#but i wont let that defeat me
banished-away · 2 months
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starlight and shadows + textposts, because i think about this series a normal amount
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xejune · 1 year
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warm up warm up warm up [WIP]
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snekdood · 1 year
Hey so uh.
I dont think voting is the only solution. Nor will it necessarily get us what we want immediately. And i think protest is more important and more effective.
Conservatives. Would. Not. Be. Trying. To. Make. Voting. Impossible. And. Taking away. Actual voting places from marginalized areas. .
If it meant ABSOLUTELY nothing.
Hope that helps.
#if it makes me a lib to just even ACKNOWLEDGE that fact. then i think ur probably an entirely irrational person.#very. very sorry for wanting to do everything i can. very sorry.#its almost like... you can protest...... and also.... vote.........#its almost like voting in of itself at this point is kinda a protest since theres places w voting booths being removed or people who have#to drive miles just to vote. like. i kinda think it means somethin here pal.#like. republicans dont want us to vote. it benefits them when we dont. it also benefits them when you're riddled with nihilistic apathy.#u probably feel so defeated that u probably dont even think debate matters or means anything at all#whatever. im bored of you and your personality.#its this type of nihilistic thinking that leads to accelerationism. you think fuck it. lets just let the republicans win. show the world#how bad they are. thinking that will make people finally stand up. but the problem is people are cowards. and they wont. and i dont think#its worth taking the chance on and rolling the dice on when the outcome of letting republicans win is very likely to be genocide.#and i really really dont think being smug and all 'i told you so' to libs is worth it enough for vast amounts of people. people you#probably care about. being killed in swathes. i really really dont think letting things get Worse on Purpose is a great idea#and it honestly makes you look like an evangelical republican who thinkis climate change is a smite from god.#bc functionally you're doing the fucking same thing. instead though you're pretending its a smite from you.#i kinda firmly believe that accelerationism is a intellectual bystanders excuse for not doing shit. like genuinely just sitting there#watching ppl suffer to prove a point. gtfoh
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skribblz · 2 years
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idc its me and my fav poi fanvid against the world
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falling-apart-burrito · 8 months
I think I'll start posting random AU concepts as I think about them and the inspiration, if any. Here's one I just thought of
"I brought you into this world I can take you out of it" AU
AU where humans are born invincible and immortal but can only be killed by their parents wouldnt really make sense (generational gaps means some are stuck as immortal forever), so what about an AU where humans are born invincible and immortal but can only be killed by their children
Murder rates would be drastically lower, and solving these would be a lot easier. I'm curious at what age would humans decide they've had enough and wish to pass on, and how this would change if humans age physically as they normally would vs not aging after a specific age
How about a character who lived for thousands of years and wishes to die, decides to look for his descendant from long ago, only to realise they had died at the hands of their own offspring....then when the MC comes to terms with his immortality and finds new meaning in life, he is assassinated by another of his kid once presumed dead, due to different ideological stances, or his previous misdeeds?
Maybe to further modify the AU setting: having an offspring will immediately grant you immortality and invincibility, which can be taken away only if the offspring does lethal harm to you or the offspring dies. With multiple offsprings, all offsprings must either do lethal harm or must die before the parent can lose their immortality and invincibility.
So a MC who seeks to kill a corrupt tyrant, who has had many offsprings to preserve his own invincibility and immortality. Along the way the MC has to either kill the offsprings (rabbit hole down the family tree branch) or bring them to his side
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remi-briggs · 2 years
ill spend this beautiful rainy sunday trying to get back into 911ls<3 lets hope owen freaking strand doest ruin it for me and i can catch up
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taniushka12 · 2 years
playing rain world for an hour and immediately switching to hollow knight to see if i can finally beat the radience
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around-your-throat · 10 days
trying glaze but i don't know why they don't even give you an option to run on gpu and require specific nvdia cards to work 😭
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gibbearish · 1 year
eggecutive vp 270 infested with three flyfish im deperately trying to bomb but theyre all out of range and the person with the inkjet only bothers to pop it when theyre the last one alive, revives us all in one shot and then doesnt bother to go after them after. bb girl its a special youre supposed to use it in special situations and a flyfish infestation is literally what you are made for youre 270 you should know this
#please for the love of god mr grizz just let me pick my special no one else can be trusted with it#literally if i have the inkjet i get excited bc it means i get to chew through flyfish whyyyyy would you not use it right#i should get a flyfish tattoo#ive said this before but my goal in life is to get the bronze silver AND gold flyfish badges and have that be my entire badge section#my username had been gayluigi for years but at that point id change the display name in game to gayflyfish#we have a love hate relationship is my point#but back to the main point: if you are blessed with the flyfish ruiner it is your job to ruin the flyfish and keep the rest of us safe#hit the red side first to make sure it wont kill you then take out the other half#red side always targets the closest player so i like to bomb that one to make sure ill be safe refilling then take out the blue side#i can usually get both sides in one cycle#blue side targets a random player so like if u know ur gonna die id bomb that one to protect ur teammates and then itll target you#with the other side but youre dead already so theyre rendered useless#to defeat the flyfish you have to think like the flyfish‚ truly understand the machinations of their minds#you also have to be good at bombs unfortunately#but on the bright side i am now insanely annoying with my point sensor in turf bc flyfish eliminater tranates to good bomb aim and#better ink monitoring#its part of why im a nautilus main is i can constantly mark people for death#whether by myself or by others You Cannot Hide From The Circle#sorry for rambling this is my first edible in a while LMAO#im just very passionate about flyfish and also the nautilus#splatoon 3
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luveline · 25 days
hi love! i absolutely adore ur writing and u should be so so proud of it. anyway i was just thinking about coworker james when readers car wont start in the parking lot and he like takes a look at it and is under the hood and reader is just like "oh...😍" cause the muscles are OUT and shes down bad
ty lovely 💌 fem
“Oh,” you say, “of course.” 
You drop your face into your steering wheel and sigh. An annoyed burst of sound, not cute or feminine or fun, a grunt of defeat. This sucks. Work sucks, life sucks, your car not starting is the least of your worries and yet somehow the most prevalent. 
How am I gonna get home? you think to yourself, defeated.
“Hey!” someone calls. Jogging, the last person you want to see in the world right now stopping at your door. James frowns at you. “It’s not starting?” 
You pop your door, careful not to pop him at the same time. “How’d you know?” 
“I heard the engine turn over.”
“It’s making a clicking sound,” you say, twisting the key so he can hear it. 
“It’s dead, probably. Your battery.”
James has an odd way of talking occasionally, as though you’ve started a conversation and he’s adding onto it. Remus says it's ADHD. You like it no matter what it is and despite yourself —it’s getting harder to pretend you don’t like him. Like, you hate him, he’s annoying beyond explanation, but your more positive feelings for him are heavy and ever present. So, so heavy.
“I’ll pull my car up and we can give it a jumpstart,” he says. “Easy fix.” 
“You don’t have to go?” 
“You have rugby today.” 
“Oh, no, it's the off season now.” He smiles and you don’t get why. “Let me go get the car.” 
James jogs back to his car and brings it next to yours. Everybody who isn’t Human Resources or security has left already, leaving the car park practically empty, ample room for him to park beside you. He gets back out. 
“I don’t have, uh, cables,” you say.
James gives you a smile that is as patronising as it is attractive. “Don’t worry about it, beautiful. I have everything you need.” 
He feels along the edge of your hood, pops the seal, pushes it up into the air, and hooks the prop rod into place. He’s clearly done it before, and the whole while you’re watching his arm. His rolled sleeves draw attention to the tightness at his bicep, and the moving ligament and muscle of his tricep as he leans into the engine to look things over. “I’m no mechanic, but I do know everything, and I thought maybe things were a bit hot but your engine’s stone cold.” 
“So it’s definitely the battery?” 
“Probably.” He scratches his jaw, peering curiously into the guts of it all. “When was the last time somebody looked in here?” he asks, squinting at you, unaware that he’s the finest thing you’ve ever seen. 
Your breath gets caught. 
“Have you ever had it looked at?” he asks, concerned. 
“I… maybe I did. I think so.” 
“You’re supposed to have it looked at every year? For MOT?” 
“I know, I thought you meant before that.” He’s distracting.
James looks you over. “It’s fine,” he says emphatically, “even if I can’t fix your battery, I can still drive you home. You’re panicking for no reason.” 
“Right.” Panicking! Yes, this is panic.
“Listen, can you get the jump leads from my boot? I have to open the hood.” He gestures for you to go. You do as he’s asked, wobbly, and struggle when you get there to actually open it. You slides your fingers under his car's emblem and flinch as it flies up past your face. 
His boot is surprisingly well organised. There’s a duffel bag to one side half-zipped that showcases a flash of red and white uniform, a pair of formal shoes, a dark jacket folded and hidden behind the bag. You want to be nosey and you don’t want him to think you’re stupid. You rush to grab the cables and almost clip yourself on the boot as you duck from under the boot and round the car. 
James smiles when he sees you. No indication that you’re an imposition, it’s sort of like you’re two friends. 
He pushes his sleeves farther up and digs in. It’s awful, what business does he have looking so sharply put together? You hadn’t thought you were preferential to muscle until right this moment watching James move around your engine like an expert. 
“What are your plans tonight?” 
Your palms are hot behind your back. “I was thinking I’d watch a new movie.” 
“That sounds fun.” He ducks away from the engine. “I don’t watch many movies.”
“What do you do with all your time?” 
“Argue with Sirius about who’s turn it is to wash the dishes.” 
You startle. “You and Sirius live together?” 
James laughs and pulls the leads to his own engine. “You didn’t know that?” 
“You come in different cars.” 
“I come in much earlier than he does. And after work he and Remus always have things to do. It’s weird, isn’t it, how couples are always busy? I feel like I never do anything.” James grins at you. “This is interesting, at least. My Friday night isn’t a total waste.” 
James gets into his car and you into yours. With some fiddling, pleading, and a strange noise, he manages to push life back into your car. His smile when it works is his worst one to date, elated and shockingly handsome. 
That Monday, against your better judgement, you bring him a little carrot cake in a tin. A thank you card felt like too much. 
To his credit, he doesn’t brag to anyone that he saved you. He says thank you for the cake with another real smile, and for some reason, despite the mild weather, he rolls his sleeves up at his desk. Almost like he noticed you…
Well, he couldn’t have. Right?
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bangarangdarling · 1 year
blame the “hitting on your mom as a punishment” tiktok i just saw that literally blew my brain up. established because they’re disgustingly in love and because i say so
Eddie would normally consider himself pretty immune to the roar of arguing teenagers. Chaos surrounds their little Party. They’re not a quiet bunch when all together. It’s all shoving and yelling, giggling and roughhousing. Carpet-burned battle scars from the floor of Steve’s living room.
Lord knows Eddie himself wasn’t an inside-voice kind of person. He was certainly wont to standing on coffee tables and screeching demands for the remote when it was unjustly stolen away by villainous hands.
Eddie loved these people to death, and they were a lot of fucking fun to hang out with, it’s just this...this was an unreal level of noise. A normal sleepover night turned a little too rowdy, the adolescents celebrating the start of Summer with a bang.
Steve had already asked them to keep it down four times this evening. Nothing seemed to calm them. Not requests. Not threats of being sent home. Usually their Dungeon Master threatening their characters’ souls did the trick, but no go. 
Getting teenagers to listen? A feat more impossible than defeating creatures from an alternate universe. 
Dustin and Erica were in a bitching match about the best D&D class. Lucas and Mike had been fighting over movie choices for the last half hour. Eddie’s money was on the VHS player breaking before that, the constant mishandling and shoving of tapes had the poor thing practically smoking.
Will, ever the diplomat, was trying to be an impartial party when asked his movie opinions. Which, of course, caused more yelling. 
Max and El had been the only ones being semi-quiet, but that quickly ended when they followed through on their surprise attack pillow fight, pummeling the boys senseless and causing the already unbearable volume to kick into overdrive. Eddie could practically feel Steve’s migraine building, even from where the dude had retreated to the kitchen. Dinner had been pizza. Quick. Easy. Clean. Or, it would have been if it hadn’t had been for the food fight. Steve was still in there scrubbing cheese out of his parents’ tiled backsplash. Dishes clattered in the distance when the cacophony hit its crescendo. 
It was the proverbial straw. 
“Alright, that’s it! Hey. Come on, guys. Knock it off,”
He maybe overdid it that time, but the absolute ear-splitting boom of a yell he let out stopped the ruckus dead. 
Silence rang for a beat.
Huh. Maybe Eddie should try out incorporating that into his music. He honestly hadn’t known he could get to that range. 
The teenagers in the room stared at him, not cowed in the slightest, but curious enough to know what the hell Eddie’s problem was. Max was the first one to quirk an eyebrow at him.  “Geez, need attention much?” 
Eddie folded his arms to show he meant business. “Steve has asked you guys to tone it down. You’re waking the fucking dead. Why don’t you guys, like, actually go be good human beings and help him clean up your mess you all made in the kitchen, huh?” 
Lucas snorted. “Yeah, okay, mom. Why don’t you go help him, you guys will probably just make out in there, anyway.” 
It was a teasing comment. Meant to jokingly rib before getting back to doing whatever the hell they wanted to do.
But, see. That just gave him an idea. 
Never let it be said Eddie couldn’t be creative with his punishments. He was a DM after all. 
“Alllllllright. New plan. Listen up or suffer, ankle biters,” 
He really didn’t appreciate the snickers that brought about when he was trying to be intimidating. Rude. 
“You going to send us to our room or something? I’m real scared,” Erica’s scathing, dry wit was unparalleled, truly. 
“Nope. Better. It’s a new rule: You little shitheads give me attitude and don’t listen, I hit on your babysitter.”
It was silent for a minute, brains audibly computing that statement and coming up ERROR. Will hesitantly spoke up. 
“Uh, Eddie, I really don’t think that’s--”
“Yeah, what the fuck?” Mike interrupted. “Why would you beating up Steve hurt us? I mean, like, I guess it would emotionally, but that’s fucked up, man.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, still smirking wickedly as his plan solidified.  “Oh, I don’t mean that kind of hitting, young Wheeler. Though, it may yet get physical--Hey, Steve?” He called out. The sink in the kitchen shut off after a second.
“Can you come here?” 
The kids shuffled around on the floor warily as the other man walked into the living room. The energy had obviously shifted, it was probably an odd vibe to walk in to, but Eddie cut Steve off before he could ask any questions.
“You tired?”
“Uh, no. I’m fine--”
“It’s just you just keep on runnin’ through my mind constantly. I figured you’d be exhausted, sweetheart,” Eddie purred, the words cloyingly sweet and full of exaggerated charm. 
There was a countdown, three, two, one...
A collective groan let out. A few uncomfortable laughs.  “Dude, what the hell?” 
“You guys agreed not to be gross in front of us!”
“Oh, my god, can I actually get sick from how cheesy that was?” 
Eddie had to work at keeping in character when his very first line had pulled the intended reaction. He was already reaching forward to curl an arm around Steve, pulling him in in a slow, sultry attempt at being smooth. 
“What? Can’t I be sweet on my guy? You all will understand when you’re in love one day. Right, sugar?” 
Fake gags and retching sounds, too dramatic to be real protests, but still indignant and annoyed. Eddie was pretty sure Dustin slapped a hand over his eyes.
“Uh...yes?” Steve, who had previously looked like a car accident had happened directly in front of him, was catching on to the play. He eyed the disgruntled floor-children with a growing grin and let Eddie snuggle up to him.
God, his baby was so clever. He always knew what Eddie was thinking. 
Too busy having a non-verbal conversation with Steve on how to best annoy the kids, Eddie didn’t see Mike turning his attention back to the tv. He did, however, hear him telling the others to “Just ignore them, they’ll get all gushy and leave us alone.” 
Oh, Michael, Michael. Wrong move. 
“How you doing, babygirl?” Steve flushed, deep and red and--huh. Okay. Revisiting that one in the future. “You good? You need anything? Your head hurting, sweet thing? I can kiss it better,”  Eddie ducked forward to kiss Steve’s cheek. It was chaste, a sweet little thing...that Eddie made infinitely worse by the smacking, obnoxious kissy sounds he emulated there. The chorus of groans and protests started up again. He didn’t even pull his face away to call over to them. 
“I’m sorry, is that attitude? Am I hearing more attitude?”
“Dude, Eddie, noooo!” 
“Jesus, it’s like watching your parents make out, oh my god.” 
“You guys, let’s just go already,” 
“Yeah, I’ll take washing dishes over this,” 
The grossed out teenagers whooshed past them. Grumbling and glaring--except Eleven, who smiled up at them sweetly--leaving Steve and Eddie standing in the living room, still wrapped up together. 
It was too tempting then, with the kids safely out of range, for Eddie to resist the temptation to drop his kisses a little lower down Steve’s neck. To let them get a little less chaste. Just a little.
What can he say? He’s a weak man. 
“That was evil,” Steve hummed. His shoulders dropped, though, relaxing into Eddie’s hold, the closest thing they’ve had to quiet all night settling in. 
“Hey, I accomplished two things. Got them to chill out and I get the perk of feeling you up in the middle of sleepover night. It’s a win-win.” 
A crash and a muffled argument broke out in the kitchen before Steve could respond to that. 
The audible scuffling was cut off by Eddie calling out “Your ass looks great in these jeans tonight, Harrington!” 
The fierce whispers and shushing were enough to get both of the older boys cackling loudly. 
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gamblersdoll · 1 month
cw: 18+, missionary, choso helps you while you cum. oh, size kink implied.
an: these cramps are making me feral for my big boys. and im finna post some fluff so no worries.
“p-papa cant take it!” you cry, head digging into the pillow and you tap at his hips, but your hand gets shooed away. he doesn’t respond, biting his lip as he try to conceal his moans.
he digs his knees into the mattress, grounding himself to get deeper inside you. he snaps his hips forward, eliciting a moan from you as you whine a bit. this was too much for your poor brain, nonetheless your body. you try to push yourself upward, hoping that you could get a chance–
“stop runnin’, mama..” he says hushed, following you in suite. god fucking-
“kami, baby!” you drag out the ‘y’. your close to coming undone, but hes been pent up.
choso wasnt much of a growler, surprisingly. but when he was needy.. thats a different story. the actual need to fuck you was there. yeah, hes growling by now. he’s trying his best to hold out, to make you remember each and every vein of his cock inside of your walls. he slams a hand onto the headboard, giving your legs availability to wrap around his waist.
“fuuck!” you cry, hands pushing at his chest. “baby im sorry!” you moan out, hoping hed let you cum earlier.
“why are you sorry, mama?” he questions, looking deep into your eyes as he slowly rolls his hips in and out of your sloppy cunt. he hears the slick of your cunt and his cock alone, and the heavy breathing of you both.
“catchin’ an attitude..” you whine out, trying to roll your hips up into him. he presses down on your hip, stopping you. “baby please..”
“and what else.” he asks, well, wasnt really a question.
“callin’ you a bitch..” you sigh out, sounding defeated. you give him your pleading eyes, hoping he’d let it slide and he doesnt have to neglect your orgasm. “promise itll never happen again, i swear!”
“nah, im a bitch right?” he mocks, dumping his cock into your cervix again. you jolt in pleasure, then he snaps his hips to get your attention. “am i? considering the fact that mines is begging for this dick?” he says, harsh but soft.
“n-no! fuck, baby, no!” you say, trying to press into him. again, what were you thinking? “please choso, i wont ever do it again!” you plead, and he seems satisfied.
“yeah? you wont?” he mocks again, thrusting harder into your gummy spot that had you seeing stars. he looks down to see your pussy, and rubs your clit. “shits’ so fuckin’ creamy, mama.. you finna cum, ain’t you?” he asks, watching your face contort into many different faces.
“mhm!” you nod, back arching off the bed as soon as he started rubbing your puffy, aroused clit.
“yeah, mama? cum for me.” he says, rubbing your clit faster in circles and hes digging his cock into your womb at this very point. “you wanna be my good girl again?” he asks.
you nod, frantically.
he nods back at you, “so cum for me.. be my good little girl again.” he says, getting close to your ear as he fucks you almost from your side, while rubbing small circles on your clit. “do it ‘fer me, cmon.. look so fucking good. tell me when you’re gunna cum, okay?”
you nod, feeling your tummy tighten and you reach your hand out to tap three times. your “im gonna cum” taps were always in threes, and he took the cake with figuring that. he suckles on the skin of your shoulder, body becoming too sensitive.
you let out a cry, feeling the coil in your stomach snap and you squeal, “there you goo..” choso says through your squeals, “thats it.. oh im so proud of your, baby. my big girl.” he praises, wrapping his hands on your thighs and panting.
the thing with choso, he was always a pleasure dom. so once youre cumming, hes only a heartbeat away from you.
“jesus—shit!” he growls out through his tight teeth, spilling his own load inside you. “fuck—take my fucking cum!” he thrusts on each word, finally exhaling. he lays on top of you, practically covering your whole body.
“my precious girl.” he whispers in your ear, kissing your cheek. “was i too hard on you?” he asks, eyes looking down at you.
“nuh uh.. you were just fine.” you reassure, causing him to smile.
“good. maybe next time i should go harder.” he suggests, wrapping his arms around you as he lays next to you. “dont go nowhere, just lay here with me.”
no objections to that, love.
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vigil-antes · 4 months
*During a particularly slow patrol or stakeout*
Steph: Soo, if you were to have a song as your theme, what song would you choose? Personally i think id be 'Applause' by Lady Gaga.
Damian: This is ridiculous, brown, i will not be part to such a foolish activity.
Steph: Dont be such a debby downer, brat. Have some fun once in your life.
Damian: *Scoffs*
Dick: I like this game! i-
Bruce: We're on an important mission, everyone. Keep the talk work related.
Steph: C'mon big guy, nothing's happening, and we're all close to falling asleep. If anything, this ensures we're attentive if anything happens.
Bruce: ...Very well. But keep your eyes on the target.
Dick: Will do! Anyways, as i was saying, i think id be 'Royals' by 'Lorde'!
Steph: Dick, i mean this in the nicest way possible but you are quite literally the closest thing there can be to modern-society royalty.
Dick: Yeah, thats why i like the song!
Tim: So you just never listen to the words?
Dick: I mean i never really close attention but is it really that much of a problem??
Duke: I mean, you are like, all of the things she mention she's never going to be.
Dick: Oh :(
Steph: *Snorts* Yeah, if anything youd be 'Candy' by Robbie Williams.
Tim: Hah, yeah.
Dick: Ok, i like the song but now im getting the feeling that its not a compliment.
Cass: Dumb but nice big brother :)
Damian: You do act quite like an empty headed buffoon at times, Richard.
Dick: What! No! Ok wait let me choose another song... ok, ill be 'Killer Queen' by Queen, ok?
Steph: Yeah i guess i can accept that. What about you, tim?
Tim, in a completely dead voice: 'What is love' by TWICE.
Duke: Uh...
Tim: I said what i said.
Duke: Ok... well, i like 'sunflower' by Post Malone.
Dick: Aaw, you are like a sunflower, thats so nice
Cass: You are very bright and warm, yes. Like sunshine
Duke: Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Cass: I like 'The dog days are over' by Florence and The Machine
Tim: Thats... pretty much perfect for you.
Dick: Yeah, agreed.
Tim: So, baby brat, what about you?
Damian: I told you, i wont lower myself to such childish games!
Dick: Come on, little bat, for me?
Damian: I am not one to be swayed so easily, you fool!
Cass: Dont be mean, baby brother, and have fun. Please?
Damian: Fine. I choose 'You should see me in a crown' by Billie Eilish. I would look very good in a crown.
Steph: Yeah, i dont know what i expected
Dick: What about you, Bruce?
Bruce: I dont listen to music.
Tim: Damn man, that sounds depressing, you must know a song or two
Bruce: I really dont know that many songs, Tim. Maybe you can choose for me
Dick: No! That defeats the purpose of the game, B, come on, just think about it for a second
Bruce: Mmm... I guess if i were to choose, 'Viva la vida' by Coldplay woul-
Jason, who has the comms frequency but never uses and isnt even on the same mission: Personally I'd be 'Fireworks' by Katy Perry
Dick: Jay! its so nice to hear you parteci-
Jason: Specifically the part that goes 'do you ever feel already buried deep, six feet underground but no one seems to hear a thing'
Dick: *softly* Jay, no.
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buggachat · 1 year
To be clear, I goddamn hated the finale on first watch. I was withering in my seat. My heart had dropped to my stomach. I had no fucking idea what I was watching in that final scene lmao
and then Adrien said "when Ladybug gave me the rings—" and I was like— wait. LADYBUG? LADYBUG STILL EXISTS?
and then I realized, oh wait. This isn't a complete utopian timeline rewrite. This is just a timeskip of a few months and Mme Bustier is just a kickass mayor. In fact, she's only mayor BECAUSE it's still the same timeline. And then I realized, hey, wait, if they didn't rewrite the timeline, then how tf is Emilie casually there with no questions?
And then I realized she was wearing black. And Félix was there. And I remembered Amelie exists.
Basically, I went into the finale chanting to myself "it's okay, it's okay... they probably wont bring Emilie back... they probably won't rewrite the entire timeline permanently.... right? please....", even though I didn't actually expect it to happen, but just because I was terrified that it could. And apparently that fear actually got to me so much that I misinterpreted the episode as being everything I didn't want it to be... when... it actually wasn't that at all
anyway, all of this is to say, everything in the episode happens so fast that it confused and terrified me at first. And when I realized what had happened, my opinion went from "my year is ruined" to "oh. well. okay. kind of disappointing, I guess". And then I kept thinking about it, and the ending, and all that is set up and rewatching the scenes and all the loose ends still in place and.... i realized I loved it?
like, every time I think about this finale, I love it more. every time i rewatch a scene, I get a little obsessed. this episode went from my nightmare to actually really really cool to me, and I'm still kind of reeling from it
Basically, this is why I've been kind of passionately defending the finale— not because I think people who don't like it are """dumb""" or anything, I don't blame people at all for that, and I totally get the confusion. I was confused too. And I know I'm not the only one who went in preparing themselves for the worst, or went in with very specific expectation on what will happen, because this finale has been long awaited for so long. I think everyone was shocked with how it ended. I think most people probably startled at Amelie's face (it's so easy to forget she exists....)
Anyways, I started this post basically as an apology for if I seem too aggressive or defensive about the finale. Because I get it! I get hating it! I get being disappointed or frustrated or confused! Part of why I'm so defensive is because I have all the arguments so ready on the tip of my tongue because I had the very same argument with myself already 😭 So I'm sorry if any of my posts came off as too aggressive and in advance for any future posts that might. I promise promise promise I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad for having bad opinions on the finale! I just think this episode is really cool and the fact I related to a lot of the nay-sayers makes it easy to feel so impassioned about it.
But this post is getting off the rails and I'm just gonna let it, because some of my regrets w my participation in fandom is that I find myself chickening out of actually talking about my thoughts on episodes a lot. I get kind of overwhelmed and overthink everything after I've posted it and I'm a shy person. But my inbox is closed and this is the season 5 finale and I want to ramble and ramble so I will allow myself this
Basically, I went in with some very specific expectations for this episode. We all know about the Hawkmoth defeat story. Many of us have read it in fics over and over again, it was teased in Chat Blanc, we all know what we expect, we all know our favorite beats from it.
And what actually happened....... met virtually none of those beats. (For me, at least).
Like, Adrien wasn't there for the final episode. At all. He was completely absent from the confrontation. He never found out his father was Hawkmoth. He got his rings, but he never found out he was a sentimonster. He is living in the dark.
Ladybug confronted Monarch... alone. Which is sad, when so much of the series is dedicated to the partnership of her and Chat Noir. Them against the world....... and Monarch was "defeated" with nary a Chat Noir in sight.
The whole entire "Gabriel is known as a hero" thing. I don't think anybody was expecting that. Absolutely shocking.
The fact Marinette would lie to Adrien like that. The fact she's keeping so much from him. The fact everyone is. SO MANY people in Adrien's life (Marinette, Plagg, Nathalie, Felix, Amelie, Kagami, probably Alya, maybe more I'm not thinking of....) are just... lying to him, now. He is so in the dark. He knows nothing.
I kind of like that I didn't predict nearly any of this. I like that it caught me off guard. I love how this show just completely baffles me at every turn, how it will present concepts and ideas to me that I've never read a fic about.
In retrospect, Chat Noir being absent from the final battle... makes sense. It actually makes a lot of sense, if I think about it, because... there is only one possible way that could've gone, right? Chat Noir would not be allowed to have the emotional implosion that he would have to have. This is devastating. This is SO devastating. This is the entire shattering of Adrien's entire world we're talking about, and Chat Blanc is the only real way for that to end. Adrien has an emotional implosion in front of Monarch, he gets akumatized, it turns into an emotion explosion, extinction event. The end. We've already seen it.
And........ even if it didn't end that way, even if he managed to avoid akumatization...... how could the finale satisfyingly end on that note? How could it end in any semblance of a "wrapped up" way, at the very start of Adrien's emotional breakdown? It couldn't. I wouldn't WANT it to. In retrospect, Adrien finding out his dad is Monarch and then.... what? The season ends on a close-up of him crying? The season ends with a time-skip to the new school year where they skipped his entire grieving period!? I would HATE that, actually. I would hate that. I thought I wanted it, but I would hate it. I would hate it so so so much.
What's kind of amazing is that the finale ended with Monarch being defeated.... but Adrien still has those realizations to make. He still has those betrayals to come to terms with. There is time for him to make these realizations, for him to come to these conclusions, perhaps one at a time, perhaps in a more controlled environment.... and that gets me far, far more excited for the seasons to come than an episode that tried to wrap it all up in the last 5 minutes.
Also, the reason Adrien didn't go to the final battle was because he feared becoming Chat Blanc. He didn't know the truth to it, didn't understand that literally, yes, that's what would have happened if he was there, even if he hadn't been under a nightmare curse. But he still knew. He still expected it. He willingly chose to sit it out, no matter how much he hated it, because he knew. And there's something kind of powerful to that, I think, of Adrien making a choice that is so unequivocally the Correct choice, even more than he realized. And the strength it took for him to make that decision...... damn.
As for the lies and the Gabriel statue? I... it's upsetting, but it's supposed to be. And I believe it. I absolutely believe it. I 10000% believe Marinette would keep the secret of Monarch's identity to herself to try to save Adrien the pain. I 10000% believe that the population could easily be led to believe a famous billionaire is a hero. I 10000% believe that Adrien would WANT to believe it. I 10000% believe Tomoe would take advantage of it.
And I can't wait to see that illusion crumble.
Also.... this is the beginning of The Lila arc.
And the Lila arc begins on........ Marinette telling the biggest, boldest face lie she ever told. The Lila arc begins on the most extreme city-wide illusion we've ever seen. It begins on such a huge fabrication and....
..... it's Marinette's lie.
............ and Lila knows that it's a lie.
This is so fucking cool???? The irony here??? the deceit???? All these loose ends, all the possible confrontations, all the ways this could GO. I don't know where the show is taking this, obviously, because nobody ever can predict where this show is going apparently (and I love it for that), but oh my god. I'm imagining all the fics I could read about this. all the fics I could write. all the thoughts and scenarios that this finale has provided me with to daydream about as I go to sleep.
Adrien, going through the motions of life. Looking up to his father as a hero, despite the fact the last time he saw him, Adrien was sobbing, in tears, and cursing his name. Adrien, after all the abuse he was subject to, having to look up at a statue of his father and...... be forced to think that maybe he was wrong about his father. But he's not wrong. He WASN'T wrong. He just THINKS that he is. His father is going to continue to loom over his life in ways I never expected post-hawkmoth. Adrien's relationship with Gabriel has not ended, a new and terrifying and horrible new chapter of it has simply begun, and Adrien is still as manipulated by his father's ghost as he was by his father himself.
also, Adrien now believes that MONARCH MURDERED HIS FATHER. Chat Noir now believes that his greatest nemesis KILLED HIS FATHER. CHAT NOIR, resident self-sacrificer, believes that HIS FATHER was a HERO who DIED FIGHTING MONARCH. Adrien thinks that maybe he should be more like his father— more like his father who died in battle. This is. Not Good. For Adrien.
And it's Marinette that started this. Well intentioned Marinette, who doesn't really understand the extent of the horrors. Marinette, Adrien's girlfriend, the person he trusts most. She did this.
And, I mean.... god. I totally get how this sucks for a lot of people, because it's objectively upsetting.... but I LOVE lovesquare tension. Season 4 is probably my favorite season for that reason alone (still mulling over if season 5 beat it for me). I love the relationship drama, I love that it's in character drama, I love how it fits everything we know about them sososo well, I love that it's horrible and it's terrible and it's awful and it's all because Marinette loved Adrien too much to want to hurt him.
I was worried no reveal would mean that season 6 would just be... what? adrienette fluff? not that I don't love that, but where's the drama? well. there it is. that's the drama.
I need to stop typing this. I know this is abysmally long and ranty and if you read all of this then I'm sorry. But I wanted to get some of my thoughts out.
But basically, I was expecting a lot of things for the finale.
In my best case scenario, it would somehow, miraculously tie up and address all the loose ends with Adrien's angst and character arc in two episodes.... and then end with me totally satisfied, ready to only half-heartedly watch season 6 like it was just a small dessert after the main course.
And I already described my worst case scenario (my first impression of the episode lmao)
But it wasn't that. I was expecting a series finale, but I got a season finale. And I love season finales. I love how they keep me wanting more. I love how excited I am for season 6, because in both my best and worst case scenarios, I honestly didn't expect to be. I love all the new ideas and thoughts and scenarios swirling around in my brain. And even if season 6 doesn't address some of the things I want addressed, I'm so excited to see the creative content in this fandom that DOES
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ddarker-dreams · 6 months
play wresting — gojo satoru.
(Warning for mild not sfw implications)
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“So this is it, then? I’ve finally… finally been bested.” 
From this vantage point, you tower over a certain melodramatic man, whose long limbs cover the king sized bed at awkward angles. His soft, snowy hair blends in with the stark white comforter. He tries lifting himself up, but his arms buckle from the exertion of such a physically demanding act. The feigned helplessness comes close to breaking your composure. 
“Humor a dying man’s final request,” Gojo rasps. “Did you ever love me? Or were you just after the money and status all along?” 
The term money and status reverberates in your head, taking you back to the rumors whispered behind closed doors by those opposed to your engagement. Gojo, being the person he is, delighted in playing into your supposed alternative motives whenever a ‘well-intentioned’ member of the more conservative factions tried tipping him off. 
“Babe? Did you hear that?” He had called you over once, a hand to his chest, as if he’d learned the most scandalous news. “This man here said you’re only after my assets. Is this true? I thought for sure it was my devastatingly good looks and charm that won you over.” 
(The face of the man in question went beet red over how loud Gojo spoke these words. Unsurprisingly, he slunk off at the earliest opportunity). 
You try assuming your role as the indifferent black widow here, looking down your nose at him. “Nope. I’ve been biding my time all these years.” 
You’re not sure what spurred him on to flex his acting muscles. When you entered the room, you were overcome with the urge to tackle him onto the bed. You’ve both loved roughhousing each other since you were in high school. Given the sheer, unfathomable extent of Gojo’s abilities, he was perfectly capable of dodging you or standing firm against your attempts. Alas, those two options must not have interested him. 
And so he’s writhing in faux agony, putting on a show, as he is wont to do. 
“Do I get any final requests?” 
“Hm,” you hum, fighting how desperately your lips wish to curl into a smile, “That depends. What is it?” 
Whatever he murmurs next is unintelligible. 
Curious, you step forward, urging him to repeat himself. He does. Despite speaking slightly louder, the syllables and consonants blur together, spoken in such rapid succession that your brain can’t piece it together. You draw close enough for your knees to hit the side of the bed. Whatever he’s planning, this must be the grand finale. 
This time, you understand him perfectly fine. You don’t know whether you should laugh or roll your eyes. Perhaps both. 
“Let me hit it, just one more time,” Gojo says these words as if in actual pain, successfully melting your apathetic facade. 
You can feel the satisfaction rolling off him in waves over the fact you broke first. Not willing to accept total defeat, you huff and pivot on your heels. You can feel his eyes boring into your back as you saunter toward the door. You answer the question that’s undoubtedly burning his tongue before he can speak it. 
“Consider your request denied. I need to start searching for my next rich husband — time is of the essence.” 
You gape as the once open door is now shut, faster than you could blink. In front of it is your apparently resuscitated Gojo Satoru, who acts as a human barricade. He extends his long arms out to ensure you’re not going anywhere. His grin is all teeth and his brilliant blue eyes gleam. 
“Sorry babe, this rich husband’s still alive and kicking. Better luck next time.” 
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