#but again i started talking to them yesterday and have no obligation to talk to them again so
arionawrites · 1 year
how tf did me facetiming someone i matched with on tinder turn into them giving me unsolicited advice about giving people your full attention after i already let them know that i recently got diagnosed as adhd and it’s hard for me to focus on just one thing/person and then them telling me that “based on my behavior” they think i’m autistic like ?? didn’t ask, we literally started messaging each other like a day ago, even if i am autistic (which wouldn’t be a bad thing if i am) when has it ever been socially acceptable to tell someone you JUST MET that you think they’ve got some kind of mental disorder/illness/disability/etc.
my friends have mentioned that i might be autistic and that’s fine bc i’ve spent a lot of time with them and they actually know me and i take their perspective of me very seriously because they’re the people who see me 100% unfiltered and have known me whenever i’ve been completely unmedicated. i trust their word.
this person from tinder, however, i have sent like maybe 20-30 messages to where we talked about nanowrimo and i was like omg it’d be so cool to meet someone who also writes, whether it’s as friends or as more, i would love that—only for our facetime call to be less than 20 minutes long and for them to try and diagnose me as autistic just because i, after ALREADY TELLING THEM that i have adhd and after them asking about meds and me telling them that i haven’t taken my adhd meds today because i didn’t have work and also i’ve taken multiple naps today which has made my head even more foggy and made it even harder than usual to focus, found it difficult to focus.
like. i wasn’t unresponsive. i wasn’t ignoring them. i was listening and i was responding, i just also was looking between my phone and my laptop screen.
which okay i understand that maybe i’m just frustrated because of the “based on your behavior” comment because an 18 minute facetime call does not give someone enough interaction time to try and fucking diagnose me as anything, and maybe this is more of a we just didn’t vibe and that’s fine, i don’t think they’re like a bad person or anything and if nothing else i’m glad the mismatched vibes were felt before deciding to meet up or anything, but also.
eighteen minutes. literally eighteen minutes and they fucking “based on your behavior i think you’re autistic” and “here’s some advice, when meeting new people you should give them your full attention”
FUCK that.
#idk maybe they’re also autistic and thought it was supposed to be helpful? and again i dont think they’re a bad person#and esp if they are some kind of neurodivergent they might not have realized how that comment could come across#so i’m trying not to take it too personally bc 1. i dont rlly know them 2. they dont rlly know me and 3. it has no heavy impact on my life#but also like idk it just was weird and even if they didnt intend to comment to come across like that#i can still be uncomfortable and upset about it#anyways moving on this is why i barely ever open tinder in the first place lmaooo#aricomplains#also like they probably arent all that wrong to be fair#i know it can come across as rude to not put ur full focus on someone esp someone you’ve just met and that is something i want to work on#it just felt weird that i literally explained i have adhd and its hard to focus and i promised them its nothing personal if i struggle#to focus on them while talking and like AFTER i said that they tried to give me that ‘advice’ like i hadnt already addressed it#idk i understand how my actions might have come across as rude or something but if someone told me they had adhd and struggled to focus#i would immediately know not to take it personally if they’re like fidgeting or on their phone while i talk or smth#which i also get is not something everyone has to do too like no one is required to react the same and#blah i’m overthinking this i need to stop#basically: i understand how my part in the ft call might have come across and i addressed it and tried to focus as much as i could#and if they took my lack of focus as rude i understand why and i also understand my ability to focus on people’s something i need to work on#but also the way they approached it rubbed me wrong and those comments made me uncomfortable and upset#but again i started talking to them yesterday and have no obligation to talk to them again so#take this as a lesson and a reminder of why i need to keep working on my ability to focus on people better when talking to them#and also take this as a reminder as to the kind of people i want to spend time with and thats not people who give passive aggressive advice#or try to diagnose someone they JUST met#and then take those lessons and reminders with me as i move on#ok im done now im gonna unmatch w them on tinder and also maybe just delete tinder entirely bc i barely use it anyway and would rather#try to meet people in more authentic ways#honestly my hope is that now that i’m spending like 3 days a week at the library in between shifts#i might meet another library-going sapphic and that would be VERY lovely 🥰
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moonstruckme · 11 months
I would love to see something from the beginning of poly!marauders relationship where they are figuring out that they all want to be together and learning how to make it work. I’ve always wondered how their relationship would start!
Thanks for requesting my love! It took me so long to get to it, I appreciate you being so patient with me <3
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
Sirius is playing with Remus’ fingers, and you’re trying to figure out if the ache of longing in your chest is some relative of jealousy. You don’t want it to be. Remus and Sirius are your friends, and you’re happy that they make each other happy. And honestly, looking at them now, with Sirius’ leg slung over one of Remus’ and Remus’ long fingers in his grasp, you’re not sure which one of them you’d trade places with if you could. 
Things have gotten…complicated, lately, though none of you are talking about it. Two weeks ago, James had kissed you, and you’d really, really liked it, but you’d felt obligated to confess your confusion to him. You do like James and want him to kiss you, but you can’t help feeling guilty for also harboring feelings for two other people at the same time. It wouldn’t feel fair to start something with James, who deserves all the best anyone has to offer, if you feel like you can’t be fully in it with him. 
And of course you’d known he’d be cool about it, but you hadn’t expected him to truly understand. He’d told you that Remus had kissed him back before he and Sirius had gotten together, and James hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the other boy either. Neither of you had quite known how to move forward in light of your admissions, but you’d agreed to put things between the two of you on hold for the time being. 
Then just yesterday, you’d been walking to class with Sirius, and he’d accidentally brushed your bum with his hand. The zing you’d felt was probably more a nervous response than anything else, but it had felt markedly different from the icky feeling you’d gotten when boys had touched you without your consent before. Sirius had been quick to apologize, and you’d waved it off, but you’d seen the look in his eyes. You aren’t usually one to flatter yourself by presuming anyone might have feelings for you, but the attraction in his gaze was unmistakable. 
You haven’t said anything to anyone about that, but even now, when he’s half atop his boyfriend, Sirius’ eyes keep flitting to where you’re working on your homework. 
“Anyone started on the potions essay?” Remus asks. 
“No,” says James. “Have you?”
You and Sirius both make quiet sounds of agreement. 
It’s silent again, the only sound the gentle scratching of pen on parchment. 
“Alright.” James sets his pen down with a thwap. “What’s going on with you guys?”
You look up, and he’s staring right at you. 
“What, me?”
“Everyone!” James shakes his head. “No one is talking to each other. Did something happen?”
You press your lips together, but Sirius blurts, “I told Remus I was into Y/N.”
James blinks, looking about as shocked as you feel but without the added embarrassment. You wish, not for the first time, that you could apparate straight out of Hogwarts. 
“It’s fine,” Remus says. “We’ve sorted it.” He gives you a kind look. “Don’t look so nervous, love, I wasn’t upset. It’s not like we don’t all have thoughts about other people sometimes.” 
Sirius looks unsurprised, and you gather that was a part of the conversation they’d already had, but James nearly chokes on air. 
“Do you?” he asks. 
Remus flushes, his fingers tightening almost imperceptibly around Sirius’. “Sure. Sometimes.” 
James and Remus’ gazes are locked, a sort of heaviness building in the air between them, and you hurry to dispel the tension. “I mean, you’re all very good-looking,” you laugh. “It’d be impossible not to notice each other.” 
Sirius seems on board with your plan of levity, falling easily into his default flirtatiousness. “Yeah, gorgeous? Do you notice as well?”
For a second, your mouth works without sound, your thoughts flittering about your head like frenetic butterflies. You’re sure your face is turning a humiliating color. “I—I mean, like I said, it’s hard not to.” You clear your throat. “You don’t get to be the golden boys of Gryffindor for nothing.” 
“And here I thought it was our brains.” Sirius grins, letting you out the trap he’d unintentionally ensnared you in. “Well, if we’re known for our looks, then it makes sense why you’re part of the group too.” 
It takes you a second to catch his meaning, but you don’t miss Remus’ tiny nod of agreement. 
“Wait a minute,” James says, still looking between the lot of you like he’s refereeing a particularly perplexing tennis match. “So…Sirius and…who all here likes who?”
You go mute, as do the other boys. 
James nods, and he’s sticking his tongue in his cheek like he does when he’s nervous, but the set of his brows is resolved. “Okay, I can go first. I fancy each of you.” 
You look over at Remus and Sirius, but neither of them appear as shocked as you’d think the profession would warrant. Sirius opens his mouth like he has something to say, then shuts it again. 
“Trust me, I feel very weird about it,” James goes on anxiously. “I just wasn’t sure—”
“No, it’s alright.” Remus leans forward slightly, looking like he would reach out and comfort James if he were close enough. “I’ve…I’ve had similar thoughts.”
Sirius has ceased his toying with Remus’ hand, but he doesn’t let it go, looking down at their joined fingers. “Me too,” he says, not quietly but noticeably lower than his normal half-shouting volume.
“I never…I don’t really understand it all the way,” you admit. “But I think I like each of you too.” 
There’s another agonizing silence. Remus starts to brush his thumb gently over Sirius’ knuckles. 
“It doesn’t make any sense to me,” you say finally. “I see you two together, and I’m not jealous at all. But I like you both.” You look over at James, and your face hasn’t cooled at all, but it gets a new wave of heat now. “And you, too.” 
James gives you a little smile, and it’s like he can’t help himself, reaching over to give your shoulder a tiny squeeze. 
“I don’t think,” Remus says carefully, “that there’s anything wrong with that. I mean, it’s not like any of us doesn’t like anyone else, apparently. Just…what do we do about it?”
You and James exchange a look, but this suddenly feels like something you shouldn’t intervene in. You’re both single, but Remus and Sirius aren’t. 
“Well,” Sirius drawls with a nonchalance that’s definitely forced but so familiar that you’re grateful for it anyway, “if it’s alright with you, I think I’d like to date.” 
“You are dating,” you point out. 
Sirius shoots you a mocking look. “Date all of you, smart-ass.” 
James lets out a little laugh, and you smile a bit at Sirius’ brashness. The both of you look to Remus. 
Remus only shrugs as if you’ve asked him to comment on the weather. “S’alright with me.” 
James really does laugh now, the loud, hooting sound you love so much. “It’s alright? You really do know how to make someone feel special, Moons.” 
“Fuck off,” Remus laughs. “What else am I supposed to say?”
“Um, that we’re the most attractive people you’ve ever seen and nothing would make you happier?”
“Well there you go, James. You’ve said it for me.” 
The laughter dies out, the new awkwardness of more-than-friends settling over the four of you. 
“Well shit,” Sirius says after a minute. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you reply. “You’re the only ones who have been in a relationship, what do you guys do?”
Sirius looks at Remus, and Remus looks back. 
“What do we do?” Sirius whispers to him. “Do we…we go on dates sometimes, yeah?”
Remus nods, one corner of his lips twitching amusedly. 
Sirius turns back to you and James, nodding decisively. “A date,” he announces. “Pick you all up in, uh, our common room at eight?” 
“Eight is good for me,” James says, grinning so hugely you can’t help but smile with him. “Now, if we’re all done being weird—Y/N, lovely, could you help me with this charms homework? I’m dying over here.” 
You scooch closer to him, peering at his parchment and wondering if now you can stop cataloging all the places your bodies touch, your shoulder brushing his upper arm. 
“It looks fine to me,” you say after a moment. 
“I know, sorry” James replies, leaning into you so that the warmth of his arm seeps into your skin. “It was a charade.”
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writerdreamerwhatever · 2 months
If I can have the pleasure of making the first request...🫣 Can you do something with young Remus Lupin? Maybe something really silly and sweet, like, he and the reader are in a secret relationship (kind of to avoid the commotion that James and Sirius would make about the fact that he's dating at all) and somehow he ends up with a face full of faint lipgloss kiss marks, which not even the reader realizes about, until the other marauders notice and discover their secret. Maybe the reader will even join in and tease Remus with them a little?
Sorry if the idea is bad, pls don't feel obligated to do it. I'm really not good at this kind of thing...
Have a good day anyways ☺️
Kisses ~ Young Remus Lupin
“Remus, you’re limping! Please let me help you.” I whisper-yelled at Remus, walking through the corridors.
“I can do it.” He grunts, still in pain from yesterday’s full moon.
“Well, at least let me tend to your injuries!” Remus looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll do it myself.” He said, shaking his head, “I don’t want to be a burden.” He muttered under his breath.
I stopped him dead in his tracks
“A burden? Are you serious?” At that, Remus smirked
“No, Sirius is at the library waiting for us with James. We can’t be anymore late!” He replied quickly, resuming his walk towards the library.
“Sirius and James can wait. Remus, please, at least go to Madame Pomfrey so she can help. I really hate seeing you like that.” It really pained me seeing him in this hurt state.
Remus sighed and clutched his bag tighter.
“Fine, but come with me.”
“You’ll take this right when you wake up and before you go to sleep for the next three days.” Instructed Pomfrey, giving Remus a vial containing a purple potion, “It should help restore your energy back.” With that, she left, going to aid another student.
“Are you happy now?” He asked me, smiling.
“I’m more than happy.” I leaned down, since he was sitting on one of the beds, and kissed him once on the lips.
Looking at him, I chuckled under my breath at the sight of a lipstick mark on his mouth. I decided to kiss him once again the cheek, leaving another mark. Opting against wiping it off, I thought he’d like a little teasing from his friends.
“Let’s go. We can’t make the boys wait any longer.” I grabbed his hand and made our way through the corridors and to the library.
Before entering, I released Remus’ hand, since the boys didn’t know about our relationship. Yet.
At the sight of us, James and Sirius perked up. But once we got closer, they noticed Remus’ face and started laughing. I knew exactly why.
“Hey guys.” Remus said, sitting down opposite them, taking out a book from his bag opening it, ready to study.
I plopped down next to him, and a chorus of hushed exclamations was heard.
“Do you know that red suits you well, Moony?”
“Had a lover and never told us, you traitor.”
Remus quickly lifted his head up, confused.
“What? What are you talking about?”
Sirius and James could only laugh at Remus’ face.
“W-What is it?!” Remus exclaimed looking at me, while I only shrugged, a slight smirk resting on my face.
He could only conjure a small mirror to look at himself. Once noticing, the realization of why they were laughing quickly downed on him.
“Wow, Remus, when were you going to tell us you had a girlfriend?” I asked, deciding to join the teasing, while the other two were dying of laughter.
Remus glared at me, but couldn’t help the smile that was appearing on his face.
“So? Who is it?” Sirius asked, still giggling a bit, nudging James with his elbow.
I leaned my head on my fist and looked at Remus, smiling sweetly. He sighed and glanced at me, chuckling before answering.
“You’d be dumb if you didn’t know who.”
I'm sorry I took too long to write this, but here it is! i hope you like it <3
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mccardswife · 8 months
We've got your back
lionesses x teen!reader
lucy bronze x teen!reader
summary: lionesses x teen!reader, where r struggles with social anxiety and her older teammates support her.
(this was a request, but the request disappeared. but here it is!)
warnings: social anxiety, angst, nightmare, fluff and mentions of panic attack, please remind me if there is more tw! (do not read if you get triggered)
word count: 2826
i hope you like this one, i loved the request and i got really satisfied with the oneshot!
hope you enjoy!
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You zoned out again, probably for the dozen time this week. It is England camp and you know what that means, I love all my england teammates trust me. They are like my family but I have a secret no one knows about, not even my teammates at Arsenal.
I have social anxiety, i feel very ashamed by it. It is so embarrassing that I need to take medications to function, and even when I take them I don't feel like myself.
It was day 2 of england camp. Which means we arrived yesterday. I am roomies with Lucy this camp because Jordan is with her lover (Leah). I love rooming with Lucy, she is like a mother to me. She is very protective but I try keeping my diagnosis a secret from her. Sometimes I even call her mom.
I am 17 now and when i first got called up to the national team I was 15 so the whole team, especially the older girls and Lucy are very protective over me and they helped me when i struggled with panic attacks during my first call ups and my debut for England.
8:00 clock
The alarm went off on Lucy's phone, I did not sleep very well. I had an awful nightmare in the middle of the night, that is all i think about now. I am just so scared that people will judge me for what i say. After conversations with the team last night I regret what i said, you did not say something bad. But you just feel being judged. The most awful feeling in the world.
My mom turned off the alarm and turned to me, I probably looked awful because I slept like shit. "Oh y/nn, are you okay?" she asked.
"Yes, just did not sleep very well" I said back. I started walking towards the bathroom exhaustively when she came up behind me and gave me a hug. "You know we are here for you right", she said. I just hugged her back saying "I know mom, i love you" and walked in the bathroom locking the door getting ready.
When I was done I unlocked the door and asked Lucy if she was ready to go down for breakfast. You see, we have two bathrooms. So each one of us has their private bathroom. I totally love it.
When we open our door Jordan and Leah stood there already waiting for us, they have the room beside us and we always walk down for breakfast together.
I have never been so scared before but after my nightmare last night I am really scared now, the only one who knows I have social anxiety is my manager at Arsenal, Jonas Eidevall and my manager at the national team, Sarina Wiegman.
It's an obligation for them to know because mental health is very important and because I take medications everyday. That reminds me, I forgot to take it this morning. Shit.
When we walked into the dining room I was sweating and nervous as crazy. I was shaking non stop and couldn't wait for my breakfast so I could sit down alone in peace. Just thinking.
After getting my food, I decided to eat some and oatmeal today. Because the oatmeal here is hella good.
Anyway I walked towards an empty table when I heard a familiar voice calling my name, I turned around and saw the gaffer, Sarina Wiegman.
"Y/n, could we talk outside for a minute please?". She asked me with a smile but I could tell the concerning look in her eyes when she saw me fiddling with my fingers anxiously.
"Yes, of course" I said with a shaky voice I think the whole team heard because when me and Sarina walked outside of the room I could see in the corner of my eye Lucy and the other girls watching me with questioning but worried looks.
When me and Sarina got outside she looked me in the eye and asked if something was on my mind. I said no. "Are you sure y/nn?, it is important that we know everything".
"Okay fine, I have been really struggling with nightmares and I had a panic attack a few hours before arriving to England camp yesterday" I said with a shaky voice and tears in my eyes.
"Oh honey, it is okay! Totally okay to have ups and downs, everyone here would support you, which got me asking, does anybody know about your social anxiety? And have you taken your medications today?" she asked...
I looked down in shame, no and no I told her.
"I am really sorry Sarina but it is so hard, I don't want to be judged if I tell the others, and be treated differently.
"Honey, it is very important that you open up, I really think it is time for you to open up, and I promise you that none of the girls will judge you, we all love you and want to support you! You will not get treated differently, everyone has their own struggles, do not feel embarrassed by it", she said to me sternly but very soft.
Which is one of the things I like about Sarina, a brilliant manager but first and foremost a amazing women who cares about every one of us as her kids.
Me and Sarina talked a bit more and she told me that because I have been struggling a lot with my anxiety and sleeping I will not start tomorrow, when we play against Ireland in the euro qualifier at Wembley. Which I totally understand, I need to get my shit together and open up because I hopefully think I will feel much better then. Also feel closer with my teammates, not that I am not close with them. trust me I am but recently I have been shutting down and try to isolate from the others, which they now have realised.
Sarina has some of my medications in her office, incase I forget to bring or take mine so we went to her office and I took them, with disgust. It makes me feel different, I don't like that.
"Y/n, is it not your fault you have social anxiety, okay? Trust me, you are not different, okay. Now you need to go to breakfast before training".
She then gave me a hug and I left her office. Have I told you that I love the hugs Sarina gives, it is probably one of the best hugs ever!
I walked towards the dining room again and looked at my phone and saw that I was with Sarina for almost 20 minutes, now Lucy is probably really worried.
I thought about how I am going to tell the team. I am first going to tell Lucy and some of the veterans on the team.
When I walked inside dining room some of the tables were in a middle of a conversation and did not see me, unfortunately Lucy looked up at the door the second it open.
Lucys pov
Sarina called y/n outside and I would be lying if I said I was not worried. I am sitting with the group I always sit with at England camp, Leah, Keira, Georgia, Rachel, Millie, Jordan, Mary and Beth Mead. I have been worried about y/n for a while, I sat deep in my thoughts thinking about y/n when Rach suddenly asked. "Lucy, you good? You've been sitting spaced out for a while".
"Yes I am ok, i am just a bit worried about the youngster, in other words y/nn". As much as i love her I want what's best for her and I really think she is struggling with something, she always seems scared, nervous and it gives me signs of anxiety".
"Yeah that is actually true" Leah said, "Her being on arsenal me, Beth and Jordan pretty much see y/n everyday and she seems very tense". Millie being the softie she is said "We should probably try talk to her later when she comes back".
"Good idea, I say. "but I can't stop thinking about why Sarina wanted to talk to her".
Keira leaned over to me and whispered in my ear "stop being so nervous love, we will talk to her and support y/nn no matter what".
I just kissed her on the cheek and said thank you.
We sat there eating and making small talk when I looked at the clock, y/n has been away for like 20 minutes now. I am kind of starting to get nervous now
But as I thought of her the door opened and there she walked in deep in her thoughts with a hard look on her face. She picked up her food she got earlier and wanted to sit alone, she walked past us but Jordan grabbed her wrist softly asking "You want to sit with us?, there is an empty chair beside Georgia".
Reader´s pov again
I picked up my food I left on an empty table before I was pulled out to talk with Sarina and was walking towards and empty table, but as I was walking past the table Lucy and the other girls were on I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, softly but suddenly.
it was Jordan
"You want to sit with us?, there is an empty chair beside Georgia".
The table consisted of Lucy, Leah, Keira, Georgia, Rachel, Millie the brick wall Bright, Jordan, Mary and Beth Mead.
Deciding not to be rude I said "Yeah sure", with probably the shakiest voice for the 100th times today. I walked over and sat beside Georgia
Then I felt as I was being watch, I looked every one of them in the eye and I asked if something was wrong.
Lucy for the second time today asked "Are you ok y/nn, all of us are pretty worried about you". Beth said "Yeah, the whole team are and we want to know what's been up with you?, what did Sarina want to talk to you about?.
Leah being the skipper she is, saw you felt a bit overwhelmed with all the questions, "Relax, one question at a time" she said with a soft smile on her face.
I want to open up I thought, but at the same thing I don't.. why does it have to be so hard? Am I going to get judged, I know what Sarina told me but still".
"Babe" Lucy said "What is going on in that pretty mind of yours?".
I felt tears starting to drop and my hands shaking on the table while my foot was bouncing like crazy. When I felt Georgia's hand on my shoulder pulling me in for a side hug I lost it.
"I have social anxiety, i have been diagnosed with it for a few months. Only Jonas and Sarina know. I take medications for it, Sarina know that something has been up with me so she asked me if some of you knew, if I took my meds today, which I forgot so I needed to take them with her.".....
It got quiet for a second and I thought I was going to die for a minute, but Lucy walked over and gave me a hug from behind.
"Why did you not tell us?" Keira asked,
"I am really sorry about that, I felt ashamed. Embarrassed for needing to take meds and not being a fully functional human being. I am not normal, I was afraid of getting treated differently"...
"And that you would secretly judge me" I said in a very low voice but the girls heard.
Millie said to me sternly "You are the best human being a person could ask for, we would never judge you ever. We only want to help, we had our suspicions about it because we saw the signs".
Rachel jumped also in and said "We've got your back babe, you are perfect the way you are, no need to be ashamed of a diagnosis that is not your fault.
Mary being the angel she is said "I kind of know how you feel, when I was at my lowest a few years ago it was hell. but I had the best people who helped me through it and now we want to be the people to help you!"
Gosh how I love all of them, they are so supporting and caring but I was still very scared because I have not told them about my nightmares and panic attacks yet.
Lucy or my so called mum asked because she knows me through and through "Is there something more you want to tell us"
"Yes, but please don't be mad", you said in a begging voice.
"Of course we won't me mad love" Keira said in a reassuring tone.
"The nightmares and panic attacks has come back and it is worse now than ever. I had a nightmare last night, that is why I could not sleep. And I have been heavily struggled with panic attacks and nightmare for a long time, because of my anxiety. A few hours before we travelled to England camp yesterday I had the worst panic attack ever. I got it under control eventually by myself after maybe an hour, but felt uneasy for the rest of the day"
"It is ok not to be ok, but this is serious, we all care and want to help you. It sucks that you have felt this way y/nn" Jordan said with the biggest smile, it looked sad but kind.
"I am really sorry about not telling, but I promise I will be more open but you need to understand it is very difficult for me" I said, "And I am sorry mom, it is not your fault. I know you were asleep when I had the nightmare but I could not bear myself to wake you, I felt embarrassed" I said to Lucy.
Lucy´s pov
"And I am sorry mom, it is not your fault. I know you were asleep when I had the nightmare but I could not bear myself to wake you, I felt embarrassed"
Hearing those words come out of my daughter´s mouth broke me. I tried not to let tears fall but it was impossible now. I am her biggest supporter and I always will be. I just want her to know that
"You are amazing, brilliant, caring, loving and all other kind words I could say! I love you so much my babygirl."
Reader´s pov again
"I love you to mom". I said to Lucy.
Leah said sternly to me "You need to go see a therapist, when we come back at arsenal again we will go twice a week and I will go with you then me, Beth and Jordan can switch who would go with you"
"Seriously?" I groaned.
"Yes", they all said sternly in sync.
"Okay then, but Leah, you, Beth, and Jordan don't need to go with me"
"But we want to" the three of them said gladly.
"Thank you" I said looking down...
"Come here y/nn" Georgia said pulling me in for a hug, I love Georgias hugs.
Every one of the girls gave me a bear crushing hug telling me
"We will always be here for you babe, just call or text or do anything. And we will be there in an eye blink for you! We are so glad you told us, now we just need to tell the others."
"Could we please do it later?" I asked nervously...
"Of course" Rachel said.
"When we are back at arsenal we gotta tell our arsenal teammates too" Beth said.
"I know I know..." I said.
"I will always support you kid, I love you so much and I will always do. You are literally my kid just not official. I would love to be your official mom tho, if you'd have me?" Lucy asked.
I looked at her in utterly shock, and the other girls looked at us in awe.
"Are you serious, please be serious?" I asked with my mouth hanging open.
"Of course, as I said I love you like my own family". Lucy told me with tears
I said loudly "Yes, of course I would want you to adopt me, it kind of feel like you already have tho but still omg".
I started crying again but this time happy tears, while I gave my mom a big hug the girls took a photo of us and gave us a hug.
The perfect group hug.
Little did y/n know that Sarina stood outside watching everything that just had happen, you telling the others about your struggles and Lucy confessing how she feel about you.
Sarina really felt like a proud mom now.
"I am really the best momager ever" Sarina said walking away chuckling with the most heartwarming smile on her face ever.
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The Start of Something New
Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 10 | Prompt: "Just when were you planning on telling us that?"
Summary: This was the start of something completely new for Tech, and Hunter couldn’t be happier for him. POV: Hunter Rating: G (Word Count: 2971)
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Notes: Yes, this is another Tech Lives story! The first part of the story takes place pre-"Tipping Point" (episode 14 of season 2); the second part of the story takes place post-epilogue/post-my other Tech Lives work. ( @domino-twinss This isn't exactly a chapter 2 for Lost and Found, but it kinda works as an unofficial follow up?)
Hunter leaned back, resting his elbows on the garden wall in Shep’s backyard, and closed his eyes briefly, welcoming the slight breeze that played across his face. He had just returned from a long but productive day helping move supplies to rebuild more of the homes damaged in the tidal wave. Tech had apparently finished his task of restoring power to the dozen or so homes that had been completed, for he had already been sitting at the table looking at his datapad when Hunter had arrived. Wrecker and Omega, who had both spent the day down at the docks, should be coming back any minute…
Hunter heard the telltale sound of running footsteps, and smiled as his brother and sister burst through the gate. Omega greeted him with a happy grin and a wave, but it was to Tech that she directed her first statement.
“Lyana says the reason why you came in late last night was because you asked Phee to go out on a boat with you,” she declared, her face bright with curiosity as she rested one hand on Tech’s forearm and slightly shook it in her excitement.
“When were you going to tell us you spent time with Phee?” Wrecker asked in barely concealed delight.
Hunter, his brows raised in mild surprise at this revelation, awaited the answer. He had assumed Tech had been on the Marauder completing one of his many research projects yesterday evening; he would never have guessed his brother had actually gone out with Phee.
Tech, who had remained completely unperturbed by Omega's enthusiasm, now glanced up from his datapad, looking slightly puzzled by Wrecker's question. “I wasn’t planning on saying anything," he replied. 
Omega and Wrecker both visibly wilted in disappointment at this answer, and Hunter had to bite back a laugh. Omega quickly recovered, though, and eagerly patted Tech’s arm again.
“Well, since we know about it… Come on, tell us! How did it go? How did you decide on taking a boat out at night?" 
Tech shrugged. "Phee mentioned she is interested in sea creatures, and many of the species found near this island have bioluminescent traits that are especially well observed at night, even with a full moon. I concluded she might enjoy some time on the water to see them.”
“You spent the entire time talking about the creatures and bioluminescence, didn’t you?” Hunter cut in drily.
“Most of the time, yes. What else were we supposed to talk about? At any rate, Phee is already remarkably well versed in marine science, and she was quite interested in learning more about the aiwhas on Kamino. I was more than happy to oblige.”
“I still can’t believe you weren’t going to tell us about it,” Wrecker protested.
“We’ve all spent time with Phee before, you know,” Tech stated, as if that fully explained his lack of disclosure.
“Yeah, but not on a date!”
 “This was not a date. It was simply a friendly outing.”
Wrecker groaned in frustration, but Omega piped up again. “Well, we’d still like to hear about them!”
At Omega’s plea, Tech sighed and capitulated. “Very well, if it’s so important to all of you…”
“Good, you’re all back!” Shep called from the doorway. “Oh, Tech, Phee told Lyana and me how much she enjoyed last night.”
“That is… gratifying to hear,” Tech said steadily, seemingly ignoring Omega’s giggle, though Hunter got the distinct impression that, in this particular situation at least, the more solemn Tech appeared, the more embarrassed he was actually feeling. 
“Dinner is about ready,” Shep continued gamely, “just a few more minutes.”
“Anything I can do to help?” Omega offered, moving toward their host.
“Well, if you want, you can help Lyana get the plates,” Shep smiled.
“I’ll come with you,” Wrecker instantly volunteered.
As the others trooped into the house, Tech silently put down his datapad and stood to follow them, turning back when Hunter spoke.
“Are you going to invite Phee to join you on more friendly outings?” Hunter asked, careful to keep any hint of amusement out of his voice.
“I intend to, yes,” Tech replied without hesitation, before his expression shifted; and while Tech often wore thoughtful expressions, Hunter had never before seen this particular brand of introspection on his brother’s face – it was almost as if Tech, for the first time since he had learned to speak, was grappling for the right words to express his thoughts. “She… is an exceptional woman,” he finally finished, a touch awkwardly though clearly sincere.
And as Tech made his way toward the door to join the others in the house, Hunter smiled.
This was the start of something completely new for Tech, and Hunter couldn’t be happier for him.
Hunter, glancing out the cabin window, saw that Tech had returned from his visit with Phee and had taken up position standing by the low wall that separated the property from the long stretch of rocky soil leading out to the beach some distance away.
Gesturing to Batcher that she should stay where she was, curled up comfortably by the table, Hunter stepped outside to join his brother. It was perfect weather, a light breeze was stirring the air, and Omega would have been enraptured by the scenery of the sunset if she were here; but Tech had already pulled out his datapad and was taking notes. Hunter smiled a bit – despite time, aging, and critical life experiences, some things never changed, and Tech’s curiosity combined with his need to always keep his mind and hands busy were among those things that remained constant.
Any concerns Hunter may have had about Tech being able to adjust to life on Pabu with brothers who had changed so much in the intervening years had been short lived. The impossible had happened – the entire family was reunited – and the growth and life-altering changes they had each experienced in the past decade or so only served to enhance their immense gratitude for the chance they had to all be together again. Tech had offered to continue helping Omega and Echo with decryption and other coding tasks for their rebel missions, but only in a remote capacity; he sympathized with the Rebellion’s cause, of course, but he wanted to stay on Pabu. And while Phee had said nothing aloud upon hearing of this decision, none of the brothers had missed the fact that her stays on Pabu had progressively lengthened over the past year.
Hunter knew Tech and Phee had become extremely close ever since Tech’s return – the spark of mutual interest that had existed early on between them had quickly grown into a flame – and the two of them spending the entire day together had become the norm; but as he stood next to his brother now, Hunter could tell something was different, something had changed today - and Hunter couldn't be more thrilled.
“So, when were you going to tell us?” he prodded.
Tech looked at him, eyebrows slightly raised, but couldn’t keep a small smile from playing on his lips: he knew Hunter knew exactly what had happened. “Tonight,” he replied levelly, “when Omega contacts us. She always includes Echo in her transmissions, and that way we can tell the whole family at once. At least, that was the plan,” he finished wryly. 
“Do you have a date set yet?”
“If Omega and Echo can come by month’s end, we will wait for them; if not, it may be sooner. Phee and I want to be married before we begin any travels.”
Hunter was careful to keep his expression and his voice steady, even as his heart now sank. “So you won’t be staying on Pabu?”
Sometimes Hunter wondered if Tech had somehow developed enhanced senses of his own; based on the glance Tech gave him now, Hunter thought the other must have somehow sensed his dismay. “This is still our home, Hunter. Phee says she was already considering retiring for some time before I returned, and you know she hasn’t set off on any acquisition operations for months now. But the news of what the Empire did to the refugees on Ghirtin II really shook her. She says it’s high time a liberator of ancient wonders became a liberator of modern people. She wants to do more to help those displaced by the war, and I want to help her.”
Hunter nodded and even managed a smile. He had known the moment he had witnessed Tech’s face light up upon first seeing Phee again that his brother was as devoted to her as he was to his siblings, and devotion such as Tech’s knew no bounds. And Hunter had been thrilled both for his genius, quirky brother and the strong-willed, witty woman who had always been such a loyal friend to the entire family; he had known they would make each other immensely happy, and Hunter, who had only ever wanted all his family to be safe and happy, couldn’t wish for more.
“What is it, Hunter?” Tech asked almost gently.
Hunter sighed. “I’m happy for you, Tech," he said sincerely. "I know you and Phee will take care of each other – and really, the two of you combined will be unstoppable. It’s just…" taking a breath to give himself time to gather his thoughts, he continued, "It’s been almost a year, but it still feels like we just got you back. I don’t…” he trailed off, feeling that it would be far too selfish and shameful for him to say aloud I don’t want to let you go again.  
It was moments like these that made him realize he had never, ever fully released the grief and shame of his failure as a leader, as a brother, as he had watched Tech fall out of sight on Eriadu. Even now, after finally and unexpectedly being reunited, and with so much good happening in their lives in spite of the stranglehold the Empire had on the galaxy, Hunter still felt the pang of regret of all the years missed, all the time Tech had spent lost and alone, working so hard on his own to regain his lost memories and discover where he belonged…
Hunter couldn’t look at his brother, and blinked rapidly to will away the tears.
He felt Tech place a firm, reassuring hand on his shoulder. “I know,” Tech said in a voice that prompted Hunter to look at him despite the threat of tears; and in the long moments of silence that followed, the look in Tech’s eyes said it all: he not only knew exactly what Hunter felt, he understood – and he wished Hunter would finally forgive himself for circumstances that had been outside any of their control.
“We’ll be here on Pabu far more often than we will be away, though,” Tech now continued matter-of-factly. “Besides, compared to any trouble Phee and I may find ourselves in, we all are in significantly greater peril whenever we allow Wrecker or Crosshair to man the boats during fishing expeditions.”
Hunter snorted – this observation was unfortunately all too accurate – and Tech gave a small smile.
“Well, just let me promise you what I promised Omega: if you or Phee ever need us, we’ll be there,” Hunter said.
Tech nodded. “It is, perhaps, obvious; but if you ever are in need of anything, you only need ask,” he replied.
Grinning now, Hunter slipped his arm over Tech’s shoulders, with Tech soon following suit so that they stood arm in arm, side by side, brothers as they always had been and always would be, come what may.
The sun’s last rays were now slipping beneath the horizon, but there was still enough light in the minutes before twilight that both brothers could clearly see Crosshair and Wrecker now coming up the path to the cabin. Hunter and Tech turned to greet them, and Wrecker waved as he drew closer, before abruptly stopping and dropping the package he was carrying, a wide smile stretching across his face as he looked at Tech.
“Don’t tell me, you and Phee are getting married!” he exclaimed.
Sure hope Tech and Phee weren’t planning on keeping this quiet, because with how loud Wrecker is, the entire island knows about it now, Hunter thought with amusement. 
Tech, as usual, was unflustered as he replied, “Well, since you clearly already know about it, there's not much point in me telling you.”
Crosshair’s initial look of surprise at the revelation now turned into a smirk. “Did you ask Phee, or did she have to ask you?”
Instantly intuiting that an overly detailed explanation was forthcoming as an answer, Hunter settled in for the inevitable as Tech replied: “Well, we came to what might be termed a mutual understanding regarding our status as partners some time ago; but last week I came to the conclusion that it was time for me to issue Phee a formal request for her agreement to our eventual commitment to each other as spouses, and I completed that objective today."
"Tech, you can just call it a proposal, we all know what that is," Hunter muttered. 
"Wait, you were planning this for a week?" Wrecker said. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Yeah, we would have helped," Crosshair added. 
"That is precisely why I didn't tell you," Tech said candidly, earning outraged squawks from the other two and a chuckle from Hunter. 
"She said yes, so I guess you did it right even without our help, Tech," Hunter said, clapping his brother on the back. 
A new thought had obviously struck Crosshair, for he now frowned a little. "Wasn't Phee talking a few weeks ago about wanting to help transport refugees or something?"
"That is correct," Tech nodded. "I'll be going with her."
"So, you won't be living here anymore?" Wrecker asked, looking rather crestfallen now. 
"We will, we'll only be traveling occasionally."
"Oh, well that's alright then," Wrecker smiled, lightly knocking against Tech's shoulder. 
Crosshair couldn't hide the flash of sadness in his eyes upon hearing that Tech would be leaving, even if only for a short while; but his smile was genuine. "Good man, Tech," he said; and Hunter knew that, while any separation would be painful, Crosshair would fully support his brother in this decision. 
"You're going to tell Omega and Echo tonight, right?" Wrecker asked eagerly. 
"Yes," Tech said, adding wryly, "though at this point, if Phee and I didn't tell them, you probably would." 
"We should head in now to get all that put away before she contacts us," Hunter interjected, nodding at the large package of supplies Wrecker had dropped; and the brothers moved to act on Hunter's suggestion. 
They had put away the supplies and just settled in to await the transmission when a brisk knock sounded on the door and Phee let herself in. One look at the brothers, and Phee shook her head ruefully. 
"They all know already, don't they?" she addressed Tech. 
"Yes, though I myself did not tell them," Tech answered. 
"I should have known they'd figure it out themselves," she said, settling down next to Tech and sharing a quick kiss with him before grinning cheekily at Crosshair's usual grunt of mock disgust at the display. Tech took her hand in his, as had long since become his custom; and she squeezed his hand affectionately in return as she continued, "We just waiting on the rebels now?"
"As usual," Crosshair nodded. 
"Do you want to share your news first, before Omega catches us up on her end?" Hunter queried.
Ever since Omega had joined the Rebellion, Phee had joined in on every transmission whenever she happened to be on Pabu, and was well aware of the typical flow of these conversations. Now, she glanced at Tech before shaking her head. "Nah, let Omega go first. No need to break tradition."
"Any minute now..." Wrecker said. 
At that moment, the communications array beeped to indicate an incoming transmission, and Wrecker lunged forward to accept the message. Omega's image, with her bright smile and uplifted expression, blossomed into view before them; surprisingly, Echo appeared directly beside her, rather than coming in as a separate transmission. 
"Hi!” Omega greeted them before excitedly continuing, “Guess what? Echo and I have been assigned to the same mission! Can you believe..."
Omega's eyes had been roving over her audience; now, her gaze falling on Tech and Phee, she abruptly paused, eyes widening, before she let loose an ecstatic high pitched squeal. 
"You two are finally getting married??!?"
The surprised silence that followed was quickly broken by Wrecker bursting into a hearty guffaw, and Hunter couldn't help chuckling at the sight of Phee's stunned face. Tech, of course, remained composed as ever, though his lips curved up into a smile. 
"How could you tell?" Crosshair, clearly holding back a laugh, asked Omega. 
"I don't know," Omega replied, waving her hands helplessly at them as if this would help explain the unexplainable, "it's just obvious!"
"Good thing we didn't try to elope," Phee joked.
Tech just shook his head resignedly before saying, "If these three" - gesturing to Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair - "figured it out, I'm not surprised Omega did as well."
"Congratulations," Echo put in, nodding cordially at the pair. This was all he managed to say, however, before Omega erupted with more questions. 
"How did Tech propose? Or did you ask him, Phee? When is the wedding? It'll be on Pabu, right? Can you wait for us to come? Will you be getting your own house now?" 
And as Tech and Phee began explaining all their plans, Hunter, quietly basking in the celebratory atmosphere, sat back and smiled. 
This was the start of something new for Tech and Phee, and Hunter couldn’t be happier for them. 
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 20
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 6k
Tuesday, November 24; 3:15 PM - School.
It’s the first time since I’ve been here that we finish classes early. I never thought it was possible. It’s rare to see a teacher absent, but that’s the case today. The whole class decided to leave after ten minutes, seeing that he would never arrive. Especially since he’s usually already waiting for us in his classroom.
" I’m joining the girls in the common room. Want to come? " Alexia proposes.
" Sorry, I told Bronze I would come after my classes. "
" She doesn’t know we finished early. You can go afterward. "
" The sooner I go, the sooner I’ll be free from this obligation. "
" I could almost believe you’re becoming serious, " she laughs.
" I don’t think so, no! "
" Come on, go enjoy your time with Bronze now that she’s talking to you again. "
" Stop it, " I roll my eyes. " You’re really something! "
" Oddly, you’re not denying it, " she replies with a wink.
I giggle, rolling my eyes. Alexia has been making inappropriate remarks since last night, saying I’m addicted to Bronze. Well, it’s true that I was sulking when she ignored me, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m addicted to her. I just missed her. She was so much on my back lately that it was weird when she suddenly disappeared. Alexia understands that I appreciate Bronze more than I let on. I stopped contradicting her when I realized my arguments were becoming ridiculous. She could hold hands with Mapi. The latter keeps asking about the progress of my relationship with Bronze since she heard me call her "baby". I’ve been teased and received the same remark as Ale. I’m starting to think I’m glad they don’t know each other. I can tolerate them individually, but I’d go crazy if I had them together. We finally reach the ground floor. I was getting tired of Alexia’s remarks. I quickly excuse myself before slipping away to Bronze’s office. The door is wide open today. I knock lightly to announce my presence, which earns me two surprised faces looking at me.
" What are you doing here already? Aren’t you supposed to have classes until five o’clock? Don’t tell me you got kicked out again? " Bronze bombards me, frowning.
" Thanks for the trust, " I roll my eyes. " My literature teacher is absent. "
" Mr. Johnson absent? " Engen repeats. " Weird… "
" Anyway, he didn’t come. We waited fifteen minutes, and my class started to disperse, so we left too, " I shrug.
The two instructors exchange a look as if silently communicating. Bronze finally shrugs, inviting me to sit. I smile at her and settle in front of her. Engen, on the other hand, stands up.
" I’ll find out what’s going on. Do you know where the rest of your class went? "
" All over, I’d say. Many are in the common room, and the others are probably in their rooms, I guess. "
" Hmm, thanks. "
She leaves, letting me alone with Bronze. She’s already making room for me on her desk. I take out my stuff, prominently displaying the exercise she gave me to complete last night. I had to do and redo it several times before succeeding. It was one of the hardest she’s given me. There’s even an equation I couldn’t solve.
" Did you do your math? "
" Yeah… Well, half of it. "
" What do you mean, half? "
I prefer to hand her my paper rather than give explanations. She immediately checks my work. She raises an eyebrow at my draft filled with scribbles. Maybe I should have rewritten it instead of leaving my mistakes, but at least she can see that I worked hard to get there. She can’t say I didn’t work.
" And the answer to my question about the sign? "
" You need to put a plus because it follows the sign of ‘a’. Since the number is positive, my answer was correct. "
" You seem much more confident than yesterday, " she smiles amusedly.
" I almost dreamed of math all night, going over your sheet you made me. "
She chuckles as I cross my arms and sink into my chair. During her explanations last night, she made me a sheet summarizing all the important formulas to know. She added the sign rules since I was stuck on them. Needless to say, I spent my whole evening revising it. It’s much more effective than all my course notes. It’s short, clear, and precise.
" At least it was useful. "
" That’s for sure… "
" So, what didn’t you understand about the second function? "
I was about to answer, but Engen startles me by speaking up. I hadn’t even noticed she was back.
" Am I dreaming, or are you giving her lessons? "
" She’s struggling since she’s missing two years, " Bronze’s spontaneous honesty surprised me so much that my foot automatically kicked her under the desk. I would have preferred that detail stay between us. I’m already ashamed enough. Bronze raises an eyebrow at my gesture.
" Why was that? "
" You didn’t have to shout it from the rooftops, " I mumble, embarrassed.
She laughs softly. I jump when Engen hugs me from behind, resting her head on mine. I tense up at her unexpected closeness.
" Oh, come on! You don’t need to react like that for so little, Ona, " Engen says. " It’s good that you’re asking for help. "
" Hmm… "
" Wiegman is stupid for putting you at such a high level if you have difficulties, " she comments.
I shrug. I could actually keep up, but the problem is that I quickly lose interest and disengage. I would have caught up long ago otherwise. Plus, if I had reacted differently when I arrived, I wouldn’t have so much material to catch up on.
" Anyway, Mr. Johnson is really absent, " she informs me, letting go of me. " I have to gather your class in a study room to work, by Wiegman’s order. "
" Do I have to go too? "
" Well, I came to get you, but you came here willingly to work with Lucy. So, I guess you stay here. "
" Yes, she stays here, " Bronze intervenes. " Do you have to supervise the class? "
" Yeah, " Engen sighs. " They’re starting to get on my nerves. She could have let them have free time, but no, " she grumbles. " We’ll have to meet up to eat. "
" No worries, " Bronze laughs. " See you later. "
We say goodbye before she leaves. I get the impression she doesn’t like Wiegman at all. Last time, she didn’t hide her hatred towards her either. One thing is certain, she’s frank and direct, like Bronze. That’s probably why I like her too.
" Alright, back to our sheep, " she pulls me out of my thoughts. " What didn’t you understand then? "
" Is Wiegman that bad? " I ask.
" Why this question? " she frowns.
" I don’t know. Engen doesn’t seem to like her much. "
" Let’s just say she’s attentive to all our actions. She’s starting to get fed up. "
" Seriously? Why would she monitor the instructors too? "
" She doesn’t want another student-instructor relationship to happen again. "
" Oh… So, are you being monitored too? "
" Yes, like all my colleagues. Can we get back to the main topic, which is math? "
" No, wait… Are you talking about me? "
Bronze sighs in annoyance. This question is important to me. With what Alexia thinks, I’m afraid Wiegman will start thinking we’re too close. I don’t want her to risk her job because of me. And does she tell her what I confide in her? I hope not, because I tell her quite personal things.
" Why this question? "
I bite my lip. I don’t know if I should be honest with her. She gives me a hard look to encourage me to continue. I decide to play the honesty card.
" Alexia thinks we’re close. She keeps teasing me about it. Do you think you could get in trouble if Wiegman thought the same? I don’t want to cause you any problems. "
" Well, I’ll explain to you if it can reassure you. Every instructor has to see Wiegman at the end of the day for a debriefing. I’m not more monitored than the others because I’m in charge of you, if that’s your question. "
" And so… Do you ever talk about me? " I ask again.
" Of course we often talk about you. I’m the one supervising you, so it’s normal for her to ask me questions about you. "
" Do you tell her what I confide in you? " I ask with some fear.
«  We mainly talk about your progress, your reactions. I would never repeat what you confide in me. If I do, it will only be with your permission, to defend you, or if it’s a very important matter that can’t be kept. "
" A matter that can’t be kept? Like what? "
" Well, something that could harm you or put you in danger, for example. "
" Okay, " I sigh. " You promise not to talk about it otherwise? "
" Ona, the only thing I’ve told Wiegman since I’ve been supervising you is the events you told me about the night you ended up drugged. If I hadn’t done that, you could have had a lot of trouble with her. "
" Is that all? " I ask with a hint of surprise.
" Of course. I would never tell her your personal or family problems. Those things only concern you. I’ll always be here to listen, comfort, or support you, but I’ll never repeat anything to her. Only the results matter to her. Do you understand? "
" And for you? Do only the results matter to you too? "
" I should, yes, " she begins. " That was the case with all my former students under my care, but not with you. "
" Why not? " I laugh bitterly. " Don’t tell me that to please me, please. "
" That’s not the case. None of my former students confided in me like you do. It’s the first time I’ve had such a close relationship with a student, and it’s only because I want it. "
" What do you mean? "
" Usually, I remain cold and impassive in my work. It’s not for nothing they call me the commander. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was never like that with you. « 
I lower my head, realizing it is the truth. She was strict at the beginning, but our relationship quickly evolved. She became understanding, and I almost want to say she became caring. I'd like to know the reasons why, but I doubt she would tell me.
- The results are important, of course, but I enjoy learning who you really are. I care about you, whether you believe it or not.
I have no doubt about her words. She has no reason to lie to me after all. I lift my head to smile at her timidly. She returns the smile, tilting her head slightly as if she knows what I'm thinking.
- Do you have any more questions you’d like answered, or can we get to work now?
- We can get to work... Unless you’re busy. I wouldn’t want to disturb you either.
- I don’t have that much work. Your test tomorrow is more important. Let’s go back to the exercise. What was your problem then? she says, picking up the paper.
- I think you didn’t give me all the formulas. I couldn’t do it even though I went over everything.
She looks at my draft again. I blush at the idea that she's once again wasting precious time on me. I still don’t understand why she does all this for me.
- We can stop if it bothers you, I begin again.
- Are you done? You don’t need to be embarrassed because I’m helping you study. Let me look at your exercise now.
I stay quiet to avoid disturbing her further. I wonder where her math skills come from. She has good logic and had no trouble finding my mistakes yesterday. She’s not very old. Maybe she just recently left school. That would answer my questions. Honestly, who remembers things like this? It’s not like it’s useful every day!
- How old are you?
- We never ask a person’s age, Ona, she replies. It’s rude and inappropriate, especially since I’m your supervisor. For your math problem, you just need to factorize the function.
- What? Seriously, I have to factorize again?
- Yeah. It’s exactly the kind of case you might have tomorrow. Just think a little. Pen, she says, holding out her hand.
I hand it to her, and she starts explaining while twisting in all directions to find a good position. She eventually comes around to sit beside me. She helps me factorize the function, then gives me the formula to use. In the end, it wasn’t so complicated with her help.
- When you can’t do something, you need to find other solutions. There are always some.
- Alright, I sigh.
- Do you want to do another one on your own?
- That’s okay, thanks. I’ve bothered you enough with my math. I’ll review tonight.
- We have more time today, so let’s make the most of it. You’re going to do another one on your own; I want to make sure you’ve understood.
I groan in frustration, which makes her smile. I thought I could escape, but she doesn’t seem to agree. She rewrites a formula similar to the one we just did. She already made me redo what I couldn’t do yesterday. It’s quite an effective method because I manage it each time afterward. She gives me three more, which I finish in half an hour.
- Well, it looks like you’ve understood. I think we can stop.
I sigh in relief, collapsing against my chair. She laughs and offers me a glass of water, which I gladly accept. I put my brain on pause while I drink from the cup she hands me.
- It’s only five o’clock. Do you want to look at your choices tonight or tomorrow?
I think about it. My brain is mush. I’m tempted to say tomorrow, but I want to get this problem resolved as quickly as possible. I’m afraid it will take longer than it should. Neither option really interests me, so I need to decide.
- Tonight, if you don’t mind.
- Not at all. Let’s see what we have. You have the forms, I hope?
- Of course.
I put away all my math stuff and replace it with my registration form and the list of available options. She takes the latter and sits comfortably in her chair, crossing her legs. She studies the sheet while finishing her drink.
- Alright. There are already a few we can eliminate, right?
- Yes, like sports.
- Yes, she laughs. It’s a shame because you have the potential to go far with the mental toughness you have. By the way, you’ve abandoned me for the runs.
I look at her strangely. Me, good potential in sports? What a joke!
- You’re the one who was sulking, I reply. You’re the first to know that sports and I don’t mix, and that I’m not motivated to do any.
- Hey! she says, hitting my arm. I wasn’t sulking! I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Anyway, let’s cross out sports, you’re right, she concludes. Maybe in an other universe you would have been an athlete.
I open my mouth as she crosses it out on the sheet.
- Hey! Why are you writing on it! I exclaim. You shouldn’t!
- This sheet isn’t to be returned, Ona, she giggles.
- Oh, I say, mortified under her laughter.
- Alright, let’s be serious. Have you already thought about a future career perhaps? Let’s start with that.
I think about her question. I never had the chance to seriously think about it. Choices for my studies were always imposed on me.
- You must have thought about it before, right?
- No, I remain honest, playing timidly with my fingers.
I feel ashamed. Who hasn’t thought about their future except me? I stopped school after my diploma, without thinking about what came next. I never studied something I truly liked. Bronze puts her hand on my knee, as if trying to reassure me.
- Hey, it’s okay, it’s nothing serious. It’s going to be more complicated than expected, but it will be sorted out. Better late than never, right?
I smile timidly, nodding. She smiles back. I’m glad I consulted her. If I hadn’t, I would have probably chosen an option randomly, without really thinking about it. At least now I won’t choose at random.
- I understand better why you come to see me, and you’re doing the right thing. Let’s start from the beginning. You were in high school, so you must have studied a specialty, right?
- Science and medicine. My mother is a surgeon. She wanted me to follow in her footsteps, I explain. My father convinced me to accept, but it’s not at all what I want to do.
- At least you already know what you don’t want, she says, crossing out the option with a small smile.
- You can also cross out engineering, I giggle.
- That’s true, she crosses it out. Do you want to do something related to art?
- There’s no option for that. It’s annoying because that’s what interests me the most.
- No, but we could find possibilities that are close to it, you see? You like literature too, right?
I smile and nod. What she said earlier was true. She listens and is interested in what I say because I had already told her about my love for literature.
- So, literature could be one of the three options, right?
- Yes, it could be, I nod again.
- Hmm, she smiles, putting a check next to it. We’re making progress. Don’t forget that the order is important too. If the first one is accepted, you won’t be able to fall back on the others.
- Yes, I understood.
She scratches her head with the back of my pen. She must be thinking as much as I am. I have already studied all my possibilities to be honest. I had come to the conclusion that it would be literature, but it would annoy me to fall back on this option knowing that it’s far from being related to drawing.
- I imagine we’re forgetting math specialty? she giggles.
- Are you mocking me? I pull an exaggerated face.
- Far from it, she mocks.
- Well… You’re not wrong anyway…
- That’s what I thought, she laughs. Well, let’s go back to art then. There are several possibilities. I imagine you prefer practicing?
- Well... Yeah. What else would you want me to do?
- Well, you could also run a gallery. That would be more about management in that case. Do you see what I mean?
- I never saw it from that angle... I admit.
- That aspect could be interesting for you if you plan to be self-employed in the long term. It’s never a bad idea to have a foundation in management.
I never saw my future that far ahead. To be honest, all I dream about right now is being able to make a living from my talent. However, Bronze has a very different vision from mine. She doesn’t only see the present moment, she sees the entirety of a professional career.
- It’s true that it’s a good idea... I never thought of that. Is there an option like that?
- Well, yes. But I doubt you’ll like it.
- What’s the option? I ask cautiously.
- Business management. It’s equivalent to an MBA in regular universities.
- Oh... Isn’t that difficult?
- It’s a mix of management, finance, and commerce. It requires a lot of logic and is very math-heavy, so it’s up to you.
I nervously bite my lip. This idea suddenly cools me down. I doubt I’d enjoy it. Bronze must have sensed it given the smile she gives me.
- I warned you that the idea might not please you.
- Indeed, I agree, sighing. Can I ask what you studied? Maybe it’ll give me an idea.
Bronze looks at me for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to tell me. I know she doesn’t like talking about herself and that my question is risky. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- I was going for an athlete scholarship, but a knee injury at the end of the year prevented me from getting it. I was then offered to switch to a management program like an MBA in sports.
- What do you mean? I frown.
- It’s a special track that allows studying sports management instead of business management, she shrugs. Few schools offer it. I was lucky that the one I applied to as an athlete did. It was that or staying in Portugal with a lousy program and school.
-So… You have a good background in management, if I understand correctly?
- I suppose so, since I graduated, she replies with a smirk.
- No... Well, that's not what I meant... Is there a big difference compared to the program offered by the school? I’m being silly, you probably don’t know...
- I think I can help you study, if that's your question.
I nod slightly. I appreciate how quickly Bronze understands. Sometimes I wonder how she does it, because I'm far from being very explicit.
- It shouldn't be too bad then...
- As I said earlier, management is still a good foundation that will always be useful in life. However, I don't want to push you into it if you don’t like it. That's not the goal.
- No, but you're right. I can't pursue art here, so I might as well go for something that will be useful, right? At least I'll have a fallback option in any case.
- So, do you want to keep that option then?
- Yeah, in first position.
- Really? she raises an eyebrow. Wouldn’t you prefer to put literature first? It would be a bit more creative, even if it's not related to art.
- No. The goal isn’t to become a librarian or something. I'd rather put it as a second option.
- It's up to you. And for the last option then?
- I'm not too sure. I was thinking about foreign languages. I’m pretty good at them and I like breaking down international barriers. Do people usually get their last options?
- No, never in the final year, but it’s still good to have three options. It’s in the first year that class allocation is more challenging. Students are still figuring things out, like you right now, so there are always options that interest some more than others.
- How do they allocate students then?
- Well, based on grades. They take the best students to reward them. In the second year, some students switch options if the first one didn’t convince them. And since changes can only be made once, there’s hardly any class switching in the final year. So, the third option is rarely reached.
- I see. Well, it doesn't matter then. I could put languages, sports, or even engineering!
- I wouldn't do that if I were you, she laughs. You never know. Management and literature options might already be full.
- Do you think I have a chance in sports...? I ask hesitantly. Never mind, forget it, I say seeing her reaction. It's a ridiculous idea.
I lower my head, mortified with shame. Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut. She already told me she wouldn’t take sports for me. I thought about it because I know half of my friends will choose that option. I felt my head being lifted by two fingers under my chin. Bronze smiles at me with such kindness in her expression.
- You have a serious lack of self-confidence, Ona. I think you have potential that you probably don't even notice. You don't even realize how you always push yourself to the limit when you get a bit of encouragement. You've never given up on my punishments, even though others would have certainly done so in your place.
- At the same time, you don't give me a choice...
- I might be nicer to you normally, but I’m stricter with my punishments.
I look at her with wide eyes at these revelations. I didn’t know it was the case. She clears her throat seeing the look on my face.
- Well, it was the case at the beginning. I stopped since you calmed down. Believe me, I've never seen someone with a mentality like yours. You weren't athletic, yet you accepted my punishments. By the way, I'd like to see you again during my morning runs.
I grimace at the thought. This girl is crazy. How can she keep running when it's freezing outside! I don’t know if she realizes that snow is about to fall soon. One thing she’s right about is that I have no self-confidence. My past experiences have a lot to do with it. She doesn’t realize that she’s the one helping me get better. She pushes me to do things I would never have accomplished before. It's only because I feel she believes in me. More than I do, more than anyone.
- It’s negotiable. It’s way too cold to run right now.
- Hmm, she smiles. You’re a wimp!
- You can’t use my pride against me!
- Yes, I can, she giggles. Alright, back to the options. I wouldn’t put sports. It doesn’t align with your plans and there’s no need to include it just to be with your friends for a semester.
I blush at her raised eyebrow. Damn, she got it all. She must know Alexia is taking that option.
- If you want to do sports, do it as a hobby. Like running, for example...
- I won’t change my mind, I chuckle. Well, you’re right. I’ll stick with languages then.
- Or you could put medicine, since it would be a continuation of your studies.
- No thanks. I spent my high school years studying something that doesn’t interest me. I don’t want to go through that again and especially not to please my mother.
- Alright, she nods.
What I appreciate about Bronze is that she never asks personal questions. Or very rarely. She’ll always let me come to her when I want to open up on my own. I sigh, massaging my temples. My brain is starting to overheat from thinking. I’m glad to see the end in sight.
- It’s only Tuesday. You still have two evenings to think about it calmly.
- I don’t need to think any more. It will be management, literature, and foreign language.
- Well, if you’re decided... You can also put history if you prefer.
- You’re silly, I chuckle. Is it from spending time with you?
- Definitely.
- Oh, I say, placing my hand on my heart. You break my heart, I add dramatically.
- Poor little thing, she laughs.
I pout with crossed arms. I try to keep the expression, but it’s difficult when Bronze is smiling so broadly. She then pinches my cheek to tease me.
- Oh, but look at the big baby pouting.
- Stop it, I giggle, wriggling my head to escape her grasp. I’m not a kid.
- Oh, but you are, she says bluntly. I’ll consider you differently when you prove it to me.
- I’ve already proven it to you!
- Hmm... No. Not enough.
- Tsss. It shouldn’t be someone barely older than me telling me that.
- How much are you willing to give me? she smiles.
Where’s the catch? I thought she was going to brush me off like earlier when I asked her age. Why is she playing along? Well, why not if it helps me get some information about her...
- Twenty-seven? I say randomly.
- Hmm... Interesting.
- Am I getting warm?
- You’ll never know, she laughs.
I roll my eyes. Missed it. Of course, she won’t tell me anything. And I’m the kid? I’m convinced she’s not more mature than I am if she lets loose outside the establishment. Unless she’s really uptight, but I doubt it. She really exudes a strong self-confidence.
- It’s not fair, I say, crossing my arms. By the way, when is your birthday?
- Why does it interest you?
- Well, it interests me! I’d like to be able to wish you a happy birthday like you did for me.
- You won’t be able to. You’ll already be back in Barcelona when I have another year.
- Who says I’m going back?
- It seems obvious. Aren’t those your intentions?
I think I’ve piqued her curiosity. I smile, thinking that I’m not the only one curious here.
- I don’t know. I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions lately.
- Why? You have your life over there.
- Yeah. My life with a lot of bad memories.
- Is it because you’re on bad terms with your family?
- Among other things... With what I’ve been through the last two years too.
I fall back into my memories. I still feel just as bad thinking about it. She places her hand on my shoulder to keep me from sinking into my thoughts. She gives me a smile that would reassure anyone.
- You’re not alone anymore. I’m here if you need it, just like Alexia and the others. I’ll never leave you, and if you ever need to confide, I’ll be all ears.
She puts a bit more pressure on my shoulder. I smile faintly. I just need a bit of support and she offers it willingly. I’m on the verge of speaking, but I can’t yet. It’s still too hard. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I try to control them to keep them from rolling down my cheeks. I know that if I ever feel the need to open up, it will be to her. I trust her. It won’t be Alexia or even Mapi, but Bronze. She’s the only one who has reached a level where she has influence in my life. I’m simply not ready yet. To avoid breaking down, I decide to change the subject entirely.
- I need to fill out the form.
She nods understandingly, removing her hand from my shoulder. I immediately miss her touch. It was reassuring. She pushes the form in front of me, placing my pen on it.
- Only fill it out if you’re sure.
I don’t hesitate at any moment when writing down my choices on the dotted lines. They can only be the right ones. Her advice has been valuable, and I know she’ll help me if I run into difficulties. I like all the options. Even the languages will be useful later if I work with foreigners. International communication is important. I just hope my first choice gets approved. Bronze and I exchange a smile when I put the pen down. I take a deep breath and slump back into the chair. I look at the sheet where the options are proudly written. I have no regrets. Now, we’ll have to wait for the results. I check my watch, which reads six o'clock. It took an hour for me to finally know what to do with my life. She really took her time with me. Three hours have passed since I sat in this chair.
- By the way, you didn’t answer about your birthday.
- October 28th.
I look at her in surprise, not expecting a real answer. She smiles with amusement.
- Alright, I’ll make a note of it.
- Well, I still have some work to do, she says, standing up.
- Thank you for your help.
- You don’t need to thank me, she smiles as she sits down across from me.
- Do you mind if I stay a bit longer to work?
- No. The door is always open, as you can see, she says, pointing to the door.
- Haha! I just want to review my math and then I’ll leave you alone.
- You have a lot of courage, she chuckles.
- Good grades are earned, and it saves me from doing it tonight.
- True. You’d better get a good grade after all this studying, or you’ll hear about it from me.
I nod with a smile. I hope so too. I could have met up with Alexia, but I don’t want to. I need to succeed in my test, and studying is the key to success. My smile doesn’t leave my face as I watch Bronze resume her work. I’m glad things are finally falling into place since yesterday.
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The Dragon and The Wolf
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Chapter 2
Trigger warnings: minor character death, canon level violence
This chapter is mainly setting up for future chapters and is me trying to follow canon before breaking it lol. I’m trying to stick to the show but will lengthen things out to fit the story better. Hope you all enjoy!
Divider by @zaldritzosrose
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You had slept soundly after a modest dinner with your brother, the fine beds in the Red Keep were much more comfortable than the ones you had stayed in while traveling South.
As you sat up in bed, stretching slightly you smiled at the thought of the tourney beginning today. Cregan had been too young to see the last one the king had hosted celebrating the coming of a son who had never arrived being a babe himself and you were excited to cheer your brother on. Perhaps it wasn’t ladylike in the South to enjoy fights, but that was never an ideal held by your father. He had insisted that you receive archery lessons alongside your brother. To which you happily paid attention to.
“My lady, may we come in?” A soft voice spoke as the door to your chambers were slightly opened.
“Oh yes of course.” You hurriedly got up from the bed and smoothed out your nightgown instinctively.
Two women you had been briefly introduced to last night walked in with shy smiles before starting to prepare your gown for the day. The other lady walked closer to you and motioned for you to sit at a richly adorned vanity.
You obliged and sat into the plush chair looking at your reflection in the mirror. “I suppose I should have my hair out of my face until I get used to the Southern heat.” You ran your fingers through your hair, before looking at the bed behind you and seeing a richly decorated gown being prepared.
You sighed as the events from yesterday returned to you. The petition. “Actually I will trust your judgment.” You smiled at the woman behind you before straightening yourself in front of the mirror. “What are your names again? With all the excitement of yesterday I can’t remember what you had said.” You asked softly as the older woman began brushing your hair.
“My name is Adianna, my lady. My partner’s name is Ursa.”
You repeated the names once watching as Adianna’s skilled fingers began to weave your hair into a regal braid.
As excited as you were for the tourney you dreaded the thought of the petition. It was exactly what your father had told you about the South. Lords and second sons grabbing at power while letting the small folk starve and suffer. You could almost guarantee that the small folk didn’t care about the succession to Driftmark. Well, perhaps those who lived in the Blackwater Bay did seeing as whoever came out on top would lead them.
With one quick flick of her hands, Adianna finished your hair and you shot her a grateful smile. “It looks beautiful! Thank you!” The older maid returned the smile as you walked over to your gown. It had a high neckline and was in your house colors with gray embellishments around the trunk. With ease, the two ladies had you dressed and straightened any wrinkles they could see.
“You look lovely, my lady.” Ursa said, curtising demurely before stepping back.
“Only because of both of your talents.” You returned the compliment, swishing slightly to see the full gown, enjoying the feel of the satin against your legs.
Ursa blushed slightly and curtsied again before leaving in a hurry, a shy smile on her face.
“We will be a call away whenever you would like to prepare for the joust.” Adianna curtsied as well before following her partner.
You studied yourself in an ornate full length mirror as you overheard Adianna talking with a deeper voice. “She’s ready, my lord.”
“Thank you.” You connect the voice to your brother and turn to face him nervously. “Might as well get this over with.” Cregan offered you his arm with a teasing smile.
“Ah yes, the sooner this is over the sooner I can watch you get knocked into the dirt.” You giggled as you took his arm. He was wearing leather armor that looked brand new, adorned with small metal embellishments to fit in at court.
He chuckled and shook his head as the two of you walked arm in arm through the halls. “Do you truly have such little faith in my abilities, sister?”
“I’ll have to see the other knights fight before I’m able to answer.” The two of your footfalls thudding against the stone floors as you take in the interior of the red keep. As you had arrived late last night, you were too exhausted to truly take in your new surroundings.
The path you were on was in a massive hallway, with ceilings reaching lengths you had thought impossible. You tried not to gawk at the multiple massive chandeliers that you passed under and noticed numerous banners that bore the signature Targaryen signal in a striking black and red. The tanned stones were surprisingly bare for the capital but they were smoothed to perfection with white columns holding the floor above you.
“What do you think is going to happen?” You asked as you approached two massive iron double doors.
Cregan was unable to answer as the doors opened and a loud voice rang out. “Lord Cregan Stark and his sister the Lady Y/n Stark.”
You bristled slightly, not expecting to be announced so officially before standing straighter.
There are many other lords and ladies in attendance and it appears as if you and your brother were one the the last to arrive. The two of you walk down the stairs and you notice the obvious division in the room.
On the right stood Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen standing next to an older man with white hair that you assumed was her husband Daemon Targaryen. On her other side stood Lucerys Velaryon with his brother and two other women with Targaryen hair behind him.
On the left side was the Queen, dressed in a dark green gown surrounded by her children. You recognized Aemond and was able to assume that the other man who yawned was her eldest son Aegon. The girl standing next to the queen gave you a small smile. That must be Princess Helaena.
The tension in the room was palpable as both Greens and Blacks stared at the two of you, waiting to see which side you stood on. You knew that this was not a decision to be made lightly. Standing with the Greens implied that you believed that Lucerys should be replaced as heir. Standing with the Blacks meant the opposite. Something told you that lines couldn’t exactly be redrawn after this.
You flicked your eyes to Cregan, not looking at either side, waiting for him to make a choice. Cregan had no hesitation as he led you to the Blacks, honor leading his actions. You followed him easily as another pair was announced, but you didn’t catch their names as you stood next to your brother facing off against the Greens.
You saw Prince Jacaerys give you a small smile that you instinctively returned before turning back towards the iron throne. It was a large jagged thing, although you supposed that nothing else could describe a chair made of swords.
You sneak a quick glance at the Greens, noticing that Princess Helaena seemed unphased by the two of you showing loyalty to the Blacks and instead seemed to be fiddle with her sleeve. It was her brother; however, that caught your attention as two nobles walked over to the Green side he seemed to look past them. You felt chills climb your spine as his stare pierced into you.
You looked away quickly after meeting his eye and swallowed nervously.
The chatter that was occurring died out as the Hand walked up to the Iron Throne.
“Though it is the great hope of this court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survive his wounds, we gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark. As hand, I speak with the King’s voice on this and all other matters.”
You were surprised to see them start without the king, although hearing about his condition perhaps the journey to the throne was too much for him.
He sat on the Iron throne as he finished before resuming. “The Crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon.”
He motioned for the older man to step forward and you watched as the younger Prince took a deep breath to steady himself as Vaemond shot him a nasty glare.
“My queen.” He bowed his head to the Hand's daughter. Before turning to him. “My lord Hand.”
“The history of our noble houses extends beyond the seven kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria.” You furrowed your brow at that as the Hightowers had no Valyrian blood before remembering that it was to House Targaryen Vaemond was supposedly speaking too.
“For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas.”
You looked at the Greens again as Vaemond spoke about the history of their houses and was surprised to see Prince Aemond’s gaze still on you. Before you could look away from him he gave you a wide smile that made you feel like your skin was crawling. The glint in his lone eye seemed more dangerous than kind.
Cregan nudged you slightly before turning your attention back to the matter at hand, his gaze also directed at Prince Aemond before returning to you with a sigh.
“The true unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.” You froze at those words. Vaemond was venturing into dangerous territory.
“As it does in my sons, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon.” The Princess cut in pointedly. “If you cared so much about your house’s blood Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold to supplant its rightful heir.” She scoffed before digging back into the man with her words. “No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition.”
“You will have the chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra.” The Queen spoke sternly. “Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.”
Vaemond gave the Princess a smug grin as he resumed his speech. “What do you know of Velaryon blood, princess?” He held out his arm mockingly. “I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn’t recognize it.”
You rolled your eyes at that. Probably because all people Targaryen and Velaryon alike bled red and not with the signal of their house plastered on it.
“This is about the future and survival of my great house, not yours.” Vaemond looked at each of the great Lords imploringly before respectfully bowing to the Queen and the hand.
“My queen, my lord hand. This is a matter of blood, not ambition.” Cregan huffed slightly besides you which caused you to bite back your own laugh. Your father had been right about King’s Landing being full of sycophants and ambitious second sons claiming that their reach for power was honor instead of deception.
“I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all. I humbly put myself before you as my brother’s successor… the Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides.”
“Thank you, Ser Vaemond.” The hand spoke. And you were glad that his long winded speech was finally over.
“Princess Rhaenyra, you may now speak for your son Lucerys Velaryon.”
The Princess nodded and refused to look the Queen in the eye as she stepped forward acting exasperated with the idea of this gathering.
“If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very-“
The Princess was cut off by the heavy doors to the throne room opening with a screech.
There were gasps and whispers as the king hobbled into view flanked by two kings guard.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen, the first of his name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord of the Seven kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.” The whole court bowed as varying degrees of realization occurred with you and your brother leading the way.
When you glanced back at the Princess you saw the hand scrambling to leave the Iron Throne in the background.
The room was deathly silent as he staggered slowly down the stairs to the throne. It seemed as if the rumors of his health failing were true as his progress was slow and breathing haggard.
As the king passed Princess Rhaenys, she looked at him in shock and sadness as many of the Blacks did, apparently not realizing the severity of his illness.
“I will sit the throne today.” He spoke to the Hand before groaning in pain but still continuing up the stairs and waving off his king guard's attempts to aid him.
As if in slow motion you watched as the crown from his head fell onto the floor with a loud clatter before another hand picked it up. His younger brother’s hand.
The king seemed to try to wave the younger man off before finally relenting and allowed himself to be helped into the throne before Prince Daemon placed the crown on his head once more.
As Prince Daemon returned to his wife’s side the king sat up and spoke. “I must admit my confusion…” He huffed heavily with every few words.
“I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present who might offer keener insight into Lord Corly’s wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.”
The whole court turned to look at the woman and whispers started up again that you could not decipher from your position.
“Indeed, your Grace.” The older Princess spoke calmly and strode into the center of the room. You were surprised that the woman had not been called upon sooner being the Lord’s wife. “It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his true born son Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him.”
Vaemond’s gaze on the Princess was murderous as she finished and your older brother nodded in approval.
You stole a quick glance at Prince Jacaerys and saw him giving his brother a supportive smile. You felt your cheeks blush as he glanced back at you again and your eyes met briefly before the older Princess continued.
“As a matter of fact the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her son Luke to Lord Corlys’s granddaughter Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree.” The other Targaryen next to Prince Lucerys held his hand at that. And you had to stifle your laughter as the Hand and the Queen wore a look of utter defeat.
“Well… the matter is settled. Again.” The king spat out that last word exasperatedly as if there was never any question to how this matter would end. “I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.”
The Princess Rhaenyra placed her hand on her younger son’s shoulder before Ser Vaemond angrily strode forward. “You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No.”
Your older brother sighed at his outburst. “He doesn’t know when to quit does he?” He whispered to you under his breath.
“Apparently not.” You replied watching the grown man throw a fit.
“I will not allow it.”
“Allow it?” The king rasped out irritated at the outburst. “Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.”
“No.” The man spoke passionately before whirling to point at the young boy. “That is no true Velaryon!” He yelled, loud enough to make the boy flinch. “And certainly is no nephew of mine.”
“Go to your chambers, you have said enough.” The Princess Rhaenyra scolded him, but provided the man with a way out of the hole he had thrown himself into. A way that he steadily ignored.
“Lucerys is my true-born grandson.” The king cut in. “And you are no more than the second son of Driftmark.”
You and your brother exchanged a knowing glance at his words and you tried to convey your thoughts to him. ‘Always the second son isn’t it?’
Your brother shook his head and gave you a quick smirk.
“You may run your house as you see fit…” Ser Vaemond clenched his hands in front of him similar to the way your two year old nephew did whenever he was pouting. “But you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned I will not see it ended on the account of this…” Vaemond swallowed angrily as if determining whether or not to proceed.
“Her children…” He spoke softly before yelling again. “ARE BASTARDS! And she…” He pointed at Princess Rhaenyra with a knowing grin. “Is… a whore.”
Your eyes widened at that and instinctively grabbed Cregan’s arm. Vaemond Velaryon had dug his own grave with those words. Scanning the room to see the reactions you looked the One Eye Prince once more and was relieved that his gaze was no longer trained on you but on his young nephew with a shit eating grin.
The King flew from the Throne with a strength you didn't know he had in him and unsheathed a dagger on his hip. “I will have your tongue for that!”
But before he could advance on the man a swishing sound was heard followed by gasps and a scream or two as Prince Daemon sliced Vaemond’s head cleanly in two. You felt Cregan pull you behind him instinctively before the act had been done and gasped along with the rest of the crowd.
“He can keep his tongue.” The Rogue Prince said cheekily as he wiped off his sword and walked back to his wife.
There was a loud clatter of armor that rushed behind you as the king's guard rushed to aid the king who must have fallen back into the Throne.
“Call the maesters!” His wife released her daughter from her hold and ran to her husband as the unoccupied guards started to usher everyone besides the royal family from the room.
Cregan gripped your hand tightly as he dragged you from the room and only loosened his grip after you had exited the throne room and were halfway back to your chambers. “This is worse than I thought.” He shook his head before rubbing his face. “I should not have brought you here.” You followed him into his chambers as he paced around the room.
“Cregan, it is the best place for me to find a husband.” You said, trying to calm your brother down. “Perhaps it may be more bloody than I had expected it to be, but once this is over we can go home.” You grabbed him tightly by the shoulders as you spoke and dug your heels into the floor to stop his worried pacing.
“You don’t understand.” Cregan shook his head at you this time. “You are a Stark and I command an army of 45,000 men. A number that not even the crown could muster up. That many men would change the tide of a war, sister.”
“We are not yet at war, brother.” You reminded him softly. “The king is still alive.” For now.
“But not for much longer.” Cregan interrupted you, voicing your thoughts. “We both know that when King Viserys dies the Greens and the Blacks will both stake a claim to the throne and the ensuing war will be much more bloody than what we just witnessed. There is a reason both Targaryen princes have shown such an interest in you.”
You shivered at the thought of Aemond’s gaze but said nothing.
“The Greens believe that if you were to marry into their side that the North would follow.” Cregan broke apart from you softly and reached for a pitcher of wine.
“We would never support them.” You added in quickly. “Just as Lord Corlys made his wishes for succession clear, so too did the King. Our father took an oath-“
“One that I will uphold.” Your brother poured himself a glass of wine before filling another for you. “Even if he had not done so I would still support the Princess. She is objectively more level headed then Prince Aegon and would be a better ruler.” He handed you the glass to which you happily drank from.
“If we do not wish to be caught between the two factions how do we proceed?” You took a sip of the sweetened wine.
Your brother was silent for a moment, sipping his own drink thoughtfully. “It is too late for that to be avoided. We need to reaffirm our own loyalty to the Princess.” He said finally.
“And how do you suggest we do that?” You plopped into a nearby plush chair.
Cregan sat across from you and placed his glass on a nearby table looking at you with sadness in his eyes. “I hate that it has come to this, but there is no better gesture of loyalty than wedding one of our own to a member of the Blacks.” You blushed involuntarily as the image of Prince Jacaerys came to your mind.
“You expect me to ensnare the Prince?” You raised an eyebrow at that. Surely the attractive man had many beautiful suitors that would demand his attention.
“It does not have to be him.” Cregan shrugged. “But it does need to be to a house that sides with them. Lords Celtigar and Ser Davos Blackwood are unmarried and honorable men.”
You hummed at the thought before nodding slowly. “Then let’s go find me a husband.”
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x0llaz · 8 months
Bro Code. Kim Gyuvin.
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Chapter 25) under the bleachers
written~ 1173 wc
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When yn got to practice, the boys were running warm ups. Gunwook yelled over for her to join them, and she walked up after placing her things down. The team huddled around her, asking how she’d been, Ricky nudging for Gyuvin to step forward a bit. 
Gyuvin joined in their talk, standing a little closer to YN, smiling down at her as she spoke. The team asked YN about her student council stuff. The team picked up on her and gyuvin’s shared glances, their little smirks at each other, and how they subconsciously stayed closer to one another. 
Through their small talk, yn and Gyuvin could tell hanbin wasn’t in a good mood. He looked from one to the other, noticing how the two of them exchanged glances from time to time. Jiwoong called for them to get back to work, and YN went back to the bleachers to get started on her homework. She’d look up fron time to time to watch their drills, waiting for one of their breaks so she could talk to gyuvin. 
About an hour in, with a few breaks between to get some water, she heard Jiwoong call their official break. The team had fifteen minutes to go off and do whatever they needed to do. YN expected Gyuvin to come and talk with her, but after a few minutes there was no sign of him. She got up and went to talk to gunwook, asking about whatever came to mind. 
Soon, she felt a tug on her arm, and turned to see Gyuvin, who looked a little frantic, pulling for her to follow him. She obliged and let him tug her away, doing her best to keep up with his fast pace. When they got out of the gym, she saw Gyuvin scan the area before his eyes landed on something. Someone. He tugged on her again and sped up, telling her to follow. Hanbin was on their trail. 
YN didn’t know why he was following them, all she knew was that she was being dragged along by gyuvin. She picked up her pace to keep up, his hand warm around her wrist as he led her away. 
They’d look behind them a few times, seeing hanbin still following them, a little faster since he realized YN was with gyuvin. Gyuvin looked slightly frantic, yn looked puzzled. 
Gyuvin snagged her around a few corners, eventually ending up behind the bleachers, both of them panting from the run. 
“Wanna explain that?” YN asked, pushing her hair away from her face. 
“Yeah, sorry,” he sighed. “Uh, Hanbin was trying to interrogate me about hanging out with you. Trying to get me to talk, i guess,” He smiled, amused by their little chase. “What did you want to talk about?”
YN smiled. “Hanbin,” She sighed a bit and Gyuvin stood up a little straighter. “He texted me last night saying he didn’t like that we were hanging out. He said you wouldn’t be good for me,” she pursed her lips and Gyuvin frowned. 
“I have no clue,” YN smiled. “He’s an enigma,” she slumped against the wall behind her, looking up at him. 
“That’s just so weird, why would he think that?” Gyuvin furrowed his eyebrows. “I haven’t done anything wrong, have I?” 
“Not that I can think of,” She shrugged back at him. “Maybe he’s just weird about it because he knows both of us,” 
“Yeah but he’s not rizzing either of us up, why should he care?” He asked. 
“I asked him the same thing yesterday,” yn sighed. “It’s frustrating, you know? Just being judged for who I like,” 
“Yeah,” he nodded. “But I can prove him wrong. I’ll show him that he’s wrong, that I am good for you,” he smiled at YN, through his slight nervousness at the thought. “If he’d just give me the chance, i could show him-”
“You don’t need to prove anything,” YN interjected, putting her hand on his arm. “What Hanbin thinks doesn’t really matter to me. And it shouldn’t matter to you. I like you regardless of Hanbin’s opinions on it,” 
Gyuvin felt himself smile. “Cool,” he sighed a little and relaxed upon his words. “Then, that’s all that matters to me,” 
The two just smiled at each other for a minute, taking each other in as the muffled noise from the gym around them got louder. Unspoken words filled the air between them, as both of them realized how close they were to one another. 
Their silence was broken when Gyuvin spoke her name, his hand moving up to tuck her hair back a bit. “YN, I… I really like you,” he told her, his voice soft as his fingers played with the hair he’d tucked away. “You make me feel… good,” his words fell short as he looked at her. “You make me feel happy- i look forward to being able to see you, I love being around you, I-” he stopped his ramble and sighed. “I just need you to know that,” he smiled a little, his other hand finding hers and squeezing it lightly. 
YN smiled, looking down at the ground. “I like being with you too,” she looked up at him, a little sparkle in her eyes as she looked at him. “The feeling’s mutual,” her smile made his heart warm, his hand absentmindedly staying close to her, still fiddling with her hair. 
The two looked at each other, reaffirming their feelings that had only grown through the weeks. Neither of them wanted to go back to whatever they were before, awkward conversations, friendly jokes, and stares across rooms were not what YN and Gyuvin wanted. 
And Gyuvin knew what he wanted. 
He stood up a little straighter, the hand resting in her hair laying gently on the back of her head. He looked at her, and sighed out whatever hesitancy he could push out of his system. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, voice quiet, eyes flickering down to her lips, then back up to her pretty eyes. 
There was silence, the question surrounding them as they stood. And even in the silence, YN nodded her head.
He leaned down slowly, squeezing her hand as she stood on her tiptoes a bit to meet him halfway. YN’s eyes closed as she felt them getting closer, soon feeling his soft lips against her own. She took in a soft gasp, letting herself relax and bringing her hand up to rest on his cheek as they continued. Gyuvin moved his hand from hers, and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her close, not breaking the kiss- as if he’d wake up from a dream the moment he let her go. 
Outside on the court, The other teammates were hollering for Gyuvin, their break had ended a few minutes prior, and they needed their point guard to continue with their drills. Luckily for Gyuvin, when he got back, there was no suspicion he had just spent a good five minutes kissing Hanbin’s little sister. 
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sliebman10 · 6 months
Travel AU
A seat upgrade was literally the least they could do after canceling his flight and bumping him to the following afternoon, Remus thought huffily as he guided his rolling suitcase through the narrow aisle of the airplane. 
He looked at his newly printed ticket, and realized he’d passed his row because he was so used to flying Economy or Coach or whatever they were calling it these days. Lifting his suitcase up, he stashed it in the overhead compartment and sat down in his seat. It was much wider than he ad used to and there was more room for his long legs. 
There was already someone sitting in the window seat, fiddling with his phone. Remus sat down and took out his book and headphones before stashing his messenger bag under the seat in front of him. 
He buckled his seatbelt, accidentally jostling the armrest and the man next to him turned toward him with a raised eyebrow,
“I’m…” Remus started but stopped short when he saw a pair of silver eyes staring at him. “Sorry,” he finished rather lamely.
The man shrugged. “It’s alright,” he said, his voice rich and posh sounding. “Are you flying alone?” he asked, taking in Remus’s restlessness as they both waited for the plane to finished boarding. 
“Yes, I am…I was supposed to go yesterday but…yea. Anyway. You?” Remus said, cutting off his rambling the best he could under the penetrating gaze of this other man. 
“I am…I’m on my way home from a business trip. Horribly boring,” he said, with a small smile. 
“I was visiting my parents…also not a barrel of laughs,” Remus said. 
“I’m Sirius,” he said, offering his hand.
“Remus,” Remus said, taking it. 
It was like a dam broke. They spent the first hour of the flight talking about anything and everything. Remus could never clearly remember that conversation afterward, but it connected them as they flew across the country. 
He also could never remember who made the first move, if it had been him or Sirius but soon after snacks and drinks were passed around, Sirius offered Remus half of his blanket and they curled up together to watch one of the movies. But soon enough, they were kissing like teenagers instead. 
When they landed, they were reluctant to leave each other but life and responsibilities beckoned. “Can I have your number?” Sirius asked and Remus obliged. He didn’t think he’d ever hear from him again. 
But then, the next day his phone rang. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” Sirius admitted. “Want to get drinks after work?”
Word Count: 431
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twitteringthings · 8 months
Chapter 56. Whose Inner Monologue?
Now, having my wits back about me after the sneak peak drop yesterday, I want to discuss the “I want a reason to stay by your side” and “This person has been suppressing his emotions” dialogue on the cover. I want to believe they are coming from Y but I believe that it could go either way after having read other interpretations/views. So I’m going to make an argument for why the inner monologue could be coming from either of them.
• He is the one who came back, - without having a reason to - Yashiro didn’t chase after him. So maybe he’s going to confess and make it known why he returned without obligation.
•The “this person has been suppressing his emotions” would make sense for D to say because he is the one looking down at Yashrio in a pretty vulnerable position, kind of with a analyzing gaze. Y is probably being perceived by D in this moment.
•He just found out about Ys impotency so now he knows for sure that he only reacts to D’s touch. He’s probably figured out by now (if he hasn’t that would be wild) that the Y Inami talks about and the Y he made love to are completely different people. So it would also make sense for him to say that Y has been suppressing his feelings because now he knows the truth about Ys sexual encounters and sexual state.
• It’s hard to imagine Yashiro being so open with his thoughts when we haven’t really seen him be completely honest with himself thus far (and put his feelings so plainly). Probably excluding his “I’ve constantly been searching for the old you” and “is that why you didn’t hold me like before?.”
•As I said in a previous post, D wanted Y then and he still wants him now. This time is a little different since it seems D won’t fully give himself to Y until he hears some form of emotional reciprocity. But D can’t handle completely leaving Y alone just because his boss told him to back down. So I could see this as a “last chance to tell me how you really feel” encounter.
•Obviously D knows he’s been holding back in every encounter with Y, so maybe he’s acknowledging that here? I’m not sure if the exact translation is “I’ve been suppressing feelings” or “this person.” So for this idea I’ll assume it’s the former.
•Last one haha. Y looks vulnerable on the cover, and his back is turned. What if the inner monologue is coming from D while he is looking at/imagining Yashiro?
•After the stoic way D has been acting, and after he came back suddenly without cause, Y has probably pieced together why he’s there hence “this person is holding back feelings” (But idk though because Y is terrible at reading Doumeki). I don’t think Yashiro was even be able to tell D was suppressing his emotions during their time together because he just assumed D acted that way because hated him, lol. Yashiro thinks that the old Doumeki is gone.
•Maybe Y was conjuring up a way to become entangled in Doumeki’s group drama to be close to him again (hence finding a reason to stay by Doumeki’s side), but idk that seems out of character for Y. He can’t stand the Yakuza.
•Annnnd I ran out of solid evidence for Yashiro… (I really don’t want to give up on my boy though ugh!). I want Y to be honest with himself in this way but once I started to collect my thoughts, there was way more evidence that points to the inner monologue coming from D rather than Y.
ALSO, It’s so interesting that this time it’s “I want a reason to stay by your side” and not just “I want to stay by your side.” Does this imply that the reason they both need this time around is a confession?honesty? If these are D’s thoughts, I believe he’s thinking “it’s not enough that I want to be with you, I need you to choose me and tell me that you want me too” and that would be his reason to stay. If they are Y’s thoughts then maybe he’s looking for the same thing from D. I can imagine his subconscious saying “I need to know for sure, I have to know that my heart is safe with you. This can’t be another unrequited love. Do you really hate me?”
I swear, Yoneda Kou is such a TEASE.
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Seashells I See
Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader
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AN: hiii this is my first time writing in literal years 😭😭 I hope you guys like it, and please let me know any improvement tips !
summary: reader is smitten. just can’t help it lol. neteyam asks reader to put shells in his hair
warnings: none. just fluff. maybe angst if you squint
word count: 1,071
Weeks had passed since Toruk Makto and his family arrived on Awa’atlu, weeks since you first laid eyes on his eldest son. You remember it just as yesterday, his amber eyes, his sapphire skin. He was beautiful. Oh how you felt you could get lost in him forever. And the time spent together in those weeks did nothing to lessen the feeling. You had believed it was simply your curiosity engulfed in the mystery, that once satisfied, you’d be able to again sleep at night. But you were a moth drawn to a flame; every moment you tried to pull away, there he was shining brighter and you found yourself unable to escape. It didn’t help that you had to see him everyday, helping teach him and his siblings the ways of your people. But that was duty, obligation. It was the interactions outside of lessons that made your yearning grow.
He was somehow everywhere. No matter where you went, he would appear. Not that you opposed his company, it was quite comforting. His aura was soothing; you felt a sense of stillness around him, as if everything was right and perfectly in place. It was an addicting feeling; one you wanted more of, to drink it all up. But at the same time, you wanted to push down how he was making you feel. It made you lose focus. The overconsumption of him in your thoughts. And it was incredibly frustrating. But you couldn’t turn him away no matter how hard you tried. So you found yourself with Toruk Makto’s son more often than not. Outside of lessons he would join you in the water while you fed your ilu. Sometimes you would let him feed her. You would end up sitting together at feasts, much to your mother’s disapproval. You’d force him to try all the foods and laugh when he tried to hide his distaste, assuring him it was okay to not like it, as you yourself weren’t fond of some of the foods either. You convinced him to sneak out most nights. You would show him the reef, swim, and talk for hours, enjoying the solitude night brought you both.
Tonight was no different; you both swam and searched for shells while he told you about the troubles his younger brother would find himself in. You enjoyed his stories, but you could see the pain in his eyes when telling them, the mourning of his home and his life. It was not something you could imagine, having to become a stranger to yourself and your people. You smiled softly as he continued talking while you started sorting through your findings in the sand.
“I think I like this one best,” Neteyam pulled a shell from your pile, holding it out for you to see. It was small, rounded, and slightly chipped with lines of orange and white blending into each other.
You hummed, approving of his pick.
“I have yet to ask, what do you do with all of them?”
You paused to look up at him. “It depends. I make things like bracelets, arm bands, necklaces. I like to braid some into my hair. I give some to mother and Tsireya. They like the bigger ones.”
“I’ve noticed the ones in your hair. They’re beautiful,” he reached over to lightly trace the shells that adorned one of your braids.
Your cheeks flushed as you hid your face away, smiling. “Thank you.”
There was silence. Neteyam’s eyes briefly fogged over, lost in thought.
“Could you braid some in mine?”
You were shocked by the request. It was something so small but grand at the same time. Something intimate. You could feel your heartbeat increase, beating against your chest as you struggled to form your words.
“Of course,” the corners of your eyes creased as you smiled at him.
You crawled over and gently turned his body so that his hair would be accessible to you. You started undoing one of his braids, noticing the difference in hair textures right away in comparison to yours. It was surprisingly fine. It wasn’t quite silky, but smooth enough to unravel and fall into your hands, unlike yours that would stay in whatever shape it was formed in. You could smell the seawater, but there was an undertone of musk and dew. The forest. The ocean couldn’t quite wash it all away.
You picked up the shell he chose earlier along with some other small ones and started separating the hair to begin braiding.
It was silent as you worked. The only sounds were Neteyam’s soft breathing and the rushing of the sea, things you could listen to forever.
“I hope you can return home one day.”
“You want me gone that bad?” You knew he was teasing, trying to lighten the subject.
You stopped braiding and moved to face him, sand sticking to your legs.
“I know you miss it. I can see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice.“
He sighed, “I do like it here,” he treaded his words carefully, worrying he might offend you. “It’s just not quite the same.”
You reach for his hand, grasping it in yours. The size difference was noticeable as his fingers went past your own. You could feel the calluses and small scars that littered his skin. “There will always be a home here for you, even if you go back.”
“I don’t think your mom would like that,” he flashed a grin at you and you couldn’t help but smile back with a small laugh.
“You have shells in your hair, she won’t like knowing I braided them.”
You both sat, just enjoying the bittersweet and each other’s presence. Neteyam missed the forest, but he misses it a little less knowing if they never left, he wouldn’t have known you, and that was something he could not live without.
He turned to look at you, amber eyes staring into blue. He brushed his hand against your cheek, cupping it gently. “I am happy to have met you. Ewya has blessed me with knowing you.”
You took in the bioluminescent dots that freckled his face. He was beautiful. As beautiful as when you first saw him. And despite it selfish, you were happy he was here and hoped he would stay for just a while longer. Just so that you could hold on to your Neteyam.
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Lady of the Ashes: Chapter 10
House of the Dragon Season 1
Aemond x TargaryenOC
Chapter Word Count: 5508
She was his everything… For her…he would do anything.
From the moment of her birth, Aemond Targaryen swore himself to the protection of his niece Aelinor Velaryon. As the two grew up inseparable, they find themselves entangled in the Dance of Dragons, battling to stay together even as their families try to pull them apart.
A/N: Started a new job this week so things have slowed down a bit! Only three chapters left!! Thanks for reading! Cross posted on A03
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Masterlist A03
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 P.1 P.2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
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When morning came, Aelinor watched as her family packed their things, the Princess’ chambers emptying as quickly as they had arrived.
“You should be coming with us,” Luc muttered under his breath.
Aelinor looked up, finding him standing over her with a solemn look on his face. As everyone else packed, she had dressed in a plain scarlet day gown and was reclining on the chaise sipping a cup of tea. Maids and pages hurried back and forth, carrying away chests of belongings, but none of them belonged to her.
“You keep saying that,” She said finally. “But it won’t make any difference.”
“That doesn’t mean it isn’t true,” he sighed. “This is wrong.”
“It is what it is.” She offered him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Now, go gather your things. Don’t leave it for someone else to do.”
He obliged, leaving her to her solitude once again.
Aelinor could not remember another time in her life when she had felt so conflicted. Only yesterday she had been approaching genuine delight over the news of her betrothal, and yet that dinner had ruined it. It had forced her to realize that what everyone had been telling her since their arrival was the truth. Aemond was not the same person that she had known before. He was capable of malice, of cruelty, and he had directed that hatred at her brothers. It was not in her nature to hold a grudge, and yet she did not see how she could forgive this.
Jace emerged into the parlor, wearing his riding clothes with his cloak hanging from his arm. Aelinor frowned when she saw how wilted he looked. Her big, annoying brother looked…beaten. And she did not want that.
“Jace,” She said softly. “How did you sleep?”
He didn’t reply, and when his eyes passed over her she thought she saw something like mourning in his gaze.
“Talk to me,” She whispered. “Please?”
With a heavy sigh, he walked over and sat on the arm of her chaise. “What do you want me to say, Aelinor?”
“Whatever it is you feel you need to.” She placed a hand on his arm.
Jace stared down at her hand. “Very well. Then I must apologize for failing you in this. I know I have been a frightful brother, and I am ashamed for how I have disappointed you.”
“You have not disappointed me,” Aelinor promised. “If you are referring to the brawl at dinner, I can assure you that I realize that was not your doing. I do not blame you at all.”
“You should,” He mumbled.
“Why?” When he didn’t answer, she continued. “If you do not explain, I cannot hope to understand, Jace. And we haven’t much time.”
The reminder of their dwindling time together seemed to be encouragement enough. 
“You may mock me for wishing to protect you —”
“I don’t.”
“You do, often.” He said that without resentment. “But it is my duty. And it is a duty that I have often failed at. But I cannot help but feel that this arrangement, that my leaving you here, is too deep a failure to bear.”
“Jace, it is not your doing,” Aelinor said. “And it isn’t….it does not have to be the end of the world. I know you and Aemond have your differences, but he has always been good to me, always . I have faith that these….these familial differences will fade with time. I must have faith.”
Someday, and she hoped it was not someday soon, her mother would come into her throne.  And when she did, the world would be set to rights and the Queen and Rhaenyra would have to set aside their differences. Aemond and Aelinor would be married by then, maybe even…maybe have children of their own, and their families would be brought together by it. Viserys’ dream would be fulfilled, and all would be well. 
A dim part of Aelinor realized that holding onto that hope was the only thing keeping her together.
“But if he were…if he were cruel to you,” Jace continued. “It would be our fault, you see. Because no one hates you, but he does hate us. His mother hates us almost as much as she hates our own mother. They all despise Prince Daemon and he’s your—” 
Aelinor saw how he bit his tongue before he continued.
“He’s my what?” She whispered.
“We know, Aelinor,” Jace gave her a small smile. “Luc and I, we’ve known for a while. And we do not hold it against you.”
Aelinor looked down, her throat welling up as she fought to contain her emotions. “I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“We’re family,” Jace said. “Some secrets can be left unsaid.”
She squeezed his arm gratefully.
“My point is,” Jace sighed. “You are not going to be Aelinor to these people, once we are gone. You will be a hostage. Whether you realize it, whether Aemond realizes it, you will be. Which means that once again, I have failed you.”
It must have been a heavy burden to bear, she suddenly realized. Her brother had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was a future king, battling claims of illegitimacy from all sides, and doing everything in his power to keep their family together. She wondered then if perhaps she had made things difficult for him all these years, by constantly pulling away. If Jace already saw the divide between their families, then it must have seemed like she was slipping out of reach. It must now seem that she was being torn away from them.
“Jace,” She said quietly, leaning close so that no passing servants would hear them. “I have loathed you, and hated you, and wished that I could smother you with a pillow. But you have never failed me, and I have never, never, not loved you. Because you are my brother, and our blood is that of the dragon, and it runs thick.”
She saw water welling in his eyes, and he pulled her into his chest.
“What is this? Have I been left out of a moment?” Luc was back, wearing his own riding clothes.
“I’ve just been declared the favorite brother,” Jace teased.
“He’s lying,” Aelinor promised. “You hold that titled uncontested.”
“Good,” Luc stepped forward. “But, we must be going. We must get to the Dragonpit and it will be slow going through the city.”
Aelinor felt overwhelmed with sadness as she watched Jace stand and button his cloak. With a sigh she stood, crossing the room to Luc and pulling him into her arms. “Fly safe, little brother.
“Of course, Lina,” He laughed. “As long as I’m faster than Jace.”
She rolled her eyes, pulling away slightly as he squeezed her around the waist.
“You’ll be alright, won’t you?” He whispered.
“I will,” She promised. “I’ll have Darrax, after all. And when I see you next, he might be as big as Vhagar.”
“It won’t be that long,” Luc said insistently.
“That’s true,” Jace sniped. “If nothing else, we’ll see you for the wedding.”
“Your invitation may go missing,” Aelinor shook her head at him.
She was close to tears, so she gave each boy another hug before shooing them out the door. She would see them again soon, and there was no reason to be so undignified about this entire thing.
“Aelinor,” She turned, finding her father standing with his hands behind his back.
“Prince Daemon,” She bobbed her head.
He stepped forward slowly, his eyes catching on the red rimming her eyes. “I will not lecture you, nor do I expect you to take any advice from me.”
He was correct. “But?”
“But…” He reached out until his fingers brushed her shoulder. “Remember who you are. Because this place….it will try to tame you.”
“And how do you know that?” She asked.
“Because it failed to tame me.”
In true Daemon fashion, he let those be his parting words, striding from the room with two stewards hurrying after him. Aelinor almost wished he’d said more. She knew so little of her father, and practically all of it had been told to her by others.  But getting to know him would mean accepting who he was, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for that.
Her mother emerged from the bedroom, little Viserys on her hip. A maid hurried by carrying a chest, and thus the chambers were emptied. She came to stand beside her daughter, both lingering in silence for a long moment.
“Are you sure you wish to stay in these rooms?” Rhaenyra asked. “It will seem very empty with just you.”
Aelinor shrugged. “It feels as close to home as I’m likely to get.”
Her mother closed her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath. “Aelinor, if you do not wish to stay here, say it. You can come with us.”
“What, and disobey the wishes of the King?” Aelinor scoffed. “Can you imagine the scandal?”
“You are my daughter,” Rhaenyra said, her tone stubborn. “And I will not have your life dictated to you. If you do not want to be here, if you do not wish to marry Aemond, you will not. I swear it.”
She knew that her mother meant it. And it was for precisely that reason that she knew she had to stay. With tensions as they were, she had to do her part to alleviate the animosity between the two families. Make them remember that they were one family.
“I will stay,” She answered. “Though I will admit, my feelings are not as certain as they were before last night.”
“Yes,” Rhaenyra sighed. “That was….that dinner did not go how I had hoped.”
“Parts of it were good,” Aelinor offered. “Or at least, I thought so.”
“Yes,” Rhaenyra studied her for a minute. The baby gurgled in her arms. “Aelinor, I know you want to think that Aemond is good, that he is the same boy you loved as a girl. But he is not.”
“I know that,” Aelinor admitted.
“And I do not think he is….I doubt he is the monster people make him out to be,” Rhaenyra admitted. “He was always sweet when he was young, and I do not doubt, nor have I ever doubted that he cares for you.”
“But?” Why could neither of her parents just say what they wanted to say?”
“The world is not up to him,” Rhaenyra said sadly. “It is not up to any of us. And I fear that even his best intentions may not be enough to protect you.”
Aelinor saw genuine fear shining her mother’s eyes, and once again felt emotion well up in her throat. “I can look after myself, Mother.”
“I know,” Rhaenyra gave her a small smile. “You are my daughter, after all. Which is why I have faith.”
Biting her lip, Aelinor wrapped her mother and her youngest brother in a hug. “I will see you soon?”
“As soon as I am able to return on dragonback,” Her mother promised.
“Perhaps with a new little brother or little sister?” Aelinor patted her mother’s stomach, prompting a snort of laughter. 
“You children are all impossibly impatient,” Rhaenyra chuckled. “I will not be rushed.”
“No, of course not,” Aelinor laughed. “But yet I must remind you that your ship is waiting.”
“Yes, it is.” Rhaenyra’s smile dampened slightly. “I love you, Sweet girl. Be well.”
“Be well, Mother.” Aelinor squeezed her hand one last time, before she was left alone.
She sat in the window until she saw her mother’s ship sail from the harbor and disappear from view. Once they were well and truly gone, she finally allowed herself to cry. She knew she was being ridiculous, that she would see her family again soon, and that many women her age had long since left their childhood homes behind. 
But that didn’t make it any easier.
Already she saw some wisdom behind her mother’s words. These chambers did remind her of her family. While that would likely be a comfort in the coming weeks, it was agony now. With a quick word to her maid, she left the rooms, heading toward the palace gardens.
The halls were still quiet, with many of the lords and ladies having left already following the ball. Soon it would trickle down just to the permanent residents of the Keep, and Aelinor was looking forward to being surrounded by only familiar faces.
But then, the thought of being alone in this castle, unable to put a crowd between herself and Aemond….it sent an unwelcome shiver down her spine.
In her entire life, she had never once dreaded seeing Aemond. The opposite, in fact, when she had spent the majority of her life either with him or missing him. And she did miss him, which was absurd because they had seen each other yesterday. But that dinner…the things he had said…she felt as though he had driven a wedge between them.
And honestly…. fuck him . Why did he have to go and ruin something that could have been so wonderful? They were supposed to be celebrating their betrothal, she was supposed to be beaming with joy, and instead she was filled with worry and dread. 
The cool breeze of the gardens was a refreshing change from the stone halls, and she picked a path and started to stroll through. It was still too early for the flowers to be in full bloom, but the greenery and topiaries were lush and plentiful. It was a dramatic change from Dragonstone, which sported little more than grass and shrubs. No one else seemed to be out this early in the morning, so Aelinor took her time, letting her feet drag on the ground. Perhaps later she might be able to sneak away and take Darrax for a short flight. That always improved her moods.
“Bit early for a walk, isn’t it?” 
A figure stepped into her path, the man leaning heavily on his cane as he dipped his head. Aelinor stopped in her tracks, managing to keep a grimace off her face. It was the unnerving man from the ball. She had hoped that he would leave with the guests, but he was here in the royal gardens, which suggested that he was a permanent resident. 
“Your family is…all gone?” He tilted his head.
Aelinor steadied herself, straightening her shoulders. “The Princess Rhaenyra and the rest of my siblings did indeed leave this morning.”
“And yet, you’re still here?”
She frowned. “What is your name, Ser? I don’t believe we have been properly introduced.”
“Lord Larys!” 
Gods, Aemond’s voice made her want to flee, propriety be damned. She practically felt a shadow fall over her as he loomed behind her, and she closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself. If she turned, he would be only inches away. She didn’t know what she could say to him, what she would do.
Which was why she didn’t turn.
Instead, she studied the man in front of her, his name alighting a tiny spark of familiarity in her mind. “Lord Larys Strong?”
“Indeed, Princess.” He dipped his head again, a greasy smile on his face. “I knew you, when you were very young.”
She could not recall ever speaking to him, but she supposed it was not impossible. After all, his father had been Hand of the King at the same time his elder brother was serving as guard to Princess Rhaenyra. This was her brothers’ uncle, though she could find no similarity between the swarmy man in front of her and the gallant figure she remembered Ser Harwin to be.
“It is…nice to see you again.” She offered, trying to keep her reluctance out of her voice.
Lord Larys nodded again. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you, Princess. As it is, I am needed elsewhere.”
Aelinor suspected that he had nothing better to do than skulk through the gardens, but that his hurried departure was spurred on by the Prince looming behind her. She turned and watched Lord Larys limp away, until he had disappeared from view and she had no choice but to face Aemond.
He stepped back when she turned, putting a much needed distance between them. The first thing she noticed was that he looked exhausted. Dark circles ringed his eyes, and his face was pale and somber. His hair hung loose about his head, and she realized that the unbuttoned tunic he wore was the same that he had been wearing at dinner.
An immature part of her felt some satisfaction at his appearance. He deserved to lose sleep over what he had done. He had hurt her brothers, caused outrage and scandal at a family gathering, and most importantly, he had hurt her .
But that spite was quickly overshadowed by concern. “You do not look well.”
“Sleep did not find me,” He clasped his hands behind his back. 
“It’s still early,” She gestured to the empty garden. “You could still be abed.”
He shook his head. “I needed to find you.”
It seemed that they were doomed to repeat themselves. Aemond would do something, there would be a misunderstanding, and then they would talk and she would be open and forgiving. Even now, she felt the urge to question him, to demand that he rationalize why he had said what he said.
But she would not give in. Not this time. “Why did you need to find me?”
“You know why.” He implored.
“No,” Aelinor started walking, leaving him to follow behind her. “No, I do not. Enlighten me.”
He stayed a few steps behind her, within earshot and yet too far for her to catch a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. “About dinner.”
Aelinor shook her head. “I do not care for subtleties, Aemond. If you want to talk, then talk. I will not help you along.”
There was a long silence. “I suppose that is fair.”
It was more than fair, and they both knew it. Aelinor turned a corner, heading to the balcony that overlooked the city. 
“You are angry with me.” Aemond said finally.
She scoffed. “Of course I am! You took what should have been a happy occasion and used it to ridicule my family. Am I supposed to be pleased?”
She bypassed the small garden table and chairs and walked to the railing, leaning over the stone to peer down at King’s Landing. If the Keep was having a slow morning, the city proper was positively bustling. Smoke rose from chimneys and even from here she could see vendors readying their carts to be pushed to market. It all seemed a world away.
Aemond stopped beside her, and when she looked up she found his gaze trained on her. 
“Why did you do it?” She whispered.
“I…I don’t know.” He looked down.
She frowned. “I don’t believe you. Give me a reason. Help me to understand. Because I refuse to build a marriage on uncertainties.”
Reminding him of their betrothal seemed to spur something in him, and he swallowed. “Aren’t you angry at them?”
“At who?” 
“Your brothers. Well, Jacaerys and Lucerys, I have no grudge against the little ones.” 
“Why on earth would I be angry at them?” She asked. “You started that fight. Not them.”
He was silent for a long time, so long that she wondered if he ever intended on answering her. 
“Do you not remember how they burned you? How they scarred me? How they taunted me with a pig all my life until I claimed Vhagar? How have you forgotten all that?”
“I have forgotten nothing!” She exclaimed. “But they were children, Aemond! We were all children. What is mine to forgive, I have forgiven. They have grown. We all have changed.”
“Your brother carved out my eye!” He shouted, gesturing to his face.
“Yes. Yes, he did,” Aelinor stepped away, crossing her arms. “And moments earlier you had prepared to bludgeon him with a stone. Perhaps I should be holding a grudge against you, for that.”
She could see that she had caught him by surprise.
“And furthermore,” She continued. “You know as well as I that, as cruel as those pranks were, Aegon was responsible for just as many as my brothers were. But we were all children .”
“Am I supposed to forgive them, is that it?” He demanded. 
“Yes!” She cried. “They are my brothers. I will not ask you to be friends with them, but if we are to marry, this fighting must cease. For your father, for the sake of our mothers, for ourselves! We cannot live with this anger, Aemond.”
She stepped forward, tilting her chin to look up at him. “I cannot live with it.”
His eye closed, and then slowly his fingers stretched out and grasped at the fabric of her sleeves. 
“You…” The words caught in his throat. “I do not think forgiveness is in my nature, not like it is for you.”
Aelinor leaned closer, her hands finding the sides of his tunic. At the first touch, his eye shot open, staring down at her with something between alarm and wonderment. 
“I will not ask you to forgive, then.” She whispered. “I can forgive for the both of us. But you must not let yourself be ruled by anger. It will destroy you.”
It will destroy us , she thought.
He nodded slowly. “I…I can try.For you.”
“That is all I ask,” She smiled. 
Aemond tentatively smiled back.
Aelinor felt some of her loneliness dissipate. “I did not like being angry at you,” she said quietly, stretching her arms up until they rested on his shoulders. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” She thought she could feel his fingers tracing the small of her back.
She let out a laugh. “How ridiculous we are! We can bear nine years apart, but not one evening?”
“I could not bear it,” Aemond said seriously, his palm spreading on her back. “Not for those years, nor one evening. It if were up to me we would never be parted again.”
It was a childish, juvenile sentiment, the type of softness that others would scoff to hear. But for Aelinor, it was just the Aemond she knew and loved. 
“We never have to be,” She whispered. “We’re betrothed, after all.”
Aemond nodded slowly. “And you…you’re sure that this is what you want?”
She understood his hesitation. Whatever kindness had driven her grandfather to betrothe them, their marriage would be an intensely political one. Both of them would serve as hostages to ensure the cooperation of their families, both of them would be constantly drawn into the game as pawns to wield against the other. There was every reason to fear what this might do to them, to their families.
But there was no one in the Seven Kingdoms, nor anywhere else in the world, that Aelinor would ever want to marry as much as she wanted Aemond. He had been the most constant figure through her entire life, and she knew that she could trust him to stand at her side.
“Aemond,” She promised. “I have never wanted anything more.”
And then, in a moment of bravery or boldness, Aelinor stood on her toes and pressed her lips to Aemond’s.
For a split second she wondered if she had made a horrible mistake. His entire body stiffened, and he did not react or move. Oh gods, she had humiliated herself. 
But suddenly Aemond had both arms around her waist, pulling her into his body and kissing her back with a passion that left her lightheaded.
Aelinor had never been one to fantasize about kissing boys. It had never interested her, though perhaps that was because her most likely marriage prospect had been her older brother. But this…she could understand now why the heroines in all of her story books were always dreaming of kissing princes. 
Her head fell back, her mouth parting as Aemond’s lips moved over hers. One of her hands twisted in his hair, pulling slightly when she felt his tongue brush her lip. A tiny, embarrassing sound escaped her mouth, but it only seemed to spur Aemond on. He pushed forward until her hips were against the railing, his arms a cage from which she never wanted to escape.
“Aemond.” She whispered.
“Lina.” He replied, kissing her again. She felt one of his hands traveling to her hip, the other rising to cup her cheek. His palms were rough, callused from years of training and dragon riding, but she thought that she had never felt anything so wonderful.
Voices broke through, carrying on the wind from the garden. There was someone coming, someone who had taken their own morning stroll and likely did not expect to find the Prince and Princess locked in an embrace. They had to part before they were seen.
“There’s someone coming,” Aelinor pulled away slightly, just enough to catch her breath.
Aemond chased her, leaning down until his nose pressed against her forehead. “So?”
“So…what if we’re seen? What would your mother say? What would your brother say?”
“Fuck my brother.” Aemond grinned. “And fuck anyone else. We’re betrothed, remember?”
A smile pulled at her lips, and he dipped to kiss the corner of her mouth. “I might remember.”
“And as your betrothed it is my right — no, it is my duty, to kiss my future wife as often as she likes. And anyone who says otherwise can be a feast for Vhagar and Darrax.” 
Aelinor felt her cheeks heat. His future wife . Gods, that sounded perfect.
“How very ruthless of you,” She laughed.
“For you, anything.” He beamed, appearing lighter than she had ever seen him.
Ignoring that they were likely going to have visitors in the next few minutes, Aelinor tightened her arms around him and hugged him closely. “Thank you, Aemond.”
“You never need to thank me,” He said into her hair. “Not ever.”
“But I am grateful nonetheless.” She smiled. “Now, we really should be going before we are caught.”
Aemond relented and stepped away, but surprised her when he reached for her injured hand and clasped it in his own. When they stepped out from the secluded balcony onto the main path, they nearly ran right into Lord Beesbury and his wife. 
“My Prince!” Beesbury exclaimed. “And Princess Aelinor! What a fine morning, isn’t it?” His gaze drifted to their joined hands, and then back to the flushed expressions on their faces. “Shall I…go another way?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Aemond said, his voice hardening.
Aelinor placed hand on his arm, before offering Beesbury her most sympathetic smile. “We should hate to interrupt your walk, My Lord. We were just leaving.”
She bobbed a quick curtsy, practically forcing Aemond to bow as well, and then they excused themselves. 
“You’re very…prickly.” Aelinor noted. “Lord Beesbury is kind.”
“He interrupted us.” Aemond grumbled.
“Yes, and he was kind about it.” Aelinor said. “Now, let us go. The gardens always fill quickly.” There was little else to do in the capital, at least not for the upstanding members of court, and the weather was fair on this day. 
“How did you intend to spend your day?” Aemond asked.
Aelinor shrugged. “I believe my intention was to spend it moping. If you remember, my family is gone and I was angry at you.”
He frowned. “I thought we—”
“I’m only jesting, Aemond.” She squeezed his hand. “And I thought I may take Darrax for a ride. He has not been out since we arrived, and does not enjoy being confined.”
Aemond opened his mouth to speak, before quickly looking away.
She nudged him. “What was that?”
“No, you must tell me!” She laughed, tugging on his arm. 
He chuckled, pretending to sag into her weight. “Very well. I was going to suggest that I could take Vhagar as well and we could go together. If that would please you.”
Already a grin was spreading across Aelinor’s face. “Now you’re the one being ridiculous. Let us hurry, I shall change into my riding clothes and meet you in the courtyard in an hour. Don’t be late.”
“I won’t be,” He promised, laughing as she picked up her skirts and hurried away.
This has been the best day of Aelinor’s life. She was sure that no day would ever be able to compare to the elation of soaring through the clouds on Darrax, Aemond and Vhagar flying alongside her. Both Darrax and Vhagar had behaved themselves, and Darrax had even playfully flown circles around the older dragon. If that was a sign of things to come, then it was a good sign.
But not the sun had set, and Aelinor was exhausted. It was a good type of exhaustion, the kind that made her wish to sink into her bed and collapse into a sleep of wonderful dreams. Tomorrow they could do it all again, just as they could for the rest of their lives.
Aemond walked at her side, laughing as she brushed dust from her coat. Her riding clothes were ornate, more decorative than practical, but she had always loved them. The issue was, however, that she dreaded seeing the dust and dragon reek settle into the intricately embroidered scales along the black leather.
“Don’t laugh,” She protested, though she was smiling too. “I shall have to get these laundered.”
“Then we cannot go out again tomorrow?” Aemond asked, raising his eyebrows.
Aelinor rolled her eyes. “I am a Princess, Aemond. I have more than one set of riding clothes.”
“Shame,” He sighed dramatically. “I thought to take you down to the market. There are vendors who sell candied lemons and sugar-boiled cherries, but I suppose you will miss out.”
She gasped. “Aemond! We must go!”
They were arriving at her door, and Aelinor felt a twinge of disappointment at the realization that they must now part ways. 
“Then we shall go,” Aemond promised, dipping his head. “It would be an honor to escort you.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Aelinor said, coming to a stop before her chambers. She reached out and took both of his hands, her riding gloves intertwining between his fingers. “Thank you, Aemond. Today was perfect.”
“It is I who should be thanking you,” He said, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to her lips. It was chaste, so chaste that it probably would not even cause scandal if they were seen, and it left Aelinor wanting more. But Aemond was determined to be a gentleman, and so he stepped away and bowed deeply at the waist.
“My Princess,” He smiled as he rose.
Chuckling, she held out the sides of her riding jacket and bobbed a curtsy. “My Prince. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” He promised.
Aemond watched until she had shut the door behind her, and then she listened for a few moments longer until his footsteps finally moved away. 
With a girlish giggle, Aelinor spun in a circle. 
“Princess?” Her maid, Jayne, was standing in the corner of the parlor. She had one eyebrow raised, an amused smile pulling at her lips.
“Oh, Jeyne!” Aelinor exclaimed. “I have had the best day.”
“I can see that, Princess.” Jeyne laughed. “Shall I get you some dinner?”
“Oh, yes please!” Aelinor grinned. “Something light, that I can eat in the bath. I intend to go to bed early tonight, as I have a busy day tomorrow.”
“As you say, Princess.” Jeyne nodded.
Aemond returned to his rooms feeling like a new man. He knew his brother would mock him to hear it, but he could not help but feel as thought he had been swept into a dream. Aelinor was his . They had spent the day together, and he had basked in her beauty and perfection as he had always dreamed. 
They had kissed . He had held her in his arms and embraced her, and already he wished that he did not have to let go.
And he didn’t. Tomorrow, they would spend their day together again, as they would the next, and the next. For now, he allowed the worries of succession and the tensions between their families fall to the wayside.
He had Aelinor, after all, and so everything was perfect.
Aelinor reclined into a hot bath, feasting on meats and cheese until she was satisfied, and then allowed Jeyne to braid her hair before she fell into bed. Tomorrow Jeyne would move into these chambers as well, to serve as a chaperone and companion until proper alternatives could be provided. But for tonight, Aelinor simply wished her maid a good night before she closed the door behind her and returned to the servants corridors.
Then, Aelinor wrapped herself in her covers and fell into a comfortable sleep. It was the perfect end to the perfect day.
And then, sometime before the dawn, someone began to pound at her door
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
q!BAGHERA post because I am ecstatic
I want to talk about what happened yesterday (just in case, this isn't about drama or whatever this is talking about what the evolution of the character might be, no discourse, no drama, this isn't the subject of this post) because of HOW MANY POSSIBITIES IT OFFERS for Baghera and how TERRIFYING they all are.
Let me tell you I am terrified (ecstatic I love the angst gimme) because Baghera yesterday, discovered what BBH did (only partially, she doesn't know about the torture yet.. OH and when she does...). But that's the thing. She was upset at BBH, but what's worse is what BBH did to her. As of late Baghera has been lost, scared, and while everyone has moved on in their grief (they are all still grieving obviously, but they are at a point where they have grieved quite a bit and are now trying things) she has not even gotten the occasion to at all. She is trying to grieve her missing children AND her childhood she remembered she never had, AND Bad which is very obviously looking terrible, but everyone is moving along, trying to pass on to other things or trying to find solutions. Forever comes and tell her to try and be happy, but how can she ?
Here comes yesterday. Here comes BBH. I always suspected, and it was proven multiple times that Baghera was very much his moral compass. But at the time she came back, it was already to late. It was done. He did the mistake. And the thing is BBH is one of the only ones she decides to trust with some of her secrets, because it's her bebou, it's her partner in crime. It's the father of her children. And Bad decides to do the same, except HE puts her at test. She doesn't know it yet, he asks her to make the promise not to tell anyone and not to intervene. She oblige, obviously. And he shows her.
And she is shocked, she is starting to stress out. She is obviously angry at Bad, and at the same time... She promised, but it's fucked up, but it's her best friend, but it's too similar to her childhood she has to help, but it's Pomme's father she can't betray him. And when she makes it clear to Bad she is not happy he starts behaving in a way he never did with Baghz (when I tell you I got chills) , when he lied to her before it was mostly playful, but there it felt like manipulation, he cut her words short, "Is he oka-" "Yes he is don't worry.", he doesn't let space for her to be mad.
She promises to Ron. "I'll get you out of here. Give me one or two days"
And then when Forever etc. comes around she is still processing all this and she makes a quick decision, a terrible one. She lies to them. She protects Bad. But it's also to protect Ron. She may have an occasion to free him. And in that moment, she hates what she is doing. She doesn't want to lie but Bad has put her in an impossible position. And in trying to solve everything, to not betray anyone, she is forced to betray everyone. And she realises it. She hates it.
And that's where we get for what happens then. Because she is already lost and lonely, and one of the only person she could have used to get out of this downward spiral has betrayed her. He has lied and made her betray everyone else. And she will have to betray him soon. She will feel truly alone. She feels like she betrayed Forever, and in a way she did. She feels terrible, she can't trust him anymore, she has crossed the limits herself, she is too afraid. The French suspect her of things, she suspects them in return. (obviously she will still play with all of them because cc!Baghera is still friends with all of them, what I mean is she will just bottle up all those feelings again.)
That leaves three options.
First is Fit. But even if there is mutual respect in their respective secrets, that respect includes NOT giving away their secrets.
Second is Jaiden. "We have to stick together." But unlike anyone else, this will most likely end up in a downward spiral as well. They will just comfort each other in their compassion for Cucurucho, and in the end their past with the Federation.
Last is her "true and only" family. When she will truly be alone, there will be one option, that will always remain open.
The Federation.
Basically, unless there is an unforeseen turn of events, that can always happen, I want to say she is doomed.
And I can't wait to see what cc!Baghera comes up with.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 7 months
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Chapter 4: It’s my Heart
Eugene Roe x Violet Elwood
Summary: Eugene learns the truth of the secret Violet has been keeping, but can he handle what it means. Warnings: medical conditions, talks of death, grief Masterlist
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August 31st 1941
Eugene sat in the room he shared with his younger brothers, glaring out of the window as he watched his family heading to church. His mother had tried to persuade him to go but he just couldn’t stomach being around anyone. Since last Wednesday when he found out about Violet’s condition, it felt as though his heart had stopped and it had yet to start again. He felt cold, like a corpse that wouldn’t die but wasn’t alive either. The days passed by in a blur and dragging at the same time.
Violet’s mother had popped by yesterday to tell him that Violet was now at home but he couldn’t even leave his room. Instead, he watched her speaking to his mother on the front porch before forlornly walking away. He was sure she had noticed him in the bedroom window but he didn’t care, he just wanted to be alone.
His mother brought his dinner up to his room but Eugene left it untouched most nights so his brothers would eat his leftovers, thankful for the extra food. His father had come up a few times and he expected him to talk harshly to him, reprimand him for his lack of respect for the effort his mother had put into making the meal or his antisocial behaviour. His father merely patted him on the back, before leaving him once again with his thoughts.
He wanted to see Violet, of course, he did but he couldn’t bring himself to. It would make everything too real. At least this way if he kept away he could pretend everything was still perfect.
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September 6th 1941
The guilt was eating away at Eugene as he walked down the familiar corridor of the Elwood residence. He hadn’t been here for nearly two weeks now, which was the longest he’d stayed away since he first met Violet.
Violet’s mother had let him in, smiling sadly when she saw him standing outside. “Violet is sat out in the garden.”
Eugene wanted to hate her family for keeping the secret from him, they had known all along and they let him fall in love with her. In truth, he couldn’t hate them, he couldn’t hate any of them. He did, however, hate himself for trying to hate them in the first place. How could he hate a family who were just obliging their daughter's wishes? ‘She wanted a normal summer’.
Eugene followed her through to the garden where he could see the three sisters sitting in garden chairs. Violet sat in the middle, her head resting on Rose’s shoulder while she read to her. Lily sat on the opposite side of Violet, her head leaning on her oldest sister's shoulder. Eugene hated to disturb the peaceful moment between the siblings but also felt as though it should be him sitting out there with her. He’d been selfish and hurt and he’d wasted two precious weeks he could have been spending with her.
Violet’s mother appeared behind him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “She missed you terribly, Eugene. She blamed herself for driving you away.”
Eugene shook his head, “It’s my fault, not Violet’s. I’ve been so stupid and I can’t even make it up to her. There’s not enough time.” The tears that he’d been holding back ever since arriving on Elwood's doorstep slipped free down his cheeks now and Violet’s mother pulled him in for a hug.
“Now, now, don’t cry. The main thing is you’re here now. You’re a good man, Eugene and my daughter loves you very much which is why she didn’t tell you she was sick. She didn’t want to hurt you,” Violet’s mother sighed, “We’ve tried to keep her safe for so long but we knew this would come eventually. I’m just glad she met you. She got to experience true love, and I believe what you both have is true love. Thank you for loving my daughter”.
The pair stood in the kitchen for a while, trying to compose themselves, “Now go out there and be with her. She’ll be so pleased to see you.”
Eugene walked slowly down the porch and out across the grass to where the girls were sitting. Rose noticed him first, putting down the book and giving Violet a small nudge. The scene broke his heart. In just those few weeks since he’d last seen her, she’d grown paler, cheeks less round, lips less plump but her blue eyes sparkled brighter than ever.
“Eugene,” she whispered, trying to stand but Rose stopped her, shuffling out from the seat and moving so Eugene could take her place. Lily got up too, following her sister inside and allowing the pair some time alone.
They both stopped trying to encourage the other to go first. Eugene decided to speak up.
“Violet, I’m so sorry, for everything. I shoulda been here for you and instead, I was a coward. I was scared to lose you but being away from you killed me. I’m here now and I promise with all my heart I’m not going anywhere.”
“Oh Gene,” Violet pulled her arms up around him, kissing his lips firmly. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Having Violet back in his arms was the best feeling in the world, it was a feeling Eugene wanted to treasure forever.
“How long?” Eugene mumbled, broaching the question that he feared he didn’t want to know the answer to.
“The doctors aren’t too sure. Could be three months, could be longer. I’m a ticking clock Gene, I’m on borrowed time.” Eugene nodded sadly, pulling Violet close to his side and kissing her forehead.
“Well then we’d better make the best of the time we have,” he mumbled into her hairline, kissing her head once more.
Violet nodded, glancing up at Eugene, “Will you read to me? Rose was reading to me but I’d much rather it was you.”
Eugene chuckled, picking up the book on the bench, opening it to the creased page and beginning to read where Rose had left off. Violet snuggled into his side, her head resting against his shoulder and her hand wrapped around his while he read.
Eugene wasn’t sure how many perfect moments like this he had left with Violet, but he promised himself that he would treasure each one.
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September 19th 1941
Eugene watched nervously as Violet climbed onto the seat of the Ferris wheel, the whole time his hand remaining firmly on her back. There was a fair in the next town over from them and Violet had mentioned it as soon as she saw it in posters along the main street. Eugene had been reluctant at first, all those people pushing and shoving but Violet had pleaded and he’d easily relented. How could he deny her the chance to ride the Ferris wheel when it might be her only chance?
The fair wasn’t too crowded when they arrived and the couple made a beeline for the Ferris wheel. Violet gripped Eugene’s hand tightly as the attendant placed the bar over their laps and the ride began to move.
“We’ll be able to see the whole town from up here,” Violet chatted excitedly, grinning over at Eugene. He placed his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to his side and she snuggled in.
As the ride reached the top it stopped for each person to see the view. Violet began pointing out landmarks, chatting excitedly when they could see their hometown in the distance. Eugene barely glanced at the view, his eyes trained on the beautiful woman beside him. Violet's blonde curls were tucked neatly into a bun at the back of her head but soft curls fell out around her face. ‘A picture of beauty’ he always called her affectionately and she’d always giggle, thanking him for his compliment.
The wheel continued its descent and Violet laughed cheerfully, watching as the ground grew closer to them. Eugene helped Violet climb down from the ride, scooping her into his arms causing her to screech loudly. He laughed when he put her down and she spun around in his arms.
“Where do you want to go next, Love?” He asked, smoothing the hair away from her face.
Violet thought for a moment, her nose wrinkling as she scrunched her face, “Hmm. How about we find some food?”
Eugene nodded, “I think that’s an excellent idea.”
The stand selling cotton candy wasn’t too far from them so they headed straight there, purchasing two large candies and taking a break on the bench close to the stand.
Violet bit into the candy, grinning happily as the sweet taste filled her mouth, “Gene, is so good. You’ve gotta try it.” She motioned for him to take a bit of his own which he obliged, biting into the pink fluff, nodding in agreement. It was good, even if it was a little sweet.
Violet took great amusement when Eugene got some of the candy stuck on his nose, laughing hysterically as he looked at her confused.
“What? Have I got somethin’ on my face?” He wiped his hand over his face multiple times, continuing to miss the candy.
“Here, here, let me get it,” Violet knocked his hands out of the way, reaching over with her handkerchief and wiping it from the tip of his nose. “There, all better. What would you do without me, Eugene Roe?”
That was a question Eugene couldn’t answer because he didn’t know what he’d do without her.
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October 17th 1941
“Happy birthday, Gene,” Violet shouted as soon as he opened the door, throwing herself into his arms. Eugene stumbled back at the sudden contact, catching her mid-air and spinning her around.
“Hello Love,” he kissed her sweetly on the lips, enjoying their loving moment before he noticed the lack of people behind her. “Aren’t your family coming with you?”
“They are,” Violet assured him, “But they’re coming later, I wanted you to myself for a while.” She laughed, noticing Eugene’s blush. “Nothing like that Gene, get your head out of the gutter.” She jested, elbowing him in the ribs lightly.
“No, I wanted to give you your present before the others get here.” She passed a large square parcel towards him, it was neatly wrapped in brown paper and tied with string at the top.
“What is it?” He asked, shaking the package curiously.
Violet sighed, “I’m not going to tell you. What’s the point in having a surprise if I tell you before you open it?”
Eugene looked a little confused and Violet sighed again, “Come on,” she grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs to the bedroom he shared with his brothers. She jumped straight onto his bed, making herself at home like she always did.
Eugene fell onto the bed beside her, chuckling as she snuggled into his side.
“Come on, Gene. The suspense is killing me.” He sent her a small glare for joking about death and began to unwrap the parcel, fumbling with the string. As he unwrapped it a large leather scrapbook fell out onto his lap. The initials V and E were embossed onto the front and Eugene felt his heart clench at the picture on the front. It was one of the few pictures they had together. They were sitting by the lake, Violet’s hair blowing softly around her in the wind. Both of their faces were bright, with wide smiles and gleaming eyes. It was from happier times before their lives had changed forever.
Eugene felt a single tear slipping down his cheek but Violet quickly brushed it away, “Look inside,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his neck.
He opened the first page, marvelling at the detail of each one within. Each page had a photo, some of them together, a few of Violet alone and lots of the different places they had been together. Underneath each one Violet had written something. Sometimes a small paragraph, sometimes just a sentence. Eugene smiled, reading a few of them before Violet stopped him.
“I made you this book so that when I’m gone you have something to remind you of me. If you’re ever feeling down you can just read these and I’ll be here with you.”
Eugene shook his head, “Don’t speak like that, Sugar. I don’t want to think about being here without you.” He looked up at her, a small sigh escaping his lips when their eyes met. “I love you, Violet, I love you so much that a…” a silent sob escaped his lips and Violet pulled him straight into her chest, cradling him like a small child as he cried.
Eugene wasn’t sure how long he’d been bottling these emotions but something in him broke and he couldn’t hold back the floodgates. Eugene cried his heart out and Violet held him. She never once told him to stop crying or trying to calm him, she let him feel everything and she embraced him. Violet knew that he needed to grieve just like her family had, except her family had already had a year to grieve her condition.
When Eugene’s sobs finally subsided, Violet pulled him to sit up, cupping his cheeks in her hands. “I love you, Eugene Roe, and I’ll always love you no matter where I am.”
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Tags: @blueberry-ovaries @mads-weasley @coco-bean-1218 @she-wolf09231982 @georgieluz @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @hesbuckcompton-baby @allthingsimagines @bucky32557038ww2 @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @xxluckystrike @hogwartslegacypics @softguarnere
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Emily Prentiss - The littlest hero
Part II
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topics of abuse, trauma, child neglecting, punishments and the plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Exhausted, Emily headed towards the kitchen. The day started early for her, it was going to be a long day at work and she just wanted to spend the day at home. Happy to have a refreshing hot cup of coffee, he walked past a room and heard a quiet murmur through the door.
She carefully went to the door, placed her ear against the ajar door and listened. That was not really the special agent's style, but she had been through it many times over the last few years. She could hear you from inside, but you did not speak clear sentences, just fragments and could clearly hear the word "dad" pronounced several times. Then she realized that you had to experience another difficult dream.
She poked her head through the crack as she heard you getting more nervous and louder. Nightmares like that were no joke and when you suddenly started calling for her name in your sleep, she had to come to you. Your cries became more and more irritated and desperate. By now tears were streaming down your face too and it was hard for her to imagine the hell you had to go through in your past.
You tossed and turned restlessly in your bed, sweat glistening thickly on your forehead. With quick steps, Emily bridged the last few meters between her and you. She gently shook your shoulders, "Y/n, sweetie. Wake up!" you jumped up, breathing shallowly and quickly, trying to find your bearings in the darkened room you were laying in. "You are safe, I am here."
A hand placed itself on your chest, feeling your heartbeat drilling into it. You nodded, your gaze wandering around the room disoriented before your sight stopped at Emily´s face reliefed. "Your father can not hurt you anymore. It is all good," the black-haired woman sat on the edge of the bed, her hand still firmly on your chest. "That was just a nightmare."
Exhausted and looking for support, you let yourself sink into her protective embrace and were glad that she was with you now. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, brushing through your silky hair. You silently raised your shoulders and let them fall again. "No, I do not know."
You looked over at the window. The first rays of sunlight penetrated through the shutters into your pink room and you realized she must have just gotten up from her own sleep- her hair messy while her tired features were soft and relaxed. The sight alone made the storm inside you slowly subside.
You were safe. You had always been safe since you came into the care of the black-haired woman. It was just a dream of your past that you did not seem to push aside as quickly as you wanted. " That is okay, you do not have to talk about it," she spoke softly and began to move into the tiny space under your duvet, but rested her head on her hand and looked at the little penguins skiing on your pajamas. You nodded and pushed yourself into the far corner of your princess bed to make more room for her.
Emily knew nightmares, there was hardly a night where you did not get any and slept peacefully, but you both worked on it with a psychologist. The dreams were actually always just about your father or the white wardrobe. Depending on what your subconscious was processing, it tormented you even in your own childhood dreams.
And today was an especially hard night. Your father's funeral was yesterday and you could hardly stand the thought of saying goodbye to your father. In your eyes, he deserved to finally die. You had discussed it openly with your adoptive mother and she had decided with you that you had no obligation to be seen at his funeral. It would probably cause you more pain and reopen old wounds than it would provide you with any kind of release.
You wanted nothing more to do with your father and your past. You finally wanted to live and arrive, in the here and now, without being constantly chased by the ghosts of the past. You needed time to process all of this and come to terms with it. It would take time, after all it was a long-term trauma, but your new life together with Emily taught you courage.
After a few minutes of silence, in which you enjoyed her closeness and your heart calmed down, you spoke up again. "Can you maybe sleep with me today?" You asked sheepishly and smiled, watching as Emily began to grin mischievously.
She graced your stomach with one finger, before dropping down and starting to tickle you like crazy. Your laughter lit up the entire apartment in a cheerful and happy atmosphere as you loudly tried to get out of her grasp. The nightmare disappearing from your memory.
"There is no more sleeping here, princess. It is time for school, math is calling."
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a-new-guard-corrie-au · 10 months
The medic's story
There's this tradition that the medics have because there comes a point in every one of their careers when they want to give up because they 'let a patient die'. (This is inspired by that one post about doctors and paramedics and nurses fighting to keep patients alive after being asked by the patient to 'not let them die', and therefore not 'letting them die' and fulfilling the patients dying wish.) The story has changed some over the years, but how it starts remains the same.
The Medic Who Fought Death
A long time ago someone told me this story and now I am going to share it with you. (This phrase is reserved for the most important stories, the ones that teach a trooper how to live) Under different stars there once lived a medic. Not especially well renowned medic, but in a small town clicks from any other medical care in any direction the medic took good care of the patients that came through the door, and all of the people appreciated that care.
One day a strong warrior came to the medic and said, "I am strong, and I have fought many battles, but I am sick, and I cannot fight this. I am brave and have faced many terrifying opponents, but I am scared, please don't let me die."
The medic resolved to do as much as possible to fulfill the warrior's plea. Tests were run, and the medic found that the warrior's illness did not bring good odds of survival, but the warrior asked to fight the illness, and the medic obliged.
Night began to fall, and there was a knock at the door. The warrior was stable, so the medic answered the door. And there stood Death, tall and filling the entire doorway.
The medic was stunned, and that gave death enough time to speak, "I am here for the warrior on the brink of death-" The medic slammed the door before Death could finish speaking.
"Thank you for not letting me die." the warrior said.
The medic worked harder all through the night to keep the warrior alive, but come the next morning there was another knock on the door.
This time, the medic knew what to expect. When the door opened Death was face to face with an irate sleep deprived medic glaring.
"I am here for the warrior on the brink of-"
"I didn't care yesterday, and I don't care now." The medic cut off death, and closed the door once more with a resounding thud.
"Thank you for not letting me die." the warrior said.
The warrior's condition was worsening despite everything that the medic tried. By evening the medic had only managed to slow the worsening symptoms and provide a bit of relief from pain. Once again, as the sun set, there was a knock at the door.
As the door was opened the medic started talking before Death got the chance. "I know who you are here for and I'm not letting you in."
This time as the medic went to slam the door shut, Death caught the door. The medic had to push Death back to close the door for the night.
"Thank you for not letting me die. " the warrior said.
Once again the Medic fought for the warrior through the night, and just as the sun rose there was a knock at the door. By this time the medic was exhausted they'd been fighting day and night for the warrior, but a promise was made, and the medic would not let the warrior die.
As the medic opened the door Death pushed back and stepped in saying, "I am here for the warrior on the brink of death."
The medic was very angry and pushed Death back out the door.
"Thank you for not letting me die." the warrior said.
By the time the medic got the door closed questions about why the medic bothered to answer time after time if it would only be Death came to mind. The answer, of course, was that each time it could have been one of the townspeople in need of help, so the medic had no choice.
The sun hit it's height, and the warrior had only become sicker until again the sun fell. This time when the knock came, the medic armed themself. When Death was at the door again trying to force entry the medic was able to beat back Death.
Once again the medic worked through the night beaten and bruised continuing to treat the warrior.
As the sun rose Death knocked on the door once again. This time as the medic opened the door, even armed Death overpowered the medic.
Death greeted the warrior kindly, and the pair made for the door, but before the warrior left to march on the medic saw the warrior look back. The medic was soundly beaten, exhausted, and so terribly afraid that the promise made to the warrior wasn't kept.
But the last words the medic heard as the warrior went marching on was "Thank you for not letting me die." as the warrior saw the medic's disbelief the parting words continued, "You fought Death for me. For three days and three nights you worked as hard as you could, you didn't let me die. You did everything and then some, and I died anyway. Do not let that weigh your conscious."
And Death and the Warrior went marching far away, and the medic was saddened by this, but was comforted by the promise fulfilled.
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