#but it is funny how close it is to being a perfect matchup
moonsidesong · 1 year
you know if i wanted to i could make matching puyo art for all the main incident solvers to go with youmu... red for reimu... yellow for marisa... blue for sakuya... purple for Purple Sanae....
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vuntysharck · 30 days
matchup exchange
with @akirqx <3
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you may have seen this coming, you may not’ve but i think you and bokuto koutarou would be a perfect match!
- what i mostly see bokuto being like in other writers fics etc. is that he’s very all over his s/o and is extremely involved in his relationship, which i don’t think is necessarily true
in haikyuu it’s canon that bokuto is an enthusiastic guy but we can’t forget he’s also obsessed with his own title and being involved with volleyball
overall i think that bokuto is a fun, outgoing guy and in a relationship i feel like he would be as involved as he could, but the type of person bokuto looks for is someone he’s so close with that neither of them have to worry and stress about how much either of them care for eachother, becuase it will always be the maximum amount that they can show, which is where the trust and loyalty comes into play
- bokuto is a tall AND beefy guy which means, as much as some people make out he’s cute, he can also be unintentionally SEXY, which is when i think it would be hard to escape his teasing as just him looking at you certain ways is enough
- i feel like bokuto can be a very anxious guy, he has a very high ego but it can be deflated very easily, so when it comes to new activities i feel like he himself would be sceptical about them as he doesn’t want to screw it up, but when it comes to motivating you, he’s enthusiastic and he believes in helping you find things that you’ll end up having the same amount of passion for as he does with volleyball
- meeting new people is pretty hard for you, which is why i think you would probably meet bokuto either when you were younger or sitting next to eachother in a class
he’s extroverted anyway, but i think he would start to notice how adorable you were and have the biggest urge to talk to you, and that he would do
you said you’re not too strong on math, and god knows if bokuto is or not, but i feel like if you were seated together in a math class you would either bond over how neither of you understood the subject, or he would help you (AAA acts of service 🛐)
bokuto would definitely start to match your vibe, he’s definitely a funny guy and you two would start cracking jokes too eachother and probably start getting told to be quiet in class
- i hate to say this but i feel like bokuto would 100% confess over text 😣 he would probably be way too scared of rejection in person
his friends would be hyping him up daily for about a month to try and get him to talk to you about his feelings but he ends up texting you at like 1am on a random school night and they’re all lowkey disappointed
- he loves your art, he ALWAYS asks you to sketch him, and when you do he literally falls head over heels all over again
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this is not proofread i hope it’s okay 😢
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iheartchv · 7 months
Can I ask a matchup?
im half Brazilian and half Portuguese, I’ve lived 10 years in Switzerland and I know how to speak Portuguese, English and French (almost fluent in all of them)
Im 5’5 (1.65) and 50kg, I’m anemic and I use blue contact glasses, I’m pale and have scars on my arms.
I like reading romance and fantasy and love listening to music. I don’t drink nor do I go out unless it’s for work. I’m studying to be a cop 👍. I’m extremely reserved and I don’t talk a lot but if I get comfortable with the person I’m an open book and a nonstop radio.
I love wearing dresses and bows and I dress very feminine 🤷‍♀️. I love horror movies and long series like twd or greys anatomy. At this point I don’t know what to add so hopefully that’s good enough? 😭 thanks anyways :)
🤔 I match you with...
Simon "Ghost" Riley 💀
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I think you and Ghost will get along😊
Your reserved nature was well spotted by him
He didn't talk much to you either
But that was because he was studying you, figuring you out
He wanted to find a more easy way to try to get to know you, figure out what you liked or could talk about
Maybe find out if there's anything similar between you two besides personalities?
Soap would tease him "No, yer checking her out, Lt." with a big grin
He actually wasn't, but why did his chest feel funny when he said that, and when you looked his way?
Eventually you both became friends, and you opened up to him
It was going to take a litttle more time with Ghost
However when you two finally decide to be in a relationship, Ghost had changed... at least around you
He doesn't mind sitting with you and watch whatever is on the television
I think he'd be more occupied and distracted with you being so close to him
Your scent, your warmth, the soft touch of your hand...
It all sends his heart racing
Ghost loves to read, as well
Compliment it with a good cup of tea and a comfy spot
And ofc you
That's an perfect idea to spend an evening
He'd ask what you're reading
When its a romance, you felt shy about it, blushing and saying that it wouldn't be anything he'd be interested in
I can definitely see him sneak a peek at the book you would be reading
You bookmarked your page to go do something real quick
He'd be careful not lose your spot and quickly look through the pages
When he comes to one of those love scenes he'd smirk
Ghost loves it when you dress up
So feminine, so pretty
Your perfume would flood his nose and his senses
"Well, well, aren't you just a gorgeous little flower?"
He won't be able to keep his hands off of you
You wouldn't mind, would you? 😈😉
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okay hi stella!! this is for the matchup reqs
so for gender boy pls <3
probably blue lock for the fandom (pjsk will probably get a lot of attention and i'm highly obsessed with bllk rn if you couldn't tell lmao)
for my personality i can be rlly shy and awkward when you first meet me, but once you get close to me i'll start acting how i usually do, being friendly and silly (insane and bouncing off the walls) i am definitely an introvert but i can be extroverted to people i'm close with. i'm super insecure sometimes and i get stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed easily
good personality traits are: kind, caring, selfless, good listener, funny
bad personality traits are: too selfless (i stop caring about what i want and only listen to what other people want), annoying (sometimes), when i'm tired i get very lazy
my love language is 100% physical touch, and i like to receive words of affirmation and physical touch
i'm very sensitive to being excluded, disappointing or letting people down, and i feel guilty when people worry about me
hobbies are drawing, reading, playing violin, playing games and watching tv (anime)
some talents i have are writing, playing my violin, and i'm a pretty fast runner! ^^
i'm a-okay with any age range as long as they're a minor! (bc i'm a minor)
so i'm assuming the only characters from bllk i can be matched up with are the ones you could write for from your previous blog (which off the top of my head was isagi, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, and rin???) so out of those 6 i wouldn't want to be matched up with isagi or nagi
what i don't want in a partner would be them telling me off or getting mad at me over small things, or just being an ass in general
what i would want in a partner would be them being really kind and willing to help me with whatever i need, and also someone that loves me for me ^^; and will help me feel better about myself
OKAYYYY that's all ty Stella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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` . < Bluelock Matchup No.1~! > . '
A/N: HIIII WA ER BO LE.girl. in case you didnt know, someone who is introverted around strangers/acquiantances but extroverted around friends is called an ambivert LOL. Like me :p also im sensitive to being excluded too you have no idea. We kin each other. I kin all my moots. Anyway hop you like this ! !!!!! Thank you for requesting :3
For the grand reveal, I match you up with....
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` . < Bachira Meguru~! > . '
A/N: he is literally PERFECT for you.physical affectin? ✔ words of affirmation? ✔ loves yuforo you? ✔ Helps you wuth every single thing to exist? ✔ like wow. Anyway hope you like this
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Loves how energetic you are
You guys can bounce off the walls together
You guys are actually probably high on sugar
He loves that youre selfless but he definitely stops you if you go too far
Imagine someones trying to take advantage of your kindess and hes just. Staring. at them. With that huge smile. And those scribble eyes.
Yeah he'll just scare them off
His giving love language probably physical touch so like. No worries. Hes a cuddlebug. He'd also definitely be very affirming with words. He compliments your everything.
You guys probably have races all the time just because you say youre fast. He probably introduces you to chigiri
Also he will always include if youre in a group.
Though lets be honest, you dont need anyone but him anyway
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axelcreations · 3 months
Finished Pokémon Odyssey v3.0 just earlier! Spoilers for whole game below for my review:
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This game is honestly a very interesting and fun experience! As someone who hasn't played an Etrian Odyssey game (which this game is quite based on), I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who's into notably-sized dungeon crawlers and Pokémon.
Some points:
Olympia is easily my favorite character. Despite being a robot, she has a great level of humanity and is also fucking hilarious at times. She's the MVP.
Cassian (I think that's the Fourth Captain's name?) being a Redditor is fucking hilarious.
The Etrian forms are a blast to utilize in battle. The designs are very cool, and I used a bunch! Aerodactyl was a cool mon to use alongside Sandslash for SlideQuake abuse, at least until I switched them out for Bug/Dragon Flygon and ol' reliable Tyranitar after unlocking a better grinding method through a Fourth Stratum quest. Etrian Ralts was not a mon I used, but both final evos seem really sick to use with great sprites, and it is also available very early due to being available through the Sea exploration quest rather than in any particular Stratum. Etrian Ampharos was also a very nice mon to use in battle. Finally, Etrian Dusknoir is a really strong attacker, getting Power-Up Punch naturally + Soul Trade for great damage + draining.
To discuss the plot-relevant mons: Plusle and Minun's Abyssal forms are fucking cracked. Minun is the less consistent of the two, being a glass cannon with an equivalent to Beast Boost. I needed to EV train it a bit so its SpA could exceed its Spe without a +SpA nature on it, but once it could pick off kills for free boosting, it could shred opposing mons fast. Meanwhile, Abyssal Plusle is possibly the best support mon in the game, with great bulk + Helping Hand from super early on, you can simply spam the move with a glass cannon and get great dividends depending on the matchup. The duo together rips apart the Fifth Captain so fucking easily it's not even funny.
The way in which the protagonist, Nyx, and those close to her are intertwined with the plot are very interesting, and while I don't find some of these ways perfect, I am still very intrigued to see how things conclude in v4.0!
Olympia is easily my favorite character. Despite being a robot, she has a great level of humanity and is also fucking hilarious at times. She's the MVP.
Cassian (I think that's the Fourth Captain's name?) being a Redditor is fucking hilarious.
The Etrian forms are a blast to utilize in battle. The designs are very cool, and I used a bunch! Aerodactyl was a cool mon to use alongside Sandslash for SlideQuake abuse, at least until I switched them out for Bug/Dragon Flygon and ol' reliable Tyranitar after unlocking a better grinding method through a Fourth Stratum quest. Etrian Ralts was not a mon I used, but both final evos seem really sick to use with great sprites, and it is also available very early due to being available through the Sea exploration quest rather than in any particular Stratum. Etrian Ampharos was also a very nice mon to use in battle. Finally, Etrian Dusknoir is a really strong attacker, getting Power-Up Punch naturally + Soul Trade for great damage + draining.
To discuss the plot-relevant mons: Plusle and Minun's Abyssal forms are fucking cracked. Minun is the less consistent of the two, being a glass cannon with an equivalent to Beast Boost. I needed to EV train it a bit so its SpA could exceed its Spe without a +SpA nature on it, but once it could pick off kills for free boosting, it could shred opposing mons fast. Meanwhile, Abyssal Plusle is possibly the best support mon in the game, with great bulk + Helping Hand from super early on, you can simply spam the move with a glass cannon and get great dividends depending on the matchup. The duo together rips apart the Fifth Captain so fucking easily it's not even funny.
The way in which the protagonist, Nyx, and those close to her are intertwined with the plot are very interesting, and while I don't find some of these ways perfect, I am still very intrigued to see how things conclude in v4.0!
Anyway, here's my final team upon clearing the Sixth Stratum. This game is a blast and I'm excited for 4.0 to eventually come out! For a ROM Hack of FireRed these days that isn't developed on CFRU, this game is super impressive.
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diorgirl444 · 4 months
Hii Flo! How are you doing? I was wondering if i could maybe have a marauders/or slytherin boys fanon relationship matchup?
My name is Layla(pronounced leyla)and im 5'4
Appearance: my height is pretty average, hourglass figure sort of. Im quite pale and i have brown curly hair to a little lower then my collarbone. I have brown eyes, i have chubby cheeks which i love, my cheeka are usually slightly blushed necause i get cold alot. I wear mostly neutral colors such as black, grey, white and brown/beigh. I'm half swedish and half algerian. I have long eyelashes. I have a softer body type, such as a softer tummy snd all that, which again, i love
Hobbies: my biggest interested/hobby is definetly art. I absolutely love drawing and creating stuff. I usually draw stuff that ive seen irl or in my dreams because i have quite vivid dreams. I love music aswell, I've been singing my whole life and writing songs is something i love, the art is my main hobby though. I also like going for walks, i live in a small village so going out and sitting somewhere quiet whole drawing is amazing. I listen alot to arctic monkeys, david kushner, The Neighbourhood, the cramps, the Smiths, one direction. I gym alot, about 6 times a week.
Personality: i am an INTJ-T, i like being alone. I have a few close friend that i hang out with every now and then, i'ma decently closed off person, very few people know alot about me. I have anxiety and daddy issue(not trying to be quirky or sum shit i just have a shitty relationship w my dad) I'm usually very quiet. I'm a leo sun, scorpio rising and aquarous moon. It sounds weird but I'd consider myself quite a submissive person if that make sense? Im just natrually a quiter, nore submissive individual. I've never really been a person that does too well in school subjects such aas math, becahse logical subjects where theres only one answer, has never been my thing. I don't like admitting it but deep down im very self conscious, even though i kind of always seem like a confident person. I'm both introverted and extroverted, i can be very loud at times and i strugfkr with regulating the volume kf my voice because of my adhd. Id describe my humor as somewhat dark- my jokes are usually about myself and things that happend when i was younger which i find funny while others find concerninf- im quite sarcastic.
Things i like:
I love art, music, reading, writing, working out, fruit...fruit is my mains soruce of nutrition i love that shit so much i could write an essay on it man...i also love pasta, and chocolate. It makes me happy :')
I love rain, and my friend's and Going on walks, and going on walks in thr rain, and going on walks in the rain with my friends
Things i dislike:
Tomatos, math, ehen people think im stupid or unintelligent purely bc im bad at numbers-
Other informationsss:
My favorite colors are pink, beigh, grey and black. I've been told that im hard to approach? My love language is gift giving and physical touch. You cna almost always find me fidgeting eith the hen if my best friends shirtx or rubbing up and down her calf absentmindedlt while we sre talking(yes shes okay with this she koves it)i love getting hugged if its from someone im comfortble with, i love sitting in silence while drawing. I live analyzing different things, everything from art pieces to human behavior. I have an intrest for psychology, i'm studying law!
Oh and i speak swedish, English, german, romanian and french!
Andddd my aesthetic is so mixed- think like dark academis meets soft grunge mixed with coquette?
Soo, this is me, oh also im straight(but we support woman 110%)
So yea, thank you in advance!(if you domt have the time thats okay!)
hi thanks for waiting so long! i had to take a bit of a break with tumblr cause of gcses but i can’t wait to see what you think of your matchup <3
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your perfect matchup is 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <3
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <3
okay so this took me an embarrassingly long time to decide between sirius and remus but ultimately sirius won out in the end because i am nothing if not an absolute sucker for a good opposites attract trope! 🎀
i think you two meet through mutual friends (remus and lily of course) at a weekend trip to hogsmede and just hit it off right away. it’s funny because you’ve heard so much about sirius, how he’s a relentless playboy, a troublemaker, a delinquent but to you he’s a perfect gentleman. which is confusing for everyone who witnesses it.
at first they all just think oh he’s immediately just decided that you’re only friend material because you’ve got so much in common but also different enough that that would work. so the two of you spend the whole day just hanging out and no one thinks much of it….
till sirius gets back to his dorm and tells remus ever so dramatically “i’m finished!” remus is obviously wtf???? and sirius rolls his eyes as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and he’s all like “i’m finished with my hookups - i’m a changed man! there is one girl for me and i intend to be with her till the day i die” which is kinda like woah chill out! but also very cute :)
now i wouldn’t say you feel the same because you’re not insane but you are like “oh he was cute, hope i see more of him” kinda thing. anyways the point is you’re both into each other but of course don’t know that about one another because where’s the fun in that??? 😜
and sirius being sirius he doesn’t go about it in a normal way oh no he decides he’s gotta work out how to impress you first and you know what he’s gonna work that out as dog! such a sound plan!!! so whilst your sketching by the lake a large black dog potters over to you and lays at your feet. which obviously you think is adorable so you’re petting it and stroking it and just giving it sm attention (if only you knew it was sirius)
anyways it becomes like a habit for you and this dog. you go down to sketch and it joins you. you talk to it, sing, read and as you do all that sirius falls in love with you. meanwhile you to maintain a friendship as humans too but when sirius is in his animal form he sees a side to you in that time that no one else does. he falls so deeply and slowly like the way winter gently falls into spring. 🌷
he confesses in a similar way, you’re ranting to his dog form about how much you want sirius to ask you out. then suddenly you look up and there’s him boyishly grinning at you, dark hair flopping beautifully onto his forehead, he looks like a cursed prince of a forgotten land. when this happens your jaw literally drops and you’re throwing various explicates at him but he hushes you with five little words “may i please kiss you?” and forced into silence you nod cheeks burning.
he kisses you like you’re made of porcelain, a precious treasure which he cannot break, it’s prefect. when you two pull back to get your breath back you tell him teasingly “i still haven’t forgiven you for pretending to be a dog” and he says “will you forgive me if i ask if i can be your boyfriend?”you just laugh and kiss him again. sirius can’t remember a happier memory to that day. <3
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <3
very easy and comfortable very quickly, the two of you adjust naturally into a routine that’s right for the two of you. a very quiet sort of intimacy that tends to surprise onlookers - it’s not at all what people expect of sirius but that’s okay because you two just get it so why worry about anyone else?
sirius is very physically affectionate like literally super glued to your side for the rest of your life now so like enjoy that i guess… 🤨 okay jk it’s very endearing but also its perfectly okay to need breaks so don’t forget to remind him that you need your own space sometimes. i mean he’ll huff and he’ll puff but he’ll get it.
okay but do you know what his favourite thing in the world is? it’s when you play with his hair. picture this it’s a warm rainy summer evening he’s laying along the sofa in the common room, his mess of dark curls in your lap, your fingers toy and fiddle with them, absentmindedly humming along to the smiths vinyl which crackles in the background. it’s pure paradise for the both of you just cosy and warm and soft. god i’m so jealous of the two of you!
he’s always treating you to things! as heir to the black family fortune he’s got an insane amount of cash to splash and he’d much rather spend it on someone he actually cares about so he’s always buying you stuff. a top he thinks you’d look good in, a fancy hardback of your favourite book, or simply your favourite chocolate bar. doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, cheap or expensive, so long as you like it that’s all he cares about.
he thinks your sketches are the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. unfortunately i can’t promise that it’ll be easy for them to become more than sketches because god forbid your attention leaves him for half second. like you’ll be in the library sketching with him sat next to you and then suddenly your cheeks are being smothered with kisses and a hands trailing its way round your chair turning you to face him. what can he say he missed you? good thing he’s cute bcs he’s such a little shit you love that about him tho
it’s very, very rare that the two of you fight but he always apologises first! don’t get me wrong he sulks for a bit first because like he’s sirius black but then he catches your red rimmed eyes and all is forgiven. because he made you cry? yeah he sucks - he’s sorry pretty girl he’ll never to it again and he gives you full permission to kill him if he does.
also his friends love you! you’re exactly what sirius needs to balance him out. honestly they don’t know how you handle him but they’re not complaining! like please keep him for as long as you want him they’re all sick to death of him!
he proposes to you on the last day of school with his family signet ring. he knows he sounds crazy but he’s loved you from the minute he met you. he’ll give you a proper ring soon but for now he gives you his family ring because you’re his family now. you’re all the family he could ever want. his whole world <3
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <3
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hi! Can I have a matchup for Tokyo Revengers please?
Pronouns: she/they
Preferably matching with male, as a romantic relationship.
Zodiac signs: Scorpio sun, Sag moon, Pisces rising
What I value in relationship : honesty, gentle, peace, loyalty, security, respect, and a little bit of exploration
My type is probably someone who is so kind to handle, or someone who just don’t talk much but decide to do things instead. Kinda like the vice captain thingy if you know what I mean…😅
For my personality, I tend to be so quiet (and maybe intimidating) at first but tbh I’m just shy. The more ppl know me, they’ll see that I am responsible, serious, hardworking, but also chill and laidback at the same time (But don’t ask me to be very honest cause I’ll do it with no filter and some ppl might hate me for that) and if I was super mad (like the final straw) I will cut off that person without any warning.
Hobbies : singing, reading, writing, drawing and listening to music!
I am the youngest daughter but smh being the one who is more responsible amongst my siblings. And fyi I’m scared of someone yelling at me (especially from men… tragically)
And lastly, for the scenario. I want to see how that someone you’ll get for me will do if I came home late due to weather and traffic jams
Thank you so much!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #26
This event is now CLOSED. You can find the masterlist for it here.
Note: So sorry that it's super late, but thanks, for your patience :) hope you enjoy!
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I match you with: DRAKEN
Runner-up was: Shinichiro
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Draken is definitely your type
He’s not verbal with his affection for you, but he shows it more through his actions, like having you walk on the inside of the sidewalk while he walks on the side closer to the street, or shoving his jacket over your head when it starts to rain and you both forgot to bring an umbrella–subtle yet sweet
He’s an incredibly loyal vice captain, and he’s just as loyal as your boyfriend, no other person catches his eye, only you!
Try cutting him off if you get mad at him, he won’t let it happen…he’ll just look at you like “-_- really?” like you really thought you could get rid of him? That’s funny
He knows how to handle someone with spontaneous emotions, he’s Mikey’s friend after all, so he handles your shyness and anger (if that ever happens) pretty well
Draken would never raise his voice at you, he can be pretty intimidating since he is 2nd in command of Toman, but you’re his special someone and he never uses that authority over you, he’s very soft and kind with you
I think someone responsible like you would be perfect for Draken since I think he’s also pretty mature for a guy, he’d need that same level of maturity in a partner as well, and you definitely have that
How does he react to you getting home late for unexpected reasons?
He’s worried of course, but he remains calm
I can’t imagine him overreacting for something like that unless you’re usually home around 4pm and it’s 10pm and you’re still not home…only then would he start to really worry and get antsy
But if you’re usually home by 4pm, but don’t get home until 6pm, then he’s totally calm
He would probably give you a call if it gets too late to figure out where you are and if you’re okay
Like I said, Draken is very mature and level-headed so he knows how to stay calm in situations like these
Gets a little more worried if you don’t answer his calls, but he still wouldn’t run to find you in the streets or anything (unless his gut is screaming at him that something is wrong, but 9 of out 10 times, he knows you’re okay)
Lowkey though I picture that he’d always want to have your location so he has you on life360 or something so he knows where you are at all times
He’s in a dangerous line of work so if anything were to ever happen to you, he’d want to be able to get to you quickly!
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Posted: 08/23/2023
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hubrisbracket · 1 year
also, i feel like i owe it to y’all to explain my thought process on making the matchups for the bracket, so it’s under the cut. despite being the resident stem major there wasn’t actually a lot of math behind it lmao
due to me kind of panicking and closing the submissions early, we only had 49 chars who qualified (more than 1 submission) so 15 (out of 64) chars with only 1 submission made it in (decided using a random number generator). which in retrospect was not the brightest idea, i should have waited to close the submissions, & if i ever run another tournament i will for sure do it differently. but on the other hand a lot of pretty cool obscure characters got into the tournament, so that’s nice!
i handpicked side A and side B manually, i tried to make it so each side had a roughly equal amount of characters with # of submissions (idk how to explain it, but both sides have ~8 characters with 1 submission, ~15 with 2, and ~10 with 3+ each). characters with the same fandom went on opposite sides of the bracket, and i also tried to give an even distribution of the ‘type’ of fandom (ie, jd and javert are both musical characters, so they go on opposite sides of the bracket). when there was like ~15 characters left i stopped recognizing them so i just did it randomly (i’m just one person so similar characters may still be on the same side, nobody’s perfect, etc etc)
however, the round 1 matchups were done randomly (with a random number generator, without replacement) within each side (A or B) (with the exception that i rerolled if classic lit or myth characters got paired against each other since i thought that would be kind of lame for the first round). hence why we have some truly buckwild matchups that could easily be the final round, i didn’t weight the probabilities by # of submissions so some heavy hitters are going against each other.
& the matchups’ position in the bracket on their side was done manually by me, mostly to make sure that characters from the same fandom were far enough away from each other so they wouldn’t face each other until the semifinals, in theory (i think the only characters that had this were the greeks??? i also did this for chars with similar fandoms too) otherwise i kind of did it based on what future theoretical matchups i thought world be funny, lmao.
& there u have it. fellow pollrunners, don’t do what i did lmao.
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gear-project · 5 months
Annon-Guy: Out of four the characters with an Easy to Use Rating of One Star (Jack-O', Zato-1, Asuka and Chaos), who would you say is the most difficult to master between the four characters in question?
It's funny you ask me that:
Jack-O' was actually easier to play as and learn in Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator than her current incarnation of Strive (most of my issues when playing her is the fact her servant command inputs come out regardless of whether or not servants are even present, and that makes me drop inputs easily, I wish they'd fix that one day...).
Asuka is... a challenge to learn starting out... but once you pick up the flow for his Decks, picking up on situations intuitively and setting up situations with your spell decks isn't as tough as it sounds at first glance.
It helps to read plenty of guides on these characters, to be honest, but even then, it boils down to practice, which might take years for some players (myself included).
Zato / Eddie has always been a technical character from day one... but once you get past the initial hangups of his style, it's not that hard to intuit how he plays... but mastering it is another matter entirely... only high level players can really take advantage of his offensive powers.
Okay... Happy Chaos... what to say...
He got nerfed several times in patch updates throughout his tenure as a character, so that's not something to laugh at. He's THAT powerful in potential scraps.
It's only a matter of time before they come up with the "perfect balance" for his fighting style in relation to the roster. I find him fun to play as too, personally. He's like my dark muse at times.
In terms of learning how to play him, it's actually NOT that hard in terms of resource management, in fact he's probably easier to pick up than Asuka is... but maintaining his matchups is the challenge in his case.
If I'm being honest, the characters I struggle the most with aren't even the hardest characters to play as... it's more along the lines of being familiar with matchups now than it is how to learn the characters.
GG Strive has a strange effect on the roster, because most characters are so easy to pick up.
That is to say, as a result: everyone KNOWS how to fight these characters, so that makes the matchups and meta knowledge all that harder to apply and get wins from.
As someone who lost plenty of matches in this game, I can tell you that the longer this game exists, the tougher it's going to get for players starting out.
You really have to choose who you practice against.
Ideally, you want someone who can teach you how to improve, and not someone who mops the floor with you to the point of absolute confusion.
That means picking your opponent that is close to if not exactly near your current skill level.
My advice: get close friends to play this game with and just bounce ideas off them as much as you possibly can... do the research, do the labbing (practice), and just keep playing.
The game's rabbit hole gets deeper the longer you play.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Aaa omg hi! I saw the valentines day event and I couldn't help but partecipate, is it okay if I do? 🖤 I already had asked for a matchup, so I gotta describe my ideal first date, right?
Well, I think that my Ideal first date would be something really simple but sweet and cozy, like, I would love to just go to a cafè or even a place like a fast food, but as long as me and my date are talking a lot, getting to know each other while also having fun, with then maybe a little walking around a park or something to conclude the date, overall I would love something simple but cute, perfect for getting to know the other person! 🖤
notes 💌: hi love <333 I am so glad you got to take part in this event!! AND DUDE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HARD IT WAS TO THINK! Like I'm actually surprised. I gave you an easy matchup last time, but I really had to dig in my mind for this one, and I think it will surprise the both of us. Thank you for all of your love and support these past few weeks! Sending lots of love and hugs <333
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i dont know why this took me so long tbh
it actually fits pretty well
i think its almost like an opposites attract moment though
so you get more talkative when you get to know someone, he doesnt really
he loves to listen to you talk though
he loves that youre funny and you can actually get him to laugh a lot and its really adorable tbh
i think he's perfectly fine with you being an emotional person. he isnt annoyed by tears (i think he used to be until you expressed to him that its healthy and he should let his feelings out) you two will sometimes have a good cry sesh and cuddles ofc
if you spoil him he gets really flustered
he'll make sure to not make you jealous though by showing how much he loves you
but seriously about the spoiling bit you would literally make this man's face red all the time
he wants to return the favor but he's too nervous <3
he thinks its cool that you're this cosmic witch
teach him about it
do a tarot reading for him
he loves it and is just entranced by you
honestly, when he's feeling extra attracted to you, he calls it witchcraft and you just giggle about it
i feel like he's not big on videogames, but he'll watch you
horror movies he can get down with though
lots of cuddles while watching them fr
you both strut around looking like VAMPIRES OMFG
like imagine both wearing corsets and strutting down the street
amazing fr
just know you got yourself a man who will remind you how much he loves you and who gets flustered, even if it's hard for him to show how much he loves you <3
he would leave you a long letter talking about how much he loves you. he would also leave a bottle of perfume for you that smells like roses. the letter would be two pages long just talking about how much you mean to him and at the bottom in cursive it would say "oh yeah, and do you want to be my valentine?"
You had woken up to a lovely letter from Abbacchio and a smile quickly plastered onto your face as you threw your arms around him. He blushed and held you close. "I know it was cheesy, but-" "No!" You exclaimed, pulling away from the hug. "Not cheesy at all! I thought it was lovely, Leone." "R-Really?" You couldn't help but blush at his bright red face. "Yes, of course love. So," you sat at the table, crossing one leg over the other. "Do you have any plans for the day?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go to a cafe or something. Maybe get some coffee and then go on a walk?" You beamed. "Yes! That sounds great! I'll go get dressed!" You ran off and grabbed the most romantic outfit you could find for such a lovely holiday. You twirled at your reflection and ran back downstairs to find Abbacchio holding a bouquet of flowers, looking incredibly handsome. "Oh, Leone," you smirked and adjusted the collar of his shirt. "You shouldn't have." He pressed a kiss onto your forehead and you took the flowers happily, letting him lead you out the door. You decided to walk to the cafe as it wasn't far and once you were there, you two talked for a couple hours, just drinking coffee and ordering dozens of pastries. You couldn't help but feel in heaven in complete disbelief that you were on a date with this man. Once you were all filled up and the bill was paid, the rest of the day was spent exploring Italy, looking at the architecture and nature. You were happier than ever. "Happy Valentine's Day, Leone," you said, clutching onto his arm. "I love you." <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Hi! I would like to request a One Piece matchup with a male character, please!
I'm a woman, 22, and my pronoums are she/her
When I meet someone, I'm a very shy, monologue person with a more closed and grumpy face, but when it's a friend or someone more intimate, I become a funny, listening, happy person, who likes to tell bad jokes, hugs, talk a lot and be very careful and protective.
I really like reading books, drawing, dancing, listening to music, lying in bed watching a good movie, series or anime, writing, cooking, playing video games, going out with my friends, going to the mall and the cinema, eating at the mc donalds and go to the arcade!
I don't like it when people shout at me, take a long time to answer me, try to make me look like a fool, moths, flying insects, very rude people, waking up early, spicy food, hospital, noisy people, going to parties with loud music and lots of people and introduce myself to a group of strangers.
Hobbies: Drawing, dancing, writing, listening to music, painting and reading books.
My love language is physical touch, I really like to hug the one I love despite being ashamed and give to him a lot of kisses!
Thx a lot, have a good day and drink water!!
Hello. I will try to drink lots of water! Thank you for the request and I hope you like your matchup!
You Got...
Benn Beckham!!!!
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Originally, I thought Mihawk, but Mihawk hates funny and happy. Then I thought Shanks likes parties too much. Benn is the perfect combination of the two.
He wouldn't take you places you don't feel comfortable or if he had too, he would stay away from all the action just so you felt better.
Would enjoy your jokes. They are much better than Shanks' jokes!
I think he would enjoy a lot of the same hobbies as you. You two could read together or playing games against you. Just a warning, he is competitive!
He would try to dance with you. Don't know how good he is, but he would try.
He enjoys music so he would love to hear what you like and vice versa.
Dates would include a game night and private walks without the crew (they would secretly be following you two to see what happens)
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Hi! Could I get a matchup for Marvel and Lord of the Rings (if you only do one fandom per request, could I have a Lord of the Rings matchup)?
Name: Eren
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often.
With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth).
Likes: Reading, writing, anime, video games, Marvel, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring).
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown/black and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is down to the middle of my back.
Extra Info: I'm at university and I'm doing a major in English and Writing. I want to be a published author and have written a few manuscripts. I regularly get distinctions and high distinctions for my uni assignments and have very high expectations of myself.
Hopefully I've put the right amount of information and that it's the right sort of info! 😅 I hope the rest of your day goes well for you and that you're taking care of yourself!
Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! The information is perfect, don't worry! I hope you like your matchup! <333
Bruce Banner:
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💚 You met Bruce when you interviewed for a job as a lab assistant for Tony Stark, and you got the job. Now, Science and test tubs weren't really your thing, but your job description was basically just taking notes for Bruce and Tony, and writing down the information from their tests, projects, and whatnot
💚 It was surprisingly not a lot of work to do for the amazing pay you got, you even got a lot of free time and an hour's break for lunch, which you spent your time eating and working on a book of yours
💚 Bruce finally spoke to you after a couple of days, and yes, he did greet you when you first started, but the conversations didn't start until later; like you, Bruce was pretty shy and quiet too
💚 Thankfully, for you, Bruce started the conversation first, asking you how you were doing, and if the job was alright, and you answered, allowing the convo to flow; it was so easy to talk to him, thirty minutes had passed and at that point, you were talking about how much you hated spiders and Bruce actually made a joke about how you were not going to like Spiderman
💚 Along with your job being super reasonable and almost way too easy, it gave you time to go to Uni, where you worked on your majors of English and Writing, and when you got to the tower to work, Bruce would ask if you needed any help on any work you had for Uni, but you'd politely decline
💚 Only later did you let him help you even though you didn't need it, you just wanted to spend more time with him, spending time with Bruce was actually really nice, and you really enjoyed his company; not only was he smart, but he was kind and gentle, always speaking to you in a sweet, calm voice
💚 Bruce was growing a crush on you about a month after you joined, he found you incredibly smart, funny, sarcastic, and beautiful; he loved how your green eye shimmered in the light and how your curly, dark brown hair would almost float in the air behind you whenever you entered the room
💚 It got to the point that you too liked Bruce more than a friend, and always flushed whenever he brought you an extra cup of your favorite drink whenever he got his coffee, sometimes he'd buy you a donut or something; let's just say, you had heart eyes
💚 Only later, a couple more months, did Bruce ask you out on your first date, where the two of you when to a cute little diner, where you both talked about your lives, interests, hobbies, and such, (writing, video games, music); you both had a lot in common and your love for each other grew
💚 You both hold each other up when the other is sad or down, always super supportive (even when he'd Hulking out, you are there), and you both would never give up on each other, you loved each other so much
Lord Of The Rings;
Samwise Gamgee:
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🥔 You were part of the Fellowship when you met Samwise, or Sam as he asked you to call him
🥔 Now, you rarely do this, but you went up to the Hobbit to introduce yourself, instantly realizing that the Hobbit was smitten with you, seeing the way his eyes lit up at your presence, how his cheeks got a bit red and he stumbled over his words; it was adorable
🥔 You stayed by Sam during the like 80% of the journey to Mordor, ultimately splitting up with him when he went after Bilbo, but not before he confessed his feelings and ran off, not even letting you have enough time to reveal that you had growing feelings for him as well; love at first sight you thought it was
🥔 You continued the journey without Sam, feeling rather alone, not really knowing the other members of the Fellowship too well, mostly sticking with Legolas when you could, since he was pretty quiet too
🥔 Once you finally reunited, you couldn't help but run up to him, happy to see that he was alive, hugging him close; he hugged back, digging his face in your neck, his curly hair ticking your cheeks as you almost cried with joy and relief
🥔 At that moment, you finally, after a long while, confessed your feelings to Sam, and you wished you could keep the expression he had on his face in your mind forever, his eyes lit up at your words, his cheeks reddening again as he lightly gasped before a bright smile grew on his face; adorable
🥔 Right then, he got down on one knee, and though his face was smudged with dust and grime, he took your hands in his and asked if he could officially court you; you couldn't help but smile, chuckling a bit before saying yes
🥔 After Sam was insistent that he'd give you the best courting gift, so on the journey back to Hobbiton, after he asked you if you wanted to live with him, and you said yes, he worked in his garden and produced the best potatoes to make you the best potato soup; three words, it was heaven (boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew)
🥔 Sam would be really interested in your hobbies, wanting to be a part of them, and always up for some reading (which he did anyway) with you besides the fire, snuggled up, and writing; he'd write you many, many poems about how much he cared, admired, and loved you
🥔 Sam was such a gentleman, so sweet and charming, the most amazing person you've ever met, always making sure you were alright, and saving you from small spiders; Sam is in love with you, and you are everything to him, making butterflies erupt in his stomach and his heart skip many beats
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magic-hcs · 2 years
(Hi again I’m sending a matchup again because I forgot to add my hobbies so ignore/delete my first request Please I’m so sorry ;-;)
Anyways here it is:
Personality: Shy, quiet and awkward at first but When person who is close to me, I’m Sweet, bubbly and funny sometimes
Gender: Female (She/her)
Likes: The color pink, Anything about food (because I’m a foodlover), cutecore aesthetic and plushies
Dislikes: Ocean, Darkness and Arguing
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, baking and playing video games
Multiple and I don’t mind poly
(I’m so sorry again ;-;)
No need to apologize! It’s all good.
I hope you like the matchup!
You match completely with Coal!
You match with Crest!
(SF Papyrus) Coal:
Your love for cute stuff definitely drew him to you! And it all started with him commenting on a cute keychain character of a game you played at a game store. It just so happened that Coal was interested in that same thing and he didn’t have anyone he knew that was interested in that game so he couldn’t help but blurt out. “-! hey, that’s that -whatsem name again - the fluffbutt. where’d ye get em?”
(How romantic am I right?)
Coal can be an awkward bean at times when he’s not accompanied by his brother Mastiff. (When the twins are together Coal has both their brain cells and is capable of speech without feeling socially awkward but when separated Mastiff has both of them.) But you guys manage to hit it off by your shared like for the game.
Lowkey, highkey, as Coal got to know you he found your shy demeanor accompanied by your cute style adorable. He down right swooned when you finally let your bubbly side show.
You’re the perfect person to build pillow forts with and snuggle while video gaming. Loves playing animal crossing with you. Your plushie collection has Coal in awe, if you’re not careful you’ll find him asleep inside the pile of plushies.
The kind of guy to tease and bother you while you’re busy in the kitchen baking, he will cause a flour fight. Also he’d kill for your baking. You two are two precious beans.
(AT Papyrus) Crest:
This boyo could be a good match too!
You warm up to him quickly with his bright and honest personality. This boy is a rambler, his mind is always being busy so sometimes he ends up talking about whatever comes to his mind.
Make sure he wears his talon and claw protectors when he’s around your plushies, otherwise there’s a chance he might end up ripping them.
Crest will stop whatever he’s doing to listen to you sing. Or to watch you dance without care and with so much joy. Dancing and singing is a big thing in the bird side of monster culture, and it means a lot to Crest that you feel comfortable around him enough to freely sing and dance to your hearts content.
The first time you saw him really dance, it was a courtship dance meant for you. His wings alight with intricate glowing patterns. It was also the first time you saw him so shy as he landed in front of you to ask if you accept his courtship.
This sneaky birb will sometimes attempt to snag your recently baked cookies. Or swoop in to nuzzle your face or twirl you around before taking off again.
Let him paint you at least once! I don’t mean on paper either, more like body paint. He wants to see what kind of gorgeous creations and creatures he can make with you as his canvas. It’s both intimate and lighthearted at the same time.
Crest is a very loving and affectionate lover.
Sadly enough, Crest is not one to share his mate so no poly in this matchup. But I hope you enjoyed either way!
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hii!! I would like to request a romantic matchup for enstars! :D
Starting with the basics : I am 158cm (5'2), I'm an INFP-T, my favourite colour is pink and I love penguins! Some of my hobbies include drawing, shopping, fashion, dancing, and playing video games!
I am a very socially anxious person, so I would need someone who is understanding and patient with me because it will take a While for me to come out of my shell. HOWEVER, once I do open up I am a ball of energy and chaos. I love joking around, making people laugh and overall being super lighthearted! The jokes I make are usually weird or obscure, or describing funny anecdotes that happened to me!
On the topic of energy, I am quite active. I like to dance and jump around at random times haha. Although I tone it down when around most people, It would be nice to have someone who likes that side of me.
I LOVE DRESSING UP. It's rare that you will catch me wearing a boring outfit. My style in fashion varies a lot, but I typically lean towards wearing colours (though I love an all-black outfit!) and cute / feminine styles. I love makeup too!
I'm an introvert, but I love hanging out with people I'm close to! Whether it's going into the city, shopping, chilling at someone's house, I'm down! Even when the occasion doesn't fully interest me, if I'm invited I'm going 🤣 (like when my friends invited me to see Fantastic Beasts 2 in cinema and I went, even though I hadn't seen the first one or any Harry Potter movie aside from the first one. I just like the company of my friends!) You Will catch me sleeping as soon as I come home however.
Now, due to my social anxiety I can be a bit pathetic when it comes to communication and get SUPER nervous when talking to strangers. I'm not assertive and I fear conflict (especially with loved ones). I'm a kind and accommodating person deep down, but people's first impression of me is probably that I'm kind of aloof and reserved and VERY quiet. I would also say I'm not that great at comforting people, I want to help but I struggle with thinking of the best things to say to them.
I can also be quite sensitive and take things personally a lot so I don't particularly like when people tease me about things such as what I'm wearing or how I look because I get insecure.
My love language is probably words of affirmation and receiving gifts. I like being reassured and encouraged and it's super sweet knowing that someone is thinking about me even when I'm not with them by giving me gifts! Even small things matter to me, I still own rocks and little origami that my friends have made due to the memories they hold.
I am a weird mix of optimism and anxiety. I think I have underlying abandonment issues and tend to lower people's expectations about me and my abilities in fear of disappointing them. Yet I also have a very carefree view on life, very much a "go with the flow" and "whatever happens, happens" type person who doesn't like being tied down by strict rules and constraints.
Sorry if I wrote too much, or it's a bit all over the place! Thanks so much!!! :3
Hello and thank you so much for your request and your patience while I work through the remaining ones! I hope that you enjoy it and have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Romantic Enstars Match-up
I match you with........
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Hiyori Tomoe
Knowing that you love to dress up and go shopping, this man will absolutely take you to the best places that there are, money is really no issue to him
Granted there are times where he might get more for himself than for you but you both have fun regardless
Giving gifts is something that he will certainly do, he wants to spoil you in a way that only he can
Will certainly bring you to meetings that the Pretty 5 will have, you are absolutely perfect for their group!
Not to mention, they all love you as well
He loves that you enjoy the company of your friends! It's a rather rare sight to be able to see, to enjoy the company of others, truly enjoying their presence
In any moments where you are feeling more insecure over things, just know that he will be there in a heartbeat
He can't have his beloved partner feeling so down now, can he?
He will be at your residence with movies, snacks, blankets, and anything else to help you feel better
There are also times he will bring his unit mates or club members along
Make a date out if it
Just know that in the end, he will see you as his everything and will absolutely treat you as such. He may have his moments form time to time, but know that even then, he will be here for you
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Thank you for your request!
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
hihi !! i'd love to participate in ur matchup game if ur still taking reqs ! i'd prefer characters from OHSHC (just no honey-senpai please) + haikyu <3
traits: im v shy and prefer listening to others talk !! i also try my best show kindness to all no matter what !! im also a silly lil creative hehe
toxic traits: stubborn, massiveee people pleaser, avoid confrontation bc of fear of abandonment, and struggle to express certain emotions
their traits: affectionate and funny !
their toxic traits: ok idk FJFKFJDJ ig idc too much about possessiveness as long as it isnt extreme yk
goal: honestly just to be able to understand each other rly well at a v deep/intimate level
preferred time: night !! bc everyone goes quiet and the world becomes so peaceful :]
tysm !!<3 sending love to u !
My apologies for the late response my sweet lovely little anon 😭 I had a hair appointment. I hope these results find your appreciation and that something eases your mind today 🥺 from your analysis, I somewhat assumed you're an overthinker and I wish I could assure you but alas...you're Anonymous 😭💀 just remember you're a very kind person! Sending my love back, mwah <3
The balance between you and your matches is perfect and cancels out the flaws one party has with another. He cares for you deeply on an immaculately understanding level, and he doesn't run out of energy. Not from the start of the day, when you wonder if he'll still find himself so sweet to you as he interrupts your thoughts with a soft and loving smile, already questioning you about if you're well, and his affection doesn't stop, even by the peaceful dead of night, no matter how tired either of you may be from everything. It's no longer nights you overthink or worry about who isn't pleased with how you've been to them that day, it's now nights that your thoughts are reassured by someone who will tell you the truth, no matter what you're trying to get across, because he'll understand.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Tadashi ALSO being a rather shy type, you two would just grow close in the quiet corner of the loud gym, because you both need SOMEONE to talk about how crazy Tsukki and Bokuto are, right? You two would find yourselves making quite a lot of easy, flowing conversations throughout the school year. (It's nice that you were one of the only people that were kind to him...the people that didn't try and give him a concussion with a volleyball.) On campus, it's probably a lot of current drama or annoying tests and such, but off of school grounds or over summer vacation, there's a lot of stars and uncovered scars, yknow? He's all there to find anyone to share is thoughts with, as self kept as this little bean is. The more you two talk casually, the more he'll understand how you feel without you needing to express your distinct emotions. You will find he won't take it once his limits are pushed, however... he won't care who it is, even if it's Tsukki who's crossed the line with himself or you, he's not going to stand for it. He wouldn't leave you to be on your own with the crowd in what feels more like an empty, desperate room for the world, and Tadashi will lead your head out of the stress- whether you say it or not. You'll find peace together. :)
Kaoru couldn't help but get a little pissy at his brother whenever he'd come your way and embarrass you a bit with his joking, as good of friends the two of you were of course. He isn't considered very good when it comes to dealing with abandonment either, while he can't compare it to your experience, he can understand the fear of it, as he could never imagine its weight. Being the more mature and comforting twin, he's finding himself searching for a bit of peace of mind quite frequently in the midst of the chaotic host club- feigning a brother romance is tiring. 🫷😭 He understands its difficult to express some things, but he can tell a lot just by looking at you. He finds himself only able to try and reciprocate your kindness, and not asking you to go into the trouble of expressing what's going on, he feels it and he just wants to show you that he doesn't need to know what it is to comfort you. Kaoru is the type of person to never leave a single person in his life, even if it kills him one day. He's glad he won't have to worry about where he's going to end up by following you, because he knows that at the end of the day, you're the only peaceful thing he knows he'll have...sorry Hikaru.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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miyuwuki · 3 years
hello J! 😍Congratulations on 500 followers! :') i'm really happy to be one of them and seeing an active KNB blog these days. I was hoping to get a matchup too 😄
I am an INTJ. My interests include literature, art, philosophy, the occult, music, spirituality, and culture. I also like kickboxing and try my best to stay healthy all around. I am quite reserved and formal, but those close to me know that I am incredibly eccentric and love discussing theoretical ideas.
I love people who I can let loose with, and those who help foster my inner peace and quiet. Someone who’s not afraid of being themselves. Someone patient and kind and also a little bit eccentric, and thoughtful, helpful. Most importantly, I think, the person I would like to be with is someone who I can 101% be myself around with and they'll appreciate and at least try to understand and complement my sense of self. An easy going and natural relationship
I have an RBF and some people think I'm intimidating but I really just have an incessant poker face. I'm hardly ever serious, really. I tend to find humor in everything. Dry humor is probably my thing. My pros are that I’m a fast learner and resourceful. I like to think that I'm also thoughtful and attentive.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Congratulations again 🤠✨💸
a/n: hello! ty! enjoy this event! @shakethatsassyass
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izuki shun
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izuki can be a bit of an airhead, but he’s definitely smart. he will engage in those philosophical discussions with you because he’s curious to know as to what you think about things. he’ll say a couple not funny puns here and there but since you said dry humor is your thing, you’d probably be laughing your ass off on the ground. he’s also very kind and constantly thinks about other people— i guess growing up with a big family, he’s learned how to take care of other people without it being a hassle. considering he’s an intp, they connect so well with intj’s romantically, it’s impossible to not think that this is perfect. you can always be yourself when you’re with him because that’s when he loves you the most. imagine: it’s a rainy day outside, but inside you both are having pun competitions, seeing who can make the other laugh the hardest. he loves a person who loves his puns. studying with him is nice too, since both of you are very fast learners, all you guys need is each other’s company. he finds it hilarious when he sees other people afraid of you due to your rbf— because he knows the real you and that you’re just dorky and quirky (like him heh).
this relationship overall is very easy and laidback, if there’s any disputes there might be a bit of ignorance but you both will eventually work it out
mitobe rinnosuke
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don’t mind that he’s quiet! mitobe is actually really funny and will laugh along with whatever you find funny too. he will listen to all your thoughts and try out your interests to show that he loves you and that he wants to get to know what matters to you the most. he is so patient with it and so gentle— he just wants to make you happy. sometimes he’ll even accompany you to kickbox as long as you participate in 1v1s with him in basketball. mitobe loves you best natural, so he always tries to make sure that whenever you’re with him, you feel safe being yourself. you both are very attentive so you guys get excited when something small catches your eye. mitobe only speaks when it’s important or when it’s to tell you he loves you, but even if he didn’t say it, you can pick up the signs that show his love. the way he looks at you when he speaks, when he does little gestures like opening doors or remembering your fave order— it’s easy loving mitobe.
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