#but legit i basically dress like this tbh
impandgnomes · 4 months
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This is me, if you even care 😤😤😤😤😤
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✮⋆˙ a love 3005 years in the making; jason grace x vlogging! daughter of persephone blurb
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content: jason grace x vlogging! daughter of persephone blurb warning: lanauage i believe but enough cuteness overload to make up for it!! author's note: im not allowed to go to bed without a shower again bc it fucked with my head so so bad- i was legit in a bad place last night but then i took a shower this morning and was fine???? and all my creative juices came back??? it's criminal i can't- anyways heres more of our beloved vloggin girl and her boy toy!! also, as always with these now, there are previous parts to this if yall feel like reading them, but tbh, you really don't have to!!
"okay, okay, first, look how pretty my momma looks," you laughed into the camera, basically shoving it into persephone's face, the goddess rolling her eyes and gently shoving it away.
"you're sweet, darling. my pretty girl," she teased back, squeezing your cheek despite your swatting hands.
"whatever, mom," you pretended to huff, but your smile betrayed your act of anger
"im sure jason would agree-"
"that's enough out of you," you laughed nervously, speaking louder in hopes of covering your mother's voice. you then took the camera around the room, showing off persephone's fancy white dress, a replica of her wedding dress. then, once you were dressed in your deep red dress and make up all done, you were braiding your mother's hair, adding the occasional flower. playing in the background was 'slipping through my fingers,' as you gave your momma a squeeze around her shoulders, smooshing your cheeks together.
the video then cut to you dapping up nico, who was tugging at his suit that his dad forced him into, grumbling about the whole event while you laughed at him.
"where's your blonde boy?" you teased and nico smirked into the camera.
"with your blonde boy," he winked back, nodding his head over to where the two suit-clad boys were conversating, oblivious as you zoomed the camera in on this, the video shaking as you and nico laughed at the situation. it did not fly over your guys head at the two children of the underworld couldn't help but bring blonde golden boys home.
you were then showing the section of persephone's garden that would be hosting the event, showing the dance floor and stealing four macaroons and racing back to give to them to your boys. while you and jason twisted your arms and attempted to feed the other a macaroon like newly weds often did with cake, trying to be cute and funny. it wasn't going well, as you couldn't stop laughing, bending over at the hips and grasping his forearm to stay on your feet. jason couldn't help but laugh with you, unable to pull his eyes from your joyous form. then you and jason were whisked away, yapping up minor and major gods and goddesses alike. hermes demanded on being in the vlog, something about being an avid fan and follower. you agreed, nearly pissing yourself as you film him from a higher angle that made his eyes looked like they were bulging and his forehead longer than normal, hermes yapping away about something you couldn't hear over your laughs.
"im gonna cry-"
"shut the fuck," nico hissed quietly, the camera turned on the two of you huddled together, tears steadily pooling in your eyes. you then turned the camera around, showing the ceremony for hades and persephone. they were speaking in ancient greek their vows, which had everyone in the crowd in tears...save for jason, who couldn't understand a lick of it.
"translation, please?" he whispered over to you, rubbing a comforting hand on your knee. you swallowed down your sobs, leaning away from nico and over to jason, who promptly pulled out his handkerchief and began dabbing at your cheeks to avoid ruining your makeup but also collect your tears.
"basically, they're talking about how distance makes the heart grow fonder. dad knew he was in love with her the first spring of their marriage as he never felt a loss like that before, he imagines its something akin to what mortals feel when a loved one dies. mom's talking about how she wishes she could go back and eat the pomegranate whole, six months apart too long for her heart despite the fact she get's to see her mother," you explained, looking up at the boy with glossy eyes and soft smile that told him you were starting to understand your parents deep love on a personal level. and jason was starting agree.
"gross mushy gushy romance stuff," nico huffed from your left, which earned him a smack from will.
"he was crying a few minutes ago, don't listen to him," will whispered, leaning around the son of death, who blushed beat red and shoved at his blonde boyfriend.
"i was not!"
"you totally wore! look, there's tear stains on your sleeves!"
"those are yn's!"
"hey! no slander against my good name. i cry, but like a grown-up i admit it," yn cut in with a whisper and nico opened his mouth to say more before some minor god whipped around and scolded them into silence.
then the camera was being picked up sloppily, the picture blurring and slightly out of focus, turning to hades and persephone's confused faces. hades leaned in, trying to read something before disappearing from frame and coming back with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"ah! i believe it's this button, my blossom," he mused, fiddling with the camera, which cleared up slightly. persephone cheered her husband on before taking the camera back from him, leaning in like she was sharing a secret.
"alright, we really do not understand how to use this cursed mortal object, but hermes did give us a few pointers. and i know my darling daughter would want this moment on camera. and, even thought he won't say it out loud, my beloved boy too," persephone whispered into the camera with a slight giggle before turning it around and zooming in on the dance floor.
there, you and jason were slowly stepping to the music. your head was resting on his shoulder, your arms loosely grappling at his shoulders and resting above his heart. jason's head was bent down over yours, his lips lost in your hairline and near your temple, the ghost of kisses being pressed there. you said something, surely funny as balls, and jason quirked a smile, pulling his girl closer by her hips, as that's where his hands were resting.
"they're so cute together," persephone breathed into the camera.
"yes, and then there's my son and his boyfriend," hades sighed as persephone giggled, shifting the view to nico and will, who were trying to throw grapes into each other's mouths. then some pop song started playing over the speakers and will was desperately trying to drag a begrudging nico out to the dance floor. eventually, will managed to get him out there and they two were jumping about, nico pretending to not laugh and fall more in love with will, who was screeching along to the lyrics
"for a son of apollo, you'd think he'd be a better singer," hades prompted, persephone shoving at her darling husband with a tiny laugh.
"don't talk bad about him! i think this things still recording," persephone hissed, turning the camera around and squinting as she tried to turn it off, having accomplished her mission of recording her children in love.
"i'm just saying, would it kill them to bring home someone who's not blonde? someone with a little spunk, ya know? why do they have to keep falling for the softies-"
hades rant was cut off as persephone found the off button.
the video ended with a tiny collage from the night, photos of your parents as in love as could be and a few goofy ones of you and nico with minor gods and goddess, posing and just being silly. in one of them, you even managed to convince jason to do a handstand with you and a slightly tipsy hermes.
@/ur.evryday.mailman: who is that handsome man doing a handstand at the end 🤔🤔🤔
@/underworlds.favs: that's the iconic jason grace 😊🫶
@/ur.evryday.mailman: i walked straight into that one, huh? tell your boyfriend hi for me 🙃
@/underworlds.favs: the judge sides with the plaintiff, court dismissed 👩‍⚖️
@/user.2: these two gloomy dumbasses with their sunshine boyfriends i cant-
@/underworlds.favs: we know how to pick 'em fr 💪😤
@/user.3: you guys got the way you love from your parents for sure. tell them congrats on the long and clearly happy marriage for me!
@/underworlds.favs: they are, in fact, the blueprint. i don't know why bro is complaining about us bring home softie blonde's when he litterally took home the softest flower girl to ever exist. like bro, we got this from you wtf??? (also, this made my mom cry, she thinks youre the sweetest!)
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
You were talking about Leo being a straight dudebro in the body of a gay man (fashion wise) and tbh thats the jumping off point for me to say that whenever I picture him in human clothes he is Always wearing the classic "green triforce shirt + khaki cutoffs pants" combo every middle school boy rocked circa late 2000s early 2010s. You just know he wears those shirts that say "eat, sleep, game, repeat" and the same basketball shorts for 5 years straight. Like, I can see Mikey, Donnie, and Raph having campy and fun fashion sense and having cool elaborate outfits but like. Its not Leo if he doesn't rock a fit that screams the fanciest place he'll eat out at is Olive Garden tbh
Leo is one of those fuckbois that spends hundreds of dollars on a pair of ugly tennis shoes and then freaks out if any dirt gets on them and walks like an idiot to avoid scuffing them.
He'd wear his pants with his ass hanging out and pop his collar. He'd wear those deep v-neck shirts and birkenstocks, probably with socks.
He'd wear puka shell necklaces and shark tooths despite living in NYC and having never been surfing. If he had hair he'd absolutely have had a frosted tips phase.
Not to mention this boy reeks of axe body spray. He's one of those guys that hasn't figured out he stinks more as a teenager and substitutes spray-downs for basic hygiene. He has a twenty-product nighttime skincare routine and then he rolls out of bed and sniffs a random shirt on the floor to determine if it's suitable for another go. At least once a week he'll show up to the breakfast table and Splinter will gag and force him to take a shower.
Meanwhile Donnie is legit prancing around in heavily coordinated outfits that he seemingly threw together effortlessly and he looks like a fashion model. April sends him pictures of her prom dress choices and takes his critique as gospel. He's always invited to Girl's Night and it took Cass several get-togethers for her to even realize the irony. He and his girlfriends do their makeup together and probably get into fights over how they apply eyeliner. Somehow he is the straighter twin.
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
Do you have more ideas with black cat cellbit and spider roier? I really love that au
Oh wow, let me think
I think Cellbit legit has to use a cane for the rest of his life because he fucked up his bones that badly. But that’s fine, he can adjust
Tbh he just wants a cool cane sword, and I think that’s valid of him
Roier goes back to being Spider-Man if only because he’s realized, yet again, that the Avengers don’t do shit to protect the people of the city
Fuck those guys, for real
Pepito gets immensely attached to Richarlyson and thinks he’s the coolest big brother EVER
Richarlyson is Not Happy about this until he is. And now he takes his Big Brother duties seriously
Bagi gets fired from the police force, because Duh, but she gets a steady gig as a private detective. She becomes kind of a Jessica Jones equivalent, good for her(?)
Cellbit eventually decides that he really likes being a house husband (even if he and Roier aren’t married yet.) It’s a nice change from the life he’s led to this point
Sometimes he’ll team up with Bagi to help her on a case, but only if she asks him
(She only sometimes asks him)
One of Roier’s new favorite activities is taking Pepito out with him on very basic patrols as “Spider-Kid”
And by “patrols”, I mean Roier dresses Pepito up in a little Spider-Man Halloween costume and they go swinging around the city and Pepito thinks they’re stopping crime because “Two spider-people are gonna stop all the criminals from showing up! They’re scared of us, Apa!”
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foxglovepng · 5 days
Pride Headcannons + ships🌼🥀
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Characters: Riddle, Cater, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Kalim, Vil, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia. + Ship mentions Trey, Floyd, Azul Literally everyone.
CW: Mentions of internalized homophobia, ship mentions, probably incorrect dragon biology. Book 7 spoilers Lilia!!!!!! (Please don't come for my Idia and Cater ship name its a JOKE) I went a little unhinged with some of the ship names
A/N: Happy pride month since you gay and shit. When I was writing this I legit forgot Savanaclaw existed and accidentally left them out (OOPSIE). By the end of pride month, I am going to figure out if I am a lesbian or not.
(Just a disclaimer these headcanons don't change who I will write them for I just have these specific headcanons)
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
Riddle (Closeted Gay man)
Riddle has internalized homophobia. For gender, he's questioning/experimenting, but because of his mother he very much has internalized homophobia.
Cater (Bi preference Men + Non Binary)
So if you look at Cater's guitar straps in his club card it's BASICALLY the Non-binary flag (He/They)
Like?? It's basically it maybe just missing a color but like?? You can't tell me I'm wrong.
He also gives off Bisexual with a preference for men. Like just looking at him he would date women however men are usually his preference.
Ace (Trans FTM + BI preference woman )
We all know about my FTM Ace headcannons and I will die on that hill for them, BUT Bi preference woman headcannon Ace.
Also because of Adeuceyuu, I will include that he's Polyamorous.
Deuce (Pansexual)
He's comfortable in his gender however he is Pan.
I know people are like "But but he gets nervous around women" fun fact I don't give a shit he's PAN
Also adding because of Adeuceyuu he's poly
Ruggie (Bisexual)
He gives off Bi vibes idk why.
Like you can totally catch him checking out guys and girls you can't tell me otherwise??
Jack (Pansexual)
Another Pansexual. I can see him not caring about gender he would date anyone.
(Insert Epel and Jack ship)
I think he prefers rather or not they are a good person and would workout with him.
Jade (Unlabeled)
I feel like Jade experiments with Gender stuff and pronouns. I also feel like when it comes to sexuality he doesn't really care and chooses not to label himself. Who cares if his s/o is a male Why does that matter?
Jamil (Agender + Unlabeled)
He gives off agender vibes tbh like no straight man has hair that gorgeously long NO STRAIGHT MAN HAS A GORGEOUS SILK PRESS SMH (drop the hair routine or Kalim gets it)
When to comes to his sexuality I feel like he's unlabeled as he also probably doesn't care like Jade. He also isn't actively seeking out a relationship because of his position as a retainer.
Kalim (Pansexual + experimenting)
He'd date anyone for sure doesn't matter the gender.
Are they trans? sure are they a woman? sure are they am eldritch horror? sure why not.
I feel like he also experiments with his gender and plays around with pronouns. Like maybe one day he wants to dress in drag and he next he just wants to vibe.
Vil (Genderqueer + Pan)
Vil is literally referred to with both masc and fem pronouns so it's giving very much genderqueer.
They would date literally anyone all that matters is their beauty n shit.
Epel (Bisexual)
He's bi because I said so
I could see him dating a girl, but I could also see him dating a guy..
Idia (Aro/Ace)
I could see this man being Aroace. Like he really does not go out and if you have seen his Phantom Bride card you'd see it too.
Malleus (Genderfluid + Pan)
According to my sources if I am correct Dragons are genderfluid (Source: Cafae latte)
Malleus is a dragon (DRAGON DEEZ NUTS-) so that makes them Genderfluid in my book.
And I also feel like they would be Pan because they would definitely date anyone and since being genderfluid I feel like gender wouldn't matter as He can make it work.
Lilia (Agender + Bi + Poly)
So because Peepaw is 700 years old I feel like he just messes around with gender and would use any pronouns.
For the Bi and poly headcannons
According to my sources in book 7 he tried to wife up Malleus's mom and Levan (Idk who Levan is he's just there)
Bi Lilia cannon fr
My favorite ships
AdeuceYuu (Ace + Deuce + Yuu)
Dumb and Dumber (Or Adhd + Autism) (Ace + Deuce)
Aceyuu (Ace + Yuu)
Deuceyuu (Deuce + Yuu)
Beauty + Fuckass Shining Armor (Vil + Rook)
Twink and a redhead (Idia + Cater)
Magicam freak + SFW Donut Daddy (Cater + Trey)
Octopus + Chef that would cook Octopus (Azul + Jamil)
Applejuice (Epel + Deuce)
Gym Rat + Small enough Gym Rat crush with his bicep (Jack + Epel)
Ships I can get behind but aren't my favorite
You aren't enemies you are just gay (Malleus + Leona)
You're honor they're gay (Azul + Riddle)
Terrorizer + Terrorizer's favorite person (Floyd + Riddle)
Beauty + Beast (Vil + Leona)
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jesuistrestriste · 17 days
Yeah I won’t lie when I was watching that interview with Emma Chamberlain I was visibly and audibly cringing/gagging because it was so awkward 😅 I may be hardcore obsessed with Mike but I did see a comment that I kinda had to agree with
“Guys will be privileged enough for an invite to the Met, dress basic asf and act surprised when no one has any interesting questions for them... you're the 100th man in here with a tux lmao”
But I also get that he’s probably just sick of the interviews after doing so many of them in such a short amount of time
honestly he seemed like he didn’t even really wanna be there at the met, but was still grateful for the invite so he went 😭😭
he and josh were there legit bc of challengers pffft + luca guadagnino + z
i think the interview w emma chamberlain was a lil awkward bc emma approached it in a much more bubbly/carefree way, and it seemed like the guys were expecting a bit more substance, but tbh yeah i think everyone was just a bit tired :,,)
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
Dude before I go do my therapy work Im out here for, I do wanna say the whole afab systems cant call an alter transfemme lacks a lot of insight into transexperiences and nuance. Cause like, yes generally I do feel ablot of cases can be in bad taste if said person is perisex afab that has no experience transitioning
But like, as the like only heavy femme part in a borderline almost basically intersex AFAB transman body that has been on T for 1.5 years, I legit spent an hour femming up with the guidance of a transwoman on YouTube and am wearing my women clothes that let me show of my tits as a "hey look Im a WOMAN" and I kid you not, most angles of selfies make me look like a man dressing up as a woman
I legit struggle to pass as a ciswoman honest to god I technically never was and this far into transition like.... itd be far fetched and a lot of effort to "pass" as a ciswoman especially to bigots
And so like, I don't really identify as a transwoman and I think I COULD argue transfemme but tbh I really don't care, cause I'm more than fine just calling myself a feminine part and/or categorizing my feminity closer to that of a cross dresser than that of a trans experience cause like
Yeah not passing as a ciswoman is annoying but tbh doesnt matter too much to me
But ya know, its whatever honestly. I aint trying to argue cause honestly, I dont call myself a transwoman or transfemme and dont intend to or want to at least unless my feelings change when we eventually get top surgery
But ya know, food for thought and all
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One thing or more that I have in common with every DRDT character (other than Mai and MonoTV)
Thank you to my sister @anemovictorious for giving me material for photos to use-
DRDT Memes, edits, drawings, and spoilers (Chap. 2, Ep. 11) down below (As well as my shit typing and wording skills)
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... I guess I have some trust issues due to anxiety- so....
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Somewhat hindered eyesight- I mean- uh- I normally have hair in my face and my hair is pretty messy- and sometimes I do wear my hoodies like he wears his blazer- also- my sense of taste is fucked due to medicine that I take- Also I wear fingerless gloves a lot
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We both have dog bite scars and wear oversized clothes- as well as sometimes I start talking in a more formal/sophisticated way ig
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I used to be scared of everything for a long time. I also like mint. I also do not have good eating habits (Mine are nowhere near Ace's, I just don't have an appetite sometimes due to meds and I am a very picky eater) Also my body constantly is falling apart (Yet again, not like Ace's)
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I used to bowl ig
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A r t and t i r e d.
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I don't like math-
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Glasses- I also sometimes/most of the time have a high-pitched voice and I get emotional easily
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I like sweets and I wear the color purple a lot
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Hair in the face- we both like to wear comfy clothes
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Motivation problems, weak willed in some ways, when I get upset due to other people, I do sometimes repeat stuff other people have said (if it's about me-) David does that- Example- MonoTV criticizes him for interrupting it's speech- David later says basically the same thing just in a ruder way. Also I believe Teruko says something about how everyone else is going to die, but also David says that in/after the first trial and then he pretty much said it during the second trial- Also, I guess I have similar clothing to him- and ik he doesn't like his star hairclip- but I do like celestial/galaxy things and would gladly wear it- and I can be sarcastic and snarky sometimes- I used to be worse with it in the past- Also August birthday-
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I like horror, not as much as she does- but still- We have the same birthday my natural hair color had streaks in it- I don't like boredom. I rant a lot when I like something-
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I used to dress very girly when I was younger- I like doing SFX (Even if it's just SFX makeup-) I do not like pink by itself- I have dyed hair
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I try to joke to distract myself tbh- I sometimes wear my hoodies/jackets like he does- but mine are long sleeved- I have dyed hair
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I like animals a lot, I randomly make animal noises- (I legit make pigeon noises sometimes- but it's normally if I have a tic or something-) I sometimes don't really think about what I say/I accidently stay stuff that comes off as rude without meaning to
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hey jalebi, good to hear u loved chand jalne laga have added to the binge playlist for the month, I always loved your recommendations and the whole blog ,it's a breath of fresh air. So I kind of have a question which usually most of my friends, family circle pointed out and it's kind of true that khushi entire wardrobe in the show looks so chapri, Just rite from the beginning honestly I don't understand how the makers have not thought abt the whole look that made her look, those no air passing clothes with a dupatta that basically covers nothing and silky pants are absolutely disaster taking into consideration that no Indian family would let their daughter's wear those tight outfits which kind of sticks to u like second skin in all those places iykyk , Even after marriage she looked crappy with that wig which was weirdly making her head size diff and the clothes might have became a bit loose and long , But I have seen her in rangrasiya and damn she's really gorgeous i kind of rechecked to see if it was surgery or just a better outfit and makeup. Sanaya was gorgeous and dint hey kind of made her look like a sleazebag in ipk ?
You know in the beginning I was offended with this ask because I don’t like associating any women with her clothing choices and definitely don’t like the words “sleaze bag” when we’re talking about women and clothes.
Cause, isn’t there enough scrutiny as is?
However, on a chat with @aye-masakalii there’s something I understood that I culturally just didn’t.
Khushi’s clothes ARE problematic. Because they’re also worn on a daily basis. The sparkles on her clothes are cheap - and no one else in her family has it. And the cheap isn’t the cheap fabric, it’s an add on cheap sparkle that is usually found on Desi Bar Dancers.
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Look at the embellishments and tightness of the outfits of all the clothing over here - and especially the kind and quality of sparkles here.
And look at Khushi’s versus Paro’s outfits.
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Paro is a classic village belle.
You can see the difference between their clothes instantly.
In IPK Anjali was the only one who was consistently well dressed. La was also great pre Desi-fication. Khushi has just CERTAIN outfits where she looks beautiful cause Sanaya is GORGEOUS.
And to be honest - there was a very brief period when heroines on ITV were in this weird overtly sexualized tight outfit era (and thankfully were not in them at all). My friend refused to believe there was any deeper meaning behind the clothes, lol.
They did go for a “oh so innocent, isn’t aware of her wearing tight sparkly clothes that catches the attention of people around her”
And there’s absolutely nothing wrong about tight sparkly clothes - like tbh Kareena ROCKS the outfits, the difference being that her character knows why she’s dressed up like that. Hence she’s oozing amaze beauty, confidence and charm.
And even Nupur in MJHT - she’s a bit of a flirt, she knows people go all “haye” over her, she LOVES being flashy (it does go awkward in Mumbai) but she’s just very aware of why she looks like a rainbow on some days.
And Khushi is given a very someone who innocently puts that sparkles on her clothes without knowing how it appears.
And that, in my opinion, is the main problematic aspect of the clothing Khushi has.
(As someone who lives abroad through - we LOVE sparkly things and I didn’t realize how problematic the clothes were - and tbh I don’t, this is legit an analytical post cause Khushi doesn’t live abroad, she lives in India)
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lifesver · 6 months
swiping renee’s idea to talk about nosy/dusk aliases…
dallas is his normal go-to, and the one that he started off with. he just thought the name sounded cool, and the persona itself is closest to who leland already is. i.e., a gentle-hearted small town boy, a little silly, handsome and charming, seems like he’s falling for you like a puppy dog. dresses understated, smiles at you warmly and asks you to dance. his victim profile here can be anyone, just because he’s very social, will get buddy-buddy and chameleon with rowdier boys, will be a nice polite gentleman with the girls. dallas works well in most places and most situations, very versatile. he’s very much disarming, easy to trust. seems like someone fun to party with, also seems like a boy who would drive you home at the end of the night and not expect anything. his m.o. is usually getting you into his car first and then knocking you out. carries hunting knives and pistols, which when he started out were easier to kill with because he could separate a little from using like,, his own hands (like he once had to do in the basement cells w the other victims lol lmao). i think he has a couple variations of this type of fake identity, like sometimes he leans more college bro sometimes he leans more country boy, just kind of depends.
laurel is both a more experimental alias as well as a more specialized one. he uses laurel on men the most, for people who want a quick hookup mostly. it’s pretty risky in like….. rural 70s texas esp but i think he gets good at getting the right person’s attention and making them come to him rather than the other way around. he plays up something a bit more soft, batting his prettyboy lashes at u w a smile across the bar and then looking away u know how it is. laurel is v much an exploration of sexuality, a lot more brazenly flirtatious (which like. this type of seduction was pretty out of his wheelhouse until he practiced). laurel brings victims to seedy motel rooms or pulls them into alleys. sometimes to slit their throat in a private place, sometimes to walk them straight into johnny. also like to think him and maria using rosa are a fun flirty little double threat that will again, do this and lure people into back rooms or whatever together. typically uses a butterfly knife, or just turns the tables on someone w sheer strength when they underestimate him. probably the most nerve-wracking one to use to start with, but after a while he gets the whole process down to a science. anyway it’s giving ‘making out while spattered in blood from the guy i just killed’
jude is sort of experimental and sort of a way of letting out his Worse side and expending his anger. the most feral dog energy tbh. typically the default for when maria lures someone out to him and johnny to play w as well because he’s going for enforcer/guard dog. in a lot of ways bc he mirrors johnny in those moments, when they work together messing someone up. jude is a more tough guy sadistic side that again, strongly mirrors johnny in almost every way, lurks around like his shadow tbh. also gets pretty brutal, his crime scenes are a mess. he’ll use basically whatever to put someone down but sometimes it rly just is his bare hands. smile. the name jude was lowkey chosen for his saint jude necklace, complicated feelings w religion now that we’re doing murder etc etc. also is mostly used dealing w tougher guys who he’ll legit pick fights with so we can Take It Outside (to ur death) and like again this type of persona was a bit out of his wheelhouse until he just sort of used it as a physical outlet for his anger.
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
I would love to hear you talk more about fashion subcultures. It sounds fascinating. Between the homunculus thing mentioned in the fic and the most recent mention to fae- yes please. It sounds incredibly interesting. (Also the are your friends evangelicals made me crack up)
Ok so I didn't answer this ask for like legit a week sorry about that Cloud anon my beloved.
So basically, my thing with that modern au thingie was trying to explore how the actual culture in genshin would translate into the real world. I'm not the kind to just say 'oh yeah so and so is punk in this universe and shit' i gotta think about it.
So, the styles i may mention if i ever get around to writing it (i'm thinking of posting something in the weekend idk) is are three for now:
homonculus: it's a fashion current in Khaenri'ah that's, like, old as balls, very popular in scolarly and alchemy related spaces. It's created by people who felt similar to homoculi, which are mytical creatures in this universe and shit, and who related to the characters of homunculi in Khaenri'ahn media and shit. Most of those where, in reality and according to the current upholders of the trend, probably deeply neurodivergent people who realated deeply to the themes of being inhuman due to the differencesbeteen them and others, it's this whole thing. It's mentioned in the fic, i think, but Khaenri'ah has, like, a very shitty vision of mental illness and so most of these people basically kinda... you know? coped best as they could and shit. In current Khaenri'ah it is very commonly known as an autistic fashion movement among Khaenri'ahns of Kaeya's generation and it is a decently polically progressive movement in Khaenri'ahn subculture. Not in the generations before, Rhine also dresses like that and she is... well... she is not very nice if you know what i mean? If you have to imagine it, take what's in game, mostly, but i do imagine it's like dark academia but with a lot more blue and gold and shit. So that's what it would look like.
fae: This is the style Kaeya wears. It's not mentioned yet, like at all. But it is how most the Alberich clan dresses as a whole. It's based on fae and changeling myths which are quite popular in Khaenri'ah in this specific au. This is something that will be mentioned much later on, but the alberich were, in m au, an orphan clan in the beginning. Like all the people orphaned in war would be given the title alberich as a sign of respect and a "prize" for their parent's loyalty to the country. So it's kinda an adoptee thing, or at least that's why Kaeya dresses like that and shit, most of the Khaenri'ahns do that as a sign of wealth since the Alberich would later become the most important clan in Khaenri'ah and so people started copying the fashion movent.
religous trauma style (haven't thought of a name tbh): That's the style Rosaria and Venti wear. Kaeya also takes some inspirations from it but they're sooooooooooo vague because he's a bit uncomfortable with the style itself. It's mostly a mondstadt thing and it's basically a caricature of the curch of barbatos' interpretations of the religion. The people who wear are not atheists mind you, they are mostly people who are trying to go back to the old way of the religion. They, like, protest the fact that the curch has so many useless rules despite barbatos being the god of freedom and in the end criticize the politicized version of the curch that was created over the years. Also, very pro-queer and traumatized by the church as an institution.
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starsfreckled · 1 year
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lil rant in coming . kinda prompted by the event . talking about gender & the fandom & ..basically a big ramble.
the story message is so darn cute. i love that amaya can tell young people that a form of love is self love & being true to oneself & your preferences. because amaya wasn't always out as NB. in 'my verse / my none tumblr wol verse / twt verse??' they came out during shb.
cause not all queer stories start with a teen figuring this out. some people are older. but people constantly shame older queer for coming out late... personally I wanted amaya's story to be one where, when they learn to forgive themself, to be themself, they also truly stand to themself. & for them, that journey takes up to shb. that journey takes them until they are 30. ( I am a not fully out yet NB person myself & I may never really come out irl because of how german works as a language & wanting to avoid troubles ).
& dunno. the fandom sometimes does not make it easy. like i know i started writing amaya as a woman but ya know. self discovery yadda yadda. I do write amaya as sb who has been living as NB since their younger years bcs I do not trust people to be able to realize why amaya may use she/her pre-shb & then they/them.
but the amount of times ppl go "well you know amaya is still kinda a she" why. cause they have a bigger chest? cause sometimes they wear a dress? cause they do not fit a stereotype of how all NB people must be androgynous? I am sorry they do not fit into this media & fandom pushed idea of how NB people must be. People really want NB people to be like a third gender when this is exactly what we are not. Legit some people still misgender amaya in asks or while talking to me. same with aze.m/asthelios.
& also ofc the eternal dispute of "amaya appears straight" cause some of their ship are with men. sorry to say, but part of it is.... if we talk about xiv canon women, as much as i love them - they all tend to fall under a same-ish archertype. we have way more diverse masc presenting characters where it is clear the devs put more love & care into them.
moen & ysayl.e were killed off for no good reason. shtola never got the same kinda development the male scions got ( nah imma say it, if shtola had been a guy the whole lifestream thing & aether sight would have had its own arc. alas it is 'haha funny we nearly saw her naked'). the moment the devs remembered minf.ilia is a really interesting character they got so scared they yeeted her off for over an expac only to have her be dead once we reunite. yotsu.yu died too. i really like zero but i am trying so hard to not be too attached bcs the game slapped she/her on 'em so all i see is a deathflag.
i am sorry then that people feel more inclined to ship their characters with the guys then. the saving grace in all of this are the rper here tbh who grab these characters & give them so much more life ( just as an example, @astherea 's shtola is just brilliant )
just no. amaya is not a straight cis woman. amaya is a deeply queer character & just 'cause they do not follow certain expectations does not mean people got the right to insist they are not queer. & I think part of it is the fandoms general stance towards femme writers & femme ocs. people see a chest & go "oh woman. probs only want to ship" when that just ain't the case... &...like. even if. why do people act like they are personally attacked by that???
i don't have a real conclusion tbh i dunno why the event made me think of all that but it just kinda got me to ramble about this even tho this is 80% incoherent screeching at nothing.
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apoorplayer · 1 year
december tcc challenge but i did the whole thing bc i was bored lmao
* What music genre fits your tc the most?
early 2000s pop punk , lol . he has the voice for it
* What's your favorite personality trait for your tc?
his confidence for sure . he says everything like he knows he’s right and it’s so hot
* Do you think they fit into a certain aesthetic or two? If so, which ones?
closest aesthetic i could fit him into is like ,, soft artsy boy ?? that’s the way he dresses at least lol
* If you could, how would you comfort your tc?
(Like if they seem to be having a rough day)
whenever he seems like he’s having a rough day i just try to make him laugh :)
* What type of winter activity do you think is their favorite?
he seems like a snowball fight type of guy tbh lol
* If you could (or have) what book or movie would you recommend to you tc?
any emily henry book !! i think he’d like the humor in those books + would love for those romcoms to give him some ideas ;;)))
* What's their sense of humor like? Is yours similar?
he’s obsessed w “cringe” things lol , we have very similar senses of humor and he’s told ppl he thinks i’m rlly funny hehe
* What's the nicest thing your tc has ever said to you?
sometimes he compliments me in this super low voice and it actually makes me MELT but one time he basically said he loves the way i act and it made me never want to change myself lol
* What wintery activity would you love to do with them?
cuddle up together and watch christmas movies <333
* What do you think your tc's love language is?
prob quality time . he’s all ab spending time w ppl :)
* Do you have a quote or poem that you associate with them?
plentyyy of song lyrics ,,, like the entirety of using you by mars argo <333
* Do you prefer emailing them or talking in person?
talking in person BUT emailing him feels so special esp since he always emails me first hehe
* Do they have a signature cologne or perfume?
nooo i wish he did tho lol
* Is your tc someone you can go to for support?
yeah i think so , he can tell when i’m having a bad day and tries to comfort me :)
* Have you ever pictured yourself with their last name or vice versa?
all the time tbh
* Is there anything you don't like about your tc?
we have completely opposite political opinions hahah and we both feel very strongly ab those opinions
* Have you ever seen them in a really bad mood?
not a RLLY bad mood , but he did get super sick awhile back and he would legit come into lunch and just lay on the floor lmao
* Does your tc ever laugh differently when they're with you?
yeahhhh hehe i made him laugh harder “than he ever had before” :))))
* What's your tc's staple drink? (If they have one)
vanilla coffee for sure
* Is there anything that the two of you have in common? Is there a lot?
we’re both gaming and coffee nerds lol
* Have they ever targeted you directly in class or in the halls?
he comes up to me a lot in the halls , we don’t have class together tho so </3
* Have you ever said anything that might have given away your feelings?
i don’t think so , i try to keep my feelings pretty hidden lol
* Do you dream about them often?
* Is your tc more physically or verbally affectionate? Or not at all?
def more verbally affectionate :)
* If you could, (or have) what would you get your tc for Christmas?
prob some rlly nice coffee beans hehe
* Do you like them in a romantic sense or in a more platonic way?
tbh more of a romantic sense but i know nothing would ever happen and i’m 100% ok with our current dynamic
* Are they a cozy sweater person?
no he literally wears short sleeve button ups in december 😭
* What color looks best on them?
green :)
* If you could see yourself the way they see you, would you take the chance?
yes ofccc
* What little habit they have is your absolute favorite?
when i’m talking i use hand movements a lot , and he always mimics them after i do them so i’ll get embarrassed . he thinks it’s so funny lol i love seeing him laugh ab it
* If it was legal, would you share a midnight kiss with them?
yes hehe
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lehguru · 1 year
here i am with the first round of self-ship questions! c: how did you two meet? was it love at first sight or did it take some time? 💕
I HAD TO WAIT FOR SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS CUZ I WANTED TO GIVE IT MY ENTIRE FOCUS EJWGDHEHKDJ BUT AAAAAAAAA IT MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! imma start with my fav selfships from each fandom cuz yes. (jk it will b my main ones lol)
denjia (denji x me): with both of us it took some time! i know i know, its denji, but i think it would take at least sum weeks for him to actually grow true and real feelings for me. we probably met at high-school or because of some mutual friend (yoshida), but then i just started to go to his house to hang out all the time, till the point where i was basically living there (even leaving my clothes and makeup in his room).
leguru (bachira x me): i love to think that we would randomly meet at a cafe or maybe a blind date? but he would ask me where im from and get EXTREMELY excited when i say im from brazil LMAO i would take a while to fall for him but he would absolutely fall at first sight; he would look at me with heart eyes whenever i speak ngl
suguria (geto x me): he prolly saved me from a curse 💀 or we met at a museum (in a modern au). i think that i would immediately fall in love with him or at least be HELLA attracted romantically to him (going against my demiromantic ass), like?? a hot guy?? that knows abt art??? and dress up with baggy clothing??? and long hair??? AND HIS GORGEOUS BODY AND EYES??? yeah im in love. for him it would take a while, simply bcuz he would b actively trying to cut his feelings before they grow (but it wouldnt work)
livinho (lavinho x me): BRAZILIAN BITCHES!!!! i prolly met him at a party with funk playing lmao for some reason he decided to approach me (thats why i think he would either fall in love at first sight or second sight LMAO) and we just hit it off very well (not... in a nsfw way). he prolly leaves smthin he owns with me, like a necklace or a ring, just do he can text/dm me and make me go on a date with him just to give it back lol and tbh it wouldnt take me long to fall for him cuz hehe he is funny ♡♡
the CoD ones will b under the cut cuz im still a lil shy abt them
königia: könig immediately falls for me!!! i was in the administration of KorTac and probably helped to give them info to jobs and what they needed, so as soon as i walked in a meeting, he became extremely flustered and his eyes went WIDE, hella puppy-like (thank god his mask hid his blushy face). it takes me a while to fall for him, because he is SOOOO much taller and bigger than me so i would b so scared of him. i would probably fall as soon as i learn this huge teddy bear man have social anxiety and trips over his own words while he tries to ask me a question.
elimon (simon/ghost x me): probably the same situation as könig. i was in a admin role and we had a lot of contact with each other, but i think we both would take a while to fall for each other. me bcuz i would b a little intimidated by him and ghost bcuz huh... its ghost lmao. he legit doesn't feel the need to have a partner so he prolly dont even realize he's falling for me lol. i prolly fall for him while we communicate during his missions (me at the base andhim in the field), it includes some banter and i can see a little of his sense of humor so it makes me smile a lot — i definitely pick up a bit of his accent or at least sum british slangs like "bloody hell, lad"
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Welp it's 430 am on a Friday & I've not yet slept due to pain so... let's do a life update with Dr.M!
Where to begin... I guess with how things are with L & The House Gremlins.
Things between me & L are still really great. Honestly the last month has been crazy stressful starting the week before Thanksgiving. He got a chest infection & was down Friday thru the Monday of the week prior to Thanksgiving. The kids started their 2 week holiday visit that Friday so I handled EVERYTHING. Then Sunday night I felt sinus junk & the next morning woke up with 102°f fever & full on pneumonia. I apparently ran myself down & then a cold front happened. He tried to handle stuff on Monday but kept falling asleep in the kids' rooms & since they couldn't wake him they came to me. I was down til Thursday. Really should have been longer but Ari got his chest infection, so I had to take care of her while he worked. Kids left for the weekend (Ari with very explicit instructions on what she needed to kick the infection) & when they all came back Monday, Ari was still sick & so was Zel. So Monday & Tuesday I took care of them because they asked for me specifically every time. Wednesday I realized how burned out L was, so I handled everything til Saturday when the kids were gone again. Wednesday was baking & prep, Thursday was Thanksgiving proper, which I cooked for (because L was legit just going to order a pizza), Friday was clean up & general kid nonsense. L got 3 days of video games. The following Monday, I was down due to an upcoming cold front & he learned at the beginning of work that a coworker he was close with took their life the night before. I was down until Thursday because on Tuesday the front was serious enough that the temp dropped 20 degrees in an hour. He basically did the bare minimum to get by, going to work then coming home & making sure we both ate. Since then I've been ok, and have been able to help him through his grief & keep him going til Christmas break (which starts the end of next week).
Despite ALL of that (plus me suspecting I am having a hormone issue due to the fact that my body/emotional state has resembled my severe PMS for 2.5 months now without any period action; so I'm overly sensitive, overly emotional, & hornier than I've ever been in my life) we've still not had any fights or anything like that. We both just make sure that we openly communicate with each other about how we are feeling & what we need or have the capacity to handle, then act accordingly to ensure we are supporting each other & both our needs are met to the best of our ability while treating each other with kindness & understanding.
This is like an actual healthy relationship and it's fucking dope. But also neither of us is accustomed to such a thing so it's been an adjustment & a learning experience.
The House Gremlins... so you might remember that at the start of their 2 week stay, Vin was still basically attempting to bully me. He legit asked L if he was getting rid of L's old couches & when L confirmed it, this child looked me in my face & asked L what he is gonna do when we break up because Ex1 or Ex2 scares me off with threats. (I acted like I didn't hear him & L basically laughed & said that due to my life experiences, people don't frighten me. The subtext was that the exes specifically don't frighten me... because I grew up with people so much worse than them tbh.) Well, since that first Sunday afternoon when he turned it around, he's been great. Hasn't given me any trouble when I ask him to do stuff, has volunteered to help with things, & has been talking to me about Pokemon Go since he got his smartphone back. He even called me a few nights ago to ask if his dad had dress shoes he could borrow for an event.
Zel is happy as a clam with my existence. Out of the 3, she's been the least resistant to my presence. She took to manners & such really quickly. Plus, if I lay out clear rules about using certain stuff I have (like [Dr. M's] Special Markers) she follows the rules to the letter so she can keep using them.
Ari... has been a butt when she doesn't like what I say or gently call her out for doing something she shouldn't but beyond that seems all good.
So I'm fully integrated into the house. Still the first choice when there's a problem. Still the one who gets asked about baking, dinner, or doing ridiculous jazz.
All in all, super dope.
The Spawn situation is... not dope. She's basically started peddling her pity party "it's so hard to be broke at 18, trying to learn to be an adult without parents" to all my friends now in addition to family... while living for free at my Dad's, basically acting like it's her fucking house, while he pays the bills and her dog has become his dog in that she now sleeps with him & he is the one who walks her, plays with her, buys her toys, treats, and food. She's supposedly moving to Oklahoma with her 'bestie' (a guy she's known since freshman year) & The Bf (yep he came back & they scream at each other DAILY) for a lab tech job in an ER. However I doubt that will work out since she's already ranting to The Bf about not being able to work in a hospital because of 'classism'.
"Dr. M, why the quotes around the word classism?"
Oh because she's misusing the term and is deeply misinformed but ignores or screams at anyone who attempts to correct her. She is referring to her hearing second hand from a person who hasn't ever worked in healthcare that doctors & nurses look down on techs and treat them like trash. Multiple people who have actually worked in healthcare have told her that is not commonplace anymore, as most know that lab techs/phlebotomists are an indispensable part of the healthcare system in that they are diagnostically necessary.
But she isn't ever mistaken so... she ain't trying to hear that.
I've not spoken to her but have heard things from friends & Dad. Oof. I really hope she grows out of this.
Oh! Also I've regained all but 5 lbs of the weight I lost the month before I came here despite my multiple illnesses & bouts of pain puking in the last 2 months. That and my energy levels remind me that I made the right choice. I love her dearly but I warned her repeatedly that once she hit 18 I wasn't going to put up with the abusive disrespectful bull anymore. She didn't believe me. Her bf warned her. She didn't believe him. Dad warned her. She didn't believe him. Hell, the oldest of my younger cousins warned her. Kid still decided to fuck around over and over and over & is continually shocked and 'doesn't understand' why she's finding out.
Also you know stuff with her is bad when my Dad (who has the patience of a saint & endless kindness for people he loves) is going on at length about being stoked to have them move tf out. In contrast, he was sad I was leaving but also happy that I was finally putting myself first & not letting her just straight up kill me.
Plus he really likes L. They text CONSTANTLY about hockey & the nerdass shit they both are super into that I only have knowledge about by being in proximity of my father most of my life. Like 2 days ago, L went on for like 20 mins about... idk some hockey shit. He suddenly looked at me (because I will listen to him talk about anything forever, but get a sorta glazed over look if I have no clue what he's on about) and said "This is a conversation for your dad, huh?" I confirmed. Then yesterday I told my dad about it because I gave them each other's numbers for emergencies (plus I have his mom's number so...). He immediately asked what hockey nonsense he was talking about. I explained the bits I could remember super vaguely & he started laughing & knew EXACTLY what L was talking about. (I mean, I guess he did because he said a name & I threw up my hands and said "I don't fucking know! I guess?") I obviously relayed this interaction to L... who immediately said "Oh yeah! I have his digits!", picked up his phone & started texting my dad about Lord of the fucking Rings.
Goddamned nerds.
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
What will your monster-au dorm kids be for Halloween? :3 <3
thanks for the ask! hmm certainly one that i've pondered before, but not too intently. in some ways i assume they'd all have an agree'd on theme, much like the dorms in canon during those halloween events - so they'd probs have smth similar to maybe riddle's dorm, with the undead theme. but at the same time i think that's expected and maybe a little too basic, for these monster boys at least. their overall dorm theme would most likely be a more militaristic theme i guess?? but for just these specific boys in a group? personally i think it would be funny if they wore either of these two group costumes: the first group costume would be the ghost busters (the ramshackle perfect mentioned it in passing to cailean, who's in Ramarak's study group.. and Ramarak thought it would be funny! Kaiyō and Taranis find the jump suits uncomfortable due to their tails and whatnot, so they got them tailored. but Kaiyō is on board and making soo many jokes. even convinced the ramshackle perfect to tell him all about the story the costumes are from, and probs becomes a die hard fan cuz any kind of hunt/fighting entices him. Taranis isn't down for costumes that dont look scary but cant go against the dorm head on this.. so just broods in silence. Hikaru is neutral either way, doesnt usually celebrate this stuff, Eleu is usually just here for the food/candy.. the festivities are too loud/crowded for him so he usually disappears for a little bit every hour or so to regulate himself but likes to see everyone else have fun. only Kaiyō and ramshackle perfect understand the references that their making.. well, inside jokes are fun and they dont mind. their friends' confusion is priceless the second group outfit.. def a k-pop band sort of deal! (i might draw that tbh). the k-pop kaiju, lmaoo. this is also probs due to the ramshackle perfect.. who probs got Hikaru and Ramarak into the music (Ramarak is mostly into the aesthetics.. while Hikaru thinks its better then the metal and rock his dormmates blast all the time). Taranis is probs the one that adds a bit of 'punk' or 'delinquent' to his outfit, since he doesnt wanna look like like some preppy goody good boy. that's embarrassing to him, but he does revel in the attention... Eleu is just super frigidity and bashful about it - compliment him, lightly, or else he'll flee with a red face! he doesnt sing much, is mostly just dancing. and Ramarak probs tries to get the group to learn a song to preform infront of everyone while the fireworks are set off (how did he get Eleu and Taranis to agree? no one knows.. some think he's just that good at persuasion. probs offered to do their homework for a week or smth, Eleu has stage fright so is mostly in the back of the group and Taranis doesnt wanna feel like a jester.. but somehow they both end up being the best at it??). legit the group becomes big hit online and people on magicam think their a real boy band?? they get a following but probs arent aware of it unless they go into town and are bugged by fans of the recorded preformence. then again them dressing as the dudes from the princess bride... also works.. and i think would be hilarious. god i can already imagine the comedy potential- but.. individually? well, that might be a bit more tricky, but here's what i think they'd dress as solo:
Kaiyō -- some kind of knight, wanting to be a fighter rather then a noble (that he already is) stuck in a golden cage, since knights are free to roam. probs tried to carry a real sword, but it got confiscated, so not he just has a wooden practice one sold at the school shop. Taranis -- maybe a zombie ?? (ramarack would do the makeup), he think's its scary and he wants to be intimidating (it works, he gives some freshmen nightmares for weeks, which he's proud of) Ramarack -- this thing, idk what it is, he'd do it just for jump scaring as a light hearted prank (cailean gave him the idea). probs tries to eat the most candy/snacks, somehow has no ill effects of all that sugar the next day..
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Hikaru -- either a chef like similar to those outfits in the master chef cooking event, or just taping a bunch a receipts and bank notices to his shirt and calling himself "debt" cuz he couldn't think of anything else (i did that one year, lol) Eleu -- florist <3 need i say more? pretty self explanatory, he'd probs hand out flower crowns to everyone - different flowers for each crown, depending on the person its for.
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