#but bruh while i can imagine the idea of not being a good idea of angering these really powerful beings outside of existence
butmakeitgayblog · 1 day
that soft Clexa ask has me all in my feels about what we were robbed of 😫 like we got ONE scene of happy Clexa gfs and it was SO GOOD. Clarke making lexa GRIN for probably the first time since she’s been able to walk. We were so robbed of everyone around them being shook at how happy Heda was for once. Like ofc she would maintain her professional mask as much as possible but she couldn’t hide shit when it came to Clarke. Can you imagine how shocking it would be for everyone in Polis being like … is Heda? smiling? Dude I saw her LAUGHING 👀
Bruh could you imagine what it would've been like if Lexa had actually been able to fully implement the policy of reversing blood must have blood? I mean it would've taken a lot of time, and a lot of pushback, and god fuckin knows there'd have been so many mfs purposefully trying to undermine every single thing just to prove that it couldn't be done. But even incidental changes among clans. The slow changing of minds from constantly being on edge, constantly being paranoid and watching every move, constantly anticipating attacks/retribution for some slight or another. If Lexa had really been able to see the implementation of her coalition through to a point where relative peace was the norm on Earth - free from the threat of maunon and the looming dangers of Ice nation corruption and a divided Skaikru - and then sowing in the peaceful idea that death is not the inevitable and swift answer to everything...
Imagine all of that, watching over all of her people as they flourish in the dawn of a new age, all while Clarke is right there beside her. Reminding her that she's not doing all of this alone. Not anymore.
Smartypants Heda getting to retire for the day to go spend time with her girlfriend. Getting to actually hold festivals and special gatherings without this feeling of inevitable violence darkening the entire thing, all while feeling Clarke's unwavering support right beside her, every day.
The first time Lexa cracks one of her dry jokes in the middle of a clan meeting? The other ambassadors getting to actually see her subtle and wry sense of humor? The way she her eyes practically gleam whenever she's about to say something clever, all with Clarke watching from her ambassador's seat to the left of the dais. Feeling Lexa's happiness and hope for the future radiating off of her in waves.
Indulgent half-smiles when she and Wanheda take a stroll through Polis and stories, or guards hearing their Heda honest-to-god giggling in the late hours from beyond the doors to her bed chambers (though if asked, Lexa would swear it was more of a... a dignified chuckle at best 😤.)
Obviously things would arise and there would so many trials and tribulations, because unfortunately peace is never a static thing, but oh. Oh the moments when her people could catch a glimpse of the girl behind the mask...
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I really love you "Get off my screen" series! And I just and couldn't stop thinking about Reader just texting out of nowhere saying "Bruh I'm fucking dying"
And Vox is just going haywire(See what I did there?) Worried about you and ask what they mean and Reader be like "I'm dying because of BOARdom(Get it?)
You're Just Being Mean!
A/N: Omg I am absolutely writing this AHAHAHAHA- Vox is always the one screwing with dear Reader so I think it's about time to return the favor. Thank you @crazylzp143 for the inbox idea! I love how much this story is expanding and the ideas y'all have for it. As always, I hope you all enjoy this filler interlude and please keep the ideas coming! Happy reading!
You cheered, flopping backwards on your bed in a cheerful mood.
On your computer monitor was an empty assignment box.
You'd successfully accomplished all your required tasks before the semester's end which left you with a whole lot of free time to burn.
And did you absolutely just unwind and relax.
Playing games, watching movies, bingeing shows-
You practically spedran the chill pill treatment.
To the point where you managed to bore yourself before the day was even over.
You stared up at the ceiling with an annoyed look-
Wasn't there really anything else you could do?
And why did time pass by so slowly?
God you were bored.
In the middle of your TV show binge, your phone buzzed to life.
Considering you'd quickly found the plot line to be quite a drag, you just let the drama play while you no longer paid attention to it.
The white noise the show provided helped make it feel like you were actually doing something.
Even when you knew you weren't doing anything productive at all-
Looking over at your phone, you smiled upon opening the familiar chatbox that you saw almost daily.
"Heya Voxxy, what's up?"
"Well aren't you in a good mood today! Anything special?"
You playfully rolled your eyes, Vox really thought he was being cheeky this time wasn't he?
"Managed to complete all my work for the semester, so now I can just chillax until exams come around!"
"Wait what? Holy shit! You've got a whole two weeks of nothing then!"
"IKR! I can just laze around and do what I want after class hours!"
It wasn't surprising that Vox quickly got used to your schedule, you'd also grown slightly accustomed to his.
He knew the basic rundown of your schedule, like when your classes started and ended-
Just as much as you knew when he had to leave for his daily broadcast and when he would come back.
You could only guess him knowing when exam season happens was from looking at the calendars and schedules you had meticulously prepared in your computer.
There were times he would even remind you of things due on a day, like quizzes or projects to which you would grow embarrassed that it slipped your mind.
You were the one who made the calendar, how could you forget it???
Though it was probably helpful on his end that he quite literally had a digital reference to look back on.
You still wondered sometimes how he managed to end up with a TV for a head but didn't look into it much.
"Guess that means you'll be spending more time with me?"
"Dude, I already spend so much time with you! Any more and I'd have to call you my boyfriend!"
That message really shouldn't have caused Vox to bluescreen but it did.
He was just so flustered that his system crashed in it's entirety because of what you said.
Not that you noticed when all you got in reply was some keysmash and middle finger emojis.
Vox could only imagine you were laughing at his expense, and even then he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with you.
It was only recently that he'd become hyper aware with how much you meant to him so jokes and comments like that easily sent his mental careening.
Not that he quite understood why he felt this way yet, a part of him still blamed some unknown untraceable malware that your devices shoved into his system.
Though he highly doubted that a stupid virus would make his stomach do flips whenever he saw your silly smile.
Oh whatever, he'll just have to run another malware check later or something.
You just continued to tease Vox for a good while before he had to excuse himself and leave for a meeting.
He was slightly glad that he had just a little respite from your teasing onslaught.
Any more of it and there was a high risk he would've accidentally caused another citywide blackout.
You tossed your phone onto an adjacent cushion and just laughed.
No wonder Vox liked to embarrass you so much.
It was downright hilarious and entertaining.
You couldn't help but feel slightly flattered with his reactions though, was your friendship that important to him?
So he really did care after all, what a dork.
The funny high you were running on, much to Vox's chagrin, didn't last long.
So you decided to go back to fucking with your TV headed companion since he usually did the same to you.
"Dudeeeee I'm fucking dyingggg-"
Vox made the mistake of checking his phone in the middle of the meeting and nearly gave himself a stroke upon reading your message.
What in Lucifer's name even happened?!
Last he checked you were completely fine???
He hadn't even left you for-
Taking a look at his internal clock, Vox glitched from sheer panic.
It hadn't even been an hour!
Was this supposed to be a joke??
Were you just fibbing with him?
Or god forbid you were actually hurt and needed help-
He was about to just bolt out of that meeting before another messaged snapped him out of it.
"I'm dying- dying of BOARDom! HAHA see what I did there?"
Vox felt the last of his patience leave him as rings appeared on his other eye.
The absolute nerve of you-!
"Oh fuck off (Y/N)."
With that, he angrily pocketed his phone and once again paid attention to the meeting.
The poor presenter in the front nearly shat himself from how irritated Vox looked, they didn't know that frustration was because of you though.
You just couldn't stop laughing at his reply, not realizing how badly your overlord friend took the joke until some noticeable time passed and there wasn't a single message or notification from him.
Now that started to concern you.
You'd be lucky to get through an hour with less than a hundred notifications at a time-
It's been two and there was still absolutely nothing.
Did something happen?
Was he upset or dealing with something?
Perchance... did you do something to upset him?
"Vox...? Hey, you good dude?"
You grew more concerned as the minutes ticked on.
Whatever it was- Vox was probably genuinely upset.
And you had a gut feeling it had something to do with you.
"I'm not talking to you."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at his message, was he being childish?
So your hunch was right, you did manage to upset him- somehow.
"Ehhhh??? Why? What did I do?"
"You know what you fucking did (Y/N)."
Not really- that's why you asked.
Your hands dropped onto your lap tiredly as you looked up towards the ceiling.
What... what did you do wrong?
Scrolling up to read your chats, it didn't take long before you realized where it went wayside.
"Right, you don't really like it when I joke about dying huh."
"You never really told me why, and you never cared this much before. You would just laugh it off when I delivered the punchline."
"You're still young (Y/N). You have your whole life ahead of you. Dying puts you at risk of ending up here in hell with me."
"You know that doesn't sound as horrible as you paint it right?"
"I'll end up where you are, that can't seriously be that bad."
Vox genuinely wondered if you had a screw loose or something this time.
He continued to try hammering it into you that it was hell he was talking about.
Eternal damnation, the never-ending inferno, etc.
Ya know, where all the sinners went to suffer??
But again and again you would just keep repeating-
"But I'll be where you are, it won't be that bad- it can't be that bad."
Until he finally understood what you were insinuating.
It wouldn't be so bad, because he was there.
He would be there with you.
At that point the state of hell or where you were wasn't important.
Vox could only chuckle at his own foolishness.
Not to mention just how oblivious you were to your own words.
"I guess. Just don't do that again."
"I'll try not to. Besides, if I croak and end up at the heaven gates- I'll put in a good word for you."
"You? In heaven? Nice joke dollface."
"Oh fuck you too Vox, I was being optimistic."
The tech overlord just rolled his eyes, there was a real risk that he could lose you soley because heaven would take you away but he didn't dwell on it.
You were still here texting him, cracking jokes and being your obnoxiously cute self.
You were still on the other side of the screen furiously typing up a comeback of why you would be able to get into the pearly gates.
Vox just chuckled, as long as you were with him in the here and now-
He found he wouldn't care even if hell froze over.
A/N: Our Voxxy is starting to catch feels, well- slightly- he's just in the stages of caring a bit too much but not realizing it's romance yet. Writing this stuff is hilariously entertaining, plus the slow burn is just yummy hahahahah I'll be putting out some more interludes tomorrow but the direct continuation is finished! I just need to post these things chronologically XD
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weebsinstash · 1 year
God devout protector Miguel after the you two incident would be AMAZINGLY AWFUL. Man will full on strap your ass to him in like a baby carrier kind of fashion, you wouldn’t leave his sight, let alone his reach.
And the other spiders would be crossed between being mad jealous but also relived because if anyone can keep you on lock, it would be Miguel.
If you did try and leave again tho I FIRMLY believe man would go full feral, foaming and running on all fours, just to get you again.
But also? He’s totally crying the first time he gets to fuck the real you. Man will swear there’s a diff between you and your dopple.
(Post contains across the spiderverse spoilers for Miguel's backstory/family)
Bruh I keep thinking of tons of ways to torture Miguel/the Reader, why do I have a fetish for writing fucking drama like this is some lifetime movie real housewives levels of drama, and I was thinking of a really specific scene sort of idea. So imagine a big reason YouTwo starts trying to steal your identity, really THE reason, is because YOU didn't realize "the severity of your surroundings" in the sense that you don't realize your spidey sense is going off half the time because a big portion of this community is stalking you, but YouTwo DOES. Like lmao, it's not even, totally out of spite against you that they steal your life either, YouTwo may just also share some of your massive insecurity issues and they see how so much of the Spider Society outright adores you and wants that for themselves, they want to feel important and loved, shit maybe YouTwo is even an anomaly who was never supposed to be a Spider but you were and that furthers their own mental health issues
I really like the idea of like, Reader and Miguel having kind of a slow burn undefined relationship which actually plays a role in exposing YouTwo or. Something lol. Idk I kind of struggle sometimes, tone wise, with writing yandere who are just like outright delusional and not at least partially lucid and, I typically don't go for those "I was drooling at the mouth the second i saw you" characterizations myself (not because I don't like them but, I'm apparently obsessed with "having emotional tension build up")
So, imagine if one point in the past Reader had gotten drunk and Miguel was taking them home because a super drunk and clumsy Spider who can crawl up any surface with super strength could be a potential disaster (did yall know Miguel can lift TEN TONS, that's 20,000 pounds, uh, uh, uh, sir thats actually terrifying i think you could deadass One Punch Man, fucking, Doomfist punch an entire fucking skyscraper) and at some point you just kind of. It's a little earlier on in how you know him and imagine you just kind of very extremely sloppily come onto him, just kind of a "fuck it he's handsome and I'm drunk why not just go for it" moment
you kiss him on the lips, and he just totally freezes and, you know, despite him actually having some developing feelings for you, unhealthy obsessive feelings gradually increasing over time, he's not exactly at the Having Sex With You stage yet, or, perhaps he already is but, you're too drunk for him to be comfortable sleeping with you because He's A Good Catholic Boy And Your First Time Together Must Be Special or, he has to be more drunk too so it feels a little less uhhhhh dubcon-y (I also keep thinking about, as a separate concept separate from YouTwo stuff, what if you both got drunk to the point both of you kind of forget who you slept with last night until Miguel remembers but you don't and he's like "oh shit did I actually remember to use protection or was i too drunk and excited in the heat of the moment" and, oh hey wouldn't you know it, Reader just missed their period, when applicable obviously)
But anyways Miguel just gently rejects your advances and, actually is, emotionally vulnerable for a while, like he respects you enough to explain his reasoning and then some, telling you, hey, it's been kind of a long time since he's, you know, been with someone In That Way, he DID used to have a fiance who had been pregnant when she died, and after losing them both as a canon event, and then losing "them" a second time, his heart is just. Still healing after all this time. And I imagine Reader is embarrassed as fuck but also you're crying but it's actually a good crying because you're like "dude i think its so beautiful that you love them that much that they're still kept close to your heart after all this time" and it actually makes you love and respect him MORE, his strength, his devotion, and the two of you just sit there and talk until you eventually pass out and THIS is a huge moment that furthers his obsession with you because he gently set a boundary where he's technically rejecting you, denying you something you want, and you're basically like "dude that's so fucking badass of you, you're like the strongest man I know, sir its an honor working with a man like you"
For one, imagine the fucking pain if after that experience with you, he winds up eventually having his "first time" with YouTwo and you walk in on it and that like, completely breaks your heart because it's like. Wow fuck we've been coworkers and, weirdly defined not-dating-but-everyone-jokes-we're-married status for like maybe a year and a half even, and he just suddenly, in your perception, replaces you with some... cheap copy? What was wrong with you? What did they have that you don't? Why weren't you good enough 🥺 like I imagine at this plot point Reader is already SEVERELY depressed and you just find a man you, you like genuinely LOVE seemingly replacing you with someone who looks and sounds just like you but somehow YOU aren't good enough. Like. Bro it hurts you so fucking bad, part of me thinks you just go to your apartment and don't come out for like a straight week and that makes you feel even worse because YT is still running around fooling people and not everyone notices your absence so one comes to check on you and it furthers your mental illness that "no one cares about me" when that couldn't be farther from the truth
Absolutely torturing this man with the concept of, you guys never sleep together (yet) but YouTwo just kind of automatically assumes from The Vibes they get from the pair of you that SOMETHING must be going on and, during what I'll call the big confrontation, where YouTwo is cornering you with other Spiders who accuse you of being the fake and they're kicking you out, you weaponize that you know things THEY don't. You're standing there desperately trying to think of how to prove your innocence and you take one look at Miguel and the way he's absolutely glaring you down, almost looking at him in a sort of "wait, I want you to see this" kind of way before you look at YouTwo and fall into a character of your own "so how long have you been sleeping with my man? What, i warm him up for you and you steal my boyfriend?" Or something to that effect, and YouTwo is just kind of like, "oh PUH LEASE, Miguel and I have a much deeper relationship than just the physical, you have no right to talk like you know him" and they sidle up to him rather intimately and meanwhile Miguel's expression just DROPS. He looks to you while you stand there glitching out without your wristwatch and you're looking at him with the biggest saddest fucking boo boo eyes and you just kind of like, solemnly bow your head, "it was an honor working with you, sir" and he's just like OH F U C K, man is RUSHING, he scrambles to try and put his own watch on you but it's too late, there's not enough time, he reaches out to save you and your form disappears from this reality just as he's about to snap the cuff on your wrist
Like deadass it isn't your fault, but, you RE-TRAUMATIZE this man. His wife and unborn child, the replacement family, now YOU, and YOU were totally innocent and this was even more his fault than the first two things, like, he is one more major incident away from becoming an addict or a barely functioning alcoholic by the time you stumble back into his dimension by accident
I imagine he and the other betrayed Spiders deadass put scars on YouTwo's face and body so there can never be any mistaking who they are ever again and they're exiled back to their home dimension (and I mean if they kill themselves Miguel just kind of shrugs like "that was their choice" and also I wonder if that would break canon for that universe and kill everything in it or deadass there would just be another replacement Spider and suddenly everyone is like oh wow YouTwo was a fake anomaly all along)
But gooooodddddd, thinking of both Reader and Miguel after the return. Both of y'all are traumatized and you're basically scared of him now, it's hard for you to trust him or anyone else at all, meanwhile Miguel is DESPERATE to try and make things up to you while you're flinching when he reaches for you. I imagine the man starts being more openly affectionate with you. More hands on your shoulder, a pat on the head, he asks Lyla to watch you while he goes to refill his coffee and gives you a kiss on the temple on his way out, meanwhile Reader is just, you know, probably desperately needing therapy at this point, thinking "do I or don't I trust him", but also still having all of those happy memories with him and everyone else and you're just, even if you wanted to you're too physically weak from being lost in the multiverse for several months to really escape if you wanted to
Deadass think at this point the man would microchip you like a cat. Oh, so Miguel has to worry about fakes of his loved ones showing up now, as if he isnt dealing with 2099 other things right now? He'll show them! He'll microchip your ass so he can track you and confirm your identity at all times! Maybe he'll just microchip everyone! Or he'll put some sort of system feature in all the bracelets where they all have ID numbers and such so no one can pretend they aren't who they say they are! He's not mentally ill, he's just well intentioned, promise :)
While you're recovering from bouncing around all the different universes, healing any fractures or broken bones, overcoming any fevers or infections, he is INVOLVED in your care. He's constantly asking any doctors and medics for updates, and really, he's like a genius geneticist, would he actually be directly involved in administering any of your care? He doesn't like seeing other people give you shots or draw any blood because it hurts you so he insists on doing it. He creates a little nook in his office and on his brooding platform (almost typo'd that as breeding platform, but, I mean, it COULD be) so that he can keep his eyes on you once you've recovered enough to be let out of bed. Miguel just, finally getting an actual chair or bench and he's sitting watching all his monitors in the dark while you're in his lap and he's occasionally gently petting your hair. If he sees anything upsetting he just settles himself closer to your body and it brings him peace like no other and suddenly, yeah he just straight up is toxic codependent on you. He wants to protect and fawn and obsess over you and you're scared and vulnerable and start depending on him for protection again, like imagine if you're actually too scared to try running away because you just spent several months being catapulted between universes and you just need to rest, there's so much danger out there you didn't even comprehend before and, at least here with Miguel, it's safe for you, so, you accidentally kind of feed into all his problems
Could you even FUCKING IMAGINE if a THIRD YOU shows up and they might actually have distinguishing features from you that make it like impossible for you to be mixed up BUT STILL the second you see them you literally begin bawling your eyes out IMMEDIATELY and cling to Miguel, SHAKING, "please don't get rid of me please don't get rid of me please I don't have anywhere to go please please please" and like You3 could be the nicest person ever and not want to fuck up anything in any way and the whole ass Spider Society is just still like "nah fam you gotta go home, there's only room for one of you here" which is ironic coming from a a society where 70% of them are like the exact same person, like gee let me go fetch a coffee with Peter Parker and Peter B Parker and Peni Parker and Peter Porker and Peter Parkedcar like. You see what I mean?
Miguel and Reader sharing living quarters after your return and like, do you think he has a decent living space or do you think like nah he's living in a bachelor pad. He's actually the CEO of Alchemax in his universe so I assume he'd be like absolutely loaded, and he's in a futuristic cyberpunk dystopia so like, presumably he'd have a fully kitted-out penthouse apartment, and yeah while there IS room for you to have your own space and own bedroom, for sleeping, you're REQUIRED to be in the same room or bed as him. The entire place is bugged and wired and he has things meticulously organized so even if there were cameras he would know when you touch things or potentially snoop around. Oh, those papers on his desk were a few centimeters to the left before he went to the bathroom kinda attention to detail
And of course he eventually wants to take your relationship even further and finally be with and hold you, the real you, join his bodies with YOU and not some fake this time, and if it's not outright noncon, maybe you're so traumatized at this point you just decide "at least he thinks I'm me, at least someone still loves me enough like this, at least he's devoted to me even though he's totally crazy" and, you know, participating. He's murmuring all these praises and endearments and you're just so anxious and shy while his hands roam your body and he just totally worships you with lots of kisses and nuzzles and teasing little bites and you're holding onto him and are affectionate with him back, basically cuddling the entire time during sex, like man could have you folded into a mating press and you just, reach and intertwine your fingers and look up at him like 🥺 so insecure and scared because is he going to stop and leave if you mess up? What are you supposed to do? And he can sense your anxiety and gives you plenty of compliments and praise and encouragement while showering you with little smooches
You're lying there post-coitus and he's got his huge muscular arms caged around you as he tucks you into his chest, rubbing his hands over your back, telling you how amazing it was, how you did such a good job, and he basically fucks you the entire night until you can't take it anymore and are passing out in his bed while he's holding you, practically purring until both of you fall asleep as he idly wonders what your ring size is.
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celabi · 1 year
The daily conundrum of trying to decide if sex with scummy Scara would be hot or if like bro would nearly bite my nipple or clit off because he tried to give it a light little nip but got to over-eager and just bit way too hard- Him being a raging virgin doesn't fucking help either cause it's like he has no clue what he's doing--
Like bruh I do not think I'd be able to trust him topping in any capacity- Bro would probably be the guy who slips it into the wrong hole halfway through and then just doesn't even notice- If not that, idiot would find a way to break his own dick somehow- Bro probably doesn't even know what lube is (that or he knows and was like "pffft that won't be needed") so his dumbass probably ends up tearing the skin on his dick or worse ends up giving his darling a tear internally-
I don't even think he can be trusted with like masturbating in front of his darling- ESPECIALLY IF THERE'S TOYS INVOLVED- Like tell me this isn't the guy that darling has to call an ambulance for because his dumbass heard them ask him to use a dildo in front of them (without full instruction on how because they just assumed he knew and he didn't say otherwise because he was like "Oh yeah nah I got this") and he managed to get it stuck up there- Like he can't be trusted to do anything sexual on his own accord I fucking swear-
Oh and God forbid darling try to do anything involving BDSM- He'd mess that up even if he was subbing- Unless his darling knows what they're doing well enough to clue in on where to cut things off for him they're probably going to end up with his yes man ass passing out cause they choked him out too hard and he didn't bother to tap out when he should've- That or he ends up being very uncomfortably tied up because he got asked if the rope was too tight and the fucking nobhead, trying to impress his darling on how kinky he is, looked them dead in the eye and was like "Not tight enough"- Dumbass ended up with some real nasty rope burn and a lecture from his darling about how important it is not to go over his limits with this stuff-
AND THAT'S JUST FOR LIGHTER KINKS, GOD FORBID HIS DARLING GETS HIM INTO ANYTHING HEAVIER- Like fuck imagine knife-play/blood-play with his probably anaemic as shit ass???? He'd be a nightmare waiting to happen since he listened to the safe word talk and then decided "I won't be needing that"- Like you educate him thoroughly on his SSC's and he was like "I won't need taht I'll be fine" no the fucking nobhead was in fact NOT fine, he's just so SO stupid
Like he's such a fucking idiot with sex in my head I swear to god, I don't think he can be trusted with anything related to it- Honestly should be banned from sex lmfao- He's an absolute dumbass (affectionate)- He has to stay on them V-plates for a little while longer fr fr though-
OMGMSNSJS NO BECAUSE THIS IS SO TRUE 🤞 he’s so clueless and has no idea what to do, relying only on the porno’s he’s watched but even then, he can’t seem to do what he’s learned (idk he looks like a stuck porn kinda guy so it’s not really working)
Probably tried to finger your clit cause he was that inexperienced 😭
Anyways, after the first couple times with him, he slowly gets the hang of it and just fucks you properly. Ehhhh he’s just sitting there and doing what you say like a good boy 🤭
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
On the theme of Laenor living, what if the whole Dragonstone/Driftmark polycule is still kicking when Viserys dies? (Because in the book at least, I'm convinced that at least Rhaenyra had arrangements with both Harwin and Laena/Daemon, and who's to say Laenor didn't have his own with Harwin and/or Daemon?)
oooo good question.
so this goes similar to the “laena lives au” i talked about a few weeks ago (i think?) (can’t fucjing find it of course), where rhaenyra is in much better shape because a) she still has vhagar and b) she still has her husband as a shield. if we take out harwin’s death as well, this either means no one ever set the harrenhal fire, or only lyonel died in it, or even that it WAS set but they survived, and that gives her a powerful ally in the riverlands, somewhere she needs a little push due to the infighting in house tully. okay bullet pointing here-
aemond keeps his eye, but not only is harwin not sent away, rhaenyra herself is not sent away - remember, in show canon she leaves on her own but in book canon, viserys bars her from the capital to keep alicent happy (number one mistake viserys makes, and also, this is what i point to when people say she's entitled or spoiled. bruh she's literally barred from making allies at court by her father!!)
this means rhaenyra is likely splitting her time between dragonstone & the capital. there’s still a lot of ways that a fight can occur but i think it’s much less likely something as violent as the driftmark brawl happens. without that catalyst to really entrench everyone in their own spaces, there’s an interesting political shift that could happen.
we don’t get an exact read on lyonel and his feelings towards rhaenyra. in the show, he’s clearly scared for harwin’s life but like. does he hate rhaenyra for putting harwin at risk? does he want to get close to the velaryon boys? does he think this whole situation is way too risky for him to possibly benefit from? for example, does he suggest viserys let him go back to being master of laws or even let him leave the council in favor of naming laenor and/or rhaenyra as hand or master of laws? because this opens the door for rhaenyra to REALLY gain a foothold in the capital - AND imo, it gives her an excuse to move daemon & laena into dragonstone by naming daemon as her steward while she’s on the small council, and she would have lyonel to thank for that.
regardless of lyonel’s actions, it’s just objectively better that he remains on the small council as hand over otto because then the small council isn’t being stacked with greens. for all he's a bit of an enigma, lyonel isn't actively trying to sabotage rhaenyra. HOW those empty positions get filled is kinda murky - if lyonel is allowed to do it, i imagine he’s genuinely finding people suited for the job, which means master of ships is likely a manderly or velaryon, which is good for rhaenyra. for master of laws, i have no idea but i doubt it’s jasper wylde which again, better for rhaenyra. no way in fuck cole gets to just sit on the damn council.
it’s kinda tricky to ensure the entire polycule remains intact for seventeen years (seven years with one husband, a decade with the other is the timeline iirc) because i think, without the driftmark brawl, criston & alicent do something similar to what they do in the show, which is purposefully spark harwin’s ire re: the boys to get him sent from the capital. so even if we assume harwin & rhaenyra have genuine feelings, he doesn’t mind her relationship with laena & daemon, and the velaryons + daemon are all fond of harwin for being rhaenyra’s sword sword and being so loyal, i don’t think he can avoid being sent back home after a certain point.
however, i do wonder if rhaenyra, daemon, laena, or laenor don’t decide to get him a marriage match THEY want him to have - someone loyal to them, someone who won’t spill their secrets. daemon & laena’s girls are wayyy too young even for westeros marriages but there is one potential match here imo - elinda massey.
by the time viserys dies, i imagine the polycule is more of a poly-penpalship. rhaenyra in the capital, daemon & laena at dragonstone, harwin in harrenhal, laenor at driftmark. but if they’ve retained this loyal, romantic relationship between them all, AND rhaenyra is in the capital when viserys dies which allows her to lock down the keep, call daemon & laena to her side, send a message to harwin to gather some men, have her siblings Not Quite Arrested, and aemond doesn’t have vhagar, i mean…..dance OVER lmao, she can take the capital, and if alicent or cole try something, she can have alicent confined and straight up have cole executed.
obviously, there’s pushback here - alicent still doesn’t like or trust her, aemond is still Like That, otto is likely plotting in oldtown, cole still hates her guts, helaena and aegon are probably still having kids, and vaemond is still here. but vaemond’s window of opportunity is minuscule here, with laenor still alive (and unwilling to kinslay for his wife) and the hightowers not in power.
i imagine lyonel gets pushback whipped up by otto from oldtown - regardless of what lyonel does, people may see his actions as covering for rhaenyra to get his blood on the throne. but this is similar to the pushback against maegor, aenys, and early jaehaerys - very contained rebellions that can be headed off with enough dragons & soldiers, and even factoring in rhaenyra’s temper, if she never loses harwin, if the council isn’t stacked against her, if she starts the war already in KL, and with the seasoned warriors like harwin, daemon, laenor, AND corlys on her side, i think she can commit a few war crimes and still keep control of everything lmao.
the main wildcard factor here is the stepstones imo - daemon & corlys are gonna push to really hold it, and if rhaenyra is on the council (or laenor) she’s going to get involved. maybe this goes well, makes her look competent, if she’s smart she settles some people there to gain their loyalty, OR maybe it’s another endless war to get involved in and she looks kinda stupid.
post war, harwin is guaranteed a spot on the council, as is daemon & corlys. harwin has had at least one child, i think it’s not unlikely rhaenyra has at least one more child past joffrey (whether it’s daemon’s or harwin’s lol), i do wonder if daemon & laena don’t have any more children after the issue with baby aegon. both versions of daemon, imo, have some hang ups about death in childbirth, so i don’t think it’s unlikely he just gives up on having a son with laena & settles either for the marriages or even having a bastard with rhaenyra that they say is laenor’s. really playing with fire in that one lmao but when are those two Specifically not doing already doing that. i think they gotta be CAREFUL bc viserys will NOT appreciate her having daemon’s bastard SPECIFICALLY and they risk getting sent back out from the capital. but again, if he’s her steward at dragonstone, i think that keeps him a lil busy & she might be able to fudge a timeline easy enough to Genuinely pass her kid off as Laenor’s which also helps her.
anyways i’m assuming these people are a lot more rational than they are so let’s dig into some likely dumb decisions too-
again, if viserys realizes somethings happening, he’s having a conniption fit and neither daemon nor rhaenyra have ever been one for subtlety. i think the likelihood of her having daemon's kid in this scenario is kinda high and while viserys does tend to just overlook what her kids look like, if one comes out with daemon's face i think it will piss him off just a bit.
i mean if we want to get really poly with it, imagine if laena has a baby that looks like harwin. that actually helps rhaenyra a lot but also that's soooo funny.
let's say a fight still happens between the younger kids. firstly, it's likely coming a few years later than it does in canon, which might be good, might be bad, but it does mean that even if aemond does something absolutely wild like claim vermithor, silverwing, or grey ghost, he gets less time training on dragonback, and is on a smaller, potentially less bloodied dragon. however, the flip side is if it happens too late, when they're older and perhaps a bit angrier, it could spiral out of control in a more violent way. BUT if there's never a reason for them to be alone and purposefully unsupervised (WHAT WAS COLE DOING. HOW DOES THIS IDIOT STILL HAVE A JOB), there's also never a reason for them to get so violent with each other.
i mean we know CRISTON is bothered by rhaenyra's relationships, but one thing i think people constantly discount is that even with the ingrained sexism and general prudishness of westeros......it just doesn't seem like many other people give a shit. the high septon definitely cares considering he also dislikes lady sam when she remarries to lyonel, and i'm sure several reacher lords care. BUT. i do think the way otto and the greens go about taking the capital pisses a number of people off because a lot more people declare for rhaenyra at the onset of the war than aegon. if she's perhaps not being as obvious about her affairs because harwin is gone, daemon is gone, and she's either living by herself at the capital or In The Same City as Laenor, i really think she has an easier time convincing people she's a better choice than aegon.
BUT I do think it can't be understated that some people might turn against her if they feel like she's clearly having an affair with daemon, particularly in the Reach and parts of the Vale.
AT THE SAME TIME. if otto is doing exactly what he does in canon - which is fuck all, btw, everyone always whacks rhaenyra for being stupid but otto does not do anything particularly impressive to gain himself allies, he just expects that going "well aegon is a man" is enough and it's just not. even rhaenys had her supporters and rhaenys was never named princess of dragonstone! as a matter of fact, this man is SURPRISED at how many people don't declare for him which really speaks to a level of superiority and arrogance on par with like 90% of the targs in this era - but he's doing it from oldtown instead of the capital, he has nothing. he has jack shit. he's got what, a handful of houses in the stormlands, reach, westerlands, and the triarchy, and potentially doesn't even have the capital. i'm not saying rhaenyra is gonna be smart and non angry but it would be perilously easy to just send Laenor and Rhaenys to oldtown with their dragons to be like "send that bitch out here right now or we start burning shit" and lock aemond, aegon, and alicent up while parading helaena and her kids around to be like "see i'm not a kinslayer, i love my sister and her kids, they've simply been manipulated by my evil stepmother."
even if rhaenyra isn't in the capital, the war gets easier - Alicent and Cole would have to take the capital themselves and kill like a LOT of people to do it. and meanwhile Steffon Darklyn is sneaking out to let Rhaenyra know something is UP. Then we got every single experienced dragon on Rhaenyra's side, PLUS extra help in the riverlands and driftmark. either otto gets his shit together or he's even more fucked than he is in main canon.
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halfetirosie · 1 day
(Elysium 04-05 React-os!)
1) Eiden making an excellent point here--
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Even in our own world, there's still a lot of stigma around "red light districts" and/or the industries they involve (sex work, alcohol, recreational drug use, etc). While you should always be careful and responsible with these activities, they are not inherently bad!
(I feel like some people might have gotten the wrong idea about my thoughts on these things--specifically, on drug use--from my last post. But please don't misunderstand; I am NOT against any of these things. What I AM against is people deliberately exploiting others using these things, fueling addiction for their own profit. ♡)
2) Dude, of course Kuya put his own essence-infused bracelet into the mix!
Why don't you just properly PROPOSE to him already, you foxy bastard??? (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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It's cute, but also funny that he did this. Like, I imagine that when Kuya saw this bracelet event was happening he knew Eiden would be interested in participating too; and since he's jealous and possessive, he specially added his essence to the bracelet so Eiden would be sure to choose his---thus, not being paired with anyone else!
Kuya is certainly back on his Tsundere Bullshit™!
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....And also his Yandere Bullshit™ I guess??? (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
3) Oh no.... Well, SHIT....
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Look, I assumed Kuya had to have been involved in starting the Elysium club, but to be involved with the creation of that whack-ass addictive drug????? Bruh.....
Like, that alone wouldn't have bothered me that much, but since we've seen how Reverie addiction is becoming a serious problem [in the Water Territory], I ain't gonna lie, I am not very pleased with the fox right now...
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*Hisses in this bitch's general direction*
What is it with Kuya attracting so many freaks? First the stalker tanuki, and now THIS creature????
5) Hm... I'm guessing Kuya got into this who agreement with Vampire Bitch for the sake of sufficient entertainment---a.k.a sufficient distraction from his long-ass life....
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I'm guessing Kuya has gotten tired of the activities that take place here---which might be a good sign, showing that he's more "entertained" by the daily life with the clan? Maybe?
6) Oh? Could it be? A Responsible Kuya™???
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I am now a bit less upset with Foxy Grandpa! I'm impressed he had the foresight to tell Vampire Bitch not to force the drug onto people.
...Although, the fact that Kuya felt the need to bring this up in conversation could have worrying implications. Like, does that mean he found out that people were being forced to take the drug? 🤔
Either way, I'm glad Kuya is going to cut ties with this shady place.
7) Huh, it seems like Vampire Bitch is REALLy REALLY officially being cut off.
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(◔_◔) Dawg, that superficial answer will NOT impress the fox...
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I think the answer Kuya was looking for has to do with my theory of what Kuya himself was looking for in Elysium---and also why the word "Dream" is plastered all across this event. He probably wanted to hear something along the lines of, "To escape from reality," "To live in a dream," or hell, "To be happy."
But Vampire Bitch must never have been in this business for these reasons---or maybe he forgot it over the years. Now, he's just corrupt.
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,; (ง 🔥 ロ 🔥 )ง ;,
Gang. Think about this for a second. He never says he's going to "introduce" Olivine to Kuya. He refers to Olivine as a form of "entertainment" and a "gift."
And why might he think he can do that? What methods do you think this DRUG DEALER might have used to achieve that, hm?????
HOW DARE HE?!?!?!?!?!
🔥 End of report! 🔥
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
I heard the sequel to the 07 movie we would of gotten foot clan Mikey that would’ve been so awesome! The idea of an evil Mikey is so cool.
I think it was gonna be that he felt under-appreciated and that they all saw him as just a silly little guy and not competent. Not sure the source here though that's just what I remember
But regardless. Just imagine. Because like
Leo left them for an extra year for unclear reasons. Supposedly he was ready for this special training and no one else was. Then when he finally comes home he says "sorry I was just caught up in my own little world" excuse me?? bruh
Raph has been doing his Nightwatcher thing, and Mikey! Liked the Nightwatcher! He gets home from a hard day at work and flips on the news! He's not going out on patrols; you think he's watching the news for a weather report? He literally wants to be out there with him, and probably knows it's Raph! And Raph. Never tells him about it. Specifically does not invite his little brothers along. I feel for Raph on this, but I gotta say from Mikey and Donnie's pov that probably feels like "well if Leo's not here then I'm just going by myself, don't wanna hang out with you losers"
And Donnie. hhnnnnnng. Mikey and Donnie went so unexpectedly and against their wills frim a Team to a Duo. And they took good care of each other! We see hints of this, besides that it just makes sense, but we also see. Well.
There's a whole lot of "why do you this to yourself 🙄" and "I barely trust you with a driver's license 😑." And I'm sure no one understands better than Mikey why Donnie is short-fused. It very much looks like it's pretty much fallen on him to take care of everyone, period, not just the team while Leo is gone. He's worried about Master Splinter's cholesterol, he seems to pretty much expect it when April calls to say Raph is hurt. There's a lot of wholesome B team going on, but there's also understandably some tension there after so long of relying mostly on each other. And I think that mostly takes the shape of Donnie being worried and stressed about keeping Mikey safe, and it can come across kinda condescending. And sometimes it also is condescending. (Donnie smothering Mikey because no one is there to smother him)
Anyways there was a lot of interesting set up for Foot Mikey.
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danothan · 2 years
i hope batlantern and halbarry enjoyers get along, there’s a lot of potential with this messy string of dynamics
i like the idea of hal and bruce being a short-lived but meaningful fling, like a “right time, right moment” situationship. seeing as they’ve both had their “we’re more alike than you think” and “you’re getting in your own way” observations abt each other, it could be productive and therapeutic to sort out their feelings thru their reflections of the other. they don’t have the compatibility or even desire to make this a lasting commited relationship, but i just think if they fucked, they could chill tf out lmao
i don’t need to go into halbarry, i feel like it speaks for itself loud and clear lol. long story short, they’re endgame to me and the most likely to be committed to a relationship, which is rly saying smth consider half of this dynamic involves hal. but regarding how they connect to batlantern, i just think it’d be rly funny in the context of JL:war. barry obviously had a crush on batman upon introduction, immediately inciting hal’s petty jealously (seriously, how do these 3 not get talked abt all together as a trio). so if we go by the idea that hal and bruce had a fling, i can only imagine what kind of conversation that would be once hal and barry got together
- B: “you slept with BRUCE? as in THE batman bruce??” / H: “yeah, it was a while back.” / B: “WHERE WAS I IN ALL THIS”
bruh as far as barry is aware, hal doesn’t even like bruce and even got mad at BARRY for not hating him too. and then he goes ahead and sleeps with the guy smh the double standards, barry’s gonna be up thinking abt this one for a few nights. tfw your boyfriend and your crush got together without you </3 hey, at least it’s fantasy-fuel right?
as for bruce and barry, their relationship is i think the most complicated of the three. they clearly have smth special, and while i do think barry’s little crush was one-sided, i also think bruce treats barry differently from the rest of the team. he already had a lot of respect for barry to begin with, but the letter barry delivered from bruce’s dad in flashpoint HAD to have changed their dynamic. if you haven’t read it, thomas credits the flash for teaching him that he can’t live for the people he’s lost, he has to live for the people he still has, and so he passes on this lesson to his son. how would bruce feel abt that?? how would he feel abt his DEAD dad telling him to cherish his living relationships, meanwhile having barry as the only thread between both?? that his friend got to meet his dead dad and become his reason for living? that the words of wisdom his dad is passing on to him were essentially from barry himself? barry’s probably gotten over his starstruck phase with bruce by now, and he’s got too much integrity to pry or even know what impact he’s had on either of their lives, but i think bruce WOULD learn to cherish his relationships from this. i think barry has a soft spot in bruce’s heart in a way that no one else does ;__; lord knows what barry sees in him or hal, but the guy’s got a good heart, so he must be doing something right
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Are you satisfied by Marina and the diamonds is so Miguel OHara coded
Are You Satisfied?!!
Mowgli's Road by Marina is THE Miguel song hands down.
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I could write a while essay about how I think Mowgli's road couple be Miguels sorry 1:1
Like the first verse (left) - Starting with the silver spoons being almost like the sins of Miguel's life. The things that made him want to leave in the first place. Having the dream of leaving.
And the fantasy of him trying to 'escape' to Gabriella's world - but canon, the metaphorical 'King of the Jungle', calling his buff.
And how in the future after Gabriella is gone he's at a fork in the road so this time he'll just do what canon tells him to do, even though he doesn't know who he is in the universe anymore
And the second verse (right) being him forcing that idea on Miles.
Mocking that Miles thinks he can 'say yes to everything' and save everyone.
But he wonders if that optimism might actually cause Miles to win, to beat him.
The final lines of the verse - Miguel asking Miles if he thinks he's good enough as Spider-man to save his father -
Asking if Miles thinks he's good enough to love his father, and for his father to love him as Spider-man
If you're reading this and haven't heard the song, I HIGHLY recommend it. That album was probably my favorite all throughout middle school/high school.
It came out like 2010isssh - 2011 and it's a really dramatic almost folk rock song. SO GOOD.
Thank you SO MUCH because I'm gonna go imagine Moche singing those songs and pretending she wrote them about him :)
because that's something I do to entertain myself that's why am my ocs are musicians do y'all do that in your heads like pretend you're ocs are in a music video hm
Moche on guitar and vocals Diane can be on bass (Mowgli's Road has an AMAZING bassline) and Hobie on electric guitar
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onthejadedjournal · 1 month
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so actually when i was drawing the birthday art i had some thoughts going on while rendering it. i vaguely remember the fact that blake was found by the international police. so they probably don't have any idea what's his biological information and the least they can do is deduce just how old he is since he was just an infant
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id imagine that his parents were killed on the spot and it would be hard to trace back where their home would be maybe? but this leads to my personal headcanon that may 4th is the day that blake is taken under icpo's care, but is branded as his birthday, and in a poetic parallel way - it is the same date of death of his parents.
i don't think blake actually knows his birthday either because he was raised so robotically that sentimental ideas are immediately off his mind. even if his coworkers knew his birthday, they wouldn't have the heart to greet him because he would probably respond very bitterly
the first time he does get greeted however is when ilynne started working with icpo. she's obviously very bubbly for what's supposedly a very serious job but it didn't stop her from being her usual self. she likes studying others' biodata as its in her nature to know the people she interviews. she would at one point find out about blake's birthday and would celebrate it with looker when that time came. ilynne only takes in looker because everyone else politely declines her offer (like magician). he was initially against this thought because blake never got greeted before, so he was scared that this might irritate blake (as looker still views blake very professionally - blake is still his superior after all). she asks for this reason, and he explains that he never celebrated a birthday before and doesn't even know it's his birthday - so it's pointless. she was a little saddened by this fact, pitying him. but she would recover and insist that if he's never been greeted before, then why not now?
ilynne would then greet blake on the right date very happily with a confetti popper and a small cupcake she bought nearby. looker was a little bashful over this since this is very unprompted and improv - he didn't even know how would blake react so he just trusted the process and let ilynne do the talking
as expected, blake kinda just ... scoffs at this. sure he's a little surprised, like - oh? it's today? don't remember being greeted before (💀) (yeah uh like no one greeted you for 12 years bruh). ilynne says how she learned that he never been greeted before, and she wanted to go out of her way to do so. birthdays are special, she'd say. because it marks another day that he's still alive and well, and still have many more years to do things, and in their case - many more crimes to fight for!
he understands her positive connotation - and for the first time in awhile - smiles out of respect. not flattery, or joy - just respect. he sees that ilynne and looker respects him highly and wants to let him know that she cares about him (though that doesn't affect him... for now) so he politely accepts her greeting and proceeds on with his day - eating the cupcake because hey, a good cop can't go on with an empty stomach.
he'd walk away from them. without looking back, he commands them;
pick up the confetti on the floor when you leave the room.
harsh as ever. looker appeared a little irked by his shift in attitude, but ilynne happily responds with a salute.
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angelikook · 2 years
10 Hours
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Pairing(s): High school student!Jimin x reader
Genre: Fluff, f2l-ish, high school AU
Word Count: 5.9k
Warning(s): Profanities
Summary: When your three best friends want to stay at school overnight, you can’t say no. After all, nothing will go wrong, right? Well, everything goes wrong, actually, but in ways you never imagine.
A/n This fic has gone through several remakes in my draft because I'm indecisive. But at least it’s here now!
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“What?” you yelled at the three boys in front of you.
Yes, they were your best friends, but sometimes they came up with stupid ideas to the point you wanted to disown them. And not a minute ago, they proposed another crazy idea. So crazy you wanted to laugh.
“We did it before, Jungkook and I. You and Jimin should do it too.” Your best friend, Taehyung, flashed his boxy smile at you.
“Yeah!” Jungkook chimed in. “Think of it like-” He moved his arms around, trying to find the right words. “-being one with nature. But instead of nature, it’s our lovely school.” His last sentence was laced with sarcasm.
“I don’t know, guys. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You glanced at Jimin, trying to get him to side with you. “Right?”
“Don’t look at Jimin like that!” Taehyung whined. “You’ll make him agree with you.”
You scoffed in disbelief. “That’s the point! I don’t wanna stay at school overnight! And I bet Jimin doesn’t want to, either.”
Jungkook snorted. “Bruh, as a matter of fact, he was the one who came up with the idea long ago.”
“Is that right?” You stared at Jimin while he gave you a sheepish smile.
“Ugh!” You rolled your eyes. “I can’t believe it! I thought you had common sense unlike them.”
Beside you, Taehyung and Jungkook protested with a, “Hey!”
“Sorry. But aren’t you curious about what the school is like at night?”
“No! I’d rather sleep at home than to know that.”
“If you’re worrying about food and drink, don’t worry. We’ve prepared everything,” Taehyung said as if it’d make everything better. “All you need to do is to stay here.”
“That doesn’t even cover all of my worries.”
“Look.” Taehyung placed his arm around your shoulder, which you immediately pushed off. “How about this? We’ll stay with you, too, so all four of us can have a sleepover.” He grinned. “Isn’t that fun?”
“That’s horrible.” You frowned. “I can’t even deal with you for five minutes, and you want me to be with you all night? That’s crazy, mad, insane, all in one.”
Jungkook groaned. “Come on. You never do anything fun with us. Heck, you always turn down our offers. It feels like you don’t care about us.”
Oh, good. Now Jungkook was guilt tripping you.
“You guys are the worst,” you grumbled, but finally agreed to whatever stupid thing they wanted to do. It’s for your friendship’s sake, you reasoned with yourself.
“We know.” Jungkook smirked in victory. “We promise it’ll be the best experience you’ll ever have in your life.”
It was in fact, not the best experience you'd ever had in your life. It was more like the second worst experience, the first being school itself.
First of all, within the first half hour into all this staying-at-school-overnight thing, your phone died and you had to borrow a charger from Jungkook. And Jungkook was definitely not the person anyone would want to borrow chargers from. The problems were, the charger wouldn't work unless it was angled at a certain angle and the cable literally almost fell off. It was a surprise how Jungkook still managed to charge his phone. So all in all, you couldn't use your phone until it was charged fully.
You actually had the genius idea not to ask Jungkook first. Instead, you asked Jimin.
"Chim, do you have a charger?" You approached him at the front of the class.
"Nope. Jungkook usually has one."
"No, thanks. I can already guess his charger is broken."
From the other side of the room, where Jungkook and Taehyung were busy making a mock camp, Jungkook yelled in protest, "Excuse you! It's not broken as long as I can use it. You just need to put it at an angle."
"Whatever you say, Kook." You turned at Taehyung. "Tae, do you have a charger?"
"Nope. Just borrow Kook's."
You grimaced. "Ew, his charger is all…" you trailed off.
"All what?" Jungkook challenged you as he walked towards you.
"Nothing." You gave him your sweetest fake smile. "Can I borrow your charger, pretty please?" You even batted your eyelashes at him.
He stared at you in disgust as he tossed his backpack at you. "Stop doing that, you ugly rat. It's in the front pocket."
Seconds after that, you found out about his messed up charger.
That was pretty much how it went.
Second of all, since you had no phones to play with, while your three best friends were busy on their phones, you also had no one to talk to. The only conversation ever made was when you asked for food that was beside Taehyung since he was known as the food hogger.
"Tae, can you pass me the cracker?"
Without looking up from his phone, he flung the cracker your way, in which you barely caught.
“God, Tae. Can you not throw things?” You huffed as you opened the packaging.
"Hey, do you know that Mrs. Choi is hospitalized?" Jungkook announced out of the blue.
"Is that the reason why her class was canceled earlier?" Taehyung, who wasn't even listening to you a few seconds ago, now paid attention to Jungkook.
You really wanted to roll your eyes at that. He only paid attention when it came to gossip.
"What? Why?" Now you were also curious about Mrs. Choi.
"Dunno. Something to do with her diabetes, probably. That woman eats like a pig and doesn't take her meds."
"How do you know that?" This time, Jimin asked.
"Look at how rough she looks. Like she might collapse any second."
You chuckled. "That's called being old, Kook."
"Whatever, I don't care. I wonder if we still have math class, though."
"Hopefully, not. We don't have a substitute teacher for math, as far as I remember,” Jimin said.
"To be honest, who wants to be a math teacher? Studying math is painful enough, I don't want to imagine how it feels like to teach dumbasses about math,” Taehyung explained before shoving a handful of snacks into his mouth.
"Is it possible for Ms. Lee to be our substitute teacher? I know she's an English teacher, but maybe…" Jungkook trailed off.
"Hardly. The last time she substituted for Mr. Kim's class, she cried,” you reminded the other three about the poor new teacher.
"Hey! That's because the kids took her for granted."
"Aren't we taking her for granted?"
"We don't bully her."
"We went to the canteen without her permission!"
"That's her fault for not seeing us leaving the class." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"I think you're just being too harsh,” Jimin interjected.
"Ugh! You know what Jiwon just sent? Open our class' group chat!" Taehyung suddenly yelled.
"Oh my God! I hate her so much?" Jungkook whined a few seconds later.
"What's going on?" You inched closer to Jimin to look at what the others were talking about.
Taehyung ranted in response, “You know, Jiwon being a fake bitch as usual. She's asking the rest of the class to donate to Mrs. Choi. Like, Mrs. Choi is rich, rich, okay? There’s no need for us to donate to her.”
“It’s just her way to be seen as a good person. It’s only a matter of time until everyone finds out her true self.” Jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Even Beomseok doesn’t like her.”
You laughed. “Imagine being disliked by the nicest person ever.”
“I know right.” Jungkook popped a cracker into his mouth.
“How do you know he doesn’t like her?” Jimin questioned.
“Wait. You’re not on his close friend list on Instagram?” Jungkook asked with mouth still full of food.
“Kook! Don’t talk when you eat.”
Jungkook quickly swallowed his food before repeating his question. “You’re not on his close friend list?”
“He ranted in his story a few weeks ago. It kinda blew up, so I thought you guys knew about it.”
“How did you even get into his close friend list?” You frowned.
Getting into Beomseok’s close friend list was something you never imagined would happen to Jungkook. Jungkook was too blunt, while Beomseok was more soft spoken. They were basically total opposites.
“Maybe because I helped him one time with his assignment.” Jungkook shrugged.
“Amazing, isn’t it?” Jungkook proudly smirked.
That was when you started to feel cold. At first you were just moving your legs rapidly, then you started to hug yourself in an attempt to warm yourself. But when you started to huddle closer to Jungkook for some warmth, the boys started to realize something was wrong with you.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you.
“Just a tiny bit cold, don’t worry.”
Jimin frowned. “It doesn’t look like just a tiny bit, though.”
Then Jimin proceeded by taking off his hoodie. “Here.” He handed you his hoodie.
“What about you, though?”
“I’ll be fine. You should cover your legs with it. Tae, you don’t happen to have some sweatpants, do you?”
Apologetically, Taehyung shook his head. “Sorry, Y/n. I kinda forgot that you wore a skirt.”
And that was the third reason this was the worst idea.
The fourth reason being you were lowkey scared of the dark. The dark somehow made you imagine that there were monsters hiding at the school’s corner, ready to eat you whenever you were off guard.
Since the rest knew you were cold, they proposed an idea to make some hot tea at the teacher's lounge.
“What’s a sleepover without some drinking, right?” Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“People usually drink alcohol, not some cheap tea at the teacher’s lounge.”
He shrugged. “We gotta do what we gotta do.”
“Why the teachers’ lounge, though? Why not the canteen?” you asked while huddling yourself against Taehyung, who had a flashlight in his hand. Partly because you were still cold even with Jimin's hoodie wrapped around your waist and also because you wanted to be as close as possible to a source of light.
“Obviously, it’s stealing,” Jungkook answered as if you asked a stupid question.
“Is it not stealing in the teachers’ lounge?”
“It is. But I have no remorse against teachers.”
At Jungkook’s skewed moral compass, you just stayed quiet and didn’t question anything. You just needed to accept the fact that stealing was wrong unless it was targeted towards a teacher.
The lounge was dark, just like the rest of the school. You instinctively about to flick on the lights when Jungkook suddenly spoke up behind you, probably knew what you were about to do.
“Don’t turn on the lights! We don’t want to alert the security guards.”
You walked away with a scowl. “As if they don’t already know we’re here with your loud ass.”
“If they already know, they’re doing a good job of pretending to not know,” Taehyung commented while preparing some tea.
You snorted as you took a seat at one of the chairs. “You know how people at school are. They’re fake.”
Jimin sat beside you. “And at the wrong timings, too.”
A thought flashed through your mind after hearing Jimin’s words. “Kinda reminds me of the time Jungkook was trying to get out of trouble by flirting with Mrs. Choi.” You giggled.
“That was so pathetic.” Taehyung sat down in front of you and handed you your mug.
Jungkook groaned as he took a seat beside Taehyung. “Can we not talk about that?”
You shook your head while trying to stop laughing. “It’s too funny. I’ll make a journal about our activities together and that incident will be on the front page.”
“I’ll help with the decorations,” Jimin said before taking a sip of his tea.
“I’ll buy the materials you need,” Taehyung added.
“Guys,” Jungkook whined. “Don’t do this to me.”
“Wait. Chim, did you hear someone saying something?” You glanced at Jimin.
Jimin jutted his bottom lip and shook his head. “I don’t think so. Tae?” He looked at Taehyung who shrugged his shoulders in response.
“Thought so.” You finally sipped on your tea, feeling proud of annoying Jungkook.
The four of you stayed at the lounge for a while even after there was only dried leftover tea in the mugs. You talked, played, laughed, and overall had fun to the point you forgot for a second that you were still at school.
“Hey, what if we wander around school?” Taehyung came up with his usual crazy idea.
“Why? I feel comfy here,” you asked.
Taehyung shrugged. “No reason. Kook, Chim, you wanna come with?”
Wordlessly, Jungkook stood up from his seat while Jimin shook his head.
“Imma keep Y/n company,” Jimin replied.
“Kay, then. See you both at the class.” Taehyung waved and left alongside Jungkook.
As soon as the door closed behind them, awkward silence filled the room.
You’d known Jimin the longest out of the three of them, but since Taehyung and Jungkook were more outgoing than him, you usually didn’t have to put effort into starting a conversation with them. They simply just opened their mouths once they saw you. Meanwhile with Jimin, you were the one needing to open a conversation. But you were as awkward as a baby flamingo learning how to stand on one leg when it came to small talk, not that you ever actually saw it.
“So…” you opened up just as Jimin did the same. You stopped and motioned to him to continue.
“Are you still cold?”
“Nope. Thanks for the hoodie.” Your fingers mindlessly picked at the loose thread on his hoodie.
You laughed at what happened a minute ago. “We can finally get some peace and quiet. My ears start to ring hearing Jungkook’s loud voice.”
Jimin nodded in agreement. “He has a nice singing voice, though. Maybe he should just stick to singing.”
“I can say the same about you.”
Though the room was only illuminated by the moonlight, you could see the faint blush on his cheeks.
“You should cover a song with Jungkook sometime. I’ll play the ukulele for aesthetic purposes.”
Jimin chuckled. “You can’t play the ukulele.”
“I’m a fast learner, okay.” You huffed in annoyance.
“Whatever you say.”
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments, just enjoying the silence that wasn’t as awkward as before.
“So,” you spoke up once the silence became unbearable to you. “You had this whole idea? The stay-at-school thing?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“But only Taehyung and Jungkook ever stayed.” It was more of a statement than a question. “Why didn’t you go with them?”
Jimin shrugged and took a few seconds to answer. “To be honest, it was just a joke, but you know how Jungkook is. He took it seriously and Taehyung just followed him.”
You shook your head in disbelief. These boys were really going to get the best you.
For the entirety of your friendship with them, they only brought mischief and chaos in your life. Sure mostly were funny and harmless, like pulling unplanned pranks and stuff. But you were scared when the time came when they accidentally hurt someone. Or worse, themselves. It was a good thing that Mr. Choi wasn’t alive when Jungkook flirted with his wife.
You were still deep in your thoughts when Jimin’s voice brought you back to reality.
“Do you wanna take a leak? I want to go to the toilet.”
You lighted up at his question. Of course you wanted to pee after gulping a mug of tea. “Sure.”
Peeing was so difficult. Way more difficult than the ceremonious walk to the lounge earlier. The restroom was pitch black and your fear of the dark wouldn’t allow you to enter it. On the other hand, Jimin already whipped out his phone and was about to turn on the flashlight.
“Jimin, I can’t go in there alone.”
Jimin sighed and handed you his phone. “Here.”
You didn’t take it. Instead, you stared at him and gave him puppy eyes. “Come in with me, please.”
Jimin’s eyes widened in horror. “That’s inappropriate!”
“Not if you wait outside the stall.”
“Please, Jimin? What if the monsters eat me?”
“There are no monsters.”
“How do you know?” you challenged him.
“I just know.”
“You have to prove it by accompanying me inside.”
It took him a few seconds to think before finally giving in. “Fine. But you’ll have to buy me pizza.”
You grinned. That was still cheap compared to the favor. “Deal.”
That was the most complicated peeing in the history of peeing.
Every five seconds- no, three seconds, you kept calling Jimin to make sure he was still there.
You entered a stall and closed it before calling Jimin.
“Nothing. Just making sure you’re still there.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
You took a leak before asking again, “Jimin? Are you still there?”
Jimin sighed loud enough for you to hear. “Yes.”
As you flushed the toilet, you asked again, “Jimin?”
“I’m still here.”
And when it was his turn to pee, it was even more eventful.
“You can’t go in there, Y/n!”
“But I don’t wanna be out here alone.” You almost broke into a full tantrum.
“Y/n, please.”
“Chim, please,” you pleaded with a pout on your face.
It only took a second for your pouty face to take effect on him.
“But you must face the wall until I finish.”
“No problem.” It was better than waiting alone in the dark hallway.
Same as before, you had to keep assuring yourself that Jimin was still there.
After that entire commotion, you both decided to walk back to class.
“You sure you don’t wanna go around school?” Jimin asked as he opened the door for you when you both arrived.
“You don’t want to see me being scared all the time, right?” You plopped in the middle of the fake camp and turned one of the flashlights.
“I guess not,” he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear.
You were busy fumbling with your phone that was still attached to the wall and Jimin was at the front of the class, probably doing homework, when you heard noises from your back. In an instant, your heart went a million beats a second and your breath quickened.
Slowly, you put your phone down and turned around. Your eyes were met with two tall figures standing over you. They both wore a black raincoat with the hood covering their faces.
On instinct, you yelled the name of the person you could trust at the time. “Jimin!”
You heard no reply as the figures took a step closer to you.
“Jimin!” you yelled in a deafening scream. This time, you were sure even the security guards could hear you.
From your side, someone came to you and grabbed your arm. You were about to scream again but stopped when you realized it was just your best friend.
"You're okay, you're okay. I'm here." Jimin hugged you.
For a moment, you forgot what was happening around you. Your mind was occupied by Jimin and Jimin alone. Your senses were filled with him. Eyes closed while the familiar scent of sweat mixed with cologne filled your nostrils. Your ears only fixated on his calming words.
Only when he heard your sniffles did he pull away. He held both your shoulders at an arm's length while his face was etched with worry.
“Are you crying?” He studied your face.
In response, you only sniffled while vigorously wiping your tears off your face. Your other hand was pointing towards the dark figures who were the culprit for your tears. You probably looked like a kid who snitched to their parent, but you couldn’t care less at the time.
“Them-” you spoke with a cracked voice.
You didn’t even get to finish when Jimin threw the figures a scolding gaze, as if he already knew them. “Cut it out, guys. Can’t you tell this is crossing the line?”
Just after he said that, both figures opened their raincoats only to reveal Taehyung and Jungkook.
Now feeling angry instead of scared after seeing who were behind the raincoats, you stood up and glared at them. Dried tears still decorated your cheeks. “The fuck was that?”
“We just wanted to prank you,” Jungkook answered with a small voice, now feeling guilty for making you cry.
“That wasn’t funny at all!”
“Yeah, we know now. We’re sorry.”
“Are you hurt anywhere?” Taehyung asked.
You shook your head, sniffled one last time, and simply just went back to your phone. You’ve had enough of their shenanigans and planned to go through the rest of the night smoothly.
A few minutes passed by before you remembered something. Meanwhile, the cruel prank was long forgotten and the three boys were aware of it too. After all, you weren't the kind to dwell in the past.
“Guys, what if the security guards heard my scream?”
Jungkook took a seat on your right and shrugged nonchalantly. “Hardly. They would’ve come to us instantly, but they didn’t.”
“Plus,” Taehyung added. “We’re pretty far from their post. Don’t worry.”
“If you say so.” You shrugged and went back on your phone.
“But if you’re still worried, we can check,” Taehyung offered.
“Don’t be stupid.” You looked up from your phone and glared at him. “You might get caught.”
“Contrary to your belief, I’m very smart.”
You held yourself from rolling your eyes. “I beg to differ. This crappy sleepover and your stupid prank prove otherwise.”
“This sleepover was Jimin’s idea before I stole it, remember?”
You kinda expected to hear Jimin sass him, so when you didn’t hear his voice at all, you grew suspicious.
You glanced at the boy sitting on your left and took a sharp breath when you saw him slumped in his seat.
“Jimin?” You shook his shoulder lightly.
No response.
“Chim?” This time, you shook his shoulder a little harder.
Still no response.
You turned to Jungkook who already sprang up from his seat. “What’s happening to him?”
Jungkook went to take a hold of Jimin’s arm only to wince back.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
Your heart thumped loudly in your chest. So much for hoping the rest of the night would go smoothly.
“He’s burning.” Jungkook tried to lift Jimin up. “Tae, can you help me bring him to the infirmary?”
Together, Taehyung and Jungkook managed to heave Jimin to the infirmary with you following in the back because you didn’t want to be left alone in the dark.
The infirmary was just a four by four room, enough to house a small desk, a medicine cabinet, and a bed. Rumors said that the room was previously used as a janitor’s closet, but then the janitor’s closet was moved somewhere bigger. It was amazing how brooms and cleaning products got better facilities than sick students.
Taehyung and Jungkook laid Jimin on the only bed at the infirmary and you put Jimin’s hoodie back on him. Hopefully with that, he could sleep his fever off.
You saw Taehyung was looking into the medicine cabinet when he questioned, “Can we take some medicine from here?”
You walked towards him. “Isn’t that the point of having an infirmary?”
“But it’s outside of school hours. It might be counted as stealing.”
Jungkook, who was putting the infirmary’s typical thin blanket on Jimin, chimed in, “Before trying to steal it, check if it’s locked or not.”
Looked like Lady Luck wasn’t on your side today because the cabinet was indeed locked and you couldn’t find the keys anywhere, even after you checked every inch of the cramped infirmary.
“It’s locked,” you announced.
“Don’t you usually bring some medicines?” Jungkook asked.
“Yeah, but it’s in my bag.”
As if on cue, Taehyung went to the door and said, “I’ll take it. You both just stay here and make sure he’s alright.”
Wordlessly, you nodded as you watched him disappear into the dark hallway.
Jungkook huffed and took a seat at the nurse’s desk. “How did he suddenly become sick?”
You shrugged. “Knowing him, he probably tried to keep it to himself. And when it got worse, he made us panic.”
“Made helping him harder, too.”
“I know right. He somehow thinks that hiding his pain will make it easier.”
“Sometimes I wonder if he really deserves to be the class president. He’s just so-” Jungkook stopped, trying to find the right words.
“He’s stupid, you mean,” filterless as always, you finished his sentence with what he originally wanted to say.
“For the lack of better words, yes.”
Just as he said that, Taehyung barged into the infirmary with two bags in his hands, one was yours while the other was Jimin’s.
“I brought his bag along in case he’ll need his stuff.”
Taking both bags from his hands, you thanked him quietly before putting the bags on top of the nurse’s desk.
“You guys can go back to class. I’ll take care of him.”
“Are you sure?” Taehyung eyed you suspiciously. “You’re kinda scared of the dark. What if you need us?”
You waved your phone in front of him. Apparently, it was a good enough answer for him.
“We’ll come pick you both up at dawn, okay?” Jungkook glanced at the clock on the wall. “Approximately four to five hours from now.”
“Let’s go, Kook. It’s too cramped here.”
With that, you and Jimin were officially alone. And only three things were left to do, waiting for Jimin to wake up, scolding him, and giving him his medicine.
Jimin woke up with a loud groan not long after. He tried to sit up, but you immediately rushed to his side to stop him.
“Don’t sit up! Just tell me what you need.”
In response, he groaned again.
“You want to drink?” You already shoved your hand into his bag, searching for his water bottle.
He nodded weakly.
“Here.” You handed his bottle to him before helping him to sit up. “Sit up slowly, okay.”
After taking a few sips of water, he croaked, "I must have collapsed.”
With a sour face, you took his bottle from him and closed it aggressively. "What were you thinking, not telling us when you feel unwell?” You put his bottle on the nurse's desk.
"Sorry," he mumbled sheepishly. "I didn't want to ruin the moment."
"What moment? The moment I was pissed off because of them?" You referred to Taehyung and Jungkook's prank. “Which part of never abandoning your health do you not understand?”
"I thought it was going to pass, but then I felt weaker.”
“That’s your own fault for not telling us right away,” you scolded as you lightly touched the back of your hand to Jimin’s forehead. Even from the slightest touch, you could feel his fever.
“You’re still hot.” You handed him a granola bar you always carried in your bag. It was for emergencies, so this was the right time to use it. “Eat this. You need to take medicine after this.”
Jimin took the granola bar from your hand, but only stared at it.
“Go on. Eat it,” you told him. “Or do you want to drink first?”
He shook his head. “This is your food.”
“And?” You furrowed your eyebrows, confused about where the conversation was going.
“Don’t you want to eat it?”
You snorted. “You’re literally burning up and you’re worrying about me?” You paused for a second. “Just eat it, I have more at home.”
Though you insisted he could eat it all, in the end, he still gave bits of it to you which you accepted. And when there was only one bite left, he handed it to you.
“Finish it,” he said.
“No. I’m full,” you reasoned. In reality, there was no way one could be full from eating parts of a granola bar. But for his health, you needed to convince him somehow to finish the food.
Luckily, without a fuss, Jimin put the last bite into his mouth.
As he savored the last bite, you fumbled with your bag. Your hands were deep in the depths of your bag, where random papers and receipts lay. Hopefully, amidst all the scrap paper, you could find some cold medicines that you were sure you always brought with wherever you go. You were always prepared, though you rarely tidied up your stuff.
After what felt like forever, you finally found the flimsy blister. You popped one pill out and handed it to Jimin along with his water bottle. The entire time until he finished gulping the medicine, you put a scowl on your face.
“Can you stop being mad? I’m a patient here and you’re not being a kind doctor,” he protested.
“I’m not kind because you did this to yourself! First by lending your hoodie to me, and second because you didn’t tell us when you don’t feel good.” You stopped for a second to think for more arguments. “Third, because you made us panic.”
“I said I’m sorry. You were still shocked from the prank and I didn’t want to cause more trouble.”
You gestured to your surroundings in an exaggerated manner. “Is this not causing more trouble? You’re lucky Jungkook had the idea to bring you here.”
With a confusion in his eyes, you knew the conversation was getting derailed. “Where are they anyways?”
“They’re back at the class. The infirmary was too cramped with them here.” You felt your anger dissipated at the change of topic.
“And they left just like that? Wow, I’m hurt.”
“They’ll pick us up at dawn, then we go home. So make sure you’re fit enough to go home.” You pushed his shoulders lightly. “Now, lay down and get some sleep.”
“Thanks for the food and medicine. You’re a lifesaver,” he said after he got comfortable on the bed.
You helped him fix the blanket on him. “I’m literally your lifesaver. You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me.”
“You lifted me to the infirmary? I don’t believe that. It must have been Taehyung and Jungkook.”
“Wow, you can tease me now. You must feel a lot better. Let’s go back to the others.” You clapped your hands. The sound reverberated around the small room.
You walked away from the bed just to mess up with him, but then you stopped when you felt a warm hand holding yours.
You locked eyes with the owner of the hand. In his eyes, there was something you usually didn’t see there. It was something those eyes never showed, whether because they were good at hiding it, or if the owner never felt that way. It was somewhere between longing, hoping, and begging. Or maybe it was all of them, you weren’t sure as it was only flashed for a few milliseconds. 
“Don’t leave,” Jimin meekly said.
You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood back up. “I’m not a cruel person, you know. I wouldn’t leave a sick person alone.”
You dragged the nurse’s chair closer to the bed and sat on it. Coincidentally, as you did those things, your eyes fell upon his hair.
"You need to dye your hair again," you commented.
You repeated what you just said, "You need to dye your hair again. It's starting to fade."
He touched his hair unconsciously. "I’ve been meaning to, but I think I need to cut back on wasting money." Then he cheekily smirked. “Unless you want to pay it for me?”
"Of course I don’t." You scoffed. "If I had the money, I'd dye my own hair."
"Then it's on you if my hair's fading."
"Where's that logic coming from?"
He shrugged. “That’s why you should never bring up someone's hair, especially mine.”
“I think that kind of rule only applies to you.”
“That’s what you think because you never had your hair dyed.”
“I bring it up all the time with Taehyung.”
He laughed. “That’s because he’s a dummy, but don’t tell him I said that.”
“I’ll definitely tell him.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Don’t!” he groaned. “He’ll hate me for sure.”
“That’s why you should never say your friend is dumb,” you quoted him.
“I didn’t say he’s dumb. He’s a dummy, that’s what I said,” he corrected.
“Same difference.”
Just as you said that, Jimin closed his eyes.
“Shut up. I want to sleep,” he mumbled. “Your voice is too pitchy.”
“Excuse you!” You narrowed your eyes at him although he couldn’t see it.
You received no reply from him, as expected. So instead of waiting for his answer, you just stared at his soft and delicate face features that made you countless times feeling jealous. Not even ten minutes after, his breathing started to even out as he fell into a slumber.
Seeing Jimin sleeping peacefully made you let out a yawn. The hard part had passed, now you only needed to catch some Z’s before Taehyung and Jungkook came.
The only problem was, there was no space where you could lay down, so you just settled with the second best solution: laying your head on the bed, near where Jimin’s hand was. In your mind, being a bit uncomfortable was better than laying on the dirty floor. Who would’ve known if a cockroach or rat walked over it? No one, thus you didn’t want to risk it.
You jumped up from your chair a few hours later at the sound of a loud bang coming from the direction of the door.
“Okay, love birds, time to go home.” Taehyung pulled on your hand to make you stand up. Meanwhile, from the corner of your eye, you saw Jungkook approaching Jimin.
“What time is it?” you asked before yawning.
You were stretching your aching back as you asked another question. “Isn’t this too early? You said we’re going home at dawn.”
“We realized that dawn was too risky. The security might be patrolling around at that time,” Jungkook answered your question instead.
“Is Jimin okay?” You looked in the direction of Jimin who was still rubbing his eyes on the bed.
“I feel a lot better, thanks to you.”
“No thanks for us?” Taehyung complained.
“Yeah! What about us?” Jungkook chimed in. “We brought you here.”
“You guys don’t count because you’re more annoying than helpful,” you teased. “Isn’t that right, Jimin?”
Jimin only nodded as he jumped from the bed.
“See?” You proudly grinned at Taehyung.
In which Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. We know you guys have something going on.”
“Cut it out, guys,” Jimin spoke before anyone could say anything.
With that, you and the boys put on your bags wordlessly and left the school through the back gate.
Taehyung and Jungkook were walking ahead of you and Jimin, shoving each other playfully like a bunch of primary school kids.
“I owe you pizza, right? But now you also owe me pizza for not telling me you were sick. So we’re even.” You grinned. “And because I took care of you, I deserve another pizza. Therefore, you owe me pizza instead.”
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. “That’s not how it works. I didn’t ask for your favor.”
“It doesn’t matter whether you ask for favors or not. As long as you get favors from me, you owe me pizza.”
“Wait!” Jimin halted in his steps which you followed suit. “Doesn’t that mean we’re even since I helped you when the boys were pranking you?” He smirked in victory as he knew he was right.
You groaned. There was just no way you could win against Park Jimin.
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kafkaoftherubble · 5 months
Dear emperor is about politics and the horrors of man made gods, how we sometimes idolize people to the point of worship.
But actually it's about the complex friendship between Ira and Edith, how politics tore them apart but their genuine mutual (platonic) love and respect for each other brought them together in the end and made Ira give Edith a second chance. He missed the friend he once had and eventually let her challenge his political beliefs because he just wanted her back.
BUT ACTUALLY dear emperor is about how disabled people and people who look different deserve to live.
Brandi was born with mental health issues while Ira's disabilities came later in life after serving in the military. They both deserve help, not because they're good people, but because they're human and as humans, we need to help each other.
Lewis has no disability but he has a birthmark that has made him stand out. He's been mocked for it and it sometimes it's almost a disability because the uneducated masses assume it's dangerous or some kind of disease or that he's dangerous because of it. It's just a way his face looks!!
And Edith. Her disability (left arm stuff) is self inflicted and so what? Even if she has it because of a stupid mistake, she deserves help as well. Even people who didn't think things through and are now disabled because of a dumb mistake deserve help. Someone who lost a limb doing a dumb trick deserves as much help and support as someone who lost one in a car accident.
Dear emperor is about love and kindness, how we have to be kind and help everyone, even if it means sacrificing luxuries or large amounts of our time and energy. As people who can help, we should.
Bruh, my late-night brain leaps into any sort of imagination easily (too easily in fact), and THIS? This created a whole ass studio of you on red velvety sofa, and then a bespectacled woman interviewer is sitting about one leg apart from you, and then there's a marble-constructed fireplace kinda thing behind you two, and because I don't know how you look, you're just Haanit-but-a-bit-smaller on a sofa, and you're basically being interviewed and the bespectacled woman took her glasses off and chewed on the tip while nodding attentively.
I'll say, with the way you let their lives play out in the story, it's more than just "disabled people deserve to live." It's that they are capable of feats and contributions as any able-bodied and/or neurotypical people. They are remaking countless lives—their enemies', their allies', and above all, their compatriots'—with their own striving. And it wasn't necessarily done despite their disabilities, or that they managed to scale hardship and achieve greatness equaled to an able-bodied/neurotypical folk. It's that their experience directly impacted them and shaped them such that they made their own unique contributions. They knew things the other folks didn't know, and because of that, their voices enriched the collective discourse and understanding of what it means to be in a community we called society.
All that mandates about being "normal" or "approved by State" has created only a very specific kind of people with uniform ideas which leads to stagnation. If Edith and Co. had been removed because they didn't conform to a narrow band of what counts as "normal and non-defective," then Odeda would only continue its fall.
It's not about how diversity, including disabled people, is good for a population. It's about why.
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jellycreamjammedart · 10 months
Love your Ruin DLC story and hcs. May I offer some of my AR World fuelled-shenanigans?
We can tell from the weird world that some things/places are more holograms, I think. They glitch in the real world after all and yet… Some that like monitor that teaches us to match the symbols are peculiar. Thus I imagine a few times Cassie does weird stuff in the real world.
—The animatronics lose track of Cassie when she goes through the “portal doors”. No one knows how she ends up in a completely different section. One minute she’s there then the next she is some place new! And forget the massive server room she was stuck in.
—It looks like she is clipping through solid things to even the keen-hearing/sight of Roxy.
—How Mapbot was reprogrammed to give out the Vanny Mask, which why does that even have a cybernetic implant to install, remains a mystery. Vanessa ditched the darned thing.
—The Blob likes like a massive shadowy mess in the AR world. It’ll just stare at anyone who can manage to catch a glance before slinking off.
—Cassie will occasionally see a virtual Moon slinking around almost guarding the nodes. (Sun does thank us even after rebooting them.)
—Everybody agrees that the wet floor sign bots are creepy in AR. The fact you can hear snippets of mainly kids screaming… Why?!
—The AR collectibles look like Minecraft grass blocks. (If you know you know.)
—There’s a creepier, almost skeletal virtual entity that lurks from the distance whenever Cassie sees through floor texture glitches. MXES and it look similar. Both blue bunnies.
Yeah I'm aware of most of these. The second blue bunny, if it's the one I'm thinking about, is assumed to have been an earlier design for mxes-- while extremely creepy, id imagine it was changed to better match the whole cyber theme
the whole map/mask bot thing is quite in the air. i kinda like this idea i saw around that vanessa created mxes and the vanni system as a big middle finger to glitchtrap/afton/vanny/mimic1, by using something so horrible shes got roped into and trying to turn it into something good-- the downside being that the mimic somehow got a bit of a hold on the system... and that vanessa left the mask behind. actually she left the mask behind and gregory left his wholeass backpack and freddy-talkie behind like... bruh kinda careless of ya both lmao
cassie going through the ar portals and sending the ruined bots into a tizzy as they have to process what just happened like "WHAT WHERE DID MY CHILD GO???"
meanwhile the blob is just blob'ing around
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space-cowboy-101 · 3 months
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✈️ Our resident alcoholic pilot dad trying to survive the nuclear apocalypse ✨
-for the new people seeing this, this is a part of my fallout au that’s currently written and i’ve posted seonghwa and hongjoong’s pictures already-
so. yunho. 🥸 shit kinda went down for him ngl. he got shot, thought he was dying, only to get picked up and nursed back to health and finds out there’s a good chance he’ll never see his family again. clearly hongjoong got the better end of the stick 😭
i don’t want to spoil too much about his side of the story (mainly because i’m still fleshing it out and working on it) but it’s quite obvious that he DOES end up joining the brotherhood of steel. but to be honest with y’all, i have no idea what the fuck they’re on about over yonder in their parts 💀 i’ve got hours in the fallout games but hell if i know about the bos aside from them being a little kooky.
the brotherhood was started by a soldier and with yunho’s background as an air force pilot, it only makes sense, right? (i just want to write him flying again, but most importantly, flying a vertibird)
which means i’ll probably veer a little off script and write the brotherhood as best as i can based off what i know of them. idk, it’ll go how it goes i guess 😅
but once again, i’m here to preach about the little fucking vault boy pictures 😭 LOOK AT HIM HUGGING THE BOTTLES! the best part of making them is finding those damn things i swear.
while thinking of yunho’s story and his time with the brotherhood, i can just imagine him meeting a tech/engineer guy!mingi who’s trying to tell yunho that the bos is actually shit and them becoming friends—yunho teaching mingi to fly? bruh. love it.
like in my head, hongjoong’s out in the wastelands scavenging for the vault and he hears a plane or something and sees a vertibird in the air and goes back to tell them about this craft he seen. then he finds out about the brotherhood and shit and when he runs into it again, it’s closer and he actually sees yunho in that cockpit and is like 😶 my man? the father of my son? loml?
ugh the drama in this is gonna be MESSY, especially when yunho comes into play later, but it’ll solve itself 😏 for the kids, of course.
honestly i recently got new vegas and i lowkey kind of want to write a story in vegas? like all the cliches; casinos, gambling, mafia, gangs, you know? i actually started a csi ateez story but it got changed from las vegas to miami because of an episode that i liked and now i‘m kicking myself for that 😭 oh well, i can always write a fallout new vegas au i guess.
anyways, if you haven’t already, feel free to check out my ateez dragon age au if you think this is interesting 🥹 it’s mainly seongjoong but yungi will be in it (and a spin-off of them will later be posted because that’s what spawned this damn beast of a story 😩) and eventually other relationships will come into play.
thanks for taking the time to read this if you made it this far and happy scrolling if you found this in a tag or something ❤️
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borathae · 11 months
Sibi, have you ever written something that surprised you or took the story in a direction you didn't expect?
Mhhm I can't really say, because I'm generally the type of writer that has no idea how a story should go and who goes with the flow. So all of my stories are created with the flow rather than a clear structure.
HOWEVER I can tell you that it happens very often that I write a version of a story, which I completely rewrite again because I didn't like how it developed.
There are five different versions of Purple Rain, including the offical one. The four other versions, till this day, still give me physical pain thinking about them. In one version Tae and OC end up together while Jungkook leaves her for good never to return. I managed to write their "it's officially over" break up scene around a quarter in and then broke down in ugly tears because I didn't want Kook and OC to break up HAHAHAH so that version definitely took a turn I didn't want. THERE IS also a version where Tae and OC got together during those three months, but then OC wants to go back to Koo again and Tae leaves for good after attacking Jungkook with a knife to the point of Kook needing stitches and threatening OC to cut her with a knife after breaking into her house, which left me sitting there like "bro wtf" which then made me scratch that idea entirely HAHAHA AND okay besties Purple Rain was a joruney, because there is yet another version where Tae and OC got together and Kook got so jealous that he punched Tae's face in to the point of HIM needing stitches and then pressing OC against the wall by her throat after HE broke into her home (bruh the drama) which made him realise how fucked up he is and then he leaves without leaving a trace and OC is left broken hearted. AND another version where OC and Tae got together and Kook got so upset about it that he left for good again, but in the process OC got so upset about being left by Kook that Tae left as well because he didn't want to feel like "the second choice" all the time. BESTIES Purple Rain physically pains me just thinking about the journey I had to take to get there HAFHADJF imagine if I went with any of those routes. Fucking OGC would have never happened. BRUH THE PAIN
AND FOR SANGUIS ALPHA THERE IS A VERSION WHERE TAEHYUNG IS THE ONE TRUE VILLAIN WHO WAS THE ONE TORTURING OC AND KOOK WITH JIMIN'S HELP (and in that version Kook cums from her smell but I decided to scratch that cause I was a lil pussy back then and I was scared people would call me cruel for writing that fjadsjf) AND OC FINDS OUT AFTER SHE ACCIDENTALLY RUNS INTO HIS CLOSET AND SEES THE PLAGUE DOCTOR COSTUME AND THEN TAE IS SUDDENLY BEHIND HER WITH A DARK SMIRK GOING "SO YOU FOUND OUT. I SUGGEST YOU RUN IF YOU WANT TO LIVE" WHICH THEN ENDS IN HIM AND JIMIN HUNTING HER BUT THEN YOONGI COMes and saves her but too late and his blood turns her into a vampire and she has like a major mental breakdown about it and takes out her anger on Yoongi (they fuck violently in a cave while she keeps biting him and sucking his blood) AND THEN IN THE END SHE JOINS THEM DURING THAT ONE FIGHT WHERE IN THE ORIGINAL STORY JIMIN DIES BUT DURING THAT FIGHT JIMIN LIVES AND OC KILLS TAE besties. BESTIES The Sanguis universe could have taken such a different route if only I chose to go with this version fajdfjadj
I have so many behind the scenes stories about alternative storylines besties, you have no idea hahahah
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lustspren · 2 years
I can request you one of Dahyun (TWICE) x Male Reader.
This idea was asked by a friend to write it, but I don't feel comfortable writing it at all, so I was hoping that you could do it.
Dahyun and the reader are engaged, and they are going to their bachelor parties, Dahyun is going with the girls (Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, Jihyo, Sana, Chaeyoung, Nayeon and Mina) to a male stripping club, while the reader he is going to a bar with his five childhood friends.
Time passes, it is 2 AM and the reader considers the night over and returns home hoping to find Dahyun, but she is not, the reader does not care because he knows she is still with her friends (the reader and the girls they are very good friends, for the reader they are like his sisters and vice versa), so he decides to do his bedtime routine, when suddenly a message arrives on his cell phone, he opens it and sees that it is a video sent by Sana, in the which there is also a message dedicated to Momo (who couldn't go because she was sick) where she put how they were having fun and that I wish she was there.
It is not the first time that they have made a mistake when sending a message, since they have similar numbers, and the reader initially decided not to watch the video to give them their privacy, but curiosity wins him over and he sees the video that lasts 35 minutes.
The video begins by focusing on the room, which the reader realizes is a hotel suite, in the video strange sounds are heard, until the video focuses on the girls who are naked and having sex with each other, but that is not After all, there are two men in the suite equally naked, one is having sex with Nayeon and Mina and the other is standing receiving oral sex from Dahyun herself, while Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung are having sex with each other, the video continues and Dahyun ends up having sex in many positions, with all the girls and with the two men, the video ends with the girls kneeling and the two men cumming on their faces.
The reader is in shock, feels sad and doesn't really know what happened.  And that's where he ends up, he wants it to end on a "cliffhanger", he wants it to be as kinky as possible. If you could do this I'd really appreciate it.
Also with a lot of Smut.
Nah bruh, I have nothing against your request, but personally I find it impossible to write smuts where there is an infidelity and the reader's OC ends up depressed or some shit like that. I mean, this is somewhat hypocritical of me, because I've written stories myself where there is an "infidelity", but it depends a lot on the context and how I know that the other person is going to take that. In this case, the reader is placing all his trust in his fiancée, he doesn't care what she is doing because he knows that she "loves him" and wants "only him", the last thing he would imagine is that he would find out by accident that she was being fucked in every possible hole, at her own bachelor party. It's pretty fucking heart-breaking, dude, and I know it from my own experience.
By the way, I wanted to give a little opinion that nobody asked me about bachelor parties: they are fucking stupid and pointless garbage. And I only mean those bachelor parties where the husband and wife are in separate places, committing all kinds of excesses with the excuse that it will be their last night not being married, bro, if at your bachelor party you fuck someone other than your fiancée, I think you should think twice about wanting to get married.
I love bachelor parties, but only those that are celebrated as a couple, without having to play with the confidence of the other person. That's it, and I'm sorry if I overdid it. Again, sorry mate, but I'm not the right writer for this.
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