#but as i said my subconscious would wake me up anyways through giving me literal anxiety 😭
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
This race weekend is gonna be weird because since I'm staying up to watch the race, I won't get to experience any of my stress induced nightmares about missing my alarm for the race
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aureatchi · 6 months
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synopsis. you wake up to see your snow white-haired boyfriend dressed up as santa. and even better
he decides to act like him! for the entire day, gojo will give you whatever you wish for.
info. fem!reader. fluff it’s so fluffy, crack? established relationship. just gojo spoiling u tbh. kissing. he makes a dirty joke. wc. 1.2k
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There were good and bad mornings. This morning would be a best morning. Sun rays overshadowing nimbostratus clouds that snowed the night previously peeked through the windows. Though the room was cold, your soft blankets were warm. You stirred in bed, tossing once until your arm subconsciously found and clung around a broad shoulder. The corners of your mouth tugged upwards in satisfaction, and you finally opened your eyes. Everything seemed so ideal, when

“Morning, baby.”
Satoru couldn’t tell if the way you looked at him right then was stomach-clenching hilarious or adorable. Regardless, he wanted your reaction framed. Your half-asleep self suddenly shook awake, jolting a few centimeters back in shock. Your eyes were wide open as you registered the sight before you.
“What the hell, Satoru?!”
“Those kids didn’t call me Santa for nothin’.”
You immediately shook your head on your palm. This idiot had actually let those thoughts get to his head. It had been a few days since you and your lover were taking a stroll in the park, where the surroundings matched the color of his hair, when a couple of boys suddenly came up to you two.
“Are ya Santa?” one of them asked.
“Look at his hair!” the other one exclaimed. “Did you shave your beard?”
“And you’re Santa’s girlfriend?” the first one turned toward you. You hesitated, but Gojo swiftly picked up for you, playing into the idea as he always does.
And now, he had actually done it. He was lying on the bed beside you, dressed as the real thing. With the beard, too.
It was your turn to laugh as you took in his entire costume. Though he actually
looked good. You weren’t sure how someone could pull that off, but he was yours, so there were no complaints.
“So, what’s the whole point of this?” you asked. “Are you just going to wear that around all day or?”
“Well, yeah,” Satoru replied. “But also, I’m literally Santa.”
“I see that, yes
“So that means, today, I’ll give you whatever you wish for! Because
” he pulled out his phone and opened his notes app before showing it to you.
The title was SATORU’S NICE LIST.
And under it was singularly your name.
It seems like my pretty girl is on the nice list!” Satoru winked. You could almost chuckle
this was actually really creative. And you kind of liked it.
“So, what does my sweetheart want first? Don’t be shy.”
” you stopped to think. In that moment, everything you’ve ever wanted disappeared from your head.
“I can give you some ideas. I can wake you up real good with some mindblowing hea-”
“No!” you choked, flushed. “
Not right now, anyway. I’m kind of hungry
“What do you want, dear? Chef Satoru is right here.”

“This is so delicious,” you complimented as you and Gojo had your favorite breakfast and coffee. You always loved it when he cooked this particular dish.
“I’m glad you like it,” he replied. He had barely touched his food and had instead been watching you fondly. “We’re going to the mall next, so get ready when you’re finished eating.”
He smiled at the way your eyes lit up in excitement. “Okay!” you responded eagerly.
“What about you, though? Are you actually going out in that?” You pointed out his bright red costume once again, which stood out from his black apron.
“Duhh,” Satoru replied. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s comfy and warm, too.”
“Just take off the beard,” you said.
“But that’s the best part!”
Everyone’s going to mistake you as a mall Santa!” Honestly, he would probably like that. He would indulge in all the photo taking and signatures.
“Well, whatever my baby wants
” the Santa in disguise finally said in a sulky tone, taking off the white beard.

“Get whatever you want, pretty,” Gojo had told you when you guys walked into the mall. “I was going to give a budget
just so I wouldn’t go broke, but you look so beautiful today that I don’t think I can.”
You gave him a kiss on his cheek shortly after. “You don’t have to worry about me breaking the bank,” you laughed. “Because there’s only so much the two of us can carry back home!”
“I’m afraid I’ve alleviated that problem, too,” Satoru chuckled back before looking at his watch. “They should be arriving just about now
Looking down the plaza, you saw two familiar faces scurrying towards the two of you.
“Megumi? YĆ«ji?”
Followed behind them more gracefully came Nobara, who already had a couple shopping bags of her own.
“Of course, Santa can’t work without his elves!” Satoru smirked, hugging both Megumi and YĆ«ji, who were confused as to why their teacher had invited them on his date with you and was dressed up as Santa Claus.
“I’m sorry, what?” asked Megumi.

You (and Nobara) shopped for hours with a lunch break in between until you were exhausted, YĆ«ji and Megumi taking your bags. Gojo’s plan had sort of worked counterintuitively because you didn’t want to make the boys suffer so much, so you didn’t break the bank in the end. All the attention was on you guys—the amount of gifts, the receipts, the white-haired man with a girlfriend

After your purchases, you all got hot chocolate before all your things were loaded into the back of your car.
“Merry Christmas [name]-san!” the three students said in unison to you before leaving.
“Merry Christmas, thank you for helping me!” you responded.

“You look tired,” Satoru said as he drove, one hand on the wheel, the other in your grasp. It was already dark outside—the sun set so early nowadays.
“Shopping’s exhausting,” you yawned, playing with his fingers. “I want to go to one more place, though.”
“Wherever you want.”
“Let’s go to the beach.”
You were glad you had used one of your warmer coats today because the freezing ocean and breeze always made the beach feel so cold in the winter.
Yet the seaside looked so pretty in the evening, and you knew that though there were good and bad nights, you wanted this to be a best night. You walked through the sand, arms clinging onto Satoru to stay warm, admiring the sound of the waves and the stars that revealed themselves in the skies.
“I loved today so much, thank you,” you whispered to Satoru, even though nobody else was around. “Five stars for Santa—you checked off almost everything on my Christmas list.”
“Oh?” he asked. “What did I miss?”
” you replied and then looked at him.
“I haven’t gotten a kiss from you yet.”
“Of course, baby, how could I forget?” Satoru replied, tucking strands of hair misplaced by the wind behind your ears.
With the sun no longer in the sky, the ocean appeared deep and dark, but its cerulean color seemed to be replaced in your lover’s azure gaze, so full of awe for you.
Satoru kissed you gleefully, lips soft and tasting like that one sweet peppermint chapstick you loved. He paid no mind as his Santa hat slipped off, releasing the rest of his snowy hair.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” Satoru said. “I choose to give the presents because why would I need anything myself? When I already have the best present of all—you, love.”
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i heard gojo puts u on the nice list if u rb. rbs are cherished; they are ur christmas gift to me! <3
i hope this wasn’t too ooc! it’s my first time writing 4 gojo ‘n i haven’t acc finished jjk (i’ll b [re]watching everything soon dw lol)
tags: @kissesmellow21 @osaemu
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© AUREATCHI 2023. no reposts or translations. do not steal. support banner + animated divider by cafekitsune. heart lights divider by benkeibear. manga header made by me - DO NOT save/use.
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tyrantwombat · 1 year
wait shit fuck shit
I talk about Yoojin's webcomic suicide attempt under the cut in case anyone stumbles over here
okay so you know how Han Yoohyun found out Yoojin bought that poison pill and IMMEDIATELY jumped to the conclusion Yoojin was planning to off himself? Like, yes, extension and projection (boy's a multi-tasker) of Han Yoohyun's own paranoia and fear of Yoojin being in danger/captured/dead due to his association with him, sure, of course, whatever, but ALSO
In the webcomic (and during the chapters the author apparently had a huge hand in), Han Yoojin tries to death-by-dragon himself in front of Yoohyun right before the regression. I KNOW the Immoral Ones said Han Yoohyun being dead when the regression happened means he wasn't "overlapped" the way, say, Sung Hyunjae was, but...like. What if just a little bit got through anyway? What if?
(Or, hell, it doesn't even have to be that. Realistically, it's way more likely Han Yoohyun is reacting subconsciously to things he's picking up in Yoojin's behavior considering this is less than 24 hours after Yoojin tried to straight up kill himself, and he has no idea that happened, yes, but it did happen and he's watching the aftermath just ??? chewing on what he's seeing. Yoohyun doesn't have to be doing it consciously to still be churning up variables his brain then uses to slam 2 and 2 together as best it can under it's current contextual understanding as soon as it has an excuse.) (Look, Yoojin can pretend as hard as he wants that being flung to the past means Everything Is Fine Now and None Of The Bad Has Actually Happened So Of Course He No Longer Has Trauma About It but that is not how people work, my good man. He reached the point of attempting suicide! That does not happen in five seconds!)
But also consider: Han Yoohyun and reoccurring garbled waking nightmares springing up on him out of nowhere of The Literal Worst Day Of His Every Fucking Life ie. the day hyung almost died and then almost died again on purpose- that was so The Worst, even his past-self who has no idea what the fuck is going on is feeling it. 25yo Han Yoohyun breaking reality because he died with one of his last realizations being exactly how much he hurt his favorite person in the whole world, and therefore not one single version of him should ever know peace again. Accidentally. But also not because if he could have done that on purpose, he absolutely would. Han Yoohyun, to himself: Suffer.
You know. Healthily.
These boys give me anxiety.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Following that "least favorite" request could we get their reactions to being to told that they're their favorite, but to not tell the other brothers so their feelings don't get hurt? Maybe because they relate to them the most or just get along really well. Thanks!
You're My Favorite! But Don't Tell the Others-
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
There are no words to explain the overwhelming satisfaction ion Lucifer’s face after you tell him that. Of course, it’s only natural that he would be your favorite, all things considered.
The Avatar of Pride won’t ever forget this moment. He carefully considers your words and agrees not to tell anyone, as much as he’d love to bring it up, because he knows more than anyone what kind of chaos would ensue should the others (especially Mammon) find out.
But they can tell something’s up when the eldest has been heard humming all day. He moves about the house with even more grace than usual, and hasn’t scowled even once.
But the REAL shocker was when Mammon tried hiding a bill right as Lucifer walked in... and the eldest let him off with a warning. A WARNING! The brothers thought the Devildom must’ve frozen over, but you and he knew different.
“MC, I would like you to accompany me to Le Pluvier this afternoon, once you've finished your studies. I've already made reservations, so be sure to get ready on time. I've made sure to consider the things you might like to eat, so I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Don't be late." "...I'm grinning? I don't know what you're talking about."
The gigantic grin on Mammon’s face is so bright, it could rival the sun. You’ve seriously made his day. No, his year. Actually, he’s pretty sure he could ride this high for the next millennia! There’s nothing in this world that could dampen his spirits right now! 
He feels like he just won big at the casino! Of course he’s your favorite! He WAS your first demon, and now he’s gone and claimed his rightful spot as your number one! Good luck trying to keep him from saying anything. Mammon’s gonna throw it around in everyone’s faces for as long as he can milk it.
And you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he treats you after hearing that. Despite always calling you his ‘servant’ or his ‘human’, you’d  think your roles were reversed. Mammon spoils you every chance he gets, buying you clothes and trinkets, filling the spaces in your room with the things he knows you like, monopolizing you completely until nearly everything you own is a gift from him.
Your words also help soothe that jealousy of his a little. Only a little, though. It’s easier to watch you talk to other demons when he knows he’ll always be your first man.
“Didja really have to stay after class that long? I know you were talkin' to that demon that lent you a book, but you outta ask ME for stuff! Tch... you're lucky I'm in a good mood today! But I guess I don't have to worry about some low level demon like that, seein' as I'm your favorite!"
Wait wait wait....Come again? Did you seriously just say what he think you said..? That had to be a mistake! Some kind of...uh..verbal typo! Because there’s absolutely, positively, NO WAY in all of the nine layers that he could be your favorite demon. And yet you still insist that you’re telling the truth, and Levi feels like he’s died and gone to heaven. 
Red faced and stammering up a storm, Levi looks like he might die. Is it really okay for a shut-in otaku to feel this giddy? Seriously, he hasn’t felt like this since he got his hands on a signed copy of a Ruri Hana audio drama! No no, this definitely beats that!
You’ve managed to inflate his nearly nonexistent ego, and now he feels like there’s nothing he can’t do! Maybe he could even go to Majolish right now?? THAT’S how good he’s feeling!
Almost as bad as Mammon in keeping it a secret. He doesn’t tell anyone right away, but they’re suspicious when they notice how much time he’s spending out of his room. And then when he and Mammon get in another petty argument, he drops the bomb that he’s your favorite demon in the entire Devildom, and you can guess how things go from there.
“Uuuoooo...!!!!! I've decided..! Since I've got a serious stat buff, I'm going to open a booth at the next convention coming up..! I'll sell my Ruri-chan fan art and spread her influence all over the Devildom! I'd never have the guts to do it normally, but I feel like I could do anything right now! Y-you'll go too, won't you MC?"
You nearly made this man spit tea all over his book, and now he’s coughing and spluttering and trying to figure out what could’ve prompted what he’s taking as a confession. You.. do realize what you’re saying, don’t you? And you know the kind of effect your words have on him?
Satan isn’t the type that wears his heart on his sleeve, so you have to look for his subtle expressions to tell how he’s feeling. But there’s nothing subtle about the redness of his ears and how he’s begging you not to look at him right now. For the sake of his sanity, give him a minute to recoup.
When he does recover, he agrees to keep it a secret for obvious reasons. And it’s hard to tell that he’s in a good mood, other than the fact that he hasn’t tried to pull any pranks on Lucifer lately. But Asmo sees all, and literally hounds him into spilling the tea.
He tells him a lie of course, but now the other brothers are noticing just how happy he is. Satan's smiling way too much today, isn't he? And he didn't even get mad when Beel got whipped cream on his jacket! Well, not THAT mad, anyway.
"Haaah... everyone's been harassing me all day, claiming I'm smiling a lot. I'm sure I look the same as I always do, but I'll admit that I've been happy ever since you told me that this morning. Wait.. you did think I've been grinning too, do you? I have??"
Asmo always jokes about being your favorite and announces it as if the two of you are married, but when you actually confirm that his longing for you isn’t one sided, he ends up smearing lip balm across his cheek in shock. Did you... really say that just now? He knew it all along, but hearing it like that is just...!
Ooooh, he’s so happy he can hardly contain himself! Asmo throws his arms around you, peppering your face in kisses until you feel sticky from lip balm, wipes your face clean, then marks it up all over again. Good luck getting rid of him, because he might never let go.
Immediately posts it to Devilgram. Did you really think he’d let such a momentous occasion go unannounced? You must not have been paying attention to the kind of person he is! Asmo would put you on a pedestal in front of the world like a precious jewel if he were able, but this’ll have to do. He won’t hide his love at all!
Of course, the others don’t take too kindly to it, not that he cares. He never leaves your side, pampers you like crazy, and has even attempted to get you to move into his room. Lucifer put an immediate stop to that, though. Boo...
“I just can't get enough of you, MC! Just being near you gets me so excited that I can hardly stand it! You'll take responsibility for what you're doing to me, won't you? And in exchange, I'll take my time showing you just how much I love you. After all, you're my favorite, too!"
Beel never has a problem with choking while he eats, and it comes as naturally as breathing. Unfortunately neither of that applies right now, since you just made him choke on a meatball sub.
He usually takes your words with quiet acceptance, but this might be the most emotion you've ever witness from the stoic demon. His eyes are wider than that time that laid on an entire gingerbread mansion, sparkling up with such deep emotion you wouldn't be surprised if he cried. Instead he softens up and immediately embraces you.
...And doesn't let go. Sandwich long forgotten, he's been carrying you around all day, and ignoring any questions or protests from his brothers. Also insists on feeding you throughout the day. The food tastes better when he can enjoy it with you, so why not just bring you everywhere?
When he isn't carrying you, he's following you around subconsciously, either close up against you like a protective wall, or just far enough that you're within his line of sight. As far as not telling anyone, he... tells Belphie immediately. It was an accident though, since there's not much he keeps from his twin.
"MC, I won a meal ticket for Godevil Chocolatier. Let's get something for dessert today. Ah, you can get as much as you want, too. I really want to see what things you choose. They might become my favorites."
There's nothing in this world that can wake Belphegor from his sleep, unless he allows it. No loud noises, no amount of shaking or smacking, and not even dragging him around the house. But the moment you whisper that he's your favorite demon, the Avatar of Sloth is wide awake.
Hey, you're not just saying weird things to get a reaction, are you? Because if so, this is a new level of cruel. Yet you confirm that you mean it and swear him into secrecy, and Belphie tries his best not to show how happy he is. A smile keeps creeping up on his face that he struggles to force down. It's annoying...
As funny as it’d be to tell everyone the news, he's good at keeping secrets. Instead, you've noticed that he's been sleeping a little less that before. When he does take one of his hundreds of naps, he finds some way to be closer to you. He's even been seen sleepwalking to your exact location somehow-
It's hard for him to believe that you're not teasing, though. How could HE be your favorite demon here? Belphie doesn't do anything special to win you over, yet after everything he put you through, you like him enough to deep him your favorite?
"You're weird, MC. I mean... me? I won't deny that I'm really happy though, but I guess I'm in disbelief. You should spoil me even more until I believe you. Lend me your lap for a few hours, okay?" "...I wonder what Lucifer would think if I told him, heheh."
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complexgods · 3 years
Thinking about which Haikyuu characters would hump you in their sleep
Haikyuu characters x gn!reader
Warnings: 18+, consensual somnophilia.
Minors stay away and eat your greens so you can grow big and strong. Leave my blog be there is nothing to see here.
A/N: shoutout to my friend Alex who has brainstormed with me over this all evening and endured me during my h-word hours.
Hinata: He has an incredible libido and is always so so needy, just feeling your warm body so close next to his makes him want you even in his sleep, so he subconsciously rubs himself on your thigh, letting out small, happy sighs. He doesn't wake up, but he has definitely cum all over you and/or himself in his sleep quite a few times. He gets embarrassed the next day but tells you that he just can't help it, he wants you so bad all of the time, it's only natural he tries to fuck you even in the depths of his subconscious.
Nishinoya: Just like Hinata, this man can go for rounds and rounds. Even if you literally just had sex before going to sleep, a few hours later, Nishinoya will be hard again and rub against the small of your back and/or your ass because he is just so needy for you. However, he would probably wake up in the middle of his ministrations and very gently nudge you awake, pleading you to just fuck your thighs because he's so close already and it only takes him a few thrusts before he's cumming all over your thighs.
Bokuto: This man is needy needy needy. If he wants you then he wants you now. He would probably also wake up once he gets too horny, realising he's been humping you for what looks like a while, his cock leaking through his shorts. Since you are in a long-term relationship and you have both discussed and consented to situations like these, he decides to give you some attention, gently plucking at your nipples or nibbling at your sensitive spot(s) until your arousal becomes more apparent, that's when he gently puts your legs over his shoulders and starts going down on you, all the while grinding his throbbing cock on the mattress below him. Once you wake up he greets you with a lopsided grin before making you cum from his mouth alone.
Kenma: He does not nearly have as big of a sex drive as the others mentioned above, and he doesn't get horny as often either. However, in the night when he's cuddled close to you, feeling the warmth of your body and inhaling your scent, he can't help but want more, getting hard and grinding his aching cock against your stomach. He doesn't wake up, but lets out tiny whimpers and sighs before he cums in his pants in his sleep.
Daichi: OKAY hear me out. He doesn't do it often. Only when he had some really long shifts at the police station and didn't get to spend time with you for days. He finds you already asleep in your bed when he comes home way after he usually does for the third day in a row, and he just kinda sighs as he gets ready for bed. He's missed you so much during the long work hours and he's sad that he won't be able to spend quality time with you until the weekend. Not to mention that he needs to feel you clenching around his cock, screaming out his name. But alas, there is nothing to do about that now, so he just gets ready for bed. He sleeps soundly as ever, snuggled up against you, his dick hard against your clothed ass. He wakes up to soft whispers and touches, confused.
"You were grinding against my ass" you whisper in amusement once he hums questioningly, still groggy with sleep. He pulls away in embarrassment once he realises what you said, but you keep a steady hand on the arm looped around your waist.
"Hmmm don't stop. I missed you." He grins as he grinds against you with earnest, eliciting a sweet moan from you. He will have to call in sick the following day.
Hanamaki: He is canonically the horniest motherfucker in the entirety of Haikyuu. I know it because he told me. Anyways if you sleep in the same bed as this man you are 99% certain to get humped, and he never ever wakes up either because he sleeps like a rock. He just keeps on grinding into you until he cums, but when you wake up with cum all over you he is so shameless about it. He knows you love each other no matter what even if you have to wash your pyjamas more often than most people. When you do wake up you try to push him off you, but he just holds you closer, grinding down harder so you just accept your fate.
Asahi: He's usually more of a pillow humper when he misses you when you're not around for a few days, but he definitely has done it once or twice before at the very beginning of your relationship, when he was too nervous to initiate anything with you but stayed the night. He apologised profusely when it happened and you both noticed it, but you found it cute and you both were able to laugh it off.
Yachi: I don't care I don't care she is needy and horny and sometimes she happens to have a wet dream and rubs herself on your leg and she is vocal even in her dreams and you can't help but wake up from her sounds and you just coo at how pretty she looks, so you decide to give her a helping hand because you discussed situations like these and both agreed somno is on the table for the both of you. She does not wake up even when she clenches around your fingers, coating them with her cum.
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dreamologisth2o · 3 years
Why I Believe Endersmile Is Canon
Because I’m on a bit of an Endersmile binge--
This is all gonna be very messy and just me putting my thoughts together and I’ll probably not be going through the VODs for exact timestamps or anything because that’s exhausting and I applaud the people who do, but here are my thoughts on Endersmile and why I’m 100% convinced it’s canon. They’re besties your honor.
/rp Any names mentioned are referring to their dsmp characters and not the streamers themselves unless specified
First off: The Disc. Dream trusts Ranboo, a lot. He trusts him so much that he literally gave Ranboo one of the two discs he needed to pull off his big plan at the finale. He trusted Ranboo, so much that Ranboo deciding to give the disc back to Tommy or Tubbo wasn’t an option, even though Ranboo was friends with both, which he knew. I don’t know why he gave Ranboo the disc, or how he got the disc from Skeppy in the first place, and I’m sure he did have a hundred and one back up plans for if Ranboo did decide to give Tommy the disc, but asking Ranboo to hold onto the disc in the first place means Dream trusted him to a degree, and that’s big coming from Mr. “Reserved”.
Second: Knowing Dream’s Voice. Ranboo knows/remembers Dream’s voice well enough that he hears it whenever he’s in the panic room, that his subconscious uses Dream’s voice to force Ranboo to confront his fears. For a guy who hasn’t had any one on one time or conversations with Dream in VC on stream, he sure does a really good job imagining his voice. /s 
Basically, they must have spoken, a lot. They must have spent time together outside planning for things or exchanging items or whatever. So much time, in fact, that Dream and Ranboo both end up sharing the same ideology of “People not sides” of “One big happy family” of “Being the person that stops conflicts” of “Being on all sides” of “Mediating between those sides” of “Choosing the side they think is right”. 
During Ranboo’s prison visit dream/nightmare, the Voice tells Ranboo that the only reason Ranboo hasn’t been hearing it lately, is because he hasn’t been speaking with Dream as often. That Ranboo and Dream had talked with each other nearly everyday. And I’m inclined to believe that because the mere existence of the voice proves he’s heard Dream’s voice a lot, or he has a very good memory of Dream’s voice, which, considering his memory problems probably isn’t the case. This is further supported by how ever since Dream’s been in prison, ever since Ranboo banned himself from the prison, he hasn’t heard even a hint of Dream’s voice, not even as he’s remembering more and more.
Third: The Disc War Finale. During the disc war finale, we have in universe proof and out of character confirmation from both cc!Dream and cc!Ranboo that the characters had been staring at each other during the entire thing. Some friends on a discord server have also pointed out how Ranboo appeared to be avoiding Tommy’s gaze unless Tommy’s distracted. And during the entire thing Ranboo’s the only one not holding out a weapon, instead he’s got a book and quill in his hand. We’ve now also got confirmation that Ranboo was Enderwalking during the Disc War Finale, which makes all the strange behaviors make sense because if they’re friends, if they’re allies, then Ranboo didn’t show up to fight Dream. Then Dream might’ve been trying to convey something to Ranboo, like perhaps trying to keep Ranboo from doing something stupid and revealing their alliance. Especially if he planned on being put in Pandora, he really doesn’t need his friend to try and “save” him and ruin the whole plan.
Fourth: The Voice. I am inclined to believe the things the voice says. Why? Because everything the voice is talking about are all the things Ranboo doesn’t want to confront, doesn’t want to see, doesn’t want to remember. The voice isn’t malicious. It’s not even Dream, it’s just using Dream’s voice to make Ranboo listen. And Ranboo knows it’s just himself. (also out of character confirmation from the cc!s that the voice is NOT Dream and never has been, it’s just a manifestation of all the shit Ranboo’s repressed coming up and slapping him in the face) Everything the voice does, all the things it says, is trying to get Ranboo to remember the “bad” things he’s done, to remember that he was on Dream’s side. To force him to face that side of himself that might be capable of doing bad things, if there’s a good enough reason. It exaggerates things, it makes them out to be worse than they actually are, but that’s how it’s able to get Ranboo’s attention, that’s how it’s able to force him to think about those things. Ranboo won’t do anything until he’s forced to face the problem, the Voice is just trying to get Ranboo to do that.
This is why I believe Ranboo DID blow up the community house. Why he’s working with or has worked for Dream in the past. Why he willingly gave Dream his memory book, possibly to create a visible conflict between them and ensure no one would connect them as allies, like what Dream wanted to do with Punz. And also because the other things it’s said, such as Ranboo being given the Cat disc to hold onto, have been proven to be true. Nothing the Voice has said has been confirmed a lie. And many of the things it’s talked about aren’t things we or Ranboo can find the answer to unless he talks to Dream, which is until the dude’s rescued from the prison, isn’t happening. (cc!Dream where’s your Dream lore?!?!?!)
That said, if Ranboo was the one to blow up the community house, then Dream was covering for him during the Disc War Finale. He didn’t have to. He could’ve thrown Ranboo under the bus. But he chose to take on that blame, make himself look even worse in the eyes of everyone gathered there while he was at their mercy, to protect Ranboo from similar persecution. Doesn’t this remind you of anything? And Ranboo’s got a track record of making friends with those who help him.
Fifth: The Visits. Ranboo has visited Dream in prison multiple times. At the very least at least 2 times that we have direct confirmation of, and probably even more. His visits are consistent enough that just a few days after Ranboo bans himself from the prison, Dream notices and starts a strike, tells Sapnap that Ranboo’s stopped visiting, asks him, his best friend who literally threatened to perma-kill him if he were to ever leave his horrible situation, to send a message to Ranboo. (which, I guess Dream still kinda trusts Sapnap despite everything that’s happened, huh?) 
Why would Ranboo visit? Unless they’re friends, unless they’re allies? Because even Dream’s so called best friend only ever visited once. Even Bad who Dream claims to have been the nicest only ever visited once. And while Tommy and Quackity visited more than once, their multiple visits have very clear reasons behind them, while Ranboo’s just, don’t. 
And consider: How did Ranboo know about the things that were said during the Disc War Finale, word for word, line for line, that he wasn’t present for, unless someone’s told him? Unless he heard about it from Dream himself. Unless that was what they were talking about. Unless that’s part of the reason Ranboo kept visiting Dream. 
Sixth: The Lessons. I don’t know about you, but giving life lessons to someone sounds like something you’d do with a friend, and not just a “puppet”. The whole lessons book gives off really mentor mentee vibes, and considering how Ranboo’s following in Dream’s goal of stopping conflict and uniting the server, well. And the lessons aren’t even malicious, or designed to push Ranboo away from others. In fact, many of them, especially the last few ones we see, are designed to protect Ranboo! Unless Ranboo’s safety was a top priority for Dream, there’s not much reason to pass those lessons down. This lines up incredibly well with Dream taking the blame of the community house’s destruction during the Disc War Finale, as well as his protective streak at his own expense when it comes to his allies and the people he cares about. Which means Ranboo is someone he cares about, which means they’re friends! They’re besties your honor!
Seventh: Ranboo’s Vehement Denial. Ranboo is infamous for being an unreliable narrator, for being in incredible denial despite all evidence supporting otherwise. Which means his vehement denial that Dream can be anything but bad is a fairly obvious red flag that that’s not true, and that Ranboo has reason to believe it’s not true, but chooses to actively ignore or forget those reasons and attempts to reinforce the “everything’s Dream’s fault, he can never change and will always be bad” mentality, that sounds like something he stole from Tommy or c!Dream antis, because he doesn’t want to face the fact that he has reasons for believing the opposite. At this point, I am 100% on board with the idea that all these unprompted instances of Dream hate is just a blatant cover up of how that’s not true at all. (Which he touches on, ever so briefly, when he renovates the second stronghold room)
Aaaaand that’s it! For the most part. I could touch on how Enderboo is hoarding all the backbone in this relationship and that the dynamic between Enderboo and Ranboo is closer to that of someone waking up after a sugar high or going for three days straight without sleep than it is two completely separate people or someone who’s literally sleepwalking (and that “Enderboo” is his normal state and “Ranboo” is the sleep deprived not thinking straight state). But this post is already obscenely long and I should end it here. 
TL;DR: They’re besties, your honor.
Anyways, if you got this far, thanks for reading!
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hwascripts · 3 years
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What Izuku would be like in a relationship: The positive traits, the toxic traits, his love language, my own personal headcanons and an overall conclusion
WC: unknown
TW// POTENTIAL SPOILERS, No smut but Izuku is aged up, Toxic traits aren’t necessarily toxic...more so just bad traits, Teeny tiny little bit of angst, I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the following headcanons are true. You are 100% free to disagree with me but please DO NOT send me hateful comments or asks. I am simply writing what I think Deku would be like in a relationship
a/n: Just to let you know, your nickname for him is Zuku just so you don’t think I kept spelling his name wrong.
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-Deku is literally the kindest soul ever and it makes me want to cry. He’d give you his umbrella if you ever forgot yours, he’d literally carry you to first aid if you ever injure yourself- this man will legitimately do everything for you
-He’s incredibly observant. If he catches you looking at a pretty ring then he’ll literally show up at your door days later with that very same ring in his hands
“I saw you looking at it a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you!”
“Zuku baby oh my god how much did you spend?!”
“You don’t need to worry about it sunshine”
I wholeheartedly believe Izuku would call you his sunshine or something along those lines
-I have this one headcanon of him drawing you all the time as an excuse to “observe you and your quirk” but it’s really just because he wants to admire the way you shine underneath the sun- and that’s how he came up with the name Sunshine for you
-Deku has a heart of gold oh my god, this guy cares so much about you it’s unreal. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying while on a phone call- mission failed because he heard your shaky voice and now he’s on your doorstep with your favourite hoodie of his and your favourite snacks
-His memory is insanely good, like it’s freaky how good it is. Like you mentioned to him ONCE that you liked a certain drink and now he pulls up to your dates with that drink all the time (not like I’d complain if Deku brought me my favourite drink)
-Just like Bakugou, Deku is incredibly smart and he literally always comes up with a solution. You could literally vent to him about a problem you’re having at work and he’s come up with at least 73 solutions within 6 hours
-He’s determined and hardworking. Again, he’s just like Bakugou in the sense that he’ll put his blood, sweat and tears into whatever he’s doing- no matter if it’s a serious high stake mission or something like planning your weekly date. The second he puts his mind to something, he makes sure to give it his all.
-Izuku is your own personal cheerleader, this dude will hype you up no matter what. Training after work? he’s cheering for you. You completed a really difficult task? you better believe he’s gonna pat you on the back for it.
-He’s very protective of you. Remember when the LOV attacked the training camp and he rushed to find Kota? yeah he’s 10x more protective of you.
-And it’s not because he thinks you’re weak and can’t defend yourself, it’s because he genuinely worries about you all the time and just wants to make sure your always safe
-He’s an inspirational person, he makes you hella motivated to do even the most boring chores around the house
-Deku isn’t afraid to show his emotions. Unlike Bakugou, he’s often seen showing his emotions. Deku said “toxic masculinity who?”. He definitely gives 0 fucks if someone sees him crying/upset because I feel like Pro-Hero Deku would stop the stupid mindset of “Hero’s can’t show their genuine emotions”
-Izuku is the type of person to analyze all his losses, figure out what he did wrong and then learn from it to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again. He’s the complete opposite of Bakugou who gets bitter over his losses due to his superiority complex.
-He’s so good at comforting you that it’s unbelievable. Deku gives the warmest hugs that make you feel so safe- you literally cannot change my mind about this
-You know those hugs where the other person lightly rubs your back and lightly sways side to side with you? Yeah those are the hugs that Deku gives (he’d definitely give you a sweet little kiss on the forehead/cheek)
“Sunshine come here, let me hold you while you let out all your frustrations. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt you while you’re here with me”
-Can you tell I want some comforting Izuku hugs? He wouldn’t let go of you until he put a smile back on your face and GAHH oh my god I need Izuku hugs
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-As much as I hate to do this, it needs to be done đŸ˜”âœŠđŸ»
-Izuku is such an over thinker, this guy worries about EVERYTHING under the sun. Your eyes didnt crinkle when you smiled? he’ll think you’re upset with him. You gave him a side hug rather than a normal hug? he’ll think he did something wrong.
-He’s self aware that he overthinks things but he just can’t seem to stop his thoughts. No matter how many times you reassure him that you aren’t upset with him, he’s subconsciously thinking about how to make it up to you
-He constantly pushes himself past his limits. You guys saw how many times he’s broken his bones. Deku may be intelligent but when it comes to his own self he can be completely hopeless
-The amount of times you’ve scolded him while you clean up his scrapes and cuts is insane. He just sits on the toilet lid and bites his lip nervously while you wave your finger angrily at him
“Sunshine please, I said I was sorry and that it won’t happen again!”
“Zuku you and I both know that’s a damn lie, I’ve had to patch you up 3 times this week! When are you going to start being more considerate of your limits?”
-I’m sorry but I picture him being so nervous to initiate anything with you. This guy would be so fidgety just by THINKING about holding your hand
-And deep down he knows he’s being ridiculous because come on, you’re his S/O and he’s been dating you for years now- why does he still get shaken up just by holding your hand?
-At first you think it’s cute, he’s just being respectful of your boundaries- but as time goes on you kind of get a little annoyed because he always asks you a bunch of times if you’re okay with him being affectionate.
“Zuku...sweetheart you know you don’t need to ask me a million times if I want to cuddle, right? I love cuddling with you!”
*cue sweating* “I’ll keep that in mind, Sunshine”
-He eventually gets a lot more comfortable with affection...more often than not you wake up with him nuzzled into your side like a cat
(Side note PLEASE wake him up with a bunch of kisses, he’ll literally melt)
-He’s very insecure about his scars because they make him feel like he’s “ugly” and sometimes he doesn’t even want you to look at them
-Do me a favour and please kiss along his scars/ trace them with your fingers while you compliment him- he’ll start crying because the scars he thought made him ugly are now starting to look beautiful to him
-This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait, more like a bad habit. Whenever Izuku gets stressed he’ll train himself to the brink of exhaustion just so he can try to focus on something other than how stressed he is
-Again, not a toxic trait but a bad one...Deku puts everyone else before himself. Which isn’t a bad thing if it’s done in a healthy amount, but Izuku goes to the extreme. I feel like he’d neglect his own needs just to satisfy everyone else and you’d have to intervene before it gets worse
“Sunshine I said I was fine, you don’t need to worry about me! Your Zuku is perfectly energized and ready to go”
“Zuku don’t lie to me, you know I can read you like a book. You’re coming with me and I’m putting you to bed”
-I hate to say it but this guy hates confrontation so much that sometimes he’ll suffer in silence for MONTHS before he even hints at being upset with something
-I honestly think your biggest argument with him would be about his lack of communication in terms of him not being completely honest about how he feels and he just breaks down-
-Like he has a really bad breakdown because he’s been bottling everything up for so long because he hates the idea of fighting with you.
-And now he’s sobbing because he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t know what else to do
-Anyways, the two of you just silently comfort each other until you’ve both calmed down enough to talk properly. This is the night Izuku finally starts opening up to you rather than bottling up every negative emotion he feels
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-I honestly think his love language is a mixture of giving you gifts and words of praise
-He’s a little shy when it comes to showing you how he feels through affection, so giving you gifts and his praise get his point across
-He’s totally the type to send you cute messages throughout the day, send cute selfies when he misses you, or he just sends you a random bouquet of flowers because he saw them and thought of you
-Also the type of guy to have photos of the two of you displayed around his office. His most prized one being the photo of your first mission together
-Just warning you now that if you ever mention that your suit ripped or a certain item isn’t functioning properly then he’ll literally buy 10 replacements- each one better than the last
“Zuku I said that the sole of my BOOT ripped off, not my entire suit!”
“Well now you have 10 new upgraded suits to make sure it won’t happen again! Isn’t it great, Sunshine?”
(Someone take his credit card away from him)
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I definitely think Izuku would be an amazing S/O! He’s caring, kind and comforting- and he does his very best to try and work on the bad habits he has.
Overall, I would say Izuku definitely would win a “S/O of the year award” (sorry Bakugou)
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creatingnikki · 3 years
What 2020 has taught me
1. Those things that seem like content for sci fi or pure fiction are actually things that can happen. To the entire world. Like a pandemic. And to you. Like a seizure.
2. Everyone is sad. Everyone is struggling. In different ways and in different measures. Makes no one special. But you still get to feel sad for yourself and be compassionate towards others. But it's also okay to draw boundaries because you're everyone too. Remember, not special? You're sad and trying to deal with it too.
3. Every job you have will not add value to your life. It will not teach you new things or give you people you'll want to stay in touch with. Sometimes some jobs will only be a season of your life. Even if the season lasts for over a year. It's okay.
4. You know how you thought picking a college and picking a major and picking your first job and picking a specific industry were all the career decisions you had to make? Yeah, no. It's never a one time thing. You could have a job as a marketing strategist for two years and then want nothing to do with it. And then you'll have to make another decision and work towards it. So I'd like to call it moves. It's like chess. You always have to make a move. And it always has to be strategic, yes. But the truth is in your 20s it probably won't. Even if you try. And as long as you're trying, you'll be fine.
5. You may have different sorts of friends like the one you only talk to about kdrama with or the one you met when you went book shopping alone and the friendship is all about books really. That's normal. But irrespective of why and how you became friends with them, if you consider them a friend then there has to be this basic sense of care, respect and empathy for each other. I don't care what people want to say. If you're faced with the worst trauma of your life, the least your friends can do is check up on you regularly. On text. And if they don't even do that then guess what? They aren't friends. They are acquaintances. Social media and quick promises make everyone seem like your friend. But they are not. They are just nice people who will be nice to you for specific periods and then wander away like you are a speck of dust floating in their journey.
6. You speak a lot and write and you express yourself and you’re emotionally mature but oh my god. You still hold in so much. You’ve known that at a subconscious level and over the last year people - experts - have told you that. You have also realized that you make your pain and sadness about pettier things because dealing with them, admitting about them, sharing that with your friends, is easier. You do that so that you don’t have to deal with the real stuff. Because it’s so damn painful. And you don’t know how to do it. Yet. Acknowledging is the first step anyway right? I know you’re confused about how exactly to let go of all this pain and sadness and feel lighter, and you know that talking to people really isn’t the solution, but I also know you’re smart enough to figure it out. 
7. Talking about being smart...you know you’re different than others. Better. Special. Smarter. None of these are the right words. And you never voiced this out until this year because you knew it would make you come across as narcissistic. Some would say it’s because you’re an INFJ. But my mother once said that this may be the first time we are consciously living life but our souls are old and so our instinct and the things we know but can’t explain are because this isn’t the first time for our souls. The connections we feel with certain people, the reason we are so different from our siblings who grew up in the exact same environment with the exact same opportunities, our sense of right and wrong...it’s all because our souls learn and grow with each time and that’s why we are who we are. I think that’s probably how I can explain what I have always felt. That I am living in a different universe than everybody but I have to pretend to be in this one and dumb my emotions and thoughts down. Maybe that’s because my soul has lived through thousands of years while most around me are living their 100th life. Or maybe I’m just narcissistic, who knows?
8. You shift between talking in first person and second person but that’s because that’s how you think in your head and talk to yourself and live your life. You ask yourself things and you accuse yourself of things and you apologize to yourself and you comfort yourself. I think that seeps into your writing and the changing of the voices. 
9. You always genuinely thought that you’d not be afraid of dying. And then what happened this October proved you shockingly wrong. I know it’s not so much being afraid of dying but the unbearable pain of knowing what that would mean to your family. So you have to be more prudent and less reckless with your life and the choices you make. 
10. Regret is not something that plagued you but this year the realisation and pain of giving away your favourite books from your own personal collection to people you care about as a show of affection and them turning out to be ass holes or losers has hit you so hard. So, yes. No more of that shit. I really fucking want my copy of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower back. UGH. With the childhood picture of me inside it! 
11. Sleeping at 5 am in the morning stops being fun or romanticised when you realise just how much harm it does to your body and mind. Literally every single disease and disorder can be traced back to a shitty fucking sleep schedule. It’s not just the hours you sleep but also the quality of sleep and the time you sleep at. So yes sleeping for 8 hours is healthy but not if that 8 hours is from 5 am to 12 pm. ‘Not a morning person’ is just another construct of capitalism and you don’t realise how many industries profit from having you believe that and staying up late or all night. Entertainment. Food. Alcohol. Pharma. Biologically and naturally you are a bloody morning person. And you don’t need 3 cups of coffee to begin your day or your phone notifications to get you to open your eyes and brain to wake up. 
12. Sometimes you really have to stop taking people so seriously. I know the idea of treating people as casual friends or entertainment makes you want to fight that concept but you know what? Some people like Pineapple are ever only going to be good for that. No matter how much they ‘grow and change’. So keep them in the background for whenever you want some entertainment or drama. But please don’t clear up your busy schedule to meet them or send them gifts on their birthday. 
13. If you don’t have the fruit juice or green juice within half an hour of making it then you are losing out on its most optimum health benefits. Or when you remove the white stringy stuff from oranges. That’s where all the actual nutrients are.
14. I am privileged and so are most of the people I interact with. The global pandemic has been hell for a lot of people around the world. Health wise. Financially. Losing people they care about. But I was blessed enough to be safe at home and have a job that I could smoothly do from home and not have a pay cut or 4-hour long Zoom meetings. So honestly when my friends tell me 2020 has been bad I have to stop and ask them why? Yes, the crippling uncertainty and anxiety is not something that can be undermined. But most people I know had very great positive life-changing milestones this year like moving away to another country for college or taking their first solo trip or getting married. So I have to ask them. Because I am not going to agree that everybody’s 2020 and pandemic narrative is the same. 
15. Money gets spent really quickly. When I left my job earlier this year because of personal issues, I thought I had enough savings to last me a year. Full disclosure - I mean to last my personal expenses because I live with my parents. But it didn’t even last me 3 months. And so to use money wisely and buy things that provide utility than instant gratification is something to follow. Also buying one pair of really expensive but quality shoes is better than buying 5 pairs of affordable but low quality shoes that will have a very short life and force you to buy more. I know that higher price doesn’t always mean better quality but sometimes it does. And as an adult now I want to do the whole quality > quantity thing even with things and not just people. 
16. Everyone in their 20s went through a crisis of what they should do with their lives and their careers and it’s not unique to the 21st century and the challenges of today. Whether it was Vincent Van Gogh in the 19th century or Sylvia Plath in the 20th, every single person, as brilliant as them went through the torture of making these decisions and living with their consequences. You may think I picked wrong examples for they both killed themselves but you know what? They were the people who really want to live more than anyone. They knew what life meant. And maybe if mental health help was more accessible back then their lives would be longer and more peaceful. 
17. Telling people everything is overrated. You don’t have to talk about every single thing that’s on your mind or that’s going on in your life. The good and the bad and the mediocre. You have to be mindful about how much of yourself you’re giving away. 
18. Re-watch Suits when people at work feel intimidating because the confidence + negotiation tactics that they show can actually work irl cos at the end of the day no matter in what position you’re dealing with people who have emotions and fears and insecurities and desires. You understand how to leverage that nobody can get the better of you. 
19. You belong to yourself. No matter how much you love someone or how much they have done for you or how much you owe them - you belong to yourself. You can’t live your life for someone else. Everyone belongs to themselves first. No relationship, no promise, no circumstance should make you feel like you have to give up your life and make it all about them. If and when the time comes to die for them, go ahead. Take a bullet. Donate that kidney. Write them in your will. But live your life for yourself. And let them live theirs. 
20. Twenty three was a challenging year. When it started you claimed the age 23 sounds boring and insignificant. Guess it proved you wrong. It hurt so much now. But that only means you’ll look back on it later and see how it added so much wisdom and resilience to your being. It doesn’t mean that it makes all the bad things that happened to you okay. Or that you should be grateful to them. Fuck no. It means that you should be kinder to yourself because at the end of the day, your mind and body find it in themselves to deal with whatever is thrown their way. They have your back. It’s time you learn to sit straight. 
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chibiwritesstuff · 3 years
Hey! I'm the one that asked for the Lilia and Malleus ask. I love what you wrote so much man! (My poor heart died 😂) I am a big sucker for happy endings tho. So when you get the time can I ask for a happy ending ?
Ha, my laptop thought they won against me but I came out victorious (even though I took literal months to publish this.) In my defense, all the versions I’ve written for this didn't suit my tastes (not that this is any good either.) Hope this makes justice for such a long wait. Here’s the sequel/good ending for the angst fic.
Now, let’s enter this twisted wonderland~
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Walking past the now dying garden that used to flourish in Ramshackle dorm, he sighed as he reminisces about the times you two stroll and spends time together. It's been years since you’ve left NRC, He and Lilia are about to graduate tomorrow, Silver will be a fourth-year student and the new vice-dorm leader while Sebek will be in his third year and the dorm leader much to the said fae’s surprise. He chuckled at the memory of how honored and tearful the young fae is upon being selected as its prefect.
“I have so much to tell you, (y/n).” He whispered at the wind.
“Hey, Tsunotarou!” The familiar voice of the tanuki cat being called that long-forgotten name.
“Hey, Tsunotarou! Are we going on a walk again tonight?” You smiled at him, your hand extended as an invitation.
“Grimm, wasn’t it?” He crouched down to pet the said creature.
“Hey! I’m not a pet!” The flames on his ears flared, responding to his emotions. “What are you doing here, anyway? The roses are all dead.”
A wave of sadness flashed in his eyes as another memory resurfaced. Returning his gaze towards the dead flowerbed, he let the memory linger.
“Thanks for the seeds, Tsunotarou!” You excitedly began digging and planting said seeds. “To commemorate our friendship, these roses will be our friendship roses!”
“Yes, they are
” His hand ceased from moving before sitting down the ground. “It’s all gone
“By the way, I never managed to get the courage to ask you but why did (y/n) went back home crying that time?”
“I was but a foolish man
” The young heir steered his gaze towards the night sky before closing his eyes. “Had I just enjoyed the present than worry about the future, perhaps they would still be here and smile brightly like they always had.”
“I’m sure if you say sorry, they’ll forgive you.” Grimm responded nonchalantly. “They said saying sorry is the first step to forgiveness
 or something like that.”
He chuckled and stood up heading towards his dorm. “If things were only that easy
That night, he slept and dreamt about you two walking in the bed of roses you’ve grown at Ramshackle. Loving every single moment that you two get to spend subconsciously knowing that once he wakes up, he’ll return to the harsh reality of you not being by his side.
“Tsunotaro, I think I have fallen for you.” You quietly said warmth spreading across your cheeks. “Will you let me stay by your side till the last breath I take?”
This is all but a dream
 so I can keep dreaming, right?
“Yes, only if you’ll let me do the same.”
“Really?!” Joy showed throughout your being which made him smile back. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow! Happy graduation!”
He woke up gasping for air. That dream sounded too good to be true and yet
 he can’t help but be hopeful. Putting on a happy face, he got dressed on what Lilia laid out for him and this time, everybody remembered to tell him the time of the celebration. He can’t help but laugh just thinking what your reaction would have been about the changes of the students' behavior towards him after he tried to socialize better. Heading towards the stage getting his diploma as odd as it is, he acted formally as he mingled with the rest of the dorm leaders until a voice echoed throughout the area.
“Tsunotarou!” Receiving a hug from the back as the voice caught him off guard, he turned still not believing what he’s seeing. “Congrats on graduating!”
“(y/n)?” His voice faltered, overwhelmed with so many emotions. “How? Why? I –”
 Lilia! Your king here is having an information overload!” You called which made the said fae laugh out loud.
“How are you here?” He finally managed to ask. “The mirror –”
“Ah, that would be my doing
” Idia whispered but managed to catch everyone’s attention. “It was an accident! I was messing around to make a teleporter so I can just teleport to the store than having to leave the dorm but it ended up making people travel through dreams then I managed to talk to (y/n). Then we both decided we might as well try to make travel here and back to their world possible.”
“Looks like you did meet me once upon a dream, yeah?” You grinned at the joke about his ancestor’s song.
He merely hugged you, savoring each second of being around your arms. “I don’t have anything ready but if you’ll give me a second chance
He lets go and kneeled on one knee before looking up to you once more. “Will you be my spouse till the day you draw your last breath?”
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Time is but a blink of an eye for fae and before he knew it, the Star Sending is happening once again. He was happy when Silver and Sebek were chosen to be Star Gazers albeit the mentioned students aren’t. He strummed his electric guitar with no particular music in mind as he lets his mind wander until his gaze dropped on a familiar mug.
“Happy Birthday, Lilia!” You grinned as you handed him a mug that said “No. 1 Gamer Dad” on it. “Hope you like it!”
His lips curled into a faint smile as he remembered that day. It's been a year since you left and yet it felt like it was just yesterday. Letting go of the instrument, he walked towards the mug and lifted it intending to fill it with tomato juice.
“How have you been, little one?” He spoke towards the image of you in his head. “I hope life is treating you better in your world.”
Without me in it
 he sighed as sadness filled his chest. If I could change the past, or at least be given another chance
 will you give your love to me once more?
“Old m –” Silver cleared his throat before entering. “I mean, Lilia. I’m here to take your wish.”
He took a deep breath before putting a huge smile to face his son. “Ah, yes of course! You know my wish. I wish for both –”
This surprised the old fae as his son never raised his voice on him. “We both know that that’s not your true wish.”
“Silver, do humor me and just let me finish my wish.” He pouted, swirling the tomato juice in the mug before drinking it.
“Father, we all know how much you love them.” The young knight sighed before taking a seat on a nearby chair. “You always gush about them whenever we eat or do anything.”
“Oh Silver, I appreciate the concern but sometimes you got to let go.” A forlorn smile graced his lips.
“And sometimes you have to be selfish!” Both of them looked surprised at his outburst yet Silver regained his composure and continued. “You love them, right?! Then why not be with them? You took me in out of love, right?”
“There’s a big difference here, Silver.” Lilia rubbed his temple as stress starts to build up.
“What’s the difference? We’re both humans with a short lifespan so you can't use that as an excuse!” His silver eyes narrowing as he gazed upon his father before widening. “You’re afraid, aren’t you?”
He let out a defeated chuckle before nodding. “You’ve grown so much, Silver. I’m so proud of you, you know?”
“Why? You could have been happily living with them.”
“Because I’m afraid to witness her death if we ever do start a family together.” At last, the older fae began letting his tears fall in front of his son. “I don’t think I’ll be able to survive seeing her pass while I still live on. I want it to last for all eternity but to remove her mortality is too inhumane.”
“I-I’m sorry
” Silver lowered his head, having a little understanding of what he meant. “I didn’t mean to –”
“So, for my wish this Star Sending
” After a pathetic attempt to control his tears, he gulped and continued. “I want to be given another chance to be with them
 and this time, I’ll bear the pain of losing them when the time comes.”
A shine of light filled the wishing star confirmed his wish inside the item. Silver walked towards him and let the man cry his heart out in his arms. He both felt sad and honored that Lilia is willing to cry in front of him. He truly hopes that his father’s wish is granted. Bringing out the wishing star, he proclaimed his wish.
“I wish (y/n) can return in twisted wonderland once more.”
“Silver, you didn’t have to waste your wish for this
“I don’t mind having a parent like them.” He smiled before heading towards the door with both wishing stars at hand. “They’re a much better cook than you anyway.”
The day of Star Sending has arrived and everybody is once again by the huge tree behind NRC. It went well without a hitch and Lilia’s phone filled with recordings of Sebek and Silver dancing in perfect sync towards the taiko being played by Jack of Savanaclaw. As all students began returning to their dorms, the bat fae decided to stay a little longer and was given privacy by the rest of the Diasomnia students.
“Catch me, Lilia!” A voice screamed from above.
Turning his attention to the voice’s origin. His eyes widened before extending his arms ready to catch the person. A huge smile on his face as you landed safely into his arms. You let out a sigh of relief as you steadied yourself in his hold.
“Do not question why I was up in the air.” You huffed, glaring at the sky. “Safe landing my ass! I was dropped off 50ft up in the air!”
“My oh my, did you fall in love with me all over again?” He teased as he covertly wiped his tears.
“I saw that and maybe but I would still prefer a much safer landing.” You huffed before smiling at him. “What happened to the ‘I wish for world peace between all creatures’ wish, huh?”
“How did you know?”
“My coworker and I were trying to make a portal to get me back here because I forgot some stuff here to grab and funnily enough those wishing stars became our fuel source to open that portal.” You pulled out your phone and confirmed your arrival with a whole long spiel on how the landing would have killed you if you weren’t caught by Lilia. “But by your wish I assume there’s no need for me to get packing away from here?”
“Yes, if you’ll give me another chance.” He held out his hand, a makeshift flower ring on his palm. “Will you give me the honor of being your significant other?”
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babyloposts · 3 years
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Pairing: Soul x Maka
Fandom: Soul Eater
Warnings: fluff, nightmares, nudity, language
WordCount: 1.4K+
Summary: Soul has been having unexplainable nightmares as of late and finds that the only way to soothe them are from thinking about Maka. One night his subconscious takes things a little too far and he some how winds up waking up in Maka’s bed.
A/N: I love platonic SoMa almost as much as I love them romantically, but just them caring for each other is so fucking cute in any sense. So enjoy this cute fluffy stuff cuz I’m in that kind of mood
Darkness encompassed everything for miles. Shadows ran amuck against the walls that dripped black blood. Soul looked down at his legs. They were stuck in place. No way of getting out of the tar like substance his lower body was trapped in. This couldn’t be the end it just couldn’t.
Suddenly a voice eerily familiar echoed off of every building in the darkened city and rattled through his brain. “Don’t fight it anymore Soul. You’re not allowed to have nice things and you know that. Why don’t we get rid of that little Meister of yours so you can remember what your destiny is.” Soul searched everywhere for the source of the voice, but it was disembodied. There was no one out here for miles.
That is until Maka emerged about 50 feet in front of him almost drowning in sticky black ooze. Soul’s breath caught in his throat. How could she be here? She wasn’t apart of this.
“Soul!” The blood curdling yell struck a nerve jolting Soul into action. There was no way this was how it would end. There was no way he could lose everything like this. Using all the might he could muster he began to move his legs. He was moving at a snail’s pace even though he was sprinting with everything he had in him. His feet stuck to the ground with each step and pulled him back to the darkness from which he once came. He wouldn’t go back, couldn’t go back. Not until she was safe.
“Soul! Help Me!” She sounded like she was drowning and crying. So was he. Tears streamed down his face as the end looked closer. He wouldn’t make it in time. She was sinking and he was too fucking slow. No this couldn’t be it, he could go faster.
Soul tried, and pushed, and screamed. It was down to the wire. She was sinking fast and there wasn’t much left he could do to save her. There was only a few feet left, but he couldn’t make it. The blood was already seeping from her mouth and her tear ducts before he even reached her.
“S-soul... please Soul... Soul!”
His eyes jolted open as he took in the new scenery. It was familiar in a comforting way. The floors and walls covered in books and plants only bringing warmth to the man still coming off a terrifying high. He breathing stilled as a hand was brought up to his chest, that hand belonging to the owner of the room.
“Soul?” She spoke softly not trying to provoke the fragile giant in her bed.
“Maka...” Soul’s cognitive skills were finally coming back to him as he realized this was not where he had fallen asleep. Somehow in the time it took for him to pass out in his bedroom and have that nightmare he had ended up... in his meister’s bedroom. “How...?”
Maka shook her head and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “I’m just as surprised as you apparently, but...” Maka shied away. She had awoken to Soul quivering by her side. She didn’t know how long he had been there, but... there were tears.
Soul sat up fully and dropped his head into his hands. Why now of all times? Right before a big mission. It didn’t make sense. He hadn’t slept-walked since he was a child and now all of a sudden he starts up and climbs into his best friend’s bed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I haven’t... done this, in a long time.”
“You didn’t scare me. I’m just worried about you.” Her palm moved from his chest to his cheek, doing anything she could to be comforting. Soul sighed, he felt like a baby and how could he not. He was basically crawling into “mommy’s” bed after a bad dream. He was fucking crying. His disdain for himself replaced all the fearful and vulnerable emotions from before.
“Soul. What was it about?” Maka questioned hesitantly.
“Nothing. Just had me scared a little.” He brushed off, but Maka wasn’t buying it.
“Nothing? Really? You crawled into my bed at 3AM.”
“Well if you wanted me to leave you could’ve just said that.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Maka outstretched her arm to make him stay, but not before realizing the actual elephant in the room. “S-Soul you’re... naked.” Maka pulled away quickly and covered her eyes.
If Soul wasn’t embarrassed before he certainly was now. His cheeks burned red hot and he grabbed the closest thing he could find to cover himself. Wrapping Maka’s towel around his waist he sat himself on the edge of the bed and prepared for the scolding that was sure to ensue.
“Are you decent?”
“Y-yeah.” He sighed. Maka opened her eyes to see him facing away from her with his head held in his hands.
“That’s my towel.” She chuckled.
“I’ll wash it.”
Maka laughed at the hint of annoyance in his voice, but quickly regained her worry for the boy. He wouldn’t sleep walk into her room, or cry if that dream was just “a little bit scary”.
“Seriously Soul, what’s wrong? You can tell me anything, you know?”
Soul sat pouting for a minute more before giving in. He barely had any dignity left anyway.
“The dreams. They’re about you.” He sighed. He couldn’t look at her, wouldn’t dare try to gauge her reaction now. She probably thought he was pathetic. “I keep seein you, all surrounded in black blood and drowning. And I can never save you. I’m never fast enough. I usually wake up around the time that you die. And for my own conscience I come and... check on you.”
Maka stayed silent allowing Soul the space to say what he needed. She didn’t know how to feel. Dream analysis usually says that if someone close to you dies in a dream that could mean good fortune, or the start of something new, but she doubted Soul’s dreams were anything less than literal.
“I know it’s stupid, but I always check. To make sure you’re still okay. And I guess... I don’t know. They say old habits die hard, hence the sleepwalking and I’m sorry. You’re just the only thing that can ease my mind when I get like this.”
No words were passed between the duo, just Maka’s arms coming to rest around Soul’s shoulders and her head lodged in the crook of his neck. “I’m right here.”
Soul felt like it was the first time he could breathe that night. Finally he felt that comfort he had been looking for. He moved a hand back to pat Maka’s head as a ‘thank you’. “Thanks Maka. I needed that.”
Maka released soul from his captivity within her embrace. Reluctantly he stood and started for the door. “I’ll get you a new towel.” He chuckled awkwardly.
“You’re leaving?” It was the first time he was able to catch her gaze since the admission. He studied her face. Those bright green eyes luring him towards her.
“W-well, I figured I might as well try to get another hour of sleep in while I can.”
“What if the nightmares come back?”
“Are you asking me to stay?”
“Only if that’s what you want.” That’s exactly what he wanted. To have Maka right beside him assuring them both that they would be okay. Soul smirked at Maka before turning to leave her bedroom without another word.
Maka sighed and flopped down onto her back. Soul was so stupid sometimes. He wasn’t the only one who worried. She worried about him being safe all the time. If only he would let himself be vulnerable sometimes, at least around her.
Approaching footsteps brought Maka out from her thoughts. Soul appeared in the doorway again, now with shorts on. He closed the door behind himself and slunk in next to Maka on the bed. He sighed to himself before meeting her gaze with a small content smile on his face.
“Thanks for worrying about me.” He smiled.
“You’re not the only one who worries, Soul. I just wanna be here for you okay?” She let a delicate finger trace along his jawline in reassurance. He nodded and sighed at the comforting touch.
“We should get some sleep.” He suggested. Maka agreed, but she still had one last thought lingering at the back of her mind.
“Yeah we should. But Soul...”
“You sleep naked?” Maka couldn’t even try to contain her giggles as Soul groaned in annoyance. He turned so that his back was facing her to hide the embarrassment prevalent on his cheeks.
“Shut up. I get hot at night!”
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
SO i watched the old guard and loved it and i have a habit of combining things i love and it’s 1am and i can’t get to sleep until i purge this from my brain i think SO consider this 
Five jumps in time into the apocalypse and - he dies. Of course he dies. Maybe it’s the time jump itself, managing to rip himself apart because he tried too much too soon. Maybe it’s the apocalypse itself that kills him. Regardless, he dies.
And then he wakes up. And he’s fine. And he continues on.
Except - he has weird dreams. He dreams of - of all these people? He dreams that they’re in the apocalypse as well. It’s weird. He would brush it off but, well, he keeps dreaming of them. Again. And again. And again. 
(He likes dreaming of them, honestly. When he doesn’t dream of them he dreams of ash and fire and his siblings dead and decaying and wailing at him for failing them.)
He continues to live in the apocalypse and years pass and - he’s not getting older. He cuts his leg open on some rocks, and it heals way too quickly. All of his injuries are like that, actually. 
(He spends a whole week starving to death over and over again once. It isn’t pretty. He doesn’t even know he’s dying.)
Eventually he comes to a conclusion - his time jump fucked him up. He’s in a permanent... stasis? Sort of? He keeps continuously returning to the state he was when he jumped through time, including his body now? Rejecting injuries? Presumably because he wasn’t injured when he jumped?
It makes sense to Five, shhh.
And then he gets picked up by the commission. and then he doesn’t shoot JFK. and then he goes home.
(He keeps dreaming about His People. They aren’t in the apocalypse when he isn’t, which is nice. They’re probably some weird manifestation of his subconscious, considering his brain keeps casting them as people during the time periods he’s visiting)
Now I know what you’re thinking - Five is dreaming about these glorious weirdos in the apocalypse, obviously they would try to find him because they’re dreaming about him as well, right?
See, the thing is this: Andy doesn’t remember the exact date she first had a dream about The Boy. 
(The Boy definitely deserved the capital letters, because he’s the weirdest enigma that they never solved.)
But she remembers her and Quynh being horrified because - the next immortal was a child? They freaked out about it and tried to write everything down they could remember to help them hunt the kid down.
And they tried - they did! for a whole three days! except after those three days the dreams just - stopped. cold. nothing new.
This was, of course, super super confusing. And maybe they would have written it off as a shared hallucination if it didn’t keep happening.
There’s no pattern to when they dream of the kid. It just happens. Sometimes a few times in a year. Sometimes there’s decades or centuries between dreams. The first time Nicky and Joe dream of him, Andy has to sit them down and explain that no, don’t worry about it. Yes she knows that it’s a child. No, he’s not a new immortal. They’ll stop dreaming about him in a few days, a week tops, it’s fine. No, she doesn’t know What The Fuck That Is About.
By the time Nile joins the team it’s sort of a weird inside joke. There’s longstanding bets about when the boy will pop up in their dreams again. It’s fine. Okay, so it’s weird, but their lives are already so goddamn weird.
(So imagine the old guard fresh in the apocalypse, no human life on earth. they’re dreaming about the boy again, and the only weird thing now is the consistency of it. maybe they’re in europe or something, but most of the planes have been destroyed in whatever-the-fuck took out the population of the whole ass world. it might have taken years to literally find and dig each other out of the rubble. yeah it’s weird the boy is not a frequent dream thing, but it’s not like it’s urgent.)
Anyway, Five jumps into his family’s courtyard and stumbles out, and eats and peanut butter and jelly sandwich, avoids questions about his age by rambling about quantum versions of himself, and goes to Griddy’s where he ends up getting attacked by commission goons and having to walk home barefoot because he had to ditch his shoes
(The Commission couldn’t put a tracker in his arm. His body kept rejecting them somehow, thanks to his... weird temporal nonsense. The Handler kept promising him that they’d find a way to fix him or whatever, but they never did. Assholes.)
Now, the Old Guard squad go to sleep and, thank you, start dreaming of Five in all his somewhat feral glory.
They bolt awake and - “You guys owes me so much money.” Nicky crows victoriously, because he totally won the pot on the next kid dream year, thank you very much.
And any other time that would be the end of it, because they’re used to these fleeting dreams of the boy.
Except Nile exists now. And of course she’s like, we have to find this kid.
Of course the others try to explain to her - except Nile points out a very important fact: it might have taken weeks or months or years to find other immortals back in the day due to travel times and lack of information and all that. But it’s 2019 baby. They have the internet and very fast plane travel. Did you have that when Booker was a baby immortal? no. it took them like, a day to go hunt Nile down though.
“You say you dream about him for a few days or a week or whatever.” Nile points out to the group’s dawning realization, “Well we have the power to get to him in a few days. So we can find him.”
“If we find him then we can never bet on him again though.” Booker points out, and Nicky who is in the process of gloating about his latest win (Nicky has won three times in a row motherfuckers) looks a bit crestfallen. Andy, on the other hand, just looks determined.
“Get off your asses.” Nile says firmly, spinning her laptop around and showing them the one (1) result for a “Griddy’s Diner” that she found that matches whatever the fuck the dream showed her, “We’re going to America.”
“Again?” Nicky complains, “I thought we swore to not go to America again for at least a century.”
(Until Nile’s family definitely dies, they don’t say.)
So they all begrudgingly go to America, during which time Five manages to get called potentially insane by his favorite sister, not get any sleep, bribe his brother to investigate an eye that doesn’t exist, and mourn losing his one lead to who the fuck started the apocalypse.
I don’t think Five or the og squad were expecting to actually meet.
But they’re hunting Five down and looking around and Five is pondering his next move and then just - across the street, their eyes meet.
“YOU.” The OG squad bellows, because Five has been a goddamn mystery for literally thousands of years.
“Me?” Five says, very confused, like someone who has definitely had trauma induced hallucinations and flashbacks whose dream characters decided to show up on the street outside his house for some reason.
And they go over to Five, and Five is like “wow what a weird hallucination to be having, maybe if i ignore it it’ll go away because that’s a healthy mindset to have (:”
and then one of them touches him and just - 
Five lashes out. It’s instinctive. He has a knife and he just - stabs. Automatically. and his dream person winces and steps back and - 
(He stabbed his dream person. Hallucinations don’t touch him they’re not supposed to touch him and they can’t be stabbed what - )
And then the dream person heals before his eyes.
“I probably deserved that.” Booker muses, grimacing at the hole in his new shirt thank you very much.
“You’re not real.” Five says a little too loudly and a little too insistently to sound at all convincing as he takes a step backwards.
“I’m not real? You’re not real!” Nicky butts in, slightly offended, “You’re the one that keeps - keeps vanishing!”
“Oh my god why are you all disasters.” Nile mourns putting her face in her palms as though she can block out her new weird family by sheer force of will.
“Hey, remember when you died?” Andy offers with a shrug which just makes Nile groan louder. “What’s that about? I’m not even shooting him this time.”
“You can’t shoot him, he’s a baby.” Joe gasps, gesturing towards Five’s thirteen-year-old self.
“I’m not a baby!” Five snaps, bristling on autopilot because the rest of his brain function is stuck on a repeat of “what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck”
“Baby boy. Baby.” Nicky backs his husband up, leaning against Joe and smirking.
“Am not!” Five growls, “And give me my knife back!”
“Finder’s keepers.” Booker says nonchalantly, spinning said knife in his fingers, “If you didn’t want me to have it then you shouldn’t have stabbed me with it.”
“It’s my brother’s knife, you can’t have it.” Five argues.
“Booker.” Andy says firmly, making Booker shrink a little like a scolded child, “Give the kid the knife back. How would you feel if I took your gun?”
“You wouldn’t take my gun.” Booker mutters, handing an increasingly confused Five the knife back, “I would simply shoot you.”
“Ooh,” Nicky snickers, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Don’t encourage them.” Joe says, nudging at Nicky. Which would be fine if he hadn’t added in a slightly lower tone that they could all still hear, “Fifty on Andy.”
“That’s a sucker’s bet, my love.” Nicky laughs, pressing a kiss to Joe’s cheek.
There’s a beat of silence.
“No offense, but what the fuck is going on.” Five states rather than asks, clutching his slightly stolen knife (Diego didn’t even notice when he’s snagged it which honestly means he didn’t deserve to keep the weapon) tight to his chest. “Are you guys... with the Commission?”
“What the fuck is the Commission?” Joe does not whisper to Booker, who is supposed to be the research guy but he just shrugs because he’s useless.
Anyway that’s how the whole Old Guard squad winds up in Reginald Hargreeves creepy ass mansion trying to explain to an increasingly erratic immortal child that, yeah, he’s a little bit immortal. No it doesn’t have anything to do with his powers (powers?? powers??????? what the fuck i mean yes their lives are already so goddamn weird but there is a line and Booker draws it at teleportation what the fuck). 
What’s this about an apocalypse?
(When they asked Five for his age, they were not expecting a curt ‘fifty-eight, probably’. Yes they are now aware there is funky time travel involved - which honestly explains so much about the frequently vanishing immortal - but still. 
He looks baby but also he is baby. He’s younger than Booker!! Not even a century! They have two whole babies on the immortal squad !!)
“The world is going to end on April 1st.” Five explains, looking deeply uncomfortable. And afraid. 
(And young. So very terribly young. He’s been thirteen-years-old for a long time. If these people are right - he’s going to remain thirteen until his immortality, what, wears off? Which could be literally thousands of years in the future?
He has family god damnit. He doesn’t want to outlive them. He just - he just wanted to see them again. To save them.)
And honestly why not. Five has already demonstrated teleportation. Time travel does explain his random popping into their lives via dreams. Why not? And let’s be real, they have way much more to lose by not believing him than believing him.
“Alright let’s stop an apocalypse.” Andy says, clapping her hands together.
“You’re going to help?” Five asks in a small voice, because he had sort of resigned himself to going at it alone.
“Give me the number for the eye.” Nile says kindly, “We have someone we could contact about that sort of thing, or at the very least who can keep an eye out for when it is manufactured and let us know.”
(RIP Copley when he realizes he has to deal with anything involving the Umbrella Academy. I am sure they were a very deep thorn in the governments side for a long time tbh)
“Who The Fuck Are All These People In Our Living Room.” Luther asks, Very Loudly, with Allison close behind.
And yeah. No one really knows how the fuck to answer that, let’s be real. What are they supposed to say? Hey, sorry for crashing, we’re here to lowkey kidnap your newly re-found brother because surprise! he’s immortal! Because that would go over so well.
Anyway, so the Old Guard squad are just there like,, trying to teach Five about his newfound immortality (at least he’s got good at the whole “fuck cameras” thing during his stint in the commission, though admittedly there were plenty of mission from pre-camera times. ah, the age before technology.) and also adopt him? because being immortal means family and family means no one gets left behind (or forgotten, hello Quynh)
(okay yeah they tried to put Booker in time out that one time but after a few years they were just sad and everyone was texting him anyway so now it’s just something they bring up at every opportunity. Joe wants the first turn in the bathroom? Booker, you betrayed him. He was a lab rat, Booker. And on and on until Booker throws up his hands and gives in. Yes, fine, you can have the bathroom first.)
And the Umbrella Academy usually would leave Five to his own devices but... look. Five might have vanished for seventeen years or whatever but he’s still their brother and they can be surprisingly territorial.
At least some people are getting along like a house on fire.
(“You were a crusader?” Klaus asks with wide eyes, “How does that even work?”
“What, being gay?” Nicky asks, tilting his head, “It’s fine. I have a permit.”
“A permit.”
“Mmhmm. From the Pope and everything.”
“I kind of want to be you when I grow up.”)
I can’t tell if things would go more smoothly or if the fuck ups would be even more epic in proportion. On the bright side, the apocalypse probably wouldn’t happen because Andy and Nile immediately clock Leonard-Harold’s serial killer vibes.
(Leonard realizes they’re onto him and tries to kill them which is a big mistake lmao, bye bye Leonard)
It probably ends up in an all out war against the Commission honestly, and the OG squad and the Umbrella Academy teaming up to destroy it.
(“How is this even going to work?” Allison asks at one point, gesturing at Five and the old guard.
“Shared custody?” Joe suggests brightly before doubling over because Five has pointy elbows and is not afraid to use them.)
Andy and Five probably go feral together at one point and it sure is something to behold. 
“Now that is a kid who understand what a signal is.” Booker admires after a particularly large explosion happens. Nile just nods along because yeah. 
(“How come you guys get to call Five a kid without being stabbed?” Klaus complains.
“He isn’t even a century old. I’m 250 and I was the youngest until Nile popped up.” Booker shrugs.
“We’re in our 950s.” Nicky says, “If little Cinque does not want to be called a kid he should have been born earlier.”
“How old is hot axe woman?” Klaus asks, absolutely enraptured.
They OG squad all exchange a look and just collectively shrug, “Old as balls.”
“Besides,” Booker says dismissively, “What’s he going to do about it? Kill us?”
and that ends that conversation)
(They also don’t discuss how young Five is. How young he was when he died. How that’s going to effect him all his life. How he’s going to be old in years, but he’s always going to be thirteen in the same way that Nile is stuck in her 20s. Sometimes it seems like the immortals are getting younger and younger in age and... it sucks.)
anyway just. Old Guard and Umbrella Academy shenanigans as they stop the apocalypse and try to look after the semi-feral teenager they have been saddled with and figure out what comes next
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catcze · 3 years
hey it’s kiwi anon! i’ve been melting at the thought of musician kazuha lately so i just knew i had to let it out somehow. ^^;;
*before reading, i’d like to note that this is somewhat of a modern au where the reader and kazuha attend a prestigious music school known for raising successful musicians. only the best of the best are accepted, so it’s certainly a privilege to be there! (though, of course, it has its downsides but we’ll get to that later..)
and i wrote it in second person (gn!) this time!! >:)
(tbh i’m not particularly proud of this one but i really hope you guys like it anyway. ><)
“The stray melody:
its echo reverberates
such sad solitude.”
“Only at the right time shall the day come when I may ride the infallible winds of freedom to the place where creativity bears no bounds.”
“You are bound?” “How so?” You questioned.
After a long awaited interlude, you were finally face to face with the (formerly) faceless musician.
About a month ago, you were assigned a new practice room. Although most students would view this as a blessing from the archons, you found yourself in an unfavorable situation. Suddenly being thrown into playing in a new environment made you uneasy, and though your stance on this was unwavering, there was no disobeying the school.
But the first time the sound of violin seeped through the walls and filled your room with its charming tune, you were bewitched. For some strange reason, it was comforting to know that someone else was on the other side of the wall. Occasionally, you would pause practice abruptly only to listen to the chords, losing yourself in thought with the way they blended together in the most musical way possible; but before you could notice, an hour or two has passed and you’ve barely done much of anything.
Maybe this was a curse, but you surely weren’t one to complain about it.
One day, with no warning, it seemed the violinist began to play along with you. It never occurred to you that they could also listen through the wall, so it came as a complete surprise. It became a chivalric battle of wits; melodies fighting for dominance but only ever resulting in a satisfying draw. You couldn’t help but imagine their fingers dancing along the stringed instrument as your own strutted along the keys of the piano. And the way you two subconsciously created a heavenly harmony was enough to spark your interest and unhinged curiosity. Who are you?
But before you could ask, a faint voice spoke, “My dorm is located on the top floor near the gardens. I
 do not expect you to meet me, but this could be considered as a statement or an invitation, however you perceive it.” That is what he said that day. God, even his voice was musical.
You, too, had no intention of meeting him directly. The thought of the school suspending the two of you for doing the bare minimum brought you back into your shell. You had limits, and there was nothing getting between you and your music career.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t willing to give some small effort into discovering the truth. Into the late hours of the evening, you took a casual stroll around the school’s gardens. Fortunately, you were alone. The silence was pleasant, but it didn’t last for long. As the familiar sound reached your perked ears, you searched around for the source of the noise. And there he was, standing on his patio with his long, bright hair tied back as the evening winds stroked each strand in its clutches— a violin held in his hand.
Everything about him was musical— even the way he pressed his delicate yet calloused fingers along the strings of the violin's neck. It didn’t take long for you to catch interest in the ruby-eyed violinist.
There was no explaining the way you two locked eyes for the first time. Though joyous, it seemed you both were lost— since when had you cared so much for someone you’d never met?
As it turned out, your dorms happened to be in close proximity with each other. It became routine for you to lean expectantly against the edge of your patio and for the violinist to leave his doors open so you could listen to his music as the sun would find its slumber, resting upon the horizon.
It didn’t take long for you to grow rather greedy. You longed to learn more about him, but everything about him was shrouded in an empty veil of unanswered questions and an identity you failed to identify.
Luckily, fate has its ways.
Curiosity led you to find yourself exploring into the deeper, abandoned depths of the school’s halls. You entered into a seemingly empty music room before shortly realizing you weren’t alone. The feeling of eyes staring daggers at your back made you prickle with fear until you turned to realize that such eyes belonged to the skilled violinist himself.
“Comedic coincidence always has its ways,” he remarked, the corners of his lips lifting into a gentle grin.
His face was always melded into the shape of endless pondering. He had a relaxed nature that was simply unchanging. And though he often appears to be a simple man at first glance, Kaedehara Kazuha was anything but simple.
It surprised you to see a vulnerable side of him, because you never expected him to have one. First impressions were surely deceiving.
He crouched over, his hand supporting his head in a lazy manner.
“I sense that I am suffering from a lack of passion— the kind that children may experience as they wrap their fingers around a bow for the first time,” a stray shadow came across him as he breathily sighed, “The walls of this school are suffocating, but I, like many others, can endure this drowning feeling.”
Kazuha often spoke in a unique manner— resembling a loud whisper.
“So, I wasn’t the only one who noticed,” you noted, “I’d hate to admit it, but this school is a living nightmare.”
Kazuha’s eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“And neither of us can wake from it.”
Momentarily, he shifted his position so he sat closer to you. His shoulder shrugged as his arm straightened and his hand held onto the edge of the seat to support himself, his handsome head hung idly backwards.
“But, I feel like I have a reason to keep going, but as of now it lingers in my head as an enigma of sorts. Perhaps it is odd to find myself blindly following passion without reason, but I have a feeling that perhaps,” he paused, his fingers traced along the seat and his pinkie linked delicately with yours, “you have a role to play in this.”
Your face burned slightly at the sudden display of physical touch.
His speech was vague. You naively wanted to question his use of words (and actions), but it didn’t seem timely. Until, next time.
You beamed slightly, “Perhaps so.”
Kazuha’s pinkie finger squeezed against yours before letting go. He stood up with his eyes still burning into your own.
“It appears I have surpassed my original practice time,” his eyes shifted towards the door, “We must take our leave before someone discovers that we are here.”
With his back facing you, Kazuha wrapped his hand around the door knob, but before he could turn it, he turned his head to look at you once more, flashing that signature smile of his.
“If you don’t mind me asking, would you like to be my accompanist for the upcoming concert?”
To you, Kazuha was like a hatchling, growing each day and itching to spread his wings and fly to places that are unheard of. He worked constantly, trying to rewrite the textbook definition of music into something more meaningful. He was ambitious, highly so; but you adored that about him.
It is silly, but you began to think that perhaps one day, you could be the one who frees him from the school’s heavy shackles.
- kiwi ! (hopelessly falling for ridiculously complicated plots to write about-)
(and no, i don’t play the violin hahah so sorry for any errors. :/ i play multiple instruments and have taken and still take music education so i hope that suffices.. might go for something more sweet and simple next time with more snarky kazu <3)
Holy shit!! Kiwi, babe, you never fail to impress akjndajks 😭
ajndkjsdPLEASE this is so good oh my goddakjsdas <33333
BABE you just keep outdoing yourself I–– 😭💞
This was literally so good?? Like, all of it? ajksndajks holy shittt <3333
Kiwi I am at a literal loss for words but I really, really hope you see how in love with this I am from my keysmashing akjsndkja <33333
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dinner-djarin · 3 years
dar'manda (Mando x f!reader insert)
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(Inspired by this scene)
Summary: You've been working as a merchant on Nevarro for years now, only out of necessity. Life really wasn't going your way. At least until the Mandalorian came by your booth. Now he's all you think about, and soon he'll be even more.
Warnings: Probably some swearing (real and in universe), violence (eventually), smut (eventually), No use of Y/N, slowburn/fluff (for the first little while)
Notes: Takes place at the end of season 1, and will mostly take place between season one and two. I have been sitting on this for a while due to some fear about reception by the fandom, but honestly I just need to stop thinking about it so here we go. She's going out into the world, and I hope you enjoy. (Also I wrote this prologue like 2 months ago so it isn't quite where I'd like it to be but if you read this please just stick with me, I swear my writing gets better lol)
You don’t know how long it’s been since you last saw him. Weeks? Months? But you can’t get that damn tin can out of your head.
You really have no reason to be this hung up on him. He’s barely spoken to you, you’ve never even seen his face, so it should be easy enough to move on from whatever childish infatuation you have over him. Right? Maker, what kind of person crushes on a mask and a suit of armour?
But there’s something about him, something that keeps him planted in your subconscious. You’ve tried to find the words to explain it, but nothing ever comes close. You can't even begin to understand how this man has completely overtaken your every waking thought.
He used to come by every couple of weeks, and you’d savour every delectable minute of the interaction, but that was all before shit hit the fan of course. You weren't there to see it but when you came back to work the next day it was all anyone could talk about.
“Apparently the metal man broke some Guild rule, and practically all of the other bounty hunters tried to kill him for it.” You heard over your shoulder. As much as you liked to keep to yourself, you couldn’t help form eavesdropping on a conversation between merchants. You did have a guilty pleasure for drama, probably to fill the uneventful void that your mundane life had now become.
“The Mandalorian? He broke their code then!” one exclaimed.
“I heard he went back for a bounty,” someone else whispered.
“What could make someone do something so stupid?” questioned a merchant lady you already didn’t particularly like.
“He doesn’t strike me as stupid,” you interrupt, trying to stick up for the man you were currently enamoured with. “If he did it, there must be a valid reason.”
“If he did it?” She sneered. “Do you not see the damage he left behind? People will be out of business for sure. It’ll take weeks to clean up the mess he made.”
“Then I guess I hope it was worth it. That it wasn't in vain.” You state, putting an end to the conversation. You hoped the man – that you already liked against your better judgement – wouldn’t cause so much harm without some justification.
In the wake of his rebellion, a covert of other masked hunters revealed themselves, shot up the town, and then vanished without a word. And so did your Mandalorian.
Woah hold on. Not yours. Just one random Mandalorian that you’ve said a handful of words to and have harboured a secret crush over.
From the second you saw him you pretty much knew you were screwed. Between the husky modulated voice, and the broad as hell shoulders, there was pretty much no way to quell the instant attraction that rose up in you. His presence alone was suffocating. Nothing could stop the way your vocal cords tightened to the point of forcing out a soft squeal at his sight. The whole time he talked to you, you could feel his visor latch onto your body – pinning you to the spot.
You thought you might find some relief when he left. Quite the opposite. You couldn't help but gawk at the way his body moved, like he knew he was hot shit. He took your damn breath away. And you were glad to know that he couldn't see your lips part to let out a soft moan, or the way they pursed back together as you unconsciously swallowed the suddenly copious amount of saliva pooling in your mouth. Fucking delicious, you thought, shamelessly.
Maybe it was the fact that you knew he could take anyone down in milliseconds. He was untouchable, and this latest defiance proved that. No one crossed the Guild. Well, no one crossed the Guild and got away with it. But if anyone could, it would be Mando.
And there’s another thing. You don’t even know his name. Which means that you’re forced to call him the colloquial slang that is commonly used by outsiders of the Mandalorian culture. “Mando”. You couldn’t help but think about how it almost sounded like an insult, especially when slurred from the mouth of other criminals. You hated the way people spat the word out at him, obviously trying to get him worked up; to see what he was made of. It made you desperately wish that you had a better name to call him, his real name. An intimate piece of knowledge that you could hold on to, something of him that no one else had.
Maybe that made you selfish. Even so, there was so much you wished you knew about him. He was a complete mystery.
To be fair, he probably didn’t even know your own name. You can't recall him asking for it, or if you ever introduced yourself. You were pretty much a bumbling mess the first time you met him. To the point where even if you had tried to say your name it probably would have sounded like you were speaking Huttese. Although, who could blame you. It wasn’t very conventional to introduce yourself to every customer. The people on Nevarro usually kept to themselves, especially the bounty hunters. There wasn’t much room for ‘customer service’. But damn you wish you had tried to make some sort of introduction. Even if it had come out as incoherent nonsense, you think it may have made talking to him later a bit easier.
However, none of that matters if he never comes back, and you bet he won’t. He’s smarter than that. To pull what he did, he’s probably on the other side of the galaxy right now.
Even so, you’ll miss the shared awkward silences and stolen glances that came with each of his visits. Whenever he’d come into the shop, he’d list off what he needed to stock up on, using the most deep and captivating voice you think you’d ever heard. If he hadn’t had that helmet covering his face, you’d swear he stared right into your soul as he did so. It almost made you weak in the knees every damn time. You’d then rummage through each supply crate and gather the best quality of every item, and finally – just to bring your humiliation to an all-time high – you’d give him a discount for absolutely no discernible reason. He took notice of the reduced price the first time and thanked you, only for you to be berated by your boss once he left. Eventually, to your dismay, the niceties came to a halt. Maybe he forgot what full price was, maybe he just couldn’t care less.
Either way, it looks like you’d risked your job for the last time. It’s a shame. For a planet full of bounty hunters and hardened criminals, there’s actually not a lot to entertain you. A shootout here, an escaped bounty there, but nothing that satisfied your desire for an exciting lifestyle.
The closest you got to that would be each time some wide-eyed, eager, wannabe-bounty-hunter strolled through town looking for a chance to weasel their way up the ladder of the Guild. They definitely thought they were more important than they actually were, and they always made a point of showing off for you. Not that you were anything special, just the closest thing with cleavage usually. They’d probably brag about their rank and their kill counts, things you could not care less about. A few of them actually had the balls to ask you out, but it usually only ended in a free meal or drink. To be fair though that was very intentional on your part. It was fun to play the part of a flirtatious girl from the market for a while, and almost exciting to think about how you were completely screwing over those assholes.
Over the time you’ve spent alone in the galaxy you learned exactly how to read those kinds of people. You knew just how far to go, just what to say or do until you got what you needed. As much as you weren’t a fan of physical affection, you often brushed your target's arm or thigh, played with their hair, or if the situation really demanded it – madeout with them behind the cantina. But you always made a point of stopping before things got too far. You may not be a complete saint, but you knew none of the scumbags you met were worth your time.
You wouldn’t have allowed things to go any further. Not with them. Going any further could only be a letdown, and you were fine to take those matters into your own hands
. literally. You may be a complete flirt, but only as a skill to survive in this grimy and dangerous galaxy. You learned early on that being young and female was a vulnerability. That was at least until you discovered how that vulnerability could be shaped into one of your most valuable strengths.
When you think about him though
 well something about him made your entire badass facade disappear into thin air. You lost any cool you had the minute he walked past your vendor. Not to mention that there was something else about him that told you he’d see right through it anyway. Maybe it was the visor. Some special setting to read the level of bullshit.
As far as you’ve seen, he doesn’t take anyone’s shit. He definitely isn’t the type to make others feel comfortable in a conversation. He says precisely what he needs to get his point across, nothing more. Never once had you heard him use more than 10 words at a time.
On a few occasions you were lucky enough to end up in the cantina at the same time as him. Whether you were on a break or entertaining some dead-beat for free lunch, you remember how fast your heart would beat when the glint of his helmet met your vision. You wondered if he noticed your presence, or if he even recognized you away from your vendor at the market.
One time you were in the next booth over. Your spine straightened, and your whole body shivered when he slid into his seat and placed himself directly behind you. The proximity was electrifying. It made every neuron in your body fire rapidly and your blood vessels pump impossibly fast. You were probably supposed to be listening to the slimeball buying your drinks drone on about how impressive his last capture was, but the baritone emanating from behind ensnared every ounce of focus you had.
“I’ll take the highest pay” he muttered through the modulator.
“I do have other hunters, Mando. I can’t always guarantee you get the best of the lot.” replied his employer. A smile maintained on his face even when confronting an unforgiving barricade.
“I’m sure you do. But high price means high risk.” Mando responded. His employer’s confused silence forced him to continue. “Those skilled enough to take on the bounties know better than to do so.”
The Guild leaders' laughter bounced off the walls making many patrons turned their heads, while others continued their business, obviously being used to this behaviour.
You were left puzzled in that moment, completely baffled by this interaction. It wasn't until much later that night when it finally clicked. Although you didn’t know exactly how ranking in the Guild worked, you knew Mando was up there. He had the status to strike fear into almost every other bounty hunter he outranked. Mando had staked his claim long ago, and no one in the Guild was stupid enough to try and take a bounty from him. If he wanted something, he was going to get it.
You’d remember that interaction vividly. Not only because of how close you were to the Mandalorian as you overheard it, but also in service as a reminder to you, proving just how dominant he was in this world. He held power over every member of the Guild, including its leader, whether he wanted to admit it or not. You felt idiotic for not instantly understanding the control he wielded wherever he went. Sometimes it's a wonder how completely oblivious you could be.
Although you certainly were not oblivious to the drastic upgrade he got just before leaving. If you thought Mando was intimidating before, his new head to toe silver armour was sure to strike fear into any of his prey. You remember thinking you saw his reflection pass by earlier in the day, but he quickly dissolved into the shadows, as he often found a way of doing. However, later that night when you had just gotten off from work, he strolled back into the cantina for a new batch of bounties and all eyes were drawn to him. Most eyes were filled with jealousy since – as his employer made clear – he completed the job none of them could. They were probably even more enraged by the fact that he wore his reward back into the room, when most of them would have gladly taken that metal to the highest bidder and sold it for a hefty profit. However, you saw him differently than the rest. Your eyes were fixed on him in fear and in wonder. This metal man, already a force of nature, just became that much more impossible to defeat. As if anything could get to him before, it was clear now that no one could reach the Mandalorian.
But again – it doesn't matter. Not a single soul on Canto Bight would bet his shiny ass walks back into this sector. Not unless he has some kinda death wish

Turns out he has some kinda death wish.
Chapter 1 is up now!
More notes: Hello there! I hope you enjoyed this lovely mess. I'm not the most proud of it, but I do want to continue this story (which I know we've all read 100 iterations of by now). Either way, I'm having fun writing it, so I might as well post it!
I'd love a like or comment if you'd be willing to share, I'm very new to writing so I'd enjoy any constructive criticism (especially on the first few parts, I know they need work, but at this point I just want to stop thinking about it and continue on with the story). Also this will be ongoing, so if you wanna keep reading feel free to drop your @ in my inbox or in the comments and I can tag you when I update!
So long for now my fellow helmet whores!
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binunus · 3 years
“we’re playing!” | yoon sanha (m)
a/n alright! now before anyone comes for my ass, yes I get it sanha’s sweet and the baby of the groupℱ, but he’s also a grown ass adult now (no matter how baby he acts), he’s been wanting to be viewed as mature and sexy since he turned legal. and I’m also his age so no I don’t feel any guilt or embarrassment writing smut about him. also you can’t tell me you did not think of at least one hot steamy makeout session with sanha after bad idea promotions, like you just can’t tell me that. so if you disagree or feel disgusted reading sanha smut, then please by all means just skip this post, you are not obligated to read it—that’s all I’m saying. but anyways, enjoy!
requested by the lovely @astrolight25​! hugs and kithes cutie <3
{How about sanha again (I'm sorry) when the reader and sanha's kid's are sleeping, and the reader and sanha are "playing" and the reader is scared to wake up the kids.}
pairing: husband!sanha x fem wife!reader
genre: fluff, smut, lil crack
word count: 1.4k _______________________________________
Your POV
“Sanha!” You hissed, trying your best not to let a moan slip through your lips. Damn your husband.
You thought it would just be a cute wholesome movie night. For some reason, your youngest son was very fussy today, tiring both you and Sanha out very early on in the day—okay but clearly not tired enough because Sanha was currently preoccupied with lazily kissing your neck.
“C’mon honey, we haven’t been able to do this since TaeOh started walking, I miss you...and the kids are both asleep.” He whispered licking the shell of your ear. You shivered at his ministrations, your head subconsciously leaning towards the side to give him more room to work with. Sanha smirked as he looped his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap as he started to nibble and suck bruises into your skin.
Your teeth dug harshly into your bottom lip, nearly at enough force to draw blood. You refused to make a sound, especially since your son and daughter were soundly sleeping a mere room away.
“Sanha if you’re—ah—gonna keep going, can we at least do it in the bedroom?” You whined quietly, your hands gripping tightly onto his arms. He smiled devilishy, biting your shoulder—which almost made you yelp—and swooped you up in his arms, practically running into your shared bedroom after he turned off the television. 
You giggled at his eagerness as he dropped you onto the bed, Sanha quickly turning around to (quietly) shut and lock the door. Propping yourself up by your elbows, you watched as he stripped himself of his shirt, coming to hover over your body and catching you in a kiss. 
In retrospect, Sanha was right, it has been a while since the two of you got intimate like this. But what can you say? that’s what having kids does to people. There was a sense of urgency to him, his hands desperately running up and down your torso to feel any and all of your skin. You moaned into his mouth, feeling your body heat up as the slick started to build at your core.
“Baby, fuck.” You cursed as his hand slipped between your bodies to cup your center. Hastily, the two of you removed the rest of your clothing, a thought coming to mind as you did so, causing you to laugh.
“Why’re you laughing baby?” Sanha asked with a little grin, fingers teasing at your entrance as you looked up at him. “Nothing, just the way we got naked, it’s like we’re horny teenagers again—oh shit.”
He chuckled at your reaction, thrusting two fingers into your cunt with no warning, his cock straining against his stomach at the way you clenched on his fingers. You gasped as you circled your arms around Sanha’s neck, your lips fiercely fighting each other for dominance. “Baby please, I can’t do foreplay right now.”
“I need to make sure you’re prepped honey,” He said, the sweet tone in his voice a vast contrast to the blown out look in his pupils. You whined in disagreement, lips trailing down his jaw to nip at his neck, “I can take it baby, I need you in me now.”
Usually, Sanha would tease you until you were literally in tears for him, but today? He wanted to be inside you as soon as possible. With a kiss to your forehead, he removed his fingers. You frowned at the sudden empty feeling, but it was quickly replaced by a sharp intake of breath as he pushed his member in your core, bottoming out in one go. 
Sanha groaned deeply, eyes shut in pleasure as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You were so tight and it was taking everything in him to not hammer into you like a rabbit. God, he filled you up so well, the little burn that you felt as your walls stretched only adding to the heat in your stomach. 
“Sanha, move please.”
He cursed at your request, hands gripping tightly on your waist as he started to thrust in and out of your cunt. You clasped a hand over your mouth, finding it increasingly harder to not make any loud sounds especially as Sanha picked up his pace. You met eyes with your husband, your pussy clenching at how absolutely sinful he looked above you. 
“Don’t keep it in baby,” He panted, eyes burning into yours. Your heart rate picked up as a smirk played on his lips, sweat just at the top of his brow, and his forehead exposed as he brushed his hair back. It amazed you how he could be so sexy like this without even trying. “I wanna hear your cute little moans.”
“Baby, the kids—“
“—are asleep.” He said with a particular hard thrust, your face immediately contorting in pleasure as a moan ripped through your throat. “That’s right, baby.”
“Fuck you.” You said embarrassed, lightly hitting his arm. Sanha only chuckled, leaning in for a kiss as he continued fucking you. All too quickly, the tension in your stomach started to build. Sanha’s lips went back to your neck, sucking and biting as his pace turned relentless. The sounds escaped you without restrain, your moans increasing in pitch as he drove you two closer to your highs.
Your orgasm flooded you as soon as Sanha slipped his fingers down to play with your clit, the added stimulation driving you over the edge. You screamed throwing your head back, body thrashing in pleasure as Sanha fucked you through your high. The male groaned at the vice grip of your walls, only taking a few more thrusts before he came, blowing his load in your cunt. 
You moaned, your body twitching in sensitivity with every pulse of his cock. With a hazy smile, you brought him in for a kiss, the pace now slow and soft. “I love you.”
“I love you too, y/n.” He said between kisses, his voice barely a whisper, like it was a secret just for you two. Sanha smiled as he pulled away, the look on his face nothing short of love and adoration. Your bodies stayed glued together until he grew soft, you nudging him to get off once you felt it. “Mm, a little longer baby.”
You chuckled, nodding as he gently lowered his chest onto yours, arms wrapping around your torso as he hugged you tightly. You hummed, one hand stroking his hair as the other rubbed his back. Nothing could make you feel as close and connected to your husband as this moment. 
“Mommy!! Daddy!! What are you doing??”
The two of you froze at your daughter’s voice, little knocks coming from the locked door. Sanha pouted as you pushed him off, but a smirk immediately crawled on his face as his cum started to leak down your cunt. You glared as he pressed a kiss to your neck, lightly spanking your ass as he responded to your daughter.
“We’re playing!” He said, sickly sweet. “Why are you up, princess?”
“I wanna play!” You could practically see the pout on her face even through the door, you wobbling to the bathroom to clean yourself up. Sanha quickly dressed himself, making sure you were in the bathroom before opening the door, his arms outstretched wide as your daughter immediately ran into them. He peppered her little face in kisses, swooping the girl up in his arms, “Daddy, I wanna play too. Where’s Mommy?”
“We can play tomorrow, princess.” He said fixing her hair, “Right now, it’s bed time.”
You walked out soon after, a smile on your face as you saw Sanha carrying your daughter. “Mommy!”
“Can’t sleep, princess?” You asked kissing her crown. She shook her head with a little whine, “I heard you and Daddy playing from my room and woke up.”
Your cheeks blushed hotly, you can’t believe your daughter heard you. With a little chuckle, you cupped her cheeks, “We’re sorry for waking you, princess. But it’s time for you to go back to bed now, okay?”
She nodded, leaning on Sanha’s shoulder as the three of you went to your daughter’s bedroom. After ten minutes of Sanha singing her back to slumber, you went back to your room, hitting your husband’s arm as he let out amused giggles. “I told you they would hear us!”
“Well at least I locked the door, didn’t I?” He grinned hugging your waist from behind. “C’mon baby, you loved tonight.”
You huffed a little before grumbling in agreement, walking the two of you towards the bathroom. “I’m not going to sleep with you with dried sex sweat on my skin.”
“I know,” He grinned, hands already gripping the ends of your shirt. “Try to be a little quieter this time, baby. We wouldn’t want the kids to wake up again.” _____________________________________________
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bibbawrites · 3 years
Beach Baby - Single Dad!Charlie x Owen
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Request: none
Word Count: 3907 words 😳
Summary: Part 4 of Single Dad!Charlie, Margaux and Charlie reunite with Owen in Hawaii after months apart due to lockdown, just in time for Margaux’s fourth birthday 
Warnings: technically underage drinking, i guess technically i have to warn that this is implied mutual crushing between owen and charlie, if you dont feel comfortable with romantic chowen do not read 
A/N: i couldn’t get this out of my head so i had to write it, and boy did i write it this is the longest non-chaptered fic ive ever written and honestly i could have made it longer but i didnt want it to drag on any more that it already did this is literally more than double the length of my normal fics, i got very carried away
also just a note that i’m not trying to be rude about the fans who met the boys at the airport and i’m sure in real life the boys were happy to stop and chat, but from a parents perspective charlie’s first instinct would be to protect his daughter so i just thought i’d add that. please don’t get upset for that part!
sorry for any mistakes, its 4am and im half asleep trying to read through this to post lol anyways, hope you enjoy! 
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @headheartbellarke​ @lovesanimals​ @bartok-the-magnificent​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​ @fandomxreaders​​ @ifilwtmfc
“Papa!” Margaux screamed, racing across the airport to Owen, the blond boy scooping up the nearly four year old and spinning her around when she reached him. 
“Maggie! I’ve missed you so much.” Owen exclaimed, pulling his mask down to pepper her cheeks with kisses, causing Margaux to giggle loudly. “Where’s your Daddy?” 
“Right behind you.” Owen spun around to find Charlie standing there, clearly smiling at him despite the bandana that covered his mouth, and Owen’s heart skipped a beat at how good Charlie looked in the early morning sun streaming through the airport windows. 
Meanwhile Charlie was thinking the exact same thing, admiring how attractive Owen was, especially when he was in his dad mode. He really understood why girls had such a weakness for cute boys with cute kids when he saw Owen with Margaux. 
Charlie stepped forward, pulling Owen into a tight hug and Margaux whined in complaint at being squished between her dad and her self declared papa. They pulled away from each other, both boys fighting to hide their slightly flushed cheeks. 
“I’m hungry.” Margaux whined, and Charlie was snapped out of his heart eyes daze, his whole focus back on his daughter. 
“Let’s get some food into you before our plane leaves then eh.” He replied, and Margaux nodded happily. 
Feeling bold Owen grabbed onto Charlie’s hand, lacing their fingers together. It wasn’t unusual for them to do this but it was the first time doing it when they were well known enough that someone might recognise them. But neither of them really cared. They were just happy to be back together again. 
The minute they arrived in Hawaii they were met with fans. As much as he loved meeting the fans Charlie couldn’t help but sigh slightly as he tried to protect Margaux as much as he could.
It wasn’t that the fans didn’t know about Margaux, because it was a well known fact that he was a single dad, it was more that he wanted to keep her away from the spotlight. She hadn’t asked for her dad to become a well known actor, and she didn’t deserve to have her life changed because of it. He was determined to give her the most normal life possible. 
Eventually they made it to the villa house that they were staying in while in Hawaii, and after throwing their bags into their rooms it was time to have a bit of fun. 
“Swim time swim time!” Margaux sung, running laps around the living room. Kenny chuckled at the small girl, looking up at Charlie who was following closely behind her. 
“It seems like only yesterday she was a tiny two year old who cried every time you left her side.” He said, and Charlie smiled fondly, sitting down on the chair next to Kenny. 
“She’s growing up too fast.” He agreed. “I can’t believe in less than 24 hours time I’ll be a dad to a four year old.” 
Margaux tripped on the tiles, landing with a clatter, her bottom lip jutting out. Charlie jumped up, but before he could even think about moving across the room Owen was by Margaux’s side, helping her up and pulling her into a tight hug. He whispered something in her ear and Margaux giggled loudly, her fall already forgotten.
Charlie smiled softly at the scene, his heart filled with love for both the blond boy and his little princess. 
“Daddy.” Margaux called, snapping Charlie out of his daze. 
“Yeah baby?” He answered, finally making his way across the room. 
“Can we swim now?” She asked, grabbing onto his leg. Charlie subconsciously ran his hand through her soft curls.  
“Of course we can.” He replied. Margaux glanced up at Owen. 
“Papa too?” She questioned. 
“Papa too.” Charlie agreed. Margaux peered past him, her gaze landing on Kenny.
“Coming Uncle Kenny?” She asked, and Kenny laughed, standing up. 
“Coming Little Gillespie.” He replied. 
Margaux smiled contently, taking both Charlie and Owen’s hands to pull them outside towards the pool. 
She really did have every single one of them wrapped around her little finger. 
Dinner that night was special, as it was supposed to be Carolynn’s last day on the island. They decided on a joint party for her last night, as well as celebrating Margaux’s birthday a day early. 
They had headed to a tiny restaurant near their villa, and Charlie had allowed Margaux to pick whatever she wanted from the menu, not that it mattered because she chose chicken nuggets and chips anyways.
The meal was nice, and before they knew it they were arriving back at the villa. Jeremy, Carolynn and Kenny all excused themselves for bed, and Tori settled into the couch, flicking the TV on. 
“Bath and bed time baby.” Charlie told Margaux, and she pouted but obeyed, following him into the hallway. 
“Hey Char, can I ask you something?” Owen asked, trailing behind the father daughter duo, and Charlie stopped, letting Margaux run ahead to their room. 
“Anything.” He smiled. 
“Do you mind if I share your room? I know the other bed was meant to be for Margaux but-” Owen started, playing with his fingers slightly. 
“She can share with me.” Charlie cut him off. “Bed’s all yours.” Owen looked up, his eyes widening. 
“Really?” He checked. 
“Of course.” Charlie smiled. Owen grinned, throwing his arms around Charlie’s neck. 
“Thanks Char. I just didn’t really want to sleep alone.” He admitted, and Charlie squeezed him tight. 
“Any time.” He told Owen, and the blond boy pulled away with a smile, before heading off to the room he was originally going to stay in to collect his bags. 
Charlie entered the room that he and Margaux, and now Owen, were sharing, finding his daughter already snuggled into one of the beds, still wearing her dinner clothes. Charlie sighed, moving to pull her out of the bed. Owen entered the room, bags in tow, and Margaux looked up at him excitedly. 
“Papa! Are you sleeping here?” She questioned. Owen placed his bags in the corner before answering. 
“I am Miss Maggie.” He said, and Margaux cheered. 
“You don’t mind sleeping with Daddy?” Charlie checked, and Margaux shook her head, jumping up to throw her arms around Charlie’s neck. 
“Nope! More cuddles!” She stated. Charlie laughed, picking her up. 
“Exactly right. Now, it’s bath time.” He said, grabbing Margaux’s pyjamas as she clung to him. 
“Bye Papa!” Margaux called as Charlie moved to leave the room. Owen waved. 
“Bye Maggie!” He replied, matching her enthusiasm. Charlie couldn’t help but smile. 
Margaux was so lucky to have someone like Owen in her life. They both were. 
“Daddy! Wake up!” Margaux screamed, jumping on top of Charlie. He groaned, squinting as he looked up at his daughter. 
“What time is it?” He mumbled. Owen sat up in his own bed, grabbing his phone to check the time. 
“4:47am.” He informed Charlie, his voice thick with sleep. Charlie tried to ignore how sexy Owen’s morning voice was, instead focusing on his daughter. 
“Mags it’s too early to be awake.” He told her. Margaux pouted, flopping down on top of him. 
“Daddy, it’s my birthday!” She exclaimed. Charlie smiled, kissing her cheek. 
“I know baby, happy birthday. Now can we sleep for a little bit?” He tried. Margaux thought for a moment. 
“Only if Papa comes here too.” She decided. 
Charlie’s eyes widened slightly, eyes fixed on Owen as the younger boy sleepily slid out of his bed with no hesitation, and into Charlie’s, snuggling into Charlie’s side the minute he laid down. Margaux squirmed her way under the covers, squishing herself in between the two of them. 
Charlie shut his eyes in an attempt to get back to sleep, but it was no use. He opened his eyes again, staring up at the ceiling, as Margaux slept soundly next to him.
His mind was racing, noticing every single little place where Owen’s warm skin was in contact with his. It felt like he was on fire.
“Stop thinking.” Owen mumbled, and Charlie turned his head to see Owen staring at him, his eyes half shut with sleep.
“How did you know?” He questioned. Owen gave him a small smile. 
“I always know. Whatever it is, just ignore it for now. Get some sleep, it’s gonna be a big day.” Owen whispered. Charlie paused for a moment, just staring at Owen in the dim light from Margaux’s nightlight. Even half asleep in the almost complete darkness of the room Owen still looked gorgeous. Charlie swallowed. 
“You’re right. Thanks O.” He replied. 
“Love you.” Owen yawned in response, his eyes shutting again. Charlie smiled softly, moving his hand to brush a bit of Owen’s hair off his face.
“I love you too Owen.” He replied, despite the fact that the younger boy was already asleep. He pressed a soft kiss to Owen’s head, and lowered his voice to no more than a whisper.
“More than I probably should.”
After what felt like no time at all Charlie was being shaken awake again. 
“Daddy is it time to get up now?” Margaux questioned, sitting on his chest. Charlie yawned. 
He reached over and checked his phone. It was just after 6:30am. 
“Okay we can get up. But we’re gonna leave Papa to sleep a little bit more, okay?” Charlie compromised. Margaux thought for a moment before agreeing. Charlie grinned, sliding the both of them out of the bed careful not to wake Owen. Once they were out of the bed Charlie lifted Margaux up, placing her on his hip. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple.  
“Now. Let’s go make some birthday pancakes.” 
“Happy birthday Little Gillespie.” Jeremy sung, entering the kitchen with Carolynn close behind him.
Margaux grinned, her mouth full of pancake. 
“Thank you!” She exclaimed, her words muffled by her food. Carolynn stepped past Jeremy, moving to place a gentle kiss on Margaux’s head and whisper to her. Margaux grinned before looking up at her father.
“Hey Daddy?” She spoke. Charlie made a noise in response.
“Yeah?” He said, flipping pancakes onto a plate for both Jeremy and Carolynn.
“Do you think the birthday fairy could found me here?” Margaux questioned, her eyes full of hope. Charlie couldn’t help but smile, not even bothering to correct her words, as he placed the pan down.
“Should we go find out?” He asked. Margaux’s eyes widened in excitement.
“Yeah! But first we have to get Papa.” She decided. Charlie nodded.
“You wanna go wake him up? Tell him we made him some pancakes?” He asked, and Margaux grinned, already sliding out of her chair.
“Okay Daddy!” She replied, before rushing out of the room. The room fell silent for a few moments before Carolynn cleared her throat.
“So Charlie...” She raised an eyebrow. “How long have you been in love with Owen?” 
Charlie choked on his coffee. 
“I’m sorry, what?” He spluttered. Carolynn grinned. 
“You heard me.” She said. Charlie hesitated. 
“I’m not-” He stopped. “I-” 
He groaned. There was no use denying it if clearly he was obvious enough that his friends had figured him out.
“Since filming.” He admitted. Carolynn cheered. 
“You owe me $20.” She told her husband, who glared at Charlie. 
“You just had to admit it, huh?” Jeremy shook his head, and Charlie shrugged, a small smile on his face.
“Admit what?” Owen’s voice came from behind them, deep from sleep, and Charlie took a sip of his coffee to try to distract himself. Owen always looked good but in the early morning light, his hair still a mess from sleeping, he looked ethereal. Charlie bit his lip to stop himself from staring.
“Nothing important.” Carolynn replied, and Charlie shot her a thankful look. 
“Can we see if the birthday fairy visited now?” Margaux sighed, clearly impatient. They all laughed. 
“Of course baby.” Charlie told her, standing up. He grabbed the plate of pancakes he had made for Owen, handing them to the younger boy as he passed him. 
Margaux lead the way to the living area where Kenny and Tori were already sat waiting, squealing with excitement when she saw the small pile of presents on the table.
“They came!” She exclaimed, and Charlie couldn’t help but smile, ruffling her hair affectionately.
Margaux settled down on the couch as everyone spread out around the room, and one by one she opened the presents, eyes widening with excitement at every single one. 
Charlie had gotten her a few dolls that he knew she had been wanting, plus some new clothes, books and other toys. 
Jeremy and Carolynn had gotten her a small paint set with a Frozen paint by numbers. 
Kenny had gotten her a tiny version of the Sunset Curve shirt that the cast had all received. 
Tori had gotten her a little lilac tutu. 
Madi, Jadah and Savannah had sent their presents, some handmade earrings, little stud versions of the ghost drawings that Carolynn had created from Madi, a small pair of overalls from Savannah, and a colouring book from Jadah.
But her absolute favourite gift had come from Owen, a tan coloured bear from Build-A-Bear that he had dressed like Luke, and the clothes to change the bear into Reggie, Alex and Julie if she wanted to. 
After hugs all round the group decided to go their own ways, with Kenny heading off to spend the day relaxing, and Tori, Jeremy and Carolynn going to the beach to sunbathe since Carolynn’s flight had been delayed. 
“Where do you want to go today birthday girl?” Charlie asked, as he and Owen collected the pile of gifts to move them back to their room.
Margaux frowned in thought, the bear still grasped in her arms.
“Hiking.” She decided, and Charlie laughed. She was definitely his daughter.
“You sure? We can do whatever you want to do.” He checked. Margaux nodded, her attention focused on her new clothes that Charlie had placed on the bed to fold later. 
“I’m sure.” She said, reaching for the Sunset Curve shirt and overalls. “Can I wear this?”
“Of course you can.” Charlie agreed. 
“I’m gonna have a quick shower.” Owen said, grabbing some clothes out of his bag. Charlie nodded, focused on helping Margaux change out of her pyjamas into her new clothes.
“Do you think we can have some time tonight just you and me?” Charlie asked once Margaux was dressed, moving to grab her hairbrush and some hair ties.
“Yes please Daddy.” Margaux agreed, sitting on the edge of the bed as Charlie sat behind her.
“We could go get dinner just the two of us, and then come back here for birthday cake.” He suggested. Margaux frowned, clearly thinking. 
“Is it chocolate cake?” She asked after a moment, and Charlie paused from brushing her hair to kiss the top of her head. 
“You’ll have to wait and see.” He teased. Charlie finished tying her hair up into two little space buns, not quite proper buns but as close as he could get with her shortish hair.
“I hope it’s chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake.” She giggled, standing up on the bed and turning around to hug her father. Charlie wrapped his arms around her, a gesture that was so safe and familiar. 
“Me too baby, me too.” He agreed. Margaux snuggled her head into his shoulder. 
“Is Papa coming hiking?” She questioned. Charlie grinned to himself. 
“Do you want him to come?” He asked. Margaux didn’t even hesitate. 
“Then I’m sure he’d love to come.” Charlie assured her. She pulled away. looking him in the eyes. Charlie had always loved that she had gotten his eyes. 
“Do I ask him?” She said, eyes wide. Charlie struggled to contain a laugh at how serious she looked. 
“When he comes back, yeah.” He nodded. 
“When who comes back?” Owen asked, re-entering the room. Margaux jumped up, throwing herself at the 20 year old. He lifted her up with no hesitation. 
“Are you gonna come hiking?” Margaux asked, her bottom lip jutting out in a pleading way. 
“Of course I am. Wouldn’t want to miss spending time with my two favourite people.” Owen grinned, kissing her nose causing her to giggle. Charlie’s heart skipped a beat at the declaration that he was one of Owen’s favourite people. 
“Yay! Can we go now?” Margaux turned in Owen’s arms to face her father. He nodded, standing up from the bed. 
“Shoes, and then we can go.” He said, and Margaux squirmed her way out of Owen’s arms to go find her running shoes. 
Charlie exchanged a look with Owen, the both of them thinking the same thing. 
It was going to be a long day. 
Hiking with a just turned four year old was exhausting, even despite them choosing the easiest possible trail so that she wouldn’t have any issues.
It was fine at first, Margaux excitedly looking at the plants and trying to spot any animals in the trees, but after about twenty minutes she got bored and tired, and Charlie and Owen spent the rest of the hike passing her back and forth between the two of them.
Finally they made it back to the villa, and after a quick stop for lunch Margaux was recharged and ready for the rest of the day.
“Can we swim?” She asked. Charlie nodded.
“We’ll go and get changed, and then we can go in the pool for a while until we have to get ready for dinner, okay?” He suggested. 
“Okay Daddy.” Margaux smiled sweetly. 
After quickly changing into their swimmers, Charlie, Margaux and Owen ended up in the pool, Jeremy and Carolynn lounging nearby. 
They swam for a few hours until Margaux got thirsty, and with a promise of apple juice she and Charlie climbed out of the pool leaving Owen to go sit with the Shada’s. 
Charlie walked inside the villa, finding Kenny sat at the kitchen bench reading while Tori lounged on one of the couches, staring at her phone. 
“Why don’t we do cake now, so that you don’t have to worry about rushing home?” Kenny spoke up, as Charlie manoeuvred through the kitchen to get the apple juice out, Margaux clinging to his chest like a baby koala. 
“That’s a good idea. Do you want to do your birthday cake now Mags?” Charlie asked his daughter, pouring her some apple juice. She sipped on the juice, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“Yeah!” She exclaimed. Charlie smiled. 
“Okay, can you go get Papa, Aunty Care and Uncle Jer for me?” He asked, placing her down. She nodded eagerly, handing her cup of juice to him before rushing outside to where Owen, Jeremy and Carolynn were still sat.
Charlie grabbed the cake out of the fridge and placed it on the bench, before putting the four candles in, and grabbing a lighter.
“Have you seen my camera Kenny?” He asked, and Kenny just pointed to the end of the bench where the camera was sitting. Charlie smiled gratefully, grabbing the camera.
“Want me to take photos?” Tori offered, and Charlie nodded, handing her the camera. 
Margaux re-entered the room, Owen and the Shada’s following close behind her, and when she reached her father he lifted her up. Kenny took the lighter, lighting the candles on the cake and together they sung Happy Birthday to Margaux, Tori snapping photos as the four year old blew out her candles. 
Charlie held Margaux close to him as Kenny divided the cake up, thankful that he had such an amazing family to spend his little girl’s birthday with. 
When Charlie and Margaux made it back to the villa after their dinner that night, the newly four year old was ready to fall asleep. Charlie carried her to bed, silently thanking his past self for deciding to give her a bath and do her birthday cake before they went to dinner because now all he had to do was change her into her pyjamas. 
He changed her quickly seeing that she was almost asleep, and tucked her into the bed. 
“Did you have a good birthday baby?” Charlie asked softly, settling down next to his daughter.
Margaux just nodded in response. 
“That’s good.” Charlie ran a hand through her curls. “Goodnight baby girl.” 
“Big girl.” Margaux mumbled sleepily. Charlie smiled, leaning down and kissing her head. 
“You might be a big girl now but you’ll always be my baby girl.” He whispered. “I love you.” 
“I love you too Daddy.” Margaux replied, her eyes already shut and her arms wrapped tightly around her new bear. Charlie stood up slowly and headed to the door, leaving it open a crack for a little bit of light to shine in. 
He paused for a moment, just taking in the reality that Margaux was already four years old, and that she was growing up too fast. With one last look at the door he made his way down the hallway and outside to where he knew Owen was waiting. 
“She’s asleep.” He announced, flopping down on the outdoor sofa next to Owen. 
“I’m not shocked, she’s had a big day.” Owen replied, handing Charlie a cold beer that he had clearly gotten for him. Charlie took it thankfully, taking a large swig. 
“Can you believe that she’s four already? It feels like she was only just born and I was waking up to find out that her mother was gone and that it was only me and her. It was terrifying at the time, but looking back I wouldn’t change it for the world.” He rambled. Owen rested his head on Charlie’s shoulder and Charlie wrapped his arm around the younger boy, pulling him closer.
“You should be proud of yourself Char. You’ve done an amazing job.” Owen complimented, snuggling closer to Charlie as he took a mouthful of his beer.
“You think so?” Charlie questioned. Owen nodded against his shoulder.
“I know so.” He sat up. “Margaux is the most well behaved kid I’ve ever met, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her misbehave once in all the time I’ve known her. She’s an amazing kid and it’s all because she has the most amazing father.”
“Thank you.” Charlie whispered, suddenly realising how close Owen was to him. He could feel Owen’s warm breath on his lips, and he found himself leaning in, the urge to kiss Owen overtaking his entire being. His lips brushed against Owen’s ever so slightly, but before they could properly commit to the kiss they were interrupted. 
“Hey, we’re gonna play...” Tori’s voice came and they jumped apart quickly. She trailed off, eyeing them carefully. “Were you two about to kiss?”
Charlie cleared his throat. Owen’s eyes widened.
“Uh... no?” Owen lied. Tori shot them a suspicious look but clearly decided against pushing.
“Right... well we’re gonna play Cards Against Humanity if you want to join us.” She told them, before turning and heading back inside. Neither Charlie nor Owen moved, the silence was deafening. Finally Owen spoke.
“Sorry.” He muttered quickly, before standing up and rushing inside. Charlie groaned, watching him leave, the feeling of Owen’s lips still lingering on his own.
“Fuck.” He sighed, downing the last of his beer before standing up to join the rest of the group inside.
He would have to deal with the Owen situation later.
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bookaboutabook · 3 years
dress by ts= rowaelin
this might be long but i thought of it and it has to be done :)
“our secret moments in your crowded room they've got no idea about me and you”
okay so literally in QoS they communicate basically entirely in silence, like they’re the only people in a crowded room, especially at arobynn’s party they are basically flirting without anyone knowing because at the time things are basically all platonic to everyone else. no one knows that they’re growing feelings or having secret conversations. 
“there is an indentation in the shape of you made your mark on me, a golden tattoo”
this is EoS and KoA energy-- the claiming marks, and the tattoos that rowan gives aelin. ALSO the choice of the color golden screams rowaelin because as we know thats the nightgowns color and i feel like it comes up a lot when describing aelin-- golden eyes, hair etc.
“all of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation my hands are shaking from holding back from you all of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting my hands are shaking from holding back from all this ”
QoS is almost entirely sexual tension so i think this is very self explanatory. they were both holding back the way they felt about each other when they both clearly wanted something more. this gives me vibes of rowan needing to cool down from aelin’s presence and taking forever to fall asleep with her so near yet so far away.  
“say my name and everything just stops i don't want you like a best friend”
um please so several points-- 1.) rowan is the first person that starts calling celaena by her real name, aelin ( if i remember correctly i don’t think he really ever calls her celeana?? only aelin and she gets mad, but i may be wrong bc it has been a while since i’ve read HoF) he makes her comfortable with her real identity and helped her come to terms with who she was and her name. 2.) fireheart. that’s it. it’s who she was to her family and its who she is now to rowan. ALSO “i don’t want you like a best friend” their relationship goes from basically entirely platonic in HoF to something more in the late books. in QoS, it took them forever to get together bc they had to break through the past definition of their relationship which was strictly friends, carranam, and fighting partners. but they obviously wanted more, and started feeling more comfortable with their past trauma and relationship baggage to face that. 
“only bought this dress so you could take it off take it off  carve your name into my bedpost 'cause I don't want you like a best friend only bought this dress so you could take it off”
ALRIGHT HERES THE KICKER. so this is obviously referring to the golden nightgown that rowan requests. i KNOW that he technically doesn't even take it off her and they don’t go there but she literally only bought it for him bc he said he would love that color. in conclusion it still counts and the sexual tension was there so.
“inescapable, I'm not even gonna try and if I get burned, at least we were electrified”
SO i feel like they both know that they are inevitable and i think it kinda ties into the idea of the mating bond being something that you can’t break or avoid. they subconsciously knew that being apart would not work. AND we have a reference to aelin’s fire... she might burn too brightly, but at least she burned.
“i'm spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we're both drunk everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about”
HAHA we have a little reference to aelin bathing rowan and washing his hair in that one scene. tbh this doesn’t really fit that well but it’s not too out of place-- i also may not be thinking of anything bc i havent re read them in a while. anyways, we also have another moment where rowan and aelin are kind of keeping what is blooming between them a secret from the rest of aelin’s court.
“flashback when you met me your buzzcut and my hair bleached”
their haircuts at the beginning of QoS... rowan cut his long ass hair and aelin had to dye her hair red to go undercover and not get caught... WHY DOES IT WORK SO WELL I--
“even in my worst times, you could see the best of me”
in HoF aelin was at the lowest point of her life. even though he was closed off was dealing with his own baggage, he saw the power aelin held. the light that had been snuffed out inside of her. he pushed her because he knew what she was capable of. and i forgot who said this, but rowan was never afraid of aelin the way chaol was. he saw every part of her and loved all of it. 
“flashback to my mistakes my rebounds, my earthquakes”
rebounds??? *cough cough* CHAOL AND DORIAN *cough* okay but for real these weren’t really mistakes but she had made plenty of other mistakes around that time. he helped set her on a better and clearer path. and i guess we could technically consider chaol a rebound...
“even in my worst lies, you saw the truth of me”
her keeping the mating bond from him? her keeping so many of her plans a secret? her pretending she’s okay and KoA and him seeing right through her? yea <3
“and I woke up just in time now I wake up by your side”
I think around nehemias death she was kind of in a trance where she felt like nothing mattered and her life was useless (the whole “i do not care” scene where she was lashing out is a good example), but he helped her out of that. she has that one quote that im gonna paraphrase about how he held her hand and walked back into the light with her. He essentially woke her up from the nightmare she was living and now she wakes up next to him. this literally also happens in HoF because he starts letting her sleep in his bed, which was a huge step in the right direction for their relationship. he started seeing her as a friend and he literally falls asleep with his hand over her heart bye. 
“my one and only, my lifeline”
mates are truly each others one and only and i think it’s beautiful that she says “lifeline” because that’s literally what it is to them. they are stronger together and even the forces of their existence are tied together <3
anyways if you read this whole thing thank u lol i just had to get that out:)
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