#but considering it was announced like a year ago and we still don’t have a release date
mold-lover · 7 months
Sorry to everyone who followed me back when I posted mostly soulsborne content and then saw me just switch to lesbian androids honestly I don’t know what happened either
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
I have this idea for a post but I feel like you would do it justice.
Basically, Danny is yeeted through a dimensional portal and reincarnated as the clone son of Tim and Connor(from when Tim cloned Connor during his death). This little shit wakes up after that, when Connor has already been found, as a six year old gremlin with a need for chaos.
Que pranks!
I don’t have much more than that so I will leave this in your capable hands.
"Master Bruce, if I have to remind you to fix your tie one more time, Gotham will be without its protecter for many months to come!" Alfred snapped - actually snapped - from where he was attempting to reorganize the entirey of the Emberald Sitting room.
Right now, he moved all the furniture and all the wall directions. He was just adding some tastefully done flower pots to make the place look inviting but also regal.
It had been six hours, and from the looks of it, Alfred had not found the balance he desperately wanted. He started over four times. His patience was all but gone.
Bruce's hands snap to his tie, scrambling to get it set just right. He moves it only slightly to the left - not making much difference - with a nervous smile. Alfred's teeth snap shut with a click, and his eyes blaze with frustrated rage as he rounds the coffee table toward the billionaire.
Bruce looks to be holding back a scream.
Dick winces, sinking into his chair lest the aged Butler turns his ire onto him. He knows why this evening has to be just right. Especially to Alfred, but gosh, he could not handle how terrifying the butler could be.
It's just for one dinner and one evening. Dick tells himself. Once Alfred can finally say he married one of us off, things will return to normal.
"Honestly! If you didn't walk around looking like an unkeept vagabond all the time, maybe there would be a Lady of the House by now!" Alfred sneered at a pale-looking Bruce.
Or maybe Timmy bringing Kon over to announce their engagement means Alfred will try to marry the rest of us off harder. Dick despairs as Bruce endures another tongue-lashing. He wants to go help, but if he moves even an inch from his seat, Alfred might realize Dick is still in the room.
He can't afford to anger the beast any further.
"And you, Master Dick!" Alfred suddenly rounds on Dick, pointing one long finger into his face, with narrowed eyes and the grim reaper at his shoulder. Oh, dear.
Thankfully, that's when the doorbell rings. At once, Alfred's face clears into an excited smile. "They're here! I'll let them in right away; you lads, gather the rest of the family. And remember, we must make a great impression! Tonight is the night we invite Mister Kon into the family!"
The butler doesn't quite skip out of the room, but the bristle walking with a chipper head turning is the close that Dick has ever seen him do.
"I'm so happy for Tim." Bruce mutters,"but I can not handle any more reminders that I haven't had a spouse."
"Tell me about it," Dick sighs, following after his father into the hallway and down to the dining hall. He can distantly hear Alfred opening the door and greeting the two. "A hour ago, he made seven passive agressive reminders that Tamaraneans propse with a dinner and a mock battle. Seven. I mean, how does he even know what Tamaraneans do when courting?"
"It's Alfred." Bruce tells him, taking a seat at the head of the table. Dick sits in the chair to his right as the oldest and First Heir- considering the reply. It makes sense.
Damian, Cass, and Duke walk in, not even a moment later. All are dressed better than any gala Bruce could have dragged them off, too. He is rather impressed that Damian is a red suit that makes even Bruce pale in comparison. Then again, he is the only one besides Alfred who has an eye for such things.
"Has he already proposed, or is he doing it at dinner table and were all supposed to act supirse?" Duke asks while sitting down. "I want to know what kind of face I should have prepared"
"The clone has asked Father for his blessing in his courtship with Timothy. He knew we would have figured out his plans when that blunder. It is no surprise." Damian huffs. Dick knows he's just upset that his big brother is going to get married and move out soon. He's adorable when he's territorial.
"I can confirm that Kon hasn't asked yet." Steph announces, strutting into the room in all her purple gown glory. Behind her, the Row sbilings wander in with matching celtic blue suits, making Dick grin. It's always nice to see people appreciate the best color. "Tim isn't the type of person to not show off his ring whenever he has a chance."
"I've always wanted to see a real-life popersoal!" Jarro gasps, flying into the room with his own little suit on. It's a nice black with green undertones just like Bruce's.
He lands in the miniature chair with a dinner dining set Alfred had special ordered for him.
It sits on top of where a regular dining set usually is, always the second chair on Bruce's left, because he is literally the favorite. Bruce denies it, but they all see the tender smile he throws the floating star.
The Wayne kids know. Jarro is too precious and hilarious, so none of them mind that he's the favorite. In fact, Dick has half the mind that he's the favorite of the majority of the family.
Jason leans over to pat Jarro's head, grinning when the little starfish swears. He adores when the kid randomly curses out of Aldred's hearing range.
"Shh, they're coming!" Cullen says from where he was lingering by the door, hoping to see Tim and Kon. He always looked up to the older boys as someone who had been forced into the closet for his own protection.
Seeing people like him helped ease the fear, and Dick feels his smile wideing when Cullen scrambles back to his seat. He's so excited he's practically in the Speed Force.
Alfred opens the door first, stepping to the side to allow the guest to enter first. Dick feels himself sit up straighter, the moment really setting in, Kon is going to propose to his younger brother.
His little Timmy is growing up-
"Wow, this place is big!" A child says, running into the room. Who the heck is he? "It's amazing, Dad!"
"Slow down. You don't want to fall." Tim laughs, rubbing the stranger's hair with a soft smile.
"It's okay, Dad. I'm strong!" The boy flexes his tiny arms. Tim laughs again as Kon crouches down to the little boy's height.
"Woah! Look at all those musceles. You're going to help me protect your dad, son?"
"Yeah Pa, I'll be the strongest super or robin ever!"
"Tim? Who might this lovely chum be?" Bruce cuts in, voice slightly strained. No one calls him out on it since they are staring wide eye at the tiny little boy who looks like an exact copy of Tim at age five.
Dick knows because he was one of the few in the Wayne's who saw Tim at that age. He's practically a clone to oh no.
Dick thinks he's having a heart attack.
Tim looks up at them before a brillient glowing smile breaks across his face. "Everyone, Kon and I have an announcement to make!"
Kon wraps an arm around his waist, sending adoring looks to man in his arms before they both hold up their left hand.
There are twin silver bands on both of their fingers. "We got married in Las Vegas, and we have a son! I like you all to meet Danny Drake-Kent! I made him when I thought Kon was dead."
"I am Danny, clone of Kon-el and Tim Drake. Fear me if you dare!" His voice squeaks. Squeaks.
Scratch that, Dick knows he's having a heart attack.
You can hear a pin drop in the silence his announcement cause, as Danny puffs up his chest and floats a few inches off the grown.
Oh, great heavens, Dick is an uncle.
"A fellow clone, son!" Jarro cheers from his little table. He slams two of his star points on the table to a beat that he speaks to. "One of us. One of us."
Danny's blue eyes land on the star fish and widen. He raises both arms into the air chanting back. "One of us. One of us. One of us!"
"It's awesome is what it is!" Steph cries, jumping up from her seat. "Hi, Danny! I'm you, Auntie Steph! I'm the cool one."
"Isn't this lovely? Master Tim not only has a husband but a child as well. Unlike some Masters." Aldred doesn't quite glare at Bruce, but he doesn't have to. The Waynes know who he means as Bruce wince.
Danny pauses in his chanting to look her up and down, staring pointily at her plum colored dress before humming. "That's a bold statement for an eggplant."
Steph gapes at him as Tim roars with laughter.
Oh, Dick is going to love this kid. He leaves his seat, trying to get to his nephew as the rest of the family attempts to do the same. Damain makes alarming threats to Kon, letting him know he would easily take him out if he detects a hint of mistreatment to his brother and new nephew.
The Waynes act like they can't hear the threat because they all have their own versions of the shovel talk prepared. They just have to get the clone alone.
It's a nice dinner.
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bomber-grl · 8 months
Damian Wayne relationship head-canons ♡
Pairing(s): Damian Wayne x Gn!reader (no specific pronouns)
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I’m sure we’re all aware of how cold and indifferent Damian usually is
So he was definitely… something when you two first met
Ofc he begins to soften up and w/o being cringe, he’s definitely a tsundere
Like he feels love towards you but he refuses to admit it at times
Now, many people around you definitely were surprised when the two of you guys got together
No one expected Damian to actually love someone
He’s not really into PDA
I’m sure we would’ve all came to the conclusion of this
He’s not very physically affectionate, at least not when he’s in the right state of mind
You see,
Giving Dhar Mann
He’s always on guard
Even with you
Sure, he loves and cares about you but he can’t help but have some sort of guard up
However, when you see sleepy Damian and try helping him into his room, he began spouting nonsense and cuddling into you
You were surprised by this but also the fact that Damian even let his guard down so much??
You totally mention it the morning after 😇
You think Damian is a huge annoyance?
Yea well he becomes even more annoying after you begin dating
He’s just a silly little guy 🤷‍♀️
But yea, you think he’s a know it all now? 100x worse after
Poor you, man
Bro won’t even shut up until I threaten to reveal sum u heard him say during the time he was sleepy
Even then he threatens you and advises you keep your lights on at night 😔
Aside from him being a significant annoyance and being very aggressive, he’s also really sweet
It honestly surprised you since he was raised to be an assassin and is pretty emotionally constipated
He’s always gifting you stuff
They’re usually small stuff in the moment
Like little notes, origami, and just little candies or snacks that he has
If you mention how “cute” it is he‘lol ignore you for the rest of the week
But yea, and bro is rich too
So best believe he’ll be like those grandparents that but a shit ton of whatever you said you liked 5 years ago
You like hot Cheetos? Best believe he’ll buy them for you and throw them at your head then walk away
You’re like??? I told you I liked them last year and you’re still buying them for me?
Plus, as I said, he rich rich
So he probs buys u rich people shit
Idk what examples, I’m poor
So 😍😍 am I right?
And here you are with your lil notes and origami roses
Like damn
He claims he likes them but still
U gotta get rich bestie
Pretty much it
Honestly considering he’s a billionaire Bruce Wayne’s son, ima go ahead and guess theres a bunch of paparazzi and it’s all over headlines of your relationship once it’s revealed (by u or on accident)
And there’s obviously different reactions from different crowds
There’s fans who are upset that you “stole” their “man”
And then there’s the rest who don’t rlly care but are shocked depending on who you are and just cuz Damian never expressed interest in romance
You just love getting dragged online 😍
But he’s not their man he’s yours sooo🤭🤭
Extra- when you announced your relationship Tim rlly doubted it’s legitimacy
Authors note: hope u liked :))
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hanggarae · 6 months
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↺ content your new ceo getting on your nerves the first day you meet him, part of my ‘promotion’ series, ceo!jeonghan, f!office worker!reader, jeonghan’s an asshole, suggestive, doyoung is ur coworker, jealous jeonghan for like a second, this is honestly hardly a tear jerker so idk if it’s technically angst but ig ?? idk 😞
↺ a/n : 2.5k words (yikes!), npr, another enemies to lovers jeonghan everyone act surprised this is my first time writing anything suggestive do NAWT perceive me rn 😭☝🏼 this is also loosely based on the lyrics of monster by exo saurrrr it might be fun listening to that while reading idk
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“That soon?” your group manager sighed a few feet ahead of your desk. He'd been frustrated at whatever conversation he was having over the phone for the last ten minutes now. You tried not to pay it any mind but it was getting harder now that it got him so worked up his voice could be heard through the entire office.
Your coworker Doyoung looked at you and looked like he wanted to cry. You tilted your head a little confused at what happened to him.
“If he’s this mad about something you just know the rest of us are going to get dragged in too?” he groaned before you could ask him what’s up.
“Who is he even talking to?” you asked him while rolling your chair away from your computer.
“The boss” Doyoung sighed. “The boss as in the ceo you idiot” he continued when you still looked confused.
You mouthed a silent ‘oh’ quickly understanding why your boss was so frustrated. You didn't know much about the ceo except for the fact that he only recently took over. His father retired less than a year ago and you all got the announcement that the current ceo took over only three months ago.
The Yoon company was huge and had establishments all over the country, even some internationally. You figured he would eventually visit each office to oversee what everyone was doing (read: stress everyone out for a twenty minute visit).
Before you could groan at the thought of it your manager got off the phone and clapped to get everyone’s attention. “So that was the ceo’s assistant” he said tiredly, “he’s coming this Friday”
It was almost comedic how instantly everybody complained. You couldn’t blame them. That was three days away, was he insane?
“The problem with Mr Yoon is that if you’re not ahead of the work, you’re behind. So even if we’re for the most part caught up with everything, he’ll likely find a way to complain about our branch.” You watched your manager scan through his personal spreadsheet that kept track of everyone’s work and current projects before he turned to you. “y/n I hate to throw this on you but you and Mingyu are the only ones not currently working on any specific project. Do you think the two of you could get started on that project for the Yang family?”
You knew what he was talking about. It was a project that you were supposed to work on in a month. “If we get it started early maybe he’ll cut us some slack on taking our sweet time with that project for Miss Park”
You nodded, agreeing to get started with the presentation for it. You’d essentially be doing this alone because Mingyu was still on a leave for visiting his family and he’d get back after the ceo was done visiting.
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The next two days you spent getting less than three hours of sleep. At first Doyoung encouraged you to just half-ass the presentation but you knew that there was still the off chance that the ceo still went through the work thoroughly, if he did you don’t know how you’d be able to explain why the work was done at such a low level.
You managed to scrape together getting most of it done. The entire project was nowhere near done but considering the actual meeting for it was two months away, getting the presentation done already would surely put you and the office in the ceo’s good books.
Sipping your coffee, you trudged to your desk and stifled a yawn as you settled your things down. Looking at the calendar on your computer you confirmed it was Friday, meaning the ceo that made your last few days hell would be coming today.
You arrived here earlier than usual so you could make sure everything was set up correctly and quickly get one of the supervisors to double check the presentation.
“Look alive, his car just pulled up” Doyoung muttered, walking around your desk to get to his own and get his own belongings settled.
You sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the day. You just knew it’d be a long one.
The double doors pushed open, revealing who you assumed was the ceo. You knew he was young but you didn’t think he’d be that handsome, and oddly.. familiar? You didn’t even realize you were staring until Doyoung tapped you and beckoned you to get back to work.
“Everyone, this is Mr Yoon, the new ceo” your manager stepped aside to allow the ceo to take the center.
“It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Jeonghan. I look forward to seeing what everyone in this branch is capable of” he smiled.
‘Jeonghan’ talked to your manager before sauntering over to your desk, a polite business smile on his face. “I understand you are the one working on the Yang family project Miss..” he looked for your name tag. When he saw it you swear something in his face changed when he sneered speaking your name.
He looked back to your face, observing you before the corner of his lip quirked up. “It would seem like you are this branch’s most capable employee, Miss y/n”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that-” you tried to object.
“Come with me. Bring the presentation materials with you” he turned, not willing to hear any objection from your manager.
You hadn’t practiced presenting it, barely rereading any of the actual information on the slides. For the most part, you’d have to wing it.
As expected, the presentation was somewhat of a mess. The lack of sleep got to you so you weren’t as engaging with the presentation as you’d usually be, on top of that whenever you looked over at Jeonghan it felt like you were tripping over your words even more. It almost felt like he was staring and smirking at you on purpose.
By the time you were done with the presentation it was time for your break. You needed to unwind after the morning you had, scrolling through your phone and checking for any food places nearby that were open. You’d forgotten to pack a lunch and usually you’d deal with it, drinking an extra coffee instead but you desperately needed to just eat anything good to get your mind off of your annoying ceo.
Before you called and ordered, you figured you’d ask if anybody else wanted something too. You first asked your manager and were about to ask Doyoung except the ceo decided to strike up a conversation with him. Too hungry to wait you decided to just walk up and ask, it was your break anyway who cared?
“Hey Doyoung, I’m headed out for lunch. You want me to grab you anything to eat?” you asked him, not paying your ceo any mind while you felt him staring at you.
“Sure. I’ll text you, thanks” he smiled.
Before you headed off you decided to ask the ceo too since he seemed like the type to hold a grudge if you didn’t. “I’m alright, thank you for the offer”
“Here’s your food Doyoung” you smiled tiredly while you handed your coworker the bag.
You sat at the table with your own lunch, getting your food out and scrolling through your phone. You got a notification from that dating app you’d been using for a couple months now, answering the texts from the guy you’d been texting back and forth for a while now. His name was Minseok, you were originally supposed to go out with him a few days ago but had to take a raincheck to work on the project.
Just as you were about to text back that you too were excited for the date tonight, you felt your ceo looming over your shoulder.
“y/n. After you’re done with your break, come see me in my office” Jeonghan said plainly before stalking off.
You gulped, trying to shake off the nerves before focusing on your meal.
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You weren’t sure if you wanted the break to end quickly or drag on. On one hand you wanted to get whatever Jeonghan was going to say over and done with, but on the other hand you didn’t want to have to actually deal with whatever he was going to say.
When your break did end, you were hesitant to see him, contemplating outside of his door for a few moments before sighing and biting the bullet. You straightened out your attire before walking into his office and walking toward his desk.
“You asked me to see you, Sir?” you smiled curtly.
“Take a seat” he pointed in front of the desk, opposite from him. “I’ve been thinking, I eventually need to stay in one branch and I want that branch to be this one” he tapped his desk while he spoke uninterested in his own words.
“The reason I’m telling all of this to you,” he circled his desk to stand directly at you. Eyes looking up at his, you gulped taking in his appearance. You really did not like him but you couldn’t deny he was good looking, bangs falling neatly over his eyes and looming over you like you were his prey.
“I’m telling you this because I want you to be my assistant” he smiled, despite that you felt like it was a trap.
Your mouth went dry and you forced out your next words, “assistant?”
“Don’t make that confused face, it makes you look stupid,” he laughed, causing your blood to boil. “You have excellent organizational skills, I could really use that in an assistant”
As much as you hated his guts, it was a good opportunity. If you worked up from his assistant you could eventually be a branch manager yourself one day. But the thought of working with him seemed like hell. Still, you bit back the bitter taste in your mouth, “I’d be delighted to, Sir. Thank you for the opportunity”
“Excellent” Jeonghan clapped, “your first task will be planning out my schedule for the new year. Make yourself comfortable and work at that spare desk over there” he dropped his planner and notes from his former assistant onto your lap before heading out of the office.
You stared at the mess for a few seconds, feeling yourself get more annoyed by the second. “Oh and y/n” he popped his head back in the door, “you’re not allowed to clock out until all of that is organized, understand?”
And he left again before you could confirm or oppose his decision. You decided it was useless trying to argue and settled with texting Minseok that you’d have to take another raincheck. Judging by the way he read the message but didn’t reply, it was safe to assume that it might not ever be rescheduled.
Hours passed and you were still only about halfway through planning the ceo’s schedule. You knew everyone was clocking out when you saw Doyoung wave pitifully at you through the glass door.
“You haven’t changed one bit, you know that?” Jeonghan piped up when the entire floor left for the night. In all honesty you’d forgotten he was still here considering he napped at his desk the first chance he got.
“What are you talking about?” you frowned. What did he mean? When did he ever know you prior to this?
“You never speak up, do you? Even back in high school you never did” he laughed mockingly.
High school? Okay, what was wrong with- oh. Now you remember. Yoon Jeonghan, you don’t know how it took so long to put two and two together. You were both in the same honors class in high school and constantly competed for the top spot. You didn’t necessarily resent him much at first but given how he was constantly pushed by his family to be the best, he loathed you for coming in his way of it. Because of this, he eventually made your life a living hell too, so you graduated hoping you’d never see him again.
“Remember now, huh? God I hated you, always being such a nuisance” he sneered down at you. You didn’t process him closer to you until he leaned over your desk and now face to face with you. “How does it feel to know you ended up below me anyway?”
You didn’t want to start an argument with your new boss, especially considering you’d be working with him at all times now. But you remembered his comment from earlier and it annoyed you how he spoke to you like you were inferior to him.
“It doesn’t feel like anything. Because I know that I at least earned my spot here, all you did was happen to be born in a good family” you watched as his smirk turned sour, anger crossing his face before he laughed lowly.
“You’ve got some nerve for talking to your boss like that. I could fire you right now, you want that y/n?”
The taller man laughed at the fear that flashed in your eyes. “Oh you poor thing, ran out of arguments?” he pouted condescendingly. “You were so confident a second ago, is one little threat all it takes to mess you up?”
You didn’t respond to his taunts, biting back your tongue so you couldn’t respond. It was pointless, he wasn’t the type to let you go easily if you argued back and he wasn’t worth losing your job over.
“You’re really boring me now y/n” he chuckled, “come on fight back a little, yeah?”
You turned to look at his face but gasped when you realized he’d gotten even closer, his face mere centimeters away from your own. “Jeonghan” you sighed, eyes fluttering shut to avoid his hard stare.
“Who gave you permission to call me by my name? You’re just my employee y/n. You worked so hard when we were younger just for you to be my lowly employee” he laughed in your face.
His words caused small tears to swell in your eyes and you tried to blink them away before he noticed them.
“Isn’t that just so cute?” Your boss cooed, wiping at your tears, “don’t cry baby”
You let out a small gasp at the pet name, desperately hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“You like that, huh?” Jeonghan observed your face, drinking in your appearance, looking a mess as a result of his harsh words and treatment. “Wonder what else you like” he mumbled, slim fingers moving from your cheeks to slide over your neck, eventually settling on your shoulder.
“Get back to work, yeah?” he left before you could say anything else. You watched as he walked away, taking this as your chance to leave. He could ridicule for it tomorrow but you couldn’t stay here any longer, not when you felt the need to kiss him right there.
Get a grip! You hated him! And he hated you, albeit that realisation did sting a little.
Ugh and you couldn’t even avoid him anymore, you were literally his assistant now there was no avoiding him. Whatever, he’d get bored of trying to get a rise out of you in a month or less so all you had to do was put up with him until then.
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outsideratheart · 7 months
On a Night Like Tonight (Alex Scott x reader)
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Retirement. A word that had been playing on your mind for a the past 12 months. After Australia, Team GB went on to win gold in the Olympics and it left only one trophy missing from your cabinet. The World Cup.
2027, Brazil. It was the day that you gave the fans the thing you promised 4 years ago. You lead your team to their first World Cup star and did so by beating the United States on penalties.
Unlike last year Alex was pitch side with Fara eagerly waiting for you to come over and when you did she welcomed you like the champion you now were or at least she gave you the PG version given you were live on TV.
You were overcome with emotion as Alex held you in her arms. To the outside world the tears you were clearly shedding were that of happiness but between you and Alex you knew they were sad tears too.
The celebration awaiting you back in England was unlike anything you could have imagined. It put the euros one to shame. The whole country showed up to celebrate you and you made sure to savour every moment.
Each player had their turn on the microphone and the fans loved it but when it was your turn to speak the fans took one look at your face and went silent. You could hear a pin drop in Trafalgar Square.
“You all know I hate being a bench warmer and I don’t want to be one of those players the play long after their time is up. It has been my greatest honour being your captain for over ten years but it is time that I pass on the torch and hang the boots up”
It was announced the following day that England’s match against Germany at Wembley in one month’s time would be you final game in an England shirt. The match sold out in minutes and it set the perfect scene for your send off.
The days leading up to it was hectic, you barely had a second to yourself and most of all it was extremely overwhelming. You questioned if you had made the right decision. You were still playing world class football, why stop now? Your question was answered one night at St George’s Park. It was the night before your final game and the entire team could tell you were having an hard time. It’s the reason Sarina allowed Alex to stay in your room even though it was against the rules.
“I don’t think I can do it”
Alex looked up from where she was laying on your chest.
“Can’t or don’t want to?”
“Football is all I’ve ever known Al, I’m not sure I can give it up”
“You’re not retiring completely. In a week’s time you will be back at Cobham with Chelsea”
“I’m going to be home a lot more”
“You make it sound like a bad thing. Remember the reason that made you consider retiring in the first place?”
It was a night you remember well. You and Alex spent over an hour talking about the future and what it could look like. You got so caught up in the hypotheticals that reality became disappointing. It made you want to skip the next few years so that you could start the next chapter of your life, the one where being captain was no longer the highest responsibility you had.
You feel asleep that night dreaming of the future and when you woke up you were ready to say goodbye to the team that you loved so much.
It was a bitter sweet feeling as the final whistle was blown. The entire England team, both the players on the bench and on the pitch, came running to you. It that moment you felt loved and appreciated. It was a moment that you would remember for the rest of your life. As you take a lap around the field you try to take in as much as you can.
“You know you don’t have to retire” Leah appears by your side.
“It’s my time. I have loved playing for this team and every time I wear this badge it is a great honour but this is my final curtain call Leah, my swan song” You pull the blonde into your side and kiss the side of her head.
“Don’t be getting soft. Save that for Alex because we need to go do media” Truth is Leah didn’t want you to leave, she had told you this much but your mind was yet.
“I know but before that there’s something I need to do”
You pull Leah towards the middle of the pitch, away from the shouting fans, the centre circle becoming your own little bubble.
“I have been captain of this team for almost ten years. I have lead them to the highest highs and the lowest lows. It takes a lot from you when you wear this band but it can also reward in the best possible way. I have spoken with Sarina about who I want to be my successor and that person is you Leah”
With a heavy heart you take the armband off and pull it up Leah’s arm. You were passing the torch, this was a changing of the guard and you were doing it for the whole to see.
By the time you reach Alex and the BBC team you are on the very line fine between keeping it together and breaking completely.
The world now knew about the two of you but with a camera pointed straight at you, you felt the need to stay professional but Alex soon changed that.
“We’re not rolling. It’s playing her career highlights” one of the camera men tells Alex.
“Come here” The BBC presenter pulls you into her arms and for a brief moment you allow yourself to feel, feel everything that you have been bottling up since you woke up.
“It’s over. I’ve played my last game as a lioness” you could feel tears falling down your face and you were aware that there were multiple people watching the interaction but no longer had to strength to bottle up your emotions.
The same man who told you that the cameras were rolling informed you that they would be live in 5, then proceeded to count down using his fingers.
As a way of regaining control of your emotions and in attempt of staying together you move away from Alex and closer to Jill and Fara. As if knowing that you still weren’t ready to answer the unavoidable questions Leah takes charge of the interview and the presenters follow her lead. It is when she is asked a question only you can answer do you need to get involved.
“Jill asked what’s next for you?” Leah nudges you.
“I go back to Chelsea. As for the next international break, well I have no idea. Maybe go on holiday, what do you say Al, fancy the Maldives?”
“Sure, why not. Fara can cover for me”
“Seriously though Y/N. What’s next? When asked about retiring you said that you have given over 15 years to your country and that it’s time to prioritise your personal life. I think I remember you saying it’s what our dear Alex over here deserves”
Leah switches places with you when Alex is mentioned. Sensing that being next to your person may bring you more peace and encourage you to answer the question without making jokes.
“If the song is right then I believe I hear wedding bells” Jills says.
You wonder what song she is referring to and upon turning to Alex you see that she is also at loss.
“You know the song. The one about kissing in a tree. I won’t sing it seen as though we are live on air and I am a professional”
With Jill’s clue you know exactly the song she is talking about although you think you may have been in high school when you last heard it.
“Since when are you a professional?” You scoff. You refused to bite.
“I get what you’re saying. I believe it says first comes love”
“Check” Alex plays along.
Before Leah continues you turn to Alex. Your hand sat on the small of her back and unknowingly to the women around, you tap you ring finger which was missing a very important piece of jewellery. Alex leans into you with her head on your shoulder and tells you to go for it.
“Then comes marriage-“
“Check” you were proud to finally announce that you had in fact married Alex but up until this moment it was only your immediate families that knew.
The faces of your friends were priceless. In that moment you wish you had a camera to take a photo but then you remember you are on live TV. Oh god, you were live on the BBC. Not only had you told your friends about your nuptials, you had told the entire world.
“Y/N” Alex playfully slaps your arm “We are live”
“I am now aware of this Al”
“I would like to apologise for the language made by Y/N Y/L/N”
“Don’t you mean Y/N Scott?” Jill asks.
“No she does not” you say rather defensively “Alex took my name, she is Alex Y/L/N”
“How about we discuss the details of our marriage when we are not live on TV.” Alex tries to get the interview back on track which you are happy to do.
You then proceed to talk all things football. Jill recalls your first training session as a lioness, Fara tells her favourite Y/N Y/L/N stories, Leah brings you to tears once again when she tells you about how you showed her what is possible and Alex grins ear to ear when she explains all the ways that you have changed the game and how a lot of people have you to thank for how far the game has come.
Almost an hour later you are in one of the hospitality suites at Wembley. The news of you and Alex had spread to rest of the team and the party that was originally planned for your retirement has now turned into a retirement / wedding party.
It doesn’t take much for you to get overwhelmed, how could you not. You escape to one of the boxes near the suite, the cold air grounds you and the silence is welcoming. Looking out at the pitch you are filled with nostalgia as memories flood your mind, it’s as if a highlight reel is playing.
“People are asking where you are?”
You feel your body relax upon hearing your wife’s voice. It is one of the things you love most about her.
“You found me. Any chance I can persuade you to stay here with me for a moment?”
“I can think of a few things”
“Can one of them be a hug? I could really use one”
Alex’s eyebrows furrow. You were a cuddler, Alex learned this very early on in your relationship but there is something about you asking now and the way you did it. You sound so vulnerable.
Your wife doesn’t say anything, instead she opens her arms and you melt into her hold.
“You know a lot of people are in there waiting to celebrate you, with you. Yet you are out here alone or at least you were until I found you”
“I want to celebrate with you though and everyone keeps stopping me from doing that. They want Y/N the England captain or I guess now it’s former captain but I just want to be —“
“Y/N, my wife”
Her wife. It sounds cliche like something that would be said in a movie or a line in a book but you loved hearing her say that and even now as you both wear your rings, you couldn’t believe that she had agreed to marry you.
“Can we go home?”
Alex knew that you liked to party and it didn’t take much to persuade to celebrate something no matter how small. It wasn’t like you to leave early and Alex knew that you might be feeling more than you are letting on if you want to leave a party that was honouring your international career.
“I didn’t tell you this but Ella and Alessia have wrote a speech. They read it to me and you’ll want to hear it. If after that you still want to go home then we will, I promise”
You stayed for the speech and boy are you glad you did. It was one of the most heartfelt yet hilarious speeches you have heard. You did end up going home but not till hours later. After hearing your plea, Alex stayed by your side the entire night and her presence allowed you to relax and have fun. A chapter of the book you called life was over and the chapters that followed would go on to be some of your favourite because each and every one of them included you wife Alex Scott.
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onceuponastory · 6 months
first footing - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: Bucky thought he was going to spend New Year's alone, just how he likes it... until Y/N showed up. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: A few mentions of alcohol and being drunk. There's also some light mentions of Bucky's past as TWS. But as always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: Happy New Year my lovelies! In Scotland (where I'm from if you didn't already know) we have a tradition called first footing, where the first person to enter your house in the New Year brings luck with them (and usually alcohol, hahaha). I realised I wanted to write something with Bucky and this tradition (because lord knows he needs the luck) so here we are! Consider this fic me first footing you all ❤️
Also, incase you're wondering, a dram is a small measure of whisky. Not beta'd (I wrote this quickly bc the idea hit me like an hour ago), so any mistakes are my own.
“Happy New Year!” The TV host announces, cheering with the crowd behind her, and Bucky rolls his eyes, switching it off. He hates this time of year. He knows that the old him, the Sergeant, would be out there wooing girls, with a promise to kiss each of them as soon as the clock struck twelve. He misses those days. Back when the worst thing he had to worry about was looking good for his dates, and not… everything that’s happened to him in the last seventy years. And although New Year’s exemplifies change and bettering yourself, Bucky still hates it. Sure, everyone can make a change. He’s living proof of that.
But New Year’s is just so… loud now, and there’s so much pressure to better yourself, to change something about yourself. It symbolises everything he hates. God, he really is an old man.
Or maybe he hates it because he’s spending it alone, like usual. Or that despite the amount of personal growth he’s done over the year, each new year always seems to be a horrible reminder of everything he once was, and everything he’s lost.  
Now that’s not to say Bucky hasn’t been invited to things tonight. He’d just… rather do everything but. All he wants is to go to bed and pretend tonight never happened, like the old man he is.
Suddenly, a knock on the door cuts through the air, causing Bucky to frown. He’s not expecting someone tonight. He can tell who it’ll probably be though - Steve or Sam, telling him to stop being boring and to get over to Tony’s party with the others. The knock sounds again, the person clearly impatient. “Alright, alright!” Bucky groans, making his way to the door and opening it. “Steve, I told you I’m not- Y/N?”
“Took you long enough.” She teases. Bucky’s mouth drops open, and his mind goes blank. He’s speechless. All he can do is look at her. The snow caught in her hair seems to sparkle in the light, and the way she looks at him, her trademark bright smile on her face, makes his heartbeat increase and his stomach flutter. 
God, she’s so beautiful.
“Happy New Year, Buck.” She smiles, holding up a bottle of whisky. 
“What…what are you doing here?” Bucky gasps in confusion, yet he still can’t stop a relieved smile from gracing his lips. He doesn’t have to spend his New Year alone with his thoughts. This time, he gets to spend it with his favourite person. But another thought, one that makes his heart skip a beat, hits him. Y/N chose him. Out of all the options she had, including a fancy Stark party with the others, who are most definitely more fun than he is… she still chose to spend time with him. And that makes Bucky Barnes feel like the most important person in the world.
“Well, I was going to first foot you.…” She chuckles. “But I can’t do that if you don’t let me in.” Still frowning, Bucky steps aside and helps Y/N take her coat off. 
“You’re going to what?” Y/N laughs, another burst of laughter that Bucky swears is improving his mood by the second.
“First footing. It’s a tradition where the first person to enter your house after the clock strikes twelve brings good luck with them.” She grins. “So…here I am.” 
“Y/N, you don’t have to be here. I know spending tonight with an old man like me isn’t very fun. Go party.”
“No way!” Y/N shakes her head, heading to his kitchen. “There’s no place I’d rather be than here, with my favourite person.” She calls. Bucky’s heart almost goes into overdrive.
“Thank you.” He smiles, watching her go. “It means a lot.” More than she’ll ever know.
~ * ~
“Here we go.” Y/N grins, passing Bucky his dram of whisky. “Cheers Bucky.” 
“Cheers, doll.” He chuckles, clinking his glass against hers. Together, they down their drink. Despite the minimal amount of alcohol, and the fact the serum means he can’t get drunk, Bucky still feels the familiar warm feeling pooling in his gut, and the heat spreading across his cheeks. And especially how all he wants to do is smile.
But that could just be the beautiful woman sitting opposite him, the candlelight casting a soft glow over her features. The one who chose him over everyone else. The one he’s so deeply and irrevocably in love with. He swears he could just kiss her right there and then. He just can’t bring himself to do it, or even tell her how he feels. Despite how much he loves Y/N, Bucky swears that the pain of losing her and her friendship would be enough to finish him off right there and then. So, he stays quiet and lets the pain of not telling her, and the thought she could be with someone else eat him up inside.
“Any other traditions for me tonight?” Bucky raises a brow. 
“Other than finishing this whiskey? Nope.” Y/N chuckles as Bucky pours them both some more.
“Thanks again for tonight, Y/N.” Bucky smiles. “I mean, I wasn’t going to spend it alone. I wanted to go to the party, but-” He lies, trying desperately not to sound so lonely and pathetic. But a gentle, reassuring touch on his forearm stops him. Despite the gentleness of her touch, Bucky’s skin burns under it.
“It’s alright.” Y/N smiles. “I know.” What did he ever do to deserve someone like Y/N in his life? Perhaps he was a saint in a previous life. But even that wouldn’t be enough, make him anywhere close to worthy of having Y/N as a best friend. She looks at him intently, staring into his eyes. Bucky feels the heat on his cheeks deepening. “You know….” She chuckles.
“I know you think resolutions suck, but I have one this year. And there’s no better time than half twelve in the morning on January 1st to do it, huh?”  
“I don’t think they suck, they’re just not my thing.” Bucky corrects her, but he can’t stop his brow from quirking up. “What’s your resolution?” Y/N leans in, so close Bucky can feel her breath against his skin. It’s enough to drive him crazy.
“To not let anything pass me by, to take each opportunity as it comes.” She grins.
“That’s a good resolution.” Bucky nods, regretting his words almost immediately. Why the hell would he say that, of all things?
“So. Here it goes.” Y/N takes a breath. “This may be the whisky talking, but… I refuse to go another year without telling you this. I am in love with you, Bucky Barnes.” Bucky almost keels over. He almost asks her to repeat what she just said, or even to pinch him. But then she continues. “I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way… well, it would hurt a lot, but I just have to tell you because I couldn’t bear another day without you knowing.”
Bucky chuckles, cupping her chin. “I’ve been wanting to tell you that for so long.” He smiles, and Y/N’s grin grows just as wide. “You know….” He whispers. “There’s another New Year’s tradition I can think of.” Leaning in, he softly presses his lips to hers.
Something tells him this year is going to be pretty damn incredible.
~ * ~
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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the-boy-meets-evil · 7 months
take my hands (we can fall together) | lee chan | pt 1
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(where you and chan are friends, but he's your brother's best friend. and you've always been just a little out of reach. until one season changes everything.) pairing: brother's best friend!chan (dino) x f!reader genre: friends to ??, pining, slow burn | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut rating: explicit (for the full fic) warnings/notes: mentions of unhealthy relationships (reader x boyfriend), mentions of food, mentions of drinking/alcohol, lots of stereotypical fall activities, reader's brother is chan's age and reader is 2 years older, eventual smut (in pt 3 - see that for warnings), any names of other idols are considered to be OCs word count: ~6.5k (full fic is roughly 23k) a/n: huge thanks to @svthub for hosting this fall collab. check out the full list of fics here. this is part 1, the full fic is in 3 parts and the dates for the next 2 parts are at the bottom. also thank you to my bby indi for beta reading @wongyuseokie and creating an amazing banner @classicscreations. if you want to be tagged in the next 2 parts, send an ask or dm or just comment 💕
masterlist | next
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Fall has never been Chan’s favorite season. The weather cools down, but it’s in this weird in-between. One day, it’s cold enough for heavy jackets, and the next it’s almost warm enough to wear shorts. It starts to get dark too early as the days get shorter, which makes it feel like there’s just less time in the day. Or, even worse, there are days when Chan leaves the apartment in the dark and returns in the dark. Everything feels like it’s dying with the leaves falling. It seems like it should be a season of thankfulness and friends and holidays, but it just ends up feeling like an ending in a bad way. He’s not cynical, he’s just not really sure he likes this time of year.
“I wish I had someone to do fall things with me,” you announce to nobody in particular. 
Okay, well maybe Chan needs to rethink this whole opinion on the season. Because here’s the other thing, he’s always been drawn to you. Sure, you’re his friend. It’s just, he’s always been closer to your brother, Jay. Always a little envious, too. You and Jay are friends as much as siblings, despite you being two years older. So much so that your friend group is somewhat merged. Chan knows that Jay has friends you don’t hang around with and that the same goes for you. It’s still nice, though. Seeing the two of you, he understands what it means to love family and also like them. 
Yet in all those years of friendship, Chan can still remember the moment when he started seeing you differently. You’d called Jay late one night, no text or anything, and Jay picked up right away because it was so unlike you. It was your first real breakup, a guy you met and started dating in college, the only time you and Jay had been really separated. Even if the separation was only a two hour drive. You were so devastated that Jay switched to a video call and convinced you to come home for the weekend. All Chan can remember is how much he wanted to protect you from ever feeling that way again. He knew you didn’t deserve the way that guy made you feel. Then, the new school year came around, and he and Jay were on campus with you. The draw has only gotten stronger since then.
“Isn’t that what you have a boyfriend for?” Jay asks. 
You roll your eyes affectionately. “He doesn’t really like the fall. Plus, he’s super busy with work projects. He doesn’t want to go pick apples or adventuring or any of that stuff.”
The way you play it off feels casual, like it doesn’t actually matter. Your eyes tell a different story. Chan’s heart breaks a little as he does everything he can to not show it. Jay, unfortunately for you, also notices.
“Is everything okay with…shit, what’s his name?” Jay asks. 
“Come on, Jay, they hard launched like 6 months ago, shouldn’t you know his name by now?” Lisa, ever the best friend to you, chimes in. 
“Ease up, Lisa,” you say, voice a little tired. “Things with Seungsik are fine, he’s just busy right now.” 
“Hey,” Jay starts.
“We can always do fall stuff with you,” Chan hears himself offer without even realizing he’s saying anything. Several pairs of eyes shoot to him.
“Bro, you hate fall shit,” Vernon scoffs.
“I do not,” Chan retorts.
“Since when? I had to twist your arm for Friendsgiving last year,” Jay counters. 
“That is true,” Lisa agrees.
“No you too,” Chan directs at Lisa.
“That’s really sweet, Channie,” you cut across the bickering. It takes everything in him to remain neutral at your compliment and the use of a nickname. “Maybe we can do some stuff as a group. I feel like Fall is the time for friends anyway.” 
There’s a smattering of agreement, names thrown out of other friends that aren’t there, lighthearted eye rolls at how into this season you are, and more than a glance or two in Chan’s direction. He does his best to ignore those. He doesn’t need to think about them right now. All he can really focus on is that he agreed to get up insanely early on Sunday morning so that you could take this train ride that you’ve wanted to do in the Fall to see all the trees changing colors. Especially since the colors are more vibrant this year. Which is fine. Chan doesn’t really mind being up early, but nobody else is committing to go. Not even your brother. The fact that you seem unbothered at it being just you and him makes Chan’s stomach flip. 
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Chan is nervous when it comes time to leave for the train ride. You offered to pick him up since you were dragging him out of the warmth of his bed so early in the morning and even said he didn’t have to go through with it. Which meant you probably wouldn’t go through with it because the two other people that had tentatively agreed backed out the night before. Even over text, Chan could tell that you were disappointed at the thought of not going. And even he had to admit that he was curious about the draw of this particular activity. So off you went.
It only takes one day for Chan to start changing his opinion on the season. Or, one person. There’s something about the way your face lights up the second you’re on the train that takes him over as well. You’re more excited, still, that the train doesn’t seem that crowded, so the two of you will have your own little area to sit in without anyone else that close by. Sheepishly, you admit that the train runs multiple times a day, but this gives you the most time at the top of the mountain. Taking advantage of how rare it is to spend time alone with you, Chan asks you what exactly it is that you love about Fall. Maybe if he hears from someone who loves it, he’ll see it differently.
He watches as your face transforms. Your eyes get wide, and a genuine smile spreads across your face, gone just long enough to ask if he’s sure. All Chan can do is laugh because it’s so endearing. But he nods, and you’re like a kid at Christmas. You start with the leaves as the train pulls away from the station. There’s more to them than just changing color and falling to the ground, at least to you. Yes, they’re pretty, like shades of gold fluttering along with the wind and bringing good fortune. You liken it to growth in a way Chan never considered. Sure, the leaves are changing color and dying. It’s also about growth and release. Trees need to let go of their leaves so they can go into their next phase. So they can be ready to grow new leaves and new life in the spring. You don’t get that without the release in the Fall. 
You like the way things taste fresher, too. The way apples feel crisper because it’s when they were meant to be enjoyed. The way vanilla and cinnamon just warm your soul with everything they’re baked into. You love the comfort, like a warm blanket, of just being able to bake so many things. When Chan points out that you bake all year around, you get that playful smile again. You agree and disagree at the same time. You can bake all year round, but certain things were just meant for when the weather starts to get colder. 
Most of all, you really just feel like it’s a positive change. Of learning to let go of all the things that are holding you back. Of cutting out those parts of life that feel dead or stagnant. Of starting the process to allow new things to grow. Chan doesn’t mention that maybe you’re not as good at that part as you want to think. He can tell you want to be, but he wonders if you realize there’s someone in your life who really isn’t adding anything to it anymore. He doesn’t mention Seungsik and neither do you. 
When you get to the top and step off the train, Chan gasps at the sight. He’s never really stopped to appreciate nature like this and it’s overwhelming in the best way. It makes him feel kind of small, except it’s not a bad feeling, and he’s really glad that you suggested taking the early train because it means the top of the mountain isn’t crowded. He’s so busy taking in the clear views that go on for miles that he doesn’t even notice the way your face lights up watching his reaction. He can’t possibly know how full your heart is at him being so present. 
“This is beautiful,” he whispers. It seems like a crime to disrupt the peace.
“Yeah, it is,” you agree. There’s something in the way you say it that makes Chan look over at you. By the time he looks, though, your eyes are on the horizon as well. 
“Have you done this before? I don’t feel like I remember Jay talking about it at all,” Chan asks, still watching you.
You stiffen for a second in a way that’s entirely at odds with the mention of your brother. Or maybe your mind is a million miles away. That’s another thing that Chan’s always found so interesting about you. There’s a brightness and a lightness about you, but there’s also a sense of mystery. LIke there are parts of yourself that you always hold back. Like you want to appear to be entirely open, even though you’re not. Like there are secret parts that only your closest relationships get to know.
“Jay wouldn’t have,” you finally answer with a smile. “Our grandparents brought me when we were both still little. But Jay wasn’t interested, so he stayed with our parents. I’ve wanted to do it again as an adult, but you know, life happens.” 
“Anyone who cares about you would want to see this,” Chan admits as he looks out at the views again. 
It’s too honest, and Chan knows it, but there’s just something about this kind of environment that makes him want to admit things he shouldn’t. Or wouldn’t, normally. There’s something like anonymity surrounded by this much nature. It reminds you just how small people are in comparison. He’s also thankful that you seem to be agreeing that you can say those unspoken things here. That is, until he feels your hand on his arm, turning him to look at you.
“Thank you, Chan,” you say with more sincerity than he’s ever heard in all the time he’s known you. “I care about you, too.” 
“I, um,” Chan starts and clears his throat. “You’re welcome.”
“We’ve never hung out like this, just the two of us,” you say, still watching him.
“No, we haven’t,” Chan agrees because it’s all he can do to hold onto his rapidly slipping composure.
“I was…okay, this is gonna sound dumb, but I was a little nervous. That’s why I tried to give you an out,” you say. Your voice is soft and you look down at your feet. Like it’s too much to admit while looking at Chan and when it’s so quiet all around you.
“I almost took it,” Chan tells you.
“Why didn’t you? Weren’t you worried?” you wonder.
Chan shrugs to buy himself a second. “Because it was important to you. I figured it was better to roll the dice and risk it being a little awkward so you didn’t miss out.”
You turn away, but Chan catches the look on your face anyway. Catches the way you take a steadying breath. Can’t miss the way you try to hide as you wipe away a tear. The last thing he wanted to do was make you upset. And even though his heart is racing, he pulls you into a hug. He’s not sure what else to do except whisper sorries against your hair.
“No, no, no,” you finally say. “You don’t need to be sorry.”
“I made you cry,” Chan disagrees.
“No, you didn’t. It’s just so insanely sweet that I was overwhelmed for a minute,” you tell him. 
“Guess it was awkward after all,” Chan says. It’s a little self-deprecating. 
“No, it wasn’t,” you assure him. “This is so much more than I could have asked for. I’m just, I guess I’m not really used to people doing things like this for me.”
Chan is thankful he’s not holding you anymore because there’s no way to hide the way his heart tries to beat out of his chest. All he can do is smile and hope that you can’t read his thoughts because they’re a weird mix. His heart is full that you’re so appreciative of something that seems so small. Sure, life is short, and there are only so many days. But it’s also too short to pass up on opportunities to see something different like this. To actually stop and experience the world around you instead of just rushing to the next day. His heart also breaks at the idea of you not being used to people doing things like this for you. Because it seems so small. It doesn’t seem like some huge thing to do. Chan and Jay have been friends for more than 10 years, so he’s known you for a long time. He knows that you don’t have the best taste in partners. Still, though. He can’t imagine something so small being so impactful to you.
The two of you mostly stick close together, or at least within eyesight of each other. There’s so much to see at the top of the mountain. Little signs seem to ring around the edges, telling people what they’re looking at or giving a history. Each one makes Chan appreciate the views even more. Every once in a while, he also catches you watching him and smiling, like you’re still checking that he’s enjoying himself. He can’t say that, of course, he’s enjoying himself, he’s with you, but he tries to smile back every time. 
Eventually, you suggest having lunch at the restaurant next to the little station where the train stops. He’s been so busy taking in his surroundings that he doesn’t even realize that he’s hungry. Right on queue, his stomach grumbles at the mention of food, and you laugh it off. Once you’re sitting down, you can’t seem to settle on one thing for lunch. Without thinking, Chan suggests that you just share a few different things so you can try what you want. Who knows when you’ll be back up here again? Although you seem hesitant at first, a little reassurance from Chan goes a long way. That and him insisting he’ll be happy with whatever you order. 
It’s truly an entirely perfect day, one neither of you really wants to end, even if you won’t admit it to the other. But you have to take the train down eventually and come back to reality.
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“Sorry I have to take this,” you say with a frown at your phone. 
Chan thinks it says Seungsik, which makes him frown, too. It takes a real effort for him not to follow you out of the room with his eyes. Not that Jay, Seokmin, or Jiyeon would notice. They’re currently locked in a Mario Kart battle, with Jiyeon winning yet again. Chan risks a glance in your direction and makes a snap decision. 
“Do you guys want anything from the kitchen?” Chan asks.
“Yeah, something to drink,” Seokmin says.
“Is losing making you thirsty?” Jiyeon teases. 
“You can’t win forever, Ji,” Jay shoots back. “Come on, Seok, we can work together on this.” 
“That’s cheating,” Jiyeon giggles. 
Chan ignores the banter to go to the kitchen. Ostensibly, he’s actually planning to get drinks for the group in the living room. Realistically, he’s curious about what’s making you frown and if you’re okay. From his spot in the kitchen, he can hear your voice drifting through the door of Jay’s bedroom. It’s hard to focus on getting drinks.
“I understand that your work is important, but,” you start, working to stay quiet despite the annoyance in your voice.
Maybe this was a bad idea because he wishes he could hear the other side. Or at least know for sure that it was Seungsik. 
“Yes, I’m aware that you think it’s just a stupid Fall tradition,” you huff. “No, baby, I’m not saying your work doesn’t matter. It’s the weekend, though.”
Well, at least he knows that it’s Seungsik. Not that it makes it any better.
“That’s not fair, baby. I’m not saying that I don’t want you to work hard or try to get that promotion. You know how much I support you. It’s just I want to matter too,” you say, and Chan’s heart fully breaks at the heartbreak in your voice.
What is wrong with this man that he can’t take a second away from work to spend time with one of the most beautiful people in the world? 
“I feel like I’ve barely seen you in weeks. You’re always working or networking and…” you trail off. “No, I do get that networking is part of the job, and you’re up for a promotion…Wow, yes, I do get how hard your job is. But do you get that you keep making promises to me and breaking them?”
There’s a bite to your voice that’s entirely foreign to Chan. It’s also at complete odds with the undercurrent of defeat. There are two sides warring during this conversation, and Chan doesn’t really recognize either of them. 
“It’s not just some stupid fall tradition,” you say. It’s without any bite now. You’re defeated. “It’s…yeah, I get it. You think it’s dumb. It’s fine, I understand you won’t be coming.” 
It feels like the conversation is probably ending, so Chan turns his back away from the bedroom to focus on drinks. All he can do is hope that nothing about his posture gives him away. But he can’t help listening anyway, and he hears you ending the phone call before shuffling towards the kitchen all the same.
“Oh,” you nearly gasp. 
As casually as he can manage, Chan turns around towards your voice with a bag of chips in one hand. That plan goes out the window when he sees you rubbing your eyes. All he wants is to be able to protect you from the world. Because you deserve better. Not that he thinks he’s better. He just knows you deserve more than this. More than being unhappy every time he sees you. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Chan asks. He meant to ask if you wanted anything to drink, yet couldn’t ignore your frown.
“How long have you been in here?” you ask. 
Chan shrugs. “Not long, just came to get them some drinks and figured I’d grab chips. Do you want anything?” 
“That’s a loaded question,” you say under your breath. 
“You okay?” Chan asks again. He knows you’re not, but he doesn’t really want to admit that he was listening to your side of the conversation. 
“Can I…ugh, this is so weird, but can I just have a hug?” Your eyes are a little wide and a whole lot vulnerable. 
It’s silly, but he would give you anything if it meant that you wouldn’t look broken. No, that’s the wrong word. There’s nothing wrong with being a little broken. It’s just that he wishes Seungsik wasn’t letting you down time after time. Chan sets down the chips and opens his arms without a word. There’s relief on your face as you step forward and wrap your arms around his middle. Your head rests on his shoulder and he feels the moment that your body releases the tension. Feels the moment when your breathing relaxes to match his own. When you step away, your eyes at least look a little happier.
“It’s never weird to ask for a hug from a friend,” Chan tells you. 
You laugh at that, a real laugh, and for a second, Chan wonders why. “You seem to be getting a lot of my emotional side lately.”
Chan just shrugs again. “I’m happy to see whatever side you wanna show me.”
Just then, Jay comes into the kitchen, grumbling about losing another game. He doesn’t even look at Chan or you before going to grab the drinks on the counter. It’s probably the perfect timing so that Chan doesn’t say anything else that’s too honest.
“I thought you were leaving,” Jay says to you. 
“Wow, trying to get rid of me already?” you ask without any of the normal teasing Jay is used to.
“Of course not. I just thought you were going apple picking with Seungsik,” Jay answers. 
It’s then that he seems to really look at you and realizes something is wrong. He looks like he’s about to take back his words when you open your mouth. “No, he’s too busy with something for work. So I’ll probably just stick around here.” 
Chan looks at your brother and hopes he picks up the same wavelength. It seems he does because he sighs in resignation. But it’s a mark of how concerned he is that he doesn’t mention Seungsik being a dick for this. “Why don’t we go with you?” 
“What?” you ask.
“Hey,” Jay calls into the living room. “Who wants to go apple picking?” 
“I’m in, beating you and Seokmin is getting boring,” Jiyeon answers. 
“You haven’t won every one,” Seokmin whines. 
“You don’t have to do this,” you say softly to your brother.
“Oh, are we going with you?” Jiyeon asks. “I’m in. Can I call Vernon and drag him along?”
“We should ask Lisa if she wants to come too. She loves that stuff,” Seokmin suggests. “I haven’t actually gone apple picking in forever.” 
“It’s a lost cause,” Chan tells you, “we’re all going apple picking now.” 
“Fine,” you pretend to sigh, “but can I ride with you? Jay’s a shitty driver.” 
“I resent that,” Jay scoffs. 
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It takes a little time to let everyone know where to meet, but Jay manages to wrangle the group well enough so that they all make it to the orchard. True to your word, you ride with Chan. Jay and Jiyeon go to pick up Vernon, and Seokmin goes to pick up Lisa and Mina. Once everyone is there and the bags are bought, groups start to wander off in different directions to look for the best apples. Because, of course, Jiyeon has turned this into a competition and is convinced she can make the best apple pie. Chan knew by the sparkle in your eye that you weren’t going to just settle for that one. 
“You’re on,” you say and shake on it. 
“Well, this is interesting,” Jay notes. 
“Come on, Jay, you’re on my team,” Jiyeon says and grabs his arm.
“Uh, hello, that’s my brother,” you argue. 
“Yeah, and he’s tall, better for reaching the perfect apple,” Jiyeon says with a shrug. “Snooze, you lose.”
“If you’re that worried about the perfect apples up high, I’ve already won,” you reason before turning to Chan. “Come on, Chan, you’re with me.” 
He doesn’t even hesitate for a minute, which would probably be a little embarrassing if he wasn’t actually looking forward to the afternoon. It seems you have a plan, and all he really has to do is follow along. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s been alone with you, either. Any awkwardness left with the train ride. 
There’s more to picking apples than just picking the first ones you see, as Chan quickly finds out. You consult the little flyer about which ones are in season and start talking about which types of apples make the best pies. Which are the best for tarts. Which are the best for a bunch of desserts that he’s never heard of. It goes way over his head when you’re talking about the different flavors of apples and which goes best with cinnamon and nutmeg and all the flavors that remind you of the Fall. He’s always known that you loved to bake, but there's something different about seeing it in action like this. And you’re not even actually cooking. 
Despite your insistence about the height of apples, you do come across some trees where the lower ones all look bad, even by Chan’s standards. When there’s a ladder around, he offers to climb up it so that you can have the perfect apple. It seems to make you smile every time. The system works pretty well until you come to a tree with the perfect apples and no ladder in sight. In hindsight, it’ll definitely seem stupid. That he helps you fixate on something so small as the perfect apple. Yet, at the moment, it makes perfect sense.
“Here, climb on my shoulders,” Chan offers and bends down.
“No, it’s really okay,” you say, waving him off.
“If you want the apples, then let’s get you the apples,” Chan insists.
“I’m too heavy,” you protest.
“You’re not,” Chan promises. 
“You’re not going to drop me, are you?” you worry.
“Never,” Chan assures you. 
He stays crouched down to allow you to climb onto his shoulders. Once you hook your legs around his back and he grabs your knees, he stands up, very thankful that he’s never skipped leg day. What he’s not counting on, or prepared for, is your surprise. Because in that surprise,  your thighs squeeze either side of his face. He’s sure it’s an involuntary action. He’s sure you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Yet it makes him swallow hard all the same. As soon as he steadies himself (mentally, that is, because physically he’s fine), he steps towards the tree. On his shoulders, you’re easily tall enough to reach the apples you wanted in the first place. 
“Thank you,” you say softly when he lets you back down.
“No problem,” Chan says, ignoring the slight dryness in his throat.
Apparently, taking the perfect pictures in the orchard is just as important as picking the apples. Chan does roll his eyes about that a little bit but agrees to be your photographer anyway. It’s the same thing all over again. Your face lights up at having someone to do all these things with and he’s putty in your hands. It’s impossible to say no. There’s a moment where he can tell that you’re a little upset that your boyfriend isn’t there to take pictures with you. Obviously, part of the whole thing should involve him in your perfect world. Yet he’s not the one that’s here. Instead, Chan offers to take a picture of the two of you and then take some with your other friends when you meet back up. 
The group also has to decide just how to judge this baking contest. The only rules that you and Jiyeon agree to is that it has to be something baked and it has to use the apples. Beyond that, it’s up to whoever wants to participate just what they make. It’s not usually Seokmin’s thing, but he offers to help Mina bake and, since neither of them are that good, you and Jiyeon allow it. 
“Why don’t we get together next weekend and do something else?” Vernon suggests. 
“Like what?” Jay asks.
“Pumpkin carving!” you shout out.
“You know what? That actually sounds fun, and we haven’t done it in years,” Jay says.
“Yeah, we always used to have the best pumpkins as kids,” you agree.
“They were pretty cool,” Chan agrees. 
“So pumpkins and whatever baked apple thing to see who wins?” Vernon asks.
Everyone agrees, and Chan can’t help but look to you. Anything you might have been feeling over your boyfriend missing yet another Fall activity that matters to you is forgotten. Or you’re doing a very good job at hiding it. All your face shows is happiness. It’s kind of infectious. 
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It doesn’t get much more stereotypically Fall than going to the pumpkin patch and taking pictures. Really, it’s pretty cliche. Yet, you seem unfazed by the entire prospect. You’re layered up, just like everyone else, to fight off the crispness of the air. Unlike everyone else, your face lights up when you pull up to the orchard, a different one than where you picked the apples. There are rows upon rows of pumpkins, all waiting to go to the perfect homes. You’re out of the car and off to walk through the rows before anyone else, and you don’t seem to have a care in the world. 
There’s an art, Chan learns, to picking the best pumpkin. It all depends on what exactly someone wants to carve. Too small, and it feels crowded, too big and the face gets swallowed. Unless you make everything bigger, which is always an option. That gets a chuckle out of Vernon and a smack to his arm from Lisa. Lisa, always entirely honest, is really just in it for the pictures and then for whatever baked goods they get to taste test later. She’s happy to carve a pumpkin too, but she wants to use a stencil. And fully admits that she’ll probably get bored halfway through. 
Almost unconsciously, or maybe by habit at this point, Chan finds himself wandering through the rows with you. Every now and then, you pause to consider a pumpkin before moving on. There’s so much concentration on the task, and he can’t help but to wonder if you’re just excited or if you’re also avoiding thinking about other things. 
“What are you looking for?” Chan finally asks. 
You turn and regard him for a second, evidently deciding that he’s just curious rather than judgmental. “Okay, don’t think it’s lame…”
“Why would I?” he asks honestly.
“I sort of have a couple ideas for what I want to carve,” you admit. “Do you, is it okay if I show you?”
“Yeah, of course,” comes Chan’s immediate reply. 
There’s that smile again, the one that lights up your whole face like this is the best day that you can imagine.  You pull your phone out of your pocket and open your photos. It’s hard to miss that all the recent images are from the things you’ve done as a group or screenshots or things saved from random searches. There aren’t any recent ones, as you quickly scroll, with you and Seungsik. His attention is pulled back to the task at hand when you show him a couple of different carving ideas you have. 
“Which one do you like best?” you ask after showing him several. 
“It’s hard to pick. Honestly, I think you should get a couple of pumpkins,” Chan answers. 
That actually seems to make you happier as you pluck one from nearby that’s apparently perfect for at least one of your ideas. Chan offers to hold it for you as the two of you carry on in finding just the right pumpkins. It’s interesting, especially having picked apples with you, that you spend so much more care in this. You explain that some of the pumpkins don’t have the best sides so they don’t look as good when you carve them. They’re good for displaying as is or good to back with, but you want the prettiest pumpkins if you’re carving something.
Well, he can’t really argue with that. 
Once you’re all back at his and Jay’s apartment, everyone splits off in different directions. You and Jiyeon immediately go to bring out your apple desserts. Chan’s a little surprised, still, that Seokmin and Mina actually made something together. But it all looks good, and he’s kind of hungry. Lisa, who suggested ordering actual food, manages to get the bags inside with Vernon’s help. The two of them get to work setting all the food out on the counter for people to start getting plates. Chan starts pulling out plates and glasses for everyone. Jay clears off their little dining table, which isn’t big enough for everyone, as well as the coffee table. It’s not like this is anything formal anyway. 
Even though you and Jiyeon want to start with the desserts, Mina manages to convince you to have actual food first. Then, as everyone is carving, they can start trying whatever looks best to them. You reluctantly agree from your spot on the floor. There’s plenty of space to sit on the couch, but instead, you sit on the floor, right next to Chan’s legs, occasionally brushing against him as you move. It’s a little harder for him to watch you without being so obvious and just as hard to ignore your presence. There’s a vibrance to you again, like everything in your world is right. Like nothing could possibly be missing. It doesn’t escape his notice that you don’t mention Seungsik; don’t seem to be missing him during this activity. It’s not like apple picking where he bailed. He was never part of these plans. Maybe that’s the key, or maybe you’re realizing that doing all of this with friends can be just as fun. Whatever the reason, Chan wants you to keep smiling like this. 
After protesting, sitting on the floor to eat, Chan has to agree that sitting on the floor to carve pumpkins makes the most sense. It’s easier when you’re not bending over to the coffee table level. It also gives him more space. Like Lisa, he’s using a stencil that he printed out. He wants it to be perfect, and he’s not sure he could do it freehand. 
“Okay, I want dessert. Who’s going to tell me what’s what?” Vernon announces.
You’re up before anyone can say anything to grab your desserts. Plural. “Okay, so I made two…”
“Which is cheating,” Jiyeon interjects.
“Is not,” you reply and stick your tongue out at her. You open each container. “These are just apple fritters and these are salted caramel apple bars.”
“Tell me you did not make caramel from scratch, too,” Jiyeon whines. 
“It’s so easy, of course I did,” you retort. 
“Ugh, of course,” Jiyeon groans. “Anyway, I made apple-pomegranate cobbler.”
“Which looks amazing,” you compliment, causing Jiyeon to beam. 
“And since we knew these two would go totally over the top, we just made plain old apple pie,” Mina says. 
“Hey, we worked hard, don’t undersell it,” Seokmin points out.
“I’m sure it’s great, Seok,” Lisa says to pacify him. 
“I’m going to eat it all,” Vernon announces.
He goes to get a plate and, true to his word, puts some of everything on it. You carry on carving and wave off Chan’s offer to get you something. It’s hard not to play favorites, but he also doesn’t want some of everything. At least not yet. So he grabs one of the salted caramel apple bars that you made and some of Jiyeon’s dessert. Things get quiet again as everyone is either enjoying the dessert or focusing on their pumpkins. 
Despite Vernon taking a break to eat as much dessert as he could stomach, he does get back to working on his pumpkin and it’s annoying how good it looks. He went in without a plan and his pumpkin is one of the best. Chan thinks his could probably be a lot better, but he’s also happy with it. As predicted, Lisa abandoned hers halfway through and has been picking music to play ever since. It’s kind of nice, though, to have her doing that. It makes the whole afternoon into the evening pass by in the best way. 
Chan should probably think of new words, but this is another one of those days that just feels like the best of the season. Everyone is together and happy. Nobody is fighting, unless it’s you and Jiyeon playfully arguing when your apple bars win as the best dessert. It’s fine to be in your feelings, and Chan meant it when he said he would be happy with whatever side you wanted to show him. It’s also important to have the lighter days. The easy days. The ones that make weathering the storm a little more manageable. It’s clear there’s definitely still a storm, and he’s thankful for the little breaks like this. 
However, as it turns to night, everyone starts to filter out of the apartment. Seokmin, Mina, and Lisa want to go out to the bar and ask if anyone else wants to come. Jiyeon and Vernon already planned to go out to dinner. They’re still in that phase where they want to act like they’re not dating, even though they definitely are, and everyone is happy for them. Jay’s been talking to someone off some dating app that he wants to go hang out with. That just leaves you and Chan.
“I’m actually kinda tired, so I think I might just stay in,” Chan tells Seokmin when he asks again if either of you wants to come to the bar with them.
“I don’t really feel like going out,” you admit before looking at Chan. “Do you mind if I stay here with you?”
“Course not,” Chan answers, ignoring the look he knows Jay is giving the two of you. Your brother’s never really been good at being subtle. 
“Lame, but I get it,” Lisa says with a shrug.  Everyone but Jay filters out for their plans and he disappears into his bedroom to get ready. Chan gets up to start cleaning up and putting everything away. 
“You don’t need to help. You’re a guest,” Chan tells you when you join in on the cleaning.
“Wow, a guest? And here I thought we were friends,” you scoff. 
Chan shakes his head. “You know what I mean.” 
“I figure if I help then I can rope you into watching a movie with me,” you answer.
“Fine,” Chan says, pretending to be put out.
Truthfully, he’s going to agree to whatever you want to do. You could say that you wanted to learn a new language and Chan would probably at least give it a try. Down horrifically bad. Yet, he’s too caught up in thinking about hanging out with you again that he doesn’t see the way you look over at him every few minutes. Misses the way your gaze softens at how much care he uses in moving the pumpkins. Misses the way your eyes rake over him as if you’re seeing him for the first time. He’s so caught up in his own thoughts that he doesn’t realize things are starting to shift for you as well. 
Instead, the two of you finish cleaning up mostly in silence and are settling onto the couch by the time Jay reemerges. Convenient timing given that he doesn’t have to even make up an excuse about why he can’t help. You’re quick to call him on it and he’s just as quick to brush it off as he runs out the door. It leaves you and Chan on your own for the night. So you pick the place for take away and Chan picks the first movie. Just like that, you settle in for the night. 
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part 2 coming on dec. 3rd, part 3 coming on dec. 6th. let me know what you think and if you'd like to be tagged 💕
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agaypanic · 11 months
The Fella Part 9 (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
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Summary: The girls have been waiting for months to see Take That in Belfast. When a polar bear is on the loose and Mary forbids them from going, they have to take matters into their own hands.
A/N: only took a million years but i finally wrote a new part lol BIG thanks to @crumpets-are-better-with-jam for writing out the episode’s script for me, without them I probably would’ve never found the time to be able to write this. Also the word g*psy is censored and used as little as possible because it’s considered a slur but some say that if you say it with the right context it’s ok, but i don’t wanna take any chances, you know?
The weekends were always the best part of the week for Y/n. No school or work, no obligations except for church on Sunday, and being able to sleep in late. Y/n wished to be an adult, so her life could be like this every day.
But this was going to be the weekend of all weekends. Months ago, the girls and James scrimped and saved every coin and bill and were able to buy concert tickets to see Take That in Belfast. And today was the day of the concert. The girls sat all squished together on the couch, watching said band on the TV, with James perched on the arm of the sofa, subtly clinging to Y/n. Their relationship was still a secret somehow, today marking their third month together. They were honestly surprised nobody noticed how their affection was more than friendly.
“God Almighty.” Grandpa Joe spoke in horror, glaring at the screen. “I don’t know what the world is coming to. Bloody perverts.”
“You’re overreacting, Da,” Mary said from the kitchen. Joe scoffed in disbelief.
“Overreacting? That lad’s got no trousers on, for Christ’s sake.” Michelle grinned at the detail that had been pointed out.
“He’s wearing too much still, if I’ve anything to say about it.” She muttered to the girls, who giggled apart from James and Clare.
“Why do they keep touching themselves?” Grandpa Joe asked the telly, as if it would provide any answers.
“‘Cause they’re artists, Granda,” Erin said, but he just grumbled.
“Dirty English bastards is what they are.” He turned to look at James. “No offense, son.” Although he didn’t really sound like he cared whether or not he had offended the boy. Y/n patted James’ thigh in comfort as the scene on the TV changed from the girls’ beloved boy band to a news anchor. 
“Come on, girls. Time to hit the road here.” Gerry announced as he came in. He gestured at James. “Have they roped you into going as well, son?” Y/n laughed, leaning against James to look at her father.
“Hardly. He’s practically riding Gary Barlow. Aren’t ya, Jamie?” He rolled his eyes at the statement, as if they had had this kind of conversation a hundred times.
“I’m not! I just respect him as a songwriter, that’s all.” Michelle rolled her eyes at him, as if she had also had this kind of conversation a hundred times.
“Aye, dead on, James, so you do.”
“Will we need our passports, Gerry?” Orla asked, giving her lungs a break from blowing on her mother’s spray tan.
“For Belfast? I don’t think so, Love.”
“Belfast?” Joe asked, but was ignored.
“Are we not a bit early, Daddy?” Erin asked, checking the time on the wall.
“It’s a two-hour drive with traffic, love.”
“This thing’s in Belfast?” Sick of not being acknowledged, Grandpa Joe stood from his favorite chair to stand with the girls and Gerry.
“Da, it’s eight hours till the doors open,” Y/n said, almost laughing at her father’s sense of urgency.
“I know. We’re cutting it fine.” He seemed completely serious about the matter, which just made Y/n want to laugh more.
“Belfast?” Joe said again, now effectively catching the room’s attention. “Sure, why didn’t you just sell the wains into white slavery and be done with it?”
“Gerry will be with them, Da.” Mary tried to reason, but that just seemed to set him off even more.
“Well, that’s worse. Sure, they hate his kind there.”
“My kind?” Gerry asked, not knowing what Joe could possibly be talking about.
“Pricks.” Y/n laughed, shrinking in her seat when Gerry whipped around to look at his daughter in offense. “Sorry, Daddy.”
“That is enough!” Mary finalized, still working in the kitchen. “They’re going to the concert, Da, and that’s the end of the matter.”
The news switched to another topic again. Something about how a polar bear escaped from Belfast Zoo. Hearing the name, Y/n started to worry.
“Now, will you see sense?” Grandpa Joe asked his daughter, pointing at the TV. Erin snorted.
“Aye, Granda, ‘cause an escaped polar bear’s gonna track us down and kill us. As if Mammy’s bothered by that.” There was a beat of silence, and suddenly, all the girls were panicked.
“Wise up, Mammy!” Y/n squealed frantically, shooting up from her seat on the couch to get a good look at her mother. “As if a polar bear’s gonna rock up a Take That concert!”
“He wouldn’t get a ticket for a start,” Orla added. “They sold out months ago.”
“You’d be surprised, girls,” Mary said.
“The concert’s nowhere near the zoo.” Gerry tried to reason. As usual, Joe countered him.
“But he’s not in the zoo anymore, is he, Simple Simon? He’s sauntering about Belfast without a care in the world!”
“Aye, keep up, Gerry,” Sarah said, blowing on the wet tan that coated her fingers. 
“What I’m saying is that it would be quite a lot of ground for him to cover.”
“They’re quick on their feet when they wanna be, love,” Mary said. Y/n sped to her father, grabbing him by the shoulders to make him face her.
“Daddy, please, don’t listen to her.” She pleaded. “We should go now so we’re not late. Please, Da!” Gerry put his hands on his daughter’s wrists, rubbing his thumbs over the joints while giving her a sympathetic look.
“Oh, love, I’m sorry, but I’d rather keep my head.”
“Come on, Mary.” Michelle pleaded with the girl’s mother. “If you don’t let Y/n and Erin go, then our ma’s won’t let us go.”
“Well, neither they should, and I’ll be ringing them to say as much.” The teens looked at Mary in despair as she went to the phone, likely to ring everyone’s mothers. While dialing, Mary looked back to the living room. “Look, girls, I know how much you were looking forward to seeing This and That.”
“Take That.” Erin corrected.
“But there’ll be other concerts.” Y/n laughed humorlessly, resting her head on her father’s shoulder momentarily before letting go of him completely. 
“No, there won’t.” She felt hysterical. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Months of looking forward to this concert just to be banned by her mother because of a polar bear. Only something like this would happen to her. “The fact that this one’s happening is a miracle ‘cause no one good comes here ‘cause we all keep killing each other!” James shifted on the arm of the couch to make room for Y/n to sit next to him. He rubbed her back as she leaned against him for support, devastated.
“And now we’re overrun with polar bears.” Sarah sighed, pulling out a cig.
Frustrated, Y/n stormed up to her room, the girls and James close behind. They had found her face down on her bed, screaming into a pillow. James sat beside her, pulling the pillow out of her grasp before she could suffocate herself. While everyone settled in Y/n’s room, she rested her head on James’ thigh. Her anger and sadness were slowly washing away from James rubbing her back.
“This is so fucking unfair.” She muttered.
“I know,” James responded, brushing hair out of her face.
“Well, I dunno about you lot, but I’m not letting that fat furry fuck ruin the biggest day of my life,” Michelle announced harshly, pacing the floor.
“What can we do?” Erin asked, lying across her sister’s legs.
“Right, listen, girls.” Michelle drew their attention. They hoped that she had come up with a plan to save the day, but were quickly let down. “I’ve never told anyone this before, but… sometimes, when Robbie’s being interviewed, it’s like he’s sending me messages through the TV. You know, like telepathically or whatever, It’s like he’s saying…” She sighed, clearly in a dreamy daze. “We’re meant to be together.”
Everyone stared at her.
“Aye, maybe don’t tell that to anyone again, Michelle,” Erin said. “Ever.”
“I think she might be more cracked than Orla,” Y/n muttered to James, who snorted.
“What?” Orla looked at Y/n after hearing her name.
“Nothing, love.”
“Look, this is too important,” Michelle said. “I’m going to that concert. I’m not afraid of a fucking polar bear!” Everyone enthusiastically agreed. They shouldn’t pay mind to a random bear or what their parents have to say about anything. Nothing would stop the girls and James from seeing Take That.
“I’ll kill it with me own two hands, if I have to.” Orla declared. 
“Bring it on!” Erin egged on.
“Okay. We seem to have gone down a weird road here, people. I think we just got a bit confused.” Ever the realist and anxiety-riddled girl, Clare tried stopping her friends from the odd discussion. “We don’t actually have to fight a polar bear, and if we did, I wouldn’t fancy our chances because, well, they’re massive.” Orla looked around, confused.
“But there’s six of us.”
“Aye, I think we’d have a real chance,” Y/n said, albeit slightly sarcastically.
“The point is, the polar bear’s not the one stopping us from going to the concert. It’s our mothers, and we’ll never get them to change their minds.” Y/n gasped, sitting up suddenly, seeming to have an idea.
“So we fight Mammy.”
“No, definitely not.” James shot down the idea immediately and welcomed his once again pouty girlfriend to rest in his lap. Michelle leaned toward the group like she was gonna tell them a secret.
“We’re not gonna try and change their minds.” She smirked, and everyone became slightly fearful because Michelle always had less than bright ideas that she’d have them execute. “We’re gonna do something else.” 
“What?” James asked.
“I’m still trying to figure out whether or not this is a good idea,” Y/n muttered to James, who she clung to while sitting on his lap. Michelle had somehow convinced everyone to sneak away and get on a bus to Belfast. The group sat in the back of the bus to avoid anyone who may be suspicious of six teenagers traveling by themselves. There wasn’t enough seating for all six of them to sit together, so everyone squished together, and Y/n sat on James’ lap. No one said anything about it besides the comment from Michelle about how James must be giddy to be so close to a girl. He told her to fuck off.
“Same here.” He sighed, hands gripping her closer as the bus crossed a few bumps on the road.
“We’re gonna get caught; I just know it,” Clare said anxiously to the group.
“We’re not gonna get caught, Clare, because as far as our ma’s are concerned, me, you, and James are ’round Erin’s, and Erin, Y/n, and Orla are ’round mine,” Michelle explained, trying to calm Clare down.
“But we’re not ’round yours, Michelle,” Orla responded, confused. “We’re on the bus to Belfast.” 
“Christ.” Y/n rolled her eyes, having heard her cousin say this multiple times since they left the house.
“I cannot explain it to her again. I’m gonna scream.” Michelle looked away from Orla, probably because she would strangle her if she had to deal with the confusion for another second.
“What’s in the suitcase, Michelle?” James asked, staring at the case his cousin had set on the remaining seat near the group. Y/n could’ve sat there, but Michelle wanted a close eye on whatever was in the suitcase without holding it in case they got caught. Everyone stared, curiously waiting for an answer. There was a beat of silence.
“Vodka.” You brought an entire suitcase full of vodka?” Erin asked incredulously.
“Jesus, Michelle, you’ve got a problem,” Y/n added.
“No. There’s mixers as well. I’m not a savage.” Michelle took a second to think, looking down at the case. “You can mix vodka with cider, right?”
“God, I am boiling.” Clare sighed, fanning her face.
“Gee, I wonder why, Clare.” Y/n laughed, looking at her friend who was completely bundled in jackets and scarves.
“What are you wearing?” Erin asked.
“Yeah, you look like a fucking Provo.”
“I don’t want anyone recognizing me, okay?” The bus paused its venture, opening the doors for people to come in and out.
“No one’s gonna recognize you, Clare.” Michelle chastised.
“Clare Devlin, is that you?” Panic ran through everyone. The voice sounded very familiar and fear-inducing. The girls looked towards the front. Sister Michael was moving past the seats and right for them.
“Jesus Christ.” Clare squeaked, trying to hide in her mountain of clothes. Erin leaned into her.
“Relax, Clare.” She said. “She has no authority over us at the weekend. She has no right to question us, and if she tries to, I’ll tell her as much.”
“Aye, I’d like to see you try, Erin.” Y/n hissed to her sister before Sister Michael reached the group.
“Morning, girls.” She said.
“Morning, Sister Michael.” Everyone said in unison.
“What takes you to Belfast?” There was a heavy pause. The girls were silently trying to decide who would speak and what they would say. Erin volunteered herself, speaking quietly from nervousness.
“I’m not really sure that’s-”
“Speak up.” Sister Michael interrupted her. Erin gulped.
“I’m not really sure that that’s any of your business…” Sister Michael stared blankly at her. Everyone waited for her to jump and murder Erin for saying such a thing. Soon, she found words.
“I’m going to assume that was an ill-judged attempt at humor, Miss Quinn.”
“Yes,” Erin whispered, sinking into her seat. Y/n silently prayed that the bus would start moving so Sister Michael would be forced to leave and find a seat somewhere. But God never seemed too kind to the girls.
“Now, answer the question.”
“... We’re going to the museum.” Erin devised a good lie; the girls just hoped they could keep up with the inevitable follow-up questions.
“Which museum?”
“Ulster Museum,” Clare answered.
“What for?”
“A project,” James responded.
“A history project.” Y/n amended. Sister Michael looked at the two. It seemed like she was about to ask why Y/n was in James’ lap, but she decided against it, not wanting to go through the trouble.
“What about?”
“Ulster,” Erin answered once again. Sister Michael gave an unconvinced hum and turned around to find a place to sit. Everyone sighed in relief as the bus started to move again.
“A history project,” Clare said in disbelief. “This web of lies we’re spinning is getting out of control now, girls.” Y/n put a hand on her friend’s shoulder to take her attention.
“If it makes you feel any better, Clare, I actually have a history project due soon.”
“I thought we finished that,” James said quietly to her. She turned to him.
“Yeah, but now I’ve gotta put it all together.”
“It’s grand, Clare,” Michelle said, rolling her eyes at Clare’s constant anxiousness. “I think she bought it.”
“Of course, she didn’t buy it. She’s onto us, I’m telling you. Oh God, I’m sweltering here.”
“Then take it off,” Erin said.
“I can’t take it off; I’ve nothing underneath it.” Everyone paused, looking at her confused.
“What, not even a bra?” Erin asked.
“Jesus, Clare, you’ve no bra on?” Michelle asked incredulously.
“I haven’t got a bra on,” Orla commented.
“Aye, me neither,” Y/n said.
“What?” James practically choked. Suddenly aware of his girlfriend’s body and this new information, he moved his hands down to sit at her hips. Y/n shrugged.
“They dig.”
“What’s she doing now?” Clare asked, and everyone looked at Sister Michael, who sat a few rows ahead of them. She was reading a book, laughing every now and then.
“Reading her book,” James answered, as if they all couldn’t see it. She suddenly turned to the woman in the seat next to her. She had a look of disgust while the woman ate a sandwich. “Now she’s looking at the woman beside her.” Sister Michael stood from her seat. “Now she’s getting up.” She moved towards the back of the bus, closing in on the girls. “Now she’s coming this way.” Soon enough, Sister Michael stood before the group, staring at them. “Now she’s standing right in front of us.”
“What’s he doing?” Sister Michael asked, looking weirdly at James.
“Now she’s-” James’ words were halted by Y/n putting a finger to his lips.
“Stop narrating, Jamie.”
“I want to sit here.” Sister Michael said with finality, pointing to where Michelle’s suitcase sat. Michelle started to panic.
“What? Why?”
“Well, you’re just such wonderful company, girls, what with your stimulating conversation and razor-sharp wit.” Everyone knew she was being sarcastic. Except for Erin.
“Really?” She asked, seemingly flattered. Sister Michael rolled her eyes.
“No, not really. The woman next to me is eating an egg and onion sandwich, and the smell is enough to turn an Orange March.” The girls cringed at the description. Sister Michael grabbed the suitcase, trying to move it. But she was evidently struggling. “Christ, but this is heavy.”
“Sister, no, let me,” Michelle said, leaning over to grab the case.
“What do you have in here, girls?”
“It’s not ours!” Clare quickly responded with a shriek. Everyone glared at her lie.
“Not yours?”
“We have never seen it before in our lives, have we, girls?” It was better to just agree, so that’s what the girls did. They nodded, giving different mutters of confirmation. 
Sister Michael turned to look at everyone else on the bus.
“Excuse me, everyone. Can I have your attention, please?” She raised her voice to get everyone to listen. Confused, the passengers looked at her while she pointed to Michelle’s suitcase. “Does anyone own this red suitcase?” No one claimed it. “Now, let me be clear. No one can claim this bag, is that correct?” Everyone confirmed her question. She looked down at the suitcase. “I think we have a Code Red on our hands. Driver, pull over!”
The girls were definitely fucked. Everyone had to evacuate the bus while they waited for the military to come and extract the suitcase. Now, a crowd watched as a military robot examined the case.
“Jesus Christ!” Clare squeaked in a panic.
“Aye, this isn’t great,” Erin said, watching the commotion. Michelle shrugged.
“It’s not that big a deal.”
“They’re about to blow up an entire suitcase of vodka, Michelle.” 
As Michelle and Erin quietly argued, Y/n leaned into James’ ear.
“And here I thought Clare’s paranoia would be our biggest problem.” James rested his head on Y/n’s, eyeing the situation in front of him in disbelief.
“Why is this place so mental?” He asked. Michelle scoffed.
“That’s enough, James. You have serious fucking anger management issues. Do you know that?” Before anyone could give a rebuttal, there was an explosion. The robot had successfully eliminated the threat in the red suitcase, which was the girls’ ticket to a good time.
There were lots of talks among the soldiers over the radio. The girls silently celebrated when one said they could pack everything up. Soon enough, they’d be back on the way to Belfast.
“Powerful smell of vodka down here, over.” The girls froze in their places as they heard the soldier over the radio. God really did seem to have it out for the teens.
“Vodka, did he say?” Sister Michael asked, slowly turning to her students. “Interesting.” The girls gave her nervous smiles. Suddenly, Y/n pointed over Sister Michael’s shoulder.
“Oh my God, Sister! What’s over there?!” Sister Michael whipped around, and Y/n made a break for it. All of her friends followed after her. 
They ran like hell, not knowing where they were going. After a while of wandering around, they slowed to a walk down a dirt road, all trying to catch their breath. The girls debated whether or not they could reach Belfast on foot, especially with that polar bear on the loose. But the conversation dwindled as some men came into view on the side of the road.
“Is it just me, or is that g*psy an absolute ride?”
“As usual, I think it’s just you, Michelle,” Y/n said, groaning at her sore legs.
“Michelle, you cannot say that.” Erin scolded.
“They’re called ‘travelers now. Y’can’t say ‘g*psy’ anymore. It’s insulting.”
“Okay, but you just said it, Erin.” Y/n pointed out. Michelle and Erin continued arguing over the correct word to use for the men. It continued for a while, and only stopped when they had gotten closer to the men.
“Howya, girls.” One of them said, with a bit of a slurred speech. The girls politely greeted him and continued walking. They got a few feet past them when the one who greeted them started calling after them. “Hey, hold on.”
“What does he want?” Clare asked in a panic.
“I don’t know,” Erin replied, just as nervous.
“I’m talking to you!” The man shouted. The girls ignored him, but he kept walking after them. “Hey, are you deaf or what?”
“Just keep going.” Y/n urged her friends, grabbing James’ hand to yank him along while she pushed her tired body to go faster. The teens started walking more quickly, and soon enough, the shouting man and his friends were all tailing after them. 
“Get back here!”
“Faster. Walk faster.”
“Am I gonna have to come after you, am I?”
“Jesus Christ, he’s following us,” James muttered, now being the one to pull Y/n further.
“Run!” Y/n yelped, breaking into a sprint and out of James’ grip because the sudden change in pace had caught him off guard. Everyone ran after her, the teens to catch up with Y/n and the travelers to catch up with the teens. The girls were terrified, except for Orla, of course, who could always find the fun in a fucked up situation.
“Piss off!” Erin went to the edge of the dirt road and came back to the strange men waving a giant stick around. They backed up in alarm, and the girls stopped to stand behind Erin.
Except for Y/n, who was still running like hell. James yelled for her, but she couldn’t hear him over the thumping of her feet and heart. She didn’t even notice that her friends had all been left in the dust behind her.
“Jesus fuck!” Y/n screeched when she was grabbed suddenly by the shoulders and yanked back into someone’s chest. The person who caught her breathed heavily, slightly using her as a crutch. Y/n immediately recognized the whines and groans of exhaustion and smacked the man in the arm. “Scared the fuck out of me, James.”
“I know, ‘m sorry.” James brought her closer to him, back pressed against his chest as he rubbed her arms up and down to comfort her. “Can’t run off like that, love. Could’ve lost you.”
“Sorry.” She apologized sheepishly, and James kissed her head to show she shouldn’t be. When the couple regained strength, they turned around and started walking back to the group that was currently arguing with the strange couple of men when they abruptly ran to the side of the dirt road. A van sped past them as if they weren’t even there, honking the horn and stopping in front of the stand-off of travelers and teenage girls. Y/n and James hesitantly watched, not knowing what was happening.
Soon, Erin stuck her head out from behind the van so her sister was in her view. She waved her over frantically.
“Y/n, come on!” Erin then disappeared, likely into the strange van. Knowing everyone else was probably in there, and not wanting to be left stranded, Y/n broke out into another sprint, leaving James in the dust once again.
“Not again.” He mumbled.
When Y/n had snuck away from her family and hopped on a bus to Belfast with her friends, she obviously didn’t expect the bus plan to go to shit, and she and her buddies would be riding around in someone’s van. Yet here she was, jostling around in the back, surrounded by half-assed Take That shirts. Erin was trying to converse with the driver; Rita was apparently her name. Meanwhile, Michelle hogged a cardboard cut-out of Robbie Williams, and Clare and Orla were sifting through all the different merchandise.
“Robie?” Clare said to herself as she held up one of the shirts to look at before frantically digging through the rest of the boxes. In the driver’s seat, Rita seemed to have some type of drunken meltdown. Clare turned to Y/n, panicked like always. “Y/n, what are we gonna do?”
“She’s spelt ‘Robbie’ wrong on every single t-shirt.”
“How are we gonna break it to her?” Y/n snorted. That was not what she expected her dear friend to be worried about.
“Clare, we’re being driven around by some crazy tipsy woman, and I bet she doesn’t even know which direction Belfast is in. And yet you’re worried about a spelling mistake?”
“I find it disturbing.”
“I find your priorities disturbing.” Rita continued talking in her drunken, weepy state, leading to another discussion between Erin and Michelle about the correct label to use for the intimidating men they had run into.
But everything was cut short by the van ramming into something, causing everyone to jerk forward. There was a moment of silence as everyone tried to figure out what had just happened.
“Jesus Christ.” Michelle groaned, rubbing her head as she sat up.
“What was that?” Erin asked no one in particular.
“Did we hit something?” 
Orla opened the sliding door of the van and stuck her head out. Everyone heard a gasp of both surprise and delight.
“Oh my God, it’s the polar bear!” The sentence made everyone, excluding Rita, who smoked her cigarette in the driver’s seat, jump out of the van and surround the body. 
“Orla, this is not a bloody polar bear.” Y/n sneered, looking down at the dead sheep that lay before her feet. Everyone slowly looked over at her.
“You’re soundin’ like James,” Michelle said in slight disgust.
“Shut up.”
“Get it shifted, girls!” Rita commanded from the van, taking another drag. Reluctantly, the girls grabbed the sheep carcass and tried carrying it to the side of the road to clear their path. There was a lot more struggling than they intended.
“Why’s it so heavy?” Erin said with a strained voice. “Aren’t they meant to be ninety percent wool?”
“Just put your back into it. The sooner this is done, the sooner we’re back in the van and on our way to see Robbie.”
“Shut it about Robbie, Michelle!” Y/n groaned, trying to pull the sheep. There was much more arguing, and after a very short while, the girls decided they were officially over this task.
“Fuck this!” Michelle shouted. “Let’s just make James do it, the lazy bastard!” Everyone dropped the sheep on the ground and waited for James to do all the work.
But he never did. It was just the girls on an empty road with a dead sheep and a crazy woman. 
“Wh… Where is James?” Clare asked, looking around, hoping he’d suddenly pop out of a bush or something. 
Y/n thought long and hard. She might have been the last one to be with James. Backtracking to her last known moments with James, Y/n gasped and raised a hand to her mouth. The girls looked at her expectantly, waiting to find out where he was. Her response was an embarrassed and horrified whisper.
“I left him with the travelers.”
It took much persuasion, mainly for Michelle, but the girls had gotten Rita to go back for James. It was primarily the revelation that James was the one who had the concert tickets. After a long drive, the van skidded to a stop in front of the traveler’s stands of vegetables and fruits. James was among the men, helping them. Y/n yanked the van door open, relieved that her boyfriend hadn’t been mugged or stranded or something else of the sort.
“James!” She yelled in delight, immediately catching his attention. He grinned but stayed stuck in his place.
“What are you playing at? Get in the van, fucko.” Michelle commanded, less thrilled to see James than Y/n was. The man who first chased the girls put a hand on James’ shoulder.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, James.”
“With all due respect, this has nothing to do with you.”
“Yeah!” Y/n added, desperately waiting for her boyfriend to get into the van.
“The way you treat this fella, it’s disgraceful.” The traveler reprimanded.
“Fucking excuse me?” Y/n felt beyond insulted.
“What’s going on, James?” Michelle asked.
“Jonjo and the lads…” James looked at said lads with a smile. “They just get me. And it turns out, I’m a really good salesman.”
“He’s a natural,” Jonjo said.
“So, what, you’re a g*psy now?” Michelle asked, clearly thinking this was an unfunny prank.
“Traveler.” Erin and Y/n corrected in unison, Erin louder than her sister.
“Actually, g*psy’s fine,” Jonjo said. Michelle smirked, finally being able to prove to Erin that she was right. Rita yelled at everyone to hurry up, and Michelle nodded.
“Right, get in the van, come on. And do not test me ’cause we’ve already missed PJ and Duncan.”
“Is that who was supporting them?” Clare asked. When confirmed, she pouted. “Oh, I really like them!”
“I’m not leaving, Michelle,” James said with finality.
Y/n sighed, stepping out of the van. The tense gaze James had for his cousin softened when his girlfriend walked up to him.
“Not even for Gary Barlow, Jamie?” Y/n knew she made the right move because now James looked unsure of himself.
“I don’t really rate him as a, as a songwriter, y’know?” Jonjo said. The horrified look James suddenly had painted on his face made Y/n smile, both because she knew that the girls would now be leaving with him and because he looked so adorable. 
James took off his fanny pack and handed it to Jonjo in disappointment, refusing to make eye contact.
“I’m sorry, Jonjo, but you’ve just crossed the line there.” 
Y/n wrapped an arm around James’ back and guided his sad self to the van, where the door was just behind them. She brought him to the back of the van so he could mope a bit in peace. The girls all talked excitedly amongst themselves about the concert.
“I’m sorry I stranded you,” Y/n said quietly, moving her hand down James’ back to squeeze his hand. He squeezed it back and smiled softly down at her.
“I’m just glad you came back.”
“Of course, I came back. You have the concert tickets.” James shoved Y/n away and couldn’t hide the growing grin from hearing her laugh. “Kidding, kidding.”
After a long drive, long lines, and a big fight to get to the barricade, the Derry girls were finally able to enjoy Take That in all its glory. They screamed the lyrics, jumped to the beat, and danced all together in excitement. They didn’t care about the consequences when they would get home to their parents, who were probably worried sick. They didn’t worry about how they’d get home that night. All that mattered was that they were currently in the presence of one of their favorite bands of all time.
Somewhere in the middle of the set, the excitement winded down a bit as a piano intro played. Y/n squealed, tugging on James’ sleeve, as she recognized what was dubbed as her and James’ song, A Million Love Songs. James grinned at her excitement.
“Oh my God! I have something for you!” Y/n exclaimed over the music, digging around in her pockets. James looked down curiously as she brought out a folded piece of paper. “If it’s bad, you’re not allowed to make fun of me.”
“What is it?” James leaned down so he was closer to eye level with Y/n, making her blush. She pinched the edge of the paper, creasing it a bit.
“Do you remember when Erin became magazine editor, and we were going through those essays and… and Michelle found mine?” James nodded, remembering the day clearly because he was devastated when he heard the title of her little essay. “Well, I figured, since it’s our third month together and all… I wanted to give it to you.” He was gentle when taking the paper from her, so incredibly curious about what she had written. “Especially since my fancy isn’t so one-sided as I thought.”
All Y/n could focus on was the beautiful song in the background and the beautiful boy in front of her, reading words that had come straight from her heart when she thought her love for James was just a hopeless crush. She didn’t know if it was a good sign, seeing him become more flustered and blushy as he read on. When he was finished, he slowly and carefully folded the paper back up while Take That started to play a more energetic song.
“Again, you can’t make fun of me if it’s bad!” Y/n shouted over the noise. “I know Erin’s the writer or whatever, but- oof!” She was interrupted by James pulling her to his chest, arms wrapped tight around her and face buried in the crook of her neck. She immediately returned the affections. 
“It’s amazing.” He said in her ear. “Amazing, and lovely, and perfect. Just like the girl who wrote it.” Unable to help herself, Y/n brought James’ face to hers and kissed him with such passion, a passion he reciprocated instantly. It was as if it was only them existing at that moment.
Of course, it wasn’t. Clare would later tease and squeal at the two and interrogate them about when they had finally gotten together and why they didn’t tell her. Too enamored with the men just feet away from them, the rest of the girls didn’t even notice the couple.
And somewhere in Derry, while the rest of her family was fighting, Y/n’s father Gerry smiled fondly at his television where he saw his daughter having the time of her life at a Take That concert with her best friends and boyfriend. A boyfriend he’d absolutely be asking her about in private when he had the chance.
TAG LIST: @mistahjsfunnygirl @etherealdisneyvillainness @crystalsoobin-m @raggedyoldwitch @rosetintworld @regretthatsme @neenieweenie @allexiiisss @drmeghanjones @eli-com @anything-for-our-moony-toast @ilovespideyyy @eddisaurus @imagines--galore @imastabu @emma-is-a-nerd @sir1usblacksgf @kaz-2y567 @ventingtostrangersontheinterwebs @spidercrush3 @humanoid-freak14 @the-lonely-raisin @miilkshakess @underthebatcape @dear-jamespotter @brithedemonspawn @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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shou-jpeg · 9 months
-Back on the Beat-
Part 4. 06
One year later
November 19th, 9:50pm 
Kim hits a high note and the crowd goes wild. 
He’s sweaty and high on adrenaline, approaching the end of his largest show yet. 
It’s only a few hundred people, but it’s also a sold out show, and Kim still feels a little overwhelmed with that knowledge.
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Porchay is in the crowd. 
He had walked into their apartment five weeks ago and announced to Kim that he was going to celebrate the end of his first year of university by devoting himself wholly to being WiK’s #1 fan; a job he then applied himself to with as much, if not more gusto than he applied himself to studying medicine. 
He looks ridiculous right now, dressed head to toe in unofficial, homemade WiK merch. He’s also holding a handmade sign above his head and Kim has to stop himself from smiling like an idiot every time he looks over at him so his fans don’t start rumours.
They'd agreed to keep their relationship on the down-low, for now. Only while Kim builds his audience, since being single sells.
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He holds Chay’s gaze throughout the entirety of the song they wrote together and the people around Chay are definitely noticing. Kim isn’t doing a very good job at being subtle, he thinks.
Oh well. 
He’s exhausted, but he raises his arms over his head and makes a heart with his fingers to thank his audience as he closes the set. The crowd goes wild once more and Chay is giggling into his hand over something.
He’s so cute. 
He’s probably laughing at Kim though, Kim thinks warily. 
A few days later, Chay announces that a photo of Kim from his concert is going viral on twitter and is doing wonders to boost his popularity both nationally and internationally. Something about people thinking he’s cute?
Kim considers how much he can press and the wary way the bodyguards back at the compound look at him when he walks past. 
He’s definitely not cute.
Porchay won’t let him see his phone though, and he can't be bothered to check himself.
Whatever. So long as it’s getting him good reviews.
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May 23rd, 6:05pm - a few months earlier
“I think Jimbo likes you more than me now.”
Porchay scoffs. “That’s just because I’m the one who feeds him most of the time. You’re always out these days, being all popular and in demand. What will we do when you become proper famous?”
“You don’t like having a popular boyfriend?” Kim pouts, turning to look at Porchay from where he lies on the bed, watching him play with their cat. Porchay only moved in last week, yet he’s taken on being a cat parent like nothing else. Kim has barely even cleaned the litter this past week. It’s been a weird disruption to his daily routine, but it has given him a lot less to worry about with his increasingly erratic schedule. 
He released the song they wrote together last month and it hit the national top 10. He’s had three different studios reach out, wanting to sign him. 
Kim tries not to think about it too much; it’s too overwhelming, how good he feels about it. The bars he usually performs in are starting to become too small for the crowd that he draws. 
He should probably hire a manager. 
Porchay looks up at him. “P’Kim as your biggest fan, I could not be more thrilled to be dating my idol. It’s like I’m living inside of a fanfiction.”
Kim hums, hesitant.
“Does that mean we get to live happily ever after?”
It’s way too soon, they’ve only been together six months. Kim was ready to spend his life with Chay from the moment Chay unblocked him, but he’s pretty sure there are rules around these things. 
Kim isn’t good at this. Porchay told him so himself… though he was smiling at him fondly when he did. 
He’s smiling that same smile at him again now. 
“Yeah,” Chay says, soft. “We get to live happily ever after, p’Kim.”
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February 10th, 9:28am
“I want to study medicine.”
Porsche looks at him with almost comical surprise, and Porchay tries not to laugh at his expression.
They’re out at their new weekly brunch date together, and Chay has been waiting for the right moment to bring this topic up. He’s spent a lot of time over the past few months, both on his own and with Kim’s help, figuring out what he wants to do with his future. He’s feeling pretty confident in his choice, but he hasn’t even begun looking at universities yet and enrollments are coming up soon. 
“I’m not sure what field I want to specialise in yet, but I’ve thought a lot about it and medicine feels like the right direction for me. I should have at least a year of classes before I have to choose my field - I want to feel it out a little and see what feels right for me. I was hoping you could help me look at university courses?”
Porsche puts his fork down and settles back, serious but obviously trying to hold back his glee. “Of course, Chay. We can get you into any university you want.”
“No!” Chay interrupts him, “I want to get in on my own merit. I only want help finding a good course… please…”
Porsche smiles at him, big and wide and happy. “You can do it! Come around here, let’s start now!”
Chay gets up and moves around to join Porsche on his side of the table, bringing his phone with him. 
“Okay, so I’ve already been looking at a couple courses. Tell me what you think, hia…”
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February 6th, 11:39pm
“What about some sort of doctor?”
Porchay looks up at Kim. 
They’ve been going through lists upon lists of career ideas and quizzes and self help guides. It’s been nearly four hours and Porchay really shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was with the seriousness and intensity at which Kim approached the task. 
Kim loves solving cases and sorting through things. It’s something Porchay discovered recently, and even though the topics themselves sometimes aren’t so cute, the way Kim gets when he has something to solve in front of him definitely is. 
He reaches over to smooth the little furrow between Kim's brows. “What kind of doctor?”
“I don’t know. You said before that you wanted to do something to help people, but didn’t put your own self at risk.” He's right, but it’s also a little left field. All the results from Porchay’s quizzes have pointed him in the direction of something creative, and they haven’t done much research outside of creative careers yet. 
Porchay thinks about Porsche and his new, scary job. He thinks about Kim and his tendency to push himself too hard. 
He thinks about Khun, and Kinn and all the bodyguards.
Yeah. Something about that feels right.
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January 26th, 10:45am
It’s their two month anniversary and Porchay is nearly jumping on his heels as he waits in the lobby of Kim's building. Kim approaches slowly, trying to look cool and not at all as nervous as he feels inside. 
Chay has been secretive about today, only telling Kim to keep his schedule completely clear. He's been distracted every time they've seen each other over the past couple of weeks abd Kim has had to put a surprising amount of effort into not trying to suss out what Chay has been planning for them. 
An effort that proved even more challenging when Khun's crytic texts began rolling in even couple of days.
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Of course it turns out Khun was on the money with everything. As usual.
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“You never use it, so I stole it back the other week and made you this.”
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November 28th, 10:35am 
“I’m a little nervous.” Chay is sitting across from him, boba tea in hand and a light flush to his cheeks. 
They’re at their usual boba tea spot, but it’s also their first date.
Kim is feeling the same. 
Chay laughs at him lightly. “P’Kim! Are you nervous too? You’ve hardly said anything since we got here.”
Kim takes a moment to consider, looking up from his tea at Chay’s slowly growing smile. 
“...mmmm.” Chay laughs loudly enough that a few people around them turn in their direction. Kim smiles. 
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missusmiller · 1 year
Ignore this if you want and thank you for the hard work: Can I have a Scenario or one shot with Neteyam and fem S/O who is human but is sick, they are close friends and S/O always writes poems and songs for him, S/O has a heart disease that's why they are creating an Avatar for her, she loves to sing but she never sang again since she knew her heart and since she stayed on Pandora. But once she gets her Avatar body finally she can run, get rid of chest pains, fatigue, and the fear of dying and finally can sing again.
yayo // n.s x human -> na’vi reader
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contains: lots of mentions of dying, heart disease, chronic illness stuff, soul transfer scene, fluff, shitty writing, drinking and being drunk, being in love with eywa cuz shes awesome
notes: this is not proofread at all my bad. also yayo means bird in na’vi cuz reader sings and birds sing so yeah aw so cute.
2.5k words
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was thirteen years old, roughhousing with Neteyam and his younger siblings on the forest floor. We were having endless amounts of childish fun until I collapsed onto the dirt in a fit of breathless wails. Pain filled my chest as my heart eventually stopped beating. Neteyam carried me back in a panic to the lab where I was taken to get medical attention. I was thirteen when they told me I had valvular heart disease. I was thirteen when my life changed forever.
When I was diagnosed five years ago, Norm wasted no time to make sure I got an avatar. That avatar was my escape from the decaying prison I call my body. It felt like forever until he allowed me to drive it and when I did I was still restricted from doing most things. My heartbeat in my avatar body translates through the link so if I went too hard, my human heart would suffer. My avatar just temporarily stopped me from feeling the constant aches and pain.
Everyday my human body was only getting weaker and the topic of my death seemed to come up a lot more often in hushed conversations between the scientists. I could see the pity in everyone’s eyes as I walked around the lab. The pitiful looks towards me put a bitter taste in my mouth.
The only things that kept me from rotting in my bed for days on end were music, my poems, and my loved ones. Neteyam visited on a regular basis, often with his siblings or parents.
On the days that it was just Neteyam, he got the opportunity to see songs and poems I wrote. I’d hum the melody, not having enough courage or energy to sing fully. Those days usually ended with me ripping out his favorite song or poem of the day from my journal and gifting it to him. The loss of paper was worth seeing the thankful smile on his face every time. Throughout the years of our friendship, he never seemed to have a clue that my more romantic writings were about him.
Speaking of Neteyam, his obnoxiously cute accent echoed through my room as he entered and announced himself, “Y/N, your favorite friend has arrived!”
“Yes, you are my favorite friend, Nete. Always will be until my demise pretty soon.” I said with a small, careful laugh. Everything I did these days had to be done with caution.
Although what I said wasn’t meant to be taken in a depressing manner, I didn’t miss the look of pity and sadness that swam in Neteyam’s big yellow eyes.
“Hey man, don’t be like that. It’ll be okay, Nete.” I lied, motioning for him to come over to my bed where I laid. Since he was entirely too big to fit on my bed he settled on the floor next to me. I reached out to pet his hair like I usually do to comfort him but his large hand gently stopped my hand from going any further.
“You are dying yet you still try to comfort me? Think about yourself for once, Y/N. You are the one that needs comfort.” Neteyam lectures me, a stern face meeting my sight. Ironic how he is the one saying this considering his history.
A sigh left my mouth and I rolled onto my back to stare at anything but his intimidating eyes. He wasn’t wrong. I’ve been making sure everyone else was okay with my situation without even making sure that I was okay with my situation.
When I turned back around and looked at him again, it was like I could feel the imaginary concrete dam of numbness break down. What followed was the flooding of all those emotions and throughts that were kept at bay. I have always despised the way that Neteyam could break my walls down so easily.
“You’re right. I’m not ready to die, I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared.” My voice cracked embarrassingly at the word ‘die’ but neither me nor Neteyam cared in the moment.
“You will not die,” He paused for a moment to confirm what he was about to say, “because Eywa can bless you like she did with my father when he was human. I prayed to Eywa for permission and she gave me a sign. My parents approve, Y/N. But only if you wish to do this.”
My eyes widened and I shot up from my bed, tumbling onto the floor which earned me a hiss of concern from my friend. Out of pure excitement and disbelief, I quickly sat up on my knees and grabbed his face to place many fast happy kisses all over it.
Immediately after my loving attack on his face, he had to take a few breaths from his specialized mask. I didn’t pay much attention to it, not knowing his breathlessness had been due to my actions.
“I—I didn’t know you’d be this excited.” He managed to choke out as a purple hue spread throughout his cheeks and ears.
“Nete, you are giving me a way to not only live longer but a way to live with the people I love. I can be with you, Kiri, Lo’ak, and Tuk without any of us having to wear masks. I can sing again. Like truly actually sing again.”
A large grin stretched across Neteyam’s face upon my realization. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t miss my voice. I used to sing him Earthly lullabies and songs in our youth before my heart became weak. Even though we were young, he would always tell me that I was going to be a strong singer much like his mother and Ninat.
The rest of the night we joked, hugged, and messed around. He even sang the same song to me that I used to sing to him as kids. The act alone made my heart felt like it was going to burst but in a good way not like the usual heart attack painful way.
Eclipse soon came and Neteyam had to leave to attend to his duties —future Olo’eyktan stuff and all that. We kept in contact for days after to prepare me for my soul transferring ceremony.
When the day arrived, I was both nervous and excited. There was always a risk that I could be too weak to make it through the eye of Eywa. But if I were to die I’d rather die and be with Eywa than anywhere else.
The scenery was absolutely beautiful. Tons of Na’vi sat in rows, their bonds connected to the ground as they chanted a prayer. The ground lit up with bioluminescent blue lights, the tree a beautiful pinkish purple.
Mo’at stood at the tree, awaiting me.
Neteyam carried my leaf covered body through the aisle and he gave me a calming smile to ease my nerves. Eywa gave him a sign so he had absolutely no worries about this.
He followed Mo’at’s instructions to place me diagonally to where my na’vi body lay. “See you on the other side, yayo.” Neteyam said before stepping off to the side to allow the tsahik to do her thing.
The rest of the process was unknown to me because after Mo’at started chanting, my consciousness began to float up and out of my body. All physical restraints were broken as this spirit form danced freely.
A breathtakingly beautiful woman came into my vision. She looked like nothing I had ever seen before. Her energy made me feel warm, like no harm could ever come to me.
“Oh child, such a pure spirit you are.”
If I had a physical form at the moment I’d cry in her arms. I felt so vulnerable. So much so that I couldn’t talk but she knew what I had to say. She felt so loving, I didn’t want to leave.
“You cannot stay, child. He needs you.”
“He needs you.”
As if on cue, my spirit was sucked from the high place back down to life. I shot up in shocked surprise. Everything was fuzzy and I lost any remembrance of where I was.
A pair of strong arms held my panicked body close to theirs and they stroked my hair until I calmed. The ringing in my ears soon became sharp, clear sounds. Sounds of my name being whispered. Sounds of the rain lightly falling. Sounds of leaves brushing against one another.
“That’s it, that’s it. Come back to me.” A voice that I’ve known to always warm my heart spoke. The result on my heart was as previously stated.
Everything came back to me.
I wasted no time to shout tearful praise for Eywa and the clan started ululating as a response of joy.
Neteyam couldn’t help the tears that left his eyes. I was finally safe. I was finally okay.
“Now we celebrate!” Jake Sully yells like one of his war speeches and the clan roared before they started leaving to regroup somewhere—I assumed.
I felt something behind me swish in excitement. I look and my face lit up. A tail. A really adorable cute tail.
“Get her some clothes and meet us at the party!” Kiri laughed to Neteyam and the Sully family left quickly.
My heart dropped at the realization that I was in fact fully naked, “OH MY GOD IM BOOTYBUTT NAKED!”
Neteyam’s laugh boomed through the forest and the sound only added to the fast paced beating in my chest.
“You are Na’vi now! It does not matter! Come on, I already have an outfit planned for you. You’ll love it.” He took my hand and excitedly dragged me along to wherever he had my clothes. We reached his home which was empty considering the surrounding Na’vi were down celebrating the latest gift from Eywa, my rebirth.
Neteyam took some pieces of fabric from a box and tossed them over to me. I unraveled them and blinked in confusion.
“How do I put these strings on?”
After instruction, trial, and error, I finally got the loincloth and top on.
Looking in the mirror that I gifted Neteyam a few months ago, I inspected this outfit that he had so much confidence that I’d like.
The top was made of colorful woven thread and fabric, almost like crochet, and it splayed on my body like a necklace but tied in the back. It provided enough coverage for me to feel comfortable while also feeling supportive since my body was built a bit differently than normal Na’vi women. The loincloth was a pretty purple color, probably made of the same material as Neytiri’s leggings, and it only covered the front part. But I didn’t mind because when I turned around in the mirror, my ass looked good.
“Your past human vanity will rot your mind.” Neteyam joked as he watched me pose so that I could look at my nice blue ass.
After his little remark I stopped posing and stuck my tongue out at him before stating, “You ain’t gotta be human to recognize sexy. Now let’s go have fun.”
As we ran down branches without a care in the world I finally for once felt truly happy. I did not have to care about my heart failing or me suddenly collapsing on the ground. No, now I was really living. Neteyam noticed the change in my attitude and it sent a flutter to his heart.
When we arrived at the party the energy was electric. Everyone was drinking, eating, and dancing. Laughter filled the air around us. After two hours of fucking around, I was definitely getting slightly drunk.
When a group of Na’vi started singing a song that I recognized Kiri teaching me, I did not hesitate to let my voice out for the first time in years.
Happiness radiated through my body. It was almost like a visible aura surrounding me as I sung.
When the songs were over, Jake stood up and started speaking which silenced the room, “I would like to make a speech about dear Y/N here.”
The smell of alcohol filled my nose when he spoke.
He gripped my shoulder in a very dad-like manner and continued, “I have watched her grow from a young girl to a strong woman with a brave heart. She has been a friend to the Sully family for many years. My children do not know of a life without Y/N. Today, I proudly claim Y/N as a Sully! As a sister to my children.”
I wanted to melt into the floor. Sister? I think I would rather kill myself. I appreciate his enthusiasm and I love the guy but come on man. I had to set things straight immediately.
“Sir! Sir! No, I can’t accept it!” I blurt out, causing flabbergasted looks from the entire Sully family and the rest of the clan.
In a drunken stupor I quickly attempted to explain myself, “I want to be a Sully and want to be a part of this family but not like this. I don’t think I could mentally handle being the sister to the man I love.” During my explanation I held my sight on Neteyam.
His wide eyes softened when he realized what I meant. My name softly left his lips like I would shatter if he said it normally. All I could do was fiddle nervously with my top while waiting for a reaction, any reaction.
“I love you too.” He shamelessly stated before he stole me from his father’s grasp and held me once again to his body. His hands were dug into my hair and waist as if I would fly away. Our tails whipped madly behind us which caused Neytiri to swoon over how in love we looked.
Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk who were off to the side eating dessert were now freaking out over the scene unfolding in front of them. Neytiri had to shush the three of them so that the lovely moment wasn’t ruined by their gossiping voices.
To Neytiri’s despair, Jake’s tipsy laugh echoed through the area as he said, “Well, you heard the woman! She’s a future Sully!”
The clan woo’d and chuckled and carried on with partying, the topic of choice of Na’vi girl conversations now being that Neteyam is unfortunately spoken for.
“I didn’t exactly plan on telling you this way or this…publicly.” I said while swaying with my newly acclaimed lover to the music.
Neteyam gazed into my eyes, “I quite enjoyed it, my love. Now everyone knows that you’re mine and I am yours.”
His new nickname gave me goosebumps. The complete bliss I was feeling had to be fake. This all had to be fake.
But when Neteyam took my face in his hands and kissed me so passionately, so lovingly, it brought me back to reality. He was truly mine now.
That night I was given a place amongst the Omaticaya.
A place amongst the Sully’s.
A place with the one I loved where I sang him to sleep with the same lullabies from what seemed like forever ago.
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pettydollie · 8 months
I Was Made For Lovin' You, Baby (Billy Hargrove x wheeler!reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: so happy it's finally out!! i did the first chapter AGES ago but i never knew where i wanted to go with this story. still kinda figuring it out but i already have some ideas tehe. the first chapter is the only chapter that will be in first person. there were some things that Everleigh (the reader) does that i think would be weird if it were written in her pov. so the rest of the chapters will be in third person :) hope u enjoy!!
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C H A P T E R  O N E
“Okay, okay next one! Hurry up already!” My sister Nancy giggled as we sat on her bed. I was helping (definitely not forcing) her study for her upcoming test. Pop music lightly played from the radio while I shuffled through her flashcards. “Alright, alright!” I smiled. I repositioned myself sitting cross legged on her bed. “Which polymers occur naturally?” I asked, looking up from the card. Nancy was looking up towards the ceiling, chewing on her bottom lip which was a habit we’d both had since we were little.
“Starch and cellulose.” She answered somewhat confidently. “Mhm.” I hummed, picking another card. “In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of--” Nancy sat up straighter, interrupting me. “Tetrahedrons.” I smiled again. “Way to go, Nance. I think you’ll ace that test.” I concluded, handing her back her flashcards. She grinned happily. Nancy and I got along quite well as sisters, surprisingly. We didn’t argue that much and when we did, it was over something silly. I’m the eldest child in the family, so I mostly take care of my siblings considering my dad is always asleep or watching the television and my mother is only really interested in Holly. Don’t get me wrong, they love us a lot. We just feel like strangers sometimes.
I was going to ask Nance about her luck with Steve Harrington, but her door suddenly slammed open, revealing Holly with syrup all over her face. “Mommy says breakfast is ready.” She announced and quickly took off back downstairs. I wasn’t even dressed yet, so I quickly exited Nancy’s room into my own where I changed into a cute but basic outfit. I added jewelry and my signature perfume and ran downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating Eggos. I sat down, fixing my skirt. I grabbed a plate and started cutting my waffles. Mike was already about to finish, on the other hand. We all looked at him grossly. “Slow down, Mike. That’s disgusting.” Nancy mumbled, looking away. Mike rolled his eyes at her and continued to eat. 
I grabbed my backpack once we had all finished eating. I walked over to grab mom’s car keys which I borrowed while Nancy and Mike said goodbye to mom and Holly. I hugged mom and kissed her cheek softly. “Have a good day, guys!” She waved as we walked out the door. I drive all three of us to school every day since I was allowed to legally drive last year. Once we were all sat, Nancy pulled out her flashcards from her backpack and began studying quickly. I pulled into the parking lot in my usual spot, and we all got out, grabbing our stuff. Mike walked the other way to the middle school, greeting his friends while me and Nance walked to the high school. “Everleigh, what if I fail?” Nancy whined, gripping her books as we walked in. I rolled my eyes.
“You’ll do fine, Nance.” I waved goodbye and walked over to my locker, putting stuff away. “Hey, Ev!” I didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was. I turned my head, looking at one of my best friends. “Hi, T!” I smiled, giving her a small hug. Tina was the life of every party, her outgoing personality and beaming smile made people adore her. Many boys threw themselves at her, but who wouldn’t? She’s drop dead gorgeous. I loved gossiping with her, it’s always fun. But don’t get it twisted, we have a very deep and understanding relationship. I shut my locker and slung my bag back over my shoulder. “There’s a new boy coming tomorrow. I hope he’s cute.” We walked to our first period which we shared together. First period was always loud and fun to be in, which I loved. It’s all fun and games until Mr. Mundy calls the deans. “You want a piece of gum?” I offered, changing the subject. Tina grinned and nodded. I gave her a large strip of bubblegum and I opened mine. We blew bubbles and gossiped, the both of us strutting through the halls. It’s not that I didn’t like boys. Of course, there weren’t any boys that peaked my interest. I’ve had two boyfriends before and they both used me for popularity and my looks. I don’t mean to sound full of myself, but that’s just what happened. “Are you coming to practice today?” I questioned. Me and Tina were cheerleaders, which I forced her to do. I was a cheer captain along with the ginger Chrissy Cunningham. “Not today, sorry babes. My mom needs an extra pair of hands for the bake sale. She said if I help her, I can get a few bucks.” She boasted. I nodded in understanding, also smiling at a girl who waved. Everleigh Wheeler was one of the most well known names in Hawkins High School, much unlike Nancy who’s quiet and to herself. Within a month of joining the cheerleading squad, I was at the top of the pyramid and by the end of freshman year, I’d been promoted to captain. “Oh my god, did you hear about Brian cheating on Samantha?!” My face changed into a disgusted one. “Yes!! And with Tiff? She’s such a skank. I heard she’s slept with half of the soccer team.” Tina spat. We pushed open the classroom, smiling at others. We walked to our seats, getting settled in. Tina and I sat next to each other, thankfully. I sat next to the window so I wouldn’t really have to interact with anyone but her. Math was nowhere near the top of my list of subjects I enjoyed, but I tolerated it enough for an easy pass. The class’ attention was pulled by Mr. Mundy’s booming voice who took attendance while me and Tina continued talking, not really caring, only ever stopping to say “Here”. Mr. Mundy cleared his throat. “Valentina and Everleigh. Please quiet down.” We looked up and muttered “sorry”. And we did stop talking- for about five minutes. As soon as attendance finished, we continued talking again. We turned our bodies to face each other and chuckled loudly. Mr. Mundy’s attention turned back to us. “That’s it. Tina, your new seat is there.” He pointed to the seat on the right of the one she was seated in. “Wait no, we’ll stop talking! For real this time.” She pleaded. We stared at him with sad eyes. “I’ve had enough. Move NOW.” He scowled. Tina pouted and grabbed her stuff. She stood up, heads turned to face her and walked to the seat next to her. She sat down and folded her arms, angrily. I frowned. Now I’m alone. I changed my mind, math is my absolute LEAST favorite class.
C H A P T E R  T W O
The bell finally rang after what felt like years. Everleigh grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, happy to leave. Annoyed that she no longer had anyone to talk to in first period, she stomped through the halls; her happy demeanor slipping. Her soft glossy lips fell into a pout, and she pushed a strand of gorgeous silky hair out of her face with a manicured finger. Life was just so hard.
As soon as the bell rang for the end of the last class, Everleigh strutted to her locker to put stuff away. Sure, she had some homework, but most of it wasn’t due until Friday so she’d just put that on hold for now. One of her other best friends, Melanie, was leaning against the locker next to Everleigh’s, holding two books in her arms. “Carl’s picking me up tonight for a date. I’m so excited! I need you to help me pick out an outfit.” She squealed. Everleigh didn’t like her boyfriend, Carl. He was always weird whenever she was around. He also didn’t treat her right, which made Everleigh furious. But there wasn’t much she could do because Melanie was absolutely head over heels for him.
But Everleigh could never not be excited to help her friends get ready. “Okay, what time do you want me to be over?” She grinned, shutting her locker. The girls began to walk out into the school’s parking lot. “Maybe five thirty-ish?” Melanie suggested. Melanie was decently popular. She enjoyed roller skating, cheerleading, and fashion. She had beautiful lush blonde waves which complimented her oceanic eyes. “Sure! I’ll ask my mom when I get home.” Everleigh beamed. The girls separated into their cars. 
Everleigh walked to her car where Nancy and Mike waited impatiently. “Finally, why were you late this time?” Mike grumbled, getting into the car after it was unlocked. Nancy clicked her seatbelt in while Everleigh started the car. “Calm down, I was only like ten minutes late.” She hated having to defend herself to her idiotic brother. Normally, he’d continue to scold her about how he and Nancy could’ve been kidnapped or died, but this time, he let it go. While she was driving, she felt a tap on her arm which rested on the armrest in between her and Nancy. Everleigh looked over to the passenger seat where Nancy mouthed some words to her. She raised an eyebrow to say “Wait, say it again?” The brunette nodded. Then, Everleigh took in what she was trying to say. “We’re dating.” Nancy leaned back into the chair, waiting for a reaction.
“We” was Nancy and Steve Harrington. It seemed like the entire school knew who he was. Everleigh had wanted the two of them to date since Nancy mentioned he began talking to her, except it was different. He was kind around her. He listened to her and didn’t judge her for what she believes in. Everleigh grinned, satisfied. This was definitely coming up in girl chat when Mike wasn’t around.
As the siblings arrived at home, Everleigh pulled into her family’s driveway, being careful not to hit the mailbox. They all got out, grabbing their stuff. Everleigh unlocked the door where Holly was visible in the living room, playing with her toys. “Mom, we’re home!” Nancy yelled. Mike dashed upstairs into his room, slamming the door and locking it. “Micheal, stop slamming my doors!” Karen yelled from the kitchen. The sisters walked in, kissing their mom on the cheek. “Hey girls, how was school?” Everleigh walked behind her mom, with her arms folded, waiting for Nancy to respond first. “It was good. Same as always.” Nancy replied, shifting her body weight slightly. Everleigh wiggled her eyebrows from an angle so only Nancy could see, making the girl giggle slightly. Karen nodded, turning around. “What about you, Ev?”
She relaxed her face in time for her mom to face her. “It was alright. Mr. Mundy changed Tina’s seat because we were talking too much.” She rolled her eyes, hanging her coat up by the front door. Nancy had walked away to her room, probably to dream about Stevie poo. “I told you there were going to be consequences to you two chatting all the time.” Karen joked, smiling. Everleigh pouted, but then remembered about Melanie. “Can I go over Mel’s after dinner?” She asked, with begging eyes. Karen changed her position with her hand by tapping her chin above her arm. “What did you get on Mrs. Click’s assessment from yesterday?” Dang it. Of course she was going to ask this. Her lowest grade was in Mrs. Click’s class. History just wasn’t her thing. It was so boring and why did we need to know about The Great Depression anyways? “I got a B..” Everleigh muttered. Karen perked up at this.
“Well that’s much better than your last grade! A C- to a B? Good job, honey. Sure, you can go.” Everleigh stood up, proudly. “Thanks, mommy! Love you!” She ran upstairs into her room, shutting the door. She placed her backpack down next to her bed on the white carpet. She walked over to her pink telephone on her nightstand. She dialed Melanie’s number and waited. “Hello?” She heard. “Hey, Mel! Mom said I can come over after dinner.” Everleigh sat down on her bed. “Okay! Carl said he’s coming to pick me up at 7:00.” There was a loud knock at the door, interrupting the call. Everleigh covered the receiver with her free hand and took her ear off. “Yes?” She called. “Where’s my walkie?!” She heard Mike yell outside her door. “I don’t know, go away, Mike!” Everleigh snapped, rolling her eyes. “How am I supposed to know what you did with it..” She muttered. She took her hand off the receiver and put her ear back. “-and my parents don’t know about it so we have to keep it as chill as possible.” Melanie continued talking. 
Once the call was over, Everleigh put the phone back. She opened one of her drawers and pulled out a silky white hair tie, shutting the drawer. She held the tie with her teeth while she gathered her hair up with her hands and tied it into a bun. She walked out of her room into the bathroom to shower. When she finished, she dried off and changed into a simple white long sleeve shirt with a pink plaid dress over top. She put on lace socks and tiny black booties. By the time she was finished, it was time for dinner. 
She walked downstairs to sit at the table. Surprisingly, Mike didn’t come down for a few minutes. Karen looked at the stairs while everyone else ate. She sighed, picking up her fork. “Can one of you go get your brother, please?” She asked, waving her fork at Everleigh and Nancy. Everleigh nodded at Nancy and went upstairs. She knocked on the door. Once. Twice. No answer. “Mike! Come on, it’s dinner time!” Everleigh’s face scrunched up. She opened the door to reveal no one was there. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. Meaning he was in the basement. 
She ran downstairs past her family, opening the door to the basement. “Where’s Mike?” Karen called. “Hold on!” Everleigh replied. She walked in, seeing Mike under a blanket with his walkie talkie. He sat, frozen. He pushed the antenna down and cleared his throat. He looked… sad. “What are you doing? It’s dinner time. Don’t you hear us calling you?” Everleigh snapped, folding her arms. “Uhh.. well I was trying to talk to Dustin.” He lied. “Okay well tell him you guys will talk later, I’m starving.” She stomped back upstairs.
When dinner was finished, Everleigh cleaned her plate, rushing to grab the car keys. “I’m going now, bye mom! I’ll be back soon!” She waved, closing the door. She got inside the car, driving to Melanie’s house. When she arrived, she got out of the car and walked up to the porch. She rang the doorbell and stood politely waiting. Melanie’s father, who she’s seen a handful of times, opened the door. “Well, hello, Everleigh. How are you? Come inside. Melanie’s upstairs.” He moved over so she could enter the very homely household. “Thank you, Mr. Harris. I’m good, how are you?” She grinned with that candy sweet smile that almost everyone loved to see as she stepped inside. He nodded, smiling back and shutting the door.
Everleigh walked upstairs to Melanie’s room and knocked softly. The door opened revealing Mel in her pink nightgown with curlers in her hair. “Oh, come in!” The girls squealed, excitedly. Everleigh walked over to the girl’s divine wardrobe and began looking through. “Wait, where is he taking you?” She questioned, turning around. Melanie plopped down onto her queen sized bed, smiling dreamily. “He’s driving me to Enzo’s. How romantic, right?” Everleigh was happy for her friend. Happy that Carl wasn’t being such a punk and only taking her to his grandmother’s house. I mean, of course! Grandma’s cookies always scream “romance” to me, don’t you think so?
She turned back around, taking dresses out and handing them to Melanie. “Try all of those on! See which one you think fits.” The girls put on a mini fashion show, laughing and posing. Once they finally found a dress, Everleigh did Mel’s makeup. She sat down at a small vanity so Everleigh could stand over her. “One day, you have to teach me how to do more than just mascara, lipgloss, and blush.” Melanie half joked. Everleigh nodded, grinning. She spinned her chair around to face the mirror. “Like it?” She asked, hopefully. Melanie looked beautiful. “I feel stupid!” She laughed, staring at herself. “Well everyone feels stupid! Who cares?” Everleigh turned her chair back around, adding some finishing touches.
“Do you feel stupid?” Melanie asked, half smiling. Everleigh giggled. “Yeah I did, but then I chose not to feel stupid.” The girls smiled. They always had a strong bond together, feeling they could talk about anything and everything and never feel awkward. They took out Melanie’s curlers and waited for the phone to ring or a knock on her window, sitting on the bed. And they waited. And waited. And waited…
Everleigh started getting annoyed when it was already 8 and there was nothing. She scoffed. “That prick stood you up.” Everleigh’s face was disgusted. She stood up and kissed the top of Melanie’s head. Her mascara was ruined from her crying. Now she was just silent. Everleigh could tell the girl was thinking over her relationship and she didn’t want to interrupt it. She always knew Carl was a jerk, but this ends it. She was ready for her friend to find someone better. She knew she could stay and comfort her, but something was telling her it was time for her to be alone for a while with her thoughts. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, babes.” Everleigh sympathized.
“I’m gonna go home. My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m out past 8:30 on a school night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mel.” Melanie nodded. She walked towards the door blowing a kiss. She walked out and into her car. She took off home. “I’m going to kill him.”
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a/n: soo what do we think?? if u guys have any ideas or things u wanna see, please send me a request or a dm and if i write it, i will credit u for the suggestion! im actually really proud of this so far! and ik billy wasnt in these chapters, but hes coming in the next one ;)
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Well, well, well (Mapi Leon x Reader Part 1)
Ok so this is my first post. My plan is for this to be a little series. Hope you enjoy, though please stick with me as I get used to writing x 3.4k words x Hoping to generate some requests as well if anyone has any suggestions....
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Y/N Y/L/N….. the name everyone knew but no one spoke about. It was like an unspoken rule in the Barcelona and Spain camp, there were plenty of topics they were all very open about but she would not be one of them. The few times her name had been mentioned it was very clear that they didn’t want to talk about her, that she wasn’t one of them – not any more.
May 2019
Just a week before the team were set to fly to Paris for the world cup, the Spanish national team were gathered in the meeting room by Vilda for an announcement. However one person was missing, confusion spreading around the camp as you’d failed to report for international duty.
At only 20 years old you was the up and coming star left back, a record number of assists for a full back in the league that season with Barcelona. Newspapers had pinned you as this ‘classy’, ‘stylish’ defender that would be the player of the tournament. Spain had their hopes pinned on you to set the team alight that summer, give them that spark they’d been missing and provide some service for the forwards as well as helping the defensive line.
“Where’s Y/N?” Alexia whispered over to Mapi, the three of you were very close at Barca but they hadn’t been able to contact you when they noticed your absence last night and the two were starting to get worried. You was definitely the quietest out of the three, happy to observe from afar but those close to you got to see the funny, sarcastic side to you.
“I haven’t heard from her, she’s not answering my calls.” Though Alexia was close to the two of you, you and Mapi were inseparable, playing next to each other in the team you completed every drill together, always sat next to each other in the changing room and shared a room for away games.
“Hola everyone.” Jorge Vilda and the staff came out in front of the team and a select few journalists. “I wanted to announce to you all that Y/N Y/L/N will not be joining up with the national team and will not be taking part in the world cup.”
If you’d have looked around at that point everyone had their mouths open, wondering what had happened since they’d last seen you only a week ago seemingly fine after the final league game.
“The details will be staying confidential, but I wanted to tell you all this because of the obvious inconvenience this has caused to us all by her decision to no longer play. For now we have to focus on us and not let negativity cloud our minds before this tournament, we all actually want to be here and we can’t have people in the camp who don’t want that anymore.”
And that is where the tides turned.
August 2022
After that day the calls stopped and for over three years now you’ve not heard from the two people you considered your best friends and you knew it was all your fault. They had every reason to hate you because you’d kept the truth from everyone and it was only now that you felt you could come out of hiding. It was clear that whatever they’d been told they obviously didn’t want to be my friend anymore, unfollowing me on all social media and blocking my number.
You’d never be able to thank Barcelona enough for giving you another chance, during the last season you’d been able to secretly use their facilities to maintain your fitness. You’d proven to yourself that individually you still had that strength and aggression from before and thankfully they’d seen the potential to get you back to where you’d been as part of the team.
For weeks, months even, this has been the day you’ve been dreading. The day you would be re-introduced to the team.
“Hola Y/N.” Jonatan said as he met me at the back door of the training facility before the rest of the team arrived, “Welcome back.”
“Thank you.” You could barely even get those two words out as you were so nervous, your hands becoming more and more clammy as you sat down in his office.
“So the plan is to introduce you to them and then you can join them for the training session, get to speak to them again.”
“I don’t think they’ll want that, but we’ll see.” You admitted.
“You’ve just got to give them time.” When you left you had to be clear to both your managers what was going on, asking for them to keep things confidential and give the team your sincerest apologies. Jonatan was let in on the information on your return and he too was understanding of the situation and respected your decision. “Let’s get you some kit and get out there again.”
Pulling on the kit was a very surreal moment, the shorts and tank top needed in the Spanish heat. Slicking back your beach blonde hair into a bun on the top of my head, you took the time to give yourself a little pep talk in the mirror. “Come on, you can do this. Just tell them…” No you couldn’t, what if they react in the same way, you’d lose your last remaining hope.
“Ready?” One of the physios asked, giving you a reassuring smile.
“As I’ll ever be.” Listening from behind the door as they all walked out.
“Ladies!” Jonatan announced to the group as they met on the grass, welcoming each other back onto the pitch for preparation for the new season. “We’ve already welcomed some new arrivals and I’m sure there will be more to come but we have a player who arrived this morning ready for the training session. We strive for the best and I hope you can see why we’ve made this decision.”
“You’ve got us excited now coach.”
“I hope so, please welcome back Y/N.”
You knew the reaction you’d get but nothing could prepare you for that initial moment, walking outside and being met with a row of shocked faces, but behind that you could see the anger in their eyes, the frowns beginning to form on their faces. Even though she was injured, Alexia was with the squad along with the other injured players and you could see the looks her and Mapi were sharing.
“What’s she doing here?” Ouch, way to kick a girl when she’s down Patri.
“Y/N has shown to us her abilities and we believe she would be a great addition to the squad. This is not up for debate, please welcome her back to the squad and then we can complete the fitness tests.”
The handshakes were forced, the smiles not even appearing on their faces. Of the new arrivals, only Lucy had arrived yet and she along with the other girls you’d never met could obviously feel the tension and kept well away. It was clear that no-one was happy to see you here, most of these girls had either played with you here or with Spain and they obviously had their opinions on you leaving. Even though you should have expected it, the complete lack of a welcome from both Mapi and Alexia hurt the most, neither of them coming over to you or even meeting you eye. But in your eyes you deserved it.
It didn’t get any better during the session, consistently the last one to be chosen and therefore had to work with a member of staff. If you ran alongside someone they would immediately make a gap between us, there was consistently a five metre gap between you and anyone else. You could feel the glares coming from every angle, the little remarks about how you ‘didn’t deserve to be here’, how you ‘looked way more tired’. You was expecting it to be bad but not this bad.
You were thankful that you didn’t have a spot in the changing room yet and could get changed alone but you mustn’t have delayed your exit long enough as waiting by the door were your two ex-best friends.
“Well, well, well….” Mapi gave you the once over, glaring as she met your eye for the first time. “I knew we were struggling at left back but he must be out of his mind.”
“It’s good to see you both.” You ignored the comments. If there was one time you wanted to break the silence over the past three years it was when you learnt of the ACL injury, knowing how devastated she would have been but also knowing, you would have just been making the situation a whole lot worse. “Lex I’m really sorry about the ACL, it must have been….”
“Hell, it was hell. And it’s Alexia to you.” She snapped. “Not like you care anyway.”
“I do…”
“We would have won in 2019 with you, you was the best and you knew it. We needed you but you had to be selfish. I guess we never knew you at all.”
“Save it.” Mapi said. “Just stay away from us, best friends don’t abandon each other.”
As if you didn’t feel guilty enough already.
The rest of the first week didn’t get any better, though you moved into the main changing room that didn’t mean anyone would talk to you. Occasionally a few of the girls you didn’t know particularly well would give you sympathetic smile but you knew as well as they did that they didn’t want to jeopardise their friendships in the team by talking to you.
“Guys I have organised the team bonding for tonight, first one of the season.” A woman that you’d never seen before announced as she walked into the changing room as you got ready to leave. “7 o’clock at the restaurant I’ve sent to you all, don’t be late. Oh and you all need to be there.”
“I can’t make tonight.” You interrupted.
“Cancel your plans, this is a non-negotiable, one Friday every month we all have to get together.”
Realising there’s not much you could do to get out of this one by the stern face she was pulling, you quickly got sorted and then rushed to get sorted for tonight. You vaguely knew of the restaurant they’d chosen and could only hope that this could help in the peacekeeping act, we all had to be in the same place and they surely couldn’t ignore you all night no matter how stubborn you knew they were.
With sorting everything out you arrived a few minutes late but you knew this would just further annoy them all even though there was nothing you could do about it, they always were anxious about time keeping.
“I’m really sorry I’m late.” You said walking in and having all eyes turn to you though there were only murmurs of a greeting. With being late there were only a few seats available and you didn’t quite fancy taking the wrath of your former friends tonight so you took the safe option on the end next to Lucy Bronze and opposite Frido. “Hola.”
“Hola, you look nice.” What Frido wasn’t much but that could probably be classed as the nicest thing a player had said to you since you returned and it almost brought you to tears.
“Thank you, so do you.”
“I hope you like tapas.”
“I think I have to being Spanish.”
“This might be a weird question but is the blonde hair natural? Or are you just another Mapi?” Lucy asked.
“Ha, no it’s real. Even though I’d consider myself like fully Spanish, I got the blonde hair from my mother, she was English. I always liked to think that Mapi just wanted to look like me, though I don’t think that’s possible with my lack of tattoos.”
“You could have played for England?”
“Could have but I’ve lived here all my life, I’m proud to be Spanish.”
The meal was actually much more pleasant than you thought it would be, you could see everyone further down the table still had that family atmosphere, you just had to be patient and hope you could get back there one day. At your end of the table both Frido and Lucy were making small talk and though the conversation didn’t exactly flow due to the obvious questions they had it wouldn’t be considered awkward either.
Later on in the bathroom you was just washing your hands when the other cubicle opened and Claudia Pina walked out, she joined Barcelona the year before you left and you kind of took her under your wing, she was like a little sister to you.
“How are you?” You whispered, almost frightened that she would also shout at you. “You’re showing everyone how much of a superstar you really are.”
“You’ve been watching?”
“Of course I have, I might have temporarily stopped playing but you were all my family and I was definitely your biggest cheerleader, just from afar.”
“I probably shouldn’t tell you this but when you left they were all heartbroken, especially Mapi and Alexia. They used to get super mad in training, they were sad about you leaving but the only way they could express that was just by sort of hating you.”
“I know.” You admitted. “I deserve it though.”
“Why don’t you just tell us what happened, I’m sure they’d forgive you and we can all just go back to how we were?” She almost pleaded. “I missed you.”
“Oh I missed you too.” You said, pulling her into a hug. “Everything is just so complicated right now but I’m working on it. I promise.”
“They’d never admit this either but everyone was impressed by your fitness, you’re still the same player we all know. I can see in your eyes you’re doubting yourself you’ll prove to everyone out there how much you deserve to be on the team.”
“Thank you. You better go out before me, I’ll wait a few minutes before walking out.”
“It’s not that I’m ashamed to be seen with you.”
“I know,” You knew they were all just scared of the other’s reactions and being the first. “I’ll message you if that’s alright?”
“I’d like that.”
Getting a taxi home in the middle of summer in a busy part of Barcelona is not exactly ideal, overbearing men are much more likely to be seen than a girl stood on the roadside trying her best not to get noticed. You were almost about to give up and just walk it even though it was completely pitch black when a car pulled up in front of you.
“Get in.” The one person you wasn’t expecting to be revealed when the window came down was Mapi.
“You sure?”
“I wouldn’t have offered otherwise. You’ve got 10 seconds.”
“Ok, ok. You always were impatient.” This was the first time you got to see her up close tonight, from the jeans to the tight low cut crop top and you could see her doing the same as you did your seatbelt up.
“You still living in the same place?”
“No, I’ll put my address in.” She started the car again and began following the instructions as you sat back. “You know I wouldn’t have been surprised if you’d have just left me there.”
“I’m not the type of person to abandon anyone, unlike some.”
“Not whilst I’m driving.” Luckily your small house was only a short ten minute drive from the restaurant on the edge of the city and you could see Mapi giving it a once over as the gates opened, lights still on inside like you knew they would be.
“You always hated my apartment, said I had to move out.”
“Surprised you listened to me.” She chuckled though more out of annoyance than actual laughter. “You never did like taking orders.”
“Yeah well someone else pushed me. Plus it’s not like I had any friends who wanted to know my location.”
“And who’s fault is that?” She turned to you. “You was the one who dumped us all on a week’s notice, you didn’t answer any of our calls and then you don’t even give us an apology. Nothing, we went from spending every day together to you forgetting we existed.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The only person you told was Jorge and he just told us the truth, how you didn’t want to be with us anymore, how you couldn’t give it your all.”
Now it was all fitting together. “I never liked that guy.”
“Mapi you knew how excited I was about the World cup, you was the first person I told and we went and drove to the beach sitting ice cream until it was pitch black. You knew my heart was there.”
“But that’s why I didn’t understand and suddenly I had all this anger about why you made this decision without me, why you suddenly decided you’d had enough and wanted nothing to do with me anymore.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Then tell me what it was like.” She raised her voice, almost banging her hands on the steering wheel. “Because right now it seems like you ruined our chances and now suddenly you’re back three years down the line and you want us to forget about it.”
“Firstly let’s make one thing clear, yes I did withdraw from the squad but I told Jorge to tell you all how genuinely and truly sorry I was, how if there was anything I could do to change the situation then I would. But there was nothing I could do. I told him to tell you that the ball was in your court, if you wanted to message me then I’d always be ready but if you didn’t then I understood how much I’d let you all down and I’d stay away. Especially you and Alexia.” You exclaimed, finally getting the truth out there. “Look me in the eye right now and tell me that you believe I would ever just abandon you for no reason, that I’d give up on my dream just because I somehow didn’t want to play. I was so lost without you why would I ever give that up if I didn’t need to”
“You’re not making any sense. Just tell me everything.”
“I can’t risk losing you forever.” You said, tears rolling down your face.
“I hate seeing you cry.” She whispered, her hands gently coming up to wipe your cheeks before moving down your arm to link her hand with yours.
Nothing had changed, the way her hand fit perfect in your own as her soft fingertips rubbed the back of your hand. Her tattoo covered hands a stark contrast to your plain hands. Her other hand resting on the seat next to you though you could still feel the electricity as they just grazed your thigh.
“I thought you hated me.” You weakly said, meeting her eye once you’d calmed down.
“I could never hate you, not now I’ve seen you like this. I hated the fact that you ran away, the fact that you couldn’t come and just talk to me. Whatever happened we could have got through it together.”
“I had to do this by myself, I should go it’s getting late. Thank you for the lift.”
“I couldn’t leave you like that.”
Just when you thought you’d made it, when you thought you’d got through the whole evening and it had gone as well as you could possibly think it would do. You saw the door open and one big figure and one little figure in their arms come into the light, both with seemingly very distressed looks on their faces as you caught their eye.
“Shit.” You whispered, opening the door and almost sprinting over taking the small crying figure in your arms, immediately forgetting about everyone around you as your sole focus was on the toddler in your arms. “Shh baby.”
“Mama! Mama!”
“I know I’m here now I promise.”
Shit again.
635 notes · View notes
dont-f-with-moogles · 2 months
Hi Terra Darling ❤️
Festive fic request with prompt number 6 "family invited an old crush/first love to a dinner party" for Levihan
My headcanons for this prompt:
Hange or Hange's family invites Zeke to a dinner party & Levi is far from happy OR fed up by Levi being single for a long time, Kuchel invites Hange to a dinner party OR Levi or Hange or their family invites an old crush (Zeke/Erwin/Petra, pick one) & it turns out they both used to date him/her lol OR you come up with your own because it will be amazing whatever you decide!!
Happy holidays 🎄❄️
Now or Never (Part 2) Characters: Levi x Petra; Levi x Hange; Mike x Nanaba Word Count: 2188 words
The dining room lay almost bare. No photographs adorned the walls; their ornaments were still wrapped in paper, stored in boxes upstairs. Even the low, wooden dining table didn’t quite suit this new room.  As he sipped his wine Levi considered how it had once sat in Mike and Nanaba’s old flat, centrally occupying the square-shaped space. The table still proudly displayed the tiny tree which Hange had bought for the couple as a flat-warming present over a year ago. Of course, they had never planned to live there forever. This new dining room was longer and in want of furniture to fit it. Its walls were a pale, non offensive shade of magnolia - the exact choice of homeowners intending to cover over the marks - the mistakes - they had once made before moving on. Mike was pouring refills into their glasses. Levi placed a hand over his whilst, beside him, Petra quietly accepted.
“Come on…” Mike urged, “you’re getting the train back right?”
“I’ll take a tea instead.”
“We’ll put the kettle on after dinner.”
Reluctantly, he removed his hand.
“This it then?” Levi’s eyes shifted to the empty seat beside Mike. Of course, if they had been expecting more than two guests, then there would be a fifth floor cushion set out. Despite his uncertainty, Levi’s shoulders relaxed a little. He had experienced the same gnawing sensation when he and Petra had arrived at their house. Removing their shoes at the door, Levi had glanced down to see several discarded pairs beside theirs. He had assumed that someone had arrived before them, only to discover that they were the first.
“Yeah,” Mike replied, “Hange got caught up with an assignment as usual. Something about a deadline.” 
Levi exhaled through his nose. He doubted that very much.
His hand brushed Petra’s shoulder with renewed reassurance as Nanaba appeared in the doorway. The fragrant scent of spices seemed to waft after her.
“The rice will be done in five minutes,” she announced. “Hope you guys are hungry!” “Can’t wait,” Levi commented, “... and nice place you’ve got here. What’s it like living somewhere with two floors?”
“Ah you know, it’s better than being cooped up in the flat.” Nanaba shared a sentimental glance with Mike. “We’ll miss it… but this is better. Even if we’ve got some decorating to do!”
She smiled over at Petra, who was nodding along politely despite not having been part of this previous era… an era of small apartments, of Mike and Nanaba as university graduates… of Levi and… Hange.
“So, how was your holiday? Where did you say you-” Nanaba frowned, reaching over to grab her phone from the side table. “Sorry - hold that thought. Hello?” 
“It was so beautiful…. and just nice to spend time with family you know?” Petra continued to address Mike in Nanaba’s absence. “I’m sorry that I missed out on your New Year’s party though! I heard it was a fun night…”
Levi took a long sip of his wine.
“I don’t know if you’d call it much of a party,” Mike chuckled, “Nana and I were asleep just after midnight so we missed the excitement… guess you’ll have to ask Levi.”
“Hange’s outside!” Nanaba reappeared just as Levi knocked his glass sharply against the table. “Apparently they made their deadline after all.”
There came the sound of a door closing, followed by footsteps in the hall. Petra gave Levi’s arm a little squeeze. He smiled at her in response, though with a warmth which did not quite reach his eyes.
Voices echoed outside; Hange fawning over the staircase and laughing with Nanaba about the previous owner’s choice of carpet. Levi’s jaw set. Then, both of them emerged in the doorway.
“Evening!” Hange beamed around at them. Briefly, their eyes met Levi’s before they glanced away. “Sorry for almost flaking!”
“Why quit the habit of a lifetime?” Mike teased. Levi reached for his wine again. His mouth felt parched; his tongue lay heavy and useless. He craved water - something hydrating - rather than more alcohol.
“Nice to see you again Petra.” Hange gave a little bow of their head as Nanaba dragged another floor seat over to the table. “Heard you’ve just come back from your travels! Was it a good trip?”
“Oh yes, it was so beautiful and relaxing. The new year is the best time to go…”
Levi listened intently to Petra’s story for a second time, refusing to allow his eyes to stray from her face. 
“...but it’s a shame I couldn’t spend New Year’s with you guys.”
Casually, Hange picked up the glass of wine which Mike had just poured. 
“Oh you know, it was a quiet one in the end. Nothing much happened.”
Levi stared at them, utterly astounded by their nonchalance on the subject. 
“Mike said you were all asleep just after midnight!”
“Well, Levi and Hange were up, weren’t you? Mike said he heard you both-” Nanaba walked in with a pot of steaming rice, just as Levi’s floor seat lurched out.
“Whoa!” Petra turned to her left. “Levi, what’s the hurry?”
“Seat got caught on the rug,” he lied. His eyes flew to Hange’s face who appeared quite composed by comparison. They blew out a little sigh as they lifted their glass again.
Nanaba set down the pot of rice. “No jogging the table. I’ve slaved away at this!”
Mike raised his eyebrows as Nanaba began serving heaped spoons onto plates. Petra received hers gratefully. Levi was just thankful to have something to occupy his hands.
“This smells amazing…” Hange praised her. “I love curry rice!”
“So… you had a late night, huh Levi?” Not to be deterred, Petra had rerouted from Hange’s interjection to their earlier conversation. She grinned at Levi expectantly over her plate of food. As he opened his mouth to explain, Mike cut in with a rumble of low laughter.
“Oh yeah… took him years but he finally got Hange where he’d always wanted them.”
Levi dropped his plate on the table, spilling rice onto its wooden surface
“Yeah…” Mike continued as Petra’s head whipped round, “...never thought we’d see the day, but there the two of them were, getting busy-”
Horrified, Levi willed Petra to look away from him as he frantically tried to scrape up rice grains from the wooden tabletop. He could feel her eyes on him; the more she stared, the more the tips of his ears burned. 
“- at the sink.” Mike took a large spoonful of rice and curry, savouring its flavour alongside his own unendurable comedy. “Who would have thought you’d finally get Hange to wash a plate?”
Hange’s forced laugh was lost in the more genuine giggles from Nanaba and Petra. Although the threat which had been silently hanging over Levi had not fallen yet, he could still feel it swaying over his head. He set his spoon down on the side of his plate and let his trembling hand fall into his lap. 
“...yeah, I heard you doing the dishes,” Mike explained as the laughter around the table died away, “...at like, four in the morning.”
“Well, a little cleaning up is the least you guys could do, seeing as you all insisted on staying at my place,” Levi muttered bitterly.
“You know we appreciated you sharing your floor with us!” Nanaba sighed, widening her eyes.
“...and some of us even got to share your bed,” Mike teased Levi again with a hearty wink.
“Gunther,” Levi told Petra automatically.  He reached for his wine again. By this point, he was going to need several refills to endure the rest of the evening.
“...I’m guessing he wasn’t who you really wanted sleeping next to you that night… huh, Levi?” Nanaba joined in, much to Petra’s delighted ‘shh-ing!’
Levi waved away their jokes again, his mouth twisted as though he was being forced to chew on tiny white grubs rather than rice. As he lifted his head he caught Hange’s eye again… and held their look. 
This was dangerous. 
That same rising dread intensified; remained suspended over Levi as he continued doggedly through one of the most excruciating dinners of his life. And yet, there was something which threatened to consume him whole; a feeling caught halfway between fear and fascination. Like oil and water, his conflicted emotions lay beside one another; equal parts danger and desire. They could never be reconciled, but only hold firmer in the presence of one another. Ever since New Year’s, something had started to take form… something that any and all other distractions hadn’t managed to douse…
Levi felt the brush of gentle fingers on his wrist. Petra was smiling at him. He closed his hand over hers, watching as their fingers lay entwined upon his knee. He couldn’t look at Hange again.
“What was it you said that night, Levi?” Nanaba continued, “just this once, then then never again?”
Levi’s thumb stroked over Petra’s knuckles as his mind drifted back to that night. He didn’t want to remember the warmth of the blanket enclosed around his body and Hange’s. He didn’t want to breathe in their scent; to feel the heat lifting from their cheeks; to have his throat run dry as they drew towards him…
“Levi, we can sleep here and never talk about this again. Or…”
Back in the present, Levi squeezed Petra’s hand.
“And I meant it…” he managed huskily, “...you guys can stay at a hotel next time.”
In part it was due to his own habit, but also out of a desire to extract himself from the table, as Levi took up their empty plates. He carried the dishes out to the kitchen and set them beside the sink. For a moment he gazed through their kitchen window at the view of Mike and Nanaba’s new neighbourhood. Rows of detached, two-storey houses stood adorned with gleaming windows and wooden balconies. The pair of them had taken the next step of their journey… their wedding was to follow in a few months…
Behind him there came the tinkling of glass and the sound of a door closing. Levi glanced over his shoulder.
“Um… just getting more wine.” Hange lifted the bottle they had taken from the fridge. Levi uttered a throaty sound halfway between a cough and a derisive snort.
“Sure as fuck you weren’t coming to wash these up…” Levi glowered at them until Hange took a step closer. They set their glass down beside Levi’s stack of plates. Through the open door and across the hall they could both hear the chatter of the other guests.
Levi turned away and began to run the water. Behind, Hange poured a little more wine into their glass. He couldn’t help but turn his head again. Hange was checking the label as they set the bottle down. With a sigh Levi lifted a plate and sank it into the dishwater, missing Hange’s eyes as they moved over him.
“Levi… do you want…”
He shifted around again to look at them. His mouth dried up before he could speak. He took in Hange’s broad shoulders beneath their white shirt; the deep, rich brown of their imploring eyes… There was always something so earnest, so fearless in their expression.
Levi’s eyes remained upon their face.
“...I’ll leave the bottle here.” They turned to leave the room, but stopped after taking a step. When they spoke again, their tone was low, conspiratorial.
“You know I won’t say anything, right…?” 
Levi felt a ripple of tension travel down his arms. His hand seized up; the brush he was holding clattered onto the kitchen floor.
“Anyway, nothing happened that night…” Hange gave a little laugh without a trace of humour in it, “...after all, you made it pretty clear what you wanted.”
Slowly, they began to approach him.
“Just like I have to… right now.” Hange was smiling at him, a gentle blush dusting their cheeks. “You know when it’s your shot right? Now or never…”
The air itself lay thick and heavy. Levi was rooted to the spot, his mind clouded with them as they took another step. Oil and water. They couldn’t-  Petra was seated in the next room, laughing with their friends.
Again, he remembered the blanket that had embraced them as they lay together on his couch. Levi could feel their warm breath on his mouth. It was just the two of them under night’s black canopy, threaded with the lights of a million stars. Whilst the rest of the world had slept, they had lain so closely together… they had almost…
“So Levi…” 
Hange’s lip trembled before their jaw set. Behind their glasses, their eyes were glazed with a love so profound that it took Levi’s breath away. 
“If I told you now that… despite it all… bad timing, lack of communication, people and work and life getting in the way… despite my initial hypothesis and all the test runs in my head… my findings are still the same.”
Hange took a shuddering breath.
“You are all I ever wanted. That’s… what I’ve decided.”
He felt their fingers trace his shirt sleeve.
“...what about you, Levi?”
Part 1: Now or Never (NSFW)
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What.. Do you think Sonya and Kenshi's relationship would be like 👂
Okay this one has me thinking-
Sonya and Kenshi, compared to their respective partners, are quite reserved. Though they both have an attitude problem and I can see them bickering a lot, but not to the extent that they do with Johnny or Suchin (it’s playful bickering but bickering nonetheless). I can see them easily losing track of time by talking to each other or simply resting side to side in silence.
As for conflicts, I feel as if their stubbornness would be a big issue. In getting together and communicating. I do feel like Kenshi would be the more understanding of the two despite his pride. Their combined impulsiveness is also a problem and I imagine them to argue about that. Kenshi being a wanderer and freelance spy (idk how to word what Kenshi does 😭) and Sonya being content in one place leads to them not seeing each other for periods of time.
As for them getting together 😈 it was Sonya who made the first move, though it wasn’t with romantic intent in the beginning. Sonya being the coffee shop fanatic she is (personal headcanon) asked Kenshi to meet her at her favorite one to work on a joint case, something she does occasionally to relax while still getting work done. He accepts and they meet there several times before finishing the case.
It becomes a tradition for them to go to said coffee shop whenever they get joint cases. And one day Kenshi comes into office and notices that Sonya’s having a bad day and brings her a coffee from there, having memorized her order long ago. He starts to do this when they don’t have joint cases and one day she, somewhat awkwardly, invites him to get coffe with her outside of work and things evolve from there 🤭
I’m not sure how Takeda would react but considering his telepathic abilities he’s not having a good time (he already has to deal with subscorp why his bio dad too 😔 I do think he’d be reluctantly happy for them though). Cassie goes through the 5 stages of grief after the announcement before deciding, yeah, Kenshi’s pretty chill and her mom deserves to be happy. I don’t think she’d ever call him anything relating to dad but rather uncle or something.
Cassie does has some resentment over the fact that her parents won’t ever be together but she doesn’t want to cause drama. Johnny’s conflicted about the whole thing as he still loves Sonya and had been getting closer to Kenshi the past few years but he’s also happy for them and is loud about it.
(There is kencageblade potential here 👀 if we want to go that route)
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jtargaryen18 · 2 years
His Inheritance ~ Chapter 23
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Part 23: Who Do You Trust?
Series Masterlist
Words: 4.6k
Pairing: Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
Warnings: References to mob crime families, activities, domestic violence, miscarriage, and infidelity. References to kidnapping, non-con, imprisonment, and threats. This is a dark fic. Please read responsibly.
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Summary: For @alexakeyloveloki. Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his.
“Can’t sleep?”
Steve looked up to see Dyson in his doorway. A quick glance at his watch revealed it to be just after 3 AM. Raking a hand through his hair, Steve shook his head.
What happened just a few hours ago had him shaken. Hansen brought a group of mercenaries to his home while he was gone, while the heads of the five families were meeting over the discord in the ranks that he called. And he didn’t even make it to the meeting.
What was this? The fucking Godfather? The bastard worked for Barnes. And Barnes wasn’t even trying to hide his contempt for Steve’s leadership. It was a direct challenge, and it required a swift and harsh retaliation.
His wife was sleeping in his bed upstairs. Since he’d announced his intention to marry her, to claim leadership of the families, Clint had been shot. A shop on his turf had been hit hard. And now this.
“Hansen was here for her.” Steve was direct. “He came so close.”
The concern on his man’s face mirrored what Steve felt in his chest. The side of Dyson’s face was bruised, his arm in a sling from the attack earlier.
Motioning to the chair on the other side of his desk, Steve said, “Please, have a seat. You should be resting.”
Dyson waved him off. “I’ll be fine, boss.” Still, he slowly made his way to that chair and took a seat.
“I’m thinking we have rat in our ranks,” Steve said finally.
Dyson’s expression was grim. He nodded.
“Someone knew where to find Clint that night,” Steve pointed out.
“Yeah, but Clint wasn’t where he was supposed to be.” Dyson blew out an exhale. “And then this horrible fight your sister got into with her husband.”
Fight, by all accounts, was putting it mildly. Since Clint had been shot, Steve had kept him away from Nat. To protect them both. Maybe Nat was unhappy about that and picked a fight with Bruce. It wouldn’t be the first time. Maybe…
“You heard anything about that fight?” Steve asked. “Since I didn’t make it over there. Or to the meeting of for that matter.”
“You not making the meeting was Barnes’ intention,” Dyson said angrily. “But Barnes was there, and fuck knows what he said to the others.”
Barnes likely tried. Tony wouldn’t just buy it. Neither would Sam. Thor? He could honestly go either way.
When Steve didn’t have anything to add to that, Dyson shook his head. “I put Scott on it, but he didn’t hear much. Thing I don’t like? No one has really seen Nat since that fight.”
Steve considered that. “What do you mean? I’ve talked to her.”
“Unless it was by video chat, you haven’t seen her.”
“What are you saying?” Steve knew what the older man was insinuating. “Yeah, Bruce has a temper on him. But…”
“They haven’t fought like this since she fell that time,” Dyson threw out there.
Steve blew out his frustration. “We’ve talked about this,” Steve told him. “She was too close to the stairs, and she fell.”
Dyson eyed him skeptically. “You really believe that? She broke and arm, a leg. Lucky she didn’t break her neck. And the baby…”
Steve stopped him there. “Yes, it was awful and I all but threatened Bruce to tell me the truth about that. You know I did.”
Dyson nodded at that.
“And what if that baby wasn’t Bruce’s, huh?” Steve pointed out. “You ever thought about that?”
“Sure, I have,” Dyson told him. “Bruce knew about the pregnancy. If he really thought it was his, why would he have gotten in a fight like that with her? Why take the risk?”
It was plausible that Bruce might have thought that. But for him to go after Nat like that? He still struggled to believe that. Surely to God Bruce would know better than to lay hands on his sister.
Nat was headstrong and irrational when she was upset. She’d been dramatic since she was born.
Still, something felt off.
“I’ll go check on her today,” Steve finally said. “I’d very much appreciate it if you kept this away from my wife.”
“Oh, it’s too late for that,” Dyson explained. “Clint moped around through dinner and the start of poker night. Scott brought it up. I tried to steer them off topic, tell them to mind their own business. Scott shut up. Your wife doesn’t have to. She thinks your sister is being brutalized. Her words.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “That’s because Nat’s been in her ear. But we need to manage that better. The one time she disobeyed me and left this house was with Nat.”
Dyson nodded his agreement.
Rising from his chair, Steve went to pour himself a bourbon. “You don’t think Clint is a concern, do you?”
“What do you mean?”
“If we have a rat,” Steve had to say it, “Clint certainly has a motive.”
Dyson snorted. “If Clint was going to turn on us, don’t you think he would have done it before now? Clint followed orders. You wanted him to break your sister’s heart? He did. You want him to go to Europe so you could marry her off to Bruce? He did. Clint’s on the up and up.”
Maybe Dyson was right. But Steve wished he could keep him the hell away from Nat. He’d been so sure that Bruce could make it work, to care for his sister in a way that she deserved. His sister deserved better than a cluttered three-room apartment and a soldier who might not live long.
“Then there’s Belova,” Steve said. But he knew as soon as he said it what was coming.
“No,” Dyson said flatly. “Forget about it.”
“Things escalated when she came on the scene,” Steve replied.
“She wasn’t here when Clint got shot,” Dyson was quick to say. “Pretty sure she was here in this house when the shop got hit.”
“She’s supposed to be protecting my wife at the wedding,” Steve pointed out. “Kat and Hansen both got to her. And last night?”
Dyson was already shaking his head. “Hansen’s a psychotic son-of-a-bitch who caught her off guard at the wedding.”
There was something Dyson wasn’t saying. How did Yelena know Hansen?
“And last night? My wife is the one who shot Hansen,” Steve told him, taking a sip of his drink as he stood there. “It scares the shit out of me. They were already after her because of who her father was. Because she’s mine. Now this?”
“Hey, they got the drop of me,” Dyson said meaningfully. “Only reason you didn’t find my dead ass out there last night was because of Yelena.”
“Maybe she covered you,” Steve told him. “But twice now Hansen’s got the drop on her. Hansen is who is coming for my wife with Barnes’ blessing. If Yelena can’t handle him, she can’t protect my wife.”
Dyson didn’t like that answer. Steve could almost hear his mind working as he walked back to the desk and sat down.
“If not for Yelena, your wife might be gone,” Dyson explained. “Who taught her to shoot, huh?”
Steve remembered the cuff mark on her thigh on their wedding night. “I don’t remember asking anyone to teach my wife how to use weapons.”
“You wouldn’t.” Dyson chuckled.
His man didn’t have to finish that sentence. Steve knew in a given mood his wife with a weapon could possibly spell bad news for him down the road.
“Did you know?”
Shaking his head, Dyson held his gaze. “No.”
“I’m just supposed to accept someone teaching my wife to use a gun and God knows what else?” Steve wanted to know. “She got lucky last night. If she’d missed him, my wife would be gone, and we’d be having a different talk.”
Dyson gave him a look. “You think Yelena came up with that by herself? Think about it. Or did your wife ask her to show her some things?”
While Dyson just might be right, Steve wasn’t going to admit to that. “Belova is here on trial. I’ll be talking to her in the next day or so.”
“Talk to her,” Dyson told him. “She’ll listen. But you try and end that arrangement and it will be a full-on war with your wife.”
Steve knew it too. Still, there was something else he wanted to bring up.
“Yelena brought a woman here,” Steve reminded him. “Now, I’m told she was here to do my wife’s nails. But Neal said she looked familiar. He just couldn’t place her. You know anything I don’t?”
“What?” Dyson shook his head. “That woman was a beautician. I did the security check myself.” Dyson chuckled at that. “What do you think a cosmetologist is going to do?”
“Why did Neal recognize her?”
Dyson was still grinning. “How the fuck should I know? Neal is an uptight kiss ass. I’ve never liked him.”
“He’s a good man,” Steve replied.
“He’s a prick,” Dyson told him. “You want to look for rats, you might take a closer look at him.”
Steve realized that Dyson didn’t like Neal. But no one else had a problem with him and he’d proven himself over the last two years.
“How about Scott?” Steve asked.
Dyson side-eyed him. “Really?”
“How is Yelena?” Steve wanted to get off the topic.
The old man’s expression eased. “She’s concussed. But she’ll be okay according to doc. She just needs to take it easy for a couple of days. We’ve doubled security anyway.”
Holding up his hands, Steve didn’t take that on. “Fine. But I’ll be keeping a closer eye on her.”
You woke up at just after seven and you were alone. It felt strange as you stretched, sat up. Normally Steve woke you around five in ways that you had come to enjoy. Once he was done, you usually went back to sleep for a while. But today he was gone.
Then the night before all came back to you. The attack on the house. Hansen.
Scrambling to get a shower and get dressed, you were on a mission. Luca was surprised to see you burst into his kitchen the way you did. At first. But you asked him if he could get breakfast ready for Dyson and Yelena, planning to take it to them on trays.
“Dyson’s up already, he just left with Steve,” Luca explained.
“Who went with them?” you had to ask about security. Especially with everything that happened last night.
Luca pulled a face.
“Nothing,” he finally muttered. “There was some disagreement on who was going with them. Clint ended up going. But Scott and Neal are still here with us.”
“Steve’s going to check on Nat.” Pulling down a glass, you went for the orange juice in the kitchen. “That fight was bad then.”
Luca chuckled. “I know you didn’t see your old man all that much. And that was stupid on his part. But you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Just like he did.”
Which was Luca’s way of confirming your suspicions. Okay then.
Pouring yourself some juice, you smiled. “Thank you. It’s just… I didn’t choose this life. But it’s mine now so I’m going to learn it.”
“I don’t doubt you,” he said, getting ingredients.
“Where’s Yelena?”
“Must still be in bed,” the cook went on. “I haven’t seen her.”
“She’s really okay?”
“Concussion,” Luca told her.
“Bastard,” you mumbled, hating Hansen. You didn’t know what happened between her and Hansen in the past. Yet another secret from the past that could come back and bite all of you in the ass. You decided then and there to see if she would tell you what happened there.
“So I’ll get on that breakfast for her.”
You hugged him. “Thank you.”
Luca always had a pot of coffee on. You poured a cup for Yelena. You knew she liked caramel, so you flavored It for her, grabbed a saucer, and headed for the stairs.
You apparently weren’t the only one heading for Yelena’s room. You saw Neal before he saw you and he stopped.
Schooling his expression, he said, “Were you looking for someone, Mrs. Rogers?”
“No. Were you?”
There it was. That impatient smirk. You’d seen it before at the hospital.
“I was just checking on Belova,” he explained benignly.
Yelena had a good rapport with Luca, Clint, and Scott. She put her best face on whenever your husband was in the vicinity. But Neal? You’d never seen them interact now that you thought about it.
“I’ve got it,” you told him. “But thanks.”
“You don’t need to trouble yourself with this,” he was curt. “It’s not your job to look after those of us who work for your husband.”
Oh. Oh. Did he really just talk down to you?
“It is if I want it to be,” you informed him. You couldn’t help it, but your anger rose. Things were already tense, so it didn’t take much. “I’ve never seen you and Yelena talk. It just struck me as odd.”
Oh, that pissed him off. You watched color seep up from the crisp white collar of his shirt.
“Maybe she wouldn’t be injured, Mrs. Rogers, if you hadn’t interfered.” Neal squared up a little, tall as Steve he towered over you. “More people could end up hurt if you continue playing a game that you’re not suited for.”
“I’m new to all of this,” you said slowly, glaring back at him. “It’s true. But I’m not so new that I think I need advice on any aspect of my life from a soldier. Are we clear?”
A muscle at the man’s jaw jumped. It took a minute, but he finally said, “Yes, Mrs. Rogers.”
You shook your head. Who did he think he was?
You waited until he went back the way he came, out of sight, before you tried the door. It was unlocked. You hoped Yelena was okay with you just letting yourself in. You were quiet, trying not to wake her with a start.
As it was, she was already up, scribbling furiously on a notepad on her lap. When her gaze met yours, you saw her tears.
“I brought you coffee,” you told her with a smile. “Are you okay?”
Her face crumbled then, and she buried her face in her hands, sobs shaking her entire body.
You hustled over, placing the coffee on her bedside table with care. It was hot. Then you took a seat on the edge of her bed.
“Yelena,” you told her. “I’m so sorry about your concussion. How do you feel?”
“Like a failure,” she told you.
Wrapping her up in your arms, you held her there. Your gaze drifted to the notepad she’d been writing on. All you had to do was skim the first couple of lines she’d written to realize it was a resignation.
Easing back from her, you made her look at you. “Yelena, we need to talk.”
Stoically, she tried to get a grip on herself. The tears continued to slide down her face and it was a struggle for her to meet your gaze.
“We do,” she said in a shaking voice. “And I accept responsibility for what happened last night. I will… leave today and –”
“What are you talking about? You’re not resigning. I need you,” you assured her.
“You could have been taken or killed,” Yelena’s voice was heavy with self-directed anger.
“But I wasn’t.” You watched her swipe at her tears. “I’m still here.”
“I froze,” she muttered. “I—”
“But I didn’t,” you went on. “Thanks to you.”
Shaking her head, she still looked miserable. “You may want me to stay. But if I don’t resign, your husband will insist I go.”
“Let him try,” you explained. “I’ll go with you.”
Still, your friend looked despondent.
“Yelena, don’t worry about your position here. You won’t lose your position. I promise you that. But I need to know what happened,” you said carefully. “You have a history with Hansen. And I’m not judging you. But—”
Now she looked afraid. Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything. You were about to try and change the subject when she blew out an exhale.
“I know what he said but he… was never my ex,” she said slowly. “I don’t think of him that way.”
Dread flooded your heart at those words. If he wasn’t her ex, what had happened?
“My father worked for Steve’s father, before I was born,” she explained.
You nodded, listening.
“Hansen, is just a little older than your husband,” Yelena continued. “He didn’t have family connections to our world, but he wanted to be part of it very badly. He is ambitious. From what I’m told, he wasn’t well liked when he started out. Your father wasn’t even willing to give him a chance. For a long time, the best he did was take odd jobs he got from the Starks. Things no one else wanted to do.”
You had a bad feeling about her part in this story, but you didn’t say anything.
“When I was small, the feds came after the families in a big way,” she went on. “Another soldier Hansen frequently worked with was gunned down. Hansen survived. Barely. My father and another soldier found him there in the street and they took him in, saved his life.”
You could tell from the tempest of pain and fear in her face that she wished the story had ended there and differently.
“He fooled my father who took him under his wing,” Yelena explained. “He got him on with your husband's family. Once Hansen physically recovered, he demonstrated who he really was. He was ambitious and cruel. Whatever it took to get the job done, he did it. My father was pretty brutal, but Hansen’s tactics didn’t sit well, even with him. Or Dyson. Still, regular as clockwork, he’d visit us. Every month, he’d come to our house to have dinner and catch up with my father. He’d ask my father to tell him stories about his life, fed his ego.”
More tears. You reached for her hand as she struggled to continue her story. She let you.
“By then, my mother had passed, and my brother was always out with his friends. I’d beg him to let me go to a friend’s house,” Yelena told you. “To go anywhere. But he insisted I stay and cook them dinner. It would be good for me to learn, my father said. He meant for me to marry someone in the business, just like you.”
That explained why she wanted to help you. But Yelena became a soldier. And you were about to hear how that happened.
“My father didn’t notice the way he’d leer at me,” she went on. “The minute my father’s back was turned, or he left the room, Hansen was focused on me. It made my skin crawl. I even tried to explain this to my father, but he’d shake his head. ‘Hansen knows you’re not for him,’ he’d tell me. ‘He wouldn’t dare try anything with you because he’d have to deal with me,’ he’d say. And that was true.”
Oh, God.
“That last year of my father’s life, my brother went off to college,” Yelena went on. “He went to Julliard. My father was so proud that he would be a great musician. A cellist. I wanted him to be proud of me. I did well in school. I wanted to be out there in the world, like my brother. My father instead planned to marry me off because he knew he didn’t have long. He would try to introduce me to young soldiers he worked with.”
You shook your head. What was wrong with these men?
“Hansen was furious,” Yelena explained. “On top of those damned monthly dinners, he started showing up outside my school and my job. He’d scare off anyone who tried to talk to me at my father’s bidding. After that, I was afraid to talk to any other boys who were interested in me. I was afraid he’d hurt them.”
Yelena had been way too young to be afraid like that. Like you, she hadn’t had a chance.
“When my father passed? Hansen…” A sob cut her off. “Hansen moved into our house and he… took me. I haven’t heard from my brother since the funeral, nor any other people in my family, since then. He must have threatened them… he must have…”
Your heart broke at the story she told. She’d just been a girl at the mercy of a psychotic brute. You held her, let her cry it out. Yelena was choking on her tears.
You were choking back fury. The same young woman had protected you, helped guide you. Regardless of what the bastard had done to her, he didn’t completely break her. Yelena was strong.
Still, you swore to yourself you would make him pay.
“You survived him,” you whispered, your own tears pooling in your eyes. “You got away from him.”
Yelena eased away, nodded. The sliver of pride that had her chin rising gave you hope.
“I was his prisoner for over a year,” she said finally. “I didn’t leave the house. I didn’t speak to anyone. I had no access to a phone, to any media. I thought I was going to die.”
“You didn’t.”
“I didn’t,” Yelena said like she still had to convince herself. “One day he came back from a job, and he was badly beaten up. I was able to overpower him. I got out.”
“Can I ask you something?” When she nodded, you went on. “You stayed here, in Boston. Why? Why didn’t you go anywhere else? You could have disappeared.”
“He would have found me,” she said simply. “He wouldn’t have stopped until he did. When he wants something, he’s the most ruthless person you’ve ever encountered. There was only one place where I could go and be safe. I had to be protected by one of the families.”
You felt sick. Really?
“But not as a wife,” you offered.
“No, I’m not suitable for that now,” she explained. “But after what I went through, using sex to meet my goals didn’t seem so unreasonable. I hooked up with a soldier in the Wilson family. It wasn’t a relationship. He wanted sex. I wanted someone to teach me. I learned the basics from him. After he pointed me in the right direction, I did the rest on my own. I became a soldier.”
“Oh, my God,” you muttered.
“My relationship wasn’t enough to protect me on its own. So I moved around a lot, couch surfed,” she went on. “Dyson knew me because he and my father both worked for the Rogers family. I ran into him one night and... He helped me get jobs here and there. He let me stay at his house when I needed it."
You must have made a face at that.
"He was living with you," she told you. "Dyson has a home. Apparently, he chooses to live here to keep an eye on you."
That thought had you smiling. Dyson was the closest thing you actually had to a father.
"He got me the gig at your wedding.”
And you were so grateful for that.
“When you offered me this,” she said slowly, “you didn’t realize that you saved me.”
You smiled through your own tears. “We are saving each other.”
“It’s the best life I can have now.”
“You can’t say that,” you told her. “You could be anything you wanted, Yelena. You could be happy one day. Maybe even find someone who cares about you.”
“No one would want me now,” she said bitterly. “I’m scarred, damaged.”
That son-of-a-bitch. Whatever he’d done to her had been awful. You didn’t need to have that explained to you.
But he would pay.
“But I promise,” Yelena told you. “As long as I live, I will not let him do to you what he did to me.”
“I believe you.” You meant it. “And I’m really hoping you’ll stay by my side. I need you.”
“It may not be our choice.”
You didn’t miss her meaning.
“It will be my choice,” you assured her. “Don’t worry about that. Right now, rest. Luca is making your breakfast right now.”
She shook her head. “You’re taking care of me. That’s not how it’s supposed to go.”
“Fuck tradition,” you told her. You tore off the page she’d been writing on and ripped it in half. “I could care less how any of this is supposed to go. Now rest.”
Bucky smiled when Katerina opened the door of her apartment, showing off her assets in a barely-there negligee. The deep plum color flattered her. The painted smile she flashed had him looking forward to the evening ahead.
As he walked in, he saw there were artfully placed candles to set the mood. The scent of her perfume lingered in the air. There was a sumptuous charcuterie board with wine and glasses waiting for him, as she led him to the sofa.
“I missed you,” Kat promised him, her dark eyes sparkling.
Did she? Or was it her allowance that he continued after Rogers broke off from her?
It didn’t really matter. Bucky had plenty of money and Kat had something valuable to offer him in addition to sex. And the sex was pretty fantastic.
Bucky sank down onto her couch, letting her take a seat in his lap. She grinned to feel his hardness beneath her. Her slender hands slid up around his neck and she kissed his mouth with care and finesse.
Ending the kiss, he blew out an exhale. There was a little bit of business to attend to first.
“What’s on your mind, lover?” Kat asked sweetly.
Grinning, Bucky pulled his phone from his pocket. Hansen had sent him the picture an hour or so ago.
The smile faded from Kat’s face as she looked over the picture of the girl looking fearfully at the camera.
“I don’t want to see her.” She was pouting.
“Take a closer look,” Bucky bid her. “She’s not who you think.”
Kat looked at him in confusion. Then she really studied the picture. “Who? Who is she?”
“She’s nobody special to you,” he explained. “But she is missing.”
“Aside from the fact that she looks like her,” she wouldn’t say Mrs. Rogers, “why does she matter?”
“She works in a local donut shop,” Bucky told her as he pocketed his phone. “I need you to make sure your sister knows that. I want her to make sure Bruce Banner knows that.”
A smile slowly curved those sensuous lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I can do that.”
“But you want something?” Bucky wondered if she knew how easy she was to read.
Kat nodded, her long glossy curls catching the light. “I want to know why.”
That was the best part. And if Kat were going to continue helping him burn down Steve Rogers’ life, well, he decided he really should tell her something.
“Well, the last mission I sent you on worked spectacularly,” Bucky told her with a grin, brushing a kiss over her bare shoulder. “Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Banner had quite a fight.”
“Why does that matter?” she asked, very interested in the answer.
Bucky brushed another kiss over her neck. “It matters because the girl in that picture worked in a shop on Steve’s turf. Her older sister was best friends with Natasha in college. That should push Steve’s sister deeper into her current hysteria.”
The smile was brilliant now. “You’re pulling his entire world apart, aren’t you lover?”
“That’s the plan.” Bucky continued to press kisses to her warm skin. “To show him there’s no one I can’t reach. That no one around him is safe. Not the people he’s supposed to protect. Not his sister. Not his men… Not his new bride.”
The pout was back. “You should have taken her, not that girl.”
Hansen had come pretty close.
Bucky kissed those pouty lips. “In time,” he whispered against them.
@21stcenturywitchcraft @coconutqueen21 @buckybarnesplumwhorere @bval-11 @caffiend-queenend-queen @candy-and-writing @capsicle-shield @chaoticfiretaconerd @chrisevansgirl @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @coldmuffinbanditshoe @daughterofthenight117 @hv-chw3 @iheartsebastianstanstuff @imanuglywombat @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @justrae9903 @lok1sgrl @lokislastlove @mariaenchanted @marvelouspottering @maxwelllee2020 @nannies-dont-date @nekoannie-chan @nerdwholikesword @notyourtypicalrose @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @peaceinourtime82 @rainbowkisses31 @rayofdawnworld @richonne4life @rissysthoughts-blog @saiyanprincessswanie @scarletsoldier21-blog @shygirl-000 @supernaturaldean677 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @team-iron-wannabe-man @titty-teetee @tonib666 @villanellevi @vitamingummies @weebid @what-is-your-plan-today @what-is-your-wish @xoxabs88xox @rosalynshields @naturalthrone22 @marvelovernfan @gotnofucks
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Is it a crime?
Chapter 8
Pairing: mob boss!bucky Barnes x mob boss!reader
Word count:5.2k
Warnings: angst, some physical violence, physical violence against a pregnant woman, death threats, gun use, teenage pregnancy scare, arguing I think that’s all
A/N: some of you are upset on how the last chapter ended and I’m sorry! I hope some parts of this chapter makes up for it. A LOT is revealed here too. Please let me know what you think. A very special shout out to the very lovely Em ( @writing-for-marvel ) for being such an amazing person an creating dividers for this series I absolutely love them. Em is also a very talented writer so you should check out her writing!!!
Series masterlist
Ch. 7
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17 years old
You paced back and forth in your bathroom. Bucky sat at the edge of the bathtub, his leg bouncing as he watched you. The wait was pure agonizing torture. After a few minutes the timer you had set went off. The answer you were waiting for would be the best news or the worst. You pick up the little white stick with a pink lid and read the result, sighing in relief.
“What does it say?” Bucky asked, still unmoving from his spot.
“It’s negative.”
You showed him the pregnancy test and he frowns slightly. His reaction causes you to frown on return. He pulls you closer so that you’re standing in between his legs. His arms wrap around your hips.
“Did you want to have a baby now?” You ask in a whisper. “We’re still in school.”
“Now or in five or ten years or fifteen years, it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re the mother of my children.”
He smiles up at you, that sweet boyish smile you love and you can’t help but run your hand through his unruly hair.
“What if we’re not together by that time? Or we stop loving each other?”
He pulls back and looks you dead in the eye, his expression serious. “The day I stop loving you is the day I die. Even then I’d come back as a ghost to haunt you with my love.”
“You weirdo.” You laugh at the last part.
“I can live with that as long as you promise to love me back, and marry me when the time is right and have my children.”
“Only you Barnes, only you.” You smile brightly down at him before you connect your lips with his.
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“You got her pregnant?!” Bucky hears behind him. He turns in his chair to see Becca walking into his living room and right towards him with a scowl on her face.
It was too early for this. To have this talk or fight. His head was still pounding from the horrible hangover he acquired, which takes a lot of alcohol considering he isn’t a lightweight.
“Answer me, James.”
“No.” He says quietly at first. “I don’t think so— maybe.”
When Becca stands in front of her older brother she can see the red rimmed and puffy eyes. There were dark bags under said eyes, his hair was disheveled as if he ran his hand through it multiple times. It’s obvious Bucky hasn’t slept or eaten anything since Dot announced the pregnancy and that had only been a few hours ago. But it was your face that kept showing up anytime he closed his eyes.
“Why would you even sleep with her? I thought you hated her guts.”
“Becca please, I can’t do this now. How did you even find out?”
“She’s been at home for the last hour talk-“
“It’s like 8:00 am.”
“Anyways, I came here because she was talking to dad. Dot is trying to convince him to make you move up the wedding since she doesn’t want to look pregnant in her wedding dress.”
Bucky’s eyes snap up to look at his sister.
“Fuck,” he throws the glass he had in his hand against the window. “Let’s go now. I’m not moving that wedding up.”
“You should shower and change first, you smell like a cheap bar.”
“Fine.” Bucky growls before stomping away toward his room.
Once he’s freshly showered and dressed Bucky heads back downstairs. There’s a whispered conversation going on between Steve and Becca. They both turn to look at him once he makes his presence known. Steve’s expression is more grim than Becca’s.
“What did she say?”
Steve opens his mouth but closes it again. He smooths his beard as he tries to think of the easiest way to say what you had told him.
“Will you just spit it out?”
“She told me to tell you to leave her the fuck alone and that you should be focusing on your future wife and child.”
Bucky curses under his breath.
“I’ll deal with dad first, let's go.”
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Not much had changed in the old restaurant Pierce had brought you to. It was his usual spot even when you were a kid. The waitstaff still feared him, his men were still posted at every entryway. He still sat at the same table, with his back to the wall leaving you to sit with your back to a huge window. Sometimes you thought of just sending Cougar to take him out from a few rooftops away but that would take the fun out of everything. And if one thing was certain it was that you wanted to watch Pierce realize he’d lost. For now you indulge this little power trip of his.
“You know I gave up on looking for you about three years ago. You were in the clear, you could have kept living your life. So I don’t understand why you would do something so stupid like come back?” He looked at you over his coffee.
“You’re too old to be acting this stupid Pierce. You know why I’m back.”
“Watch your fucking attitude with me, princess.” He slammed his hand on the table, causing all the cutlery and plates to clang against each other.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. My, my someone is testy this morning. What’s wrong Pierce, did your prune juice not work for you?”
“I’m going to give you one day,” he held up one finger as he glared at you. “To pack your shit along with those good for nothing goons you brought with you, and get out of town. After that I won’t be responsible for my actions.”
“Is that supposed to scare me? Come on, you know better than that.” You shifted in your seat and sat up straighter. “I’m only going to tell you this once, I’m here to take back everything you stole from me. There is no negotiating, I will leave you with nothing and when we get to the end and you’re begging me to just end you, I will take pleasure in keeping you on the brink of death until I see fit.”
Pierce laughed and when he stopped he had a smug smile on his lips.
“Was that supposed to scare me?” He mocks. “I’ve taught you everything you know, I’ll always be ahead of you. There’s not a move you can make that I won’t know about and I will make your existence so miserable you’ll be the one begging for your life to end.” He takes another sip of his coffee. “I could have had you killed the minute you stepped into my city but as a courtesy I wanted to have this sit down. I’ll only warn you once. The minute you step out of that door you have 24 hours to leave. If not, get ready for war.”
You smile at him before lifting your hand and signaling for someone or something. The window cracks and splinters, a bullet flies by your and Pierce’s head imbedding itself in the wall behind him. Before he or his bodyguards have time to react you’ve already gotten up from your seat. You grab Pierce by the back of his neck and slam his head against the table. The gun Rosie had given you just that morning is in your hand and pressed against his temple. “Tell them to back off.” You instruct Pierce as his men point their guns at you. “Now!”
“Do it, put your guns down and back off.”
You lean in “I’ve been ready for war for ten years. You should have killed me when you had the chance. If you think you can intimidate me with your old school bullshit, you’ve got another thing coming. That was the only warning shot you get, next time my guy won’t miss.” You push his head against the table once again before standing up straight. The gun you brandished was now pointed at the other men.
“Where did you get that gun?” He asked, sounding a bit panicked and surprised.
“Why do you care?”
“That was your mother’s gun.” He said through heavy breaths. “She was supposed to have it the night she died but it wasn’t in the car.”
The comment confuses you, how would he know if it was or wasn’t in the car.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure this is the gun I use when I kill you.” You snap before walking out of the restaurant.
Jake was waiting in a car just outside for you. You get in and he barely waits for the door to close before pulling away. He’s fuming, you can tell by the way the veins in his neck are about to pop out.
“Can you tell me what the fuck that was about?” Jake says through gritted teeth. He’s gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles are white. “What were you fucking thinking? He could have killed you.”
“He wasn’t going to. Pierce likes his little cat and mouse game. He has a strict set of rules he likes to follow, he never deviates from it. You know this.”
“That’s not the damn point.” he practically yells at you.
“Watch your tone with me Jensen. I’m your fucking boss, I make the calls not you.”
“And I’m not some low level pusher. I’m your right hand and I’ll call you out when I have to. Listen I get you’re upset about the Barnes thing, but that’s not an excuse to be so damn reckless.” His voice softens a little.
“Stop the car.”
“I said stop the fucking car.” You snap and he does as you ask. “You have more important things to do, get to ‘em.” You say as you get out of the car and slam the door shut.
He drives away while you stand there. You take a deep breath and you wish you could smash someone’s head in.
“Fuck.” You mutter as you walk down the sidewalk.
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“Oh my gosh, what happened to the window baby?”
“What the fuck are you doing here Dot?” Pierce glared at the bubbly blonde from his seat at the table.
“Well I wanted to see you and you weren’t at your office. The plan worked, James and Y/N think the baby is his.”
Dot gets closer to the older man and inspects his face. She gasps as she sees the red splotches on his face from where you slammed his head against the table.
“Who did this?” She tried to caress his cheek.
Pierce grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from him.
“Ow, Alex you’re hurting me.”
“Are you fucking stupid? Did the bleach finally seep into your brain and ate away at your common sense? Y/N could have seen you. It could have ruined everything.”
“But I just wanted to see you. I’ve missed you and I know the baby misses his daddy.”
“You missed me?” Pierce’s hand connected with Dot’s face. The sound like thunder in the otherwise quiet room. “If you ever do anything stupid like showing up here I will kill you myself, understood?”
Dot tries to wipe the tears away and nods.
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do that but sometimes you just make me so angry. Come here.” Pierce pulls Dot into a hug. “Now do me a favor. Get on your phone and call Rumlow and tell him to meet me here. Can you do that?”
“Brock is already outside. I’ll just tell him to come in.”
“Why don’t you do that and go home. We can’t risk our plan falling apart now can we?”
“No sir.” Dot walks out of the dining area and gets Brock before leaving.
“You wanted to see me?”
“If you ever let your sister near this area again, I will end you.” Pierce glared at the younger man.
“Understood. Anything else?”
“I gave Y/N 24 hours to leave. Burn down one of her warehouses tomorrow.”
“You think she won’t leave?”
“Of course not. I taught her better than that. The offer was just a formality. Now go keep an eye on her place. I want to know what happens.”
“You got it.”
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Bucky walked into his family home ready to tear his father apart if he tried to have the wedding moved up. Dot was already gone by the time he arrived which was good because he would have strangled her. He said a quick hello to his mother and walked right into his father’s study. The older man glared at him, George Barnes hated being interrupted in the middle of what seemed like a meeting. This would have earned Bucky a beating but not anymore. Honestly Bucky would like to see his father try and swing at him.
“You know the rules, boy. I’m working and don’t just walk in here when I’m in a meeting.” George growls.
“This meeting is on hold,” Bucky looked down at the man in his father’s office. “Donny take a break.”
Donny looked between the two men and got up to quickly exit the room. He was more afraid of Bucky than he was of George. Bucky had earned a certain reputation over the last ten years that his father could never have.
“If you ever disrespect me-“
Bucky held his hand up to stop his father from going on and on about all the things he would do.
“I don’t have time for this, I know you know about Dot being pregnant. I’m pretty sure that kid isn’t mine so I’m not moving up the wedding. If I find out who the real father is, the wedding and the engagement are off. I’m not going to negotiate any other contract with you. If it turns out that I’m right you’re keeping up the end of our deal.”
“You think you can make demands? This is my business. I say what will and won’t happen. I give the orders and who does what. You’re nothing more than an ungrateful brat. And don’t think that your sister won’t get what’s coming to her for running to you this morning.”
Metal hits wood, a huge indent forms on the dark wooden desk. Cracks shoot out in different directions, effectively breaking the desk.
“You haven’t done shit for this business in years. I’ve been doing all the work, so what I say goes because I’m tired of your fucking bullshit. You don’t even know what’s going on outside these walls, the threats I’ve ended so that we can continue to operate in this city. From now on you will report to me. And if I find out that you put a finger on Becca I will make sure your death is slow and painful. Because trust me I’ve thought of it many, many times already.” Bucky sneered.
“Yeah, if you’re so tough then why haven’t you done anything about it?”
“Because of ma. Maybe you oughta be more grateful I haven’t gotten rid of you yet.” With that Bucky walks out.
He doesn’t care what his father has to say or think anymore. There were more important things in his life and if he really wanted to keep the business going there were more than enough men that were loyal to him. Bucky finds Donny, one of his father’s trusted men. One that had slowly started to gain more respect and fear of Bucky. Bucky instructed him to let the others know he was now in full command of the Barnes family and their businesses. Everyone reported to him and if someone didn’t like it they’d be eliminated.
Now all Bucky had to do was find a way to talk to you.
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You got out of the cab you had flagged down after your disagreement with Jake. The familiar brownstone stood in front of you in all its glory. It reminded you of many childhood memories, both good and bad. You only have to wait a minute after knocking. The door flies open to reveal Joseph Rogers.
“Little otter I didn’t know you were coming over today.” He greets you happily. “Come in, Sarah will be so happy to see you.”
You give him a half smile as you walk in and head toward the kitchen where Joseph told you Sarah was. The older woman turned and her face lit up when she saw you walk in. She quickly wrapped you up in a hug. It took everything in you to not break down and cry. You were all raw emotions and doubt. So many questions swimming in your head.
“Well what brings you by today? I heard the club had its grand opening last night. How did that go?”
“It was successful in all the ways that mattered.”
Sarah looked over at her husband with worry as she placed a cup of coffee in front of you.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Just that it did what it was supposed to. I have business deals starting up and I’m meeting with some local business owners in the next few days that are on Pierce territory. They want out from under him and I’m willing to provide the protection. Pierce even had the nerve to show up at my parents' graves this morning. He gave me a day to leave or he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.”
“That piece of shit. Your father should have gotten rid of him when he had the chance.” Joseph says.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything otter.”
You pull out your mother’s gun and place it on the table.
“Hey, no guns on the table.”
“Sorry Sarah.” You smile at her before turning to Joseph. “Rosie gave it to me this morning. She said mom gave it to you to fix and you returned it but my parents had already left that night. I pulled this gun on Pierce and he was surprised to see it. He said that it was supposed to be in the car that night but it wasn’t. Do you know why he would care about it?”
Again Sarah and Joseph look at each other. The latter gave his wife a single nod.
“There’s something you need to know, Y/N.” Sarah said as she gently placed a hand over yours. “Before your mother was the head of her family and before your parents even met, your mom and Pierce dated. He was very much in love with her. Maybe he wanted to keep the gun to remember her?”
You stare at Sarah with nothing but pure shock and disbelief on your face. The nervous habit of playing with the locket that belonged to your mother brought you a little bit of comfort.
“Did my father know?”
“He was aware of Pierce’s feelings for her but I don't know if he was aware of their relationship.” Sarah tells you as she eyes the necklace. “You know your mother had a locket just like that.”
“This was her locket.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you had it. She never took it off.”
Something about this didn’t feel right. The new information about your mother’s past relationship with Pierce made you question some things from your past.
“I should go. Thank you for everything.” You say as you stand and place the gun back in its holster.
“You don’t have to thank us. Just make sure you come around when you can little otter.”
You hugged them both and walked out. Cougar was leaning against the car you had used to drive to the cemetery. He tipped his hat in the direction of the Rogers and opened the door for you.
“Where to, boss?” He asks after getting into the driver's side.
“Wherever Jake is.”
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Jake was typing furiously. It’s like he was punishing the keyboard for the argument between the two of you. He heard the door to his office open but ignored it, there were more important things to deal with. Until a little plastic T-Rex was placed on his desk. The corner of his lip ticks upward. Little plastic dinosaurs had always been how you apologized. There was no rhyme or reason to it. The tradition started when you were little and it stuck. You both had a small collection and you would trade them back and forth.
“I’m sorry about how I reacted this morning. You had every right to call me out. It’s one of the reasons I trust you so much.” You say quietly.
Cerulean eyes framed in circular glasses meet yours. They hold no real anger in them. It always made you wonder how Jake could be so kind but so cruel when needed.
“I was out of line too. I just freaked out when Cougar called me and told me what was happening. I’ve seen you go through too much for it to be over so quickly. So what did he want?”
“He’s giving us 24 hours to leave New York or he won’t be responsible for his actions.”
“Like he’ll be able to do any real damage.” Jake rolls his eyes and turns back to his computer. “Good job on placing that mic though. It took a few minutes but I have it up and running now. It seems like that’s where he likes to do business. Or at least some of it. They have cameras but no audio. I hacked in so that we have visuals and with our mic we have the audio we need for our back up plan. I also thought that if we could offer better deals people would agree to do deals with us instead.”
“This is why you’re my right hand JJ.” You clear your throat. “I need to ask you something. Do you remember when I asked you to look into my mom?”
He stops his typing and turns to look at you again. “Yeah.”
“What did you find?”
Jake pushes off the ground sending his computer chair gliding through his office at the club. He stops himself in front of a cabinet and rifles through until he finds what he’s looking for. Jake pulls out a thick folder. He then moves back to his desk and sets it down.
“This is all I have. It includes those offshore accounts she had made in your name that I found a few years back.”
“Is there anything in here about her death? Any crime scene photos or anything?”
“No, it seems like the police department is behind on digitizing their cold cases. Why?”
“I just found out some very interesting information and I wanted to see what the police found.”
“I’ll find a way to get my hands on it as soon as possible.” Jake stands and opens his arms offering a hug, which you accept.
“Thanks JJ, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Let’s never find out.”
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You massage your temples after rereading the information Jake had given you. The music tonight annoys you and you consider going home for the night. There’s no real need to be here and Clay can look over the club. You sigh as you grab the drink you had poured for yourself and finish it off. Sinking into your office chair you close your eyes and think about what’s happened in the last 24 hours.
How bucky had his way with you on your desk and left you floating on cloud nine only to be pulled back down to reality just minutes later. You still couldn’t understand the whole issue he had with this supposed contract. Now it really didn’t matter, Bucky was going to get married and be a father. Two things you’d thought you’d experience together.
The door opens and you’re surprised to hear the soft click of the handle as it closes again. But you’re not in the mood to deal with anyone so you don’t bother to open your eyes.
“Whatever the issue is, Clay can deal with it. Go bother him and leave me alone. I’m going home anyways.”
“Good, let me take you that way we can talk.”
You sighed as you slowly opened your eyes to find Bucky walking towards your desk. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. There were dark circles under his eyes and he just looked hung over. You tilt your head slightly, taking in his form from head to toe.
“Just let me explain, bug.” He said as he stopped in front of your desk. Seeing Bucky standing there brought back the memories from the night before. You suppress the shiver that wants to run down your back.
“You had your chance to tell me the truth and you didn’t. That’s your problem not mine.”
“What? When was I supposed to tell you she was pregnant? I didn’t even know.”
You stand up and put some space between the two of you. This is the last thing you wanted to do right now. It hurt so much, just the thought of Dot having the one person you loved the most.
“I asked you if you loved her and you said you couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with her. You could have told me then. Did you sleep with her?” You look up at him.
He pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue and drags it down. Bucky did that when he was trying to find a way to say something he didn’t want to.
“It’s not what you think.”
“Get out.”
“No,” Bucky moves and walks towards you. He’s determined to get you to listen to him. Bucky puts an arm around your waist as you try to walk away from him and pulls you back until you're against a wall. He cages you in, his body pressed into yours and you can smell the alcohol he must’ve drowned himself in. “I’m not going to lose you again. So you’re going to listen to me until I’m done.” He says through gritted teeth, he’s so close his breath hits your cheek.
“If you actually fucking cared you’d give me my space. But obviously you don't, so I want you out of my club before I have you removed.”
“Call them in, have all of your people come in here and try to take me away from you. It ain’t gonna happen. Dot was a fucking mistake, I only slept with her once. I was drunk and I don’t even remember finishing. I wouldn’t be surprised if that kid wasn’t even mine. So please, don’t push me away.”
“You don’t fucking get it do you? It’s not just about the baby. I asked you and you didn’t tell me the truth.” You manage to get away from him and put some distance between the two of you. There was that familiar sting in your eyes of tears threatening to spill. You couldn’t allow them to reveal how much the situation hurt you. “I’m not naive, I couldn’t expect you to not move on or not sleep around, I did.”
Bucky’s jaw clenched at the admission. The thought of someone else holding you like he did angered him beyond belief. Even if he had slept around, none of them were you. He would kick them out of his apartment as soon as he was done, he didn’t care if they were satisfied. They were just a means to an end.
“Y/N, It’s not like that. I promise-“
“Instead of making promises to me you should be making them to your fiancée and your unborn baby. And I’d be very grateful if you’d stay on your territory, taking care of your business and not here. I have more important things to worry about.” You say as you turn and stare him down.
He scoffs before crossing the room and once again invading your space. His hand comes up and he places a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“This isn’t over. I don’t care if it takes another fucking decade for you to believe me.”
The door opens revealing Roque and Cougar, effectively stopping the conversation from continuing. They both look at Bucky and then at you, waiting for your command.
“Make sure he leaves and figure out how he got past security. If someone let him in I want to know who it was.” You say without taking your eyes off of Bucky.
Bucky steps away, a slightly defeated look crosses his features before he walks away. Cougar follows him out but Roque stays behind.
“You ok, princess?”
You look up at him. “No but I will be. Do you know if Nebula and Gamora are set up at the warehouses?”
“Yeah, it’s what I came to tell you. They are ready to go and will keep us informed of anything that happens.”
“Good, now come sit I have to go over a few things.”
Cougar silently walks Bucky out through the back of the club. Neither of them say anything until they’re at the door.
“Listen, I’m not going to stop until she believes me. That kid isn’t mine.” Bucky was just desperate.
“I believe you, Barnes.”
Bucky turns to look at him. It felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders just by having one of your people know the truth.
“But, maybe you should worry about your fiancée more than you do my boss.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Do you know where your fiancée is when she isn’t with you?” Cougar shrugs. “Maybe you should figure out who she hangs out with before you try to get Boss’ attention again. And you’ll have to do better than just sneak in here because next time I’ll just shoot you, and I never miss.” Cougar just nods towards the door, a clear indication for Bucky to leave.
He pushes the door to find Steve leaning against his car. Arms crossed over his chest, he glared at his best friend once he’s close enough.
“I told you she wanted you to fuck off and you show up here anyways?”
“What did you expect me to do, let her think I have any feelings for Dot?” Bucky snaps as he gets into the car.
“You should have given her the space she wanted, she’s dealt with enough today.”
“What happened?”
Steve sighs. “My parents told me she showed up at their place. She had a sit down with Pierce and he gave her twenty four hours to leave or else.”
“That fucker. We should just take him out.”
“If it were that easy we would have done it a long time ago.” Steve replies. “So what should we do?”
Bucky looks over at his friend for a moment and thinks about everything that has happened.
“Take me to the pub.”
“The pub?”
“Yeah, I’ve taken full control of my family’s business and I need people I can trust.”
“To the pub it is. The guys will be excited.”
“I hope so.” Bucky muttered.
If you really had a sit down with Pierce already, the war that was coming was going to get ugly fast. He should know he had been on the receiving end. It’s how he lost his arm. But even with everything going on between the two of you he needed to be ready to protect you. Because if there is one thing you two have in common is the fact that you would kill or die for each other, no matter what.
Ch 9
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