#but its so hard to explain why they cant just do that ugh
dwtdog · 4 months
Soulmate AUs where one of them rejects the other before they meet for the first time (I'm talking like writing on skin type of soulmates) are top tier for me personally.
Because imagine your finally meet your soulmate (but don't realize it), you fall in love with them meanwhile they tell you about how their soulmate rejected them and it ruined them when they were younger because imagine being in a society based around the idea of being with a soulmate and all you can think about is "how can anyone be such an idiot as rejecting this beautiful person?" and then learning it was YOU who was the idiot that rejected them and hurt them. Just, chef's kiss.
-🌟 Anon
YESSS this is exactly what i love about good soulmate aus the irony of hurting the person you're destined to love </333 and just like. wanting so badly to be the soulmate of the person you're in love with but being too afraid of being wrong so all u can do is wait and wait and when it finally is confirmed u feel like you've wasted so much time
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depresseddepot · 2 years
explained autism poorly today. will never recover from this
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some thoughts about the betrayal scene
- “I didn’t think you’d give them to grover to wear” BEING THE FIRST THING HE SAYS GOES SO HARD I CANT EXPLAIN IT
- luke not just letting clarisse take the fall for it even tho it would have given him a perfect cover to leave and try to recruit percy
- charlie and walker ATE that scene they knew what they had to do and there was no miss
- I am so sure annabeth knew but wanted to be wrong. her having a regret but not telling the boys; I think it was the fact that she knew luke was the lightning thief but she couldn’t tell them bc that’s her brother and she wanted to be wrong. its why she was there when percy and luke went to the woods
- percy immediately saying “im so sorry” after hitting luke and then luke turning around and using it against him UGH WHY
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
can i request a tav x astarion where tav is mute? i wonder how they would be communicating
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I really struggled with this request, but I decided to try again on a whim and whoooo boy it's a doozy. I also did not make Tav mute, but I played with a Paladin oath I have had on my mind for a looong time so they are effectively mute
Warnings: fear of death, blood, mentions of death/dead bodies, religion, anxiety, fear, being trapped, crying, swearing, angst, hurt/little comfort, possibly OOC
Word Count: 3,624
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First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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You huff in annoyance for the fifth- no, sixth, time. Perhaps more. The vendor stares at you as though you’re insane, even though you couldn’t possibly be clearer! You exaggerate further, pointing at the potion, yourself, and your coin purse. If he would just mark how much the damn thing cost, you wouldn’t have to keep going through this!
Astarion sighs sharply. “They want to buy the potion,” he bemoans. “Now, please, tell them the price so we can move on.”
The vendor starts with wide eyes and realization on his face. He flushes from his cheeks, down his neck, and to the tips of his ears as he stutters out the price. You shove the money into his chest and grab what you’ve paid for, before stomping off. And if Astarion slipped an extra something in his pocket while the vendor was dying of his stupidity, who would really care?
He caught up in a few long strides. “We must find a better way for you to communicate, darling. I can’t keep translating for you.”
You made a few sharp gestures.
“I don’t see the big deal in carrying a paper and pencil around,” he answered with a scoff. “Or, you know, you could just speak. I know you can.”
You glared at him. That, he didn’t need a translator for.
This had been an ongoing argument from the very moment you ran into each other on the beach. When he had you pinned to the ground and you didn’t speak, he originally thought you were just being stubborn. When he finally let you go, you’d explained to him (in writing) that you’d made an oath of silence, and that you had nothing to do with the Illithid kidnappings.
Fortunately, you discovered early on that some hand signs were shared with the Theive’s Cant, which he understood quite well. When Gale and Wyll came along, one who’d learned some sign through books and the other who learned by helping people as the Blade of Frontiers, Astarion was relieved he wouldn’t have to translate for you. Except, you continued to drag him along to act as the middle man anyway.
His solution, proposed frequently both seriously and in jest, was to break your oath. An oath of silence was a ridiculous thing to promise anyway, especially now that you needed to communicate so frequently, but any time the suggestion was posed, you’d just level him with a hard stare.
“You know I can’t do that,” you signed, annoyed.
He rolled his eyes. “Ugh, Paladins. So dedicated to the chains that bind them.”
“To break my oath would be to lose my powers. Do you want me to keep reviving your ass during battle or not?”
He sneered. “You couldn’t make an oath of vengeance or something? It would certainly be a lot easier to follow through on.”
You rolled your eyes and walked faster. You hated arguing about your oath. Wyll and Gale wouldn’t behoove you for it - so why did you bring him along, he wonders.
Astarion heaved, pressing against a stitch in his side that tightened with each breath. The fight was brutal. Everyone was bloody and exhausted. Shadowheart turned from the dead beast before them to help Wyll who lay prone on the ground. Karlach pulled her mighty axe from its head with a squelch and a crunch, cheering at the victory.
He chuckled breathlessly at her antics. Almost stumbling, he turned in a circle, eyes scanning the battlefield. The beast’s cronies lay still, scattered everywhere. Blood overwhelmed his senses. How did that saying go? Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink.
He frowned. He looked around again. “Where’s Tav?”
Karlach’s whoops quieted immediately. She looked around as well. “They didn’t get crushed under this,” she kicked the creature in the eye, “did they?”
He shook his head. “They weren’t close enough…” He growled, frustrated, and turned to the magic-users. “Did you see where Tav went?”
Shadowheart supported Wyll as he sat up, groaning. They both shook their heads. “Last I saw them, they were over there,” the warlock croaked, nodding over to the side. “But I don’t know how long I’ve been down for.”
Astarion winced as he jogged over to where he said, stepping over and on top of dead bodies. He took another step. His foot did not collide with floor nor flesh. His heart lurched as the world fell out from under him. A hand grabbed the neck his armor and pulled him back, falling on his ass onto solid ground.
“Careful, Fangs!” Karlach chastised worriedly. She let him go, pulling them both to their feet and brushing him off. “You alright?”
His mind was still reeling. He nodded in a daze. All he could do was stare at the nearly-invisible chasm he’d almost fallen down into… And then his mind caught up.
He raced forward again, dopping to his knees right before the tear in the earth, and leaned over it. Even his darkvision couldn’t help him see what was below; it was so dark, like all light that fell into it was swallowed up. A heavy weight settled in his chest.
“Tav?!” he shouted down into the darkness. His voice echoed. He had no idea how deep it went.
The realization set in for Karlach as well. “Oh fuck…”
“Tav, are you down there?!” He waited a moment, but he was met with only silence.
Shadowheart and Wyll rushed over. They peered into the deep with concern. Astarion shifted so he sat on the ground, legs dangling over the edge. He remembered the feeling of falling. Fortunately, he couldn’t see how deep it was, so at least vertigo did not make it seem deeper; the shadow was doing a perfect job of that on its own.
Wyll grabbed his shoulder before he could slide forward. “Astarion, we have no idea how deep it goes, or what’s down there! You could be impaled on a spike before you ever make it to the bottom. We don’t know if they’re even alive!”
“And if they are?” he growled. “They could be trapped down there with no way of telling us.”
“And you’ll be trapped down there if you go after them!”
He couldn’t argue with anything logical. So what if he got stuck down there? He needed to know you were okay. His blunt nails dig into the stone edge, knocking loose flecks of rock and sediment. How could he just leave you down there?
Shadowheart looked around at the bodies. “We could make some rope. Lower it down, see if they grab on.”
He snorted mirthlessly, sneering at the cleric. “And if they’re too injured to?”
She glared back at him. “I don’t see you proposing any better ideas.”
Karlach and Wyll shared a look. It seems they’d have to be the level-headed ones here… “We can strip the bodies. Tie their clothes together until it’s long enough.” To hopefully reach the bottom, was left unsaid.
Karlach and Shadowheart got to work immediately, working to remove the clothes of their fallen enemies, scrunching their noses in disgust all the while. Wyll squeezed Astarion’s shoulder and joined them, trying to decide what clothes were in good enough condition to hold weight. Astarion stared into the pit for a while longer.
Your head spun. Everything ached. Each breath was like fire in your lungs. You bit your lip to silence your whimpers, biting down so hard you could taste iron in your mouth.
As the pain ebbs to a manageable level, you try to figure out where you were. It was dark. You couldn’t make out your hand right in front of your face. You couldn’t even be sure your eyes were open. You only knew they were when you looked up and saw light coming from far above you. It was dim and flickering - the flames of the braziers that lined the battlefield.
You blinked into the darkness, willing your eyes to adjust. Cautiously, you reached out your hands and felt around. The ground beneath you was covered in fine gravel, almost like sand. The finer sediment stuck to your hands when you pulled away. There was a wall behind you, possibly made from slate. It would be impossible to climb. With a muffled groan, you’re able to reach your foot out and touch the opposite wall. The effort leaves you panting.
You lay still on the floor for a minute. Clearly, you fell from quite high up. How far was still a mystery, but the fact was you did fall. When you’ve caught your breath, you feel for any injuries. Your armor restricts you, but it seems to have protected you for the most part. You’ll be bruised as hell, but you can’t find any open wounds. At least you were fortunate there.
You look up again. You can’t hear anything coming from above, but you’re unsure if it’s from the depth of the chasm or because the battle is over. You hope they are able to win the fight without you. All your companions are strong in their own right, you know they can pull through this.
You squint at the opening above. You think you see something moving at the top, but it’s merely a speck. Using the wall and gathering your waning strength, you push yourself to your feet. You heave as you lean against the slate. The silhouette is still too far away to make out.
A distant cry, distorted heavily by the chasm. It takes a moment for you to recognize it as your name. Your heart leaps in your chest.
… av….. Ar… d..wn… the..re…
You can’t tell who’s calling down to you, but you take faith in the knowledge it must be one of your companions. The beasts wouldn’t know your name. Now you just have to signal them somehow…
You feel around your body for your sword, but the sheath is empty. It must have fallen elsewhere, perhaps only feet away, but you can’t see worth a damn. You try instead to cast a ball of light. It should be easy - it’s a spell you’ve cast a hundred times before. But as you strain to conjure even a spark, you become lightheaded. Your knees buckle, collapsing you back to the gritty floor. You try again, but you can feel your energy being sapped away. Your hand falls weakly to the ground.
You rest your head back against the wall and think. You can’t use your sword to hit the rock and make a sound, or defend yourself if something lurks within the darkness. You can’t cast a light, nor any other spell, lest you fall completely unconscious and make your chances worse. The more options you run out of, the more desperate you become. You try reaching out to their tadpoles, but they must be too far away.
You’re stuck.
A sob chokes you as it forces its way up your throat. Even that is muffled by you, by pure habit at this point. You’ve held your oath for years; you’ve learned how to stay silent even under the worst situations. Now it’s come to bite you in the ass.
You look up at the dim light, blurred through tears. They burn as they just keep coming. Your lip quivers as you quietly gasp for air. You’re going to die down here.
Your last option, you’ve already dismissed before it fully forms. You could break your oath, call up to them, cry out for help with the last of your strength. But to do that would leave you even more helpless than before. To speak was to lose your powers. Your god would rip them away in a heartbeat, until you plead for forgiveness; pray for hours and hours to swear your allegiance and dedication once more.
A slave to the chains that bind you.
But what choice do you have?
You try to catch your breath, slow the hiccups and sobs down until you can fill your lungs with air. You open your mouth, try to form the words, but it comes out as a weak sound, almost a poor facsimile of a donkey’s bray. You haven’t spoken for years, to do so now was an astronomical feat. You feel the burn of your god’s eyes as they watch you actively work to break your oath.
You try to speak again. You form an h sound, but it’s so quiet, it’s hardly enough to be considered speaking. You need to shout. You need to let your friends know you are alive down here. Anxiety grips your heart as you imagine being left down here alone, left to starve to death, or worse.
You swallow. You have to do this. You can do this.
“H..e..lp,” you croak out, a mere whisper. It’s raspy and breathy, but it’s a word. You feel your power being sapped away. You nearly sob again. Your god would abandon you down here. An unfeeling master who only craves loyalty. Astarion was right.
You take another deep breath and try harder. “H-elp..!” It’s still a strained rasp, but you hear it begin to echo off the walls. Louder. It needs to be louder. You cup your hands around your mouth. “Help!” Tears prick at the corners of your eyes at the burning in your throat. “HELP!”
Astarion’s hands are raw from tying knots. Karlach will bring him big piles at a time, plopping them down beside him, and he’d add them all onto the already-quite-long rope. It was perhaps 30 feet long by now, but he wasn’t confident it would reach.
Wyll sighed, exhausted. “We’re almost out of clothes, my friend.”
Astarion doesn’t look up, barely paying attention to the warlock enough to tell him to keep working. Calluses on his hands open and turn into blisters. He winces with each knot he pulls tight. But he won’t stop. How can he?
Shadowheart sighs as she pulls the pants off another corpse. She’s seen far more anatomy in one hour than she ever wished to again. Karlach sits down by the pile and pulls the other end of the rope into her lap. She begins working to tie more on.
They work silently, but rather efficiently. In another minute, the rope has grown considerably longer. Blood begins to stain Astarion’s end.
“Fangs, maybe you should take a break.” He shakes his head, frowning as he grabs a robe off the pile. Karlach is about to insist, get Wyll or Shadowheart to take over, when a sound comes from the pit. Astarion drops everything and scrambles over as fast as he can.
He tilts his head, facing his ear down into the depths. And he listens…
He immediately shouts down into the hole. “We’re going to get you out!” He rushes back to his feet and to the rope. The others drop their half-naked corpses, and Karlach finishes tying one last knot. They help Astarion drag it over to the pit, all lining up to hold onto the end, though, to be honest, Karlach will be doing most of the heavy lifting. He guides the end over the edge, and hurriedly lowers it down. He wants to throw it in, but he’d rather not throw somebody else over the edge with the sudden weight.
He’s knelt right on the edge, wide eyes staring, searching into the dark. He has no idea how close they are to you, or even if it’s long enough. He hopes your god is merciful enough to play with fate.
“Find the rope!” He shouts down. He hopes his voice is reaching you. “We’ll lift you up!”
It’s too quiet for too long. If his heart still beat, it would be racing faster than a rabbit’s on the run. Dread builds up, heavy and unpleasant, in his chest instead. Did you pass out? Was the rope long enough? Would he have to slide down and carry you back up? What was taking you so damn long?!
He’s a second away from removing his armor to climb down when the rope shifts, being tugged by something down in the darkness. He can only hope it’s you. He scrambles to his feet and gets in front of Karlach, grabs hold of the rope with bloody fingers, and begins pulling you from the pit.
Somehow they manage to work as a unit. He’s scrambling to pull you out as fast as possible, but Karlach manages to get him to slow down. If they could do long pulls, they could drag you out faster with less work. He worries his lip between his teeth. Each knot that slips over the edge adds to his anxiety. He’s waiting for the moment it reaches the end and nothing is there. He can only take solace in the fact he can feel your weight holding on. Gods, he thinks desperately, just keep holding on.
After an eternity of pulling, a hand reaches over the ledge. Karlach makes up for his absence when he lets go and falls to his knees at the edge. He reaches in and wraps his hands under your arms, heaving you up and, finally, back on solid ground. He pulls you solidly into his arms, sliding back away from the edge. He’s sick and tired of chasms.
You’re no longer wearing your armor, and your weapons belt is gone, too. Fine, black dirt sticks to your clothes and hands, and even smears across your face, washed away by a stream of tears. He wipes them away with one hand; he can’t give a damn about the blood he leaves in its place.
“I’ve got you,” he breathes. You sob as fall forward, your head landing solidly against his shoulder. Your whole body trembles and shudders with each cry. He’s disconcerted by the sound of your voice, no longer purposefully muffled. He threads his fingers into your hair, holding you to him. “Shh. I’ve got you. You’re safe, I’ve got you.”
If your body ached at the bottom of the pit, now you couldn’t even think about moving. Astarion had carried you as far as he could and then some, until Karlach had to take you from his arms before he dropped you. Even then, he stayed right by her side, watching you anxiously.
Back at camp, Shadowheart healed what she could, but most of her energy was spent during the fight. Haslin took over, but even the best he could do would have you bruised and in pain for the next few days. He went into the woods for ingredients to make a soothing balm.
Wyll helped you drink water, and Gale helped you drink some broth, to hold you over until he could make dinner proper. Lae’zel rifled through your veritable hoard of supplies to find you some suitable armor and weapons, and worked to sharpen and polish them.
When you were finally given the chance to rest, Astarion carried you from your bedroll into his tent, laying you down on his own bedroll. He provided as many pillows as you wished, as many blankets as you could ever ask for. He gathered a bowl of water and a fresh cloth and worked to clean the grime off your face.
You watched blankly, too emotionally and physically exhausted to process much. He passed the cloth over your forehead. It was blessedly cool, but the flash of red that crossed your vision could not be ignored.
Arms like lead, you willed a hand to grab his, stopping him mid-swipe. He winced as you pried the cloth from his hand, where it dropped wetly onto your neck, and ran your thumb along his palm. Blisters and blood covered every inch, skin torn and peeling in places. Without even thinking, you try casting a spell to heal him.
Whereas before, when you tried to cast a spell, you could feel it draining your energy from you, now you just felt nothing. It was like dipping a bucket into a well and coming up empty. There is no more magic within you to fuel a spell. Tears prick at your eyes again.
Astarion sighs, long and low. “You don’t have your magic.”
It takes far too much effort to even shake your head. You take a breath, and through the rasping pain, you speak. “They… took it away when… I called for help…” You swallow thickly. Your voice was foreign to you.
It was foreign to Astarion, too. He could recognize the way you signed, the slight variations of years of experience against Gale’s book-perfect signing or even Wyll’s slower, more purposeful movements. He associated it with you so strongly. To hear you speak was like watching a ventriloquist put on a show.
A bitter feeling took hold within him. Just like all gods, all masters, all people with power to laud over another, you were abandoned in your darkest hour, by someone you spent so long dedicated to. Prayers, offerings at alters, your faithful silence - it would never be enough, not to a god who always craved more.
But now isn’t the time to say I told you so. Gently, he removes his hand from your grasp. Your hand flops back to your side. He takes the cloth from where it rested at your neck, re-wets it, and continues cleaning your face.
He doesn’t say anything as he wipes away your tears, catching them before they have a chance to slide down to your ears. When the sobs choke you, he helps you drink some water. When your sorrow lulls you to sleep, he tucks you in and stays by your side, a faithful argus.
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atlasmarzz · 1 year
ugh why do i do this, its literally 2:50 am when im starting this and 3:26 am when i finish.
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NSFW WARNING - read at your own risk :) thigh riding, degration, edging, orgasm denial, leon is a meanie, mirror sex?
your fiancé had a government work part to attend, of course bringing you as his plus one. leon never really got you involved with his work, it was far too dangerous. but a classy party and drinks with the industry wouldnt hurt at all.
at the moment, you were standing infront of the full length mirror in your bedroom while leon sat on the edge of your bed. you worked on clipping in some earings that matched the necklace that leoj had bougjt you a while ago. you could see him behind you, leaning over, his slicked back hair, white dress shirt, and black dress pants making him even more attractive. you were wearing a long but not tight fitted dress that contained a slit riding all the way up to mid thigh. the top with thin straps and lowcut band. you chose complimentary heels that worked with everything.
you heard a low wistle come from behind you, knowing it was leon checking you out without even having to see his eyes. you ignored it as you finished with the jewlery portion of the night. i double checked my hair and makeup before turning around to face leon.
"are you ready, lee?" of course you had to use the nickname that made him crazy after riling him up with your attire.
"actually.. no, no im not, c'mere" he said, tapping his thigh with his index finger and leaning back to look at you.
"leon, we cant, we have places to be" you tried to explain to him, looking back at the clock hanging in the wall.
"we have 30 minutes, darling, just enough time for something small, hm?" he pleads, grabbing my arm and pulling my down for a kiss
of course i kissed back, but i pulled away quickly, "babe- my makeup" i warned him, looking down at him with stern eyes. he grabbed my hips and yanked me down onto one thigh. i yelped out, grabbing onto his shoulders for stablitiy, "seriously leon-" i warned again but he didnt care. my dress rode up my thigh and dropped the remainder to the floor.
he grippied my hips harder, moving my slightly back and forth. i could feel the wetness starting to pool in my thinly laced panties that he was meant to see later. he clearly had visions of his own as i whimpered, the friction of his pants on my clothed cunt made my head fuzzy.
"what were you saying? how much youre a slut for my fucking thigh? look at you, broken down just for my thigh" he spat with a smile, holding my face with one hand to look up at him.
i contiued to move without his help, my clit throbbing from the harsh contact. i leaned my head back and opened my mouth, silently pleading for more. his hand slid off my face and up my dress, moving my panties aside to have my arousal bare and dripping on his nice pants. when i noticed, i stopped.
"leon- your pants" i whimpered, looking into his eyes with concern.
"dont worry, keep fucking going. tell me how much you love this, making such a mess of yourself and ive barely touched you." i muttered lowly in my ear, gripping my hips again to move me, "god you look so dirty in the mirror right now." he spat again, watching my hips drag against him.
"mph- please leon please im so close-" i whined, picking up my speed and feeling my release creep up.
"you can hold it. be good and hokd it for me. dont want to ruin yourself right before a party, right?" he cooed, rubbing small circles in my hips.
i cried out, tears brimming in my eyes as i tried so hard to keep my band from snapping. my movements stuttered as i tried to regain my composure. i continued for a moment before stopping again.
"did i say you could stop?" leon asked, his voice husky and sharp in my ear, gripping my sides and moving me again.
"no! please leon it hurts! please let me come ill be good!" i begged, crying into his neck as i fought against his movements.
"youll be good? well when you say it like that.." he trailed, lifting me off of his thigh. my face furrowed with confusion, "turn around, watch yourself ruin yourself on my thigh." he demanded, turning my hips.
when i settled myself again, my back flush against his chest as i stared at us in the mirror. my lipstick was smudged and mascara ran down my face, a slight glisten in the light could be seen on his pants.
"c'mon, keep going" he offered innocently, i continued moving my hips, the coil coming back faster this time as i moaned out leons name, "is bunny close?" he asked, leaning in to kiss my shoulder, trailing up to leave soft kisses on my neck and behind my ear.
i nod furiously, practically bouncing on his knee, "stop." he said, it startled me, but i stopped, being ripped away from heaven for the second time, "we can continue after the party. we'll be late" he lifted me off and readjusted my panties.
i whined out, my legs like jello as i desperately tried fixing my hair and makeup. by the time we were actually ready, the wet spot dried, leaving it darker than the rest of the pants.
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sukunasboytoy · 1 month
one thing that draws me into the alien franchise r the xenomorphs n the synthetics
one reason i like these two is bc of my aspd i like that way the xenos r not just considered superior but also godlike for the traits n qualities that r basically the diagnostic criteria for sociopathy hahaha but also the synthetics have a lot of those same traits too (lack of empathy n remorse the ability to adapt n survive etc)
what i also like is how the two r intertwined even from the first v first movie ash is drawn to the xenomorph (n david8s story in prometheus n covenant is just so fucking good to me bc it explains why the synths r drawn to the xenos- they have david8 code but also that fucking good parallel of humans being made by engineers n synths being made by humans n synths turning around n modifying the engineers protomorph n creating the neomorph n xenomorph that turns around n hunts n kills the engineers n humans just - ugh so fucking good)
but also
in each of these movies there rlly r 4 parties: the xenos the ppl the synth n weyland yutani
wy usually is the big bad offscreen controlling everyone n everything like puppets on a string while the synth may or may not comply n the ppl revolt once they realize they r nothing more then collateral for the synth/wy to get their hands on the xeno
n so that means
u have these ppl w their morals n their feelings having to survive the xeno n the synth n both the xeno n the synth lack emotions lack empathy (minus a few models) etc etc both xenos n the synth have their own goal they r tryna achieve
n its always interesting to see the synth having to navigate ppls emotions when the synth is having to either work w the ppl to help them survive or manipulate them to get what the synth wants from them
i rlly like what romulus did w the synths in this movie n it makes it hard to argue what they do bc human emotion does get in the way of what should logically be done they show a few examples of a synth giving up the life of a few humans to save a group n when u know how these alien movies pan out :) u cant argue w that logic- as cruel as it sounds -bc yk everyone ends up dead
n i just like seeing that !!
alien is not a franchise where the spirit of friendship or the strength of human resilience is smth thats at play those things just dont matter to a xeno or a synth that wants u dead n i rlly enjoy that nihilistic approach
thats what makes the xenos n synths formidable n outright scary imo bc they just operate on a level above human understanding the only way to survive them is outsmarting them
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tojisun · 1 year
anon from the simon ask here,, sorry if the enclosure thing was to much i didn't know how else to express how insane i am for that man (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) and never EVER apologize for ranting i love it n i get it ! i don't think i ever saw my feeling so well explained in words. also, i completely understand the competence kink thing there's something so hot about a man that knows what he's doing and simon IS that man like he just looks so capable n ready for everything AND THE WAY HE CARES UGH i could cry thinking of the way he silently shows it. when i first started getting involved in cod i thought he would be this cold cold man but after watching a 5 hours walkthrough (i told you im crazy) i discovered this truly intricate character who seems like he feels so much even if he says so little HHH i just love him. for me his size was a principal attractive because duh but also i feel that it screams safety, like nothing can hurt you as long as he holds you but that could be my own conglomerate of issues speaking ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ over all, n as dumb as it can sound, he's a big source of comfort for me cuz i feel that if there's someone who could understand me it definitely him.
anyway im looking forward for the new works, i already know they r going to be amazing, and sorry for the long ass ask you can ignore it if you want <3
DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THIS ASK, IM DEVOURING IT!!! thank you for interacting back btw like oh my god i dunno how else to express how ?-$,&2$:$!: i am for this man and so seeing my ramblings be mirrored back makes me so happy 😭🫶🏼 also dont worry about the enclosure thing hahshshd made me laugh so hard, swearr
AND YOURE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! theres something so fucking attractive about a man whos exceptional at what he does. the authority that underlies his competence because well you cant help but trust him; you cant help but want to trust him. AND THE WAY HE CARES??? THE WAY ITS THAT SILENT TYPE??? i (still) dunno much abt him but just like u, i thought hes those cold guys whos a lil bit of a lone wolf yk? then i found out that those dad jokes he kept cracking for soap was to ensure soap doesnt pass out because hes been shot?? i didnt expect it from him tbh but i think thats why i started spiralling harder – seeing how hes just a caring man!!!
N HHHHH THE SIZE AND HOW HES YOUR SAFETY?? ITS LIKE YOURE PEERING THROUGH MY MIND RN??? im sorry in advance bc ive been overusing this phrase but his size, on top of his personality and skills, makes me feel small but in a safe and tender way. does that make sense?? like, when he holds you, it just feels like he’s folding you within himself before tucking you in the pockets in his chest. and hhhh i cant stop envisioning the way that when he loves, it feels like safety and comfort; security and steadiness. LIKE you fit perfectly in his arms, under his chin, your face pressed on his chest where you can hear his heart beating. because he’s alive and he’s safe and he’s back home with you because he’s found a home in you. yk???
I JUST. I THINK THAT DYNAMIC SUITS HIM N YOU SM – HES YOUR SAFETY BUT YOURE HIS HOME RAAAAAHHHHHH hope that makes sm sense bc im typing this w my heart lodged into my throat and ik im rambling all over the place. im just so into him, its so 😭
“i feel like if theres someone who could understand me its definitely him” YEA. JUST, YEA
thank you so so much for ur support omg 🥹🫶🏼 im like a puddle rn its hdhjwjdjd thank you again for this ask darling <333 im sorry that my response turned out long (again) and hhhh sorry for the sporadic capslock usage 😭 take care sweetheart 💘💘💘
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Some of you have probably noticed that I havent made a liveblog post in a while. Well, thats because I usually read on the bus and during my classes and then I come home and summarize my thoughts on the 2-5 chapters I read after theyve marinated in my head for a little while, but unfortunately i appear to be incapacited at the moment so I cant do that. But because its been weeks and I dont wanna forget anything and I would very much like to finish this series soon, I'll try to read at home sometimes from now on. Since my brain is still a lil mush Im gonna do what I did for my last post, which is write down what Im thinking as Im reading instead of summarizing all my thoughts retroactively, except this time I have my german copy on hand so if I want to quote something it'll be a translation
Anyway, with all that said, welcome to my twisted mind, please enjoy my thoughts on A Court of Mist and Fury Chapters 40
Chapter 40
Ive been wanting to say this for a while now but i kept forgetting, but they translated 'winnowing' as 'den Wind spalten' ['splitting the wind'] and that is objectively so much cooler, shoutout to my gal Alexandra Ernst for that
Feyre being like "ugh, its so pathetic how these human guards think they could stand a chance against even one of us" hurts me so much you guys what have they done to my girl
Once again, its apparently perfectly fine if Rhysand doesnt tell Feyre anything "because she never asked" but if Tamlin doesnt tell her anything when she never asked hes the devil
Also once again, Feyre is perfectly not-triggered at Mor wearing a scarlet dress
Idk how to explain this, but Rhysand saying that Feyre is wearing a golden crown because "she looks so good with it, how could he not give her one" is somehow the perfect encapsulation of the hollowness of her High Lady title
Oh, of course three of the queens only showed up to watch the other two talk, itd be too hard to write dialogue if they actually participated in this important conversation
hello???? Feyre referring to humans as "your kind" ??? wth is going on
"every side bears some blame" hey rhysand ive got a question for ya. which side enslaved the other again
everytime the oldest queen does anything the prose feels the need to remind me of how old and wrinkly she is and its like, i get it, shes OLD
The oldest queen is spitting so hard rn, Im not even gonna question how they heard of the night court when Feyre, who lived closest to Prythian for many years, didnt know anything aout the individual courts prior to getting there herself, Im just gonna put her whole little monologue here: "Oh? [...] The High Lord of the Night Court asks that we join him so that we can save lives together? Fight for peace? And what about the lives that you have taken during your long, despicable existance? What about the High Lord who shrouds himself in darkness and destroys the mind of those who stand in his way? [...] We have heard of you on the continent, Rhysand. We have heard of what the Court of Night is capable of, what you do to your enemies. Peace? I wouldn't have thought that you - a man who enslaves the minds of others and kills them out of pure enjoyment - even know that word."
Anyway, she was spitting absolute bars and Feyre gets super mad about it and almost commits arson but manages to reign herself in and its like girlie, why are you so upset? one of the first things we find out about the night court in this book is that they apparently indiscriminately kill (or atleast torture) anyone who crosses the night court border without permission like theyre the fucking us government, i think the bad reputation is justified
Forgive me if I sound callous, but I have absolutely no sympathy for Rhysand flinching at the mention of Amarantha when Feyre didnt even use her name and is also talking about how she fucking DIED AT HER HANDS
God, I feel like I have something to say about every single line this post is gonna be like 10 thousand words long by the time Im done
So lets take it from the top; Feyre tries to convince the mortal queens to give them the half of the book by recounting to them how much everyone suffered under Amarantha and how she was gruesomely beaten to death and then revived, which is not a compelling argument to me, who actually witnessed all of that, much less these queens who have barely any context for anything shes saying right now
The oldest queen is like "you dont know anything about anything" which is true what the fuck does Feyre know about whats going on in the human world or even the fae world at large, and then Rhysand growls "dont you dare talk down to her!!" because shes passionate and speaking from the heart or whatever and its like, okay, shes still not good at politicking or even just basic negatioation and shes talking to a seasoned politician who old as fuck
Like, if Feyre was actually smart, she wouldve long since realized that she couldnt convince these queens to protect this little slip of land right up to prythians border and been like "okay, you dont wanna protect the land, but can you atleast organize an evacuation so you can atleast save the people" Sure, they definitely still wouldnt have agreed to that because its a sjm book and theyre written to be comically evil, but it would atleast demonstrate Feyre being a little savvy, because right now all we're getting is her being stupid and stubborn in a situation where she really cant afford that
god, im just now noticing how pissed off I am, its been bleeding into my commentary and its not gonna stop, Im sorry. wait no, if youre reading this youre probably looking for negativity, so youre welcome, actually
Anyway, Rhys also says that Feyre is a kindhearted soul looking out for people who cant defend themselves even though she definitely thought that those human guards were pathetic for wanting to defend themselves when she and the other fae were soooooo much more powerful and he definitely knows that because the mental bond is fully open during this meeting and he chastises the queens for being selfish and cowardly when its like, my brother in christ you are doing the exact same bullshit, but atleast the queens are defending a wholeass continent while hes defending one (1) city. and iirc that city ends up getting attacked and destroyed anyway so good job my guy
Theres something so oddly biblical about the story Mor is telling about Miriam, down to her name being Miriam
That island thats removed from time is such bullshit istg
Is it just me or have these bozos not actually explained what they even need the other half of the book for. theyre just like "we need to stop this war and we'd like peace between humans and fae" and its like cool, hows the book gonna help with that though
im sorry, feyre wants to punch that old woman in the face????
the chapter ends with Elain being like "I hope they burn in hell" and i get that, they just straight up said that they want to abandon a whole bunch of people (them included) to die if a war breaks out, but you cant say that the night court girlies are not also at fault for being so fucking bad at politics
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rogertaylorshbb · 2 years
"friends" roger Taylor fanfic {part 2}
I'm gonna be doing 4 parts to this story, part 3 will be posted soon, enjoy!!
the next day you contemplated whether you should actually help roger or not. as much as you would love to go out with Daniel, ava was your best friend and you wouldn't want her to get her heart broken by roger who you knew had girls jumping at him left and right.
At break you sat on a bench outside reading your favorite book when you were disturbed by roger again. "hey so have you talked to ava yet?" he sat down beside you putting his arm spread out across the bench.
"no, because I'm not going to, I take back the deal" you said.
"why, you shook on it!" he responded.
"look, why do you need my help, I've seen how you are with the girls why cant you pick her up yourself if you want her so bad, and in the end I know your probably gonna break her heart anyway, roger, get another one night stand" you explained shutting your book.
"I'm not gonna break her heart, and so what if I just want a one night stand, please y/n, I promise. I- I've tried to talk to her but she's always busy, and this seems more easier, just chat her up about how amazing I am and ill do the rest" he begged.
"its gonna be a bit hard to say your amazing, guess ill have to lie, and if you hurt her I swear to god you will never see the light of day" you harshly smiled.
"I will not hurt her, I swear on it, and trust me ill get you and Daniel a date" he smiled crossing his legs.
you rolled your eyes and waved goodbye walking back to your dorm room. once you entered your dorm room ava was there. she was sitting on your bed reading a music magazine. "oh y/n, so glad to see you!" she jumped up hugging you. "hey, same here, what you doing" you asked making small conversation. "oh just some reading" she said sitting back down.
"ugh y/n, I am so bored, there's nothing to do, all I do is read and read, why don't we ever go out to parties and stuff like we used to!!" she complained with a smile. this was your chance to bring up roger.
"well why don't you find a date...hm that could be nice maybe, find a nice guy, one night stand?" you said.
"a date? I mean that could work, there's no cute guys though" she sighed.
"why-" ah fuck this was gonna be hard to say "why don't you go out with roger"
"roger?" ava laughed "your talking about the stupid and rude roger taylor, are you trying to kill me"
"I'm being serious, he- he's actually not bad, he- uh- he actually apologized for giving me a hard time and you know if you have a one night stand with him you wont get attached" you shrugged.
"huh....I guess he's not bad looking with those blue eyes and all, maybe eh, he always sleeping with girls" she said thinking hard about if it was a good idea or not.
"I mean, what's there to lose, a-" this was also gonna be incredibly hard to say "cute, experienced guy for one night" you spoke.
"well" ava laughed "some girls have told me some pretty cool stuff about him in bed-"
"ew, shut up" you laughed throwing a pillow at her before she could finish. "well you have convinced me y/n!" she got up from your bed "I need to go now, my mum wants to have a 'family meeting' ugh, but ill come back later, bye" she hugged you and made her way out.
*rogers pov*
y/n walked away from me I had finally convinced her to talk to ava about her going out with me, but now I had to keep up my end of the deal, talking to Daniel.
I walked into Daniels dorm room. "hey thought you had band practice?" Daniel questioned. :"nah, I canceled on Brian" I responded.
"then why aren't you bothering some chick" Daniel laughed.
"eh not in the mood, why aren't you?" I questioned.
"ha ha roger, you know I'm not looking too date right now, I have to focus on my studying" Daniel said.
"ugh what a bore! c'mon, why wont you find a girlfriend, do you wanna be alone forever?" I put my hands on my hips.
"alone? I have friends, you for example" Daniel smiled.
"like why don't you go out with someone nice...y/n for a uh- random example" I suggested.
"y/n, huh? why would you say that, thought you didn't like her?" Daniel raised and eyebrow at me.
"so what if I don't like her, saw you too talking today, you guys could make a cute couple" I shrugged.
"c'mon there's a party at bens house on Saturday, why don't you ask her?" I continued.
"fine ill ask her just get off my back about it, jeez" Daniel chuckled.
"well, wanna go out to the movies, I have tickets?" I questioned.
"yeah, wait ill get my shoes" Daniel said picking up his worn out runners.
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magic-number-3 · 2 years
Top 5 ajr songs for the top 5 ask
shaking my fist like an old man darn you for making me answer this question!!! Ugh how am I supposed to choose?? I’m doing 6 cause fuck you i cant narrow it down anymore (not really fuck you its a joke <3) anyways the songs are under the cut cause I decided to explain my reasoning and it got very very too long. So in no particular order:
Don’t Throw Out My Legos - this song. REAL AND TRUE. I relate personally so much to this song because ~I moved away from home to follow my dreams~ and while the song is about wanting to preserve your childhood home and/or bedroom beacuse you dont want to face the fact of growing up, to me its also about wanting to preserve those sacred spaces in case, ya know. Follow your dreams fails and you have to return home. And so for me that has to be my top 5. Like people say ‘oh this song scratches an itch in my brain’ this song does that to my soul. N E way.
World’s Smallest Violin - ~its the mental illness luv~ . my 2nd most listened to song on spotify of all time and it only came out last year. Its killer
Turning Out - this was one of the first AJR songs I ever heard after that sponegbob song lmao (What Everyone’s Thinking EP, thank u for ur service) and DAMN if I havent cried listening to this song. Multiple times. I interpret this song as one of those where people are like ‘i dont feel like a whole person’ and i relate to that. like im TECHNICALLY a fully grown adult now but boy is that only technically. ‘You say I turned out fine / I think I'm still turning out’ and the ending of the song, ‘I'm a little kid, and so are you / Don't you go and grow up before I do / I'm a little kid with so much doubt / Do you want to be there to see how I turn out? / Cause I’m still turning out’ . Theres a feeling, a need to tell people whats going on because ppl think ur fine but ur not and youre nervous of an inevitable crash thats coming that no one will understand. But you dont know how to tell people. Youre scared to and you dont know how to make them understand. Anyway :(
Burn The House Down - this song goes SO. HARD. Its got a killer beat and this genius lyrics explanation says it all: ‘The titular line of the song is a blunt invitation for a sort of political revolution, at least in a metaphorical sense, in that the whole system will be replaced bottom-up with something new’. lets go burn the house down.
Way Less Sad - also my 5th most listened to song of all time on spotify. Like I’ve said before, its very uplifting and optimistic song to me. Maybe things aren’t great, but they’re better than they once were. And theres something very comforting abt not accepting that you dont have to be 'Happy' - whatever that means - that you can just be better than you once were. it relieves the pressure a little bit.
Karma - its very similar to worlds smallest violin, but the way that the musicality pushes the feeling and ideas in the song makes it just completely different imo. The way the music is constantly pushing the song forward - it never lets up and jack is in a rush to get all of these feelings out and he doesnt understand why he feels this way or why these things are the way they are and it all comes to a head with the final bit of the song when its pretty much silent, just him talking. The way the instrumentals push forward the concept and meaning of the lyrics is just some genius music making imo. Jack talking and talking and the way it speeds up and theres barely time to take a breath if youre singing along - the FEELING of the song, struggling to get these words out. The heart of it is very dear to me and meant a lot to me when it came out. I’m lucky that when I sing along now its not so much as a ‘these are my words i never knew how to say’. Its concepts no longer reflect my own stage of life, but when it did this song was very dear to me. Still is. Regardless of favoritism in relation to myself and simply as a piece of music, I do think it is possibly one of their BEST songs.
Some other faves cause how can I just mention FIVE??
100 Bad Days, the spiritual predecessor to Way Less Sad. GOES HARD
Next Up Forever and Finale - At first I was so bummed they didnt do an overture because I genuinely am such a slut for ajrs overtures but I love the way they these songs work as bookends to this album and I love the ideas explored in these two songs and the way they bounce off each other
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dumbbitchfrommars · 16 days
12am and i cant sleep.
its been so hard adjusting to all the change. it was unexpected, and i got used to something and didnt realise how that momentum would just disappear and how uncomfortable i would be about that.
i think i got used to the chaos of being a student. now i feel stuck, and im doubting myself. im really, really questioning.
but somehow i was blessed with a really wonderful man amidst it all?
doubt/fear/self criticism. its confusing me... i havent properly cried in so long. ive just gotten a bit too comfortable with the subtle, constant voice in my head putting me down for every little mistake and unmet expectation.
i am a good writer. i missed writing, really writing. i got so lazy. i feel so lazy, all the time. like im never quite putting in 100%, but if i did, i know id be able to achieve so much. id be so successful - probably at anything i put my mind into.
instead im so afraid of failing or being disappointed that i barely try at all.
my confidence is thin... i wonder if people can see through my facade?
im so ashamed and angry at myself for losing my temper today. it completely derailed the rest of my day. i feel terrible. i deserved to get in trouble today. it was my karma for being impatient, and mean, and angry. life is not that serious. nothing is worth that kind of anger. no stranger deserves that kind of anger...
im so tired but the coffee that i knew would throw me off is keeping me up. i was shaking for half the day today! i genuinely helped so many people but i also feel judged, criticised and under appreciated. i am not rostered again for this entire week.
work is not worth this frustration and anger and hurt. ive exhausted myself analysing the situation and its done. but, what is left if not that? what do i worry about instead? how others might judge me for dating this guy? or how my car is stuck in a carpark tonight and might be towed away by the morning? or, that i have $40 to my name right now with multiple trips interstate planned in the next few months? money doesnt matter. it never really mattered and is the least of my problems, and yet it floats back to me constantly like a persistent fly. i got bit on the fucking face by a mosquito!
but being hugged like that healed something in me. it was the most comforting hug ive had in so, so long. i could cry just thinking about feeling that way all the time. so warm and safe and protected and loved.
its nice to feel like i can be a shy girl again. like i dont have to pretend to be confident all the time, cause someone else is already, and hes ready to take the lead for me. so i can let my guards down and just be my self and not worry about scaring him off or making him insecure. and i like the way he tells me things. like he really shows me, and gets me to visualise what hes trying to explain. and i like how he rubbed my knee when i said i wasnt listening to him for one second. and i like how he kinda just decided for me that were hanging out again tomorrow. and i like how he asked "are you okay" when i got all anxious and made me laugh at myself instead of being awkward. how did he do that? he helped me not overthink by making a sweet joke and i could laugh. and my critical side is non existent when im with him, cause hes so confident in himself. hes so man. and i actually like him. i like talking to him, i like his personality, im drawn to him, i think hes attractive. i mean, he has odd style but it suits him. and he has some opinions that i disagree with but they arent dealbreakers. and hes such a boyyyy like hes so masculine man like wow they really do exist. all i had to do was look in a different place to my own. I KNEW IT TOO. i knew i liked them a little rough around the edges. ugh. okay. i think thats enough fawning over him now.
i wonder when we'll finally kiss. i dont think im ready yet... im scared of rushing and getting hurt again. i think he can tell and thats why hes been so slow and gentle with me. is crazy, isnt it? i seem so confident and attractive and cool from the outside. i feel like everyone profiles me as having so much handed to me. but its honestly so scary and hard to try do relationships and friendships. ive been hurt so much and im so so sensitive. but maybe i seem strong and like my walls are up or something, so people think im indestructible. but secretly im so soft and fragile and i need time. and i feel like hes giving me that time? like i dont think ive ever gone this long talking to a guy. i havent hung out with a guy 3 times without kissing once. thats a lie... but its also true, cause the taurus i always just expected it to not be romantic. i dont think i ever really saw us being in a relationship. but i can see myself with the scorpio. so its even a shock just for me, to see how seriously im taking this by not rushing. i want everything to be special and the right timing. i even want to meet his family and friends. and my sister really likes him. thats how i know hes good for me. because shes never wrong about people. could this be why i had such a trainwreck day today? did i receive some kind of evil eye the other night? but...who...? everyone seemed so sweet and happy and lovely. maybe its just a bad day and i shouldnt overthink it.
its fucking freezing cold and now its past 1am. ugh.
i would love another one of those hugs, please. it was so lovely and nice and ugh. holy shit. i really like him!
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midnighteloquence · 4 months
nee nauh nee nauh *ambulance comes towards me*
uh so theres gonna be mentions of sh in this just saying
soooo uh this happened ages ago but recently ive been thinking about it
idk whats up with them (c) but they seem really “weird” about my sh?? hard to explain its not exactly weird but its kinda odd?? (yk they do too so im just pointing that out bcs like idk why they act the way they do towards my sh when they also do)
when they first discovered about it they were super supportive, they gave me a jacket to cover my sleeves and such. but then we became closer and they became kinda odd?? like last year i had scars on my arms and they starting putting plasters on them in class OUT OF NOWHERE. MIND YOU MY SCARS WERE FULLY HEALED THEN. and it wasnt even prompted, no one was talking about scars we werent even talking about anything. at the time i was like “wtf??” because like yeah it was so weird??
and whenever i did it (id have plasters btw) theyd always ALWAYS pressure me about why i have plasters. and id always tell them excuses, but the thing is theyd always say something along the lines of “then show me”. WHICH UH. DONT FUCKING DO THAT?? like how little trust do you have in me? and theyd always find a way to get my plaster off, somehow. its just so, scary?? and manipulative, in a way. it sucked. AND EVERY TIME. AS SOON AS THEY SAW THEYD BE LIKE “oh thats very naughty of you!! dont do that!!” in such a fucking condescending patronising babying voice. shut up. dont make me feel guilty. screw you
sorry im getting pissed off lmao
anyways a couple months ago i did it again and i had a plaster on that was starting to come off and i asked people for spares and they said no. which. theyd say things like “oh whats it for” and when i told them an excuse and they were like “show me, im not wasting my plasters on it”. WHICH PLEASE STOP. ITS SO I CANT EXPLAIN BUT ITS SOOO BITCHY IN A WAY??
and eventually they “wanted to see how dirty the plaster was” and took it off. THEN they said “oh but you promised you wouldnt” WHICH I NEVER FUCKING DID??? HOW GUILTY ARE YOU GONNA MAKE ME FEEL FOR THIS??? WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF AT EVERY INSTANCE YOU HAVE A PLASTER I PEELED IT OFF AND TOLD YOU “oh dont do that!!!”????
and they have the audacity to give plasters to OTHER people when they ask, like for fucks sake its so bitchy and ugh
anyways im mad now so im gonna watch friends bye bye oh no oh no NO NO AUGHHHHHHWAHHHH *ambulance crashes into me and kills me*
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
2/2 ‘TED MADE IT! IM SO HAPPY! YAY TEDDY AND EMMETT ADVENTURE TIME!!! Damn it, so everyone is in couples except Brian and Justin. Why couldn’t Brian go with Justin to LA? This sucks’ ‘oh wow Lindsay is really a fucking bitch. I get the worry though but holy shit what the fuck happened to her? I hate this shit. Throw them both away’ he is so annoyed with Lindsay and Melanie that he is currently repeating the words ‘break up’ over and over. They break up: ‘I TOLD YALL THIS SHIT LIKE TWO SEASONS AGO. FUCKING FINALLY now lets go to Brian and Justin’ ben and michael got engaged ‘man, they’re really stealing the spotlight, huh? DUDE. THIS IS NOT THE TIME. Stealing Debbies shine. Rude.’ And Justin is officially in LA ‘so he went to LA? When? What? Huh? This looks like that party at that club dudes place. I still don’t like this director guy. I hate this. Okay be honest, who is this actor Connor supposed to be? Tom Cruise? Or? He better not get in a way of my two boys or I’m fighting every person who wrote this show.‘ and the gang made it to Toronto ‘so this is like a play on that toronto is like Gay Pittsburgh? This does look like Woodys. BRIAN! OH MY GOD ITS BRIAN! Okay pause *stops tv AGAIN* listen. Remember how Brian reacted to Hunters handjob thingy? Pair that up with Hunters reaction to Brian explaining planes to Mike. BAM! Uncle and nephew duo! I love these two. I can’t believe i didnt think he wouldnt go to canada with a plane. That makes the most sense in the whole show. HE’S RIDING! THE RIDE! Wait stop. *pauses tv AGAIN!* so let me get this right? He found out from Mike that Justin was wanted in LA and his immediate reaction when realizing that Justin is turning it down is to lie about not doing the ride so that Justin wouldn’t sacrifice his future? What the fuck? I mean i know he cares about his future *looks at me and smiles* thats kinda the hottest part about him. But this is UGH. AW BRI AND EM HUGGED! AND HES SMILING! I AM SO HAPPY THAT HE IS FINALLY HAPPY BUT HELL, BLONDIE IS MISSING’ ‘i forgot how much Brian hates marriages. Im kinda surprised that they went that extra with it. Id get if he hated it for himself but others? I feel like he would be more of a minding my own business kinda person. Like me. *looks at me like he’s really proud of himself* me and Brian are clearly the same person because i know my bri bri.’ And we are back to LA ‘i dont know why but i really hate this. Like it’s weird. I love Blondie and the idea of his career becoming huge is awesome but this is just eh. (Justin says his ‘fucking’ line in the meeting) OH MY GOD. I FUCKING LOVE HIM LIKE THIS! PLEASE BLONDIE NEVER CHANGE! This kinda reminds me of when Brian said to Debbie that being a true american is getting fucked in the ass when they went to vote. They really are made for each other’ Mikey/Ben’s wedding is on ‘WHAT THE FUCK?! ALREADY? Awww Brian is his best man! No matter how he feels about stuff, he still cares the most about his friends. *points to tv* BRIAN IS THROWING THE CONFETTI! HES HAPPY FOR THEM BUT HE HAS TO BE GRUMPY AT TIMES. MY BABY HAS GROWN SO MUCH!’ ‘I just realized that Brian missed lindsays wedding and Blondie missed this one. They really cant be together. What the fuck is wrong with writers? Why do they hate them?’ And the Ride has officially started ‘AW BRIAN IS GONNA KICK ASS! Debbie is his mother! Why am i getting emotional by this, i already knew it? This wouldve been better with Blondie but GO BRI BRI! I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!!! We should do something like this. You think its hard? We could have little pride flags on it like Ted! DID YOU SEE BRIS SMILE AT THE END? He tries to act tough but damn it, he really is finally happy, isnt he? If only fucking LA didn’t ruin it. But it’s okay, we got one more episode and all will be fixed!’ He is fully convinced that Brian will confess his love in the last ep. He is so sure that he sent a voice memo to family group chat AND friend group chat to let them know that the ‘i love you scene is coming up in the next episode! I’ll let you guys know how the fuck its gonna go down’
I’m with your brother - I love Brian getting excited for Mikey and Ben. He may not want marriage (loaded statement I know) but he wants to help others who do want it! Just like with Mel and Lindsay! (who are now broken up so that’s not a great example)
Brian has to go on the ride and not to LA for MANHOOD reasons. It’s stupid. It’s a dumb storyline. They could have done so much more with the history of the AIDS ride. Alas.
GAH! Work. More later!
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gpavila · 11 months
ugh 10.31.23
I've honestly been feeling so ugh lately. I don't know how to explain it, I feel like i always try my best to put into words how i feel but this time i can't. I used to be good at going to people for help and advice, a part of me still is but i just cant. anymore, at least not like before. I just feel dumb after teliing someone anything or dont feel like i know how to really. Im at the point of my healing journey that im ready to let go of the pass and move on complety. I feel like this is the first time in like forever that i truly really do mea it, i am ready but am i really? I keep asking myself so much and feel like i expect so much from myself that i get so discurage whenver my progress isnt like other. I know and see tha i am far from where i use to be and that makes me so happy and gives me hope. New hope, more hope, healthy hope. I know and can tell that a part of me hasnt moved on completly and i mean that is okay. I keep trying to tell myseld that its okay and im trying to learn to be more patient with myself too. and its fucking hard. I find myself still dreamsing and thinking a lot about this particual person still (my ex) and it gets me so upset. i find myself waking up in the middle of my sleep and thinkin gbaout him and getting upset beecause why am i thinking about him you know, like i dont want to or do i? or what is it thats making my brain think about him still wihtout my control duh its frustuating. I was telling this to one of my friends from work and she told me that what if im under a spell or its wich craf. not going to lie a part of me is start to question it lol but i dont think so. I think if i really sit with my emotions like ive been trying to lern to do and its hard. but ive been wondering and now that im sitting here writing this, it came to me. Maybe the reason that i still think about him a lot and dream about him to the point that it wakes me up, might be simply because of my subconciouse. I feel like i have put so much of the blame on myself and have took all the guilt and kept it. I think a part of me still needs to fprgive myself, not only for the misdtakes that i made in that relastionship but how much i hurt myself in it. All of it, i still think i was a bad gf and but a lot of the blame on me so that might be it and maybe a bug factor too is that he moved on completely and faster than me. i know i haven't moved on and honestly yeah that really does upset me tbh but i know i need to be patient. I hope one day it is al gone for good because i am. as much as i didn't want to and as much as i was scared before now i am not, i want it, i want to completely move on for good, and i know the for good part will never happen, at least not in the way that i would hope for. i know that someone who was a big part of my life, someone who was my whole teenage years will be hard to completely forget, i wont, realistically speaking i wont, but idk the point that i am is good, it's a good sign that i am going in the right direction and i just have to keep doing what i am doing because the results are there and it seems to be working but at a really slow pace lol. I'm slowly starting to feel happy with myself and with who and what i have in my life. trying to make the best out of anything big or small. i look back at things and no longer get sad but glad it happend but something it can still hurt and all i guess is trying to say that i hope one day i can lookk back at everything without feelign one single glimps of hurt. I want to let go completly. im still sad
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blackvail22 · 1 year
9/18/23 -- 10:46pm
i dont remember if i told you this, but my least favorite coworker gave me their number on thursday. it gave me the ick in the moment because i really dont like them (for a number of reasons), but i now feel like ive been an asshole and that i should text them.
here are a few reasons why i dont like them:
actively supports things that i cannot (blue lives matter)
favorite artists are racist and support white supremacy
...this one i have to thoroughly explain
and look, i want to believe that we can seperate the art from the artist, but when the artist makes music about the problematic things they support (aka white supremacy) or has the stars and bars flag on their guitar, i dont think.... i dont think we can separate those two lol. and i also want to believe them about having DID, i do, but i have done so much research about DID and they really do not ever switch. i mean, they do switch into a country accent sometimes but its severely watered down and you can tell its.. fake. but also, when i first met them, they told me they did that because they do it when theyre bored. and they told our coworker that they do that because they have DID. sure, they could have it, but i just... i dont know. i cant believe it
i think i only really want to text them because i am feeling lonely and i dont want to be lonely anymore. i hate post-breakup stuff because ive thought about getting with people that i dont even really like that much as well as people i know would be bad for me. hell, ive thought about getting with him for the third time, and SURE -- maybe THIS time he's changed (he hasnt its been a month) but i feel like im rotting on the inside. i feel like im wasting time. i really want someone i could talk to and show my love for.
i cant be in love though; im severely.... clingy. its troubling at times, and i dont like it. there was a time in november of a certain year when i was talking to someone i severely liked, and they told me they had a crush on someone. i went .... insane. obviously, i dont think they knew about it, but i cried for WEEKS. sometimes i would cry so hard and so much that i nearly threw up. i screamed sooo many times out of anger, and i have so many videos and notes rants about it.. here is something i found from that time .. "... we're not fucking dating, but my god, dude, you make me feel like an idiot! ... ugh. i'm fed up, but i'm not gonna go away, and we both know that. fuck. fuck fuckf cufkc hfrsdakhfbaewk;bn"
i said a lot besides that, the most important parts i think, but the general thing i said was "you couldve at least told me you were busy. fuck you for leaving me for some other girl. her and i are probably just objects anyway" and OH MY GOD?>>>>??????> i genuinely dont believe that now, but i was so out of myself then (and almost every time im in love) that it KILLLLLS me
"i think tjis hurts so much because once again, no one will love me enough to see me in their future forever. i mean, youre still special to me, and talking to you is great, but i liked you romantically just because i wanted loved. i loved that feeling that i was chasing, but you ruined it and you crushed me once again. all well."
i love so much and so hard because i want to be loved and i want to feel love back. it makes it so easy for me to fall for someone because of that. it makes it difficult to differentiate the difference between love and the idea of love really easily. it makes me afraid ill never really find the authentic kind of love i long for. not only that, but when someone says they love me and shit and then say that im too much for them or say that im too crazy for them.
when i think back, though, i really do think i was in love with my ex-boyfriend and the person i had a crush on that i mentioned before. i really do think i loved them because i still feel that love i had for them. i was told that true love doesnt go away, and i think thats true.
or maybe its admiration?
i know im so young, but i feel like ive been alive for 1000 years, i swear! i feel like my heart shouldnt be this heavy for my age. nothing feels right anymore, and i try my best to make it feel better...
it feels like nothing workdss
(that took me 40 minutes to write because i kept getting distracted )
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#ah my birthday is on sunday and im trying to decide how to deal with it#bc birthdays have never been that big a deal in my family but i feel cultural pressure to so something and it would be a good excuse to#chill for a sec. bc everythings been pretty terrible. ive just had some bad luck#machine malfunction Sunday. my laptop screen cracking. more and more and more stuff to do#i really need a new laptop. im v worried its gonna stop working but ugh i dont wanna deal with it#and im STILL trying to get my car registered. more abd more hoops to jump thru#and loads to do for this report thats due next friday. i should ask for help but its so hard to ask undergrads to do anything#if i dont watch constantly thry fuck it up. somehow the pics taken of leaves were fucked up and its my fault for apprently not explaining#properly but i dont understand why she took the pics like that? like u covered the entire leaf??? why tf do u think i asked for leaf pics?#and my boss is like: maybe we can go to idaho later in the year and collect more samples for photosynthesis#and im just. im so far past burnt out i dont even feel it anymore. i look at the data from my 1st round of samples and i feel nothing#shes excited. which is nice but i look out at the now 3 photosynthesis data sets i have to deal with and feel tried and small#i dont find it that iteresting topic wise so its only pushing me further and further away and ive gotta write a ton of bs before i get#started with the next data sets. so much ti do and im so tired#so yeah. i should prob take a break. i was replaying kentucky r0ute zero but i accidentally set thr size of the window too small#so now i cant fucking change it back and so i cant play thr game and im very veey upset abt it#im sure there's a way to fix it? maybe. but i cant get to the menue in game anymore and i dont have the time to figure it out#so i guess i cant play anymore#ah. maybe ill just draw all day Sunday. maybe. maybe.#but if i decide ti di that itll put too much pressure on it and i wont be able to do anything#maybe ill draw my ocs. or nar uto and sa sake. sime yearning vibes#idk we'll see what happens. mayne ill just sleep. haha yeah right#unrelated
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