.
“you ready?” Jack asks as we stop in front of the tunnel of the practice rink. the day just ended for them, but everyone is still out skating laps and talking with one another, making this the perfect opportunity for us to tell them all.
“yeah.” i shrug. “i’m not nearly as nervous for this as i was for telling your parents. besides, at least one person in there already knows.”
i point to Luke who stands on the ice watching us.
“you’re being weird!” i call out to him, causing a laugh to bubble up his throat.
Jack takes my hand, pulling me onto the ice. i shuffle behind him, not wearing skates.
“hey, y/n/n!” Nico cheers, grabbing my other hand to help me across the ice.
“hi neeks, thank you!”
“whatcha doing here?” Dawson asks.
“actually, we have an announcement to make.” i tell them, speaking just loud enough for all the guys to grow quiet, turning to look at Jack and i.
“oh Hughesy, don’t tell us you’re retiring already.” someone groans.
“what? i’m not even twenty-five, dude.” Jack scrunches his face in confusion, looking around the rink.
“no, no one’s retiring. or at least, not Jack.” i laugh. “i’m pregnant!”
it’s silent for barely two seconds before the entire practice rink erupts in cheers. the guys are quick to skate over, piling into a group hug around us as if we just scored a hat trick.
Jack’s hands grip my hips, making sure i stay upright on the ice.
“congratulations you two!” “congrats!” “happy for you guys!”
a chorus of different congratulations of every kind is thrown at us from all different directions.
“wow you really wasted no time during that honeymoon, huh?” Bratt jokes.
“actually, they wasted no time before that.” Luke pipes up. “they found out two weeks before the wedding.”
“and you waited until now to tell us?!”
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KBASW Chapter 3: In the Heart of a Knight
~Earlier in the day 
“King Dedede’s going to fire your father!” Lalala exclaimed.
Lololo & Lalala had pulled Fumu and Bun away from the “town clean up,” rushing them back to the castle. The two siblings were tailing the twins as they entered the castle. Beelining straight to the throne room…
“Ya sure?!” Bun asked.
“Yeah, we’re sure the King called for them-” Lolo deepened his voice. Puffing up his chest, trying to do his best impression of Dedede. “Get down here, you bloody traitors: I'm dealing with all of you!” 
“He's probably mad that he can’t order monsters anymore, so now he’s taking it out on Dad!” Bun gritted his teeth. This hearing caused him to pick up his pace, running even faster, being the first to arrive in front of the throne room.
“Grr–, that sore loser…he’s not firing dad on our watch, right, Sis… sis-?!” 
“Sorry guys…I’m just tired,” Fumu quickly made her way beside her brother and the twins. Usually, she was the one to bolt in first when there was a sign of trouble… But this time, she was a lot slower…  
She joined the others at the throne room's grand door... she made her way to the front. Fumu creaked it open ever slightly enough for her eye to peek through. “ Come on, you guys-” she gestured. She expected the rest of the group to follow her lead, but they didn’t.
They just stood there gazing at her with concern... they were worried.
Bun looked towards his sister, “You could sit this one out if you’re tired.” The twins surrounded her… they took her hands, slowly guiding her down on the ground to sit. “We can take care of this!” The boy puffs out his chest confidently and bangs it with his fist. 
“But I-”
“Come on sis the King can’t order monsters anymore: this should be a cakewalk!”
“Yeah he’s right,” Lololo agreed. “He can’t do anything anymore!”
“And let's not forget we have the guy who defeated them all,” Lalala gleefully added, “Right, Kirby-” She turned around expecting a response, but there was none…It was at this moment the group realized… they had forgotten Kirby. “We left him in town -”
“Oh no!” Fumu exclaimed. “Guys, we gotta go-”
A booming voice had erupted from the throne room, causing the group to shutter. No doubt it was King Dedede... 
“ Meta Knight, he's in trouble!” Fumu led the group in; they quietly rushed inside, sneaking behind pillars. The kid crept and hid behind shadows until they were in full view of the scene.
Meta Knight stood before Escargoon and the king, with Sir Ebrum & the knight duo (Sword & Blade) watching from the sidelines. The prime minister caught a glimpse of Fumu and the gang huddled behind the pillars.
Looking towards Sword & Blade, the man pleaded with his eyes to aid children. Sleathfully, the two of them made their way to the kids, walking backward, covering them from the field of sight. 
 “You kids shouldn’t be here,” Blade whispers,“ Dedede’s already angry enough!”  
“But Meta Knight needs our help-”, Fumu retorted. 
“No, he doesn’t,” Sword commented “You kids really need to go before-”
“Yes, it’s true, sire. I came here as a double agent with the sole purpose of hiding my identity as a Star Warrior and as the true guardian of the warp-star so-”
Fumu's voice cut through the room. She was in shock and pure disbelief at what she had just heard pass through the Meta Knight's lips. 
“My dear, please calm down,” Sir Ebrum tried to console his daughter. Attempting to intervene, trying to avoid the situation escalating any further. “We’re trying in the middle of a meeting right now; why don’t you just take a nice walk-”
“Dad, move…” Her voice was calm, but hidden beneath the surface was subtle and potent rage.  
At that moment, Sir Embrum saw a ferocity in his daughter that he had never seen before. All his intentions of stopping her had vanished. Willingly, he stepped aside, allowing her to confront the old star warrior.
The grumpy old king turned towards his subordinate and whispered, “Ayo, Escargoom... Weren’t we suppose ta-”
"You wanna get in between that?!”  Gesturing to Fumu as she pressed onward to where the old star warrior was. Her eyes seemed lifeless, but that flame of rage quilled within them. 
"Ugh~" One look at them caused Dedede to snuff out all his previous anger and cave in. “Nope, not getting into that!” The king mulled it over until he fully conceded to the situation.
"Ya know, what let her have this-... whatever I was gonna say to old tin-can doesn't seem as nearly devastating as whatever Miss Loud-mouth has to say..."
~ Despite the on-lookers of the scene, it seemed like it was just them: her and Meta Knight.  
 “Meta Knight, explain yourself, now..." Fumu clenched her fist as tight as to contain herself. " I... thought I was the only one able to call on the warp star, and now you-"
She could feel all: the frustration, the betrayal, the hurt... it all built up in her throat until it became too much to bear.
“I’ve been the one guarding the warp star this entire time, so I’m gonna need proof before you go around claiming that you’re the real one!"
Meta Knight remained unmoved by this... calmly, he remarked. "Oh, but you are as well- perhaps I should have worded it better... I'm merely the original."
“Yes… Remember when you first picked up the Warpstar… and it was flashing green: I was transferring some of my ownership to you,” he explained.
“Transferring ownership?” Fumu thought back to when Kirby had first used it…  that warpstar flickered a pale green… it seemed plausible... Come to think of it, that was the first and only time that ever happened. 
“Though not completely… small doses.” Shamelessly, he continued on,” I needed to see if your bond with Kirby was stronger and that you were willing to stand by him, but thankfully, my trust in you solidified after Kracko’s attack it won’t be long now before- ”
"I still don't believe you!"
“You’ve always wondered how I knew so much about Kirby, correct?”Meta Knight retorted. “Well, here it is… As the original guardian of the warp star, I was given all the knowledge of Kirby's powers and abilities... Is that enough for you-"
"My apologies..." Meta Knight then tilted his head towards Fumu, seeing her tempered state. "I promise you're a guardian too... I didn't mean to make it sound like you weren't-"
"Meta Knight... can you summon the warp star too?" she interrupted.
"Um, pardon me?"
"I'M GONNA NEED More-..." Fumu was on the verge of tears. She began to breathe heavily as she stammered on, "More proof than to believe that the man I trusted... was lying to me all this time..."
She managed to pull herself together and continued, " You owe me that much." Fumu's eyes sharpened as if they were daggers... they had such contempt and disdain... for the man she once trusted... the man she once considered a friend.
The whole room was breathless. All eyes were on the lone star warrior. Everyone waiting for him to make his move... the silence alone was suffocating...
Suddenly, Meta Knight's eyes burned away their bright yellow hue and melted into a pure white. "Kabu... " His voice wavered as if it were a whisper. "Send in the warp star..."
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"Warp star~" Kabu cried.
The old sage answered the call without fail (even in his damaged state). It was as if Fumu herself called upon the warpstar... It zoomed across the sky, cutting through clouds and scurring through the castle halls.
It busted through the throne room doors, passing over Fumu, and went straight towards Meta Knight. The light of the warp star shone over him as if it were a scene of triumph and glory. But it was nothing of the sort... instead, the guilty star warrior stood there in utter shame.
"So you really are the original guardian of warp star," she said in disbelief.
There was no denying it now... he was telling the truth.
Bun stepped forward, and he couldn’t help but bud in.. he knew how important guarding the warpstar was to his sister... This was a slap in the face. She fought tooth and nail to defend it, and Kirby...
"That's right!" Lalala commented. "Fumu's been the one who had to stick her neck this whole time while you did the bare minimum!"
"Yeah, you barely tried to help fight off any monsters!" Lololo added. "You only got involved when it was convenient for you!"
Woefully looked at Bun explained Meta Knight. "Someone like me isn't fit to be Kirby's guardian..."
"Uh- Meta Knight..." Bun was taken aback by the knight's sad expression. It wasn't just that but his voice: he never heard a sorrowful tone from him before. It was almost as if his voice was about to cry... The twins sensed this, too... they couldn't help but stand down.
"So, pawned off Kirby to the first chance you got to fend for himself and threw me into this situation where I had to pick up the piece you left!? "
However, Fumu could not...
"No!" The knight trembled in response to the statement, then in sorrow, he responded, "No, I never meant to do that... I never wanted to do-"
""AND WHERE WERE YOU WHEN Kirby and I had to fight Nightmare!?" She snared at him. "I WAS SO SCARED... SOME GUARDIAN YOU ARE!"
~Fumu was just so tired... tired of all of this. She always had to be the responsible one... always had to be the smart one. She was kidnapped by the king and held hostage by Nightmare... and all the monsters she had to take on...
She put up with it because she thought she was the only one who could do it. The only one who could help and protect Kirby. That she had some sort of destiny, but no... it was all because this man couldn't do his job...He used her as a cloak to hide himself… while she did all his dirty work?
"You know what I think..." She gritted he teeth; her words were dripping with venom. "The only reason you couldn't look after Kirby is because you're not capable of caring or loving anything at all!"
The entire conversation had come to a complete halt... It was at this moment that Fumu knew she had gone too far... Even Fumu herself seemed shocked about what she said.
However, Meta Knight seemed unphased by this...His eyes were still a haunting ghostly white... He took a deep breath and let it all out, burying his emotions... as if nothing had happened.
He merely sighed and said, "I have nothing to say..."
"Wait, what!?" she said in shock. "Is that all you have to say for yourself!"
"You're right... You're all right... about everything." His voice sounded weary and weak as he went on. "And I refuse to justify the things I've done... or rather the lack of things I've done...Nothing I say will make up for it- "
Meta Knight then turned to King Dedede, who was frozen in his seat. Flabbergasted at what had transpired... "Uh, yeah, um... what's up?" He was taken back by being added to the mix again.
"There you have it... I, Sir Meta Knight, have manipulated a child to do my dirty work to hide myself as a double agent...this was all to accomplish and further my own selfish goals... SO FIRE ME!"
"Wait, what... I kinda had a whole list I was gonna go down of stuff ya were guilty of..." The king gestured to Escargoon to pull it out.
"Yeah, and I wrote a lot," the snooty snail started to unveil his lengthy scroll. "Let's see now, there's-"
The list was cut into ribbons: Meta Knight's eyes were now scorching red. Fearless with in sword hand, he pressed onward toward Dedede and Escargoon. Galaxia began to glow in a golden fury...
He went up the steps to Dedede's throne; the king and his lackey began to shiver to hold each other for dear life. The enraged warrior loomed over them menacingly as if he were some sort of apparition from hell.
"OKAY. OKAY, YA FIRED! YA FIRED: JUST PUT THAT SWORD OF YOURS DOWN... ALREADY!" the king hopped down his chair and rushed straight to the exit. "C'MON ESCARGOON, WE GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO."
His slimy sidekick followed, "You're, Highness, wait... weren't we going to!" Then he peered at the knight's crimson eyes and was immediately silenced.
"WAIT FOR ME!" he shouted. Running out after the king.
And just like that, they were gone.
And with that, Meta Knight withdrew his sword and walked back down as if nothing had happened. He looked over to Sword and Blade with eyes once again flashing a pure white hue. The knight gave a brief but solemn bow to his subordinates.
He held his gaze with them: it was a conversation that was told in silence. Then, in return, the duo gave a bow back... however, they did not raise their heads back up, their armors shaking. So much their little clatter could be heard throughout the room.
"My purpose here is finished away ... you shall have your wish: you will not see me again."
Lololo and Lalala gasped, "Wait what!?"
"You're leaving..." Bun yelled at him furiously. "Ya coward... to think I looked up to a guy like you!"
"Meta Knight!" Fumu cried out. "Hold on a minute, there's no way that's all you have to say!?"
There was a long pause, and silence filled the room... Their eyes locked into each other. She waited for him to say something... anything to justify his actions.
But instead, the retreating knight looked away in shame. He took a glance around the room once more. The kid's eyes were full of hatred for him... and he had accepted all of it.
"I bid you all a very fond farewell..."
He grabbed the end of his cape... wrapping and spinning around himself. Shadows began to shroud his body. Twirling into a curled-up ball, shrinking ever so small up until... poof, he was gone.
"GRR, FINE THEN GOOD RIDDANCE!" she shouted as she stormed off.
"Sis, wait!" Bun chased after her, with the duo following them.
"Children, wait... You don't know the full story!" Sir Ebrum tried to call out to them. "This is a big misunderstanding... I need to explain to her... Sword, Blade, surely you two can follow him-" The prime minister looked over only to find the two frozen. "My word, are you two alright?"
"We can't..."Sword answered. Unable to finish looked at Blade
Then he blurted out. "He's going somewhere...we can't follow-"
~Meta Knight had successfully warped outside of the palace. Now, standing at the drawbridge of the front gates. Nostalgically, he gazed back at the castle, recalling his time there.
He looked towards the water in the moat, staring at his distorted reflection. "Hmph... I guess they were right... I do bring misfortune wherever I go," he sighed beside himself with guilt. "I shouldn't have let myself get so close to them... At least I know they won't miss me... they'll be safe from-"
"Gah-ow!" A strong aura passed through his body. "C'mon on, keep it together...you've endured this long... you have to hang on... a little A-AGH!." Now, the aura overtook his whole body... the magical binding on his wings (which he put on himself years ago) was starting to break.
"Come on, you have to hold on..." he clutched at his chest so hard to suppress the pain. "At least for-"
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A gust of wind had blown past him, knocking away several waddle dees into the moat. Splashing the water in front of his face. It was a brief second, but he saw it; it was the starship, and the pilot was none other than-
With great speed, the old soldier chased after it like a bat out of hell. The ship was about to take off. If he doesn’t stop him, now he’ll be airborne into space.
Desperately, Meta Knight raised his arm out towards the launching ship. "Sweet Nova, I hope I can still do this..." Then, from his right hand, he emitted a dark aura from it. "Gah!" Once again irritating, the wings on his back. His voice wavering, "Keep it together!"
Soon, the same dark aura surrounded the ship... forcing it to stop dead in its tracks... and land. Then, with his trembling hand, Meta Knight balled his hand into a fist, and *SNAP*, he shut it off completely. He compressed his arm with his cape, trying to numb the sting.
The shutdown caused the cockpit glass to open immediately and out emerged Kirby. He hopped out of the starship, his face tethered to the ground. Immediately, Meta Knight rushed to his side.
"Kirby, Are you alright!?" exclaimed the knight. He scanned him up and down, making sure he wasn't hurt. Then he noticed a slight bump on his forehead. But other than that, he was fine. The worried knight gave out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank heavens you're safe..."
He paused, changing his voice from concern to stern. "Kirby, what Void's name were you doing... YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!?" Gently, he brushed his forehead. "You're lucky I stopped you on time! With that force and velocity, you would have been in another galaxy by now."
“Kirby? "Immediately, Meta Knight backed away. "Did he just smack my hand away?" Still taken aback by what just happened... this was so unlike him. Something was wrong... Once again, he shifted his tone gently, asking him, “Kirby, did something happen?"
In response, the little one began to shake uncontrollably as if the answer was too terrible to explain. Attempting to speak, but no words came out. Then he was able to muster a little peep, whispering under his breath, "Poy-away.."
"Go away," the little boy shouted.
The pink puffball finally raised his head; he was covered in tears, his eye swollen from the crying. All the color from his face was flushed out of him. The glimmer of his eyes had disappeared, and his brilliant smile was destroyed. It was a heartbreaking scene that Meta Knight was all too take in.
It was clear to him now: Kirby was attempting to run away again... far away with his starship... he had just ruined his escape plan. (No wonder he was upset with him.)
Even though Kirby had tried to run away before, this was completely different... the child's spirit was utterly broken. The happy-go-lucky kid he had known seemed to have vanished.
"If he was ready and willing to fly away to another galaxy... he thought. "I can't even imagine what drove him to this state." He tried to reach out to the child again but avoided his touch.
Instead, the little astral tried to turn back and scurry off into his starship again. But he was stopped by Meta Knight's arm blocking the way. "Sorry, kiddo, you can't keep running away from your problems, you know?"
Kirby then jumped attempting to float over it but was gently patted back toward the ground by the knight's hand once again.
Desperately, he tried to slap away Meta Knight's hand once again. Failing desperately shouted in frustration, "Let go, let go, let go!" Trying so hard to escape his grasp, little arms wouldn't let him reach.
"It's alright, Kirby... you can cry now."
As soon as he said that, tears began to flood again... his mentor started to gently pet him... In response, Kirby took hold of the knight's glove and pressed close to his face... encouraging Meta Knight to comfort him more.
Without missing a beat, the man wrapped his cape around the little boy’s shoulder and pulled him in for an embrace. This whole time, Kirby just wanted to be comforted... as soon as he was given a safe place... he just let it all out.
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"Waa- waah!" he cried. Granted, he was crying all day, but this was different. This time, he wasn't alone... Meta Knight was there.
"You're going to be okay now... you're safe..." he gently said. With each wail & sob, he encouraged the baby to let out all the hurt he was feeling. Lightly rubbing his back to let him know he was there.
And with. each cry, all the color had returned to the astral face, and finally, all his pain had been released. But screams had left him breathless... he began to hyperventilate again.
"Take it your time... You're doing fine..." Meta Knight reassured him. "Just listen to the sound of my voice... try to breathe with me, okay."
Slowly, he introduced deep breaths for Kirby to mimic. He reciprocated and was able to follow his lead. "Good boy, you're doing so well..." and praising him with each one.
As his breath became more stable, the little star warrior became more aware of his surroundings. The warmth of the Meta Knight’s cape, the softness of his glove that brushed up against his forehead, the gentleness of his voice…
But the most striking thing he could sense was his heartbeat. He snuggled himself closer to hear its sweet melody... It was the warmth and comfort he’d been desperately searching for... all this time. They held a tenderness that sounded so familiar to him… it's as if he heard it in a dream.
Though it came from the most unlikeliest of sources... Meta Knight.
A stranger, a man full of secrets... Shouldn't he be the most distrustful of him? After everything that happened today, shouldn't he be? Wasn't Meta Knight the one who wanted him to be a star warrior? He barely even knew the stoic knight...
But despite all that, something in his heart told him... This is where he should be... And so Kirby allowed himself to trust Meta Knight's kindness... feeling cozy and safe in his arms.
~But he knew him(Kirby)... Meta Knight knew him.
The old star warrior had all forgotten the aches and pains he had felt earlier. All that mattered was him... all that mattered was Kirby. As he continued to calm and coo the baby in his arm... a million things began to flood his mind:
~"When was the last time I held you in my arms like this... It feels like one eternity ago…" He thought to himself. "One day, when you're older... will you resent me for not being there... will you grow to hate me too... it's too late for regrets...It's all my fault that I'm in this lowly state... "
~Recalling everything Fumu had said...all of it was true. “Do I have the right to comfort him like this…” he thought. “Am I even qualified to do this?" He felt so undeserving... He already knew he wasn't worthy to hold this ball of light in his arms... he lost that privilege years ago.
 ~"Had I not tried to play the hero back then… maybe we wouldn’t be in this position. To watch you from afar… to hand you off, to be raised by another; to be reduced as a stranger to you... It's a pain that I can't even begin to describe... Perhaps this is my punishment..."
With every fiber of his being, he tried not to cry... he needed to be strong (for Kirby). But the tears couldn't help but escape his eyes. And held his child even tighter... as if it were his last.
"Everything I've done up until now was to prepare us for this- to prepare you for... But still, I can't, why can't I... how do I say goodbye to you...my little heart."
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To be continued...
AT LONG LAST CHAPTER 3: Sorry it took so long, you guys...
I know my grammar and writing are sucky, I know... that's why it takes me so long to post. (I reread it over and over, and still, I end up with some mistakes) I tend to write when I feel panicked and it calms me down. (That's why it's sporadic at times... sorry about that)
And know it's a long chapter, but every time I tried to cut it... it just didn't seem right... (plus, I didn't wanna leave you guys on a cliffhanger)
~So yeah, long chapter!
Also, this is why I'd like to thank you for still sticking around and reading... thank you so much to all of you. (Love you guys!)
KBASW Chapter 3: (Chapter Notes)
And I tried really hard not to villainize Fumu. Because she does have every right to be upset with Meta Knight... He was the adult in the situation... She was mad, but it all stemmed from frustration, betrayal, and hurt.
That's why I made her kind of in denial in the beginning because she had such a strong bond with Meta Knight. However, there was always that unfairness of her being the responsible one... It just reached its boiling point.
This is also why I had that little scene before going into the throne room to show that she wasn't in the best state of mind as well...
Plus she doesn't know the full story, yet...
Meta Knight's still hiding things... he's protecting them (Kirby & the kids) from something.. This is why his departure was a little abrupt... he's running out of time.
(Which is why there's a "Lord of the Rings" reference with " I bid you all a very fond farewell...": love the series :D)
Meta Knight does have a good reason for everything... But he also knows he's guilty! It was hard for me to write this chapter because I wanted to make him in the wrong & in the right.
Added the other kids for their reaction, too, so it wouldn't be just Fumu calling him out.
I also wanted to give a reason why Meta Knight knew so much about Kirby... so having him being the original holder of the warp star seemed to fit well... with my HC so yeah it's in there.
The solution to this was to make him accept everything she said. Meta Knight doesn't justify anything, but... it still hurts him to hear it out loud... This puts him in a distraught state which is why he is vulnerable and drops the apatheic act in front of Kirby.
At his core, he loves Kirby to bits and pieces. Meta Knight's reason for everything has always been Kirby... And it genuinely kills him that he had to stay away from him.
There is more to be revealed, but... it's a real tear-jerker reason. Angst train is still just getting started!
The line, "It's alright, Kirby... you can cry now." is a reference to "You can cry now" (an old post of mine).
Despite how much this chapter kept kicking my butt... this was my favorite chapter to write so far. I hope you all enjoy it!
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disasterofastory · 2 years
Hi I’m kinda new to this app so I haven’t figured everything out yet but I was wondering if you could do like an extra chapter for the maid series where the reader is like making a cup of coffee for one of the new members of the mob (he doesn’t know her or that Bucky is incredibly protective of her) and she accidentally spills it on him or drops it and he like freaks out at her and starts yelling at her and she’s like on the verge of tears and then Bucky comes in and he gets so mad and the reader thinks he’s mad at her but he’s mad at the other guy and then the reader leaves the room with tears falling down her face and Bucky yells at the guy and fires him and then goes to find the reader and she’s still crying so he comforts her and reassured her and then when she asks abt the guy he just says that he took care of it, idk something like that maybe?? Ik that it says requests are closed but if you ever have time or reopen requests I would love it if you could write this. I love thé maid series <3, thank you :)
The maid of Mr. Barnes + Ask - A horrible morning // Masterlist Bucky Barnes x Reader Mafia AU Warnings: mention of blood but nothing serious
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"Y/N, go to my office."
Your bottom lip burns as your teeth sink deeper and deeper into the soft flesh with each passing second. You can feel your own blood on the tip of your tongue, mixing with the coffee you drank half an hour ago. Your stomach turns at the taste and because of everything else. You stand frozen behind the counter. The man's voice still echoes in your mind. It's on repeat. The ringing in your ears isn't loud enough to make it stop. Bucky's voice isn't enough to make it disappear.
"Y/N! My office! Now!"
You hear nothing as you pace back and forth in Bucky's office. The kitchen is too far. Your arms are around your torso, fidgeting with the fabric of your shirt. Your palms are sweaty, and your throat is still tight. The back of your eyes burns with unshed tears.
It was an accident. The man didn't catch the mug in time, and you let it go too soon. Before you knew it, the coffee was all over his shirt while he started yelling at you. The angry vibration of his voice filled the kitchen and fell back from the walls onto you with full force. He didn't even give you time to apologize or do something to make it better.
You will lose your job. You are sure of it.
The opening and closing of the thick wooden door wake you up from your desperate thoughts. Your head jerks up at the sudden sound, and your gaze lands on your boss. The black suit he wore is nowhere now, and the white shirt is pulled up on his arms. The veins of his forearm move in sync with his muscles.
"I'm so sorry," you break the silence. Your voice is high and trembling. "It was an accident, I swear! I didn't… I didn't…" "Hey, hey, hey," Bucky cuts in, stepping closer. "It's okay." "No, it's not," you argue, shaking your head. Your arms tighten around you. Bucky doesn't like the gesture. It looks like you are trying to protect yourself from him. "Come here," he says, stopping in front of you a few steps away. He doesn't want to make you feel worse than you already feel, but seeing you so stressed is almost unbearable. "I'm sorry," you sniff. Tears roll down your heated cheeks. Bucky's blood starts to boil in his veins once again. How dare anyone make you cry? His Bunny. "Come here, Bunny," he repeats himself. His voice is soft and patient. You have no idea about the battle he fights himself not to go back and take care of the other man himself. You make a few tentative steps to Bucky. Your sight is still blurry. The man peels your arms from your body. His touch is gentle, and his movements are slow. "Don't cry," he says, curling your arms around his body. Your fingers grip the back of his shirt on their own accord. His hands smooth up on your skin, reaching your shoulders, then going down on your back to pull you closer. "It was an accident. He had no right to talk to you like this, do you understand me?" You nod, but it's not enough for the man. "I want words, Y/N," he says. His long fingers push your head up to make you look at him. Your eyes are red, and your lips are swollen. "Nobody can talk to you like this," he continues. "And especially not for a fucking coffee, you hear me?" "So I'm not in trouble?" You breathe out. "Of course not," Bucky scoffs, hugging you closer to himself with his free arm. It's warm and steady around you. "It was an accident." "It was," you nod. "I'm sorry." "I know, Bunny," he let himself smile a little. "You don't have to worry about anything, okay?" "What happens with that man?" You ask him. Despite your boss's words, you still worry. Meeting him again after all this would be horrible. "It doesn't matter," he says. You don't have to know what Sam and Steve are doing with that fool right at this moment. "You will never have to see him again." Bucky's words don't register in your mind because of his soft lips on your forehead. His breath is warm as it fans over your skin, and his kiss is soft and comforting. "I will take you out for breakfast," he states. "You don't have to," you try to shake your head as you argue, but his fingers are still on your jaw. His thumb caresses your jawline. "But I want to," he says. "Hop away, Bunny, and get ready."
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tillystealeaves · 2 months
Steddie Breakup Fic: Communication
Finally, the last part! I had intended to get this posted this weekend but ended up picking up a shift at the Pennsylvania Bat Rehab. Figured that was a fitting excuse...
Start reading from the beginning Read on AO3
“Bobbin, I think I really really fucked up,” Steve said as soon as Robin opened her door to him.
Robin sighed in obvious relief. “You already figured that out on your own?” She was Steve’s best friend, his platonic soulmate. If he needed her to stand by him while he worked through the events of the past day, she would. But not having to explain to Steve that he had just needlessly dumped his not-platonic soulmate would make this conversation go much more smoothly.
“Um, no. I didn’t actually,” Steve confessed. “Dustin explained it to me.”
“Dingus,” Robin groaned, ushering him into her house.
“I just wanted to do right by him, Robin,” Steve explained, his words coming out in a rush. “I want him to be happy and I couldn’t take it if he felt trapped. But I also didn’t want to hear him say it. I’m not the kind of guy people stick around for, I know that, but I don’t-”
“No,” Robin interjected firmly. “This conversation started out much better. You acknowledging that you fucked up last night. That’s true. What is not true is that people- that Eddie- won’t stick around for you. Because if Eddie wouldn’t stick around for you, then you didn’t fuck up, right?”
Steve nodded, taking a steadying breath. “He loves me. Dustin said we love each other like… like lizards with frilly ascots, looking for a fight?”
Robin doubled over, snorting with laughter. “Oh- oh my god, he’s so right! That’s exactly what you are! But not as a display of flirting or anything, just genuinely!” Her words cut off, choked by another peal of laughter.
“Robin, this is serious!” Steve yelped, fighting back a smile. Robin’s joy was infectious- and she wouldn’t be laughing at him if she thought he had truly ruined things with Eddie. “Okay, fine, I’m a lizard! What do I do to make sure that Eddie and I get our lizard happily ever after?”
Robin stopped laughing, stood, and looked at Steve. With all the love and support of a platonic soulmate offering the best advice she could, she suggested, “Sunbathe together on some very warm rocks.”
Steve stared at her blankly for a long moment. “I’m doomed,” he said flatly. Again, Robin burst into laughter. “Okay, but seriously,” he pressed. “Robin I actually need help. I just ruined my relationship with my completely perfect boyfriend, and apparently for no reason.”
“You did,” Robin replied. “Because you’re a dingus and you didn’t talk to him.” She sighed, all traces of humor gone. “Honestly, Steve, just… say you’re sorry. Tell him it was a misunderstanding.”
“I dumped him! Bob, that’s not a misunderstanding; that’s awful! I literally said that we were just going to end up miserable so we should just end it now. He’s never going to talk to me again- and he shouldn’t!”
“Steve!” Robin interjected. “Stop. Of course he is.”
“How do you know?”
“He was here!”
Steve froze, halting his pacing around Robin’s living room. “He was? When? What did he say? Why didn’t you call me?”
“Because you were coming here already. He left less than half an hour ago. He wanted to know why I told you to break up with him. I told him that I definitely did not do that and also that you are a dingus. He figured out the rest.”
“Is he mad?” Steve asked softly, his voice breaking. “God, of course he’s mad. Does he hate me?”
“No,” Robin answered simply. “He loves you. He’s sad. I think he’s probably worried about you.”
“How do I fix this?”
“You go on a date to watch a meteor shower. He’s expecting you. Just get there a little early, yeah?”
Steve wrapped Robin into a tight hug. “Have I told you recently that you’re the best best friend a person could have?”
The lights were on and Eddie’s constantly-stalling van was in the driveway when Steve pulled up to the Munson’s new trailer. Wayne’s truck was thankfully gone. Over the past months, Steve had been warmly welcomed by Eddie’s uncle. As much as he felt that he deserved to be judged for the mess that he’d created over the past day, he knew that Wayne would be nothing but kind if he found out about it.
Still, he preferred not to have an audience for this conversation with Eddie.
He tried to exude the sort of flirty charm that he knew he excelled at as he knocked on the door, but he knew he was failing hopelessly.
Eddie opened the door with a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, Stevie. Robin said she thought you would come but I wasn’t sure…” He trailed off, looking down at the ground.
Steve had to say something, had to explain to Eddie that of course he would come- he would always be there as long as Eddie wanted him. But he didn’t know how to start; whether to apologize first or launch into a declaration of how much Eddie meant to him or- “Here,” he said abruptly, shoving the bouquet of flowers he’d bought into Eddie’s chest. “I got you these.”
Eddie’s smile was still small, but now it was lit with warmth and fondness. “Thanks. Do you want to come in?”
The moment the door closed behind them, Steve wanted to gather Eddie up into a hug. He knew he couldn’t just do that though. It wasn’t fair to Eddie. None of this had been fair to Eddie.
“Robin said you stopped by her house?”
“Yeah,” Eddie answered. He stared intently at the flowers he was holding, his free hand busy twisting itself in his curls. “I just wanted to know what I did wrong.”
“Nothing. Eds, you absolutely didn’t do anything wrong.”
“She said that. But I obviously didn’t do enough to show you how much you mean to me. You thought- did you really think that I would get tired of you?”
Steve shrugged. “People do. I’m kind of used to not being what people want long-term. And not just as a boyfriend. I’m not what my parents wanted in a son. My friends in high school only liked me as long as I played the part of some guy who wasn’t me.”
���Your parents don’t know what they’re missing out on. But Hop and Mrs. Henderson are both definitely up for the job. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Wayne’s had a lot of practice being an unexpected dad, and he’s pretty great at it. You have people, Steve. Lots of people who absolutely want you around long-term.” Eddie took a deep breath, as if steeling himself. “Including me.”
Steve marveled at this incredible man before him. Eddie, who said he wasn’t a hero, who worried that he was the sort of person who ran away. Eddie, who looked with understanding and love at the person who had stamped on his heart just the night before and handed his heart over to him again. Now it was Steve’s turn to be brave.
“Can I try again? That whole conversation, can I just redo it?”
“Sure,” Eddie answered. He sat down on the couch, motioning for Steve to join him.
“I love being with you so much. I like you and I like who I am when I’m with you. I know I can be a lot and I know I can be a disappointment, both at the same time. But I don’t think I can handle hearing you say that to me. And I also don’t want you to feel like you can’t say that to me if that’s how you feel. I don’t have career goals or a big plan and I don’t want to hold you back or mess up plans that you have. So I just thought… maybe we should stop this now before I let you down? But I should have said that. So I’m sorry.”
Eddie reached across the few inches of space between them on the couch and put his hand on Steve’s knee. Steve immediately reached out and grabbed hold, Eddie’s fingers a lifeline to a happy ending he thought he may have destroyed. “Yeah,” Eddie began softly, “you should have said that. Because then I would have said that you’re not going to let me down. That my plans involve taking my Finally Achieved high school diploma and getting the hell out of this town, never getting accused of a violent crime again, making music- and that doesn’t mean I have to hit the big time; just make music- and just be happy and make sure the people I love are happy. I’m in love with you, Steve Harrington, and I want to go on a great big lifelong adventure with you.”
There it was. Eddie saw him and Eddie loved him. And Steve loved him back- oh, how he loved him. He knew he loved too much and too hard. But Eddie had made space for Steve’s love. He had honored it as much as he honored Max’s sharp edges and Dustin’s rants about electronics and, now with the Party all back in Hawkins, Will’s passion for illustration. Eddie would never expect Steve to be anyone other than who he was- and he loved him for it.
“Okay,” Steve whispered, choked by the hope and joy blooming in his chest. “Okay, so… can we get back together?”
“How about this?” proposed Eddie. “Last night you gave me a sort of letter of resignation for our relationship. I did not accept. Instead of accepting your resignation, you and I both brought the problem to our Human Resources officer, Robin. After that, you rescinded your proposed resignation.”
“So it just… didn’t happen?”
“Exactly. Me and you, together for five months so far, going strong.”
“And you’re not mad?” Steve’s parents often held his mistakes over his head for weeks, insisting that he had to make up for his shortcomings. But even as he asked, Steve knew that Eddie wouldn’t have those sorts of expectations.
“No, I’m not mad. Gotta say, though, I’m a little scared. Please, Steve, all I ask is that you don’t do this again, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve agreed. He knew that a lifetime of insecurities wouldn’t just evaporate, knew that he would probably worry these exact same things again. But he could definitely promise that he would talk to Eddie about it instead of just assuming he wasn’t wanted. “Getting scolded by Dustin for shutting you out was an experience I’d love to not repeat.”
“Wait, what?” Eddie asked.
Steve laughed as he stood from the couch, pulling Eddie up with him. “I’ll tell you later. Right now, I think we’ve got a meteor shower to catch. Unless-” he faltered. “Do you still want to go?”
Eddie smiled and pulled Steve close, kissing him lightly on his forehead, nose, and finally his lips. “Wouldn’t miss it, Stevie.”
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Risk it all
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Summary: Andy and you are a closed book. Right?
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of former break-up, fluff, a little angst, very implied smut
<< Trustfall
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You wake in Andy’s arms, feeling warm and relaxed for the first time in weeks. He insisted on staying the night.
After you didn’t stop crying over your ruined wall paint, your breakup, and life in general, he didn’t want to leave you alone.
“Morning, peanut,” he nuzzles his face in your shoulders and runs his hand over your arm. It’s the first time you feel his hand on your skin without his wedding band. Andy told you he took it off some time ago, but you didn’t dare to look at his hand for too long. “How do you feel?”
“Better. Less…pathetic,” you sniff. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you because of the paint.”
“You’re not pathetic. Y/N, you cried because you were hurt. I hurt you, and you have all the right to be sad, mad, and angry. This is all on me for being too scared to admit I’m deeply in love with someone after I lost my family.”
“Andy,” you whisper his name. “Taking off the ring doesn’t fix things between us. I don’t know where we go from here. You hurt me and left me. Suddenly you came back and gave a house to me. I’m so confused and a little scared.”
“I’m fucking terrified, Y/N,” he’s choking the words out, afraid you don’t believe him. “I don’t want to lose you. All this time without you was hell. I drank too much, didn’t eat and I fucked a case up too.”
“What are we doing here, Andy?” You turn around to look at Andy. He has tears in his eyes when you stroke his bearded cheek. “Andy.” He closes his eyes, afraid to wake from a dream when you press a soft kiss on his lips. “I don’t know what to do.”
He sniffs. “Honestly, it’s the first time I don’t know what to do myself, Y/N. All I know is that I don’t want to live another day without you in my life.”
You run your hand over his cheek, his neck, and down to his arm to grab his hand. Squeezing his hand tightly you sigh. “We are both clueless then.”
He chuckles. ���Do you still hate the neon pink kitchen?”
You scrunch up your nose. “It looks ridiculous, not cute as I believed it would. I wanted it to look like the kitchen I saw on a blog. The owner painted the kitchen pink and had cute pink kitchenware.”
“Hmm…I’m not a big fan of pink,” he grins when you give him a stern look. “What? I think every couple therapist tells you the first thing you need to do is be honest with your partner.”
“I hate the house,” you bite your lower lip. “I know you meant well, but the kitchen is a mess, the windows are leaky, and we don’t want to talk about the front yard.”
He laughs at your attitude. “Seriously? You said you love the house.”
“That was before I realized that I’ll be the only person who will fix things in this house will be me. I don’t have a guy around who can lift heavy things and repair the broken window in the bathroom.”
“Peanut, I’m the worst craftsman you can imagine. I won’t be able to repair things,” he grins when you give him a stern look. “I’m good at other things.”
“What other things do you mean, Mr. Barber?” You poke his chest with your index finger. “So far you only showed me that you kiss a girl’s lips instead of her burned finger.”
“I can take very good care of my girl if she lets me,” he presses a kiss on your forehead. “I promise to be less overbearing, peanut.”
“Stop calling me peanut,” you pout. “I’m not that small.”
“You are.”
“I’m not.”
He chuckles. “I’ve missed this.”
“Me too,” you chuckle. “How about we sleep in today?” You run your hand over his chest. “I’d love to stay in bed for a little longer…”
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“I…we should talk. What happened this morning was—” You stop pacing the room to look at Andy. “Sex was a bad idea. I mean…the sex was great, but it doesn’t solve any problem we have.”
“Come here,” Andy holds out his hands to help you sit in his lap. “Relax, you are working yourself up again.”
“Maybe you should’ve bought the house you liked.” You whisper. “You can still sell this house and hopefully get your money back. I’ll stay at my apartment.”
“Andy,” you sigh deeply. “I shouldn’t have accepted the house in the first place.”
“What if,” he runs his hand over your back as you get comfortable in his lap, “we sell my apartment and your house. We could buy a new home we both like. A fresh start with a new place to live in for the both of us.”
“A fresh start,” you repeat. “I spared money too, Andy. If we want to buy a house, I want to pay my part.”
“How about you spare your money for the naughty things we want to buy,” he smirks cockily. “Like a sex dungeon.”
“Andy,” you slap his shoulder. “That’s not funny!”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” He quirks a brow and grins. “I’m going to chain you up in the sex dungeon and tease you until you cum all over my face.”
You squirm in his lap. “Sex won’t solve anything, Andy. We need to…” You sigh again. “You know what I mean.”
“I know, Y/N.” He wraps his arms around you. “If want this relationship to work out, we need to talk about a lot of things. I’m willing to try. Maybe we can see a therapist too.”
“I’m willing to try too…”
You will work on your relationship, and even see a therapist over the next months. 
Andy and you decided to wait a little longer before you buy another house. But you moved in with him.
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