#but he's not actually on drugs
impishtubist · 2 years
happy birthday, aqua-myosotis <3
For @aqua-myosotis on your birthday. I hope you have the best day!
In the days leading up to the full moon, Remus can generously be called cranky. Privately, James thinks that Moony the wolf is less volatile than Remus in human form right before the moon.
In the days after, though, Remus is a delight. He spends at least twenty-four hours moon drunk. The comedown from the moon is like a high for him, and taking care of him is always an adventure.
Today, though, Sirius gets called into work the afternoon after the full, so Remus duty falls to James alone. Remus convinces him that they must grab dinner in Muggle London, and then they’ll do some shopping while they wait for Sirius to get home. James is only too happy to agree. He loves spending money on Remus. It’s one of his favorite things. 
The owner of Remus’s favorite record store doesn’t bat an eye at Remus’s behavior, probably because Remus has actually been high in his shop on multiple occasions over the years. It doesn’t go over as well at Remus’s favorite bookshop, because he keeps dramatically reading passages from various erotica novels out loud until James, quaking with silent laughter, has to usher him out of the shop. 
James had been hoping that most of Remus’s moon drunk state would pass by dinnertime, but it shows no sign of abating. They’re on their way to the restaurant when Remus suddenly disappears from James’s side, and by the time James realizes what’s happening, Remus is already halfway across the street. 
“Rem!” James calls, running after him and casting a few discreet spells to make some cars stop in their tracks. “Hey, you can’t just do that.” 
“But James, look.” Remus has his nose pressed to the glass of a shop window. “It’s Padfoot.”
James chokes on a laugh when he spots the black puppy sleeping in a pile with its siblings. “Er, he’s a little small to be Padfoot, love.”
“Oh!” Remus says, ignoring him. “There’s another one. Hi, Paddy! Hi! Jamie, we have to go say hi to Padfoot.”
In all, there are four all-black puppies in the pet shop. Remus grabs James’s hand and drags him around the store to visit each one, and then he turns pleading eyes on James.
“Oh, no,” James mutters.
It probably would have been fine if it had stopped there, James reasons. What are four puppies, anyway? They already live with one Padfoot, who’s at least eight times bigger than one of the puppies. Four puppies is nothing! 
But then Remus drags James across town to visit another pet shop, and then to a third one, and then they stop by a shelter on their way back home. 
It’s at that point that James admits that maybe he should have put his foot down. 
But how is he supposed to resist those pleading eyes? Merlin, Remus is going to be the death of him.
“Hi, Padfoot, you’re so handsome,” Remus coos. He’s laying on their kitchen floor, and all of the puppies are climbing on him, all clamoring for attention. All fourteen of them. “Oh, yes, you are too. And you! Such pretty boys, yes you are. So many pretty Padfoots.” 
Sirius is too tired to dig for his key, so he unlocks their front door wandlessly and steps into the house with a sigh of relief. Merlin, what a day.
He’s only just shrugged out of his jacket when there’s a commotion from the kitchen, and the sound of many nails scampering across hardwood flooring. He turns around, and is instantly besieged by a dozen puppies.
Twelve--no, fourteen--black puppies are yipping at his feet, putting their little paws on his legs and wiggling their adorable little butts. 
“Hey, Pads.” James comes out of the kitchen looking sheepish. Remus is hanging on his arm, a dopey smile on his face. “Welcome home.”
“Padfoot!” Remus exclaims. “Look! I got you Padfoots!”
“You got me…me,” Sirius says.
Remus comes up to him and kisses his cheek. “‘Cause I love you a lot.”
“I love you, too, babe.” Sirius wraps him in a hug, glaring at James over Remus’s shoulder. “But we’re never leaving you alone with Prongs again.” 
James pouts. “It’s not my fault! He did the thing with his eyes.” 
Sirius kisses the side of Remus’s head. “You’ve got Jamie wrapped around your finger, don’t you?”
“Yep,” Remus says, popping the p. Sirius feels his forehead. The post-moon fever has finally broken, thank goodness. A good night’s sleep, and Remus will be back to normal in the morning. 
“Come on, you.” Sirius wraps an arm around his waist and steers him toward the stairs. “Let’s get you to bed.” 
The puppies pile into the bed, too. There’s no room leftover for James or Sirius. 
“Er,” James says, “there’s Harry’s bed? He’s not going to need it until the summer.” 
But Harry’s bed barely fits James, let alone the two of them, and Sirius ends up having to drape himself basically on top of his husband to stay on the bed. 
“From now on,” he whispers, “I’m on Remus duty.”
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cup-o-stars · 1 month
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The Scoliosis Brothers.
I have like two longer comics that will get done who knows when, but they aren't half as funny tbh. Corazon being unreasonably sensitive and petty about Doflamingo is my bread and butter I think.
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inksandpensblog · 2 months
Okay serious question: why does everyone keep saying that netherwart is like drugs and that Blue has a drug addiction?
Netherwart on its own is useless until it’s combined with water, and even then the resulting awkward potion is still useless unless a third ingredient of Blue’s choice is added. It’s got no effect of its own. Yes it’s not coded to be edible in-game but it doesn’t even affect Blue in any way when he eats it.
I’ll buy that he has an addiction to the stuff; drugs aren’t the only thing a person can become addicted to (caffeine addictions are often not recognized as such because the idea of needing it to get through the day has been so normalized, and because most people supplement with coffee or carbonated drinks instead of, like, caffeine pills. I’m not even gonna get into social media addiction or adrenaline junkies). But Blue isn’t eating it to get high, it doesn’t give him a high.
He just likes the taste. Honestly it’s more like he’s addicted to eating cardboard or play-dough.
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oobbbear · 9 months
My brother explained me the entire genshin impact lore at my door for 4 hours straight like this
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cruelplatonic · 3 months
my personal headcanon is the vees were unremarkable nobodies when they were alive. i just love it as a thematic throughline for them. they love to let the public of hell speculate on them being famed and acclaimed since before death, but the the truth is they were a d-list failed influencer that got by on cheap controversey and scamming, a broke junkie who burned every shaky bridge he ever had, and a worn-out broadcast production assistant with more rejected auditions and tossed out script pitches than he could count. nobody missed them when they were gone, nobody cared who they were until they were dead.
#because villains who didn't start off supremely powerful are more interesting to me#vees#it's not that they CAN'T be better. or that they're simply ignorant of the ways they fuck up others lives#they actually all do have that knowledge of being the underdog. and it's made them all the more shitty#because they never want to be those people again#narratives about people who make each other worse <3#to be clear they were still shitty people in life. manipulative. consumed by greed and envy. all their individual flaws etc etc#but hell made them into the absolute worst versions of themselves#of course what their Worst Self is and the journey/length of time/initial reaction to being in hell varies#like val sees hell as a continuation of the things happening in life. just w/ the power dynamics always privileging him#it's the same drugs and violence. except the violence isn't just survival anymore but the chance to indulge his deeply sadistic desires#vox has completely dissociated from his time alive. that person is dead and he's reinvented himself 1000 times over since then#90% of the time he has those memory files shoveled into a hidden directory#he refuses to acknowledge that he's still haunted by some of the same insecurities from almost a century ago#val doesn't necessarily see his living self in a fond light but he does see that person as fundamentally him#velvette thinks life was full of people who weren't her demographic but fortunately that's been fixed by sinners!#they just couldn't Get Her and that was all their faults#the primary way they view their past selves can be summed up as: scorn (vox) apathy (valentino) and in denial (velvette)#sorry the bulk of the post was in the tags. i will be doing this again#the scorn is the coping mechanism for shame. of course
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somanyfandomsblog · 8 months
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I’m dead 😭 Rick really said can y’all shut up now😭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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grimgummies · 2 months
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 3 months
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gee wiz, it sure is cool that Gordon survived the resonance cascade, I sure hope he's doing well
Finally decided to give Gordon a ref for my au Aftermath (which i've talked about here. Once.)
Also bonus:
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jjkyaoi · 2 months
speaking of stiles stilinski, the way the entire fandom like. warped his character completely for so many years is still one of my favorite talking points because what do you MEAN pack mother. what do you mean he’s this selfless hero who would sacrifice himself for his supernatural found family…???????????? girl. 90% of the characters we’ve met he’s either distrusted and theorized as killers (most of the time being right to some length but that’s beyond the point) like a cat who hisses when their owners friends come over, and the other half he’s like. made multiple comments about wanting to kill or been. unnecessarily catty to. like . that motherfucker CRAVES violence. the entire show would’ve been completely fucking different if he was the main character. why did the fandom take these things from him when they make him SO interesting
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strangegutz · 1 year
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pickles (plural)
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voiddaisy · 5 months
guys what the balls no one told me how tragic roy harper is either. what do you mean he had a daughter but he is DEAD. what do you mean he was jason todd’s best friend and he died. what the balls guys warn a girl next time.
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waystarresourceco · 11 months
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Kieran Culkin on Roman's playboy image and the way the actors/writers understanding of backstory fits together. (x)
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lovehours · 11 months
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i don’t even fucking care
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zukosdualdao · 6 months
i'm literally insane about the last agni kai and the lightning scene(s). i swear i've rewatched it 10+ times since my last rewatch of the show (which was my first watch in years) and like. azula sees katara come into view from behind. zuko doesn't. he follows azula's gaze and sees katara and is immediately horrified. he doesn't even think or hesitate because he doesn't have time and for once he doesn't have to look back at azula to figure out what she's doing because he knows what she's doing and he won't let it happen. time dwindling into slow motion as a haunting score plays? and zuko literally yelling out "no!" because that lightning absolutely cannot hit katara. as soon as he sees it there's no chance of that ever happening. and then katara watching in horror as the lightning flashes against features in what is probably one of the most hauntingly beautiful animated moments of the show? zuko hitting the ground still convulsing with lightning and katara crying out "zuko!" and immediately trying to run to him before azula attacks again? and the next scene we cut back to with them, zuko is groaning weakly and trying to lift himself up, and we see katara literally gasp in surprise as she realizes he's still alive (i'm sobbing because i do quite literally think she thought he was dead) and immediately tries to run to him again, nevermind that she knows azula is still there, and the hand katara uses for healing is already doused in water as she reaches for him. but then azula starts attacking again. and zuko, despite literally being in so much pain that he can't stand and can barely even move at all without whimpering, still tries to reach for the spot where he can see azula attacking katara. katara is forced to hide from azula's attacks. and as azula is mocking "zuzu, you don't look so good" down to zuko, the perspective shot is such that you can SEE that katara is also looking at where he lies prone in the distance, surrounded by flame (probably wondering how much time they have before it really is too late) before looking back up at azula and realizing she needs to defeat her as quickly and handily as possible so katara can get to zuko. obviously katara would have done this anyway (the whole reason they were THERE was to halt the continued cycle of the imperialist regime of the fire nation), but the scene is specifically framed as katara trying to figure out how to stop azula so the obstacle to her getting to zuko is no longer in the way. katara's defeat of azula was epic and deserves its own post. but then after making sure azula is securely chained, she runs to zuko, looks at him with such immense sadness and horror and fear as she hears him in so much pain, tenderly turns him over so she can get a good look at the wound. and she cups his head? briefly but so gently? so that he won't hit it as she turns him over? and when she tries to heal him you can tell she is so genuinely unsure if it will even work, and so relieved that she starts crying tears of joy when she sees it has (at least enough to keep him alive and somewhat lessen his pain.) they thank each other (and you can tell it's still really hard for zuko to talk and his eyes are barely open but he thanks her anyways i'm.) and she thanks him back and!!! when he starts to try to sit up she makes a little surprised face and then immediately helps him to do so (and puts a tender hand to his chest while she does!!!) and obviously that last shot of them standing together is also one of emotional support, but katara's hand on his back is also partly because i still think (and certainly katara still thinks) trying to walk/stand on his own would be a bad idea, so it's definitely not happening.
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wraithsoutlaws · 13 days
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shit aint so bad.
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ruenii · 2 years
tim 'gets kidnapped more days than he gets actual sleep' drake.
he just casually befriends them after a few days and pays them to kidnap him at least four times a month to keep up appearances (and to escape board meetings) and the public is so concerned and worried for him, cos he gets kidnapped once every business day
tim probably gets invited to one of his kidnapper's family dinners at some point, or their baby shower or something--
his family is concerned but when they finally found his location through some CCTV they see him playing UNO instead with his kidnappers.
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