#but also i think i may weigh more than him judging on the hugs i got lol (and im only ~120-125lbs but hes TINY
roseband · 6 months
actually no last time i met them back in 2018 i got a little nuts for a while and wanted to follow them to more shows
cause they're like sooooo sweet and so nice and so lovely 🥺
im doing it again i gotta chill
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 3
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Third chap, here we go! It’ll start picking up soon. I know there isn’t much ‘horror’ rn, but it will get there, I promise. Also, I’m sorry Tamaki’s part is a bit longer than Hawks. I just adore Tamaki so much and he deserves the world and lots of hugs and kithes.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing. More to come.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
You peek over your clipboard to see his cocky smirk and hide your eyes again. "Keigo, would you please put on a shirt?"
He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows. "What, too embarrassed to look at me, baby bird? I'll tell you what. You tell me who you are, and if you're single, and I'll cover myself."
"My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist in this facility, here to observe you, hoping it helps to find a cure. And there is no need for you to know my relationship status."
"Ah, ah, ah. If you don't tell me, you'll have to do this interview while gazing at my gorgeous body." You hear the cockiness in his voice.
"I swear to fu- fine, yes I'm currently happily single. Now, please put your shirt on." You mumble under your breath, "this is so inappropriate."
After a minute of rustling, Keigo leans back onto his bed. "Okay, my single baby bird. I'm all covered up for you."
You lower your clipboard just below your eyes to make sure, seeing the smirking bird man lounging on his bed with a shirt on. You finally lower your clipboard all the way before giving a curt nod. Making your way to the desk chair, you smile at the man.
"Thank you, Keigo. As I said before, my name is Y/N and I'm here to get to know you."
He snickers, "well, I'm here to answer any questions you have for me, baby bird. Fire away."
You sigh and open your notebook. "Must you call me such a name?"
"Awe, do you not like when I call you that?"
Sighing once more, you decide to just move on. You know you'll end up going in circles. "Please state your full name, age and date of birth for me."
"My name is Keigo Takami. I'm 28 years old. My birthday is December 28th." He paused to let you write that down before opening his mouth again. "Did you need my star sign and my relationship status? Well, I'm a Capricorn and I am definitely sin-"
"Nope, that's enough." You cut him off before he could ramble on even more. "Now, can you tell me what your quirk is exactly?"
Keigo blinks before turning around, the chains on his ankles clanking against the bed frame. Your eyes light up being able to actually see the giant, beautiful red bird wings coming from his back. You frowned slightly noticing they were pinned down, preventing him from being able to use them.
"Does that hurt? Having them pinned like that?" You tilt your head eyes following the edges of each feather.
Keigo lets out a quiet chuckle, eyeing you from over his shoulder. "A little. But nothing I can't handle. Why, is my baby bird worried about little ole me?"
Your frown turns into a glare and you clear your throat. "So, what exactly can you do with these wings of yours?"
Keigo's mouth twitches into a smirk as he turns back around to face you. "Well, I can fly. And I can also disconnect each feather from my wings and use them individually."
You nod, not wanting to show how impressed you were, knowing he'd make a crack at it. You finish writing down that information before asking your next question. "Now, can you tell me why you are here?"
"Getting down to the nitty-gritty, I see. Well, I was arrested and charged with Drug Trafficking, Forgery and Assault." You look at him, motioning him to continue. He shrugs. "There isn't much else to it. I'm a mafia leader. This shit happens on a daily basis, for years. Just so happened that I eventually got caught, on account of a leak in my group. Fortunately, for me, I use other people to do the killing for me. So that means they couldn't get me with murder." He cocks his head. "Unfortunately, though, trafficking and forgery are also felonies, so. That's why I'm here."
"So you spent your life moving copious amounts of drugs, forging money and assaulting clients who did you wrong?"
Keigo thinks about your words for a moment and nods. "Essentially, yes."
"Alright then." You stand up and bow your head to the mafia leader who was watching you carefully. "I will take my leave, as I have one more inmate to see before the end of my shift." You head towards the door, but pause for a moment. "Oh, and Keigo?" You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder. "Your wings are beautiful."
Keigo's eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly, watching you walk out that door. His face turns bright red after processing your words. He mutters under his breath, "oh, baby bird…"
After shutting the door behind you, you breathe out. Aizawa looks up from his phone. "How'd it go?"
You raise a brow, "what, you weren't watching me through the security cameras like before?"
"Oh, I was," he deadpanned. "But, visually, it didn't look as compromising as the last two visits. The cameras don't pick up audio."
"Well, besides the lack of clothing in the beginning and the incessant flirting, I was pleasantly surprised."
Aizawa looked at his watch. "Now, I think we have time for one more before we have to turn in paperwork and unchain the more dangerous inmates from their beds to give them some room to stretch out." Aizawa flips through the profiles before stopping on one. "How about Amajiki?"
You turn to his profile and scan the words in front of you. "A cannibal, huh. Well that's not something you see every day."
"I think he'd be good to end the day with. Despite him being, well, a cannibal, he's actually extremely reserved and quite timid. I don't think he'd try to hurt you or get close to you. He suffers from borderline personality disorder, as you see." Aizawa looks up from his notes and eyes you. "However, he is a level 10. He may come across as innocent and somewhat angelic, but remember, he is one of the most dangerous criminals in this facility. He has multiple murders under his belt. So just keep that in mind."
You nod your head, slightly bouncing with excitement. This one sounds quite interesting to you. You've never met a cannibal before and this one has a quirk that sounds intriguing. Aizawa sighs before turning away from Hawk's door and heading further down the long hallway. He stops in front of a heavy door and scans you in.
Once you step inside the white room, you furrow your brows, not really noticing anyone. That's when you hear a small whimper and a few muffled, stuttered words coming from the floor next to the bed.
"W-Who are you?"
You lean to the side to see an indigo-haired figure huddled against the wall between the desk and the bed. You notice his body is trembling, only his eyes visible through his bangs, his arms covering the rest of his face. Head tilted, you squat down from a distance and smile.
"Hi there, Amajiki. My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist at this facility. I'm here to talk to you and get to know you to help further our findings for a cure. I'd like to be friends, if that's possible." You reply gently. You can tell he's scared out of his mind.
He raises his head up, giving you a full view of his…
Your eyes widen slightly. The bottom half of Amajiki's face, from his nose to under his chin, is completely covered by a silver muzzle. It's strapped around his head and locked in place by a padlock. Your eyes travel down to see his wrists chained together with quirk cancelling cuffs and, as you expected, both of his ankles are chained to the heavy duty bed frame.
"They have you muzzled like that?" You stare in disbelief, slightly angered at the treatment. You understand that he's a known cannibal, but to strap that heavy muzzle around his head on top of chains already weighing him down.
Amajiki nods shyly, "y-yeah. I guess it's because of the whole e-eating people… thing."
You sit yourself down on the floor across from him, your notes in your lap. "Is it uncomfortable?" He nods slowly, his eyes avoiding yours. You give him a small smile. "I'm sorry."
His eyes shoot to yours, confusion flashing through them. "Why are you sorry?"
"It...seems like a lot of you are possibly being mistreated here. I've noticed a few things here and there."
Amajiki's brows furrow. "And why should you care? W-We're criminals."
"True. However, this facility isn't supposed to be judge, jury and executioner. You're entitled to a fair trial, just like everyone else. That includes not being mistreated." Your smile never leaves your face as you look the man in the eyes. "I am not only here to research a cure, but make sure in doing so, it won't harm any of you. It'll be humane, I promise." Amajiki just stares at you with an unreadable expression. You sigh and click your pen. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions, Amajiki?" He shakes his head but stays quiet.
"Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"U-um. Tamaki Amajiki, 25, March 4th."
"Thank you. And what is your quirk?"
Amajiki hugs his knees tighter. "I-It's called Manifestation. Essentially, whatever I eat and digest, I can manifest as a body part."
Your leg bounces in excitement. "So, if you were to eat, let's say, Takoyaki, you can turn your hand into tentacles?" He nods his head. Your eyes light up. "That is incredible, Amajiki. That's such a powerful quirk!"
Amajiki's eyes widened, a blush spreading across his cheeks that were partially hidden under his muzzle. This is the first time he's ever been thankful to have this thing attached to his face. "U-um, t-thanks."
You let out a soft giggle and continue writing in your notes. "Here's a little bit more of a difficult question, Amajiki. Can you please tell me why you are incarcerated in this facility?"
Amajiki stays quiet, not looking at you. You notice his hesitation. You think for a moment before looking around the room. Amajiki sneaks a glance at you, watching you look around the room. His brows furrow. "W-What are you…"
You finally spot the locations of the camera and move your body so your back was facing it. Ignoring his question, you place your pen down directly in front of you so only Amajiki can see. You furrow your brows in concentration and stick your tongue out as you hover your hand over your pen. To Amajiki's utter shock, the pen starts floating in the air.
"Y-You have a quirk?!"
You nod your head and release the pen from your power. "Yeah, I do. It's nothing fancy like yours, but it is a mutation, nonetheless. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who understands more of your situation than you might think. So that's why I wanted to show you." You smile at the man, who is looking at you with pure adoration. "Please, keep this to yourself. I don't know what Aizawa would do if he found out about it." 
"I-I won't tell anyone, I promise."
You giggle and sit back down in your original spot. "Thank you. Now, can you please tell me why you're in this facility?"
He nods his head, still slightly dazed about this new-found information. "I was charged with multiple counts of 1st degree murder a-and…" his voice drops to a whisper, "s-serial cannibalism."
You couldn't help your interest in the subject and started rambling. "Would you be so kind as to explain how this came about? Did you grow up into a family of cannibals or-"
"NO!" He lashes out, causing you to flinch slightly. He winces as your reaction, not intending to scare you. "N-no. Nothing like that. It happened… against my will, so to say?" Amajiki sighs and rests his chin on his arms, not meeting your eyes. "I was one of the only kids in my small town to have been born with a mutation. My parents tried to hide it, tried to hide me. I don't know if it was from fear of people hurting me or fear of everyone judging them for having me."
He blinks a few times before continuing. "The town I lived in was small, a bad side to say the least. Lots of low-lifes and gangs running around. Well, long story short, someone found out about me and what my quirk was. They kidnapped me and…" He trails off. Suddenly, his eyes snapped to yours, an uncomfortable and intense feeling overwhelming you. "They forced me to eat another person, someone with a quirk. They wanted to see if I could turn their power into my own."
He cocks his head and lets out a cackle, still making eye contact with you. "Can you believe that?! It actually worked! So what did they do? They forced me to eat ANOTHER quirk user. They wanted to turn me into an ultimate weapon." Amajiki lets out a strange noise, sounding like a mixture between a guttural sob and a laugh. "Well, the joke was on them in the end. I ended up killing and eating them in the end and escaping. But after that point, something mutated further in my quirk. I couldn't stop craving human flesh." He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. "A-And that's why I'm here now."
Your eyes are wide and your breath is heavy. Something inside you feels a sense of panic, looking at the clearly broken man in front of you. It's so much information to take in, you stay quiet for awhile, your body on high alert. Amajiki notices how quiet you are and he opens his eyes. He notices a terrified look on your face and internally panics.
"W-Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I-I'm not going to hurt you." He finally moves out from his huddled form and kneels instead, the sound of chains clinking together snapping you out of it. "I-I would n-never hurt you." He whispers the last part, hoping you wouldn't hear it.
You clear your throat after taking a few deep breaths. "T-Thank you for telling me this, Amajiki. It was really brave of you to relive those experiences." You look at him and notice the fear and concern in his face. Giving him a small smile, you close your notebook. "I'm fine, I promise." You stand up on shaky legs and bow your head. "I need to get going."
Amajiki quickly stands up, making you slightly flinch again, which doesn't go unnoticed by him. "Y-You're leaving already? Will I get to see you again?"
"You will. I'm an employee here now, so I'll be the one to check up on all the inmates and work on everyone's individual sessions." You turn your back and walk to the door. "I'll see you later, Amajiki."
The indigo-haired man watches you walk through his door, longing written across his face. The only thing running through his mind are thoughts of the pretty telekinesis that made his heart race.
Once out the door, Aizawa meets you in the hallway. "How'd it go with the man-eater?"
You scowl at the doctor. "Why do you say things like that? He has a name."
"He's a criminal, Y/N. They're all criminals. Shouldn't matter what we call them." He rolls his eyes. "Just come with me. We have to finish our paperwork before the end of the day."
You grumble under your breath but follow the tired-looking doctor to his office. "You also need to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You will be meeting Kaminari, Midoriya, Shinso, Bakugo, Todoroki, Dabi and Kai. And 5 out of the 7 are level 8 and above."
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @megumitodoroki @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused @themotherofmoons @ihaveakoreanseoul @1-800-multifandomness @dabis-s-whore @tragically-here @andyronii @sunnnyshark @henhouse-horrors @maggiecc @tspice283 @orenjineki @aaannabbanana @letskidaddle @yzviea @jjk-is-my-shit  @iwachanslove
[If your name is bolded, I wasn’t able to tag you]
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Haha and okay I just saw that your askbox is open and read your rules, so if you don't mind, could I please request some hcs for Beel, Mammon, Asmo and Belphie and how they like to cuddle with mc? Cuddle hcs basically lol. If four is too many please feel free to adjust this! Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day 🥰
The Obey Me Brothers: Cuddling / Sleeping Headcanons
AN: Sorry this took a while!! I decided to write for all the brothers because I have a tiny rough draft of cuddle headcanons back from like, the first week I started the game. Mammon’s was the first I came up with, and I filled in the rest from my impressions of the boys from the first 4 lessons. They’ve evolved since then, and I hope they’re alright!! Take care 💙
Brother x reader writing style. Gender neutral reader as always. Written on mobile primarily so excuse any formatting mistakes please ;u; I only go on PC to add finishing touches and a read more
Some things may come off as suggestive, but aren’t really intended that way except for Asmo’s - this is fluff through and through
- Ideal cuddles: Likes to have you lay on his chest in his bed. He doesn’t want his brothers intruding and annoying him or pulling his attention away from you, so his room works best. There’s something about being able to look down and immediately see you there that almost gives him butterflies. It settles him immediately. He’s canonically not a morning demon, but waking up to that sight and knowing you trust him and feel comfortable around him gives him enough motivation and hope to do anything. Getting through the days becomes a breeze when he knows he can return to that most nights. He’s also a real delight to see on those early mornings - tired, but his smile brightens up his eyes, and his hair is a mess over the pillows. He’s not stressed out yet, so he’s fully relaxed and looks quite elegant.
Sadly, he’s often busy, and regularly misses out on sleep. At times like this, he likes having you curled up in his lap whilst he works, so long as you don’t distract him. He’ll press occasional kisses to your temple and you can nap or read or just lay there and listen to the music he always has playing when you’re in his study.
- He has to be very close to the MC to let them cuddle up to him, and initially he’s a bit stiff and awkward because he kind of forgot what this feels like. For the first while he’s quiet every time you cuddle him, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his head against yours and staring off into the distance. He’s touch-starved. Give him a moment.
- Once he settles and starts to get used to affection, if you two are alone he’ll walk up and put his arms around your shoulders and pull you in for hugs, leaning his chin against the top of your head. One time, months into whatever relationship you have, he does it in front of his brothers without thinking, and whilst he feels embarrassed after he realises he doesn’t mind - somewhere between him seeing it as staking a claim, because he’s still the avatar of pride, and between feeling comfortable enough in your presence that he can’t bring himself to care how they’ll react.
- On his rare days off, will absolutely whisk you off somewhere else for a day out in the Devildom and a night in a cabin or hotel or something where no one will bother the two of you and he can hold you in his arms for as long as he wants to and talk to you about everything that comes to mind, completely free and relaxed. He’s one to mumble about something or other when cuddling, unless he’s working, so when the two of you are just relaxing together he’ll ramble about something or ask you questions and listen to you talk.
- Once Luci said something that made you laugh whilst you were laying with your head on his chest and he knows he’s never going to forget about it. Will intentionally try to make you laugh so that he can experience that again. He was an angel once and yet, nothing feels more like heaven to him. Only thing is he’s not above teasing and tickling you to get a reaction out of you, so long as it’s one that might end in you laughing and smiling up at him, and you’ll feel his own laughter rumbling about in his chest.
- Ideal cuddles: In your bed - it smells like you and it’s tidier than his room, probably. He likes to have his arms wrapped around your midsection whilst facing each other, on your sides. He also doesn’t mind if you use his chest or shoulder as a pillow, so long as you both have your arms around one another. Often times he’ll bury his face in your hair to take in your scent and because it’s soft and calming. By the time you wake up, he’s going to end up wrapped around you like a koala.
- Adores cuddling on days off when the two of you don’t have to leave for longer than a few moments at a time, especially in a place where his brothers won’t bother you; think, staying in a cabin where it all feels so domestic, you two can wake up whenever you want and make breakfast together and stay practically attached at the hip the entire time, sinking back into bed or laying together on the sofa whenever you want. No responsibilities, no pressure.
- Plays with your hands, or runs his fingers along your side, or tucks one arm up behind your back to hold you really close and play with the strands of hair at the base of your scalp / top of your neck. So long as it doesn’t disturb you heavily, he tends to have some kind of motion, not one to stay still for long.
- He’s quite warm, almost rivaling Beel, so you might have to ask him to loosen his grip on you if you get warm easily. If you do, he pouts and suggests he lowers the temperature of the entire room instead, or buys thinner blankets or gets rid of blankets all together.
- He tries to stay up until you fall asleep because it feels so peaceful and he really feels like he’s protecting you. Also, no one can criticise him or be rude to him when they’re sleeping. Even if you don’t ever talk down on him, his brothers weigh him down, so watching over you whilst you rest in his arms makes him feel so much better without worrying that you’re judging him.
- One time you two were cuddling and he just started crying quietly, because damn, he’s the luckiest demon in all the Devildom and even Lord Diavolo would be jealous of him right now. He’s an emotional cuddler, and will randomly tear up or start chuckling to himself. He’s quiet and doesn’t usually voice his thoughts when cuddling but you can tell he’s thinking constantly and always really happy.
- He gets shy easily enough but he’s also possessive, and he’s not one to turn you down. Because of this he honestly doesn’t care where the two of you cuddle, or who sees. His grip gets a little tighter around you if his brothers walk in and you’re curled up together on the sofa or something, but he wants to be held 24/7 and any mild temporary discomforts are more than worth it when he’s with you.
- Ideal cuddles: Please lay on top of his chest. Literally just lay on top of him. He melts every single time. His bathtub bed is perfect for this, because there’s really no other way to lie unless you want him to lay on top of you, so he prefers cuddling there - that, and it helps him stay cool, and he gets to be in the safety of his own room. In an actual bed, he’s the little spoon all the way. It’s hard to convince him you truly like him, but when you cuddle up against his back and wrap your arms around him he feels a little safer believing you might be telling the truth. It also makes him feel really safe and comfortable, a barrier from the outside world that he rejects daily.
- It doesn’t happen very often, but Levi is one of the brothers most likely to sleep in his demon form, and occasionally when you’re cuddling he’s so relaxed he takes on his demon form without really thinking about it. He says sorry and, half asleep, offers to turn back, but if you’re not uncomfortable then he starts to do it more often. He’s mindful about his horns and prefers to cuddle in his bathtub so he doesn’t tear any of your pillows or accidentally jab you with his horns.
- He’s somewhat cold to the touch unless he forces himself to raise his internal temperature. You’re unlikely to overheat whilst cuddling with him, but you’ll need a thick blanket or you may end up shivering after a few minutes, at which point he’ll try his best to be warmer and apologise profusely. He hates being warm, though - best to just go for the layers of blankets.
- Y’know that one thing where (usually) a girl goes up to her boyfriend and climbs into his lap whilst he’s gaming? Adores that. Oh, it makes him so, so happy. The first time you do it he drops his controller and after a minute of startled silence where you wonder just how red his face can get, he wraps his arms around you tight enough that you feel your spine click, and he buries his face into your neck and stays there for as long as you let him. He’s so flustered and yet, you can tell he’s happier than he’s ever been. It instantly cheers him up no matter how bad his mood is. It’s even better if you’re playing a game on a handheld system whilst he plays or watches something and the two of you are just, wrapped around each other but still doing your own thing. He just wants you close to him. He just wants to know you like him. Please give this boy cuddles.
- Ideal cuddles: Like Mammon, in a bed he likes to have his arms around your waist and for the two of you to be facing each other. Your room would be ideal but he would really rather be in his so much he ends up cleaning all the books off his bed just so he can cuddle up with you. He also likes the idea of cuddling up under a tree somewhere, or in one of those plush window seats, where you two can look out over the Devildom and he can point out different places and talk about them all - Satan has connections everywhere, and you’ll feel like you know everyone by the time he’s done.
- Satan isn’t particularly warm or cold. His temperature varies with the seasons, but he’s mostly just lukewarm. This means you’re unlikely to overheat or be too cold when you cuddle, which is always good.
- He likes to read to you or have you read to him, or ask questions back and forth to prod at each other’s minds a bit. A talkative cuddler - there are brief moments of silence, but he’s thinking constantly and he wants you to be involved in that, just like every aspect of his life. There’s usually a clear connection between one of his thoughts and the next, and he’ll have calm discussions about thinks with you in his arms.
- Only falls asleep first if he’s really, really tired. Otherwise he’ll stay up and read or talk to you until you fall asleep. Like Mammon there’s something about the peace, something about knowing you trust him, that you don’t see him as his anger, nor as his false personality that he puts on to please the others and maintain a decent status in comparison to Lucifer. You just see him as he is. He thinks about this a lot as he pets your hair.
- Speaking of petting your hair, he has a tendency to run his nails over your scalp when you’re in his arms. If you’re uncomfortable it would be best to tell him early on before the habit is set in stone. His main source of affection comes from the stray cats he feeds outside, so he just uses whatever knowledge he’s gained from that. This also means he’ll take one of your hands in his arm press gently into your palm with his thumbs, like he’s pressing the pads on a cats paw.
- Feels close to normal when he’s cuddling. Like he was never born solely of one emotion, because he feels so many in those moments that he really could be a whole on his own. He’s not one to hide this, and will openly vent to you about it. As well as this, he’s quite likely to come straight to you if he isn’t feeling well and needs cuddles to settle down. The only exception is if he’s really angry and is worried he might hurt you by accident. Even then, if you can get close enough to take his hand or wrap your arms around him, there’s a large chance he’ll settle enough to hold you in kindness and he can begin to heal.
- He doesn’t talk about it openly but one time he’s in an awful mood and you grab his head and hold it against your chest until he lets out all his emotions and feels better and it becomes his favourite thing in the world. He loves to cuddle with his head against your chest and your fingers running through his hair. You can tell that he adores it because he ends up purring and nuzzling his face against you. Unlike Luci, he hasn’t been to heaven, but he’d be able to describe the feeling of it much better than God himself could using just that embrace as his reference point.
- Ideal cuddles: “Whatever you want, honey.” He isn’t picky, he just wants to be touching you in any way possible. However, he really likes laying with his head on your stomach or chest - especially if he can press light kisses against them. He wants some skin-on-skin contact, even if its holding hands or one of you burying their face in the other’s neck, or pressing feathery kisses to the insides of your wrist. It soothes him. He can’t stop himself from grinning if you nuzzle into his neck.
- He’s just the right temperature for cuddles. He’s on the warmer side, but whatever the perfect temperature is for you, he’s there. When he sleeps on his own, he likes to have a lot of blankets piled up, and then have a fan on to balance out the temperature, and he’ll push for the same setup when you’re cuddling together.
- One of the brothers who will go up to you when he wants attention. He’s the least shy, and will happily throw an arm around you anytime, anywhere. Honestly if it doesn’t bother you, he’d pull you into his lap in public or in front of his brothers and cuddle you close to him. The only problem he could possibly imagine is that other people are jealous of the two of you, so you’d really have to sit him down and explain if PDA isn’t at all your thing. Happy enough to link pinkies if that’s all you’re comfortable with, but he needs a lot of affection, so expect him to essentially trap you in his room later so you spend time with him.
- King of gentle kisses and soothingly rubbing your arms / back if you’ve not had the best day. He doesn’t mind whether you two talk or not, but on bad days he’s the best to go to - he’ll listen to everything you have to say, and verbally destroy anyone who’s annoyed you, all whilst holding your head to his chest and tracing shapes against your back.
- Loves loves loves listening to you talk about your day and then filling you in on his own. He’s a gossip but harmlessly, and will talk about whatever’s trending currently, keeping you up to date on everything. If he really wants to show you something or take a photo with you he likes to cuddle up with an arm around you and hold his phone in his other hand, scrolling through whatever social media he’s found this really interesting or horrible thing on. Otherwise he’s quiet enough, with mumbled words of affection and some suggestive jokes (and touches, if you’re comfortable. He won’t go anywhere with it if you’re just cuddling). He’s just happy and he wants to soak in it for as long as possible; he finally understands how people feel when they fall for him, he says
- Ideal cuddles: Big spoon. Preferably in his bed rather than yours. He wants to wrap his arms around you, especially if you’ve already got your arms wrapped around yourself so that he’s essentially holding your hands at the same time. He buries his face at the base of your neck / top of your spine. He also really, really loves just having you cling to him in some way, and will carry you around like that - usually he loves having you curled up in one arm whilst he goes about his day or eats.
- He is so warm, but if you’re laying down he’ll insist on having a blanket because it keeps him safe from the monsters in his closet :( You’ll definitely need something to cool you down, and he gets into the habit of getting you a glass and a large jug of water before you cuddle up together because you have to stay hydrated and it should help you cool down at least a little. Get him a thin blanket and a fan of some kind and it should just about balance it out.
- He’s the opposite of Belphie, in that he doesn’t tend to cuddle for long periods of time - he wants to, and pouts any time he has to get up, but even if you help him not feel quite so hungry, he still needs to eat regularly. If you’re asleep he’ll move as slowly and carefully as possible so that he doesn’t wake you up. If you’re awake he’ll gush out apologies and then ask if you want to be wrapped up in the blanket and carried along with him. If you say no he pours a fresh glass of water and rushes out and back because he really wants to spend time with you.
- Sometimes he just gets really excited and happy and he’ll grin at you wordlessly.
- He’s quiet but in the early morning, when he wakes up, even if you’re not awake he’ll press soft kisses against your shoulders and the back of your neck and whisper whatever comes to his mind. He tends to repeat over and over that he really cares about you and that he’s really glad you’re here.
- Ideal cuddles: In the attic on his nest of pillows and blankets, curled up so that you’re both mainly on your backs but somewhat facing each other. No matter what he’s going to end up curling up against your side by the time he wakes up anyway. He also really likes sleeping on top of you, but this is a bit risky because he sleeps like a log and its hard to wake him up when you need to get up to eat or use the bathroom. If you’re not in the attic, the only other place outside of your rooms that he likes to cuddle up together to sleep is the planetarium, looking up at the stars together.
- He’s on the cooler side, but likes being warm - he’s used to the kind of warmth Beel produces. Because of this, he’s liable to snuggling in as close as he possibly can to you to absorb some of your heat. You’re going to become his own personal radiator.
- Unlike Beel, he will cuddle forever. There are very few things stopping him from just sleeping constantly, with the main reason being that he wants to spend time with you and Beel. In fact, you’re going to have trouble getting out of his grasp once he wraps his arms around your stomach and pulls you down onto his pillow nest. Its best to devise a system and let him get used to it - tapping on his arm or hand 3 times, or something like that, and he’ll release you. He’ll also push for you to wake him up. The only other thing that will make him release you is if he brushes a hand against your side and you’re ticklish and laugh, in which case he’ll grin and start tickling you instead.
- Like Levi, if relaxed enough he’ll slip into his demon form. It takes less energy to be in that form anyway, and he likes letting you play with his tail when you’re  cuddled up together. Acts annoyed if you start poking and prodding at him because you don’t often get to see the boys relaxed in their demon forms, but he really enjoys it. Purrs if you pet his horns.
- He’s not at all talkative but likes to listen. However, he’s liable to falling asleep very, very quickly, so it’s not worth saying anything too important to him; he’ll listen, and he’ll remember when he wakes up, but he’s not going to respond effectively in a timely manner.
- Belphie smirks and grins a lot, but sometimes he wakes up earlier than you and he looks at you until you wake up too, and you’ll see his lopsided smile as he beams at you, content. Mornings are okay like that, he decides, even if he grumbles and complains when you tell him you have to start getting ready for class.
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starlight-loki · 4 years
Precautionary Surveillance (Loki x Reader)
Or, That Time You and Loki Became Friends
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: none :)
A/N: this is platonic (and gender neutral! :D )
As this is my first imagine, I kind of just wanted to establish how the reader first meets Loki, but I’ve got plenty more fluff in the works! ;)
also this takes place post-Ragnarok, but Infinity War doesn’t exist here, shHHHH
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Despite the long list of risks and expectations that came with living with the Avengers in their compound, you never thought that babysitting Loki would be included. And yet, a mere two weeks after having moved into the compound, Tony sheepishly approached you with the news.
He didn’t word-for-word call it ‘babysitting’ of course, but you knew it was definitely implied. 
“Think of it as... precautionary surveillance.” Tony had explained to you that morning as he packed a small backpack, supposedly containing enough supplies to last for a week-long mission. “Or if that’s too much, just be normal roommates. But check in on him every few hours. Make sure he’s not destroying anything. And don’t let him go out. Or to my lab. Or Bruce’s. Or the roof-”
“Okay, I get it Tony,” you rolled your eyes as you heaved out a sigh. “You want me to babysit Loki.” 
Tony shrugged, and patted your shoulder empathetically before zipping up his backpack. “Your words, kid. Not mine. Like I said, it’s just precautionary surveillance, we’ll be back before you know it.” 
“I don’t understand why you can’t just bring him along with you!” You protested, throwing your hands up in the air. “His fighting skills and abilities would be really useful for your mission, you know that right?”
You were fine with the fact that Tony and Steve weren’t confident enough in your fighting abilities to bring you along on missions just yet -- frankly, you were completely happy staying behind and burying your nose in a book. But now Tony wanted you to babysit Loki, going so far as asking you to log any ‘suspicious activity’ from the god. You thought the entire thing was ridiculous.
“You know why, Y/N.” Tony began sternly, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and starting towards the quinjet hangar. He was walking briskly, and you scowled as you had to practically run after him. “The New York Incident? The two-hundred or so times he’s betrayed Thor? That time he stuck his dad in an old folks home here and just paraded around Asgard in disguise for two years?”
“New York was nearly ten years ago!” You protested. “Look at him now, all he does is putter around the compound in sweatpants because you won’t let him out-”
Tony sighed loudly, cutting you off mid-sentence. “Look, I know you’re new here and you mean well, but we don’t trust him Y/N. Thor dragged him here because Asgard’s gone and there’s nowhere else for them to go, but Loki is not one of us. It’s going to be a damn long time before any of us think anything different of him.”
You glowered at Tony, fighting the tiny glow of anger that sparked in your heart when you heard him talk about Loki like that. 
You had stolen glances at Loki last week when he thought no one else was looking, and you knew he was far from the dysfunctional maniac who tried to take over New York all those years ago. Sure, the dysfunctional part may still remain, but he was far from a maniac -- you could see that in his features when he sat on the couch alone that day, flipping through a small worn book. 
He looked... lost. Empty almost, as if any possibility of a joyful life had been stripped from him. It hurt your heart to see someone sit with their own melancholy the way Loki did. The fact that no one else in the Compound trusted him -- evident from the fact that you were being put on babysitting duty this instant -- didn’t make things any better. 
“Take care of yourself, kid.” Tony said, pulling you in for a fairly awkward one-armed hug. “Keep an eye on Loki, but don’t do anything stupid.”
You frowned. “What does that mean?” 
“Just... keep your distance from him.” 
Tony’s words brought the image of Loki sitting alone in sadness back to the front of your mind, and you decided right then and there that you were going to do exactly the opposite of what Tony was suggesting. 
The first day felt like an eternity. Loki remained in his room with the door shut, and with no one else to chat with and pass the time, time seemed to crawl at an eerily slow pace. 
You made pasta for dinner. You figured the sound of pots, pans, and kitchen utensils clanging every now and then as you cooked would summon the lonely Asgardian out of his room to eat at the very least, and you couldn’t help the little sting of disappointment that appeared when you finished your meal as alone as you had been earlier. 
After placing your own bowl in the sink, you grabbed Loki’s portion you had set aside and padded down the hall to his room. You tried to ignore the slight tremble in your hand as you knocked on his door. 
“Loki?” You asked gently. “You there?”
You were greeted with a faint shuffling noise, but otherwise there was nothing but silence. 
“I made you dinner. I haven’t seen you all day, you must be hungry... um... I mean, you don’t have to eat of course if you don’t want to, but I’ll just... I’ll leave this here at your door if you want it. No pressure.” 
You felt fire rush to your cheeks as you cursed yourself silently for rambling, and carefully set the bowl of pasta on the floor. 
“If you want anything,” you added quickly in a voice that was barely louder than a whisper. “More food, tea, some company... I’m in the other room.” 
You stood frozen at Loki’s door for a moment, waiting for any sort of response. Earning nothing but more silence, you nodded to yourself before turning on your heel and heading back for the kitchen. 
You looked back over your shoulder before you rounded the corner at the end of the hall, and the pasta bowl was gone. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. 
The second and third day passed much like the first. If it weren’t for the fact that Loki was constantly on your mind, it would’ve felt like you had the entire place to yourself. You would have enjoyed the quiet, but there was a part of you that couldn’t stop worrying about Loki. 
After the god failed to leave his room once again, you brought dinner to his door which was hastily accompanied by another short little babble of an invitation to join you in the living room if he wished. Just like day one, you were greeted with silence and a meal that vanished out of the hall just before you turned the corner. 
On the fourth day, you couldn’t get Loki out of your head no matter how hard you tried. Was he lonely? Bored? Did he sleep the entire day? Did he even sleep at all? The rooms in the Compound were just about the same: spacious, yet minimal in decoration. Everyone got a TV and a small bookshelf in the corner, but that was about it. Judging by the fact that Tony and the rest of the Avengers weren’t allowing Loki to leave the Compound, you figured he probably didn’t have much for entertainment. 
Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you dashed off to your beloved little bookstore in the city. You ransacked the shelves for anything you felt Loki would’ve liked, as well as books you adored and would’ve wholeheartedly recommended to anyone else. If Loki was going to spend all day in his room, he deserved to have new books to keep him company, at the very least. 
Two hours later you returned home, your shoulder aching from the countless books that were weighing you down in the best way, and to your surprise you found Loki with his back to you in the kitchen. 
Was he... doing the dishes for you? 
You dropped your tote bag of books to the ground in surprise, and Loki flinched almost imperceptibly at the dull thud that echoed throughout the open space of the Compound. 
“Hi,” You managed breathlessly as the god turned and looked at you with wide eyes for the briefest second. You blinked, and just like that Loki had regained his cool composure. “You’ve finally come out of your room.”
Loki opened his mouth to reply, his eyes scanning the room as he searched for an excuse. After a moment of silence, he sighed. 
“Thank you for the meals. I appreciate it.” 
You took off your coat and hung it on the chair as you approached him. Your heart sank ever so slightly as you caught Loki take the smallest step back. 
“Of course, I mean... we all gotta eat right?” You laughed quietly and looked away as you ran a hand through your hair. “You don’t have to clean up, I can do that.” 
“It was the least I could do in return.” 
The silence that grew between the two of you seemed to amplify with every passing second. Loki nodded, almost out of resignation, and began to walk back to his room without a word. 
Now was your chance, if you wanted to make him feel welcome like you had hoped to. 
“Wait!” Your voice came out more as a squeak and you tried your best to ignore the fire that rose to your cheeks. “I, uh, I got these for you.” 
As you bent down to retrieve your fallen bag of books, you heard quiet careful steps as Loki approached you cautiously. He kept his distance, but leaned a little closer to you as you began laying all the books out on the table for him to see. 
“I picked out a few books I’ve read and love dearly. I figured you could give them a try. And... I, uh, saw you reading Shakespeare last week, so I thought you might like these two.” You gestured to the novels closest to him. “They’re  Ancient Greek tragedies.”
You glanced at Loki, and noticed how he picked up Oedipus Rex and began flipping through the pages carefully, as if the book were to vanish from his hands at any moment. 
“I’ve never read this one before,” Loki mused quietly. Your heart skipped a beat as his steady gaze moved to meet your eyes. “When would you like me to return these to you?”
You blinked in surprise. “They’re for you to keep.” You smiled. “I bought them for you.” 
You watched as gratitude, then confusion, then what almost looked shame flash across Loki’s features. He almost seem to clutch the book tighter in his grip.
You pulled out the chair that you were leaning against and sat down with a sigh as you looked up at Loki. 
“I don’t like how everyone’s been treating you.” You admitted quietly.
“So this is out of pity?” Loki asked cooly, nodding at the books on the table with narrowed eyes.
 “No!” You exclaimed, shaking your head rapidly. “No, Loki, that wasn’t my intention at all. I mean, I’ve only been here two weeks and I could see immediately that everyone keeps their distance from you. You’re not allowed on missions-”
“Neither are you.” Loki cut in. You dismissed him with a wave of your hand. 
“Yeah, but I’m the weakest link at the moment. I don’t count.” You replied quickly, trying your best to ignore the intrigue on Loki’s face as he gazed at you. “I saw you last week, reading your book. You looked so lonely. I thought maybe you just wanted some space, but I’ve noticed how the others treat you. Tony and everyone else, they leave you out of everything! They don’t try to include you in conversations at dinner, you wear the same two pairs of clothes everyday because no one’s bothered to get you any decent clothes besides sweatpants. Hell, Tony kept me off this mission to babysit you and it makes me so mad! You’re an adult! You deserve your own freedom, Loki!”
You slammed your hand down on the table in frustration, and winced as your words replayed in your head. You definitely went overboard this time. You should’ve just given Loki the books and left.
You were certain Loki was going to retreat back to his room as he moved away from you and around the table, but to your surprise, he sat down in the chair across from you, his hands clasped carefully together.
“Perhaps Stark is right, this is what I deserve.” He said quietly, breaking the silence that resided between the two of you. “I haven’t exactly been... welcoming to anyone.”
You shook your head. “You lost Asgard, your family... Thor brought you here with the intention of this being your new home. The least everyone could is treat you like a person, not a hostage. This isn’t a prison. You deserve so much more than that.” 
“They don’t want me around.” Loki said simply. 
“I do.” You held his gaze unwaveringly, and reached out to place your hand gently over his. To your surprise, he didn’t pull away. “I want you around. You matter to me.” 
Loki sighed, his eyes fluttering closed for a brief second as he took in your words. 
“Thank you.” He spoke slowly. “Your words -- and your actions -- mean more than anything Stark or anyone else has done in the time I’ve been here.”
You smiled in response, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before pushing his books towards him. 
“You’ve got plenty of things to do while you’re in your room now.” You grinned nodding towards the books on the table. Anyone else would’ve missed it, but you caught Loki return your smirk for a split second. 
“I think I would prefer to read my books out here... with company.” 
The following day was nothing like the others. To your surprise, Loki greeted you with a small smile from his spot on the couch as you trudged bleary-eyed into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
“You look tired.” He remarked quietly as you began searching the cupboards for something to eat. You managed a shrug.
“I don’t sleep that great most nights.” You admitted. You heard Loki get up from the couch, setting his book down on the coffee table gently before approaching you. He still kept some distance -- the kitchen counter did a good job of separating the two of you -- but he leaned in, almost grateful to be in the presence of someone who truly saw him. 
“Me neither.” Loki chuckled. “Thor sleeps like the dead, but I rarely sleep well. That’s how my love for books began, actually.”  
“Me too!” You exclaimed excitedly. “I’d stay up reading till 1 or 2 AM some nights as a kid. I’d have to use a flashlight and hide under the covers so I wouldn’t wake anyone up.”
That earned a genuine laugh from Loki, whose smile suddenly began to look like sunshine in your eyes. 
“I used magic to see in the dark, but hiding under the covers was the only way I could read at night without waking Thor up.”
“You shared a room with Thor?” 
Loki nodded, scoffing a little. “My mother thought it would help reinforce our bond as brothers. A lot of good that did.”
You leaned in towards him, your posture mirroring his as you rested your arms against the kitchen counter. 
“Thor still loves you.” You said quietly, a small smile touching your lips for a brief moment. Loki rolled his eyes.
“Sure he does.”
“No, really. He wouldn’t have brought you here to live with him if he didn’t. You guys got here before me of course, but I’m sure he had to pull a lot of strings to get Tony to agree to have you live in the Compound.” 
There was that silence again, like the day before, settling down gently between the two of you. You lowered your gaze to your hands. 
“Sorry. I meddle too much. I should stop.” 
This time, it was Loki who placed his hands over yours gently. 
“No,” he replied softly. “You speak your mind, I admire that. It shows you have strength.” 
“I don’t always feel strong.” You admitted quietly. 
“Only the foolish admit their own strength.” Loki whispered.
“...Does that mean Tony’s a fool?”
“Your words, not mine.”
A laugh bubbled up out of you at Loki’s words, and as your eyes met his, you noticed the loneliness you had seen before was gone. 
In their place was the warmth of a thousand suns. 
The two of you stood there, hands intertwined almost as if to keep the other afloat. Loki’s hands made yours seem small, but his were warm and soft and surprisingly gentle.
You closed you eyes, taking as much of this moment in as you could.
“I wish they’d let you outside.” You sighed quietly. “There’s so many shops and restaurants I think you’d like. You’d love Central Park, too.”
Loki frowned. “When is everyone due back?”
“In two days. Why?” 
You got a smirk in response. “Let’s go now.”
You let out a surprised laugh at Loki’s suggestion. It thrilled you to see this side of him.
“We can’t! Tony’s got cameras around the building, he’ll see us if we leave.”
Butterflies filled your insides for a brief moment as Loki suddenly winked at you. He raised his hand, which had begun to glow with a green hue, before snapping his fingers. Green sparks flashed briefly from the windows as he did so. 
“I believe Stark will be needing to replace his cameras once everyone returns. Where do you suggest we go first?” 
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 3 years
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Note: this was a commission I got from a supporter on ko-fi. I hope that you’ll read it with the same enjoyment I had while writing it. If you want to commission or support me check the pinned post or the hyperlink, you’ll find all the details there. If you have questions, my DM is open 🤗. Also, your comments are always welcomed.
Promt: Wesker forgets about the reader’s birthday.
Pairing: Wesker x F!Reader
Word count: 2K
Type: fluff.
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Wesker placed the samples with care on the table, starting his day as usual. He’s been spending his last few years, stuck in the lab researching all over again in order to achieve the wanted results. Since Uroborus is a high importance plan, he’s very meticulous about his schedule, respecting every minute precisely. Not a minute early, not a minute late. The only thing that he tries to put outside his schedule is you because he doesn’t like limiting the time he spends with his sweetheart. He cares so much about you that over the years he sees you as his equal, so he plans to inject you with the progenitor virus, a weaker strand because he can’t risk killing you. Because of this, he wants to do it on a special day, but the many opportunities that arrived didn’t fit in his schedule. The greatest gift he ever received was the power he got after breaking the confines of humanity, so he wants you to experience the same joy. Wesker kept thinking about it but he would get distracted by his work, so his present would always be in the planning stage. He doesn’t want to do it suddenly, he wants to introduce the idea slowly to you because he respects your boundaries.
Once you earned his respect, Wesker can be a very carrying partner, human even. He knows every little detail about his sweetheart, from her birthday to what she last ate. It can seem creepy when you put it like this, but this is nothing more than a lover who deeply cares about his partner and seeks to make her happy. Wesker is not the greatest at showing it though because of his work life. He has little to no time to show his affection. He still shows you that he is there for you, but not as much as he wants, making him more frustrated. Sometimes when he comes home from work he is so tired he barely sees you, let alone talk with you. He either collapses on the couch or bed and falls asleep as you talk with him because he is just too exhausted to carry the conversation. This doesn’t sit right with him because he gives all of his attention and energy to his work and doesn’t have any left for the only person that matters to him, making him wonder if it’s all worth it.
The relationship didn’t have a great start, since you expected Albert to be with you at least 8 hours a day but you’re lucky if you catch him once a week. He’s not the type to express himself and constantly expects others to read his mind, so you two would end up fighting. You have mistaken the lack of presence as rudeness and indifference, basing your reasoning on all the rumors you heard until you realized they were all stupid. Wesker proved to be the contrary, talking so nicely to you and not belittling you at all even if you piss him off. The amount of respect this man offered you even from the beginning is astonishing. He was so transparent with you and with all he does and he had so much patience until you understood. He was just a working man with probably burnout syndrome, so you took the responsibility to take care of him.
His phone buzzed since he started his work. Calls, messages, idiots without brains, as he calls them, needed help doing their job. When he had enough he picked up his phone and started to scroll down through notifications. Some of these people make him curse like a sailor, especially the one who texted him the most. As useful as Excella is in helping with his projects, as annoying she can be. Hundreds of messages and calls, some related to work some not. A particular question caught his attention.
“Do you think y/n would like this?” A picture of a purse was attached. Excella can’t stand you for obvious reasons, but out of respect for Albert, she tries to be friends with you. Still, why would Excella buy something for you out of the blue?
“Is something special today?” He thought.
The horrifying grimace when the realization hit cannot be described. Today is indeed a special day, your birthday. To be honest, he doesn’t care about birthdays. He despises them because they are a reminder of our mortality, but he knows how much you care about such occasions. Every year you got him something even if he insisted not to buy anything for him. Seeing you care and how much you enjoy receiving gifts he changed his mindset. Usually, he would give you something common, just as others would, but then he began to put more effort until there wasn’t anything material in this world to give. That’s how the progenitor virus gift arises in his head. However, he’s been so caught up with his research on Uroborus that he completely forgot to make the preparations. You don’t feel the days pass when you’re stuck in a lab all the time. He puts the phone aside, grabs his coat, and rushes out of the building ignoring the people that are trying to talk with him. If not the virus, he will have to find something common.
He’s not a fan of last minutes gifts but he has no choice. The guilt crushed him further as he remember he hasn’t talked with you all day. The ride to the jewels store felt like ages, even if it was relatively close. Luck was on his side since he found the store open.
None of the jewelry in front of him caught his attention because it wasn’t something he hopes of giving you. He already buried you in gold. You have the finest, unique, and expensive jewels in the world. He wouldn’t have been injected you in a lab of course. He wanted a special place for your rebirth. All of his ideas were put on paper, but probably got lost in the pile of reports. All he wanted was to see you smile on the most important day of your life, perhaps looking at him with the same eyes as his. He wanted to make you feel as you were the center of his universe, his queen, but he failed miserably. Maybe if he had gotten any outstanding results today he wouldn’t be so upset, but it was just another ordinary day. The lady tried talking with him but he was lost in his thoughts. Knowing it’s late and that you’re waiting for him, he bought a pearl necklace and left in hurry. On his way home he tried thinking of what to say, what excuse would be the best but he concluded that all of them were outdated.
Before opening the door, he hid the small package in the inner pocket of his coat. That lady was in hurry to close the store and didn't want to wrap the necklace if gift wrap. Wesker will remember that.
“I’m home!” He shouted once he entered. He may screw up, but he is not a man who runs away from conflict or a man who doesn’t own his mistakes.
“I thought you’d spend the night in your lab.” She said while giving him a peck on his cheek. “You need a vacation dear, you’ll be worn out before your time”
You were so carrying with him, so kind, but he couldn’t enjoy it. He didn’t deserve your kindness.
“There is something I need to tell you.”
“About?” You were starting to get worried. He left in hurry this morning and you didn’t hear anything from him all day. Excella told you briefly about him, but she talked more about the purse she bought for you which was more for her taste, not yours. Judging by his face you realized he had something on his mind, but you would never think it was because he forgot about your birthday. You expected him to talk about an outbreak rather than your forgotten birthday. To your surprise, he started apologizing.
“I was so caught up in my work I-“ he considers apologies a waste of time since we could do better things with our mortality and limited time, but for a reason, humans care about these.
“It’s alright my love.” You caress his face as a reassuring sign. “I understand.” You’re not upset at him. He genuinely cares about you and you can’t judge him, not after all the good things he has done for you. And besides, you know he doesn’t fully mean it, but you appreciate that he still does it for the sake of your feelings.
You began to caress his cheeks, to place small kisses all over his face. You see him rarely so you make sure to show him how much you love him as well. You hug him and he instantly hugged you back. After a while, you broke the hug and lead him to the couch so you can talk about each other’s day. He’s thankful you both moved on.
Eventually, you two got more comfortable. You let all your weight fall over his body as his strong arms were wrapped around your torso. His big hands were caressing your back while you found your peace in that small, almost suffocating, clasp. You almost fell asleep when a gentle squeeze woke you.
“I almost forgot.” He said, almost whispering, before handing you your gift. “It’s not what I had planned, but I hope you’ll find it enjoyable.”
Hazily, you took the small box Albert handled to you. It was a normal, jewelry box with the logo of the store on it. Inside there was a beautiful, shiny pearl necklace. Your delicate fingers touched the pearls with care, feeling their gritty texture and small bumps here and there. It weighs heavy in your hands. You fell in love instantly with the accessory. Seeing how happy you are, Albert offered to put it at your neck. Its elegance enhanced your natural beauty. It looks like it was made solely for you, like an extension of your body.
“I bet it was a lot.” You said with a somehow sorrow in your voice. You don’t want Albert to spend heavy money on you, because it’s his presence that you enjoy and value the most.
“Don’t worry about it, I like spending money on you.” And it was true, he loves dressing you in the most expensive clothing to flatter your body. You’re a goddess to him. Not to mention it strokes his ego to know that he’s able to provide such beautiful things to you. “At least this is what I can do.”
“And it’s perfect this way.” You can see him relax a little.
“I’ll make it up to you, I just need some time.” Time, mortality, death. Once again he was reminded of his plan that was supposed to fix humanity's greatest flaw, and his expression suddenly changed. That didn’t get past Y/N’s attention.
“Albert sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, some problems I need to solve.”
“Are they urgent?”
“Yes, very.”
“I’m sure they can wait until tomorrow.”
He scanned your body carefully. You weren’t getting any younger. Time left its mark on you. Not in an unpleasant way, but still noticeable.
“There something I need to tell you.” He said while sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you how you admire your new necklace. In the lights of the vanity mirror the pearls shine brighter, being more appealing than before making it impossible to take your eyes off them.
“What is it?” You said while gazing at your own reflection.
He choose his words carefully, but no matter how he put them, it could scare you. It’s not the time or the place. He doesn’t want to ruin your happiness. His actual surprise might not sit well with you, but it’s not your choice after all. If he considers it the best option for you he will do it regardless of your opinion. Still, this day came out better than he expected.
“Maybe tomorrow.”
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Tags: @xx-sectumsempra-xx @residentzero2028 @heisentitties (dm if you wanna be in the tag list)
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Meeting and Dating Riddick
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Okay so Vin Diesel was like really hot when he was young)
- Considering who Riddick is, you knew of the man far before you’d actually met him. Stories of him had been circling from planet to planet for the past decade or so, so yeah, he was pretty popular by the time you; just so happened to, board the same ship as him.
- Well, we all know how the story goes: you board the ship, it crashes, and you’re subsequently deserted on a planet with three suns alongside a missing murderous psychopath. Just a regular ol’ Saturday, ya know?
- Riddick likes you the minute he sees you, though he obviously doesn’t approach you; given his personality. And, like a normal person would, you try your best to keep some distance between you and the muscled murder man.
- You did so up until you wound up falling behind as everyone else walked; mainly because you weren’t exactly friendly with anyone there and were in no mood to be squashed between people in that heat. 
- At some point, the sand below your feet had slid and shifted on the incline that was there and you’d stumbled a bit, preparing yourself for the fall; onto your knees, which was going to happen.
- You hadn’t realized just how close to the dangerous man you’d ended up finding yourself so it was a bit of a shock when a hand gripped your arm, holding you up as though you weighed nothing at all.
“Thanks.” you’d somewhat whispered, a bit embarrassed and nervous. He didn’t say anything, though you were also interrupted by Johns approaching you both in a sort of warning towards the man. 
-There is IMMEDIATE sexual tension between the two of you and it only gets stronger the more time you spend together. He finds himself drawn to your side, his body itching to be clos to yours, his eyes locking on you whenever they can.  
- There’s an understanding between the two of you, an alliance of sorts, created as more time passes; something akin to a connection. So when you’re preparing to leave the planet and you make it to the ship after him, you’re offered the chance to join him. 
- Whether you’re “selfish” and flee without the others or if you go back in an attempt to save them is up to you; he doesn’t blame you either way. 
- Regardless, you find yourself in the ship with him, flying off and away from that eternal hell of a planet. And when you’re able to leave each other and he makes it known that you “could stay” with him, it doesn’t take you long to decide that you would. 
- The two of you kiss before your relationship is made official. You’d been on the run with him for about a month or so, both of you obviously attracted to each other and getting into highly suggestive scenarios though neither of you ever following through; mainly him. 
- You suppose that you could consider some of the times you’d been around each other as dates, though; at the time, they were more so “god I wish you knew how much I love you” and/or “I’m pretending that we’re on a date and every time I can’t just lean over and kiss you physically hurts me” types of hangouts. 
- But, he finally kissed you as the two of you were returning back to your ship after a trip into town; or wherever he’d decided that the two of you needed to go. You’d just finished pulling off your jacket or boots and you’d turned to find him nearly chest to chest; or chest to face, with you.
- You’d chuckled somewhat awkwardly, stumbling back and making a joke before your eyes met his and an intimate tension filled the air; one you hadn’t anticipated. He walked towards you, forcing you to walk backwards until you hit a wall in the cramped area. 
- The closer he came, the more you anticipated it and right as his face neared yours, you’d closed your eyes. He waited for a moment longer, staring at your face, contemplating his decision, and just as your eyes were about to open, he’d pressed his lips hard against yours. 
- Your hands fisted into his shirt and his own hands moved to both cage you in and pull you closer at the same time. After some time, he’d moved his hands low, grabbing at your thighs and ass before he picked you up.
- It’s up to you to decide just how far you want things to go. But regardless of your decision, you’re now going to have a pretty hard time getting rid of him. You’re his partner in crime from this point forward. 
- He tries his best to keep pda to a minimum since he’s got a reputation to keep up and because he doesn’t want you getting tangled up in his issues. When you’re alone he’s much more touchy and since you’re not in public very often, his dislike for pda isn’t much of an issue. 
- Though he isn’t affectionate with you in front of people, he is pretty much always close to your side whenever he can be. He likes being there in case there’s something he needs to protect you from. 
- Please hold his hand. He probably won’t do it himself but he secretly loves whenever you do. He likes how small and soft your hands are compared to his. 
- One armed hugs. He’s big and strong enough that it’s pretty much the same as a actual hug; though he does give you those on occasion as well. 
- Temple kisses. 
- His kisses are sort of rough, purely because he’s a rough person. If it were anyone else then they’d probably just be considered normal kisses but because he has strong lips and a domineering personality they’re on the rougher side. 
- Kisses between the two of you usually start out slow before becoming more heated. They’re the deep, drawn out types of kiss that end with an abrupt pull before the two of you snap back to each other once more. 
- Soft, barely there touches; whether with his hands or with his lips. They’re so soft that you’re sometimes not even sure if they touched you or not. 
- Sitting on his lap. 
- He likes leaning down, close to your side to talk to you, as well as seeing you lean up to speak in his ear/get close to his face yourself. 
- Considering the fact that you’re usually not staying in the most comfortable of places, you’ve taken to falling asleep with your head on some part of him. You usually start out just sleeping near each other but throughout the night, you’ll drift close and end up cuddling. It’s usually you who does so but on occasion, you’ll wake up to his arm around you and his body pressed up against yours. 
- He likes pinning you to things when he kisses you. 
- He’s sort of obsessed with your thighs and butt. He’s constantly grabbing or picking you up by them, usually to carry you off somewhere so that he can kiss you better.  
- He’s sort of like an animal in regards to how your scent drives him wild. There’s been so many instances of him drawing near you or burying his face in your neck that you can’t deny that he’s trying to smell you.
- Good girl, princess, sweetheart; he mainly uses them in a sarcastic way but it makes your heart race every time and he takes notice of that.
- Getting thrown over his shoulder whenever he pleases. Make a fuss and kick or hit his back all you want, he’s not letting you down until you’re away from whatever he wanted you to be away from; or just wherever he wanted to take you.
- He lets you do things, giving you the illusion of being in control while you’re both pretty much fully aware that he’s only letting you lead him places or letting you touch him. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have the upper hand, he always knows exactly what you're doing. 
- Living in close quarters together. He in particular is always squeezing around you or using the excuse to press himself against you.  
- He secretly likes when you try to tease him or are otherwise soft with him. Trying to go up on your tippy toes to kiss him, leaning in close to his face as you speak, lingering touches; things like that. 
- He pretends like he doesn't know certain things to humor you. He notices everything so if you think you have a secret or are going to surprise him, you’re wrong; but he may pretend like he’s sort of surprised for your sake. 
- Getting your stuff stolen by him. 
- Getting a bit of a scare whenever he just pops up behind you. He sort of likes being able to scare you, he thinks your reactions are sort of cute. 
- Stargazing. You probably convinced him to do it though he mainly just stared at you like a big softie while you were distracted. 
- His only regret about changing his eyes is the fact that he can’t see you properly, and judging from what he’s able to see, its a damn shame. 
- Bonfires and camping out places.
- Hunting together. 
- Occasionally dropping into some far off planet, maybe going to a bar or him stealing from a liquor store so that the two of you can sit and drink together. 
- You're pretty much constantly hiding out or on the run, well, he is at least. You may have to go into town for the two of you on occasion; especially if it’s a town that he’ll be recognized in.
- Little, somewhat morbid gifts; though he does get you ones that aren’t on occasion, both made by him or stolen from somewhere. 
- Well, it’s a known fact that he can smell period blood so he’s always able to act accordingly and a bit sweeter than usual when it’s that time of the month. 
- Tracing and/or hearing the stories behind his scars. 
- Bandaging him up and him doing the same for you, trying his best to be as gentle as he can. 
- Getting taught how to fight or shoot. He likes hoisting you up from the ground by your clothes or pinning you down, showing you just how much stronger he is. It’s kind of his kink. 
- Getting taught survival tactics, card games, and so on. It’s a fun way to pass the time and a way to do it around each other.
- While he can certainly be rough, we all know that he can also be soft and caring; especially with you. 
- Teasing; whether its with ominous connotations or not. He may use his teasing to gauge whether or not he can trust you or to find out your true opinion on something. 
-  He only ever wants to help you. Everyone else can be damned but the minute you need something, he’s right there to assist you. 
- He pretends like he isn’t as worried as he really is by making his concerns sound threatening. Like after you put yourself in danger, he’ll make some comment like “you do something like that again and I’ll fucking kill you”. It’s the way he shows he cares; he isn’t used to giving a shit about anyone. 
- He’s one of those “you don't have to apologize for anything” types of boyfriends. He wants you to be unapologetic with people like he is.
- Lots of jealousy; he doesn’t particularly like you being around other men though he does trust you. It’s not about him thinking you’d cheat on him, its about the one person who truly cares about him and the only person he can trust being taken away from him or liking someone else more than him. 
- Somewhat overprotective. He doesn’t underestimate you but he does all that he can to prevent you being in any pain; emotional or physical. Whenever you mention a stupid, little fear of yours, he’s reminded of how vulnerable and precious you are and how much he has to keep you safe. 
- He’s blunt, aggressive, sarcastic, and somewhat demeaning so yes, there’s going to be quite a few fights in your relationship; though most aren’t ridiculously serious or completely relationship threatening. 
- After you’ve had a fight, he either doesn’t apologize and the two of you just move on or he watches you and let’s the guilt fester until he finally approaches you, putting his hand on your arm and kissing your temple. If you were outside of the ship, he’d pull you to your feet gently, giving you an earnest “I’m sorry, alright? C’mon” and guiding you back on board. 
- He doesn't say that he loves you very often but you do “get one” on occasion, usually grunted/grumbled out and passed off as being no big deal. 
- You’ll be his mate for life if he can help it. He wants to be with you for as long as he can, maybe start a family or just live out your lives alongside each other. 
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meesa-hoe · 3 years
An Angel In Beskar
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader x Paz Vizsla
Summary: Two Mandalorians find you near death in the middle of a desert on Tatooine and while you’re quick to warm up to the one in the mismatched blue armor, his silver companion is much colder towards you.
Rating: M but later chapters will probably be rated E for sexual content.
Word Count: 4,500
Warnings: Descriptions of hopelessness, violence, trauma, and minor injuries.
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! I’ve been working on this for a while and finally decided to post it here since I noticed there’s not a whole lot of Paz x Reader x Din stories and I absolutely love the ones that I have read. I’m hoping to have the next chapter up in the next week!
There is an established relationship between Paz and Din prior to them finding the reader.
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‘May the Maker have mercy on my soul.’
There’s no point in you praying when you’re certain death is about to wrap it’s cold arms around your weak body. After traveling through the unforgiving Tatooine desert for days without water, your body is beginning to shut down and you fear that this will be your last night spent alive on such a cruel planet. Your thin dress and the scarf you had used to cover your face in an attempt to protect yourself from the scorching hot suns is your only source of warmth as you lifelessly lay on the sand and you wonder how long it will take for you to be buried deep underneath the soft granules.
You will soon end up like the ones who had perished in your village after it had been brutally attacked by bandits and raiders just days ago. Though you had barely escaped in one piece, you suddenly wished you had stayed so you could have at least had a quicker death, rather than slowly dying in the middle of nowhere. You had been foolish to think there would be another village nearby and tears finally trickle down your cheeks as you peer up at the moon, an intense feeling of despair seeping all the way down to your heart.
You miss your family.
The silence that surrounds you only makes you sob harder, loneliness eating away at you as you simply long for your family. Despite not living a luxurious life in the tiny village, it never diminished the love you had for the ones close to you. The images play on a loop in your mind--bodies covered in blood and lifeless eyes staring into your soul as you hid from the bandits--and you finally allow the physical and emotional pain to consume you.
In a way, it’s cathartic to let it all out without others being around to judge you, though it also has you longing for a comforting touch, whether that be a firm hug or someone just holding your hand. You’re reminded of the way your parents would comfort you and your siblings when you were younger, their voices always like soothing, cold water during the hottest days of summer and it only has you crying harder.
Once it feels like you can’t cry anymore and you’ve accepted your fate, you rest for the final time.
Hours pass--at least you think that as you barely cling onto life.
You don’t even realize you’re not dead until a quiet, filtered rasp manages to break through the darkness and silence that surrounds you, though your eyelids feel like they weigh a thousand pounds and are nearly impossible to crack open. It’s morning now, or maybe even the afternoon, judging by the way the suns ruthlessly beat down on you.
“How did she manage to get all of the way out here?” That hushed, soothing voice sounds a little further away and you wonder who he’s talking to until two leather digits press against the pulse on your neck. “The nearest village is days away on foot,” The person taking your pulse simply grunts in response and you finally manage to pry your eyes open when your curiosity threatens to overwhelm you. 
Who would be insane enough to trek through a desert on Tatooine?
Your vision is blurred, black dots floating around as you blink several times before it finally clears.
Instantly, you’re face to face with a t-shaped visor and--
A Mandalorian! 
Not just one, but two.
You think the lack of water and the intense heat has you hallucinating.
You had grown up hearing stories of the warriors, your oldest brother telling you how they were the strongest beings in the galaxy and typically not cruel to strangers who were innocent. There had been rumors of one living on Tatooine and as a little girl, you remember praying to the Maker that they would show up and rid your village of all the bandits that would terrorize your family and neighbors.
Even the Gods don’t want anything to do with Tatooine.
If you weren’t so exhausted and weak, you could have cried from relief and begged the two Mandalorians in front of you to save you, though your throat is far too dry and your mouth feels like cotton.
“What are you doing all the way out here, little one?” The blue Mando closest to you questions when he realizes you’re awake and you find that his voice is far more rough and brusque than his companion’s, though it’s not unpleasant in the slightest. After going days with nothing but your own thoughts to keep you company, you’re just happy and relieved to not be be alone
“P-Please... Help,” You manage to speak in a hoarse plea, tears spilling from your eyes as you clutch at the material covering the warrior’s ribs as tightly as you can, afraid that he’s simply going to stand up and leave you there to die. The way he leans in a little closer instantly fills you with hope and even though your face is mostly covered, you pray that he can see the desperation in your eyes and that he’s able to sympathize with you.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
He’s massive and wears scuffed up, dull blue and yellow armor that you think has seen several battles since it was forged; he’s all mismatched and terrifying, but in that moment, you see him as some sort of Beskar angel.
His armor looks far more worn than his companion’s as you lift your gaze to peer at him, though it only has you squinting your eyes in pain as the impossibly bright suns reflect off of the silver Beskar and you simply let your eyelids slip shut once again. You feel a hand touch the thick cloth that covers your cheekbone, your Beskar angel letting out a low hum as he assesses your injuries as much as he can with all of the fabric in the way.
“What are you doing?” The silver warrior questions, his tone now cold and your heart instantly shatters when he continues, “We don’t even know who she is and you want to bring her with us?”
“We can’t just leave her out here to die,” The Mandalorian crouched down next to you doesn’t hesitate to admonish him, his voice filled with sympathy and conviction, “The ship isn’t too far from here and I don’t mind carrying her. Who knows how long she’s been walking through this desert on foot.”
“We can’t just take in every stray you stumble upon. Besides, we don’t know her--what if she’s just another criminal? Tatooine is filled with scum.”
“Look at her!” The blue warrior instantly snaps, his voice tinged with anger towards his companion and you nearly cry upon realizing he’s willing to fight for your survival, “She’s so weak that she can’t even keep her eyes open and she looks injured. Who’s to say she wasn’t running away from a bad situation? Besides, if she does try anything, do you think she could really get the upper hand on two Mandalorians in her condition? She doesn’t even have a single weapon on her!”
You hear an exasperated sigh and before the shiny Mando can put up anymore of a fight, you feel clunky Beskar sliding under your knees while his other arm winds around your shoulders, bringing you off of the hot sand with ease. If your mind wasn’t so hazy, you would have marveled at his sheer strength, but you feel your body relax against his Beskar that has been warmed from the suns.
“If she tries anything, I’m putting her in carbonite.”
Instead of praying to the Maker for mercy like you had hours ago, you find yourself praying that the stories your brother had told you of Mandalorian are true and that these two strangers don’t have cruel intentions with you. The blue one carrying you seems nice enough, but the silver Mando with the quiet voice still has you on edge and you immediately tense up at the thought of essentially being frozen.
“You don’t have any slabs left available because you’re an impatient di’kut,” The blue warrior reminds him, sounding more amused than agitated and you hear a hint of fondness in his gruff voice, “Let’s just get her back to the ship and we’ll find out what happened to her.”
“Fine, but I’m putting the cuffs on her.”
The one carrying you is quick to shoot down that idea, “Unless you want me to give you a concussion, you’re not putting cuffs on her.”
Using all of your strength, you manage to curl your arms around your savior’s neck, your fingers pressing into the soft fabric covering his nape as you whisper out a meek ‘thank you’. It hurts your dry throat but you hope he can detect the genuine gratitude in your hoarse voice, tears filling your eyes as they crack open to peer at the silver Mando who’s trailing behind your savior.
His tilted visor is trained solely on your face, despite the fact that most of your features are covered by your white scarf and you can tell he’s still wary about your presence. For a moment, he fiddles with his cuffs before giving up with a tired sigh and you let your eyelids slip shut when you realize he’s no going to restrain you.
“Shh, little one,” The Mando carrying you intones, his rough voice soothing the ache in your heart as you sniffle, tears soaking your scarf, “It is safe to rest your eyes now. Once we get back to the ship, we’ll get some water and food in your belly again.”
That’s all he has to say for you to slump against his cuirass before you’re being tugged back into unconsciousness once again. You’re in and out of it for most of the journey and every single time you manage to pry your eyes open, the silver Mandalorian’s visor is fixated on you, putting you even more on edge until you fall back asleep again. Even with his gauntlets digging into your knees and shoulders, you find comfort in knowing that you have the protection of at least one Mandalorian and it’s the only thing that lets you rest as peacefully as your hectic mind will allow.
The next time you regain consciousness, it’s to the sounds of the warriors conversing with one another in hushed tones, perhaps in an attempt to not wake you up.
“Do you think it’s okay to take off her face coverings?” Your savior sounds hesitant as fingers graze along the material covering your jaw and something about it is endearing, “What if she has it on for a reason?”
He thinks your culture is similar to his--that you have to keep your identity concealed just like a Mandalorian--and if you weren’t so exhausted and in so much pain, you would have found this amusing. “Not everyone who covers their face does it because they’re sworn to a creed,” The silver Mando sounds just as entertained as you are, the terseness from earlier no longer lingering in his filtered rasp and when you finally open your eyes, you’re surprised to find how relaxed he appears as he sits on a crate adjacent from the cot you are laying on.
Your savior has his back to you as he stares at his companion, “I just don’t want to invade her privacy.”
“She’s probably wearing it to protect her skin from the suns.”
“You think so?”
��Ask her yourself.”
The blue warrior instantly turns to you, his visor tilted to the side as you stare back up at him with wide eyes, suddenly feeling sheepish and shy. Slowly, you manage to sit up on the cot with a pained whimper and reach up to remove your white scarf that is stained with splotches of blood. As soon as the cold air cycling through the ship kisses your warm cheeks, you let your eyelids slip shut with a relieved sigh, the stained fabric that had protected you from the unforgiving suns falling to the metal floor next to your feet.
“You must be thirsty,” The blue Mandalorian’s rough voice has you opening your eyes and you nearly let out with a loud gasp when he offers you his canteen, “Here.”
The water could have been tainted with poison and you wouldn’t have even noticed as you chugged the cold liquid, a few tears escaping your eyes at the immense relief that instantly floods you after going days without a drop of liquid. “What is your name?” He inquires once you’ve sadly finished off all the water, though the one in silver approaches the two of you and retrieves the leather canteen, wandering off to perhaps refill it.
You hesitate to give the stranger an answer, especially after all you’ve been through these past few rotations, but you think if he wanted to hurt you, he would have done it by now and you eventually whisper your name after a pregnant pause. His visor tilts further to the side as you stare at his scuffed up cuirass rather than his helmet, tears filling your eyes when he asks how you ended up in the desert.
“It is okay, little one,” He soothes your pain with that gruff voice as he towers over you, “You’re safe now.”
“M-My village, it--” The blue warrior places a heavy hand on your shoulder as the terrifying memories of your home being burned to the ground play on repeat in your head and something about his firm touch is incredibly comforting, “The raiders they… They killed everyone and burned down all the buildings. My whole f-family--”
You don’t realize the shiny Mandalorian is within earshot until he says something in a foreign language that you don’t recognize, though you think he must have asked about you when your savior repeats your name in a terse voice, along with a few other words. 
“Dank farrik,” The smaller of the two sighs before angrily shoving the canteen into your hands and they continue to speak in their mother tongue, sounding as though they’re arguing.
“D-Did I do something wrong?” You meekly question them after you take several swigs of the cold water, tears still drying on your cheeks as they both gaze at you long enough to cause your nerves to spike even more. Anxiously, you pluck at the loose threads on the hem of your skirts, feeling anxious underneath the intense stares of such strong warriors when you feel the weakest you ever have in your life. The blue warrior angrily shakes his scuffed up helmet before hastily stomping off of the small ship, leaving you alone with the silver, brooding Mandalorian that seems far more awkward around you than his companion.
The ruddy, orange tips of his leather gloves curl against his sides as he silently regards you for a few more moments. 
“Come with me,” He eventually orders with a slight tilt of his helmet, urging you to follow him as you scramble to your bare feet to obey his gentle command. He leads you to the hull of the ship and you nearly cower away from him as he leads you through a small walkway that’s lined with several slabs of carbonite, afraid that you’ve done something wrong. With the blue Mandalorian gone, your mind runs rampant of all the horrible things this stranger can do to you and your gaze lifts to the huge rifle strapped to his back.
You freeze as you wonder how many people he’s killed with it, or if he prefers to use the smaller blaster holstered against his hip.
Upon noticing that you’re not following him, he turns to face you.
“I’m... I’m not going to hurt you,” He quietly promises when he notices your hesitation, his visor lingering on you as you eventually trail right behind him again, still clutching the leather canteen between your clammy palms, “I just want to see if you recognize someone.”
The stranger comes to a stop in front of one of the slabs of carbonite and confusion floods you as he gestures to it like one would offer a prize, though fear and horror immediately has your heart in a frenzy when you recognize the Zabrak frozen in time.
He had been among the many that had terrorized your village for so long.
“W-What is he doing here?!”
“He’s the leader of the group of bandits that burned down your village and he is also a quarry of ours,” He quietly explains in an oddly gentle voice, watching as the canteen slips from your palms and onto the floor of the ship, “We managed to track him down the day after the attack. I am... sorry we were too late.” 
The shiny Mandalorian holds a hand up in an attempt to calm you as panic tugs at your heart to the point where it’s difficult to breathe properly and you quickly back away from the hunter, fleeing further into the ship until you manage to find the refresher. You’re grateful there’s a lock on the door as you sink to the floor, the hunter’s voice calling out to you on the other side of the door, though there’s a sharp ringing noise blaring in your ears that makes it damn near impossible to hear even your own thoughts.
The Mandalorian eventually gives up on trying to get you to exit the refresher and leaves with a defeated sigh. You’re shaking with fear as you keep reminding yourself that the you’re on the same ship with the cruel monster that orchestrated the attack on your little village.
That Zabrak is the reason why your entire family was slaughtered.
And he’s on the same ship with you.
You sit there in solitude for quite some time, listening to the two Mandalorians as they quietly talk to one another in the hull of the ship. The larger of the two must have a naturally loud voice and you can’t stop yourself from smiling when his silver companion occasionally shushes him when he speaks your name. It sounds like they might be arguing about something and you hope it’s not about you, but judging by the irritation in both of their voices, you’re certain they’re trying to figure out what to do with you.
Especially now that you have no home to go back to.
A deep sigh pushes past your lips you as you finally stand, the warriors’ argument ceasing when you move to the sink and turn the water on to splash some of the cool liquid on your face. The stark contrast between the cold water compared to the sonic shower in your home is lovely and cathartic after having gone so long with only ever really having warm water.
There’s a firm knock on the door, the blue warrior calmly reciting your name in an effort to get you to come out, “It’s okay, I just want to talk with you.” 
Dread floods your frantic heart as you dry your face off with the sleeve of your dress before hesitantly cracking the door open to stare at his scuffed up cuirass, too afraid that if you look at his helmet, you’ll only breakdown again.
“I am sorry for your losses, little one,” The Mandalorian sighs, holding his hand out for you to take in a friendly gesture that has you opening the door all the way. “I know all too well the grief of losing loved ones,” You take hold of his hand and he immediately strokes a firm thumb along your knuckles, the foreign touch comforting as he guides you out of the refresher and to one of the crates so you can sit down.
“Are...” You hesitate as you finally peer up at his tilted visor, fear wrapping around you like a vice, “Are you two going to leave me here?”
A sigh escapes him and your eyes widen when he rests a leather palm on the side of your neck, his thumb grazing along your jaw as he takes in your appearance for several moments. Though you’ve only been in the presence of the two warriors for a couple hours, you realize just how different their personalities are. Your Beskar-clad angel is massive, loud, and rough around the edges, yet somehow so gentle around you, while the silver warrior is placid, quiet, and constantly brooding, wanting nothing to do with you. 
You can’t help but to wonder what their relationship to one another is, if they’re simply close friends or something more, given how they’re simultaneously comfortable and dysfunctional around each other.
“No, we’re not just going to leave you in the middle of nowhere,” He sounds oddly sad as he pulls you from your thoughts, his voice the quietest you’ve heard from him so far, “We can either drop you off somewhere safer or you can stay with us for a little while and help out with certain things on the ship.”
You don’t hear the silver Mandalorian descending from the cockpit, his visor on the two of you as shock courses through you. “Y-You would let me stay?” His fingers twitch against your neck upon hearing the way your voice shakes, your eyes burning at the kindness he’s displaying, “But... I don’t think the other Mandalorian really wants me here. He doesn’t trust me.”
His blue pauldrons slump and you resist the urge to reach out and trace a silver indentation on the worn armor, “It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, we’re just not used to being around people who don’t want to kill us.”
You contemplate his words thoroughly as his thumb continues to stroke your jawline and after going several days without anyone to talk to or share your fear with, the touch is a warm welcome. “Well, after everything that happened to my village, I don’t think I have it in me to hurt anyone, let alone kill,” Your own shoulders slump, eyelids slipping shut as you remember how scared you had been as you hid yourself from the bandits underneath a pile of bloody, lifeless bodies.
You don’t realize you’re shaking until the silver Mandalorian makes his presence known by softly saying a word in what you think is their mother tongue, instantly earning his companion’s unwavering attention.
You quickly pull away and wipe the tears from your flushed cheeks, a heavy hand lingering on your shoulder as the quiet Mandalorian speaks in that gentle rasp that sounds softer than usual and you feel bashful when his visor lowers to regard you. 
“I set the coordinates for the next stop,” He appears awkward as his fingers flex against his thighs, his visor still fixated on you as he offers you a sharp nod. The blue warrior chuckles, though you’re not sure why as his companion approaches the two of you, seeming to tense up a little more and you’re certain that the silver Mando hates you already.
“This is your last chance for us to drop you off at the nearest village,” He warns you as the heavy-infantry warrior gives your shoulder a firm squeeze, as if trying to give you some of his strength even though you feel devastatingly weak, “Otherwise you’re stuck with us until further notice. We can’t guarantee your safety.”
You try your hardest to appear tough in front of the hunter, though his helmet tilts to the side with what feels like amusement as you awkwardly shift on your feet, “I… I have no family left and nowhere else to go. I would rather be with you two than have to suffer alone in an unfamiliar village that may or may not be attacked by cruel people again.”
He hesitates, visor shifting between you and the Mandalorian at your side, before nodding and making his way back to the cockpit without another word, pulling a sigh from the blue warrior as he turns back to you, tilting his helmet in the direction of the ladder. “Come on, little one,” He helps you off the crate before guiding you to the cockpit, following close behind as you push yourself up the ladder. Before you can say anything else, you’re interrupted by an intense rumble coming from your empty stomach and you pray that he didn’t hear it, though judging by his snort of laughter, your prayers were unanswered.
“Once we make the jump into hyperspace we’ll get you some food. Flying can be a lot if you’re not used to it and I don’t want you throwing up all over the cockpit.”
A warmth blossoms across your cheeks as the metal doors slide open, his palm still covering the small of your back as he urges you to sit in one of the unoccupied co-pilot chairs. You quickly buckle in as the brooding hunter flicks some switches on the console, seeming completely at ease as his blue companion lazily plops down in the chair next to you, the two of them not bothering with their seatbelts. Briefly, you wonder how long they’ve been doing this--traveling with one another--and with how sure of himself the silver Mando appears as he easily guides the ship off the sandy ground, you think it’s been quite a while.
“Have you ever been off Tatooine before?” The blue warrior asks you when he notices how tightly you’re clutching your seatbelt the further the ship ascends and you force yourself to relax your stiff fingers. “N-No,” You quietly inform him, tearing your gaze away from the windows to peer at him instead, “I lived in that village for all my life. When... When everything happened with the bandits, I wasn’t sure where to go, so I just ran.”
His visor tilts to the side and as he continues to speak, you can’t stop yourself from wondering if he’s doing it to distract you as the ship breaks the atmosphere of the sandy planet. “Well, it’s a good thing we happened to be close by since the nearest city was at least four more cycles away on foot,” This information makes you shudder and instantly, you grow quiet, knowing that there was no way you would have ever made it if they hadn’t shown up when they did.
He seems to notice your melancholic disposition and is quick to change the subject, his filtered voice melting into something more lighthearted that has you weakly smiling at his visor. “Maybe it’s a good thing you’re here,” He tilts his helmet to where his silver companion is piloting the ship into space, “He doesn’t exactly make for the best company sometimes, always brooding and complaining. Besides, you’re far prettier to look at.”
Your cheeks immediately grow warm at his sudden coyness, though it only seems to exasperate the other Mandalorian as he sighs, his silver helmet shaking as starlight reflects off of the pretty Beskar.
As the old, rickety ship makes the jump to hyperspace, causing a queasy sensation in the pit of your belly, you think that maybe the two of them don’t make for bad company at all.
Perhaps there is some force in the galaxy that took mercy on your soul after all.
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mokusharuru · 3 years
AeVen - When the wind calls my name
paring : Aether x Venti ( Genshin Impact )
genre : Fluff
words : ~1000
summary : A short story when Venti is avoided by his favorite adventurer.
note : i just love drunk Venti a bit too much haha
Venti has only just realises this, but seem like he is being avoided. Everytime those yellow eyes met his, they would just turn away quickly. Whenever he approaches the young adventurer, it is only a matter of seconds before that figure disappears.
And of course, as this behavoir belongs to his dear protagonist, this has been weighing on the bard’s mind. Every Mondstadt citizens can spot this strange happening. The bard would carelessly drop his favorite cup of wine on the tavern’s floor, which consequently was harshly scolded by the red-haired owner. Or he would just sit still in front of approaching cats, in turns were the unstoppable chains of sneezes.
“I wonder what happens” sitting on his usual spot in the tavern, murmured the Anemo Archon.
“What’s wrong?” indifferently asked Diluc as he continues to wipe all the glasses.
“Master Diluc, do you know if something happens with Aether? He has been weird for a few days”
“Is he really? I think he is the same as always. Actually, he was engaged in a game of chess with me yesterday. May be it’s you.”
Signaling the master to pour more wine into his almost empty cup, he replied
“Huh? What do you mean? Master Diluc, is it because he covered my wine bill last time?”
“Who knows” Diluc throws a nonchalant answer before turning to the call of another customer
Venti knows this is the end of attention the bartender gives him, so he continues to drink more in silent when his mind wanders. What did Diluc mean? Is it only him that Aether avoids? Then what must he do then? Is it really about the wine’s bill? But then Aether had paid for him many times before. Of course, he has tried to return the favor many times, so his dearest shouldn’t be that angry, should he?
Finding the answer is a difficult task as he empties a bottle after another. Before crashing down to the counter drunkenly like always, he spots a familiar face next to him. At this very moment, all his reasonings are all gone and the young bard throws himself in the other’s party embrace.
“W-what did I do?”
Although repeatedly joking, Venti actually holds a special feelings for the adventurer. Not as a savior, not as a friend, but much more personal. Therefore, being avoided like that must have hurted him deeply. Perhaps it was his faults, but if it’s only it, Aether would shake his head and tell him like usual. This must be different, he thinks.
Only entering the tavern a moment ago, Aether is sure taken aback by this scene.
“Please stop avoid *hiccups* ing meeeee”
As the Anemo Archon hugs him tightly on the waist, he can’t move an inch. Those slender fingers squeezed his bare back, which makes the adventurer a little tickle and also makes blood rushes to his head. The sweet scent of apple cider enters his sense, accompanying by the fragrance of cecilias.
He looks up to Diluc, who is clearly accustomed to all these drunken moves, and begs for an explanation. In return, the owner just signal him to move this druken bard out of his store.
Aether carefully removes the hands tightly on his back and carries the intoxicated archon on his back with such speed, which implies that he has performed this action many times before.
“Ah, and I will put his bill under your name” A moment before they exit, the master says. Answered is a crooked smile by the adventurer.
 “The breeze is really nice today”
Aether murmurs to himself as they go through Mondstadt’s gate and walk under the endless black canvas shining with millions of stars. Everytime like this, Paimon always disappear to somewhere unknown. May be to fetch an apple like that time.
After placing his beloved bard under the Vanessa’s tree, where they regularly spend idle time with each other, he reserves a place next to the other party. In a druken mood, Venti leans on him. May be a bit too close, Aether thinks. Well, it is not too bad to stay like this on a refreshing night. Somehow the wind feels softer than usual. Calm breathes of the person next to him combines with the rumbling leaves above resonates like the bard’s tellings. Evertyime, his soothing voice with the lyre’s harmony eases the adventurer’s mind to the point his hearbeat is in sync with the melody. As such every matters escapes and there is only two people exist in the extravaganza.
Aether knows that he has been avoiding Venti. It’s just that, everytime he looks into those blue pupils, the event from that night comes back to his mind.
Short breathes envelop between the non-existent distance, his soft yet scandalous voice whispering in his ear. The aroma of sweet alcohol and cecilia attacks every bits of his body. Such as the wind, faintly was his name called.
“Hey Aether, please like me”
 How can he forget about that ? How can he ignore that memory? Everytime that scene appears in his mind, the young adventurer can literally feel fire on his cheeks, butterfly in his stomach.
However, it appears to be that the Anemo Archon doesn’t recall it ever happened, judging by his confusion. All the more difficult for Aether to discuss about it.
The root of all his problems is fast asleep with no care for the world, Aether can’t help but let out a sigh.
Only in this very moment, does he have the courage to confess it. When no words from his lips can be heard.
“I’m liking you” Even if it’s only him, the young adventurer still suffers from all the embarrassment. Wondering when will the day he could confess these emotions like how the wind calls his name. Tender yet passionate.
For now, Aether will try not to avoid the other party’s curious gaze anymore. And try to take back all the wine bills he has to cover all this time. The young adventurer should soon find out that they are proven to be challenging tasks
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writinglizards · 4 years
I Won’t be Judged for Doing as I Ought
Summary: Geralt goes through his trial of the grasses. Twice.
Vesemir watches.
Read on Ao3
The trial of the grasses is always hard to watch. It's hard on the cohort of boys who will be entering into the lab room. It's hard on the younger ones, who are about to watch the older boys they look up to either change drastically or die. It’s hard for the older ones, who are always reminded of their own trial of the grasses. It's hard on their trainers, who pretend so hard for these boys they think of as sons. Yes, everything will be alright. You'll be okay. Everyone knows that's a lie, but it's a nice one, and they all cling to it equally tightly.
The only true blessing is that the boys are not enhanced yet, do not know how badly their mentors lie, how fiercely they ache for them, for the ones who will die and the ones who will change. Neither is a good fate, not really. None of these men would wish this on anyone else. And yet--
Vesemir has an especially hard time with this group. His own child surprise is there, Geralt, eyes bright with terror, but he holds himself bravely anyway. He's clutching the hand of one of his peers, Eskel, only a little older. There are other boys, ones Vesemir knows not quite as well as Geralt and his friend, but well enough. He cares for all of them so, so fiercely. He knows most of them won't survive the trial.
The trainers are allowed to say goodbye before the boys enter the room, the one concession their guild makes to the men they ask to mentor these boys, grow close with them, before most of them will die. There are only twenty five in this cohort. They'll be lucky if ten make it out. That, and the mages have been considering running some of these boys through the trial a second time, as an "experiment." Vesemir thinks it's an awful idea, but he is only a swordmaster--no one asks him.
He watches as the line of boys file into the lab, clapping them gently on the shoulders as they go. Some stop and hug his fellow trainers, hug him. This is the last time the boys won't be reprimanded for seeking comfort--those that survive will be expected to follow the unspoken rules that all wolf school witchers follow.
"Vesemir," Geralt's next in line, Eskel right behind him, "Vesemir." It's quiet, terrified, but he’s obviously trying to be brave. Vesemir stoops to hug him, wrap his arms around thin, boyish shoulders.
"You'll be okay, Geralt," he says, an empty platitude. No one knows for sure who will survive, who won't. He pets a hand back through thick, red-brown curls, his heart swelling for this boy who might as well be his son. He hasn't been this deeply attached to a trainee in years, knows he'll be broken if Geralt does not survive, even as he lets him go, "I'll be here when you wake, okay?" They're always here when the bodies are brought out.
"Okay," he whispers, soft. He's always been soft spoken, always been sweet. His eyes, blue, blue, blue, gaze up at Vesemir with a shaky kind of calm. "Thank you. For everything." He doesn't wait for Vesemir to answer, just steps past to his next tutor. It rips something apart in his chest, to be thanked by a boy who he may be passing along to his death.
As soon as Geralt's past, Eskel's darting forward, wrapping his arms around Vesemir's waist too. He holds the boy back. "He's scared," Eskel says, quiet so only Vesemir (and the other witchers) can hear him.
"Aren't you?" Vesemir asks, just as quiet. Eskel gives him a long, considering look. The boy's always been a little strange, a little more aloof from his peers, Geralt being the exception.
"Yes," he says finally, "but I--" he sucks in a sharp breath, "I don't want to make it if he doesn't." He says it with finality, and Vesemir can tell this has been weighing on him.
"Eskel," he says, voice gone soft, “son, they’ll do their best, okay?” It’s the most he can offer him. Eskel nods.
"If he doesn't make it, I don't want to," Eskel repeats, voice a little firmer, "I promised him." Vesemir's chest aches. He squeezes Eskel's shoulders a little tighter, hopes for both their sakes that they're two of the lucky ones.
After the last boy files in, the trainers leave. No one needs to be around when the screaming starts.
All in all, nine boys survive, and seven of them are immediately run through a second round of trials. The two surviving boys not chosen for the extra mutations are brought out on the seventh day, and Vesemir's heart clenches to see Eskel, but no Geralt. He knows he wasn't one of the bodies brought out over the long week, one of the unlucky ones. No, he's more unlucky than that--survive one trial to go through a second. No child has ever survived a second round of the trials and he already mourns for the boy he’s sure to lose. His son.
He's not surprised when he finds Eskel in his personal rooms that night. He's pale and a little feverish still, a circular moon of a face peeking out from under a mound of blankets. He's past the danger point but he still shouldn't be up out of bed, shouldn't be here.
"Eskel?" he asks softly, approaching the lump that is one of the two surviving students. The pile sniffles, shifting minutely. "Eskel," Vesemir chides, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling the furs away from his face. As the blankets shift, Eskel launches himself into Vesemir's arms, choking on a sob. He knows he shouldn't allow it, but he doesn't push the boy away, tucks him in close. He's only twelve, he's lost most of his friends and he may (will) still lose more.
"Ves," he sobs, "Geralt--"
"Isn't dead yet," he soothes, running a hand down his back, comforting. He doesn’t believe it himself.
"He will be though," Eskel pulls back to look him in the face, tears streaking down his cheeks. His eyes are gold and cat-slit, transformed.
"I don't know," Vesemir answers honestly, squeezing the boy's shoulders.
"I promised him, Vesemir, I--"
"I know, son," he says gently, tugs him back to his chest, rocks him gently. "I know."
Eskel stays in his room, curled up under the blankets at the foot of his bed. No one says anything, although technically it shouldn't be allowed. The seven chosen boys have dwindled to three in just two days, and Vesemir is terrified every body brought out will be Geralt's. None of them are, so far, but that doesn't ease his fears, doesn't make his chest ache less for the boys they are losing.
Eskel never asks, but Vesemir tells him every day, anyway. "Not yet," he'll say when he returns in the evenings, and Eskel's shoulders will loosen a little before tensing back up.
By day four, there is only one boy left alive, and Vesemir demands to see him. The mages try to talk him out of it--he's not coherent, he likely won't make it, there's no point--but Vesemir's stubborn when he wants to be.
He hates the lab as much as any of the other witchers do, even if his time here was long ago now. He focuses past the instinctual swell of anxiety that always bubbles to the surface in here and focuses instead on the thin body strapped into the bed.
Geralt doesn't look good, a week and a half after being strapped to the bed and pumped full of toxins. He's still, which is terrifying, and he's quiet, which is even more frightening. Usually, the boys scream, they thrash. This stillness is too much like death.
Still, Vesemir steps up beside the bed and runs his fingers through sweat-damp hair, pushing it up out of his face. It's gone shock white, an effect from the second round of injections, so the mages say.
"Hi, son," Vesemir says past the lump in his throat. Geralt's eyelids flutter and his head rolls, but he doesn't otherwise respond. "Told you I'd be here, didn't I?" He groans, a soft noise, and Vesemir's chest clenches. "I know, Geralt, I know."
He just stands there for an impossibly long time, carding his fingers through his hair, over and over. The mages pop in occasionally to check on him, but he's been stable for most of the past day and there's not much they can do if he takes a turn for the worse at this point anyway.
As he stands there, tears slip from the corner of Geralt’s closed eyes, and Vesemir wipes them away, gentle.
"Eskel's worried about you," he says, watches Geralt's face for any hint of response, finding none, “and I know you've been in pain for a long time, but--" he has to pause and clear his throat again, "the days are never as long as they seem. You've got three more to live through. You can do that, Geralt. You can make it that long." The noise that rises in Geralt's throat is soft, like a sob. Vesemir leans forward and presses a kiss to his temple, feeling self-conscious, but also knowing he'll never forgive himself if he doesn't.
"I love you, son. You can do this."
Three days later, Geralt's carried out of the lab, feverish and pale, but conscious and alive. Eskel cries when Vesemir tells him, and again when he takes him to Geralt's room to sit on the edge of the bed and wrap himself about the other boy's weak frame. Three survivors out a cohort of twenty-five.
Vesemir gives them some privacy, lets Eskel cry into Geralt's shoulder, lets Geralt push weak fingers into his brother's hair and hold him back. Three boys and two more sets of trials, trials they still may not survive.
When Vesemir checks up on them a few hours later with dinner plates for both of them, Eskel's curled up tight beside Geralt, asleep. Geralt, though stares as he comes in, sets the food to the side. Vesemir nods and moves to leave, but the cracked, painful voice stops him in his tracks.
"Thank you. For everything." There's no bitterness there, only a weary kind of love and something like relief. Vesemir has no right to it, no right to the thankfulness of this boy who he has stood by and let be hurt, over and over again in ways no boy, no witcher, ever should.
He nods again, in acknowledgment. Geralt may be thankful, but Vesemir won't forgive himself for a long time.
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Hiiii~ I saw that your requests are open again and I just couldn't miss the chance. So I was wondering if I could have some headcanons of Ciel, Undertaker, Seb and Vincent with a S/O who feels really overwhelmed and self-conscious?
I know that this is a lot so please take as much time as you need and I'll completely understand if you don't write about all of the characters!
Thank you in advance and hope you have a wonderful day!💞✨
Greetings! Of course you can, hope you enjoy!!
When Ciel comes downstairs to greet you, one of the first things he notices is how much you’re playing with your clothes
You always do it, but today it’s especially noticeable
The fabric is bunched up in your hands and your eyes are trained downwards on the floor, even as you stand next to Sebastian and wait for Ciel
You lift your gaze as he arrives and smile happily, and though he can see you’re happy to be with him, he knows the expression is forced
He says nothing of it until your comfortably settled together in a sitting room, each with cups of tea
He notices your hands trembling around the cup and saucer, but you quickly put it down on the nearest surface when you realise he’s looking
That confuses the earl, though from the way you’re still together and trying to avoid looking at him it all becomes obvious quite quickly
“Y/N,” he says quietly, not looking directly at you so you didn’t feel too pressured, “Are you alright? Do you want to talk with me about anything?”
The short sharp breath and subsequent stammering lets him know you were indeed feeling bad about yourself once again
If you try to say it’s nothing, you’re fine, he simply lays a hand over yours and asks once again that you please talk to him, because he’s sure that he can help and even if he can’t, he’ll know someone else who can
Eventually, after much consideration, you whisper out that you’re worried about how you look and what others think of you, that they might all be judging you and talking about you behind your back and how it all ends up getting overwhelming
Ciel dispatched Sebastian to go and get some more tea and a biscuit, then turned back to you with a caring look in his eyes and a light blush on his cheeks, dealing with this stuff isn’t exactly his forte
He then tells you that you look beautiful, especially in the clothes you had clearly worn specially to see him today
He says that everybody is not judging you as you go past but even if some of them are, what difference does it make to you?
Their opinions don’t affect you because what you do and how you act are nothing to them with them and you shouldn’t care in the slightest what they think, as long as you are happy
You shed a couple of tears listening to that speech and Ciel gently squeezed your hand, though the moment was broken by the muffled laughter coming from Sebastian
“My Lord, that was truly inspiring. You would make an excellent politician”
The Earl then pauses a moment in dismay, colour rising on his cheeks just a little more before he reprimands Sebastian for having so much input (as a servant, nonetheless) on what should have been a private conversation
You can’t help but laugh at the situation, which at the very least made the humiliation a bit more bearable for Ciel
Undertaker knew something was wrong as soon as you came into the parlour
He rushed over to you with his customary grin, arms wide open for the bear hug you always shared
You did look a bit squiffy (he was going to ask you about it in a moment) but as soon as he out his arms around you, you stiffened under his touch
That made the reaper frown deeply
You loved the physical contact he offered, it was always comforting to you - it had the same effect on him, hence why you were always physically close to each other
He moved back to see your face, hand moving to rest against it and you flinched before he even touched you
Now downright concerned, Undertaker stepped away completely, shifting his hair back so he could see you properly and worry evident across his features
“Love what’s wrong?” He asked immediately, eyes flicking between your own as you tried to avoid looking at him
The ‘it’s nothing’ was cut off with a ruthless, disbelieving scoff, his gaze becoming so intense that you were forced to look at him and be met with burning green, now unable to look away again
“Now why would you lie to me, hm? You ought to know better than that by now.” When you said nothing, he continued. “Please talk to me? I won’t think it’s daft, whatever it is.”
Rather than responding to his words, you swallowed harshly when you suddenly realised you had just pushed your partner away, someone you trusted absolutely and whose presence you adored
As if you weren’t already overwhelmed enough, that thought just sent you overboard
Tears starting to rim your eyes, you threw yourself at the mortician and hugged him so tightly that had he of been human, you may well have done damage
You buried your face in his shoulder as you tried to hold back your tears, revelling in the sensation that followed him dragging your body flush against his
He had an arm pressed firmly around your lower back and the other just beneath your shoulder blades, whispering sweet nothings in your ear in an attempt to calm you and allowing his hair to fall around you and form a protective barrier you could hide behind
Gently, he prodded again a little while later, eventually finding out this had all come from you feeling self conscious and worrying about yourself and what others thought of you
When you finally got it out, the reaper’s grip became impossibly tighter before he lifted you up like you weighed nothing and carried you though to the backroom, reclining back on the small sofa with you still laying on top of him
Undertaker held you in place when you tried to move, a hand starting to stroke back through your hair and nails caressing your scalp to try and relax you
He smiled when you laid your head in the crook between his neck and shoulder, then began his reassurances
You were gorgeous, he told you, utterly stunning and if anyone should ever say other, you should point him in their direction
He then went on to tell you that it didn’t matter what anyone else thought about you, the people who matter - him, others who you were close to - all considered you the wonderful, brilliant person you were and the unwanted opinion of a stranger was never going to change that
You both stayed fairly quiet after that, his hand still softly running back through your hair and the other tracing patterns over your back
Sebastian also knew something was wrong immediately
You smiled and kissed him lightly when you came in, but there was worry clearly radiating from you and the demon didn’t know why
He placed a gentle hand on your arm as you went to walk past him, drawing your somewhat reluctant gaze back to him
“Do you want to talk to me about it?”
He spoke so softly, like he was trying not to scare you away
You didn’t answer right away, surprised he’d even realised so quickly but also unsure as to whether you really wanted all of this to come out right now
You were already feeling overwhelmed today and the thought of explaining it all to Sebastian of all people was more than a little daunting
“Y/N? Your hand is trembling, are you alright?”
You glanced over to see you had rested your hand on Sebastian’s arm without realising and quickly went to remove it
You tried to tell him you were fine, but the demon merely said your name in a reproachful tone and turned you to face him, an eyebrow raised just to make sure you knew he didn’t believe a word you said
You sighed loudly, turning your head to the side once more
Sebastian's gaze was still boring into yours and it was clear you wouldn’t get away with saying nothing was wrong, so you quietly told him that you worried about how you looked, what other people thought of you and all of it just ended up overwhelming you sometimes
The demon let out a soft breath, extending his arms to offer a hug that you quickly accepted
You hid your face in his chest out of yet more worry over what he might say or think, over what was going to happen next
As it was, you just felt his hand start stroking over your head, closing your eyes when he craned his neck to press a kiss on your cheek
“Would you like tea, me love?” He asked, simply nodding when you said you did
He then startled a shock out of you by scooping you up bridal style and taking you into the other room where, by magic, there were two cups of steaming tea waiting on the coffee table for you both
Sebastian then put you down on the sofa, sat close by you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you curled into his side
“Now about these self conscious concerns of yours,” he murmured, head tilted forwards and eyes seeming to have just the merest glint of red, “they are entirely unnecessary”
He went on to tell you that the people you feared were judging you were nothing but strangers and therefore utterly meaningless to you
Their opinions, voiced or not, were unwanted and as such should be ignored completely
That said, he reassured you, he doubted there were many people with negative thoughts about you anyway, in particular those who didn’t know you
As for your appearance?
“Y/N, you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in all the centuries I’ve been on this Earth. Please don’t ever doubt that.”
He took your hand then and lightly ran his thumb over the inside of your wrist, practically seeing the shivers pass up your spine at the sensation
He was smiling a little though, silently reassuring that what he said was absolutely true
You had gone over to the Phantomhive manor to visit Vincent, a day you had both been planning for quite a while now
It kept having to be pushed back due to work and family commitments on both yours parts but now the day was finally here
And you were nervous about it
It wasn’t like your relationship with Vincent was short term; you’d been together for quite a while now
It was just that you hadn’t seen him in a few weeks and now you were completely overthinking what you had chosen to wear; whether he would like it, if it was too much or too little
That in turn led you onto what the servants might think, even though they would never say anything outright
All of this was still going through your head when you arrived, when you were met by Tanaka who was polite as ever and when you saw Vincent walk down the stairs, a charming smile across his lips
You walked arm in arm to one of the manor’s living rooms, sitting down on the couch next to each other
Vincent was holding your hand, thumb gently stroking over the knuckles and occasionally glancing up to find you were still looking away
He made no comment on the trembling in your fingertips, but you felt his gaze on you more steadily now
Eventually, when it became clear that you weren’t going to say anything unless he did, Vincent shifted so that he was facing you more directly, then asked if you were alright
He didn’t give you time to say you were, instead just saying that he knew you weren’t and he thought if you talked to him about it, you might feel better
After some amount of hesitation, you eventually told him what was going through your mind
The earl frowned in concern when it turned out it was his opinion that was concerning you so much
“You always look stunning, Y/N,” he told you softly, “Why would you think I would be upset with what you’re wearing?”
You rushed to tell him these concerns weren’t specific to him, that you worried about everyone
You placed your hands on him arm, imploring him to understand that he hadn’t done anything to make you think that way, just that it was how your thought processes worked
You didn’t need to have worried about that either it seemed, as Vincent immediately wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on top of your head, hands tracing little patterns on your back
He just told you quietly that you had nothing at all to worry about from other people and it couldn’t matter less what anybody else thinks as long as you’re happy
He went on to bury his nose in your hair, telling you that you had even less need to worry about what he thought
He assured you he would never think negatively about you, that he would always be on your side
You stayed in his arms for quite a while after that, just taking in the comfortable silence and relishing in the thoughts of everything he had just said to you
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devendrasbeard · 3 years
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Only If For A Night
Prompt: They’ve had a few drinks Relationships: Eskel/Jaskier Rating: E Content Warnings: Drunkness, Drunk Kissing, Drunk Confessions Summary:  Eskel is a private driver for a very famous and very successful fashion designer. Having seen the more private side of his boss, he eventually develops feelings for him. One night of drunken confessions can bring a massive change to their professional relationship.
Also on ao3!
"My dear friends, acquaintances, sponsors and clients!" Jaskier's happy voice, amplified by several speakers around the small stage, echoed across the hall. "Thank you for gathering here tonight, so that you'll be the first ones to see, admire, and buy the newest designs from my Dandelions collection!"
A round of applause and excited gasps was heard as a group of androgynous models dressed in wonderfully flowy gowns joined Jaskier on the stage. The clothes were kept in a gender neutral fashion, the fabrics thin as if made of morning mist, but at the same time vibrant with colors, their ethereal vibe contrasted with black hemming at the edges.
"In the next hour the models will be available for you, so that you can get a feel of the clothes, talk about how comfortable of a wear these are. You can even try something on, if the models let you!" Jaskier continued into the microphone. "Just remember - these are real people, not coat hangers! I expect respect towards them and no stepping over any boundaries!"
Eskel stood at the far end of the hall, leaning comfortably against a wall, now and then taking a sip from his glass of water. The day was very hot as for late May, so he was wearing a simple white buttoned up shirt with short sleeves and some black slacks instead of his usual suit ensemble. He loosened the knot in his thin black tie, as he watched Jaskier walk down from the stage and fall into the embrace of his enthusiastic friends.
He liked watching Jaskier, his boss, from afar. Jaskier was fierce, flamboyant and bubbly around his friends, at events, and in front of the media people, but when he thought nobody was looking, his face turned pensive, sometimes even sad. That melancholic, brooding side of Jaskier showed up mostly in the evenings, when the lights went out, his friends went home and it was just him and Eskel driving him home. Eskel liked that side of him.
A few hours into the after party Jaskier approached him, hugging a whole bottle of bourbon to his chest. His cheeks were flushed, blue eyes glistening, his elaborate hairstyle already mussed a little. "Fuck me if this isn't the best collection I've made so far."
Eskel nodded, trying to suppress a chuckle. Whenever Jaskier was tipsy, he forgot about any conventionalities and talked to Eskel as if he was his long time buddy, not his private driver. "It's really good." Eskel admitted. "Need my assistance with anything?"
Jaskier placed a warm palm on Eskel's chest, his bright blue eyes looking up at him. "I wanna go home, my head feels dizzy from all the hugs, fake kisses and congratulations."
"You're sure it's the congratulations and not the bourbon?" Eskel cocked his head, raising a brow in amusement.
"Hey!" Jaskier's long finger was now poking at Eskel's chest. "I pay you to drive me around, not to judge my life's choices."
"Let's go then, I'll drive you home," Eskel nodded and led Jaskier to the door, desperately trying not to wrap a protective arm around his boss' frame.
Jaskier ducked his head through the partition divider, resting his chin on his hands. The strong smell of alcohol mixed with Jaskier's flowery cologne hit Eskel's nose. "Do you like me, Eskel?" He whispered, too close to Eskel's ear.
Eskel shot him a quick glance through the rearview mirror, clearing his throat. "How do you mean?"
"Am I likeable?" Jaskier pouted and cocked his head to the side, to lay it on the cold metal frame of the divider. "Do you like me as a person? I know I am trying to be a good boss and I hope you're satisfied with the work you're doing here for me and that I'm not a pain in the ass for making you drive me around... But am I likeable as a person? Can you even look at me as a person and not your boss, slash famous designer?"
Eskel huffed, feeling goosebumps creeping up his neck. So today's drunk Jaskier's mood was philosophical. Through his last year of driving Jaskier around he's seen him in every sorry state - from being awkwardly horny after a hook up gone wrong, through being insanely euphorical and singing at the top of his lungs in the back seat, to being absolutely shit-faced, making Eskel stop the car every five minutes, so that he could get out and barf on the sidewalk.
But Jaskier asking him if Eskel liked him caught him off guard. What was he supposed to say to that? That ever since he started working for him, he wanted to wrap his arms around Jaskier and kiss him so hard he'd forget his own name? That his heart fluttered everytime Jaskier sent him that deep look and loving smile when they accidentally locked eyes in the rearview mirror? That he's been yearning to spend every second of his life with him? That he loved everything about him - his generosity, his laugh, his creative mind? This wasn't Eskel's place, he was just Jaskier's employee, yet he felt compelled to say something. "You're a good person, Jaskier." He tried.
"Then how come that on the day my newest collection premieres..." He stopped, interrupted by a series of hiccups. "Why is that, that people hug me and kiss me and yet..." He plopped dramatically onto the back seat and sighed. "Why am I yet again going home alone?"
Eskel sighed, a feeling of a thousand needles prickling on his skin. He wanted to pull Jaskier up and wrap him in a tight embrace and scream at the top of his lungs that he was there for him, always, forever! Instead he sighed again, turned to Jaskier for a second and asked, "Should I put your fave music on?"
"Yes, please," Jaskier mumbled. "Thank you, Esk."
"We're here," Eskel turned to Jaskier after he parked the limo outside of Jaskier's apartment building. "Is there anything else I can do for you tonight?"
Jaskier smiled at him, sitting splayed all over the backseat, his hair a mess and his shirt already halfway open, giving Eskel more than a sneak peek of his thick chest hair and the several necklaces dangling on his torso. Eskel swallowed thickly, his mouth suddenly dry, and then Jaskier leaned forward and whispered, "You can come upstairs with me."
Eskel's eyes widened, a hotness creeping up his neck. It was all he ever wanted, but he felt he shouldn't do it tonight, not with Jaskier in this state of mind. He had to think and be reasonable for them both. "Jaskier... You're drunk and tired, I don't think that's a-" A warm finger on his lips shut him up.
"That bottle of bourbon won't empty itself," Jaskier tried for a seductive smile which turned out pretty wonky, but still managed to tug at Eskel's heartstrings. "C'mon, just one drink? You can probably drive after one drink?"
Eskel huffed, his mind racing and trying to weigh all the pros and cons of the situation he's gotten himself into. Jaskier looked at him with pleading eyes, not saying anything, waiting for Eskel's move. "Okay, one drink."
They got out of the car, Jaskier propping himself up on Eskel's shoulder as they entered the building. "Good morning, Jerome," Jaskier addressed the concierge with a wide smile.
"It's midnight, Mr. Pankratz," the concierge rolled his eyes, the look on his face indicating he's seen Jaskier in this state more than once.
As soon as they got into Jaskier's penthouse, Jaskier moved straight to the alcohol cabinet, leaving Eskel in the middle of the spacious living room. Eskel looked around the place, admiring all the art pieces on the walls and various trinkets scattered around the furniture. But the view from the vast windows was what truly mesmerized him - he moved towards the glass walls, gazing down at the night city, so calm and otherworldly from here.
"Thank you for joining me," Jaskier's voice next to him startled him a little. "I really didn't want to be home alone tonight," he added quietly.
"No problem," Eskel smiled at him, noticing that now besides the bourbon bottle, Jaskier was also nursing a flask of red wine. He held both up for Eskel to choose his drink from. Eskel took the wine bottle and asked, "Should I fetch us some glasses, or do I just chug straight from the bottle?"
Jaskier patted his shoulder lightly, laughing too loud, as if Eskel told a joke, then hiccuped a little. "I'll get us some glasses, you..." he waved towards the sofas and armchairs, "you make yourself comfortable."
Eskel didn't get to sit yet when he heard the sound of breaking glass and a sharp hiss coming from the kitchen. He jumped up, leaving the wine bottle on the table and moved towards Jaskier.
"It's nothing, it's nothing," Jaskier was already kneeling on the floor, clumsily collecting the broken pieces of a wine glass. "Guess everything went too smoothly for me today."
The sigh that left Jaskier's lips sounded more like a broken whimper and Eskel's heart physically hurt at the sight of his famous and successful boss looking so small and pitiful in the middle of his kitchen. He felt like crying. "Leave it, I'll clean it up," he offered. "Maybe you should go to bed, lay down a little?"
Jaskier looked up at him, the gaze of his blue eyes unfocused. He pointed at Eskel with his index finger while standing up. "No, you-... You've promised me that one drink!"
Two hours later Eskel knew he wasn't going to make it home that night. The wine bottle in his hands was almost empty, and he felt slightly light-headed and dizzy, but not drunk. Jaskier, on the other hand, was already edging on wasted, his shirt now unbuttoned, cheeks red, his words incoherent and slurry.
"Y'know, I'm fully aware of my... My pre... my pry... My privilege," he blurted out, "but yet I give myself permission to feel miserable from time to time... And now is the day!" he gestured with his hand, in which he held the bourbon bottle, spilling a little on the table.
"Okay, I'll take this," Eskel grabbed the bottle from him as Jaskier plopped back onto the sofa.
"How do you know who's your friend?" Jaskier asked, his gaze focused on the ceiling as if he was trying to find an answer there. "People hug me and kiss me and invite themselves into... Into my life and then what? They want free stuff, they want contacts with my famous friends, they want..." He stopped and looked over at Eskel, his blue eyes sad and pleading, as if he waited for Eskel to give him a solution.
"Look for those who stick around when the lights go out, when the party's over... For-for those who ask you how you feel and not what you can give to them." He felt the hotness of embarrassment creep up his neck, his ears turning red. He was talking about himself and he only gave himself permission to do so because Jaskier was drunk and wouldn't remember it the next day.
"That's... wise," Jaskier nodded and reached out with his hand to pat Eskel's cheek. Then his eyes narrowed as if he was trying to remember something important. "You never asked me for anything."
Eskel cleared his throat, and turned his face away from Jaskier, to hide his unease. "I'm... I'm fine. I'm happy with my job."
"Yeah? What do you do for a living?" Jaskier asked.
That caused Eskel to chuckle, and Jaskier followed with his pearly laugh, although he didn't know what was going on, and in a moment they were both laughing loudly and snickering like children. Jaskier patted Eskel's knee several times before leaning back onto the sofa.
"Jaskier, I work for you. I drive you around, remember?" Eskel said, wiping tears of mirth from the corner of his eye.
"Right." Jaskier nodded. "I hope I pay you well."
"You're a good boss," Eskel smiled. They locked eyes for a long moment, not saying anything. Jaskier licked his lips subconsciously and Eskel had to look away, the sight causing a warm feeling to coil in his stomach. "Alright, boss, time to get you to bed," he cleared his throat. "I'll crash on the couch if you don't mind, can't really drive now."
"Oh no no, no sleepin' on couches in my house! I have guest rooms for guests!" Jaskier stood up abruptly, too quickly for the drunken state he was in. His foot kicked the table leg and he wobbled a little, losing his balance.
He landed in Eskel's lap, Eskel instinctively putting a protective arm over him to save him from falling over and onto his back. Jaskier grabbed Eskel's shoulder for balance and suddenly their faces were incredibly close. So close Eskel could smell Jaskier's cologne, now suppressed by the tangy scent of bourbon. He was so close that Eskel could see those tiny crows feet forming at the corners of Jaskier's eyes, he could notice his flared nostrils and the wet shimmer on his lips. He swallowed audibly.
"Whoo, that was close. Thank-... Thank you," Jaskier laughed lightly and squeezed his shoulder. In a silent reply, Eskel caressed Jaskier's back gently, so delicately as if he didn't want Jaskier to feel it. But apparently Jaskier did, because he leaned forward and pressed a soft butterfly kiss to Eskel's lips. He pulled away and looked Eskel deep in the eyes, while undoing his tie. "Could you... Can you, just for tonight, forget that I'm your boss?" he asked quietly.
Eskel looked at him wide eyed, frozen in place and unable to speak. But when Jaskier gave his tie one last slight tug, he was lost. He's been waiting for that little sign, for a nod of permission, and as soon as he got it, he launched forward, pushing Jaskier off his knees and pressing him down onto the sofa with his weight.
He kissed him, reluctantly at first, but when Jaskier let out the first quiet whimper of pleasure, Eskel was all lost on him. He pressed his lips to Jaskier's, with his eyes closed, trying to put into that kiss all that yearning and longing he'd felt for Jaskier for months.
Jaskier was under him, sighing and panting, arching into Eskel’s touch. Responding to every kiss with passion. Eskel moaned into Jaskier's mouth as his hands roamed under his already open shirt, caressing the soft skin on Jaskier's sides, skimming over his chest hair and slightly tugging at the multiple necklaces on his neck.
Jaskier sat up and fumbled with the buttons on Eskel's shirt, his now clumsy fingers too uncoordinated to undo them. He tugged desperately at the shirt, causing two buttons to pop off and fall to the floor. They both looked at them, Jaskier with a hint of embarrassment, Eskel amazed with Jaskier's strength. Jaskier pulled at Eskel's shirt and dragged him into another heated kiss. "Off! Just take that shirt off," he demanded between kisses.
As he stripped off of his shirt, Eskel noticed how Jaskier's eyes glistened and how he licked his lips lusciously, before launching himself at Eskel. He peppered his face, neck and chest with kisses, murmuring "You're beautiful" and "I love you so much" between kisses, making Eskel writhe with pleasure and whine with emotions, because he so wanted Jaskier to mean it.
"Can I take you to the bedroom?" Jaskier asked while tugging at the waistband of Eskel's slacks. "God, why is the belt so complicated?" He threw his hands up losing his balance and landing on the floor. Eskel reached out to help him up, only to be dragged down to the floor right next to Jaskier.
"Okay, bedroom it is," he laughed into Jaskier's mouth, who already managed to slot their lips in another heated kiss.
Eskel woke up with his head feeling very heavy, his mouth dry as if he'd eaten sand. He sat up, rubbing at his eyes, taking in the situation. He was naked, with only the bedsheets tangled around his legs. Jaskier was sleeping next to him, lying on his stomach, one hand draped comfortably around Eskel's waist. He was equally naked, his perky ass sticking out from under the covers.
Eskel watched him mesmerized, noticed how beautifully lean and supple Jaskier's body was, he watched how he moved slightly with every breath... And then tiny bits of memories of last night hit him like a wave. He remembered the passionate kisses Jaskier showered him with, how unbelievably soft and pliant Jaskier's body was under his touch, he recalled the weight of Jaskier's cock on his tongue and how wonderfully he moaned Eskel's name with his hand tangled in Eskel's hair...
One part of him wanted to leave before Jaskier would wake up, spare him the awkwardness of a morning after. They never planned on something like that, after all they were boss and employee, they just let alcohol get the best of them. The other part of Eskel wanted to stay, to savour the moment of absolute intimacy and vulnerability between them. That other part wanted all this drunken mishap to turn into something more than just a one night stand.
Then Jaskier stirred next to him, waking up, pulled himself closer to Eskel's chest and murmured a soft "Good morning." He sat up, dragging one hand through his disheveled hair, taking in the sight of their naked bodies. "So... I guess last night ended up better than expected?" He shot Eskel an embarrassed smile. "Did we... You know. Go all the way?"
"I honestly don't know," Eskel admitted sheepishly, pulling the bedsheets up to cover the both of them. "Are you okay, Jaskier? You didn't go easy on the bourbon last night."
"I'm fine," Jaskier waved him off, but his eyes narrowed and he worried his lower lip and Eskel knew he was trying to recall what happened last night. "I hope I didn't take advantage of you?"
"Everything I did, I did because I wanted to," Eskel said firmly, though he felt the hotness on his cheeks and ears at the memory of their naked bodies tangled together and Jaskier moaning so sweetly into his ear.
"Yeah?" Jaskier scooted even closer to him under the bedsheets. "Care to remind me what did you actually do?"
Eskel exhaled deeply, feeling Jaskier's hot breath on his neck, making his own skin feel too tight. The memory of Jaskier's body arched beautifully under Eskel's touch flashed before his eyes, and he cleared his throat. "I'm... I'm pretty sure I sucked you off."
"Oh." Jaskier's face was painted with astonishment, but only for a moment. In the next he was already straddling Eskel's lap, braiding his fingers in his dark hair, looking him deep in the eye. "I think it's only fair if I return the favour now?"
Before Jaskier moved down on him, Eskel grabbed his hands and made Jaskier face him. "Listen..." he started, mouth extremely dry, more of nervousness than hangover. "You said some very weighty things to me yesterday, that I really wished were true... But I know this could be just the alcohol's doing." He huffed, pressing his eyes shut. "If it's not what you meant, or how you feel about me, I'd rather leave now."
Jaskier sighed, deeply, but he didn't lower his gaze. He intertwined their fingers and placed a kiss on the top of Eskel's palm. "I remember one thing vividly from last night," he said. "And that is feeling loved and wanting to give as much love as possible back." He kissed the fingers on Eskel's hand. "If you felt the same, I'd rather you stayed. Forever, if possible?"
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lowkeyorloki · 4 years
Library Card
An AU in which you’re a librarian, and Loki’s fingertips brushing against yours as you take his card makes you blush
(shoutout to @the-emo-asgardian and @is-it-madness for helping me decide to narrate this fic from loki’s point of view! you guys rock!!)
also, as a tom hiddleston fan, “ehehehe” was bound to make an appearance in one of my fics sooner or later. let’s just hope i used it well
Loki watched as the crowd of people you just helped filed out the door, shoving receipts printed with due dates into the spine of their books. He thinks about them, men and women going home to their families with a novel they won’t have the time to even begin, let alone finish. Eight years now, Loki had spent living on Midgard and he still couldn’t understand it. Why would they risk the embarrassment of coming back to the library every week, knowing full well they didn’t do anything with what the building provided them?
Well... probably because the only employee would never say something about it. 
You were at the circulation desk now, sighing deeply as you pinch the bridge of your nose. You always did that, Loki had noticed, after you helped large groups. Like any extended period of social interaction made you tired. Loki couldn’t judge you for that. While he was perfectly capable of being charming and outgoing when he needed to be, he didn’t particularly enjoy it.
So he gives you a few minutes, and once you’ve had a sip of water and typed a few words into your computer, he steps towards the desk. 
“Hi.” you say, meeting his eyes. Loki nods.
“Hello.” he greets you back.
That was always the extent of your conversations. You would look at Loki with your wide eyes- they really were beautiful, unlike any others he had seen on Midgard. You looked at Loki with such a kindness about you, like you wouldn’t second guess giving him a hug if he started crying right then and there.
Thor would take offense to this. Loki can almost hear his brother’s voice in his head, telling him that it’s better for someone to only look at one person that way.
But the fact you treated all your patrons with a good disposition didn’t make Loki feel like he wasn’t special, or whatever else Thor meant when he was saying things like that. Loki liked knowing there were people like you, who were nice to everyone because there was no reason not to be. It was a type of person Loki had never been around growing up. It was... comforting, to see now.
And besides, you had a sense of humor as well. Loki never confirmed this himself, but you often sent people away from the counter laughing. And there was a face you’d make, one Loki could never look away from. You’d scrunch your nose, then let out a genuine laugh. In a quiet library, you took up all the space.
Your words tear Loki from his thoughts.
“You know...” you hold up one of his books. Othello. “You can buy this book. Or at least renew it, instead of returning it and then checking it out again every week.” your eyes twinkle. Loki finds himself momentarily at a loss for words.
“I could.” he agrees. You lean forward, seemingly eager to hear Loki’s answer. Loki’s eyes scan the small building. You’re alone. He smirks. “But I would hate to bar anyone else from a classic.” he says. You suck in a breath.
“I hate to say it, but no one in this town is going to read Shakespeare. I would know, because I manage the holds list.” you scan the book, the machine next to you making a beeping noise. Loki hums.
“Well.” Loki begins. Your eyebrows raise at the god, an action he often finds himself doing. It’s interesting to see someone else do it. “In that case, I could easily buy the play, yes. But I wouldn’t ever be able to bring myself to. I enjoy the older books. Loose pages, broken spines. They have a certain charm to them.”
You blink, staring at Loki in wonder. 
“Yes.” you say, with emphasis. “Oh my gosh, exactly. And, okay please don’t think I’m weird, but the-”
“Smell?” Loki finishes for you. Your smile is contagious, Loki finds the corners of his mouth drifting up, too.
“Yeah! It doesn’t come with new books.” you exclaim. You shrink back. “Sorry.” you say, self consciously. “I don’t know many people who like books the way I do.” Loki watches you pack your excitement away, and for some reason, it weighs on him deep in his chest.
“Don’t apologize.” he tells you. “And now you do. One person who shares your interest is better than none.”
You look at Loki with a sense of amazement, almost like you can’t believe he’s standing in front of you. “Yeah.” you say, your voice sounding lighter than it was before. “It is.”
You shake your head, like you’re breaking yourself out of a daze. “Um, I’ll need your card. To check you out. To check your books out! Not you, I wouldn’t do that.” you knit your eyebrows together in frustration. “Not that I wouldn’t because you’re unattractive or anything- you’re handsome, it’s just that-”
“Here.” Loki’s biting back a laugh now, handing you his library card to put you out of your misery. You seem thankful when he does.
Loki’s fingertips brush your own when you take the piece of plastic from him, and it sends jolts of electricity through his hand. It takes him by surprise, his body reacting so strongly to such a simple touch.
You feel it too: Your breath hitches, barely. It’s nothing another human would be able to detect, but in Loki’s godlike stature, you may as well have gasped out loud. 
You retract your hand at what must be a record speed, scanning the card and laying it on the counter so there’s no chance of contact again. You push the books towards Loki.
“Thanks for coming in.” you say. “And for that chat. It was fun.”
“Yes.” Loki says tentatively. He takes the books. “It was.”
With that, Loki turns towards the exit, fully prepared to leave and continue his day as planned.
And yet...
Loki looked back at you as he was halfway through the door. Your hands were busy, scanning papers and moving pencils in a way that made Loki think you were trying to look occupied as opposed to actually being so.
“I... Pardon me.” Loki steps back towards the counter. You look up at him with wide eyes, a red tint still flushing your cheeks. Loki does his best not to focus on it.
“Returning Othello already?” you ask. “That was fast, even for you.” Loki scoffs.
“No, not quite yet. Listen, I assure you, I am not usually not this forward, but...” Loki’s grip on his stack of books tightens. “Would you like to grab a drink sometime?” 
“Hmmm.” you’re holding a pen in your hand, click-click-clicking it as you talk. “You do remember I’m a librarian, right?” your words sound like a rejection, but you’re beaming as you bite your lip.
Loki finds himself smiling back- you’re playing a game. Teasing.
“Ehehehe.” he laughs. “You’re right, how silly of me. Coffee, then?”
Your smile lights up the room as you reach forward, taking Loki’s hand and flattening it out. He feels the dull point of your ballpoint pen as you write your number, as well as your warm breath on his arm. Loki suppresses a shudder- a good kind, from anticipation more than anything else. 
“Call me, mister...” your eyes drift to the receipt you had printed just moments before. “Laufeyson.”
“I will.” Loki tells you. He holds up his hand with your writing. “Don’t sweat it.” One of the only Midgardian phrases Loki has picked up on. He hopes it worked, and thinks it does when you roll your eyes.
“Oh my god, you’re jokester. A Trickster, even.” Loki grins. You have no idea. he thinks to himself.
He pushes the glass door open and walks away, his spirits higher than they’d been in, well...
The last eight years. 
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Mutual (Mis)Understandings
Summary: Wild and Zelda seem to be engaged... and Twilight like the worried mother hen of the group that he is overreacts and misunderstands greatly. 
Or, Zelda and Wild are best friends, but they’re also both arcace and the only reason they’ll ever get married is for the Hylian equivalent of tax-benefits. 
Note: this was purely self indulgent and was written instead of my actual next LU fic. In the mean time, enjoy this. From now on I only write aroace Wild and Flora and if you don’t like it then don’t talk to me lmao
Twilight supposes it was only a matter of time before they ran into Wild's Zelda. Because, despite Wild's Hyrule being so much larger than it's versions before it, Zelda apparently was still a woman who could not be confined to the walls of her castle. If she wanted to explore and meet new people, then she would. According to Wild, that is.
Zelda is, at first glance, the embodiment of grace and beauty. Her hair is golden and her eyes the color of the grass that flourishes on the hills. Her lips are full, and colored not a perfect red but not a perfect pink either. Her hair, while chopped short, is braided and styled perfectly in a way that compliments her beauty even more.
But then, you look at her traveling clothes and the twigs in her hair, and you realize that Wild once told you a story about how she tried to force a frog into his mouth.
She stands in the center of Terry Town, near a beautiful fountain built around a small shrine for the goddess Hylia, and in a strange reincarnation way, a tribute for her as well. As the group walks into the town that's suspended on a circle of land that towers high over a small lake, she turns and smiles, delight sparkling in her eyes when her gaze lands on her knight. It's an unexpected reunion, one that started with Wild wanting to show them something he's proud of, and one that's turning out to be more of a treat than any of them expected. Especially, when besides Twilight, Wild lets out a happy gasp and runs ahead of the group, slamming into his princess with a tight and joy-filled hug. The moment is so touching that even Legend smiles.
The hug lasts a little longer before Zelda and Wild part, splitting to stand next to each other with shoulders brushing. They look perfect together. Like they were made for each other. Wild smiles at the group and Zelda matches his smile but in a more polite and curious way.
"I believe introductions are in order?" She asks, though it's not really a question. More like an invitation.
Twilight looks over at Wild, a matching look of awkwardness passing between them. Hyrule pulls at his collar nervously. It's always… strange to introduce themselves to people. While many people are named Link to honor heroes, it is still strange to have nine boys traveling together all introduce themselves as such. They really need to come up with better names than rancher and traveler and the old man.
Thankfully, Time is ever the wisest and the owner of the group's meager stash of brain cells. He steps forward with a respectable bow. "Princess Zelda," he says, standing up from his bow, "we have traveled with Link for a few months now and have found ourselves caught in… quite a complicated story. Perhaps, if I may be so bold, it would be wise to allow us a more private space for introductions?"
"I see," Zelda says, her polite smile turning into something a little sharper. Not in an offended way, but in a way that she knows something that they don't. Thankfully, she doesn't keep them waiting for long. "Yes, perhaps it would be wise. Though, it seems I must have to introduce myself as well before we begin. It's not princess. It's queen."
Twilight sometimes keeps himself up at night wondering about how his Zelda might take the news of there being eight more heroes carrying the name "Link" around. It's hard to tell with her, and it's not like they're close. Their relationship is strictly "Princess and Hero", and the most they have in common besides the whole reincarnation thing is Midna.
Which is a topic both of them tend to avoid.
So really, he cannot say for sure how she'd react. Would she believe it? Would she take it in stride? Twilight can really only imagine her taking in the information with a straight face before saying it doesn't concern her so begone.
One thing's for sure, she wouldn't react like Wild's Zelda does.
Because, well, if Twilight thought the kids at his home village were made of skin, bone, and questions, then the Zelda before him is made of questions, questions, and more questions.
"Who is the first among you? What year was it? Strange, it seems you used a different calendar than us. And it's peculiar you two have the same dates but live in completely different worlds- oh you and your Zelda were childhood friends? And you have two Zeldas'? What about you? What is your kingdom like-?
By the end of the afternoon, everyone's mouths had run dry from talking and Warriors was about to jump into the fountain at the center of town yelling about thirst before a tall Gerudo lady stopped him with a level look.
Zelda and Wild have broken off from the group; the town's people and the various guards who must be here for Zelda's protection (even though Twilight's sure she can definitely more than protect herself, it must be for their own peace of mind) have stopped giving them those you nasty foreigners looks and have actually started to seek out conversation in the form of you have money, I have things to sell, wink wink. As the sun crept closer towards the edges of Death Mountain, everyone one-by-one decided the beds promised to them at the inn sounded more interesting than sitting around and doing nothing.
Time being one of the first to retire, not that Twilight blames him. The question "Which one of you is the hero from ten thousand years ago?" weighs heavy on all their minds. The lore of that hero doesn't sound familiar to any of them, and it left the whole group wondering how many lives they have lived, and if they are destined to add more to their group of nine.
Regardless, Twilight finds himself one of the last members to head to bed, and not for the lack of trying. He had accidentally mentioned wrestling around a towering Goron and his little brother and had, in a sting of events he was entirely unwilling in, found himself wrestling Greyson with a whole crowd of townspeople watching with jeers and enthusiasm. Greyson wasn't a full grown Goron, so it was surprisingly easy to knock him out of their makeshift ring carved into the ground with a stick without the aid of his iron boots.
After winning that fight, the Gerudo lady who probably made Warriors wet his pants with her glare decided she wanted in on the action, to which Wind and Hyrule screamed out he was a coward for turning her down by saying he definitely already knows she'll win.
Because she definitely will win. He's seen fully grown pumpkins smaller than her biceps.
But, Twilight is ever the gentleman and absolutely not a coward and caved even though he knows he will walk away from this with a few new bruises.
Turns out, the kind of wrestling the Gerudo lady (who he finds out is named Rhondson judging by the "TEAR HIS ARMS OFF, RHONDSON!" that was yelled out from the crowd as she knocked his feet out from below him) was trying to do was different from goat and Goron wrestling, and he was completely unprepared for her to bring him to the ground and attempt at pinning him down like a madwoman. He's never been so terrified in his entire life.
He should have explained the rules better to more than just Greyson.
He was in the middle of trying to shove her off from him (because apparently a loss is being pinned down for three seconds as refereed by her husband and Twilight is not about to lose so easily with Wind in the sidelines laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes) when he notices Wild and his Zelda leave a building and quietly retreat towards the far cliff edges of town. Rhondson seems to notice this as well, because she pauses in her tortuous wrestling long enough to mutter under her breath "young love..."
To which. Twilight promptly short-circuits.
Young love?
And Zelda?
Yeah sure, he knew Zelda and Wild were close, but Wild was the most… rowdy and dirty piece of work he's ever met. And sure, Zelda isn't exactly the most poise and elegant creature in the world—the twigs still in her hair, the mud running up her boots to her trousers, the ever slowly becoming undone braids in her hair that she doesn't seem to truly care about are all testament of that. Twilight is just… well, he didn't think Wild had it in him. To catch the attention and affection of someone like Zelda… Twilight needs to hand it to him. He guesses Wild can be romantic when he wants to be.
Unfortunately, thanks to his little brain explosion, Rhondson manages to pin him down long enough for Hudson to smack the ground three times. (Seriously, what is up with the son part of everyone's name?)
Rhondson lets him up with a triumphant smirk and Twilight lays on the ground, winded.
"Young love?" He croaks, because his brain is still trying to process. It's like adding two and two together and getting goat.
Rhondson's smirk seems to widen even more as she extends a hand, golden jewelery clinking on her toned wrists. "Don't you know? The Queen and her knight are engaged."
She says it casually like it's nothing truly new or exciting as she lifts him to his feet.
Wind's laughter from the sidelines suddenly turns into choking noises. Twilight can only short-circuit some more.
Because what.
Rhondson doesn't explain anymore as she accepts cheering from the rest of the town. No one explains as the crowd disperses, the sun fully behind Death Mountain and the moonrise breeze moving in with the smell of the ocean. Soon enough, Twilight is still standing where he's been left, Wind sitting on the ground cross-legged with his chin in his hands, and Hyrule standing besides him looking unsure if he should suggest bed or something else.
Wild is seventeen (plus one hundred but that doesn’t count) years old and he's engaged.
He knows the age of adulthood changes every so often, but honestly at least wait until you're twenty before you commit! Or let Twilight be married first!
He slowly manages to crawl out from his churning thoughts back into his body, and the first thing he does is look towards where Zelda and Wild disappeared to and suddenly his brain is thinking of a whole matter of things the two of them might be doing. Alone. With no one to catch them.
He's moving to follow them before he can make himself rethink to maybe respect their choices and boundaries. Hyrule, perhaps thinking the same thing, grabs onto the tail of his wolf's pelt.
"Wait!" Hyrule says, trying to be the voice of reason, which is strange because normally that's Twilight's job, "maybe we should let them be… alone-"
"Traveler, are you a man or a mouse?!" Wind demands, catching up to the two of them, looking way too determined to intrude upon a potential make-out session.
Hyrule squeaks. "M-man!"
Twilight ignores them as he creeps towards the buildings the two love birds disappeared behind.
"Besides, the champion brought this upon himself," Wind continues. "He should have told us he was going to be the future King of Hyrule. He deserves it."
It; being a good sneaking up on. Twilight finds himself agreeing. They've known Wild for how long and he hasn't told them at all that he was engaged?
The topic of love and settling down has come up many times in their group.
"Champion, do you like anyone?" "Nah, the only thing I like is cooking." "Hey champion, after all this and settling down, what are your plans?" "To become a world renowned chef." "Cook! I saw the face you were making when Malon was talking about girls! Who were you thinking of?" "Food. Duh."
The sniveling little weasel. To think Twilight fell for it.
Twilight holds up his hand as they approach the buildings, Wind and Hyrule quiet down their conversations. It seems even though Hyrule took a rare attempt at peacekeeping, he has ultimately decided upon even though I don't like it I still want to come along. They poke their heads around the corner of the building and find…
No one is here.
How interesting.
Wind gives a groan of outrage and Hyrule releases a sigh of relief so powerful the grass waves a little. Twilight continues forward and looks at the soft dirt on the ground that leads to the sheer unforgiving drop of cliff. They should really fence this off, he's seen the children in the town and one of them could easily fall.
"I can't believe the cook, the sly fox," Wind was grumbling and not for the first time Twilight decides to not ask how the kid knows so much about stuff like this. Hyrule says something back about maybe there's a reason Wild's kept it secret but Twilight doesn't listen in too hard as his eyes catch on something in the ground.
There. Footsteps. Fresh. Two different sizes, one small and the other slightly larger. Could easily belong to a queen wearing muddy boots and a knight.
He follows the footsteps and his stomach jumps when he follows them to the edge of the cliff.
Did they… were they so... that they didn't notice the cliff?!
He rushes towards the quite literal edge of Terry Town and frantically looks down into the water below. It's hard to see with the light of the quarter moon creeping up behind them.
He can't see a thing, but thankfully Wind has a knack for looking into the horizon because his voice cuts through his internal panic with the pointing of a hand.
Twilight follows the pointing finger until his eyes land on the distant sight of two people sharing one lantern in the forest past the edge of the lake. One is vaguely femininely shaped and the other about the same height but with less curves. They're walking through the tall grass and wirey trees, past the empty husks of what Wild calls Guardians.
Until Wild points out something and they share a look before running behind one of the husks and staying there.
How… how unseemly! Didn't one of those things kill Wild?!
Twilight grabs at the grapple in his bag, thankful he decided to keep that with him instead of putting everything in the inn, and ties the end of it around one of the nearby fence posts. The shore of the lake doesn't look too far from here. He should be able to swim it. Easy.
Wind and Hyrule follow him down without complaint, as Twilight drops the other end of his grapple down with the fill length of chain extended. It takes a few minutes and a few stomach churning, chain wiggling moments with the wind for Twilight to finally find himself at the end of the line, just a short distance from the water.
He hopes there's no monsters in there.
Well. Here goes nothing.
He lets go of the chain and his stomach flips just a bit before he hits the surprisingly refreshing water. Not too cold but not worryingly warm. It's also shallow, his toes brushing the bottom for just a moment before he swims towards where he thinks the shore is and upwards until he reaches the surface with a gasp. There's two more splashes behind him and soon the three of them find themselves gasping and dripping on the muddy and rocky shore of the lake. Hyrule looks the worst out of all of them, perhaps not as used to swimming, but they at least all made it with no monster battles or near drownings. So a win.
The light of the two love bird's lantern is still a good distance away, and by the time they near most of the water has dripped away from their clothes and hair, leaving them uncomfortably damp.
And as they near closer, the louder they can hear… giggling.
Twilight puts a hand to his lips and stops Hyrule and Wind where they stand. Wind looks about ready to throw a fit with a string of embarrassing things like I know what sex is and 'm not a kid but thinks the wiser of it when Hyrule frantically makes cut throat notion, signalling yelling is not the best idea right now.
Twilight takes it upon himself to approach the husk of the Guardian himself. He feels… icky. Like he shouldn't impose. But there's such a thing as chastity and being too young to accidentally become with child. Twilight knows Wild and Zelda has been away from each other for some time, and the… urge must be strong, but he will not allow his protégé to make a mistake he might regret before he's even married.
"Oh Link, it's beautiful!" Zelda says, breathless.
Twilight takes a deep breath and walks around the Guardian with his hands on his hips. Hopefully Zelda doesn't order his death for this.
"What are you two doing?!"
And then he pauses, eyes wide as Wild jumps up from where he's been crouching, pulling out his sword and looking more angry than what Twilight's ever seen him, before shock and curiosity replaces the anger. Zelda is standing behind him, having jumped to her feet and pulling out a dagger, and behind her a green firebug flies away.
They're both fully clothed and looking at Twilight like he's grown a second head.
"Um." Twilight says smartly, his brain going back into process-mode as Zelda rolls her eyes, puts her dagger away, and looks behind her for the firebug that's flown away.
"Are they decent?" Hyrule's voice asks, which is something Wind doesn't bother to do before he steps around the Guardian to stand by Twilight with a disappointed face. Someone really needs to wash that kid's brain out with soap.
"Decent?" Wild asks, confused. Zelda doesn't say anything, she's crouched further into the forest and creeping up on another firebug.
They were… looking at bugs.
"It's okay, traveler," Twilight says, releasing a breath and thanking Hylia and all the other spirits for everything somehow being a misunderstanding. "We were wrong."
"Wrong about what?" Wild asks, sounding even more confused.
Twilight shakes his head and grabs Wind's head, wrapping his hand around the boy's mouth before he can say anything gross. Hyrule walks over, looking as relieved as he might if he were told the spirit of the demon Ganondorf was forever destroyed. Which is to say, he was looking extremely relieved.
"Oh good," Hyrule says as Wild mutters what's probably explicits behind Twilight's hand. "We thought you were having- mmph?!"
Twilight has successfully grabbed Hyrule's face with his other hand and covers his mouth too. Now, with both boys successfully gagged and pinned to his chest, Twilight gives Wild his best smile and hopes it doesn't look too conspicuous and nervous.
"We saw the light and thought you two saw something dangerous," he lies easily.
Wild gives him a slight suspicious look, his eyes flickering between Twilight's two captives and Twilight himself before shrugging and putting his sword away. Twilight had to fight to keep a straight face as Hyrule elbows his side and Wind licks his hand.
"It's Zelda's first time at Terry Town, and I wanted to show her the creatures that call this place home," Wild explains, not looking all that concerned that Twilight is still holding two of their group members captive by the faces. Hyrule is licking too now, but Twilight can't trust them not to say the sex word yet. Twilight grew up the perpetual older brother of four kids in Ordon, he's been in positions like this before with much more slobbery licking.
"Oh that's good then, no danger!" Twilight says, keeping in a gasp as Hyrule elbows his side harder and Wind makes a mad grasp for his hair.
Thankfully, Zelda speaks up in a whisper-yell from where she's crouching. "Link! There's a wolf!"
Wild gives the other heroes a wide grin before he quietly sprints towards Zelda and couches besides her. The two begin to talk to each other in hushed voices.
Twilight let's a second pass, and then he releases his captives.
Hyrule takes in a deep gasp like Twilight had been strangling him—he wasn't—and Wind spits at the ground furiously like what he licked had been poisonous—Twilight is doubtful the palm of his hand tasted that bad.
Before either of them could recover, Twilight leans down and grabs them both by the points of their ears.
"Do. Not. Say. A. Word."
Wind whacks his hand away, scowling. "Okay okay! Geez-"
Twilight gives them both level glares and eventually they both nod in agreement. Whatever misunderstanding has just happened, Wild and Zelda were to remain unaware of it. Period.
With the unspoken agreement, the three of them walk up to Wild and Zelda, of which Wild is currently in a long ramble in the differences between all the kinds of wolves in Hyrule. Apparently, wolves in Akkala have slightly shorter snouts compared to Hyrule Field Wolves even though they have the same coloring. Interesting. Kind of useless to Twilight, but he'd much rather listen to Wild explain the slight differences of wolves than… other things.
When Zelda requests to see the two kinds of wolves side-by-side, Wild promises he has pictures of both of them on his little magic box thing.
And that's... pretty much how the next few hours go. Wild and Zelda run bush to bush, talking excitedly between each other about black winged butterflies and the abilities gained from eating a golden beetle, and the three other heroes follow along like lost puppies, not able to offer a single shred of new information to the chatty environmentalists. Twilight manages to get in a small comment about the Ordon goats—and ignores the triplet groaning from Wild, Wind, and Hyrule—but after he fails to produce a picture of his favorite animal Zelda loses interest and moves on to poking the leaves of some random flower.
Twilight sighs. Someday someone will worship the Ordon goats like they deserve.
Hours pass and Wind gives a huge very bored sounding yawn, which somehow earns the pity of Zelda. "You're right, small pirate Link. It is probably about time we should head back." She turns towards the Wild with a glint in her eyes. "I'm sure the guards are missing us."
Wild snickers and Twilight rolls his eyes before turning to look at where the cliffs surrounding Terry Town. Then, something occurs to him.
"Hey, you came down with your paraglider?" Twilight says and Wild nods slowly, patting the folded up contraption on his back. "How did you two plan on getting back to town?"
Matching looks of we didn't think of that flashes on Zelda and Wild's faces.
Twilight sighs, turning to Zelda. "Think you can climb a chain or do you want to walk up the long way?"
Zelda narrows her eyes and rolls up her sleeves. Her biceps, too, resemble that of a grown pumpkin. Twilight won't ask if she's sure, he bets she can take him down wrestling as well.
"Alright then," he says.
They walk back towards the lake as a group, and Twilight does his best to comfort Hyrule who's glaring at the water with resentment. It will definitely be harder getting back up than it was getting down. They'll have to swim the lake and climb up the cliffs a bit before jumping to the hanging chain and climbing the rest of the way up there. It'll be a fun workout.
As they walk, Twilight falls back to fall into step with Zelda and Wild. Wind and Hyrule continue onwards in front of them.
"So…" Twilight says under his breath, just loud enough for the two champions of this time to hear them. They both give him curious looks. "Engaged, huh?"
Twilight expected blushing or blubbering or something. What he got was a full on belly laugh from the queen and a rolling-of-the-eyes from her knight and husband-to-be.
"Who told you," Wild demands as Zelda laughs on, earning slightly concerned looks from Hyrule and Wind, "was it Rhondson? I bet it was Rhondson."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Twilight asks, ignoring Wild's (accurate) accusations towards Rhondson.
At this, a flash of guilt passes over Wild's face and Zelda quiets, looking interested. "It… never came up?"
"You forgot, didn't you?" Zelda asks. Wild gives her an apologetic look and she scoffs, looking shockingly more amused than anything.
"I didn't... forget. I was just focused on the quest!"
"It's okay, Link. I forgot too."
"Oh thank Hylia."
The two of them fall into some strange companionable understanding silence and Twilight is left completely and frustratingly out of an apparent inside joke or some sort.
He sighs. "Look, I know this might sound weird, coming from me," Zelda and Wild give him their attention with matching expressions of curiosity, "but I know you're both young and probably haven't been taught very well about… adult matters, so…" oh this is so awkward, they're looking confused, "if you have any questions about… um… urges or desires-"
"Oh!" Zelda says, clapping her hands together in front of her. "You mean sex!"
Twilight chokes on his words and Wild nearly trips into the dirt. Zelda looks like she hasn't said anything strange at all.
"Don't worry, Mr Goat Farmer Link. Link and I know all about sex and we decided we will not being doing it," Zelda says as if she's reassuring a worried soldier or something similar. Indifferent. Straight faced.
"Y-yeah," Wild says after he had refound his footing. "Strictly business. Our marriage."
"I was tired of Impa asking when I'll get married and produce an heir," Zelda explains easily, though she gave a slight disgusted tone at the word produce. "I am much more interested in so many other things, but Impa was getting insistent." Zelda rolls her eyes.
"So Zelda decided to ask me to marry her," Wild puts in quietly, "and I told her that um… I'm not interested in her or in anyone that way, but she said the same thing and then told me that it would benefit us both to marry anyway and so… yeah."
"Impa would stop bugging me about getting married and Link would have unlimited access to the castle kitchens once it's fully repaired. I can continue my journey to study and rebuilt this country in peace and Link can continue his dreams of cooking."
Twilight finds himself nodding, because it makes just as much sense as it doesn't make sense. Which means he doesn't get it but they do so he won't argue on it. "But what about… continuing the royal line?"
"The line will die with me," Zelda says. Like that wasn't a royal bombchu-shell . "Because I will not be bearing any children. We will adopt or I will choose someone I trust to take the throne when the time is right. We will decide when the time comes." She grabs Wild's hand and he squeezes in reply. "Together."
Twilight nods again, deciding against arguing that too.
"Is that what you thought we were doing, rancher?" Wild asks. "Having…"
Twilight's cheeks heat up. "Nope. Not at all."
"Oh, okay…"
Wild definitely doesn't believe it, and he's smirking, but it seems he will save Twilight from embarrassment for the rest of the night. No promises tomorrow though, Twilight's sure.
Turns out, Zelda can absolutely crush them all at swimming and scaling a cliff with a hanging chain. She is hardly even winded when they all reach the top. She bids them all farewell and heads towards the home that has graciously lended her a guest room for her stay. The guards all look extremely relieved to see her, and they disappear into the home with a final wave from Zelda towards their direction.
"I can't believe you're engaged, gremlin," Wind says through a yawn and Wild laughs.
"We're just really good friends," he replies, and Twilight smiles. The trust between the two of them must be so strong regardless of physical desire. He still doesn't understand it, but Wild looks happy and Zelda looks happy and they both clearly love each other.
In their own way.
And Twilight can respect that.
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lavenderslemonade · 5 years
Hello! I'd like to make a request if I may! How would Aizawa, Mic and All Might react if they found out their S/O used to be a Villain (a pretty bad one at that) but gave it all up just to be with them. How they find out is totally up to you! Thank you!
Sure thing! Also, my requests are currently open if anyone is interested!
Also! I can’t believe I’ve already reached 200+ followers, close to 300! thank you guys so much for the support! I’ve actually been debating on posting My Hero Academia fanart. What do you think? Should I go for it?
How (Aizawa, Present Mic, and All Might) React to Their S/O Being an Ex-Villian
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- He knew you had come from a pretty tough life, he just didn’t know how tough
- He found out when principal Nezu asked if it was okay for the school to look into your background at the chance of hiring you as a substitute for possible classes
- Aizawa gave them permission, though knew it would be best to talk with you first, though just in case you were down for it, you could already be in the clear to start
- When he brought it up during dinner that evening he noticed you had visibly tensed before running to the bathroom to throw up
- He couldn’t understand why such news would make you upset
- You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, due to what you know he’s now bound to find out
- When Nezu calls him into his office, he’s suspected that you’ve been given the all clear, but Nezu just gives him a sympathetic look before stating that the school doesn’t feel comfortable hiring an ex-villian
- Nezu, feels nothing but pity and shame for having to break the news to the teacher, and slides the file to Aizawa for him to read over
- He finds out that your parents died when you were a child, something he already knew about
- Though he knew you had adopted parents, he didn’t know that before then you have been bounced around from multiple foster homes
- He reads the reports of physical abuse by different families, and once he gets to your high schools years, he see’s where you were first arrested
- It started out as petty theft from stealing food, to cheap jewelry from stores
- It wasn’t till he read up to your late teens that you started doing extreme theft
- Robbing museums of priceless jewels as well as stores, plus helping sell illegal weapons to villians
- Once he got around to you being twenty three he noticed that all the villainous things you used to do just stopped
- He remembers when he met you when you were twenty two at the local cat cafe near his house
- You claimed to be busy mostly due to work, which he now found out what that was, though it clicks in his head that once you turned twenty three was when the two of you had started to date and get serious
- When he gets home, he’s still processing the information
- He was married to an ex-villian, you had been keeping this from him
- He honestly feels betrayed, upset, and currently feeling conflicted about being angry
- He finds you in the bedroom, knees against your chest, staring blankly at the wall
- You just look so sad, and hollow, and something that attracts his attention is the packed up suitcases beside you
- Were you really planning to leave now that he had found out?
- “I’ll go if you want. I’m sorry I never told you.” You stated, still not being able to bring your eyes to meet his
- He just sighs and climbs onto the bed with you, watching once again as your body tenses 
- “Why did you never tell me.” There’s clear evidence of hurt and anger in his voice causing you to roughly swallow 
- “Because I never wanted you to give me that look. All those nasty looks of disgust I could receive from people who would watch as I was arrested, but I can’t handle you looking at me that way.” You’d choke back a sob
- Aizawa would honestly be conflicted
- He doesn’t know if he should pull you into a hug and comfort you, or just let you be
- Though he weighed against the last option feeling you needed some times, he couldn’t bring himself to leave you alone
- He was scared, and knew that if he left you alone you’d take it as him wanting you gone, and no doubt about it if he came to check on you, you’d probably be gone through the window and left down the fire escape of your apartment building never to be seen again
- The thought of you leaving caused his chest to ache. The two of you had spent the past six years happily married
- You weren’t a villian anymore, you have paid your dues, and learned from them, thus he felt he had nothing to judge you on or hate you for
- The past is the past, and he honestly wanted you forever in his future
- He’d wrap you in his arms, hugging you close as you sob into his outfit
- When you finally fall asleep from crying so much, he’d tuck you in and start unpacking your suit cases and putting your clothes back up
- His heart would clench when he finds a copy of your wedding photo in one of your suitcases 
- After that you’re more open to him about your past, and no longer feel afraid to answer questions he has for you about your childhood
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- He finds out by accident
- He had come home late from patrol, wanting nothing more than to take a hot shower and cuddle with you, who was most likely already asleep
- He noticed that the mail hadn’t been gotten, and figured your day must’ve been so stressful that you forgot
- Ever since he met you, you’ve been helping with community service, now rolling around to be your fourth year
- He always suspected it was a hobby or something you enjoyed doing
- Oh boy, when he saw one of the letters was from the court house for you he got a bit curious
- He knew he shouldn’t be opening your personal mail, but he was curious as to why the court house would send you a letter
- Suspects that they’re asking you about jury duty, though he’s taken back when he reads that you only have six more months left of community service, and you’ll be able to be a full member of society once again
- He’s confused till it clicks in his head
- If you were forced by law to do community service, you must’ve done something pretty bad
- He sneaks down the hall past your shared bedroom, peeking his head in to see you sleeping soundly
- He goes straight to his office and types your name into the search bar
- He watches as images of you as well as articles of your past crimes pop up
- Turns out you were born into a mafia associated family, thus you practically grew up with a family of villians
- Spends about three hours doing research, noticing that he had met you the year you started your community service, about eight months in if he was correct
- After staring at a computer screen for so long he decides to take a shower to process the information
- He decides that once you wake up the two of you could discuss this and figure out why you wanted to keep this from him
- You grew up in a family of villians, it wasn’t your choice. You didn’t know better until you had been arrested
- Once he’s done showering he notices his office door is cracked open a bit more than he remember leaving it
- He goes to peek in, noticing you at his computer, tears in your eyes and a look of heart break
- He can’t stand you looking so broken, thus he’d push the door open slightly, calling out to you
- You’d shoot your head in his direction, a look of hurt and betrayal playing on your facial features
- He’d reach out to you, but you simply stand and walk past him before he can even touch you
- He chases you down the hall, not being quick enough as you lock yourself in your shared bedroom, and he can hear the closet door opening and the sound of clothes being thrown into a bag
- He’d start to panic begging you to open the door, to talk to him, that he’s not mad you at you for keeping it a secret
- Once he starts to break down crying, you finally open the door
- Instinctively he wraps his arms around your waist hiding his face against your stomach
- He feels your body tense at this action, though it relaxes just as quick
- Can feel you trembling as well as a few sobs escaping you
- Feels you shift to be on the floor with him, holding each other close as the two of you just cry
- After you’ve both settled down, you fixed a pot of tea for the two of you
- Spending most of the night discussing your past, your child hood, and how you had honestly planned to return back to crime until you met him
- The two of you remain quiet the other half of the night, enjoying each others presence, and he can now see a sense of ease on your face 
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- He had actually met you while you were perched on top of a building, watching as a rich family got in their car to go to a social event
- You were preparing to loot their home while they were gone till-
- “I am here!” The loud voice nearly caused you to scream
- You look up at the tall man, realizing who he is, the one and only All Might
- You were pretty sure you had been busted
- “I thought I was patrolling this area by myself this evening? Ah well! It’s always nice to have company!” He’d laugh loudly like usual
- You’d simply chuckle awkwardly before stating you had to go, but he insisted you stay
- After that for some reason, he always appeared where you were, stating he was also there to help you patrol the area
- It started annoying you to no end, thus you tried your best to endure it till you could rob a place in peace
- He followed you around like a lost puppy, talking with you, asking your questions about your life, some which you lied about
- However, having him around became a bit of a breath of fresh air
- Whenever he would appear you’d forget about your goal of robbing a building or home
- It practically got to the point of you waiting for him so you two could talk instead of looking for a place to steal from
- It surprised you when he asked you out to dinner one evening
- You’d never seen the symbol of peace so flustered before
- That was the beginning of your relationship
- The two of you were there for each other, through thick and thin
- He finds out when he’s leaving the police station one evening after turning in a villian
- States he’s in a rush since his girlfriend is preparing dinner that night
- Tsukauchi finally asks Toshinori who he’s seeing since he’s gotten all up and romantic for the past two years
- He gives your name to the officer, and he takes note of his friends worried expression
- “That’s a little risky don’t you think? No, more than risky! Do you know how the public will react when they find out you’re dating an ex-villian?!” He’d scold
- Toshinori is honestly confused
- Was his friend mistaking you for someone else?
- Seeing Toshinori’s confused expression makes Tsukauchi sigh before showing him your file
- Toshinori silently reads through before sighing and closing it
- He arrives home late that even seeing you sitting at the table by yourself
- It hurts him to know he made you wait, but he has to ask you
- Tsukauchi had stated that it had been years since you robbed anything, he All Might was able to trace it back all the way to the week before you met him
- He had come to the conclusion early on that you had most likely been planning to rob the house he met you at
- “(y/n), we need to talk.” He states, and takes note of you visibly tensing
- He asks you about your past as a villian, and requests that you be up front with him
- He can see the look of fear in your eyes, and watches as you quickly try to make a run for it
- He’s faster, caging you against the wall, staring down at you
- He states he’s not mad, and not planning to turn you into the police, all he asks is that you be up front with him
- Thus you tell him everything
- How you were planning to rob the house you two had met at, that no matter where you turned he was there
- He feels his heart swell as you explain just spending time with him caused you to turn away from being a villian anymore
- You two would remain quiet, as you’re honestly scared about what he might do
- You were sure he would never hurt you, but there was still the chance that he would call the police
- You tensed once you felt his hands press against your arms, and slide down to grasp your small hands into his larger ones 
- He randomly apologizes for being late, and gently leads you back into the kitchen so you two can have dinner together
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Could you please please please! Do Papas/cardiac and ghouls reacting to S/O being nervous to do anything because their trans, or coming out to them? (FTM and MTF)
First post in a long time and it’s not even my work! This is something @solofreakk answered for us FOREVER ago that I never even go around to pressing the 8 buttons to post it. How absolutely lazy can I be. But please enjoy (-kat) 
*cracks my knuckles* alright Oingos and Boingos and Those Who Are Neither i’m gonna do my best at this as a trans/nonbinary guy but i definitely don’t speak for everyone’s experiences, so… if you don’t like this i apologize. I want everyone to be supportive of you so if they sound repetitive I’m sorry! And I apologize in advance for not including MTF :( I just feel like trans women and men can have some similar experiences but in the end I don’t think it’s my place to write for them. If there are any trans women out there writing stuff for Ghost i would say Please Shamelessly Shout Yourselves Out In The Replies Ladies.
Papa I: He’s a bit too old for most activities that would reveal you being trans imo. A pride parade is too crazy for him, he doesn’t have the energy to go to the pool or something. If you did he’d just lay there in the sun with a ghoul waiting to open an umbrella when he’s about to start getting too crisp. So if you didn’t go swimming, or take your shirt off, it literally would not raise any questions. He’s not in the water. He might make an offhand comment about how you should enjoy yourself but you could very easily tell him you’d prefer to be sitting with him, and you melting his old man heart like that kills any other question he might’ve even had. If you do end up explaining it to him later, he kindly reminds you there’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are. Encourages you to feel comfortable around him, you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide who you are because of your past. No further questions asked. You can say what you’d like about yourself but he won’t press or get in your business.
Papa II: This man is totally comfortable with nudity. You being opposite is… weird. He’ll ask. Are you insecure? You can say it’s something like that. He’ll be able to tell that you’re kind of dodging the question and he’ll leave it alone. But you’ve piqued his curiosity now. He’s gonna watch you just a little bit closer than he did before. He’ll suggest you guys take a swim, or go to the beach, and when you shoot that down too, he’ll ask. “Is there a reason why?” You can try to make excuses, or be vague, or say a half-truth, but those mismatched eyes see right through you. He probably already knows. When you ask him if he does, he’ll just wrap you in a nice strong Papa II Rare Tender Hug™. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about, you know. It’s okay to decide you’re not what everyone said you were. It’s part of becoming your own person.” Would probably be more bold in asking what your future plans are for yourself. Later on quietly reminds you not to bind for too long, or helps you with shots, or is making sure you’re laid up in luxury if you get top surgery. Supports you even if you’re gnc and don’t bind or don’t plan to transition and would impart his death glare upon anyone who dared to misgender you or treat you poorly.
Papa III: Hope no one shoots me down for saying “Papa III trans man” but *eyes emoji*. He’s gonna recognize your behavior immediately. You sweat at the idea of going to the pool or the beach, you don’t wanna change in front of him, you get nervous if someone calls you pretty instead of handsome. He’ll see you very very discreetly tugging at your binder, or taking deep breaths. And he just knows. And he’s elated. He’s like “OH I AM GONNA MAKE YOU FEEL SO HANDSOME.” Immediately deploys plan “Compliment Anon ‘Til He Dies”. He’s telling you that your hair looks great today, your laugh is so masculine, I love the way your arms look, That shirt is so handsome on you, I’m lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life. Anything it takes to have you know how great you are. If you’re busy melting over the compliments, you might not immediately realize he’s caught on. You’ll probably think he’s just doing his regular Papa III schmoozing. Eventually, it clicks in your head. He’s lauding on you ‘cause he knows. So because he seems so cool with it, you finally work up the nerve to tell him. And he smiles at you and he’s taking his shirt off and whoa whoa WHOA HEY IT’S WORK HOURS MAN- oh. Oh. I see. That’s why. He buttons his shirt back up and pats you on the head and asks if you wanna get top surgery too, and if you say yes he’s literally writing you a check on the spot. He wants you to feel as comfortable in your body as he does in his and if you have any dysphoria woes he is all ears. He’s seriously like ride or die for you bro.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: He thinks your nervous behavior is totally normal, only because he is also nervous all the time. So he doesn’t even read into it. He’s totally clueless. You don’t wanna go swimming? Okay, yeah, actually he doesn’t really want to do it either. He’s pale, he’d just get burnt. Let’s stay inside all day in our pajamas. You don’t wanna put your pajamas on in front of him? That is also ok, hell let’s change in different rooms. You don’t even have to explain yourself, he just Gets It™. Eventually if you start wondering why he hasn’t asked about your odd behavior, you’ll just ask him. “Did you notice that I’m kinda… weird, about some stuff?” He’ll say he’s weird about stuff too, why should he pry into your personal business? So you press on and tell him you’re trans. You don’t want anyone else to know, for a myriad of reasons. You might start rambling about it, complaining about stuff, talking about what you want. And he’ll just… listen. Nod sometimes to let you know he’s hearing you, and you can keep going if you want. Finally you’ll end it with an exasperated and maybe slightly embarrassed sigh, but before you can apologize he’s pulling you into a hug. You are free to talk about it as much as you want, especially if you don’t tell anyone else. You’ve got all this stuff weighing on your mind and no one to vent it to, and he’s flattered you finally felt comfortable enough to let him know something so personal. 
Dewdrop: Dare I say it… I headcanon Dewdrop as trans too… He’s much more like me though, feisty and kinda gnc. Like III, he’s gonna catch onto your behavior immediately. He’s not gonna make any moves to let you know that he knows, though. Just quietly be in your corner. Well, as quiet as Dew gets. He’s gonna… violently be in your corner. If he finds out someone misgendered you or committed some related act he considers a heinous crime, they’re losing some teeth. He’ll take a chunk out of them if someone isn’t there to rein him in. Eventually when you confide in him that you’re trans, he’s telling you that’s cool. You ask him why he’s so chill about it and he’s just smirking at you. “What…?” You ask. “Seriously, what? Why- ooohhh…” You’re free to not bind around him because most of the time, he doesn’t. He’s not gonna judge you for anything. Whether you wanna be traditionally masculine or be lax about gender norms, he’s gonna tell you you’re cool as Hell no matter what. Admires your courage in coming out to him and will take your secret to the grave.
Aether: First may I start this off by saying I may or may not have asked Aether, like irl, if he said “trans rights”. To which Aether kindly and genuinely said, “Does [Aether] say “trans rights”? Of course trans rights!” So there you have it Fosters and Peoples. Mr. Quintessential Ghoul himself did indeed say trans rights and I’ve never been happier to have asked someone that. I digress… He’s not gonna focus too much on odd behavior or nerves. It’s not because he’s got his head in the clouds, it’s just because this is a Judgement Free Zone™. If and/or when you come out to him, expect him to say, “Hell yeah, you do what’s right for you!” He’s got your back. If you want help with something, say an outfit or you need a new binder, he’s gonna help you figure it out. If you ask him not to tell anyone else, his lips are sealed. 
Mountain: He is so used to being taller than everyone else so if you’re a short king (like me 5’3 man gang rise up [but not too high]) that does not make him ask any questions. He’s also out of your business when it comes to how you dress, or messing with your shirt, or not wanting to do certain activities, etc. He just… it’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he’s chill about everything. So chill in fact that eventually one day you just casually mention it. And he’s like, “Neat, you have lore.” Which is hilarious. He’s probably likely to ask if you’re making sure not to wear your binder for too long. He wants you to take good care of yourself, y’know, you’re really cool and you should treat your body kindly. He’ll ask if anyone else knows and if you tell him you’d rather they not find out immediately, he’s already giving you a thumbs up and making sure any question directed at your gender is immediately shot down.
Swiss: Swiss is too focused on having a good time and being good to everyone who deserves kindness to worry about why or why not you don’t want to go to the pool with them. You’ve got your reasons and that’s enough, although he’ll sorely miss you because he could use the extra help in fending Dew off in the water gun fight that most definitely will end in bloodshed if Aether doesn’t step in. Eventually he’ll convince you to maybe go, but not before you cave and tell him you can’t be seen with your shirt off. He’s smart enough to know what that means. No worries! And you know what? In solidarity he just won’t take his off, either. Will support you regardless of how you choose to present yourself and will sometimes casually gift you a new shirt or something, “because I think you’d look really handsome in it.”
Rain: Tender boy. He literally would not pry or push you to tell him anything you didn’t seem like you wanted to say. If you come out to him, that’s completely on your terms. I think he might eventually have a feeling, but he’s not going to make assumptions about you and will let you tell him when you’re ready, and even if you never do, that’s ok too. When you do tell him, he’s completely supportive and won’t make you feel any less of a man about yourself. Is a bit sad to know that you may struggle with dysphoria and he wants you to know that you’re a wonderful person, inside and out, even if you don’t always see it.
Cirrus: She notices your odd behavior, but she’s polite and chooses not to say anything about it. She doesn’t want to make you feel like she’s judging you or scare you or make you uncomfortable. She probably doesn’t flat out make assumptions about you, but she does think about it occasionally. Eventually when you come out to her, she completely understands. Sings her praises about how nice it is that you trust her enough to tell her something so personal about yourself, and says she’s thankful to have such a great person in her life. Also she’s always been your protective mom friend, but if you need anyone to get punched for saying anything transphobic, just let her know. Mama bear has got you. Mama bear has got claws. Hell, Cumulus will even help beat someone up. She doesn’t even need to know the reason. If Cirrus is verbally or physically abusing someone that’s good enough reason for her. You now have two powerful and protective mom friends, use this power for good.
Cumulus: She’s not gonna notice if you’re acting nervous or weird about anything. She’s focused on hanging out with you and having a good time and making sure you’re having a good time and that fun things are happening. If you go to the beach and don’t take your shirt off, not weird. Neither of you are even in the water, you’re probably making an impressive sand castle on top of a sleeping Mountain. If you’re at the pool, she’s okay with sitting on the side talking your ear off about anything under the sun (which currently includes all the other ghouls as it was a family trip to the pool). She wouldn’t notice if you tugged at your binder or had a higher voice or anything someone might think would be conspicuous. If and/or when you eventually come out to her, she’s like “Ooohhh, okay!” And honestly? She might forget. And then remember. And then forget again, and remember again. It’s just another thing about you, like your hair colour or what music you like. Doesn’t make you any less wonderful to her, and wouldn’t change anything about your relationship.
- @solofreakk
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locke-writes · 4 years
Becoming Whole
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Author: locke-writes
Title: Becoming Whole
Based On: Imagine Hotch falling in love with you, the person he hired to take care of Jack when he’s away  By: Myself. Originally Requested By: @lotsoffandomimagines​
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,038
Tag List: @opalsandlacemain​
After Haley was killed Aaron made a vow to keep Jessica in Jack's life. She was his aunt and regardless of whether or not her sister was alive she was still related to Jack, she was always going to be Aunt Jessica to him. It seemed cruel to cut her out of Jack's life for the sole fact that his mother, her sister, was gone. Family was family no matter what circumstances may occur.
Aaron supposed he knew that there had to be an end to the way he had been using Jessica. She was family that was true but family should not be delegated to babysitter and that was what he had been using her for as of late. It had been only six months since Haley died - he liked to think of it as died and not killed - yet his idea of keeping Jessica in Jack's life had changed to more having Jack in Jessica's life. He knew that he couldn't keep relying on her day in and day out. Rare occasions when he was home and able to take Jack to school or home from school meant Jessica had little freedom, but little freedom was not the same as all the freedom she once had.
She had turned from Aunt to babysitter in the six weeks since. Guilt weighed heavy on Aaron's shoulders, not just due to his belief that he was taking advantage of Jessica but because he felt he was burning the only bridge that he had for Jack to remember his mother by. Whether that was foolish or truth he didn't want to know, refusing to bring up the subject around Jack. Instead he began looking online for anyone who he felt would be a suitable match to care for Jack.
He began scouring the internet looking at general caretaker sites and individual sites although none seemed to be the right match. It wasn't fair to judge someone based on a profile but that was his job at he refused to believe that he could ever be wrong. Aaron wondered if his endeavor was hopeless because it certainly felt that way. He didn't want to give up, didn't want to forgo the endeavor as he wanted to make sure that there was someone he could count on, someone whose job that it actually was, to care for Jack.
Your name seemed to come up multiple times after he brought up that he was looking for someone to take care of Jack. His schedule was cleared for the week while he dealt with the parent teacher conference for Jack and he felt taking the week off (on call for major emergency's only) would be beneficial in scheduling your interview.
Resume in hand you knocked on the door of the Hotchner household. To say that the man who opened the door was intimidating at first was an understatement even if he did insist you call him Aaron it didn't help that he worked for the FBI. You wondered if he'd already run a background check on you or pulled whatever records on you that he could potentially gain access to.
Caretaker, that was your title. You joked that it always seemed to conjure images of the elderly rather than the children you seemed to care for but it always seemed a better term to you than babysitter or nanny. Aaron had to agree and was ultimately impressed with your experience and references. While he wouldn't tell you in the interview, you were the one person he felt could be truly compatible with Jack.
He called you an hour after the interview to offer you the job which you readily accepted.
The following week was your first meeting with Jack Hotchner. Aaron had asked you to meet him and Jack at the park near his house, a space where Jack often felt calm and a space that wouldn't make him feel as though there was an intruder in his home. This latter portion was specifically important to Aaron as he wanted Jack to never have to relieve that day. You would only learn later on what had happened to Haley.
Jack was shy at first, remaining by his father's side even after the reassurance that you were someone he could trust. It wasn't a new experience for you, getting children to open up and be welcoming, but you knew that it would take time. With Jack it took only a matter of minutes as you commented on one of the characters on his backpack. That launched Jack into a ten minute conversation on the cartoon with Aaron smiling as he watched his son interact with you. It seemed then that you were a perfect match.
And you still were, a year and a half later.
Aaron had never really thought about when you would stop caring for Jack. Perhaps when Jack was old enough that Aaron felt comfortable with him being home alone after school although that wasn't any time soon. You'd never made mention of wanting or looking for another job, you were happy at the Hotchner household and the Hotchner household was happy to have you.
Jack loved you and Aaron…might have been in love with you. Somewhere in the last few months he felt something changed when he looked at you, it wasn't something he wanted to admit to himself still thinking he wasn't ready after Haley. The team knew, and had met you, which meant that Dave had seen the way Aaron looked at you. What Aaron didn't acknowledge or felt he couldn't acknowledge, Dave saw and knew.
You cared for Jack, you cared for his father. Aaron recognized this yet he refused to say anything about it. His cases were important, Jack was important, feelings were something that could be pushed aside and buried deep down until maybe they simply ceased to exist.  Aaron convinced himself he wasn't ready, he wasn't going to be able to move on from Haley.
Although with you he knew all of that to be a lie.
It was all a lie, telling himself he didn't love you, that he didn't care for you. You cared for him, took care of him I ways he could truly never understand. Not that it was difficult to understand, but just that you didn't have to and yet you chose to. You were hired to take care of his son, he wasn't part of the job and yet in some ways you made sure he was cared for as well.
You picked Jack up from school, you cooked him dinner and made sure on the late nights that he went to bed on time. But you also made sure that there were leftovers for Hotch in the fridge, you made sure Jack had Skype calls with Aaron when he was off for cases, you took care of him more than you should. And Aaron began wondering why.
Why would you choose to care for him? It wasn't your job, you weren't getting paid extra for everything that you took care of specifically for himself although there were times that Aaron had provided more financial compensation than was agreed upon in the initial payment discussion and subsequent discussions regarding raises and bonuses. He always assured you he could afford it when you balked at taking money from him.
Had these been payments or ways for him to show he cared just the same?
It didn't hit him that he loved you until he came home from a case that had taken a week to long. Each night he called Jack he'd promised to be home soon, promised to take him to the aquarium like he'd been begging. He promised all sorts of things and as soon as he walked through the door he just wanted to collapse. What he'd seen, it wasn't anything new in terms of all the cases he'd been a part of but still, this time it hit differently.
But when the door opened and he walked inside there was something that made everything change. You were at the dining room table with Jack the two of you fighting off laughter while you struggled to maintain a firm command that Jack should continue his homework. It was simple but there it was, the moment that confirmed everything for Aaron.
He loved you. There was no doubting it. He loved you and this was what he wanted.
He wanted to see you when he came home. He wanted to be able to call you and talk to you when he was feeling overwhelmed. He wanted to hold you and hold your hand when taking Jack to the park. He wanted everything and he wanted it with you. Had he always been so blind? Had he always been so stubborn in his refusal to admit the truth?
"Is no one going to say hello?" He broke into the laughter and dropped his bag to the floor.
Jack launched himself at his father being wrapped into a hug.
You smiled, "Oh, hey Aaron! Sorry…we were a little occupied."
"I heard. A good joke?"
"Yeah. Have Jack tell it to you later, he's the one that came up with it"
He watched as you went into the living room to grab your things. It was always like this, he'd come home and you'd take your things and leave but he didn't want that this time. He had something he needed to say to you this time.
Aaron turned to Jack, "Hey, you think you can finish this in your room? We've got to talk about boring adult stuff"
Jack frowned but nodded and grabbed his notebook from the table. You set your bag back down and stepped into the kitchen, whatever was going to be talked about you hoped to lessen the blow by distracting Aaron with talk of dinner. He watched as you removed containers from the fridge.
"I hope you don't mind being childish. It's chicken nuggets with mac 'n cheese. I baked some cookies too."
"That's fine…do you want to stop for a second. It's nothing bad but it is serious"
You paused, was he just saying it wasn't bad because he wanted to soften the blow or was he being truthful"
"Ok. Go on."
"I've been refusing to accept it for too long and I don't know why. I've told you about Haley. I've told you about nearly everything and you've never backed away from it all. Maybe that scared me, maybe the fact that you could put up with all that was terrifying to me. I don't know."
"I'm in love with you."
"I needed you to know that. I needed to tell you that because keeping it from myself was tormenting me and I don't know how I'd bare keeping it a secret from you. I don't expect you to feel the same way and if you need to stop caring for Jack then I'll understand but"
You interrupted, "Yes I probably will have to look for a new job"
Aaron nodded.
"Because I don't want to be paid for taking care of the son of someone I love. That's just helping with parenting, no one needs to be paid for that."
He stared at you and you waited for him to say something before realizing that he was still processing what you had said. You knew the look on his face, it was the same one when he was trying to analyze an interrogation transcript trying to look for a flaw in the words.
"Aaron, I'm in love with you."
Before you knew it he was around the counter and kissing you. This was right, this felt right.
"Gross!" Jack's voice came from the hallway causing Aaron to pull away and turn towards his son.
"You were supposed to be in your room"
"I'm going back, can you not do that in the kitchen? I need someone to check my math homework."
"I'll be there in a minute Jack" you replied.
"Ok. Just make sure I'm not around when you're kissing from now on"
Aaron chuckled, "I guess I don't have to worry about telling him about us."
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