#but i didnt even bother reading cuz they were
disgustinggf · 1 year
for someone claiming to hate SWers some of u spend too much time stalking us lmfao i cant imagine seeing boobs online and getting so mad
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m0nsterqzzz · 7 months
Cat's Out of the Bag La Rue
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pairing: Clarisse La Rue x reader
summary: Valentines Day rolls around, and what kind of girlfriend would Clarisse be if she didnt get you the only present you've been wanting?
a/n: i wrote like 5 fucking valentines day fics yesterday (one with natasha, one with wanda, one with clarisse, one with carol danvers, and one with katniss everdeen) yet this is the only one im posting and i kinda hate it. literally the shortest oneshot i've ever written. also, I'm literally a dog person writing about cats. what has life come to?
is this the worst thing i've ever written? yes. do i hate every other piece of written recently cuz im in writers block and haven't updated in like 3 weeks? also yes. im so done yall.
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With a baseball cap covering her head, tucking her curls against her head and being the best disguise she could come up with, Clarisse’s eyes dart all around the cab. It zooms through the streets of New York, making the child of Are’s slightly concerned for her and her siblings safety as they get honked out. The man driving seems like he’s barely paying attention to the road, but in the end it doesn’t really matter as long as they get to their destination. 
There are three children in the yellow car; Clarisse, her half brother Mark, and her half sister Ruby. They were the only ones who she could convince to come with her to town, past the safe bounds of camp half blood where nothing but their weapons can stop monsters from hunting and hurting them.
It’d be a lie to say Clarisse isn’t nervous, but she pushes the feeling down as she grips her spear tighter in her left hand. 
This is for you. She’s going into town and risking getting in trouble for the end result of seeing her favorite smile. Your smile. Her partner of one year. It may not seem like a very long time to some people, but you guys are demigods. It’s surprising you made it through the year without being killed by some horrible, ugly monster.
The car stops and the guy counts the large amount of money Mark hands him before telling them to get out of his cab. It may have annoyed the teenagers on any other day, but it doesn’t bother them too much since today is a special day.
“Why are we here?” Ruby asks, eyes scanning the area around them as if sure something is going to jump out at them. In the blonde haired girl's defense, it’s very possible something will.
Clarisse gestures to the small building in front of them. It’s run down and in desperate need of a paint job, but it doesn’t matter. That’s not what grabs the child of Ares attention. It’s the small animals chilling in their little spots inside the store. That’s what she’s here for.
The sign above the small colorful store reads, “Mike’s Animals”. Boring name, but gets the point across. She can already see the little animal she came here for when they walk through the door, the loud bell ringing from the action of opening it but no employee comes to help them. Clarisse lets her siblings stare in awe at the other animals for a few months before shoving towards a section near the back. The kitten section. You had been showing her a website on your phone a few days ago, one with a different selection of the small animals. The website was for Mike’s Animals, but you explained that even though you’d really like a cat, pets aren’t allowed in Camp Half Blood. It’s a rule.
Well you wanna know what Clarisse says about that? Screw rules. What her person want’s, her person gets.
So if the police ever come around, asking you why Clarisse shoved a black and white kitten into her brother's coat pocket and then made a run for it while the store manager chased after them, that’s what you have to say.
You're laying on your bed reading a book when your girlfriend walks in, a large box covered by a piece of fabric under one arm and a bouquet of flowers in her free hand. She ignores your siblings' gazes as she walks towards your space, setting down the box with a type of gentleness nobody in camp but you gets to see and then holding out the flowers.
They’re your favorite, clearly straight out of the flower fields by the slight glow they give off. They’re wrapped in a brown type of paper with a pink bow clearly down by one of the Aphrodite kids to hold it all together.
“Hey my love.” She starts. “These are for you.” You take the plants with a large grin on your face, bringing them closer to your face to smell the amazing natural scent coming from them. Something moves inside the box she sat on your bed, making you hold in a scream as you jump closer to your girlfriend and farther away from it. “What the hell is moving in that Clarisse?!” You ask, your siblings' attention all over you guys now.
Clarisse just laughs, but she seems slightly nervous as she puts the crate in your lap. “Just look. I hope you like it.” She continues to nervously ramble as you remove the cloth from the top of the box, letting out a small gasp when you see the small animal looking back at you with wide, curious blue eyes.
Your girlfriend stares as you gently pick him up, him instantly curling into your hold with a soft pur as you hold him close to your chest. “You um…you like him?” She asks with a small smile.
“Of course I do! He’s adorable, Risse!” She lets out a relieved sigh, laying down next to you as your siblings surround the bed trying to get a look at the animal. “You know Chiron will never let you keep that right?” One of your brothers asks with a laugh, and you frown as you look at your girlfriend.
She thinks about it for a moment before she says, “We’ll just hide him. He can lounge around the cabin while you’re gone, and you guys can hide him somewhere during cabin checks. Chiron will never know.”
Your siblings eventually leave you alone, going back to their acticicus as your two favorite beings cuddle up to you. Clarisse cuddles up next to your side, and the kitten on your stomach. “I really like you Oreo.” you whisper to the animal, making your girlfriend laugh. “Oreo? That’s the most original thing you could think of right?”
“Okay if you're so great at naming things, what should we name him?”
She goes quiet for a few seconds before mumbling in defeat, “I like Oreo.”
You guys enjoy the silence that surrounds just you guys as you pet Oreo, but then a small laugh comes from you when Clarisse gently grabs the cat and pulls him off your chest so she can lay her head there. “He’s been here for half an hour and you're already jealous?” “He was getting way too touchy. Mine.” She teases and then fakes an annoyed groan when he crawls onto her back and lays down, stretching himself out just to prove a point.
“Will you be my Valentine, my love?” She asks as she places her chin on your chest to look up at you. There's a certain softness in her eyes that you and only you get to see. In fact, it’s very, very rare you ever see the side everyone else talks about when they talk about Clarisse towards you. “You guys just don’t know her like I do.” You tell them. Not like they believe you, half of the camp still believing you somehow put a spell on her.
“Only if you’ll be mine.” You whisper back as if it’s a secret.
“Oh…this is awkward. I already agreed to be like ten other girls date.” Her voice is teasing as she tries and fails not to giggle.
“Is that so?” 
“Hm.” You fake being offended as you cross your arms over your chest and look away. She laughs, and the sound practically forces a smile on your face.
“I’m kidding. Only you, angel. I’m yours. Always.” 
“And I’m yours, Clarisse La Rue.” 
“And forever.”
There’s a knock on your cabin door, and you figure it’s another camper until a voice calls from the other side of the door, “Clarisse? I know you're in there. Your siblings told me where you went. Cat’s out of the bag La Rue.” Chiron says. Very terrible choice of words. She groans into your stomach, rolling off of you and successfully getting Oreo to jump off her back and onto the bed.
“Those little snitches.” She snarls as she gets up to open the door, making you instantly miss her warmth.
You place the cat under your sweater, giggling and then shoving his face back under when he crawls to put his head through the neck hole. Once she knows he’s covered, Clarisse opens the door. Chirons eyes fall to you, and it’s only then do you think about the fact that there is a giant Oreo shaped lump in your sweater.
All your siblings fall silent as they watch to see what’s gonna happen.
“Mac and cheese day am I right?” You try to joke with a nervous chuckle, but he doesn’t laugh. He just runs a hand over his face and then stares at you. “You know what? I don’t care. You find a way to feed him that isn’t taking resources from us, you make sure he doesn’t do any damage to the furniture, and you keep track of him at all times, you can keep him.”
You grin at him, letting the small animal out of your sweater who in turn lowly hisses at the sight of Chiron.
He groans, walking off as he mumbles something about needing a very long vacation. There's only so much of your girlfriend bending the rules to get you presents he can handle before he was bound to just accept it.
The cinatar leaves, your girlfriend flipping him off when he can’t see. He yells over his shoulder, “I know what you’re doing Clarisse! Stop it or no dessert!” 
She stops flipping him off. Next to you, chocolate cake is what she lives for.
That night, as you sit with Clarisse at the bonfire, she listens to you complain about how much you miss Oreo. Usually, you’d be too busy roasting marshmallows and cuddling with her to think about anything else, but your girlfriend doesn’t do anything other than smile, happy she made you so happy.
“So how’d you get him anyway? You don’t have that kind of money and there’s no way Chiron gave it to you.” You say, and she freezes in her spot on a log, slightly tightening her arms that are wrapped around your waist as she avoids your eyes.
“I stole him.” Her voice is slightly quieter than usual, and she says this in the most casual tone she can muster.
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preciadosbass · 2 months
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woke up at 10 and had my breakfast [blehh] while looking at r/scene. also, heard about and saw the GERARD WAY SIGHTING??? RAA I LITERALLY WENT FERAL. HES SO COOL — my dad immediately started talking about my ARFID appointment today and i said that i didn’t know whether i was going yet. [which is what i’ve been saying for weeks.] but he said that id said yes to going. i love my parents, but they [mostly always my mum] do/does switch my words a lot and tend to think things happened/didn’t happen when they did/didnt.
i ended up going to my room after saying good morning to boris because he [my dad] started raising his voice and getting defensive even though i’d already explained that i’m scared to go and that i wont know how to tell the truth. my mum recommended me going and just listening to what the dietitian has to say but i didn’t see the point in listening to my parents talk about my ARFID and get everything wrong. [which isn’t entirely their fault, because i don’t talk about it — it’d just be triggering. especially because i cant speak for myself to a total adult stranger and if i did i’d expose my restrictive eating.]
he followed me into my room and started shouting so we got into an argument and when i verified i wasn’t going because everyone was being pushy he caved in and told me that i’m not allowed any of my safe foods and walked off. which i genuinely don’t understand as the whole appointment is about trying to get me to eat and he’s ultimately banning that for when i am willing to eat. i know my parents try their best but they don’t always have the best ways of putting it across. i get it, though. i know going to meetings is annoying for them but they’re always talking about how useless it is and how they can’t be bothered etc but if i confront them they say that they’ve never said such things.
after all that they’d already left and i obviously felt unmotivated to do anything for the rest of the day. my parents also told me that i’m not allowed to go on a walk today because i wasn’t deciding if i was going to go [even though they know i do terribly making decisions under pressure and they were rushing me and shouting] so that sucks. a lot. i cant eat now incase i go over my cals because i wont be able to burn it off. i feel so guilty about getting upset at my parents because it must be so hard to have a kid like me, genuinely.
i went back off to my room after checking boris is okay and started reading heartstopper again. i haven’t read the books since i was in school and i much prefer them to the series. i listening to my sad-ish playlist while reading because it’s more calming and easier to concentrate with. i finished the first book within around 13 minutes and then went on my phone for a bit. i was just scrolling aimlessly so i had a nap for 2/3 hours.
after waking up a had a bit of food and sat outside on the driveway with boris while playing ‘better music?’ on roblox because i had nothing better to do on my phone. then i did literally nothing up until 10:50 when i got boris inside and started listening to blur [cuz i’m bri’sh innit]. i started playing roblox again at around 11 and was on it for a short while until my mum came into my room and said that her and my dad are ready for me to ask my questions about boris.
i did it decently quickly although my dad did talk about me going through it quite fast today because he has the hospital tomorrow and i immediately felt even worse about putting them through this every night and the altercation we had earlier today. i know he’s going through so much and i wish i could be a better kid so badly. i wish i was better at expressing how i feel so they don’t mistaken me for being frustrated at them all the time. i love them so much. i know he was probably just pushy this morning because he’s stressed and he’s trying to show me he cares.
i then came down to say goodnight to boris first thing because ive once again had a headache all day supposedly cuz of my eating and i was falling asleep. its a little awkward to cuddle him when his new favourite spot is on the windowsill as there’s tons of stuff in the way, but i still managed to do what i needed to do. i went to sleep early at 1:40 after boris came into my room and i listened to some of slipknots’ the gray chapter. im going to embarrass myself and say i technically went over my cals today because i didn’t go on a walk.
have a good day/night -_<
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rayasland · 7 months
You ought to learn how the tags on this website work, the definition of pedophilla, and how to prevent trivialising acts of pedophilla against children. Focus your efforts on real children, instead of bitching about authors aging characters up, ie. Imagining them as fictional adults and not thinking about abusing fictional children.
Your behaviour is not productive, and not benefiting anyone. Advocate for real children being sexually abused, it will be a far better use of your time. + Puritanism is inherently bad and hinders on depriving us of our rights.
[edit] oh mb i didnt actually read it gimme a sec b4 i reply
[edit2] the excessive use of the tags were on purpose, just scroll if u find that annoying or send someone asks whos constantly doing it
im aware of how they work, it was just a way to get peoples attention cuz we all know nobody would see it without them. im also now aware of the fact i may have over done it with the tags, i didn’t register how many i “clogged up”
u couldve moved along instead of wasting UR time writing this
even if its not real its just… weird to do theres nothing more to say
the post wasnt meant to say “pedophillia against real children isnt as important as aging up anime kids and we shouldnt pay attention to them” just seeing how many people agree with me abt whats on that post and if u dont or js dont think its important dont bother interacting please🙏🏾
i do agree w u that we should advocate for real children going through sa which im pretty sure a lot of people are already doing, but i wanted to bring to light how normalised js writing smut for minors(although fictional) is and how justifying it by saying “its a character” or saying “i aged them up” is strange
part of my point is writing smut involving underage anime characters, even if they are "aged up" or fictional, is still inappropriate and can contribute to the normalization of harmful behaviors irl as well as minors objectification because even if they’re “aged up” in your head it doesnt erase the fact you’re fantisizing over a fictional character who is meant to be treated and viewed as a child
also idfk what puritans rlly are only that they’re a different version of catholic which i dont know of either so idk what u mean there
this was written late at night if sum doesnt make sense lmk have a great day
btw im adding tags AGAIN to spite u 💋(referring to all that went in my asks to complain abt it)
thats all im saying for now im going to bed 🫡
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The friend finally randomly replied.... with the typical conversation occurring of
Me: *reaches out*
Her: *leaves on read for a few days then replies* I was distant because I thought you should reflect on your actions.
Me: What actions??
Her: The fact you dont even know is why I distanced.
Me: I'm sorry. You didnt tell me something upset you so how would I know? People dont always know something they do or say upsets you. Thats something you have to communicate so we can clear the air/work on it.
Her: Here we are again with you simply not knowing youre wrong. It's all here in our chat.
Me: You. Didnt. Tell. Me. But also it's in the chat? You mean the chat where I told you that you upset me with how you spoke to me? The chat where I bared my heart and mind about having pots and being neurodivergent? About how you treated my medical issues and mental struggles as character flaws instead of what they are, medical conditions? How you spoke to me in a very ableist manner repeatedly when I tried in vain to explain that I wasnt blowing you off xyz times because I didnt care but that because I was having flare ups in symptoms? THAT chat? Because you getting upset that I was honest with you about how you made me feel and why is your problem not mine.
You being a neurotypical, indirect, ableist, holier than thou, MEANIE, is your problem not mine. I was sitting here grieving the loss of a long-time friendship for 2 months because you couldn't be bothered to communicate with me like an adult. I literally do not understand people. I dont understand how you think the way you're treating me is totally okay. I was depressed as fuck but now I'm just more hurt and angry.
Angry that you refuse to accept that someone you were friends with for years decided to confide in you that they were autistic+adhd+pots. Officially verbalizing it. To you. And you just.... shut me out like I was trash. How fucking dare you. How absolutely fucking dare you.
I'm heartbroken, still. Which you don't deserve. I'll miss you terribly. Which you dont deserve. My kids will miss your kids, which is depressing for them as I have a total of 3 mom friends with kiddos their age which is now only 2 I guess. (Not including my new tumblr mom bestie who we havent actually chatted chatted cuz, I'm shy as fuck in the beginning of friendships. But I digress.)
I just.... I'm so hurt. I am so hurt. She doesn't.... even understand how hurtful she is and that's worse. Fucking ironic considering I communicate with her clearly about what upsets me and why and yet it simply doesnt sink in what I'm saying. She simply COULDNT be the reason I'm upset and hurt.
I can't even think anymore right now. This is too much. Honestly I was starting to accept the no contact and her replying with more ableist shit just reopened the wound.
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fictionfixations · 5 months
masquerade malleus vignette
(spoilers for glorious masquerade)
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i refuse to believe lilia is oblivious enough not to notice that they dont like his cooking
..although solomon (from obey me) doesnt notice either iirc, but i mean..
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..sebek. in a vignette, you literally got his help in cleaning a stain from malleus' labcoat???
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...i never thought id hear azul say those words.... what?????
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i dont know how it didnt hit me until now but the only reason rollo's plan in glorious masquerade failed was because he was so insistent on having malleus there and taking away all his power and shit?? like. cause. none of us had enough magic to actually overpower the fire lotuses(? i cant remember what they were called), although yuu would be able to make it through with no magic how could we even fight rollo at the end??
and at the point it reaches malleus and he could do something about it, it'd be too late?? because i REALLY doubt he has enough to reach all of those flowers and with enough to completely fry them out. and i doubt the bell would reach it by then.
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is azul even human?? im like pretty sure-ish he's not human. not even half human. just entirely sea creature with a human-like body to probably be treated more normally and not hunted for sport/food through evolution shit idfk (like. idk im pretty sure its a thing where pets look so much cuter to cause us to take them in and shit.)
anyway im just imagining sebek talking azul's ear off about how great malleus is because he finally has a buddy who understands and therefore would be willing to listen to him talk for hours straight about malleus's greatness. AND APPRECIATE IT. HAUIHDSUIhd and azuls just like ………………….. floyd and jade laughing at him from a distance azul sets sebek on them like 'i think those two should come to learn about malleus's brilliance, don't you think? after all, as my colleagues, it is such a shame that they don't share my admiration for malleus, and i am unsure how to put it into words, as malleus himself is so magnificent that even words fail to describe him properly. so sebek, my fellow appreciator, would you lend me your aid in helping them grow to appreciate his brilliance?' okay i ran out of words and started repeating them because ic ant be bothered to look up for synonyms, im not THAT into it okay
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ahhh so it is a fleur city song i wasnt sure. ive read in fics that it was, but it was also those fics where songs either have power, or yuu knows a bunch of disney songs that are considered 'forbidden/forgotten songs' or something like that and i cant remember which it was
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actually if they put in all that work beforehand i think i get why they were so insistent on waiting for rollo to either confess or not AFTER the social ball and after they left and everything LMFAO
they suddenly changed into their school uniforms (still in diasomnia)
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i honestly wouldnt know if id trust lilia that much but sure (i hope it doesnt turn to perfectionism levels tho)
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first time we encounter italicized text i think. huh.
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oh my god (no but why choose idia at that point?? is it cuz his voice meshes well with them??)
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ayoo its playing the make a wish (i think thats what the song is called) instrumental in the bg ive heard it way too many times not to recognize it (and sung along. its so fucking cool)
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my hands are actually protesting now ah geez (i took a break)
I GOT SO DISTRACTED BY DEUCE (i was re-experiencing enjoying looking at everyones costumes again) I AM AN IDIOT (its lower in opacity to show you that you're on it in the editor)
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i didnt notice the insert paragraph im sorry lMFAO but id forget if i didnt SS it then
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ooh some malleus riddle bonding
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that seriously startled me like suddenly i just hear footsteps and then BOOM OPTIONS
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ayooo malleus and yuu dancing
(alsoo yuu and deuce dancing :D)
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okay. now.
i feel like. im doing really good progress tackling all the vignettes (currently in EN. after that's GloMas, & Book 6 and 7. ive been avoiding it because not all of the Backgrounds exist, and GloMas has options with completely different dialogue which I can't see them all. i have three different videos of GloMas gameplay but they dont show all options...). all thats remaining is azul's tsumsitter (i have a vid of his vignette. ..i just dont like doing the tsum ones because i never know how to describe the tsum moving) vil birthday bloom (i FOUND A VIDEO finally oh my god. i love doing birthday vignettes) malleus dorm uniform (I have a vid) sebek new year (i have a vid) grim labcoat (i have a vid)
and then the rabbit costume ones which all of them have vignettes iirc and i have videos for all of them (i actually just found them as i was writing this. thank you god. they have no views tho geez. wonder if that means vil birthday bloom exists in a video but just wont appear. this is future me. ...i have been blessed with vil birthday bloom.)
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police izuku au
i dunno how i didnt think of this before bc i actually love reading fics of this au
this is gonna be a bit unorganized because its straight from my notes app but oh well
-izuku being one of the youngest graduates of the police academy/helping out so much at the station that they just go 'fuck it' abd give him a license
-he also does part time detective work because his analysis is unmatched
-he has degrees in psychology, criminology, social work, and he's a licensed EMT + his detective/police shit
-everyone knows him in the station, and so do heroes that frequent there like eraserhead
-hes basically naomasa's son
-he has coffee+smoking addictions but hes stoll the sunshine boy of the police
-though once or twice they've seen him get real mad on the field and the officers that witnessed it are vaguely terrified of him
-but he's still baby
-martial arts !!!! his local dojo is his third home, only behind the station and his shitty but cozy apartment. 
-he's been doing minor detective work since he was fourteen, at fic time he's like 16 and also managed to stop the war by predicting attacks and arresting/saving and rehabilitating the league and shooting afo through the head.
-the hero students know of and have seen him at this point but havent spoken to him
-they just kind of see him popping up everywhere and hanging around crime scenes and periodically annoying tsukauchi and eraser because he's a chaotic neutral gremlin
-he would be chaotic lawful but he's only lawful where the law can see
-He should have never met nedzu.
-he's chaotic neutral because while he is technically a Good Guy, he does chaotic (illegal)shit when he wants where he wants because he wants to and has no survival instincts
-he's lowkey kind of depressed/suicidal
-hes also on anxiety meds which tend to ramp up the sucidal thoughts for some fucking reason
-so thats why he isnt a jittering ball of nerves, stuttering and other cringe shit
-also because he got that shit beat of out him like he's hella traumatized
-also kinda psychotic but its cool
-he laughed in bakugous face once
-legit looked down at him(cuz i made izu tall), smirked, snorted, and burst out laughibg while bakugou was threatening him.
-"id say im sorry but im not, its just hard to take you seriously when i have to crane my neck to look down at you-" then turned around and walked away towards the detective, still giggling
-bakugou was so stunned he didnt go after him.
-he also has his ears pierced, 
-the earing on his left ear is one he had custom made from a piece of his jawbone he had to get removed after he got fucked up on the field one time
-its sick as fuck and he'll tell the story to whoever asks, its not a sensitive thing
-his jaw is a bit crooked too like u can see where the chunk is missing
-not super noticeable but still there
-he's like 6'2, so noticeably much taller than naomasa, but the detective still likes to ruffle his hair, even though he has to reach up now. 
-sometimes he looks at him and sighs, grumbling about how his son is all grown up now
-1A and 1B  are 2A and 2B at fic time, and simce the war never happened (for them), they are significantly less traumatized
-izuku however was at the frontlines when they went in for the final takedown of the league,
-so he's traumatized enough for all of them.
-he's covered in scars from knives, bullets, claws, SH, etc etc
-he's also ripped
-gotta be for the police work
-not like aizawa ripped but if he rolled up the sleeves on a button up and crossed his arms the seams of the shirt would be straining.
-one time he was in one of those tight sleeveless shirts that have bare hips (yk the ones whore) and he got called in so he didnt change and everyone got a good look at all the muscles and scars 
-the UA students were there too because he was called in (optionally) to help with training shit and he just didnt bother to change 
-they were simpin fr
-he's aroace tho <333 (projecting) 
-tsuki tossed him a double thigh holster 4 knives which made his baggy cargo pants a bit less baggy and a bit more *cough* defined (cue more student simping)
-he's completely unaware of the effect hes having on them btw
-and fingerless gloves with padded+built in brass knuckles!!! he already had those on tho
-hes just funky like that
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c0rv · 2 years
do u have anything to share with the people about playing genshin with me everything is normal to me idk what bothers everyone
you have like 12 recipes and ur food inventory is abysmal
ur exploration in most areas is 20% or less, and even in mond i think ur highest is 60%? for an area
you have not done any reputation things at all except for when i was on your account and desperate for mora so i did them for you
you have the red exclamation things on every icon bc theres things the game wants you to check so bad you refuse to
you dont usually do your daily commissions
you refuse to read the game tutorials
you have like 20 quests in ur journal and id be impressed its even that low if not for the fact u could go to any city in game and theres so many npcs wanting to start shit
you have yet to do any hangouts
ur only world level 4
you havent even unlocked the camera gadget so i had to watch u try and take pictures inside a domain but bc u couldnt open the menu without leaving u just ended up taking screenshots with the ui and everything
ur teapot is still empty and u wonder why kaeya is getting companion exp so slowly
you didnt know u could craft higher level mob drops at the alchemy stand, you dont know what condensed resin is
you thought there were 20 floors in the spiral abyss
you only recently attempted the spiral abyss after over 2 years playing bc u thought the first 9 floors scaled higher if u leveled up higher
you didnt know about the graphics settings in the menu
you didnt know what the motion blur was
when i watch u fight enemies u dont keep ur camera on the enemies and seem to be shocked when u get surprised by them
you only recently started using healing food after i asked u to
you have like 3 5 star artifacts total
you were leveling an artifact and it kept going to def and i told u to stop and u didnt anyways cuz u dont know what the def stat means
you thought that 4 stars r limited only to the limited banners they appear on
you also thought u could only get diluc from the standard banner
you dont know what the crown of insight is
when in the windblume event shop u were looking at the mailed flower refinement materials and i had to beg u to buy them cuz u thought they were useless
to add onto the previous thing u didnt even know you could refine weapons until like. last week
when u were screensharing windblume and starting the rhythm game thing i told u u could change note speed cuz i know u prefer faster notes but u didnt open the menu and didnt figure out u could do it until several days later
ur werent gonna do the photo aspect of windblume bc u had to do a quest where u talk to a guy one time
when bubbles and u and i were gonna fight azhdaha u instead walked to the geovishap
u will open the domains for talent level up materials and ask me what they r for
u will ask me what u even need the talent level up stuff for and when i have u open the characters talents theyre all level 1
u still havent maxed out any statues of the seven, not even in mond or liyue so u dont have max stamina
u unlocked fishing in an attempt to get the catch for raiden but u still havent even bought the recipes for anything but the default bait
u only have the default namecard and 1 other namecard u got through achievements
when i was screensharing u were asking me what the sigils in my inventory were (the ones u use for a ton of shit in enkanomiya)
didnt realize until yesterday that the 5 stars have orange backgrounds
u were playing yaoyao and kept doing her burst and immediately switching off so it did nothing
i was watching u count ur wish history and i explictly said ur at 80 pity so a ten pull away from a 5 star and a week later u seemingly forgot and wished and were surprised to get a 5 star
u usually dont get the wishes in paimons bargains that reset every month unless i remind u
u thought u didnt get anything from the battlepass unless u paid for it
theres the whole boat thing where u. didnt know boats were in the game. so u just didnt unlock any waverider waypoints. u were icebridging to all the islands in inazuma
tbh im shocked u even finished the tcg tutorial
u thought if u gave characters healing artifacts they would just be able to heal even if thats not in their skill sets
u started the spiral abyss on accident with 2 characters in ur party
thats just what i thought of at the top of my head im sure ill remember more later ^_^ ur welcome taye. i didnt even bring up how u beg me to switch to childe so u can look at his balls
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raveneira · 9 months
Aight its time to say it
Warning: Anti BoruSara post, dont like dont read.
Aight enough time has passed and now its long overdue to be said so Im gonna be the one to burst the bubble since nobody else is.
Sarada's actions in 78 did not solidify BoruSara because it mirrored the NH moment in the Pain arc, it actually did the OPPOSITE and showed how flimsy the ship actually is and how weak Sarada's feeling for him are.
People love this argument of 'love makes you act irrationally so that proves Sarada's feelings are more real/stronger than Sumire's because she acted reckless like Sakura and Hinata did while Sumire stayed behind and did nothing'
Now at first glace that does seem to be the case, but after the initial shock has worn off and you actually reread the chapter with a much clearer head, you realize how much damage this actually did to both the ship and Sarada's character.
Now what do I mean? to see the problem you just have to answer one simple question, what is the one major difference between the moment with NH and the one with Bsa? the answer is Pay Off.
What do I mean by that? lets compare the two side by side and all will become clear.
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Aight I think it should be clear now, notice the difference? yea, the very scene they claim solidified the ship actually weakened it, the very scene they said solidified Sarada's feelings as more 'real' than Sumire because she acted irrationally, actually showed how flimsy her feelings really are compared to Sumire.
It's true that Sumire staying behind could give that impression, but at the same time people get on Hinata's case all the time here for how stupid her actions was and how she actually made the situation WORSE rather than better by jumping into a situation she knew she couldnt win and made Naruto snap so bad that if not for Minato's fail safe it would've been GGs for everybody and Naruto would've died by undoing the seal.
But Im not here to criticize Hinata right now, because all in all her actions were out of love right? thats the point of this post. So Sumire's actions actually make more sense than Hinata's was because she knew she didnt have a chance to begin with so why bother going there? just to get one shotted? what happened to Sarada is a prime example of WHY she was right not to go, because thats what happened.
But ok since yall wanna be hung up on girls inlove for real all acted irrational and ran to their mans rescue which solidified the ship, well this goes back to what I said the biggest and most important difference between all the other girls vs Sarada, and thats PAY OFF.
Still confused by what I mean? well I'll show you cuz it aint just NH, Sarada failed to be like ANY of the girls who acted irrationally and fought for their man, keyword FOUGHT.
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The difference is night and day atp, when I say Pay Off I meant PAY OFF, and with BoruSara, unlike everyone else I showed, had zero pay off.
What do I mean by pay off? should be obvious by now but the answer is simple, when everyone else fought for their loves they actually FOUGHT, they didnt always win, but they TRIED there were ATTEMPTS made to protect them no matter HOW badly they got hurt. No matter HOW much stronger the enemy was than them they NEVER faltered when their love was in danger and were willing to fight tooth and nail to defend them as much as they were capable of doing.
THATS the sign of true love in the Naruto verse, not the foolishness yall try to make it as just acting irrational = true love, no, its ACTIONS which is something Sarada did not take.
The arguement of she was scared doesnt apply here, because if your gonna use this argument as proof it solidified Bsa then Im gonna use it to prove why it didnt. EVERYONE was scared in those moments but it didnt stop them, they didnt back down, they fought for their loves REGARDLESS of how scared they were, even knowing that they could die they still jumped in head first and FOUGHT.
I dont care how you try to twist it, turn it, flip it or reverse it, if your gonna use this argument then you gotta use it all the way, dont just talk about the irrationale, talk about the actions, or in Sarada's case lack thereof.
If you need more proof of how bad this looks on Bsa and just how this moment proves how not strong Sarada's feelings for him is, you need look no further than Haku.
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I mean nuff said right there, Naruto learned where true strength comes from from Haku, which is that when you have someone whos precious to you, romantic or platonic, thats when you can truly become strong, as strong as you need to be, and this is shown time and time again all throughout Naruto through multiple characters who overcame their fears and fought for who was precious to them, unleashing a whole new strength they didnt know they had. It didnt always have to be some brand new ability, but simply just having the courage to put your life on the line for that dear person was enough to solidify who really mattered.
This is what kills Bsa in that moment, not saying the ship is dead obviously, but that moment killed it in terms of perception and their relationship as a whole. We can keep HEARING how deep their bond in, how close they are, how much they mean to eachother, but if you dont show it and instead show the opposite then people will have a hard time believing their actually as close as we're being told they are.
Just imagine Naruto talking about how much Iruka and Team 7 mean to him but we never see any strong actions that proved it, would you still believe their his closest bonds? if Naruto still says Sasuke is like a brother to him, would you still believe that if they barely showed the two of them bonding and being close like sibling? pretty sure you wouldnt, thats why its important to SHOW DONT TELL, because if all your doing is telling people but not showing them your definitely not gonna convince them that anythings really there like you say it is.
Even her bs MS isnt an example, because for every MS there was emotion and build up and the situation was centered around that character, it was THEIR big moment, a moment that showed just how much the person who triggered it meant to them, which is why yall like to use that as proof as well but even that just goes to show how weak her feelings are in the eyes of the narrative and mangaka himself. Sarada's MS is on the same level as Sasuke's half hearted sorry to Karin, it was short, rushed, moved right past like it wasnt a big deal and just went onto the next thing because her MS wasnt important for her character or the plot or even her feelings for Boruto, no what it was is plot convenience.
Plot convenience to convince Sasuke to save Boruto because he wouldnt have believed her otherwise, he needed to see her MS to convince him that if what shes asking is strong enough to trigger that then she must be telling the truth, thats literally the only purpose her MS served, a half assed way for Boruto to be saved, same way Sasuke's apology was a half assed way to address his betrayal and get right back to the real important stuff aka the war.
Again this goes back to what I said about show dont tell, if you want people to believe her MS was triggered by her strong love for Boruto then you have to show it which they didnt, her MS literally ONLY APPEARS when shes trying to convince Sasuke to save him, it was literally a deus ex machina because her eyes didnt budge an inch before then, it was literally ONLY when convincing Sasuke that her MS triggered, do you get just how bad that is yet? that her MS had nothing to do with her character, her growth, her feelings, her bond with Boruto, but just as a plot convenient way to bail Boruto out and then move on like she didnt just awaken a major power up? do you not see how pathetic that is?
I cant make it any clearer, 78 killed BoruSara's credibility as the most solidified ship, and her MS awakening purely out of plot convenience rather than actual emotion and then moved on from like it was nothing just killed it even more.
3 years have passed now and during a huge invasion with an Jigen level threat she doesnt even activate her MS once, and you want me to believe her MS awakening was a really big deal for her character and their relationship? this just proves it even more that the MS really was just plot convenience for Boruto to be saved, thats it, it had nothing to do with her character or her feelings etc, it was literally just a deus ex machina to keep Boruto alive into the timeskip.
It is INSANE to me how people see either of these scenes as solidification for the ship, all it did was prove how flimsy Sarada's feelings for him are and vice versa but thats a topic for another day, this post is just focused on Sarada.
When Boruto was about to be killed by Kawaki she blew one fireball and then buckled under pressure when it was time to actually square up and needed to be saved instead
When everybody was hunting Boruto down she just fell to her knees and cried, even after hearing him say hes going to kill Boruto she did not try to stop him and just sat there crying, and had Sasuke not shown up, she STILL would've been sitting there crying and Boruto would've been killed
Her MS doesnt awaken behind any emotion surrounding Boruto, but purely as a means to make Sasuke go and save him, yet she takes zero action herself to try and protect him and it literally took Sumire spelling everything out to her for her to even try to convince her dad in the first place, if not for Sumire Sarada was all ready to fall apart again and just sit there and cry until Sumire said they need to find a way to save Boruto but she doesnt know how they can which is when Sarada got the idea to ask her dad for help
Which leads me to my next point, since we established Sarada's feelings werent proven to be real or stronger than Sumire's, how does Sumire fair in comparison? well you can probably already guess but these chapters actually solidified BoruSumi alot despite Sumire not stupidly jumping into a losing fight.
How exactly? well lets start with 78, Sumire is being smart about the situation, she knows she cant help even if she tried, but she also knows reinforcements are on their way to help, so its not as if she left Boruto to fend for himself but she KNEW there were people on their way to go help him, her going there would just be in their way.
Sumire was actually trying to explain the situation to Sarada but she freaked out and Shikamaru gave the bare minimum run down of what happened and then she ran off, in this moment Sumire tries repeatedly to keep Sarada from stupidly running into danger but she doesnt listen. There are 2 reasons for Sumire not acting, 1 she knew she couldnt do anything anyway, and 2 because their supposed to be pretending to be under Ada's charm, so leaving Ada behind to go chase after Boruto would be highly suspicious since remember, their supposed to be charmed by Ada, so Boruto being in danger shouldnt pull them away from Ada if their both 'inlove' with Ada now.
You could argue the mission shouldnt have been more important than her love for Boruto but my response is why shouldnt it be? they NEED Ada to believe their affected because by them being the only 2 who arent means their the only ones who can take her out, blow their cover and Daemon will be on their ass like a hawk. Sumire rather than thinking in the moment, she thought long term, she knew people were on their way to help, and she knew she had to keep playing along to make Ada think she's affected, which would have been suspicious if she ran away with Sarada too leaving Ada behind.
But ok lets say I give you that and agree it wasnt a good look, lets move onto 79-80
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Once Ada is GONE Sumire wastes NO time taking action, she immediately puts together what happened and contacts Sarada, SHE'S the one with a clear head with her entire focus on saving Boruto, she's running to meet up with Sarada so they can do something to help him even though she's unsure of what they CAN do, shes still going there to try and think of SOMETHING.
If Sumire never had this convo with Sarada she would have NEVER thought of asking Sasuke for help, it was only thanks to Sumire's explanation and level head that made Sarada act, not through any mental strength or determination of her own, but because of Sumire snapping her out of it.
As much as I hate this for Sarada's character making her this stupid and emotional, it was great characterization for Sumire that really showed her strong feelings for Boruto. She held herself back in order to play along with Ada, but as soon as that was no longer in her way she immediately took action, her mind was clear despite the chaos and she was determined to figure out a way to save Boruto with Sarada even though she had no idea how they could, she was still running over there to try.
So if you wanna be technical then thats closer to all the other moments of people fighting for their loved ones, none of them really knew how they would succeed or if they even could but they were willing to try anyway, and had Sarada not have thought of convincing Sasuke to go save him there's no doubt in my mind that Sumire would've looked for and found and protected Boruto, or atleast try.
But that falls into theory territory since we'll never know for sure how'd that play out cuz things didnt go that way, but you can just look at how the scene played out and see she was determined and planning to help Boruto in any way she could while Sarada was just on the ground falling apart doing nothing to try and help him.
Which goes right back to what I said, when its time for Sarada to act and prove her feelings, romantic or platonic or otherwise, she buckles under pressure, this is something even her own mother and father were able to overcome for their precious bonds, Sarada literally just sat there in despair despite knowing her childhood friend was in danger.
Sumire who's not even shown to be a fighter in the manga [yet] still got moving and kept her head on straight enough to analyze the situation and act accordingly, but Sarada the active ninja whos been through equally stressful situations before now and kept her head on straight now cant? yea, I think its obvious whose feelings are being pushed as genuine and more along what Haku described and whos isnt.
I really need to say no more, I already know antis gonna hate me for this if they read it but hey the truths the truth, when a girl or anyone for that matter in the Narutoverse is truly inlove they always take ACTION no matter what when that love is in danger, Sarada did not, case closed.
PS: All you Sumire/BoruSumi antis really need to thank Sumire, because if not for her your ship would've died, literally, because Sarada was really gonna let him die by not doing anything to help, so yall need to be grateful, she gave yall your 'moment'.
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confessions-official · 2 months
I'm so tired of my parents, listen they are wonderful people and I'm glad I have them and they aren't abusive at all but god they're so tiring
They talk about me being independent and how since I'm 17 I have to be ready for adulthood but then when I do something on my own they turn around and worry about someone else doing it for me
everyday before school they brushed my hair and picked me clothing for as long as I remember and the rare times they have to go somewhere so they won't do it they stress to my sister (mind you, she's 23 and in collage!!!!) to 'get me ready' when I'm in like, 10th grade? And I figured 'ok by the way this apartment is small and the way it's structured maybe this is why they'll stop eventually' but then they didnt
yesterday I decided to bake something so I went to the store, my sister at the time was at work and as she was coming home she was on the phone with mom and mom was seriously worried about if my sister dressed me not to look ugly, SHE WASNT EVEN THERE? and whatever I just threw something together because it's 30+ CRLCIUS OUTSIDE no one cares I was in there for like 20 minutes
And they do my homework, I'm being dead serious, this one's less """complainy""" because some people would kill for that and I get it but recently they started to only use chatgpt despite me askingif they can't, they still went with it so I don't bother, I don't bother with school cuz in reality my grades are theirs, the science teacher is weridly obsessed with ""my"" notebooks and wants to keep them (those notebooks were genially a nightmare, another story though), every teacher thinks I'm some werid super genius when in reality I myself haven't really done anything for the past 10 years, rightfully so cuz idk how to write an essay or a presentation, but I remember when I tried to write my homework my dad would erase everything and we'd do it again, my dad barges in the room to tell me everything about the lesson we had in whatever class cuz I haven't read it (mostly cuz A) I wanted to but I couldn't hastag executive dysfunction or B) there's no reason?) and he's so BORINGGG I can't hide it he's just so boring, I haven't used correctors in my life because they're worried about the Grammer being right on the first try (difficult relationship w my native toung lol)
and mind you, I don't think i need alot of support at all I'm a level 1 autistic (I don't like using the levels but it's the only way I can describe it) and admitibly I am a 'shut in' from the world (domino effect, I was the one who did it to myself, I know this is going to fuck me over in the future lol) but I am not stupid, I know how to usually get ready for the day I know how shopping works, the only real things I need support are going to places I don't know and things related to law
but I just can't, you guys preach about me having to be independent because you might kick the bucket soon and that's great! however you can't say that and then go to my sister panicking if SHE dressed ME for a walk to the STORE which is outside my HOUSE, I know you care so much for my wellbeing and I'm glad and appreciative for that even if I don't show it well but for me to overhear my parents arguing "well if we die and they take everything from her like money and houses what then" and my mom just replying with something along the lines of "that's her problem" like wow thanks you guys can't even decide if I should be independent or not because of the way you act, tired of you all
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oneglass-zinfandel · 2 years
The Color Green
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Pairing: Kaveh x gn!reader (readers favorite color is green, they like interior design and know about architecture.The read is a traveler)
Rating: fluff
Length: one-shot
Summery: You and Kaveh go to a cafe and you talk about what color you see him as and why
Note: I wrote this in music class today because it was boring AF and this idea popped into my head. Also my apologize for not posting since I made this acc.I'm writing a Soukoku fanfic but its in my drafts and idk where to go with it. Its a smut so stay tuned
Warnings: none
You and Kaveh met not long ago. Alhaitham introduced you two before starting the fight with his roommate.Even while they were arguing you found Kaveh interesting,you wanted to know him better the second your eyes met. You,even tho a traveler, knew a bit about architecture and were fond of interior design. You caught him once while he was straggling with a project and helped him out, since then he started to like you and gain respect for you. He found you interesting as well and asked you to meet him at a cafe to hang out.
This brings us to the present
You and Kaveh were sitting across one another. You were casually talking getting to know each other when you said you were glad Alhaitham introduced you.He agreed but then asked you a question, "What do you think of Alhaitham? I personally find him bother sum" You thought for a second looking at your drink, "I think he is a nice guy, his atmosphere makes me relaxed and he reminds me of my favorite color" He looked at you for a second a bit if confusion showing on his face. "Your favorite color? What doss that mean,I never heard someone talk about another person and describe them with a color" You looked at him and then closed your eyes while scratching your neck
"Heh, you see,I like colors and i think about them often especially since I like interior design. Alhaitham reminds me of the color green at first because of his clothes,its my favorite color.But when I think about it a bit more he reminds me of blue. Now that I think about it,its might be because blue is seen as a calming color and also I met him near a land of water so that might affect my thought's" I say this happily looking at him with a bit of excitement. "Interesting…" He said looking at his drink, a hand on his chin,he looked back up at me with his eyes first " so then,what color do I remind you of? I'm rather curious now"
I blush slightly wondering what to say so such a question knowing I will have to explain my thoughts behind the color. I know he noticed my blush,thankfully he said nothing. "Well you remind me of yellow at first, because of your hair cuz its blond" I say hoping he would forget about the second real color. "I understand but what about my color,what color do I remind you of on a soul level?" I blush more 'he can tell now for sure!" "What's wrong? I won't feel bad just because I dislike the color" he said taking a sip of his drink.
I laugh a bit awkwardly. "Um well,if I were to think about it you remind me of the color..green" "Go on" he gestured intrigued, your favorite color fillings his thoughts "W-well, the color green makes me think of the wild of course,but for you its more of intriguing things then the wild.It also makes me think of an important necklace of mine, one my mother used to wear all the time. Green also reminds me of fun summer days from when I was a kid" You said these words at first with embarrassment in your voice, slowly relaxing, saying the last sentence with a smile. The mention of your childhood brought thoughts of your childhood best friend, one that suspiciously enough was blond like Kaveh with a similar face.
Kaveh looked at you with reddish cheeks. He was embarrassed. Since he lives with Alhaitham he doesn't get much positive feedback about him since they fight often and your words felt extremely sweet as they went straight to his heart.
Sure you met not long ago but he was falling for you slowly, he didnt want to admit it but you already ment a lot to him.
He looked at you,at his drunk,and chuckled. His eyes met with your wide ones confused by why he laughed. "I'm glad I remind you of such wonderful things. You remind me of pure white color, its not cause its a Boring color,no,not at all.White is needed everywhere, color needs white before used to paint, white is the color of angels.White is in everyone's closets.Everyone has something white,its everywhere but yet people so kind are rare to find. Yet I have met you."
You blushed bright red at his words,such sweet words came out of his mouth you could melt.And you did, your already soft heart became a cloud. You were so glad someone thought of you as an angel, a kind soul.
One hand was covering your mouth as the other was on the table.Kaveh grabbed your hand. "What are you turning into mush for? All I said was the truth, now let's finish our drinks, after we can go cloud gaze" Kaveh said looking you in the eyes while smiling softly.
"Yeah,…that sounds nice"
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wonusite · 1 year
Just read a lot of your answers to nsfw asks and i think i found the perfect place to share my "Xu Minghao please fuck me like you havent meditaded for a year" thoughts
Btw i love your and your followers' feral energy over svt men cuz like same lol
Back to Minghao cuz he is fine asf and (please excuse my supernatural ass) vampire Minghao would fuck his s/o so good.
I can picture him being an extremly old, rich, powerfull vampire, he would be one of the last noble vampires from the original clans and he would search for his soulmate every millennium. There was a curse that said you two will not be able to get together until ten thousand years pass and he had to find you in every one of your lifes to prove the gods that he was worthy of your love.
And you had to prove that you would love him in every one of your lifes to show that you were too, worthy his love.
And this is your final battle, after he marries you in this life you will stop reincarnating and become immortal just like your lover.
But, of cours there is a but, you are already married. To his enemy. And the arrangment says you are not allowed to divorce each other, not until one of you dies or you have a kid and raise him until they are of age.
Minghao doesnt want to wait until one of you dies or watch you raise a kid with his enemy (who made up all of this arranged marriage bullshit to make him unsuccessful in his duty) so he kills him with the help of one of the most powerfull magic users, Wen Junhui. Who is also a close friend of yours from the start, not to mention he always helped him find your trace.
After getting a call from Junhui about how his enemy is tied up with chains that are unbreakable and ready to get killed. He approchs you and the second your eyes tear up he knows you remember it all, just like in your previous lifes. (Actually i was planning on making you unable to remember but then this would get even longer, didnt wanna bother you too much)
He kisses you just like this is your first and last kiss, like he havent kissed you for thousands of years and he wont be able to kiss you again. When he lays you down on the bed you had share with his enemy he makes sure the phone is neatly put on the nightstand because he wants to make sure that excuse of a man hears your every noise.
He is as gentle as you remember him to be, he hasnt changed a bit, the only difference is now he is even more in love with you. He slowly undresses you while you whimper and trash under just from little touches of his fingertips on your burning skin. It has been so long since you last made love...
This was longer than i planed it to be and i will not read it again to fix the mistakes i made cuz i feel like i will lose all my courage to send this to you.
Anyways i hope you liked it, please accept me to your seventeen brainrot comunity 🥺
Also i remember i said something about him fucking his s/o so good but there is no fucking included in this ask so yeah
Btw i loved your dilf cheol fic, i didnt know i needed it until i read it and know i cant stop thinking about him rearranging my guts, thank you for that
*takes a deep breath*
vampire!hao + reincarnation + soulmates + an old curse????? sign me tf up. just imagining the pining and the yearning has me 😮‍💨
ok but just picture him sliding into ur awaiting cunt and ur body just reacts to him so naturally bc it also recognizes him. you’re so vocal and hao feels like he can die happy at that moment. you two make love all night, not wanting to separate since it’s been so long that you two were in each other’s arms.
and plsss this was so good i love it vv much fr. ur always welcome to send me asks bc i love getting them omfg.
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maoam · 2 years
Yo, what did sasuke ever do that made people dub him as spoilt? When I read fics, a lot of them are annoying to read cuz they always write sasuke as some spoilt brat and itachi as some caring, selfless angel who'd do anything for sasuke. I might remember it wrong but when itachi said to sasuke they won't be able to spend a lot of time together, sasuke accepted the situation as it was and said it was OK, and he was like aged 7? 8? In these fics he's flippin 16 yrs old and acts like a spoilt toddler that stamps thier feet when he doesn't get his way. These are SNS fics as well 😑
Along w being spoilt, he's written to be the 'trouble child', that goes against fugaku and disobeys and is rebellious and shouts at him while itachi is an angel. Where were people's eyes when it showed Sasuke’s childhood? He was always shown to be obedient. I recently read a fic and it was going great, until they made sasuke steal something at the store who then built up the habit... a lot of fics would write sasuke having gone through some traumatic event, ( like losing his parents) and to cope with that he gets into fights, vandilism, drinking and stealing.
In canon, boi goes through a massacre, losing his parents and entire clan and then forced to watch the slaughter over and over again by itachi. And yet he remained selfless, kind and caring and didnt go moaning and groaning about his situation and problems. Its only until he learns the truth about itachi is when he pushed over the edge. So like when did people get the idea he's spoilt? Yea, sorry for the mouthful.
Yes, a lot of fics write Sasuke as spoilt and constantly angry. As a kid he was actually well behaved. This doesn't mean he couldn't become a bit different as a teenager, but people make it way overboard.
I think part of it is just resentment towards Sasuke, like people trying to justify him being treated poorly by making him an over the top asshole. They make him spoilt because they think he was throwing a tantrum in canon for no real reason, when he should have just been content in his village with his comrades. They don't bother trying to understand his character or his reasons.
In some fics I have seen Sasuke even say misogynist stuff to Hinata out of jealousy and it's not in character at all. Like Hinata and Sakura are sometimes portrayed as being better people than Sasuke in SNS fics LOL. Our fandom really should know better.
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how DO alternates get attached, anyway? what does it even do other than make you not wanna kill people?
wish i knew bro it would make shit so much easier on me
but fr. its hard 2 really give a concrete answer bcuz us alts see attachment as like. taboo basically. if gabe catches you getting attached to a human it uh. its not pretty. other than the torture you get for disobeying Him you get like... exiled almost, or... whats the word He used once?
excommunicated. yeah  that one.
there have been studies on attachment though, i think the u.s... uh... well idr the exact name but it was some fancy shmancy government dept thats done a couple . havent read em though LOL
anyways. ig i can try to explain as best i can from my experience w attachment . n atlas can chime in if he wants too idk and uh . ill try to make it make sense (spoilers it probably still wont lmao). this isnt a definitive like... guide or anything im basically just posting general rambles abt what ive learned over my days lol
so. i think all alternates want to be loved, no matter how far down theyve buried that want. were conditioned from creation to think that gabriel is the only one who can love us, but He wont unless we follow His command to the letter. and what that translates to is killing humans senselessly . and not only that but like. us alts... we like violence. we want to kill. its integral to our beings. none of us can really be "nice" or "good" 24/7 and that uh ... tends to sound scary to the average person . so even if we did all collectively decide to turn against gabe and humans like... magically forgave us for killing and kidnapping thousands of people, its not like we could ever be "normal" members of society. its not like we could ever be loved. so no one really bothers trying.
anyways, from what i can tell, alternate attachment happens when that kinda barrier between humans and alts gets broken (at least from the alt's perspective), and it typically happens when an alt is in close proximity to its assigned victim for a long period of time. that time varies from alt to alt too, like it deffo took a lot longer for atlas to get attached to cesar than it did for me to get attached to mark. nd i could be wrong abt this but i also noticed like. the more a victim interacts w their alternate, even if theyre doing it in a threatened or scared way, the more likely it is for the alt to get attached. "taking an interest" in a specific human is the most telltale sign of attachment, to the point that the phrase is pretty much "slang" for it among alts .
also just to clear this up: while alternate attachment can be romantic, it absolutely doesnt have to be. not at all. id describe my attachment to mark as like. familial honestly. and sometimes there arent even human words to describe an alts attacemt. its a spectrum yk? so dont think any of this is inheritly romantic or some shit cuz ill beat you up
as for what it does. well .
you dont know when u first meet a human that youre gonna get attached. i certainly didnt  . so u just kinda do ur thing n shit, but sometimes it doesnt work and the human lives so ur like. okay ill try again . or maybe youre just doing a long job and ur learning all of ur victims habits n shit. and thats where it kinda begins
the first thing you notice is that like. even though its ur job to kill your human its like. its fun to keep them alive . yk  . you grow to like the sound of em screaming in terror , or them freezing up when they see you . whcih. yeah that sounds kinda fucked to you guys but . just bear w me okay  .
anyways. eventually it gets to the point where, even if youve been given several opportunities to kill your human, you dont take them cuz its just that fun to mess w em. this is kinda where the "taking an interest" thing comes in  too . and then THAT goes into "ok wait . do i rlly have to kill them eventually  ?? i dont want to do that theyre funny :(((("
eventually you realize that like. shit . i dont want this human to die at all. like. at ALL. to the point you'd fight off other threats just to keep them safe. and you get this just- rush of an emotion youve never felt before whenever youre around them. aand you realize. thats love. you feel love towards them, no matter what kind of love that is. its. it feels so wrong at first and- and you hate it, but it just feels so right to the point where you cant imagine feeling any other way about them.
and as you may have guessed. you start to see the human as your own. its kinda hard to really describe but,, it makes sense if you experience it. you need to protect them and love them and hold them so so close or else they might get away from you. and you change yourself so that you can be worthy of being loved back. its. ough its a crazy ass feeling for sure
this, uh,, doesnt come without problems thouugh. for one just cuz an alternates attached to a human doesnt mean the human necessarily likes them back. in fact its honestly really lucky that both me and atlas got attached to humans that actually didnt hate us. (for a while at least.) theres a fuck ton of rumors that get spread around of those who got attached and excommunicated, only for the human they were attached to kill themself because they couldnt live with an alt constantly following them around and trying to talk to them.
...i cant describe how lucky i am that mark came back.
not to mention you hafta constantly live in fear all the damn time cuz you could get discovered n tortured at any moment. its. its really shit but damn it if your human doesnt make it all worth it. damn it if you wouldnt endure any kind of danger just to stick with them. damn it if you dont want to comfort them and feel murderous rage whenever theyre sad and.
damn it if they arent yours.
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
@osmanthusleaf djdks im so sorry for replying in post i didnt wanna cut this up into a million bits, uve not even got to read all this cuz its long ive just got a lot going through my mind and im bad at shutting up once my brain starts going sorry 😭
for sure & well said. i fully agree, and understand having more care and knowledge for your own peoples issues, its natural; like u know example apart from ur own ex., i do know and have looked into the sex trafficking situation in the rest of the world and it horrifies me just as much and it is all connected, but end of the day, i understand most and focus most on the issues in my area and thats what i can give my two cents on more than anything. or, yea, i know abt plenty of things going on around the world, but theres also Tons that i have no clue on and overall i end up knowing more and spending more time on mostly things that i have some sort of personal connection to, like even this thing which i spend time on cuz of my own trauma; were all bound to be more immediately concerned if our own house is burning down w us in it than if the house a mile away also is, and were bound to be more interesting in why our own house burned down and who burned it down than the one a mile away, especially if the two arent connected directly. its past a point impossible for the psyche to b up to date w so much info, especially so much info on bad shit, to keep track of all of it and to feel something about all of it all the time.... if anything, i think the constant info on bad stuff everywhere happening which,,, for the most part we can do little on, is part of whats made our generations more doomful, hopeless, and lost - end of the day its good to care, but weve just got to pick some things in particular to rly care abt and if we can, try to understand them and do something about them, and hope if enough ppl do that for enough things they care about while working together, things may get better...... but also, if u say u care abt some issue, i reckon its important to care too abt other ppl caught up in it, even if its not a main focus and not dismiss it bc its not ur own shit directly 🤷‍♀️
i guess yea, the lack of knowledge isnt what bothers me at all bc god knows we all lack knowledge of plenty of things and frankly we kinda have to for our sanity. its the attitude that does and we all do it too often. like some while ago i was telling my mom u know, we (in broad ethnic&national terms) have some sort of responsability to the ppl that have been opressed in our lands and still deal w the consequences and weve got to care abt that history and struggle, not even in a sins of the ancestors way but in a we all have to try to be better way, and her first reply before we talked more was, well, whose going to help us and pay us back for communism, or serfdom, or imperialism, or slavery, or poverty? and havent we got enough of our own issues? and its like yea 😭 the world isnt fair and theres endless cycles of ppl fucking each other over and its a lot, which is why we have to try to just be kind and decent and help each other and rise each other up and come together as hard as it may be and as endlessly annoying this species may be 😭 and weve got to spend more time on how were similar and can understand each other, rather than always predominantly looking at differences, or pointing fingers, or giving in fully to our good old tribalistic mentality. theres gotta b a balance and id like to think and hope, if we tried, we'd indeed find out in many regards we are more similar than we are different, and all more connected than apart ..... if anything, i think thats something that the loss of spirituality in the "modern" world hasnt helped, bc it was one of those things which bound us to universality and connection
and yea, part of it definetely is social media and also current academia and the general cultural mindsets floating around, theres a whole lot of boiling down of super complex shit into short tidbits or black and white things, bc its easier to digest and faster (also, that overboard american centrism that goes beyond being concerned w ur own stuff, while the rest of the world has to know abt the us). i think too, were all bound to have reactionary and defensive attitudes to things especially when dealing w years of shit from ppl, and when we hold a lot of pain and anger, and it leads too to ppl taking things in bad faith which is something ive dealt w too and had to learn to hold myself back on, bc ive definetely got a tendency for it for sure... and its frankly a whole lot easier to point fingers endlessly or to play the opression olympics than look at the god awful messy complexity of it all and how were all caught up w it,, and frankly, i reckon that it feels better to an extent too... it feels/safer/ and simpler i think, than to say, oh god, has truly this whole species been capable of so much hororr? is there nowhere that was or is good, and pure, and untained, and truly a lot better?.. and its i reckon nicer too, to think of things in terms of purely victim and victimizer, than to think abt how plenty of us, most ppl throughout histoy actually if looking at it systemically, have been as u said, a messy contradiction of both....and uhh what's that bible quote, why are u pointing out the spec in your neighbors eye, but not the log in your own? take the log out of your own, and then you may help your neighbor w the spec. and yet, we just dont like doing that much as humans cuz its harder and uncomfortable, its something we have to force ourselves to do and train ourselves for. and unfortunately its not something that is taught very much either
,,,, and yea on top of that too youre definetely right, ethnicity and race and even culture especially in regards to opression and historical and current day dynamics (especially on an international scale) are so incredibly messy, changing, and mostly a whole bunch of stuff weve made up and keep making up and changing all the time and choosing to define ourselves by or to oppose or imposing on other ppl, that it is hard shit to keep track of and detangle. ur example is a good one and in some ways the same sure can be said for the balkans, the question of if were white or not and to who and where and why and when could go on forever, and our history sure has been when taken as a whole, as both opressed and opressor. america too in particular focuses a lot on race (where u could say other parts of the world might focus more on ethnicity, tribe, religion, or class, even nationalism etc, and as far as ill say, i think we need to focus more on class here), and its had a particular kind of rigid understanding of it, and i know from talking to ppl born here in academia and outside and online and whatnot, that a lot of ppl are surprised to find out how ethnicity and race and racism xenophobia and all that shit are different in even south america for a closer exmaple, but in the whole world in general 🤷‍♀️ which aint an issue at all cuz again theres shit we all dont know, but ive also seen plenty of ppl b past surprised or confused, trying to impose us understandings of shit elsewhere... and also, yea, we get focused on things here to the point where its forgotten in a lot of things what it means that were also living in the imperial core at the same time, especially in america
,, , , , i guess w my complaining abt this sort of stuff broadly speaking, it mostly bothers me tbh when i see it come from ppl who do position themselves as like,,,, social thinkers, social activists, or ppl who look into all this and care and speak about it, as self proclaimed educators for others especially, or as some form of academic. not neccessarly like random ppl who occasionally talk on things or vent frustrations or whatnot (cuz also, we all talk abt things casually we havent spend idk how much time on thinking abt or knowing extensively abt)....,,, bc when u say ur that or hold urself up to that, or say u know youre talking or doing whatever to teach ppl or try to help society be better then... welp,,,,, theres a certain responsability (?) and need to try to hold urself up to that ... and i guess yea, its also my personal thing bc after idk a lifetime of always being fascinated w messy complexities and years of cultural anthropology, my brains very focused and fascinated by complexity and contradiction and endless webs of connections 🤷‍♀️ and it does bother me when ppl want to throw around their degrees or education (which dont even matter all that much, plenty of ppl with degrees who dont think too well, and plenty of ppl without them who could run circles around me when im having a good day) or even their own self taught info, and they want to say theyre ppl who generally care abt opression or theyre caring ppl or theyre better than others or whatnot, as a way to say ppl should listen to them and they know better dont uhhh,,,,, , , take the time to really,, think too much abt what theyre saying and educating on and if its actually helpful
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tinybed · 2 years
not to add more straycatj asks to your inbox but yeah the language barrier is making things way harder than it needs to be- combined with the fact that automatic translators tend to translate some japanese words kind of harshly, i think a lot of people who see that she posts english translations of her captions for the silly photos have assumed that she must be able to read a long and potentially emotion heavy response with just as much ease and fluency. her more recent posts/reblogs in just japanese have mentioned her being very frustrated about having to use the language everyone responding is much more fluent in for an internet argument and asking people to consider what it means that they can articulate themselves much clearer than she can in the language they're having a conversation about something complex/nuanced in.
i don't necessarily fully agree with her on the copying question, but i can see why combined with already being upset her pets were used without credit for someone's gallery piece, not being able to translate the nuance of her feelings/argument to the vast majority of people reading her responses is probably making her come across as more unreasonably angry than she actually seems to be imo.
omg i dont even want to read this cuz im so tired of talking abt it lol :( but i chose to open this can of worms — first off i’d like to say sorry if this is bothering anyone. cuz i know not everyone agrees w me + my initial wording on the situation was a little harsh (i was kind of just speaking flagrantly and didnt realize ppl would actually start discussing it with me). ok im going to post and then read this now (just makes it easier for me)
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