#but i just wanna make a nice armor set for him
murder-and-mayhem · 2 years
Day 439 of me begging Bioware to let me have a Zakuulan stronghold, and to let mE FUCKING CHANGE ARCANN'S ARMOR....
8 notes · View notes
sweatervest-obsessed · 9 months
Hangovers and Hickeys
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: no idea rn lmao probably like 700
A/N: some Spence content before the new year (on the western calendar). Hope you all get to enjoy the day!
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“Good morning sunshine.”
You winced at the sheer volume of his voice. “If I could, id shove you off of the roof Derek Morgan.”
“Fun night?”
You snorted and finally lifted your head off of the desk. “You should be a profiler.”
That caused Derek to laugh, which made you wince and close your eyes. The sunglasses perched on your nose were supposed to be helping. They weren’t.
“That’s a nice hickey you got there.”
You grunted in response and tried to adjust your sweater collar so it would cover the hickey you missed this morning when you didn’t look in the mirror. You had basically rolled out of bed, and into your car to make sure you got to work on time.
“Who gave it to you?” “Why don’t you use your super duper profiling skills to deduce it or whatever Sherlock shit you wanna do.”
Derek snorted and shook his head. ”or you could just….tell me.”
“Don’t worry about it Derek.” You grumbled.
When Derek realized he wasn’t going to get any answers out of you about it, he decided he was going to change tactics.
“Moving on from Boy Wonder?” It was no secret that you had a crush on a certain nerdy doctor. And so Derek tried to use this knowledge to his advantage.
You crossed your arms and just raised your eyebrows. “I’m not dignifying that with a response,”
“Pretty sure that was my answer.” He chuckled, sitting down in his chair and swiveling to look at you.
When you decided to just ignore Derek, and face your desk, he piped up again. “Where is he anyways?” “No idea.”
It was like he was waiting for his cue from you. Spencer pushed open the doors to the bull pen and strolled in. He had his purple scarf around his neck, over his new coat that Henry (JJ) had gotten him for Christmas. It was a beautiful grey pea coat that kept him warm during these freezing winter months. Spender was carrying a tray with two coffees on it and what seemed like a bag from McDonalds, which seemed to be for you, since he was headed in your direction.
The smell of the food caused you to groan with joy and smile at the man walking towards you.
“My knight in shining armor.” You muttered as he placed the whole tray in front of you. You placed a kiss on his cheek hasilty, causing him to blush a little.
“I got hashbrowns from both McDonald’s and Dunkin’, a little smorgasbord of grease for your pallet.” He whispered before taking one of the cups out of the tray.
“I’m going to marry you Doctor Spencer Reid.” You muttered, digging into the bag and pulling out one of the McDonald’s hash browns and biting into it. The groan you let out leaned a little on the pornographic side, which made Derek raise his eyebrows at the sound you let out, and then at tinge of pink on Spencer’s cheeks.
You continued eating, clueless about the silent interrogation happening to your left, enjoying every single bite and sip of your hangover cure.
“Derek I can hear you thinking and it’s making my head throb.”
Derek’s eyes snapped back to you, as your figure swiveled in the chair to face him, casually munching on some of the fries, in a completely different mood then from two minutes ago before Spencer had walked in the room.
“Sorry your highness. I’m just curious as to why Boy Genius here is bringing you hangover cures.”
“Well it’s his fault I’m this fucked up so he owes me.” You grumbled, swiveling around in your chair to face your desk. You pulled your lap top out of your canvas bag and started to set up for your work day.
“Wha-how is it his fault.”
That’s when Spencer turned bright red and tried to change the conversation, or at least get out of it. “I—well it’s not…I….hotch is…”
Spencer basically ran across the bullpen and up the stairs to Hotch’s office, avoiding the conversation he almost just had.
“I don’t think you wanna know.” You smirked and bit into the muffin from Dunks that Spencer had got you, not looking at the man behind you.
“I’m starting to think that too.” His eyes narrowed and he looked between where Spencer had run off to, and you.
Something was going on between the two of you, and Derek Morgan was going to figure it out.
3K notes · View notes
gildedphoenix · 4 months
Fire Escape - Dead on MAYn Day 1
Prompts uses: -Courting rituals -Flickering -Dinner interrupted by a fight -“Are they gone yet”
Not beta read. 6k words. Jason has a stressful day and shares dinner with his downstairs neighbor, Danny. The following week, Danny leaves something for him. A courting ritual between busy, stressed disasters.
AO3: Fire Escape Dead on MAYn Blog @deadonmayn
Fire Escape 
Life as a vigilante was stressful. Their world was not always easy. Cases did not always wrap up nicely in thirty minutes with everyone skipping off, hand in hand. 
This was definitely one of those bad days. 
A child trafficking case, after dragging on for the last 3 months, ended horribly. The head of the ring got away before Hood and Nightwing could to box him in. Most of the kids were already gone, whisked away to another location while Jason and Dick were fighting to reach them. And the kids they were able to find? Jason took a deep breath. This wasn’t a night he would be able to forget anytime soon. 
He wouldn’t be sleeping tonight so after Dick left, Jason cooked. He made chicken and bacon stuffed shells with a creamy marinara sauce. The recipe always took forever but it was a welcome distraction. Jumbo shells, chicken, bacon, broccoli, cheese, and sauce and a dozen other components to prep and cook. No time to think of anything else.
Two hours later, Jason was still wired, but he had stuffed shells. Enough for his whole family, if he was honest with himself. Enough to feed those kids who didn’t make it. Enough to fill the stomachs that hadn’t been full in so long but would never be hungry again. 
Jason was broken out of his despair by a noise on the fire escape. His gun was in his hand without conscious thought. Slow, steady steps took him closer to the window until he could see the potential intruder. 
Jason's shoulders dropped back down as he spotted his downstairs neighbor outside their window. It wasn’t unusual to see Danny out on the fire escape, one level down. Nothing unusual. Nothing to be concerned about. 
Jason reupholstered his gun before Danny spotted him and turned back to the kitchen. They’d introduced themselves when Danny moved in a few weeks ago at the beginning of the fall semester but hadn’t interacted much since then. 
Grabbing the casserole dish and an extra plate and fork, Jason stepped out onto his level of the scaffolding and called down to Danny. 
“Hey, you want some food? I made too much and can’t possibly eat it all.” Jason set the dish down between himself and the stairs and started in on his own plate. 
“Oh my god, Yes! I haven’t had food all day! You are a life saver. A knight in shiny armor.” Danny made his way up the stairs and peeked his head just above Jason’s level. He reached slowly for the extra plate and serving spoon while watching Jason. Jason motioned a little ‘go ahead’ with his own fork and Danny’s face lit up as he scooped a modest portion of shells onto his plate. “I was stuck in meetings all day. The council just wanted to drag everything out and every issue solved spawned two more. And it’s not even like they listen to me,” he stopped, eyes wide and he put the serving spoon back in the dish and looked intently at his own plate. “Not that they would. You know. I’m just a,you know, just an intern. I’m not even paid. Just an unpaid internship. Yep. I’m just there to take notes and get college credit. I’m an engineering student at Gotham U.” He glanced over at Jason, eyes a little panicked as he tried to sell his obvious lie. “But I don’t wanna bore you. You probably have a real job with real stress. I’m just an intern student. Aaaaaaand I’m gunna stop rambling now and go eat. Yep. Thank you.” 
Danny clammered back down the stairs (and Jason could swear he missed that last step based on the noises) before settling down against the wall next to his window. With a chuckle, Jason took another bite of his food. “You’re right, my job is stressful. That doesn’t mean you’re day can’t be stressful too, though. Stress is relative. We all handle it differently. It’s how I ended up making too much food. I’ve got a big family and I just went on autopilot and before I knew it I’d made enough to feed them all, even though none of them are over tonight. It’s still a nice way to decompress. I’ll give them a call tomorrow to see if any of them want some but this dish is better fresh.” He leaned back against his own wall, eyes closed, taking in the steady constant noises of the city. The chatter of Crime Alley and the more distant rumble of Gotham. It was several minutes before Jason heard Danny call up again. 
“This is amazing. I don't think I’ve eaten anything this good since….Actually never. I definitely can’t make anything like this and my parents didn’t really do home cooked meals.” 
Jason glanced down through the grates and Danny was scraping the sauce off the plate onto his fork. Jason decided to show some mercy before the poor guy started licking the plate. “Feel free to grab more. I’m not gonna eat this all and my siblings should have clairvoyantly known I was cooking if they really wanted any.” Jason chuckled a bit but it also didn’t seem that unrealistic. 
“Thanks! I’m going to be full for a week after this.” Danny popped back up the stairs, his face lit up in joy, as he pulled the dish over to him, spooning out a full plate of shells this time. “I guess their loss is my gain.” He went back down to lounge against his own wall. 
An easy silence fell. The noises of the city a distant juxtaposition to the bubble they had created. Just two people enjoying food. Enjoying a little down time. Enjoying peace.
A few days later, Jason came home to a surprise. He didn’t expect to really hear from his neighbor again beyond the occasional waves and hellos they had previously established. Just the coming and going in the stairs or passing on the street. But there on the outside of his window was a sticky note. Black with tiny nebulas, Jason’s name was scrawled with silver glitter gel pen and an arrow pointing down.
He opened the window and looked down to see if Danny was out, Jason spotted a ziplock bag full of cookies and a thermos. With Danny nowhere in sight, Jason inspected the note again and on the other side was more writing.
“I can’t cook anything near as good as what you made, but these are my favorite cookies from the bodega by campus. I like them with cardamom tea.” 
Jason opened the bag and caught a whiff of the cookies. He had fully intended to run them through a spectrometer but the enticing scent of ginger snaps and some urge deep within his soul overrode his caution. He took a small bite. And they were delicious. The spices were deep and warm. The molasses earthy. Setting them aside for a moment, he opened the thermos and took a tentative sip. The tea was still warm and lightly sweetened. The sharp spices of the tea playing well off the warmth of the cookies. 
He’d never had anyone leave him offerings like this. The thought stopped him for a moment. 
Gifts. Not offerings, gifts. He shrugged and grabbed a book from his TBR shelf. Settling in with the cookies and tea to relax before he had to go out for patrol. His mind was distracted by stray thoughts of what he might be able to leave his neighbor in return. 
Danny hated his teachers. He hated this city. He hated his creaky apartment. Though he didn’t mind the eye candy of his upstairs neighbor when they passed on the stairs. And if Danny turned around once in a while to watch Jason go up the stairs and enjoy the view? Well that was just the payment he deserved from the universe for the elevator always being out. There were other perks too, Danny decided thoughtfully. He and Jason had been leaving each other little offerings on the fire escape and it had become the best part of Danny’s day. It wasn’t every day, maybe more like once a week. But the joy he got when there was a little package outside his window? Unparalleled. As if matching Danny’s galaxy post it note energy, Jason left notes with his gifts on stationary that looked like old parchment paper, quotes from classic authors printed along the bottoms. Just a little explanation of what the gift was and where it was from. Or sometimes, if it were a homemade dish, Jason would include where he’d got the recipe from. Danny was on the look out for a larger notepad that was still space themed. He found he was running out of space on his post its and using two seemed like trying too hard, as if going out and buying all new stationary wasn’t also trying too hard. But Jason didn’t have to know it was new. Danny could have already had this. 
To Danny’s joy, there was a take out box outside under his window today. No Jason to be seen, but they rarely made it outside at the same time. Their schedules rarely lined up.
“I found a new korean place over off Vermont St. I got you some char sui pork buns. I hope they help tonight while you’re studying for finals. The things you’ve left for me have always made my evenings better.  -Jason”
And at the bottom, the little book quote read “‘Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’ ‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.’” -Charlotte’s Web
What had started as a simple shared meal from Jason making too much food after work had become the best part of Danny’s week. And it seems like Jason might feel the same. A lovely give and take of food offerings. A courtship. Or at least, Danny liked to think of it that way. But even just simple friendship was a welcome feeling. At least now he knew Jason also liked their little dance and this wasn’t out of some misconstrued obligation. And Jason even remembered that he was a student and that it was finals week. That extra thought had Danny blushing as he took the buns to his kitchen counter and stuck the note on his fridge with a comet shaped magnet. Danny kept all the notes Jason left. Luckily the fridge couldn’t be seen from the window because otherwise Danny would die (again) of embarrassment. As it was, he simply enjoyed his dinner while rereading Jason’s words.
“Wait a minute” Dick interrupted Jason’s story description of Danny’s most recent gift of curry and boba tea. “So you and this guy-” “Danny,” Jason corrected. Dick nodded, a conspiratorial smile growing. The kind of smile your brother gets when he stumbles across potential blackmail material on you. “So you and Danny” Jason did not like that tone, “have been leaving gifts outside each others windows.” Jason nodded, “Every week, or MORE,” Dick looked pointedly at Jason for confirmation, to which Jason nodded again. “And you FINALLY tell him that his gifts ‘make your day better’ and you use the page with a quote from Charlotte’s Web about FRIENDSHIP?” 
“What’s the matter with that? It’s not like I picked it specifically. It was just the next page.” Jason was beginning to regret sharing this joy with his dick of a brother.
“Ok, So.” Dick threw his arm around Jason’s shoulders, “We need to either work on your delivery, or get you some stationary with better quotes. You’re clearly over the moon about this guy-” “Hey, what makes you say that? I just- It’s- I…”Jason stuttered, trying to gather his scrambled thoughts. “Having something to look forward to after I get off patrol is nice. And having someone go out of their way to do that for me…” 
Dick really looked at his brother. It wasn’t often that Jason managed to look small these days. But there he sat, shoulders hunched, fingers fiddling with Danny’s most recent note. It wasn’t a sticky note size, but a small half page. Very much like Jason’s own notepad with the quotes from famous authors. He was absentmindedly folding the paper back and forth, making lines from star to star among the constellations decorating the page. “Jason,” Dick dropped his teasing tone and waited for his little brother to look up. “It sounds like you’ve got a good thing going here. I wouldn’t want you to mess it up by being impatient. You laid out your cards, in a small careful way, and you received something in turn,” he nodded to the creased note. “Keep taking those steps. I can see how happy this has made you, even as simple as it is. Keep finding things you think he’ll like. Keep leaving your little courtship gifts. And maybe just flip through your stationary and pick the quotes a bit more deliberately,” Dicks eyes glinted dangerously, “You lit’ nerd.” Dick quickly flipped backwards from sitting into several handsprings across the training mat, his maniacal laughter echoing across the cave as he tried to escape the very predictable ire of his younger brother.
“Oh that’s it! You’re in for it now!” Jason rolled up onto the mats to chase Dick, joy in his heart and violence on his mind. Danny’s note settled to the floor, waiting for Jason’s response. “I hope you like curry! I got a medium spicy, but eat it with the naan if it’s too hot. Your gifts are the highlight of my day whenever you leave me something.” And then, hand written at the bottom of the page where Jason’s stationary had quotes, “With all the stars in the sky, and all the people in the world, I’m glad I ended up in a constellation next to you.”
“Guys, I’m going to die.” Danny declared and then promptly face planted into Sam’s couch. They were having their monthly catch up dinner and hang out. Sam was attending Metropolis University for Law with a minor in environmental studies. Her parents weren’t happy with her obvious post grad plans, but she was fulfilling their terms of getting a traditional, respectable degree, so they were footing the bill. That included her off campus apartment because no daughter of theirs was about to live in those dingy college dorm rooms. 
Tucker was attending MIT while also building a name for himself in the hacker community. Two streams he was desperately trying to keep from crossing, lest MIT expel him on ethics. 
Danny, of course, was attending Gotham U for aerospace engineering and astronomy. Their schedules made it hard to find a common evening once a month that they were all free. Danny’s ability to make portals (thanks to a new set of powers and abilities that came with being Ghost King of the infinite realms) made it slightly easier to get everyone in the same room once they found the time. Danny’s muffled voice drifted up from the couch cushions. 
“What was that Danny? I couldn’t quite get that through the literal couch in your face.” Sam sassed.
Danny lifted his face from the fluff and whined, “I left Jason the sappiest note and by the time I came to my senses, he had already taken iiiiiiiiiit! And now he’s read it and he hates me and he’s never going to talk to me again or leave me homemade cookies or anything else ever again and it’s all because I read too deep into a quote from fucking Charlotte’s Web!” He flopped onto his back and then slowly melted off the couch, thumping to the floor when Sam pushed him to make room to sit down with her pho bowl. 
“Come on man, I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Tucker said. “Tell us what you wrote.” “No.”
“Don’t make me check the security footage. You know we’ve got HD cameras on your place.” Tucker, horrible friend that he was, was already pulling up the footage. The cameras had been installed as a valid security measure but were mostly used to retrieve blackmail footage against Danny by his friends. Danny had a tendency to glow and float as he stargazed on rare clear nights in Gotham and Sam and Tucker gave him no end of shit about it. 
“Did you find it?” Sam asked excitedly, crowding closer while holding Danny off with a boot to the face. 
“Yep! Let’s see, ‘Hope you like curry,’ blah blah blah, oh here. ‘With all the stars in the sky, and all the people in the world, I’m glad you ended up in a constellation next to me.’ You’re right.” Tucker declared solemnly. “It is bad. He’s never going to talk to you again. He’s gunna move states. Dye his hair. Change his name! You’ll never find him again and you’ll never find love.” Tucker lost his deadpan demeanor and dissolved into laughter. 
Danny glared at him and phased the couch out from under him. Tucker hit the floor still laughing and didn’t stop. 
“Captain Chuckles can stay on the floor, but please re-solidify my couch. I like it to exist in this dimension.” Sam nudged Tucker ever so gently out of the way so that the couch could exist again. 
“But really. Was it too much?” Danny asked Sam, since Tucker was clearly just going to be useless. 
“I think it was honest and forward. I think if you guys had been going on traditional dates, then it might be too much.” Dannys face fell and his shoulders slumped. “But!” Sam interjected quickly, “That is not what you guys are doing. For better worse, you have some archaic courting ritual going on. You’ve only been exchanging words and gifts. Small offerings of your heart and soul. To give less than your full self in this situation would be disingenuous. I don’t think it was too soon, especially since he initiated the sentiment. Sure, writing down undying love,” Danny and tucker both chuckled at the ‘undying’ part and Sam kicked them both for it, “Would have been too much. But directly stating that you enjoy the little dance you have going on? And that you like him? Nah. I think you did good. Especially since he’s clearly a literary nerd.”
“Yeah” Tucker chimed in, “He matches well with your space nerd!” 
“Oh that’s it! You’re in for it now!” Danny rolled off the couch and chased Tucker around Sam’s spacious apartment, promising to freeze him to the ceiling once he caught him. 
Jason decided to take a night off patrol. Nothing major should be going on tonight. The Alley could do without him being a helicopter parent for one evening. He wanted to make a more involved meal for Danny. There was a good chance that they would see each other tonight. Jason had connected some dots and realized that Danny, the beautiful face and soul that he was, liked to stargaze on clear Gotham nights. This would be the first clear night in weeks and there was no way that Danny would miss the opportunity. 
So Jason got started early. Rissoto didn’t look fancy but it took skill to get right. The results, when done right, were amazing. Jason had also picked up a bottle of wine. Call it wishful thinking, but he hoped Danny would share it with him and they might sit down and really get to know each other. That would be nice. 
As Jason stood, stirring his hopes and risotto, Danny was one floor down trying not to burn the entire building down. This was his fourth night trying to make the same thing.  He’d watched so many videos. So many tutorials. All of them said this could be done by a beginner cook if they just followed the steps. None of them really sold how difficult it was though. Someone needed to start a cooking channel where an average person tried to follow these recipes. 
The first attempt, several nights ago, ended in him realizing that he could not melt sugar on top of a creme brulee in a plastic ramekin. Fire plus plastic is bad. That was the first batch ruined. 
The second batch didn’t set in the oven. Which didn’t make sense because he’d done everything the same as the first batch, which had turned out fine. 
The third batch, he turned the oven up just a but realized while he was cleaning up egg shell that he’d never actually put eggs into the second batch. By the time he got the third batch out of the oven, they were horribly over cooked. 
For the fourth batch, he laid out all his ingredients, portioned and in order of use. Set his oven back to the right temperature and gave an offhanded prayer to Clockwork for proper timing. 
The timer dinged, the custards wobbled ever so slightly and Danny about collapsed with relief as he got them safely removed from the oven and set on his counter. He took a moment to contemplate how he’d ended up cooking the same dessert four nights in a row. These were way too complicated for him. But he’d done this to himself. He’d looked up “impressive desserts to make for your date” and Creme Brulee topped half the lists. Last step was to toast the tops with a micro torch after they cooled. 
Danny returned to his homework while he waited.
Jason opened his window, two servings piping hot seafood risotto plated and ready. He’d heard muffled cursing from downstairs, so he knew Danny was home. Most likely cursing one of his professors. Jason left the bottle of wine just inside his window. He was hopeful that the evening would go well but no sense in being presumptuous. He wasn’t even sure if Danny liked wine, or drank at all! 
Starting down the fire escape, Jason was surprised to see Danny already out. He was peering into the eyepiece of a telescope muttering to himself. Danny did talk to himself a lot now that he thought about it. Not wanting to startle him, Jason waited on the upper level of the fire escape and simply watched. Admired the object of his affections these past months. It was odd to think how much they’d both put into the relationship so far for how little time they’d actually spent together. Danny sat on the stairs in his Nasa hoodie and some Justice League pajama pants, which caused Jason to chuckle quietly to himself.
Sitting next to Danny was an open notebook, Danny’s chaotic handwriting scattered over the page along with some very precise charts. Jason almost didn’t believe they were hand drawn except that they were penned in the same aggressively bright neon green sparkly gel pen as the chicken scratch writing. What a strange dichotomy. Next to the notes sat a tray with two ramekins of creme brulee. As Dannys hand moved down to make some notes Jason noticed several bandaids with burns peeking out from under them. Had Danny made the creme brulees himself? He’d mentioned a few times that he was hopeless in the kitchen. Had he gone to all that trouble and apparently pain, to make something for Jason? 
For no particular reason, Jason needed to clear his throat, which startled Danny of his concentration trance. “Oh! You’re here!” Danny said. He capped the eyepiece and looked around. “I made you something. You’re always making things for me and I’ve just been buying things so I wanted to put more work into your gifts. So I made these. For….For us. I was hoping you’d eat with me? I waited out here for you. Also it was a great night for some stargazing so I was just doing that while I waited, of course, because sometimes you come home really late. Not that I’m watching you!” Danny’s hands came up defensively, a blush coloring his cheeks as he rambled. Eyes darting away, he started clearing off the stairs for them to sit. Moving his notebooks and the creme brulees. Jason just smiled at the disaster he was already half in love with. He couldn’t wait to learn all of Danny’s quirks and habits. Would he always ramble on or was this just jitters? Would Danny’s face light up the same way every time Jason came home from patrol? He hoped so. He wanted to make this work. He wanted to come home to that face.
“I’m actually really glad you’re out here,” Jason said, saving Danny from himself. “I’ve seen your telescope and noticed that you like to come out on clear nights. I was hoping you’d have dinner with me again. I made seafood risotto. It’s shrimp and muscles. Would you like some?” Jason presented the plates to Danny as he came down the stairs. 
“Yeah. I’d love to have dinner with you. I like any food that doesn’t try to eat my back. I don’t think I’ve ever had risotto. Let me just finish moving my junk.” He smiled as he set everything off to the side in a pile.
Jason settled down and handed one of the plates and a fork over to Danny. “How has school been going? I think you mentioned you were going for engineering?” Danny nodded. “What made you pick Gotham U? Most people are trying to leave the city, not come here.”
“Oh, that’s easy. But two reasons really. First, Gotham U has the Wayne Tech scholarship program and the great internship programs. I’ve also heard hush-hush rumors about some great job opportunities that recruit from Wayne Tech. If it’s true, I want to be here.” Danny gazed up longingly at the sky. Wayne Tech of course had partnerships with NASA but that was a well known connection. It wasn’t hush hush. The only thing Jason could think of that Danny would be alluding to would be jobs on the Watchtower. They did hire civilians, but the Justice League hand selected the best of the best. Bruce and Lucius kept their eyes out for those people. Not that he supported nepotism, but Jason wouldn’t mind making sure Danny’s name got added to the hat once he was ready. 
“The other reason,” Danny said, breaking Jason out of his future planning, “is that Gotham is the only city I could find with even half the amount of crazy as Amity, my home town. We had some crazy super villains and after growing up with that daily madness, I can’t settle down in a peaceful city.” He took a moment to savor the food, bliss coming across his face. It made Jason want to make more food for him. Jason wanted to bring him that joy again. To provide for Danny and take care of him. “This is really good! I love your food. Best thing I’ve ever had every time. I just hope what I made doesn’t give us both food poisoning.” “Hey, I’m sure it’s great. Did you burn your fingers making that? I saw the band aids. Even if you need chaos, I’m sure you don’t need to make more by burning yourself making dessert. Just walk through the alley in the daytime and I’m sure you’ll get enough excitement.” 
“Nah, Muggers are small potatoes.” Danny contested. “Most exciting thing that can come of that is Red Hood showing up. And I’m typically not out while he’s patrolling. Hood keeps most of the rif raf out of the area, so I generally feel safer here than the rest of Gotham.” 
“Hmmm. So Hood is doing better than the bats and birds? I’m sure Batman would love to hear that.” Jason bumped Danny’s shoulder playfully. “Since you’ve been here for a few months now, do you have a favorite bat or bird?”
“Red Hood.” Danny said quickly and decisively. “Definitely Red Hood. Not only does he have his area on lock down, so much so that even the other Bats stay out. Black Mask? Nope. Traffickers? Gone. Most violence? Low level. I know some of the bigger name rogues will ignore all the boundaries but they’re really not known for following the rules so they don’t really count. And also he’s….” Danny stopped abruptly, a blush coming over his cheeks. “But what about you? You grew up here. Who’s your favorite?” 
“That’s a hard choice. I remember when it was just Batman and Robin OG. So I would say it was original Robin, then Nightwing, but then he abandoned us for Bludhaven. Now It’s probably BlackBat. Though the current Robin is also doing a great job. He gets a lot of shit for being so young and violent but what do people expect? Of course he’s violent. Being Robin is not easy. It’s- And now I’m rambling on.” Jason chuckled. “BlackBat. She’s my favorite. For now.” 
“Hmmm. I haven’t heard a lot about her. It makes sense since what I have heard is that she’s the stealthiest of the bats.” 
Some time during the conversation they had relaxed, no longer holding a strict gap between their bodies. Forks clinked as they sat shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip on the narrow fire escape staircase. A peaceful silence fell around them like a cozy blanket. 
“Can I try one of the creme brulees?” Jason asked, having finished his food already. “I would hate to see all your hard work, pain, and suffering go unappreciated.”
“Sure, but you’re taking your life into your own hands. Just do me a favor and lie to me about how good it is.” Danny passed one of the desserts and a small spoon over to Jason. Their hands touched and they both paused, but neither pulled away. 
A gentle smile grew on Jason’s face as a blush returned to Danny’s cheeks but still neither pulled away.  The world seems to pause around them, allowing them this moment. The soft light coming from the windows flickered….and then went out. 
“Um…What just happened?” Danny asked, looking around. The ambient glow of Gotham still loomed in the distance but most of the closer lights had gone out, just street lamps remained. Down at the end of the street, a red glow flickered. The glow of fire. “I gotta go.” They both said at the same time. Their eyes met in the dim light. Shadows made masks on their faces and sudden understanding lit their eyes. A mutual epiphany.
“Be safe.” Danny said to Red Hood. “You too.” Jason responded before darting back up the stairs and into his apartment. 
Danny’s mind was reeling. How could he not have noticed? All the clues were there in hindsight. The late nights. The tired days. The various bruises and scrapes. Even the vague half answers and glaring lack of personal info in their brief conversations. But in that moment of calamity, Jason’s entire demeanor shifted. His shoulders squared and resolution threaded every fiber of his frame, and what a great frame it was. On the plus side, Danny felt less conflicted about staring at Red Hood’s ass while courting Jason. They were the same ass. The same thighs. The same broad shoulders that Danny had way too many private thoughts about. 
Focus Danny!
Once he got into his closet, he transformed. While he no longer shouted “Going Ghost” at the top of his lungs (He was young, leave him alone), he didn’t have any way to dampen the bright flash of light his transformation gave off. So into the closet he went. 
Flying through his apartment walls and over the battle zone he quickly assessed the lay of the land. There seemed to be two groups shooting at each other from opposite corners of the street. Behind every available place of cover and down every alley, people were hiding. Sneaking into the intersection from their apartment was Red Hood, also assessing the situation from the ground. His eyes raked over both factions, the civilians, the fire escapes and windows, and even the rooftops. Danny was impressed because few people thought to look up. Danny allowed himself to pop back into the visible spectrum as Jason’s gaze passed over the rooftop Danny was hovering over. Nobody else was looking up. Nobody ever looked up.
Danny pointed at Hood, then at the violence. Then after a pause, pointed at himself and circled his hand around to indicate the surrounding area. He hoped Hood would catch that Danny was going to take care of the civilians and general crowd control. Jason nodded and took out two of his guns, checking the safety and loads before focusing on the task ahead. Danny faded back to invisibility and looked around for the most vulnerable of the civilians to get them out first.
The firefight took much longer to handle than Danny expected. He was used to one on one or maybe himself versus a group, but never a gang war like this. Never with so many people. So many combatants. So many innocents in the line of fire. 
The noise in the streets had been like listening to a bag of popcorn. Shots overlapping. Echoing endlessly. A constant incomprehensible cacophony of gunfire. As Danny got more civilians to safety, the density of noise began to wane. Little by little the gunfire spread out as Hood disabled the shooters and their weapons until it went from constant noise to just isolated pops to silence. 
Danny allowed himself to become visible atop the same roof as earlier when he noticed Jason looking for him once more. Danny held his fist out, thumb to the side, head cocked in question. Red Hood returned the thumb out fist and turned it up briefly, before pointing with his thumb over his shoulder back towards their apartments. Danny turned up his thumb to match and nodded before disappearing and leaving Hood to the mercy of the converging Bats. Danny didn’t even remember them showing up. He was so focused on getting people to safety. He was glad Jason had help though. He sped back to his own apartment to wait. To pace restlessly and hope that Hood hadn’t been hurt.
Jason was annoyed. Bruce was annoying for trying to act like he was in charge while standing in Jason’s damn apartment. Tim was annoying, standing off to the side while silently judging Jason’s lack of coffee choices. Oracle was annoying for sending Bats his way when she heard him get winged by a stray round at the beginning of the firefight. He was even annoyed with himself for somehow missing that Danny was apparently a vigilante? Or maybe a rogue? He needed them to leave. He needed to check on Danny. There was clearly some kind of powers involved but nothing to say that Danny couldn’t be hurt. That he wasn’t hurt. He’d seen Danny peek his head around the window frame three separate times before literally disappearing from view each time. Clearly waiting until Jason was alone again to talk.
“Look.” Jason interrupted whatever Bruce was saying. “I’m tired. I was already in for the night before that clusterfuck even began. I need you both out of my place because I have a date with a cup of tea and possibly a shot of whiskey.” Jason stalked over and opened the front door in clear invitation to leave. “Out. And tell O to mind their own business and butt out of my feeds.” Jason continued to motion out the door. Gentleman that he was, he even waited politely until their capes were all the way out the door before slamming it behind them. Jason took a deep breath and turned around as he felt the air shifting.
“Are they gone yet?” Danny asked. His inexplicable white hair from the battlefield was gone but he was floating a couple inches off the floor. 
Jason wondered if he knew he was doing it as he walked over to retrieve the bottle of wine. 
“Yeah. They’re gone for now. Let’s talk.” 
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And now, i gladly present my incorrect quotes for SVSSS
LB: *walking into SQQ’s room* “shizun please see to it that-“
*room is empty except for a shriveled up mushroom on the bed*
LB: “…shizun?” *turns to maid* “where’s my husband?”
•meanwhile, in the Holy Mausoleum•
SQQ: *wakes up in his original body* “…IM BACK IN THIS FUCKING BODY AGAINNN?!?!? OH MY GOD.”
SQQ: *thinking* i may not be the straightest guy but i am straight…
SQQ: *tears streaming down face*
basically svsss:
SQQ: i didn't want to eat with him, but i didn't have a choice…i would’ve lost 5k b-points if i declined.
LB: “you look nice shizun…”
SQQ: “fuck you.” but it’s true…i do look nice. the system forced me to wear a beautiful gown that was just my size…skinny..but i missed my old rags. they smelled like bald donkey shit, but they were mine… *he looks down at his food* “you’ve probably poisoned it” *he says sassily*
LB: *takes a bite to prove he hasn’t*
SQQ: *tries it* damn! the food tastes just as good as it looks…which makes me angry..i don’t need his homemade food!
LB: *smirks at SQQ*
SQQ: he smirks at me, an evil, sexy, evil, sexy, smirk that shows off his pecs..UGH!! i CANT keep thinking like this!! he LITERALLY kidnapped me!!! i don't need him, or his fancy evil castle, or his homemade food, or OP-ness, or plot-armor, or the fact that they brushed my hair for the first time in five years!
and now some cumplane antics
*cumplane doing karaoke*
SQQ: “oh my god do you know-“
SQH: “SHIT-“ *disney knees stance* “외로운 날들이여 모두 다 안녕 내 마음속의 눈물들도 이제는 안녕 !! (^_-)-☆”
SQQ: *telling SQH what happened at the water prison*
SQH: “yk what it’s giving?”
SQQ: “hm?”
SQH: “it’s giving wattpad”
*both start dying of laughter*
SQH: “so i’ve been talking to mobei-jun for a couple of weeks and i think i’m ready to ask him out”
SQQ: “i mean that’s cool that you wanna go out with him but…i heard that he only likes guys with blonde hair like-”
SQH: *hair is now blonde*
SQQ: “…bro.”
SQH: “i-i’m just chillin (·ิω·ิ)”
SQQ: “nah like how are you gonna change your entire self for a man bro like-“
SQH: “bro..he has..a hot…brother”
SQQ: *hair is also blonde now*
SQH: ( ·ิ-·ิ) …
SQQ: “see that’s a different story..”
SQH: “that’s what i’m sayin (๑·̀ㅂ·́)و✧”
airplane bro: *creates origami swan*
Shen qingqiu: “oh what’s that? can i see it?”
AB: *hands it to him* “it’s a paper swan ^_^” *clearly very proud of it*
SQQ: *smashes it and tears it up and sets it on fire* “a dead paper swan.”
AB: *tears stream down face*
*the sun gets blocked out for SQQ… it’s Mobei-Jun*
*the sun gets blocked out for MJ… it’s Luo Binghe*
Thank you for your time.
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starleska · 2 months
[stepping over the picket fence from my backyard into your backyard, like I’ve learnt anything about Despicable Me or Maxime since my last ask besides it is, indeed, the masc “le Mal” and not the feminine “la Mal”]
Hi, hey, howdy, don't worry about getting to this ask quickly or replying or anything, you take care of yourself, do what you need to do, do what you want to do 💕 I'm going on a thought experiment, a couple of thought experiments. <3 
but I was pondering my orb or taking a four hour nap or whatever you wanna call it and like. Is flustered, needy Maxime a new concept???? Not something that’s been greatly considered????? Bc tbh, he always gave me those vibes. For some reason. Like “Oh yeah, of COURSE he’s clingy and embarrassed and blushy and etc etc”. I’m not even sure why I was so sure but it just felt right. 💖 Surely…I wasn’t…projecting any type of …”personal biases” upon himAHEM so sorry, allergies. 
That big coat is for hiding and he totally can just, dissappear in there and hide from the world. He could pull the coat up and his head in and hope he can cover how read his face is. Like don't look at him rn, he's so vulnerable and uncomfortable about it bc he's used to being so big and impervious, but also don't go away, bc he likes you sm and this is so nice and he loves being adored. But also it's so much!!!!!!!!! Vicious cycle.
I'm a Blushy Needy Maxime truther. Or liar. I'll leave it to the people who've actually seen the movie to decide. Just the bigger the ego, the harder they fall, thats what I always say. Don't fact check that. 
What do you reckon flusters him most? Nice words? Physical affection? Teasing? Gifts? All of the above? I feel like it could be anything. 👀 or maybe it’s none of the above. 
Maybe I underestimate him, maybe he's got better composure than I assume, but every set of armor has a weakness! Anyone can get flustered, Maxime can get flustered, and tbh he probably should get flustered. Where there’s a will there’s a way! …Maybe Valentina would help. Either way I KNOW THAT GUY IS GETTING FLUSTERED I know it 
Accidentally a little overboard with the teasing and flustering and he gets all in a huff, giving the cold shoulder. You gotta say you’re sorry and wrap your arms around him, and in an ideal world he’d hold strong to his grudge until he felt you’ve paid your dues, but he can’t help but melt into your embrace. He compromises, turning back to you, burying his still-hot face into you and refusing to look at you instead. His arms tight around you, not letting you go even long after you assume all is well. His ire is still on you, you know! You owe him a lot for all that trouble you put him through! And besides, he still feels lightheaded from all this blood rushing to his face. You must let him stay in your soft, supportive embrace for just a moment longer. You wouldn’t turn him out now, would you? After you did this to him?  For shame. 
(He is Not intending to let you go anytime soon, he is making up all the excuses)
…hm…I may be talking in circles and not saying much of anything. I also feel like I’ve Greatly Exposed myself today. I gotta go disinfect my ear piercings…I gotta wash my neckties….I gotta refill my mint essential oil diffuser to keep away…the….the bugs…ahem…I gotta make a Pokémon team for Normal Reasons. 
I'm also once again coming to you cold, literally standing next to an actual oven for warmth like a Victorian child when my jacket is on a chair literally just one Maxime away. I’ve Got to GO. I CANT KEEP BEING LET OUT OF CONTAINMENT LIKE THIS. Thank you for listening to my TEDTalk/hostage situation. If anyone asks, I was never here. Take care, you’re great <3 
[Runs away, jumping fences like I committed a crime here.]
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not you dropping an entire three course meal and dessert into my askbox, á la mode!!!!!!! 🙈💖💖 for someone who claims they don't know anything about Maxime, you certainly have put a lot of thought into this message...😉
you know, at the time you sent this ask I would've said that flustered, needy Maxime is a new concept, but we've had an amazing wave of art for him over the past week and there's so much of him being all cute and blushy 🙈🙈💖💖 i think it's that he is so easily angered and hates being called cute…he's total fluster-bait!!! we NEED to make him blush 🥺 AAAAA ohhh my god the idea of him wrapping his coat around himself and hiding is so soft!!!! no no you are SO onto something because Maxime is so horribly arrogant and confident, he's a bully who loves the spotlight and desperately wants attention…so wouldn't it be interesting to finally hit that sweet spot and get him wanting to hide? i really do think overt affection like that would make him curl up, and if you did it in a pointed enough way, his face would light up like a traffic light 🥰💖 i think that Maxime is probably really unprepared for anyone who is able to match his energy. he's looking down at you all heavy-lidded, boasting about himself and casually belittling you, but you shoot back with a well-aimed flirtation and it just. hits him like a truck. his cheeks warm, he starts to stammer. he desperately tries to recover, but he's actually looking for an out because he needs to find somewhere to breathe and quiet his beating heart 👀💖 YOU ARE CORRECT Valentina would so get involved!!! you've probably seen us talk about Valentina a bit before, and our wishes that she'd had more dialogue/character development in the movie…but two things that are very canon about Valentina is that she loves cute things, and she also thinks MAXIME is really cute 👉👈 i am certain that behind closed doors those two lavish all kinds of attention on each other, and Valentina turns Maxime tomato-red every time!!!! squealing no no no please don't be embarrassed i LOVE this!!!! gahhhh i adore that quick possessive flip from being so embarrassed and curling in on himself to it being something where he desperately wants to keep you, he can't let you go…!!! oh, my heart 😳😳😳 it's going to sound so silly given all of the stuff i've made for Maxime and being a selfshipper but i adore him so much that i STILL get so incredibly squirmy even trying to imagine any degree of one-on-one discussion with him, let alone contact…!!!! it's taken me a week to answer this ask for exactly that reason 🙈💖 so THANK YOU for fueling my brain i am going to chew through my hoodie sleeves now 😳😳😳 cackles. are we both sufficiently dead now? did you manage to do all of those convenient excuse-related things (including making the Pokémon team which i would LOVE to hear about)? 👀 it's OKAY lovely, open yourself up!!! there are no rules when it comes to loving characters - who says we can't adore many at once?! 🥰 thank you for always sending the loveliest, most interesting asks!! i've been mulling over this one for a hot minute and it's really, really cheered me up after a tough month, so big big hugs 🫂💖💖
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mintymarabell · 2 years
Just found your blog, love it! Great content bud, keep it up! Do have a simple request.
An elder yautja and his human s/o who was willing to earn him new trophies. Like, they spend all their time with this yautja, they'd know how to hunt like the yautja. If the elder doesn't hunt anymore, maybe they could?
And one day, they show up after being gone for a while, with a shiny xeno skull for their mate.
An anon requested something similar so I'm gonna kind of combine them both together. “Hello! Just wanted to say that I love your writing, and all the creativity and effort that u put on your work💞and that this is my first time requesting something, even if you don't answer me or the request I would be happy knowing that u read my thoughts about your writing ☺️Could u write about s/o who (miraculously) killed a Xenomorph on their own and gives the head of the alien to the Yautja as a show of strength/proud moment but the yautja is like "are they trying to court me??? Yes. I accept. Everyone look at my human (blooded) mate" (can be male/female/gender neutral for the Yautja, i love them all✨)” <-- other request.
Running off to get your elder yautja a skull
You’d had always wanted to prove yourself to him, he always appeased your human relationship rituals. Maybe it was time to do something for him?
He had taught you how to fight, using your smaller form to your advantage, this was one of the many things he loved about you when you’d use him to pivot yourself up and around.
You were ready to take down a kiande amedha, only problem is getting away from your mate.
He loved you and didn’t really like you going out on your own without him around, so this was going to be quite the task
It was passed midnight, your mate was long passed out with his arm wrapped around your waist. You pulled at his arm, he gave you a grunt in response as he pulled you closer to his body, “I wanna get some water let me up.” That's all it took as he retracted his arm and rolled over. All you had to do was very quickly put your armor on, the same armor he gifted you when you had mentioned his armor looking nice. The task was tedious, the armor was not meant to be put on by yourself, your mate most likely did this just so he can have the intimacy of being close as he did not struggle putting his on. 
Your mate at some point walked into the kitchen where you were, you had to throw a blanket around your body as you pretended to be rummaging for a cup. He grumbled as he handed you a very large glass and walked back into your shared bedroom. You filled the glass and set it on the counter as you finished getting dressed. From there you borrowed his netgun and combistick, the combistick was awkward to hold fully extended, the weight of it almost pulling you to the ground but it would have to do. 
You walked over to door and snagged your coat off the hanger. You didn’t need to be seen in armor by your mates servants who frequently cleaned the building you lived in.
You walked past one of them, they greeted you and went back to carry a box off.
Finally making it outside you made a break for it, shoving a mask onto your face and running for a nearby airport. Your mate had spoke of a newly blooded party going off to exterminate a hive they were using it as a test to let the newly find hives, it was simple all you had to do was get one off to the side and kill it. 
Easier said than done though, you had snuck on the ship successfully the ship had arrived at the planet after an hour. By now your mate was probably looking around frantically for you, you could almost hear him now. 
No one questioned the smaller ‘yautja’ walking around, not even the elder who was in charge of the party took a second glance at you as you weaved past him toward the ships opening doors. The only difference in your armor vs your mates was that you had no invisibility, so as soon as the doors opened you yelled for the others to follow along as you bolted toward the hive. You were the only one who knew where it was, the perks of being an elders mate. 
All of the other yautja looked at each other before shrugging and following along. The elder face palmed as he watched the party scurry off. 
You just needed them to kill the hive, all you needed was one head.
Arriving at the hive the yautja sprung into action, a bleach smell was in the air as acidic blood was drawn. You watched a bigger xenomorph come out with, you whistled and caught its attention. The xeno was quick to follow you away from the others.
You stood in front of it as it hissed, showing off sharp teeth. You shot your mates netgun at its leg, catching onto the hard flesh the acid burning through the metal. You needed to work fast, you fan toward it using its leg to jump up and hit it in its mouth, piercing the head like tongue that laid in its mouth. The xenomorph screamed as he threw you across the forest, landing near a tree. 
You taunted the xenomorph until eventually it ran toward you, you stood there as it got closer and closer till just at the last minute you kneeled down going through its legs, the kiande amedha was punctured by a sharp branch you landed near. It yelled as it thrashed. You stuck your combistick into its neck, hitting its jugular acidic blood sprayed onto you, you screamed as the acid ate at your exposed skin. You quickly wiped the blood off on a near by tree. You cut the head off, letting the blood drain before walking back to the ship. Each yautja has a head of their own though theirs is smaller than yours which is kind of odd..
Arriving back to prime you walked out of the ships doors, walking all the way back home with your little present wrapped in a silk the elder had given everyone. You were on the street, just about to walk through the glass doors when you heard your name. 
Turning around you were met with your mate running through the crowd, he pushed some kid over and threw some poor young blood out of his way. He practically threw himself at you, getting down on his knees burying his masked face into your neck. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick.” He speed walked you both to your shared room. He pulled you at arms length examining your person up and down for any injuries, noticing the burns. “Why do you have kiande amedha burns?” You shuffled away. “Give me ten minutes and Ill tell ya.” He nods with a huff, watching you practically run to his trophy room.
He didn’t notice the big bag you carried, more worried about you. You pulled out the items necessary to melt the flesh away, spraying the white mist onto the head as it all corroded into nothing.
 You wrapped the skull back up in the silk and walked out of the room, your mate waiting for you on the couch where he was man spreading staring at your form walk toward him. You kneeled down in between his legs as you fumbled with the silk. “I thought because we are mates that maybe I should get this for you as a gift, since your always getting me things.” You pulled the skull out and offered it up toward him, looking down to the ground.
He took it from your hands, as you looked up he admired the skull, flipping it around. He set it aside, pulling you up into his lap. “Thank you mate I am grateful for this gift but please do not do something like that again, I can’t stand to see you get hurt.” His thumb grazed over your burns, watching as you winced. 
From there he mounted the skull on a shelf near his side of the bed. As you both laid in bed, his head on your chest he spoke, “mate, may I ask you something?” You hummed in response, he finally spoke, “how did you manage to kill a queen?”
So that's why your xeno’s head was bigger..
On a side note, imagine a big 9ft yautja full on sprinting toward you?
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alltheirdamn · 9 months
A Bounty for Reward (Mando x f!reader)
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Summary: It was bound to happen eventually, right? Warnings: SMUT (finally, finally, finally!!), masturbation (f & m), unprotected PIV sex, creampie, mentions of blood & violence, language, umm.... missing anything else?? Word count: 6.5k A/N: I told y'all it was coming 👀
You woke up with a raging headache. Which fucking sucked. But your back had finally stopped aching, and you thanked the Maker that Mando let you use his bed. Last night had been weird between the two of you; something unspoken and tense. You clenched your thighs while you remembered how hard he was when he spoke to you. Maybe your grogginess had played tricks on your brain, but you could still picture the outline of his cock straining against his pants. Being stuck on this ship with him was slowly starting to wither away your self-restraint. For most of your life, you retracted away from any man and their advances; you hated how they stared and spoke to you. Kesi had weaponized your body until you became hollow inside. Men disgusted you. They had only wanted one thing, and you were forced to give it away. But something about Mando made you rethink how a man could act and make you feel. And it was fucking confusing. 
The sound of the cockpit door opening only amplified the throbbing inside your head. You wanted silence— for the first time in forever. As badly as you craved his presence, you craved the solitude even more. Which made no fucking sense since you had spent the majority of the last several days alone. 
“Sleep okay?” Mando’s modulated voice broke the silence. 
“Hmph.” You rolled over, pulling the blanket over your head. The throbbing wouldn’t stop, and it was driving you crazy. 
“Wanna get off the ship?” He asked. 
Of course, you did. You wanted nothing more than to feel the sun on your skin again, to breathe in air that wasn’t recirculating around you. Peaking out from under the blanket, you saw Mando staring at you; helmet tilted to the side. Was he amused with you? 
“Yeah,” you sighed, wrapping the blanket around you as you sat up. “Yeah, that would be nice.”
“Good. Get dressed.”
Something about the dominance in his voice had you clenching your thighs together again. He watched you unwaveringly as you stood and grabbed your pants from the floor next to the bed. Your head still throbbed, but now so did your cunt. He was screwing with your mind. 
Mando stalked away to open the ramp as you finished putting on your shoes, and you followed him mindlessly. 
“Put this on,” he demanded, handing you your hooded jacket, long since abandoned after the first night. 
You slipped it on, pulling the hood over your head. The idea of leaving the ship had you buzzing with excitement. You knew you were on Nevarro, and maybe you could find an escape–although a small part of you was reluctant to leave. There was a cocoon of safety in Mando’s grasp, but you wouldn’t give up on the hope of freedom just yet.
The sun glared down on you through parted clouds as you trailed behind Mando’s armored body. He had instructed a group of men to carry out the bounties from the carbonite chamber, and now you followed him into the heart of the city, where you were overly aware of the commotion as Mando walked through the crowds. Some eyes lingered on you, and the paranoia began to set in. Was anyone searching for you? You still didn’t know where Kesi had gone, and the fact he was still alive set your nerves alight. You quickened your pace to match Mando’s, afraid of falling behind and into the blur of bodies. 
“Where are we going?” You asked. 
Mando focused on the busy streets as he nodded toward a cantina tucked away into one of the alleyways. 
“Guild business?” You guessed. 
“Something like that,” he huffed.
You trailed him inside, drowning out the mindless taunting of men outside the entrance. You had grown accustomed to their snide remarks and sexualized jokes; it didn’t phase you. But you noticed how Mando sized each of them up, and their words and laughter died out as you walked past. 
The cantina was loud and crowded with what you assumed were other guild members. You were acutely aware of their weapons strapped to their belts. Unease coursed through you as you remembered you were still wanted, and it only made you want to stick closer to Mando. He led the way towards an empty booth near the back of the cantina, gesturing for you to sit. You slid into it, tugging your hood further over your forehead and eyes. 
“Stay here.”
You swallowed, nodding as he turned from the booth and walked away. He joined a man a few stalls over, sliding into a spot with a direct view of yours. It was unclear whether Mando was staring at you or the man before him, the direction of his helmet giving away nothing. 
Minutes passed by without issue, and you grew fidgety in the booth. Your eyes darted around the cantina, wondering how easy it could be to slip out and run. You had done it once before with Mando, but you hadn’t been successful. But he hadn’t been preoccupied last time. He wouldn’t abandon his meeting just to catch you, right? It was laughable even to think he’d let you slip away. Sighing, you shrunk back into the leather padding, slowly returning your gaze to him. His helmet was cocked sideways, facing directly at you. Maker, your heart plummeted into your stomach. He could paralyze you from that stare alone.
So, you played along. 
You gave him a slight grin, leaning your chin into your hand as you eased forward. You watched him, transfixed, and noted how his body straightened. Whoever he was talking to was blissfully unaware of your effect on him. He gave a nearly imperceptible shake of his head, and you chuckled. This was fun. Like last night, you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip and observed how tense his body became. He had been so awkward last night with you, and you had considered it may have just been who he was, but maybe it was more than that. Maybe you turned him on, and warmth bloomed in your stomach at the idea of it. Having that sort of power over a man–let alone a Mandalorian—was thrilling. 
The teasing was entertaining until it wasn’t. Shortly after garnering another shake of his head, a drunken patron fell into the booth, his drink sloshing onto the tabletop. You retracted back, hugging your arms to your chest. The man gave you a toothy grin, his words slurring as he introduced himself. 
You lied about your name, offering a polite smile. He took another gulp of his drink, slamming it down all too charismatically. 
“Y’sure are beautiful,” he slurred. “Would like to take you home.”
“You wish,” you rolled your eyes. 
The stench of his breath wafted toward you as you squirmed in the booth. His drunken smile from before was replaced with an apparent frown, clearly displeased with your remark. Reaching over the table, he pawed at your body, trying to find anything to grab. You lurched forward, sending a resounding slap across his face. 
“Don’t fucking put your hands on me,” you growled. Fuck, you wish you had your vibroblade again. 
A few heads turned at the sound, their voices hushed as they regarded the scene between you and the drunken man. He was pissed off now, reaching out for you again, this time more successful with a quick grab of your wrist. You reached for his drink, shattering it against the table. Gripping a piece of the broken glass, you held it at eye-level toward him, a snarl forming on your lips. He held up his hands in protest, eyes glazed over in fear. 
“Do it!” You shouted. “I fucking dare you!”
The crowd around you grew silent, but you could only focus on the glass tightening in your grip. It pierced your skin until you felt the slice of it dig into your palm. The blood dripping from your hand unphased you as your heart thrummed with adrenaline. Let him fucking come near you. Let him try to touch you again. A glint of silver danced in your peripheral, and Mando approached the booth with a hand on his blaster. 
“Out,” he demanded, grabbing the man by the collar. He tossed him to the ground with little effort, his helmet glancing between him and you. You lowered the shard of glass to the table, wiping your palm against your pants. Mando’s chest rose as he inhaled, and he silently extended a hand towards you. Your impulse was to flinch, but you trusted him not to hurt you, so you took it willingly. His gloved fingers wrapped around yours, and you trailed him out of the cantina without another word. 
Pulling you into the alleyway, Mando pushed you against the wall and surveyed your body. Your breath hitched as he grabbed for your injured hand, turning it over to inspect the cut. It was still bleeding, but you had long since forgotten the pain. Everything had been a blur. Tugging it from his hold, you cradled your hand into your chest and stared at the black visor. 
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “Just a cut.”
“He touched you.” It wasn’t a question. 
You only nodded, scanning the alley for any stragglers from the bar. You hadn’t meant to get so angry or violent, but it seemed to be an ongoing thing with these unwanted advances. Kesi had ruined you in the worst way possible. Staring up at the passing clouds, you forced your tears back and focused on breathing. Mando would never take you back out of the ship now that you had gone and made a fool of yourself. 
“Stay here,” he ordered.
Mando had been acutely aware of her presence inside the cantina. She had been taunting him with small smiles the entire time as he tried to focus on the conversation with Karga. Had last night sparked something between them? It was clear she was trying to push his buttons, see how far she could take the teasing until he snapped. At this rate, it wouldn’t be fucking long. Under the protection of his helmet, he found his eyes wandering towards her each time she shifted in the booth. 
And then someone slipped into it with her. He stiffened, watching their interaction unfold in front of him. Karga was blissfully unaware of the spectacle as he rambled about taking more pucks, yet Mando had long forgotten what they were discussing. His hand itched towards his blaster as the man leaned forward into her, only to be shocked to see her send a sharp slap across his face. Rage filled his veins when the man did it a second time. But then the sound of glass shattering rattled around the loud cantina, silencing everyone. Her voice raised above everyone as she dared him to touch her again. Mando took note of the glass in her hand and quickly vacated the booth to step in. 
A multitude of thoughts swarmed his mind as he hauled her out of the cantina into the alley. First, someone had put their hands on her. Second, she was a force to be reckoned with when angry. And third, she was bleeding. Mando didn’t know which made him more upset. But the fear in her eyes was enough to make him see red. 
And he had been itching to kill someone since he returned for her on Tatooine. 
Mando pulled the blaster from his hip as he entered the cantina again. The tension in the air was palpable as he stalked towards the man still cowering on the floor. He aimed the blaster at his chest, unphased at the sheer terror in the man's eyes. 
“Mando!” Karga yelled, stepping over the man and into the direct line of his outstretched arm. 
He lowered the blaster, glancing between Karga and the man. His finger twitched against the trigger, just waiting for the moment to shoot. 
“Now, now,” Karga bristled. “No need for violence here! Right?” 
Mando’s jaw clenched, and he stepped towards Karga. He held up his hands in defeat, giving Mando one of his signature grins. 
“Just let it go, Mando,” he urged. 
But Mando couldn’t let it go, no matter how badly he wanted to. He had never been a man to act so impulsively, but the sight of her shaking and bleeding was enough to fuel the rage inside his heart. Every fiber of his being screamed to protect her. 
“Move,” he gritted out. 
“Walk away,” Karga demanded. 
But Mando didn’t falter, nor did his grip on the blaster. He held it at waist level, flicking it to the side until Karga got the hint. He didn’t give a second thought to it as he put a hole in the man’s chest. The rage inside him didn’t let up, but he forced his weapon back into its holster and exhaled for the first time in minutes. 
“I’ll be back in a week with more bounties,” he nodded at Karga. 
Karga had nothing to respond, his focus on the dead man lying on the cantina floor. 
Mando returned to the alley, finding her still standing paralyzed against the wall. Her eyes were rimmed red from crying, and his rage was replaced with some form of guilt that slithered its way into his heart. He should have known taking her here would be dangerous. But she had been trapped within the confines of his ship for nearly a week, and he wanted to grant her some freedom—even if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. 
“Let’s go,” he grumbled, extending his hand. 
She hesitated. But then she slipped her delicate hand into his, and he led her out of the city and back to the Crest. Mando still buzzed with the lingering anger from the cantina, but he shoved down those emotions and forced himself to focus on her. She was quiet as he guided her to sit on one of the crates, and he searched his med pack for some bacta. He found what he needed, including something to bandage her hand, and crouched in front of her, reaching for her hand. Reluctantly, she let him take it, unfurling the tight fist she had made. The cut wasn’t deep, but enough to scar— a scar that could have been avoided had he not been so selfish in taking her with him. He wanted to give her a moment in the sun, a moment away from this fucking ship. This space between them was growing smaller, and he needed to find any way to create some distance. But they were just spiraling closer together. 
“It’ll sting,” he muttered. 
She nodded, sniffling back more tears. He sprayed the wound and felt her body twitch from the pain. He unraveled the bandage and started wrapping it around her hand. It felt so small in his, so soft, and his fingers worked slowly as he tied it off. Rubbing slow circles over her palm, Mando lifted his head to look at her, only to find she was already focusing on him. Those big doe eyes stared straight through his visor and into his soul—picking him apart piece by piece. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. 
He mindlessly drew those circles over the bandage until her hand closed around his. With a soft squeeze of her fingers, she drew his hand to her lips and gently kissed his knuckles. The breath stalled inside him, watching as her lips grazed over his gloves. Despite all he had done, all he was, she was giving away small pieces of herself to him. And he selfishly wanted more. But he was undeserving of it, and everything he was raised to become shouted for him to stop. 
“I killed him.”
Her mouth stopped moving against his knuckles. He pulled away and stood over her, her eyes trailing up his body. There wasn’t an ounce of remorse or fear in her eyes when he said those words—instead, a smirk played on her lips.
“Good. Fucker deserved it. Could’ve done it myself if you let me.”
Mando laughed, a genuine one he hadn’t heard in a while. She continued to surprise him. 
“You ever kill someone?” He asked, piecing back together his medpac to stow away.
He looked over his shoulder to see her shaking her head. Something about it relieved him, knowing she didn’t have death on her hands, but she was willing to do it. Mando wondered if her being around him long enough would change that, would make him the dangerous one. 
“I’ve wanted to,” she sighed, standing from the crate and moving towards him. “So many times.”
They were only feet apart now, and Mando felt the thrum of his heart in his chest growing faster. Her hair was disheveled from the hood on her jacket, and without thinking, he reached out to tuck a strand behind her ear. She didn’t flinch from him for the second time today. He felt triumphant knowing he had won her trust, even in the smallest of things.
“I hope you never have to,” he spoke. 
Her eyes were still glossy with earlier tears, but a firmness in her look told him enough. Someone had used her before—in what way, Mando could only guess. He had started piecing together the things she had offered him, and nothing amounted to being a criminal. She didn’t sell spice, she didn’t use it, she hadn’t killed anyone… She wasn’t worth a bounty. Not that she wasn’t worth it, just that she didn’t deserve it. 
“How many have you killed?” She whispered, breaking through his spiraling thoughts. 
“What does it feel like?”
Mando sighed, letting his hand fall away from her hair. “For a Mandalorian, survival is everything. If death forces us to defend and survive, then it is the only answer.”
“It’s part of your Creed, right?” She asked.
Sharing something so intimate and sacred with someone other than a Mandalorian felt foreign to him. 
“This is the Way,” he nodded.
“The Way,” she echoed.
Then she let out a small laugh, the corners of her lips creasing into her cheeks. Mando cocked his head to the side, trying to understand what about this conversation was so comical.
“I think that’s the most you’ve said to me,” she grinned.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself, too. She was starting to fester her way under his skin, force him out of his comfort zone, and slowly enjoy the presence of another for the first time in his life. He sort of enjoyed it. 
“Bacta might wear you out a bit,” he cleared his throat, quickly changing the subject. “Bed’s all yours.”
She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. Mando made quite the effort not to stare as her forearms pushed up her breasts. 
“Where will you sleep?” 
“Cockpit,” he replied. “Don’t sleep much, honestly.”
“Take the bed,” she insisted. “I’ll be fine on the floor.”
It was tempting—sleeping near her. But Mando didn’t trust himself; didn’t trust he wouldn’t find his way into the bed with her when she clearly didn’t want that. He wouldn’t abuse the trust he had built with her, no matter how much he ached to be between her thighs. Fuck, he needed to let off some steam.
“I’ll be fine,” he said. “Gonna use the refresher and be on my way.”
She nodded slowly, clearly not convinced, but relented. Retiring to the bed, she gingerly crawled in and wrapped herself in the blanket. Mando watched as she tucked her injured hand close to her chest and noticed her eyes still locked on him. If she looked at him any longer, Mando would lose his cool.
Ducking into the refresher, Mando let the water rain down on him and flood his mind. He was achingly hard, and it wasn’t long before his hand wound around his cock, stroking slowly. He tried hard not to picture her, her big eyes, or how she’d bite her lips. He tried not to think of her legs wrapped in his sheets or the swell of her breasts under her shirt. But the harder he squeezed his cock, the stronger those thoughts became. He imagined how tight she’d feel around his cock, and the noises she’d make. He stroked himself faster, feeling his muscles tense on the precipice of release, and with one long stroke, he was grunting into the tile walls and spilling himself onto the floor.
You tried to erase the sound of his orgasm from your mind; you really did. But Mando had long since retired to the cockpit, and you found your uninjured hand snaking down past the waistband of your pants and sliding through your wet folds. You hadn’t imagined those noises—you knew that. You had spent years listening to the disgusting sound of men orgasming, but this was different. His voice was rough and unmodulated, and fuck if it didn’t make your core ache with need. It had been so long since you had touched yourself like this, and part of you knew how embarrassing it was. You were trapped on the ship with your bounty hunter, rubbing circles around your clit imagining how his tongue would feel instead.
Your body wound itself tight as you teased your way closer, basking in that momentary bliss before your climax crescendoed, hoping, for your sake, your noises would be quieter than his. Burying your head into the blankets, you exhaled a moan and felt your body spasm around your fingers. Maker, it was the best orgasm you had in a while. And all you could think about was him. 
Your body was exhausted from the short time on Nevarro, but the bacta was slowly wearing off, making your hand throb in pain. You didn’t regret what you did. And you were telling the truth when you said you wished you had killed him. Maybe that would make you a murderer like Mando, but you wanted to reclaim yourself piece by piece, even if that meant some people had to die. 
Restless in the small bed, you found yourself climbing the ladder to the cockpit and knocking softly on the metal door. A moment passed before it slid open, and Mando looked over his shoulder at you silently. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” you explained. “Can I join you?”
He grunted in response, tilting his helmet towards the empty seat beside him. You squeezed yourself through the small space, taking note of the control panels and functions. You weren’t thinking about stealing his ship, but knowing how it operated was interesting. Plus, the mechanic in you was just eager to see such an old ship and its hardware. The cargo hold had been your sanctuary the last several days, and having a new scenery was a nice change. Seeing the galaxy expand around you in a vastness you couldn’t fathom was even nicer. 
“I’ve never really seen the galaxy like this before,” you commented, leaning forward to watch the stars pass. 
“Really?” Mando asked, his visor focused on the space in front of you. 
You shook your head, a tinge of sadness crawling up your chest. “No. Any time I’ve traveled to different planets, I’ve always been… put away, I guess?” You cringed at even the thought of it.
Kesi made sure to hold you in the shittiest part of a ship when he took you to and from spice trades. You were confined to solitude before meeting his clients and then deposed just as fast. The last few years of your life were spent between ships, inns, and shady cantinas. That’s why you craved your life back on Coruscant—you could go anywhere and do anything. 
In your peripheral, you saw his head turn to you. Your emotions were bubbling to the surface, and you continued to stare out the windshield at the stars instead of meeting his gaze. You didn’t fully trust yourself not to cry. You didn’t cry often; you wouldn’t let yourself succumb to those emotions, but something about the admission left a lingering feeling deep within you. 
“It’s—,” you laughed, trying to shake back the tears. “It’s not a big deal. Really.”
“Kesi hurt you.” 
Mando said it plainly like it was a fact and not a question. There was no use holding back the tears, but you turned away to wipe them, hoping you could still look strong. You were learning how to take back the power that Kesi stole from you—including your own emotions.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you said, tucking your legs into the seat.
Mando gave you a stiff nod and leaned back in his chair. Silence surrounded you, wrapping you both in this strange comfort that you didn’t necessarily hate. You enjoyed the quiet, even with him beside you. 
“Where are we going?” You eventually asked.
“Adelphi. Got a bounty there.”
“Can I join you?”
“No,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You weren’t surprised he said no. Bounty hunting was his lifestyle, not yours, and you had to continuously remind yourself you weren’t anything but a bounty to him. But the lines were blurring between being a bounty and being… a friend? Maybe calling him a ‘friend’ was a bit extreme and premature, but you were enjoying the company as much as you could tolerate it. 
You still wished to regain your freedom, but for now, you’d enjoy being in his presence. 
The nav panel started blaring for the descent, stirring you awake in the chair. You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep, but the planet before you was bright and proved to be a new day. Mando flew the Crest through the atmosphere and towards a deserted beach. The landing was smooth, and before the wheels could finish sinking into the sand, Mando was out of the chair and moving through the cockpit. You followed him into the ship's hull, watching as he collected his sniper from the armory wall and slid it over his shoulder. He grabbed one more thing before shutting it and turning to you. Extending his hand, he revealed a wrist comlink and motioned for you to give him your arm.
“It’s synced up to mine,” he explained, lifting his wrist. “I’ll notify you when I get close to the ship so you can prepare the chamber.”
He wasn’t taking you on the hunt…but letting you help, which meant a lot. 
You let him slide the comlink onto your wrist, and you turned it over to inspect the technology. You’d never used one before, but you had some basic knowledge to get you by. When he called, you would answer; simple as that.
“Won’t be more than a few hours,” he assured you.
“Okay,” you nodded. “Um, be safe.”
Mando tilted his head to the side, and you imagined he was smiling at you. Maybe he was, or maybe he was just as stoic as his voice and body language. Either way, you meant what you said because without him… well, you didn’t really know. You could take the ship. You could fly back to Coruscant. But would you be safe? 
“Be good,” he ordered, his voice strained. 
His words sent a shiver down your spine, as it did every time he was more authoritative with you, and you wondered how many times you could get off before he came back. Idiot. Forcing yourself out of your mind and into the present, you watched him walk out onto the sandy beach and close you back into the confines of the ship. 
Just a few hours, you told yourself. 
Hours later, Mando com’d you to open the ramp. You had busied yourself with the carbonite chamber again, trying to find solutions for the valve issue. You sat down your tools and glanced at him as he made his way into the hull, his beskar dripping in the afternoon sunlight. He had his bounty in tow, this one alive and heavily bruised. His skin was flushed red, even more so with the trail of blood that leaked down his chin. The bounty’s eyes never left yours, his teeth barring a smile scary enough to make your skin crawl.
“Keep moving,” Mando grunted, shoving the bounty toward the carbonite chamber. His helmet glanced at you, confused by the tools at your feet. You shook your head in response, nonverbally giving him the ‘okay’ to use it.
“I didn’t know you kept pets around, Mando,” the bounty’s voice was hoarse, a cough spurting more blood onto his clothes. 
Mando was quick to push the bounty into the chamber, his hand punching the buttons to capture and freeze the tattered body that stood in front of you. There was a momentary pause in the freezing process, but then it started up again to continue. Mando’s helmet looked down at the tools again, slowly raking over your body to meet your eyes.
“What’s this?” he asked, an edge to his tone still noticeable.
“I wanted to see what else I could do to help with the freezing component,” you explained, shifting your weight under his glare. “I thought I would fix it before you returned. It stalled a moment right now, but it just needs a simple system restart to help the carbonite process run smoother.”
“Hmm,” was all he responded.
There wasn’t much space between you and Mando, the smell of smoke intoxicating the air around you. His chest rose and fell with heaviness as if he was recovering from running miles— which he probably had. There was something so infatuating about his demeanor after a hunt; the combative urges inside him still burning under his armor. The emoting rage still fizzled inside his muscles as his hands tensed at his sides. His stare had you paralyzed, your body pressed against the wall of the cargo hold. Something inside you flickered, your core growing warmer the longer he stared. There were so many unspoken words, so many lingering needs. The silence stretched longer, and you began to worry something was wrong. He wasn’t saying anything; he was just standing there.
“Mando,” your voice was meek, more than you expected. All your confidence was forlorn; wanton need taking control of your body.
He stepped closer, hands placed at either side of your head until he had you boxed in, his thigh nudging your legs to spread apart. Instinctively, you did, grinding your hips upward against his knee as he positioned his body in between your legs. You should’ve been embarrassed, but you couldn’t help yourself from giving in to the urges that lingered inside you. His helmet angled down to look at you, and you felt the amusement of his stare even through the visor. You would never see his face, but the fierce need to know the look in his hungry eyes consumed your thoughts. Maker, to see the way his eyes danced with rage and desire was enough arousal in itself.
“Tell me to stop,” he choked out. “You shouldn’t want—.”
“I want this,” you whispered. 
You let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of his chest press against yours. The smell of combat still lingered on his clothes, and you knew he had hurt someone just hours before returning. He should scare you; you should be terrified of Mando in all aspects. But you were undoubtedly infatuated with him, constantly under some spell that continued to draw you in. He intrigued, puzzled, and challenged you to defy all hatred you once had for any man. The closer you got to the fire, the further your emotions were stripped away, burning in the chaos he created around you. 
Taking control, you brought his hand down to your hips, guiding it to your zipper, and moved it slowly under the elastic waistband of your underwear. The leather of his glove was warm to the touch, catching softly on the slick skin of your cunt. His fingers took control, dipping between the wet folds and slowly teasing your entrance. Instinctively, your hips bucked forward, the need for his fingers inside you growing stronger. He knew it, too, as his fingers circled your clit slowly— agonizingly. The ache in your core grew stronger, your heartbeat drumming loudly inside your ears.
“Please,” you begged, your head falling against the wall. 
Mando’s free hand moved to pull your face forward, his hand encapsulating your jaw with a firm grip. His thumb traced over your lips, teasing your mouth open and gathering the saliva that pooled on your tongue.
“Please, what?” His voice darkened, the monster inside him lurking around the corner. All he needed was a nudge; then, you could have what you wanted.
“Fuck me.”
As if a switch flipped inside of him, Mando’s hands moved to yank away your pants, tearing the fabric of your underwear in the sequence of events. It didn’t register in your head how quickly he was able to shove you up the wall and collect your legs around his waist. Your thighs squeezed against his hips, flesh meeting the cool touch of his armor. It rippled goosebumps up your body, the temperature spiking higher in your core. A low growl left his throat as he undid his zipper, angling the length of his cock against the soaking entrance of your cunt. Everything inside you clenched around him, a stinging pain lasting only a second as your body stretched to fit his thick cock. Maker, it hurt, but he felt so fucking good. 
The cargo hold around you grew louder with the mixture of your whines, his grunts, and the disgusting sound of your cunt around his cock. He wasn’t just fucking you; he was wrecking you with each thrust that pounded into you harder every time. Mando’s strength leveraged his control as he gripped your hips high enough to angle himself right at the apex of your cunt. Everything around you blurred into a haze of euphoria and rapture as he brought you to the brink of an orgasm. He could sense it, too, the thrusts coming into a steady rhythm as it hit your core with feverish force. 
“Fuck, Mando,” you gasped.
The shudder that erupted from you paralyzed his movements, your cunt clenching with each throb that rippled through your body. Your nails dug into the fabric of his suit as you muffled a scream into the cowl around his neck.
“No,” he bit out, yanking you back with a fistful of hair. “I want to hear you.”
Mando pulled you from the wall, tossing you down against a wooden crate, toppling a few loose items in the mix. Burying himself to the base of his cock, Mando placed your legs over one shoulder, folding over you as he drilled into you with a force so blindingly hard you couldn’t hold back the screams that escaped you. He was ripping into you, the brute force of his thick cock bringing you to the edge of another orgasm. A gloved hand carded through your hair, gripping the tendrils under the nape of your neck until you had no choice but to stare into the visor of his helmet while you came wholly undone. 
Another orgasm tore through you, tears pouring down your cheeks as you gave way to the release that shook your thighs. Mando let out a satisfied moan, his hips rocking into you slowly, his body tensing up as he spilled himself inside you. He filled you perfectly as if every part of him had been made for you and you alone. 
Mando remained there for a moment, a firm hand rubbing your calves to soothe the tension in your legs. Your head fell back against the crate's edge, your eyes blacking out to the space around you. A thin layer of sweat pooled on your chest, small trails falling down your shoulders and neck. Everything smelled of smoke and sex, and your core clenched again with lingering aftershocks of his thrusts. Mando stifled a grunt, feeling your body respond against his cock, and you felt it growing harder again inside you. 
“Maker,” he exhaled, fingers trailing up your legs as they kneaded the plush skin of your thighs. He dug into your hip bones with bruising force, a small yelp leaving your throat.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he whispered, bowing his head over your body. 
You moved a leg shakily over his head, situating it on his other shoulder. You had him framed between your legs, staring at the perfect outline of a terrifying man. He could kill you— hell, he even had every reason to do it if he wanted. But instead, he was infatuated with you, the power your body held being a stronger vice than the power to kill you. That power thrummed in your veins, and you desperately latched on to it, afraid you’d lose it again like before. 
Reaching a hand down, Mando made small agonizing circles around your clit. Thrusting himself into you, this time working slower and deeper, his movements were focused on making you cum again. His cock slipped in and out messily, the mixture of his cum and yours being the perfect lubricant to fuck you with.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he grunted, his thumb pressing down on the bundle of nerves that throbbed harder with every stroke. 
“I’m gonna cum again,” you cried, biting your lip to stifle another scream. 
His movements deepened, his hips grinding against your ass as he took you to the base of his cock and kept you there. His weight trapped you, the pressure on your clit sending your mind reeling as you focused on the surge of another release pounding in your abdomen. 
“C’mon,” he crooned, his thumb rubbing harder, “You’re right there, cum for me.”
His voice shot you into another wave of release, your mouth crying out for him. Your legs clenched around his neck, drawing him deeper inside you as the throbbing in your ears grew louder. You could hardly hear him as he punched out your name, cumming again inside you. 
Slumping over your body, the heaviness of his helmet rested on your shoulder as both your chests rose and fell with heavy breaths. His fingers tangled in your hair, smoothing strands from your sticky forehead. You were disgustingly sweaty, the tattered shirt sticking to your skin along with the dirt that rubbed off from his armor. 
“You’re fucking heavy,” you chuckled, pushing against his chest plate. 
Mando let himself rise momentarily, only to fall back onto your chest lazily. Coughing out a laugh, you nudged his side, urging him up from his position. 
“Not yet,” he huffed, helmet settling against your shoulder again. “Just wanna stay here a minute.”
Please stay, you thought to yourself.
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coffeeandbatboys · 6 months
Hey! I already sent one in and the Rex cuddles one was so good!! But if you are looking for more I could ask another. According to @moonlightwarriorqueen if I’m not matched with Hardcase it would be Jesse. So maybe Jesse 😜 and 10?
YESSS! Finally! our resident thicc boy 😂 Moonlight knows her stuff too. She’s amazing!
Thank you to @the-bad-batch-baroness @vodika-vibes and ofc @moonlightwarriorqueen for helping describe Juicy Jesse 💀
Prompt: sending little selfies or pictures throughout the day when they’re apart
Warnings: Jesse being charming, lots of suggestive comments, reader is referred to as female, and is dress shopping. Kira is just a random name. She’s reader’s friend tho? Kix cameo because where there’s a Jesse there’s a Kix.
Insatiable (Jesse x Reader)
The holopic flickered up on your comm, brandishing Jesse’s infectious smile and Kix’s tired glare. You smiled.
“What’s my girl up to?”
Your insides fluttered, reminding you that the owner of said smile belonged to you.
“Dress shopping for Kira’s wedding”
You sent a picture of yourself in one of the options you'd picked out. The light blue satin fell around you quite perfectly, hugging your waist and billowing around your ankles. The back went way down in a v-shaped dive, which you knew would drive Jesse absolutely mad.
“Oh cyare, you look absolutely amazing, but if you went to the wedding wearing that I don’t think I’d last three minutes through the reception.”
You smiled, giggling in the dressing room.
“Too bad, Jess. I told her we'd be there and you’re my plus one. I guess you’ll just have to suffer.”
You could practically hear his groan halfway across Coruscant.
“Oh come on Mesh’la.”
You smirked, having far too much fun with this.
“Or, perhaps I could find something else? I think I saw one with wayyy too much fabric on the sleeves.”
“Stars, no.”
You giggled again.
"Wish you were here with me."
"Me too. I'll see you at home, ok?"
Something akin to pride swelled within you at the simple thought of him calling your place home.
"Yeah. Love you."
"Love you more, Mesh'la. Be safe."
He was sitting on the couch by the time you returned with a box of takeout and the garment bag slung over your shoulder.
Oh, maker.
Jesse had a way of sitting with his legs wide apart, and when he was in his armor it only highlighted how thick and toned his thighs were. The sight would often make you a little weak in the knees.
"Hi," you cooed with a shaky voice, setting all of your baggage down to the side, favoring his open arms. You pressed your lips to his in a thankful greeting. He sighed happily and settled his hands on your hips.
"Did you have a nice day, cyar'ika?" he murmured as you pulled away.
You nodded, bending down to pick up the dress and the box of takeout. You stole another glance—that was really a stare—at him in all of his glory, but mentally slapped yourself when he smirked and asked,
“See anything that tickles your fancy, Mesh’la?”
“Oh, it tickles more than just my fancy.” You blurted before you could catch yourself.
He smirked again, this time giving a deep chuckle.
“But I’m hungry.” You added, holding up the steaming box of food.
He cocked an eyebrow and looked like he was trying not to burst out laughing.
“For actual food, Jesse. I don’t wanna have to warm it up if it gets cold. Not as good.” You corrected him, finishing your scolding with a kiss.
He relented and joined you in the kitchen as you split the takeout between two plates.
However, you’d definitely be going for *seconds* later.
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Hello! I am glad you are doing well today! But Can I get some Neyo in love? I just wanna see this asshole in love with someone. Making it however you feel is correct!
Soft For You
Summary: You're taken as a hostage, and Neyo comes to the rescue.
Pairing: Commander Neyo x Jedi!Reader
Word Count: 1319
Warnings: Mentions of Torture and slavery
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! But I'm feeling much better today, which means I can do some writing. So the love isn't quite so in your face here as, maybe, in others. But I don't think Neyo is an in your face kind of guy.
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How long have you been here? A week? A month?
You can’t remember. There’s no way to tell time inside the prison that’s holding you. 
Honestly, you’re surprised that you’re still alive. A Jedi captured by Separatists? They should have killed you immediately, not shoved you in this warehouse to make…something. Of course, a Jedi as a slave is valuable. Even to the Seppies.
They’re weapons of some sort. You know that. You’ve managed to get that much from what you’re forced to work on, and based on what some of the other slaves have mentioned to you.
Of course, you don’t get to talk with them a lot. Actually, you don’t get to talk to them at all. The Warden applies some kind of mechanical gag to your face first thing in the morning, and it comes off at the end of the work-day. And you’re totally isolated from the rest of the slaves.
They’re afraid of you. Afraid of what you’ll say to the slaves. Afraid that you’ll encourage a revolt.
Which. Fair. You would.
But right now, you’re in your cell, which is actually less of a cell and more of an empty workroom, and you sigh as you tuck your legs under you. There’s very little light in this room, but there’s enough for you to put the final touches on the tiny droid that you’re building. 
It chitters to life and blinks up at you, and you smile, “Hello, my friend.”
It beeps at you.
“I’m going to call you Yoni.” You murmur as you trail a light finger over the battered head of the BD unity. “It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to, while I wait for my men to rescue me.”
Yoni beeps a question at you.
“Of course they’re going to come.” You bite your lower lip, and grimace in pain. The gag that they’ve been using on you has left your lips raw, burnt, and bleeding on more than one occasion.
Neyo would come. He would. He had to. After all, he told you that he loved you. 
It’s later, several days, or maybe a week, when your hope comes true. 
You’re in your cell, curled up on the thin blanket that you called bed, when you’re jolted to your feet by a series of explosions. Yoni scrambles up onto your shoulder, and you scramble away from the door as the explosions get louder.
You cringe back as the door explodes open, and you blink, stunned, at the man standing in the doorway. A man in very familiar armor. “Commander?”
Commander Neyo stands in the doorway, and you notice him pause, and you can’t help but feel slightly ashamed. The 91st is a recon battalion, not a heavy combat battalion.
He crosses the room to you, and Yoni beeps at him indignantly. “General, turn around. I need to get the collar off of your neck.”
“Uh, right.” You do as he asks, and he quickly removes the collar, and his gloved hands feel very light against your sore skin.
“You’re free,” Neyo says, as he sets the collar on the table. You turn back to face him, and his hand comes up to brush against the burns and cuts around your mouth, “What happened?”
“They didn’t want me talking.”
Neyo doesn’t say anything, but anger washes through him, and you carefully tighten your shields. He can be angry as much as he wants, but it’s not going to help you. 
“Let’s get out of here. Your lightsaber is back on the ship.”
“What about the other slaves?”
“Are being freed as we speak. Come on, General.” Neyo says impatiently.
“Okay, okay.” 
With that said, he leads you through the now burning warehouse, and as soon as you’re outside, you’re shoved into the waiting care of the medics, while he vanishes back into the warehouse.
The next time you see him is several days later. 
When he comes down into the lower parts of the ship, and finds you in your little hidey hole, where you’re carefully repairing Yoni. 
“General,” He sounds stern and angry, “You’re supposed to be in the medbay.”
He’s not wrong, you know. You have open wounds around your neck, and on your feet, but the injuries on your face have already healed at least. But only because everyone was worried that you wouldn’t be able to eat unless they healed.
“I’m okay, Commander.”
You sigh, “You know, I came down here to be alone.”
Neyo crosses the room and leans against one of the many crates that created the illusion of privacy, “Tough shit.” He watches you silently for a moment, “What is that?”
“His name is Yoni. I made him.”
“You made him.”
“What, you think I don’t know how to make things, Neyo?” You ask blandly.
“Surprised you know how to make droids,” Neyo corrects, “Why’d you make him?”
“I didn’t think anyone was coming, and I needed someone to talk to.” You grumble.
He’s quiet for a very long time, and when he speaks, there’s offense in his voice, “You thought I would leave you to suffer at the hands of the Seppies?” He demands.
You scowl at him, “Well, I didn’t know, did I?”
“That’s the stupidest-” He stalks over to you and slams his hand on the table, “I wouldn’t do that.” He snaps.
“For all I know you were ordered to get a new Jedi and get back to the war effort, Neyo. I didn’t know!”
“You’re dumb.” He snaps, “Have I not made it painfully clear that you are mine?”
You roll your eyes, “So you’ve said.”
“And what, you just don’t believe me?” Neyo demands.
You sigh, “Neyo-”
“No. I think I deserve an answer.” He interrupts, as he looms over you in your personal space, though you don’t feel threatened by him.
You scowl at him, “My answer, Neyo, is in him.” You point at Yoni.
“Flip the syllables in his name.” You grumble.
Neyo blinks at the droid, and then he pauses, “You named him after me.”
“Of course I did.”
He lifts his hands and presses them against your cheeks, gently tilting your head back so he’s able to look at you properly, “There aren’t even any scars around your lips,” Neyo murmurs thoughtfully, and then his gaze drops to your neck, “This is going to scar.”
“It’s fine.” You say automatically, “We’re at war. Scars happen.”
“Not to you they shouldn’t. You’re supposed to be safe, that’s why you have a battalion.”
“It’s fine.” You repeat.
“No. It isn’t.” His thumb trails over your lips, “We were ordered back to Coruscant after you were taken,” Neyo admits, “We said that we would…and then we just didn’t.”
You blink at him, “You disobeyed a direct order? You?”
“You’re mine.” He repeats, “And the men would have mutinied if I even considered it. Which they told me, in very graphic detail.”
You smile slowly, “Good for them.”
He huffs, “As if there was any chance that I was going to leave you to be a slave.” Neyo grumbles. “I wish I had been able to be there when you were healing.”
“It’s okay.” You repeat, again.
“It’s not. And it’s okay if you’re not okay. I’m not going to judge you if you’re not okay.” Neyo says quietly, “It’s just us here, cyare.”
You release a shuddering breath and press your face against his chest, grateful that he removed his armor, “I’m going to be okay. Eventually.”
“I never doubted it.” Neyo murmurs as he ducks his head and kisses the top of your head, “I’m very glad that you’re not dead, I don’t think I would have handled that well.”
You laugh weakly, “I’m also very glad that I’m not dead.” You exhale slowly and press a kiss just over his heart, “Thank you for coming for me, love.”
“You’re welcome.”
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browneyedartist01 · 4 months
My thoughts during the final hour of acomaf:
(Bare in mind that I notched up the speed to 1.5 then 1.75, and these thoughts are not in order)
-"You don't need proof that it works, I'm proof that it works-"
Weren't you made by high lords?
-"I will destroy your court."
And I will hate you. More so than I already do
-"He held out his hand like I was some pet."
"Come home."
My thoughts:
"Come home with me."
"Who are you?"
"The man whose gonna marry you, I'm Orpheus."
"Who am I?"
"Eurydice, *laughs* the girl who makes me wanna sing, the women I'm marrying."
-Why dose the evil man sounds like a radio announcer?
-Lucian really setting the bar higher already in how to care for your mate, as expected. (Go little Rock star)
-He broke through the bounds that a high lord couldn't break through just to go to her?!?!
-And he gave her his coat to cover her??
-"There were different kinds of torture I realized, there was ones I went through, what Rhys went through and then this."
Yeah, now you know how Tamlin felt utm.
- Did Nesta just give the evil king the middle finger? Ew, sarah cringe stop it.
-Cassian just keep dying sweetie, don't touch Nesta.
-Nesta be nice to your future brother in law.
- Freye unlocked a new power, somehow.
-Cheesy, this is all so cheesy.
- "his green eyes met mine, the sorrow and tenderness in them was the most hideous thing I've ever seen."
Wow, ok...
-Tamlin acting like Ryhsand though with Tamlin it's justified/understandable
- *me counting down the final 22 minutes while freye is dying*
-"I nerely gagged on his scent."
Freye darling, I get your upset about his deal with evil king. But he literally tried to save your sisters, stop being so dramatic.
- "my family."
It's been 3 months girly.
- "Tamlin ignored Lucian, so I did too."
Sums up Freye and Lucain's friendship
-Of course all the queens' want is eternal youth,
- Lucian naturally being the smartest one in the room.
-Noooo, not Ryhsand pov. 😭 this better not be the last 17 minutes.
-Holy crap, I just realized how similar this ending is to season 2 of lore olympus ending.
-Don't worry, the bat boys plot armor is thick. Sarah loves you monsters too much.
-Mor don't rip out the arrow it will only make it worse.
-Ryhsand please think, do you really think Tamlin would actually partner with evil king? He didn't even trust evil fae women when she first appeared, what makes you think he would actually help him beyond getting freye back?
-"she is my mate, my wife, the high lady of the night court."
BANG, CRASH A LIGHTING BLAST! (no joke there was thunder after he said this in the dramatized version)
I have 2 thoughts on this one:
1. There was a fan theory during the court trial in lore olympus (persephone was on trail for mass murder, long story) where hades and persephone got married before the trail started because at one point he called her his wife. This wasn't the case because she was 20 and he was in his 2000 (aka 40's) Idk if Rachel was a fan of acotar and wanted to steal from it (since acomaf was released in 2016 and the trial was released in 2020) but because people guessed it she dropped it. Idk that's just a my own theory.
2. How can she be the high lady when the mother is the one to give out titles? Do you realize what you just start Ryhsand? This could lead to more war against the more religious courts, this could lead to the end of the night court if the mother finds out... oh wait, this is acotar. Not real high fantasy, there's no real religious world building.
-"I've forgotten how quiet it was here, how small, how empty"
You do this every time freye, anytime your some where "better" you always just stick your noise up at your old home.
-Freye acting high and mighty towards Tamlin as if she wouldn't had praised Ryhsand for doing the same thing.
- Lucian, you are truly the best character.
-"My sister mate, the mother did indeed seem to have a sense of humor."
What do you mean? He would be a great mate. But then again you're suffering because of it...which makes it so much better.
- "as if he could do that to anyone."
But- but he did freye. And tbh I think he would have done worse to you if he deemed it necessary.
-Freye is really giving evil queen vibes. I wish I could enjoy it, but I know sarah is going to make her the "hero"
And that's it, Thank Saints.
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tilthedayidice · 5 months
hey! i know you said you would be up for doing some more bg3 mod recs, and im having trouble finding what cool outfits i want to put my gang in. do you have any armour/outfit mods?
in return i offer my current favourite mod: Boring Dyes by HeartsWires 💗
Yes, Yes I do. And that's actually one of my favorite dye mods too!!!!!!!! (editing Lacey here, I forgot to add a title to this)
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While I have your attention, here's a cool site to help Palestine, all you gotta do is click it daily.
Dressing my crew up in silly little outfits is like 60% of my game playtime. 10% of it is spent making us all the same color scheme.
I do wanna give you a heads up and let you know a lot of outfit mods are made with Bodies 1 and 2 of the Elven/Human/Tiefling races in mind. I will have it listed which Body types are supported if the mod author also lists it. If the list is too long I'll direct you to the page.
Welcome to my Baldur's Gate 3 Mod list on How to Dress for Success (or in my case, for bed most of the time)
Gonna start with Mods made for individual characters, then move on to outfit packs. Any Mods that feature NSFW option will have a little disclaimer at the end in.......... lets say purple this time. And if it can be found in the tutorial chest mod it'll be listed in orange, for contrast... ya its all comin up milhouse
Alot of these outfit mods can either be purchased from vendors found around Faerun, or can be found in the Tutorial Chest Summoning. This Mod allows you to summon the Cartilaginous chest found in the tutorial level, and mods that support this will be available in said chest during the tutorial, or can be summoned later in game.
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Individual Character Outfit Packs:
These Mods were made with a specific character in mind and are themed around them.
Astarion's Gear
Vampire and Rogue themed gear made for Astarion so it's only avaibnle for Male Body 2. Features both Armor and Camp Clothing. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
Gale Concept Art Armor
From the mod page "Adds Gale an armor set based on one of his concepts from the official art book. Visuals work only for default body type 2.". This mod features a flashier Suit jacket armor set and camp clothing for Gale. I also want to recommend Unique Starter Robes for Gale and Camp Robes for Gale, they're far less flashy and more in line with his original armor, but offer a nice change. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest
Halsin Barer Clothes
I'm just gonna put the description here... "Custom made armor/camp clothes specifically made for Halsin and his body type to show his gifts from Nature. Comes in Autumn colors too."Main mod is only made to fit halsin, so Body Type 4 will work. Camp Clothing option. This mod is made to fit the main 4 Body Types. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
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Bundle Packs:
This Mods feature a large variety of outfits either made for a specific body type or for a variety of body type.
Basket Full of Equipment
This Mod contains a huge variety of in game outfits and some edited one. When I say Huge variety, it has over 800 pieces of armor and equipment in it. Has options for every Body Type, some options are race/gender/size restricted. Comes with NSFW, Underwear to Underwear Slot converter, and Camp Clothing Converter. NSFW options, can be found in the tutorial Chest. Features Cheat Items.
Scantily Camp Outfit
This mod features a variety of edited outfits to make themore... revealing. I like pairing this one with one of the modular outfit mods. I'm not here for cheeks out, but i do like some of the cool variants. This mod is mostly available for Femme Body Types but does come with some Male Body 2 options. Heads up, I do infarct fuckin hate the shoes. They're High Heels and not even sturdy lookin ones. But puttin Shadowheart in the withers outfit is worth imo. NSFW options, Can be found in the Tutorial Chest
Proof it works on men (I'll never do an ID again):
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This was a happy accident (I laughed really hard when i saw him at camp)
Vsetments of the Faithful (Bane Bhaal Myrkul Ilmater Leira Milil Mystra Raven Queen Selune Shar Silvanus)
This mod pack contains armor from the Vanilla assets of the game, giving you access to all Deity based equipment. Suitable for most body type, each set has its own exception. Youi can download this as a mega set of all deities, or pick and choose. Can be found in the Tutorial chest.
Citizens Outfits as Camp Clothes
This mod features outfits you see NPCs wearing in Baldur's Gate (uh the city) and is compatible with All Body Types. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest
Fancy Camp Clothes
This Mod is mostly for Body type 1 with a few options also fitting Body Type 2 and features custom outfits with more of a noble vibe to them. The night song outfit in the pack is super nice looking and is so good for Shadowheart. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
Extra Gear
This Mod features a wide variety of armor and clothing (for armor slot) for a variety of Body Types, I recommend checking out the mod page for what goes where. Themes available for all classes.This creator has a Camp Clothing Converter, made the Fancy Camp Clothes mod, and has Paladin and Cleric Gear and More Mage Gear available as well. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest. Features Cheat Items.
Witcher Gear
This is actually going to be a collection of mods based on the Witcher series outfits. I don't play these games, but I love the outfits. Witcher 3 Armor (Keira Ciri Yennefer Margarita) features gear from the listed characters only for Body 1 NSFW Options, can be found in the Tutorial Chest. Yennefer's Wardrobe outfits from the mentioned character for all Body Types. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest. Triss's Wardrobe Outfits based on the mentioned character for all Body Types, can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
Once again here's Astarion in a silly outfit, I treat him like a princess, leave me alone. (I'll be listing my outfit in the misc section see Nymph Outfit)
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Mystical Fashions
12 Outfits for bodytype2 Elf/Drow/Half-Elf/Tiefling/Human. Armor and camp clothes abailable, these are Vanilla outfits edited to have a more Roguish appearence. Featuring fur trims and feathers. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
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Modular Pieces:
These are Mods that feature outfit pieces that can be equipped in the head/cloak/shoe slots to create a different look. Some of these mods will result in clipping.
Modular Equipment
This Mod provides pieces of armor to layer over your outfits.It only supports Body 1 Humans, Elves, Drow, and Half-Elves/ Tieflings are partially supported. Most items come with Both armor and camp clothing options. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest
Modular Skirts
This mod comes with a variety of skirts clipped from other outfits made to layer over yours. Each skirt currently supports different Body Types so be sure to check the mod page to see what works for who. I personally use the Jaheira skirt a lot. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest
Modular Pants and Skirts
This Mod features 14 Pants and Skirts ripped from in game outfits for you to layer over existing sets. Compatible with Most Body Types. Comes with a backpack for both Cloak and Head slots. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
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Accessory Mods!
These Mods add in small accessories to finish off your outfits like; Necklaces, Hats, Cloaks, Glasses, and more. Many of these mods are placed in the Head or Cloak slots.
Box of Necklaces
Exactly what it sounds like. Adds a little extra sparkle to your characters! Available in both Head and Cloaks Slots. Works for everyone. Not dyable. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
Tav's Hairpin Box
Adds a variety of small hair pins for the Head slot. Has slight clipping with some hairstyles, it was made to pair with Bruenor Braids. Mostly for Body 1 compatible with some Githyanki. Can be found in the Tutorial Box.
Faerunian Carnival
A collection of Carnival Masks to your game. These maks are mostly made for Humanoid characters, some Githyanki work has been done but there is some positioning issues. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
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Miscellaneous Mods
These mods only add a single outfit, item, or accessory to the game.
Trilli Bumbleroot 's backpack
This mod features a set of armor, accessories, and camp clothing strictly for gnomes Body type 1. The set is nature elements and comes with 2 dyes. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
Nymph's Outfit
Long Flowy Robes suitable for all Bodies and Races. Comes in Both Camp Clothing and Armor. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest. NSFW-ish?
Mushroom Hat
Its a hat! And it looks like a mushroom! And it glows! I have it right now but I don't have a character I think it'll suit..... Thinkin about puttin it on Minthara. Its is a blue mushroom ripped stright from the underdark's assets. It comes in Pink and Blue glow. Can be found in the Tutorial Chest.
Triss Dlc Gown for Mystra
It's the previous Mod from the Witcher section, but slapped it on Mystra. Her outfit sucks, she sucks, this is better lmao
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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII think I should go ahead and post this for now before it get... too long, but i will be updating this post if any of these mods have updates, or I find something new and interesting!
If you have any specifics you'd like me to find and add on let me know!
Dividers made by @saradika-graphics !!
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
SkyDragonGrandeeny of ao3 asked!
I was going to request a fluff story prompt, where Vash is having trouble sleeping or woke up from a nightmare, and reader hums or sings him back to sleep. A very wholesome and comforting story quq
A/N: I have written a fic like this already, BUT! mans has a lot of nightmares. Let's give some comfort baybeee!!!? The song is My Wish by Rascal Flatts!
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My Wish
You and Vash stumbled back to the Inn after a long night of drinking and partying with Nicholas, the insurance girls, and the rest of the patrons. You practically had to drag him up the stairs, and up to your shared room. 
"Aw, don't bench me coach, I can still make the field goal!~" Vash babbled as you set him down on the bed.
"Come on, Angel, let's get you to bed. Games over." You giggled as you unbuttoned his coat. He made some slurred comment about undressing him, but you promised him that you would stop at just his coat. He could dress himself into his PJs, or stay in his uncomfortable armor. He huffed and stumbled around as he changed into his pajamas. The two of you curled up into bed, and he was out pretty much instantly.
You, on the other hand, needed some time to process the day's events. It had been a long day of running, avoiding gunfire, and watching Vash face the flaws in his ideals. Another person died today. Yet another person who was shot right in front of Vash. Another person he couldn't save. Another argument with Wolfwood, who had forgiven Vash by the time they had all gone for drinks, but Wolfwood seemed to be cramming his feelings down. 
You held the sleeping stampede in your arms as he snored away his buzz. His face was peaceful, in such vast contrast to the contortion of fear, sadness and the little simmer of anger he thought no one could see. But you could see it. Your heart ached with him. What a terrible environment they lived in, where people killed each other over petty squabbles, and minimal currency. 
His face began to contort as he began to shake, and stir from his slumber. A nightmare. You knew it was gonna be a while before he would sleep peacefully again. 
"Vash, Angel, Wake up. C'mon, Dearest." You gently shook his shoulder, his eyes soon snapping open, and a gasp escaped his lips before he looked up to you, his eyes quickly bursting into tears as he came to his senses. 
"Oh Mayfly…" his voice shook as he pulled you close to him, and he sobbed incoherent words into your chest, clinging to you as if you were the last living thing on Gunsmoke. 
"I've got you, Angel. It's okay. He's not in pain anymore. You did everything you could."
"But he still died…" you hardly made out Vash's whimper.
"You can do everything correctly, and still lose."
"All I ever do is lose…" he grumbled, his breath and voice coming back to him now. 
"I'm insulted that you think I'm a loss, Angel. I don't think you should talk about Preacher, Meryl and Milly that way too." You comforted him. Vash took in those words, lightly tapping his fingers on your back as he processed. 
"How long was I out?" He tried to drop the subject.
"Like, a half hour." You frowned, "We have a long day ahead of us again. Let's get some sleep." You caressed the beauty mark on his face.
"I don't wanna. I'll just have another nightmare." He pouted. 
"I know, Angel. But you have to keep your mind clear in case shit goes sideways tomorrow too."
"I just want a nice day walking around town, playing with the kids, getting donuts with you, and drinking with everyone. No gunfire, no fights, just love and peace."
"I know, Angel. We'll get there someday." You comforted him.
"Will you… sing me that song?" He seemed afraid to ask.
"Of course, Angel. And if you have another nightmare, I'll be here to wake you." You slipped your fingers through his sweaty tresses before guiding him to lay down once again. 
"I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow, and each road leads you where you wanna go. If you're faced with a choice and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one that means the most to you." You quietly sang to him as you pet his hair, 
"And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walkin' til you find a window." He hugged you closer as he got comfortable, "if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile, but more than anything. More than anything," you pressed a kiss to his forehead, 
"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold. And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too. Yeah, this is my Wish." You soon heard the light snores coming from him once again.
You had once learned the song that Rem used to sing to him, but some nights that made the nightmares worse. Instead, you sang him this song your family has passed down since before the fall, before the space-faring age. You always found it uplifting and it was like your family's creedo.
Now you got to sing such a wonderful song to your beloved Angel to bring him hope on the nights when he had none. You just hoped that someday this song would manifest itself into his life, and that you, Vash, Wolfwood, everyone on Gunsmoke, would be able to live such a life described in the song. Because that was your wish.
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avanatural · 2 years
Mind Games
Part 5
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Series summary: Set in 1984. It’s that time of the year – the supes are having the time of their lives at the Herogasm festival. Soldier Boy seems to have taken a special interest in Y/N, a fellow superhero.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x female Reader
Category: Angst, little bit of fluff, 18+
Word count: 4.2k
Chapter warnings: Mentions of disordered eating and mental abuse, sexual harassment, heavy drinking, mentions of drugs, mentions of masturbation
A/N: Welcome to part 5! There’s tension between Y/N and Ben, but who knows? They might actually warm up to each other some more 😉 I hope you enjoy. Wanna be added to my Soldier Boy tag list? Send me an ask ❤️
Part 4 | Series Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“I’m fine,” I grunted out an obvious lie and pulled my white leather dress down my thighs, adjusting my seated position.
“Hm-mh…,” he hummed, taunting me with that guttural voice, “Are you jealous? That your sister beat you to finding out my name?” The grin that widened across his mouth begged me to slap it off his face.
Soldier Boy… Excuse me, Ben and I were sitting under obnoxiously bright lights, on a hard expensive couch, cameras ready to roll, waiting for the talk show host to join us in the studio.
“Look, I’m tired,” I mumbled, blinking my heavy eyelids and meeting his pompous gaze, “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Christ on a cross,” he breathed, leaning back a little to get a closer look at me was a whole. His apple green eyes were roaming my face through the slits of his helmet. “Where’s the fucking fire in your eyes?”
Instead of replying, I fled into my own head. Unfortunately, my nerves were soaring and I couldn’t manipulate myself into a calmer state of mind. I didn’t know if I could credibly pretend to be over the moon about Payback Rising. But I had to force myself to. The future of my bank account depended on this. My sister’s future depended on this.
“Seriously, though,” Ben suddenly spoke up again, startling my tense body and my racing mind, “Lily’s a good kid. You’re doin’ a nice job.”
My eyebrows lowered as I examined his face, searching for any hint, any sign that he might be messing with me. Imagine my surprise when realization finally hit me – he wasn’t playing. It was a truthful fucking compliment. I opened my mouth, about to thank him, but I didn’t get to.
The host dropped down on the armchair opposite us, holding a bunch of note cards in her hands, instantly receiving a touch-up from the make-up artist. Her blazer and pencil skirt made me feel underdressed. Though I had to admit, her shoulder pads were massive enough to rival Ben’s armor. 
Well, here goes nothing, I thought to myself. A few dreadful heartbeats and quick “hellos” later, the show’s quirky introduction melody rang through the studio, sealing my fate. There was no way out now.
“Welcome to Power Hour! I’m your host, Amanda Donaldson. And today, I brought lots of juicy news for you to enjoy! First and foremost, I have two very special guests here with me. They’re gorgeous, they’re talented, and they’re superheroes! Vought legend Soldier Boy and rising underdog Trouble!”
A round of pre-taped applause supported Amanda’s upbeat announcement. I wanted to roll my eyes so badly that I had to bite my tongue to refrain from doing so.
Ben, on the contrary, wore a smirk on his face that ranged from one ear to the other. “It’s good to be back!”, he exclaimed, clapping his hands together.
“It’s good to see you again! And you brought a new guest to our show!” Amanda turned to me with her million-dollar smile. “Trouble, thank you for being here!”
“Thank you for having me,” I said, nodding politely at the host.
“You just landed your very first role in a Vought movie! How exciting is that?”
“Oh, it’s incredible!”, I replied, trying my best to keep up with the two professional grinners, “I still can’t believe I got to work with the greatest superheroes in the world. It baffles me, truly.”
Amanda turned to Ben. “Soldier Boy, what has it been like working with Trouble?”
“Oh, we had a blast! This one right ‘ere…” He pointed his thumb at me and leaned forward in the host’s direction, hypnotizing her with his sparkling green gems. “Made the rest of us look like amateurs. Let me tell ya. She only needed one take for her scene.” He leaned back again and lifted his pointer finger. “One take!”
My shoulder twitched against his as I laughed for the camera. “Only because you made it easy for me.” 
Ben looked at me when I addressed him, a cocky smile on his face, licking his lips. 
“I felt so comfortable on set that nothing could go wrong, really,” I added, not missing the way my colleague was basking in my compliments.
“What can I say? You’re a natural,” he said, planting his hand on top of mine, which was resting in my lap. His voice dropped, the tone so pleasant yet menacing that his next words froze the blood in my veins. “Made for the game.”
I paused, not knowing what to say. His hand tightened around mine, trapping me in his hold. His eyes were like bear traps, snapping me into place. 
“Wow, you two have chemistry!”, Amanda barged into our staring match like a hound smelling blood, “Which is not surprising, I mean, aside from your homage to Trouble on Solid Gold,” she spoke, lifting her hand in Ben’s direction, “We’ve been granted a behind-the-scenes peek of the Payback Rising set. And it looks intimate.”
The host pulled out a copy of the picture of Ben and I that had made it into the newspapers. Of course, she was gonna do that. The photograph of him carrying me was accompanied by a cheering track. “Can the two of you walk us through what’s going on here?”, she asked.
“Ha-ha, I see what you’re doin’ there, Mandy.” Ben let go of my hand to point at Amanda and gave her a charming wink. “You never fail to tickle information out of me, sweetheart.”
She giggled, trapped like a little rat in his mace. “You can’t blame a girl for trying.”
“I’m afraid we can’t say anything until the movie is released,” I chimed in, shrugging my shoulders as apologetically as possible.
“So, you can’t give us anything official,” Amanda acknowledged, “But maybe we can discuss something a little more… private.”
“Like what?”, I asked, trying to keep the smile on my face even though every fiber of my being was telling me to get out of there.
“Well, your dating lives are very much a topic of public interest. People are speculating around the clock. You got yourselves a ‘will-they-won’t they’-type situation. Your fans would love to see you two together! Is there any chance of that happening?”
“Oh, Amanda, don’t put us on the spot like that,” Ben said with an angelic, exaggerated chuckle, “You’re gonna make us blush.”
“We’re just friends,” I stated, cutting through his innocent act.
“Close friends,” Ben corrected me with a pointed look to my face.
“You sure it’s not more than that?”, Amanda questioned, eyeing us with a hawk’s unwavering focus.
“I guess we’ll see,” Soldier Boy spoke, directing a playful wink at the camera that was surely going to keep the audience on their toes.
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A week later
Tossing my head back, I emptied the shot glass into my throat. Lily was at a sleepover with her friends, and I desperately needed some time to unwind. The talk show had been a huge success. The only place I could unwind now without being fawned over was the underground supe bar.
But down there, things weren’t exactly calm, either. The air was flooded with tension. I slammed my empty glass onto the bar, my gaze wandering back to the two supes I’d been watching – an older guy and a young woman.
The guy was a shapeshifter, borrowing the meatsuit of a middle-aged, successful, well-groomed businessman. He was getting a little too comfortable with the young woman. Palm on her hip, wearing a dirty smirk on his face while the girl wore a frown on her own. One wrong move, and I was gonna turn his brain to mush.
He leered at the young woman, flashing his thousand-watt smile as he tried to claim her mouth. She leaned back on instinct, trying to escape his grip, and I decided I’d seen enough.
My eyes lit up, glowing with anger, as I took over the shifter’s head. The confused expression on his face was priceless. He had zero clue what was going on. Game on, you prick. He turned crimson when I replayed his most embarrassing secret not just in his mind, but also in the minds of his drinking buddies. Apparently, he’d peed himself during a sexual encounter at Herogasm. My tongue peeked through my teeth as I chuckled to myself.
The shapeshifter put his fingers on his temples, wondering where the banging headache and the intense memories were suddenly coming from, and why his friends were laughing at him.
The young woman stepped away from the shifter and met my gaze. I could see a look of relief and recognition pass her pale face. She nodded at me and hurried to the exit. 
Unfortunately for us women, male supes behaved like that a lot. They were a lot more powerful than your average Joe, and too many of them loved to show it.
I turned my head to see the shapeshifter staring at me, red-faced, the veins in his neck about to burst with fury. “Hm?”
“You think this is funny?”, he barked, making himself taller by straightening his back.
I shrugged my shoulders. In situations like that, it was best to remain calm. “I do, yeah.” Oh, and to provoke. You couldn’t pick a fight and walk away. With supes, the only way out was through.
“You little cunt! I’m gonna fucking end you-“
I could feel the muscles bulge in my jaw. “I see you treat a woman like that again, you’re dead,” I threatened, “You understand?”
“Oh, someone’s about to be dead.” The shapeshifter started rolling up his sleeves. His nostrils were flaring along with his angry breaths.
“We got a fucking problem here?”, a gruff voice entered our little argument. His heavy footsteps echoed through the bar, silencing those around him. His wide shoulders entered my line of vision, filling my sight completely as he stepped in front of me – Soldier Boy.
Ben radiated authority, despite only wearing half his suit. He’d lost the protective gear on his head and legs, as well as his shield and his other weapons. But the angered look on his face showed he meant business.
“N-no,” the shapeshifter started to ramble, “No problem here. All good.” He gulped, his Adam’s apple dancing with worry.
Ben aimed a glove-clad finger at the shapeshifter. “I see you gettin’ outta line again-“
“I won’t. I won’t, Soldier Boy,” the shifter assured him. After some meaningless sucking up, he left, and the women in the bar could breathe again. Everyone went on about their business as though nothing had happened.
Ben claimed the stool next to me, pushing out a groan of comfort as he got settled at the bar. “Didn’t expect to see Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes in this fucking dump.”
I blinked at him with a bewildered expression. “Goody-Two-Shoes?”
“You’re called Trouble. And I’m wonderin’ why.” He shrugged his massive shoulders, side-eying me with hooded eyes. “One would think you’re more intimidating. A lot fucking worse than… this.”
“Excuse me?”
“You could’ve killed the guy.” Ben tilted his head toward the exit of the bar. “Would probably have been the better choice ‘cause scum like that tends to retaliate. If you want respect, you gotta live up to your reputation. Fuck shit up.” His face was slightly flushed, and his brick wall of a body moved more fluidly than usual, making me wonder how long he’d already been drinking. “But instead, you’re a caregiver who saves damsels in distress and makes assholes blush,” he cackled, flashing his pearly whites.
“You know what…” I paused, trying to find my defiance, but it evaporated with my next sharp exhale. My heart was yearning for some peace of mind. Just for one night. “I really don’t have it in me to bicker tonight.” I waved at the bartender to pour me another shot.
Ben raised his giant hand along with mine, signaling for the bartender to make that two. “Wow. A woman keeping quiet,” he praised sourly, “I’ll drink to that.”
“Wow. A man being sexist. How original,” I shot back. So much for peace. Ben could lure my fire back to the surface like no one else. I had to give him that.
Instead of lashing out at me, he just cocked his head and chuckled. He seemed oddly satisfied with my response. “Atta girl.”
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“Ben… You can leave,” I huffed, eyeing him over my shoulder after pushing my key into the lock. “You didn’t have to walk me all the way home.”
“Are you kiddin’ me? That’s what a man does.” When I stepped into my apartment, Ben squeezed himself through the narrow doorframe and passed me in the tight hallway. It only took him a few steps to take in the entire view of my small living space. He let out a low whistle as he looked around. “This is where you live?”
“Yeah.” I shut the door and joined him in the living room. With sarcasm running through my veins, I raised my arms and feigned a smile. “Welcome to my humble home.”
“This is…” His freckle-stained nose wrinkled. “A fucking disgrace.”
“That’s one way to put it.” When his disappointed frown turned to face me, I snapped, “I’m working on it, okay?”
He nodded his head at Lily’s bedroom. “Your sister home?” The door war closed, so I had no clue how the hell he could tell it was her room.
“No.” I shook my head, reaching for the whiskey bottle on one of the bookshelves in the living room. “I wouldn’t leave her by herself.”
He scoffed and planted himself in front of the window, staring down at the colorless yard of the apartment complex. “What is she, three years old? Nobody gave a shit about my whereabouts when I was her age.”
My brows knitted. “Are we really gonna talk about how we grew up?”, I asked with a joking undertone, but I was secretly dreading that kind of conversation.
Slowly, Ben turned around on his bowed legs, palms on his hips. Under the pale lights, he looked like a gigantic replica of the little superhero action figures in Lily’s room. “Oh, we’re gonna need more booze for that,” he claimed, pointing at the liquor bottle in my grasp, batting those damn eyelashes at me.
I sized him up, wondering if it was a good idea to have fucking Soldier Boy as my guest. But I was seriously starting to doubt that he was ever going to kill me. Somehow, I doubted he even had it in him. 
“Alright, fine,” I sighed out, placing the bottle on the couch table with a dull clinking sound, “Make yourself at home.”  
Ben licked his lips, pleased by my invitation. He sat down on the worn couch, grinding his jaw when he sank lower than he expected to. “You need to fucking move,” he groused like a spoiled child.
I placed a glass in front of each of us, then let myself drop onto the cushion next to him. “Do you insult the homes of all the people you visit?”
“Ha. No, I, uh…,” he trailed off, looking lost in thought, and then suddenly cleared his throat. “Never mind.” He reached out his hand and wiggled his thick fingers, silently telling me to turn over the booze.
With my heart sinking in an odd way, I concluded that not a lot of people invited him to their homes and gave him the bottle. Maybe he needed the alcohol even more than I did. I waited for my turn while he poured himself a generous shot.
“You ever see the Soldier Boy story?”, Ben asked, handing me the bottle, and then proceeded to swallow his shot whole.
“Are you kidding me?”, I retorted, filling my own tumbler, “They show that movie in schools to this day. A poor child from South Philly finds out he’s got magical powers to match his heart of gold.” With an exaggerated movement, I put my right hand over my heart while my left hand lifted my shot glass to my lips.
“Yeah, well… It’s a load of bullshit,” he grumbled and spilled a fresh amber pool of liquor into his tumbler.
“You mean you don’t have a heart of gold?”, I asked, feigning shock. 
The way he narrowed his eyes at me could have scared me, but it only made me smile. And I could have sworn that his mouth twitched, too.
“My father owned half the steel mills in the state,” he revealed, “I never lived in the streets, was never poor. Vought made all that shit up.”
I nodded to myself. The man that I’d admired growing up was nothing more than a false myth. A bedtime story. Instead of being a true hero, he really was the spoiled child he came off as. “Well… I can’t say that I’m surprised,” I muttered, “It seems all Vought cares about is profit.”
“They’re gonna do the same fucking thing to you,” he said, his bitter face meeting mine, “They’re probably gonna invent some kind of… sob story to raise your popularity. If our love story ain’t enough, that is. You should up your fucking game on that one.”
“Love story, huh?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t see that one comin’,” he taunted, his lips curling into a half-grin. “To be popular, you need to either be loved or hated. Vought is starting to consider the American Sweetheart narrative for you. That’s what The Legend’s hopin’ for, anyway.”
I chewed on my lower lip, staring at nothing in particular, mind draped in floating thoughts. Maybe there was someone to support me, to root for me, after all. Maybe I could really pull it all off somehow. Become one of the greater supes. And it was fucking Soldier Boy, of all people, who was pushing me over the edge toward ambition. 
“If the Soldier Boy story is nothing but a bunch of lies… Then what’s your real story?”, I inquired.
He huffed and downed yet another shot. With a hiss, he slammed the tumbler onto the couch table. “My father sent me to boarding school. Bein’ away from home was… the best damn time of my life.” His body froze like a perfect painting, emerald eyes turning glassy. It was only after he cleared his throat that he continued, “I got kicked out of boarding school ‘cause I was a fuck-up. So… Back home, it was. Father said I was a disappointment. That I didn’t deserve to carry his name.” Another pause. Another far-away look in his face. “That didn’t change when I became a fucking superhero.”
I tried catching his eye, but failed due to the pain he was trying to hide away. “How did you become a supe?”
“Went to my father’s golf buddies in the war department,” he scoffed, “Got injected with some blue substance, and voilà, Soldier Boy was born. I became the strongest fucking man alive, and… it still wasn’t good enough for my old man.” When he finally looked up, he’d blinked away the salty shimmers, but there were still golden specks of sorrow in those green orbs. “I hate to break it to you, princess, but none of us are born superheroes.”
“I know.”
He arched his eyebrows at my reply.
“My dad, he…” My chest expanded and shrunk as I recalled how my father had told me about the drug I’d been given as a baby. “He told me about Compound V. When I was eleven, I think.”
“Your old man still around?”
“Was he good to you?”, Ben wondered casually, but the way he studied my face told me he was indeed curious.
“Yeah.” The corners of my lips bent upward as I remembered some happier moments of my childhood. “My father… He loved my powers. But he loved me more.” My eyes started to burn with tears, the air started to hurt in my lungs, and I tried to keep myself under control. “Sometimes, when my mother put me on yet another diet, he would slip me candy bars and money for proper food.” 
While I spoke, Ben was just observing me. Not mocking me, not moving in any way, surprisingly just waiting.
“My mother, she…,” I went on, “Ugh, she wanted a perfect little Miss Superhero. Dragged me to all the pageants. When I think back, I can still smell the goddamn hairspray and hear the mothers yell at their daughters. I never lived up to my mom’s expectations. I was never talented enough, polite enough, or pretty enough.”
He hummed quietly to himself, and I wasn’t sure anymore if he was caught up in my story or his own.
My lips sagged as I continued, “So, I got frustrated and just… Started working against her. I got into fights, started taking drugs, shoplifted. She loved my powers. But she hated me.” My gaze dropped to my wildly fidgeting fingers, and I cracked my knuckles in an attempt to self-soothe. “She made sure I knew I was a fuck-up. She would turn in her grave if she could see that I’m the one raising Lily now.”
Ben sighed through his pursed mouth and raised his glass to me. “To fucked-up parenting.”
I bit the inside of my cheek and bumped my glass against his. “To fucked-up parenting.”
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“You’re kidding, right?”
“No, we were wired to the fucking gills,” Ben chuckled, comfortably buzzed. His cheeks wore a freckled tinge of red, and he’d taken off his gloves.
“Holy shit!”, I cried out and downed the light brown liquid in my glass once more. 
Though, let’s be honest, I should’ve stopped drinking quite a while ago. My mind was foggy, yet excited, and my body felt drowsy. Don’t get me wrong, I was a fun drunk. But also a reckless one. I made bad decisions if I crossed that line from tipsy to wasted. And I hadn’t just tiptoed along that line, like I’d told myself I would. I had crossed it with a powerful somersault to the deep end.
“You disappointed?”, he questioned, examining my flushed face.
“What?”, I mumbled, turning to fully face him, sitting cross-legged on the couch, the shoes missing from my feet.
He cocked his head and said, “They say never meet your fucking idols for a reason.”
“Who said you were my idol?”, I babbled, close to laughing again. Why was everything so funny when I was drunk?
Ben raised one of his eyebrows at me, his head moving backward in surprise, creating half a double chin on his upper throat. 
I paused for a second and realized just how close we were sitting to each other. Even offended, he was gorgeous. On the outside, at least.
“Alright, fine. I used to have a poster of you,” I confessed through a tiny embarrassed fit of laughter. Blame it on the whiskey. It made me chatty.
“Ha! For real?”, he exclaimed, a genuine gleam of interest flashing through his eyes.
“Yeah… It was a rare one, too. Aaall my friends were jealous.” Having lost my sensitivity for personal space, I leaned forward a little too far, leaving only a few inches of alcohol breaths between us. “My green wallpaper really brought out the color of your eyes.”
His gaze fell to my mouth. It was just a tiny, soft movement, but its impact on the atmosphere was harsh like the slap of a whip. “You ever touched yourself to the thought of me?”, he questioned, then sunk his teeth into his plump lip.
“You have no shame, do you?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.” The corner of his mouth pulled up, lining his face with a drowsy half-smirk. He tilted his face so that he could look directly into my eyes. “I’ve certainly beat my meat thinkin’ ‘bout that pretty little cunt of yours.”
His raspy tone shot a hot shiver down my body. The sparks even reached the tips of my fucking toes. I dragged my tongue along my lower lip. His hungry gaze followed the pink muscle. “You have?”  
Blunt fingertips met my cheekbone with the softest of touches. They skimmed along my skin with great care, latching on to some rogue strands of hair to place them behind my ear.  “Ever since I had you in my fucking trailer, I can’t stop thinkin’ about you,” his captivating voice admitted, urging me to believe him.
Oh boy, charm-alert. I was a weak woman. Longing to be held, even more so when I was intoxicated. And there was a well-built, handsome man sitting on my couch, making advances at me.
When I got up, the alcohol swirled around in my system, and I stumbled a little.
“Whoa, princess, you’re fucking wasted, aren’t you?” His hands steadied me by my hips as I climbed onto his lap. Amusement overtook his face. “Maybe it’s time for a little nap.”
“You wanna come to bed with me?”, I whispered against his bearded cheek.
His gravelly, honey-coated chuckles touched my very core. Then suddenly, he hauled me up along with him, holding me up by the backs of my thighs. My legs wound around his middle as he carried me to my bedroom. I pressed my lips to his neck to stop more drunk giggles from coming out.
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Tag list: @akshi8278 @leigh70 @impalaslytherin @mimzy1994 @asgardiandeadpoetsociety​ @panhufflestugf @spnwoman​ @themerc-with-a-mouth​ @waynes-multiverse​ @tzillas​ @josephslittlemetalballs​ @deliriouslybi​ @ryethebrokengae​ @epiphany-of-a-madwoman​ @rach5ive​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @may85​ @jassackles​ @mimaria420​ @calsjack @gingersass​ @madigabiab @tmb510​ 
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astyrial · 11 months
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piece of shi- tooru oikawa x fem!reader (fluff) synopsis: tooru takes you to a haunted house word count: 900 warnings: cussing, i am not a huge fan of this one, unedited masterlist | requests are open
    every year tooru somehow convinces you to go to a haunted house. and not just some mom and pop haunted house, a terrifying, downright evil haunted house. people popping out from each doorway and corner. something coming out of the wall just to send you flying backwards in a fit of extreme fear. 
  and then every november first, you eagerly tell him that you will never do it again. which somehow gets erased from by your mind by march. especially when he grabs a hold of you jacket, pulling you closer until you're inches from his confident smile. he's practically taking advantage of your crush without knowing it exists. 
  this year is no exception as you stand in line for another terrifying event. tooru stands in front of you, turned around to help ease the long wait, "there'll be a halloween party this weekend if you wanna come with. the team always gets invited and i figured you might wanna come."
  "fine, if we make it out of this place alive," you purse your lips, lowering your eyebrows while glaring at the man in front of you.
  all he does is let out a laugh as you get to the front of the line, his hand resting somewhere along your arm. which is the worst part of your friendship. tooru is touchy, he's feely, and when you're trying get rid of unwanted feelings, it's the worst. 
  "two tickets, my treat," tooru says to the man out front, grabbing out his wallet to pay. 
  and he's chivalrous. it's so infuriating to watch as he rests his hand on the small of your back. his fingerprints nearly embedding into your jacket. luckily for you, though, the haunted house is beginning and his hands return back to his hips. 
  you start walking through the cobweb-ridden house, doors creaking a little as you pass. you peek over at tooru and already see him smiling, "tooru, you can't already be enjoying this.. i mean i'm already getting chills."
  "you're getting chills for the both of us so it's okay," tooru shrugs and looks back at you, his eyebrow raised in amusement. however, when he sees the look on his face, his smile falls and he wraps his arm around your shoulders, "i'll keep you safe if anything happens y/n."
  the way he so casually says stuff like that makes you want to scream. how your name just rolls off of his tongue and worms its way into your brain. you roll your ways while sighing dramatically, "oh thank you my knight in shining armor! how nice of you!"
  just as you finish setting the back of your palm against your forehead, someone jumps out from behind a door. he's wearing some monster's costume as he cackles maliciously in your direction.
  "HOLY SHIT!" you jump back into tooru, waving your hands towards the monster, as if you're meaning to slap him across the face. 
  tooru instantly starts laughing as he holds onto your shoulders with his palms. the monster retreats back into his room as you turn around and push tooru's shoulder. unmistakably you push him into a hidden room behind a false wall. tooru shakes his head, trying to play it off. 
  "that scared me shitless, tooru, it's not funny! oh my god, i mean he came out of nowhere," your shoulders drop as he looks down at you, resting his hands on his hips. 
  to comfort you, he brings his hand up to your elbow, causing you to quickly retract it. "and i can't do the constant touching anymore either tooru. your touch is so electric, it's annoying! it's like every time you touch me i feel like i'm falling even more for you-"
  "are you done yet?"
  "no! because i know that you'll never feel the same way! you'll always treat me like some little sister who you like to scare half to death! which is so annoying for me, you big, stupid, piece of-"
  "i love you too, you adorable, nauseatingly beautiful person!" tooru grabs your jacket, pulling you forward towards him. he rests his forehead against yours and shakes his head a little.
  you narrow your eyes at tooru, your mouth agape slightly. "you- you LOVE ME? i can't tell if this is the worst day or the best day ever!"
  "yes! i was going to tell you after the haunted house! but i guess the middle of it would work too!" tooru leans back, his hands still holding onto your jacket. 
  "i mean i'm happy to hear that.. i don't know what to say now."
  "you could just kiss me, that wouldn't require talking."
  you look up at tooru, a short laugh coming to the surface as he closes his eyes and shakes his head. this moment is far from how you would've wanted tooru to find out about your feelings. however, he feels the same so who the fuck cares where you are. 
  with a quick breath in, you lean forward and interlock your lips with his. your hand reaches up and runs along his cheek. he brings his hand up to your shoulder as his other hand rests near your neck and jawline. 
  "this is a haunted house! not a kissing booth, get out!" a voice draws the two of you from each other, nearly scaring you shitless once more. but the day couldn't be better.
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sibillascribbles08 · 4 months
Wanna get back in Off Colors headspace and also thought about this happening and wanted to write it out
AKA Raph's first encounter with rain
Somehow it took until two weeks after they got the turtle tank for rain to hit the city.
And even then, with the way the machine was built, Donatello didn't even take notice of it until he opened the rear door when they finished breakfast to go dispose of some trash.
The scent of fresh rain and mud rushed into the interior as the ramp lowered. The cool spray of mist dusted his nose. Donatello lowered the bag in his grip as he watched.
"Huh, it is raining." A few puddles began to form in the dips around the junkyard. "I should have checked the weather. I frequently forget the surface had that."
"Raining?" Raphael stepped up behind him. "What's... that."
Donatello blinked and looked up at him. "You haven't seen rain before?"
"No? Is that even a thing in the Hidden City?"
"It can be." Donatello tossed the trash bag to the side and pulled up the city map on his gauntlet. "But due to how water cycles work, it only occurs in one area of the underground. Here." He pointed to a massive lot just north of the lake. The cave water down there was surprisingly warm, making it an ideal place for a lot of resorts to set up around to make private beaches out of. But none of them wanted to use that space because as the water cooled again at the top of the cave, it would rain back down. Rarely for long periods or in massive amounts, but you could call it rain.
Raphael gave a nervous smile and stepped closer to the ramp. "Can't say I've ever been there. Is it uh, dangerous?"
"Not in the slightest, it's just water." Well, he could make an argument for the pollution in the air getting caught in the water but he kept that information to himself. He'd experienced surface rain before, having it show up during his treks to the junkyard. Being an aquatic turtle it never bothered his skin, but he hated it ruining all the makeup on his mask or making it impossible to see out of his goggles.
Raphael reached a hand out into the air. Eventually far enough that a drop of rain hit his finger. He flinched back, clearly surprised, but then he did it again.
Steadily a smile grew on his face from the sensation. His tail swished to the side and he stepped down the ramp and onto the dirt.
He gasped at that too, curling his toes into the damp ground, obviously shocked by the sensations.
Donatello smiled, watching the snapper continue to jump and move around. He looked up a few times, flinching when a drop would hit him in the eye, but tried it again soon. He even stuck out his tongue to taste it.
Then the rain suddenly went from a simple downpour into a torrent. A wall of water thick enough it made the air look foggy.
Raphael shouted, surprised, but then burst out laughing as he waved his arms. "Don. Don!" He shouted over the noise. "It's like a waterfall."
Donatello nodded. "Well, falling water is falling water."
"Aren't you going to come out here?"
He opened his mouth to decline. After all, having to take of all his gear sounded like a hassle.
But he kept watching his little brother. How the snapper went from jumping in one puddle to simply flopping onto the ground and nuzzling into the mud.
It did look like fun...
Donatello took the time to take off all his gear. Goggles, armor, mask, shell armor, top, skirt, and even his leggings. He traded the last one out for a simple wrap skirt he kept on hand.
By the time he stepped out, the rain slowed, though it still came down hard enough he could feel it drum against his scales. The water did feel quite nice, so did the mud under his feet. As a child he always found such delight playing in grainy mud or wet sand. His father rarely approved, always so concerned with appearances.
Donatello was now too but they had a way to wash up. It'd be fine.
He stood next to Raph who was still digging in the mud. His little brother looked up at him with wide eyes, tail swishing back and forth.
He lifted his head so he could speak, brown streaks covering his jaw. "Heh, you look so weird without all your stuff."
"Yes, yes, I'm aware." Donatello waved a hand.
"I didn't know you had shoulder markings." Raph glanced further down. "Oh, on your legs too?"
Had he not even taken off his shoulder armor in front of his brother by this point? Maybe he needed to relax more. "I do. I imagine I'll have a few more by the time I fully grow." But that wasn't the point now. "At any rate, you got me out here. Now what?"
Raph stared at him again, tail swishing faster before his grin turned wild. Then he swept a hand along the mud, sending a partial wave of it in Donnie's direction.
He screamed but couldn't avoid the water and dirt splashing against his chest.
Raph burst out laughing, but then stopped, sinking into the ground again. "Sorry was that... okay?"
Donatello felt his brow twitch, a mild irritation under his skin that he swiftly tossed aside.
Two could play at that game.
"I see how it is." He summoned a shovel and got a scoop of mud on the end of it. "You have declared battle. Prepare yourself, brother."
Raphael's wide grinned returned as he scrambled off the ground and took off in a run on all fours.
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Hey :) hope you are doing ok.
I was wondering if there is gonna be a pt2 of The Safe house story ??? I just wanna say that I totally loved it and hope you will continue🥰
Have a nice day 😘
The safe house 🤍 (Pt. 2) (Captain Wilco x reader)
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TW/WARNINGS: having a gun pointed at you, concussions and being dazed, having to remove peices of armor from an unconscious person, blaster marks, mention of wounds, collapsing, fainting, having to care for a grown person, dead relatives, broken arms
A/N: Tysm! I'm so glad you liked it! And yes, there's going to be more than a few parts, they'll just come out very slowly 😭
Grumbling, you crouched down, setting down your new companion gently against a tree, breathing hard.
You had taken to slinging his arm around your shoulders and moving him that way, though his legs still dragged behind and your back was screaming with the effort of not collapsing under his weight. He had to be at least a foot and some change taller than you, making it even more difficult not to get his legs caught on things along the way.
The most nerve wracking part, though, was making sure he was still breathing normally and not slipping into some sort of coma.
You kneeled next to him, patting his chest plate and eventually his cheek insistantly to try to get him to open his eyes. Luckily, it worked, as it had the other three times, though he was just as out of it.
"9980…What?" He mumbled, blinking slowly.
You breathed a sigh of relief, he had been mumbling a series of numbers (who you guessed were, sadly, his brothers) and nonsense every time you had woken him up, but at least he was waking up.
"Okay, thank you, dear. You can go back to sleep now."
He hummed, closing his eyes again and resuming his light breathing.
You grunted, taking his arm around you again and pushing both of you to your feet once more.
After a few more hours of this, you finally reached the discreet, familiar path that led down to the safe house. You nearly sobbed with relief, your back and legs clearly sharing the sentiment.
You sped up, the decline allowing you some ease with your precious cargo. When you finally reached the door, you typed in the short code quickly, thanking the maker that you had memorized it as young as age five.
The door swooshed open, near good as new, and you almost dropped him in preemptive relief as soon as you passed the threshold. Instead, you continued to drag him, tapping along the hardwood floor with your foot until you found the hollow sound you seeked.
Finally you kneeled, still supporting his weight, and pressed firmly on the spot. You laughed lightly as the hatch rose slowly, always in awe of your grandfather's workmanship and his ability to bring older practices into the modern day so efficiently.
You poked your head into the space below. It smelled like dust more than anything, but you could make out faint traces of the incense he used to burn to flush out the smell of the game he would prepare in his workspace. Feeling along the wall, you found the switch, bathing the room in a soft orange glow.
You huffed, beginning a careful descent of the wooden steps that led into the space, yelping when you accidentally smacked his armored shoulder against the hatchframe.
After a few minutes of struggling, you finally got him down onto one of the three cots that lay collecting dust in the small room attached to the main living quarters.
"Oh, thank the maker-" You wheezed, bracing your hands on your aching back. You were so eager to just get everything in the storage rack unpacked so you would have food and medicine to actually live off of, nearly out the door to go do all of that before you passed out beside him, but you stopped.
One more time, just to be safe.
You beat the dust out of the cot beside him, moving him over. His breathing was still even, which you thought was a good sign as you leaned over him, trying not to invade his space more than you needed to to check on him.
You patted him quickly, "You still there, uh- sir?"
His eyes opened slowly once more, squinting as they adjusted to the lamp light.
You smiled down at him, brushing his hair back, "Good."
Slowly, your eyes came to rest upon his armor; you had to remove it, didn't you?
Would that be crossing a line? Maybe, but you would have to to inspect the blaster mark that marred his chest plate and to get a splint on that broken arm. It was necessary, even if it would probably be uncomfortable for both of you.
Carefully, you decided to start on his bad arm. He groaned as you undid his shoulder plate, making you wince.
"I know, I know- I'm sorry." You nodded, moving to his Rerebrace.
By the time you got to his gauntlet plate, you felt eyes on you.
You looked up and right into his dilated, honey irises.
"Oh, hello." You managed to laugh lightly, genuinely surprised that he had enough energy to stay awake for more than a few seconds.
He continued to stare, and you eventually went back to sliding off the last piece of that arms plating, placing it on the pile at your feet.
Setting his arm down as gingerly as you could, you went about unclipping his chest plate, placing the pieces on the floor and checking for damage to the chest of his black body glove that lay underneath. There didn't seem to be any blood or even a burn mark on it, thank the maker, it must have been a glancing shot.
Satisfied with your inspection, you got up, going to look for one of your grandfather's old medical journals to find how one actually went about making a splint. Or, you were, until he grabbed a hold of your wrist with his good hand.
You turned, confused as he squinted up at you for several moments.
Finally, he cracked a slight grin, letting out a flirty, slightly slurred, "Heyyy~"
You both stood like that for a second, staring at each other, until you snorted softly, detaching his hand with little effort, "Hey."
When you finally returned, armed with your new knowledge, a first aid kit, and a cool cloth, he was passed out again, snoring lightly now.
You placed it over his forehead, smiling when his pinched expression softened at the sensation.
Moving an old wooden chair to the side of the bed where his bad arm rested. It was a task to move it from his stomach in a way that minimized his wincing, but you managed, wrapping the area with the most swelling in a gauze bandage firmly.
Placing the splint along his forearm, you fastened it with straps of old fabric as tightly as you could without hurting him, avoiding the wound itself, and at last, you placed the arm carefully in a sling. You were shaking with nerves by the time you were finished, too nervous that you might've messed something up, but he didn't seem to be going into shock so you were most likely good.
Rising from your spot once more, you left the room, sending him one last look in the doorway before turning the corner to begin unfreezing a few portions for a decent supper for the two of you.
You were only a few minutes into beginning the cooking process on your small stove when you heard a bang from the other room, making you jump.
Getting up quickly, you rushed down the hall to make sure your new companion hadn't hurt himself by rolling off his cot or something, but when you arrived in the doorway again, you could only really stare in shock.
The man had somehow managed to get to his feet, albeit not steadily, shaking and swaying in a way that had you walking slowly and carefully over to him, nervous of startling him but terrified he would collapse and hit his head/arm.
Unfortunately for you, he was still awake enough to draw one of his blasters quickly when you did startle him, pointing them directly at you.
I really should have thought to take those off of him, you thought.
But you had been so concerned with getting him safely to the house that you had completely forgotten about the weapons, even though that's what you had approached him for in the first place.
The only thing you could do was stare like a dugar dugar in headlights as he trained them shakily on you.
Your eyes trailed from the barrels of his blaster to make contact with his, pleading in a way you hoped would show that you weren't a threat.
His eyes widened as they locked with yours and, slowly, he lowered his weapon, letting his arm fall limply to his side.
You let out a sigh of relief, not breaking eye contact as he stared at you, seeming almost in a dazed sort of awe. Though, your relief was cut short as he stumbled, falling to his knees as his eyes closed once more. You scrambled to his side, allowing him to collapse into you and sighing as his head came to rest on your shoulder, now breathing lightly again.
It wasn't a huge operation hauling him back up onto the bed, but you were still shaking from having a blaster aimed at you. You frowned down at his sleeping form, exasperated as you took the guns from his hand and holster.
This was going to be one long and wild ride, wasn't it?
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