#but he’s the one that promoted me to both positions i’ve had here
hythlodaes · 7 months
lmaoooo i hate change!!!!
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Full Baby Back Guarantee Not Included (dp x dc)
“Look, lady. It was a joke, ok? I don’t actually want your newborn baby,” Danny said as he held up his hands trying to back away from the woman with a bundle of blankets in her arms.
“We made a deal, you can’t back out now,”  The woman said as she narrowed her eyes at him. “Your kind can’t break their words.”
“My kind?” Danny exclaimed incredulously, because what the hell was she on. “Lady, you are delusional.”
Then his eyes caught on the awkward way the woman was holding onto the bundle and he frowned.
“Wait a second.” The halfa’s eyes went big. “Is that even your kid?!” his voice turning into a shriek at the end. “Did you kidnap some random child?”
“It’s my sister’s,” the woman cut him off coldly. “She and the father are both dead.” That was pretty awful, Danny thought as he winced. But then she turned to look blankly at him.
“Nobody will look for her.”
Dear skies above, he was supposed to be the ghost here, why was he the one getting chills.
“Holy fuck,” the halfa let out softly. 
He had to get that baby away from that psychopath.
“What is it you want again?” Danny asked faintly.
“Make me the new chief operating officer,” the woman answered.
“What?” The halfa choked out.
“They’re giving the position to Shwartz this monday. You need to make sure that doesn’t happen,” she continued evenly as if she wasn’t currently selling a baby in exchange for a fucking promotion.
“Yeah sure, deal,” Danny answered, eager to get away from her as soon as possible. 
“Give me your word,” she insisted.
“I give my word, I swear,” the halfa said. “Gimme the kid and you’ll get your job.”
The woman looked at him for a second before seemingly being satisfied. 
She extended the bundle of blankets towards him and handed him the swaddle baby. As soon as the kid was in his arms, Danny zipped away, fully intent on never seeing the woman again. He sure as hell was not getting her that promotion. Not that he would’ve been able to, what the hell, lady? At least research better before making a deal for your sister's baby!
Though in retrospect, it was a good thing she hadn't.
As Danny flew over a few buildings, he thanked the ancients the woman hadn’t had any ghost restraining tech, and only the summoning ritual. Which was a thing he had not been aware existed but he he would have to circle back to that because, right now, he had a whole ass baby nestled in his arms.
What the hell was his life.
Danny slowed down the flight once he felt he had put enough distance between them and the psycho and landed on a nice patch of green next to a road. He looked around and took notice that they’d gotten out of whatever that city had been, or at least the more populated part. He gave a quick look for people or cameras around before de-transforming. If he was spotted with a baby in his arms, his human look would help his chance of not getting shot.
The halfa started walking away from the road and towards the green vegetation. Still walking, he took a deep breath before looking down at the baby.
“You ok, kid?” Danny asked softly as their small (so so tiny!) face twitched in their sleep. “Oh you’re sleepy, huh?” he murmured gently. “Sleep tight sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
Then he secured the blankets around the baby again, making sure none of the wind was reaching her. It was probably a her? The blankets were pink but he couldn’t know for sure since the psycho had only called her an it. Danny felt his lips curl. And as the night replayed in his mind, he felt the weight of the situation settle down on him.
Ancients what was he going to do?
He couldn’t pull up in Amity with a baby in his arms and no explanation of how he got her. He’d be arrested for kidnapping, which was technically absolutely what he was doing. But then again he couldn't just give that baby back to her aunt.
“What are you doing here?” came a voice from ahead of him.
Danny startled out of his thoughts to find himself facing an older man in a suit with a severe look on his face. The halfa instinctively brought the baby closer to his chest and the movement drew the older man’s eyes towards it.
Danny could see the realization of what it was he was holding settle and the man's face softened. He sighed deeply as his gaze went back up to meet the halfa’s.
“Despite what the media fancy printing, Wayne manor is not actually an orphanage.”
Danny had no idea what he was talking about so he just stayed silent and did his best not to look like someone who kidnapped babies.
The older man took the silence in stride. “If you need some help, there are programs to help young people in your situation,” he continued delicately.
Danny frowned as he tried to figure out what the guy meant by that before his eyes grew wide. “I’m not her dad!” He cried.
“I see,” the man said evenly as he looked back down at the bundle. Danny held her closer in response. “I see,” the guy repeated with a slight change in his voice.
The two held each other’s gaze for a moment before the older man sighed again. 
“Shall we continue this inside? It is getting windy and we wouldn’t want the little one to suffer, would we?” The man offered in a soothing tone.
Danny hesitated but one look at the kid’s face that had grown pink from the cold decided him.
“Ok,” Danny said. “Lead the way.”
And with that the three of them started  across the grassy lawn.
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alotofpockets · 5 months
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The set up | Alessia Russo x Reader
Where your best friend Gio sets you up with his sister.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.5k
“Come on, just let me set you up with one more girl.” Your best friend begged, making you roll your eyes. He loved trying to set you up, but nothing ever really came from it. “Like your other set ups worked so well.” 
“Please, just one more before I head off to Bali. I can’t leave you here all on your own.” Oh he could be so annoying. “I have friends besides you Gio, you know that right?" You give him a friendly shove. 
“Y/n, she’s totally your type. Just give me one more chance.” You knew when he was putting up his best puppy eyes, that you weren’t going to be able to say no. “Fine, but it will be your going away present, so don’t expect anything else.”
You checked your phone one more time to check if you had gotten the right restaurant, a reservation for two under the name Russo he had said. Why he had used his name instead of yours was a mystery to you, but that mystery quickly unravelled when you saw the girl that was sitting at the table the waiter was leading you to.
“Lessi?” The girl looked up with confusion written all over your face, just like yourself. “Hey y/n/n, what are you doing here?” 
“Well, apparently Gio tried setting me up with you.” Alessia chuckled, “Of course he did.” You hesitate for a moment, which Alessia seems to notice. “Sit, this place has amazing food. Plus Gio is paying for the whole thing.” Now it was your turn to laugh. “How did you manage that?”
You settle into your seat while Alessia tells you how she convinced her brother to pay for the whole date. Alessia was right, the menu had some great choices, as you looked through them you wondered why Gio would set you up with his sister, was this one of his jokes, or was he serious about this?
"So, how have you been?" Alessia asks, breaking the brief silence. "I feel like it's been ages since we caught up properly." You had met Gio back in college, and had known his whole family for ages. 
“It really has been a while, hasn’t it? I’m doing well. I got promoted at work which prompted my move to London, they offered me a managing position at their location here. I’ve been getting used to the changes, home and work wise, but overall I’m really happy with the change. How have you been? Has Arsenal been treating you well?” Now that you think of it, you hadn’t been to one of her matches since made the move to Arsenal. You often joined Gio and the Russo family on seeing Alessia play for either club or country, having watched her grow from a college athlete to this phenomenal professional player. 
Alessia tells you all about her move to London and her time at Arsenal so far over the pizza’s that you both ordered. It had actually been really nice hanging out with the girl one on one, something you hadn’t done all too often. 
When both your plates are empty, you don’t want to leave yet but you know you’ll have to say goodnight because you have work in the morning. “This was really nice Less, would you want to do it again some time?” You didn’t know how the blonde was looking at this set up as an actual date, or just as friends catching up, but as the evening came to an end you realised just how much you had enjoyed her company, and how much you would like to go out with her again.
“I had a great time, and I would love to do it again sometime, it’s a date.” Your heart warmed at the words ‘it’s a date’, glad to hear that she was feeling the same way. “Do you want to mess with Gio a bit?” She suggested, and she told you her plan after you agreed. 
You step into Gio’s apartment without an invitation to come in, or saying hello. “Your sister? You set me up with your sister?” You tried your hardest not to smile. His eyes widened, “I really thought you guys would hit it off, and if not it would just be funny.” You shake your head and walk out of the door again. As you get in your car you quickly send Alessia a text.
Y/n: Part one of the plan has been executed :)
The next day you eagerly await Alessia’s text, after lunch your phone finally buzzes with a message from her. 
Alessia: Part two is in motion!
You smile at the message, imagining what Alessia has cooked up, as she was clearly enjoying pranking her brother as much as you were.
The plan was to make Gio believe he messed up with setting the two of you up, while actually you already had your second date planned. 
The second date was even better than the first one, instead of sitting down at a restaurant you went to an arcade. When you headed in the bustling arcade filled your ears, as Alessia led you right to the first game. “Ready to get crushed?” A sparkle behind her eyes told you enough about how tonight was going to go. “Bring it on.” You said back with determination.
You smirk as you get ball after ball in the basket, Alessia was doing well too, but your points were definitely going up quicker. When the timer ends, you have almost double the points she has. Alessia looks over in disbelief. “Less, how did your brother and I get to know each other?” She thinks for a moment before it finally dawns on her, you were both on the basketball team in college. “Okay, so that game doesn’t count because there was an unfair advantage. Let’s move on.” 
She takes your hand and drags you to a new game, where the both of you are just as competitive. The wins were divided more now, her being better at some games, and you better at others. All in all, you had a great time. 
At the end of the night she invited you to come see her play on Sunday, an offer you gladly accepted. It had really been too long since you had seen her play, and you were interested to see how her playing style had changed since she joined the new club. 
She walked you to your front door, “You’ll be at the airport tomorrow as well right?” You nod, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world” Gio was leaving for Bali tomorrow, and his family and a couple of his closest friends were coming to wave him off. Since you had stormed out of his apartment, the two of you were good again, but he still had no idea that you and Alessia had started dating. 
Before she turns around to get to her car, she leans in and pecks your lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You kiss her again, wanting her with you a little longer. “Goodnight Less, text me when you get home?” With a nod and another quick kiss, you watch her drive off. 
The next day you meet the Russo family at the airport. No one wanted to say goodbye, but you knew you had to since Gio had a plane to catch so you stepped up first. You give him a big hug, “I’m going to miss you, Gio. Have an amazing trip, and send me all the updates please.” 
Gio noticed the two of you embracing, and started smirking instantly. He walked up to the two of you. “I knew it!” You rolled your eyes at him. “Yeah yeah, you finally set me up with a good one.” He hugged the both of you. “I’m very happy for you both. Take care of each other while I’m away?” With a promise that you would, he went off to board his plane.
After you, more of Gio’s friends went ahead and said their goodbye’s, and last but not least, his family did as well. Alessia stepped back from saying bye with teary eyes, the goodbye being emotional for the family. She walked right towards you, and you wrapped your arms around her in comfort, no longer caring about the little plan you had made. 
Carol walked up to the two of you, “Want to join us for dinner tonight, sweetheart?” You looked over to Alessia to make sure she was okay with you saying yes to her mom. When she agreed with a nod and a smile, you told Carol you would love to. 
When Gio landed you were still at the Russo’s, and you Gio had added you all to a group chat called ‘Bali updates for the fam’, you smiled at the way he included you with his family, as the five of you watched his video showing you all the hotel room he would spend the first night.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
Green| Part 01
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A good idea not thought through.
Tags/Warnings: Rabbit hybrid!Jungkook, Fox hybrid!Reader, Single Dad!AU, strangers to lovers, Fluff, romance, angst, suggestive, mentioned smut but sfw
Length: 3.7k Words
-> Masterlist
When Jimin had set this whole date up, Jungkook had expected.. Nothing, really.  
As far as he knows, he’s supposed to meet you at the restaurant right here, and you supposedly know exactly which table he sits at- but what he did not expect, was for you to be so.. Pretty.  
You’re clearly a fox hybrid, distinctive hybrid features standing out, very much well taken care of. The second you sit down, he notices even the shape of your pupils being the same as a common fox’s, though they don’t make him feel intimidated at all. Not as they should, at least.  
Jungkook remembers the teasing jokes back in school, or the struggle to earn his spot even later in life as a prey hybrid. Many people still believe that he’s not a good fit for a leading position in his company as a rabbit, unable to apparently make important decisions with a realistic view on things or not mentally strong enough to withstand the stress of responsibility. But he’s not just a meek little bunny.  
And from the looks of it, you’re not a dangerous predator either.  
“Well, Jimin wasn’t lying when he told me you were.. Cute.” You say, and Jungkook takes in a deep breath- and you take it as a bad sign, instantly going back on your words. “Not as in, not-to-be-taken-seriously-cute, but like- uh.. Your ears just look.. Pretty?” You tell him, and at that, his eyes move to look at you from the rim of his wineglass, one of his mentioned black rabbit ears slowly standing up.  
Silver piercings are decorating it. It’s an uncommon sight- but you decide it fits him.  
“...thanks.” He nods, before he licks his lips, and averts his eyes. “I apologize, It’s been.. A while since I’ve been on a date.” He shamefully admits, but you wave him off.  
“It’s not a problem.” You deny. “I don’t go on dates often either.” 
“How come?” He wonders, seeing an opportunity to spark some smalltalk, so he can find out a little more about you.  
“Just.. Not the time. And no partner to go on one with.” You giggle, thanking the waitress for your glass of wine. “I’m usually pretty busy with work.”  
“Work?” He asks, and you nod, your pretty fox ears suddenly standing tall with pride, tail swinging behind you. It’s pretty cute, in his humble opinion.  
“I’m an author!” You beam happily. “I write children’s books, and fantasy novels.” You explain, and Jungkook’s thoughts instantly go back to his daughter, currently in the care of Jimin at his house. Did you write a book she’s seen before?  
“Children’s books?” He wonders, feeling a bit stupid for just asking you, and never giving you anything in return.  
“Yep.” You chirp. “Mostly.. Very simple one’s. Ages 4 to 7.” You explain. “And you? What do you do for a living if I may ask?” You wonder, resting your chin on your hands.  
“I’m.. The vice president of HLC at the moment. Hopefully I might get a promotion at some point.” He chuckles, and your eyes widen.  
“Wow.. That's. Okay, that’s huge.” You laugh a bit uneasy now.  
“Does that make you uncomfortable?” He wonders, a bit confused. Both of his ears are up now, his body becoming more and more comfortable with your presence.  
“A little?” You admit. You’re honest, it seems like. He already decides it’s a very positive point. “I feel a little.. Out of your league, so to say.” You say a bit jokingly, taking a sip from your wine. He shakes his head.  
“Don't worry about it.” He denies, reassuring you. “We both have our places in life.”  
“So it seems.” You nod, while you wait for your dinner to be served.  
A place Jungkook had not seen you in his life, was beneath him, in his bed.  
But that’s exactly where you’ve ended up, most of your clothes already having been stripped from your bodies, lying somewhere in the bedroom. He honestly blamed his attraction to you on his hormones at first, and the fact that he’d neglected his natural need for physical intimacy for so long due to his single-father situation, but in this moment, he knows that it’s more than just that.  
And that just screams trouble.  
But right now, Jungkook can’t make himself think of anything other than you beneath his hands, skin warm as you push your bare behind right into him. He’d technically wanted to drive you home, a simple act of chivalry since your date had honestly been very nice, but somehow, you ended up agreeing to at least let the night come to an end in a more relaxed atmosphere at his apartment, since you told him that you’ve always dreamed to live in a apartment high up with a view of the city skyline.  
He really just wanted to show you the view. He really doesn’t know when you both started to make out.  
But he knows that it’s something you both clearly want- your hands holding onto his bedsheets almost impatiently, while he’s busy wrapping the condom over his length. If the situation was just a little different, Jungkook could see you both getting along a lot longer than for just this- but he’s got responsibilities, and he can’t just bring someone into his life without thinking about it long enough.  
And also, with his daughter still at such a vulnerable age, there’s just no way she’d accept you. 
Initially, he’d keep it at this. You’re in perfect breeding position, face in the pillows, behind pushed into him- but he has to see you. It’s not some magical connection type of thing, just simple attraction, and maybe, just maybe, his inner need to at least pretend for a moment that he’s just a young guy being together with his girlfriend- even though that’s never going to be the truth.  
Just for a moment, he wants to pretend.  
Just for one night.  
On your end, this is just an adventure you’ve never been on before. Jimin had told you to come out of your shell a little, be a bit wild for once, and meet his best friend who’s got a ‘just as dry’ intimate life as you did. And you can’t deny that this friend- Jungkook- is anything but charming, and attractive. Despite being a prey hybrid, he’s oozing a certain sense of confidence that’s not overbearing, but simply comfortable to be around.  
But all good things must come to an end- and to spare the poor young man the awkwardness, you get up in the middle of the night- early morning, barely three AM.  
Putting on your clothes, and somewhat fixing your hair, you carefully make sure to write a small note to leave on his kitchen table. Your face is already bare, since you both did shower yesterday before going to bed- so you don’t have to worry about that.  
Maybe he’d like to meet you again? Well, you surely left your number on the note for him to reach out to, if he so decides to do so.  
However, just as you try and walk out, you notice something.. Odd.  
A small, childrens-size pale green wintercoat, hanging on the wall next to the entrance. Tiny shoes, green, frog-themed rain boots, and an equally themed little umbrella hanging on the wall as well, next to what you assume must be Jungkook’s clothes. These things clearly belong to a child- and now that you pay more attention to it, you do smell the uniquely scent profile of a kid in the apartment.  
And the scents are too alike to deny that it must be his.  
Panic starts to bubble up inside you. If he has a child, there must be a mother to it as well, right? Maybe not, but the chance is too high for you to really take any chances. Jimin didn’t mention that at all- if he’d told you that this rabbit wanted to cheat and not just ‘go on a date’, you would’ve never agreed to it!  
Did you just become a homewrecker?  
You’re taking a step to take your note with you again, but you instead hear Jungkook move around in his bedroom, sleepily calling out your name- and that makes your instincts go haywire, as you instead basically rip the door open after somewhat slipping into your heels, and fetching your small handbag from the floor near the way too cute rainboots staring at you oh-so innocently.  
The door snaps shut behind you, and you don’t look back as you rush down and into the elevator, leaving the fancy apartment building and this whole mistake behind. 
Already fuming as you call Jimin, uncaring about the time. 
“I’m so sorry!” Jimin apologizes to Jungkook, who just sighs as he washes Minji’s plastic dishes in the sink, while the little girl is occupied on the couch, watching her favorite show before bed. “I didn’t think you both would end up here though-” 
“It doesn’t matter anyways.” The young father denies, putting every piece of cutlery on the side to dry later. “It’s not like it would’ve worked out anyways. I just wish she knew that this was just a huge misunderstanding.” He clarifies, turning off the faucet before he grabs a towel to dry the dishes.  
“I tried explaining it to her, really.” Jimin whines, feeling incredibly guilty for screwing this up so badly for his friend. “But she doesn’t believe me at all.” He sighs, sitting down.  
“Like I said, it’s not like it would’ve worked out.” Jungkook shakes his head. “Minji already got nervous when Taehyung dropped her off this morning already just because her scent lingered.” 
“But.. Isn't there, like, any way of getting her used to it?” Jimin wonders. “Like, I swear I’ve seen predator-prey couples with a prey child, and they looked fine to me.”  
“Rare.” Jungkook just shrugs, putting the plastic cutlery and dishes away in their respective places. “It’s really fine. I just hope she doesn’t feel guilty about things, or believes that she was just some sort of.. Body for me to use.” He says, ears low against his head, simply flopping down. It’s obvious that Jungkook is upset about it all. Because from what Jimin had told him, you’d felt horrible, believing that you were some part in him cheating on the mother of his child- unaware that she’s not even in the picture, and hasn’t been for years.  
“I’m gonna try and convince her one way or another.” Jimin sighs. “Really, this is so fucked up. The main reason I tried setting you both up WAS Minji!” He whines to himself, thanking Jungkook for the glass of water he offers him, before the young father sits down across from him at the kitchen table. 
“What do you mean?” He wonders.  
“She loves kids!” The human reveals. “She really does, but she herself can’t have any. Which I think might be why she feels so strongly in this situation.” He explains, making Jungkook sigh.  
Well, that just makes him feel so much worse.  
“There’s got to be a way to make this right somehow.” Jimin complains to himself, while looking over at Minji, who’s busy watching the TV with her favourite plush toy in her lap keeping her company. “I’m really sorry. I thought.. I don’t know. I forgot that because you’re two different hybrids, you might not get along too well..” He says, but Jungkook shakes his head.  
“I.. We got along very well, actually. I really liked her. Or rather, still like her.” He chuckles a bit bitterly to himself. “But I guess finding a partner is out of the question for me, at least until Minnie is a bit older.”  
“A bit older? Jungkook, you said she probably will stay scared of predator hybrids until she’s what? Twelve?” His human friend reminds him.  
“...generally, yeah.” He shrugs.  
“Jungkook, no. That can’t.. I refuse to accept that.” He shakes his head. “I’ll explain it all to her, I promise, and you’ll try and make this work with Minji when the time comes. Please.” Jimin says. “I don’t want to see you so lonely all the time.” 
“I’m not lonely- I have Minji.” Jungkook refuses.  
“You know what I mean.” Jimin presses.  
“...alright.” Jungkook sighs. “If- IF- you somehow work it out with her, and she wants to.. Talk, give her my number. And not the office phone, please.” He runs a hand over his face, before he gets up with his friend to bring him to the door. “But don’t pressure her. If she doesn’t want to see me again, that’s fine too.”  
“I won’t.” Jimin promises. “Promise.” 
You’re sitting in front of Jungkook again, in a public cafe, a hot cup of milky coffee in front of you, while he seems equally as nervous with his own iced americano in his hands, fingers tracing the pearling condensation a little.  
“So.” You start, looking at him, nervously licking your lips.  
“So.” He nods. “I have a child.”  
“So I’ve noticed.” You answer him, legs swinging a bit back and forth, due to the chair being a bit too high for you. 
“Her mother.. Left, pretty much a few weeks after she was born.” He explains in a neutral tone, staring down at his beverage. “No one really has an answer why. But she just.. It was as if she was disgusted with her own child, pretty much right after birth.” Jungkook recites the events. “Didn’t want to hold her, got angry when she cried, refused to take care of her. We thought it might just.. Be postpartum depression?” He leans his head to the side a little. “It happens more than one might think, after all. But it never got any better.” He shakes his head. “So.. We decided to split up, and I took care of Minji by myself.” 
“Did she ever.. Maybe reach out?” You wonder, but Jungkook shakes his head.  
“She re-married again. Lives in Italy now, with her new husband and stepchildren.” He chuckles a bit. “I’m happy she’s happy, you know? Just wish it went a little different.” He honestly reveals.  
“How old is Minji?” You wonder, dreading the answer. Because from both the scent and the size of the clothes and shoes in his home, she must be young. 
“She’s three and a half.” He reveals, and both of you become quiet.  
Well, it was nice while it lasted. With his daughter this young, there’s just no way you could ever move forward with your friendship even- considering you’re still a predator hybrid at the end of the day, something that surely will scare the poor little bunny half to death. Why do you always have to get crushes on the worst possible people? 
“Well, I’m sure.. She’s very lucky to have you as a dad.” You nod to yourself, swallowing hard. “And you’ll soon find a proper partner as well. You’re very likable after all.” You praise, praying that he can’t see the way your eyes begin to water.  
“I’m sorry.” He answers, and his voice sounds just as dissappointed as he feels. “I.. Wish we would’ve met under different circumstances.” 
“Then you wouldn’t have Minji.” You deny, spotting two drops of your tears having fallen onto the table. “Sorry, I’m a crybaby...” You say, fetching a tissue from your handbag.  
“We could still try-” He starts, but you shake your head.  
“No, she’s gonna be terrified of me, I don’t wanna scare her.” You refuse, drying your cheeks with a good amount of embarrassment, large fox ears pinned back in shame of it all.  
“Minji is a lot braver than one might think.” Jungkook chuckles, reaching out to help you wipe off your slightly smudged mascara from beneath your eyes. “She just.. She might just be a bit shy. Or very shy, most likely.” He adds, and you giggle a bit.  
“Jungkook.. I’m sorry I’m me.” You say, but he shakes his head, smiling at you.  
“Don’t ever apologize for something like that.”  
You decide to meet up again at Jimin’s birthday party- the human having invited you both, and Minji as well for the dinner he’d organized at his favourite restaurant in town. You’ll have the whole venue for yourselves to make it both easier for the staff, and everyone attending.  
Jungkook is nervous in his seat, Minji next to him in her seat, happily coloring in her little book that he brought with him to keep her occupied, different shades of green crayons all over her spot at the table.  
It’s then that the door to the restaurant opens, and you step in, together with Min Yoongi- a coworker and fellow predator hybrid whom you’ve befriended a few years ago, or so Jimin said. The big cat hybrid is apparently a tiger- though his ears and tail aren’t even slightly orange, instead monochrome white and black, his light eyes proving the fact that he’s not a standard.  
But, Jungkook can’t look at him for too long, because he’s too busy blatantly staring at you instead, with your pretty face, dressed up for the occasion. So much so, that Minji has to pull on his sleeve to get his attention back, looking at him before she tilts her head, small bunny ears in between her hair moving on a constant, since so much is going on.  
This will be it. If she gets too scared, he’ll have to go home early- and basically bury his hope of ever building something with you.  
But even though she does seem nervous, she’s not yet scared- instead clinging to her father by instinct, who’s calm, mostly that is. “Come, let’s say hi to everyone, yeah?” He offers her, and she reluctantly gets up with him, clinging to his hand while they both walk towards Yoongi and you, who’s just hanging up your coat.  
“Long time no see.” Jungkook offers Yoongi, who nods and shakes his hand politely, before he leans down to make himself as small as he can, in hopes of maybe getting at least something out of the little girl- but she instead steps behind Jungkook, the predator hybrid too intimidating. “I’m sorry.” 
“Oh don’t be. She grew quite a lot in a year.” Yoongi dismisses, while you reluctantly walk closer, politely moving to shake Jungkook’s hand as well- but the rabbit hybrid instead moves to give you a hug, despite his daughter being so close. And much to your surprise, this action alone seems to spark Minji’s interest- her head poking around Jungkook’s legs, just to look at you curiously, especially your fluffy tail that’s nervously swaying from side to side behind you.  
“Say hello, Minji.” Jungkook urges her, but as if snapped out from her trance, she shakes her head, instead running back to her seat at the table where she picks up her crayons once more.  
“She’s cute.” You say, earning Jungkook’s attention back. “Looks.. A lot like you.” You mention, and he nods.  
“I know. A lot of people tell me she’s like.. A mini-version of me.” He chuckles, walking towards his own spot next to his daughter. “Do you.. Want to sit next to me?” He wonders, and you nod, accepting happily. Sitting next to him will get Minji used to your scent, while also putting a safety barrier between her and him, so she can figure you out from afar.  
Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea.  
Something you’re very much surprised about, is that throughout the entire evening, the little hybrid girl does not seem to complain whatsoever. Not once does she get fidgety, or whiny about sitting in one spot for too long- and once she does, Jungkook is quick and skilled in handling her well, calming her down or occupying her attention for a moment.  
Though, at some point, she does get up and roam around a little, under the watchful eye of her father of course.  
You’re currently talking to Jungkook about your work, when you notice something on your tail, one slight look from you revealing that it’s the little girl, carefully running her small hands over the fur, interest too great to really let her inner fear control her. You know she’s on high alert- ears standing tall and completely turned towards you, motions freezing entirely when she notices that you’ve noticed her.  
Jungkook smiles at his daughter. “It’s pretty, hm?” He asks her, and nods, before she reaches out to have him pick her up and sit her on his lap, where she stares at you, now a lot more bold in the arms of her father. She’s visibly taking your entire appearance in, before she looks at Jungkook again, attempting to pull one of his jet-black rabbit ears, making him laugh and gently prevent her from doing so. “What do you want with dad’s ears, huh?” He jokingly scolds. “You’ve got your own, right there!” He reminds her, gently pulling her own equally dark ears, which makes her laugh.  
You can’t help but smile fondly at the interaction.  
That is until suddenly, the little girl boldly reaches out for your ears now- something that makes you both surprised and excited- your head leaning closer so she can clumsily grab at your ears, laughing most likely at how soft they are. It clearly makes Jungkook hopeful, his own tail wiggling around without his own knowledge as he watches the short but warm interaction with you two.  
It’s obvious that while Jungkook is around, she feels comfortable and safe enough to interact with you- but as soon as his attention is somewhere else, she becomes more withdrawn and suspicious again, which is natural. But the fact that she’s not panicking at least, is already a great sign.  
Maybe there’s a chance.  
Maybe this could really work.  
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
hello! any fics/headcanons on dropping by high school nanami’s dorm room would be wonderful 🫶
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warnings: mentions of being promoted, Reader and Kento are both 18!!! In their last year of being at JJT, smut, kissing, vaginal fingering, dirty talk word count: 1.6k pairings: Emo!Nanami Kento x Fem!Sorcerer!Reader summary: Kento just found a box set of 1980s Astro Boy and he wants you to come over to watch it with him! a/n: I wasn't sure what you wanted for this, so I took some creative liberties and rolled with it. I wanted it partly smutty and partly fluffy. I hope you all enjoy!
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It was a quiet Saturday night in your dorm room. You sit on your bed, watching reruns of your favorite sitcom. Considering this was your last year at Jujutsu Tech, you knew that things would mostly be a breeze. You’ve been on more missions this year than any other year, but it still felt so much easier than training and learning theory. 
Your phone buzzes and your eyes gaze at it for a moment. Then your heart skips a beat when you see who’s sent you a text. Immediately, you open your phone and read the text.
Kento(8:45 pm): Hey are you still around? Or did you leave campus for tonight?
You(8:46 pm): I’m still here. What’s up?
Your heart is racing as you try to come to terms with the fact that your ultimate crush is texting you. You two are close, but he has no idea just how much you’re head over heels for him. He messages you again, mentioning that he’s managed to acquire the DVD box set of Astro Boy from the 1980s. You message him back, asking if you can come over and watch it with him.
Kento(8:50pm): Why don’t you come over right now? I’m just waiting in my dorm.
It doesn’t take much for you to reply that you’ll be over in a few minutes. You throw on a comfy hoodie and you turn off your devices. Then you grab some snacks from your drawer and you head out. With your door locked behind you, you walk down the hallway towards the boys’ side of the dorms. 
You knock on his door, admiring the way he’s placed band stickers and mini posters on it to give it some personality. Your smile spreads further when you see him open the door. He looks really cozy right now; dressed in a band hoodie and some sweatpants.
“Are you ready to watch this with me?” He shows you the box set.
“Fuck yeah! I didn’t even think you’d manage to find it!”
Kento smirks, “I’ve got my sources, darling.”
He invites you inside and you feel immediately at home. It’s so cozy in his dorm room. You’ve been here more times than you can count, considering you two are so close, but this is just so special for you. You place your bag of snacks on the coffee table and you sit on the sofa. Kento joins you, but not before he puts the first disc of Astro Boy into the DVD player. You two are sitting so close together, your knees brush up together.
“Thanks for inviting me over.” you bubble, leaning in close to him.
“It’s really no problem.”
The DVD menu starts up and Kento selects the play all function. Then you both sit back, watching the anime you both had been wanting to see for so long. It has become a bit of a tradition for you and Kento to watch anime together. This time, it felt a bit more intimate somehow. You weren’t sure what it was, but it was like you and him had these feelings just bubbling underneath the surface.
Eventually, he turns to you and offers you a soda. You accept with a smile on your face. Things are quiet and comfortable while in his dorm, until he stretches his arms and wraps one around your shoulders. You lean your head to nuzzle against his as you both continue to watch the show that’s unfolding before you on the screen.
“You know…” he whispers softly. “I’m glad we can still have nights like these.”
You turn to face him, “Me too, Ken. Especially since we both got promoted to Grade one recently.”
This makes both of your stomachs flutter. It was a serious move to be promoted to such a rank, but you two were the exemplary sorcerers for this position. Both you and Kento showed lots of strength, courage and ability. It took little to no time to go from Semi-Grade one to Grade one. And now you both were going on missions together, taking down curses together.
“I need to tell you something,” he finally starts up again. “It’s important.”
You turn to face him fully, your heart racing. He looks so good in just the glow of the television and the soft fairy lights he has strung up over the couch. He smiles sweetly before he cups your chin and his thumb strokes your cheek.
“Even if we end up on different paths,” he leans in closer. “I’ll always love you.”
Without another word, he presses his lips to yours. You feel like butterflies are erupting deep in your tummy. Time almost seems to slow down as you finally gain the courage to kiss him back. Your hands come up to begin playing with his hair. When he pulls away, he rubs his nose against yours.
“You’ve always been my pretty girl, yeah?”
You can’t help but nod. It takes so little effort for him to push you down onto the couch, pinning you there. Despite his slim build, Kento is very strong and muscular. He just hides it well. Then once he has you in the position he wants, he begins to undress you. Your eyes shine in the glow of the TV, and it turns him on even more. Something about this moment is just so special.
“I’m always going to be yours,” you promise as he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
He nips softly at the tender flesh, making you moan his name. Your legs wrap around him, wanting nothing more than to be as close to him as possible. He smirks against your skin, knowing just how needy you are for him now. He’s feeling just the same; needy and wanton for the woman he’s fallen for so deeply.
“Can I show you just how much you mean to me?” He asks, his eyes dark with lust.
You smirk, “Oh yeah? How will you do that?”
He’s feeling like you’re challenging him now, and that turns him on even more. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head. You moan at the feeling of him taking complete control of the situation. Then his other hand unclasps your bra and pulls it off completely. Your breasts spring free, bouncing slightly from being freed from their confines. You whine softly; your body heating up at the sensation of being half-naked in front of him.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” He grunts before dipping down to capture one of your nipples into his mouth.
You buck up immediately, wanting nothing more than to bury your fingers in his beautiful blond hair. But he still has you pinned down to the couch, and his tongue is flicking against your nipples. He doesn’t even have to do much to turn you on, but he’s working hard on making you so aroused. He pulls away slightly, blowing air on your erect nubs.
“Pretty girl,” he coos softly. “Such a pretty princess for me.”
You whine again, begging him not to stop. He leans back in, sucking on your tits. He makes it messy and sloppy, nipping and biting at the tender flesh. His intent is now to turn you on and to mark you up. He wants you to see yourself in the mirror tomorrow and to see these love marks. They are the marks you’ll wear on your body to show the world who you belong to.
“Ken, please…”
He chuckles darkly, “What is it, princess?”
You mewl, “Please Ken I…”
“Use your words, pretty girl.”
Your mind is almost blank with just how much this is all turning you on. He’s usually quiet and sometimes stoic. But right now, Kento Nanami was a different man. You had heard rumors that he was a closeted pervert, but this was proving to be somewhat true. The way he was touching you and caressing you, it seems like he knows a thing or two about pleasuring a woman.
“I need you to touch me,” you breathe.
He chuckles again, then he presses his lips to yours. Your two stay connected like this for a few moments; tongues rubbing together sensually. When he pulls away to let you breathe, a string of saliva keeps you connected. 
“Alright, you need me that bad, huh?”
You nod your head, “Need you so bad, Ken…”
His free hand slides down your body, caressing you in your sensitive spots. Then he slips his hand into your sweatpants, gasping softly when he feels that you aren’t wearing panties. He grunts as his long fingers spread your wet folds, prodding your tight entrance. Kento smirks, his eyes growing even darker with lust.
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” He asks, rubbing your clit slowly.
You shudder, “M-maybe…”
You let out a moan of his name as one of his fingers slips into your tight cunt. Immediately your gummy walls begin to squeeze the digit and this makes him grunt. He releases your wrists to reach down to adjust his cock in his gray sweatpants. Then his eyes snap up to watch you as he fingers you.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight, probably would make me blow my load in seconds.”
His words rile you up even more. Your hips begin gyrating against his hand, and he’s quick to slip a second finger into your pussy. Your juices begin gushing out of your slick hole, and you feel yourself growing closer to your orgasm faster than you ever thought would happen.
“Awhhh close already? Damn, princess, that’s flattering.” He goads. Your hand comes to cling to his arm, steadying him and yourself for the impending orgasm that’s on its way.
He moves his thumb to begin swiping against your clit and the added stimulation is what sends you over the edge. You cry out and whimper as the waves of pleasure crash over you. The entire time, Kento is right there, talking you through the intense pleasure. When you’ve ridden out your high, he leans in to kiss you so softly.
“My beautiful girl…I love you so.”
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helpimstuckposting · 13 days
TMAGP 30 Speculation
Now that it’s season finale time, I’ve got a LOT to say and a lot of ideas so I will ramble them here and either I’m horribly wrong or horribly right but unfortunately we have to wait to find that out
First, I can’t believe Alice had two mysterious talks with her friends saying they have something super important to say with a horrified quiver to their voices and she didn’t have time to listen to EITHER of them. Teddy and Colin are high high high on the list for ‘died off mic and we only find out next season’
Since Gwen was promoted (idiot) and Sam is… mmm… missing, it looks like the OIAR will need to fill at least one position, and I think it would be fun if Teddy came back to take his place as a main character. It’s possible that what he had to say was “This new job… it’s not exactly [working out]” and he was simply looking for a new one, and it’s no more ominous than that. If that’s the case, I can absolutely see him taking his position back next season. Colin’s probably dead, though, I’ll be shocked if he’s not tbh
Speaking of Colin, he called the system Freddy while talking to Alice. You know, the same guy that said “Don’t give it a personality. We shouldn’t even be calling it Freddy.” So the change up here is really blatant to me.
I’m still really attached to the idea that Jon and Martin (and Jonah’s) voices were stolen and they’re not actually trapped in the computers. However, I *do* think the voices are sentient, I just don’t think we’re right about who’s behind them. I think Freddy, the program itself, may be using the voices to push its own agenda and manipulate the decisions each OIAR employee is making. Alice gets a lot of JMJ errors, and is specifically the only person on staff who actively tunes the cases out and does not read into them.
OR, if it does turn out to be our guys, then I think it’s possible they’re working counter productively to Freddy, and the JMJ errors are a result of that — like they’re actively trying to work against Freddy. This could also be why Colin said he messed up, like maybe his attempts to deal with the JMJ errors made Freddy more powerful.
Either way, it seems the OIAR is in a huge bind going into season two. Colin probably did something buck wild and pissed the computer off, he’s probably dead, Sam is missing and they’ll need a new hire, Lena is gone (the only person who presumably knew anything that was going on) and Gwen just got promoted to boss despite having 1) absolutely no idea what’s going on with anything at all, 2) an inability to handle the externals and several panic attacks, and 3) no clue what Lena’s job even was, with no direction from the man who promoted her. It seems like even the PM has no real clue what the OIAR does, how it functions, or who it employs (“I’m sorry, do you hire a lot of murderers for contract and consultancy work?” - the answer is Yes, actually, several!)
Picturing the team next season as Alice, Teddy, Celia, and their boss Gwen is… a comedy of errors (or comedy of [ERROR]s? … Sorry) like that absolutely cannot go well. Although, we are pretty used to people being hired as a boss while they have no qualifications of the sort (also did not go well)
As for Sam, the Archivist, and Hilltop Road, I have a few questions about what could possibly happen. First, if the crack in reality was specifically calling for and tugging Celia toward it, we can probably assume that it’s the TMA universe on the other side, right? Which means Sam and the Archivist are now in our original beloved universe. I’m curious to see if Sam is just going to be MIA for the entirety of season two, or if we’ll get tape recordings of him at the same time as our TMagP friends, and we’ll have updates between both universes. I could see that being very interesting if some voice actors appear as two different people in the same episode (their TMA part, and their TMagP counterpart) but that would probably be really complicated to pull off in an audio format.
Also, we know the TMA fears cannot be separated, and that they’re possibly just one entity and have been one entity the whole time. That’s why they couldn’t start the apocalypse without all of them participating, and that’s why when Annabelle opened the crack in reality they all left the TMA universe. “Any attempt to separate the fears is doomed,” is what she said. She also said, “I would either travel with them, or I would die. I do not know which... Most would simply lose whatever power they have been gifted.”
So, if an archivist travels back through the crack in reality, what would happen to them? They’d be cut off from the entity that gave them power, right? So either the archivist will die, or maybe we’ll find out who Beth Eyre (the voice of [ERROR])’s character really is? Who they were before they became an archivist?
I don’t think they’d introduce [ERROR] and then just get rid of them without any resolution, which leads me to believe we will eventually find out what happened to Sam. I don’t think Sam’s just going to be dead or missing and never come back, I don’t see how there’d be any point to that. He is still the only person we know of who’s survived telling their whole statement, and even though he had a headache I feel like that must be significant. The janitor turned into a rock, I really don’t think a normal person would just walk away with a headache. Like, for all intents and purposes, Sam probably should have had his skin ripped off if we’re following the pattern of [ERROR] related deaths.
I hope next season focuses on Hilltop Road, because the lore in this episode was amazing. First of all, it was hard not to notice how each shop had a different danger. The custodian mentioned the drunk man walking into the newsagent and then he “ignored the smell of burnt hair and charred meat”. Then there was the shop that turned a woman into a mannequin, and Sam and Celia walked past the appliance shop where doors kept opening and closing, and the dentist that wanted peoples teeth. There was also the antique shop from episode 7 that almost buried the manager alive, plus the institute also used one of the units. I could be reading too much into it, but it feels like each fear from TMA has uhhhh… set up shop?
It’s also interesting to me that Annabelle said every owner on Hilltop Road in TMA was marked by the Spider, and died a grizzly death.
“So many schemers and spiders and full-throated monsters. Twisting manipulators and furtive liars. Each meeting a violent, grotesque end.” (TMA 196)
And the owner of Hilltop Center was no different.
“I found the owner dead in his office, with every blood vessel stripped from his body and strung around the room in a grim cat’s cradle.”
Not only did he die a violent and mysterious death, but his blood vessels were strung up ‘in a cats cradle’, which is pretty web-like if you ask me.
Anyway, I’m really really hoping to learn more about Hilltop Center next season, that’s the ONE thing I’m super latched on to post-finale
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multifandomfanficss · 11 months
You Look Like Shit
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Adrian helps you calm down at the end of a stressful work week.
Warnings: Stress, a ridiculous amount of hurt/comfort
A/N: This is so so deeply self indulgent. If you know me and my real life no you don’t. Look away lol. Sorry if you see typos. This was barely proofread. Just a short little thing I wrote on a night where I had trouble sleeping. Crossposted on my AO3 adriansglasses.
You sat in the driver’s seat, dissociating, staring into space at your home through the windshield of your parked car. Eventually you blink, take a shakey breath, and get out of your car, slowly heading to the door.
“Babe, is that you?” You hear your boyfriend call from the other room.
“Yeah.” You force a response out, despite feeling like your energy is running on empty. You’d just worked a pretty tough night shift. Just standing up right felt like an impossible task.
“Hey have you seen my- woah… don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like shit.” Adrian says, stopping in his tracks to look at you. He’s half dressed in his Vigilante suit, but he’s missing the chest piece. You can barely focus your eyes on him.
“Two no call no shows, a regular call out, unhappy customers, screaming babies, and something in the back of my head is still worried that building is gonna blow up because we never figured out what that weird smell coming from the heater was a couple days ago. Not to mention one of the no shows was a friend and now it’s my job to find her and connect her with work because somehow some way they don’t have her fucking phone number.” You feel tears start to build in your eyes.
“Holy shit…” Adrian’s voice trails off.
“And if I wasn’t stressed enough I’m covering extra shifts left and right and I don’t even have time to prep for my supervisor interview next week for the promotion and I’m massively overstimulated and everything is just going wrong.” Your voice cracks.
“If they don’t give you that promotion they’re stupid.” He sighs.
“Can I please have a hug?” Your voice trembles as tears begin to fall.
“Come here.” He holds out his arms. As soon as you reach his arms you start sobbing, finally letting out the tears you were holding in all night, the tears your body wouldn’t let out before because it only feels safe enough to do this with Adrian when it’s so stressed. He pulls you close, giving you the pressure you crave. He runs his hand across your back slowly. Your mind tracks the calming repetitive motion. “I’m sorry you’re so stressed. You have every right to be, but you’re home now and I’ve got you. You don’t have to worry about anything right now.”
“But- but I- I can’t stop stressing! I can’t stop! Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?” Adrian notices as your breathing quickens. You’re struggling to keep it at its normal pace.
“Hey hey hey.” He shushes you. “Why don’t we go lay down? Let me take care of things for the night.” He suggests.
“But I thought you were going out.” You gesture to his suit.
“No, I don’t need to go out. Not when you need me here.” He kisses you on the forehead, starting to play with your hair.
“But the city needs you.” You don’t want him to go, but you don’t want to be selfish.
“No, my partner needs me. The streets have been quiet this week. P can handle it on his own and if he can’t he can call me.”
“I just don’t wanna fuck anything else up.”
“Look at me.” He separates from you enough so you can see his face. “You’re not fucking anything up. I’m choosing to take the night off because it’s pretty chill out there and quite frankly I deserve it and I’m gonna use that time to hang out with my awesome partner. You’ve been working your ass off. That place wouldn’t run without you. Just let yourself try to relax with me tonight. We both deserve it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask quietly.
“Positive.” He smiles at you. He leads you to the bedroom where he helps you get changed. He picks out more comfortable clothes for you, letting you wear his clothes because he knows you always prefer his shirts over your own.
“That’s better.” He smiles, kissing your forehead after you’re eventually cuddled up to him in bed for the night.
“I’m sorry for ruining your night.” You say, looking away.
“You didn’t ruin anything. I didn’t even wanna go out. It’s kinda cold. Plus who wants to kill criminals when I could be killing your bad vibes.” You laugh quietly.
“I love you so much.” You snuggle into him.
“I love you too, but you should try to get some sleep. You really need it. It’s not like you have to be anywhere in the morning. You can just rest. You don’t have work tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but I’m just so stressed about work. I don’t wanna sit here. What if something goes wrong? Not to mention, not setting an alarm just feels wrong. I keep thinking I’ll oversleep and miss work, but I don’t have work tomorrow.” He feels you tensing in his arms as you ramble.
“But you’re with me now, Sugarplum,” He reminds you. “and I wouldn’t let you miss work, so get that out of your head. I know it’s hard, but try to relax. Your body is stressed about things and it’s just creating more stress, but I’m literally gonna find a way to shrink down and go inside your brain and start hitting buttons like Inside Out to get you to stop. Actually, Chris told me there’s this guy called Batmite and he’s pretty small so maybe he could crawl through your ear-“
“Adrian!” You cut him off.
“Sorry I forgot that’s gross to you.”
“Ear stuff is gross to most people.”
“I think your ears are cute.” He smiles.
“I think you’re weird.” You giggle. “And cute.” You add. “Very, very cute.” You smile. You don’t know how even on nights like this he can make you smile. On nights when nothing feels right and the world is broken, Adrian is the only thing that makes sense to you.
“Well you’re way cuter.” He smiles.
“I’m so deeply in love with you.” You say what you’re thinking out loud.
“Well that’s a relief because I’m so deeply in love with you… and I’ll be deeply in love with you in the morning too. I’m gonna be here all night. I’m not gonna leave you- well… I might get up to pee, but that’s like a 2 minute side quest. Okay the point is, I want you to try to sleep.”
“Can you keep talking? I’ll close my eyes, but I really love your voice. It helps. Just until I fall asleep?” He smiles at your request.
“I’d talk all night if it helped. I’d talk until my voice box broke. I’d talk until I die.” He vows.
“Please don’t die. I just want you to talk long enough that I can stay calm enough to fall asleep.”
“I guess I can do that too, but where’s the challenge in that? I could tell you how much I love you in a million ways and it still wouldn’t be enough. It’s like those papers you wrote in detention where you have to write you’ll never do again what you did wrong like 100 times on a sheet of loose leaf… I guess I’ll start off by staying that you’re strong and I love you and I’m proud of you and that I’m happy you’re strong, but you don’t have to be so strong around me. You can let me take care of you. I’m here and you’re safe.”
Your eyes get heavy and you fade away to Adrian’s reassurances.
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Ok I am in rant mode again, sorry, this blog just happens to be a place where I dump all my thoughts negative and positive both, unfortunately for all who follow me. But I have seen some bad and incorrect takes from anti darkling/darklinas. So here’s just a few things I want to say.
Firstly LB has never stated that she based the darkling on her ab*sive ex. This is misinformation that was spread by antis. The only thing she has ever said about an ab*sive relationship was that she wrote the first book, Shadow and Bone, at a dark time in her life right after she had got out of a bad relationship. She has said in the past that the darkling was inspired by every bad boy she’s had a crush on in fiction including david bowie’s the goblin king. 
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So it seems from these comments like the character was supposed to emulate those types of characters that woman find attractive, the ones you would fall for. 
I’ve also seen the argument that LB clearly wrote the darkling as a villain, well LB might disagree with you there as she herself has said on multiple occasions that she doesn’t write villains: 
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LB says that the darkling believes he is doing the right thing and that ‘you can make a case for most of the choices he makes, even the despicable ones.’ So if LB says that she doesn’t write villains and that you can make a case for his actions you can’t really blame darkling fans for doing the same. 
The truth is LB promoted the heck out of both the darkling and darklina (or as it was known back then Darlina and Alarkling) when she was writing the og trilogy, even admitting to ‘fanning the flames’ when talking about people shipping m*lina and darklina and was clearly encouraging the shipping of both ships: 
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She also put out teases for the darkling and darklina:
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And promoted darklina fan edits even using the ship tags: 
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It was only post the release of book three that she changed her tune, likely because of all the backlash she got about the ending of the books. So no LB wasn’t always against fans shipping darklina or liking the darkling. All of this information is easily found with a simple google search, I wasn’t even in the fandom back then being a show watcher first and yet I was still able to learn all of this with minimal difficulty. 
Which brings me to the whole darklina being an allegory for a older man manipulating a younger girl and how the darklina fans ‘missed this’. Well if they did miss it then it was for a very good reason, but the truth is darklina’s didn’t miss it, we just didn’t think it made sense within the narrative, the darklina fandom have talked about it, myself included, in fact I’ve already posted a whole pretty much essay on the topic. But let me explain why some people may have ‘missed it’ and why it doesn’t work in the story or with darklina as the allegory. The first is because LB chose to use an immortal/immortal couple for this allegory. The thing with immortality in fiction, especially as love interests, is it makes age pretty much meaningless. The whole point of immortals is that they are ageless. Immortal ships have always been accepted within fiction and this whole age gap issue has never come up before. Nobody was going omg but the age gap yuck with Bella and Edward when twilight came out, or when Magnus and Alec got together in Shadowhunters or with any of the ships in Vampire Diaries. Yet now anti’s are trying to use the argument that the darkling is 100s of years older than Alina and that’s creepy all of a sudden. Sorry but not in my book, an immortal is always going to be significantly older than anyone else what’s the alternative they spend eternity alone, never knowing love? At least with darklina they are both immortal. Another reason why it doesn’t work is because of how the darkling is described in the book, he is said to not look much older than Alina, so in the books he looks like a teenager. So of course people weren’t going to pick up on the older guy/younger girl allegory because the darkling isn’t presented in the books as an older guy. He’s described the same way every other immortal being in every YA book at that time was. It’s also worth noting that I am not sure if LB ever actually said that darklina were supposed to represent a older guy with a younger girl or whether that was something the fandom came up with. I’m not saying she didn’t just that I myself have never seen a direct quote from her that I recall and I wasn’t able to find one. I think the first time I heard of it was when someone sent me an ask about the topic. I know that she has said it was meant to serve as a warning of attractive and charismatic men being able to manipulate young girls but I don’t know that she herself has ever talked about an age gap or specifically mentioned older men? 
Another thing that I have been seeing alot of are comments like darkling/darklina fans only like him because he is hot. What bothers me about this is firstly even if that were true and the only reason people liked him was because he is hot, so what? There’s nothing wrong with that, its fiction and fiction is used to escape for a bit, its for enjoyment and entertainment, so if that enjoyment and entertainment comes in the form of staring at the hot guy irregardless of whether they are the hero or villain, let them be. Why are you criticising the way someone enjoys fiction? Sometimes a gal just wants to look at the hot guy. Secondly its just a really irrelevant argument because the darkling is not the only hot, charismatic character in the books or show. M*l is also described as being attractive and charismatic with no shortage of friends and girls, Nikolai is another character that fits that description, so by this argument the only reason M*l fans like him is because he is hot, and the only reason Nikolai fans like him is because he is hot. Thirdly its just plainly not true, whilst I am sure there may be some fans who only like him because he is hot, again nothing wrong with that, most fans like him for a variety of different reasons because he is an interesting and complicated character. As someone who spends a fair bit of time in the darkling/darklina tags the most common reason I have seen for fans liking him is because of his dedication to the grisha, his willingness to fight for the grisha something that he has dedicated 100′s of years of his life too. Personally I like Aleksander/the darkling because he has a sympathetic backstory, because he is fighting for the grisha and when seeing that they had no place to go where they could be free from fear he vowed to make them a safe place, a sanctuary, of course I am going to root for that goal too. I like him because he is complicated and complex and despite being an immortal being who has become deeply effected by past traumas there is still something beautifully human about him, particularly in the show. I also like the connection he has with Alina, the whole yin/yang of it and them being each others balance. I love the complexity and angst of them having this deep connection and pull to each other but also having this anger and sense of betrayal, how they have to try and navigate around having different points of view and seeing the world in a different ways, it makes for a very compelling story and their chemistry in the show is electric. The fact that he is hot is merely a bonus, but even if he wasn’t a conventionally attractive person I would still like his character because of those complexities, because of that connection he has with Alina. But one thing this rant has done is make me curious as to what my other fellow darkling/darklina fans like about the darkling? What drew you to the character? Anyway that’s enough ranting for one day, again my apologies, I am going to go and rewatch season 1 of shadow and bone in preparation for season 2′s release tomorrow...sheepishly shuffles off my soapbox, waving awkwardly.   
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Idia Info Compilation part 1: Riddle and Being a Housewarden
A running theme with Idia is his fear that people are mocking him behind his back. His main paranoia in the Wish Upon a Star event is being “targeted” by people who will laugh at him; he says outright that he “can’t parade around without worrying what other people think of me”.
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At various points he also expresses concern about becoming a “global laughingstock”, making “a huge fool of myself in front of the entire school” and that Jamil will “blab about (him) to everybody, and soon the whole school will be talking about me behind my back”.
Idia says, “I just want a life where I blend in quietly and nobody notices me” and “working with other people kind builds my aggro”.
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Idia doesn't seem to have friends, and Rook explains that “We all sparkly in different ways. The Roi de sa Chambre shines when conversing with his own heart. He is not one for forming friendships with scads of people.” Riddle summarizes this with “in other words, he’s a shut-in”.
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In most interactions we have seen between Idia and the other students, they do not really get along: he misinterprets Malleus’ enjoyment of a quiet evening with an enjoyment of the opening ceremonies.
Idia mocks Malleus, saying, “‘Oooh, look at me, I’m the high and mighty Prince Malleus and I’m sooo different from everyone else”. When Malleus asks why the day is importance enough to warrant ceremonial robes (having not been invited to the ceremony) Malleus says “I simply cannot understand the meaningless things humans do at times. Though I suppose that’s what makes them so interesting.”
Idia takes offense, announcing that he knows that he is “not fit to stand in front of people in fancy places wearing fancy clothes”, that he is “locked into the evil route with every bad ending ever and there’s nothing I can do about it” and runs away—later reflecting, “I wasn’t born with worth and talent like other people, like Mr. Malleus. How’d I forget that?”
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An interaction between Idia Riddle spans two different vignettes and gets referenced in an event: Riddle calls Idia “the most irritating person I’ve had the misfortune of meeting”, to which Idia responds, “Here it comes! Unsupported generalizations to promote the true agenda! Everyone must assimilate! Individuality must be stamped out!”.
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Riddle calls him out on being too scared to speak to others face-to-face (an accurate assessment, with Idia himself saying that nothing scares him when he’s in a mask), but bold enough to insult them through doors and accuses Idia of foisting his duties upon Ortho. Riddle calls him incompetent and unreliable, venting to both Vil and Trey about it afterward.
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Idia gets his revenge in Book 5 by designing a text-to-voice system for a presentation he had to give in order to “wipe that smug look right off of (Riddle’s) face”.
When Ortho cautions him for picking on an underclassman, we learn that Riddle has been a house warden longer than Idia himself, implying that Idia did not become housewarden of Ignihyde until his third year.
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Despite Ignihyde’s reputation for “being home to introverts who dislike having any sort of attention called to themselves” and students who excel “not just in magic, but in engineering as well”—which seems to suit Idia perfectly—Idia says he never wanted to become housewarden, likening the position to being “a glorified errand boy for his underclassmen”.
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thefederationfiles · 11 months
Uh? Hello?
Uh, hello? I’m not really sure how to start this... suppose I should introduce myself first, I am Cellbit, the new head archivist of the Federation Census Bureau. Still not entirely sure how I landed this position, but I’m not going to refuse it, a promotions a promotion in my eyes.
I was allowed to pick some assistants to help me out, they didn’t really give me a limit on how many I could pick (that they told me about) but I’ve decide to pick three, from various departments within the federation itself. Roier, from exploration, Fit from the clean-up crew and, Etoiles from security, all pretty chill guys, though sometimes ONE of them can get on my nerves…
But I digress.
My predecessor, Bagi, was a very organised woman, and everything, though weirdly done, is actually rather ordered when you think about it for more than five seconds. However, I personally enjoy audio recordings, if find them easier to listen back to if research is needed. For some strange reason however my usual recording equipment wont work, so here we are! With an old tape recorder I found in the desk here.
Anyways, suppose I should start the recording of the actual statement…
On then!
Statement of Phil… no last name given, regarding how he met his wife. Original statement given 23rd of February, 1934. Audio recording by Cellbit, Head archivist of the Federation, Census Bureau, recorded 27th of October 2023, recording begins.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck is HE of ALL people giving a statement, well, consider it a gift! Don’t get so annoyed mate, I only want to repair the relations between us, trust me, just let me tell you my story! It’s a good one.
I first met her when I had supposedly died, I know, very typical of her, but I was just another guy back then! Well, like any self-respecting gentleman, I introduced myself. To say she was confused was an understatement, turns out you’re not meant to be able to speak after death, you’re not even meant to be able to move! Personally, I like to say it was love at first sight, she says, she despised me at first sight. To be fair to her, I was a man who couldn’t die, and her a woman who fed on the dying wishes of men, but plenty of couples have WAY bigger fights when they first meet!
Well, she let me go, I mean she couldn’t really take me, I wasn’t dead. For some reason though, we kept on bumping into each other, always when we were working as well so we could never have a proper conversation. Annoying right? She had to properly prepare the person for consumption, and I always had to get rid of the body! Really hard to flirt when you’re picking up organs that have been thrown against the walls (very messy as well, had to burn that shirt, I liked that shirt…).
To be honest, I always knew that I wasn’t normal, I mean there’s plenty of circumstances I’ve been in where I should’ve died, plenty! I just thought I was a lucky guy, but well, when one survives a hanging, people start to question a bit too much, and well, to put it simply I had to go into hiding! It was rather lonely; I mean don’t get me! It was nice, I made friends with the local crows, they turned into my first murder actually!
Anyways, it was about 25 years or so into this when she visited me, turns out she’d been getting pretty lonely herself! And, well, apparently the other immortal people she knows kept on trying to either fight her or get her to join their own groups, which, just rude! That is not how you get a lady’s attention! So she came to visit since were both so connected with death!
Well, she kept on visiting and eventually I realised everyone who wanted me dead would’ve been dead, so I came out of hiding! That was about 45 years ago, we got married a couple years after and well, you guys know the rest! We started our own group, made a pact with one of the hunts avatars, gotten pretty powerful!
Also I’ve learnt about all the guys and all that, kinda hard not too when you have my job!
Come on now, that’s what you wanted right? A story? A peace offering? Well there you have it! Enjoy, I have a meeting to get too.
Well. That was certainly something, I found that statement in the drawers of this desk when I was looking for stationery and thought it a good place to start.
I guess you could say I’m in shock? I mean it really just reassured what I’d already known, I knew stuff existed, I kinda needed too…
Either way, kinda hard to get information on a statement that’s nearly 100 years old, Fit was able to get some information on some serial killings from the 1800’s that he reckons might be related, but I say it’s a bit of a stretch.
Well, better than nothing for the first one! I swear I also heard him talking about an old war buddy…
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the-himawari · 11 months
A3! Promotion Event Translation - Haunted Western-style House (5/9)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: Director’s gone… Even though I came all the way here…
Tsumugi: If you’re looking for Director, she just stepped out a moment ago.
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Masumi: I was too late… *sigh*…
Kazunari: Aw, don’t make that face, Massu~. You can talk to us!
Masumi: …By the way, what were you talking to Director about earlier?
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Kazunari: We were chatting about how tomorrow’s the day we’re going to have our photoshoot and help out at the Horror House!
Tsumugi: Oh, right. The day we’re assisting is also the Horror House’s opening day, isn’t it? That makes me feel a bit nervous.
Kazunari: But isn’t it super exciting to think that we’re gonna be the first ones to step foot inside?
Tsumugi: Ah. When I think about it that way, I feel more excited than nervous.
Kazunari: Plus, I heard they've decided which members are gonna be on the cover. This time, it’s gonna be Massu, the chief butler, and me, the mansion’s owner!
Masumi: Me…? I’ve already done it once, so I didn’t think it’d happen again.
Kazunari: Apparently, it worked out best that way considering our costumes!
Tsumugi: Great for you two. If I recall correctly, is this your first time on the cover of “VELUDO”?
Kazunari: Mhm. I’ve never appeared on the cover somehow~. So I’m super hyped!
Tsumugi: I can’t wait to see how the photo on the cover turns out with you two. Masumi-kun, you have something splendid to report to Hatsue-san again.
Masumi: Yeah, grandma will be happy. I’ll give her a copy “VELUDO” when she arrives back in Japan.
Kazunari: That’ll be awesome! I’m sure she’ll be over the moon receiving it directly from you!
Tsumugi: Fufu, I agree. I think she’ll be delighted.
Tsumugi: So this is the new Horror House.
Kazunari: The interior is beautiful! You can tell it was renovated!
Tsuzuru: The fact that some spots are roughed up to create an eerie feeling gives it a nice atmosphere.
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Juza: I see. They did that on purpose… impressive.
Kumon: I wanna see a ghost! I wonder where they’ll pop out from?
Izumi: Ghosts aren’t supposed to appear on film, so we might not able to see any.
Masumi: Huh...
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Izumi: Hm? It’s surprising that you’re disappointed. Did you want to see a ghost too?
Masumi: That’s not what I meant…
Photoshoot staff: Now then, we are going to start with the group photos! We plan to use this as a double-page spread on the special feature page.
Troupe members: Okay!
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Photographer: Alright, looking good! Next, let’s try switching up your standing positions. …Yeah, just like that!
Izumi: (Our photoshoot is pretty early in the morning before the place opens, so I was a little worried. But everyone’s doing great as usual.)
Photographer: Alright, done! Thank you for your hard work! We’re going to have the photoshoot for the cover next. Usui-san and Miyoshi-san, please come this way.
Izumi: I think everyone else can take a break. What are you going to do?
Tsumugi: Can I observe their shoot? We did come all the way here, after all.
Kumon: I wanna watch too!
Tsuzuru: Alright, all of us will go together then.
Juza: ‘Kay.
Photographer: First off, we’ll have the chief butler act like he’s reporting something to the mansion’s owner who’s sitting in a chair.
Kazunari: …
Masumi: …
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Kumon: Kazu-san looks totally different than usual! It’s amazing!
Tsuzuru: Masumi’s expression also gives off a somewhat unsettling feeling…
Photographer: Let’s switch up the mood a bit. Yeah, change the poses up… yes, great.
Masumi: …
Kazunari: …
Juza: …I’m learnin’ a lot by watching them.
Tsumugi: Right. This also a part of acting.
Kazunari & Masumi: …
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Photographer: And done! That’s a wrap for the cover shoot.
Kazunari & Masumi: Thank you very much!
Izumi: (The cover shoot finished without a hitch! Both of them had great expressions. I can’t wait to see the cover.)
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
I don’t know if you’ve been asked this before, or if you’ve answered this, but has anyone ever asked Michael or Charlotte where the nickname Honeybee came from? I just thought of that and it tickled me cause how would they answer that with a straight face.
Ok I love this question and I hope you see this, anon! Sorry it took me sooo long but I wanted to write something out cause I thought this was so cute lol and to answer your question, they definitely didn't keep a straight face hahaha Michael's been on Graham Norton a couple times and his interviews were so cute and he is so funny so enjoyyyy!
“I’m very excited to have you both on the couch at the same time, Michael and Charlotte. Here to promote Creed III, which is in theaters next week. I’ve had you both here separately but this is a treat to have you both here,” Graham Norton offered, the studio crowd applauding the couple. 
“Thanks man, it’s always a good time here,” Michael responded, Charlotte nodding in agreement. 
“So Creed III out next week. Your directorial debut, which is awesome. Congrats to you, Michael. But I have to ask you, Charlotte, what’s it like being directed by your husband? Is that weird having him boss you around on set? Did you give him a hard time?” 
Charlotte laughed. “You know, actually it was pretty fun. Not sure how other people feel… working with their husbands but I loved it. You know we’ve been doing these movies and playing Bianca and Adonis for almost a decade. And as these characters have grown and evolved so have we and our relationship. So we have developed a short hand and ease on set with each other that made it easier. It also helps when your pillow talk is with the director,” she chuckled. “I kinda had an idea of the shots he wanted at times and could adjust to make sure I was doing my part to help him get it. Honestly, I just felt proud and so excited for my husband in real life getting to watch him achieve his dreams. I would just watch him sometimes on set and think 'damn, that's my man.' It was fun." 
“That’s really sweet. What’s the most annoying thing she did on set?” He asked Michael. 
Charlotte playfully raised her eyebrow as Michael rubbed his chin.
“You tryin’ to get me in trouble, huh??” He chuckled with a jokingly nervous energy. “Nah, she has always been like this but she is clumsy as hell - in character and in real life. So more than once, we'd get like a perfect take and then she'd just trip over like… air and we had to redo it."
Charlotte covered her face with her hand in embarrassment as Graham, the other guests, and the crowd laughed. 
“Is that true?” 
“1000%. I drop everything, I trip alllllllll the time. It’s pretty wild that it hasn’t happened more on red carpets and stuff honestly. And I break a lot of stuff too,” she added, her shoulders shrugging lightly. “I’m worse than our kids and we have twin boys so that’s saying a lot.” 
“Wow… so I imagine it’s gotta be weird giving feedback and getting it from your husband? How’d that go over?” 
“You know she’s pretty perfect so I never gave her anything other than glowing praise,” Michael interjected with his award-winning smile that had every woman in the crowd swooning. 
“Awww, that’s so sweet. And a complete lie,” Charlotte answered playfully, causing the entire crowd to laugh. “I will say, he was very good at giving constructive feedback but I could always tell what kinda feedback was coming just by how he addressed me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, he never uses my first name. And we try to keep it professional on set so he calls me Els 99% of the time on set and at home. But if he had constructive feedback, he always called me honey bee instead of Els. It was like his tell. But yea if he pulled out honey bee, I knew it was to butter me up,” she laughed. “But the feedback was mostly positive.”
“Honey bee, that’s so sweet,” Olivia Coleman, one of the other guests on the couch added. 
“To be young and in love. None of the rest of us know anything about that,” Graham joked as the other guests had been married far longer than Michael and Charlotte. “I know Els is short for your middle name. Is there a story behind that nickname?” 
Michael and Charlotte shared a glance, Michael trying to stifle his laughter. However, Charlotte could not hide her own, immediately doubling over at the thought of sharing that origin story. They did not mind sharing details of their personal lives and relationship but that was one area they strayed away from.  
“I take it that story is not appropriate to share?” 
They both shook their heads as they laughed. 
“Nah, definitely not, definitely not. It started off as joke but then I liked it and it stuck,” Michael laughed. “That’s her name in my phone too.” 
“Meanwhile, he’s name is just Bakari in mine with a heart and ring emoji. He’s the romantic in this marriage.” She scrunched up her face playfully as he leaned over and pecked her on the cheek, causing a loud awww to echo through the crowd.
This was fun! Ask me more stuff like this, friends lol
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sssaythenamesvt · 1 year
Back to December
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Main Masterlist | Mingyu Masterlist Paring: Mingyu X reader Warning: Reader pronouns are she/her, Inspired by Taylor swift's song "back to december" Genre: Angst, Fluff Summary: It was a harsh breakup on the cold winter night, where both warm hearts turned cold.
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I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile So good to me, so right And how you held me in your arms that September night The first time you ever saw me cry Maybe this is wishful thinkin' Probably mindless dreamin' But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
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“I’m so sorry, please believe me, love. We had a disaster in the office.” Mingyu begged as he sat on the floor while I was on our sofa with a few bags.
“I don’t think it’s the right time to date now, for any of us. I just packed the stuff I had here. That box right there is your stuff. I’m sorry Mingyu, but this relationship isn’t working.” I said as I got up and left his place.
That was 4 years ago, I regretted that break-up but I couldn’t stand Mingyu feeling guilty every day cause his work got the best of him. Right now, I couldn’t regret it anymore. I did it for him, that’s what I thought back then. But I was also selfish.
Our careers were taking off, and Mingyu was fighting for a promotion. While I got an opportunity abroad. It was a decision I thought was good for both of us, it only may have benefitted us for our careers but not for our well-being.
I wanted to cry when I was saying such harsh words to him, he didn’t deserve what happened to him. He deserved someone better than me, someone, who wouldn’t give up on a relationship that easily. I’ve felt like a burden to him, he was just an angel and I was the devil ruining his life.
He was always understanding and I knew that, our relationship was one of the best moments of my life. Yet, it had a cold ending like the harsh winter I left him. I wonder how he is? Did he find someone better for him? Did he move on? Did he get the promotion he was chasing? Is he happier now? I might not know the answers but I only hope the answer is yes.
Today, I am on a flight back to Korea after completing a project overseas. I got offered a better position in Korea so I decided to come home, even if I lift the place at a less ideal situation. I just hoped I wouldn’t bump into him. Our offices are near each other, that is if he continues to work in the same place. I just hope I can prevent him as guilt only eats me up every day.
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Another snowflake fell, it’s officially 4 winters without her. Where is she? Is she fine? Is she still alive?
I went to her place for the first week we were separated, but I was late most of the time since the promotion wars were still happening. So I just left gifts.
I continued to do it for two weeks, by the third week it was a stranger who opened the door. She moved. It was truly over. I miss her. So much.
I wanted to resent her, I wanted to hate her but her reason was good enough to break up. We both were busy, if only she would appear in front of me now. Even if she is still in a state of being busy, I’m in a state where I can take care of her. I would go back to her.
She was the only person who was real with me, who loved me for me. The person who saw me from the bottom, the one who loved me despite my low status. I intended to love her for a long time but I failed.
Maybe If I wasn’t greedy she would still be here. I miss her. Please to destiny bring me back to her, I would beg her to get back with me. My world has been so empty without her.
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The air of Korea, it’s been a while. I went to my new place which was close to work but still a distance from him. I wanted to move on, I never thought we could get back together. I was guilty as charged.
I moved into a new, bigger, and better space after being promoted. I enjoyed decorating it with pops of color and wood, inspired by my love for nature. My time in New Zealand had a big impact on me, and I even learned about plants from a co-worker. Now I have a garden on my balcony where I plan to grow fresh produce. I wanted a minimalistic room with statement pieces and pops of green. Though not unique, it was a step away from my previous all-white furniture era. I had a week off to settle in and made the space cozy with my belongings.
As I was unpacking, my thoughts drifted to him. It had been four years since our harsh breakup. I regretted it, but I knew it was for the best at the time. I wondered how he was doing now. Did he move on and find someone better? Did he get the promotion he was fighting for?
I couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened between us. I hoped I wouldn't run into him in Seoul, where our offices were close by. His understanding nature and love for me were something I missed dearly. But I knew it was time for me to move on and live a happy life in my new space.
As I continued to unpack, I couldn't help but feel excited about what the future held. I was ready to create new memories and make new friends. With my love for nature and my new garden, I felt like I had everything I needed to be content.
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Every day I walked through a familiar path, where I used to feel guilty or excited. Now I just feel regret, pain, and loneliness. I still lived in the apartment we shared together. Where I get to wake up to see her face every morning. I miss her, please if I can do it all over again I would love her right.
The walk was always the worst, filled with dread and regret. Can I miss her this much? Opening the door, reminded me of a painful memory. I couldn’t stand the idea of leaving, this place was all I had left. She packed everything and I only had our happy place together. Since today was a slower day than usual I walked to the place where our escape lies.
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I walked out of the house today to a familiar place, even if it was against my will. I needed plants and I missed the shop owner who used to sell me plants which I grew to be used as ingredients.
It was a familiar path that used to pain me, but now it hurts less and I’m okay with it. Maybe I was OK? At least I could only hear the familiar laughter, somewhat a happy memory. My heart hurt a little less.
I opened the light green door and chatted for a while, I picked up only 2 small pots and walked out. It felt nice though there was a small sting in my heart. Maybe before I forget everything I can walk a familiar path and relive the sense of escape and freedom I had back then. For one last time.
The road was more familiar and it was peaceful like always, I reached my heaven on earth. The green landscape brought good memories. I walked to the spot but there he was still there as if he was waiting. He changed a bit, maybe I dare say a bit more mature and healthier. Yet he still acted the same, he was leaning on the tree like he used to before. He turned his head…
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Mingyu turned his head as he felt the pair of eyes staring, it was her. She looked brighter and it made him think that maybe she found someone better. Yet, he can’t let her go as he prayed every day for this moment to come.
“Y/n” he said turning to her with a smile, she just stared at him blankly before turning her body out.
“Wait, Y/N.” he begged and he got in front of her. Her head fell for her view to the ground.
“How about we go sit there first, It’s been a while and I miss you.” he said pointing to a familiar spot but she shook her head and tried to go again.
“Please, I miss you. I miss your sweet smile, I miss your company, I miss how right you were for me, The last time I had you in my arms was a September night. I wished every day to meet you and fix things, you can call me crazy but I’ve passed that stage waiting for you. Please, I beg you to come back to me. I would do anything Y/n, I worked on myself to be better at time management. Please.” He begged the girl he used to call his lover as he held her cold hands.
“Mingyu.” The girl finally uttered a word to the man in front of her.
“We don’t have to date yet, It’s fine. I’ll wait, but can you give me a second chance at least to prove myself? Please I’m begging.” He begged still holding both her hands.
“I missed you too, Your tan skin, how good you were to me, how your comfort stopped my tears. I would be lying if I didn’t dream of us together. But I don’t think we can do this Mingyu, I just moved back and I got a position. Do you think it’s okay for me not to put full focus on us?” She said finally looking into his eyes.
“Yes, you made so much effort to our relationship when I was hunting for my promotion, it’s only fair if I returned the favor.” He said smiling as tears escaped and their foreheads reconnected.
“Thank you so much, I’ll make this time better. I’ll never hurt you again.” He promised her under the trees of their escape.
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npcemi · 1 year
The long road of how starting a fight with superman over clone parenting eventually lead to Danny Phantom become God Part 4.5 and 5: Aftermath + Promotions and Shattering Mirrors
Superman collapsed to his knee as the other members of the justice league went to his side. Superman couldn’t believe what he just experienced. The league had never faced a threat this powerful. To summon both a black hole and create a star out of nothing. His eyes still hurt from even looking at whatever that thing was-- He knew they couldn’t let a threat like that go unchecked.
Constantine appeared through a portal, “Oh now you show up!” Superman said in an incredulous breath.
“Oh, I’ve been here since King Phantom kicked your ass out a window, I’m just not so cotton headed I’d try and fight the King of the Infinite realms.” Superman scoffed at Constantine’s words and turned to Batman, “Bruce we need to figure out some kind of contingency…” The leader of the Justice League Dark cut him off,
“Oh, fuck no mate, you’re benched. You stick to Metropolis !”
“You have no right!”
“Actually this contract you lot signed when you begged me to be the leader of your precious little supernatural branch says I can!” Constantine summoned a roll of parchment that unrolled revealing the document with the original JLA member's signatures.
“That’s only if one of us angers a celestial angel or some higher-level entity.” Wonderwoman pointed out as the blonde occult detective pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Who do you think is the King…”
“Just because he is the ruler of his own dimension doesn’t mean he…” Constantine really was starting to get what Phantom meant when he called the man of steel an obstinate dick.
“All of the realms, High King Phantom rules over all of the realms. Ours and any in existence. In all of Anu, there is no realm that King Phantom does not have sovereignty over.
Do you really think any of the ancients have time or care to mess about in random realities?
No, they normally have nothing to do with them, do you have any idea of how bad things have gotten? Between the GIW and you Clark, I am honestly surprised our reality still exists. So yes, you are benched!” At the end of Constantine’s rant Superman stood up.
“You really think a piece of paper will…AH!” The man of steel screamed as electricity overcame his body. When it was over he once again collapsed to his knees. Constantine walked over to tower over Superman,
“And you thought the contract you all signed wouldn’t be magically binding, are you daft ?” Constantine then turned to look Bruce directly in the eye. Constantine knew the man too well.
“And you, no looking up or into anything about Phantom!” Batman held his hands up in surrender,
“I promise I will not look up or into Danny Phantom.” Constantine’s eyes narrowed before he turned and left through a portal muttering something about attempting to salvage this situation.
Jazz Fenton was in a great mood. Her degree was almost finished and she just got a paid internship that would turn into a full-time position once she graduated. She would be a liaison for any cases that involved the infinite realms. Her new org worked with a lot of supers and villains. It was headed by Dinah Lance and Harley Quinn. Most people thought it was a little weird, but she knew that heroes, villains, and even the dead needed help with their mental health.
She was just finishing organizing her desk when her boss called to her and told her to follow.
“Yes, Miss Lance.” She said,
“Dinah, we aren't too formal around here.”
“Right, Dinah.” Jazz said as they both took a seat in Dinah’s office,
“Look, Jazz we have a special case coming in today:” Jazz was surprised they were already letting her work on cases.
“What is it?”
“One of the main league members is being brought in, he’s having some trouble adjusting to the fact he was cloned and according to the leader of Dark, he also angered some supernatural entity and is according to Constantine, the aforementioned leader,  is acting like a stubborn fuckwit who needs to pull his own dick out of his arse.” Dinah read off of the referral form she got.
“I’ll help however I can, when are they coming?”
“Right about now,” Dinah said as a portal opened and John Constantine walked in followed by Clark and Conner Kent. John introduced himself and his tagalongs.
“And this is my associate, Jasmine Fenton,” Dinah said as Constantine’s jaw dropped and he failed to take a puff of the cigarette he had been smoking. “Did you say, Fenton?”
Jazz was about to respond when she looked at Clark. There was something off about the man in glasses. Something that was resonating with her being, like his very soul angered her, and then she remembered who Clark really was under the glasses.
The man who had caused such a bad PTSD episode in her brother that he cried in her arms for over two hours. The man who broke multiple taboos of the infinite realms. The man who hurt her brother. Her movement was faster than anyone had expected and came with more force than would be possible for even most metahumans. In that instance of realization, Jasmine Fenton closed the distance between the man of steel and herself and struck him so hard in the face that he collapsed to the floor in pain, hands to his face. Which was now gushing blood from his broken nose.
“How dare you!” She screamed. Conner and Dinah pulled her back as she continued to scream.
“How dare you ask a ghost about their death, how dare you make the King re-live that pain!” She was about to attack again when she was interrupted when Constantine asked, “Sweetheart, you know you’re glowing green right?”
“Shit!” The redhead calmed as much as she could, she took a device out of her pocket. She turned it on and saw her ambient ecto plasma was higher than normal. She clicked a button and a sensor popped out the side of the device.
She cut her finger with one of her fangs and dropped some blood on the sensor. She was thankful her blood was still red, but it was darkening into a muddy colour with a slight greenish glow. The device told her her blood ectoplasm level was at 8%, way lower than normal. The machine also indicated her heightened emotions and that if she didn’t calm down she might die right there in the office.
“What is that?” Conner asked not caring if his original was still on the ground trying to stop his nose bleeding.
“It’s a device that measures ectoplasm levels. Ambient levels, levels with a particular signature, and blood ectoplasm concentration.” she sighed and calmed down.
“Why do you need it?” Conner asked curiously despite Constantine's glare telling him he was being rather rude.
“I’m a death-leaning liminal, the smelly blonde man can explain later.” She said as there was a flash of flames.
“Jasmine, are you alright?” Everyone turned to see a nearly seven-foot Dracula knockoff with red eyes.
“Yes, I just let my anger get ahead of me, I'm fine.” She said, trying to waive off the ghost who then pulled out a vile of a green glowing liquid and attempted to hand it over to her.
“Vlad, I’m fine.” She said as he put the vial in her hands.
‘I’m sure our loving patriarch would love it if you died because of all of your ectoplasm burning up and became a full ghost before he did.” Jazz begrudgingly drank the vile, knowing how much shit Danny would give her if she died.
“Honestly I don’t know what would cause a normally level-headed young woman to lash out like her feral niece.” Jazz pointed over to Superman who was now in one of the chairs. Vlad scowled,
“Do you want me to take care of that for you?” He said in disgust. Everyone’s eyes went wide at the implied threat, Constantine prepared a portal to run, Dinah prepared to fight and Conner was right behind Constantine. After what he saw in Dani's mirror, he didn’t want anything to do with an angry ghost.
“It’s fine you can leave.” Jazz said.
“Can I expect you all at the Keep this weekend?’ he asked.
“Yes,” She said as Vlad teleported in a flash of flames and was gone. Jazz looked up to see Dinah looking at her wide-eyed. The realization she had just punched a client finally settled in,
“I’m fired aren’t I?”
Danny heard a knock at the door and went to open it and looking at him was Bruce Fucking Wayne.
“What do you want.”
“I wanted to talk to you about something, and make sure you and Danielle are safe.” Danny immediately moved to shut the man up.
“Shush, don’t say her name or talk about her here, my parents don’t know about her!” Bruce's face softened. Danny led them out of the house and brought them to a more private alleyway, which made the dark knight feel more at home.
“I’m not sorry about what I did to Superman,” Danny said getting down to business.
“I’m not expecting you to be. Both Constantine and I have tried to talk with him before, but now we’re forcing him into therapy. I think you did exactly what he needed.” he was shocked by Bruce's words. Even the Observants yelled at him about what he did, all the clockwork said in his defense was say “Everything is as it should be.”
“Oh, what do you want with me then?”
“My associate oracle looked into Danny Fenton, and we found you live with ghost hunters and were concerned about you and your daughter’s safety.”
“We’re fine.” Danny snapped and Bruce held his hands up defensively before handing him a small card.
“I just wanted you to know if there was anything you need, or if you have to escape we can provide assistance.” Danny looked at the man skeptically,
“So this isn’t like some crazy scheme to adopt me?” Bruce had to rip his earpiece due to the collective volume of the snickers.
“Good because that wouldn’t turn out how you think it would.” Bruce gave him a look that told him to explain and Danny sighed.
“A fruit loop named Vlad Plasmius was college friends with my parents. He likes my mom. There was an accident, he was hospitalized and got ghost powers. Many years later he tried to kill my dad, marry my mom, and make me his son. It never worked.” Danny shook his head and continued.
“After I became King, I was able to learn of his obsession with family and love,” Danny remembered how he learned of Vlad’s true obsession, realizing that he must have been alone and abandoned in the hospital room when he died.
“After he shot me in the chest because he was mind controlled. I decided as the more powerful ghost to give him what he desired in a way.” Danny snickered.
“I ghost-adopted him, effectively making him my son as far as ghosts are concerned, he’s much happier now, but he is still a little salty.” Bruce looked at him dumbfounded, Danny was glad Vlad could fulfill his obsession even if it did make him a bit of a mother hen.
“But yea I wouldn’t recommend trying to adopt me.” The rest of their conversation went smoothly and no offers for adoption were made. When they got back to Fenton's works, Jazz and another red-headed woman were sitting at the table. She introduced herself as Barb. They engaged in a basic conversation about ghosts. Until Danny asked,
“How was your first day of your internship?” Jazz sighed with a dejected look,
“I got promoted.” Before Danny could ask why she sounded like that was a bad thing, Jack and Maddie came bursting in showing off their latest captured ghost with proud grins. They were testing out a new time of large containment device that would allow them to study ghosts in real-time.
Jazz’s hands went straight to her mouth, her eyes wide, glowing, and dripping tears of rage. Bruce turned to look at Danny who was wide-eyed as his eyes began to change, his hair whitening as he looked at the small white-haired ghost in the container. He was breathing to try and calm himself down.
“Daddy help!” Danielle screamed as the containment device shocked her.
All light ceased to exist in that room all anyone could see was an endless black.
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britcision · 1 year
Okay it’s time for the primer for the Four Heralds AU cuz I’ve got so much to post and some of it only involves the heralds tangentially so other people might read it.
As the title suggests, there are four heralds of Andraste:
Tavi Adaar - a qunari mage woman, she/her pronouns, bisexual, mostly blind (late stage retinitis pigmentosa), 23
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Corin Cadash - a nonbinary dwarf warrior and blacksmith, they/them pronouns, sex positive asexual, ADHD and arthritic as hell, 42
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Lluciano Lavellan - an elf rogue, he/him pronouns, femboy, omnisexual twink, seizures both of the motor and absence variety, AuDHD cranked up to eleven, 25
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Séamus Trevelyan - a human warrior, trans man, he/him pronouns, gay as hell, chronic insomnia and hard of hearing (binaural, moderately severe), 37
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Only Séamus was actually supposed to be at the Conclave, but Lavellan is our game protagonist and victim of most major plot events
(A different group from Adaar’s mercenary troupe were supposed to be sent, but got waylaid on the road so Adaar’s group subbed in since they had the shortest travel time
Lavellan was actually specifically told to stay as far away from the Conclave as possible with his scouting, walked over a single hill, and said “hmm where was I not supposed to go again oh well can’t be important” and went to check out the Conclave
(He was hiding from the other actual Lavellan spy when he came across Justinia and Corypheus)
And Cadash is a menace to society, entirely stealth free, chronic pain bitch who is about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but an unforeseen flu ravaged the local branch of the Carta and since dwarves very rarely get sick, none of them knew what to do about it
Corin, being a blacksmith, at least had a semilogical reason to be carting a large load of lyrium, and no one who talked to them for five minutes would believe they were capable of being a spy, which was close enough at the last minute
Trevelyan is the oldest son of the Trevelyan family in the Free Marches, who hoped he would eventually become a templar right up until this whole “rebellion” thing made it a bit unsexy
He’s a knight instead, and actually prefers living and training with the knights to being at home so he did get himself one whole non-nepotism promotion
Most of his friends and all of his subordinates went to the Conclave with him to keep the peace and be a bit more impartial. Oops.)
This whole thing mainly started with me looking at Cole and going “you know what would be funny and extremely counterproductive? An Inquisitor with ADHD hanging out with Cole”
So now we have four beautiful, disabled, queer heralds because why stop at one?
(Tavi has also been fucking around with time magic, mostly around Slow spells, and it got weird with what Corypheus was doing and accidentally replicated the anchor they were all playing Keep Away with
Lluciano got hit in the face with at least one, he didn’t used to have the green face tattoos but so many Dalish do that no one has asked and he hasn’t noticed yet
None of them are at full power, but they’re not quite even quarters and can combine when focusing on the same rift to speed things up
Corypheus only needs one)
The full herald rundown will be linked here when it exists!
Fic (by me) and art (by @ekwolfwood) will be added in reblogs
Lluciano and Corin are staring in most of it so far, by dint of Luci being the main character and Corin being A Problem On Purpose slightly harder than the other heralds
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Mr. Here To Stay
Warning: contains adult languages. Minor, please do not read.
You are sitting at your manager’s office talking about your performance this quarter, “with that, Y/N, I must say, the heads, including me, are impressed. You keep meeting expectations and exceeded them,” you blush as the Manager compliments you.
You: “ I-uhhh-thank you!” You blush even harder.
Manager: “We’re giving raise in your pay as well and might promote you.”
Your eyes widen, “R-really?!! OMG! I-I don’t know what to say, thank you!” You almost cry out of happiness.
The Manger reach out your hand, holding it firmly. With full sincere, “No, Y/N, thank you. You’re expertise help us a lot,”
You both giggle and had a small talk. After few minutes, you walk fast to your station.
N2: how was it?
You shriek out of uncontrollable happiness you feel, “they might promote me and give me a raise,”
They all wow and N1 hugs you, “I’m soooo very proud of you!!! How about a drink this weekend? Uh-huh?!!”
They all clamoring ‘yes’ and you agree. It’s been awhile since an alcohol run downs your throat and you miss the taste of bitterness in it. You haven’t taken a seat yet as the chatter continues. You are standing at your cubicle, half of your ass sitting on the table with your arms crossed.
N4 relaxing at ergo chair, "I’ve heard Dr. Marco have been blockbuster,"
You blink, oh, here we go again, you thought. You sigh in weariness but still continue to join in the conversation.
N1 nodded, "yeah, I bet my hubby’s have a very rough weeks." N1 said pouting.
You sigh, “really? Then that’s good! I mean, after seeing his signing bonus…”
N2 protested and even got seat up, "Oy! Have a little concern with the Dr., he’s human too, you know?!"
you fired back, "yeah right, it’s been what? Two weeks and everyday, I’ve been hearing his name. Everywhere. Like, literally! In the comfort rooms, canteen, hallway, even before I exit the hospital. Uggh-"
You roll your eyes.
N4 raising the coffee cup, "Well, he’s a doctor and he’s really has the look compared to the others and I think, single? That’s why girl around here is crazy about him,"
My eyes widen, "He’s not!"
N4 sips coffee and almost got choke but recovered. Their expression change like they see a ghost but you ignore it. Their body stiffen. You grab the paper on top of the box near your thigh. You flip the pages and stop at his resumé.
Looking at his resumé, "Look at him! Seriously?! Well---" you saaw again that pretty blue eyes which captivated you few weeks ago. You purse your lips. "--okay I’ll credit for his blue eyes because I really find it pretty," you finally admit it but you still don't agree the fact his handsome, "but... he looks like a pineapple! He’s not even that handsome!" Besides!" You aggressively flip the next page, it'll almost tear up, "And he didn’t even bother to check his marital status. Huh! This is a red flag, you know! He’s probably a playboy! Tss--" They are still silent after your burst and you notice N1 blushing, "Seriously, N1?Still like him?"
Suddenly, a sound of a pen clicks from your back. Then, a long arm comes in your sight, ticking the single box option in the marital status.
“I hope that satisfies you and your red flags,” He chuckles, “I thought my friends are just bullying me when they told me I look like a pineapple with my signature hairstyle. I guess they are not now. Aren’t we?”
You froze and processing what just happened. You figure out it was him. You felt drought in your throat. Your eyes slowly follows the white long sleeve and for a moment, both of you staring at each others eyes. Silence fill the air but your heart thumping out loud as you see his blue eyes. Your mouth half-open with the view. It's beautiful , you thought. Despite the negative comment your thrown to him, his eyes says otherwise. They are screaming positivity, which makes them even more beautiful.
No one dared to speak except from one, “Ah! Dr. Marco, it’s nice to see you here,” Your the first one who broke the longing stare. Hearing the footstep and familiarity of the voice, you knew it was your Manager who stood between you two.
Marco clears his throat and smiles at our Manager, “Hi! How are you? Yeah, it’s nice when you roam around and finally got a contrasting opinion, quite interesting, actually,” he grins while he throws a glance on you. Your sight fell down on the floor and praying the floor would suck you and send you to a different dimension.
Shit, Even though he didn’t drop your name, you know it’s you. You bit your lip and it seems like your muscle can’t move even an inch.
The Manager giggles softly, ” Well, as I can see, you met the star employee of our department,"
"star employee?" Marco seems to be interested. As he highlight the words, you feel more ashamed.
"yeah, Dr. Marco meet Y/N, the one will handle your department's reimbursements and payroll matters," Manager's body slightly directly to you, "Y/N, this is Dr. Marco, I presume you know him, right?"
You nod and forcibly put a smile on and look at him as if nothing happened, "Hi," you said in a low, soft voice which is the very opposite earlier.
"Hello, Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you," he offers his hand which you immediately shake hands with him. His hand is big and incredibly warm which makes you comfortable. You're about to let go but he grips it tightly, "I'm looking forward working with you," he grins then he let go of your hand.
The Manager continues to formally introduce Dr. Marco to the other members but the doctor shares only his waving hand to them, "And that's all, my team,"
"They seem to be nice, especially, Y/N," your teeth grinds, you don't know if his being sarcastic, "oh, by the way before I forgot, here's the reimbursements from my department. I've already signed it for approval," He hands you the bunch of forms along with the receipts.
"Did you review this one as well?" You said in a unfriendly tone. The Manager nudges you, "I-I mean, of course, you approved it. Silly me. Don't worry, I'll process them right away," you smile plasticly, "Dr. Marco," you seat and try to focus on the monitor and acted to work.
Your workmates went to a breaktime but you stay in front of the screen. Your mind keep coming back earlier and you feet guilty with the words you've said. Since the guilty is overpowering you, you gave up and stand up and go to the nearest bake shop.
As you open the front door, a cute little ring echoes, notifying the person in the shop that it has customer. You carefully check out the cupcake, bundt, doughnuts, breads, and other pastries. A staff approaches you with a cute pink apron, "Hi, what can I get you for today?"
"Uh--" Still undecided what to get for the Dr.,
"Is it for birthday?" The staff probe.
You shake your head no, "More of a...peace...offering?"
"Ahh-I see, boyfriend?"
"Uh no, more of a....co-worker?" You weren't sure about the right term.
"Then, Chocolate cupcakes are the best for peace offering in any kind of relationship,"
You smile, "I'd like to have one, please?"
"right away," The staff is busy tapping the cashier monitor and you pay as the staff at determine price. Since you have mentioned earlier that it was a peace offering, the staff really did a nice job at wrapping up the small cupcake. You even praise the staff for it.
You hurriedly get back to the office and look for a directory. You navigate the touch screen map located at the entrance of the hospital once you got the room to his office. You ran through the crowd. Upon arriving at the front door of his office, you catch your breath first and knock at his office door, "Come in,"
As your hand touches the cold door knob, you hesitate for a while. Nervousness creeps on your chest and having second thoughts of your action. But you are there already. You knocked and you said things to him, horrible one. You take a deep breath and open the door. You saw him busy looking at his whiteboard. You didn't let out a word, afraid that it might distract him so you sat in the chair quietly and watch him do his job.
You scan his room and you're pretty impressed with the neat and cleanliness despite being busy. You notice on the corner, a small coffee table with a picture frame on it. Being curious you are, you stand up and take a look at it. You grab the photo and saw two pictures divided in half, one is he's with a man whose way taller than him. Examining the figures, you guess. Maybe this is his father. Then, your eyes directed to the four men in a group photo. You inspect the picture and try to find the similarities between these men but minutes pass, you successfully failed. They all look different, one looks like a Japanese, the other two...you don't know but they have good looks as well then the last, it's him, "That's Izo, then Thatch, Ace - out little brother, and then there's me," an index finger pointing to each guy on the pic. You felt a comforting heat on your back and immediately turn around with the picture frame on your hand.
Dr. Marco was already at your back. There's not enough much space between you two. You have to lift up your chin since your height is only at his chest. You can also feel his warm breath on your skin, "so what brings you here?"
You too stun to speak as you see again those pretty blue eyes, "Uh...I...uhm..." You compose yourself, "I just wanted to hand you this," you lift your hand where the picture frame is.
He laugh which you find it a music to your ears, "Technically, that's mine but you do have a point though,"
"What?" your eyes bewilder as you see that you are offering him the picture frame, "Oh! no, not this one, sorry. It's this one," you barely lift the small bag, "but yeah--this one as well because it's yours, originally," you let out a small laugh. You rub your neck with the small bag on it. You realizes that it's kinda shitty, "Can I repeat again?"
He chuckles, "Yeah sure, you might want to give me the picture frame first," He offer his hand which you immediately give it to him.
You take a steps backward and prepares, taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry what I've said earlier. I-uhmm I shouldn't...judge you or said things...like that--" You can't keep an eye contact because those treacherous blue eyes is distracting you, "I mean, without knowing you, fully," there's a moment of silence, "here, my peace offering," you lift up the small gift bag while looking at him sincerely.
He smiles widely and accepting the gift, "Thank you, Y/N. That's thoughtful...and sweet."
You smile as well. There's still nervous but controllable now. You felt something lifted up from your chest, "I-uhm...gotta go now. I still have to work to do,"
"Understand. Thank you for this. I really appreciate it, Y/N."
You give him a last smile then go back to your department.
-------------- PART 3
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