#but also not sure if guy would forgive him. maybe he already has. its been so fucking long since those things happened maybe neither of-
freyito · 9 months
can you write something on how the Lin Keui trio would react to their s/o who can't handle the cold as well as them?
tis the season or something guys! but it's been snowing for two days and guyys oh my GOD i love the snow so much. i love christmas season so much, actually. im like emo or something but i dont care i love christmas season !!! its funny cause i dont celebrate christmas LMFAO. I ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING PLANNED OUT SO JUST YOU WAIT!!! also given the release of the new season i think i am riiiiiight on time, readers.
cw: gn reader, just fluff, not proofread
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ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴅ ᴡ/ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɴ ᴋᴜᴇɪ ᴛʀɪᴏ
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takes note of your shivering right away. He scoffs a little, then wraps an arm around you. It'd be cute! IF IT HELPED.
He's fucking FREEZING. It takes him a moment to remember that he's naturally cold.
After that, he apologizes quickly, and wastes no time getting you a jacket. And some blankets. A lot of blankets, actually. He gets you some scalding hot tea, too. Let it cool down a bit. Please.
Bi-Han's only a little bit prickly about the fact that you're a bit more susceptible to the cold. Considering he's a CRYOmancer, the cold is like a lifestyle for him. But he forgives you.
Aside from a little panting though, he actually cuddles up to you. If you two are in private and he knows no one will interrupt you two. He finds it hard to swallow his pride. But he won't let you freeze.
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Kuai Liang...
is already glued to your side. So it's pretty hard to be cold around him. He's like a walking space heater. And it can only get better.
He'll pull you in close, reaaaal close, and just keep you there. Cling to him, he begs. Seriously. There's no need for jackets or blankets with him. Maybe some tea.
He'll even gradually increase the temperature around you two, like a testament to his love. He actually gets kinda defensive if you still need gloves or something.
Speaking of gloves, Kuai Liang LOVES holding your hands in his hands. Not just like holding hands, but cupping his hands around yours.
Anywhere, he's holding you close to keep you warm. Show you off a little, while he's at it. He especially loves it when your clinging to his arm.
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Tomas Vrbada...
actually worries himself sick over you. So when he catches you shivering, even if it's just for a second, he's already all over you.
He's got a surprisingly warm body temperature! Unfortunately he cannot heat up anymore, so he's got like a whole checklist on what to get you. Especially on particularly cold days.
Blankets first. He actually kinda forces you inside. But for good reason. He's got like 17 different blankets picked out for you. He's also got some hot cocoa for you, as well.
And if you don't want to stay inside? He has you put on some gloves. Shoves two more pairs in your coat's pocket as well. Like he makes sure you have more than enough layers.
But Tomas does it all out of love! He's kind of a worrywart over you, he can't help but be protective over... literally everything!
Rest assured, you won't be cold around him. Like he really doesn't want you to be. Any little slip, a soft chatter of your teeth, and he's freaking out!!!
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
657 notes · View notes
papercorgiworld · 7 months
A fair chance
Tom II and you are dating, but aside from Tom's struggle to come to terms with his feelings for you, your friends are now also getting involved with your relationship.
This is part two, read 'If you had known, would you've come' first.
No warnings, just fluff and maybe some angst.
I planned on finishing the amnesia request first, but for some reason my brain was like nah Tom fic first, so here we are. I expect to have the amnesia request (probably tilted: can you forgive what I forgot) online somewhere Sunday. I love you tumblr peoples and as always: happy readings!
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Your class had just been dismissed and you walked with your books in hand out with Luna, when Hermoine jumped in front of you. “I think that after lunch I’m gonna head to the library to review the extra material professor Mcgonagall advised us to read. You guys wanna join me?” Luna nodded, before agreeing with a gentle voice. “Sure.” They both turn to you and you can’t help but feel hesitant to tell them you already had plans with a certain someone. “I can’t.” You sigh, before continuing in the direction of the great hall and Hermoine frowns, clearly noticing that you’re holding something back. “I’m meeting Tom-” Hermoine’s eyes widen. “Again?” Harry’s voice comes out of nowhere and you turn a little to give him a sheepish look. “We study together regularly. He’s an excellent study partner.” Luna ignores the obvious tension and smiles at you. “Are you two dating?” Panic fills your eyes at her question. Damn it, Luna, you can’t just ask people if they are dating the dark lord’s eldest son. 
“No, not really. We’re just getting to know each other better.” Hermoine, Ron and Harry stare at you in disbelief. “And how’s that going?” Ron questions with a skeptical tone and obvious look. There’s an uncomfortable silence. “Okay, I guess, his favorite subjects are potions and magical theory.” You curse yourself at your weird answer in an already awkward situation. A forced smile makes its way to Harry’s face as he nods. “Neat.” Neat? Now even Luna feels herself get uneasy. You sigh loudly and start walking slowly as your friends follow. “Would it be so bad if I decide to go out with him on another date? I mean Daisy’s dating Mattheo and despite our worries over their relationship… so far so good, right.” 
The group splits up for a moment to take their seats at the table, but Hermoine watches you for a moment debating whether she should speak up or not. “Look, (y/n), Mattheo’s a first class asshole and I don’t know what Daisy sees in him, but at least Mattheo is an asshole to everyone equally.” Ron who’s eagerly filling his plate nods in agreement with Hermoine’s argument before she continues. “Tom has a specific preference of people, being pureblood and slytherin. Everyone else is lesser than him. You know that, that’s why you’ve hated him from day one. So, how can one date with him make you forget who he really is and how he treats everyone?” You look down at your plate, really feeling bad about liking Tom. Hermoine was right, you knew who he was, so why did you kiss him? Why did you suddenly feel like he was so much more? You look at your friend and back to your plate, before excusing yourself. “I’m not really hungry, I think I’m gonna skip.” Harry judges Hermoine. “What?” Hermoine asks, looking away. “I get that you’re worried, but she can’t help it… I think she really likes him.” Ron frowns. “I think he’s got her under some kind of spell. Or maybe he has a secret agenda.”Hermoine and Harry look at Ron, getting worried that he might have a point.
Tom looks up at you from his quiet spot near the black lake, neatly seated on a conjured bench with a book levitating near him. You give him a weak smile as you can’t help but feel bad about meeting him after Hermoine’s argument. He watches you carefully as you sit down next to him, to him it feels like the air just got warmer and the sun finally touches his face, warming him. You stare at him as you search for words and he dips his head a little waiting for you to talk, but something changes your mind and you turn away from him watching the water for a moment before reaching for your books. “Not that I mind the quiet, but I thought the point of us hanging out was to get to know each other better.” Tom’s voice radiates calmness, but at the same time you feel his eyes focus on your every expression, determined to find out what you were thinking. 
“You should meet my friends.” You finally say in one breath. There’s a silence as he processes your offer. “I know them. I’ve met them. No need for more interactions.” You turn to him with disapproving eyes, but before you can make an argument he speaks up sternly. “Trust me, no good will come of it.” You look back at the water and a frustrated half laugh escapes you, making Tom narrow his eyes at you. “Then how do you expect anything good to come from us meeting up?” Tom considers your words and turns to join you in watching the black lake. “I believe you can make up your own mind and I only want to ask you out on another date, not them.” You sigh, before turning and he meets your eyes. “It would be easier if they didn’t hate you.” Tom’s eyes fill with concern for you. Easy? That’s the one thing I can’t offer you, darling. For a moment Tom regrets getting you involved with him, but when you place a hand on his thigh and your eyes lock with his he couldn’t care less, because he knew you belonged with him. 
“If I were to ask you to meet me tomorrow evening at the clock tower for another date at 8pm… would you say yes?” Tom's eyes stick to your hand on his leg as a smile tugs on your lips. You adored his gentleness and how he always acted composed, but still in a quiet way showed so much emotion when he was with you. “Are you asking me on another date?” You wiggle your eyebrows when he looks up to you. He chuckles. “You have me all figured out, don’t you?” He jokes and he watches your smile grow brighter. Oh Salazar, how can one person have me feel so much all at once. It’s almost too much for one man. “I would love to. I’ll be there. Tomorrow, 8 pm, the clock tower.” 
Tom thought back to the moment you had repeated the time and place. You looked so happy, so willing to go out with him again… So why weren’t you here? Tom's eyes fell from the sky to his watch and it was hard to admit, but it had been a while since he had felt this much pain nagging at his chest. Gently Tom let a flower, your favorite, fall on a nearby bench. There was no need to extend his time of suffering by waiting for someone who was wise enough to choose ‘easy’, to choose a life away from him.
As he leaves the clock tower behind him to return to the slytherin common room, somewhere in the castle you run, out of breath, but with only one goal. Please, please. Quick steps down the empty stairs. I beg you just wait a little longer. Harshly pushing doors open as you hurry. I need you to still be there, Tom, please. 
Panting you arrive to find no one. A frustrated sound mingles with a curse as you circle around. You check your watch and groan, but when you look up you spot the most beautiful flower, resting lonely on a cold bench. My favourite. You feel your heart ache as you pick it up. He probably planned another amazing date with a carefully picked scenery just for you and you hadn’t even managed to get there in time.
With your heart still racing from all the running you feel yourself move again. 
“I’m assuming it didn’t go very well?” Mattheo grins, but his twisted smile quickly fades when he sees his always so cold brother fail to hide his pained eyes. “Really nothing gets past you, Mattheo.” Tom responds calmly, but the venom in his words was obvious to Mattheo’s ears. Tom turns away and Mattheo curses himself for being insensitive and, worse, feeling bad after it, like his brother deserved any sympathy. Mattheo grits his teeth, but decides to be the bigger person. “I didn’t mean to jab an open wound or anything.” Tom turns around with dead eyes, he didn’t need nor want his younger brother’s sympathy. “You wanna hug it out?” Tom fakes a pout to ridicule his brother’s emotional statement. “Don’t ever mistake me for someone who cares.” Tom’s voice is stern and cold, but just as he raises that last wall in an attempt to shut off all those overwhelming feelings the common room door swings open and you run through it almost bumping into Tom.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I was working on a project with Hermoine and it went wrong and she was freaking and then I was freaking and then we started over again but she wanted to be extra sure that it was right and she had me do all these extra steps and I knew I was gonna be late, but I ran and I ran and I scraped my arm against this door that wouldn’t open and I- I- I’m so so sorry. I should’ve been on time or message you or- or- I’m sorry.” Both Riddles stare at you as you rant, pointing at your scraped arm, but as soon as you’re done Mattheo’s eyes move to Tom who feels all those carefully put up walls crashing down. You stare at Tom searching for forgiveness and comforting words, but he just looks down at his watch and you feel stupid for thinking he would be understanding. “If we hurry we can still make it.” Mattheo smiles to himself as his brother reaches for your hand and heads for the door. Oh, brother you care, you care so much.
You watch your hand in his as you hurry through the castle back to the clock tower where Tom reveals a secret door that brings you to a beach. “Where are we?” You ask looking around not recognizing anything. “That doesn’t matter.” He says with his eyes focused on the sky, while softly squeezing your hand. With puzzled eyes you watch his features in the dark, before slowly following his gaze. For several seconds you stare at an empty dark sky. You frown as you focus, searching for what Tom is so excited about. “I don’t see it.” You whisper focused on the darkness above you. “Wait for it. The most beautiful things show themselves only rarely. You have to wait for them.” Tom’s voice is soft and reassuring. Motivated by his words you adore the sky and wait.
Your lips part as the sky lights up and you get to watch the most beautiful meteor shower. You take a step as if your body wants to get closer to the amazing scene around you. If it wasn’t for Tom’s fingers entangled with yours you would surely fly amongst them. “I’m in love.” You whisper and Tom looks at you, eyes still focused on the sky. Me too, darling, me too.
Hermoine leaves the library book tightly pressed against her chest and focused on whatever little mission she has planned next, when Tom appears next to her. “I must say, as a slytherin and a professional cunning manipulator, I admire your persistence and dedication to ruin my date with (y/n).” Hermoine’s heart races and her eyes fill with fear despite her attempt to keep a brave face. “However, as impressed as I am, I would really appreciate it if you would come clean to (y/n) about your actions and intentions.” Hermoine turns away from Tom as she tries to walk faster than him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Gritting his teeth, Tom grabs Hermoine’s arm. “Listen here, you little mud-muggle-” Hermoine frowns at how he changes his insult last minute. Tom rolls his eyes at her frown. “Give me credit for trying, okay.” He says dryly in his own defense, making Hermoine raise an unimpressed eyebrow. 
“(y/n) and I deserve a fair chance.” Tom argues trying to convince Hermoine who just crosses her arms and Tom continues his argument. “You can try and fight this, but I’ll fight as well.” Hermoine is surprised to find determination instead of aggression in his voice. It wasn’t a threat to her, it was a promise to you and to her own surprise Hermoine couldn’t help but find justice in his argument. So Hermoine bites her tongue as she struggles to make peace with the man in front of her, but Tom just smirks. “Keep your pride, muggle. We don’t need to be friends. We just need to be honest.” With those words he leaves and the Gryffindor watches him confused about the silent agreement that they had just made.
She hurries to the Gryffindor common room and heads straight to the boys' dorm. “Cancel the plan.” The Weasley twins frown at Hermoine’s words. “To late. We already poisoned his drink.” Hermoine’s eyes widen and Harry takes a step towards her. “Why would we cancel the plan?” Hermoine sighs, frustrated by the situation. “Because I don’t think Tom is dating (y/n) for some secret evil plan. Nor has he cursed her in any way. I think they’re genuinely in love.” Everyone in the room is baffled. “So what? He won’t reveal his evil plan to her?” Fred questions and Hermoine shakes her head. “But then what will the potion make him say?” George adds and Hermoine takes a deep breath. “Well, it will do as a truth potion is supposed to do, it will make him tell the truth.”
Tom felt some nagging feeling in the back of his head but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Unaware of the truth potion in his system, slowly triggering his brain into honesty, the slytherin makes his way to your classroom to wait for you. Never thought I would spend my free time waiting for a girl. Love is a ridiculous thing. Tom leans against the wall opposite of your classroom door, he closes his eyes as he hears the professor talk and chairs shuffle. He frowns and opens his eyes when he feels this sudden urge to tell someone the honest truth. However, his thoughts of worry are interrupted when the door opposite of him swings open and several noisy students eager to leave walk fill the hallway.
Mattheo looks up when he sees his brother and his eyebrows knit together. Tom shakes his head at his younger brother. “Not here for you.” Mattheo smiles and turns around to see you leave the classroom. “Oh right.” Tom rolls his eyes as he sees a smirk tug on his younger brother’s lips. “Whatever you are thinking, do not say it out loud.” Tom warns, before walking towards you, feeling himself get all happy and giddy as you meet his eyes and give him a warm smile. It felt almost wrong for him to have this wonderful moment of being welcomed so warmly. Every nerve in his body is screaming to kiss you, but Tom refrains from doing this believing that making your relationship a spectacle for everyone to see is beneath him. Though part of him would very much like everyone to know how much you truly belong with and to him.
Shoulder to shoulder you walk in the direction of an empty hallway. “Did Granger talk to you by any chance?” Tom’s question has you look up at him, frowning as you think back, before shaking. “No, but she did send me a note to meet up later.” Tom hums and now you’re definitely curious. “Do you know something?” Tom just smiles, but then shakes his head. “I’ll leave her to tell you the truth.” You make a weird face at his vagueness, but decide to let it go in favor of the little game you and Tom had been playing the last few days. “I have another get-to-know-one-another question.” You announce with a joyful voice and Tom looks at you with amusement, waiting for your question. “What do you like to do for fun?” You playfully narrow your eyes at Tom and he thinks for a moment, while gently interlacing his fingers with yours now that you’re in a less crowded hallway. 
“Reading.” He finally answers and your shoulders sink at his lame answer. “Reading dark and brooding books doesn’t count as fun.” You argue and a sly smirk tugs on his lips. “Well, darling, we can’t all read cheap fluffy fanfictions on Tumblr.” Your eyes widen. “How do you-? And they’re not cheap! They are very fluffy, I’ll admit that, but how-?” He smiles at you and interrupts you before you ask questions he does not want to answer. “That’s really not the point, though, the point is everyone has their preferred genre.” You huf and stop him, pulling him towards you. “But what do you really really love? What’s something that brings joy in your life? What’s something you wish you could do every second of the day?”
Tom’s plan was to chuckle and say: I love reading dark and brooding books.
However, the truth potion had now fully flooded his brain and the true answer to these questions slipped out before he could stop himself. “More than anything, I love you, (y/n). You bring me joy, you make me happy. You bring light into every gray day. I wish I could spend every second with you, because everything is so much better when you’re with me. When you’re with me, I see color where all is gray without you.”
Tom felt his heart race as these honest but unintended words came out of his own mouth. The few people walking in the hallway had stopped to stare, either baffled or horrified by what they had just heard. Tom felt something he seldom experienced, embarrassment and vulnerability. Dating you was one thing, but admitting he loved you. He wasn’t ready to face his own feelings yet… leave alone your opinion on them. He scanned the hallway, scowling at those who were still staring, before bravely looking down at you. As soon as your eyes lock with his, your hands reach for his cheeks, cupping them and pulling him closer to meet you halfway. Lips softly landing on his, there is an intensity to the kiss as you try to express all the love you feel for him in one single action. “Why?” Tom asks when the kiss breaks and you smile at his confused tone. “Because you empower me to keep on seeing and bringing color. Because as different as we are, you make me feel loved in every small detail and difference.” 
The softest chuckle escapes Tom. “I didn’t plan on telling you all this, but I’m glad I did.” You smile and kiss him again, while he pulls you into a tight embrace. 
Sitting on a bench in the courtyard Harry, Hermoine, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny all sheepishly look down as you pace in front of them. “How could you do all these things? You should be ashamed of yourselves?” Tom can’t hide his amusement as you lecture them, with crossed arms he watches you rant for a few seconds. “He should kill you idiots for this?” Tom’s smile grows a little wider at your words and decides it’s time to calm you down. You feel his arm snake around your waist. “I should… but I won’t.” He places a soft kiss on your temple, more than pleased that your friends have now given him a chance to act all merciful and force them to accept your relationship. 
Feedback is always welcome.
Word count: 3223
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itsgxsly · 1 year
back to you | part 2
Pairing: pierre gasly x reader
Summary: You didn't think you could hate the same man you loved. But Pierre had achieved just that, and now he has to do whatever it takes to make you forgive him, and maybe to make you fall in love again.
word count: 1,9k
warnings: none
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March 2022, Bahrain
The smell of petrol and rubber and the noise of the Paddock greeted you as soon as you passed through the security at the entrance. The smell that had sometimes been so unpleasant to you at that moment felt like a return home. You had missed the races in the last six months.
A few days after that fateful night that you had preferred to forget, Formula 1 had returned to its heyday after the summer break ended. Originally you had planned to accompany Carlos to some more races, but after what had happened with Pierre, you didn't feel good enough to see him smiling again as if nothing had happened. Your brother, being the overprotective brother that he was, was quick to question you to find out the reason for your sudden change of plan. With no choice but omiting some detail that you were sure he didn't need to know, you told him what had happened after the party until Pierre had left you in the morning.
You swore that if you hadn't made Carlos promise that he wouldn't kill Pierre or cause a scandal, he would have caught a plane to Milan right then and there to assassinate the Frenchman.
For the remainder of the 2021 season, Carlos maintained his formal relationship with Pierre as you had requested, although he was about to drop the formality when he saw the sad look on your face when you saw Pierre again in Abu Dhabi when you went to support the Ferrari guys in the final race.
Now, while you were walking next to your brother and Isa through the Paddock of the Bahrain circuit, you couldn't help but feel that the new season would bring you quite a stir.
In the distance you saw a figure dressed in red waiting in the Ferrari garage. You couldn't help but jump with excitement when you recognized your brother's teammate. In the last few months your friendship with Charles had grown and he had become a close support for you. Apart from the fact that he was going to share a garage with your brother for another year, your relationship with Charles was also related to Pierre, since your brother had not been able to avoid complaining to the Monegasque about what Pierre had done to you and Charles had agreed that you didn't deserve it, even scolding Pierre for it.
"Charles!" You yelled his name as you moved closer to hug him. The Monegasque hugged you back with the same emotion.
"How are you, little Sainz? I have missed you during the holidays” the nickname he had given you came naturally from his lips.
"I'm sorry I didn't text you, I needed some time with the family" and far from everything that reminds you of Pierre, you thought, although you didn't even need to say it out loud.
"Don't worry"
Your conversation was interrupted by another voice with a strong Spanish accent.
"We haven't even started the season and you already have a preference for my sister over your teammate" Carlos spoke while he put a hand to his heart dramatizing.
Both boys in red greeted each other and the conversation continued. At one point, you noticed Charles move a little closer to you while you were talking, but you didn't give it any importance. Clearly, you had not noticed the French driver who was watching you intently from the other side of the Paddock. Charles knew his friend and knew that under the look of indifference, that gesture had made him jealous. Honestly, Charles wouldn't say that he was looking for any relationship with you, but he had no problem getting a little closer to the beautiful girl to make his friend a little jealous.
A while later, the boys had to go off for their pre-race routines. You and Isa placed yourself in the hospitality of Ferrari after wishing them good luck, ready for whatever happened.
Although none expected the wonderful end of the first weekend of the new season.
A Ferrari double podium. Charles winning and Carlos following him in second place.
You and Isa ran to the fence with the rest of the Ferrari mechanics to wait for the boys to get out of the car to congratulate them. The first one you hugged was your brother, shouting into his ear in Spanish how proud you were of him. Then came Charles, who you had to shake a couple of times to convince him that he had won before hugging him.
You could see from below the two boys in red receiving their respective awards and celebrating with the champagne, but when you got distracted for a second from all the hubbub, your eyes met a pair of blue eyes that had been haunting you for a few months. You looked away quickly, but you couldn't help the strange feeling in your chest when you saw Pierre again after so long.
On the other hand, Pierre also couldn't help the feeling in his body seeing you there. Even though he had checked your social media a couple of times during the break to see you, nothing compared to seeing you again in person. The feeling in his body turned to annoyance as you looked away from him to look at Charles, who was already preparing to step down from the podium. He had no right to be jealous because it was his fault that you walked away, but he couldn't help it.
He needed to talk to you.
And his moment came from him when he saw you alone waiting alone in the Ferrari garage.
You were waiting for Carlos and Isa so that you could return to the hotel and prepare for the party that would be held in honor of the winners. Suddenly, you noticed taps on your shoulder that made you turn a little scared for having been distracted. Your fear turned into pure annoyance when you saw who was in front of you.
"I'm sorry to scare you" it was the first time you heard him speak again since that party.
"What are you doing here, Pierre?" you didn't hide your dislike for him in the tone of your voice. And clearly he noticed.
"I just wanted to stop by and say hello, I haven't seen you here for a while" I try to sound casual.
It seemed unbelievable to you that he was acting as if nothing had happened. Not even an apology. He was talking to you like it wasn't his fault that you hadn't been in a race since last year.
"is seriously?" you wanted to end the conversation right now, but the anger won you.
"What?" Pierre knew you were angry, but at that moment the image of you talking to Charles came back to his mind, so he preferred to play crazy and tighten your temper.
"What? Is that what you have to say? You left me stranded, gilipollas. And you didn't even bother to apologize. Why the fuck are you approaching me now? Is it funny or something?" even though you wanted to cry, it felt good to throw everything you thought into his face.
“y/n…” Pierre couldn't finish the sentence before being interrupted.
"Everything is alright?" You sighed gratefully to heaven when you heard Charles's voice behind you.
The Monegasque had noticed that something was wrong the second he saw you with Pierre.
"Yes, we were just talking" you answered for both of us, although Pierre still didn't want to end the conversation, but he knew he couldn't say anything more when he saw you approach Charles almost as if seeking comfort from him. It made him feel bad about himself, made him want to be the one you sought comfort from.
“Well, I'm glad you guys are catching up, but Carlos is looking for you, y/n” With that, you set off to find your brother with Charles by your side.
"Bye mate, see you later" Charles said to Pierre, who only nodded curtly.
And actually, you met again later.
You felt like you had gone back to those summer break parties the year before while you were dancing in the club.
It was full of team members and almost all the drivers celebrating the start of the season. You had drunk a few drinks and were going for another one when a hand on your waist caught your attention.
"Hi, little Sainz!" Charles's scream made you laugh.
"Hi, Charles" you greeted him moving closer to him to speak.
“You know, I was coming to talk to you, but now I have a much better idea. Don't turn around, but Pierre is looking at me as if he wanted to sink me underground” you didn't pay much attention to him and you turned secretly, only to see Pierre's gaze already fixed on you.
"Do you want to tease him a bit?" Charles's playful smile was enough to convince you.
"Lead the way, Leclerc" you smiled at him the same.
Charles dragged you to the dance floor and brought your body closer to his holding you by the waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you began to move in tandem. You were having too much fun with Charles, but your head couldn't stop you from turning slightly to see if Pierre was watching. And of course he was. The deep look he was giving you almost gave you chills.
Maybe it was the alcohol again that led you to separate from Charles apologizing about going to the bathroom.
You knew that the Frenchman was following you and you confirmed your suspicion when someone grabbed your arm and took you to a fairly secluded area.
“Are you having a good time, mon ange?” His sarcastic tone and his voice so close to you made you shudder slightly.
"Very good. Until you interrupted me. If you don't mind, I'd like to get back together with Charles” You knew you were playing with fire by making him jealous, but alcohol made you a little braver and he deserved it.
"Mon ange, you and I know that you are not interested in him" his French accent sounded arrogant.
“You are the one that doesn't interest me, Gasly. So get lost” you tried to walk past him to leave, but he grabbed your arm again and this time he brought you closer to him preventing you from moving. The sudden closeness left you momentarily speechless.
“I don't care if you go back to him right now. Because I promise you that before the summer break you will return to me, amour. I don't care if I have to drag myself through it”his words were a mixture between an affirmation and a plea.
“Sounds like a challenge, Gasly. You seem very sure of yourself” you laughed at him.
“It is not a challenge, it is a promise. So get used to the idea that you're not going to get rid of me anytime soon. I'm going to get you to forgive me” Pierre was too drunk and it had given him the courage to say all this and leave his pride behind him.
"I can't wait to see you try it, Pierre" and after pronouncing his name a few inches from him, you walked away again back to the club.
Pierre couldn't wait for you to say his name like that again. And he was going to have to work hard to get it.
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genolover · 5 months
So I read @aughtpunk 's cotl forgiveness au in like 2 days and now I'm hyperfocusing on it. I just keep thinking of cute little things. Particularly between Shaun and kallamar. Aughtpunk probably shouldn't read this.
Like they have regular are-we-still-engaged chess matches. The first time kallamar wins, they regretfully tell the others the engagement is off. Most everyone is like, you were engaged?? How?? Since when?????? The next day they're engaged again. It great and not at all confusing. Pretty soon no one is sure if the engagement is even real or not. Don't ask kallamar, he's not 100% sure either. Like they play games to see who's responsible for the flowers or menu decisions but is it real? Half the group is sure it isn't until it's the night before the wedding and Holy shit this is actually happening wtf and Shaun is just so disappointed in them. Kallamar is too, right my love? Kallamar is like, yeah, I can't believe they doubted the seriousness of this situation. Internally he's screaming. Shaun also didn't think it was that serious but over time he got sick of people shit talking kallamar to his face so he was like, now I gotta marry him in the biggest most amazing wedding ever. I just gotta.
I also just like the idea that they would use games to settle most disagreements. They watch eachothers strategies and moods to figure out how serious they need to be. If it's a lighthearted thing then they joke the whole time and whoever wins, wins. Gg. If it's something more important to one than the other then they give a good game but let that person win since clearly this is a significant matter. If it's an important matter to both, they use the game as something of a distraction. I can't kill you for not understanding exactly where I'm coming from by magically reading my mind if I'm too busy trying to figure out if the move you just made is even legal. By the end of the match, whomever wins, it comes out as more of a compromise.
They do have this problem where if they don't have a clear goal for a game, it can escalate into terrible ends. Like Shaun makes a flirty double entendre about calamari, kallamar says something gross about cannibalism, suddenly its 3 am, they're in the kitchen with heket who is waaaay too happy about cooking some of her brother's flesh with the intention of giving it to his ex-fiancee to eat (shaun being grossed out by cannibalism made him lose), and questioning all of their life choices.
Oh and after wedding thought. Shaun asks narinder for a life flower (that what I've been calling them in my head). Narinder is grossed out but Shaun gives this whole speech about how they aren't gonna use it now, he just wants to show kallamar that he did notice that he wasnt sure how serious he was about the wedding but he is very serious about wanting to have this life together with him and growing their family together. Narinder does reluctantly give him a flower. Little while later kallamar asks for the same thing. His explanation is a little more based in logic. They've talked about children before and he's probably gonna be the one carrying them so it just makes sense for him to have the flower. Everyone is like aww they're gonna present these flowers to eachother and it's gonna be cute or something. Meanwhile kallamar is confirming that he and his husband aren't needed for anything else tonight and maybe the flower might work if brewed into a tea but eh it's better to not chance it and just. Fucking. Eats it. Right there. Infront of God (poor jake) and everybody. Did his husband see that? No, of course not. That would prevent any miscommunication drama. It's like, dude, did you guys plan on that or...? And kallamar is like, we've had some of the most important discussions about this already, I fail to see why we can't start trying now. And then he leaves to go spend his wedding with Shaun in private and now the whole family has no idea what to do with themselves. They did not need this information.
I also have thoughts for their kids. First set is twins. They are cute. They look like normal lambs just tinted blue. At first. They actually have tendrils they hide amongst their wool. They're also good at team hunting. If you see the both of them, it's safe. If you only see one, it's a distraction, turn around, you are being ambushed.
These are just fun little thoughts I had. Feel free to ignore me.
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n-fblog · 10 months
Reo, Nagi, and Differences from the Main Manga
Thoughts from Episode: Nagi, chapter 17
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This chapter was kind of needed for him to "abandon" his ego of becoming the best with Nagi (and we can see it sort of fading in the textbox) -- and simultaneously get rid of that growing attachment he has to Nagi. Really sad to see him say, "thank you" as if he doesn't even have the strength to break them apart himself (and he didn't)
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The chameleon makes its first chronological appearance so we can clearly see him start to 'adapt' his thinking and playing even though it's not fully fleshed out yet, which is exciting! I wasn't sure if that was something he made up with Shidou before, but it's hilarious to know it all started with Nagi, AGAIN. Or maybe this is the manga trying to convey that he's changing himself to help Nagi walk away lol
His inferiority complex with Nagi makes itself kind of known here, with the monologue- "Those are the words *I* wanted to say,," but was unable to...
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Somehow, Nagi being able to encourage Reo makes him the stronger one mentally -- which is tough for someone who subconsciously already thinks he can't go very far without Nagi skill-wise.
Poor guy... and he still has so far to go before he starts to think he can fight on his own.
Man, this chapter pretty much confirms that their mischaracterization and miscommunication goes both ways lol. Nagi spitefully admonishes that he isn't Reo's 'toy' when Reo flips from "wanting to be the best" to "wanting to stay together"-- These guys have such a hard time acknowledging their friendship outside of football, it's actually painful.
I can't tell if he made any sort of connection betweey 'toy' and being Reo's 'treasure'. But that's almost definitely a metaphor on Reo's part. What a lot of people misuse is that Reo calls Nagi his 'treasured possession' when I really, truly don't think he meant viewing Nagi as a literal object. But how else do you expect a rich boy who's only been shown love through material things to describe something he values? *(see tags for a rant on this lol)
I do wish we'd gotten more insight into how he felt when he heard what Reo said in the moment, but this chapter was already long as it is. I do think Nagi's expressions sort of speak for themselves.
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I mean, he straight up looks like he's about to cry here. 
I would argue that part of Nagi's promise to 'stay together' during the entrance actually includes 'believing in each other' like he says here:
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 And if that's the case, then what did Reo's claim of abandonment mean to him? Was it that Reo didn't believe in Nagi's newfound drive to win? Or was he mad that Reo didn't believe in himself? I think it's a bit of both, but I really want to see more thoughts in the manga or from the fandom
Blue Lock vs. Episode: Nagi
So... Nagi definitely seems more angry in this chapter, right? When you revisit Ch. 76, you can see that Nagi is a lot more apologetic towards Reo
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( Here you see him lament not growing alongside Reo, but fired up and excited to work with Isagi)
vs. what we saw this chapter
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(Nagi saying sorry and acknowledging he's changed, but looking less toward the future and more resisting the past)
Maybe this is just a difference in translations, but "I can't [am not able to] go back" feels a little different from "I won't go back" -- the former just feels like an admission (to Reo), while the latter feels a lot more confrontational, a downright refusal to go along with what Reo wants.
And that's fine, but it does reshape how I thought about Nagi, and I think it really emphasizes just how pissed he was at Reo by the end of 2nd Selection.
This reframes their interaction during U-20 tryouts for me. I originally thought it was mostly setting up Reo's chameleon style defense and Reo's internal conflict (which it is) but EpiNagi really just shows that Nagi also has a ways to go before they reunite in Manshine
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I think this could be the panel (from Ch. 107, 3rd Selection) where Nagi forgives Reo -- it's the point where Reo sort of shows he understands Nagi's drive to win, and that he doesn't value staying together over improving anymore. After that, they have no issues (in Nagi's eyes) so it was probably easy to imagine walking up to Reo during MC v BM and asking for his help ... but man, we still have a long way til then, and I can't wait for EpiNagi to probably prove me wrong :p
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2n2n · 3 months
Every time I see more and more of the real Hanako, I start to question whether he really deserves to have what he wants. If he really is to blame for Tsukasa being in this state, there is no forgiveness possible. Do you honestly think Hanako still deserves anything? Another question, do you hate Hanako now?
I would throw myself down a well for Amane to have everything he has ever wanted!!!!!!!! The entire world deserves to burn to smithereens if it cannot please Amane! Nothing in the world is more important than Amane's happiness, his dreams, we will stop at NOTHING!!!! to see Amane happy and satisfied at last. He's the most interesting boy in the entire universe, and therefor the universe should stop its hitherto meaningless monotonous motions and begin instead to orbit around Amane, the real star.............. shining hundreds of times brighter than our sun.... the real sun.......!!!!
I dooon't care who he has to kill or maim or lobotomize to do it, me or you or Nene-chan or Aoi, it's always in the name of his love, devotion, & passion that Amane does such incredible things!! it's the beauty of him! He's not like anybody else. His commitment is pure & indomitable!
As for "Tsukasa being in this state", I'm not 100% sure this Tsukasa is so much worse off than our usual one?
We also don't know how much this new Tsukasa, is Amane doing the best with what power he had access to.......... if Nene-chan and Kou never visited Tsukasa in the Red House, maybe he never came back of his own accord. I'm sure Amane did whatever he could possibly think of, to bring Tsukasa back in some form.
Amane already did everything he could think of before, in our familiar timeline, and that was .................... killing Tsukasa, and himself. Subjugating Tsukasa as his yorishiro. A beautiful expression of his desperation to keep Tsukasa, at all costs. Even if it looks insane or unsettling to others. Acceptable morality has not & will never matter to Amane... appearances don't matter... he has always been OK with being the monster.
Is possibly creating a rumor 'worse' or 'more unforgivable' than the murder-suicide? Is one of these situations more 'understandable' than the other?
I don't know, but I trust Amane's heart more than aaaaanything. He can't do anything truly wrong, because his heart has a kind of perfect purity to it.... driven mad by love & love alone.
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whatever happens, in any timeline, I know Amane loves Tsukasa. So, I'll always love Amane!!!! I believe in him!!! That crazy guy!! He's gonna take us to the moon
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gureshinlover · 9 months
Ok Saeran AE good ending dump, here are some random thoughts
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The president plot was ended really underwhelmingly, but I'm glad that although Saeran chose to forgive him, the writers are aware this isn't something anyone can do and let saeyoung continue hating him. Honestly, forgiving or not forgiving him aside, I just didn't like the way they made the president go 'ah.. you're right maybe I am a lonely bad guy' LIKE NO WAY THAT ASSHOLE CARES ABOUT THAT, I couldn't take any dialogues seriously
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First of all. Why the fuck is jumin han a politician all of a sudden 😭 And like, forget being a politician, he is a candidate for presidency??????? Am I reading it right?? How exactly..???
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Anyway I FORGOT ABOUT YOOSUNG AT PATISSIER AWWWW It's so nice to see him find himself even if this is saeran's route! You're doing so good love <3 I was gonna say it doesn't make sense that they made him chase his patissier dream when in his own route he thinks about why he wants to become a vet and decides to go that way, but I realized, since another story is 2 years before the casual one I guess he felt more free about leaving his medical studies 😭 he was able to change his path more easily because he just started school, and also he doesn't have a lover like mc in korea unlike his route so that might also affect his choices. But I think he's happy in either ending so I'm glad <33
They did well with Yoosung but. why didn't Jaehee get the same treatment. I don't get it. They were clever enough to remember other characters' goals and worries and made them happy in this AE, except for Jaehee. I wish they made her leave her position too, since Jumin Han is now involved with politics it could be the perfect excuse for Jaehee to stop being his assistant. I'm guessing that this is also because AS is 2 years earlier, which means Jaehee hasn't suffered in her job enough to leave yet, and she probably doesn't have the money to open a coffee shop anyway (she isn't even into coffee professionally yet although she said she was interested a bit) But idk I wish they left us a clue that Jaehee will also get to find her happiness in the future 😭😭
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Another thing I'm confused about is that where the hell does saeran get money from 😭😭 how are we 'lovey dovey at some place romantic'😭 Saeyoung probably has more than enough money so he might have forced Saeran to have it all lol that's the only explanation I can think of. In the alternate ending Saeran has a greenhouse (considering that he said himself to be careful of people raising herbs in the wild I find this funny but well ofc it's the dream job for saeran) but I'm not sure what we're supposed to be doing in this ending lol
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Like, apparently we're hippies now?? Feel love and peace~~
Saeran AE has its problems, but I still love it anyway and I'm not sure how they would be able to make a good ending differently, so I'll just take the good stuff and leave out the bad writing lol I remember going crazy about new illusts in 2020,,, can't believe it's been 3 years already. Happy new years btw I guess? 🌱 Idk how to end this post
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overgrownmoon · 2 months
my son!!!! look at my son!!
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playing a modded surv campaign as gourmand nsh and i found this little guy!!! ive known him for less than a day and i love my son so much. hes the bravest little man. i havent thought of a way to incorporate him into my existing oc lore but since im playing as nsh cat im thinking of giving him to my most nsh-like oc, AFM. i think she'd be the most likely to adopt a random slugpup, ill figure it out. i do already have an idea for her own slugcat friend, maybe dandy can be that scug's pup?
more about dandy under cut
so look at this little dudes stats
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he is so brave! the bravest little guy ive ever seen! hes got high sympathy too. when i sent this ss to my friends one of them called him "a lion among pups" and instantly i knew what his name would be. said friend has also been playing with me, so im nsh cat and shes hunter and we're a little traffic light family its so fun. he has been an excellent co-parent to dandy :3
but oh my god seriously look at this dude. high lung capacity, pole climbing, and tunnel crawling??? fucking huge size?? fast as fuck??? actual tank of a pup. hes shit at being stealthy but we can forgive him im shit at that too lmao
(im using expanded IDs so that probably contributed to his wild rolls. hehe rolls. like fat rolls)
unfortunately i am currently traversing through deserted wastelands to go visit lttm (my wife) after getting the mark from peebs and dandy here just fucking loves neurons. ill have to make absolutely sure hes fully fed before we meet moon or this little fuck will kill her. oh the ordeal of being a parent
he died once but i did cpr so hes fine :) i refuse to end this campaign without him. if he dies and i cant save him im restarting the cycle idc im getting this guy to the slug tree with me
side note that i think its really funny that his least fav foods are the glow weeds and firebug eggs, both of which i hc to be very gelatin-like in texture. boy hates jell-o and honestly i kinda do too the texture is so bad its awful im glad me and the little man can agree on this
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stormyoceans · 9 months
vv brainrot continuation:
dad, I missed you (mom, I missed you)
that cute "feels so good" sound (pink drink, I really want to try it)
hugs in bed are the same as after joob’s funeral
part 3/4 damn music from vice versa! aof, fuck, just admit everything already!
we got lost (and found our local glasshouse)
bonfires and songs with guitar
return of shirts (and they smell like each other. what could be more erotic)
interrupted kiss (okay, not because of bad breath)
the description of the sky is worthy of rawi’s palette the guys were right, this damn miss universe appeared before our eyes. lord, I'm not completely alive, monica. what about you? you know, maybe sea didn’t lie, and the remaining episodes won’t be sad even despite the breakup, bc the worst and most expected has already happened, and then everything will go easier. william's song brought me to tears, it's beautiful! and I liked day's version. its so romantic. but, forgive me, the bed scene could have been much better, the angles and amount of blur didn’t turn out very well, and, tbh, I expected more tactility from day, so that he could study mork’s body with his hands. it was so important to him, but they showed it to us very quickly and didn’t spend enough time on it. but I really liked that they were presented as switch, moving away from the nightmare clichés, it's great. the scene on the mountain is the pinnacle of it all, and lord knows the boys pulled it off superbly. it was so emotional. I crumbled like sand and don’t know how I’ll recover by next week. monica, share your brainrot, I’m sure I missed everything possible bc I was so busy in the bed scene.
and you've already pointed out all of these moments but allow me to put them side by side anyway because!!!!!!!
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and even if these two moments can’t really be compared THEY INVENTED EMOTIONAL FOREHEAD TOUCHES TOO!!!!!!!!
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my personal emotional devastation aside, tho, i do think there are some parallels to be drawn between episode 9 of vice versa and episode 9 of last twilight, between puen on an island finally accepting his life in the original universe and by the end "gaining sight" on who talay really is, and day on a mountain finally accepting going blind and having his last sight being mork. i also think it's interesting that in last twilight (the ost) at one point there's the line "my heart cherishes the memory of us" while in vice versa the very last line of friend credits' second movie is "though we aren't together tomorrow, you're always here in my memories". like idk if it's a reach but both shows are about seeing when you can't really see (not just in the literal physical sense) and acceptance and carrying this love that helped you through it all with you and i just think someone with a brain activity currently higher than my own could make some connections!!!!!!!!
i personally did like the sex scene (i've talked about it here a little if you're interested), but i think i also get what you mean. if it were for me we would definitely have gotten a 17 minutes long one take focused on day's hands as he traced every part of mork's body starting from his face and slowly making his way down to his feet. but at the same time i wonder if it would have made sense for their first time. i feel like day was already so preoccupied with his sight being almost gone that what he needed in that moment was to get lost in the feelings rather than commit mork's body to memory. and who knows, last twilight has already broken p’aof’s habit of having only a couple of kisses in his shows, maybe it will make him give us another intimate scene too!!!
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consumeroflemoans · 4 months
Hello, ask and you shall receive even if belated by about about three days
I sat down with the post about the scuba diver and the mer and thought about it a bit, Vilidia because what else would it be
Full disclosure, I've never really been diving, scuba or otherwise, so forgive any potential inaccuracies
Also, when you said "like a curious seal" I immediatly went "Selkie", so because of that and for the sake of variety, but mostly because I want to, we're doing selkies this time around
I can imagine either of them taking any given position, Vil just seems like he might enjoy it, the full immersion of water as the space around you is taken up by something other than air, creating a feeling between perhaps the closest thing to weightlessness we have on the planet and the surrounding pressure putting its effect on the body, changing with the depths you reach, combined with the sights you see below the surface, the often mesmerizing ways in which space and that within it arranges itself underwater, the way the perception of everything around you would become other from the usual, diving alone would presumably have an element of silence and the inherent seperation from the regular that comes with entering a an atmosphere different to your own
I can see him both finding a fascination for everything he sees down there and appreciating being able to get a full break from everything, a fan of being part of a different world for a bit
It's a hobby he likes to indulge in every once in a while, when he can make room in his scheduel
So Vil goes diving, nothing out of the ordinary, looking around he spots a seal that he for a moment thinks is looking at him strangely, but it swims further away the moment he as much as turns his head towards it, so that's that
Everything continues on as normal, though he may feel lightly watched
He gets out of the water and shortly after a seal follows, though it keeps about six feet of distance and seems to be trying to to hide itself behind a big rock, pretty unsuccesfully at that, not only is it not fully hidden from view in the first place, but it keeps repeatedly poking out its head from behind the rock to look at him
It's a bit perplexing and what would you even realistically do in this situation, Vil decides to try waving at it and while at first it just gets him the most wide eyed deer in headlights stare he ever received from a seal, eventually it seems to try waving back, there's a moment where he tilts his head and it mirrors the movement, then to the other side as well, it's fun, it feels like he's having a little moment with a seal, eventually he moves to remove some of his diving gear and in turn hands come out of the seal and take its skin off, peeling it back like a blanket
And then there's a person there, he's kinda cute, but Vil isn't incredibly hung up on that in the moment because he just watched a guy peel himself out of an animal like the worlds most fucked up orange, or considering the blog maybe lemon, Idia is just sitting there with the empty seal pelt over his shoulders looking at Vil like "Hey, what's your name?"
Now for diver Idia, while I don't think it's likely that he would willingly go diving, a scenario where he built Ortho an underwater gear would be plausible, all his gears are at least to some extent water proof, but immersing yourself completly in water is still not a good idea when you're body is made out of machinery, after several tests in the shower and the bathtub to make sure everything is completly safe it's finally time for the real deal
Ortho is so excited, his gear has convertable legs that can transform into a tail with separate sections similar to these movable shark toys, along with arm fins and a back with a glowing streak leading along the edge of them, it's all around awesome and he can't wait to go swimming
Idia already had to come along to make sure everything is up and running during the big gear debut, might as well get him into the water too, though it turns out that impromptu diving isn't the most succesful idea when you barely know how to swim in the first place
Yeah, someone gets a little lost after Ortho decides to go test a little further out where the water's deeper
Anything but ideal, though honestly? It's definetly not his scene at all, but it is kinda fun, just going around looking at everything in silence
Oh, it looks so cool and it's pretty intresting to get to see it all up close, he's lived underwater most of his life, the whole thing was right next door so there's nothing he's particulary unfamiliar with on an objective level, but it's not like he could have opened a door and stepped out of the dome to actually get a closer look so there was always that degree of seperation to what he saw outside in the form of a thick sheet of glass
Admittedly the Isle of Woe was a little deeper down and up here there are a considerably smaller amount of natural atrocities, it still counts though
The fish up there are almost a little cute with how small they are, the biggest thing here is a seal, he's not sure if there are a lot of seals in the area or if he's just seeing this one again and again, but he's starting to feel slightly nervous about the seal following him, it's suspicious, mildly threatening even, there is malice behind those big black eyes, he can feel it
Alternatively he could probably also be so enthusiastic about being The Chosen of the seal, what an honour, what a privilege to be deemed worthy by this beautiful creature
Eventually he does have to actually find his way to land though so he swims up, if he has one of those inflatible vests that give you some buoyancy he probably pulls that and now he's on the surface again, but what direction is the right one?
At this point the seal or more accurately Vil starts to notice that it's really looking like this guy does not have a clue in what direction he's supposed to go here, so deciding to be nice he swims up to Idia and pulls him to where he saw him come from onto some kind of solid surface, taking off his pelt and taking his hand into his own to fully walk there with him
Idia is monentarily stunned, for both seal-turned-into-person and pretty-boy reasons
And also after some consideration, along with consultation of a friend, it is finally decided that you can call me :]
Hi omg thank you for turning the ravings of a madman into something I am kicking my legs giggling.
The part with Idia being the mer is literally exactly what I was amazing and it is so cute. I do think Vil would love diving. I like to think he got certified once for a movie and fell in love with the idea of having a little world to himself.
Even though rule #1 of diving is never go by yourself. Ahagauav Rook would join him as a dive buddy I’m sure. Dude’s the kind of guy to get certified and occasionally go on multiple day trips and just. Never tell anyone.
He would just keep an eye on Vil and the seal not so subtly stalking him.
But I digress.
And then there's a person there, he's kinda cute, but Vil isn't incredibly hung up on that in the moment because he just watched a guy peel himself out of an animal like the worlds most fucked up orange, or considering the blog maybe lemon, Idia is just sitting there with the empty seal pelt over his shoulders looking at Vil like "Hey, what's your name?"
Thank you for this I cackle every single time I read it this is literally perfect. My brain is dying but just know I sounded like a dying chicken the first time I read this
First of all, I feel like Idia would love the tech aspect of diving a lot. The actual practice? Not so much.
The whole fire aspect of his hair is a major factor for one, but I do think that could be solved by designing a fireproof wetsuit hood. Or hell, even using a dry suit would work.
(For those not in the know. Wetsuits are more common and keep you warm by trapping in your body heat using water. Dry suits require special certifications to use. They insulate you with air, allowing you to stay dry and even go deeper underwater because you’re not as effected by the water temperature)
Using a drysuit would allow Idia to go into the depths with Ortho and also would protect his fire hair essentially.
Also it would depend on how deep they go, but Idia’s situation is one of a diver’s worst nightmares.
With the certifications I have (advanced open water mainly) I can go down to 30 meters/100 ft. It’s definitely not as dark in the ocean at that depth as it is in lakes/quarries, but it still gets dark pretty quick.
Getting lost in that situation is one of the most terrifying things that can happen. Because, another fun note, you also have less air the deeper you go. That means less time to figure out where you are and ascend.
(This is on an o2 tank and assuming Idia doesn’t have a rebreather)
Thank goodness Vil is there because I know I would have been so damn traumatized. Idia has a cute seal to focus on as he ascends to the surface.
Also me being a scuba nerd once more, standard scuba gear comes with a BCD or Buoyancy Control Device. So once Idia’s on the surface he should be able to inflate that just fine (:
Aaaaaa oh my gosh the thought of Vil just grabbing Idia and dragging him towards land is so cute. Man’s so helpful he deserves a kiss on his cute seal head.
And then Idia’s savior turns into a hot guy and just brings him onto shore. Bro is flabbergasted and just holds onto Vil’s hand, staring at him
Iacsuaav omg my crazed rambles ended up being less cute gay people and more me rambling about my way too many scuba certs 😭😭😭
I need to write something properly for them I swear
Someone lock me to my computer and make me type
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hii! could you write the nrc staff protecting a younger (like, 13/14) transmasc yuu from an older student who’s being a dick about them being trans? ty if you can, no pressure though!! <3
awww i can't help but imagine reader and Ortho being best friends 😭💞
Guardian! school staff protects transmasc reader from upperclassmen bigots
Characters : Crowley, Crewel, Trein, Ashton,
TW : transphobia towards reader, might be upsetting to some ig
M! reader
Context :
Being the youngest student at the NRC has its perks.
Your first-year classmates were pretty chaotic and nice to be around, even Ace and Sebek weren't that mean when you were there.
But apart from them, everyone else pretty much adopted you on sight. You were everybody's little brother now, i don't make the rules.
But unfortunately there were still people like back at home, people who didn't understand, or rather, that chose not to.
But at least this time you're not alone against them.
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Dire Crowley
Your bully and you were immediately sent to his office after Trein heard you two shouting during his lesson.
This asshole had been misgendering you on purpose recently but it was today that he started calling you names.
Your classmates usually glared at him and that was enough to make it stop, today he was feeling a little more confident, and you were pissed as ever.
So, long story short, you got a 16- maybe 17 year old looking down to his hands while he explained his version of the story.
Honestly, it wasn't anything you hadn't heard before. "Oh but i didn't know-" "i promise it wasn't my intention-" "it was just a joke! I'm sure... he got it wrong."
Sure, this idiot thinks he can fool Crowley, your legal guardian, your Crowdad just because he's... well, another idiot.
While he was throwing compliments and praise here and there in hopes of getting out of the situation, you started to doubt wether or not your guardian would actually fall for it.
I mean he's Crowley.
Every time the Acedeuce duo and you fuck up, you only have to tell him how lost you were without his guidance, his imposing and respectable presence- for him to forgive and forget
"Hm, I'm really disappointed right now. How could one of my best students get in trouble because of such an entitled child..."
He said very serious, now looking at you directly.
"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"
And as you were already preparing to explain and justify yourself, as usual, he continued.
"Since when has this rude, overgrown child being doing this to you?- When were you going to tell me?"
The boy sitting beside you started looking more terrified than offended.
Somehow, Crowley's voice... his tone... his face even, half covered- and still
It was so threatening, so scary and sincere
"This isn't just about harassment, young man, or even the fact that you would need this kind of intervention to show the minimum respect for a fellow classmate-
But you also choose to target someone younger than you? what does this say about you? should you even be studying here?"
Crowley was defending you.
The same man that would have made you a janitor the day you got here if it wasn't for Grim. (and child labor)
But after all it seems like he actually cared.
The guy from earlier got detention for interrupting the lesson, and you got away with it since it was him who started it.
This wasn't the first- And maybe and to your dismay- the last time something like this would happen.
But now that you have people that will stand up for you? Maybe you can be ok with staying in this world just a little longer.
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Divus Crewel
This actually happened during his lesson.
I don't know how someone would be as stupid as to bully you in front of your literal guardian but here we are.
After explaining the next project, everyone had started chatting, picking a partner and commenting on whether or not they would fail because honestly it didn't look easy
But for some reason, just for a moment the whole class went silent. You know how this happens. alright
And, as clear as day, only one voice was heard.
it was this asshole, telling you to go home since this place wasn't co-ed.
this time though, your friends didn't say anything, as they immediately understood what was going to happen next.
Crewel was staring at both you and that idiot, as he walked over.
"What is exactly the problem then? i don't see any girls here."
"You think I'm gonna listen to a grown man with a full face of makeup?"
seriously this dude had a dead wish .
Detention wasn't going to be enough for Crewel to feel like this asshole got what he deserves.
"We're feeling bold huh? well since you're such a strong, manly guy, you'll have no problem with fixing Ramshackle's kitchen, right?"
before your bully could say anything he continued
"By the way I'm sure Crowley will be very amused to hear that a student has insulted one of the teachers. I wonder what kind of chores he'll give you by punishment."
It's only normal that your guardian is beyond pissed.
and with this kinda stuff he's way meaner than the Crowdad.
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Mozus Trein
I won't sugarcoat this okay
He most likely misgenderd you a couple of times before having a very... informative talk with you.
and you know, the typical "You're too young to know!" "What nonsense, why do you dress up like that?" "Come on now, no one is going to kick you out of Night Raven for wearing a skirt!"
But you explained, with all the patience you could conjure, how the whole situation was for you. that you didn't choose to be like this, to feel like this...
That if he was going to be your guardian you would be his son. period.
So, yeah, after a while he gets it. And honestly he never misgenders you again. Not even by "accident" like so many people liked to tell you.
It was an important matter.
You are important.
And then one day during class he hears you and some other student having a fight.
Some dude was treating you like shit just because he thought it would be funny to pick on someone much younger than him ig?
And he was being worse than in front of Crewel, because he thought that your guardian wouldn't care about this kind of stuff.
But oh boy
you know that thing old teachers do with big ass rulers, hitting them against the board to get the class attention ? yeah we'll make it angry and more intimidating.
"May i know what are you two discussing that you are defending with such passion?"
oh but he knew, he just wanted to hear what your classmate had to say.
"Nothing Mr Trein! it's not y/n's fault that ... she's... so wrong about a lot of things"
"Like what, exactly?"
Then the bully proceeded to lie about whatever thing to make it seem like he was trying to help you.
"BULLSHIT!" you finally shout back.
after scolding you for your language, Trein sent the guy straight to the principal's office.
A coward, an asshole and also a liar huh
This was an unfortunate event yes, but seeing the situation from an outside perspective helped this certified grandpa to understand you better, to see how upsetting and belittling this kind of situations could be.
Just try to be patient with him okay? but for sure next time he will be the first to stand up for you and defend you.
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Ashton Vargas
It's no surprise that you don't necessarily have the same level as your classmates when it comes to P.E
i mean. they're 16-17
And your much younger...
Maybe riding a broom is something that you can do as well as the rest but you've got huge guys in your class, have you seen Jack and Sebek? i mean 💀
To make it short no one has a problem with it, you have to grow a lot more yet, become stronger, faster
Your self proclaimed coolest dad knew, so no pressure.
But after running out of breath one day, this dude that has never had a word with you acts ... too worried,
Like, you're not gonna die, chill
But he keeps pestering you, calling you weak, fragile, small, stuff like that.
and then he starts misgendering you and saying that you shouldn't be hard on yourself for not being able to keep up with the guys like??????
you tell him off politely, and as he keeps on borderline insulting you, you finally snap.
long story short, things get a bit physical and Ashton has to come over to stop it.
Your friends tell him what actually happened, but since they saw you so angry they wanted to let you fight that guy, you know, for your honor and stuff
(Yes, again, Sebek and Jack's idea and Acedeuce actually being the ones to go tell the teacher.)
Also Epel was just about to join you when Ashton arrived.💀
"So you were picking on someone much younger huh? do you think it's funny? y/n tried to calmly tell you to fuck off. right? how does it feel to have a younger classmate that's twice the man you are?"
Your guardian was so angry, he basically forbid your bully from playing in any team at any point for the rest of the year.
And he actually called his parents after class 😤
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kmze · 6 months
Thoughts on 4x13-4x23 TBH I had a lot of fun watching this half! I liked Elena’s no humanity arc and I enjoyed Silas fucking around with everyone and getting inside their heads. I also liked the detours to NYC and the storybook town Katherine compelled. There is some good foreshadowing this half and it was definitely much better than the first half of S4 (at least to me) The worst part was Bonnie’s storyline because of how tragically it ended and that she wasn’t in control of herself for much of it (this season was rough for her, might be her roughest). Also everyone appears to be dumber for plot reasons (or maybe it was just Damon being put in charge too often). Thoughts below!
The way Rebekah body slammed Elena CTFU!!
Klaus is such an asshole. As much as I have enjoyed some of the Klaus and Caroline scenes this season (my feelings about them have evolved, they are a necessary evil lol) stuff like this will always turn me off about them.
This Forwood scene is both touching and heartbreaking. Caroline reassuring Tyler he did the right thing because he freed the hybrids, and calling him a leader. They’re so great.
Again it's so cruel how the show is handling Beremy in regards to Bonnie. They came back together pretty quickly, which isn't a bad thing because it shows Jeremy has been pining this whole time (which your own fault my guy). However, they are just setting Bonnie up because he's gonna die! All those shirtless muscle grazes for nothing.
Rebekah dropping truth bombs though about how everyone should shut up about taking the moral high ground.
I like that Caroline always finds a way to stay alive! She knew she could use Klaus’ feelings for her against him to cure her, and she doesn’t have to give him anything in return. Adapt or die.
I am so tired of hearing about the cure already!
These beach/forest island scenes are making me zone out, I have no idea what's going on with this plot and very ready for it to end.
Nah Klaus was being way too nice and forgiving, Tyler and Caroline needed to be quicker figuring that out.
For someone who hates Elena she sure does talk about her ALL THE TIME JFC Rebekah, get a life.
But EL OH EL at Elena trying to get Stefan back to worshipping her by talking about his feelings on being human and when she asks why he didn't tell her he says "because it wasn't about you" BURN!
I like how you can subtly tell its Katherine when she goes to bite the hunter. Elena never would have done that.
Poor Forwood :(
Klaus is so fucking delusional “you know I would never hurt you” you just did less than 24 hours ago!
Stefan and Caroline have great silent communication.
Sometimes I read Reddit against my better judgement and for some reason they all believe Stefan and Bonnie should have happened. But I’m sorry after 3.5 seasons into this rewatch Stefan doesn’t give a flying fuck about Bonnie! Whatever “friendship” people think was “ignored” does not exist! He basically told Damon to leave her on that island with a 2000 year old psychic immortal because Damon needed to use the sire bond (!!!) on Elena. Bonnie doesn’t really fuck with him either, ever since Grams died she keeps her distance more than I noticed before. I think Bonnie recognizes how much Stefan is a lying liar who lies.
I think that’s why Bonnie ultimately got closer to Damon than she ever did to Stefan. Not that she trusts Damon or even really likes him until S6, but he at least shows her who he is all the time.
Damon and Caroline do not have good silent communication lol.
The crazypants Bonnie scenes are amusing in a scary way during all this heavy stuff.
This was one of the most emotional episodes of this show ever and I mean that in a good way. Nina deserved more accolades for her performance because it’s really heartbreaking, and she does a fantastic job of switching from extremely emotional to “emotionless” humanity off.
The scene where the trio walks out of the house while it’s burning you see Damon and Elena keep walking together but Stefan stays back a bit to look at the house and gets separated from the two of them. I felt like that was foreshadowing that Stefan is going to move on and essentially leave the triangle.
Wait did Elena just imply Caroline has seen her naked!
Damon’s list of things Klaus sucks at CTFU!
I feel like Stefan always has a vervain needle in his pocket LMFAO! Phone, keys, wallet, vervain needle. It will also endlessly amaze me how often vamps get roofied by vervain needles in broad daylight and just no one cares.
The way NH!Elena stops when she sees Stefan and Caroline dancing and stomps over GREATEST MOMENTS IN TVD HISTORY! I firmly believe this is the first time we see Stefan have his more than friendship feelings for Caroline (the ones that scared him and he pushed away) and actually act on them.
OMG am I ready for Rebekah to go away already!
Klaus and Hayley have ZERO chemistry wow. They definitely get better on TO but this was painful to watch.
Personally I would have told Stefan “not my problem” re: NH!Elena but Caroline is nicer than me. She’s also still kinda falls for his tricks at this point (wait until S6 my friends).
Love the 1977 flashback mostly for the use of Psycho Killer.
KLEFAROLINE! I can’t believe this is the only episode ever that they all shared scenes at the same time.
Isn’t Shane dead?!? I can’t follow this storyline at all man.
You can always tell how bad the show is treating Bonnie by how bad her wig/hair is and right now it's getting bad again. It looked great with the curtain bangs but the full bangs are a no-go. How this show managed to make Kat Graham look NOT gorgeous on purpose is it's most heinous crime.
I think we can all agree when Klaus said “don’t underestimate the allure of darkness Stefan, even the purest of hearts are drawn to it” it was him propositioning Stefan and Caroline to have a threesome.
I’m really enjoying the NYC scenes and the flashbacks. It’s giving a different feel to the show and I like it, almost the opposite of how it made me feel in the beginning of the season. Maybe we’re transitioning with Elena again but this time it's about having no humanity and hedonism so it's like grimmy, dark and sexy. Also change of scenery once in a while is a good thing.
Klaus pushing Stefan against the tree was way more sexual than the script intended me thinks. Then Caroline rushes over, and that’s why we only got one episode of this throuple, le sigh.
Damn NH!Damon was cold blooded in the flashback with Lexi, I forgot about that.
Katherine compelling a whole town reminds me of WandaVision now.
Stefan pointing out how incompetent Damon is lol always funny (and true).
NH!Elena intimidating Katherine is GOLD! Nina is having so much fun with this arc and I love that for her.
Damon and Stefan being like “ew” at Katherine and Elijah like they both haven’t slept with her AND her doppelgänger.
Honestly the vial the cure was in did not look like a 2000 year old vial so like again, morons. Damon for some reason thought Katherine was as stupid as him and hide it in the most obvious spot.
NH!Elena is right how fucking stupid is Elijah that he trusted Katherine or believes anything she says EVER. He's just as gullible as his sister.
I’m with Elijah honestly Klaus no one cares about you being tormented, you’re the worst and this is karma. I'm also with him in regards to Rebekah and her insisting on taking the cure, you wouldn't last one day without superpowers, you're just bored and need attention.
Caroline still got the better dress lol. I do love when she uses men's affections to get herself things.
Silas appearing as everyone was a good villain for this half. Gave everyone an opportunity to play something different, plus there’s always something scary about a shapeshifter especially one that can read your mind.
Bonnie going cray-cray again but even worse her hair and this dull dress WTF?! Like they gave her prom queen but at what cost! I hope Kat burned this wig once she was free from it.
I personally feel like the Steroline prom dance affects Stefan more than Caroline. She maybe feels a little tingle after they share a look but Stefan’s reaction is way more played up. He’s the one who lowers his head like they might kiss and then the breath he takes after. My heart. Love how this becomes such an important moment in their love story, especially for him. He mentions it in his speech about loving her changed his life, and oh yeah his friggin' wedding vows!
See another vervain needle! This guy!
I'm sorry but LMFAO at Klaus talking about humanity saying mockingly "why does this always happen to innocent people" because he's kinda right! Being human in this world would be super lame with all the supernatural power and knowledge they have.
Elijah knows there's a super-powerful immortal psychic who can impersonate people wondering around and he doesn't ask for even a little bit of clarifying information when "Rebekah" says she passed his test. Also he just believes she passed his test? HOW IS HE THIS GULLIBLE?!
The first scene cracks me up in retrospect like “we three are contractually obligated to be in all episodes so here’s some random dialogue to fill that” LMFAO
MARCEL <333 you beautiful sexy ass hell man, I shall always crackship you with Bonnie Boncel4lyfe
Elijah is just as bad as Stefan when it comes to his brother, like OMG just let that man GO! Some people just don’t want to be saved man.
The Klamille scene when they looking at the painting and discussing it is really nice (plus great song). I know technically he looked at art with Caro first but like Cami actually appreciates art and Caro couldn’t really care less beyond distracting him lol.
IDK if I can believe Caroline was valedictorian… I mean I don’t think she’s dumb or not determined enough to get it but there is no way she attended enough classes to get it. Sorry show I don’t believe you.
You know Caroline is moving up in the TVD food chain when Matt turns a dig about her from Rebekah into a compliment!
Matt being the trigger for Elena made sense, he got the biggest emotional reaction out of her when she first saw him in the woods. I don’t think Damon got any real emotional reaction out of her tbh, and Stefan got some with her jealousy over Caroline and when he compared her to Katherine. This just proves Matlena should have been endgame like I’ve always said!
Stefan definitely had Caroline babysitting Elena.
Sorry but I love how everyone doesn’t even entertain the idea Elena could kill Katherine. They are like she’s 500 years old and 500x smarter than you, you will die.
Lexi’s comments are great foreshadowing for Steroline. They are ambiguous enough that they don’t say Stefan has feelings for Caroline but they don’t deny it. Lexi definitely seems to think so though and she's known him for over 100 years so...
I know Katherine and Elena have tons of reasons to want each other dead but it felt like they played it up on purpose this episode and the next one to make them fight and give Katherine the cure. It’s not OOC or anything just feels more manufactured than it needed to be.
I can’t believe they killed Bonnie! I know it’s temporary but JFC she can’t catch a break, this was an awful season half for her. Fuck Julie and Dries.
I can’t believe they had Stefan graduate LMFAO zero people believe he attended more than 2 classes this whole year.
I like how the Klaroline scene in 4x23 and the Steroline scene in 6x22 work in tandem. I used to view it as a conflict but now I appreciate how they work so well for Caroline. Two hot powerful guys promising her their heart and she gets to choose which one whenever she wants since they both gave an open timeline. It girl behavior!
I don’t think I ever zone out more than when Damon and Elena make one of their yelling love declarations of toxicity. I will never understand their appeal.
Poor Stefan. I do feel a little bad but they did hint all season he was going to be the one to move on and he knew it too. Through a rewatch it’s easy to see the hints and foreshadowing. His scene with Damon where he says he’s “not not happy for you” is great too because that’s what matters to him more in the end.
Human Katherine! Such a great storyline excited for it!
Lines that made me laugh:
Rebekah: You’re like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage (she's annoying but she is funny!)
Elena: You got Lexi’d! (CRYING I swear everyone is funnier without humanity)
Caroline: I don’t know if this is your new weird way of flirting, but it sucks. (her delivery was the best part)
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I have 17 minutes left, so this may be a shorter ish post, who knows, WE SHALL CONTINUE THOUGH!
Woah, Grudgby team captain girl! NOT COOL, WILLOW IS INNOCENT
And Camila is so me right now, she understands, THEY ARE JUST CHILDREN, WHY MUST THEY SUFFER
AND DAMN IT! I did think Miki reminded me or Kikimora, especially the name DAMN YOU WERE GOOD LAST TIME WE SAW YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BRO
Belos pal, what was your plan, we have established the Collector is immortal and basically all knowing, what tf did you think was going to happen......... THAT'S YOUR PLAN?! Worn the collector that he is in danger? GOD BELOS, even I could have come up with a better plan than "I am created by the power of friendship! And you are in danger!"
"What's the little red kitten trying to do?" LOVE you Camila, iconic, and you didn't even intend to
Kikimora, I'm with Luz, Belos has already been here and done this, don't be a copycat, be original bro
WOAHHH WELL DONE CAMILA! YOU DID SO WELL AT THE MAGIC GLYPH STUFF! I am not kidding, this whole fight scene just makes me love Camila more, PLEASE tell me as a fandom, you all adore her?
....Boscha. Okay, say what you want about Boscha but she has her priorities, she cares about 1 thing and 1 thing only, grudgby. Oh and maybe power. Well, that is probably combined.
Amity just going "nah" is HILARIOUS, absolutely, know your worth queen! Who would have though Boscha would be clingy? ........Oh Boscha definitely has abandonment and attachment issues, That makes so much sense! Damn. You know what, i don't forgive you, but I get you Boscha
"I wish you were here Flapjack" DON'T YOU WORRY HUNTER, ME TOO, BUT HE WILL COME BACK.. he will, he will.
Willow... my sweet child, this is called a breakdown. GOD you are hurting my soul, mostly because this feels like a mirror I'm like "IS THIS HOW I LOOK IN THESE MOMENTS?!"
.....Yeahhh, well. King buddy, that was the wrong thing to say at the wrong time. Is it just me who feels a bit bad for the Collector? Like, he is definitely doing the wrong stuff, absolutely, and needs to be stopped... but they are just a kid! He is doing what any kid with power would do. And yeahhh he should still be stopped. but god damn, I do feel for the kiddo.
"The Collector is just a little kid. A scary powerful one, but also a sad and alone. " THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. God someone adopt this little kiddo, give him a home, and love...and make sure he doesn't do this again.
"Mom, are you a secret nerd?" AFTER THAT EMOTIONAL WRECK OF A CONVERSATION! But also YES OF COURSE SHE IS. She is your mother after all, you are all just nerds, and THAT IS WONDERFUL
AHHHHHHH PALISMAN HATCH! Okay, I have paused it, because "All I wanted, was to be understood" BROKE ME. AND, I want to guess what the Palisman will be. Hmm. A giraffe would be funny. OOOOOO A SNAKE WOULD BE GREAT! After all the snake talk and memories. And they are often misunderstood and seen as scary when they are just little guys. AND I have always wanted a snake sorta staff thing. MY FINAL GUESS IS SNAKE. God I hope it is after all this AND SNAKES LAY EGGS, I am a fucking genius
ITS MAKING ME WAIT?! Unless it was just that orb. FUCK I HAVE TO WAIT.
However WILLOW PLEASE, DO THE BREATHING THING. Hunter for god sake save your future girlfriend (/lh)
AHHHHHHHHHHHH HE DID!!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT. I will go insane over this. THEY ARE SO CUTE
"You have magic!" "....The magic of friendship?" "No. The magic of Flapjack!" okay so that was funny BUT I STILL BELIEVE FLAPJACK CAN COME BACK (denial is a fun stage)
"I MISSED A LOT!" Stan Luz, she is just annoyed she missed out on all her friends getting powerups
Camila, Gus and Hunter being nerds together and making references to each other is fucking hilarious, what a strange team
"STRINGBEAN"?! God I want one
CAMILA ! She is so me, I too would just go "AWW LOOK AT ALL YOU CUTIES!"
Hunter literally teared up at "you mean a lot to me too" (he is so me its unreal) AND THE BLUSHING AGAIN, GOD WHEN DO YALL GET TOGETHER AHHHHHHH THE HOLDING HANDS PINKIES FUCK, why am I so invested in these
belos you god damn snitch
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moonrisecoeur · 10 months
oh lord, ok, im back with more filth. apologies again in advance. youve literally encouraged my delusions. i am so delulu for him
**also just wanna disclaimer that im transmasc so if some of the things i say are worded a bit weird its just bc im not personally thinking in a fem perspective ! :)
i know i already talked about it but goddd i want to just pamper and pretty leon up so badly. leon just seems like an eyeliner and nail polish type of guy i cant explain it. hes just so Damn gorgeous in his re2 1998 concept art (leon is genuinely such a fuckin pretty man). i just wanna do his eye makeup, i wanna paint his nails, and god forgive me but id find some pretty lipstick to put on him too. i want to make him cry from pleasure so i can see his eyeliner and shadow leave streaks on his face. i want to fucking smear his lipstick and make him look like a fucking slut. i want to make him kiss and bite my thighs so he leaves them lipstick stained. i wanna tell him how hes such a good boy and to look at how pretty his lipstick marks are while he sucks on me. GRAhh. i wanna press his hands to the bed, look at his pretty fingernails as he holds onto my hand for dear fucking life while i fuck him.
id actually commit atrocities to see leon in thigh highs. LIKE GOD DAMN. FUCK, id be sweating hed look so fucking sexy in that. and yes, some lingerie. i dont care he'd look perfect with his fat tits being barely covered by some pretty lace. and i know hed be so god damn shy at first (god hes so cute), but hed change tune so fast when you cant keep yourself off of him, pawing his tits and biting his thighs. AND BY GOD. THE THIGH HIGHS STAY THE FUCK ON. that man also has THICK fucking thighs, perfect for grabbing and manhandling while you fuck him. like god damn have you seen the power behind those kicks? and all of that strength is gone when you start praising him and rubbing your cock against his ass.
ehehe i think about being with re2 leon domestically sooooso much im ngl. i legit constantly think about how hot itd be to fuck him in uniform ok. loosen enough of the buttons on his button up so you can oogle his chest, pull his pants down just enough so you can fuck him, trapping his legs with his belt. working him up through his pants, driving him crazy bc theyre too thick to get off from just you rubbing through them but getting enough feeling that it gets him hot and bothered. how rough his fingerless gloves would feel against your skin as he grabs at you for support.
i kinda. imagine, at least re2 leon, probably hasnt really done anything involving his ass aside from like, a little bit of curious exploring. (older leons is a hard maybe but this is about my pookie rookie) he'd always been insanely into you domming him, but i know hed be so fucking SHY when you bring up the suggestion of topping him. youd have to give him some time to think on it, poor baby. he's not sure how he feels about it, at least thats what he tells himself, but he cant help but get so flustered when he thinks about it. and you bet that he was redder than a tomato when he asks you to try it. the first time you just start with just your fingers, and that already has him fucking weak and quivering under you. cant control his fucking volume (not like he ever could). touch his dick and hes done. after that, god hed be addicted to it, it takes him a while to get over the initial shyness he feels about liking it so god damn much but FUCK i would not mind hes so sexy underneath me.
and. op. good LOOOORRRRDD. ["but also want to fuck him so so slow and deep i can feel it moving around if i put on hand on his abdomen"] FUCK. GOD DAMNNNN FUCK. when you start fucking him often he'd def loooove pushing his limits on how much he can take. he wants you to stretch his ass, fucking loves the feeling of you pushing in him and hushing him while peppering his face and neck in kisses. he loves to feel stretched and full of your cock and lets you know it, cant keep quiet about it. also this is probably just me but. want that man to have a fucking bush of a happy trail. i wanna run my fingers through and play with it while i fuck him slow and deep so i can feel my cock stretch him. god ID fucking be whimpering at that its so fucking hot jesus christ, i also kjhgkjhsdghsdkgf i love leon having a soft body. like yes he absolutely takes pride in working out and his strength but. softness around those muscles..mmmhnn. softness around muscles is just good in general i like him being at a healthy weight give my man some food rn pleaseee.
i wanna take him out on dates so i can grab and squeeze his waist in the same spot id grab it to fuck him just to get him worked up and thinking about it. what's gonna happen to him the moment no ones watching. or fuck, even better trying to not attract an audience. itd be hard because hes so god damn loud. also maybe even fuck with his head by making him wear a toy. i wanna drive him insane in public. i want him to flush bright red in public from humiliation because he cant think or talk straight.
this is gonna be sooooo controversial but. i know everyone thinks vendetta leon is a hard dom but. i disagree hard on that. hes a BRAT. hes a MASSIVE fucking brat. he'd try real damn hard to come off as a hard dom too, and he'd have such a snarky lip when you try to make him submissive. but if you know what to do it's the easiest shit ever. grab him by the back of his hair and pull his head back. bite and kiss on his neck. whisper to him how its ok baby, i know youre a good boy, i know how badly you wanna be a good boy for me, you dont have to be in control for me love, i wanna make you feel so good. tell him hes Your good boy (fuck hed love you claiming him, hed love you referring to him possessively). man handle him against the wall or onto the edge of the bed. and, god, you could bend him over so fucking easy. hed be a babbling mess, no thoughts in his pretty little head aside from your words and your dick. first time you fuck his ass hed cum untouched just from you praising him.
ok this is a bit on the weirder side but. god dogboy leon is so hot? also just. werewolves are sexy as fuck. so like consider werewolf leon. ok and then put him in a collar. he'd follow you like a lost puppy, doesnt even need a leash. he loves his leash and collar so much tho, showing who he belongs to, he loves getting tugged around by you. and you cant stop because he makes the prettiest whimpers when you do. i wanna stroke his ears while im on top of him, i wanna pull his tail when i bend him over. itd be so hot being marked up by his sharp teeth and claws cause poor little puppy cant control himself when youre fucking him so good.
THIS ISNT PEGGING BUT I JUST. WANNA THROW THIS OUT THERE TOO BC GGRHHH. its been getting cold and alllll i can think abouttt is just a warm and comfy at home date. get some warm drinks, maybe watch a movie or play a game, but poor baby cant focus 'cause im cockwarming him the entire time. he can hold on for dear life all he wants, but tries anything? tries getting himself off? what a bad boy. hed fucking choke a sob at that. im just trying to help him relax and stay warm. he doesnt need to be thinking anything during his well deserved time off. dont worry ill make sure he knows how good he is when he relaxes and enjoys our drinks, movie, game, date. ill praise him when he stays still while i milk his dick. such a good boy, being obedient while i make him cum inside of me after a very long night. <3
i am so sorry ill stop bugging you after this if you want but god i just wanted to add in, i want to mark and bruise leon up so much that hed have to dress like a fucking nun if he didnt want anyone seeing how aggressively ive claimed him. (he doesnt. he likes everyone knowing. :))
i don't even know what to respond to this except i promise ill write something soon hehehe. thank you for your serivce pls send more as more horny thoughts come to u. i expect to hear from u every day like clockwork
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mattdcblog · 2 years
Both guy and Ted are canonically fans of star trek. What I'm saying is that, if given room to confront their differences and talk honestly with each other, especially with the growth they've gone through (more guy than Ted), they might be able to tentative, if not good frie- [I'm dragged away by a pack of eagles before I can continue]
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zoeykallus · 2 years
I love your writing style and HCs 🥰🥰🥰When I find a good writer, naturally I gotta ask for some ❤️
If it hasn't been done yet, could I humbly request fem!reader has been taken prisoner/hostage and how the batch reacts when rescuing them? Major bonus points if you include some injury/hurt-comfort elements and a whole cake baked in you honor for bonus Rex and Cody.
Aye! By the way, I love chocolate cheesecake! ;))
The Bad Batch /Rex /Cody x Fem!Reader HC's - The Savior And The Hostage
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Warnings: A little angsty and mentions of minor injuries... okay there might be some pretty heavy violence and blood too...
He is beside himself with worry. His only ambition is to get you back safe and sound and he will do anything to ensure that.
No matter who has you in their clutches, you can be sure Hunter is already on his way to free you. Determined and fully focused, he sets out on a rescue mission. He is born to track people down and this is very handy right now.
As soon as he sees you, his heart will jump out at you. Hunter has never been more relieved. But what does he see? Injuries? There are scratches, maybe a few bruises and abrasions from your restraints. Nothing earth-shattering, but Hunter is furious.
He's going to go after your kidnappers, and not exactly with restraint. You are the voice of reason that must stop him from doing something he might regret. He's not a killer, but at this moment he might forget himself.
He takes you back home, neatly but tenderly tending to your wounds. Hunter is still shocked by the whole situation. Again and again he touches you gently and promises you that he will never let anything like this happen to you again.
"I'm so sorry, Cyare, I should have prevented this. I promise I'll take much better care of you from now on."
He will feel very guilty for a pretty long time. It was his duty to protect you, to keep you safe. Hunter failed. He will never forgive himself for that. You need to tell him that you don't blame him.
Fiercely determined to free you, he sets out almost alone. His brothers, of course, don't let him do that, thank goodness, so he doesn't go without backup.
The otherwise so soft Echo shows a completely different side here. He doesn't let anyone stop him, neither friend nor foe. He wants you back and that's all he can think about.
No matter how the circumstances should stand, he asserts himself. When he finds you wounded, his heart tightens painfully. Mumbling worries and apologies, he loosens your bonds. He is beside himself.
Even though you are actually the victim, he needs you right now as much as you need him. Worrying about you is completely destroying him. Reassure him that everything will be alright again.
Actually, he also feels anger, but guilt and worry outweigh it. Echo cares for your wounds very lovingly and attentively. He is very slightly shaky and can hardly look you in the eye. On the way to free you he had been so determined and full of strength. But now he feels overwhelmed by his feelings.
"I won't let you out of my sight anymore, my love. No one will ever hurt you again"
He's determined to not let anything happen to you again.
No one should underestimate his determination. He will literally burst upon your captors like a force of nature. You will already be able to hear Wrecker dismantling your captors' base in your cell.
Wrecker has one of the men who is still somewhat sane and alive by the collar and "interrogates" him. Only an idiot would refuse to answer him now.
The door to the makeshift cell block you're stuck in flies off its hinges and into the room, along with the "poor" guy Wrecker questioned earlier.
The usually kind-hearted giant sees you and his angry stony face, which is downright frightening, softens again and his eyes grow wide.
"Mesh'la! There you are!"
He rips the cell door off its hinges, but as he unties you he is very gentle and careful. His eyes wander worriedly over your wounds.
"They hurt you," he says bitterly "But don't worry, I hurt them too. I promise they got it worse."
Your gaze falls on the motionless man Wrecker had thundered into the room along with the door, and you have no doubts about it.
Wrecker calms down quite quickly as soon as he knows you are safe and is once again your gentle, wonderful giant. Very lovingly he takes care of your wounds, makes you snacks and says the dearest things to you, things that have been on his mind for a long time.
Whoever kidnapped you made a very stupid decision. Tech is not only damn smart, but also very resourceful in freeing you and punishing your captors.
Everything goes rather very quietly. You don't even notice when he shows up with his brothers. It's as if there is no resistance.
You look up in surprise.
He unties you and you see the worry lines on his forehead, the worried look behind his yellow goggles. The abrasions worry him, and he's angry. But he seems very calm on the outside.
As he leads you to freedom, you see the men who kidnapped you lying around. Apparently they were drugged.
You say uneasily, "We should hurry before they wake up".
"They won't wake up," Tech says perfectly calmly.
At your questioning look, he explains, "They have a bad habit of consuming copious amounts of alcohol. It was pretty easy to slip them a bottle laced with moonshadow weed. Extremely poisonous. But it takes a few minutes to take effect".
You've seen a whole new side of Tech. He could be dangerous if challenged like that. But that doesn't change the fact that he is very attentive to your wounds and is more than just relieved to have you back.
"We need to take better security precautions. I was so worried that I felt my heart could stop at any moment".
He's not letting you out of his sight anytime soon. This night he holds you in his arms all night long.
Nothing will escape his wrath. Crosshair does not forgive and does not forget. Especially not when it comes to you, your safety and well-being. He is determined to clean up and will put his money where his mouth is.
"None of these sleemos will get away".
None of the kidnappers get out of their lair alive. He took out the guards outside with a sniper rifle. Inside follows a sequence, of blaster shots, sophisticated maneuvers and even stabbings.
When the door to your cell opens, you see a bloodied Crosshair in front of you. At first you're worried he might be hurt, but you quickly realize it's not his blood staining his armor.
He actually likes cleaner, more effective solutions, but his anger needed an outlet.
Crosshair frees you and when he sees the bruises on you, he's sure he doesn't regret what he did here today. No one is allowed to touch you, certainly not in this way, absolutely no one.
He brings you home safely, tends to your wounds, mostly silently. He worries that something like this could happen again, and he's thinking his own dark thoughts.
After a while, he says quietly, but firmly, "I won't let you get hurt ever again".
Nothing can stop his determination to bring you back. Absolutely nothing.
Rex knows he can rely on his brothers when he needs help and reaches out to them. An elaborate plan and a few helping hands, in his opinion, are the surest way to get you back quickly and safely.
He will leave nothing to chance and plan everything carefully. But don't get the impression that Rex isn't angry. He's almost fuming, but for your safety, at least he knows to keep it together long enough to know you're safe.
But as soon as he sees your wounds and how you are tied up, he loses his temper. He takes one of the previously incapacitated kidnappers and beats him up. Rex doesn't go so far as to kill him, but he comes damn close.
As quickly and as violently as he snapped, he got himself back under control. Taking care of your wounds and getting you home safely is the most important thing and that's what he focuses on.
Rex is gentle and caring. He tends to your wounds, takes off your shoes, helps you wash and make you snacks, and makes you put your feet up.
He's so relieved to have you back. Rex won't let you out of his sight anytime soon. No one and nothing can teare him from your side.
At first he is confused. Somehow Cody can't quite believe this is actually real. He doesn't want it to be real. But he quickly got himself under control and is already working on freeing you.
He is very purposeful, calculating and determined. Cody leaves nothing to chance. He has already figured out where you are, has taken a close look at the surroundings and knows all the weak points of the building you are in.
He's armed prepared and ready to do anything necessary, to get you back to safety. Cody is not shying back from using fatal force to get through your captors to free you.
But all righteous anger and harshness falls away from him when he sees you. He unties your bonds, looks at your wounds with concern. Cody is relieved you're alive despite minor injuries.
And of course he blames himself for what happened. He feels guilty, but he doesn't let it eat him up. Instead, he uses his energy to ensure your safety.
Cody takes care of you tenderly, treats the wounds and also helps you with everything else that is necessary. Eventually he orders plenty of food from a delivery service. He doesn't even ask what you want, he knows all your favorite meals and just orders them all.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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