#but dear lord do I wish I had had this realization sooner
lady-of-the-garden · 6 months
I love overthinking things just for them to be so simple as to not even be worth mentioning
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caspalooza · 4 months
It sounds dramatic, but growing up, I agonized over the fact that I was repulsed by sex. I thought I wanted to be in a relationship but that it wouldn't be possible (or at the very least, not fair to the other person) to be in one without sex in it. I was convinced that romance is The Thing That Completes You, so I thought my options were "deal with sex against my will" or "be alone forever".
When I finally learned the term "asexuality"... well, I didn't really grasp the concept of attraction types, so I pretty much went, "man, I WISH I was asexual, instead there's just something wrong with me" and carried on.
I think I was nearing 17 when I finally decided to look into asexuality for longer than 5 minutes, mostly out of sheer desperation. I had vaguely known that sexual attraction and romantic attraction were separate terms, but I had always thought of sexual attraction as being a hyperbolic term for romantic attraction. And that sexual attraction only actually existed in movies and books and the like for dramatic effect or comedy. I don't remember what made it click, but when it hit me that it was fucking REAL and that most of the people around me had been experiencing it for a LONG TIME I finally felt that moment that I guess every person has at some point in their life of lost innocence. At SIXTEEN. LOL.
It is undoubtedly funny, but it was also scary. Over my life I had experienced things and acted in ways I thought were fine and normal, purely because I was straight up clueless about sexual attraction. It was never taught to me in any form because I guess there's an assumption everybody experiences it and therefore knows for themselves what it's like. So while there was a feeling of elation, I guess, because I wasn't alone and I wasn't broken, there was also a lot of horror and disgust that came with it because a lot of memories from my life were being dug up and put in this new context in a very not good way. And I can be more careful now, but dear lord what I would give to have been taught these things way, way sooner.
The romantic side is a nightmare in a different way. Ages ago, I developed a pretty silly-sounding fear that I secretly had crushes on all the people I met (and/or worse, that they reciprocated) that still won't go away no matter how hard I ignore the voices! That's paranoia for you, I guess. So it's hard to know for sure if I actually have a crush on somebody or if it's just the paranoia, but I think the fact that I know how it feels means I probably have, at least once, even if the thought of actually acting on romantic feelings sounds like the worst thing ever. I used to be really big into the idea of it, though, that's for sure. For years, I lived vicariously through my hundreds of fandom and oc ships. And I do still love exploring romantic relationship dynamics through fiction, but now it's more because I think The Inner-Workings of People and Relationships Are Fascinating than because I have any desire to live it for myself.
At the very least, the realization that I was ace and potentially aro helped me to pull myself out of my sad pit. And though I've never been super involved with the aspec community (out of shyness), If nothing else I credit all the lovely people in it for indirectly teaching me how important and fulfilling friendships and platonic bonds of all kinds can be. And that platonic/romantic/etc. love and attraction shouldn't be tiered as more or less important or fulfilling than one another, just different. It seems like a simple and obvious concept to me now, but it genuinely changed my outlook on life when I was first exposed to it.
Looking back at the things I actually wanted (and didn't want) out of my hypothetical "perfect romantic relationship" (no romantic gestures, just cuddling lol) I realized I pretty much only ever wanted an affectionate, possibly committed friendship (something like a qpr) and only assumed it was romance because... well, everybody is supposed to want romance! And seeing as my early friends and family weren't super affectionate people, it was pretty easy for me to believe that physical affection only came from a romantic partner.
All in all though, I've realized that, at least for me, it's not super helpful to think of different relationship types as strict categories or boxes. Humans are just more complex than that. And It's kinda ironic that the same community that often faces the "loveless" stereotype is the same one that opened my eyes to the fact that there are so, so many ways to experience profound and fulfilling love. And I think that's beautiful!!!!! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!
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sukirichi · 3 years
dutifully yours. [01]
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Attached to the could’ve been’s of a promised happily ever after with the Crown Prince disguised under a scheme for power and greed, you are torn between choosing your happiness — or abandoning it to fulfill your duty as the future Queen.
→ unedited bcos i’m brave lazy. implied patriarchy. angst in future chapters. pure romance and fluff for now. royalty au. eventual smut. prince naoya !! i love him sm i could cry. this fic will break me, okay. naoya is close to canon but with my twist if that makes sense. drama in future chapters. oh and listen to this while reading <3
→ massive shoutout to my besties for always hyping me and helping me uwu, i present this token of prince naoya being an ideal husband okay cry cry i love him sm im crying. anyways pls enjoy bcos i poured my heart out to this and bcos i want more people in the naoya fucker club :>
one | next (to be posted)
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Ever since the day your mother taught you how to read, you’ve had your nose buried in a book. Losing yourself in different worlds, swooning over fictional princes, and fantasizing for a love story ripped out of fairytale itself with such burning, passionate romance – you’d been through it all, dreamt of it all. And yet, you struggled to stop yourself from tugging at your dress.
The tight corset hadn’t even been the main focus of your worries, and neither was the heavy rivière resting on your collarbones.
“Would you stop fidgeting?” Beside you, your mother pursed her lips, fingers decorated with jewels stopping in their movements of fanning herself. The temperature hadn’t been particularly high inside the limousine that evening. You supposed it was the mere sight of you tugging and gulping audibly every now and then, gloved hands running over the hems of your collar.
You ducked your head down. “Sorry, Mother. I can’t help it.”
“Dear, your anxiety is written all over your face,” she sighed, turning your face to her as she cupped your cheeks. Smiling tenderly like a mother always did, your heart felt soothed even by the slightest bit. You wished she could keep holding you like this – like you were a fragile flower she was afraid of breaking; a fragile flower that needed more care handled than most. Tonight, however, you felt a hundred years older. Like you’d accidentally clicked on fast forward and got launched to the future. A future that seemed so unclear yet so...perfect. So right.
“How would the Prince fancy you if you’re sweating bullets like that? It’s not a good look for a marquess’ daughter.”
At the mention of the Crown Prince, your heart sank again. “My apologies, Mother. I’m just rather nervous. It’s the Crown Prince we’re talking about here.”
“He is quite the looker, isn’t he?” she giggled behind her fan, “Strong and handsome, as well.”
“My ladies. You are not fantasizing over the Crown Prince in my presence, are you?”
Crossing her leg over the other, your mother leaned forwards, elbows on her knees as she winked at your father. The marquess had his torso half twisted from the passenger seat, glaring playfully at your mother’s unabashed features. “It is of no seriousness, My Lord. I’m simply easing your daughter’s nerves.”
Your father sighed in worry. “What’s got you so worked up, child? You are beautiful. The Prince would be blind to not notice you.”
Each fibre in your body screamed in desperation for your father to be right. Tonight was not just any other night – the entire Kingdom, including noblewomen, foreign royals, and unwed daughters from honourable families had been invited to the Zen’in Castle for one purpose only: to find his Crown Prince a suitable wife, one that would be fit to be the next Queen as well. As the daughter of the marquess, you’d naturally received the invitation. It felt just like yesterday when the mail arrived and you’d cheered so much in joy the chickens went flying out of their coops, your horses galloping and whinnying at surprise, and now you here – minutes away from the palace where you were soon to be deemed worthy or unworthy to be beside His Highness.
With a shaky smile, you dug your nails into your thighs. “Well, we’ve only met once, Father. I doubt the Prince would remember me.”
“Just smile, darling. You will do great.”
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To no one’s surprise, the Zen’in Castle brimmed with people and esteemed guests. Men and women danced with one another as muted chatters and chuckles blended in with the grand royal orchestra, everyone dressed to the nines and making you feel completely out of place.
The moment you’d been welcomed by the knights and led to the palace doors, your dress began to feel tighter than usual, your ribs clenching uncomfortably from the pressure. Your hands had not stopped trembling either, not even when you hid it behind your back and nodded at the people passing by. There were governor-generals, dukes, earls, professors and royal advisors and even families of the royal family’s inner circle of knights. Everyone looked like they belonged here. Chatting amongst one another over the finest of wines or discussing conspiracies on where the Kingdom of Zen’in would be in the next sixty years of the future King’s reign, no one here seemed to be out of place.
Everyone except you.
A warm hand was suddenly placed on the small of your back, making you gasp. Your mother’s smile was nothing short of warm as she held you close to her one last time, leaving a kiss on your forehead. You didn’t even realize how much you shook until she clasped her hands with yours. “Calm down, dear,” she reminded, “You’ll be on your own now. This is where we leave you since we’re not supposed to mingle with potential princesses.”
“Mother!” Your eyes widened in embarrassment. Looking around frantically, you bit your lip in fear someone must’ve heard.
Of course, while it would be no surprise most guests – if not all – hoped that their daughter would be the Crown Prince’s chosen fiancée, it still felt wrong to boldly assume such when you could barely keep up with the events of tonight.
However, your mother merely laughed. “I am proud of you, dear. Never forget that. It doesn’t matter whether you are chosen or not. We’re only here for formality and respect to the King and Queen’s demands.”
“You say that as if the Crown Prince really would not bother with me.”
“We didn’t mean that,” your father cut in, a flute of champagne already nested between his calloused fingers. Ever since you arrived, he’d been snatched away by fellow earls and barons, disappearing into the crowd for a ‘hearty conversation over one’s lands.’ You knew better than that, though. That statement always translated to which leader got to have more chances to wine and dine with the King, to which your family was ridiculously reminded of that you’d been stationed to the most faraway land where even hearing news from the royal papers was but a privilege.
“Just be yourself, alright? And enjoy the party. It’s about time you met with girls your own age and made some friends.”
“I – Father, wait!”
A slender young woman slithered to your side out of nowhere, her golden brown eyes following the silhouettes of your parents. It wasn’t long before they completely disappeared. Left alone with the stunning woman that was – for some reason – dressed in a plain black curve hugging dress too modest for tonight’s appropriateness, you took three steps away in caution. “You must be from way up North,” she noted, her head to the tipped to the side. “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”
God, was she beautiful. Long, thick eyelashes and short hair chopped in messy yet elegant curves, you struggled to hold her gaze. “Oh, yes, I come from the Terratian Borders. My family is stationed there under His Majesty’s orders.”
She hummed to herself. “The Terratian Borders are mostly forests and fields, no? The last time my family and I visited there, I came across the loveliest dandelions I’ve ever laid eyes on. Shame they died on the way back,” offering her hand – again, bare and empty with decorations yet still littered with faint scars and cuts – she beamed at you. “I’m Mai, by the way. Mai Zen’in.”
Hands cupping your mouth, you bowed deep until your back ached. “Lady Mai!” you shut your eyes closed, unable to live with the shame. Mai Zen’in; one of the iconic twin pair from the extended Zen’in royal family, both a fashion icon and a legend for being a rumoured female knight. To have her in your presence was an honour. “My apologies for not recognizing you any sooner, Lady Mai!”
“Stand up, I’m not a royal,” she sniggered, “We’re just relatives of the actual monarch, but don’t let the family name fool you. The Crown Prince barely even acknowledges us being of the same blood.”
Albeit hesitant, you followed her gestures of making you stand up. You straightened your back and cleared your throat, fighting the urge to go haywire the moment his name was brought into the conversation. Not only would you be seeing Prince Naoya again in real life for the first time in years, but you’d also made acquaintances with his distant niece. However, his name was spoken with malice.
Frowning, you faced Lady Mai in all seriousness. “Prince Naoya? Why so?” Lady Mai looked at you like you’d grown two heads.
“He’s an ass, that’s why.”
“I-I don’t think he is,” you defended, “The Prince has been nothing but kind to me.”
“I didn’t know he was capable of kindness,” she muttered more so under her breath, low enough you were unsure whether you were supposed to hear it in the first place. Lady Mai then shook her head to herself before stealing a flute from a waiter passing by. Chucking it your way, her face turned dark and grim. “Take it as free advice: stay as far away from his as possible. The Crown Prince is nothing but good news.”
“Is it because he has lots of lovers?” you inquired with a small voice, “Uhm – well – It was an assumption. With a title and handsomeness like that, it would make sense everyone would want to be the Crown Prince’s lover.”
Lady Mai’s lip curled upwards. “Prince Naoya won’t bother with lovers. He is too occupied for that.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“Heard from whom?”
“The Royal Declaration from His Majesty himself,” you said, “Was it not the purpose of this ball? To find worthy candidates to be the Crown Prince’s betrothed? His coronation is coming soon.”
“Right. I forgot today was technically a bridal market,” she scratched the edge of her brow, falling silent for a moment. Her eyes scanned the lively crowd for a brief moment – watching with you as everyone laughed and danced to their heart’s content – the grand final event of the routine personal dance with the Crown Prince himself slowly approaching to reality. “You are joining in the festivities, are you not? Later, when he arrives, he shall meet you.”
“I am obligated to as a noble bachelorette, though I doubt His Highness would even look my way. There are far richer noblewomen here and even daughters of duke that would be perfect as his wife. ”
“You may have a point for that,” she hummed to herself, unaware that her agreement to the Crown Prince not paying attention to you left a sting both in your ego and heart. Not that it lasted long, for Lady Mai was already tugged on the arm by another equally fiercely beautiful woman – her older twin, Maki Zen’in. Soon to be governon-general of the Kingdom.
Lady Mai smiled in apology. “I need to go now since I’m not a part of this event. But hey, if ever I come around to visit the Borders again, perhaps you could entertain me?”
“I would be honoured to, Lady Mai.”
“You are sweet and innocent,” it was her sister who spoke this time, glasses perched high on her nose that concealed the wariness of her gaze. “I hope the Crown Prince never gets to your routine.”
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s nothing; she was talking to herself. Maki does that a lot,” Lady Mai’s forced chuckles were barely heard from the music. “You enjoy the party now. Don’t drink too much lest you want to embarrass yourself in everyone’s eyes and be talk of the Kingdom. Prince Naoya would hate it if you took the attention away from him.”
“Oh, uhm...”
“It’s a joke, Lady Y/N. Relax.”
You bowed once more. “My apologies.”
“The dance is about to begin,” Maki tapped on your shoulder, making you look up right where her eyes zeroed in. And exactly in the middle of the grandiose hall, under the sparkling golden chandeliers where he made all the gold in the world look incomparable next to him, the Crown Prince stood in his fully glory. Blond hair with the ends stained of midnight gelled back to reveal his forehead, the Crown Prince’s beauty never failed to shine. Whether it be in the papers, in the tabloids, in the billboards that you passed on the way to the city, or from way back when you met him for the first time as a naive, innocent teen – Crown Prince Naoya came straight out of a magazine cover.
In the back of your head, you could hear either of the twins murmuring good luck. Maybe both of them had said it – you had no idea. All of your attention, all the sensibility and coherence of your state had been switched the next instant, as if your heart and soul was born for the sole purpose of being bewitched by your Crown Prince.
And as if feeling someone’s gaze on him, the Crown Prince’s eyes trailed over the crowd. Almost boredly, his sharp eyes bounced from one giggling woman to another, the ends of his lips smirking upwards for just the tiniest bit. It must’ve stroked his ego. Until his eyes connected with yours. The Crown Prince’s eyebrows knitted together. You had no idea how you looked in that moment, and quite frankly, you didn’t care. Because the Crown Prince was looking at you, and you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes along with your heart pulsing at the tip of your tongue.
“Let us begin,” his lips moved from the distance, “Play the music. I shall dance with my bride.”
The air shifted in a split second. Murmurs were thrown over the room, women and men alike turning pale. Even the orchestra was stunned from the Crown Prince’s entrance – and it hadn’t even been dramatic to his standards – yet the whole castle fell mum from just a few of his words. A few seconds later, the crowd recomposed itself, and the strings began to dance along with its bows.
You are pushed into the crowd. Nearly colliding into the arms of another, you quietly thank the masked man who was to be your first partner of the night.
All the men joining the dance floor dressed with the intention of making the Crown Prince shine. Prince Naoya stood out from the throng of white as per the colour code, his blood red uniform as both Prince with the  golden crest of the military leader pinned to his right breast. The other men meant to be filler partners until all the potential brides got to their designated three minutes with the Prince were all dressed in black, faces covered behind a plain black mask. None were allowed to talk. None were allowed to utter even a word, and so your partner pursed his lips in displeasure at your apology.
Whatever. You just had to wait a few more rounds before the song finished and transitioned into a new one; the song where you’d been informed would be your time alone with the Prince.
You’d been so lost in your head you barely breathed the entire dance. From partner to partner, you blanked. Your heart drummed so wildly in its cage it begged to come out, and strings of apologies were let out each time your masked partners grimaced for a brief second when their hands came in contact with your sweaty ones. Around you, all the lovely women smiled and danced graciously, mouths moving in unreadable conversations shared with the Crown Prince. Not once did you look at the six partners you’ve danced with. Not once did you worry about tripping on your own feet. Not once did you care that some of the masked men held you a little too roughly for your comfort. Your entire reason for existing in that moment was to witness the Crown Prince himself, mirroring his frown that got deeper and deeper with each woman retreating to the sea of people he’d rejected.
Not once did you even think about being one of them – the girls who’ve ducked their heads down as their parents comforted them over not being the chosen one, of bringing ‘dishonour’ to their families that the mighty Crown Prince had deemed them unworthy. Tears streamed down their faces until black ink followed afterwards, lips trembling from silent sobs.
Despite their broken prides – although there was that minority who simply sighed in relief after returning to their own families – no one would dare interrupt the Crown Prince’s dances.
All of these thoughts crossed your mind too late and at the exact time your masked partner pulled away from you, body half bent in a bow with his arm outstretched to the side. Following where he was gesturing at, your eyes met the Crown Prince’s tall and lean stature, a few blond fringes now fallen from his movements.
Even though a thin layer of sweat shone from his face, Prince Naoya remained ethereal.
And like a snake charmed by the musician’s seductive tone, your feet moved on its own. Fingers stretching until it met with the Crown Prince’s large and warm ones, you were now in front of him. With him. Holding him, touching him, meeting him eye for eye and realizing – gold. His eyes burned a deep shade of gold, elegantly rich and heartbreakingly stunning your heart ached.
Before you knew it, your hands began to tremble, feeling as if your body had been corded into a corset three sizes smaller. You could not breathe, and the Crown Prince took notice.
“You are stiff. Do I make you uncomfortable?” Good Saint. If only possible, you would’ve closed your eyes and basked in the deep warmth of his voice. It reverberated from deep within, breathed out with an air of natural authority and profound confidence it made your knees weak. As if sensing his effect on you (though for the wrong reasons, it seemed), Prince Naoya hummed to himself. “This routine shall last for a few minutes before I can let you go, I’m afraid.”
You instantly realized the implications of your silence. “N-not at all, Your Highness! I am honoured to be dancing with you.”
“There is no honour in a choreographed dance. Everyone will dance with me. It’s nothing special.”
Your heart fell. Prince Naoya not only sounded dejected, but detached as well. As if he found no pleasure or specialty in this event, at a time where he had every opportunity to meet his lover, and that this ball was merely a task to be checked off in his already long list of responsibilities. It wasn’t disappointment, per se, but rather melancholy that left a bitter taste in your mouth. Not because Prince Naoya held little to no regards for something you treasured, but because he sounded terribly alone. Like he was simply waiting for it to end out of discomfort.
“It’s special to me, Your Highness,” you blurted out faster than you could stop yourself. For a moment, you feared you may have offended him, but the Crown Prince only laughs.
And when he did – saint, when he laughed – his eyes crinkled into half moons, pearly whites flashing against the bright lights and his whole chest shook with amusement.
You’d never seen him smile this way before.
Prince Naoya’s laughter didn’t cease. Around you, your gut instincts told that people were now beginning to look; the Crown Prince’s deep rumbles of laughter sounded exquisitely like music as well, after all. “ Is it special to you because you are now dancing and within the Crown Prince’s proximity? As much as I presume how exhilarating it might be for those who mostly see me in the papers and in the tabloids, I assure you, dancing with your Prince is not an honour. Especially when you are all sent the invitations based on your status and not your worthy traits.”
“It’s special to me,” you mumbled, growing shy all of a sudden when the Crown Prince nodded at you to continue. “Because...because it reminds me of the first time we met.”
The Crown Prince hummed in amusement.
“We have met before?”
“Yes, Your Highness. I’m from the Terratian Borders – my father is a loyal servant of His Majesty. You visited the borders when you were eighteen and I was sixteen. Do you remember it, Your Highness? You stormed in my private library.”
Indeed, the young barely-out-of-his-teens Crown Prince barged into your home’s library years ago. You were not previously informed he and his parents would be visiting since they arrived wordlessly, so you were stuck in your chambers as usual, killing time if not for sleeping and tending to the animals. Perched on a ladder, you attempted to reach for a book on the upper shelf when your foot slipped beneath you. At the age of sixteen, you were dramatic enough to say your life flashed before your eyes. You would’ve screamed then had strong arms not appeared out of nowhere, the Crown Prince staring at you with wide, golden eyes as they were now, his breathy rasped as he asked, are you okay, my lady?
The mere recollection of that fateful memory had your cheeks warming in delight. “You were so charming and heroic back then. Even when I had no idea you were a royal, I would have still believed you to be princely,” you said rather absentmindedly, blinking once then twice at your words. “Of course, it’s understandable if you do not remember, Your Highness!”
“My apologies. I do not remember, though Terratia is a wonderful place. Such a shame I was not informed beforehand they had a lovely daughter.”
“Thank you, Your Highness,” you cheered back, cheeks and jaw beginning to ache from how wide you were smiling. But could anyone blame you? You felt absolutely silly that you were a breath away from passing out minutes ago, and now here you were, dancing with the Crown Prince and sharing memories with him like it was a daily occurrence. The words it’s true love when you feel at peace with them suddenly rang back at your head from that latest romance novel you read, and you turned away, hoping the Crown Prince would not read your thoughts to your face. However, Prince Naoya’s lips pursed into a thin line, all traces of humour now disappeared. “I’m sorry – should I not have laughed?”
“No, I don’t mind,” he mused with his jaw locked tight, “I just haven’t seen anyone react that way before.”
“Like what?”
“Like my words meant the entire universe to them. I may dare even say you look terribly in love, though I cannot blame you on that one, can I?”
Prince Naoya shook his head the minute the words left his mouth. Forcing himself to believe it couldn’t be real, perhaps, you truly did not know anymore. Your only plan for tonight was to see the Crown Prince and get to live out your dream of seeing him once more even for just a brief moment before you travelled back home while he married another, and yet – “Your Highness, I’m in love with you. I have always been since the day we met.”
You could no longer stop the words. The voice at the back of your head begged you to shut up and not cause a scene, that your time had passed up and people were staring, yet you remained in his arms no matter how much you wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow you whole.
“Please do not misunderstand me, Your Highness. I did not come here to attempt to steal your heart and be your wife, though I will admit I have dreamt of meeting you again for so many moons. I...I only want to tell you this. That I love you and even though it was a brief moment, I think the love I’ve always read about felt real and possible for the first time in my life,” chuckling nervously, you gather to courage to face him, adoration shining for the Crown Prince stood shock still before you, however stunned he may be. “I love you, Your Highness. I love you. And to whoever lucky woman you choose to be your betrothed, I hope she takes care of you and showers you with all the affection you are deserving of. You would make a great King. So God help his Crown Prince, and may you lead us all into a better world.”
Prince Naoya did not budge a muscle. His eyes remained hard on yours, breath warm as his nostrils fumed. With each passing second that he did not speak, you grew restless and tugged your arm away from his hold with a disgraceful smile.
You’d truly crossed your line. The repercussions to be faced for this impoliteness would destroy your family’s honour. You had to leave. “Your Highness? The song has changed. It’s time to let go—”
The Crown Prince inched close enough until his hair tickled your cheeks, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine as he pulled you close, close enough that your lower bodies touched. Skin ablaze with heat, you dared not move an inch. “Do you mean it?” he demanded lowly, his fingers ghosting over your wrist to hold you in place. “Do you truly love me? Not for what I have, not for who I was born to be, but me as a person itself?”
Closing your eyes to shudder in a deep breath, you exhaled. “Of course, Your Highness. Even if you were not born as a Prince, I’m sure I would’ve still loved you in a different universe.”
“But I do not know you.”
“We don’t have to know each other, Your Highness, and we never will. Once you let me go, I’ll return to the shadows where I belong, and I will continue supporting you until the day of your coronation.”
“And if I refuse to let you go?” he clicked his tongue, “What will you do then?”
The Crown Prince’s spicy perfume must be an aphrodisiac or hypnotizer of sorts. Everything he did messed with your mind that it was too late – the music had stopped and people were no longer drinking or chatting. Everyone’s eyes were on you and the Crown Prince. You could only imagine how controversial this position must be; with his lips trailing dangerously close to that sensitive spot in your neck where you nearly moaned. You really needed to leave.
“P-people are looking, Your Highness. You do not want this affair with someone you won’t choose—”
“Who said I won’t choose you?” Finally, he pulled away. But Prince Naoya never once tore his gaze away from yours, nor did he allow you to look at anyone but him as he caresses your jaw so light and feathery you wondered if he was truly there.“Who said I haven’t laid my eyes on you the moment you walked in here? This ball is for naught because of you, Lady Y/N. I’ve already made my choice, and you helped me confirm it as soon as you danced with me.”
“Your Highness...”
“Look at me,” he ordered, your eyes flitting from his pinkish lips to his sharp nose and then to his fox-like gaze. Only this time, Prince Naoya was no longer harsh. “Don’t be scared.”
“But they’re looking.”
“You are with me, of course they’ll look,” he teased, “They wish to be you right now. But ignore them and dance one more time with me.”
It wasn’t like you had a choice, but did it matter? One nod from him was all it took before the orchestra fumbled back to their spots and a new song played, Ode of Moonlight Lovers, and the Crown Prince was guiding you back to where he had originally danced with you.
From the corners of your eyes, you caught a glimpse of your parents with their mouths gaped open; your father looking like he was on the verge of passing out. However, you felt nothing but joy, nothing but the adrenaline pumping through your veins as he danced and twirled you in his arms. When the music stopped and you were both panting for air with silly smiles on your face, it dawned on you that you were with the Prince. No, rather, it was only you and the Prince alone. Even in the sea of people whose faces began to blur, he prevailed crystal clear.
You could recognize him anywhere, find him everywhere.
Prince Naoya stepped impossibly closer until your chests touched, hearts beating as one. Cupping your jaw, he was near enough that he swallowed all your shaky breaths with a small, teasing smile like you both shared a secret the entire world could not know.
“Do I still make you nervous?”
Laughing, you nodded. “Yes, Your Highness. I feel like I’m going to explode.”
“It’s beloved now,” he corrected, face inching closer and closer to a point you could count the number of his lower lashes. “And what do lovers do to seal their union?”
“Close, but this is much better.”
If anyone were to tell you that you would have a love story ripped out straight from a fairytale, you would’ve laughed at their faces. You were no Cinderella, nor were you a goddess of beauty that could’ve possibly caught the Crown Prince’s eye. Yet, his soft lips were on yours, kissing you with as much passion you could only dream of that you cried.
Strong hands guiding the back of your waist, Prince Naoya dipped you lower to the ground – the grand of finish of his dance. He had chosen his bride.
The crowd cheered and rejoiced all around you, making you smile into the kiss. Fisting his collar to bring him closer to yours, your mouth burst into metaphorical fireworks as soon as his tongue mingled with yours for an experimental taste. He was bitter yet sweet; expensive wine resting on his tongue, yet a delicate vanilla sat heavily on his soft lips that molded with yours. It was a taste you could spend forever being addicted on. And you were crying, crying so much your chest ached and the Prince’s cheeks grew damp from yours. You’d dreamt of this for so long, too long now.
Prince Naoya slowly pulled you away, his thumb wiping the tears away from the pads of your cheeks with tenderness in his touch. However, the Prince was not satisfied. The crowd whooped as he leant down to kiss your forehead. “You are mine now, my princess.”
Looping his hands with yours, the Crown Prince led you out of the castle. The crowd parted naturally to make way for the new couple, and you were left staring at his broad back and the tuft of blond hair where you’d soon find out how soft it would be. Sending one last glance to your crying parents, you waved goodbye. You had no idea where the Crown Prince would take you but you were already bunching your dress up, heart completely filled with trust you did not question it. What mattered tonight and for the rest of your life was that it felt right. That it was him – your beloved Prince Naoya Zen’in and soon to be husband – that you’d follow through the moon and back.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
All The Colors
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Colorblindness, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Romance, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: The colors are not always seen but rather felt. Just like Y/N feels the colors through their best friend and boyfriend Corpse. That’s how they realize that what they can’t see is the most beautiful and genuine feeling in the world. The feeling of knowing something and someone so deeply.
Requested by my dear friend Lulu, who you might have known as greenieofshield. Unfortunately she’ll never get to read this fic and I’ll never forgive myself for not putting it out sooner but I’ll also never forgive the universe for being so cruel as to take her away so early. She was one of the best people I’ve ever met, always so full of optimism, always there to brighten up my day and make me smile. Always so strong and brave, never falling victim to the hate she received despite not being deserving of it. The world lost an angel the day she died and I as well as so many other people will forever miss her.
Love you and miss you with my whole soul and hear, Lulu. Hope they’re treating you right in heaven ��
For what it’s worth, Y/N has never asked people to describe the colors to them. In their eyes that seemed like the equivalent of poorly patching up a wound: they could hear thousands upon thousands of descriptions of each color and still wouldn’t be able to imagine it. The descriptions would only make that worse to them. So to avoid feeling even more like they’re missing out they never asked.
However, that doesn’t mean they haven’t developed their own way to ‘visualize’ and imagine colors throughout the years. They’ve tried loads of different methods, few of which stuck around and not for long either. That is exactly why they frequently used to tell their friends: “You can’t paint me a rainbow with black and white and shades of grey and expect me not to feel like I’m missing out on something. Paint me the gloomy sky on a rainy day and only then we’ll be even cause you’re seeing the same greys I am.”
Little did they know how drastically their logic was about to change in the following years.
Speaking of said following years - they met Corpse who became one of their best friends in practically no time. And within just a few months of that friendship’s blossoming, a romance sparked. A romance their friends would jokingly refer to as ‘romance of a lifetime’. Maybe it was said jokingly but Lord knows they weren’t wrong in saying so because the two were completely head over heels for one another -s till are to this day - and never shied away from showing it.
Y/N and Corpse met through Rae who Y/N was staying with while on a little vacation to Los Angeles. To be even more specific here, the two met through a game of Among Us, the game responsible for many wonderful friendships since its release.
“Guys, guys, guys.“ Y/N said after sparking up a bickering session for falsely accusing ‘blue‘ of faking a task in Navigation during the final round for the day, “Here’s a little rule of thumb for whenever we play together again: don’t trust me if I accuse a color instead of a name.“ It’s safe to say that statement rose a few eyebrows in the Discord call, the confusion serving as amusement to them before they explained themself, “Oh, why that is? Hm, I don’t know, maybe cause I’m colorblind.”
Rae who was in on the scheme the whole time and was struggling to hold in her laughter finally snapped while the rest of the players were left processing the information that had been dropped on them.
“But you practically kicked our ass every single round?!“ Corpse said, amazement and confusion in his tone.
“Expect the unexpected from this schemer, take it from someone who’s known them for a decade now.“ Rae said, winking at her friend from across the room. Not failing to notice the blush on their cheeks while doing so though.
“Corpse, are you calling me a good liar?“ They poked a stick at him teasingly, desperately avoiding Rae’s gaze which widened the second she realized why her friend was so flustered by Corpse’s remark.
“Practically a con artist.“ He replied to them with a laugh, earning one from them in return.
And so they practically conned him into falling in love with them with their quick wit, sarcasm and cuteness. If someone is to ask Corpse if he expected to fall for Y/N, he’d probably say yes.
“They were like a magnet the moment they entered the lobby and started talking.“ He said once on a live stream in response to a question he received in the chat regarding Y/N, “It wasn’t hard at all, falling for them. What took me a while was realizing it. While I was referring to them as ‘best friend’ all my friends were rolling their eyes and going ‘Sure, bud.’ Just took me a bit to realize why.”
Luckily, it didn’t take him too long to grasp what his heart was actually screaming at him. Good thing they came to terms with it so soon too, otherwise they would’ve driven their friends insane.
Anyway, enough about what happened and what could’ve happened under one circumstance or another, what matters is the ‘here and now’ of their relationship. And trust me when I say it has never been better and it keeps getting better every day.
The beauty of what those two have is in the tiny every day things that they do for each other, the good morning texts even though the other person in probably just in the kitchen making breakfast while the other cannot find it in them to get out of bed; or it’s laced within the calls between them when neither of them are home or at least one of them is out and about, busy with a task they’ve probably been putting off for far too long. Don’t get me wrong though, the romantic gestures aren’t rare either. Random gifts are exchanged by them on regular intervals but one consistent and super romantic gesture that repeats a few times every year (of the two years they’ve been dating) is Corpse giving Y/N a bouquet of flowers.
A detail Y/N couldn’t help but take notice of was the fact that the bouquet was always made up of the same flowers with only small changes to the arrangement of them and maybe some tiny ones added too. Unfortunately, they aren’t artificial so they couldn’t have kept them thought they wish they could’ve. That being said, it goes without saying that those flowers mean the world to Y/N, the gesture actually - they know flowers are a common gift to give but anything they receive from Corpse is so special and makes them feel like the only person who’s ever received such a gift.
And so they got curious, they had to ask. They had to ask the question they never thought they’d actively ask considering their view of the topic. But they still did.
“Hey Corpse.“ Y/N spoke up out of the blue, breaking the silence that had fallen over them while they watched the movie they were only partially interested in given how exhausted they both were from devoting themselves to their respective tasks and responsibilities throughout the last few days.
Corpse hummed in response, the arm wrapped around their waist doing a little motion as if encouraging them to continue, his gaze immediately traveling down to his partner.
“What color are the flowers?“ They asked, gazing at the bouquet - a gift they had received from him for their birthday a few days prior - in the vase on the dining table.
They waited a few seconds but when they didn’t hear nor feel any sort of response from him they couldn’t help but look up at him. Upon doing so, they saw his small smile as his eyes too remained on the bouquet. “They’re black and white.“ He replied eventually, “Black roses and white daffodils.“ His gaze wandered away from the vase and down to meet theirs, “I don’t want you to think I’m seeing them in their ‘full beauty’ while you only see them in black and white. You are seeing them in their full beauty and not missing out on anything. They are absolutely beautiful black and white as they are.“
As a response to his answer, Y/N couldn’t suppress the growing smile on their face no matter how hard they tried. So they didn’t try at all, they let the smile lighten up their face before speaking up: “You’re a wonder, Corpse.” They said, pushing themself as upright as they could to be able to kiss his cheek. “However, you’re wrong.” They say when they pull away, smirking up at his confused expression, “My world was black and white until you came into it. You’re all the colors, Corpse. Your love’s red, joy’s yellow, sadness blue, chaos green. Love red. You’re all the colors and out of all the people that have tried to describe to me how they look, you have managed to do that just perfectly without even trying.”
Little did they know that’s exactly what he thinks of them - their world is black and white because all the colors live within them. Because they are all the colors.
And maybe they both are, seeing as how they came into each other’s lives exactly like the rainbow after the pouring rain.
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
To Have And To Hold
Hypnos x female!reader
Word count: 2k
Part One
Warning:War, dead people and children, Ares ( let be real, that guy is a warning all on his own) kissing and sexual themes, no beta
The shade that came in the library was polite but clearly overwhelmed from their work. They handed over the letter quickly and gave a bow before hurrying out.
You pushed aside your own paperwork, "Lady Athena?" You asked out loud to no one but yourself. You typically only get letters from your sisters or parents.
You carefully opened it, a sense of dread unfolded in your chest.
'Dear Y/N.
I wish I was writing to you in better times. Unfortunately, I must keep this letter short. I'm in need of your help, desperately.
I can explain more when I see you. When you reach the surface, call for me.
You ran out the library, uncaring about leaving scrolls on the tables.
You made it to the East wing and you glanced to Achilles, only to see empty space. You paused for a second then you heard it, crying and countless voices together begging and yelling.
What in the world...
"Silent!" Hades boomed and a harsh bark followed. The house quieted down, only soft sobs remained.
You walked in slowly and couldn't stop the gasp. You had never seen so many shades all in one place and you even saw some standing in the Styx.
You saw Achilles in front of Hades' desk, facing the crowd. His normally kind face was cold and his grip on the spear was tight.
Hades stood up, "Silent." He repeated. Queen Persephone and Zagreus stood next to Hades, both their faces unable to hide the worries they felt.
"Thanatos, please continue."
"Lord Ares has gone mad with war lust. Hermes nor I can keep up with the amount of dead. And as I speak, Ares and Eris are tearing through another city." Thanatos' tone was hard and flat.
You swallowed, unable to believe what you were hearing.
"What has Zeus done to step in?" Hades asked warily.
"He has yet to do so, lord Hades." Thanatos replied.
Hades opened his mouth but a shade broke past the group. "Please, you have to help us! They will follow us even in death, it won't ever stop!"
"Didn't I tell you to be silent!? And Ares can't come here, no matter how hard he tries."
The shade shook their head, "No, not him-" the other shades joined, all begging and more crying started.
"Be quiet, all of you!"
Zagreus spoke up, "Wait, we should hear them out, Father."
"No. We have bigger problems." Hades rubbed his forehead."Thanatos, give this letter to Hermes. The sooner we can put Ares and his friend down the better."
There was a moment of silence after Thanatos vanished.
You took a shaky breath, and looked around to find Hypnos. You heard him speak in his cheerful voice before you saw him, "Well, alrighty. That sure was something, huh? Line up! Come on everyone, and mind the little ones."
He wasn't in his usual spot but a little past Hades' desk along with Dusa and several workers shades. You walked over, "Hypnos."
He looked up at your voice, his eyes widened in alarm. He dropped the quill and paper he was holding. "How much of that did you see?" He whispered.
"Enough." You whispered back. "I got a letter from Athena, they need my help."
"What?" He asked in a strangled whisper. You showed him the letter. He read the letter once, his face blank.
You waited for a response, frowning at his unreadable face.
Then he folded up the letter calmly as he met your gaze, "No. Absolutely not. I will not allow you to go." He said softly.
"Hypnos!" You replied, no longer staying quiet. "You have no right to tell me what to do." You reached for the letter but he held it out of reach.
"Blood and Darkness." Hades cursed. "We do not need your marital disputes in the great hall especially now. Leave."
You flushed, realizing you could feel eyes on you. Hypnos grabbed your arm gently, "Oh of course, Lord Hades. Don't worry, I will be back shortly after I handle this." Hypnos said pleasantly, " What was the saying? Happy wife, happy life? But hey why am I telling you? You know all about that."
Hades glared down at the both of you and you desperately wished for a hole to swallow you whole.
Before you could apologize for Hypnos' lack of tact, he vanished you along with him.
You looked around, trying to push away the nausea. Thankfully he had chosen to reappear just outside of your bedchambers.
You turned on him, "For blood's sake what was that about Hypnos?"
"Can we talk in your chambers? Or the library, whichever one you want." He asked, sounding guilty.
Good, you thought viciously.
"Oh so I do get a say in something then? Or will you be 'handling' that too?" You snapped at him. You pushed out your door, not bothering to invite Hypnos in. You stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed.
Hypnos closed the door behind him quietly. "I'm sorry but Lady Athena will have to do without your help if it means you have to go to the surface. I cannot let you go up there."
"That is my decision, not yours." You shook your head. "I have to go."
"Didn't you hear how Ares has gone mad? That guy is crazy on a good day, let alone whatever is happening now." Even with the guilty look on his face, Hypnos shook his head. "You have never even seen a war, have you? It's not a pretty sight."
"We don't even know what she needs help with, I doubt I will be anywhere near a battlefield. She knows I'm not a warrior."
"The fact you have to even be on the surface is too much." Hypnos floated over to you but didn't touch you, his hands spread out. "War isn't predictable. One person's decision can cost other people's their lives, well beyond the battlefields. And it never ever ends up the way leaders plan for it to."
You stayed quiet, looking down at the ground. You couldn't get your mind off the letter even with Hypnos’ reasoning. Athena wouldn't ask for anything unless she truly needed it.
"Y/N, please look at me." Hypnos lifted your chin up, your eyes flicked toward his before you made yourself look away.
"I would give you anything if it made you happy, you know that." Hypnos spoke carefully. "You can help Lady Athena, I'm not saying you can't but you need to do it from here. There is no point in risking your safety."
Hypnos waited for you to respond only to sigh when you shook your head, too upset to speak.
"Send a letter to Athena, and I will help out too, love. Okay?" Hypnos' eyes studied your face.
"Can't you just come with me?" You asked, hating how your voice cracked at the end. "If you're so worried."
"No, I am needed here and I'm doubtful I would be a welcomed face." Hypnos gave a slight grin, "Besides, I already won the last war when I got you as my wife."
he looked at you so softly, it made you blush. You pulled away, you will not let Hypnos sweet talk you. “Oh, yes. Just remind me of another time I was mad at you. That will work out for you.”
“I-i just-“ Hypnos chuckled but he was clearly unamused. “Obviously I have a case of foot in mouth. Y/N, I just want you to be safe. Am I wrong to want my wife to be safe?”
You glared at him, “Well obviously not, Hypnos. Don’t play that game with me.”
Hypnos glared back, both of you silently glaring at each other. Hypnos broke first and rubbed his eyes with a frustrated sigh. You resisted the urge to walk over and smooth away the weight you could see on him.
When Hypnos looked back at you, you didn’t expect the serious look in his face, “Just promise me something.”
“What?” You watched him warily, not used to this reaction from him.
“You won’t try to leave without me. If- and that is a very big if by the way, we have to go up to help whoever, you won’t go where I can’t keep an eye on you.” Hypnos said, his golden eyes stayed on your face.
“I’m not a child, Hypnos.” You muttered.
“I know that. But you have never been in a war and I have and I know how ugly it gets. I hope I am overreacting, really I am.” Hypnos came closer again, “Just promise me. Please.”
“I-i but.. Fine. Okay, I promise.” You said. You glanced at Hypnos and upon seeing the relief on his face, you turned away, guilt
“Just… give me some alone time, okay?” You said, unable to hide how upset you were.
He was quiet for a few minutes. “Alright. I will have tonight’s dinner sent for you. I will check in on you later, okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed, staring at the wall. "Thank you."
Hypnos looked at you a moment, a hand reached up for a second before falling back down, before he left.
You pushed down the guilt you felt, Hypnos was the one in the wrong for not helping you.
You paced around the room, biting your lip nervously as you tried to think.
You couldn't take the path Zagreus does, and you weren't sure if he would or could help you. You didn't have a boat and from the looks of it Charon wouldn't have space anyway.
And Cerberus was…
You groaned and covered your face.
You were efficiently trapped, the realization caused the fading anger at Hypnos to come roaring back.
You sat down on the bed when a knock came. "Y/N? C-can I come in?" Dusa's voice was normally a welcomed thing but right now you don't think you can stomach being around others.
But it wasn't Dusa' fault you told yourself.
You opened the door and she floated in. "Are you okay? I kinda saw what happened in the hall."
You shook your head and explained everything. You reached for the letter only to remember that Hypnos still had it. "Blood and darkness Hypnos." you muttered. You couldn't believe he was treating you like a child.
Dusa was quiet for a few moments. "Well actually, I might know a way. It is the same way Queen Persephone took to return here. She doesn't have to travel the same way everyone else does."
Hope lifted in your chest. "Do you know if Cerberus would be there?"
"Far as I know, he wouldn't be near there since Queen Persephone is here." Dusa frowned with worry, "But you know how dangerous it is, right? Meg told me stories about the last war and the kind of people she had to punish for their acts during it."
"I have to go. My family could be at risk. Can you cover for me? Just a little bit."
Dusa stared at you. "Just promise me you will be careful okay? And if anyone asks, even Hypnos, I won't lie okay?"
You hugged her. "Thank you!"
"Just please be careful." Dusa muttered.
The snow was still there, unmarked and soft. You took a breath, the sharp, freezing air hurt your lungs but it felt amazing.
You weren’t sure if the hallway Queen Persephone took would work for you but thankfully it had just been an unusually long and winding hallway.
When you got back, you were planning on telling Zegreus about it. Let's see Hades do anything about that.
You watched the snowfall, gentle and pure, with a sigh. You tugged your travel cloak tighter, the last time you wore this was during your wedding.
It wasn't the same place you and Hypnos had gotten married. But seeing the snow brought memories. Of the fear, of how you almost stumbled over your vows, how Hypnos' hand holding yours was the only warm thing you could feel. Of the nervous yet serious look on his face when you both said the final vow…
You shook your head, finding your resolve. You glanced back at the opening, guilt rising in you.
And hurt.
You thought Hypnos would understand, it was your family. He was normally so big on family, bending over backward for his own family. You thought he would support you. You swallow and with one last look back, you step out into the snow.
It took you a moment but with the deepest breath you could take, you called for Athena.
Almost immediately, a warm golden light filled the field.
Athena was just tall and golden as you remembered. She didn't smile but she took your hands in her own, "Thank you. I must admit I was worried you wouldn't come."
You decided not to mention your disagreement with Hypnos as you tried to give a comforting smile.
"Of course, I am more than happy to help. But I am a bit lost on what I could offer for you." You watched her sighed and moved away.
"What I am about to ask of you is no small favor. If you wish to have no part of this, I will understand." Athena said gravely.
You nodded. "Let me decide."
After she studied your face for a moment, Athena spoke.
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felswritingfire · 3 years
April Brain Rot #11
74. Rome
46. "Hold me just a little longer."
15. Tackle Hug
Rook Hunt x Reader
Summery: The Gods are waging war and you wait for your God to come back patiently. But, when the war leaks into the mortal realm, will he be able to get to you in time?
TW: Blood; Violence; Threats; Religious Themes (very loose)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,594
A note from Fel: This one, I've had done for over a damn week??? Like, I love Rook to death and my girlfriend really likes this one so like * high fives self * ALSO I LOW KEY WANT TO DO A SERIES WITH THIS??? IT'S JUST- I HAD SO MUCH FUN (if y'all want to send in any requests centered around this, you will own my whole H E A R T)
It had been a long time since he had waved to you, walking off into the forest, his bow slung over his shoulder with his quiver of arrows hanging from his hip. You had watched as the shadows devoured your god that night.
The seasons had changed and yet the angry clouds, rumbling with thunder lingered throughout each of them. Now, a thin frost had covered the fields, leaving you to shiver and pull your shawl closer to you. You stood at the start of the forest, the looming trees acting as a wall. You grip your basket tight in your arms, shifting the dried meat and the few fruits and cheeses you managed to save, the loaf of bread still warm. Your friends had tried to tell you not to go- told you that the gods would not be back for a long time. The war in their world was too important. You knew that. You knew that the first time a shower of red poured down on you and the fields you were tending to. You had watched as your neighbors fields faded, still hesitant to pray to lord Epel for good harvests. And, yet, you couldn’t just give up- not on your god, not on the one who so gently took your hand that night and saved you from the bandits who had burned your village to the ground; who burned your family to a crisp.
“You have no need to fear,” he had said to you, picking you up in his arms and cradling your head close to his heart. “I will protect you no matter what, for you looked up to me and asked for me to save you, Mon Clair de Lune.”
He had taken you to this village, where the gods held a special spot for the people- giving you the home closest to the forest. He had asked you if you knew how to draw a bow and you told him you did. You think that’s when the two of you truly connected.
The laughs and shrieks of joy as he would chase you around the fields and trees just to wrap his arms around your waist were memories you held dear to you everytime he went back into the forest to answer Lord Vil’s calls (no one could deny Venus his wishes).
“I will be back, Mon Clair de Lune. Je t'aime.” He whispered into your hair, running his hands along the expanse of your back.
It had made you nervous when he was hesitant to let go, like he was afraid he wasn’t going to come back. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and cheeks before turning and waving with a soft smile.
You sigh, another shiver shot through you as the wind picked up. Your eyes squeezing shut and you blow a breath of white air out from your lips. Maybe you’d see if Ace (you refused to call him Lord Ace, you were much too close for that by now) could dial down on the winds- though it might not even be him dictating these winds for once.
You sigh, turning to go back to your home when you hear a strange gurgling noise to your side. You furrow your brow- it almost sounds like a creek, you think as you turn to see where the noise was coming from. There, off in the distance, a black mass pulsated and writhed. You felt yourself go stiff as it jerked to and fro, red dots rolling around the expanse of its flesh until they finally pointed forward to look at you. The basket in your hands dropped as you turned to dash somewhere away from the village, as you hear flesh tearing and a bone rattling shriek leave from somewhere behind you.
You rush past the fruit fields and through the flower beds, praying that Jack could forgive you as you feel the delicate stems crunch beneath your foot. The sound of thundering steppes racing behind you causes a ball to form in your throat, pushing yourself to run faster and faster.
You had hit the creek, the bottoms of your wool pants and boots frigid in the rush of cold water as you slosh through it. You’re almost to the other side when you stop: yellow eyes stare at you through the leaves of the bushes. The shrieking comes to a stop behind you and you look over your shoulder to see the black mass staring past you as you turn back. The eyes had moved, now well above the branches of the tree, you can make out long arms, veins straining underneath skin, and white teeth glinting in the light of the early morning sun.
You nearly begin to rush up stream when a voice says, “I wouldn’t.”
You freeze, looking back at the pair of eyes to see a long snout peeking out from the bushes.
It’s mouth smiles, showing off sharpened fangs, as it steps further into the light. It towers over you, hunching over as it pushes branches out of the way. “You look delicious- all of the humans here do.” It hums to itself as it takes more heavy steps towards you. “Maybe it’s because you all have been blessed by the gods-” it throws its’ head back to release a wheezy laugh- “the ones that left you to fight a war they won’t win.”
“The gods will win.” You’re surprised with how much confidence you say it, but you try not to let it show as you watch it tilt it’s wolf-like head to the side.
“Not if you are all dead. Gods have nothing without their worshippers, you know?”
You shiver from the mix of the cold water and the realization, crinkling your nose at the smell of rotten meat and old blood that wafts from it’s hulking body. You look up at it, glaring. “Do-” you almost gag at the smell and it almost seems to laugh- “do not doubt the strength of the gods. They’ll come back to us and they will save us no matter what.”
“You put so much stock into them, human.” It crouched on its haunches, sliding a hand under your trembling chin. “So cute and delicate.” You can hear the other behind you shuffle, grunts and wheezes following its movements. The other in front of you laughs again as it watches your gaze begin to shift. “Do not take your eyes off of me.” Your eyes stare at it, swirling with a dread that it finds positively delectable. “I will take your head without you realizing it.”
Your vision began to grow glassy as its maw stretched wide; hot, humid breath, that smelled of rot, hitting your face as a row of giant teeth showed itself to you. You clasp your hands together, praying with all your might, with every ounce of your soul, that Rook would come and save you. That your huntsman would come and shoot down the beasts that wished to devour you.
Just like that night when he had first saved you.
"Si ma lune prie pour que je vienne, je le ferai.”
The creature screamed in pain, the sheer volume shaking your bones and piercing deep into your skull. It shoved you away, your body falling under the frigid stream of the water. You hear a muffled scream from above as you break the surface of the water. You gasp as you suck in air, dragging yourself to the side of the bank where Rook rushes to meet you.
You're leaning on your elbows as you catch your breath when Rook’s body barrels into yours, knocking you back with a loud ‘oof!’ coming from you. His face nestles into your neck and you swear you feel him tremble. “R- Rook?” You wrap your arms around him, running them along his back to see for any wounds. “Are-” you breathe out a cold breath- “are you ok?”
He’s muttering in that tongue he adores so much (French- you remember him calling it), squeezing you tighter.
“Hold me just a little while longer.”
You freeze, your eyes blurring with tears at his tone: devoid of everything carefree and casual. He sounded like he was in pain. You wrap your arms tighter around him, burying your face into his neck.
“I am so sorry, Mon Clair de Lune. I should have come sooner.” He pulled away, his hands cupping your face as he pressed his forehead against yours, his green eyes glassy. “Were you afraid?”
You blink, trying to keep the tears from spilling over your bottom lashes. “I was.” You close your eyes. “But, I knew you would come for me. I knew the gods wouldn’t abandon us.”
He laughs, soft and tired. “You are too important for me to let you die so easily.”
“And I will not die so easily as long as you will it.” The quiet that settles between you two is gentle and you can’t bring yourself to want to leave his embrace despite the cold of your wet clothes seeping into your skin and making your bones ache. You open your eyes to look into his. “Is… Is this truly going to be a war?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“I’ll stay by your side. No matter what.”
“And I shall protect you no matter what, Mon Clair de Lune.”
He presses his lips against yours and you let yourself melt into it, holding onto the last semblance of peace that may allow you rest for a long time.
<The Next Chosen Character>
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Thank you for reading!
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aizawaslovebot · 4 years
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NOW PLAYING: the ex factor by iwaizumi hajime
—reader pronouns: he/him
—warnings: curse words ; slight implied violence
—summary: desperate times mean desperate measures, and y/n is definitely the embodiment of desperate. eager to make his ex jealous for reasons undisclosed, (read as: he's just petty), he asks his long-time best friend, iwaizumi hajime, to pretend as his boyfriend
—note: y'know how it always is, sorry for being late!!
TAGLIST: OPEN ; just send me an ask!! i don't mind you guys resending asks to be added ^^
@ohmygodronnie2020 @beyond-the-mxxn @clinomanians
<- the sweetheart playlist | part i | part ii | next song ->
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The plan was simple, really.
Pretend to be boyfriends and find the bane of your existence so you could rub it in his face that he was much more disposable than he made you feel. Then you’d both get the hell out of there and go someplace you both actually enjoyed. It was easy to do, too. Pretending to be together was something you had done when one of the other had problems with strangers. Finding your ex was an easier task because all you had to look for is where there was an influx of vulnerable girls.
Apparently, this plan was simple only in theory.
Realistically speaking, as you and Iwa fail to wade through the many drunk people flailing their limbs and calling it dancing, finding your ex was not an easy task.
The other part of the plan was also much more difficult than either of you expected too. Pretending was not easy. It was not easy when either of you couldn’t ignore the beating of your hearts at close contact. It was not easy when everyone readily acknowledged that you were together; that it was normal for Iwaizumi Hajime and Y/N L/N to be together. It was not easy when pretending reminded both of you that this was fake and that reality will sink in much sooner than the way next week came.
“Finally!” Someone would say, “We’ve been waiting for you two to get together!” Then a drunk acquaintance would add, “I thought you were together this whole time!”
So, sure, making it seem like you two were together was easy. But pretending— oh dear lord, just pretending— was what made it difficult. It had become apparent to both of you, without the other knowing, that just pretending hurt so much.
“Just how much did everyone drink? I heard the party started an hour ago,” You sigh, cringing when you see the class valedictorian puking her guts out by the plant.
Iwa snorts as he fixes his grip on your waist, “Just let the bunch of idiots let loose. The sem ended after all, puddin’.” Only a mere squeak comes out of your mouth because of the way his soft lips neared your ears.
God damn. Was it really necessary to gay panic in the middle of a mission?
With no answer to the hypothetical question in your head, you decided to let the energy die out a little before you commence part two of the plan. You and Iwa find solace in the comfort of an unoccupied booth but you couldn’t sit still at all.
The thought of being close to Iwa tonight felt different. It made you giddy and nervous and flustered and anxious all at once. It was like having to hold your breath and close your eyes to prepare for the “big thing” to happen. And you were too scared to find out what the “big thing” was for you so, despite much reluctance, you said, “I’m gonna get a drink, Zumi.”
You hastily got out of the booth and made a beeline for the kitchen to look for any drink that was sealed or canned. As much as you wanted the confidence that being intoxicated gives you, you’d rather not be embarrassingly drunk while facing your ex. In your quest to find something safe to drink in a college party, your acquaintances strike up a conversation.
“So, you and Iwaizumi, huh?” The aforementioned drunk class valedictorian asked, surprisingly still able to make a conversation despite feeling unwell just a few moments ago. “Been a long time coming,” she continued when you nodded, “You two are made for each other, y’know?”
You two hear a sigh from Claire’s, the drunkard valedictorian, friend beside her. “How romantic… I still remember how the whole ‘pudding’ nickname started. We honestly thought you’ve been dating ever since then.”
Claire looks at you questioningly, as if mentally asking you to relay the story to her because she was probably piss drunk when it happened; I mean, she’s still drunk right now but she was far worse back then.
You give in before they start to get the idea of gathering more and more people to make you tell the story. “It’s a weird story though,” You warn, but judging by the way they still urged you on, you could continue. “There was a time in our first year when we had this party, right? By then, Iwa and I were, at most, acquaintances if not just roommates.”
“I didn’t know how to like, interact with him because I found him so intimidating,” You smiled faintly, causing the two girls to look at each other quickly. “Anyway, everyone got challenged to eat as many diet pudding cups as we could possibly eat— which was quite unhealthy considering we’re studying to become trainers.”
Claire’s friend snorts, reminiscing the day when your class bought out all the diet pudding cups available in the nearest convenience stores for a stupid game.
“I got really competitive about it to the point where only Iwa and I remained. Neither of us wanted to back down but everyone got concerned about the amount we ate so we were both crowned diet pudding cup champions”
They giggle at the odd story but let you continue. “We started calling each other ‘diet pudding cup champion’ after that but it was honestly a mouthful to say so somewhere down the line, it got shortened to ‘pudding’.”
“Which is why we thought you two were a thing but you dated that asshole ex of yours and left us stumped,” Claire downs another bottle, “You didn’t even look comfortable with that ex and you two were never compatible, honestly. But all is well now! I wish I had love like yours…”
Claire’s friend rolls her eyes when the valedictorian starts crying, mumbling how cute you and Iwa were and that the entire class should be invited to your wedding. Claire then cries out how soft you two are for each other. “Sorry for her nonsense,” Claire’s friend sighs, “Anyway, we shouldn’t keep you for long… You should go back to your boyfriend.”
You wave slowly as they leave you to yourself and your thoughts. Was that really how people thought? That Iwa and you were a much better match? Would you have been far happier if Iwaizumi Hajime, your long-time best friend, was your boyfriend instead?
Speaking of your ‘boyfriend’...
Iwaizumi was thankful you decided to part for a while. Had there not been distance between you two at that moment, he wasn’t sure what mistake he would’ve made. He was too scared to risk everything and find out too. Patiently, while rejecting the class drunkards who wanted to dance or drown in booze with him, Iwa waits for your return.
Iwaizumi Hajime was hopelessly, irretrievably in love with you. You were his idiot, his contradiction, his pudding, his everything, and sadly, just his best friend. How much did the universe have to hate him to bind you two to simply being best friends? How much did the universe have to hate him to let Iwaizumi Hajime get a taste of what could’ve been and deprive him of what would be? Why, of all people, did it have to be Iwaizumi Hajime who had to go through the turmoil of falling for his best friend?
Far too many questions have formed in his head but Iwaizumi persists. He still had to help you after all. So Iwa waits and waits and waits for your return while simultaneously having to deal with his realization and the universe’s hatred.
And the universe might have hated him more than it let on.
Y’know what they say when you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for specifically because you’re looking for it? How you should let time pass and that thing will magically pop up when you don’t need it?
It happened.
In front of Iwaizumi stood the very person they planned to spite that night, the very person who decided it was fun to toy with your heart, and the very person who Iwaizumi loathed to the very core: Akuma Azamuku.
While you were questioning your “what could be” with your pretend boyfriend, Iwaizumi was busy facing your bastard ex.
“I heard you two are together now,” The poor excuse of a man started, standing confidently as if he didn’t have women in his arms, “Kind of a fast development, don’t ‘ya think?”
Iwaizumi almost pulverized your ex to the ground at that statement. What a hypocrite. What a stupid guy. What a terrible person. To imply that you were the one who cheated when the God forsaken ex was the one who manipulated you into this chaos.
“Fast development? What do you call yours then?” He challenged, eyebrows raised unamused at your ex.
“I’m not here to argue with you,” Akuma rolled his eyes rather condescendingly, “He never had eyes for me anyway. The same way I never liked him one bit.”
Iwaizumi’s fingers twitched; they itched to close the distance between Akuma’s face and Iwa’s fist. You never liked him? What utter bullshit. You spent most of your days walking on eggshells to please the goddamn piece of shit and he tells him that you never liked your ex? He tells Iwa that he never liked you?
Sadly, Akuma took his silence as a sign to continue. Bad choice on his part, really.
“He has always liked you though, hasn’t he? You always had to be the man of the hour in Y/N’s eyes when he and I were together. The son of a bi—”
Then fist connected to face faster than anyone could have comprehended. Iwaizumi never liked your ex and his fists figured it was time to convey what he had been internalizing this whole time.
“You don’t get to talk that way. Not when it was you who two-timed him from the start,” Iwaizumi’s voice took a menacing tone. This was, by far, the scariest he had been: he wasn’t spouting off in anger, his voice sounded hushed, but it was obvious that there would be carnage.
“Y’know,” Iwaizumi started, slowly walking up to Akuma who was keeling over in pain, “I didn’t even hear the news from Y/N.”
“He wanted to hide that you cheated on him from me because even if he didn’t want to beat the shit out of you physically, he knew that I would.” Iwaizumi sat slowly to look at your ex eye-to-eye, death seen in his, “And he knows me so well.”
The girls in your ex’s arms were long gone. All that was left to face the wrath of Iwaizumi Hajime was the poor excuse of a man who manipulated you, hurt you, and used you. Your ex wasn’t going to go out of this party unscathed and everyone in their radar knew. Before his right knuckle could find its way to Akuma’s fear-stricken face, however, you had arrived.
“Stop it, Hajime.”
The aforementioned male sighed, relaxed his posture, and complied. Iwaizumi walks towards you as his anger slowly dissipates. As much as Iwa wanted to do so much more to your ex, he’d rather not anger nor disappoint you. It was you who was involved in the chaos after all, not him. Iwa was there to back you up and if it meant that he had to restrain himself from getting revenge for your sake, he would do it. He would do anything for you.
Akuma visibly relaxed too, assuming that you stopped Iwaizumi because you wanted to save your ex. He got so cocky at your presence to the point that he thought it was a good idea to utter the words “Just a guard dog, eh?” when you and Iwa started to walk away.
You retaliated at the speed of light, snarling as you threw a heavy punch to your ex’s disgusting face and successfully knocked the living daylights out of the spawn of Satan. Shocking everyone speechless, you looked your ex dead in the eyes and before leaving, you muttered, “Go to hell.”
Whether the mission was successful or not, neither you nor Iwa could tell. Yes, you were able to fool your ex and the entire class that you were together. Yes, you did make your ex feel jealous. So why did it feel so incomplete? Why did it feel as if you had more to resolve than you first did?
That was it? Is this the end of your faux relationship then?
The walk to your shared dorm was silent; the air heavy from what occurred just a few moments ago. With more questions than answers, you two had no choice but to retreat to the comfort of your shared living space.
While you went straight to your room to change, Iwa does what he does best when the atmosphere isn’t as light as either of you liked. He goes to the kitchen, gets a flurry of unhealthy junk foods that you two, as health practitioners in the making, ironically had, and prepares the living room for your impromptu Godzilla marathon.
This is how it always had been, you muse as you hear him surf the TV for the movies, this is how you two always cheer yourselves up when you get into disagreements or when either of you haven’t had the best day. You will forever be grateful for the support that Iwa always had been because without him, you don’t know how you would’ve survived this gruelling journey of yours.
Iwaizumi will always be important to you. He was your pillar, your anchor, your partner in crime, your pudding. You find yourself smiling as you fix your— it was Iwa’s but it’s yours now— hoodie, deciding to leave out all negativity that you had experienced because at the end of the day, Iwa was still with you.
Iwaizumi Hajime was still with you.
You pause, moments away from opening your door to your Iwa, wondering why it made you feel so warm to know that Iwaizumi Hajime was still with you, is still with you, and will always be with you.
Then you realize it all along.
The reason why pretending hurt more than your breakup, why seeing him so readily into your revenge quest stirred something inside of you, and why you felt that it was far more important to have Iwaizumi Hajime by your side than your ex.
Iwaizumi Hajime is and will always be your everything.
And maybe that meant that you wanted him by your side not as someone who you call your best friend, but someone who you hoped would be yours.
Is that too much to ask for?
Too focused on your revelation of the century, you failed to realize that the one person who reigned in your pretty head was standing before you— concerned by the fact that you had taken too long in your room, only to find you frozen by your front door, quite oblivious of his presence.
“You good?” He whispers, tone nothing but gentle. Iwaizumi, the ever-gruff and brash athlete, had always been gentle to you, hadn’t he?
You’ve had too many thoughts about your longtime roommate and best friend that his one question left you speechless. Perhaps it was your body’s precautionary measure against you and the possibility of a flurry of your heart’s unspoken desire pouring themselves out readily for Iwaizumi Hajime.
You love him, you realize. You’d always be ready to do anything for him, you realize.
“Hey…” Iwaizumi tries again when the only thing you did in response was look at him. Then he nervously goes on a tangent because he wasn’t fond of your silence, you had always been the better talker between the two of you, but Iwaizumi would rather he embarrass himself than let you sleep the night feeling terrible.
“I have Godzilla on for a marathon and I know we swore off on diet pudding cups after the challenge, but I bought some yesterday to eat with you because it had been years, right? Maybe we could—”
“I like you.”
“— eat some while… What?”
It was Iwa’s turn to be speechless. Maybe he was hallucinating. Maybe he was actually dreaming right now. You just said what?
“I like you,” You firmly repeated, far more serious than he’d ever seen you been. Iwaizumi stands frozen, unable to process what you had said; unable to fully grasp the thought of you liking him back; unable to get it in his head that the one person he had always cared about admitted to having feelings for him.
Iwaizumi Hajime had to be dreaming. That’s not what you said right? How could you ever possibly like him back?
“‘Like’ isn’t enough to convey how much adoration I hold for you, ‘Zumi. I care for you more than you could comprehend— more than the four letter word could hold so when I say I like you, Iwaizumi,” You mumble, nerves getting the best of you when your confession only received silence but you couldn’t stop yourself from finally admitting, “I mean I love you.”
With that final blow, Iwaizumi could finally affirm that you will be the death of him. You were his idiot, his contradiction, his pudding, and, with full confidence, he could finally say, his everything.
“Say something you idiot,” You whined out of pure embarrassment— too nervous to calm the loud beating of your heart as you witness Iwaizumi’s ears turn red— successfully bringing him out of his everlasting gay-panicking for you. Godzilla plays on in the background, reminding the both of you that the world will keep moving to tomorrow despite how slow time seemed for you two.
Iwaizumi tries to calm his nerves in the guise of sighing the way he always did when you did something that was contradictory to how things were for him. Smiling ever so softly at your scrunched up face trying its best to hide your trembles, he says:
“I like you too.”
“And when I say I like you, Y/N,” Iwaizumi immediately adds with a teasing smirk on his face, “I mean I love you.”
“Damn you idiot.”
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before either of you could even move from your place, your dorm's door bursts open with an annoyed oikawa waiting.
"i've been standing outside for 15 minutes with all my luggage because i wanted to surprise my best friends but this is the welcome i get?" oikawa growls as he chucks the multitude of suitcases that he brought, only then noticing the atmosphere.
oikawa feels daggers pointed at him when he meets iwaizumi's glare. "oh wait..." oikawa slowly realizes, the imaginary lightbulb on his head lighting up by the way you had been so embarrassed, "oops...?"
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—reblogging helps, thank you!!
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Hey everyone I'm so sorry this update took so long. In the past two years we've had COVID-19, things just got hectic for me; nothing bad but I was stressed out. I don't know when the next time that I will be updating this as I'm at a writer's block and I can't think of anything. Here is chapter nine of Love in the Broken Soul!
Chapter Nine: Tears of Relief and Regret
Arthur couldn't believe his eyes. The mansion ghost holding him in it's arms was Lewis! He really didn't leave them alone. He really stayed and waited for them to find him. As his memories of his closest friend and long time crush slowly clicked in to place, Arthur looked at his best friend and threw his mismatched arms around a now shocked Lewis's form, crying softly in to the ghost's shoulder. Lewis, seeing tears fall from the blonde's eyes, quickly got out of his shocked state and tightened his hold on his friend as he saw Vivi and Mystery try to calm their distressed member down, rubbing circles on his back to calm him down. It took a good ten minutes before Arthur was whimpering in sadness, slowly looking in to Lewis's worried black-magenta eyes.
Arthur flinched as he saw his friend's different eye color, realizing that what he gathered from his mind was true. That the demon killed Lewis, using him as the weapon. He didn't blame himself; he knew he was possessed by a malicious entity. But he just wished he realized what was going on sooner and pushed the demon out of his body before it made him kill his friend. That would always haunt him until he died.
When the blonde started to speak, his words froze his friends. He said, as he started to shutter, his form shaking as he did so, "Oh my god, Lewis... I'm s-so s-sorry. I-I tried to fight back. I... I could f-feel what that t-thing w-wanted and... a-and..." Those words only confirmed the group's fear; Arthur not only remembered Lewis, but he also remembers the night of the cave. The night of loss of life, missing memories and feelings of guilt, regret, sorrow and grief.
Vivi, looking at her distressed friend, moved her hand in soothing motions on Arthur's back as she said, grief and sorrow filling her, "It wasn't your fault, Arthur. A demon possessed you. Please don't..." Arthur cut her off, looking at her in the eyes, as he said, tears falling still as his skin paled as the memory of the cave stopped at a certain scene, "I know I was possessed. I don't blame myself... I feel guilty for not being able to stop it sooner... But Vivi, t-that demon wanted... Oh good Lord... I-it wanted to kill you the same way it killed Lewis. I-i felt what it wanted to do to all of us a-after entering t-the cave. I c-could h-hear it in m-my mind as Lew and I w-walked up t-that fucking path t-towards the c-cliff. After it was done with you both, it was going to... That t-thing was going to use m-me a-as it's pet once it got o-out of the c-cave and got it's own b-body from some c-cult that w-was trying t-to bring i-it b-back... It t-told m-me that I w-was it's p-puppet and that n-no one would s-save me because no one would k-know where i-i was and the p-people I cared for the m-most would be d-dead... I'm scared... I d-don't want t-to be t-that thing's s-slave." Eyes widening, Lewis, Vivi and Mystery looked at Arthur, who broke down in to sobs once more, in horror, realizing what that demon in the cave truly wanted.
Mystery was furious, nearly changing into his kitsune form in fury, only to restrain himself. He wished he had disposed of the demon after he freed Arthur from it, but he and Vivi had to get him to the hospital to save him. It's probably still out there, waiting to pounce and take away his vulnerable charge. Vivi was filled with terror, panic and fear. Oh dear gods, that demon was going to kill her like it did to Lewis and take away their sunflower, using him for it's own benefits. What were they going to do!? Where was it!? Is it out there right now trying to get inside?!
Lewis lowered his head, mentally counting to ten to calm his rage at the demon, glad he got revenge on his murderer after he awoke in the cave, before rubbing circles around Arthur's back, saying, as his flames gave warmth to help calm the frantic man down, "Don't worry, Artie. That monster won't take you away from us. It's gone. I made sure of it. When I came to in the cave as a ghost and remembered what happened, that monster was there after I came out of my flashback. I felt rage at what it did to you, to all of us, and eradicate it. It'll no longer harm you or anyone else. It's dead."
Vivi and Mystery looked at Lewis in shock before relief took over. The demon was dead! Arthur looked up, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders, as he looked in to his friend's hallow eyes. He could see truth and care in there; Lewis knew and didn't blame him. The only one they all blamed was the demon for tearing their lives apart.
Arthur smiled softly before he leaned his head down in to Lewis's chest, sighing in relief. He felt his friends' arms tighten around him in comfort, care and warmth before he felt his eyelids closing as he fell asleep. Lewis smiled when he saw Vivi start to drift off not soon after, the day's excitement leaving her drained.
He tightly held his two friends before floating to the bed that was near his coffin. After taking the blonde's metal arm, shoes and jacket off and the bluenette's glasses, shoes and scarf off, he set them down on the bed, pulling the covers over their forms and kissing their foreheads. Mystery hopped up onto the bed before dozing off in between Arthur and Vivi. After looking at his sleeping friends once more to make sure that they were really here, alive and safe, Lewis opened his coffin and stepped inside before he let his conscious leave him, letting him drift off to regain lost energy. They had a big day of catching up tomorrow.
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arielovessims · 3 years
The New Heiress Chapter 3, Part 5
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“Are you praying, Mamma?”
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“She is. Don’t talk too loud.”
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“I never thought we’d live to see the day that she’d be praying for a Capp.”
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“Antonio, why must you be so talkative while I pray for the safe delivery of my great-grandchild? You should be praying too. It’s your grandchild.”
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“Hello, Kent. Why is the girl giving birth here? Why didn’t you take her to the hospital?”
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“She asked us not to. Desdemona had a near-death experience from a medical malpractice when she was little, so she developed a fear of going to hospitals... but don’t worry, we’re sure she can give birth at home safely.”
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“Oh my God, it’s happening.”
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“Miranda! Is mom with you?” 
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“No, Mona...”
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“Mom died a long time ago, remember?”
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“Oh, what? But I swear I saw her yesterday... or maybe it was just in a dream...”
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“It was probably in a dream. I’m sorry.”
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“Good lord, I better go check on them.”
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“I’m here, my little fairy.”
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“I’m so sorry, my love. I wish there was something I could do to take away the pain.”
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“Push, Mona!”
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 “Oh, my darling. Please be strong.”
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“We came as soon as we could. How is she?
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“She’s been in labor for eight hours now.”
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“Oh, poor thing. Well I hope that it means it will be over soon.”
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“Great news!”
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“They’re both fine. It’s a girl.”
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“Oh, thank goodness!”
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“I have a great-grandchild!”
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“I still have to get used to this feeling of being a grandfather.”
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“How are you feeling, Pappa?”
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“Well, I’m just excited to meet my great-granddaughter.”
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“You did it, my love! Oh, she has your eyes!”
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“She’s the perfect mix of the two of us.”
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“Everyone, meet Emilia!”
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“Oh, Benny, she is beautiful.”
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“May I?”
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“The first Capp-Monty baby. Something that never should have existed. And now here we are, and she is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen, Isabella.”
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“I bet you’re exhausted, my dear. You should go and have a well-deserved rest. We’ll take care of Emilia.”
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“Oh, Mona. Your baby is so beautiful.”
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“Thank you, Bottom. I’m sure your future baby will be beautiful as well.”
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“Yeah, about that. I’m still on the fence about that, you know, after witnessing what you just went through today.”
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“Oh, but it’s worth it, I promise you. But I won’t force you to if you don’t want to, of course.”
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“Yeah, we’ll see what happens in the future.”
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“Mona? There’s something I need to tell you.”
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“What is it, Bottom? Is it serious?”
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“It’s you, Mona... all this time, I thought... I was in love with Hal. Everyone expected it, and I believed it... but... it’s actually you, Mona, not him.”
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“I — oh, Bottom. Are you... are you sure? Why are you only telling me this now? And... I don’t understand... why were you helping me and Ben if you had feelings for me?”
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“I never understood my feelings until today, Mona, when I thought... I was going to lose you. I was frightened. And that’s when I realized. I’ve had these gradual feelings that were so confusing... All I wanted was to make you happy. Ever since your mom died, you were never the same. And you wanted Ben, so I did everything to help you two meet. That made you happy, so I was happy. For a time. I’m sorry, Mona. I just had to tell you. I can’t keep it any longer.”
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“The party. I knew there was something there. I felt it. Oh, Bottom. I don’t know what to say. I feel like such a selfish jerk. I’m sorry I made you go through all that.”
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“No, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. If I had only realized it sooner... though Ben pretty much did lay a claim on you very early on.”
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“What happens now? What about my brother? What about Ben? I love Ben too, so so much. I don’t want to break his heart. I don’t know what to do.”
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“You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to choose me. I don’t want to ruin you and Ben. He’s a good guy, and he’s perfect for you. You’ve got a baby now, a family. And... I do love Hal... it’s just, my feelings for you are so much stronger than what I feel for him. But don’t worry about it, okay? We can just be like what we used to be. I’d be happy to remain your best friend forever.”
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“What’s important to me is that you’ll always be in my life. I just had to tell you what I feel because it was killing me inside to keep it a secret. I hope this doesn’t ruin things between us and make everything awkward. I don’t want to lose our friendship.”
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“You will never lose me, Bottom. No matter what happens. I will always love you. And I don’t even deserve you, after everything you’ve done for me.”
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“I told you, I did all those things because I love you.”
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“Come here. I have a secret to tell you, Bottom, and you must never tell anyone.”
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“What is it?”
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yuniv-bluetea · 4 years
Cinderellus Pt.1 (male!reader)
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requested by @bxlynnx​
“You know, 40 isn’t enough for the amount of coke you’ve been doing tonight.” The girl next to Rafe just laughs and looks him deep in the eye. “Oh..really ? Maybe I could give you something else in exchange for the coke~” He wasn’t up for chit chat this night. “ Cut the bullshit, alright ?” Not needing to hear it a second time the girl hands him 40 again and grabs for her bag. “ Sooner or later I’m gonna get you, Cameron”, she announces with a flirty smile and brushes Rafe’s shoulder with her free hand while making her way to the cocktail bar. Like a machine the wannabe drugdealer counted how much profit he made so far. Luckily it was exactly the amount he promised Barry to deliver by tomorrow afternoon. And given the fact that the night was still young... Relaxed Rafe leaned back, stuck the money in his chest pocket and looked at the ceiling. Ignoring the loud music and the chattering people around him, he slowly began to smile. All these teenagers and their cravings for drugs...were a fucking gold mine for him. He knew right away that he was the perfect fit for the job. Barry should be grateful to have him ! Hell ! His dad should be grateful to have such a genius son !! ...Not that this wish would ever come true... But... Who cares about such shit ..if they can literally swim in coke ?! Trying to sniff the unwanted pain and itchy feeling in his stomach away, Rafe  saw Kelce running towards him. “C-Code..”, he was out of breath “ Code Red, man ! They are about to do some shit..Hurry up !” “..These fucking Pogues !” This couldn’t end well. “Hurry up! They are coming !”,Pope sounded alarmed as he looked at the sign of Kelce and Rafe fighting their way through the crowd looking super pissed. Kie and Sarah grabbed as much of the food as possible while the guys took care of the alcohol. “ Let’s go !”, John B screamed with a big fat smile on his lips. “ Incoming package, fancy prigs~”, JJ laughed as they pushed their way out of the villa. The girls were running with full hands infront of JJ and Y/N. John B and Pope were already further away. Y/N wasn’t really used to this whole ‘run for your life with stolen goods in your hands..and if you get caught you’re dead’ situation. He was only here for vacations and a true city boy by heart... Which meant that Y/N was definitely not trained in mastering a chase in flip flops. The sand under his feet made it even harder to run. “J-J...I-I”, he could feel how his power slowly leaving him making him an ideal prey for the two really mad Kook’s right behind them. Biting his teeth JJ shock his head. “Not gonna happen ! Sharp right !”, Y/N felt JJ’s grip around his arm as he dragged him suddenly through a bush into a garden. Y/N was under so much stress that he didn’t even realized that he had just lost a shoe focusing only on succesfully escaping these Kooks. “Oh man..We lost them. Fuck we lost them !”,angry Kelce picked up the flip flop and threw it away. Rafe ran slowly his hand through his hair as the sun slowly went down. “I’m gonna kill them” “ Thank god, you made it !”, relieved Pope stood up from the porch. “Oh my god..”, Y/N whispered and sat down on the stairs. “You guys are crazy !” “ I know”, JJ responded happily and walked towards Pope. “...But don’t worry cousin ! Once we somehow improve your survival skills, you gonna be a great Pogue !” “ ..yippie ya yeah” After they spend the whole night eating, dancing and drinking Y/N was a mess. He could bearly lift his legs. Damn..what dancing, good food and alcohol free drinks could do for damage.. The other were still asleep when he decided to take a walk in his area to wake himself up. “ Chicken Nuggets” whispered someone as Y/N was about to go. Smiling he turned around. They definitely drank too much of the Tequila. “Crazy people..”, he couldn’t help but smile. Maybe he could visit his best girl Jo. Lucky for (Y/N) there weren’t many customers in the store which made it easier to get to the counter. “Hey Jo, What’s up ?”, he gifted her with his widest smile. “ Oh my ! Come here...arghh”, she was about to hug him when her back gave an unhealthy sound. “ Are you alright ?”, worried he looked at Joe. “Damn this old lady bones ! ..Am I really that old ?” “I mean...70 is-” “That was a rhetorical question !”, she grumbled as she suddenly went quiet. “Hey, you !” (Y/N) could feel someone standing behind him and just turned around relaxed. “Yea-” Oh shit. “You know where I can find (Y/N) Mayfield ?” ....dear lord,no.
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missskzbiased · 4 years
I Hate That I’m Afraid to Love You (12)
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt /Confort , Suggestive, Fluff, College Au, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Au, REALLY Slow burn, Love Square (?)
Pairing: Hyunjin X Fem!Reader  X Han X OC
WC: ~ 7,1K
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Notes: It’s on Hyunjin’s POV, so You is actually him here lol
A little bit earlier just because I want to. I think you guys will like this one because Hyunjin is kinda horny here. “kinda”. He’s horny. But anyway. Wish you a good read~
Warnings (general*): Language, Mentions of (Physical abuse, Death/ Loss of Loved One, Child Abandonment/Neglect, Divorce, Toxic Parents, Cancer, Mental disorder, Anxiety Attack, Alcohol, Food), Suggestiveness
Updates: Tuesdays
Tagging: @aliceu @thatrandomoneinthecorner  @channiewoo  @bythesunnotbythemoon
   Y/N was the clingy drunk.
   You would never imagine that Y/N would show up unannounced at your home around… Ten? Maybe 11 PM? But the scene you had on the other side of your eye door was clear: She was gloomy and devasted, head lowered and bag being held tight to her chest. You had opened the door knowing you would regret this. The regret you would have by letting her alone outside would be way worse, though, so you let her in.
   “Chan isn’t home” Was the first thing you said as you stepped aside. You expected an upset retort, maybe even a teasing one, but what you got in return was her head lifting, eyes locking with yours.
   She had been crying.
   You had plenty of experience with crying girls ─ not that it was something to brag about ─ but you never had a friend crying right in front of you. As a good friend and human, you stood there with your mouth agape, without a clue of what to do. She averted her eyes, embarrassed by your reaction, and muttered a “Can I come in?” so small that it could almost break your heart.
   What the fuck had happened?
   You gestured for her to come in, eagerly, watching as she dragged herself, kind of curled up as if she was trying to hide from the world. You had seen Y/N mad, happy, annoyed, embarrassed… You had never seen her broken like this. You decided not to ask much, and she made her way to your kitchen, picking up all the alcohol that had been left there from your “party” on Friday.
    If you knew any better, you would have stopped her sooner.
   Now was a little bit too late for that as she squeezed your thigh for the tenth time that night, body leaning to your side as she rested her head on your shoulder. She rambled about something you couldn’t make sense, complaining about how she couldn’t understand how everyone was so messed up around her.
   As far as you figured, she fought with someone.
  Maybe more people.
  It could also be about a baby or a small animal? Really, you weren’t following it anymore.
   “… And you were right!” She hiccupped. It could also be a laugh. Maybe a sob? You looked at her blankly, not expecting to understand anything by now, just too lost to keep trying to get what she was saying “Congrats!” She giggled, throwing her hands up.
   “Thanks” You answered anyway, patting her back. She chuckled again ─ slapping you lightly as if you had said a great joke ─ before she resumed crying, covering her eyes with her hands as her body jolted with her hiccups. You widened your eyes, startled at the roller coaster of emotions she was riding for the night, adjusting yourself so you could sit with your full body turned to her, cross-legged on the couch.
   She mumbled something confusing, and you held her shoulders firmly so she would look at you. She didn’t, so you shook her body gently, and this was enough to make her take her hands away from her eyes and look at you inquisitively.
   “That’s okay… Everything is going to be okay” You assured her, even though you didn’t know what the hell you were reassuring her about. She didn’t seem to buy your words (and you couldn’t really blame her for this), pouting to hold back her tears. Her lips quivered, brows knotting as her eyes glittered with her tearing up. Oh boy…
  “They hate me” She stated sorrowfully. The first statement you could understand. And it was enough to fuel you with new hope of being able to help her somehow. You tightened your grip on her shoulders, inviting her to look at your eyes, which she did, and you locked your gaze with hers with the most serious feature you could gather.
   “Of course they don’t” Who were they? It didn’t really matter. You maintained your gaze stern enough for her to believe your words, and finally, she sobbed, nodding in understanding. You let out a relieved sigh, letting go of her shoulders “It’s all good now, okay? Tomorrow morning we can talk to them and everything will be fine” You promised.
   She wouldn’t even remember what you said by tomorrow morning.
   “How did you know?” She asked sadly, looking into your eyes like a lost puppy. That was a great question because you didn’t have any idea of what you were supposed to know at this point. So you arched your brows, looking like a deer in headlights, stuttering to get your words out.
  “W-Well, wasn’t it obvious?” You offered, uncertain, and she seemed to buy it, sighing in disappointment. She nodded, shrugging right after, the pout never leaving her lips. You fought back the urge to sigh in relief, settling for exhaling slowly, afraid she would realize you didn’t know what was going on.
  She stared at you for a few seconds, blinking repeatedly, deadpanned.
  You just wished she was drunk enough to not realize your obliviousness.
  “Thank you…” She muttered, kneeling on the couch. You looked at her confused, the frown you had dissolved quickly into a startled ─more to desperate, really─ expression when she put her hands on your chest, close to your shoulders, supporting herself. You gulped down as she leaned closer, knee coming to the gap between your shin and your crotch, brushing slightly against your lower half.
   Not that you particularly noticed it.
   Because you didn’t. Really.
   “You’re a great friend” She giggled, hands sliding from your chest to entangle your neck, pulling you into a hug.
   You couldn’t point out what it was exactly.
   Maybe it was her arms involving your neck, fingers playing with your hair. Maybe it was the drowsy smile she threw your way, too soft to your heart. Maybe it was the way she rested her head on your shoulder, facing the crook of your neck. Maybe it was her hot breath fanning over your skin, making you shiver.
   Maybe it was her knee brushing against your dick.
   Yeah, it was definitely her knee brushing against your dick.
   But you felt something in the pit of your stomach.
   You swallowed dry, slowly leaning back in a vain attempt to get some space but she just came along with you, resting her body on top of yours as you trapped yourself under her weight. Well, of course, lay back couldn’t be a good idea for the moment. She tightened her grip around your neck, adjusting herself on your lap to be more comfortable.
   The issue was that her being comfortable meant her legs on each side of your body.
   Her legs on each side of your body meant she was straddling you.
   Oh, dear God, if you really exist—
   You couldn’t even finish your thought as she moved her head, lips too close to your earlobe. You inhaled sharply, holding your breath and shutting your eyes as you clenched your jaw. She hummed, satisfied at her positioning, exhaling a hot breath right over your ear. You could feel her warmth emanating, consuming your body in each inch of skin in contact.
   “Hm… Y/N?” You risked in a string of voice, opening your eyes slowly to fix them on the ceiling. She hummed against your neck and her breath was starting to get to your head. You wouldn’t say which one “What about we go sleep, hm? Sounds nice?” You offered as if you were talking to a child. She whined, displeased by your suggestion. Apparently, she was way too comfortable on your lap.
   You swallowed dry again, closing your eyes slowly as you felt her changing her position once again. Why, Lord, couldn’t she find a damn good position and stop grinding against your dick? That was a poor choice of thoughts. As soon as you let your mind wander down there, you held back a whine, throwing your head back to pray for mercy as you got more conscious about what was happening to your body by the second.
    It was impossible not to feel the blood rushing down, hardening your dick against your will. At the same time, the blood seemed to rush up, making you all flustered, even if she was too drunk to notice it now. She didn’t seem to mind your bulge ─she probably wasn’t even paying attention to it─, and some sick part of your mind wished for a split of a second that she could just sober up out of nowhere and mind it.
    Maybe mind it enough to the point of helping you out.
    Nop! You didn’t just think this.
    Okay, Okay Okay.
    Cool, Cool, Cool.
    You definitely shouldn’t be thinking like this! You should be gathering all your strength and willpower to push her away from you. That was what you were supposed to be doing right now. But what if she started crying again? Or maybe even worse! What if she just decided to do something else? Like keep moving nonstop… She was clingy as fuck right now.
   Another poor choice of thoughts.
  You definitely didn’t let your mind wander around the mere mention of the word fuck. Not at all. Especially because she’s your friend now. Do you remember this? Friends? Like just friends? You were sure the word friend stood up for that one you’re not allowed to fuck. In Latin. Or whatever. Whichever language stated this, it was right. That was the exact reason why you were in peace right now. The non fucking friend peaceful state. Totally fine and unfuckable. Like friends.
   Perfectly unaware of grinding bodies and their effects on your lower half.
   Please, God, let me out of here.
   As if on cue, you heard the door being unlocked. You threw your head back to watch it, ready to beg Chan for his help. She didn’t move an inch, staying attached to you like a koala. Chan opened the door, locking it behind him before turning around to really look at the couch. He flinched, staring blankly at you before amusement filled his eyes by the second.
   “Please help me out” You pleaded, making the best puppy eyes you could handle to do. He made his way to the TV, standing in front of there before looking for something in his pockets. When you saw his phone in his hands, you let out a whine, glaring at him as you silently asked for mercy.
   “There’s no way I’ll let this chance slide” He shrugged you off, and you just knew he had taken those photos. Great. Would you ever live it down? Chan’s voice seemed to awaken something inside Y/N’s head, so she adjusted herself once more, lifting her torso a little bit to look at her friend with a drowsy smile.
    The slow movement demanded some weight shifting, and, of course, she shifted it all to your lap. You groaned, hand going to rub your face, refusing to look at Chan right now. She laid down again on your chest, giving up on being friendly and settling for being sleepy. Lord, couldn’t she just decide what she was going to do?
   “You don’t seem too bothered by it” Chan teased, a smirk on his face and an arched eyebrow made it clear he didn’t intend to help you out right now “I would even risk saying that you’re enjoying quite a bit” He added, and it was impossible to bear his smugness.
   “Look, I have a hot chick up on me right now… Can you really blame me? Also, she’s your friend! You should be concerned and helping her out, okay? I’m your friend too! You could give me a hand!” You complained, and you knew you screwed up when his smirk morphed into a grin.
  “Oh? A hot chick?” He teased, and you closed your eyes in regret.
  “I mean a chick” You corrected but it was too late.
  “Yeah, but a hot one” His voice dripped with a knowing tone that made you open your eyes again, looking at him in defeat.
  “No, just a chick… Listen, can’t you give me a hand?” You cried, looking expectantly at him. Chan seemed to wonder, hand going to cup his chin as if he was in deep thought, eyes narrowing before fixing on you in a silent mockery.
   “Sorry, I don’t really like boys” He apologized obnoxiously. You could punch his face right now. Was this the guy you wanted to keep being friends with and fought over with Y/N for? Great deal! “So I can’t really give you a hand… You’ll have to deal with it for yourself” He sighed in mock guilty, making your blood boil. You clicked your tongue before grimacing at him, hands trailing to Y/N’s hips, getting his attention, sharp eyes fixing on your hands like a hawk.
    “You know what? I may have to get off…” You agreed, voice dripping with venom as you approached your lips to Y/N’s ears “Wouldn’t you give a helping hand to your friend?” You whispered in a tantalizing tone, loud enough for Chan to hear and finally snap at the situation.
    Y/N nodded ─ oblivious to your fake intentions, and smiling cutely at you, ready to help you out with whatever you needed ─, and you felt almost guilty to play with Chan like this as he strode your way upset. You held back your laughter, watching as he took her away from your lap, helping her to balance herself and guiding her arm around his neck as he tried to get her to his room in a stumbling mess. You sighed in relief as you realized that she wasn’t in your lap anymore and you survived this awkward moment, sitting on the couch and fixing your lost gaze straight ahead, pondering.
    You weren’t naïve.
   Y/N never had caught your attention as a woman… She was just that annoying friend your best friend had. She was like that constant presence in your life reminding you that you couldn’t get the spot you really wanted, and you put effort into being the same for her. For years. Those years seemed to culminate in a battle-worthy tension between the both of you that was slowly melting through these last weeks, and yet you felt stiff around her.
   And you didn’t mean stiff like you were now.
   It was almost like there was an invisible force preventing you to get closer to her, keeping both of you apart even though you had been trying to be friendlier lately. Sometimes you felt like you had to knock to get in, and sometimes you felt like she was already opening the door for you. There was a constant feeling of not knowing if you were too much or enough, sometimes if you were even needed.
    You never felt like this with another woman.
    It wasn’t like you were in love with her or something like this! It was just that if you intended to have Chan being part of your life, you had to allow her in. She had to allow you in. And as much you were allowed inside a lot of women throughout your life, this was a totally different matter. You were always the desirable one… Women wanted you, craved for you. It was as simple as that. They came for you and you came for them ─ quite literally, to be honest ─, and then you never exchanged more than a few words with them later on.
    It was easy.
    Your relationship with Y/N wasn’t easy…
    You were growing fond of her (You really were!), but you felt always on edge as if anything you did could put everything at risk. You wanted her to like you… Maybe ask you for lunch instead of simply parting ways when she involved you in her stratagem… Or maybe actually wanting to lie down on the grass and spend some time with you while watching dramas… Or maybe just letting you pay for stuff, just like Chan did.
    You wanted to be her friend.
    You craved for being accepted into their bubble, and yet you still felt… Off. Like you didn’t belong with them. You knew you were being ridiculous, and Chan said that to you thousands of times, but what could you do? That was how you felt. Anxious. Tensed up. Stressed out. And all that tension, all those pin-up emotions gurgled out of you like… Like you were a teenage boy with a girl sitting on your lap for the first time in your whole life.
    You were frustrated.
    You could see she was a woman! Of course, you could! You weren’t blind, right? The issue was that you only knew a single way of ultimate bonding with female beings… Sex. You groaned as you felt your friend twitching inside your pants, throwing your head back on the couch as you stared at the ceiling once more. What would be better for bonding than sex? Nothing that you were aware of until now…
    Your train of thoughts was interrupted by a loud grunt from Chan, and a dull thud reached your ears, prompting you to get up and go to his room; peeking over the doorframe to find Chan sprawled over her. You chuckled, crossing your arms as you leaned on the doorframe, shooting him a teasing look before he glared at you, trying to brace himself but being held tight by her to the point he couldn’t move. Y/N had her hands around his neck and legs around his hips ─ looking pretty much like a koala ─, eyes closed and mouth agape as she began to make her way into Morpheus's arms.
   “She’s pretty drunk” You pointed out, and Chan gave you a mocking surprised grimace, groaning as he tried to get away from her arms but failing as she only wrapped him tighter as he moved “It looks like someone is enjoying themselves” You smirked, and Chan rested his forehead on the pillow, chin brushing Y/N’s shoulder, before sighing and lifting his head to shoot you a pointed look.
    “At least I don’t get a boner!” He sneered, trying to at least roll to his side “Good Lord…” He cried, muffled by his pillow once again as he buried his face in distress, unable to roll “Why did you let her drink that much? I just wanted to have a good night…” He whined, face still hidden from you.
    “She had a fight with someone, I guess” You explained “She just kept drinking and rambling… To be honest with you, I didn’t get anything she said” You admitted, chuckling as he lifted his head once more, turning his face to you with a pout “Try to talk to her tomorrow morning… Maybe evening? She’ll wake up with the worst hangover she will ever have” You grimaced, watching as she snored, already peacefully sleeping.
     “Thank you” Chan mumbled, and you arched your brows in surprise, tilting your head in confusion “It means a lot to me… Seeing both of you getting along, you know? Also, you let her in and listened to her…” He frowned as if he was thinking twice about his statement “Well… Even if you didn’t really pay attention” He laughed “It still means a lot to me that you tried to take care of her when I wasn’t around” He cleared his throat, uncomfortable.
    “What are friends even for?” You gave him a small smile.
    “Certainly not to get a boner for” He answered with a smirk, and you rolled your eyes, groaning “We will totally talk about it in the future” He chuckled, eyes glinting in amusement “I won’t let you live it down, I swear to God!” You turned off the lights, sighing as you reached for the doorknob in an attempt to end this conversation “Hyunjin” He called, his tone suddenly firm.
   “Hm?” The door creaked as you opened it a little, allowing the light to softly illuminate his features, revealing a deadly serious mien.
   “I don’t think I even need to say that… But don’t you dare touch her as you do with other women” He warned dryly “I’m being playful about this because I know you didn’t mean anything by it... But if you play around with her for even a second–“
   “I can’t even think about fucking her” You lied, chuckling “She’s all yours, buddy… I just want to be friends” At least, this you meant for real “I didn’t have much time to release my frustrations with all those assignments, and exams coming up” You shrugged “I’m just a little bit hornier than the usual” You laughed, trying to reassure him.
   “Just keep it inside your pants” He said kinda jokingly but you could still hear the silent threat under his tone “She deserves someone who loves her… And unless you have something new to say to me…” You snorted, shaking your head to deny the suggestion.
   “No, I don’t” You assured him, observing how he tried to roll to her side once more, finally succeeding and letting out a relieved sigh, “Now let me sleep, will ya? I’ve already been kept up long enough by your protégé” You joked, closing the door as he adjusted her to his side, trying to get a better position to sleep.
   “Goodnight” You heard him muttering when you closed the door.
   “Goodnight” You answered, even if you weren’t sure it was meant for you.
   You woke up with morning wood.
   You groaned, pressing your palms against your eyes as you felt the shame wash over you ─ crushing you against the mattress and making you sink in your bed, devasted ─ before your rested your hands on your chest and fixed your gaze on the ceiling. You bit your lip, glancing at your groin as you wondered if it would be that bad to take care of it… You weren’t doing anything wrong, right? It was perfectly normal to get hard to the thought of… Of what? You couldn’t even remember what you had just dreamed.
    You slid your hand down your body cautiously, closing your eyes as soon as you felt your palm against yourself, gasping. You had to contact some of your hookups someday, it wasn’t going to do you any good to keep thirsty like this. You pinched the waistband of your boxers, ready to slip your hand in and get rid of your problem before the door opened with a creak. You jolted your body up, hand snapping back to the mattress as you swiveled your head to confront the intruder, meeting Y/N’s gaze as soon as you turned around.
    “Oh! Morning” You blurted out, startled. She came into your room without your permission, closing the door behind her and locking it, turning around to look at you with coy eyes before biting her lips. You gulped down, scanning her from head to toes “What do you want?” You asked warily, licking your lips as she made her way to your bed.
    “You” She muttered under her breath, leaning in your way “And I think you want me too” She whispered, palming you above your pants, enticing a groan from you. The moment was insanely bewildering, and you could only gasp as she slowly passed one of her legs to the other side of your body, lowering her body to sit right on your groin. You shot your hands to her hips, holding her down so she couldn’t move, feeling your throat go dry as you looked into her lustful eyes.
    Holy fucking shit.
    “Look, I promised Chan I wouldn’t lay a hand on you…” You tried to reason but your thumbs rubbed circles on her hips unconsciously, and you had to use every single fiber on your body to not just squeeze that flesh and throw your friendship out of the window. She chuckled ─ something closer to a low purr than actual laughter ─, fingers going to your lips to shush you on a sexy motion that could have made you lose your mind with any other girl.
    But not with her.
    You couldn’t lose your mind with her.
    “So don’t use your hands” She whispered against your ear, hot breath sending a shiver down your body “I’ll do all the work for you…” She nibbled your earlobe as she placed her hands over yours, guiding you to squeeze her hips before locking her fingers with yours, pulling your hands above your head to pin your down “… Hyunjin” Her voice sounded like dripping honey, warm and full of sweet promises that you were more than up to take.
    “We can’t be loud” You gave in and she smirked against your jaw, placing an open-mouth kiss there and tracing a path to the crook of your neck “H-He can’t know…” You added, voice trembling when she lowered her kisses to your collarbone, biting on your skin at the same time she rolled her hips, making you grunt.
     It was like your moan was cloistered inside your chest, ready to be all let out now that you had her above you. She chuckled against your skin, adjusting her hold on your wrists to tease you with her other hand ─ her nails on a featherlike brushing down on your body ─, enticing one more groan from the depths of your chest.
     “I’m not the one moaning like a bitch in heat, am I?” She asked amusedly.
     Yeah, she really wasn’t.
      You know what? Fuck it.
     “I think we should change that” You suggested in an alluring tone before yanking your hands away from hers to hold her waist and invert your positions. You hovered over her like a predator to his prey, letting the sexual tension between both of you build-up to the point it was hard to breathe. You leaned closer to her, taking your time to tease her, getting off on how she withheld her breath, expecting your next motion “Be as loud as you want… I’m about to fuck your brains out of you” You smirked against her ear, letting your breath spread there just enough to make her shiver before sucking on her neck to get the most lustful moan you have ever heard.
    Good girl.
    Your phone blasted your ringtone for dear life.
    You jolted your body up as you shot your eyes open, looking around the place to make sense of what was happening. There was no one to be seen under you, or above you, or anywhere else for that matter. Holy fucking crap… You had a wet dream. You brought both of your hands to your face like you were about to pray for some forgiveness, but you just inhaled deeply, utterly in shock at what had just happened.
    And your phone had no respect for your embarrassing moment.
    You reached for your phone like it was your worst enemy, taking the call without even looking at whoever was calling you on a Saturday morning. You pressed the button and slid it to the side, bringing the phone to your ear, spitting an upset “Hello”, and prepared to send this person to the ends of hell if it wasn’t the most fucking important thing in the whole world.
    You shouldn’t be so enraged by this situation, and some part of you felt ashamed for your reaction. Were you upset because someone was calling you early in the morning? Or were you upset because this call interrupted your dream? You cleared your throat, dropping the thought as soon as it flickered in the back of your mind.
    “—Hello? Hyunjin? Are you there?” Paris’s voice sounded through the line in a worried tone “Hey? Hyunjin? Did he hang up on me?” She mumbled, confused, and you took the moment to clear your throat once more.
    “Hey! Yeah, Hyunjin speaking” You sighed “Why are you calling me this early?” You whined, and she scoffed on the other side.
   “It’s noon” She pointed out in a judgmental voice “Also, is Y/N with you guys? Did she sleep there?” You could tell the expectation under her voice was a mix of frustration, fear, and hope, and as soon as you hummed to confirm it, she let out a relieved sigh “Oh! Good!” You waited for a second but she kept silent on the other side, just her breathing assuring you that she was still there. You pursed your lips, unsure if you should just end your call, before her breath halted, catching your attention.
    Paris was acting strangely.
    “Why didn’t you call her?” You asked suspiciously and she withheld her breath as if you had just caught her red-handed “You guys fought, didn’t you?” She hummed, clearly embarrassed, so you let out a tired huff “Do you want me to put her on the phone?” You asked tiredly, and she gasped on the other side.
    “Would you do this for me?!” She beamed, making you chuckle.
    “You can build me an altar or something” You joked, getting up from your bed to head to Chan’s room “I’ll warn you that she drank like a son of a bitch yesterday… She’s having a hangover for sure” You stated, knocking on Chan’s door and waiting for him to answer you “Hold on” You asked, covering your phone.
   “Come in!” He shouted before you could call him, and you opened the door to meet a shirtless Chan closing the bathroom’s door behind him, holding a towel around his waist before fixing it. He shot you a curious look, ruffling his hair with another towel and making water droplets splash everywhere, unbothered. You roamed your eyes around the room, looking for Y/N but finding only an empty bed with messy sheets “What is it?” He asked bluntly, arched brow questioning you.
  “I’m looking for Y/N, Paris wants to talk to her” You explained, showing your phone to him as if he could read it from the other side of his room “She’s not here?” The answer to it was clear ─ unless she suddenly went invisible ─, but Chan didn’t seem to mind it. He gestured mindlessly to his side, pointing with his thumb to the bathroom before hanging his towel around his neck and looking for some clothes in his closet.
    “She’s taking a bath” He answered distracted, studying his collection of exactly the same black blouses “Maybe ask her to call later… Y/N didn’t wake up on the right foot today, to be honest” He mused, picking up one of his shirts and putting it back without a second thought “She didn’t even let me take care of her” He added, finally settling with a black shirt that had no difference to the last one he had pulled, smiling satisfied at it.
    “Hey, she’s in the bath” You said monotonously to Paris “Yeah, maybe call her later?” You suggested, nodding as she thanked you, saying goodbye to finish your call. You lowered your hand, holding your phone next to your waist as you stared at Chan, who seemed to notice your awkward behavior, choosing to ignore it to search for black sweatpants to combine with his black shirt.
  “What? Do you want me to strip for you or something?” He laughed, tossing his clothes on his bed as he headed to the drawer to search for some underwear “If you’re curious about them, I don’t know anything either” He shrugged, picking up his underwear and turning around to face you “She slept like a baby last night and we didn’t talk much this morning” He chuckled, staring the bed with an amused look.
    You could tell.
    “Look at this… She’s like a wild animal” He pointed to the sheets, chuckling, and you grimaced. Too much information, buddy. You hummed, nodding to acknowledge his statement but keeping silent, shrugging and turning around to get out of his room. You hesitated for a moment, turning around once again before coughing to get his attention.
    “Try to talk to her when she comes out… I think she would listen to you better than she would to me” You suggested, biting your lips “I mean, it must have been pretty serious… She cried a lot last night, and Paris didn’t even know she was here” He tilted his head at your statement, seeming to ponder something.
    “I have known her for a long time…  I don’t think anything I can tell her now will make her call Paris if they fought that badly” He admitted, crossing his arms over his chest “I can certainly try, though” He added quickly, heading to his bed to fix the sheets “I’ll talk to her later… Let her have her moment, for now, I don’t think she’s feeling well enough yet” He concluded, sitting on his bed to look at you.
    “Yeah, of course…” You nodded, motioning to get out of his bedroom “Do you want some coffee? I think I’ll make some for me” You offered, and he frowned at you in confusion, tilting his head to the side.
    “You don’t drink coffee” He stated matter-of-factly, arching his brow.
    “Of course I do!” You scoffed, sounding fake even to your ears, and averting your gaze from him.
     “No, you don’t… I live with you for ages, Hyunjin, I am the only one who drinks it in this house” He inhaled sharply in sudden realization, letting a smirk slowly spread through his features “Actually… I may know one more person who likes to drink it” You didn’t need to look at Chan’s face to see that he was mocking you silently with that I-See-You-I-Know-You look, brows arched and eyes glinting in amusement.
     “I’m just trying to cheer her up a little bit” You muttered grudgingly “Isn’t it what friends do?” You returned your gaze to him, and he smiled sincerely at you, nodding as his eyes softened, his playfulness dissolving into gratitude.
     “Yes, it is” He agreed “Thank you for taking care of her… I’m glad you guys are getting along well" He admitted, glancing at his clothes before looking at you “Though I think you’re being too attentive since yesterday” His smile turned into a teasing grin “Be careful to not fall in love, horny boy” He mocked, and you groaned in embarrassment.
     “Let it go” You pleaded, rolling your eyes in faux exasperation.
    “Make me some coffee and I’ll think about it” He retorted, making you chuckle and nod as you closed his door with a jokingly ‘Yes, sir!’, making your way to the kitchen. You took a pan to fill it with water, leaning on the sink to watch the water flowing from the tap; the typical sound it made as it hit the surface making you uncomfortable. You grimaced, closing the tap and letting it rest on the oven, setting it to boil the water as you made your way to the bathroom.
    You opened the door mindlessly ─ too lazy to go to your room and settling to go to the corridor’s bathroom ─, giving one step ahead before gasping and letting go of the doorknob in shock. You felt your airways block as you met the very too same thighs that held you in place earlier in your dreams, eyes wavering upward to her face and trying to ignore the amount of exposed skin that made you bit your lips. Y/N snapped her head at you, hands tugging down the shirt she was just finishing o put on, an attempt to hide her body from your eyes.
    What the hell was she doing here?!
    You closed the door with a slam, feeling your heart race inside your chest as you leaned on the closed door, hands going to check your heartbeat as your mouth fell agape. Wasn’t she in Chan’s bathroom?! What the hell was she doing there?! Holy fucking shit… It was just a female body, for lord’s sake! Nothing new under the sun. Yet, it was just a female body that you dreamt about... One that you were willingly going to fuck on your mind not too long ago.
    The scene played on your mind once more.
   Thighs that you would like spread apart with your own hands… A belly that you would kiss every inch until you reached for the very spot between her legs that for a split of a second made you gulp down, not so dryly as you thought about it… A neck that seemed like the perfect place to leave your marks… A face that you never thought you would like to corrupt… And eyes…
    You frowned.
    Eyes red and swollen that belonged to someone who has been crying.
    “Y/N?” You hesitantly knocked on the door, resting your head on the surface as you waited for her answer that never came “Are you okay?” You asked softly, paying close attention to any noise that she could make.
     “Y-Yeah…” She answered after a while, and you were sure she sniffed, probably wiping her tears away as she spoke up, a choked voice that didn’t let you any doubts “I’m fine” She added more firmly now, and you sighed.
     “Can I come in?” You asked, uncertain of what you were doing, and she remained silent for a while.
    “N-No” She finally answered, a weak string of voice that made your heart pang.
    “Are you dressed up?” You turned around to rest your forehead on the door, waiting for her answer with your hand on the doorknob.
  “Yeah…” She sighed in defeat, and you didn’t wait to open the door, walking in her direction.
  She hugged herself as if her arms could pull her together, head slightly tilted down as she raised her gaze to watch you making your way to her. She looked broken ─ red eyes and bloated face showing that she had been crying for a while ─, trembling like a deer caught in headlights and hunching her back in a way that made her look small, probably just as much as she felt right now. You approached her, embracing her body silently to give her a reassuring hug, feeling how she tensed up under your hold.
    “Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, and her hands moved to your waist hesitantly “I know we’re not really friends, and you probably prefer to talk to Chan…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling like an intruder as she held the sides of your shirt. You felt all the blood running out from your brain, afraid she would just push you away on the spot, but she didn’t. She held your shirt tightly ─ face contorting for a split of a second when she did ─ but she didn’t pull you closer, staying like this into your hold.
    “What are you talking about? We’re kinda friends… Aren’t we?” She asked unsurely, refusing to look at you. She rested her forehead on your chest, and you inhaled sharply as she did, startled by her question.
    “I mean… Yeah? I think… Yeah, we kinda are” You agreed, floundering with your words. She relaxed into your arms, hands sliding to tangle around your waist, pulling you closer to her into a vulnerable hug that dissolved both of your tension. You tightened your grip around her, resting your chin on the top of her head before stroking her hair gently “Paris called… She wants to talk to you” You offered, unsure if it was a good call.
     “She did?” Her tone was surprised, and she lifted her head to look into your eyes, head-butting you in the process. You closed one of your eyes, in pain, scrunching your nose as you looked at her “Sorry!” She blurted, hand shooting to your chin to study the damage she could have caused. You opened your eye, watching as she tilted your head to each side to take a better look at your face, admiring her worried features for a bit too long before clearing your throat.
    “I’m okay” You muttered, gently holding her wrist to take her hand away from you, noticing how she winced in pain. You frowned, taking a look at her hand to spot a swollen and dark bruise that extended over the side of her palm, starting from the base of her little finger and down to her wrist. You returned your gaze to her eyes, worry plastered over your face, and she averted them from yours in embarrassment before you took her hand in yours, caressing it carefully “What happened?” You asked as she squirmed under your touch, face twisting once again.
  “It’s nothing serious… I—“ You rolled your eyes, guiding her to sit on the toilet and leaving her for a second to take some ice pack on the fridge. When you returned, she eyed you curiously, making a surprised face as you took her hand once again to place the pack on her bruise, instructing her to hold it in place “It’s okay! You don’t have to worry, it’s just –“ You ignored her once again, opening the bathroom cabinet to look for some bandages.
      “I’m not really good at this” You lied, taking the elastic bandage and looking at her flabbergasted features “What? Can’t I treat your wounds? I may not be a doctor-to-be like Chan but I can ice pack your bruises, okay?” You muttered grudgingly as you sat down on the floor, facing her with a subtle pout that you hoped she didn’t notice “And yes, she did call you” You changed the subject, propping your elbow on your knee and resting your cheek on your palm “You guys are going to be okay… There is nothing that could pull you apart” You promised, and she averted her eyes from you, ashamed.
  “I was an ass to her” She sighed, and you tilted your head to take a better look at her eyes, prompting her to look away from you.  
    “Then apologize” You stated, nudging her with your foot so she would return her gaze at you, making her huff before looking at you.
    “She was an ass to me” She lowered her gaze before fixing her eyes on yours, a wary expression over her face.
    “To the point that you’d never want to talk to her again? Was it enough for you to give up on her?” You asked sincerely, and she shot her brows up, shaking her head vehemently.
    “No! Of course not” She said eagerly, and you chuckled, leaning forward to pat her knee.
    “Then forgive her” You offered her a small smile.      
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earendilslight · 3 years
Soooo, I've been simping Thresh since 2014 and now I finally can be open about my love for him because of the cinematic, and since I'm about to apply for the C1 Cambridge certification and I'm in desperate need to practice my writing, it's a perfect time to write fanfics with Thresh 💖
It's just a very little text, maybe, if it gets enough love I'll turn it into an actual fanfiction. But in the mean time, enjoy!
Also, if you happen to notice any mistake let me know!
He came out of the shadows, where the dim light could reveal his features. It was a tall man, with long dark hair, dressed all in black, from the elegantly fixed necktie to the long-leathered trench coat that covered him down to the knees, a common attire used by the upper classes in Noxus. His face was slim, almost as the shape of the tip of a spear, with sharp cheekbones and a mouth that looked incredibly flexible as he smiled pettily at me. But it was not his smile that shocked me, no, it was his eyes. Eyes that shone like green, supernatural flames, like something evil lingered behind his mortal appearance.
The gaze of the monster in my nightmares. It was the same eyes that had terrified me for as long as I could remember, and now they were there, in the form of a devilman who smiled at me with cruel intentions. I suppressed a gasp, with trembling fingers, grasping at my robe while taking a step back.
I was petrified. How was I supposed to know this was the creature I pretended to make a deal with? I wonder If I would've been so bold to come here if I had known.
"Having second thoughts, miss?" he asked. His voice was deep, dark. The whisper of a phantom "You are indeed right to be frightened. Your soul would be in constant agony, roaming forever inside the lantern. Your friend made a choice, a very foolish one, I must say, and now he must pay the price of his own naive decisions. There is no point in wasting your life as a prisoner nor I'd like to carry a soul like yours."
"A soul like mine?" I said, trying to sound confident, but I could barely utter any words without stuttering.
"Do you wish to spend eternity in the lantern?" he asked, ignoring my question.
"No!" I replied almost immediately, without hesitation. The man looked pleased, even though there was barely a change in his expression.
"Then leave this place at once." He turned around,walking back to the inside of the house.
I realized how much of a mistake I'd made almost too late. I had been so scared that I was about to bail my plan and abandon Charles to his fate. I would never see him again, it didn't matter what choice I made. The only difference would be that, if I could convince that man to take me instead of him, Charles could be free and we could actually find a way to release myself and every other soul trapped in there. He, from outside, while I researched closely to the monster. And even so, I was shaking. Until that point, I hadn't considered the whole implications of being at the services of this devil, and the possibility of dying or, in the worst case scenario, spending the entire eternity in agony, was terrifying. But, hadn't Charles made sacrifices for me too? He was the only family I had left. The thought of my little brother suffering forever was unbearable, wasn't I supposed to be the one to protect him?
I couldn't abandon him like this...
"Wait!" I cried, so hard that it echoed across the entire yard and inside the manor. The man stopped at the door, turning slowly, first his head, then his whole body, now barely a silhouette in the dim light, staring at me without moving a muscle. I had my hand extended towards him, like trying to reach for his own, and I realized he was observing my gesture.
"Maybe... I could be of use outside the lantern..." I muttered, not even sure of what I was saying. He chuckled, almost amused with my comment. It was a muffled sound, not even a laugh.
"How come?" He asked with curiosity. Now I had his attention. It might have been a ridiculous thought, but I was starting to believe it could work.
"You're new to Noxus, sire" I said, straightening my back with an almost futile intention to appear confident. "People here talk a lot. In fact, most of them are already wondering who this mysterious visitor is. Where did he come from? What does he want? Noxus it's not a place who treats kindly it’s visitors, especially those who appear out of thin air and might be dangerous"
"Oh, I assure you, miss, I do not fret a bunch of drunken peasants who might try to trespass. Believe me, they are right to consider me a treat".
"I also consider you someone with a plan" I replied rapidly, getting to keep his eyes on me, and now, he seemed kind of... surprised "You don't strike me as a man who just wanders around this city in search for souls to torture. I believe you are here for a reason..."
He turned completely around, with an annoyed expression in his sharp face. As if I were a ridiculous fly trying to explain to a deadly spider how to seam its web.
"Your reasons are unknown to me" I continued "but I do know that once the people of Noxus begin to suspect you, Gods forbid, those who roam in the shadows, you would be the target of much more dangerous creatures than just drunken peasants."
It was true, actually. Unfortunately, Noxus was a city where you could disappear while walking back home just for people to find your dead body around the market the next morning and no one would bat an eye for you. Not to mention the multiple cults that made human sacrifices to the forgotten deities, besides robbers, assassins, rapists, the spirits that still roamed the streets late at night. Not to mention people had seen members of the Black Rose being more active than before. If this man was careless enough, some of them would notice, sooner or later, that there wasn’t something right with him.
"And what does this have anything to do with the liberation of your dearest brother from the lantern? And with you not taking his place inside of it?"
"I can be of good use outside the lantern, like I said"
Oh, dear God, what was I doing?
"If you let him go, I will be at your service, sire. You can keep me alive, not... dead and I can do anything that implies going outside the manor. People would suspect much less if they see actual movement in the mansion. It's not weird for a lord to have people at his services, even if it's just one harmless housekeeper..."
He seemed… intrigued by my proposal. I could tell he was analyzing every word that came out of my mouth, trying to find a deeper meaning or maybe ulterior motives behind my desires. Keen eyes watching my every move and reaction, almost as piercing through the flesh, into the darkest parts of my soul.
"Imagine I agree to your proposition” he speculated “What makes you think I would just let you go outside as you please?" he started walking towards me. There was this dreadful air around him that made my skin crawl. Like my heart was sinking down my throat and my blood froze little by little in my veins, with every step he took down in my direction.
The glowing, flame-like eyes coming closer, slowly, like the inevitable march of time and death, until the man stood there, five meters away from me, and I could smell the scent of his clothing, carried by the wind. Incense and the sea. Not the dry wood and dust of the hills of Noxus, but a fragrance I almost had forgotten, the one I smelled when I was a child, in a ship...
"I'm pretty sure you have ways to keep me bound to this place" I said, without escaping his glaring and hiding under my robe my shaking hands, while he studied me like a specimen he was about to dissect. "I do not doubt you could trap my brother again, and me, if I betray you. Or to even kill me, if it comes that way"
Maybe he was amused by my daring, maybe he was surprised at how much of a imbecile I was. Either way, he didn't utter a sound. The wind started to blow, much more cold than before, a voice that sang between the trees and the grass, moving the branches of the cypresses and the oaks as if they were to start dancing with the breeze, dragging with it heavy, grey-colored clouds announcing the impending storm.
“Do you wish so much to become a prisoner?” the man asked once more. The surrounding darkness of the clouds made his eyes brighter, like wildfire in the middle of the sea, blurred by the mist of the bay. “To never set a food without being watched? To know the true depths of the despair that brings with it the lack of freedom?”
I smiled, softly. Even when his face showed no change, I could tell he was, at least, studious to my reactions. I believe he was expecting me to be frightened by this, or to a certain degree intensely disturbed. For better or worse, life hadn’t treated me kindly. Since I was ten years old I had been at the service of people who considered me little more than trash and a burden, the next master worse than the last. Ironical, isn’t it? Seemed life had prepared me to serve a monster.
“Sire, I have served my whole life as a prisoner. From one Master to another, I’ve been tied to Bilgewaters my entire life” I admitted, looking directly into his cold gaze and when thunder started to strike, his eyes weren’t dulled by their light. “I do not fret to serve one more time, even if it’s forever…”
There was something that changed in his air. I cannot point out what it was, but his semblance was different, as if the winds of the storm had finally made him feel cold, even though I doubt something like him would be able to feel coldness. His previous smile had disappeared, and his mouth was now a grimace, a straight line, which made the jailer look much more severe than he already was.
“What is your name, miss?” the man asked, with a muttered, calm voice, with both hands behind his back.
“Senara Raion, sire” I responded, trembling not only because that man made me feel paralyzed, but because a very thin but chilling rain had started to fall above us.
He stared at me, thoughtful, almost as if he were expecting a reaction on my behalf.
“Miss Senara, tell me…” Suddenly, he extended his hand towards me, with no alteration to his face. “Do we have a deal?”
I looked at his face, the diabolic eyes, his gloved hand. There was no turning back…
“We do, sire.”
Had I known the future consequences of my choice… I would’ve never set foot on that hill...
Hope you liked it!
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You targeted my heart...
For the beloved @empress-writes​
Hope you will enjoy the story!
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"Q, get me out of here!"
**"This is what I am currently doing, 007!"**
Running down the building, James Bond dodged bullets as he tried to find the exit.
Seriously, he thought this mission in Uzbekistan would be a simple one: all he had to do was to find a file about a Dutch press magnate, retrieve it, and bring it back to England. In short, a piece of cake.
But concretely, nothing went as planned, and he gets caught by two Russian agents who were also after this file.
Once he was outside the building, James ran into the streets, trying to leave his pursuers behind. As he passed near an alley, a hand grabbed him by the collar.
"Come here, you idiot!"
Pinned against a wall, James looked at the main street as his pursuers passed close without noticing him.
Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice saying:
"My, my... Everywhere I go, there is always trouble. And when there is trouble, it means that you're in the area, dear James!"
The British spy turned his head and nearly choked when he recognized his savior:
"Herself, Mister Bond!" smirked the woman.
007 growled:
"I should have known that you will be here, too!"
"Is that how you thank me? How ungrateful! What happens to the good manners that make British men's reputation?"
James rolled his eyes at the ironic remark: nothing from (Y/N) (L/N) could surprise him anymore. 
Indeed, the American spy was the only person on Earth that could cross swords with the best English spy without a scratch. 
Both played cat and mouse since their first meeting in Paris. 
A game that they would never grow tired to play, even if it implies getting on each other's nerves.
"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?"
"Guess what?"
James sighed.
"You're here for the same reasons, I suppose?"
"Bang on, Mister Bond! And judging by your attempt to beat Usain Bolt's record, I assume that you have found this file?"
"How could you be so sure?"
"Let's just say that I've learned my lesson from Tokyo..."
The blonde man grinned.
"I hope you're still not mad at me..."
The woman has a disdainful air.
"Who do you take me for, uh? A little girl?"
"No, for a very resentful woman."
She shrugged.
"Anyway! I have no time to lose with you: I have unfinished business waiting for me..."
"I thought I was the unfinished business..."
She grinned.
"You wish you were, Mister Bond."
(Y/N) turned around and walked away.
"Have a safe journey home, 007!"
Her attitude puzzled James: usually, she would have fought for taking the file. Now, she did not even mention the coveted object. Something was wrong...
Tired, James decided to go back to England and took the first plane for London. 
Once he sat on his seat, he discreetly opened the file behind a newspaper. The British spy was shocked to discover that the file was empty.
Well, almost empty, as he noticed a small note.
"To win a race, the swiftness of a dart
Availeth not without a timely start."
Think about those words of wisdom from La Fontaine.
Sincerely yours.
Defeated, James growled of frustration: she outsmarted him, once again.
He did not why, but imagining (Y/N) triumphally smiling at him while saying "Gotcha!" did not annoy him that much. Honestly, he found her pretty cute when she acted sassily. 
Yes, this girl will be the death of him, but no woman can compete with (Y/N) (L/N).
Meanwhile, in another plane, (Y/N) checked the file, grinning. She can picture James's face when he would realize that she beat him to this mission. 
The American spy dreamily smiled as she thought about his icy blue eyes. They perfectly matched his chiseled face... Uh, Lord: why her best frenemy has to be so handsome?
(Y/N) smirked: they will meet again and would resume their little game. She just needed to be patient.
A few months later, in a forest in Colombia.
"Speak, you bitch!"
The contact of the calloused hand with her cheek made (Y/N) hissing with pain. She turned her head and glanced furiously at her jailers.
The American operative cursed herself for being so reckless. She was so eager to catch this gang red-handed that she forgot to be discreet.
And now, she was in a life-threatening situation. This time, she probably won't escape... 
"For the last time, I ask you: Who send you here?" snarled the gangster.
"Your mother!" she snickered.
The gunman grimaced.
"So, you want to play this game? As you wish..."
He took a blowtorch and turned it on.
"Maybe this would help you recovering your memory..."
Trying to untie her ropes, (Y/N) started to panic as she saw the flame coming closer to her face...
"How rude of you to treat a lady this way!"
All stopped on their tracks as they heard a voice coming from nowhere.
As for (Y/N), she recognized this familiar voice: it meant that a charming British spy was not far...
"Show yourself, bastard!" screamed the mobster as his henchmen and he drew their guns.
"If you ask politely..." replied James as he gunned down a gangster.
Taking advantage of the element of surprise, (Y/N) untied her feet and kicked two of the men in the legs, making them fall. 
Then, she broke the ropes that bound her hands and joined the fight. 
While he got rid of two opponents, James glanced at (Y/N) as she furiously knocked out her adversaries. The British spy must admit that the American spy was sexy when she was angry. A real lioness!
"James! Stop checking me out and fight!"
"At your orders!" 
They kept fighting when suddenly, a mobster caught the woman by surprise and pinned her down, strangling her.
Struggling to breathe, (Y/N) kicked the air with her feet, trying to get rid of his iron grip. But she failed, and her vision started to blur.
Luckily for her, James shot the man in the head, saving her from certain death. 
As (Y/N) gasped for air, James rushed to her side.
"You're right?"
"I knew worse..." she grimaced.
The blonde man noticed the bruises on her face. His blood boiled with rage: he should have intervened sooner! How dare they hurt her?
But the priority was to take (Y/N) to a safer place. He carried her in his arms and rushed to his car before driving down to his hotel. Once they arrived, they managed to reach his room without being noticed by the staff.
Then, James gently laid the woman on the mattress before picking his first aid kit and starting to heal her wounds.
"I suppose that I should thank you for saving me..." she whispered.
"Don't bother... Besides, I only return you the favor."
(Y/N) glanced at him with a questioning look.
"The favor?"
"Do you remember when you saved me in Uzbekistan?"
The American woman nodded.
"This time when I save you from the Russian agents?"
She smirked.
"You bet I remember it... I thought you would be mad at me after my little trick!"
He laughed.
"Not even the slightest. You played well, and I consider it as my retribution for Tokyo!"
They went silent for minutes before (Y/N) dared to ask:
"Why did you save me?"
James slightly bit his lip before answering:
"Well... I could not let you die. Because I would never find someone equal to you."
"I'm flattered."
He came closer to her, their faces apart from inches.
"I meant it, (Y/N). I would find life tedious if you were not here."
"Because I'm just a playmate to you?"
He gave her a small peck on the corner of her lips.
"We can be more than that if you want..."
"Maybe one day..." she replied with a tired smile.
James nodded: duty will come first, no matter what would happen.
"We have all the time in the world..." 
"Will you waiting for me?" the woman whispered as she drifted into sleep.
She barely heard James's answer:
"I will wait, (Y/N)."
A year later, in London.
Walking down the snowy streets, James looked at the peaceful surrounding with a small smile. After several missions around the world, M granted him some days off. 
007 did not complain about it: saying that he was tired would be an understatement.
However, he could not stop thinking about (Y/N): he did not see the American spy since their last encounter in Colombia, and he missed their flirtatious game. James hoped she was doing well...
"Do you miss me, Mister Bond?"
The British spy turned around and smiled when he spotted the young woman sitting next to him, elegantly dressed in a crimson winter coat. She gave him a charming and warm smile.
"I return you the question, Miss (L/N)."
She laughed.
"If it wasn't the case, I would not be here."
The British man chuckled.
"You got the point."
They stayed silent for a few minutes before he muttered:
"I missed you, (Y/N)."
"I missed you too, James." 
(Y/N) questioned:
"If you're still ready... Then, will you be more than a playmate to me?"
A genuine smile came across James's face:
"I am always ready. Especially for you!"
He got up and offered his hand:
"I know a place where we can talk about it... Will you come with me?"
She got up and put her arm around his and replied:
"Let's go, then."
The pair walked to their destination, arm in arm. Suddenly, James heard a small sound coming from his phone. Looking at the screen, he saw a message from Q:
Should I order an engagement ring?
Smirking, Bond texted back before giving all his attention back to (Y/N). They both have all the time to think about it... 
Meanwhile, in his lab, Q worked on his computer when his phone buzzed. Intrigued, he picked his phone and laughed when he saw the reply of 007:
Later, Q. Promise, you will be the first to know...
The quartermaster smirked: (Y/N) and Bond aimed at each other's heart and hit it right on the mark.
Let's see what would happen in the future, even if he hoped the best for the two secret agents...
Thanks for the reading!
I hope you enjoy the story: please let me know!
Don’t hesitate to send me requests: it will be a pleasure!
See you later and take care! 😘🥰😍😷
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ask-soul-bendy · 3 years
RP sections with Venoraux
So I'm deciding to put these up here cause why not, I love this interesting demon of mine, and hope you guys will too. :v
It is broken up into three sections, the first two are from the same RP, while the 3rd is from a different RP, so keep that in mind. Enjoy!
Oh also, Venoraux, Henry, and Mark belong to me, Corr and Paul belong to @core4lost
Henry: *paces back inside to try and ignore the stillness of outside. At least they still get TV reception. Hopefully the whole city hasn't been deserted. That would definitely imply that something is very wrong. However, he freezes when he sees a large black figure out on the back porch... It looks to be crouching like a dog, watching him with four glowing red eyes, a wide fanged grin, and a long tail waving around slowly. It sits there unnervingly still aside from the tail, which seems to have... Eyes on the spear, making it look like a dragon head* ... Guys...?
Corr and Paul look to Henry with a confused look. "What is it?" Paul said as he gets up to see what Henry was looking at until he spotted the demon outside the window. He looks stunned to see it was staring at them, but it was odd that it... Kinda resembles like Corr's demon form but a bit sinister looking. "W-What the hell is that...?" Paul looks a bit unsettled just seeing that demon. Corr looks over to Paul and Henry looking a bit worried as he too got up from the couch as he tries to look at what they were looking at until he saw it too. He looked scared as he stays behind Henry and Paul.
Henry: *gulps nervously* ... Maybe it's... The demon...... But, Corr said it was a giant dragon... *tenses more when the demon outside tilts its head, like it can hear them...* Right?
"Don't know..." Paul looks behind himself seeing Corr looked nervous as he didn't want to be near this thing since he didn't want to deal with this demon. Paul looks to Henry as he thought of some sort of an idea. "Should we try to lock all the doors and windows?" Corr perks up thinking it was a good idea. "I-I'll go and lock them if you want..." Paul looks to Corr and nods. "Go ahead and start doing it... Including the windows as well." Corr then went to the front door as he starts to lock them and even the windows but avoids being near the monster that was close to the back door. Soon Corr goes downstairs so he can try to lock the door down there as well.
Henry: *watches the demon to make sure it doesn't move, taking to observing its body. He notices the ribs on its chest, the giant claws, and a strange slit between its ribs. What is that? It looks like it's more than just a design pattern* ... What do you want...? *tenses more when it pulls up some and steps back, only to lay down like a dog, still watching the old man, its large claws tucked in under it, and its face only inches from the pane of the door. Even laying down it looks so big. But why isn't it doing anything? And... Why does he get this subtle urge to go close to it...?*
Corr manages to lock everything downstairs as he got upstairs to see Henry and Paul still looking at the demon by the door. "Is it still there?" Paul frowns sadly. "Yeah... But... It's still sitting there..." Corr frowns but thinks he might have a good opportunity to lock the monster outside if it was laying down. "M-Maybe I can lock it..." "Corr, no... It might break the door down." "Paul, we don't know that... Just... Let me try..." Paul sighs as he lets Corr go and let him try. "Alright... Just be careful..." Corr slowly went closely to the door that the demon was at that was laying down. It looked relaxed, but might be trying to let his defense down or trying to think it was harmless to let it in. But he wasn't going to fall for it, not like when that dragon had harmed him and tortured him in Hell. He didn't want to be fooled again, Corr just looks at the demon's face and just felt scared and.... Felt like he recognized its own eyes, he hated it... He just wished it would just go away. Corr tries to focus so he can go to the door, lock it, and then he can lock everything else so they can all be safe inside.
demon: *continues to watch him precariously, almost with interest and amusement, swaying its tail around smoothly* ... Soon... *smiles more darkly as it speaks in a deep rumbling voice, yet almost alluring, that can be heard clearly through the door* ... Soon, you will come to accept my gift... I've restored the lives of both you and your uncle... And I've improved you both vastly, given you power and immortality... Is this not what you wished for, boy...?
Corr looked at the demon and glares at it knowing that it was that same demon dragon from before... But... In a different body or form. Corr hurries up to the door knowing the hate he has towards this monster as he locks the door with a click knowing that it was now locked. "I don’t want your damn gift!"
demon: *chuckles in a vile tone* Well that's too bad... I can make your lives so much better, yet you wish to live the life of stress and mundane work and death? And being what you are now, it won't be long before your instincts take over... Same with your dear uncle... It's futile to resist for so long, thus you might as well embrace it sooner than later...
Corr frowns and glares at the demon, but he still has his mom's pendant to keep him sane and himself... But... His uncle... He wasn't too sure if his own uncle will still be his sweet uncle that he remembers him as if the demon instinct will take him over. Paul looks at the demon as he tries to go over to Corr so he can get him away from the demon that was making him uncomfortable. "Just who the hell are you anyway!? Since Corr seen you as this demon dragon, we haven't even gotten your name yet..." Paul would like to know the name of this so called demon.
demon: *grins at them, still hardly moving otherwise* You may know me as Lord Venoraux...
Henry: *paces over as well, uneasy with it being so placid, but even with them so close, it's only talking, albeit precariously* Lord Venoraux? How are you a lord?
Venoraux: I'll just say that what you experienced was real... And this is not...
Corr frowns sadly as he looks at Venoraux. "So.... It's true... Then... Why did you put us here then? And where are we exactly?" Corr looks at Venoraux sadly as Paul puts Corr behind him as if guarding Corr from Venoraux so that this demon won't have any ideas just to try and get to Corr, but at least the door was locked.
Venoraux: Why, I'm keeping you safe, boy... It's dangerous out there... Though, I'm sure you can manage well enough... Even still, I'd rather not let you fall victim to harm...
Henry: How un-demon-like of you...
Venoraux: *chuckles in an unsettling tone* You belong to me, thus why would I allow my belongings to be damaged? I even smuggled you from Hell's judge, boy... Aren't you grateful for that much?
Henry: Wait... So... You also sent him up here those few times?
Venoraux: Indeed... The poor soul was weakening just by being away from you. And since I had plans for him, I didn't want to lose the opportunity... Plus, beings wielding two souls are much more rare and valuable...
Henry: *frowns in thought* ... You mean Corr's mother...
Venoraux: Also a pure soul, yes...
Corr frowns sadly as if he didn't want to be here or be near Venoraux just how it was talking about how rare and valuable he was just cause he has two souls. Paul looks over to Corr seeing how depressed he looks as he starts to hold Corr close to him in a hug and pressed his head to his chest knowing that Corr didn't want to hear more of this. When Corr felt Paul holding him, he nuzzled to Paul and started to hold him close knowing that he just wishes he can be somewhere far. Paul looks at Venoraux with a serious look knowing that it was too much for Corr to take it in. "I'm gonna take Corr upstairs..." Paul escorts Corr to his room so that he would feel safe with him knowing that Paul felt like a guard when it comes to Corr being a total target to these freaking demons.
Venoraux: There is no escape from me~ Do be sure to keep that in mind...
Henry: *frowns at Corr with pity, before looking back at the demon* ... So... Lord Venoraux... Why? What did you do to the city, and why?
Venoraux: *lowers its head a bit with a soft growl* Humans are such a convoluted race... They make themselves more stressed than they ever should be... Needing jobs to make valueless money, needing to worry about others vandalizing their homes and possessions, worrying about what they can afford... Even fearing death and accidents... *looks up at Corr and Henry, as if knowing what happened to them*
Henry: *frowns more at that. Corr slipped from the roof from the rain, and a lightning bolt was the cause. And his own mishap with gasoline poisoning was due to a decrepit vehicle and lack of realization of how much gas he'd swallowed... At least those accidents weren't the demon's doing. It'd hoped for them, but didn't cause them* ... So, what...? You think you're making life better?
Venoraux: Believe it or not, yes... You see, under my rule, there will be no illness and no weakness. No stress on petty mundane things like wondering if you'll have enough money to keep your home or your vehicles...
Henry: And what about the demons you brought from Hell?
Venoraux: They'll only retaliate... It's an order of mine for them to leave you three alone, so if you attack them is when you'd better hope to either kill them or hide well enough... As I said, I wouldn't want you all going out there and getting into trouble...
As Paul took Corr to his room, Corr tries to tuck into his own bed while Paul sits next to him as Corr tries to get comfortable. He felt so horrible that this so called Venoraux would try to keep them for itself and even Corr. Corr tries to sleep hoping everything was just an awful nightmare as he holds onto Paul's hand as he didn't want him to leave. Paul saw Corr's pendant looking a bit dark as it was flickering from light to dark as if it was either scared, or knows that Corr was awfully depressed and saddened about the situation they were in now. "It's ok, Corr... I'll always be here with you, bud... Ok...?" Paul rubs Corr's head as he tries to comfort him while Corr was resting in bed.
Henry: *stares at the demon for a moment, before looking away* ... Won't you just go away...? And leave us alone...? And turn things back to the way they were...?
Venoraux: Well, the last request wouldn't be very possible... For I've made the city into my nest, only homes and food markets still intact.
Henry: ... Unless you've destroyed the power plants.
Venoraux: Oh no, those are still in operation as well. And I even tried not to kill off many humans either... So there's still human population...
Henry: They're probably all living in fear now though, right? *looks up at it with a stern look*
Venoraux: *grins darkly* You'd think that, but actually they're all more than willing to live under my rule...
Henry: *looks confused, and a bit nervous* How so?
Venoraux: Well, they wouldn't be useful if they were all fearful and repulsed by our ways...
Henry: How do you mean "useful"?
Venoraux: Hmm, you might not believe it, but I'm good to my followers...
Henry: Your followers? So that means... You brainwashed everyone?
Venoraux: I'd rather go with a nicer term, like swayed or influenced, but... All in all, yes...
Corr starts to feel a bit at ease as he looks up to Paul with a sad look while curled up in the covers. "P-Paul... Go check on Henry... I-I'm ok up here... Just... Make sure he's ok..." "You sure?" "Yeah... I'm worried about him with... That demon..." Paul sighs as he gets off the bed as he was about to go out of Corr's room. "I'll be right back, alright...? Just try to sleep, ok?" "Ok... Be safe..." Corr curls up in bed so he can try to calm himself and try not to think of the bad stuff. Paul heads downstairs as he came to see if Henry was doing alright with that good for nothing Venoraux.
Henry: So what do you plan to do with us?
Venoraux: I only wish to take care of you is all.
Henry: By way of? *crosses his arms, still apprehensive despite the demon's lax tone*
Venoraux: Well, you'll need to be trained to your bodies and learn to effectively fend for yourselves. And you'll soon find that I know best for everyone...
Henry: Why do I get the feeling you're just talking about the demons?
Venoraux: *chuckles a bit* Well, it wouldn't last long if I didn't tend to my livestock... Demons can go for a while without feeding, and given how humans reproduce rather quickly yet age slowly, it shouldn't be too much hassle to keep things in order.
Henry: So we are just your food. And slaves basically.
Venoraux: *tilts its head* Call it what you will, but the humans put up little resistance... As I said, they're more than willing to cater to me and my brood, and I don't ask much of them...
Henry: *sighs lowly. He didn't expect a demon to act like a saint or anything, especially an alleged dragon demon* ... Well then, if as you said "this isn't real", can you make anything for us?
Venoraux: I can... I know this place would be rather boring if you were the only inhabitants, so if population is what you wish for, I can make it so...
Henry: ... *looks away some. Can this demon really reshape space and give them what they want in the span of what it'll allow for? It seems to want them to bend to its will just like everyone else, and why wouldn't it just hypnotize them like it did everyone else to make it easier? It's already fulfilled its plans, maybe it sees no need to make quick work of them...* Then... Can you make things how they were in this place? *looks back at it* If our loyalty is what you want, then making us comfortable would be a good way to start...
Venoraux: *chuckles darkly with a matching grin* And suggesting ways to win you over only implies that you do wish to follow me~
Henry: No... Just something I'd figure you'd already think of...
Venoraux: Believe me, I indeed know how to win you over. I'm just amused at your tone, sounding ever so slightly submissive~
Henry: *scoffs lowly as he looks away again* Well you're a powerful demon, I'm not gonna be gullible enough to defy you outright, that'd be stupid... Even if you wouldn't kill me, there's likely other methods of torture you'd enact. Am I wrong?
Venoraux: *grins more with a low rumble* You're not wrong... However, it is better to have all my followers be completely submissive. Besides, it makes for rather interesting conversation as well...
Henry: *droops his shoulders a bit as he still looks away from the demon. This monster is going to dictate their lives, and there's really nothing they can do about it. It said it'll keep them content, but they'll never be content when they're so used to normal human life and not the life of demons... Though he blinks and looks back when he feels Paul's presence, wondering if he was there the whole time*
Paul hears the whole thing while he was at the steps but then slowly went up to Henry with a sorry look on his face but then turns to Venoraux with a serious look that might just wish he can beat the hell out of the demon across its own face. "Even if you try to get loyalty from either of us, it won't ever change how you scarred Corr for life of how fucking afraid he is of you. You lied, tortured, and took everything from him that made him happy. How is he going to forgive you for being such a monster...?" Paul glares at Venoraux knowing that he felt so bad for Corr that he was going to protect him like a big brother would do from anything that made him this scared or unhappy.
Venoraux: I can give him what he wants... In the form of this place... I can give him his friends back, and I can give him his luxuries back, and this place itself can serve as an escape from the dangers of outside...
Henry: ... So, what... Is this like some kind of reward system or something?
Venoraux: You could say that...
Henry: Then can it serve as an escape from you? *scowls at the demon, to which the monster tilts its head and sways its tail*
Venoraux: I can leave you be, but there's no escape from my eyes...
Henry: *looks down with his arms still crossed. The demon thinks it can make life better for them, but what's a better life in the eyes of a demon?* ...... Then if you insist on hanging around, just leave us alone...
Venoraux: Well if I did that, then you'd never come to welcome me...
Henry: Do you really think we have to? You forced us into this. *looks back at it with a scowl*
Venoraux: I'm letting you have your own will, I'm only forcing your environment...
Henry: Doesn't mean you're not forcing us to try and adapt by your rule.
Venoraux: *smiles darkly in a forewarning manner* Hmm~ Either way, you'll soon come to appreciate my changes...
Henry: Yeah, being turned into demons, how fun... *deadpans, making the demon chuckle unnervingly in amusement*
"Yeah... Seems kinda pointless. Why can't you just leave us be? We're not your pets, we're humans for Heaven's sake." Paul crossed his arms as if this is just wasting their time talking to a demon thinking it just wants to keep them inside and be safe, but Paul didn't want that... Not for him... Not for Corr and even Henry as well. They want real freedom, to smell real fresh air and real wind, not be in some sleep or in a coma for the rest of their own damn lives.
Venoraux: Well, like I told Henry, I will let you all out now and then. I just know that your desire is to see the neighborhood as it was, and this place can fabricate that. And by using the energy of your own souls, what you've experienced, even the senses can be replicated... Feel the breeze, smell the nice scents, and the like...
Henry: *quirks a brow skeptically* Using our soul energy to improve the reality here? Do you really think that's all it'll take?
Venoraux: You'll be swayed eventually. That's how conditioning works after all...
Henry: Hmph, like Paul said, we're not your pets...
Venoraux: Well you might as well be... And I'm sure you'd much rather me handle you all gently rather than assertively in any case, so you should be grateful for that much...
Henry: Grateful? And why should we be grateful to you?
Venoraux: You could have been condemned to your initial fates... Your nephew would have remained in Hell, and you... *turns its daunting leer at Henry* You would have gone to Heaven...
Henry: *blinks in surprise* ... How do you know that?
Venoraux: Your soul is pure... A kind being you are, and your last baptism has served you well... If you had gone to Heaven, and Corr to Hell, you'd have been miserable either way...
Henry: *blinks again in a stunned manner, looking down*
Venoraux: And being demons grants you superior strength and pseudo-immunity to aging... You can be together for many more years to come... You're his only related family left, Henry... I know you care deeply for him, and he to you...
Henry: ......... *sags his shoulders in thought. If the demon is right, they could be together for much longer and experience so much more... Maybe even the life of living among demons might be indeed more interesting than mundane human life*
Paul looks to Henry as if he was actually taking in Venoraux's words, but Paul knows that even if they might be stuck to be with this monster, they can't have their own freedom to even escape from its own grasp. What would Corr think of this if Henry gave in to Venoraux? He'll be so upset, he's already more upset and miserable now than he already is knowing that they're trapped in this fake world.
Henry: *just stares at the floor for a while, before shaking his head and turns to go upstairs* How about you just let us wake up then? I'd rather things be real, even if we're demons... Even if other demons are going around. I want things to be real again...
Venoraux: Hmm... I suppose it has been long enough anyway... A few days by now...
Henry: *pauses at the doorway and glances back* A few days?
Venoraux: *nods* This place's time is much slower to the waking conscious...
Henry: ... I guess that's true. Even normal dreams feel like they only last a few minutes, yet you pass by hours. *shakes his head and goes upstairs to be with Corr, having had enough with talking to the demon*
Paul looks back seeing Henry going upstairs to see Corr as Paul looks at the demon with an irritated look. "If we wake up, I don't want anything or any demon harming Corr... He's already been through your own hell." Paul still didn't trust Venoraux as he just wants to protect Corr. As Henry was going upstairs, Corr didn't even fall asleep, he was just staring blankly at the wall as he felt so empty and weak. Even his own pendant's little light has faded a bit to a dark hazy blue. He looked sad, tired, weak, even maybe tired from crying from the look of his wet eyes.
One of the military tries to study on the teeth and maybe get a piece of it to get a sample to bring back in hope a scientist might figure out some things. Soon Corr's breathing was slowed down a bit while Sarah was trying to ease him and even pet him. Then... Corr started to sleep, but he doesn't know if he might end up in the dreamscape first. Paul was talking with the rest of the soldiers about this mouth place knowing that if they sleep here, they'll be meeting Venoraux in their dreams talking to Venoraux's demon in person.
*it doesn't feel as such a temperature in the air of the space they hover, but touching the flesh of this mouth is very warm, hot even, like feeling fire on the other side of a door, or a pot that's been sitting on the stove and is cooling down but still quite warm. It causes a tingly sensation in her hands as the heat smolders like fresh embers, and it smells of brimstone and firewood strangely. Unless they try to get close to the walls of the mouth, Henry keeps them close protectively, and seeing how Mark is slowly relaxing and he doesn't seem too bothered by the rather comfortable temperature of the space they're in, he slowly settles down as well, letting out a low rumble*
They all gather together as some of the soldiers were curious of meeting with Venoraux itself, but others want to get outta here, but it'll be suicide just to bomb the whole place while they're inside. Paul tries to relax with Henry and Mark, as Sarah rests with Corr. Meanwhile Corr was in a dark place in his own sleep. Everything was dark... Black... And a void. All except for his own bed, pillows, blanket, and even the plushy that his uncle gave him when he was working at the animation studio for his second job. Corr sits on his bed as he looks around the dark place to see nothing.... Just... Nothing... Corr sighs sadly as he tries to curl up in bed knowing that maybe this was his own vision of desire for a dream.... Nothing.
*Henry stays awake for the sake of the others, to offer some kind of security for them. He's the biggest and strongest of the bunch, even though there's really no danger in the mouth, and if Venoraux really is trying to win some brownie points with its talismans, it might allow them to make friends and by extension keep their friends, even keep them in well enough condition. It knows that Corr is the most sensitive soul it chose as its anchor to the surface, and thus is the most fragile. It knows how to be gentle despite its evil nature. Maybe not the most kind, but it's something... In any case, the emptiness of Corr's dreaming vision is quiet until the subtle sound of rumbling is heard. It doesn't sound like a dangerous or even ominous rumbling either, more like that of deep breathing, like how Henry's sounds like when he purrs. But since no one's here for now, there's likely only one it could come from if he were to put a body to this sound...*
Corr looks around for the sound in the void but couldn't pin point where. He frowns sadly thinking it was just noises tricking him from Venoraux itself. He tucks himself in the blanket along with the plushy as his mind couldn't even think of the happy thoughts cause all those good times.... Were gone, destroyed, crumbled, all gone cause of what Venoraux has done. Or maybe... He should blame himself, it was his stupid idea to make this action happen. His own pendant was dimming out and slowly becoming grey.
*the soft rumbling continues, like a white noise that's almost relaxing. And since this is the dreamscape, the image of the familiar demon soon appears standing a few meters from Corr's bed. It's like, even though its body is pitch black, and the rest of the space is empty pitch black, Venoraux can be seen clearly somehow. But that's just how dreams work*
Venoraux: *just stands in place for a while, silent and still as a ghost aside from its tail swaying slowly, as it watches the boy in his human body. It still bares that precarious fanged grin and gleaming red eyes, but its body is at rest* ......... I know you resent me, boy... I know you wish to escape, and forget this ever happened... You wish time would go back...... But you know that I'll tell you that that's only truly possible in this dream realm... Do you not?
Corr holds an emotionless expression on his face while resting in bed as he didn't want to look at Venoraux nor speak to it as well. He knows that everything here is... A dream, dreams are no escape, they can't turn back time, they won't... Bring everything back. He wants the real deal, things that are happening outside. He might even not know something and wish to explore the changes that're happening right now. Venoraux can't keep him cooped up here forever, nothing will make him happy unless he actually tries out new things that are actually out there. And meeting new people and faces like the military that are willing to help to get them out. " ................" Corr didn't say anything to Venoraux as he was just getting tired of its lies.
Venoraux: ......... I know you wish me to be gone...... For everything I've done to be gone...... This is all sudden for you... But had I done nothing, you'd still be dead and in Hell... And your uncle would have died in the same manner as he had...... You may say I can't know that... And you'd be correct... However, you wouldn't have known for sure either...... I had nothing to do with his death... At the very least, he didn't die alongside the heartache of your death...... As I mentioned last time, if you hadn't agreed to let me bring you back, he would have been miserable at your loss...... And likewise, you were heartbroken when he fell to the toxic oil of that decrepit vehicle...... Yet, I brought him back to you... Now you both are impervious to harm from standard hazards...
Corr just... Closed his eyes, he wishes he wasn't here, he wishes he just... Stayed in Hell to get tortured and get punished cause everything he does... Was all his fault. It.... It was... His own fault. Soon... Corr's own pendant starts to look a bit black as his skin looks more pale. Even the color of his own bed was starting to lose its own shade of color as it was now looking like black and white. Corr was doubting himself knowing that everything he does... Was his fault, thinking it was Venoraux's fault, but it was his own fault as well knowing how stupid he was to kill his own dad and trying to kill himself from that day... None of this would have ever happened.
Venoraux: *narrows its eyes at the despair, before letting out a light throaty rumble as it looks down in thought, flexing its claws slightly. It stands in place for a moment, knowing that Corr hates it, but it doesn't want to lose this freedom it's finally gotten for itself. Soon it looks back up at Corr and paces closer slowly, lifting a hand once at his bedside, and in its palm appears a little thing that Corr should remember. A thing he once had that his father had taken from him in the past, that his mother had given him* ...... I wouldn't be so generous if I was as vile as you see me as...... I do care about you, boy... More than just a thing to keep me out of Hell... Whether you believe me or not, I'm not lying......
When Corr looks over to what Venoraux has in its hand, his eyes widen in shock. He couldn't believe Venoraux actually has something that was in its hand without actually telling it about what his own dad stole from him. But... It was there... It.... It was a small music box that had a wooden owl sculpture on top of it. When his dad was trying to clean the house, Corr's own dad accidentally broke his own gift that his mom gave to him for her final death when she passed away. Even it was hard to fix the wood since it was fragile and delicate, including the gadgets inside the music box that wouldn't play music anymore. Corr slowly took the small music box from Venoraux's hand as he feels it as he remembers how it used to be when he first had it with his mom. Corr.... Weakly smiled as his own pendant slowly brightens up a bit but not too much. "H-How....?" Corr looks up to Venoraux sadly wondering of how it knew about the music box that was shattered years ago when his own dad knocked his precious gift over that was his mom's last gift.
Venoraux: ... You really thought I was doing nothing while I allowed you on the surface those few times...? Your father was sent to Hell, and I found him... Out of his guilt for breaking it, the shred of it he had, and having a portion of your energy to know what you hold dear, I'm able to give this back to you...... It might be surprising to hear from me, that you indeed didn't deserve to fall to Hell when you died... It was indeed purely an accident... Coincidence that you'd perished so soon after killing your father... It was only by risk of being on your roof while it was raining. Had it not been, you'd have been able to scale down from the roof and you'd be fine... None of this would have happened if not for the weather... Of course, then you could blame God in that sense... As though he could subtly control things about the world, and what happened was karma... But... All in all, what you still love currently remains with you... I may be a dark demon, but I am trying to at least keep your cherishables close to you... Have I not?
Corr looks up to it in thought before he looks at the music box as he rubs and feels the owl's wooden feeling on his own fingers knowing that the music box was so smooth and nice. But... It was awfully hard to know if he can trust Venoraux for what it's done, it killed those people, ruined the city, and also kept him and Henry as... Well... Talismans. But... If Venoraux was kind enough to bring back this music box he lost a long time ago that was his mom's final gift... It's gotta mean something, right? He doesn't know yet, but something tells him that.... Venoraux.... Actually... Has a soft spot. Corr scoots over a bit from the bed so that maybe Venoraux can sit with him on his bed. "Um... Would... W-Would you like to sit?" Corr timidly asked thinking this must be weird to ask a powerful demon if it'd like to sit with him, besides, after all it did bring him back his music box.
Venoraux: *tilts its head thoughtfully, waving its tail around, before shutting its eyes with a guttural sigh and turns to sit on the bed. It takes up a lot of space of course since it's so big, but it keeps sure to let Corr have his own space on the bed, which as dream space would have it, the bed is suddenly twice as big as it was before. Venoraux rests its large claws over its lap as its long tail sways slowly over the edge* ......... You're a very soft soul, boy...... And I do apologize for harming you before... Understand that it was before I planned to use you to get me out of Hell... I wouldn't have been rough if I knew my own intentions right away...... *opens its eyes looking forward* Nor did I have access to the energy of you, your mother, and your uncle, that now allows me to feel sympathy for you...... I know you resent the nest I've made, and the brood of demons I brought with me from Hell... But in hindsight, why would you think that human life is better than this? *turns its head at him tentatively* I mean not to sound conceited or selfish, but with this simple life, you needn't be concerned with trivial matters, such as that of monetary issues, and rogue humans with their petty desires and outbursts... Under more controlled sovereign, they can even be friendlier and more trustworthy, because they have no trivial distractions, shall we say... *shuts its eyes again as it turns its head downward* If someone dies, it's just par for the course... But I won't allow those you hold close to perish... But with how humans normally are, how they either turn aggressive or distant or rash when something they deem unsatisfactory happens to them, or if it doesn't happen to them, others turn derisive or empathetic, and they might not be able to help properly...... But with this, there's only the concern of whom will be taken by the demons...... *opens its eyes again* If anything happens to any friends of yours, I will set it straight that they shall be dodged of the danger, and they'll be left to their own business......
Corr sighs as he looks up to Venoraux. "Well... I don't think human life is better or great, but..." Corr rubs his head. "I just really like the fact that there are some good people out there that have well living lives. But for others... Not so much, like for the ones that are drug addicts, liars, robbing people, murderers, and so forth. Those are the kind of people I don't like to meet, even the abusive people. But I know there are other good people like me, my uncle, Paul, and others that are willing to help others in need. And for what you did.... Eeeeeehhhhhhh...." Corr curls up knowing that Venoraux might have killed those innocent people while making its own nest by accident. "I-I don't know how many people you've slaughtered, b-b-but j-just hope there might be some alive..." Corr weakly smiled. "Um... But... There are some people I want you to kinda spare though... Uh... H-His name is Mark... I-If you did like you did with my uncle, Paul, and... Uh... Ema... Um... Y-You can at least spare Mark, can't you?" Corr looks up to Venoraux pleadingly hoping that it can spare Mark hoping that no demons can harm him.
Venoraux: ... As you wish...... Just understand this, boy... No one is willing to simply throw away what they've worked for... What they've waited so long for...... Thousands of years I've been patient, waiting for an opportunity to arise from the depths of Hell, and make a new home on the surface... For so long, I've planned and watched through the eyes of others...... *smiles a bit more sneakily* You're not the first one I've granted second life to... There have been many who I've tried to use as anchors...... I could never gather as much power as I needed... Their souls were pure, but either they didn't have enough, or they were killed again...... I anticipated you to be the same...... But then acknowledging that there was a second pure soul latched onto your own, it sparked hope in me that you might be fortunate enough to survive... And when I studied Henry and felt his pure soul, I saw the moment I'd been waiting for...... *shuts its eyes with a somewhat expectant posture, shifting its tail around slowly* ... You may think I'm only using you... Well, you're not wrong... But, not entirely... You see, an anchor works both ways, as a ship anchor works for a ship. The anchor is just a thing there unless it's attached to the ship, in which it's useful in helping the ship stop moving, and those caring for the ship can care for the anchor as well, to keep it being useful... *turns its eyes over at him* ... I will take care of you and your uncle, and your friends... To not, is the folly of anyone working to use others to further their ideals and goals... That's simply how humans work, no? There must be some kind of trade system...
Corr was in deep thought when Venoraux mentioned about the anchor, but also it seems that Venoraux was not initially trying to do anything crazy or evil, but more like trying to get free from Hell and find a new home on the surface to find peace. But at least Venoraux is trying to... Well... Be nice, might need some training on that. "Hmmm... Uh... W-Well... I don't know much, but I think my uncle might know this kinda stuff." As Corr felt a bit comfortable with Venoraux as he starts to lay down on his bed sideways trying to relax. "Um... So... H-Hey! Who was that large demon you were fighting with anyway?" Corr looks to Venoraux as he was curious of who was that large dark blue dragon that was close to Venoraux's size.
Venoraux: Him? *huffs derisively* He was the guardian dragon of the treachery circle... He actually doesn't need to be summoned to cross between Hell and the surface... He goes by the name Volkraan... Mostly affiliated with water, but he can use electric energy to heal any wounds... He was superior to me before, but now... *chuckles precariously* Now he is below me~ *inclines its head down a bit with its eyes narrowed* Though I'll warn you and the others to beware of him... He's got a tendency to... Turn others to his brood, much more against their will than my approach...... *turns its eyes at the boy* If any of you cross him or his two servants, always watch his tendrils......
Corr looked a bit nervous knowing that this other dragon Volkraan was a bit more troubling than Venoraux. "Uh... S-Sure... Um... Who're the two servants should we be on the lookout for? I mean... We haven't even met them yet, so... It'll be nice to know what they really are." As Corr thought if Venoraux knows Volkraan's servants, it'll be safe to know first if they started to head out and try to be careful if they may encounter them.
Venoraux: ... The servants are a male and female. The black male is Grabacr, and the blue female is Ofnir... Unlike my bulco dragons, they can speak, as can Volkraan himself... He doesn't speak often, but he can... And I know you're against acting in accordance with your demon instincts, but there's little pity to be had for any he... Abducts... Unlike my simple mind control, they cannot be liberated from his control... Not without death anyway...
"W-Wait... So... Volkraan might abduct anyone... Even us?" Corr looks a bit more nervous as he curls up on the bed thinking of what Volkraan might do if he has his own hands or.... Claws on him since he has two souls, plus not even close to his own demon instincts like Venoraux said.
Venoraux: *lets out a low growl, a forewarning sound* ... I'll kill him if he tries to abduct you or Henry... You belong to me, and I will not allow any other demons to steal from me...... *swings its tail around with foreboding intent* ... And what kind of caretaker would I be if I didn't try to keep those I find value in content? *shuts its eyes and lets out a rumbling sigh* ... I know you won't be content with my ideals, but for what I am providing, at least it's better than what Volkraan would do...
Corr sighs and then thought of how would this be good for making this city as a nest for Venoraux? It would be better if they could at least find a place for it that might be at least close to the city, not in it. But... It would be... A little nicer... If the buildings would get fixed up, have the colors in the sky again at least once a week, and.... Maybe teach Venoraux about the world what it's like that feels a bit relaxing. Corr was.... Actually slowly starting to get why Venoraux waited for so long to be out of Hell. If he was like Venoraux and stayed in Hell for so long, he'd want freedom too. "W-Well... That's true... Um... I-If... If maybe... Uh...." Corr looks to Venoraux shyly and nervously. "I mean... I know you're super humongous and might crush everything in your way, but.... I-I wanna share some visions with you that might be relaxing. I-If you'd like.... Besides... I might know some places that you might find a bit interesting."
Venoraux: *shakes its head slowly, but reaches over and runs its hand over his head surprisingly lightly* Your sentiment is adorable, boy... But I know what the world looks like... I know you want the condition of the city to be as you're used to it being in... And I know that in trying to understand me, you wish to compensate... But I assure you, years past were better times compared to what humans have become... My only government is that you respect me and avoid fratricide... That is as close to the simplicity of what I see as the peak of human life... Yes, surface life is lovely, but we both know of the stories people tell when they stray from city life and experience nature for what it is, and always has been, without human intervention... Sure, there are dangerous wild animals, but they are simply nature too... They come back, and if they endure more of nature's good elements, they usually prefer the simplicity of it over the mundane stressful conformity of today's civilization...
Corr eyes at Venoraux and then he slowly makes a pouty look at it as if Venoraux just took the words right out of his own mouth. "What are you? Mister smarty pants!? W-Well of course there's that! But... I-I was thinking about things you haven't seen yet since you came up here." As Corr was thinking about showing it images of cities, wonderful places he likes to go to, parks, and other interesting stuff that Corr was interested in showing Venoraux that he likes to do in the dreamscape since he's here. "I was thinking about showing you other places that I'd wanted to go to when I grew up." Corr felt that Venoraux was such a smarty pants just to make a point, but Corr was trying to explain that he wishes to show Venoraux the places that Corr wished to go when he was younger.
Venoraux: *gazes at him for a moment, before turning its head away with an almost amused snort* ... If you wish to show me more petite details, be my guest... You can bring all of what makes you happy together here... Either of us have free reign of this dream space, you need only imagine it......
"F-F-Fine..." Corr then tries to think of which place he hasn't been to in a long while... Or even a long time or wish to go to. Then he remembers the beach, the same beach that his mom always loved to go to and took him on vacations. Soon the dark void suddenly turns to the place he pictured it to be. They were still sitting on the bed but they were actually at the beach. They can actually smell the nice ocean smell, the breeze, the cool air, it's just like he remembered it to be. And by the beach was the city buildings and even the boardwalk where the local stores are where they can get items or food at. And all the way at the end of the beach were rides and they can see a ferris wheel. Then Corr's image was illusions of people actually enjoying the beach and people walking up and down the boardwalk while they were sitting on the bed. "This.... This place is Ocean City.... It's... It's my mom's favorite place to go.... And... The place where I spread her own ashes at as well...." Corr frowns. "Ever since she was gone, I never had a chance to come back here since my dad argues with me and... Well... Makes me feel miserable..." Corr looks around as he takes in the feeling of the ocean smell and breeze, it felt so relaxing to him that he wishes he can just have all this back.
Venoraux: *waves its tail around as it scans the scenery. It's funnily unfitting that such a sinister demon is in a nice place as this, but at least it's not repulsed* ... Well good thing he's gone now... And you can come back to this place whenever you wish... *turns its eyes down at him distantly, at the pendant in his chest* ... I'm sure your mother enjoys this sight as much as you, hmm?
Corr sighs. "Y-Yeah... She really loves it here... It sucks that the illness took her when she was just 49 years old. And... Heh... My freaking dad was what...? 71? Jesus... I was living with an old cranky man..." Corr smirked thinking how ridiculous it was wishing that his dad would die first instead of his own mom, and everything would be normal, but now.... Things just got a whole lot more horrible and scarier when he just met the devil itself.
Venoraux: Hmm... Seems life has been none too kind to you... And yet, you are very kind... *looks out at the ocean distantly, swaying its tail across the sand under them* But, your uncle seems to be a sufficient substitute for your mother, no? He is also very kind and dependable... He loves you dearly...
"Yeah.... Ever since mom passed... My dad turned into a huge dick... So... I kinda think of my uncle as like a foster dad so I can come over to his house more often, but... I never told him that." Corr lays on his back as he takes in the breeze just to relax as he closes his eyes. "Even when I try to be nice... I get treated differently. Ever since I was born... I get treated differently. I learn everything from my mom, but my dad... He's never around." Corr frowns. "When I went to elementary school, I liked to be part of the groups and play.... But..." Corr frowns sadly just thinking about the bad memories as the image starts to show as it appears right on the beach where Venoraux saw what appears to be a small younger version of Corr when he was 5 or 6 years old and the other groups of kids from the other playground. Venoraux can see younger Corr images while Corr was speaking about his past life while his eyes were closed. "When I tried to go and... Play with them, the groups of kids didn't want me around and told me to back off." Corr frowns sadly. "I even tried to see if I can ask for others... But... They all did the same. And they told me to "get lost, freak". I didn't do anything wrong... I just went somewhere until I cried, but then a teacher found me seeing me crying knowing that no one liked me." Corr felt a tiny tear escape as he tries to wipe it off. "B-B-But... But then... I had dreams about monsters and I started to draw, my mom saw how nice I did and thought maybe my uncle could give me some lessons since I was little. When I was in 5th grade... The teachers noticed how wonderful I was... But the other students... They... Well... They made fun of me since I was weak." Soon seeing the image of Corr getting bullied by the kids as they took his drawing book and started to rip up all his drawings he worked so hard on as the shreds fluttered on the floor. Then the kids pushed him to the door as they left him with all his ripped up drawings.
Venoraux: *watches the boy's memories unfold with a light throaty rumble, as though in thought, before looking back at Corr. It seems curious that he's gotten comfortable with confiding his past with it. It's not saying anything about it, more than willing to listen actually. Just because it's evil doesn't mean it's not a good listener. It just needed a willing talker... But after a moment, it moves its tail around to brush the spear of its tail under his cheek, almost... Well, since the tail has eyes and even looks akin to a dragon head, it almost looks like the tail is nuzzling him, like it actually is a head* ... They say you are weak... But the fact that you did not succumb to their berating and ridicule proves that you are strong... Hence I found value in you... Your soul is pure and strong, but don't think that what I say is only selfish... For it is true... You are strong... This fact proves that their abrasion to you failed... They made you meek, but that doesn't mean you are broken... Damaged, perhaps, but you are still intact...... Aforementioned, you died because of an accident... You tried to end yourself, but failed because of your love to your uncle... Your desire to stay with him and keep him happy... You tried to postpone your death... That takes more courage than going through with killing yourself... Enduring life, holding onto your compassion, no matter what happens... That is what makes you strong...
Corr slowly opens his eyes to Venoraux knowing that... It was pure words... So pure. How can a demon say something so nice...? Truly nice in fact that even when destroying a city, killing people, eating people and even... Hurting him while in Hell... Be this truly so... Kind? He felt like... He wanted to trust it, but... His other thoughts were telling him that it's wrong. But deep down... It was like 80% that Venoraux was actually not a bad guy. But the other percentages was that it still might be. God... He really feels like he wants to hug it for those kind words, but was too afraid if it might accept hugs or not. "T-Th... Thank you..." Corr weakly smiled as his own pendant started to glow bright knowing that his mom really loved the kind words Venoraux just gave to Corr.
Venoraux: *snorts at that, still baring its precarious fanged grin, and looks back out to the ocean* Hmph... Just because I'm a powerful demon dragon doesn't mean I don't know things... I understand human struggles, and what they tend to do when under pressure... What they can accomplish with help... Even help from the antithesis of a positive source...... As I told you that you're not the first I've tried to use as an anchor to get to the surface, you're also not the first I've given integral advice to... I've been a listener to other souls, I've tried to keep them stable... Mostly for my own gain, yes, but all in all, I've done what most would usually refuse to believe a creature like me to be capable of... And now that I've finally been rewarded with the fruits of my labors, I can be much more lax and lenient with it... I must keep said fruits healthy, no?
Corr sighs as he rubs the back of his head as he... Kinda understands what Venoraux meant. "I... I guess... Um... So... H-Hey? What will happen to the soldiers? Will you let them go freely, oooorrrr?" Corr curls up thinking Venoraux might try to eat them up or just.... Well... Hypnotize them as its followers.
Venoraux: *goes quiet for a moment in thought, staring out into the illusory horizon. It's been mostly still aside from its head and tail* ......... They'll not be allowed to threaten my nest...... I can allow them to keep their own will, if they defect from their orders to relay information to the rest of the military...... They'll not be punished if the military decides to carry out an attack if the group here did not give them an okay...
"W-W-Well maybe we can try to explain it to them so they won't attack. I mean... Are they awake or asleep? I'm curious if my uncle or anyone is asleep right now..." Corr was wondering if anyone was asleep right now so they can jump over so that they can see if anyone is alright.
Venoraux: *inclines its head with a light hiss* ... They are asleep... A day has passed by now... And I can determine if they enter this dreamscape... *sways its tail around, and soon the others start appearing with them. The beach landscape is still here, while Corr's visions of his past of being bullied have faded away*
Henry: *blinks his eyes and looks around in wonder, before noticing the bed before him with Corr and the large demon sitting upon it* Corr! *moves to get over to the bed, smiling seeing he's alright*
"U-Uncle!" Corr smiled as he gets off the bed so he can hug Henry. His uncle must be awfully worried wondering where he was but he felt a bit bad thinking about all those negative thoughts that might have trapped him in the void thanks to Venoraux that.... Amazingly saved him.
Henry: *hugs him closely with a smile, glad to see him alright. And with Venoraux no less!* Glad to see you okay, bud... *rubs his head with concern, also happy that this dreamscape does seem to be a reliable place to return to their human selves. He then looks up at Venoraux with wonder, curious why it's just sitting there on the bed facing the horizon* ... Have you been okay with, uh... This guy?
Corr looks to Henry, then Venoraux, then to Henry once more as he nods. "Y-Yeah... It... It helped me with my stress... And... Got me something..." Corr pulls out what he lost a long time ago as it was the music box that has a wooden shaped owl on top of it. "Ever since I stayed on the surface... It said it went to see my dad for the punishment he did, so... Well... I got this back. Then... We talked... I..." Corr looks to Venoraux as he never felt a bit better knowing that a demon would actually make him feel.... Happy? Corr looks to Henry with a light smile. "I talked to it of how I feel and took it to this place where my mom loved to go.... And... Well... It... It's not that bad actually..." Corr timidly smiled. "Heheh... I-I know that's really weird coming from me, I-I thought that I would be scared and running from it, but... If you had the chance to actually talk to it.... Venoraux is... Not that bad." Corr thinks it was ridiculous for what he was saying and even his uncle might think Venoraux might have had him under its own control or something.
Henry: *wears a thoughtful gaze as he looks at the demon, who's back is to the two and only the tail is slinking around slowly. He decides to pace around the bed to see Venoraux better, becoming a little nervous when it turns its crimson gaze down at him. The demon is still as dangerous and imposing as ever, but even he can feel that it's relaxed for now* ... So... You talked with Corr, huh? And... Made him feel... Better?
Venoraux: ...... I did ease his melancholy, yes...
Henry: ... *turns to look out to the ocean, feeling the breeze and light ocean spray, feeling the... Surprisingly warm sun* ... Didn't think you could emulate condolence and the like...
Venoraux: ... Demons of greater intellect are not as typical as you may think... There are more animalistic ones of us, but that is not all of what we are...
Henry: ... I guess that's what allows for you to be among the more powerful demons?
Venoraux: Indeed... The same holds true for humans, does it not? The smarter you are, the more sufficient you are capable of leading your life to be...
Henry: Hmm... I guess you're right... So that also means you know how to treat things. How to keep them in good condition.
Venoraux: If I didn't, they wouldn't last long...
Corr went up to Venoraux and Henry as he slowly crawls back into bed with Venoraux to be a tiny bit comfortable and also hoping that Henry would actually know that Venoraux is not what it appears to be as it seems. "Um... H-Hey? Wanna explain to Henry about Volkraan?" Corr looks to his uncle. "It's the big giant dragon that Venoraux was fighting with when that larger demon came out from under your house..." As Corr tries to explain who Volkraan was.
Henry: *looks back at Corr in wonder* Volkraan?
Venoraux: *nods slowly* Another Hell demon dragon... Unlike me, he's more of the typical black-hearted demons... Much more vulgar and entitled... He can also turn others to his brood, but... His victims cannot be saved, but by death...
Henry: *furrows his brows with concern* ... I guess that means we should avoid him then...
Venoraux: I'll not allow you to be abducted by him...... I'll just say, don't let him taste your blood... It's how he determines if you're worth tampering with...
Henry: *frowns uneasily* Why, what does he do?
Venoraux: If he's interested in the quality of your blood, he'll try to infect you with his own, through his tendrils... His blood acts as a virus, spreading throughout your body and turning you into his being...
Henry: ......... He turns people... Into dragons?
Venoraux: *nods ominously* ... His two servants can't do this, but they can still kill, and they might decide to bring you to him if you can't get away... *looks down at the two* But you two have safeguards... One is that you have my energy fueling you, so his blood should have no effect... Two, in being demons, you are stronger, and may be able to fight off his servants... He and they are fast creatures, however, so it's advised for you to simply avoid getting his attention to begin with... And especially keep your friends away from him... *looks away back to the horizon* ... I can ration my own energy to them if you wish, but that would mean transforming them into demonic bodies as well... I doubt you nor they would appreciate that, regardless the safeguard...
Corr frowns as he looks to Henry unsure of the idea... But he was curious if Paul might want to have a say in this. "Um... Is... Is it alright if Paul would come here? I think he would like a say in this.... A-And even Mark... Cause we don't want them to be left out of the news..." Corr frowns thinking it'll be awful if they end up waking up to find out that they just turned into monsters. They would have the same feeling as he and Henry have.
Venoraux: *inclines its head for a moment, before gesturing a clawed hand to the side, as if to summon the two other humans into the dreamscape. They look confused suddenly appearing in the surreal space*
Mark: Uh... What's going on? Where are we? *sees Henry, Corr, and... A scary demon there... He doesn't recognize the monster as Venoraux. Last he saw it, it was a gigantic two-headed dragon*
Henry: *waves over at the two with a sheepish smirk* Hi, guys...
Paul looked confused until he saw Henry and Corr with.... Venoraux. He looked unsure of what was going on as he makes his way over to them. "Henry? Corr...? What the hell happened? And... Corr, you alright? I remember when you were not looking so well when we just got into Venoraux's mouth as if you were sick, you doing alright, man?" Paul was worried if Corr was ok. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine... But... You might not believe me when I say... Uh... Heheh... Uh... V-Venoraux is... Not what it seems...." Corr sheepishly smiled. Paul looks a bit weirded out as he looks to Corr dumbfoundedly as if looking at a headless chicken. "Uh... Wha?" "W-Well... Venoraux helped me with my deep depression until it brought me this..." Corr shows Paul the music box that his mom gave him as a gift. Paul studied it until he remembers something. "Was.... Was this the one that..." "Yeah...." Paul looks at the music box as he weakly smiled. "This really means a lot, huh...?" Corr nods as he holds it close. Paul sighs as he looks over to Henry, then to Venoraux as he was curious of what the hell was going on. "So.... Care to explain what's going on?"
Henry: Well... *rubs the back of his head as he leans against the bed, glancing over to watch Venoraux's tail wave around slowly* Apparently that blue dragon is what we should really be concerned about... And uh, our only real safeguard is... If... Venoraux turns us into demons...
Mark: Whoa-whoa-whoa-wait-wait... *gestures his hands in a stopping manner* Turn us into demons?? Wouldn't that just put us under its control?
Venoraux: Would you rather be under the other dragon's control? He who wouldn't care for your wellbeing as I would?
Mark: How am I supposed to believe that you care for us?? You're a demon too!
Henry: Mark, please! *looks more nervous as he looks at Venoraux meekly*
Venoraux: Is what I am supposed to hold significance? I've no reason to lie when I've already achieved my goal... Disregarding the friends of my talismans would make them resent me, which would make it more troublesome to keep them as my anchors...
Mark: Anchors? What, you can't just stay up here when you get up here? You need something to keep you here?
Venoraux: Correct...
Mark: And why should I believe you? Demons lie, even if you say you don't have to.
Venoraux: *sighs with a deep guttural rumble* ... If anything, being turned into a demon by me would be much less painful than being turned into a dragon by Volkraan, at least...
Mark: Who's Volkraan?
Henry: Ah, that blue dragon, evidently...
Mark: *looks between Corr, Henry, and Venoraux, trying to comprehend the proposal here, and sighs deeply as he runs his hands through his hair. He doesn't want to be turned into anything, especially if it might corrupt his will to choose against basically being an underling to either demon*
Paul looks at Mark seeing he was having a hard time to take all this info in. But then had that thought of if Corr can actually spare Mark. "Hey, Corr? Did you by any chance ask Venoraux to spare Mark?" Corr perks up as he smiled. "Yes! Venoraux agreed and even said no harm would be on the military soldiers too.... But.... Uh... If they try to bring an army here or anything else to cause harm... Well... It's up to Venoraux to decide on that idea... Cause... Um... It doesn't like it if the soldiers have to report it to the military." Corr hugs the pillow. "Ah.... Of course." Paul looks at Mark. "Well... Good news is that at least Venoraux gets to spare you and even might tell the other dragon buddies to leave you alone now since Corr told it." As Paul thought since Corr might be the only person that can ask Venoraux's permission to spare anyone to leave them alone and not even harm them plus might even give them free will so they won't be Venoraux's followers.
Mark: *crosses his arms in thought, trying to let himself understand that these may be the only options for them. Become demons to be safe from Volkraan, or not and only Venoraux's command can keep its own brood at bay, but not Volkraan. And the military isn't permitted to launch an attack either. Like... Venoraux is looking out for its nest. If it were to be attacked, it may stay to protect it. They still don't know just how powerful it is, but anything is less likely to stand their ground if they know they have no chance to withstand an attack... It must be confident, and thus sure, that it can protect its nest in any case... How can they be sure that Venoraux will really safeguard them, even if it is just to keep its "talismans" happy with the assurance that they'll be safe if they trust it? How can they be sure that it's for sure not keeping anything in the dark from them? Stereotypically, demons are want to keep secrets to themselves*
Venoraux: I tell you all you need to know, human...
Mark: *flinches at the demon's dark voice, leering at it suspiciously* ... Did you just...
Venoraux: This is a surreal space, where your mind is free to wander... And thus, your thoughts are not as subliminal as they normally are...
Mark: *frowns at that* ... Then there's no point in trying to think to myself then... Cause that's not an invasion of privacy.
Venoraux: Only to those who are here... Besides, who are we going to announce your concerns to? No one here has ideas much different from yours...
Henry: *scratches his head* I mean... It's not far wrong, Mark... I'm still suspicious that there's more Venoraux could tell us, but... *looks over at the large demon* Methinks asking is only to sate our curiosity. And if it really concerns us, it'll tell us outright... Right?
Venoraux: ... If it's to keep you content, you are correct...
"So if we're going to get turned into demons... Or... Whatever... We'll still be ourselves, right?" Paul crossed his arms hoping that at least they can still be themselves like how Henry and Corr were themselves since they were both demons in their own forms.
Venoraux: Indeed...
Henry: ... I'm going to guess it's permanent though...
Venoraux: Correct...
Henry: *gains a distant look as he moves to sit on the bed, crossing his arms* ...... So... If our anchorage to you were to be broken, what would happen?
Venoraux: ... You and Corr would succumb to death once again... As you were brought back to life with my energy... If that source is severed from you, that is the debt...
Henry: ... Debt?
Venoraux: It's against the law of living to be resurrected via necromancy... If it's to be passable, there must be a debt to maintain the resurrected life... You cannot be brought back as simply as you were... The afterlife has claimed your souls, so to return to the living world warrants you to have some lease of sorts...
Henry: ... That being the necromancer from said afterlife, or afterlife realm, a la Hell, to reside with us? And us to be in your power?
Venoraux: *turns an eerie grin at him* Clever man...
Mark: *holds a fist to his mouth in thought, trying to keep up with all this afterlife baloney. Spiritual stuff is really confusing, especially when demons tend to talk so cryptically* ... So what does it mean for us? If you turn us into demons, and we haven't died, what happens to us?
Venoraux: ... You'll be cursed to remain in the body of demons...
Mark: *huffs* Alright... You know that's kinda the deal breaker...
Venoraux: Choose what you wish... *waves a hand dismissively. It's their choice if they don't want its protection, and they're not tied to any debt*
Paul was in deep thought about this decision, and even having to take all this info in as well. They'll have to be cursed forever to be permanently demons cause they haven't died yet like how Corr and Henry died. But although he doesn't even know what kinda type of demon he'll be as when he wakes up, will he fly? Be strong like Henry? Run faster? He'll be more useful to help Henry and Corr out on the plus side... If he stays human... Volkraan might try to kill him if he doesn't take the offer now. He thinks Mark might not take it, but.... Paul knows that it might be worth a shot... Who knows....? It's like waking up becoming something from the 'X-men'. "Hmmm.... Well... It... Seems stupid and crazy since I know there might be survivors still hiding around the city and we're still looking for Ema.... So.... *sigh* ..." Paul raises his hand. "Eh... Why not.... I'll give it a shot..." Paul shrugs. Corr's eyes widen in awe knowing that Paul was actually going to do it. "P-Paul, you sure!?" "Eh... Yeah... I might wake up looking like Wolverine or maybe the beast from 'X-men' or something~" Paul smirks. Corr giggled thinking Paul was still his cocky self even in this kind of situation.
Henry: ...... Now I'm curious, but... Why can't I... Talk, in my demon body?
Venoraux: ... Unfortunately, it's just something the oil damage retained... Plus, since you no longer have lips, you wouldn't be able to utter cohesive words properly...
Henry: Hmm... But, I felt fine when I first woke up in that pentagram. Does that mean that you... Healed my body before I came back?
Venoraux: I did...
Henry: So then shouldn't the damage in my throat have been healed too?
Venoraux: Only your major injuries were healed...
Henry: But... I could still talk fine at first too...
Venoraux: Not for long, I assure you...
Henry: Why not?
Venoraux: You still had fumes in your lungs that would have irritated your windpipe, and paralyzed your voicebox...
Henry: *blinks and frowns* ... Really? So... Being turned into a demon...
Venoraux: Prevented the fumes from having an effect, but it still stunted the muscles in your diaphragm... Thus now you can only so much as growl and grunt and roar and hiss...
Henry: Hmm... I guess that makes sense... *sighs lowly and looks over at Mark, seeing he still looks deep in thought*
Corr frowns as he looks to Henry then to Venoraux if there was any chance that they can communicate with each other if they ever wake up. "Um... V-Venoraux? Is there any way that my uncle can actually communicate if he has that kinda problem? I mean... What if he explains something important that we can't understand, there's gotta be a way to communicate with Henry..." Corr frowns thinking since if Henry was stuck as a huge monster and if he can't talk, there has to be a way around it. Like maybe talking to Henry telepathically through the mind or something that they can understand him.
Venoraux: You should be able to understand the vocalization that is guttural rumblings... It seems you just haven't been listening... Like understanding that when a dog growls in certain ways, they are conveying different meanings... Teeth baring and ears pinned back usually is an angry warning, while bowing with the tail wagging is usually playful... Other dogs can communicate with these noises even without the body language... Demon growling is a mixture of the perceivable noise and secondary speech... Humans have a propensity to hear things from indistinguishable sounds. Among demons, they are speaking words, while to a normal human, this only sounds like grunts and snorts... You just need to train yourself to identify and hear correctly what they mean.
Henry: Teh, so it's just another language...
Venoraux: Which being in the bodies of demons, you should know innately... Repeat this as a test. *looks over at them and lets out a short guttural grunt, that sounds more like a common burp, but... To Henry and Corr in some subconscious vocabulary, it sounds more like it said "human"*
Corr was kind of a bit confused when it was hearing growls but actually caught something in the growling. "Um... I-I think I almost caught you said something.... But... I only got was... 'Hum'.... But... I kinda remember when Henry was with me, I... Kinda thought he said my name when he was growling once." Corr looks to both Henry and Venoraux thinking back when Henry tried to communicate as a beast. But Corr was curious if it was the pendant that was giving him the hard time to actually communicate like a demon.
Henry: Mmm... Human?
Venoraux: *nods* Like hearing words clearly when one has an accent.
Henry: Huh... Like Texans maybe, or some southerner. If their accent is heavy, it can be hard to understand, but to another southerner, it's the accent they're used to. So... This growling is just the demonic accent?
Venoraux: Essentially. And you know the accent, you just need to train your ears to hear the words correctly...
Henry: Huh... And I'm guessing I can't really talk with the accent outside of my demon body, right?
Venoraux: *smiles mysteriously, saying nothing*
Corr wasn't really good with understanding accents or languages as he hugs the pillow thinking he might not be very good at it or he might not even understand Henry if they wake up when Henry tries to talk to him or even tries to train him to understand on how to understand the demon language of those... Growls. Paul was kinda interested to understand the demon language but since he's human he didn't get it, but if he was, he might actually learn some.
Henry: Hmm... *looks over at the other two in thought* ... So... Paul's down to... Be a demon... What say you, Mark? Wanna be part of the family? *deadpans*
Mark: *looks at him shrewdly, but can tell it's not a rhetorical question. He looks down at the sandy beach ground in more thought. This is permanent... Even if Venoraux were to somehow be sent back to Hell, he'll still be a demon, whereas Henry and Corr would die again... He just takes in a deep breath and holds it for a moment, before looking at Paul. Maybe he can stay with him in this whole deal at the very least* ...... I... Guess I wouldn't mind being a dragon...
Paul sighs deeply feeling a bit of relief knowing that Mark actually decided to join him, at least he's not going to do this alone. "Heh, I thought I might be the only one doing it..." Paul weakly smiled. Corr lays down on the bed looking at Mark and Paul knowing that they were both going to become demons. "You sure you wanna do this, Mark? It's gonna be permanent, you know... J-Just don't wanna worry you..." Corr just wants to make sure if Mark had any second thoughts before Venoraux decides on turning them into demons.
Mark: *sighs deeply as he slouches his head over the head post of the bed, locking his hands together atop the headboard. He feels like he's going to regret this* ...... Well... If nothing else... Maybe being one of them will make things a little easier in this nest...
Venoraux: *looks over at the two with a foreboding guttural rumble, before moving to stand from the bed as everything fades out, returning to a black void, and the large demon paces over to the two slowly. It looks so big and deadly towering over them with such a sinister air, an aura of death surrounding it by nature... It causes the two humans to cower from it by instinct. They only stand as tall as up to its knees...*
Henry: *frowns nervously at the monster's advance, pulling Corr into his arms as though to shield him from something* Wh-what are you doing?
Venoraux: Giving them my energy... Submission alone does not grant them protection... *lifts its hands and cages its claws around the two, the innate fear of being inches from death making the two freeze. It's pointless to try running, it's pointless to try fighting... There's nothing for them to do, but stand there. Within a moment, the two begin to produce a black haze around their bodies, and an energy seems to keep them from even reacting*
*in the waking world, the two sleep huddled against the others in a bundle hovering in the middle of Venoraux's mouth, before something starts happening to them... Unconsciously, they shift and tense as they start growing in size, the color of their flesh shifting and they even start growing extra appendages... Paul sprouts large wings from his back and a slender tail from the end of his spine, while Mark also grows a stout spiky tail and his arms become large wings, like a wyvern, his hands reshaping from 5-fingered human hands to 3-clawed dragon hands. The bodies of the two become big and muscular, limiting the space in the mouth for the group. The military humans probably won't appreciate waking up to being surrounded by a bunch of large bulky demons, but even still there's a few feet left between them and the glowing red teeth. It's getting pretty cramped though*
Corr looks over to Henry feeling him hugging him as he leans in close to him from the hug. He was a bit worried of what Venoraux might do to Paul and Mark so that it will change them into... Demons to survive. Paul was ready, but seeing how Venoraux looked to be more... Bigger and surrounding him and Mark with its own claws. He felt like he wanted to double think this idea. But it was too late anyway, he knows about how awful rituals, curses, and all sorts they might put through people, but this was far different. It was like he'll become a werewolf, except he'll turn into a demon, but permanently. He chose this just so he can actually learn about demons, so... It was his choice, and maybe he can try to tutor Corr on how to speak demon and all the stuff since he was slow. Paul tries to close his own eyes to avoid getting a bit scared from Venoraux's intimidating mischievous look and try to get used to feeling the energy that Venoraux was giving him as it was seeping into his own body.
Venoraux: *its grin turns darker as the two are consumed with its energy, and it moves its large hands around slowly, only to curl its claws around them while the haze remains on them. It then causes them a bit of pain as they groan and grimace as the claws constrict them. It's like a physical image of if someone said "the darkness has them in its clutches", because now it actually does... Venoraux keeps the two squeezed in its deadly hands as the black haze absorbs into their bodies, latching onto their souls, but... It starts to feel almost like a bizarrely pleasant embrace, like just the right temperature. Soon, the dark haze is completely harbored inside of them, leaving them knocked out, in which Venoraux loosens its grip, only enough to let them relax. It then picks them up in its claws and turns to bring them back to the bed, laying them down upon it to let them sleep*
Henry: *keeps Corr hugged in his arms as he gazes at the two. It feels wrong to know that they too now belong to the demon, but they chose this... They are now one of them...*
Corr frowns a bit knowing that it feels wrong to see Paul suffered a bit when he was trying to hang on, but it looked like he was... Embracing it knowing that he chose this since he wanted to do it in the first place so that he can maybe stay with him and Henry. Corr and Henry move aside so that Paul and Mark can have the room on the bed so that they can rest, but Corr felt so guilty just seeing them like this. Corr looks up to Venoraux with a worried look on his face. "Um... W-Will... Will they be ok?" Corr said in an unsure voice.
Venoraux: ... They'll be fine... Just as you two retain your human bodies in this space, they do as well...
Henry: ... So then it's just they're demons when we wake up?
Venoraux: *simply nods and waves its tail* Though... You should awaken soon, and allow them to feed... Being in new bodies, they are newborns, and must be hungry... Wouldn't want them looking at your military friends with hungry eyes, would we...?
Henry: *frowns with concern* They would do that?
Venoraux: Just as you were tempted to consume the bulco I offered... Any meat is enticing, whether you'd want to admit it or not... They would be no different...
Henry: ......... *sighs lowly* Well... Let's wake up then and get them something to eat...
Corr frowns sadly. "Y-Yeah... I don't want the military to get any bad ideas.... And I don't want Paul and Mark to start looking at the military group as the first food they spot." Corr looks to Henry in worry thinking they gotta wake up first before the rest do so that they can get them outta there until the military wakes up.
Henry: *nods and looks at Venoraux, only for everything to start fading out. The next thing they know is they wake up to the sight of two more dragons huddled up with them. One is actually about the size of a bulco, so there's less space in the mouth now... Henry lets out a low groan as he shifts and looks around at the others, blinking his eyes trying to identify which of the new dragons is who. They must be Paul and Mark, but which one's which?*
As Corr was sleeping, he woke up, but this time... He was back in his own bedroom, almost like he had another nightmare all over again. But for some odd reason, it felt all too real. Corr slowly sits up from his bed as he examines the room, his room looks the same, his clothes look the same as well, soon he tries to get out of bed and tries to head out of his royal room to see if anyone was still around, even his own dad and everyone else for that matter. As he got changed from his night clothes to his day clothes, he came out of his room but no sign of servants as he starts to walk down the hallway. The place seems.... Dead quiet. Corr looks into the other rooms, the kitchen, the spare rooms, the garden, even other rooms but strangely.... No one... Was here. "Dad.....? Allison......? Sammy.....? Wally....? Anyone....!?" Corr called out as he walks down the hallway, but sadly... No one returned his call. He was alone in the castle, not even a guard in sight. "Where is everyone...?" Corr frowns.
*the halls and corridors and rooms are all vacant, even outside is unsettlingly deserted. Though, nothing is damaged. When he ventures outside, it's still as peaceful as nature can be in the garden, but no doubt the loneliness isn't peaceful at all for the meek boy. But he's not alone. He's being watched by something from above... Nothing abnormal in the sky, but it feels like something's there*
Corr frowns sadly knowing that whenever he calls the people's names, including Henry's name as well, no one returned his call, he felt so alone. Corr sits outside by the garden next to the fountain as he can only hear the quietness of no people being around. Was he still dreaming? Or did something awful happen to the people that he cares for? He felt so sad and alone as he lowered his head knowing that he missed the people that make him happy and sometimes make them happy as well. He.... He wishes he was home.
*the dark presence being felt lingers in place for a moment before fading, but only to reappear closer to where he sits, on the other side of the fountain. A large black head peeks around the edge of the pillar as a large clawed hand holds onto the pillar. It pulls back to be concealed behind the pillar when Corr looks back*
Corr was thinking about where did everyone go, until he slowly looks up to see something across the fountain. It looks a bit big, dark, but also hiding behind the pillar as well. He didn't like the looks of it but he tries not to move, if he tries to run, it might try to run after him. But if he holds still where he is... It might come after him.... Right? Corr was just looking over where this.... Whatever this creature was. If it tries to come near him, he might try to change his mind and run into the castle to lock the door.
*as he sits there, the thing doesn't seem to appear again, but behind his back slowly rises a long stalk with a spear on the end, like a serpent, and before he can react, it swiftly coils around him binding his arms and lifts him from the ground*
"A-AAAHH!?" Corr panicked as he struggles and flails to get this strange black binding off of him, but frightening that it lifts him off the ground as he was kicking nothing but air itself. It feels like he was back in that awful dream again like his own nightmare never ends. "G-Gah! Let me go! Let go of me!"
*he then hears dark scary chuckling as a big black creature rises from a hazy shadow on the ground, rising up baring two large horns on its head, four mean looking eyes, and... A wide fanged grin. It pulls itself up to show its size, baring huge claws and... A long tail. That which is coiled around him... The creature growls lowly in amusement at his struggling, holding him up to its level and looking him over*
Corr looks at his own worst nightmare in horror knowing that he was in the grip of the awful black dragon. Corr was scared, frightened, and even saddened that he didn't want any of this. He wished to escape the monster that tried to get its own hands on him for all these years, and now.... It finally has caught him. For 5 years... It caught him, he doesn't even know what this nightmare might do to him, will it eat him, torture him, kill him, what does it want from him? Corr's own tears fell from his own face as he just wants to close his own eyes wishing that everything was just.... A stupid nightmare like everything was.
demon: *tilts its head with a low hiss, and moves a hand up to brush a large claw across Corr's cheek to catch the tears, the small bit of water glistening upon the talon's surface. The monster almost looks curious of him, as its head somehow levitates over its collar*
Corr has his own eyes closed but then... Felt something or even someone wipe the tear off his own face. He slowly open his eyes sadly, but then saw the large claws as if... It was being gentle. Corr was awfully scared to even look at the monster that has haunted him for so long now while he was being coiled in its own tail. He was even nervous to talk to it.
demon: *gives a short grunt before moving Corr closer to it, pressing his chest against its cheek as it holds a large hand against his back, shutting its eyes, as if to listen to his heartbeat. Strange behavior for something so deadly, but it's obviously not a simple or impulsive creature*
Corr clenched his eyes shut when it pulled him closer, but then as he felt like it was... Well... Actually felt like it was resting its own head against his chest, he peeks his eyes open until he actually witnessed that this.... Strange demon looking creature.... Was... Resting its own head against his own chest as its large claws were right behind him. But also... Its own eyes were closed and relaxed, was this the same demonic dragon that he always encountered in his nightmares for 5 haunting years? It... Didn't look like it was gonna kill him.... For now at least. "U-Uh.... W-What... Um... You're.... You're not.... Gonna eat me.... Right?" Corr frowns as he looks at the creature hoping that this demon creature might spare him since... Well... Seems like it looks like it actually wants to hear his own heartbeat.
demon: *doesn't respond for a moment, just listening to the subtle thumping of the boy's heart. It's not like it hasn't heard this sound before, but coming from its offspring, it's like a parent reuniting with its young after so long. Soon it opens its eyes and pulls away, keeping him wrapped in its tail* ... If I wanted to eat you, I wouldn't have spared you in the first place, boy... *it speaks with a voice so deep and dark and demonic, but also alluringly smooth. This monster doesn't seem to be of the particularly volatile variety*
Corr looked surprised that... It actually spoke to him. "You... You can speak...?" Corr was stunned as he can actually understand its own words fluently since he was its offspring. But he had no idea that it can speak ever since he had nightmares of it for 5 years. "Then... W-What do you want from me...? I keep having the nightmares of you over and over again for almost 5 long years from now. Why....? Why do you keep haunting me!?" Corr frowns at the demonic dragon being hoping he can get answers.
demon: ... I only had such a bond with you, that I could find your subconscious... But you kept hiding from me... I only wanted you back... *moves Corr from being wrapped in its tail to being held in its hand, and then turns to pace through the garden with its long serpentine tail swaying around languidly. But what does it mean by wanting him back?*
Corr finally has his arms free but then was in the demon's large hand as he looks up to it worriedly like he doesn't get why he was so important to this... Strange demonic dragon. "Bond? But... What do you mean you want me back? I don't have anything.... What is it that I have that you want?" Corr looks up at the demon with a confused and worried look that he doesn't even understand what was going on.
demon: ... You have my essence... *looks down at him ominously as they go through a path in the garden, fairly tall pleasant trees and low bushes on either side, and the walkway paved with gravel and mortar. Though its dangerous grin seems to hint at some shady business having happened in the past* Were you ever told of what your father did in the past, for your benefit? It involved me...
Corr frowns when the demon mentions that he has its essence. It was impossible, let alone that he seems to be too pure to have the essence of a demonic dragon that is so... Evil. It can't be true... Unless he was cursed by this awful dragon. But then Corr frowns even more when this monster mentions about his dead father. "N-No.... He never mentioned anything... We were just..." Corr frowns even more sadly until everything clicks in his head. His ruined kingdom, his dead parents, everyone dead beside him... Gone... All cause.... Of this.... Demon. Corr looks up to the demon dragon with stun... But also.... Hate. "You.... Did.... D-Did you.... Destroy the kingdom that I lived in... And... My parents!?" Corr's eyes started to fill up in tears thinking of his mom dying in the hands of the monster that killed her. And he was in the hands of... The monster that killed her right now.
demon: Is it not obvious~? *curls its claws around Corr's body with a vile grin to keep him from struggling, but the grip isn't too tight* You belong to me, boy... Your parents wanted a child, but couldn't on their own accord, so your father came to me and asked for a child of great potency... They wanted you to be a strong leader, but I wasn't going to just hand out my essence so generously...
Corr glares at the demon thinking it was lying as he didn't wanna accept that the demon's words were true. His own mother loved him so much, even loved him to death, plus his own dad never mentioned anything about the dragon when he was so young. Corr tries to struggle out of the demon's large hands, but it was difficult to get free. "H-How would you know!? You never knew my parents like I knew them!" Corr glares at the demon angrily knowing that he had a strong connection with his mom since his father went out a lot, but he spent more time with his mom in the kingdom. She always told him that when he was born, she wanted a baby to love and even have a family to grow with. Corr was proud to call her a mother.... But... She was gone... And that monster took her away from him.
demon: *chuckles darkly* I didn't need to know them. They simply asked, and I gave, but they didn't think to look at the "fine print"... *tilts its head at him in thought* I would have spared your kingdom, if you'd simply been given back to me... But your parents were... Determined, to keep you away from me... What you really are... No being of such potential should be suppressed for all their days. That is what I aim to do with you...
Corr frowns sadly just thinking of his own parents sacrificing their own lives and even their own kingdom.... Just to save him.... They really did care for him. Since he was 8 years old at the time from that awful accident, he had no clue when he was a child until now today... But now.... What will this demon do to him now since it has him? "Just... What are you planning on doing to me? I'm here.... And I don't want any other kingdoms getting destroyed or harmed in any way cause of me..." Corr frowns at the demon.
demon: ... I'll make you mine... Enthralled with me as your parent... In return, I'll spare whatever you wish... *paces through the garden until they reach a small park area, where they sometimes come to to enjoy the nights. The skies are commonly beautiful and peaceful full of stars at night*
Corr frowns awfully sadly as if he feels like he was now captured and in the clutches of a monster that was going to be..... His parent. It feels.... Strange, alien, odd, but mostly... Scary. He really wishes to go home where his own step-father is right now to be into his own arms, and even where Allison is now too. She was like another version of a mom but just a nanny in a way, he really misses having a mom. Corr felt sad and defeated as he looks to the demon with the saddest expression. "I.... I-I want... My step-father.... Henry.... To be safe... A-And even Allison as well...." Corr frowns sadly as a small tear flows down his cheek thinking that he might not see them again if he's stuck in the monster's clutches and be forever its own.
demon: *growls lowly with a smooth sway of its tail, before loosening its claws around him, but keeps him held in its hand* ... Very well, they'll not be harmed... But the you of me can no longer be dormant... *a slender tendril then grows out from its chest between the ribs, curving in an S shape like a snake, before it moves to stab into Corr's chest, grasping his heart. It hurts, and the dream space suddenly washes into a blood red mess of the once pleasant surroundings, everything looking like a painting having had water spilled over it and bleeding down to make smeared and disheveled visuals. Like blood itself was just splashed into this subconscious reality. It seems to convey the feeling of paralytic pain, horror, and dread. It's even hard for Corr to breathe as the demon's tendril grasps the feeble organ, but... He can't wake up. Nor can he die... The demon's fanged smile only remains as a sinister one as it moves the tendril to pull the boy's heart out of his body... But yet, he still doesn't die, or even lose consciousness. Is the demon doing this? Controlling the dreamscape to act in accordance to its wishes?* ... And you will not be against me...
Corr was in pain, a lot of pain in his own heart. Since the demon ripped his own heart out that he knew was the most important thing he had that made him human, he felt.... Inhuman.... Just looking at the monster that took his heart away made him feel weak, scared, little, and powerless. He was starting to feel shaken that all his own love and feelings were all inside his own heart that make him.... Himself. But this... Demon... Took it away from him like a toy... Like it was nothing. Now it was its own tool to know that it can show Corr that he won't go up against it if it has his own heart. But... How could he.... If he felt so weak... In pain... And suffering. He even can't move knowing how hurt he was when the demon did this to him.
demon: *holds the bleeding, beating heart snared in the tendril like a net, and then retracts it to absorb the heart into its own body. It now holds Corr's heart captive in its own body, and it lets out a low hiss at his powerless posture, laying helpless in its hand. But having done this, it's as though Corr is still connected to his heart in the demon's chest, and it's a strange feeling. It almost feels like a telepathic sensation, like his heart is relieved of the pain, and slowly starts beating normally. The demon lifts its other hand and brushes the tip of a claw across Corr's forehead, brushing his hair aside, before wiping the tears away... This strange feeling comes from the touches, like a parent grooming their child. And... He likes it?*
Corr frowns sadly but still the emptiness was still there, it felt like he got nothing in his own chest anymore, but for some odd reason... He can actually feel the connection to his heart from inside of the demon. Was the demon doing this? But still... It got a hold of his heart, and if anything happens to the demon, happens to himself as well. But then... Starts to feel the demon grooming him as it was brushing his hair and even wiping his own tears away. It... It feels so weird... But deep down, it was.... Too insane and crazy for him to believe all this. He needs to find a way to get outta here, and even get back home.
demon: You'll see, boy... I'll make you a powerful predator, and leader. Just as your father wanted... You'll be able to defend your kingdom from anything, and provide sufficiently for all... Joey told you true about your more... Remedial powers... And we'll teach them to you... *the surroundings then slowly start to reshape back to their original scenery, the illusory blurred perception pulling back to more recognizable shapes, and even the colors fade back to what they're supposed to be... But that strange feeling is still in him. A child-like feeling of imprinting on the demon, and somewhat comfort in it...*
Corr's eyes widen when the demon mentioned Joey. Joey.... He thought that nothing will hurt him, he thought that nothing will happen to him, and all this time.... Joey..... Joey lied to him. Corr's eyes begin to tear up once more as he curls up in the demon's hand as he felt sad... But also angry at Joey, for lying and also... Lying about everything to him that wasn't true. And maybe he was the one that kidnapped him to bring him into this place. If he ever sees Joey again, he'll just... Just.... He just doesn't wanna see his face or even hear his own lies again. He can't take much more of this. Corr whimpers in the demon's hand as he didn't wanna do this, he didn't wanna train, all he wants.... Was to go home.
demon: *gives a deep rumble as it brings him closer and presses him against its chest, some force in him almost forcing him to remain still and just soak up the demon's embrace. It feels like there's some spirit latched onto him making him be like this, but... It doesn't feel like he's out of his own control either. But while laying against the demon's chest, he can hear a subtle thumping. A heartbeat... And still it elicits that strange feeling of a bond, whether Corr really likes it or not. He's the demon's child, and it doesn't seem to be as liberal as that of a mortal bond between parent and child. This almost feels like a shackle, and yet, it also doesn't*
As the demon puts him close to its own chest, it kinda feels like this demon was trying to... Actually comfort him. Corr rests his head to the demon's chest, but also can actually hear the heartbeat. Was it the demon's heart or was it his own heart still inside the cursed demon? But just... Hearing the heartbeat thumping like a tune and beat, it.... Sounds really nice. It made him think about how he used to do this with his mother when he fell asleep with her just to hear her own heart.... It was lovely. Corr was slowly relaxing as he curls up in the demon's hand and just let himself hear the heartbeat inside the demon's chest as he start to close his eyes and let himself drift off to hear the lovely tunes of the beating heart.
*the demon stands in place just keeping the boy held against it, its guttural rumblings imitating a purr to let him sleep. Might this demon really be so horrible? Yes, it literally stole his heart, and turned him into a demon dragon, but it's not being stereotypically abrasive and repulsive as a demon should be...*
As Corr sleeps on the demon's chest, he lightly nuzzled its chest feeling it rumble as it was purring like it was vibrating. Corr lightly smiled thinking it was funny to hear another sound besides a heartbeat thinking he might be hearing a cat was purring.
Outside of the dreamscape Corr was stirring in his sleep as he was trying to wake up in Joey's arms but he was actually nuzzling in Joey's chest thinking he was nuzzling the demon's chest from the dreamscape.
*they're still in the demon's chest mouth, Joey still holding the small demon wrapped in his own clothes that he'd grown out of. Or rather, shrunk into, but he's keeping the little imp comfortable for the lord. While Corr slept, he had started to shift and fuss at some point, but seems he's calmed down again*
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sasorikigai · 3 years
What is your true role in the story?
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the antihero + the ‘chosen one’ 
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ah yes, hello edge lord. it is lovely to see you again. you my dear, are the incarnation of duality, and you might think of claws and venom mixed with grace but alas, nothing near as poetic. you my friend, are mixture of what is seen as right, and what is questioned. you follow the path of your own two feet, you know the twists and turns of life's forests quite well if I do say so myself. and you can meander along them wonderfully. you strive to stay true to a certain sense of principles you might call your code, but whereas in reality, those would be your morals. people tend to see you as strange. sharp edged and glinting you hide behind a cloak of chain mail but really you just prefer to show off your imperfections first. unlike many who scramble to make it as if their flaws never existed, you proudly raise yours up. saying, "this is me, this is the worst of me, now you know what to expect." and might I say, it is quite an intriguing mindset, for truth be told, the ones that love your spikes and craters are the ones who appreciate your softness the most. you wish not to be loved as something lovable, but as a monster. for aren't we all just beasts in human skin? 
you are brave, but you are lonely. you know quite well how to scare off most, making even the heroes with the boldest bravado creep away with their tails between their legs. you are not a villain, sometimes you play the part a bit too well. but nevertheless you are no hero either. you put yourself first, but if one wins your trust then may the gods have mercy on those who might wrong them. you long to be a poetic mess of sorts, and well, if the ink sets in long enough you might just become that sooner or later. but for one who is so dead set on truth you sure do hide a lot don't you?
please, step out of the shadows, there is a difference to not making your flaws visible and to simply acting as if you're the most despicable person in all the realms. it's because you're afraid of attachment is it not? well let me tell you a little secret, everyone is. you say you wish to be left alone for eternity but than why are you craving connection. you wish to be known and understood truly, but you snarl and push the ones that might be trying away. please little wolf, accept you are lovable. you are not some ravenous beast that terrifies the multitudes, sure, you are not for the faint of heart but that does not make you an inkling less perfect as you are. young antihero, step into the sun. you would do better actually reaching for the things you want rather than pining for them in the darkness.
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back again young one? still not comfortable with your new title? yes, I can see you are one that prefers the simpler things in life but you do deserve the rank they have given you. oh little sparrow, have you just now realized you are an owl? soaring the skies with gleaming, outstretched talons. you lived your life blinded to your own abilities, but now the truth is out.
you did not ask to be a hero, which pains my heart to the core. but alas, the people have given you something so true and bittersweet you cannot bear to refuse them. for they have given you their trust. they praise you, songs will be sung of you, ballads written, feasts in your honor. but "why me?" you quietly whisper to the stars. if you could speak their language you'd hear their simple reply, "because." you, out of the finest candidates were chosen to be a sacrificial lion in golden chains. your loved ones chanted your worth as it echoed from the steeples. but what was your say on the matter? I guess you had little to none, and unfortunately, neither do I. but destiny is not a burden, it is a gift, you feel weighted by the entire world, your shoulders ache from the hopes, fears, and dreams of the people who have chosen to follow you.
but their adoration isn't blind my dear. you are strong, you are worthy of the armor, of the crown. when you look back you will realize that you, my young god, were truly the savior many called you. do not run from your purpose, seek it. and I do not mean the heroic of sorts, no, search for what makes you alive young hero, for here's a secret, you are just as much a hero to others as you are to yourself. if wouldn't make you a villain, to tell them no...
Tagged by: @sonxflight Tagging: @indulgentia, @cryomncr, @whiptrip | @kcnshi, @extraordinarygrrls, @swordsxandxshadows​ and YOU 
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im-a-space-gay · 4 years
Friendships DESTROYED
Gay Gamers AU. Also this is mostly unedited because I couldn’t muster up the effort to read over it.
Before Virgil went to Florida
“Hello everybody!” Roman said, running around the lobby. “Prince_Of_Creativity here, and today I am with the other Gay Gamers, Mor-Pal-Ity, CoolLogic101, and Anxie_Tea&Biscuits—“
“— and my brother and his crew, Duke_Of_DEATH, SneakySnekBoi, Sleepislife and Picartoons, and today we are playing Among Us. Now, I hear Snek is good at explaining things, so would you care to explain the rules?”
“Not at all. Among Us is an online game where there are four to ten players. The crewmate’s goal is to defeat the imposters, either by completing all their tasks or by voting them off. The imposter’s goal is to kill everybody they possibly can and sabotage equipment. There can be up to three imposter’s per game depending on the settings; however there will only be one imposter for this video, then the next will bump it up to two, and finally three.”
“Thank you Snek,” Roman said. “Now, let’s ruin each other’s trust, shall we?”
“Oh my god,” Remy groaned as Snek won. “Gurl, you always win when you’re imposter! How did we not guess sooner?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.”
“No joke, if I’m imposter next round, I’m killing you out of spite,” Remy said dead serious, and everyone laughed.
The next round started, and Virgil muted himself like everybody else before evil laughing.
“I’m the imposter! Now, over the course of the game, I have been analyzing everybody’s moves, and have a solid strategy. Nerdy, I know.”
Virgil pretended to do tasks as he explained.
“First, we’ll kill Snek, because most the time he figures out who it is lightning quick, and thanks to Remy, they’ll probably accuse him for killing Snek. So, Snek first, Remus next, and if Remy hasn’t been voted off by then, kill him, and then Emile. I’ll save the other Gay Gamers last because they have been quick to defend me the last few rounds when I was in fishy situations, and knowing them they’ll tear each other apart from the inside accusing each other. Then I’ll kill Patton, then Logan, and I’m home free.”
Virgil was quick to spin in a circle with Snek, a nonverbal way to pack together with trust before they walked away from everybody else.
“Of course, there will be other things screwing up my master plan, but oh well. It’ll end with me winning or losing, and I’m perfectly fine with either.”
They entered electrical, and Virgil killed Snek before venting to the other side of the map, where once he left the room he saw Patton and Logan together and stuck with them so he had an alibi.
A couple minutes went by before somebody found Snek’s body. Surprisingly, Remus found it and immediately shouted:
“Wait wait wait babes I didn’t do it!”
“Okay, let’s think about how I’m not the only meme-y one—“
“I don’t know Remy that seems awfully suspicious,” Roman said accusingly.
“Dude, what about Anx—“
“HE WOULD NEVER!” Both Patton and Logan said loudly.
“Besides, he’s been with us for a while now,” Logan said, and Virgil smirked.
“Yeah Remy, I’m starting to think it might be you,” Emile said, Virgil smiling more.
“What’s Anx’s opinion?” Roman asked, and Virgil thanked his years in voice acting.
“Well, Remy does seem suspicious, but honestly we don’t have enough information for me to feel comfortable outright accusing him at this point.”
“I agree with Anxie,” Patton said, voting. “Let’s just skip this one until we have more evidence.”
They all agreed and Virgil tried not to laugh even if he was now muted, following Logan and Patton again. When there was an intersection, Virgil turned off the lights, knowing they’d be essentially useless when turning the lights back on.
He split from Logan and Patton, hoping they wouldn’t notice as he looked for Remus. It was easy enough to find him, snapping his neck before venting away. By the time he was able to kill again, he saw Remy trying to swipe his card and killed him as well before venting.
Virgil snickered. He could see it now; Remy yelling in the call for dead people while Snek laughed, Remus probably saying something crude. Remy probably going like “I told you so” as he followed Virgil, cussing loudly.
He walked around, killing Emile once he found them and actually managing to find Logan and Patton again.
It appeared Roman found a body, as a meeting was called and Patton gasped, probably at all the people dead.
“Okay, that is a LOT more dead people than I remember,” Virgil said, holding down his laughs knowing that the dead people could still hear him.
“So it’s down to us,” Roman said dramatically before continuing. “I think it’s Logan, because Patt is terrible at lying and I feel like we would know if it was Anx.”
“Actually, it’s you,” Logan said in the perfect way of saying Uno Reverse without saying Uno Reverse. “Because us three have been together since before the last time a dead body was found.”
And Virgil had to hold his hand to his mouth so he wouldn’t make any noise because one, they didn’t realize he separated from them, and two, he didn’t think about how that would affect their view of the Roman. Dear lord, he wish he grabbed popcorn.
After them arguing for a bit, Roman was voted off and he really had to not laugh at how the other two reacted.
He unmuted himself once his kill button became an option again, and he killed Logan before evil cackling as the victory screen appeared.
“OH MY GOD,” Roman shouted, as if the truth was surprising to him, which it probably was.
“ANX YOU ABSOLUTE SON OF BITCH,” Remy shouted as well, and Virgil’s evil laugh increased in volume and length as he listened to their reactions.
“You never saw it coming until it was knocking at your door!” He said like a villain once he stopped laughing.
“I gotta hand it to you, that was really awesome,” Snek said, being the calmest of the bunch. “Before you come back into the lobby, can you please explain everything to me; the strat, the outcome, everything!”
“Sure!” Virgil said, and he smirked when they all shut up, wanting to hear it for themselves. “First, I had to kill you, because you are damn good at murder mysteries. It was just really convenient that not only did you go to electrical, but Remy had threatened you last round.”
“Fucking piece of shit,” Remy mumbled.
“Then, act like I normally do, meaning I couldn’t agree that we voted Remy off, I just had to hope it happened. Shut off the lights because we’re useless fixing stuff like that, plus it gave me a chance to sneak away from Logan and Patton without them noticing. Killed Remus because he is way too reckless in voting people off meaning it was unpredictable, and Remy would most likely be voted off because Remus was the one who planted the idea in your heads that Remy was guilty.”
“Fucking. Piece. Of shit.”
“Upon realizing that nobody had found his body or turned the lights back on, I killed Remy when I found him, same method for Emile, and rejoined Logan and Patton and waited till somebody found a body.”
“Fucking simp. Leaving them and my brother alive,” Remus said, and Virgil smirked.
“Actually, it’s the other way around.”
“Throughout my time of knowing and recording with the other three, I knew that they wouldn’t accuse me unless they had no choice. Therefore, I had to make them the last to go.”
“Genius,” Snek whispered in awe. “Absolute genius.”
“Honestly,” Virgil continued, ignoring the slight heat in his face. “Once somebody found a body I was going to insist to skip the vote, kill Patton, and watch the other two tear each other apart and ‘reluctantly’ side with one of them. I didn’t take into account one thing however.”
“It was just you and those three, meaning Roman was alone,” Snek said, and Virgil nodded even though he knew they wouldn’t see him.
“Yep. It was just too easy to vote Roman off and kill one of the others once I had the chance, winning my first game as imposter.”
“I feel tricked. I feel like a fiddle who’s been played with,” Roman said, utter betrayal in his voice as the other two Gay Gamers agreed. “I do not know if I could ever see or even talk to Anx the same way again.”
“Besides the utter rage I feel,” Remy said, cutting Virgil off from apologizing. “I have to admit that I am proud of little Anxie.”
“Don’t call me that,” Virgil said with utter venom, entering the lobby and running over to the other Gay Gamers. “Only Lo, Ro, and Patty can call me that.”
“Because you’re not as special as them,” Virgil said, smiling as he heard Emile reassure Remy he was special when he became upset.
“I take it back, this is still little innocent Anxie,” Roman said.
“Indeed. Still as harmless as ever.”
“Just a small anxious baby,” Patton finished. Virgil frowned, walking away from the others and to Snek and Remus.
“You’ve been revoked of your title of being special. You’re all evil and heartless.”
“You cannot escape us Anxie,” Roman said like a madman, following Virgil, prompting Virgil to run away, only for Roman, and soon Logan and Patton, to follow.
Virgil turned around at the last second to boop Logan before running away again.
“Tag, you’re it!”
“Oh, it is on.”
General Taglist:
@thefivecalls @antiredhuman
Gay Gamers Taglist:
@that-spider-fan-over-there @thatonerandomarmadillo
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