#but damn it was just cold !! and they were being stinky about it
kuroosdarling · 2 years
my job rn is playing games with me and my coworkers are ready to walk out !! incoming rant …
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
B- bu- bud... idk if requests are open but....
B- be- bear bakugou who loves climbing trees but hates the winter cold on his paws. So he starts climbing things in the house😔. Just you scolding him while he's sitting snug on top the bookshelf because he left claw marks and splintered the wood...
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“Fuck off.”
“Fuck off!”
“Get down from there now!” You scolded your hybrid as he glowered at you from the top of the bookshelf.
“Fucking make me, human!” He sneered, claws digging deeper into the wood, splintering the precious heirloom.
“Katsuki please, you’re damaging the bookshelf!” You pleaded. Katsuki huffed whilst continuing to glower.
“No. I like it up here. Now piss off!” He demanded, leaning forward to get his point across. The bookshelf was beginning to tip slightly, causing you to worry.
“What happened to your other climbing equipment?! Why does my poor bookcase have to suffer?!” You whined, cringing at the groaning of the bookcase. Huffing, you look at your companion.
“Okay. What would it take for you to come down?” You tried from a different perspective. Katsuki stared at you.
“Salmon bowl. But, I eat it up here. Then I’ll come down,” he said, positioning himself to get comfortable.
“Oh god fucking damnit Suki, fine! I’ll make your damned fucking bowl of salmon and fucking rice,” you grumble under your breath, muttering about how you hate winter as much as he does. Katsuki triumphantly smirks before falling asleep to the sounds of you grunting in the kitchen.
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“Oi, wake up you stinky brat,” you grumble, pinging the chopsticks against the bowl as Katsuki’s eyes cracked open. His mouth delved into an O shape as he yawned, pointy toofs on show.
He reminded you of a kitten; so sleepy in the winter and hibernating anywhere he can. He could barely keep his eyes open during winter, so you were surprised that he managed to even climb up the damn bookcase.
“Mmmm, don’ wanna wake uuuuuuup,” he sleepily mumbled, getting comfy again.
“Oh no you little bastard, I made you the bowl so you would get off my bookcase. You promised, so get your lazy ass up and eat,” you scolded firmly, ready to throw the bowl at him when he sticks his middle finger up. You huff before smirking; time to bring out the big guns.
“Fine then. No more kisses for a week,” you said, going to leave. Katsuki’s head snapped to you.
“What?” He asked, sleepiness depleting.
“Yup, and no ear rubs whilst you’re napping too,” you list off, about to leave the living room when you hear conflicted angry grunts.
“Ugghghh fine, shitty mate. But, I get to lay on your lap and you have to feed me. Deal?” He answered cheekily, sleepy smirk slapped on his face.
You sigh.
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“Was this really so hard, sweetie?” You murmur to him softly, petting your sleepy bear boy after he demolished his bowl of salmon and rice. Katsuki cracked an eye open.
“Mhm, totally. Natural instincts an’ shit, plus I like being up in high places. Is too cold to do it outside,” he mutters, head nestling into your tummy. Your fingers trail softly over his cute little brown ears, giggling when you see his pompom tail wiggle.
“Stop moving, human. Your laughing is disrupting my sleep,” he mumbles, nosing your tummy as you wrap a blanket around him.
“Sorry, my love. Well we can look into constructing something a bit more practical for you to climb until it’s not as cold outside. I think the attic might be a cool place for some more climbing gear, plus the alcoves could be padded out for your naps,” you ramble quietly, gentle tracing of his ears never ceasing until you hear the quiet rumbly snores of your mate.
You stop talking, wrapped the blanket higher around his neck and kissed the space between his fluffy ears.
“Goodnight, my bratty cub.”
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emmyrosee · 2 years
ALSO THANK UOU OH MY GOD IM IN LOVE WITH SERO. if you feel up to it would you write a little Drabble on roommate/best friend! Sero x reader where they are literally such close friends but sero is a RELENTLESS tease (bc I fucking live for teasing). Maybe also if you wanted to add some bits in there with a whole bunch of cuddling & the reader being super affectionate w Sero? Just some good ol’ banter and fluff<3I hope you’re feeling better my love, I’m wishing you all the best❤️❤️ -pip anon
Also this is a fookin novel I’m so SORRY-
A/N hiya! Future Emmy here! So. This is REAAAAAALLY long because I have no self control. Grab some popcorn and a drink because goOD GOD- also not so much a drabble as like. A series of how I think ish went but pLEASE feel free to send me more 🥲
It was just after college, me thinks, when you moved in together. He was a cousin of a friend of a friend who needed a roommate, and you were the broke student who also needed a roommate.
He honestly was amazed you two clicked at all, you didn’t seem like the kinda person who would be into his teasing ways and banter, but you had this knack for it, you were able to fire back almost any garbage tease and flirt he’d throw your way.
So much so that… it almost becomes natural.
He’s not sure when you started to laugh in place of snapping back at his flirts. He’s not sure when you started making plans for the two of them, rather than just the one.
He does, however, know when you started to cuddle him. It was like, three in the morning, you two had been binging whatever sillyass show Denki told him to watch, and at some point, you knocked out.
Sero only knew that you had, when you’d nuzzled into his shoulder and a line of drool fell from your lips and onto his hand. He wrapped his arm around you and the way you curled into him just… it felt so sweet. He didn’t think anything of it, though.
Until you did it again. This time, in his bed, when you’d watched too many documentaries about those damned serial killers- look, he gets that they’re addicting, but come on, at night?- and you were terrified to go to sleep.
So, you crept into his bed, gently nudging him and asking if he could hold you, which had him blinking in confusion. You felt that safe with him?
He smirks, “little baby too scared of the dark?”
“Shut up, you’re scared of clowns.”
He snorts, “alright. Shut up and come here.” He opened one of his arms and immediately, you were out like a light, once again drooling slightly on his chest when you kept your mouth open too long.
And it really, really became a thing. You stopped asking to crawl into his bed, you just kind of. Did, because it was comfier and warmer, and he was a great cuddler he didn’t seem to mind it, so you just took the matters into your own hands and climb in.
Even on couches, flopping on top of him and burrowing into his chest, to which he instinctively wraps his long arms around you.
“Y’know,” he mumbles, fingers scratching your scalp, “if I wanted something stinky to lay on my chest, I’d get a damn cat.”
“You love me and you know it.”
Sure enough, as payback for throwing that four letter word into the apartment space, he started flopping down on you, making you groan and wheeze with laughter every time. He started coming into your space and shoving his cold hands under your shirt to make you scream- even worse when he shoves his feet down the back of your sweats, fucking menace- because why did you have to throw out that word? That word should be banished from your home space, saged away like a demon, kept locked in a basement far, far away.
But he doesn’t say all of that. Because you’re right, and he’s almost positive you feel the same way, because for as much as he leans in to kiss your head, you lean up to peck his lips.
He’s laying down on his stomach, you come over to bite at his ticklish neck.
He turns over in his sleep, you instantly toss your arms around him to spoon him right back.
He’s got feelings for you, and you don’t really hide yours from him.
But but bUT BECAUSE HE doesn’t know what to call… whatever it is you’re doing, so he’s also like. Uber protective over your friendship and the labels of whatever dynamic you share. The first time he had his friends over after you moved in with him, you tried your best to keep out of their way, wanting him to have his time with his friends outside of you.
And from your bedroom, you hear them cheering and yelling at whatever sport they’d put on the screen, the cracking of soda’s and the dings of the oven rang through your small apartment. You can only smirk and shake your head when it’s all silent and suddenly, a roar of laughter can be heard from the living room.
Your phone vibrates at some points or another, and it’s all from Sero, checking in and asking begging you if you would like to come out.
Slum Lord 🧡 you sure you don’t wanna come out for some munchies?
you don’t have to stay long, promise
i know your dumbass didn’t take any food in your cave when you went in 🙄
the boys don’t bite
ok MAYBE denks bit midoriya once, but he shouldn’t have had his fingers there.
he knew better smh
Slum Lord 🧡 no, but I think it’s funny you thought it would :)
And, even if it’s just to appease him, you roll your eyes and push yourself out of bed- sweatpants and bed head and all- and shuffle out to meet them before shambling back to bed to leave them be. But there’s no way to hide the smile that spreads on your cheeks when instantly at hearing your door open, Sero’s head tips back against the couch to look at you, a teasy smirk on his cheeks.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” he says, chuckling. “Good to see you got all pretty for my friends.”
“I already pay you to live here,” you snort, making your way to the kitchen. “I don’t have to look presentable anymore.”
“That’s fair.” He quickly introduces all his friends who honestly look… bewildered. Not necessarily because you were disheveled, but because of the way Sero just… looks at you.
As soon as you were in the kitchen, he hops up on his feet to meet you in there, his arms tossing around your waist while you heat up one of the pieces of pizza, “you wanna hang out, watch the rest of the game with us? Quarter and a half left, if you wanted to.”
“It’s alright,” you hum back. Your head tips back to rest against his shoulder, “you have fun with your friends. You know where I’ll be.”
“Fine,” Sero grumbles. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling something his friends can’t hear.
“You were little spoon last night!” You whine.
And still, from the living room, all his friends do is just. Watch. Bakugou tries to peel his gaze from the scene every once in a while, Todoroki blushing furiously because it’s weirdly intimate banter for roommates in a kitchen, but for the most part, they stay silent and just observe the dynamic. It’s almost like the shouldn’t be there, but it’s like a car crash, they can’t look away even if they should.
The way Sero sways subtly with you to pass the time of your cooking pizza, the squeak you let out when he nips at your ear, the way he’s got you encased in his grip like you’d disappear if he didn’t.
It’s not how roommates act at all, they think.
But it’s most definitely how a couple acts.
Especially when the interaction ends with a soft kiss on your head before you pad back into your bedroom, the group comes down to two conclusions:
Sero is hiding your relationship status, or you’re both too dumb to see the sparks practically flying.
And if they want answers, they better start poking.
“So,” Denki sings, grinning knowingly at his friend once he sits back down. “You never told me your roomie was so cute.”
Sero’s eyes immediately shot over to the blonde in a form of a glare, but he shifted in his seat to try and stay comfortable. “Didn’t think it would be important information. That’s not why I gave them the room, anyways.” His arms cross over the back of his head as he leans back, eager to stop this conversation. “And don’t call them cute. That ego of theirs is too fuckin’ big already.”
“That why you hid them away for so long?” Bakugou pokes, smirking. From the floor, Mina and Midoriya chuckle, and Sero glares at them with everything he has to make them shut up.
Not that it works, but it was a good effort.
“I didn’t ‘hide’ anyone,” he scoffs. “You dickheads just never come over. Could’ve met ‘em months ago.”
Unconvinced, Denki hums and takes a sip of his drink; he’s always been able to read Sero like a book- he wasn’t fooling him any time soon.
Todoroki leaned back in his seat, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards. “But, in that case… you are implying that you do find them cute, yeah?”
Sero popped one of his eyes back open; he eyed his friends for a moment, but deciding to keep any form of illusion still alive, he shrugs and lets a wide grin ease over his cheeks.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about.”
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sadsoftserve · 8 months
Hope y'all like angst. Bonnie angst to be exact. 😋
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She's my stinky little gal. I love her, even though I give her trauma. (Small fanfic below? Can I even call it that? It's more of a convo tbh. Tw, mentions of Self harm ig)
Bonnie was covered in scars, all from multiple events and reasons. Some came from the fights she had been in, some came from her past, but the most prevalent ones came from herself. It was a bad habit. One she had kept at bay forever; almost going on three years now, all broken by a razor.
It hurt. It always did, yet she found some sort of release from it. That release she was heavily ashamed of. She covered her arms with layers, making sure no one was able to see, and it usually played out in her favor. Sweet Jazz being cold year round made it easy. The annual heat wave did not.
"Bonnie. Take off the flannel." Ramsey said as her turned down the AC more. "You're probably burnin' up in that thing." He was right, she was sweating buckets, but she didn't want him of all people to see her scars, especially the recent ones.
"I'm fine." She replied as she tied up her hair. She was dead set on keeping them secret, her pride, and what little reputation she had left was at risk.
Ramsey sighed at his niece's stubborn attitude. "Fine, don't come to me when you're on her verge of passin' out. I will say I told you so." He sat on the couch next to her and placed his head on his hands. Taiga Country was a cold place, but that didn't mean heat waves didn't happen. And when they did everyone was in misery. He looked over to Bonnie who was in a heat induced misery as well. "Kid. I can see the heat waves emmitting from you. Take off the damn flannel before you sweat through it."
Bonnie sighed. "What if I don't want to?" She asked, trying to keep it on, but Ramseys professional manipulative nature knew what she was playing at, and he was going to beat her at her own game.
"What are you hiding?" He got really serious about that sentence. "Why don't you wanna take it off?" He asked. Ramsey wouldn't say it out loud, but Bonnie was his world, and he knew what she's been through. If she was going to these lengths to keep her arms covered, he could guess what was up.
"..." Bonnie stayed silent. "I'm sure you can figure it out, old man."
"Show me." He held out his hand, waiting for Bonnie to show him exactly how bad they were. She took off her flannel and gave him her arm. Most of the cuts above her elbow were old and had healed by now, but the ones below looked fresher. Some looked so recent that they were swelling around the cut. He had dealt with this before with her, but that was three years ago. "Why'd you relapse? You were three years clean, kid." He asked his voice soft and caring.
"Because.. I-" Bonnie shrugged. "It got hard again, they know... Everything." Bonnie's own face got softer and more solem.
"Who knows everything?" He asked.
"Everybody." She said. "It's, Destiny's little group of friends have been telling everyone about everything. Not just this." Bonnie admitted, as she took her arm back.
Ramsey sighed. "So that's the reason? You're only feeding into what they're speadin', kid." He put it simply. "And how'd she even find out about all that?"
Bonnie shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't tell anyone not even my closest friends."
"Damn." He said. "You shouldn't be worrying about stuff like that, Bonnie. You're fifteen. And I know you've had it hard most of your life, but you gotta let the past go. It's over with." He said, giving her the best advice he could. "You gotta look ahead, past all that. And that bitch of a teammate." He pat her on the back. "Listen. Please don't hide stuff like that from me, I know I'm an old conman, but I care about you."
Bonnie nodded. "Yeah. You are pretty old aren't you?"
"Yup. I'm older than the earth itself." He chuckled trying to lift the mood. "Are those cuts clean?" He asked, trying to make sure her cuts won't get infected.
Bonnie shook her head. "I don't think so."
"Well then, let's get that taken care of." He said.
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A Conscious Effort
The sky burned with the acrid tang of sulfur, lending the air a taste and smell that would have been wholly unbreakable  if she didn’t work to block it out. Her very human body would have died within minutes were it not for both void and Anima power coursing through her flesh. Down here on the sulfur fields, large harvesting machines equipped with oversized gravity treads lay cold and abandoned, their cabs fogged with steam and suffer. The atmosphere of Io was thin, a sort of yellowish haze  that glowed by the light of Sol and spread an indistinct haze over the towering silhouette of Jupiter and its many bands of color.
What atmosphere there was was warm, heated by lakes of fiery molten silicate. 
She took a step across the planet’s crust, breaking the brittle formation of yellowed sulfur
 Renegade/ rebel was angry, but that was hardly unusual. She kicked at a mound of sulfur which crumbled and scattered over the surface of the moon in a slow  wave. The gravity here was only eighteen percent that of earth, and everything that moved did so with a sort of sluggishness associated with videos of the first moon landing.
She looked up at the sky again, another round of frustration filling her with a slow boiling rage.
She had never been particularly patient; a warrior since before the dawn of time, she was used to action and danger. For literal billions of years she had fought  for the makers as the very universe formed around them. She was meant to command armies, call up legions and cast stars into darkness.
But here she was, waiting on this stinky mud pit, for the orders of a grumpy construct whose fight equated to a toddler throwing a tantrum at the grocery store. She frowned at the metaphor, the thought certainly didn’t belong to her.
It belonged to the OTHER part of her, the weak part.
She tried to shake it away.
After all this time fighting ancient beings, older than time itself, and stretching into a fifth dimension, now she was relegated to waiting around just to crush a few fleshy bags of meat.
She hated it.
Hated it 
Hated it
It was an insult to her abilities. She could have been, should have been leading this army, could have crushed them all in seconds, but instead she was standing here and she was waiting.
“By the architect’s beard stop whining/” She bristled and lifted a hand to her mouth as the voice broke from her lips unbidden. Not her own voice, but the voice that belonged to  IT, the creature that lived inside her, who had tried to take away her identity and turn her into something weak.
“Oh shut up, you’re a piece of garbage and I turned you into a work of art, then you had to go and ruin it for the second time, just like you always ruin everything.”
There was that voice again.
Renegade hissed, “Shut up.”
She tried to shove the stupid construct creature back in its place, but it was strong and did the mental equivalent of slapping her away  causing her to recoil sharply. The act scared her on more than one degree. The creature shouldn’t have been as strong as she was, but yet more and more she was venturing out from the very reaches of Rebel’s mind.
The sensation was disconcerting, like having a spiritual parasite, and one that she couldn’t get rid of, one that was threatening to take over her head if she didn’t do something about it.
“Damn straight you should be scared, arrogant bitch.”
She turned in a circle trying to hide her sudden loss of control from the other void soldiers that  waited not so far off.
The other entity grabbed onto her thoughts before she could articulate them, “Yeah, your vast and glorious army.” Not so far distant half a dozen void creatures growled and made rude gestures at each other.
“Really impressive, honestly I am stunned by your military prowess.” 
She snarled, doing her best to grapple the construct back into her hole, but found to her horror that it was surprisingly strong, and stubbornly refused to move, taking up space in her head like an unwanted guest might sprawl out on the living room couch.
“I You are a worm, and I will crush you like I have crushed everything else.”
The other entity, the entity that called itself “maverick” snorted. Renegade gritted her teeth, she hated that name , the meaning a bastardization of her own truth.
“A lot of talk from the person taking orders from an ego maniacal beetle. If you were half of the things you are always going on about inside your head than we would be leading this army in our last assault to blow up earth or some shit, but instead, we are sitting here on a planet that smells vaguely of flatulence bitching and moaning about how your task master won’t let you off your leash.” 
“Wrong.” She snarled.
Maverick paused for a moment and then added dryly, “Yeah, yeah I guess I am.” That almost surprised Renegade before, “The planet smells greatly of flatulence.”
Renegade snarled and turned in a circle, fists clenched as if looking for someone to fight, but of course there was no one there.
Sensing her intentions, Maverick jeered at her, “Stop hitting yourself.”
Through gritted teeth, the renegade took a deep breath, “one of these days, I will take the time to sit down, find you, drag you out of whatever crevice in my head you are hiding in, and I will destroy you.”
“You can’t. I AM you. We are US, I am as much part of it as you are….. “She sighed, “YOu might not like it but imagine how that makes me feel. All my life I have worked to be loyal, honest, brave, and kind only to learn that my very soul, the very foundation of my being is  a traitorous, winy, arrogant bitch!”
Renegade snarled again and turned sharply on her heel.
Maverick laughed, “Look at you, pathetic.” Rebel continued to growl as Maverick mocked her further, “What does it have in its pocketsis.” She said in a high pitched manic voice, “Look at us, sitting here arguing with ourselves, the next thing you know, we are going to be crawling around on all fours eating raw fish and saying, my precious…”
Rebel was given a flash of a memory that did not belong to her,
A bald, humanoid creature, crouching on all fours and arguing with itself.
“Which one of us is Smeagol and which one of us is Gollum.” 
She shoved the useless memory violently aside, “I am not looking for your stupid memories, now SHUT UP!”
“Don’t raise your voice or they might hear us.” Maverick chided, just as loud as ever, “When are you going to realize that you can’t get rid of me. I am as much a part of you as you are….. I would honestly like to think I am the upgrade.” 
Renegade shook her head doing her best to avoid tearing out her hair, which stuck out in an unruly halo around her head. Maverick liked to keep the hair short, so in an act of almost childish defiance Renegade was trying to grow it out. She hated the way it looked, hated the way that THEY looked inside this weak and stupid construct body, but she hated Maverick even more than she hated how they look at that moment.
“The architect knew exactly what he was doing when he sent us to earth to live as a construct. He knew that we needed a little bit of humility, to rely on others…. To not always be the best at everything all the time.”
The thought of the architect made her blood boil. Now there was one person that she hated far more than she hated maverick, and if she ever got her hands on him, she was going to kill him, no questions asked.
Maverick snorted, “Yeah right, you can’t even Kill Kazna.’
She was nearing the end of her rope, reaching up to pull at the roots of her hair,, “Stop.”
“We miss OUR friends Renegade, not MY friends OUR friends.” She tried to block out the noise of Maverick's voice, but the sound was loud inside her own head, “Krill, Katie, Dzara. Kanan, Nairobi, Sunny, Adam…. Ramirez.”
Renegade hissed and recoiled.
The name hurt her, singed her with a longing ache of guilt and homesickness that almost made her nauseous, and the worst part of it all…. It didn’t all come from Maverick, some of it came from her, welling up inside her chest with a sense of longing so acute that it made her bones ache.
She hated it, hated that name, hated HIM.
“Ramirez “ Maverick repeated 
She shook her head in frustration attempting to shake the thoughts and feelings from her mind that intruded upon her with the slow finality of a rising tide. 
“Ramirez.” Maverick said again, brandishing the name against her with a flood of memories.
Golden eyes
Sun tanned skin
The sound of metal cutting in long luxurious waves over ice.
She wanted to scream but desperately didn’t want to attract attention. Her chest hurt, a deep, dull thrumming ache that made her nauseous…. And with it came guilt.
Maverick clamped onto the guilt, duel wielding it along with his memory, “How do you think he must have felt when we left…. Bet it hurt him…. A lot. I think we were just starting to figure things out, and he had been so patient.. We’ve been friends for the better part of a decade you know.”
“Less than ten years.” Renegade scoffed, “Less than a tiny fraction of our life, miniscule, meaningless.”
“Keep telling that to yourself. Name one memory in your billions of years of life that can hurt you like this, and I promise I will be quiet for the rest of the day.”
“I am not playing this game with you.”
“That’s what I thought.”
And then mercifully she stopped talking for a moment. Renegade hoped upon hope that maybe she was done needling her, but the next time she spoke her voice was soft and sad, “I wonder….. When we come back, if he is going to forgive us.”
The pain of that thought was even worse, causing Renegade to erupt in rage. This time she managed to strike Maverick into the back of her head, flooding herself with anger to mask the pain that burrowed into her like a noxious barbed worm.
She couldn’t stand it 
She couldn’t stand not knowing.
Not knowing if he would ever forgive her for what she had done.
And maybe that was a part of this all, maybe she just didn’t want him to see what she really was, to look in his eyes and admit what she really was. 
A traitor 
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wickdcreatures · 2 years
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@unpossession prayed: for special boy salem: disloyalty, anger and forget :) for stinky boy felix: cold, misunderstanding, confusion :) for perfect girl tabby: monster, cruelty, misfortune :) and for angel girl lillie: escape, dissociation, injury :) ✩ meme.
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Damn this is a very long one lmao just one big trigger warning for this whole thing. very sad. very dark. >:))))))))
          Salem’s father’s side of the family is very large, and they all lived relatively close to each other so that’s where the holidays were spent. They are too friendly, too enthusiastic, too eager to accept those without strong familial connections into the MacTavish house, because community is more important than anything! Family is, and will always be, the most important part of someone’s life. Grandma’s word is law, the sons fell at her feel in some kind of idol worship — she’s a strong woman, she’s the rules, and anyone that defies her or the sons are betrayers. Salem’s father is one of the middle sons, the older twin, the charismatic and charming community man with a hidden temper and propensity to violence. Salem’s father took out his anger and frustration first one the walls and doors, and then on Salem and his little brother. The welts always faded before someone could see, so Salem never said anything about it… until he couldn’t take it anymore. He started to speak up, to ask for apologies, to ask for it to stop —  but no one speaks out of turn, no one accuses the sons of wrongdoing. The MacTavish sons can do nothing wrong — the punishment for disloyalty is avoidance, is excommunication. The MacTavish family has since disowned Salem, and the only one that talks to him from that side of his family now is his own brother. This is something that haunts him most during the holidays — his house still feels cold and empty, even after all these years.
          Salem doesn’t like to admit it, but he has inherited some of his fathers anger. Unlike him, however, Salem would never physically take it out on anyone, though he has a tendency to snap. To reach a boiling point and yell and scream until the anger passes. It scares him — it’s like looking in a mirror and seeing his father instead of his own reflection. A part of the reason he relies so heavily on weed is to keep that anger at bay, to check it before it gets too bad. If he’s hardly aware of his surroundings he can’t get mad about it.
           Salem has a terrible memory that he always blames on the weed, but it started way before that. As a child he was forgetful too, long before he even began smoking. He would listen to friends recall memories he was there for in such great detail, like it happened yesterday, while he himself struggled to recall the fuzziest details. Because of this, Salem took to carrying around a camcorder or a regular camera to take pictures and videos. Sometimes this is the only way he knows things truly happened. 
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          When Felix was in highschool, he was in love with his best friend Danny. This was his first love, the kind that left his chest aching in his room after a particularly long phone call. The kind of love that made uncontrollable giggles erupt. Danny meant the world to him, they had plans to make it onto broadway together, to act together. They were inseparable, and Felix planned to confess, some day, when he could work up the courage. 
It had snowed pretty hard the day before, the ground was dusted in a beautiful powdery white. Felix was sixteen then, Danny seventeen — they were celebrating their ninth year as friends, wishing for many, many more. But it was time for Danny to go, he was a new driver, after all, and his parents were already going to be mad at him for being out as late as he was. Felix tried to convince him to stay the night, that it wasn’t safe to drive, but Danny was insistent that everything would be okay. Felix eventually agreed and let him go, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen, that something was wrong…
And when he got the phone call, he knew he was right. Danny’s parents called him the next morning, telling him Danny got into a wreck just off the highway. He practically ran to the hospital, still in his pajamas, to be by his friends side. Felix considered confessing right then and there, kissing his cheeks and telling him just how in love he was, but a week went by and the more Danny healed, the more Felix shied from the idea. What if Danny didn’t like him the same? What if it made things bad? Felix swallowed it back, deciding to save it for another day. Maybe after prom, after all, they were going together. 
Felix received a call about a week and a half after the crash. We don’t know what happened! Danny just suddenly took a turn for the worst! He rushed to the hospital with urgency, stopped from entering the room by doctors and nurses. The room was a madhouse of movement, of equipment and barked orders, and Felix watched with horror through the doorway as that movement stopped. The chaos was over, but the heart rate monitor still screamed, still displaying a flat red line void of the peaks and valleys of a living heartbeat. Call it. 10:42 pm. Poor guy, he was so young. Stunned, he watches the doctors and nurses file out of the room, heads bowed.  I’m sorry — so sorry — we’re so sorry for your loss. He didn’t turn his head to see Danny’s family crying. He just kept staring ahead, into the room, hoping to see him sit up. Felix has hated hospitals ever since. 
          After he fled Salem and started his life on the road, he met a girl named Lola. She was smart, kind, funny, if not a little misunderstood. She was a sad girl, trapped by horrible parents, and so he helped her hatch up a plan to leave that place and explore the states together. They were in love. 
Lola suffered a lot by the hand of her parents. She needed help, the sadness suffocating to her sometimes, but Felix did all he could to help her, and for a while it seemed to be working. But she slowly got worse, deteriorating right in front of his eyes. She began experiencing screaming fits, bouts of uncontrollable anger and despair. Felix, although increasingly more and more worried, never left her side. He was in love, after all, and he would be damned if he lost this one. It was a warm spring day when he asked her to marry him, and she said yes. 
He knew she wanted him to do something for her for Valentine's day — she had been hinting at it for weeks. He saved up as much as he could, renting them out a cheap little hotel room to stay in for the night so they could watch movies and eat take out in peace. She had another flare up, angry about something and despairing about another — Felix mentioned that they should look into help, for the both of them, which made her explode. The fight was loud and dramatic, and despite himself, he decided to leave her be for a moment, to let her cool off, while he went and got her favorite take out as an apology for upsetting her. He would only be gone for a few minutes! But a few minutes turned into an hour and a half — holiday traffic and busy lines at the restaurant.
He returned to a cold room, the lights off, the bathtub running. Lola lay motionless on the bed, an empty bottle of pills at her side. And a note. I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE. YOU CANT MOLD ME INTO YOUR PERFECT GIRL. IM A PERSON. TAKE ME WITH MY FLAWS. YOU THINK IM TERRIBLE. IM GONE. 
          Lets lighten the mood :))))))))))) people who’ve known Felix for a while says he has a particular face he makes, specifically while confused, and everyone finds it quite charming.
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This face! That little squint. I just wanna pinch his cheeks!!!
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1 & 2) Monster & cruelty 
          “Monster” would be the word she would use to describe her parents. She grew up in a wealthy family, her parents both working, one in tech and the other a doctor. She was raised mostly by staff, by her older sisters tyrannical rule, by herself. She had always been a bright kid, but unlike the rest of her family she didn’t want a “practical” ( as they called it ) job, she wanted to do something creative — she wanted to design video games. She would be laughed at by her parents, punished if they caught her drawing or working on anything that wasn’t what they wanted her to work on. She was told by her parents that she was to become a biology major. That she was to pursue a profession in the sciences, and for a while she tried to fit into that role for them. 
But she couldn’t, she felt like she was drowning. She was never good enough for them, she never lived up to their expectations, she was always in the shadow of her perfect sisters and their 4.0 gpa. She started to rebel, perfect little Tabby started to wear all black and talk about dark things. She started skipping classes and smoking cigarettes, and her parents weren’t having any of it. There was another fight, she was told to change her attitude or she would be taken out of public school. She screamed, she cried, she told them she just wanted to be her, that she wanted them to accept her for her. They decided to lock her into her room that night, a room they had stripped clean of everything but the “essentials” for the life they wanted her to have; they were going to deal with her in the morning. She packed up her clothes, her notebooks, anything she had left and snuck out the window, driving away to stay with Lillie and her family for a while. 
Six months passed and she hadn’t heard a word from them. Then a year. Finally a call, after she wrecked the car still under their insurance. No are you okay and no we missed you.  Just an address where to meet them. A diner. 
They were already done eating when she arrived, eyes vacant and cold as they handed her over an old shoe box. There is no place for a monster like you in our family, Tabitha. From this day forward, we do not know each other. We do not want you. You are an orphan.
The box contained every picture of her that was in her childhood house. Ripped and torn pieces, like she had been cut out of all the pictures that hung on the walls. She cried alone in that booth. That was her last night as a human.
3) misfortune.
          Tabby believes she was born cursed. The unwanted child, the tortured creative. She was so happy when she was turned, she finally felt like herself, finally things felt right for a change, but now all her closest friends seem to hate what she has become. She feels like she can’t win, can’t be happy and please everyone, like she is always going to be doing something wrong. This in turn has made her very callous. Very cold and calculated. If her friends think she is a monster, it's a monster they will get. She is sick of living by other people's rules and standards. She wants what she wants and she will get it, no matter the price. 
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          Writing has and always will be her form of escape. It’s the only place she’s in control and that she can write her feelings out in a way that makes sense. She had always loved reading and writing as a kid, but the older she got the more she dove into it. Its how she made friends before. It’s how she processes her day to day. Fun fact (and also an extremely meta one): lillie has a tumblr rp account where she writes a few of her original muses. 
          She has never really felt connected to herself. She has always been a very sad girl, but her birth parents never believed her when she said that. She would get this horrible aching in her chest when she was a child, she wouldn’t be able to stop crying, but they told her she was fine. She was being dramatic. And to stop, because what were people going to think of them if they saw her crying all the time? She didn’t know how to self soothe, she didn’t know the tools to make that feeling go away, so instead she would take a step outside herself. She would pretend so hard that it wasn’t real that she started to feel like she, herself, wasn't real. She would walk around as a husk of a girl, empty of anything because being empty was better than being sad. 
          She was very young, too young one could say, when she learned about bloodletting through school, that the people of history believed that the shedding of blood would help cure illnesses. The practice of bloodletting was mentioned offhanded by one of her tutors, particularly enamored with that portion of history, and as a curious child, Lillie took it upon herself to look it up later. She wondered if it might help her too — and it did, for a small while. The relief she felt each time became shorter and shorter, the pain in her chest would come back every time. Her birth parents never noticed the scars. 
But Hawk did. He noticed right away. His eyes bore sadness and worry, hopelessness, every time he caught glimpses of her bandaged wrists. It was his idea to cover the scars, to make them beautiful with art. She was entirely too young to have been given a tattoo, but she was also too young to have so many scars. Now they act as art — ripples in the water that delicate lily pads float in, tranquil and peaceful. Lily pad, a nickname from Hawk, the one who helped chase away the hollow feeling in her chest. The one who helped her feel real again.
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Can we get another chapter of the Devil royals please?
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((Good morning to you anon dear and sure I think I can write another one for you. Just give me a second. Oh, and Maggie along with her team belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"I'm telling you guys it's true! Damn asshole did try to kidnap me the other night!" Maggie was annoyed right now, given the fact suitors have been coming non stop for a while now but she was grumbling seeing Ink, Hellmare, Ophelia, Obivion, and Taz looking worried.
"I see. Seems it was due to this Bradley person correct? He's getting worse by the day it seems. How did you know he tried to-"
"I saw him sneaking about or heard it. My devil or my mom Fira told me something was off when she was sensing someone else besides the other fire demon and our warriors lurking around. I get the feeling that was true given how she is." she said with arms crossed.
"Then..what happened???" Ophelia asked eating some thing.
"Geez, this is annoying. The suitors just won't stop coming and it's getting to be a pain in the ass. How long does this have to go on?" she was looking at some notes in her room all ready for bed but she knew her friends were already speaking about this guy. Maybe if she finds him she'll just chuck his ass into the fire pits near the fire hell kingdom.
With a sigh, she lowers them only to get more annoyed now. Maybe she might have to find someone so this can stop. Second, none of them were to Fira's liking. She rather have a strong warrior marry for her daughter's hand. Not a weakling.
"Maybe I need to speak to Fira again in the morning. This is going to be such a pain in the ass.." she grumbled but as she was getting ready for bed, someone else was in her room smiling.
Downstairs, Fira was speaking with someone but tilts her head to cross her arms. "Minx, what are you trying to suggest here? Your son marries my daughter?" she raised a eye brow as her wild red flaming (Really made of flames) moving behind her while wearing royal clothing for a warrior. She was standing in her throne room speaking to her friend Minx.
"OF course! I been getting rather disturbing female demons wanting my son's hand but he isn't interested in them. Soooooooo..I figured maybe we can talk and see if T-bone might be perfect for Maggie." Minx said smiling with her tail wagging.
She was a silver haired female werewolf demon that’s known for being the strongest female in the demon world. Or in her domain here in the demon world. She’s able to control and use Ice-fire A ability to create fire of freezing temperatures, fire so cold it burns whoever it touches. However, her pack or followers were either fire werewolf demons or ice werewolves or a mix of both.
"Hmmmmm......Your son marries her?"
"Yes yes yes! I think they would be strong and cute together! Though, it's just a idea if you wish.." She said smiling with her son T-bone there but he was always told that Fira was a strong dangerous female demon. But given how she was, he believes that. He was remaining quiet hearing his mom talking to Maggie's mom but while he did, he did pick up some random new scent. A strong but stinky one.
"So what do you think?" she asked but Fira sighed looking to her friend.
"I don't know. Many of the suitors that came were not strong and I don't want my daughter to marry a weakling. But I know T-bone is a strong young man true.....but I would like to see some proof of that's fine.."
"Proof? Sure we can if you like but how should we prove it to you?" she asked with Fira thinking. "Well..." As she was starting to think, T-bone caught the smell again to blink.
That's when a scream was heard making Minx and Fira tense. Her guards standing up holding swords ready to fight. "What the hell?!?"
That's when the two saw someone running down the hallway but they had someone over their shoulder.
"WHO DARES KIDNAP MY DAUGHTER! GUARDS! STOP THAT FOOL!!" Fira roars seeing her female guard amazons rushing to stop the thief. Bradley heard but he tenses still running.
"What the-"
"MAGGIE!" Right away, T-bone runs after them.
"T-bone wait!" Minx follows.
Outside, Bradley was looking for a way out but it was pretty hot here given they were in the hell fire side of the demon realm. "Hold on my beloved, I shall get us out of here and we shall marry! Though, somewhere more cooler this place is a boiling pot." Bradley said running down the stairs holding Maggie.
"Grrrrrr put me down! I don't want to marry you!"
"Oh nonsense, you will love the wedding! I already got our theme and something to make you beautiful. You might have to lose a little weight though-"
"I know it's fine! Now, where is the exit?" he said running heading to the gates. The amazon lion demon female guards shows up seeing him but they rush to try and stop him.
He noticed seeing the guards but quickly jumps down with Maggie on his shoulder. She struggles but he laughed seeing them trying to find a way down.
"That fool! He is getting near the fire pits! It's too dangerous down there!" One guard said.
"Is he trying to burn her!?!?" another said. Bradley kept running but he was laughing still running about to get through the gates.
"Finally, we are free my dear! Now we can get married and be together forever!" he smiled but Maggie growls at him wanting to burn him alive. 'And don't worry, the effects will wear off in a little while so how about we get to know one another hmm?" he said. Before taking a step something surrounds him and Maggie showing some ice wall?
"What the-"
"HEY! Put Maggie down you asshole!"
Maggie blinks as Bradley turns seeing T-bone there but he was walking over as Bradley laughed.
"Who the hell are you!?"
"I'm a friend to Maggie. I suggest you put her down or else you'll regret it!" T-bone was not happy seeing him holding her like that. And getting her in a dangerous location. He was always told of the fire pits in her kingdom was dangerous.
"Huh?? Never! She's mine! I kidnapped her fair and square!" he said holding her tight. Maggie struggles trying to get loose but he was annoyed.
"Put me down you idiot!"
"Besides, we are going to get married so you might as well give up! She's mine!" he laughed but T-bone glares to growl.
"I said put her down.....I'm not going to ask you again!" he said but Bradley smirked to look but he only backs up. He was getting way too close to one of the pits.
"Why should I? She's mine! Besides, all women belong to me even this cutie here. Though, she's a bit ehhhh tall for my tastes but still make it work." he said.
"What the hell-MAGGIE IS FINE JUST THE WAY SHE IS! DON'T YOU BE SHOWING DISRESPECT TO HER LIKE THAT!" he said but Maggie blinks hearing T-bone say that.
"Huh? But it's true. She looks a bit chunky but maybe if she did lose some weight she might fit into the wedding dress I got her.."
"You asshole!" Maggie said now furious at him.
"Now now darling, we are talking.." he said smiling but T-bone heard enough that he was closing his hand into a fist. "However, we shall take our leave now! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He laughed before rushing to run away.
As he turned, he accidentally trips to fall but right into one of the fire pits!!!!
"MAGGIE!!!" Fira and Minx was shocked as this idiot was seriously trying to kill her!
Now, both Bradley and Maggie were falling into the fire pit. As Bradley was seeing fire and spikes at the bottom he lets Maggie go as she was free falling. "Oh dang it!"
"YOU IDIOTTTTTTT!!" Maggie roars as she was trying to do something. Though, something else happened. A flash of something blue came down into the fire pits but Maggie shuts her eyes till something catches her in their arms and Bradley was shouting for them to help him.
The guards, Minx, and Fira gets to the fire pit but looks to see a ice spear showing but it didn't melt due to the intense heat of Maggie's kingdom. Maggie didn't open her eyes but she was held by someone.
"Maggie, you okay?" She opens her eyes hearing the voice then looks seeing T-bone!? He was the one that saved her while having werewolf ice ears and a long tail behind him. She did feel some cold from him but it was not effecting her???
"Maggie!? Are you alright!?" Fira asked but T-bone carefully sets her down to her feet but at least she was safe and the effects from Bradley's power was going away.
"Yeah, I'm..I'm fine thanks to T-bone." she said but he was happy to see that she was safe. In the meantime, the guards were shouting seeing Bradley hanging onto the ice even if it was hurting his hands from being fire-ice.
"That's good to hear your safe Maggie! We didn't know that guy sneaked into the kingdom like that! Thanks to T-bone your safe!" Minx smiled but Maggie sighed but T-bone was happy to see that she was safe.
However, the guards got Bradley out but was tied up now. He groans being thrown on the ground in front of Maggie and T-bone. He blinks to tense seeing Maggie now furious at him.
"Uhhhhh..I was joking?" he laughed scared.
"YOU WERE NOT JOKING! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MAGGIE! SHE'S BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY SHE IS!" T-bone said mad. Maggie blinks hearing that to look at him.
"B..but I only said she looked chubby! I figured she would lose a few pounds-"
Maggie blinks but her eyes widen a bit but her face flushed pink. 'He really thinks that?' she thought.
"How dare you insult my daughter like that you pest!" Fira said angry.
"Uhhhhh.......it's not my fault females take it bad when it comes to weight.." he mutters but tenses hearing angry growling from Maggie who was crackling her knuckles and T-bone too. Their eyes were glowing looking at him.
"Why you son of a-"
"You know I'm done hearing this asshole talk. So how about we beat him up together?" He suggested that she blinks to smirk.
"Works for me."
"W..wait a second! Lets talk about this!?" he said about to back up but screams getting beaten up by Maggie and T-bone.
"And yeah, thanks to that. T-bone saved me. I wasn't expecting him or Minx to be at the kingdom though." Maggie said but Ink was shocked. No wonder Ink went to Ashley's kingdom to find T-bone's own but their kingdoms were close to one another but she was happily thanking T-bone for saving her teammate and friend.
"Well, we are all happy you are safe Maggie. We owe T-bone for this." Hellmare said sweetly.
"Yeah.....I'm glad he was there that night. If not, I Might not be here." she mutters but the other girls noticed something. Was their a tint of pink in her cheeks???
"Uhhh Maggie? You okay?" Ophelia asked.
"I'm good."
"Then, did you also find a suitor or did the suitors stopped bugging you now?" Ink asked.
"Ehhh you could say that." she said looking away but the girls blinks only to look at her then thinks. "What?"
"Maggie...did you..."
"........." Right away, she sighed to show her hand that had a ring! Ink gasped seeing the others shocked.
"Wait! To who!!!"
"...T....T-bone. Seems Fira saw his strength when Bradley tried to attack us. He took him out and got dangerous when he was threatening me. So....I guess you can say I'm engaged now..." she said.
"CONGRATS!!" Ophelia and Taz said smiling to hug her. Hellmare smiled while Oblivion nods happy for her friend. Though the ring looked pretty nice but they knew he had Maggie's engagement ring too.
"Were so happy for you Maggie. We knew you would find someone. And it's someone that likes you for you." Hellmare said.
"Thanks. I didn't know that he did feel that way about me. At least he likes me for me..he even told that asshole I was...B..beautiful just the way I was. He rather see me happy but he'll be there by my side." she mutters.
"and here we thought you said this was dumb.." Hellmare teased for Maggie to blush worse hiding her face as her flaming red hair was glowing again.
"Oh hush." she said as the girls smiled happy for their friend. The other girls were happy but thank goodness Maggie was safe. Now, she was happy while rubbing the ring. It was designed by him personally but she felt some of his demonic energy inside of it knowing he's always there for her. Just like her with him. And thanks to this, Fira sees T-bone worthy of marrying her.
A good day indeed.
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eskelwolfed · 1 year
Closed Starter for RAIN @aggwaseon
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Being an introvert and being the guitarist of a rockband didn't go hand in hand and Eskel had to acknowledge that just once more tonight. The band had landed a hit, then another, they changed contracts, gained thousands of followers on social media, they could choose the locations where they wanted to play instead of begging tiny venues. They slept in hotels instead of Lambert's stinky old van. All of this was intoxicating, at least for all the others, while it was a strain on Eskel. Everywhere he went he had to have someone shield him. Which just looked pathetic, Eskel was taller than any of his bandmates, and the bodyguards.
But Eskel wouldn't complain, as ever. He would do his job, the thing he loved. Being on stage and play and as long as he was up there and not in the middle of the crowd, as long as no one came too close and the stage lights blinded him, all he wanted was to keep performing.
Being famous had so many perks and while the others basked in the attention, the money, and stuff Eskel wouldn't want to be part of either. He found himself rather hanging out with ... the bodyguard. Or get back to the bus as quickly as possible and read a damn book. He found himself self isolating and soon he'd be called cold and untouchable, he was the one rumoured to have a girlfriend that's why he was never seen with fans at all but the truth was that Eskel was just ...enjoying his own company the most. Or the company of someone who he didn't have to talk much.
The tour went on and tonight there was going to be a concert in a big venue, around 7,000 people were expected to come since the concert was sold out after not even 12 hours. Rescheduling or booking a bigger venue didn't work and there was maybe a black market for tickets now. Things, that really bothered Eskel, but he couldn't talk about.
The meet and greet was held and Eskel tried to somehow snake his way out of it, but people paid to see and talk to them and he tried to smile, even when he felt overwhelmed by the starstruck fans. He was just a normal dude, but the amount of fans who wanted to talk to him and take photos was astounding.
The show itself was great for Eskel and he enjoyed the time up there to get lost and forget about his anxiety. But after the gig he wanted to leave as soon as possible but as the bodyguards informed them there was already a crowd waiting outside, occupying all the exits and entries known to the fans, Eskel grew nervous. He knew that especially his bodyguard was now well known because he was mostly shielding Eskel from photographs, only to be the one being prominent in pictures now. He felt like he would be spotted way too easily today and he could just go along the roadies packing the instruments up and put them in the sprinter.
Eskel showered and put new clothes on, stuffed everything in his backpack and then put a saggy hoodie on, not telling his bandmates and security that he'd sneak out early. With the hoodie conceiling his face he felt ready to get away to the bus unnoticed when he just walked out with the road guys.
When Eskel was outside he saw that a lot of people were waiting for the band to show up and ambush them for photos. Shit, he had to be quick or hope for someone else to show up- and he did. Jaskier stepped out, with his hair still moist from showering and immediately drawing attention from almost all the people outside. Of course he had two guards with him. He was the most popular of them, naturally.
Eskel seized the chance and after hiding behind the roadies for the distance between the door and the sprinter parked right behind the tour bus. He only had to smoothly walk past the sprinter on the side facing the hall, not the crowd and then sneak behind the bus. He pulled out his key card already that'd open any door of the bus for him, but as it slipped out of his hands he cursed softly and pulled the hood back that hid his face. God damn street lights, it was way too dark to see anything - that was the moment someone stepped in front of him, Eskel still searching for the key.
"I sent you so many messages," the stranger said in a hushed voice and Eskel's head shot up, looking in someone's face he's most likely never seen before.
"Uh, sorry," Eskel replied and he rose again, the key forgotten. "I receive a lot messages, but thank you! I'll check my phone and read them."
He didn't know why he said that. He didn't know what this guy even wanted from him. Gut feeling told Eskel it wasn't a selfie taken from them, sandwiched between the building and the tour bus where Eskel couldn't even open his arms for a half hearted hug. The bad lighting also didn't help.
"I've sent you messages every day, since I followed you. And you never replied."
Eskel made two steps backwards, his hands reaching out as if to defend himself. He was getting really creeped out.
"Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, really. I promise I'll check them. When we're back on the road."
He started looking around, behind him, hoping that .. fuck, someone would just notice he was here. He was a few steps away from the sprinter. If he turned around and ran he could make it. But was that even necessary? It was just a fan. Who was pissed that he didn't reply to their messages. He would have to block them eventually. This wasn't healthy.
"It's too late for that. I really loved you, Eskel. I thought you'd understand me."
Eskel made another couple of steps backwards, but he didn't dare to turn around and leave them out of his sight. And then everything happened really fast.
Eskel yelled for Rain, automatically, as the fan in front of him jumped forwards, incredibly fast for small man and he collided with Eskel. His blood curdling scream was thrown back from the walls and the bus. Eskel wasn't fast enough to save himself and when he went down, still screaming for Rain, with the fan's weight pushing him down at the concrete. His ears rang, his head hurt and he tried to shield his face from punches he expected. But as sharp pain ran through his hand he pulled it away and tried to escape but the next painful stab hit his cheek. The pain was so much and Eskel couldn't fight back, even when a slash from just under his eye ran down to his lips.
He went blind, he went deaf, he could only feel the pain in his face. As something tore the guy off of him, Eskel was already blacked out.
0 notes
simpliao · 2 years
that was the moment he realised ; (irl) schlatt x reader
– part one , – part two , – part three , – part four , – part five , – part six
summary : a weekend getaway vacation, just what the pair needed to get away from busy city lives. in just enjoying the moment, what once was a silly, dismissive thought to the male, now hits him straight in the face. and for once, he's okay with it.
info : fluff, mild swearing, she/her pronouns as well as reader being described as a woman (pretty girl), sappy, like really sappy but i adore it.
a/n : i actually adore fluffy schlatt, i always got the impression that he hides the fact he's the biggest softie out there to pretend to be more macho than he really is. considering i am sadly very much single, having some fluff like this is a comfort to me. so this is kinda just a comfort post where i have them gush about being in love. <3
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The lack of any rustling but that of the leaves of the trees was a different, and almost bizarre thing to wake up to. Almost expecting to suddenly hear the burst of a car horn reminding him of his apartment being right on a busy street; and yet this peace remained. Pure rays of light slipped through the blinds, filling the bedroom with a gentle golden glow. Under his arm, Y/n slept cuddling into his side for warmth; the rented out cottage wasn't exactly the best insulated. With the utmost care, he slinked his arm away from her, mindful to not jostle her awake. Her form wrapped up in a French linen comforter, disheveled sure, but to the New Yorker she was too damn gorgeous for her own good. His eyes lingered before retreating from the room, short steps leading down into the open concept living room and kitchen.
Today was Sunday: the end of the weekend and their last day before they had to go back. It was oddly serene, seeing the living spaces highlighted by morning shine. Just checking the fridge, it was already pre-stocked with bougie shit that he didn't recognise. Even the milk was some kind of unpronounceable brand, acting as if it was above all the other milk brands. The memory of Y/n sometimes buying these kinds of things didn't pass him, a smile grew to his lips as they'd debate if fifteen dollars for specialty cereal was really worth it. That was when she has initially moved in, now he didn't bat an eye when things around their home moved around or suddenly gained new items that he was unsure about.
She slowly changed what was once a stinky bachelor pad into a presentable home, warm and cozy, especially when she made it a point to hang up pictures of the pair and establish a colour scheme for interior designing. Just thinking about it made him homesick, he even started letting her come to the office and change things around just so he could have reminders of her in his space. Although the two started their relationship in private, only really friends and family knowing and teasingly keeping it out of public eye for the sake of privacy. It was ultimately in vain since despite it being Schlatt's wish, he ended up spilling it to his viewers after having her show up in countless streams and endless twitter interactions. (All painfully flirty.)
Considering Y/n was also a public figure, some part jealously irked him when fans would inevitably ship her with other people. Getting it out in the public at least made that mostly die out, his liberal use of nicknames like 'my girl', 'sweetheart', 'doll', and 'pretty girl' even in front of the camera cemented the pair's bond. Considering the two's interactions were thousands of times cuter than her platonic interactions with friends, her fans ate that shit up.
"Good morning." Speaking of which, she groggily came down the stairs with a tired yawn. His shirt dressing her body, and despite what anyone else might've thought; all he saw was a goddess that descended from those steps. “Did I wake you? I was going to get started on breakfast.” Which wouldn’t be anything fancy since Schlatt wasn’t exactly the best cook. “It got so cold without you. I figured if I couldn’t sleep anymore might as well follow the heater downstairs.” She huffed out, fully descending the stairs to approach her boyfriend. Sitting atop one of two barstools of the kitchen’s island. He snuck glances in between of gathering things from out of the fridge. Her features highlighted by early light, easily one of the most angelic things he’s ever seen. Her eyes heavy as she was still in the rices of fully waking up, yet still remaining with a lazy smile as she watched from a short distance. “Take a picture.” She mused, rubbing her eyes slightly whilst teasing the male with one of her devilish smiles. “It’ll last longer.” “Oh shut up.” He dismissed despite holding one of his own.
The scene was serene, Y/n's gaze glued to her boyfriend of close to two years. While he always noticed her far off looks, he never realized it was because she was completely enamoured by him. Always watching over his figure, habitually dressed in basketball shorts and sweatshirts. (Of which she stole constantly, never bothering the brunette considering he adored seeing her wrapped up in his clothing.) Eyes always fixated on his face, whenever the pair were alone she got the privilege of seeing him in his softer side. Grins teasing at times, but commonly genuine and so loving. His intensely dark brown irises so filled with love whenever they met hers, always feeling like when she first fell for him; the butterflies never left. Where could she even begin with his curled caramel brown locks? Her fingers twitched, yearning for the pair to snuggle up and put on a movie; giving her the perfect opportunity to run her hands along his scalp.
In the grand scheme of things, they hadn't been together very long, neither having knowing each other long before completely falling into this state of love. What started as limerence grew to real, seldom true love. In such a simple scene, where the New Yorker had prepared (mostly uncooked) scrambled eggs and (slightly burnt) buttered toast, retiring to a seat beside his lover where the two chatted about whatever came to mind. The pair always having gazes filled with such enamour, adoration like their partner had hung the stars and moon.
"You know, I kind of wish we could stay." Y/n had spoken offhandedly, spooning the yellow mass onto one of her slices of toast. She followed up her comment soon after taking a bite, "I love this cottage... But, I wouldn't mind spending forever anywhere as long as I'm with you." Forever. The word poignant and sticking within his mind, spending forever with her, it was a thought he always briefly had. His insecurities drowned it out, fear of falling out of this kind of honeymoon, fear of her no longer looking at him like he looked at her. He feared that later down the line she wouldn't see him the same, he was scared to commit to her.
And yet, with her affirmation of always wanting to be with him, even if she spoke it in passing with it seemingly escaping her lips and being forgotten soon afterwards, it filled him with some kind of comfort unlike perviously when it'd fill with with anxiety and dread. Rather than worriedly question and wonder about the future, if she was his forever, from this moment on he realised just what kind of bliss that would be. Memories flashed his mind of what they had done this weekend, of what they'd done during the entire duration of their relationship... How it showed no sign of ever slowing down from the past two-ish years of their love. How he wouldn't trade all the money in the world for his darling, his pretty girl.
Just looking at her now, soft smile directed towards him, a kind of beauty he couldn't form into words radiating off her. He could spend forever like this. Mornings of home cooked breakfasts, afternoons working alongside each other and evenings of either going out or staying in. Everything seemed to make him excited, he craved to experience it all, experience it all with her at his side. She was his certainty, she would be it. His number one, his forever.
"Yeah..." He muttered out softly, pushing the mug to his lips to take a sip of bitterly black coffee. "I could spend forever with you too." Just seeing the way her eyes slightly squinted as she smiled made his heart burst, his hand found itself reaching over to brush his thumb over the edges of her lips to rub away crumbs. "You eat like a baby, you know that?" "But I'm your baby." She grinned, letting his hand linger on her cheek as his stare was nothing but overwhelming tenderness. Yeah, she was his. And in that moment he decided that he'd be sure to make it official, more official than just the common titles of boyfriend and girlfriend.
Because, that was the moment he realised... This was the girl he was going to marry.
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captain039 · 2 years
Stuck in a cell
Alpha Jim hopper x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, heat/ruts, smut, semi-public place, daddy kink, praise kink, swearing, age gap, torture, first time
Just finished stranger things season four.
My heart…. I just-
Anyway I’m horny for jim hopper with a gun or flame thrower….
Watching him in that explosion was shattering, you didn’t moved from your position, crying out in agony before the Russian army got you.
It was difficult being stuck in a prison cell surrounded by men, horrid, stinky, disgusting men. You were dressed like them, stank like them too if it weren’t for your omega scent keeping you in some sanity of smelling sort of ok. You were to weak to fight, to weak to change anything. Hopper- hopper was gone.
You felt like your whole heart had been taken out, stabbed, squished and shatter then placed back in only too keep you alive. You felt like a puppet, just being dragged and worked, fed shitty food.
Then your heat hit. It didn’t even register that it would come eventually, no suppressants provided, just mashed potato and some cooked meat that tasted like dog food. You were moved the day it hit, dragged around like a doll till his scent hit you. You were thrown in a cell, hopper right in front of you staring at you in shock and disbelief.
“Hopper” you muttered mind not believing what your eyes were seeing.
You never told him how you felt, the secret stupid crush that never left.
“Jim?” You muttered as he crashed into you in a hug. You shuddered and withered, sobs escaping your mouth as you clutched to him.
“Enjoy your bitch” a guard spat and Hopper growled making you shuddered.
“You’re alive” you cried pulling back, keeping him at arms distance.
“God-“ you groaned holding your stomach.
“I watched-“ you couldn’t finish your sentences, emotions going haywire, mind fuzzy.
“I’m not exactly in good condition” you muttered feeling sick.
“I think a cell is not good place to be” you swallowed hoping you wouldn’t puke.
“At least you smell good” you were babbling at the worse time.
“Do I?“ he strained a chuckle.
“Mhm” you muttered gripping the bars.
“You smell-“ he took a deep breath pupils going big.
“Like shit” you muttered.
“Like sweet omega” he muttered backing away making you whine.
“I’m sorry” you cried again, banging your head against the bars softly.
“I don’t even know why they brought me here” you scoffed.
“Hey assholes!” You yelled, Hopper quickly covering your mouth. You mumbled against his hand before huffing.
“Jesus you’re still a pain” he muttered and you grinned. Coming off suppressants was not going well, you’ve been on them ever since your first heat and never had one since despite what the doctors said. You felt drunk, drugged, whatever your mind was not there.
“You love me” you giggled and he sighed eyes worried. Cramps hit you again and you brought your knees to your chest.
“I now see why my doctor said not to stay on the suppressants the whole time” you mumbled.
“Jesus kid- you’ve never had a heat?” He asked.
“One” you shrugged and he cursed.
“Not a kid” you grumbled afterwards.
“Douche bag” you added again smiling to yourself.
“Why’d they bring me here? They know I’m connected to you somehow?” You asked.
“They want answers” he said and you frowned.
“Bout what? About how we saved the damn world, dumbasses” you rolled your eyes feeling your underwear damp. You flushed furiously sitting so you were on your knees, but avoiding the ground.
“So they brought me to break the big bad alpha” you said.
“Are they stupid?” You asked and he hushed you. A guard bashed the cell making you jump and Hopper grab you quickly. Hopper was panting as the guard yelled angrily. More guards appeared, unlocking the door. You froze as did Hopper, his hold on your tightening as you were taken away. You cried and screamed as Hopper fought and was knocked out. You were knocked out to a sharp pain before darkness.
You awoke groggily, feeling overly cold. Your eyes were droopy and you felt like you were hit by a truck.
“Y/n!” You heard Hopper yelling and guards yelling making you groan. You laid on your side the floor freezing despite the bed roll under you. You noticed layers had been stripped of you also, leaving your in underwear only. You shivered, hot and cold flushes going over you. You were shaking horrible soon, hearing Jim yell.
You were struggling, trying to find warmth, we’re they going to kill you from hypothermia in heat? Sick bastards. The guards eventually left and Jim’s calls died down. You were chattering your teeth, rubbing your arms over your body before the door opened again. You didn’t hear Jim either making you worried.
“Here-“ the man wrapped a jacket around you and you shuddered.
“You need to finish her heat, you don’t have long” you were carried to Hoppers cell, his arms going around you quickly making you sigh in his warmth.
“Hey- hey come on open your eyes” he said and you just groaned opening them slowly.
“There you go” he whispered placing you in his lap, chest to chest, head on his shoulder.
“Who was that?” You asked.
“Inside friend” he said and you hummed.
“We’re going to get out of here ok?” He spoke softly and all you could do was nod.
“No- no eyes open” he said and you whined but kept them open.
“He said- finish my heat? How do you even do that?” You muttered mind still not thinking properly. Hopper tensed under you making you frown and lift your head.
“An alpha would have to knot you, it’ll stop your heat” he said face embarrassed.
“I thought nothing could, once it starts it stays till a week or whatever” you plonked your head back down on his shoulder.
“Oh the guards will be pissed if they come in” you mumbled.
“You’re warm” you whispered snuggling in, nose against his scent gland.
“Smell good” you mumbled nosing his neck gently a content sigh leaving your lips.
“When I thought you ‘died’ I felt like I did too, like someone squished my heart and only left it there to keep it beating and pump blood through me so I’d stay alive, I never even got to tell you I have a crush on you” you spoke without thought.
“Crush? Seems childish, I’ve never been in love though, I feel like it’d feel like this though” you whispered.
“But you were big alpha of our little pack of superhero’s, I was just a runt following” you frowned slightly, with everything that had happened, you wondered how you even kept living.
“You weren’t a runt” he muttered.
“That’s all you got?” You scoffed lightly with a smile.
“No” he mumbled a sigh leaving his lips.
“Maybe I’ll die here in a cell” you said.
“You’re not dying” he said clearly and sternly.
“Ok big bad alpha” the nick name you accidentally gave him a while ago stuck, even El called him that. You sighed feeling warmth in your body again, your blood pumping quickly with need. You held a hand over your stomach as it began to cramp again. Your underwear was either damp or still cold, you couldn’t tell. Hopper was tense under you, taking small breaths.
“Alpha” you mumbled feeling him flinch. You went to climb off his lap, you were probably affecting him too much. He held on tighter though tugging you back, it made you whine, you didn’t know what was worse, being cold on the floor or overly hot against him. Your hands wiggled under his shirt and rested in his stomach, he’d lost a lot of weight from lack of diet and hard work. You sighed at the contact of skin on skin letting your hands roam around before snaking them around his back. You froze though as did he, jagged lines were under your fingers, wherever you moved them, there was more clusters of lines.
“What did they do to you?” You asked suddenly shrugging off his coat and shirt. Your eyes watered at the marks on him, they tortured him. You wanted to kill the bastards, a seething hate for whoever hurt your alpha. You struggled with your words realising you had just taken off his upper half.
“I didn’t-“ you gulped reaching for his shirt when his hand caught your wrist.
“Why’d they do this?” You whispered tracing the scars on his shoulders.
“How dare they-“ you snarled and be chuckled lightly.
“I wouldn’t break” he said, like it did any justice.
“I’ll kill them myself” you said before groaning in pain.
“You’re in no shape to kill a man, besides, I wouldn’t let you” he had a light smile on his face. You reached up, fingers tracing his cheek, his beard, suddenly so transfixed by it. You heard chatter outside and froze, you realise the guards would soon question, burst in, take you away from him. You whimpered at that, fear flooding through you as you watched the door.
“Hey, eyes on me” two fingers moved your head so you looked to him.
“They’re gonna seperate us!” You cried quietly his hand cupping your neck, thumb stroking your jaw.
“They won’t” he said and you glared.
“They will! Hopper I’m not a child! I know-“ you froze and went silent as lips pressed against yours. You sagged a soft moan leaving your lips as you clutched his shoulders.
“Let’s deal with the heat first” he muttered sending heat straight to your core. You nodded too eagerly chasing his lips as he pulled back. Gods you’ve wanted this for years, for him to just fuck you. You began to panic though what the hell do you do? Sure porn helped, but this was very, very, different.
“Alpha I haven’t-“ you flushed furiously and he stopped.
“You’ve never had sex?” He asked and you nodded. His hands on your sides faltered and you felt more tears in your eyes.
“Please just stop this though” you said going to kiss him again.
“Sweetheart” he trailed off and you hung your head.
“Baby girl I-“ he sighed and the pet names sent you wolf.
“Please” you begged.
“Your first time should be after a nice dinner with a much younger hot date, in a nice bed- not with some old alpha in a dirty cell” his words made you cry, you didn’t want a younger hot date you wanted him. Yes a bed would be nice, build up, making love instead of being in this situation. You leant against his shoulder letting your tear drops hit his chest.
“I want you though, I always have” you whispered and you heard him take a sharp breath.
“Maybe I’ve got a lot of issues ok I-“ you held your stomach again.
“I don’t know if I’ll be in control” he muttered and you shivered in delight.
“Then don’t” you muttered lifting your head. His eyes went dark and you felt a gush of slick, he took a deep breath before kissing you roughly, tugging you closer. You were sitting on his thighs, now you could feel how hard he was through the pants he wore.
“It may hurt” he said and you just ignored him, kissing him deeply, a little all over the place. His fingers slipped under your underwear, sliding his fingers through your folds. You broke the kiss with a broken moan, head heavy. You rested your forehead on his shoulder as he moved his fingers around, feeling how wet you were. You bit the back of your hand as his fingers slipped in all too easily, he let out a soft groan, music to your ears. He added a second finger easily, you could feel the stretch, his fingers much thicker than yours. Your hips rocked against him, soft pants leaving you.
“Feel good?” He whispered and you nodded furiously. His voice was husky making your stomach clench. He slipped on a third and you bit your lip, a small hiss leaving your lips. He leant his head against yours hushing you gently as he slowly moved his fingers. You could feel yourself clenching around him, your stomach was in knots, this felt so different than doing it by yourself. You undid his pants, lifting your head and he shuffled a bit so you could move them down more. He made a come here motion and you buckled again letting out a sharp breath. He did it again and you let out a cry slash moan.
“Please” you muttered hands shaking too much to move his boxers. He chuckled and you wanted to glare at him. His fingers left and you shuddered a groan leaving you. He gently moved you back to sit on his thighs while he moved down his underwear and pants. You stared as his cock came free, aching hard. You gulped slightly not sure what to do.
“Do you want to touch?” He asked voice deep and husky. You nodded quickly as his hand wrapped around himself and coated his cock with your slick. The sight made you hang your mouth open, hands twitching.
He grabbed your hand, wrapping it around him with his hand on top. He guided your movements, slow up and down. He let go, lying his hand on your hip, gripping the flesh as you pumped his cock. His head leaned back as you experimented with movement, speed and pressure. He groaned when you swiped your thumb over the tip and you whined. He kissed you roughly bringing you closer again, cock trapped between your body’s. you rested your hands on his chest as he lifted you to your knees and lined himself up. You leant your forehead against his breathing heavily.
“Ready?” He asked and you nodded slowly sinking yourself. You bit your lip, tears in the corner of your eyes. He cupped your cheek, hushing you, telling you how good you were doing.
“So good, such a good omega” he praised and you relaxed. You stopped feeling full already and the sting was a bit much.
“Take a breath” he mumbled and you did. He kissed the corner of your eyes, stopped the tears before you moved again.
You finally felt your butt hit his thighs and struggled to breath.
“If it’s too much stop” he said and you shook your head. You were gripping his shoulders tightly, trying to control your breathing. He groaned softly resting his head against yours as you moved your hips slightly. You whimpered legs weak, it was a bit much. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he hushed you.
“You’re doing so well” he muttered kissing your forehead. You gained a little confidence, slightly lifting your hips and sitting back down. You shuddered at the feeling and continued the movement. You panted loudly forehead against Hoppers. He was groaning quietly every time you moved, he was gripping your hip tightly, like he was holding back. You were thankful for him letting you set the pace. The sting left, but the fullness didn’t, you could feel the pleasure building up as you quickened. He met your movements with thrusts and you whined. You wrapped your arms around his neck legs aching horribly.
“My legs” you mumbled and he helped you, he held you up, moving his hips instead and you moaned. He set a pace and you panted with each thrust, soft whined leaving you every now and then. He quickened and your back arched. He growled lowly, making you whimper and bare your neck without thinking. His lips attached to your neck, sucking and scraping his teeth.
“I have to knot you” he muttered and you nodded. He snarled continuing his quick pace before you could feel him inflate. You whimpered at the change and quick panic flooded through you.
“I’ve got you” he said fingers rubbing against your clit. You cried as you came his knot slipping in and locking place. You saw him bite the back of his hand a sadness going through. You trembled though body going limp as he kept you upright.
“You’re alright” he whispered running a hand up and down your back.
“Such a good omega” he praised and you warmed. You closed your eyes leaning against his chest, you couldn’t move, didn’t want too. You heard yelling outside making you mumbled. Someone came in though, the card that let you out.
“Done?” He asked and Hopper growled keeping you shielded.
“Good” the man said and left making you relax. You moved slightly feeling him tug, you whined loudly and he hushed you.
“Don’t move” he said and you nodded eyes closing.
“The guards?” You asked weakly.
“They won’t come for a while” he answered and you nodded.
“Good” you muttered hearing Hopper chuckle lightly.
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counter point, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You enrage your perfect boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, by being overtly sexual and inappropriately licking your kitchen counter. Why? Because you can and he's going to get horny regardless. He's going to chase after you with a spoon, so you better run!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; playful banter and shitty jokes; actually low-key crack and fluff; shower smut (fem reader, handjob, thigh riding, nipple play, marking / scratching, fingering, multiple orgasms, one pussy slap); too much wasted water, RIP; non-idol!BTS; the parenthesis are the reader’s inner thoughts; please help Jungkook, he's just trying to eat shaved ice, not pop a boner (he does anyway)
yes, the title is a pun it's the best laid plans couple and they're crackheads no need to read the first one, but it's there if you want more
You grinned at your boyfriend (Cheshire-cat-style, but make it sexy).
“Listen to me, do not do it.”
You extended you tongue (lizard-style, still sexy).
Jeon Jungkook, your boyfriend currently making shaved ice, narrowed his dark brown eyes at you and barked your name sharply (angry-mother-scolding-their-child-style, but make it the hottest man on the fucking planet who you were down to get railed by every second of every day). His ash-blond hair flared out around his strong features, adding to his (horny) fury.
He could pretend to be mad, but you knew better.
You licked the kitchen counter.
“Fucking damnnit!”
You cackled as you licked the fallen syrup and ice combination that was on the kitchen counter, slurping up the fallen solider (a valiant fight, but Jungkook had missed the bowl by accident and he deserved an honorable death).
“I told you I was getting a towel!” Jungkook hissed furiously, shaking the white towel with the cute pink bunny character on it. “Don’t be a nasty heathen!”
“What’s nasty about our kitchen counters?” you countered (ey, yeah, see what happened there). “We clean them all the time.”
You leaned down again and licked the counter, pressing your tongue flat against the granite and making Jungkook growl, to which your responded with wiggling your eyebrows. He shook the towel at you again, but didn’t advance.
“Back, you fiend.”
You straightened and grinned, sauntering over to him and the towel he was using like a rosary and you were the demon he was trying to exorcise (he wasn’t pure enough to be a priest, but then again, that might be your fault).
“But I need the towel to clean up the mess,” you chirped, grinning cheerfully as you closed your hand around the cloth, holding it for a little too long, letting your eyes linger on his tense face, taking in his chiseled jaw, shapely lips, and flashing dark brown eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
You smiled.
Ran your tongue over your upper lip.
“Like what?”
Jungkook looked like he wanted to murder you and fuck you.
(Not at the same time; that would be some serial killer shit.)
“Stop fucking teasing me when you’re not gonna do anything,” he grumbled, pouting slightly as you snatched the towel from him and wiped the counter that you had already licked clean.
“Who, me?” you replied innocently, grabbing the sponge to clean off the granite before wiping the spot once more. “I would never, ever tease you, Jungkook.”
He narrowed his eyes at you until they were lines and jammed his spoon into his shaved ice. “You never wanna fuck right after I work out.”
“Speaking of working out.” You pointed to his large bowl of shaved ice covered in syrup. “Should you have sweets right after working out?”
He clicked his tongue. “I drank my protein shake and I’m hot. Leave me alone.” He shoved a large spoonful into his mouth, still glaring.
(Oh, you’re hot, all right.)
“What a coincidence.”
Jungkook’s eyes shifted in suspicion as you spun around him. “Do I wanna know what’s a coincidence…?”
“I’m also hot.”
And you grabbed the bottom of your oversized sweatshirt (it was his) and pulled it up and over your head, leaving you in your underwear. You threw it at Jungkook’s crotch before prancing out of the kitchen.
“Alright, first of all–”
“Lachimolala,” you sang nonsensically, heading off to the bedroom. “I thought you wanted to be alone?”
Jungkook stomped after you, clutching his bowl and still shoving shaved ice in his mouth as he very loudly put in his two cents and pointedly ignored your comments (a skill he developed while dating you, mysterious why that would be).
“I know you’re hot, you’re insanely hot and that’s not fair, and, second, you can’t just take off your clothes and expect me not to follow you, and, three, let me fuck you, damnnit!”
You stuck your head out of the bedroom door and your tongue out of your mouth. “No. You stinky.”
Jungkook looked livid, still holding his spoon and bowl. “Don’t make me put this spoon down, woman.”
“Oh nooooooo, Jungkookie has a spoon, oh nooo!”
“Gimmie those titties! Get your ass over here right now!”
You ran to the bathroom and turned the water on, throwing off your underwear in record time, only for Jungkook to show up and get smacked in the face with your bra and panties (awesome, your aim was improving, all those hours playing FPS games was a sound investment).
Jungkook snarled and shook his head, blond hair flying everywhere, holding his bowl of shaved ice protectively as your underwear scattered around him. He looked ready to scold you, only to freeze and see you standing at the open glass shower door, fully naked.
(Checkmate, he totally wanted to bone you. His shorts were doing nothing to hide his massive tent.)
“See ya.”
And you slunk into the shower and hot water, snapping the door closed behind you, Jungkook fuming and crossing the space in two steps (damn, can you say legs, holy shit) and yanked open the shower door.
“You fucking brat–”
You smirked, water running down your body, tipping your head back to soak your hair, reaching up to slick it back with your tits up. His dark brown eyes ballooned to the size of Dragon Balls (those are pretty big balls, no cap). His shaved ice was rapidly melting from the steam.
A full ten seconds past.
(Kinda cold, bro, please close the door.)
You maintained your smirk, rolling your shoulders to cascade water down your body, down your breasts, dripping off your nipples, curling around the curve of your waist, streaming in rivets across the expanse of your thighs and ass, doing a little half-spin. Jungkook choked a little, eyes completely fixated to your body. You (completely unnecessarily, of course) placed a hand in between your breasts, splaying out your fingers, gliding it down your stomach, making a detour for your hip, sinking your nails into it (his bowl was tipping very dangerously now and the ice was half-gone), curving back to the inside of your thigh and squeezing your thighs around your hand.
(Okay, for real, you can close the door now, Jungkook.)
“Your shaved ice is melting.”
Jungkook started, picking up his jaw off the floor, and whipped his head to his bowl of now sweet ice water. He closed the shower door (finally!) and you breathed out a sigh of relief, finally wiggling under the showerhead to wash away the goosebumps and your frozen tits (you suffered for a good cause, but still), hearing your boyfriend straight-up slurp the rest of his shaved ice (it was practically a drink by now anyway). You pumped some shampoo in your hand and casually started working it into your hair before half-screaming as the door opened again and a very naked, very horny Jungkook invaded your personal space and pinned you against the shower wall.
(You weren’t expecting his speedrun of stripping, that must have been a fucking record!)
You blinked rapidly, trying to swipe the water out of your eyes.
You didn’t expect to get anything out but you said one syllable before his lips crashed onto yours, spraying water everywhere as he half-entered the raining showerhead (still a bit stinky, tsk tsk), pressing his body against yours, jabbing you with his rock-hard dick (rude). You yelped in his mouth, but he didn’t seem to care (probably thought you deserved it, rude), taking your tongue and sucking on it, making you moan, driving his thigh in between yours and pushing it up, water suddenly gushing onto your heat and then hard muscle, you gasping at the contact, tipping your head back with a soft whimper.
Opening your eyes to a slight sting and Jungkook’s half-wet hair, dark silvery-blond curls around his smirking face, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“Not so high and mighty now, hm?”
(Fuck, he’s so fucking hot.)
Your eye began to sting very badly.
“There’s shampoo in my eye,” you choked out.
“Oh shi–”
There was a brief intermission of water torture as Jungkook shoved your head under the showerhead and you did the awkward dance of one eye half-open, half-closed, rinsing out the soap residue while holding your breath and trying not to drown (beauty, grace, and blindness, the trifecta, right?). You yanked your head out with a gleeful sucking in of air, pushing your hair away from your forehead.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked worriedly.
“Why is no-tears shampoo only for babies?” you complained, wiping your eyes. “Don’t they know horny adults get accosted in the middle of showering sometimes and need that shit? They need to put a warning or I’ll sue.”
He laughed, rich, full, and wonderfully sexy. “I don’t think you’d – ah!”
The second Jungkook let his guard down, you grabbed his dick (sucker), and started pumping him with a flick of your wrist, grinning wildly. He gasped and tried to back up, but you pinned his thigh in between yours and rubbed your slick pussy on his muscle, causing him to sway slightly and plant his hands on the wall beside your head, gasping your name.
“O-oh, fuck…”
You used your other hand to grab his chin and pull him closer, kissing him hungrily, a slightly awkward angle but it didn’t matter because you had him in the palm of your hand now (literally), jacking him off with one and the other stroking his jaw, shuddering at his tongue flitting in your mouth, snaking your own out to meet his, fuck, such soft lips, and he still tasted a little sweet from his icy snack lingering on his tongue. Your hand slid back and cupped his head, fingers in his wet ash-blond hair, rolling your hips on his leg and pumping his swelling length in the other, getting him extra hard again, both of you moaning at the lovely pop of the head being squeezed by your thumb and index, before going right back to furiously kissing as you increased the speed and pressure.
Jungkook always complained about how you never worked out with him, but you always rebutted that said workouts never started because you two were too busy eating face.
(Also, why work out when you can fuck? More fun, more pleasure, less hating yourself as you complete the thirtieth sit-up. Clearly, your boyfriend failed to see the logic.)
“Jungkook, ah…”
One of his strong hands around your waist, arching your back, kissing down your neck, matching your pace with his hips, moaning into your skin, raising his leg even higher as he leaned down to wrap his lips around one of your nipples. Now the angle was really awkward, but you refused to give up, readjusting slightly, faster, harder, his mouth all over you, sucking hard, whimpering your name, your arm burning (and he wondered why you had biceps, sheesh), and you clamped his thigh in between yours, the real pleasure being how Jungkook moaned, throwing his head back, your name tumbling from his lips, so sexy with his dripping blond locks stuck to his cheeks, tendons standing out on his neck with the strain, thrusting into your hand to increase the pleasure and your arm was going to give out any second now but you just couldn’t, not yet.
“So fucking sexy,” you panted, your free hand tracing his jaw, shoving your thumb into his open lips, sinking your nails into his cheek because he was yours, all yours, and he didn’t care if you marked him up, his eyes rolling back, loving your roughness, wanting it. “Cum for me, come on, Jungkook,” you growled, even faster, even harder, thumb pressed into his lolling tongue and he whined, deep and feral, a mixed gargle of your name and pure ecstasy, cock jerking in your hand, spilling out over your thigh and the shower wall, hot sticky strings before being washed away, you dragging his face to yours, removing your thumb to kiss him again, sighing in relief now that you could slow, squeezing his twitching cock, feeling it drip down your fingers and smearing it all over his now-sensitive skin.
“So good, fuck, you’re so good…”
His hands all over your back, running his nails up and down, ravenous, messy kisses. Your hand stilled, arm burning, but somehow it didn’t matter, adrenaline and lust too much, and you wanted to hold him too, snaking your arms around his waist and digging your nails into his broad back, both of you moaning in unison as your ran lines of pleasure across each other’s backs, hips to hips, wet bodies rolling into each other, your drenched pussy on his hard thigh and his spent cock against your soft thigh.
“My arm almost died,” you gasped, his nails raking down to your hips, sinking into your ass.
“Heh, sorry,” Jungkook snickered (you suspected he wasn’t very sorry). “That’s what you get for teasing me.” (And you were right, hmph.) “This is why you should work out.” (This guy…)
You raised an eyebrow. “So I can make you cum in literal seconds? Your funeral.”
He paused, shifting his eyes. He seemed to be mentally struggling with the idea. “You look so fucking hot in workout clothes though,” he pouted, leaning down to press his chin against your breasts.
Uh oh, Jungkook was giving you puppy eyes now.
“I can wear workout clothes without actually working out,” you frowned. “And you never let me work out anyway because you’re too busy ogling me, and then you jump me mid-squat.”
He groaned, kneading your ass in his hands. “Your ass just looks so fucking good in leggings though… and the way your tits bounce, fuck…”
(Hello, Jungkook? You could, maybe, just look at the naked wet body in front of you right now instead of fantasizing about working out. What is your malfunction?)
You yelped as he buried his face into your tits, tongue snaking out and drawing thick, saliva-covered stripes over your breasts that were quickly washed away, whimpers in your throat once you saw the hungry look in his eyes, his pink tongue now circling your nipple, lowering his leg from between yours, your hands flying up to hold his head onto your chest.
“Ah, Jungkook, please…”
His lips closed in and his fingers grazed your slick slit, pressing circles of pleasure into you, leaning your head against the shower wall, back arched to give more to that perfect mouth, moaning his name, his fingertips finding your clit and rubbing it slowly, working you up, sucking your nipple and flicking it with his tongue, waves of pleasure and hot water enveloping you, pushing his wet hair back to look into those dark chocolate orbs, clouded by lust and his desire to make you feel good, already knowing that when you rocked your hips you wanted more, already knowing that when your noises became shallower, more needy, that you needed it harder, closing your eyes, faster, hot and warm from Jungkook and water.
“Yes, fuck, yes, so close, so good, Jungkook, ah, Jungkook!”
You felt the flinch of overwhelming ecstasy, immediately trying to close your legs but he blocked you, planting his thigh between yours to prevent them, your moan turning into a feverish whimper, clutching his shoulders.
“J-Jungkook, w-wait, oh, f-fuck…”
He wasn’t waiting, still stimulating your now throbbing clit, lifting his head to press his lips to yours, whispering hotly, you’re so sexy, so beautiful, I love you to so much, fuck, your brain barely computing language, w-what, oh fuck, yes, don’t stop, Jungkook, I love you, fuck, so good, his soft smile on your open lips as your moaned once more, ramming your hips into his hand, eyes rolling back, pleasure shooting up from your core, and Jungkook’s fingers plunged into your wetness, moaning with you, stuffing you with three because you were so, so wet.
“Fuck my hand, come on, wanna feel you…”
You heard hand (seriously? alright, your funeral, Jungkook), and enclosed your fingers around his now hard-again cock.
“Wait, w-what – ah, fuuuuuuuck…”
Your misinterpretation seemed to be a welcome development, your hips moving on their own, pussy clenching around his fingers, your hand a vice around his hard, swollen length, his hips thrusting into your closed fist, and now both of you just chasing pleasure, wet, loud, and hot, the water adding to the noise, skin on skin, your pussy making embarrassing sucking, squishing sounds paired with the rapid slap of your vicious pumping of his cock, feeling so good it was hard to speak, but it didn’t matter because your lips found his lips, and you could tell by his trembling inhale and soft whimpers that he loved you, and he could tell from your breathless gasps and desperate whines that you loved him, and all that made it more intense, better, sexier, perfect.
Your name in that silvery, needy tone, followed by, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
His name, followed by, “Shit, me too, fuck!”
(Maybe not your best work, oh well.)
You slapped your hips into his hand, burying his fingers all the way to his knuckles, and groaned, scorching ecstasy overtaking your veins, sparking up your spine and into your head, squeezing your thighs together powerfully, clamping his wrist in your softness. His cock jerked, his gasp in your face as he spilled again, all over your hip and thigh, jamming the throbbing head into your skin and moaning as his orgasm continued spurting out, pulsing, his moan turning into helpless cries as you rubbed the tip on your skin, smearing his cum onto you, his scent so strong you could still smell it despite the water washing it away, loving the way his hard, muscular body felt against you, shivering and vibrating with pleasure, unable to help himself, practically humping your leg to prolong the sensitivity.
Heavy, shuddering breaths.
Water tumbling down, somehow far too hot even though it was getting lukewarm.
(Rest in peace the water bill.)
“Uh… my hand…”
You tensed around it. “I like it here.”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, frowning. “I’m getting a hand cramp.”
You bit your lip and clenched your core muscles, making him gasp.
“Fuck, I love how tight your pussy can get. Feels like you’re going to break my fingers.”
You relaxed, laughing. “That’d be a fun trip to the emergency room.”
He snickered and leaned in, kissing you softly. “I love you.”
You relaxed your thighs and he pulled his fingers out. “I love you too, Jungkook.”
You squeezed the head of his dick mid-kiss and he slapped your pussy in response, making you gasp.
(Hello, you two, you’re wasting water… aw, shit, here we go again.)
2021.09.01 - birthday drabble
in which jjk attempts to direct porn and you proceed to clown him until he shuts you up by fucking your brains out well dressed
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numptypylon · 3 years
for Rayla pov…
home free drabble? 🥰🥰🥰
preferably the chapter where callum twists his ankle on their hike??
This took me a while, because I suddenly got a lot busier than I had planned on being, and wanted to get the Homeward Bound drabbles done first so I could post the intermission chapter. But here you go, hope you enjoy! There's a little Rayla POV snippet taking place DURING this chapter here. This drabble takes place AFTER chapter 4 of Home Free
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Callum didn’t even stir when she removed the no-longer-frozen peas from his ankle.
She should examine it, but that would probably wake him up.
She should wake him up.
It was barely even 6pm; he wouldn’t be able to sleep come bedtime if he slept now.
She usually had no mercy about waking him up.
He looked so cute though, hugging their froggie couch cushion, his face all smushed up against it, a tiny smile on his lips.
He could at least sleep while she showered and made them dinner. She might not be a particularly good cook, but she was an efficient cook when Callum and his extra-ness wasn’t involved; the pasta could cook and the mushrooms sauté while she showered, and then it was a matter of five minutes to put together.
He could sleep for 15 minutes. He had been up early. And then gone hiking after work. And then gotten hurt. And then his complete idiot of a housemate had thrown him down a hill.
He could damn well have 15 minutes.
Rayla got her galaxy-patterned snuggie from their blanket basket, and spread it over him, tucking it around his neck.
He sighed in his sleep and the warm exhale tickled her cold fingers.
It would be super-weird to touch his hair just because it looked super soft at the ends where it was starting to dry, so she didn’t do that.
“RISE AND SHINE!” Rayla announced. Food was almost ready, and you couldn’t go straight from asleep to eating, you needed a few minutes.
The peas were just an amuse-whatever, that didn’t count.
“M-morning-“ Callum yawned, blinking at her, adorably disoriented for a moment, before his face settled on an expression. “Are you eating the peas that were pressed up against my stinky foot?” He looked comically horrified.
Wuss. It was a sealed bag that had been wrapped in a dish towel, what philistine would waste perfectly good peas that had had no direct contact with feet?
“Yeah?” She scooped another spoonful of buttery, garlicky peas into her mouth. Yum. “I had a thawed bag of peas and already got the garlic press dirty for the pasta. What, you expected me to not eat the peas?”
“No.” He smiled at her, so… he was just so- “Never.” So fond. Of her.
It was a really amazing feeling, being so sure that someone liked you. The real you and all of you. Even if he didn’t love her like she loved him, he loved her and had said it.
She couldn’t remember… anyone ever saying that to her.
Her parents must have, at some point when she had been too young to remember, right? They had written it plenty, in their letters. She had stopped believing it fully, at some point.
To be fair, she was reasonably sure Ethari and Runaan did love her.
But Callum had said it.
He sat up to make room for her on the couch next to him, hair mussed and bleary-eyed.
He was careful about moving his foot to rest against the floor, but he didn’t look like he was in pain, and she wouldn’t be the kind of sappy, fussy idiot asking if he was okay, when he was going to be fine-
His warm fingers brushed her hair away to inspect the abraded skin at her cheek and brow. “You feel okay?” he asked. “You’re sure you didn’t hit your head?”
She snorted. “I faceplanted into some snow. I think I’ll live.”
“That wasn’t what I asked!” he snapped. “And if you think I’m too fussy you can thank your own dumb butt!” Sheesh, she had called him to pick her up at the emergency room one time in two years- “My ambitions for your wellbeing are higher than ‘you’ll live’, unbelievable as that may be to you!”
He’d been scared, too. Because he loved her. She softened. “I’m okay. No headache or dizziness. Just the regular kinda sore bits you get from skidding down a hill face-first.”
“You mean to say… this wasn’t your first time…?”
She bumped into his shoulder. “First time with someone I love.”
He softened too. “Me too.”
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shozaii · 4 years
could I request some dabi, aizawa and hawks taking care of their s/o who is maybe sick or has had a rough day? 💕
(a/n): hello hello anon! ahh thank you so much for sending this in! always wanted to write for dabi too <3 enjoy, love! ❤❤
rough day.
pairings: dabi x reader, aizawa x reader, hawks x reader.
warnings: none!
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i’d like to think that dabi does care, and would even go as far as he could to show you that he does. maybe when you two first started dating, he would tend to be a little reserved, quiet.
well, of course he has the love. of course he has the affection. then again, of course he has to take time to ease himself with you - to give his all for his s/o.
a scenario; it was a long, long day of constant stress and pressure. it wasn’t like your body wasn’t used to this. you knew what you signed up for - might as well endure it, put your heart and soul into it when you can. after all, rest would always come later on.
or so you thought. it went even longer, the more you started thinking of your bed. more jobs, more deadlines within a day. more ruckus. geez, what was with the world today?
the world took most of your precious time, because by the time you stepped your foot into home, it was nighttime.
more like, the next morning.
you groaned, looking at the time. 
“babe...? your boyfriend called out in what seemed like a groggy voice. “damn, look at you. rough day?”
your figure sloppily fell into dabi’s chest, inhaling his enthralling scent. he let out a little ‘oof’ before saying, “you did, huh. come on, stinky. bath time.”
your arms have never felt this tired after so long, because when it reached out to punch him by the chest, it wobbled. “i have a name, you know.”
“yeah. stinky.”
“shut up.”
mans came prepared. doesn’t show it but he’s super duper aware of your schedule. doesn’t need to write it down, doesn’t need any reminder. on the dot. a fine gentleman indeed.
leads you carefully to the bath he prepared for you. he helps you scrub your back (i headcanon him being a master of massaging) he then pecks your scars/stiff areas. “seen this a lot on the shows. hope it works.”
yup, you both had a good laugh after that.
he then gives you your towels. offers to dry your hair because you nearly tucked yourself into bed while your hair was still soaking wet. 
even bought you your favorite dinner, and then chuckled softly when he watched you yawn as you rested your jaw on your palm. “bed.”
“wow. another way of saying, take me to bed, my dear prince,” his gosh darn attractive smirk appeared again. 
oh my god he is a sucker for you. 
when you both are finally on bed,  he pulls you close, peppering you with the last few kisses before you both fell sound asleep. the best part is that sometimes you two stay like that until the next morning.
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oh wow. let’s be real here, we have three wonderful gentlemen in this area. now aizawa is a little different. he knows what rough days are like, especially when he himself has gone through them. almost everyday. 
resulting in the yellow sleeping bag. 
but that does not stop you from caring for him. most nights when he returns home late, you treat him like a king because hey, he deserves it. he works so hard taking great care of his students, watching them overnight at the dorms (which results in no sleep). ah, the things you do make him so happy and loved.
so he vows to do the same to you. 
this time he was home earlier than usual - which was weird because usually you come home first. he checked every room, but to no avail. he tried calling you, but you didn’t answer.
okay, weird. where were you? maybe he’s been so used to seeing you return first till the point where he completely forgets about your schedules - basically anything you were doing. and damn does he feel terrible. 
which is why he decides to own up to it.
mans dashes through the apartment, getting the stuff that you like, ditching the stuff that you didn’t like seeing when you got back home, made sure he was wide awake for what he was about to see right in front of him - a representation of him (except that it’s not his son shinsou) or you, still in your best form.
.....maybe he didn’t need to think of the second choice. he was right with the first.
“my back hurts. so, so, bad,” you whined softly as he walked towards you.
“come on, kitten.”
“you should’ve gone to bed, shouta.”
“unfortunately my senses told me not to.”
“but they tell you that everyday.”
“....today was different.”
he lets you sit down on the couch for a bit, worried that you might as well collapse and then fall into the deepest sleep. once that was settled, he lightly tapped your shoulder. “you rested enough. bath time.”
conversations stay light with shouta. he knows what it’s like to be tired, and to constantly have noise around him. at the same time, he doesn’t want you sleeping; hence the small talk.
“are you sure, love?” you asked him. “you know i can-,”
“too late.”
you laughed drowsily. oh, what a man.
he frowns when you were hesitant to take a few bites from the light supper snack he prepared for you. they were your favorite.
“eat up. then we could sleep for as long as we want. i’ll even join you and never leave.”
best wild card pulled out of his pocket because you chomped down on your snack.
i headcanon him to be a little scared when it comes to massaging his s/o, worried that he might hurt them, but when he does, it’s god-tier. his hands work like magic. your back pain was almost all gone in that instant.
the both of you were already pooped out, so at the same time, you headed to bed, finally landing on your fluffy pillows, taking it all in.
and right next to you was the man of your dreams.
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okay! two rough day scenarios, now for this majestic bird boy’s s/o who isn’t feeling well!
you weren’t at your best. your nose was runny, you sweat a whole lot. for a while you felt really really hot, so you put on your blanket. suddenly you were freezing COLD. pulled them back up.
gave up and covered one half of your figure. your headache was not getting any better and you used ointment/took a painkiller to get rid of the stinging pain on the top part of your head; but to no avail. it kept getting worse. 
the worst part was that you had to skip your work schedule, and you were really precise with it no matter what. but you just couldn’t when your body hurt as if tons of rocks were placed on your back. this was definitely not going to end soon.
lucky for you, keigo was taking a nap right next to you. he got up abruptly. “um, i had a nightmare. i was...falling down....oh my god, y/n, you are RED! what did you have?”
“i had the same thing as you dummy,” you replied with a different tone in your voice. “ugh, my head.”
“you’re sick, chickadee.” he placed the back of his hand on his forehead. “nothing.” he then did so on your forehead. “you are burning hot.”
“why thank you.”
“y/n, i love you but i’m serious. your temperature is soaring hot.”
“aw, man. i can’t ditch my schedule today.”
“in this house, a ‘schedule’ does not exist. you’re staying at home, and i’m going to spend the day with you. got that?”
you blinked a few times with your sore eyes, before replying with a sniffle. “okay.”
“good little birdie.”
and boY does he finesse his way to giving you the best treatment. 
he may or may not have learnt making chicken soup over the years he has been with you, so cue him making probably the best one for you. (we all know why he learnt this anyway)
feeling cold? gives you warm water for your sore throat. feeling warm? puts a little stand fan for you to take in all the fresh air. might as well even fan you with his wings because keigo loves being extra for his s/o. 
he sits with you and holds your hand. he doesn’t like seeing you like this - who does? all he wanted to do was to head out with you, hold hands, fly with you if he could, eat some yakitori.
no, no. must cure y/n first.
he’s such a cute lil baby 
he’d place the wet cloth on your forehead, and comes checking on you every 10 minutes while he’s out of the room. 
bath time? yes please. the right scents for your already blocked nose and to also prevent you from feeling dizzy from the stronger ones that you owned. even offers to wash your back 🥺
gives you his clothing because you look so darn cute in them. he breathes this huge sigh of relief when your temperature decreases from where it was initially. then proceeds to kiss your cheeks.
“keigo! you’re going...to...get...sick!” 
“i’m practically immune. so don’t worry.” he smirked.
you started feeling a little bit better, so you moved to the living room. but the pains were still there.
“y/n. these medicines would help. you came prepared.”
“that’s because i was worried i’d get the flu once again. i hate this.”
“come on. it’s fine, love. you will get back in action in no time. i’m here for you, aren’t i?”
the day ends with more cuddles, more kisses, chicken soup, laughter, little naps, and finally to bed. it was a long day, and you were feeling a lot more better. the fever died down even more, the pains reduced.
and it was all thanks to this lovely number two hero - more so - your lover.
“get well soon, birdie. i love you.” you heard before your eyelids sealed shut.
(a/n) : i. am. so. sorry. this took so long. ARGHH FORGIVE ME😭😭😭
but i do hope this is a wonderful read! 🥺❤
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Okay but. Imagine haikyuu boys (Miya twins, kuroo, terushima or anyone else you think would fit this) loving picking you up randomly. It works for any height whether you’re small, average, or tall, they are obsessed with randomly coming up to you and picking you up. Maybe you’re being a bit of a brat and not moving out of their way when they’re trying to leave the gym and they just pick you up and put you down. Of course the entire time they’re laughing at you for getting so pouty about this but they can’t help it because you look SO CUTE. (Also definitely dont imagine them running up to you after winning a game and they just scoop you up into their arms and twirl you around. Bonus points if it’s a friends to lovers trope) -pip anon
listen. I’m 5’9 and thicc, I’m the BIGGEST advocate for dem boys being able to absolutely TOSS you around, no matter size and height.
Osamu is just. He’s so big, he’s the actual golden retriever boyfriend who is so happy and snuggly and uGH. And whenever you give him you’re biggest pout and your stompiest foot in protest for him leaving, he merely pokes his tongue in his cheek before hauling you up and over his shoulder, smirking at your crescendoed ‘no, no, nO-‘’s that tumble past your lips. The way your fists beat at his back, the kicking of your feet, the way involuntary giggles babble past your lips, it all amuses him because it’s you, you could set the man on fire and he’d thank you.
It isn’t until you grab his ass through his sweatpants that he pulls you back up and to look at him, still holding you in his arms while he pouts his lips out for a kiss. When you comply, he smiles softly and nudges your cheek with his nose.
“I’ll be back before ya know it, baby face.”
OR ATSUMU, WHo just chuckles and is like “ya could come with me, my love,” and when you say nothing, he merely shrugs and scoops you up in his arms bridal style, full intentions of moving you just outside of the door, but when you gaze down at him with disappointment in your eyes, he clicks his tongue sadly.
“Why’re you sad, ma love?” “I don’t want you to leave…” so, he pouts back at you until he smiles and plants random, wet kisses over your face, watching as your resolve crumbles as your free hand tries to cover your face away from his lips.
“‘Tsumu, stop!” “I’ll never stop, ma baby… I’ll do anything to see that pretty smile.”
Kuroo, oh my god kUROO, the cocky fuck, he knows if he sneaks out to the gym before you wake up, you’re going to be an absolute petulant brat the whole day, too stubborn to admit you hated waking up without him but not firm enough for him to not see just that.
He knows you hate it, and logically speaking he could just hit the gym once you’re up and running your own errands, but the way you’re so cute when he does come home after a morning workout almost makes him exclusively do so in the morning.
“Oi, stinky,” he calls with a grin, and he’s such an asshole because he comes into your room with those fighting words, and it makes it so hard for you to give him a cold shoulder. “Didja miss me?”
“You literally just came back from the gym, but I’m stinky?” You mumble, as if this was a serious argument. He stifles a laugh behind a clearance of his throat. He loves your stubborn ass, even if you’re gonna give him grey hairs by 35.
“Come on now, you know you can’t stay mad at me,” he hums, watching as you choose to not acknowledge him further. “Fine. Have it your way.” And if you wanted to say something, you don’t get the chance to as a massive hand wraps around your waist and hauls you over his shoulder, relishing in your screams and wrapping of your arms around his back to cling.
And he’d almost think you were mad at him… if you weren’t babbling your threats around giggles.
“How else am I supposed to do this every morning, if I don’t hit the gym?”
Like you know damn well he’s such a softie for you, it literally turns into an internal battle about leaving you to go to the gym, or stay and smother you with snuggles.
Nine times out of ten, he loses.
“C’mon baby, you know I gotta go,” he hums, squeezing your hands reassuringly and kissing your knuckles. “It’ll only be an hour, then we can shower together- I’ll even bring you some of those doughnuts you like!”
“I know,” you mumble, bringing your head down to rest against his shoulder. “I just… I miss you when you leave..” but alas, you do part and without giving him a kiss or look ‘goodbye,’ you start to shuffle away sadly.
And he can’t have that.
“Hey hey, don’t pout,” he whines, quickly dashing towards you to scoop you in his long arms, relishing in your giggles and gasp of surprise. “I’ll go later! Or I can skip a day! Let’s go snuggle some more, okay?”
You’re smiling down at him now, and when you nudge your nose against his, you sigh happily through your nose.
“Thank you, teru.”
“Anything for you, baby.”
Also I’d be remised if I didn’t mention my absolute husband Bokuto after a game, sprinting up to you, and coming off a high of a massive win, and just scooping you clean into his arms and twirling you both around. He loves your squeals, loves the way you’re tightening your grip around him, and he’s just so far on cloud nine he could start to float.
“I’m so proud of you!” You gush, a massive grin splitting your face. He can only return the smile, and when your hands come up to cup his face, he angles his cheeks into your touch. “God I could kiss you right now! You’re so amazing!”
The second part falls on his deaf ears, for his jaw merely slacks at your excitement and confessional desire to kiss him. He swallows thickly, “then do it.”
He smiles, somehow even wider, “kiss me baby!”
And naturally you do. His arms tighten even more around you, too lost in your lips to let go, as you cross the line from best friends to absolute enamor.
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Okayyyy so here’s what I’m Thinking. Bokuto was well known in Tokyo and everyone knew not to mess with him. He met reader at a book shop she worked at. He found her very interesting. The reader is a bit shy. They became friends and started liking each other. She didn’t know that he was in the maifa until she saw him kill someone. He then tired to tell her it’s not what it looked like but reader was afriad of him and ran home. She avoided him for weeks until he showed up at her door with flowers and a bunch of gifts and begged her to talk. - 🍒
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𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊! 𝙱𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙲𝚆: 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛/𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑, 𝙶𝚞𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍, 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚝𝚘 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2.5
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Oh god
It was moments like these where you wish you could just travel back in time...or at the very least erase your memory...but life won't give you those options, so the only option you have now is to run.
6 Months Ago…
"Ah yes there's nothing quite like this" you thought to yourself flipping to the next page of your favorite book. You really loved working in the local bookshop. Your friends would always joke around how it fitted your “aesthetic” so well. Not that you could disagree though, you couldn't deny that you loved evenings like these, where the rain was pouring outside while you were inside the building reading a book. The faint smell of coffee from the coffee shop next door being the cherry on top to this little vibe you had going on. “Y/n! Do you think you could close up shop for me? I gotta go pick up my brother from practice before this rain gets too crazy". You were brought back into reality by your co-workers request. “Oh for sure! Go ahead.i'll take care of it” you said putting down your book. She thanked you before grabbing her coat and heading outside. You looked up at the clock making a mental note to start closing up in about 20 minutes. Suddenly your train of thought was interrupted by the shop's door opening, causing the little bell on top to jingle. Thinking it was your co-worker you turned around to ask what she had forgotten only to be face to face with a man.
Uhm...Hey! Do you mind if i stay here until this storm dies down?” the male asked you. Giving him a quick look up and down you took notice just how drenched he was, from his grey and black hair dripping and sticking to his face, to his clothes that might as well have been dunked in water with how wet they have gotten. “O-Oh of course! Please come in'' you stuttered after realizing you had been staring at him just a second too long. You quickly ran to the back to grab the blanket you and your co-worker use whenever it gets too cold in the store. Running back to the front you hand the mystery man the blanket. “This won't do much for the clothes but maybe you can at least get your hair dry” you say as he takes the blanket. “Thank You so much!” he said beaming. There was a bit of awkward silence as he dried his hair off, but the silence was broken when he handed you back the blanket. “You're not much of a talker are you?” he said with a light chuckle. He made his way over to one of the reading chars and took a seat, motioning for you to do the same. “Yeah uh...sorry I'm a bit shy! Especially around strangers who just happen to walk into my bookshop” you said making your way to sit next to him. Once you had sat down he looked at you with shining eyes and a oh so bright smile “Well if that's the problem” he said holding his hand out to you ”I'm Bokuto Koutarou!”. You laughed a little at his enthusiasm before grabbing his hand “Well Bokuto, it's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n”
That night was the first of many that you'd be spending with Bokuto, in fact after that night he had become a frequent customer at the bookshop, always coming at the later hours, and always keeping you company whenever you started closing up. Hell he's even taken you out for drinks a couple times after your shift. You have never been one to trust strangers, let alone become good friends with them but shockingly enough, you felt rather comfortable around this strange man. Maybe it was his bright personality, or the way his eyes seemed to sparkle wherever he laid them on you, or even the way that his laugh caused a giggle or two to escape from your own lips. Either way you liked this Bokuto Koutarou, and if only you knew how much Bokuto liked you as well. Lucky both of your feelings would come to light on a night similar to the night Bokuto magically waltzed into your life...
Here you both were, sitting on the very same chairs you had introduced yourselves in. Only this time, you were both reading your respective books. However this peace was soon interrupted by a whiny Bokuto. “Y/nnnn I'm so boredddd” Bokuto said slamming his book shut. You put your bookmark in your book before closing it and looking at his puppy dog eyes ``Y'know for someone who comes into a bookshop so often, you're not that interested in books are you?” you told him with a smirk. “Hey! I'm smart enough without the help of your stinky books'' he said tapping the book against your head.. You grabbed the book from his hands and stuck your tongue out, watching as he plopped back on his self proclaimed “personal reading chair”. “Besides, I only ever really come to this shop to spend time with you”. You blushed at his small comment but not wanting your feelings to get the best of you quite yet, you decided to “test” these waters you were trending in. “What? You got a crush on me or something?” you said giving him a playful nudge. Now it was his turn to blush. It was silent for a beat to long and you were about to take back what you had just said, but you were quickly cut of when Bokuto took your hand, looked you dead in your eyes with a look that sent shivers down your spine “Would you hate me if I did?” he asked you in a soft tone, almost like a child admitting they broke something to their parent, a big contrast from his usual loud and confident voice. Instead of responding you simply squeezed his hand and cupped his face with the other “I would never hate you, especially if i feel the same way about you” Not being able to hold back anymore he simply grabbed your face and pulled you in for a soft but passionate kiss.pulling away he looked at you with all the love in the world “Y/n, I really want to be with you, but… there's a part of my life that you've never seen and I don't want to lose you over that” he told you, his eyes beginning to gloss over. Still pretty confused about what he was talking about you only took his face in your hand once more “Kou I will love you no matter what. Even your ugly parts”. Bokuto pulled you into a hug, trying to hide the tears that were falling freely from his eyes now. “Y-You promise?”
“I Promise”
Present Day
Thinking about that night still caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach. But now as you were running towards your apartment as if you were running from the grim reaper himself you couldn't ignore the feeling of dread that was sitting next to those butterflies. Had you really just seen that? Did you really just see your loving goofball of a boyfriend kill someone? It was supposed to be a normal night. You had closed the shop and were beginning to walk back home when you saw familiar spiky hair across the road. Curiosity had got the best of you, so… you decided to investigate. What you didn't expect to see was your boyfriend holding a gun to a man's head. It had all happened so fast first the crack of the gun, then your scream, then Bokuto's horrified expression as he turned and saw you standing there with your hand over your mouth. Before Bokuto could even try to explain what he had done, you ran. You ran away as if he was going to point the gun at you next.
Finally. Finally you were safe in your apartment. Your lungs felt like they were on fire, and your legs felt like absolute jelly. All you could do was collapse to the floor and break down crying. The scene from earlier replaying over and over in your head, causing you to get even more hysterical. Suddenly your phone started buzzing. You picked it up, as if you didn't already know who it was calling. The image of your boyfriend's face appeared on your screen, he looked nothing like the man who you had just seen commit that heinous deed. Suddenly anger took over your senses and you threw your phone across the room, returning to your fetal position to cry all your emotions out, eventually crying yourself to sleep
When you had finally awoken the sun was rising and the birds outside were singing their spring songs. You pulled yourself off of the floor before making your way to your phone across the room. "Damn it" you thought. Of course you had cracked your screen. Turning the phone on you was bombarded by hundreds of missed calls and text messages from your boyfriend. Could you even call him that any more? Would you really look at the man you saw kill and call him your boyfriend? Opting not to answer any of his messages or return any of his calls, you blocked him and went to go make you some tea, hoping to calm your still frazzled nerves”
The next few days were pretty quiet you hadn't even dared to leave your apartment, let alone even show up at work. You had called out telling your co-worker that you came down with a terrible cold and wouldn't be in for a couple of days. Sitting alone in your apartment during this time really gave you time to think about the events you had witnessed that night. Is this what Bokuto was talking about that night he confessed to you? Is this what he was afraid of losing you over? you couldn't really blame him if it was. But still, he could have at least warned you about this part of his life, or at the very least act like he was a cold blooded killer! You still couldn't bring yourself to think that the man you had cuddled in bed with, the man you had taken walks in the park with, the very man who opted to release a spider instead of killing it, would actually have it in him to kill an actual person. Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Still a little on edge you jumped at the sudden sound before that familiar sense of dread flooded your stomach. “Well gotta face the music some time” you breathed out slowly walking towards the door.
When you had opened the door you were practically tackled into a hug by a very hysterical Bokuto. You froze at the sudden contact “How could a man hug you with the very same hands he took someone's life with?" You thought as you gently pushed him off you. “Y/n I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but-” he was interrupted when you raised your hand. “You have 10 minutes to explain yourself then you either need to leave, or I'm calling the cops” you told him motioning for him to come inside. Bokuto practically jumped at the opportunity to finally explain himself to you and hopefully make you understand why he did what he did.
Each of you took a seat at your dining table. It was time for you to get answers... “Ok for starters, why are you here?” you started staring at him coldly. “Well you weren't answering any of my calls or texts and whenever I stopped by the bookshop you were never there, so I got worried” he replied fiddling with his thumbs. You slowly nodded at his answer. “So are you gonna tell me what the hell happened that night or are you just gonna sit there” you spat at him almost angrily. He flinched at your words before taking a deep breath “Well what did you see?” he asked. That was it for you. You slammed your hands on the table, not able to control your anger any more. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WHAT DID I SEE?!?!? I SAW YOU FUCKING KILL SOMEONE KOUTAROU!!” you screamed at him standing up from your seat.”I DID IT TO PROTECT YOU!” he shouted back at you, throwing his hands up in the air. You both stared at each other in teary silence. “Y/n please let me explain… then you can hate me or kick me out i don't care! Just please…” you huffed before sitting back down, doing your best to hold back your own tears. “Ok” he said, trying to find a way to tell you everything “My family has always been a part of the mafia” he started, “When I turned 18 it was time for me to “take over” the family business” your mouth fell open, since he was 18? He's been doing this since he was 18? “When I first met you, I never ever wanted to tell you how much you meant to me because I never wanted you to find out about this part of my life, or even worse...I never wanted this part of my life to find out about you” he continued. You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean “find out about me”” you asked him. “I mean, that if my rivals found out about you and I, they would start to come after you”. Your eyes widened at this. “S-so that guy you shot-” “was trying to kill you” he said finishing off your sentence. He then looked up at you, visible tears in his eyes. “I'm so sorry Y/n I never wanted to put you in any sort of danger but-” you had cut him off when you smashed your lips against his. All this time you had thought he killed that man out of cold blood. Not once did you even consider he was doing it for you. He kissed you back before pulling you into the tightest hug. “Y-your not mad?” he blubbered out. “Not anymore,” you said, smiling at him. “ I just wish you would have told me,” you said. “But I didn't want to lose you…” he whispered in your ear. One last time, you took his face into both of your hands. “Bokuto Koutarou I love you” you said, letting the tears fall from your eyes. He laughed a soft laugh “even the ugly parts?” he asked you
“Even the ugly parts”
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RFA+ V and Saeran with an MC who asks for more affection ;;;
 down and cuddle I hope you like this, anon!! <3
RFA (+ Saeran and V) when Reader asks them for more affection Headcanons (small references to nsfw)
Yoosung Kim
Yoosung’s a little bit like a puppy when it comes to affection, he’s always excited to see you and is super depressed when you leave. He was usually a bit clingy anyway so when he suddenly disappeared to spend even more time than usual on LOLOL, so it’s understandable that you felt a little bit ignored.
You told him that he had been kind of neglecting you recently because of LOLOL championships and he immediately felt super bad about it, he hadn’t meant to ignore you but he was just too into the gaming mindset, especially since he had gotten his new set up. 
He’d worry that he wasn’t a good boyfriend and would promise to make it better, he’d offer to make you an omurice and a coffee with extra love for lunch, ask if you wanted to go for a walk together around his campus or maybe even a trip to the cinema if you had time - his treat, for making it up to you.
Once you saw that he was making the effort, you’d probably let him go back to his championships after a while as long as he promised to come and cuddle with you in the evening. Of course, he will. 
  Zen/Hyun Ryu
Zen had gotten a really good part in a new production, and whilst you were very proud and excited for him, you absolutely hated the new hours he was working. The rehearsals were really tiring and lasted pretty much from 9am to 9pm, so by the tie Zen got home he usually didn’t even have time to properly relax before needing to go to bed. You tried to put him first since it was his career but after a while, it made you feel so ignored.
He usually called you on his lunch breaks since he liked to go for walks on them for some fresh air and you asked if you could spend the weekend together. Zen sighed and was about to say that you couldn’t since there were weekend  rehearsals coming up and you just couldn’t stop yourself: you cried and quickly hung up in hopes he didn’t hear. He did. He knew.
Zen was very aware of how difficult adjusting to his new hours had been for you and had he had been neglecting you as a result. You wouldn’t need to ask him for affection because he would already know that you needed it. He’d plead with the director to see if he could have the weekend off, claiming a ‘family emergency’ because, well, it technically didn’t feel like a lie to him. He’d send a quick text telling you that rehearsals were ‘cancelled’ for the weekend so he was free to do whatever his princess wanted.
When Zen got home that night, he’d turn up with flowers, a few cans of beer and something for dinner, He’d spend the night giving you all the affection you could ask for, and then even more on top of it. Zen wouldn’t even let you shower alone, he’s gotta make up for the lost time.
You’d definitely be getting all of the attention in bed that night too, and then again and again until he practically collapsed asleep on top of you. 
Jaehee Kang
Jumin had started a new cat project and it had meant so, so many late nights and early mornings for Jaehee. It hurt your heart, it felt like you never saw her. And then, when you did see her, she was always stressed and tired, and barely affectionate. You knew she couldn’t help it but it still hurt to have her feel so distant. 
You’d come up behind her whilst she was working once and ask for a little bit of attention and been almost immediately blown off. Jaehee’s tiredness had made her words clip just a little too harshly and she realised they had as soon as she felt your arms slink away from her as you silently got up and went to bed alone. She felt so guilty. 
Jaehee would wake up extra early the next day to make you breakfast in bed with all of your favourite foods. She’d made you a very fancy looking coffee and decorated a little heart and a smiley face onto it out of cocoa powder and foam.
She’d sit with you as you ate, leaning her head on your shoulder and apologising for not giving you enough affection recently and that she hadn’t meant to sound so cold. Please reassure her that it’s okay, Jaehee is always struggling to balance everything.
Jumin Han
Jumin wasn’t particularly great with overt affection, he tried his best but it just wasn’t at the forefront of his mind. When you asked him for more affection, he’d immediately apologise and tell you that he would try harder, but internally analyse where he had been going wrong. He’d been spending late hours at the office, and he’d had a few more business meetings than usual on his schedule, so he’d figured that it must have been it. 
He’d a little concerned that he had made you feel insecure by not giving you enough attention. He knows that romance and intimacy is not his strong point, but Jumin really didn’t want you to suffer as a result of his oversight on this.
If possible, he’d have Jaehee reschedule any appointments he had over the weekend so he could take you for a surprise weekend break in order to spend more time with you. Jumin also knows that you’re not won over by his wealth, and if it’s his love you’re asking for then it’s truly his love that you’re after.
If he didn’t have any more appointments that day, he’d work through his lunch break in order to get all of his paperwork done early and would inform Jaehee that he was leaving and to summon Driver Kim. Jaehee had barely shouted a ‘Mr Han!’ before he was already out of this office. 
On his way home, Jumin asks Driver Kim to stop by one of his favourite wineries so he could pick up a special bottle for the two of you to share that evening.
Jumin essentially spends the evening doing things that he thinks would make you happy. You sit, chat, enjoy a glass of wine on his roof top terrace, god- you even cooked together. It was was hilarious to see Mr CEO-in-line Jumin Han try to cook something edible for dinner, but you couldn’t tease him too much since you knew he was making this effort entirely for you.
Saeyoung Choi
Seven struggled to let anyone in. the only person who he had ever let in had been his twin brother, Saeran, which admittedly had not ended well for either of him. Seven had let you in despite trying to hard to push you away, and whilst he had loved you with his entire heart, sometimes he struggled with not holding you at arms length. He still got into his own head about it and isolated himself from time to time. For the most part, he wouldn’t even be aware that he was doing it. He’d just get into his own head too much and stress himself out. 
It wasn’t until he heard your little knock on his workroom door and saw your teary eyes, asking if he was mad at you, that he realised how neglectful he must have been. You asked him if he could spend some time with you, that you hadn’t seen him properly in days and how much you missed him. Seven swore, in that moment, that he audibly heard his heart crack. 
He opens his arms and pulls you to his chest, stuttering an apology out for being so absent. He’ll make it up to you, you can do anything you want. You can even wear his jacket if it would make you happy. Usually it would make you happy, but he had been sitting in it for days and it was ever so slightly stinky so the first thing you wanted him to do was to have a shower. 
He’ll spend the rest of the evening with you, bullying Yoosung over messenger. Seven just wants to make sure you spend the night smiling and laughing with him and knowing that he loves you very damn much, even if sometimes he gets into his own head about it. If you just want to watch a movie and cuddle on the sofa then he’s absolutely up for it, but he can’t guarantee that his hands won’t roam here for there. He might mean it innocently, or he might suddenly grab you and tickle you until you’re wheezing. His choice is between him and God.
Saeran Choi (GE Saeran because it wasn’t specified)
GE Saeran was already incredibly affectionate, to the extent that when you were alone he was a little bit shameless about it. He had spent far, far too long without any sort of affection in his life, so he’d be damned if he wasn’t laying his claim to it now. 
When you expressed to him that you wanted more affection, his initial thought was an anxiety that he had somehow been neglecting you without realising. after you assured him that that wasn’t the case, his very swift follow up thought was that he was so unbelievably happy that someone wanted his affection. You not only wanted his love to begin with but you somehow wanted even more of it. Surely, he wasn’t allowed to be this happy. 
Saeran’ll want to know if there’s anything specific that you want him to do so he can get to it right away, but if not, he’ll get to spend blissful hours in his greenhouse and study thinking of new ways to demonstrate his love for you. He keeps a little notebook of ideas for dates and gifts and little bouquets and their meanings that he wants to make for you.
To start with, he’ll get you your own little desk in his study where he dries and catalogues different plants incase you just wanted to spend more time with him when he was working. 
He loves the domesticity of his life with you and already showers you with his attention so he’ll have to try hard to think of new things. He still isn’t very good at large amounts of social interaction with people who aren’t you or his brother, but Saeran will do his best to branch out with different date ideas like restaurants or arcades for you to try something different (he saw a video of Saeyoung in one and thought it looked fun, but worries it might be a little overwhelming for him). 
Once he was able to go to the cinema, he really liked going there with you and then getting to go home and cuddle you, partially because you’re you and secondly because he likes that you smell of sweet popcorn.
V/Jihyun Kim
He’s a little surprised at first, he had hoped that he was always giving you the affection and love that you needed but he realised he had probably been spending more time in his studio than he had been meaning to. However, V has a lot of love to give and he’s utterly ready to devote himself if that’s what you need from him. 
V will also initially ask if there’s anything specific that you’re lacking from him so that he can work on it but if it’s just that you’re feeling distant from him, he’ll try to plan more activities for the two of you to do. 
He’ll try to be more physically affectionate, since he can regularly write verbal poetry without meaning to and since he’s physically been absent whilst working, he thought that perhaps the extra physicality might help to compensate. He fluctuates between very withholding and overly forthcoming depending on his emotional state so it really depends.
However, the best way he can give you affection is to bring you into his studio with him since he’s his most intimate space.
The way he’d show his affection to you best if by you letting him paint you onto a canvas. So, if you were willing to let him, he’d love to paint you. He’d also love to photograph and paint you naked for his personal collection, of course, but he genuinely feels as though it would bring the both of you closer and give him the opportunity to provide the affection you’re seeking from him.
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