#but aaaa my parents aren’t around and I don’t know if I have enough in my personal account to cover stuff
raskies456 · 2 years
the fucking pipes are backing up again fuckkkkkkk
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fifteen (hugging each other) if you want? (any ship/pairing/anything you feel like) aaaa
:0 skjckiskjdshd i was going to do carulia bc AA but then i fell into the lumity hyperfixation and this was born dksjdjksdjknjf this is the fastest i have ever written for a prompt
ft amity being ridiculously soft and in love and probably a lot of spelling mistakes idk
They drop Willow and Gus at their respective homes before midnight sets in - Amity even helps Gus crawl in through his window, which is nice of her, Luz thinks. She's too sore and tired to do anything except stand behind her, watching the street in case Odalia comes tearing down it on top of another abomination (probably with teeth this time, because who knows what happened after they ran away from the warehouse), gripping her sore arm and thinking about how her heart started pounding in her ears earlier, how she flushed when Amity grabbed her shoulder and hurried her outside and had to stare determinedly at the stars for a good ten minutes before she could look her in the eyes again, how -
She jumps. It's Amity - of course it's Amity, she's been anxiously hovering around her and mumbling apologies for her parents since they were sure they weren't being followed - and she's holding out her hand and offering her a small, awkward half-smile, and Luz's heart gives a funny little jump, and then a second as she takes it and laces their fingers together.
And then a third, this time for a different reason altogether, when Gus pokes his head out of the window above them and waves.
Amity waves back (She really likes us now, Luz thinks, grinning up at the illusion of Gus's disembodied head propped on his balcony), and when they set off down the street, she feels her own grip tighten ever so slightly around her hand.
She lets out a long breath. Everything is fine. It's a beautiful, silent night, and she's wandering down the prettiest street in Bonesborough and holding Amity's hand, and there's still abomination gunk in her hair, but everything is... fine. Great, actually. And Amity is smiling, which is awesome, because Luz has never seen her smile at anything like that before.
She could get used to it, honestly.
Amity glances at her and smiles again, softer, slower. "You're making your idea face."
Luz blinks, resists the urge to reach up and feel exactly what face she's making. "Oh, am I? I have an idea face? That's pretty cool, actually. Or is it? Because then everyone knows what I'm thinking. Nah, still cool. I have an idea face. Yeah. I'm intimidating and cool. A bad boy, if you will."
She laughs. (Luz's heart does the funny little jumping thing again. She wonders, distantly, if it shows.) "The literal walking definition of a bad boy, you goof."
"Baddest boy in the Boiling Isles. Lesser witches cower before my star power."
Amity laughs again. She has a really nice laugh (like, wow), and it's still making something in her chest feel funny. "Luz the Bad Boy," she says, somewhat giddily.
"Azura the Good Witch and her edgy cousin." She squeezes Amity's hand, swinging their interlaced fingers between them. It's not often they get moments together like this, and she's starting to understand now what it is that's making her heart race and her breathing feel funny, and she thinks, a little distantly, that spending time alone with Amity is going to be - weird now, and - "I'd read that book."
"Please don't tell me the next thing we do is write it."
"Oh, we?" Luz turns to grin at her. "There's a we now?"
And Amity - Amity flushes.
"Yes - I, um - a - a we, sure, I don't - I dunno, uh - we as - as in - um -" She bites the inside of her cheek, glancing away, and Luz's heart does the jumping thing again.
"Wow, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she mumbles, grip loosening on her hand, and she chews on her lip and squeezes it tighter. It probably isn't the best move, but Amity... Amity seems to respond well to it - she squeezes her hand back, and when they round a corner and officially make it out of the main town, Luz notices that they're walking in sync. The realisation makes her smile.
"Amity," she begins, and Amity jumps.
"Are you gonna go back to your parents tonight? I - I don't think that's really safe. You - you could - uh, you could stay with us, if you want. Just until school tomorrow. King won't sleep on your clothes if I tell him not to, I swear."
She smiles at her over the space between them - the same soft, slow smile that made Luz's heart do the Thing again earlier. "I - thanks for the offer, but I'll probably go to Skara's. She's used to it. Me coming over after an incident, I mean."
"Stuff like that's happened before?" Luz whispers, and she meant it to sound casual, not... tense. "I'm - I'm really sorry, Amity. I'm sorry for pushing you earlier."
Amity shrugs. "You didn't know. It's not like I go around telling people. And it's not - it's not a big deal, anyway."
"Amity, that necklace -"
"Luz," she mumbles, not unkindly. "It's not a big deal. I can handle it. I've got Edric and Emira."
"And your father?"
She shrugs again, slower this time. "He doesn't care. Mom could dangle us over the edge of a cliff and he'd be more concerned with the soil density than, you know, his children."
Luz can't think of anything to say except "I'm sorry." She reaches out with her free hand, touches Amity's shoulder, and she gives her a long, warm look. And they fall silent.
And Amity's head falls gently onto her shoulder.
The silence lasts for the majority of the walk home, right up until they make it into the woods, and then Amity lifts her head from Luz's shoulder and murmurs, "It's really pretty out here at night, isn't it?"
Looking over at her and saying yeah, it is would be the obvious and cliché thing to do, and also Amity would notice and probably laugh at her, so Luz stares determinedly again at the sky for the second time tonight and chokes out, "Yup. Really pretty. Love living out here. Especially at night."
Amity giggles, and it's the most undignified and adorable sound she's ever heard come out of her mouth. "You're a dork."
"Biggest dork on the Boiling Isles. Baddest boy around. My list of qualifications just keeps on growing."
She laughs again. And Luz realises that ever since they escaped the warehouse, she's been... relaxed. Not happy, because dealing with a mother like that probably couldn't leave her feeling particularly cheerful, but... open. Softer, warmer. And she thinks it's because of the absence of the necklace.
They stop not far from the Owl House, in the shelter of a large tree she knows, logically, isn't oak, but looks too close to be anything but. Amity's head falls back onto her shoulder again. She makes a soft, contented noise (and the Thing happens again, and she thinks, wow), and mumbles, "You're thinking about the necklace, aren't you?"
"I didn't say anything. That was all you. But yes, I am curious. D'you - d'you want to talk about it?"
A long, almost languid shrug. She reminds Luz of a cat sometimes. "She used it to talk to me. And, uh - and keep me in line, I guess. Threaten me where no-one else could hear it. Where Dad couldn't stop it. Yeah, he did try to stop it sometimes. Mostly because he seems to draw the line at physical injury he can't explain to the authorities." The corners of her mouth twitch up, and Luz has to shake herself.
"That's awful," she breathes, feeling small. "That's horrible, Amity, I'm sorry."
"Don't be." Amity detaches herself from Luz's side, and her hair is messy and sticking to the side of her face and when she steps away and turns to face her she keeps a hold of her hand. "Come on, I'll walk you to the door."
Luz smiles at her.
Amity lets go of her hand when they get to the porch. (Luz tries not to visibly frown at the loss of her presence.) She makes it all the way to the door, Amity trailing behind her with an odd, uncertain expression, and then something shifts a little within her ribcage and she spins around and flings herself into her arms, and Amity yelps and stumbles back a little, and then she loops her arms around her shoulders and hugs her back.
Luz likes hugging Amity.
It's such a simple thought, and it makes her feel so strangely delighted. They fit perfectly between each other's arms, and in the half-dark, lit only by the dim, guttering light from the lamps inside the house itself, and she has the feeling that the only reason Hooty isn't directly behind them making some snide comment is because Lilith is inside and entertaining him, thank G0d.
Something like five minutes pass - I've been hugging Amity for five whole minutes, oh my gosh - and then she hears, somewhere to her left, "Uh, Luz?"
"This is nice."
She settles her head on Amity's shoulder. "It is."
"I think I have to let go now."
"Nooo..." She buries her head in Luz's hoodie, just gently enough to make her heart do the Thing again, and sighs, and Luz laughs.
"You okay there?"
"Don't get a lot of hugs."
"Mm. You can still stay with us tonight if you want." ('Don't get a lot of hugs.')
Amity shakes her head. "I'm good. Thank you, though."
"Thank you for saving my life today. You were awesome. You are awesome. I can't imagine doing anything like that."
"Luz," she says, warmly, softly, "You do it all the time."
And with that, she steps back, lets go of her entirely, and practically skips into the night, leaving Luz to stare after her and wonder why she left so fast, and spend the rest of the night agonising over this weird, warm feeling buzzing away in her chest.
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wincore · 4 years
vixen | nakamoto yuta
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pairing: kitsune!yuta x female!reader
words: 5.1k 
summary: every year, you visit the fox who claims to know everything about you. 
genre: fantasy/folklore, fluff, angst(?)
warnings: suggestive, mention of past bullying, one excessively flirty nakamoto yuta
song rec(s): clear and sunny - sou (cover)
a/n: this is for all you furries who aren’t quite furries yet muah (im joking) but aaaa love exploring folklore and also i should put in a disclaimer that not every aspect adheres to the original tales of the kitsune <3 i did not proofread btw and i am very sorry
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Some things never change.
Examples: boys, shitty friends, death, and the scent of nostalgia. To you, that very scent happens to be the earthy smell of chrysanthemums and a faint waft of spices from the kitchen in your parents’ house. To you, October is not just another month. To you, there is one more thing that never changes and it is not your belief in old ghost stories. 
Around this time of the year, the autumn festival begins in a flurry of vibrant red smudges and a whiff of excitement, in streets suddenly brought alive. The skies are candied orange, and it’s the only time you aren’t tired of home. This time is also when you find yourself right in the clutches of the one demon you swore you’d avoid for the rest of your life. You swore. It’s not your fault that said demon is a little, let’s say, tempting. 
Tempting in the most vexing, infuriating way possible. Bewitching, cruel, seducing—all that foxes are and all that you’ve heard of them could not have prepared you for an encounter. Folklore runs deep through you. The memories of a certain fox-boy run deeper. 
It is not the festival you are here for. 
You yawn, leaning against the wooden door frame of the shop. It would be inappropriate to fall asleep on the job, especially since there are a bunch of children staring idly at you. You close your mouth quickly, resting the back of your hand against your lips. Late afternoon is an easy time to fall asleep. You have half the mind to snarl at the kids to scare them off, their gaze getting on your nerves and when you think you will, you turn the other way. Manners come first to you, no matter how temperamental you get. 
The procession has gathered a crowd. Some shouts and squeals from the children make you slump further. At least they’re having fun with whatever stupid game they’re playing. You breathe in the autumn air. A part of you wonders if you simply let your feet lead you down the stairs, you’d be free of this entire ordeal. You shake your head. Temptation has always been hard to resist—never meant to be resisted but you’re much older now. There is dignity to be answered.
October is mild—your grandmother’s shop is still on the verge of collapse, your mother still yells at you for misplacing kitchen utensils and your old friends from school still gossip about who you’re dating. It’s like the script never changes; people change the meaning, twist their words in the same old pattern. If you were a little less behaved, you would have poured your drink over their heads yesterday. 
You clench your jaw. It’s always an ‘Oh, you’re so attractive’ and an ‘I wish I could date as many men as you do but I’m loyal to my boyfriend’, or even a ‘Must be nice being surrounded by boys all the time’. You know what they mean. It’s not the first time you’ve been called a fox, and you don’t think it’ll be the last—at least until you decide to stop letting your hometown suffocate you. Maybe you’ll accept what they say. You have heard of what hatred left unchecked can do.
If you’re honest, you haven’t been with too many men. If you’re a little more honest, none of them have ever made your heart race.
You watch the children play with a keen eye, their painted masks ridiculously large for their faces and in brightly coloured clothes contrasting well with the town. You might not be allowed to fall asleep, but there’s nothing against closing your eyes for a second or two.
The image of glinting yellow eyes and a fanged smile pop up and you quickly open your eyes. You don’t know why your heart beats so loud at the mere thought of him, thoughts in which his lips are full and painted red, and his bright smile is stretched upon them. Sometimes, the thought of him is in gentle washes, his hand fixing your hair, or a flirty smile when you dare stumble upon him on a particularly sleepless night. You shake your head to get rid of the thought. That is not love. Some sort of embarrassing attraction, maybe. However, the friendship you have is worse.
“I see you’re a slacker as always.”
Your grandmother’s voice breaks you out of your cycle of thoughts and you’re almost grateful.
“I sold approximately zero sweets,” you snort. “Why can’t we just do away with the shop?”
“You’re starting to sound like your mother,” your grandma calls from behind one of the counters, distaste ringing clear in her voice. 
You sigh. “Fine, but… you work way too hard to make these for them to not sell.”
“Maybe they would sell if a certain little lady would stay and help.”
You groan, leaning your head back. “You know I have work in the city.”
Your grandmother waves her hand about, dismissing your reasoning. She fiddles around in the shadows for a bit before coming forward with more boxes than she should be able to hold.
“You don’t have to feel too guilty. Yuta’s been helping out,” your grandmother informs fondly. “You could learn a thing or two from him.”
You’re not the superstitious sort and yet still, your heart beats faster. For him, or for the bad omens foxes bring to a household—you don’t know.
You scoff instead. “He’s not as great a guy as you think, grandma. He can be really mean too!”
“Oh, I doubt that. Have you seen his smile? Impossible.” Your grandmother waves it off before drawing nearer, voice hushed without reason. “Have you thought about it then? He is handsome, isn’t he?”
You’re not sure what old women go through in their youth that makes them something of a matchmaker in their later years. You think the whole ordeal is messed up. There is no way you’re going to stick your nose into your grandchildren’s love life; it’s gross.
“These should be enough for the children, no?” Your grandmother asks and you look up.
“You’re giving them away for free?” you question, furrowing your eyebrows. “And you talk about bad business.”
She places her hand on her hip, pointing an accusatory finger. “You’re going to lecture your grandmother?”
You raise your hands up in defeat, standing up to help her with the red boxes of acorn candy and paper wraps of roasted chestnuts. You end up with the entire load in your arms, your grandmother happily shuffling about as she locks up the store.
You turn sharply at the surprised sound behind you. The evening has settled in and glowing lanterns bring forward the evidence, the darkening streets flooding with round droplets of light.
But it is not the festival you are looking at.
Yuta looks somewhat serene, your cheeks heating up despite yourself. You look at him with bated breath, hoping the boxes obscure your face enough to make the vaguely positive emotions less evident. The dark red jacket draped over his shoulder does not look out of place—in fact, he fits in so well you would’ve mistaken him for another face in the crowd if he weren’t stupidly gorgeous. He looks at you with no strong emotion in the eyes before breaking into a smile; and when his hand strokes the top of your head as a greeting, he seems fond. He always does.
“Grandma,” he calls with his best smile, turning to the old woman.
Your grandmother doesn’t need any more convincing of his character. 
“Oh, there you are! Did I tell you (name)’s back? I wanted to break the news to you earlier. Ah…I must have forgotten.”
You glance from Yuta to her. Is this another one of her tricks and tests?
“She’s always here this time of the year,” he responds, laughing politely.
“Ah, you remembered,” she says, eyes crescent as she smiles back. “Help her with the boxes. The city has made her so frail.”
“I’m good,” you choke on the words, hurriedly moving away and almost dropping one of the boxes.
You slip on your sandals and scurry off faster, wishing he’d just stay behind. He always has. The air makes you shiver but you’re adamant; and it’s not the only trait of yours to make relationships fail.
“You know, you should be nicer to old friends.”
You try not to react when Yuta takes the boxes from you, matching your pace almost effortlessly.
“I thought foxes ran away once they’re found out,” you snap, reluctantly letting him take the packages.
Yuta rolls his eyes. “I see you still aren’t very fond of me.”
“Not when you’re tricking my grandmother like this,” you hiss.
“You call helping trickery?” he retaliates.
“Foxes bring bad business,” you mutter.
“I’m the reason your grandmother’s business is somewhat above the water.”
You sigh, exasperated. There’s no point in wasting your breath. You look away, crossing your arms as you walk, the silence between the two of you suddenly awkward. Even so, you’re not going to open your mouth for him.
“Would you two slow down?” your grandmother calls, voice weary. “We’re already there.”
The two of you halt in your tracks immediately, taking mellow steps back to her. She looks over the two of you with furrowed eyebrows and you try to think of an explanation when she starts laughing.
“Oh, I don’t mind the two of you flirting,” she says, littered with slow laughter. “Just make sure the food is where it’s supposed to be.”
You’re about to refute when Yuta laughs, the sound still boyish and lively. “Of course. (name) missed me so much this year, she couldn’t help herself.”
You give him a pointed look which he ignores, deliberately or not. “We- I wasn’t—”
“Grandmother, if you’ll give us permission,” he interrupts, settling the packages on the table by the food stall and smiling wide. “We’ll go enjoy the festival now.”
She bobs her head in affirmation and Yuta grabs your hand to pull you into the bustling street, your silent plea for help ignored by your smug grandmother.
“What are you doing?” you ask, slipping your hand from his. “You aren’t- You aren’t trying to eat my liver, are you?”
“Why the liver? Can’t I have the rest of you too?”
It’s not like you were particularly alarmed but his response makes you feel a flush of embarrassment.
“It’s been a year since I last saw you,” he says before his voice turns a shade cooler. “Have you thought about my proposal?”
You fall silent. The overthinking started last year too. Your thoughts and dreams, so easily pervaded by him and all it took was one sentence. 
“We should get married.”
“Why did you even think I’d agree to that?” You try not to get too flustered. He knows all your petty weaknesses and you’d rather not have them on display for him to stare and pick at. “What the fuck would I get out of marrying you?”
Yuta whistles. “I like your tongue. But—yes, to answer your question, you’d get a very handsome and capable husband. Your bed will always be warm and oh, speaking of beds—”
You clamp your hand over his mouth at the suggestive look he sends, worried about being spotted by one of your school friends. Ah, right—friends, the very same people that smell of jealousy and won’t miss any opportunity to throw a jab your way. Friends. You can’t believe you’re still afraid of their judgement.
“And why do you want to get married to me?” you ask, looking into his eyes.
There’s a pause, filled with the chatter of the crowd.
“You look like you’re afraid of finding someone,” he speaks finally, ignoring your question. “Or is it the other way around?”
You roll your eyes, ready to walk off when he grabs your wrist to pull you closer to his chest. It draws some looks from nearby people, your eyes darting from face to face in fear. You take a deep breath and look at Yuta again, almond eyes distracting. 
“People will think we’re lovers,” you whisper, almost a hiss.
“What’s wrong with that?”
You breathe out in disbelief. “You’re really something.”
“What? Why did you always come to meet me then? Behind the keyaki tree?”
“It wasn’t for you,” you lie quickly. “I had nothing better to do.”
Pining after a fox? You could never have feelings for him. Even so, your answer comes off childish and silly, and somehow he’s the only one to be able to draw that side of you—the you that is messy and unprepared.
Yuta smiles in return. “You think people can’t fall in love with us the same way they fall in love with most everything.”
It’s a statement, not a question.
“How conservative of you,” he leaves with an airy remark, but not before urging you to follow him.
The sizzling sound of food being fried and the knocking, clicking sound of children playing games, all these forgotten sounds grow louder and for a second, if only you let yourself, you could close your eyes and it would be just like your first date. 
No. It’s different. You look up, eyes trailing over Yuta’s back, his golden hair, how his figure moves with ease and confidence.
It is different.
You raise an eyebrow at the box of takoyaki Yuta shoves towards you, an expecting look across his face.
“You like this, don’t you?” he asks, an uncharacteristic hesitation in his voice.
You hum in response, taking the box from him and saving yourself the trouble of asking whether he paid for it or simply charmed his way through. 
“Eh, no thank you?” he complains. “How polite.”
You scrunch your nose to accompany an exaggerated smile and he laughs, the two of wandering over the asphalt streets. Your hands are close enough to brush—and if a twenty-something year-old woman can feel jittery because of it, hands truly are meant to share warmth. The smell of candy and caramel fills the air, making you smile. You’ve saved enough for the taste of home, you think. 
The taste of home. 
Inevitably, the thought of kissing your companion crosses your mind and you stop in your tracks. Whatever. It must be natural when someone as attractive is beside you. Those aren’t feelings. You curse yourself for feeling like a teenager again.
The festival grounds aren’t as shabby as you expect them to be. The city,—if you could call this one—stops here and the earth spreads out to the forest behind. The crowd also thins, and you take a fresh breath. They’re selling old books in the corner, but no one seems to be there.
“The raccoon dogs,” Yuta whispers in your ear, with an arcane smile. “Want to visit those rascals?”
You roll your eyes. He knows you’ve heard one too many folktales for a lifetime, seen one too many. It’s time to go home, especially now that the thought of thanking him crosses your mind. You’re about to turn when your shoulder crashes into someone else’s. A surprised, syrupy smile greets you, which you cannot return for the first few moments. Yui’s smile wavers and you flash her a quick smile. A friend. Her arm is looped through her lover’s, the one she never shuts up about and suddenly the urge to pour water over her head returns.
Yuta glances from you to her before pressing his lips together, as if suppressing laughter. You’re almost offended when Yui laughs flippantly.
“You’re on a date too? I knew you couldn’t stand spending the festival alone,” she says, tugging her lover closer. 
People have always told you who you are and what you do. As if they know better.
You smile awkwardly. “It’s… actually not—”
“Oh, don’t be shy.” She gently pats your shoulder before leaning in. “He’s a real catch. As expected from you. You can never leave the boys alone.”
You know what she really means. You’ve heard the same words in high school when she was shoving you into a wall behind the school. The sickening smile is still on her face.
You gulp, feeling sixteen again. The lack of people around somehow makes it more awkward and you’re about to excuse yourself when suddenly, Yuta bumps into Yui and his warm drink spills over her left shoulder. Your eyes widen, more in confusion. When did he leave? You don’t doubt his ability to sneak past people, but surely you couldn’t have been so enraptured in your own feelings that you barely noticed.
“I’m so sorry,” Yuta says, voice honeyed with surprise.
Yui looks like she’s about to explode when she looks at him, her expression dropping to a calmer one almost immediately.
It’s an easy look to recognize. They always have it when they first meet Yuta, whether it’s the smile that’s too dazzling or the pretty round eyes. 
How persuasive, those eyes.
“Ah… I must have not seen you,” she says faintly, and Yuta’s smile widens.
Before he can stir up more trouble, you slip your arm into his and pull him away, not caring for another polite apology to an old, almost nameless face.
“I was having fun,” Yuta complains, voice still smug and calm.
You glare at him and it only seems to add fuel to the fire, to whatever cold fire dances at his fingertips. 
“You’re happy, right? Don’t look at me like that. You should reward me.”
You don’t respond, looking away and hoping to get at least a word in about how troublesome he is every single time you visit. Yuta has other plans, however. Leaning his head to look you in the eye, he maintains a distance which looks perfectly decent but feels less than so.
“How about a kiss? I deserve one, don’t I?” He moves his head closer to yours, making you shy away.
You grab him by the belt and pretend to not catch a glimpse of the pleased look on his face as you drag him into a secluded part by the forest.
It’s quieter here, so much that you can almost hear your own heart drumming in your chest, and the faint light of the distant festival grounds doesn’t help much at all. It’s dark as dusk, and you can only make out Yuta’s jawline and a faint smirk over his lips. You think that if a fox ever wanted to eat your liver, this would be the perfect spot.
“You did something,” you finally utter the words. “You did something to me.”
“Why do you think I did something? Do you mean love?” he responds with a cheeky smile. “This means you’ve been thinking about me? How cute—”
“Yuta, stop it,” you warn. 
“Or what? You should stop me yourself.”
You grab the lapels of his jacket, the cloth bunching as your knuckles turn white. The anger you feel isn’t the first of its kind—it’s just a little funny how it’s always Yuta every time, making you remember the burning feeling time and time again. You find yourself unable to respond. 
“Oh, don’t hold back,” he provokes, leaning in.
You push at his chest in exasperation, but he grabs your wrists before you can retract your hands.
“Scared?” he whispers.
You pull apart anyway, a scowl over your lips. “You’re as annoying as ever. Don’t you have anyone else to bother?”
“Ooh! Sharp claws. You’d be lovely as my fox-bride.” he teases. 
Your face flares with heat. “I’m not your… I’m not a fox.”
“I didn’t say a fox, I said—”
“I know what you said,” you snap, massaging your wrist so you don’t have to look at him.
Yuta falls quiet for a moment, voice lower when he speaks again.
“Is it so nasty to be called a fox? There are worse things, you know.”
You scoff, growing increasingly annoyed. “Of course you’d say that. I hate it. I hate this town. I hate foxes and I hate you.”
Yuta places a hand over his chest, gasping with no emotion. Your eyes linger over his long, painted nails a little longer before you meet his eyes. A part of you regrets saying the words but you couldn’t help it. The shroud choking your hometown makes you want to scream at the top of your lungs every time you’re here. You hate this place.
But you don’t hate him, after all. 
You try to clear yourself of the thought. A gentle gust of wind brings you back to the present, Yuta still glancing at you with no giveaway to what he’s feeling.
“You wouldn’t make a terrible fox though,” he says, eyes sharp. “Don’t they know you’re a vixen already? How many livers will you eat?”
You suck in a breath, tears stinging at your eyes. However, it’s not like you to get so easily affected by him. No. No, somehow that doesn’t make sense either. Those words do hurt from Yuta and you’re not sure if it’s just because he's the only one you didn’t expect them from.
“What? Aren’t you going to lash at me again? You’re so predictable.”
His voice is calm despite your obvious annoyance and you feel flames lick at your heart. Your hand moves before you can think, about to meet his cheek when he grabs your wrist. You struggle, trying to pull free but to no avail and you use the other hand to hit him in the chest. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t bother him and that same feline smile curves up his lips.
You feel something you haven’t before, a warm growl at the pit of your stomach.
You push with all your strength, catching Yuta off guard and he stumbles backward but not before pulling you into him. Consequently, either of you lose footing and land on the grass with a sudden thud, Yuta’s side pressed against yours. His hands still clutch your wrist, and he shifts to hover over you.
“We used to wrestle like this as a litter,” he says, erupting into full laughter. “Ah, memories. I don’t even know if they’re alive or dead now.”
Yuta is much stronger than he looks, and he’s taken your tantrum as a source of amusement much to your infuriation. He has your hands pinned back, eyes unaffected as he scans over your face. You try to shift but there’s just too much weight on you. You breathe slowly, chest rising and falling in time with his. His earrings sway gently in the wind, dangling a few inches above you—he’s pretty, so pretty. Admitting defeat has never been your forte but now that your senses are gathering again, you feel a flush of embarrassment for losing your temper. 
Or perhaps, it is something else when you register the lack of distance between your noses.
“Playtime’s over,” Yuta coos. “You’re kinda cute when you’re losing.”
He tilts his head, an adoring smile over his lips. For a moment, they’re all you see.
Can a fox comfort you? Can a fox make you feel loved on the darkest of nights? Your mind races with questions your heart does not want to answer. 
Yuta leans in to close the distance and despite every nerve in your body, you turn your head away. You can hear him gulp, the following moments painfully quiet before he gets up. Your breath is soft and shallow, lying on the ground till you get enough courage to sit up. 
You almost gasp. His tails are clearer under the dim moonlight, all nine of them golden and luxurious. The light hitting his face isn’t any less flattering and once again you are reminded of how handsome he is, fairytale or not. 
Yuta looks uncomfortable, and that’s a first for you.
“I’m sorry,” you say, though you don’t know why.
He waves his hand dismissively, annoyed.
“Yuta,” you take a step forward.
“I see the way you look at me,” he says quietly, “Is it not want?”
You fall silent, biting your lip so you don’t retort violently. He doesn’t look particularly malicious when he says that but you do not want to give him the satisfaction of an answer yet.
He quietens for a moment before a look of curiosity flashes across his features.
“What is it then?” he asks. “Is it a secret? Foxes love secrets. Tell me.”
Despite every bone in your body burning up, you find it in yourself to laugh.
“I don’t think I could keep a secret from you if I tried,” you finally say, before bursting into soft laughter again.
Yuta looks at you puzzled, lips parted while he stands frozen as if he were a painting. A daunting, reckless, heavenly painting.
“It’s not want,” you answer quietly. “It’s more than that. Even if I hated it. I like you.”
Yuta’s ears perk up at your confession. “So- so you admit, then? You are interested?”
“I could blame you for this, you know?” You shrug, hugging yourself once the night starts to feel cold again. Yuta begins to take off his jacket when you stop him, gently pressing your palm against his chest. 
“You’re a fox, after all,” you whisper. “Like me. What they think of me.”
Yuta purses his lips. “Does it really hurt you? No, wait. Did they- did they—”
“Now, you tell me,” you cut him off. “Why do you insist on getting married—to me?”
There’s a pause. The crickets chirp a merry tune despite the leisurely darkness of the night.
“You’re not terrible,” he says, nonchalantly.
You glare at him and he raises his hands in defeat. He looks wearier the more you look at him.
“I want to grow old,” he mumbles after a long pause. “Properly.”
You hold your breath.
“And you want to do it with me?”
Another flower blooms in your chest, as if he hasn’t planted a garden in there already. The lights from the festival flicker down, the lanterns burning brighter in the distance. He glances at them for a moment, your eyes still fixated on him. 
The tails glow even brighter in the dark, as if gold in broad daylight. You’ve always been curious about him and his kind, all the stories; but he says he’s too old to remember if you ask.
You reach out to touch one of the tails, wondering if the fur is as warm as it looks. They’re pale and captivating, but they look so soft—they shouldn’t belong to an animal so vicious. Is he, though? Is he all that you think he is or have all these years failed you? If anything, he’s quite probably not as much a fox as you are, you think bitterly.
The fur is warm, but the realization is short-lived.
A short growl leaves the corner of his mouth. Yuta glares at you like he was stolen from and yet, you do not move your hand. Some part of you wants to aggravate him further.
“I’m not a pet,” he snaps. “Stop that.”
“You should stop me yourself,” you mimic his voice.
Yuta’s shoulders relax, and he looks down but you can still see the trembling smile on his face. It’s the way he looks at you, you think to yourself, maybe that's the reason after all.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you say, feeling warmer than the autumn night should allow.
“Like what?” he asks, still smiling.
You look away. 
“You’re not too fox-like, you know?” you mumble. “You’re just annoying. And flirty. And annoying.”
Yuta chuckles, before pressing his palm to the top of your head. 
“And you’re lovely.”
You give in to the gesture of affection, leaning your head to press against his shoulder.
“Why do you even do all this? What do you get out of it?” you say, voice muffled. He hears you clearly, however.
“Because I love you,” he responds, as if coming to terms with it himself. “More than you think.”
There is no joke, no flirtation to his tone, no decoration upon his words. It’s plain, and laid bare. And sometimes, simplicity is scariest. 
You pull back, lips pulled into a frown. The air is cold once more; the longing for warmth flowing into you. The silence is worse.
“You don't believe foxes can fall in love,” he states softly upon a wavering smile. “I knew that. Of course.”
A part of him believes it too.
“I…” you begin, and for the first time, you are afraid of promises in the name of love. You are the one making them now.
“I’ll believe you,” you whisper, “I’ll believe you so please… please take care of me.”
You place your palm against his cheek, his skin bewitchingly warm. 
“Only if you take care of me,” he whispers back, leaning in.
This time, you do not move.
The lovers’ kiss you’d been searching for—lovers’ warmth, lovers’ comfort—all of it comes crashing down once Yuta tightens his arm around your waist, the other hand resting gently at the base of your neck. He kisses with the right amount of pressure, the vague taste of sweet berries in his mouth.
You used to fear his touch, like he would eat you whole; even if they have been gentle, always. This time, you might as well let him. He presses his lips from your cheek to jaw to neck, lingering at each spot enough to make you clutch at his shirt tighter, taking in short gasps of breath. You kiss for a little longer, like time means nothing.
“We should go back,” you whisper, pulling apart.
Yuta kisses you again, the distance unacceptable. 
He kisses you once more, your calls falling on deaf ears.
Finally, after another long kiss, he pulls apart enough to rest his forehead against yours, eyes still closed.
“It must have been hard for you,” he mumbles.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” you scoff.
“Foxes are faithful lovers, you know?” he insists.
You laugh. “What do you mean?”
“It means I’ll follow you everywhere.”
He stands up straight, his thumb stroking your cheek as he bites back a smile.
“I don’t think we should get back tonight,” he suggests all of a sudden. “We could book a hotel. That’s the place you use these days, right? I’m sure your grandmother will understand your absence—”
You groan, resting your forehead against his shoulder and he presents a delighted laugh in return. It is warm by his side; he is warm. You find it easy to forget the failures in love, the loneliness of a lover that isn’t meant to be yours. Folktales are just long tales, after all. You smile to yourself. 
You should’ve known—it was the fox all along. 
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hibiscuswolverine · 4 years
some more komahina parent au cuz I’m thinking about it + Lil baby makoto doin lil baby things cuz that's what he do! Kinda long under cut!^^’
+ They the adopted the young lad when he was just a newborn (Fresh outta the batterbox- yes and that is what she said!)
+They’re kinda concerned when they first met him because he was quite a tiny little thing and the nurse was like “Oh no he’s healthy! He’s just very small for a newborn that’s all!”
+ Idk if I said this already but they didn’t want to introduce Makoto to the former class until he was bigger, because they want to at least get him settled and not overwhelm him with so many new faces (and with the class in general being loud)
+ Newborn makoto acted like a typical newborn; crying through the night, hungry, you know newborn things. As for his parents, they mostly took ‘shifts’ (aka one finding the other passed out on the couch while the milk boils over and makoto is still crying in the bg)....yeah they’re totally fine :)
+When they were still prepping for makoto they actually went to quite abit of parenting classes and was practically dragged into a baby shopping spree with the girls. They wanted to go with more neutral colors as they didn’t know his gender at the time but instead uh... let's say lil’ koto has an interesting wardrobe  thanks to his aunts (and uncles too!) + He’s also in one of these (Nagito’s fault) cuz..LISTEN ITS TOO CUTE OF OPPORTUNITY TO PASS UP OK-
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+ They often feared they were doing bad job with Makoto, but then they watch how other other people treat their kids or how the kids would treat them and they look at makoto who be vibing and they’re like ‘I guess we’re doing alright..’ =beyond this point is when he in his months and like 1st year= +I think its pretty obvious to say that makoto is more or less a happy lil baby! He liked to laugh and giggle a lot, and clap (no particular reason he just did.) and wiggle around (ibuki: It looks like little mako is dancing! Go on mako! show ‘em your moves!!). Still pretty small tho because he cursed like that. + Because he is so small he HATES being cold, like lil man will throw a fit if you even think about not bundling him up. Even if it’s just a lil chilly out so they always make sure to bring a spare blanket with them whenever they go out. + His favorite heat warmer is his papa (Hajime) he’s just lot warmer and softer than his dada (Nagito) both body and heat wise. (Nagito is still Nagito just without his illness, so he’s just really pale and lanky.) But that just means he has a lot of photo ops to take of the sleeping pair.   +People often ask the pair if makoto is their biological son because of just how similar he looks to the two of them, sometimes to mess with people they say yes. +Makoto likes to babble.. quite a lot, he likes to babble a lot to parents. Nagito plays along and also talk to him to. Hajime often watches the two interact and is like ‘what on earth are they planning???’ (M: bab bab ba ba *shierks* N: *Babbles back* M: *babbles and claps his hands* N: Ah yes, I know perhaps we can go do that later, we should be able to find that there.) +Whenever Makoto starts to babble to Hajime, the two talk like they’re having a conversation of sort back and forth. Though hajime talks normal words to him. (M: Ba! ba! ababab aaaa! H: Wha-? You want cereal? No Mako! I’m not giving you cereal yet your not old enough. M: *cries*)  +LoOK I know I said Izuru would only talk normally to him, but it's too funny not to think about Izuru babbling to Makoto. (Makoto and Izuru: *having a conversation* Hajime: *comes in* what are you two doing? Izuru: *sighs* you’re interrupting a important conversation here.) +In this AU nagito is an amputee (no left hand, he lost it due to the plane crash when he was young) Whenever nagito has his prosthetic off, Makoto often thinks that his stump is a great pacifier/teething toy.  +Now I have no clue what job Hajime or Nagito would have but, Hajime does have one (one that he could tell you about). Nagito.. well let me explain; If you ever watched Martin, then there was this running gag in the show where Tommy always said he got a job but he never said what the job and everyone would ask what he did and he’d just reply ‘ it’s my job’....yeah so that's nagito.  + So anyway,  Nagito also brings Makoto with him to commit arson, he carries him around in baby carrier don’t worry! he got lil headphones, glass and stuff for protection!  + Their family portrait is the three of them in all black with shades looking like they came outta an action movie (they’re posing dramatically too) while they’re like an explosion/ big ass fire behind them. Mahiru was very concerned for Makoto’s safety that day.   +They’re nicknames for him range from ‘Koto, Mako, lil nugget, hope nugget’ and then everyone else has different ones for him (tiny person of light, makutie, lil’ man, Koko, mini nagito, big or mini mac, and little shit.)   + Nagito holds him like he is the most delicate little thing, Hajime holds him like a normal person should, Izuru knows how to hold him properly but he doesn’t, he will pick his nephew by his leg and hold him upside down and just carry him around like that (Makoto will just giggle while his parents kinda freak out). + For his first birthday it mostly just consisted of his parents and his aunt + uncles (and their kids if they had any). He managed to “blow out” the candle by thwacking the flame with his hand, didn’t affect him to bad bc they got a cute cake smash photo with a cake covered Mako (A bad alternative would be him not touching the cake at all because he thwacked fire and it made him cry/scared the shit out of him) + Nagito came to find that with makoto his luck is a lil weird; like when he goes to play the lottery he finds that he isn’t winning  like he used too. But when it comes the big numbers something bad happens that day and he goes to play and he wins. Weird huh? (I'm sorry i don’t nagito’s luck cycle that well-) + The moment makoto learns how to use his legs properly and can run, it is ON. Also he is one of those kids that if he’s too quiet for to long he’s up to something.  + Makoto wants your food, and is not taking no for an answer. He’ll look at either of his parents and if they don’t give him the food fast enough or at all, he’ll just forcibly grab the spoon or fork and eat it (if its a finger food he’ll just aggressive grab the food from the bowl) don’t let it be one of his fav foods, he will fight you. Their drink aren’t save either if there's a straw he’s taking that too. 
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Aaaa, I also forgot yestrerday so I'm glad that it's today! Can we have rfa (or rfa + vandy if u like) with mc who don't want to get married but still wants to spend life with them, have family ane all. Thank you for that blog!
RFA with a Mc who doesn’t want to get married 
Hey! I am glad that I wasn’t the only one who forgot, lol. I decided that I will only do the RFA or the Minor Trio for each request, I hope it’s okay, please be free to request the Minor Trio again, yeah? Please tell me your opinion after you read this, okay? Love youuu!
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Your heart was beating crazily as you saw the back haired man get on his knees in front of you.
Your eyes looked around at all those people who saw you and waited for your response.
You knew Jumin for 11 days and knew that you wanted to spend your life with him. You loved him. Everything about him made your heart beat quicker and made you feel emotions no one else could make you feel.
However, you never wanted to get married.
You already witnessed how marriage changed people.
Friends, your own parents, neighbors.
You wanted this love to last forever.
,,Yes,’’ you lied, making him happy and kissing your soft lips.
He held your hands in his and smiled so happily.
But eventually, you had to tell him that you actually didn’t want to marry.
Not because of him, but just because you didn’t want to.
When the RFA Party ended and only the member themselves stayed, you pulled your fiancé towards a quiet corner.
,,Yes, my wife to be?’’ he asked you all lovely.
You pressed your lips together.
,,I want to spend my life together with you,’’ you said.
,,Me too,’’ he responded.
,,I want you to become the father of my children,’’ you went on.
,,I would love that too,’’ Jumin laughed, blushing a bit.
,,But I don’t want to get married,’’ you ended your speech.
,,I feel the- what? But… earlier you said…’’ Jumin gasped.
His eyes were open wide as he observed you.
Your hands were sweaty. You were nervous.
For sure, this wasn’t an easy step.
,,Marriage changes love. I want this love to last forever. I promise you I will stay forever by your side, but not as your wife but as simply your partner. I don’t need anything else, but you,’’ you told him, kissing him on his lips and taking away his fears about the non marriage…
It was Valentine's Day when Zen returned home with a lot of red roses and chocolate.
,,Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess,’’ he told you and kissed you, putting the bag with groceries on the floor and hugging you.
He still felt bad that he didn’t ask you to be his wife.
,,I promise you, as soon as my family finally approves me, I will take you as my wife and make you the happiest woman in the world,’’ he promised you, implanting a kiss on your head.
,,Well,’’ you began.
,,I never want to live a second without you, but honestly speaking, Hyun, I don’t want to get married,’’ you confessed, biting your lip as you waited for his answer.
,,Huh?’’ he asked, kind of confused.
Wasn’t it every woman’s dream to walk down the aisle in a white dress?
,,I don’t want to get married. Like, we could use the money better for our future children. Not being married is so much better, less work, and doesn’t cost that much,’’ you told him, taking his hands.
,,Jagjya, money isn’t an issue for me, you know?’’ he asked you, worried that you may think that he didn’t have enough money to marry you.
,,I know, but I just don’t want it… I don’t need a wedding as long as I have you, I don’t need marriage to make a family with the man I like,’’ you told him.
,,A family as a non married man… guess my family will never approve of me…’’ he mumbled.
You suddenly felt bad. Was it that important to him…? 
Instead, he surprised you with a totally different topic.
,,Since they don’t approve of my job, myself, or my lifestyle and wouldn’t even accept that I am not married, let’s do a baby right away!’’ he laughed and took your body in his embrace, slowly taking off his jacket....
After a while of being together as a couple with Yoosung, it finally happened - despite not being married, which wasn’t a problem for you, you got pregnant.
For Yoosung’s mother, something horrible.
,,Tell Mc that I will pick her up next monday to choose a dress with her,’’ his mother told him at nine a clock, after you spent the last three hours vomiting.
,,Sorry, babe,’’ Yoosung said, looking apologetic into your eyes.
You got up, pissed, and out on your shoes.
,,You know, Yoosung,’’ you began, looking into his sleepy eyes.
,,That’s the reason why I actually am against marriage. I love you and I want to spend my life with you. I want to have more children with you, but I don’t want to get married.
It’s stressful. It’s something I didn’t want to have, but now for your mother I have to try on a white dress, even through this is against my wishes, and I honestly don’t want to live life like that!’’ you told him and went into the kitchen, leaving Yoosung in his bed alone.
,,Mc, wait!’’ he called you, jumping up too and running behind you.
,,What do you mean with ‘something I didn’t want to do’? You don’t want to get married?’’ he asked you again.
You explained to Yoosung that you loved him dearly, but that you simply didn’t want to get married.
Yoosung nodded.
,,Besides,’’ you began, ,,you need to spend your life with me, not with her. And if you can’t do that even through we aren’t even married, imagine how a married life will go!’’
You ended your sentence and began to cook the food.
With that, Yoosung disappeared.
You heard him yelling for about ten minutes before he came out, ready to eat breakfast.
,,What happened?’’ you asked him, concerned.
,,I told my mother to find my sister a husband and instead leave my girlfriend alone because she will live with me forever even though she won’t be my wife,’’ Yoosung told you, making you smile brightly.
Finally, marrying for the both of you wasn’t a problem anymore.
However, deep inside you didn’t want to get married.
Sometimes you were just scared of changes and wanted to keep things the way they were - for example the relationship between you and your girlfriend Jaehee.
However, you were afraid of her reaction.
Both of you decided to sit down with a coffee around the table while the doors of your coffee shop were closed.
,,Thank God we closed for lunch time,’’ Jaehee laughed as she brought you your hot meal.
,,Yeah,’’ you responded, thinking how busy you were for the last four hours.
,,Okay, Mc...there is something off, please tell me what’s wrong?’’ Jaehee asked you.
,,I’m sorry, Jaehee… I was just worried… like, I am afraid of what will become of us if I tell you what is going through my head,’’ you honestly began.
,,Just tell me, nothing will change. I promise you,’’ she assured you and took your hand.
,,I...I love you and I want to stay with you and have a family, I want to work with you, be your best friend and so on… but I don’t want to get married.
I don’t know why, but I am just against it.
The whole attention, the money… I just don’t want to. Is that okay?’’ you asked her, playing with your hands and licking your lips nervously.
Jaehee stayed silent for a few seconds, but then smiled.
,,Mc, I would never force you to anything if you don’t want to, it’s okay. As long as we are together, I’m okay with it,’’ Jaehee said as she took your hands and smiled even warmer.
,,As long as you’re happy, I’m happy too,’’ she nodded.
Saeran was healthy and happy by your side, Jumin managed to do something with the twins’ father after a long time, and everything was returning to normal.
You and Saeyoung were engaged for three years by now and the wedding preparations finally began.
However, the stress did too.
You and Saeyoung went to sleep alone for three nights in a row by now and both of you were unhappy 24/7.
You were simply unhappy with the theme he decided to go with and… well, you didn’t know what he was angry for.
But he was, and the more he was, the angrier you got.
It didn’t take any longer when you spoke up the fourth day.
,,I can’t take it anymore,’’ you hissed, making Saeran look up from his plate.
,,I don’t like the location, I hate the flowers, sorry Saeran, but no!’’ you hissed, since he chose the flower, making Saeyoung glare at you for hissing at his brother.
,,I don’t like the dress, I hate the shoes, and I dislike the decorations. I don’t like the food, I simply don’t like -’’
,,The groom either?’’ Saeyoung asked you, hitting the fork on the table and standing up, making him look taller than you.
,,His attitude,’’ you hissed.
,,Good, cause it’s the same for me,’’ he groaned.
,,Good! Same here!’’ you yelled.
,,Let’s call it off!’’ he hissed and turned away, regretting his words right away.
,,Yeah! PLEASE!’’ you shouted, feeling better now.
However, a big misunderstanding was growing in the room.
Thank God Saeran asked both of you if you were breaking up.
,,NO! YES!!’’ both of you responded at the same time, looking at each other’s eye with panic written all over your face since no one expected the response.
,,We aren’t breaking up, are we? I mean, I still love you… I just want to call off the marriage…’’ you mumbled, now slowly tearing up as you realized that your fiancé was breaking up with you.
,,NO NO NO NO NO!’’ Saeyoung whined, jumping over the chair and hugging you.
,,I thought you were breaking up with me…’’ he whined and kissed you on your head.
,,Let’s stay together, but let’s call off the wedding…’’ he whispered and finally felt much better.
07.03.2021// 22:05 MEST
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damnzawa · 4 years
hii can i request a kageyama love alarm au pls? hope u have a lovely day 🥺🤍
Note(s): Mayhaps I love this AU with Kageyama,, mayhaps I might also do one for Kenma/Kuroo haha,, also mayhaps I might post an Aizawa smut tomorrow 👀👀 ANYWAYS,, I LOVE THIS REQUEST AAAA i love kageyama tobio,, i love haikyuu,, i love them ALL! So feel free to request anything! My AU FEST! is till open too! So request your heart out!
Warning(s): Jealous Kageyama mwehehe, Yachi x Hinata (because I do whatever the fuck I want and I say in this AU they're meant to be ok?)
"Oi, Kageyama." A noisy crow interrupted Kageyama's inner debate on what to get from the vending machine. There on his left, stood in his short, tangerine glory, Hinata Shoyo. Hinata seemed eager to tell Kageyama something, and it appeared fishy to the blueberry.
"What?" He asked in his usual grumpy tone. Hinata pulled out his phone and started waving it at him.
"Look! Look! Someone loves me!" What does he mean by that? Does his parents not love him or something? "I downloaded this app called 'Love Alarm'! Everyone's using it so I thought might as well try right? Anyways, it syncs with your heart and tells the person you like that you like them if you're in a 10 mile radius! It also tells you if someone likes you! It doesn't tell you the name though so it might confuse your dumb brain!" Out of all the bullshit that came out of Hinata's mouth, the last one annoyed Kageyama the most.
"Oi, who are you calling dumb?" His menacing aura could almost kill Hinata. Almost. Hinata's used to it by now.
"You!" Hinata let out an 'ow!' as Kageyama hit his tangerine head. "A-Anyways, you should try it too! I was walking down the hallway earlier and my alarm rang off! Someone loves me! In this school!"
"I don't wanna. It's a waste of time." Kageyama replied before pressing the milk button. "And that app's a fake, dumbass. Don't believe in them. It's a scam."
"Psh. You're just saying that because no one probably loves you." That made Kageyama's eye twitch. Hinata smiled in triumph as he saw the boy's expression change.
Kageyama, who had a determined look on his face, grabbed his milk and faced Hinata who had a smug smile plastered on his face.
"I'll download the app. Let's see if you're right about that, dumbass." And with that Kageyama left a smiling Hinata alone on the corridor. Grabbing his phone, he made a reminder to download it when he got home.
He'll prove that dumbass wrong. He'll make Hinata pay hell later. And he'll also see if this app's a scam or not.
"This is stupid." You groaned as you turned on the 'Love Alarm' app on your phone. "Why do I believe in this app anyways? It's probably a scam or something." Clearly, an app wouldn't know who you're in love with right? It's just absurd. Who could possibly make such an app?
But... it wouldn't hurt to try right?
Spotting a certain blueberry just around the corner, you took a deep breath. Thump. Thump. Thump. There goes your heart again, beating as fast as it could whenever you see the volleyball maniac. You never really know why you liked him in the first place. You two weren't close nor you were strangers to each other. You two were friends—if Kageyama even considers you that—but not like Hinata-Kageyama level. It was more like on a 'I-tolerate-you' level. You don't know everything about each other but still know enough things that are personal. You both have the same interests too, it being playing volleyball. Though you weren't in his class—you actually are smarter than him—you still talked when you can. Though, conversations with him mostly happens by the vending machine while he ponders on what to get.
Something about him just attracted you. Maybe it was his looks? Or maybe it was because of his passion? Either way, you liked Kageyama. You liked him a lot. A lot, a lot.
There was only one problem.
You don't know how to confess.
You know you were probably gonna be rejected. All Kageyama thinks about is volleyball after all. His head is a volleyball. So having romantic feelings for anyone or anything except the sport? Impossible. It's unlikely to never happen at all. You're pretty sure he'll marry the sport. So confessing? Hah. No way.
That was before Love Alarm anyway.
You figured Kageyama would have one. So, you thought of a plan to confess without him actually knowing that it's you.
Slowly approaching him, you gulped nervously. You saw Hinata approaching as well. Great, ok. If his Love Alarm rings, he'll probably think it's Hinata or something. Good.
You kept on walking, and walking, and walking. Until you heard an alarm ring. Kageyama's eyes widened as his eyes darted around until it landed on you. Your eyes widened then you fled the scene. Flustered and beet red.
Welp, there goes your friendship with him down the drain.
"Woah! My Love Alarm rang!" Hinata exclaimed happily as his eyes searched for the one who had feelings for him. "Ah! Who could it be?! I still haven't figured it out yet!" Kageyama released an annoyed sound at that. He couldn't believe it. You? You liked the dumbass? Surely you can do better than that.
Kageyama paused. Well that explains everything then.
The way you 'sneakily' glance at Hinata whenever him and that tangerine practice, or the way you act differently around him as well. Kageyama hated the fact that you seemed a lot calmer when you're with Hinata, you radiated a different aura too. But with him, you seemed nervous, always stuttering and being polite.
He glared at Hinata, who was currently daydreaming about the one who rang his Love Alarm, then stomped off.
He certainly wasn't setting to that tangerine dumbass today.
Meanwhile you were panicking behind the bushes as you watched Kageyama get angry from afar. Oh shit. He certainly didn't like that. Judging from his expression, he seemed repulsed by it. Cringing a little, you sighed and walked away.
Avoiding him it is then.
The past few days, you stayed dejected and it showed. Yachi worried about you and went into mother hen mode everytime she was near you. Though you appreciated the gesture, it didn't lift your spirits at all. Your mind kept recalling the disgusted look on Kageyama's face and the hatred within his eyes. You sighed and banged your head on your desk. Idiot. You're an idiot. A complete idiot. A greater idiot than Hinata.
You avoided Kageyama completely. You made sure you never crossed paths with him. You stopped buying milk from the vending machine too, opting to buy some at the Sakonoshita store on your way to school. You also took another route to get to the gym the girl's volleyball team uses. All of those in hopes that Kageyama wouldn't find you.
"Yachi-san. I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to go over some notes today. Please leave me alone for a while." You said once you felt a presence infront of you. You were alone in the classroom until said presence came over. Silence came after. Yachi didn't say a word as you burried your head further in your desk—if that was even possible. You were about to tell her off when suddenly two Love Alarms rang, catching the attention of some passerbys.
Your head shot up once you realized what happened. Your Love Alarm rang. Who could it possibly—?
There they were. Looking as shocked as you are. Infront of you sat Kageyama, who had just turned his Love Alarm on. Neither of you said a word for a while and just looked at each other. Holy shit. Kageyama... Kageyama likes you too? How could he? Doesn't he hate you? How? What the fuck?
"I was right..." Kageyama stated making you confused. Right about what? You liking him? "This app truly is a scam." And with that Kageyama took off, leaving you in the room.
A scam?
Doesn't that mean...?
He doesn't like you.
You knew it. You knew it, and yet you hoped he would reciprocate your feelings. What a dumbass you were. Giving yourself false hope. Looking for a sign that he might like you back.
What a fucking dumbass.
What a fucking dumbass, Kageyama was. Surely this app is fake, right?
No, it wasn't.
The app was right.
He had feelings for you.
Do you have feelings for him? If you didn't, his Love Alarm wouldn't ring, right? Besides, you two were the only ones in the classroom. So it couldn't be someone else. But surely you don't like him and Hinata right?
Kageyama groaned. Feelings are hard to deal with and this Love Alarm just made it harder.
"Oi! Kageyama!" Speaking of the tangerine devil, Hinata appeared with Yachi in tow. "I know who rang my Love Alarm now! It was Yachi-san!"
It was Yachi?
Not you?
Oh, he was certainly gonna confess to you later.
"Y/n." A blueberry volleyball maniac blocked your way while you were heading to the volleyball gym. You looked down, not meeting his eyes. After what happened earlier, you didn't want to see Kageyama ever again. You feared that Kageyama would chew you out and slap your so called friendship on your face. You feared that he'll wash everything you shared down the drain. You feared whatever his response may be. You dreaded this. You didn't want to interact with him yet but it seemed that the universe had some other plans with you and Kageyama.
"Here." A milk carton appeared in your sight. Upon closer inspection, you saw Kageyama's messy writing on it. "Take it."
"Is this some kind of a 'sorry-but-I'm-rejecting-you' gift? Because if it is, then I don't want it Kageyama. I don't want your pity."
"It's not." Kageyama replied before shoving the milk carton in your hands. "Just read it."
Sighing in defeat, you read the words Kageyama wrote on the carton.
'Thank you for ringing my Love Alarm.'
"What's this? Why are you thanking me?" You voiced out your thoughts. "Aren't you mad? You seemed mad when I rang your Love Alarm near the gym last week."
"I was mad." Kageyama answered your question making your shoulders slump. Upon seeing your dejected state, Kageyama frowned. He hated seeing you like this. He just wanted you to smile shyly at him again. Or invite him to the vending machine and waste lunch time chatting away about some random topic. He just wanted things to be back to normal. Maybe he even wants to date you. "But it wasn't because you rang my Love Alarm."
Before you can even ask him about it, he continued speaking. "I was mad because I thought you rang Hinata's Love Alarm." Your eyes widened at that. It was Hinata's Love Alarm that rang that time? It wasn't his? How could that possibly be? It was Kageyama you liked, not Hinata. "Turns out, Yachi-san's the one who rang his alarm. She was behind him that time. They confessed earlier." Oh. So, that's why Yachi left in a rush.
"Why didn't your Love Alarm rang that time then? Didn't you have it turned on?"
"I still haven't downloaded the app. I didn't believe in it. But now that I know it's not a scam, don't avoid me anymore. Come back and drag me to the vending machine every lunch." Your heart thumped once again. "Let's even get meat buns from Coach after practice." Does this mean what you think it does?
"Are...Are you asking me out or...?"
"Of course I am, dumbass. Is that a yes?"
"It sure is."
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luvdsc · 3 years
aaaa thank you to you and steph for taking the time to write a very very helpful response,, it makes me feel more reassured that whatever i decide to do is completely okay, so thank u 🥺
- 🫀
omg of course, lovebug !!! 💘 I actually was meaning to reblog Steph’s addition and give a little more explanation about the path I took since I was sort of vague and she had given such a wonderful detailed answer 💓
I concur with the hiring process Steph talks about - if you get the interview, then that means they already know you’re qualified for the job. You made it in. The point of the interview is to gauge what sort of personality you have and if you would fit well with the team and company. I’m pretty sure I barely made the qualifications when I had applied to my job at the time because I was in the wrong major and all, but while my peers got standard interview questions regarding their skills, I immediately launched into a regular conversation and the interviewer ended up telling me about her weekend plans because she thinks her boyfriend might propose soon and she needed to get her nails down. Another time, the interviewer and I bonded over withdrawing over a class and ended with him showing pics of his five year old son to me :’) and I got the offers for both jobs in the end. Ultimately, the company can teach you the skills for the job, but they can’t teach you how to have a personality - hence, that’s what they’re really vetting for.
I have asian parents who aren’t the most encouraging regarding creative careers. They essentially said they wouldn’t pay for my education unless I chose a stem or business career. I know I’m incredibly lucky that they even paid for it in the first place, but that played a factor in pushing me to go towards the stem/business side of things. I didn’t want to end up in student debt and be financially unstable. I studied my butt off as I did both engr and busn because I didn’t know what I wanted. Eventually, I decided engineering wasn’t the right choice for me, but I felt like I was a disappointment to my parents and tried to compensate by getting two business degrees. I’m gonna be honest - it wasn’t the best of times. But I felt better about it when I added a studio art minor even though that meant more overloading, but it was fine because I was doing something I loved. That’s how I made peace with it, and at the end of the day, I do think I made the right choice because I got what I wanted: financial stability.
I work in IT accounting, and this is my first official full time job fresh out of college. My overall yearly compensation when adding salary, benefits, and bonuses all together is probably at least $120k before tax and all that jazz. It’s not a fun job - I sit around looking for errors in code, making sure their cybersecurity is airtight, trying to make sure my company clients aren’t committing fraud, and that their financial statements are clean for the IRS auditing. So while it’s not my dream job and is certainly not as wonderful as steph’s job, I definitely am financially stable.
Steph also made a very good point about having a creative career - it’s not the same as a hobby, and that’s one of the reasons I was also afraid of exploring that job. I don’t want to turn something I love (art) into something I hate and have to force myself to do everyday.
So I’d say while I’m not over the moon about my job and going to work everyday, I achieved what I aimed for as a career focused person. I want independence - I want to live in different big cities, travel the world, have that pretty apartment in nyc, adopt a cat, and walk down Wall Street every day in my cute business outfits. This might not be the job of my dreams, but this is the job that will get me my dream.
My overall goal is to stick with this job, move up the corporate ladder, invest my money, and when I have enough saved, I would look for a creative job. By then, I would hopefully have enough money that I would be fine with accepting a pay cut because a creative job definitely won’t pay as much as a corporate job. Again, ultimately, it comes down to which you prioritize more - happiness or financial stability and how patient you are with achieving them both.
Best of luck with your career and college, sweetpea, and if you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out 💓💓💓 I’ve been in the same boat as you, so I get it :’)
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ogamagirl · 4 years
WELL friendos, it looks like it’s gonna be a stressful week. I did a little think last night to de-stress myself, so I figured I’d share it here with y’all as well; maybe it’ll be fun for you to look at too.
It's been a while since I've documented The Plush Hoard, so I went through it this evening!
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A few notes before we begin!
-Before the "but where do YOU sleep" comments come in - I move them around when I sleep lol. The vast majority of my plushies are up on my top bunk nowadays (which u purposefully cannot see because after I was done taking pictures I just started tossing em up there and didn't feel like making them look nice jskdhgf;;; ) - I only keep my very favorites with me. Every time I blog about my plushies I get that comment and it's not funny anymore ;; -I am not a collector that keeps my plushies on shelves or behind glass cases; one of the primary reasons I love collecting plushies is because I love soft textures, so I love hugging and cuddling with them. So some of them are pretty beat up at this point! I also have a cat and if you have a cat, you know cat hair Everywhere is just a fact of life, so if you happen to see any...sorry! I cannot possibly de-cat-hair my entire apartment at all times. -I am not a photographer and my bedroom has crappy lighting, so these pictures aren't ~the prettiest~; the point of this is for me to just have some fun talking about one of my hobbies! -I have cultivated this collection over years and years and years; as I said, it's one of my hobbies, and it just brings me joy!
That said, THIS GON BE A LONG POST LMFAO, so if you're on board, hop under the read more and we'll get started uvu
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We shall start with the non-weeb plushies skdjfhldfg, which is the smallest cohort |D;;; of special note are the baby penguin from Sunshine City Aquarium in Ikebukuro, the moose my parents got for me in Alaska, the big doofy red panda my college roommates got me for my birthday one year, and the dragon. THE DRAGON IS WEIGHTED. The dragon is delightful oh my god all plushies should be weighted;;; 
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Ghibli plushies! I got the vast majority of these while I was physically in Japan - the only two that I didn't were the foxsquirrel and the Totoro on top of it. The soot sprite I got at the Ghibli Museum itself uvu 
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Digimon plushies! I wish there were more decently sized Digimon plushies TAT;; (I like bigger plushies because they are easier to hug ok) The Culumon and Viximon (? I think I'm remembering that name right: Renamon's in-training form, the yellow fox blob sdjfgdfg) are bootlegs I am very sorry ;;; My Digimon Plush Goal is to somehow find an official Culumon someday TAT;;; I rlly like Culumon there was a period of time in elementary school where I drew nothing but Culumon so lol. 
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Random fandom plushies! Lessee, what's represented here...Sanrio, Hamtaro, Madoka, Heartcatch Precure, Higurashi, OneShot, Made in Abyss, Re:Zero, Undertale, and Deltarune! Ralsei's hat and glasses obviously come off...I, full disclosure, do not know where they are. They are probably under my bed somewhere sjkdfghsdg;;;; 
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OK HERE WE GO: most of my plushies are Pokemon plushies. What can I say...they're just so much fun to collect TAT;;; first up are a couple groups of miscellaneous babbies; you will soon see I like collecting some Pokes over others... 
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Miscellaneous babbies part two! See the lil Riolu? When I lived with my parents still, that Riolu was Joji's favorite plushie to steal |D;; she would semi-regularly come into my room and take plushies from me, but that one she took far more often than any other. She's such a small dog no damage was ever done, but still...Joji these are mine, not yours! 
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Miscellaneous babbies part three! This was originally meant to be legendary/mythical Pokes but then I remembered Raboot and Galarian Ponyta and was like "OH NO I HAVE TO INCLUDE THEM" I am not very good at this jsdhfglsjfdg 
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'pixs! (and two Ninetales) I have a very vivid memory of watching the first episode Vulpix appeared in in the anime and wanting a plushie of one so bad, but alas they were certainly not readily available to me yet, so I carried around a Simba plushie I had that evening pretending it was a Vulpix xD so if little me could see my Vulpix collection now she'd be very happy!! 
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'vees! ...I like me an Eevee, what can I say. There's actually one Eevee that's missing from this pic - I told you I'm not very good at this |D;;; 
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...oh there were TWO Eevees missing and I stuck them in this pic lol I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I TOOK PICTURES OF HOORAY anyway, Eeveelutions! I obviously favor certain evolutions over others |3 Eventually I would like to get at least one Espeon, Glaceon and Leafeon, just to say I have them all. But there is one more Eeveelution that I couldn't fit here... 
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...cause she BIG. My life-sized Sylveon takes the prize of biggest plushie I own. She hangs out at the foot of my bed uvu (also her ears are top heavy/don't have any wires in them so they've clearly flopped backwards...but she cute any way you slice it TAT) 
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THE PIKAS. ...Somehow I thought I had more Pikas than this. (Oh wait, I DO...they're just coming later cause they're in a special category |3 ) this is still a good amount of Pikas! Detective Pika is extraordinarily soft he's very good TAT;;; also two Raichu cause I don't have enough Raichu to take a separate pic of. 
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Mimis! I have a couple other Mimis that are also in the special category coming up hehe. Big Mimi was stuck in customs for a month after I got him so I'm glad he made it home eventually TAT;;; 
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HERE WE GO I have...a lot of Litten. Litten is my baby. Best Poke-kitty for me. I love my Litten TAT///// 
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PICHU PICHU PICHUUUU!!! My ultimate baby TAT///// Pichu so good...so happy to have so many Pichu...aaaa///// but wait, there are Absol here too?? Well, yes, of course. For I am a Pichu and my love is an Absol. So. I had to take pictures of the plushies together uvu 
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Some Large Friends that got their own picture. That rolly Charizard was the first thing I ever won from a crane game; I was ridiculously proud of myself |D;;; 
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SPECIAL CATEGORY: Halloween Pokes!!!! The PokeCen always has an Extremely Good Halloween campaign and it makes me angry...they're all so good...TAT//////// 
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Aaand! Best for last!! SE plushies T//u//T The middle two Souls are very beat up, ahaha....I've had the smaller one for over a decade and the bigger one for almost a decade, so...they've gotten a lot of love//// (plus it is also funny to tease Soul - u know I'd give u a hug over the plushies any day baaaaaabe u3u) I really want to get Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki too, but Tsubaki is SUPER hard to find and I don't want to get Liz and Patty and not her TAT;;; there are also Excalibur plushies...............but I think I'm ok without an Excalibur plushie sjdkfghsdfg OH also not pictured; I do have a plush Shinigami glove |D
So! There it is! The hoard! If I were a dragon this would be my treasure hoard! It was nice to go through this so if you went through it with me I hope you had fun too!
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la-luna-es-hermosa · 4 years
EXO Reaction to a Filipino Idol
Note: Bruh I think I have overdone this reaction. This reaction is made from a request by an anon! I am so excited to finally receive an ask! But yes I did make this reaction extra special because of my hiatus. Sorry for not being active anymore because I have been addicted to osu and other rhythm games (Arcaea and Superstar SM). I have also been in a new fandom (in my profile picture) I know I gotta stay loyal for my boy Jongin but I just can’t. For this blog, I will still accept requests, still active, but I will be more active in @kuwurapikaaa​ ! If you want hunter x hunter, the arcana, jjba and A3! content, check that blog up too! I am finishing drafts there as well - MeiQI
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You guys met at one of the designer parties he attends to. Despite being in the same industry, you guys haven’t really faced each other. He was probably too busy tending to his members.
In that moment, he finally had enough courage or time to actually talk to you. He really liked how you guys shared many struggles, from trainee days and even today. “I really understood your struggles back then. Adjusting to a new country and lifestyle is really hard.” He said to you as he patted your shoulders.
Junmyeon would give out flowers every promotion you had. Even if your group didn’t win, you always get a bouquet from him. Your members started assuming that he has a liking on you.
Your family started to notice his actions as well. “Are you sure that Junmyeon isn’t courting you?” Your concerned father asked. He loves his unica hija (lit. unique daughter, in context: only daughter) too much to just let her go with a mere guy. He has to know more about Junmyeon before letting his child date him.
It seemed like everyone around you are just beating around the bush because of his actions around you. But all that was worth it as he went to your parents and asked them if he can court you. “Mr. and Mrs. (Surname), I like your daughter (Name). Can I court her?” He asked them. - The parents did not even question it since Suho is such a sweetheart
Junmyeon also started exploring more about the Philippines, knowing that his beautiful girlfriend is from the country. He would firstly look up at pieces of art made by Filipino artists (with the likes of Fernando Amorsolo and Juan Luna), it would be a bonus if you’re interested in art as well. Most of your conversations would end up being about you guy’s cultures and how the painters showed the message they want to put out there.
He would also end up being really curious about the language as well. I can see him trying to learning the language just for you. “Sobrang mahal kita, ikaw ang aking mundo” He says with a cute bashful smile. It still sounded different because of his Korean accent. You found it quite endearing that he will go through all this lengths to impress you and show how much he loves you.
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For Xiumin... hmm... it’s hard because I can’t really picture Xiumin with a Filipino girl or a foreigner in general. It’s not that he doesn’t like Foreigners, but I am very unsure about it. Like Kyungsoo, he is really into girls that are more traditional.
Like everyone else, Minseok would be really interested in your culture. The delicious food, the language you spoke. He would always listen to the way your voice shifted when you speak to him and to your parents. “Ma okay lang ako... nag-iingat naman po kami ni Minseok.” You spoke to your worried mother over the phone.
Although I can see him trying to actually learn Tagalog just for you. He would learn it in secret until he was fluent enough to tell you that “(Y/N) ikaw lamang ang aking mamahalin” and write you a whole essay on why he loves you just in Tagalog.
In music shows, like Junmyeon, he will send you lots of flowers because that is exactly where you guys met at. Every time your group had a comeback that was around the same time as his, he will always look at you and got the courage to sneak in his phone number.
Minseok texts you a lot, telling you if you got his flowers or if your parents approved of him. - Of course your parents approved of him, even saying that you grew up too fast as you now have a boyfriend. 
You guys haven’t had the time to be together due to his military enlistement, but as soon as he can hold his phone again, you were the one of the first people he messaged. “Sorry I haven’t talked to you” He said.
But out of all the EXO members, he gave you the sweetest confession at a park at night. “I want to say that I enjoy your company and I am thinking about my future with you.” He said to you as his hands cupped your face.
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I remember the time he said PhiliPENIS, this man right here lol. Anyway, jokes aside I think Yixing would be really interested in your culture. It is a bonus point that both of you are foreigners and are in the same industry. Like Suho, Yixing met you in one of those luxury parties hosted by fashion labels.
You immediately caught his eyes, the look you were wearing really suited you. The colors were beautiful, just like you. When the cameras aren’t rolling, this is where he would move. He would DM you via instagram and that is where you guys will start to talk. It went from simple “how are you?”, to the more complicated topics. You were his home, the place he would go to if he’s stress.
It would definitely be a bonus if you like doing music. You would be singing many of his demos so that he can really see if he did a great job. His source of inspiration is you as he stays late at night to compose something for him.
Even if you’re an idol, your relationship would still be long distance as he is in China and you’re in Korea, promoting with your group. (With some sneaky flights to China), “I miss you Yixing...” You smiled at him as you looked at the screen, Yixing is working hard in the studio.
“I miss you too... I wish I can hug you.” He said to you, his eyes somber as he looked at the screen of his phone, seated at his studio, working on a new song. Every time you guys kissed, hugged or touched each other, it felt more electrifying as you have never met him often.
Since he had always been a dancer, I can see him trying to learn Cariñosa (I had a dream like this aaaa), he would be really curious at the many dances the Philippines offered.
(Note: I have to cut the reaction for Yixing because I might get political and I don’t wanna get in jail anytime soon lol)
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I feel Baekhyun would be a bit more safer with a Filipino girl (given what happened to his ex-girlfriend). I can see him being with one as he was the one who came up with the Phixo name in the first place.
He would protect you so much to the point that he will not reveal you guys are together. With what happened to Taeyeon and to think that you are a Filipino idol, which means you are certainly the pride of your country. He would rather reveal you at the right time. (When will that be at this rate)
You met him at a music show while promoting his solo stuff. He really enjoyed your group’s performance as well. You became immediately his favorite member for your talent and eye-catching looks. He knew you already since debut and thought you were really pretty, but it took to another level when he saw you personally.
His jaw dropped at your looks, you were unique unlike any other idols. With his social skills, he didn’t hesitate to talk to you backstage and that is where you guys really took off.
I can see you and him are variety idols. - Reminds me of Heechul and Momo. You guys would always come up with the stupidest jokes. Bonus points if you are a gamer as well. You guys would always fight at the latest RPG games out there. “I beat your ass!” You said to him while laughing at his loss in the game.
Baekhyun would also sing songs for you (like Kyungsoo and Chanyeol). He would sing all your favorite songs in Tagalog just for you!!!! I am fangirling in the inside as I imagine Baekhyun singing songs to make you sleep aaaa He would also try to explore your culture as he would try out your favorite food as well. 
“Wow this thing tastes delicious!” Baekhyun remarked as he poured the soup over the rice. A smile formed in your face as he eagerly ate the food. You looked at him, lovingly observing him. You were glad he really enjoyed the food you made.
In later years, when he finally think that you will be the one that he truly wants to be with forever, he will choose to settle in the Philippines as the media and paparazzi there is not as crazy as the ones in Korea.
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For Chanyeol, I think you guys met through MC-ing, You guys were partnered up to MC a music show. Since your cute bickering in the music show aired on TV, your fans started shipping the two of you. It ended up with you guys talking more to each other backstage. Recommending songs and telling your problems to each other were the most topics of you guys’ conversations.
He ends up giving his number as you guys message each other more and more often. He was the first one to fall for you. Falling for the first time your eyes laid on his. You fell for him in no time, enjoying his company.
Because of you, he would listen to Filipino music. Particularly, I can see Chanyeol liking old Filipino bands such as Silent Sanctuary, Eraserheads, Parokya Ni Edgar, and Orange & Lemons. He would always sing their songs to you every time you guys meet. You guys would even have Karaoke nights where you just sing songs. “I heard Filipinos are good singers.” He told you as he handed out the mic.
You laughed as you started singing. - Obviously you would be a good singer as you debuted in an idol group and is a known kontesera (a woman who participated in many singing contests). He was charmed by how captivating your voice was.
You became the topic of many songs by Chanyeol. Your eyes, your loving words, your everything. - He loved every single part of it. Hell he can even dedicate a whole album just for how much he loves you and how you are an important part of his life.
You went to the Philippines to have your vacation. As you were enjoying your family’s company, suddenly you heard a familiar voice. You stood up from your couch and looked down at the window. “(Name)! This one’s for you!” Your eyes widened as you saw that it was Chanyeol.
Chanyeol started strumming his guitar. The view looked amazing, the stars twinkled, he looked ethereal as he looked up to meet your eyes.Your parents peeked with you as their heard his voice. “Uso pa ba ang harana?” He started singing the song with his low voice. He was singing Harana by Parokya Ni Edgar. 
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People would be rather shocked as Kyungsoo is the type of guy to date a traditional Korean girl. But I can also see him truly appreciating a Filipina girl. He firstly found you quite weird because he
It was you who made the first move. Your group is promoting your comeback at the same time EXO was. You hesitantly sneaked your phone number into his sandwich. You watched him open it, as you thought he was going to throw the paper away, he didn’t. He kept it in his pocket and went along.
With his sweet voice, like Chanyeol, he always sang many Tagalog songs with you. (I remember the time when they sang ‘Hawak Kamay’ in the dream concert). Your parents would’ve approved of him quite fast, being such a good, well mannered man. He is the dream son-in-law for every parent 
Kyungsoo had always been so protective of you because of you being Filipino, you had a lot of supporters since rookie days. Your kababayan would be really dismayed if there was bad news about you. He wouldn’t like you to lose your career. (Even more if you’re supporting your family)
“After boiling the tamarind, what comes next?” Kyungsoo asked you as he was chopping the spareribs in the battered cutting board. He always does this. He makes random food from your childhood. One day it was adobo, the other day it was caldereta, now it’s sinigang na baboy.
You smiled at him as you spoke a reply, “The ribs.” You clung to him as you wrapped your hands underneath his apron. Wrapping him in a tight embrace.
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In the Filipino side of the fandom, affectionately called “Phixos” by Baekhyun, Jongin has been called a Filipino. It was because of his looks (his charming eyes, his tanned skin) and his frequent visits to Cebu. Some fans even jokingly say that Jongin would settle with a Filipino girl or along those lines.
It wouldn’t be a shock for the Filipino fandom that Jongin chose a Filipino girl. It would be something that they would even celebrate, the fact that Jongin dated a kababayan. (Fellow Filipino)
You guys met in a photoshoot of a local magazine. He was impressed with your modeling skills, despite you being a rookie in it. Of course, you were intimidated with him as he is the Gucci ambassador. Right after the rather sexy photoshoot, you guys gave each other numbers. You guys started DM-ing each other via Instagram.
Jongin would be just as interested in learning Tagalog than English. In your very long conversations, he would always talk to you in Taglish (Tagalog and English) so that you are more comfortable talking to him. Rather than him talking in long paragraphs of Korean text. He finds it amazing that you speak more than two languages.
Your leader would joke about you being awake at ungodly hours listening to Jongin’s honey voice as he tries to sing when you can’t sleep. Or sometimes it would be his heavily accented English or Filipino. You wouldn’t say anything, but everyone already knows. As soon as your magazine gets through publication, everyone would start shipping you guys together. Searching the deepest depths of the internet for ship-able moments for the two of you.
“I’ve been to Cebu two times last year.” He said to you, smiling as he showed some polaroids from his Cebu trip. Your handsome boyfriend was seated on the couch. You were just chilling in your own apartment.
“You’ve been to Cebu two times in one year?! I haven’t even been to that place ever!” Your eyes were wide with shock, you almost dropped the popcorn you were munching on. How can someone travel twice to a foreign country? - You thought to yourself.
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It was love at first sight for the maknae. As soon as he saw you passing by on a music show, he cannot take his eyes off you, following all of your available SNS. His eyes were glued at you as he sneaked his number on an Inkigayo sandwich. He was also your secret fanboy, cheering and supporting you while you perform. Sehun always congratulates you on every comeback/release, messaging you on Kakaotalk on how are you doing that time or saying that he’s happy for you.
As soon as you received his number, you cannot imagine that out of all people, it was Sehun from EXO who gave you his phone number. It was like a dream come true. After emptying out your schedule, you immediately called Sehun. - From there, you guys started talking and having feelings developed.
He started being more curious about Filipino culture all because of you. He started researching it in his free time. - I can see Sehun date a foreigner, so I think the culture is not really a hurdle for him. 
Surprisingly, you were the one who made the first move. Not Sehun. You confessed to him very confidently. But since the cultural difference, he hasn’t met your parents. As soon as your schedules were empty, you guys went to the Philippines to find your parents and introduce him to them.
Sehun was standing nervously in front of your house’s gate. It was his first time visiting your family. He was shaking to the point that he cannot even move. You looked at him in the eye and asked him, “Is anything wrong?” you asked as you pat his shoulders, calming him down.
“No, nothing.” He said as he shook his head as he held the bouquet tightly in his hands. Then you saw your mother that opened the gate. - They were more than glad that they get to meet your precious Sehun.
“Why didn’t you tell me that your boyfriend is this gwapo?” Your mom asked you as you laughed. Then, you entered the house with huge smiles on your faces.
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inknose · 4 years
mdzs read diary part IV, the end
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It’s inspiring how much self care wwx is gonna finally get now that his husband will go along with whatever he does, so he’s gotta look out for lwj’s well being if not his own. that is emphatically the STUFF
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dragging my hands down I face as I read this, after all these chapters of getting up close and personal with ghouls bleeding from every orifice, slaying ancient beasts, rebelling against the entire cultivation world, the two of them are absolutely paralyzed by middle school crush sleepover math
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he actually drew kissy doodles .... he....
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IDK I THINK I JUST DOCUMENTED THIS PART CUZ I WAS STILL SCREAMING you cant expect me to have very useful things to say at this point
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this is torture you are both so mushy you are so GONE
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This part really stood out to me, it’s an attitude I feel like wwx implies with his inner narration a few times but most clearly says here: he’s not one for allowing himself to exaggerate how bad his circumstances are/could be even a little bit - he’s already lived through some extreme low points and found a way to keep going, so he never makes sweeping statements about what he couldn’t live without (Inner JingYi: you’re supposed to say you’d be lost without him here!!!) Instead he seems to accept as a given that being alive doesn’t guarantee him any pleasantness or joy at all, and as a result his feelings toward being in TRUE LOVE are surprisingly pragmatic, but also colored with such gratitude. There are a lot of things in the novel that struck me, like this, as being just a little to the left of familiar tropes/sentiments, and were more touching for it. Whether it be the influence of culture difference as opposed to what I’m used to reading in most western romance stories, or MXTX’s unique outlook, or a combination of both, it was really refreshing and made me pause over it. Not “I can’t imagine living without you” but “I could be living without you, but instead I get to be with you and I think that’s the best thing that could happen.”
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it was at this moment that I realized we were doing this Now... I’m still recovering. What a scene. I am so glad I saw the most incredible fanart soon afterwards, bc the fact that someone has already drawn a perfect comic of this part means I don’t have to
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I love you so much, you are so annoying, you are perfect... I like how he’s been experiencing openly requited love for all of ten minutes but he’s already figured out how to weaponize it to piss people off
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doing!!! his!!! job!!!!!
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ahh... it’s a really good story. JGY is a great character. One of the most interesting differences for me between drama watching vs. novel reading experience is that without an actor to bat his vulnerable doe eyes at you and smile faintly with his cute dimples, the book does not go much out of its way to try to lull the reader into a false sense of security around him or *endear* him to you the way the show does. But just by seeing events through wei wuxian’s POV, its still enough to evoke pity or understanding towards him. The overall impression is a bit more detached though, there’s less emphasis on the spectacle of how he could manipulate everyone closest to him and more of a general feeling of resigned tragedy that everyones the worst on this bitch of an earth.
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I clearly paused to take note of less and less parts at the end & the extras due to: a) too excited to reach the end b) too spicy to photograph and c) too sleepy cuz I kept reading in the middle of the night. but I absolutely took the time for Bro We Are Teens appreciation corner:
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I’d absolutely read 40 more extra chapters of their monster-of-the-week field trip antics.
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god... poor Jin Ling now basically has to deal with divorced parents that talk shit about each other to him whenever he is saying with one of them. except they are both his uncles. just a disasterhood of all uncles from start to finish. AUUUGH wei wuxian and jiang cheng have fucked me up completely, I dream of them reconciling but I also REFUSE to believe it would ever be easy. let me know if theres a fanfic that absolutely tortures you for decades before they hug
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HAHAHA oh no this man ain’t making it to immortality thats for damn sure. HE’S JUST GONNA TRY AS HARD AS HE CAN HIS WHOLE LIFE NOT TO LOOK AT HIM BUT THEYRE *MARRIED* SDLKFJSF ohhhh it’s too funny, like... the mundane domestic family drama IN the fantastical swords and sorcery setting is what really ratchets up these things from amusing to fucking hilarious I think
aaaa the end... final random thoughts? No not final, I would like to please keep discussing at length and exhaustively, all the time please - CQL has gotta be one of the best TV adaptations I’ve seen. ANY adaptation of anything would be lucky to be so good!! reading the novel has just made me appreciate it even more.
- I don’t think I can do justice to what I find most fascinating about comparing the two versions briefly, to do that I need to get drunk and ramble at my friends for hours but... the condensed version is something like this. Really all the significant differences between the two versions (besides the ones which can be attributed to censorship and therefore aren’t worth discussing) are a side effect of the structure of how the story is told - there’s barely anything changed arbitrarily. Aside from having a cold opening, the drama sticks to a very linear version of the story, and I think for a TV show or film, that’s probably the best way to do it. We see everything, we get shocked and tricked and betrayed and surprised along with the characters, we feel the biggest impact at the climactic scenes having experienced all the build-up. The novel on the other hand is not only much more non-linear in WHEN we learn bits and pieces of information, but that information is also obfuscated under wei wuxian’s multiple layers of Unreliable Narratoritis, which are as follows: 1) difficulty remembering things because of personality/avoiding painful memories/actual memory loss, 2) No Homo Goggles still on, and 3) a wry sense of humor that makes the reader unsure of how much they can trust his attitude toward things, especially near the beginning. The experience of reading is a puzzle the reader has to mentally piece together through all of the above listed camouflage, and the puzzle itself is a three-sided mystery: One - How Bad of a guy was Wei WuXian really, and how exactly did all the bad stuff in his life go down; Two - wangxian epic pride & prejudice gambits; Three - political murder mystery. (I love stories like this btw... though I fully admit I’m glad I watched first this time bc it might have taken me a long time to tackle otherwise.) Because of this, where the drama wants to pull you in and submerge you in all the most potent emotional parts, the novel in direct contrast deliberately side-steps around these things and asks that you hurt yourself by filling in the blanks. In fact the more intense emotions and painful memories involved, whether it be his relationship with jiang yanli, his DEATH, the darkest days of war times etc, the more the novel evasively withholds details. I actually really like both styles of storytelling but each one is obviously way better suited to its medium. ANYWAY.... THATS BASICALLY WHERE MY BRAINS AT WHILE IM READING GAY SWORD WIZARD BOOKS
- The extras are so saturated with domestic married bliss that it’s a good thing I stopped taking pictures because I’d just take a picture of every page. this is too much for me to take... I did jump the gun a few times and read a few fanfics while I was still mid-read of the book (I tried to hold out but alas I am mortal) and at one point after finishing I was like “wow what fic was it in where lwj says something cute and wwx kisses him in public but they’re in the corner of the restaurant so no one really sees... OH NO WAIT that was actually in there.” and ... and that’s the LEAST OF IT... *stares into the distance* theyre married wow
- I ofc couldn’t help but see a few vague blogs beforehand so honestly I was braced for something like, wildly ooc for the sake of porn to happen in the extras... I definitely appreciate how the incense burner porn interludes could be uhhh a lot for many people and not my personal cup of tea in terms of smut however [here follows the words of a poisonous frog who has dwelt her whole life in the rainforests of BL] the concept is also surprisingly SWEET SDFLKJF like wwx sees lan wangji’s darkest mixed-up violent teenage fantasies and he’s just like aww babe you had a crush on me!! just... good for them
- I swear I’m not gonna rehash every cute married thing they do but wei wuxian grading papers in the tub........................rEALLY GOT ME
- I want to Draw - ok thats enough if I keep going I’ll just write “wei wuxian grading papers in the tub” seven more times probably
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rrandomtthings · 4 years
Sander Sides as Avatar: The last Airbender characters:
Okay so,, I’m sure that this has been done before. But, since ATLA is currently having a renaissance and is currently one of my obsessions, I decided to combine Sander Sides and ATLA :00
Spoiler warning for Avatar: The last Airbender as well as Sander Sides
Aang = C!Thomas:
Idk I feel like this one is kind of self explanatory. C!thomas and Aang are both main characters and fit each other pretty well. They both like to goof around but also know when to be serious.
Katara = Patton
Katara is the mother character of the series. Patton is the father character of the series. They parent all the others around them. Both are light hearted and super sweet. When it comes to people they don’t like at first (Katara being Zuko and Patton being Janus) they go against everything they say. However, after getting to know them and understanding where they are coming from they become friends. Once again, I feel like this one is also kind of self explanatory.
Sokka = Roman
Okay, this may sound insane. But hear me out for a second. Sokka is the one who makes the jokes in the group, as is Roman. Both are super insecure and feel like they are less than everyone. They feel like they aren’t needed because, in Sokka’s case he’s not a bender and in Romans case he has someone who could easily replace him. They feel like things that aren’t their fault, indeed is. Roman, feeling responsible for holding Thomas back and Sokka feeling it was his fault that his dad got captured. However, they both also have crazy big egos and will jump to lengths to keep up their egos.
Toph = Virgil
Okay, so this one is interesting. I think that while, yes, Virgil isn’t as confident and outgoing and Toph they both share similar personality traits. They are both strong witted and were both babied at one point, which (I really want to emphasize this) they hated. They both hated feeling like they had to hide who they really were in order to make others around them happy.
Zuko = Janus
Okay, so not gonna lie, I was debating whether to put Zuko as Janus or Virgil. However, once I realized that Zuko has a scar on his face and Janus has scales I legit gasped. So this one may also be kind of self explatory. Both are the misunderstood villains of their series and both have scars on their faces. After recieving their redemption, they are loved by everyone.
Azula = Remus
I hate villainzing Remus a lot,, but this fits really well. Azula and Remus are both, for a lack of a better word, the insane characters. However, even though they are both bat shit crazy, they are also misunderstood. Azula has a rocky past with her family as well as Remus (aka his relationship with Roman) which is why they are the way they are. Azula, similarly to Remus, wasn’t loved. They were both looked down upon which led them to become what they were.
Uncle Iroh = Logan
Aaaa how I love Uncle Iroh and Logan, the two who actually have a brain cell in their respective series. I think that should explain enough, lol. Anyway, they are both the smart and wise ones. They know what decision is the proper decision, but don’t force it onto anyone. They suggest things, some of which is ignored (AKA Zuko ignoring Iroh and the sides + C!Thomas ignoring Logan), but overall they’re so, so helpful to the group.
Like I said, I’m sure that this has been done before, but I just wanted to add in my take onto this AU. I currently love both shows, so to mix them together was something I felt obligated to do lmaooo
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all my thoughts watching 1992 Newsies for the first time in 4 years
Buckle your seatbelts this is a lot longer than I intended
- this music still means so much to me
- YAAAAAS SLAY PATRICK’S MOM why wasn’t this in the stage musical
- Elmer is so frikkin adorable
- look at them goooooooo
- ugh I love these bois
- C R U T C H Y
- I just can’t get over the feather in Oscar’s hat
- loving these instrumentals and harmonies
- LES WITH A TINY SWORD okay I love him
- I feel like I’ve seen Wiesel in something before
- “not like last time” “uh-huh” RACE WHAT AN ICON HAHAHA
- Davey I love you
- that look in Crutchy’s eyes when he says “ya learn from the best” is Priceless
- okay one glimpse of someone who may or may not look sorta like Katherine
- Where. Is. Hannah.
- “now, when I created the World-” *eye roll* haha love this guy
- *dramatic disney villain music*
- 57 rounds of boxing oof
- is that Snyder? that’s probably Snyder
- yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyep
- JACK WHAT DID YOU DO oh wait nope false alarm he’s fine
- “WAIT TILL I GET YOU BACK TO THE REFUUUUUUGE” good to know Snyder hasn’t lost his flair for drama
- “well you have a way of improving the truth” okay I see what all you Javid people mean now
- THAT’S MEDDA?!?!?!?!
- Larkson? wonder why they changed it
- Les I love you
- “oh, you’re good” okay she’s okay
- WHAT EVEN IS THIS SONG I’m very uncomfortable
- OH HIS PARENTS ARE OUT WEST IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW that’s really cool wonder why they cut that
- ooh we actually get to meet the whole Jacobs family!!!!!
- SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- those Knowing Looks TM between the Jacobs parents
- Les...sweetie...
- why is my head blaring “tonight” from west side story...the scenes looks so similar
- oh wow Santa Fe comes a lot earlier and THE FAMILY ASPECT UGH so good
- “ain’t you glad nobody’s waitin up for you” Jack sweetie aaaaaaaa!!!
- so this guy is totally cool with the fact that a random boy is singing on his wagon
- oh okay there’s a hat now?
- y e e t
- I’m not sure if we know enough about Jack to feel enough sympathy for him at this point, but it’s a short movie so
- so THIS is the dance break y’all have been talking about
- P R I C E L E S S
- he just. steals a horse
- and it all comes back to the family aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
- the instrumentals, lovely as usual
- that was a Ride
- still no Hannah.
- “dghdghdghdghdghdghdghdghdghdhgdgh” -the distinguished Joseph Pulitzer
- so they’re just giving Hannah’s lines to this guy. I like this guy but still bitter about The Severe Lack Of Hannah
- We Are All Love Mush
- “s w e l l” in case you didn’t know, I. LOVE. CRUTCHY.
- Les being the first one to agree with the strike and holding up his lil wooden sword- AAAAAAAAAAAAA
- oh boy here we go
- from what I’m seeing Boots is important WHERE IS HE BROADWAY I WANT ANSWERS
- this singing. wow. okay. cool.
- Davey just walking around them like “okay is this what we’re doing? musical numbers every day? right here in the street?”
- yas get those turns
- is this Denton? I feel like this might be Denton
- Jack honey that’s not how you pronounce it (I. Love. This. Movie.)
- okay Javids I can see where you’re coming from this is Really Something
- “he has to!” *thrown out of door* That’s movies for ya
- “so...is the newsie strike important? it all depends on you.” I like him. Give him a Watch What Happens come on disney I want a Denton song
- wow nice zoom-out this is so 90s I love it
- @ disney on broadway: Where. Is. Boots.
- that slingshot tho
- Davey you’re doing amazing sweetie
- okay he’s wearing The Hat again
- Davey getting into the Dramatics TM
- jumpy bois
- okay we’ve still got a few backflips and jump splits
- RACE HAS A HARMONICA?!?!?!?! love that for him
- Denton just kind of taking notes about their revolutionary dance number
- ooh here come the scabs I’m so ready for the monologue-wait where’s the monologue
- ok so it just breaks into a fight? what happened to “we’re all in this together”?
- yas tip that wagon just like in actual history! rip those papers! woooooo!
- oh no here come the bulls
- ominous musiiiiiiiiiic
- wow this is...quite a plan
- “Heya Dave, how ya doin?” I LOVE HIM.
- look at his faaaaaaaaaaaaaace
- he doesn’t want anyone carrying him? tell that to livesies Albert
- well yeah of course they’re not going to “just go away”
- “done with once and for all” heh heh
- THOSE H A R M O N I E S I love a capella
- yas you go drum kid
- oh boy it’s dance break time
- *t w i r l*
- I love them
- oh boy it’s the scabs
- Davey...honey...you tried
- uh oh someone has chains this can’t be good
- slingshots!!!!!!
- Spot you’re doing amazing sweetie
- y e e t
- Those fake punch sounds tho
- I love the picture this is so ugh I just love it
- oooooh I can feel it coming, KONY is coming
- “you’re famous you get anything you want! that’s what’s so great about NY!” HAHA RACE I’ve said it before I’ll say it again WHAT AN ICON
- so Jack is here for KONY, this is new (well for me at least)
- “and payin’ for lunch” R A C E
- the “dead or dreamin’” bit is still just so awesome
- this is just so filled with joy I’m in love with this movie
- this guy just “okay kids lovely musical number please leave”
- “hey, that’s Jack” Crutchy...sweetie...no....wait no wAIT NO WAIT NO
- Race steppin up to save the day
- what. an. icon.
- THE REACTION TO “is he dangerous” UGH I LOVE HIM
- ooh nice fire escape shot
- okay romantic subplot time I can see where this is going
- the way he leans against the window awwww
- wow these are...very typical gender roles
- she’s so pretty I can’t
- “there’s nothing for me to stay for is there” She. Is. Standing. Right. There. Whatareyoudoing
- “I’m not sayin it should matter to you" are you though “I’m just sayin...does it? matter?” okay AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW 
- this pulitzer isn’t half as dramatic, he’s not quite showing the Actual Scary Capitalist, he’s more Typical Disney Villain
- oh there’s the don’t come a knockin melody
- they’re all dressed the same like a little gang of evil capitalists
- Davey looks so done I love him
- “what are we supposed to do, kiss em?” RACE IS SUCH AN ICON UGH
- wow they really shuffled the plot around
- hERE’S the monologue!
- Medda what’s happening
- I love their fan freak-outs in the audience
- is Sarah the only person that doesn’t know the song
- so extra
- Denton are you planning something
- “as in SNIDE? smile, sir” Denton is the greatest
- Medda come on you’re a dancer you’ve got to be stronger than that
- uh oh
- just y e e t up to the box seats
- that was the fakest of fake punches I’ve ever seen
- Dramatic Slo-Mo TM
- “the grounds of Brooklyn” SPOT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU
- Denton to the rescue once again
- I actually don’t know how this is going to go
- wait his parents aren’t actually in Santa Fe????
- davey’s face aaaa
- this is heartbreaking
- “a useful and productive life” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
- Denton why are you smiling what are you doing
- you don’t tell a huge group of kids that their story isn’t important you just don’t
- come on Denton we trusted you I mean I get it but still
- poor Davey
- omg he crumpled it up right in front of Denton? ooooof
- is this where the bribe and everything comes in?
- that screen swipe tho
- so I’m guessing this is Pulitzer’s mansion or something?
- Pulitzer what are you wearing
- the way the statue is positioned to be shooting at him-nice touch
- it’s villain monologue time
- okay uh he wasn’t talking that time
- he’s not actually looking Jack in the eye?
- yes Jack
- ooooooooooooooooh the suspense
- Dramatic Villain Look
- it’s not a disney movie without a banister slide
- so THIS is the alleyway scene
- even the music wow
- oh Sad Reprise time
- “you’re the only light that’s guidin me today” *crutchy appears* yeah that was intentional
- Crutchy’s face....
- this is Heartbreaking
- Wiesel’s face makes this 8000 times worse
- oh no...dAVEY OH NO NO NO NO NO
- “we don’t need you!” this is Real Pain
- “never!” DAVEY I LOVE YOU
- Les sweetie you’re so trusting and they’re still trying to protect your feelings ugh I love
- Jacobs Family Antics for the win
- so he just leaves
- at least the other stopped him
- yes Sarah punch him
- oh god here come the brass knuckles
- Jack finally coming to his senses
- it’s about freakin time
- “remember Crutchy?” *bash* ICONIC
- “no, smart.” Jack I love you but you really don’t see how important your newsie family is do you
- Denton spilling the tea
- he shushes Sarah but they’re gonna have a musical number soon yep makes total sense
- wait the whole song is in their heads? MUSICAL TELEKINESIS
- once and for all will always be a bop
- “just hope I get to thank him for it someday” LOVE
- Y      E       E      T
- yes boys hold that long note as you dramatically pan across a brick wall
- so this is Roosevelt
- so this is where Blush comes from
- it’s just. really good music
- what’s up with these bike people
- everyone knows the words now apparently
- beautiful chord
- what an epic, triumphant feeling this must have been
- “and such awful language” glad that’s in there
- but you didn’t break him now didja
- so you really think yelling “go home” is going to change everything
- shouting match ftw
- “we only use the best, Joe, so I just wanted to say: thanks again” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOVE
- what’s he whispering to Les-wait AWWWWWWWWW
- this is such a Disney movie I love it
- wait now what
- is this what I think it is
- “you don’t have to run. not anymore” I officially love Denton
- okay the “blessed children” melody playing while kids are freed is Poetic Cinema
- still not used to that spelling btw
- “share what you got in common” CRUTCHY I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF
- almost makes you feel bad for snyder. key word: ALMOST. hahaha
- “wait who comes walkin in” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HERE WE GO
- “that’s roosevelt?” Race I love you
- “so, uh..could he...drop me at the trainyards?” Jack. Old buddy. Old pal. What
- his face shaking teddy’s hand and the music slkdfjlshgoeibnclfboeifvl
- what’s happening he’s just riding away?!?!?!
- im heartbreak
- and jack smiling so big okay Big Sad
- love how they’re playing like it’s the end of the movie and by love I mean endless angst
- You know that part in the sound of music when they’re trying to sing but it’s just Not The Same without Maria? Yeah that’s this
- Davey’s lil smile ugh I love him
- the music is building Jack is coming back I can Feel It
- Les reacting! aaaa! this has become a Les Appreciation Post
- Denton’s reaction!
- “besides, I got family here” HIS FACE AND DAVEY’S FACE
- Les just beaming up at him AAAAAAAAA
- okay gotta admit this is REALLY FREAKIN CUTE
- look at them go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Y E E T
- did someone in the crowd just say “it’s crazy”
- well, guys and gals and nonbinary pals, this was A Ride
- thank you for joining me on this journey
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konicichan-blog · 6 years
5am thoughts: theory: Story Of Light
is it called the Story of Light because its Shinee telling us and the whole entire world that they will no longer grief in sadness and that they've moved on and accepted what has happened? I'm sure we all know Shinee may still be sad (and maybe more than that) but what if this whole album is telling us that shinee, that all the members, Minho, Onew, Key, and Taemin are ready to have a new beginning? Like, they're ready to let all the sadness go and accept what has happened and that they will continue to work and grow.
What if You&I was about them talking about Jonghyun? Like, what if this song is about them trying to talk to Jonghyun? And theyre all trying to tell him that its hard when he's gone like they dont know what to do. "I’m the only one hurting, I may look fine I’m not easy, my feelings aren’t for decoration" And like they're all reminiscing their memories with him. All those good times that they're not ready to let go of. "A handful of memories, I laugh and remember every day" (okay the lyrics arent in order but JJJJust lemme finish and fyi, its gonna be a lOoong one). "There are countless stars in my heart, there’s one star that shines painfully I don’t want to grab it but I don’t want it to go out" okay in this part i think they maybe talking about Jonghyun. Maybe the stars represent people and "theres one star that shines painfully" might be Jonghyun. A star... someone really special to them... is hurting deep inside. Maybe Shinee is trying to tell us that although a celebrity or ANY person in general who may seem happy in front of the cameras or may seem happy in the outside in general is actually in deep pain inside. Dealing with self doubt, depression and all that and we just dont know :( "The things I can’t throw away make me smile" this is kinda self explanatory. Jonghyun, someone they love, someone they deeply cherish, someone they can't simply just let go of, someone who can always make them smile. You know? "I know that you’re being honest when you wish me well I’ll let you go easy, don’t think that you’re stepping on me" this is kinda hard to explain haha ahm.. maybe as time passes by, Jonghyun's absence is telling them to let go and move on and maybe they're mad with what he did? I DONT KNOW I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT! like mad, like?? how do i explain?? like maybe frustrated?? thats the best word i can think of right now riwjkrs they're frustrated but theyre not gonna blame it on him. like the good friends and brothers they are they will let it go easily.. UGH do i make sense? anyway. "I’ve let myself go to the wind and the rain that’s falling cooly But my feelings aren’t for decoration" okay so this is the part theyve told themselves that they really need yo accept what has happened. and maybe "my feelings arent for decoration" means that whatever they are feeling and whatever they are going through shouldnt be joked about in social media since its a serious matter and well ive seen some haters and some "new kpop fans" talk shit about this issue and honestly 😤 it makes me want to slap a bitch
next song > UNDERCOVER
so the lyrics:
"I’m paddling my feet as busily underneath the surface with a calm expression on my face, You don’t know"
have u seen swans? how they paddle their legs under the water to move but above the water they seem so calm? like ballerinas, how their arms and body are always so graceful but their legs do all the work and stuff ¿¿?? okay im comparing the lyrics to swans and ballerinas because what if the boys are trying to tell us Jonghyun's situation and maybe also their's and other people who is suffering the same way? We don't always know what happens when we turn around. We don't always know when they're hurting. It's actually pretty easy to lie and fake a smile now a days so we always have to be careful with our loved ones. we dont always know what they're dealing with and one wrong move can cause a bomb to explode.
"Before the curtains rise, I’m always busy but when I’m standing before you I’m Acting cool"
Maybe theyre telling us that behind the scenes, theyre also suffering with personal or family issues. like every other person, celebrities have problems that they deal with too. they also have feelings. maybe on stage theyre smiling and having so much fun but backstage, theyre suffering? they cant breathe, they're overworked, theyre tired. sometimes they're forced to do things. Honestly for me, the kpop industry is so pressuring. you have to be this or that and if you cant you get criticized for it.
"I can’t let you know the things that are secretly happening now, now is not the time. I wait for the right moment, so that when you’ve realized it it’s too late."
Obviously most idols worry about their fans. Theyre worried when theyre fans are worried. its like a family thing we idol and fans have for each other yknow and maybe thats why sometimes they cant always speak up about whats really going on inside their mind. They cant always talk about it to the public bc sometimes people are so rude and so insensitive and leave comments like, "youre not depressed! youre just overthinking" bullshit, barbara. "you just need to hang out more" hMMmM :// ANYWAY thats why they dont really speak up alot. sometimes they cant even go to a psychiatrist privately because the media is always watching and once its on display, BOOm haters here and there talking bs and obviously WE wouldnt realize unless its TOO LATE!
"Like a black shadow is absorbed into the night, the night I dig deep beyond the consciousness, inside of you I’m Undercover"
I dont know how to begin with this.. its like once theyve hit rock bottom and they feel like nothing is gonna get better amd everything is just dark and gloomy. Maybe this is like the moving on part?? like the beginning of moving on. the depressive episode. And at first theyre just trying to hide everything. Just being undercover.
so they got depressed over what happened and theyre trying to hide from everybody that theyre okay but theyre not and theyre just undercover. in you&i thats when they start reminiscing about jonghyun and talking to him. telling him they miss him and that for him, they're ready to accept and let go.
so i dont really know the sequence i mean its already fucked up in the beginning so lets just go with whatever !!!
"The cozy darkness is lingering far away"
so the 'darkness' or those gloomy days and toxic vibes theyve been surrounding themselves has been slwoly disappearing. they're starting to feel a little better again. <3
"At the tip of the sunset that hangs on the buildings I think of you"
i cant explain this one and note: i havent slept and its 6am but im still trying to make this work. but i think fjksjfks ok sunsets means like the day is "ending" and like before the day ends, they remember their sufferings while they were depressed and all those sad times with Jonghyun, like those times of grief.. they remember it all before starting a new day ¿¿ I DONT KNOW im trying my best to explain it. Its like theyre finally accepting what has happened and is ready to start a new happy day
"Spill out the darkness
Open the night
I wanna see you more, right now, oh"
So the sunsets and the night has come and theyve already accepted whats happend but they want to see Jonghyun in a different light. They want to see their bestfriend and brother as someone who was happy and made others happy. They want to remember Jonghyun as someone who made his parents and everyone around him proud.
"The moonlight is rising
I’m going to you before it’s too late
I’m going to get you
Imagining how surprised you’ll be, I’m going to you
Going to you
Going to you
Without a reason, going to you"
okay this part is like giving someone a hug before they leave for their flight. Like even when hes gone hes not alone and shinee is not alone. like theyre always together. theyll always be together. "imagining how surprised you will be" nrkanfks im thinkg on how to write thus part wo sounding sarcastic. knowing what jonghyun has been through, he might have thought that he was and always will be alone... but the members are there to guide him in his travel to heaven with their prayers and theyre all hoping to surprise him ¿¿ AAAA im sorry if this sounds sarcastic or offensive i REALLY didnt mean it to be that way >·<
literally,for me anway, the whole song is about how theyll always be there for each other. even when the other is far away, it will never stop them from what they are doing. and thats why i love Shinee so much💓
In jump im not gonna add a lot of lyrics since im getting lazier. (lmao you can see my effort fading from you&i until here)
in Jump the song is about them trying to put their pieces together again. They've been broken and torn apart but they're ready to pick theirselves up again.
"I shake my head, brush it off and adjust my heart
I solidly protect my space again"
no one can recover quickly so i guess in this part, they're trying to take things slow. not too fast or anything or else they might make a wrong move and fall back to square one.
"Keep on enduring it
Just close my eyes when it feels futile for no reason"
in this part, theyre still not that strong enough so theyre telling themselves that they should just endure the pain or sadness. if it feels impossible, just close your eyes, believe and trust in yourself. theyve made it this far, why should they quit now?
"Higher, rise higher, fly
There’s the ground beneath your feet
When I travel between the two
Oh yes I feel the freedom
I jump on you, jump on you"
when they finally overcome the fear and sadness and EVERYTHING! they feel the weight lift from their shoulders and finally they feel freedom. overjoyed, they celebrate by jumping¿¿ i guess?? lmAO
"I’m not falling
I’m not wilting
It’s just changes
I turn different
And keep going forward"
this is when they realize that: nothing is going bad. everything is going just fine and everything is great. maybe they havent fully recovered yet but all those depression and pain is finally gone and theyre happy. They're different now and they realize they can finally keep moving forward without feeling to fall back down again.
"Why is that hard Why did I hesitate for such a long time Following my heart away From other people’s eyes I free the feet that were bound I let my imagination loose after a long time The wind is blowing Now I open my eyes and breathe in"
the first 2 lines is probably them asking themsleves, why didnt we do this earlier? they finally followed what their heart wanted instead of being trapped in their own mind and they finally can breathe again. they feel free and loose. they dont feel the heavy chains hanging on their shoulder anymore !
Now I can open my eyes and breathe in.
this is honestly a HUGE step for them. and im so proud?? ugh..
last song: All Day All Night
"All the moments I met you were highlight I don’t regret it, it’s just beautiful"
Theyre remembering Jonghyun more with their happy memories. How his existence highlighted mostly everything in their past. Jonghyun was such a big part of their lives and even if he was gone, they were still happy that he was able to be part of their lives and they were thankful to be a part of his.
"I start to see the world differently Yeah it’s all for you Time starts to emit a light Yeah it’s all for you Our very painful tears The joy that fills ourh hearts All for you, all for you, all for you"
Theyre doing all these wonderful things all for Jonghyun and maybe also for us too and for themselves. "Time starts to emit light" its pretty self explanatory. theyre beginning to see things in a positive way again !! So all of this, this is all for Jonghyun.
"Leave it alone, hold me and my painful scars All of it is the control"
theyre telling us to maybe accept it and move on too. To move on with them. We're all in this together and everything is in control.
So YAAS thats my theory or whatever you call it for SHINEEs album. I really do think the message hidden behind this album is deep and amazing and VERY important. I'm glad SHINEE is able to see things in a new light. Let's just keep loving and supporting them, okay??! So that's it.
The Story Of Light.
The End.
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((Mod post!! Gonna answer some questions for me that have been sitting around for a while, sorry the response is so late ;w;
Everything’s under the cut to save space 0w0 ))
Anonymous said: Okay but totally loving the concept of Michael as Gil and Jeremy as Oz??? Like, freaking Alice is Christine (even tho its totally a personality clash apart from the childish aspect but shhhh) and just yes
YEAH MAN...any type of PH crossover is good hhh but GOSH imagine Michael like. After growing up and spending ten years looking for Jeremy like Gil did ahh my heart aches!! And Jeremy coming back pouting like “You’re taller than me now that’s totally not fair, M” Christine would make a really cute Alice I think, just seeing her dress up like Alice and having her kick ass as the B-Rabbit?! Hell yeah!
zekromztk2 said: Out of all of the Pandora Hearts characters, who is your favorite? Mine is... probably either Alice or Oz
Anonymous said: did I hear Harry Potter?
Ye man talk to me about the Marauder days any time I love talking about Sirius, James and Remus getting into shenanigans at Hogwarts hoo boy
Anonymous said: (Hey mod, so basically Jake and Rich are just gonna be background characters with kind of their own stories?)
Yes! Jeremy and Michael are the main focus here, but Jake and Rich sort of have their own thing going on in the background as more minor characters to the overall blog! I want to make a more developed backstory for the treasure hunter girls and Christine as well, so we’ll see how that goes~
Anonymous said: Thank you so much for introducing the novel this AU is based on to me!! Now that I've finished reading, I understand a lot more about this AU and now I want to ask... Would you consider Mr. Heere/Reyes as Morrow?
You’re very welcome, it’s a great novel so! I’m glad more people are reading it after having run into this blog, I must spread the pureness that is Aech to all of humanity //shakes fists And yes! Mr. Reyes is Morrow, I can imagine him sort of contributing to the hunt with lots of theater related things, which Christine specializes in! Book!Squip is Halliday, and there’s actually a little more about that and his relationship with Jeremy that I want to get into later.
Anonymous said: ((I had literally never heard of ready player one but I lov this blog so much I actually went out and bought it. Consider me murdled dead))
Yeah man like;; I didn’t read the novel until this past summer and after that I just got so into it and BMC at the same time so? I combined the two and here we are! Aaah I’m so glad!! Like I’ve said before I love it when people come tell me they went out to buy the novel and read it because of me, it makes me so happy :’) Hjrhjd please don’t die lol
emibeani said: ((I just finished reading Ready Player One, and thank you so much for this blog.))
I’m glad to hear it!! And you’re very welcome, I honestly didn’t expect so many people to get into but I’m super appreciative of all the interest you guys have shown so far so?? Thank you!!
Glad you like it, ty! ;D
aslyn-is-artsy said: Your art is absolutely amazing
Hrhrhgfh I’m blushing thank you wow;;
aslyn-is-artsy said: Thank you so much for showing me this amazing book. I now aspire to become the real version of Art3mis. Just with short blonde hair instead. ;)
No problem!! It’s such a fantastic read and I was honestly blown away by it, so yeah...! Haha yeah I love Arty! She’s such a badass character and she doesn’t put up with any of Wade’s shit, which is great, she’s so empowered and I adore her
theitalianscribe said :I don't remember if this was answered, but is Michael trans male in this au?
Nope! I mean if you want to headcanon him that way that’s fine, I won’t stop you! I’m not going to endorse that since I myself don’t see him being that way, but you all are entitled to your own opinions so! And even if he were trans that wouldn’t be the main point of the blog anyway, I’m focusing more on their actual relationship, not their sexuality or gender or anything like that ^^
Anonymous said:i checked the book Ready Player One out from the library just because of this blog! are there any other books you recommend? (i havent finished the book but i like it so far i think!)
Oh nice!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Ahhh hmm well if you like supernatural teen stories, there’s a series called Darkest Powers by Kelley Armstrong about this girl named Chloe who finds out she’s a necromancer after being sent to a “troubled teens” home, and she meets these boys named Simon and Derek who also have special abilities and then all sorts of crazy things happen! I first read it back in high school and I still love it a lot, so yeah it’s a trilogy and all of the characters are really great so! (I looooove Simon like. So much.) Check it out if you have the time, it’s a good read!
kitikat101 said: Random potential song parodies: I Love the OASIS (I Love Play Rehearsal), Find That Egg (Be More Chill, pts. 1 and 2), Two-Player Game (but with Joust), Oases In My Head (Voices In My Head)
Kit can I say how much I adore these song titles they fit so well I’m really tempted to make parodies for all of them, absolutely brilliant
geeklychic1012 said: So are we allowed to send in fanfics based on this blog? (Cuz I submitted one but my wifi is shit and I think Tumblr might have eaten it haha)
YES!! Please do I’d highly enjoy reading stuff from you guys! And yes I saw and it breaks my heart like. Why. I’ll post it soon for everyone else to see too! They must all suffer as I have hfhdjhgjg
Anonymous said: Who would be I-r0k in this au? Or would I-r0k still be his normal jerk self?
I’m actually...not sure :0 There aren’t enough characters in BMC to properly cross over with all the rest of the RPO characters so;; I might have to go through the BMC novel and find some obscure background character to sneak in as I-r0k lol, because I would like to have all of the RPO characters replaced by BMC counterparts, if that makes sense!
theitalianscribe said: Does someone else take Halliday's place in this au? Also, do the gunters have a shared obsession with pop culture from a certain time period? What time period?
Yeah, I mentioned that up above! But Book!Squip takes over the role of Halliday, and musical Squip is Sorrento, of course~ Honestly I’d say like, probably the early 2000s, since that was when I was growing up and I can actually make references back to that time lol? I mean I love the 80s as well, just as it is in the book, but I feel as if I don’t know enough about that time period to actually. Make proper references and constantly. (I mean I could ask my parents who lived during that time too but;; haha.) Most of the stuff on here are me self-projecting, like with video games, books, and anime, that’s all me lol
Anonymous said: " “You don’t need to sell me on anything, Wade,” she said. “You’re my best friend. My favorite person.” With what appeared to be some effort, she looked me in the eye. “I’ve really missed you, you know that?”My heart felt like it was on fire. I took a moment to work up my courage; then I reached out and took her hand." aka perfect au is perfect how does it fit S O well
!!! yEAH MY DUDE I LOVED THAT PART and just imagining Michael saying that to Jeremy I wanted to cry;; I don’t even know but the INSTANT Aech was introduced I was like “Ohhh man. I’m getting major BMC vibes here” and bam, a week later this blog was born lol
Anonymous said:Would you be okay with cosplay of your character designs? I can't do one anytime soon, but they look really cool (and jerm's hair honestly looks fun to do)
YES!! OH MY GOD I’d probably die of sheer happiness if you guys cosplayed these dorks! If you want I could draw a character ref sheet so you actually get a proper look at their outfits! But yes I’d highly enjoy that;; like the cosplay doesn’t even have to be accurate I’d still love it anyway, and doing things like acting out some of the asks here (I’ve seen it be done before and it’s so cute!) would be totally okay too! But yeah as always TAG ME or submit it here so I can see it aaaa I’d love love LOVE that! ^^
maysurprisedyou said: Hi! This isn't quite an ask, but!! I started reading Ready Player One because of this blog and it's really interesting so far so thank you!! All of your posts seem to make my day ahah <3
Oooh I’m happy you’re liking it so far, I’m glad my blog inspired you to read it! And aaAAAA that’s so sweet I’m?? Hhhhfh thank you! :’)
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whyldkratts · 7 years
for the ask meme: all of them, but if thats too much maybe just the last 10?
Sorry for the long post aaaa1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? [I bought lottery tickets bc I was in texas and they’re not legal where I live and the cashier at the gas station didn’t even ask for my id. I tried to show him and he just shook his head and let me go???? He didnt even care wtf]2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? [Nah]3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? [Yea a little bit. I mean if it was just occasionally that’s probably fine? But a lot of my family has fucked up their entire lives with drugs so anything like that is iffy for me. It depends on how often they smoke ultimately]4: Do you find it easy to trust others? [I’d say yeah, probably. As long as you don’t fuck me over or guilt me within the first few weeks of knowing me id probably feel comfortable messaging you if I needed someone to talk to]5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? [Scrolling Tumblr]6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? [Probably my irl bffs lindy and raven!]7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? [Dump them. Adios fucker. I hope they’re happy with whoever they cheated on me with]8: Are you close with your dad? [Yeah I’d say so? I love him and he usually let’s me do my thing]9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? [Nah]10: What are you listening to? [Run by hozier]11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? [Sweet tea!!!! I’m from the south baby]12: Do you like hickeys? [Never has one so I don’t know!]13: What time do you go to bed? [Uhhhhhh 5am?]14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? [My siblings.]15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? [Nope I fuck up spelling a lot and have to go back and fix it no matter how many hands I’m typing with]16: Do you always answer your texts? [I try!! Unless I’m emotionally tired or forget]17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? [No. She’s my best friend now, actually]18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? [LIKE 3 MINUTES AGO I was complaining about how long it car ride home is]19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? [My irlbest friends, the cars discord chat I’m in, and a lot of my wk friends]20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? [I was writing ducktales fanfiction in my head]21: Is anyone else in the room with you? [I’m in a car with my mom for the next uhhh 7 hours?]22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? [Karmas a bitch]23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? [I was visiting family in Indiana, so yea probably? Tho I am pretty happy now too]24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? [Sometimes, with my old pal cat. She did some bad things so I stopped talking to her, but sometimes I want to catch up and see how she’s doing.]25: In the past week, have you cried? [YEAH over a darkwing duck episode]26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? [Grey. It has Mickey mouse on it!]27: Do people ever call you by your last name? [Noooope]28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? [I wouldn’t know]29: Do you have a best friend? [YEAH everyone in the cars discord and raven and lindy]30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? [No it was my great grandma lol]31: Who was your last call/text message from? [Call: red cross asking for my blood. Text: raven saying “dang”]32: Are you mad at anyone? [Not really? I don’t get angry very easily at all]33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? [When I was a freshman I was dating a junior]34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? [My great grandma! 88 I think]35: How many more days until your birthday? [LIKE a whole entire year. August 2nd]36: Do you have any summer plans yet? [Help my friend after her spine surgery p much. Visit family around the 4th of july]37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? [I have tons of girl friends!! All my best friends are girls (except em but they’re a good friend still!!!)]38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? [Lindy doesn’t know I’m trans]39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? [Uhhhhhhhhhhh next question]40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? [I try not to regret things like that]41: Do you think age matters in relationships? [UH YEAH?? An adult dating a minor ain’t my deallll]42: Are you available? [Lmfao yeah but don’t hold your breath I’m awful at relationships]43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? [My ex and bff dksdkdiajsai kill Me. I’ve had small crushes but I don’t rly let them grow too much if I realize they’re poppin up]44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? [Septum]45: Do you believe exes can be friends? [Yeah!!!!! I just reconnected with my ex from freshmen year and he’s cool]46: Do you regret anything? [Times where my mouth moved before my head could think and I hurt someone I cared about. Times where I didn’t listen. Times where I hesitated. But the past is a different country, and I try not to waste the present lamenting what I could’ve done.]47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? [Home. And the mistakes I’ve made.]48: Did you ever lose a best friend? [Yeah. She moved away and we just… talked less, and less, and less.]49: Was your last kiss a mistake? [Nah it was my great grandma]50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? [They have a bf and also dont like me plus im unlovable and bad at relationships and feelings *shrug emoji* the other person I’m interested in lives too far away and also doesn’t like me like that]51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? [Twas my gg and probably when I was a baby]52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? [All these last kiss ones are so angsty and sad and it was literally my grandma 5 hours ago I’m laughing]53: What was the last thing you ate? [McDonald’s French fries!!!!!]54: Did you get any compliments today? [Nah I’m in my road trip attire so I look like a mess]55: Where are you going on your next vacation? [New Orleans in October for voodoo fest!! Gonna see the foo fighters B)]56: Do you own anything from other countries?[I think I have Canadian money somewhere…]57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?[girls!!]58: Where have you lived most of your life?[Sweet Home Alabama]59: When was the last time you took a long drive?[DOING IT RN!!!!! 13 HOURS]60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?[yea but it was like, mashed up with truth or dare. Instead of kissing we asked them truth or dare]61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?[nah I’m pretty mild]62: Who do you text the most?[raven probably? Or max]63: What was the last movie you saw?[spirited away I think??? First time I ever saw it]64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?[I’m single, don’t remind me :P]65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?[I was 12 and right smack dab in the middle of my ugly awkward phase (thays still going on today!) So I had none lmao]66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?[nah]67: Do you curse around your parents?[GOOD LORD NO]68: Are you happy with where you live?[I? Hate Alabama. My city is okay but I want to move somewhere nicer]69: Picture of yourself? [I have a selfie tag. I would upload but I’m lazy. Maybe if I find a pic I like later I will]70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?[polyamory All the wayy!!!!! But monogamy is cool too]71: Have you ever been dumped?[probably in elementary school but I don’t remember? I usually am the one to end it bc I get freaked out and skittish around people genuinely caring about me so I break it up before they’re disappointed]72: What do you most like about making out?[being comfortable and close enough with someone to do it.]73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?[yup!]74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?[depends? I’ve asked to kiss someone and I’ve been asked equal amounts.]75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?[eyes? Idk there’s a lot that goes into finding someone attractive it’s hard to narrow it down]76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?[my mom]77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?[virgin]78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?[virgin]79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?[Any cartoon character I’m currently hyperfixated on]80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?[yes. But i would go slow and I wouldn’t want to meet their child until we were both sure this was something we wanted long term.]81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?[no its usually me? Wait i take that back!! One girl did while I was in hs but I’m pretty sure she only did it bc she just figured out her sexuality and I was queer and there.]82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?[nope I bottle that shit up!!!! But if it’s a long standing crush I’ll tell a few people eventually]83: Do you miss your last sweetie?[No.]84: Last time you slow danced with someone?[my friend Franklin at prom. We pretended to be spies on a mission forced to act casual as we scoped out potential enemies]85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?[??? Don’t like the skeptical quote marks. I’ve been in long distance relationships before, yes.]86: How can I win your heart?[just like…… be nice to me, ever, and I’m into it. Talk about things you like, ask me about things I like, try and get into/understand my interests and I’ll do the same?? Don’t make fun of me and don’t belittle my interests. The bar is low]87: What is your astrological sign?[leo]88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?[sleeping]89: Do you cook?[pasta!!!!!!!]90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?[yeah!!! 3 years of no talking and I reconnected with max recently]91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?[uh it’s complicated. Yes but idk if I’m in a good place for a relationship. I haven’t even begun to transition at all.]92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?[you say that like I could get multiple people to date me]93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?[nice dress style?? Glasses are good too. Idk questions like this are hard augh]94: Name four things that you wish you had![money, a job, plush darkwing duck toy, a car]95: Are you a player?[no]96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?[nooooope]97: Are you a tease?[hahahahaha no]98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?[nope!!! Not yet]99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?[maybe. But I don’t think you can love someone too deeply who doesn’t love you back]100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?[sure, plenty]101: Hugs or Kisses?[both??? Both is good]102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?[It’s Not shyness, it’s rejection I have a problem with]103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?[girls are pretty]104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?[Yeah I guess]105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?[If it was an open relationship and everyone knew the situation, then yea prob?? If not, then no.]106: Do you flirt a lot?[not really]107: Your last kiss?[my grandmaaaaa]108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?[not in a romantic way]109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?[not in a romantic way]110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?[next question]111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?[nope!! It’s a hopefully nice surprise for future me]112: Does someone like you currently?[probably not lol but ive got no idea!!]113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?[sure]114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?[I want to fall in love.]115: Ever made out with just a friend?[yeah]116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?[in a relationship I think?]117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.[just send me an ask and ill answer it]
This got a bit of self hatred dashed in there whoops sorry!!!
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antarestyl · 7 years
I'd love to know the answer to 2, 4, 5, 8, 22, B, E and F for the flames! (and I think E would be easily applied to the whole fam
So, lots of questions. XDLet’s go, I try to answer them as good as possible.
2) How easy is it for yourcharacter to laugh?
Grillby  - kindadifficult, he got a pokerface he sometimes has trouble putting down… you get him to chuckle easy if he is in the mood but to laugh?It’s kinda hit and miss. When he is at home with his family he is alot more relaxed and more prone to laughing thou.
Swabby – it’s easy. Heloves life and living and laughing about good (and bad) jokes andmemories. He rather laugh than anything else. (even if sometimes hislaughs aren’t real)
Fellby – depends.Similar to Grillby, he won’t let his guard down as easy aroundstrangers. With the kids, Grills and Swabby it’s more easy for him.But even then he tries to hide his laughs in chuckles, grins other“cool” expressions of amusement. (Spoiler, he fails at that. XD)
4) How easy is it to earntheir trust?
Grillby – difficult. Heisn’t especially hostile to other people but usually he maintains apolite distance to other people. Especially humans will have to worka lot for his trust. He does have an easier time with childrenhowever.
Swabby – easy. Or wellhere it depends a LOT. He is very open and likes making new friendsand would even approach humans if they seem nice enough. He wouldtrust others quickly with personal things and with not hurting himphysically (like with water).
But to gain his trust in adeeper sense? Woah, this is a whole other ballgame. Swabby made badexperiences in the past and he will need a lot of time until hetrusts anybody with deeper stuff.
Fellby – Very difficult.Like, can you blame this guy? The last time he trusted a human helost everything and even monster turned their backs on him. He doestrust children a lot more readily than adults thou.
5) How easy is it to earntheir mistrust?
Grillby – Hurt hisfamily and all trust is lost. Forever. Other stuff he will excusemore readily but he does expect an explanation. He usually is willingto hear the other side before passing judgment.
Swabby – pretty hard, heforgives a lot if he deemed you trustworthy before and will believein the people he calls friends and family for a long, long while. Butif his trust is lost once he will never really get it back.
Fellby – You won’t evenget his trust in the first place. XD If you HAVE his trust he issurprisingly loyal. He believes in his gang and his family…
8) What were they told tostop/start doing most often as a child
Grillby – “Starthelping out” by his father, “Stop being boring” by Fellby. XD
Swabby - “Stop beingdifficult” “Start acting proper” “Stop doing dangerous stuff”
Fellby  - “Stop goingwhere I can’t see you” “Start staying safe” by both Grillby andFellby’s parents. XD
22) How does jealousymanifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof,etc)
Grillby -  he goes silentand thinks about WHY he is feeling jealous. His LOVE makes himpossessive sometimes and he tries to reflect if he is really jealousor if his LOVE is talking. Depending on the situation he will donothing or try and melt into the background… or he could give inand make his claim (non-verbal) known.
Swabby – He reallyseldom gets jealous. If he is he will get a bit melancholic, maybe abit huffy and tries to distract himself.
Fellby – he gets jealouslike WOAH, did you see him whenever Grillby’s (and even Swabby’s)attention is anywhere that isn’t him? He gets possessive, whiny,huffy and tries everything to gain the attention back. He isn’t evenabove just flopping over them and use them as pillows if nothing elsehelps. He basically acts like a big spoiled cat.
B What inspired you tocreate them?
Well, Grillby isn’t minebut Toby Fox and even Swabby and Fellby are a) based on Underswap andUnderfell Grillby and b) Aren’t mine alone. @namekian-maoh is just asmuch their “creator” like I am. ^^ (with Swabby being a bit moremine and Fellby a bit more hers of course)
E) Are they someone youwould get along with? Would they get along with you?
Hmmmmm… I would getalone well with them I think… Grillby might be a bit silent for mytaste and Fellby can be a jerk (and you know… I am human so hewon’t like me much XD) But Swabby? I would love this guy. ^^
Like I said, Fellby won’tlike me much because I am a human… and a doctor, a human healer…so yeah, he wouldn’t like me much and avoid me as much as possible.Grillby would be mostly indifferent to me. Swabby might take a whilebut I think we would get along well. XD
I would love Sans, I lovelame puns and science. I have all the bad medical jokes too. XD Sanshimself… eh, dunno if he would get along with me.
Papyrus is the bestestfriend ever. We would get along great (even if he would call me lazytoo XD)
Pyru is chill, so I thinkhe would be chill with me and I with him…
Suny would be to muchenergy for me, even if I think he is adorable. I think I would bepretty boring to him.
Saz and I might get alongon terms of medical history stuff but I don’t think he would getalong more than necessary with me. Parz wouldn’t like me and I wouldbe indifferent towards him.
F What do you feel whenyou think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Grillby – sometimesfrustration when I write him because he can be dense and his silentis sometimes not easy to work around… I feel like cheatingsometimes how talkative he is around his family. XD But otherwise itmakes me happy thinking of him.
Fellby – Oh god, thisdumb flame makes me smile a lot. I feel excitement and a tiny bitsorry for what we put him through XD But he can be so frustrating towork around or write for. He is ridiculous and difficult and has noclue about anything and still I love this character and love writingtogether with @namekian-maoh his thoughts and actions.
Swabby – god I lovewriting him so much. And I am pretty proud of him and his backstoryand his character arc. Just… I love this flame.
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