#but i'll wait happily nonetheless
mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
pairing: theodore nott x female reader
warning: somewhat angst to fluff, kissing, cursing, jealousy, best friends to lovers, protectiveness, c*rmac mcl*ggen
summary: you were theo's childhood best friend and he waits for a time when you will love him back
a/n: hello lovely people! i am alive and well! i sincerely apologize for not writing in awhile, i just haven't had any motivation to write lmao (this isn't proof read because its really late and i'm tired, so i apologize for any mistakes) (i chose the song below because i've been singing it for weeks and it somewhat relates to theo in this)
song: i'm just ken - ryan gosling
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Theodore Nott was tired.
And in love.
With his best friend, nonetheless.
You may be wondering why he was tired. Well, he was tired of feeling upset whenever you called him your best friend. He was tired of hiding how he felt towards you since he was a thirteen-year-old. He was tired of the jealousy that took over him whenever someone flirted or went out with you.
Theodore was tired of many things.
At the moment, he was sat in the Great Hall as Draco complained about his classes. He wasn't listening, though, no he was staring at you as you happily talked with your friends in Hufflepuff.
Someone then sits in the empty spot next to him and pats his shoulder. He tenses slightly and Draco stops talking. They both turn and look at Cormac Mclaggen.
The two Slytherins practically have to hold in their vomit at the mere sight of the Gryffindor.
"Can I help you, Gryffindor?" Theo's eyes narrowed at the hand on his shoulder.
Cormac awkwardly removes his hand and sucks in a breath, a smirk making its way to his face. "You can't, but she can." He tilts his head and his eyes land on you.
Draco and Theo's eyes follow his line of vision and Theo clenches his jaw. "What do you want?"
"I want that friend of yours. And for you to set us up," he shrugs.
Draco glances back and forth between the two boys. He knows how protective Theo is of you, and that this isn't likely going to end well.
"Let me get this straight... you want me to set you up with y/n?" Theodore says with disdain.
"Exactly. Something about her just has me wishing to be in her bed, you know?"
Theo slams his hands on the table, causing some people nearby to look over. He glares at the boy and speaks lowly, "The fuck did you just say?"
"Don't tell me you aren't friends with her to get in her-"
Draco cuts him off before his could finish. "I suggest you don't finish that fucking sentence, Mclaggen."
"I'll take that as my sign to leave. Just let me know whenever you're done with her, I'll be waiting with open arms... and legs," he laughs as he walks out of the Hall.
"Fucking disgusting asshole," Theodore mumbles.
"I can hex him if you want," Draco says. "Maybe get Snape to take points from Gryffindor."
"Both sound good to me."
His eyes make their way back to you and he sees your eyes already on him. You smile brightly at him and he grins back. You turn around so he doesn't see your face warm.
One of your friends, Hannah Abbot, giggles and pokes your cheek. "Someone's blushing."
"Am not!"
"Yes you are. Don't lie," she leans in, "you have feelings for Nott."
"I don't know what you are talking about. We're just friends."
"Mhm." Hannah looks at you with an incredulous face, "I'm pretty sure that friends don't make heart eyes at one another."
You gasp, "Theo and I do not make heart eyes at each other."
Hannah whispers, "I know that you know that you like him. I hope that you believe me when I tell you that he looks at you like he's about to get down on one knee-"
You gently place your hand on her mouth and look at her with wide eyes. "That's enough." You remove your hand but chew on your lip for a second. "Does he look at me like that?"
"Yes! And for the record, I think your children-"
"Merlin! I can't do this today," you drop your head into your hands as Hannah rants about how beautiful your family would be.
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It's been two weeks since then and whenever you hung out with Theo, you tried to decipher if he was looking at you the way Hannah has claimed he was.
Theo, however, noticed how you seemed more bright than usual. What had happened that made you more smiley and happy? Did you find someone?
He runs his hands over his face and sighs.
"Theo? Are you alright?"
He sits straighter at the sound of your warm voice. "Yes, love. I was just lost in thought."
"Oh? And what thought has you frowning like a kicked puppy?"
You lean back against the tree behind you and put your legs out straight, crossing your ankles. You pat your lap and Theo places his head down. Your hands start to play with his hair, like muscle memory.
"Nothing your pretty head should worry about," he says quietly as he stares up at the stars. It was past curfew, and you weren't one to break any rules, but how could you say no to your favorite person? Especially when the note was attached to your favorite flower.
"Hm, well I don't like it when you frown. I much prefer to look at your gorgeous smile," you chew the inside of your cheek and start to braid some strands of his hair.
His cheeks turn a light pink and his eyes meet yours. "Gorgeous smile?" He feels a flicker of hope that there's a slight chance you reciprocate his feelings.
"Yeah," you mumble with a light laugh.
He smiles and before he could say anything else, something clicks above him.
You grin as you hold your polaroid camera above his head. "Gotcha."
He fake pouts and tickles your stomach. You burst out laughing and the camera falls to your side, "Theo! Stop, please!" You beg and squirm.
"Okay, since you asked nicely."
"You know, I think I can be tickled to death. I don't know about you, but personally I can't really breathe when I'm being tickled."
He lets out a breath, "I don't know if I can, I haven't been tickled before." He sits up a tiny bit and leans on his elbows.
You huff, "I suppose we'll just have to find out, won't we." You quickly move so that you're next to him and tickling his stomach. His head falls back as he laughs. You smile and he grabs your waist and rolls the two of you over so that he's now on top of you.
Theo gazes down at you. He sucked in a breath at your closeness and couldn't stop his eyes from dropping down to your smiling lips. 'So pretty,' he thinks to himself.
His arms are on both sides of your head and he leans down a bit so that if either of you were to move just an inch, your lips would touch.
"Theo," you whisper breathlessly.
"I really fucking want to kiss you right now," he says quietly.
You look at his lips, "So do it."
Without another word, he connects his lips to yours and both of your eyes flutter shut.
He feels a burst of butterflies fill his stomach. As childish as that may sound, he's had countless scenarios of kissing you. But never would he have expected it to be so perfect as it was.
Your lips were soft and warm. His were too. He slides his tongue across your bottom lip, and you open your mouth happily.
His tongue wanders your mouth and your hands go up and comb through his hair. He lets out a content sigh against your mouth and pulls away the tiniest bit. He gives a shorter and sweet kiss before his tongue is against yours again.
You taste of strawberries and cherries. That was because you ate the two fruits almost every night for dessert.
He tastes like slight cigarette smoke and vanilla, as odd as that may seem.
The two of you could drown in the taste of each other.
Theo pulls away places a gentle kiss on your forehead as he sits up and pulls you against his chest.
He rests his head on your shoulder and kisses your neck. "I love you," he whispers.
You furrow your eyebrows. You've said the three words to one another before, but you hoped he meant it another way. Which you were almost sure of after the kiss. "I love you more."
"No," he shakes his head against your neck. "I'm in love with you."
You feel your heart rate increase and the largest smile is now on your face. "You are?"
"Of course I am. I've been in love with you for years. You don't have to say-"
You turn and face him. "I'm," you kiss his cheek, "in," you kiss the other, "love," you kiss his forehead, "with," you kiss his nose, "you," you finally kiss his lips and Theo melts.
You pull back and look at his blushing face. "Oh!" You just remember your camera and reach over to grab it.
You pull the printed picture from the top and look at the developed photograph. "Look how beautiful you are," you turn the picture to him.
He takes it from your hands and brings it closer to his face. Even he could see the lovestruck look on his face as he admires you from your lap.
"Lets caption it," you say.
"I think you should write, 'first kiss and love confessions'," Theo tilts his head.
"That's perfect," you smile.
"Not as perfect as you, darling," he winks.
You playfully push his shoulder, "I never took you as a sappy one."
He dramatically places a hand over his heart, "Oh how you wound me."
"Will a kiss make you better?" you ask with a glint in your eyes.
"I believe it will, sweetheart."
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sabrina-kpop · 2 months
Can I request a hashira x fem reader one-shot who has the powers of winter from aespa's new Supernova but the drawback is that she gets sick and vomits blood + she has lucky girl syndrome (which means she's lucky asf)
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Thank you for this request!! I have shaken up the story a little... Reader is the youngest of the hashira and is like a little sister to all of them! (This does not include child x adult)
WARNING: this includes Vomiting, blood, cursing, mentions of child abuse and slight p3doph1lia if you feel uncomfortable with these topics please don't read
You are grateful for having the hashira as your family, They saved you when you we're weak. And treated you like human. You were experimented on by a higher rank demon, you were to become a weapon to kill hashiras and swordsmen.
When Gyomei found you, you were terrified by what he would do to you, but he later then convinced you that he was trust worthy and you should come with him.
When the two of you arrived at The Ubuyashiki Mansion Gyomei immediately took you to a place you later learned was called the butterfly estate. When the both of you arrived you were greeted by two women.
One was taller and had long healthy black hair with a two butterfly pins on the sides of her hair, the other was a lot shorter and had her hair up and she had black hair with purple tips and looked angry.
The two women took you to a room to do a check up once they found out you were covered with scars and syringe wounds they immediately began treating you.
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That was eight years ago and now your 13 and a hashira, everything in your life is perfect. You are currently out on a mission with Giyuu, although he isn't that talkative his presence comforting.
You two were called to a nearby village were it was reported that young girls went missing during the evening.
Nonetheless you and Giyuu arrived and the both of you decide to stay in a inn to recharge do to you finding a hundred dollar bill on the ground and insisting Giyuu to take you to go shopping for hours....
"Giyuu-san!" You said looking over at the dark hair male who's currently eating sake daikon.
"Hm?" He hummed unable to speak do to his mouth being full with his favorite dish which made you giggle.
"I'm bored.. Let's play a game!" You said as Giyuu look at you. "Let's see..Think of a number! " you said happily waiting for the water hashira to let you know when he's ready. "Ok." He plainly said still eating the food.
"Hmm.. Seven! "
He then nodded, not fazed by your luck as you jump up a down, acting as if your luck wasn't the cause of you guessing ."Giyuu-san let play aga-"
You were interrupted by a loud bang outside, you and giyuu immediately got your blades and headed out.
"Y/n protect the people in the building I'll fight! " yelled Giyuu but you couldn't help but feel angry on how protective he is of you.
"But I wanna fight! I never get too!" You barked back.
"Y/n now is not the time for argui-" Giyuu was cut off do the demon attacking which caught him off guard. You followed his order and began helping people on the side.
"You're a hashira aren't you? Oh how I just love how you guys scream in agony as I rip you limb by limb!" Said the ugly demon as he continued to attack Giyuu in which he doged and used his water breathing.
"Missed! Haha! You hashiras are so weak now a days!" The demon said as he used his blood demon art to stab Giyuu in the leg restricting his movements
"Giyuu-san!" You yelled
Suddenly the demons gaze turned to you and the little boy in your hands.
"Mmm! How I love young innocent girls!"
He said as he used his blood demon art to send blood like blades to your direction.
Without thinking you used your special ability to dodge fly high up in the air with the boy in your arms"
"What the fuck!? Are you a demon!?" The demon said as Giyuu signaled you to distract them for he can get a clean slice of on neck. You nodded forgetting the drawbacks that this plan will take.
As the demon uses his blood demon art to send sharp spikes at you you kept dodging and using your abilities to pick up stuff and try to him trying to restrict him from catching Giyuu.
The demon managed to stab your thigh as you scream and fell hugging the little boy in your arms so he wouldn't get hurt.
Giyuu took this chance to painfully jump behind the demon and slice his neck off. The demon's head fell to the floor and began to curse out Giyuu, as he simply ignored it as he watched the demon disintegrate Into thin air.
*Cough* "G-Giyuu" he immediately flashed his eyes to the sound of your raspy voice as he saw a blood bath coming from your mouth. "G-Giyuu-san take the boy a-and find his mother" you said as you vomited more blood.
In a state of shock and fear, he immediately picked you and the boy up and ran as fast as he could to the butterfly estate.
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Upon arrival, Giyuu started shouting for Shinobu which is unusual for him scaring most of the butterfly girls.
Giyuu slide the door open as hard as he can which startled Shinobu. "Tomioka-san what's wrong with yo- Oh my!" An interrupted Shinobu said as she laid eyes upon your bloody limp body in Giyuu's arms.
Shinobu immediately called for backup and she took you from her arms and ran to a surgery room.
"Hey dumbass" I certain white headed man said behind the water hashira as he turned around.
"The hell happened to you? Why are you covered in blood and why the fuck you were yelling?"
Giyuu looked at the Sanemi as he plainly stated. "It's y/n she used her abilities to much to a pint where she couldn't handle it."
"Why the fuck would she do that!" Yelled the wind hashira "And why didn't you stop her!" He blamed. Giyuu looked away ignoring him as he waited patiently for Shinobu.
"She's okay, she just needs to rest for some weeks and she'll be good as new!" Said the black and purple haired girl. "Poor thing she looks so weak" said Mitsuri "Yea no shit she lost a lot of blood" said Sanemi and Iguro gave him a death stare.
The hashira's decided to visit you after they found out about your conditions, checking up on you everyday as Shinobu gave you medicine.
When you finally came to you were needed by nine familiar faces.
Mitsuri and Rengoku gifted young a whole bunch of food.
Uzui gifted you some nice jewelry.
Iguro gifted you a pair of new socks.
Sanemi asked if you were feeling well time to time.
Shinobu gave you some butterfly clips and some poison to help you during battle.
Gyomei sent you a whole bunch of prayers.
Muichiro gifted some of his origami.
And lastly Giyuu gave you an apology for not protecting you. You said that I didn't matter and that your safe and should leave it in the pass. But Giyuu swore from now on he would protect in anyway possible.
You're grateful for having this family and hope to make more memories with them.
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shalomniscient · 7 months
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⤷ a series re-imagining famous fairy tales with assorted genshin women !
⤷ featuring:
beauty and the beast [eula lawrence] ➳ on the edges of mondstadt, nestled in the frigid mountains of dragonspine, is a lonely, forgotten castle. word around town is that within the cold stone walls is a monstrous beast, a scion of the cursed lawrence family. you are content to live your days far ignorant of such a rumor, but when your father gets into a terrible accident in the mountains, you have no choice but to take your chances with whatever lurks in the castle to save him.
the little mermaid [raiden ei] ➳ the world above the water has always fascinated you. the tales of rolling hills and towering mountains, vast plains and mystical forests; and of course, the people. the people who sing and dance and run along the shore, carefree and lively. you wish, and you wonder, what it's like to be part of that world. your wish is granted somewhat on a stormy night, when a ship crashes against the rocks and scatters its human occupants to the waves. against what you've been told, you rush to save the one person you can find--a beautiful, purple-haired woman, dressed in fine, ornate clothing. it's a meeting that will change your life, forever.
snow white [arlecchino] ➳ your step-mother wants you dead. you know as much, when she cast you from your own home and into the cold woods, setting a hunstman on your tail. you barely escape with your life. the little cottage you stumble upon as you run, and the seven little fools you find inside become your saving graces. you spend your days there in peace, and even meet a handsome, dual-tone haired prince who passes by the cottage ever so often on her hunts. but peace, as you've learned, is fragile, and your world is upended again when your step-mother discovers that you're alive. and you can't help but wonder--is a happily ever after simply not in your cards?
rapunzel [beidou] ➳ when you were born, your parents gave you to a sea monster. you don't know why, and you were never told why. all you know is that you are this beast's prisoner, forever to be locked away in a tower by the sea. there is no escape for you; the only exit is the window, and the only thing waiting beneath it are jagged rocks and harsh waves. the beast comes and goes, ascending your tower using your hair as a rope. he calls your name in a singing rhyme, and you let down your hair. only one night, it is not the beast whom climbs through your window--but a charming, pretty pirate, who brings the first light of companionship to your life.
cinderella [jean gunnhildr] ➳ life is not easy after your mother's death. your father does his best, yet the woman he brings home to replace her is cruel. but she makes your father happy (or at least, you tell yourself as much) so you keep your head down and do as she and her daughters order you to. it isn't too bad. the attic is your refuge, and the barn mice keep you company. in the dark you gaze through the window at the glittering palace in the distance, and you let yourself dream of a sweeter life. but magic--magic has a way of turning dreams to reality, and there is more magic in your life than you know.
⤷ notes/disclaimers : ➹ this will not be a 1:1 retelling! i will of course do my best to be as close as possible to the source material, but since i will be incorporating genshin lore into this as well, i will be taking several creative liberties. also, some of the source material is... dark, and i'll be changing that because i personally don't enjoy writing dark content of that level. ➹ this is currently not the finalised list! i plan to add maybe two more characters, but i have yet to figure out how to work their corresponding fairy tales. ➹ unfortunately, there won't be a upload schedule! as much as i wish i could write only this for the next few weeks, i have other life things to handle, so i'll only be working on this in my free time. nonetheless, i'll do my best to get them up as soon as i can.
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wolken-himmel · 1 year
In which (Y/n) and Grim visit the Ignihyde dorm to hang out with Idia.
Yet, upon arrival, Idia and his brother seem to have been turned into cats by one of his inventions.
Requested by anon.
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"I can't wait to finally beat Idia at Mee Sports! I've been practicing my tennis technique the entire week. I'll even be able to hold off his freaky smash balls!"
"That's what you've been saying for the last three weeks already," you retorted while walking down the Ignihyde hallways with your cat companion. The excitement he radiated couldn't even be tamed by your teasing grin. Your arms still struggled to balance the popcorn bags and drinks, but you nonetheless flicked his forehead affectionately. "I don't want to be mean, but if you asked Ortho how your chances were, you'd receive a negative number."
A scoff escaping his lips, Grim crossed his short arms and rolled his eyes. "You've never believed in the great Grim, henchhuman. No one ever has." Without much of a warning, he swiped a popcorn bag from your arms and popped it open. As if deaf to your protests, he grabbed a fistful of the delectable snack and threw it down his throat. "It's alright, though!" he said with a full mouth. "Your doubt will only further underline your foolishness when I've proven you wrong."
"Sure," you muttered wistfully. "That's also what you said last week."
His ears were pressed flat against his head, and a large pout snuck its way onto his face. "Oh hush now..." he muttered when the door to the dorm leader's room came into sight.
"Idia? We're here! We also brought some popcorn," you yelled at the top of your lungs. Then, when you received no reply, you banged your foot against the door since your arms were occupied. "Idia? Ortho?" Worry slowly started to bubble up inside of you.
"Huh, he doesn't seem to be in his room."
You pursed your lips. After a concerning while of silence, you once again banged your foot against the door. "That's so strange. Why wouldn't he be in his room outside of class?" you mumbled under your breath and set all your belongings down to the floor. Once your arms were free, you continued to knock against the door. "Something's definitely wrong..."
"What?" Grim asked in confusion when you pressed your ear against the door. "Is it impossible to imagine that he became as outgoing as Cater overnight?"
His remark took you off-guard for a moment, and a look of disbelief flashed across your face. "Are you even listening to yourself, Grim?" Your eyebrows were scrunched together in amusement. Yet, you still couldn't help but worry about the Shroud brothers. A rumbling in the depths of your stomach was telling you that something was terribly amiss. "Idia! Or Ortho? Open the door, please!"
"Shut up, henchhuman. You're hurting my ears." Grim let out a groan, but quickly quieted down in satisfaction when you lowered the volume of your voice. That was when his ears twitched in surprise. A gasp escaping his throat, he turned to you with wide eyes. "Did you hear a meow?"
Just as he had finished speaking, a soft croon came from within the room. You perked up in surprise. "Wait, now that you say it..." Before you could question the sound any further, the door to the dorm leader's room slid open. Your eyes snapped to the door, only to find a small kitten standing in its frame. "Oh, aren't you the most adorable kitten I've ever seen?"
"A robot cat?" Grim asked when you bent down to pick it up.
Its metallic body was cold against your exposed skin, but the croons it produced warmed your heart. Unable to control yourself, you began to scratch the kitten behind its ears. The robot meowed happily. "You're one of Idia's inventions, right? He sure knows how to make adorable robots..." you cooed happily when it began to vibrate.
As harmless as the cat seemed, its vibrations somehow triggered another much less harmless function. The next time it opened its mouth, a fountain of bright, blue fire exited its throat. A scream escaped your lips when you managed to dodge the flames just in time.
"Adorable?!" Grim yelled and tried to extinguish the small flames on the ground. "You better put that thing down right away."
A sigh escaped your lips, but you knew that he was right. "At least my hair didn't get singed..." you muttered under your breath while setting the kitten on the floor.
The little animal chirped happily, and, much to your surprise, leapt into the air. It hovered in front of the door for a moment, as if urging you to follow it. Then, when it was sure that it had your attention, it happily rocketed into the dark room.
Without any second thoughts, you set foot into the dorm leader's pitch-black room. You blindly wandered inside with your arms extended. "Oi, Idia! You in here?" you asked loudly. Your hands roamed the walls in at attempt to find the light-switch. But the switch seemed to evade your grasp.
"That's strange, Ortho isn't here, either," Grim said and walked further into the room. With his feline vision, you thought he would be able to navigate the room better than you. But you were proven wrong when a loud collision had him cry out in pain. "Ouch! Who put this giant metal thing in the middle of the room?"
Just a few moments later, you had found the light switch with the help of the robot kitten illuminating the room with its flame-thrower. You winced in pain when the harsh neon lights flooded your vision. The stinging sensation became a secondary worry, however, when you laid eyes on your cat friend. "Grim, are you alright?" you asked and rushed to his side.
"I bumped into something tall..." He grumbled under his breath and let himself be pulled to his feet again. After you had made sure he wasn't seriously injured, the two of you turned to the object that he had bumped into. "What's this thing? And who put it here?"
"A... machine? The 'Felinator 6.0', the label says..." you read out loud. "What does it do?"
A triumphant gasp escaped the grey cat's lips. "I've found the manual!" he exclaimed and held a thick leaflet into the air. Then, he studied the content much closer and eventually stumbled upon a strange series of pictures. "Huh, so a human goes into the machine... and then a cat comes out? So the machine serves to turn people into cats? Why does something like this exist?"
A soft meow from beneath you caught your attention. The robot kitten from earlier had wrapped itself around your legs affectionately. You bent down and cautiously stroked its metal chassis. "Hmm... does this mean you're Ortho?" you asked slowly. Surprise etched itself onto your face when the kitten nodded. "Then... does this mean that Idia has also been turned into a cat?"
Grim was just as surprised as you. "What a strange predicament..."
"Idia?" you called out and rose to your feet again. "Are you here?" When you received no reply, an idea came to you. A grin on your lips, you grabbed an unopened popcorn bag and shook it up and down. The loud sound it produced somehow caused a blue shadow to bolt out of its hiding place.
Within a matter of seconds, another cat stood by your legs and pawed at them. Its golden eyes were purely focused on the popcorn bag in your hands.
"That's Idia?! He must be a shy cat," Grim mumbled to himself.
"Huh, I didn't think that would work." Much to the newcomer cat's dismay, you immediately discarded the bag of popcorn and instead picked up the cat itself. Although it hissed and thrashed around at first, it eventually eased into your embrace. Your head-scratches were just too convincing. "Aw, aren't you the sweetest cat ever? Such pretty golden eyes! And your fur is such a beautiful blue shade, just like your regular hair."
"Shouldn't we turn them back, henchhuman?"
You exhaled in dismay. "Yeah, just a few moments more. They're just so cute... And besides, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"Hey, you don't need more cats in your life!" Grim mumbled impatiently and tried to pry the blue cat out of your arms. "You already got me."
Laughter escaped your lips when the cat let out the most frightening hiss you had ever heard. On cue, Grim let out a scared shriek and fled onto the nearest shelf. As soon as he was gone, the cat in your arms began purring again.
"Idia begs to differ," you cooed and peppered the cat's face with kisses.
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meiiuka · 2 years
danganronpa v3— how they’d react to you giving them flowers as your s/o:
category: short read, reaction, lighthearted
Shuichi Saihara:
• "aww, those flowers are beautiful, i'm glad you could get something nice for yourself! ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE ARE FOR ME?-" his cheeks flush a deep magenta as he lunges to embrace you, nuzzling his face into your shoulder
Kaede Akamatsu:
• "ah..! these are my favorite!! with how well you know me, you have me fully convinced that we're soulmates" (all flowers are her "favorite") but she's SO bubbly and excited, she pulls you towards her for the kind of kisses you can feel giggles between
Maki Harukawa:
• "how sweet.. uh, i actually have a gift for you.. too..." she has flowers for you too, somehow??? did she pull these from outside or did she buy them from a professional florist? who knows, but she won't take them unless you take hers
Rantaro Amami:
• "wow, where did you get these?? they're gorgeous flowers, but never as gorgeous as you darling" he looks down at the flowers, smiling coyly with closed lips, then looks up at you with the same enamored eyes
Kokichi Ouma:
• "ooh pretty things..! i mean, they smell nice, but can i eat them? pfff what do i even do with these!" he fiddles with the bouquet with a puzzled look, then hands it back to you as a "gift" from him
Kaito Momota:
• "i didn't know i'd love flowers so much until i got them from you, this is sick! i have the best s/o to exist" he bear hugs you tightly, holding you close to his chest with one arm; the other carrying the bouquet
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
• "lovely roses... why thank you, dear. i'll keep these safe and guarded." he brings them close to his chest, before planting a kiss atop your head
Angie Yonaga:
• "thank you atua, for the beautiful flowers you placed in the arms of my sweetheart!!" you tell her you just bought them from the store but she walks away, humming happily to set them down
Miu Iruma:
• "woah, wait, these are the roses i've been wanting for so long... thanks, i guess? ... don't look at me right now!" despite her annoyed tone, there's a massive smile plastered on her face as she tries to avoid eye contact with you
Kirumi Tojo:
• "i... i'm speechless. i'm thankful that you love me so much as to grace me with something so beautiful" she smiles from her eyes and immediately gets to placing it in a glass vase, ensuring its well taken care of
Ryoma Hoshi:
• "huh.. i'm not the 'flowery' type. go return these for some cash and buy yourself something nice instead. you want me to keep these? because you love me.. man. i don't deserve you..." you hold him as he melts in your arms. the expression on his face tells you that he really needs it
Gonta Gokuhara:
• "PRETTY FLOWERS.. for gonta? to keep???" he grabs them with such excitement that one falls from the bundle, plucking one out to give it a strong sniff
• "i'm not sure if i know what to do with these, but since you're giving them to me, they're special nonetheless. i... appreciate it!" he holds them out in front of him with a solid foot of distance and examines the petals with care
Tenko Chabashira:
• "no way!! this is the nicest thing that's happened to me..." she gasps in awe and holds the flowers with both hands, blushing profusely at the ground to avoid your gaze
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 7 months
Long Ride p.1
A/n: I had this idea a few days ago and just really wanted to write it for other people who might enjoy it, full disclosure I wrote part of this in a room full of people and was panicking during that so there's a part I feel is significantly lower quality than the rest lmao I hope you enjoy is nonetheless and if you have any requests let me know and I'll be happy to write for it :3
Warnings: Smut, car sex, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, age gap, I think that's it but if you catch anything I missed please let me know :3
Link to part 2
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The streets of L.A. where you lived with your boyfriend, Slash, were always so lively. Every turn led to a new version of the city and it amazed you everyday. Except for today.
You stared out the window as all the streets passed you by and it wasn’t the same. You weren’t passing through all the fun party spots, you weren’t heading to some neat studio. All honesty you had no idea where Slash was taking you, all you knew was that the buildings were all boring and bland and it was driving you nuts.
Slash had the radio on low, playing some oldies songs and you enjoyed the music. It bled into the background so you could at least distract yourself with your thoughts.
Letting your mind run while you sat there with nothing much better to do was great until your mind began wandering in... other directions.
Soon your thoughts trailed away from what the rest of your day was going to look to what Slash’s fingers would feel like inside of you. You knew the answer, of course, but the idea was more than intriguing right now.
You reached for Slash’s hand. Thinking you just wanted to hold his hand he happily accepted the touch and held your hand right back, giving it a small squeeze. You smiled at his hand, long, thick fingers entangled between your own, slimmer ones. His big rings causing an uncomfortable heat to form between your legs.
You bit your lip and pulled his hand to your thigh. Slash quickly glanced at you but then kept his attention on the road. “What are you doing?” He asked in that sweet soft and raspy voice of his.
“Nothing.” You answered as you began sliding your shorts down. Slash looked at you again and gave a quick slap to your hand when he saw what you were doing.
“I have to get to a meeting, what are you doing?” You bit your lip again at his stern tone.
“Come on, it’ll be fine.” You groaned, rolling your eyes at him. “I’ll do all the work, I just need your hand.” You told him and pulled your shorts further down your thighs. Slash shook his head at you but didn’t protest any further. He took the rings off his fingers and dropped them into the cup holder so they wouldn’t get in the way for you.
Once you got your shorts off along with your underwear you took his hand and brought it to your clit, waiting for him to circle it like he normally would. Only he didn’t. His hand lay there limply in yours. You looked up at him with a pout, to which he responded by shaking his head again. “You wanted to be a big girl and do it yourself, so do it yourself.” He said with a shit eating grin that told you he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
You scoffed at him, but he was right. You said you’d do it yourself and you would do it yourself. Using his hand.
Slowly you pushed one of his fingers into you, you were already soaked so it wasn’t hard. Unlike Slash who had a very visible tent in his jeans.
Slash stuck to his words and wasn’t moving his hand at all, not even curling his fingers. Nothing. So it was up to you to roll your hips to get some friction going.
You ground against his hand, pumping just the one finger in and out of your hole until you were ready for another, the familiar stretch drawing a whine from you. Slash kept driving as if nothing was happening. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him as you fucked yourself on his hand, loud moans ripping from your throat, mostly in an attempt to get him to do something.
While you were riding his hand you were touching yourself, trying to mimic the way Slash always does when you’re watching movies. Lazily but with a sense of urgency, teasing you then giving you exactly what you had been begging for in the most intense degree. I didn’t matter, it was the same. Even so, you were still getting close with whatever it was you were doing right.
The familiar knot built back up in your gut, your eyes crossed as it was about to burst. You had the seat pushed back, your legs were parted as far as you could get them in the seat without bothering Slash as he drove along his way.
You clenched around Slash and your back arched but before you actually hit your release he pulled his hand away, taking any pleasure you’d derived from it as well. You whined loudly and sat up, looking at Slash with a pout and teary eyes. “Why would you do that?” You asked, still playing with your clit in a desperate attempt to feel something again.
“I don’t need you making a mess in my car.” He stated bluntly. You glanced around again at all the boring buildings and landscapes as you drove past them. You whined and tried to get yourself off on your own hands, rubbing your clit, pumping your fingers in and out of your hole. You couldn’t help but cry, it wasn’t the same without him. No matter what you did, if you curled your fingers, if you went faster, it didn’t matter. That knot was no longer there, not waiting to burst.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, soft sobs left you as you desperately attempted to get yourself over the edge that just seemed to be moving further and further away.
Slash pulled into a parking lot. There were no other cars in the small space, the building attached to the lot was very obviously abandoned with broken windows and it was covered in art. You watched Slash get out of the car and come around to your side. He opened the door and stared down at you. “Get out.” He ordered.
“What? Why?” You asked, your voice weak and shaky still. Slash let out a heavy sigh before reaching over you and unbuckling your seatbelt. You quickly pulled your shorts back up but you didn’t have time to do them up as Slash pulled you out of the car. He wrapped an arm around your waist and walked with you towards the abandoned building.
You kept looking around as you went, looking for anyone around or any sign of what he was doing. Just something, anything. Slash led you to the alley between the abandoned building and whatever the other place was beside it. It was gross and stank from the industrial garbage bin shoved in there.
Slash shoved you against one of the brick walls, a place where you were mostly hidden by the garbage. He got your shorts off again then pulled himself out of his jeans.
He pushed between your thighs, using your slick as lube. “Happy now?” He asked, his voice harsh in your ear. You whined softly and nodded. Slash scoffed and shook his head. “Fucking bitch.” He mumbled as he aligned himself with you before pushing all the way in with one thrust. You let out a moan as he slid in, hitting your sweet spot as he did so. Slash’s hands gripped your hips, you were sure to find bruises later.
Slash didn’t wait for you to adjust and started thrusting in and out of you at a brutal pace. Your jaw was slack as whines and moans left you like a second language. He hit deep inside of you while his fingers went to work on your clit, rubbing aggressive circles over the sensitive nub. He bit and sucked your neck, leaving dark marks leading down to your shoulder.
That familiar knot built up in your gut and finally you felt like you could hit your release. “Fuck, Slash-Slash, ‘m gonna-gonna cum.” You managed to get out. Slash didn’t stop, he didn’t say anything. Your legs buckled and shook underneath you, the only thing keeping your standing were Slash’s arms around you. After teasing and abusing your poor hole Slash let you cum and you squirted all over the brick wall and concrete ground, soaking your shorts and beneath you as well.
Slash pulled out and slapped your ass. “Better now?” He grumbled as he did his pants up. You turned to look at him and leaned back against the wall. Your breathing was heavy, there was a thin layer of sweat coating your body. Your gaze wandered up and down the man before you.
“You-you didn’t finish.” You mumbled, looking at his crotch. Slash nodded and threw his arm over your shoulder again so he could lead you back to the car.
“I have a meeting to get to.” He said, rubbing your arm. “I’ll finish dealing with you afterwards.” He opened the passenger door for you and reached over to buckle you in, slapping your thigh as he pulled away and closed the door.
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Jump then fall prt.8-The Finale
Description: Can Aeron and Y/N get their happily ever after, or will the impending Dance of the Dragons keep them apart? Dragons, a wild Benjicot, and tourney's, oh my!
Part 7
Writer's note: the final part of Jump then Fall! I had never written a fanfic before this but it's been so fun to get involved with the HOTD fandom. Thank you so much to everyone who read this series :) I'm not sure if I'll write for Aeron anymore as I'll be trying my hand at an Aemond series next. But Elizabeth will hold the fort on the Brackenwood twinks with her Benji content. This includes crossover content with The Blackwood Knight since we accidentally created what we like to call 'The Bracken Tree Multiverse.' 😏
Warnings: swearing, female reader, Canon divergent, hurt/comfort, brief angst, lot's of fluff.
As dawn broke, Aeron made his way to the border with Samwell and Edmund. They did not have to wait long for Benjicot Blackwood to appear over the top of a hill, making his way down to them alone to Aeron's surprise. He was either brazen or so in love with Aeron's cousin that he had become blind to risk. He addressed Aeron with more deference and respect than he'd expected, based on the hostility that had tinged all their previous interactions. "Ser Aeron, I was gladdened to receive your raven." Aeron tried to match his tone "Ser Benjicot, I thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I will get to the point. It is my intention to broker peace between our Houses, your relationship with my cousin has led me to believe you will be amenable to this." Benjicot looked up sharply, can he really have been surprised that his love for Aeron's cousin was the worst kept secret in the Riverlands?
Coughing slightly at the awkwardness of the situation, Benjicot straightened and assumed an air of pride. "I am indeed in love with your cousin. I hope you do not intend to take issue with this. I would prefer not to fight you for fear of upsetting my beloved, I know how she cares for you." Aeron smirked back at him. "I do not take issue with you Blackwood. But it has come to my attention you have been sneaking across the border to see the lady under cloak of darkness. I ask you to desist and to meet with her by day instead before you are married." An uncharacteristic dusting of pink tinted Benjicot's cheeks as he nodded wordlessly. Aeron continued  "I will arrange for you to meet her at the border and take her to visit Raventree Hall on the morrow should this be acceptable to you. The lady herself has already agreed to the arrangement." Benjicot's perpetually cocky smirk returned in full force "I gladly accept. Now tell me of your terms for peace."
The terms were shortly settled and Aeron turned to Edmund as soon as Benjicot was out of hearing distance. "Cousin, I am grateful for your aid today and must ask of you another favour. Can I entrust you to take a message to my Lady, requesting a meeting with her in a location of her choosing. I will not encroach upon her home in the current circumstances. In doing so I trust that you will also issue her with your most heartfelt apology." Aeron's eyebrows rose up at the last, Edmund sheepishly nodding in return. "I will see to it forthwith cousin." Aeron wished to inform Y/N of the fortunate outcome of his meeting with Benjicot in person. He felt her absence most keenly, and seeing her so distressed the previous evening had broken his resolve to stay away from her entirely.
He had just barely been able to bear it when he'd thought it was only him that was suffering so acutely, knowing that it was her wish for him to keep his distance. And he'd instead tried to be content with sending her letters each day and imagining her response to each word. But seeing Y/N look so unwell, watching her burst into tears upon seeing him, and having her practically faint in his arms, had broken his resolve. Nonetheless, he wished to approach this as respectfully and in keeping with Y/N's wishes as possible, sending Edmund with his message first and requesting that she appoint a meeting place herself.
Edmund returned to Bracken Hall before midday with his Lady's response. He let out a sigh of relief as Edmund informed him of her acquiescence to meeting him and that she awaited him presently under their tree. Aeron wasted no time, pocketing a small parcel and departing to meet her at a brisk pace. He slowed his pace as Y/N came into view, palm raised to the trunk of the Brackentree as if reliving a memory. Trying not to startle her, he endeavoured to make enough noise to make his presence known at a distance. She looked up upon hearing the tread of his boots and Aeron stopped a respectful distance away. He looked longingly into her expectant eyes, wishing he could take her hand but knowing his advances would be unwanted at present. He did not assume that because she had allowed him to hold her yesterday, she would allow him to do so today. "My Lady, I am grateful you agreed to meet with me. I hope Edmund was respectful and fittingly apologetic for his part." Y/N nodded, the corner of her mouth quirked up as if trying to contain a smile. "He was, i've never seen him do anything but preen and look obnoxious. I would say it made a welcome change if I could, but it was almost disturbing." Aeron laughed at her wit, the sound and feel of laughter almost foreign to him now, and he rejoiced that she should feel comfortable enough to jest with him. "I wished to tell you of my meeting with Benjicot Blackwood." Y/N eyes immediately perked up attentively at that, eager to hear his news as she leaned her back against the trunk of the Bracken tree. "He was amenable to my suggestions for brokering peace between our Houses and was generous in his offer to dispense with the boundary lines. You were right that my cousin had a secret love, it was Benjicot all along. He seemed willing to go to any lengths to ensure she would not be torn between our two Houses and so I could not have hoped for a better outcome."
He took some tentative steps towards Y/N, and when she did not startle or attempt to move from her position, he walked to stand directly in front of her. His voice came out soft and distant even to him as he became lost in gazing at her. He had not been able to gaze upon the woman he loved for such a painfully long period of time and drank in each detail of her appearance now, in the fear that she would not allow him to see her again. Pulling his focus back to her eyes he was startled to find that her eyes seemed to be flitting across his features in the same manner, and he felt his own heart stutter at the thought of her missing him too. "All that is left is for me to convince my uncle to agree to Benjicot's terms, and reaffirm my refusal to the marriage with Roslyn Tully." Y/N nodded but still looked to him unsure. "And you think you can convince him on both those matters?" Aeron's expression turned resolute, his gaze focused on her eyes "I am certain of it because there is no other option for me. I have only ever loved one girl my whole life and I will marry no other, whatever the consequences."
Y/N raised her hand to hold onto the sleeve of his tunic, pulling him towards her slightly, before looking back up to him with her own determined stare. "I must ask you to understand how betrayed I have felt, how much your actions hurt me, and that it is difficult for me to trust you now. But I love you, you know this already and there is no use in denying it." Aeron tentatively raised his own hand to lightly graze her ribcage with his knuckles, a barely there touch that still conveyed his affection for her. He did not try to interrupt her as she continued. "If you make me your solemn promise never to deceive me again, and to keep your word with regards to your intentions, I will endeavour to forgive you and hope that in time my trust in you can be restored to what it was."
Aeron smiled tenderly at her, her words so welcome to his ears. He pulled a small package from his tunic, unwrapping it to reveal a golden broach to her. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the golden stallion atop the clasp, the symbol of House Bracken. "I wish for you to take this small token as an assurance that I mean what I say, in my eyes you are already the future Lady Bracken, should you permit it." Y/N tentatively took the broach from him, finding herself genuinely moved by his heartfelt attempt to show her his true intentions. She looked back up at him with a gentle smile "Thank you, Aeron."
Lost in his feeling of elation at her acceptance of his small gift, he took a step closer to her as if to embrace her and she planted a hand firmly on his chest to stop him. Aeron instantly halted his movements as his head dropped and he took a step back. "Aeron, I do not wish to open my heart to any more dissapointment. I ask that you keep your distance oncemore. You may come to me only when you have your uncle's express consent to break off your betrothal to Lady Roslyn, only when you are free to marry who you wish." Aeron's expression turned pained, but he understood his Lady's reasoning. "As you wish it, my love." Y/N briefly raised her hand as if to touch him before seeming to think better of it, lowering it back down to her side. "Farewell then Aeron." Her eyes glistened slightly as she strode quickly away from him. Aeron stayed rooted to the spot, watching Y/N walk away from him until she passed over the hill that lead to her home and he could no longer see her.
Lord Amos Bracken was furious at first to learn of his nephew's meeting with Benjicot Blackwood and the pact they had made. To know that Aeron had acted on behalf of House Bracken without his consent. He refused to speak with his nephew for three days in his anger, despite Aeron's constant attempts to catch him as he left his council room or left his chambers to break his fast. By the third day, Aeron had had enough. His uncle's stalling was just extending the length of time before he could see Y/N again and so on the third day he boldly strode into his uncle's council as it was in session. "Uncle I will speak with you, should you permit it or not. I ask you now to decide whether I will do so in front of your council members or not."
His uncle gaped at Aeron's audacity before signalling for his council to depart with a wave of his hand. As soon as the room was vacated and the door shut, Aeron began before his uncle could forestall him further. "Uncle the pact Ser  Benjicot Blackwood and I have brokered will mean peace throughout the Riverlands. There will be no more cause for violence at the border, indeed we will need no border at all and can pass peacefully between Blackwood and Bracken lands. You reject it out of spite alone. Will you not see what lies before you? We assure our own destruction if you will not be swayed." Lord Amos merely glared at Aeron, saying nothing and Aeron threw his hands up in frustration before stalking from the chamber, leaving the door to swing harshly against the wall. However, Lord Amos had begun to consider Aeron's words, unbeknownst to his nephew.
The next day Aeron took a different approach and when he sought an audience with his uncle again, it was with Lady Roslyn beside him. "Uncle, I entreat you to consider the benefits of an accord between our House and House Blackwood. There is no need for us to tear the Riverlands apart for Targaryen overlords who have no care for us. I will not marry Lady Roslyn, nor does she have any desire to marry me and she has kindly accompanied me to tell you as much. It is Y/N I love and it is her alone I will pledge myself too. You can either except this absolute with or without the peace pact I have secured." Aeron was out of breath by the time he had finished his tirade but his persistence had been worth it. Lord Amos finally acceded the sagacity of a pact between Blackwoods and Brackens, particularly when the Riverlands were threatened by all out warfare and destruction by dragon fire. Together, the Houses of the Riverlands would stand strong. And at last, he consented to dissolve Aeron's betrothal to the Lady Roslyn, much to her own relief. Aeron was pleasant enough but her tastes lay elsewhere, she had already found love with her handmaiden. She laughed as Aeron ran from the hall the second they were dismissed, having no doubt of where he was headed.
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Y/N was almost ashamed to find herself yet again sat in the windowsill of her father's home, that gave her a direct view of Bracken Hall. She knew that it was at her request that Aeron stayed away. She had not thought she could bear his closeness while still uncertain whether she would be able to marry him. It did not matter that he'd all but promised himself to her, not until Lord Bracken rescinded his betrothal to Roslyn Tully. The Blackwood heir's ready acceptance to peace terms had filled her with hope, but she was no fool and would not allow herself to be placed in a precarious position again as she had been when Aeron's betrothal had first been announced.
And yet she had almost convinced herself she could see Aeron walking the path that led to her home, as she had often imagined. Her heart leapt in her chest as she realised she was not imagining anything, that was Aeron making his way across the field which led to her home. He was far off in the distance but she could recognise his silhouette anywhere. Y/N knew that if he had come to her that could only mean one thing, that all her hopes were coming to fruition. She slid off the window sill, picking up her skirts and beginning to run. It was a difficult task with nerves racking her entire body, but she felt an inexplicable pull forcing her legs to move faster as she ran to meet Aeron.
He did not spot her at first, seemingly preoccupied with staring at his boots, a bouquet of baby's breath flowers swinging from one of his hands. But when he did his face lit up in a smile that was pure sunshine to Y/N, full of warmth, which only made her run that much faster. Aeron opened his arms to meet her as she practically flew into him, wrapping his arms around her and holding her to him in an embrace that lifted her feet of the ground. He held her aloft and against him for a long while, his face pressed against her hair, breathing in the smell of her perfume, before he slowly slid her back down to the ground. He kept his arms firmly encircled around her waist nonetheless, as if frightened she would dissapear, though she had no intention of leaving his arms anytime soon.
Still out of breath from her exertions, she spoke in between pants. "It is settled then? I am to be your wife?" She watched a soft emotion crossed Aeron's eyes. Removing his hands from her waist and taking a step back from her, which had Y/N inwardly panicking that she had misunderstood the situation entirely, he suddenly knelt before her on one knee. She blushed as she realised what he was doing. Taking both her hands in his, he looked up at her reverentially as if she were a goddess and he her humble worshipper. "I will make no great speeches now my love, for I hope there will be plenty of time for that in the days and years that follow. I know that I tarried too long in expressing this, my most earnest and longheld desire, that you should become my wife, so I will waste no more time. I offer myself to you as your husband, as one who loves you and wants nothing more than to cherish you for the rest of our lives."
Y/N could hardly speak through the all-consuming joy she felt but squeezed his hands and managed out a breathy "yes." Aeron was on his feet in an instant, oncemore lifting her off the ground and spinning her as they both laughed. Setting her back down, he slowly brought his hands to either side of her face, before pressing his forehead to hers and closing his eyes, as if trying to convey the love he felt for her with this touch. He brushed his lips against hers, whispering against them "I can no longer be a raven", seemingly referring to that pained period when the only connection he could have with his beloved was the daily letters he sent by raven. With that he closed the distance and captured her lips with his. Y/N pulled away from him after a few moments, fixing Aeron with a stern gaze. "Don't you ever do something so stupid again, do you understand me?" Aeron gulped down a swallow before responding "Of course my love, it was a terrible thing and I am sorry for it. I will spend a lifetime trying to make up for it." Y/N considered this and nodded, placing her head on his chest. Only a second later she abruptly pushed him away from her, seemingly not finished with scolding him for his previous misteps as she poked him in the chest with her index finger. "And don't think that you can just get away with..." Aeron quickly cut her off, pulling her back to him by her waist and crashing his lips to hers. Y/N found she did not care about his rude interruption, simply opening her palm to lay it flat against his chest and entangling her other hand in his hair. She felt him smile against her lips as she did so.
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Aeron did not think he had ever been so nervous in his life as he stood at the altar of the Sept at Bracken Hall, waiting for Y/N. His feelings had clearly mapped their way onto his expression and Samwell lightly elbowed him in the ribs as he stood at his side. "Worried she's going to jilt you? Can't blame you, she was always too good for you." When Aeron shot him a look of utter panic at what he'd intended as a joke Sam relented and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Stop worrying. Y/N loves you, it may be misguided philanthropy on her part but it's true nonetheless. She'll be here." Aeron nodded and faced back towards the door.
He was glad of it as within moments Y/N appeared on her father's arm. Aeron's face broke into a smile at the sight of her. She had never looked so beautiful to him than she did now in her wedding dress of cream and gold, symbolising her affinity with his House. He had to remember to keep his breathing even as she walked towards him, but his nerves disappeared altogether when she removed herself from her father's arm to take his hand instead. He could barely contain his joy as they spoke their vows, realising that he could finally call Y/N his wife.
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As the great Houses of the Riverlands came together as one to support Rhaenyra's claim, the war was quickly won in the true Queen's favour. A period of peace and prosperity was brought forth such that the Riverlands had never seen in living memory, the pact between House Blackwood and House Bracken cemented in treaties and in blood with the marriage of the Lord of Raventree, Benjicot Blackwood, to Aeron Bracken's cousin.
Aeron felt sure he'd checked everywhere for his favourite riding gloves, having turned his chambers inside out to find them. He was certain his Lady Wife would not be best pleased at the mess but he urgently needed his gloves for the tourney his uncle was holding on the morrow. He had neither the time nor the patience to restore everything back to its rightful place as he searched, leaving behind him a wake of destruction. A gentle cough behind him signalled the arrival of the very lady he'd been  thinking of and he turned to her with a sheepish smile. "I must apologise, my love. I assure you I will set everything back to rights, I just cannot seem to find my gloves anywhere." Y/N nodded, smoothing her skirts down and beginning to open up a cabinet he'd not yet checked. "I think it best we find the gloves first before we attempt to put anything back in order. I don't trust you not to mess it up again otherwise." She sent him a look that was half stern, half teasing. "Right you are of course, my darling." He smiled at her sweet nature as she joined him in looking for his missing gloves.
Opening a drawer in the bottom shelf of a dresser his hands grazed some crumpled parchment, and he pulled out a wad of letters tied together with lilac ribbon. As he continued to look at them he realised they were in fact his letters, or rather the ones he had written to Y/N in the weeks following that disastrous banquet, when she had refused to speak to him at all. He had imagined she'd thrown every letter out in her anger with him, it warmed his heart to know she'd kept them like precious treasures. They were crumpled and clearly well-read, as if she had gone back to them time and time again. Suspicious of her husband's silence, Y/N turned and her heart skipped a beat at what she saw. Quickly running over to him she made a grab for the letters but Aeron pulled them out of her reach. Her face was flushed with embarrassment but Aeron could not see why.
"You kept my letters?" Hearing the tenderness in his tone as his eyes softened, she realised he did not mean to mock her for her sentimentality.
"They were beautiful letters."
"I thought you had hated each one, though I could not find it in myself to stop writing. Those letters felt like the only thing tethering me to you at one point."
Y/N reached up to stroked Aeron's cheek. "I cannot tell you what those words meant to me. I read them over and over, they were the only thing that made me certain you did in fact love me. I cherish them and read them often even now."
Aeron took her hand from his face to place a kiss on her palm at her admission. "Perhaps I should write more love letters, then, if it would please my Lady Wife." Aeron smirked cockily at her. She swatted his chest, "Don't get too arrogant now, it doesn't suit you husband. I should be glad to receive your notes though if you deign to write them."
Aeron pulled her to him, his chin resting atop her head. "I shall dedicate hours to them each day. Nothing shall take precedence." Aeron jested. He did so love to hear his wife laugh.
As the morning of the tourney loomed, Aeron attempted with little success to put on his armour without the help of his bastardly squire, who'd gotten too deep into his cups at the opening feast the night prior. As he struggled to attach his pauldron to his breastplate he heard the shift of fabric as the flap of his tent was pulled up and his Lady Wife entered. "Husband, I can hear you clanging about with your armour from outside. Let me help you." She removed his hands from where he'd been fumbling with clasps as she deftly began to attach each piece with more patience and skill than he had done. He felt his heartbeat race, as she brushed her hands across his shoulders to survey her handy work. Though they were now married and he could barely feel her touch through the armour, she was ever able to have such an affect on him.
Handing him his gauntlet she nodded, seemingly satisfied with her work. "You are presentable, now make me proud." Aeron let out a hearty laugh, pulling his beloved wife to him with one arm wrapped around her waist as she braced her hands against his chest from the momentum. He leaned down and lightly brushed his nose against hers. "I shall win every tournament  which I compete in if it should please my Lady, and if she consent to give me her favour." Quickly pecking him on the lips Y/N affectionately patted Aeron on the cheek before pulling away. "None of that my Good Knight. You can get a kiss when you win your tournaments."
As Aeron reluctantly released her, a playful look lit her eyes and she made a grab for his sword. "You should teach me how to use this Aeron, it might come in handy when your cousin Edmund is being particularly reprehensible." Lifting it she attempted to swing it in an arch but stumbled under the weight of it, not having taken that into account. Aeron's eyes widened in concern for her safety as it swung wildly out of her grip in the direction of the tent entrance, only for Samwell to pop his head through the flap. The sword just barely missed his head as his eyes widened comically in shock. Y/N quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment and fear of what she had almost done. Seeming to recover his wits, Samwell turned his head in Aeron's direction. "I dare say my good man your Lady Wife almost decapitated me. What have you done to make her so angry she should swing your own sword at you."
Y/N took a step towards him, frantically uttering her apologies. "I'm so terribly sorry Samwell, I was being silly and messing about with it."
Samwell did not wish to embarass his friend's wife and so shrugged it off. "No worries my Lady, if I were bound to that oaf over there for the rest of my days I'd also have swung a sword at him by now." Aeron rolled his eyes at Samwell and wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders, rubbing his hand down her arm comfortingly. "I'll not have you undermining my Lady's swordsmanship Samwell. The blow was clearly well aimed and meant for you. I'm immensely proud." Y/N's embarrassment had begun to fade as the two men continued to jest and volley insults at one another, but she resolutely decided she would in fact ask Aeron to teach her to handle a sword in future to avoid any recurrences. With a soft kiss to the crown of her head, Aeron departed for the joust and Y/N made for the stands to cheer on her husband. She positioned herself close to the balcony railings of Lord Bracken's box so Aeron would be able to see her and ask for her favour. She well knew he had kept the first lilac favour she'd ever given him tied to his swordbelt, and yet she still knew he would ask it of her. She believed that to him it was his way of expressing to her what they'd both always known since they were children, that he was her Good Knight and she his Lady.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Hiii! Would you be able to write a Hotch x female reader smut where he has an innocence kink ? Maybe virgin reader as well?
This was so much fun to write! Let me know if I should do a part 2 about reader touching Aaron for the first time! 🥰
Warnings; innocence kink, virgin reader, first time, oral, fem receiving, fingering, unprotected sex, cursing, phone sex kinda, dirty talking
Word Count: 5.9k
Aaron was well aware of the fact that you had never been touched. You had sheepishly told him during a heavy make out session one night months ago, but you had given him the okay to take your virginity whenever he saw fit. The opportunity hadn't arose for Aaron to make it special for you yet, so it hadn't came up, but he was aching to touch you. Given the fact that he'd be the only man to ever have his hands on you, it made his head spin—but the effect you had on him was dizzying nonetheless.
He often thought about using his mouth to spread you open, how you would taste writhing under his touch. He'd day dream about giving you your first orgasm, what you'd look like coming undone under the mercy of his tongue. He'd fuck his fist to the thought of you naked and ready for him, his cock throbbing at the image of him slipping into you, going as slow as possible as he gently eased into you. He'd lost count at how many times he'd had an orgasm thinking about giving you pleasure for the first time.
Aaron had decided he'd try to initiate things when he came home. He was still away on a case for now, missing you terribly. He'd just gotten back to his hotel for the night when he decided it wasn't too late to call you, sitting down on the edge of his bed with a heavy sigh as the phone rang in his ear.
"Hi baby," you greeted him, thrilled to hear his voice. You'd been thinking of him nonstop, and you were happy he'd called, even if it was only for a few minutes before bed.
"Hi, sweetheart. I hope it isn't too late, I just couldn't stop thinking about you," he admitted, the heat rising to his cheeks when he realized how bad he had it for you—he was absolutely smitten, as in love as he could possibly get with no chance of slowing down any time soon.
"You can call me whenever you want, you know that," you assured him, just thankful to hear his voice. You worried more than usual when he was away, often afraid of what might happen to him, and not being able to stop it.
"Tell me about your day, don't leave anything out," he asked, and he listened happily as you told him about the mundane parts of your day and how work had been. Your evening had been more than uneventful as you'd spent most of it on the couch, glass of wine in tow, thinking about the man that you loved. You'd been ready to give your body to him for longer than you wanted to admit, but he'd been waiting patiently for what he thought was the right time. You told him you were ready whenever he was, and until he decided it was perfect, you'd be happy to wait.
Aaron was having a hard time holding back with you. Every time you were in his bed, he wanted to give himself to you in as many possible ways as he could. He'd already decided when it happened, it would be all about you—he'd spend the entire evening making sure you knew what real pleasure was before he ever did anything selfishly. Getting the privilege of touching you was a reward enough in his eyes; if he had anything to say about it, he'd be the only person to touch you in your life—he wanted forever with you.
"Any chance I'll get to sleep next to you soon?" You asked him, holding your breath for the answer; you knew sometimes it took a while to finish up on cases, and you didn't expect this to be any different.
"I hope we can wrap things up in the next day or so. Having you in my bed has been on my mind heavily," he chuckled, and you quickly started to piece together that his words had more than one meaning.
"You can have me whenever you want," you breathed, anxious to hear what he had to say back. Sometimes Aaron didn't pick up on your flirtiness, or if he did, he wasn't sure what to do about it. That wasn't the case this time—he had heard you loud and clear.
"I've got plans involving you and my bed when I get home. But I'm taking you out first, spoiling you as much as I can," his voice had gotten dangerously low, causing a shiver down your spine at the implication that it would be happening, and sooner than you thought.
"Oh? Sounds like I need to buy something to wear," you'd use any excuse to find something to look good for him in, and you'd spied a red dress at a boutique earlier in the week that was dying to be worn, and now you had the perfect reason to buy it.
"Something that's relatively easy to take off, I hope," he joked, but it caused the heat to pool between your thighs at the thought of him undressing you.
"I'm sure you know your way around a zipper," you chirped back, and he laughed, making you smile wide. It was one of your favorite sounds, and he seemed to be doing it more often with you around.
"I'll manage regardless. You know, I don't think you understand how special it is to me that you're letting me be your first," it was more than special to him—it was something sacred that he'd cherish forever. He thought you were the most incredible person he'd ever met—he hadn't been expecting you, but he'd fallen for you so quickly that anything before you seemed irrelevant. You'd been so accepting of him and Jack, loving the two of them unconditionally and becoming someone Jack could depend on as well. Jack had spent plenty of nights at your apartment while Aaron was away on a case, spending time with you, bonding. The two of you were close, and Aaron loved that. It filled him with so much adoration for you that sometimes he wondered how he ever lived so long without you.
"You know, it would make me really happy if you were the only person to ever touch me," you told him, met with a harsh gulp on the other end of the line. Aaron opened his mouth, but nothing would come out—he was stunned into silence, but his mind was running rampant. You wanted him forever, and that was hard for him to process at first. He'd never expected you to say it, although he'd known for a while now that you were what he wanted too. You were the perfect match for him, and he'd do anything in his power to keep you around for as long as possible.
"Do you mean that?" He didn't mean to doubt you—more than anything, he just needed the reassurance of your love, in whatever form you could give it to him.
"Of course I do. Honestly, Aaron... It's all I think about," you felt a bit bashful admitting it, but given your inexperience, when Aaron agreed to be your first, the thoughts of what exactly that entailed invaded your mind and wouldn't get out. In the shower, on the way to work—but especially now, when you were alone in bed late at night. Sometimes you'd think about touching yourself, but you weren't sure what would feel good, and you knew waiting on Aaron would be worth it in the long run.
"Oh, sweetheart... I've imagined it so many times, all of the ways I'm going to make you feel so good," he purred, and you found yourself nearly whimpering at his words, melting at his deep, silky voice and his promise to give you what you'd been craving for so long.
"Me too. I can't wait to feel your hands, what they feel like on my body. I can't wait to make you feel good too—I really want to touch you, Aaron," you were a soaked mess, and hearing him groan on the other end of the line wasn't helping any.
"Sweet girl, don't worry about me. All I want you to concern your pretty little head with is enjoying yourself. You've gone so long untouched...I can't wait for you to know what it feels like, to see what you look like when you have your first orgasm," you released a breath you didn't even know you'd been holding, more than curious as to what it would feel like. You had no doubt he'd be loving, careful with you, and you were excited to learn all of the ways you could touch him too. You'd done some research, so you weren't completely naive, and you were hoping he'd give you the chance to show him what you learned.
"Come home to me soon, please. I don't know if I can go much longer without you," you whined, knowing he couldn't help it, but you wanted him back so terribly, you were willing to go to Ohio to solve the case on your own if it meant bringing him back sooner.
"I know, sweetheart. Going to pick you up as soon as I get back, keep you at my place for as long as I can. I can't wait to kiss you...all over, every inch of you," he told you, making your toes curl up in anticipation at what was to come—you could hardly contain yourself.
"Wish you could feel me right now; my panties are ruined," Aaron's cock throbbed against the hem of his slacks, precum no doubt staining his boxers as he palmed himself without abandon, licking his lips at the thought of dragging his tongue through your center, watching your eyes roll back as he fucked you with his tongue.
"I'm dying to taste you, baby. Going to spend half of the night between your legs; I can't wait to learn your body," you could hear the desperation laced in his words, and you knew he was probably aching to be touched just as badly as you were.
"Been dreaming about tasting you too, Aaron. I want to try everything with you," Aaron was coming unraveled at your words, nearly ready to cum in his pants at the idea of your lips wrapped around his cock. He let his eyes close and pictured you on your knees, his cock in your hand as you looked to him to teach you what to do. He couldn't wait to show you, to guide you through everything for the first time. Your lack of experience was something that Aaron found himself pondering on often. You were gorgeous—plenty of people saw that. People should've been lining up to want their shot at you, and you hadn't hesitated to tell him you'd been asked out a lot, but no one had caught your interest like he did.
He felt like the most special man in the world.
Every time he kissed you, he wondered how he got so lucky. You were a godsend, and he was going to keep you in his life permanently, if you'd let him. He was addicted to you—he had to be careful at work or his thoughts would run wild, trained on you and the things you made him feel. He hadn't loved anyone in a long time, and he certainly hadn't expected it to come so easily. The words had rolled off his tongue the first time, and after a sweet but greedy kiss, you were telling him that you loved him too, and he could breathe a sigh of relief that you wanted to be kept by him.
"I'll teach you whatever you want to learn, sweetheart. I love you so much, all I want is for you to be happy."
He smiled when he heard your cute little breathless laugh on the other end, and he could practically hear the smile on your face as you spoke. These little things you did without even realizing it were Aaron's green light to fall head over heels for you, because it was obvious you were doing the same.
"I love you, Aaron. I've never been so happy in my life," you promised him, yawning into the receiver as you came to lay on the pillows, putting your phone on speaker.
"Sweet girl, get some sleep. I'll text you in the morning, I'm going to try my best to make it home to you soon," he wouldn't rest until they'd put this case behind them and he was on the jet coming back to you.
"I know you will. Sweet dreams, Aaron. I love you," he was quick to tell you back, hanging up the phone and laying back on his bed for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. He knew he'd have to go slow when he finally had you, or else he'd get ahead of himself. He was already going mad at the mere thought, what your soft, delicate body would feel like, the sweet taste of your arousal as he finally had the privilege of tasting you. The thoughts were overwhelming until Derek knocked on his door to tell him there was a break in the case and that they were needed with the Local PD.
When morning came, your first order of business was to find something that would drive Aaron wild. You got dressed and drove straight to the boutique where you'd seen the red dress, not thinking twice when you swiped your card. You did a little more shopping, deciding on a lacy white bra and panty set that you knew would get him going, and by the time you stopped for coffee, he was calling.
"Hi baby," he nearly melted at your words every time you spoke, that was nothing new for him. He loved your voice, to listen to you talk about any and everything that was on your mind.
"Hi sweetheart. I'll be home in a couple of hours. If you want to be ready, I'll pick you up and we'll go out to dinner," Aaron had already picked the place—it was one of the nicest spots in town, and he knew you would love it. Afterwards, he planned to bring you home, make you as comfortable as possible before the rest of your evening began. He knew you'd been waiting far too long, and he himself had been bouncing off the rafters waiting for the night to come. In just a few short hours, he'd finally have you.
"I'll be ready. I can't wait to see you," you told him, but Aaron was equally excited to see you. If he could will the jet to go faster, he would—a 3 and a half hour flight seemed like forever when he knew you were waiting for him.
"I'm so excited, sweetheart. Remember, all about you tonight. I hope you're ready," you could hear the want in his voice, his eagerness to have your body, it made you feel like one of the most coveted women alive.
"More than ready," you assured him, wishing him a safe flight as he got ready to take off, leaving you to get ready, making sure every aspect of your hair and outfit was perfect by the time Aaron arrived.
You'd checked your appearance nearly a dozen times in the mirror when he knocked on the door, giving you no more time to second guess yourself. You felt silly for ever doubting yourself when you opened the door and saw Aaron's reaction to your outfit. The collar of his black dress shirt grew tight as he reached for your waist to pull you in closer, his lips brushing your jaw before he came in for a kiss.
"Sweetheart, I don't know what to say. I've never seen anything quite like you before," he whispered against your lips, his hand coming to cup your face as he let his eyes trail over your body once more. The truth was, you'd stunned him into silence—no one had ever went out of their way to want to look good for him, and it only solidified his thoughts that you were meant for him completely.
"You look so good, Aaron," you told him before kissing him again, your fingers on his collar, tugging him closer. He let his arms wrap around you, forgetting where you were momentarily as his tongue slipped into your mouth. You whimpered softly, which only made Aaron come closer, his hands roaming your body openly, hidden only by the darkness surrounding the two of you. It took everything in him to pull away from you, wanting to march you inside and undress you before you'd even eaten. With one last kiss, he led you to the car, moving the center console up so you could sit next to him in the middle. His hand found yours, holding it tightly as he navigated you through the city.
Aaron had chosen a ridiculously fancy restaurant, the two of you skipping wine and opting for water. You wanted a clear head and assumed he felt the same. His eyes never left you once, only briefly while he ordered his food. His hand reached for yours across the table and you took it happily, smiling back at him over the table. He was breathtaking in all black, your mind honed in on the idea of stripping him down, kissing every inch of his sexy broad chest and his long arms. You knew by the gleam in his eye that his thoughts were similar, and even though the conversation was light throughout dinner, the sexual tension was heavy and thick enough to slice with a butter knife.
Aaron couldn't stop thinking about how good you looked. He knew from the men who were shamelessly throwing glances in your direction that he was a lucky man, and he'd never do anything to jeopardize his relationship with you. He'd decided early on that he'd do anything he could to keep you, wanting you around more every time he saw you. That still hadn't changed—he craved your presence, uneasy if he wasn't around you.
By the time you left the restaurant, Aaron's palms were sweaty and his mouth was dry. The closer he got to his house, the harder it became to pay attention to the road and not to you—your hand was on his thigh, absentmindedly brushing against him, and it was making it difficult for him to concentrate. His free hand moved to your bare thigh, feeling your satiny smooth skin; he sighed to himself, wondering if you were this soft everywhere. He had no doubt that you were, and it was all for him.
Once you were finally at his house, he led you inside, opting to bring you straight to the bedroom. He closed the door gently behind him, watching you closely as you sat on the edge of the bed. He came to stand in front of you, silently reaching for your foot so he could remove your heels. He let them fall to the floor, his eyes traveling up your legs until he was looking into your eyes.
Aaron was feeling an abundance of emotions all at once. He was overcome with so much love for you that he wasn't sure what to do with himself. He was only a little nervous, but mostly because he was afraid you wouldn't enjoy yourself—he tried not to let the doubt creep into his mind and ruin the evening though. You were both consenting adults, and you wanted this just as badly as him—he knew that for a fact. He was especially eager—he had been since your phone conversation the night before, thinking about it long after you'd hung up for the night.
"You're so gorgeous, sweetheart. I can't keep my eyes off of you," he leaned forward to kiss you, holding your face firmly in his hands as your tongues tangled together; you were squirming in your seat at the thought of him using his mouth on you, buzzing internally at the fact that he wanted to taste you so badly. No one had ever wanted you like Aaron did; he'd went out of his way to show you from the very first day. Aaron was the type to shower you with compliments, to make you feel good about yourself in every aspect as if he'd spoken it into existence. You believed every word that came out of his mouth, trusted him beyond a shadow of a doubt, which was why you'd taken the chance on him in the first place. Unlike with other men, you didn't hesitate to give Aaron your phone number, and you actively kept in contact with him even before you were dating; he'd call you in the morning and before bed, just to let you know he was thinking about you. Becoming his girlfriend had been the easiest decision you'd ever made, and you were proud to be his.
"It's all for you," you told him, watching his cheeks redden as he grew bashful—it was always a sight to see; he often didn't realize how incredible he truly was, and you were quick to remind him. You loved getting dressed up for him, making a spectacle out of belonging to him. You knew he appreciated the effort, though you were glad to do it for him. He deserved someone who would go to any length for him, and you planned to be that person.
Aaron wanted you to be comfortable first. When he joined you on the bed, his hands came to your thighs, his fingers massaging your bare skin just below your dress. He began kissing you, first your shoulder, working his way to your neck; his nose brushed along your jaw as he came to your mouth, kissing you slowly, delicately. It was sweet, your strong, stern man taking things at a new speed, you knew it was taking all of his restraint not to undress you.
You found your way into his lap, arms snaked around his neck as the two of you made out like mad, his hands on your waist. He kissed you for a while longer before he pulled away, toying with the straps of your dress.
"Can I see you, pretty girl?"
You gave him a nod and decided you'd stand up and do the honors, letting him unzip your dress so it could fall to the floor. Aaron saw what you were wearing and found himself struggling to think straight. He wondered if you'd worn white just for him, something about the lacy set made it even better for him, because he knew you'd never worn anything like that for anyone else before. He didn't try to hide the effect you had on him, his cock throbbing wildly in his slacks as he looked at you.
"You're divine, baby. So fucking pretty," he groaned as you laid next to him on the bed, propped up on your side so you could see him.
"You like it? I bought it just for you," you said, earning a nod in response as he came forward to pepper your chest with warm, open mouthed kisses. It covered you in goosebumps, the sensation of his lips on your flushed skin.
"I love it, I think you look perfect, sweetheart." Aaron's mind was reeling now that he was touching you, his hands a bit shaky but overall, he felt nothing but love. He tentatively reached behind you to feel for the clasp to your bra, and after looking to you to make sure it was okay, he was undoing it and letting your bra join your dress in the floor. Aaron's mouth immediately latched on to one of your nipples, his free hand rolling the other between his fingers. You moaned, pushing your chest forward for him. He sucker your nipples until they were puffy and stiff, stopping long enough to pull back at look at you.
"Lay down for me," he instructed, putting a pile of pillows behind your head. You watched with wide eyes as he unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it aside before tugging his T-shirt over his head. Your hand made its way to his chest, feeling the sexy, scarred flesh as he turned towards you, his fingertips trailing up your thigh. He was nearly at your panty line, taking a deep breath as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties.
"Can I take these off?"
You nodded, letting him undress you completely, trying not to be self conscious about being naked around him. Aaron couldn't believe his eyes; he'd never seen a human being so perfect in his life, and he planned to make sure you knew exactly how amazing he thought you were. He couldn't stop staring, his mouth slightly agape as he blinked at you, making sure you wouldn't disappear once he closed his eyes.
"Perfect, every bit of you," he breathed, ducking down to kiss your thighs. Aaron was certain he'd never want another human being again, not as long as you were alive. Every inch of you was spectacular to him, so much so that he was dizzy with lust—he found his gaze lingering on your core, glistening for him, just waiting for his touch. He sucked marks onto your skin, making you wiggle against the bed, letting out a breathless moan as he began to move upward towards your center.
Secretly, Aaron couldn't wait to corrupt you. Teaching you to touch him, and yourself eventually, sparking your curiosity for new things you could try together. He knew you'd get the hang of things easily, but that would come later. For now, he was focused on spreading your legs, getting you to open up for him.
"Relax, baby. I've got you, okay? If you need me to stop for anything, just tell me. I want to make sure there's nothing but pleasure for you," he lowered himself between your legs, the intoxicating smell of your arousal invading his nostrils and temporarily shutting down his senses. He let out a deep breath as he looked to you, laid out on the pillows, watching his every move. He was close enough to see your clit throbbing, your pussy clenching around nothing as he came closer. The heat of his mouth was enough to have you whimpering, your brain going white hot as his tongue dove eagerly into your center.
You hadn't expected it to feel so good. You had no doubt it would be amazing, but you'd vastly underestimated how much. You were a moaning mess, a few swipes of his tongue away from your first orgasm. Aaron knew you were close, and he was watching you carefully. He couldn't wait to see your face as you came, and then he had every intention of doing it again.
Your voice got caught in your throat, your legs shook even under the weight of Aaron's arms on top of them. The euphoria was overpowering, enough to leave you breathing heavily. You looked back at him, a satisfied smirk on his face; he'd stopped long enough to let you work through your orgasm and then he was back at it, lapping eagerly at your drenched pussy. He moaned into you, gripping your thighs possessively as his tongue swirled around inside of you, bringing you over the edge even quicker than the first time. This time, Aaron didn't stop to let you recover, he was sucking furiously at your clit as you rode out your high—you barely had time to bounce back before you were shaking again, a hum of satisfaction leaving Aaron's lips.
"You taste so good, baby. My sweet, innocent girl is making a mess all over my tongue," that was the last you heard from him for nearly half an hour— he stayed between your legs, giving you more than a handful of orgasms, clearly having the time of his life, so you didn't want to stop him. It felt too good, heavenly—he knew exactly what he was doing.
Aaron was so lost in the moment, starstruck every time he was able to make you cum. He was absolutely enthralled by you, obsessed with the way you tasted, wanting to stay between your legs for as long as he could. Your body shook as you came, and Aaron sighed to himself, so happy with the way things had been going so far.
"You're doing so good, sweetheart. I'm going to use my fingers too, is that okay?"
You nodded back at him, propping up on your elbows so you could watch. He was mesmerizing, and you couldn't peel your eyes away from him. His long, thick fingers teased your entrance, coating his digits with your arousal before he slowly slipped a finger inside of you. As soon as you got used to it, you wanted more, thrusting your hips upward as your orgasm rocked your body.
"More, Aaron, please," you panted, his eyebrow raised as he looked up at you.
"You're sure, baby? Tell me if it's too much," he carefully added another finger, staying perfectly still until your body was adjusted; once he realized you were okay, he began to pump in and out of you, his fingers hitting your sweet spot, driving you absolutely wild. Your chest heaved as he sped up slightly, his eyes trained on you to make sure it wasn't too much, that you were alright.
Aaron was still partially in disbelief that he was actually touching you—he'd almost came in his pants twice while going down on you, simply because you'd  it so much. Aaron had planned to spend all night  giving you the love you deserved, as long as you were okay with it. Now that he'd had a taste of you, he couldn't get enough.
"I want you, Aaron," you said finally, tired of waiting; you needed to feel him, experience what it was like to be touched by someone who loved you endlessly. Aaron gave you a nod, sitting up so he could finish undressing. Once he was completely naked, you wondered how he'd possibly fit inside of you—you hadn't expected him to be so big, but given his attitude, you weren't at all surprised.
"I'll go slow, be as gentle as I can. We can stop any time you need to," he reminded you, lining up with you as he took a deep breath. You tried to relax your body as best as you could, mentally preparing yourself to take him—you'd been slightly intimidated for a moment, but you knew he would take care of you, so that eased your worries tremendously. After what seemed like an eternity, he was cautiously pressing into you, easing into you inch by inch. There was a lot of pressure at first, but there was a lot of him to get used to. He stayed completely still, letting you take as much time as you needed; Aaron knew he wouldn't last long, not with the way you were squeezing him so tight.
Aaron let out a breath, looking at your body laid out just for him—he'd never felt so loved, never experienced anything like the sensation he was overcame with now. He saw his life with you, laid out like he was viewing a scrapbook. He saw a ring on your finger, and a house full of brown eyed children with your sweet smile. Aaron knew his future was with you, and you confirmed it every time you whimpered his name. It was melodious to him; he couldn't get enough of it, of you.
"You can keep going," you told him finally, and Aaron bit his lip harshly, nodding as he began to move. A soft smile rested on your face as his hips rolled into you, steady and precise. It wasn't long before he was leaning down, kissing you with every bit of love he had to give. He stayed close, propped up on his elbows as he took his time with you; you'd never seen a more patient, caring man, someone who would go out of their way to be so loving with you—you hoped he was around to stay. You wanted a life with him, to grow with him.
"How do you feel? Can you handle more?" He was hesitant to speed things up without your permission, but you nodded, kissing the corner of his mouth, bringing your hands to the back of his head to keep him near you.
“Feels so good. You can go faster,” you said, hushed and low, making Aaron kiss you hard on the mouth. You were doing so good, he was so happy things were going well; he’d been nervous that something would go wrong, but it had all been in his head. Now that you were here, everything was perfect.
He started to move faster, making him grit his teeth together as he buried himself deeper inside of you. You were experiencing something foreign—it was like love, but stronger. You’d never felt so connected to anyone, like your entire life had been leading up to Aaron and the happiness he could bring to you.
You were getting close, Aaron could tell by the way your breathing had changed; he took that as a signal that he could go a bit faster, and he was rewarded by you gripping the sheets, letting your eyes flutter shut as the buzz of pleasure took you over. Aaron was in love with the faces you made, how you looked so good when you came—he could hardly control his own orgasm, so he wasn’t surprised at all when he poured into you, groaning your name as his mouth connected with yours once more. His hand brushed your hair out of your face, his forehead pressed against yours as he eased out of you, his arms holding the majority of his weight as he positioned his body to cradle yours. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him.
“Tell me what you’re feeling. Are you okay?” You could hear the concern in his voice, but it nearly melted away when you leaned up to kiss him, your hands on his face. You couldn’t wipe the smile from your lips, your body buzzing with excitement, your adrenaline pumping.
“I feel great, Aaron. That was perfect—you’re perfect,” he blushed at your words, nuzzling closer to you than before; he was so warm, it was making your eyes heavy before you realized it.
“You’re the perfect one, sweetheart. This has been the best night of my life, I couldn’t ask for anything better,” he sighed, his eyes closing as he settled in on the pillow, kissing your forehead lightly as his breathing began to steady.
“I love you, Aaron. Thank you.”
He let out a breathless little laugh, snuggling closer to you than before, his body going still within seconds.
“I love you. You don’t ever have to thank me; I’m yours whenever you want.”
You were completely content. Aaron had made the night a memorable one, but you knew this was just the beginning. There was so much more in store for the two of you—and you couldn’t wait. 
Master tags: @wheelsupkels @periodtcevans @hausofwhores @criminallyobsessedcm @tojithesourcerkiller @fireworksinthesky
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tojisrealwifey · 10 months
Just One Chance
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Synopsis: Senju makes a promise to wait for [name] before [name] moves. She's back after 10 years but loving Senju seemed to have backfired on her. Now, as she wallows in self-pity she is reunited with her ex, Mikey.
note: this is an alternate ending for my senju fic. you don't need to know the story but if you're interested you can find it here.
・❥・requests : rules
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WARNINGS: MDNI, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (f.receiving), Fingering, Squirting, Masturbation, Slight Somnophillia, Dacryphilia, Slightly OOC Mikey, Cringe Arguments, Manipulative Reader [she is very selfish], Non-Canon Couples, Drinking, Mentions Of A Foursome.
・❥・wc: 7.8k
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"Hey, [name]!" Hearing a faint shout from behind her, she turns around whilst taking off her earphones. She is met by Takeomi and a woman who were making their way through the airport crowd.
She also starts to walk towards them, her black suitcase dragging behind her. 
As soon as she was an arm's distance from them, Takeomi pulled her into a hug. Despite cringing slightly, [name] couldn't stop her lips from perking up into a soft smile. 
"How are ya, [name]?" Takeomi asks her, pulling away. She replies with a faint 'good' before Takeomi is pushed away by the woman who was beside him.
"Hello [name]-chan, it's so nice to meet you." The red-head woman offers a handshake which [name] accepts. 
"Hello, Rika-san, and likewise. Again, I'm really sorry for not attending the wedding, I had crucial exams that week." [name] replies, maintaining her professional tone.
"Awhh, that's no problem honey, also relax, you sound so stiff!" Rika chuckles. 
"I don't- this is how I talk." [name] says, tilting her head slightly. 
"Damn, I'm still not used to you talking so politely, architecture uni really killed your attitude, didn't it?" Takeomi laughs out.
"Or maybe it's cause I'm no longer 17." [name] rolls her eyes. 
"I definitely spoke too soon, the attitude is still there! Anyways, give me your luggage so we can leave already, I hate airports." Takeomi shudders and takes the suitcase from her.
"Honestly, you and your dislike for airports." Rika scolds jokingly but nonetheless follows her husband.
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The ride home was quite enjoyable in [name]'s opinion. Rika and she kept chatting away, especially the former, but she did get questions about her job thrown at her which she answered happily. 
[name] had worked extremely hard to get into this profession so, of course, she'll speak proudly of it.
After some time, they finally reached home. When Takeomi was pulling up the car, she noticed her brother, Wakasa, walking out the front door. 
As the car halts, she immediately jumps out and goes to hug her brother, and he does so without any complaints. 
"I missed you..." He smiles into the embrace. 
"Obviously not enough to come pick me up." [name] rolls her eyes playfully. He grunts at her comment but smiles when he notices that she has started to become comfortable showing more emotions.
"Okay, come on, let's go inside. Freshen up, I'll prepare some food."
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It had been a day since she arrived back in Japan, 24 hours yet she still hadn't seen the person she longed for the most. 
Right now she sat at the dining table across from Takeomi and his wife, as Wakasa cooked dinner.
She was wearing a pair of comfortable shorts but was wearing a white formal dress shirt since she had just gotten off an online meeting a few minutes ago.
Not being able to contain her thoughts of the pink-haired girl, she confronts Takeomi about it.
"Takeomi-nii, where's Senju?" [name] finally let the question spill. Takeomi freezes. She also didn't miss how Wakasa momentarily paused his cooking. 
"What..?" she asks hesitantly, her mind filled with awful thoughts.
"[name], Senju...she uh.." Takeomi lets out some incoherent babble not knowing what to say. 
"Nii-san?" she turns to her brother this time who also froze up, not giving a proper explanation.
[name] immediately stands up and runs out ignoring her brother's calls from behind her. The cold air hit bare legs. 
She doesn't pay mind to her shorts that keep riding up with every speeding step. She took in heavy breaths but didn't stop till she reached Senju's apartment building. 
Finally halting, takes a moment to recover her breath. Entering the building she first checks the nameplates. 
If [name] remembered correctly, the Akashis' flat was 703. And she was correct, except that instead of Takeomi's name, the apartment seemed to be owned by Akashi Senju.
She heard the elevator open from behind her. She turns to see a few people emptying out of the elevator, when it is finally clear of people she enters the elevator. 
Pressing the 7th floor she secretly admires the interior of the elevator. She couldn't believe how much this building had changed over 10 years.
The elevator door opens up as it reaches the 7th floor and instantly walks out of it. Walking along the corridors she searched for the door with the number '703'.
Her eyes finally catch the said number and her feet move her towards it. Her vision slightly darkened due to her nervousness but still found the strength to ring the doorbell.
Immediately, she hears a few shuffles as a few footsteps grew closer to the door.
The door swung open as [name]'s face brightened at the thought of finally seeing Senju again.
Except, it wasn't.
Instead of seeing Senju's light pink hair, she was greeted by light brown hair. 
"Yes..?" The shorter woman in front of her spoke. 
"Oh-um...is Senju here?" [name] asks in a faint whisper, suddenly losing her voice, her head instinctively lowers to face her feet.
"[name]?" The other questions in a shocked tone. [name] snaps her head back up, taking a moment to realize who she is speaking to.
"Yuzuha?" She questions, her heart beginning to pound. 
"Ugh, who is it love?" [name] hears a familiar voice, noticing how it had grown slightly mature. 
The girl that she loved walked into the frame, her eyes widening at the sight of [name]. 
Senju sucked in a breath, shock embedded on her face as she stared at [name] with guilt in her eyes.
"Um, [name] please come in..." Yuzuha moves out of the way. [name] mindlessly agrees, taking off her shoes and walking in. 
She was so stunned she failed to notice her actions.
"You both should talk, I'll be inside if you need me." Yuzaha gives a sad smile and walks further into the apartment.
Their lips were sealed shut, both were unable to start the conversation, that was until [name] noticed a shiny rock on Senju's ring finger.
"You're married?" [name] asks. Following her gaze, Senju lifts her hand and fidgets with the ring.
"No, just engaged." Senju replies with a quiet voice.
"Since when?"
"Just now actually..." Senju answers.
[name] closes her eyes, her head tilting back slightly as she accepts the reality of the situation. Her roughed-up appearance made sense now.
They were going to have sex.
[name] felt her throat close up, her heart frantically beating in an unpleasant way. 
Oh, it hurts...
It hurts so much. 
She only now realized how much pain Senju had been put through during their teenage years.
"Don't." [name] interrupts her.
"It doesn't matter." She continues, releasing a heavy breath. 
"[name] please-"
"Stop Sen-"
"NO, LET ME SPEAK!" The shorter female says raising her voice. [name] stills.
"I- I'm sorry, [name]." Senju's voice wavers as she apologizes.
"Sorry about what?" [name] snaps, her question coming out more stern than she intended.
"I- I-" Senju starts but is cut off when [name] sighs sadly.
"You're sorry that you moved on from me? You're sorry that you broke your promise that you'd wait for me? You're sorry that you're engaged?" [name] asks her.
Senju says nothing except look at the floor guiltily. [name] lets out another sigh.
"You found someone you love and makes you happy. You have nothing to be sorry about Senju." [name] says. 
"Then why are you looking at me like that?" Senju asks, finally meeting eyes with [name]. Her vision blurred with tears noticing the [name]'s countenance.
"Like what?" 
"Like you're disappointed in me..." Senju replies in a whisper.
"I am disappointed, but not at you. I am disappointed in myself because I let you down for so long. So if it's anyone that should be sorry, it's me." [name] says but Senju denies shaking her head, tears rolling down her face.
"Please Senju, you just got engaged. Please don't ruin such a happy occasion crying over someone like me..." [name] turns and walks closer to the door.
When she finished wearing shoes, a broken sob reached her ears. 
[name] refused to turn around, because she was aware that if she did, she would break completely.
As much as she wanted to comfort her, [name] knew...
Senju was no longer hers to comfort.
"Goodbye, Senju." [name] says and walks out, pulling the door shut behind her.
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[name] walked into the convince store hoping to buy some ice cream. As much as she hated sweets, she wanted something extremely cold.
She hoped to get a brain freeze while eating it, that might help to cool her raging thoughts. 
Once reaching the ice cream section, she gets distracted by the alcohol refrigerator right next to it. Against her better judgment, her hand reaches for the sake bottle.
Five minutes later she was sitting on the pavement with two beers and a pack of cigarettes. 
After realizing she didn't have enough money on her to pay for sake she decided to settle for a can of beer and a cigarette pack. The second beer came with the buy one got one free offer, a total steal honestly.
Although she was never a fan of drinking or smoking, the night called for it. She stands up and decides to savor the commodities in her hands at her favorite spot. 
Reaching the rooftop of the abandoned building, she reminisces about the moments spent at the bowling area that was just a floor beneath her. 
It was her and Mikey's favorite spot.
Oh my god, Mikey...
She hadn't seen him since that day, and honestly, she was glad. She certainly didn't have the courage to face him.
She sat down near the door, knowing she'll be drunk off her ass in the next few minutes, and wanted to avoid any accidents just because she couldn't cope with a stupid heartbreak. 
She took out a single cigarette and placed it between her lips going to light it a bit then realized, she didn't have a lighter...
Letting out a grunt of frustration at her foolishness she places the stick back into the box. She clenched her teeth in anger knowing she just spent 500 yen on cigarettes that couldn't even use.
Despite wanting to chuck the pack away, she didn't. Instead, she held it close.
They were of Benson & Hedges, Shinichiro's favorite brand. 
[name] sighs. This is why she left, just a day back in Japan and she's already depressed. She wished she had never come back, she was happy in the Philippines, but again, she couldn't just leave her brother behind.
She opens one of the beer cans and starts sipping from it. 
Knowing that her alcohol tolerance was non-existent she only decided to drink just a bit, making sure to stay coherent enough to walk down multiple stairs and go back home.
But of course, God has never been on her side, has he?
Sips turned into gulps and within the next minute, she had already started sipping on the second can. 
She didn't know if it was the slight anger towards Senju, or because she was here on the rooftop, but she found her thoughts slipping from Senju to Mikey.
She smiles fondly remembering how much this place meant to her, to them.
They had shared many firsts here. Actually, except for their first kiss, every other first happened here.
The first time they drank, the first time they tried to smoke, first proper confessions, first date, first 'I love you's, the first time they--
[name] cringed at the memory, she couldn't believe how reckless they both were at the time, but what did two 14-year-olds know at that time?
That's what love did, it made them feel like they were the only ones here, and it truly made them feel invincible.
Love is such a dangerous emotion for someone so young, but they both fell into its captivity without realizing it.
They say that an average person falls in love three times.
The first love. The type of love that happens at a young age which is frequently referred to as puppy love. 
It feels euphoric at that time and being young and inexperienced doesn't make you understand what you truly feel.
As you get older, you think back to it and try to figure out if it was really love.
Mikey was her first love.
Then comes the second love.
It is said to be the painful one, it's the one that helps you grow. 
It's said to come with a lot of pain, lies, betrayal, drama, and so on...
And although she was grateful Senju never put her through all this, she wouldn't deny that Senju was her second love.
Lastly, it's the third love.
It's usually the one.
[name] could only wonder when she'll find her third love. 
It's said to come blindly; when your soulmate just walks into your life unexpectedly--
"[name]...?" A soft yet stern speaks from behind her.
[name] felt her heart drop and her breath got stuck in her throat. 
Just when she was having an inner monologue about love he just had to walk into her life again, didn't he?!
"M-Mikeyy...~" [name] slurs turning to face him. 
"What are you doing?!" Mikey raises his voice in shock seeing how drunk she is. 
"Oh just thinking about all the times we fucked here, why else would I be here?" [name] smiles although in her mind she cringes, not believing she some something like that.
'I am never drinking again.' [name] promises herself.
"Come on, I'll take you home..." Mikey walks towards her and takes hold of her wrist. 
"No! Come sit and d-drink with m-*hic* me~" She tugs him closer but he doesn't budge.
"[name], lets go." He says sternly once again, but she only shakes her head.
"No- come on just a drink, just like old times~" [name] pushes her half-empty can of beer into his face. 
He sighs in defeat and takes it from her.
"If you insist." but instead of drinking, he chucks the can over his shoulder obviously not realizing how much force he used because it ended up falling over the roof and landing on the road with a soft clatter.
[name] gaped at him in shock.
"No! Why did you do that?!" She stands up immediately and goes to push him, only to miss and trip over her own feet.
Luckily, he stopped her fall. [name] looks back at him, only to realize she was seeing two of him, her vision suddenly blurred as she felt herself sobering up at the sight of him.
She finally got a good look at his face, and for a second the same feeling of love filled her stomach. 
"Manjiro..." Her vision clears up and her eyes fall on the dragon tattoo on his neck. 
Lifting her hand she traces the ink on his neck, slowly striding closer, and instinctively places her lips on his. 
But to her disappointment, he doesn't respond and pulls away within the very second. 
They both stand in silence trying to understand the situation. She was surprised by her own actions, the shock sobering her up completely.
She takes a few steps back and starts apologizing.
"I'm sorry, that was very out of line...that was definitely not fair to your girlfriend." [name] says, the words spilling out before she can stop them.
"Oh? So it's fair to me?" Mikey replies haughtily. [name] shakes her head.
"It's unfair to you too..." She looks away, unable to muster up to courage to look at him.
"Hmm, don't worry about it. Plus, I don't have a girlfriend." He replies.
"Oh, boyfriend...?" She asks.
"No boyfriend either, [name]." Mikey says.
"Then...why did you pull away?" She asks nervously looking down at her feet.
"Maybe because we're not together? Also, the fact that you're drunk?" He replies with a soft voice.
"R-right...also, I'm not drunk. I just got a bit tipsy and wasn't thinking straight, so sorry for that..." 
[name] felt emotionally distraught, and Mikey didn't fail to notice that.
"Come on, I'll take you home." Mikey says but [name] just shakes her head.
"No, I don't want to go there right now..." She wraps her hands around herself to provide some sort of warmth.
"Then where do you wanna go?" Mikey asks; taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her figure. 
Such gestures, it all felt so natural.
"You place...?" [name] asks hesitantly. Mikey sighs in disapproval.
"[name]..." Although he couldn't imagine leaving her so he agreed silently.
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He took her to the Sano Residence on his CB250T. She was impressed to see how well he managed to maintain the bike even after so many years.
"I see you still live here." [name] smiles softly.
"This place has too many memories, I couldn't leave." Mikey smiles back.
"Is Grandpa in? I figure he's sleeping right now?" [name] asks.
"[name], he passed away years ago..." Mikey replies, his voice wavering. She looked at him in shock as this was the first she ever heard of it.
"What? When?!"
"A year after you left..."
"So, you've been living here all by yourself...?" She questions with a small frown.
"Pretty much." He replies and starts to guide her into the house.
It wasn't fair. He had been through so much, he had lost so many people.
His Mother, Father, Shinichiro, Baji, Draken, Emma, Izana, and His Grandfather.
And [name] left him as well...
"Why the long face?" Mikey brings his index fingers to the side of her lips and slightly pulls them up into a smile.
[name] giggles like every other time he did this gesture when they were young.
"Come on, tell me." he insists.
"I just- I'm not saying this is an insensitive way but, I feel like this house holds so many sad memories. I couldn't imagine being strong enough to put up with everything...does that make sense?" [name] rambles on.
"It's true, this place has seen such sad moments but at the end of the day, this house is a part of me. I couldn't imagine leaving this place. Hopefully, I'll find someone to make new memories here with..." Mikey trails off.
"O-oh...do you have someone in mind already?" [name] tries to keep her voice strong but a stutter manages to slip in.
"Honestly, I always thought of it being you..." he says with a sad smile. 
"Do you still love me, Manjiro?" She brings up the courage to ask the question.
"Yeah...I do." 
"Then why did you pull away?!" 
"Because you don't love me back, [name]! You know what?! I am so sick of this! Even when we were broken up 10 years ago, every time you found yourself frustrated with Senju, you came to me. Ever since then you always kept me as your second option, and I hate that!" Mikey snaps at her.
[name] goes to defend herself but gets interrupted.
"Don't think I'm stupid [name]! I know exactly why you were drunk and crying just now, it's because you found out about Senju and Yuzuha didn't you? I was just trying to be a decent person and comfort you but then you went and kissed me, trying to distract yourself like you always do!
You did that before you left too! And I was so blinded by what I felt for you that I agreed with everything you did, not even considering the fact you were just using me as a goddamn stress reliever! Can't you see that what you did hurt me as well!" 
Mikey's eyes filled with regret, he hadn't meant to snap at her but he had a limit as well.
"Manjiro I- I'm sorry that I made you feel that way...I didn't realize it I swear! At that time, running away always seemed to be the best option, but I never realized how many people I ended up hurting in the process..." [name] trailed off, her eyes welled up tears that she instantly blinked away. 
After all, she had no right to cry.
"It's alright...I'm also at fault for leaving you like that." Mikey reasons.
"But you did that to protect me, to protect everyone. It's not the same. Fuck, I am the worst, aren't I?" [name] covers her face, tears burning her eyes.
"To be honest, yeah." Mikey's lips form a thin line. [name] scoffs at his reply but agrees cause it's the truth.
"But that's the past. Now that you're back, you can start over." [name] uncovers her face and gives Mikey a grateful smile. She appreciated his attempt to reassure her.
"Do you still sleep in your garage room?" 
"No, I shifted to aneki's room, although it's still there. Here, the guest room is right here, you can stay here for the night." Mikey leads to the second-last room.
"No problem, you can take a shower if you'd like, although I don't think you need one. You smell quite nice." Mikey says before his lips seal shut. 
[name] stares at him blankly trying to process what he said.
"Fuck, that was weird. I'm sorry, I just didn't think I'll ever see you again so my mind isn't working properly..." he explains trying to subdue his embarrassment. [name] stifles her giggles.
"It's alright, Manjiro. Good night." She smiles softly.
"Yeah, night. I'm just in the next room so shout if you need help." 
[name] just nods and closes the door behind her.
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It was around 2 AM when [name] found herself awake on the bed. Her mind was plagued by the thoughts of Senju.
Despite what her selfish heart asked for she knew Senju was just a star that she could never reach. A love that will never be hers.
She is distracted by the sound of glass clinking coming from elsewhere, so she gets out of bed and ventures out of the room. 
Letting the sound of running water be her guide she traverses through the house and comes face to face with Mikey who had just finished rinsing a glass.
"Sorry, did that wake you?" Mikey gives her an apologetic look under the moonlight that seeps through the windows.
"Ah no, I was awake." Was all she said.
"No...Manjiro?" [name] calls out to him.
"Was it real for you...?" [name]'s voice comes out weak but her gaze does not falter.
"I don't understand." Mikey replies, confused by her question.
"Everything that happens between us. Was it real for you as it was for me?" [name] asks with a sad gaze, slowly coaxing him to answer.
"I think I made my feelings clear every single time, [name]." Mikey sighs, but then flinches at the sight in front of him.
[name]'s cheeks slowly got covered in tears as she finally succumbed to the events of today. Unable to stop herself she strides closer to Mikey and hugs him, words of gratitude falling from her lips.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for loving me back then. For loving me now. Thank you."
Mikey holds her close while responding to her words with comforting pats on the back. Minutes go by and they remain the same. The flow of her tears were far from slowing down and so were her words of gratitude.
She very slowly pulls her head away from the side of his neck and moves her face close to his.
"Thank you." As the gratitude is whispered into the night, [name] connects her lips to her first love's.
This time Mikey does not withdraw, and only pushes closer, indulging in her taste.
Slowly, they guide their bodies to Mikey's room. Once the back of [name]'s legs hit the bed, she gently falls back before letting her back rest on the bed.
Her legs were spread apart for Mikey to move with ease as his lips continued their ministrations on her collarbone. 
Pulling back to start undressing her, he halts to admire the love of his life.
Her lips were wet, small trails of moisture on her cheeks and neck glistened under the moonlight, the sight itself made him weak.
His hands work to get rid of her shorts so she's bare from the waist down spare for her underwear.
He doesn't remove the white dress shirt she adorned, instead, he unbuttons the first few buttons just enough to reveal the simple black bra that held her weight.
His right hand smoothly slid her bra up enough to expose her chest and the way he did so made it seem as though her breasts were trapped.
[name] lets a weak whimper escape her lips as Mikey's tongue slithered on the valley between her breasts. 
His thumbs teased her nipples as his mouth trailed her collarbone. Slowly moving his mouth to one of her breasts he wrapped his lips around her nipple, using his tongue to add to the pleasure.
His tongue kept rolling around her nipple, saliva leaked from his mouth to the sides of her breast leaving prominent trails. 
He couldn't get enough, feeling how her nipple slowly but surely turned hard. He continues to do the same to her other breast before placing his hands around her waist to flip her over.
[name] balanced herself on her hands and knees, letting out faux moans as Mikey's thumb rubbed her clit through the fabric.
Slowly pulling her underwear down yet not completely off, his fingers brush through her folds smoothly.
Mikey stares at her cunt with a blank stare. Somehow he wasn't surprised at the the lack of arousal. 
His eyes grew pained yet a sad smile took over his lips.
He had yet again fallen prey to [name]'s false words.
Gathering some saliva on his tongue he slides it over her clit and her folds finally plunging into her waiting hole.
[name] lets out a loud hoarse moan, not trying to muffle her sounds like she usually does. 
"Ahhh- There!" 
[name] occasionally lets out words of affirmation as Mikey's tongue fucks her now-sopping cunt. 
His teeth would sometimes nip at her clit painfully as a form of revenge yet [name] only found pleasure in it.
[name] continuously lets out moans unable to stop her approaching orgasm.
She couldn't deny that this was the best tongue to have touched her. The title would change every now and then while she was a student at uni.
Her best experience was during a foursome with fellow female students.
Her cunt clenches around Mikey's tongue at the thought, mind becoming hazy as she feels her clit throb.
She remembers how amazing it was. She was in the same position as she is now but her mouth was on an older's classmate's cunt, licking away at her folds.
She herself was getting her pussy kitten licked by two other classmates. One had her tongue constantly sucking on her clit to the point it was red and puffy. 
The other would use her tongue to assault her insides, switching between her fingers as her tongue would kitten-lick her asshole despite [name]'s protests or she would engage in a sloppy kiss with the other girl, their tongues still coated in [name]'s arousal.
That was the last time she had a shaking orgasm, that was until tonight.
[name] had unconsciously started to push against Mikey's tongue, his wet muscle was long enough to somehow brush against her g-spot. His nose rested dangerously close to her other entrance, and she would moan every time it lightly touched her.
She pushes back harder as she slowly feels her orgasm fade, so she thinks of the only thing that could release all the tension.
[name] plants her face against the mattress and moans into it as she thinks of Senju in every position imaginable.
She did the same in all her years at uni as she would fuck anyone who remotely resembled Senju or sometimes Mikey.
She thought of how Senju's tongue would feel on her cunt. She imagined her cunt against hers, hands tied as [name] would ride her face.
Tears prick her eyes as the thoughts overwhelm her.
[name] squirts for the first time in 4 months. Her arousal coated her thighs, tainting the bedsheet below her.
Trying to ride out her high, she grinds her soaked cunt across his face in hopes of more stimulation, making sure to rub her clit on his nose and completely drench his face.
Mikey lets her move as she pleases, aiding her by softly licking up all her arousal. 
As he finished, he places a small kiss on her clit before standing up to walk away.
Before he could get too far, [name] shifts to sit on her knees and stops him by holding his hand. 
"Where are you going...?" [name] asks in a slight panic. Mikey only smiled down at her.
"Get some sleep, [name]." He replies trying to free his hand from her grasp.
"What...do you- why did you stop? What about you-?"
"This is enough [name]." Mikey loses smile.
"No, it's not- I need more! More than her- Mikey, please! Please..." [name] sobs guiding Mikey's hand between her thighs, coaxing two of his fingers to slide inside her.
Once they were settled in she moved her hips to mimic riding his fingers as she once did him, trying to lure him in. Her back was arched, pushing out her chest so they would move along with her hips. Her head tilted back to expose her neck, making it look so kissable.
Mikey was slightly caught off guard by her actions, never having seen her so desperate and submissive. He clenches his teeth in anger but keeps his mouth shut, only replying by driving his fingers deeper.
"Ahh! Just like that!" 
[name]'s moans were music to his ears yet it made them bleed, knowing nothing was directed towards him.
"You're so fucking selfish." 
Those were Mikey's last words before he rips his hand away from [name], completely distributing her orgasm.
"Manjiro what are you-?!" [name] exclaims but gets interrupted by the shutting of the door.
As a few minutes go by she hears rustling around the house she can see from the window how Mikey leaves the house looking fresh as if she hadn't just drenched his face.
He soon leaves on his bike, driving into the lonely night.
Tears now stained her face. 
How could he just leave her? Who should she go to next? How else could she stop the throbbing between her legs that had yet to subside?
[name] falls back on her back, her head on the pillows. 
She spreads her legs and immediately plunges two of her fingers into her weeping cunt. As she did so she was brought some relief, but her clit still pulsated against her palm. 
She sits up slightly, her right hand still in her cunt and she leans against the head of the bed using her left hand to support herself. 
Her left hand then moved to her breasts which were still trapped between her bra and her shirt. Her fingers stimulate her nipple as she continued to finger fuck herself, her mind filled with images of an engaged woman. 
She imagined fucking Senju in her favorite position. 
When she was at uni and became intimate with anyone who was similarly submissive to Senju she would fuck them in this position, hoping to do the same to her love one day.
Her room had a thin and long mirror on the side of her bed and there was enough distance between them to fit two people.
So as she would get eaten out by her partner for the night, she would make sure the girl would have her bare cunt pressed against the mirror.
She wouldn't stop the girl's actions until she was sure that the part of the mirror and everything below was covered in her arousal. 
When it was, she would shift the both of them so that [name] was sitting on her knees and the girl was lying flat on the floor, her legs over [name]'s shoulder would rest on her bed and the girl would have a complete view of her arousal and her dripping cunt as it got fucked by [name].
[name] would then tease the girl with her tongue all night and she forced her to lick up her own arousal on the mirror.
The girls who had experienced this would cry and cry, the filthy actions would embarrass them but they would only grow closer to their release.
Sadly for them, even during these intimate moments, [name]'s mind would only replace them with a certain pink-haired girl.
[name] felt herself growing close to her orgasm when thinking of Senju in the same position.
But suddenly her mind replaces herself with the image and Yuzuha and it breaks [name]. Shaking her head in defiance she continues her actions nonetheless.
Her fingers started to numb and her arm started to hurt, but she didn't stop until she had released all over her fingers.
Letting her breathing slow down she brings up her hand close to her face to look at her arousal.
After she cooled down she let her forearm rest over her eyes, letting her tears flow.
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Mikey hadn't felt such disappointed in years. As ashamed as he was to admit it, he was disappointed in [name] more so than he was in himself. 
He had noticed how she had called him 'Mikey' as opposed to 'Manjiro' like she usually does.
It's something that she had started doing somewhere in between his Kantou Manji days. It had started when Senju had officially entered the picture.
Without even realizing it, he had played right into her hands. She would lure him with her sweet 'Manjiro's and her lips would only spill 'Mikey's as she would fuck him.
It was already too late when he came to the realization.
Everything was different when she loved him, and only him. It was sweet. And a part of him believes it all went to shit when he left, yet he atoned for his actions. 
He was truly happy when [name] found love but when years later he heard of Senju and Yuzuha a part of him felt guilty, even though he hadn't done anything wrong.
Everyone else who was aware of [name] and Senju was also a bit distraught, but they were happy for Senju and Yuzuha nonetheless.
Mikey himself was happy for Senju for finding her happiness and hoped that [name] would be too but, by last night's events it was pretty clear how she had taken the news.
Because if she was happy, she wouldn't have kissed him. It had become second nature for her, if Senju does something wrong, go to Mikey. It had been drilled into her bones. 
Mikey walks into his house at around 9 AM. He looked to see if [name] was still here and sure enough, her shoes were right there.
He goes to check his room and finds [name] fast asleep on his bed. Her back was on the mattress, her head leaned up due to it resting on multiple pillows. Her hands were on each side of her head, and her legs were slightly pressed together and folded up.  
When he saw her face, he noticed how her lips were parted with small gasps escaping them, her face contorting as if there was some sort of tension building.
Hearing this Mikey's eyes unconsciously drift to [name]'s slightly exposed cunt, there was a prominent trail of her arousal leaking from her hole.
Against his better judgment, he finds himself yet again at the mercy of [name], hands on her knees to spread them apart.
He uses his finger to see how wet she is and is utterly surprised to see her completely soaked as he spreads her folds. 
[name] lets out a pitiful whimper at his action.
Without another second being wasted, he sticks out his tongue and licks up from her asshole to her hole, gathering all of her arousal and pushing it back inside her.
[name] moans but doesn't wake, her lips forming the phonetics of Senju's name.
Removing his tongue from inside her, Mikey just licks her all over her cunt, trying to build her orgasm.
[name]'s eyes open but her vision is blurry, she just feels extremely wet all over and can only make out how her thighs felt to be trembling.
When she leans up and looks down to see Mikey eating her out, her head falls back and her cunt pushes forward on his tongue. Noticing her to be awake now Mikey goes back to driving his tongue inside her.
The loud squelching sounds slowly brought her out of her sleepy state, her hips starting to push against him making a few squirts spurt out of her cunt and onto Mikey's tongue.
"Ah~ Ah~ Mikey...what are you-?"
Feeling him speak against her clit just brings her orgasm closer. This all felt like a fever dream to her. 
Mikey pulls away from making her whine but her mouth is agape when Mikey moves to her side and up to suck on her nipple, his fingers stimulating her soaking folds.
His tongue moved around her nipple along with his fingers and these actions were too blinding for her, falling into complete submission for the first time.
Two of his fingers suddenly plunge into her just as he softly bites her nipple, her head is thrown back as she moans out.
"Ahh! Senju!"
[name]'s eyes widened in horror, instantly looking at Mikey's face but his eyes remained closed, but she noticed how thin tears spilled from the corners of his eyes and fell onto her body, getting camouflaged within her sweat.
His mouth was still sucking on her mounds and the movement of his fingers hadn't faltered for a second. 
In fact, his thrusting had sped up, hitting her g-spot repeatedly, she was sure her cunt would be puffed up due to the sheer force of his fingers. 
"Mikey I—" 
"Just finish, [name]." 
And she does.
Her release coats his hand up to his wrists as his fingers reach knuckles deep in her cunt to coax out every drop.
This continued for a few minutes till their breathing was no longer erratic. 
Mikey shifts once again to place himself between her legs to lick up all of her arousal, [name] remains silent ignoring how her cunt clenches around nothing as Mikey smoothes his tongue all over her folds licking her clean.
Once he is done, he places a kiss on her clit like he always does before getting out of the bed.
"Take a bath. I have some clothes for you, freshen up." Mikey interrupts her before walking away from her for the second time.
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"Where did you get my clothes from? Did you visit Waka-nii when you left?" [name] questions as she stands at the door wearing her shoes.
"Yes, I didn't think you had informed them so I knew they would be worried. I told them I found you drunk so you're sleeping at my house."
09:34 AM
"She's at your house?" Wakasa asks in a worried tone.
"Yes, I found her drunk and felt uncomfortable leaving her alone. I tried to bring her here but she kept fighting so I just brought her back to my house." 
"Drunk?...*sigh* I see, thanks for informing me. You said you needed some clothes? Wait I'll get some for you." Wakasa replies massaging his head.
He returns a few minutes later, a paper bag in hand.
"I'm sorry about [name], Mikey. I wasn't too worried knowing she wouldn't do anything reckless, but just before you came here Takeomi called me and said that Senju and Yuzuha had gotten engaged last night." 
Wakasa sighs out as Mikey's eyes widen in surprise as he thinks back to a few hours ago.
"This is enough [name]." Mikey loses smile.
"No, it's not- I need more! More than her- Mikey please! Please..." [name] sobs guiding Mikey's hand between her thighs, coaxing two of his fingers to slide inside her.
Once they were settled in she moved her hips to mimic riding his fingers as she once did him, trying to lure him in. Her back was arched, pushing out her chest so they would move along with her hips. Her head tilted back to expose her neck, making it look so kissable.
Mikey was slightly caught off guard by her actions, never having seen her so desperate and submissive. He clenches his teeth in anger but keeps his mouth shut, only replying by driving his fingers deeper.
He thinks back to how desperate and broken her mind seemed to work, and suddenly everything made sense.
He realized she had probably met them right after the proposal. He felt pity for [name] yet it was still not an excuse for her behavior.
"She didn't do anything drastic right?" Wakasa asks Mikey to make sure [name] wasn't too disruptive.
"Don't worry Wakasa-san, she fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed." Mikey replies with an uncertain smile.
"I see...Please ask her to come home soon. Thanks for doing this Mikey." Wakasa pats him on the shoulder walking back into his house.
"You told him I was drunk?" [name] asked shocked by the revelation. Mikey gives her a nod.
"He's going to murder me... You- ...You didn't say anything else right?"
[name] averts her gaze as she questions him.
"No, I just said you fell asleep as soon as you got to the bed." He explains.
"But..." He continues making [name] look at him in a slight panic.
"I don't take your brother for an idiot." 
That was all he said.
[name] nods at him before finally saying everything she had decided to say while taking a shower.
"Manjiro, I'm sorry. I truly am. I was sorry all those years ago, I was sorry last night, and I will continue to remain sorry for what I have done. I have no excuse for—"
"[name] you don't need to do this-" Mikey's words interrupt her but it only makes [name] lash out.
"No! I have to. You deserve an apology, okay?!" His lips seal shut and [name] takes it as a sign to continue.
"I was really sad when I found out that Senju and Yuzuha had gotten engaged. Over the years Senju had started growing distant towards me to the point that we had completely stopped talking. 
A part of me knew that she slowly realized that it wasn't worth loving someone like me, she didn't need to stay with someone who tormented her at every turn. 
I was so depressed by the silent rejection that I would sleep with anyone who slightly resembled her in looks, personality, submission, or anything that reminded me of her. I would project her onto my partners and I unconsciously did the same to you.
I would try to stop myself by telling myself that Senju and I just got too busy, friends drift apart but when they meet it's left they never left. I would tell myself that it would be the same with us. That Senju would love me again when she saw me, yet it didn't go as planned.
Manjiro, It wasn't a lie when I said I loved you. I love you! I really really love you! But when Senju came into the picture I started loving her even though I never forgot you. I...
Manjiro, I'll be better! I'll go to therapy, anything! Anything to better myself. Just give me a chance... I'll be better so you won't ever regret having loved me. I'll make myself better so you don't have to be ashamed of me. Just give me a chance..." 
[name]'s heart felt light as soon as all the words spilled out of her, but immediately a brick was stacked on her heart once again and she dreaded his response.
She told herself that no matter his response, no matter what he said she would accept. 
[name] looks at him in disbelief. Did he just agree?
"Okay. I'll give you a chance. But only when you can accept the true relationship between Senju and Yuzuha. Can you do that?" Mikey asks her.
[name] nods trying to compose herself.
"Yes, I can do that!" [name] assures.
"Are you sure, [name]? Are you ready to accept the fact that Senju no longer loves you? Are you ready to accept the fact that as we speak Senju is probably getting filled and fucked by someone who will never be you?" 
By the end of the sentence, Mikey had pulled [name] close to him by her shoulders, making sure that her eyes stared back at his. 
He knew his words were brutally honest, the last part might have been unnecessary but he could no longer ignore just how hurt he was by her.
[name]'s heart ached at his words but she kept staring back, not moving her gaze for even a second.
"Yes. For you, I will accept it." Was [name]'s response. Hearing this Mikey lets go of [name] and steps back. A few seconds go by as neither of them says anything, yet they don't break their stare.
"Very well. I will wait for you." Mikey finally lets out a smile, his heart grows heavy when [name] smiles back and bows as a thank you.
He watches as she turns around and leaves the house, closing the door behind her.
He already knew how fate works, and what it will do to him since god was never on his side.
He always wondered if he was being watched by the devil, and he wondered if he would keep looking upon him till he had taken everyone from his life.
[name] too wondered if she had a devil in her.
Being loved by [name] was truly a beautiful thing. But it would become dangerous if it isn't reciprocated. She would never directly hurt anyone, but everyone around her would end up in the crossfire and would get used by her to ease her.
Then she would think of ways revenge, payback in ways that would have her love come crawling back.
Even now, as she makes her way home the devil persuades her to forget about Mikey. He tells [name] to go find Senju and make her forget all about her fiance.
He coaxes [name] to find her and fuck her into oblivion. Make sure that [name] will always be the best tongue to fuck her, the best fingers to stuff her full, the best pussy she'll ever taste, the best sex she'll ever experience. The most loved she'll ever feel.
This was tempting for [name], but for now, she'll ignore the devil and only listen to Mikey. She will make him take the place of an angel or rather...
Make him a devil to kill her own.
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wampyra · 3 months
Heyy its me again I thought of a plottt
So it's 2010 bill and reader is a solo artist but she lives in America so they're long distance and in the middle of their humanoid tour she surprises him by arriving at his next destination before him and meeting him at the airport so yay reunited and stuff yay so they get to the hotel (she knew what hotel to book because she talked to one of the other guys about surprising bill and that's also how she knew when to be at the airport) and they have sex with really good aftercare because yk they haven't in a long time
This is so random help I came up with this literally while writing anyway have fun writinggg
i definitely had fun writing this tbh, hope you'll have fun reading it hehe (i changed it up slightly but enjoy nonetheless)
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"you have no idea how much i miss you, schatz." bill spoke out, his voice echoing through the speakers of your laptop while you were on facetime. he looked into the camera, his eyebrows furrowed in sadness as he sighed.
"i miss you too." you responded, sitting crisscrossed as the laptop rested on your mattress. you looked sad, but almost and accidentaly letting a smirk creep onto your face knowing talked to tom about taking a flight in a few hours to berlin where they were staying.
"baby, i have to go." bill smiled softly. "i love you so much." he spoke, leaning to kiss the camera.
you let out a small chuckle, he was the cutest and would always put a smile on your face. "i love you more." you blew a kiss to the camera, hanging up the call and closing your laptop.
your smile grew wider as you bit down onto your bottom lip, laying down on your back and rolling around, squealing in excitement like a little child.
you breathed in deeply, and breathed out, trying to relax before hopping off your bed and into the shower.
as the warm water cascaded down your body, you wrapped your arms around yourself in a comforting manner, imagining how it would finally feel like when you were back in bill's arms after such a long time.
you sighed, finishing up with your shower, drying down your body and hair. you then instantly got to getting ready, applying makeup, glossing your lips and dark eyeshadow to match bill.
as for your outfit, you wore a cute pair of flared jeans, matching them with a bebe tube top and topping it all off with accessories such as hoop earrings and a small black shoulder bag.
as the hours passed with you listening to your boyfriend's music, getting ready and packing, it was finally time for you to head to the airport.
you threw on your jacket, putting on and tying your shoes in a hurry, finally meeting with your driver outside of your apartment and heading towards the airport.
it was a quick drive, you finally arrived at the airport, checking in with the staff and having your driver help you out with your suitcase.
"ma'am, are you sure you wouldn't like me to accompany you for this trip?" your driver asked you, slightly worried since it was your first time travelling alone.
"no, i'll be fine. i promise." you flashed a quick smile, reassuring him.
as you were getting ready to finally head to your plane, a teenange girl walked up to you, recognizing you and asking for a picture.
you happily obliged, making sure not to fully blow your cover as you took a picture with her.
–– ☆ time skip ☆ ––
after a painful, slow and sleepy 12 hours, you finally arrived to berlin, late at night and well after they finished with their concerts for the day.
you groaned, carrying your suitcase with you. your eyes lit up as you saw tom waiting for you outside of the airport, leaning his back against his car.
you suddenly had a boost of energy, running towards him with your heavy suitcase following behind. you crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he was much taller than you, hugging him as your suitcase fell roughly to the ground.
"woah there, tiger." tom let out a laugh, reciprocating the hug with no hesitation as he looked down at you.
"god, i haven't seen you in so long." i couldn't control my smile, backing away as we released eachother from our embraces.
"where's bill? georg? gustav?" i spoke happily, ecstatic to finally see them all.
"georg and gustav are dead asleep by now." tom chuckled, picking up your suitcase from the ground and plopping it into the trunk of his car.
"bill? he's probably jacking off to your picture or something." he spoke with a smirk on his face, a mischevious glint in his eyes as he adored teasing you, finding your reactions amusing.
"ugh, fuck off." you playfully hit his arm, rolling your eyes as you laughed at his dumb comment.
"i'm just messing with you." he had that devilish grin plastered over his face again as he opened the door of his car for you.
"yeah, whatever." you replied, letting out a soft chuckle as you plopped into the passenger seat, tom quickly joining you in the driver's seat.
"by the way, i already booked you into the hotel so there's nothing to worry about." he spoke as he turned the keys, putting his foot on the gas and driving to our next location.
"you're an angel." you sighed contently, staring out the window and admiring the beautiful city and the stars above it.
you and tom chatted throughout the whole drive, finally arriving to your destination as he led you into the hotel, checking you in, carrying your suitcase and following you into your room.
he helped you unpack, finally leading you to bill's room which was a few rooms after yours, you were relatively close to one another.
"alright, don't scream too loud." tom leaned into your ear, whispering. you furrowed your eyebrows in annoyance, hitting him again.
"come on, i wanna sleep tonight." he snorted, and before you could hit him once more, he quickly ran off to his room, laughing.
you sighed, standing in front of bill's door. you felt nervous, but excited as you pulled up your top and fixed your jacket. you knocked on the door twice, swaying with your lips slightly pouted and waiting impatiently for it to open.
"tom?" bill spoke out before walking up to the door, opening it and revealing himself in nothing but a towel wrapped securely around his hips, his long hair wet as it fell below his shoulders.
his eyes widened as he realized it was actually you at the door. without saying a word, you squealed and jumped onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips.
bill stumbled back slightly, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you tightly as he pushed the door closed with his foot.
"oh my fucking god." he spoke in disbelief, his voice slightly shaky as he tightened his hold on you.
"surprise!" you spoke out, unable to control your joyful, sparkly eyes and smile as you stood on your feet, your arms still wrapped around his neck.
bill looked at you, his mouth opened agape as he pulled you into a tight hug, making you stand on your tippy toes. his arms wrapped tightly around your waisy, making you sigh into his shoulder, finally feeling his warm and comforting embrace around you until you heard sniffling.
"bill?!" you spoke, your eyebrows furrowing in unease as you started to panic slightly, moving your head to look at him as he raised his up finally.
bill was crying, warm tears running down his cheeks as he could only stare deeply into your eyes without saying a word. thankfully he took off his makeup, or else it would of been completely smudged.
"baby, what's wrong?" your tone softened as you cupped his cheeks, admiring his features and teary eyes.
"i just.." he tried to speak, his voice still shaky as he sniffled. "i can't believe you're actually here." he spoke truthfully as you could hear his voice breaking due to his emotions.
"oh, my sweet boy." you spoke softly, your voice barely above a whisper whilst your thumbs grazed over his skin lovingly, reassuring him.
you smiled, bringing his face in closer before finally closing the gap and sealing it with a gentle kiss. his lips were soft and wet from his tears as he gripped onto your waist tightly, bringing you in as close as possible and deepening the kiss.
you both knew that you missed eachother deeply, and you both knew that you needed whatever was gonna happen next.
the kiss becoming more intimate and aggressive, you let out a soft whimper into his lips as you threw off your jacket, wrapping your arms around his neck once again.
bill, not breaking the kiss, proceeded to grab you by the back of your thighs again, hoisting you up and pressing you against him as he led you to his bed.
you broke the kiss as he placed you down onto the luxurious and soft mattress, both panting for air as he crawled closer, his hands on your belt. he looked at you in silence, begging for an approving look to continue. you nodded, sitting up and helping him unbuckle your belt and unzip your jeans as fast as possible.
you layed back down, raising your hips as bill pulled the jeans off, throwing them to the side and leaving you in your black, laced panties.
"fuck, you're so beautiful.." he whispered lowly, his tone laced with nothing but deep desire as he was now straddling your hips, leaning down to capture your mouth in a passionate kiss.
whilst your arms were wrapped around his neck and the kiss slightly becoming more possesive, making you moan, bill held suppported himself up with one hand while the other one traveled lower and lower, rubbing your clit in circles through the thin fabric with his fingers.
you shut your eyes closed with your moans getting progressively harsher into his mouth, making him quicken his pace.
he broke away from the kiss, stopping his relentless attack on your clit as he now sat on his knees between your legs, grabbing onto your thighs and pulling you roughly closer, your crotch hitting his hard cock, only covered by a towel.
he quickly discarded the towel off of his body, throwing it away and revealing his big, veiny and throbbing cock.
you bit your lip at the sight, feeling your cunt almost pulsating. bill placed your legs over his shoulders as he moved your panties to the side, rubbing his tip against your wet folds.
you whimpered, preparing yourself as you turned your head away, closing your eyes to savour the moment.
slowly but surely, bill pressed his tip into your hole, pushing himself in gently.
"is this okay, baby?" he asked before going further, holding onto your thighs.
"mhmm.." you moaned out through a closed mouth, not wanting to look until he was fully in.
bill licked his lips, dulging deeper and deeper into your tight pussy, soft moans involuntarily leaving your mouth until he finally filled you up whole with his cock.
your chest heaved up and down as he started to thrust in and out of you at a slow pace, leaning down to bury his head into the crook of your neck as the back of his forearms rested next to each side of your head.
"fuck.." bill moaned into your neck, kissing it and nipping at it slightly, creating small marks.
"so fucking.. tight.." he barely croaked out thrugh heavy and ragged breaths, sucking on your neck and whimpering as his pace quickened.
"holy shit, r-right there.." you moaned out, your back arching as he kept hitting the right spot, making you squirm under him.
your arms wrapped around his neck as your nails dug deeply into his skin, making him bleed.
"fuck fuck fuck!" you let out hopelessly, letting out high pitched moans as bill ravaged fucked you hard and fast like never before.
"oh baby, you feel fucking incredible." bill spoke, raising his head up as he grabbed your chin using one hand, forcing you to look at him with a grin on his face.
"bill, i- i'm gonna fucking c-" you were cut off, letting out a sharp gasp, your eyes widening as bill slammed his cock into you roughly, making you shut up.
"gonna what, schatz?" he nipped at your earlobe, teasing you.
you were close to your edge, not being able to handle it anymore as bill pounded himself into you relentlessy, making it hard to form sentences.
"BILL!" you screamed out, your back arching whilst your whole body shook, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you finally orgasmed.
bill thrusted deeply one more time, filling you up with his sperm as he groaned lowly, biting onto your shoulder.
your breathing became steadier as bill pulled out, plopping down lazily beside you on his back.
"fuck.. you did perfect." he turned his head to look at you with hooded eyes, completely out of breath but still not weak enough to give you a smile.
you used the back of your hand to wipe the sweat off of your forhead as bill got closer and suddenly grabbed onto your waist, pulling your sweaty body on top of his and covering both of your naked bodies with the sheets.
"i missed you so fucking much." he spoke softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your head into the crook of it whilst his arms were around your waist, rubbing your sides comfortingly.
"i missed you too." you snuggled against him, taking in that sweet scent of his whilst he kissed your forhead lovingly, letting you know that he appreciated this night and that he cared deeply for you, more than you'll ever know.
bill's phone suddenly vibrated on his nightstand. he groaned, lazily stretching out his arms to pick it up.
"you need something?" he spoke into the phone, rolling his eyes after a moment as he suddenly turned the camera on, facing the screen towards you.
"did i tell you not to scream too loud? now my beauty sleep is ruined."
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode two.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 2.4k
warnings: Painfully obvious hate-flirting, some swearing.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
a/n: I changed the first part because it didn't match with the show so I recommend you go reread it if you read it in the first ten hours I posted it.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
(let me know by filling the form in my bio if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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"What plan?"
You deadpanned at her. "From what I've seen last, you had something with Juliana, no?"
Her body stiffened and her hold on Dae, that was already tight enough, only got firmer. You and Yuri had some sort of forced friendship but it didn't mean you hated each other's guts. It was quite the opposite. She respected you, you respected her – it was a two-way thing. Still, she wouldn't be the kind to involve you in her problems but you weren't stupid. You knew of her and Juliana and this was beyond odd that she was so suddenly in a relationship with Dae.
"It's complicated." she said with a gulp. Seeing that you weren't convinced, she sighed. "I'll explain later, I promise."
She and Dae left and you found yourself alone so you joined Q again and were displeased to see that his friend had not left his side.
"And you're back." he sighed only to earn a glare from Q.
"Min Ho, stop that." You thanked mentally Q for informing you of his name. "Don't mind him, he's in a mood today." he tried to defend him but it clearly didn't work considering you rolled your eyes in a dramatic way.
"Do you want me to help you find your owner, little puppy? I think you're lost." he joked.
"Shove it in your ass, will you?"
Q held his hands up to separate the two of you while you were in a glaring battle. Thankfully, Kitty came back which only seemed to affect Min Ho's mood even more.
"Excuse me." she interrupted you.
"This girl treats Korean guys like Pokémon. She's trying to catch them all." Min Ho complained and you rolled your eyes again. "Not interested." he said to Kitty in a stern voice.
"Get over yourself, I'm looking for Dae." she replied harshly.
Q looked more confused than ever. "Okay, who are you?"
"I'm Kitty Song Covey."
The two men opened their mouths agape as if they suddenly had a revelation.
"You're Kitty?"
Her eyes grew bigger too and she pointed at Q. "Wait, are you Q? Track star, fellow American, heart of gold?"
He nodded happily. "Guilty as charged. I feel like we should hug right now, should we hug?
You weren't understanding a thing about what was going on but you listened nonetheless, curious on how they knew each other.
"Maybe later, I need to find Dae."
You laughed. "Okay, so you two are Dae's friends which is why she knows you and you know her?"
"You are unfortunately right, I think." Min Ho affirmed boringly and then looked at Kitty. "So you're the pen pal?"
She huffed. "If he's Q, then you must be Min Ho... Of course you are."
He shrugged as a smirk appeared on his face. You scoffed too which caught his attention.
"I told you I'm getting stalked."
"Oh, please. You just wish you were."
He came closer to you to hover over your small figure. "You're one feisty puppy, aren't you?"
Your heart skipped a beat and you looked up at him in silence, unsure of what you were supposed to say.
"Whatever. Where's Dae?" Kitty said, impatient.
You looked around with her and spotted him with Yuri as they were discussing with Jina. She thanked you and rushed to go to them.
"It's almost sad to see her go after him like that."
You grunted in frustration. "Do you ever shut up?"
Min Ho's smug face appeared once again. "Make me."
"Okay!" Q coughed awkwardly. "That's enough. How about we go meet some people, yeah?"
You heard a yelp from behind and turned around right away as soon as you recognized Kitty's voice.
"Oh, shit." you whispered to yourself and ran to her.
Before you could get to her, she slipped again and fell in the cupcakes. Dae was quick to come to her help but she brushed him off. She did, however, gladly accepted that you helped her get up before leading her outside.
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Ending the night comforting someone you barely knew as you waited for the airline to answer her call was not what you had expected. School hadn't even started and, yet, there was already more drama than you could handle.
"Are you sure you want to leave? You said you weren't here just for a boy."
She shook her head. "I can't stay here and see him walk around with her. It's too painful."
"Yuri's my friend, I can talk to her."
"Don't. You're nice but I don't want to cause trouble to the two of you."
The front door of the dorm suddenly opened and went shut seconds later. You were about to get up to see what it was until you heard a voice you'd rather not recognize.
"Spill it!" Min Ho exclaimed. "When did you get with Yuri? And when? And how far?"
"And most importantly, why?" Q added.
"Dae, you little scammer!" Min Ho teased.
You cursed at yourself mentally. You should have guessed you were in the boy dorms as soon as you saw the gym bag in the other room. And to top it all, it had to be where Q, Dae, and Minho were staying.
Kitty joined you at the door to listen but you were already in the process of packing your things up. There was no way you were going to be living with men for an entire semester, even less if it involved Min Ho who had managed to make it to your hate list on your first encounter.
"No one's going to blame you for upgrading from a pen pal to an actual girlfriend." he continued to argue with Dae.
Kitty let out a scoff and her hand went up to her mouth when she realized they must have heard.
"Good going, Kitty." you whispered to her and you both went to hide under your covers.
You heard them walk in and struggle for a bit to take the blanket off Kitty. They hadn't approached your bed yet. They screamed as they finally managed to get the covers off, revealing Kitty who was screaming as loud as they were. As they all ran outside of the room, you uncovered yourself and then followed behind. They were already in shock from Kitty's presence, yours wouldn't be a surprise at that point.
"Dae's crazy ex-pen pal broke into our dorm to murder us." Min Ho breathed out.
You walked into the living room, arms crossed. "For once, you don't blame it on stalking." you said and they jumped as they saw you, Min Ho holding a laptop up in defense.
Kitty got her file and shoved it to their faces. "This is my room."
"What about you?" Q asked you as he took Kitty's document.
"Same." you shrugged and watched Min Ho put the laptop away.
"You're listed as Song Covey." he said after reading the form.
"So?" Kitty frowned.
"Song can be a guy's name. That's why they assigned you to the guy's dorm." Dae sighed.
"That explains for her but Y/N?" Min Ho asked, eyeing you up and down in disgust.
"It might be because the girl's dorms are full or something, I don't know." you responded, unsure yourself on why you were there.
He took the document himself and read it only to sighed in exasperation. "They did this on purpose! To be closer to Dae, and me."
"And just when I thought you aren't so full of yourself..." you said in a whisper.
"What was that?"
He shook his head. "I told you lot, she was hitting me on the plane ride here." He turned to you. "And she hit on me earlier."
"Alright, I'm done here."
You went back to your room and shut the door close. This day was overwhelming enough, all you needed was to sleep. You were going to fix the dorm issue tomorrow.
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You woke up to Kitty opening your room's door carefully while she hung up on someone. You got up and tapped on her shoulder, making her almost scream in fear.
"Don't do that again, please." she said after catching her breath.
"You're leaving this morning?"
You nodded your head slowly. "I'm glad we met. Have a safe flight."
To your surprise, she hugged you tightly before walking around Dae, who had visibly slept at the door for the night, and went out of the dorm.
You went back to bed and scrolled through your social medias to see what was new. You came upon a video of Yuri's father who was scolding his employees. The next one was the same video but ended with lettuce emojis. You let out a laugh and opened your Kakaotalk.
Y/N: Your dad is going viral.
Yuri: I saw ㅋㅋ
Y/N: Good luck to them for fixing it all.
Yuri: Yeah, it won't be easy.
Yuri: I want to talk, by the way. About last night.
Y/N: You don't have to explain yourself. I'm happy you found someone, whoever it is.
Yuri: Thank you, that means a lot.
You were typing a reply but stopped when you heard someone knocking at your door.
"Kitty." Dae said in a pleading voice. "Me and Yuri, it's not real. It's all fake."
You gasped quietly. Although shocking, it wasn't that surprising considering it involved Yuri.
"Will you just open the door? I can explain everything, Kitty."
You grunted and shoved your pillow over your head. This whole thing had nothing to do with you and, yet, here you were.
"Begging is not a good look."
And he was awake now? Starting your day with your roommate running away, her boyfriend begging to talk with her, Min Ho mocking him... just great.
"I wasn't begging, I was just trying to get my pants." Dae said in defense.
Right, you forgot. This was originally his room.
"Listen, you squatter." Min Ho said, taking over Dae's spot as his voice seemed to be louder than it was seconds ago. "We have to get ready for the first day of school."
You didn't answer, wanting to stay in bed for a bit longer. Plus, if this meant that you were pissing Min Ho off by not opening the door, this was another reason not to do so.
"Don't make us late!" he said impatiently before pounding loudly on the door.
You saw it open by itself and self-noted to remind them that they might want to fix that. Because your bed wasn't directly in their view, they didn't notice you yet.
"And she's gone." Q sighed.
"Dae, don't worry about it, we'll-"
He stopped talking when he saw that Dae left too. You groaned as you got off the bed which made them turn to face you.
"You're still here?" Min Ho asked dramatically.
"No, I left last night and what you're seeing right now is your imagination."
Q held back a laugh but Min Ho was not having it. "Whatever. I'm making coffee if you want some." he informed and went to the kitchen.
You and Q followed and you leaned on the counter. "Yes, please. I didn't know you were enough of a gentleman to offer me coffee."
He huffed. "This is called basic manners and because I'm not a monster, I could make you a cup."
"So thoughtful, Min Ho."
Q sighed. "This is painful to watch. I'm going to the bathroom real quick."
With that, he went back to his room which meant there was only you and Min Ho in the kitchen. The silence was almost unbearable but the sound of the coffee machine filled it a bit. But not enough to ease the tension.
"I hope you know I still don't want you here."
"Trust me, I don't want to be here either." you agreed.
And there it was again, the silence. Q joined you two and the coffee was finally ready. After serving you a cup, Min Ho sat down next to his friend and served him his.
"Have you two seen the news?" you asked and Q shook his head. "You might want to see it."
Min Ho took his laptop that he had previously used to threaten you and opened it for the three of you to watch the infamous lettuce video. You heard the front door open but you were too immersed in watching that you didn't budge.
"Dae, have you seen this video? It's kind of blowing up." Q yelled at to who you supposed was Dae.
"I bet Yuri is loving this drama." Min Ho added.
You hummed in agreement. "She is, for sure."
"I don't particularly care." you heard a voice that was too feminine to be Dae.
Turning around, you smiled. "Kitty!"
Min Ho whined in annoyance. "I thought you left."
"I did!" she nodded. "But then I decided to stay. And not that it's any of your business but this isn't all about a boy."
"Oh, sweetie." Q said as a way to comfort her.
You couldn't blame him, it did look as if she was trying to convince herself it wasn't.
"My mom went here, and, I don't know, being here makes me feel closer to her than I ever have. And-"
Her mood changed in a second and she squinted to look closer at the screen that was still playing the news.
"Dae's on TV?" she exclaimed loudly, confused.
You scooted away to leave her some space, not realizing you were almost fully leaning on Min Ho. He was about to push you away but you faces came close which cut his breath short. You saw his Adam's apple bop as he gulped in nervousness.
"... And, 'lettuce' move on." you heard Dae say which broke you out of your trance.
"Well played." Q chuckled.
"Oh my god." Kitty said out loud and pushed you away to see the screen even closer.
You fell onto Min Ho again and he rolled his eyes while helping you get off him. "Stop trying with me, little puppy."
You wanted to argue back but Kitty spoke before you could say anything. "He's faking it. That's a fake relationship!"
She took a step back and her eyes brightened as if she had discovered the biggest secret on Earth. Meanwhile, you debated whether to confirm her assumption or not. Because Dae literally said it when you woke up, that him and Yuri was a fake show.
Now, it was on you to decide what to do with this information.
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife | @soobin-chois
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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Christmas Morning | Jason Todd
✦ pairing — Jason Todd x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1k
✦ request — Jason, spending their first Christmas living together and fem reader gifting Jason something she made that she knew he’d really like with him saying something like “you didn’t have to do this for me”. It can be a portrait of them together that she painted or commissioned.
✦ warnings — mentions of sharing clothes but Jason is huge so !!!, fluff.
✦ author's note — I know this is late, but my health and a family thing got in the way. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
You woke up as someone hovered over you. A kink on your neck prohibited you from turning quickly, and you couldn't shake sleep off your eyes.
Jason's voice filled your ears before you panicked, “Go back to sleep, baby.”
In reflex, you glanced at the window. Your eyesight hadn't improved as sleep hadn't really left as you had hoped. You could tell the sun wasn't up yet though. “Everything okay?”
He hummed. “Sleep. I'll join you in just a moment.” Jason turned in the direction of the bedroom. He then came back, shaking his head. “What am I doing? Come to bed.”
You groaned, already warm albeit awkwardly laying on the couch. He helped you untangle from the blanket, surprisingly stopping himself from chastising you for trying to wait up for him.
“It's Christmas!”
He laughed lightheartedly. “Yes, honey, I know.”
“You should open your gift.”
“You wanna open gifts before going to bed?”
“Okay. Let me get changed at least, yeah?”
“I’ll make coffee!” you announced, already on your way to the kitchen.
The apartment wasn’t the biggest place in the world, but it was the first place you had truly called home. Jason made that happen. He made your life more bearable since you met him just being in it.
Oh, you just couldn’t wait to see his face when he opened his gift.
Coffee was still blooming when Jason wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You relaxed as he pressed his front against your back, sighing happily when he kissed your head.
"Slow night?"
"Kind of. I bet tomorrow's gonna be hell."
“Tonight, technically.”
“Well, if we’re being smartasses, it’s tomorrow because it gets busier after midnight.”
You groaned. “Can’t you let me win on Christmas?”
“No.” He kissed your head again. “We can’t put our traditions to the side because it’s Christmas.”
“Are you calling your girlfriend a loser?” He tightened his arm around you as you tried to reach the cupboard. “Move, let me get some mugs.”
“I’ll get them.” He pushed you into the counter, pressing himself flush to your backside as he pretended to struggle to reach the mugs with his already long arms. You laughed, and so did he as you hurried to fill the mugs with coffee. “You’re my loser, by the way.”
“Mmhmm.” Wagging your butt, you said, “Move. Your gift is waiting.”
“And here I thought you were the gift.”
“You didn’t just say that.”
Jason removed his arm from your waist and picked up both mugs. “Let’s pretend I didn’t.”
You followed him into the living room, giggling. You giggled even harder when you found him pouting, feigning offense over your laugh at his corniness as if it was the first time either of you teased each other.
God, you loved him.
“Go on,” you encouraged him, sitting next to him on the couch and picking up your coffee.
“Me first?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
As if teasing you, he opened the small gift you had gotten him first, when you thought you wouldn’t get the one you had planned from the beginning in time.
“Jason, come on! You know which one I meant.”
“Okay. I love the jacket, though. Let’s see how long it takes you to steal it.”
“I got a similar one for me, you dick.”
He glared at you. “How dare you? Are my clothes not enough for you now?”
You playfully hit his arm. “Can you please just open the other gift? I really want to see if you like it.”
“Of course I’m going to like it, baby, it’s from you.”
If only he knew how badly you wanted that to be the truth.
He tested the weight of the item, giving you a quizzical look when he shook it and nothing rattled. Now intrigued, Jason ripped the wrapping paper.
Whatever he had been expecting, a portrait of you both mustn’t have been one.
You always took photos together and you loved them. There was something about having his face all over that made things a little bit better. A reminder that you had someone to love, someone at home to wait for, someone to laugh and share secrets with.
Naturally, you drew him a lot. He was your favorite thing to sketch out as practice, when you were bored, or when you were trying out new supplies.
So you coaxed him into picking his favorite photo of you both and tried recreating it in different mediums until you found the perfect one.
And now he knew why you insisted that he had to pick one from the hundreds you showed him on your laptop a couple of months ago.
His eyes didn’t leave the painting as he said, in such a soft voice you could have cried, “You didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I wanted to.”
“Fuck,” he laughed. “I look so handsome.”
“You are.”
“And look at you, so fucking pretty.” He gazed up at you, resting the painting on his lap. “You’re so talented, baby. I don’t deserve this, but I’m not complaining.”
You briefly kissed his lips. “Shut up. You deserve everything I give you and more.”
He smiled, immediately going for another kiss. He interrupted it though, too excited to be thinking about kissing his girlfriend who loved him dearly. “Where are we hanging it?” he asked excitedly. “Here? Yeah, here, so everybody can see it.”
“Wherever you want, babe, it’s yours.”
“I’ll get something to hang it tomorrow,” he announced, eyes trailing down to the painting once again.
“I’m so relieved you like it,” you admitted.
“Like it?” He sounded offended. “Love it, more like.”
“Well, I see that now, but—”
He gently put the painting down so he could reach over and hug you. You hugged him back, resting your head against his, pulling him as close as you could.
Before you could speak, before you could remind him just how much you loved him, Jason said, “It’s the best thing I’ve seen since I met you.”
He was warm and smelled of the moisturizer he always stole from you. “I know I don’t have to say it, but I love you. I hope it’s been a good Christmas.”
“It’s been the best,” he assured you. Kissing your face, he added, “And it’s getting even better because it’s your turn to open your gifts.”
You nuzzled against him. “Five more minutes.”
“Ten if you want.”
He tightened his hold on you.
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A reader in TW with character and Power abilities from Chinsaw Man? I think she will fit well into this universeXD
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Chainsaw Man Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You most certainly are an odd one, even without the little chainsaw tug hanging from your chest. When you gain the favor of your harem newfound friends and they raise alarm to the minimalistic crappy style of life. Nonetheless, you're still smiling and happily eating the rations you’ve been ‘gifted’. And while the smallest things mean the most to you nobody expected your face to turn into this chainsaw demon when Crowley asked you to clear out some trees
“What? You asked me to clear it out didn’t you?”
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Trey Clover
“O-oh my–huh?”
Dude is bewildered beyond belief
But ultimately he doesn’t mind your power
Because you’re still dependent on him
You’re always sticking close to him 
“Oh, Angel of all things delicious! Do you have anything for me to eat!”
“Not right now..but I’m going to make something now if you want?”
He loves how happy you are to eat his food
Subsequently loving him since he feeds you for free
He’s acutely aware of your disparity with emotions 
But he doesn’t care
Especially when you’re so willing to do anything for it
“So all I have to do is just not talk to them and I’ll get sweets forever?”
“Yeah…you also can’t tell them why okay?”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“Wait wait so if you want me to enlist your services you just want…”
“A place to stay!”
“Yes and…”
“Meals and that I get to touch some nipples!”
“...yeah…just anybody’s will do?”
Please let it be his
He sees how easily you’re willing to stray despite your massive power
“I can’t let them go…they may be able to do that but they don’t understand this world. They don’t understand anything so it's only right that I keep—take them in.”
In a way, he does think of you like a dog, only in your brain though
You wonderfully don’t have much morale other than comfortability
“That’s perfect! So we have a deal then.”
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Dire Crowley
“AAAAA I’m sorry for not giving you a bigger budget! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
He’s probably the most shaken
Suddenly he’s worried his generosity isn’t enough 
Despite suddenly giving more and encouraging students to house you while he revamps Ramshackle
But once he calms down and he sees you genuinely hold no resentment
Specifically, after he offered you some takeout
With a sweat drop, he suddenly starts showing up around you more often
Praising you and letting you take breaks
And eventually, a proposal is made to send you to someone who will experiment on you for your condition
Granted Crowley has…cleaned up quite a few messes himself 
But once he does he realizes this will never stop 
But who are they to take his baby bird from him…even if you turn into a chainsaw creature on occasion 
Nonetheless, he’s decided you cannot be seen, touched, or otherwise 
Where safer than in his own little nest
It’ll take some time to get it ready, but he’ll be generous with his creation so that you can be comfy when he makes the move
“No worries (Y/n) I’ve already begun preparing the nest for you to stay in!”
“Ewww I wouldn’t want to live in a nest. That’d be cramped and scratchy.”
“No no *ahem* it’s a house or room rather…”
“Oh! Will there be food?”
“...uh…yes, yes there will be is.”
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Ace Trappola
“Oi oi could you do the hedges for the Heartslabyul hedges? Sure’d save me loads of time.”
“Eh?! I don’t want Riddle to yell at me…”
“I'll let you touch my balls.”
“YES SIR! Those hedges will be cut! “
“Just trim them, make shapes if you wanna. I don’t care.”
Leans into your carnal desires the most
Dangling food and sex to get what he wants from you
He loves it though
In private he blushes like crazy 
totally taking advantage of your eagerness
He gets off on just about everything you do
But part of the fun is pretending he’s just this cool unbothered love interest
“Hehehe look at you sucking like that~like a dog.”
Now while you may be the one with chainsaws 
He’s the one who actually sets you on them 
Or decides to do something about the ones who want to do the same
“They might have said they’ll do anything but I’m letting you know now they will not be. Especially since you’re not going to be able to ask.”
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 6 months
I was wondering if you could do some ticci toby x child reader headcanons?
𝕐'𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕋𝕠𝕓𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕒 𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣?
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 @𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕜𝕒-𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕤! 𝔾𝕠 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜!!
𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘!!
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Toby x Child!Reader
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I know I've mentioned this before on a previous post, but idk if it was on a Toby req so I'll put it again
It is very very rare for anyone new to come into the team and actually live in the manor
Slender has a lot of employees outside of the manor obviously, and the manor is reserved for the best of the best, his favorite employees if you will
So when a new member is actually said to be coming into the manor, a lot of people get really excited!
Some aren't excited and actually don't like the idea of more people coming into the manor, but there is chatter about it nonetheless
However, when it is known that a child is joining the manor, the tone becomes more sad than excited
I mean, a lot of the creeps come from awful backgrounds, but Slender typically tries to wait until said person is 18 just to get rid of any potential headaches of "missing child" cases
So whenever he decides to bring in a child, immediately everyone knows that the situation was so bad he physically couldn't wait
Another thing is that whenever a new person joins the manor, a party is held in their honor, so that they can get comfortable with the people and have some fun in their new home
But for children, the parties are way smaller and more child friendly
There is food (friendly for all diets/religions), drinks, music, and not that many people
Only children and designated caretakers are allowed
Toby is not an official caretaker, but a lot of the kids like him because of how sweet he is
First time you meet Toby is probably a week or so after your party
You and Sally are playing with dolls and plushies in her room, when you hear a knock at her door
Sally hops up to go open the door and squeaks happily when she sees Toby
"Hi Toby! We're playing dolls, wanna come play too?"
Toby rubs her head and smiles "Uh, sure Sal, I don't have anything else going on right now."
Sally clings onto his leg as he walks over to her bed and places a neatly folded pink dress on the sheets "Jason said your dress is all fixed up"
That's when he sees you, who at this point had just been observing everything happening around you
"Oh. Hello, I don't think I've met you before" He says, picking Sally up off his leg and placing her back down on the floor
Sally runs over to you and picks up her toys "Yeah, they're my new friend! I met them at the party"
"Ooooh. Well, what's your name?" He asks, coming to sit next to Sally and holding open his hand as she gives him a doll to play with
"Y/n..." You whisper shyly
"Hi y/n, i'm Toby"
As you play together, you find that Toby is very fun to be around, he is better at playing pretend than any of the other adults
He is also pretty strong, so he is able to pick both you and Sally up at the same time and spin you around
After this first meeting, you find yourself gravitating towards Toby more than any of the other caretakers
Which is fine, you don't have to only talk to the caretakers, they're just there for the kids that don't want to talk to any other adults
He at first, is just like any other play mate, he almost never says no to playing with any of the kids because if he's at the house, then chances are he's not doing anything important
But as you spend more and more time with him, he becomes more of a caretaker to you
He gets you your food, helps you with laundry, comforts you when you are sick or sad, etc
Fun fact, he is really good at doing hair
After years and years of Sally asking for hers to be done, he picks up a few things
His favorite to do are braids, because they're fairly easy and they look neat
He is good with any texture of hair, because after doing Sally's hair, a lot of other children with different hair types also came to him so no matter what hair type/texture you have, he'll still be able to do it if you so wish <333
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h2llish · 9 months
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SATAN ━━ he's falling in love with a human ♡ fluff, just a little angsty, so many cats, pining, gender neutral, lowercase intended
part of the love in chance series
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satan has read many books ━ romance, mystery, thriller, and much more. he's read through books about forbidden romances, mysterious thrillers that end with an unexpected killer, and he'll recall all of them perfectly. satan has always loved reading, however, he's never had anyone to share that feeling with. sure, mc has shown interest in his books and the two occasionally suggested books to one another (although it was mostly satan giving suggestions), but their love for books wasn't the same as satan's and they both knew that.
reading was something he used to hopefully distract himself from the rage that came with his sin. the same sin that led him up to the human world with mc as the human exchange student did their best to distract the demon after another fight with the eldest brother.
"why don't you wait out here?" mc suggested as the two of them found themselves on a street full of stores and buildings of all types. they gestured towards a small building of what seemed to be a tea shop. why they were going in there, satan wasn't sure, but he nodded nonetheless. mc smiled, but didn't turn to enter the shop just yet, "you can look around too, you know? we can always meet back up here. i think there's a bookstore nearby, why don't you check that out?"
satan hesitanted, glancing around the market area. it wasn't packed with people, but there was still quite a number of couples and groups that walked the area. he sighed, turning back to mc, "i guess i'll look around."
"okay!" mc smiled, "i'll text you later, 'kay?"
satan nodded and they turned away, entering the teashop. satan deflated for a moment, before straightening his shoulders and turning to the decent crowd of people. if mc was correct about a bookstore being somewhere along the rows of stores, then he'd rather occupy there than continue to roam outside among people who didn't know the definition of personal space.
satan found himself soon weaving through the crowd, eyeing the several stores in search of the bookstore mc thought to be there. but his searched continuously came with a lack of results, and eventually he began to think that maybe mc had been mistaken. perhaps they mixed it up with a different area? there's plenty of similar streets like this one, he's heard, they might've recalled a different one.
with a sigh, satan pushed through the crowd, shoulders relaxing as he found cover from the rushing people in a corner between a perfume store and a store without a name or owner from the looks of it. there was a very thin alley he stood in front of, between the two buildings despite the many other stores being connected to each other. the alley wasn't very wide, and he was sure only a little d could squeeze through.
"well, what to do?" he spoke to himself, glancing down at the screen of his d.d.d.
satan found himself quickly perking up at the familiar sound, turning his head to look down as something rubbed against his ankle. a tabby cat, he realized as he kneeled in front of the feline, holding out his hand. it purred as it rubbed the side of its face against his fingers. the avatar of wrath quickly assumed the cat to be a stray, by the lack of collar and parts of hair missing. yet it did not run from him, happily leaning into his touch as he pet it gently.
more soft calls joined the tabby's purrs, and he glanced back, blinking as more cats slowly came from the thin alley, and he smiled. some of them stopped to join the tabby in the attention it received from the demon before turning away and joining the few who chose to ignore him. there was an awful lot of strays; yet all of them, including the tabby, seemed well fed and some looked groomed or otherwise taken care of. it made him question if he was right about them being strays.
he gasped as the device in his hand was snatched away, eyes widening for a moment as he watched the tabby cat, he was petting bolt away in the direction of the other stray cats, his d.d.d in its mouth. "what━ hey!" satan yelled as he stood to his feet, wasting no time in going after the cats who maneuvered under and around the feet of passing humans.
the gather of cats seemed to all have the same destination as they turned a corner, some people quickly moving out of the way as soon as they noticed the group of felines. satan managed to keep up, confused and maybe a little irritated as he watched the tabby cat who stole his d.d.d turn into one of the stores on the street. the door was left ajar, letting the cat enter with ease, and satan was quick to follow.
satan entered the store, glancing around at the━ oh, it's a bookstore.
satan turned to the back of the bookstore where he seen the tabby cat who stole from him was sitting on the counter where the register was, his d.d.d set down in front of it. behind the counter was a person, staring at the cat in a bit of confusion. maybe they wondered why a cat was in a bookstore?
"what's that?" they asked the cat, grabbing the device and looking it over, "did you━"
satan cleared his throat, and they jumped, obviously having not realized someone other than the cat (or cats, because now he's realized the other cats had joined the tabby inside), had entered.
"oh, uh," they smiled, "sorry, hello. how can i help you?"
satan gestured toward the d.d.d in their hand, "that belongs to me."
they glanced down at his device, blinking a few times, before gasping and narrowing their eyes on the tabby cat now laying comfortably on the counter, "thief! you stole from someone again!" the cat curled itself into a ball, ignoring them. they sighed, shaking their head and turning back to satan, holding out the d.d.d, "i'm sorry! thief is always stealing from people. so many have come to me because he stole their phone or wallet." they began petting the tabby, or thief, as they called it while satan tucked his d.d.d back into his pocket.
"is he━" satan cut himself off, gesturing towards the cats that joined thief on the counter and those that chose to curl up on shelves stacked with books, "are they yours?"
"oh, no." they shook their head, using their hand not petting thief to scratch another cat's chin, "they're all strays." they shrugged, stepping away from the counter and the cats for a moment to kneel and grab something from behind. they stood straight again, smiling as they held up a bag of cat treats. "but i feed them! and they're always welcome here."
satan looked down as one of the cats, a grey cat, walked up to him. it looked old, a cat he can only guess has been on the streets for a long time. satan kneeled, smiling gently as it sniffed his fingers, before rubbing its face against him, leaning into his hand as he carefully scratched its chin.
the person behind the counter leaned forward, watching him and the cat as they gave some of the cats a treat, "that's miss sweets. she's older than most of the cats here."
"did you name all of them?" satan asked━ he's being quite talkative, perhaps it's the cats. he does love cats, far more than he likes books (and this bookstore has both).
"i did!" they answered proudly.
satan nodded, humming as the old cat moved closer to him, almost leaning into him completely.
"usually people complain about having all these stray cats in my bookstore." they tilted their head, humming as they moved around the counter to stand in front of the demon and cat. many cats followed them, calling up to them while also joining miss sweets in requesting attention from the avatar of wrath, much to satan's delight.
"what's your name?"
satan paused, looking up at them. he hesitated, "satan."
they hummed, tilting their head at the cats crowding around the two, "well, satan, the cats really like you." they held out their hand and smiled, "i'm [name]! nice to meet you!"
"you too?" satan said, although his words sounded more like a question as he stopped petting one of the cats to return their handshake. they didn't seem to mind, smiling at him and firmly shaking his hand.
satan returned his hand to his side as they stood, turning away to return behind the counter. satan continued to kneel in front of the cats and miss sweets, who had laid herself across the floor, letting satan run his fingers through her short, old fur. unfortunately, miss sweets was startled when his d.d.d went off, leading to her jolting away from his hand and standing to her feet. satan frowned, standing back to his feet and pulling out his d.d.d.
hey, satan! i just finished. you ready to go?
i'll be there soon.
satan sighed, tucking his d.d.d back into his pocket after replying to mc. he was getting quite fond of miss sweets and the other cats.
"are you leaving?" they asked, looking up from behind the counter and away from thief.
satan nodded, "yes."
they smiled, "that's too bad, miss sweets seemed to really like you."
"you think so?" satan perked up, and they chuckled, nodding.
"feel free to come by any time. i'm sure miss sweets would like that." they gestured toward the old cat watching him from next to his feet, having returned to him despite his d.d.d startling her.
satan smiled, kneeling down for a moment to scratch miss sweets ears, before he stood again, nodding at [name]. "i think i will. perhaps i'll even pick up a book." he said that last part mostly to himself. they nodded in return, waving him goodbye as he turned away to leave.
he thinks he's found his new favorite spot.
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satan has found his new favorite spot.
it was only a small bookstore, but your love for cats was in rivalry to his own and allowed them to walk into the store whenever they wanted. it was the cats that made him enjoy the presence of books even more.
he's been coming to the bookstore for quite some time. at first, it was during the times mc would take him up to the human world, and he'd always find himself in front of the bookstore where the stray cats frequented. you always greeted him kindly, welcoming him back, as did miss sweets, who seemed to like him quite a bit. but then, he started to visit the human world without the exchange student. he had come to enjoy his visits more than he already did. that had to do with how he found himself another reason to visit other than miss sweets and the other strays; you.
you were quite happy to make conversation with him, even when he first started visiting and wasn't very talkative. but he did start returning conversation with conversation, and that led to new things being learned about each other. you not only shared his love for cats, but also his like for reading (of course, he should've expected that, you did manage the bookstore).
"satan!" you greeted, smiling at the demon as he entered the bookstore. there was a stack of books in your arms as you exited one of the isles. "welcome back!"
a soft smile made its way onto his face, and the warm feeling that rolled up his neck did not go unnoticed by satan as you smiled at him, "hello, [name]."
satan has read many romance books ━ a prince who falls in love with a commoner, childhood friends realizing they've always loved each other, or enemies who realize their hate for one another had developed into romance. or even the simple romance; strangers to friends to lovers ━ there was nothing special about either of them and yet they found friendship and eventually love in someone they didn't know at the start.
although he preferred books of difference to romance, he found himself reading more and more romance the longer he'd spent at your bookstore. and the more this carried on, the more you filled his thoughts, even during the days he'd find himself sitting silently in his room, breathing heavy after another fight with lucifer ━ you, were always on his mind. so, he turned to the books that spoke of his situation; the warmth on his face, the heavy feeling in his chest, the everyday thought about you. but he knew he couldn't rely on the words of a work of fiction, but what else could he turn to?
mc was the one to answer his questions, noticing the way their friend had become quite occupied with his thoughts and the human world. they asked him, and satan hesitated; but he trusted his good friend, and they were human, perhaps they could help.
"what?" satan asked as he finally finished his explanation of what he had been feeling; and his rather eager visits to a certain human managing a bookstore. mc was smiling kindly at him, sincere and gentle as they shook their head and sighed. "what is it?"
mc stood from the chair they had sat in when they came to see him in his room, moving to sit beside satan on his bed. "satan, i think this person..." they trailed, lips pursing for a moment in thought, before placing a hand on his shoulder carefully and continuing, "i think you might have feelings for them. romantic feelings."
of course, satan didn't want to believe it. he was the avatar of wrath. even his brothers treaded carefully, in order to not anger the demon lest they wanted to be at the end of his sin. although he tried to separate himself from the sin he was only projected as; finding comfort in the words on pages; it was difficult. mc tried to tell him, as someone he trusted, that he wasn't just his sin, just like his brothers weren't either. but he found it difficult to believe, just like his brothers who were always careful of his anger.
could he really love someone? much less a human who remains unaware of who and how he really is?
"take your time to think about it." mc had gently suggested, careful with their words so as to not force the demon into a state of overthinking that would only lead to frustration. they squeezed his shoulder in a way of comfort, before standing, deciding that maybe it was best to leave him alone to think.
they smiled, "if you need me at all just come find me, okay?" he didn't reply, but they knew he heard them by the almost unnoticeable nod he gave. mc stood in front of him for a moment, before turning away and walking carefully through the mountains of books, and towards the door. they stopped with their hand on the doorknob, and turned back to him, "it'll be okay, satan. you can care for someone like them." and then mc was out the door, leaving the embodiment of wrath to his thoughts.
satan was wrath, he was a demon, a being to be feared for his easily flicked switch of anger. but he was also someone who enjoyed books and loved cats. he was rational, and he knew that a part of him, deep down, really did believe mc. he could love someone, he wasn't just his anger. but he was still his sin, anger was a dangerous thing, especially to a demon who embodied it, especially to a human who could crumble so easily because of him.
but you, you were kind. you took care of the cats that had found a home in you after living on the streets. you used your money to buy foods and treats when you didn't have to. you enjoyed the books that lined the shelves of the bookstore you managed. and you always greeted him with a smile, always seeming so happy to see him, even if he had been there just the day before.
and when satan found himself frustrated as he visited the human world, nails sharp as they dug into his palms and shoulders tense, you noticed. you were a human, you didn't who he was, you didn't know how dangerous his anger could be, yet you noticed, always with a gentle smile and no words. you didn't try to calm him down; you just mentioned a book you thought he'd like and went into a tiny rant about a new cat on the street, uncaring if he replied to you or not.
"she's still warming up to me, but yesterday she joined miss sweets in the store and ate some of the food i left out." you explained, a proud smile on your face. the familiar tabby cat joined you on the counter, yet you remained unbothered as he nipped at your fingers for lack of attention. you chuckled, lifting your hand to scratch the top of theif's head. "i'm sure she'll feel safe here soon. i hope she does. she deserves to be loved."
satan didn't reply, but he tried to refrain from gripping the book in his hands too tightly, staring at you past the pages. neither of you noticed the way his face softened as he stared at you, content in scratching the feline troublemaker curled up under your hand. and you remained unaware of the feeling that shocked his chest and dipped under his skin. it was almost painful as he used one of his hands to grip the sweater he wore, eyes the slightest bit wide.
he really did love you, he realized. he loved someone who didn't know of the sin that categorized him. he loved a human who made him feel something other than the anger that was always there, lurking not-so-silently in his chest.
he loved you, and maybe one day he'd accept it enough to tell you. after all, he believed the best part of every romance book was the confession.
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satan! this is probably one of my prouder works in the series so far :) writing for him might be a new favorite thing of mine <3 especially the (minor) angst that lingered at the end there hehe
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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purplecoffee13 · 1 year
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Summary: As Gracie becomes closer with Harry, she realizes she made a mistake by rejecting him before.
Word count: 7.9k
Tropes: Friends to Lovers
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT! Jealousy, slight exhibitionism kink, kind of cheating I guess? Not really
A/N: THIS IS MY FIRST ONE SHOT EVER SO PLS BE NICE. This entire one shot is based on a daydream I had once of a guy I liked coming into the cafe I work at, so I worked this around it. Hope ya like it! Also this wasn't proof read, lol. I'll go over it some time soon.
It hadn't been easy for Gracie; juggling work, school and a social life. But, she had managed it so far. Sure, the social part was a bit neglected at times, but that would usually be made up for with a very drunken night and a killer hangover.
College had begun again, and Gracie was ready to start off her last year right. The kick-off class found place in the biggest classroom on campus, providing enough space for all last year students to sit there.
As Gracie walked in there, her eyes immediately started scanning the room and soon enough she found her best friend, Marina, sitting in the third front row with her boyfriend Duke. She waved at them, slightly disappointed at the sight of him next to her, and made her way over to the couple.
Marina had been Gracie's friend since first year, where they'd met during orientation week. Ever since then, they had been the best of friends. Marina really helped her come out of her shell when it came to boys, mainly because she was so educated about the subject herself. She had always been grateful for the confidence her best friend had fueled in her.
Gracie liked Duke too, he wasn't mean or anything, but he was just always... there. Sometimes she really missed being solely with her best friend, even though it sounded a bit selfish.
"Hey!" Marina greeted happily.
"Hi." Gracie responded with a smile. "All moved in yet?"
Marina and Duke had been together for exactly two years now, and Marina really wanted to get an apartment together since the first month. Luckily, Gracie managed to convince her to wait some time at least, and after the honeymoon phase was over, her natural sense kicked back in and did the job for Gracie instead
Recently the idea had started to resurface and they'd made it a reality. Gracie was surprised to see how invested Duke was. He'd found a lovely place with lots of light, just ten minutes. He had also been driving Marina around to find the perfect furniture.
"Absolutely! We found this table that–" Marina suddenly stopped in her words, leaving her mouth open as she eyed something by the door. "Holy shit..."
When Gracie turned around to see what she was gawking at, her own eyes widened automatically.
In walked Harry Styles, a very beloved and notorious guy at the university. He was known for getting with a lot of people, and it was even rumored that professors were included in that list too. Gracie couldn’t blame them, Harry was stupidly hot and on top of that very charming. Nonetheless, she was glad to never have been a target of him and his flirty antics. In fact, she'd always done her very best to avoid any chance of that happening.
Gracie did have to admit, though, that when she saw him walking in with shoulder length hair, she secretly questioned all the choices she had ever made on the aspect that concerned him.
Of course she had known that he had been growing his hair out (Marina could not stop talking about it) but it this was great difference from before the summer. He was also wearing a pink dress shirt with white polka dots on it, paired with black jeans and Chelsea boots. It was surprising to see him dressed in such bright colors, it was very unlike the neutrals he had been wearing before.
Gracie realized that she'd been staring a little too long when his eyes suddenly landed hers, causing blood to rush to her cheeks in no time. She averted her gaze, covering up her embarrassment by looking the other way and scratching her neck.
"He looks hot, doesn't he?" Marina softly said, earning a tired glare from Duke. She smiled at her boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Not as handsome as you of course! I was just saying it for Gracie."
Gracie turned away from the couple and their annoying PDA, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. If only Duke knew that her girlfriend had slept with Harry just a few weeks before they got together. But, he was never going to know because Gracie would never tell and Harry had probably already forgotten about it.
Suddenly, Gracie felt a presence on her left, and when she looked up she spotted Harry of all people standing there with a playful smirk on his face.
"Is this seat taken?" He asked innocently.
Gracie pursed her lips and shook her head, gesturing for him to sit down. She let out a small sigh, cursing herself for forgetting about social cues and now having created this awkward situation for herself.
The boy sat down, and the smell of his perfume instantly reached Gracie's nose. He smelled of tobacco and vanilla, and a hint of mint that stemmed from the chewing gum in his mouth.
The lights dimmed, causing everyone to stop talking, and the chancellor started welcoming everyone with a big smile on his face.
"I'm Harry." He had felt the need to lean over towards her ear and introduce himself.
"I'm trying to listen." Gracie responded, attempting to be as stern as she could be, but she wasn't very good at it.
Harry didn't say anything, only a breathy chuckle left his mouth before he leaned back into his seat. He listened to Gracie and kept his mouth shut the entire time, but she still felt his eyes burning on her the entire time. Gracie brushed it off, taking notes about deadlines and turning away as much as possible from Harry, without being confronted with the stare of her best friend.
The kick-off didn't take long, it was not more than thirty minutes, so the lights went back on pretty quickly. And when they did, it was like a timer went off inside of Harry.
"Can I talk again, miss?" He asked playfully, causing Gracie to roll her eyes.
"Yeah, you're dismissed." She murmured, putting her notebook in her bag. It was like he took the hint, because he got up and left without another word exchanged to her.
Gracie felt a bit bad, but having to talk to Harry Styles was a bit too nerve racking to keep up for too long. He intimidated her, but she didn't want him to know so the next best thing was to scare him away.
She bid her goodbyes to Marina and Duke, who both had to rush to another class, and made her way to the vending machine to get a coke. She sighed at the sight of a queue, but she really needed the drink so she joined it anyway.
When it was finally Gracie's turn, she went to grab her wallet from her bag, but couldn't seem to find it. After frantically searching and hearing an impatient huff from the person behind her, she hung her head in defeat. That was until she heard beeping coming from the vending machine, and smelled that tobacco and vanilla smell from before next to her.
"Coke?" Harry casually asked, not even bothering to look back at her.
"You don't have to–" She began, but he interrupted her by turning around and staring into her soul.
"Yes or no?"
Gracie silently nodded, swallowing at the look he was giving her. It made her palms sweat and her eyes stay wide open. He selected the drink and soon enough, he handed it to her.
"Thanks." She gave him a half-smile, before turning around and walking away to her next class. What she didn't expect is having Harry walking next to her in just under three seconds.
"What are you doing?" She asked, opening the can.
"Going to class." His features were relaxed, he even had his hands in his pockets. He was acting stupid, and Gracie couldn't help but chuckle at the confidence that this man carried within himself. "Why?"
"No reason." She peeped, taking a sip from her cola.
"Your name is Graciela, right?" He began the conversation.
"Did I tell you that?" She genuinely wondered, not remembering giving him her name.
"Your notebook did." Harry explained. Gracie's mouth shaped into an O form, embarrassed as the realization hit her.
"Right..." She awkwardly laughed.
"So, Graciela, why don't you like me?"
The comment took her by surprise, she didn't expect Harry to get to the point of this conversation so quickly. She could feel her heart beat speed up a bit.
"It's not that I don't like you, I'm just saving you time." She answered, strolling over the pavement. Harry raised his brows in intrigue.
"You're saving me time, huh? What could you possibly mean?" He teased, making her laugh too.
"You know what I mean." Gracie looked him in the eyes, and he simply shrugged, keeping up the facade. "I'm sure there's loads of girls who are more worthy of your time."
"Yeah? And who decides that?" He questioned, getting a little bit closer as they neared the building.
"I'm just saying... I know about your way with women, and I wouldn't want you to waste your time on someone who isn't interested." She tilted her head, hoping her sentence would make a bit sense.
A long silence crashed over the two of them, and Gracie got very nervous, hoping she didn't hurt his feelings or misinterpreted any aspects of his attitude towards her. But then, he finally spoke.
Gracie stopped right in front of the door, frowning at Harry. What in heavens name did that mean, okay?
"Okay..." She dragged out, hoping there would be any kind of reaction from him from which she could lead what the hell he meant by that stupid, vague word. But there wasn’t. His face was as neutral as it was before and thus made it impossible to read a real meaning behind it.
They slowly made their way to class, where Harry was stopped to chat with a few friends. Gracie decided to keep on walking and just take a seat in the back to give herself some space to forget this weird interaction with the college's notorious player.
She took out her notebook and started to write down some preparatory things on paper already, when the chair beside her creaked.
Harry was now sitting next to her, slouched in his seat, with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"So, you think I'm a slut huh?"
The furrowed eyebrows and disastrous look on Gracie's face made clear that that was the last thing she thought would come out of his mouth.
"That is not what I said!"
"It's fine, I've decided we're friends now, so you can tell me the truth." He casually explained. "So, am I right? Do you think I'm a man-whore?"
"You've decided we're friends now?" Gracie repeated his words, to which he casually nodded.
"Don't avoid the question." When she didn't answer with anything but a big sigh, Harry's smile only grew. "Ah, it's true. You think of me as a cheap tramp."
"I do not think of you as a cheap tramp!" She giggled at his stupidity. "I've only heard you've gone out with many people, that's all."
Harry was about to say something, but then the professor started talking and the classroom went silent. He pretended to pay attention for half a minute, and leaned over to Gracie while she was actually listening to the lecture.
"I'll have you know that I'm a perfect gentleman, Graciela." He whispered in her ear.
When Harry claimed that he now considered Gracie a friend, she didn't think he'd be serious, but he was. He searched for her in every lecture they had together, and he had spent his time annoying her while she tried to hold in her laughter the entire week.
Gracie had tried to resist letting Harry in, but utterly failed ever since the first time he visited her work.
It was a late Saturday morning—around eleven—when he came in with a blonde petite girl. Gracie did remember Harry saying that he had scheduled a busy weekend, and the suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows filled in the blanks that he left open for interpretation. However, a cute coffee date wasn't exactly the first idea that came to Gracie's mind, she imagined more... nightly activities keeping him entertained over the weekend.
It was hard to admit it to herself, but the image of his smile flew through her mind all the way to work. She just didn’t think she’d get to see it so soon.
"Crap." Gracie muttered to herself, looking at the teaspoons she accidentally dropped onto the ground. Leaning down, she started collecting them, when her boss notified her of there being some people at the cash register.
When she got back up, she found herself standing face to face with Harry, and what Gracie assumed to be his date. Her eyes widened for a second, before her brain reminded her to play it cool. She didn't miss the look of surprise on Harry's face that he quickly masqueraded with a clearing of his throat.
"Good evening, what can I get you?" Gracie put on her customer service voice. She noticed that he looked a bit tired, the bags under his eyes were a bit prominent, and his long hair was solely pushed back by sunglasses. The blue blouse he was wearing was a bit wrinkled, so Gracie suspected he'd been wearing it the night before already and didn't have time to change.
The girl, on the other hand, looked a bit more put together. Her hair seemed freshly straightened and Gracie could smell her sweet perfume from behind the counter. Concluding that they must've stayed at her place, Gracie knew that she was witnessing the beginning of the end of a hook-up.
Harry turned to the girl, who shot Gracie a strained smile before voicing her order.
"I'll have a vanilla chai with soy milk, please."
"I'm so sorry, we don't have flavors, but I could add some brown sugar syrup if you'd like? And we also don't have soy but we do have oat or pea milk." Gracie explained as kindly as she could.
A lot of people didn't know that the cafe was a specialty coffee bar, and thus didn't have flavors. They also didn't use soy milk, her bosses had boycotted it.
"Fine." The girl huffed. Gracie's hands automatically started to become sweaty with frustration, but she ignored it.
"Would you rather have oat milk or pea milk?" Gracie asked, looking at the girl after selecting the chai latte in the cash register.
"Okay, great!" Gracie smiled kindly at the girl, but she kind of ignored her.
"Uhm..." Harry's confused eyes shifted from his date to Gracie, giving her a slight smile of empathy. "I'll have a flat white."
Gracie bit her lip in order to contain her smile. "Sure. Would you like to pay now or later?"
Their eyes met again, and it took Harry a few seconds before he realized that he needed to respond to that. "L-later."
"Alright, we'll bring it to your table."
With that, the pair turned around to find seats. Harry quickly looked back, giving Gracie a terrified expression that caused her to snicker and slap her hand over her mouth.
Harry and his date took a seat by a long table against the window that looked out on the busy street. Gracie couldn't help herself from glancing over there every so often, telling herself it was just because she needed to watch the entrance. After she'd finished making the drinks, she refused her colleague's offer to bring it, telling him she'd do it herself.
"... like why would she say that, right?" Was the only thing Gracie caught from the conversation before she interrupted it by putting the drinks on the table.
"One flat white and an oat chai latte with sugar syrup. Enjoy!" She announced before moving to the seat next to them, where a family had just left a whole bunch of dishes.
Gracie wasn't eavesdropping, she told herself. She just happened to be close enough to hear the conversation.
"But yeah, no that's crazy." Harry said in a rather bored tone that he was trying very hard to hide by overcompensating.
"I know right!" The girl giggled. "Hey, do you want to taste my chai? It's like the exact amount of sweet."
Harry didn't like sweet drinks a lot. Gracie had found that out when she tried to buy a coke for him to pay him back, but he refused because regular coke was too sweet for him. For some reason, he had this obsession with sparkling water, so that's what she'd been buying him ever since.
Gracie folded her lips inwards, closing her eyes as she heard him sipping at the drink and praying for him not to die inside.
But he did, he did die inside when he tasted the – to him – crazy amount of sugar. He seriously wondered if one couldn't actually get a heart attack from something this sweet.
A strained cough left his mouth, and Gracie snorted at the sound, knowing Harry would absolutely hate the taste of the drink. She heard the girl's chair shift, so she quickly grabbed the dishes and speed walked back to the bar.
After having loaded the dishwasher, she went to prepare some pastries that had been ordered, secretly looking at in the window's direction in the mean time. Gracie noticed Harry's date walking towards the bar, and shot her a polite smile.
"Where's the bathroom?"
"In the back left corner." She pointed towards the sign that said 'toilets'. The girl didn't say anything before she strolled away.
"You're welcome." Gracie muttered under her breath, looking around the cafe and spotting Harry already staring at her. He raised his eyebrows, and she tilted her head with a sympathetic frown, to which he rolled his eyes again.
Before she could even understand why she was doing it, Gracie was filling a glass with some ice cubes and grabbing a bottle of sparkling water. After taking off the cap from the glass bottle, she swiftly made her way over to the table by the window, putting the drink down in front of her friend.
"Thought you might need it after having to taste that chai." She said. Harry looked up at her, a weird tingle floating throughout his body as he looked at her and sweet smile. It was one of the few sweet things he fully enjoyed.
"Thanks." His voice was raspy and a bit unsure, but he was physically unable to take his eyes off of her. She brushed it off with a shrug and returned to her job, and like clockwork his date came walking back.
Harry had met Samantha at a party, the weekend before the last first day of uni. He'd forgotten all about her if he was being really honest, but the night after Graciela had rejected him, she hit him up.
She attended a different University so she could only meet him on Friday. He went to her place, because she didn't want to drive all the way to his, and then he accidentally fell asleep there, only to be woken up by her suggesting they get coffee together.
The last thing he'd imagined was to run into Graciela, but he couldn't say he was disappointed that he did.
"Ugh, there were like two people in front of me. Remind me to never return to this place, I mean, what kind of coffee place doesn't have flavors– hey, where'd you get that sparkling water?" Samantha started yammering the second she came back from the bathroom and sat next to him. Harry couldn't bring himself to listen though, he wasn't even sure what exactly she was talking about. Instead, he was a bit too focused on the barista who was concentrating on pouring the milk into the coffee.
"Hm?" He cocked his head to Samantha, suddenly feeling very much like a dick when he saw her confused face. She turned around in her seat, trying to get a look at whatever Harry was staring at, and her confusion had switched to anger once she turned back to him.
"Seriously? We're on a date and you're checking out the waitress? Fucking asshole." Samantha gritted the insult through her teeth, grabbing her bag and phone from the table before storming out of the café.
Harry knew that he should probably have gone after her and try to apologize, but he didn't have the strength in him to get up. So, he poured the entirety of the sparkling water in his glass before stacking the empty dishes and moving himself towards the bar.
Gracie had seen the date's sudden exit, and she tilted her head at Harry once he arrived with the empty cups and half-empty chai latte.
"Everything okay?" Gracie questioned, taking the dishes out of his hands. She frowned a bit as she watched him take a couple of seconds before finally responding to her, he seemed a little out of it.
"What? Oh, yeah, totally. Just.. a family emergency, that's all." He stammered out the words like he was making them up right on the spot. He stared at his glass for a moment before downing his sparkling water in an impressive amount of time. He put it on Gracie's side of the bar and ignored how she was looking at him; like he had two heads.
"I'm gonna go… do stuff. Bye."
Gracie did not even have time to react to his awkward goodbye, but she realized the moment Harry shot her one last smile before leaving the café, that this friendship could become a problem in the future.
*1 month later*
For the first time in a long time, Harry thoroughly enjoyed someone else's company. He preferred being with Gracie any day over spending time with any of his other friends.
Harry had heard her and clear when she said she wasn't interested. Now, he didn't exactly believe her, because he noticed how reactive her body was to him and only him, but he respected her word and did not go any further.
Sure, he thought about it, but not too often. He had tried making her off limits in his head, but the fantasies only got worse. So instead, he settled on a nice middle ground. Right now they were just friends, nothing more than friends. Who'd flirt occasionally, of course.
At first it was mainly Harry who'd say questionable things or accidentally got a little too close, but once Gracie started to feel more comfortable around him, she returned the favor more than him.
Now, Gracie had a problem.
She had developed a crush on Harry. It started the day he came into the café with that date of his, and it was only getting worse with each day. Nevertheless she couldn't bring herself to stop hanging out with him. Despite having romantic feelings, Harry had genuinely become a good friend to her, and she didn't want to let that go.
She felt stupid for saying she wasn't interested, but she knew that if she hadn't, they wouldn't even acknowledge each other now. She much preferred being close to him, in any way possible.
Marina had marveled at the friendship between the two, and warned her friend countless of times, while also demanding all details. She did give Gracie a big 'I told you so' when she confessed her feelings for Harry, but it didn't stop her from being a great friend.
Especially when there were chances to get over this crush.
"I don't know.." Gracie dug her head into the pillow. She was laying on Duke and Marina's bed, while Marina was pacing around the room, stocking some laundry into her closet.
One of Harry's friends, Kenny, has asked Gracie to come to the birthday party of Lucas (another friend of Harry's) with him. She told him she needed to check her schedule and that she would call him back as soon as she knew, but Gracie wasn't sure whether to go or not. However, Marina's opinion was clear.
"You know what they say. The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else. It's the first step to recovery, babe!" Marina exclaimed, closing the closet door and going to sit next to Gracie on the bed.
"I know, but–“
"No! No buts! You can't wait around for him to be interested in you again. And if he is, who's to say that he will commit? I mean, this is Harry we're talking about." Marina's words hit Gracie like a good old slap in the face. It was evident that she realized how hard the words had hit too, so she softened the blow by adding some assuring words.
"I promise I don't want to hurt your feelings, I just don't want you to allow him to hurt your feelings, okay?" She caressed her best friends upper arm softly with an assuring smile on her face. Gracie returned the smile, taking a bit of time to think about the facts that Marina had laid on the table just now.
"You're right, I'll do it."
A high pitched squeal left Marina's mouth as soon as the last word rolled over her tongue, and she automatically shut her eyes very tightly at the sound.
The next few hours consisted of Marina helping Gracie get ready for the party. They drove to Gracie's apartment, picked out an outfit and got her ready in every way possible. Marina provided her best friend with positive affirmations to remember if she got nervous at any time, and kept reminding her how cool and hot she looked.
By the time nine o'clock came around, Gracie was alone again, waiting for Kenny to pick her up. He was only five minutes late, for which he apologized and explained that he accidentally filled out the wrong address. They laughed it off and Gracie sparked up a conversation about music which made them discover that they had similar taste.
Lucas was apparently a filthy rich guy who'd graduated years ago and was now celebrating his 25th birthday party as extravagantly as he could.
Gracie was thankful for the way she looked tonight, noticing that lucky enough, her maroon dress was just right for the occasion. It was nothing extremely fancy, just a red mini dress with long, flared sleeves and a higher boat neckline. With a few necklaces and some Chelsea boots, it made for a perfect outfit that carried a balance between sophisticated and sexy.
"Want a drink?" Kenny asked, and Gracie nodded. He extended his hand, which she took, and they made their way to the bar. Surprisingly enough, they immediately ran into Harry and his date. Gracie had hoped that she could put that off for at least a bit, but it turned out she was just going to be thrown right into it.
Harry didn't expect to see Gracie at the party, which was logical because she wasn't acquainted with Lucas. He didn't like that she hadn't told him, though, and he most definitely didn't like that she was with Kenny of all people. He had been talking about wanting to go out with Gracie for a while now and Harry had managed to put it off with as many excuses as he could come up with, but he was out of reasons to give Kenny.
"Did you come here together?" Harry asked with a fake smile, clenching his jaw when they both nodded, even though he already knew the answer to that question by now.
"Cool, cool..." He trailed off, before remembering he had brought someone too. "This is Samantha, my date."
Gracie instantly reached her hand out to the girl, trying to be as polite as possible before noticing that this was the same girl from the café a few months ago. Gracie tried her best to contain her jealousy at the thought that he liked her enough to ask her on a second date.
"Nice to meet you, again." She greeted the blonde girl, extending her hand but pulling it back when she realized that Samantha wasn't going to shake her hand any time soon. The daggers that this girl shot had Gracie believing that she accidentally killed Samantha's family.
Kenny turned around to hand Gracie her drink and took her along to meet some other people, separating them from Harry. However, his eyes didn't separate from Gracie once. He kept tabs on her as much as he could throughout the entire time that she wasn't in a two foot radius from him.
Time passed, drinks were downed, and soon enough Gracie found herself on the dance floor with Kenny and some of his friends that she'd just met a few hours before. She didn't miss the way Harry had been looking all night, and she would be liar if she said it didn't affect her. She tried to resist it, but she couldn't. She had to talk to him about this.
Gracie excused herself and walked towards her friend who was still sitting at the bar. His face relaxed the second he noticed she was walking towards him. Feeling slightly proud of himself, he let a lazy grin take over his face. But it didn't last very long.
"Could you stop staring at me?!" She shouted near his ear, her anger stemming from inner frustration and the drinks she had. "Maybe focus on your own date?"
"Don't flatter yourself, I'm not staring at you." He spit back. She crossed her arms over each other, looking at him with a raised brow. "Okay I was staring at you, but what are you doing here with him anyway?!"
"What do you care?"
"I care because you're my friend and I know he's not a good fit for you." He tried to bullshit his way out of this, clearly setting off Gracie.
"First of all, I can decide that for myself. And second, you shouldn't be talking about bad fits with that date of yours!" She accused him. That sparked interest in him, and she knew she'd fucked up when he asked what he did next.
"Are you jealous?"
Instead of immediately answering, Gracie stood there, attempting to look anywhere except for Harry's eyes as she searched for a logical alternative reasoning for her dislike to his date. But, she couldn't find one.
"Whatever, I'm gonna find a bathroom." She grumbled before taking off as quickly as she could. Harry had to process her sudden exit from their conversation, but as soon as he had, he got up to follow her, excitement brewing inside of him.
Gracie noticed the line for the downstairs bathroom and thus found a way to sneak upstairs, convinced that there must be more bathrooms there. It was awfully silent in the hallways, but soon enough she found the restroom.
She turned on the light and made a bee line for the mirror, checking if her make-up was still good while she tried to calm down her breathing from the combination of the stairs she'd just climbed in a hurry and the feelings she'd almost exposed to Harry.
Her peace didn't last, though, because soon enough the door flew open. Gracie yelped at the sudden sound, tightly holding her hand on her heart as she saw Harry walking in.
"Jesus Christ, you scared me–"
"Are you jealous?" Harry didn't waste any time. He wanted to know, no games.
"I don't– I mean… define jealous–"
"Stop avoiding the question, Graciela." He took a step closer to her, and it was like his eyes hypnotized her body and brain, because she found herself slowly nodding her head.
"Yes." She sighed. "Yes I'm jealous, okay?"
Harry nearly couldn't contain the joy that flowed over him like a perfect waterfall. He couldn't believe she just admitted it, and he couldn't believe how quick he was to grab her jaw and plant his lips to hers.
To say the least, Gracie was surprised that Harry was kissing her, but it felt like everything that had ever seemed even slightly wrong in the world had slowly faded away with the feeling of his feathery lips against hers.
One hand stayed on her jaw, while the other pushed her backwards, causing Gracie to take a few steps back until she felt the wall behind her. But Harry didn't stop the kiss, in fact, he deepened it, which made Gracie wrap both of her arms around his neck, her right hand playing with his long curly hair.
When he finally pulled away from her, he couldn't stop smiling like a maniac.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." He said breathlessly, reaching forward until their nose touched each other and he was able to brush his lips over hers. Gracie could feel his breath fan against her skin, and it made her skin burn. So much that she leaned forward for another deep kiss.
Their tongues danced around each other for a couple of minutes before Harry had gathered enough strength to pull away again.
"I really hate that you came here with Kenny." He confessed, swiping some hair over her shoulder before cupping Gracie's jaw with his hand again.
"I really hate that you came here with that girl." She shot right back at him, raising her head a bit.
"Yeah, well you don't have to worry about her." He assured her, slowly latching his hands onto her waist. Leaning over to her ear, he started whispering some things that made the heat between her legs intensify by a hundred.
"Tell me darling, were you hoping I'd be jealous tonight? Did you wear that dress with the intention of making my skin crawl?" A very soft whimper escaped Gracie's lips as she nodded her head. The way the nickname rolled off Harry's tongue made her shiver.
He chuckled at her responsiveness, and rubbed some circles on her waist with his thumbs while pulling her hips into him to create a bit of friction. Harry's leg was in between Gracie's, and he lifted it while simultaneously pushing her against it, hoping it would turn her on even more. It didn't escape his attention, the tighter grip on his muscles when he did so, and he was glad to know that he succeeded.
"You don't like Kenny, right?" Harry genuinely asked. He needed to clear the air before they could start anything.
"Do you like Samantha?" Gracie answered with another question, causing the corner of his lips to twitch upwards.
Harry didn't say anything, he just pushed his leg against her core, making her throw her head down and gasp. When she looked up again, staggered breathing making her chest rise and fall rapidly, he brushed some hair out of her face to be able to look at her properly before guiding her hand to his pants and letting Gracie feel his hard cock through his jeans. He winced at the slight friction caused by pants, and he had to refrain himself from bending her over the sink and fucking her from behind right this second.
"H- Harry, we have dates downstairs, we really shouldn't be doing this right now."
With how out of breath Gracie sounded, Harry would almost think she had just ran a marathon, instead of what was actually the case: her being a desperate whore for his cock.
"Yeah? You wanna go downstairs?" He rasped, placing his hand on her lower back and pushing her into his leg, sending some extra friction to her core. He watched, completely entrance as her eyebrows curled upwards and a strained, very soft moan escaped from the back of her throat.
She gulped and shook her head as her hand rose from his pants to the dress shirt he was wearing, digging her fingers through on of the holes in-between buttons and clamping hard onto it as she let Harry slowly guide her hips back and forth.
"No? You don't wanna go downstairs?" He tormented her, pouting like he was trying to console a child. Gracie tried to shoot him her angriest look, but miserably failed. She couldn't keep that frown up when she was looking at him. She wasn't mad, she was just desperate and frustrated.
"N-no..." She whispered, making Harry's brows raise.
"What was that?"
"No." Gracie spoke more clearly, and actually out loud this time. Harry's smirk grew even more, and he was sure that he looked like an idiot with the way he was grinning from ear to ear.
"What d'you want, baby?" He breathed, his heart beat going crazier with every second that he wasn't inside of her. To make sure she'd listen, he started sucking her neck right after his question, making her moan out in surprise.
"Fuck— you need to get me off, Harry." She pleaded, and he detached his lips from her neck just to check if it was actually Graciela saying these words, and not one of his way too often recurring fantasies. "Please?"
"Fucking hell." He cursed, removing his leg from her covered heat before crouching down and pushing her dress up, revealing red panties that matched her dress.
"Were you hoping Kenny would see these, darling?" He asked as he took the lace underwear off, signaling for her to raise her leg one by one to get them off entirely. Gracie quickly shook her head.
"Just wanted to feel confident."
"Such a good girl, dressing for no one else but yourself." Harry praised her, kissing her inner thigh. "Guess I should consider myself very lucky to have such similar taste to you."
Gracie smiled, looking down at Harry and running her right hand through his hair. She'd never felt this safe before in a position she never dared to get in with anyone else. She didn't let guys eat her out, it was just such a vulnerable thing to her, and she was very insecure about the specific transaction. But with Harry, she couldn't care less. In fact, she wanted him to eat her out.
"Speaking about taste... do you mind if I have one?" He looked up at Gracie through his eyelashes. As soon as she said that she wouldn't mind at all, he dug his face between her thighs. She let out the most agonized gasps at the new, inexperienced feeling.
His tongue collected her juices in such a rapid way, as if he had been thirsty for her. The grip she had on his curls tightened immensely when he started stimulating her clit with his tongue, flicking over it at a quick speed. Her moans began to intensify and she could feel a build-up in her lower stomach. Along with the occasional stripe over her core, he continued the fast motions until Gracie started twitching.
Then, just when her climax had gotten ready to result into an intense orgasm, Harry pulled away.
Gracie didn't exactly have time to cuss him out for edging her like that, but he got up and pushed her towards the counter, bending her forward with her only vision of him being through the mirror. She observed as he dug his hands into his pockets, and pulled out his wallet to look for a condom. Gracie frowned, she was too impatient.
"Please, just fuck me. I'm on birth control, and I'm clean." She stated, looking up at him with her big black pupils, expanded from the lust she had been experiencing.
"I'm clean too, you sure?" He asked again. He wanted to be one hundred percent certain that she wanted this, that she wanted him.
Gracie turned around in silence, undoing his pants and lowering it along with boxers. His cock sprung out the second the waist band was pulled down, and she got a bit nervous all of a sudden when met with the size of him.
"You'll be fine." He said softly. Instead of a small smile that he expected to come from her, Harry was met with a sly smirk.
"Oh I can handle it." Gracie said cockily before spitting on her hand and reaching it down towards his cock. "The question is, can you?"
With that said, she started stroking his dick, leaving Harry to be a whimpering mess under her. She slipped her tongue between his parted lips and began kissing him again to muffle the noises coming from him.
Gracie yelped, when Harry unexpectedly grabbed her waist and pulled her off the counter before turning her around and bending her over it. With a fistful of her hair, he pulled Gracie's head up so she could herself in the mirror, completely at his mercy now.
"Let's see if we can find an answer to that question of yours, Angel." He said, lining himself up with her pussy before pushing in slowly.
As he began thrusting himself into Gracie, her moans started to become louder and louder, until almost anyone downstairs could've heard it. To prevent having someone walking in, Harry leaned forward and stuck his middle and ring finger into her mouth, telling her to suck on them.
With hopeless cries and white knuckles from trying to hold on to anything she could, Gracie tried to keep her mind from becoming too foggy at how deep Harry had managed to bury himself inside of her. Especially when he hit a certain spot inside of her wet pussy, she let out a noise that no one had ever managed to get her to make, with the exception of her specifically designed vibrator.
"Is that it, darling? Are you starting to feel good?" He growled, his rhythm increasing in intensity yet keeping the same pace. It was too much to handle for Gracie, and her eyes slowly started to flutter shut as he was fucking all of her energy out of her.
"Eyes open, angel." Harry corrected her when he noticed, accompanying the remark with a playful slap on her ass which caused her to jolt forward. Gracie's cries were like music to his ears, and he had great difficulty with restraining himself from coming. But, he could see that she was very close too, so he figured with the right stimulation he wouldn't have to keep it in for much longer.
"I want you to watch yourself in the mirror as I fuck you stupid. See for yourself what I do to you, see what you do to me." At this point, he needed to hear her moan his name, to describe how good he felt, so he took his fingers out of his mouth. He couldn't care less if someone heard or even walked in, he wouldn't stop until he had her creaming all over his cock.
"Harry! I-it.. I can't!" She tried to form a coherent sentence, but the message was clear when she threw her own hand over her mouth. She couldn't keep herself quiet.
Harry stopped thrusting momentarily and reached over, cock fully buried into her, to grab both her wrists and hold them behind her back to give her no option of filtering her sounds. He slowly slid his wet dick out of her, the room already covered with incessant whining from Gracie, before driving himself into her. An unexpected scream left her mouth, nearly causing Harry to come right then and there.
"Oh- Oh! Yes! Yes! Please.." Gracie couldn't believe how much she was blabbering, he really was fucking her stupid.
"Tell me you're mine, baby. Tell me you're mine and you can cum all over my cock." Harry demanded, slapping her ass again so she would be quick with her answer because he was about to come really soon.
"I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm— Oh my God!"
And with that, Gracie came, wildly, explosively even. His possessiveness was the final straw, the last thing that sent her over the edge. But as she was trying to control the aftermath of her blissful orgasm, she realized that Harry wasn't going any slower on her.
Her exasperated sighs became hopeless cries again when he pulled out of her, turned her around to sit on the counter, and forced her to look at him as he rammed himself into her even harder than before, which she thought impossible. Her sensitive clit was now also being stimulated by his fingers, causing her to yell out at him.
"Let everyone hear how good I'm making you feel baby." He groaned as he watched Gracie's tits bounce in her pretty, red dress.
"Harry! Someone could h-hear.." she tried to warn him but she was too caught up in the indescribable pleasure he was giving her.
"Don't act like you wouldn't like that." He gave her clit a little slap, making her entire body jolt. "You would love it if someone walked in and I just kept on fucking you, show anyone that you belong to me. You're just as bad as me, aren't you baby?"
"A-ah! Y-yes!" She could feel her second orgasm coming down on her, and she was scared of how intense it was feeling already. "Harry I don't think I can—"
"Yes, you can! Come with me, darling, I'll cover you pretty little cries." He demanded, and as if he had complete control over her body, she instantly started coming as soon as his permission was out there. He muffled both their desperate sounds with a sloppy kiss that was difficult to maintain as Harry was also orgasming, his long hot spurts of come shooting deep into her achy walls.
It took a few minutes to calm down, to steady their breathing and mentally come back to earth. Gracie stayed sat on counter as Harry grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned her up, giving her some extra time to resurge some energy to her legs.
"Can you stand?" Harry said as he got up to stand in front of Gracie and hold her arms, breaking letting out a small chuckle at the end of his sentence. This entire situation was ridiculously unexpected and exciting, and it made them both burst out into laughter as soon as they made eye contact.
"This is so stupid." Gracie said in between giggles, hiding her head into his chest. Butterflies appeared in his stomach at the feeling of her hot breath against him, and he wished they could just stand like this forever.
"Good stupid, right?" He asked jokingly, but there was a serious undertone to it. He didn't want to walk out of this bathroom if it meant that this, whatever it was, to be over. Gracie retreated her head from his chest to look up at him with a reassuring smile.
"Very, very, very good."
Her smile, her voice and those sweet, sweet eyes made his heart melt all out once. He couldn't help himself from expressing his joy at her words and cupped her jaws before planting a soft and honest kiss on her lips.
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