#but i am also a small woman (?) who would be traveling alone to cities shes never been in so. hmmm
finex09 · 11 months
actually now that im still at it, here's another twitter circle post, now tumblr exclusive:
basically, two concerts are happening in December and I have no money but GOD i wanna go. G Jones w/ Imanu, Jon Casey, and Sayer on Dec. 7th in Alburqueque and then Dec. 9th Eptic w/ Eliminate & Ivory in Dallas. It's insanity, bc I have NO money, and I dont know how to drive so I cant even rent a car, AND i most likely wont have anyone to go with me bc the two people who would be down to clown (my boyf & older sister) both work jobs with little PTO and are also broke. So it'd just be me, ~$300 i have saved up, my impulsiveness and myself going between 2 states.
like its so unplausible that it can happen. BUT--
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lifespectator · 2 years
My Muse
Elizabeth Olsen x Male Reader
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Summary: A photographer searching for his muse finally finds it in the form of a green-eyed woman.
A/N: Thanks to my friend @ImaginationEuphoria on Wattpad for giving me this idea. I was thinking that I could make a part 2 for this. Would you guys like a second part?
Ever since Y/n got his first camera when he was thirteen, he knew he wanted to capture photographs of the most beautiful things with it. His first camera was nothing compared to the one he owns now, but it was perfect. That camera gave him a mission: photographing the thing that amuses him the most. He was yet to find it.
After finishing college with a Bachelor of Fine arts, he traveled the world in looks of completing his life mission. He financed his travels by working for a fashion magazine, you know, photographing models. And also being a freelance photographer.
Now, he was in a history museum. Ironically, one that was located in the city he lives in. Yes, he has been to different countries and seen many amazing things, but those did not amuse him.
He was walking and viewing some of the historical artifacts displayed. With his camera in hands but also not trying to make it evident. Y/n did not have knowledge of the museum policies with cameras.
He looked at a helmet, most likely from a soldier from a long time ago. He didn't want to learn the history of it because, frankly, it did not amuse him. It looked cool, but he was looking for something else.
He kept walking, looking at more artifacts. 'Maybe coming here was an error.' Y/n thought. He had not found anything of his interest.
He began heading for the exit, thinking that this was another failure. He was far from right.
He saw two women viewing a small sculpture. He had to admit both women were good-looking and around the same height. He was captivated by the one with the brownish-blonde hair. He was mesmerized by those alluring green eyes of hers. Y/n lifted his camera and made sure the flash was off. He was well aware that it's weird on so many levels to take pictures of people without their permission, but this was different. "Snap." the noise of the camera taking the shot was heard. Y/n looked at the picture he had taken. It was simply outstanding. Had he finally found his muse?
"This one looks weird." Aubrey told Elizabeth as both of them chuckled. "Would you want to have this in your living room?" Elizabeth asked Aubrey, who made a face with fake disgust. "I'd have that in my living room if I wanted to scare people away." Aubrey said as both women laughed.
Both women continued walking, looking at other sculptures. Some looked great, and others looked weird. Many things look weird at first sight but have a strong message behind them.
"Lizzie, can you wait for me? I have to go to the restroom." Aubrey excused herself. "Oh, yeah, sure." Elizabeth responded. Aubrey made her way to the restroom as Elizabeth pulled out her phone to not feel the waiting time eternal.
On the other hand, Y/n had gathered the courage to talk to Elizabeth. As he made his way to her, Elizabeth noticed him and his camera from the corner of her eye. She rolled her eyes, thinking Y/n was a paparazzi.
"Take the picture fast, and please leave me alone." Elizabeth said, annoyed once Y/n reached her. "Uh, sorry?" Y/n was surprised by her semi-rude tone. He felt a sting in his heart. He has met rude people in the past but did not expect the green-eyed woman to be one.
Elizabeth looked up from her phone. "You're not here to take pictures?" Elizabeth asked. "I kind of am." Y/n said, feeling relieved that her tone had changed. "I took this picture of you and wanted to show it to you." Y/n said as he lifted the camera and showed her the picture he had taken of her moments before.
Elizabeth was surprised and in awe. The picture that had her in it was taken very nicely. She offered a beaming smile. "It look's amazing. Why did you take it?" She asked. "I enjoy taking pictures and felt that you fit just right." Y/n said. It wasn't the whole truth, just a (short) version of it.
"Well, it came out very good." Elizabeth said, handing back the camera to him. "Thanks, but I go to give you credit." Y/n said as he received the camera back. "Your looks brighten the whole picture." Y/n looked down in embarrassment after he realized what had come out of his mouth. Elizabeth also looked down; she was blushing.
"Thanks. What is your name, by the way?" Elizabeth questioned, trying to move on from what just happened. "I'm Y/n, and you?" Y/n answered, surprising Elizabeth once again. "You don't know who I am?" Elizabeth asked. It did not bother her that Y/n had no idea who she was. It made her feel normal. Being famous is lovely but can be (very) stressful at times.
"No, sorry. I really don't keep up with media these days." Y/n truthfully responded. "I'm Elizabeth, but like all my friends, you can call me Lizzie." She offered her hand, which Y/n gladly shook. Y/n felt her soft hand but tried not to think much about it. "What brings you here?" Y/n asked. "A friend invited me to come with her. I would ask you, but I get an idea." Elizabeth answered.
They both kept looking at each other, not knowing what to say. Despite the silence, they both felt comfortable with each other's presence. It was Y/n who decided to break the silence.
"Sorry if it sounds weird, but can I have your uh number?" Y/n asked shyly. Elizabeth smiled; she was hoping that Y/n would ask that question. "Sure." Elizabeth blissfully said. Lizzie took Y/n's phone and typed her number.
"Am I interrupting something?" Aubrey said in a suggestive tone. "Glad to see you making friends without my help." Aubrey Told Elizabeth. Both Y/n and Aubrey laughed as Lizzie playfully smacked her. "I hate you." Elizabeth said in a fake mad tone.
"Y/n, this is my friend Aubrey." Elizabeth presented. They both greeted each other. "Aubrey and I are going for breakfast. Want to join?"Elizabeth asked Y/n. He wanted to say yes, but he knew it was too soon. "I'd love to, but I got a photo session appointment soon." Lizzie looked defeated. "But do you think we can go out another time?" Y/n asked. "Yes! Just let me know with time." Elizabeth informed Y/n. Before leaving, she went up to Y/n and planted a kiss on his cheek. She just smiled and walked away with Aubrey.
"You need to go out with him." Aubrey told Elizabeth. "I will, and I hope I can soon." Elizabeth responded with a confident tone. As to Y/n, he was now sure he had found his muse. He wanted to know more about her.
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eorziapple · 9 months
Nothing Surprises Apple This Starlight
Apple opened the entryway to the Gage manor, her home away from the bustle of the cities. It was always nice to seek reprieve here, a place of friends and colleagues rather than fans and onlookers. Erick certainly took a lot of pride in jumpstarting the Warrior of Light's journey, but he also had leveraged enough funds to keep his grounds free from prying eyes. Outside of traveling the wilds... she could think of no other place she'd rather spend the holidays than this little Gridanian hideaway. Fate had even blessed them with a bit of snowfall this eve, though a bit of wind sent her shivering as she closed the door up behind her. She liked the cold, even more so the snow, having rarely experienced it growing up in La Nosca. As she looked up she saw a figure standing on the Estate's small bridge fording the stream that flowed through the grounds, it seemed she wasn't alone in her love of this turn of the weather. She gave a distant wave and approached, only to find more and more familiarity in each step... which quickened into a desperate run as she realized just -who this figure was.
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Zero's face didn't give much away of her thoughts, as usual, but a slight smile graced her lips, and she shifter her stance towards her wayward love to absorb the impact of a desperate embrace, her armor clattering as Apple melted into an embrace with the stoic paladin, disbelief, joy, and a flood of emotions overtook the young summoner as she met Zero's lips, tears streaming down her face.
Zero had improved somewhat from their first admissions of love, a testament to her progress at reclaiming more of her humanity during her absences. There was more passion, an equal amount of longing in their reunion than Apple had expected, and she was quite grateful for it.
“How are you here? I know how to get to you but I didnt know you had a hand with Aether manipulation like that.”
Zero looked down giving Apple that warm smile that melted her heart. “I made a deal with Y’shtola, helped with her tests, she insisted you would enjoy the surprise…. Did you not?”
Apple's surprise and wonder shifted to exasperation. “I am going to strangle that woman…. She insisted she couldnt open the doorway again for six months, didn't want to risk punching through again until the adjustments were ready!”
Apple pouted a bit, mostly for falling for the Witch’s ruse, Y’stola was usually one for pushing boundaries, not excessive caution.
Worry took over Zero's visage, her voice returning to that inexperienced woman trying to understand the unfamiliar world around her that Apple had always found so very charming. “I hadnt intended the deception to inspire murder. Please, if you must mete out punishment, I would take her place, id never wish to sever a bond between you and your comrades.”
Apple looked up at her, puzzled. Her lips quivered into a smirk, then a smile, and into a burst of laughter. She pulled Zero closer to her, leaning up to kiss her, lingering in the joy of their reunion
The taller woman was puzzled by the shift, but glad at both the warmth of the gesture, and the ceasing of her girlfriend’s wrath.
"Come on inside, Zero." Apple took her hand and led her toward the estate. "I need to introduce you to everyone... I bet you could use a bath and some warm food."
Zero did not protest.
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afr0-thunder · 9 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 40]
Topics: Weed/Diet/SEXI (“final” update)/HORNDAWG/Fake Lesbian Girlfriend/Living Arrangement/Accounting/Geography Thoughts/Remaining Thoughts (3+ Parts)
*$260. I obviously lied. I will continue to purchase weed, but only in small amounts now following my thorn strain mishap. The second wasn’t rashy throat, as it was just not very great serving as an improvement while simultaneously there were some improvements. If you can’t rely on your dealer who can you rely on? I refer back to guy last. Solid improvement, still not surpassing quality of guy last to him. I decide it is time to stop waiting for my schedule to align with my dealer and let it be. I crossed passed with the second dealer from the second location. The one I had looked for and didn’t find until his services were no longer needed, I requested them for the first time. Greatest quality since “guy last to him” had been present. My dealer, although he gave me discounted weed “for Christmas”, I wouldn’t have even believed it was weed, if a seed didn’t fall out. Not my first, but it will be the source of a great experiment. We all know weed is good. We all know weed is great, but can “bad” weed become strong weed using proper gardening techniques as terrible crop soil, improper harvesting method and growing techniques could have harmed the first plant’s growth. Much like a bad plant with a bruised fruit or vegetable, or is it just aged? Or not aged enough? I also purchased a “grapple” of chips.
SEXI, has not replied to my latest direct message. It is time to retire her jersey number on the roster. She is not a destined baby momma. I am speechless.
Horndawg has to be retired. I had attempted to recruit a lesbian bride-to-be and she can’t be disrespected by competition. It was all or nothing. I couldn’t let another woman challenge her position. Unsettling. Both are to be retired.
I am considering abandoning my upcoming plans and taking them on alone. I do not believe such a perfect situational preference exists. I am stuck between frustrated and angry, less so of the angry.
Am not getting tired of the chips. Am getting tired of the endless cycle of nothing to do. There is almost nothing to spend money on.
Discovered my walking path to my old neighborhood was the projects and you would never notice in the present day. The idea of people hating it here is actually outrageous. The idea of my old neighborhood being the same for almost 50+ years in almost every way statistically is absolutely outrageous as well. Still the poorest in the whole city. Although people carry out these ideas poorly, we used to be a country. Mostly just Chicago, but this is nearly an island or country. We certainly are larger than many other places as far as population for some who have an outstanding amount of land in comparison and land for those lacking enough of it to consider declaring independence rational. We’re just larger in every way.
I have been getting an abundance of things lately. I had a ton of [Bad Questions] for the series, personal ones. I cannot remember them all or any really. I am unsure of where to place my money still. My savings series is still in process. I just had to spend about $400 on weed in 6-7 weeks just to show you it is not even a terrible expense. Just costly and uncertain in desired quality. Otherwise, I’d put it there. For what? To never spend? Exactly. Outrageous concept, really an emergency fund. I get the sense my ancestors were here and departed at some point surrounding the period of the Great Chicago Fire as a “smoke signal” (primarily marijuana) notifies African Americans of where it is and is not safe to be in the near future. I’m getting that they have relocated to Canada. I assume they departed from Haiti and traveled north near Nova Scotia and headed through the Great Lakes into the Chicago area and most have not returned since. The water quality declined and citizens were killed daily of cholera, so it had to have been a million signs notifying people to leave the area and were met with no responses. Eventually, the signals began to falsely be sent out after everything began to die down and safety was called. We now live in a period and/or era where almost nobody knows what is going on. There will be joy and cheer someday, but for most, not like the times that existed previously.
I’m so interested in what my projects will evolve into over time. I am happy with the progress that I didn’t even see myself making with them. The creativity is not satisfactory, but it’s becoming something to appreciate. I’m not sure what comes next because the additions I’ve made and am making could be disastrous or a significant improvement from the first attempts made. My “version” (totally new idea) will be better.
I have gotten back into reading, not the traditional kind, but articles at the very least. I’m loving it. It’s fun. I shall have a library for me and my nerdiest wench. I intend to treat every single one of them the same, because that is who I am in nature, but who am I to not “reward” my first available angel. It feels scum-like, but why would that relationship not be more personal. It has to align a certain way for some reason, right?
I miss cooking. I would like to learn _______chicken and fried rice. Shrimp, but that’s expensive. Chicken fried rice would be a lot of chicken, unsure of the clash. I would like to try the traditional General Tso’s, Orange, Etc…, but would also like to make my own sauce after I’ve gotten comfortable with cooking methods and tastes. I would love to try a chimichanga still, but wonder if I can make it more like nachos (cheesier). What creates the difference in texture with cooked ground beef versus ground turkey. Does turkey bacon get as crispy as pork? Bacon, cheese, fries. Ghost peppers? (Wendy’s). Any other peppers available?
- MH (2023)
[12/28/2023 - 10:58AM]
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the liyue crew
characters included: xiao, childe, beidou, and zhongli
ik i forgot ningguang i promise i’ll include her in part 2, i just didn’t have time :(
all x a gn! reader 
my liyue babies :,) ft. ningguang in spirit
an: i was listening to my soft playlist (more like listening to cupid’s chokehold on repeat, no i am not basic 🔪) and i thought some fluff headcanons would be cute w these sweet people
ok so no surprise that he hates liyue harbor
he hates anything w a lot of people in it so he prefers to stay at wangshu inn tyvm
but by contrast, you love liyue harbor sm (it’s gorgeous i mean c’mON)
you go there often to retrieve your commissions in order to stay closer to xiao (liyue harbor is closer than mondstadt he argues but you’re well aware that they’re both equally far away)
so if anyone asked, xiao would absolutely refuse to go to the harbor like i hate people??? why would you even ask???
but,,,he’s so sOFT for you
if you asked??? he would agree in a heartbeat
but since he’s >:( angsty boy, he makes you think that he won’t go even when he’s already decided that he’s coming w you
he puts up the “if you so require, then i guess i will assist you with your travels in liyue harbor” but in reality he would definitely have said yes even without the almond tofu
while he hates the harbor, he thinks that with you anything is bearable :,) simp
you take him to see xinyan to vibe w her music and you can tell he really enjoys it
even tho he’s like 🕴 the entire time, you see the softer look on his face and the very slight smile on his lips as he listens to the music and watches the crowd
so so so cute very soft for him
i do see him as a subtly touchy person in public like brushing the hair off your face, swiping his thumb across your cheek, or gently pulling your hair back when you have a plate of food in your hands 
the type to link your pinkies together - he claims it’s so you don’t get lost but yk better 
after the concert is done you take him to that one waypoint near mt. tianheng and the both of you just watch the city lights and the way they reflect beautifully on the water surrounding the harbor 
personal headcanon that xiao absolutely loves stargazing since he believes the stars are the one true constant in his life especially since he’s experienced so much loss (basically they’ll never leave him god i hate myself why do i make everything SAD)
mini headcanon off of that - he doesn’t stargaze with people,,, like ever 
it’s something he loves to do alone so the fact that he lets you stargaze w him and even allows you to shift your head onto his lap while you watch the sky is a huge deal 
he loves it when you softly whisper abt how your day was or something you saw that made you laugh 
he just loves hearing your voice, it automatically calms the voices in his head 
you absolutely ADORE when he has flowers in his hair especially cecilias (cecillias? ceccillias? idfk) and you make a point whenever you go to mondstadt to pick a fresh batch of cecilias just for xiao while enlisting the help of your favorite bard  
these soft moments on the mountain are usually when you’ll sweetly tuck in a flower or two in his hair while laughing 
he’ll blush fiercely while looking away but will tuck the cecilias in securely as you’re unable to do so due to the position you’re in on his lap
all in all - this was not meant to come out as a date idea but we’re going w it 
this is so cute xiao pls let me put flowers in your hair sweet boy <3
god, loml, my favorite war criminal after eren yeager 
there’s never a dull moment w this man - if you wanted peace and quiet, why the hell are you dating him bestie???
is the type of person to yell out “Y/N, i can’t believe i ran into you here!” if he sees you somewhere even tho you explicitly told him you were going to be here in the morning (ik you have a good memory ajax don’t lie to me 😐)
i don’t see him as being obnoxious w pda unlike someone else kaeya but he would definitely participate (think: handholding, cheek kisses, an arm around your shoulders)
loves it when he comes home and sees you in an apron cooking 
domesticity just makes his heart melt so you can be sure that your face will be peppered w a lot of kisses afterwards <3 
absolutely ADORES it when you trace his scars absentmindedly when you’re lying down or even when you’re having dinner in public  
he’s been far from his family for so long that small acts of mindless affection like this really make his heart happy 
you have him drunk on your love luv haha see what i did there 
he will let you put makeup on him. no i do not take criticism ⛄️
he already has on lowkey thick eyeliner,,, don’t be shy put some more bestie 
he will shamelessly go out in public w whatever you made him wear - doesn’t really give a shit even tho he has a reputation to maintain 
speaking of reputation,,, yk his mask? yeah that one - the red hair accessory that he has on his head
well on the mask, he attached a little charm the both of you got together on your first date during lantern rite 
it’s this adorable fox that we all shamelessly kill for meat and he placed it so it anchored to the side of his mask so when he fights it isn’t a nuisance or anything (does that make sense??? i hope it does) 
his subordinates notice and while they’re stoic around childe, behind closed doors they do whisper abt the mysterious person who’s captured his heart 
not so mysterious anymore when they literally see him cling onto you during his daily patrol around the harbor 💀
it’s ok tho he’s lucky he’s cute 
bestie,,, pls give him a neck massage 
i just KNOW he’s tense there idk something abt the way he carries himself just screams “my neck hurts so bad someone pls help me i would ask but my pride literally will not let me”
so give him a neck massage :) don’t worry tho he’ll definitely return the favor and then some
he’s obsessed w them,,, it’s just the faces you make??? he can’t get enough 
he loves seeing the pure joy and the brief fear (he’s kind of a sadist) in your eyes before he attacks you w those damned hands 
it reminds him a lot of simpler times w his siblings and he’s happy he brings you joy and makes you forget your worries - at least for a little while 
all in all, he’s a good boy and no i will not tolerate childe slander 🔪 kaeya slander tho 😏
you pulled beidou??? wow everyone’s jealous (pulled as in literally from the banner and in this context but no i do not have beidou and no i definitely do not want to talk abt it)
god made beidou and zhongli just so all of us could have a sexuality crisis 
anyways, being w her is hard i will not lie 
not bc she isn’t a capable lover - no, quite the contrary 
she’s an amazing partner but the problem here lies in the fact that she’s almost never on land 
it’s hard working a long distance relationship but y’all love each other so it works out :,) 
when she is physically present however, expect to never be bored 
she’ll quietly fix the wrinkles on your shirt or fiddle with your fingers in her hands while she recounts her adventures out on sea 
she sometimes gets worried she bores you, however the way your eyes light up every time she tells a tale always reassures her otherwise
definitely the type to let you use her claymore if you want to learn 
she’ll provide useful tips as she tucks her hands into your sides gently, positioning you correctly so you don’t hurt yourself 
miss girl is an AMAZING cook 
i just know she cooks the best meals - i mean she’s friends w xiangling after all 
whenever she comes home from a voyage she’ll always insist on making something for you even if she’s abt to pass out 
pls tuck her into bed and promise her that she can make you something in the morning <3 the poor woman needs rest 
brings you back trinkets but they’re actually very practical 
she knows you won’t have much use for a simple charm (not that there’s anything wrong w that) but she believes you’ll like something practical more so she might get you a new engraved knife from the most recent place she’s been to 
definitely the type to surprise you when she docks 
i can imagine her anchoring her ship out a little ways from liyue harbor and rowing to the dock in order to make sure you aren’t alerted of her presence (i’m sorry the mental picture this made in my mind is SENDING ME INTO ORBIT but she means well i love you)
will take you to remote spots she’s found in her travels through liyue 
for example - the little heart shaped island and the island quest (?) that you had to use kaeya the bridge maker for in order to get to im sorry i’ll stop w the kaeya slander
she’ll get you seashell bracelets or necklaces idk why but she gives me those vIBES 
they’re super nice ones too, only the highest quality for you 
yes she’s a bruh girl but i also see her as someone who would enjoy intimate moments like watching the sunset or something 
“yo wanna catch the sunset, i heard it looks sick from the jade chamber” said before ahem it yk fell from the sky
kasdjksfashfjsahf yes ofc i would love to catch the sunset w you pls come home luv
anyways, she is a woman i would give the world for 
ok gimme a sec i need to get my gentleman mode on 
this man,,, THIS MAN 
everything w him is so soft like your entire eXISTENCE w him could go in a museum it’s that beautiful 
in the morning when he visits you, he always brings you a cup of your favorite tea and a bouquet of glaze lilies he got from madame ping
holds the door for you, pushes the chair out for you, uses a napkin and brushes sauce off your lips when you’re eating - you name something sweet, he’s done it
secretly loves it when you fuss over him 
he doesn’t like to fight but say he encountered a group of hillichurls he couldn’t avoid and promptly defeated them but ended up tearing a part of his tux(?) (is it a tux? i could not tell you)
not that big of a deal, i mean it’s a scratch, he’s a 6,000 year old god, he’s dealt w much worse 
but seeing the worried crease in your brows as you usher him to sit at the table while quickly grabbing antiseptic to clean his wound
“it’s just a scratch, my dear. do not worry i’ve dealt with much worse.”
you quietly protest abt how “yes zhongli, i understand you’re an archon and have gotten worse injuries but i’m worried about infection just please let me take care of you ok? <3″ 
when you say that he feels weird emotions,,, wdym take care of him? 
he’s always taken care of himself or been expected to take care of others as the former ruling deity of liyue so having someone else genuinely worry abt his wellbeing creates a warm feeling in his chest 
he strikes me as the type to knit you something??? idk maybe it’s the grandpa vibes but i headcanon that he would knit you a scarf for the colder weather, it’s cute 
in the privacy of your home, he really likes picking you up
he loves it when you wrap your legs around his middle while he gets up to go do the dishes or smthg 
domesticity go brrrr
if you’re into making flower crowns, he would totally have you on his lap and wordlessly hand you a glaze lily whenever you expectantly hold your hand out while weaving the flowers together 
he expects you to make the crown for yourself but when you place the crown on his head and it fits perfectly while simultaneously tucking a glaze lily behind your ear, he looks at you dumbstruck 
his mouth parts open in awe and it’s quite literally the cutest thing
you’ve broken him 
thinks it’s the sweetest thing - will keep it on his head for the whole day 
he’ll even put it in water before he sleeps so it won’t wilt and he can wear it the next day <3 
scenic picnics!! scenic picnics!! 
the type to take you to the nicest spots in liyue to chat abt the history of the land w you over a cup of tea and your favorite food (whatever you like, he doesn’t mind)
recounts the people he’s met in his long life before finishing off by saying you’re by far the best person he’s met 
zhongli strangles lovingly come home soon 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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gotnofucks · 3 years
A Man’s World
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Pairing: soft!dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Summary: To advance in a man’s world, you must allow one to own you. He promises you success, as long as you give yourself to him.
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: Dub-con (at the beginning), smut, language, implied age gap, poor knowledge of law and legal system, 18+ ONLY
A/N: This is my late entry to Berry’s Sugary 4k Challenge (everyone go and send some love to @donutloverxo​ for being so awesome. I am also dedicating this fic to Lexi ( @bluemusickid​ ) who’s had a difficult few weeks recently. I hope you feel better my love.
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Sweat was building under your top hat, the urge to itch making you frustrated with the delay. The officer before you was young, probably your age and fumbled with the papers you had handed to him. You tried to relax, almost as nervous as the man in front of you and tried to console yourself with the fact that he was far too jittery to look at you long.
No one will find out, you’re safe.
You chewed your chip, feet tapping irregularly on the ground in agitation.
“Sir?” The officer said again, peering at you worriedly. You quickly pulled down the rim of your hat, still not used to being called ‘sir’.
“Uh, yeah. Yes.” You said, clearing your throat and trying for a deeper voice. The officer handed you your papers back, all signed and stamped. “Thank you.”
He nodded slightly and motioned for you to wait while your client was brought out. This was the first time you’d been out in the open alone, the fear of discovery clashing with the freedom that ran in your veins.
“Did you bail me out?” A rough voice asked. You looked up at Mr. Lane, a huge mountain of a man who towered over you. You nodded and offered him your hand to shake, wincing as his rough palms scratched against your soft ones. He looked doubtfully at you and you could understand why. You barely looked like a person who belonged in the police station, no matter as a man or woman.
“I am Mr. Barber’s assistant. He was busy with a hearing and sent me to bail you out. If you’d follow me to his office, he’d like a word before we proceed to your trial next week.” You explained, a little more confident. You knew the work, you knew the ways. You only needed to sell your lies to make your truth valid.
Mr. Lane nodded, following and entering the coach outside the station after you. He sat across from you, eyes narrowing as he ran over your soft features, the clip clop of the horses the only sound within.
“You old enough to be an assistant, boy?” Mr. Lane asked, and you scowled. Oh, how you’d like to tell him you were old enough and good enough to be not just an assistant but also a lawyer. You could be the one representing him in court and making him a free man. You should be that one. But, alas, this world doesn’t see women doing much rather than peeling potatoes and popping out a child every second year.
“I am.” You replied in a gruff tone that made it clear you weren’t about to entertain more questions. Your companion nodded, looking out the window and into the streets where peddlers screamed about discounted watches and handkerchiefs and buttons. Not many people had cushioned coaches like this, but Mr. Barber insisted one for your travels.
The journey to the office was quick and silent and you gestured Mr. Lane to follow you up to the top floor where your boss sat in his office. Some people nodded at you, now getting used to seeing you here though they didn’t stop to talk. You had never spoken much to anyone here outside of the receptionist who was deaf in one ear and considered every man under the age of 40 was a boy.  
“Wait here, I’ll let you in in a moment.” You said and had Mr. Lane take a seat on the benches outside. Then, you knocked softly and entered, shutting the door after you. Andy was sat behind his desk, frowning at some paper, and beckoned you closer without looking up from them. You walked over to him, licking you lips softly.
“Sit.” He said, taking your hand and pulling you into his lap. You positioned yourself on his thigh, squirming a little. He scribbled something in the corner of his paper before pushing it away with a sigh, turning his face to you. His eyes, bluer than the ocean at the docks, glittered at you and a small smile curled on his lips. With a practiced move, he removed your top hat and released the band that held your long locks tied together at the top.
Running his fingers through your hair, he leaned closer to press a kiss on your lips. You instinctively kissed back, holding onto his shoulder and moulding your lips to fit his.
“How did it go?” He asked, caressing your cheek softly. You fingered his collar, not looking in his eyes.
“I was worried someone will see through me.” You softly murmured. “There were so many men out there.”
Andy chuckled, pressing another kiss on your lips as his hand sneaked around your waist to bring you closer.
“There are always going to be men around. But you must remember you’re better than them. Better than any other son of a dick out there pretending he is the boss.”
You looked at him at that, taking in his beautiful face that had you smiling and crying in equal parts. You could tell exactly how that well-groomed beard felt between your legs, how those lips could make you utter the filthiest of sounds and curses and how those large hands touched you in the dark of the night.
“Better than even you?” You tentatively asked and Andy smiled, taking your hand and bringing it to his mouth.
“You’ve always been better than me.” He said. You blinked and looked away, his gaze far too intimate to hold. Try as you might, you could not figure this man out. Months you’d spent with him, living, and working and being his any way he asked, and yet he was as much a mystery as he’d been the first time you met.
“Uh, Mr. Lane is waiting outside. Should I call him in?” You asked and he nodded, squeezing your side before releasing you. You put your hair up again and wore your hat, hiding your face under its shadows and calling the client in.
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When a girl turns a certain age, she is expected to find the most eligible bachelor and flutter her eyelashes in a bid to secure a match. Your mother threw grand balls for your sisters and was planning an even grander one for your introduction to the society. But you had had enough of dancing with lecherous bastards with as wandering hands as their eyes. You couldn’t stomach the thought of being bound to one of them, so you took your chance and ran.
Leaving behind your quaint town, you entered the bustling city with an assortment of clothes and a heart full of hope. It took you a week to understand that this was no place for you, no place for a lady who dreamt of being her own person. No one wished to employ you, a young girl who had no business demanding pay and rights.
However, in this bustling city of strangers, you found a man who wished to own you. Andy Barber told you in no uncertain terms that he would not hire you as long as you dressed like a woman, but he also promised that he could train you to be better than any other man. Provided, you give yourself to him. You weren’t naïve enough to pretend to not know what he was asking for, but you were desperate enough to say yes. This was better than a marriage anyway. There too, a man would have parched his thirst over your naked chest, but at least here you could learn and get paid for it without being bound to him.
Andy was not unkind. As a mentor, he was strict and meticulous. He worked you hard, taught you well, gave bitter feedback but praised you just the same. As a lover, he was exacting, exploring your chaste body with touches rough and soft, demanding response and reverence. The first night you laid with him, he spent hours worshiping you. His lips, lined by his bushy mustache, traced your face and neck, roving over each contour of your body until his mouth had tasted all.
The modesty you had guarded forever was bare to his gaze, but he didn’t lust like a man who cornered women in dark alleys. He had knelt before your open legs like men of cloth did at the lord’s altar, kissing the dewy folds of your sex with so much passion and delicacy that you had indeed felt like a goddess. Never had you imagined a man to put his mouth there, not when your mother had told you it was unclean. Andy, on the other hand, tasted it like he tasted absolution in your nectar.
He taught you more than simply law. The pleasures of flesh, of learning to please yourself and your companion were lessons that took place in the dark of night. He whispered things that Satan preached in your ear, seducing you into sin that you soon came to crave.
“Touch yourself”, a command he gave often. Nothing pleased him more than seeing you bring yourself to completion with your eyes trained on him, thoughts full only of him and how his body rocked yours.
You had done a great many things with him, things that had you flustered for days on end whenever your thoughts would turn to him, but what you were doing now was nothing short of scandal. It was blasphemous, something that would ruin you way more than if people found you falsely parading as a man in the city.
“Andy!” You hissed, pushing against him to no avail. He had dragged you into the men’s room inside the courthouse, cornering you against the wall and pressing his body flush to yours. He was wearing his best clothes today, about to represent an important man in a case that had made the front page for two weeks straight. Time together had been more work than pleasure, and it seemed Andy had reached his breaking point right before the trial started.
He started working on the buttons of your waistcoat, a frenzy in his eyes. “I need to take you now. This might as well be the most important case of my career, and I’ll begin it by being inside you, and end it just the same!”
You moaned, letting your hands roam his body as he finally undid your waistcoat and shirt, frantically ripping away at the bandages that bound your breasts. As he took one of your hardened nipples in his mouth, you palmed his pulsing hardness from over his pants, shivering at the thought of feeling it inside you again.
He scared you like this, for someone could walk in and see the illustrated Andrew Barber making a beast with two backs in the male room with someone who greatly resembled a man. He will be ruined. You would be ruined. And as of now, the very thought of that caused wetness to pool in your underpants.
“Get on your knees and taste me.” He urged, pulling out his cock and pumping it. “As you sit beside me today, I want you to have my taste in your mouth. One day, I’ll sit beside you too.”
You were a gently bred lady of impeccable reputation, but you sunk to your knees with the practiced move of a street woman to take him eagerly in your mouth. Oh, if your proper mother could see you, sucking a man like a whore in the damp men’s room, her teachings of propriety and modesty all but forgotten. But nothing made you feel more than a woman that receiving Andy like this. His desire, his need for you burned in his eyes and you lapped on those flames to quench the thirst in your heart.
His hand moved behind your head, easing you into taking him deeper. “Look at me” He whispered, and your eyes met his, shining with unshed tears. He did this to you, reduced you to who you loathed to be and yet loved. Swirling your tongue over his soft skin, you bobbed over his length, the squelching sounds filling the small room.
Just like always, you tasted his power and his yearning. The milky drops of precum coated your tongue, your nose taking in the smell of his musk as he groaned above you. He reduced you, but then why did you feel raised?
“Touch yourself, let me taste you too.” He ordered, and you complied. Your hand slipped inside your pants, finding your moist core. Generously lubing your fingers in your slick, you rose on shaky knees and presented your wet fingers to Andy who sucked them eagerly in his mouth. Warm, wet, his tongue took in your taste with relish.
You couldn’t stop but stare into his blue eyes, eyes that should have haunted your nightmares, but you only saw them in sweet dreams. “Kiss me” You begged, and he did. He kissed you like a man starved, like a man who could suck out your soul and draw it in himself. He kissed you like dew kissed the morning grass, like the colours of rainbow that scattered in the sky to paint it pretty.
“Tell me where you want me, how you want me.” He said, surrendering control. You stilled, hands resting on his chest. How were you to lead him when he was infinitely more experienced about the art of making love?
“I – I want you inside me.” You softly said, eyes fluttering as you shy looked away. Why was saying what you do so many times so difficult.
“Inside where?” Andy asked, tilting your chin up again. You gulped, your face and chest flushed.
“In my – in my” You stuttered, fearing to speak the word he spoke often. “In my pussy.”
You would have thought he would ravish you as soon as you said the words, instead he brought you closer and nudged your nose with his. His breath came out in erratic spurts, his need evident in his gaze. “You will put me inside you, however you want. It’s time I let you take some lead.”
Holding his gaze, you pumped his length gently before turning around and presenting him your ass. You struggled to position him, trying to place his tip at your opening. He didn’t move an inch to help you, only chuckling slightly when you huffed in frustration. Finally, you felt him at your slit, and you slid him between your folds carefully, trying to coat him in your wetness like you’d seen him do.
“What if someone walks in?” You asked, hesitating for just one moment.
“They’ll have to wait while we finish. You’re not walking out of here unsullied, so how about we hurry up?”
You pushed back into him, taking him inside your pulsing sleeve with ease. The stretch of his cock had always felt good, a pain that had a lasting effect and reminded you of him. As you moved back and forth, urging him to meet you halfway, you wondered why the self loathing never came. Andy had a way of making you feel like a queen when others may suspect you of nothing more than a whore.
“Andy” You brokenly said as he thrust inside you faster, “I want more. Please.”
He gave you more. He took over, holding onto your waist and sliding home inside you in deep, powerful strokes. You whined under his assault, jerking when his fingers found your nub and mashed it. Praises, curses, words of love and lust that had the power to destroy hearts and armies flowed freely from his mouth, as if the only thing tethering him to this earth was your body.
Your hands went to play with your breasts, a strangled moan caught in your chest. Suddenly, even when he moved inside you with such passion, you craved more intimacy than his cock could offer. You tilted your head to the side, offering him your mouth that he took in a sensual kiss. You were so close that you couldn’t decide what limb was yours and which was his anymore. In the age old dance of sensual love, you became one.
“What do you want?” He asked, and your eyes met his. He asked you this every time, and you had always answered the same thing. But today, this felt different. You were in the courthouse, a lawyer’s battleground and also the place of worship. He was more than your mentor and boss, he was also the man who you had grown to care for so deeply it could only be called one feeling.
“Inside me. I want you to finish inside me today.” You answered and his hands clutched you tighter. You’d never allowed that before, never allowed him to call you his so completely. But you felt compelled by his heat today, by the desperation he never bothered hiding from you. Once, this may have felt like a chore. Today, it was your blessing. “Andy, make me yours.”
He groaned, pumping in you with abandon and bringing you over the edge with his fingers that were running circles around your clit. You moaned loud, blubbering in pleasure that spilled from you, uncaring if someone were to walk in. His thrusts were getting irregular, hips jerking until you felt him twitch and release inside you in hot spurts. Warmth bloomed in your core, your essence mixing with his.
He hugged your sweaty body to his, the wool of his coat scratchy against your flesh. “You were mine, even before. Now, more so than ever. And one day, when you’re ready, I’ll claim you in front of the world as fully as my heart has done in private.”
You felt him run his thumb over your ring finger and licked your lips. He wasn’t asking, and you weren’t answering. But one day, maybe you will. Until then, you were happy to be his beautiful secret, posing as his assistant and learning from him.
“Don’t,” He whispered hotly in your ear, turning you around swiftly. “Don’t think too much. We’ve got a case to win.”
He helped you dress again, buttoning your shirt and waistcoat with nimble fingers. He was getting back to being your boss, and you couldn’t have been prouder of him at this moment. One day it will be you in his spot, you knew it.
“Just one question.” You said, fixing his tie and smoothening the wrinkles on his clothes. He raised an eyebrow at you, softly smiling at the mischievous look in his eyes. “What will happen once I am a lawyer too?”
Andy chuckled, pressing the softest of kisses on your lips. “Whoever wins more cases gets to be on top of course.”
You exited the men’s room with him, head high as any other man’s. As you entered the courtroom, you licked your lips and smiled as you tasted him on your tongue.
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fernthefanciful · 4 years
A princess is a creature of grace, poise, decorum. They are soft, gentle, patient. I, however, was none of those things, much to my parents’ despair.
 They only brought that upon themselves, of course. A firstborn daughter, a royal invitation to greet the new monarch not sent, and therefore an insult perceived by a powerful magical being. You know how the story goes. I was cursed and, in my story, there were no blessings to gentle it. No other wishes for my future, or what little she left of it. Just a creature of shadow and talon which appeared, damned the bright vision my parents had of my life, and vanished.
  My childhood was a moderately happy one, even with the dark cloud of the curse hanging forever in my periphery. My parents loved me. My sisters, when they were born, did the same. And I of course love them with all that I am. My parents hired tutors, made sure I learned what it meant to be a monarch, made sure I was prepared for a future of rule. They simply made sure my sister learned as well.
  “Just in case.” My father would say, his gaze flitting across the empty hallways as if something unseen was always listening, always watching.
  And when I got too restless, when the green of the forest and the blue of the lake called to me and I couldn’t help but give in to the need to run, to chase, they took me riding. We’d make trips, have picnics, run around on the heather-filled fields and watch the sky change her colour with the setting sun. For the longest time, we were as happy as we could be.
  My eighteenth birthday was a beautiful and clear full moon night. The air rife with the scents of fresh bread and roasted meats of the feast held in honour of my coming of age. Gentle and joyful music filled the ballroom as people danced and laughed all night.
In an empty hallway, as far away from people as I could get, I screamed and cried as my body tore itself apart. As the wildness that had always lived inside of me wanted out. The howl that tore from my newly changed throat was loud enough to wake the entire city.
  I should have been terrified. I should be lamenting the turn my life had taken, all the things I now no longer could do. I should have felt all of those things. But when I made my way out of the castle and into the forest, the ground soft underneath my paws, the silver moonlight a gentle caress on my fur, I couldn’t help but think that his curse tasted a lot like freedom.
  The wildness that had always lived inside of me, the parts that longed to shed the tight clothing and even tighter responsibilities of nobility, were torn from the inner shadow where I had hidden them and shoved into the light. The parts of me that wished to run, to hunt, to feast, finally had a chance to be free.
  Things changed after that.
  Now, people are wary, afraid. My parents try, they really do. To teach me to act normal, ladylike, human. It’s of no use. The wolf lurks under my skin, peering out of my eyes.
People whisper about how much of a waste it is, such a shame, that a curse has changed me so. They don’t see, they don’t understand. The wolf, the wildness, the hunger, has always been there. It is me, the deepest parts of my soul given physical form.
  Life goes on. My sister, perfect, composed, kind, steps into the limelight. Or is pushed, I should say. To placate those who question my place at Court. Meanwhile I am forced into the background. An animal in the shadows meant to be forgotten.
  My wolf balks at the idea of corsets, of rules, of restriction. Doesn’t understand the need for playing nice with nobles it doesn’t like. She’s a creature of instinct, simplicity, and therefore, so am I.
  I spend my days roaming the grounds, protecting what is mine. The people of the city avert their eyes as I go past. Whisper about curses and how they spread, about what it means for the Kingdom that their princess is now a different creature altogether.
My wolf claims the entirety kingdom as her territory and as I get older, I travel further. Checking in daily with the people on the far edges of the lands. The misfits and the outcasts. The ones with wisdom and magic who have been pushed towards the edges of the kingdom long before I was born. Hatred and fear pushed us all here, to the lands where the briar grows three men tall. Where the trees and the shadows move on their own and where the water of the lake is always smooth, no matter how fierce the storm.
I help where I can, chasing off the foxes for the farmers, climbing trees to hang fetches and talismans for protection, bringing food to those who need it most. Most time is spent drinking tea and discussing life with the old lady whom everyone calls ‘witch’. She teaches me all she knows. Things the tutors at the castle never knew to teach me. About the plants and trees that grow, the animals that roam deep within the forest. About life here, on the outskirts of society, and all the peoples and creatures that are part of it. Here, the people look me in the eye. They bow their heads in respect but never in fear. The bravest of the children ask to card their hands through my fur. The old woman laughingly gifts me a crown of twigs and burrs and rowanberries the colour of blood. Every time I’m in my human skin I wear that crown with pride.
  One day, deep within the forest at the edge of my territory, I meet her. The being who has brought all that was hidden within me to the front and then illuminated it. I shift back to human, standing before her, naked and open, but never vulnerable, thanks to her. I thank her for the gifts she has given me. For the freedom and power and strength. The look on her face when I name her fairy godmother is priceless.
  She smiles at me then, a flash of razor-sharp teeth. I bare my own fangs back at her. She asks me then, if I understand. How they are being treated. Those who do not fit in, those who are made of wildness and shadow and blood. How they are shunned because of what they are.
  She tells me this will change, once I am queen. When I tell her that I never will be, that my parents will never find a match for me, she simply laughs and tells me not to worry. After all, I have a fairy godmother now.
  She keeps close after that. Always watching, always near, but never interfering. Not unless I ask her to. So when war, inevitably, finds itself at our borders, I ask for her aid. I stand in the middle of the bloodied battlefield, staring at the incoming forces. The wolf in me is itching underneath my skin. She wishes to hunt, to kill, to feel flesh rip underneath her claws, blood filling her mouth as she tears them apart. So I call out to my fairy godmother, asking if she would join me for a hunt, before I shed my skin along with my humanity and charge forward.
  The battle is brutal and short. The enemy army is better trained, but not against the army of outcasts led by myself and my fairy godmother. Their swords and shields quickly fall against our teeth, claws and magic.
Afterwards, I greet my father on the battlefield. Bare and covered in blood. There is fear in his eyes, yes, but also respect. And, for the first time, trust.
  Things change once again. I am brought back into the castle, but nothing is the same. I spend most of my time in the forests, still, but I also find myself fighting. Training with weapons other than tooth and claw. Weathered old men, tutors, hired by my father to teach me all they know. I learn how much I don’t know, how much there is still to learn. I earn my scars, even if they never stay for long. I earn their respect, even if it is hard won. I am no longer alone, some of my people from the outskirts join me and never leave their princess’ side.
  It doesn’t take long before suitors come from all over the world, wishing to marry one of my sisters. Singing praises about the small kingdom that could so quickly put an end to war. That could tame monsters and wild things. Silly men, none of us were tamed, we simply chose to fight.
  My parents and sisters work hard to get the most advantageous matches. To make sure that both the kingdom and my sisters will continue to grow and prosper. Bargains are struck, feasts are had. One by one my sisters move away, happy with their chosen husbands. All of them are visited by a giant wolf at least once. They know to treat my sisters well, or one night feel the sharp tips of my fangs against their throat.
  Years later I am gifted another crown. It is a beautiful thing. Delicate golden flowers and bright shining gems. It feels uncomfortable to me the way all pretty things do. “It might not suit you,” my father tells me, “but you have earned it.”
“As you have earned your rest.” I tell him.
“You will be wonderful, my Queen.”
  Rumors start spreading, about the Wolfqueen, the Wild One, sitting upon a blood-red throne. About the Kingdom of monsters where beasts, fae and man live free. About the Queen with the Iron Heart, who turns away all who wish to court her, and kills all who dare more.
  It’s not that I do not want someone at my side. I do. I wish for the love that my parents share. That my sisters eventually found with their husbands. But all those who come for my hand, those who finally dare when I have no more free sisters left, come for just that. My hand but not my heart. They are all poised and polished. Perfect little princes who look towards the wealth of the castle but away from the wildness within me. They are afraid to meet my wolf’s cold, assessing gaze.
  Some even try to change me, to find the human underneath the wolf. They only try once.
  For years, I rule alone. Through another war, through a plague born of magic, through prosperity and abundance. My people always by my side but no one to claim my heart.
  But then, a commotion. A man, dressed in furs. No scars on his body, but plenty on his soul. His eyes glowing the same gold as mine in the gentle torchlight. A wildness in them that my wolf recognizes. A challenge that my wolf is eager to take, to rise up to.
  “Your Oracle told me to come here.” He tells me, “I asked for guidance, to find what my heart truly desires, and she sent me to you.”
  My fairy godmother steps up behind me, laying a hand on my shoulder. I can’t see her, but I know she is smiling a smile of sharp pointed teeth. No doubt the oracle he speaks of.
  “My Queen,” he continues, bowing deep, his eyes never leaving mine, “I came looking for connection, for freedom. I believe I will find it with your time and your company. Will you grant me it?”
  “And what, my prince,” for if my fairy godmother sent him, he can only be that, “will you grant me in return?” I lean forward, eager, hungry.
  “Loyalty,” he steps forward, onto the dais, “companionship and understanding.” He leans over me for a single, challenging moment, before kneeling before me, baring his throat. “Perhaps in time even love. But for now, the thrill of a hunt. Of a chase.” He grins, baring sharp fangs. A breath, and a beautiful black-furred wolf sits in front of me.
Oh – the hunt is on. A thrill goes through me as I shift, ready to run, to chase him down and claim him for my own. For if one thing is certain, it is that I am a wild thing, a Queen, a hunter, but never, ever, prey.
(First posted on my website)
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The Perfect World
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Five has never met a partner the way that people meet each other in fiction. Every single partner that he's been with has been someone he's met through his classes or someone he's been set up with by his colleagues. That changes when he quite literally runs into the most handsome man he's ever seen. Warnings: Misgendering, past child abuse, animal injury (no animal death), past abusive relationships, and minor character death Chapters: TBD Ship(s): Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: I normally finish writing an entire fic before I start uploading it, but I was too enamored with the world that I made to not upload it. I've been so in love with this ship and I absolutely love the way that they've been coming out as I've written them. Small disclaimer: I am not a trans man (I'm AFAB genderfluid) so there might be some inaccuracies in Viktor's identity since I'm writing it to the best of my knowledge. I also wanted to give a warning for this entire fic, there are going to be some disturbing elements such as transphobia, animal injury (no animals are killed, they're immediately taken care of by a vet, but I know this could still be disturbing to some readers), mentions of death caused by hate crimes, and child abuse. If any of these things could be disturbing, please continue with caution. I will include specific trigger warnings for each chapter that the trigger appears in though. With all of that out of the way, I hope that you can enjoy this and thank you for reading! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Chapter One: A Collision
Five hated flying. He hated it more than any other mode of transportation. He was reminded just how much he hated being trapped in a metal tube with a bunch of strangers when they began their descent. The conversations around him began to peeter out, changing instead of the rustling of people packing up their belongings as they got prepared to disembark. He made sure that his headphones were securely over his ears so that he could continue to ignore the woman on his left who had been trying to have a conversation with him throughout the entire seven hour journey. The beginning and ending of the flight were always the worst when it came to that, since people seemed to think that he looked like someone they should be able to talk to.
If he was able to, Five would have much preferred being able to teleport everywhere that he wanted to go. The idea of being in his home one moment and then over in Ireland with his mother without all the fuss of flying had never been more appealing than it was now, as he tried to pack up his laptop and ignore the child whining in the seat behind him. He couldn’t keep his music on because he knew that he needed to hear what was going on around him, but he wished he could block out the sounds of his fellow travelers.
He waited as some of the other passengers were allowed off first. That was another part of flying that he hated. He was almost always traveling alone, his only companion was his mother and she preferred to have him come to her more often than not. Despite his profession, Five was not a very patient man. It was made worse when he desperately wanted to remove himself from a situation as he did now. Once he was finally allowed to alight, he removed his bag from the overhead storage and hurried off. He maneuvered around the couple of families that were scattered throughout the docking hallway until he was finally in the airport proper.
Five was able to continue past the baggage claims while many of the other passengers had to stumble over and wait to retrieve their checked luggage. Traveling back and forth between his home in The City, New York and his mother's in Dublin, Ireland meant that he had very quickly learned how to travel light. He didn't need anything other than a single suitcase in the style of a briefcase, which was what he had used since he was a teenager. It was black with golden latched up at the top and an easily grabbable handle, which matched the rest of his outfit. Even when traveling he made sure that he looked presentable. He had chosen a pair of black slacks and a nice polo this time around, forgoing his normal affinity for dress shirts. He had always cared a little too much about style.
He felt his pace pick up just a little bit in his desperation to get back to his house. He had called the pet sitter to tell them that he was coming home just before he got on his flight, and the thought of his babies at home without him was stressing him out more than he would like to admit. His mother loved to get on him about his separation anxiety, especially from his rescue dog, Delores. He was staring at the doors as if they were going to disappear if his gaze wavered even a little bit. He had just passed a huge crowd of people with instrument cases along with the normal bags that people brought on flights, which meant that he was walking even faster to avoid having to interact with any of them.
He was headed so quickly to his destination that he completely missed the little body barreling towards them until they connected. Whoever it was only came up to about the bottom of his collarbone, which is why he hadn't been able to see them coming. They were both sent flailing backwards, though the person that he had run into had so little mass that they dropped all of the papers that he had been holding and his instrument case went skittering off in the other direction.
"Shit," Five swore as he reached a hand out behind him to catch himself. He had stumbled back and his muscles were so tired from the flight that he wasn't able to properly catch himself like he would have otherwise. 
"I'm so sorry," the person that he ran into immediately said. Their voice was deep and quiet, like they were whispering even though there was no need for it. It felt oddly familiar, like something was itching at the back of Five's head, the same way that deja vu did. "I had fallen behind the rest of my orchestra and I'm super nervous about this stupid flight so I was looking at my feet instead of where I was going and I totally just ran right into you," they let out a panicked little laugh as they moved to their knees to pick up all of the items that they had dropped. 
"No, it was just as much my fault as it was yours," he replied dismissively. He tucked his briefcase so that it was standing upright and began to pick up some of the papers that had landed close to him. Five got to his feet and then offered his hand out to the person that he had run into, softly asking, "Are you alright?"
He was never this soft with anyone else, but this person was demure and skittish. They were like a mouse that had ventured out of their burrow with the promise of sweet things but was waiting for the cat to show up. They turned and looked up at Five as they took his hand, using it to haul themselves to their feet. As soon as their eyes caught, Five felt like his breath had been pulled out of his chest.
The man in front of him was the most handsome person that he had ever seen. He had chocolate-black hair that hung around his ears and over his forehead in a way that brought out his eyes and prominent cheekbones. They were the same kind of dark doe brown, but there was an intricacy behind them that Five wanted to study the same way that he did his equations. His face was slightly rounded but there was a stubble lining his jaw that showed just how sharp it was, but a softness still clung to the lines as they neared his ears. He had a scar in the shape of a crescent moon just underneath his left cheekbone. The reason that they had bumped into each other also became very obvious when he saw that they were a good nine inches apart in height, Five coming in at almost 6’ even and the man in front of him being barely 5'1". He was wearing a dark blue sweater overtop over a cream colored long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans. Over the top of the whole thing was a leather biker's jacket with a couple of pins attached to it. Five took note of the pronoun one, reassuring himself that he had correctly gendered the man after getting a good look at him.
He suddenly realized that he hadn't moved in the last ten seconds at the very least. "Sorry," he apologized, dropping their still connected hands. "I wasn't looking where I was going either, which is why I ran into you."
"Right. I'm easy to look over, so I'm not surprised," he let out a bitter little laugh as he reached out to take the papers in Five's hand. When the professor handed them over, he felt a shock of electricity race through his skin from where their fingers brushed against each other. "Shit, where's my violin?" he asked as he tapped his side where it had been moments before.
"I think it went over there," Five pointed.
"Right, thanks," the man moved to grab it, but before he could Five spoke up again.
"I'm Five," he blurted. He had no idea where this awkwardness and the urge to overshare was coming from. He was never like this when he was around any of his other partners, even when he had been new to dating. He had to meet them all through his lectures or by getting set up by his colleagues so a lot of it was presumed attraction that always fizzled out after the second date. He had never met a significant other by literally running into them, or getting flustered so that he introduced himself out of the blue, completely unprompted, with the personal nickname that no one other than his family and childhood friends were allowed to use. He felt a blush forming on his cheeks as he tilted his head forward. The man had stopped from where he was going to retrieve his instrument, just staring at him in confusion. Five flicked his hair back with his hand so that it was no longer in front of his eyes as he corrected himself. "Fionn. My name is Fionn. I thought that you should at least get to know my name if I was going to be so rude as to run into you and cause you all this havoc.
"Oh," he flushed a beautiful shade of red around the ears and smiled. Five wanted to keep that smile on his face forever, which was weird seeing as they had just met. "My name's Viktor."
"It's wonderful to meet you, Viktor. I'm sorry that I had to run into you to do it," he picked up his briefcase and gave a little bow. 
Viktor giggled and Five felt an explosion of butterflies go off in his stomach unlike they had since he was an awkward teenager in an American high school for the first time in his life. The smaller man had gotten close enough to his case that he was able to pick it up and put it properly around his shoulder. He gave a shy look through his bangs as he said, "It was nice meeting you too, Fionn."
The moment was disrupted by someone from the crowd calling loudly, "Come on, Vanya! God, I can't believe they still gave you first chair when you act like this."
The smile and happiness was completely wiped from the man's face upon the name being shouted at him. He ducked his head so that his face was almost completely shadowed by his shaggy hair and quickly walked over to the huge group of people. Five wanted to reach out to him and say something that would comfort him, but he had no idea what that would be. So instead he just stood there, his mouth agape as he watched Viktor disappear into the crowd of white and jewel tones. 
He didn't know how long he had been standing there when he finally snapped back to himself because of his phone buzzing in his pocket. He checked and saw that the cab he had ordered to come and pick him up after his flight was supposed to land was getting antsy about waiting for him. He grabbed his suitcase and left the airport with thoughts of Viktor, the memory of his smile and the dread of seeing his face fall that quickly plaguing his thoughts. He barely remembered to pay the cabbie because of how distracted by Viktor he was, but he tipped well so all was forgiven.
Even when he finally reached his destination, even when he was finally back home, the short, handsome man still hung around in the back of his thoughts. For a moment though, they were pushed away with an action as simple as opening his front door. He stepped into the house and let his suitcase fall down to the ground next to him. 
A smile spread over his face, his eyes lighting up as all of the stress faded from his frame. He could see two figures on the couch, one of them sleeping stretched out as far as she would go and the other curled up on the soft bed that lived on the third portion of the couch that went completely unused even when Five stretched out. "Hello my loves!" he called to them. The two dogs perked up from where they had been resting and then careened over the couch to try and get closer to him.
Delores sprang from her seat almost as soon as she heard the sound of the door closing behind him, but it took her until she heard his voice for her to actually get up. She barreled towards him with her long legs helping her over the back of the couch and onto the ground. Her long nails scrabbled on the hardwood as she worked up the speed she needed to get close to her owner. Five laughed and brushed his hand over her long yellow-white coat, stopping when he reached the patch of black fur in the middle of her back. "Oh, you beautiful thing. Did you miss Daddy?" he asked. He knelt down in front of her so that he was closer to her eye level and placed a kiss on the top of her long nose. "You were good for the sitter, I hope?" She let out a small 'boof' noise and then began to furiously lick his face in reply.
The smaller dog that had been resting in the bed was a little slower getting up and over to him because as much as Five didn't want to admit it, Marshmallow Fluff was getting up there in age. "Hey there old man," he chuckled as he reached down and scooped the pomeranian off of his spot on the floor. He rearranged the dog so that he was resting against Five's arm with the left side of his body pressed against his owner's chest. "I know that you were a complete menace, but I would expect nothing less from you," he dropped a kiss on the top of the dog's head and then immediately regretted it. As he began to pull long white hairs from his mouth he reminded himself to make an appointment with the groomers and maybe hire a pet hair removal service since the dog sitter didn't do his normal routine while he was away for two weeks.
"Come on, both of you. I know you've already had dinner but you're going to get some nice treats because I love you and I'm a wonderful owner," he informed them. "That and I feel guilty for leaving you."
He walked to the kitchen with Marshmallow Fluff in his arms and Delores clinging to his leg. He set the pomeranian down on the floor and then grabbed two of the dental treats from the cupboard. He offered one to Delores first, and the borzoi very carefully took it from him before she ran off to the living room. Marsh snapped at her as she went, but he was quickly distracted by getting a treat of his own. "Good boy," Five praised as he ran a hand over the dog's long fur.
As a young man he had wished that there was someone waiting for him when he got home from teaching or attending class. Most often it was his mother, especially since it took an eight hour flight to go and see her. Now that he was older and had made peace with his own lonesome lifestyle and had the financial stability to go and visit her during breaks from school, he was content with it just being his dogs. However, the man he had run into in the airport flashed through his mind for just a moment and that long-forgotten longing returned full force.
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maswritingblog · 3 years
Unexpected - an Oberyn Martell oneshot
Summary: After spending one night with Prince Oberyn Martell, Cecilia returned to her father’s castle with every intention of pretending she hadn’t had the best night of her life. That is until she discovers she is with child, just in time for Oberyn Martell to pay her family a visit.
Warnings: None, really. Just a feeling a worthlessness, pregnancy if you are triggered by that.
{A/N: I got the idea for this from a dream I had, figured I should write it out. It is VERY long, I apologize. This could also potentially become a series if people want it to.}
It had been a bad idea, of course it had. On the list of bad decisions she’d made in her life, this one may have just beat them all. But she had been mistreated her entire life, made to feel like she was nothing and would always be nothing…and he had treated her like she was something so precious. Gods, she had felt so much better in his presence for one night than she had felt with her family her entire life.
But it had only been one night, and she had returned to being nothing the next morning, her little secret tucked away in her mind to think about only when she was in her chambers late at night.
Secrets found a way of coming to light, though, and hers decided it would make itself known in such a cruel fashion.
She had thought she could put it behind her, go back to living a meaningless life as if it had only been a fantasy, but then she realized she had missed two of her cycles. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do with a child, or how she would even manage; her family would surely use this as more reason to torment her. Worst of all, they probably wouldn’t even attempt to marry her off to save her honor because she just wasn’t worth it.
Her already insignificant name would mean even less once it got out.
So, she hid it away, just like that night, and for another missed cycle it seemed like a decent plan, but she knew there would come a time when she would not be able to hide it anymore. She needed to do something, needed to help herself the way no one else would help her.
She planned to run away to a place where no one knew her. At least if she was on her own, she could lie and say her husband had perished and left her to raise the child alone; on her own she could attempt to save her reputation.
The morning of the day she planned to leave, he arrived.
Her father had announced as they were breaking their fast that they would be hosting the Prince of Dorne and some of his people as they passed through on their way back home. She had nearly choked on her food when she heard.
She had never thought about seeing him again, never imagined that was a possibility. The racing of her heart was not enough for her to give up on her plan of escape, however, she would never assume a prince would want anything to do with a child he had sired one night in a city that had not been either of their own.
There was to be a feast in honor of the prince’s arrival, she would simply slip out while her family was distracted.
That evening, the festivities had begun. She had already packed a small bag of only the things she thought she could not live without and stashed it somewhere close to the servants’ entrance; she would wait until the right moment and slip out through the many passageways she had played in as a child. She knew the castle like the back of her hand, it would be easy.
She had not expected how seeing him again would make her feel. As she stood with her family waiting to greet the prince and those traveling with him, her heart was pounding in her chest. When she spotted him, walking forward with a beautiful woman on his arm, she felt her knees might buckle.
Oberyn was still as handsome as he had been that night, more beautiful than anything that deserved to be within the walls of a home she had grown to hate so much. Her father was first to greet him, but she could hardly hear the words he was saying with the rushing in her ears. It wasn’t until her father began to present her sisters that she focused.
As he introduced the oldest, Rosalia, and the middle child, Emilia, he boasted about each of their talents in whichever hobbies they had taken up as Oberyn simply nodded in acknowledgment from where he stood.
“And, finally, my youngest, Cecilia.”
Her father didn’t brag on any of her accomplishments, though she had just as many as her sisters, and it didn’t surprise her in the least.
The prince’s deep, brown eyes, eyes she could remember above her so clearly, were on hers, and if he remembered her, he did not indicate it in any way. His expression flickered briefly at her father’s lack of words following her name, and the lips she knew too well parted.
“I’m sure this one has talents of her own, as well.” He said simply, that accent washing over her.
She hoped he wouldn’t notice her blush, but naturally he did.
“We have prepared your rooms, as well as a feast for this evening.” Her father ignored the comment.
Oberyn nodded. “Ellaria and I should like to settle in after a long journey, but a feast sounds wonderful.”
Servants were ushered forward to lead them away, and Cecilia tried not to think too much about how his eyes lingered on hers as he moved passed her, Ellaria’s eyes also studying her curiously.
She wondered if she knew about that night.
The festivities were in full swing, and Cecilia found herself nervous. She watched people dancing from her seat at the end of the table, far away from her father and their royal guests, and waited for her moment.
She hoped nobody would notice, that she could escape before she had to look Oberyn in the eyes again. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to do it if he approached her.
The time came once her sisters were asked to dance by two men from a neighboring family that had come for the feast. With the two older women away from the table, it was acceptable for her to stand as well. She moved slowly, skirting around people in the room until she reached the doors.
The final glance she took wasn’t hesitance to leave this place, she had left it a long time ago, but to make sure there were no eyes on her. As usual, she was forgotten by everyone.
At least that’s what she believed.
The hallway was dark, the torches not having been lit yet since everyone was in the great hall. She didn’t need light to find her way, though.
There was a large portrait hanging on the wall that looked like an ordinary painting of one of her three times great-grandfather, but behind it was a passageway that had been used long ago for allowing servants to navigate the castle easier. It hadn’t been used for that purpose in many years, but she had found herself in it several times.
Before she could so much as slide the portrait aside, a voice stopped her.
“I thought you might save me a dance.”
She stiffened, heart suddenly racing in her chest at his voice. It had haunted her dreams in the best way for many moons. She faced him, knowing this would either delay her escape or stop it all together.
“Your Highness.” She addressed him, dropping into a curtsy quickly.
Even in the hallway only lit by moonlight, he was beautiful.
He stepped forward, a playful smirk on his lips. “I thought I told you to call me Oberyn?” he mused. “Your Highness is so formal, especially for someone who has known me so closely.”
Gods, he must know what his voice did to her, there was no way he didn’t.
Cecilia took a steadying breath. “I did not think you would remember someone like me. I thought it best to pretend formalities were still necessary.”
He was still moving towards her slowly, eyes raking her frame in a way that almost made her shiver.
When he reached her, his hand lifted to brush her hair off her shoulder, the tips of his fingers ghosting against the skin of her neck and setting her on fire. “How could I forget someone like you?”
He said ‘someone’ differently than she did. She did not put much value in it, while he seemed to make the one word seem like everything.
“Will you join me for a dance?” He asked, those haunting eyes flickering over her face before locking on hers.
Her father would certainly love to see his least favorite child dancing with a prince instead of her older sisters, he would be most displeased with her. If only he knew how she had done much more than dance when she had met him, that she carried the proof of that inside her.
As much as she longed to show her family up by dancing with him, she knew she couldn’t if she wanted to leave. Fortunately, she had spent her entire life saying just the right words to placate those around her, to keep them happy enough to leave her be.
“I would love to,” she told him with a small smile. “I just need a moment alone, away from all the noise.”
Unfortunately, he had more to say. “Your father has spent the entire night trying to push your sisters on a prince, and yet he has not said a word of his youngest.”
She fought the urge to roll her eyes, instead offering him a small smile. She was sure it didn’t meet her eyes. “My father would never wish to push me on anyone, least of all a prince.”
Oberyn frowned, brows furrowing at her words. He looked confused, even a bit concerned, and he glanced back towards the great hall for a moment before his eyes were on her again. “And why is that?”
Cecilia shrugged one shoulder, trying to fight back the sudden nausea; whether it had anything to do with her condition or with the thought that she had just exposed her father’s hatred towards her to Oberyn wasn’t clear.
“Ask him yourself and I am sure he would have plenty to say about it.” She replied quietly, feeling small even under his warm gaze.
He seemed to notice her change in mood, the frown on his face deepening with worry, and he opened his mouth to speak. “Cecilia—"
She needed to leave, she didn’t have much time and her window was closing. She interrupted him, even though it would be improper in any other setting. “I would very much like to dance with you, Your Highness. Would you wait for me in the great hall?”
Though he had more to say, and still appeared concern about her words, he seemed to understand she wished to be alone. And maybe he sensed something else, because his hand slipped into hers and he brought her knuckles up to brush his lips against them.
“I will wait all night if I have to.” He told her softly, accent lilting and warm eyes caressing the features of her face once more before he backed away. His eyes stayed on hers a moment longer, and then he turned and disappeared back into the party.
She moved quickly, slipping through the opening behind the portrait and letting it fall back into place behind her, a tear slipping down her face as she realized she would never see his beautiful face again.
Many moons later, Cecilia was settled into a village a long journey by sea from her own home. She found herself happier around the people in the village than she had ever been at home, and they treated her better than she probably deserved.
The story she had spun, of a husband who had passed and left her with nothing more than the child growing in her womb, was believed by everyone she had told it to. The elderly man and woman she lived next to took good care of her, doting on her the way she had always dreamed her family would. The only thing she hated was the looks her swollen stomach received from those around her, the pity for a woman alone with child. She was close to having the baby, it would only be two more moons if her calculations were correct.
One day, she was returning from the river with a wooden basket of linens when her neighbor approached. The elderly woman gripped her arm firmly, leaning in close to whisper to her.
“There’s a man in your home.” She told her, causing Cecilia’s heart to drop. “I offered him tea at our home while he waited, but he insisted. He seems awfully important.”
Her first thought was that it was her father. While he would not care she was gone, he might care about the way her disappearance had no doubt tarnished his reputation. If he had come to collect her, she was not sure what she would do. Or what he would do when he saw she was with child.
She thanked the woman and waited until she disappeared into her home before she looked down at her stomach. Her dress was a little loose, but not loose enough to hide the roundness there. She held the basket in front of her and hoped it would be enough to conceal it.
But when she entered the house, she was surprised to find it was not her father who had come for her.
Her shock at seeing a prince of all people sitting on the old furniture that he been gifted to her by her neighbors was almost enough to make her drop the basket, but the idea of him knowing was enough for her to tighten her grip.
“Your H-Highness?” she choked out. “What are you doing here?”
Oberyn motioned for the guard that stood on the other side of the room to leave them. Once the man had stepped outside, Oberyn’s eyes were on her. “I waited for our dance, but you never came back.”
She felt only a slight hint of shame. “Is that why you are here? To dance?”
He stood from the dusty lounge and stepped towards her. “I am here because I heard some rumors that concerned me.”
Cecilia gripped the basket tighter.
“The servants at your father’s castle have a hard time keeping their mouths from running. Ellaria heard something quite interesting about you.”
He was stepping closer, and she moved backwards for every step until her back hit the wall and she felt trapped. He knew, how could he know? How could anyone back home have known?
“Your handmaid mentioned that you had not had your cycles in several months. That you had returned from your trip to a neighboring country with something more than what you were supposed to.”
Gods. Why had she not thought of that? She should have pricked her finger and smeared blood on her sheets to hide it. How had she been so stupid? And now what? Would he be angry at her? Would he want to hide her away so nobody would know of his indiscretions?
Her throat was tight, she could not even bring herself to respond, not even to try and deny it.
“If that is true, then you have taken something very important to me, and hidden it away.”
He was in front of her now, and he reached forward to grasp the basket, pulling it from her arms despite her reluctance to release it. As he placed it on the floor, his eyes were trained on her stomach, where his suspicions had been confirmed. His face didn’t appear to be angry, but perhaps he was just good at hiding his emotions.
“Did you know that night? Is that why you left?” he finally asked, eyes meeting hers once more.
She blinked her burning eyes, a couple of tears dropping down her cheeks as she swallowed. “Yes.”
He studied her for a long while, his face remaining the same as it had been when he had begun speaking. Finally, his hands raised towards her face, causing her to flinch hard. He froze.
“I would not harm you.” He assured her, eyes softening before he brushed the tears off her face gently and cupped her face in his hands. “Why did you run?”
His gentleness was startling and unexpected. “My-My father, he would have been angry. He would have hid me away in some far tower, at least if I hid myself away I could be free.”
Oberyn’s thumb brushed the apple of her cheek before his hands dropped from her face. “I am sorry you had to leave your home because of me. Why did you not tell me that night that you were with child?”
She swallowed, and found her face felt cold and lonely without his hands there. “You are a prince and I am…nobody important. I did not want to ruin your reputation. And I did not think you would care.” She said honestly.
There was a small grin on his face. “You do not know much about me, do you?” he wondered in amusement, turning to wander back to the lounge, although he did not sit. “In Dorne, bastards are cherished as much as those who are born within wedlock. In fact, I have eight bastard daughters of my own, and I love them each very dearly.”
Cecilia tried not to show her shock too much, for fear he might mistake it for something else. Eight daughters? And he genuinely loved them and cared for them? Raised them and acknowledged them as his own? Maybe she had been really wrong about her idea of him.
“I would like for you to come back to Dorne with me.” Oberyn continued.
She finally found her voice. “Y-You want me to go to Dorne?”
He nodded. “I will care for you and the child. A new baby would be very welcome, my youngest is already on her fifth name day.”
“Y-You want me to go to Dorne?” she repeated, still in shock.
Oberyn offered her a gentle smile, returning to stand in front of her and taking her hands in his. His eyes were warm and welcoming. “I would never force you to join me, but believe me when I say that I would very much like to know you. And to know our child.”
It wasn’t what she was expecting when she had found him in her home. She expected anger, expected him to disown the child immediately and never wish to see her again. She did not expect him to clearly love the child so much already, to want them in his life.
She stopped thinking about it and nodded. “O-Okay. I’ll go to Dorne with you.”
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Too Late: Marianne (commission for miner249er)
Chapter 9 of the commission for @miner249er
Previous Work
Last Chapter                                  Next Chapter 
Summary: Marianne wanted to be back in Paris as a shoulder to cry on, as a friend, not a warning.
Marianne stepped out of doors of the train with a hesitation that felt like weights attached to her ankles. Those that saw her probably thought it was because of her age, she wished it was due to her age, but no. Her hesitation stemmed from the reason she was back in Paris at all and because of how much Paris had changed since what Fu was calling, ’the incident.’ What happened was no mere ‘incident’ and to call it that was a horrid understatement, but she supposed she understood why her love referred to it as such. Fu did what he did best, he felt guilty, and it was something she wished she could help shoulder but in the end he never let her. But this was not something he could just shoulder and deal with himself, this was bigger than them, bigger than Paris and she came to warn Fu. She just hoped he listened to her. Wang Fu was a kind man but he was a man haunted by his failures to the point that they are all he saw. He was blind to anything that wasn’t his redemption for the longest time, and it broke her heart.
Hopefully with age and everything that has happened, he was willing to have an open heart and ears. Marianne honestly didn’t know what she would do if he was drowning in his guilt and was too focused on his mistakes to listen to her warning, probably smack him upside the head like she used to do in their youth but still. She loved the man but he was stubborn when it came to self sabotaging himself, she was always the level headed (and best looking) one. As she walked the streets of Paris she couldn’t help but think of the young Ladybug she had become acquainted with the last time she had been in the City of Love. She had been a wonderful, brave, young girl. Yes she made a mistake but she owned up to it and she didn’t let the mistake weigh her down. Yes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng had been an astounding Ladybug, which made what she needed to tell Fu all the more worrisome. 
Truthfully she was worried what his reaction would be the closer she came to the location they agreed to meet at. When she saw the stone steps that would lead her to the Jardin de la Vallée Suisse she almost hesitated following their path, but she simply took in a deep breath and walked. It was a beautiful park that was no doubt, but whatever joy she would have felt getting to bask in the park and the statue it housed was dampened by the pressure to share the danger she had come across and the prophecy it held. The thought made it easy to pick up speed until she saw Fu standing by the artificial pond that housed carp. The sight of him brought a smile to her face and a pang of worry to her heart. 
“Hello dear.” She said softly as she moved to join him beside the pond. She noticed that they were thankfully alone in the park, though that wasn’t all that surprising given it was a bit difficult to find if you didn’t know where you were heading or were not a local. 
“Marianne, hello, how was your travels?” Fu greeted with a small smile before giving her two brief kisses, one on each cheek, a gesture she returned happily. 
“Well. How are you my dear Fu?”
The man beside her was silent for a while, like he couldn’t quite find the right words but eventually he did answer. “I am doing as well as I can be. It’s hard, I see her everywhere. Marinette...she truly was an extraordinary girl, I only hope she accepts my apologies when we find her.”
“It’s good you haven't lost hope.”
“It was not easy I will admit, but I see kids standing up, being heroes in her name, I see the way she touched everyone she ever met, there was no way I could give up or wallow in sadness. Not when I know I am not the only one hurting.” Fu watched the carp in the pond swim as he spoke. Marianne politely ignored the tears she saw in his eyes. 
“She was a remarkable young woman.” 
“Yes. I do not doubt she is still being remarkable...wherever she is. Now, what have you come here for my friend?” Fu asked as he looked at Marianne. She ignored the pang in her heart at the ‘friend’ even if she knew she held his heart and affections, she did her best to look unaffected as she looked over the swimming carp. 
“Well, with Hawkmoth and Mayura dealt with I no longer have to hide, and as much as I would adore this to be a date and catch up moment, I fear I bring unsettling news to say the least.” She answered honestly, her cheeks a little warm at the admission of the date, no matter how old time told her she was, she was still that young headstrong, lovestruck girl she had been when she and Fu had met. She was sad and hesitant to break the ease of the air around them, but they would have time for pleasantries later she reasoned. 
“I figured that was the case. Come, let’s sit my dear Annie.” Fu gestured over to a bench that was almost as hidden as the park itself. It was obscured by surrounding trees, just enough in the shade to be comfortable, but enough in the sun to not be chilled by the shadows. Having heard the old nickname, she happily followed and let him help her sit. 
“I think it goes unsaid that even while I had to be hidden, I did not stay still.” She started after a while of them both just sitting there, letting themselves breathe in a moment of peace. 
“You never could stay still. Even back then.” Back when he ran and left her behind.
“As my mother used to say, I am as stubborn as a bull, and as my old teachers would say, I can not sit still when there are things I want to be done.” Marianne chuckled fondly at old memories. “When I went into hiding, I must admit I did not want to stray far just in case you ever needed me. I did leave France, as I didn’t know the depth of Hawkmoth’s powers or if he had found ways to grow said powers. I decided to hide in London. It’s a good spot for an old bird like myself to go unnoticed.” 
“You are many things Marianne, old is not one of them.” 
“Flatterer.” Marianne chuckled even if she felt herself flush at the comment. “That is beside my point and you know it.”
“Perhaps.” Fu mused with a strained smile. “Perhaps I am trying to avoid the conversation we have to have, given your words and body language, it is not something that will bring joy in these trying times.” 
Marianne took a moment just to look at the blue of the sky and breathe in the air before she looked at the man beside her. “It is not, but you can’t run from every bad storm that comes on the horizon. It’s better to be prepared and have shelter you know will help against the storm.” She took a hold of Fu’s closest hand in both of hers and gave it a squeeze. She could feel the tremble of his hand, no doubt mirrored by the other. 
It took several moments before Fu no longer trembled, it took longer before either was ready to let go of the other’s hand, but there would be time for that later. Hopefully. “You are right.” Fu said once he found his voice.
“I always am.” Marianne quipped softly making Fu chuckle in response before his eyes found hers. She could tell he wasn’t happy, but he was as ready as he could be to hear what drove her out of hiding besides Hawkmoth’s defeat. What drove her back to him other than their romantic feelings. “I am also not one to beat around the bush. While in hiding I had to keep myself busy, as you know I am not one to dawdle. I asked the spirits around me if they needed help or if they knew of anything...sketchy, going on in London.”
“Marianne! That’s incredibly risky of you, especially when you were in hiding. I know you can’t help communicating with the spirits part, but to purposefully seek out trouble…” Fu fretted and admonished all at once. As much as it irritated her, it also impressed Marianne. Ever since she was a young girl she had been able to sense, see, and communicate with spirits, apparently this was something that all women in her family possessed so it was no surprise to her mother when a young Marianne was found to be speaking to what others only saw as air. It was around then that her mother taught her how to hone in her skills and how best to use them, of course her mother also warned her about her gift and what it could bring, but their family never ran from something and they never left someone who needed help. Even if that someone was a spirit. Especially if that someone was a spirit. It was kind of their unspoken job to help spirits out, whether to accomplish any unfinished business or simply help them pass along a message to a loved one. Some instances she even had to pass on messages not for loved ones...those ones were always the most interesting. 
Sure, in her quest to help spirits she always did run into the more dangerous ones, but she never backed down. That was not how she was raised, and that was just not her. She saw a problem and she met in head on, and in that way her and Fu would always differ. “I have always been this way Wang Fu, and I always will.”
“I didn’t mean-”
“I know what you meant and my response remains the same. Now, to continue, the local spirits of course asked for help passing on messages, finding a missing item, but a couple spoke of something that intrigued me. Something that resulted in their deaths. A group. They never gave this group a name, but they all spoke similarly about it. It consists of a lot of not so nice people, people who do not have good intentions, people who purposefully seek the demise of others. It worried me that such a group was meeting and apparently it wasn’t even known by local authorities, or if it was then it was operating under the blindness of the people and the willfully negligent back of the authorities.” Marianne began as she looked out over the park, she hadn’t noticed them before but she could see wandering souls, spirits who stopped to listen to her, and she could see the spirits of the animals that once lived there going through the motions of their once-lives. 
“I was worried, understandably, but the spirits merely wanted me to retrieve their belongings from this group so they could be sent to their families or wherever else they wanted. Of course I agreed,” Marianne paused for a second at Fu’s noise of indignation, “it was the least I could do for the poor souls. They showed me where this group liked to meet up, where they met them and their respective ends. It was an unassuming film studio, very professional looking, not at all the type of place you would expect a basically evil cult to meet. So I did what I did best, acted like an old woman who just found a favorite place to feed some birds. I staked the place out.” 
“They...the group didn’t suspect anything?”
“Not to my knowledge.” Marianne answered honestly. “Their meeting place was in the basement, I will admit it was difficult finding a way down there without alerting anyone or being caught on camera. I say finding the hidden room was more difficult, that, that took several days. Thankfully the spirits were more than willing to lend a hand. Once in the room I took my time looking around, I had some of the more...sentient spirits on watch should anyone come down and try and enter the room. To be honest it looked like a fancy conference room more than anything my mind conjured up when I thought of some evil group lurking in the underground of a business.” 
The mahogany round conference table and the red cushioned matching chairs that surrounded it while the LED lights shined off it was something imprinted in her mind. The whiteboards on the walls were more of a shock than the altar in the corner, it looked like it was made from the stump of a tree, cut tall for its purpose, the top of it was an oval shaped plate of prophecy stone. On the prophecy stone was a long tapestry that was falling off both of the wider sides, it had pulled Marianne in. The energy, sometimes it felt like it was still pulling at her, even here in Paris when she thought of it too hard. The tapestry was the whole reason she reached out and made the trip to Paris, more accurately what was on the tapestry and what it meant. Of course she took photos on her phone, and she did help the spirits get their personal items back but that was another story. Marianne took her phone out of her purse and pulled up the pictures from the hidden folder on her phone before passing the device to Fu.
At the sharp intake he made, she resumed. “Besides the spirits' belongings I found that tapestry on a pedestal of sorts that was made of prophecy stone. By the name I bet you can gather what exactly this tapestry is supposed to be.”
“A prophecy…” Fu breathed out. 
Marianne nodded her head before looking forward, she knew Fu would look at the rest of the pictures as she spoke. “Not just any prophecy. One that speaks of darkness and chaos. Brought upon not only Europe, but the world by one named Jörmungandr. Fu...this group seeks the secrets of what I could translate and make out to be some sort of secret tribe of.”
“Vikings…” Fu cut in with wide eyes.
“We both know the Vikings had many tribes, many hidden and not known to us, many that knew magic, and from what I see on that tapestry there and the documents I managed to take pictures of as well, this specific tribe can summon and control daemons, demons.” Marianne clarified.
“The demons...on the tapestry, that is what the creatures are supposed to be?” Fu asked in a small voice. She could hear the dread. 
“They look an awful lot like...well like dragons…” Fu’s voice was tight, and honestly Marianne couldn’t blame him, when she saw the tapestry she nearly threw up from the shock and the panic. If this prophecy came true, if this secret tribe was found, the world was doomed.
“My thoughts exactly...I...I will be honest, I believe in many things, Wang Fu...but dragons had never been on the list. I have heard of people summoning daemons of many designs, but never dragons. This is...this is bigger than Paris. Bigger than France.” 
It was quiet for a long time, how long? Marianne didn’t know, but it felt like an eternity. “This...this will need the help of the Miraculous.” Fu said gravely.
“I agree, which is why I brought it to you...and, well, there is more, the prophecy, this Jörmungandr...She is said to command an army of dragons, one so big it would blacken the sky as they flew. She is too bring the fire rain, the toxic smoke, the thunderous roars loud and shrill enough to crack the earth. Jörmungandr is to devour the very world.” Marianne shakily announced and Fu looked down at the pictures of the tapestry in dawning fear.
“...This will require Ladybug.” He grew paler and paler as the seconds passed. Marianne followed to do the same as she realized he didn’t truly see all that was being shown to him and her heart was squeezed painfully in an iron grip as it dawned on her she would have to point out the heartbreakingly bad news he did not see, or refused to see in his grief. But he did not recognize her guilty panic as he continued to ramble. “I will have to double down on my efforts to find Marinette! She is one of the strongest Ladybug’s in history, we will need her! I will have to study the Grimoire to see if there are any spells that can locate her and work harder with Tikki to do so. And we will create a team! Bigger and better than the past one, this will require every Miraculous I believe, and Marinette has always been such a good judge of character it probably won’t take long to form the team. I’ll have to speak with the Kwami about this as well, as well as Adrien and-”
“Fu.” Marianne didn’t shout but she said his name with such authority and urgency that he stopped his ramble and looked over at her, she wished he hadn’t because she could no longer hold in her guilt ridden tears. 
“Marianne? What’s wrong? I...I understand this is a daunting thing to learn but we know now and can prepare. It will be okay, everything will be okay as soon as we find Marinette and get started on the preparations.” Fu said as though his words brought the most absolute soothing powers. It made Marianne swallow around the lump in her throat.
“My darling Fu, don’t you see? Jörmungandr is Marinette.” Marianne finally was able to announce. It didn’t make her feel any better, especially as she watched Fu look back down at her phone, up at her, back down, before he zoomed in to the figure on the tapestry and lost any color he had regained from before.
“No. No! No it can’t be her! It can’t! She is too pure to ever...to ever..”
“I think past circumstances show anything can happen, and anyone can break. But not all is lost! This is merely a prophecy! It is not written in stone, it is not written in the stars, this doesn’t have to happen...but I do agree with your earlier idea. We will need to double down, pull out every stop, every resource, and find Ms. Marinette...before what is prophesied comes true. We will need to prevent this from happening, no matter the consequences.” 
“Come. I think we have much to plan...and...and I will need help telling Tikki all of this. I do not believe she will take it well if it is me who tells her of Marinette’s...possible fate.”
“I can do that. I’m here to stay, and I’m here to help. Let’s go.” 
Marianne politely looked away as Fu wiped the tears off his face, they had been so silent she hadn’t even noticed them before. “Let’s.”
Next Chapter
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soulmate-game · 4 years
I was feeling angsty. Read at your own risk, there is very little comfort in this and a whole shit ton of hurt. Probably a bunch of emotional triggers, so seriously be careful guys.
Liquid pain ran down her arm like poison, the slash in it burning hot and spreading it’s agony like an invisible waterfall inside her flesh. But she did not grip her bicep where the wound had been inflicted, her gaze blank as she forced herself to hide her turmoil behind glass eyes. Her brother’s snarling face was only inches in front of her own, his katana moving from her arm to her throat.
“Useless! To think we share any blood relation is humiliating!” He growled at her. She did not move, did not emote. Her blades fans, the weapon she was loved most, lay half-opened on the ground beside her. Abandoned. But she knew Damian’s sword would not kill her. Blood family was a bond that was not to be severed by murder unless ordered by Ra’s or justified by the murdered family member in question betraying the League. She had done nothing to betray the Shadows, and Ra’s would not waste time and energy, or the breath it would require, to order her death. Just as he would not waste the precious waters of the Pit to bring her back again. She would not die today, and she knew it.
Sure enough, it was only a few more insults in various languages before Damian Al-Ghul stepped back and scowled down at the blood on his blade. Her blood. “If you don’t even have the stomach for real combat, you do not belong here,” he spat.
“That is where we agree, Grandson,” Ra’s sharp voice echoed through the room, his beady eyes never once bothering to glance at his granddaughter. “Maria, you are hereby stripped of the name Al-Ghul. Banishment from the League is the only mercy you shall be granted for your dishonor on our blood. Be useful and use whatever is left of your mistake of a life to stay out of the League’s way. Shall I, Damian, or your mother ever see your face again, your burial will follow shortly after. Am I understood?”
“Yes Gr— yes, Ra’s Al-Ghul.”
Maria Al-Ghul was seven years old when she was disowned and sent away from the League of Shadows without so much as a penny to her name. She was only allowed to take the change of clothes she carried, and one small backpack’s worth of items. Her mother— Talia— had watched vigilantly as she packed those items, assuring that Maria did not take anything of worth.
The girl traveled by foot, too small to get away with driving a vehicle. Unless she could manage to steal a motorbike— she knew how to adjust the seats and pedals on most models to accommodate her size. But she was far too far away from civilization for that.
She knew that most of the League expected her to die in the jungles that surrounded the temple. After all, there were ninjas scattered throughout it with strict orders to kill anyone who was not one of them. And Maria now fit that description.
But if there was one thing Maria knew better than anything else, it was how to hide. How to hide feelings, intentions, involuntary movements, or her whole body in almost any setting. She covered herself in mud, matted her hair with dirt and took off her shoes. Barefoot was always quieter, and her feet would be more sensitive to any change in terrain. She would have to move more slowly and be on the lookout for traps, ground litter that could harm her, or dangerous wildlife, but she would be much harder to track.
It took her a month, but she made it to her first Tibetan city alive and decently healthy. She begged for food for a day before snatching a child’s outfit off of some hanging laundry lines and stealing the first decent vehicle she found. It was an old moped, but it beat walking and was already built small. She made it work.
That was how she spent the majority of the next year. She traveled from town to town, stealing what she needed until she could earn money normally. She used that money to buy herself a fake identity, even if she had to use the skills she had hoped to never need again in order to afford it.
Marinette Shiwang was born when she was already eight years old.
It was only a year after her new identity was created when she bumped into a woman in a street market. That was nothing new, those places could get crowded. But when Marinette looked up and saw valuable bracelets and necklaces of gold and jade, she knew she needed at least one. The money she would get for it would have her living comfortably for a short while. So Marinette’s theft-experienced fingers darted out and unclasped one bracelet in a fluid movement. It took less than a second. She barely had the piece of jewelry in her hand before she started to take off, hoping to lose herself in the crowd.
But a small hand clamped around her shoulder, a sturdy thumb pressing against a very vulnerable spot right at the back of Marinette’s neck, at the base of her skull. A clear threat from somebody with experience.
The sweet voice that followed didn’t match the gesture at all.
“Oh, I need that back dear. It was a gift from my husband, you understand.”
Marinette did. She cared about survival more. The small girl twisted, knocking the hand away from her before it could do damage and darting down a side street. The woman followed. It took three hours, but Marinette decided she had finally lost her pursuer before slumping down in the tiny, closet-sized bedroom of her cheap apartment. Her eyes closed for only a second before the window opened, and the smell of newly-baked sesame buns filtered through.
It was the woman and a much taller, much more masculine man. He was practically a giant, reminding Marinette of a certain member of the League that she used to know. They were both smiling.
“My wife figured you would be more open to an exchange than just giving up the bracelet for free,” the man’s voice was deep and inviting. “You can eat as many buns as your stomach can handle, if you give it back.”
Marinette accepted. Mostly because of her fear for people who could track her to her home so easily, when she had been certain she had not been followed. The League has tuned her senses well, there was no way the couple had been close enough to see her when she made it to her apartment. Yet they were still there somehow. Then, it also had to do with the promise of food, and the heavenly smell of the food itself. And then, lastly, Marinette was tired. She didn’t like stealing, it was just a necessity. She would not hurt these people over a mere bracelet that she wished she didn’t have to take in the first place.
Useless, she thought. So much of a bleeding heart that she just gave up what could have paid for two months rent. Too soft to even protect herself. The Al-Ghuls has been right. She was a waste of space and time.
Marinette was ten years old when she became a Dupain-Cheng. Somehow, that strange, dangerous couple had become her new family. Not even she knew how. But she was grateful— they took her back to Paris with them and she didn’t have to worry about rent, or food, or money anymore.
She vowed, that day that she received her spacious attic bedroom, that she would repay them. She would make herself useful, for the first time in her life. She would stay out of their way, be the perfect most unobtrusive daughter ever. She would help in the bakery, keep a smile on her face so that they never doubted that they were doing a good job. So that they never wasted time worrying about her. She smiled, and laughed, and became successful for them. Competent and reliable even though her memories would sink into her dreams every day and make it near impossible to drag herself out of bed in the mornings.
And then, when Marinette Dupain-Cheng was thirteen, she was given a pair of magical earrings and a tiny fairy-god. And Tikki was thorough, at least. Diligent in her explanation. Marinette listened to every word, dread seeping in as she doubted her ability to carry out such an important task. Save a city? Defeat someone much more experienced and magically powerful than her?
Useless little Maria could never. Slightly less useless Marinette could never.
She was only ever meant to play a support role. Stay on the background and make everyone else shine, without ever succeeding in anything worth noting. That was who she was.
But then Tikki gave her the Warning. The catch that came with the Ladybug abilities, and Marinette felt the long-rusted determination in her begin to fire up again. Maybe she could be Ladybug. Maybe she could be useful, at least this once. At least for just this one scenario. She could fight and win the war against Hawkmoth, and that achievement alone could make her happy. Let her die knowing she did something worthwhile.
Damian Wayne was seventeen when he and his family found out about the Paris Situation, and immediately went over to offer help. Damian Wayne was seventeen when he watched Ladybug stumble at the sight of him, and immediately run away. But the two of them were twins, and though twin telepathy might be a myth they always did have a certain instinct when it came to one another.
Damian Wayne was Seventeen when he said, aloud on the top of a random Parisian building and surrounded by his family—
“My sister is Ladybug.”
Damian didn’t wait for their reactions, having entirely forgotten about the existence of his father and brothers, before taking off after his spotted sibling.
“I knew you were alive.”
In hindsight, those probably weren’t the best words for him to say when Maria clearly thought he was still an assassin.
Damian watched as Marinette spun to face him, her face so much more expressive than he remembered. He could actually see the resignation in the slump in her shoulders, he could feel the fear in her bluebell eyes. The eyes she was lucky enough to get from their father while he was cursed with their mother’s green irises. He used to envy that about her, especially after joining the BatClan. But now he only felt comfort when he looked into her eyes. Comfort that she was different than him, and always had been. In the best of ways.
He watched as his sister was enveloped by a bright flash of pink light, detransforming right in front of him. And without the mask, it was impossible to ignore the relation between them. She had their father’s eyes and nose where he had their mother’s, but other than that they were almost carbon copies of one another. Her blue-black hair was pulled back into twin braids though, something he noted distantly as oddly fitting. They suited her, he thought.
But all those thoughts instantly turned to dust as she dropped to her knees in front of him, head bowed in complete submission.
“Tom and Sabine are innocent,” she told him. “They adopted me out of nothing but goodwill, and they have been nothing but good to me. I never told them a single word about my origin, I swear it on our blood. They think I am just an orphan that was abandoned in Hong Kong—“
“—so please, don’t harm them. I’m begging you. And there is no need for you to waste energy killing me. You are welcome to stay in Paris as long as no harm comes to Tom and Sabine, but just wait and watch. I know who Hawkmoth is, and our final plan is almost ready. I’ll have him taken down by next week. Just— wait until then, please. My death will take care of itself afterwards, but Paris deserves to be free, and killing me now will set this entire war against Hawkmoth back by at least a year. And I also need that time to pick my successor—“
“Maria! I am not here to kill you!” Damian had to yell to get her to stop babbling and begging. She froze, but didn’t dare to sit up or even raise her head. So Damian took the initiative and sat down on the ground with her, though he kept his distance so that he didn’t scare her too badly. He couldn’t blame her for her reaction, it had been ten years since they had seen one another and their parting hadn’t exactly been pleasant.
But he had changed a lot since then, matured a lot.
“I am completely disconnected from the League,” he admitted. Of the blurry memories he had of her, he did remember that being blunt was the best way to handle information with her. Beating around the bush had always done nothing but make her exceptionally nervous and jittery. Sure enough, his admission was enough to make her look up at him with disbelieving eyes. He risked a small grin. “I didn’t come in my old uniform, did I?” He gestured to himself in the bright Robin colors. Sure enough, Marinette’s rapid blinking proved his theory that she hadn’t even registered his clothing at all to be true. She had run as soon as she recognized his face.
But Marinette did not speak. She sat up a little, still eyeing him cautiously. But her silence helped him finally realize where they were— where she had led him.
The sounds of traffic and other big city noises were all muted, as if muffled by several layers of cloth. Shadows fell over them abundantly, and they were surrounded by dilapidated concrete walls.
She had brought him to an abandoned area far from any activity, where a body would take ages to find. She had then disarmed herself of her only weapon, her magic suit, and had gotten on the ground in total submission.
She had purposely given him the perfect setting to kill her, where there would be no witnesses and plenty of time before her body would be found for him to escape. That realization hit Damian square the chest, leaving him breathless for a moment.
“I am not here to kill anybody,” he reiterated, his voice noticeably much gentler than before. “Not you, not you adoptive parents, nobody. I left the league when I was eleven. Mother—“ he took a breath, but Maria deserved to know. “— she cloned me. Her clone killed me. He no longer exists, but that is of no consequence. She killed me, she and Grandfather disowned me when I made it clear I was not returning. Father— our father,” he was insistent as he leaned forward, not continuing until she met his gaze. “You remember who our father is, right? Bruce Wayne? Mother had dropped me off to be raised with him when I was ten, but of course it was all just one of her plots. It was her miscalculation though, because I ended up growing close to them. To Father and his adopted children. You would get along with Gra— with Dick, the best I think. Although T— Jason would also be a prime contender as your favorite brother, I think. He shares your love of motor bikes, if that hasn’t changed?” She just stared at him, clearly confused and experiencing a lot of feelings at once. He stayed silent for a moment to allow her to sort through them a little.
“I’m Robin now,” he made his voice quieter, but still easy for her to hear. “I’m a member of the Bats. I’m sure they would all welcome you, if you chose to meet them. Though be warned, they can be quite in—“
“Why are you doing this?” Marinette’s voice was barely above a whisper, Damian almost didn’t hear her. But he did, and fell silent. He watched as his sister licked her lips and tried to find the right words to say. “If what you say is true… you have a perfectly good family. Brothers, Father, a comfortable life. Why follow me then? Why offer me… any of that?”
Damian frowned. He didn’t remember Maria being so gloomy, but then again she had been raised to never show her emotions. Maybe, after years away from the temple like him, her true feelings were just easier for him to see now. Closer to the surface.
“I want to get to know you— to get to know my sister, again,” he told her. “Don’t tell them, but Father and the others have taught me to appreciate family. The way I treated you when we were children was not right, and though it was heavily influenced by Mother and Grandfather, I want to make up for it nonetheless. Maybe we can get to know the new us, together?”
Marinette’s eyes went wide with disbelief, but then she clenched her jaw and shook her head.
“We can’t.”
“... right, I understand if you do not forgive me. I didn’t even consider—“
“It isn’t that,” Marinette was quick to correct him. “When I said that my death will handle itself, I mean it, Damian. The Ladybug… the earrings that give me my powers, come with a price,” she absently ran her fingertips over the unassuming black studs in her ears. “If a Ladybug uses the miraculous for more than three years, the powers of Creation will demand to be balanced. Already, the Miraculous is powering itself on nothing but my life force now. Once I defeat Hawkmoth, there will be no need for Ladybug anymore. The moment I take the earrings off, they will cease keeping me alive.”
Damian’s face fell. No— no, that wasn’t right. He was finally able to find her, finally able to apologize and try to fix his past mistakes. This couldn’t be how the reunion went. This couldn’t—
“Not even the Lazarus Pits can bring me back from a Miraculous death,” Marinette went on. “So you and your family should go. You don’t need to be here when I—“ Marinette paused, gasping. “Damian, why are you crying?! Stop that!” Her voice became desperate, Marinette crawling over to him as quickly as she could and wiping away his tears as if they were something terrifying. Damian wasn’t sobbing or making any noise, it was just a silent stream of tears running down both cheeks as he stared at her wordlessly.
“I…” he finally managed to choke out. “I wanted to make up for everything. I wanted for us to be twins again, together.”
Marinette paused, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “I know a magic user who can erase your memories of me,” she offered. “But you don’t have to feel guilty for anything. You never said anything that wasn’t true.”
Damian’s green eyes widened. He had said nothing but cruel things to her, that last year they spent together as children. Did she really believe all of that? Did he and their childhood really affect her self worth this severely and irreversibly?
“My name is Marinette, actually,” she corrected him with a small smile. “I’m not Maria Al-Ghul anymore. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is actually useful, Damian. I can actually do things right— I’m doing something right right now. Beating Hawkmoth will be the first worthwhile thing I’ve ever done, don’t you see? Once it’s all over, I will have brought honor back to our blood. I’ll have proved to you that I really am your twin, that I wasn’t a mistake. That I was born for a reason,” Marinette’s eyes got dreamy even as Damian just felt like he was impaled again, this time by a spike of ice rather than a sword. “And I’ll be able to die before I ruin it. It’s a perfect scenario.”
“A perfect scenario implies that nothing important is going to be lost,” Damian breathed. Marinette just blinked.
“Yeah, I know. That’s the plan. Defeat Hawkmoth, save Paris, and nobody dies.”
“But you’re going to die!” He growled. Marinette leaned back, bewildered by his violent reaction.
“Yeah, but it’s not like I actually matter. Nobody needs me. Tom and Sabine might be hurt for a while, but they will recover just fine. And it’s not like I have friends or any—“
“Stop worrying about other people, damnit!” Damian surged forward, grabbing her shoulders hard enough to bruise and shaking her a little. “Even back then! Even when we were seven, you threw down your blades because you were more worried about hurting me than you were about how Grandfather would react, even though you knew he would be tempted to kill you for what he thought was cowardice! You never put yourself first, and it’s finally starting to piss me off!”
“No, listen to me!” He shook her again, his tear stained cheeks only making his glare all the more potent as he stared right into her eyes. “You are alive, and your life matters! You were never worthless or useless, you just didn’t fit what our abusive situation wanted of you. They wanted a cold hearted killer, a tool they could use, and you were always too warm hearted and clever to fit either of those goals. But I did, I was the killer they were looking for and the pawn they wanted. If anything, that makes you better than I ever was! I was too young and naive to see it back then, but I’m trying to make up for it now. You are my sister, whether you go by Maria or Marinette, Al-Ghul or Wayne or Dupain-Cheng, I don’t give a damn! And so help me, even if I have to surgically attach those earrings to your skin, I am not letting you die before you gain at least a modicum of respect for yourself. Do you understand me?”
A wet sniffle met his ears, and he pulled Marinette in for a hug. She returned it weakly, sniveling and sobbing into his cape.
“Yes, Shaqiqa?”
Another sniffle.
“I-is it really o-okay for me to stay with you?”
“Of course.”
“I-is… is it really oka-ay for… for me to live?”
Damian’s arms tightened around her. “Always. Always, always.”
Marinette buried her face into his shoulder, taking a deep shuddering breath.
“Th-then… I wanna try.”
Not sorry. Ha 😎
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
Little Border Town
Summary: It begins with a man and a woman, as it always seems to. One lives in France and the other lives in Italy, technically, but they’re also neighbors. Various issues arise between these two and they can’t ever seem to see eye to eye on anything. Will they ever move past their petty fighting or is the little town they live in doomed to only gossip about what Harry and Y/N are fighting about today?
AKA: Harry and Y/N are neighbors that fight all the time, the whole town wants to know when they’ll just fuck. 
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Featuring italrry as well as mustachrry! and running italrry... I hope y’all like! this is just part one, so much more is in store so pls let me know what you think :) lots of love - first fic that’s not named from a quote said in the story I’m shook!! the growth, the range...she has it apparently! side note: i had to change the gif from italrry/mustachrry bc something is whack with the formatting and either the keep reading or the title keeps disappearing so i tried some stuff to resolve it *sobbing*
Word Count: 8.5k | Warnings: swearing, mentions of relatives death, bickering, otherwise tame for now?
Pt. 2
There’s a little town that straddles the border between Italy and France. It’s just a little ways from Nice on the French side and Ventimiglia on the Italian side. The population is rather small and the tourists who come are usually either returners or are very very lost. One street you’re in France and the next you’re in Italy. It can be confusing to newcomers, but the locals love it -- for the most part. These streets are easily delineating as French or Italian by the little country flags that hang above all the shops or in the windows.
It’s a coastal town with cobblestone everywhere and bright painted buildings. The water is a soft blue and the wind barely ever brings any waves greater than a foot high. There’s a shop for everything and it seems to be frozen in the past from the outside, thankfully if you step into the tiny bed and breakfast there is wifi. The sun almost always shines down on this sweet piece of paradise, the winter does however bring gusting winds and thunderstorms. Those storms rattle the little town and afterwards you’ll find the residents picking up the pieces that have fallen off the shops.
Now, this little border town, with its streets separated by French and Italian customs, well almost all of them, it seems imperative to mention. There, in the exact middle of the little town, is one street that is split down the middle, half in France and half in Italy. The locals from the French and the Italian sides love that street the most because it has this certain dynamic spark of change that brings them together, makes them unique. Except for two locals that seemingly hate this street. These two locals aren’t actually true locals either. They both moved there a couple years ago.
Harry, from the Italian side, owns the shoemaker and repair shop. He hailed from England and moved to the little town when his great uncle, Joe, had sent him a letter pleading for him to take over his shop so that he could retire. Harry, ever the traveler, hopped on the next flight out to Italy and then traversed by train and bus until he reached his Joe’s home. Like most of the shops, there was a living space above the shop area. Harry lived there with Joe until he passed away a few years back leaving Harry to tend the store alone. He didn’t mind too much, being left there alone. He had always loved Italy and to get to live in the countryside in a little cobblestone town and own a shop was a dream come true. After living there for two years, he had bought a sailboat that he would take out when the shop was closed. He also had bought himself a motorcycle that he would ride to the next greatest city if he was ever in dire need of more of a nightlife as a 26 year old. He loved it, his own slice of paradise… except for his thorn in his side.
Y/N, from the French side, owns the bookstore, which carries lots of vintage books and records. She had moved there after college. In school, she had studied French and taken a year abroad in Paris and had traveled down to Nice for a month. While in Nice she had made a few friends and one of them had come from the little border town. They had insisted they all go there for a weekend. When Y/N stepped foot onto the street she now lived on a few years before, she fell in love. Seeing the little Italian and French flags in the windows and potted plants with a view of the sea had been so endearing to her.
She was drawn to the bookshop and had chatted up the old French woman who ran it. The woman had reminded Y/N of someone but she couldn’t quite place her finger on it. It was strange for her because she often found these connections with older people, she felt like she had known this woman her whole life. Y/N went back into the store the next two days she was there to talk to the woman again, Marie, she had learned. Before she left the little town she left her number with Marie and kept in some contact with her. After about a year though, their communication fell off. Y/N was sad but understood that life can be busy for people and that she obviously wasn’t the most important woman in the little border town bookkeeper’s life. Or so she thought. In the middle of the summer after she graduated college, Y/N was backpacking through Iceland and got a call from who she assumed was Marie. She was ecstatic and answered the call immediately. Sadly, it wasn’t Marie, instead a friend who had been given her will to execute. In her will she had left Y/N the bookshop. Her reasoning was similar to why Y/N had liked Marie so much, she said that Y/N had reminded her of her sister who had died unexpectedly in her teenage years. Being so far from home at the time and completely consumed with love and loss, Y/N had agreed to take over the shop without any hesitation.
She got home and informed her parents of her choice and moved to the little border town as soon as she could. She lived in the little area above the shop that Marie had also gifted to her and she tended the shop downstairs. The living area hadn’t really been cleaned out and Y/N had found an old collection of vinyls in the corner of the bedroom. As much as she wanted to keep them to herself, she thought it would be a good addition to the shop and had made a section for records in memory of Marie. She loved France and the coast, she bought a little car and would drive to Nice every so often or to the more sandy beaches along the French coast. It was quiet and different from the life she had maybe expected, but taking over a bookshop because a kind stranger had gifted it to you as one of their dying wishes wasn’t something Y/N could ever turn down. Her soul was too sweet. At least it was for most people, not for her neighbor though.
Her neighbor was the shoemaker, Harry. Their shops lived against one another even though he was on the Italian side and she was on the French. They were located exactly at the split between France and Italy. With less than a foot between the buildings, they saw a lot of each other. On their first interaction, Y/N had seen too much of her neighbor, meaning she had seen all of him. Their shops were similar to track homes, meaning they were built completely the same only mirrored. This meant that the windows of their bedrooms matched up exactly, she wondered who had thought that was a good idea after her first night. When Y/N had first moved in it was August, she left her window open and without the shade down to let as much fresh cool air in as possible. With her jet lag, she had found herself wide awake at about three am. Pacing around her room in the pink silk tank dress she had decided to sleep in, her eyes froze on her window - or rather, who she saw through her window. The light from her room and the moon were strong enough to illuminate the tanned and tattooed skin of the naked man in the room next to her. He held a bowl in his large hands that he seemed to be spooning cereal into his mouth from.
His half-lidded eyes flickered to the light coming from the place next door. The bookshop had been closed all summer and no one had been living in the upper area for a little longer than that so he had gotten into the habit of leaving his window open. He was half drunk after stumbling his way home from the tiny bar down the street. He had decided a naked cereal run would be a good idea to tide over his cravings. But upon seeing the girl wearing lingerie a mere two feet away from him, separated by the screens on their open windows, he realized that wasn’t actually true. His eyes widened only slightly as he saw her, his drunkenness allowing him to keep his blushing to a minimum. His drunken confidence kept him from covering himself as he lifted a single brow and made a salute with his spoon hand before going back to his bed.
She stayed at the window for a moment after the naked man disappeared and then quickly ran back to her bed. She shut off her light and tried not to think about everything she had seen. She tried to not think about his toned arms that flexed as he moved around his food, or the tattoos that lined every part of his body (the tiger and ferns seared into her mind specifically), or his tousled chestnut hair, or his searing green eyes, or the full mustache that held a little milk from his cereal. She tried, she really did. But how was she supposed to face her neighbor ever again after that. Maybe he wasn’t her neighbor, she reasoned, maybe he was an acquaintance her neighbor had just spent the night with. That wouldn’t be better! Her hands grabbed her other pillow and shoved it over her face trying to force herself to go to bed.
The next day, she had been working out front of the bookshop, beginning to repaint the windowsills of the shop with some navy paint she had found in the back to give it an updated look. It was early and she hadn’t expected to see anyone at all. Her jet lag still ailed her and caused her to be up bright and early. This was her second run in with the shoemaker, this time though, both to her dismay and joy, he was fully clothed. He wasn’t watching where he was going and almost toppled the both of them over as he left his store front, locked the door behind him, and then set off down the street. His large body, covered in short black running shorts and a mesh grey tank top, bumped into her almost immediately. He was still fiddling with his music on his phone as he began his run. She jumped back and dropped the paintbrush from her hand. She yelped as his body collided with hers and he stopped in his tracks. His eyes scanned her and took in the light wash cuffed jeans and moss ribbed tank top she was wearing. They widened when he recognized her face, the expression of shock similar to that of last night when she had seen him in his bedroom. He smirked and took out one of his earbuds. She grabbed her paintbrush from the ground as he extended his hand to her.
“I’m Harry,” his hand is greeted with hers. He speaks to her in English and she decides it’s probably best to follow along with whatever someone else began with. She worried that she’d run into a lot of Italians who didn’t know French or English and she’d have some trouble. His eyes flicker to the bits of blue already littered on her hands and in her hair.
“Y/N.” She nods, avoiding eye contact with the man she had already seen too much of. At least he’s not your neighbor’s lover, he’s just your neighbor. She also notices how he doesn’t apologize for running into her.
“You were spying on me last night,” his hand returns to his side and his smile quirks up again as he watches her face flush. His nicely groomed mustache twitches, trying to contain his laughter.
“I was not!” She finally looks up at the taller man and takes in his tanned face that is even more attractive in the morning light and up so close. The hat he wears is funny, a blue trucker’s hat that read “If you ain’t a fisherman, you ain’t shit!”, and she would laugh if she couldn’t already tell he was going to be extremely annoying.
His smirk continues and he barks out a laugh. He removes his sunglasses to really look at her now. “It’s alright, I work hard for this,” he gestures to his body, “glad someone appreciates it. Just means I’ll need to be installing a shade now, I guess.”
“You don’t have a shade and you walk around your room naked?” She ignores his first bit of conversation. She can’t think about his body or how it had looked last night. She sets down her paintbrush and folds her arms across her chest, trying to figure the man in front of her out.
“No… but it’s not all my fault. You had your shade open too! Who’s willingly up at that time of night anyway? I was just fixing myself a snack after the pub.” He raises his brows triumphantly at her, feeling confident that he has gotten the upperhand in the conversation.
She narrows her eyes at him as she finally registers that his accent isn’t Italian or French. He’s British and she wonders what he’s done to get himself in this little border town. He also seems to own the shop beside her since he locked the door behind him. He was peculiar, but she couldn’t dwell on what she thought about him since he had just accused her of being a peeping tom.
“Someone is up at that hour because she just moved and has terrible jet lag and can’t sleep. The place has been completely closed up for months and I needed to get as much cool air in as possible before the hot day. That’s why I was up and that’s why my shade wasn’t down.” She stands up straighter and rolls her eyes at him, muttering something in French to herself about annoying men. She smiles to herself when Harry doesn’t seem to understand. He obviously can tell she said something, but he doesn’t know exactly what. He could understand a good bit of French and he could speak some, but if someone spoke quickly and quietly, like she had just done, he wouldn’t be able to make it out. He figured it was something rude, though, with the way she sounds and begins to turn from him.
“Are you here to stay?”
“Well, welcome to the best place in the world. It was so nice, two countries couldn’t decide who got to keep it and decided to split it.”
His arm sweeps out around him, gesturing to the street around him. She smiles up at him before following his arms movement. His arm had more tattoos than she had realized from her eyeful last night. She noticed the intricacies of all the black ink and again she had a million questions that she had to keep to herself. He was arrogant, conceited, impatient and a little bit odd and she knew all of this after barely one conversation. At least they could agree on one thing, they loved this town.
He looked back at her after scanning the street and saw her smiling in wonderment at everything around her. This brought a fleeting genuine smile to his face, knowing she was happy to be there. He had known Marie and was sad to see her go less than a year after his great uncle. He had always thought that Marie and Joe were both secretly pining over each other. Constantly stopping into each other’s shops and waving from their windows at each other, but Joe had always shaken his head at Harry when he mentioned it.
His smile faded when her eyes came back to his fac face face. Her smile disappeared as well. “Right, so, see you around…?” He said, already forgetting her name. She scoffs when she realizes what happened and then repeats her name. He nods curtly before replacing his sunglasses and single airpod and starts running again. She calls after him, “Thanks for the apology!” and then mutters to herself, “le con” knowing she shouldn’t shout that down the street where other people speak French. He doesn’t hear any part of it, his music up high enough to drown out the sounds of the world.
Y/N settled into the bookshop fairly easily, but she never failed to mention how unhelpful Harry had been:
“Yes, well, it’s been going pretty good...except for this one man. Well, I’d hardly call him a man -  a boy. My neighbor, actually, he owns the shoe shop...no, nevermind that, he practically made it his mission to make my move the hardest thing in the world...Harry -- yes, that’s his name, Mama… well I don’t know, It’s just Harry. - it doesn’t matter! He’s been in my way at every turn… yes, both physically and metaphorically...I’m not kidding! And I’m not being dramatic… Well, It was nice talking to you. Love you, talk soon.”
That was her first telephone conversation with her mother since arriving in the little town. Maybe ten days after she arrived. Naturally, she had it in the downstairs area of her home, the bookstore. And naturally, Harry had wandered in, to discuss one of their shared planters, and overheard her entire side of the conversation and gathered the rest from his own imagination. When she had laid eyes on him after setting down her phone, she rolled her eyes at the smirking Chesire cat look on his face.
“You would be the kind of man to eavesdrop, hm?” She restacked a group of books that were already in order.
“Thought I was a boy?” his smirk remained on his face. He strided closer to the counter she stood behind.
“Like I said...What can I help you with?” Her voice drips with venom as she finally turns her eyes to look at Harry. His smirk still remains on his face now that she is making eye contact with him. He’s clad in a t-shirt that has some baseball team on it with burgundy corduroy flared jeans. She notices the strain of the shirt over his chest and biceps and avoids the scoff of how vain he must be to keep himself in that good of shape for tending a shoe store in the South of France, or rather Northern Italy…
“Right, Thought I’d pop in and tell you that one of our planters is shared. So you’ll have to talk to me before replanting anything. I noticed you coming in with tulips the other day.”
“The ones on the front of the street?” He nods as her head turns to glance out the front window. “Why the hell do we share a planter?”
“Because, my late great Uncle Joe and Marie fancied each other.” Her eyes went wide at his words, trying to think of Marie having a crush on someone. “They were never together, never admitted the fancying, but they always did the planters together. They each had one of their own and then bought the third together, said it made sense to make the shops look nice...I know it was just so they had more to tend to - together.”
She hums, taking in everything that he said and how his eyes shine slightly just at the mention of his uncle. His voice had perked at the story he had just spun for her and she smiles thinking about the idea of love and loving someone so much that you’re content with simply planting flowers together. It seemed really old-fashioned to her, but it also brought even more charm to the town she now called home. Romance was still alive here, or so she hoped.
“Okay, I’ll make sure to let you know when I’ve decided what flowers I want to put in there.” She turns around, assuming the end of the conversation and getting back to work. She doesn’t really find a reason to entertain Harry anymore than necessary. Like she told her mother, he was constantly in her way or being naked in his room, something she had chosen to leave out of her conversation with her mom.
“You’ve misunderstood me. Maybe my English is getting rusty, I rarely speak it since everyone else knows Italian.” She flips around at his rude comment, eyes alight with fire once again. “If you want to replant anything, which I don’t understand why you would, the flowers I put are wonderful, we’ll have to discuss it. It’s not you just telling me you’ll be doing it. We own it equally and I won’t let you bulldoze my hard work.”
“On a planter?!”
She sticks on a sickly sweet smile as she tries to refrain from laughing. “I guess the countryside really can make some people enjoy the simpler things in life…” With that she walks to the back of the shop, leaving the stunned Harry to see himself out of it. When the little bell rings, her stifled laughter can be heard among the books.
It doesn’t matter what it is, Harry and Y/N are able to make a fuss about anything and the whole street, if not the whole town, had quickly figured that out. No one had a problem with Y/N, they welcomed her with open arms. Marie had told the entire French side and a good amount of the Italian side how wonderful and tenacious she was. How Y/N reminded Marie of her sister and upon meeting her, many agreed. But the first time Harry and Y/N had a public row, at the bakery in the center of town, on the French side, everyone was quick to realize that there was bound to be trouble between the two. It was a stark contrast to the loving comments and endearing looks the previous owners had always engaged in when they were still alive. This fight was maybe a few days after the planter business and Y/N had tried in the following days to get him to change the planters to no avail so she was in an especially pissed off mood towards Harry.
“Could you be taking any longer?” Y/N rolled her eyes as she stood behind her tall neighbor, her foot impatiently tapping a beat against the stone floor.
Harry stood hunched in front of the display case, scanning for exactly what he wanted and desperately trying to remember what he had come here for. He was a bit more dressed up that day, his mother had been coming to visit him for the first time in a while and he wanted to look nice and have a special treat for her when she arrived. His trousers were a deep navy that matched the navy of the stripes on his sweater vest, the blue pinstripes of the button down underneath was a slightly lighter shade, but blue nonetheless. He had rolled up his sleeves past his elbows, showing off his various tattoos and sinewy arms. As his eyes scanned over the case again, he ran through his mental list and bit at his lip, knowing he was forgetting something. He barely even heard her drawl out her insult, the tapping of her foot eventually getting his attention due to its faltering.
She straightened upright from her hip jutted position when he didn’t even bite at her unkind words. Her foot stopping its melody. As she was about to give another go, Harry turned around and she gave him her full look of displeasure.
“Country life requires a bit of patience. I doubt you’ve ever had to wait your turn in your life, but you’ll have to get used to it here.”
Her eyes roll instinctively. She noticed that they seemed to do it just at the mention of his name or the sound of his voice. She had always thought herself a lover of the British accent, citing Downton Abbey and various famous musicians - Freddie Mercury, George Harrison, Elton John, etc. - as members of that little island who were formative to her identity, loving them for their talents as well as their accent. Yet with Harry’s deep meandering British voice, she found herself wishing to be anywhere but in its presence. She found that he took so long to ever get out an actual full thought and when he did it was barely coherent. He also never failed to let his sarcasm or smugness drip into his tone, causing her to audibly be aware of the smirk on his face even if she couldn’t see it. The image flashing across her mind no matter what.
“You’ll have to let me know when you’ll be here again…” His eyebrows quirk at her odd response and it’s her turn to smirk up at him. She’s already satisfied with her quip even though she���s only gotten half of it out. His mouth opens to question her, but she finishes her thought. “That is, so I can plan around you. If I have to alot a whole day to the boulangerie just waiting for you… I’ll never get settled.”  
Harry scoffs and a fleeting expression of actual offense flashes across his features before turning around to finish his order. The others in line and the worker are all equally wide eyed and she hears some hushed whispering behind her, but it’s in Italian so she can’t make it out. The worker eyes Y/N as she rings up the rest of Harry’s chosen items. The worker smiles softly at Harry, feeling for the man she had known long enough to know that he wasn’t as rude as he was being with Y/N. She was also taken aback at Y/N’s response, but hadn’t seen her be rude otherwise so she had to assume it simply had something to do with the man.
When Harry is all set, he turns to leave and pass Y/N again. His eyes narrow and his words once again are turned nasty. “I wouldn’t mind if you never got settled,” he said before muttering something in Italian under his breath and leaving the store. She assumed it to be nasty as she eyed the couple behind her giggling, before walking to talk with the worker.
She shook her head trying to rid herself of her cold exterior that she kept having to conjure up for Harry. Now smiling, she asks for her items in French, happy to be speaking the language that brought her so much joy rather than English which seemed to be reserved only for Harry now. She hadn’t gone to the Italian side very much yet and the people she had met over there so far had spoken French to her once she had introduced herself.
As the worker finished with Y/N’s order, she asked in a hushed tone, in French, “How do you know Mr. Styles?”
“Harry?” Y/N guessed, not actually knowing Harry’s last name until now. The girl behind the counter smiles quickly before nodding. “Mon voison” she sighs and contains the accompanying eye roll when she sees the girl blush at the idea of being neighbors with Harry. “He’s a brat,” she continues and the girl laughs lightly before saying, “I think he’s rather sweet… not bad to look at either.” She looks out the window of the shop wistfully, like Harry’s still there and Y/N whips her head around, afraid he knew that she was talking about him. Thankfully, he was gone and Y/N laughs to herself when she feels the anxiety that had gripped her for a moment dissipates. Shaking her head at the girl, she grabs her items and change from her before making a break for the door.
It was soon after that incident that Harry and Y/N’s squabbles became notorious throughout the little town. Drama wasn’t common there and any sort of excitement was the talk of the town. It made sense that this was snapped up by the gossipers from the French and Italian sides alike.
Anne, Harry’s mother, was stopped the next day, when she was out for coffee and Harry was still at the shop, and was asked why her son was so angry at the new bookshop owner. She thought it made sense for her to drop into the bookshop next to her son’s shop after hearing that. Walking into the shop, she was greeted with the smell of lavender and the sweet melody of a love song. She immediately smiled at the charm of the bookstore, feeling like there was a bit more life in it then there had been the last time she had come in. Harry had told her that Marie had passed, but not that someone new had taken over and she was eager to meet them, especially now that she had been told about the town gossip.
A messy haired, but bright eyed Y/N came trotting out of the bookshelves at the sound of the door opening. A smile beamed on her face when she saw the mature brunette woman standing just inside the doorway. “Bonjour! Bienvenue!” She greets as she smooths some of her unkempt hair. Y/N had been digging around the back shelves of the store searching for a specific book one of her other customers had asked about yesterday. And much to her dismay, she wasn’t being very successful. When the woman only says “Bonjour” and makes no inclination that she plans to speak more French, Y/N believes it’s safe to assume she’s a tourist and switches to English. “Can I help you?”
Anne laughs happily to hear English and walks over to the counter that Y/N had walked behind. “Yes, Hi! My son lives here and I’ve just come to visit him. He didn’t tell me someone had taken over Marie’s shop.” Y/N perks at the name of Marie and she smiles sincerely at the woman now. Not quite a tourist, yet not quite a local, she noted for herself.
“Yeah, I’m Y/N. I was a friend of Marie’s, so to say, and she left me the place.” Pausing, Y/N turns over the vinyl that had just finished side A, and then returns to her place at the counter. “I’m still really new, but it’s a small town. I don’t know of many other people who weren’t born here who live here, though, who’s your son?” She rests her elbows on the counter and leans on them while staring at the kind woman. She had noticed the British accent, but hadn’t connected the dots yet. It wasn’t uncommon for people to have a British accent when they spoke English so it didn’t necessarily mean she was from England. But maybe Y/N should have noticed the light eyes and brown hair, maybe that should have been an indicator as well. Or the way she had said ‘my son’ and nodded in the way of the shoe shop. But no matter what, it came as a shock when the woman with the coffee in hand said what she said next.
“My son is your neighbor! He runs the shoe repair shop. His great uncle, my ex-husband’s uncle, left it to him a couple years ago.”  Y/N’s eyes widen so much so that she has to blink a few times to assure herself they haven’t popped out of her head.
“Harry...is your son?” She speaks slowly and Anne smiles at the girl. She nods and Y/N nods back, taking the news in. He has a mother...she guessed she should have expected that. It had been unlikely that her theory of him being sent straight from hell to make her life just like it was accurate.
“Here you are mum! What are you doin’ in here?” Harry rushes through the door when he sees his mother inside from the window. Y/N rolls her eyes on cue, but still notices the soft adoring look on his face while he gazes at his mother. She supposes she can concede that he isn’t the spawn of satan now. His look hardens when he turns to Y/N, who has straightened up to her full height upon his arrival.
“I was just meeting the new bookshop owner, Y/N!” She looks between Harry and Y/N. “What’s this about you being angry with her?” She asks more to Harry, but Y/N hears easily. Harry’s eyes flash at Y/N and her eyes widen once again, but shrugs to Harry, having no idea where his mother had gotten that idea.
“What did you say-”
“I didn’t say anything! I’d just realized she was your mother right before you walked in!”
“It’s true. Someone said something about it to me at the coffee shop. Of course, I didn’t even know the book shop even had a new owner, so I decided to come by.”
“It’s nothing, mum,” Harry insists.
“Harry and I...we just don’t exactly see eye to eye. But, I’m sure we’ll warm up to each other eventually,” she easily lies through her teeth, knowing she really couldn’t see herself ever being friends with this prick. “Feel free to look around the shop, it’s not exactly to my liking yet, but then again, I am just getting settled. Otherwise, you two should enjoy your time together. I’m sure it’s not often you can make the time to journey all the way out here.” She smiles sweetly at Anne, choosing to ignore Harry completely.
“Thank you, Y/N. Harry can be an acquired taste for some, but just below that exterior of his, he’s a giant softy.” Harry groans at his words, Y/N’s smile only grew.
“Au revoir! Good Day!” She calls when they leave the shop rather swiftly. It seemed to her that Harry was desperate to get his mother out of the shop as soon as possible, while Anne was happy to browse and look at what had been changed in the shop.  
Their early unhappy encounters were now months ago. But encounters of a similar caliber happened at least once a week. It’s hard to avoid a neighbor who you seem to find anything they do to be an annoyance, even their existence. They saw each other around town and at their shops and in their bedrooms. Even though they didn’t particularly like each other, hated was actually the correct word, the drawing of the shades was a near impossible task with the heat that plagued the little town between August and Mid-October.
They had fought over who could leave their shade open and who couldn’t because Harry believed only one of them had to close it to maintain privacy but then he wouldn’t settle on an agreement on taking turns closing shades. Y/N argued that they could both leave them open if he would agree to stop walking around his room naked all the time, but he refused that as well, at first. He conceded after a week of having his shade drawn that he would wear boxers. Therefore, practically every night, Y/N and Harry would see each other before bed since they actually seemed to have the same sleep habits. Sometimes she would have to yell at him to close his window if he came home with a guest and he would yell at her to turn off her light if she was reading or watching television in bed too late.
Thankfully, it was approaching the end of October and the weather would begin to change. There wouldn’t be a reason to have the window or shade open and they at least wouldn’t have to see each other right before bed.
This morning, Y/N is up early, she found it amazing to wake up early here, something she had never done before this little border town. It was teaching her new things about herself and changing her, but she liked it. In deep forest green flared pants and a long sleeved rainbow striped shirt, Y/N is watering the planters in front of her shop as well as the little ones attached below the windows. It was always a little cool in the mornings, but she had checked her weather app and seen that it was actually going to be the first cold day of the season. The first cold day since she had arrived actually. As much as she liked the sun, she also loved fall and winter, so she was excited to experience them for the first time in the little border town.
She smiles to herself as she moves around gracefully. In her back pocket, her music plays softly, Paul Simon sings lovingly to her. She hums along and moves to deal with the planter at the edge of the sidewalk. But she’s foiled by a man she seems to think about far too much for how much she says she dislikes him. Harry jogs back a half step upon realizing he has run into her yet again. One would assume that one of them would either change their routine or know to step out of the way or really just be a little bit more aware of their surroundings with how many times this has happened since Y/N’s arrival. Of course, their stubborn personalities actually require them to be unrelenting in this area of their lives as well. Much like the shade debate, the who was in the way of who debate is still majorly undecided.
“Oi!” He looks down at his shirt and it has a substantial wet spot on it. She had spilled some of the watering can’s contents.
“Excuse you!” She says simultaneously, not realizing she’d gotten water on him.
“I’m not the one who just threw water on someone.”
“Neither am I. You ran into me, it’s not my fault you never look where you’re going.”
“You’re just always in my way. This has been my route for ages, I’m not going to change it just because you moved in next door.” His hands fly around in annoyance and anger.
“You’re unbelievable!”
“Well! I can’t stand you!
“Clearly!” “Cleary.” They’re both huffing out insults that don’t seem to really be going anywhere. Harry has straightened his posture for once and she actually finds his true height slightly intimidating. They both breath for a moment, finding no other words to fill the tranquil morning silence that they had just disturbed.
“Are we ever going to have a conversation where we’re not at each other’s throats?” She sighs, feeling upset that the nice Fall day was suddenly ruined for the rest of time just because of this.The bickering with Harry was tedious and she couldn’t keep going like this. Being in a completely new place and running a small business was hard enough as it is. Something snapped in her just then, hoping to squash a part of her life that is causing her stress and exhaustion.
Harry’s expression falters, his eyes losing that glint of angered passion for a moment, he wasn’t expecting that response. It wasn’t necessarily mean, it was more like she was resigned. Simply done with the conversation. He felt his anger and annoyance slip away rather quickly at her question. She sees his mustache twitch, which she realized happened when he was either amused or confused. She didn’t think what she said was funny so she presumed he wasn’t sure what to make of what she had just said. Her head tilts to the side and waits for his response. Her watering can falls to her side now, making herself a little more comfortable and leaving only a small amount of air between her and Harry.
“Tired out already? Thought you were more of a competitor than that.” He mirrors her by tilting his head as well.
“I didn’t realize we were in any sort of competition.” She stepped forward and straightened her posture a little, feeling challenged by the tone he had taken. She may have a kind and soft exterior for most, but she was nothing if not fierce in her core. She was an Aries afterall. She wondered what Harry might be, she wasn’t super into astrology, but she was sure that he wasn’t an Aries. Aries were fiery and passionate and were very unwilling to admit defeat, so he had just hit the exact right note to keep her from squashing their now long-standing quarrel.
“We’re not. I just thought I had met my match, guess I was wrong.”
He looks off in the distance to be nonchalant, like he wasn’t trying to bait her even if that’s exactly what he was going for. Sure, he found her annoying, for whatever reason. But he had realized when she had posed the question, that he hadn’t had this much excitement in a while. Nothing and no one really challenged him in the little border town, his work was easy enough, money wasn’t tight, friends were easily made, and partners for the night were easy to find. He didn’t dislike any of those facts, truly, he counted himself lucky and was overjoyed that he lived there. But the verbal sparring he engaged in with Y/N fulfilled a need he hadn’t realized was going unsatisfied. He would never admit it, but she was often a highlight of his day. Getting into a little quarrel with her brought a smile to his face when he recalled it later. The bird she had started to flip him before bed made him genuinely laugh. He liked it, so when she seemed to want it to end, he did what he knew would make her change her mind. Tease her.
“I see...bonne journée, cul.” She decided to bid him farewell, knowing he didn’t plan on apologizing any time soon. She turned her body from him and Harry understood enough French that she had ended the conversation with a “good day”. He also knew that she had called him an “ass” as well. His brows raised for a moment at the insult before giving a flicked salute in her direction and jogging off for his morning run.
For some reason, after a moment of knowing Harry had gone she glanced up in his direction and watched his retreating figure. And for some reason she found herself looking back down at the flowers and smiling to herself. Somewhere inside her she was glad Harry hadn’t given into her veiled request to stop fighting. It was a strange sensation because as tiring it was to bicker with him, she feared if they stopped then they would stop talking at all and her heart panged at the thought. She didn’t know why and she didn’t care to know why either.
The bell of the book shop chimes and Y/N pops up from behind the counter. She had been crouched out of sight trying to organize the books of notes on customers Marie had left that Y/N had only just found. She hadn’t realized the cabinet existed in the counter so when she accidentally slid it open she was a little taken aback. Still, she was quickly distracted by the new customer. Her cream collared shirt was unbuttoned to where her collarbone and decalotage were on display, some gold medallions hanging around her neck today. Her worn light wash blue jeans were barely visible behind the counter due to her height. In her hair was a classic red bandana, pulling back her hair out of her face save for the strands that worked themselves free on their own accord.
Her smile was wide, happy to see the first customer of the day as she pinched at her shirt to make sure it was in place. Her posture slumped immediately when she realized that her first customer wasn’t a likely customer at all, instead who else but Harry. A mischievous glint in his eyes as he strolled in and right up to the counter. He leaned his large body down to rest his head in his hands and look up at her. He crossed one ankle over his other, getting comfortable as he stared wickedly up at her.
She wet her lips and took a step back. It was her first look at him today, apparently missing him on his morning run. Maybe she should have thought something of that after their encounter yesterday, but she didn’t. Like most days, his trousers were high waisted, Gucci likely - how he afforded them, she had no clue - and his usual shirt had now been accompanied with a striped red, black, and yellow open cardigan. His hair looked wet like he had just taken a shower, most of it was pushed up but a few strands fell over his large forehead. His mustache looked freshly trimmed and the rest of his facial hair had yet to leave any shadow after his obvious shave.
“Harry.” She says definitively, regarding him with even contempt.
“Ice Queen.” He levels, eyes narrowing.
She scoffs immediately. “At least give me something original...or accurate maybe. I may not like you, but ice queen? Hardly.”
He genuinely chuckles at her quick response and nods, agreeing easily with her for once. “You’re right. It was weak, I’ll admit. Feel like you need a nickname though, thought something really rude might upset you.” He smirks cheekily. His agreement doesn’t make her feel like she’s won at all, unsurprisingly.
She rolls her eyes at his comment. “Care to let me know why you’re gracing me with your presence today, Mr. Styles?” Moving around the counter, she begins to walk to the back of the shop, assuming Harry would follow her if he needed to. He apparently did and walked after her after realizing she wasn’t coming back.
He gives a half-laugh, “Yeah, I came in for a new record. I saw you decided to restock them...thought I’d pop in. It’s easier to get them here than order online...Curtain-hater.” He adds the name as an afterthought.
She glances at him from the bookcase she’s standing at, her eyes shifting to meet his. A smile fades into her features as she can’t contain the giggle at his new attempt at a nickname. She then wrinkles her nose, “That isn’t good either, but proficient try, I guess.” She gives him points for actually relating the name to her in some way, but it still doesn’t incite any anger in her which she knows is what he is going for. She probably should question herself why she’s helping Harry to nickname her something rude, but alas, she doesn’t. He nods solemnly, knowing she’s right again. He needs to find a nickname for her and he doesn’t know why, but he’s glad she seems alright with him giving her one, so long as it is fitting.
Her body shifts from the bookcase over to the boxes she had gotten to hold the vinyls. She had a small collection since the place was small overall, but Marie’s old collection had sold successfully so she had restocked afterwards, this time choosing some of her personal favorites.
“I’m not sure of your taste...I know you bought Marie’s Ella Fitzgerald album last time.” She sifts through the records, trying to find something she thought he might want. Like she said, she didn’t know what he liked, but she prided herself on knowing music and as an owner helping a customer, she wanted to please Harry. She knew he liked Ella from his previous purchase and she knew he liked Marvin Gaye in the evenings when he had guests - how very cliche she would add. “I mostly got in 70’s/80’s rock...Elton, Queen -”
“Got any Paul Simon?” Harry cuts her off and she looks at him surprised. Her fingers stopped when she looked up at him, their tips placed on the peaks of the albums covers. “Thought I heard it here the other day?”  
Her face perks up at the mention, she loved Paul Simon. “That was on my phone, but I do actually. Well, it’s Simon & Garkunkel. I can order something from just Paul Simon whenever I have to order again if you want?” Their gazes are holding each other’s, her fingers still rubbing over the pointed edges of the two albums she had between her hands. Harry’s watching her and leaning against the table the boxes sit on.
He nods after a moment. “That’d be great.”
“You’ll have to tell me which records of his you already have so I can order something new for you.” She grabs the Simon & Garfunkel album and flips it to Harry so he can look it over.
He regards the Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme cover reading over the fine print with all the tracks listed on the bottom right. “Thanks,” he mutters out after another moment of silence. It was rarely this quiet between these two, so it was different. “I’ll take it, Shrimp.”
“Oh my god!” She gasps before bursting into a fit of laughter. He had actually made her laugh and his eyes widen at the sound, almost confused that she hadn’t scoffed. Her laughter was far louder now then the half-hearted chuckle she had given earlier, which really was probably just another scoff. This laugh was loud and unbridled, but melodic and fun. In the back of Harry’s mind, he noted that he liked it. The first bullet point on a list that was likely to grow.  “That works, just the perfect amount of rude. I love and hate it at the same time.” She finishes before walking back to the front. Harry saunters after her, pleased with himself.  
“I’d like to say I wasn’t looking for your approval, but I guess I sorta was,” he ponders out loud as she takes the record back from him to type in the correct spelling into her relatively new computerized system. She twists her mouth to the side of her face to refrain from smiling anymore and then hums. Her eyes flit back up to Harry’s triumphant smile and for once she doesn’t want to slap it off of him.
“People-pleaser…” She prods him easily. His smile falters only slightly, not out of unhappiness, but of borderline jealousy.
“How do you come up with that so easily? It just rolls off the tongue,” He asks seriously, confused by the woman before him. This time she laughs as she hands him back the record and a copy of his receipt.
“I’m well read, that usually helps, but maybe it’s just my intrinsic wit that gives me an edge,” she raises her brows slightly, before beginning to walk off now that their exchange is done. She’s surprised she doesn’t want to rip her hair out after that encounter, but she figures she should simply count her blessings. “Au revoir, trouser-boy!”
He rolls his eyes as he turns on his heel and exits the shop, amused rather than annoyed with the bookkeeper.
enjoy! lmk what you thought :) part 2
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
👑Hewwu Queen 👑 is it alright if I request DIO in part 3 meeting his descendant?. Like he basically had a kid accidentally in part 1 and now he’s meeting their great grandkid who looks allot like him and seems to not be fully human. Maybe he meets them at night since their family was traveling around the world and stopped off in Egypt where he found them maybe listening to music?
Since you write for DIO, is it alright if I request that he somehow meets one of his kid after they get into some time travel shenanigans. Maybe his kid has a stand that is kinda similar to his but they aren’t confident in using it
DIO aiding his helpless descendant 
sfw / gn reader 
notes/warnings: implied assault (on your great-great grandmother)
Another case of two anons thinking alike!! It was really fun to think about this and sorry for taking so much time to get to it :o I hope you’ll still enjoy 💖✨also the pacing is strange/fast (to me), but i felt it fit with how frantic i imagine meeting Dio is
Somewhere between irking Jonathan and wishing to destroy any respectful sliver of the Joestar bloodline, Dio had his own way of indulging and spending his time. Men, women; any creature he could manipulate to his will and suck the life out of to join his dark army was welcome in his dimly lit hideout to meet their fate. The self proclaimed god that had surmounted humanity took pleasure in playing with his food; leaving them in complete darkness, literally. He’d let them suffer in silence, hearing them whimper and regret their choice to ever step foot inside the wicked monster’s palace. But it was always too late.
Except for the very night Jonathan had decided to come spoil the fun and ruin Dio’s playtime. The woman hadn’t meant anything to him, just a toy to play with and to later discard on the pile of other bodies strewn about. Was she glad to have been saved by the burly Joestar? At first yes; brought back to her senses, out of that monster’s grasp but left terribly violated. Left to carry and care for the offspring Dio would never know or care about, too busy being left to slumber in the ocean and gaining a new form from his hated ‘brother’.
Dio rose again, skulking in the shadows of dimly lit cities, looking for any and all petty humans and stand users to claim for his side. It took time and patience he didn’t know he possessed to get fully comfortable in his new body. There was always this inkling, a nagging sonar that kept getting louder and louder, not much unlike his connection to the new generation of Joestars. It grasped at his thoughts, kept him from any semblance of peace of mind -as much as he could acquire it- and there seemed to be no way of silencing it. He couldn’t see a clear picture; it was just nothing but an annoying sense of something being near.
He had searched for weeks like a bloodhound hot on a trail, irritated that he of all people, nay creations, was being made to follow and be obedient to the terrible nagging. It angered him greatly and only when he found a mere youngster sitting on a bench, you, a simple looking human, did it boil over. Sat with your walkman resting next to you on the wooden seating, head bopping along to your newest cassette in the middle of the night. Completely lost in the song you’d been drumming along to with your fingers. Dio was furious but knew better than to strike before investigating, he needed answers and he needed them now.
As he got closer to you, sneaking from behind, he noticed an immediate shift. You were no longer alone. An image, a blur that became clearer and steadier and more live-like as each second passed; posing defensively, staring down Dio with a fire in your eyes not much unlike the tall blonde’s. Not for a moment does he fear for his safety. Even though The World is a newly acquired power it could easily wipe out a scrawny kid without even hitching a breath. He smirks, eyes cast over in shadow by the dim street light as he hears you pause your cassette player.
“Oh? Was I disturbing you?’ he mocks in a smirk, catching the way your eyes glint and the vaguely familiar image you awaken in him. Just like before he’s left to figure out who this annoying hazy memory is. His voice shivers down your very being, goosebumps taking over your skin; not sure if you had already missed your chance to run. It was like his glare fixated you in place, finger still resting on the pause button of your player while the other reached up to remove the flimsy headphones.
“You…” you barely get out the word. The accusatory tone you had tried to convey had watered down to a whimper. You had felt the connection too, something nagging at your soul and stringing you along until you’d finally found the source. “Me? Hah! No, you.” Dio slid closer, his steps so quiet and calculated that even though you couldn’t take your eyes off of him you swore it seemed like he floated. You swallowed thickly, the huge figure that excluded an aura so menacing only a meter away from you.
“So. Who are you and why was it so disgustingly annoying to find you?” he joked impertinently, amused by the way you clenched your jaw at his remark. “I could ask you the same.” a brave little spark still smouldering inside. “DIO. Now don’t make me ask again, you’re making me dreadfully inpatient.” He hadn’t felt the need to kill you, at least not yet. Dio was truly curious about your answer but by the looks of it you really didn’t seem to know all that much.
You begrudgingly gave him your name, in need of some answers yourself. The sound of your name didn’t ring a single bell, not a tick, not a clank. Nothing. Not a single step further to knowing anything. “Well it seems like you do have a stand. Maybe you possess a great power that might be useful to me.” that wicked grin on his face told you a little too much of his motivations. He reminded you of those Saturday morning cartoon villains. But still you felt compelled to listen, ignoring every single red flag.  
Deciding to humour him you give out your stand’s name. “Trust me, we can’t really do much.” you huffed. You’ve only obtained your stand recently and honestly, it has been pretty shitty so far. You didn’t know exactly what it could do, it was just there. Any time you felt stressed or in danger it did come to your aid but it remained awfully docile. Their presence comforted you but you just knew it was capable of so much more.
“Are you a vampire?” The sudden question came out more surprised than Dio had hoped to let on. He regained his posture, opting to slide next to you on the bench with a swift move. There was something… off about the way you carried yourself that reminded him of himself and the other vampires he’d created. The question stunned you, your eyes that had already been widened in shock only growing more so. The way he had changed the entire conversation that had barely earned its start urged you to think quickly. “I don’t know.” you mumbled demurely. You really didn’t know. So many weird things had been happening to you lately that you being a vampire would explain a lot.
Your answer seemed to change the imposing man’s gaze and expression. It hardened a bit, his grin now slowly diminishing into a straighter line and his pointed brows resting down at a more natural angle. Even in this low light his image felt so familiar, like you were already supposed to know who he was but the memory remained hidden. Locked away for your safety. “You should feed. And don’t go out in daylight anymore.” Dio paused for a second. “Strange...” He pondered to himself out loud. He’s only seen a few cases like this, vampiric genes passed down through generations. For some reason he pitied you, as much as he could muster it. The unknown bond you shared felt too unusual to write off.
“What am I supposed to do?” you felt tears prick your eyes, trying your best to remain strong but you’ve been so tired. You couldn't confide in anyone, not about this. Tears started rolling, falling in thick streams down your cheeks and dropping onto your lap. Here you were, crying to a stranger named Dio about being a vampire and having weird powers. A bizarre twist of fate.
“First of all, stop crying. Then, widen your stance when you’re about to fight someone. I could have easily knocked you down with that flimsy imitation. Fix your posture while you’re at it. Call out your stand again.” He rattled off his demands quickly and flatly. Was he helping you? They were barbed complaints but it seemed like he actually wanted to aid you in whatever it was you were going through. You sniffled, wiping at your cheeks. You felt like a kid again; asking your parent for any reassurance when life knocked you down.
Dio actually offered a lot of viable advice, telling you about techniques to silence your steps, how to take someone down easily, to feed on humans within an inch of their life. You had asked him, just in case. You weren’t planning on killing anyone; a comment which made him scoff. That intimidating impression and overall feeling of having to bend to his will had lessened the more you talked to the blonde. He casually sat with you for what felt like hours. He hadn’t divulged into his own history, instead asking you about yours. He was still trying to figure out what this weird pull was.
“No one in your family has experienced anything like this before? Hmph. It seems to have skipped multiple generations then.” he was asking about your great grandmother and all the others that came before you. It could have occurred to them but you would have never known. “My family did come from England, though. My great-great grandmother fled in a hurry. We don’t really know why, Windknight’s Lot seems like an unusual place to frantically run from.” As soon as the small town’s name left your lips everything fell into place for Dio. His grin grew again, satisfied to finally know your connection to him.
One he made for himself, by accident, by a relation created on his own devious whim. Not that horrible Joestar bunch that kept ruining his fun or his horrible father that was but a faint minuscule memory. Something he did. It brought him even more satisfaction to know how perfectly in place it felt for you to be the one to develop these powers at the perfect time. His mind could have exploded with possibilities; a thousand ways to make you join his side. But it didn’t, he wasn’t sure that’s what he wanted yet. And he surely wasn’t going to tell you of your bond either, lest you get attached too quickly.
As you finished up and the early signs of a rising sun were starting to make itself known on the horizon, you were saying your goodbye’s. “Thank you for helping me. Truly, I- I don’t know how I-” you weren’t allowed to finish your earnest thanks. Dio knew you meant it, one of the only few truly grateful acknowledgements he’s ever received. “I’ll be taking over the world in a few months. If you feel so inclined to join, you know where to find me.” His lips curled into a smirk and he was making his move to leave you behind, alone on the bench again. Left to scramble for your stuff to try and stop him but he was already out of sight. “WAIT! I don’t know where to find you! You never told me!” you yelled into the empty streets, heart thumping out of your chest, hoping this wasn’t just a very elaborate dream you were caught in.
“Trust your instincts.” The voice felt incredibly close but so far away, like catching a falling snowflake; as soon as you grasped it, it just melted away.
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writer-panda · 3 years
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
Chapter 1  -|-  Previous -|- Next
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
As she hanged up, Marinette rushed to the doors and let her mother in. The previous night she spent mostly on working with Kwamis to prepare. Most were in agreement that she needed to act and not leave her kitty’s fate to chance. Tikki protested for a bit, but in the end, she saw that there was no changing Marinette’s mind and joined in on scheming. Except she had no way of tracking Adrien. Not… until she received the call!
Except now her mother entered. Sabine greeted her daughter by giving her a bone-crushing hug. 
“I was so worried! When the police called I couldn’t just sit there and wait!”
“Maman. It’s alright. I’m okay. See?” The girl did break away from the hug and smiled.
“I know. But I couldn’t help but worry.”
“Maman… Adrien’s been kidnapped.”
“I know.” Her mother’s expression didn’t reveal any emotions now.
“I… he’s been miserable ever since that wedding mess, and now this.”
“I know.” Again, nothing. 
“He’s my friend.”
“Not the love of your life?” Sabine questioned with a bit of amusement in her voice.
“No. He doesn’t need another fangirl. He needs a friend. Someone who can support him. I… I wasn’t a good friend before this…” She didn’t reveal that she wasn’t a great partner either. Chat hid things well, but from time to time his shell cracked. She should’ve seen the signs. She could’ve done something. Or at least do something with Lila. She had connections and Lila deserved a lawsuit or five. 
“Oh, sweety. You were a great friend. You are a great friend. I’m happy to see you’re not about to chase after some misguided love, but after friendship.”
“I know I’m only… wait, what?” Marinette.exe stopped working. If the problem keeps repeating itself, please contact customer service or the nearest Kwami. 
“When I was fifteen, I dropped out of… school to explore the world on my own. It wasn’t until a few years later that I met your father.” Sabine said in a bit dreamy voice like she was reminiscing. “We had several adventures across Europe before finally settling down in Paris.”
“But… Papa’s a baker.” Marinette protested. “I thought he was always a baker, like his father.”
In response, her mother chuckled. “No. Your father had much more in common with your Nona than with his father. I met him when he was fighting in an underground cage-fighting club.”
“Whoa…” Marinette’s eyes widened. That was a story she never heard before. “So how did you two got together?”
“I will tell you some other time. The point is, I know that even if I took you to Paris with me, you would’ve run away to look for your friend.”
“Maman!” For a moment, the girl wanted to protest. But then she decided that there was no point. “Yes… you’re right. But I can’t just let it happen! If the police find him, he will end up back with his father!”
“I know. And what’ll you do about it?” Her mother had this mysterious smirk on her face.
“I guess… I need to be the one to find him. I will get him situated somewhere safe. Maybe stay with him for a bit. He’s smart. And a quick learner.” He mastered being a superhero faster than I did.
“Good. Then you have my blessing.” 
“I can’t just abandon-” Marinette.exe stopped working again. Contacting the customer service might be in order. Technically, Sabine kept hinting about it. Practically, Marinette would miss a clue even if she was holding a gun to its head. “I have your what now?”
“You can go. Save him. Find yourself. And maybe kick some asses while you’re at it.”
“Most parents would be worried sick about their not-yet-adult children running off to an adventure.”
“You wanted to know how I met your father. The answer is I was the first to beat him in that cage.” Sabine’s smirk was replaced with a serious expression. “Of course I will worry, sweety. I’m your mother. But holding you back now will not help you. You’re a strong young woman and to be fair, I’m not sure how we could hold you down. You have steady access to the rooftop and two years of parkour training.”
“What now?”
“Did you honestly think we wouldn’t notice you sneaking off through the balcony?”
“And you didn’t even tell me?” 
“It would be hypocritical of us.” Sabine defended. “And if the worse came to happen, I had several… souvenirs from our travel around the world.”
“Thank you, Maman. I promise I will come back; And call you often. Well, maybe not too often.” Marinette already dashed to start packing. 
“Of course you will. And don’t get into too much trouble. I would hate to have to go and find you.” Sabine threatened with a bright smile on her face. 
“I’ll try, Maman.” The girl was only half-listening now. She couldn’t waste any more time. She learned how to trace the call about one-and-a-half years ago when she was still a bit ‘stalker-ish’. 
Sabine watched her daughter with amusement. So many memories returned to her now. Youth mostly well-spent if someone asked her. The ‘mostly’ part came to bite her just that moment as her phone pinged. She quickly checked the message and frowned. 
“I’m sorry, my little cupcake, but I need to go check it. An old friend turns out to be in town.” 
“I’ll call you later!” Marinette called from where she was furiously working on her laptop. 
When Sabine left, the kwamis swarmed her immediately.
“Your mom is so cool!” one of them cooed.
“And she’s one bad-”
“Roaar!” Tikki scolded the tiger kwami. 
“What’s the plan, pigtails?”
“Adrien’s call was made from within Gotham City. He’s still here for now. I also managed to track him to Burnley.”
“Didn’t that mercenary you called mention some Lawton?” Trixx offered.
“Yeah. I did try to search him up, but the only one with that name that I managed to find is Zoe Lawton. Wait. There is more!” She beamed up. “An old article in some Mexican newspaper.” She clicked on the link and read it aloud for her co-conspirators “Floyd Lawton, also known as Deadshot, was recently arrested after an assassination of a small group of smugglers. It is yet unknown if it was a hit or was it personal.” The article went on, but there was nothing more of interest.
“So the guy’s a mercenary too? That’s good. He’ll bring Adrien to you.”
“Not so fast. I remember hearing about him. Deadshot is one of the few mercenaries who try to keep some resemblance of a code. He’s also noted to be soft around children.”
“Isn’t Adrien almost an adult though?” Kaalki asked rather uncaring.
“Have you met the guy? He’s a literal ray of sunshine!” Plagg protested.
“So… he won’t deliver him and won’t return him.” Seeing that some Kwamis didn’t understand her logic, she clarified, “I don’t think that if he learns how Gabe treated his son he will be in any hurry to return him.”
“That makes sense.” The little being all nodded in agreement.
“So what’s the alternative?”
“He could adopt him,” Ziggy suggested.
“Please.” Marinette dismissed the idea. “He’s not Bruce Wayne.”
“He could smuggle him out of the country.”
“No. Everyone’s looking for him.” Roaar countered. “He would try to lay low somewhere.”
“Burley is large and full of potential safe houses.” Marinette started to think. “But there is also a large concentration of organized crime. Alone, we would have a hard time, but if we got them to help…”
“Is it wise to involve more criminals into your schemes Marinette?” Tikki asked skeptically.
“Don’t worry, sugarcube. To catch a bird you need wings. To catch a criminal you need crime.”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.”
“What’s the worse that could happen? I will go there as Seamstress. I won’t even appear in person. Right, Trixx?”
“You can count on it.” The fox kwami grinned.
“But… but…” Tikki wanted to scream her head off. Why did the previous guardian choose a juvenile criminal for her holder. Marinette used to be such a sweet girl. Where did Tikki go wrong?
It was dark when an eerie mist filled one of the less-than-legal clubs in Burnley. From among the smoke, a figure entered. She was wearing a godet-type black dress with a side-cut that reached to her belt. The dress was overlayed with a very visible deep-blue corset that pronounced her blue eyes. It had some intricate laces on it. She also wore a puffy-sleeved blazer (also black, but with a dark blue finish) with large and very pronounced cuffs. Around her neck was a white double jabot fixed to a choker with a large black gem surrounded by diamonds. Her long deep-blue hair was let loose and hung over her shoulder. A simple black-and-white domino mask hid her features.
As she marched, one of her legs shifted the fabric to reveal she was wearing dark-blue socks reaching above her knee and black leather boots. A knife was strapped to the right one and several leather strips around her thigh and knee suggested she had more weapons on her. 
One of the men whistled.
“Looks like the entertainment arrived, boys!” Several cheered at that shout. At least until the man who dared to say it ended pinned to a wall with a rather large needle holding his jacket in place. It was also uncomfortably close to his jugular. 
“I’m not entertainment.” The Seamstress hissed. 
“Then you’re not invited.” Several men got up, many were holding now-empty bottled which they turned into impromptu weapons. 
“You will help me find what was taken from me.” She demanded.
“Yeah? Or?” One of the men laughed before charging at her. 
What followed next was perhaps the strangest carnage Gotham City has seen in years. The Seamstress danced between the attacks with almost unnatural grace and agility while stabbing the attackers in various places with large needles. None of the hits were life-threatening and most would heal within hours. The wounds were meant to incapacitate with minimal long-term damage.
By the time she reached the far end of the bar, almost every man was laid out on the ground groaning in pain or scrambling in fear.
“I am not asking. You will be rewarded for your obedience.” She then disappeared into the back alley. One brave/foolish enough who still had some fight left rushed after her, only to find the place completely empty. 
On the rooftop, Marinette let out her breath. She didn’t use any miraculous for that one, but she kept Plagg’s ring on. Chat Noir wasn’t seen in some time, so it would’ve been easier to explain that the ring was stolen by a criminal. She would really need to thank her mother for all the training she forced on her ever since the Akumas started to appear, as well as the lessons during her childhood. Those were all only the most basic grunts tonight, but she got their attention. One of them would run to their boss. There, she could actually do what she planned. 
Just like she predicted, some of the less injured guys left the bar in hurry and drove their bikes to another part of the district. They disappeared into a three-story building. The windows were boarded, but some light seeped through on the top floor, so that is where she climbed. Indeed, by hanging on the edge of the window sill, she was able to hear the panicked screams inside.
“...and then she just disappeared! It was like that damn Bat, only much more terrifying. She was so small, and yet there was this… this… aura of power.”
Thank you Chloe for being queen B. Marinette stifled a laugh. Mimicking Chloe was the right choice. 
“Probably another one of his useless brats.” The boss dismissed them. Marinette decided that it would make the best impression if she contradicted him right now.
She wondered for a moment how to enter the armored building. She could rip the boards away and enter that way, but she was aiming for ethereal, not brute. In the end, she pulled a pair of glasses and put them over her mask. 
“Kaalki. Would you please help me break into headquarters of a criminal organization to scare them into serving me?”
“How many sugar cubes is it worth?”
“Ten. No more, no less.” Marinette had a small window of opportunity. 
“You’ve got a deal.” 
“Kaalki! Full gallop!” The light enveloped Marinette. When it died down, she was still in her outfit, only now the blue accents were brown instead. The gem on her neck held the symbol of a horse miraculous. “I love magical clothes. So easy to maintain the image.” Marinette muttered before a blue portal opened before her and she entered.
Inside, the five men (two who came to report, the boss, and his two guards) watched as the blue portal opened before them. The mist started to pour through it as well as through the boarded window. A figure calmly stepped inside.
“I didn’t expect the Gotham criminal organizations to be so… cliche.” She commented. Two needles sailed through the air and pinned the guards to the wall. Her horseshoe weapon waited patiently on her back should she need to use it.
“Who… who’re you?”
“Me? Oh. I’m The Seamstress. I had business in Gotham, but a fool dared to double-cross me. I need to find him.”
“Why… W-why shou-should w-we help… help you?” One of the guys from the bar asked.
“Oh. I’m not asking. I’m telling you that you’ll help me.” She informed. “I’m about to make you an offer you shouldn’t refuse.” 
The boss was now shaking. Damn city with its damn overpowered supervillains. They think they can simply run things as they want. First Red Hood took out most of the top brass of the underworld and then this? Working on his father’s farm was sounding more and more appealing. Then there was the shouldn’t. The reference to the classic movie was not lost, but she said shouldn’t. Not can’t. Once more he remembered how Red Hood took over. Submit, or die. This was the same. She clearly wouldn’t hesitate. He liked to think he could see those things. 
“I’m waiting.” The lady growled. “I’m not used to waiting.” Channeling Chloe is actually fun here. 
“Fine. You can have my seat. I’m going back to dad’s farm. Just let me go and you can have them.” The boss stood from his seat and motioned for her.
Marinette.exe is not responding. Do you want to execute the process? Not yet. 
She managed to keep enough cool to smile and take the seat, although she didn’t even register what was that. 
She would panic later. For now, tracking Adrien. “I need to find where Floyd Lawton, also called Deadshot, is hiding with my… asset.”
“It… I will see to it, Boss… lady.” One of the guys from the bar nodded very fast before rushing out of the room.
“I… will bring you the list of current assets.” One of the guards informed and walked somewhere. They were used to aggressive takeovers. This was their third. Boss change, guards remain. This was honestly the first time the previous boss managed to escape with his life. 
Meanwhile, Marinette finally realized what just happened. She really wanted to hit her head on the desk, but she was too afraid to show any signs of weakness. Why did she end up in this mess again?
Sabine Cheng was waiting for her plane back when an airport guard approached her.
“Lady Cheng?” Sabine’s blood froze for a moment, but she refused to show any outward reaction at her past codename. “There is a man who wishes to discuss some… past debts.”
Damn it. And here she thought that bald bastard would forget about her. He had several more suitable people. He knew the risks of angering her.
Then again, she knew not to anger him either.
“Lead the way.” Her face was stone cold as she stood up. 
Inside a comfortable private lodge sat a blad man in a suit more expensive than the yearly revenue of her bakery. 
“Ah… Lady Cheng. I’m so happy you could’ve joined us.”
Sabine looked around and noticed that there was another man there, standing slightly in the shadows. A man she came to despise just as much as Luthor. Standing there was Gabriel Agreste.
“I can’t return the pleasure, Luthor.” She snarled, not letting her gaze drop from Agreste.
“Figured you’d say that.” The billionaire laughed. “But it doesn’t change that you came.”
“Be quick. I’ve got a plane to catch.”
“About that.” Lex smiled. “I’m afraid you won’t be on that plane. I need you to do something for me.”
“Sadly, my calendar is full for the foreseeable future.” She retorted coldly.
“Then you will clean it. Unless that is, you want me to tell my good friend the president about your little assignment for me twenty years ago. If I recall, your pardon didn’t cover that particular crime.” The man chuckled.
The only upside of this whole situation to Sabine was that Agreste finally realized exactly who she was. Or at least how dangerous she was. The deal she made ensured that Lady Cheng disappeared from everywhere but some people’s memory. To her dismay, Lex didn’t forget. And he still had that damning evidence.
She also knew exactly what was the job.
“I don’t do jobs involving kids, Luthor.” She seethed through gritted teeth. It wouldn’t matter, but she hoped it would at least give him a pause.
“Adrien Agreste was about to be married. I think that can calm your conscience. He was all but adult.” That despicable man dismissed her concern, as she predicted.
“I’m a little rusty. Don’t you have someone younger? Someone who would actually want to do this?” Sabine deadpanned. She kept true to the deal she made for her and her husband’s pardon and didn’t do any… extracurricular work.
“Alas, the fact you’re unwilling is why I need you. You see, the client, whoever they are, picked Agreste Jr. as a target in a… battle royale of sorts. It quickly stopped being about the ludicrous money reward. It’s now about proving who’s the best. And they won’t stop until they deliver him to that mysterious Seamstress.”
“So what do you want? I’m sure you could’ve bought some of them to drop the glory part.” She really didn’t want to do this.
“I offered to pay five times the price, but most of the competent ones want a shot at whatever that job is. A mysterious benefactor with no history, nonexistent in any database in the world, paying a small fortune for a simple job and offering further work? Doesn’t it sound familiar?” Lex reclined in his chair and smiled.
“One job only. I want everything you have on me. And ten times the bounty.” She noted his discomfort. “Don’t give me that look, Luthor. You can afford it. My daughter’s about to start a university.” Sabine turned to Gabriel. “I must thank you for the idea. Homeschooling really helps when one is gifted.”
“I’m sure we can come to an agreement,” Lex grumbled. If he didn’t know the quality of her works, he would’ve laughed at the price. Except he foolishly revealed that he was desperate.
“Oh, I’m sure we can.” Sabine smiled. She was like a cat that just caught a mouse.
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astrognossienne · 3 years
scandalous icon: lena horne - an analysis
“My identity is very clear to me now. I am a black woman, I'm not alone, I'm free. I no longer have to be a credit, I don't have to be a symbol to anybody, I don't have to be a first to anybody. I don't have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I'd become. I'm me, and I'm like nobody else.” -  Lena Horne
Ethereal. Tormented. Tough as nails. MGM signed her to a long-term contract, the likes of which no one of colour in Hollywood had ever known. In the black community, all eyes were on her. Throughout her dazzling decades-long career, Lena Horne was not only one of the most beautiful and glamorous entertainers, black or white, that ever lived, she was an outspoken voice against racism in Hollywood, the music business and even the military. A true Cancer, she rose above every blow that was dealt to her and did it with grace and grit. Unlike other beauty Dorothy Dandridge, she was no one’s victim. She was an inspiring trailblazer and as beautiful as she was, she didn’t take any shit; they say when Lena was angry she was even more beautiful, if that is possible. As a sex symbol of uncommon refinement, he revolutionized the Negro persona in Hollywood. She would evolve from angelic Cotton Club ingenue into a civil rights icon and one of the most dynamic, fiery performers of her generation. Even as she faced appalling racism, the always brave, always searching Horne would inspire a generation of performers—while never quite finding what she was after. Horne not only rose above it all, but also significantly contributed to changing the situation. The velvet-voiced, multi-talented Horne first negotiated, and then resisted, the worst that a racist entertainment industry could throw at her. She rose to its summit as an original creative artist and a free woman whose style, beauty, eloquence and independence made her a role model for millions.
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Lena Horne, according to astrotheme, was a Cancer sun and Scorpio moon. Born in Brooklyn in 1917, to father Edwin Fletcher "Teddy" Horne Jr., who was a numbers kingpin in the gambling trade. He left the family when she was three years old and moved to an upper-middle-class African American community in the Hill District community of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her mother, Edna Louise Scottron, was a niece of inventor Samuel R. Scottron. She was an actress with a black theatre troupe and traveled extensively. Both sides of her family were of African American ancestry. She belonged to the upper stratum of middle-class, well-educated black people, and was reportedly descended from the John C. Calhoun family. Edna's maternal grandmother, Amelie Louise Ashton, was from modern Senegal. Horne was raised mainly by her grandparents, Cora Calhoun and Edwin Horne. Horne briefly moved to Atlanta with her mother; they returned to New York when Horne was twelve years old, after which Horne attended St Peter Claver School in Brooklyn. As a child, Horne traveled with her sometime-actor mother, searching for work on the tent shows and vaudeville circuit in the 1920s. The troupe she was with had to run from a small town in Florida in which a lynching had just occurred. At 16, having dropped out of high school in the fall of 1933, Horne joined the chorus line of the Cotton Club in New York City. In the spring of 1934, she had a featured role in the Cotton Club Parade starring singing star Adelaide Hall, who took Lena under her wing. From 1935 to 1936 she was the principal vocalist with the all-black Noble Sissle Society Orchestra. But although she was beginning to sense the combination of storytelling, timing and sonorous power that would make her name as a vocalist, she briefly abandoned a musical career for domesticity in Pittsburgh, marrying Louis Jones at 19, and giving birth to two children, Gail and Teddy. She and Jones were divorced in 1944. Returning to the New York jazz scene, Horne followed Holiday into Greenwich Village's left-liberal Café Society club. She then went to Hollywood to play the Little Troc club, and was noticed there by the MGM music supervisor Roger Edens, who brought her to the film company as a potential singer and actor.
By the early 1940s, Walter White, the leader of the NAACP, was embarrassed that the two most successful blacks in film, Hattie McDaniel and Lincoln Perry, were reduced to playing maids and a character named Stepin Fetchit—“The Laziest Man in the World.” White believed Horne was going to transform the image of black America and prodded Hollywood executives to give her auditions. When a 25-year-old Horne told her wealthy father, Teddy, that Walter White, then head of the NAACP, was urging her to take a stab at Hollywood stardom in the early 1940s, this son of a serious, intellectual, activist family was less than impressed. Once in Los Angeles, Horne managed not to get typecast as a domestic worker. She was instead professionally courted by MGM boss Louis B. Mayer, and would initially heed Joan Crawford’s advice to kiss the mogul’s “big fat ass.” But her father would not kowtow to the studio king. On being told his daughter could play a film role as a maid, he informed the mogul that he could afford to hire his own maids and didn't need to have his daughter playing one. Mayer promised to never cast Lena as a maid or a “jungle maiden.” Horne’s mother, Edna—a failed actress who was extremely jealous of her increasingly famous daughter—descended on L.A. for a different purpose. She wanted a career like Lena’s—or else. If Lena didn’t cooperate, she would sell the press a story about a selfish girl who’d climbed to stardom on her mother’s shoulders, then tossed her aside. While her daughter could not make her a star, she could pay her mother off and worked out a solution with a lawyer.
The comely Horne soon had loads of would-be suitors clamoring for her time; she became a favourite pin-up among black servicemen during WWII, but would nonetheless refuse to perform on wartime tours in which black GIs were either excluded from the audience, or on occasion placed behind the German PoWs in the seating arrangements. Horne would reportedly date bandleaders Artie Shaw and Duke Ellington, as well as boxing champion Joe Louis, however, it was her 1940s relationship with the brilliant, bombastic Orson Welles that would stay on her mind for decades. She was crazy about him. In Welles, Horne found a fascinating renegade—and a charismatic supporter of civil rights. Welles found a complicated, somewhat unknowable beauty. Welles said of her:
“I did get the impression that she gave off sparks because she was deeply suspicious of the world. Her reactions to being in Hollywood, not being terribly well-treated, were all those of an essentially aristocratic nature.”
Their relationship eventually came to the attention of the racist gossip columnist Hedda Hopper, who confronted Welles with rumors of the romance, implicating that his career could be destroyed as a result of their interracial romance. I told her to go put her head in a bucket.” The filming of the groundbreaking 1943 MGM musical Cabin in the Sky was anything but heavenly. All through that picture, there was reportedly so much snarling and scrapping that it’s a wonder that the film got made in the first place. Allegedly, the main source of strife was the rage-filled star of the film, Ethel Waters. Various cast members were scared to death of her, branding her a rather evil woman. The legendary singer and actress cursed and belittled everyone in sight, before putting on a pious act for the press and the public. Of course, Waters’s main target was the promising, coddled Horne, whom Waters felt had stolen her own chance at movie stardom. Convinced that Horne was sleeping with director Vincente Minnelli, Waters would loudly accuse Horne of impropriety for all to hear. Things came to a head during rehearsal for the final ensemble sequence. Horne landed hard on her right foot, and then she fell. Co-star Eddie “Rochester” Anderson picked her up, then Minnelli rushed over, followed by a crowd of cast members. Horne had broken a bone in her ankle. The director turned around—and there stood Waters several feet away, arms folded like an all-controlling schoolmarm—as if she had prayed for it to happen...Waters was heard to say, “The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.” A year later, during a fraught recording session of “Stormy Weather,” Horne found herself unable to tap into the angsty emotion of the song. She found it after legendary band leader Cab Calloway leaned over and whispered two words in her ear: “Ethel Waters.”
Her friendship with fellow MGM siren Ava Gardner would be one of the most enduring of Horne’s life. Their similarities were that they never believed that the image they saw was what they really were...and they both had self-professed “big mouths”. The two would get loaded on martinis, dishing on work, romance and slights. Both of them felt ‘screwed’ by MGM: Horne for racial reasons, and Gardner for being liberated long before it became acceptable. Their bond would foster Horne’s lifelong feud with Ava’s ex, Frank Sinatra (who may have believed the two were lovers). It would also surmount the most famous heartbreak of Horne’s career—when she lost the role of the biracial beauty Julie in the film Show Boat to Gardner, due to racism. In 1947 she married the white pianist and arranger Lennie Hayton, but the delicate politics of the match led the couple to move to Paris for a while, and they avoided publicly announcing the marriage for three years. When they did, Horne was exposed to threats from both whites and blacks. This second marriage was an initially practical and convenient relationship that deepened significantly over its 24-year course. In 1960, Horne and her husband went to dinner at the Luau in Beverly Hills, a kitschy hot spot owned by Lana Turner’s ex-husband, Stephen Crane. Their evening was shattered by a drunk engineer named Harvey St. Vincent, who was angered that a waiter dared serve Horne first. “So that’s Lena Horne, huh?” he slurred. “Well, she’s just another black nigger...there ain’t nothing they can do for me.” Horne stood up for herself and told the man that she could hear what he was saying, and for him to stop. The belligerent man would not; he continued to bark hate speech at Horne. After decades of abuse and years as a peaceful civil rights leader, Horne was done. Trembling, she rose from her chair. Spying an ashtray filled with cigarette butts, she hurled it at his head. Then she grabbed a hurricane lamp and threw it with all her might, followed by another. St. Vincent sat there stunned, blood dripping from a gash above his left eye. Horne stared him down. She’d had enough. The next day, reporters crowded around Horne’s suite at the Ambassador. She said:
“I’m sorry he had to learn in such a violent manner that people don’t like to be insulted. But I don’t go for that stuff.”
The next decade was overshadowed by tragedy – between 1970 and 1971, Horne's father died, her husband died of a heart attack and her son Teddy died of a kidney ailment. Horne worked little until her appearance as Glinda, the Good Witch, in The Wiz (1978), the all-black version of The Wizard of Oz. In 1980, Horne received an honorary doctorate from Howard University. By 1981, the momentum of Horne's artistic career had returned to something like its old drive. An autobiographical one-woman show, Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music, opened on Broadway, ran for over a year and then toured internationally. It brought her a raft of prizes, including a Tony award and two Grammys. In 1984, Horne was presented with the Kennedy Center Honors for her lifetime of achievement and contributions to American culture. By the end of the 1980s, she was curtailing her public appearances. Horne made her final concert appearances, at New York's Carnegie Hall, during this period. When her old friend Gardner died in 1990, Lena was devastated. “How dare she go, too?” asked Horne. “She left me. She had a nerve dying”. She spent the new millennium in seclusion, and on May 9, 2010, Lena Horne passed away at the age of 92. After years of swallowing her anger and riding with the punches, she went out as she lived: on her own terms.
Next, I’ll talk about a onetime paramour of Lena’s, a musical genius whose compositions defined big band jazz: Taurus Duke Ellington.
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birthdate: June 30, 1917
major planets:
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Scorpio
Rising: Aries
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Cancer
Mars: Gemini
Midheaven: Capricorn
Jupiter: Gemini
Saturn: Libra
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Leo
Pluto: Cancer
Overall personality snapshot: She was brooding emotion incarnate, very subjective in her outlook, a trifle overprotective and suspicious, and fully confident that her intellect and perceptive powers would enable her to make rapid progress on the upward path. Tenacious determination to prove herself and secure the dignity and position she felt she merited made her often appear formidable, proud and haughty. But whilst she was capable of going great lengths not only to survive but to win, there really was not an unkind cell in her body. She genuinely cared about her world and the people in it, and her humanity was strong and potent, reaching out to help and transform the darker corners of human existence. If she was part of the establishment she would defend it to the death. If she was an outsider she would attempt to probe into every social assumption and reveal the truth behind the façade, the mysterious behind every commonplace occurrence. The secret and emotional were everything. She loved suspense and mystery, and was drawn to understanding and grappling with the dark side of life, the inordinate and the ugly, in order to see the redeemable, transforming spark of life that lies behind it.
Deeply fascinated by what makes people tick, she had something of the detective and the psychoanalyst in her, which could manifest powerfully in medical or psychological work. But even if she did not have a career, a part of her would always be preoccupied with hidden realities and creatures from ‘inner space’. She guarded her own inner space with great vigilance, and she likewise respected other people’s privacy. She truly came alive, however, when she had been entrusted with a secret or given a search warrant to look inside a troubled mind (or bank account). All her analytical powers became concentrated and uplifted by her reverential, single-minded, determined attitude to discover the truth. She was unafraid of the dark and undaunted by the truth. She worked in a healing profession, and she brought a genuine caring concern and gentle intensity to those ailing in a psychotic underworld. She contributed the love and wisdom of the tender mother together with the exacting discipline of the doctor or policewoman. Under her scrutiny and guardianship all her creative projects would have flourished, whatever they may have been. She had the temperament of a fanatic (as do most outstanding artists!) so she needed to try to loosen up a bit and learn to let go.
She had a sturdy, muscular frame with a lively, attractive energetic face. She had intense and direct eye contact with others, and may well have been told off for staring at people as a child because of this. She was probably of medium height and could show amazing feats of strength when necessary. She met life in a straightforward and energetic manner. Collecting knowledge and communicating played a great part in her life, because she needed mental stimulation. Her clear logical mind loved to debate, although her opinions were changeable. She was intensely curious and had good reasoning powers. She was a talker. At her worst, she was prone to ceaseless chatter and was more talk than action. She sought knowledge but was easily attracted by anything new and interesting on the horizon. She needed her career to be strong, solid and enduring. She knew that she must work hard to achieve the status and respect that she desired, and although there may well have been obstacles in her path, her dedication and step-by-step progress led to success. She was a mentally restless person, both versatile and broad-minded. She experienced personal growth through analysis and using her intellect, although the collection and communication of facts may be an end within itself. She tended to dabble in many areas of knowledge, building up an extraordinarily varied store of information, rarely specializing in one area. She believed that fair play, justice, tact and diplomacy were all extremely important. Her reasonable outlook and kind and pleasant character endeared her to others. She liked to encourage social contacts that enhanced her image. She was meant to learn a lot from relationships in her life through the way she handled them, and through issues of compromise. As long as she felt secure within herself, a partnership brought her much happiness, stability and contentment.
She belonged to a generation that could be unpredictable in that it liked to instigate change simply for the sake of shaking things up and providing stimulation. Humanitarian ideals became extremely important, as well as the belief in absolute freedom for every individual. She came up with radical new ideas which she stubbornly followed. She was part of a very artistically talented and creative generation that wanted to escape from the demands of the world around them into a world of excitement and glamour. Members of this generation loved the theater and the cinema, in fact, any sort of creative self-expression. They also believed in the rights of any individual to express themselves. This generation was both idealistic and romantic, selfish and individualistic. Horne embodied all of these Leo Neptunian ideals. Also, as a member of the Leo Neptune generation, she experienced and fully embraced changes in sexual mores and attitudes, changing the way people approach the whole issue of romantic relationships. Changes were also experienced in the relationships between parents and children, with the ties becoming looser. Was part of a generation known for its devastating social upheavals concerning home and family. The whole general pattern of family life experiences enormous changes and upheavals; as a Cancer Plutonian, this aspect is highlighted with Horne having a stage mother who was extremely jealous of and competitive with her daughter.
Love/sex life: She was one of the luckiest lovers. Not only was she supremely knowledgeable about sex and a cool master of all the games associated with flirtation and love but she also had an emotional sensitivity, a quality of vulnerability and a capacity of empathy that added up to devastating sex appeal. This made her a lover who was very much in demand and, if she was so inclined, gave her almost unlimited access to recreational sex. Unfortunately, this combination of an intellectual approach to passion and a passionate approach to sex also made her a very unpredictable, irrational and complex lover; so complex, in fact, that even she couldn’t be sure what it was she really wanted. Her problem was that there were moments when sex was just a game to her, a game that she knew very well, and then there were other times when she responded to her partner with an emotional need that was over-whelming and completely beyond her rational control. There were moments when she could seem cold-hearted and manipulative and other times when her need for her lover was so immediate and visceral that it almost becomes an obsession. At her best, she learned how to combine her strengths and used her smooth, Martian Gemini skill to find and hold the emotional security she so desperately needed. At her worse she remained the glib and skillful player who won at every romantic game except the one that counted.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Capricorn
Lilith: Leo
Vertex: Libra
Fortune: Scorpio
East Point: Aries
Her North Node in Capricorn dictated that she needed to develop the more caring and compassionate side to her personality and try to place less emphasis on the materialistic aspects of her life. Her Lilith in Leo dictated that she was the ultimate diva whose creative output, talents, and pure raw chutzpah worked like a magic spell. She was a trail-blazing game changer. She was a true performer; her work was immortal and her one true love was her art. She was magical, outrageously talented, and adored. Her Vertex in Libra, 6th house dictated that she longed for a union of souls that was based on a model of pure peace and justice. Images come to mind of a mythical life on Venus, the planet of love, where there is never a discordant beat between lovers, but rather, continual harmony even if played in the minor chords. Physical lust was certainly a necessary aspect of two beings eternally intertwined, but the platonic component far outweighed it in importance for her. She had an attitude of duty, obligation and sacrifice when it came to heartfelt interactions. The negative side was the tendency to become hypochondriacal or martyristic to get the love she so desperately wanted. There was a need for others to appreciate the sincerity of her intentions, to the daily tasks she executed in a conscientious and caring way and for others to know that her actions, no matter how routine they may seem, were based on devoted love.
Her Part of Fortune in Scorpio and Part of Spirit in Taurus dictated that her destiny lay in cultivating ambition and power as she fearlessly delved into the unknown. She attempted to use her power wisely. Her joy was found by stripping away the outer layers of experiences and getting to the core. No plan or plot was too complex to use in her pursuit of happiness and success. Her soul’s purpose asked her to create and comfort for herself and those around her. She felt spiritual connections and the spark of the divine in the tangible things around her—what she could taste, touch, smell, see and hear. East Point in Aries dictated that she was was more likely to identify with the need to be free, independent, on her own, expressing when, where, how she wished. She needed to learn to balance her need for freedom with her need for closeness, and she needed to move towards a comfortable blend: she did not have all the power; other parties didn’t have all the power. Sometimes she got her way; sometimes they got their way.
elemental dominance:
She had high sensitivity and elevation through feelings. Her heart and her emotions were her driving forces, and she couldn’t do anything on  earth if she didn’t feel a strong effective charge. She needed to love in   order to understand, and to feel in order to take action, which caused  a certain vulnerability which she should (and often did) fight against. She was communicative, quick and mentally agile, and she liked to stir things up. She was likely a havoc-seeker on some level. She was oriented more toward thinking than feeling. She carried information and the seeds of ideas. Out of balance, she lived in her head and could be insensitive to the feelings of others. But at her best, she helped others form connections in all spheres of their daily lives.
modality dominance:
She was happiest when she was doing anything new, and she loved to begin new ventures. She enjoyed the challenge of claiming territory. She tended to be an initiator—and a bit territorial as well. Also, she had a tendency to start more things than she could possibly finish.              
house dominants:
The domestic arena and the home were emphasized in her life. By extension, the influence of the family she was born into, and the parents that raised her, in particular her father, as well as her personal and private life was of paramount importance to her. Short journeys, traveling within her own country were themes throughout her life; her immediate environment, and relationships with her siblings, neighbours and friends were of importance. The way her mental processes operated, as well as the manner and style in which she communicated was emphasized in her life. As such, much was revealed about her schooling and childhood and adolescence. Her life had an emphasis on creativity and self-expression. This included new beginnings; in fact, it included any way in which her creativity manifested itself. It showed how she was special and stood out. Also indicated an emphasis on leisure activities and holidays, gambling and speculation, romance and courtship, entertainment, sport, and sex.  
planet dominants:
She brought about complete and profound transformations in her life, good or bad. She felt the need to let go of what was familiar to her and accept new and different ways of being and doing things. There were areas in her life where she had to accept regeneration, which involved the destruction of the old and the creation of the new. She had vitality and creativity, as well as a strong ego and was authoritarian and powerful. She likely had strong leadership qualities, she definitely knew who she was, and she had tremendous will. She met challenges and believed in expanding her life. She believed and practiced dynamic expression. She was intelligent, mentally quick, and had excellent verbal acuity. She dealt in terms of logic and reasoning. It was likely that she was left-brained. She was restless, craved movement, newness, and the bright hope of undiscovered terrains.
sign dominants:
At first meeting, she seemed enigmatic, elusive. She needed roots, a place or even a state of  mind that she could call her own. She needed a safe harbor, a refuge in which to retreat for solitude. She was generally gentle and kind, unless he was hurt. Then she could become vindictive and sharp-spoken. She was affectionate, passionate, and even possessive at times. She was intuitive and was perhaps even psychic. Experience flowed through her emotionally. She was often moody and always changeable; her interests and social circles shifted constantly. She was emotion distilled into its purest form. She ventured out to see what else was there and seized upon new ideas that will expand their communities. Her innate curiosity kept her on the move. She used her rational, intellectual mind to explore and understand her personal world. She needed to answer the single burning question in her mind: why? This applied to most facets of her life, from the personal to the impersonal. This need to know sent her off to foreign countries, where her need to explore other cultures and traditions ranked high. She was changeable and often moody. This meant that she was often at odds with herself—the mind demanding one thing, the heart demanding the opposite. To someone else, this internal conflict often manifested as two very different people. She was a physically oriented individual who took pride in her body. She was bold, courageous, and resourceful. She always seemed to know what she believed, what she wanted from life, and where she was going. She could be dynamic and aggressive (sometimes, to a fault) in pursuing her goals—whatever they might be. Could be argumentative, lacked tact, and had a bad temper. On the other hand, her anger rarely lasted long, and she could be warm and loving with those she cared about.  
Read more about her under the cut.
Lena Calhoun Horne was born June 30, 1917, in Brooklyn, New York. In her biography she stated that, on the day she was born, her father was in the midst of a card game trying to get money to pay the hospital costs. Her parents divorced while she was still a toddler. Her mother left later in order to find work as an actress and Lena was left in the care of her grandparents. When she was seven, her mother returned and the two traveled around the state which meant that Lena was enrolled in numerous schools. For a time she also attended schools in Florida, Georgia and Ohio. Later she returned to Brooklyn. Lena quit school when she was 14 and got her first stage job at 16 dancing and later singing at the famed Cotton Club in Harlem, a renowned theater in which black performers played before white audiences immortalized in The Cotton Club (1984)). She was in good hands at the club, especially when people such as Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington took her under their wings and helped her over the rough spots. Before long, her talent resulted in her playing before packed houses. If Lena had never made a movie, her music career would have been enough to have ensured her legendary status in the entertainment industry, but films were icing on the cake. After she made an appearance on Broadway, Hollywood came calling. At 21 years of age, Lena made her first film, The Duke Is Tops (1938). It would be four more years before she appeared in another, Panama Hattie (1942), playing a singer in a nightclub. By now Lena had signed with MGM but, unfortunately for her, the pictures were shot so that her scenes could be cut out when they were shown in the South since most theaters in the South refused to show films that portrayed blacks in anything other than subservient roles to whites. Most movie studios did not want to take a chance on losing that particular source of revenue. Lena did not want to appear in those kinds of stereotyped roles and who could blame her? In 1943, MGM loaned Lena to 20th Century-Fox to play the role of Selina Rogers in the all-black musical Stormy Weather (1943), which did extremely well at the box office. Her rendition of the title song became a major hit on the musical charts. In 1943, she appeared in Cabin in the Sky (1943), regarded by many as one of the finest performances of her career. She played Georgia Brown opposite Ethel Waters and Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson in the all black production. Rumors were rampant that she and Waters just did not get along well, although there was never any mention of the source of the alleged friction. However, that was not the only feud on that picture. Other cast members sniped at one another and it was a wonder the film was made at all. Regardless of the hostilities, the movie was released to very good reviews from the ever tough critics. It went a long way in showing the depth of the talent that existed among black performers in Hollywood, especially Lena. Lena's musical career flourished, but her movie career stagnated. Minor roles in films such as Boogie-Woogie Dream (1944), Words and Music (1948) and Mantan Messes Up (1946) did little to advance her film career, due mainly to the ingrained racist attitudes of the time. Even at the height of Lena's musical career, she was often denied rooms at the very hotels in which she performed because they would not let blacks stay there. After Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956), Lena left films to concentrate on music and the stage. She returned in 1969 as Claire Quintana in Death of a Gunfighter (1969). Nine years later, she returned to the screen again in the all black musical The Wiz (1978) where she played Glinda the Good Witch. Although that was her last big-screen appearance, she stayed busy in television appearing in A Century of Women (1994) and That's Entertainment! III (1994). Had it not been for the prevailing racial attitudes during the time when Lena was just starting her career, it's fair to say that it would have been much bigger and come much sooner. Even taking those factors into account, Lena Horne is still one of the most respected, talented and beautiful performers of all time. (x)
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Prompt: Just some good old fluff with Finny boy
Word Count: Long, bitch! So fucking long
Pairings: Finn Bálor x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut (implied)
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic , @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @yungbludjazz360 , @starwithaheart
Notes: Found this in an old file (wrote this about two years ago, maybe?) But I kinda like this little story ❤️ If you’d like to check out my previous works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
A deep sigh of relief left my lips as I brushed my damp hair. I heard a commotion in the living room, and began to dread the potential fight I would have to break up between a four and six year-old over a remote control.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy!” Caleb screamed in excitement, while bursting through my bedroom door like a maniac
“You’ll never believe who’s downstairs with us” He jumped with a cheeky smile
“Cal, who’s downstairs?” I ask worryingly, instinctively reaching for the gun that I kept in my nightstand
Caleb laughed and ran downstairs again.
As a homicide detective, my cop instincts combined with my motherly instincts took over me and I ran to the living room in only a tank top and panties, with my gun already aimed to shoot.
Although, the last person I thought I would see standing there, braiding my daughter Maeve’s hair in a style reminiscent of queen Elsa, and watching Caleb showing off his somersault technique was HIM…
That caught me off guard and he must have sensed it, because the first thing he did was look up.
“Hi” He said shyly
“What are you doing here, Finn?” I asked, putting my gun down on the dinner table
“I swear I didn’t break in” He laughed, attempting a joke
“What do you want?” I decided to ignore the small talk...there was no need for that, not after everything he did
“I have an injury. So I have some time off for a while and I wanted to stop by to see the kids and you” He whispered the last part
“Injury, huh? Is it bad?”
Even after everything he did, I couldn’t help but worry about his well being, you know, for the kids sake!...
Ok fine, I still love him, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“No, nothing serious. But I got two months off and I was excited to see my family” He looked at me when he said that
“Are you going to see your parents?”
“Yeah and I was thinking if it would be ok with you if I take the kids with me?”
“Of course! Why would I mind?”
His family was always very loving and kind to me, and we became very close once the kids were born. Sometimes I would take them to Ireland on my vacation so they could see their grandparents or they would travel to New York so they could see the kids.
“Because of...you know” He trailed off
“Neither your family or the kids have anything to do with that. I’m a grown woman, Finn. I know how to separate the sheep from the goat, ok?!”
I could feel the air becoming thicker with the tension, until Maeve said
“Mommy, why aren’t you wearing any pants? Are you feeling hot? I can get you the Japanese hand fan daddy gave it to me, if you’d like” She smiled
“Thank you buttercup, but that won’t be necessary. I’ll be right back”
Now, properly dressed, I made my way towards the kitchen to get dinner ready.
“Do you need any help?” Finn asked from behind me
“No, thank you. You can go stay with the kids” I didn’t even bother to turn around to face him
“Y/N, can we talk?”
I sighed “There’s nothing worth talking about, Finn”
“What can you possibly say that will change what happened? Nothing! It will be a bunch of empty sorry’s and excuses, so let’s just save it, ok?!”
“It’s not empty, I truly am sorry”
“You should’ve thought that before you believed the bunch of lies she told you”
He opened his mouth to say something but Caleb began calling for him to go watch the cartoons with them.
“Mommy, can daddy have dinner with us?” Maeve asked
“Of course, pumpkin. If he would like to”
“Yay” She screams “Daddy, come!” She beckoned him
The subjects of conversation at dinner were mostly controlled by the kids. They, as per usual, asked me how many bad people I had taken down that day, but also asked Finn about his traveling, which state or city he liked the most, the best foods he’d eaten, which LEGO set was he building, if the hotel beds were soft and ‘what about the blankets?’
“Alright, I know you two are very excited to see daddy, but we need to brush those teeth! So, let’s go kiddos” I got up from my chair
“I’ll do it” He grabbed both kids, resting one on each side of his hip and went up to brush their teeth
When he came back down alone, I give him a questioning look
“They’re asleep” He smiled softly
“Oh, you already put them down for bed?! Thank you” I said, cleaning the kitchen island.
He nodded “I just didn’t bathe them because they said you already did”
“Yeah, that’s the first thing I do when I get home. Or my mom does it for me if I get caught up in a case, but most of the time I do it”
“How’s work?” He asked, sitting down on one of the high benches.
“Good, Richard is my superior again, so he helps me a lot with my shifts, because of the kids” I smiled
“The old man is still working?” He laughed, amused
“Yeah, he already said he will only leave his badge when he’s dead” I cackled “How’s road life? Amazing, I presume”
“Nah, don’t let the bright lights fool ya” He laughed, bitterly “I love wrestling, being in the ring, performing for the audience, but once I pass through the curtains backstage it gets lonely” A little bit of sadness could be heard in his voice “It’s very lonely... it’s different from when I came back home to you and the kids. Now I just get back to an empty apartment, wishing I could get back home” He looks at me
“Finn, please”
“I love you! Why can’t we just try again?”
“Because no!”
“Why?” He pleaded
“Because you don’t know what it was like ok?! You don’t know how much it hurt me, the things you said, the fact that you believed some envious woman’s gossip about me having an affair with Lucas! He’s married for fuck’s sake! To a man!”
“I- I didn’t knew Lucas was gay, Y/N”
“Yeah, you didn’t! And why is that? Oh yeah, because you did not trust your own wife, all you saw was the fact that he is a man and my work partner so you just bought the assumption that woman sold you, choosing to believe her instead of me!”
“It wasn’t like that, ok?” He tried to explain
“It wasn’t like that, you say? When you were the one who came in here filled with accusations! Saying that I had an affair with him, that I cheated on you, that you wished you would’ve slept with half of the women who throw themselves at you everyday, doubting that those kids upstairs are yours, when they’re the fucking spitting image of you! You said all those horrible things, Finn. Not me!”
He stared at his knuckles as I continued, now crying
“How do you think that made me feel? To listen from my own husband how much he wished he had cheated on me. Bragging about all of the hot young women who are waiting to be fucked by a wrestler...You know it was always hard for me to accept that you wanted me and not some hot girl in the locker room, that you had chosen me, that I got lucky enough to not only marry a man who’s physically breathtaking but also such a beautiful person on the inside. And still, it was that same Prince Charming who became the frog! I never thought that” I had to stop myself from saying the next horrible words roaming through my mind
“You never thought that, what, Y/N?”
I shook my head
“Say it”
I shook my head again and he got up from the bench, coming to where I was standing
“Say it, love. I can take it”
“I don’t want to say it” I whispered as more tears rolled down my cheeks
“Shhh, it’s ok, love” Finn pulled my head to his chest “Please don’t cry, I hate when you cry” His arms are tightly locked around me, providing me the sense of comfort that only he could give. And I hated that!
“Let me go” I tried to push him away
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“Just don’t touch me” I said, shoving him away
He knew that I was closing him off, I could see it in his eyes
“Say it! You never thought that what?” He insisted, more forcefully this time
“I never thought that someday I would regret meeting you! Marrying you, starting a family with you. If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t!” I spat
“You wouldn’t?” He scooted closer
“No” I answered with venom in my voice, trying to turn my undying love for him into hatred
“But I would!” Finn said firmly
I shook my head in denial, as he cupped my cheeks in his calloused hands, making me look up to meet his blue eyes
“I would do it, all over again. Meeting you, dating you, marrying you, having kids with you, in the future seeing the kids graduate high school, college, be at their wedding, take our future grandkids to the park, and spend the rest of my life with you! I would choose you over and over and over again! I choose you everyday, Y/N”
I squeezed my eyes shut
“You’re lying! Stop lying, Finn” I whispered
“Am I though? Open your eyes and look at me. I was never able to hide ANYTHING from you, I can lie to anyone but you. You can always see through me, so just look at me and tell me if I’m lying. If I am, then I promise you, I’ll leave this house right now and you’ll never have to see me again! Just open your eyes” He kissed each closed eyelid
After a few minutes, I gathered the courage to finally look at him and I could only see love, regret, pain and truth.
“I love you Y/N and always will. Yes, I was dumb to listen to some random gossip and I’m paying the price for it, but the only thing I ask you is: please, don’t give up on us! I’ll give you whatever time you need, just promise me that we’ll fix it. That we’ll be together again...You, Caleb and Maeve are my life! I would die to save you in a blink, love. If I had to choose between your life or mine I would choose yours, becau-“
I placed two fingers on his lips
“Stop talking like that! You know I don’t like it. It attracts those bad vibes, you know?”
Finn lightly chuckled “But I mean it”
“Stop! I don’t like when you talk like that... I hate to think that something bad could ever happen to you. You know, because of the kids” I tried to hide my feelings
“And you wouldn’t miss me, not even a little bit?” He teased
“I miss you everyday” I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I just said
He smiled sweetly, leaning down to place sweet and innocent pecks all over my face.
Finn started on my forehead, then he went to my temples, followed by the cheekbones, apple’s of the cheek, jaw, chin, side of my lips. Finn pulled back to search for any resistance signs and when he found none, he kissed my lips. A lazy kiss, that grew more urgent by the minute.
“Fuck, I missed you so much” He moaned, now kissing my neck
“Finn, wait. Wait a minute” I tried to pull his head back by his hair but that only made him moan.
“Finn!” I said harshly, finally having his attention
“What’s wrong, love? Don’t you want it? I thought that-“
“Have you seen anyone since we broke up?” I asked, not even letting him finish his sentence
“We didn’t break up! You asked me for some time and-“
“Finn, just answer the fucking question please” I pleaded
“No, I haven’t been with anyone in those 8 months. Except for my hand when I look at your pictures” He smirked
“You’re so ridiculous” I whispered in relief as my arms circled his waist
“So...do you still want to make love?” He eagerly asked
“We never made love, Finny. We’ve always fucked senseless” I laughed
“No! We’ve always made love it’s just that we’re more frantic about it” He chuckled
“Ok, we sleep together and then what?” I asked
“Then you stay here and I go back to my apartment” He simply said
My heart sunk in my chest as a faint “Oh, ok” left my lips
“So I can pack my clothes and bring them back home” He said, as a devilish smile grew on his face “That’s of course, if you want me here”
“Asshole” I lightly punched his chest “I thought you just wanted a one night stand and that’s it. You scared me!”
Finn chuckled, beckoning me closer to him
“You could never be just a one night stand, love. You fuck too good to be just a one time thing” He winked
“So you just want me for my bedroom skills, huh?” I teased
“Yes and no” He giggled “Yes, because no other woman fucks like you do” He bit my neck, growling “And no, because there’s so much more about you than the bedroom” He hugged my waist “You’re my best friend, my nurturer, my supporter, the air that keeps me alive, my everything!” He kissed me passionately
“Can we try again? Start over and leave all that shit behind us?” He whispered
“If you promise me that if we get back together, you won’t listen to other people’s gossip and will come to me whenever you hear somethi-“
“Yes!” He pecked my lips excitedly, as a wide smile took over his face “I promise you, love! That’ll never happen again, you have my word!” He gave me a bear hug and spun me around the kitchen
“Finn!” I squealed, when we almost fell to the ground “We’re going to wake up the kids” I giggled
“Oh no, shhhh” He shut me up with a kiss “We can’t let that happen! Because as much as I love our children, I haven’t gotten any in eight months and I can’t wait to change that with you right now” He pushed us towards the couch and laid on top of me
“But I thought you were going to go and get your clothes”
“I don’t need clothes, woman! You know I like to sleep naked” He winked
And roamed his head down to...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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