#but he definitely throws his clothes wherever after getting home from work.
kranom · 6 months
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saying he doesn't want to remember his birthday then immediately thanking the farmer for getting him a gift is Shane in a nutshell
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freyaphoria · 2 months
AHHHHHH you really good at writing yandere fics. can i request that yandere seongjoong and like what do you do with them every single day. if you get what i mean yk
AHHHH THANK YOU!!♡ If I understood correctly, you asked what we did in a day. If I misunderstood, please feel free to ask again. And thank you soo much for 400 followers!♡
tw: food, blood mentioned
(Based on this)
A typical day with no one getting hurt, Joong in a good mood, and no punishment would look like this:
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Seonghwa comes to your room and wakes you up in the morning since you have your own room since Hongjoong gave you a room for your good behavior.
And Seonghwa has prepared your breakfast, and the three of you eat your breakfast, facing Hongjoong at the table, exposed to his soul-sucking gaze.😣
You try not to interact with Hongjoong too much during the morning, at any moment you could explode at him and cause him to take back the freedoms he gave you. Also, since Hongjoong is an unstable maniac, you never know which side of him he'll show you. For example, sometimes your tantrums please him, but sometimes he makes ten times the tantrums you throw at him and punishes you severely.
When breakfast is over, Seonghwa washes the dishes, per Hongjoong's rules. because you once stole a kitchen knife and tried to stab Hongjoong with the excuse of helping him. As a result, Hong broke your arm. Very romantic💕
Then Joong gets ready and goes somewhere as if he is going to work. You didn't know where he was going, but you could tell from his bloody clothes when he arrived in the evening that he didn't go to work. Which office job involves bloodshed? Sometimes he takes Hwa with him wherever he goes. When he takes him, he locks you in your room to prevent you from doing fun things like escaping.
You love the moments you spend alone at home with Hwa because he is not unstable like Joong. You can tell when he is angry and when he is happy. He is also more compassionate towards you. But he still never lets you escape. If you mention escaping to him, he will definitely tell Joong and boom! Another punishment awaits you!💕
You usually build legos with Hwa, Joong buys him legos as a reward. A room in the mansion was filled with Seonghwa's Legos. Sometimes you wonder how much all those Legos cost Joong.
Lunch is very important for Hwa! Since Joong wants you to eat healthy, Hwa usually makes healthy snacks like an almond mom. While having lunch together, you would talk about your old lives. If Joong heard about this he would be very angry at both of you but it had been a little secret between you and Hwa.
If you are allowed to watch television, you watch television, or you silently watch the forest through the window with Hwa.
The activities you will do during the day depend on the behavior of both of you. Okay, Seonghwa isn't completely innocent either. But after all, he too is Joong's victim. So if Hwa did something to upset him -which is almost a one percent chance- for ex Joong doesn't allow him to watch TV, so he spends all day building Legos or reading books in his room while you watch TV. But if you couldn't do an activity because of punishment, Hwa wouldn't do it without you and would find something for you to do.
Since Hwa is a loyal dog to Joong, he constantly watches you when Joong is not around and will grab you and warn you if you make the slightest attempt to escape or break Joong's rules. If you don't listen to him, the demon that haunts Joong comes out of Hwa and uses violence in a moment of anger, even though he knows he will regret it later🥺
Why this is so long (I think I've been waiting for this moment)
Whenever Joong comes home from whatever the hell he was with bloody clothes, he expects you to greet him with a hug. (in his dreams, of course🙄) When you don't hug, Hwa tries to help you hug by pushing you. But Joong rolled his eyes at you and said, "My prince, forget about her, come and hug me." He opens his arms to Hwa and Hwa runs and hugs him as if he saw water in the desert. Hello Stockholm syndrome!👋🏻
To cut it short, (Joong takes a shower and puts on fresh clean clothes ) until dinner is ready, you will have to listen to Joong give a long speech about how easy and peaceful your life will be if you stay here, obey him and love him. my ass
You've eaten something, you feel sleepy because of the monotony of the day, and you usually want to go to bed at 6 o'clock so you don't see Joong's face anymore, but will Joong let you? No.😃
The three of you sit on the sofa like a✨️family✨️ and watch a cliché movie from B.C. that even the actors have forgotten, with an IMDb rating of 2 that Joong chose. And while the movie was still going on, he would wake up the first sleeper by kicking them. How romantic!💕 But when he gets sleepy, he turn off the movie and go to sleep. How thoughtful!💕
He doesn't talk about what he does during the day and asks what you do. When you give him short answers, Hwa will embellish an activity as simple as building legos and tell it like an epic to save you.
If Joong's mood hasn't changed by this time, you would be a little relieved that it won't change again. I mean, if he was angry at you, you'd be crying in the basement covered in blood by now.
When it's time for you to go to bed, you would hug Hwa and without kissing Joong goodnight, and go to your room but he would hold you and kiss you anyway.
Aaaand thank God, some peace! You were finally in your room! Thankful that this day ended peacefully, you feel sleepy and fall asleep as you look carefully at the forest through your iron-barred window, which resembles a ✨️prison✨️, to see if you can see any house or car. Having hope connects you to life!
Sometimes one of them comes to hug you while you sleep. If you had your back to the door and couldn't see the person coming, you would know that person was Hwa from the gentle arms wrapped around your waist. If harsh hands wrap around your throat instead of those gentle hands, unfortunately that person is Joong.
Since they sleep together, if one sleeps with you, the other will usually join you after a while. You find yourself pressed between the two. Of course, you press yourself against Hwa, trying to stay away from Joong. you failed
That's it! This is how you spend a simple and plain day! It seems fun except for the fact that you get bored of doing the same things all the time :(
A day of punishment, lots of screaming, tears and blood would be very different from this.
I had so much fun writing this, I don't know why, thank you for sending this request. It's 4 am and I think the night drunkenness has hit me.
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Who takes longer showers or Who's messier for the prompt thing!
Ambrosius would definitely take longer showers, but that's only because he would spend thirty minutes on showering alone to get all the grit off from work or simply being outside, then there's a whole ass hair care ritual routine that would take, maybe, ten to twenty minutes. He has beautiful hair, I don't believe it was a 'woke up like this' scenario. After that, for skin care, he draws a bath and just takes a soak for another twenty minutes with his hair shower capped, whether or not it's short or long, so all the shampoo, conditioning, etc. sets in well before he waters it down and towels it up. Another ten minutes, and he's ready to get dress and leave the bathroom... Or just leave the bathroom with a bathrobe on. If he and Bal are having sex, Ambrosius just goes with the shower and does the 'hair and skin care' part after sex.
Ballister's definitely messier, in the sense that he leaves parts he uses for tinkering or whatever scattered all over the room/apartment/lair, wherever. If it's not parts to upgrade or enhance his prosthetic, it's batteries for his prosthetic arm. Additionally, Ambrosius isn't the only one who brings work home with him, too. When Ballister's working on an investigation, he posts any leads on a cork board but if the cork board is full, he leaves it anywhere and even has tiny traffic cones to means 'DO NOT THROW OR BURN. POSSIBLE EVIDENCES', and it stays there until the case is over or declared unsolvable, because that happens no matter how hard one could work on it. Ambrosius and Ballister have spats over it every now and then, because 'Don't give me that when you leave the bathroom all wet after you're through with it!'
Ficlet: Waiting
Ballister released another sigh as he shifted his weight on the couch, his towel draped over one of his shoulders and a change of clothes resting at the other side. thought he would be used to this by now. By this, he meant waiting for Ambrosius to finish his bathroom ritual.
Nope. It's still annoying.
He even tried taking a break early from a project he was working on just to use the bathroom before Ambrosius got to, but when he did, it was already locked and he could hear music coming out from it.
So, in the end, Ballister ended up finishing fifty percent of the project before he got bored doing so, and decided to wait on the couch because, surely, it can't be any longer.
He's still waiting.
And the front door opens.
"Damn, it's pouring out there." Ambrosius sighed as he stepped into their unit, and shrugs off his coat and hung it up the rack.
Ballister's eyes went wide.
Ambrosius placed the groceries on the island kitchen, before calling out, "Dibs on the bathroom."
Then, Nimona in an octopus form steps out of the bathroom, sleepily yawning. "Ahh, that was a nice, hot bath. Dozed off a little." They hummed.
Ballister sometimes wondered why he loved this family.
"Bal," Ambrosius started, pouting disapprovingly at the mess of their apartment. "We talked about this..."
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romantic-disarray · 2 years
These characters as your younger sibling hcs!
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Ft. Bachira, Nagi, Isagi, Chigiri, and Rin!
Note: May be ooc so don't mind 🙏
BACHIRA MEGURU━He's the type of brother that would stand at your door staring at you, and when you tell him to get out of your room—he says that he's not even in your room, before pointing at his feet that were CENTIMETERS away from your door frame.
The type to start a pillow fight, wherever and whenever no matter the situation.
He'd definitely answer, 'My older sibling!' to a who's your best friend question.
Despite being draining at times, Bachira loves you dearly and knows when to stop.
NAGI SEISHIRO━I can see Nagi using football as an excuse to not do his chores sometimes, but of course gets off his ass from time to time just to help you.
As kids, Nagi would hold your hand everywhere and cling onto your arm. Now as teens, he rarely does them anymore for obvious reasons. Although when you bring up the topic, he'd always grab a pillow and throw it at you or tackle you to the ground.
He'd suffocate you with a pillow, no questions asked.
Would steal your food from the fridge, and he'd always deny the accusations you throw at him even though you're the only people in the house. So he blames it on Choki.
ISAGI YOICHI━Just like Bachira—You're the only friend and sibling Isagi could ever ask for.
One time when Isagi's friend group came to visit—The other's kept purposely yelling embarrassing things that happened in blue lock, how Isagi devoured and got devoured by other players. Causing you to question yourself whether or not he wanted to tell you something.
You'd find scattered undergarments and clothing all over the ground whenever Isagi came home from practice, and being the best older sibling ever; you left him alone to clean it up himself once he wakes up. Not your problem.
CHIGIRI HYOMA━I just know Chigiri acts more like your mom than your actual mom. He'd scold you whenever he finds your room dirty, and threatens to throw a sandal at you when you whine.
Despite this—Chigiri would understand if you don't have the time for any of your chores, reasons like school and work are accepted, therefore when he sees you passed out from exhaustion he'd clean it himself.
He can be a brat sometimes, always so fucking sassy. His inability to hold his tongue would always cause the two of you to fight, but never to the point where it lasts any longer than a day.
Chigiri refuses to lend you his hair products, tells you to buy it yourself or that you'll contaminate it before giving in when you wouldn't let him go about it.
RIN ITOSHI━Ever since he and Sae's relationship fell apart, Rin was afraid you would've done the same and so he evaded you as much as possible to avoid getting hurt again. However, with your overgrowing kindness and affection for your family, it made it hard for Rin to do such things, so he resulted into spewing insults instead, which you paid no mind to and Rin could only wallow in regret.
Slowly, Rin began to accustom himself back into your loving arms. Starting small conversations and/or just sitting there in silence with you. He wouldn't admit it out loud but Rin feels happy that the two of you remained close after everything.
The others notice his changes in behavior whenever you're around and they constantly tease him about it, telling him 'awww you grow soft for you older sibling, how cute!'
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Ahhh that "s/o cheats on the characters" was sad but damn so accurate. You do an amazing job of writing the boys! <3
Wanna turn the sadness up a notch? >:] How would they react to s/o's death? (Or, if you're not comfortable with writing about death, maybe how they would react to s/o getting seriously injured.)
I live for the angst!!
Angst hours fr fr, I'm gonna spin it as reacting to an s/o being seriously injured as I wouldn't wanna put the boys through any more deaths than they already deal with. Headcanons below da cut and thanks again for waiting!
Kazuma Kiryu
He's doing his best not to just flip a table over, honestly. Kiryu tries really hard to not fit that yakuza stereotype of unleashing physical anger when he's upset, but he is REALLY upset by the news.
Once the initial reaction of anger cools, Kiryu just feels lost. There are few things he values more than his loved ones and even if you're safe in a hospital and in stable condition, he won't stop worrying about you.
Blames himself for not being there for you. Will sit silently in a chair in your hospital room, head in his hands, just kicking himself. When you wake up, he honestly might cry.
Majima Goro
Immediately starts freaking out. What happened? Who was involved? Whose ass does he need to kick? He'll immediately drop everything and be on his way to wherever you are, probably with all of the Majima Family in tow just in case a fight breaks out.
If police or hospital staff get involved before he does, he will demand answers to his questions. He won't rest until he finds out exactly what went down. He seems irrational during all of this but in actuality he's trying to rationalize everything in his head. He's wondering if something could've been done to prevent this.
Paces outside your hospital door like a watchdog. When you wake up, he'll practically leap to your side, taking your hands into his gloved hands, happily crying out about how glad he is to see you.
Saejima Taiga
The most level headed boy, honestly. When he hears the news, he will be on his way to you immediately, silent and focused. He has his own questions he wants answered but his priority is to make sure you're safe and in a place where you can recover.
Brings you meals in the hospital and even feeds you if your injuries are that serious. Helps you bathe and brings you fresh clothes from home. Always wait until you fall asleep before he does.
It's only when you're healthy enough to start caring for yourself more that he starts investigating what happened and starts to look for answers. He thinks it would be too risky to do so while you're in recovery, as he fears something bad will happen again if he leaves your side to selfishly pursue his own questions.
Akiyama Shun
He's just in shock. Unlike most of the boys, Akiyama is just a civilian so he honestly didn't think much of anything bad would happen to either of you. If he's at work when he gets the news, he'll tell Hana to hold down the office and take care of business while he throws his coat on and rushes out the door.
Very respectful to hospital staff. He knows freaking out won't help anyone, although he is still freaking out internally. Likely won't be able to sleep or eat much the first night after hearing the news.
Will absolutely bring you flowers. Perhaps TOO many flowers. He just wants you to wake up feeling safe and loved. Will also have Hana order you any food you desire for delivery.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's furious he wasn't able to protect you. His police coworkers will honestly have to hold him back from rushing the scene. They know if he saw the condition you were in, he would just burst into tears. Secretly, he knows that too, but he also wants nothing more than to be by your side as soon as he can.
If your injuries were in any way not accidental, you can bet that Tanimura will pull any strings he can at work to make sure he can get to the bottom of whatever happened. Won't rest until he knows you are definitely and entirely safe from harm.
Will totally bring his own blanket, pillow, and toothbrush to the hospital. He's very much like "I'm staying right here!" in your room. Very much your own personal bodyguard during your hospital stay.
Ryuji Goda
Immediately in his private car and on his way to the hospital. Very organized and has some men out looking for answers and a couple of men guarding your room, just in case. Will spend the most to make sure you get the very best treatment.
Chances are, Ryuji's thinking someone did this to get to him and if that ends up being true, revenge is definitely on his mind. However, he will wait to act on it until he knows the full details of what happens and until he knows you're in stable condition.
Brings you lots of soups and teas. Totally believes that warm drinks and warm meals will heal you just as well as modern medicine will. Type of guy to tell you stories until you fall asleep.
Nishikiyama Akira
He is a total and complete mess. A wreck, really. He's not taking the news well at all and is not even trying to hide it at this point. After what he went through with his sister, he can't even begin to fathom the possibility of going through the same thing again with you.
Frantic as hell and honestly is just having a full blown anxiety attack until he knows you're in the clear and will recover. Will absolutely burst into tears when he gets this news and is so happy to know he won't lose you.
Also will cry when he first sees you wake up and might hug you a bit too tight, but it's just because he's genuinely so glad that you're okay. He's also the least likely of the boys to care about revenge or getting answers right away, he just wants you to be safe.
Mine Yoshitaka
He's freaking out about the same amount as Nishiki except he is trying VERY hard to keep it internal. His logical nature means he's going to try to rationalize the panic he's feeling. However, he will absolutely air out his feelings on his punching bag at home.
The most patient boy. If you're in surgery for hours on end, he'll wait in the waiting room without moving. If you're asleep in your hospital room, he's right there with you, nodding off in a chair. Refuses to leave your side.
Puts all of his work on hold until he knows you're awake and safely recovering. His secretary will try to gently push him to call people back only for him to just turn his phone off. Work can wait.
Daigo Dojima
Blames himself more than anything. He's always felt in his gut that his lifestyle and work would one day gets his loved ones hurt. He can only hope this was an accident and that you didn't get put in harm's way simply by being with him. He ultimately feels selfish and like he wasn't good enough to protect you.
If your injuries were intentionally caused by someone looking to harm Daigo, he has the whole Tojo Clan on the case. Meanwhile, he'll personally see to it that you get the best care, the best room in the hospital, the works.
Once you're well enough to go home, he's practically your maid. Will do anything for you and get you anything you need. For a while, he probably will refuse to let you go anywhere without him because he fears something bad will happen if he's gone.
Tatsuo Shinada
A blubbering mess. He's just some writer who used to be a baseball player, why the hell would anything like THIS ever happen to someone like him? He has no idea what to do except sit in the hospital room and wait nervously, probably bouncing his leg or biting his nails.
Bursts into tears the first time he sees how bad your injuries on. It isn't that he finds you disgusting or anything like that, he's just so heartbroken to see you in so much pain. He honestly won't be able to speak for the first few hours once the news breaks.
Type of guy to hold your hand while you're laying in your hospital bed. Will totally fall asleep sitting in a chair with his hand still in yours, his head resting against the edge of your bed. Brings his laptop on his hospital visits so he can work while in the room with you so he can pay your hospital bills as best as he can.
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blondwhxrewrites · 3 years
Dating Titan! Jason Todd
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((Gif not mine))
●Okay let's make this clear before we get started
●This boy needs therapy…lots of it 
●I mean have you seen how the others treat him? He is practically getting bullied by adults and nobody is doing anything to stop it. 
●Well until you are put into the picture
●Dick found you shortly after the Titans reformed and he took you in.
●Your strong and definitely Titans material 
●A little bit mysterious, but hey what do you expect? 
●You met Jason when Dick took you to the tower for the first time 
●He tried to flirt with you and you immediately shut him down like the badass you are 
●The others were laughing their asses off when they saw the little interaction 
●After that it took you a little bit to really warm up to the boy, but eventually you did 
●He was your first real friend in the Titans. 
●You never really tried to connect with Raven and Gar, because for some reason you just didn't trust them 
●You and Jason are two peas in a pod 
●Wherever he is you are with him 
●And wherever you are he is with you 
●You guys are seen training together, eating together, hell you guys even nap together 
●que Dick taking pictures of you two cuddled up on the couch 
●There are a few bumps in the friendship but you guys handle it together. 
●Until Rose came 
●By then you had developed feelings for him.
●He slowly starts to hang out with Rose more than he does with you. 
●It breaks your heart 
●Then he left with her and he didn't even tell you goodbye 
●That is when you started to connect with Conner, Raven and Gar
●After that your friendship with Jason was never the same 
●He left back to Gotham and you stayed with the Titans 
●Dick has caught you sleeping in Jasons old room many times and it breaks the adults heart 
●When you found out about Jason's death you broke mentally and physically 
●You went to Gotham with Dick and there you met Bruce and you told him about your connection with Jason and you could've sworn you saw a ghost of a smile on the old man's face. 
●You officially retired from being a hero 
●You were like the ghost of the Titans tower 
●You were just there barely holding on
●The team tried everything they could to help you, but it didn't work. 
●You had practically moved into Jasons old room at the tower and your clothing consisted of a sweatshirt he had given you before he went away with Rose 
●Three months after his death you weren't doing much better 
●Then the Red Hood appeared 
●You thought nothing of the person first. Villains appeared all the time so what was special about this dude? 
●That was when Dick told you it was Jason behind the red mask. 
●You didn't believe him at first 
●They literally had to show you evidence for you to believe that Jason was alive and back as a villain 
●You try and convince Dick to let you find him and talk to him, but he doesn't agree and it angers you
●You just want to see him again 
●Then Jason kills Hank and the anger settles in 
●You knew how Hank treated Jason but death? Was that really deserved? 
●You throw yourself back into the field despite everyone thinking you should go to Paris with Dawn 
●Paris can wait bitch 
●You were going to kick Jason's ass and drag him back home 
●You end up leaving the Titans for a little bit, because you come to the conclusion that talking to him alone would be much better
●It takes days but you finally find him 
“Jason”, You yelled as you looked at the back of your old best friend. Your body shook as the man turned to face you. “I know it's you.”, You said as you took a step forward. You couldn't believe it was actually him. After months of him being ‘dead’ you were standing right infront of him. 
“Y/N?”, He asked the mask modulated his voice. By the way he had reacted to seeing you he clearly hadn't expected this little meetup. 
“You killed Hank”, You stated as you took off your mask. You refused to hide yourself from him. You gripped the mask tightly in your hand. “Dawn is miserable because of you. What were you thinking? You die and come back and start to kill people? “
“Everyone left me” 
You laughed at his words, a bitter laugh, and you said, “That’s funny because I remember you leaving with Rose and not even telling me goodbye. Do you see me trying to kill you? No. So find a better excuse Jason.” 
●That first encounter did not end so well 
●You left with his broken mask in your hands and a need for therapy session 
●Lets just say that is when Jason started to fall for you romantically 
●He likes someone who can kick his ass 
●You go back to the Titans with your little trophy and to say they weren't happy was an understatement 
●You were grounded basically 
●But hey! You got to see Jason again and put him in his place 
●That was when Dick informed you that Jason was helping the Titans 
●For the first time in a long time you smiled 
●After the whole scarecrow encounter you see Jason again and this time it goes much better than the last 
“Y/N about Rose, I'm sorry.”, Jason said as he looked at you with a face full of guilt. He shouldn't have left you like that and he knew that now. “I'm also sorry about dying and then coming back to life as a bloodthirsty villain.” He winced as he spoke. He had a lot to apologize for. 
You looked at his unmasked face with a look of pure and utter softness. “Jaybird”, You said using the nickname you had given him when he was with the Titans. You walked to him as you engulfed him in a hug. He froze at first, not used to that type of affection, before he melted into your embrace. “I missed you so much”, He mumbled as his hands wrapped tightly around you. 
“I missed you more”, You said as you pulled away from him, your hand resting on his bruised cheek.  
“I highly doubt that Y/N”
●After that you left the Titans with him 
●By then it was a unspoken thing that what you two had was more than just friendship 
●He had a lot of trauma from what he had been through and you tried your best to help him through it 
●You and him set boundaries early on and you both respected them 
●It was a healthy relationship 
●Most days are patrolling whatever city you are in and having your own little adventures 
●Soft touches and even softer moments 
●Of course you have your fights but you guys work through them 
●Talk about a good HEALTHY relationship 
●It takes a while for you guys to actually call each other romantic partners 
●It was after you guys had a night of…steamy activities did you both actually confess the feelings you had for each other 
●You call him so many cute nicknames its adorable 
●Jaybird, little bird, red, my little red riding hood, toddybear 
●He hates that last nickname so you always call him that 
●When you guys eventually go back to Gotham and reunite with the others you both have changed a lot 
●Your much more open then you were before and Jason was less revenge  
●Of course he still held a grudge 
●Yall are with each other a lot, but of course not all of the time. 
●You do have friends,surprisingly, and you spend your time with them sometimes. 
●You guys just love each other and it's adorable 
“I love you”, You said as you played with Jason's hair who was currently laying his head on your stomach. He had a goofy little smirk on his face as he looked up at you. 
“I love you too”, He said and then he practically lunged onto you causing you to squeal.
“Get off of me you overgrown bear ” 
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Hello!!! Can I request a story with Fabio Q????? Meeting his whole family for the first time, like his parents, brother and niece and nephew, and it was all unexpected. Maybe YN was staying at his home and they come by surprise or something like that.Thank youuuu
Fabio Quartararo- Surprise visit My morning is already off to the best start possible as I woke up with Fabio's arms around my waist and his face pressed into my shoulder. Last night we went out for a date night and he invited me back to his place so that we could spend the whole of today together as he's currently on a break from racing but he will be back to it soon and thats when we see a lot less of each other. Fabio and I have been going on dates for around 6 months but have been officially a couple for 4 which has gone by so quickly but they have been the best 4 months of my life. Every time I see Fabio and spend time with him I'm at my happiest which is how I know he is the one for me as no one makes me as happy as Fabio does. 
When I first woke up Fabio wasn't awake but after laying there for a few minutes I felt him move his head further into the crook of my neck where he placed a gentle kiss. His grip around my waist loosened which allowed me to turn around so that we were facing each other although his eyes were still closed so I just laid there looking at him. Eventually he opened his eyes and gave me his usual bright smile which quickly turned into a cheeky smirk as he got out of bed and picked me up over his shoulder. He walked down the stairs with me over his shoulder which was scary as I could see the floor underneath us the whole time and it didn't help that Fabio kept loosening his grip to tease me which was fun to start with until I started to worry about falling and then it became a lot more stressful. Somehow we made it down in one piece after I made him hold on tighter and I gripped onto him as best I could. 
Once we made it I expected him to put me down but he kept me over his shoulder and walked towards the kitchen where he finally put me down on the counter. Just as I was about to get off the counter he pushed me back up and gave me look which I knew meant he wanted me to stay there. While I sat on the side I watched him collect different things from the cupboards until he had everything he wanted which is when he beckoned me over to him. He handed me a whisk as he started measuring out flour and the other ingredients needed to make pancakes which he knows are my favourite. Things were going well until Fabio decided to get some of the batter on his finger and put it on my nose which of course he found hilarious but I definitely didn't but once I wiped the batter off I plotted my revenge. As he was distracted laughing I managed to reach for the flour and get some in my hand which I tipped over his head. This turned out to be a bad decision as it resulted in us both throwing flour at each other and making a huge mess across the entire kitchen and ourselves. 
Eventually we stopped and actually finished making breakfast which we had to eat stood in the kitchen as to not make the rest of the house dirty. Before we cleaned the kitchen Fabio took some pictures of us and the mess we had made and sent them to me so we could look back on this day in the future and maybe laugh about it more when we haven't had to just clean the mess. I put on some music and we worked together with me washing the countertops while he did the floor and wherever else was covered in flour. With music on it didn't take us very long to get the kitchen clean but it was a while before we actually left the kitchen as we ended up dancing together for about 20 minutes. If anyone had walked into the house they would have thought the two of us were insane dancing in a completely clean kitchen covered in flour and who knows what else but neither of us cared because we were having fun. 
We took turns showering and when I got out I was about to get changed into the clothes I brought with me but I saw that Fabio had put one of his shirts on top of the bag with my things in it clearly wanting me to wear it. I put the sweatpants I had actually brought with me on before putting the shirt on and realising it was his favourite which put a smile on my face knowing he wanted me to wear it. When I saw myself in the mirror I looked a mess with no makeup on, hair just left to dry however it wanted and my casual outfit but I didn't feel self conscious at all because I know Fabio wouldn't even think twice about it. 
The two of us agreed to just have a lazy day so I went downstairs when I was ready and found some blankets that Fabio has and piled them on the sofa for us to curl up under while we watch a film. He quickly came down and joined me grabbing the tv remote before climbing under the  pile of blankets and holding them up so I could join him. There is plenty of room on the sofa for us to lay next to each other but of course Fabio had to pull me on top of him as soon as I was under the blanket which was fine by me. We spent ages choosing a film as Fabio wanted to show me a certain film that he loves but I wanted to watch a new film together. Eventually we decided that we would watch a new film now and then later we would watch the other film he wanted me to see that way we both get what we want and it gives us something to do later today. Before the film started I went and grabbed snacks for the both of us which we ate through the film after I convinced Fabio that he didn't have to be healthy all the time and promised that I wouldn't tell anyone. 
After the film finished we made lunch together which we managed to do without making a mess which was impressive as at points we both looked at each other with pure mischief in our eyes but we both refrained from doing anything. We ate sat outside together as we both thought it would be best if we got a bit of fresh air even if we didn't go anywhere plus the view from Fabio's house is just stunning. Not much was said the whole time we were outside as we were both just admired the view or I thought we were but when I turned around Fabio was staring at me instead of looking at the view. I stared back at him which quickly turned from innocently looking into each other's eyes to a full on staring contest which we both lost at the same time when we started laughing. When we stopped laughing we went back inside and back to the sofa to watch another film but just as we got comfy the doorbell rang so I had to move to allow Fabio to go and answer it. 
Fabio's POV 
Me and y/n had just got settled on the sofa when my doorbell rang which I thought was odd as I wasn't expecting anyone to come over and haven't ordered anything. I thought about just leaving it but I was curious as to who it was so I got up to go and answer the door. When I opened it I almost felt my soul leave my body because stood in front of me was my parents along with my brother and his kids who normally I would love to see but not today. Y/n hasn't met my parents yet because we just haven't had the time, I'm away so often that when I'm back I just want to spend time with her. It's not that I don't want her to meet my family but I know she will want to have been prepared and today neither of us are prepared but I don't think I can turn them away without good reason. 
For a few seconds I went back and forth in my head before saying I would be back in a minute and ran back to y/n to at least tell her what was happening. When I got back to the living room she was laying down on the sofa on her phone looking very cute and calm which made me feel a bit bad as I know she won't be this calm in a minute. 
"Y/n" I said to get her attention 
"Yeah is everything ok?" She asked clearly being able to read the worried look on my face
"That was my family at the door" I said 
I could see some of the colour drain from her face at those words but I knew she would never say anything about it. Before I went back to the door we quickly talked about it so that I could calm her down which just involved me telling her a little more about my family so she knew them a bit before she met them and also told her that she didn't have to worry as they will love her. 
Your POV
Fabio came back from answering the door and told me that it was his family who I have never met before. He tried to calm me down before letting them in but it didn't really work because although I knew I would eventually meet them I would have liked a bit more warning than a few minutes. This whole situation would have been made a bit better if I wasn't dressed in sweats with no makeup on and hair a mess but that's the situation I've found myself in so I'm going to have to deal with it. In my mind when I met his family I would be dressed nicer and would have prepared for it by getting something for them to make a better first impression that doesn't make me look like a slob but life has a funny way of not going the way we would like. 
While he was gone I tidied the blankets me and Fabio had been laying under and put away the snacks we had been eating to make the place look a bit more respectable. I also tried to brush through my hair a little which made it look a little bit better plus I found some lip balm which made me look a little more alive which is as good as its going to get. When I sat back down Fabio walked back in with not just his parents but his brother and his family which I was not expecting but I put on a smile anyway. I introduced myself to all of them before we sat down so I could get to know them better. 
We all talked for a good while just getting to know each other and they were all super nice wanting to get to know more about me and my life even if Fabio had told them a lot of things before. I actually had a few things in common with his mum so we had a conversation between us which really helped me to bond with her as his mum is definitely the one I wanted to get to know the best as I know Fabio really values her opinion so it is important to me that she likes me. I also talked with his dad and brother about racing as thats something we all had in common and was a good conversation starter but we did eventually move on to other things which we all knew about. All of the conversations I had with them went really well and I felt like we got on well but there was two members of the family I hadn't spent much time with as Fabio had stolen them away and that was his niece and nephew. 
Fabio came to join the rest of us on the sofa and I took that as my chance to talk with them and I thought they would be a bit cautious as I was someone new they hadn't met before but I was very wrong as they just got me to play with them. Not having any younger siblings I didn't really know what to expect but weirdly I really enjoyed myself as we ran around doing who knows what. After running around for a bit I ended up sat on the floor having a tea party which I wasn't complaining about as I have a lot less energy than a child so the constant running around was starting to get tiring. Fabio joined us too and he made the mistake of getting some of the toys he has at his place for them so he ended up wearing a tiara and all sorts of other things so he looked a bit ridiculous which made it really hard not to laugh at him but I refrained. 
We played with the kids until later in the afternoon when Fabio's brother decided to take them home even though they didn't want to go as they wanted to keep hanging out with us which I thought was sweet. Once they left the rest of us sat and talked for a bit longer before I thought it was a wise idea to offer to cook dinner for everyone which I realised was a bad idea as soon as I'd said it but it was too late by then. His mum offered to help me and even though I tried to refuse her help she insisted so we both ended up in the kitchen together trying to find things in Fabio's cupboards which were incredibly unorganised. In the end we found what we needed and began to cook together which was actually a lot of fun. Somehow we got to talking about Fabio while we were waiting for everything to cook. 
"He talks about you constantly when he phones in fact I think he talks more about you than racing" she said 
"That's very sweet of him but I think he makes up for that by constantly talking about racing with me" I joked 
"I thought he must be talking about it with someone else" she laughed 
While we ate dinner all I was thinking about was the fact that Fabio talks about me to his family so much because he isn't the most transparent with his feelings most of the time so to know that  he talks about me more than racing is a big thing. Sometimes I do wonder if he feels the same way I do but hearing that makes it clear that he does and it makes me feel a lot more confident in the relationship which I don't always feel. I knew I had a big smile on my face which Fabio must have noticed too as he raised his eyebrows at me while we ate but I couldn't get the smile to go away. 
Fabio's POV
Despite my worries having y/n meet my family with no warning has actually been really great as they all seemed to get along really well. To start with I could tell she was nervous but watching her slowly open up and show how much of a lovely person she is really made me smile because her personality is what made me really fall for her to start with so it made me happy to see her showing that to my family. Watching how well she got on with them all made me wonder why I was so worried especially as I've talked so much about y/n with them so they practically know her already. 
I knew my parents would like her from the moment I met her because of how nice she is but I was slightly more worried about my niece and nephew as they can take a bit longer to warm to people. However I was wrong about that too because as soon as she spent some time with them they seemed to get on with her right away. Watching her play with them and run around melted my heart as she was so good with them and it also gave me slight baby fever even though we definitely aren't ready to have kids anytime soon I couldn't help but imagine having kids with her in the future. After a while I couldn't just watch so I joined them all on the floor and of course they all ganged up on me including y/n who I could see was trying not to laugh but I could see that she found it funny. 
Overall we had a great afternoon before my parents decided to leave to let us have the evening together. They said goodbye to y/n before we went to the door together so that I could say goodbye to them and ask them how they felt about y/n because although I think I know the answer I want to know for sure. 
"So what do you guys think of y/n?" I asked 
"She's lovely you really found a good one son" my dad said 
"She really is wonderful and very pretty I can see why you don't stop talking about her" my mum teased
"I'm so glad you like her she really is and amazing girl" I said 
We all said goodbye to each other before I went back in and found y/n laying on the sofa looking exhausted and I honestly don't blame her as I think I would be the same if I'd had the same day she had. When I made it over to the sofa she moved over to allow me to lay down too so I did and then pulled her on top of me so we could cuddle which we were going to do all afternoon until plans changed. Naturally my hands began to run through her hair and I could feel her begin to relax slightly so I continued until she seemed fully relaxed which is when I decided to tell her what my parents said. 
"My parents both love you by the way" I said 
"Really" she questioned 
"Yes really" I laughed 
"I'm so glad they liked me I know you love them so much which is why I was so nervous about making a good first impression" she explained 
"There was no need for you to stress they were always going to like you it was just a case of actually meeting you in person" I said 
We spent a while longer talking about it and then talking about me meeting her family as it only seemed fair that I would meet them at some point soon which I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about but I'm sure it will all go ok when the day comes. Until that day I just want to continue laying here with her as this is so much less stressful. 
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
The money thing (part 1/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
It's always the little things, isn't it? The smallest stupidest things make almost no difference and then make all the difference in the world. They make everything special, but they also have the power to tear everything appart.
You and Daniel fight about money for the thousand time and he's had enough of it.
Warnings: super angst, but with a happy ending :)
Guys, this turned out WAY BIGGER than I expected, so I'm just gonna do a part 2, okay? Okay, thanks for understanding!
Song that inspired me: A list by HVOB
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You and Daniel had been dating for a couple months now, having met through a common friend and hitting off almost instantly. You lived in Amsterdam and he, well he lived all over the world really, but his "time off" (meaning not racing) was spent between Monaco and London (for work), and Amsterdam now too, of course.
The changes were small and subtle at the beginning, like your weekends being spent traveling to meet him wherever in the world he was and consequently spending almost all your savings on plane tickets. You never complained to him (you planned on spending the money traveling anyway, so you didn't see the point), but didn't accept when he offered to buy your tickets, either. There's been some awkwardness around the subject but it usually died on its own.
*beginning of flashback*
"You’d have gotten here in time if you'd gotten the early flight like I told you" you remembered him saying that time you got in the paddock after the qualifying session had begun and couldn’t kiss him good luck.
"Baby, I told you. It was crazy expensive! Absurd even!"
"(y/n) for god's sake! What are we saving money for? I told you, you have my credit card number, I've offered to get you one, this is ridiculous, I can't believe I literally earn millions and my girlfriend wasn't there with me because the ticket was too expensive! I'll fucking fly you private if I have to!" he was almost yelling in his driver's room. You could only stare from the corner.
He took a deep breath running his hands through his hair. "Sorry. It's just... it was crap out there. I needed you" you grimaced at his words.
"Sorry. I really am..." you tried to approach him. "I'm here now?" you touched his arm. "It can't have been that bad, you're still on the top 10 and we both know what you can do from the 8th car..." you smiled at him.
*end of flashback*
He started to spend much more of his time off with you at your place, so you decided to get a place by yourself (having a roommate was great for company and splitting the rent, but having a roommate there while you guys just wanted some much-needed privacy was not working). Then there were more traveling to meet him, furniture for the new place, clothing for all the events (GPs or not), uber rides here and there... all of that without mentioning that you weren't being able to get the freelance jobs you used to get to make some extra money, so yeah, to say things were tight was an understatement. You tried to do all your shopping alone, so he wouldn't offer and you wouldn't refuse or be awkward about it, but Daniel seem to be glued to you whenever you were in the same city (not that you’re complaining).
He started to spend much more of his time off with you at your place, so you decided to get a place by yourself (having a roommate was great for company and splitting the rent, but having a roommate there while you guys just wanted some much-needed privacy was not working). Then there were more traveling to meet him, furniture for the new place, clothing for all the events (GPs or not), uber rides here and there... all of that without mentioning that you weren't being able to get the freelance jobs you used to get to make some extra money, so yeah, to say things were tight was an understatement. You tried to do all your shopping alone, so he wouldn't offer and you wouldn't refuse or be awkward about it, but Daniel seem to be glued to you whenever you were in the same city (not that you’re complaining).
The thing is, you always had trouble dealing with money. Sure, you liked to pay for your own stuff so as to not owe anything to anyone (especially boys), but it was so much deeper than that. Ever since a kid, you hated asking for money from your parents, and sometimes even the thought of buying stuff that was a bit more expensive made you sick. You couldn't explain why, you just felt guilty having so much and knowing that most people have never even seen that amount. It's not that you didn't want to spend it and save for the sake of it, you just didn't handle the idea of money very well. Needless to say, dating a millionnaire was bound to cause trouble in the relationship for you.
You were currently at his place in Monaco. It was the summer break and you had decided to spend some days just chilling at home, just the two of you - which you were glad since going out means hair, makeup, clothes, accessories, shoes... and, let's be honest, the kind of places he usually took you is not the kind of places you just throw something together last minute (the Instagram models and other driver's girlfriends looking you up and down were enough to make you think about spending money you did not have to hire a stylist or something like that). The whole situation was really stressing you out and you knew you would have to be honest with him eventually, instead of only dodging the subject and refusing most of his offers to pay. You tried to. You kind of tried. You suggested staying at home, in bed, most of the time, and he gladly agreed, but that strategy wasn't gonna work forever. You had to be honest with him. But at the same time, you knew what he was going to say and do, and the thought of him spending money on you, even if just by handling the restaurant bill, wasn't something you were much more comfortable with. Besides, it was only a matter of time before the "gold-digger" term starts to fly around in the small world that was the F1's.
You were laying on his couch, the Olympics playing on the TV but you were too busy overthinking the money thing to pay attention. Daniel was laying with his head on your lap, absently caressing your thigh and watching the TV. His phone went off and he moved to pick it up.
"Hello?" you watched as he answered the phone. "Hey mate, how's it going? Uh nothing, we're just chilling at home. Getting some rest... Yeah, I'm getting rested, you dirty-minded son of a bitch" you rolled your eyes while he laughed out loud on the line with someone. "Yeah, I know... the 19th is it? No, it's fine. Yeah, yeah. I'll be there. Alright, mate. Thanks for calling. Have a good one! Bye!" he hanged up and leaned in to peck you on the lips.
"Good news?" you asked him.
"Not really. Just wanted to kiss you" he shrugged, smiling. You smiled back and hugged him, pulling him in for another kiss. He was always so caring with you, always finding an excuse to kiss or touch you. You knew some people didn't like it, but you loved it. Physical touch was definitely one of your love languages.
"What's happening on the 19th then?" you asked him once you guys set apart from the kiss.
"Gotta be in London. Gonna run some testings and other boring race stuff..."
"Hum..." you hummed in understanding.
"You know what would make it less boring though?" he asked and you just looked at him, you already knew what he was going to ask you and it wasn't that you didn't want to spend every minute of the day with him, but you simply couldn't afford any more traveling, especially not in such short notice. "If you came with me. Huh? What do you say? A week in the Queen's land? Then we can fly together to Spa and after the race, I can go with you to Amsterdam. The next one it's the Dutch GP anyway, I'll just get there sooner" he laughed. It was crushing you, the man of your dreams was literally beaming at making plans with you, talking about spending the next few weeks glued together and you couldn't say yes.
"Dan, I have to work" you smiled sadly.
"Can't you work from distance? Or, I don't know, I mean... I know it's tiring, but you could come to London and fly home a bit early, then just meet me in Belgium?" great, his solution includes even more flying. And the thing is, you really didn't mind the flying. You always slept during the whole thing anyway, so you never got tired and the jetlag was minimal. You could work from distance, sure. Your boss wouldn't mind, as long as you got there eventually to check in on everything. But the whole logistics were just too expensive. There was no way you could afford it.
"I... sorry, I don't think I can" you said sadly and watched as his face dropped.
"That's fine, baby. I get it. I'm asking too much, all this traveling... don't worry about it" he tried to mask his emotions but you knew better. He knew you could in fact work from distance, so he was probably thinking the reason you couldn't do it was because you didn't want to.
He got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but bury your face in your palms. This was so frustrating!
"You wanna go for a run or something? Maybe get something to eat?" he called from the kitchen, already moving on from the subject. You knew this whole thing was only gonna keep build up till he got tired of your excuses or you blowing up, probably the former, but you just keep going.
"Yeah, sure" you answered, getting up from the couch.
You and Daniel were both very active so going for a run, hiking, riding bikes, or whatever in the middle of the day was really routine for you. The Monaco summer weather was as beautiful as always and the sun was shining bright. You enjoyed the rest of your afternoon racing each other, kissing in the harbor, and just taking in the views, spending quality time together. Money wasn't even a thing in your bubble for a while.
"I'm getting hungry" he said on the way back home.
"Me too, and I'm super hot. I could go for a juice or something right now" you were all sweaty from the running, but you didn't care, he was too.
"You're always hot baby, I don't think juice gonna help with that" he grinned at you and you just rolled your eyes at him.
You passed by one of his favorite spots for food, nearby his place and he suggested getting some take-out, to which you agreed.
"Green juice, and a chicken wrap?" you tried to decide while the both of you waited in line.
"I'll never understand how you drink that"
"I've seen you drink that too, it's actually very refreshing"
"Because I'm forced to, I'm a high-performance athlete baby. But I'm on a break, so I'll have a coke, thank you very much" you laughed at him. He was holding your hand and tried to kiss you, wrapping his arm around you, you didn't dodge his kiss, you would never, but still laughed at the fact he wanted to kiss the sweaty mess you were right now.
"I'm gross, only you" you laughed.
"That's my baby, with no makeup she a ten" he rapped shrugging and grinning.
"Alright Lil Wayne, I know that one, don't even finish the verse" you laughed at him, making him laugh out loud, getting everyone's in the restaurant's attention.
"It's true, though"
"Sure..." You just shook your head smiling. Then you heard someone call his name.
"Hey! Daniel!" you both turned around to see Charles and Charlotte sitting in a corner, him waving at you two. You had met Charles a couple of times before but never spoke too much to him. They seemed to be leaving anyway, so they walked towards you guys, instead of towards the door.
"Hey mate, how's it going?" Daniel greeted him with a handshake. "Hey, Charlotte! You know (y/n) yet?"
"Hi! I don't think so, hi! How are you?" she greeted you smiling.
"Hi! Nice to meet you. Hi, Charles!" you said.
"Hey, (y/n). You're keeping him in line during the break? Char won't let me cheat my diet either" he laughed.
"Oh, that ship has sailed long ago! Daniel will just roll into the paddock if it's up to him" you laughed back.
"Hey! I think I've earned the right to some extra calories, we've been working out extra hard lately" Daniel said waving his eyebrows suggestively, making Charlotte giggle, Charles rolls his eyes and you go even redder than you were from the actual workout, while he just laughed out loud.
"I don't even want to know" Charles said. "Always great running into you mate" he was getting ready to say goodbye.
"Are we seeing you guys tomorrow?" Charlotte asked you.
"Tomorrow?" you asked her.
"Stefano's birthday" she said like it was obvious. Stefano Domenicali was the President and CEO of Formula 1, but you didn't know that yet - still, her tone made it seems like it was someone Daniel knew, so you just looked at him. He just rubbed his neck, looking a little embarrassed. "Oh, wait. Please tell me I didn't just said something I shouldn't" she looked at Charles.
"No, no. He invited me. Us, actually" Daniel reassured her. "I don't think we're going though, forgot to mention to you" he said looking at you.
"Uh mate, I wouldn't skip that if I were you. He didn't even invite all the drivers I heard" Charles said. "Maybe just stop by to say hello?"
"Stop by... a yacht... at the sea?" Charlotte said grinning at him. Daniel looked at you.
"You feel like going? It should be fun" he asked you.
"Sounds fancy... I mean, I don't mind if you go" you said.
"Common... I’m not going alone" he nudged you.
"I don't even have anything to wear, Dan" you told him.
"Oh! We can go shopping together!" Charlotte said and you had almost forgotten they were still there.
"Perfect!" Daniel answered for you. You could only imagine the types of stores she shopped.
"Tomorrow morning, then? Daniel can text your address to Charles for me? I'll pick you up!" she was being really nice about it.
"I thought you wanted to go today?" Charles said.
"That's when I thought I would have to go shopping with you, so I could use the extra time since you're the worst shopping partner ever!" she laughed at him.
"Burn!" Daniel laughed.
"His fashion taste is not the most reliable, let's face it" she laughed and kissed his cheek. "It's a date then (y/n)?" she looked expectantly at you. You didn't want to let her down, it was so hard to make friends with the girlfriends of other drivers, they were usually so... not nice. You could always just help her and find something to wear in your own stuff later.
"Yeah, sure! See you tomorrow, at 10?" you said simply.
"Perfect!" she beamed.
>>> end of part 1 <<<
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cdroloisms · 3 years
do you have any,,,post prison mute dream stuff??? or like, severely quiet, silent and obedient dream shtuff?? and the consequences thereof??? bc im reading your drabbles and i am in literal awe
aww, thank you so much !! yeah selectively mute dream post prison is absolutely a hc i love and write smtimes - it’s already been suggested in canon, and it’s super fun to play w/ in post-canon works. here’s some fluffy syndicate!dream bc gosh knows we need it after the angst that we’ve been getting 
tw: implied torture, panic attacks, trauma - all v short mentions. this one’s definitely on the lighter side! :D
“I didn’t know you knew sign.”
Dream startles, arms flying to cover his face, and the crow he had been signing at squawks angrily when it turns towards Phil. He ignores its chatter, smoothing his own flinch behind a smile, lowering his wings, bringing his hands, palms up, in front of him at his waist - this song and dance has become all too familiar in the weeks that Dream’s resided with the Syndicate, and Phil is nothing if not patient.
Slowly, the boy uncurls from where he’d huddled into himself, arms clasped firmly around his ribs like someone will try and take them from him if he doesn’t hold on tight enough (and maybe, Phil thinks, imagining the messy lattice of scars underneath Dream’s loose-fitting hoodie that he has only seen a few times since they brought him over, someone has - but those are thoughts that are better left untouched for as long as he can manage it.) Dream’s eyes raise, flick over his face, his breathing quieting down from the discordant rattle it had been, and tentatively, ever slowly, he raises his good hand in a loose fist, letting it bob up and down. Yes.
Phil settles into the armchair across from him, raising his own hands. His fingers feel clumsy, but the memories come back with more ease than he would’ve expected - I know a little. Dream’s eyes don’t quite brighten, but his shoulders fall down from where they’d been hunched up to his ears, the hand he keeps tucked to his chest trembling slightly less, and it’s as much as a win as he’s ever going to get.
The silence stretches, familiar in its awkwardness, and Phil stifles a grimace as he forces long-forgotten memories to the surface. Dream’s hands, from what little he had seen from the doorway, had practically flown as he spoke to the crow still sitting by his right side - obviously practiced even with the still-healing injuries tracing over both arms. How did you learn?
We- He hesitates, left hand trembling violently, before pushing on, we all learned with- he signs a C, then lifts his hands to his head in a sign that Phil vaguely remembers as being the one for deer. Dream must see the questions written in his expression, because his cheeks flush as he backtracks. C-A-L-L-A-H-A-N, he finger spells, and Phil nods. That makes sense.
Some of the crows in the house must have noticed Phil’s arrival, because they storm into the room from the doorway, awkwardly hopping across the door with their wings waving by their sides as they eagerly voice their displeasure at the lack of attention. He’s not in the mood to pick out the words between their angry caws, so he simply watches as they scatter all over the room. Something almost like a smile tugs at Dream’s face as he watches them enter - the kid has grown inexplicably fond of both his flock and all of the assorted animals that Techno drags back into the house whenever he goes out, and Phil has long since resigned himself to being outnumbered one hundred to one by a literal army of mobs wherever he goes. Some of the crows had been pretty wary of Dream at the beginning, but after a few weeks more or less the entire flock has become viciously protective of the kid, sufficiently won over by gifts of head scratches and berries and various shiny things. Sure enough, the birds form a dark, squawking circle at Dream’s feet, a few flying up to tug impatiently at his clothes, and despite the (very obvious) favoritism, Phil smiles; the flock is good for Dream, as annoying as they can be.
DADZA, one calls, its lone cry soon echoed by the entire group of fluttering feathers gathered on the floor, DADZA AND DREAM DADZA DADZA. Phil laughs, a familiar warmth and exasperation filling his lungs, and he turns his attention back to Dream.
You up to some more? He tries; it’s a chance, for sure, and he brushes away the creeping anxiety crawling up his neck; he doesn’t want to make Dream panic, hopes that he’s doing the right thing. I could always use the practice.
Quiet, once again, only broken by the murmurs of his birds eagerly awaiting Dream’s answer as the boy rocks side to side in deliberation, and Phil is halfway through working out a frantic you don’t have to if you don’t want to when Dream raises his own hands.
Sure, he signs, a forced smile on his face but eyes still clear and bright, why not?
Somehow, they end up in a bastardized version of twenty questions, surrounded by birds that do not hesitate at any chance to voice their own opinions. They work through favorite colors (green), favorite flowers (roses for Dream, peonies for Phil), favorite mob (Phil answers this with a pointed definitely-not-crows, staring at the flock who have been shouting over themselves naming different colors for about five minutes, which immediately makes them devolve into screaming caws and divebombs at the edges of Phil’s cape that leave him thoroughly occupied for the next ten minutes), and at some point Phil falls further into the cushions of his chair and Dream’s legs lay against the sofa instead of being drawn up to his chest and it’s almost normal.
By the time Techno finds them, they’ve forgone structure all together, Dream watching intently as Phil signs out an embellished tale of one of the Antarctic Empire’s exploits with a crow held gently in his hands. Techno’s voice behind him startles him bad enough to send his wings snapping outwards, feathers standing on end, but Dream doesn’t react much beyond a twitch of his lips - he must’ve seen the piglin hybrid and tag-teamed to prank him, Phil realizes with a half-hearted grumble. Techno’s eyes sparkle mischievously, definitely planned, then.
“Hi Phil, Dream,” Techno shrugs off his cloak and drapes it over the back of Phil’s chair, “Looks like you’ve been busy. Can’t say I’m not feelin’ a bit left out, though; Phil, you never told me you knew sign language.”
“You never asked, mate,” he quips, even as Dream signs animatedly from the corner of his eye. T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-S-T.
Techno narrows his eyes. “I get the feelin’ that you’re messin’ with me, nerd.” Dream blinks faux innocently, smiling wider, and Phil picks up on the bit. Oh, this is fun.
He can’t understand us, he assures Dream, feeling a wicked smirk of his own growing on his face. So what do you think for dinner?
“Phil- the betrayal!” Techno splutters, voice going high and pitchy, and that reaction alone would’ve made the prank more than worth it - but Dream’s shoulders shake, eyes glittering as his fingers fly almost too fast for Phil to catch, and oh, that’s laughter, tiny, breathless giggles falling from his lips, and Techno must catch it even as he begins to berate the voices in his head, “This is not a bruh moment, Chat, don’t you start-”
Stew? Dream signs, still snickering, and he looks happy, more than Phil has ever seen him, the sight of him smiling and bright-eyed with amusement almost enough to cover for the gaunt quality of his face, the pale scars left all over his skin.
Of course, mate, Phil signs back, throwing in a do you think T-E-C-H-N-O ended up lost in those same woods again for good measure, rewarded when it sends Dream into another round of giggles. Techno grumbles without any real heat behind it, plopping himself down in the remaining chair.
“Ok, nah, no more of this exclusive club; you guys are teachin’ me this tonight before Chat loses it - yes that was an insult, don’t you start it with the E’s,” and Phil laughs, hard, the flock cawing and beginning to spam E on their own, for some reason, and Dream signing through the alphabet with the biggest grin on his face, and-
“Oh, Prime, this is going to so scuffed,” Phil says, breathless, his warning unheeded as Techno finishes his rant at Chat to focus on Dream.
And it is scuffed - it is so fucking scuffed, between Phil’s lackluster memory and Techno’s frequent interrupting to quiet down an extremely rowdy Chat and the incessant calls of the flock further egging them on, but it’s warm and Dream doesn’t stop smiling and Techno looks more relaxed than he has in weeks and the helpless, singing urge of protect protect protect that has lived in Phil’s head ever since Techno had carried Dream, beaten and bloodied and broken, through their front door finally, finally, begins to quiet down.
He tunes back into the impromptu lesson - they’ve finished the alphabet, seemingly having moved onto common words and objects, and Dream- hesitates, raises his hand, all five fingers drawn together, to the corner of his mouth and then pulls it back. Home, he signs, moving to fingerspelling, H-O-M-E. Home.
For a moment, they’re all quiet, Dream’s hand still raised by his face, even the crows falling silent as they all stare at each other. Phil watches, breath caught in his throat, as the planes of Techno’s face soften, the teasing edge of his voice, for once, leaving. “Yeah, nerd. You’re home.”
Home, Dream signs again, then again, looking up, eyes bright, hopeful. Phil thinks, proudly, that it looks like a new beginning. I’m home.
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Meeting and Dating Blaise Zabini
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- It’s hard not to know who Blaise is, but you don’t actually meet the boy until your sixth year at Hogwarts.
- Like most girls in the school. You probably had a crush on the regal looking pureblood but you didn’t have the courage to approach him; especially not after hearing stories of him turning down other girls coldly.
- It wasn’t until a party that you’d end up crossing paths with the boy and find yourself thrust into his life.
- Okay, so maybe you’d attended said party primarily because you knew he was going to be there. So what? You didn’t expect anything out of it; though you could still dream, but surprisingly enough, something did come out of it. You met him, not saw or bumped into accidentally, no, m-e-t. Met.
- Technically, you met a few Slytherins, particularly ones in Draco’s gang, mainly because Gregory Goyle had struck up a conversation with you before his friends joined the area you were seated at.
- Throughout the night, you keep sneaking glances at the boy who seemingly couldn’t care less about your presence. It isn’t until your friend comes to retrieve you and the two of you go into the crowd to dance, that his eyes finally seem to lock on you.
- Blaise is hard to please so sparking his interest is an accomplishment in of itself. You may not think that he likes you due to his nonchalant behavior but believe me, even being allowed to be in his presence or having a few words spoken to you is big deal with Blaise.
- The start of your relationship with the boy is going to be filled with uncertainty just because of the way he is.
- One thing leads to another and the two of you wind up kissing at a party which becomes a sort of regular thing, the two of you kissing that is. And you’re dating, right? The fact of the matter is: you don’t know.
- Blaise is a confusing person. He’s stoic, he’s cold, he doesn’t really show interest in anything, and because of that, you aren’t even sure if he really likes you or if he’s just toying with you. He’s not particularly loving, he’s never asked you out on a date, so what are you?
- Parties seem to be your good luck charm because everything between the two of you seem to happen at them. So yeah, you attend another one of them with the boy, or rather, you end up sitting together at another one of them.
- Another boy comes up to you and asks if you want to dance and since you’re doing nothing besides awkwardly sitting next to the boy you were in love with, you stood up to follow him.
- Blaise; who had been watching the exchange intently, almost immediately pulled you back down and tugged your face to his, stealing your breath away in a deep kiss. And that’s where part of the confusion comes from, because it seems as though he only really wants you when someone else does ...which gives you an idea.
- You show interest in someone else. It seems so stupid, doesn’t it? It’s such a simple thing and yet, it works. You tell Pansy that you’re interested in someone and her being her, let’s it slip to the others when you’re not around. Then, you make a point of glancing over at the boy a few times, strike up a few friendly conversations, and voila.
- All of a sudden, Blaise is much more present in your life. He’s sitting closer, he’s talking to you, actually talking to you, and trying to get your attention on him rather than the boy who you were “crushing on” whenever they were nearby.
- Then it happens, you’re walking down the hall one day and the boy is on the other end of it; the boy you’ve now sort of become friends with since you’ve taken to talking to him, and Blaise, along with the others, are sitting in the courtyard which is beside and between you and the boy.
- You and the boy wave when you catch each other’s eye and you’re about to go over to talk before you’re interrupted by Blaise appearing in front of/beside you. He’s as smooth as can be as he asks if you’ll go to Hogsmeade with him and you can barely contain your giddy excitement as you agree.
- He wraps an arm around your shoulder, stealing a glance at the boy before leading you out into the courtyard to sit with him and his friends.
- The two of you have your first date at the three broomsticks which becomes the talk of the school. You do your best to ignore the eyes and the whispers, you’d prefer a little privacy but being the center of; mainly positive, gossip feels kind of exhilarating.
- And just like that, everything’s fallen into place.
- There isn’t a ton of pda in your relationship, he’s just not that kind of person. He prefers to keep his affection behind closed doors, though he does show a little subtle softness from time to time. 
- Like when you sit next to him and he wordlessly flips his hand, keeping his eyes trained on whatever they had been previously and waiting for you to slip your hand in his open one. 
- He lives for you kissing him on the cheek ...but he’ll never let you know that. You’ll just figure it out from the way he squeezes your hand every time you do.
- Hand kisses.
- Kisses on the corner of the mouth.
- Funnily enough, he’s more likely to make out with you or keep his hand on your thigh; nearly up your skirt, than he is to hug you in public.
- Deep, slow kisses. This boy could convince you to do anything with a single kiss. You practically get drunk off of them.
- Intimate snogging.
- He finds the height difference between you two to be quite amusing and enjoys watching you struggle to kiss him. He won’t move to help you in any way, standing completely still until you finally give up. It’s only then that he finally leans down and kisses you himself, usually cracking a smile before or after he does so. 
- He likes just laying back and staring at the ceiling while you lay on his chest. He finds it soothing to hear your breathing and feel your weight on him.
- Him twirling your hair absentmindedly.
- Laying your head in his lap.
- He tends to just call you by your name; particularly when you’re in public, occasionally throwing in a y/l/n every now and again almost instinctively. But when you’re in private, he does let a few angel’s, darling’s, and princess’s slip.
- As we all know, Blaise is a fairly unbothered person. He doesn’t particularly care about anything so it’s sort of fun to watch him be so unfazed by nearly everything that happens. Other times though, to be entirely honest, it’s rather annoying.
- There’s almost always a serious look on his face which makes you being all affectionate with or teasingly babying him even funnier. God, the withering stare he can give to someone while he allows you to tease him. It’s deadly.
- Gifts. He’s a wealthy pureblood: money and gifts are their love language.
- He definitely gets you a very specific and intricate necklace, bracelet or ring that he is subtly adamant about you wearing wherever you go. It took you a bit of time to realize it was a promise “ring” of sorts.
- Being made fun of; somewhat delicately because he likes you.
- People watching and people watching. Expect a lot of eyes on you, most people are rather surprised that Blaise has finally found himself someone who fits his criteria. And on the other hand, the two of you like to sit and watch drama unfold around you. 
- A lot of the time, the two of you just do your own thing in the same area. He’s a very low maintenance boyfriend.
- Hanging out in your dorm. Everyone in your room has pretty much just gotten used to him being there, so much so that they’re more surprised when he’s not sitting on your bed and giving them a silent nod when they enter.
- He’ll begrudgingly let you take him pretty much wherever you’d like. He secretly likes when you drag him into some Hogsmeade shop since it gives him an excuse to be there without appearing less ...above everyone else.
- Dates at Madam Puddifoots. He just wishes that the place wasn’t so ...pink. He always looks out of place with his regal scowl and dark, posh clothes.
- Having dessert together.
- Attending parties with him, whether they be Slughorn’s or his mothers; or just your peers.
- Being right by his side whenever you’re out in public. He likes knowing where you are and being able to lean down and whisper something in your ear whenever he feels like it.
- Being escorted to class; if it doesn’t completely put him out of his way.
- If you weren’t aware, Blaise has a bit of an ego, so he likes when you take pictures of him. If you don’t have his photo framed by your bedside, do you even love him? That being said: he will laugh at you for having his photo framed; but won’t let you get rid of it in any capacity afterwards.
- He knows that he’s good looking so your compliments rarely ever phase him. Even so, he does still enjoy them, mainly because he’s rather vain.
- Blaise is a wealthy, pureblood who was raised by a single mother; and her rich husbands who died under mysterious causes, so one can assume that he’s had those old gentlemanly manners instilled upon him. Mainly out of habit, he’ll open doors, pull out chairs, and/or help you down from steps; which is probably what he does for his mother. 
- Speaking of his mother, I think of her as being a very glamorous, sort of old hollywood-esque woman, always calling people darling and having people wait on her hand and foot. I can see her taking you for manicures or shopping, teaching you the ways of being a woman because your mother obviously didn’t. 
- Staying at his home during breaks or over the summer. His mother is usually off doing her own thing; killing rich men for their money, and they certainly have enough rooms so you’re nearly always welcome.
- Be prepared to be around Draco and his gang a lot; at least or especially if you’re a Slytherin. The blonde boy likes his minions and enjoys looking popular.
- Blaise doesn’t have a very high opinion of anyone; even when it comes to his so called friends, but he does; obviously, like you. You sort of take him being with you as a compliment in itself and smile whenever someone mentions how he’s so hard to please. 
- Having to stifle a laugh at his general distaste and offhanded comments about his “friends”, or rather, about Draco. You can’t help but find it funny when he says something in annoyance about the blonde as he goes to leave your dorm to meet him. 
- I feel like he’d have a fondness for conniving/bitchy people or behavior. He’d find it amusing to see you come up with a whole dastardly plan or make some mean comment to him about someone else. He’d especially think it’s funny if you’re otherwise a typically sweet person. 
- Don’t mention muggle things around him unless you want a fight or a look of contempt. He’ll ask where you “heard about” such things and/or chide you for talking to some mudblood, deciding he needs to keep a closer eye on you from now on to make sure you “keep the right company”.
- He’ll definitely be moodier and colder towards you if you don’t cheer for him at his Quidditch games, or when you don’t keep up your end of your daily rituals; like meeting him after a game or class. He feels betrayed in a stupid, juvenile way and may get jealous if your reasoning; at least, partially includes another boy.
- Even though he thinks that he shouldn’t be what with how handsome, rich, and charming he is, Blaise is a pretty jealous person. He wants you all to himself so when you’re with someone else, he just can’t help but be a little ticked off. His responses will range from making out with you, suddenly acting cold, interrupting and scaring them off, or scolding you for spending time with them. 
- He’s really not that protective of you. Sure, if you wound up in the hospital wing or someone really upset you, he’d probably scare the life out of whoever was responsibly by simply being near them, but he isn’t going to be constantly watching over you. 
- There’s going to be quite a few fights in your relationship, Blaise doesn’t communicate particularly well and never wants to admit what’s bothering him so chances are, you’ll have to confront him about his rude behavior. Other times, you’ll have to make it clear that he can’t dictate who you talk to, since he’ll probably try to keep you from being around muggleborn or halfblood witches and wizards. 
- He knows how to keep a level head and can be incredibly stubborn when he wants to be so you either give up and just walk off; to which he may or may not refuse to let you leave, or argue with him for a while until he finally concedes. He’s a bit of a conniving little shit as well so he’ll probably throw in a “I’m only trying to do what's best for you” which he does actually believe most of the time but nevertheless, he’s still perpetuating wizard racism. 
- A lot of the time, you’re gonna have to be the bigger person and approach him first for him to actually apologize or for you to otherwise make up. I can see him being petty/spiteful so if you were in the wrong or if he doesn’t think he did anything wrong, you may have to put in some work for things to be patched up. 
- He doesn’t pull out the I love you’s very often so when he does, it really makes your heart race and your stomach erupt with butterflies. 
- I don’t see him as being incredibly traditional but I do see him as someone who expects to marry and then provide for you. But hey, maybe you want to live a scandalous life, one with him marrying old rich witches while making love to you and funding your life together on the side. Regardless, he won’t tell you that he wants to marry you but everyone will expect it to happen and tell you that much. 
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 8, Story #1 is by @accio-broom
Title: t-shirt Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Ron Weasley / Hermione Granger Prompt: Cuddling Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): None
In the morning when you wake up, I like to believe you are thinking of me And when the sun comes through your window, I like to believe you’ve been dreaming of me.
Hermione Granger isn’t the kind of girl who struggles to get out of bed, especially when there are pressing Head Girl duties to attend to. Her to-do list is as long as her arm, she has five essays to write and a whole raft of other bits and bobs she needs to see to.
But right now, with the sun peeking through the edges of the heavy curtains surrounding her four-poster bed, she wants to bask in the aftermath of her dream just a little longer. Even as her dorm mates start to clatter around the room, getting ready for the day, she snuggles deeper under her duvet and shuts her eyes, trying her best to get back to her own little world.
Is Ron doing exactly the same thing right now? He loves his bed, and always complains when she forces him out of it earlier than he wants. Is he having the same lovely dreams as her? Probably not, he’s been away on an extremely secretive training mission for the past five days, and he isn’t a fan of sleeping on the floor. Still, she likes to think that even the memory of her has been keeping him warm at night, even if he isn’t comfortable wherever he is.
Her dreams last night were amazing. 
They were in the Gryffindor common room, sprawled across the comfiest sofa next to the fire. He’d untucked her blouse, and one of his hands was under the white material, massaging her bra-clad breasts whilst he buried the other somewhere underneath her school skirt. He was only wearing his plaid pyjama bottoms, which were doing nothing to hide his growing excitement, and the faded orange Cannon’s t-shirt he often wore to sleep.
She loves that top. It’s threadbare and far too small for him, accentuating his muscles, and exposing patches of his skin. She likes to wind her fingers through the holes, count the freckles she can see as they explore each other’s bodies. Dream Hermione couldn’t get enough of Ron’s skin; she licked and sucked at his neck while her hips lifted to press against his, grounding into his erection and causing the delightful friction she can never get enough of.
Despite their public position, there had been no panicking about being caught or interrupted. She was consumed in Ron, and he in her. The most perfect dream.
But it was all a dream. Hermione is still at school and Ron is in the Auror Academy, and they are facing months of separation. If he does well in his mission, he’ll pass his assessments and move on to the next stage. There will be no passionate make-out sessions, heavy petting, or sex anywhere until her Easter holidays at the earliest, and it definitely won’t be happening at school.
I know, ‘cause I’d spend half this morning, thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in I should know, ‘cause I’d spend all the whole day, listening to your message I’m keeping.
With a heavy huff, she rolls onto her back and reaches under the mattress for the pristine parchment she has hidden there.
Over the years she’s known Ron, she could safely say that he was rubbish at writing to her. Summer breaks and Christmas holidays passed without a single word from him. But their newly fledged relationship, combined with her leaving in September, seemed to inspire a completely different side to the boy. If he was at home, she could now expect Pidwidgeon almost every morning, and each letter the owl delivered was soppier and longer than the last.
It is clear that Ron misses her.
She finds her wand under her pillow and pulls it out, tapping it against the paper before discarding it again. It begins to unfold, revealing a whole pile of messages from her beau, Ron’s familiar unintelligible scrawl decorating every inch of them. If she hadn’t spent the last six years deciphering his essays, she might have struggled to read them, but now she devours every word, the familiarity somewhat easing her home-sickness.
In his first letter he reminds her that she has to keep these letters secret, to hide them safely away from prying eyes. Ron doesn’t want anyone getting their hands on them, a panic magnified by the fact that Hermione is sharing a dorm with Ginny this year. 
“Just imagine what they’d say,” Ron writes, and Hermione can picture the tips of his ears turning bright pink as his quill scratches against the parchment. “I don’t want them to take the piss.”
She’d written back, assuring him that his letters were safe and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of his ability to express his feelings. It’s the sign of a mature man. 
Plus, she finds the confidence in his words sexy.
Letting her fingers trail over the paper, Hermione allows herself to get lost in the things he tells her. There’s the boring, mundane things, like how work is going and pleading with her not to get riled up over her latest marks (which ended up being perfect, of course). Next, come the promises and their plans for life post-Hogwarts. They want to get a flat together and go on a lovely holiday, where they can be alone for a whole week. Each sentence makes the smile on her face grow even bigger.
She takes her time, savouring how close to Ron they make her feel. She misses him like crazy. When she packed her trunk last September, she couldn’t even imagine how hard being apart from him would be. She’s an independent woman, a war heroine, in fact, but the yearning and pining for the guy drove her mental on occasion. She hates that she’s so reliant on him now.
Still, there are only a few more months left of her school year, and then they’ll be together forever.
The words run out, and Hermione lets out a heavy sigh. She sits up, tapping the paper again with her wand before stowing it safely back in its hiding spot. Feeling ready to face the day, she swings her legs out of bed and throws back her curtains, catching Ginny by surprise.
“Good morning!” Hermione smiles as she springs out of bed.
“Is it?” Ginny complains in return. “It’s snowing, which means no Quidditch.”
Hermione collects her things and heads for the shared bathroom with a chuckle, not letting the thought of bad weather affect her good mood.
When I saw you, everyone knew, I liked the effect that you had on my eyes But no one else heard the weight of your words or, felt the effect that they have on my mind.
Today’s Head Girl duties include monitoring the monthly visit to Hogsmeade. As a seventh-year, Hermione is allowed out of the castle anytime she wants, as long as she tells her Head of House. But the younger children always need supervising. Even with the war over, and the threat of Voldemort over, they still need to be cautious.
It’s her favourite part of the month. Being cooped up in the castle is so oppressive after a year spent camping in forests and hiding on cliff tops, so being out in the village helps clear her head.
If she gets five minutes, she may even be able to pick up Ron’s birthday present. There’s still a week until the big day, and chances are, he’ll probably still be away for work, but she wants to collect it now, just in case. She’ll wait until she sees him face to face before she gives it to him.
The late February snow is trying to melt, but the keen Scottish wind keeps the last of it lingering around. Hermione stands in her usual spot outside Honeydukes, watching as the students enter the shop then leave with their arms full of treats. Her parents would have an aneurysm if they saw the number of sugary treats devoured by the children in the school. Just the amount Ron consumes would set them off.
The thought of her boyfriend brings another smile to her lips, though it does nothing to stave off the cold. What she wants right now is to be cuddled up in Ron Weasley’s strong arms, a mug of Molly’s delicious hot chocolate and a roaring fire, and in that particular order, too.
A loud pop distracts her as someone apparates at the bottom of the lane. Over the heads of raucous students, a tall stranger appears, bundled up warm against the cold. She finds her gaze drawn to the newcomer, and she immediately recognises the bounce in his step as he walks past the rows of shops and hordes of students.
Hermione’s heart beats in an unsteady rhythm against her ribcage, her eyes widen, and the air disappears from her lungs. As the man draws closer, she catches a peek of red hair under a bright orange bobble hat and the long, thin nose that so often grazes against hers as they kiss. But what draws her to the man is his deep blue eyes, which she can see shining up the street from a million miles away.
It’s Ron.
With an uncharacteristic squeal, she takes off from her spot, trying her best to keep her balance in the ice as she throws herself at her boyfriend. Arms and legs lock around his long, gangly body with such force he’s almost bowled over. He compensates with long fingers clinging on to her as she buries her head against the crock of his neck. Her senses ignite as she takes a long breath, drinking in the smell of him—clean, with a hint of sandalwood and eucalyptus.  
“What are you doing here?” she mumbles against his skin, her lips finding a path between his knitted scarf and stubble up his pale neck.
Ron moans at the assault from her kisses. “Missed you, is all.”
Hermione Granger has always been an intelligent girl, so it’s a surprise to her that a handful of words can turn her mind to mush. Right now, despite the fact she’s supposed to be on Head Girl duty, all she can focus on is the handsome man in her arms, and the fire blazes through her skin at their contact, even through layers of clothes.
Forgetting that they’re in a public place, Hermione’s mouth seeks his, and they fall into a hungry kiss. Teeth clash, noses bump together, yet after weeks away, it’s the best thing in the world. The taste of peppermint and chocolate frogs spreads across her tongue, taking her straight back to lazy summer days spent snogging out by the lake at the Burrow.
Just as her lungs feel like they might explode, Ron tears his lips away from hers, and he flashes her one of his patented lop-sided grins. If she didn’t have her legs firmly wrapped around him, she might have gone weak at the knees.
With a chuckle, he teases, “Guess you missed me too?” All Hermione can do is nod in reply, overwhelmed by his sudden appearance. “Good! I missed you so fucking much. My mission finished early, but Harry is still away, and I didn’t know what else I could do to distract me from worrying about the results.”
“Oh, glad to see I’m your second option,” Hermione chides, although her massive smile does not falter. “How did you know I was here?”
“Ginny has been sending me your Head Girl schedule for months. Not that I’m keeping tabs on you,” he adds. “Just wanted to make the most of any opportunity I might have to see you.”
Impressed by his cunning plan, she presses one final hard kiss against his lips before removing herself from their reunion embrace. “Well, since it’s your birthday in a week, I guess I better start spoiling you.”
She tangles their fingers together before starting to lead him down the lane.
“But what about your duties?” he questions. “I didn’t think your slot finished until lunchtime?”
“It doesn’t, but I don’t think it will matter if I skive off a little earlier. Especially given the circumstances.”
With her back turned, she misses the look of glee that passes over Ron’s face before his eyes turn dark. She’s too absorbed in her mission to buy him all his favourite treats, cavities be damned, then curl up in a cosy corner by the fire in the Three Broomsticks so that she can do some serious catching up with him.
Their palms press together as they walk, filling her body with warmth. Ron is back where he belongs, and even if it’s only for a few hours, this feeling is a hundred times better than any of the letters he sends while they’re apart.
I know, ‘cause I’d spend half this morning, thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in, I should know, ‘cause I’d spend all the whole day, listening to your message I’m keeping,
Not that she plans on ever getting rid of them.
and never deleting.
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bloodpacks-archive · 3 years
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first up is zen’s mc - unless she’s going to see one of his shows, it’s pretty likely that she’s wearing comfortable sweats/joggers and other simple clothing. she does have a habit of stealing his leather jacket, though, but he hardly cares. he’s asked if she wants one of her own multiple times, but she just shakes her head and says she prefers his. but like i said, a lot of her stuff is made for comfort. this is especially good for when she’s lounging around the house reading lines back to him with a cup of coffee in one hand and the script in another. zen happens to love the comfy clothes—mainly because it means she’s always really soft when he comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist or over her shoulders. it’s pretty common to have her hair up and out of the way while she works on her emails, but that’s not to say she doesn’t know how to dress up when she needs to.
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next is yoosung’s mc - yoosung tends to be pretty out there with his clothing, and his mc is no different. really, the only difference between them is that hers is completely intentional. she loves bright colors and anything that makes her feel entirely like a kid again (y’know, one that doesn’t have a million and one responsibilities?) when they’re walking together, it’s a lot of colors, but they’ve both got these big smiles on their faces too, so they really just seem to make a room a little brighter wherever they go. sometimes she’ll steal clothes from his closet, but he never minds. in fact, he almost encourages it. sometimes he’ll leave out sweatshirts that he thinks she’d look good in on his bed and hope she’ll notice and throw it on. she almost always does, and he gets a little too excited when he notices it missing after she leaves.
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jaehee’s mc - she’s like a relaxed jaehee. maybe a little more street wear sometimes, but definitely knows how to keep it professional and look good even while casual. together, they look like a cup of coffee. they are almost always wearing similar color schemes, and honestly, there’s a lot of clothes stealing going on here. eventually, they just end up merging their closet into one (with jaehee’s business wear in a space of it’s own) because let’s be honest—there really is no separation. jaehee wants to be more casual? guess she’s still stealing the mc’s clothes. another fun note, they are always the best dressed at zen’s shows. people can definitely tell that they know someone in the cast just by how they look, so it’s no surprise when they go and talk to zen after his show’s over with a little bouquet to give him.
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god we love jumin’s mc - you couldn’t tell by looking at her, but a lot of her stuff is designer. not that she asks, of course, it’s just that jumin will come home with a sweater he thought she’d like and it ended up being 300 dollars. she walks into C&R and, if you didn’t know her face already, it’s now very obvious to you that she’s jumin han’s fiancé. she starts to carry herself similar to the way jumin does—chin held high and a scarily powerful walk—but she always stops to say hello to the workers she knows with a kind smile. jumin loves when she wears her engagement ring and he has a habit of playing with it whenever he holds her hand. there’s also very little clothes stealing here, going to be 100% real. at most, she steals one of his dress shirts that were.... discarded on the floor the night before so she can go make breakfast. but jumin loves it that way. she looks great in everything she wears, and seeing her in his shirt is a fun treat for him.
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mmmm saeyoung’s mc - i think saeyoung’s mc is the most.... derivative out of all of them. she wears clothes that she’s had for years even though both she and saeyoung can afford much better, but she likes the boots that she’s worn in for years bc they’re the one’s she’s always had. she doesn’t not care about how she looks, but she definitely likes that she looks a little worn down and like she could get things done if she needed to. saeyoung personally loves the look. he likes that she looks a little hardened and that her makeup is sometimes a little messy. it means so much more to him then when she’s careful with him and wraps her arms around him like it’s all she’s ever known. but all of this isn’t to say that she doesn’t sometimes end up in bed all day wearing something comfortable. most of the time, the comfortable sweatshirt is saeyoung’s, and she probably slept in it the night before. it’s pretty likely that he’ll walk into their bedroom at 5AM and find her passed out in his sweatshirt, the light from her laptop with an email open shining on her face. it’s not a sight that he likes to see—he wishes she’d go to bed at a reasonable time and not follow his actions—but he’s always happy to crawl into bed after her and close her laptop for her.
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look at jihyun’s mc <3 - lots of loose, breathy clothing. so much of it. things that are easy to move in are really big for her. she also really likes to just be able to slip something on in the morning and feel put together, but not like she’s confined by her clothing. jihyun happens to love it. he thinks the shirts she wears look really good in pictures, actually. he makes her walk into a body of water one time while taking pictures of her while she’s wearing the first outfit, and even though she’s a little angry at him for getting her completely drenched, he’s right that the pictures do look good. she also just looks. very good at his art exhibitions. people will come up to her and comment on how she looks just like the girl in the painting, and she’ll laugh, shaking her head to tell them it’s only a coincidence. when they’re gone, she’ll throw a wink his way and jihyun will wish to melt into the wooden floors and take her with him. he also just really enjoys how open her clothes tend to be. it’s a stupid thing, but he likes being able to see her skin. it’s his own little way of knowing that she’s okay.
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lastly, we have SE saeran’s mc - i think both of them might tend to be a little quiet and reserved. she likes lots of layers and she’s careful in just about everything she does. her jewelry is really dainty and it’s silver most of the time. she maybe has small necklaces that she likes and some rings/earrings, but it’s nothing dramatic. both of them like to stay away from the center of things, anyway. saeran’s really thankful, actually, for how easily she takes in this side of him. they enjoy the quiet together, and there’s a lot of days where they’ll just read next to each other, or maybe she’ll make something sweet for him and they’ll eat whatever treat she made while speaking quietly. he really likes holding her hands, so she always leaves it near him so he can reach for it if he wishes. he almost always does, and he likes to play with her fingers while he works on other things.
this was made in collaboration with @kimjihyun ! please check out her wardrobe headcanons for the rfa themselves! :)
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
Can we have Thor just sticking around Loki and Sigyn at the excuse of not wanting to be alone after his supposed break up with Jane? The two entertained him until Loki had enough when Thor interrupted their sexy times. Thank you!
I didn't break up Thor and Jane in my main fic, though we'll see how that decision pans out when Love and Thunder is released. This prompt, meanwhile, is going in the King Thor AU, because being King would definitely make it much harder to date someone who doesn't even live on the same planet as you.
Thank you for the ask!
Sigyn stepped onto the Bifrost bridge. Her father smiled at her, but before she could even say hello, an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her to crash into another body. Loki grinned.
“Caught you,” he said.
“The snake ensnares his prey,” she said. “And I am helpless but to succumb to his venomous bite…”
She pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed back, his hands and arms tight on her body.
“I missed you,” he breathed.
“I can tell,” she said, smiling. “How are the children?”
“Nari’s started reading, and Váli is close to her first steps,” Loki said. “Any luck finding my father?”
She shook her head. “Wherever his wanderings have taken him, they are far from our reach.”
“Your majesty.”
They both turned at the sound of Heimdall’s voice. Thor walked into the guardhouse, grinning broadly.
“And how is my favorite sister-in-law?” he asked, throwing his arms around Sigyn and Loki’s shoulders.
“I’m your only sister-in-law,” Sigyn said.
“I’ve mentioned that,” Loki said.
Sigyn looked to Heimdall.
“Join us for dinner?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said, smiling. “Welcome home, little one.”
Sigyn, Loki, and Thor headed down the bridge towards the palace.
“Thor, is everything all right?” Sigyn asked.
“Of course!” Thor said. “Everything’s great! Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Your father’s missing, you both are still traumatized from your mother’s death and haven’t properly processed it,” Sigyn said. “And also, I spoke with Jane when I was in Midgard.”
Thor slowed down, falling behind the other two. Sigyn and Loki stopped.
“I see,” he said.
“She spoke fondly of you,” Sigyn said. “She bears you no malice.”
“Thank you,” Thor said, starting to walk again. “But I am fine. I am focused on my work, just as she is.”
Sigyn glanced at Loki, who shook his head. They followed Thor down the bridge.
“But, of course, I have more than enough time for my family,” Thor said. “I’m Nari and Váli’s favorite uncle.”
“Again, you are their only uncle,” Loki said.
“I do regret that I am spending so much time away from them,” Sigyn said. “I am grateful for any time you can spare to spend with them.”
“Please don’t encourage him,” Loki muttered.
“Sorry?” Thor said.
“Nothing, Brother,” Loki said. “The children love spending time with their Uncle Thor. Though Nari’s close to figuring out that Thor is king.”
“It was bound to happen,” Sigyn said.
“Actually,” Loki said. “It would be helpful, Thor, if you could watch the children for a few hours once we get back to the palace.”
“What for?” Sigyn asked.
“We should take some time to… discuss things,” Loki said. “Privately.”
“Ah,” Sigyn said. “Right.”
“I’d be more than happy to,” Thor said.
Loki shoved Sigyn against the wall. She ran her hand through his hair as he kissed her neck. His hands were firm on her waist as they each vanished layer after layer of clothing. He got to her slip and paused to take the sight of her in.
“You are…” He shook his head, breathless. “More beautiful each time I see you.”
She smiled. “You’re already getting lucky, but please keep going.”
He pulled her towards the bed.
“You have become more radiant than even the gilded spires of the palace,” he said. “I look up in awe at the wonder of you and I can do nothing but fall to my knees.”
He sat her on the edge of the bed, and he knelt in front of her, his hands on her knees.
“Allow me, darling, to sing your praises.”
She smiled. “I doubt that you would get a word in edgewise where you intend on going.”
“Do you doubt my silver tongue?” Loki asked.
“Not in the slightest,” she said.
Loki’s hands moved up her legs. He kissed the inside of her thigh. She gasped at the touch of his lips.
The door to the bedroom opened and Thor walked in.
“Do either of you know what—”
Sigyn jumped, knocking Loki over. Loki’s head hit the floor. He winced, hand on his head. Sigyn conjured a dressing robe and wrapped it around herself.
“Oh,” Thor said. “Am I interrupting?”
“Yes,” Loki snarled, sitting up. “I appreciate that your love life is not going well, but I would appreciate it if you would not let it affect mine.”
Thor blinked. “R-right. Of course. I put Nari and Váli down for their naps, I’ll have the governess look in on them.”
“Thank you,” Sigyn said.
Thor left quickly, not looking either of them in the eye. Sigyn and Loki collapsed on the bed.
“Does this keep happening?” she asked.
“We need to get him a new girlfriend,” Loki said.
“You found the last one,” Sigyn said.
“Right, so it’s your turn,” Loki said.
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notdonesimpin · 4 years
Sorcery ~r.s.~
ceo!ryomen sukuna x gn!reader
warnings: sukuna in a suit??, fluff
synopsis: [request by @draconic-dumbass​ ] “two unlikely people bound together by what some call fate, but to them, it must be sorcery” OR the reader doesn’t take care of themselves and sukuna has to do it for them.
a/n:  For fic purposes, Sukuna has his own two armed body. I wanted a CEO!AU where curses don’t exist, okay? Sukuna’s just a man who looks great in a suit. The curse aspect isn’t really needed in the way it’s portrayed in the show so i don’t wanna think about it😣 don’t hate me.
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The door opens as you peek your head in the hallway to see Sukuna roughly loosen his tie with a huff and unbutton the top of his shirt as he takes off his shoes. 
“Long day?” you ask.
“My assistant cried today if that tells you anything. They overbooked me, and didn’t realize it until this morning.”
Your eyes narrow, “What did you say to the poor thing? She didn’t cry for nothing.”
Sukuna throws his hands up defensively as he walks over to you with a teasing smile, “I didn’t say anything! Though, I wanted to say a lot. I think she got the message when I sent her home.” The last part came out in a mutter, but you heard it well.
You hit him in the chest, “This is why you can’t keep an assistant! You’re too aggressive. I liked that one, too.”
“Well, I had an amazing assistant for years, but they quit when their husband told them to focus on art. My days ran so smoothly, and I had a beautiful sight all hours of the day,” he says, wrapping his arms around you as he continues, “Was I too aggressive with you?”
“You could barely say a sentence around me when we first met, Ryo. Don’t get cocky.”
Before he could say anything else, there was a knock on the door and you moved to answer it.
“It’s just Nao. They’re being my other model for today! I can’t model and draw myself, so I needed an amazing stand-in. How about you rest for a bit and I’ll do Nao’s solo poses and get you when I need you?” you suggested as you opened the door.
“It’s been a while. Good to see you, Y/N. Sukuna,” Nao says, giving Sukuna a wave and you a small hug.
“Nao, don’t fuck up while I’m not there,” Sukuna jokes, turning around to walk towards the bedroom.
“I’ve been doing this longer than you. I think I got it.”
“Don’t take those clothes off! The more wrinkles, the better!” you call after him.
You softly shake Sukuna. “Ryo, I need you to model for me now.”
He groans, opening his eyes to see you beaming at him. “It’s not fair, your face makes it hard to say no.”
“Then get up, so I can finish for today!” you urge.
He follows you to the living area with sleepiness still extremely apparent on his face. 
“No wonder you chose him to be your muse for the King of Curses. He’s like The Walking Dead right now,” Nao laughs, earning a glare from Sukuna as you drag him to the spot you want him.
“You still haven’t told me anything about your art show,” Sukuna reminds you. 
“Hands in pockets please…” you gesture to your own pockets when you make the statement and Sukuna lazily complies as you continue talking and telling him what to do. “My theme is Sorcery. Take a step but don't step… There! I wanted to do three bigger panels for my main showcase. They have the King of Curses- AKA you- and the ruler of blessings- aka Nao but Nao is just modeling so I can shade the pose right and put myself in it. Then the middle panel will be them together. Look at the ground. Now, only bring your eyes up the look at me… Perfect! Stay still. Basically it shows two unlikely people bound together by what some call fate, but to them, it must be sorcery.”
You yawn, waking up the sound of Sukuna roaming around the penthouse. You check your phone to see the time. 4:36 A.M.
You suddenly find yourself wide awake and decide to get up and work on your rough sketches. 
You go out of your shared room, rubbing your eyes as you adjust to the light and walk to the kitchen.
“Where the hell is my…” Sukuna’s muttering comes to a stop when he sees you sitting at the island, drinking a glass of water as you wait for the coffee pot to get ready.
“Good morning,” you softly say with a yawn.
“Why are you up? Did I wake you?” Sukuna asks, buttoning the cuffs of the shirt and walking over to you.
“I need to work on the rough sketches anyways since my canvases come in today. I’m so behind,” you groan, “What are you looking for?”
“My passport. I swear I grabbed it from home before I came here.”
He watches you tie his tie for him as he tries to recall where it might be.
“It’s definitely at home on the kitchen counter. I saw it before I left. I meant to grab it for you. Sorry, Ryo.”
He tosses his head back in frustration, “Why is this penthouse so inconveniently located. I have to go in the opposite direction of the office and the airport to go home and get it.”
“You’re the one that said my apartment was too small to be my studio.”
“I know.”
“And that I should separate home from work.”
“I know.” He squeezes your cheeks to stop you from talking. “I don’t regret buying this penthouse for your work. You get an ocean view and you have an entire space to do your work. I’d buy you the entire building if you needed it.”
He lets go of your face and you say, “Okay, Mr. CEO. All you had to say was that you love me.”
He chuckles and pours two cups of coffee, handing you one of them. “This business trip is pretty short, so I should be back around afternoon or tomorrow night at the latest.” He checks his watch, “I should go, so I don’t be late with my detour.” 
He grabs his blazer off of the back of the chair, sliding it on as he walks towards the door with you right behind him. He slips his shoes on and turns to you, giving you a soft kiss.
“Be safe. I love you.” you say.
“I love you. Don’t overwork yourself while I’m gone.”
As soon as the door closed, you muttered: Sorry, Ryo. That’s exactly what I’m about to do.
A few hours later, you get a call from Sukuna and immediately answer.
“How’s the new assistant, Ryo?” you immediately ask.
He paused, glancing at the assistant beside him. “So this was your doing. I can’t say that I’m surprised. This one seems a lot more competent.”
“Don’t run him off. He knows how to run businesses well since he grew up with his father.”
“I got it. Mx. CEO,” he taunts, “How long have you been working?”
You glance at the time on your phone. 10:32A.M.
“Technically five hours but only been diligent for the past four hours. I finished my sketch for the King of Curses panel about an hour ago. So, I’ve just started drawing it on the canvas.”
“So, what I’m hearing is that it’s time to take a break and eat something,” He suggests, but you both know that it was a command. 
“I’m not going to pass out on you again, okay? I can take care of myself.”
“As you’ve proven on multiple occasions, you can’t. I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”
“I love you. Make good decisions!” You hang up and get back to work.
You didn’t know how much time had passed or how long you’d been actively moving around and working until your regular Wednesday at 11:30 alarm went off. 
Wait… Wednesday??? You’d only been up for a couple hours. How has an entire day passed without you even realizing it?
At the same time, you received a text from Sukuna: I have to stop by the office before heading to you, so I’ll take you wherever you’d like around one. 
“Shit!” you exclaim, typing back a quick response before rushing around the penthouse to clean and change your clothes.
Sukuna couldn’t know that you haven’t slept in the past 31 hours. 
By the time you cleaned up and got dressed, Sukuna was already at the penthouse, leaning against the kitchen counter and holding a glass of bourbon in his hands.
“Let me see your hands,” he requests.
You stick out your hands, trying to calm them down because both of you knew that you get really bad tremors when you haven’t slept in a while.
“I didn’t think you’d be back so early,” you softly spoke.
“Darling, I texted you. I guess it makes sense that you don’t remember since you responded with a jumble of letters,” he sighs, sticking his hands in his pockets as he shakes his head, “What am I going to do with you?”
“I just got really focused. I’m so close to finishing the King of Curses panel. I started the Ruler of Blessings panel as well… I gotta keep the ball rolling while it’s hot,” you explained.
“That isn’t healthy. How have you been painting? With the way your hands are shaking, you shouldn’t even be able to hold a paintbrush straight.”
“I was focused! And before you say it, I’m not tired, so I’ll just get back to work.”
He looks at you in amusement as you walk away. “Still as stubborn as ever.”
“I’ll stop after I finish the curse panel, okay?”
Before you could even get out of the kitchen, Sukuna had picked you up by your waist and started walking away.
“Ryomen Sukuna! Put me down!” you exclaim, “I told you, my feet stay on the ground!”
He laughs and continues walking, “I told you that if I want to pick you up, I will. If you think you’re heavy, then you’re wrong. You’re like a feather compared to what I lift at the gym, okay?”
You fall silent, letting him carry you all the way to the bathroom. He sits you on the counter and starts running the water for a bath. As you wait for the bath to fill up, he stands in between your legs, bringing his hands up to your face and lightly grazing underneath your eyes.
“They’re puffy…” he looks at you with a hint of sadness, “I understand that the art show is very important to you, but this is the third time in the past few months that I’ve had to physically stop you from overworking yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself, your art will suffer, too.”
“I know. There’s just a lot of big names coming this time. I really want it to be good.”
“It will be because you’re an outstanding artist,” he reassures.
You give him a small thank you as he turns to stop the water and you shed your clothes, getting in and closing your eyes and enjoying the warmth.
“You see how nice hot water feels?” You could hear the teasing in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah. Self-care or whatever.” 
Sukuna begins to wash your body for you, humming a soft tune and lulling you to sleep.  He finishes washing you up and takes you to bed, putting one of his shirts on you and crawling in beside you, letting you wrap yourself around him to steal his warmth.
He softly smiles to himself and gives you a soft kiss on the top of your head as he whispers, “Sweet dreams.”
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Meeting and Dating Mike Damone
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Mikes pretty infamous at your school. Pretty much the entire student body knows who he is; mainly because they’ve bought tickets off of him at one point or another.
- Everyone knows Mike and Mike knows everyone so it’s no surprise that you’d encounter him at some point; even if your initial meeting was a memorable half a second of him checking you out while you both walked to your separate classes.
- When Mike first sees you, he honestly doesn’t think twice about you. He sees you, he processes that you’re decent looking, and then he moves on. He only starts to take real notice of you when you seem completely disinterested in his existence.
- That sounds pretty harsh but it’s the truth. Later that day, he sees you at your locker and he approaches you, introducing himself and making his usual charming conversation. And while you’re arguably incredibly polite, you’re just not into him.
- And for some reason that bothers the hell out of him.
- If it were anyone else, it would have never mattered, and he sincerely does not understand why you’re any different. But the more he thinks about it, the more it bothers him and the more he wants you. Which leads to his pursuit of you.
- Mike likes to act like he doesn’t care; he really does, and he’s gotten pretty good at playing the part, so he always seems pretty nonchalant whenever he approaches you and tries to start a conversation; no matter how little time of day you’ll give him.
- But inside, he is losing his mind. His smile always drops whenever you aren’t looking at him and he lays in bed at night thinking about every tiny amount of attention you give him. He wants to hate you, and maybe he does, but more than that …he thinks he loves you.
- Your usual “avoidance” of him leads to him feeling like a kid on Christmas when you finally talk to him on your own accord; though it’s definitely just to try and purchase tickets. He gives you a ridiculously good deal and is on his best behavior the entire time, trying to charm you as much as he can while you’re actually paying attention to him.
- And to an extent, it does work. He was really sweet and did you a big favor so you felt a little more obligated to play nice. So instead of completely blowing him off, you made an effort to greet him in the halls, sometimes willingly talking with him for a few minutes or giving him a compliment every now and again.
- He’ll talk a big game around other people; mainly Mark, telling him that he’s got you in the bag or somewhat jokingly saying that you’re all over him, but it’s just to save face and keep up his overly confident façade.
- Regardless, you finally agree to let him take you out around a year or so after the two of you first meet. He’d probably asked you out or tried to hint at the two of you potentially hanging out dozens of times but this was the only one you actually accepted which made him do an internal double take.
- There was nothing different about his approach, he played suave, he told you what he was planning on doing that Friday night and then he invited you to join him. But this time you actually agreed, as though it were totally normal, he was compelled to ask if you were feeling all right.
- For your first date, he takes you to the mall and you spend the afternoon/evening going into different stores, grabbing a bite to eat at the food court and so on and so forth.
- You didn’t expect it but the two of you actually hit it off pretty well once you gave him a chance and kept an open mind. He was frustratingly smooth most of the time but he was also sweet and made you laugh.
- And he was on cloud nine; especially when you absentmindedly grabbed his hand while leading him somewhere or walking through a crowd. He enjoyed your company so much that trying to kiss you completely slipped his mind until after you were already back inside your house later that night.
- You share your first kiss after he walks you home from school one day; maybe after the two of you go on a few more dates. You’re standing at your front door and you’re trying to say goodbye when you sort of just look at each other and begin to lean in.
- After a minute or so, you pull away and when you do, you invite him in for a drink; an offer he eagerly takes. So he comes in, you get him his drink and the two of you spend the next half hour making out on your bed; but that’s besides the point.
- You kissed him and now you’re gonna see if you’ll regret it.
- There’s a lot of Pda in your relationship but a good amount of it is sexually charged or the sort of affection that fits his cool guy attitude. He’s proud of you and wants to be touching you at all times but he doesn’t want to look like a wuss while he does it.
- He puts his arm around your shoulders a lot. He’d probably try to do it even before the two of you started dating so it barely even phases you at this point.
- Neck and jaw kisses.
-  Soft, sometimes sort of clumsy kisses. Mike acts like a ladies man but he’s been with very few girls so he doesn’t have a whole lot of kissing experience under his belt.
- You definitely have the capability to make him drunk with your kisses. You put him in a daze and get him wrapped around your little finger the minute your lips touch his.
- Making out a lot. It’s pretty much his favorite thing to do; though he secretly really likes all your innocent and doting affection.
- Sitting in his lap.
- He doesn’t use a ton of pet names but he does throw a couple of them at you from time to time, namely babe, sweetheart or princess.
- He likes to pretend that he doesn’t care for cuddling but he isn’t convincing anybody with his halfhearted complaining and nonexistent resistance while you pull him in. When you do cuddle, you’ll usually lay facing each other with your head tucked under his chin; or occasionally with his tucked under yours.
- He’s definitely a lot sweeter and softer with you when the two of you are alone together. He feels the need to keep up a reputation while you’re out in public so you only get to see his real, loving personality when you’re by yourselves.
- Su casa es mi casa. After his first visit to your home, you might as well consider him a roommate because he sure as shit acts like it’s his house.
- He’s usually too shy or embarrassed to tell you that he legitimately missed you and just wanted to see you so whenever he drops by, he’ll make up some excuse for him to be there; even though it would be perfectly in his right to answer “what are you doing here” with “I just wanted to see you”.
- He knows how to appear cool; whether it’s a conscious effort for him or not, so he usually has little trouble when trying to impress you. Either way, you’re pretty proud to have him for a boyfriend and your praise consistently makes him wanna to act up.
- He definitely tries to act like people he think you’d find impressive are his friends; even though you probably already know he’s bullshitting you. You just halfheartedly let him believe he’s fooled you.
- Sitting around sorta bored while he tries to swindle people. You get interrupted by his business quite a lot.
- Getting walked home from school.
- If you’ve got a car then you’ll usually pick him up and drive him to or from school; or wherever else, because fun fact: that wasn’t his car that Linda spray painted, it was his moms!
- He has a habit of “fixing you”. He’s always plucking things from your hair or clothes, adjusting your shirt, smoothing out your jacket, etc. Sometimes he pretends like he’s doing something just to annoy you or have an excuse to touch you.
- Consistently looking at your ass.
- Whenever you ask him for a favor, he’ll always tell you that you owe him before begrudgingly doing whatever it is. That being said, after he does it, he’ll usually “forget” that you owe him or tell you to forget about it; or settle for a kiss as payment.
- No ones allowed to know but he’s legitimately whipped for you. It might not seem like it but behind the scenes, he’s bending over backwards to make sure that you’re happy.
- Mall dates. It’s your #1 hangout spot. He’s the boyfriend who shamefully holds your hand as you drag him from one girly shop to the next.
- Concert dates.
- Renting vhs tapes and watching them together.
- Mike has a full on bar area in his room so if you’re down to drink, he has the liquor. Although, to be honest, I think he’d secretly be one of those guys who wouldn’t let you get drunk because you’re his girlfriend and he cares about you. He’d teasingly refuse to give you any before allowing you to have a tiny glass.
- I feel like his parents aren’t home a lot during weekdays; because of work or what have you, so you’ll probably hang out more at his house than yours; unless your parents also usually aren’t home.
- He usually ends up eating dinner by himself and spending most days at home alone so he’ll oftentimes call you up and have you come over. You mostly just end up hanging out and eating in his bedroom while watching television together.
- He lowkey likes stupid old tv shows so the two of you marathon them whenever they’re on tv.
- Going to his house to listen to your favorite music because it’s the 80s and he’s got a whole fucking music station set up in his room. He’s also got more albums than anyone you know.
- Occasionally, he’ll fiddle around with his keyboard while you’re at his place and you’ll convince him to teach you a few little jingles while he’s at it.
- I think that every now and again he’d surprise you with a little gift, oftentimes nonchalantly telling you not to mention it or not to worry about it. He’d probably say something like “how did that get there” and teasingly pretending like it wasn’t him, secretly reveling in the smile on your face and the way you kiss his cheek.
- Him stealing your food.
- Trying to hold back your laughter as he jokingly serenades you.
- Stealing and wearing his sunglasses.
- Ratner third wheeling. The boy gets to see a whole new side of his friend; a side that makes him seem much more down to earth, because even though Mike will pretend like he’s the same playboy, it’s easy to see that he really loves you.
- Giving Ratner advice when he needs a different approach to girls or anything else in life.
- Motivational talks. He might not be the most eloquent but he’s definitely the most supportive when it comes to people he cares about.
- Lots of teasing. It’s his favorite thing to do besides make money.
- He loves messing with you so expect to be annoyed with him quite a lot: whether it be because he threw you in the pool, shocked you, or pretended like you had something on you.
- Defending him when people insult him. Quite a few people don’t understand why you’re with him so expect a few comments from your friends, family, or just random people you know.
- He tries to act nonchalant whenever he’s jealous but it rarely ever works. He usually ends up either having a smug look on his face; because he knows you have no interest in them, or he’ll try to get information out of you about them, maybe making fun of them a little while he’s at it.
- Mike isn’t incredibly protective, he’ll usually leave you to solve things on your own, but if the problem is serious enough, he’ll get involved. He’ll try to walk away with you, maybe say something snide to the other person or about the situation, but he isn’t scared to throw hands if need be.
- Mike is pretty good at keeping his composure but certain situations just make him lose it so sometimes he’ll say something he doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment and regret it later.
- He tends to avoid his problems rather than try and fix them which might lead to him avoiding you after a fight. That being said, he isn’t above apologizing and will always do so is he knows he did something wrong or made you upset.
- He’s a bit embarrassed to tell you that he loves you so he’ll usually only say it after you say it to him.
- Mike certainly isn’t the best boyfriend, he definitely has some maturing to do, so it’s up to you to decide if you want to stick around and wait for it to happen. Just know that he likes you a lot; even if he doesn’t always act the greatest.
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neverminditsnamjoon · 4 years
BTS Cuddling/Showing Affection (HCs)
In honor of Yoongi’s birthday, here is my first writing project for BTS! Massive thank you to @yoongisshadow​ for being my partner in crime, editor/proofreader, and providing some of the gifs!! Go follow her if you’re not already--she’s amazing!
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff, rated PG
Word Count: ~1800
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If he’s chilling on the couch, he likes when you put your head on his shoulder
That way he can rest his head against yours
Has definitely fallen asleep in this position (more than once)
He tends to sleep with his hands resting on his stomach
If you’re there, he’ll fold one of your hands under his, smiling serenely when you rub your fingers in circles over his tummy
If you’re laying in bed, he prefers to lay against your side, with a single arm thrown over your midsection
Will immediately wake up if you move
He enjoys other forms of cuddling as well
Like letting you rest with your head in his lap
“So you can look up and see my handsome face.”
He also loves hugs a ridiculous amount (have you seen those shoulders?? perfect for Hug!!)
Jin will find any excuse to hug you, and wraps his arms around you until he can literally feel you relax into him
Acts of service are his love language
So you best bet he’s gonna cook for you
If Jin doesn’t bring you food (and feed it to you himself) at least once a day, you get worried
You’re his go-to taste tester, and you get stupidly happy upon hearing Jin call to you from the kitchen, “Honey, come taste this for me.”
He owns a Kiss the Cook apron, and he will definitely enforce it
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Yoongi shows affection by giving you nice gifts
Sometimes it’s a coffee, made just the way you like it
Sometimes it’s a $1300 Chanel necklace
There’s no telling lol
Whether it’s a four-dollar coffee or something extravagant, the gift is always presented with a shrug and a nonchalant expression
But when you kiss him and whisper your thanks, he’s all gums
“Bad Boy” doesn’t do PDA, at all. However-
He is known to fall asleep at random, and you usually happen to be sitting next to him when he does
Taehyung has an album on his phone just for pictures of Yoongi snoozing on your shoulder, his mouth open
Tae never posts them for fear of his own life, but he’s sent you a couple
One of them is your lockscreen
When it’s just the two of you, he relaxes a little more
It’s a subtle, quiet vulnerability, but you’ve learned to pick up on it
When he gives you a gummy smile after you’ve had a bad day, you know it means “I care about you”
When he brushes his fingers across your back, you know he’s saying “I love you”
When he asks, “are you cold?”, you know it’s an invitation to curl up into his side
His arm around your shoulder is enough to feel how much he enjoys your presence
You toss and turn in the night, but Yoongi is in the exact same place when you wake
“Of course he’ll be a rock in his next life,” you think to yourself. “He already sleeps like one.”
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Bangtan’s resident Aquarius isn’t always the best at showing his emotions via physical affection
So Hobi doesn’t do any mushy-gushy affection in public
Mostly, it’s just him always trying to make you laugh
Goofy dances, dumb jokes, and silly faces. Anything to see his girl smile :’)
Every once in a while, he’ll give you a colored drawing he made, giggling a cute amount when he sees you’re excited about it
When he’s really, really tired, Hobi gets cuddly
He loves laying on his back between your legs, with his arms resting on them
If he leans his head back against your chest, he can hear the soft thrum of your heartbeat
This sound lulls him to sleep without fail, and it’s the sole reason he gets enough rest sometimes
When you come home from a rough day at work, he holds his arms open to you and squeezes you tight
For a man who’s an actual wordsmith, he can get mighty tongue-tied around you
So he puts his most intimate confessions in his raps
No one will ever hear them, but he utters them quietly to you when he thinks you’re asleep
He goes beet red one night when you open your eyes and gaze up at him with more love than you thought you could ever feel
“You wrote that for me?”
He can only sputter and chuckle nervously in response, but you kiss him and say, “I love it.”
“I love you,” is his answer, accompanied by his brilliant smile
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A very loving and sweet boyfriend, as we all can guess
Even being the leader of one of the biggest bands in the world, Joon manages to be a pillar of emotional support for you
He’s always sure to check in with you between practices and recording sessions, or when he’s away on tour
Has never forgotten a birthday or anniversary, treating you to a lovely dinner and flowers every time
He’s never afraid to show his affection for you wherever you happen to be
Sometimes it’s the weight of an arm slung over your shoulders, and a soft kiss pressed to the side of your head
The boys don’t even make fun of him for being affectionate, partly out of fear and partly out of respect because they can tell he loves you so much
When you’re out and about, it’s hand holding
One of your favorite memories is walking down the street downtown, window shopping and judging people together
You’re not sure how Joon makes hand-holding look and feel so cool, but he does
His love language is definitely words of affirmation, but he still likes getting you little gifts here and there, especially while he’s abroad
He knows better than to buy you anything breakable, for fear that it might not get to you in one piece lol
No matter what, they’re always thoughtful
Insists on being the big spoon all the time
So he can kiss the top of your head and wrap his arms around you to make you feel safe
Joon usually wakes up before you and makes breakfast, but on the rare occasion you get up first, he always comes looking for you
Just imagine a sleepy Namjoon waking up and calling out, “Baby?” when you get up before him :(
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This boy is constantly kissing you, holding your face with both hands and giggling
And he WILL pout if you’re not constantly kissing him too
Always has his arms around you, hugging you from the back with his chin resting on your shoulder
His favorite thing to do, to make you smile every time, is sweeping you along with him for a dance
Even if you’re not coordinated, he twirls you around the room, singing loudly until he sees you smile
“You’re doing great, baby!”
Jimin showers you with compliments every chance he gets
From your outfit to your hair, to your talents to your glowing personality, he’s got a smooth compliment for it
When you’re relaxing in the evenings together, and Jimin is extra snuggly, he’ll push you over onto the couch and lay on top of you
He thrives on skin-to-skin contact and doesn’t care who sees
Because Jimin is babie, and better yet, he’s YOUR baby
He can fall asleep in any position, as long as you’re snuggled up with him
Hands holding, arms around each other, whatever--it’s all good to Mochi
He prefers to be woken up by you, instead of any of the members, because he can get kisses from you with just a second of puppy dog eyes
Will shamelessly flirt with you regardless of setting, and has definitely made eyes at you while he’s on stage or interviewing
Lots of people have one or two love languages, but Park Jimin has all five
He brings you gifts after every trip, and at this point you have more stuffed animals than you can count
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Also constantly kissing your face
Highkey loves it when you play with his hair (the man is basically a golden retriever)
He’s known to nuzzle his face into your neck, especially if he’s sleepy
Physical affection (giving and receiving) is the recipe for his happiness
Arms? Around you. Hands? Holding yours. Happy Tae? Check.
Tae is especially fond of giving you his clothes and accessories
If you look a bit chilly, Taehyung will immediately take off his coat and drape it around your shoulders
He’ll take off his hat or scarf and carefully place it on you, even sometimes giving you his necklaces and earrings
Loves doing activities together, whether it be cooking, video games, or being outside
As long as you’re nearby, Taehyung is having a blast
He’s particularly enthusiastic when it comes to supporting you in your career and passions
When you burst through the door yelling that you’ve gotten a promotion, Tae is all shrieking noises and throwing shoes
If you start a new hobby, Tae has pictures of whatever it is and has definitely shown them to everyone who will look
“Isn’t she great?”
When you’re alone together, he always serenades you
No matter the music you’re jamming to, Taehyung is dancing around you and singing it to you at full volume
When he’s sleepy or feeling down, Tae’s favorite way to snuggle is the two of you laying down facing each other
That way you can run your hands through his hair and he can whisper sweet nothings to you
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Enjoys receiving affection more than giving, unless you’re completely alone
If it’s just the two of you, Koo will make grabby hands for you to come sit on his lap while he’s at his computer
He’ll pick up takeout and pat the seat next to him, asking you join him for dinner
His hands are literally always in your hair
Brushing, twirling, stroking
Sings to you ALL. THE. TIME.
Sometimes absentmindedly, but other times he’ll show you a song idea and sing it to you shyly
He laughs and blushes a little when you praise him for it
Koo loves drawing on your arms, if you’ll let him, because it reminds you of him
When you’re around others, he isn’t as lovey-dovey, but you notice a slight pout in his lips if you aren’t giving him enough attention
This can be quickly relieved by bumping your nose into his neck, or squeezing his arm gently
But the best part of Jungkook’s affection for you? The way you know he REALLY cares about you?
Homeboy actually responds to your texts.
I know, I can’t believe it either
Koo has been seen many times pulling his phone out during a break in practice and smiling to himself as he replies to your memes and check-ins
The rest of the guys clown the shit out of him for being so babie with you, but he takes it like a champ
Because you’re his girl, and he loves you so much
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