#but am i autistic or do i just want to be special and have attention?
eveninggstar · 3 hours
Forever and Always
Ethan going to the aquarium
Summary: Max and you take your autistic son, Ethan, to an aquarium during a rare break from Max’s Formula One schedule. Despite a brief meltdown, the family’s patience and love help them navigate the day, reinforcing their strong bond through shared experiences.
Warnings: autistic child, autism, autism representation (I will remove this if people do not agree with it), sensory overload (not too descriptive)
(Please please please tell me if I have missed any)
A/N: hateful language toward people with autism or anything alike will be not tolerated and will be removed
If I have misinformed or showcased autism as something that is seen as offensive, don’t be afraid to call me out whether it’s in the requests box, messaging me privately, or commenting it. This is a personal experience to me, as I have autism and I heavily based Ethan on myself and my younger cousin who also has autism. I mean no harm or hate to anyone with autism, and I’m sorry if it comes across that way. Feedback is always encouraged whether it is negative or positive.
I have not put autism or anything associated with autism in the tags, seeing as I don’t want to distract people who view the tag with a story that they most likely won’t want to read a story, the only reason it is in the warnings is to inform whoever is reading this (the not warning warnings will be in purple, e.g autistic child)
In addition, I am planning to make this a series with no timeline (unless I state it) hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: dad!Max Verstappen x mum!reader
Mv1 Masterlist. Series Masterlist
The sun was just peeking over the horizon as you and Max guided your five-year-old son, Ethan, toward the entrance of the aquarium. Today was a special day, a rare break from Max’s grueling Formula One schedule, and you wanted to make the most of it.
Ethan bounced excitedly between the two of you, with Max holding his unmistakable racing helmet. The helmet, adorned with the same colors as Max’s Red Bull Racing gear, had become one of Ethan’s security blankets. However, it was more than just a helmet to him; it was a shield against the unpredictability of the world.
“Look, Daddy!” Ethan tugged your hand to point toward the aquarium, shaking the hand holding Max’s to get the attention he already had. “We’re here!” Ethan’s voice was a joyful shout, filled with the boundless energy that defined him. Sea creatures were his passion, and the thought of seeing them up close had him practically vibrating with excitement.
Max smiled down at his son, ruffling the boy’s hair. “Yeah, buddy, we’re here. Are you ready to see some turtles?”
Ethan’s eyes lit up, nodding his head erratically. Then he turned to you, “Mama, Mama!”
“Yes, my love?” You looked down at him, your heart melting all over again—like it had for the past five years.
“Did you see if there are red-eared slider turtles?” He flashed some puppy dog eyes up at you, accompanied by a pouted lip.
“I’m not so sure, baby,” you spoke softly, looking around the car park to make sure no cars were coming. “I’m sure we can ask the receptionist if there are any.” You smiled at him, hoping not to disappoint him. He nodded, puppy dog eyes fading, replaced by a small smile on his lips.
You looked up at Max, seeing practically the exact same face, only with a very love-stricken smile gracing his face. Breaking out of the love trance you had put him under, he looked down at Ethan. “What are you looking forward to seeing the most?”
Ethan’s eyes sparkled at the thought of seeing his favorite creatures. “Oh-oh-oh!” His mind started running, “Otters! And sharks! And dolphins! And—” His words came in a rush, too fast for his little mouth to keep up with.
You looked up again to see Max, the pair of you silently acknowledging the importance of today. Ethan’s world was built on routine and predictability, and outings like this could be challenging. But his love for sea creatures made it worth the effort.
Inside, the aquarium was a wonderland of aquatic life. The scent of saltwater and the soft murmur of flowing water greeted you as the three of you stepped through the doors. When asking the man at the front desk about the—
“Red-eared slider turtles.” Ethan peeked up at you, louder than he would usually be in front of people he didn’t know, causing you to be incredibly proud of your little boy—it may have not been to the worker, but it was a significant change you hoped could aid in social situations.
“They are number six on the map here.” The man helpfully laid down a map with numbered spots for each exhibit. “Next to the otter exhibit.” At the sound of the word “otters,” Ethan squealed and jumped up and down, forcing Max’s arm to jump with him.
After thanking the receptionist, you walked away, going into exhibit number one. Ethan’s hand slipped into yours, his grip squeezing three times as he took in the sights and sounds around him.
The first exhibit was filled with a giant tank of colorful fish darting among coral reefs. Ethan rushed over, leaving yours and Max’s grasp to press his hands harshly against the glass. Shortly realizing it caused him slight pain, he pulled away so only his fingertips grazed the cold glass. His breath fogged up the surface as he watched the fish with rapt attention. Max knelt beside him, pointing out the different species.
“What’s that one?” Max pointed to an orange, black, and white fish. You knew he knew the name of it, yet you weren’t surprised as the only person he wouldn’t ‘Maxsplain’ to was Ethan.
“That’s a clownfish!” Your son briefly looked over to where his dad was pointing. “Like Nemo,” he gave a toothy grin after referencing his favorite movie.
“And what about that one?” He asked again, his voice still carrying the gentleness that was reserved for his son.
Ethan reached up to hold Max’s finger. “The blue one?” He furrowed his brows, seeing a school of fish in the direction Max was pointing. Max nodded, closing his hand to hold Ethan’s as he held Max’s finger. “Oh. That’s a tang fish.”
You took a quick picture of the two as you marveled at the bond between them, strengthened by shared moments like this.
The day progressed smoothly as you moved from one exhibit to the next. Ethan’s excitement was infectious, drawing the attention of other visitors who couldn’t help but smile at the skipping little boy.
But as you approached the otter exhibit, a crackling announcement came over the loudspeaker. “Attention, visitors: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the otter show will be delayed by thirty minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience.”
You felt Ethan stiffen beside you, rapidly placing his hand into your own with an incredibly strong grip for a five-year-old. His eyes darted around, and you could see the beginnings of panic in his expression. Routine was everything to Ethan, and any disruption could lead to a meltdown.
Max immediately noticed the change in Ethan’s demeanor. He crouched down in front of him, placing a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Hey, buddy, it’s okay. We can wait and see the otters a little later.” He began to rub his thumb back and forth. “If you want to, we can wait here for the otters. See the other creatures after?”
Max’s words, although sweet and showcasing his care, were futile. Ethan’s breathing had already quickened, his eyes wide with fear. He dropped to the floor, covering his ears with his hands. The world was too loud, too bright, too overwhelming.
You joined Max and your son on the floor, softly retrieving Ethan’s helmet from Max. “Ethan, it’s okay. We’re here with you. Breathe with me, remember?” You brushed his head softly, bringing your hand down to his own to bring to your chest, breathing in and out. “Helmet?” you brought said helmet clearly into his eye line. Ethan’s arms quickly reached for it and used the same speed to put the helmet on.
You brought his hand back to your chest and began to count, breaths slow and deliberate, hoping he would match your rhythm. Max sat beside you, hand now rubbing Ethan’s back slowly, as he watched the beautiful bond between a mother and her child. Slowly, Ethan’s breathing began to sync with yours, his body relaxing ever so slightly.
“It’s okay, Ethan,” Max murmured, thankful that no one had come over to cause the situation to escalate. “We’ll wait right here with you.”
As the minutes passed, Ethan’s meltdown gradually subsided. He leaned into you, his helmeted head resting against your shoulder. You exchanged a relieved glance with Max, grateful for his patience and understanding.
The three of you had been sitting calmly against a wall marked with various cartoonified sea animals as Ethan watched a YouTube video of multiple Finding Nemo trailers. You and Max were talking quietly about nothing over the concentrated boy, then receiving the news that the delay had finally ended.
The otter show finally began. Ethan’s eyes lit up as the playful creatures performed their tricks, splashing and diving with effortless grace. Laughter bubbled from him underneath the helmet, the earlier distress forgotten in the face of such joy as he couldn’t sit still in the blue seats.
After the show, you guided Ethan to a quieter area of the aquarium where he could watch the sea turtles and his red-eared slider turtles. The sea turtles glided gracefully through the water, their movements slow and deliberate. Ethan was entranced, his fingers tracing the glass as he followed their every move.
Max wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. The pair of you didn’t take your eyes off of him, basking in the warmth his joy brought you. “You’re amazing with him,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You smiled, resting your head against his chest as you maneuvered in front of him. “So are you. He’s lucky to have you as his dad.”
Max kissed the top of your head, his eyes swirling with the love he had for you and Ethan. “We make a pretty good team.” He spoke into your hair, quiet enough for it to only be shared by the pair of you.
As the day continued, you found yourselves exploring more exhibits, each one a new adventure for Ethan. His excitement was contagious, and you couldn’t help but be drawn into his world, seeing everything through his eyes.
Later, in the cafeteria, you all sat down for a much-needed break. Luckily, there wasn’t much effort needed for Ethan to remove the helmet so he could munch on his favorite snacks. Max watched him with a proud smile, his own meal forgotten for the moment.
“I think this was a good idea,” Max smiled toward you.
“You think?” You furrowed your brows, joking with your boyfriend.
He rolled his eyes, “I know this was a good idea.” He looked toward Ethan as he crunched on the celery sticks, while kicking his feet and tilting his head side to side. “He’s having a great time.”
You nodded, squeezing his hand. “I know so too. It’s good for him to have experiences like this when you’re home.”
As the day drew to a close, you found yourselves back at the entrance of the aquarium. Ethan was tired but happy, his head resting on Max’s shoulder as he drifted off to sleep.
You walked beside him, your heart full. Today had been a reminder of the strength of your family, the unbreakable bond that held you together. Autism was a part of your lives, but it didn’t define you. It was just one aspect of the beautiful, complex tapestry that made up your family.
As you reached the car, Max carefully placed Ethan in his seat, tucking a sea life-patterned blanket around him. You leaned to kiss your son’s forehead, whispering a soft goodnight. Max replicated this, his eyes filled with tenderness.
The drive home was quiet, the only sound being the gentle hum of the engine and Ethan’s soft breathing. You reached over to take Max’s hand, your fingers intertwining. He glanced over at you, his eyes filled with love and gratitude.
“We did good today,” he said softly.
You nodded, pressing a long kiss against the back of his hand to showcase your heart swelling with pride and love. “Yeah, we did. We’re a team, forever and always.”
Max smiled, his grip squeezing three times. “Forever and always.”
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alchemiclee · 2 months
as a fellow introvert; we are social creatures. introverts who purposefully see no one for months on end are usually just in a cycle where its been so long since they’ve hung out that it’s too intimidating for them to do anymore. i 100% feel tired after hanging out with my friends but i DO also feel happy and refreshed! tl;dr - you’re super normal lol. try to reach out to a couple people just to chat this week <3
thanks for reaching out I really appreciate it❤️ but I have to rant a bit. I allow you to ignore it!
I wish to not be a social creature because going too long without having a friend to talk to or not having someone to talk with almost daily feels bad and it's so hard to have a friend when I need one D:
i've been reaching out to people for the last few weeks or so but they don't reach back. try playing games with people but they play with their other friends or dont feel like playing. invite people to hang out but they say maybe and never give an answer or don't respond.
I don't want to bother my closest friends in our group chat too much in our group chat but the chat is mostly me sending messages with no response and even couple times saying I need a friend when I was having bad days but they didn't want to chat and I dont want to force anyone to entertain my lonely depressed ass. (especially when all I really needed was to talk about the new star rail stuff to distract me but I don't think they've finished it yet so I don't want to spoil) they live together so they always have to socialize and probably make each other tired without needing to add me to it.
so i've also been trying to reach out to new people, like joining twitch chats again for the first time in years. but that never goes well and doesn't satisfy my social needs. too many people talking at once and being the new person no one cares about and all....getting to know a new is very exhausting. but it's so hard to just be able to skip all that getting to know each other stuff jump straight into talking about a thing we both like (in this case it's star rail and cosplay and maybe art) I don't have enough already-known people to reach out to and i'm too tired to do the small talk dance until it's appropriate to jump into special interest territory. being autistic is so exhausting. I with to be one of those rare autistics I sometimes hear about that have 0 interest in social interaction at all
so as you can see, i'm trying. so hard. to the point I'm exhausting myself. it's been too much work for no payoff and makes things feel worse when the outcome isn't what I need and its constant reaching with no one grabbing my hand back. so I keep making annoying tumblr posts about it. i'm so sorry to anyone that reads my nonsense 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is a normal thing with me but it's usually kept to my other blog that's reserved for more serious posts like this but I tried posting here as a way to "reach out" and see if it invites any friendly friends or something but I don't think i'm doing it right...
(but I am going to a con tomorrow with someone I haven't talked to in like 2 years. but we don't have anything in common anymore so theres not much to talk about. he's the only person who responded to me after trying to reach out for like a month but I fear it will only exhaust me being around too many people and not help this gross need to have a deeper connecting socialization D:)
#i dont know how to ask for attention without asking for attention because attention seeking is bad and annoying#the more needy and annoying you come off the more people will ignore you. saying i need someone to talk to or hang out with gets me ignored#but being vague gets me also ignored???? like just trying to start a convo by throwing things out randomly doesnt work either#so if i cant be direct or indirect or invite people or ask to be invited or anything else ive tried ehst do i do?#how do i satisfy this stupid social need im cursed with? it takes me a month or 3 to recover from socializing so its not like i always ask#but its still too much. and “you need to find the right people” isnt helpful. because how!!! ive been looking for that for 30 years lmao#i just need someone to invite me and always invite me every time and always reach out first every time (well not every time. just dont make#me be the one every time because thats how it usually seems to go)#but no one wants to do the work and tell me when its ok to bother them. if i bother someone too many times in a row and get no response#then i will stop and wait. and wait. and wait. and give up eventually. or after certain amount of rejections i give up.#so that i dont come off as needy and attention seeking and obnoxious. if people want me they can come to me. and when no one does#that just feels bad. i hate that it feels bad. i wish to make that stop. i wish to turn off feelings.#i cannot figure out the line between bothering someone too much or just enough. how much am i required to push people#and how much is too much where i snap the line while trying to reel them in? because ive snapped more times than ive caught#or the bait just gets completely ignored and i get bored of waiting#oops im slipping into metaphor territory now. that means its time to stop saying words.#hopefully no one reads my annoying tags. i just needed a free space to ramble and vent amd tags are lile little whispers to do that in#but also it is autism acceptance month. people should be adopting a local autistic(me) person to show them what having friends is like#lee rants#im being super particular about how i need to socialize right now as well. dont want trauma bonding/life talks/depression sharing type stuff#only want special interest light hearted goofy fun talks. but those are so hard to do. its easy for people to default into doom conversation#but its hard to keep them on my topic of interest and to stay positive 😭
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arthur-r · 2 years
does anybody know some good attributes about myself that colleges would like that are true and real. it’s for telling my teacher so he can best do a letter of recommendation but i don’t know what to do because i’m not a great student and also don’t want to brag
#my instinct is always to say i’m good with seven year olds but that’s irrelevant in this context#and other than that idk. i have written down that i’m passionate for my interests and do a lot of independent research#but that’s a fancy way of saying i’m autistic and overly invested in my special interests shdhddf#so um. are there any attributes that aren’t just autism and caring for a child half the time#nobody has to come up with anything i know it’s weird and difficult i just want to send an email by tomorrow#saying it’s due november 1st and attaching my resume (1 year of pizza experience and a summer of babysitting. not that impressive)#(*paid babysitting. like i said before i do a lot of compulsory parenting. but not really the same)#and then i have to say what things i want him to highlight about me and i don’t know what to say for that at all#i cant pretend to be attentive i slept in his class. i cant pretend to be motivated i didn’t even turn in my final#and i’m struggling to find things that are good enough about myself to use them in such an important context#like. there needs to be something about me that colleges will care about!!!! that’s terrifying!!!!#and it’s university of wisconsin-madison and i’m so scared. i only get one chance to do it right#and i’m so scared cause my irl friends are applying there and they’re so much more likely to get in than i am#and i don’t even know if i want to be at the same college as any of them but i don’t want to be the only one without a choice#and i’m scared. this is steadily turning into a vent post instead of an advice post i am so sorry#but um. any attribute words that are like. good?? tried the general characteristics section of roget’s and got distracted#it’s not my fault that the thesaurus is so cool. but yeah that’s when i took attentive off the list shdhdf#idk. i like to read and i like to learn and that’s the best things i can think of about me in this context. but that’s not a lot to go on#so help is appreciated. but also not required. thanks in advance#thanks so much sorry for being difficult lately. ok have to put my sister to bed i’ll be back in a bit#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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gayleviticus · 5 months
im certainly not a wonderful saintly christian by any means but idk at the end of the day i read the bible and pray and go to church and talk to people about God because i think knowing God is a worthwhile, meaningful, and rewarding thing.
but some people seem to just not view it that way and i find it very hard to wrap my head around all the underlying assumptions that lead them to beat themselves up for not reading the bible enough or, going cold turkey on movies because they're more entertaining than praying etc. but i guess i think that like, wanting to know God shouldn't be a struggle or constantly beating yourself up or guilting yourself into doing more Religious Things.
ok sure, a certain amount of discipline is kinda necessary for anything you want to do that's worthwhile. a writer needs to push themself to write sometimes. an artist needs to push themself to paint sometimes. even relationships-wise sometimes a parent needs to push themself to wake up early and drive their kid to saturday sport or whatever.
but i feel like your ultimate goal should still be something you genuinely want in a positive, joyful way. if you sometimes need to nudge yourself to read the bible everyday, but it's because you do overall want to deepen your faith, that totally makes sense; it's no different from making yourself run on a day you kinda don't want to because your ultimate goal is a marathon.
but when people view the whole thing as this weird internal struggle where God stuff is threatened by the allures of the world and whatnot it just... seems like an attitude towards faith that has problems at it root.
admittedly i kinda have it easy atm bc i have an autistic special interest in the bible and theology but. idk. it doesnt have to be 'ohno all these other things are dragging my attention away from the bible and prayer and etc' it can be 'ok, what are some ways i can learn more about the bible in an interesting way? what are some different types of prayer i could try?' or even 'am i actually driven by wanting to love God, or do I just feel pressured to be doing this?'
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venuscrashed · 11 months
I lived the Miles x autistic reader fic. So I wanted to ask I you could write 42! Miles x Autistic male reader, who talks a lot, like always tell him about his special interest and one day, Miles had a rough time and he snaps at the reader for talking so much, and the reader just goes non-verbal.
Please and thank you
The angst. 😭
Also sorry that this is bad. I have not motivation.
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Annoyance. That’s all Miles felt in that very moment. If he knew what would happen he would have never done it. He knew how you were but you just caught him at a bad time.
His uncle criticized him for making a mistake on a mission. It was stupid, he knew, but it still bothered him. He came home and you were laying there on his bed. The smile you gave him almost made everything better but you went straight to talking.
You went on about this one movie that’s coming out based off of your favorite book series. You talked about the cast and how you wished the cgi wasn’t going to be bad. Then you went into the lore of the book, what happened and how it did.
You noticed that Miles wasn’t really paying attention as he was walking around the room. His mood was different. You asked about it and he just snapped. “Why do you talk so much,” he yelled at you. “Can you shut up for one minute?”
He noticed how you stiffened. He was about to apologize, really he was but you ran out to much. He knew how much this movie means to you and he knew that you weren’t the problem. He felt so bad.
“Miles what happened?” His mother asked, “I heard what happened. Why did you yell at him?”
He sat down in his bed, his face in his hands. “I messed up. Real bad.”
His mother went and sat next to him, giving a comforting hand. “At least you realize that. Now go apologize to him. If you run you might make it to him.”
Miles looked up at his mom, “Thanks.”
Miles ran out of that apartment with all the speed he had left. He was jumping down the stairs, practically flying. He stopped once he saw you. “(Name)!” He grabbed ahold of your arm and turned you around.
“I’m sorry. I really am, I know how much that movie meant to you. And I want you to know that I’m not mad at you. You just got me at a bad time.”
He saw you staring at him, you were crying. He was hugging you and you felt how sorry he was. “How about we go see that movie the day it comes out?” He cleaned you face.
Something was different, you weren’t answering him. You avoided his eye contact and just left him. God he was an idiot.
He would have never had yelled if he knew you were going to go silent. Your parents explained to him how he was the problem, and he knew that. He was sorry.
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jotarobutcat · 7 months
I'll just be honest and say that I hate it when people use neurodivergency as an excuse to be immature. And by that I don't mean things like liking shows with a younger target audience or getting overwhelmed by tasks. These have nothing to do with being emotionally mature.
I mean refusing to cooperate or make compromises, throwing tantrums in public and overall disregarding other people's needs in order to make yourself comfortable.
The world doesn't revolve around you. We live in communities, and in order for the community to prosper, you need to take into account other people's needs and comfort as well, not just yours. If you have special needs, you're obviously allowed to ask that these needs are met as well as possible, but neurodivergency isn't a "do whatever you want without consequences" card.
You're allowed to have emotions, you're allowed to feel overwhelmed and you're allowed to have your own wants and needs, but you need to learn to communicate these in a mature way and to take other people into consideration as well. It's a part of growing up and maturing.
And before you come at me with the "we shouldn't have to abide by neurotypicals' rules", many of these rules also benefit many neurodivergent people. For example, I am extremely oversensitive to noise and have trauma from overbearing parents, if an adult man suddenly started screaming while I was bying new clothes I would likely have a panic attack. When somebody chews with their mouth open I feel like someone is trying to put a living spider in my ear. When someone throws a tantrum I have a hard time keeping myself calm because the noise is so overwhelming that it fills me with violent anger. It's not just neurotypical people who the "don't be an obnoxious little shit" rule benefits.
EDIT: Since this is getting way more attention than I thought it would, and some misunderstandings have arisen, I'll just add here what I explained in the comments as well. Before anything, this edit is merely to prevent further misunderstandings, not to put anyone on a pedestal of shame for misunderstanding what I meant. The original post leaves many things vague, and it is understandable that it might come off the wrong way.
This post is about using neurodivergency as an excuse for bad behaviour, not as an explanation for problems that actually come with neurodivergency. It is specifically aimed at people with autism and/or ADHD who use their neurodivergency as an excuse for behaviour that is usually *not even caused by their neurodivergency*, but rather bad parenting or other external factors.
The word "tantrum" is NOT used to describe meltdowns here. Tantrums and meltdowns are very different in nature, the former being usually caused by an inability to accept not getting exactly what one wants, and the latter being caused by emotional or physical overwhelm. During tantrums a person is in control of their emotions, but chooses to release them as an angry outburst towards other people. During meltdowns a person is NOT in control of their emotions, and cannot choose how they present their overwhelm. If you need an example of what I mean by tantrums, you can look at your nearest neighbourhood "Karen" for that, and you will probably see that the kind of behaviour I mean is very different from an autistic meltdown.
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WIBTA for forcing my older sibling to join me for a therapist session? I (FtM22) have an older sibling (M25) who is autistic. One of his struggles is lack of empathy, while I am overly empathetic (also autistic). He has like two friends ever and he calls them his "real siblings" and I think it's because he has trouble making friends so he will do ANYTHING for these two friends. One of them would physically beat me up whenever they saw me but my mom didn't ban that person from our house because my brother had a meltdown when my mom suggested it. Because of this and the fact that I refused to watch his special interest tv show, he ignores me. Since I am his blood sibling, I guess he thinks our relationship is assured and that he doesn't have to put any time or effort in maintaining our relationship? I have more internet clout then him but he wants to be an internet celebrity so the only time he's not ignoring me is when he can film me saying something stupid. Like he pressured me into drinking and started quizzing me about trivia and filmed me getting the answers wrong and posted it. It was a real struggle to get him to take the video down. Not very funny. He does this all the time. Over half of his tiktoks are just him secretly filming me. Or he pays me to write jokes for him to say on his twitch streams because his chat thinks I'm funnier. I go along with it because I don't really care about my internet followers I just desperately want my older brother to pay attention to me and acknowledge me as his younger brother. As long as I am more popular than him he'll keep paying attention to me. I've asked him to please stop telling his followers that his friends are his "real" siblings and to stop calling me his "legal" sibling. We are NOT step siblings we have the same parents. He has ignored these requests and says there's nothing wrong with it. He has a therapist and so do I but when I asked if he would be willing to have a joint session with his therapist he refused. I just really want to sit him down and explain that he can't treat me badly just because I'm his blood sibling. There are plenty of siblings IRL that go No Contact and if he keeps being mean to me I will head out. I also want him to stop using me for internet clout and talk to me for other reasons than his own personal gain. However trying to tell him this makes him "overwhelmed" and he has to immediately leave the room five words in and if I don't let him leave he'll start screaming or on one occasion, threatened to out me as trans to our transphobic abusive father (I'm not out of the closet yet). I can't imagine a single way to get my feelings across without a therapist being there. WIBTA if I persuaded my parents to force him into a therapy session with me? I'm willing to take the risk of him outing me to our dad I just want my brother to treat me like a friend and not someone he can steamroll over because I'm "forced" to love him. However I am aware that he has a lot of issues and that maybe I'm forcing him to acknowledge some truths that he isn't ready for? Part of why he treats his two friends like gold is because those relationships are really important to him and he knows friendships can degrade. If I show him that our relationship is degrading, will that make him insecure or worse?
What are these acronyms?
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pluto-supremacy · 11 months
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Hobie Brown headcanons: dating a gn!autistic!reader
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➼These headcanons are based off some struggles I deal with myself as an autistic person, what my friends with autism face, and what i have seen and researched online. Autism is a spectrum and remember that everyone has different needs and levels of support, I just tried to include what i know in this post!
➼ Inspired by @hobie-enthusiast's fic QUIET AND EASE ! If you haven't read it you totally should! His writing is amazing and he has some of the best Hobie fics on here!
➼ No beta we die like uncle Aaron
➼No warnings here! Contains fluff
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GIF doesn't belong to me! All credits to the original owner
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Hobie is in tune with your needs, spidey-sense and all. He's pretty good at being able to predict when you're going to have a meltdown and will throw anyone out of the room to give you some space to calm down and work through it
Has ear defenders or headphones on him at all times and spare sets around his flat just for you
If you let him/want him to he will totally paint them for you, whatever you want
New safe food? He's stocked up like he's preparing for a blizzard
Never pressures you to try new foods or to 'get out of your comfort zone', but will encourage you if that is what you want
Safe food turned against you? He's boycotting it with you
"Luv I ain't ev'n like [food]"
Has invested in several weighted blankets of various weights
If you have sensory issues with clothing (tags, hate the feel of certain material, etc) but still want to steal his clothes, he will happily modify your favorite pieces of his so you can wear it. Hell, his whole closet even
Despite hating consistancy, he knows how important routine is to you and will throw that belief away in a heartbeat (just for you though)
Helps you with transitions, like giving ten minute warnings before you two go out, getting you a nice fluffy robe to make getting out of the shower easier, or writing out what you're doing for the day and when so you can mentally prepare yourelf
Will listen for hours about your special interest, even if you think he wouldn't care or like it. Hello Kitty? He's listening. Enbalming methods from the 1800's? Doesn't matter, you have his full attention and loves learning about whatever you love
If you're non-verbal, selectivly mute, or low-verbal, he finds other ways to help you communicate. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable and heard. 'Yes/No' buttons? You've got them. Flash cards with your needs? Got it on a clip and all so you can carry it around easier, and he helps you decorate them. Signing? Hobie's learning BSL now so he can understand you (and honestly loves signing with you)
Hobie has a huge fidget toy collection that you're welcome to take from at any time, no questions asked
New hyperfixation? He'll get you what you need to do it. Embroidary? He's already got needles and thread, you can practice on his clothes. Same with sewing, he'll teach you if you want. A new video game? He borrows the console needed just for you
He knows that he can get a little loud, especially when going out as spiderpunk. Hobie's mindful to keep his voice down around you and will remind anyone else if they're getting too loud
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A/N: Might end up adding more to this in the future! Just wanted to finally post something and it's 4 am-
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
Hi! Could I maybe request a one-shot about about an autistic reader who’s been asked out as a joke a lot, so when Terzo genuinely asks they assume he’s doing it to be a jerk?
Hopefully you enjoy this one…apologies if anything isn’t exactly correct! -Death
Terzo Asking Out Autistic GN!Reader
You had heard quite a lot about the infamous third Emeritus son. He was charming, kind, flirtatious…some less kind words as well.
Though you weren’t bothered much by the rumours about people the other siblings wanted to date. At this point you pretty much decided you didn’t need romance due to how that often panned out in the past.
People thought it was funny to bet their friends to ask out the “weird kid”. Standing you up on dates all because it was a cruel joke to them. To them you couldn’t possibly feel anything.
Not since an asshole of a teacher outed you as being autistic. Stereotypes defining you to your peers despite it being a spectrum. The higher functioning end of the spectrum was where you were classified, though you did have some sensory issues surrounding the fluorescent lights in the classrooms and certain textures.
A substitute had outed your condition, asking in a very fake whisper about it. Which started the mockery and years of teasing. Years of your emotions being played with until you just gave up on the idea of anyone seriously asking you out.
Even after joining the ministry, romance wasn’t something you actively sought out. Fearing the same fate as in your younger years.
Though your eye was drawn to Terzo Emeritus.
The anti pope was flamboyant, charming, charismatic and…very attractive. Half the congregation was attracted to them. Wanting nothing more than to win his eye. To be his.
You kept to the background. There was always a chance you would simply get hurt again by an uncaring soul. Working quietly in the library among the shelves.
Not noticing the curious eyes following you in the hallways, the longing glances after you as you exited black mass. One green, one white eye filled with the desire to find you and talk to you. Terzo determined to get to know the stunning sibling which he never saw much of.
Which lead to them appearing in the library one day, paintless. Wearing nothing but a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a tight tank top carrying a stack of books. Placing them on your desk carefully and offering a gentle smile.
“Excuse me, sibling. Would you mind helping me put these away?”
You blinked a few times at the request but nodded, grabbing an empty cart. Not recognizing the man before you right away.
“Sure, split the pile in half so we don’t lose any.”
You instructed calmly, watching him move the books carefully. Grabbing a few cards you had made to help you find certain sections that were harder to distinguish. The man getting behind the cart to push it as you began walking.
The conversation between you both was mostly about the choices of books the man brought you. Though when you finally looked at his face you took note of the mismatched eyes.
Mid-rant about one of your special interests no less.
“O-Oh my Satan, I am so sorry Papa-!”
Terzo just smiled warmly at you as they shook their head to stop the apologies. Continuing to walk to the nest section.
“No need for apologies…I quite enjoy how much knowledge you have on the subject. I would love to hear more over dinner sometime soon.”
That particular phrase made you freeze in place, heart racing as you processed the request. The library suddenly felt far too small as you backed away. Terzo taking notice of your reaction and growing concerned.
“I-I’m sorry Papa…but I just can’t do this again.”
You explained shakily before running from him. The satanic anti pope calling after you with wide eyes. Not that you bothered responding as you rushed away in tears of frustrated disbelief.
He would never seriously ask you out. No one would. No matter how kind or attentive he seemed listening to you before…
No one seriously asked you out.
After a few hours of hiding alone in your room, getting your emotions back under control, and wallowing in self pity you finally decided to walk through the gardens to clear your head. Going to a spot Primo showed you for when the world seemed like far too much.
An isolated fountain in a lonely corner. The sound of the water trickling down the intricate artwork calming your mind during smaller moments of overwhelming circumstances.
Though you froze seeing Terzo sitting there; painted up and staring into the water. Perking up once he saw you.
“There you are…I’ve been looking for you.”
They frowned as they noticed your red eyes, reaching out to offer a hug.
“Sit, tell me what or who has made you cry…”
You sniffled softly, debating taking the offer.
“Would you even care…? Is this all some trick just so you can hurt me too?”
His face softened as he pulled you into a tight hug, holding you to his chest. Their hand softly rubbing up and down your back with a tender whisper.
“I don’t care if you are different than other people…I know the pain of being mocked and ridiculed for something you cannot help. I would never toy with your heart like that…”
The sincere words made quiet sobs escape you as you hid in his chest. Their arms wrapped tightly around you as he offered the comfort you never thought you’d get.
It was no shock that you decided to go out with him after all.
Written by Death.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @lightbluuestars @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back
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knightbeng · 1 year
RWBY and Neurodiversity
Ive been thinking about this for a while but resisted posting until Volume 9 ended. Mainly to see how Ruby’s ascension would resolve, because I knew it would impact how I felt about this. 
Also this is long. Like seriously long. Once I started it got out of hand. But I feel it is all Important. 
I will start by saying that I am autistic, and I have friends and family who are both autistic and or neurodiverse. I also understand that a lot of this maybe subtext or head cannon, and at times deeply personal. I also get that this will never be made cannon or had ever even be intended by CRWBY. But, I cannot escape some of the connections I have made or how I relate to some characters. 
Right with that out of the way
RUBY IS AUTISTIC, or at least somewhere on the spectrum.
From the first volume I could see some of the traits coming through. From the use of headphones and music separating her from the world around her. Her over exuberance when is excited or interested in something. Right up to her passion/special interest in weapons and being a huntresses. This is not to lessen the other characters interests or passions, but Ruby’s is very much all consuming. She speaks about how she went over board on Crescent Rose’s design, and about how much she likes others designs. Including Jaune’s classic Crocea Mors. I cannot help but see my own love of history. That took me to university and beyond. Like Ruby with any weapon, I love any history. 
Then there is her abilities in the classroom. Ruby is clearly a natural talent, but she is never shown to be a savant. She has issues keeping her attention in class and with the work load. Although I do understand that this can be put down to being jumped ahead and that Port n Oobleck’s class seem to have a similar effect on others. Much like me and some of my friends we had classes we loved but struggled to show it though other academic difficulties. 
The early volumes also cover her struggles to connect with people. Such as wanting to be with Yang, instead of meeting new people. Or with Weiss and hers rocky relationship, early on. Countered with the open acceptance by Jaune, who sees a fellow outsider. Although for different reasons. Her own comment of wanting “normal knees” is something I think everyone one with autism can relate too. The wish to be just like everyone else and not stand out. That, at times, can be the greatest wish living in a world you struggle with. 
Then there’s the events post Beacon. They show a defining personality trait so common in autism. Her unshakeable moral centre. It can be hard to describe but it is well documented the autistic people have a very strong sense of justice and morals. Although obliviously not all the same morals. We are all have a different in outlook, just like everybody else. Ruby’s is based around helping people and making the world a better place. 
This is shown most strongly in her mission to walk to Haven. Even if most would say she is too young and it is too dangerous, for 4 unqualified huntsmen/huntress. They went and got hurt and burnt out along the way. Yes others went with her but would they have gone without her taking the lead. It shows a lack of self awareness that can be common as autistic people. To the point that they burn themselves out pushing to achieve things, without taking time for themselves. 
The other massive tell is her reaction to Ironwood. She has no dislike for him and shares his goal. But, his actions and plans go against her moral code. So again she sticks to her morals and works to stop him, while rescuing Atlas, at the same time. Yes others agreed that he was in the wrong, but would the likes of Winter changed their allegiance, without someone like Ruby offering an alternative.
Then we get to the biggest thing for me and the reason I felt I had to put my feelings down. Volume 9. While Ruby’s mental state and issues during this volume are very much based in trauma, lose and depression. That a lot of people can relate too, not just the autistic community. I cannot help but think about what she says before she drinks the tea. “I don’t want to be me anymore.” I have never related to a character more. Or be triggered more, for that matter. When I spoke to some of my autistic friends about it, it was something all of us had felt at one moment or another, to varying degrees. See we all know we cannot separate autism from the rest of our person. Most of us don’t even know what is an autistic trait and what is just us. But, I need to make this clear, none of us want a cure or to be changed. More the reaction was things I have felt at times when at your lowest a small voice screams that would it be easier if you weren’t you. 
Then there is Ruby’s ascension. After episode 9 when it was put to her she could change to be someone else, and people where discussing how she might change, if you see Ruby though the lens I’ve described it can be harmful.
Now I don’t want it to sound like I’m accusing CRWBY of not thinking about this. Thousands of people watch RWBY and can be effected by it in ways they would not think, not having that person’s experience. They are telling a story, and that story includes these real moments. 
Back to the point. Telling someone with autism or that person thinking they have to change to achieve or be accepted is a horrible experience. And it is something almost all autistic people experience. It is the reason we learn to mask and hide who we are. The world tells you that it is what’s expected of you. So when in episode 10 Ruby chooses herself and is then reminded that her friends accept her for being herself. It is powerful. Again I understand that this can relate to a lot of things; imposter syndrome, being gay or race issues. But, as someone who is autistic this is how I saw it. I personally have only had 2 people truly accept me like this. 
PENNY is the only other character I see as on the spectrum. Obviously a lot of her character traits are put down to her being a robot. But as Ruby says to her does that make her any less a real person. In fact the relationship between Penny and Ruby is a massive indicator for me of them being on the spectrum. When they first team Ruby asks if she was just like Penny to Weiss. It is not uncommon for autistic people to spot each other quickly, whether they realise it or not. Then when they meet up at the tournament, both feel no need to hide who they are. Ruby is openly dorky in asking Penny about Ciel’s knowledge and Penny doesn’t hide her excitement to see her friend. 
This is repeated multiple times when Penny returns in Atlas. Each time they see each other they share and communicate in away that they don’t with others. Such as hugging Ruby first and asking do all hugs feel like this, before hugging others. She knows that Ruby will be honest and non-judge mental. In fact we can see how non autistic people react when Penny is her over excited, unmasked, self in front of them. Winter stopping Penny bouncing is a typical action from neurotypicals. Even if it comes from a place of care and concern, with no wish to harm, as I believe Winters was. But it is something neither Penny or Ruby would do to the other. 
Then there is Penny’s morals. She is clearly guided to help her friends, people and world. At great detriment to herself. She becomes the hero of Mantel, protecting those who can not protect themselves, and when others will not. Much like Ruby she will risk it all for her sense of justice. 
One of the most impactful parts of Penny’s story is that of virus. I didn’t even think of this, my friend pointed it out when I spoke to her about it. But her Penny is controlled by the virus, she felt it worked as a metaphor for Applied Behaviour Analysis or ABA. Which if you haven’t heard of it, is a horrible thing to experience as someone with autism. Much like conversion therapy for the LGBTQ+ community this works by trying to train you out of being autistic and make you more accepting for others. Penny is pushed towards things she doesn’t want to do and most horribly to do harm. She becomes a tool to the villains, which can also mirror how some savant autistics are treated. There skills used for a “greater good” instead of them being in control of their own destiny. 
Now I want to move on to discuss Ships. These are all Ruby related and while I’m not saying these should be cannon or that they are over other ships, cannon or otherwise, but I feel they work at different points in Ruby’s story when viewed as discussed above. 
LADYBUG is the first ship I gravitated towards in the show. For me Blake was the first character to simply accept Ruby as who she was. This does stem from Blake’s own wish to be accepted for who is she and not what she is, but it is still important to outwardly show it to others as well. I understand that a lot of people find this to be a boring ship, I think that’s because it lacks drama, but for me the idea of someone new accepting you without question or concern is powerful. That is why I like the ship. It is comforting and has little interpersonal drama between the two. More mutually assured care and concern. In fact that is why they talk so little in the show. They understand and trust each other. One of the many reasons people have Blake as a deputy team leader, during and after the events of Volume 9, is this mutual trust. 
NUTS AND DOLTS maybe the most loved ship these days. Outside of Bumblebee, that is. As I have already gone into Penny and Ruby’s relationship as being very neurodiverse. They are themselves with each other, and communicate more easily with the other. Although I would add this is the only one I see as asexual, but I think both characters can be seen as both asexual and not. Just when they are together, they are asexual. Plus after events in Volumes 8 & 9 I think we can call it as close to cannon as possible. 
WHITEROSE i find the most interesting. At the start of the series I never got it. Weiss was mean and uncaring to Ruby. Why would Ruby ever being interested romantically in Weiss. But then as the show progress I understood it. Weiss is just as bigger dork as Ruby but due to reasons outside of autism, she had to mask this. Seeing Ruby act as she wishes and not be punished for it, as she might have been, lets her drop the mask. Two big things outside of the main show solidified this for me. The first is Ice Queendom. We see inside Weiss’ mind and how she has locked away her childish side for protection. Going as far as to do the same thing to Ruby. The second is that I was recently introduced to The Owl House. Luz and Amity’s relationship has a lot of similarities to Weiss and Ruby. Both start with a cold and unforgiving person who is thawed by the loveable dolt. Bringing out there more natural playful side, originally hidden away to protect themselves. Now after the loss of Penny and Weiss being so accepting of Ruby in the ever after. She is the first to call her name when she returns and doesn’t ask any questions, after all. I can see it becoming cannon. If there is time. 
Thank you for reading this I know it is long but I felt I never saw much discussion about RWBY from this perspective. 
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popcaki · 2 years
Platonic Simon ”Ghost” Riley x reader - headcanons
Some general headcanons for Ghost, as well as Ghost x reader headcanons. This is all platonic stuff! I guess you can see it as normal friends or family things or just things that couples do that isn’t romantic or sexual. READER IS GENDER NEUTRAL!
there seems to be a big amount of smut fics, a bit overwhelming so I decided to just write some platonic stuff for anyone who needs or wants just platonic content!
note: I personally see Ghost as autistic and at least neurodivergent, so expect some headcanons related to that as well! (I am autistic myself)
also these might be in a weird order, sorry!
General headcanons for Ghost
He enjoys his personal time and whatever free time he gets by doing quiet and calming activities, usually on his own!
Simon finds a sense of peace in taking walks in nature, reading a book or playing a card game with himself, it’s very simple and not unique things, but it’s oddly calming.
However he needs to do something constantly, as it keeps his mind occupied. I feel like him being left alone with his thoughts could have him spiral a bit.
Him being autistic he probably masks a lot. Specially when he needs to lead and give commands, or in stressful situations.
He likes listening rather than talking! He’s always off to the side, avoiding the main group and conversation. As much as he likes attention he also tries to avoid it a lot. It’s a weird mix of both loving and hating attention. When in stressful situations or during a mission he only speaks when he has to or when he needs information. (He’s also very cautious)
I think if someone isn’t clear with what they mean, avoid, sugarcoat, anything but be direct. He would most likely get annoyed. He is extremely straighfoward and direct, and wants clear instructions and information. No side tracking, get to the point. I believe not being direct with him will cause him to feel uncertainty, not only is it important due to the military setting, but uncertainty would bring up some hidden anxiety in him.
He has a easier time talking to people he is comfortable with and trust! and of course, makes jokes.
I think he stims a lot more when no one can see him or in private. When in full view he masks and refrains from it, maybe tapping his fingers lightly or doing something subtle if he still has to stim.
Ghost most likely goes into shutdowns rather than meltdowns when everything gets overwhelming. He retreats and needs privacy, you won’t likely see him anywhere. Will not respond.
He can probably eat most things but has a few safe foods, and no not because he’s british but I do believe tea is one of them. I can see him liking some simple cookies/biscuits, likes the texture of it and it being very simple and consistent!
he has different special interests! he might not even be aware they are just that (defientely a thing for knives)
Headcanons of platonic Ghost and reader
Only way I see that reader can meet Simon is being in the military field themselves. I don’t think he stays in one place, moves around a lot when he isn’t on call/duty, this would make it hard to meet someone and remain in contact with if you’re a civilian.
It would take a bit for him to grow trust in you! not weeks, not months probably years. When I mean trust I mean the big and deep trust where he would express himself more and tell you things, not the ”I trust my teammate to be able to shoot someone who’s attacking me, because that’s their job”
Unless you can prove to him that he can trust you in a extreme way. Take this for as a gain trust quickly example, Soap, Alejandro etc not siding with Graves and defending each other including Ghost is a big step in building trust.
Once he grows more comfortable with you as well as trust he would probably crack some jokes with you and the rest of the team, however not too often especially during missions unless he needs to (Alone mission) He’ll be most likely hyperfocused on the mission alone.
Those jokes will range from dad jokes to very edgy just for shock value jokes.
If there is freetime or the team casually hangs out he’d be a bit more ”relaxed”(as relaxed as Ghost can be)
Someone will have to convince him to join for a card game you and the team are playing. He’d be very quiet and be thinking a lot in what his move would be and try to figure out what you and the others will do and so on. If it’s just you and him playing a card game, there won’t be much talk! at least from him, expect a strategic game.
He’s an awful loser as well as winner, his ego will get hurt if he loses, get all moody and sour. If he wins he would brag. He would most likely bring up you loosing in the game in the future as a counter argument or just to annoy you.
He takes things literally a lot of the time, if he asks you if you want anything and you say no to be polite, he will not get that thing for you. He cannot read your mind and probably won’t ask you ”are you sure?”
the only thing he would willfully make for you is tea, if you don’t like tea he’ll take the tea himself.
He’s not someone that would really make or give things to people, even friends. There is a certain independence he expects of you and others, being able to make, get and do things for yourself. He of course will help you in survival situations, have your back in combat and if you get injured bring you to safety and try to patch you up if no medic is available.
with time of knowing you, if he stumbles upon something he knows you like, anything really, from a movie, book, plant, supplies for whatever hobby you like! He might get it for you.
Ghost gives you (thing you like)
You: ??? ”Where did you find this?”
Ghost: ”In the trashpile over there.”
You: ”thanks?”
he does a slight nod and goes off to do whatever Ghost does, kill people
If he’s your superior expect more scolding from him if you do something irresponsible.
Whenever he gets comfortable with you, if a conversation leads to it or if you ask. He would 100% wanna talk about his special interests, I think knife collecting is one. He would know a lot about knives, models, history about them, and how to use them effectively and in different ways! He’d unintentionally infodump which might take you by surprised if you’re neurotypical or just not used to it from him!
Infodumping brings him joy even if he’d be afraid to admit, and if he becomes friends with you he’d love infodumping! He’d get into a lot of details so expect being there and listening to him for a while. He’ll tell you all about it when it comes to his special interests. If there is a book he likes, he’d tell you all about it.
Him joking or infodumping is the rare times you’ll hear him talk a lot more than usual.
Don’t peer pressure him into eating or drinking especially in public! Ignoring the mask wearing, he does not enjoy doing this in public. He prefers eating and drinking alone! but he’ll come back to you and the group after!
If you compliment him he won’t respond, he does not do well with positive feedback. (He also has a big ego and knows he’s good at something) (he does not thank Rudolfo after he compliments Ghost’s knife throwing) Despite not responding to your compliment or positive feedback, know that it does mean a lot to him!
Expect nonverbal communication or lack of communication, don’t take it personally. You’ll need to learn how he communicates, as he’ll most likely have already figured out how you communicate. Silence from him isn’t usually a sign of a hidden meaning or agenda, it’s genuine. (Sometimes he could intentionally go silent tho with a agenda)
I mentioned he has also a very direct way of communicating, he’ll be pretty blunt with you and the team. Talking when he needs to and only if he asks something. There won’t be much small talk.
Don’t take it personally if he seems rude he’s mostly likely actually not being intentionally rude. He is either silent or quick and direct because there isn’t much he can or wants to talk about. It’s hard for him to see a reason to talk to you about things that arent related to the mission, infodumping or just making silly jokes.
Him infodumping isn’t onesided by the way, he’s a listener too, you’ll probably sit there for an hour listening to him, but when he is done he would really enjoy listening to you infodump or just talk about your interests! (unless you’re on a mission or he has something to do, but he wouldn’t himself infodump in the first place if this was the case!)
Being able to just exist quietly in a comfortable silence together is something he enjoys with you and the team. It takes a certain level of being comfortable with someone.
If you, yourself are autistic or neurodivergent, I think you and him would have an easier time communicating, he would be able to understand you better and you him. This isnt saying you being neurotypical wouldn’t give the same result!
If you’re autistic too I could imagine you both be infodumping for hours, someone would need to interrupt you two otherwise you’d stop and find out 5 years has passed even tho it felt like 5 minutes
if you like to play videogames he wouldnt mind trying it out (he might even play videogames himself he just wont admit it) He’d be a very tryhard player tho so you two might get a bit competitive, or he might not even take it seriously. Who knows!
Don’t be afraid to joke with him! he enjoys jokes, sharing jokes would be some quality time spending with each other!
He won’t really ask about your personal life or past, I don’t think it would ever cross his mind, you would need to be the one who brings it up first. He would never ever try to disrespect your boundaries when it comes to your personal life, he wouldn’t ask about it unless you bring it up first, and if you don’t wanna talk about something regarding it he won’t push or stick his nose in, in anyway. He’s very respectful when it comes to other people’s past or personal life!
He wouldn’t mind helping you with training! He’d give you advice and tips! He’d give a ”good job!” or so when you finish or succeed with something! If you don’t train, he’d still give positive feedback for other things! They would be very short and quick feedback but he means well!
Despite his cold demeanour, he cares about his friends and team! Just remember that! He just shows it in his own ways. He might not comfort you when you’re sad or feeling bad in a way that is expected or what you expect.
If you’re sad he’d try to give you advice if that’s not right thing to do in the moment he would just kinda either leave you be to give you privacy, as he prefers privacy when if he were to get emotional, or he would just sit in the same space as you, hoping him showing you by just being there that you’re not alone.
At most he’d give you some awkward patting on the back, unless you made it clear you don’t want any physical touch! He’s super respectful of peoples boundaries when it comes to that.
If you’re autistic and have a meltdown he would react a bit more different! this also includes panic/anxiety attacks. He’d give you room and remove any thing that might be the cause of it/stress. He would not raise his voice in anyway, he’s likely be silent, talk calmly at most.
If you’ve stated what you need during a meltdown before, he will 100% remember that and do the things you’ve requested. He will not push you or put any pressure or expectations on you!
If this happens during combat or in a dangerous area, he would take the lead! he would make sure you’re safe and he will take watch and make sure the area is safe. He would never let his friend or team mate get injured or worse, specially during a meltdown so he’d do anything he can to help.
If you get exhausted after a meltdown, and even to a point of not being able to do anything. He’d help you out as much as he can, he’d would even give you a piggyback ride to any safe space if needed.
hopefully there isn’t too many typos, and nothing is too ooc, this is just how see Ghost mainly!
He may act all scary, cold and silent, but he tbh has a silly side to him, and clearly cares for his teammates. Trauma does affect people, by a lot, changes things and causes lots of damage. But it’s not the only thing to the character so it’s nice adding some stuff I think he would do and like!
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0rb0t · 1 year
Don't mind me, just talking about Shadow as being on the autistic spectrum, and how his portrayal in the games and anime (before 2010s era) reflected this even if it was never outright stated.
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    When I was in high school, I struggled a lot in social situations, I'd go completely stiff and just watch people. I had a "resting bitch face", I never really could have conversations and seemed to just fixate on things. I'd make observations that irritated people. I'd ask "why" a lot. (Asking why or even asking 'obvious' questions seemed to make people think I was questioning their judgment, or that I was challenging them. But no, I just didn't understand and wanted clarification. I still run into this a lot and I wish people would stop assuming I have ulterior motives. I just wanna understand stuff better cause it doesn't connect for me. Even if it seems obvious. I'm the genius that asked my mom why she was crying at her dad's funeral when I was 11. It's not that I didn't understand why Grandpa was gone, I knew he passed away, but it hadn't really landed for me, and my brain registered my mom's sadness before it registered the why.)
    I didn't like small talk (still don't) and would rather every interaction have a specific purpose. You'd never catch me at a party and I didn't think drinking or drugs looked fun or interesting. The act of rebelling didn't interest me either. The few interests I did have were something I'd always go back to, and I couldn't function without them. (For me, drawing has always been a huge part of my life and if I didn't have a pencil or pen and paper, then I couldn't hear. I know, very weird. If I were doodling or just even had my sketchbook open, I could study a lot easier. In High school, my teachers started telling me to put the sketchbook away, and my grades plummeted because my attention did, too. Trying to tell them just kind of led to the same old "well everyone else can't doodle so you can't either". I wasn't in any of the special ed stuff because I guess I masked too well.)
    Sonic 06 and Sonic X have the same characterization for Shadow, especially in Japanese, and I think that's honestly the best he'd ever been-- he's quiet, he's reserved, he observes and he doesn't like to "waste time". Not because he's edgy, not because he's a jerk or too serious, but because he struggles in social situations and he's more introverted. He doesn't want to be the centre of attention, he doesn't enjoy any of that. Shadow also behaves like an adult, and I'm sure a ton of us on the spectrum have heard that before, that we're very mature for our age. In reality, we can't relate with our peers and have very fixated interests that don't really expand to other things. Limited interests and we just wanna do stuff tied to that. We know so much about that one thing or those things, but those things won't get you ahead in school. Unless you're LUCKY and your fixation is math, oy vey! (My fixation was etymology. I loved learning and knowing where words came from. Useful for 2 seconds in English class, quickly loses its usefulness in a skill-oriented world.)
    I don't even think he's naturally boastful, at least he wasn't since SA2 (when he was an antagonist), but Sonic brings out a competitive side in him. Sonic brings out the childhood-self that he lost to trauma and being sealed away. Shadow never got to be a normal kid/adult. He has always had expectations placed on him. I think Sonic really brings out a side of him that even surprises himself. It's why he will even say very often "What am I doing?" or "This is such a waste of time!" but he won't STOP… Because he's having fun and doesn't know how to describe his own feelings. Shadow's the type who'll say "I'm fine" no matter what state he's in when you ask if he's okay. My spouse is like this actually-- I can often tell when he's feeling down, but he doesn't know how to describe emotions beyond functional things like "i'm healthy" or "i'm unhealthy", so he'll say he's fine even if he's having a melancholy day. I struggle with understanding my emotional responses, but not necessarily identifying them. A lot of people on the spectrum do struggle with identifying their emotions beyond empirical things. "Do I feel sick? No? then I'm fine" Shadow is exactly like this. And because his expression is so neutral, sometimes intense, he gets mistaken as being angry or too serious. In reality, he's just standing there. He's not gonna expend energy smiling when he's got nothing to smile about. Why force yourself to emote for people? Especially if it feels unnatural.
    Another thing about Shadow being autistic is if he's got nothing to say, then he won't say it. If he wants to leave, he'll leave. Good luck stopping him! But for many actual people it's not an option to leave. We can't just teleport out or skate at lightning speeds like he can, so we have to just sit there and do little coping or self soothing methods to keep ourselves in the moment and calm. We don't often see Shadow stimming in traditionally understood ways, like lip biting or rubbing his arms or fidgeting with his fingers-- but he often stands with his arms crossed. This CAN BE a stim. Feeling the weight of your arms on top of each other, it allows for you to be aware of your own body. I fold my arms a lot in public, because I'm usually playing with the hem of my sleeves, or I'm rubbing my arms or squeezing them. Shadow doesn't seem to do any of that but he's rarely seen without his arms folded.
    When his arms aren't folded, he stands so still and just stares at people. He looks completely out of his element. He doesn't seem to have a relaxed stance--until the anime, where he's shown standing with his hand on his hip. Rouge also does this, leading to the popular headcanons that Shadow is unintentionally imitating Rouge-- his masking leads him to identify the most 'normal' person in the room and copy their behavior in order to blend in better. Unfortunately it rarely, in my experience, leads to people NOT thinking I'm weird. Sometimes I'll even start imitating speech patterns or accents and BOY. I don't even realize I'm doing it until it HAPPENS. So embarrassing. But Shadow absolutely imitates everyone around him. We can see him do this even as far back as Sonic Heroes--that scene where he's nodding or shaking his head to whatever Rouge is saying. The scene where Sonic starts getting competitive and Shadow starts kind of imitating his posture and his way of speaking to become competitive with them-- I don't even think he realizes he's doing it. But it also makes sense with his NAME.
    His name is Shadow. I think of Peter Pan, where Peter's Shadow can sometimes get away from him. Usually it does everything he does, but sometimes it gets away and does its own things, and Peter has to catch it. Wendy sews the shadow back on in Hook. I think Shadow's name is referencing that as well, that just like a shadow, he mimics those around him. He's watching over them, but also copying them. Learning to blend in.
    Another moment I adore is in SA2 (and Sonic X) when Amy Rose hugs him from behind. According to the 2010s era and early IDW, you'd have expected Shadow to push her away or yell DONT TOUCH ME or whatever. But no, he actually just goes REALLY RIGID and doesn't even say anything. It isn't until Amy realizes her mistake that Shadow turns around to look at her, smiling like 'What are you doing???' But in Sonic X, they changed this scene further into autistic territory--
    Shadow doesn't even TURN to her. He goes rigid, yes, and his eyes widen and he just stands there looking towards the audience like 8| He's completely OUT OF HIS ELEMENT. He prepared for the mission, NOT to deal with random people HUGGING HIM. He's probably not been hugged since Maria over 50 years ago. We don't even know if Maria hugged him much because Shadow has always seemed pretty touch-averse. I love GIVING hugs and I love receiving hugs but only from people I'm REALLY close to. I don't even like getting hugs from extended family. My spouse? VERY touch averse. He'll get hugs from me but hugging and touch are just not his thing. Shadow is not a huggy person, but he does tend to hold hands.
    We know he grabbed and held Maria's hand, running with her-- but we never actually saw that until Sonic X (2003) he can be seen running with her away from the military, and he's holding her hand as he leads her. In Shadow the Hedgehog, Maria often grabs Shadow's hand when telling him things. This is also a grounding method to bring the person into the moment. For me, I feel like I can focus better on what my spouse is saying to me when he holds my hand and it's crowded or busy. Even in our home, if he wants to tell me something, I recommend that he hold my hand or touch my arm so I can focus on him better. This happens with Shadow.
    Sonic doesn't tend to hold peoples' hands. In Sonic X he usually just picks people up, but we do see him grab Elise's arm in 06 and run with her. But holding hands? Not really his thing! Shadow does do it more often though. In Sonic X S3, in the episode, Molly's Dream, Shadow's immediate way of leading Molly away from danger is to grab and hold her hand. He even keeps holding her hand until she lets go. It speaks to me the sort of childlike behavior he may still be exhibiting, but not that I'm trying to say that autistic people are more like children. From my experience on the spectrum, I am more childish than my peers. I still react like a kid might to things, and I don't really think like an adult is expected to. I am mentally behind my peers as well, I think my emotional maturity is lower? But it's hard to measure that without a doctor. It's not just about laughing at fart jokes or knowing to pay bills, it's like, how I problem solve is more creatively aligned with kids than it is adults. This is both great and terrible, depending on the situation. A situation that requires math and stuff cannot be solved my way. A situation that involves encouraging kids to try again or be nice to each other, well it's very useful because I can communicate with them on their level (I was a teacher in South Korea for over half a decade, my brain was great for being a teacher but not great for other things).
    I think Shadow really gets misread as a mean guy a lot, but he really isn't. I also don't really enjoy the headcanons that imagine him as very outgoing and whimsical when he was on the ARK, and I especially don't like headcanons that infantilize him-- I really don't like headcanons where people infantilize autistic people. We've seen Shadow when he loses his memories a few times. In Heroes, but also in S3 of Sonic X-- his personality is still the same. He's still reserved, he's still quiet, he still struggles in social situations and prefers getting to the point rather than dilly-dallying. I'd argue that he was exactly like that before the incident on the ARK, too. It's just that the incident caused his inner peace to be destroyed. His precious person, Maria, was no longer around and he lost everything all at once. He doubled down on the one thing that made sense: Revenge. But even after all of that was sorted out, he's not gonna just magically be a different person. He's still reserved, he's still serious, he's still "get to the point". If he played FFXIV, he'd only focus on main quests, and never do side quests. He'd never spend money on cosmetics, probably. He's likely a person who values gameplay over story. If the game is broken or the mechanics aren't utilized well, that's probably more what he'd be fixated on than whether the story was good or not. He'd skip through dialogue because he reads fast, even if the dialogue is voiced (my spouse does this and it drives me nuts. SHADOW I BEG OF YOU PLEASE DO IT FOR ME, DISABLE THE VOICE ACTING IN OPTIONS SO I STOP HEARING THE FIRST UTTERANCE OF A WORD EVERY TIME U MASH THROUGH THE DIALOGUE)
    Trauma affects people in all kinds of ways. I don't think all autistic people are like Shadow, because autism is a spectrum and no two people present exactly the same, although there will be similarities. Shadow's trauma happened at a time where he barely knew himself already, so that's why it was so easy for him to fixate on revenge, and then he'd be content with dying afterwards because he figured he had nothing left to live for. Finding out he was wrong was the best thing that could have happened to him.
    I was really saddened when SEGA decided he was an edgelord who hated everything and had no friends because that's such a horrible read of this nuanced character. In my personal headcanons for Shadow, he's actually very into plants and flowers, because Maria loved the planet so much. And eventually he learns to love the planet because of nature. Shadow's never going to be a people person, in fact he probably still doesn't care much for people as a whole, but that doesn't mean he won't step up when they need his help. Which is why his line in Sonic 06 is still so poignant. "If the world chooses to become my enemy, then I'll fight like I always have." Basically, it really doesn't matter, I've made my choice, I know who I am now and I get to make those decisions. No one else will shake the foundations of who I am.
    And because he knows who he is, he doesn't feel the need to repeat it and boast about himself. He's confident, not arrogant. He can be smug and competitive, but that's playfulness, not cruelty. He's quiet and may just straight up walk away while someone is mid-sentence, but that's not because he's evil or intentionally being a jerk-- it's just how he is. He needs to work on it if he wants to have friends, but his friends already understand him very well. They know that he's like that, and from what we saw in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, occasionally they forget it's not personal. I'm happy to see them admitting "oh no, I completely misjudged you, I'm so sorry!" because it's been way too long since we've heard the main cast apologize to Shadow for assuming he was a big jerk on purpose.
    Knowing the restrictions on how Shadow is written have been lifted, I'm really hoping we can get more of how he's meant to be, the reserved, socially awkward but well-meaning hedgehog we love. Autistic Shadow FTW!
(our experiences and headcanons
may differ, that's okay.)
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radio-cryptid · 2 months
I am once again being autistic. It's autism acceptance month, which means you have to listen to me (that is a joke).
I'm thinking about Franziska von Karma as autistic. Her being so blunt and mean and I just love her.
Thinking about Maya Fey being so unapologetically autistic in the opposite way.
Welcome to some of my FranMaya autism heacanons.
PLEASE NOTE that I am autistic. None of this is supposed to be babying or degrading. Most of this is based on my own (or friends) experiences as an autistic person
Headcanons under the cut
|| Headcanons ||
Franziska stims using her whip (no shit)
Maya fidgets with her magatama (again no shit)
Franziska has problems with textures in food. She is very blunt about it, but in the way of "I can’t eat this." and a lot of people think she's just being snobby.
Adding onto previous, she doesn't like touching food with her hands.
One of Maya’s comfort foods are hamburgers.
This leads to her and Franziska sitting eating hamburgers in very different ways. Franziska got a fork and knife, while Maya just uses her hands.
Manfred Von Karma was not aware of autism beyond it’s stereotypes before Franziska got diagnosed. He puts in a lot of research into it later.
Side note, but I feel like either Franziska, mvk, or miles have sued autism speaks or at least prosecuted a case against them.
She doesn't have meltdowns as often as she should.
She deems them selfish, attention seeking, and childish. She doesn’t let herself have them. However, when she does have them, they're quite bad.
Both Maya and Franziska have too many layers on them at most times, and when overwhelmed, that is a living hell.
Franziska loves talking about the differences between japanifornia and Germany's legal systems (her special interest is law. I mean, she became a prosecutor at 13.) And Maya loves to listen.
She loves having debates with people but doesn't realise when they turn into actual arguments.
She and Maya are really good at finding that line between fun argument and real fight.
She doesn't understand why people find her scary. When they’re not going against her in court, they shouldn't have anything to fear in her mind.
She is very upfront about being autistic when she feels its needed. She doesn't go around informing strangers, but if someone asks her why she acts a certain way she may just straight up say "I'm autistic."
In the same vain, Maya makes jokes about her own autism a lot.
Maya vocal stims a lot, she makes random noises and quotes shows. Franziska tends to repeat these notices back to her.
Maya randomly: woop woop!
Franziska without hesitation: woop woop!
Maya infodumps about the Steel Samurai lore, and Franziska ends up taking notes. She doesn’t like the show, but she likes to hear about it from Maya. Sometimes a new episode of the pink princess drops or a leak for new merch and Maya will be like "FRANZY YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED" and Franziska will listen intently.
Maya gets overwhelmed at fancy dinners, there's so many unfamiliar social rules and etiquette she has to learn.
It's too much but she doesn't want to ruin anything for Franziska who invited her. Franziska notices this and immediately goes "We will leave now." With no further explanation. Maya’s later like "hey uuhh, why did we leave?" And Franziska equally confused is just like "You were uncomfortable and overwhelmed. Where you not? I don't want you to be uncomfortable, " and she says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, and maya just melts.
Maya is the overly expressive type of autistic and Franziska is the blank face type of autistic. They compliment each other.
Maya uses Franziska as a weighted blanket.
Both of them get easily attached to inanimate objects.
Maya once gave Franziska the advice of using that kind of attachment to trick her own brain.
"Like, I once managed to get through a day of spirit training because I promised my necklace we would do it"
Franziska now promises her whip things it'll get to see and/or accompany her for, as a way of beating procrastination
I just love two autistic people helping each other and understanding each other.
Franziska will sometimes look to Phoenix when doing something that people react weirdly to. Idk why, but I love the idea of them being friends in a very specific way. She'll say something and then look over to Wright being like "too direct?" And he'll do that little unsure back and forth with his hand.
Maya also relies a lot on Nick for some social rules. Like when Edgeworth was behind bars and telling them to laugh at him and she earnestly goes, "Should we be laughing???"
Oh also. @musashi I feel like this is a post you may enjoy, and some of these are inspired by your video about Franziska. I'd also love to hear if you have any similar headcanons.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Hey could I please request a newly diagnosed autistic little reader x daddy Eddie pls? Because I’m feeling very insecure about it and I don’t know what to do now that I have a diagnosis and it’s really overwhelming
Overwhelmed | Eddie Munson x Reader
A/n: okay hi anon I’m really hoping I did this correctly as I am not a diagnosed autistic and I don’t want to do any injustice to anyones diagnosis/condition. I do have suspected adhd or autism so I implemented my own sensory issues/stims , please please let me know if I’ve done something wrong though, my intention is never to offend anyone!!
A/n .2 : this is for you specifically anon, your diagnosis does not change who you are as a person in any bad way, you are amazing in every single way you always have been! My messages are always open if you ever wanted to talk, it can be about anything, tell me all about your special interest if you’d like, anything and everything <3
Warnings: mentions of dnd monsters, diagnosis insecurity, sensory issues, stims, anxiety/feeling overwhelmed
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“Are you okay baby?” You whine at Eddie’s caring words, you’re not okay but he’s having fun and you don’t want to wreck that. It’s just too loud and your sweaters scratchy and you need to move but can’t as this Hellfire meeting is very important.
“Little one, what’s wrong?” Eddie turns to you in an instant, letting the Hellfire members ramble to each other and ignore the slight interruption you’re causing.
“It- it’s kinda loud Ed’s and I’m just uncomfortable.” Within seconds Eddie’s getting the attention of everyone standing at the other side of the table.
“Guys we’re gonna have to cut this meeting short, we will pick up later this week with Wills decision on the monsters he’s fighting or not.” The clubs faces all have the same confused expression but Eddie’s tipping his head over to you and they’re quick at packing up their respected stuff while Dustin calls up Steve to give the kids rides home.
“Ed’s you didn’t have to do that, I’m okay.” You say quietly, you always get insecure about having to leave fun experiences early because of sensory issues or some other problem others don’t seem to have.
“Nonsense, I told you I’d always be there for you and I intend to stick to that.” He’s referring to the day you had come home with that little envelope that confirmed all the suspicions you had, it gave an answer to everything and that terrified you. But Eddie was right there to reassure you that you are still you and he doesn’t care what that envelope says since he loves you and will do his best to support you in any way.
“You’re too good to me.” You’re lifted up onto Eddie’s hip as he closes his book up and watches the kids file out to the parking lot.
There’s a few minutes he waits, holding you close while making sure each kid is picked up by someone, then he walks you both over to his van. Eddie gets you situated in the back so you’re able to with-go wearing a seatbelt, it might be a tad unsafe but the feeling of the strap against your chest always felt suffocating. Your boyfriends been more than understanding with the issue.
“How you doing back there sweetheart?” He can probably see how you keep pulling at your shirt collar, it’s a tell tale sign that you’re getting more overwhelmed.
“Mm- I don’t like this Ed’s.” You’re close to tears at the feeling of your skin almost vibrating under your clothes, it’s an awful sensation in your opinion.
“I know love, we’re almost home.” You try to nod at the reassurance in Munsons tone yet you can’t find it in yourself to.
As soon as you two enter Eddie’s trailer you’re stripping the sweater you had off and all but ripping the jeans from your legs. Your breathings getting worse the more overwhelmed you get, you’re about to just slide to the wall and start rocking the same way you did as a child when this would happen but Eddie’s appearing in no time.
“Arms up.” You listen, letting him slip a ‘Metallica’ oversized shirt over your head then a pair of his old basketball shorts onto your legs. It’s much much better than the outfit you had on before.
“What else can I do to help?” Eddie stands beside you as you start to pace and flap your hands up and down rapidly.
“Um- Um- can you jump with me?” Eddie has a grin across his face as he gently takes your hands and you two begin to bounce up and down. Hums start to come from you, a vocal stim Eddie mirrors at time, now is one of those times, the trailer quickly fills up with both of your hums and the sound of the floorboards squeaking under you.
“Helping?” You nod happily, the anxiety leaving your system as you jump a little higher.
“Mm! Thank you, thank you!”
“Always baby, always.”
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storygirl000 · 3 months
okay genuinely what is with some of the complaints for mh g3 because at this point it just sounds like y’all hate it for existing and nothing else.
"ewwww the outfits are so ugly!!" gee, it’s almost like popular fashion trends have changed over the years. there’s a difference between "this outfit is ugly" and "i greatly dislike this outfit"; i personally think a lot of the outfits look pretty cool, but i’m not gonna default to calling the ones i don’t like "ugly" just because i don’t like the style.
"everyone’s personality has changed for the worse!!" because it’s a reboot of the franchise; of course they’re gonna change things to keep things "fresh". besides, i honestly think the personality changes got me more invested in certain characters compared to g1 – frankie and lagoona in particular are characters i didn’t care all that much about in g1, but i’ve loved their g3 characterizations so far.
"it’s racist because they toned down clawdeen’s blackness!!" i am admittedly as white as can be so i don’t know how well i can comment on this, but i feel like people who use this argument have a tendency to sound more bigoted than they claim mattel is. i have both g1 and g3 clawdeen dolls; they have pretty much the exact same skin tone, so that complaint only really applies to the live-action movie. the arguments about her personality being "less black" sound like they’re turning into "clawdeen is less of a sassy black woman stereotype and i hate that". and all the complaints about her being mixed race (and thus "less black") now just sound bigoted against actual afro-latina people. and that’s without getting into how this old argument keeps being used while they ignore that there’s a wider degree of racial diversity in the line, that clawdeen actually has a black va now (light-skinned black, sure, but still an improvement over having a white va do a "black" voice), and that some of y’all made fun of the new venus for looking different when they gave her implicitly black facial features.
and on that note, "you’re just sucking mattel’s dick and ignoring everything bad because there’s more diversity now!!" so people aren’t allowed to be happy that they’re being properly represented in their favorite doll line now? so plus-sized people aren’t allowed to be happy about plus-sized catty? so south asian people can’t be happy that abbey is now properly south asian-coded instead of weirdly russian? so i can’t be happy that one of the characters is explicitly autistic? sure, a story should have more than good diversity if it wants to be truly good, but every time i see this complaint get brought up it’s phrased like we shouldn’t be happy about the increased diversity at all.
"this is just as bad as g2!! why don’t you hate it like g2?!" because it’s not like g2 at all. g2 suffered from a combination of budget cuts that led to cheaper doll designs and marketing unsure of whether or not it was connected to the original g1 continuity; g3, while not perfect, definitely has a better budget and marketers who’ve learned from their mistakes and made it more clear that this is a full reboot.
and all of these complaints seem to carry an undercurrent of "g3 is the only option available and it’s bad" which...just isn’t true. g1 fans still have stuff like the boo-riginal creeproductions, the reel drama dolls, and so many special dolls that hearken back to g1 aesthetics and designs. mattel’s still paying attention to them.
tl;dr stop using increasingly flimsy arguments to justify complaining about people liking something.
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ethers-moth · 3 months
Autistic people with the same special interests (the two of you) are about to have a field day.
So. Repo! The genetic opera. The magnus archives. The Archival Repo!. The Repo! Archives.
Shiloh is developing corruption
- bug collector
- not a full blown avatar but is kind of in the Jonathan Sims position to be influenced by a LOT of them
- feeds on Nathan’s anxiety (she thinks it’s her illness, but it’s more likely just dread that he’s a failure of a parent. He is.) (I love him why is he like that)
- 17 has her say “I always longed for true affection, but you compared me to a corpse”, so when she leaves at the end of the movie that signifies her evolution into an avatar (or rejection of it?) bc she is left with nothing but her bugs. We don’t really know
Nathan is either Slaughter or Hunt
- I definitely am more inclined for hunt for Nathan
- the hunting at the beginning and later when he and Shiloh are on the phone he definitely could do it a lot faster and less dramatically
- he definitely enjoys it is my point
- “thankless job” is also a prime example of his feelings on this job and or its moral implications
- obviously he’s unstable too and that influences jt but he kind of reminds me of Daisy Tonner where he’s over the ethical issue mostly
Luigi is definitely slaughter
- there’s not a really a need for question man is violent and angry I feel like there’s no question he shanks and yells and gets half naked for fun.
- his treatment of the gentern bringing coffee is a great example, he had no reason to freak out other than. Being like that. And also bc he can
- that’s about it actually he feeds on subordinates fear of his unforgiving temper it’s pretty CUT and dry
Pavi is. Hmmm. Flesh??
- I’m stuck on this one, however I think flesh fits best
- his face stealing reminds me of specific serial killer behaviors (usually due to parental issues) that involve using others body parts, usually skin (Ed Gein with his skin suit of his mother I think??) though I think his environment is part of why the face thing is a little less wrong in canon. Idk he’s a fucking FREAK okay
- also we never see his actual face so I feel an argument that it’s tied with dysmorphia isn’t unreasonable
- Pavi feeds off of adoration (even if it’s fake) from the Genterns as well as the fear of having your face skinned
- seriously what is wrong with him
- with the Genterns his boisting of “ask a gentern who they prefer” and overtly unacceptable sexual behavior (“my brother and sister should fuck”) feel like someone who wants validation and attention even if it’s not positive attention
Amber is Flesh too
- I think for a different reason from Pavi, she doesn’t have “inferiority” Dysmorphia that I think he has
- instead, I think Ambers behaviors are “superiority” dysmorphia (both terms I made up)
- in Ambers case she’s changing her appearance to cope with a shifting sense of self and strive for perfection caused by her notoriety and never being told no
- Amber feeds off of being desired and seen and is one of the most famous people in the known canon universe, but her blatant jealousy of Mag really depicts her motivation for perfection
- she also feeds herself to graverobber for drugs (deleted song ‘try my new parts’) I don’t care how good their surgical techniques are nobody is healing their hole that fast without hurting themselves somehow
- basically if Pavi is MAG 90 Amber is MAGP 2
Graverobber is End or Buried
- the end is for obvious reasons with corpse robbing and his lack of fear or caution around death @brainvomitintheparkinglot ‘s idea
- for buried, he’s literally a crack dealer
- he basically feeds the entire cities drug supply (trapping them in addiction that is hard to escape)
- the web usually deals with addiction but I don’t think he has manipulative or controlling motivation, he just works the system against other people
(Rottis corporation supplying everyone is the web, graverobber is a chunk of dust caught in it)
- as shown with Amber, he wont supply without money either, hypothetically pushing his clients into further debt (esp if they have geneco loans) AND addiction
- graverobber feeds off of the metaphorical suffocating nature of debt and addiction as mentioned, and well as literal suffocation
- following the drug thread, I will be treating zydrate like Heroin, in the idea it can be a powder or liquid (even though we only see it as a liquid in canon)
- like most painkilling drugs it can be assumed zydrate can induce vomit and therefore asphyxiation OR in the case of a powder that is inhaled, generally that isn’t optimal for breathing
- also graverobber is probably covered in corpse dust and like. Anthrax
Rotti is web (again, thank you @brainvomitintheparkinglot)
- his company owns the entire city (corporatocrocy)
- he literally controls everyone, his money controls his fucked up kids, and the entire system is his
- the rift with Shiloh and Nathan was organized by Rotti, and I feel like Ambers problem with Mag is somehow his fault too
- as far as I know, Mags blindness is never canonically explained, Rotti could easily be responsible like he was with Marni
- Rotti feeds off the obvious, control over everyone. He also is disappointed his kids found ways around his authority, and yet they’re STILL in his web (addicts and also fucked in the head bc of the circumstances he raised them in)
Mag is. The eye
- yeah. This one is the most direct
- I have a headcanon that she can see through cameras (how she found Shiloh) and how she seems to know all about what is happening in Shilohs life
- mag is both a victim and an avatar of the eye, she sees everything going on around her with the people she loves, but all eyes are always on her, trapping her where she is.
- literally had to do a Melanie king except she didn’t escape, the web and the eye often work in opposition in TMA while also being quite similar, she and Rotti much the same.
- “take these eyes I’d rather be blind” is an inadvertent argument with Rottis control of the web, he kills her for it
Lastly, Marni is either End or Desolation
- she’s not actually present in the film
- End is bc she died and yet is still so so important to the plot
-desolation is bc her actions are kind of why everyone in the story has issues
I could make a whole separate post on Rottis fucked up crack zydrate addicted kids
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