#but i am still furious.
pocketramblr · 5 months
How dare they make me so angry that I don't even want to post the Tensaki fic I was so excited to start. I'm shaking. AhhhHHHHHHHH
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obsob · 5 months
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oooooooooough i love you i love you i love you!!!! hand in loving hand !!!!!!
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melancholic-pigeon · 5 months
Leftists on tumblr: listen to marginalized people about their own oppression
Jewish person: X thing is super antisemitic
Jewish person: here's an exhaustive list of sources going back thousands of years proving that X is antisemitic.
Leftists on tumblr: Doesn't count, colonizer!!!!!! /gets X tattooed on their forehead, puts an X bumper sticker on their car, calls people Genocide Supporters when they say "hey X is not allowed here because it's antisemitic"
Leftists on tumblr: "Why do Jews keep complaining about leftist antisemitism? I don't see it; it's clearly a distraction from talking about those Noble Savage Palestinians. Prove to me you're oppressed, X! X X X X!! CHANTS X FROM THE ROOFT0PS"
Jews: we don't super trust you guys not to call for our extermination, since you have repeatedly at every past opportunity
Leftists on tumblr: Look, I know antisemitism is annoying, but now is not the time to discuss blood libel when those Evil Jews are eating Palestinian babies!!! HASHTAG X
Jewish person: *rubs forehead as Turning from les mis plays in the background* (nothing changes, nothing ever can / round about the roundabout and back where you began)
Leftists on tumblr: "anyway discussions of antisemitism are a DISTRACTION. I am good person who is being very helpful and only hurting bad people who deserve it, like those filthy Jews— I mean zionists"
Leftists on tumblr: Why, oh why are people calling us antisemitic? 🥺
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sinfulsunni · 3 months
anyyywayyysss. totally unrelated to any previous posts or potential current WIPs (lie) I have a headcanon that izzy is like. ridiculously loud during sex. and I don’t just mean like, moaning and whimpering (which he does do) but like,,, have you heard how much that man swears? and how LOUD he can swear?? his unchallenged yelling prowess? you can NOT tell me that my man wouldn’t be the most noisy ass bottom alive in bed but in like the most aggressive way possible. if it almost sounds like he’s angry with you then you’re doing it right. just raging lustful screaming echoing for ten miles in every direction like “FUUUCKKKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK OH FUCKING SHIT - NGH - FUCK - DADDY - FUCK - JESUS FUCKING BALLS FUCKING HELL ED. 💖EDDIE ED EDEDEDDIEOHEDFUCK - NGHHH SHIT - AH-” etc etc you get the picture. the crew of the queen anne have never known a full nights sleep in their entire lives.
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
TVDu was all 'family is really important to the Mikaelsons, they have a whole saying about it' only to turn around and be like oh yeah that only applies to three of the siblings though !?! what!!?! how dare you!!
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yesdramas · 1 year
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#Runyu did nothing wrong ASHES OF LOVE 香蜜沉沉烬如霜 — 2018, dir. Chu Yui Bun
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buttercupshands · 1 month
wait a minute
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stop it.
#bnha#bnha manga spoilers#mha spoilers#mha 423#I didn't hate this chapter before that#but now I am#because this is just cruel level of REMEMBER THIS?????#yes. I do remember this. I rewatched and reread this arc VERY recently#so... he killed Kurogiri with a punch like the one he did in USJ and again to save Izuku#I don't care honestly.#I reread this chapter and I cried again bc I REALLY refused to believe that Kurogiri died then#but he did with a death words to Shirakumo's friends and recall of old chapters#even if people want Tenko alive I doubt that Kurogiri will ever materialize again#and I'm deadly serious when I say that this is the worst part of this chapter#I worried for Kurogiri's existence ever since it was revealed that Shirakumo is in there#but that literally took FIVE YEARS TO APPEAR AGAIN HAVING AN IMPORTANT ROLE#and he left while crumbling just like Tomura's body before Katsuki hit him#and the last thing he thought about was about protecting Tomura even though he was partly Shirakumo's dead corpse appearing more and more#even Mic now understood that it's really is him in a way ending his arc from back in Tartarus with Aizawa#and you know what's worse??? TOMURA KNOWS THIS#the way he used “...........” with Kurogiri's name while the page literally showed his black smoke disappearing was heartbreaking before#it's worse now#like... okay he's dying too and he doesn't even know if spinner is ALIVE or not and he saw Kurogiri disappear#all while protecting him from harm one last time#AND WE STILL HAVE NO FUCKING FLASHBACKS OF HIS TIME WITH TOMURA OUTSIDE OF WHAT WE HAD IN MANGA#I'm getting more and more furious by the minute HAHA#I need to find that one sketch I did way back in 2019 with them after spoilers of Kurogiri in Tartarus#I NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT NOW AND I CAN'T DRAW#I want to just curl up and cry myself to sleep like a 13 y.o that found out the bird that she looked after died while she was sleeping#kurogiri
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allmyandroids · 18 days
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Raymond Reddington
In Season 4 Episode 2 - Mato
#james spader#raymond reddington#the blacklist#reddington#red#raymond red reddington#blacklist#tbl#my screenshots#screenshot edit#photo edit#edit#OH GOD GUYS THIS EPISODE FUCKED WITH MY EMOTIONS#i mean fUCKING RAYMIND FUCKED WITH MY EMOTIONS FOR SHOOTING KAPLAN!!!!?!?!?!??!!????!?!?!??!?!!? I AM STILL FUCKING FURIOUS#i know she is still alive and is with some weird guy#BUT I ACTUALLY HAD A “FUN” THEORY SOME EPISODES PRIOR THAT KAPLAN WILL TURN AGAINST RED KXJKCJFK👀👀 WHAT IF THAT HAPPENS NOW OH GOD#BUT i also think that maybe she tries to either team up with that weird guy who helds her hostage or that she will either try to call Red#somehow to get help OR try to reach out to Tom and Lizzy and get help and if she does she helps Lizzy and Tom and slowly tells her more#about Red and whats happening#or she realy fully turns against Red as I once said “as a joke”#funny is that a lot of my theories i say as ajoke to my fandom friends actually turn to be right sooo i cnat wait to watch more eps tonight#and see what Kaplan will do oh god#also FUCK YOU RED YOU FUCKING SHIT ASSHOLE KAPLAN DEDICATED HER LIFE TO YOU AND YOU FUCKING SHOOT HER#i can kinda understand why red did that like 3% THE ITHER I JUST WANNA FUCKING PUNCH HIM ARGH#BUT ANOTHER THEORY OF MINE IS red is like a super soldier with his weapons imo and he could have EASILY shot her in the middle of her head..#so WHY SHOULD HE SHOOT HER “ONLY” AT THE SIDE OF HER HEAD?????! he could have easily realy killed her...or was he “unfocused”? what i cant#imagaine for Red handling a weapon#so maybe Red wanted to give her a chance?????#AAARGH DIS SHOW CONFUSED ME SO MUCH MAKING ME COME UP WITH THE WILDEST THEORIES#I LOVE IT
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frick-it-sugar-spice · 3 months
Alastor: Rosie is absolutely serving cunt today
Charlie: hey, Alastor, I understand.. excitement over learning new phrases but maybe don't say that in the middle of the lobby?
Alastor: What? Hang on, darling. Charlie what is it I'm on a call planning the cannibal picnic for this afternoon.
Charlie: 🧍‍♀️ ...
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pansyfemme · 4 months
i think this time of year is cursed
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stizzysupremacy · 7 months
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elftwink · 1 year
one major difference i have found between service industry work (in my case food service but this is widely applicable to similar jobs) and other public-facing positions is that the job itself is often very similar because people is the same, it's just in service everyone approaches you already thinking they're right and you're a fucking idiot and its their god given right to disrespect you, where in other positions even if they are not nice to you they usually acknowledge that you know more than them on issues pertaining to your job. like the difference in behaviour from people who see you as serving them vs helping them is unreal. i am doing literally the exact same things. customer is always right mentality did irreparable damage to the fabric of society
#good idea generator#i loveee the library front desk everyone is polite and people will just ask you anything#they assume so much knowledge and access to data#ill be like 'just one moment let me look that up in the system' [googles name of school + upcoming events]#also not in a mean way but i never realized until i worked here how little anybody is googling anything#i think its funny and i also love to google things for people so i am perfectly suited to this#and some questions even though they are googleable the issue is more that the person isnt totally sure what theyre asking#but like. the library hours are visible on the home page. and outside the building that you just walked into on a sign#PPL DO NOT READ SIGNS. i knew that from other jobs but good lord people do NOT even GLANCE at signs#ppl would fully walk past like 4 signs about a specific thing and proceed to ask me a q about the thing. after waiting in a line#constantly CONSTANTLY ppl are trying to enter or exit through locked doors. clambering over closed signs to do so#its someones job when the library closes specifically to point out the signs and direct ppl to an open exit#and still often people will get up to the automatic doors and be baffled and confused as to why they dont open#but like even this i dealt w/this at my food service job and it was so frustrating#bc when you had to confront these people they would get MAD AT YOU. furious that they didnt read a sign telling them where to line up#but at the library people are polite and apologetic so you know it's not malice or entitlement ppl are just kind of inattentive#monumental difference tbh i actually love front counter so much people are so fun#and i like it when nobody is actively trying to kill me with their mind while we speak
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Oh no… If Harry fails the red encyclopedia check on Kimball, and simply comes up with ‘Hey aren’t Seolites all good at pinball?’
Oh man. So. That stereotype is likely why a junior officer Kim was put on the pinball squad in the first place.
It’s crazy how much racism is presented in fridge logic form. It hits so hard. The shit this man puts up with every day of his life. I just wanna hug him.
Fun fact: look up Seolite in fayde. I’ve been breaking my own heart all morning lol. I was trying to figure out if there were inconsistencies in Kim’s telling of his own background. I keep getting a Feeling about it. He says his grandparents are from Seol, but that both his parents are half Seolite, also his father wasn’t in the picture, but *also* that his parents were killed in the revolution…so he didn’t know his mother either? And he says he’s only a quarter Seolite, but with two half parents, is that correct? In his position, I think I’d tell half-truths as well, or whatever I needed to say to get racists off my ass. It is canon that Kim messes with racists by playing into stereotypes, and bless him for it because he’s so damn funny about it.
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batwynn · 10 months
I really want to say something about the abuse of comic creators leading them to suffer and die young for so, so many reasons. But instead I will just send healing vibes out into the universe for Jeff Smith after his cardiac arrest, and hope that he knows that regardless of his life-changing work and the many number of people who are touched by his amazing creations who might want to tell him or meet him at comic cons. that his health should always, always come first. That healing and taking time to do so is the only priority.
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saintfaulkners · 29 days
one of my housemates is so fucking sensitive it turns me into a person I do not like
#like i always thought /i/ was 'overly' sensitive but my god. you cannot say ANYTHING around her#every little thing is too much for her everything is a trigger everything makes her tell you it wasn't okay for you to say around her or not#warning her about first like my sister in christ how the fuck should i have known this was a problem for you#maybe print out a trigger list and send it to all of us or something#but breathing is probably on there so#truly i hate how i sound i don't want to be like this but she's just playing the victim so severely it makes me aggressive it's like. primal#and I don't care when she flees from the room all the time when we're just having normal conversations because honestly I'm glad when she's#gone but she projects her issues onto everyone and everything around her like she cannot comprehend that maybe she has a fucking problem and#should maybe learn to deal with the fucking world#people aren't horrible for simply existing around you being themselves like. ny god it just makes me so furious#like i am AWARE that i have deficits; things that are easy for other people or come natural to them that i have issues with and that's fine#I'm learning to live in my way#and i can still love myself and not blame myself for having these problems without turning everyone around me and the whole fucking world#into the problem instead#i don't know if I'm even conveying what i mean#it's just this fucking victim complex that's driving me up the walls#she sees herself as so innocent and actually she's treating people like shit#man do i wish i could smoke about this
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sequentialprophet · 1 year
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Fave moments of Kentucky Chuck Taylor being very sexy(and my best guy getting his ass kicked real good)
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