#but also the way they approached it rubbed me wrong and those comments made me uncomfortable and upset
arionawrites · 1 year
how tf did me facetiming someone i matched with on tinder turn into them giving me unsolicited advice about giving people your full attention after i already let them know that i recently got diagnosed as adhd and it’s hard for me to focus on just one thing/person and then them telling me that “based on my behavior” they think i’m autistic like ?? didn’t ask, we literally started messaging each other like a day ago, even if i am autistic (which wouldn’t be a bad thing if i am) when has it ever been socially acceptable to tell someone you JUST MET that you think they’ve got some kind of mental disorder/illness/disability/etc.
my friends have mentioned that i might be autistic and that’s fine bc i’ve spent a lot of time with them and they actually know me and i take their perspective of me very seriously because they’re the people who see me 100% unfiltered and have known me whenever i’ve been completely unmedicated. i trust their word.
this person from tinder, however, i have sent like maybe 20-30 messages to where we talked about nanowrimo and i was like omg it’d be so cool to meet someone who also writes, whether it’s as friends or as more, i would love that—only for our facetime call to be less than 20 minutes long and for them to try and diagnose me as autistic just because i, after ALREADY TELLING THEM that i have adhd and after them asking about meds and me telling them that i haven’t taken my adhd meds today because i didn’t have work and also i’ve taken multiple naps today which has made my head even more foggy and made it even harder than usual to focus, found it difficult to focus.
like. i wasn’t unresponsive. i wasn’t ignoring them. i was listening and i was responding, i just also was looking between my phone and my laptop screen.
which okay i understand that maybe i’m just frustrated because of the “based on your behavior” comment because an 18 minute facetime call does not give someone enough interaction time to try and fucking diagnose me as anything, and maybe this is more of a we just didn’t vibe and that’s fine, i don’t think they’re like a bad person or anything and if nothing else i’m glad the mismatched vibes were felt before deciding to meet up or anything, but also.
eighteen minutes. literally eighteen minutes and they fucking “based on your behavior i think you’re autistic” and “here’s some advice, when meeting new people you should give them your full attention”
FUCK that.
#idk maybe they’re also autistic and thought it was supposed to be helpful? and again i dont think they’re a bad person#and esp if they are some kind of neurodivergent they might not have realized how that comment could come across#so i’m trying not to take it too personally bc 1. i dont rlly know them 2. they dont rlly know me and 3. it has no heavy impact on my life#but also like idk it just was weird and even if they didnt intend to comment to come across like that#i can still be uncomfortable and upset about it#anyways moving on this is why i barely ever open tinder in the first place lmaooo#aricomplains#also like they probably arent all that wrong to be fair#i know it can come across as rude to not put ur full focus on someone esp someone you’ve just met and that is something i want to work on#it just felt weird that i literally explained i have adhd and its hard to focus and i promised them its nothing personal if i struggle#to focus on them while talking and like AFTER i said that they tried to give me that ‘advice’ like i hadnt already addressed it#idk i understand how my actions might have come across as rude or something but if someone told me they had adhd and struggled to focus#i would immediately know not to take it personally if they’re like fidgeting or on their phone while i talk or smth#which i also get is not something everyone has to do too like no one is required to react the same and#blah i’m overthinking this i need to stop#basically: i understand how my part in the ft call might have come across and i addressed it and tried to focus as much as i could#and if they took my lack of focus as rude i understand why and i also understand my ability to focus on people’s something i need to work on#but also the way they approached it rubbed me wrong and those comments made me uncomfortable and upset#but again i started talking to them yesterday and have no obligation to talk to them again so#take this as a lesson and a reminder of why i need to keep working on my ability to focus on people better when talking to them#and also take this as a reminder as to the kind of people i want to spend time with and thats not people who give passive aggressive advice#or try to diagnose someone they JUST met#and then take those lessons and reminders with me as i move on#ok im done now im gonna unmatch w them on tinder and also maybe just delete tinder entirely bc i barely use it anyway and would rather#try to meet people in more authentic ways#honestly my hope is that now that i’m spending like 3 days a week at the library in between shifts#i might meet another library-going sapphic and that would be VERY lovely 🥰
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artistshadow · 2 months
Alright, here are some of my thoughts on some of the complaints I’m hearing about the Rise of Red. I’m not going to get into the whole Cameron/Carlos debate. I already made a post about that. But some of the things I’m going to comment on are the “mistreatment of Chloe”, the non-resolution to the QOH abuse toward Red, and the failed “prank” plot hole.
First off, with the “mistreatment of Chloe.” Now, I’ve watched the movie three times already. Is it the best movie that's ever been made? No. Is it enjoyable? Yes. Is everyone entitled to their opinions? Also yes. But that doesn’t mean some of us can’t help but roll our eyes and rub our temples at the sheer annoyance that some people have when it comes to their opinions. I’ve seen folks on this app say that the characters were treating Chloe like garbage because she was “acting like a princess, wanted to follow the rules, blah blah blah.” Now, you can say that, but from what I picked up, that was more of them calling her out and helping her recognize some flaws that she wasn’t aware of. Chloe was unaware of certain things due to her upbringing as a royal. It's important to approach these character actions with an open mind, as it allows for a more nuanced understanding of the movie. She really believed that if you were a good person, if you followed the rules, that if you did everything the good, moral, and decent way, then bad things were never gonna happen to you, that you would always come out on top, that good things were gonna come your way. And while that may be true to some extent, it isn’t that cut and dry.
Chloe was described from the beginning as a perfectionist, and while being a perfectionist isn’t always a bad thing, it can become very annoying very quickly. Trust me, as someone who jumps back and forth from being a perfectionist, I know.
Her meeting her mom in the past, when she was at her lowest, helped her come to that conclusion. Here is someone, Ella, who was living with her cruel stepfamily, being made to live like a servant, but still managed to keep something of a positive and open-minded look at things in life. That is why the scene “Gets Your Hands Dirty” is one of my favorites from the film cause it offers up the murky sides of things that we are taught when it comes to things that most people deem “good” and “bad.” Not everything is as simple as it seems. Sometimes, you can play things by the book, but it don’t result in anything. There are some people who do bad things for the sake of cruelty, but there are people who do bad things for the sake of others. Like they mentioned: Robin Hood. You can’t say that breaking the rules and doing something bad is wrong, but look at someone like that and say, “Oh, but he was helping others.” See the contradiction there? Chloe unfortunately fell into that with her way of thinking.
Back on the goody-goody things, let's go to the scene in the Tremaine Home. When Chloe accidentally breaks the vase, she says three specific things:
“It was my fault.” Good, good. Owning up your role in the incident, not letting Ella get the full blame.
“ But I’m very sorry….” Again, good. Acknowledging you feel remorse for it happening.
“...and it won’t ever happen again.” Now see, that's where she lost me.
She says this as if it makes everything ok. Now granted, she’s saying this to a woman who most definitely doesn’t give a damn if she’s sorry. But in the overall point, saying you’re sorry only goes so far. Action needs to be behind those words. And I’m not talking about “It won’t ever happen again.” Cause it's nice that you’re sorry and you won’t let it happen again…but the vase is still broken. None of what you are saying is gonna fix or replace that. What Chloe should have said was: “It was my fault. But I’m very sorry, and it won’t happen again. I’ll gladly pay for it to be fixed or even to get you a new one.” That’s would’ve been better. Again, I know Tremaine wouldn’t have given a shit either way but it would have established Chloe as someone who wanted to make up for her mistakes. But instead it came off some goody princess who thinks that a simple apology will solve things and make them better.
And back to the whole rule following thing. I’m not saying it's wrong to want to follow the rules the entire time, but following the rules doesn’t always result in you succeeding or even accomplishing your goal. Take Robin Hood again. Also, there are plenty of examples of heroic tales whether ones from long ago to books/tv shows/movies that portray the protagonist constantly breaking the rules and completing what they set out to do. So I don’t know what Chloe is thinking following the rules is going to get her in the situation that she is in now. Just saying. Hell, I’m pretty sure time traveling is breaking some kind of law of nature or other.
Now onto the “no-resolution for the QOH’s actions toward Red.'' This is gonna be pretty cut and dry. Y'all do realize that by changing the events of the past prevents the Queen from becoming the evil abusive asshole of a mother she is now right? So by that logic, none of the stuff she ever did to Red no longer happens. Red might still remember them (I don’t know if she would have any new memories of the current altered timeline) but she can’t exactly hold anything against this version of her mother. Hell, I'm pretty sure every bad thing the Queen did has been erased, every one she has ever hurt is probably fine now. So with that being brought up, I have to ask: Why would she have to apologize or be punished for anything that no longer exists? If nothing changed, then yeah by all means there would need to be some kind of resolution, but this is kind of it. That Queen of Hearts is gone, replaced by a much better and kinder version and Red gets what she’s always wanted and deserved: A mother who is kind and loves her. So if y’all are pissed at that and that the queen didn’t suffer any actual punishment then y'all can just go somewhere cause there’s really no point in arguing. Cause it’s coming off as y'all don’t want Red to be happy.
Now onto the “prank.” I will admit that the prank was kind of a weak excuse for a reason for Bridget to become as heartless as she was and the way they stopped the prank from happening was kind of trash, but I lowkey get how the prank would have had an everlasting effect on Bridget. Walk with me here for a second:
Bridget is a person who wants to be friends with everyone and lives her life by the idea that if you’re kind to everyone then it will all pay off in a good way. “You get more with sugar than salt.” That's one of the big reasons why Uliana hates her so much according to Ella. Because no matter how nasty Uliana is to Bridget, she (Bridget) continues to be nice to her because she wants to be friends with her even though Uli is a terrible person. Now Bridget is, I’m assuming, a person who is easily bullied as that's the only explanation I can fathom as to why someone as sweet as that who literally gives treats to everyone (FOR FREE) has no other friends than one person. Now let me tell you something, being bullied isn’t something that can easily be brushed off. Even those who act like it doesn't phase them can be holding back inside, burying how they really feel deep, deep, deep down. There’s no telling what Bridget was feeling on the inside for real. But maybe having Ella helped keep the pain at bay. So imagine you’re at your first dance ever with your best friend who goes off with someone else. You’re happy for her, no question, but her not being there later on comes back to bite the both of you. Especially if you’re turned into a monster in front of everyone by the person who you tried on multiple occasions to be nice to, give the benefit of the doubt, and tried to be friends with after you’re led to believe that it was paying off with the offer of a sweet treat. And while everyone is pointing and laughing, you can’t find your friend. Because she’s off with someone else and has seemingly left you behind after asking you to come with her to this event. I can see how all the pain and anger that you’ve been holding down, trying your hardest to suppress can come to the surface and all that niceness and goodness could go out the window because why bother being that person when it’s become clear that no matter what you do none of these people will ever like you or love you and that you really have no one to trust but yourself?
With that being said, I can see how a “stupid” prank like that could be the “perfect revenge” as turning Bridget into a monster on the outside resulted in her becoming a monster on the inside and it ruined the person she was before.
So do I think that that prank was the number one main reason as to why she became a villain today? No. Do I think it was the main catalyst that opened the door for more things to affect her going forward that resulted in her becoming a villain? Absolutely. I 100% believe that that prank was the reason the darkness was able to open up in her. Hell, like I said earlier, I wouldn’t be surprised if the monster-turning-prank had an after effect that left some of the monster inside her.🤷🏻
I haven’t thought much on the fact that if they VK’s get frozen because of the protection spell on the book they wouldn’t be able to pull off the prank plot hole. I can only assume that in the original timeline, they found some kind of way around it, one that possibly maybe involved Ella, but due to the fact that the book is no longer in that timeline, they never get the spell so everything is changed. I’m not sure.
Again, these are just my thoughts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just couldn’t sit back and hold my tongue for any longer. I’m gonna come out with something later on how I see the characters from the animated films going to school together low-key makes a little bit of sense.
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diorcities · 1 year
ho portato le stelle a letto
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req: I'm ovulating and the only thing I can think of is cockwarming w haechan while counting his moles because I'm horny but also emotional and I just wanna give that man a baby🌋🔥
pairing: haechan x reader
genre: smut kinda, fluff
content: cockwarming, domestic love, nothing else actually.
wc: 700+
an: thank u anon !! sorry for the delay, i was really invested on strawberries and cigarettes, hope you like it <3 we just reach 800 followers aaaaaa tysm
masterlist — message me !
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you hear haechan curse his reflection in the mirror in front of the bed. he's staring at his face, contracted in an annoyed grimace. “what's wrong?” you ask, stopping your reading. “a pimple just showed up,” he breathes.
you leave the book on your nightstand, and get up from the mattress, approaching him from behind. the fresh fragrance due to his recent shower reaches your nose, gently inhaling the soft skin of the nape of his neck. haechan, let you rock his body side to side, as your hands caress his chest. peaking over his shoulder, you look at him. “it's ok, honey,” you whisper.
haechan paid little to no attention to your words, as he's very invested in studying his face in hopes of finding other beauty marks. you stay in silence, knowing how much he cares about his appearance. “we have matching pimples,” you notice, grabbing his chin and making him look at you. a small laugh leaves his lips. “we do,” he recognizes. “since we both have pimples…,” you comment, “shall we do a skincare routine?”.
a small nod makes you go to the restroom. the moment you return to the bedroom, haechan is sitting on the bed, his head resting on the headboard. you make your way to him, sitting with legs crossed in front of him. “should we make each other skin care?” he suggests, watching you smile widely.
his hands go to your waist, getting closer to him and making you sit on his lap. your hands work on the pimple patches. haechan does the same, taking out a pair of them. his free hand going to your chin, to have a better look at your face. you hear him murmur a song. he's concentrated, as he bites his lips, trying to put the patch on the right spot. once he's done, you proceed to do the same.
“where should i put it?” you ask him, brushing his hair off his forehead. he points a finger to a spot in his cheek, asserting the pimple, making you wonder how much he stared at it to know exactly where it was. the pair of round circles adorn his cheeks once you finished. “now, ten minutes,” you inform. “make yourself comfortable, ma'lady”. 
the book on your nightstand was no longer interesting, as you found yourself studying your boyfriend's face, wishing that he could see himself through your eyes, so he could finally realize how gorgeous he was, with or without those imperfections that made him rare. “you're staring, weirdo,” you hear him murmuring. his eyes still close. “i'm not,” you deny, looking elsewhere.
“horrible, isn't it?” he asks, opening his eyes. you look at him, immediately knowing what he is referring to. “of course no, haechan,” you whisper. “perfect.” you watch him shake his head, slowly. “perfect to me.”
“how about everyone else?” he asks. “well…, perfection is subjective,” you point out, “it's impossible to be perfect for everyone since there are different standards,” you reply. “we're growing and changing, it's normal that our bodies change too.” 
“it's not the end of the world,” you whisper, rubbing your thumb in his hand. you see him detach his head from the headboard and sit upright, face to face, inches away from you. “it's not the end of the world,” he repeats, before going in for a kiss. your eyes opening as soon as you notice the bulge under you. looking at him in awe. 
“what can i say? i adore when you go smarty pants.”
“smarty pants?” you asks, while his hands go to the waistband of your pajamas. he tossed them off right away. “mmm… makes me hard.” you laughed. “but we're doing skin care right now, remember?”. “you're right.” 
he let you go when you got up to throw away the patches, returning with some tissues and lotions. you sit in the same place as you were before. haechan pretends to read your book, opening his eyes in surprise when he feels you pulling his underwear to free his length. 
“i thought we were doing skin care.”
“i mean, we can still do.” before sliding his cock inside you. “so…, this contains niacinamide and this one retinol,” you inform. “retinol.” “okay.”
he starts applying the lotion in your face, gently rubbing circles waiting for your skin to absorb the product. your fingers did the same, making sure to be extra careful. your attention being diverted from the main target. finding yourself tracing paths in his skin.
haechan noticed it, and remained silent.
his moles forming constellations. a whole galaxy in his cheeks. and neck. more hiding under his shirt. splashing his body. how many could you count, before losing track? how many of them are, and how many of them your eyes don't know yet?
“ho portato le stelle a letto,” you quote the book you were reading. you hear him giggle. “what does that mean?” he asks while rocking you in his arms.
i took the stars to bed.
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a1brix · 8 months
A "What If Uzi Died Instead of Nori" Fanfiction
This a first final draft of the opening scene of a new fanfic to post on AO3. I don't expect this to garner much attention in tumblr, but if you see this, please give comments and critiques! I feel like the ending was a little bit weak, and I have no beta readers...
"Mom! Check this out!"
Nori slowly turned from her desk to see Uzi hopping around proudly, holding a gun-looking thing in her hands. Nori sighed internally. That thing was the likely culprit to Nori's charge deprivation; That loud welding noise last night was constantly pulling her off sleep mode. And it was probably a new invention of Uzi's that Nori most definitely doesn't approve of...
She shook it off and smiled. If it would make her daughter happy, then she would entertain the idea of what kind of weapon her little girl had come up with this time.
"What have you got there?"
"My latest weapon!" Uzi began to wave the gun around, pretending like it was some sort of sword. 
“This cool-as-heck railgun!”
Nori stifled a yelp as the barrel whizzed past her head several times. She kept her smile though. The last thing she wanted was for her daughter to stop sharing these things with her. 
She loved seeing Uzi be with her…
But she was still quite uneasy about it! It's not every day your child makes something this... dangerous. Her eyes twitched a little when the barrel approached her again. Nori noted to herself to let Khan show Uzi some gun safety sometime soon, or at least how to keep the barrel pointed away from anyone.
Uzi smiled proudly back at her mom. "Pretty awesome, huh?"
"Sure, Uzi..." Nori reached forward, carefully pushing the barrel down so it wasn't pointed at her face. "Just... Please, try not to point that in anyone's direction, okay?"
Uzi stared blankly.
"Oh right... sorry, Mom." She said, tittering. "I forgot, heh heh..." Uzi set the railgun down on her desk carefully.
"Well... what do you think?"
Nori leaned forwards to inspect it a little. She didn't want to encourage the thought, but... "I can really tell how much thought you've put into making it a lightweight. The design itself is very sleek..." Nori did genuinely admire the craftsmanship. Khan really has been rubbing off on her daughter, hasn't he? She chuckled a little. 
"Although I am surprised you made it violet... and with stickers?"
Uzi crossed her arms and huffed. 
"Hey, I think it looks cooler that way! Don't ruin it for me!"
Nori shook her head, cupping a hand over her mouth and chuckling into her palm. "Well, I wasn't implying anything!"
"You're literally laughing at me!"
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are!"
"So, what if I am?” Nori gave her daughter a playful smack. Uzi stumbled theatrically as a response, before retaliating with an onslaught of light jabs aimed at her mother. Nori held up her arms in defence, laughing softly.
“As your mom, it's my job to bully you for impractical aesthetics!"
"Bite me!" Uzi exclaimed, now giggling. "As your daughter, it's my job to make fun of you for being lame!”
Nori gasped in mock horror. "How dare you?!" She grabbed her daughter by the shoulders, and Uzi squirmed in response, still laughing. "That's it, you're grounded!"
"What?! No!" Uzi cried out, trying to worm out of her mother's grasp. "This is injustice! I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Really? Did you do your homework?"
There was an awkward silence before Uzi’s eyes hollowed, displaying underlines.
"Ah! There it is!" Nori laughed, pointing a metal finger at the lines. "The proof I need!"
“Mom!! That’s cheating!”
Nori laughed again. Uzi was smart, but could never outwit her mom. Well, not yet, anyway. She awaits the day her little genius finally pulls one over on her… but in the meantime, Nori couldn't help but have a little fun with this.
"Yep, it's true. You are grounded. That's also for making me stay up all night with all those sounds, you little gremlin."
Uzi grunted. "In my defence, I was working on something awesome!"
Nori rolled her eyes, playfully pushing her daughter away. It was times like this Nori wished she had a popcorn bucket. These kinds of shenanigans with Uzi were more entertaining than old human movies… and the "definitely-not-pirated” anime Uzi always wanted her to watch? Speaking of, she should really introduce Uzi to some new stuff.
"Well, I hope it's worth giving your poor mother a sleepless night."
"Sorry... But hey, I promise it's good." Uzi picked up her railgun and smiled. "It's going to blast some murder drones' heads off."
Nori chuckled, but it lacked warmth. She still has to care for the safety of her daughter. Just imagining the thought of her little girl facing a murder drone made her—
"Don’t go, please...”
Those words came so suddenly. Too suddenly.
Nori’s eyes hollowed. Something was crawling up the back of Nori's processor. An awful feeling, weighing down on her entire being as she blanked out for a moment. She couldn’t let the cracks show through though, even if just a little bit. 
Her teeth clenched, and Nori swallowed hard. She forced that feeling down.
Uzi maintained her grin.
“Go where?" Uzi asked. "Oh…! Outside? I mean… Yeah. I'm definitely planning to take this bad boy outside once it is fully done, but—”
Nori flinched.
There was a clattering sound that caused Nori to blink. Her eyes glanced down to see her hands grabbing onto Uzi’s wrists tightly, with the railgun now discarded on the floor.
A few moments passed before Nori looked up to see Uzi staring right at her.
For the first time in a while, fear was etched into her little girl’s face.
Stop ruining everything.
Nori let go of her daughter's wrist immediately.
Uzi clutched her wrist, looking down at it while rubbing it gently.
No... She promised would not lose control again. She could not bear to hurt anyone again, especially not her own daughter. Uzi did not do anything wrong. Uzi was only being herself. 
And this was just supposed to be some fun teasing.
"Did you not like what I said…?" Uzi looked up, her eyes void of their usual cheerful light. Her tone of voice seemed too frightened to hide its waver, almost sounding like she was about to cry.
A painful static suddenly blared inside her. 
Nori stumbled back, grabbing her head.
A good mother wouldn't do this to their own child.
Nori's optics widened as she saw her daughter scramble to take hold of her.
"Are you okay?!" Uzi asked.
Nori is okay. Nori will always be okay when Uzi is around.
"I... I... " Nori stammered, “I’m so sorry, Uzi.”
Nori hugged Uzi. Uzi did not reply, but Nori had her daughter with her. Nori wasn't alone. Everything was okay as long as Uzi was here. Nori wouldn't lose her, right? Uzi was her everything, her reason to live for, her ray of hope when everything turns dark. It would destroy her if she could never see those sweet purple eyes again.
In her presence, Uzi will always be safe.
A smile formed as Nori looked up to her daughter’s face again. 
Her visor was completely shattered on the right.
On the left, her remaining purple eyelight flickered weakly.
Everything will be okay…
"Uzi…" Nori smiled, “We can still fix this..."
She pushed the shattered glass away with her foot.
Nori was still okay…
Her eyelight darted around.
"M-mom… What is happening?"
Uzi was still there…
Nori held her tight. "I... I don't know, but we'll be okay."
Uzi's head fell forward, hitting her shoulder.
“Mom… Why…”
Uzi looked up at Nori, before her light flickered out.
Uzi... it still hurts.
"Why did you kill me, Nori?"
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tdstoryarchive · 4 months
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Book 1
Chapter 1:
We're All Running From Something
Quite the read. :)
A cool gentle breeze rustling through his short spiky hair as Flash runs around the track.
As his competitors approach from behind he speeds up to keep his lead. The wind picked up, people were cheering Flash in from the stands...
The announcer called out from his box within the stands. Thr crowd goes wild and starts chanting "Flash! Flash Flash!"
He made his way out of the track area, only to be halted by reporters.
"Another victory in the continued winning streak of Track Star, Darrin "Flash" Williams," a Channel 6 News anchor, Brie Walters commented as her cameraman filmed.
"Darrin may only be in college, but he has great potential to someday be in competitions such as The Olympics!"
When Brie noticed Flash, she ran to him with her microphone, "Flash! Flash! A second if you wouldn't mind!"
He stopped and looked at her. "Alright, but only for a few minutes."
Brie nodded. "How does it feel to win yet another State Track Meet?"
"Same as it always does, it feels nice to win." He stopped for a second. "But I don't run for thr medals or the trophies. It's simply just...a passion of mine."
"Besides Passion, is there anyone who motivates you to keep going with this running career?"
"Uh.." Flash had hesitated.
At this point, Brie was smiling wide, " A girl maybe.. someone like Beauty Pagent Winner, Heather Granville? You've been hanging out around her recently yeah??"
"Uh.." Flash shook his head. "No she's just a friend. But, I gotta go now."
Something was always followed Flash, something...not good, and the dread of it was sinking in so, he had to go. He ran away from the reporter, who was left suddenly confused.
Flash had run straight into Heather upon pure coincidence. Knocked them both right over.
Heather rubbed her head as Flash offered out his hand to her, he'd gotten up fast, and was very apologetic.
She accepted his hand and rubbed herself off. Today had already been a bit weird for her. She also had a splitting headache because of it.
"Its alright.. it's not the worst thing that's happened to me today...." Heather seemed kind of down, she let go if Flash's hand when she was back on her feet.
"Sorry to hear that..anything I can do to help?" Flash asked.
"Probably not unless you have 4,500 Dollars." Heather sighed.
"I most definitely do not." He was taken aback slightly. "But..what's it for? If you don't mind me asking."
She was quiet for a moment, before speaking low, "A nose job."
Flash put his head down low. "Heather, you don't need a nose job. Your nose looks fine."
"Just fine?" She asked her eyes pleading.
"More than fine, amazing flawless. You don't need to change your appearance like that to be pretty Heather." Flash said kindly, "You've got natural beauty. Not a lot of girls can say that."
"Aww," She found herself blushing at parts of Flash's words, "Thanks Flash. Means a lot."
Flash nodded in response. Half the time Heather did this sort of stuff so she could get compliments, so it's hard to tell if she was lying or being sincere.
But that's the first impression you'd normally get being acquainted with her. Flash sincerely liked her despite everything.
Maybe it's because they were both popular. Regardless the two friends hugged and went on their way.
Her heels clicked as she walked away from The Track Star. An important mission for a young adult in college.. asking her parents for money.
She'd already told Flash what she needed and he had helped her out a little, but all the other girls have been talking about Heather behind her back..
"Your nose is crooked!"
"Off Center"
"Beauty Queen isn't so pretty now huh?"
Maybe Flash was right, she is pretty and nothings wrong. Maybe these are just petty rumors spread by those who are Jealous of Heather. It's not worth the risk.
She arrived at the Café, she had asked her dad to meet her there. He was a successful businessman. Luckily she'd caught him on his lunch hour.
"Daddy," Heather looked at him with slight puppy eyes. "The other girls at my college say that my nose is crooked."
"And let me guess, you want thousands of dollars for...what? A nose job?"
"If...you would?" Heather asked nicely.
"Absolutely not." He said. "You don't need a nose job, you are a beautiful young woman okay?"
"Those other girls, well, they're just jealous."
Of course, Of course. What was Heather thinking. The world was in her grasp. Born into Beauty it seemed to even revolve around her. Truthfully, a fault of hers, conceded due to those around her. Perfectly Perfect as some would say.
Not all lives are as perfect as Heather though. Take Zoe Ingstrom for example.
She is an 8 year old girl who is the child of a broken couple. No further details needed. But it is rubbing off on her. She often makes her dolls hit each other...
That as you know is not healthy. It shouldn't be a thing a kid has to head let alone watch.
Distant yelling could be heard echoing in the halls of her house.
"DEADBEAT?" A male voice countered the female voice, booming louder. "I'M NOT THE ONE GOING AROUND WITH OTHER GUYS HUH?!"
Both parents had their faults. Honestly, weren't even fit or ready to have a child.
Zoe drowned it all out with the dolls. This time she was playing house. A mommy and a daddy doll were taking their baby doll out for a picnic in a nice park.
They had sandwiches, juice, chips and everything you can think of that would be at a picnic!
Zoe used her imagination to run away from her troubles, but it only got worse outside her room.
She decided to take her favorite dolly and climb out of her window. Luckily her room was on the first.
We are all running away from something.
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callmecams26 · 1 year
⛔️,🎖 and 💖 for the ask game!
HII <333 thank you sm for the ask. This is probably gonna be a bit long, bc I’m opinionated. Hope that’s ok.
⛔️ a rider you dislike?
Ouuhhh love questions like these! As of right now, I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t really like Johann Zarco. I’ve just heard really awful things about him, and I think he’s kind of arrogant in interviews. Might’ve just gotten a wrong impression of him.
I DONT like Jack Miller. I think he talks too loudly about things he shouldn’t even focus about. That comment he made about riders “shutting up and just riding” rubbed me the wrong mf way. It’s tasteless and disrespectful to the people who are struggling on their bikes rn (Fabio, Mir, Marc etc). Especially since he sat on a Ducati last year, and is now on a KTM. Both super great bikes. There’s just no sympathy, it angers me a lil.
For a while, I didn’t like the Espargaro brothers. I thought they were like Jack - speak about things that doesn’t concern them. Aleix has always had a direct approach with his words, I feel like. But I’m ngl, Aleix has grown on me! And for Pol, well, I never disliked him, I just clowned him for saying he was hopefully gonna “be better than Pedrosa or Lorenzo” on the Honda.
Lorenzo, sure. But Dani??….
🎖 favourite podium?
I feel like an airhead bc when I saw this question I was like “the ppl, or are we talking layout?”. Well, for the people, I’m super biased. I just always hoped that either Lorenzo or Pedrosa would get on the podium, because I love watching press conferences with them. They’re my boos <33
And for layout, I’ll say Spielberg, just because I’ve been there tee hee.
❤️‍🔥 favorite rivalry?
Im guessing you meant this one, but if not, I’m so sorry </3
My favorite rivalry gotta be Pedrosa and Lorenzo, just because they’re my faves (sorry). Like 2010 and 2012 were literally GOLDEN years for me, because they were just going at it every damn time. It also kinda broke my heart, though, because Dani was so unlucky those years.
It’s just also funny hearing them think back to the 250cc days where they TRULY didn’t like each other, and Dani wouldn’t shake Lorenzo’s hand and stuff. Love it!
I also kind of like Marquez and Rossi’s rivalry, but that’s just because Rossi is always so dramatic with his rivalries. My mans really goes all in, even at press conferences, so it always just felt very much like “the girls are fighting”.
But yeah. Again. Thank you for the ask!.
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badedramay · 1 year
so. since you’re revisiting, a diyar-e-dil question. i started rewatching a lot of old dramas i used to love recently and while i can acknowledge many of these are products of their time and emblematic of certain societal ideals i also feel like the harm of those ideals is sometimes so hard to ignore. like in rewatching diyar-e-dil i’ll go to the youtube comments and so many people have nothing but disdain for ruhi when all i can feel rewatching as an adult is immense sympathy for her. i know the point of the drama as a whole is to overcome differences and prejudice and to mend old wounds, and there is of course a valid concern in how ruhi imposes her own anger and hatred onto faarah to the point of suffocation. but i don’t know how people don’t sympathize with ruhi for the reasons she’s angry in the first place. if i were a mother and my husband told me to get my daughter married to her cousin out of a need to mend old wounds i would be infuriated. i would feel terrified for my daughter and for her ability to make her own choices. and it feels like the degree to which ruhi and faarah are stripped of agency for the sake of perpetuating the whole narrative is almost absurd, like they have to go along with everything and wait for it all to fall into place bc that’s the only way the message of familial unity will get across (and i know faarah doesn’t give in literally speaking, she’s obv quite defiant, but i’m referring more to the wait-and-see narrative approach that our dramas are so often fond of to make a girl come around to a guy she’s forcefully married to). of course wali ends up being the better love interest in the end even though he utterly manhandles her in the beginning bc she “belongs” to him. of course ruhi was just wrong and judgmental of the family the whole time and not reacting to a fear of feudalist tradition and supremacy. of course faarah’s mamoozaad cousin was conveniently evil and psychotic the whole time. it all feels way too convenient. and i know there has to be some suspension of disbelief to successfully engage with these stories but i don’t know how capable i am of it anymore when it seems so many harmful stereotypes and mindsets are perpetuated through our dramas and continue to be, and they overwhelmingly treat people who are apprehensive of the harms of certain traditions like judgmental aliens who simply have to meet the right family to come around. it feels like a very naive approach to addressing those apprehensions and the societal concerns at the root of them
in any case, i know you love diyar-e-dil a lot, so if any of this upsets you feel free to delete the ask entirely. but (to finally ask my question lol) i was wondering, did any of these little details ever catch your eye or bother you too with respect to what we allow dramas to subtly perpetuate on a societal level? i feel like people’s engagement with these topics and to this level of depth is quite low on pak drama twt, but i’ve enjoyed your deeper analysis so i figured i’d take a chance and ask for your insight. hope none of this comes off as judgmental of you or your tastes bc i definitely don’t intend it to be! for all of my qualms with the drama now i am still fond of it in certain aspects, just not so much in others anymore
*rubs hand in glee*
first off, thank you for sending in this long and insightful ask. just to be clear i am not the least bit upset or offended by it cuz whatever you said IS a valid point. tbh, the reason why i want to revisit Diyar e Dil is because I want to watch it and see how I *now* feel about it. nostalgia paints a pretty picture and while I am sure no amount of years will lessen my love for this drama, my reason for revisiting is to see what more I can add to the commentary that I have already made (and i have made a LOT of it) about the drama and its narrative themes. have my tastes changed? how forgiving or not am I now about the things show in the drama vs when I first watched it in 2015 or when I rewatched it in 2018? i know i have changed..but how much has Diyar e Dil changed in the years? these are important questions and I believe asking them is only fair and legitimate. bhayee jo baat hai..how long can we continue to recommend dramas as "best that the industry has to offer" but with a disclaimer "yeah ignore some of the obvious flaws of it though". Diyar e Dil for so long has been my no-brainer drama to recommend to people looking for quality scripts..it's only fair if I put it to test.
therefore fair warning: i am answering this based on my previous knowledge of the show which might be lacking cuz time works in a funny way to the memory xD
warning 2: it's long.
Ruhi was, in its truest essence, a grey character. up until the point when Behroze takes Ruhi to meet Aga Jaan after he makes the choice of choosing his love over his family, Ruhi had all my support. she wasn't a bad person; despite her fears she encouraged her husband to reconnect with his family. even until Behroze makes his decision of getting Faraa married to Wali, I could sympathize with Ruhi. where she fully loses me is how Ruhi treats Faraa after all that. the years long emotional abuse she subjects Faraa to..that's where she crosses a line of no coming back. the thing with Ruhi is that makes it easy for the YT audience to make her the subject of their disdain is how hypocritical Ruhi was when it came to her family vs Behroze's. Ruhi went above and beyond to keep her family close and in love with her. I get why she did it, the fear of abandonment had her clinging on to them for dear life. Where Behroze also lost her is how she simply refused to extend that courtesy towards Behroze's family. She had such a trigger happy response ready whenever Behroze mentioned his father that it baffled Behroze. Had he not been a good husband to Ruhi? Had he not been a good son-in-law for her family? Had he not loved and supported her and her family in whatever capacity he could? Behroze's obligation was only towards Ruhi but he accepted that Ruhi's family came around in their toughest times so he accepted them as his own. But that doesn't erase that his family DOES exist. That for years his brother had been trying to build the bridge between him and their father. That it was Behroze's own zidd that made him lose time in which he could've made more peaceful amends. Behroze was troubled, he was emotionally and mentally disturbed; the first person he expected to give him support no questions asked was the first person to abandon him. And Ruhi CONTINUED to abandon Behroze for years by not caring for Faraa; by not even trying to muster up the manners to have a kind conversation with her father-in-law. Ruhi and Behroze were both abandoned by their family. In both cases the families did eventually come around. if Ruhi was willing to forgive her own family for it, why not for Behroze's? Specially when Behroze reconnected with his family by getting the worst possible news he could. Ruhi's flaw that pushes her in the darker of the grey category is her victim complex. And the narrative does call her out on it. That in the list of people who made mistakes, Ruhi is not excluded from it. A lot of Ruhi's anger and fears are justified but SO MUCH of her actions aren't.
so many harmful stereotypes and mindsets are perpetuated through our dramas and continue to be, and they overwhelmingly treat people who are apprehensive of the harms of certain traditions like judgmental aliens who simply have to meet the right family to come around. it feels like a very naive approach to addressing those apprehensions and the societal concerns at the root of them
Fair point but it doesn't really apply in the case of this show, does it? Ruhi spent her life with a man who belonged to the same society and family whose supposed evil traditions she wanted to "protect" her daughter from? if Behroze turned out to be a decent man, by sheer law of probability his family could also be decent. No. this show only chooses the veil of being apprehensive towards the norm of a certain society to show how a person uses certain stereotypes and prejudices to conveniently stay in their own bubble where they feel safe. as far as themes go, Diyar e Dil was never meant to address these socio-cultural concerns. sure, they were an important plot device but the plot itself was not fully reliant on them. if anything, DeD ended up showing a positive side of the often criticized segment of the society by reiterating that a person's inner goodness or evilness is not defined by which socio-cultural background they belong to.it never made any sweeping statements about how ALL families in ALL over the world are ALL like this. no. it showed a story of this ONE family only with all the mistakes it made and how it worked to rectify them and left it to the audience to learn something from it if they liked it enough.
One of the big takeaways from the show is to judge people by their individual merits, to ponder over their actions not in isolation but within the context of their situation, because that's how one truly knows a person and until you don't know a person..how can you love or hate them? (that's what Faraa confesses no? that how could she hate Wali when she didn't even know him? she always only knew the version of him that was fed to her by people who ALSO didn't know him)
I am someone who was always fond of the story of Diyar e Dil. It's one of my favorite comfort reads by Farhat Ishtiaq. When it was announced that DeD was going to be adapted to screen, i was scared. not always does a book to screen adaptation does the story justice. however, DeD onscreen didn't disappoint. not only the script for TV added more layers and dimensions to the characters and situations, the STORY at its core remained intact. DeD was written always to give the lesson of how ego rots relationships. that while ego can give a temporary satisfaction it's the bonds that tie us which are our salvation. and to make bonds is to abandon the ego. Aga Jaan, Behroze, Ruhi, to an extent Faraa..it was their ego that made them stand on the precipice of disaster. Behroze lost his chance. AJ learned his lessons but not until he faced immense tragedy did he fully embrace it. Ruhi had to fall from the cliff into the mouth of tragedy to learn the lesson but she got rescued midway. And Faraa was lucky enough to learn it while she had the time and she stepped away from danger. I see DeD as a story like this. Hence, the flaws that it has become not wholly ignorable but they lose their ability to overpower the heart this story has. and the story has its heart in the right place.
maybe I am the odd one out here but I judge a drama (desi dramas more specifically) based on what it intends to be and how it presents those intentions. everything else is secondary. convince me on the intention and convince me that the methods chosen to present that intention are in tandem with each other and be very CLEAR about them - you'd have my attention. this works across all genres for me. I lose my interest when i see discrepancies in the intention and the presentation. which is why I have dropped shows after being hyped about them to the skies (Tere Bin/Pyari Mona) and which is why I have gotten back on board on shows that previously lost me (Yunhi). Diyar e Dil had the intention and presentation decided right from the beginning and it very clearly stayed on the path. did it have to rely on some plot conveniences? of course it did, it had no other choice (like for the longest time I was a staunch Moiz supporter and only until he fully showed his ugliness did i start to hate him...his villanness which seems obvious now in hindsight broke my heart {despite also knowing Moiz was a bad guy in the novel as well like wow ajeeb dimag chalta tha tab mera dkjaehakjsdhawea} but it was necessary for the plot so contrived it might be..i accepted it) would i like to change things about it? sure! which drama is so wholly satisfying that it leaves the audience with no ground to transform it? it's just that there's something so fulfilling about this story and how it's told that I keep coming back to it again and again even if its to say the same praises and air the same grievances again and again.
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Doble Cara (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
As promised, the third instalment in my Amiga en Linea story line, definitely read parts one and two first to understand any of this one lol Shoutout to everyone who has helped me with this one, and to everyone who comments and posts cause that is the reason I want to keep putting out stories 🥰🥰🥰
In the weeks following the second time you and Alexia had met on that dreaded bench, you had become even more guarded, not willing to chance opening up to the wrong person again. The truce you and Alexia had made continued through every game and training session. Those were the moments where you could forget the pain and you would see sparks of the amazing girl you were staring to get to know. 
As soon as football was off the table though, those deep feelings of betrayal came flooding back in. Claudia was amazing and has made sure that you were never left alone with Alexia, and if you were she would interrupt and make sure you were good. It made things easier not having to talk to her. 
It didn’t change the fact that you couldn’t help but watch her from a far. It was almost like the last talk you had where you told her you saw two different sides of her, she took it to heart. You now watched her a lot and could see her trying, she was slowly turning in to the Alexia you feel for online, but in person. 
The way she treated your teammates, coaches, and fans showed exactly how much compassion she had for everyone. Watching her excitement during games reminded you of the passion she showed you online, as soon as the games were over though you watched that excitement dim from her eyes. 
It was after the last game, where you had fought back from a 2-0 scoreline vs Real Madrid. In the last minutes of the game, Alexia swung in a cross to you and you connected it on the half volley into the top left corner for the game winner. The team went crazy but you only had eyes for her, you ended up with your legs wrapped around her waist as you jumped on her to celebrate. 
When you jumped down and met her eyes you could see the sparkle in them and you wanted to see it more. Once you gathered yourself and walked away to restart the game you could see her shaking her head. After the game when you walked up to her you noticed the sparkles and excitement gone. 
“Good Game Alexia, the cross was awesome” You tell her in a quiet voice as you approach. 
She turns and looks at you with surprise in her eyes as she says “thanks Y/N, that volley was amazing” 
You blush under her praise and you cant help but be a bit annoyed at your self. “Anyways good game” you tell her as you wrap up the conversation. 
“Hey Listen, you were always worried about not being apart of the team. But I want to tell you that you are, you can see how much everyone loves you Y/N” she tells you with a small smile. 
You meet her eyes and can feel the annoyance creep in. You break away from her and you turn to go back into the change room without another word. You cant help but to feel annoyed at her, she is using the things you told her online against you in person now. Why would she do that if she didn’t want to rub it in your face further. 
The following week has your family visiting Spain. They are down to see you but also want to watch your team play, especially your niece who wants to meet some of her favourite players. You have been skeptical all week as you don't know how your niece will be treated, but you don't have it in your heart to not let her come to the game. 
Before you leave the house to head over to the game early you decide to have a talk with her. She’s sitting on the couch in your apartment watching cartoons, when you sit beside her on the couch and say “hey monkey” 
She looks over at you and says “Yeah Y/N” 
“I know you are excited to meet the players today, but I want to prepare you, they may not be very energetic after the game” you tell her. Deciding to keep it light and not tell her anything to crazy. 
She looks up at you with puppy dog eyes and asks “But I want them to sign my jersey.”
Your heart breaks and you cannot believe that you have to break a 6 year olds heart, when all she wants to do is meet her favourite players. “I’m sorry monkey, but I am going to try and see what I can do okay?” 
She jumps up onto your lap and gives you a hug and says “good luck aunty.” 
You press a kiss to her head and then move her back to the couch, on your way out the door you meet eyes with your brother who nods his head and waves to you. 
As your make your way towards the stadium all you can think about is how annoyed you are that you cant even be sure your niece is going to be treated okay. She’s 6 years old and all she wants is to meet Alexia, but you still aren’t sure you can trust her to do the right thing. It hurts you so much that you know the Alexia you fell for online wouldn’t have this issue. 
Once at the stadium you leave those thoughts at the door, and allow your mind to go blank and be filed with only thought of kicking ass and football. This works cause you walk away with a 6-0 win, with your self scoring a brace. After both goals you point directly to your niece who squeals every time. 
“Hey Y/N is that your niece?” You hear Claudia ask you as she approaches you after the post game huddle. 
You smile at her but before you can answer, Leila and Patri both walk up. You wait for them to walk up before you answer “Yes, thats Stephy. She’s 6 and my favourite person.” 
They all smile and you are so distracted by watching your niece jumping up and down that you don’t notice Alexia walk up as you were speaking. “You know you can bring her down here Y/N” Alexia says from behind you and you jump slightly at her surprising you. 
“Oh it’s okay, I don’t need to” you say with a small laugh and an embarrassed face. 
It's Leila who jumps in and makes her way towards her as she says “Stephy?” who immediately looks up at Leila. “Come on down, Y/N has told us all about you. Do you want to score on the net?” she asks her. 
At this point Stephy is jumping up and down and you wander over to grab her over the railing. You put her down and tell her to go ahead, and she immediately heads towards the girls. You get distracted for a moment by your brothers questions that when you turn around a minute later, you see Alexia on her knees engaged in a deep chat with your niece. 
You can feel the unease settle in your stomach as you worry what she is telling her. You wander over and can feel your heart melt a bit at the chat they are having. Alexia is listening in to Stephy tell her about every single stuffed animal she has and what their names and stories are. Your heart swells slightly as you know this is the real Alexia. 
When you get to them Alexia has stood up and your niece turns to you and asks for a picture with you both. You can never say no so you grab the closest teammate to you and ask them to take one. You kneel on one side of her and wrap your arm around her and Alexia kneels on the other, as you both settle in you feel her hand wrap around your bicep and it kind of feels right and you hate that it does. 
You are even more annoyed that the rest of the time your family is in town all your niece can talk bout is how great Alexia is and how she is her favourite. It grinds your gears that Alexia has been the cause of so many issues for you and yet, she is still your nieces favourite. Your brother cant help but to rub it in that you are just jealous. 
The first training session after your family leaves is a bittersweet, your happy to have some free time again but also miss them so much. What you don’t miss is the constant chatter of how great Alexia is. 
The team is completing some cool down stretching when Leila asks you “So Y/N did you love having your family around?” 
You smile and respond “Yes it was nice to have some company, and to be able to visit a bit of Barcelona.” you say with a shrug. 
The rest of the group continues to ask you questions about your family and it makes you feel a bit better that you are getting along with the team now. When everything wraps up and everyone heads towards the change room, Alexia falls into step beside you at the back of the group. 
“Hey, I’m glad you were able to get out and see the city, I wish you could have done it earlier though” she says to you in small voice. 
You immediately stop and stare at her as she continues walking. She realises after a moment that you have stopped, so she slows and turns back to you. You are still staring at her when she asks “Everything okay?” 
You shake your head and step up to her and say “no Alexia its not. You don’t get to do this.” 
“Do what?” she asks with an incredulous look. 
You huff and respond “this” you gesture between the two of you “this whole acting like you know me when you only know me because you hid behind a screen.” 
You start to move past her annoyed when she grabs your upper arm before you can pass and she tells you “Y/N, I want to know all of you, behind the screen and in front of it.” 
Before you can respond the change room door opens and half the team floods out, it's Mapi that notices you first and says “hey is everything okay?” 
You yank your arm out of her grasp and say “All good, just chatting about a new free kick routine” 
Alexis nods in affirmation but doesn’t take her eyes off you as you head in to the change room. You are so glad for the interruption because you do not know how you would have gotten out of answering that question, because you do know if you would have been able to ignore it. 
The following game day you are a little frazzled, you had found out just before going to the field that your niece had fallen and broken her arm. She was okay but you hated that you couldn’t be there for her. You had to cut your face time short as you had to head to the field. Upon arrival you are already on edge when Alexia approaches you before you can even get to the change  room. 
“is everything okay? You look frazzled?” she asks you as she pulls you into a quiet hallway outside of the change room. 
You look at her with a confused expression as you say “I’m fine, just some family stuff” 
She reaches out and places her hand on your forearm as she says “You know I am here for you Y/N, I always have your back” 
Again she reminds you of her multiple personalities, and you yank your arm out from under her hand and you say very sarcastically “Yeah sure, like I believe it” and then you continue down the hall to the change room. 
The frazzled emotional state you are in does not bode well when you are playing Atletico Madrid. They are good and definitely a rival to you. It's a hard fought game that remains scoreless throughout. 
It's in the 82nd minute that you steal a pass and you turn the jets on for the counter, you can see you have two defenders in front of you but you see Alexia make a run, so you send the square ball in. Immediately both defenders leave you to go to her, she is the best footballer in the world after all. When you continue your run and end up wide open you are calling for it, but she doesn’t play the through ball, she tries to take on the defenders. She beats one but when she takes a shot it deflects harmlessly off the defender out for a corner kick. 
Your mental state pre game bleeds into your head in that moment and you are on Alexia, “why didn’t you play that to me!” you yell as you step into her face. 
“Whoa Y/N, I thought I had it settle down” she says as she places her hands up in an innocent gesture. 
Annoyed, you turn step closer to her and say “don’t you dare tell me what to do! You have no control over me!” 
“I am the captain of course I do” she says right back. 
At this point, Mapi has grabbed Alexia and yanked her back and you have Claudia pushing you back. Before you are too far away you add one more dig “you have to always put everyone else down to make you feel big eh.” 
“Whoa whoa, Y/N walk away” Leila has said as she ran up to move you back as well. Its at this point you realise this was not the time nor the place for this. You hear a refs whistle and you see your number on the sub board, you jog off with your head down knowing that you fucked up. 
The game ends 0-0, you spent the last 10 minutes sulking on the end of the bench, and when its over you stomp towards the dressing room. You cant believe you let your personal issues spill on to the field. You are so caught up in your head you fail to notice Claudia coming into the room. 
“Y/N?” she asks quietly. 
You turn to her with tears in your eyes as you say “I’m sorry, I never meant for that to happen” as you start to cry. She has now sat beside you and gathered you in her arms. You both are sat like that for a while when the rest of the team files in, minus Alexia. They all look over at you both when you blurt out “I’m sorry everyone. that was my fault I shouldn’t have done that” 
They all mumble an agreement, but Mapi is the one who steps up and asks “What was that Y/N?” 
You look at Claudia and silently ask her if you should say. You know she agrees so you give the team the cliff notes version. “Alexia and I are working through some issues in our personal lives, I’m sorry it spilt over onto the field it won’t happen again.” 
Leila immediately is on her feet as she says “I fucking knew it, I called you and Alexia fucking!” 
You immediately blush under those implications but before you can even respond Alexia walks into the change room and responds for you both “Leila, If we were fucking, trust me that wouldn’t have happened today.” 
Blushing deeper, you keep your eyes cast downwards and ignore everything else. You wrap up what you are doing and head out to get away from prying eyes and questions. 
The following training the team is in good spirits even after everything that went down on the field, it's almost like the secret being out made them more comfortable and confident with everyone. 
The scrimmage at the end of training was fun and light hearted as it started to rain, and everyone loves playing in the rain. It was all fun and games until Mapi goes to defend Alexia and she slips on a patch of mud and knocks into Alexia’s ankle hard. She goes down and its not a pretty sight. Alexia is clearly in pain, but it makes it better that she can stand on it and walk on it. 
It turns out Alexia has a badly bruised ankle bone, but it means she is out for the mid week game as she is needed for the Saturday league cup game instead. 
When you get to the stadium on the Wednesday night you are walking out tot he field for your pre game ritual when you see alexia sat on the bench staring into nothing. You feel a pull to her so you walk over and sit beside her leaving enough space between you both. 
Moments pass, and you can feel how upset she is so you bridge the gap “You know Alexia, you won’t be out forever its just one game.” 
She shakes her head and says “One game can change everything Y/N” You look over to her and you both meet eyes as she continues “I am so sorry about last game. I don’t know what came over me.” 
“I’m sorry too Ale, I wish I handled everything better” you tell her. 
She looks over at you and says “I don’t know how to live up to the expectations from the bench, how am I supposed to be the captain everyone needs when Im stuck here on the side lines?” 
At hearing the broken tone to her voice you slide closer to her one the bench as you say “You know these expectations are not put on you by anyone other than yourself. We all believe in you and know you always give us your all no matter what.” 
She meets your eyes again as she says “I am so so sorry Y/N, I had no idea who you were. I just wanted to talk to someone who could see me for me. And even still you see me for me.” 
Reaching over you grab her hand and tell her “listen Alexia, I am starting to believe you, but you need to give me some time. I am starting to see you as you really are but I am still scared.” 
She nods and says “I get it Y/N, I will give you all the time you need”
“Maybe just focus on resting up and being you, cause thats all I ever need you to be. All I want is for you to be your true self every day.” you tell her with a squeeze of her hand. 
“Y/N, I will be forever grateful you are giving me another chance.” she tells you. 
You shake your head and say “no let's not think of it as a second chance, let's think of it as a new beginning, we have a history that I don't want to forget. I want to remember the things you have told me already.”
She looks at you with awe in her eyes as she says “Thank you Y/N, I love that. Now lets start this by you taking my place, and kicking ass today” 
You smile brightly at her as you pull her up to stand and follow her to the change room, with this new beginning in place you cant help but let your eyes wander down to her ass, where you realise you have never taken the time to truly admire how hot she is. 
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chasingpj · 3 years
pairing: percy jackson x child of aphrodite! gn reader
requested?: yup!
warnings: mentions of underage drinking, one curse word, and mentions of sexual tension
category: fluff, shy boy x obviously interested girl trope
a/n: don't mind me I'm just projecting and I got carried away
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you’re not sure what gravitated you to percy more
the crystal green eyes, the freckles over his nose, the disheveled dark curls, or his clumsiness
the first time you laid eyes on him, he was walking back to his cabin after sword-fighting practice
his tan skin gleamed in the sunlight as a hand came up to swipe away the damp hair sticking on his forehead
for an action so mundane, it made your stomach flutter like crazy
and then the beauty of the moment was ruined right when he trips over the steps of his cabin
you heard stories of the kid killing the minotaur, blowing up a volcano, and rumors of being the suspected child of a huge prophecy
yet, he was not immune from tripping over his feet
and you’re sure the dorky charm of that moment made you think, he’s mine
for the next few days, you were determined to approach him
but you didn’t just want to come up to him and introduce yourself; that would be too plain and forgettable
you ended up finding your opportunity during a capture the flag game
silena gave you instructions to distract percy, and you headed over strong, ready to make your first impression while also taking him down for your team
sure, he had water powers and done a bunch of cool things, but your father made sure you were well trained in sword fighting and martial arts even before you knew about the camp
you planned to take him by surprise, and luckily it worked
with ruthless attacks, it didn’t take long for you to sweep him off his feet and knock his sword out of his hand
by pressing the flat of your sword under his chin, you forced him to look up at you, and you peered into those clear green eyes
gods, he’s cute, you thought
“hey,” you said
percy was stunned, not sure if it was because you effortlessly took him down or if it was because you were one of the prettiest girls he’s ever seen
“... hi,” he sputtered, gawking for a moment as you offered your hand
you swore you felt sparks when his fingers brush across your palm... even though the contact was a little sweaty
in the distance, you heard the satyrs blow the horn and the roars of celebration from your team
“i should go back to the others. catch you later, ocean eyes,” you flirted
percy’s shoulders tensed up when you blew him a kiss; awkwardly frozen in his place as you waited
“well, are you going to catch it? you can’t just let my kiss fly away.”
percy shifted on his feet, not sure if you were serious or not, but when you held your ground with arms folded over your chest, it was clear that’s what you were waiting for
and so with a flushed face, percy awkwardly grabbed the air in the front of him, and you couldn’t help but giggle
“good, i wouldn’t want it flying to a stranger,” you commented playfully. “you know, i don’t really like this whole outdoor camp life thing, but seeing your pretty face around here makes it a lot better”
“uh… oh, thanks?” he stammered, not having the words to respond
you winked at him before walking off, more than satisfied with your first impression
after that, you were contemplating your next move
children of aphrodite can see all the possibilities in a potential relationship
you were able to see you and percy eating ice cream in central park, holding hands at camp, a shy kiss on your first date
you wanted all of it, and you going to make sure you get it
of course, silena and your siblings were your wing women
if percy was in the strawberry fields, you were picking strawberries beside him
in the fields, you got to know him and his sarcastic humor, which made your crush flourish
you even took sword fighting classes at the same time as him and made sure he was your partner most of the time
whenever you had a chance, you’d affectionately fix his hair or his armor just to hear his shy thank you’s
he’s never had a girl show this much interest in him, so you definitely made him a little nervous, but despite that, he opened up to you pretty quick
sometimes he’d help you out in the stables, and you noticed how he’d fumble with the harnesses or knock things over when you would flirt with him
you loved his reactions so much that you always took it up a notch just to see how he’d react
you suppose the pegasi didn’t make percy’s shyness any better
there were times where he’d shush them, or the tips of his ears would grow even more flushed at a neigh or huff from one of the pegasuses
as the summer came to an end, you gave percy your email and made sure you stayed in touch
you didn’t live very far from one another, but you didn’t dare ask to hangout
you wanted to be asked first!
and you were disappointed when the invitation never came despite the two of you being consistent with sending emails
the year flew by fast, though, and you were excited to return to camp for an array of reasons; percy being one of those reasons, of course
when you saw him for the first time that summer, you were in awe at how different he looked after a year
he was taller, broader, and just more handsome overall
your stomach went into a frenzy when he greeted you with a boyish smile while his hand rubbed the back of his neck nervously because he didn’t fail to notice how, somehow, you were even prettier than he remembered
unfortunately, having the prepare for the war meant you guys were too busy to hang out as often as you did the previous summer
but when you did have time to see each other, it was still fun
there was an unspoken rule between you and percy that any talk about the war wasn’t allowed
it allowed you guys to just bask in the nights where you would watch the sunset while joking around and sharing funny stories
those nights were calm and still; they brought a sense of normalcy amongst the chaos and growing tensions
because of this, percy had sought out your company whenever he could get it
being with you made him feel like time slowed down
inevitably, the battle of manhattan occurred and passed, causing the summer to end with the grief of losing your siblings
while campers arranged the ceremonies to honor their siblings, percy hopped around to help
losing silena as a counselor meant it was time to pick a new one, and to your surprise, your siblings nominated you
you were silena’s right-hand person, the oldest in the group after her, and the strongest fighter, so your siblings felt it was fair that you took the role
but it didn’t feel right to you; the pressure of being a newly elected councilor while still grieving silena weighed hard on your shoulders
after the nomination, you needed time to get away and sit with your thoughts, and you were only there for a moment alone until percy had found you
his eyes studied your somber expression, and he was quick to ask what was wrong
as you poured out all your worries, percy was quiet and attentive
you cuddled up to his side for comfort, and even in your sorrow, you didn’t fail to notice the way he tensed up
finally, when you let everything out, he chimed in to soothe your worries
your expression was a little lovestruck as he said everything you needed to hear, and well, his strong arm around your shoulders definitely helped too
you were so elated that you couldn't help but press a kiss on his cheek to thank him
his flushed face was enough to lift your spirits for good that day
by the time the summer officially came to an end, you could feel that percy’s feelings for you were becoming stronger
the romantic possibilities you envisioned became more apparent, but percy hadn’t asked you out yet
and like, you guessed you could have asked him out, but that wasn't fair in your book
you were already making the first moves; it was his turn to do something about it
then you were sure your mother pitied you because finally, after a few more months of emailing, percy asked if you to go ice skating with him, and of course, you agreed
but then, you concluded that it was more like a cruel joke from your mom because percy never showed up
you waited hours for him before you trudged home in defeat
heartbroken wasn’t even enough to describe how you were feeling
being stood up with no follow up from him made you conclude that he just wasn’t interested and you just needed to move on
it wasn’t until you went to CHB for christmas break did you find out percy was missing
you were crazy worried about him and helped as much as you could to try and find him
when it was confirmed that he was still alive, you were more than relieved
from that day on, you were itching to see him again, and finally, after the giant war, you were able to speak to him
you only said a hello before you got sucked into a game of truth or dare with your friends
the game was self-explanatory; spin the bottle and the person who’s chosen is submissive to the person who spun it
you made up some lousy dares for the first few people until you spun the bottle in percy’s direction
“truth or dare?” your voice was challenging, and a little flirty
percy shifts in his place, “truth.”
“do you want to kiss me?”
“kiss me.”
the instigating coos of your friends made you smile, which contrasted percy’s stunned expression
“never have i ever-”
“that’s not even the game, percy!”
your friends laughed at your interaction, but you were honestly a little annoyed
he liked you; you could feel it, so what was he even waiting for?
“it’s fine. you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to,” you say with a playful smile in an attempt to hide your disappointment
“shit, i’d kiss you,” leo joked, and you suddenly perked up at the request
a new idea came to your mind
“so kiss me,” you snapped your gaze to leo, a smirk on your face
leo gasped so hard; he choked on his own saliva
while he coughed erratically, showcasing all his shock on his face, you announced, “new rule! you can only give up a dare if someone else in the group offers to take it for you.”
your gaze fixed on leo, “so, are you going to kiss me or what?”
“uh, only if you want to,” he stammered, and you smiled, moving to lean over in his direction
suddenly, percy cut in, “i didn’t give up the dare.”
your attention shifted to him, and you didn’t fail to pick up the jealousy radiating off of him
your stomach flipped with anticipation at the success of your idea
if percy needed a push, you were going to push him
“you’ve given leo false hope then,” you joked, and playfully leo sighed.
“man, so close,” he mumbled.
you bit your lip as you leaned in percy’s direction
you felt his attraction to you; his eyes told you everything you needed to know and more
and before you knew it, your lips were against his
the kiss was short, but for a moment, the world around you was drowned out; you barely heard the coos and cheers of your friends around you
with a satisfied smirk, you pulled away, settling back in your spot as percy’s eyes averted elsewhere, too shy to look at you
you and your friends played the game until you grew bored and found something else to do
because the festivities kept pulling you in one direction to another, the only interaction you had with percy was the occasional longing glance and nothing else
as you escorted a few of your sisters who drank a little too much back to your cabin, you were sure you’d have to wait another day to talk to him
lost in your dismay, you automatically denied piper’s offer to finish the task
it wasn’t until she scoffed did you pull out of your thoughts
“are you kidding? go. i’ll get them back. you find percy.”
“oh yeah. you guys need to do something about that sexual tension. are you gonna date him or what?” another one of your sisters slurred
before you could even protest, you were shooed away by not only piper but by the rest of your siblings too
you stayed in your spot, making sure they had at least made it to the steps of the cabin before you pranced up to percy’s cabin
you figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if he wanted to go on a walk with you
your knock is followed by a few moments of shuffling before he opened the door
and, whew, you were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a shirtless percy
“hey." you leaned on the door frame, your eyes trailing down to admire his toned torso
“eyes up here," percy playfully demanded
you were almost hesitant to avert your eyes, but you obliged.
"i wanted to ask if you wanted to take a walk. you know, i just haven’t been sleeping well."
percy leaned against the door frame, amused at the dramatic pout on your face.
“sure, let me put on a shirt firs-”
“oh, you don’t have to. i don’t mind,” you cut him off, and his head tilts back just a little as he laughs
“i’m putting on a shirt,” he declares playfully, and you whine in fake disappointment
on your walk, he told you all the crazy things that happened while he was missing, and even though his stories were a lot more interesting than what you had to say, he was eager to hear about what you've been up to
your conversation persisted as you walked around the camp and as you arrived at the docks, another idea came to mind
suddenly, you cut yourself off mid-sentence, your gaze fixed on the water
“perce, you know, i can’t swim,” you mention, stepping on the wooden dock
it was quiet for a moment, and percy's expression was laced with confusion as you kicked off your shoes
you didn’t even care that you were wearing designer clothes, running straight off the dock and into the deep lake water
you heard percy yell your name right as your body completely submerges in the water
and it wasn't even more than 3 seconds before percy jumped in, one arm immediately wrapping around your waist to swim up to the surface with you
his baffled expression sent you into a fit of laughter
“what? why did you do that?!”
“cause i knew you’d come and get me.”
percy’s lips curved up into a smile, and you took the time to admire his features in the moonlight
you swore you saw his eyes flicker to your lips for a second, and the action made you hyper-aware of how close your noses were
"kiss me!" you thought in your head as you circled your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer
you could feel his admiration, the accelerated thump of his heart, the fluttering in his stomach that mimicked yours
the kiss you shared earlier was far too short for your liking, and you were already looking forward to the next opportunity to kiss him again
“i haven’t forgotten that i owe you a date.”
you smiled at his words, half-distracted at the proximity of his lips
“so it was a date all along?” you asked, and percy nods, amused
“you know, i was thinking now that there isn’t another big prophecy and the chances of me disappearing again aren’t likely, that, maybe, you and i could-”
“yes! gods, yes.” you cut him off, and percy laughs at your eagerness
you waited too long for the question that you couldn’t even let him finish asking
he isn’t able to say anything else as you pull him into a passionate kiss
it was as if the years of anticipation were being poured into the movement of your mouths
the kiss was long, growing in eagerness until the harpies had ruined your fun and the two of you had to run back to your cabins
a part of you had wished that all of this would have happened sooner
you had plenty of nights where you were stared at the ceiling with conflicted thoughts, wondering if you guys just weren't meant to be, if you somehow made up his attraction to you in your head, or if you should ask him out first and save yourself the potential regret
but when you returned to your cabin full of enthusiastic siblings asking why you were soaking wet and why your lipstick was smudged, you realized you wouldn’t have changed a single thing
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙄 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 | E. Kirishima/ Reader/ K. Bakugo
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𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 1
𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: after weeks of Bakugo distancing himself from you and Kirishima you finally get the chance to talk out what happened the other day, one thing leads to another and...
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, thr*esome, oral (f! and m! receiving), double penetration, fingering, p*ssy slapping, dacryphilia, all characters portrayed are over the age of 20
𝘼/𝙉: I'm so sorry this took me so long. I know this is 6.5k with little to no plot but I hope you enjoy this, hehe, thanks for all of the notes and amazing comments on the last one. I'll be reblogging in a few minutes with the tags in those who asked. Also. This is top Kirishima. Top top top top Kirishima.
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It's been two weeks now that you and Bakugo exist in different timelines.
He's never home, lost in patrol after patrol, leaving a hot mess behind him in his room, belts, gear, his back up costume messily sprawled across his room -you guess he doesn't have enough time to clean everything up. Still, the rest of the apartment always looks inhabitable, save for the little mess you make in the kitchen when you cook; he never cleans what's supposed to be your task.
You feel yourself growing sadder every day. It's something Kirishima notices and informs you he feels as well, rooted deep in how Bakugo is treating the two of you ever since that night. And the worst part is you can't do anything about it. He doesn't return his phone calls nor does he ever pick up, and by now you've accepted that he purposely avoids being in the house with you. It hurts even more knowing that he and Kirishima see each other at work every day; at least he knows Katsuki is doing okay, though as he reports, he rarely ever talks more than patrol and business.
You only wonder why he acts the way he does, thinking you don't deserve to get ghosted over for what happened. He's your roommate and one of your best friends, whatever made him feel like he has the right to ghost you with such each is not going to go by so easily and you're not willing to wait it out anymore either.
Thus, this Thursday night you call in sick for work and emerge yourself in the bathtub after checking the clock. 7.25pm. It's still an hour until Katsuki is off his shift, which means you have plenty of time to do some self care. Shave your legs, scrub your whole body with your coconut scrub- anything to calm down that put of anxiety that's starting to boil in the pit of your stomach.
You fear for the worst. That Katsuki doesn't want to be your friend anymore, and losing him doesn't sit right with you. Not over just catching him masturbating once.
There's a ton of things you want to say, or ask him. The lingering thought of him liking Kirishima or you digs deep enough into your brain and plants itself there, getting comfortable right next to the thought of him being jealous of your relationship. Could this be it? Could he just be lonely? He never talks about meeting anyone or having sex -that must be it, he's lonely, that's all.
Your bath doesn't last for long because you're nervous and the water runs cold before you have the chance to enjoy yourself. Maybe it's time to start turning the heating on in the apartment and you curse yourself because you have to talk this out with Bakugo as well -fuck its hard to not live on your own when you have to make shared decisions with someone. To your stomach's turbulence dismay you can't get out of talking to Katsuki.
"No, I literally won't tell you where she is Bakugo"
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of the door unlocking and closing again, followed by your boyfriend's familiar voice. You don't make a single movement to exit the bathroom yet- you're frozen, opting to rest on top of the toilet cap until you hear Bakugo's reply, your gut falling into a muddy pit of panic.
"I swear to fucking god if you two are trapping me to talk about it"
Typically of him, he shouts, barking and chewing a few sounds of what he's saying. Kirishima knows he's all bark and no bite though, you're eager to figure out how he'll oppose him.
"She wants to talk to you, you can't just ghost her like that when you live with her" There's a long pause next "and you should have told me that you're in fucking love with her"
"What?" Katsuki exclaims
"You think I'm an idiot? Or that I can't comprehend basic human behavior? I know how people who feel the way you do act"
"What are you even saying Kirishima? That I'm jealous?"
You blink feverously, trying to take in what you're listening to unfold in the other room. You know a part of you has been wishing that this scenario wasn't true.
"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You should have told me you liked her in the beginning. I would have never made a move"
They bicker back and forth for a few minutes; Katsuki accusing and Eijiro defending, then switching back and forth before going silent. It's then that you think you should emerge from the bathroom. It feels wrong to not be part of this conversation when you're the reason for their bickering, but at this point the guilt in your stomach is rotting and polluting your insides.
With a sigh, you turn the doorknob and inhale deeply. You tell yourself you can do this. You have to do this, yet your eyes are filled with hot and salty tears as you approach the living room.
Both of them eye you simultaneously, pursed lips and hands crossed over their chests; the only relieving thing about this is that they're sitting next to each other on the couch, their calves slightly touching. You know they'll make up again, they always will, but you're scared you won't be able to be part of that make up. Not with the information that's been poured onto you.
"Hi" You whisper and despite being sure both of them heard you, they make no effort to open their mouths and talk back "I uhm" You clear your throat "I heard what you were ah saying"
"Course ya did" Katsuki growls "course ya fucking did"
"Baku- I-"
"Save it! I'm gonna-" He snaps and makes a move to get off the couch, though Eijiro has other plans; he slams him back down with just a push of his hand
The same hand that's extended to you, overlapping Katsuki's chest, wordlessly asking you to join them on the couch. Your heart warms up slightly. Kirishima always does his best to make you feel included, it's no surprise he's smiling at you when you take a seat next to the blond.
"You're not going anywhere Bakugo. And babe, you can speak now"
Though you smile nervously with your lips, your first word falls silent, in awe of a lung filling sigh. Then by the time you gather some thoughts together your chest is shivering and the tears that you managed to drown before are now threatening to spill from your eyes again.
Kirishima is watching you religiously, pouting as you throw your head to the opposite direction of his to let out a small sob. He tightens the grip of his hand around yours and barely notices Bakugo batting his eyes to that direction.
"Hey, no, don't cry"
"I just don't want to lose Bakugo because of this" you sob and Kirishima shoots a killer gaze at the blond, biting the inside of his lip.
"You're not losing anyone idiot" Bakugo says, clearing his throat, giving Kirishima a strained look as well
"Babe, don't worry, Bakugo and I will be fine, you and Bakugo will be fine"
You sob again, wiping a stream of tears that's falling from your eyes and Kirishima wastes no time on cupping your cheek after bullying Bakugo to do the same. A nice change, you think, two hands reaching out for your face, you could almost get used to this.
"Yeah, you're not losing me" Bakugo tries to soothe, though by Kirishima's demand he adds to his words "I- uhh, I might want you but this has nothing to do with us not being friends"
"Yeah?" You sniffle, looking up
It's too soft how you're cuddled into their arms instantly, pulled on top of them to sit on both of their laps, held tightly in both of their embraces. You coo into their arms for a while, content when Kirishima kisses your cheek and sobbing faintly when Bakugo rubs your back in circles.
"Do you want a beer baby?" Kirishima asks, softly patting your back and kissing your nape as he leaves you clinging onto Bakugo. You nod into the crook of Bakugo's neck in reply and Kirishima smiles from the other side of the couch.
The sound of the fridge opening is timelines away from what's entering your mind. Is it wrong that you like that cuddle too much? And is it even more wrong that you want more? Bakugo feels nice when you're curling up onto his lap and Kirishima adds warmth and love into everything he's touching, you almost feel your thighs clench at the idea of where your mind's traveling to.
"What if we had a threesome?"
It's so faint when it comes out of your mouth that you're convinced there shouldn't be any loud reaction to it, though you hear the can of beer that's presumably in Kirishima's hand hit the floor, you feel Katsuki's hand freeze on your back. Both of them wonder if they've heard correctly, but never asking you to repeat it.
"A uhm.. Threesome?" Kirishima asks "you'd like that?"
You try to hide your face deeper into Bakugo's neck, but he doesn't seem to approve of it- he pushes you back softly, with a thick hand on your stomach and another still on your back. You feel your face burning as you're forced to face him
"You'd really want a threesome?" You nod and Bakugo gulps "Right now?"
"Mhm" You gulp too, your nose almost nuzzling against his "if- if you want to"
The way you're swamped with attention is overwhelming. From the way Kirishima jumps to the edge of the couch towards you, to the way Bakugo lifts you up and stands on his feet, urging you to do the same as your feet land one by one on the carpet underneath you.
"Fuck okay uh, are you fine with it Bakugo?" The redhead asks, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I am."
Kirishima gulps when he sees Bakugo latch onto you, placing his hand on your shoulder and coughing up slightly "Should we set some rules?"
"Yes" Bakugo coughs as well, though you can feel him getting hard to where your thoughts are meeting his "wanna suggest anything?"
"Great uh, maybe no kissing between the two of you, since she's my girlfriend? And Katsuki you're wearing a condom too. Are these fine?"
Both of you gulp and nod. It's natural for Kirishima to ask this. Sharing you out of the blue can't completely sit right with him; it almost flicks a switch on inside your gut, making you gulp again when you feel him hugging you from behind.
"Safeword?" Bakugo asks
"Red" You reply cooing when your back finally hits your boyfriend's chest.
You don't even have enough time to count down seconds before you're pounded and squished between the two of them. It's a miracle that you somehow manage to convince them to move it to the bedroom.
Even if making a small stop at the hall wasn't in your original plan
Kirishima's hands are everlastingly on your waist pulling your back into his chest. He's nibbling on the nape of your neck, his fingers light as feathers as they're peeling your T-shirt off of you. He almost grunts at your exposed back, leaning down just to place a kiss on each of your shoulders before latching onto your ear
"It's fine baby, it's fine if you're embarrassed okay?" He blows into you then takes a bite of your ear lobe to which you shiver as you snap your head to his face. “what? Are you that excited?"
You gulp, nodding with your eyes shutting, an expression on your face that looks almost painful -Bakugo can't help but palm himself, searching Kirishima's carmine eyes with his, waiting for a sign that he should make a move or retreat. Anything that doesn't involve him getting a front row seat to how your chest bounces as Kirishima runs his hands on your torso from behind.
"Fuck, I-" He says, swallowijg his tongue in the process, just when Kirishima's hands change paths, now wiggling underneath your sweatpants.
"Enjoying the show Bakugo?" Kirishima's smiles and fuck- when did he adopt such an attitude? "Come 'ere"
Bakugo does as he's commanded, guided by Kirishima, as he trails your torso with his hands intertwined with his, squeezing your upper hips, trailing your belly button, eyeing you with doe eyes before launching a kiss to your navel. You writhe and wiggle in Kirishima's embrace- the feeling of another man too new, too strange to take in in less than a few moments, but Eijiro's got you, kissing your nape, your cheek, softly playing with your breasts above your bralette. Whispering his praises with his hands across your body.
"Good girl" You're sure he whispers in your ear "I got you" But all you can feel is Katsuki's breath as he's placing open mouthed kisses across your tummy, over the valley of your chest, your cheek.
Kirishima is overly alert by this, jumping in between the little scene, capturing your lips with his, using a hand to push Bakugo into the kiss as well, pulling him in as lips as smeared against lips, your saliva trailing out of your mouth. You instinctively rub your thighs together to relieve some of the burning sensation between your legs
Soon enough, Bakugo is taking off your pants, rhen his shirt, Kirishima's taking his off too, managing not to let you go all while pushing the three of you into the bedroom. There's nothing but a trail of clothing in the hallway that could suggest what's happening inside the room once the door closes shut; three pairs of sweats, three different t-shirts and maybe the white ghost of hot and heavy breathing.
On the bed, it's way more comfortable. Your arching back is finally resting against the pillowy mattress, Kirishima's smile from upside down soothing and forgiving, you almost melt away while he cups your face and bumps his nose to yours, giggling slightly, before glaring at Bakugo. He guides your head into his lap, still holding your cheeks, still rubbing circles onto your soft face, pouting hard before facing your friend.
"You good babe?" He asks you and you nod again, humming a small reply to him "you too Katsuki?"
"Yeah, fuck yeah, I am" He gulps, pumping himself twice.
"You're not getting in without prep by the way"
You writhe in Kirishima's lap, gooey eyes and mouth open wide as he leans to pry your legs open, trailing his middle finger across your clothes slit. Your chest jumps when you hear him chuckle. You know he's struck the gold vein he's searching for, your panties swimming in a puddle, completely damp from getting your neck attacked only a few minutes ago.
Katsuki marvels a finger across your slit as well, avoiding your clit purposely or flicking it occasionally, moaning every time his finger touches the chilly dampness of your underwear.
Kirishima pries your legs open wider, hooking his middle finger under your panties and pulling them over and slightly to the side, flashing the blond with a glimpse of you -you swear you see him gulp. Hard.
"Want a taste?" Kirishima asks, chuckling, as if Bakugo isn't frothing at the mouth at the mention of the action, as if he isn't diving in between your thighs like a starved man.
He almost rips your panties by pulling them to the side. Your hands link through his platinum hair and you almost whine at how soft it feels, or, about the moaning sounds he makes as he's digging his fingers in the plush skin of your thigh, swinging your leg wider. You slide a little further along, laid completely flat on the bed -head still on Kirishima's lap.
Sweetly, Kirishima captures your inner lips with his fingers and circles them around before making you hump on him, his knuckles bumping with Bakugo's nose when he chuckles again. You almost tear up by the over stimulating pressure Kirishima's fingers provide for you, but you decide to hold it in; not sure hitched breath leaves your mouth until Bakugo takes an experimental lick across your slit.
With a thumb presses to your clit he retreats for a second, just to watch as he sinks his middle finger inside of you and -"oh my fucking god Katsuki"- he's back at it again, licking at you religiously. Softly, like Kirishima always does, patiently. Just like you love it.
It has your back arching, chest bouncing for Kirishima's eyes to enjoy. He decides he won't have you hanging, bouncing and thrashing. With two huge palms he cups your breasts, flicking your nipples, massaging you for just enough time to make your heart burn, then he wiggles a finger to the hood of your clit, applying throbbing pressure.
The knot in your stomach is tight, your vision blurry, you're sure what you think is silent moaning is probably full-on screaming, mewling or pleas of pleasure that you can't comprehend.
Kirishima is smiling at you from above, still wiggling his finger on you left and right in Bakugo's business and you can't help it- you yelp, pushing Bakugo's face deeper into you. It feels good- too good, like your legs are nothing but jello, your stomach and thighs feeling like they've transformed into liquid smooth. You mewl in Kirishima's arms, coiling, desperately eyeing him in hopes that he and Katsuki won't stop what they're doing.
"M so close" You slur when Kirishima takes a hand of yours away from Bakugo's hair, softly turning it upside down, until your palm is met with the wetness of his foreskin, the pulsing slit of his that leaks precum into your hand.
He whines -"ohh"- when you wrap your fingers around him, instantly pumping your hand up and down, your grip firm and steady as you twist your wrist with every bob of your hand.
"Suck me off baby" Kirishima softly commands, rubbing an experimental circle with his tip on your lips, smearing some of his precum around your mouth. You gulp at how carelessly he pumps his base, until he pries your lips open.
You take him eagerly into your mouth, feeling your stomach churn and your thighs freezing in place by Bakugos movements; so long as you're steadily sucking Kirishima's cock into your mouth, he scissors his fingers inside of you.
"You like that?" He moans into you, eyeing Kirishima "you twitched- fuck you're twitching"
"Show me how wet she is"
Kirishima commands and Bakugo complies by taking his fingers away from your heat and shining them into Kirishima's face. You whimper but how good it feels when he moans against you, blinking as you watch your boyfriend take your friend's fingers in his mouth, sucking in eagerly, before popping the digits out of his mouth, leaving a trail of saliva fall faintly onto the valley of your breasts
"Your pussy's s'wet baby, you're dripping all over over Katsuki's hands" Kirishima thrusts in your mouth "you taste so good" then turns his attention to Bakugo "tell 'er, how fucking good she tastes"
Bulky fingers rub on your clit once more and Bakugos hand secures your tummy in place while pinning you down; you feel it then, the inevitable end of what has been building up in your stomach for such a long while and you can't help but scream at the feeling of coming undone. Shaking, struggling to take a breath without popping Kirishima out of your mouth.
"Fucking perfect"
Your vision is white, your head is buzzing and your legs are frozen. You can feel Kirishima fucking into your mouth once, twice and ever so slightly, depending in how relaxed your jaw is as he's moaning. You don't choke when he hits your throat, you simply moan onto him, too blinded by the afterglow of your orgasm to even react to what's about to unfold.
"Fuck- take 'em off- Fuuck" Kirishima says, you notice. Bakugo probably does as he's told; you hear shuffling and grunting, the soft pop of his dick to his stomach. You want to see-
Bakugo, hazed and drenched in you, cups your womanhood with his hand, landing his thumb on your clit and you yelp again, thrassing onto the bed, finally popping Kirishima out of your mouth. He tugs and drags his fingers away- he's opening you up, of course, that's it- and you can't help but roam your eyes all over him. Searching for his cock, wanting to see it dive inevitably into you.
It's unfair that Kirishima has a better view than you do, but at least, you hope he enjoys the view. You buck your hips forward when you feel Katsukis thighs grace against your own. His skin is unbelievably cold, making the hair on your legs and tummy raise; a tear rolls down your cheek then the moment the tip of his cock touches your clit.
"We've got- ah- condoms in the first drawer. On your left" Kirishima says cheerfully, bucking his hips away from your face, kneeling just to place a kiss on your forehead- your nose- your lips, finally bumping the tip of his nose to yours when he sucks your inner lip into his mouth
"You liked that baby?" Kirishima breathes "You liked Bakugo eating you out?"
"Mhm" You nod, not wanting to break away from the kiss, unlike Kirishima
You can hear Katsuki cursing, slamming the drawer shut as he fidgets with the condom. Everything seems slow, from the way his thick fingers can't grasp the tiny edges of the wrapper, to him finding out what's the right side to put it on -he grunts, inevitably- stealing giggles from both you and Kirishima
"Ah man, you're struggling, come 'ere let me help"
Bakugo grunts once again, although this time it's not out of frustration. Kirishima playfully pulls him close, places a kiss on his navel and extends his hand underneath Bakugo's, politely asking for the condom -you know his lips are pressed into a goofy smiley line right now just by the way his body moves.
Kirishima lets your cheek rest on his thigh when he moves to grab Katsuki's cock, to roll the condom on him while twisting his fist on him no more than twice -unfair- before playfully slapping the blond's ass, urging him to climb onto the bed again.
It's then that your hips are jerked and raised towards the blond, huge palms on your hips, pulling you towards him. Nervous touches, unspoken apologies for potentially harsh movements, his eyes are flickering into yours and his lips are all pouty, scrunched, his cheeks plump with embarrassment. He doesn't know if you notice, nor does he think he ever will, but it's killing him -that he's only allowed to line himself up with you under this circumstance.
Whether you notice the hurt in his eyes or not, you don't comment on it, nor do you spare him any worried look. He doesn't even know if he wants you to take pity on this state of his.
No, he doesn't.
He only hopes Kirishima won't get mad when he cups your face tenderly, nor when he traps your face with his other hand caging you away from the redhead thigh -it's for better leverage he'll say if he's asked to- but you melt into his touch.
And his chest burns.
It's worse when he finally pushes into you. His heart won't stop beating hard and fast and he's scared he's going to have a fall. No-no- he shouldn't think about it, if he does think about it, he'll definitely have a fall.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh," You murmur, feeling the voice come from the depths of your chest.
That's the only confirmation he needs to ignite his ego and light it on fire. You feel good, you're sucking him in deeper and your cheek is still melting into his palm. It's more than enough; he ignores Kirishima's gaze and whatever it may carry behind it. It's for his own sanity he reminds himself.
"You're doing so good babe,'' Kirishima asks you, cupping your other cheek. He's smiling- no need to worry about him not having a positive reaction to Bakugo caressing you
(The rules that had been presented to him were simple- wear a condom and no kissing)
"You're taking it so well, isn't she Katsuki?"
"Fuck yeah" He grunts, thrusting harder
"So, so well baby, we'll make sure you get to come first okay?" You ogle your eyes at Kirishima, teary and soft by his words, clapping your lips together and pouting, begging him silently for a kiss. Only to feel the void when his soft lips don't come in contact with yours
"Oh no, no kiss for baby. You're so naughty, wanting me to kiss you when you're getting fucked by our friend"
"What?" You whine, popping on to your left elbow "Eiji- i want my kiss"
"None can do" He smiles and Bakugo snaps his hips into you "unless you earn it"
Your stomach is tied in a knot again, gummy walls tightening around Bakugo, back arching. It's almost painful to watch you sprawled like this underneath him, reacting in peak with the rhythm of his hips, begging him to go faster, harder. At one point, he's losing himself in the speed he's fucking you with, feeling like he's about to combust from inside out is not helping either
-He thinks, he'll be spent for days after this-
It's guttural, the way you feel as Bakugo thrusts inside of you, the way you mewl and twitch and feel your eyes roll to the back of your head. You feel full, so much that you mutter it, slurred and incomprehensibly at Kirishima. It's more than enough for him to rub your chin with his thumb and buck his hips on your face again. You take him eagerly, smiling with your lips when he lands on your tongue. You swirl it around, pump him deeper into your mouth, suck on his tip until he moans in sync with you.
"Bakugoo" He hisses, biting his lip as he's eyeing you "don't chase your own satisfaction! Go slower and rub her clit too" He takes Bakugos hand away from your face, tracing it down your body before landing on your heat, pinching your clit softly making you moan "ah so responsive"
For a while he doesn't move his hand away, focused on guiding Bakugo's fingers on you, teaching him how to make you feel good while he's fucking and you're on fire, gut churning and chest tight, ovestimulated by how good it all feels. You can't even take a proper breath as Kirishima humps deeper into your mouth. He groans too loud when his tip hits your cheek.
You know this is too much for him, you know he can't hold back any longer, but you grab onto his shaft and twirl your grin on his base, bobbing it into your cheek and popping it out before swallowing it again.
And while Bakugo's thrusts are becoming desperate, Kirishima bursts into your mouth, holding your hair softly, pulling you closer to you- closer, closer, until your nose hits his navel, biting on his cheeks and squinting his eyes so he won't shut them, drunk on the view of you overflowing with his come. He only grubs your chin, swiping his thumb on the white trail that's spilling from the corner of your lips, trying his best to smirk at you without taking a breath.
"Swallow it sweetheart -ah- that's right, you're so -fuck- perfect for me"
Your lower stomach is protesting, bursting slowly as Bakugo is thrusting faster into you. His speed, him hitting that spot in your gut repeatedly, creating the perfect feeling of numbness, it's all too much and not enough all at once, you want to cry out- you gush and you writhe as your legs hook around Bakugo's waist.
Your boyfriend retreats from his previous position, smiling as ever, petting Bakugo's blonde hair, massaging your breast, kissing your nipple, then attacking your upper chest, trapping supple skin in between his tongue and teeth, dragging Bakugo along with him. It's what ultimately leads Bakugo over the edge, his tip feeling numb, blood rushing all over his body, he thrusts a few more times before he pulls out, spilling his own satisfaction into the condom, feeling his heart race faster than ever before.
"Your doing sooo good" Kirishima says once more, pecking your lips repeatedly. "Wanna ride me? Or are you tired? "
"Fuck no, lay down"
"That's my girl" He smiles "Katsuki, come here"
Kirishima rubs your wetness up and down, grunting when he finds your clit, grazing it with the back of his hand, whispering about how wet you are, to which you respond by hugging your arms around his neck, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. You only pull back when he lets you coo into him by petting your hair softly.
You're instantly met with Bakugo's eyes blazing into yours from above- it's not intimidating, rather, it's lustful, but you still need some time to pull yourself back, despite the eagerness in his eyes. You must have missed the point where he discarded his condom, or just how thick he actually is, because he's standing hard and proud before you, nervously searching for Kirishima's approval.
Your boyfriend's approval comes with gripping on him and easing him close to you. You take him in both of your hands, relying on Kirishima to keep your torso lifted, focusing on twisting your hand around him in the same way you did for Eijiro. Too bad you almost lose grip when He snaps his hips into you.
You can feel Katsuki's dick twitch into your hands as you pull him down lower, getting your tongue out of your mouth to place kitten lips all over his length. Eijiro mimics you, licking the tip when you're not licking the base, letting you take control when he ceases his movements for a bit, to lift both of you a little higher, so you don't have to bend your neck as much. He strokes some sweaty strands of hair away from your face, he kisses your cheek and Bakugo is already thrusting into your mouth feverously.
"You're so wet baby, you feel like you could take us both" You yelp, wide eyes as you freeze on the spot "want to take us both?"
"I do" You yelp with tears in your eyes "I do I do, I do I do"
"Oh, look at you being so desperate, want to get -ah- wrecked, don't you?"
"I do Eiji- you cry out
"Then ask Katsuki to take you too, ask him to shove his cock into you while I'm fucking you too, like the greedy little thing you are"
At this point, you think poor Bakugo isn't going to make it to the end of this.
"Katsu" You plead, watery eyes staring into desperate carmine ones "Katsu fuck me while Eiji fucking me too-"
"Say please" Kirishima interrupts, pinching your nipple "or I'm not going to let him"
"Please, pleaseplease, please"
"Fuck yeah" Katsuki replies "ill fucking wreck you" The sounds he's making are supposed to be words, though they're far from being clear and understandable, his veins are pulsing into your mouth. He's too excited for this, so excited that you know he'll never make it to the drawer to reach for a new condom. So Kirishima is doing it for him, hooking the little rubber between his fingers as he's opening the drawer.
"Come on baby, pull back" He taps on your shoulder and places a kiss on your collar bone, thrusting deeper into you this time. The reaction is immediate, you're throwing your head back in seconds and Bakugo whines at the sudden departure of your warm mouth.
Kirishima allows you to kiss his thighs, his tip, his navel, to squeeze the small of his back and his ass before letting you wear the condom onto him.
You lose track of Bakugo until you feel wet kisses being planted on your thighs and ass, the back of your knees. You feel his hand being placed on your thigh, the warmth of his palm as he's soothingly rubbing it up and down your skin, to prepare you, raising his thumb to graze at your crotch occasionally. You whine every time he thumbs your clit, or flicks it when it meets with Kirishima's navel.
"You good? I'll start with my fingers" You choke on the sound of his words and nod frantically. If only you could actually watch him when he delves his middle finger in you along with Eijiro's cock. Still you whine loudly, when another finger joins the first one, slowly scissoring inside of you "fuck you're gonna take it so well aren't you? Kirishima's right. You love this"
"Answer him," Kirishima whispers, teeth biting down in your lobe. He grabs your face, trapping your cheeks between his fingers, turning you in Katsuki's direction, pushing your cheeks together. You swallow when you see the blind focused on watching you stretch.
"I love it
But Eijiro isn't satisfied with how you're trying to make your words get past from your lips
"Say it like you mean it doll, or I won't let your friend put it in"
You eye him dangerously, putting your lips even further before muttering a soft 'fine' -your redhead doesn't make a comment on your little attitude, probably because he's gotten what he's wanted from you- and Katsuki hisses, fisting his cock faster.
"I love it so much Katsuh"
"And Eiji- you mean. It's not only him that's here" Kirishima smirks and this time he pulls out of you, flipping your body so that your back is facing him. One hand comes to your wetness, spreading your lips apart, stretching you wide open "Try again" He lets go just for a moment, to slap your clit loosely. Once. Twice. Never ceasing when you whine. Your hips buck up towards Katsuki.
"Look at how nice I am, I even gave you a full view. Am I not?"
"You are Eiji. You're the best, the best. And I love this so much, I'm going to combust"
"Oh you will?" Katsuki interrupts, grunting when Kirishima pulls his dick closer to you, rubbing the head on your clit until Katsuki gets the hint. You let out a guttural groan at the feeling, tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes from being too overstimulated for so long
"Yes baby, I will, just please"
"M going in-" Katsuki announces, earning a nod from Kirishima "If he won't let you come, then we don't listen to him 'kay?"
Kirishima chuckles at the one and bites the top of your ears dragging his tongue to the base of it- a warning- to not try and agree with what Katsuki's offering. And being obedient definitely pays off when you feel your boyfriend's head poke against your entrance.
It feels splitting and painful all at once; the tears in your eyes are pouring, and none of the caresses you're receiving is helping. You need time to adjust and both men provide that for you. Minutes pass spent with soft kisses. Kirishima sucking your neck and Bakugo kissing your breasts, the three of you making out- anything until you feel like you can get used to them.
And when you do, they go slow, each at their own pace, simultaneously hitting spots that you don't know could or should ever be hit at the same time.
"You good?" Both men ask and you have to gulp that frog that sits at the top of your mouth if you want to talk, but you can't. Your throat is too tight, your eyes are too watery
"Better than I thought I'd be actually"
You get lost in the haze of their hips, their thrusts and you can already feel Katsuki collapsing onto you, chasing his own pit of pleasure when it hits you. Your gut coming undone for the last time has your heart leaping and skipping beats; you hook your arm around Katsuki's neck, jumping up and down from how fast both men are thrusting into you and you bring your face to his, cooling your mouths together.
When he feels you clamp down on him -and Kirishima- he pulls out, rolls the condom off and strokes himself slightly. You whine at the sudden departure of him inside of you but you quickly clamp down on just your boyfriend, before feeling him shifting from underneath you, finally pushing down the small of your back. You take Katsuki into your mouth while Kirishima slaps your ass, thrusting fast and hard into you.
There's no sweet talk right now, authority and intimidation hiding away as satisfaction is being chased. Sloppily and not carefully at all. It's evident in how you're sucking Katsuki off. There's no consistency in your rhythm, you're squirming as Kirishima is slowing down before picking up his pace again, running his hands through your hair affectionately. When he comes, he coats your insides in white ropes of pleasure, riding off his orgasm softly, until he feels himself stop twitching.
By the time he pulls out you've made Katsuki come as well, hearing his high pitched grunts as he lets it all out in your mouth. Although this time you're not overwhelmed with the amount; it's his second round nonetheless.
Katsuki's hands don't cease to take this chance, even if they're awkward and shaking he's grabbing your cheeks squishing them just like Kirishima did a while ago and kisses you, poking his tongue in your mouth, moaning at his own taste, pulling your lips under his teeth.
You know your lips will be bruised by this. And you don't care. Because when he pulls back, Kirishima is kissing you as well, pulling you into his arms, caging you into his chest.
You even smile as tiny, peppery kisses are pressed onto your skin.
"You did so well" Kirishima smiles "you too Katsu, you both were amazing"
Katsuki smiles, popping onto the bed as well, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling himself onto you and Kirishima. He nuzzles his nose at the crook of your neck and for the first time in a while he feels warm, content, calm and collected. Or so you think by the kiss that's planted onto your back by him.
It's tender and soft, mimicking Kirishima's but feeling nothing like your boyfriend's kisses at the same time. You collapse further into Kirishima's chest and he kisses the top of your hair and your cheek, mellowy.
"Wanna take a bath?" He suggests under his breath and both you and Katsuki nod, sinking further in the sheets with heavy eyes. Maybe when your feet won't feel like they'll betray you, you'll get up and have a warm bath, sandwiched between Katsuki and Eijiro, smothered in kisses, lathered in lavender soap, maybe you'll make a cup of chamomile for the three of of you and cuddle between them before you go to sleep.
Until then…
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patchworkpuzzle · 3 years
~Rainbow Anon.
Henlo, hope things are aight! I just woke up to some more Puppygirl thoughts and wanted to request a Katsuki, Mirio, and whoever as your third (separate) having a s/o that's a Puppygirl that hasn't been praised by her ex at all, and they're MadTM about it, because how can anybody /not/ praise her? She's perfect and deserves all of the praise!
Oh. My. Goodness. YES I CAN WRITE THIS FOR YOU!!! I made Kirishima the third person..... cause reasons.... 😖
Word count: 1.6k
Paring(s): Bakugou, Mirio, Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: puppy play kink, squirting, dirty talk, oral (both male and female receiving), loooottttss of praise.
Authors Note: so because this is dealing with reader having praise issues, that can be somewhat triggering to some, though I don’t go into detail about it I still just wanna put that out there! Also... I hope this is good enough for you, Rainbow Anon!
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When you first brought it up, he was confused. You wanted to be treated like a puppy? Wear a muzzle? Bark? All that stuff?
You had to calm him down. Telling him it doesn’t and didn’t have to be that extreme. Just wearing the ears, tail, and collar, and being told what to do was really all you wanted.
Well that certainly got his attention.
Needless to say, it didn’t take him long to get into it.
That’s how you ended up on your knees, settling comfortably between his spread-out legs, sucking him off. The sounds of your collar jingling, ringing faster the more adamant you work, and his groans were filling the air around you.
Every now and then he would talk to you, saying absolute FILTH as he tugs on your hair to take ‘deeper, all the way in, yeah just like that. Good, good girl.’
The praise, whenever he gave it, was making you shift uncomfortably, not the “I want to touch myself’ uncomfortable, and letting out small whines of displeasure
You’ve now done it a few times and he’s had enough.
After the last whine hums around him, he pulls your hair to take you off him. Bluntly asking you what the hell was wrong.
You couldn’t keep his intense gaze, instead shifting your eyes to the floor as you state that you’re not used to the praise. That your ‘ex wasn’t exactly keen on giving it to me, so now when it happens I get a little uncomfortable’
Your apology after you explain makes him scoff, he’s not mad at you though. He makes it clear when he tells you not to apologize for something like that.
Internally he is pissed, absolutely irate over the fact that your scumbag of an ex wouldn’t give you any semblance of praise, that you so clearly deserve to have. I mean look at you! You deserve to be told just how amazing you are, and what a fantastic job you’re doing!
But he doesn’t let it show. Externally he just puts on an evil smirk and picks you up from the floor, throwing you over his shoulder as he carries you to your bedroom. Ignoring you squirming and questioning until he throws you onto the mattress.
Before you had the chance to get up he slaps your ass, pinning your shoulders down as he pulls your hips up. Growling in your ear, he tells you he’s ‘gonna give you all the praise you deserve’
You cry out, cumming yet again, your release gushing out of you and onto the sheets as he gives you a groan over it, slapping your clit to make more gush out. Your body becomes sore at the position he has you pinned in; refusing to let you move an inch.
You whimper at his touch, and whine when his pace is still unrelenting as his hips snap into your backside.
“Fuck yeah, puppy. Look at you gushing around me like a dumb bitch in heat. You like that huh? Like how your perfect cunt keeps squeezing me…. So tight!”
He leans his head down, biting your shoulder as he growls yet again at how you clench around him, clearly enjoying what he’s saying.
“Yeah just like. Such a good puppy slut, making me feel so good. Gonna cum deep into you, and you’re gonna take it all. Like the good girl you are, right? Like the perfect puppy you are.”
You cry out a yes, unable to tell him different, unable to find any fault in his praise when he fucks so good.
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He was into it the moment you brought it up when your relationship first started getting sexual. Of course, you could be his good girl! He would want nothing more!
Now, you’re in his lap. It started innocent enough, just wanting to cuddle you close as you watch some TV, but it didn’t take long for it to end up with you humping his thigh.
His grip on your hips is tight, as he guides you up and down the expanse of his thighs, flexing his muscles to get you panting all pretty for him. Enjoying how you mewl a little when your clit makes contact every now and then.
He’s telling you how pretty you look, and what a good job you’re doing, and how good of a girl you are at listening to him while getting off on his thigh.
You tried to keep your voice down, but a sad whimper comes out anyway after his praise washes over you. You’re hoping he doesn’t notice, but of course he does.
He halts all movement, bringing his hands up to cup your face. A look of worry on his face as he asks you what’s wrong.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck, sniffling as you tell him it's not true; that you’re not a good girl. Your ex never told you before so what he’s saying right now must not be true
Mirio is totally devastated by your answer, but still tries to brighten the mood and make you feel better. He reassures you, telling you that all he said is true and how perfect you are for him as he plants so many kisses all over you as he holds you close.
He says sweet truths about you, and telling you because you’re so wonderful is the reason why he says them all the time cause they’re true and he’s just gotta tell you
He’ll remind you as often as he can now at just how perfect you are.
“That’s it, just like that. Look at you! You’re doing so good, puppy!”
You let out a mewl that is almost a sob as you slowly, inch by inch, seat yourself down on his cock. The girth stretching your walls almost painfully as you try to take all of him in. Curling in on yourself as you hide your face into his neck, allowing him to finish slowly pushing you down all the way.
“Good girl” He groans when he finally bottoms out, slowly raising your hips up and down to help adjust you to his size “Taking me so well in this perfect pussy of yours. Feels so good, puppy, no one but you can make me feel this way.”
You whine at his, trying to lift your hips to go faster. In an attempt to get him to stop praising you or to cum faster, you wouldn’t know. But what you do know is that you let out a sob when he slows you down, grinding you slowly on top of him.
“Ah ah, puppy. Slow down. Can’t go too fast, I want to savor every last perfect inch of you, okay?”
And well, you’re his good little girl so you let him do as he wants.
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When you told him that you wanted to try something different, he didn’t know what to expect but was excited, nonetheless.
When he came home the next day to find you sitting on your knees waiting for him at the front door, lingerie, tail, ears, and collar on. Well, this man became beet RED.
He doesn’t stay flustered for long though, quickly picking you up and running to your bedroom to get things going. You giggle at his excitement and enthusiasm as he quickly sheds you both of your clothing, making sure to keep your accessories one cause god damn
Before long you’re in a mating press, unable to stop wailing and crying out as he pounds harshly into your drooling cunt.
He’s way more into it than you both thought as he leans himself further onto you to whisper some dirty praise into your ear. Telling you that ‘you’re taking my cock so well, aren’t you? Atta girl, yeah, keep squeezing me like that with your perfect cunt. You’re my perfect puppy, aren’t you?’
 His praise was making you feel dizzy, but not in the happy high feeling. More like you’re falling in your dreams, that weird twist in your gut that was one out of pleasure was turning into one of guilt.
You whimper out a quiet ‘no’ and that immediately made his hips stuttered to a stop. It was so out of character for you, in this moment and ones previously, that he couldn’t help but nervously ask what was wrong.
You tell about the praise he just gave you. How, due to previous partners (mainly your most recent ex), that you aren’t used to it. That it makes you feel guilty for him to tell you those things.
He responds by immediately putting your legs down and pulling you upright to sit in his lap, holding you close. Petting your hair, he tells you that your ex was wrong. Dumb and downright stupid for not thinking you anything less then the perfect girl you are.
In fact, why doesn’t he try and make you believe it right now?
“P-please!” You blubber out, trying to pull his head from away from your cunt as your nth orgasm was approaching. The feeling almost painful now, as the pleasure was too intense. “No more!”
“Not yet, puppy.” He chuckled at your feeble attempt “You weren’t being too nice to yourself earlier, so now you gotta take you punishment.”
You just sob at his comment, knowing you are unable to deter him from doing as he pleased. Shaking violently and screaming out into your bedroom when you cum over his face yet again, no longer embarrassed but the sucking and slurping sounds that come from him as he slurps up your release like a man starved.
“God, you taste so sweet puppy. Look at how pretty your pussy is” He rubs at your clit once more, making you keen loudly “Being such a good girl for making such a mess for me, for gushing for me…”
He takes a lick up your folds once again, smirking at your twitching legs.
“Now come one, be a good girl for your master and come one more time?”
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Memory - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky's a vampire but still manages to develop a breeding kink
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, vampire!AU, creampie, daddy kink, mention of blood because of biting
A/N: this is for my darling cousin @whisperlullaby​‘s challenge, and also my own! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. I hope you guys will enjoy this silly idea of a vampire with a breeding kink 💛 I had a blast writing it! Unbeta’ed because I almost died this week and cannot be bothered to stare at my writing for any longer.
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Okay, let’s play truth or dare!” I groaned as silently as possible at the proposition. One of the downsides of dating someone in college was having to deal with the immaturity of their friends, especially when I was unable to escape yet another invitation for a weekend getaway.
There were only so many encounters a man could refuse before mysterious became annoying, and I knew I was toeing the line, even if my girlfriend never complained.
She understood just how irritating these gatherings could be to me. It would have been easy to imagine if there was a realistic age gap between us, but considering the centuries that separated our birth dates, it was laughable that anyone would entertain the idea of me with a bunch of young adults who only wanted to get laid, smoke some weed and drink their asses off.
Of course, her friends didn’t know my true age, so they only thought I was a little bit irked by their behavior. Y/N knew the truth, and so evidently she tried to get me out of it, but I resisted.
I wanted her to take part in the normal experiences people her age were having. There was already so much that she was missing out on just by being with me - and I wasn’t even referring to the blood that she granted me every night.
I’d accepted to be there with her that evening. I was going to immerse myself in the full experience, if only to learn a bit more about her and those she surrounded herself with.
Her best friend let out a little excited yell when she noticed that we were joining the circle and I forced myself to smile at her. “Alright, let’s do this.” One of the male friends rubbed his hands before reaching for the bottle, making it spin as I frowned. I thought that was a different game, but apparently I was mistaken.
It landed on a girl I had yet to get acquainted with, and so I disconnected myself from the conversation as I watched my beloved laugh and have fun with her friends. It made me feel warm. It made me grateful I had decided to join.
A few more rounds went by without anything of essence actually happening. I was about to excuse myself when the bottle surprisingly stopped while pointing at Y/N.
She gasped as she stared at the man who was responsible for deciding her fate, and I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming next. But she was smart, so she avoided the dare that would undoubtedly enrage me, leaving her to answer a question that I also would have preferred not to hear.
“So… Y/N…” He began, taking far too much pleasure at the situation, and by the way she rolled her eyes, I knew she was thinking the same.
“Yes, Simon.” He opened his mouth to say something, but instinctively looked my way. I was trying my best not to let any emotion slip through the cracks of my perfectly constructed mask, but whatever it was that he saw seemed to make him change his mind.
He closed his mouth and frowned, for a second deep in thought, before he sighed and finally voiced his question. “Just tell us one of your kinks.”
It sounded like he was trying to get this over with, and although Y/N seemed just as confused, she cleared her throat and gave him an answer.
“Oh, I don’t know… I guess.. Creampie?” Little giggles and comments rose around the circle, but nothing really stuck out and they were quick to motion her to spin the bottle so another person could have a turn.
It was a different reaction that I was expecting, especially considering what everyone did for much tamer answers, but the explanation for the lukewarm crowd was made clear by a groaned comment from Simon to the man beside him.
“This is no fun now that she isn’t single.” A small giggle resonated by my side, and I turned in the direction it came from to find my girlfriend trying to suppress her amusement behind her palm.
“Something funny, little one?” I knew they’d take notice of the pet name, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to care, and the fact that she smiled openly up at me showed me that she didn’t, either.
“Not at all.” She pulled me closer to deposit a quick peck on my lips and I was sure if my heart was still beating, it would have fluttered at the way she looked at me. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course.” Thankfully, the game didn’t last much longer - for us, at least. Somehow, the bottle didn’t land on me once, and Y/N started to yawn, her head resting against my shoulder after the third consecutive “Who would you rather bang?” question.
“I think we’re gonna leave for the night,” she excused us even though I knew she wasn’t really sleepy. She really could be an excellent actress when she wanted to.
We walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms were located, quickly getting in what had been assigned as ours for the weekend. She smiled softly at me as she reached for her backpack, no doubt looking for the one shirt of mine she always slept in, but I had a few things in my mind I wanted to ask her about.
“Why do you like creampies to much?” The words spilled out at me so unusually, considering the silence in the room, it didn’t surprise me that it took her a while to answer. When she did though, I was surprised to find her biting her lip, a look between amused and horny in her eyes when she approached me.
“Dunno.” She shrugged, taking my hands in her and playing with my fingers. I knew it was a way to avoid my intense gaze. “Guess I have a bit of a breeding kink, actually. It just felt too personal to share with those guys.”
The answer took me by surprise as I stared down at her, blinking a couple of times as I made sure to really process what she had said.
“A breeding kink?” I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes in that way I knew she did when she was embarrassed but trying to play it off as annoyed.
“Yeah, you know.” She pulled away from me to sit on the bed, legs dangling off of it almost like a child. “I like the idea of being bred. Even though I’m in no way ready to become a mother,” she added in a serious tone, making sure I understood what she meant.
But I didn’t. I didn’t and I guess it was clear in my face, because she quirked an eyebrow and jumped out of the bed, coming to stand before me once more.
“Why is this so weird to you?” She inquired, head tilted in amusement. “You’re over a century old, I’m sure your expectations regarding sexual relationships were related to impregnation for most of your life.”
And I mean… she wasn’t wrong. But I hadn’t thought about that for so long, I guess it didn’t occur to me that there was an actual term for it these days.
“There’s no way you don’t have a breeding kink.” The affirmation sounded almost like a dare, so my instinct was to fight it, wrap my arms around her torso so I’d keep her close to me, but deny it.
“You know I can’t ‘breed’ anyone anymore, darling.” But she wasn’t giving up. Her fingers softly traced my jawline, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glint as she countered, “Doesn’t mean you can’t like the idea of it.”
Even though I didn’t need the oxygen, I inhaled sharply, suddenly fascinated by her every movement, the way she gently unwrapped herself from my arms to slowly unbutton her simple dress, the one she made it look like a fucking gown.
“Think about it, Buck…” Every inch of skin that became exposed to my eyes still had my mouth watering, desperate to taste her all over.
“Wouldn’t you want to see me round with your child?” The question provoked my imagination, playing with her features as I thought about what she proposed. Her breasts fuller, stomach protuberant, and maybe a little feet rubbing against the skin, something I could kiss.
“See me carry your genes, continue your lineage… Wouldn’t you want that?” Her innocent eyes spelled trouble when she stood before me again, close enough to touch.
And I couldn’t deny that the idea did something to my heart - even though it didn’t beat anymore. Most undeniably, it definitely did something to my cock, which now strained against my pants, the arousal that the image of her impregnated by me provoked bursting as I looked at the creature that I loved in wonder and fascination.
“Are you trying to tempt me, doll?” She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling before I pulled it away from her teeth when I took her in my arms again, naked breasts rubbing against my shirt.
“Is it working?” She breathed out, eyes connected to mine while she tried to gather my feelings about her attempt. I pressed her body closer, making sure she’d feel the hardness in my pants before I even voiced it.
“Very well,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way my cold breath awakened goosebumps all over her warm skin. She never complained about the difference in temperature, something that I was profoundly grateful for, since I loved to feel her hot blood pumping underneath my fingertips whenever I trailed my digits over her flesh.
“So tell me,” she pressed, still going for seductive even though she sounded slightly out of breath, her desire evident in the way her pupils had dilated. “Would you like to breed me, James?”
A shiver went down my spine at the question and I closed my eyes for just one second, just to relish in this sensation before I opened them to confess, “You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
My hand easily spread her lower lips, middle finger running between them to test her wetness and finding her soaked, like she always seemed to be for me. The knowledge had me smiling as I lifted my hand to taste her before making quick work of my belt, observing her slowly walking backwards towards the bed as I followed, almost like there was a thread connecting us, keeping us close.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned against my ear as he buried himself inside of me and I clutched at his shoulders, desperate to feel every part of him connected to every part of me.
Only he could get me this way. Chest heaving, mouth open just from the simple act of feeling him stretching me open. It didn’t matter how many times he took me, it still burned the same - and I loved it.
“Tell me, doll,” he panted, hypnotizing eyes connected to mine, unwilling to let my gaze escape his hold. “Tell me you’d want to have my child. You’d look so beautiful with your body changing because of me, wouldn’t you want that?”
I groaned, throwing my head back as James fucked me senseless, his cock ramming against my sweet spot over and over again. He knew no mercy, I knew that. I just never anticipated to have such an overwhelming reaction to a silly little kink I never even thought I’d ever get to explore.
“Answer me, little one.” His fangs came into play then, piercing around the nipple that he sucked, galvanizing me into actually responding, “I would, I would, daddy,” while pulling on his hair without even realizing.
He let go of my breasts to look at me with dark eyes - not because he had come in contact with my blood, oh no. It was clear that this was the reaction to the name that escaped me so easily, waving its way into him until it broke the last bit of his control and left him completely undone, only determined to fuck me.
I watched him lick his lips before he ordered, “tell daddy you want his cum inside of you.” Hearing him acknowledge this other secret kink, refer to himself as it had me delirious, unable to formulate any words to obey him, so I opted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping the feeling of my burning cheeks would satiate him.
What a mistake.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?” He mocked, rubbing his jaw against my cheek as I whined against him. “Want daddy’s cum so much but can’t be a good girl and beg for it?”
I came with a long drawn-out gasp right then, my body twitching underneath his as his cock dragged along my walls once, twice, a third time until it spilled his cum inside of my channel. The act was so hot to me that it had me pulling on his hair, whispers of “I love you, I love you,” tumbling out of my lips.
He silenced me with a kiss, still managing to keep on thrusting until I had to push him away because of my sensitivity.
“Spread your legs for me, little one…” He ordered, brushing his tongue over his lower lip in contemplation. “Let me see the mess I left there.”
I was still a bit nervous about the whole ordeal now that the wave of horniness had left me, but I did eventually spread my legs for him, whimpering as he bit down on his own lip at the sight of his spent dripping from my abused pussy.
“Oh, you look so good like that, darling.” I could barely contain my giddiness as he laid down by my side and pulled me to rest on his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple while he caressed my arm. “But one question remains unanswered.” To my almost sleepy hum, he proceeded, “Why do you like the idea of breeding so much?”
That got me thinking, wiping the tiredness off of my muscles like a bucket of cold water. It felt weird to admit it, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to bare my soul to the man I loved, to have him aware of every little thing about me…
So I admitted, “I like the idea of being yours… in this very scary, slightly territorial way.” At his silence, I giggled, hiding my face on his chest as I waited for his response.
“But you are mine,” he reminded me, and even as I rolled my eyes, a silly smile painted my lips, loving that he felt like he needed to tell me that.
“I know I am,” I recognized. “It’s just another way I’d like to be claimed by you. Besides, I can just imagine how well you’d take care of me…”
Silence filled the room as we both got lost in the images of what could never be. Me with a fully-grown belly, walking like a penguin as he held up tiny onesies that looked ridiculous in his huge hands.
My heart ached for what could never be, surely, but I couldn’t really grieve a future I’d never have while I was so happy with the man who wanted to give me one.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed the back of my hand, and even though he knew it wasn’t exactly what I meant, it was just enough. “I’m sorry that I can’t ever give you children.”
The guilt in his tone was almost palpable, and I wanted to do anything in my power to make it disappear. This wasn’t what I intended when I shared my sexual fantasies with him. They were just that - fantasies. I wouldn’t trade my reality for any alternative version the universe could offer me.
“It’s alright, babe,” I assured him, depositing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be beating for me if it could. “I think the way you want to claim me is just as territorial… and much more final.”
Bucky held me close, breathing me in - even if he didn’t need to do that to survive - before he asked me the last doubt that still hovered in his mind.
“Aren’t you scared?” And as I laid there in his embrace, feeling loved and cared for, I knew the only acceptable answer that I could give him was, “It’ll be worth it.”
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purpleyellow · 3 years
The red wedding
The boyz 12th member
Mae’s masterlist
“Behind Kingdom’s 4th and 5th episodes” 
a/n: Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open!🧡
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Mae watched one by one the cameras turn away from the group, indicating their performance for SF9’s O sole mio was officially done. Looking at the members finally taking big breaths, some huddling around Sangyeon, while others made random comments about what had happened in the middle of it.
“Hey, you did great” Juyeon materialized in front of the girl and pulled her for a hug. And though she knew their tango partner work had gone smoothly, Mae couldn’t share his excitement as she met Sunwoo’s worried expression over Juyeon’s shoulder.
After being heavily encouraged, if not forced, into the introduction/middle dace sections, the girl had hyperfocused into practicing those routines with Juyeon in order for it to turn out nice. That resulted in Mae not working enough on the rapping segment, her and Sunwoo were in charge of. 
And while she hadn’t messed it up in any of the run through. The girl made a noticeable mistake on the actual live version by starting her rap one beat earlier, making the transition from her to Sunwoo way too long and awkward.
“I’m sure it wasn’t that noticeable” Sunwoo approached her while Juyeon was walking away and Mae shook her head, knowing he was saying that only to comfort her.
“They’re going to kill me” Her voice was unsteady by the nervousness.
The creative director had made such a huge deal for Mae to take on the “main” dancer role for once. And with the CEO telling her it would be children’s play to deliver her part. She knew they would be pissed because of a mistake in an area she was known to master.
Feeling like a disappointment, she bit her lips and kept her head low. She started praying that everyone would ignore her teary eyes, while simultaneously thinking about the scolding she might get afterwards.
“Are you actually crying or is it an act” Hyunjae playfully bumped hips with her and gave her a side hug. The girl glared his way, ready to shove him away when he resumed speaking, “It was a dumb mistake. I doubt many people will catch on to it”.
“It’s so stupid” She sniffed annoyed, “I know I could have done it perfectly”
“You did so much more today. That opening was so intense and you killed it. Don’t let one small detail mess up this achievement” Rubbing her arm, Hyunjae guided them into the hallway.
The Mnet staff urged her and Sangyeon to do their interviews first, since they seemed the most shaken up. So, after they were both done, it was just them waiting for the rest of the members to arrive at the dressing room.
“It could have happened to anyone, you know. Don’t stress about it” Sangyeon gave her a sort of convincing smile, making Mae rest her head on his shoulder.
Sighing, she held his hand and asked, “What did you even do? I only saw the boys trying to comfort you”.
“The torch didn’t catch on fire” Also sighing, he rolled his head back.
“At least that wasn’t your fault. It had a fifty-fifty chance of working” The girl tried to console him, but instead he laughed ironically.
“If we’re talking about probabilities, everything has a fifty-fifty chance of going right or wrong”
“I’m not the best at math, but I’m pretty sure that’s wrong. Because, you see, if I had practiced more, the chance of me getting the timing right would have increase. But I’m pretty sure you can’t train fire to light up at the right time, so you were totally up for probability”.
Letting go of her hand, Sangyeon’s frown indicated his concern, “I think we should stop our pity party because you’re starting to sound insane”
Sitting back at the stage, Mae tried her best to hide her disappointment as the ranking got updated and The Boyz dropped from second place to last. Their scores being the same as before, exposing they had not gotten a single vote from the other groups.
She gave a tight smile to TVXQ’s Changmin, the MC, when he looked over to check their reactions. Then proceeded to look ahead with a blank stare. At that point, Mae just wanted to go home, sit around in her dissatisfaction for some minutes before going back to work as if she wasn’t actually sad.
“It’s okay. We’ll work harder next time” Jacob whispered from her side and she nodded to him.
At the moment that segment finished, all the groups had to go back to their waiting rooms and wait for one final interview round.
Walking silently, Mae sends a couple of waves and smiles to the other groups, occasionally throwing a congratulation when it seemed fit. When she was passing by Stray Kids, Minho casually walked to her side, following her back into the hallway.
“I’m sorry” He humbled apologetic.
Rolling her eyes, Mae scoffed, “Sorry for what? We’re in this shit show together, it’s not like you sent me to war and sat around watching it”.
“She’s not making much sense today, please excuse her” Sangyeon laughed, walking quicker than they were and quickly passing them.
“Also, don’t make it obvious” Bang Chan pointed at them and followed behind the other leader, making both Mae and Minho scoff.
The boy shrugged, still walking slowly, and pulled her closer to the side, so they weren’t in the middle of the path “Well, going back to what I was saying. I’m sorry for not voting for you guys”.
“I don’t expect you to vote for my group just because we’re dating” Mae said matter-of-factly.
Feeling like he was walking on thin ice, Minho frowned, “You don’t?”
“Nah. I wouldn’t vote for us either, not after I blew it up and messed up the rapping”.
“You did?” He made an exaggerated surprised face, making Mae squint. Smiling embarrassed, Minho continued, “I kind of noticed it when it happened, sorry. But this kind of stuff happens-”
“I know. Thanks for the pep talk, now go back to your group” The girl pushed his arm and pointed at the rest of Stray kids, who were now all gathered near the interview room.
“You’re really not mad?” He started walking but turned around to check on her one last time.
“I’m not”  Rolling her eyes, she thought for a second before confessing “I’m mad at myself but whatever”
“Mae” In a scolding tone, he got ready for another lecture, but the girl turned him around and pushed him towards his group.
“You need to go, the staff is staring at us weirdly”
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Hiii! I would really like some real angsty/ real fluffiness with Bakugou basically where Class 1A does an embarrassing prank on s/o but they didn't know how she would react and they all end up regretting it and Bakugou Sweetly comforts her and just him being a complete softy to her (class apologizes and makes it up to her) (sorry this was so long)
a/n: hii! ooo this is really cute okokokkokok im- i love soft bakugou this is public knowledge
summary: a seemingly harmless prank played on you by a large number of students from your class lands you holed up in your room, leaving bakugou to clean up behind them to make things better.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, a teeny bit of angst, mentions of body insecurities
word count: 1.4k
;cut for length;
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The prank. It was seemingly harmless, throw a few buckets of water on you, Bakugou’s girlfriend-an idea Kaminari and Sero came up with-to watch both his and your reaction.
And this prank grew into something much bigger. 
Now with nearly half the class in on it, you were nothing short of unexpecting as you walked beside Bakugou toward the front door of your dormitory.
You’d seen your classmates all standing around outside, and curious, you were ready to go and investigate with your boyfriend.
However, as you stepped outside and off of the porch, Bakugou was yanked away and what felt like the bottom of a storm cloud falling out, soaked you in water.
Soaked was an understatement, you were drenched. You stared in horror as your clothes stuck to your body, making you feel uncomfortable as your classmates laughed at you, only making you feel worse. 
Bakugou had to watch it, and now that the shock had set in, he rushed over to you, but you were already running back inside, leaving a trail of water behind you.
It didn’t help that you slipped along the way, landing and busting your lip as you groaned in pain, forcing yourself off the ground to make it back to your dorm.
You were horrified. Thankfully, you’d left your phone inside, but there was still shame to be felt.
Not only had you been drowned by buckets of water, but your hair had also been drenched and ruined, your clothes stuck to every crevice of your body, making you feel uncomfortable, exposed, and self-conscious of your insecurities.
Any makeup that you had put on had run down your face, you were too scared to even look in the mirror.
Your face ached from your fall, but you tried to ignore it as you hid in your room, standing in your bathroom, trying to peel your wet clothes off to change.
“What the fuck?!” Bakugou shouted, yanking himself back away from Kaminari who had pulled him out of the way of the several water buckets positioned above the awning of the porch which had been pulled down to soak you in water.
“Hey, hey relax! It was just a prank!” Kaminari tried to laugh it off, but with Bakugou grabbing him by the collar, his palm sparking, Kaminari was beginning to fear for the next moments of his life.
“Like shit it was! Who’s idea was this? Was it fuckin’ yours?” Bakugou glared at the yellow-blonde as he nodded hesitantly, not even bothering to loop Sero into this madness.
“It was! It was supposed to just be a harmless prank! We didn’t think she’d blow it out of proportion!” Kaminari tried to defend himself and his classmates. 
Bakugou knew deep down, it was meant to be harmless. And that accusing Kaminari was just his anger’s way of handling things. But to hear him accuse you, of reacting the wrong way.
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth. It’s not her fault at all. You better fuckin’ fix this.” Bakugou tossed Kaminari to the ground, leaving to head back inside, sending a narrow glare at the silent peers that stood outside, mortified that Bakugou would say something to them next.
“Maybe this was a bad idea.” Mina bit the inside of her cheek, glancing over to Sero, the one who had approached her about the idea.
“You think?” Kirishima sighed, shaking his head. He knew just by standing there he’d let both you and Bakugou down.
“We need to apologize.” Kirishima was the one who broke the unsettling aura first, taking the first steps to initiate some sort of apology to mend what had been broken.
As Bakugou made his way up to your dorm, he noticed the significantly body-shaped water spot that had already begun to dry in some spots on the floor. He was now worried you’d injured yourself.
And as he rushed to your dorm even faster, he didn’t even bother to knock.
Twisting the knob and opening the door to your room, he noticed how dark it was inside. No lights on to signify that you were even there. The curtains had been closed, blocking out any light, but with just enough light from the hall, he could make out the shape of someone huddled under piles of blankets.
Listening closely, he could hear your whimpers, your cries. 
Shutting the door behind him, he walked over to you carefully, reaching to nudge wherever your arm my be.
“Go away.” You sobbed, turning away from him. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to stop crying, but the tears continued to flow.
“I don’t want to see you right now, I’m the fucking joke, I get it! You don’t have to come here and rub it in or praise your friends just because you’re so close to me-”
A warm feeling invaded your blanket fortress as Bakugou crawled under your covers, wrapping his arms around you as he trapped you in his grasp.
“You really think I was in on this idiot?” Bakugou whispered, resting his head against your back. Your eyes shot open wide and your body turned to face him.
“Y-you weren’t?” You spoke softly, now feeling bad for accusing him. Bakugou sighed and pulled you in closer to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Are you okay?” Bakugou whispered, a hand tucking a few semi-dried strands of your hair behind your ear.
“I feel like shit.” You lay your head into Bakugou’s chest, closing your eyes.
“Had I known I would’ve stopped it before it happened. They’re a bunch of dumbasses.” Bakugou hugged you as you snaked your arms around him.
“I’m sorry for being mad at you.” 
“Don’t apologize. You’re upset. You can feel upset. If it helps to take it out on me, I’ll tough it out.” Bakugou smirks.
“I’m your big and strong boyfriend after all.” His comment makes you giggle.
“Says the one cuddling me like a teddy bear.” You tease the blonde as he snuggles into your neck, placing little kisses along your cool skin.
You had been freezing cold from the water and the cool air, covering up under a plethora of blankets to warm yourself up tied in with wanting to hide away from the world.
“Can we stay like this, for a while?” You asked quietly, snuggling into Bakugou’s warmth.
“Mhm.” Bakugou replied lazily, taking the time to enjoy this time with you. He knew you didn’t want to talk about what happened, and you were okay with that.
After a little while and after taking a short nap, you were up and ready to head back out to grab a little bite to eat.
When Bakugou turned one of your lights on, it was then that he saw the large bruise on your bottom lip.
“What happened to your lip?” Bakugou was concerned, cupping your face in his hands as his thumbs poked around at your lip.
“Ow! I slipped and busted it-” 
“It’s fine. It’ll heal. I just need to get some ointment for it.” You sighed, leaning over to delicately kiss Bakugou’s hand.
Bakugou sighed and leaned to press a gentle kiss to your lips, just barely touching his to yours in fear of hurting your lip even more.
When you made it downstairs to the common room, you were shocked to see the pranksters sitting still and silent in some weird formation, their heads lifting when they spotted you and Bakugou.
“Can we talk for a moment?” Kirishima asked loudly, the two of you stopping to see what they wanted.
“What?” Bakugou asked angrily.
“We’d like to apologize.” Kirishima started.
“It was our idea, to prank you, (Y/n). And It was a really dumb idea. we’re very sorry.” Kaminari and Sero were the first to apologize.
“And we’re sorry for embarrassing you.” Mina and Kirishima apologized for the remainder of the students who sat there. You glanced at Bakugou before sighing.
“Thank you, for the apologies. I know your intentions were pure, but please let’s try pranks that don’t involve water buckets.” You tried to ease the mood. Sero and Kaminari were already back to planning.
“I’m sorry for yelling at all of you. But don’t fuckin’ pull this shit again.” Bakugou yelled, before grumbling something back toward the kitchen.
“I’m really sorry.” Kirishima said to you personally.
“It’s okay. I forgive you, I forgive all of you.” You spoke up a bit louder. Kirishima hugged you.
“But we aren’t even.” You smirked.
“P-prank war?” Kirishima stuttered.
“Prank war.” Your eyebrows narrowed.
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
The Pain of Love (Lucifer X MC)
The Blue Lotus petals
As a fan of Beauty and the Beast, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I'll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them. (tell me if you want tag)
Warning: Before and after Sex but no depiction of sex sorry I don't know how to write smut, The other six kinda being torture
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“Yeah, I do hear the eerie voices in this one” you were laying in the couch in Lucifer’s study, while listening to one of his curse records.
“Just make sure you don’t listen to the end, you might get nightmares, we don’t need two insomniacs in our bed.” All the while Lucifer is doing some early paper work before breakfast. You just came along with him, because you couldn’t go back to sleep.
“We wouldn’t even have one, if a certain demon learns to sleep within 8 hours” he chuckles at your poor attempt of a sley comment.
“I’ll take full advantage of this morning, since we don’t class today, that way we have the entire afternoon together”
“I Promise, now cut the record, the end is approaching”
You lifted the nailed, the you sat up and stretch your arms before standing up and walk over to Lucifer, you wrap your arms around is shoulders, lean forward and kiss the top of his head. He hums at your presents.
You move down and whisper in his ear. “You want some coffee, Lucifer” you pulled away to meet his sight, he nods with a smirk on his face, then you let go and start walking up the stairs. As you about to turn the knob, he calls to you.
“Y/n, as of today no more, blue lotus petals in my coffee for now on.”
“Okay, anything else?”
“Just make sure it’s bitter, okay love” with that you gave him a playful smile and left.
“Oh sweet, yer making coffee, mind make me one too” Mammon just steps in the kitchen, happy to smell coffee in the air.
“You can have mine, I really only made for me and Lucifer” you tell him that, while waiting for the coffee to get ready.
“So, his up all ready what’s he doing now.” Mammon asks while his digging through the cabins for something.
“Finishing some bills, this month’s plan actives for RAD, and the house budgets” you answer as you pour the two mugs with coffee.
“Should I start running now or pray that none of those bills are mine”
“Just wait in an hour to see” you smile at him, you fully know that he needs to hide now, as you pass him the mug of coffee. He took it with uncertain look on his face and drop two blue petals in his coffee.
“Hey, you forgot these” you’re at the doorway, when you turn around with coffee in hand to see Mammon holding up the blue lotus petals.
“Lucifer said no more petals in his coffee”
“Something wrong?” after a moment Mammon shake his head, tells you it’s nothing, you shrug your shoulder and walk back to Lucifer.
“Oh… Y/n, be a doll and untie us” Asmo calls to make you to look up into the ceiling to see Mammon, Levi, Satan with cloth in his mouth, Asmo, and Belphie who also have a cloth in his mouth, Strang up by their legs.
“Let me guess, one could stop ordering online, the two of you try to sneak out late in a school night, and the last two pull something that piss of the eldest” you said nonchalantly, causing Satan to violently flail, Mammon and Levi crying.
Asmo tries to fix his head to look at you properly, bashing his eye lash to soften up to you “Oh come on, you know us this is what we are, haven’t you notice that Lucifer has been a little~”
“Strict lately” you finish what he was about to say, Asmo pouts with his lower lip stick out and look at you with sad puppy eyes begging you to untie them.
In your mind, you want to untie them but remembering what Lucifer said “don’t cave to them, understand” cause you to hesitate. When all of the sudden the door slam open, causing you to turn around to see Lucifer in his demon form, dragging a tie up Beel, the latter which is sobbing.
Hearing his twin sobbing wakes up Belphie who start to flail around like Satan.
You don’t why, but you started to turn redder, you can feel the heat rushing through your face. Maybe Seeing Lucifer dragging Beel with one arm and dominant look on his face makes you want to hold him tight and cuddle into his chest.
While you just standing there awestruck, Lucifer manage to Strang up Beel next to Belphie.
“Oi Y/n, tell Lucifer that is gone too far” Mammon calls out to you
“Y-yeah, out of any of us Beel does have to Strang like this” Levi adds to Mammon call, while Belphie mummer through the cloth to grab your attention.
“Enough, Beelzebub is only going Strang up for 2 hours. For empty the fridge 2 days straight and all of you just have to wait 6 more hours depending on who has the least offense” Lucifer tells his brothers with a booming voice, then all of them started to yell, cry, and/or mummer at him.
He was about to yell, when all of the sudden you hug him and bury you face into chest, seeing your action shock the brothers.
Without looking away from his brothers, place one arm on your back drawing you closer. You look up at his face with your eyes of filled with lust and your face with red through your cheek.
He looks down, a smile creep up on his face, he cups your face drawing it closer to his.
Then you pouch kissing him like untamed animal, wrapping your arms around his neck not letting him pull away, as his arms rub around your back, one hand on your shoulder while the other one is on your waist.
Seeing you two practically eating each, the brothers watch in horror, Mammon and Levi are screaming in agony, Satan and Belphie try to look away but couldn’t, and Asmo and Beel are mortifed.
Hearing his brothers in pain, cause Lucifer to growl aggressively in pleasure, then he sweeps you off your feet while you two are still kissing taking you somewhere private, as you two slowly walk away to savior the screams, you slowly pull-out foldable knife that Mammon gave to you from your pocket and throw it at Beel, seeing the knife Beel swing forward and catch the knife with his teeth, and hums in happiness for catching it, then Lucifer slam the door closes.
“I’m hungry” Beel sitting in the dinning room groaning in pain, with the rest of the brothers still recover from Lucifer’s punishment.
Mammon, Levi, Satan, and Asmo rub their neck, arms and legs to less the street on them, while Belphie is collapse on the table awake.
“S-so which one of us want to asks Lucifer M-money for dinner” Levi asks around to who’s brave enough to go Lucifer’s room and asks him.
“Are you mad! I would rather use my own money, then going to that monster right now” Mammon yell at Levi, for suggesting that.
“I want to pull out my eyes and burn them” Satan talk to himself, trying to forget what he had to watch helpless.
Then foot steps can be heard, causing the brothers stiff in place except for Levi who hide under the table.
Not even at the doorway you start talking to them “So Lucifer asks me to give you money for take-out, and tell all of you that we’ll be skipping dinner too”
Asmo back to his cheerful self, wanting to know what drove you into acting like him ask while waiting for you to come inside the room, both hands under his chin and elbows rest on the table with his eyes gleefully close.
“Oh, are you and my big brother done~” before he could finish his question, he turns to the doorway and open his eyes to see you.
His eyes widen as he let out shock gasp, causing the rest to look up and did the same thing.
You were barely standing wearing Lucifer’s robe and nothing else, dark hand grips around both of your wrists, your almost expose chest is covered in hickeys, bite marks and three visible claw marks. And your messy hair is covered your face.
With a goofy smile, you slowly walk over to the table and place half stack of grimms on it, then slowly walk out the room leave the brothers stunned.
After a few minutes of complete silent, Mammon remembering something, cause him to yelp to himself, knowing fully well that there are royal screwed for the coming weeks.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hiya~ Can I request quote 9) "Are you jealous?" for Lucifer in Obey Me! pretty please😊
This was so much fun to write! Luci know that he gets jealous but never wants to admit (his jealousy is worse than Mammon but you didn’t hear it from me 🤭) and sorry this got kinda long! Reader is gender neutral!
TW: suggestive/spicy themes, but nothing extremely graphic is mentioned
Prompt: “Are you jealous?” with Lucifer!
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Lucifer is pissed.
He’s tapping his foot, and constantly checking his phone, waiting in his study for you to either walk in or call him. It’s late, and you’re still not home yet. He asked his brothers where exactly you are, and when Asmo told him that you’re out with the same “friend” you seem to blow all of them off for some time now, it just makes his mood turn even more sour, the scowl on his face deepening.
Now, Lucifer is not opposed to you making friends, as long as they aren’t a threat to you, his family, Lord Diavolo and the other exchange students. He understands that it’s very easy for you to connect with others, intentional or not, and he encourages it to a certain extent. However, this same “friend” that you’ve been increasingly been hanging out with for the past couple of weeks is starting to rub him the wrong way. Of course he’s met this “friend”, a classmate from your Seductive Speechcraft class (which just made him feel more unease with you being with them), and they seemed harmless enough (for a demon at least). Annoying, but harmless, at first.
Then began the constant need for your attention.
It started with the messages and calls under the guise of studying, the “innocent” demon begging you for help so that they can pass the class, and you being the naive nice human that you are of course obliged their request. Then it escalated from once a week, to three times a week, to almost staying after school every day just to “help”. He didn’t like that, as it’s him or his brothers that always walk you home every time, and this demon (who he found is Yuki, a demon who feeds off of sexual energy nonetheless), is messing with the routine, but he kept his cool and forced his brothers to do the same. He- They weren’t happy about this, but at the end of the day, you’re still coming home to him- them, and nothing is changing that. Not to mention how he made sure that someone had their eyes on you, whether it’s Mammon, Beel, or even himself (which he preferred).
Until Yuki decided that you need to hang out more, without him or his brothers.
That’s when he made it known of his dislike towards them, and dislike is putting it lightly.
You started to come home right at dinner, right before Beel devoured your plate. Mammon obviously voiced his displeasure aloud, with the others silently agreeing or making passing comments, but Lucifer would just shut the conversation down before anyone gets too upset, mainly for himself. He doesn’t want to lose control over something trivial like this, he can’t, he won’t- he’s well above some minuscule pest like them, and it would be a waste of time and energy to be worried about someone who is clearly below him!
He’s already irritated with Yuki integrating themselves into your everyday life, but he’s also trying to fight the increasing sinking feeling in his stomach the more you both bond.
The more you two become more than acquainted with one another, the more Lucifer tries to fight and hide this feeling. He buries himself in more paperwork, practically locks himself in his study, avoids anyone’s questions or concerns, and has become overall snappier than usual. He’s even snapped on Lord Diavolo, Lord Diavolo of all people!
(Granted Diavolo just thought it was overall stress, so he just simply laughed it off, but it didn’t go unnoticed by everyone, including you).
Now Lucifer is not stupid, he’s a very intelligent and powerful demon, and he doesn’t have to say it to be known. He made sure to do some research himself on Yuki, and didn’t put anything past them. You’re still surrounded by demons who wouldn’t hesitate to swallow you whole if allowed, and some are still desperate enough to try anything, so he’s very cautious with others being around you.
Which leads to now, you being out again with that demon at The Fall. Ever since, Lucifer retired to his study, constantly checking his phone for any updates. He refused to look distressed in front of everyone, and he knows that you’re smart and not so gullible, you’ll be okay, you had to be.
It’s well going on 1 in the morning, and you still haven’t answered any of his calls and texts? You swore that you would always answer him, so something had to happen. What exactly were you doing? What exactly were you two doing? We’re you okay? Are you safe? Has that Yuki tried anything with you?
Were you two doing anything now?
All of these questions swirling around in his head, his worry only adding on to his frustrations and building tension going through his body.
He already marched down to the door, coat forgotten and tie undone, flinging it open and scowl so deep that his fangs were bared. That Yuki better hope that you come home in one piece and spotless, or else he will make sure that they regret being alive-
He couldn’t wipe the surprised look on his face when he made eye contact with you, who was matching his own expression, hand frozen in the air mid knock.
“Lucifer? What are you still doing up? Are you about to go somewhere?” His expression quickly morphed to one of high distaste, the irritation displaying clearly on his face and his grip tightening on the door.
“I was still awake waiting for you. Have you forgotten how to use a phone, or are you too good for one now that you’re with your ‘friend’. And I remember specifically telling you to let me know when you leave, did I not?”
“Oh. Well...my phone kinda died, but I was already on the way home and-”
“By yourself?! Do you know how irresponsible that is? Do you forget that you’re a mere human?”
His irritation is rising to pure anger at this revelation. So that demon didn’t even have the decency to walk you home? To make sure that you arrive safe? And yet you still have the nerve to spend time with them and practically ignore him?!-
“Well- um, Lucifer? Lucifer!”
He snapped out of his murderous thoughts, and stepped aside to let you in.
“Come inside now, it’s late, and we have much to discuss.”
Your face scrunched up, showing confusion in how he’s acting. You know that’s he mad about your phone being dead, but he’s mad enough to leave the door barely hanging on its hinges? But you knew that arguing or pointing it out would just make things escalate, so you just stepped past and began to make your way up the stairs.
You can feel his eyes bore into the back of your head, but you just didn’t understand why. It’s about more than just your phone, it seemed like he’s been on edge for awhile now. You want to approach him, to ask him what’s wrong, to have him open up, but of course Lucifer being Lucifer, it was to no avail.
You racked your brain as he lead you to his room and began the “conversation” about how irresponsible you were being (really it’s just him getting whatever he needed off his chest and not you giving any input). Was it because of you going out so late? No, you didn’t drink, you and Yuki stayed together the whole night, and you let him know hours before. Was it Yuki? Now that you’re think about it, he has been frowning more it seemed like every time you brought up their name-
The pieces are starting to fit together now.
Oh my Diavolo.
You couldn’t stop the words escaping from your mouth before you could realize it.
“Lucifer, are you jealous?”
He choked in the middle of his sentence, and the room went quiet. You’re pretty sure that you can’t even hear him breathing, and his face just went entirely blank, no expression whatsoever.
Oh no, you broke him-
A gust of wind erupted, so strong that you had to shield your eyes for a second, and when you removed your arm, you were met with massive black wings and a very enraged demon.
“Excuse me?”
You stepped back until you stumbled onto the bed, as he stalks closer and closer to you.
“Care to repeat yourself?”
You knew better than to respond, and you felt frozen on the bed. You also know that Lucifer won’t attack or try to kill you, but it didn’t take away from the fact that he has moments where he’s very intimidating, one of those moments being now.
He’s looking down at you like a predator would to its captured prey, his ruby eyes glowing deviously in the dim room. He didn’t stop moving until he was on top of you, caging you in.
“Me? Jealous?” He scoffed. “I am the Avatar of Pride, the most powerful being in this house, yet you assume that I’m jealous of a demon that’s beneath me? You insult me, MC.”
He took hold of your chin, “Do you not remember what I said when we made the pact? You are mine and mine alone. Not anyone else’s, but mine.”
You felt like your nerves were getting the best of you, but you couldn’t force yourself to tear away as he leaned closer. He sealed his lips against yours in a heated kiss, one that you gladly accepted, not before uttering the words that made your heart race even faster.
“Maybe I should remind you of who you belong to, hm?”
“Had a fun night, MC?”
“Yeah, it was”, you coughed in your hand. “Very nice, very fun. We had a great time.”
“Hmmmmm...you and Yuki or you and Lucifer?”
He giggled, “I’m just saying dear. I don’t sense the pent-up sexual frustration from Lucifer anymore, and he seems back to normal and even relaxed. Though I must say MC, I wish that you had spent the night in my bed instead.”
“Of course you do Asmo.”
“Besides, I would have covered your hickeys much better-”
“MC, are you ready?”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear has never been more true than now, as Lucifer appeared behind you both, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Huh? Oh, yes, sorry.”
“Eh? Where are you two going?”
“And without me?!”
“Yes. Now, leave us be”. Lucifer moved his hand from your shoulder to your own hand, leading you both out the door. You two had plans for the day after the...eye-opening talk from last night, and he didn’t want to waste anymore time than he already had.
Asmo waited until he heard the door click, and then quickly whipped out his D.D.D. to text Yuki. He knew that the plan was going to be a success! A tense Lucifer made things more difficult for everyone, and he has too much pride to open his mouth so he decided to step in and team up with Yuki, who already knew about the whole ordeal.
Lucifer was already on the edge of snapping and letting his primal instincts take over anyway, so Asmo just gave him a little push in the right direction.
Thank Diavolo the plan worked, or else it would be hell for them both. He did owe Yuki some exposure on his socials in exchange for this and backing off of you now, but it was well worth the trouble.
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