#but i've been toying with the idea what what a mate for him would look like for months
ikemenomegas · 1 year
loss is a condition acquired to bury our pity
pairing: Uchiha Madara x Reader a/n: I should be working on something else, but it's like dragging rocks to do that one, and this one emerged somehow; title from the unnatural apologie of shadows; morning glories sometimes stand for short-lived love, yes red ones do exist c/w: omegaverse (alpha reader), grief turning into anger, nihilism, reader and madara both have post-warring states trauma, hints of characters experiencing war-crimes, madara's terrible plans, 18+ below the cut - reminder that alphas of all sexes have cocks
There is no kind love between you and he. Madara lays on his side, watching you wake slowly. He can feel the sun, low and heavy on the horizon.
It feels as he does, autumn reluctant.
He shifts on the futon, relishing the ache between his thighs and the sharper pain of new wounds on his body. He never knew how to love without a fight - brothers, father, friend, and now lover.
But his hands knew precision, they knew gentleness, they had known surrender.
He watched your chest rise and fall in a great sigh, your face turning towards him. With the red blush of dawn starting to peak through the window and splashing across your skin, you reminded him of asagao, morning glory, blooming with the dawn.
This was how you had met: the first two dark-eyed travelers awake in a dusty inn as far away from other people as you could get. He had been alone for too long, the day he had given into speaking with a stranger, seeking news from across the nations.
And then it had amused him to travel alongside you for awhile, as you were going the same direction as he was.
Until one day had stretched into two, and on into many, and you laughingly admitted to his late inquiry into your destination that you had none in mind. So you had been following one another, in an odd roundabout way.
It was the laugh that had done it, he recalls as you stir and wriggle beneath the covers, the heat of your body beginning to rise. It was bitter and biting, aching, like the empty places punched into his own heart.
He'd made you take him that evening, made himself open up to you like he had not done in years to anyone who was not an enemy. He had needed to, to find the right way to get what he wanted.
And what he wanted was not kind. He knew you were capable of it. He had seen your hands too, precise, capable of gentleness, capable of surrender, capable of a fight.
"Where are you from?" he asked.
"Does it matter, anymore?" you had asked, heavy and ironic, lighting the fire with a look that told him you knew he could do it as well and was shoving the duty onto someone else.
It was rather Uchiha of him, although you didn't know that. Fire was new life of all kinds. Maybe he should have given into this sooner. You've built one up more nights than he had on these near-nonexistent roads. In the old ways, it was one of many forms of courtship.
But he knew what you meant. Boundaries were shifting, alliances with it. Loyalty. You were clearly not one of those who bent yours easily.
But he needed to be sure.
"Not making one of the new villages your home then? I've heard they offer safety, negotiating power so we're not all used up against each other."
You gaze at him, long and wearied, as you stir a pot over the bright, flickering flames.
You don't fear exposure on the road, which tells him your are strong enough to do something about it. You are also clearly old enough to have survived many battles, which tells him more.
"It may be misguided of me, but I think you also know that the wars do not end so easily. Peace happens only too late, when both sides have lost too much. It won't last."
There again, that hopeful flicker of something familiar when you said It won't last.
"What will you do, when it starts again?"
You are quiet a long time, long enough for the soup to be done to your satisfaction, the game he caught so easily before this simmering and tender. You have salt carefully stored in a battered wooden container which you have sprinkled over it. The taste of it is, as always, divine.
Salt is still a coveted commodity, but he has seen you pay only with coin, never offering anything more valuable.
You ladle up a healthy portion for him and pass it over before serving yourself and expertly scraping the embers around the pit so the leftovers won't burn while you feed strips of dry wood to the live fire.
Your eyes flicker right to his and it's thrilling. No one wants to look an Uchiha in the eyes.
It feels like being in a time long ago, neither of you have given the other your family name all this time, as is shinobi custom. He wondered if you would look at him so dead on the same way if you knew what he was. He wondered if somehow you didn't know already. He wondered if you knew what it meant to share words and food like this across a living fire.
He cannot call the look in your eyes haunted. There must be some out-of-time out-of-place spirit inside for such a thing. This was the hole in his own heart, the place where regret and sorrow should live.
It blinked away when you found whatever you were looking for.
"Fight if I must, and die in whatever way I should."
It was an oddly unsatisfying answer.
"Why should you die?" he demanded.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "You're oddly inquisitive today. What will you do?"
He shrugged and smugly observed the irritated twitch of your eye.
It was all the opening he needed to goad you into further snipping at one another. It felt good, to feel the fire of another mind set against his.
Complaining of the repetitive movement of the road drew you to your feet and although only one person could match him blow for blow, it felt good to spar, to flex those muscles, to see the admiration in your eyes at the smoothness of his movements, to see the vital ferocity in yours.
He did not let you get him down in the dirt, only limited his power so that when he went down it was for real, but when you did, he kissed you, lips pressed full to yours.
You pulled back, full of surprise and questions. He glared at you, full of challenge and accusation until you glared right back and got to work seeing how far you could push him.
It was an alpha thing to do, but not done the way he knew most alphas did things. It was rough, but you were so in tune to every shift of his body, learning him.
It amused him to see you spread out a bedroll. The ground was soft sand and rough, but cushioning grass. It would not have bothered him to do this on the bare earth, but he felt a flash of affection as you ran a hand through his hair and undid the tie before laying him down again, combing out what dust had gathered in his thick, coarse hair, careful, never tugging hard enough for pain.
Tugging at your clothes irritated you. He knew this already because he'd seen the flash of ire as an irritable horse had caught your shoulder when bargaining with some farmer, and then the farmer's children had brushed too close and the reaction had been shinobi-muted, but you'd been in a terrible mood for hours.
He did it now because he refused to be the only one bared. You let him because you understood as much, and Madara relished the first warning nip of teeth against his collarbones as a certain galling heat in your scent spiked. You tugged your arms free of your sleeve with a defiant flash of movement, dragging your teeth over the same spot in a way that made him twist into you, hissing.
You pulled back, pausing. "I hate this world," you said. "It can be nothing but hateful when it has none of what I once loved or protected left in it."
"That is not what you want to tell me," Madara said, his breath hot on your ear as he bit the lobe. Your breath hitched in response.
The ties closing his coat had come apart easily but you could not bring your hands to go any further.
"How did you lose?"
"Slowly," Madara growled, yanking on your other sleeve and relishing the dark bleed into your eyes. "And too much."
"Did you watch it happen?" You shivered beneath his calloused hands, tracing over your shoulders and down, catching on the low edge of your sarashi when he skimmed your hip.
"Oh yes," he groaned as you leaned down and sucked a mark at the hollow of his throat. "I watched him die by inches, for days, while his mate fought to save him."
"Who was it?"
All at once it was too much and it was with an easy surge of strength that Madara flipped the two of you so he was leaning over you, teeth bared.
"Who was yours?"
Your hands were clasped with his, and you turned your head, pressed your lips to his fingers as you answered.
"They held me by my robes while they gutted her slowly, right in front of me. It was not fast enough."
You tilted your head to look at him and he saw that same detached absence in your eyes that he knew filled him whenever he spoke of his own last, worst loss. He was also certain that the full story of the event was worse than your abbreviated explanation.
He let you go slowly, untangling his fingers from the bunched fabric pulled down from your shoulders and pooling around your ribs on the bedroll. He sat back and you lifted yourself on an elbow.
He knew you were watching his hands when he shed his jacket. The high collar caught scent and held it close to his skin and he could see the way your pupils blew out as it released and wafted over you.
The scent of your own arousal pleased him. He'd been told before that he was handsome, and it was nice to be admired, thought beautiful.
There was no one else for miles and miles. Without shame, Madara reached down, slid his hand under his waistband and cupped himself. He was slicked-wet.
When he withdrew his hand, he caressed your cheek, felt how you shuddered and turned toward that concentrated portion of his essence.
You did not care that he smelled like blood and the sweet bite of rice grain alcohol. Maybe he would find more like you if he spoke to more people, but he had found you.
You tried to trade places with him once more, but he resisted you, his teeth bared and expression wild. You attempted to lean back and he snarled, deep and feral.
That sound called out to something in you, and you snarled back. He tugged on the exposed mesh armor that covered your chest and arms, and you made an ugly sound in the back of your throat.
"Take it off," Madara commanded.
And suddenly you were angry. He wanted so badly to see what the world had done to you?
He was alight with some kind of victory as you pulled the disarranged top over your head and extricated yourself from the mesh.
He finally did the same as you finished, pulling off his own thin layer, baring scars that spoke of survival.
You came together in a bruising collide, upright like wrestlers, nails scratching at one another as though to mark the moment as different from a state of blind existence.
It was a different kind of violence, but one that he thought perhaps he could get used to. He had already learned there was no replacing what was lost, but here was someone who understood as no one else had.
He pulled his pants off only enough to expose himself, impatient suddenly for something more. You bit his lip when he did the same to you, pulling at the ties on your pants until he could get your cock to spring free.
He was at such an angle where the tip immediately bumped up against his slick opening and the sensation surprised him, invigorated him.
But you were watching him ever so warily.
He moved his hand so that it was beneath him and shivered as he began stretching himself open, the slick sounds of his fingers in his own opening goading you into biting hard on his chest, your fingers digging into his shoulder blade hard enough to bruise.
His scent was a riot around you, heady and clean somehow. He did not smell like the sick, dead tang of a battlefield, but like new iron, ready for steel.
You licked a stripe up his sternum and he shivered, back arching.
His fingers were cooling and wet when he gripped onto your shoulder, nails grasping like claws. The flash of pain spurred you onward and you guided his hip with one hand and yourself with the other until you were pushing up and inside of his hot, wet heat.
The sharp spike in his scent, like the exhale of breath over a clear cup of rice wine, spilled over.
Madara ground down on you, pulling you deeper.
"It's all a farce," he murmured into your ear finally.
You were breathing hard against his chest, buried to the hilt inside of him. You didn't know if it had hurt, to take you all at once, but you knew if it had that he would not care.
"What is this reality worth?" He showed you for only a few seconds the type of pace he wanted you to set, and then urged you on, scoring a line of red marks over your ribs.
You bucked up into him, hitting deep places that put stars across his vision, better even than being dashed over the head or bled near dry.
He straddled your hips. Your legs were braced against the ground to give you more leverage. Yes, his intuition had never truly failed him, and he could feel the strength of your body pressed against his, inside of him.
If he were the type for children, you would have made a good enough sire.
You took him with a warrior's precision and knowledge that time was never on your side, but you also held him in your warrior's perception. He let himself shiver at the intensity of that focus.
You took advantage of the way every shift of his body made his insides tighten around you and heighten his own sensation. You played the remaining soft points on his body like an expert at the koto.
It had been so long since there was time for music, he had not thought to check your callouses for the kind of wire that didn't mean to draw blood and kill breath.
He should ask you to play, he decided as you dragged a shiver from him like a run from the instrument, your nails dragging a pattern across his back and down to his hips and thighs.
He came when you drew blood on him, your teeth digging hard enough into the muscle of his breast to mark him for days.
As ever, once the pulsing shocks had calmed enough to make him want it, he gave as good as he got and reared back, leveraging himself enough to bite down on your shoulder. Hard.
You bared your teeth, some of them outlined in his blood, but locked the roar away in your chest, well practiced in keeping essential silence.
You felt the force of Madara's will lock down against your own, pushing you towards your own completion. Because that wasn't just a retaliation bite, which would have been welcome and well-deserved.
That was an omega's bite, placed over a scent-gland with the intent to own.
Madara did not bite down in a normal way either, sinking his teeth in carefully to leave an elegant scar. He bit like you were enemies, twisting his head as he did, as if daring you to watch him, to stop him, to stop pressing up into him, coaxing his finish long.
It was a very, very old way to do things, a fire way to do things, in more ways that one. The Sarutobi had regimented ways of doing this, now, involving agreed upon combat, and a certain amount of posturing. Some of the other close-fire clans told old tales of mates courting by fighting, long and hard until someone gave in.
You placed your fingers in a loose ring on the nape of his neck, the only moment you would give him to change his mind. He could feel the swelling of your knot at his opening.
Uchiha Madara did not easily change his mind.
You bite was cleaner than his but broke the skin all the same, shredding down until you could taste him, blood and blood and that sharp fragrant note underneath of it.
You bucked up into him, harder, faster, abandoning the normal course of seduction, and lighting his nerves on fire instead of easing them.
He groaned, hard and euphoric, with blood still in his own mouth. Your knot, filling him full, pushed him back over the edge, easy enough, and he let it go, felt the pulse of it behind his eyes. He felt your warmth fill him and it felt right, satisfying. He had been his own fire for so long.
"Madara," you groaned in turn. You did not stop moving, even as he pulsed and fluttered around you, even though it must be causing you your own discomfort.
You laved your tongue over the mark you had left behind, which both eased the ache of it and made it sting as you disturbed the fresh wounds.
It was enough to remind him that all the pain in the world was just a moment, bright like sparks.
All will be as it should, better even, someday.
He had not quite meant to bond with you the first time, but it seemed fitting, after. You had stayed knotted within him long enough to send him into a third, near painful finish, and there were many more bites across both of your shoulders.
He touched one of those now, which had scarred fainter than the bondmark, but still showed evidence of that first, true encounter.
You started, suddenly perfectly alert, half-sitting. Alert to the world around him, around you.
He smirked a bit at the stumbling stiffness of your tongue. A low, rumbling purr coaxed out from him, filling the room. You spared a brief brush of awareness over him, which was wise of you, but otherwise flopped back down among the cushions.
He curled up against your back so that you own chest cavity was filled with the echoes of him, your senses vibrating with it.
It was not comforting and was not meant to be.
"It's today?" you asked, after you knew the words would not slur and your heartbeat was back to rock-steady.
"Mhm," Madara hummed through the purring.
It wasn't really the right answer. It could have been any day, but if you said so -- well, you had a sense for these things, a nose for disaster that he'd seen develop among some of his own clansmen.
You certainly had a nose for the restlessness that took him, that demanded satisfaction the way his heart had once demanded escape to the riverbank. And despite what Hashirama thought, he did plan their little competitions. Around his own whims, certainly, but they were not entirely random.
"I'll find you, after" he promised. The purring faded, but the warmth of sunlight filling the little room took its place.
It invigorated him, warmed his muscles. You were not so in tune with such things, but he felt the quiet flex and extension of your hands and feet and then your wrists and ankles as you shifted beneath the covers.
He leaned over you, pressing his lips to one of those old scars, fingers finding one of the new marks he left on you.
He will want a bath, before he goes. This is his. He's not interested in Hashirama accusing him of an accomplice. Although he of all people should forgive Madara of no longer being so alone.
You stroked over his knuckles, scarred and toughened with over two decades of battle. "You always do."
With him here, you could believe that the lonely, aching emptiness was just a dream.
With him, it was not kindness, not like the closer, comforting love he had observed between other mates, but you knew his dream, knew his loss and did not deny it.
He thought again of his plan, and looked forward to what would likely be the last time he met his once and only friend. He no longer had the Nine-tails but for a final feint he himself would be enough.
Just as this was. He would not be alone on the other side.
For now, that would be enough.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
My little family
Leah Williamson x reader
Warning: none,cuteness overload
Summary:Leah meets your son,Noah,for the first time.
Part 2
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Today Leah will be meeting my 3 years old son Noah and to say I was nervous was an understatement.Leah and I have been together for about 7 months now and last week we decided to take the next step which is for her to meet my son.
1 week ago…
Leah and I were having a movie night at her house. My mom was babysitting my son tonight, so I took this opportunity to spend some time with her.
We were sitting on the couch she had her arm wrapped around my shoulders,my head on her chest and my arms around her waist , we were watching “ Lost in Translation ” but I was barely paying attention to the movie… I've been contemplating the idea of asking Leah to meet my son, but I'm a little anxious about it, she knows that I have a child but I don’t know if it’s too soon for her to meet him.
Leah’s arms falls off my shoulders as I sit up , take the TV remote and pause the movie.Leah sits up as well and looks at me quizzically“what’s wrong” she asks, I look at her “I need to ask you something” I answer,she looks at me expectingly “go on then,I’m listening” taking my hand in hers and rubbing her thumb on my knuckles.
I take a deep breath and look anywhere but her eyes “Okay, so you know we've been dating for seven months now. Like I've met your family and you met my parents, we met each other's friends…” I pause and look at her , she nods her head and squeeze my hand “yeah, carry on darling ” she says with that thick accent of hers “… so would you like to ..maybe…you know..meet my son” for a moment she doesn’t say anything and just stares at me.
I take that as a bad sign and immediately regrets asking her “ you know what, forget about it,I’m sorry I don’t know what- ” I’m interrupt by soft lips on mine and soft,large hands cupping my cheeks.”I would love to meet your son my love” she says once she pulled away.
So here we are a week later,Leah should be here in about 10 minutes now.Noah is currently on the floor in the living room playing with his toys while I’m in the kitchen preparing dinner.
“Noah!” I called out for him “Come here,baby” I hear the pitter patter of tiny feet running to me.”Mummy called? I here ” Noah said looking up at me innocently with his big green eyes and his pacifier in his mouth.
I pick him up and place him on the kitchen counter,kissing his chubby cheek in the process eleciting a tiny giggle from him.
“Mummy needs to talk to you about something very important, okay?” Noah nods his head in understanding so I continue “a very special friend of mummy is coming over to have dinner with us tonight”, “who?” he asks playing with my fingers. “Her name is Leah and she is very special to mommy, so she is going to spend a lot of time with us,is it ok with you?”
Noah shrugs his shoulders and asks “She nice?” I answers “she is the nicest person you will ever met!” his eyes lit up “she nicer than YOU?!” I laughed at the question “even nicer than me baby” he looks content with this answer and just nods his head smiling at me “ok, if nice Leah can ‘tay with us”.
A while later, I hear the doorbell rings so I go up to open the door and Leah is standing here with a bouquet of roses in her hand and a dinosaurs plushie in the other “Hello there darling” she smiles cheekily at me, I smile back at her “Hi,baby” and greet her with a soft kiss on the lips.
She hands me the bouquet of flowers “ the prettiest of flowers for the prettiest girl”she says cheekily at me and I laugh at her.
I let her in the house, I make my way to the kitchen to place the bouquet in a vase of water. “Noah, Leah is here come say hello please.”
Noah approaches and hides behind my leg “Hey there mate”Leah greets him bending down to be at eye level with him,Noah looks up at me and I nod at him encouraging him to talk to Leah.
“Hi” Noah says in a small voice his hands clutching my pants, I place a hand atop of his head, caressing his soft locks to reassure him.
His eyes drops on the plushie in Leah’s hand, she notices and says “Your mummy told me that you love dinosaurs” she hands it to him.Noah looks at Leah and asks “for me?” pointing a finger at his chest, she lets out a laugh“yes for you buddy” she answers, Noah smiles and takes the plushie from her “fank you Leah” he tells her,wrapping his tiny arms around her neck,she wraps her arms around his tiny body one hand rubbing his back and the other one holding the back of his head.
I can’t help but smiles at the sight in front of me, once Noah pulls away he turns around towards me “look mummy! Leah give a dino ! RAWWRRR” he says imitating one as Leah and I laugh at his antics.
After the introduction, Leah joined Noah on the floor of the living room playing cars and dinosaurs with him as I finished dinner.
I soon feel familiar arms wrapping around my waist from behind and soft kisses being placed on the back of my neck.
I leaned back into Leah’s front placing my head on her shoulder and looking up at her since she’s taller than me.”Hi” I greet her once again “hello” she greets back,placing a long soft kiss on my lips “I just came over to see what’s on the menu tonight” she says placing little pecks on my lips “Don’t worry baby I made sure to make the dinner as bland and flavorless as possible just for you” she sways us side to side and hums “you know the way to my heart…”she says placing another kiss on my lips.
“A re you guys having fun?” I ask her, she tightens her arms around me and kiss my temple resting her cheek there “so much,he is such a cute and sweet little boy”she answers “No offense but I think I like him more than you” she continues “oh do you now?” I laugh “yes, he is such a cutie and HE does not make fun of my accent,the way that I sometimes dress or my eating habits..”she says tickling my sides,I squirm in her hold and laugh at her.
She places one final kiss on my lips and let me go but not before slapping my but,I turned around and pointed a fork at her “watch it!” I warn her she just smirk and looks me up and down,checking me out and winking before making her way back to Noah.
“Leah,Noah dinner is ready” I call for my two loves. Leah picks up Noah and place him on his chair giving him a little kiss on the forehead.
“Mmmmhh I love gnocchi!!” Leah exclaims “Me too!” Noah cheers and they both dig in.
After dinner,Leah clears the table and did the dishes while I bath Noah.
After that, Noah decided that we should all watch “Paw Patrol” so here we are, Leah and I are on the sofa cuddling while Noah is sitting at our feet on the floor. About 20 minutes later,I noticed that he start to fall asleep on the floor so I pick him up,he looks at the floor “Dino?”he asks,Leah pick it up and hand it to him ”Fank you” and reaches his small arms for Leah.She took him in her arms and he snuggles up to her chest one of his tiny hands reaching out to hold Leah’s necklace.
I look at Leah and tell her “He definitely likes you” she looks down at Noah who is already fast asleep “That’s good because I like him too” and kiss his little forehead.She looks back up at me “and I love you so much” she says looking me in the eyes and leaning forward to kiss me. “I love you too” I tell her once I pull away and snuggles into her sides as I feel her arms wrapping around my shoulders.
As I’m about to fall asleep I feel her kissing my forehead lightly and whispers “my little family”.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Exhibition and Voyeurism
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Exhibition is the sexual arousal of being watched or looked at naked or while performing a sexual act. Exhibition is a kink that most of us actually tend to have to some degree. We can live it out in a place as simple as in front of a mirror with just our partner, by partaking in group sex, or in some places, there are clubs you can attend that attract the swinger and BDSM lifestyle that allow exhibition shows and scenes between couples. This kink is just one side of a very fun and exciting coin.
Voyeurism is being aroused by watching others during sexual acts or naked, and that is the second side of this coin. Voyeurs can find their kicks through a few different methods, but a common one we as a society have stopped associating with both of these kinks are strip clubs. A Voyeur may also be someone who partakes in cuckolding.
I've used exhibition/voyeurism in a few fics before since it is one of my favorite kinks to learn and write about. If you are interested in those, let me know, and I can send you some links 💕
💕 Peep the Valentines Day List Here 💕
💜Read Drumming Song Here💜
As always- NSFW below cut
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Rhysand x TamlinsSister!reader
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Warnings - could be seen as dubcon in nature (use of sex pollen), Rhys having to wear his mask, public sex, mentions of watching public sex, reader is used by Amarantha to send message to Tamlin, no mentions of seeing Tamlin during the act though, inferred power play with 3 people, forgot to send this to a friend to have them find errors, so forgive me.
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Rhys kissed your shoulder, his eyes slightly haunted as he stepped back. “It's been a month,” he whispered gently. “She wants it done tonight.”
Tonight, of course she did after forcing you, Tamlin, and Lucien to watch Feyre beaten into a pulp. You swallowed heavily, stilling your mind while knowing what was to come. “She's doing this to hurt him,” a small smirk came to Rhysand's lips, causing you to glare. 
“You practically came to the idea of this not that long ago.” His hands were on you within a second of you turning away from him. Arms wrapped you tightly into him. “This is about your safety. Your protection. She believed you are my toy, therefore will not touch you due to my loyalty.” His voice had dripped down to a soft purr, echoing from your ear to the rest of your body. “You know I would not ask this of you if it wasn't absolutely necessary.”
Wine appeared before you. It reflected a soft golden shimmer and smelled faintly of citrus. Rhys picked it up, bringing it to your lips as he stared at you in the mirror. “You were so good for me during the Rite. Just be my good girl one more night, darling.” 
He pressed the cool glass against your lips, tilting it in silent command. “Trust me.”
You nodded, eyes watering slightly. You would never live this down. It would forever stain your history, stain the Spring Court's history. You allowed him to force the sweet liquid into your mouth, swallowing it as he placed a kiss to your temple. 
By time two shadows were done dressing you, your skin had started on fire. 
Heat pooled your body like a fevered dream making everything hazy. Every brush of their hands on your skin was heaven. 
But Gods when Rhys came in, when your mate came into the room smelling of power and seduction, you were instantly on him.
 Rhys smiled, hands going to your hips as he scented your arousal. You could faintly hear your brother growling, hear Amarantha's cruel voice, but all that mattered was Rhysand. “Are you ready, darling?” 
This wasn't one of Amarantha's usual parties where the air was stiff with tension and hatred. No, she had tapped into the more animalistic side of fae, allowing drinking, fucking, and fighting. 
You were currently perched on Rhysand's lap, core dripping as you watched two females eating each other out as if they'd found water after months in the Day Court's deserts. 
The gown you were in was completely see through, leaving none of your body to the imagination. You could hear Rhysand growl each time you two were approached at your high table. 
His hands had begun to roam. Squeezing your breasts, your plush thighs, you ass. 
You had begun to subconsciously rock on his thigh as need began settling into your bones. Rhysand's hand moved down, cupping your sex as he began placing tender kisses along your throat. “Good girl,” he purred. “Need help, baby?” You nodded eagerly, gasping as he spread your legs so you had one on each side of his thighs, opening you up to the room with only a shimmering fabric barely hiding you. 
He took one of your arms, forcing it behind his head and pulled your back to his chest.
A long finger circled your clit, causing you to moan loudly. You felt some eyes snapping over to the both of you, locking in on where that hand played with your soaked pussy. Looking over with flushed cheeks, you watched as Helion took a heavy drink, his eyes tracking each movement of Rhysand's hand, his body stirring with each moan and gasp you released. 
It took but seconds for you and Rhysand to be the main show as his finger began teasing your entrance. 
The Lord of Night and the Rose of Spring.
Death and Life.
The idea of you two was erotic alone, but seeing it had some of the fae in the room on their knees, as if worshiping every soft plea that left your mouth. 
When Rhysand finally pushed two fingers in, you couldn't help the scream of his name. You went to turn your head, only for his other hand to grip your hair, keeping your vision locked on where the other fae where fucking in a group. 
Whatever he had given you had dropped your inhibitions. It had relaxed you so completely your mind had forgotten why this was being done. You began riding his fingers in time with a pretty female sitting on a male's face. His fingers were curling, hitting that perfect spot and sending spark after spark through you. Your slick was dripping down his hand making him chuckle darkly in your ear. “Look at you, baby. Look at you getting off with all the High Lords watching you. All of their advisors watching you.” You whined in despair as he took his fingers out of you, forcing you to stand long enough for him to take his cock out. 
His beautiful heavy cock just waiting to plunge into you. To feel you. He sat back down, keeping your back to his chest before sinking you down fully on him. 
You came shamelessly as he bottomed out, but had no time to rest as he ripped the thin material of your dress off, leaving your body bare to all in attendance and began thrusting into you. 
Eyes were tracking each bounce of your breasts, each drop of sweat, each sweet moan causing your lips to part. Rhys retitled your head to where Amarantha sat watching. Her gaze was predatory, dangerous, and filled with lust.
In a normal situation, it would have disgusted you, but as you rode him, as every inch of you stretched out around him further fueling the fire in your lower tummy, she didn't matter. 
No one mattered.
It was just you and him, putting on a show for anyone to see and enjoy.
Your inner walls began twitching and pulsing around Rhys causing you to beg. Your eyes rolled with each movement, mouth falling open as he fucked you stupid. 
“Do not be rude, Rhysand. Allow our poor y/n to cum.” 
Rhys kissed below you ear before licking the pointed shell. “Cum for me, not for anyone else, for your mate.” 
Stars clouded your vision as you screamed his name, mind falling into an even deeper has as his thrusts grew sloppy inside of you before he followed behind. 
It was then that he bit your pulse point hard enough to trigger another orgasm, allowing your body to milk every last drop from him. Rhys allowed you to collapse against him, giving you a few moments before he lifted you and used magic to fix his pants. 
He fully lifted you bridal style then, nodding to Amarantha as he carried you back to his room. 
“Again,” you whispered to him, hand finding his face. “I need more.”
Rhys kissed your palm when it reached his cheek. “I will give you your fill in our room, y/n Darling. Just let me get you away from all those eyes first.”
You nodded sadly, peering up at him with puppy eyes and making his steps falter. “What's wrong?”
“I liked it. Again.”
The soft demand had His gaze going dark. “You will be the death of me, y/n. But if it is at the cost of this perfect cunt, then who I am to complain?”
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General tag list:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu
Rhys taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson
Valentines Day Taglist
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
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Had this idea a little while back and decided to go on with it! Tell me how you guys feel about it.
[Tangerine x Kleptomaniac! Reader]
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[Summary; You've been working with the twins for a good while now, and all whilst knowing them you've bonded with them through similar interests. For Lemon, Thomas the Tank Engine, and on the other hand as for Tangerine and you - kleptomania..]
[Notes; You've got a code name, so there's no use of Y/n but know that your "Citron," (When I tried to post this after finishing it up, tumblr gave out on me and deleted it completely off the face of the internet so I had to write it again. Thanks Tumblr)]
[Warnings; Swearing, Stealing, it's a Bullet Train fanfic what do you expect?]
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"God are you guys seriously fuckin' doing this shit again? You guys are gonna get caught one day doing that and you two are gonna be fucked y'know that right?" Lemon groans.
You and Tangerine made a game to see how much shit you could steal before chickening out. You can't do anything worse than killing people for money so you two figured, why the hell not?
"Fuck off Lem," You and Tangerine say at the same time dismissing him.
"Citron, I think you've officially spent too much time with Tan."
"Hey you can't say shit Lem, you've brainwashed Citron here into thinking of people in terms of fuckin' Thomas the Train characters you twat," Tangerine says, sneaking a pack of sweets into his suit jacket.
"Don't say shit about Thomas the Tank Engine, and dont call me a twat, you're the right fuckin' twat you ass," Lemon says, pointing a finger at Tangerine.
"Will you two stop acting like children? I spend too much time with the both of you, and you've both got qualities that are fuckin' annoying, the both of you are twats." You groan, taking multiple trinkets and small toys and shoving them into your pocket.
"Fucks sake mate, your taking the fuckin' children's toys?"
"I can take what I want Lem, piss off," You hiss.
This is typically how you three interacted with eachother. Lots of bickering and cussing at eachother, almost like teenagers that just learned a new cuss word
You'd figured with the boys it was just how they talked being that they were siblings and grew up together. I mean, you had siblings too but you never talked that way with them. Maybe it was just the way they were raised.
But with you, maybe you started acting like them and having the same behaviour after knowing them for so long. You hadn't acted like this before you met them.
You and Tangerine had finally gotten your rush from taking things and you three left the store, walking to your car given to you guys for the mission.
"Alright, start countin' everything you have," You say, getting everything out of all of your pockets and such.
"You guys have a fuckin' problem, I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again. You need to fuckin' see someone about that shit." Lemon shakes his head disappointingly at you two.
You and Tangerine ignore him as to not loose count of your stolen items.
The two of you finally finish, then looking at eacother and saying what you had in total. "32," You smirk, overly confident you had more.
But you already know you've lost when a cheeky smile appears on Tangerine's face, "47."
Your mouth hangs agape, staying quiet for at least 20 seconds. That's the most either of you had ever taken the four years you've known eachother so far.
"The worst part is that most of that shit is just sweets," Lemon says breaking the silence.
"Fuck off Lem," Tangerine hisses.
"Got a sweet tooth eh?" You chuckle, poking fun at him.
"I aint got no fuckin' sweet tooth, the sweets just so happened to be the easiest and least childish things to steal." Tangerine says, turning on the car.
Tan always liked to uphold this "tough manly guy," sort of figure. For example, when you're at a petrol station market and you and Lemon are over getting sugary drinks such as pop or juice, you best believe Tan would be getting water or a black coffee calling you two children.
"And sweets aren't childish?" Lemon raises his eyebrow.
"I didn't even get them for me you fuckin' bellend, I know you two like that sugary shit." Tangerine says.
"Wow, when did Gordon become an Edward," You say, giving Tangerine a cheeky grin.
Tangerine just sighs in defeat, knowing you and Lemon will end up teasing him just to mess with him the rest of the time regardless.
The ride back to the hotel was fairly calm, you and Lemon eating the stolen sweets and showing off the small toys you took as well, when you suddenly remembered something else you'd gotten for the both of them at another shop.
"Lemon, can you hand me that bag right there please?" You say, pointing to the small, blue bag next to him.
Lemon nods and hands you the bag from the back, you reaching over to grab it from his hands.
You take out a small plastic wrapped Thomas The Tank Engine phone charm and hand it to Lemon.
Lemon's face immediately lights up as he takes it out of its packaging, putting it on his phone and fiddling with it.
"Got this for you too, Tan," You say, turning to him and handing him a small satin bag.
"You steal this too?" Tangerine says, glancing at the bag before returning his eyes to the road.
"No, no. I actually bought that, I don't steal sentimental gifts I give, I'm not a fuckin' monster," You say, putting your hand on your chest in fake offense.
Tangerine gives you a judgemental glance.
"What is it?" He asks, still holding the small bag in his hand.
"Open it,"
Tangerine smiles and opens the bag with one hand, taking out a silver and blue colored star engraved ring.
"Its a promise ring. I saw it in a shop and figured we should get matching ones. I hope its your size, I kinda just guessed," You say, showing him your right hand that the ring was on.
"This is lovely, darling. Thank you.." Tangerine says with a loving smile, quickly putting it on his right hand with all of his other rings.
"You two are just right fuckin' sops for eachother it's sickeningly sweet," Lemon says, a cheeky grin on his face.
Tangerine mumbles something both you and Lemon couldn't hear, though by the tone it was very clearly not anything nice.
After a while longer, you three finally make it back to the hotel, Lemon checks all of you in and you all walk up to your hotel room.
As soon as you get in Lemon sets his stuff down and heads to the restroom for a shower, leaving you and Tangerine alone with eachother as you two unpack your bags.
"Tangerine?" You speak out, turning to look at Tangerine who was putting his clothes into the bottom drawer of the hotel room dresser.
"Yes, love?" Tangerine says.
"Thank you. For staying with me even when we go through all this shit. It's stressful and keeping relationships has never been easy for me with this job, you're the only one that's stayed this long and I want to let you know how grateful I am for it." You say, putting what you were doing aside so you could talk to him without any distractions.
Tangerine's head perks up a bit, then turning to look at you.
He smiles sweetly and walks over to you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
"Darling, you have no clue how happy I am that you've stayed with me the same. I know I can be difficult at times as well," Tangerine said, voice barely above a whisper.
You rarely ever get to see a softer side of Tan, but when you do you try to savor it as much as possible.
"You guys, are fuckin' disgusting. What I just saw there was right fucking nasty." Lemon says, standing in front of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Fuck off Lem."
[Quick Authors Note! Sorry I haven't gotten to these requests and other stuff these past few months, I've been busy and have had other stuff get in the way. I know this isn't much but I'm trying to clean up my drafts.
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attemptingwriter · 1 year
Alec Volturi x human!Reader: Anniversary Quilt
Warnings: little bit of angst, mostly fluff, non-canon aged Alec, sfw, use of y/n
I walked down the hall of the castle, heading for the library. I had finished the small stack of books in my room and wanted to return them to get some more. As I walked, I noticed Felix and Demetri headed my way. I waved at them and rushed over.
"Hey, guys. What are you doing?"
"We just got done giving our report to the Masters. Now, we have some free time until the next mission," Felix answered.
"What about you?" Demetri asked.
"I need some more books. I finished these ones already," I gestured to the stack in my hand.
"Wow, you go through books fast. Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't read everything in the library in the year you've been here." Demetri commented.
"Hey, to be fair, some of those books are in other languages," I defended myself. I paused as I processed his last words. "Wait, it's been a year already?"
Felix nodded. "Yeah, in two weeks if you want to be technical."
I shoved my books into Felix's hands. "Will you return these for me? I've got something I need to do!" I asked, turning on my heel and running to Heidi's room.
I dodged through the guards as I turned down the hall where Heidi's room was. Skidding to a stop in front of her door, I repeatedly banged on it. "Hurry up, hurry up!"
Finally Heidi opened her door, a confused look on her face. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?"
I shook my head. "I need your help and I need it now," I begged.
Heidi nodded and ushered me into her room. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?"
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "In two weeks, I'll have been with you guys for a year. In two weeks, it'll have been a year since Alec and I found out we are mates. I want to do something special for him."
Heidi grinned. "So what do you need me to do?"
"I need you to help me sneak out of the castle so I can go shopping. I already have an idea in mind of what I want to do but first I need fabric. And quilt batting. And a sewing machine." I looked at Heidi. "Do we even have a sewing machine here?"
"Talk to Caius. He's the more artistic of the three. As for getting you out of the castle, that's going to be hard. You're still human so the Kings won't want to let you leave. Why don't you write me a list of the fabric and anything else you need and I'll grab it."
"Thank you, Heidi! I want this to be a surprise for Alec so please don't tell him."
"I promise I won't tell. Go write me your list and I'll try and get it while you talk to Caius."
I nodded and went to leave Heidi's room. "Thanks again. I'll bring it by shortly."
As I left her room, I bumped into Alec.
"Hi, love!" I smiled at him.
"Hi, darling. What were you doing with Heidi?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Nothing, just a bit of girl talk," I said as we started walking.
"Just girl talk? Because it seems to have your heart beating faster than normal."
I blushed, trying to think of something to throw him off. "Heidi was just telling me about her latest boy-toy. That's all. What are you up to?"
Alec sighed. "The Masters are wanting me to stay back from missions for the time being."
"Oh? Why?"
"They're talking about changing you soon. It's been almost a year, love."
"Right. Speaking of the Masters, I actually need to talk to Master Caius. I'll be back later, love." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and turned to run off. Before I could, Alec grabbed my arm.
"I'll be in the gardens, come find me when you're done."
I nodded and left.
I ran to the throne room and knocked on the doors.
"Come in," Aro's voice rang out.
I opened the doors and entered the room. I stopped just shy of the stairs where the Masters were.
"Ah, young (Y/N). What brings you here?" Aro asked.
"I wanted to talk about my changing. And I also had a question for Master Caius." I took a breath to calm my nerves. Being in the Masters presence was always intense.
"I would like to wait another 2 and a half weeks. I have something special I want to do for Alec since it's been a year since we found each other and I don't my changing to get in the way."
"That sounds reasonable. Alec is lucky to have met you, my dear," Marcus said, smiling.
"If Aro agrees, then I see no problem waiting a little bit longer. But you also had a question for me?" Caius asked.
"Yes." I turned to face him. "Do we have a sewing machine?"
"We do. It's been a minute since it's been used but it should work fine. Why do you need it?" Caius asked.
I grinned sheepishly. "I want to make Alec a quilt. I know you guys don't technically get cold and don't really have a reason for one, but I thought it'd be nice to hand-make Alec something rather than buying something premade."
Marcus let out a chuckle. "I'm sure he'll love it. Caius will show you where the machine is."
Caius stood from his throne and headed towards the doors. "Follow me."
I bowed to the other two kings and made my way towards the third.
"So I need her to get black fabric, dark green fabric, a queen sized black sheet, and extra large batting," I muttered to myself.
"What are you going on about?" Caius asked, not looking back at me.
I jumped, not expecting him to start talking to me. "Oh, Heidi said she'd help me get the stuff I need to make the quilt so I'm making a list."
We turned down a hallway and entered a room on the left. "The machine is in here. There should be some extra things laying around that you can use."
Caius walked in and lit the lanterns. "If that is all, I'll take my leave."
"Yes, thank you Master Caius." I turned and bowed.
Caius nodded and left.
I spotted some paper and a pen. I grabbed some and jotted down the list for Heidi. I took a quick look around, noting where the machine was and some extra fabric laying around. I quickly added a tape measure to my list and left.
I searched the castle for Heidi, wanting to find her before returning to Alec. I finally found her, walking with Demetri.
"Heidi!" I called out, running to her.
"Hey, that took a lot longer than I thought it would," she commented as I handed her the list.
"Sorry. I bumped into Alec once I left your room and I had to come up with something so he wouldn't find out what I'm planning so I said I had to talk to the masters. Then Caius said we did have a sewing machine and he showed me where it is and then I wrote the list and then I came and found you."
"(Y/N). Breathe." Demetri laughed. "So what are you planning? You left in a rush earlier."
"I want to make Alec a quilt for our anniversary," I whispered. I wasn't sure if Alec was still in the gardens and I didn't want to risk him hearing if he wasn't.
Demetri nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Help keep Alec away while I work on it? It'll probably take the entire the two weeks with all the cutting and sewing and ironing I need to do."
"Got it. I'll help keep Alec distracted till it's done."
"Thank you!"
"I'll run to the store and get your things. I'll send Demetri to come find you when I have everything." Heidi said, walking off.
"Great. I will go find Alec then and try not spill anything." I smiled and waved goodbye to Demetri.
I found Alec sitting in the gazebo, reading a book. I came up behind him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
"Did things go well with the Masters?" He asked, closing his book.
I nodded against his shoulder. "Yeah, I wanted to wait another couple weeks before changing. They agreed."
"Really? Why wait?"
I slid onto the bench beside Alec. "No reason in particular," I lied.
Alec arched his brow. "Are you scared?"
I sighed. "Yeah, kinda. All I've heard since being told I'd have to be change is how much it's going to hurt."
Alec wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. "It will be painful but I promise I will be by your side through it all."
I smiled and kissed him. "Thank you."
It's been two days since Heidi got my fabric and other items and I've managed to get all the cutting done. Now it was onto creating the rows.
I sat on the floor of the sewing room trying to decide on a pattern. Heidi had grabbed some watercolor and marble pattern fabric instead of solid colors which I thought worked really well. "Well, since the queen sheet is black, I could use the green fabric for the outside and use the black to create a heart in the middle," I muttered to myself.
Deciding that was the best way to go, I carefully laid out the pieces on the floor, mapping out how the quilt was going to look. Some of the squares would need to be cut differently but that was going to be too hard.
I grabbed my scissors and started cutting the black and green fabrics that would outline the heart.
"Hey, (Y/N)? Alec is looking for you." Felix said, poking his head in the door.
"Can you distract him? I'm getting ready to sew the squares into rows and I want to finish that tonight," I asked, looking up from my cutting.
"Of course. Good luck." Felix closed the door and I turned back to the fabric.
The last square was cut and the quilt was mapped out once more. I grabbed the first row, sat at the sewing machine and started sewing.
The final row had been sewed and I could finally take a break longer than just grabbing something to eat and sleeping. I pushed myself away from the sewing table and stood up. My back and shoulders popped as I stretched, making me sigh in relief.
I left the room and headed to the kitchen. I was craving spaghetti and in the mood to actual cook. I grabbed a pot and a pan and put them on the stove.
I hummed quietly to myself as I grabbed everything I need to start cooking.
"I see someone's out of hiding."
I gasped and spun to face whoever spoke. "Alec! Hi!"
He was leaning against the doorway of the kitchen, looking annoyed.
"So when are you disappearing again?"
I frowned. "In a couple hours. I'm sorry."
Alec scoffed. "What are you even doing? Felix and Demetri won't tell me."
I put the pot of water I was holding on the stove and walked over to my boyfriend. "I promise you'll find out soon but not right now."
I leaned up to kiss his cheek but he pushed me away.
"Sure. I'll see you later. Or not."
I watched as Alec walked away, feeling my heart break. I looked back at the food I was starting to cook and decided to just put everything away.
I had to hurry and finish the quilt before I seriously ruined my relationship.
It had been a couple days since I last left the sewing room. Felix, Demetri and Heidi had taken turns bringing me food and coaxing me to my room to sleep.
I had finished sewing the rows together yesterday and now it was onto cutting the batting to size.
I laid out the top of the quilt on the floor and rolled the batting on top of that. Grabbing my scissors, I carefully cut the batting to match the quilt top. Once that was done, I grabbed the sheet and laid it next to the rest of the quilt.
Then I placed the batting on top, making sure it was centered and then added the quilt top. I walked over to the sewing table and grabbed the tomato plush that held the pins and needles.
I put a pin in each corner of the blanket and across the outer edge. I was almost done and I couldn't wait to show Alec. He had started avoiding me whenever I left and I couldn't blame him. I could only hope he'd be able to forgive me.
It was finally time to sew the border of the quilt. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed the quilt, taking it to the sewing table. The machines gentle purr as it sewed had become a comforting sound during the project. My hands and back ached from all the pinning and sewing and overall bad posture.
Finally. Finally the quilt was done. I carefully folded it and placed it on the table. I sat down on the couch Felix had brought in when I started spending a majority of my time in the room.
My eyes began to droop as I gave in to my exhaustion and I fell asleep.
Alec's POV:
I walked through the castle, wondering what was so important that (Y/N) no longer talked to me. I tried to just forget about it but they would lock themselves in the room for hours on end without saying anything.
Felix and Demetri, even Heidi, kept trying to tell me everything was ok but they wouldn't tell me what they were doing.
I scoffed as I saw Felix and Heidi rushing towards me.
"You need to come see (Y/N)," Heidi said, grabbing my arm.
"Why? If you haven't noticed, they've been avoiding me."
"You numbskull, they've been working on something for you. And now it's been like 36 hours since I've seen them leave that room." Heidi scolded.
My expression soften. "36 hours?"
Felix nodded. "They wanted to do something special for your anniversary tomorrow. I won't tell you what they did but you need to come with us and get her to eat a proper meal and get some sleep."
I nodded. "Lets go then."
I followed Heidi and Felix to the room (Y/N) had been holing themselves in.
When we got there, (Y/N) was asleep on the couch. I walked over and knelt beside them.
"Darling? It's time to wake up now."
(Y/N)'s POV:
I slowly opened my eyes, scared the voice I heard was just a dream. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw Alec kneeling beside me with Felix and Heidi standing behind him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"I've come to get you. Heidi and Felix told me you've been in here the last three days."
Quickly, I sat up, realizing just what was going on. "No, no, no, you can't be in here! I haven't wrapped it yet."
Tears filled my eyes at the thought of ruining the surprise.
"Love, it's okay. I haven't looked around. I just came to get you. I've been worried," Alec said, trying to calm me down.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I just wanted to do something special for you," I explained, wiping my eyes.
Alec moved to sit next to me on the couch. "I'm sorry too. I should have been more considerate towards you. I was hurt when you started avoiding me. I should have tried to talk to you instead of avoiding you as well."
I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. "We both could've communicated better. We'll do better from now on."
I felt Alec lean down and kiss the top of my head. "We will."
"You're surprise is on the sewing table. If you still want it," I told him, pulling back.
"Of course I do, love. You made it for me after all."
I smiled at him and walked over to the table, grabbing the quilt. Walking back to him, I set it in his lap. "I made it in our favourite colors."
Alec stood up and let the blanket unfurl. There was messed up stitches and some rows were slightly off but it was finished. Alec dropped the blanket on the couch and grabbed me, twirling me in the air.
"I love it. Thank you."
I hugged him again, resting my head on his shoulder. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."
Alec set me down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "It's perfect. I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Great! Now go get some proper food, (Y/N), and go to sleep in your own bed," Heidi exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
"Alright, alright, fine! You win! Let's get out of here," I said, laughing.
Alec grabbed his quilt in one hand and grabbed mine in the other. We followed Heidi and Felix out of the room, happy things were normal again.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
22. "Show me how much you need me" and a kink huh..... Maybe...begging? or choking? Idk have some fun!
(I'm still in the process of writing my comments for network btw it was just to good and I've fallen in love with it, so thankyou for writing it and sorry the comment is taking so long!)
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Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: E
Contents: Catboy!Dabi, mating cycle/heat, begging, implied marathon sex, sex toys, multiple orgasms, petplay, feminization
Dabi's life is a joke. Some sick, cruel god thought it would be funny to make a creature that wasn't made to survive and then Dabi spent every second fighting against that asshole's will to make it anyway. And it always sucked. Want a great quirk, kid? Too bad, burn on a mountain. Oh, you survived that? Replaced and homeless. Huh, you're still alive, and you've managed to get a good thing going with a little found family of criminals? Oops, you're a cat now. 
Because yeah, in the middle of the skirmish in Deika, Dabi had gotten blasted by a wayward quirk during his fight with Geten. And he's a cat now. Or more accurately, he's a heteromorph now. He was lucky he didn't get a big lungful of the gas because it would have turned him entirely into a cat if he had. What's less lucky is that the retractable claws, slitted pupils, fangs, tail, and extra ears are permanent now. Should have worn off after a couple of hours, but according to Ujiko, due to the skin grafts and treatments he received in his coma, you know, when he'd been considering turning him into a nomu, his body was more susceptible to changes like this. Which was the doc's nice way of saying he'd fucked around with Dabi's DNA and made his cells ready to receive some new code, but he'd escaped the hospital before that happened and this quirk had gone and filled in the blanks. And without extensive gene therapy that would take months, if not years and may prove fatal, Dabi was stuck like this. He's a cat now. Fuck his life. 
That's not to say being a cat is all bad. He definitely hadn't wanted to be a cat. But the inhanced senses are nice, and holy fuck does fish taste better now, plus getting pet is awesome-- even if Tomura is the only one he lets do it because it makes him purr like an idiot. Of the curveballs he's been thrown in life, this one has been one of the least horrendous, so he sucks it up and moves on with his life. And everything is pretty normal for the most part. They get things resituated with the PLF, he adjusts, and things are actually better for the League than they have been, possibly ever.
Until he starts waking up at night with the others pounding on his door telling him to shut up. Actually, they had been nice about it the first couple of times, asking if he was hurt or having nightmares or something, but he hadn't known what the fuck they were talking about. Absolutely thought they were gaslighting him as some kind of prank before Toga showed a recording of his door, and the awful loud feline yowls that had been coming out from the room, cutting out only after she pounded on it to wake him up. He has no idea why he's been, apparently, screaming in his sleep. He hasn't even had all that many nightmares lately, certainly not often enough to account for a solid week of screaming. 
He also starts to have the urge to rub his cheeks against things. His phone, his pack of cigs, the pillows in his and Duster's bedroom, the rest of the League. Keeps getting distracted and nuzzling against them, which they're being better sports about than the yowling thing. Even if he does hiss at them when they try to pet him while he's doing it. Usually snaps out of it at that point and excuses himself to be mortified elsewhere. He also keeps finding himself outside. Just walking. Keeps catching himself trying to scent the air like he's looking for something, and it doesn't do him any good. He can't find what he's looking for and he ends up back in the villa incredibly cranky and angry that he's going back to an empty bed. And then the cycle starts again. It's so bad and strange, that when Duster is finally finished with his latest round of treatments, Dabi goes to the doctor's lab to pick him up, just so he can see him as soon as possible. 
He gets there and finds Ujiko in the tank room with their new batch of High Ends, his lover out of sight. "Ah, he's sleeping off the sedation from his last treatment. Once he wakes you two are free to go." Dabi is about to go find somewhere to sulk until then, but reluctantly asks instead, 
"Been feeling weird lately, Doc, you got a minute?" Not thrilled that the mad scientist who was preparing to make him a monster is his only source of medical attention, but he's Dabi's only source of medical attention so he's going to suck it the fuck up. 
"Of course!" Hates how excited the mad doctor sounds about that and takes Dabi to one of the actual rooms and makes him sit on the table like he is a real doctor and Dabi is in for a normal check-up. The doctor draws blood, goes through the usual steps, and Dabi tells him about the weird cat behaviors that he's been dealing with lately while one of his weird advanced machines processes his blood. He doesn't like the way that his brows creep higher and higher as he speaks, but Ujiko just tells him, "Let's see what your bloodwork says." 
When that's ready, he reviews it and makes those humming 'ah fascinating' sounds the whole time which only serves to make dabi more irritated, his ears pinning back and tail flicking as his claws bite into his pants. 
"It seems as though you may be experiencing a... heat of sorts soon." 
Of every fucking thing that the doctor could have said to him, that is not one that Dabi would have guessed in a million years. "A what?" His brain reboots quickly, "That's not possible, aren't heats for girl cats?" 
Ujiko hums in agreement. "They are. Traditionally male cats don't have a mating cycle as such-- but they can react to a female cat's hormones even from quite a distance. There are other feline heteromorphs, it's possible that you're reacting to those pheromones, someone may be bringing more in through the villa, or, perhaps," and his tone changes to a little more careful in a way that sets every one of Dabi's nerves on edge. "There is some behavior or stimulus that you have been in contact with frequently that has had a... placebo effect, making the newly accepted cat DNA a bit confused about which behaviors it should be exhibiting in regards to sexual presentation." 
Dabi is about to make him fucking elaborate on that when the door opens and Duster comes in. Always is a bit paler after spending a week with the doctor, but he's dressed and got his prosthetics on, so he's probably ready to go. Blinks when he sees him. "Firefly, what are you doing here?" 
That's it, my pretty pussy, purr for me. 
Such a good girl, kitten. Taking my cock so well. 
Needy little thing, arching your back so cute. Pushing out your pretty tits. Just begging to be fucked full, aren't you, princess? 
"I'm going to murder you." He says in loo of anything else. And Ujiko just clears his throat and moves along with Duster's pre-discharge check-in. 
They get back home and go through work with Dabi hissing and snarling at Shigaraki any time he speaks to him. Duster, for his part, once Dabi had told him what the doctor said to him, had just looked vaguely amused about the whole situation. And the worst part is, the doctor was definitely right about the pseudo-heat. Because as soon as Shig is back, even though Dabi wants to be very, very justifiably angry with him, he's immediately so horny that it's distracting. When he's not actively snarling at his lover while they're in catch-up meetings, he's biting the insides of his cheeks bloody to keep from purring at him, or yowling, or trying to rub up against him to put his scent on him. And he's barely keeping himself from getting noticeably hard the longer the meetings go on. He's going to lose his mind if they aren't finished with this soon. 
It's a big surprise when, instead of him breaking and just forgetting the other lieutenants are very much in the room in favor of climbing right into Tomura's lap, that it's Toga who suddenly gives a loud, agonized groan and whines, with her hand covering her nose, "Can we please be done now?" And he realizes abruptly that her sense of smell is as strong as his. He hisses at Duster for making this situation even more mortifying. Shig looks between the two of them with clear amusement and concedes, dismissing everyone with a wave of his hand. Then he stands and gestures for Dabi to follow. If he weren't fucking gagging for it, Dabi would have told him to fuck off. Instead he immediately follows after him, an embarrassing feline whine slipping out of his throat in plain earshot of all of his co-workers. Spinner and Twice start to howl with laughter, but he's gonna have to kill them after he gets Tomura to rearrange his guts. 
As soon as the door to their room is shut, Dabi is pressing up against his lover. Loud, needy yowls leaving him as he rubs his cheeks against Tomura’s, against his neck, over his shoulders. And he's already hard just from the press of their bodies and the smell of his lover in his nose. Can't stop himself from grinding his cock against him too so he can feel how badly he needs it. 
"Oh, kitten," mewls so loudly when his hand goes to his hair, scratching nails just right around the base of one of his secondary ears. "After how rude you were before--" 
"Tomura," he whines. 
Catches his ear and gives a mean little tug. Just enough to hurt, and that almost makes Dabi's legs drop out from under him, his arousal spikes so sharply. Barely been alone for a minute and Dabi is so desperate that he'd happily cum in his pants, fucking his lover's thigh just to get some relief. "You really are just a needy whore, a bitch in heat, aren't you, princess?" 
"Yes, sir," he agrees immediately. His whole body feels hot. Not the way his quirk normally makes him, but in a tingly way that is making an ache expand out across his skin. Centered at his-- he gives a mortified little mew. Oh god, he's empty and that hurts. He needs Sir's cock inside of him. Needs his cum inside. 
Tomura's smiling at him, that lazy, mean smile that already turns him on nearly past the point of coherency when he's not in some animalistic state of mind. "Show me how much you need me, kitten." And Sir steps out of his space, watching him expectantly. 
Show? His mind feels hazy. He can do that though, he can show his mate how badly he needs him. His hands are shaking as he starts to shrug out of his clothes, made even harder because he can't put away his claws, but he manages to start shedding layer after layer until he's naked as he moves as fast as he can over to their bed. He's frantic as he grabs their lube and yowls loudly when he sees Tomura taking his sweet time to come over to the bed, chuckling as he undoes his tie. Fine. Dabi scrambles onto the mattress, trying his best to make his claws go away, but when he can't he gives up. Gets on his knees, spreading his legs wide, his tail pressing up along his back, and his shoulders and face against the sheets. His cock is throbbing and dripping a steady stream of pre, so much that he's already making a puddle on the bed. He whimpers loudly and uncaps the lube. Can't open himself up with his claws out, but he still spreads it over his hole. The first touch of fingers there makes him moan desperately and nearly forgets himself in the need to be fuller. Only is stopped from tearing himself open because Tomura's hand wraps around his wrist and pulls him gently away. 
"Oh, kitten, that badly?" 
It's all so overwhelming. He's never felt like this before. Is a slave to the needs of his messed up body again. Dabi can't help it. He lets out a weak sob, nodding his head as bloody tears slip down his cheeks. Tomura makes a soft worried sound, but then there's the rustling of fabric and the mattress dips. He presses along the length of Dabi's body, peppering kisses to the back of his neck. "Okay, princess, you're being such a good kitty, I'm going to help."
 And then there are fingers against his hole. Dabi purrs as they sink inside of him, trying to sniffle and choke away the tears. But he needs it so badly. Normally the stretch of his mate's fingers is needed before he can have anything else, but he needs to be full. His fingers aren't enough right now. Dabi rocks back against them, mewling and making a whole litany of feline sounds in his desperate need to be given what he really wants. Gasps, and whimpers, and sobs louder when Tomura shushes and pets him, kisses along his back, wraps his hand around his cock and starts to stroke him slowly and deliberately. But it's not enough, and Dabi accidentally sinks his claws into the back of his hand when he reaches to get his touch away from there. He needs more in his cunt, not that. Just needs to be fucked full. Get his mate's cum so deep inside of him, oh, just the thought has him meowing pitifully. 
"My pretty kitten," definitely worried now. "Are you hurting, baby?" 
Dabi manages to nod with another sob and Tomura coos and shushes him, fingers pulling out of his needy body much sooner than he normally would think necessary to take his big cock and the rough fucking Dabi needs so, so badly right now. "I'm going to help you feel better," he promises. "Going to give you exactly what you need, princess." 
And he finally, finally does. Tomura fucks him hard, Dabi purring and rocking back into every movement, pleasure so sharp it hurts, he can feel it pulsing everywhere in a symphony that sends his human mind so far away he can't do anything but let his instincts drive. His claws sink into the sheets, past them, into the mattress, and the sounds coming out of him are all animal. They don't mean anything to his mate, but to him, they're a constant spill of his desperate need. They echo around his skull, begging to be mated, to be fucked so full, to have his mate's cum pumped deep inside of him over, and over, and over again until he knows for certain that he's been fully bred. Dabi doesn't cum until he feels Tomura's release splashing wetly against his walls, and then he immediately collapses onto the bed, into the wet spot, fingers going to his now empty hole, wanting to keep as much of his cum inside as possible-- and only then realizes that that wasn't enough. That it didn't feel right as he pulled himself so quickly off of his mate's softening cock. It should have hurt. Something human tries to float up to tell him that, no it should not have, but his feline brain is positive it should have. That if it didn't then that means it wasn't right. He needs it again. 
He manages to get it another three times before his exhausted body gives out, but he's still not satisfied. It still felt wrong. And by the time Tomura has cleaned him up, even licking at his cheek to try and get him to purr, and put him into their clean bed, he's mewling weakly and crying again softly. 
Whatever amusement Duster had over the situation is long gone now as he pets him and holds him close, rubbing their cheeks together. "Dabi, can you tell me what's wrong? I can't help if you don't use your words, kitten." 
He sniffles, pressing in closer. "Wrong, n-not full enough. Hurt, Tomura--" stops with another loud yowl.
"What hurts, sweetheart?"
He shakes his head. "Need it, should hurt." And that makes Tomura tense against him, holding him a little tighter. But he keeps stroking his hair, soothing him, until Dabi falls into a fitful sleep. 
He wakes up screaming for it again, looking immediately for his mate, but he doesn't have to. Tomura is climbing back into bed with him, and pressing gently between Dabi's shoulder blades. He immediately drops back onto the mattress, pushing his ass up the way he'd presented before. Oh! There's already something inside of him. It's not very big, but it's there, and his mate eases it out of him, letting Dabi feel that he's wet already too. He purrs like a chainsaw when he realizes that means he can have his mate's cock immediately. Tomura starts to press inside and Dabi sucks in a sharp breath. 
And then he moans so loudly he nearly loses his voice. Tomura's cock is perfect. It's so big, always big, but it has a different texture now something that's just the right amount of sharp so that as he fucks into his pliant, desperate body, it hurts the way he'd needed it too. He purrs so loudly, losing himself to how right it feels now to be bred by his mate. 
Manages to cum much more easily than he did before, and when he's all filled up with his mate's cum, his hole aches as he pulls out and that sensation quells his intense need. He's able to roll over and sees that Tomura is wearing a neon green cock sleeve, littered with modest spikes along the whole length of it. 
"Whuh?" He manages very intelligently. His mate leans down and gives him a kiss. 
"Read up on cat behaviors, thought this might help. Was that better, kitten?" 
Wraps his arms around his neck so that he can arch and rub their bodies together from head to toe, tangling their scents all together as he purrs and nods. 
Tomura kisses his cheek, and then rubs them together, making Dabi's purrs go even louder as his tail coils around one of his legs, as if he could get him any closer without having him back inside of him again. "When this passes we can stop playing with feminization, firefly. Make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry." 
Dabi shakes his head. "Don't want to stop. Like being your pretty kitten," just the thought has his cock starting to swell again and his hole tightening unhappily on how empty he currently is. "But if I get pregnant I'm killing us both. No hesitation, Shigaraki." 
Duster chuckles, "I checked in with the doctor again, not a possibility unless you grow a lot of new organs, baby. You haven't felt any intense abdominal or pelvic pain?" 
"Then you're fine. Just going to keep being needy for a... little while." 
And the change in his tone pulls Dabi a little out of the contented floaty place he was at. "'A little while'? How long is that, Duster?" Tomura winces slightly. "Tomura Shigaraki," He demands a little more harshly. 
"...Could be a whole week, kitten." 
"You are very lucky that I need your dick in me again, or I would kill you." 
"I'm sorry, firefly--" "Dick, right now, Duster!"
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taters169 · 2 months
The Tin drabbles
TW: minor character death
"How the hell have you lost it?" Asked John
"I think it escaped, I'm like 95% positive I locked the cage door" replied Ian.
"You're a fucking moron you know that" said John shaking his head. "Come on I'll help you look"
Ian had been his friend for a long time but the guy was an idiot, far too soft on his little toy. John's own toy was almost perfect after years of training, it almost never defied him anymore. He was starting to get bored if he was honest with himself he much preferred the breaking than the broken result.
The two men hunted high and low around Ian's house with no sign of where the little pest could have gotten to. Eventually they moved their search outside.
"Here look!" Said John "you've got a broken airbrick. If it managed to get into the walls it probably got out here. It might not have gotten far you check that side of the garden I'll check this side"
Carefully checking under bushes and behind pots the men made their way towards the bottom of the garden.
"There look!" Yelled Ian pointing under a bush near the gate
"Ha! Told you it wouldn't have gotten far" said John. "Can you reach?"
"Not quite" Answered Ian trying to get his hand through the mass of branches.
The escaped toy looked panicked trying to find a way out
"No no no please no I can't go back" said the tiny creature. Suddenly it managed to slip past Ian's reaching hand and made it to the gate
"Ah shit! Quick grab it" yelled Ian
John dived towards it just as it rolled and slipped under the gate. The two men scrambled to their feet fumbling with the gate latch. They ran out onto the street just in time to see the little toy run out onto the road straight into the path of an oncoming car. It didn't even have time to scream before it was nothing but a mess on the tarmac. Indistinguishable from any other creature who ended up as road kill.
"Fucks sake" said Ian
"Bad luck that mate" said John clapping his hand on his friends shoulder. "I tell you what though, I've been thinking about a new one anyway. I'm sure we can come to a deal if you want my old one. At least mines properly broken I doubt it would run even if I left the cage open"
"I'm sure I closed it" said Ian defeatedly
"Yeah I'm sure you did." John suddenly had an idea of one last way to torture his little pet before he ordered a replacement. "You at work tomorrow?" He asked
"Yeah I'm on the close"
"Perfect, how about I drop it in at your shop all wrapped up and terrified for you. I'll let you have it for half the price of a new one, mates rates yeah?"
"That would be great thanks John you're a real pal."
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illfoandillfie · 10 months
Advent 2023: Day 2
This one was an original idea that I had a while ago. It follows on from the other clone-a-willy fics/blurbs I've written. One and Two.
Warnings: references to pornography/masturbation/anal/oral, piv sex, sex toys (dildos), sex tape. Not properly edited.
It didn’t surprise you that Ben watched porn. He was an adult with a relatively high sex drive, a man who’d had access to the internet during formative teen years, of course he watched porn. You watched porn sometimes too, so there was nothing shocking about Ben doing it. But what caught your attention was the sort of porn he’d been looking at. POV style – the camera showing nothing of the man but his cock, and nothing of the woman but her stretched ass or cunt, occasionally tits depending on position. Admittedly, you didn’t know whether those examples were indicative of his habits. You never intentionally went looking for what Ben had watched. All you knew came from a couple of moments when you’d opened his laptop to a still open browser or walked in on him by accident. Perhaps it was just coincidence that the handful of times you had seen something, it was the same style. Afterall, Ben had showed you porn a couple of times (and vice versa) as foreplay or inspiration for your own sex and none of that had been POV, so he must watch other things. But it did stick with you that he liked the POV stuff, and every so often you’d remember that fact and wonder how you could use it.  
The opportunity came around his next birthday. You’d bought him something he could tell his friends about, but you wanted something a bit sexy too, something just for him. After your conversation about training, Ben had bought a second kit in a different colour and you’d been working on anal training, so you'd originally thought that your first time with the real thing would make a suitable present. But you’d gotten a little too eager a few months previous and had already crossed that bridge. It wasn’t quite as special now that you’d done it half a dozen times. So you were at a bit of a loss what to do, until you remembered the porn.  
You did your research as you waited for a suitable day to record, watching some examples to see what the framing was generally like and what might be included. Truth be told, even after watching half a dozen videos you didn’t totally get the appeal of the POV style. You much preferred being able to see everyone involved fully, but then your tastes trended a little kinkier than Ben’s - bondage and spanking scenes to his fairly vanilla preferences. Either way, Ben seemed to enjoy the premise and so you did your best to imitate what you’d seen the first chance you got, when Ben was out for an entire Saturday with his mates.  
You tried not to rush too much, despite being excited for Ben’s reaction and a little nervous about being on camera. But you wanted to get it right, so you forced yourself to stay calm as you set your camera up, doing a handful of test shots to check your positioning before you were satisfied with the framing. It would have been easier had the clone dildo had a suction base, but you made it work. Riding it seemed like the most sensible option for the type of porn you were recreating, so you figured you edit the video so it’d start with you already working your fist up and down the toy, spreading lube along it’s length. Most of the videos you’d seen during your research had cut in min-penetration if not with the woman halfway to a slightly unbelievable orgasm anyway.  
Once you were ready to go you stripped off and took your place on the bed in the spot you’d worked out. The lube was close to hand, just out of frame, so you squeezed some out onto your palm and raised the toy, trying not to giggle at what you were sure must look like a very rapid erection coming into view. With a steadying breath you got started for real, holding the dildo with one hand as you began to jerk it off the way you knew Ben liked. Then, when you felt you’d wanked it long enough, you moved over it, lining it up and sinking down onto it with relative ease. It felt familiar in the oddly unfamiliar way you’d become familiar with – filling you just the way Ben did but recognisably not him. You had no trouble riding it though, practically forgetting the camera was on you as you lost yourself in the rhythm of it, moaning and telling Ben how good he felt and how much you loved his cock. And then you came, legs going Shakey as you tried to keep the stimulation going until you were through it. Watching back made you feel a little embarrassed and a little perverted and more than a little horny. You hastily edited it, trimming out the awkward beginning bit like you’d planned, then watched it through to make sure you’d stayed in frame. By the time Ben got home you were practically ready to tackle him so you could have the real thing.  
Ben’s birthday fell on a weekday when you had to work. So you decided to leave the present where he’d find it while you were out. You knew you’d be distracted all day wondering what he would think of it, but it was worth it to surprise him. You just hoped he’d send you some sort of text when he’d watched it. Thankfully he did, though it took a little longer for him to find it than you’d have liked. He’d spent most of the day on the couch playing video games, only finding the laptop you’d saved the file on after he’d found your note wishing him a happy birthday and telling him there was a surprise in the bedroom. He probably wouldn’t have worked out the surprise was on the computer without your helpful post it note telling him to press play.  
He called you within the first five seconds.   “Y/N, I bloody love you.”  You laughed, “Hello to you too honey. I take it you got the videos then.”  "There’s more than one?”  “Yeah,” you laughed, “Well, kind of. See, I wasn’t sure if you’d like um,” you paused, realising you were at work and probably shouldn’t say words like cunt or arse out loud, “front or back more. So I wanted to do one of each for you but the back one was a little harder to manage while keeping it in the same, like, style. So I did the front one like that and then did a second one from behind but it’s easier to tell it’s,” you dropped your voice to a whisper and hoped no one was listening, “not you fucking me.”  Ben barely seemed to hear your explanation, groaning as he located the second video, “what time are you getting home?”  “Uhh, not for another few hours I guess. How come?”  “Just wondering if I have enough time to get off to both of them and recover. I’ve never, and I mean this with the utmost respect and love, I’ve never wanted to pound you harder than I do right now.”  You fell into giggles again, nervously checking around you and hoping you weren’t blushing noticeably.  “I’m serious Y/N. You’re so fucking sexy and incredible and god, just looking at how well you ride me has me so fucking hard. I want to ruin you. I want to fuck you so hard you can’t walk for a week and I haven’t even seen the anal one yet. The second you walk through that door I’ll be on you. In you.”  If you’d managed not to blush before you were sure you must be now, so tried to keep your voice as professional as possible, “Well I’m glad you like them. I look forward to this evening.”  Ben hummed, “I think it should be enough time. But I s’pose if I’m not quite good to go when you get here, then there’s two more of my cocks to get you started.”  You bit your lip to keep from whimpering or moaning and swallowed hard before you managed, “That sounds very reasonable.”  “If I wanted to be really mean I’d keep you on the line while I watch so you could hear me getting off to you.  You whined his name quietly, “Honey I’m at work.”  He laughed, “Sorry babe. You just really turn me on. I’ll show you how much tonight.”  “Okay,” you managed, “Happy birthday, love you.”  “Love you too. So much.” 
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srasdoesthings · 5 months
[MONDAY 5:05 PM] - Wonder Stage, Phoenix Wonderland :・゚✧:・゚✧
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“Please!” A chipper voice pleads with the rest of her troupe mates. Emu bounces from where she balances herself on one of Wonder stage’s seats “It’s a nice story! And I really, really wanna see Nene-chan in a mermaid costume again…” 
Tsukasa mutters to himself: “That’s your reasoning..?” before sighing. It wasn’t a bad idea, all things considered. While darker than the shows they had done, it wasn’t too dark that parents would be opposed to showing it to kids. An interesting flip to a story known and loved by people. 
With Rui’s writing magic, they would no doubt make the original’s themes of growing up and seeing the truth of the world palatable for kids to be taken along for the ride while giving their older audiences a bittersweet tale. 
--Tsukasa had toyed with the idea of doing a more serious and emotional play recently; this could be a good opportunity to dip his toes into this sort of play.--
Though, he didn't want to let that sort of selfish reasoning sway his resolve. As the leader of a troupe, he needs to see to it that everyone is pleased. “It might work. What’re your thoughts? Rui, Nene.”
“I’m fine with it.” Nene’s focus stays on her game, only the slightest glance to the other members before flicking back to the screen. “You did say you wanted to make the new show cooler than others. Up the production and all that.”
“Considering the stunts we’ll have to perform in the story, I've no doubt it’ll be a bigger production that can still be within our means.” Rui smiles from where he’d been jotting ideas. Tsukasa can faintly see a few bullet points already, some circled and some crushed out, others underlined and others annotated. Their genius director was hooked too. The warmth of his smiles changes to that of mischief as he meets Tsukasa’s eyes. “Of course, that’s if Tsukasa-kun is willing to flung around in the air the whole show.”
“Duh,” Nene finally looks up properly, a sound of victory ringing from her phone. “You’re obviously going to play Peter. And what does Peter do the whole time?” Mockingly, he slows her words, almost as if explaining to a child. 
Emu, the ever cheerful soul, attacks Tsukasa with a hug, exclaiming out: “It’s okay, Tsukasa-kun! I’m gonna be the fairy, so we’ll fly around together!‘
“And if we fall?”
Her grin grows brighter and she grabs his hands, lovingly. “Then we fall together!”
Tsukasa sighs again, Emu’s silliness and cheer infects him and he can’t help but smile too, leaning into the smiling girl. “I suppose we will.”
“Now, now,” Rui steps in, a pleasing smile on his face. He holds the two close, draping his arms around them. “No one will be falling, I can assure you of that. Don’t you trust me?” Despite his resolved smile, Tsukasa can see the worry in Rui’s stance and he flashes him a smile back.
“Of course! We’re in the best of hands. Thank you, Rui.”
“Anything else we have to add?” Nene moves closer to the group, phone tucked into her pocket and shuffles beside Rui, joining the odd warmth pile they’ve made and leaning her weight on his shoulders. “Since Mr.World Star here wants a hand at more heartfelt shows, then we have to pay attention to stuff like Peter and Hook’s backstory. Ugh, there’s gonna have to be a bunch of things we’re gonna have to pace out…”
Rui nods “Mhm. And we’ll have to figure out how to convey a good chunk of the show with just the four of us.‘
“I can ask the mascots to be background characters!” Emu volunteers, standing up to jump around in excitement, waving around in joy. “Like in the epic pirate fight scene! And the Epic pirate bombing! It’ll be so wonderhoy to have everyone play together!”
“You sure?” It would be  amazing, and it would remove the worry of stretching everyone too thin, but would that be asking too much? “We don’t want to make your brothers-”
“Boo, I’ll just convince them!” Emu grins. She places both hands on Tsukasa’s cheeks, holding to his face with the warmest of smiles. “It’s to make our most wonderhoy of wonderhoy shows after all! And I’m sure we can make it the bestest if we give it a try. So I’ll put my all into convincing them, and making the stages and props and stuff!”
“Ah, that reminds me. Roles.”
Nene shifts, wrapping her arms around Tsukasa’s shoulders and leaning her head on his.“Aren’t they obvious?”
“Yes, but not just stage roles. Our production roles.” Rui Clarifies. “What would they be?”
“I can take care of costumes and choreography.” Tsukasa volunteers. “Since Emu is going to be busy with stage and more business side of things.”
“Ehhh, are you sure? Emu can handle it!” 
“No no, it’s fine.” He places a hand on Emu’s own, a smile slipping on his face. “After All, you’ll be in charge of making the stage as magical as it could ever be. And that’s a big job, right?”
“Mmm, true true.” She turns to Nene, grinning. “And Nene-chan will be there to help me, right?!”
The girl smiles, head on Rui’s shoulder. “Of course. I’ll do my best. Oh and Rui, I’ll work on the script, just pass me an outline. You’ll need to focus on the rigs.”
Rui smiles, “thank you, Nene.” He stands. “Let’s make this show amazing, everyone.”
Tsukasa grins. “Wonderhoy?”
They all smile and cheer: “Wonderhoy!”
• • •
The Portrait of Pirate F
Tsukasa Tenma…Peter Pan (Choreographer, Costumer)
Emu Ootori…Tinkerbell ( Set Director, Producer)
Rui Kamishiro… Captain Hook (Stage Director, Machine rigger)
Nene Kusanagi… Mermaid (Assistant Director, Scriptwriter, Producer)
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depressionisreal1996 · 9 months
The Traumatized Omega
Chapter 1
Bold and Underlined=POV Change
Underlined=Line Break
Bold=TV Script
Narrator's  POV
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago... but I admire the sadism.
      We see a girl walking down a school hallway, with everyone parting ways in fear and disgust. They could sense the power from this tiny alpha. This alpha is known as Wednesday Addams. With each step is a purpose, she wants them to fear her. The thought makes her smirk internally. After a while, she saw some jocks walking away from a locker, laughing. She walked up to the locker and heard some whimpers coming from it, whimpers that she knows. She opens the locker to see her brother, Pugsley. After the locker was opened, Pugsley fell with a thud.
Wednesday's POV
      "I want names," I told my brother emotionlessly. These people need to know that only I was allowed to torture my brother, I thought in my head.
      "I don't know who they were, honest." Pugsley replied with a scared voice, "it happened so fast," 
      "Pugsley, emotion equals weakness, pull yourself together, now," I told him sternly, he whimpers. He really needs to learn this, if he wants to survive the real world. I went to untie him, when I went into one of my visions.
~Line Break~
      I came out of the vision, which thanks to it, I now know who did this to my brother. It was Dalton, and his stupid jock friends.
      "You okay," Pugsley asked me with a worried tone.
I'm not about to confess to my brother that I've recently been plagued by visions. The come on without warning, and feel like electroshock therapy, but without the satisfying afterburn.
      "Leave this to me," I told him, getting up to put my plan into action.
      "Wednesday, what are you gonna do," my brother asked me. I stopped to look at him, contemplating telling him, but decided not too.
      "What I do best," I told him, then walked off.
Non, rien de rien.
      "Yo, Dalton, look," Dalton's friend # 1 said pointing towards me, "Pigsley's sister."
      "Hey, freak, this is a closed practice," Dalton told me, with a smirk. Everyone smirked at this and laughed.
      "The only person who gets to torture my brother is me," I told everyone with a harsh tone, raising two bags with piranhas in them. Everyone lost their smirks and looked at me with fear. I released the bags into the water, and everyone frantically swam to get to safety.
Non, je ne regrette rien. Car ma vie, car mes joies. Ca commence avec toi.
      It was chaotically beautiful, nothing will top this. I slowly smirked in satisfaction. If I wasn't so adversed to it, I would be laughing right now. Though, as I watch the chaos happening, I knew that would be getting expelled for this.
~Line Break~
I close my eyes. Then I drift away.
     My parents were singing again, and it greatly disgusts me of how much emotions they are showing.
I softly say. A silent prayer. Like dreamers do. Then I fall asleep to dream. My dreams of you.
      I cringed at them, they really need to learn some self-control. This is why I'll never find love/mate. It all seems pointless.
I remember. That you said goodbye.....
     "Mmm," my mother sighed happily after kissing my father. My father did the same. I rolled my eyes at them.
     "Darling, how long do you intend on giving us the col shoulder," my mother asked me.
      "Lurch, please remind my parents that I'm no longer speaking to them," I replied back. Lurch just grunts.
      "Hmm," she hums back.
      "I promise you, my little viper, you will love Nevermore," my father tried to reassure me, though he was failing, "won't she, Tish?"
      "Of course," she said, "it's the perfect school for her."
      "Why? Because it was the perfect school for you," I shot back," I have no interest in following in your footsteps. Becoming captain of the fencing team, Queen of the Dark Prom, President of the Seance Society."
      "I merely meant that finally you will be among peers who understand you," My mother told me, and then she said something I want to protest against, " maybe you'll even make some friends."
      "Nevermore is like no other boarding school, it's a magical place," my father said, "it's where I met your mother, and we fell in love."
      "You guys are making me nauseous, and not in a good way," I told them with disgust in my voice, yet with my face blank.
      "Darling, we aren't the ones who got you expelled. That boy's family was going to file attempted murder charges," she told me, "how would that have looked on your record?"
      "Terrible, everyone would know I failed to get the job done," I said, seething that Dalton is still alive.
      "Hmm," my mother just hummed, and that was it for our conversation.
~Line Break~
Narrator's POV
      Now we see a truck driving by the Addams hearse.
      "Just over here is fine, thanks," a man said to the driver.
      "You sure you want to get out here," the driver asked, "the trail might look pretty, but it runs right past Nevermore."
      "That school for outcasts," the man asked.
      "Huh. That's a polite way of putting it," the driver replied.
      "I never had a problem with outcasts," the man informed the driver," my counselor at summer camp was a werewolf. Great guy."
      "Yeah, they're just like you and men," the driver said trying to scare the man, "until they rip your throat out."
      "Thanks," the man chuckles wryly. He got out of the truck and hiked on the trail. He hiked for a while until he found a good spot to take a break. He was just relaxing, when he heard noises coming up from in front of him. He looked up, only to scream in a panic as he saw something running towards him and attack him.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
The Handsome Artist. 16. (Daniel Ricciardo)
I know a place. The pieces finally fall together.
MASTERLIST. Moodboard and Playlist.
Previous part: Santa Monica.
I know a place by Muna because that song gives me lots of Abi&Danny vibes.
Note: this is long af but it's worthy. I promise.
Warnings: +18 (finally smut); penetrative s*x, oral (for both)
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His hand felt perfect on mine. Daniel was like a little kid. He was looking around and talking about all the rides. He wanted to try all of them.
"Have you ever been here?"
He chuckled.
"It's true. I've gone to other places though."
"Oh, Danny."
He laughed and hugged my shoulders before kissing my temple.
It felt amazing to be here with him.
"I told Charlotte to call Molly in case of emergency because I don't want to get this fucked" I told him and he smiled.
"There is no way this can't be fucked. Really. I will fight anyone"
This time it was me who laughed.
The night was amazing. I was on the clouds. I couldn't belive we were there together. Happy and enjoying the afternoon so much. We had gone to all the hard and cool rides. And now he was dragging me around the different games. I simply couldn't stop laughing.
This is how it's supposed to feel. This is love.
"Hey mate. Another try, please"
"C'mon. My lady here wants the koala"
"I see she has a type"
I bit my lip and try to not laugh. Daniel was arguing with the guy to get a free try. Another free try after 3 failed attempts.
"Danny, love. It's fine"
"No, honey. I'm getting it. It's a pride thing"
"Dude, pay or nothing. 5 buck, 3 attempts"
"Listen. If I fail this one, I pay all of them"
The guy look at Daniel for long seconds. They were having a war. Danny was frowning and had crossed his arms.
"Yes. Thank you, mate"
Then Daniel looked at me.
"Watch this"
"C'mon, boy. I trust you" I said patting his arm.
Somehow, doing all of this with him made me feel more connected. It was the same feeling I had in Colorado. It was like I belonged here with him.
He took the ball, looked at me and kissed it.
"Dan! You don't know who touch that!"
"It will be worth it"
He looked at the tower and focused on it. Then he threw it and BAM.
"Yes!" I lifted my arms and laughed.
"Awesome! Did you see that huh?" He said pointing at the guy.
I laughed, hugged his waist and kissed his shoulder. He looked down at me.
"See? I got you a koala"
"My hero"
He smiled.
"Here, mate. Enjoy you koala, lady" The guy said putting on his best Aussie accent.
I smiled.
"Thank you very much"
"See you, mate." Danny said turning around.
I smiled at the guy.
"Honey, I wanna go to the ducks one"
"Sorry, he is like a kid high on sugar" I said passing the guy his five bucks. "Have a good night"
"Yeah, yeah".
I ran to him, finding my place under his arm. He kissed my cheek for the millionth time in the night.
"Hey, this is super nice"
"I'm so happy you enjoy it. Molly and Charlotte helped with the idea"
"Say thanks to them"
We arrived to the ducks game.
"Look at those little toys" I said pointing at them. "You should get them for the kids"
"Should I? Mind helping?"
"Play with me. Let's be all cute and cliche together"
I giggled.
It was a couple of dogs, one in gray and the other golden, together on a little bag.
"Hi, Um... Can we have a try?" I asked the woman in charge.
"Yeah, 3 dollars 2 attempts."
"Fine. We only need one"
"Danny, that's how you jinxs things!"
"Trust me"
He had told me that on every game and every ride and somehow it was hard when he had that look on his face. Not a trust worthy face. A face that would get you on problems for cheating in games or kicking a little boy out of the best seat on the ride.
"Fine. It's your fault if we fail"
He hugged me from behind, the little koala waiting patiently on the counter. With his hands on mine and laughing nervously, I tried to get the duck.
"Oh fuck" I said after failing.
"C'mon. You can do this. Isaac and Izzy will get so happy when I tell them you got it for them"
"Don't put to much pressure, Daniel"
He grabbed my waist and pressed himself on my back. It only made it more difficult.
"A bit to the right, baby" He whispered.
I bit my lip and tried. And voila...
"Yes! Holly Mac n' Cheese. That's my girl. Did everyone see that?"
"Ha! I did it! DANNY! Look!" I said lifting the duck.
He hugged me and kissed my cheek and neck while laughing.
It was just perfect. Everything was. I was so sure about my feelings, about his, what I wanted. I was so sure of Danny.
"Look at that, the kids will get so happy"
Walking away together with the puppies and the koala, I felt the happiest woman alive.
"What now? You choose, love"
I blushed. It was so hard to get used to the nicknames. So so hard.
"Okay. Um... I love the Ferris-wheel. I can see it from my bedroom. It's quite far but I can see it at night with the colors and everything. They say the sunset it's amazing from there. And..."
He looked up at the sky.
"Okay. Cute and cliche. Let's watch the sunset on the Ferris-wheel. Like two kids in..."
He looked at me panicking and I could only bit my lip.
In love, yes Daniel.
He licked his lower lip, probably deciding to leave the words for later. Then he cupped my cheeks and leaned, capturing my lips in the sweetest kiss someone had ever given to me. So soft, so gentle, so slow. The kind of kiss that makes you feel loved.
When we pulled away, I could only smile.
"I'm super ready for all of this." I said putting my hand over his heart. It was beating hard.
"I am."
"Good. Because I'm ready too"
I kissed him this time.
"Let's go" He whispered on my lips.
Hand in hand we went to the Ferris-wheel and took our seats. What I wasn't expecting was him to let a squeak out when the ride started moving and lifting us in the air.
"What?" I said looking at him.
He seemed more nervous than before.
"What is going on?"
"I don't like heights"
I gasped and instantly grabbed his hand.
"Why didn't you told me?"
"You were all happy talking about this and... I could not." He was blushing and picking his nails.
"Danny... Is it too bad? Are you too scared? I can yell them to stop"
He chuckled.
"No, love. It's not that bad. I just hope it's not windy up there" He said giving me a soft smile
"Oh Danny"
I cupped his cheek and kissed him.
"Okay, I'm feeling better. Can I ask for kisses if I get nervous?"
"Obviously" I said blushing but smiling.
"Fine. It's cute. To finish the date. The last ride before having dinner and head home"
It had been so amazing that I had just forgotten about time.
"Wow. I didn't know it was so late" I said checking my watch.
"Yeah. It has been funny. I've loved it"
He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder and cuddled the plushies harder on my chest.
"I'm loving every second of it, Daniel" I told him.
Molly had said that just as I needed love and reassures, he would need them to. She talked about how scared he was while the panic attack. I wanted him to feel loved and wanted to. I knew how was the other side. I wanted him to feel all this happiness I felt whenever he made something for me.
"I am too, honey. I am too."
I laid one of my hands on his abdomen. The sky looked so beautiful.
"Can I ask something?" He said.
"Yes" I looked at him.
"When you say you are ready, do you mean it in an I'm ready for continue to get to know you or an I'm ready to date you. Like for real. Date like officially. A couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend." He said slow and with a low voice.
I gasped.
"I'm in love you you" I said without thinking. "I'm so in love with you. Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
He panted and looked at me with big eyes. So big, expressive and surprised. I loved the way his face showed emotions. He couldn't hide anything.
"Yes. Yes. I want to. I'd love to. I want to be your girlfriend... Boyfriend. Fuck. I want you to be my girlfriend, Abigail." He said.
It made me laugh in awe.
"I'm in love with you too. So in love"
It brought tears to my eyes. It was the way he said those words and how much he felt them. His eyes were so bright and his face was flushed pink.
He cupped my face and kissed me. And oh fuck. It was so intense, so deep and passionate. I tried to grab into his clothes, clutching the toys on my chest so they won't fall. The seat moved and he pulled back, panting on my mouth and groaning.
"How much longer will this take?"
"I think we are going down."
He smiled and stole a kiss.
"You are my girlfriend, Abigail Hopper"
I laughed in pure happiness.
"I am. You are my girl-"
He covered my mouth.
"Don't start being a little cheeky shit now that we are together"
I laughed, getting it muffled by his mouth.
Daniel smiled and took his hand away.
"You make me happy"
"You make me happy too, Daniel"
"We are so sappy."
"Disgusting, actually"
"Honeymoon phase, baby" He said winking at me.
We didn't notice the Ferris-wheel had stopped moving until the guy in charge popped our bubble.
"Hey, there is people waiting"
"So rude." Daniel said.
We walked away, laughing and holding hands.
"Well, girlfriend"
I smiled.
"Sounds good"
"Sounds perfect" He corrected me.
"Okay, okay"
"What can we have for dinner?"
"Nutella crepes?"
"Oh baby, you are so special. This is why I said yes"
I laughed and kissed his cheek.
Luckily, there was a crepes place not far from Pacific Park.
"Charlotte and I always come here on special events. Birthdays, Christmas..."
"I see why" He said taking a big bite and getting Nutella on the corner of his mouth.
What if...
I cupped his chin and kissed the stain, licking softly and cleaning it. I pulled back and look into his eyes. He was shocked.
I humed.
"We can go back to the studio and have a beer or... Something" He said looking down to my lips and licking his. "Only if you want. No pressure"
His voice was different. It sounded deeper and oh boy. It was too hot.
"Finish that crepe" He said before stealing a hot and deep kiss from my lip.
We finished our dinner like two kids, giggling and trying to get the chocolate on the other's face. People were looking at us, but I couldn't care less. I was with Danny and that was everything that mattered.
Then, we went back to the cute vespa and when I wrapped my arms around him, he took them and pushed it to his chest. I smiled and leaned over his shoulder. My heart was beating so hard. I completely knew what would happen. I was so ready for it. I wanted it. I wanted Daniel.
When he stopped in front of the studio and grabbed my hand, I pulled it to my lips and kissed his knuckles. He guided me inside.
"Okay, you can leave your things here. I'm gonna get a couple of beers, okay?"
I nodded.
Daniel walked to me and grabbed my hips, giving me another of those deep kisses he gave. I hummed on his mouth and caressed his cheeks.
"Go upstairs, baby" He whispered on my mouth.
I walked out in the terrace and the warm humid air of Los Angeles hit me. The summer was almost here and it was more suffocating each day, but tonight the breeze made it more bearable.
I leaned on the railing and looked at the street. The place was beautiful, the terrace was perfect, the lights from the street under me made the shadows bigger and it felt so intimate. But my heart was beating fast. I wanted this so much. I was so eager for it. My cheeks were burning and I had goosebumps on my skin.
Then, some bulbs around the terrace lit and I smiled. It was cute. I could have never imagined Daniel was hiding this place here.
I heard his slow steps but didn't move, I just waited for him to do something. Soon his hands found their way around my waist.
Daniel's touch was soft but intense. He liked slow movement, he liked to feel me under his hands, sometimes gripping with those long fingers or neading my skin. He pushed me to a deep trance in the moment I fell him traveling around my lower body.
"Can I do something, Abi?" He whispered on my ear.
I nodded slowly. His hands made me turn around and pressed me back against the railing.
"I have been getting peaks of it... I have been wanting to properly see it since I did it... On the lagoon I was dying to touch you."
I swallowed and observed his eyes as he spoke. I knew what he was talking about. I let him doing whatever he wanted.
Slowly, he popped the buttons of my shirt one by one. He was keeping his eyes on his work. And suddenly, when he reached the button on my belly, he gasped.
"You really have to be the prettiest girl around, right? You can't leave a poor guy alone. You have to come and look like this, tell me you ar win love and pretend that everything is fine" Daniel talked slow, his eyes moving from my chest to my eyes and back to my chest. His whole aura had changed from the hyperactive kid in the amusement park to this man ready to do and give everything he had. "It wasn't enough with this beautiful face. You also have to wear the prettiest lingerie ever and look like an angel." He opened the last button and grabbed my waist with both hands. I gasped. Felling the skin on skin contact was too intense. "You had to come to my studio, ask for my tattoo and then walk around with it as if you had just run away from the fucking Louvre"
Well, that was probably one of the most intense things someone had ever told me. He had just called me a pice of art. Like that.
All my life, I had been used to be an ok, not bad. Now, he was looking at me as if I was the only one in te world. Jennifer always reminded me how you had to love yourself without the opinion of others. But it felt so good to be reminded sometimes. It felt so good to be the only one. I wasn't scared to show myself like this.
"I can really see everything, Abi..."
I smiled proudly because yes, I had dressed like this knowing how I wanted the night to end.
I lifted my hand to his, the rose one. Slowly, I dragged it from my waist to my breast without breaking the eyes contact. I saw how his breath stuttered and how his pupils dilated. He wanted me. He fucking wanted me.
Daniel brushed his thumb over my nipple and the simple touch made it harder and pook against the see through material.
"Do you believe me when I tell you you are really, really pretty? Like, the prettiest?"
"I do, Daniel" I said smiling.
"Fuck, I love how you say my name"
With his free hand, he finally cupped my face and kissed me. I moaned when his toungue slipped in my mouth, with no warning but gentle. My own hands flew to his face, cupping it and kissing him even deeper. He pinched my nipple and I moaned again, which made him smile.
Daniel looked into my eyes and massaged softly my breast, playing with my nipple. I whimpered and he bit his lip.
I smiled and kissed him again.
"Where do you want to go, Abi? Where's the limit?"
I looked into his eyes.
"I want everything, Daniel" I whispered.
He smiled big and bright and pinched my nipple again.
"I can give you that" The way he spoke was probably enough to make me come undone. His hands spun me and he pressed himself to me. I felt his whole body, warm and strong against my back.
I closed my eyes and got lost on the feeling of his lips in my cheek. He was sweet at gentle. He left small pecks on my skin before pushing my hair out of my neck. His kisses changed. It was hot and he was sucking on my skin. My head was turning and I felt dizzy. It was delirious.
Daniel nibbled the skin on my neck and hummed in delight.
It made me smile.
His fingers moved over my waist, my abdomeb and cupped my breasts. I gasped at the convination of his hands and lips. I had never felt so desperate to be with someone. I only wanted he to touch me and make love to me. I wanted to feel him everywhere, to touch him and feel touched by him. I reached back and ran my fingers over his hair, which made him sigh.
"You are perfect. I've wanted you since moment one" He whispered on my neck.
"Did you?" I asked with a shaky voice.
"The moment I saw you, I thought you were the prettiest woman alive."
I turned my face and kissed him. He pressed his body against mine and left me trapped against the railing, feeling him hard on my ass. I had this euphoric feeling. It was moving all over me, telling me to do all of this stuff that I would be to afraid to do with someone else. Here, on this hidden terrace in West Hollywood, with Los Angeles' traffic right under us and Daniel with me, I felt so free.
"Can I take this off?" He said playing with my belt.
I nodded slowly and looking into his brown eyes.
"Remember when we slept together in Colorado?"
"It was only a few days ago"
He pushed my trousers down only a bit and left them right under my ass. His hands moved around my hips, waist and upper tights, avoiding the place I needed him the most.
"Danny..." I whimpered.
"Tell me, sweetheart."
"I need you"
"What do you need?" He said kissing the corner of my mouth.
I took a deep breath as his fingers moved over my crotch, brushing my clit through my underwear.
"Your mouth" I whispered.
"Yes, please"
"Good girl" I would have never imagine that those words would make my legs shake.
He kissed my neck and knelt behind me, making me gasp and grab harder into the fence.
Then he easily took my sandals off and then carefully pulled my trousers down. I felt my skin crawl.
Daniel kissed my hip, keeping his hands on my thighs and then bit my ass cheek. It made me moan.
"Fuck baby, you sound... Fuck. I can't wait to have you under me. I bet you'd make the sweetest sounds when I fuck you."
I whimpered and clenched my fingers around the railing.
Daniel pushed me a bit so I was leaning forward, my hips closer to him now. I gasped. Wow. Even through my panties, the touch of his tongue made me shiver.
He hummed. I felt his finger pulling the panties aside and then, finally, his wet and warm mouth made contact with me. I gasped. It felt too good.
Daniel kept leaving wet kisses, using his tongue and literally devouring me. He was simply too good at this. His fingers were digging on my flesh, parting my ass cheeks and giving himself more access.
"O-oh fuck... Danny..."
I loved it like this. I really did. But I wanted to see him. I wanted to see how his pretty face would look between my legs. So I reached back and ran my fingers over his hair, gently pulling back and turning around. He was panting, looking at me with wild eyes and really really flustered.
"Baby..." He groaned.
"Like this, please... I wanna see you" I said barely in a whisper.
He smiled.
"I love you. All cute and shy after beging me to eat you out"
I blushed even harder than before.
"I love you" He whispered before diving in again.
He went deeper than before. It had been ages since I hade done anything with anyone, and the last times hadn't been so great. Now, Daniel was here, using his tongue as his life depended on it. His plump lips were around my clit as he stroked it with his tongue. I had lost my mind a while ago. I didn't care a fuck about anything. I just had my hand on the back of his neck as I rode his face. And he was humming in delight. He was loving it as much, caressing my legs and giving everything to me. His nose, beautiful nose, nudged on my clit with every movement, his eyes were closed and he was fully concentrated.
"Danny... Danny please..."
I couldn't say anything else, the orgasm washed over me as a wave and leaned back on the railing.
"Fuck... Daniel... Oh fuck..." He hadn't stopped. He only digged his fingers deeper on my ass and sucked harder. "Fuck"
Then it became too much.
"Enough, Danny enough" I pushed him away, breathless and smiling.
The smile then turned into giggling when I looked at him in the eyes. He smiled too and cleaned his mouth. And then the giggling turned into laughing. He broke into laughs too, groaning when he got up and his knees cracked. Then he hugged me and lifted me from the floor. I wrapped my legs around him and kissed his cheeks. I felt so happy. Happier than ever. He moved around and soon we fell to the bed and it squeaked under us.
"OH fuck..." He said put of breath and laughing on my neck.
I ran my fingers over his hair and made him look at me. We were both smiling like kids.
"This is the best I've never been with someone, Danny" I told him.
He kissed my lips and grinded his body down on me. I whimpered.
"Is it?"
I nodded.
He gently caressed my face and kissed me slowly.
"I'm glad to hear that because this is the best I've been with someone too"
I kissed him again. Little pecks all over his face, lips, nose, cheeks... I felt so comfortable with his body covering mine.
"Can I take your clothes off?"
I felt his smile.
"Of course, baby"
He pulled back and sat back on the sofa. I got up and he bit his lip while looking at me.
"You look so pretty, my love"
My love...
I leaned and kissed his lips before grabbing the edge of his shirt. I slowly lifted it under his intense gaze. My hands were shaking because eof the excitement. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I peeled it of him and lef it fall next to me. He breathed deaply and looked into my eyes.
His trousers were low on his hips, showing a happy trail that scraped from them. I bit my lip. He was hard and by what his tight jeans showed, not small. My mouth watered.
"Like what you see?"
Cocky bastard.
"A lot" I whispered.
"I'm all yours"
"All mine?"
"For as long as you want me" He said nodding.
I leaned and captured his lips on a passionate kiss. This felt better than anything.
I reached to his face, caressing his skin and traveling down his neck and chest. His skin felt so warm under my hands. I gave myself the pleasure to start moving my lips on his skin too. First his cheek, pressing kisses on the little freckles and then to his neck, nibbling the skin over his pulse point. He sighed and kissed my check.
I decided then that the taste of his skin would be my favorite flavor in the world. I spent a good time on his neck. I sat on his lap and his hands fell on my ass. I smiled and looked into his eyes. Fuck. He is so perfect. I gave him another kiss before kneeling on the floor, right between his legs.
"Baby..." He said reaching for my face. "You don't have to"
"You have just done it"
"It's not the same"
I asked smiling. He brushed my lip with his thumb and I bit it softly.
"Oh fuck. Okay, okay..."
I kissed the palm of his hand and fully opened his trousers. He lifted his hips and I pulled both, his trousers and boxers down.
"Wow, Abi. Desperate?"
And there he was, hard for me and laying against his abdomen. I breathed deeply and then took his shoes off. I pulled the clothes and left him fully naked in front of me.
"You are beautiful, Daniel"
"Am I?"
"So beautiful"
I ran my fingers up to his thigh, the tattooed one.
"You like it"
"I love it. I... I didn't know it reached this high" I said moving my palm over it. My fingers frushed his hip and he tensed.
"I need you to do something"
I bit my lip and leaned forward. I locked my lips and kissed his hard member.
I didn't want to think much about the nerves. This was Daniel and I would make him feel good. That's all that mattered. I really wanted to do this.
"Oh okay... You like to tease"
I giggled and left another kiss, lower this time. He groaned. Then another one even lower. There was a wild look on his eyes. Last, I licked a long stripe from his balls to the tip and took him on my mouth sucking slowly and moving my tongue in circles.
"Oh fucking shit, that sweet mouth, Abi"
I felt satisfied. It was working. I was making him feel good.
And as I sucked him off, slowly and giving myself the sweet pleasure to enjoy, Daniel started coming more and more undone. His chest got covered in a thin layer of sweat. His head was thrown back, his eyes were closed and his lips were open. And oh the sounds he made. He was vocal, he wasn't afraid of wither swearing or moaning, the groaning and gasping. It was too beautiful. A sight to be seen. But as his breath got faster and his voice louder, he made me pull back. I was panting and gasping for air. A thin stripe of saliva connected my mouth and his member and he smiled.
"I don't wanna cum just jet. I'm getting old and I don't want my girl to wait"
I giggled. He ran his finger over my lips, cleaning the saliva and observing my mouth.
"You are not that old. I bet you can't take at least two rounds"
He chuckled.
"I definitely cum. If you are gonna make my cum tonight I just want it to be while I fuck you"
I gasped. He took the opportunity and kissed me deep, so deep. His tongue moved over mine and his hands kept me in place. Then he pulled back and bit my lip.
"Sit up here. I will bring condoms"
And like that, he got up, running in a quite funny way on his full naked glory.
I sat on the bed and try to collect myself. This all was really happening and it still felt like a dream. The best dream I'd ever had.
Then he came back and stopped to look at me. He smiled and showed me a bunch of condoms.
"Will you relly be able to used them all? Or are you two old"
"You little shit. Maybe not today because I want this to be nice, slow and romantic, but maybe tomorrow or the next day... I'm really gonna show you what I am capable of"
"Hey, it was you who said it, not me" I said lifting my hands.
He walked closer and kelt next to me, letting the condoms fall on the bed as he kissed me deep.
"I fucking love you so much"
It made me giggle.
"I love you so fucking much too"
Between kisses, Daniel climbed on me, dragging his fingers down my stomach and pushing them through my underwear. I whimpered.
"Let's get you ready for me, okay?"
I nodded, grabbing into his arm.
He rubbed circles over my clit and I moaned. He kissed me over and over again and soon his fingers were moving hard and deep against my g-spot as his palm rubbed my clit.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I was panting and gasping for air, digging my nails on his skin as I felt everything around me dissappear. I was so lost in the pleasure I couldn't think about anything but him.
"That's it pretty girl. Cum for me."
And I did. I came for the second time and collapsed against him, who wrapped me on his arms and he kept fingerling me slower.
"Good girl" He whispered. "Now, can we get you out of this clothes?"
I nodded slowly.
Daniel was so careful when he got my underwear off, leaving me bare naked but smiling softly. His eyes were so warm yet so hungry. He was looking at me as if I was a gem, a precious gem.
"Oh baby"
He pushed me so I was laying. Then his thumb moved over my ivy and I gasped. I felt so sensitive, the nerves flourishing on my skin.
"Beautiful" He left kisses all over the tattoo, brushing his nose over the underside of my breast and finally trapping my nipple between his beautiful lips.
"OH fuck, Danny, baby..."
"Fuck me"
"You wish is my command."
And like that, he knelt on the bed sitting on his heels
"Come here baby"
I bit my lip and climbed on his lap. I hugged his neck and shoulders and looked down. He put the condom on and looked into my eyes.
I lifted my hips up a bit and he positioned himself on my entrance, then I sank down slowly.
We were looking into each other's eyes, our noses were touching and we were basically breathing the same air. Just like in that lagoon in Colorado. We couldn't get any closer.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you" He simply answered.
And just as he had said, it was slow, deep and romantic. We were moving at unison, we were hugging and grabbing into the other, probably leaving marks for the next day, we were caressing the other's skin, kissing lips and cheeks, brushing noses and whispering things. My hands we on his hair and his waist, helping myself with the movement as I rode him slowly. I could feel him so deep and thick in me. He was so perfect. He was made for me. His hands were on my back and ass and his lips wouldn't leave mine.
"OH fuck, you feel like heaven"
Then we both came and I couldn't move from his lap. I was just there, feeling him kiss my chest and dragging his lips over my sternum and sitting on his lap, caressing his hair and with him still fully hard in me. It made me smile. I kissed his temple and he looked up. His nose brushed mine.
"Why are you smiling like that?"
"I'm just... I'm very happy to be here with you. To be doing all of this. The date, Colorado, the tattoo, the coffee dates... I'm glad it's you"
He cupped my cheeks and kissed me.
"I'm so happy Molly dragged you to the shop that day".
I bit my lip and nodded.
"I'm happy too".
And at the end we had to move. I got up and my legs were shaking, which made him smugly grin.
"Shut up"
"I didn't say anything"
I rolled my eyes. He reached for my hand and played with my fingers.
"If I knew I would end up like this today..."
I reached tk him, standing between his legs and cupping his cheeks.
"I'm sorry it took my this long. I didn't want you to wait too much but..."
He pressed a kiss between my legs.
"It's fine. Really. I just bit my knees to the point of bleeding but..."
"OH no"
"I'm joking"
"You idiot"
I kissed his forehead.
We went to the bathroom and then he gave me a hoodie that felt to big and warm on me, but he had a cute smile and pink cheeks when he saw me with it so it was okay.
"We can sleep here on the sofa or go upstairs and sleep on the terrace"
"The terrace" I said pulling his hand.
Once he sat on that terrace bed, wearing also a hoodie and underwear just like me, I sat between his legs. He hugged me and I laid on his chest facing the sky. His face was right next to mine and I was drawing the ink lines on his thigh.
"Do you feel as if you were dreaming?" He asked.
"I do"
"Nice. I hope we wake up a here together tomorrow. If I wake up alone again I'm gonna throw up"
"You are so dramatic"
I was so mesmerized by the tattoo on his thigh. It was so perfect and beautiful.
"Why Ham&Avo? I understand the Ham, but the Avo?"
"A kid once called me Daniel Avocado. Lewis wouldn't stop laughing and talking about it. Then we were thinking about a name and it was kind of obvious"
I smiled.
"It's cute."
He chuckled.
"You are lovely"
I blushed and turned around, hiding on his hoodie and closing my eyes. He kissed my forehead.
"These days have been exhausting"
"I'm sorry it happened. I didn't want to. I just wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend after the weekend. It was perfect. I felt truly myself with you in there. And today. I had this feeling on my chest. It was telling me to do it. But I didn't want to push you too hard. I'm sorry it happened."
"It's not your fault, okay?"
He nodded and kissed my lips.
"I will meke it up to you"
"You already did. By not running away, I mean. Someone else would have freaked out"
"I did. But I couldn't leave you because I love you too much"
I closed my eyes and hugged him harder.
"I want you to come with Molly, Charlotte and me to the beach. We always do. As a family. I want you there"
He let a shaky breath out and whispered an I will. Then I fell asleep.
"Okay. I'll pick you up"
"Do you really want to go grocery shopping with me?"
He happily nodded.
"I want my favourite snacks for the beach day"
I smiled and leaned to kiss him, but I hit my forehead with his helmet.
He was laughing like a kid.
"You love me".
"They are not opposite things"
He rolled his eyes.
"I have to leave, Abi" He said pouting. He had appointments for today, had woken me up in a hurry and I almost had a heart attack, but then he had kissed me so softly and yeah, he was the cutest so it was forgiven.
"See you"
This time I was more careful when I pecked his lips.
"Bye bye"
I saw him leave on his green vespa, covering my eyes from the sun, and then I went upstairs.
I opened the door and...
"OH my fucking God!" Molly jumped at me.
"Is she back?"
"Yes! And she fucked!"
"Shit Molly"
"Look at my girl! Look at that smile!"
"You didn't sleep here, you come with the same clothes obviously and look at that mark on your neck!"
I blushed and touched the sensitive skin.
"Is he good?" Charlotte asked.
"Is he a head giving God or something? That nose and lips..."
"I hate you both" I said laughing and walking past them.
"Is he or not?" Charlotte insisted.
"He is" I admited blushing even more. But yeah, it was true. It was the best sex of my life.
They were celebrating as if they had won the lottery but suddenly stopped.
"Wait, did you asked him?" Molly said.
A smile broke down on my face because yes, Daniel was my boyfriend now.
"I did"
And by my happy laughing, they knew the answer. Both women jumped to me and hugged me. After all this time and pain, I was finally happy.
So much to say about this chapter. So special to me, really. I loved it so much and I hope you do too.
Next part: The Hoppers.
Taglist: @controsnes   @thybulleric   @ln15  @lcuppo  @priylodhasstuff  @shadowbowgirl13   @txtflxx @scotlynaurora @chxrryrose  @f1-incorrect-s @yearsof-war @earfquak3
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
A Decent Cup of Coffee
I want Jake to get mad at Marc and Steven. I want him to BLOW UP. Obviously, they all still love and protect each other but he’s sacrificed so much already and I want them to recognize that
“Jake, I’m not sure if we have enough money for that espresso machine. It’s so expensive and money’s been right since I lost my job,” Steven said. “Maybe pick a cheaper one?”
Jake's brow furrowed as he scrolled through Amazon on their old laptop. “But I want that one. The description says it’s gourmet.”
“It’s probably referring to the type of beans,” Marc said. “And those won’t be cheap either.”
Jake squoze his eyes shut and balled his hands into fists. Knuckles turning white, he took a deep breath in… and then… out. It had been two months since he revealed himself and the new dynamic was hard. It’s like he was still third wheeling in his own head. “I would like to buy this one. I don’t want a different one.”
“You can’t get that one, mate. Pick a different one. I know it looks amazing, I want it too, but we all have to make some sacrifices until we get a bit more money.”
“‘Sacrifices…?’ I have made… so many sacrifices.” Jake stood from the table, the audible strain of keeping his voice level as he spoke seeping through. “I just want a nice espresso machine. I just want something nice! Is that too much to ask for? You guys have… all this stuff…” He motioned around the flat, “and I don’t have anything! I have never asked for anything ever. Why can’t I have something? Because of ‘sacrifices?’ I know money is tight, but I think I deserve it. I know I deserve it. I have taken every hit-”
“‘Every hit?’ Ok, now you’re flat out lying,” Marc venomously spat out, Jake’s clumsily veiled anger infecting him. “You may have helped a few times, but you did not take every hit. You have no idea what I’ve been through. Just shut up and forget the espr-”
“No, you have no idea what I’ve been through, puta madre,” Jake suddenly hissed. He was trying to control his temper but if Marc was going to raise the energy like that… he might as well match it. This was his last straw after continuing to suffer through being an afterthought the last couple of months; this was the thing that opened the flood gates. “Every time you think you’ve been beaten into unconsciousness? That was me getting my brains bashed out. Every time your memory gets spotty after being shot, impaled, or exploded? I was there. Every time you’ve tried to fucking kill yourself and thought it worked only to wake up in the hospital? That was me dragging us back from the brink of death. Because I want to live, Marc!!
“I am forty-three years old and have only made my first friend two months ago! I’ve been a ghost for you guys! I’ve sacrificed my own life to let you live on in peace! And before you open your damn mouth again to say that’s what you tried to do for Steven, Spector, let me just say it's not! It's not even fucking close! Because you got to have a life before that. You had a job, a wife, little adventures with your friends. And I just watched. I've been alone my whole fucking life, since I was eight years old. Marc, you had Steven. And Steven, you were really the luckiest of all, you were happy! I was scared and alone and too afraid to touch the toys or comics strewn all over the room any normal child would've ran to!
"And now, decades later, the only things I own are my flat top and cab! So, you don't you tell me not to buy things -I'm looking at you now, Grant!- you have mountains of shit! Literally mountains! There is not a flat surface in this house that isn't covered in it! If your so worried about money, why don't you sell some of it instead of telling me to continue making sacrifices?? And sure, I love Gina's but after getting the same coffee every fucking day since your life became real, you just want to have a decent cup of coffee!!!!"
All the energy suddenly left him and he knees buckled leaving him slumped forward in the chair, face in his hands. "I just want some good coffee, is that too much?" he said in a half sob.
The apartment was quiet. The distant noises of the street were the only thing that broke the stiffening silence.
"Jake...?" Steven's voice was very soft. "Jake? We can get it. We'll get the espresso machine."
Jake sniffed and looked up, the area around his eyes wet after pressing the heels of his hands into them, trying to force the tears away. Steven's reflection on the widow mirrored his own, slumped in a chair, eyes wet. Marc had his back turned but Jake could tell by the way his shoulders were tensed and head turned down, he was crying too.
"We'll get it," Steven repeated, broken voice barely above a whisper. "We'll get the machine. And- and I'm sorry."
Steven was doing a bunch of little frantic nods and his lip wobbled but he pressed on. "I'm sorry we didn't notice you sooner; you were always here; we just didn't want to see it. And you're right. You've suffered and we owe you so much. We'll do better- for you."
Jake ducked his head down again and quickly wiped his eyes. "Thanks. I won't spend too much on coffee beans, I promise. You won't even notice I'm buying it."
"No," Marc said, turning, voice thick and eyes red. "I want to notice it. I want to notice your shaving equipment on the sink and the car keys in our pocket and the smell of cigarettes on our hands -yes, I know about that- and the coffee grounds in the garbage. I want to notice you. And I'm sorry about all those decades of blindness but I'm happy to say you're not a ghost anymore."
Jake held his gaze, another wave of big hot tears running down his cheeks. "Th-thanks. And... I'm sorry about exploding at you before, I just had a lot I needed to get off my chest."
Marc shrugged and sniffed. "No worries, man. It's in the past. Now put that espresso machine in the cart."
Jake scooted the chair towards the table and could feel Steven and Marc huddle close to the front, watching him. He clicked a few buttons.
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tasteofdeathao3 · 2 years
Hi friend! I hope 2023 is treating you well so far, since we’re now one month in already (aaa!) ☺️ I was wondering if you have any Baz headcanons or situations you’d like to share since we are both so fond of that skrunkly little guy
Also- I can’t help but read him as permaregressed but I’m not sure if that was the original author’s intention, what do you think?
thank you friend! i hope you're doing well as well, i can't believe we're already done with january! (and yes, baz is 100% our little skrunkly)
you'll have to forgive my formatting because I'm on mobile
• I've seen Baz sleeping both alone with Izzy in his cabin and in the captain's bed, but I'd also like to think that he has a trundle bed that he can pull out from beneath the captain's bed (sort of like a drawer bed?) where he can cuddle up close just him and bunny, but if he needs he can reach up and grab a hand to hold during the night <3
• I think food would be a challenge for him, not so much eating a healthy amount (though that probably would take some practice getting used to) but just having so many options to choose from and having so many different flavours and textures.
It can be a bit overwhelming, especially when he has to try something that looks weird or yucky or has to make the choice for himself over what he will eat, but it's good for him to practice telling other people what he wants and needs, even if it feels scary sometimes.
• I don't think Baz ever would have learned to swim. Hornigold's attack dog probably wouldn't have much purpose aside from protecting him on one ship and being carted to another to help in raids.
At some point the Revenge Stops over by a lagoon and Stede gives the crew some vacation time. Baz, of course, has never been on vacation. He's never ever had a break before the revenge, and no idea of the concept at all.
When the crew and captains find out that Baz hasn't ever swam before, they're appalled! and thus a beach day is decided, and Baz gets taught how to swim (or really, how to kick his legs and swing his arms enough to float), rotating between hanging onto Ed and Izzy's backs.
• Baz has a tattoo - only one, a spade beneath his eye that he'd begged of Izzy (credit to jaybirbbbb for that i believe) - but he's never given one. He firmly believe's that he is Izzy's, no matter how many times Izzy tries to say that they don't own each other, that Izzy is his too.
Baz doesn't like the look of the needles at all. It was fine when someone was doing it to him, but the idea of sticking someone with a needle over and over makes him a tiny bit queasy.
Instead, he and bunny draw lots and lots of little drawings and helps him find the perfect one for each willing crew mate. Soon everyone has an original tattoo from Baz and bunny.
• one day while onshore with Izzy, Baz spots a real bunny. It was bound to happen eventually, seeing as they frequent a lot of ports near farmland.
They're in the middle of a market when all of a sudden Baz spots it. A tiny white rabbit in a wide enclosed across the square.
Instantly he tugs on Izzy's sleeve, yanking so hard that the ties around his upper arm almost come undone. Izzy turns around once he's finished dealing with the store vendor, looking to Baz expectantly.
Baz is practically jumping up and down on his tippy toes, hands shaking hard enough that Izzy can barely tell what he's trying to sign. 'Bunny.' He signs, his fore and second fingers bent in half at either side of his head. 'Bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny.'
"What's wrong with Bunny?" Izzy asks, point at the little toy squashed in Baz's elbow. "Has your bunny got a tear?"
Baz shakes his head as fast as he can. "Bunny. Look. Bunny. Look. Izzy. Bunny." He points across the square with a shaking hand the very second he's finished signing.
"Yes, that's a bunny." Izzy says.
Baz holds bunny up close to Izzy's face and pints back at the little cages rabbit across the way. "Same."
Izzy nods. "Yes, they're both white."
"I don't think they're related, lot's of rabbits look the same." Izzy says, taking Baz's hand. "We have to go, Baz, it's time for dinner."
Baz usually likes doing what Izzy tells him - it's makes him feel good, safe, because he knows he's doing the right thing - but he tugs his hand out of Izzy's grasp. "Bunny." He signs again. "Take."
"We can't take the rabbit." Izzy sighs. "Where would we keep him?"
"The ship isn't safe for a rabbit, he could get hurt very easily."
Baz whines. He knows he shouldn't, he knows he should be doing what Izzy says and following him back to the boat, but he needs to get that bunny. It's in a big scary cage, and it's all scared and too big for the tiny cage and it doesn't want to be there! He knows it.
"Save." He frowns at Izzy, hugging bunny tight to his chest. "Cage."
Izzy sighs. Baz knows that Izzy spent some time with his old master in this world, even if he got away he knows a bit of what it was like for Baz. Baz watched as Izzy's resolve cracks.
"Fine." He snaps, and even though Izzy snapping usually makes Baz feel so scared and worried, he can't help but smile; Izzy is going to save the bunny from it's scary little cage.
Izzy makes him hide around the corner just in case a brawl starts, but Baz sticks his and bunny's heads around the corner anyway. He wants to watch the bunny rabbit get free.
Izzy talks to the vendor, a big scary man with an ever bigger and even scarier sword in his hand, and when that doesn't go the way he wants he ends up taking matters into his own hands. (If he were alone, he would've just kicked the cage over and ran as fast as he could, hoping that the rabbit managed to wriggle out. But he knows Baz is watching him, and more importantly, watching the rabbit, so he doesn't do that.)
Baz watches as Izzy scoops up the cage with the little white rabbit inside and begins to walk off. He holds Bunny as tight to his chest as he can get him.
The man tries to stop Izzy, but he's already undone the latch on the cage and sent the bunny rabbit running off down between the tall thin buildings, and before he even knows it the man his behind Izzy with his sword raised and Izzy is cutting big red lines in the air and Baz has to squeeze his eyes shut tightly so that the sight of it doesn't take him back to somewhere he doesn't want to be.
Soon enough Izzy comes to get him, pale red streaks where he hasn't quite managed to wipe off all the blood on his face. "The rabbit is gone." He says. "It's safe now."
Baz squeals, hopping up and down. "Thank you." He signs. "Thank you. Happy."
"I'm glad." Izzy says, giving Baz one of his rare smiles. "Let's go home, okay?"
(Eventually Baz does get to meet a really bunny. that one will also be white, just like Bunny, and he will he to give him a few soft pets and introduce it to his Bunny teddy before it hops away. Stede says it probably has to go home to it's family, just like Baz will always come back to the revenge.)
• and my love to answer your question! honestly yeah, i kinda read him that way too. Age regression is a legitimate coping strategy as well as a trauma response so it's believable that he would find a lot of comfort in a more relaxed childlike state, and seeing the age that Baz would've been when he met Hornigold, he probably wouldn't have had much time as a proper grown up. I'm not entirely sure if that's what the original author intended, but I've seen a few fics here and there that sort of focus more on the childlike aspect of Baz's behaviour.
I think it would be easier for him to learn all these new things, like making choices and feeling happy and sad and getting comfort and having his needs met like that, where he has a comfort item and so much love going around.
I also think it would just be more enjoyable. There's no need for Baz to be grown up. He spent so much of his life dealing with such raw and intense treatment that would've brought more stress and anxiety than typical adulthood, I don't think he has any use for it. I think he deserves to relive whatever of his past is comforting and to receive that comfort as often as possible.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Unwanted Mate - Chapter 1 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Calvin Frey
Calvin Frey never liked the idea of Mates... now more so than ever. He's in for a surprise or two.
Putting away my cell-phone, I groaned in frustration and clenched my jaw.
I've been working overtime with the crew trying to get these houses built earlier than originally planned.
The pack was steadily growing under my best friends command, which made my job all the harder.
With a bigger pack, we needed more space and homes to accommodate everyone.
I'd just gotten in when my boss called to tell me they needed me in tomorrow too.
He's had me working all seven days of the week from dawn to dusk.
It wouldn't have been a problem for me a couple years ago but I had someone waiting at home for me now.
Unlocking the front door, I stepped in and immediately got to untying and kicking off my dirty work boots.
"Papa," Benjamin, my little ball of energy came running at me as soon as he noticed my presence in the house.
I scooped my pup up and ruffled his black hair.
"How's my pup?" I asked, carrying him into the kitchen.
"He's a mess, is what he is."
I looked up at my younger brother who sat at the table with his hands covered in kids paint.
Benjamin giggled, playing with my beard as he usually does.
That's when I noticed that his hands were equally covered in blue and green paint.
My beard was probably smeared with it too.
"Have you been finger painting again?" I asked.
My two year old pup nodded his head excitedly.
"I show, papa," Benjamin giggled.
He clapped his colorful hands making me smile.
Walking over to the table, I sat down with my pup in my lap and let him show me all of his artwork.
"Wow, my pup is an artist."
"Artist," he giggled, his little teeth on display.
"There's a pot of spaghetti on the stove, make sure to put it up before you go to bed," Torin spoke, turning from the sink with clean hands.
"Benji wanted to wait for you to eat."
My pup was stolen from off my lap as my little brother covered his face in kisses making him laugh hysterically.
"Uncle Torty," he squealed, still having trouble pronouncing his name.
"You be good for your papa," Torin said, getting a big nod from my pup.
"Who's your favorite uncle?"
"Uncle Torty."
Torin giggled before reluctantly giving me my pup back.
I stood up to follow him out before remembering the phone call from my boss.
"Hey, uh, could you maybe watch Benjamin again tomorrow?" I asked awkwardly.
I hated asking for help but there wasn't really much choice.
Scratching at the back of my neck, I stood in the open doorway as Torin fixed his scarf on the porch.
"Of course," he quickly answered, as if the opportunity would pass him by.
I'm pretty sure he'd pup-nap Benjamin if he could get away with it.
"But you'll have to pick him up from the Pack House and stay for dinner."
Torin leaned over to kiss Benjamin's cheek one last time before running off to his car before I could complain.
I would have changed plans and had Mom watch my pup but I knew she'd try to string me into dinner too.
Her and Torin were too much alike.
After making sure my little brother got into the car okay, I shut the front door and locked it.
As Torin had said, there was a large pot of spaghetti on the stove still hot.
After helping Benjamin clean up the table and then cleaning him up after he'd gotten distracted by the paint, I made us our plates.
I knew he was going to need a bath after this and I was right.
Most of the spaghetti ended up on the front of his shirt and face instead of in his tummy.
When he couldn't get the noodles on his fork and didn't like the slimy texture on his hands, he resorted to just putting his face into the food.
I left cleaning up for later and instead took my pup to the bathroom upstairs and got him in the bathtub.
It wasn't a long bath because he was getting tired and grouchy.
He didn't even want to splash around with his toys.
Carrying him to his room, I got his dried off and moisturized before pulling on a pull-up.
"Papa," he yawned sleepily, trying to climb up into my lap where I sat in the rocking chair.
Torin had insisted that every pups room needed one while they were still little.
He'd basically decorated the whole room.
The walls were kept white but there were framed pictures of cartoon wolf pups and a gray fuzzy rug Benjamin use to crawl around on.
The only thing that had changed was the crib that was swapped in place for the small toddler bed that now had Hulk sheets.
Torin had brainwashed my pup into liking the superhero.
I held my pup in my arms as he cuddled close.
My dirty shirt had already been taken off after it got soaked giving him a bath, so I didn't worry about getting him dirty after just getting him clean.
Absentmindedly rocking the chair and rubbing his back soothingly had both of us drifting off.
Sometime during the night I woke up and tucked Benjamin into his bed, making sure to turn on the nightlight on the nightstand or else he'd wake up crying.
Thankfully I remembered to go downstairs and put away the leftover spaghetti.
I don't know how but Torin would have found out somehow and lectured me about wasting food.
There was no need for an alarm clock, Benjamin the energy bunny, works just fine.
He wakes up at the same time every morning and runs straight to my room to jump on me.
I made us oatmeal for breakfast because it was the only thing I knew how to make without burning it.
Mom's skills in the kitchen weren't genetic, sadly.
But with enough cinnamon and sugar, even Benjamin liked it.
He ate sloppily like always, oats all over his road little face.
He looks just like I did in the pup pictures mom dug up to show me.
The only differences were his dark hair, naturally tanned skin and hazel eyes that looked like a darker green than my own with flecks of brown mixed in.
Those were the features he got from Carmen.
I hated thinking about her.
Not because of me but because of Benjamin.
I still couldn't understand how she could do it.
How she could leave behind her own pup without looking back.
All for a male she claimed was her Mate.
"Papa, that's mine," Benjamin whined, trying to climb up my leg for the Hulk sippy-cup Torin got him.
It was one of the only few he'd drink out of.
After filling it with apple juice, I handed it to him and he was instantly happy again.
"Come on, we have to get you to Uncle Torin," I groaned while picking him up, pretending he was getting too heavy.
Benjamin giggled.
"I, big pup."
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snoopdoodle · 3 years
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hot damn- most I've written on this account yet at 2.1k words- Jesus christ thats a lot-
Dad, but not // pt. 3
platonic!benchtrio x male!reader, platonic!philza (&mumza) x male!reader, platonic!wilbur x male!reader
pronouns: he/him
summary: randad about to leave, what with phil and mumza do? Stop him, of course.
You laughed softly as Tommy yelled into the camera. “What is up, boys!?” He yelled, his voice a bit hoarse from crying. “You've been crying, man?” Tubbo asked, sniffing a bit. “Oh, shut up! You’ve been cryin’ too!” Tommy yelled at the 2. Ranboo had not let go of your hand for a while, and you could tell he was trying not to cry. “Ok, Ok, this is fine-” He spoke, chuckling a bit as he had to take his glasses off to wipe his eyes. “Ok, so, we’ll just go do something fun together, all of us, then you go home,” Ranboo spoke, his tone saddening at the end. The mood sort of depressed after he said this.
He didn’t want you to go, none of you did. Tommy scoffed into the camera, trying to hide his tears. “Alright, you sad-sacks. Let’s get moving. Randad leaves at 6 and it’s 11 o’clock right now! Meaning we still have… 1, 2, 3-” [Name], or ‘Randad’ as he was called by the fanbase, interrupted him. “Eight hours, Tommy. Although, it’s probably less than that since we’ll have to drive. But, let’s not dwell on it. Let’s just have some fun,” You spoke, Tubbo nodded in confirmation as Ranboo squeezed your hand. “Jeez, that was inspirational,” Tommy muttered with sarcasm dripping through his voice. 
You cackled, finding what he said funny. Your [___] accent was shining through in that laugh. Ranboo patted your back, well tried to, as he was also giggling like a maniac. You smiled at the gesture, chuckling to yourself. “I’m here!” a voice yelled, and you all turned to find Wilbur, in all of his 6’6 glory, running toward you all. You smiled and nodded to the man as he slowed his pace. The morning sun shone down, giving his eyes a shine and making them pop. You pat Ranboo on the shoulder, signaling for him to let you go. He sighed sadly but complied. You just pat his back as a small thanks.
You all got on the ride, it was a type of roller-coaster, so Ranboo could barely fit in the seats. You think that the little kids who saw you all and didn’t know who you all thought you were giants. You smiled at the thought. Sure, you were a father, but come on- it was fun to scare kids who didn’t know you! You looked at your hand when you felt someone holding it, it was Ranboo. You grinned at him as the ride went up. Tubbo looked at your hands and stared at them, before deciding to link his pinky with one of your fingers.
Before the ride went down, Tubbo had to make his thoughts known to you both and the camera. “Ya’know, if people didn’t see you both up there and just saw all of us holding hands, they might think we’re a polygon couple, like Big Q, Karl, and SapnNAAPP-'' He was almost able to finish, but the ride started up and left his ideas in the dust. It also cut your laughing fit. The ride shot off down the coaster, and you could hear Tommy’s screams from behind you. You smiled, knowing this day would be great, even though it was your last. The rollercoaster came to a stop as the metal belts came undone. Ranboo’s hair was frizzy and uneven, along with your [color] hair.
You started laughing as you remembered Tubbo’s previous statement. Ranboo and Tubbo began laughing as well. “T-Tub-bo-oh-oh- that was so wrong- hehHAH-” Your son spoke between laughter, and you nodded along to his words. Wilbur looked to you confused as Tommy looked confused and terrified. Your laughter died down, but you knew you would have the giggles for the rest of the day. “Heh heh heh-” You chuckled as you walked through the hall from the ride. Tommy looked at you and gave a lopsided smile. “So, what was the joke-” He wasn’t able to finish as you burst into a peal of wheezing laughter. Your laughter filled the room, and soon enough the others were laughing as well.
You then went past a gift shop, where Tommy promptly stopped and then turned to Wilbur. “Please, Will. I want a gift,” He spoke, one hand pointing the camera in his face and one pointing to the shop’s doors. Wil shook his head with a small laugh, acting as if he would say yes, but what came out caused you to laugh again. “No, Tommy,” You cackled again as Tommy held a pleading look to his face. “Oh, Oh but that’s bullshit, Will! I want a gift!” He slightly yelled at Wilbur. You sighed and slipped away from the group. Hopefully, they wouldn’t notice. Looking on the colorful shelf of the gift shop, you stopped seeing the toys. You saw three stuffed animals and you knew, that’s what you’d get them.
“Dad?” Ranboo asked, stopping the small argument between Wilbur and Tommy. They looked up and craned their heads around for you as Tubbo giggled. He saw you slip into the gift shop but didn’t say anything. You stepped out, the jingle of the bell alerting the four. You smiled as your saw the relief and confusion contort onto their faces. “Look, today is my last day, and I wanted to get a little something for all of you to remember me bye,” You spoke, a small gin coming onto your face. You pulled out a small bee plushie and handed it to Tubbo, who happily took the gift with a grin spreading across his face. You then pulled out a small raccoon toy, which you gave to Tommy. He huffed in annoyance at the gift, but a small smile graced his face at the toy. And last, you gifted Ranboo a small cat plushie. You had always compared him to a cat, so he got the inside joke and gave a little smile under his duel-colored mask.
Wilbur gasped at you in mock shock and frowned. “What about me, Randad?!” He yelled out, causing a tiny scene. It made you chuckle as you pulled out a slinky. “A slinky for you, Wilbur,” You spoke, acting as if he was royalty. He gave a large smile and held his hands out, waiting for the gift to grace his skin. The boy laughed at your antics and started to walk along. You all continued your day, watching as the sun went over your heads. It was around 3:40, and you had to start getting ready to leave. “C’mon boys, let’s go. It’s 3:37,” You spoke, making their smiles and happy faces turn sour. Wilbur gave a small pout, but complied with your request. Tubbo and Tommy huffed out and frowned as Ranboo just made a sad noise.
You all got into your car, heading off to the Airport. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo sat in the back of your car as you and Ranboo sat in the front seats. The car was silent with a hint of sadness all around you. A wave of tears passed over you as you turned the corner. You weren’t an ugly crier, but you sure weren’t a pretty one. Your tears came crashing down onto your face as you stopped the car. You tried to be strong, you really did, but this hurt. You were leaving your son! In Britain! It hurt so bad. Ranboo gave a sniff and pat your shoulder. You smiled as you tried to get out of the car. The airport was less crowded then it should be, but you were still going to have to walk through a crowd.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You looked to Wilbur who gave an ok before he went to get your stuff. It was Kristin. You smiled, wiping your tears a bit and answered your call. “Hey, Kris,” You spoke, adding in the little nickname you had thought of. Your voice was shaky and she could tell you had been crying. So could Phil, who was also in the car. “Hey, [Name], how are you? We’re almost to the airport to say bye!” Kristin spoke, her American accent shining as she yelled into the phone. You smiled at the joy in her tone. “I-I not holding up as well as I wanted to, but hey, I’m happy you're coming here. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and I were just out having a fun day together.. And now that fun day has ended, heh,” You spoke, your voice still shaky as more tears overwhelmed you.
She gave a sad ‘awe’ and you could hear the pout in her voice, “Well, I know how that feels. Wait for up at your port spot, and we’ll all meet up, alright?” You nodded into the phone, and a sniff could be heard on Kristin and Phil’s side. “You got it,” She smiled at Phil and looked at him. “H-Hang on- I need to mute for a second,” She spoke, you sighed and gave your phone to Ranboo who was sitting down, not helping at all. He was still trying to take in the fact that his dad would be leaving him. Kristin turned to Phil after muting. “We have a spare room, right? It has a bed. He’s been over here. He’s a good guy, and you hear how sad he is to leave-” Kristin’s rant was cut off by a chuckle from Phil.
“Sure, hunny, he can stay,” Phil smiled and Kristin gave a joyous nod to her husband as she unmuted the phone. “Hello?” She asked, but she was met with some mumbling. “Ranboo?” It was Phil this time. “Phil? O-oh, hey. Yeah, dad’s doing some stuff right now, you need him?” Ranboo asked, trying to cover his tears. “No, don’t worry, Just wanted to say that we were almost here. Tell your dad, alright mate?” Phil informed. Ranboo gave a small alright and hung up. He stood up and stretched out, walking over to you to tell you that Phil and ‘Mumza’ were almost here.  You gave your son a small smile and all of you walked to your gate. It was a hassle, walking through the crowds, but when you got to your gate, Tommy pulled out his camera and started vlogging. 
“Randad’s about to leave. Unpog,” He spoke into the camera, tears filling his eyes, along with everyone else’s. You chuckled at the comment, before looking around. It had been about 10 minutes and Phil and Kristin still weren’t- “[Name]!” Scratch that, they were here. You got up and walked to Kristin, leaning down to give her a hug. “Hey, Kris, hey Phil,” You spoke sniffling a bit. Tommy turned the camera to Phil and Kristin and gave the camera a teary look. “Look, It’s Dad and Mumza,” Kristin looked at you as you turned to Tommy. She looked to Phil, who nodded in response. “c-Can I have your all’s attention?” She tried, and it worked. She got everyone’s attention. She cleared her throat and looked at you. “[Name], I know how sad you’ve been to leave. And personally, I don’t think anyone wants you to leave. So.. I brought up that you could stay with me and Phil,” Before she could finish, your hands were at your mouth and your body had gone downwards. Tubbo was teary-eyed and smiling, along with Wilbur. Tommy was filming the whole thing and smiling at you all. Ranboo’s hands cupped his mouth.
You were still on the floor, squatting down, when she continued. “Yeah, we have a guest room, you can visit the boys anytime you want… for the most part. So, what do you say?” She finished with the question. Without gestation you got up and nodded, leaning into a hug. The boys cheered and smiled with tears rolling down their cheeks. You looked over to Phil and he gave you a positive nod. You smiled and left the hug with Kristin to hug Ranboo. He returned it. In the end, everyone was crying, you had gotten to live with 2 very good friends. And the viewers were very happy, as you weren’t leaving.
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trashland-llamas · 2 years
Welcome to Jackass
I know they'll never do this but consider this me manifesting the Sidemen doing a collab or something related to Jackass. Think Steve-O being in The Sidemen Show (EP1) & the Silent Library videos is the closest we'll get. 
Warnings; mentions of vomiting
It was Freezy's turn to do the introduction for the next bit. One he and Lux had been preparing for a while. 'Look we're not just growing old, we're growing up. Join me in the fight against unwanted pregnancy by buying the signature Sidemen condom at Sidemen Clothing.' Ignoring the other's complaints, holding up a small square—the condom. 'They're virtually unbreakable. Watch.'
Ethan deciding to deal out a joke, 'Time for a signature JJ condom break.' No lull of awkward silence as Cal walked to his RV parked behind him. 
It cuts to Freezy explaining the bit in a confessional style manner. 'As soon as I saw it, I thought, 'Oh man, fill up a condom with the sewage tank on my RV and then that'll be epic.' So, for weeks on end, I just belligerently refused to empty the sewage tank on my RV.
Freezy uncapping the sewage tank while Josh, Harry and Tobi plugged their noses. Leaning from behind the RV's side to watch the events unfold. The rest of the Sidemen and co. in a sort of semicircle. Harry, not knowing about the Cals' bit asked 'Did that sewage come from you and all your bros?'
'I've been saving up for weeks, mate. It's mostly Behz to thank though.' As he responds, a brownish—amber colored liquid fills the condom. Holding the condom to the cap. The smell cause JJ to dry heave as the liquid spills over, leaking from the side a little. 'These are quality condoms.'
'Yuck' is all everyone hears from Ethan. The condom now the size of a small balloon, Freezy holding the bottom with his other hand. 'That's not apple juice.' Tobi couldn't help but compare. Vikk, the closest to the action now retches.
Back to the confessional style camera, this time with Josh. The interviewer asking him what he thought Freezy was attempting to accomplish. 'Uh, advertise his condoms,' laughing for a second before continuing. 'which he stopped selling after that bit. They were popping' like paper bags.' Dissolving once more into chuckles.
The condom pops again, liquid splashing across Freezy's hand. JJ fully throwing up this time. Despite this, Freezy tries again. 'You might've wanted to test this idea before you brought it to...to the set.' Vikk's words causing everyone to laugh. This condom slips through Freezy's fingers, accidentally dropping it as if made of sand. 
'Put your finger in it. Put your finger in it.' Ethan prompts but Freezy doesn't abide. 'Don't get greedy,' Josh this time as the condom was again balloon shaped due to the amount of liquid. 'That's your bowels.' Harry can't help but comment. The condom pops before Freezy is able to pick it up, spilling into the grass below. The group shouts at this. 
'Hey guys, that's a shitty condom.' 
JJ now has his hoodie covering his nose as Tobi goes to help Cal. Both grasping a fully filled condom. 'I got it. I got it.' Cal says more to himself than Tobi. The condom pops as they begin to lift, Tobi immediately jumping back up. Proceeding to run off camera. 
Now in a confessional. 'Yeah, we were trying to fill it up and get the most we could in it.' Tobi shakes his head. 'And lucky me was right there when it was about to burst. and it did. And just got loads of flecks on my face, on my clothes.'
Now back in the camera's view, 'It's in my mouth.'
Freezy and Harry sit next to each other. Harry turning to Cal, 'We never quite got it, right?' 
'We never got.' Cal confirms, 'Either the condom would bounce off my head or it would break on my head. We had to have tried it like 15 times.' mimicking the action. 'So you have a signature condom, though'
'I was toying with the idea of coming out with the Sidemen condoms. And in hindsight, that's the worst idea I've had.' 
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