#but I'm sorry rape happens in war
coockie8 · 9 months
ok im not in the storm hawks fandom literally dont even know what that show is but i thought you were fucking kidding when you said the main plot is dark enough to be on par with game of thrones until you reblogged that unnerving trivia post like wtf this was a kids show?!?!?
This show was only a kids show because the networks wanted it to be. It could've been an R-rated sci-fi/fantasy series about the horrors of war by just taking itself more seriously. Easily.
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mhsdatgo · 9 months
Always hated the way according to TB I'm supposed, as a woman, to root for Rhaenyra "Mary Sue" Targaryen because she's a Valyrian woman and can't do no wrong. Otherwise I'm framed as a misogynist, an enabler, a rape apologist, every name in the book. As if this isn't the same girl who coerced her bodyguard because her erectile disfunction uncle didn't wanna bang her after leaving her in a brothel, naked and on plain sight for any kind of perverted brute. As if this isn't the same girl who weaponized both her and her best friend's trauma to twist a truth about something she very willingly did that could've had her disowned if her father was anyone else other than the weak ass neglectful rapist pedo father she had instead.
This is the same girl who ignored and mistreated Alicent when all she did was convince Viserys to allow her privileges she never had, like choosing a husband. Like it or not, it was Alicent the one who gave gave and gave, and Rhaenyra the one who took took and took and even MOCKED, time and time again. The same girl who acted like a victim when the girl she called her literal best friend (only when it benefitted her) was getting maritally R*PED in the next room by her crusty ass father. She never tried connecting with her siblings because they were Alicent's children. Not because their minds were poisoned, not because they were apparently bitter towards her. Because they weren't her mother's children. Same as Viserys. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
I'm supposed to root for a woman who doesn't do one single thing for the claim she feels so entitled to (who was purely based on Viserys' grief and guilt for Aemma)? I'm supposed to root for a woman who brings back to the line of succession the same man everyone wanted far from the line of succession? I'm supposed to root for the woman who wants to be the exception, not give possibilities to other women like an ACTUAL feminist does? She usurps her stepdaughters' claims in favor of her obviously bastard children, and no, betrothing the fpur of them isn't the same. If they die, the girls' claim dies with them, and guess what, exactly that happened.
No, I will not root for the woman who wanted a teenager's head because she was black and because she couldn't cope with the fact that "hEr pRiNcE" didn't love her, only what her title could offer. Or the woman who put a price on a 6yo's and a 2yo's head simply because they were her brother's children, thereby proving what Criston said about what was needed for Jace to raise to power after his mother. She even denied the request of multiple older daughters/sisters who rightfully wanted to lead their houses, with the excuse that the relam would be far too 'imbalanced'. Girl, are you that dense? There's the smallfolk getting eaten and burned and taxes by your dragon and your entire family fighting wars and dying left and right and you think two women ruling their houses will destabilize the realm?
Rhaenyra is many things, but feminist is not among them, no matter how much you cry and whine about it. Yes, I'm aware that no woman in asoiaf or f&b can be described as feminist. But the convinction (and delusion) that Rhaenyra is, without a shadow of doubt, is mindblowing. She's arguably worse than any of said women combined.
No, I don't feel represented or uplifted by a tyrant, classist, racist, hypocritical, spoiled kinslayer with god complex because she's albino and has a pet dragon as spoiled and as useless as her. Sorry not sorry.
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k-s-morgan · 16 days
I in no way mean to be disrespectful, I hope you and your family are doing well and I’m so sorry for the recent attacks. I’m just ignorant and want to know what would happen if Ukraine surrendered to Russia?
I hope you are safe from bombing and air raids 🙏🙏
Hi! Thank you <3 And don't worry, that's a good question.
What I'm 100% sure would happen in case of Ukraine's surrender, even under the most optimistic scenario:
We'd have to give up the entire country, not just a part of it. Russia always comes back for more. It's been following the same pattern with different countries forever. With Ukraine, it got a pretty decent chunk back in 2014. That land continued to belong to Ukraine on paper only - in reality, it was fully under Russian control, and no one really fought for it any longer. Was Russia satisfied with it? No. It kept preparing and then attacked to overtake even more land. It will never have enough, so to give up now means to acknowledge that the entire Ukraine will cease to exist as a country, whether right away or after Russia starts another war against us.
Ukrainian language, culture, and heritage would be destroyed completely in the coming years. Our history - and the history of the world children are taught - will be re-written. There is a reason why the majority of countries that were a part of USSR speak primarily Russian. Russia keeps carefully erasing other languages and culture, it's been doing it for ages. It's doing it right now on the occupied territories.
Pro-Ukrainian activists and people of note would be persecuted, kidnapped, tortured, and killed. This is also a pattern, it happens everywhere Russia invades. I know many examples personally.
We'd be gradually cut off of the outside world. Like, Russia has banned major fanfiction sites; it's trying to block YouTube and other platforms. The transformation into a semblance of North Korea would be inevitable.
Ukrainians would be treated as third-rate non-humans on their own territory. Again, it's been happening everywhere Russia barges into.
Ukraine would be used as a military base to attack other countries, and Ukrainians would be forced to become Russian soldiers.
As for the rest, it could go in several ways. Maybe Russia would want to show how 'amazing' it is, so it'd turn Kyiv into a second Moscow, creating different well-paid positions and opportunities to suck up to Kyiv residents and to prove its hypocritical benevolence.
On the other hand, it could just as well turn the entire country into a concentration and extermination camp. Russia has been torturing, raping, degrading, and murdering our people everywhere. Stealing their homes, kidnapping children, etc. and etc. I have a huge number of friends, people I know, or their friends who shared their stories, and each of them has been absolutely horrific.
My Mom's colleague, for example, used to live near Bachmut. When Russians came in, they immediately began to hunt down anyone related to the police and the military and killing them or actually demanding ransom for them. They kidnapped this colleague's friends, a married couple, kept them in a dog's kennel, pissed on them, beat them up, and raped the wife repeatedly. At that point, the colleague managed to flee the area, and she has no idea as to what happened to them afterward.
This could very well be the fate of our country in case of our surrender since the world obviously doesn't care and wouldn't bat an eye at the millions suffering and dying, kind of like it's happening now.
So surrendering is dangerous because we might cease to exist, but perhaps we are just prolonging the inevitable. A tiny country with a pathetic level of support cannot win against a giant that has a ton of everything and whose allies keep sending it even more weapons of destruction. Oh, and let's not forget how Russia keeps producing more and more weapons because the US and EU keep selling it the parts it needs for missiles and other stuff, and how Ukraine, after seemingly getting help from these US and EU, is forbidden to use it to strike Russia back.
It's all a joke to everyone but us, so I honestly don't envision a positive outcome at all. In the end, as long as our heroes are determined to defend Ukraine, we'll keep trying to hold on. The future will show what it'll lead us to.
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 3 months
I've been lurking in your blog & some of your mutuals for awhile now & I just wanted to say thanks for being like.... A human being about the war. I'm not Jewish, but I am a rape survivor and the aftermath of Oct 7 was... I don't know if it's right for me to claim it was traumatic since I'm not Jewish, but it definitely broke something in me. It's hard to look at people I once thought were friends and had good morals only to realize they'd cheer on my rape if my rapist was their "ally." I've felt really alone the past few months, but seeing people being kind and refusing dehumanization and hoping for peace helps remind me that not everyone sucks. Anyway I know you prob get a lot of hate and you don't have to answer this or anything but I did want to say thanks for being a kind human.
No, I think it’s 100% valid for you to feel traumatized by the last 9 months, Jewish or not. I honestly can’t imagine what it must feel like as a rape survivor, to see people you know—your friends—denying what happened, knowing what happened to you. I’m so, so sorry.
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matan4il · 1 month
Hi Alice! All my love to you in these dark dark times. You've been instrumental to me learning more about what it's like in Israel on the ground right now, and helping me not get swept up in the vitriolic rhetoric so many of my fellow liberals are espousing. I've been horrified by some of the behavior I've seen from the pro-Palestine crowd. I quietly support both sides of the conflict, and hope to see a return of the hostages, a subsequent ceasefire, and a realistic path to a two-state solution in the near future.
I'm asking this in good faith because I trust your research and input on these things, and I'm curious about your perspective. TW for rape and torture. I've seen a report come out on one of the tumblrs I follow (who is very pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist, unfortunately, I only follow them for fandom content) stating that there's been torturous conditions inside Israeli prisons–Sde Teiman specifically–detaining Palestinians. It includes accusations of rape, beatings, and amputations due to injuries from being cuffed. I was wondering if you had seen this report and had thoughts about whether this is another anti-Israel smear campaign or a cruel reality of bad people doing bad things. I'm always inclined to believe victims, and as an American, I'm painfully aware of the atrocities that can happen in detentions centers, especially during wartime.
Please know I'm not accusing you of anything or trying to make this a gotcha thing! I'm curious about your thoughts as an Israeli who does good research and knows her country and history. Thank you again for all you do, and I'm so sorry to hear about your colleague's murder. May you and your loved ones find as much rest and peace as can be found in a time like this. Take care.
Hi Nonnie,
thank you so much for your kind words (especially regarding Alex), your humaneness and willingness to listen to Jews and Israelis! Absolutely, there is no contradiction in supporting regular people on both sides of this conflict. This is NOT a zero-sum game. Both sides can thrive, if we all choose and are just allowed to coexist.
Okay, the Sde Teiman accusations...
Let me start with the history of this army base, because it is relevant to how it was used.
In 1942, the Nazis landed in northern Africa, and were headed eastwards, toward the Land of Israel. As a part of getting ready for that, The British (who ruled Israel at the time) paved a strip of asphalt in the desert, not too far from the expected direction of the Nazis' invasion, and used it as an airfield. They also built a few hangars next to the runway, and this is what in the 1950's became the military base called Sde Teiman ("Field of Yemen," in honor of the Israeli's air force operation of airlifting the Jews of Yemen, and bringing them to Israel. Along with the operation to bring the Ethiopian and Indian Jews to Israel, these mark the only times when a "first world" country brought people from "third world" countries - with the goal of making them citizens with equal rights). I'm sharing this info, so everyone can get an idea of how small and insufficient this army base is for the purpose of detaining prisoners. And indeed, under normal circumstances, it is NOT used for that purpose.
However, when Hamas launches surprise attacks from Gaza, it has been used for temporary detention (until arrested terrorists can be transferred to more adequate facilities) simply because of its proximity to Israel's border with Gaza.
That's how it was used following the Oct 7 Hamas invasion of Israel, too. Things to note about this: Israel did not initiate the massacre and following war, so it didn't have time to prepare a better temporary detention center with personnel properly trained to be jailors, and also, while Sde Teiman had been used temporarily for terrorist detention before, it was never used for as many arrested terrorists as after Oct 7. Consider that on the day itself alone, around 3,500 terrorists invaded Israel, and that was just the first day of the war.
When it comes to general accusations of awful conditions there, which might lead to terrible consequences, a big part of it is probably down to the fact that this base was not meant for this purpose (and the fact that it was used this way is because of the nature of Hamas' attack rather than any intended maliciousness).
The conditions were all wrong as a result of the chaos of war regarding the sexual assault case, too. The guards were not trained to be jailors, they didn't have the right tools to deal with arrested terrorists, especially these terrorists, who belonged to the Nukhba, a Hamas "elite" unit and the main perpetrator of the massacre (the Nukhba to Hamas are like the Waffen SS to the Nazis, imagine what Israelis feel when they hear "Nukhba"). Think of the atrocities committed by these men: the rapes, the beheadings, the mutilations, the murder of children, the burning down of homes with people inside, the extermination of entire families, the destruction of Israel's southern communities, and the psychological trauma caused to the entire country, when many are already dealing with lots of trauma, including of the inter-generational kind. Now imagine being an ordinary reservist, a regular civilian, not someone who has chosen the army as a way of life, not someone who has seen the horrors off war recently (or maybe ever), someone with a family that could have easily been targeted on Oct 7, someone who isn't trained for how to jail the vilest of criminals, then tasked with guarding in over-crowded and extremely close settings such monsters while being psychologically affected by their terrorism (which is the main goal of terrorism! To terrorize even those not directly harmed!)...
Initially, 10 soldiers, who are all reservists, were arrested. Since then, it turns out only 5 of them will be indicted (indicating that there is no substantial evidence against the other 5) for supposedly sexually assaulting a Nukhba terrorist. Specifically, the Nukhba company commander of Jabalya. He's not any regular terrorist, he's someone who was a commander that partook in the Oct 7 massacre, he oversaw the committed atrocities, he didn't only commit crimes, he gave the orders. At least one of the suspected soldiers testified that this Nukhba commander was going haywire, and had to be physically subdued. According to reporters, a doctor initially checked this Nukhba commander and found no signs of abuse. Only later did the terrorist start bleeding from his behind. According to a submitted report by Prof. Alon Pikarsky, a senior doctor at Hadassah, the civilian hospital this terrorist was later admitted into, the harm to the terrorist's behind is most likely self-inflicted. Based on accounts from reporters, the overall medical and forensic testimonies submitted cannot confirm nor refute the claims of the Nukhba terrorist.
So when it comes to the case itself, I can't say much. The accusations are serious, the question marks are serious, and I don't have the professional tools to figure out where the truth lies. There will be a trial, more qualified people than me will decide.
Obviously, as an Israeli, I hope the accusations are false. Not because I think there is ANY society out there which is perfect, and in which no crimes ever take place, especially where extreme circumstances are involved, but because I think it's natural to hope for the best for one's people.
Where it comes to the people who tried to stop the arrest of the suspected soldiers, I believe they're in the wrong for multiple reasons: for the sake of justice, for the state of the Israeli justice system, and even for the sake of the soldiers, if it turns out they're innocent. At the same time, while I am NOT okay with the arrests being stopped, I can understand the sentiment. In Israel, especially post Oct 7, soldiers are our most immediate heroes. They risk themselves, they save countless lives, (even the ones "only" guarding terrorists know they could be killed doing this, and they're saving people by keeping the terrorists locked up), they're dealt shitty hands sometimes (like having to guard Nukhba terrorists when they're not even trained for it), and they do all this for us, as a collective, men and women, adults and kids, Jews and Arabs. We ALL owe them, every Israeli. So the sentiment is that there is something difficult to process about a situation where the word of a massacre-committing terrorist commander is believed over that of people who are perceived as heroes. It makes a protective side of people come out, even people who at the end accept that the justice system must do its thing.
And when it comes to the justice system, I think it matters SO MUCH that it will do its thing. No army can prevent every single one of its soldiers, as individuals, from committing crimes. But there are armies that, as a system, commit crimes. The justice system that prosecutes individual crimes is a part of the difference.
Still, even if the accusations are true, even while I'm happy they're investigated, I went into the details of the case, because I do believe that even at worst, there are extenuating circumstances. Those don't turn a wrong act into a right one, but they acknowledge that, under extreme circumstances, and without the right tools, many normative people without criminal intent might end up doing the wrong thing. The psychological burden of guarding extremist terrorists who have traumatized an entire society, including their guards, in close quarters and without the right training, it could be one that would make a lot of regular people crack. I'm glad I've never been tested like that. I'd like to believe I wouldn't have done the wrong thing, but who knows. We're all human, we all have our triggers. Especially in the face of complete evil that harmed our loved ones or threatens to. I feel lucky that I was never put in an extreme situation, like those soldiers, I hope they did the right thing, but I find it hard to morally judge them if they didn't, even where I recognize that if they did what they're accused of, they should be legally judged.
IDK if this helped, but I hope it at least reflects the fact that for quite a few Israelis ('coz I can't speak or all of us, but I think this probably represents a fair number of people), it is complicated, and not a clear-cut case of black and white, good vs evil...
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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cannellee · 7 months
HI-HI! I've been really enjoying your alpha! tokyo revengers fics and I was wondering if you were taking requests?
If so, could you do yandere! alpha! Kawata twins fighting over omega! reader before deciding to just share the reader? Like, the reader now has to deal with two yandere alphas who are working together.
You don't have to do it if you're too busy!! I just thought it would be a fun idea to explore and read.
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yandere! alpha! kawata twins x omega! reader
tw : assault, rape attempt, curse words, possessive behaviour, isolation, sequestration, soft yanderes (sorry I made it extremely angsty for some reasons??)
my masterlist : ☆
(I feel like I didn't exactly answered your request, I still hope you'll enjoy reading it!
btw I'm trying a new format, different from my usual headcanons, I tried to make it as less boring as possible and not write anything unnecessary but I'm not sure... I would love to hear your thoughts !)
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as far as you remember, it's always been the three of you. since you were little, your joyous friend group did everything together.
school hours were spent with you trying to appease their arguments, playing with them and going back home hands in hands.
as a kid, you were less aware of your surroundings and what was happening around you. you had a dynamic you were very much pleased with, smiley taking the role of your alpha, angry following meekly his brother, and you, you were their omega. they looked after you, with clumsy attempts at impressing you, growling to other kids when they were being mean.
to them it was clear since age 5, you are their omega. you never gave it too much though, at the time you simply went along with it, you growing instincts beckoning you to follow what your two alpha friends told you.
you noticed growing up that they became very dependent on you. the both of them seem to always know where you were, trying to be the first to help you carry your bags after you went grocery shopping, helping you with homework and asking questions about who hung out with today.
you liked this routine, and accepted gladly their presence. you were so close, it was only natural for them to stay close to you.
however, the older you became, the more they acted out of line. you could forgive them once or twice, but it soon became too much to bare.
their once innocent bickering, turned into a full war to see who was better suited for you. you surely hadn't expected this turn of event, angry having always went along with his brother's every words, seeing his in such a confrontation surprised you.
high school was tough. being in separated classes gave you a few hours break, but considered the interrogation which followed right after, you didn't know which was worse.
lunch period was spent in a secluded area where you gave to each their lunchbox. this was something they requested and eagerly waited every day. being able to taste their omega's cooking was a privilege they didn't take lightly!
careful though to prepare them identical, otherwise, - if one was to notice how you accidentally gave the other a bigger portion, or how you placed the sauce in a heart shape while the other couldn't witness that same attention in his- you would be met with a fight.
at first, they would verbally fight each other, cursing the other. however they recently started throwing hands, probably coming to the conclusion that it was the most effective method to assert dominance over the other.
sadly, none of these ever came to a decent end. they either would both tire the other out without any real "winner", or you would successfully stop them.
the situations really stressed you out, you didn't like them baring their teeth at each other. they're your precious friends and it makes you feel so sad to see them so hostile. whenever they went too far, unable to talk them out of their nonsense, your sent turned sour, incredibly painful to the nose, their behaviour even forcing a few whines out of you.
this would pull them of any trans they found themselves in seconds ago, stopping in their tracks to cradle you in their arms. your teary eyes and trembling lips did their job right, they hated that sight of you. how could they be the ones provoking such awful reactions out of you ? them who swore to protect and care for you.
"it's okay omega, we're so sorry"
"we didn't mean to scare you, it's over now please don't cry"
it seemed to be the only moment when they stopped to argue and instead focused on your wellbeing, their scent mixing with the other and completely showering you with their comforting pheromones.
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to assume their aggressiveness doesn't go beyond their fraternal relationship would be wrong. you can't even count the number of time they teamed up to get rid of one of your poor classmates. they got too close to you, they said. you didn't like that one bit, nonetheless, you had little to no control over your entourage.
if angry or smiley considered someone to be too shady, threatening or unworthy of your time, they were quick to scare them off, no matter the irony behind their actions.
the same goes to anybody, really. they don't have to be associated with weird business to not being allowed to approach you. a male ? a friend with too much influence? someone who dares speak up about the twins' strange possessive behaviour with you ? or worst, an alpha ? all of them are nowhere near you the moment they surprise you talking to them.
a few broken ribs, a beaten up face and threats will keep them at bay from their precious omega.
by the end of the first month, everyone's heard of the rumour concerning you. and even though it's hard to confirm them, nobody's crazy enough to attempt finding out. and with the way you always smell of the two alphas' pheromones, it seems plausible.
you don't miss the worried glance thrown your way, or the hurried and panicked apologies whenever someone accidentally bumps into you.
having no one else to turn to, you spend all of your days either alone or with angry and smiley. they love it, love how you now rely on them. of course they'll give you all of their time !
they coax you into coming at their place more often, not caring if you miss a few classes. their bickering lessened, you note. but you can feel the tension in the air, whenever smiley's hand caresses you too close to your breast, angry is quick to yank it away. but they say nothing, your cries from last time being a lesson they'll never forget.
you spend a few nights there, watching movies while cuddling. you're able to find comfort in their arms, surrounded by their familiar scents.
despite how they tend to go overboard when it comes to you, you've never once felt threatened or in danger by their side.
actually, that's when you feel the safest. late night walks are no longer a foolish desire, they'll walk with you, each one on one side of you, watchful and alert. whether it's their reputation or the strong aura they emit, you've never been bothered when you're with them. you can't say the same when you go out alone, even during daytime. that's why you like the protection they provide.
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they take you wherever you want. they always try to loose the other, angry making you walk faster when smiley has his back turned.
it never seems to work though, and at the end it's always the three of you.
they're always observant, especially in crowded areas. you really wanted to go to an amusement park, and upon seeing your hopeful eyes, they reluctantly agreed, already dreading how you'll be exposed to the eyes of countless of strangers.
"don't wander away y/n, we don't want to loose you, okay?"
you happily nod, too focused on what you could do next.
angry is tightly holding your hand while his brother is buying you a treat. the queue is long and you suggest that you go and try your luck at another stall.
you watch angry doing his best to earn that big plushy you had your eyes on earlier. you stay on the sidelines, softly cheering on him. while letting him focus on shooting the balloons, your eyes wander over the next stall. the prizes are even better and you tell him you're going to check the prices. you don't wait to check if he heard you and get going immediately, eyes glued to the huge teddy bear.
you slalom between the people, until you're able to see more clearly. this one is the same price, might as well try it too you thought.
you went to join back angry when a strong smell prevented you from doing so. a massive hand grips your arm before you can even do anything and you're dragged in the forest near the stalls.
the music is slowly fading away as you trash around. you're scared, unable to free yourself from this man.
he pins you against a tree, the darkness around you making it harder for you to make out his face. all you know is that his voice is low and frightening.
"what's a pretty omega like you doing here all alone, hm?"
he pulls your chin up, grabbing your ass. you froze instantly, eyes shutting on their own.
"come on, you can't tell me you went there without expecting something like that to happen"
time seems stuck, you can't help yourself from shaking and each of his movements send you into an even more distressed state.
his scent reeks, it's all over you. pleas leave your mouth one after another and you so desperately want angry or smiley to find you. surely they're looking for you now ? angry has noticed you weren't there anymore and alerted his brother, you hope.
"fuck, omegas like you always make me so fucking hard", he laughs, his hands undressing you despite your attempts at taking them off of you.
you successfully kick his nose, taking advantage of the moment of surprise to make a run for it. you almost instantly regret your act as soon as you feel him tackle you to the ground, having no problem getting to you, this alpha being obviously faster than an omega.
"you fucking bitch! quit trashing around and take it"
a slap is all it takes to stop all movements from you. the silence is excruciating, a ringing sound in your ears and his excited breaths as he unbuckles his belt are the only thing you seem to hear. your tears cascade over your cheeks. you don't dare move.
"there you go, now that's more like it. discipline always works with your dumb brains, fucking omegas.."
you shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything more, when you're suddenly freed from the painful weight over you. still, you don't move a muscle.
you hear your name being shouted and gentle arms making you sit.
"y/n ? y/n please are you okay ?"
you recognize smiley's voice and pheromones. you lean into him, accepting wholeheartedly the comfort he's providing.
you open your eyes to an extremely pissed off smiley. he's caressing your face, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ears.
"everything's fine now, angry is taking care of that bastard"
at the mention of his brother, when you turn your head to the side, you're hit by a bloody vision, one you never saw, before smiley tear you from it.
"don't look y/n. listen, we'll just go home okay? don't worry about anything, you're safe now. we're so sorry we couldn't get there sooner"
you can only nod, still very sensitive and vulnerable from what you just experienced. the sounds of angry beating up the alpha to death doesn't appease you one bit. with frantic pupils and distressed whimpers coming from you, angry does everything to keep his composure. the sight of his panic omega is atrocious and he can't believe it happened while you were with them.
he carries you in his arms, still making sure you can't see angry, "angry stop, you're scaring her"
it takes a moment, but you eventually stop hearing punches and bones being broken. then you're given a tender squeeze, your clothes dampened by blood.
you look up and see angry, his usual warm smile gone and instead looking at you with ferocious eyes. you cuddle closer to smiley's neck, nose buried in his scent gland. he's purring, hoping that'll ease you up.
the way back home is silent. you're covered with their jackets, to keep you from the cold and hide your naked shoulders after your clothes were torn apart.
you see them exchange a few glances, silently communicating, but you don't say anything, too occupied by the plushies angry gave you.
the walk is long, and the breathing of smiley lulls you to sleep soon enough, way too comfortable to do anything else.
"hey, we're home baby"
you feel yourself being put on a soft bed, you don't answer, too tired to do anything else. still, you wait for angry to say something too, which never happened. his silence is unusual and you can't help but worry.
"I'm really sorry for what happened, I shouldn't have left your side..."
"no of course not, it's not your fault, nobody's mad at you, just go to sleep okay, we'll talk tomorrow"
you only listen to him, an alpha knows better, you should've stayed close and listen for once, you feel really bad and disgusted at your behaviour.
you let them dress you up with their own clothes, a sweater from smiley and angry's sweatpants. you know that's also their way of reassuring you, and themselves.
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"can't you see? the world is a scary and dangerous place. if you stay here, you'll be safe"
"angry and me will take care of you, together like you said we should, we won't argue anymore okay? so just let us love you baby"
head still fuzzy from waking up a few minutes ago, you're sitting at their table, eating the breakfast angry cooked.
you don't say anything at their words, events from last night preventing you from even finding a decent protest.
you can't help but feel like locking you up is wrong, but what can you say to them ? they're always there for you, and always will. you know they want the best for you.
"that's why we're doing this baby, I hope you understand, it's for you, only you"
"but, always staying inside still is a bit..."
"a bit what? what do you think would've happened yesterday night if we weren't there huh? are we wrong for our way of dealing with this? we're going to protect you, provide for you, isn't that enough?"
his voice scared you, he sounded mad, you didn't like that one bit. he unknowingly let out a more domineering presence, your omega not even able to protest. it forced your eyes on the floor, not daring to look up, in fear of upsetting the pink haired alpha more.
this was in those moments you got reminded of the painfully obvious difference between the three of you. angry and smiley were alphas, no matter how hard you would try to act as friends on a same level, the power imbalance between your two genders would always make it impossible for you to win an argument.
"it's just... I'm worried about your safety. we will protect you from everything, just rely on us for once"
you choose to stay quiet. you head was pounding and no matter what you replied, they would always find a way to prove you wrong.
you finished eating, letting them guide you back to their shared room. they dropped you on the floor, a small and tidy corner. you questioned them, wondering why smiley didn't carry you back to the bed you were on earlier.
when angry came in too, he held a few hoodies, blankets and pillows. he gave it to you, immediately understanding what he meant.
building a nest was a permanent thing, only done in places you consider home. it's very intimate and only the alpha's omega was allowed to come near it. to make you build such a precious space, inside their room ; you knew you weren't getting out of here any time soon. they were deeply serious about you.
smiley scented the first blanket, handing it to angry so he could do as well. they then gave it to you, softly urging you to start your nest.
you were hesitant, but eventually gave in. carefully placing each items, the two alphas practically purring from satisfaction with the way their omega was obediently going along with their request, trusting them enough to let them help her with her process.
"good omega, so docile for her alphas"
he takes you in his arms once it's all over, pushing your head against his neck, while laying down inside the soft nest you made.
you were quite proud of the outcome, having put much efforts to accomplish a well made nest.
"right, you're so pretty, we were so lucky to find someone like you. a sweet little omega, letting her alphas cuddle her like that, you're such a good girl"
you were ashamed to say their praises worked like a charm, and soon appeased your worries and constant questions. you wanted to trust them wholeheartedly. it felt too right, they sounded so right. praising flowing towards you, you felt loved and appreciated.
they both gave you soft, gentle kisses, a boy on each side, heat of their chest engulfing you entirely. you wish you could stay like this forever, in the warm embrace of your alphas.
their love for you would only grow from now, knowing that they now had full responsibility over you, their adoration having no limits. they'll work twice as hard to become he alphas you're deserving of.
and you'll stay in the safety of your home, patiently waiting for them every day to come back. you won't leave. you're now bound for life, especially after the claim they put on your neck.
a sign of the ownership and affection they so preciously hold over you.
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skinwalker-bratz · 8 months
🔞 About some EJ's heat headcannons...
Minors DNI please
I don't want to offend any smut creators, just share my thoughts about some of these headcannons.
I've been thinking right now about something I just read about jack spending a week in his bedroom during a heat, and that this was something that could happen very often everytime this dude is in this state. But I can't stop thinking about what happens next and how nasty this guy must be after this period of time. Like, he would be pounding his pillow or his hand or whatever he have, and cuming everywhere for a WEEK, how gross his bedroom would look after, and don't even talk about the smell of this place...
And the worst would see him crawling out his room unrecognizable, all sweaty and sticky and smelling like cum, his hair all oily, and with a worn-out look as if he had just returned from a war, and this is not just because he spent a whole week back in the puberty state, but he also will have a hard time cleaning the mess of his bedroom, maybe he'll even need a new bed. He would perhaps be very weak from dehydration and hunger, and when you look at him you would either be very disgusted or pitiful and would offer the poor guy a glass of water.
And that's just the result, imagine for the people who sleep in the rooms next to Jack's room, listening to the noise of the bed crackling and banging in the wall all night and him screaming like some rabid animal. Imagine going to sleep with these noises, how relaxing and peaceful it must be. 💖
And also there's nothing you they can do, if they knock on his door to tell him to stop or even try to help jack (not in that way you're thinking), these pastas will end up becoming his relief, because that's a whole demon In heat. So in that case is just better prepare some good quality headphones and try to ignore the banging in your wall all night.
I know that most people just imagine him on a heat jerking off like a normal person and not some sort of an unhinged wild animal raping his sheets, but that's not the case for me because I'm mentally ill so sorry for ruining y'all fantasies. 🩷
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luvtonique · 11 months
I'm just gonna up and say it.
I'm gonna be real. It's something too many of you need to hear.
And it's time someone told you.
If you are made aware of a violent and bloody war, where people are being slaughtered, killed, raped, tortured, having their children killed, having their homes and families destroyed, having their lives taken...
And you see it as an opportunity to "choose a side you support" and put their nation's flag on your profile in support of them, and condemn people who don't support the same side as you?
If you are actively looking for reasons to support your 'side,' making excuses on behalf of bloodshed, arguing about what's 'justified' or 'a result of provocation' to further advocate for bloodshed?
If you ask people which side they support and know deep down that you will be viciously angry if they say "Neither" "I want this violence to stop" or the opposite side of the one you support?
I'm sorry.
But you are a fucking monster.
I have to say this. I literally can't keep reading posts from people fighting over whether they support Israel or Palestine, or even Ukraine or Russia.
This isn't fucking Esports you actual psychopaths! This is war and people are fucking dying! If you are celebrating when you hear "Ukrainians kill 1000 Russian soldiers" or "Palestinians kill Israeli children" you are literally a fucking monster. You are celebrating death, you are celebrating bloodshed, how the fuck do you look at yourself in the mirror and see anything other than a psychopathic death-obsessed twisted individual staring back at you?
You are sick. End of story.
Holy fucking lord I can't believe you fucking monsters so regularly celebrate slaughter of people. These are people, these are lives, these are human beings being fucking killed and you're waving around a flag like you're cheering for a sports team what the
From the bottom of my heart I hope that you all stand up right now, walk to the mirror, stare into it, and ask yourself, truly, deeply, if this is the person you really want to be. Someone who argues with people about why one side or the other is the 'good' side in war. Someone who actively looks for reasons to forgive the horrible violence happening in our world that's ending thousands and thousands of lives.
This isn't even just for war. Violence in general.
Stop it. Stop thinking there's a good side. Stop thinking violence is justified. I don't care what you fucking think about "the other side" and how it's "okay to punch them," you're a fucking freak of nature looking for any reason you can to justify violence as long as the violence lines up with your personal political views. You are just a fucking sick person.
Someone had to say it. You had to hear it. And I know damn well it's gonna fall on quite a lot of deaf fucking ears because social media is just full of you violence-obsessed genocidal fuckwits.
I already know the replies I'm gonna see.
"But what about if the person being killed is a <label> or voted for <name>? It should be okay to advocate violence against them"
"Oh so it's okay if x kills y but not if y kills x?"
"Wow I can tell what side you chose <clown emoji>"
I know it. I can feel it. I can feel you Tumblrites seething from reading this, from being told the truth about how much of a psycho you are, and you're conjuring every bit of your smug energy, looking into the void of your mind to find the perfect end to a sentence starting with "Wow it's almost as if" so you can "Own me" instead of taking your hands off your keyboard, standing up, thinking for one second about who you are and what your morals are, and deciding to stop advocating violence in any form.
And to the select few who read this and go "Yeah I already don't advocate violence and I'm already a person who just wishes it would stop instead of taking an opportunity to attack people and feel justified in my attack" then you're fine. You're a good person. Go get yourself a nice piece of butter toast or like make some soup you've earned it.
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lettersfromthelevant · 8 months
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I'm sorry but nothing in the world grinds my gears more than the "100 days of genocide" bullshit. The only people being genocided 100 days ago were Israelis. 100 days ago, thousands of Gazans invaded internationally recognized, sovereign Israeli territory and gleefully slaughtered 1200+ Israelis, mostly civilians, in the span of hours. They mutilated, maimed, raped, beheaded, burnt people alive, and live-streamed it all to boot. They kidnapped hundreds of hostages, one as young as 9 months old. 100 days ago Israel had not retaliated; Israel was attacked. 100 days ago nothing happened to YOU; it happened to us. If this hadn't happened to US (!!!!) 100 days ago, Gaza would not be a war zone right now. There would be no humanitarian disaster. Gazan children wouldn't be suffering as they are right now. If you wanna claim genocide, at least say "99 days." Gaslighting the entire world. The fucking audacity.
For 100 days, Israelis have been suffering a dozen crises and a war on six fronts, and all the while we are still having to put up with pogrom denying psychopaths. The past 99 days would never have happened if Palestinian extremists had chosen to stay home 100 days ago. The destruction in Gaza falls squarely on the shoulders of Palestinian extremists, who could have easily decided to not have massacred Israelis on our own fucking soil. You don't get to sucker punch someone in the face and then cry when they hit back.
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jules-ln · 4 months
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Sorry Anon, the post was too long so I decided to make it its own post instead of an answer
Let me write my Bible because I have thought about this more than I should and I'm mentally ill
First the silence of the girls
I'm going be honest and say that while I don't like this book, I can recognize that is very well written and author makes it very interesting
The girls were silenced indeed 😅
Like, if you're going to market your book as a "feminist" retelling of the Iliad I'll expect your level of feminism to be more advanced than what Homer was writing
Don't get me wrong, I know that women and children are often overlooked at wars specially in a historical context, but what Pat Barker was presenting as feminism was simply "Women suffer more than men in wars 😥" and that is the same thing that Homer was saying hundreds of years ago, more than that, I'd say that Homer did it better
And you know, it's supposed to be a feminist retelling, so I was expecting sorority to be a thing, specially because the only other source of comfort, respect and friendship a woman like Briseis could have had then would've been other enslaved women
But no, we don't really see sorority in the greek camps for more than a couple of paragraphs at best, and I got the feeling that some women characters were just genderbents of the male heroes, like Odysseus's enslaved woman is clever, Nestor's enslaved woman is maternal, florals for spring? groundbreaking
More than that, in the Iliad there is a character named Iphis that is Patroclus's enslaved woman and Briseis mentioned being close friends with her. So you expect that being a close friend of the protagonist she should have a lot of dialogue, specially in conversations with Briseis, don't you think?
Bish, I don't even remember her talking at all to begin with, much less to Briseis! 🤣
The only meaningful relationship Briseis has in the book are Achilles and Patroclus, her life orbits around these men and the other women don't matter
And that leads me to my other point
Briseis doesn't do ANYTHING.
Now, I know, I know, I know. Briseis doesn't do anything in the Iliad either, but that's some of the problems I have with Iliad adaptations.
Like, none of them will EVER be as good as the Iliad, to any writer that think that they can make an adaptation of the Iliad be as good as the Iliad. Sit down, you aren't that guy
So really, they should just do what MM did. Do your own thing that can stand on its own without hanging on the Iliad. Even if it's different, that's a good thing
Now, I say all of that because, it would've been Good if Briseis did something, ANYTHING at all other than stand there and look pretty
You might say "it's accurate to the Iliad" I say "A protagonist that doesn't do anything at all and doesn't influence the world around them in any way is boring"
There was even this part where Briseis wonders about how much control Patroclus has over Achilles, And I was here like "Yesssss, Briseis is going to emotionally manipulate Patroclus to control Achilles so she can be the one who is actually in control of both"
Nope, that, didn't happen, like, at all
Even at some point the narrative kicks Briseis out of the story to focus on Achilles and Patroclus, and like, feminism where? 😅
Once again that leads to my next point. Patroclus and Achilles part was more interesting.
Unironically, the best part of the book was the relationship that both had, it was the type of relationship that was like "I love you, but ngl I kinda hate you and want to kill you too unironically" And I think that's interesting! That's new, I've never read anything like that regarding those two before!
But that's a problem, because when I bought the book I wanted to read about women, I wanted to read about Briseis, not about Achilles and Patroclus, and that the author made them SOOOO much more interesting than Briseis, is just sad
Then there's the problem of the rapes scene, which, in this day and age if you're going to add a rape scene in anything, you better have some freaking good reason. And in this book, they're there for mere shock value, it doesn't give anything to the story, it doesn't change the tone of the book, a good editor would've take them out, but I guess it was part of the "feminist" message 🙄
But really, I don't hate the book, like I said, it's well written in my opinion, but it is a disappointing book because it could've been a great book with some tweaks here and there
Now about The song of Troy
Now that we got that out of the way
See, the thing is that I've read the song of Troy some time ago, and I mostly rage read it so I don't remember it very well
Like I hated it SO MUCH it it it Flames flames FLAMES on the side of my head (yes, it's a reference) so I'm just going to say the things I remember that made me mad
🔸️Helen is the prime example that writing women that don't suck ass ISN'T an innate skill in women, like she was one of the most misogynistic characters that I've ever read and if I was Menelaus in this book, I would be happy that she was gone, bon voyage biatch!
🔸️Both the book and Achilles treat Patroclus like Trash
🔸️The story treats Achilles like an uwu boy that can do no wrong when in reality in the book he's an idiotic asshole estúpido kbron hijo de la chingada pinche mamon bastardo agarras tu espadita la haces rollito y te la metes por el culo pendejo de mierda. Yeah, I don't like Achilles in this book
🔸️Odysseus is written to allegedly be very smart, sadly in actuality he's very dumb, because you see, the whole thing about the fight between Agamemnon and Achilles was an elaborate plot by him to get the Trojans to come out if I remember correctly, now, I think any good good tactician will tell you that an overly elaborate plan that will result in like half of your men dying with no guarantee of it being successful anyway, isn't so smart
🔸️Briseis was written so badly... I'm just going to put it this way, at some point in the book Achilles hits her, and that was the best fucking thing Achilles did in that book, like yess fucking muppet slap that bitch again. Oh but don't worry, Briseis in the book was ok with being slapped and not in a kinky way
🔸️Helen hits Andromache, and so did Hector. I'm going to leave it at that
🔸️I don't remember too well because at this point the fog of rage was too thick, but I think Achilles and Hector kinda fell in love when they were fighting? Which was very weird
So make yourself a favor and don't read it
If you want a good adaptation read these
🔹️War music by christopher logue, it isn't finished because sadly the author died, but best adaptation I've read so far
Here's a quote I like:
"When Nyro’s mother heard of this
She shaved her head; she tore her frock; she went outside
Ripping her fingernails through her cheeks:
Then down her neck; her chest; her breasts;
And bleeding to her waist ran round the shops,
‘God, kill Troy.
Console me with its death.
Revenge is all I have.
My boy was kind. He had his life to live.
I will not have the chance to dance in Hector’s blood,
But let me hear some have before I die.’
‘I saw her running round.
I took the photograph.
It summed the situation up.
He was her son.
They put it out in colour. Right?
My picture went around the world.’"
🔹️La cólera by Javier Olivares and Santiago García, is a comic in Spanish, but if you can get your hands on one copy, do it, it's so good and the art is beautiful, one of the best portrayals of Achilles I've seen, Pyrrha also appears
🔹️An Iliad, by Denis O'Hare and Lisa Peterson, is a play, and tbh I don't like this one as much as I do the other two, but it is SOOO GOOD too.
🔹️En mitad de tanto fuego by Alberto Conejero, this one is a play; short and sweet and the narrator is Patroclus, very new too, and as far as I know it's only in Spanish, but if you can get it, do so, because it's very good.
Let me translate a part of it to the best of my abilities to tempt you a bit
"How short was life, how short... Now bury me as soon as possible so I can cross the gate of Hades. Bury me, Achilles. And if someone in the future finds my tomb and opens it, let them see how smoke comes out of my shroud still. Because of the desire, Achilles, because of the desire"
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Yes, a rant on liberals (Another one), not only are they using a scare against Trump, but they will also use gashlighing (Or call you a queerphobe… Greetings to all aroace lol) because "You don't care about Palestine" (They tell you what they ignore is that Harris/Biden/Blue Party supplies weapons to Israel, so bravo, mirror propaganda, but looking If you are for Zionists, you know where you got this method from fucking Israel)
And it's funny that they have the audacity to call you a Russian troll, or even better a "Believer in Russian propaganda", when they themselves believe in American and Israeli propaganda… Well, sorry, I'm no longer afraid of Russia, I'm now terrified of fucking Israel and it poses the greatest threat , before we realized how terrifying Israel is, Russia acted as a real fear, but now he looks like a fly in the soup compared to a hippo in a fucking lake (Seriously, what Putin is doing is disgusting, not only is he a xenophobe, a colonizer and a queerphobe, but he is also brainwashing, which does not work as strongly as in the case of Israel , but still, you have to swim through this ocean of propaganda)
Israel is scary because it goes unpunished (And the USA supplies it with weapons…), when Russia attacked Ukraine, people were absolutely disgusted and terrified by it, but when Israel commits genocide, has a law allowing rape in prison, uses pinkwashing (Loved by liberals blue voters) and his behavior shows that he wants to start a third world war (It's not a joke), suddenly people are silent or pretend that nothing bad is happening and it's fucking fucked up
It pisses me off when people are afraid of Russia and remain silent about Israel, which is a million times worse, because it goes unpunished and there is a big difference, the fact that people treat genocide as acceptable because it is carried out by a country from "Pseudo protection of Jews" (Tia. .. With a history of stealing Yemeni Jewish children and killing Palestinian… It's not without reason that I call Israel "A country for white colonizers who profess Judaism but have nothing in common with it"), then suddenly people decide that it's ok, and it shouldn't be ok
Yes, fuck the liberals and their scare against Trump because he is cynical about what is happening in Gaza
Now that I have your attention:
I bought a new USB cable, so there is less chance of interruption with each pasted link
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Seriously, looking for things not on the boycott list is a challenge (And you still catch something by accident and find out after you buy it… Yes, I'm talking about Lorenz chips, the logo was on the other side… Eh…)
The biggest problem is in small stores where most of the products are from Zionist companies, which sucks :/
Sometimes you can look through the packaging and only notice the logo after purchasing… That's what happens to me...
But okay, at least I'm trying… Unfortunately, my sister doesn't care, so well… Unfortunately, that's what it looks like
But here's a rant on chips: Why are most of them from Zionist companies? You have to look for it, but you won't find it anyway…
I know, it's trivial considering what's happening in Gaza, but as I mentioned, there are more Zionist companies in small shops (Fucking Nestle…) than those that didn't support Israel, so you're looking for a needle in a haystack
But yes, maybe this rant will help the collections reach more people, because the problem of reaching them is increasing :/
And the funny thing is (After this rant), my niece bought these cookies from PAW Patrol, right? Apparently there was a storm in the USA, although not as big as the one from MLP, in short, with this link to a certain website, for some reason in Poland these cakes are available for purchase and yes, I know that it is shocking for the USA, but rather children do not enter links from packaging, they just eat the cookies and then the packaging goes to the trash, so only adults enter this link because children don't care
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So yes, I'm pissed about this fact, corn cookies (In the USA they caused a drama, but in Poland you can buy them in the KiK clothes store)
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But seriously, you can buy them, WTF
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But yes, you are relieved after the rant I gave earlier, you can just buy this cookie
(I can add additional tags to make the collections reach a larger group of people)
Remember about clicks
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antisemitism-eu · 3 months
Hey there. I followed you some years ago as i found your posts helpful while i was writing about antisemitism in the media and academic spaces.
That is no longer the case. As a Jew, i am asking you to look more critically at what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people. To civilians. It is not antisemitic to say that Israel is wrong; that the military is committing genocide; any criticism.
It's painful to watch Jews defend the actions of Israel because of a feeling of obligation. I imagine that's what is driving you? It seems to be what drives my father's hatred of Palestinians and his belief that Israelis can do no wrong.
I am named after one of the founders of Israel. A terrorist by definition and action. He bombed facilities and killed civilians to make Israel what it is today; that was evil then and it is evil now.
I turned my back on my faith a long time ago; and it hurts to feel i need to turn my back on my culture as well, but it is becoming a culture of hatred and victimhood. We are a people like any other, we are not infallible, we are only chosen in that we received the torah; nothing more.
I'm sorry to hear that you care about antisemitism only when it fits your preconceived notions
I have always written about all types of antisemitism.  If you care about antisemitism only when it's from the opposite side of the  political aisle, then you don't really care about antisemitism.
You can be critical of Israeli policies and actions.  Almost all Israelis are.
But when you accuse Israel of genocide that is antisemitic.  It's not simply “criticism” but rather believing the claims of the antisemites who murdered and raped Jews.
In the US White supremacists claim that Jews are committing genocide.
Do you:
Demand that American Jews stop the genocide 
Call this antisemitic drivel for what it is
I suppose you'll go for B.
And yet, you believe Hamas.  Every word they say.
If White Supremacists in the US would declare war on Jews, invade a Jewish neighborhood and for hours murder, rape and torture.  Then pull back with hundreds of enslaved Jews in tow.
What would you demand from the US forces?  
Would you really protest against genocide?
Do you remember the genocide of Waco?  How could you stand by and watch it again?  28 children were murdered.
And here we're talking about hundreds of murderers, living in a white supremacist community of thousands of supporters.  Hospitals, churches, schools!
Do you know how many innocent lives will be lost if the US moves against them?  How many women and children will die?
Can you imagine the protests across US campuses if that happens?
I suppose that you would demand that the White Supremacists should continue living their lives as usual, though they threaten to do it again ( and probably will)
Surveys show that 40% of young Americans support Hamas.
Not Palestinians.  Not peace.  
They support the murder, rape and torture of Jews.
That's not “criticism of Israel”.  That's antisemitism.
If you wonder what's driving me, its numbers like these, and the fear that in a decade or two this would be the face of America 
You believe anything Hamas says unreservedly.
You blame Israelis when Gazan rockets hit Palestinians instead of Israelis, because you believe Hamas.  And you don't care when the rockets hit Israelis, because your criticism is aimed only at Israel.
You don't care when Hamas turns hospitals, mosques, schools, and refugee centers into military bases.   You don't even care when Hamas uses hospitals to torture Gazans (see Amnesty report on the topic)
You don't care when they use those places to fire rockets at Israelis
If Hamas says Israel killed innocent doctors or journalists - you trust them. You don't care about pictures of those same innocent Gazans armed in military uniform. 
You don't care when Hamas murders Gazans who try to leave when the Israeli army warns them to do so.
You don't care when Hamas take over human aid and kill Gazans who want food.
You didn't even care a few days ago when they attacked Gazan children who used an Israeli border crossing to leave Gaza and get medical help.
You might think that it's pro-Palestinian, but it's really antisemitism.  
I don't hate Palestinians.  I'm sad for them.  
Because of people like you that encouraged them to develop a toxic antisemitic society - at least two generations have been brainwashed with the aim of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews.
I am very pessimistic about this changing, because people like you prefer to blame Israel and give the Palestinians hope for Israel's future destruction, instead of encouraging real peace.
Palestinian society today:
Overwhelmingly supports the October 7th massacre and think it's the greatest day of Palestinian history
Overwhelmingly supports Hamas (In case you wondered why the Palestinian Authority hasn't held elections for the past 18 years)
Overwhelmingly supports the destruction of Israel and its Jews (In case you wondered why no Palestinian leader in his right mind would ever accept a peace agreement with Israel that would end hostilities)
Names almost every mosque, school, hospital and square after heroic Jew murderers 
Celebrates and honors the murder of Jews
Teaches children to murder Jews
Gives sermons every Friday about murdering Jews
Broadcasts shows encouraging people to murder Jews
Pays people to attack and murder jews 
This is toxic antisemitism.
You worry that Israel is commiting genocide, but you don't care about the plans to carry out another October 7th.
In the areas of Jenin and Tulkarm especially.  In the past few months - Palestinians shot at Israeli villages, Palestinians set off explosives next to Israeli villages, Palestinians flew a drone into Israel, Palestinians invaded Israel.  And Israeli residents along the border say they can hear digging of tunnels at night.
It's really just a matter of time.
People like you think that if you force Israel to stop attacking Hamas, and if you give Palestinians a state of their own - that in itself would ensure that the toxically antisemitic Palestinian society would magically become a peaceful neighbor of Israel
That is not “criticism”.  That is way past being naive.   
You are risking the lives of millions of Jews.
What would you say when the inevitable happens?  “Sorry”?  
Or that Jews should have  gone to Poland? (I really wish I was making this up.  Since you only care about the right kind of antisemitism, you might not realize or care how many people believe that)
Israel was quite happy to delude itself until now, but got its wake-up call on October 7th.
I hope you will at some point.  Maybe you will, most probably you won't.
In any case, Israel will not wait for you.  My life and that of the millions of other Jews (and non-Jews) in Israel is too important.
And if/when American Jews are attacked, you can be sure your brothers in Israel will defend you.  No matter what the antisemites say, or what “criticism of Israel” they come up with.
(That's actually already the case.) 
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queenaryastark · 1 year
I will never understand why people who pretend to care about Elia Martell and her kids are so desperate to remove blame from the actual characters who wronged them.
Aerys threatened them after the war was underway, using them as leverage. But that's not his fault bc his son, who has less power than him, didn't stop him.
Tywin orderd the murders of Rhaenys and Aegon. He may have also ordered the murder and rape of Elia, though he claims not to have thought of her. But he's not blamed.
Amory Lorch stabbed three-year-old Rhaenys to death, yet her "supporters" don't want to blame him.
Gregor Clegane bashed Aegon’s head in while Elia watched, then went on rape and murder her. He's not blamed by her "supporters".
Who are Tywin, Gregor, and Lorch's actions blamed on by Elia "supporters"? Rhaegar.
I guess he came back from the dead specifically to make sure his family was murdered as brutally as possible. Forget that he asked the sole Kingsguard who would be present to protect them (Jaime was too busy posing on the Iron Throne to do his job) and called him out for it as a ghost. Forget that as king, Aerys had more power and couldn't be gainsaid even by his son. Rhaegar supposedly caused their murders.
Sorry, but these people clearly don't care about what happened to Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon. They just use the situation as an opportunity to hate on a character they already don't like. And they don't even try to make it make sense.
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Going forward, I'm going to blame the Hound for what was done to Elia. Why? Because I hate the Hound and that's all the reason I need.
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Bombastic Side-Eye
Team black supporters: Alicent is literally stealing Rhaenyra's claim on the throne AND GIVING IT TO AEGON!!! He is a rapist and a drunkard. He literally raped Helaena. Her own daughter! What is she even thinking?!! And team green supporters are happy?!!
*Me and any other sensible Team green supporter thinking about how awful Aegon is and completely hating on Aegon*:
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So I got this comment. I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier.
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Alicent in the show was 18 years old when Aegon was born. This is a really young age to become a parent and you can't expect her to be good at parenting. Right? Also, in my opinion she only saw two types of parents in her youth (I mean before she got married)
Otto, her own father who wanted to use her for gaining more political power. He readily gave her up to Viserys knowing very well what would happen, heck he probably wanted it to happen so his blood could be on the iron throne. So, Otto was a manipulative parent.
Viserys, Rhaenyra's father and Alicent's husband. He neglected Rhaenyra one might argue he loved her and spoiled her (which is true) but he didn't prepare her for this world they lived in and this family she was born in. Even after Aegon was born and there was another suitable heir to the throne he didn't tell her what to do if he tries to usurp the throne. His other children completely neglected and that is clear enough from his actions. So, Viserys was a neglectful parent.
These were the men she saw raising children and of course she would act like they did. So,
She neglected Aegon's needs which led to him becoming the horrible person he is when he is crowned king. Like Viserys.
2. She decided to wed Heleana to Aegon for political gain even though she obviously knew what kind of a person he was. Like Otto
3. She manipulated Aemond and told him bad things about team green to further make him hate them (he obviously hates them for the eye). Like Otto.
See House Of The Dragons is just a show about which war criminals you support and I will stand by, Lady Alicent Of House Hightower, The Dowager Queen, The Queen In Chains, Wife Of Viserys Targaryen, Mother Of Aegon, Aemond, Heleana and Daeron Targaryen till my final breath!
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matan4il · 7 months
hey sorry if this is disrespectful as a non-jew but ive been reading up on stuff and thinking about i/p and.
War is synonymous with mass death. There has not been a single war in the history of mankind that has not resulted in suffering. Even Sun Tsu, in his 25-century old The Art of War, emphasized the importance of peace and of nonviolent resolutions. so i really do not understand the watermelon-fixated dumbasses who cheered on the oct. 7 massacre then decried Israel's self defense as genocide. this is the "globalized intifada" they've been clamouring for. this is *exactly* what you're asking for when you cheer on hamas and their genocidal buddies. sorry that yank school never taught you that war is bad but this is how reality works. the real pro-palestine stance would be staunchly against hamas.
Hi Nonnie!
I'm not gonna lie, whenever I think about war, the one sentence that gets stuck in my head is, "war is hell." It is death, destruction, mayhem, and cruelty that has no bounds, even when it's not committed on purpose. Even the most justified of wars. I think one of the reasons we all keep going back to WWII is because it was simultaneously maybe the most justified war ever, literally fought to stop a fascist regime and its dictatorial partners from expanding their conquests of more and more land, occupying more and more people, bringing about more and more suffering (including the most extreme case of genocide in human history), and yet at the same time, it was also the single bloodiest conflict ever, and the war itself was cruel and brutal, certainly when we talk about acts committed by the Nazis and their collaborators, but on occasion there were atrocities committed by the allied soldiers, too (not to the same degree, and not as a part of their government's policy, but my point is that even fighters who are in battle for the best of reasons, as the allied soldiers were, have some among them, who commit terrible crimes. In part, because war blurs the lines of normal reality and morality).
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And I'm saying all of this, because I truly believe that we, as human beings, should always aspire to avoid war whenever possible. I would have given EVERYTHING I could in order to stop Oct 7 from happening. Because the second that the massacre started, that's when this war began, and so many innocent lives were doomed, along with the terrorists. From the POV of what is internationally accepted as an act of war, Hamas firing 4,000 rockets into Israel in one day qualifies. Hamas breaching Israel's border and invading it with thousands of armed fighters qualifies. And without a doubt, Hamas committing the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, while intentionally targeting civilians, and compounding the horror of so many deaths, with the rape and beheading and torture and abuse and then kidnapping of even more victims, it beyond qualifies as an act of war. In fact, on August 25, 2023 (a month and a half before the massacre), Hamas senior Saleh al-Arouri explicitly said in an Arabic interview that IT IS THEIR GOAL to, that THEY WANT to, start a "total war" with Israel.
Once Hamas made and executed that choice, it doesn't matter how much and how many Israelis may aspire to avoid war. We were already in one. We should always aspire to avoid war, but we also have to recognize that sometimes, the choice simply isn't in our hands. It wasn't in the hands of the British on Sep 1, 1939. And it wasn't in ours on Oct 7, 2023.
And the thing is that war IS hell. Like I said, the massacre of Oct 7 was already war. Which means, it was already hell. Certainly for its victims, but it also was already a hell that every Israeli will carry with them for decades to come. And if we don't want ANOTHER war, if we don't want ANOTHER HELL, then we have to be sure that Hamas, those who chose to start this war, will pay for it in such a way that they can't start another one, and so that others will be deterred from starting one, too (I'm thinking mainly of Hezbollah and Iran, but all Islamists need to see a western democracy not backing down from defending itself in a war it did not choose).
THAT is the meaning behind the ancient Latin phrase, "Si vis pacem, para bellum." If you want peace, prepare for war. It's the understanding that sometimes, for the sake of peace in the long run, you have to be prepared to fight in the near future.
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(remember in 2014, as the pope released doves in a symbolic gesture of hoping for peace in Ukraine, and they ended up being attacked?)
I want peace. I have always wanted peace. I was the ridiculous kid, who had a "peace diary" where I wrote every day about how much I wanted peace, and how I hoped it was coming. I'm not writing that diary anymore, but I still want it, and I still believe that one day, we WILL have peace.
But it's not going to happen as long as there are extremists on Israel's borders, who still believe they can genocide us a second time, and are willing to start a war to achieve that. When they give up on that "dream," when they finally see that it will always fail, and in the process, they will suffer hell along with us to such a degree that it just won't be worth it, that's when we'll have real peace. That's when both Israelis and Palestinians will finally be safe from the threat of another hell being unleased on us. We'll have real peace, not the kind made to get something from the other side, but because both sides want peace over war for themselves (that's what the crucial mistake of the "land for peace" formula was IMO. It should be "peace for peace." With agreed land concessions, obviously. But it should be clear that the big prize both sides get is peace itself, and not that one side is doing the other a favor, and giving it peace in exchange for something material, because that kind of peace is an abstract concept, that can be withdrawn at any moment when it's not something the "giver" values for themselves. That's what happened with the Oslo accords, the PLO got territories, self rule and international legitimization, then as admitted by Imad Faluji, the Palestinian Communications Minister, Yasser Arafat planned the launch of the violent riots and wave of terrorist attacks known as the second intifada once he concluded he got as many material prizes out of the accords as he could).
On a side note, when the total number of people killed on both sides during the two intifadas was in the thousands, and the injured in the tens of thousands, IDK how anyone can claim that the call to "globalize the intifada" is anything other than a call for violence and death. The fact that this chant is coming from the same crowd that claims to be pro-peace when they demand a ceasefire now is truly deranged, and can only be rightly addressed with memes...
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Sorry for the length, I guess it's still hard to process the inability of people to understand that sometimes, we don't want a war, but we do grasp that we have to fight one, even at the cost of possibly our own life or the lives of those dearest to us, even when it's bloody and nasty and hell, and civilian casualties are impossible to avoid thanks to Hamas' choice of using Gazans as human shields. I'm not sure if this helped, but I hope it somehow did! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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webbo0 · 5 months
Prodigal Doll
Goose Boys Mafia AU
AO3 Link
Length: 753 words (short and not sweet)
Summary: Nobody ever expected Ken to join the family business, but when he's caught in the middle of a war he knows nothing about, the other boys have to pick up the pieces.
Content/Warning: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/barely comfort
Authors Note: I don't even remember how this started lol
I think I saw those Tag Heuer photoshoot pics that look like Ken but as Six?
Anyways I have a LOT of lore ideas and a whole arc for Ken in this, but god only knows if I can actually write it ugh
Also I'm not sorry lmao
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“He’s… changed”
“ Don’t say that”
“Look at him!”
“Shut the fuck up, Richard”
Gathered, the men stare at Ken.
Whenever he used to be scared, he was loud (it was a liability sometimes, all the shrieking and sobbing). But now, he’s silent. Tear stains cut clean lines through the filth and gore on his cheeks, but none fall from his eyes. Not anymore.
He’s… vacant. Not like Driver, his stare always intense, or like Julian, always lost in thought. No. He’s just. Empty.
Six and Lars are sanitizing and bandaging his wounds. Slashes on his chest, burns on his limbs, bruises scattered on every inch of available skin like a fucking Jackson Pollock, and blood from god knows who and god knows where drenching his scarily pale skin and platinum blonde hair. He doesn’t flinch, doesn't move at all, even when Six gently murmurs that he needs to reset his shoulder. The bone grinding into place would have even the toughest of men gritting their teeth in pain, but Ken just sits there. Disconnected from the world. Lars is delicately cleaning the blood off of him, swallowing tears of his own while dabbing a warm cloth over his exposed skin. 
Ken wears nothing but a ragged pair of boxers stained with fluids nobody wants to think too hard about (just like they found him). He hasn’t said a word since they found him, but Lars finally gets a reaction out of him. He’s shakingly whispering to Ken that they need to remove his old shorts to wash him off and get him into something clean, but when his hand goes towards the waistband an explosion of movement happens. Ken bolts away from the men, scrambling to the closest wall and pressing his back to it. His voice is raw and venomous as he roars at the surrounding men.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” 
Everyone in the room freezes because Ken never curses. All eyes are on him, the torn and bloodied nails on his hands scratching at the brick wall, the bloody trail of footprints he makes, his heaving chest, and his frantic, darting, unseeing eyes. Blood drips down his inner thigh.
“I think I’m gonna be sick” 
“He needs a professional, guys, we can only do so much”
“Oh yeah, get the cops involved that’s smart”
“I thought I told you to shut the fuck-”
“Everybody out.”
The room silences once again, save for some muffled sobs and Ken's rapid breath. All eyes now turn to the man who spoke, the man in charge . His white jacket is splattered with blood, and a fire rages behind his cold, blue gaze.
“... are you sure we should leave him like this?”
“Six stays, the rest of you leave. He’s in no state for visitors. Every man is allowed some dignity.”
The room empties without protest, save for Ken, Six, Driver, and Julian. Julian didn’t need to ask to stay (not that he would have). Wherever Driver goes, he goes.
“Why am I staying?”
“You have the most combat-medic training. And. You can… restrain him if you need to.”
The rage in Driver’s eyes slips, showing for a brief moment deep, soul-wrenching anguish before he clenches his gloved fists and returns to his default neutral, intense stare. 
“I expect a complete injury report once he’s patched up. Ask Julian if you need any extra supplies. I have to go deal with the rest of this shit storm.”
He turns to leave, but pauses, glancing back over his shoulder.
“And Six?”
Six stands at attention, ready to receive orders.
“...be gentle.”
Six nods once in affirmation and Driver lets his head hang down, taking a deep breath before straightening his spine and closing the door quietly behind him. The room was now solely occupied by the three men left there.
Julian, standing and waiting by the door. Both ready to retrieve any necessary items and guarding against any poor fool that might try and interrupt them.
Six, shoulders sagged and ruffling through a medkit.
And Ken, who had slid to the floor, legs finally giving out, but the wild look in his eye still shining.
And it wasn’t until Six slowly approaches (the same way he did when he freed a wild deer from a beartrap as a kid), sinking to his knees, gently carding his hands through his blood-matted platinum hair and softly reassuring him that you’re safe now, you’re safe, we got you back that Ken starts trembling, a tear finally slipping from his eye.
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