#but i have like 2 memories of this house & neither of them are helpful
fortheloveoffanfic · 15 days
Hozier x fem!reader
Author's note: loosely based off Suki Waterhouse's Moves. It was also supposed to be SMUT, but apparently that wasn't meant to be.
Author's note 2: y'all I meant to post this earlier but got distracted.
Summary: Y/n has had feelings for Andrew for a while now, and she's pretty sure he feels the same. Can one night change everything?
Warnings: unrequited love, but also, more requited than not.
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She likes him – maybe its a little more than like, at this point. She adores the colour of his eyes, the way they’re green when its bright out, but then when they meet at dimly lit pubs or he hangs around late at night and neither of them bothers to turn on an overhead light, they’re this dark, hazel hue. She is thrilled by his laugh – not the polite courtesy chuckle he spares when someone tells a joke that isn’t even funny – she means that full bodied sound that erupts from his throat when they’re watching that one episode of that one show, the way he rocks backwards a little and rests his hand over his chest. And there’s something about the way he says her name too, that makes Y/n giddy inside, especially when she picks up his call late at night, while he’s on tour and the rest of the band is asleep but he can’t seem to keep his eyes shut without her voice being the last thing he hears before doing it.
Andrew told her that once;
"I don't think I could sleep if I tried....I need to talk to you first. Hear your voice so I can just...."
"Just what?"
He paused, hesitating, "nothing, I just like the way you sound. That's all."
Y/n could have sworn that it would have been the call that changed everything. She'd held her breath until around two am, when he finally yawned and said he was going to try to get some sleep.
He must feel the same, Y/n determined shortly after that. Because friends don’t sling their long arms around your shoulders, or kiss your forehead right after pulling you against them.
Friends don’t have moments where their lips get so close to the other’s that it won’t expend any real effort to make them to touch.
Andrew was the one to pull away that night and apologize profusely before blaming it on the liquor. She’s never told him, but she wishes he hadn’t. She thinks about it so painfully often that she swears the memory is burning a hole into her heart – the ache of what could've been, but isn’t.
Y/n is thinking about it tonight. They’re sitting on Andrew's back porch, a bottle of wine shared between them. The backyard is illuminated by the light over the wide, glass door that separates his kitchen from the deck, and the blue hued, inground lights that give the pool that sits between his house and the foliage bordering the woods a glacial glow. Off in the distance, she can hear crickets and the occasional rustle of some other, nocturnal creature moving through the trees.
The mood would be entirely romantic if it weren’t for the smell of barbeque and booze clinging to the thick, humid air. It's why they’re outside; its unusually warm and sticky for an Irish October, but Andrew has informed her its becoming typical for this time of the year. He also said that being outside helps, but Y/n thinks that was just an excuse for them to sit outside in hopes that the fresh air would sober them up.
But she doesn’t particularly mind – even if she’s been bitten by a couple mosquitoes.
Everyone else is long gone, and he'd asked her to stay back for a few more drinks while she helped him cram leftovers into his fridge. Its not unusual for her to be the only one left at his place – or vise versa – so Y/n is used to being alone in Andrew’s presence. In fact, she thinks she prefers when its just the pair of them, occupying a quiet space saying nothing but whatever pops into their somewhat inebriated minds;
“I read this poem that made me think of you.”
“I bought you a jacket, but I forgot to pack it.”
“Have you read that book I told you about?”
“Would you read this thing I wrote?” He asks after a couple hours of them going around in circles of menial chatter. Of late, everything Andrew writes is about her, and while he’s thought of telling her that more times than he can count, he can't seem to force the words out of his mouth. It isn’t even that he’s intimidated by her – that would be far too uncomplicated for an overthinker of his caliber. No.
He could never be intimidated by Y/n anyway; he’s known her for too long, too well. She’s the person that puts him most at ease; his heart doesn’t quicken when she touches his arm the way she’s touching it now as she says, “Of course, I’d love to.” In fact, the tick in his chest slows when she does that, he isn't nervous or worried or anything, he's just…. happy. And though her hands are usually so cold, Andrew swears there’s a tingle permeating the thin fabric of his grey Henley when she touches him.
Their eyes meet as Y/n promises to read what he’s written and she finds herself drawing in a shallow breath. There’s something else on the barest top of her liquor-stained tongue, but its refusing to break past her lips;
“I’ll read anything you write. I’d do anything for you, really.”
“Great, great,” Andrew beams suddenly, straightening his back before standing with purpose. “I’m gonna get it, wait here.” He doesn’t wait for Y/n to respond, not even with a nod, before disappearing into the house.
While he’s gone, Y/n tops off those sleek, stemless wine glasses with the remainder of the chilled Sauvignon Blanc and takes a sip of hers, hoping it’ll help combat the sticky heat that’s surrounding the property. She knows she probably shouldn't have anymore; her head is already fuzzy and there’s that tell tale film over her eyes. The one that makes lights stretch out like shooting stars and makes you feel like you're walking through a dream. Andrew must not be any better either, because he stumbled over all too familiar steps on his way back into the house.
“Got it,” he announces as he returns to the patio, raising the notebook over the head in triumph. Andrew is less than graceful when he retires next to her again, dropping the book into her lap. After a lengthy sip of his wine, he leans back onto his elbows. “It's the last thing in there,” his cheeks heat up, the dusty red colour creeping up his cheeks, towards his ears.
He’s a funny sort of drunk; chatty and able to make a joke of literally anything. He’s flirty too, yet somehow retaining his usual reserve. When they venture to pubs, he’ll flirt his way right into a one night stand without even realizing it, and then slink back to her side, rattling off an excuse involving the words, “ehm, well, she isn’t really my type.”
“Yeah? What is your type?” She’d ask, eyes challenging him.
He’ll look at her for a bit longer than usual, squirting his eyes a little as his waning smile fades completely. “Doesn’t matter,” he’ll eventually say dismissively, covering his words with a swing of his drink before changing the topic.
“Its not finished yet,” he mumbles as Y/n finds the page.
“It looks finished,” Y/n frowns, looking down at the way he’s signed the bottom of the page, the way he usually does after scrawling out the final words.
Andrew shakes his head, “ehm, I mean….the idea. I’m not done with the idea.”
“Oh.” They lapse into easy silence when she starts reading, meticulously scanning every line, barely restraining herself from ghosting her thumb over his hurried, untidy penmanship. Y/n can feel Andrew’s eyes on her as she reads. He's still laid back and propped on one elbow as he steadily sips his wine while she tries to get her hazy mind to comprehend everything on the page.
Its a love song or a profession – or she’s pretty fucking drunk and has lost all ability to to comprehend words.
No, its definitely a confession. A beautifully written one. Of course everything he writes is always much akin to poetry; but with this, every word is strung together like tiny bulbs in a reel of fairy lights. Each one in perfect harmony with the other. They’re carefully chosen, as if just one were missing its entire, delicate balance would be pitched into uncertainty.
“Andrew….” He sits up, draining the last of his wine as she lifts her head from the page.
“Is it bad? The worst fuckin’ thing I’ve ever written?” He chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he flashes her a lopsided smile.
“It's beautiful,” Y/n rasps, suddenly feeling like the air’s been knocked from her chest, or like she’s been running too fast. There’s something besides the night’s oppressive heat surrounding them, something fragile and precious. Part of her wants to say something else, she can see on his face that he’s aching for more, but Y/n is absolutely terrified that if she does, it’ll be the wrong thing and the moment will be shattered into a million little pieces, scattered across the forests behind his house by an unexpected breeze, the way it happened on a night all too similar to this one.
“But?” Andrew is the one that dares to speak, the word uttered softly and with the weight of reproach clinging to its single syllable.
God, what if he’s ruined everything? What if the reason he’s never been able to tell Y/n the way he feels is because a morsel deep within him knows she doesn’t return his feelings. Andrew doesn’t even know if she’s interested in a relationship – or anything adjacent – right now, she doesn’t talk about going on dates and or fancying anyone.
What if the reason she never talks about other men is because she’s somehow gathered how he feels and is trying to protect him from the hurt? That would be awfully cruel, but he supposes it's the kindest thing she can do without ruining their friendship.
“But….” Right before her, in a matter of seconds, a dozen emotions cross Andrew's face and Y/n realizes that, if she’d been in front of a mirror the night he told her he likes hearing her voice before he goes to sleep, this is what she might have seen reflected in it. That cautious hope, with a bit of fear sprinkled in.
Upon realizing that there's no ‘perfect’ thing to say, Y/n hastily leans forward and rests her lips on his, in a chaste, close-mouthed kiss. He’s shocked at first, she can feel it in the way he stiffens. But after another couple breaths spent like that, Andrew wraps an arm around her, flattening his palm on the center of her back. As he relaxes, Y/n deepens the kiss, deserting the book in her lap to cup his face. His beard tickles the inside of her hands, just like she’s always imagined it would, and his tongue and lips are sweet with the wine’s fruity notes.
When they break, faces only inches apart, Andrew lets out a shaking breath while Y/n holds onto hers. “God….I don’t think I would’ve ever done that,” he admits, shoulders rising and falling with deep, heavy breaths.
Sometimes he wishes he had her courage, but most times, he’s glad its hers.
A hint of a smile tugs at her kiss-swollen lips. “I know,” she laughs softly, the sound airy and musical.
Her eyes are twinkling, like two stars plucked from right over the vast bed of darkness hung over their heads. Andrew is certain that no two stars have ever shone brighter, so its fitting that they belong to her – the most dazzling person he knows. Setting his glass down, he lifts his free hand to her cheek, rough pad of his thumb tracing her lips. “I’ve been thinking about it for a damn long time,” he admits. It's hard for him to put a definite number to it, it might as well have been very soon after they met.
“Me too,” Y/n rests her hand over his wrist, offering it an affectionate squeeze.
“I think…..” he trails off, struggling to keep a firm grip on his thoughts. His imagination is running a little wild right now; his mind is already churning out thoughts of his future as it changes shape. It's funny to him how one thing can change everything else.
One kiss, and he swears he’s seeing the rest of his life. Holding it.
“Sshh, we don’t have to talk about it tonight,” Y/n whispers. Talking complicates – they’ve been talking for too damn long anyway, and knowing Andrew, his brain is already three weeks ahead of him. Its sweet actually, because every plan she’s made for her future has been built around him, and now suddenly, he’s doing the same thing. “Lets just….”
“Just what?”
“Do this,” in an instant, Y/n closes the space between them again and seals her lips over Andrew’s. That time, he responds immediately, pulling her against him until the only thing left for her to do is slide her leg over his thighs and shuffle into his lap, pressing her chest to his and draping one arm over his shoulder while she keeps her other against his cheek. The way his beard scratches the area around her mouth makes her smile, and she thinks its something she'll get used to quickly.
All of it is so close to being as commonplace his arm slung around her shoulders and the sound of his voice coming through her phone while there’s a timezone and entire ocean between them. The way his mouth moves against hers, the heat of his hands as they hold onto her waist, the sound of his voice as he says;
“I’m glad you stayed.”
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corrodedcorpses · 1 year
Boys on Film. Part iv
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Pairing: PS!Steve x PS!Eddie x Virgin!reader
Summary: It's been a year since you last saw Eddie and Steve. The last place you expected to see them again for the first time was at a club while you were out with your new boyfriend. The night does not go how you imagined it at all.
Warnings: Smut (18+ MDNI), public sex (ish), fingering, angst, cheating (sorry)
Word count: 6.8K
a/n: I hope this kind of makes up for the ending of the last chapter but also I'm sorry in advance. (also as always a massive thank yous to my babies @andvys @wroteclassicaly @usedtobecooler @bimbobaggins69 for all of your help I love you all so much)
Taglist is closed but if you want an update on when I post the next chapter you can follow my fic account @corrodedcorpsesfics and turn on notifications🖤
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4.5
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Steve and Eddie stare at your closed door that had just been slammed in their face moments ago. It had all gone so wrong, so fast. Neither of them had meant for it to go that way or to fight like that with you. All of their (and your own) long harboured emotions coming out during the fight, all of the love turning into hate in order to protect your hearts from - what you all assumed - would no doubt be rejection. 
Eddie is the first to break eye contact with your door. Scoffing and walking toward his van as Steve leans his head on the door, closing his eyes trying to will you to open it again. He’s almost sure he can hear tiny sobs coming from the other side and it feels like his heart is breaking all over again. 
He can hear Eddie behind him, pacing and grumbling out “shit”, “fuck” and mumbling “that was so stupid” over and over again. Steve is frozen in place, he knows as soon as he breaks away from your door that it’s all over, that he’ll have to face the reality of what just happened. He doesn’t know if he can do that yet. 
A loud smack, that was obviously Eddie’s palm hitting his car, finally jolts Steve out of his self pity. He finally turns to him, watching as Eddie continues to pace and mumble expletives under his breath, his ringed fingers running through his hair with so much force Steve thinks he’s about to rip it all out. 
“Eddie,” he tries, too quietly as the other man doesn’t stop. 
He glances at your door one more time before sighing and walking up to Eddie. 
“Eddie,” he says more firmly, standing next to where he continues to pace, “come on man-”
“Don't you ‘come on man’ me,” Eddie interrupts, whipping around to finally look at Steve,  “what the fuck was that, Harrington.” 
Steve flinches at the use of his last name, something Eddie only uses to tease or hurt him. 
“What the fuck was what, Munson?” Steve throws his own surname back at him with just as much venom, Eddie squinting his eyes into a glare. 
“All that,” Eddie explains, wildly gesturing to your house, “bullshit you pulled in there. ‘At least you wouldn’t have been a virgin in your twenties’,” he mocks what Steve had said to you. 
“The bullshit I pulled?” Steve almost shouts back, “What about you, huh?” He asks, a finger poking into Eddie’s chest to reiterate his point. “You didn’t break that shit to her gently at all! No wonder she went straight into ‘defence mode’.”
 Eddie just rolls his eyes at him, even though he knows Steve's right. 
The action only angers Steve more. “I wasn’t even in that stupid argument until you dragged me in with your bullshit about hanging out with King Steve.” 
Eddie visibly cringes at the memory of using Steve’s old title, one he knew Steve loathed and has done years of work to be anything but. But, Eddie couldn’t let Steve ‘win’ the argument. If he did he would have to admit that all of this was his fault. 
“Whatever,” Eddie scoffs, “the argument only turned nasty as soon as you put your 2 cents in! The shit you said was just—” Eddie pauses, remembering how Steve had teased him for not ‘making a move’ on you sooner, saying everyone thought you were Eddie’s ‘property’ during high school, outing him for scaring away anyone that dared to get close to you because he knew that weren’t good enough for you, “mean.”
Eddie whispers the last word. The only word he could come up with to express how he felt, how that whole argument transported him right back to his teenage years, something he truly thought he had gotten over from the help of you and Steve. Something he obviously was far from getting over. 
Steve’s demeanour changes, he can see the hurt in Eddie’s eyes, the sliver of vulnerability that he’s been hiding behind his rage. He understands the weight that one word holds.
“I didn’t intend for it to be mean, I just, I don’t know, it just–-” he’s taken aback, stuttering through some sort of an explanation, but there isn’t one. He was mean. 
“It’s like you wanted to hurt her,” Eddie continues, but he doesn’t mean just you, “hurt me.” He whispers so softly, he’s sure Steve wouldn’t even hear him. But Steve does.
“What? Why would I want to hurt someone I love!” Steve says too quickly in response, eyes widening when he realises what he just said, what he just confessed to Eddie. But when he looks at Eddie he only sees hurt in his eyes. 
Eddie still doesn’t think Steve heard him say ‘hurt me’, so he takes Steve’s confession as a confession of love for you, not you and him. 
Eddie just laughs with no humour, shaking his head. “I was fucking right, I fucking knew you hadn’t changed – you’re such an asshole, man.” 
The cogs in Eddie’s head turn, thinking back to how Steve had said all those things against him, no doubt finally seeing his opportunity to put a wedge between you both, so Steve could finally have you all to himself.
Steve just stares at him in shock as whatever fragments of his heart that were left break even further. He didn’t think Eddie loved him back but there was some part of him that had hoped, that had at least thought Eddie would be nice about it, gentle with his heart even if he didn’t want to keep it.  
He didn’t think Eddie would laugh in his face and call him an asshole. 
“Wow,” Steve says to himself in disbelief, “okay.” He feels the tears well up in his eyes as his chest physically aches from all of the heartbreak tonight. He doesn’t want Eddie to see him break down, he'd no doubt laugh at his misery. 
He starts to walk away from Eddie, it’s the only thing he can think to do. It’s only a couple of miles to his house, the air isn’t too cold and it’s not too late — he can easily just walk home, he thinks. 
“Steve?” Eddie questions as the other boy starts to hurry away from him, “Steve!” He tries again, an air of worry in his voice as he calls out, “Seriously? You’re just gonna walk away from me too huh?” Eddie yells. 
“Whatever man,” Steve yells back, already at the end of your driveway, stopping only when his shoes hit the road to look back at Eddie, “you basically just rejected me so, I don’t need this shit anymore.” Steve spits, mentally cursing the way his voice wobbles as he says it. He continues down the road, needing to get as much distance between him and Eddie before he can finally break down. 
“What?” Eddie says too quietly, he realises when Steve doesn’t respond, “rejected you?” he shouts this time. But still Steve doesn’t stop. 
“Steve! Would you — shit,” Eddie curses. He’s so confused about what Steve meant, he’s so confused about this whole evening but he needs to know. The tiny sliver of his heart that is holding onto hope needs to know what Steve meant. 
Eddie runs around to the drivers side and launches himself into his van. Cursing when the engine turns over way too many times before it finally roars to life. He swings out of the driveway like a madman, thanking the universe that you live on a quiet street. 
He catches up with Steve quickly, slowing the van down until he’s driving right beside him. He’s happy he never listened to you and Steve about needing to roll his windows up. 
“Steve, would you just stop,” Eddie pleads. 
“No,” is all Steve replies.  
“Steve,” Eddie pleads exasperatedly, “what did you mean?”
But Steve doesn’t answer and he doesn't stop walking. He hopes if he ignores Eddie long enough that he will just leave him alone.
And he thinks his plan worked when Eddie suddenly drives forwards down the road. But, those hopes are shattered when Eddie parks a little bit ahead of Steve and hops out. 
Steve finally stops walking as he sees Eddie running towards him. He should just turn around and walk away, circle back around at the other end of your street, it’s a longer way to walk but at least he wouldn’t have to see Eddie. But he doesn’t, his feet won’t let him move. He sees Eddie rushing towards him and his whole body aches for Eddie to just hold him as he breaks down and melts into his arms.  
When Eddie finally gets to Steve he’s quick to invade his space, cupping his face tenderly in both of his hands. Eddie searches Steve’s eyes, he can see the unshed tears threatening to spill, the hurt and the tiny bit of hope Steve also holds. It’s enough for Eddie to ask again, even if it could mean more heartache. 
“Steve,” he whispers so tenderly, it makes Steve’s knees almost buckle, makes it even harder to not just fall at Eddie’s feet and beg him to love him back, “what did you mean?”
Steve swallows, hard. He looks into Eddie’s big, brown, pleading eyes. He knows he’s about to get his heart smashed, completely obliterated when he explains himself, but he can’t stop his mouth from moving. God, he would do anything Eddie asked while he cradled his face so delicately and looked at him like that. 
“I basically just told you I wanted you,” he whispers, eye’s never leaving Eddie’s “a-and you just told me to, to get fucked.” He closes his eyes trying to will his tears to stay at bay, the last sentence coming out all wobbly as he tries to stop his bottom lip from trembling. 
“Steve…” Eddie says in a way that has Steve opening his eyes again. He’s met with confusion and yearning swimming in Eddie’s beautiful brown orbs. “You want me?” Eddie asks in disbelief, “I - I thought you were talking about her!” It comes out like a question, like a plea. 
“I was,” Steve says, and he can see Eddie’s eyes start to fall, feel his hands on his cheeks loosen, Steve is quick to grab Eddie’s wrists, keeping his hands on his cheeks before quickly continuing, “I was talking about both of you, idiot.” He says the last word fondly, with a hint of a smile dancing on his still trembling lips.
Eddie can’t help but return a small smile of his own. Steve wants him too. He leans forward to capture Steve’s lips with his own. It’s the only thing he can think to do in the moment, the only thing his body will let him do. Steve returns the kiss immediately. It’s soft, so soft that it sears their lips, all of the passion and pent up feelings and anger from the last hour coming out in the way their lips and tongue dance together so slowly. 
Eddie finally pulls back after they’ve run out of air, resting his forehead against Steve’s. “I like you too,” he whispers, just in case it wasn’t obvious, revelling in the way it makes Steve smile, “I like you both too.”
Steve pulls back to look at Eddie properly, he can see the mix of happiness and regret all over Eddie’s face. 
“Oh.” Steve says. It’s all he can say, he sees the whole argument differently now, sees how stupid they both had been. He realises why Eddie said and did what he did and regrets the things he said to him. Knowing how much more they would have hurt now. 
“Yeah, ‘oh’,” Eddie replies. 
“We're idiots.” Steve sighs. 
“Yep.” Eddie agrees. 
“Should we… go back inside?” Steve asks.
Eddie shakes his head knowingly, “give her some time, trust me.” 
He thinks back to all the times you showed up at his trailer door, sheepishly asking if you could spend the day or the night or the weekend when you were upset. Always claiming to need space from your family after you fought. Eddie never realising what you needed wasn’t space, what you needed was him. 
But you never told him that. 
So, they do give you time. They give you a day to cool off, to sit with your thoughts before they call, but are only met with silence in return. They try again a day later — and again another day after that. They try to go over to your house a week later but you’re either not there or are pretending not to be. 
They try again and again and again until trying every day turns into every two days, which turns into trying every week, which turns into trying every now and then over the next couple of months. The last time they tried was months later when they had had a particularly rough day and just needed you. 
All of this was met with silence. 
You weren’t sure what you expected when you kicked them out, but you hadn’t expected them to just leave. You had expected them to at least come back later that night or the next day. 
Not call you late the next night like that would make up for anything and you didn’t expect it to take them a full week of calling before coming over to try and see you. 
All of this just seemed to cement the idea in your head that they didn’t care about you as much as you'd been stupid enough to believe they did. 
You didn’t realise how upset and borderline distraught this had also made them. You didn’t realise how upset they were after every failed attempt. How they had both sat on the kitchen floor in their new apartment months later and cried, surrounded by half unpacked boxes after that final time they tried, and failed, to call. Because none of this felt right without you.  
And they didn’t realise how you’d done the exact same thing on the floor in your kitchen that night, cursing yourself for not just picking up the damn phone this time.  
You hold the two dresses up against your body, one at a time. Trying to decide between the black — tight, revealing and super uncomfortable or the dusty pink — a stark contrast, more modest, cute and comfortable. 
You’d spent the last hour getting ready for your date with your boyfriend of about 6 months, Bradley. He was… nice… and fun… and, well, a good distraction. It was nice to feel needed. But, you know deep down that it ultimately won’t go anywhere.  
There’s just something… missing. A spark? Passion? Familiarity? The fact that he’s not Eddie or Steve?
You groan at yourself for even having that thought, dropping the dresses back on your bed as your eyes land on the picture on your dresser next to your mirror. It’s a cute photo of you, Eddie and Steve, faces squished together and giant smiles plastered on your faces. A photo you still can’t bring yourself to get rid of. 
You sigh and flip it over as you seem to before every date, the picture somehow making you feel guilty. As if the two people in the photo hadn’t completely broken your heart. But you know you’ll just put it back to its original position as soon as you get home again. 
You shake yourself out of your thoughts, before you make the mistake of going down that black hole of missing them once again. You decide to just go for the revealing, uncomfortable dress — knowing Bradley would probably like it more, praise you for showing off the curves you mostly hid from him. 
You’ll hopefully be too drunk to feel the discomfort anyway. 
The club is loud and packed when you arrive with Bradley, the bass and the stench of spilled sugary drinks overwhelming. You clutch the strap of the purse that’s across your chest nervously, there’s a split second where you want to turn around, hightail it out of there and cuddle up at home by yourself instead. You from a year ago would’ve, but you’re not that same person anymore. 
“Drinks?” He yells at you over the music. He’s at least courteous enough to keep a tight arm around your waist, hugging you in close to shield you slightly from the rowdy party goers who already had one too many to drink. 
“Please,” you yell back before you both make your way to the bar. Winding through the growing crowd of rowdy people, his hand heavy on your skin, feeling out of place. 
You rest your forearms against the bar, wincing at the sticky feeling underneath. You watch as the bartenders flit around, making the various overpriced, overly sweet drinks for the other patrons who arrived long before you. 
Your eyes wander as you wait, taking in the neon signs behind the bar, the shelves of alcohol with countless cheap labels, smiling as you see two girls overly excited to see each other, the guys next to you obviously getting rejected by the girls standing in front of them, the couple that can't seem to keep their hands off each other at the very end of the bar –- wait. 
You stare at the couple for longer than you should. Your brain taking a second to catch up with your eyes. You can only see the back of the guy as you take in his dark clothes, the chain bracelet on his wrist, the tattoos littered along his pale skin, the bats adorning his forearm, the long mop of curly brown hair- No. No no no no no. 
Your head starts to spin, and not just from the overwhelming atmosphere of the club. Why is he here? Why now? Why is he with a girl? You curse yourself for even thinking that last part and for the pang of jealousy in your chest. You’re here with your boyfriend, you can’t be getting jealous of the guy who broke your heart being here with some other girl. 
Even if he was your best friend for all of highschool, the only person who got you through that hell hole, one of the only people you’ve ever truly trusted, truly loved, who you definitely still love more than your own boyfriend as much as you try to pretend you don't, whose back is doing more things for you than your boyfriend has the whole time you’ve been dating, who kisses so much better than him, who looks really good right now kissing… Steve?!   
It’s only then that Eddie turns slightly, giving you a glimpse of the ‘mystery girl’. You feel like you’re gonna be sick. What are they doing? Here? Together? God they look so good. 
All thoughts fail you as you’re mesmerised watching them. The way their bodies press against each other, how Eddie has both hands lazily in Steve's back pockets as Steve's hands fist the front of Eddie’s shirt. Your cunt aches at the way their lips move together as though they’ve done this a thousand times. 
They probably have done this a thousand times, you realise. They way they are standing, so relaxed with each other, like there's no hurry to the makeout session, like they have all night.  
You're confused and hurt as you watch them. You can’t help but wonder if they’re together, they make a hot couple afterall. But you can’t help the awful feelings that that realisation arises. All of your fears from a year ago come flooding back, you were right. They never wanted you.  
Before you can fully spiral you see Bradley’s hand wave in front of your face, it’s then that you realise he’s been talking to you and you see a stressed bartender give you a forced yet polite smile, as they wait for you to tell them what you want. 
“Hello? y/n?” He asks, concerned. 
“Huh?” You reply, dumb, unable to take your eyes off of them — it’s all your brain can come up with as a response, too absorbed in the scene taking place just feet from you.
“What would you like?” He asks, like he’s already asked you multiple times. You rip your eyes away from them, focusing on Bradley’s face that’s still soft and full of admiration, as if you hadn’t been actively ignoring him. As if time hadn’t just stood still, as you watched on in what could only be described as devastation.
“Oh-- ah-- just my usual,” you say finally, glancing back at Eddie and Steve. Watching as Steve’s hand curls into Eddie's hair, it’s longer now, you realise. I wonder if it would still be as soft or if - you shake that image out of your head. “Maybe some shots? Patreon or tequila, you like both right?” You add quickly.
Bradley seems surprised but compiles, ordering one of his own. You take the small glass in your hand, bringing it up to your lips, the strong smell already paralysing, before downing it as fast as you can. You make the mistake of glancing at Eddie and Steve again as you do, finding yourself making eye contact with Steve, realising they’re both looking at you now. You almost choke on the drink in your mouth, wincing at how the liquid burns more than usual as it slides down your throat. 
You grab your drink and Bradley's hand, quickly leading him to the dancefloor. Needing to get as much space between you and the boys as possible. 
Eddie and Steve watch you take the other guy's hand with dark eyes. You spare a glance back seeing Steve’s angry eyes as Eddie whispers something in his ear. 
Angry? What does he have to be angry about? 
You weave in and out of the crowd as they stumble and bump into you, the alcohol making them stagger on their feet and spill their drinks haphazardly on the floor. The further you get lost into the sea of people the more you try to shake Steve and Eddie out of your head, determined to still have a good time despite the anxiety that has wrapped its way around your chest. 
Once you’re almost in the centre of the dancefloor, safely concealed by the thrawl of dancers, you turn to your boyfriend. You pull him in close, rocking your hips to the sound of the music and giving him a forced smile. 
You dance with him for a while, getting lost in the music as you feel the alcohol seep through your body. Although it does nothing to settle the ugly feeling deep in your stomach. As much as you try you can’t help but spare little glances around the club, not being able to stop yourself from aching for just one more glance at them. 
You finally see them, startled by the fact that they’re only a couple of people away from you. Steve is the only one actually dancing but Eddie is happily swaying with him, more than content with and touching Steve and placing gentle kisses all over his neck. Your chest tightens further at the need to tease Eddie about finally dancing, the realisation that you can’t joke with him like that anymore and the jealousy that he would come out to the dancefloor with Steve, even though he never would for you. 
As these ugly emotions swirl around your stomach you realise they’re both watching you, stealing glances the same way you are, but a lot less subtly. Your blood boils at the looks they're giving you, they seem hurt and angry and almost… sad? They have no right to. 
You turn your attention back to Bradley, you make out and grind against him, every now and then looking at them both and winking when you see them clench their jaws. 
You’re confused as you continue your show. What do they have to be angry about? Why do they even care that you’re dancing with someone that isnt them? There was a time when they could’ve had you, a time when you would’ve done anything for them but they were the ones who threw you away. They have no right to be angry now. 
Bradley leans down to whisper in your ear, you’re hopeful that he’s going to say something hot, a compliment or something, instead he lets you know he’s going to get more drinks, leaving you alone in the crowd before you can say anything else. You try to not look anxious about being alone in such a dense crowd of strangers, knowing Bradley is going to take a long time with how packed it is. 
You find some comfort knowing that Steve and Eddie are close by, although you’re not sure why. You decide to continue dancing, doing the most to look as hot and unbothered as possible, but when you spare another glance at Steve and Eddie you’re surprised to find they’ve also gone. It’s weird how their absence has made you feel more alone than Bradley’s. 
You start to leave, deciding to head outside for some fresh air before going to find Bradley where he’s no doubt still waiting at the bar. That is, until you feel hands lightly on your waist. You start to panic, until you hear the stranger whisper in your ear. 
“Hey there, little one.”
Your body shudders at hearing his voice again. You have to fight every nerve in your body to not melt back into him, turn around and wrap your arms around him and cry into his chest. But you don’t, you're frozen in place instead. 
“We liked that little show you put on for us, sweetheart,” he continues as you feel his hands massage small circles in your hips as he presses himself closer to you, you can feel the outline of his semi against your ass and it takes everything in you not to moan at the feeling. 
He starts to rock you both to the music before pressing gentle kisses along your neck. So feather light you’re not sure if you’re actually imagining them, just some mean trick your mind is playing on you. You start to melt back against him, your body betraying you as it’s automatically drawn into the safety of Eddie’s chest and arms. 
You let yourself get caught up in the feeling before reality comes crashing down. You have a boyfriend, he has a boyfriend, you can’t be doing this. You snap out of the weird trance you’ve been in, pulling away from Eddie and finally turning to face him, fully preparing yourself to tell him off before you see the look on his face. 
It causes your breath to hitch as you see the pure lust written all over his face, his blown and glassy pupils staring into your soul and the possessiveness buried deep inside them that makes your thighs clench. 
You go to take a step back, needing space between you both but your back collides with another chest instead. Another set of lips brushing your ear as they whisper lowly to you.  
“Don't be like that, honey.” 
Your head swims at the proximity of both of them. The familiar smells and feel of them crumbling whatever stubborn exterior you were trying to portray. 
You feel Steve's hands run along the sides of your waist and down your thighs before tracing light patterns back up again, your dress pulling up at the sides as he does. He pushes against you as Eddie had, although he is a lot more worked up from your little show than Eddie was — a testament to how he always was more of the jealous type. 
“Can you feel what your little show did to us baby?” He asks like you’ve wounded them. Eddie pushing against you at the same time. “You’re so fucking naughty, getting us all worked up like that.”
“Anything to say for yourself, miss?” Eddie asks when you don’t respond right away. How could you? Your head feels like it's about to spin off your shoulders, your cunt feels like it’s about to start dripping down your thighs, they’ve thoroughly wrecked you with no more than some gentle touches, barely any grinding and a couple of words whispered seductively in your ears. 
You only manage a small moan in response, one that you’re thankful only they can hear over the loud music. 
They both chuckle at your response, knowing they have you right where they want you. Loving how fucking easy you are for them. 
Steve’s fingers continue to dance along your thighs as Eddie’s hand comes to rest on your waist again, both of them pressing into you and swaying you to the music, causing their hardening cocks to grind against you.  
Steve's fingers slide to the front of your dress, tracing up the inside of your thighs as you let out a little whimper. Steve smirks against your skin as he starts to kiss up your throat as Eddie had just before. Your eyes start to flutter shut as Steve’s fingers inch higher, so close to where you desperately need him. 
“That feel nice, pretty girl?” Steve asks, although he already knows the answer, “want me to keep going?” 
Eddie keeps his eyes trained on your blissed out face, sucking on his bottom lip as he anxiously waits for your answer. 
You nod your head slowly, words failing you as you melt back into Steve. 
“Ah, ah,” Eddie tuts, “you know the rules princess, use your words.” 
“P-please.” You barely breathe out, and Eddie’s sure he would’ve missed it if his eyes weren't glued to your lips. 
He nods at Steve, who groans as his fingers finally make contact with your dripping cunt, feeling the slick that’s soaked through your panties. 
Eddie holds your waist tighter, half keeping you upright as your legs start to shake, half shielding you from any onlookers as he continues to sway his hips, making it look like you three were just dancing.
Steve dips his fingers into your underwear, moaning in your ear as he gathers your slick on his thick fingers before rubbing your clit.
“Fuck, you’re dripping,” he teases, “this is all for us huh?”
You can only nod and whine in response, too far gone to be embarrassed by how close they were getting you already. No one except for Steve and Eddie have been able to get you this close this fast. 
You feel the coil in your stomach tighten further as Steve's thick digits breach your aching cunt, finding a steady pace immediately, his palm dragging deliciously over your slick clit. Eddie’s grip on your waist becomes so tight you’re sure he’s gonna leave bruises that you’re going to have to try and explain to Bradley later, but you can’t bring yourself to care. You’re happy that he’s at least holding you somewhat upright as your knees start to get weak. 
Eddie presses further into you still to keep you upright, so far that Steve can feel Eddie’s hard cock pulsing against his hand even through his jeans. Making Steve’s cock ache for some sort of release as he starts to rock gently into your ass. Craving some relief. 
You feel the familiar feeling of your orgasm approaching as you teeter on the edge. Only able to get out small sputters of “I’m, I’m—” before you’re burying your face in the crook of Eddie’s neck as your orgasm comes crashing into you. 
Your ears ring and your vision goes white as you ride out your orgasm around Steve’s fingers, rutting against his hand while clinging to Eddie. 
When you finally start to come down from your high you’re barely aware of the music still blaring around you, focusing only on Steve’s hands rubbing soothing circles in your thighs, Eddie’s hand in your hair and their praises gently flowing through your ears. 
Suddenly, reality hits you like a truck. Completely cracking the walls of whatever weird dream you’ve been trapped in with Eddie and Steve. Suddenly everything seems too much, their touch is suffocating and grating against your skin, the music of the club is blaring too loud, rocking your skull and their sweet whispers might as well be screams in your ear. 
You need to get away. 
You finally look at Eddie, his eyes meeting yours. He knows that look. 
“y/n-,” he tries as you start to squirm out of their grip. 
“Let me go”, you suddenly hiss at him, finally breaking free and rushing through the crowd and out the door. You hear them yell after you, but you keep going, their voices being drowned out by the music the further you get away from them. 
By the time you finally make it outside you feel as if you can hardly breathe. Your chest is so tight and you struggle to take shallow breaths, you can feel the unshed tears prick your eyes as you try and will them to keep at bay. Although you’re not sure why, you’re almost certain your makeup must be a mess now, most of it left on Eddie’s collar, you doubt a couple of tears would really make much of a difference. 
You shakily reach into the clutch still thankfully secured across your chest, fishing out a smoke. You put one between your lips as you try, but fail to find your lighter. You sigh in frustration, of course you’ve lost your lighter. 
“Here, let me.” You hear someone whisper, before you see the flicker of a lighter in front of your lips. You don’t have to look up from your clutch to know that it’s Eddie. Your eyes meet his timid ones as you lean forward, using the flame to light the end of your cigarette. 
“Thanks,” you mumble before looking beside Eddie, realising Steve also followed you out here. 
You all stand in awkward silence, Eddie busying himself by lighting his own cigarette. 
“I– ah,” Steve finally breaks the silence. There’s so much he wants to say, so much he needs you to hear, but the words won't form, instead he opts for, “didn’t know you smoked.” 
You snort half a laugh, shaking your head. You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to say but it definitely wasn't that. Sorry would have been a good start… but at least you’re talking, you guess. 
“There’s a lot you both don’t know about me anymore,” you reply, deadpan. You see them both visibly flinch at the implication of your words. It's been over a year since they last saw you, you've had a whole year's worth of experiences without them, would they even recognise the person you'd become? 
You bring your smoke back up to your lips, thankful for the distraction it provides and for how it's almost calming most of your nerves. 
It doesn't, however, distract you enough to not feel their hungry eyes on you. You're surprised your dress doesn't have holes burnt into the fabric with how hot and heavy their gazes are. You adjust your dress with your free hand trying to pull the fabric down, cursing yourself now for wearing the revealing dress. 
You don’t want them to see you squirm, you need to keep up this teasing, nonchalant act you were trying to portray, you couldn't let them know how much seeing them again was hurting you. 
“See something you like?” You slur seductively at them, not shying away from their eyes. Even as your palms sweat and your heart rattles in your chest. 
They both chuckle and shake their heads, not in disagreement but at the absurdity of your question. Of course they did. You looked stunning, confident. In a dress you usually would be too shy to wear. It was nice to see you like this, but it was also weird. 
Not weird in a bad way, it just hurt. It hurt them to see that you finally seemed to be growing into yourself and hopefully finally seeing how beautiful you were. Except it was without them. 
“You seem… different,” Eddie finally managed. He couldn't think of a better way to put it. Not better, not worse, just different. But that's what heartbreak will do to a person. 
“I am different.” You say back, no hidden meaning behind it, like it’s that simple. 
They were different. You were different. You’d just grown away from each other. You’d all changed and grown in the year that had passed, in the year that you had all ached for each other. Now here you were, and it felt like you were talking to strangers. 
You had a picture of them on your dresser that you saw everyday, and yet it felt like those two men were different from the ones that stood in front of you now. 
It makes your whole body ache. 
You want to fill the silence, distract yourself from the heavy feeling. You want to mess with them, annoy them, make them even more jealous and angry and hurt than they’ve already seemed to have been tonight. 
“Trust me,” you say finally, “I’ve had lots of experience since you last saw me.” You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively, trying to joke around with them as if it’s no big deal. 
You see their jaws clench. Eddie fights the urge to scoff at you, to roll his eyes, to scream in your face. Steve is a little better at hiding his distaste at what you’re insinuating. Both knowing they have no right to feel as hurt and betrayed as they do right now. 
You’re not theirs. 
“Well, they must be some lucky guys then.” Eddie tries to speak sincerely. It comes out like venom. 
“Hmm,” you hum, revelling in their reactions. Trying to think of what else you can say to rile them up like this. “And girls,” you say with a wink. 
Lies, it’s all lies. 
You had drunkenly kissed one girl out the back of a club after too many drinks. She was nice and soft and tasted like vodka and raspberries. But that was it… just a kiss. 
The furthest you’d gotten with your current boyfriend was some grinding and heavy touches. Always stopping before it got too far. He was always respectful of that, something you appreciated. 
They look at you stunned. You could see their brains working a mile a minute. You could tell they were imagining something much more lewd than reality. Victory. 
Desperate for this conversation to be over before they pried and realised you were talking all of your experiences up to be something much more, you stomp out your cigarette. Giving them a small smile that said ‘are we done here?’ as you started to walk away. 
Before you can get too far you feel a hand desperately grasp your arm. You know it’s Steve before you even turn around. 
You see his mouth open as he struggles to find the right words to say but you don’t want to hear it. You can’t. 
“Don’t,” you interrupt, before he can even say a single word. His mouth closes as his hand reluctantly lets go of your arm, brushing the skin of your forearm as he drops his hand. You curse your body for the goosebumps that appear along the trail of his fingertips. 
You’re about to turn around again when you decide to ask them just one thing. Something that’s been weighing heavy on you since you first saw them at the bar. 
“So, um,” you start tentatively, rubbing your hand over the arm that Steve had just touched, unsure if you’re trying to warm yourself up or wipe away the memory of his fingertips, “how long have you been dating?” 
They share a look before Eddie slowly mumbles, “a little over a year.” 
A little over a year. 
The same amount of time since your fight. The guilty looks on their faces let you know it was very shortly after they broke your heart. So while you were alone, completely breaking and having to put yourself back together again all by yourself, they were just having the time of their lives? Starting a new and exciting relationship? Typical. 
“Of course you have been,” you scoff. Turning abruptly and stalking away from them as fast as your stupidly uncomfortable heels would let you. 
“Y/n wait! It’s not like tha–“ Steve calls after you, desperately trying to catch you before you run off once again. Like he’s worried this time you’ll be gone for good.
“Just leave me alone!” You practically yell. You feel bad for raising your voice and how it makes them flinch but finally, they let you go. 
Taglist: @pxrxcxa @eddiemunsonfuxks @translatemunson @bandofoxxking @munsonsbaby @corrodedhawkins @chainsawmunson @divinelyruled @parkermunson @bimbobaggins69 @eddiemunsonspantschain @hammity-hammer
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 3 months
the great war - astarion
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a/n: i finished baldurs gate 3 last night for the first time and i just. i couldn't stop thinking about the fact that this is a game where all you do is fight and kill people and spend months thinking you'll die. and no one mentions the fact that those things woudl give you ptsd. so here's what i came up with! warnings: cursing, smut, angst, nightmares, ptsd, crying, MASSIVE spoilers for baldurs gate 3. like explicit details about the ending. general content warning for mature themes and such word count: 2.2.k summary: the four things you tell your companions you've been up to when they ask at reunions. pairing: astarion x gn!reader now playing: the great war - taylor swift "that was the night i nearly lost you/i really thought i'd lost you/we can plant a memory garden/say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair/there's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair/and we will never go back"
He asks you to teach him to paint on a cold, rainy day. He’s spent hours watching you meticulously replicate various memories and scenes you want to be forever permanent. You paint your old friends.
You paint Gale and Tara curled up on one of the chairs in the Elfsong Tavern.
You paint Astarion with a goblet in his hand, wrinkles crinkling at the corners of his eyes.
You paint Karlach and Shadowheart laughing by the fire.
You paint Astarion in the early morning, his arm draped over his eyes as he rests.
You paint Wyll and Lae’zel sparring as Scratch watches, running around them like an excited toddler.
You paint Astarion sitting by the river, his feet submerged in the water. You remember how peaceful he looked.
But now, he stares at the canvas in front of him with a frown.
“What’s wrong?” You ask gently as you work.
“You’re so good at this,” He whines, “It’s infuriating.” You can’t help yourself. You lean over and gently kiss his cheek. The pale elf’s ears grow red.
“It’s all about practice and time, love.” You remind. “Besides, I also draw a lot. That helps.” You confess. Astarion looks at you curiously.
“I’ve never seen any of your drawings. Not recently, I suppose.” He recalls scattered parchment across your tent, but he couldn’t recall seeing you draw in the past few months. Your heart skips a beat.
You’ve revealed yourself.
You rest the paintbrush and the pallet down, before going to your bedroom. You come back and hand him a sketchbook. He sits down on one of your chairs before taking it, beginning to flip through it.
The pages are full of so many things.
His heart aches just looking at it.
The first few pages are normal. You’ve drawn Astarion, your companions, Scratch..
And then, he starts to see the dragon you fought on top of the Netherbrain. Right beneath it, Arabella grins back to him.
The amulet of Bhaal sits in one corner, and Halsin widdling sits in the other.
This pattern goes on and on, back and forth. A horrible thing is followed by the warmest memory you can reach in that moment.
Unconsciously, Astarion’s arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer. He goes through the book, and as the horrors you’ve drawn become worse, he notices that a familiar face he now recognizes as himself fills the pages.
He closes the book and puts it to the side. Then, he glances up to you. He pulls you closer, so you’re standing between his legs. You admire him for a long time but neither of you say much. You just admire each other as you quietly ponder everything that you’ve been through
2. Fucking
When you aren’t painting, you’re fucking—You cannot help yourself, and at this point, it’s sort of embarrassing.
You and your darling Astarion live in a roomy but peaceful house where no one can just stumble upon you, they must be looking. You have a small sunroom for your paintings, even an alchemy lab, and of course, Astarion spends most of his time in the study he has made himself.
But that doesn’t stop the pair of you from trying to fuck to death.
Astarion bakes you various delicious treats, and then lays you down on the table to enjoy his own treat—His tongue laps up the sweet nectar that he has found himself genuinely craving you, as if your cum was a lifesaving elixir.
And of course, while he works in his study, your mouth warms his cock, teasing it—When you get too cheeky, he pulls your hair with his fingers, telling you to behave.
One particular night, his teeth graze your neck as he thrusts into you, gripping your hands as he listens to the euphoric moans leaving your lips. He thinks he can probably spend the rest of eternity chasing those moans.
“Astarion,” You breath out, squeezing his hand, and he just lets out a breathy chuckle.
“I know, darling, just wait a few more minutes for me..” he says softly, “Just really feel everything I’m giving you,” He says. His voice is not unkind, and he is focused on giving you what you want.
You fought a Netherbrain for Gods sake, you can at least take a few minutes to enjoy the feeling of your spouse fucking you.
As your moans become whinier, and Astarion feels himself about to cum too, so he bites the shell of your ear, a quiet sign to let yourself go.
And you do—In the midst of a chorus of moans and pants, you take a second to recognize the fact that you’re alive. The two of you are breathing and you’re not mindflayers, and you’re in love. You never thought the feeling of your lover’s cum dripping out of you would be damn near inspirational.
He stays on top of you for a few minutes, and you can tell he’s feeling the same things you are. But eventually he rolls off of you and rests comfortably on his stomach. Your hand comes over to his back, starting to trace those scars.
Those scars that haunt him.
You cannot help the next words that leave your lips.
“Do you ever regret not becoming the Ascendant?” You ask quietly. His eyes study yours. He answers with another question—
“Do you ever regret not taking control of the Netherbrain?” he asks.
Your answer is simple. Unspoken. Obvious.
You just smile gently to him and lean in, kissing his head.
3. Late Night Tea
Astarion doesn’t sleep. Not because he doesn’t want to, but that’s how elves work. But he doesn’t mind laying next to you as you sleep and he meditates.
But mostly, you never sleep through the night.
Sometimes it’s something small.
Raphael’s laughter haunting you. The snake that threatened Arabella in the grove. The sewers of Baldurs Gate.
Other times, it’s intense. It’s vivid and leaves you sobbing and panicked.
Orin with a knife to Gale’s throat. Gortash experimenting on Karlach. The Emporer sucking Wyll’s soul from his head, or sometimes you’re just stuck in the Astral Prism, unable to get out.
Tonight, You’re in Cazzador’s dungeon. You’re standing in the middle of the circle where he attempted to preform the ascension ritual—But this time it’s different. Your companions are levitating, suspended in red magic. When you look behind you, Astarion is there. He’s shirtless, suspended midair.
Your heart drops.
You run over to him, as fast as your feet will take you, but you are halted just a few feet from him, crashing into an invisible barrier keeping you from your spouse. You cannot reach any of your companions, but their faces are all twisted into the same look—A melted, tense look of pain and terror.
You look back to the center of the room and.. You see your dream vistor. The façade the Emperor put on to try and trick you. They hold Cazzador’s staff, and their eyes glow deep red. You charge at the dream visitor, your hands clawing for the face before—
You wake up, sobbing and breathless. You have to take a moment to realize that it is over, that you’re not in that dungeon deep beneath Cazzador’s estate, and instead, are in bed, lying with Astarion.
You sit up, and when you glance over to him, he’s awake, looking at you with this worried expression. It makes him look younger than you’ve ever known him.
“Astarion—” You start, the words getting caught in your throat.
His hand comes over to your cheek, cupping it gently.
“Shh.. Just breath.” He requests gently, wiping your tears gently. His other hand finds yours. “Come along,” He says softly, tugging on your hand, pulling you along to the kitchen. The sun will rise soon. But Astarion leaves the windows open, sensing it will help ground you.
He starts to boil water for tea, as you sit at the table, staring out the window. Your hands wipe away your tears. Astarion brings two cups of tea to the table and sits next to you.
“Thank you.” You say gently, and he smiles gently to you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shake your head. Then you ask—
“Do you ever get nightmares?”
Astarion tilts his head, admiring you for a few moments as he debates his answer.
“Yes.” He takes a sip of his tea.
“Why don’t you ever wake me up when you have them? You always seem to help me, why not wake me up?”
Astarion slides off the chair and kneels by your side. He kisses your hand gently, looking up to you with those gorgeous red eyes.
“When I wake up and realize that Cazzador is dead, that it was just a rather dull nightmare.. When I remember that you’re safe and by my side, I’m okay.” He says gently. “As long as I can realize you’re safe, I can calm down.”
You kiss him deeply, and you never want to let him go.
4. Growing Back Together
It takes a long time to find all the pieces of yourself that has been scattered throughout Faerun due to the parasite. It takes a long time for Astarion to unlearn two hundred years of abuse and torment.
The two of you become less frail as you grow comfortable. Your stomachs are full of warm soup and bread and rich wines, and as you lose that familiar and constant hunger, your brain begins to clean up, as if it’s repairing itself, mending the walls and putting pictures back together.
You and Astarion spend your time trying to grow together. He teaches you how to play cards, and you accuse him of cheating every single time. You know he is. He won’t ever admit it to you.
You face the inevitability that Astarion will outlive you. That you will grow old and sickly, and Astarion will be left all alone. He will outlive not only you, but your comapnions, too. It will be just him and Withers one day.
And at first, you try to convince him to move on after you die. You tell him that he will have the opportunity to see this wild future, a future that no one can possibly predict. You tell him that he might be able to fall in love with other people, and that he can live this phenomenal life in your name.
But he argues back. He tells you he has no desire for people to forget the battles you fought, that he has no need to hear the very real adventures he went on become a fairytale, a legend that no one truly believes.
He has no need to outlive his friends, loved ones, or even future children you might have with him.
“There’s no desire to live a life without you. You are what makes my life worth living.”
And that is what convinces you. You agree that when you’re old and wrinkly, and you are near the end, Astarion will hold you as the sun rises. That way, the pair of you will die together. There will never be a day the two of you know without each other.
But for the time being, you spend long nights in front of the fire, talking about anything and everything.
One night, Astarion slips a gold band onto your finger and asks you to solidify the legend of the Vampire Astarion and the Savior of Baldurs Gate, in front of your friends, in front of the Gods, and to each other.
How could you say no?
But the two of you, being who you are.. You cannot just rent a venue, buy a few fancy outfits, get a cake, and have a party. There needs to be a special twist on it.
So when Withers sends out invitations for the five year anniversary of your defeat of the Netherbrain (after six months and then a year), you and Astarion look at each other, and realize what must happen.
To declare your love for each other in the place where your love started, it’s the perfect fairytale ending the two of you deserve.
Withers agrees to turn his celebration into a makeshift wedding, happy to indulge you in your mortal celebrations, especially because he knows things you do not know.
So, in that pretty clearing in the forest that he lead you to when you thought you might be illithid by morning, you marry him. You marry him and never look back, do not think twice, and you dive headfirst into it.
When you get back to your house, you spend days buried between silk sheets.
Dirty tea cups sit on the table.
An old game of cards lays abandoned on the desk of his study.
A painting of your wedding hangs on the wall.
The Pale Elf gets his happy ending.
You can hear your own thoughts, there is no tadpole invading them.
And neither of you have flinched in years.
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Wish list for CBS ghosts season 4
Make Patience a recurring antagonist for at least 2-3 episodes before that story gets resolved and she gets regulated to a background character.
Patience character to be 50% good religious farm girl, 50% crazy witch. She also needs to have a wicked(ly cool) ghost power
More of Isaac loving dinosaurs
More solo development for Isaac
More of Isaac and Hetty's awesome friendship
No Nigel for a while. I do not like him. He did a lot of things in his and Isaac's relationship that are textbook abusive partner behavior.
I think it is about time for Jay's restaurant to start up, and I would like that to actually become pretty successful/profitable. Mostly because I would like Sam and Jay to have a bit more disposable income to do things around the manor, and I know the B&B is unlikely to become super busy next season (unless the show is ending , which I really do not want).
The difference in treatment between the above ground ghosts and basement ghosts to be addressed. I know after season 3 that they aren't going to move them all up stairs. But it would be nice if Sam and Jay could like furbish the basement , and then more Basement ghosts than just Nancy got invited to come upstairs for games or discussion.
Just to be clear I still want Nancy to keep making her frequent visits up stairs and hang out with the man 8. I just also would not mind seeing Stuart or another nameless basement ghost standing or walking by in the background on the occasion.
Explore Pete's power more. He does not need to hop on a plane and go across the country or anything, but let him keep going out into town and having adventures. Also let him keep going on dates with other random ghosts outside of the house.
I know that Pete&Alberta will probably happen at some point in season 4. The thing is though while that ship was cute in season 1, the way the ship was handled in season 2 soured it like milk to me. Both characters need a lot of development, and separate explorations of what they want out of a relationship, before I can ship them again.
H-Money is still a couple I kinda like. I do not expect them to get back together in season 4 (Please not another season that is fully devoted to coupling up all the character), but I would like them to start scheming together again. Let them figure out how to interact together as friends, and build a stronger foundation to eventually, in season 5 maybe, try again.
I have heard people suggest that Pete's power could maybe be extend to getting the other ghosts through the barrier if they are like holding onto Pete's hand. I want this. Now I know Sass will want to visit a Pizza Hut, and Issac a dinosaur museum, but I would say the most important thing to do with that would be to take Thor and Flower over to the Farnsby manor to visit Bjorn and his girlfriend Judy. It would also be cool if there was a lesbian ghost living there they could set up Nancy with. Since Nisaac is on a "respite" and queer representation (preferably healthy queer representation) is important.
Everyone remember in season 2 when we learned about Flower's super protective, formally MIA, army vet brother : Rob. You remember how the show's staff said they would love to have Rob come to the B&B for a visit, and were already considering actors who could play him? I want this episode. Also if you cannot directly tell Rob his sister is a ghost on the property, then can Trevor or Alberta use their powers to help Flower send a message to Rob. To say that she still loves him. I cannot deal that both siblings spent like 50 years thinking the other hated them when neither did. It is to sad.
It would be cool if we could also have Ira visit once too. I know Flower did not love him like she did Michael or does Thor, but he was still someone who was a big part of her life for a while, and knowing her cannonly had a large impact on his. Maybe we find that while he has done charities in her memory, trauma over watching her be killed by a bear has also lead him to sponsor bear hunts or poaching. Flower is horrified. Then Sam and Jay have to spend his visit looking for a way to convince him that is not what Flower would have wanted.
Four standard episodes for each season are a Halloween episode, an episode where Bela visits, one where Stephanie wakes up, and one where Crash appears and is slightly relevant. I have no idea what to do for an episode with Crash, but for the others
-Ghost animals on Halloween
-Home theater night for ghosts and guests on the night Stephanie wakes up, complete with all the drama of set up and shenanigans that going to the movies encores.
- Bela is broken up with Eric, she does not even like him. This time her and Jay's parents come with her for the visit. Bela wants all the latest gossip surrounding the ghosts, but they have to tip toe around the parents. Jay's dad does not fully support the B&B even without the knowledge that it is haunted, and Sam does not want to give her mother in law another reason to suspect that she might be crazy.
Owning back to the "Can Pete take the other ghosts off the property" theory, can Thomas Woodstone be a ghost who died visiting a neighbors property. We have no reason to see Elias again since he has decided to stay put in Hell. But Thomas reappearing could be interesting for both Hetty and Alberta. If he does show up though I want the twist to be that he is actually severally cognitively impaired (think Lenny from oMaM)... I mean the man was from an inbred family, played with lead based toys as a baby, had a cocaine addict mom, and a father who was a lot of things. He could not have been all there. Also address more on if Earl ever actually cared for any of the people he was two timing (again development that needs to happen to make Alberta want to go from dating an Earl to a Pete).
A Sasappis based episode that is not his death story. I feel like he needs at least one more episode exploring what his life alive was like, to be appropriately gutted when we learn about his secret death.
Actually maybe we can hold off on Sass's death and Hetty's ghost power until season 5. let's keep the element of mystery in the show for a little longer.
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queenofallimagines · 8 months
Omg hello!! I just read your devotee headcanons(they were all amazing I loved them) for the brothers and I just wanted to ask if you could do one for guardian angel simeon???in my religion we believe that every person has a guardian angel so imagine how funny it would be when you come down to the devildom and simeon is like :o it's you!!
Certainly beloved!💕 I think this one might be the longest😭
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- unlike the others, notices right off the bat
- He’s been assigned to you since before birth like come on he could recognize you by just an eyelash
- Will be slightly hurt if you don’t recognize him
- “You don’t remember me?🥺 but I sing you a lullaby when you were 2”
- Sir…. Please be serious, that’s like 3 seconds of memory
- Will passive aggressively push for you to move in with him in purgatory hall
- Lucifer is exhausted because he’s always there
- “You act like you LIVE here. Go back to YOUR dorms!”
- “Bold of you to think I would leave MY precious, amazing human here will all of you unsupervised”
- He’s not about to stop being clingy neither
- Sharing old stories at student coy meetings like you have got to stop him before he gets out a photo album 😭
- Scolds you like a parent
- “I know you’re now doing what you shouldn’t be”
- Luke is your honorary baby brother
- Will ask Luke to watch you like he’s tall enough to reach the microwave
- “Luke I’ll be back in a minute make sure they don’t have any more sweets”
- Like you’re literally grown💀please tell him to back off a little or this will get worse
- When he realizes he’s falling for you in a way Guardian Angels shouldn’t. He panics
- This the same shit Lilith did
- And he got demoted for just AGREEING with Lucifer about the war
- Hides it like he’s gonna take it to the grave, especially from Luke
- You notice he starts avoiding you a little and will lie through his teeth that he’s just feeling a little under the weather
- Lucifer peeped game though, and he’s like yeah absolutely NOT
- he’s not letting anything else happen to any more of his Family
- Will lock your ass up until he gets Simeon alone to have a talk with him
- Like you now have a curfew 😭
- Listen…. He would tear apart the entire exchange program over lesson 16,,,,
- Like y know how Diavolo said Simeon is the ONE person he doesn’t want to piss off?
- Yeah it’s like inconsolable now
- In any timeline any life any dimension he will feel you’re endanger
- In like Bible canon they really can’t help unless god gives them the okay so they’re often times forced to watch the one they were bound to protect suffer
- But this is the devildom and he don’t really got eyes down here. So who’s to stop him from coming to your aid??
- Even though you’re “technically” okay he’s still like not having it
- As soon as it happens he feels a sharp cold pain throughout his entire body and drops whatever he’s holding
- Struggling to remember how to breathe all he can think about is sprinting to the house of lamentation
- Busts open the doors to see you in mammon arms, and it’s like his whole world shatters
- He hears belphie laughing, and he’s never felt rage like this before
- Lucifer is fighting for his LIFE because he’s having to balance feeling grief, shock,rage, and also try to keep his brothers from going off the deep end so he’s like frozen
- Can’t think fast enough to stop Simeon from unleashing some divine punishment on this spoiled brat
- Lucifer does snatch him up because he will literally kill him in cold blood right there if he doesn’t reason with him
- Almost snaps back on Lucifer before you show up again for the intermission
- Shaking and crying with relief
- You’re gonna make him literally faint MC please😭
- Like don’t the angels use a LOT of magic to keep their emotions in check so they don’t go crazy like demons do?
- They’re having to suppress every emotion ever and dull those
- So he’s got like a couple of eons of just raw feelings pent-up beating his ass all at once
- When you explain the reveal he’s like REALLY about to throw up
- Lucifer and everyone are like feeling relief and are glad you’re okay
- Almost wants to break mammon arms for holding you and barely letting anyone else get near you
- But he’s frozen in shock too
- Lucifer side eying Simon like,,,,, me too bro, but he has NO idea how to talk to him about that?
- Settles for holding you as tight as possible and whispering a prayer into your hair for protection
- Teaches you to use your angel powers
- But doubles down on his over protectiveness
- Helicopter angel now
- Which doesn’t really mesh well with Lucifer’s attachment anxiety
- will come pick you up at random ass times and whisk you away for no reason
- Like the exam is in a month why are you studying devildom history now???
- Causing Lucifer to freak the fuck out when he does his randomly scheduled MC room check-ups
- Doesn’t even think to text you before hyperventilating
- Luckily enough, the first time you come back with Simeon attached at the hip
- Him and Lucifer have gotten into it a few times over this
- Dia is forced to call a student council meeting without you present
- You and Luke think the meeting is tomorrow and are making snacks
- he’s like okay Simeon you can’t keep doing this
- And he goes OFF
- Like this is HIS fault for not watching and protecting you
- Like if this is supposed to be for human angels and demons to coexist you’re doing a shit job
- Almost single-handedly shuts down the program by saying he will take you home and make sure they never get near you ever again
- Lucifer feeling so much guilt he can’t breathe is trying to be in his best behavior and be rational, but Simeon is relentless
- He’s talking out the side of his neck until he snaps back on some “you’re literally following in Lilith’s footsteps! Do you not think that the celestial real won’t also deal out a punishment for MC? You falling from grace isn’t the only thing on the line here.”
- It’s suddenly crickets
- Even Barbados is like 😦🫢
- He can’t even deny those allegations so he’s just like glaring at him
- Solomon steps in bc WOW this is getting crazy
- Reasons with him that because you have a pact with all of them now they CANT hurt you and you’re training under him as a sorcerer so you’ll be fully equipped to defend yourself from anything
- Simeon relents at least sitting back down in his chair
- Explains there really nobody best as a candidate for representing the three realms than you being a part of all three of them
- (Lilith when she died wasn’t an angel or a demon but something in between so in my head MC has always been all three; human demon and angel and that’s why they’re extra immune to demon magic)
- Simeon agreeing to chill out a little bit swearing if anything else ever happens to you, he wouldn’t hesitate to target whoever’s directly responsible
- Imagine how awkward the actual meeting is tomorrow 😭
- You’re having a great morning and everyone holding they breath
- Barbados my beloved is the only one who’s got enough sense and acting skills to act like nothing happened
- When you stop lord Doavolo mid-sentence to ask what the FUCK is up with these rancid vibes
- Barbatos kindly informs you that it’s the stress from a new school event that diavolo has yet to announce
- “It happens annually (lie) and it’s usually very exhausting to put together. Perhaps you can alleviate some of that for us.”
- Everyone subtlety lets out the breath they were holding seeing you so excited to help out
- Barbatos stirring the pot a little more ALSO suggests you run the maid bunny café
- Suddenly everyone forgets what the elephant in the room was and is now talking over each other
- There was no school event btw LMAO so they just had to make one up and then take three weeks to prepare for it.
- Great way to lift the spirits though✨
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ignisgalaxia · 2 months
With the release of Prodigy season 2, the Trek fandom finally has an answer to what Chakotay's native ancestry is. He's Nicarao, a tribe from the western region of Nicaragua who actually share a common ancestry with the Nahua Aztecs of Mexico. The show even mentions the island of Ometepe specifically, which is the largest island in Lake Nicaragua made up of two volcanoes.
The reason this is so important to me is because my dad and his family are from Nicaragua. I’ve been getting more in touch with those roots over the last year or so, and I’ve found it very frustrating how there seems to be no Nica representation in media, at least not in the mainstream. But when I found out that Chakotay was a fellow Nica, I was literally bouncing off the walls. To think, one of my favorite characters has the same ancestry as me (well, almost, but I’ll get to that later)! When I told my dad, he laughed so hard because he never would’ve imagined.
But I haven’t seen a lot of people talking about this aspect. I get it, it’s a minuscule part of the wild ride that was season 2. But I’d really like us as a fandom to discuss this more. I mean, we literally don’t have to guess what tribe he’s from anymore!
So since nobody else has come forward, I am going to claim myself as the only member of the Voyager-Prodigy fandom with actual Nicaraguan ancestry, and am making this post to give firsthand information about the Nicarao and the nation as a whole.
Firstly, some context. My dad was born in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, and lived there with his family until he was 7. Then they fled the country due to the Contra War that was going on. My grandfather was born and raised in Bluefields, a city on the country's Carribean coast, then went to college in Mexico where he met my grandmother. Neither of them are Nicarao, and are in fact very European (the DNA tests proved it). However, when they were all living in Managua, my grandparents had a handful of maids that worked for them (they had six kids they needed some help), and a couple of them were Nicarao. Specifically, they were natives from a village in the nearby mountains. So while I don't have info on natives from Ometepe, I do have some on the people in general.
The maids lived with my dad's family during the week and would go home to their village on the weekends. They primarily spoke Spanish, but he would occasionally catch them speaking in their native tongue which I assume is Nahua.
My dad recounted a time when the maids invited the family to their village for a day trip. He said they were living in Adobe houses and had lots of livestock (cattle, chickens, goats, etc) as well as horses, which he apparently rode for the first time there. He also said most of the natives had two primary weapons: a machete to cut crops and other vegetation, and a 22 single shot rifle. They used the rifles to shoot iguanas off trees. Iguanas and iguana eggs are a delicacy in Nicaragua that the natives are experts at making.
This is a direct quote from my grandmother when I asked her about what she remembered of them:
The people I knew, they were good and hard working people. Smart, happy, funny… they really are sociable, like to talk and say jokes invented with their mind and history. The women were skillful, knew how to survive. They cooked, cleaned, planted crops and vegetables. Good merchants, they really knew how to sell and buy.
I wish I had more info to share, but unfortunately season 2 could not have been released at a worse time because my grandfather has recently begun developing Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia and has been losing his memory over the last few months. Even when my dad and I were with him in May and I asked him to recount his earlier life, he repeated himself a few times since he evidently had forgotten he'd already told us those parts. If I had known how fast he’d be deteriorating, I would’ve started my work sooner.
If I do end up learning anything more from my relatives, I’ll update the post. For now, I hope this is of some use to people. And if anyone has questions about Nicaraguan culture in general, I’ll be happy to pass them along to my dad.
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pamicakery · 29 days
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You're not trapped in one reality - Part II
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This is my last post before my hiatus!
Okay so this post will be a little bit long because I have some stuff to explain :
1)You're not your identity
If we look at it, all our life is an assumption. From our name, to our origins, or family and even the planet we live in. For exemple : My name is Pami, being Pami involves having Pami's past and Pami's future.
All your life before now is a memory and you bring that memory into the present and you are assuming this as true. The future you predict is an assumption and you are assuming it as true.
2)You can choose who you are :
So... If I choose another name like.. Sumi :
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Sumi and Pami are different version of me. But they are me. When I'm running that blog, I am not me trying to be Pami. I am Pami. Pami is me.
I am not affirming, changing my thoughts, denying the 3d, I'm just being.
This reality is just a reality among other. It's your choice to be aware of this reality.
(As someone who live with toxic parents it helps a lot because this is not my reality by default nor my true reality. I am embodying the version of me who is living with my toxic parents, but this is not the canon version of me)
What's make me lives here, it's assuming that they are my parents, I'm living in this house. My past memories '' confirming '' that they always were my parents and the future assuming they always be.
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Is like choosing a cake in a pastrie display. Your current identity isn't your Canon. It's a version of you among many.
3)Embodying a new identity
For example I want to manifest my appearance and I am not satisfied with this one I currently have. If I want to shift from this appearance to another, I have to consider that both of those appearance are mine. But my consciousness is choosing the one I don't like.
And also manifesting, it's not changing my current appearance. It's shifting from the '' I am '' that have this apparence. The version of me who doesn't like this appearance is not canon, it's a choosed state. So I have to choose another.
The methods are here to help you Realize that you are embodying this state.
So it's not :
- Going from state A from State B
- Be B.
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4)Stop waiting start receiving
When you are waiting, you are not creating. You are putting the version of you having your desire in the future.
You have to know that there is a version of you, who have it right now. Embody that state. Don't wait for the 3D to conform, it's like you are considering that the 3d is an independant entity who have its own will.
You are the 3d, the 4d, the mind and the operant power. Again it's not : Affirming to get.
You are embodying a version of you who have it. It's not shifting from the version of you who don't have it to the version of you who have.
You have to be the version of you who have it. And don't go back, don't waver. Persist in it. Persist in that state. No matter what you see, what you hear, persist. You are God, the operant power, the game master!
When you are persisting you are instructing and telling the different world how the world is.
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So what's next?
Step 1 :
Who are you? Or.. Which version of you are you embodying now? Make a page about your past, future, assumption.
Step 2 :
What do you want to manifest? What having that desire will bring you, what feelings? What experience?
Step 3 :
Embody the version of you who have it. Remember that both (the version of you who doesn't have it and the version of you who have it are both different version of you. You can be both and neither of them at the same time)
Step 4 :
Don't wait for it. Be it in the now. Don't envision this as '' I wish my reality were this '' NO. '' This is my reality rn '' YES. S.A.V method (Scripting - Affirming - Visualizing.).
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Happy manifesting everyone and glad to help!
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nydescynt · 2 months
Thematic Analysis of Hades II: Why You Can Never Go Home
(At some point I might make a video on this, but for now sharing my thoughts via textpost. Spoilers ahead!)
So the text of the story of Hades and Hades 2 are Zagreus breaking out of the House, and Melinoë breaking in.
But the wild thing (and the reason Hades 2 is much more interesting to me) is that both games actually have almost inverted themes from that text. Zagreus is intent on uniting a household; Melinoë is discovering the home she's fought to return to is rotten to the core.
Zagreus, despite his entire textual goal being to leave his home and family, is narratively & thematically working to bring the family and household together. His mother comes back and is reunited not just with him but her husband, mother, and entire extended family. Achilles and Patrocles, Orpheus and Eurydice, Asterion and Theseus: Hades is a story of people metaphorically coming home and making peace with where they are (Sisyphus, Thanatos, Orpheus). Everyone basically gets a happy ending, credits roll, problems all resolved or en route to be solved. Everyone is home.
(Important to note: we never see a human in the first game. We see shades, and gods, and monsters, and the closest you get to a mortal living thing is the satyrs. This is a story concerned with the realm of the gods.)
In contrast, Melinoë has no home - besides being estranged from her childhood home, she literally lives in a tent. In case the theme was too subtle, presumably.
Now, she has been fighting her entire life to become powerful enough to return home and reclaim her family - that seems Zagreus-adjacent on its face. However, there isn't a home to return to- Hades is in shackles, the rest of her family trapped in time. At this point in Early Access, on both a metatextual & diegetic level she quite literally can neither make it to Mt Olympus or into Zagreus' room - she cannot go home, she cannot meet her family.
Consider the others: Odysseus' presence seems to tie into the idea of a long journey home, but this is an Odysseus who lived and died and now has other (inhuman) priorities. He loves them, but has no interest in reuniting with Penelope and Telemachus at this point. Nemesis dislikes her siblings, and is more concerned with the equal application of "justice" than whether it has any reforming effect. Narcissus and Echo eventually talk and part more amicably, but that's the best that can be said about their relationship.
Hecate refuses to be called Melinoë's mother: she will not distract from the "true" family that Melinoë has no memory of ever meeting.
Instead of Ares and Dionysus (enjoyers of chaos and least affected by the toxicity of the family in Hades 1) we have Hestia and Hephaestaus- a goddess who helped murder her father and a god constantly belittled by his own family. Their tense and frequently bitter interactions with the other Olympians are evocative of the central theme being explored: what if there isn't a home to go back to? What if your family is unforgivable? (What if you want to forgive them anyways? What if you need to?)
This theme is why Arachne is in the game, and Athena is not: likeable, first-helper-of-Zagreus Athena turned Arachne into a spider out of petty anger. How do you reconcile that?
Moros (lovely, kind Moros, who gushes at Odysseus like a fanboy) and his sisters the Fates did horrible things to mortals out of boredom. The same mortals whose bodies you can see stacked up like cordwood in Ephyra, who you repeatedly claim you are fighting to protect from Chronos. Moros can neither confirm nor deny that the current events could have been set in motion by the Fates. How do you reconcile that?
Polyphemus raises sheep. He genuinely loves and cares for them, is protective of them. He also eats them, and is confused when Melinoë implies a contradiction.
How can you love someone and be willing to kill them? For survival? For fleeting satisfaction? For vengeance?
Is Chronos' willingness to eat his children so morally heinous that it makes him worse than every cruelty the gods have wrought? Worse for who?
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reputationolivia · 4 days
try again?
would anyone be interested in this, i thought of this plot awhile back and started working on it recently but i feel like its just gotten long and idk i feel like it might be a bit boring? so idk if anyone would be up for reading this! but i put a little snippet of it here so if anyone sees this please share your thoughts! :)
18+ minors dni
warnings: none for this one yet.
summary: you and harry dated for almost 5 years but you ended things, only problem? you got a cat together three years ago that you co-parent.
wc: 1.8k
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I glanced around in search for opal as I tied the laces on my shoes. She’s always been good at hiding when she sees her crate out and ready for her, but i was ready for her today with her favorite treat in hand. "Opal, where are you baby?” I called for her. pacing through the living room I heard a faint meow coming from the kitchen, and i sighed, already knowing where she would be - the narrow gap between the counter and the fridge. I bend down and waved her treat in front of her little face to get her interested in it. “Come on out sweetie,” i coaxed, slowly her fluffy face popped out of the gap and she began licking the treat. I took this as my opportunity and gently tugged her out and scooped her up, letting her have the entire treat now as I walked over to her crate.
As I helped opal get settles into her crate I tried not to think too much about the trip ahead and what’s to come. The keys jingled in my hands as i snatched them from there small side table near the front door creating a slight sound of normalcy between all of the craziness my life has been lately. I slung my headphones around my neck, and with opal securely inside her carrier i finally stepped out into the bright, sunlit street. I caught my reflection in a car window and felt a bit ridiculous - sunglasses on, headphones dangling, and cat in tow - i shrugged it off and began my journey to the subway station.
The subway ride was pretty uneventful, at least it was at first. Opal was sitting quietly in her crate beside me as she watched the window in front of us, watching the city blur through the window. I put my headphones on and mindlessly browsed through Apple Music, i eventually decided on just playing “my station” after not being able to settle on any of my existing playlists. I wasn’t thinking of anything in particular really, i mean besides the fact that I was currently on my way to meet my ex boyfriend of 4 1/2 years. As if my phone knew what was on my mind a familiar melody began playing, i felt my body tense as i recognized it immediately, my chest tightened and the air suddenly became too thick to breathe. I reached for my phone to skip to the next song. It was his song, of course it’d be my luck that’s the song that starts playing as I’m on my way to see him again. Of course, skipping it didn’t help, the damage was done.
Moving on has been hard, actually it’s been more than hard, it’s been hell, absolutely brutal. We were together for so long, four and a half years. That’s a long time to share a life with someone, it wasn’t just the memories that lingered though - it was our plans, the dreams we shared that we’d stay up all night talking about, when the world felt ours. Marriage, kids, a beautiful house with a garden, i thought it was all within reach, that it was just a matter of time. But now? Just the sound of his voice in a song sends me spiraling. It’s only been a couple months since we broke up, and seeing him as often as I do doesn’t exactly help with the whole “moving on” thing.
But now, all we have left is opal.
Opal. Our little baby. She wasn’t quite a child, but the closest thing we had. We adopted her when she was just a baby, three months old. After we broke up neither of us could bear to part with her. we had gotten her together so in the end we decided on co-parenting opal, which isn’t ideal but at the very least she had two people who loved her, and despite our failed relationship i knew she was safe with him. Even if seeing him every time i dropped her off still hurt.
The familiar ding of the subway pulled me out of my thoughts and i realized we were at our stop. I pulled my headphones back down to the back of my neck as i stood up, then grabbed opals crate and hopped off the subway. I felt like the subway ride ended far too quickly, and before i realized it i was walking up the now somewhat familiar street towards his apartment. as i got closer and closer each step i took felt heavier than the last. It felt like i was dragging the weight of everything we left unsaid, unresolved. I tightened my grip on opals crate, her quiet purring served as a reminder that despite everything, some things hadn’t changed.
But most things had.
I wasn’t the same person who used to walk the streets of New York with him by my side, laughing at the stupidest things, talking absentmindedly about everything, and nothing at all. Yet now it feels like that was a lifetime ago when in reality it was just a few short months ago. And now here i was, walking the streets of the city we once shared, alone. Having to act normal in front of the man i loved, love but trying not to as I’m about to hand over our cat like it was just some business transaction, something normal.
Ahead i spotted him standing in front of his building. He was leaning against the wall near the doors to the lobby, looking down at his phone, a casual stance that didn’t betray any of the turmoil i was feeling. Typical harry, i thought. Always composed, always calm. I wished i could say the same for myself. I reached up with my free hand to adjust my sunglasses, hoping they hid more than just the sun from my eyes. As i approached his eyes were still glues to his phone, did he even notice i was walking up to him? Now a few feet away from him, i clear my throat in hopes of catching his attention, hoping to get this over with as soon as possible.
He finally looks up, his green eyes meeting mine, and though he couldn’t see mine due to my sunglasses i swore i could see something flash in his - recognition? Annoyance? Regret? I couldn’t quite place it. Maybe I’m just imagining things. “Hey,” he said, finally pushing off the wall and sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Hey,” i replied, keeping my voice as steady as i could even though every bit of me felt like breaking and like my voice was shaking with the tension of being this close to him. We walk into the lobby and i crouch down to let opal out. Immediately, she dashed out of her crate, and toward him, brushing against him with a happy meow. I couldn’t help the slight pang of jealousy i felt at how easily she seemed to adjust to this life of back and forth we’d created for her. I wish it was that easy for me.
“It’s been a while, nice shoes by the way.” Harry said as he crouched down, scratching opal behind her ears. He didn’t look at me when. He said it, instead keeping his eyes on opal. I couldn’t tell if it was a statement or a subtle dig when he said it’s been a while. “Yeah works been a bit hectic, and thanks.” I responded as i stood there awkwardly and hugged my arms to myself. Suddenly the distance between us felt a lot larger than just a few feet.
He stood up slowly, his gaze finally meeting mine, and i just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. “How’ve you been?” He asked, for a moment i almost believed he actually wanted to know.
Good. You?”
“Same.” he said, glancing down at opal again.
The conversation stalled, i could feel the silence expanding between us, this is all we had now — awkward exchanges, empty words just to fill the space where something real used to be. I wanted so badly just to say something, anything that could break through the surface. I didn’t even know where to start, everything felt too different, too fragile and close to breaking. Opal meowed again, winding between our legs, completely oblivious to the tension hanging in the air between us.
I sighed, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “She’s been eating normally. Likes to hide under the bed more often lately but that’s probably because of all the travel recently.” Harrys eyes softened a little. “Yeah, she’s always liked her hiding spots huh.” He paused, then added, “I’ve missed her.” His words hung there, suspended in the air between us for a while and for a moment, I wasn’t sure if he was just talking about opal. I nodded at his words, something about the way he said it lingered longer than it should have, i tried to push it aside, maybe I’m just reading too much into his words. Looking down at opal again i sighed, “i’ll uh, see you later.” I mumbled, now just wanting to get out and as far away from this awkward situation as possible. I turned to walk away before he could say anything, i felt his eyes on me as i made my way towards the lobby door. His gaze was sticking with me more than i wanted it to.
As i exited the building, i felt my footsteps heavy on the ground again. I took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air and trying to clear my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the what-ifs. How i wish i could be done with all this. I couldn’t afford to keep dwelling on our past, especially not with everything going on. At least through all this change i still had my job, and im fortunate enough to really love my job. My job has always been my escape, allowing be to take a break from my real life and everything i had going on. I could create stories outside my own, i could be in control, or at the very least, i could pretend to be. But in moments like this, i was just me - and I couldn’t pretend to be anyone else. I had no script or direction, and I didn’t know how to fix it.
The months after the breakup have been such a blur, it’s like I’ve been moving on autopilot. Filming, press events, and trying to keep it together in front of the cameras. I was good at that. I’ve played so many different roles, performed rehearsed lines perfectly, but none of that could’ve prepared me for the messy reality of seeing him. Missing him.
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hihello-pinky · 2 years
Sight (2)
Suna Rintarou x F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintarou had to learn this the hard way. 
WARNINGS: mentions of abortion, mentions of miscarriage (NO SMUT IN THIS PART!)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This is no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
WC: 3.3k Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort Other Tags: Forced Marriage, Developing Relationship, Denial of Feelings, Emotionally Repressed, References to Illness, Angst with a Happy Ending, + more to be added.
I know I mentioned I’m working on having a longer part 2 but I kinda like where this ended. Thank you all for waiting and for the love and support!!!
part one part two part three part ???
leave me love?
Looking back to it, everything happened so fast. As soon as your friends forced Suna’s name out of your mouth after they found out you’re pregnant, they pulled all their connections to get the two of you to meet... Only for him to question the fatherhood of your child. That’s when you first met Osamu Miya. You did not know back then that he was Rintarou’s best friend and as devastated as you were, you spilled your problems to him.
That’s how you found yourself next in the most stressful weeks of your life. Mr. and Mrs. Suna telling you that you are to wed their son. Rintarou telling you that you should get an abortion. And several nosy people telling you that you are a whore who got herself pregnant to get into the rich Suna family.
You tried to refuse the marriage, telling the couple (who, unlike their son, were the sweetest people you’ve met) that there’s no need for a marriage, you just need support to raise your child. They of course wouldn’t have it, and you knew it’s partly because they wanted to punish their son. You admittedly entertained the thoughts of getting an abortion but you just couldn’t do it... not after watching your sister struggle with multiple miscarriages in the past. And with the people spreading malicious things about you... you tried to ignore them, until a few days before the marriage where the gossips suddenly stopped.
Marrying Suna Rintarou brought a lot of changes in your life. First of all, you had to forego the post-graduate internship that was offered to you at the end of your senior year. Second, you had to move to a house gifted by his parents, which caused a rift between you and your sisters since you initially promised them that you’d be living with and helping them. And lastly, you had to live with Rintarou, who explicitly lets you know that he blames you for the forced marriage.
Another surge of headache breaks you out of your reverie. You straighten on your seat in the hospital lobby, waiting for the doctor’s secretary to call you. You had dropped off the kids at Sacha’s place right after confirming with the receptionist that there’s an available slot for a check-up. Last night, right after Rin left, you had a terrible headache, much the same as the ones you’ve been having for the past few weeks.
You look at the queuing monitor and notice that there are still a handful of people before your turn. You open your bag to get your Kindle but it grazes the leather bind of your journal. You must have taken it with you when you took your reading device from the bedside drawer. And just as you’re always inclined to do, you flip to the already dog-eared pages and read through your journal entries from years ago. It’s time to relive the memories.
You were in your fourteenth week of pregnancy. The new house’s backyard was as empty as you felt for the last two months of living with your new husband. He would wake up early and arrive home late. Thankfully, you have managed to befriend the housekeepers, Yuto and Jiri. It was one evening, though, that neither of them was home since the former was on leave while the latter was sick.
The clock struck ten and the main door opened, revealing Rintarou who looked visibly unwell. You rushed to him and he tried to swat you away, only for you to feel how his skin was burning. He must have been feeling too sick because after two more attempts, he finally let you help him into his bed.
That night, you nursed him to the best of your abilities, from changing his clothes to wiping his face with cold cloth. You even cooked soup for him, feeding him as his hands were shaking too much. As you were about to leave his room so you could go back to the spare one where you have been staying since you two moved in, his rough voice stopped you. “Stay.”
Your eyes widened, unsure if you heard him right. “Are you...?”
He groaned. “Or call Jiri. I need her.”
“She’s sick,” you replied. “I’ll just stay... if that’s okay with you?”
He was quiet for a while. “Okay.”
That night, you ended up staying with Rintarou, sitting beside his bed and barely getting any sleep. It went on for two more days. When you woke up on the fourth morning, you were surprised to find a blanket on top of you, much less feel the softness of a mattress below you.
You jolted awake and was surprised to see Rintarou sitting up with his back leaning against the bedframe and talking to someone on the phone. “Thanks, Kita. Yes, I’m feeling better. I’ll be back in the office tomorrow.” He must have noticed you staring at him for he turned his head towards you, the look on his face unreadable. “Call me when something urgent comes up. I have to go.” After dropping the call, he moved to stand up.
“Are you okay?” You asked before you could stop yourself.
“Weren’t you eavesdropping?” He shot back. “I’m feeling better. Jiri’s coming in today by the way, no need to make your pathetic attempts of forcing yourself into my business.” Suna didn’t even spare you a glance before he marched off to his bathroom.
Despite the two months of living with him, his actions towards you still managed to hurt. You gulped and moved to stand up from the bed, knowing too well that Suna would want nothing but to see his room void of you once he comes back.
Two days later, you found yourself with a flu. You begged Jiri not to tell Suna or his parents. But alas, you should have known better that while she had become your friend, her loyalty was still with the Suna family.
On the third night of your flu, you heard a knock on your door. It was odd since it was way past Jiri’s and Yuto’s hours of duty. Sighing, you forced yourself from your bed, wrapping the fluffy blanket around your body.
I must be delirious, was your first thought as you saw Suna at the other side of the door.
“Did something happen?” You asked, trying to hold back a cough, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
He looked every bit uncomfortable as he handed you a paper bag. “Here.”
You reluctantly received it and peeked inside. Care package. You looked up at him questioningly. “What’s this for?”
He broke the eye contact and mumbled something.
“Sorry? What did you say?”
He let out an annoyed sigh and forced himself to look at you eye to eye. “Jiri told me you were sick and that you probably got it from me. She scolded me that I shouldn’t have asked you to stay in the same room because it’s risky for pregnant people.” His eyebrows furrowed. “What are you smiling about?”
“Nothing,” you replied but you knew your smile was still on your face. “You didn’t have to go out of the way to give me this, you know.”
“Then what the fuck was I supposed to do? Jiri would have never let me hear the end of it.”
“Hmm... could have just said ‘sorry’, maybe?”
Suna rolled his eyes and opened his hand, palm up. “Forget it, then. Give that back.”
You clutched the care package against your chest. “No way! No taking back, this is mine already!” Before you knew it, a giggle escaped your lips. You immediately froze, realizing it was Suna you were talking to. However, when you dared to look at him, there’s a barely noticeable hint of a smile on his lips, the atmosphere between the two of you warm. “Good night, Y/N.”
It’s only when the sound of his footsteps have receded that you realized what happened: he just called you by your first name.
“Mrs. Y/N Suna?” The secretary’s voice brings you back to the present. “Please enter room 125.”
You gather your things and make your way into your doctor’s office. She greets you with a warm smile. “How are you doing, Y/N?” The doctor asks as soon as you’ve settled down on your seat. “You haven’t visited in a while.” Megumi Hirai is a nice lady who’s in her early forties and you’ve taken a liking to her in the past few years. “I take it you’ve been busy?”
You nod. “It was the kids’ birthday party yesterday. There was a lot of preparation that needed to be done.”
“Oh, that’s nice. How old are they now?”
“Five,” you smile proudly. “I feel like they’re growing up too fast. I want them to stay little for just a little bit longer.”
At that, Dr. Hirai laughs. “Every parent experience that. I see no reason for you to worry though, you’re still young. Isn’t it about time that you and Rintarou try for another child?”
The smile on your lips drops a little. “We’re too busy for that this time, I think.”
Sensing that you want to change the subject, Dr. Hirai moves on to another topic. “How’s work going?”
“Great,” you reply. “A bit stressful, but it’s all good.” Despite the Suna family saying there’s no need for you to work, you still got yourself a job at a local publishing company. You’ve been loyal to it, and now you’re one of the head editors.
You’ve always been passionate about writing and editing; you could say you were depressed when you had to let go of the internship at the global publishing company because of the sudden pregnancy. The memories of you sharing that to Rin and him reluctantly helping you find a job poke at your head.
You will yourself to stay at the present. “I’m still happy with my job.”
“That’s nice to hear.” Dr. Hirai smiles. “What’s your concern, then?”
“I’ve been having these extreme headaches for the past few weeks. Sometimes they last long, sometimes they pass quickly. The other night, I think I passed out.”
The doctor hums. “Any other symptoms?”
“Um, I can’t think of any…”
“Have you noticed any trend on the times when they surge?”
You shake your head no. “Not really. I honestly don’t think it’s serious but they’ve been becoming more frequent lately.”
“Okay.” Dr. Hirai says, pulling out some papers. “I’ll be requesting for you to undergo some tests. Have them done as soon as possible so you can schedule another checkup with me.”
“Thank you, doctor.” You take the request forms.
“You’re welcome,” Dr. Hirai smiles kindly. “And Mrs. Suna?”
“Don’t downplay the headaches you’re experiencing. You never know if they’re actually underlying symptoms of something serious. Have a nice day.”
“I’m sorry to be saying this, but you don’t look too well.” Osamu Miya is placing the take-out rice balls you had just bought in the paper bags as he alternately looks between his task at hand and you, who’s sitting at the counter.
You had decided to drop by his restaurant before picking up the kids from Sacha. His statement makes you bite your lip. “Is it that obvious?”
“That you look like you had no sleep and cried your eyes out for hours?” Osamu asks in reply, then takes a deep breath. “Yes.” The gray-haired man shakes his head. “Rin is so fucking stupid. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize on behalf of him, Osamu,” you say. “He’s your best friend but his actions are all his own choices.”
The twin keeps quiet for a while as he finishes packing your order. In the meantime, you rub your fingers against your temple, symptoms of a headache beginning to manifest again. You close your eyes, hoping it goes away. Once you open them, you see Osamu staring intently at you. “I have a confession to make,” he says.
This piques your interest and you lean a little bit forward. “What is it?”
“It’s all my fault,” Osamu says, gulping. “After that first night we met, I went to Rin’s parents and told them what happened. He initially confided in me that he got someone pregnant and I wasn’t planning on getting involved until I met you. You were nice and kind, I couldn’t let Rintarou to just fuck up your life.
“I thought once he gets married, once he gets to know you... he’d grow and change. But I was wrong.” His eyes are now filled with guilt and apology. “I’m sorry, Y/N. If I had known that Rin wouldn’t change one bit during the past five years – ”
“Stop,” you cut him off, no longer wanting to hear more. “That’s all in the past now.” You contemplate your next words carefully. “Besides, it’s not like Rin was completely horrible to me during the time we’ve been together.”
Osamu’s voice is filled with curiosity. “What do you mean?”
It’s at that exact moment that the door of the restaurant swings opens and someone enters, your heart dropping once you see who it is.
Suna Rintarou. Your husband.
 Suna hasn’t seen you since the night before and he definitely wasn’t expecting to see you here at Osamu’s restaurant. Once you face him, he immediately notices the redness of your eyes that your makeup wasn’t able to cover. He chooses not to think about the reason behind them.
“Hey, Rin,” his friend waves at him from behind the counter. “Y/N is here.”
He rolls his eyes as he stalks toward the counter. “I’m not blind, ‘Samu.” He takes the stool next to yours and immediately notices you tense. He inwardly sighs, remembering what happened last night. He turns to face you and gets a little surprised when he sees you gathering your purse and the paper bag from the counter.
“I have to go. Bye, Osamu! Thank you for these!” And in a moment, you’re out the door.
As soon as you’re gone, he feels his best friend’s curious eyes on him. “What? Gonna ask me to go run after her?”
Osamu rolls his eyes. “As if you would.”
While his friend is right, the statement still annoys Suna. “Why was she here, anyway?”
“As if you care.”
He tries to mask his annoyance as he clenches his jaw. “You’re, right. I don’t.”
There’s a beat of silence before Osamu speaks again. “Why are you here, Rin?”
Truth be told, Suna’s agenda was to force Osamu to join him on a night of drinking where he may or may not tell him about what happened last night. But seeing you here... and then Osamu’s rather irritating replies... “Forget it, I’m leaving.”
“Did you and Y/N fight?” His friend’s question makes him stiffen.
Suna rolls his eyes. “We often argue. You know that.”
“Yeah,” Osamu replies rather curtly. “But this time, it seems as if you’ve crossed the line.”
To his own surprise, Suna replies with, “Yeah, I think so.”
He doesn’t need to look at his friend’s face to see the surprise on it. “Wow, that’s a lot... coming from you. What happened? Please don’t tell me you hit her.”
He glares at the man. “I’m an asshole but I would never lay a hand on a woman, even if I hate her.”
“Why do you hate her, Rin?” Osamu asks. “What has she ever done to you? You still have your job and inheritance; you can still fuck around... I know she doesn’t demand much from you about the kids. In fact, she got the short end of the stick. Why do you hate Y/N?”
Instead of answering his friend’s questions, Rin adjusts his position on the stool and makes a fist against the counter. “She confessed to me last night.”
“And what did you say?” Osamu’s voice begins to become unreadable.
Suna shrugs. “We were having an argument so I figured she was just trying to fuck with my head.”
There’s a short silence that follows but it’s long enough to make him feel uncomfortable.
“Are you really that blind?” Suna prefers it if his best friend is shouting at him at the moment. But alas, Osamu sounds so calm and everyone knows that Osamu Miya is ten times scarier when he’s acting calm during moments that would call for him to be mad.
“What do you want to hear as my answer?” Does Osamu want him to admit that all these years, he thought your hurt towards his treatment was solely because you wanted to have a happy little family? That he didn’t think you actually fell for him in those few months that you were in good terms? But, admitting those would mean he needs to tell Osamu about that time, those five months where he opened his heart to you. Those five months that he never dared tell anyone.
“Jesus Fucking Christ, Suna!” Osamu slams a hand against the counter, anger and frustration evident in his voice. “Anyone with an eye can see that Y/N is in love with you! Though it remains a mystery to me how she managed to fall for a dickhead like you, it’s clear that she loves you!”
Other explicit things leave Osamu’s mouth and Suna just stays there and takes them all. Once his friend is only heaving deep breaths, he begins to talk. His turn. “You asked why I hate her. Well, my answer is short.” He mentally sighs and, finally deciding it’s due time for Osamu to know, says the name that haunts him to this day.
Osamu’s eyes widen. “You mean...?”
He watches as a conflicted look dawns on his friend’s face. “Do you understand me now?”
“Kind of.” His friend’s gaze hardens a bit. “But you do know you’re being unfair to Y/N, right?”
Suna stands from the seat, retrieving the cigarette box from his pocket. “I know.” As he walks the short distance from Osamu’s restaurant to his car, all Suna can think about is, And I think maybe it’s about time I should apologize to her.
You’re inside the bedroom, just finishing up changing the sheets. Ever since Jiri left three years ago and you and Rintarou never hired someone new, you’ve been in charge of keeping the house tidy. In reality, you just had changed the sheets a week prior but what happened four nights ago just makes you want to change them, hoping that as they come clean, so does your relationship with Rintarou.
It’s been three days since the fight and oddly enough, Rintarou comes home on time and even doesn’t complain about sharing the bed. He barely acts as if you exist, cementing your belief that confessing to him was a totally wrong move. However, there are times when you feel him staring at you, as if he wants to tell you something...
You shake your head, reminding yourself that there are lots of things to do. First of all, the test results that you got yesterday after having the necessary check-ups from the day before. Second, the papers you have requested after a long call that you had last night.
You’re too engrossed in your thoughts that you fail to notice that Rin has entered your room. He’s wearing his work clothes which always make him look ten times more attractive. You straighten on the bed and try to look at his eyes. To your surprise, he meets your gaze. “We need to talk.” You both say at the same time.
You bite your lower lip, and seeing as he’s not saying anything, you take it as a cue that he’s allowing you to speak first. So, with a deep breath, you say the words you’ve been practicing in the shower this morning. “I want to file for divorce.”
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damn-stark · 2 years
Chapter 2 Butterfly
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Chapter 2 of Tragedy at the Miller’s
A/N- I LOVE LOVE ALL YOU GUYS WHO SHOWED THE FIRST CHAPTER SOME LOVE!! I hope you guys stick around and like this chapter!!
Warning- FLUFF :): angst, talks of violence, death and blood, swearing, long chapter.
Pairing- Joel Miller x daughter!reader, Henry x Fem!reader
Episode- 1x05 (half of it)
(If you want to be tagged let me know!)
Stench of flesh swirls in your nose, upsetting your stomach. Pained screams still ring in your ears. And slowly the more the fire eats away at their flesh, the more the infected and the former friends look alike—like nothing but a pile of bones.
It was the first time….the first time you’ve killed someone not turned into one of those monsters. An actual person. That realization doesn’t let you breathe or move; neither your limbs or your eyes.
“I told you to stay behind,” your dads voice breaks you away from the burning bodies.
You blink and look up at him as he turns to face you, and mutter in brittle voice, “daddy—”
“I told you to stay behind!” He bellows and strides over to you to grab you by your arms roughly.
You gasp at the roughness of his grip and the harshness of his voice. As you keep holding his gaze you see emotions he never directs at you; fierce anger that begins to scare you.
“Daddy,” you mutter and shake your head. “I…I was just trying to help you. I…I—”
“You disobeyed me,” he scolds you and grabs onto you tighter. “You could’ve gotten yourself hurt! You could’ve gotten yourself killed!”
You glance at the fire burning behind him, and begin to gape like a fish as you try to explain yourself to him through the shame and fear that begin to heighten at the realization of his words.
“I…” you mumble in a quivering voice. “I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to help,” you tell him again and meet his piercing glare. “I just wanted to help you, I saw them,” your voice breaks as tears form in your eyes. “I saw them, they were gonna hurt you! I just wanted to help you!”
“But you didn’t, did you?”
You gasp softly in disbelief, and feel your heart slowly sink at the sound of his sharp words.
“Joel?” You hear your uncle Tommy call.
You snap your watery gaze to him, and see him look down at the way your dad is grabbing onto you. He notices the anger, and slowly puts down his gun to look at your dad in disbelief. You proceed to pull away from your dad as his grip loosens and rush over to your uncle who welcomes you in a much more assuring and less angry way.
That’s when your dad realizes that his anger had gotten the best of him with you. Instead of trying to help you, trying to assure you, he snapped at you out of fear of his own.
“Y/n,” he calls out quietly. “I'm sorry.”
You step away from your uncle Tommy to face your dad, but still avert his gaze out of shame and slight fear. “It’s okay,” you mutter without truly thinking about it.
Sunlight dances on the flower patch down below, providing the fluttering butterflies with as much warmth as the sun can provide in the fall.
They’re peaceful insects, quiet and beautiful. Watching them just feed on the flower's nectar is calming in this cruel world, it’s one of the things that brings you peace.
Back in Jackson you grew a flower garden in the backyard of your house just to have them visit, to lay on the ground and read as they fluttered. It’s a silly thing, you oftentimes got picked on by the friends you live with, but what they don’t know is that in that meadow you grew in your backyard is where you see her; in those small purple flowers, in the sweet butterflies that feed off that nectar. That flower meadow is in memory of her, of the sister you had lost, Sarah.
Nevertheless, as you watch them flutter around, the silence that blankets you is broken by approaching footsteps. When you look back you see Sam approaching. You offer him a sweet smile and drag your feet down before you pat the empty spot beside you.
He doesn’t fret and joins your side on the ground. He looks below and then looks at you and takes off the string around his neck to write on the board he carries to communicate.
“What are you doing?” He writes.
Sam hands you the board, and you erase what he wrote to write back, “watching the butterflies.”
Sam leans over and reads the words, and smiles softly before signing with a word you do know now. “Why?”
You shrug and write on the board, “because it’s the closest thing I have to a tv, and I just enjoy watching them. It’s peaceful.”
Sam puts the board down, looks down at the flower patch below to watch the black butterflies mindlessly flutter around with you.
However, you quickly look away to grab his board and write their names that Sarah had told you once. “They’re called Black Swallowtail.” You tap Sam’s shoulder and point to what you wrote.
Sam's eyebrows knit together before he erases the board and signs again since he knows you know this one. “How do you know?”
You shift around and sign back, “S-a-r-a-h. My sister.”
Sam nods in comprehension and then looks down at his board to write, “do they make noise?”
You shake your head and write back, “they’re quiet, like you.”
Sam reads the words and takes them in before he erases it and asks, “do they hurt you? Like bees?”
You sign, “no,” and then erase what he wrote to write back, “they’re gentle. Ticklish.”
Sam reads it and looks at you with a questioning look, so you sign, “wait,” and proceed to slide down the small hill where the butterflies are gathered to pluck a flower from the ground. You then wait until a butterfly lands on it, and quickly shield it so it won’t escape.
Once the black butterfly with the yellow spots is secured, you look up at Sam and point your head to the side so he knows to come. He’s hesitant at first, but he trusts you, even if it’s only been a few weeks since you’ve joined their small group. Then again in small groups like these, when you’re trying to survive, it’s hard not bonding with the people you’re with.
It can be a good and bad thing because some people are big assholes.
Regardless, Sam slides down like you had and steps on his tiptoes to watch the butterfly flutter in your cupped hands.
You then slowly turn and crouch down to be at Sam’s level. You proceed to slowly move the shielded flower towards Sam, and very carefully pull your hand away from the flower. The butterfly stays on the flower like you wanted, so you move your finger towards it and let it crawl on your finger.
Once its little feet begin to tickle your flesh, Sam nervously grins, but seems to be more in awe. So before it can fly away you move your finger towards Sam’s nose, and gently guide the butterfly on his nose, making him immediately stiffen as he nervously laughs.
“See,” you sign. “All okay.”
The butterfly notices that there’s nothing where it’s perched and flutters off Sam’s nose quickly, and Sam only grins brighter. He then albeit quickly proceeds to grab his board to write down, “you were right. It tickles.”
You sign, “I told you.” You shoot him a cocky smile and point your head up the hill.
Sam looks up the hill and quickly begins to sign. You follow his line of gaze and see Henry. He had snuck up on you.
“Y/N…my nose,” that’s all you got from Sam signing to Henry. But hey! You’re learning, it’s been a few weeks and you’ve learned some stuff, that’s what counts.
“Did she?” Henry asks out loud and signs at the same time.
Sam nods and runs up the hill to reach his brother.
You then understand Henry’s question. “Did it hurt?”
Sam shakes his head and signs what you imagine is, “tickles.”
Henry hums and looks over at you to offer you a small smile before he signs and says. “Come on, let’s get going, dinner time.”
You beam at him and run up the hill, “great!” You sign in response. “I’m hungry.”
Since there’s nothing to fear at the moment Sam runs back to where everyone is gathered around, leaving Henry and you behind.
“So what?” Henry interjects. “Was it like, teaching moment with y/n?” He teases.
You feign a laugh. “Haha. And yes, actually. Black Swallowtail, that’s what those butterflies are called, and he knows that now. Thanks to yours truly.” You point at your chest.
Henry scoffs in amusement, bringing silence after, tense silence unlike before because now there’s unspoken feelings. At least from him because you know what you feel, you’re very in tune with your feelings, he doesn't seem to quite grasp what he feels towards you. Or at least that’s what Jace says.
So it seems you have to take matters into your own hands.
“What do you say after dinner, we wait for Sam to go to bed, and stay out to watch the stars,” you suggest with a racing heart. “Just the two of us.”
Henry falters in his pace, but turns his head to look at you. He seems quite surprised, but he doesn’t take long to answer, and stays nonchalant. “Yeah, let’s do it.”
You shoot him a smile. “Cool. I’ll bring my music.”
“I’d say I’d bring the drinks, but well we only have water,” he says with a small smirk.
You laugh softly. “That’s fine. I'm cool with that.”
Henry holds your gaze and his lips turn to a soft smile. You mirror his gesture and begin to feel your cheeks burn. Luckily he can't see that.
“I’ve never done this,” Henry breaks the sweet tension. “Date.”
Oh so he is in tune with his feelings.
“Oh, is this a date?” You mess with him.
Henry goes serious and shakes his head, making you quickly grin and assure him before he can take it back. “I’m messing with you, and don’t worry, going on a date is like hanging out. There’s just different feelings out in the open…well…that’s what it feels like anyway. In my 24 years of living I’ve only been on one date, and that guy was,” you let out a deep annoyed sigh. “He was different.”
Henry swallows thickly and hesitantly probes. “Different how?”
“He was a jerk. He only asked me on a date for some kind of game with his friends,” you share. “So if you’re not playing that then you’ll be okay.”
Henry shakes his head. “No, no, definitely not.”
“Cool.” You grin softly.
Night had taken over quickly, Sam went to sleep early due to his brother's behest, and now you’re navigating down the green meadow trying to find a spot somewhat secluded from camp.
“What happened to all the infected around here?” You ask Henry. “I haven’t seen many at all.”
Henry drops his gaze and sighs. “When Fedra was running Kansas City, they managed to drive them to underground tunnels.”
You hum and can’t decide if that’s smart or stupid. Both?
“You’ve been out there, what's the craziest infected you’ve seen?” Henry chooses to bounce off your question.
You scoff softly and answer right away. “Well there’s these fucking things out there, they have the fungus growing out of them, they can still see and hear, but they have that strength clickers do, and they like, stalk you. They’re fucking quiet and creepy as hell. It’s crazy as shit, terrifying, I still have nightmares.”
“You killed them?”
You begin to smirk smugly and nod as you hold his gaze. “Three. I’ve killed clickers too.”
Henry hums and then retorts, “show off.”
You laugh and shrug. “You asked.”
Henry lets out a small huff and then swallows back nervously.
It’s honestly very cute. You can tell that this is actually his first time being intimate with a girl.
“Here,” you point out and suddenly drop to the floor.
Henry had gotten a step ahead so he steps back and carefully sits by you.
Once he’s seated you pull out your Walkman and earphones to put them down between you, whilst Henry pulls out the bottle of water and puts it down before pulling out his lighter and igniting a small flame.
“How romantic,” you say with a small grin.
“Working with what we got,” he rubuts, and puts the flame out since it's a hassle having his lighter on the entire time. Instead he proceeds to probe nervously. “Okay….What now?”
You scoff softly and hand him a earphone bud while you put yours on, and put on some music at a low volume.
“I don’t have a lot of music options,” you share as he puts on the bud. “The rest is at home so, for now we’ll listen to…” you pick up your Walkman and check what you have inside. “Britney Spears,” you read outloud. “One of my favorite artists.”
“And,” Henry rolls out and carefully moves his hand over yours to slowly interlace his fingers with yours.
You grin and shoot him a smile. “Yes,” you assure him softly. “Good….Now though! I’m curious, are you lying to me about dating other people?” You squint your gaze.
Henry shakes his head. “No, I'm not. But I’m not clueless either, you know.”
You hum, and then rest your head on his shoulder.
He feels stiff for a few seconds, but he slowly relaxes and lets his shoulders fall.
“Now, we talk, like normal,” you let him know and look up to watch the twinkling stars overhead.
“Okay,” Henry whispers. “What’s….what’s your favorite color?”
“Purple,” you share immediately. “But not dark or violet, soft, like a lilac. You?” You ask and lift your eyes to look at him.
Henry looks down and meets your gaze as best as he can. “Red,” he says. “Like just red.”
“Boo,” you laugh. “Think harder, that’s a basic ass answer. I know that’s not it.”
Henry chuckles and draws in a deep breath as he thinks. “Okay,” he breathes out. “Blue…light blue, like the sky.”
You smile sweetly and nudge him gently. “See, I knew it.”
“Okay, now,” Henry proceeds. “I see you have many tattoos, but I’m curious about the one on your back,” he investigates. “The butterfly wings, do they have a meaning?”
Your smile slowly fades, and you have to hold back emotions that threaten to come out. “Yes.” You nod slowly. “My sister. She liked butterflies, I got it because of her so it’s like having her with me.” You glance at your hands and fiddle with his hand. “Do you have any tattoos?”
Henry shakes his head. “No, I don’t think I’m cool enough to get one.”
“You don’t need to be,” you assure him. “You can get one simply because you want one. That’s why I have the ones on my left arm, ‘Kay? And I think you’re cool. Sam thinks you’re cool.”
Henry turns his head and rests his chin on the top of your head. “You’re about the only ones then,” he mumbles. “No one else does.”
You squeeze his hand tighter and whisper, “don’t bother yourself by what others think, that shit, it’s poison. You live like that, you’ll only look at the world black and white.”
Henry lets silence linger for a moment before he asks, “how is it that you always seem to know what to say?”
You scoff. “Half of the time I make shit up.” You smile faintly. “Other times I repeat what I’ve been told by my uncle Tommy, or my mama Maria; she’s truly wise.”
“She your real mom?” He asks.
You shake your head. “No,” you share. “My mom died a long time ago, before all this shit happened…uh, complications after she had me. So, no Maria is my uncle's wife, my aunt. But I’ve known her for a long time now.” You sigh. “After we left Boston, she taught me a lot, like, about being a woman, protection, and the world. She took care of me like I imagine a mom would…” you smile softly at the sky and notice the dark cloud that begins to pass by. Yet you think nothing of the thick cloud and just admire the shining stars not covered by the thickness of the clouds, and stare at them with longing as if Maria’s presence was there.
“She loved me like one would. She’s the only mom I’ve known, so I call her that. Hopefully, you meet her soon. You’ll like her, she can be tough, but she’s good.”
“That’s good,” Henry says. “My mom tried her best, but it got hard. She focused more on keeping me alive soon after the outbreak happened.”
You blink and look away from the sky as his comment reminds you of someone else—it doesn’t sadden you anymore though, not as it once did.
“Yeah, my dad did that too,” you share your truth. “Sometimes he didn’t even feel like my dad….” You pause and want to add more, but in order to not sour the night and bring down the mood, you just leave that as it is and change the topic. “Okay, moving on please so we don’t bring this down. What would have been your dream job in the real world, pre outbreak?”
“Damn,” Henry mumbles. “I don’t know, but I do know that I would have wanted to ride a motorcycle around the country. You know those Harley’s?”
You hum in agreement.
“Well, I would have loved to have one of those and just ride.”
“You still can!” You exclaim excitedly. “I mean I don’t know about a country tour, but you can still have one.”
“Man,” he clicks his tongue. “I hope so. That would be a dream come true….now you, let me guess…you would have wanted to be an actress?”
You grin and gasp softly before you pull away to face him. “Yes!” You agree. “How did you know?”
Henry smirks. “Besides those stories you literally act out at night, you have the face for it.”
You smile wider and try to brush him off. “Are you sweet talkin’ me, Henry?”
He scoffs and shrugs smugly. “Maybe.”
You sit up and shoot him a smile as you slowly stretch your hands out. “I would’ve been a star, I know it.” You lean down close to him, and unknowingly make him nervously catch his breath as you hover him. “You would have seen me on your tv Henry Burrell.” You smirk.
Henry lets out a shaky breath, but composes himself and musters a soft smile, and knows how to sweet talk you. “I don’t doubt it.”
Your smile softens, and you slowly tilt your head to the side to glance at his plump lips before meeting his gaze again.
Many people have told you the same thing, they assure you that you would have been something if the outbreak hadn’t happened. But most of those comments are just that, comments, they’re meaningless. Coming from Henry though, hearing him say it makes you completely confident about a future you could never have. He makes you giddy about it, confident and flustered.
Maybe you’re a hopeless romantic, it’s been said, but you don’t have the luxury of time.
He knows that, he knows that holding back brings nothing good but regret so before you can move away, he leans forward and presses a kiss on your lips.
Albeit before you can savor the taste of his lips he pulls back. “I’m sorry,” he mutters out.
You shoot him a sweet grin before you lean down and crash your lips against his to reassure him that it’s fine, that he had nothing to apologize for. You pull him in and he’s caught off guard, he seems shocked a bit, but he doesn’t pull away, he sits up instead.
Henry’s careful, gentle with his kiss. You’re the one that guides him, that leads him on, but you’re not rough, you savor the sweet taste and make sure to mentally jot down every spark that you feel bounce out, every flutter your heart does. You memorize the sweet bliss that fills you.
When you eventually pull away you remain close, you don’t speak, you bask in the silence for a moment. He watches you with a sweet smile and a soft gaze, the softest gaze that you’ve noticed anyone look at you. So much so that it actually confuses you.
“What?” You probe.
Henry shakes his head.
You hum and provide silence.
Alas, it’s in that same silence that follows that lets you begin to feel droplets of water fall on your head.
When you both look up you see a thick, and much darker cloud covering the sky above. And soon those few drops turn to pouring rain.
“Damn,” Henry mutters under his breath.
You both look down and meet each other's gaze. And as you do, you both burst into laughter at the inconvenience of the pouring rain, and at the fact that you were so distracted with one another that you didn’t notice that it loomed so close. Overall you just laugh at the simplicity that was the rain interrupting your date.
“Come on,” you urge him and grab his hand. “The tree house is empty right now, let’s go up there.”
Henry grabs the bottle of water, and you grab your Walkman before you pull him up, and guide him there in a run.
However, it’s once you’re in that treehouse, as you go back to kissing one another that you catch the sound of distant rumbling. You wouldn't have cared about it, but the rumbling doesn’t come from the sky, so you pull away from Henry and crawl to the window, spotting there in the treeline multiple bright lights, headlights.
“Fuck,” Henry mutters sharply. “Fuck!”
That bliss you once felt is now quickly replaced with racing fear.
“It’s Kathleen,” Henry reveals the name of the rebel group that he said took down FEDRA, the group after him and the others he’s with.
“Go,” he whispers at you as he turns to face you with panic. “Leave!” He yells.
You shake your head without hesitance. “No,” you mumble. “No. I’m staying with you. Come on.” You shove your earphones in your pocket, and hook your walkman on the beltline of your pants before you quickly rush out of the treehouse, leaving Henry in slight disbelief that you didn’t leave now that your leg is healed. You should've, he thought, yet he's glad you didn’t.
“Kansas City belongs to the people!”
Flares light the sky. Chanting, yells, and gunshots fills the air carelessly as if the entire fucking world was liberated of danger and oppression; it’s only a city, and there’s still infected that lurk outside, stragglers that can still cause damage.
“Collaborators, surrender now, and you will receive a fair trial.”
“We have control of the QZ and the open city. Anyone caught hiding will face charges of counter-revolutionary activities. Kansas City belongs to the people….” The announcer trails off and the current street you’re hiding on is silent again. Finally.
“Look at me, not at that,” you hear Henry whisper. And when you look over you see him communicating with Sam now that this was your next opening to run. “We’re almost there. To more blocks…” he turns and meets your gaze too. “Two more blocks,” he repeats so you can hear.
You nod in comprehension, and see him look back at Sam.
“Stay with me,” Henry continues to whisper softly for you as he signs for Sam. “Y/N, will be behind us.”
The boy's gleaming eyes drift to you to ask for reassurance once more, just like he’s asked all day since you’ve been running.
And it’s true, you were scared yourself, but for him you act confident, to see him at least lose a flicker of fear. “We’ll be okay.” You sign, and smile through your exhaustion. “I’m a wicked shot,” you whisper and let Henry sign that.
Sam looks back at you and sighs before nodding in comprehension.
“Ready?” Henry asks you.
You keep on your brave and confident face and nod. That lets Henry grab Sam’s hand once again to then bolt on ahead. You follow right behind their tail, with a hand on your rifle in case there’s suddenly a surprise.
Luckily though, you make it to the building some old man had told Henry about without any surprises. It was supposedly clear from any of the rebels too, so once that door closed and that lock clicked, and your flashlights lit the room, you were able to let your hand fall from your rifle.
“We’re going up,” Henry signs and whispers.
Sam nods. And you don’t need to say anything for Henry to know you understand, so he’s able to tell Sam to turn on his flash before they both slowly go ahead and you follow to watch their back.
Once you make it to the top, once Henry opens the door and reveals some storage room that old man doesn’t seem to be here.
Or at least that’s what you thought, because some old man suddenly jumps out from behind an old cabinet with his flash and gun pointed at the three of you, causing Henry to stop Sam and you in your tracks to point his gun right back at the man. Whilst you pull out your rifle and outgun the man.
However, given by the sound of their sighs, and the fact that they’re lowering their guns, this is the man Henry saw.
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Henry says and looks back at you. “It’s okay, you can put the gun down.”
You glance at the old man with his gun lowered and hesitate for a second before you hang the rifle back around your shoulder.
“It’s up here,” the old man says and turns to pull down some hatch. “Climb up on this,” he says and taps the cabinet and some box.
You’re sort of unsure to climb up since it looks so eerie up there, but Henry doesn’t second guess the man and hands you the green bag of supplies so he can climb up first. He then helps Sam up without hesitation, so it must be safe…
“Go on, I can help with the bag,” the old man tells you, but you still can't be assured of your safety nor do you trust him like Henry does, so you clutch onto the bag and offer him a faint tightlipped smile as you shake your head.
“It’s alright,” you mutter and then climb up on the cabinet and box. “I got it.” You pull off the strap and hand the bag to Henry first before you grab only the edge and pull yourself up.
“You got it?” Henry asks you as he turns away from the bag he sat down to try and help you.
Yet you manage to get in all by yourself just fine. “Yeah,” you assure him. “I got it.”
Henry puts his hand on your back as you stand up regardless, and helps you to your feet, letting the old man come in last without help.
“You sure they don’t know about this?” Henry asks the old man, while you proceed to set your backpack down to pull off that damned weight. However, you keep your rifle on you, you just pull it off your shoulder to raise it and point your scoop at the gaps that are on the cardboards covering the windows, just to make sure that the street is clear.
“I got it from a FEDRA officer,” the old man says as he turns on the lamp hanging from a pillar. “Patient.”
You lower the gun and walk to the window Sam is sitting under to check through that one too.
“…owed me a favor,” the man continues, whilst you hear Henry put down the cans of food you had managed to throw in. “He said he found it himself, never told anyone about it.”
“What if they got to him?” Henry cuts in, making your curiosity grow as well. So you lower the gun and look over at both men to wait for the answer.
“They already did,” the old man deadpans . “He won’t be talking.”
It’s good to hear, but still not so assuring. Albeit you don't show your fear, not with Sam right by you, he’s already terrified, he looks even more so up here. So instead you put your gun down and tap his shoe with yours to try and assure him with a small smile, and a sign.
“Clear. We’ll be okay.”
Sam swallows thickly and slowly lowers his shoulders, but doesn’t completely untense.
“Hey,” you sign and then tap your firefly pendant.
Sam slowly reaches for the one you gave him and holds it in his hand tightly.
“Clear outside?” He signs his questions.
You nod, and exhale out deeply to release some stress so he can mirror your actions. And this time instead of remaining tense, Sam unzips his jacket to pull out his board.
You watch him for a second longer and notice he keeps grabbing the pendant as he begins to draw.
“Y/N?” Henry calls your name and draws your attention back to them. “How are you on bullets?”
You walk towards the pair and hum before giving your answer. “3 on my rifle, and 4 on my pistol. Not enough, but good nonetheless.”
Henry sighs and nods. “Good.”
“Mines empty,” the man says and puts his gun away.
“Yeah, so is mine,” Henry reveals his status.
“We weren’t shooting our way outta this anyway,” the man adds hopelessly.
“No,” Henry interjects. “So we’ll sneak our way out.”
You rest your hand on your hip and watch him count the cans you have.
“How?” The man probes.
“Tunnels,” Henry shares.
“Tunnels? Why go to the trouble? You can kill yourself right here.” The man comments.
You scoff and snap back. “It’s either that or we die up here. I won’t let that happen, we won’t. Infected aren’t smart, we will find a way out.”
The man glances at you and keeps quiet.
“Twenty two cans, and six pounds of jerky for the four of us,” Henry shares now that he’s done counting. “If we stick to the minimum. I think we can make it 11 days? So that’s how long we have to figure it out.”
Not good, but it’s enough.
“Is he scared?” The man refers to Sam still in the corner drawing and holding the pendant.
“Yeah,” Henry says. “Well, he’s seen a lot. Nothin’ I can do about that now.”
First, you all witness some of the people you were with get shot. Then you get separated from the group whilst you were running from those after you. And lastly the horror the city holds. Who wouldn't be scared?
“He’s scared because you’re scared,” the old man says correctly. That makes Henry stop what he’s doing to look at his brother for a moment before he walks over to him.
You let him have his time with Sam, and instead finally take a moment to finally sit after running all damn day.
“How good are you with that rifle?” The man asks you.
You glance down at the cans of food and shrug. “My uncle taught me, he was in the military before the outbreak, so I like to say I’m a good shot.”
The man slowly sits down too, and when you glance at him you see him nodding in comprehension.
“That’s good,” he whispers. “We’ll probably need that.”
You hum and look back at Henry and Sam, and catch them both drawing on the walls now.
It’s a simple thing just to pass the time, to make Sam happy and fully relaxed. Besides, seeing him like that makes Henry happy and relaxed. And seeing that they can both find a bit of happiness in this wooden cage, that Henry isn’t strict and just focuses on teaching Sam how to survive, makes you smile and watch him with admiration.
It’s good that he’s a brother and a father to Sam, he needs that….
You grin softly.
Henry seems to feel your stare as you get lost watching them and looks back, catching your gaze.
You offer him a small smile and look away right after, even if that won’t erase the fact that he had caught you staring at him. He also then proceeds to join you on the floor nonetheless, and taps your leg with his foot. “How’s your leg?” He asks.
You drag your feet up against your chest. “Fine,” you assure him and slide your eyes back at him. “It doesn’t hurt anymore thank god. There’s just a scar left.” You hug your knees and rest your chin on your knee caps. “How are you feeling, Henry?”
Henry sighs. “Besides tired….” He hesitates and averts his gaze. “Guilty.”
You slowly furrow your eyebrows in confusion and probe. “Why?”
Henry lets out a deep sigh and drifts his eyes to you. “I dragged you into this, into my problem. You could’ve been on your way home now.”
You lift your head off your chin and shake it as you reach for his hand in his pocket to hold it in yours. “No,” you argue and lean in close to him. “No, I choose to follow you. I told you I’m sticking with you and Sam. We’re going home together.”
Henry licks his lips and shakes his head. “You don’t know what I’ve done, y/n,” he rebuttals. “I’m not a good guy.”
“And you think I’m a good person?” You spat. “I know what you did, Jace told me…”
Henry scoffs at the mention of his friend's big mouth, but let’s you continue.
“You saved your brother. He was sick and you saved him, you—”
“And I got a good man killed in the process, y/n,” he cuts you off sharply since you don’t want to blame him like he blames himself. “That makes me a bad guy. I am a bad guy. And now I have you here, hiding, surviving off scraps. Can't you see?”
You blink, and let out a shaky breath before you slide your legs down to turn around and sit on your knees to face him. “Henry, listen to me,” you say softly and pull his hand out to cup it with both hands.
“I’ve seen bad people, I’ve looked into the eyes of bad people. I’ve been a bad person, a truly bad person. So I know. And Henry,” you say softly. “When I look at you, I don’t even see a flicker of that….” Your voice breaks. “You have got a good heart, I can tell, I have sense for that stuff.” You laugh softly. “You’re good, Henry. Sam sees that, he knows that. I know that.”
Henry lets out a deep shaky sigh, and drops his gleaming gaze. He keeps his hand in yours though, and then lifts his other hand to cup yours.
“You’re not a bad person either, you know that,” he tells you softly and lifts his gaze to meet yours. “You’re a survivor. A real one.” He lets your hand go and instead lifts it to let it hover your cheek. As if he’s hesitant about grabbing your face out of fear that he was stepping out his boundaries.
“A bad person wouldn’t be stuck here,” he continues. “A bad person wouldn't have helped. A bad person wouldn’t be as…optimistic as you are,” he grins softly, making your smile wobble. “Even after getting stabbed. I could say a hundred more things already to prove you wrong and I’ve only known you a short while. Sam,” he points back to the boy busying coloring. “Could say a thousand more.”
You scoff softly and lean your cheek against his hand, making him stiffen for a second before he begins to very slowly caress your cheek.
“Is that alright?” He asks and leans in closer to read you too. “It’s not….too fast?”
You shake your head. “No,” you assure him. “It’s fine. I like it.”
Henry's smile widens and he proceeds to let his gaze linger on you for a moment longer before he mutters. “Thank you.”
You drop your gaze and smile at the ground. “This was supposed to be about you,” you mutter.
“It’s okay,” he says with a hint of smugness. “I like talking about you.”
You giggle and shake your head.
The room is quiet, deafening so. Nothing compared to the loud nightmares haunting you.
The air is chilly, and your clothes are cold. As your eyes focus on the painted room you see it’s basked by darkness; no lamp—well there is light, but it’s a dim and cold light, and it comes in from the small holes on the cardboards.
Did you really not sleep at all? It doesn’t feel that way, but it’s dark so probably not.
You sit up and stretch out your arms, feeling them slightly sore from sleeping on the hard ground. You rub your face to get rid of all the crap on your face as best as you can with just the heels of your palms since you don’t have water to splash on your face.
When you put your arms down, and look back you catch Henry’s stare, and a faint smile he musters.
“Hey,” he whispers.
You turn yourself around to face him, and notice Sam sleeping on his other side.
“How you feeling?” Henry asks.
You let out a long breath through your nose whilst you shrug. “Sore,” you croak. “I miss my bed.”
Henry scoffs softly and leans forward to pick up a can of food. “Here,” he says and hands you the can of food. “We saved you some.”
You hesitantly grab it and blink in confusion. “You guys ate?” You ask with your eyebrows knitted together. “Again?”
Henry rests arm back on his knee and his smile turns to a smirk. “I…uh, let you sleep in for the day.”
An entire day?
You put the can down and lose your confusion to stare at him with annoyance and disbelief. “We have…” you pause and shake your head. “We have a schedule, Henry,” you argue. “I sleep at night and you sleep in the morning. That’s not fair.”
Henry looks down and shrugs softly. “It is because I don’t care, it doesn’t bother me. Besides, you seemed at peace so Sam and I let you sleep in.”
The thought behind it fills you with joy, and it makes your heart flutter, but it’s still…it’s still not fair for him.
“What about the old man?” You quip since he’s not here anymore.
Henry slowly lifts his eyes and his smile fades. “He hasn’t come back,” he shares. “He probably…got caught.”
You blink and lose your attitude as you’re now filled with slight guilt.
“That means that can is the last bit of food we have,” Henry continues and points to said object by you. “Until we leave.”
You look at the can of food and push it to him. “Leave it for Sam.” You tell him.
Henry quickly pushes it back to you and counters you. “No, we ate already. You haven’t since yesterday. You need it.”
Your stomach grumbles at the reminder of that fact, and you hesitantly take the can without any more fuss.
“We’re on our own now,” Henry whispers. “Which means…you can go y/n. I don’t want to hold you back, you have family waiting for you back in Wyoming, I want you to see them. Being here with us…I can’t guarantee you will.”
You snap your gaze up to him and shoot him a pointed glare. “Why do you keep saying that to me, huh?” You snap. “Like if I’m actually gonna take your word and just leave you guys behind.” You put the can of food to the side and lean into him.
Henry rolls his eyes down and sighs deeply at your stubbornness.
“Henry,” you insist and snatch his hand off his knee to hold it in yours. “It’s not just me anymore, it’s us. We’re going to Wyoming together, okay? We’re going to Jackson. We’re gonna go home, we’re gonna sleep on a bed.” You muster a small smile. “You’re gonna meet pretty girls….”
“Pft.” He breathes out and shakes his head with a small smile.
“We’re gonna eat a delicious sandwich from the bar, you’re gonna meet my uncle, and my momma. Sam is going to school, have friends. We’re going home.” You assure him sweetly.
Henry blinks, and meets your eyes with a soft gaze and a sweet smile that you like to see on him. He proceeds to cup your cheek and pull you in closer to him.
“Only girl I need is you,” he sweet talks you.
You scoff and roll your eyes, making him chuckle quietly so as to not wake up Sam, before he pulls you in for a deep kiss that you both linger in. That you both want to take further, but restrain yourselves and pull away and keep your foreheads against each other.
“Thank you,” he whispers against your lips. He never stops telling you that.
Albeit now you don’t tell him to take it back like before, you let him say it and relish in the silence before you press a kiss against his lips and smile. “Go to sleep,” you tell him. “I’ll keep watch here.”
Henry hums and pulls back to pick up the can of food. “I sleep, you eat.”
You scoff and nod slowly as you take the can from his hand.
Before you eat though, you go down and go to the bathroom, Henry goes down with you to keep watch. And once you get back upstairs, Henry is quick to fall asleep, letting you eat and watch him and Sam in the silence of the room that was only accompanied by the sound of their soft snores.
Or at least it was quiet for a while until Sam woke up.
“You okay?” You sign your question.
Sam yawns and nods. “Yes,” he answers. “I just had a bad dream.”
You put the empty can down and offer him a sweet smile. “Want to talk about it?” You ask him.
Henry hesitates before he shakes his head. “It wasn’t bad,” he signs back to assure you. “I'll be okay.”
You smile wider and nod. “Good,” you sign. “Now. Back to sleep then.”
Sam puts his finger up and turns around to look for something real quick. You drag your leg up, and rest your chin on your knee as you wait for him.
Once he turns back around he grins as he lifts a piece of cardboard that has three people drawn on it.
“I drew this,” he signs. “Today while you slept.”
You scoff and point your head to the drawing. “Tell me about it then.” You press him.
Sam smirks proudly and points to a small masked hero with a cape on it. “Me,” he signs and then drags his finger to another masked hero, this one albeit is taller than he was. “Henry,” he shares and then drags his finger to the last person; one with butterfly wings, eyes like yours, and half of the face covered by a black mask. “You,” he reveals, and smiles shyly.
You beam at him and probe with obvious excitement. “Really? Wow. What are my powers?”
Sam puts the drawing down and doesn’t fret explain what you ask for. “Flight because you have butterfly wings drawn on your back. And you can make shields like The Invisible Woman, because you are brave…”
Your smile softens at his explanation and you’re actually very touched by how much thought he put into it.
“And super strength because you are strong.”
You sigh softly and grab at your chest. “I love it so much” you sign back quickly. “Thank you. Thank you.”
Sam's smile turns timid, and he drops his head to hide his fluster.
As much as you do enjoy his company, and feel touched by his drawing, you do want him to sleep for a little while longer.
However, before you can tell him he snaps his head up and beats you to signing. “Will you tell me a story?” He asks.
You let out a deep exhale and first put a but. “And then you will sleep.” You insist.
Sam nods quickly.
“Okay,” you give in. “Let’s do it.”
As Henry wakes Sam up, you pack up what you can and what you have left, which isn’t a lot. A lot of Sam's crayons are wasted since he's been giving the blank attic some well deserved color. The food is gone so the green bag is mostly empty. And everything else you have goes in your own packs, so maybe you should be at least thankful that you don’t have to carry so much weight at the moment.
“Y/N,” Henry calls out.
You hum and look back at him with a questioning look.
“Can you pass me the red paint?”
You glance at Sam and notice that he has his eyes closed. You want to ask about it, but you just choose to wait and hand Henry what he asked for first.
“Watch,” Henry says to you and wraps cloth around his fingers to dip that in the red paint a bit before he leans towards Sam, and paints a thick red stripe over his eyes that makes it look like he has a mask on. Like the ones he paints on his hero’s.
“Wow,” you sign when he opens his eyes. “You look very cool.”
Sam smiles, and Henry pulls out his knife to let Sam see his reflection on the metal.
And once he does he grins and nods in appreciation. “Now,” Sam signs to you as Henry puts his knife away. “I have my mask on, like you have your wings.”
You grin and nod. “Yes!” You sign and lift your eyebrows to show your excitement, whilst you pick up your backpack off the ground since all you needed was for him to wake up so you could leave. “Exactly! We are cool now.”
Henry turns back around and helps Sam put on his jacket, while you grab his backpack off the ground.
“Now,” Sam tells you after he has his jacket on and his brother is turned away grabbing his own things. “Henry needs something too.” He stands up to his feet, and you hand him his backpack.
“We will have to think about what to give him,” you tell Sam as you strap your rifle on your shoulder.
Sam nods in agreement and drifts his eyes to Henry slowly trying to slowly open the door.
After making sure that the ghost is clear, you all proceed to climb out, and carefully walk down the stairs to reach the door that you had once walked through 11 days ago.
However, before you can walk out, even if Henry and you learned the patterns of the group, he puts a table against the door to climb on it and peek through the window over the door to check if the ghost is clear outside.
For inside you can hear nothing echoing in the distance; no shouts, running engines or distant gunshots, but you still wait cautiously, and watch Henry turn away from the window first before you can act.
“It’s okay,” Henry signs to Sam and you as he jumps down.
Just like you assumed.
However, even if Sam got the okay, he worries and questions his brother. “You don’t hear anything?”
Henry shakes his head and reaches over to push the table away. Albeit just as you take a step over to help him, tires suddenly screech, causing Henry to stop, and for you to do the same but grab Sam’s shoulder to hold him still.
Sam then turns to question what had made Henry and you stop, but tires screech again and a crash follows to sound, causing you to jump and cover your ears. Henry, though, grabs Sam, and your arm to pull you both down with him.
Sam signs something to both Henry and you, but you keep your eyes focused on the door as gunshots begin to go off. You remain frozen out of fear in the same spot Henry had pulled you down to, and don’t react or stand up until Henry gets back up on the table to peek through the window.
“Henry,” you call out and sign so Sam understands what you’re saying. “Stay down.”
“Let me just check,” he rebuttals.
You grab Sam’s hand and pull him with you as you take a step closer to Henry.
Another gunshot proceeds to go off though, making Henry duck, and Sam to tighten his hold around your hand as he watches his brother's reaction. And just as Henry slowly lifts his head again, you turn to face Sam.
“We will be okay, it sounds to be happening across the street,” you let Sam know. “Gunshots, but not a lot. Maybe a fight.”
Another gunshot goes off, and your shoulders jump, but you try to remain collected in front of Sam.
“Another gunshot?” Sam asks since he sees your reactions.
You nod and let him know, “Just one.” You turn to ask Henry what’s going on, but he suddenly ducks for a few seconds before he lifts back up one more time. After a few seconds he finally decides to jump back down as it goes quiet.
“What's going on now?” Sam asks Henry before you can.
Henry glances at you with a frown and shares his slight fear, before returning his gaze to his brother and looking nonchalant so Sam won’t worry as much.
“New plan,” Henry shares with the both of you. “We follow this man that just killed one of the rebels.” He explains making you feel shocked over that fact. “I know the streets, and even if we have you, y/n, we can possibly work together with this man.” He keeps his eyes locked on you to ask for reassurance, to wait if you’d argue, but you trust him and agree with a nod.
“We have to get out before more of the resistance comes over. Ready?” He asks Sam and you.
“Yes,” you sign and say, earning Henry’s attention. “I’m with you.”
Henry’s lips lift slightly before he gives you a thankful nod.
And just like Henry had mentioned, those same loud ass cars come soon, you can hear their loud rumbling engines, they make a commotion about one of their own dying and finding the people who did it; Albeit Henry did say it was only one old man. Nevertheless, by the time you imagine they get to searching the nearby places for that guilty man, you’re already out of the building, following that man you can’t see but Henry can.
Yet, it’s because of that same search that you have to be even more cautious like before. You have to hide in alleys, and take long pauses to wait for cars to roll by before continuing after the man.
Night comes, and you finally enter a building, but, you end up having to follow the fucking old man thirty something floors up the damn building. It’s safe sure, but so fucking high up after running all day.
Furthermore, as you’re walking to the room at the end of the hall, just as you’re about to reach the room, glass crunches under your feet, making Henry and you halt immediately, and for the both of you to stop quickly Sam too.
“Noisy?” Sam asks both Henry and you.
Henry agrees and answers. “Noisy.”
You pull your rifle strap off your shoulder, and watch Henry pull out a gun before grabbing Sam’s full attention. “Remember what to do?” He asks Sam.
Sam makes a gun sign and points to the door. Henry nods and then hands Sam the gun. And since it’s probably a bit heavy Sam lowers his hands, making Henry secure the boys hold around the weapon before looking up at you now.
“Y/N,” he signs and doesn’t speak for safety. “Stay here. If anyone comes in, jump them. Or if shit goes down in there and you hear gunshots, go in and surprise them for us. If you hear nothing then I’ll call you.”
You’re hesitant to obey, you want to go with him. But…after being stuck together in the attic for 11 days you trust him with your life, more than anyone. So you listen to his plan.
“Okay,” you assure him. “I will wait, but…” you pause and pull out your pistol from your holster. “Use mine. I have bullets, you don’t. I can’t have you go in unprotected.”
Henry glances at your weapon and seems hesitant to take it for a moment, but he has no choice but to trade guns.
“You know how to use it, yes?” You manage a joke.
Henry rolls his eyes and grabs Sam to walk ahead, leaving you to stand back and wait. Wait and listen.
Wait some more even when you catch someone else's voice inside; a young girl's not an old man yelling out the same name as your own fathers.
“Eyes on me,” you hear Henry command. “Eyes on me. You don’t have to worry about what to say. We don’t want to hurt you. We wanna help you.”
So they seem good?
Hm. You push yourself away from the wall and step in the middle of the hall, you try to get a view inside the room Henry and Sam had gone into, but it’s too dark. All you can go off of is Henry’s voice, which you can detect a hint of nervousness by the way.
“Okay,” a second voice says; an oddly familiar, deep and deadpanned one.
“Okay, uh,” Henry proceeds shakily, “I don’t know what the next step is with something like this…”
Oh sweet, sweet Henry.
You should’ve gone in his place instead.
“….but if I lower my gun, we didn’t hurt you, so you don’t hurt us, right?” He continues, providing a long pause that makes you lift your rifle and take one step forward.
“That’s right,” the manly voice responds in a deadpanned way. Which is funny because it actually sounds like your dad too.
“That’s a weird fuckin’ tone, man,” Henry snaps out nervously.
“That's just the way he sounds,” the young girl interjects quickly. “He has an asshole voice. Joel, tell him he’s okay.”
“Everything is great.”
Obviously not. But Henry doesn’t yell out for you, so you trust him and stay put.
“Fuck!” Henry swears, making you look down at glass littered on the floor to step on the gaps that are clean—“okay. Listen,” Henry continues. “I’m gonna trust you.” Silence follows and you imagine he’s taking this time to communicate with Sam or think some more.
“But if either of you guys try anything,” Henry then exclaims. “Yeah? We also have someone else with us, she’s strong, so don’t try anything. Yeah?”
There’s a murmur you can’t make out before that manly voice speaks again. “Can I sit up?”
“Slow,” Henry says. “Get up slow. Y/N come on in…it’s okay!”
That’s your cue.
You only lower your gun a bit, but keep your hands tightly secured around your weapon as you slowly walk to the door.
“Who are you?” The man asks Henry now.
“My name is Henry. That’s my brother, Sam. I’m the most wanted man in Kansas City,” Henry’s voice gets louder the closer you approach the room. “Although, right now my guess is you’re running a close second.”
You reach the door and slowly push it open, announcing your presence to the others in the room. Yet as you step in the first person you focus on is Sam since he’s closer to the door. You’re about to ask if he’s okay, but you see the man behind him and slowly drag your eyes up to identify him.
And as soon as you land your eyes on his face, you freeze and gasp as you recognize his dark eyes, that face that has more wrinkles on it than before. You recognize his face even if it’s been years since you last saw him. After all, you could never forget how he looks, even with the anger you hold for him. You could never forget him, your dad.
“Oh my god,” you murmur and drop your gun as you keep your eyes on him, as you watch him slowly lose that furrowed brow, that look of nonchalance. You watch him grow disbelieved, or at least that’s what you want to think.
“Daddy?” You call out and stride over to him, whilst he walks over to you slowly as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing, as if he’s trying to debate if you’re some vision or not. “Daddy,” you murmur as you stand before him. “It’s me, It’s—”
Before you can finish your sentence he wraps you in embrace, he wraps an arm around your back, and slides his other hand to hold the back of your head. While you stay stiff in his arms.
“I know,” he murmurs against your ear. “I know baby, I know.” His voice is soft, not like it was a few minutes ago. He’s warm, and under the sweat you still recognize his own scent, it fills you with nostalgia and joy. It makes you hug him back and close your eyes to bask in the relief and safety you’re hit with in his arms.
“Let me look at you,” he whispers and pulls back to grab your face and study you. Study you after years of not seeing you. “Look at you….” He smiles softly and wipes away the tears on your cheeks that had broken out. “You’re all grown up. You’re so beautiful.”
You notice his graying hair. You see the exhaustion in his eyes, and the relief.
“What’s going on?” You hear the girl ask, but you don’t look at her or think further about her presence, all you can focus on is the man before you, and the fact that as of now that anger you held so close in your heart begins to wash away.
“Look at you,” you redirect with a wobbly grin. “You wear diapers yet?”
He scoffs softly. “I’m getting there.”
You laugh softly and linger in front of him for a second longer before you both hug each other again, before you cling onto his neck like you would when you were a little girl, when you’d greet him home from work, when he’d carry you after you woke up, or simply when you just needed his embrace. You cling onto him with fear he’d disappear.
So now, no one in the room could deny your connection.
“Oh baby girl,” he whispers.
You cry softly and nuzzle your head in the crook of his neck. You stay in the embrace for a few more moments, and he doesn’t try to pull away until you do to face Henry and Sam, and explain what they’re witnessing.
“This is my dad,” you sign and say out loud.
Sam blinks and looks at your dad by you, and then nods in comprehension, whilst Henry looks a bit disbelieved by the fact.
“Uh, sorry for the…gun,” Henry adds anyway.
“Dad,” you say and turn to look at him, “that’s Sam,” you point to the boy. “And that’s Henry….” You glance at the man and smile softly. “My partner.”
Henry meets your gaze and mirrors your gesture.
“Ellie,” the girl interjects and steps towards you to offer you her hand.
You snap your gaze to the small girl and quickly look at her up and down—brown hair, pale face, brown eyes. She can be his kid. Albeit she looks a bit too old to actually be his kid without you knowing about it. Then again it has been some time…so there’s a possibility….
“Y/N,” you share, and offer her a feigned smile as you take her hand so as to not be cold.
You then pull your hand away and think that she can be Tess’s kid with your dad, the girl kind of has a resemblance to Tess. However, you don’t see Tess here. Weren’t she and your dad inseparable?
You don’t ask about her though, even if you are curious.
“What are you doing here?” Your dad cuts in, letting you look at him. “You’re supposed to be in Wyoming.”
You sigh and nod. “It’s a long story, really. I’m sure I can share later.” You turn and head over to the gun you had dropped in front of the door. “What are you doing here though? It’s a long way from Boston.”
You hear your dad sigh. “It’s a long story,” he counters, making you scoff in amusement. “I’ll tell ya later. You talk to your uncle Tommy recently?”
You pick up your gun and hang it back around your shoulder. “No I haven't been able to,” you share and turn back around to face your dad. “I haven’t come across a radio in some time. Have you?”
Your dad swallows thickly before he shakes his head. “No,” he says, and you actually begin to worry by the hesitance in his tone.
Yet you don’t investigate further, leaving the room quiet, even if there was so much unsaid between you and your dad.
“Anyone hungry?” Ellie breaks silence.
You snap your eyes to her and nod for Sam and Henry. “Starving actually. You guys have some spare food? We’ve been on the run from the rebels outside, so it’s been a hard couple of days.”
“Yes,” your dad nods.
You offer him a thankful smile and then turn to Sam. “They have some food,” you let him know.
Sam smiles in relief.
“Why don't we set up shop, hm?” You say and break away from your spot to grab a lamp off some desk. “It’s crazy it’s been you this entire day,” you direct to your dad. “If I would’ve known we could’ve reunited earlier.”
The question about who Ellie is to him really kills you, but you keep holding back to avoid hearing what he’d say, what you were afraid he’d say.
“Well only if I knew you were here,” he quips in that same deadpanned voice.
You hum and turn to set the lamp down in between the cushions on the floor.
The girl sits down first and begins to rummage through her bag, while Sam and Henry sit across from her.
“I just got to Kansas City like maybe what,” you explain as you turn on the white lamp, providing at least some sort of light to an otherwise dark room. “Almost 2 months ago, or so.” You sit down across from your dad and meet his gaze. “I wasn’t planning to stay, but well,” you sigh. “Shit went down and I had no choice. That's when I met Henry and Sam.”
Ellie passes your dad something wrapped in paper, and as he opens it and reveals food, he looks over at you again. “Where were you coming from?” He asks and hands you some food that you pass to Sam first.
“Well,” you murmur and drop your gaze knowing he wouldn't like your answer. “A…” you hesitate and scoff. “Countrywide adventure to tell the truth.” You drift your eyes up, catching him stopping his hand midway as he’s about to hand you some more food. He narrows his eyes on you and shakes his head.
“Daddy,” you cut him off. “You can't be mad, I’m on my way home.”
A wave of emotions pass, and you swear you can even see a hint of sadness pass, but it doesn’t linger too long for you to confirm it.
“You could’ve gotten yourself killed,” he mutters and hands you a piece of food you hand to Henry. “I can’t believe your uncle Tommy let you leave.”
You scoff and shrug off your back pack, and put down your gun to grab your food now. “I was 22 when I left, I was grown. And he trusted me.”
Your dad blinks and looks at his own piece of food as he swallows thickly again.
“Why did you leave?” Ellie interjects.
You smirk and share your truth. “Prove to myself that I can survive.”
Ellie begins to slowly smirk. “Cool,” she says.
And it might or might not be a choice fueled by your dad, or really his past behavior.
“Where did you get these?” Henry interjects and changes the subject.
“From Bill,” Ellie answers. “He’s dead.”
Oh. Okay.
Silence passes, and your dad takes this time to hand Sam some more food.
And as soon as the boy gets it he taps your arm so you’ll look at him and what he signs.
“Yeah,” you assure him. “I’ll tell him.” You look to your dad and share what Sam told you. “He says thank you.”
“I’m guessing you don’t have much,” Henry adds. “So, this means a lot.”
You hum in agreement.
“How old is he?” Ellie asks.
Henry turns to Sam and shares what Ellie had asked him, making Sam answer.
“He’s eight,” Henry shares for Sam.
Ellie nods and smiles. “Cool. I’m Ellie.”
Henry once again communicates with Sam, causing Sam to look over at the girl and sign cool as he nods.
Silence then proceeds to fall again, but now you catch Ellie hit your dads leg to encourage him to introduce himself now, making you be more assured by the fact that she could be his kid. One he didn’t tell anyone about, not even you…
“I’m Joel,” your dad adds bluntly. “Look, you ate, we didn’t kill each other, let’s call this a win-win and move on.” He glances at you towards the end of his conversation, seeking you to speak.
Yet you don’t, you let Henry do so
“Well, I’m betting that y’all came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out. And when the suns up, we’ll show you one.” Henry glances at you at the end, so you share an assuring look.
“There isn’t a lot we can see right now,” you add and look to your dad. “It’s dark. Once the sun goes up we can…” you pause and sigh. “Talk more. As of now if you guys want to sleep, go ahead. Henry and I can keep watch.”
“No,” Henry cuts you off. “You’ve been up all day, I can stay awake, Sam and you can get some sleep.”
You meet Henry’s gaze and come up with another option since you know your father wouldn’t be so open to that idea. And well you do want to talk to your dad too, someone you haven’t seen in years and suddenly appears here, Kansas City of all places.
“You sleep,” you direct at Henry. “I’ll…stay up with my dad, there’s things we need to talk about anyway.” You look over at said man, and meet his dark gaze.
And without adding much, your dad hums in agreement, making you smile softly.
“So,” you roll out and look down at Sam next to you. “You,” you point and begin to sign and speak quietly. “Need sleep.”
Sam rolls his eyes, but nods slowly. However, before he can stand up to find some corner, he adds one thing. “I decided what I want to have in Wyoming.”
You grow curious and probe.
“A giraffe,” he shares, making you grin.
“A giraffe,” you repeat. “Man,” you chuckle as you sign to him. “I don’t know how I’ll fit a giraffe in the backyard.”
“You said,” he argues. “Any pet.”
You sigh and drop your shoulders to try and pursue him to another option. “How about a goat, or,” you snap your fingers as the idea comes to mind. “A dog? A Cat?”
Sam shakes his head and looks at Henry and then at you to repeat himself. “A giraffe.”
You sigh in defeat, and nod your head. “Fine, fine, you twisted my arm, I will see what I can do, how about that?” You ask with a soft smile, in that moment missing how Henry was watching you; like he’s never seen something so beautiful in his life.
Albeit, you might not have noticed but your dad does. Your dad saw how you had just talked to Sam, so sweet and caring even through all this crap. So maybe he was right in leaving you with your uncle Tommy.
In the years before he left though, you were somewhat the same, you liked to see the good out of the bad even as young as you were, even as scared of the new world as you were. He doesn’t know how you did, where you got that from, but he knows that if you were stuck with him all your life, you wouldn't have stayed yourself. As you were before this outbreak, so, it’s good that you hadn’t been together until now.
“Are you sure?” Henry double checks as Sam walks away from the group.
You nod. “Yeah. I’m sure,” you assure him. “Go, get some sleep.”
Henry hesitates for a moment before he follows after his brother, leaving Ellie, your dad, and you left. Yet he sends Ellie off to bed too, and she relencutenly listens.
So now it’s just you and him, but neither of you speak until you know everyone is asleep.
“So,” you whisper as you move to sit by his left side. “Are you gonna tell me what you’re doing here?”
“It’s not as exciting as your reason,” he deadpans, making you smile. “I still can’t believe Tommy would let you leave. Tsk.”
You drop your gaze and do share the truth you hid. “He didn’t want me to leave, we argued…but at the end of the day, I was an adult, he knew he couldn’t hold me back.” You lift your gaze to look back at your dad. “You didn’t answer me though.”
Your dad meets your gaze and then glances at Henry across the room for a moment before he drops his gaze and mutters. “No offense or anything, but I don’t trust your partner. I trust you, but not him, so let’s save this conversation for later.”
So he hasn’t changed. That’s good to know.
“Okay,“ you grumble in annoyance, and instead chose to focus on the girl he’s traveling with. “The girl, is she your…”
“No,” your dad cuts you off before you can ask what he knew you were curious about. “She’s not anything. She’s cargo.”
Oh. Well now you’re even more curious. It’s bad he won’t answer a fucking thing.
“So what?” You retort. “Are you on some kinda mission?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Somethin like that.” He meets your gaze, and you let your own gaze linger on him as more questions build up, as you want to spill out so much more. But, right now, at this moment you don’t want to ruin the bliss of this reunion, you’re happy to see him again, and you want to focus on that.
“You,” he continues to speak. “How are you doing, hm? You okay?”
You nod and sigh. “I was hurt, that's why I stayed, but I’m okay now. You?” You ask and prop your elbows on your knees to rest your chin on your hands. “I mean besides being old.”
Your dad rolls his eyes and scoffs. “I’m okay,” he mutters. “And you're getting there too, what are you now 30?” He manages to tease you with a faint smirk dancing on his lips.
“I’m 24,” you correct him. “And 30 is not that old, okay?”
“Yeah, says you, you’re almost halfway there,” he reminds you, making you smile that he remembers. “You still make it a big deal?”
You snicker. “Daddy, you know me right? Of course I do.”
His smirk deepens. “What was it you said when you were a little girl?” He asks even if he still in fact remembers. “That Valentine’s Day was celebrated ‘cause it was your birthday that day?
You nod. “I still believe that,” you mumble with a stifled laugh.
He laughs softly and shakes his head. And you smile softly. It’s been so long since you’ve talked, so long since you’ve laughed together, and now after years of estrangement, sharing that same connection fills your heart with such heartwarming bliss you’ve missed.
“You going to Wyoming?” You quiere a bit mote seriously.
Your dad nods stiffly.
You scoff. “Uncle Tommy might get some kind of heart attack when he sees you.” You grin.
“He’s old,” you both say at the same time.
You giggle quietly and nod. Silence follows, comforting silence that lets you notice the watch on his wrist, the same one Sarah had given him for his birthday 20 years ago. He still wears it.
He never liked talking about her after she died, you can’t imagine that’s changed, but you still miss her and he still misses her too. So without saying anything you sit up and grab his wrist to carefully swipe your finger over the cracked glass.
Your dad watches you and of course doesn’t add anything, he lets you hold his hand to look at the watch instead.
“Get some sleep,” he mutters. “I’ll stay up.”
You let his hand go and breathe out softly before blinking and looking at him. “It’s okay. I’ll stay up with you. I missed you.” You admit.
The corner of his lips twitch to a smile, and he then wraps his arm around your shoulders to press you against him and press a kiss on the top of your head.
You smile and rest your head on his shoulder as he keeps his arm around you. You sit in the silence then, basked only by the dim white light. And you fight it, fight the sleep that came as you felt comforted and safe by your dad, but it overtook you, and regardless of what you told him you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder just like you would when you were a little girl.
“Welcome to Killa City,” Henry says whilst he, you and your dad look out at the city from an office building.
“No FEDRA,” your dad interjects.
Henry shakes his head. “Not as of 2 months ago, no.”
“We always heard KC FEDRA was—”
“Monsters? Savages?” Henry cuts your dad off, and looks at him as he nods. “Yeah, you heard right. Raped and tortured and murdered people for 20 years. And you know what happens when you do that to people? The moment they get a chance they do it back to you.”
“But you’re not FEDRA,” your dad mutters, and you sigh quietly and avert your gaze as you know what’s coming is something he won’t like.
“No, worse,” Henry says. “I’m a collaborator.”
You clench your jaw and peek over, catching your fathers immediate displeasure and judgment.
“I don’t work with rats,” he snaps at Henry, and side eyes you since he knows he had taught you better.
“Yeah,” Henry scoffs. “You fucking do.”
You sigh and drag your eyes to him. “Henry,” you warn.
Said man glances at you, but he doesn’t change his tone of voice.
“Today you do.” He continues. “‘Cause I live here and you don’t. That’s how we followed you here….”
Albeit you didn’t actually know you were following your own father when Henry told you.
“I know this city, and that’s how I’m gonna help you get out.”
“Why help us?” Your dad queries.
Henry glances over at you and his gaze softens. “Her, for one,” he points to you, making you feel flustered. “And two, I saw what you did, the way you killed those men,” he says and glances back at your dad, making you do the same. “Now, I know where to go, and I trust y/n would have gotten us out alive, but we are safer in numbers.”
You meet your dad gaze briefly before he directs his comment to Henry. “You seem capable enough. You’re armed.”
“You’re wrong, and wrong,” Henry rebuttals. “Never killed anyone. And pointing that borrowed gun at you was the closest I’ve ever come to being violent….so that’s the deal. I show the way, you and y/n clear the way.”
You nod in agreement, and then look to your father in hopes he’d agree too. After all, you are going to the same place.
Yet you can’t read the answer he may have, he makes it hard to do so. But you want to believe he’d want to stick around with you at least….
What if you’re not enough though? He’s left before.
You sigh shakily and want to pull him away, but then a distinctive laugh fills the room. When you glance back you see Sam laughing with Ellie.
She made him laugh.
“Haven't heard that in a long time,” Henry says.
You smile at the boy, and then share that same happy smile with Henry.
“So how are we gettin’ out?” Your dad gives in, making you look to the ground and smile wider.
Without hesitation Henry walks to the table and pulls a piece of paper and pencil from his backpack, making your dad and you gather around the table where Henry is to watch as he begins to write. And shortly thereafter Ellie joins the group too, leaving Sam to sit at the other side of the table in wait.
“Highways, downtown,” Henry explains and points and circles the spots with his fingers. “Us. This whole area belongs to Kathleen.”
“She’s in charge?” Ellie probes.
You cross your arms over your chest and nod before answering with what you’ve been told from Henry himself, and the others that were a part of his group. “Leader of the resistance.”
“You can see the way we’re bounded by highways,” Henry continues to explain. “They got people posted all around the inside perimeter. If we get close, we get caught. No question. So how do we get across?” He asks, but then taps the surface of the table to gain Sam’s attention.
And when the boy looks up Henry asks the same question, so Sam can write down the answer on his board. “Tunnels.”
Henry snaps his fingers and says. “Boom.”
“Kansas City has a subway?” Your dad questions.
“No, but they do have maintained tunnels,” Henry answers. “There’s a bunch of buildings all put up by the same developers. And they share these tunnels, including,” he says and looks back at his paper.
“A bank building here.” He writes down on the paper as he explains as well. “So we enter the tunnels here, travel underground, and pop up here. Westside North. Residential. There’s an embankment on the other side of the houses. We head down, pedestrian bridge over the river.” He drops his pencil and claps proudly. “Free as a bird.” He then shoots you a proud look.
And you might be impressed by his plan, but your dad doesn’t seem so.
“You’re right,” your dad comments. “It’s a great plan. So what do you need us for?” Your dad points to him and you.
Henry sighs and shares one concerned look with you before looking at your dad and explaining further. “You noticed anything strange about this city? I mean, other than the strange shit you’ve already seen?”
“No infected?” Ellie answers correctly right away.
“Oh, there’s infected,” Henry corrects her. “Just not on the surface. FEDRA drove them underground 15 years ago and never let them come back up. It’s the only good thing those fascist motherfuckers ever did.”
“So you want us goin’ into a tunnel?” Your dad quips as he looks between Ellie and you.
“Everyone thinks that It’s full of infected,” Henry adds. “Including Kathleen, which means that we’re not gonna be running into any of her people. But you see, what I know is, it’s empty.”
“You’ve been down there?” Your dad asks.
You avert your gaze and hear Henry’s response. “No,”
“Oh god,” your dad mutters in annoyance. “Y/N.”
Yes, it’s a very questionable plan, you know that, but that’s why Henry and Sam had you. To fight for them.
“…but the FEDRA guy that I worked with told me that it’s clean,” Henry continues. “Completely clean. They cleared it out. All of it.”
“When?” Ellie asks.
“Like, three years ago,” Henry says.
Your dad scoffs and shakes his head.
“Okay, maybe,” Henry quickly adds. “There’s one or two, but you can handle it.”
“What if there’s more?” Your dad counters.
“Or one of those blind ones that sees like a bat?” Ellie adds her question.
“Y/N has fought clickers,” Henry explains and points to you.
You nervously glance up at your dad, and meet his quick judgmental gaze only meant for one man.
“And now I know you have,” Henry continues. “You see? You’re the right people. If it gets bad down there, we turn around, and run right back out the same way we came.”
“Oh that’s your great plan?” Your dad argues. “Put my—”
“No, that’s my dicey-as-fuck plan,” Henry cuts your dad off. “But as far as I can tell…it’s our only shot.”
“Y/N,” your dad presses you to explain yourself and your decision to follow something risky.
“It’s our only choice,” you vouch for Henry. “They chased us out of the forest, and now they have the forest line surrounded. It’s either this way or we go guns blazing. Which is an actual stupid idea. Trust me. Can you do that? I know it’s been a while,” you swallow thickly. “But can you do that?”
Your dads gaze lingers on you, his answer is simple in regards to you, but it’s the man you’re with that makes his choice difficult.
“They’re saying,” you hear Henry interject before your dad can answer you. “They’re going to help us escape.”
You look to the end of the table and see Sam smirk and nod in comprehension.
“Right?” Henry asks.
“Fine,” your dad grumbles, making you smile softly at him.
Good thing it didn’t come to choosing sides because if it had you don’t know who you’d side with….
Regardless, you don’t linger in the building any longer, the next rotation would start their shift soon, so now was the time to flee while the ghost was clear.
There could be surprises considering they are looking for your dad now too. But luckily the run to the bank was clear, and the bank itself was clear—It seems that the resistance group isn’t as smart as they think they are.
The only difficulty is now navigating your way through the long dark tunnel that you’re in.
“This should be it,” Henry says once the door closes behind your dad. “You ready?”
You turn your flashlight on and step down the stairs first.
“Get your gun out,” you hear your dad tell Ellie most likely. But you take this time you pull your rifle down and have it ready just in case something jumps out in this silence.
“How many bullets do you have?” You direct to your dad and look over your shoulder, noticing him climbing down the stairs to join you so you can both lead the way to some other big metal door.
“Not a lot,” he says, and shortly thereafter stops to open the big metal door for everyone. “You?” He asks once it’s open.
“Not a lot either,” you grumble and continue to slowly walk forward with your light pointing at the long path ahead.
“You see? It’s empty,” Henry points out loudly and with pride. “The plan is good!”
You look back to kindly tell him otherwise even if you really don’t smell or hear anything concerning, yet your dad beats you to it.
“Shh,” your dad shushes him. “The plan is good?” He repeats and scolds Henry. “We’ve been here for two seconds. We don’t know anything.”
Henry meets your gaze, and you shoot him a comforting smile before he leans close to Ellie and directs his comment to her.
“Your dads kind of a pessimist.”
“He’s not my dad.” Ellie quickly rebuttals, at the same your dad also does
“I’m not her dad.”
Why do they sound offended?
Maybe there shouldn’t be a reason why you need to be jealous then?
“Just point your light forward,” your dad continues to tell Henry. “And be ready to run.” He continues walking, so you also continue to lead the way at his side.
It turns out to be a long walk. A silent one thankfully. It seems Henry was right about this tunnel now being infected free. Yet as you come approaching some colorful painted doors who knows what may lie behind them.
“Whoa,” Ellie utters as you all flash your lights at the colorful drawings that fill the three walls.
There’s a castle painted around the doors, flowers and plants on the other walls, children, rainbows and a sun. This must be the reason why the infected aren’t down here.
Yet it’s too quiet, and unprotected. And when you feel the walls to check if it’s fresh or old paint. Thankfully, or sadly…the paint is dry and crusted.
“Let’s knock,” you suggest. "If there's infected they’ll run to the door, if there’s people then we’ll hear them too. If there’s nothing then…the ghost is clear.”
Your dad hums and nods in agreement. And just as you step forward and lift your fist to knock, Sam passes you to reach the door, but you quickly grab his arm and face him.
“No,” you warn him. “It can be dangerous. Always, always check if something is safe first, okay?” You take this time to teach him. “You understand me?”
Sam's smile fades, and he quickly responds. “I understand, sorry.”
You shake your head. “You did nothing wrong, just always double check first. Wait. My dad and I will give the sign that it’s safe. Okay?”
Sam nods stiffly and steps behind you, letting you secure his hand under yours, and now knock.
Once you get no response your dad opens the door first and slowly walks in, letting you and the rest follow him inside, noticing a larger room with more painted walls, with furniture and books. A home. An abandoned home.
You let Sam’s hand go and turn your flashlight off since this room is basked by natural light that comes from the vents on the ceiling.
“I heard about places like this,” your dad comments as he slows his pace to study the room. “People went underground after Outbreak day. Built settlements.”
You hang your rifle around your shoulder and slowly begin to walk ahead to investigate more of this living space.
“What happened to them?” Ellie asks.
“Maybe they didn’t follow the rules and they all got infected,” your dad counters.
Or they got tired of underground living and left. That’s what you hope happened anyway.
“No way!” You hear Ellie exclaim, making you snap your head to her out of fear.
Yet when your eyes land on her, you see her and Sam around a small table checking out a comic book.
“I love these!”
You let out a relieved sigh and continue towards a shelf of records and movies. Ellie continues to talk, but you focus on the music and films that have collected dust, giving away the time of unuse; hinting mostly at how long this place has been abandoned.
“…fuck yeah man!”
“Hey, keep it down,” your dad cuts Ellie off. “We’re not out yet.”
There he goes…grumpy, and overly cautious.
“C’mon,” Ellie groans. “Can we just rest here for a while? There’s like, actually shit to do here.”
A certain movie called Curtis and Viper 2 grabs your attention, and makes you smile to yourself while they talked.
“Wouldn’t be so bad to wait the light out a bit,” Henry tries to persuade your dad. “Safer in shadows when we pop back out on the other side.”
You snatch the movie from the shelf and look over your shoulder to wait for your fathers response. And surprisingly he gives in, letting you focus back on the shelf of goodies.
Since the records take too much room in your pack you leave them behind unfortunately, and step over to the box of cassettes, finding many albums that you had left back home, some that were your favorite and haven’t heard in years.
You find books, two that practically caught your attention. You find accessories, and more stuff that you would have enjoyed when you were a little kid. Albeit you still do put on some heart shaped sunglasses for fun now.
And even if it’s a habit your father is used to or should be used to, he still questions your choice of accessory as you join him and Henry sitting around a table. “What are you wearin’?”
You grin and pull up a chair next to Henry. “Daddy, don’t they look great on me?”
Your dad scoffs and looks away. “Well it’s good to see you haven’t changed,” he mumbles whilst he hides his faint smile over the fact.
You grin and proceed to throw your backpack and gun down, to then rest your feet on Henry’s lap as you sit back on the chair. “Look what I found,” you bring up and put your stuff down to show them a pun book. “A pun book. These are so fun, you love these don’t you,” you point at your dad.
His gaze drifts back to you and his eyes narrow. “Y/N,” he mutters, but you ignore him and open the book to read a random joke.
“A book,” you begin to giggle. “A book just fell on my head. I only have myself to blame—“ you stop and snort. “Fuck! No, fuck I said that wrong,” you giggle some more and correct yourself. “A book just fell on my head…I only have my shelf to blame.” You look up and see your dad keep his arms crossed over his chest and his nonchalance on his face, so you look over at Henry, and see him smile.
“Yeah,” you mutter. “I ruined that one.” You scoff and flip the page to read another one. “Ah, another! I used to be addicted to soap,” you laugh softly and glance up at your audience. “But I’m clean now.” You laugh and actually hear Henry giggle.
“Next…” you flip the page and grin as you find a good one. “Do you know what’s not right?” You ask and look up as you press the book against your chest to wait for a response.
“Left,” Henry answers, making you beam and nod.
“Yeah, yeah, you get it,” you laugh. “That was a good one.” You close the book and shove it in your backpack. “I’ll say more later….Now.” You say and sit up to grab another book. “Look. Little Women, my favorite book. Which,” you point the book at your dad and Henry. “I made into a play back home a few years back…”
You miss your dads curious look as you mention that you have made a play since you continue to speak.
“…I’ll let y’all guess who I played.”
“The main character?” Henry probes.
You put the book down on the table and shake your head. “Nope. Read the book and you’ll know. And look,” you continue and lift a cassette. “ABBA, and Kate Bush, Hounds of Love album, I love Running up That Hill.”
“I swear you love every song,” Henry comments.
You shrug and smirk. “Yeah, pft, well there’s too many to choose from.” You bend down and pull out your Walkman to put in the Kate Bush tape.
“Actually, before you do that,” Henry mumbles. “I found you something,”
You blink and snatch your sunglasses off to look up at him without the dark tint.
“It reminded me of you,” he says timidly and leans closer to you to pin something on your poncho.
When he pulls his hand away, you look down and see a small little gold sun pin.
“Uh, you can pin it to your backpack, or I don’t know, keep it there, but I just wanted you to have it.”
You smile softly and look up at him to meet his soft enamored gaze.
“Thank you,” you whisper and grab his chin to caress it before you lean in and press a small kiss on his lips, forgetting in that moment that your father was nearby—“I love it.”
“Good,” Henry says. “Good.”
You both let your gazes linger for a moment longer before you grab your book to hide your giddy grin as you sit back. You then proceed to put on your earphones on, and press play on the music, but can’t stop smiling like a love struck idiot.
But maybe you are one though….
Anyway, you read some pages of the book and miss the conversation that your dad and Henry have, you don’t look up, or listen in. You don’t look up until Ellie and Sam playing across the room catch your attention.
And at first it was just a brief glance since you could hear them faintly through your music, but as you see that they’re playing soccer, as you see Sam trick Ellie to take the soccer ball away from her, you grow nostalgic and sad. You remember Sarah, again, this time more than ever. You remember playing soccer with her in the backyard of your house, you remember tricking her to steal her ball away; the memory plays faintly in your mind, bringing tears to your eyes.
You remember her smile, her laugh. You remember those simple days, and miss her, just like you do every single day that passes.
You blink at the sound of your muffled name and look up, catching your dad standing by you now. You pull your earphones off and hum to probe.
“It’s time to go,” he says.
You draw in a deep shaky breath and nod in comprehension. He walks away and you sigh as you pull your legs off Henry’s lap to pack up your things now.
“I don’t think he likes me that much,” Henry whispers.
You glance over at him and then look at your dad walking to Ellie.
“Just,” you quickly try to assure Henry. “Give him time. He’s,” you smile. “He’s a hardass, but he will come around.” You zip up your backpack and pick it up, before grabbing your rifle off the ground to then stand up.
Henry stands up from the chair too and sighs.
“Come on,” you urge him softly. “Let’s get out of here.”
A/N- I don't want to write what follows…
A/N- Can you guess who y/n played in her Little Women play? (That part was added for a reason 😙)
Tagged- @slut-f0r-u @star-wars-lover @traceylader @givemylovetoall @itzagothamcitysiren @sammy-13 @beloved-reblogger @emiriia @rues-daya @sunfairyy @littleshadow17 @mcu-starwars @bigtuffswordboy @riaqiax @dheet @queenofthekill @joliettes @d4rno @dgraysonss @rana030 @punisherinthealps @pedropascalluvr41
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plutoispurplw · 8 months
The Story Of Us
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Summary: Reader and Timothee!Wonka are having relationship problems and reader is questioning is this is the end of the story of them.
Words: 1K
Couple: Timothée!Wonka x Female reader
A/N: I only did this one shot because three things. 1- Two Days ago the light in my house was gone.
2- The request of @riordanness
3- I love Taylor Swift, you can count how many times I write a name of a song or a lyric.
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My relationship with Willy was great, we we're crazy in love with each other, he was always affectionate like it was our last day alive. He was the love of my life and I knew it. I know it sounds bad but he is the only person or thing that I ever needed, It was like he convert darkness into daylight.
Our personalities were the opposite, I never had hope in people before I met him, always prepared to be stabbed by close people, nothing calm my racing thoughts, always overthinking, I felt haunted so I leave my tired hometown just to discover that I was the problem.
He was the sun and I was the moon.
When I met him after being trapped by Scrubbit, I felt more helpless that I ever felt but then I met him, three days later after I arrived, he become my best friend and then my lover, I always help him to sell his chocolates, and I stay with him after my debt was paid, he was my daylight.
The work of managing the fabric and his store had him tired all the time and stressed out and that when it happen, our bedroom that was our secret oasis become a battle ground, this was a war that neither of us could end without fighting over and over again.
The only thing I could thought before falling asleep was that if this was the end of the story of us. The fairytale was slowly dying and I couldn't bear witness it.
How long can we still be a sad song? How long the silence would last until one of us leave? I didn't even remember the last time we kissed, or cuddle, or even talk in a affectionate way.
One night I was exhausted of this, I needed to feel again his caress and his lips against my collarbone, we were laying on the bed, the silence was still there, I got more closer to him and I tried to hug him but he only pulled away from my hold and got up from the bed.
I finally explode like a volcano. "I'm tired of this, why are you avoiding my touch or hugs like I'm something poisonous!" I yell at him while being sat on my knees on the bed.
"Stop, I don't wanna fight tonight, just stop."
He said with a very annoyed tone, his hands running through his hair.
"I'm tired of the silence, I miss when you cuddle with me while whispering sweet nothings against my hair." Tears streaming down my face, memories replaying like broken records. I got up from the bed and walk towards him. "I know that you're stressed out and that you don't wanna fight but we have to fight, if we keep like this out love is gonna die."
"You adore to fight, don't you? You're always want to fight." His voice sound more frustrated, his eyes fill with a anger I never seen before in him, maybe he was like the rest of the people after all.
"This is the last time we fight and I'm gonna go away, this is your last chance to give me a reason to stay because you're losing me."  He stay quiet and didn't say anything, I just change my clothes and pack my things, he didn't do anything to stop me, I wish he would.
When I left the house, I went to a friend's house, the whole way I was crying, did I ever meant something to him for him to try to fight for me?
I stayed the night there waiting for him to come but then days passed by and then one week and then became almost a month without seeing him.
This is how the things end? My love story never got a happy ending? It was my fault? I was the problem in this situation too? Thoughts like this filled my mind before falling asleep, my dreams were memories of him.
That day I needed to get more clothes and things so I went to our house, when I came into our bedroom I saw him seeing the ceiling, the room look messy, his expression full of sadness when he He saw me, he got up from the bed and walk towards me.
He look like he wanted to talk but how we could talk without screaming at each other? Without yelling that was the others fault. The problem was that I was bleeding and I could just runaway and live but my heart wanted to stay, to try to resolve things even if I bleed more, even if I died.
"I'm sorry, I should have fight or talk with you but I couldn't, I didn't want our love to die but in the end that's what happen." I started to cry, part of me wanted just to kiss him but I was still hurt.
"If you don't want to forgive me, don’t do it but please just understand that I love you and that I never wanted to lose you, why would I? You're perfect and you're the love of my life, since I meet you I meet you that day, I knew that it was fate that brought us together." Tears falling from his eyes, his eyes full of sadness, the happiness and daylight was almost gone.
I don't know who did it first but we were hugging each other like we would die if we didn't, my face against his chest wetting his shirt. He whispering apologies against my hair, his hands caressing my back as I cry.
I pull away to see his face, he was crying too, I stood on my tiptoes, my hands cupped his face and pull him closer to close the gap between our lips, when they touched it feel like heaven. The battleground was back again our secret oasis.
This wasn't the end of the story of us, it was just the start of another chapter in our fairytale
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falafel14 · 1 year
Jack Wolfe as Gabe Goodman
So I've had a few "Tell me everything!" responses to my recent post about the Donmar Warehouse's stunning new production of Next to Normal. Knowing the audience here, I'll narrow my focus to writing about what I know my fellow 'Six of Crows' fans will most want to hear - Jack's role as Gabe. I won't be recapping the show itself, as I assume most folks reading this will have listened to the soundtrack, read the script, or watched a Broadway bootleg. Or at least I hope so, because below you will find MAJOR SPOILERS for Next to Normal and specifically the Donmar's staging of it.
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Gabe is introduced to us as the Goodman's teenage son, who seemingly has a close affectionate relationship with his mother, Diana, but frosty relationships with his father Dan and sister Natalie, neither of whom acknowledge his presence. About thirty minutes in we are shown exactly why. Diana brings out an 18th birthday cake when the family have Nat's boyfriend Henry over for dinner and it is revealed that today would have been Gabe's birthday...if he'd been alive. But Gabe died when he was a baby and Diana has only been imagining him growing up all these years.
Up until this point, Jack has been playing Gabe as a cheeky rebellious teenager, but when he slinks back on stage to blow out the candles on his cake, he becomes a much more ethereal and impish presence. In I Am The One, his expression transforms from sweet and devoted when singing to his mom, to menacing and malevolent when singing to his dad. Gabe manifests as different personas for each member of his family and it's thrilling to watch as Jack shifts between them all. When Natalie comes downstairs to sing Superboy and the Invisible Girl we see Gabe as the cocky conceited older sibling, who seems to revel in being their mother's favorite.
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In her next therapy session, Diana is asked to speak about her son and this is when we get Gabe's showstopping I'm Alive solo. This number really did raise the roof. I'll admit when I saw videos of Jack singing it at Tom Kitt's concert, I was worried he wasn't giving the song the necessary attack. But on stage he goes absolutely full-throttle with it. He starts at the top of the stairs with a mic stand, looking like the frontman of a rock band, then he brings the mic down, roaming all over the floor. At one point in the song, Natalie and Dan have an argument and Gabe comes to stand between them, looking amused as he passes the mic between them. However Gabe starts to lose some of his swagger as Diana's doctor suggests that - as 18 is the age that children typically leave home - maybe Diana should think about her son this way and finally let him go.
In the next scene, Diana is in the kitchen, clearing out Gabe's things. She holds up a baby-grow and then starts playing a music box she used to use to help Gabe to sleep. Gabe comes down the stairs with a rucksack and duffle bag, like he's a kid being kicked out of the house by his parents. Diana can't seem to go through with it as she pulls him into a dance and they end up hugging with Gabe's head tucked under his mother's chin, like a needy child. This leads into There's a World, a hauntingly beautiful song with a very sinister undertone as we learn this is Gabe leading Diana towards a suicide attempt. This song and Catch Me I'm Falling are an excellent display of Jack's high range (he'd make a wonderful Orpheus in Hadestown - the UK production is coming next year, so...please??)
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Following the suicide attempt, Diana is given shock therapy and consequently loses her memories of the last eighteen years. In the early part of Act 2 and for the song Aftershocks, Gabe is up in one of the upstairs rooms, like he's been locked in a cell - not gone, but no longer able to get to Diana. When Diana finds and plays Gabe's music box, there's this very chilling sight of Gabe's silhouette, his hands pressing to the screen, as he sings along to the melody. The lighting here is eerily reminiscent of a sonogram. When Diana regains her memory of her lost son, Gabe breaks free of the room, comes down the stairs to sing his I'm Alive (Reprise) from on top of the kitchen counter. After his wife's relapse, Dan crumbles to the floor, his back pressed to the kitchen counter. Gabe disappears behind the other side of the counter, and (I'm told, I couldn't see from my angle) he sits in the same position as Dan. They both stay like this for about 15mins while scenes with Diana, Nat and Henry take place.
As Diana leaves, Dan finally rises from the floor and begins singing his I am the One (Reprise). In other videos of this song that I have seen, Gabe is played quite aggressively, stalking around Dan, goading his father into acknowledging him. Jack does this scene very differently and effectively. He stays behind the counter, his eyes downcast, his manner meek as if quietly pleading for his father's attention. When Dan yells out "Why didn't you go with her?!" Gabe leaps up onto the counter and throws his arms around Dan, desperately clinging to him. When they get to the chorus, Dan turns round to face Gabe, gripping his arms. Then at the end, Dan staggers back and tearfully says his son's name for the first time. When Gabe responds with his "Hi Dad", Jack's face his full of shocked awe. He plays it like a child realizing the father he thought hated him, loved him all along. It's a devastating moment that had everyone in tears.
After the song, Dan reaches out a hand towards Gabe, but he stops as Natalie comes downstairs. Dan tells Nat her mother has left and Nat asks him - "So it's just me and you for now?" and there's a hesitation where Dan glances at Gabe, who is still sitting on the counter. When Dan finally answers yes, it's just the two of them, Gabe's expression is accepting, not resentful like earlier in the show. As he leaves to go upstairs, Gabe gently touches Nat's hand, almost like an apology. Natalie gives the slightest reaction, as if she is sensing something. It's a beautiful resolve to Gabe's role, and when he appears for the last time for his verse in Light, he no longer feels like a malevolent spirit, but more like this serene angel watching over his family as they all try to heal and go on with lives.
This is honestly a star-making performance from Jack as a young musical theatre actor. And as much as I want Jack and the other Crows actors to be off filming their spinoff show once the strikes are resolved, I also feel strongly that Jack belongs on the stage. Between his acting, his presence and his vocals, he's sure to be a performer in demand in the West End. Here's hoping there's award nominations to come. He's deserving of them.
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marnerparty · 2 years
why’d it have to change?
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Jamie Drysdale x reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of minors having sex/losing virginities
2017 - 15 years old
Y/N's hands shook and she raised her fist to knock on the door of the Drysdale family.
Since she was 2, Y/N and her family had lived next to the Drysdales, and her and Jamie became best friends right away. They shared a love for hockey, which Y/N was very good at. She could often compete with the boys, and when she learned that there was no girl's hockey team at school, she tried out for the boys team and made it.
Jamie was absolutely infatuated by Y/N. Her personality matched his, her hard work was something he admired, but most of all, he just loved her.
And the Drysdale's knew it, but they didn't say a word. And the Y/L/N's knew Y/N felt the same way.
It was a running joke in their family that everyone knew they were in love with each other but them, and anytime the families knew Jamie and Y/N would be together, they took bets on which night would be the night they grow up and realize it.
As Y/N stood at the Drysdale's door, thousands of memories come flooding back to her. From hockey to vacations, they really did it all.
And little did Jamie know that just next door, there was a house packed full of boxes that were waiting to be loaded into a truck and sent to Boston, Massachusetts.
As Y/N heard footsteps coming to the door, her eyes couldn't help but water thinking this would be the last time she's here in a while.
She didn't have time to wipe her eyes before Jamie's mom, Tina, who became a second mom to Y/N, opened the door.
"Hey gorgeous what are-" Tina's words cut off as she looked up to see the girl tearing up. Her expression immediately softened and she pulled the girl into a hug.
"Are you hear to tell Jamie?" Y/N looked up with a confused expression.
"So you guys already know?" Tina nodded sadly.
"We've known for awhile, probably before you. But you know it wasn't our place to tell you. And we weren't gonna tell Jamie without you." Y/N nodded.
"Is he in his room?" Tina nodded and Y/N made her way through the house. She stopped outside of Jamie's door when she saw the new pictures on the outside of his door.
30 pictures at least of just the two of them. Tears ran faster down Y/N's cheeks as she tried to collect herself before she went in. She knocked 7 times, their special knock, before Jamie threw open the door and attacked Y/N with a hug.
She couldn't help but smile as she hugged him back just a little tighter.
"You're just in time, I was just getting ready to nap and now we can cuddleee." Jamie said as he carried out the word.
To the outside world this seemed like something only couple would do, and although Jamie and  Y/N should just be a couple, this was normal. They would even spend nap time together when neither of them would even be awake just to be in the presence of one another.
Jamie walked to his bed, but Y/N didn't move. Once he sat down and realized she wasn't next to him, he turned and made a confused face.
"Hey, have you been crying?" And that was all it took for Y/N to breakdown. She fell to the floor as Jamie quickly engulfed her in a hug.
"Y/N/N, hey, shhh, it's okay. I got you, I got you. I'm here." Y/N cried for a couple of minutes before she was able to look up. She took Jamie's face in her hands.
"Jamie," she started, rubbing her thumbs over the freckles she loved so much. "You're my best friend in the whole entire world. There's no one that I love more, you know that, right?" Jamie nodded. He had no idea where this was going. "This wasn't my decision. I didn't even know until this week, and this is why I've been being short with you, and why maybe I haven't been the best friend right now." She looked up meet Jamie's eyes. "We're moving." And with those 2 words, Jamie felt like his world was falling apart.
"What do you mean? Like, like out of the neighborhood? Like you're still gonna be at school, right?" Y/N looked down and let more tears fall.
"Jamie, we're going to Boston. Tomorrow" The pair stared at each other, neither of them knowing what to say next. After a few more minutes Jamie angrily stood up.
"You're going tomorrow? TOMORROW? And THIS is when you're gonna tell me!" Jamie was raising his voice like Y/N had never heard.
"Jamie, I'm sorry! It wasn't supposed to be like this-"
"You're right! It wasn't! We have plans, Y/N! To travel and see the world, to be there always for each other through school, dances, vacations! You're supposed to be there when I get drafted-"
"None of this has to change, Jimmy-"
"Oh don't you DARE Jimmy me right now! I hate the fucking nickname and you know it, but I let you say it anyone because you love it."
"Because I love you, Jamie!"
"I know! But not the way that I love you!" Y/N froze when she realized what Jamie meant. Jamie's eyes widened to when he realized.
"I'm sorry, this is a really bad time for me to be saying that-" Y/N cut Jamie off by placing a kiss on his lips. They pulled away after a moment.
"Jamie, it's always been you." The teens kissed again as it soon turned in to a little more than a kiss.
"Jamie," Y/N said breaking away once more. "Your mom is downstairs." She said with a giggle. He rolled his eyes.
"Way to ruin the moment." Y/N rolled her eyes as she sat up on Jamie's bed facing him.
"You know nothing has to change when I move, right?" Jamie shook his head.
"It's all gonna change, Y/N/N. I won't be able to shout out my window at you, or have have the chance to just walk over when I need to. You're going to a different country. Touching this one, yeah, but it won't be the same." Y/N nodded.
"We'll call and text everyday, right?" Jamie nodded.
"And still go on vacations?" He asked. Y/N laughed and also nodded. "Why didn't you tell me before you loved me like that?" Jamie sighed and stared at the girl.
"We're only 15, but we act like we're so much older. We even made a marriage pact- what normal pair of friends does that unless somewhere they both feel like that towards each other?" Y/N nodded.
The room was filled with silence as the teens just sat there enjoying each other's company, knowing this would be one of the last times they could do it.
"Do you remember that list of things we said we'd do if the world was ending and we only had 24 hours?" Y/N laughed and nodded.
"Of course I do, but I don't remember anything on it." Y/N said. Jamie got up and walked over to his desk. He pulled out a folder, and then a paper from the folder, and low and behold, the Doomsday List. Y/N grabbed the paper with a shocked look.
"Jamie holy shit! Why, how, I thought this was gone!"
"Yeah, well, I keep a lot more things than you think." Y/N laughed again and motioned for Jamie to sit down.
"Come on, let's read it."
6 Thing to do Before the World Ends (2012)
* Eat ice cream for dinner
* Skate one last time
* Watch our favorite movie
* Cuddle
* Watch the sunset on the rink
* Do something only adults can do
"This is kinda a lame list." Y/N joked. Jamie nodded.
"Yeah but look at that, even at 10 I was thinking about sex." Y/N's head whipped around at him.
"You meant sex, Jamie?" He nodded and laughed when he saw her expression.
"Sorry, Jim, I won't have sex with you." She said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes.
"If I beg?" Y/N hit his shoulder.
"Jamie! We're 15-"
"That's a perfectly normal age-"
"I'm leaving Jamie!"
"So better time than ever!" Y/N glared at the boy.
"I'll think about it. But until then, let's get a head start on this list"
As the night ended, Y/N and Jamie were playing hockey in the makeshift rink outside while they watched the sunset. Their list was completed, with a slightly modified version of what Jamie's "adult" task was.
The teens decided they would take their parents alcohol and drink as much as they could. Now this wasn't the first time either of them had drank, perks of being on the hockey team, but playing hockey buzzed was a whole different story.
"Alright Drysdale, 4-4, next score wins." Y/N said as she slurred her words and tried to skate past Jamie. Unfortunately Jamie was still faster than her drunk, and was able to take the puck right from her.
It was clear Jamie was going to score, so Y/N took advantage of this and tripped him. It was street rules: no penalties. Plus the drinking made it seem like it was an accident. Jamie crashed to the ground and Y/N took the puck and scored.
"Victory!" The girl shouted as she through her arms up in the air. She skated over to Jamie and accidentally tumbled on top of him. She took off her helmet, then Jamie's and kissed his lips.
"I win Jimmy." She said with a smile. Jamie rolled his eyes and gave her another kiss.
"Alright, whatever. It was a bogus ending but you did win." Y/N smiled and got up off of him. She skated to the side of the rink where she tried unlacing her skates, which was very difficult drunk, when she caught Jamie staring.
"What're you thinking about Drysdale?" She asked as he made his way over. He sat down to unlace his skates as well, but ended up falling over. Y/N giggled at the boy as he sat up.
"I'm thinking about how you're perfect. And I love you. And I'm gonna miss you."
The following morning Y/N woke up in Jamie's arms after spending the night with him. The teens made the most of their last night together, and Y/N couldn't have wished for anything better. She looked outside of the window and noticed 2 moving vans in her driveway.
Her heart shattered as she realized this was it. This was the last time she and Jamie would be together like this. She watched the sun shine on Jamie's face and put a sad smile on her face. She gently shook him awake and watched for his eyes to open.
"Hey Y/N/N." Jamie said as he leaned up for a kiss.
"Hey Jim." Y/N sighed. "The trucks are already here." Jamie stared at the girl, unable to comprehend that she would soon be gone and in a different country. He nodded and soon sat up getting dressed. Y/N followed in suit, grabbing the clothes that she had been wearing the night before.
Y/N went into the bathroom and changed, and when she came out, she noticed Jamie was holding a duffel bag and a card. She shot him a confused look.
"What's all this?" She asked getting closer to the boy.
"It's for you. I woke up earlier and put it together. Open it later, though. I don't wanna cry anymore than I will be." Y/N laughed at his confession and gave him a big hug.
"Y/N!" The teens could hear Tina yell form downstairs. "Your parents are here." Y/N and Jamie made eye contact, knowing exactly what this meant.
They made their way downstairs to see their parents saying their goodbyes. She turned to Jamie and noticed the tears already forming.
"It wasn't supposed to be like this." Jamie whispered. Y/N nodded and took Jamie's face in her hands.
"Jamie, my beautiful, sweet boy. I love you more than anything. Just because I'll be miles and miles away, doesn't mean that this is going to change, okay?" Jamie nodded and gave Y/N the biggest hug he could.
"I'm gonna miss you babe." Jamie said and Y/N cried hard into his chest. When she pulled away, she made her way over to Gary and Tina, who had become her second set of parents, and hugged them tightly goodbye.
"Ready love?" Y/N's mother asked. She nodded and gave Jamie one last hug.
"Goodbye, Drysdales."
2018 - 16 years old
"Smile for the camera!" Y/N's mother said as she took a picture of Y/N in her dress for her winter formal. She didn't even want to go to the dance  at her new school, but her parents said it would be fun. She threw on a fake smile to please her parents, but little did they know, she had plans to leave after 30 minutes. After 10 minutes of photos, Y/N's patience was running thin.
"Alright mom, I think you have enough." Y/N whined.
"No, no, just a few more because-" Before her mom could finish, the Y/L/N's doorbell rang.
"Oh, sorry, better get that!" Y/N rushed from the living room to the front door, hearing her parents' footsteps behind her. As Y/N grabbed for the handle and swung the door opened, she gasped and covered her mouth.
Standing before her, dressed in a suit with a purple tie to match her dress, and a corsage, was Jamie. Y/N's eyes started to water as she threw herself towards the boy.
"Jamie! How are you here?" She asked, putting his face in her hands. He laughed and grabbed one of her hands.
"I came to surprise you. Your parents told me you've been dreading going, so I thought you'd want to go if I was here." Both teens were beaming as they were seeing each other for the first time in a year.
"Alright, alright, let me take a few of you guys together before you leave." Y/N didn't argue this time knowing she would cherish these pictures forever.
15 minutes later Y/N and Jamie were getting the car ready to leave. Y/N's high school was about 30 minutes away, so the teens spent the majority of the ride catching up on the basics.
As Jamie drove to the school he kept a hand on Y/N's thigh as they sat comfortably in silence. She grabbed Jamie's hand and laced his fingers with hers.
"I missed you a lot. Thank you so much for coming." Y/N said reaching over to kiss Jamie's cheek. He blushed under her touch and put a smile on his face.
"Y/N I would do literally anything for you. This was the least I could do. Also, I kinda have a confession to make." Y/N looked over at Jamie with a confused look.
"What is it?"
"We're not going to the dance. I have a surprise for you." Y/N made another confused face.
"Jamie what're you talking about? My parents think I'm going to the formal."
"Yeah, but I set something up that'll be much more fun."
20 minutes later Jamie was pulling up to a secluded area of a park, where there was an ice rink with fairy lights all around and a projector with a screen set up. Y/N gasped when she got out of the car and walked towards the rink.
Meanwhile Jamie was getting a picnic basket out of the back of the car, along with blankets and pillows for a movie. He walked over and placed everything down on the ice.
"Jimmy, how did you have time for this? You did this all for me?" He nodded as Y/N kissed him for the first time tonight. "I love it. I love you, Jamie." He smiled at the girl's words.
"I love you, so much Y/N." The teens shared another kiss with each other, that soon turned heated quickly. Jamie's hands wandered up to Y/N's back as he started to unzip the back of her dress.
"Is this okay?" Jamie whispered before he did anything else. Y/N took a second to catch her breath before smiling and nodding.
"Who knows when we'll see each other again, Jim. I want all of you this time."
Hours later the teens were packing the car back up as they made their way back home.
"Shit, I left my corsage on the ice." Y/N cursed as Jamie laughed.
"Some kid is gonna find that and never know what happened." Jamie said with a loud laugh. Y/N blushed and out her head in her hands.
"Ugh, I cannot believe that we did that. On an ice rink? That is so Canada of us." Her comment had the pair both laughing as they neared Y/N's house. Jamie reached over and grabbed Y/N's hand, lacing their fingers together.
"I missed you lot. I've been waiting for this day for months." Y/N smiled as she leaned over to kiss Jamie.
"I love you so much, Jamie. Thank you for making this night so special." The teens pulled up to Y/N's driveway. The glow of the TV shined through the living room window, signifying Y/N's parents were still awake.
"You're not leaving tonight, are you?" Jamie shook his head.
"My flight's on Monday. This is the last time I'm going to be able to go out in awhile, even back home, so my parents said it was okay I stay a couple days." Y/N shot Jamie a confused look.
"What do you mean?" She asked. Jamie sighed before speaking.
"Uh, hockey." Y/N whipped her head around to fully look at Jamie. "I've been meeting with scouts and coaches, and I've made the decision to start training for Team Canada." Y/N jumped out of the car and ran around to the driver's side where she opened the door and attacked Jamie with a hug.
"JAMIE!" Y/N screamed, probably waking up a bunch of her neighbors. "This is so amazing, I am so proud of you." Y/N pulled away from the hug and gave Jamie a kiss. "I always knew you were a star Jamie Drysdale. Always." The two hugged again as Jamie couldn't help but blush.
"I love you, Y/N. You've always been my biggest supporter, even more then my parents. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Y/N smiled at her boy. Even after all this time, they both knew they were each other's number 1, and nothing would change that.
"Come on, let's go inside. I'm tired and cold." Y/N giggled, dragging Jamie out of the car and towards the house.
"Y/N? Jamie? That you?" Y/N's mother called when the teens walked in. She made her way to the front door where they were taking of their shoes. "Well you two look like you had a good time. How was the dance?" Y/N took the lead lying to her mom.
"Oh, mom, it was so fun. I'm so glad you guys made me go." She faked with a smile. She then hugged her mother before heading up the stairs. "We're really tired, so we're gonna head up to bed if that's alright." Y/N's mother nodded, telling the teens goodnight as she made her way back to the living room.
When Y/N and Jamie got to Y/N's bedroom, Jamie couldn't help but take note of how different her room was from her one back in Canada.
It was now a light grey instead of the purple walls with polka dots. Her bed had solid colored sheets instead of the floral ones she used to have. One thing they was the same, though, was her photo wall. All of the old pictures of the pair in Canada were still there, along with a few new ones from her newest friends.
Jamie couldn't help but notice a picture of Y/N in a team photo of what seemed to be a team of all girls. He made his way over to get a better look, and sure enough, Y/N was still playing hockey. He also took note of the big letter 'C' on her jersey.
"Y/N/N, you're still playing hockey?" Jamie asked as he turned towards the girl. Y/N nodded sheepishly.
"I planned on telling you, but you were excited to talk about you, and I just wanted to listen." Jamie smiled; that's who Y/N always was. Wanting to hear about others then talk about herself. Jamie pulled the girl into another hug as he told her how proud he was.
The couple then changed into some pajamas, Jamie having brought a few outfits for his short stay, and they got into bed to watch a movie.
As they got under the sheets Jamie noticed yet another thing in Y/N's room; a framed acceptance letter on her desk.
"Y/N, what's that?" Jamie asked as he pointed towards the letter. Y/N sighed again before answering.
"I'm actually graduating this year, Jim. A year early." She said looking up. "I'm going to University next fall."
"That's great, Y/N/N. God, you were always so much smarter then me, eh? I'm so proud." The teens then settled into the night as they watched Finding Nemo, their go-to movie. Y/N fell asleep way quicker than Jamie, who couldn't help but watch Y/N as she slept to try and soak it all in.
Monday morning Y/N drove Jamie to the airport for his flight home. They made the most of Jamie's visit with Y/N showing him all of her favorite spots.
Y/N knew that she had gotten better at hockey and was prepared to show Jamie her skills, but he also got better, and it was hard for Y/N to keep up. She smiled as she thought of them playing hockey together, wondering when they'd be able to do it again.
"What're you thinking about?" Jamie asked as they neared the airport. Y/N's eyes got watery as she recalled all of the memories they shared.
"Just wondering when this is gonna happen again. I mean, I'm going off to college in a year, you're going to be a hockey superstar-" Jamie cut Y/N off with a kiss before pulling her in for a hug.
"Y/N, do you know that we're best friends? We're never going to lose touch, babe, okay? And you're gonna be right next to me when I'm drafted, and that's a promise." Jamie held out his pinky, knowing that Y/N really held pinky swears true to her heart. They tied their fingers together and kissed their hands, really solidifying the promise. 
2019 - 17 years old
The cold feeling of Winter in Boston spread goosebumps across Y/N's skin as she walked to Boston University’s hockey facilities.
Although she was no longer playing competitively, Y/N liked to keep up on her skills and went to practice from time to time. And at 6 p.m. on a Friday, she knew there wouldn't be anyone there. 
In the past year since Y/N and Jamie had last seen each other, a lot has changed. Too much has changed.
Jamie broke his pinky promise of saying the pair would never lose touch. 2 months after the dance, Jamie fell basically fell off the face of the Earth. Y/N saw through various social media posts that he was now playing hockey for a really good travel team, but apparently he was now too good for Y/N.
Y/N thought it would change in the Spring because Jamie had promised to be at her graduation months earlier. The Drysdales ended up not being able to make it, but they did send a card. Y/N was excited to see what message Jamie would've wrote since he didn't make it, but when she opened the card, he hadn't even signed his own name.
Boston University was a chance for Y/N to completely change what she was doing. Christmas break had just ended, and she was feeling better than ever. Everything that had any ounce of Jamie in it was put in a plastic tote and shoved to the back of her closet; it was just the first step of moving on.
Y/N stepped into the facility and instantly felt how cold it was compared to outside. She set down all of her belongings before lacing up her skates, taping her stick, and heading out onto the ice.
After 15 minutes of warming up, Y/N started to practice some unrealistic trick shots. Her favorite that she made up included her skating backwards down the ice, and before reaching the net she would toss the puck in the air, do a spin, then hit it in.
She made the goal on her first try, and when she went to retrieve the puck she started to hear clapping from behind her. She whipped her head around to see a boy that was probably around her age, standing at the side of the rink. Y/N blushed and looked down, awkwardly laughing.
"That was a cool move!" The boy called out as he made his way into the ice in his own skates. He skated over to Y/N while holding out his hand.
"Trevor Zegras." The boy said. As she looked closer Y/N couldn't help but think he was really cute.
"Y/N Y/L/N. It's nice to meet you." She said as she took Trevor's hand and shook it.
The two teens got to know each other a little more as they skated together. Y/N learned that Trevor was a member of Boston University’s hockey team, and Trevor learned how Y/N played on hockey teams of all boys growing up. Before they knew it, it was 8 p.m. and the teens were growing hungry.
"I'm gonna grab some food, do you wanna come with?" Trevor asked Y/N as they walked out of the facility. Y/N agreed and they walked to Trevor's car. When they got in he handed over his phone for Y/N to choose music. The first song she put on was Back to December by Taylor Swift, which she thought Trevor wouldn't like, but he had quite the opposite reaction.
"Oh man, you like Taylor!? This is my jam!" Trevor turned the radio way up and they new pair of friends screamed the lyrics to the song.
Trevor was already starting to take a liking to Y/N, and vice versa.
"You know, in this short amount of time, I feel like we grew up together." Trevor said to Y/N as he parked in the Chipotle parking lot. Y/N giggled and agreed.
"Now over dinner is when we ask the serious questions." She joked. The pair ordered at the window with Trevor paying, although Y/N insisted they pay separate. Trevor was clearly a gentleman, and Y/N was thankful to have had made a brand new friend.
"Alright, let's spill the personal shit now." Trevor said, digging in. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"What would you like to know, Zegras? I'm an open book." Trevor asked the personal questions of the parents names and backgrounds, any siblings, but when he asked about friends where she was from and friends she had back home, she suddenly wished she'd put a cap on the amount of questions that could be asked. Trevor seemed to notice her silence.
"I'm sorry if I said-"
"No," Y/N cut off. "Really, it's okay. So, I'm actually from Canada. Toronto. That's where I grew up playing hockey on all boys teams because there weren't any all girls teams around."  Y/N took a deep breath before continuing, suddenly feeling like her story was becoming this big cliche. "So I met my best friend when we moved into a new house when I was 2. We were neighbors and glued to the hip. He played hockey too, so we were always on the same team. We did literally everything together. Name anything and it was always us, never on our own. Our families got close too, so we soon started to vacation together. We moved to Boston unexpectedly when I was 15. Since leaving, I've seen him once. We stayed in contact until 2 months after he surprised me for my winter formal, and then it was like he fell off the face of the Earth." Y/N realized she was rambling and probably boring Trevor, but she looked up and saw him leaning in, soaking in every detail.
"Wow, I'm really sorry about that. This guy sounds like an absolute dick anyway." Y/N giggled but shook her head.
"I wish he was. It'd be so much easier if he was. But honestly, he's perfect. Kind, respectful, pretty. Gosh, so pretty." Trevor laughed at your description of Jamie.
"Does this pretty man have a name?"
"Jamie Drysdale. Look out for his name in a couple of years, because honestly, he'll probably be in the NHL."
Months later, Y/N was in the car with Trevor, his friend, Jack, and Jack's brother, Quinn.
Quinn was already drafted by the Canucks, but tonight, Jack and Trevor were going to get drafted. Jack was projected to be the number 1 overall pick to the Devils. Trevor's future was still undecided, but was projected to go in the first round.
"So Y/N," Jack started, turning to the girl in the front seat. "Truth or Dare."
"Oh, Hughesy." She said, using the Universal Hughes nickname. "I'm not adventurous. I'm going truth." The rest of the boys groaned, but Jack smirked, already having a question in mind.
"Okay, Y/N. Who'd you lose your virginity to." Y/N almost spit the drink out that she was taking a sip of.
"Jack!" Quinn exclaimed. "We already know the answer. Trevor!" Y/N's eyes widened.
"It was Trevor!?" Jack exclaimed. Y/N rapidly shook her head. "I thought they only hooked up a couple times!"
"It was way more than a couple." Trevor said. She punched his arm.
"WHAT!?" Quinn screamed. Y/N put her head in her hands.
"We were also dating, boneheads." Jack and Quinn screamed, yet again, seemingly not knowing about their relationship.
"Guys, it was months ago, only lasted a few months. Nothing that serious, we just realized we're better off as friends." Trevor said to calm the boys down. Y/N nodded, agreeing with what he said.
"Okay, but this still doesn't answer my question. Who'd you lose your virginity to." Jack said yet again. Y/N sighed before her answer.
"It was Sophomore year at my winter formal. On an ice rink. With someone who used to be my best friend, that I don't even talk to anymore." She said with a sarcastic smile. Trevor whipped his head around to look at Y/N.
"It was that fuck face? Are you serious?" Y/N rolled her eyes. Jack and Quinn shared a glance with each other.
"Should I even ask?" Jack chirped from the back. This prompted the long conversation of Y/N giving a rundown of her previous relationship with Jamie and how they were no longer friends.
The Hughes' were now on the same page as Trevor with how they felt about Jamie.
"Trust me guys, if you ever meet him, you'll probably love him."
"No," Jack cut in and the 4 of them were running into the draft because they were late. "I'm gonna kick his ass."
"Me too." Trevor and Quinn said. Y/N smiled to herself, loving that she now had a support group of the closest people in her life.
When they entered the doors they saw Trevor's mom, Julie, pacing back and forth. Her eyes widened when she saw them, an angry look in your face.
"You boys better have a really good excuse as to why you're so late!" She shouted as she started leading the four to their seats.
"Hey, Y/N isn't a boy, that's rude." Quinn said. The women rolled their eyes.
"We all know it's not Y/N's fault that you guys are late, okay?" Julie answered. Jack tapped her shoulder.
"Actually, Julie." He started. "It is her fault because the reason we were late is because we were learning a lot of new information about her."
"Yeah," Quinn started, speaking up. "Like the fact that she dated YOUR son! Did you even know that." Julie shot the boys a weird look.
"Uh, yeah. Was it not obvious?" The Hughes boys reddened before Quinn started talking again.
"Well did you know that, more than a couple times, they had se-"
"OKAY!" Trevor exclaimed, shutting Quinn up. "Thank you Quinn so so much, but it's your turn to be quiet." Y/N started to giggle at the outburst. Julie rolled her eyes, clearly knowing what he was about to say.
"Quinn, sweetie." Julie said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "They're both in college and old enough to make their own decisions. Just because you somehow didn't know about their relationship doesn't mean his own mother didn't, okay? Okay. Now let's settle down and start to listen up." Everyone laughed at the way Julie was treating Quinn like a child, which only made Quinn more embarrassed.
The Zegras' went and took their seats, while Y/N sat with the Hughes' first, then would go sit with Trevor after Jack was, hopefully, taken with the first pick.
The NHL commissioner took the stage and announced the Devils were on the clock for their pick, and although he didn't say anything, Y/N just knew Jack got the call and that he was going to be drafted with the first overall pick.
A few minutes later, the pick was in, and Martin Brodeur, a former NHL player for the Devils, took the stage.
"With the first pick overall, the New Jersey Devils are proud to select, from the U.S. program, Jack Hughes." Jack threw a huge smile on his face as he got up to first hug his younger brother, Luke. Quinn was next, then his Grandma, parents, then Y/N.
"Jacky! I am so proud of you, bubs." Y/N said with a giggle. He rolled his eyes at the nickname and squeezed Y/N tight.
"I love you, Y/N. Thank you for being you, and being an amazing friend." The pair pulled away and Y/N gave Jack a kiss on the cheek as response.
"I'm gonna go find Trev, we're celebrating later though." Y/N said with a wink as she left the Hughes'.
She searched the aisles until she saw Trevor, looking as nervous as ever. When he saw Y/N he immediately left his seat to hug her.
"I'm so nervous, oh my god. I need you to sit with me." Y/N laughed seen as this was the first time she'd ever seen him acting like this.
"Trev that's why I'm here, don't worry. I'm here." They two took their seats as the draft went on. After a few more picks, Trevor's parents get up to go use the bathroom, leaving the teens in their seats.
Moments later Trevor's phone lights up with a call, and him and Y/N lock eyes as he answers.
"With the 9th selection, Anaheim is proud to select, from the U.S.A. developmental program, Trevor Zegras." Trevor immediately stands, giving his parents, sister, and other friends a hug, before landing on Y/N. She was way closer with Trevor than she was with Jack, so when she heard his name get drafted she couldn't help but start to cry.
"I'm so proud of you, Zegras." Y/N said as she cried into his chest. He couldn't help but shed a few tears himself. She pulled away and took his face in her hands. "You are doing to do amazing things, Trev. I know it."
Meanwhile, back in Canada, Jamie was sat in his bedroom hanging out with a few of his friends and his new girlfriend, Alexis, while his parents were in the living room watching the draft.
Jamie knew he messed up with Y/N. He was alone and upset and tired from hockey. He knew hockey would always be his first love, but Y/N was the only love he truly cared about.
He tried to text and call many times, but he could never bring himself to hit "call" or "send." He figured she had blocked his number anyway, and he eventually gave up, just like he had done originally.
Alexis was the only girl Jamie had even thought about being with, and he swears it was partly because she looked like Y/N. She had similar Y/E/C eyes, the Y/H/C hair that sat perfectly on her shoulders. But Alexis wasn't Y/N, and she never would be. They hadn't even kissed yet after being together for 3 months because Jamie simply didn't want to.
About 20 minutes after the draft had started, Jamie called out to his parents.
"Did they call the first pick yet?" His parents waited a moment before answering.
"They're just about to if you wanna see!" Jamie and his friends went out to the living room just in time to see Jack get drafted. Jamie rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, figures. He's the best in the country right now." They went back to his room as quickly as they came out, when Jamie heard his parents start to talk amongst themselves a bit quieter.
"That wasn't her, was it?"
"Could it be?" Jamie shook their words away as he and his friends got back to what they were doing. His friend, Adam, however, was still in the living room when his parents were talking.
"Yo, Jamie." He started. "I think they just showed Y/N at the draft with that Hughes kid." Jamie's heart clenched at the mention of her name.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Adam?" Adam put his hands up defensively.
"Dude, ask your parents, they saw too." Jamie debated going back out there, but there was just no way it was her.
"Who's Y/N?" Alexis spoke up with a bitterness to her tone.
"She's no one, babe, don't worry about it." Jamie said putting an arm around her shoulders. The rest of his friends scoffed as Adam, who was really close with Y/N and Jamie, spoke up.
"C'mon, Jamie, you know she's not no one," Adam said before turning to Alexis. "Let's just say she's the reason Jamie doesn't kiss you." Jamie's hand came across so fast to hit Adam on top of the head.
"Dude what the fuck?"
"It's true, Jamie! Anyone can see that, okay? You're not the same kid you were when she-"
"ADAM!" Jamie yelled, finally breaking. "That's enough." Jamie stormed out of his room and went outside to the backyard where he could be alone.
He looked over at the house Y/N used to live in, and it brought tears to his eyes. Memories rushed his head of everything that he and Y/N went through, and how was able to surprise her after a year of not seeing each other, and then he ghosted her.
The back door opened and Jamie quickly wiped his eyes as he saw his mom at the door.
"You okay, Jam?" She asked from the door. He shook his head no.
"I messed up bad, Mom." He answered as he broke down yet again. Jamie rushed to his mom's arms and she held him as he cried. He told his mom everything that had happened since he last saw Y/N, and how he'd been a massive douche. She talked to him to calm him down, and when he was okay again they both went back into the living room to watch the draft.
"Did everyone leave?" Jamie asked and his parents nodded. He rolled his eyes.
"I was a dick to Adam. I need to text him." As Jamie was about to get up, he saw that Trevor Zegras was just drafted, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw on the TV what everyone else was talking about.
There she was, in the flesh. He watched her as she cried for Trevor, and he cried back, and she held his face in her hands. It was really her. And she looked great.
Jamie's parents looked up at him as he fought back tears. He rushed away to his room and pulled out the box from his closet that held every memory of Y/N in it. Her clothes, her hand written notes to him, pictures, everything. He couldn't help himself but to pull out his phone and open Y/N's contact. After many typed out messages, he finally settled on one he was happy about.
Y/N ❤️
Hey Y/N, it's Jamie.
I saw you on TV at the draft,
and I realized just how much
I miss you, and how badly I
know I messed up. And if
there is any way that you
would give me a call or a
text back, that'd really be great. 
8:04 p.m.
Not even 2 minutes later, Jamie heard his phone ding. His heart started to race and he could feel his cheeks heat up, but as he picked up his phone and looked at the message, his heart shattered again.
Y/N ❤️
I'm really sorry, but this isn't Y/N!
2020 - 18 years old
Trevor, Jack, Quinn and Y/N loaded their luggage in the Uber as they made their way towards Y/N's house in Toronto.
Covid had rocked the world, and now it was summertime where the boys had a little time off, and Y/N wanted to show them around her hometown. Her parents had moved back to her childhood home once she started college, which is where they'd be staying.
The ride was silent for the most part, partly because everyone was really tired from the plane ride. The draft was tomorrow, too, which was perfect and gave everyone a chance to be able to watch their teams' new picks
Jack had made his debut the same year he got drafted, and Trevor was yet to see his time on NHL ice. Y/N was excited to bring them down to the synthetic ice rink her parents had just built for her.
After the 45 minute ride, Y/N and the boys were pulling up on her childhood home. Jack was the first one to gawk at it.
"Y/N what the fuck? This place is huge." He shouted as he pulled his bags out of the car. Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes.
"And we're gonna pretend yours didn't look exactly like this?" She joked. The rest of the boys got their stuff as Y/N saw her mom open the front door.
"Mommy!" She yelled as she ran up the walkway. She gave her mom the biggest hug that she could. "I missed you so much, Mom." Y/N revealed.
"I missed you, sweetheart." She responded. "Now introduce me to these cute boys." Y/N blushed and rolled her eyes as the boys made their way to the door.
"Mother," she started. "This is Trevor, my best friend-"
"And also ex!" Jack threw in. Y/N glared at him.
"Uh-huh, that too. And he plays in the Ducks organization." She said annoyed. "And this is Quinn, who plays for the Canucks." And then she stopped when she got to Jack. "And this is Quinn's younger brother who's a bitch-"
"Language!" Y/N's mom scolded.
"Sorry," she mumbled. "And he plays for the Devils."
"Yeah, Jack right? First overall pick?" Her mom asked. Jack smiled smugly, which only bothered Y/N more.
"That's right Mrs. Y/L/N. And I must say, you have a gorgeous home." Trevor and Quinn gave Jack a smack on the back of the head.
"Ass kiss." Y/N mumbled making her way in the house. She quickly found her Dad and made sure to give him a hug too, but what she wasn't expecting was to see the Gary and Tina Drysdale sitting at the bar. Y/N didn't even know if they lived next door anymore, let alone if they would even want to see her, or know anything that went on between her and Jamie.
"Y/N? Oh my goodness, sweetheart, look how old you look!" Tina gushed as she sprang up and gave Y/N a big hug. It almost brought tears to Y/N's eyes as she remembered all of the things she went through in her childhood with them.
"Tina," she finally breathed out. "Hey." The boys stood back, unsure of what to do. When Y/N remembered they were there, she stepped back and introduced them.
"Trevor, Jack, Quinn, this is Tina, our neighbor since I was little." They each have Tina a hug as she told them how she knew who they were already.
"Jack, my son is such a fan of yours! Oh, he'd kill me if I said that." Jack, of course being Jack, loves to talk about himself, and carried in the conversation.
"Oh that's awesome! I'd love to meet the little guy." Y/N cringed as he clearly didn't put together who her son could be. Tina laughed at what he said.
"Well, he is only 5'10"," she joked. "But he's actually 18. He plays hockey too. Maybe you've heard of him? Jamie Drysdale?" When Tina spoke the name the guys immediately remembered who Jamie was, and they tried as hard as they could to play it off like they didn't know what he had done to Y/N.
"Oh, oh wow, that's, uh, wow." Jack stuttered out.
"What he means," Trevor cut in. "Is that we've heard about Jamie through Y/N, actually." They all agreed as Tina put a sad smile on her face.
"And let me guess, you guys hate him for what he did to her, right?" Everyone stood frozen as they didn't know how to respond. "Trust me guys, I know, and I've chirped his ass for it since he told me about it at last year's draft." Y/N made a confused face.
"The draft? What do you mean?" Tina made a similar face.
"You were shown on TV with the boys. Jamie had a few friends here, his then girlfriend, then he saw you, broke down, and the rest is history." She explained vaguely. Y/N had many more questions, but she couldn't ask them around the boys because she knew she'd break down soon.
"Boys," Y/N's father said speaking up. "Let me help you with your bags, then we can have Y/N show you the rink, eh?" The boys agreed and made their way upstairs while Y/N stayed downstairs with her mom and the Drysdales.
"Jamie's projected to go round 1 tomorrow, Y/N. I know you guys aren't okay, but I know you guys are both still proud of each other's accomplishments." Y/N gasped when she had said that, her eyes started to water.
She was exactly right: she was so proud of Jamie. No matter what they had been through, she would always be proud of him for chasing his dream.
"Thanks for letting me know, Tina." She said with a sad smile. "You're right, I am proud." She sniffled and wiped her eyes.
"Would you wanna see him?" Y/N pondered the question. She wanted to shout yes, that she couldn't wait to see him. But that wasn't an option anymore.
Y/N suddenly remembered a pinky promise they had made: Jamie promised they would never lose touch, and Y/N promised to be with him at the draft. Jamie may break his promises, but Y/N sure as hell didn't.
"Not right now to be completely honest." Y/N said. "There's a lot of shit that needs to be sorted."
Because of covid, the NHL wasn't able to invited players to be at the draft in person. The Drysdales were having a small get together with Jamie's close family, and of course the boys and her family was invited. The boys agreed that they would go and try not to cause any trouble, but Y/N couldn't bring herself to go over. She instead stayed at her house and watched the draft in her living room by herself.
She wasn't paying too much attention to the start of the draft, but when she heard the Ducks were on the clock, she immediately started to pay attention. After a few minutes, the pick was in as she saw a man take the stage and start to speak. She was curious who Trevor's new teammate would be, but she had the shock of her life when she heard Jamie's name get called as the 6th overall pick.
Y/N's hand flew to her mouth for many reasons. One that he went top 10 in the draft, and the other because he would now be teammates with Trevor. She sat in her couch as she saw video feed of Jamie's house and everyone celebrating with him. It did break her heart a little bit that she wasn't there, and that they weren't best friends anymore. They then showed Jamie talking directly to a reporter about how he felt.
Y/N couldn't help but smile seeing his smile and freckles, and how there was nothing that had really changed about the boy.
Y/N waited to watch what Jamie said before got up and went to the bathroom to wipe her eyes, when she heard her phone ding. She picked it up to see a text from her mom.
Jamie went to his room
crying. It's now or never
7:45 p.m
Y/N looked at the message and sighed. She knew they needed to talk to each other, and Jamie might break his pinky promises, but Y/N never did.
She locked up the house before walking next door to the Drysdales and welcoming herself in. Everyone turned their heads to look at her, some with a small smile knowing why she was over.
"He's upstairs." Jamie's mom said, and with that, Y/N made her way up the stairs to the all familiar bedroom. She was shocked to see that the outside of Jamie's door had a singular picture on it: a selfie the two of them had taken when he was surprised Y/N for her formal.
That was one of her favorite memories of her and Jamie. He made the night magical for her, and she wished they could just go right back.
Y/N took a deep breath before knocking on the door twice. She heard sniffles from beyond the door, and she knew Jamie was crying.
"Please go away." She heard him say from the other side.
"Jim." Y/N spoke. "It's me." Y/N swore both of the teens stopped breathing when she spoke up. Jamie hadn't heard her voice in a couple of years now, and when he did, he couldn't help but shed some extra tears. He knew he messed up bad. But all he wanted in this moment was his best friend.
Moments later the handle started to move as Y/N saw Jamie open the door. His eyes were puffy and red, and his hair was a bit disheveled, but Jamie still looked perfect to her.
"Can I come in?" She asked quietly. He moved to the side and allowed her to walk in. Y/N took in his bedroom and how it had barely changed. She smiled softly as she saw that he had kept most of the things that she had given him.
"Y/N, I don't even know where to begin-" Jamie was cut off as Y/N threw herself into his arms and hugged the boy. He didn't hesitate in hugging her back, and the two teens just sobbed in each other's arms.
"I'm so proud of you, Jamie. I don't even care what's happened, I just need you to know that I love you, and miss you, and I'm so, so proud." Y/N said between sobs. It caused Jamie to cry harder.
"Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry. I love you so much and I'm sorry I ruined everything between us." Jamie choked out. They held on to each other, afraid to make a sound or a move. When both of their crying died down, Y/N pulled away to hold Jamie's face in her hands.
"Jamie, it's okay. I forgive you." Jamie shook his head with tears still running down his face. He out his hands over Y/N's before speaking.
"Don't say that." He whispered. "How can you? I messed up everything we had."
"But we're best friends." She butt in. "Did you make a mistake? Yeah. But I didn't do anything about it either." Jamie sighed at her words.
"Yeah you did. You moved on." Y/N shook her head once again.
"I found new friends, yeah. But I didn't replace you. Because you, Jamie Drysdale, have such a fucking hold on me that I can't stand it. I love you so much, and I want to be your best friend again." It went silent for a moment as either teen didn't know what else to say.
"Are you sure things can be the same way they were." Y/N shook her head.
"No." She responded truthfully. "Things are going to be so much better. I already planned on moving to Anaheim, so now I'll get to be with the boy I love most and watch him play hockey." Jamie smiled. "And now you'll be there too." She finished as Jamie realized she was joking about Trevor. They both let out a loud laugh and embraced again.
"I love you, Jim." Y/N said as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
"I love you, Y/N." He said as he closed the gap and gave Y/N a real kiss.
"Remind me I should thank the boys for being there when I wasn't." Jamie said after a moment.
"You're welcome!" They heard from outside the door. Then there was arguing from beyond the door, and when Y/N opened it, she saw Trevor, Jack and Quinn all leaning on the door listening to their conversation.
"Look what you did, Jack!" Quinn exclaimed. "You gave us away!"
"It was an accident!" Jack said back. "And you didn't have to hit me!" Trevor started to laugh at them, and Jamie soon joined in. All the teens eventually joined in, laughing at the childish antics.
"We all good?" Y/N asked as she looked from boy to boy. They all looked back and forth from each other before Trevor stuck his hand out towards Jamie.
"Congrats on getting drafted, man. I'm excited to have you be a part of the team." Jamie gave Trevor a genuine smile as he grabbed his hand, but when he did, Trevor pulled him in close. "If you ever, and I mean ever, pull any kind of shit on Y/N, there will be consequences, got it?" Y/N rolled her eyes.
"That's an empty threat. He's a tough guy on the ice, but nowhere else." Trevor acted really offended at the girl's words as he turned around and stomped down the stairs. Everyone laughed at his antics before they made their way downstairs to join the rest of the party.
Y/N and Jamie could tell everyone was relieved that they had made up, and the way that they were able to go back to each other after all this time proved that they were made for each other.
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sunnynwanda · 17 days
Hi! I’m reading through your master list and I saw that you asked for people to let you know if it was convenient, and it is! My only recommendation would be to add little descriptions under the links to tell us about what the story/oneshot/prompt is about so when scrolling through we know what we’re clicking on. Hope that helps! :]
First of all, thank you for reaching out. I finally got my hands on doing this rec.
So, what do we think? I can make this the main masterlist or leave a link to it like a sort of extention (since it's so long). Everyone's opinion is welcomed. Thank you~
Hero and Villain Oneshots
When Villain barges in to kidnap Hero, they expect anything but to find Hero fast asleep on the couch, too exhausted to even make it to bed. So, taking care of them was only natural, right?
Newspaper clippings
When Villain found newspaper clippings from five years ago in their attic, they did not expect to see their own face on them. Even more surprising was the face of their spouse on it.
A dance with the enemy
The reception Hero was forced to attend proved to be an unbearable ordeal until the arrival of one particular guest.
Wedding bells 
Walking down the aisle to marry their nemesis had to be a dream... right?
When Villain first met Hero, they did not expect to fall in love. What they did expect was the betrayal that followed.
On the virtues of oral communication or how to confess your feelings when you're an idiot.
Turn of events 
Shooting your nemesis by accident is bad enough, but when they're secretly your lover? Just Hero's luck.
Sea waters 
A twist of faith that led to the end of Villain and their Hero.
On how Hero's gift and memories turn into a curse.
Errors in translation
Hero's linguistic challenges with terms of hatred and affection.
Friends & Enemies
Two idiots stumbling over their own words or accidental confessions after a particularly rough day.
A solution *
Hero's mission is to find a solution to a problem. Or more than one.
Entertained *
Villain might just have an idea on keeping Hero entertained after their resignation.
Trouble of Mind
Hero learns that reading Villain's mind was a mistake the hard way.
Seduction Subversion *
When Hero decides to seduce Villain to keep them occupied for a night, they do not expect it to become a regular thing.
Supervillain is sick
Supervillain gets sick. Very, very sick. Will someone help him or is life about to get much, much worse for the master criminal?
When Villain's lifeless body hit the floor, so did Hero's heart.
Supervillain and Villain look eerily similar. Neither will acknowledge it.
When Hero uses the nickname given to Villain by their lover, their blood stills in their veins.
Villain was bored when they created life, infecting Hero's perfect creation with humans.
Reaching out
Villain does their best to push Hero away, for reasons. But will it work on Hero?
Villain & Sidekick
When the Villain falls in love with a mistreated Sidekick.
Rules to break
Rules to Villainy are meant to be broken.
Villain's victory proves to be a bitter pill for them to swallow.
Making amends
Villain can forgive getting their arm broken by accident, but they draw the line at pity.
A prison guard's guide to befriending a supervillain.
Meet the parents
The one where Villain meets their Hero's parents, only to be faced by the greatest surprise.
Even odds
On academic rivals and evening out the odds.
A tale of Hero's gruesome crimes and Villain's revenge.
House of memories
After discovering their villainous past and defeat, Villain confronts Hero. Part 2 to the Newspaper clippings snippet.
Point of No Return
When the game takes a tragic turn, Hero has to make a choice.
Two to Tango *
Villain is being a little shit, leaving Hero no choice but to punish them.
In the Heat *
Negotiations gone wrong... or right.
Something Blue
Villain knew attending Hero's wedding was a bad idea, but he refused to be a coward again.
Heal me
Hero has a particular way of healing injuries, and Villain seems to enjoy it more than they care to admit.
Waking the sleeping dog (aka Supervillain) might just be a bad idea.
When Hero goes missing, Villain knows they need to find them. Little did they know that finding the dehumanised Hero would be the least of their concerns.  
Do Your Worst
Villain was stoic. Or so Hero thought, until an intoxicated encounter revealed a side of them Hero never anticipated to discover.
Spicy margarita
A spicy drink and a flirty Hero to make Villain's evening worth it.
Not his day
Being a doctor means having to treat even the stupidly stubborn Hero. And if Villain's first instinct is to choke her to death for being an idiot? Well, he'll have to manage.
When Villain takes the attack aimed for Hero, they are left broken beyond anything they've ever experienced before. Unwilling to be a burden, Villain dissapears.
New Toy
Superhero had just defeated the previous villain when the rookie villain popped up out of nowhere, looking criminally cute and flustered beyond imagination.
Bite me
Walking through an abandoned park at night was not the smartest idea, but it lead to interesting revelations concerning cute vampires and overly willing victims.
Hero is a bit too excited for Villain's birthday.
Blow *
Hero needs cigarettes to relax, but Villain hates the smoke, so they have to get creative when it comes to helping Hero relax.
Hero and Villain Series
Wedding Date         Part 1      Part 2       Part 3       Part 4
Asking Hero to be their fake date to a wedding was not Villain's proudest moment, but it might end up being the best decision after all. Especially when their grandmother seems to approve.
True enemy              Part 1       Part 2
When Hero is attacked by someone far stronger than they can take, Villain is forced to reveal two things: their identity as the strongest villain in the history of existence and their affection for their sunflower of a hero.
Blind or Blinded      Part 1      Part 2
When Hero agreed to a blind date with their colleague’s good friend, they expected anyone but Villain to show up.
Kill me softly            Part 1      Part 2
An unexpected request by Hero that causes Villain to pull the biggest stunt they'd ever performed.
The Darkside           Part 1      Part 2 *      Part 3      Part 4
After Villain's escape from Supervillain's headquarters exposes the true nature of Hero's mentor, they have no choice but to investigate. But the things that they unearth still the blood in Hero's veins, leading them down the path of vengeance.
Done                         Part 1 *     Part 2 *
Villain is bored out of their mind, the confrontations no longer providing the thrill they crave. Hero decides to give them a different kind of rush.
The Lab Night Part 1 Part 2 * Part 3
Getting locked in a lab with your nemesis for the entire night is bad enough - but having to inhale aphrodisiacs all the while is so, so much worse.
Temptation Part 1 Part 2 *
Maybe pissing Hero off was not Villain's best bet, but they're damn sure Hero has never had a Christmas quite like this one - and neither have they.
Under the influence Part 1 * Part 2
What's a Hero to do when their Villain is drunk beyond belief and tries to hit on them?
Black hole Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
When Hero wakes up from a fever dream with a wedding ring on their finger and a wound between their ribs, they are forced to confront another constant in their dreams - Villain. Continuation for the Wedding bells snippet.
The Game Part 1 Part 2
Hero should have suspected something was off when Villain did not protest getting arrested, but who's to say they're not playing a game of their own?
Drop Dead Part 1 Part 2 *
Villain can't help flirting with Hero. Hero can't seem to take a hint.
Audio recording of my Betrayal story by Relm Works
Dragon stories 
Of dragons and princesses
When the dragon kidnaps a princess, he expects a knight to show up for her first thing in the morning. What he does not expect is that he won't be as willing to let her go.
Dragon in distress
When the news of the Princess’ kidnapping reach the Prince, he sets out on a quest to the Dragon’s lair. Except he’s not rushing to save the damsel. It’s the Dragon that needs saving from her.
The Legends of Vishaps
(Original characters)
The Escape
When Vanki is brought in front of the King for trespassing, he is terrified of being executed. But the King seems to have other intentions.
The Beginning
The day Vanki meets the King's children is the day that marks the beginning of his new life.
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cinewhore · 1 year
The Duchess of London
Pairing: Thomas “Tommy” Shelby x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: angst, mentions of drinking, drugs, blood, gore, sexual assault (not detailed), fighting, guns, smut (penetration, creampie, wrap it up lads!), fluff. 
A/N: The PB bug bit me and it bit me hard! Had to get this out. Takes place in season 2. Reminder that this is a bit dark given the contents of the show so if something rubs you the wrong way, don’t read it! You also don’t need to provide an explanation as to why you won’t read it, just keep scrolling. No beta cause I said so. Enjoy! Credits to the gif artist. 
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Birmingham smelled like shit.
London smelled worse.
You thank your bodyguard as he helps you out of the car, careful not to drag your dress along the mud, it was brand new and you didn’t have the best relationship with the new seamstress that replaced your old one.
It was a strange thing, being back home. Your old stomping grounds. You remember the days fondly, racing up and down the roads, dashing through the traffic of folks who populated the area. You always found yourself somewhere you shouldn’t be, getting scolded by your aunt when you arrived home well past dark. There’s a slight twinge in your chest as you reminisce, desperately wishing you could go back.
Luckily, your old house wasn’t far from your lodgings, Rich spooked by the rumors of how lawless this part of town was. You couldn’t blame him, Birmingham had long been abandoned by any sense of law and order. The police only came when it benefited them, so the local organized crime had taken over.
“Rich, I’ll only be a few minutes. Keep the car running.” you instruct. The burly man nods in respect.
“Yes ma’am.” He tips his hat at you, heading back to the car.
It was a choice, coming back here. There were nothing but terrible memories you worked too hard to forget but you felt like you owed it to yourself and your aunt to come back. The house was exactly how you remembered it, sparse furnishings but warm with spirit.
Now it was half empty and lonely.
You were fast in your approach to gather anything you deemed important, the house was likely going to be cleaned and left up for rent. Photographs, scraps of clothing, broken china were all stuffed into a bag you brought with you. These were the broken fragments of your old life you weren’t ready to part ways with just yet.
After muttering a quick prayer for your aunt and hoping that the devil caught your uncle, you say goodbye to the Brimingham girl you used to be.
You needed a fucking drink.
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You swagger into the Garrison, amused at the drunken men shouting across each other. You’re well aware of the stares you were receiving, knowing that a woman of your stature and style could only mean two things: you were a well off prostitute or the lavish wife of a man no one wanted to fuck with.
You took pride in being neither.
A man with a kind face smiles at you from behind the bar, throwing a white towel across his shoulder.
“What can I get you, love?”
“Whiskey. Neat.”
“What kind?”
You pretend to think about it. “Surprise me.”
The kind man chuckles to himself before hustling to get your drink. You dig around in your purse, pulling out a few bills that were much more than your drink likely cost. A hand covers your own as you slide the bills across the bar and you gaze up into a familiar face.
“I heard whispers about a very rich looking person coming into town, you wouldn’t have happened to see anything, have you?”
You couldn’t forget those piercing blue eyes even if you tried.
Suppressing a smile, you take the glass set in front of you and drain it quickly before gesturing for a refill. Tommy waves his hand at the barkeep.
“Get a bottle and bring it in the room.” he instructs, ushering you into the private area where he conducts business.
You follow behind him, silently thanking him as he pulls out a seat for you.
The two of you don’t say a word as he pours you another drink, cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.
“Thomas fucking Shelby.” you finally murmur, overcome with nostalgia. “How long has it been?”
Tommy gives a half shrug. “More than ten years, I’d say.”
“This yours?” you finally take a second to gaze about, impressed with the architecture. It felt like too beautiful of a place to be in Birmingham.
“More or less. It was a gift to Arthur.”
You grin. “A gift you didn’t buy.”
“A gift, nonetheless.” he takes a long drag of the cigarette, cautious as he blows the smoke out of his nose and in a direction that wasn’t facing you. “Heard about your uncle.”
You nod, posture stiffening. “May his soul rot.”
Tommy raises his eyebrows and his glass, downing his drink. “Cheers.”
“So,” you lean back in your seat. “What has Thomas Shelby been up to all these years?”
Tommy mimics your actions, scratching at his face. “Making business happen. Staying out of trouble.”
“You’re trying to be legal?” your curiosity piqued.
“Something like that.” He holds his arms out wide. “We’re expanding.”
“Into London. Fucking with the status quo there, I heard.”
Something in Tommy’s face hardens and he regards you with contempt. “Is that so?”
“It’s kind of my business to know. You are stepping into my turf. I don’t give a shit either way, this feud you have with the Italians is kind of good for business.”
You take out a cigarette of your own, a long black cigarette holder accompanying it. Thomas doesn’t take his eyes off of you as he strikes a match, watching your mouth closely as you take a few drags. “People are far too concerned if there’s war coming to worry about women and their petty activities. Makes it easier to get into their pockets.”
“Did someone send you here?” He asks slowly, a tiny gun appearing on the table.
You chuckle, shaking your head. “No. As I have mentioned, I’m not interested in whatever dick measuring contest you have going on with Sabini. I’m just a girl who came to dance on her dead uncle’s grave.”
Tommy can tell that you’re being honest. It was refreshing but strange, he wasn’t one to openly trust people. You were the one person who didn’t care about what he was doing in a sea of people who questioned his every move.
“Dick measuring contest, eh?”
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You had been fucked well before, sometimes from other women but nothing compared to how well Thomas Shelby was fucking you now.
His home was modest, clean cut and devoid of character. You were currently bent over on his bed being hastily taken from behind. It was as if he had just returned home from the war, eager and hungry for a woman’s touch. He couldn’t get enough.
Tommy staggers backwards, tapping your ass to get your attention.
“Fucking come here.” he rasps out and you giggle as he moves papers off a desk in the corner, hauling you on top of it. You spread your legs so he could slot himself in between them, entering you again with no hesitation.
“Don’t step on my dress.” you moan out, crossing your legs along his back.
“That, shit, all you care about now?” Tommy hisses, placing a hand on your hip to keep you still.
You nod furiously, leaning your head back against the wall and closing your eyes. You had already come undone twice and felt the third emerging soon.
“Fuck,” Tommy pants, taking his other hand and wrapping it around your throat. You loved the feeling of being choked and worked hard to memorize the touch of his fingers squeezing your skin. “I’ll buy you another dress. I’ll buy the fucking dress factory. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, fuck yes, Tommy.” You tighten around his cock as you come again, causing him to groan and weaken his stamina. “I want you to give me everything I ask for.”
“What do you want, hm?” He questions, making sure to maintain eye contact with you. It was difficult to keep your eyes open but you’d be damned if you didn’t try.
“I want your cum, all of it. I want you to empty your balls,” you reach a hand down for added effect. “Into my cunt.”
And just like that, Tommy thrusts into you forcefully twice more before coming to completion. You both groan at the sensation, the trickling of his seed oozing out of you and down your thigh. He rests his head against your shoulder, breathing heavily. You allow your legs to go slack, wincing at how stiff they had gotten.
After a moment of rest, Tommy helps you into bed where the two of you take the time to decompress.
“You’re marked.” Thomas comments, trailing a finger down the scar on the back of your left shoulder. It was in the shape of the number four, a reminder of what - who - you belonged to.
Joining the Forty Elephants was an honest mistake. When you arrived and couldn’t secure a place on your own, you resorted to petty theft just like any other low class person in your position. It had been the wrong place at the wrong time. You slipped inside of a clothing store, hoping to pick up a few nice shirts so you could find a steady job that wasn’t walking the streets at night. Turns out the Forty Elephants were at the height of a heist and you barged right into the middle of it.
You were caught and arrested with three other women. You begged and pleaded with the police, urging them to believe you when you said you were acting out on your own. You were all jailed together and you spent the night getting the living daylights kicked out of you. The next morning, the four of you were released and you were handed off to the leader of the up and coming gang.
“Some fucking runt you are.” She spat, sizing you up. You were interrogated relentlessly, the boss lady, Mary, assuming you were sent in by a rival gang to screw them up on purpose. When you justified your case, she nodded. You were brought in, taken care of and most importantly, you were protected.
You made nice with the other girls and became a skilled pickpocket, lock picker and seductress. The nickname “duchess” came after you managed to lift a hefty sum, including a car, from a duke. It was then you elevated your style and sense of purpose. You began to educate yourself, investing in legal companies and stockpiling your wealth for a rainy day.
You knew that life with the Elephants wouldn’t last forever and you needed a way out when the time came.
“It was my initiation.” You tell Tommy, breath catching slightly as his touch made you shiver.
He hums, pressing a small kiss to it. “I saw you that night.”
You frown, flipping over on your side to face him. He invites you to lay closer and you gingerly accept his invitation, perching yourself on his chest. “What do you mean?”
Tommy takes another puff from his cigarette before answering. “When you left Birmingham. It was at night. I was taking a walk with my brothers, and saw you scrambling to get out of the house. You ran like a bat out of hell. Never looked back once.”
“Oh.” You look down at your fingers, absentmindedly stroking the tattoo on his chest. You take a second to formulate a response, unsure of how to answer after years of not speaking about it. Tommy doesn’t push, waiting patiently for an answer that may never come.
After a moment of silence, you give him one. “He said I reminded him of her. Before she died, he was cold and distant. Afterwards, it was as if I had taken her place. It wasn’t the first time it happened. I remember crying a lot after. But that night, for whatever reason, I was determined to make it the last.”
You swallow thickly, brows furrowed as you replay the scene in your head. “I waited on him. Nearly fell asleep but like clockwork, he came creeping in the wee hours of the morning. I managed to stab him five times before I got away.”
Maneuvering yourself out of Tommy’s arms, you straddle him instead, pinpointing all the places you cut your uncle.
“Twice here.” You tap at his right peck with your finger. “Once in the stomach, once in the arm and once on his shoulder. He was a big guy and it was as if it didn’t faze him. Killing him didn’t matter at that point, I just wanted to be gone. So, I ran. Everyday for years, I kept looking over my shoulder, sure that he was going to show up and try to take me home. I hated myself. He got to live out his life and I suffered because of him.”
The tears surprised you as they dripped down your cheeks, hot and constant. Tommy is bemused as he wipes them away, his face never changing. You always pondered on who Tommy really was and what went on underneath the mask he was wearing. Then again, perhaps there was no mask to begin with.
“It’s stupid, I know.” you continue, hurriedly swiping at your eyes.
“It’s not. You did what you needed to do, what you thought was right. No one can ever blame you for that.”
“Funny, coming from a Peaky Blinder.” you chide with a small grin.
“Even funnier, coming from an Elephant.” he retorts without wasting a breath.
You sigh, placing your hands against his broad chest. “Cut from the same cloth, are we?”
Tommy nods, setting the now stub of a cigarette out in the ashtray placed on the nightstand. He turns his attention back to you, mind racing as he studies your features. How he let you slip away, how he went years without seeking you out plagued him from time to time. You were elusive, a mirage of a seemingly perfect woman he shouldn't taint with his touch. You’ve grown into your features, personality blossoming. You weren’t subservient like many of the other women he had encountered, all who would bat their eyelashes at him in hopes that they would get picked to be with a real gangster.
“Stay. I have an opening in my office, we could use the help. You’d straighten out Arthur, no doubt.”
You scoff, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to be a guard dog or a bloody receptionist, Tommy. Besides, I’m expected back in London tomorrow.”
“Family business.”
Tommy lights another cigarette at that.
“You could come with me. I wouldn’t force you to stay but maybe just to take your mind off of things?”
“Can’t. Family business.”
You laugh quietly, shrugging your shoulders. “What we wouldn’t do for those we love.”
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The walk home from Tommy’s is uneventful, both basking in each other’s silence. It was comfortable and intimate, the only thing interrupting it was the sound of children out playing far too late and drunken men hurling commentary out at anyone that walked by them.
The folks of Brimingham were familiar with the Shelby’s but they aren't familiar with you which is how you became a prime target for unwanted advances. The man had to have been well beyond plastered, for any woman seen with Tommy was assumed to be his.
You couldn’t even understand half of what the agitated bloke was saying, just that he was making weird gestures with hands, pretending to jerk himself off. Others had attempted to warn him and even Tommy moved in for the kill but you stopped him.
“No, no. I want to hear what this lad has to say. What’s this then? You wanna have a go with me? Is this how you approach all the women you like?”
You feign boredom, sticking both hands in the pockets of your coat. You rummage around in your right pocket, discreetly slipping your fingers into the holes of a brass knuckle.
“Yeah, it is. Now, when you’re done with this half starved looking bastard, how about you come home with a real man who can fuck you until-”
Your movements were swift and graceful, as if you had done this a hundred times before. The knuckles smash into the poor man’s face, instantly cracking and breaking his nose. Tumbling onto the ground, you crouch over the drunkard and wail on him until splatters of blood dot your face like a painting.
Tommy watches as you all but kill this man with your bare hands and does absolutely nothing. His overwhelming glare warned the others to back off while you continued, the bystanders knowing what their fate could look like should they interfere.
Panting, you back off the guy, using your free hand to wipe at your face. You spit, step across the moaning body and proceed towards your lodgings as if nothing occurred. Tommy falls in step with you, offering a handkerchief which you accept. While the Forty Elephants appeared to be harmless with crimes of shoplifting and bribery, you had a more rampageous approach to it all. The streets of London had toughened you, like it or not.
At the end of the day, you needed to make sure that you could take care of yourself and if it meant taking another person’s life, so be it.
Tommy had never wanted you more. But nothing good could come out of the two of you being together, you both knew that. It would be similar to chaining two wild dogs together and expecting them not to bite each other's necks off when there’s only enough food for one.
You had the Elephants and London. He had Brimingham and the Blinders. Somewhere, you would meet in the middle but there wasn’t room for overlap. Tommy was sure that being wed to an Elephant meant more turf and control but he wouldn’t dare do that to you. He couldn’t do it to himself. He would come to you whenever he wanted and you’d do the same to him.
Rich straightens up upon seeing your silhouette, clasping his hands together in front of him obediently. He takes one look at your face and reaches inside his coat to grab his gun when you raise a hand out.
“S’alright. Just had a little accident. You know Tommy.”
Rich gives Tommy a once over before relaxing.
“Shall I see you inside, then?”
You gesture at Rich to go on ahead of you, planting yourself firmly in front of Thomas. “No, I think it’s better if we say our goodbyes out here.”
Tommy smiles briefly, lighting yet another cigarette. “You don’t trust me?”
“I don’t trust that I’ll make it back to London tomorrow if you do come up.”
He takes a small step towards you, jawline rigid as he exhales through his nose. “I could leave early, before you wake up.”
“I wouldn’t allow you to.” Plucking the flaming stick out his mouth, you press a wistful kiss to his lips, melting into his embrace as he deepens it.
Hesitant to pull away, you ease back reluctantly. Your hands smooth his across his coat, reaching upwards to tug at his beloved hat.
“When you’re in London, I expect a call.”
Thomas rests his forehead against yours, licking at his dried lips. “I’ll always make sure to pay the Duchess a visit.”
You peck his lips one last time before returning the cigarette. Tommy watches as you disappear inside the hotel, satisfied knowing that you were safe and back in your room. Doubling back to the Garrison, now in full swing for the night, he gets welcomed with a drink from John and a pat on the back from Arthur.
“Tell me brother, what’s it like to be with royalty, eh? Is her pussy made out of gold?” Arthur cracks himself up, thoroughly entertained by his own quip.
“Fuck off, Arthur.” Tommy says dryly, taking a swig of whiskey.
“Did you tell her?”
Tommy raises an eyebrow at John. “Tell her what?”
“About her fuckin’ uncle?”
Tommy doesn’t answer and the two brothers give each other a glance.
“Bloody hell, Tommy-” Arthur starts. Tommy raises a hand and waves him off.
“Of course I didn’t fucking tell her. All that matters is that he’s in the ground, eh? Now get me another bottle and stop whining in my fucking ear.”
Arthur is slow as he departs from his sibling, a lopsided smirk plaguing his face.
Tommy thinks to himself that maybe he should’ve mentioned how your uncle actually died. You were told that he had a nasty fall after a night out of heavy drinking. In reality, it was the Peaky Blinders doing. Not only was your uncle a piece of shit, he also had a gambling problem. He got mixed in with the wrong folks and unknowingly stole money from the Blinders to help pay off a gambling debt. He was sloppy in execution which caught the attention of Tommy.
Upon finding out who actually took his money, Tommy made it a personal mission to seek him out. The man, Ronald, folded like a chair when Tommy and the boys appeared on his doorstep. He cried and begged for mercy, which they showed him none. Especially not after he confessed what he had done to you.
Ronald knew you made it to London and had fallen into some money, so whenever he got into debt he just told people that you were wealthy and would deliver money for his payments. Even after you cut ties with him and tried to kill him, he proceeded to use you.
Tommy wouldn’t have it.
“Oi! Tommy!” Arthur returns with the bottle in hand. “You got any spare cash on ya? I wanna set up a quick date with Beatrice.”
Tommy looks at his brother with slight disdain and rolls his eyes. “I’m not your accountant.”
“Yeah, yeah. I left my wad back at the office. Just cough it up, would ya?”
“If it means I won’t have to look at your face anymore, fine.”
Tommy reaches inside his pants pocket where he normally keeps an emergency stack and finds it empty. Scowling, Tommy pats himself down extensively before the light bulb goes off.
He laughs.
Not a cheeky snicker or a lame jest. Thomas Shelby actually laughs.
Confused but willing to follow his brother anywhere, Arthur begins to laugh as well until they’re both hanging onto each other, gasping for air.
At the hotel, you answer the door to your room, thanking the bellboy for bringing up your dinner. Tucking a hand in your bra, a wad of cash spills out. You grab a handful of it and place it into the hand of the blushing young man. He stammers out a thank you, hightailing it back to the lobby.
You get comfortable in bed, eager to dive into the captivating spread laid out in front of you. Closing your eyes, you fold your hands in front of you in mock prayer.
“Thank you dear lord for this appetizing food and for the Peaky fucking Blinders. Amen.”
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