#but man i wish the EN server never closed...
icharchivist · 2 years
after a fun day reminiscing about how fun a3 is, i’m just getting a wave of sadness again from the closure of the EN server. I know that catching up with the JPN server would just be ideal but there’s something very eerie about seeing the characters i’ve spent my daily life with, with the feeling of time passing by, having so much more experience than where i last left them and it feels overwhelming to catch up essentially 4 years of content. Not to mention always the bittersweetness of really seeing just how far this journey had taken them.
I just really miss a3 and the daily aspect of it, i miss my children, i want to hold them so bad. I love them so much. Guh. 
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 10 months
History Repeats Itself (Diasomnia Centric; Lilia & Sebek)
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Pairings: Lilia & Baul, Lilia & Sebek, Sebek & Epel, Sebek & Deuce, Deuce & Epel, Sebek & Jack, Epel & Jack, Deuce & Jack, Sebek/Reader (MC/Yuu) implied
Content Warning: Mild spoilers for Chapter 7 (Diasomnia chapter), romantic implications, physical attraction
Note: This is a slight interjection to the Beach Episode series and others. I've been experiencing burnout due to current life circumstances and I'm trying to get back in the groove. Listing the pairings separately cause there's not exactly a main one here. Thank you to those who are currently supporting me, and to those who reblogged my emergency commissions post. It's very much appreciated. I wish I could hug you all. I hope you enjoy the fic in celebration of Chapter 7 beginning in the EN server <3
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The townsfolk parted as the soldiers made their way through the town square and out of the capital. The castle loomed not too far behind them; if one looked closely, they could almost spy a feminine horned figure briefly watching them go before disappearing from one of the grand windows. At the head of the small battalion was the Phantom General, Lilia Vanrogue: arguably the army’s most fearsome warrior. One either eyed the man with fear, respect, longing, or some combination of those. Those gazes were cast to his other comrades as well, though not as noticeable. Lilia had grown quite used to the ogling now. He couldn’t tell you whether or not he liked such attention, however. 
The man that walked beside him, Baul Zigvolt, was another fae that commanded respect - unspoken and spoken. Though the times he demanded that respect were often to rowdy new recruits. Despite his booming voice and towering figure, the man was all bark and some bite. Baul put on quite the show, but he was a bit softer than the general nearly two heads shorter than him. You could never say that to his face unless you were honorable Vanrouge, however. Commander Zigvolt would surely bite your head off otherwise - figuratively. 
There were other sides to the man and his loud mouth, ones only known by those who fought alongside him. Like the fact that it seemed his hunger knew no bounds. Some days he could eat his entire body weight in food - maybe a bit more if he’d gone a day or so with minimal sustenance. When you spent days upon days, weeks upon weeks, sometimes even months, with the fae, you got to learn much about him. There were little things only the most keen could pick up on, though. One of those quirks made itself known to the observant Lilia as he noticed Baul step away from him and slow his pace. Lilia raised a brow as he glanced back to see just where the commander had wandered off to - the question was quickly answered. 
It appeared Baul didn’t even notice he’d lagged behind. He was oblivious to the puzzled looks from his fellow men-in-arms. His eyes were solely focused on a fair maid a small several steps away. She busied herself sweeping the stoop of a small shop, one Lilia knew to sell food and other goods one needed to live. Either the fae lady worked at the establishment or owned it; Lilia doubted she was sweeping the stoop just in good nature. Her hair was tied back in a braided bun, a few baby hairs wisping about her forehead and behind her pointed ears as she worked. The dark green of her dress complemented her pale skin, that dress and black apron framing her figure perfectly - her curvaceous figure. 
It looked like Baul had the good sense and decency to try and keep his gaze away from her curves, the way her body moved, but he just couldn’t. Paired with the way his pale green orbs seemed to almost sparkle when he beheld the rest of her visage, the soldier was absolutely mesmerized. So much so he didn’t notice that he was heading straight for a wooden beam that held up a little trinket stand in the center of town. Lilia said not a word. An almost wicked smile tugged at his lips as he simply watched the fae slowly but surely come up to the beam, then smack right into it with a loud ‘WHAM!’ The look on Baul’s face when he realized his blunder - the thought of holding back his booming laughter nary crossed the general’s mind. 
The bellowed cackle startled more than one individual. Nearly all eyes were on the general and his commander: the former who was almost keeled over in hilarity, and the latter whose pale skin was now glowing red. Some were frightened by the spine chilling laughter, while others began to laugh and giggle along with him - but a lot quieter. Whoever would have the courage to try and outmatch Lilia Vanrouge in anything was a fool. No one knew that better than the soldiers who’d come to a brief halt to witness the little spectacle. Once frozen on the spot, Baul quickly, yet mildly clumsily, regained his composure. He ignored the pain that radiated through his face and forehead in favor of trying to save his image. 
At the same time, Lilia and Baul spared a glance back at the little maid. She, too, stared at Baul, yellow eyes wide with a mix of confusion and surprise. It looked as though she’d stopped mid-sweep, as she held the broom mid motion. Baul quickly turned away from her, clearing his throat more times than needed be. Lilia held his smirk, crimson eyes cut to Baul like daggers, though this time they held no ill intent - only mischief. Commander Zigvolt ignored him as he continued marching on, a bit faster than before. Lilia matched his speed, and so did the other soldiers as they followed after him. 
When they finally passed the gates of the city and trudged out into the vast forest surrounding it, Lilia began his relentless teasing. “Pretty little thing, wasn’t she?” he asked Baul, rhetorically. “Very soft-looking, too. A stark contrast to your figure, to be sure.” Baul silently nodded. Lilia persisted. 
“Her biceps were particularly plump, from what I could make out. Very endearing.” Though Lilia was nowhere near close enough to whisper in the man’s ear, Baul heard the suggestion loud and clear. “Were you thinking about grabbing a nibble before we headed out?~” 
“NO!” While every other soldier jumped in surprise at the outburst, Lilia didn’t flinch. His smile only widened into a grin as his eyes narrowed deviously. “It is far inappropriate to even suggest that! Of all the indecency-!” Baul seemed to catch himself yelling. He took a deep breath in, held it for a few seconds, then exhaled. 
“Lil- General Vanrouge, please refrain from making such suggestions again.” His next words - a plea - came out as a hiss. “I beg you.” 
Lilia feigned ignorance and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not sure what you’re on about. The lady runs a grocery, or at least works in it, doesn’t she? I simply thought you wanted to grab a spare ration before we departed.” 
Lilia could see the gears turning in Baul’s head. For a moment, it looked as though he actually believed him, almost ready to apologize. And then the next he saw through Lilia’s rouse and glared down at him. “It is uncouth of a man in your position to lie.” 
The general huffed in amusement as he glanced to the side and scanned the area to his right. “Again, no idea what you mean.” 
“You’re impossible,” Baul grumbled. 
“And you’re thinking about that woman being in your arms right now,” Lilia retaliated. 
Only a fool would challenge the general to a duel.
Fool, thy name is Baul Zigvolt. 
“HOW DARE YOU MAKE SUCH AN ACCUSATION!” Sebek’s voice boomed, bouncing off the high ceilings of the hallway. “YOU THINK ME SO UNCOUTH, SO CRUDE, AS TO ACT IN SUCH A WAY?!”
“‘M jus’ callin’ it like ah see it,” Epel replied, a thoroughly amused lint to his words. “Fer someone so high ‘n mighty, ah didn’t think you’d ogle the prefect like that.” 
“I WAS NOT OGLING THEM!” Sebek protested, louder than before. “I…I simply was distracted by how audacious you humans are! To see the prefect address our upperclassmen so casually - no respect whatsoever!”
“I think they’ve come to respect each other equally, due to [Name] helping them out with their overblots.” Deuce adjusted his hold on his textbooks, which were now tucked under his arm. “I mean, they don’t refer to them by name yet, aside from Kalim, but I’ve seen a change in their interactions.” Deuce smiled at the thought. “Either way, I’m just happy they’re all doing better.” 
“Yer tellin’ me,” Epel agreed. “Vil’s been on my ass less since he got over his overblot. Think that’s in part thanks to the pre- [Name].” He scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry, still tryin’ ta remember it’s fine to call them by name, not the stupid title.” 
“Hmph.” Sebek smirked. “Quite a thing to believe; I can’t say I’m surprised. You humans are the species with the least respect for others. You could not even begin to comprehend what such titles command.” 
“Oh, shove it up yer ass, Sebek!” Epel groaned. “Gon’ punch ya in the face one of these days, ah swear!” A devious grin then spread across Epel’s face as he thought of something. “Oooor ah could just tell them you got a crush on ‘em~” 
“A WHAT?!” Sebek balked. 
“Y’know, a crush,” Deuce offered. “It’s when-”
“I KNOW WHAT IT IS! WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR, A HUMAN?!” Ironic, since the prince the freshman so worshiped was one of the most oblivious boys on campus. Sebek shook his head in denial of Epel’s accusation. “You would be telling the prefect falsehoods, human. I hold no such feelings for them.” 
“Uh huh, surrrre ya don’t~” Epel drawled. “Definitely not - not when ya stare at ‘em all the time every chance ya get.” Red began to flood Sebek’s cheeks; Epel noticed, grin widening as he continued. “Not when ya carry the books and bags and whatever other shit they got whenever ya walk with them. You especially don’t like ‘em when ah catch you smilin’ whenever they thank-”
“I WILL LISTEN TO THIS SLANDER NO LONGER!” Sebek interjected, again loudly. His face was as red as Deuce's magestone, however. The one who watched them knew it wasn’t just out of embarrassment and anger. “IS THERE NO END TO YOUR HUMAN-?” 
“Oi!” The freshman stopped in their tracks, and Sebek stopped his scolding, as they all turned to look at the beastman suddenly before them. “Keep it down! You’re going to give me and every beastman in the building a headache!” 
Sebek was more embarrassed now than he was before. He huffed as he closed his eyes and turned his head away from Jack. “Apologies.” 
Jack rubbed the back of his ear as he winced. “Almost had to run to the infirmary,” he grumbled. 
“C’mon, let’s go.” Deuce cut in. “We’ll be late for class if we don’t get moving.” 
“Least this time we’re all in the same period,” Epel mumbled as the little group turned the corner and headed down the adjacent hall. 
The unnoticed eavesdropper behind them smiled to himself as he watched them go. He shook his head as he let out a small chuckle at the boy’s, Sebek’s, antics. “Just like your grandfather,” Lilia regaled to himself. The fae finally let his footsteps be heard as he walked down the hall, then rounded the corner into the one going in the opposite direction of the freshmen. “At least you haven’t slammed into an obstacle - yet.” Emphasis on ‘yet’ as the boy was still young and had plenty of time for such fumbles. One often found themselves in them in the throes of love, especially at the early stages. 
Sebek’s grandmother would no doubt agree.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
MLQC CN Lucien - Chapter 13-15 (Season 2)
A main story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. Contains detailed spoiler from the main story. It’s just a slight scene from Chapter 13-15 Lucien’s story.
Please prepare your heart before proceeding. 
-- From Me, who loves torturing myself... (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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Lucien: Didn't you say, don't miss such good weather.
I looked up at Lucien, his eyes were bright, as if filled with the whole spring.
Just walking side by side with him like this, I seem to have a good feeling that everything is starting in a new direction
On the lawn, several children were chasing and running, waiting in the wind.
Looking at the colorful wind in the sky, a certain promise that I have always kept in my heart suddenly appeared again.
I looked up until Lucien's voice rang in my ears.
Lucien: Do you like flying kites?
I turned my head, his eyes moved with the kite in the air.
MC: I don't like it, it's just... I have a promise with someone to fly a kite before the end of spring.
MC: But until the end of that spring, this promise didn't come true.
I think of the little boy standing in the snow in his dream. Perhaps in my wishful thinking, I hope that he will be like me and remember this promise.
....it's a pity.
How about treating everything from before as a heavy snowfall?
MC: Huh?
Lucien: It is not often that the author compares the plight of people's hardship and attrition to a heavy snow, and after the leap, the heavy snow melts into a spring day.
Lucien: Spring is not necessarily just a fixed time.
Lucien: Look...
He said, catching a petal slowly in the air, in the bright sunlight, it was full of fresh and vivid colors.
Lucien: Now, spring has just begun.
MC: Isn't it a big mess?
Lucien: How come?
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His eyebrows were crooked, as if holding all his nostalgia and regrets gently in front of me.
Saying slyly and softly that he is not late yet.
Many things can be started again.
Perhaps this time, it's time for me to start the promise.
MC: Lucien, I will treat you to a coffee.
MC: As a thank you, I want you to promise me one thing.
Lucien: What?
MC: Wait till I come back to tell you! You are waiting for me here.
After I said that, I turned and left, quickly bought two cups of coffee, and happily walked towards Lucien.
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MC: Lucien, we....
Suddenly something exploded in my chest.
A faint tremor spread from the soles of my feet to the top of my head, making me unable to move my legs and staying on the spot in a daze.
I lowered my head, and the sudden cold spot on my chest exuded a bright red, gradually expanding, and then a stinging burning sensation swept through my body.
I dropped my hand and let the coffee hit the ground.
The strong smell of blood rushed into the nose, and the body leaned back uncontrollably.
I seem to hear the whistling wind passing by my ears, and I seem to hear Lucien calling my name.
I seem to have seen him running towards me nervously.
I never seeing him like this.
My body was so painful that like I was torn, my eyelids were too heavy to open, and everything in front of me became trance.
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The last thing I saw, the only thing I could see clearly was Lucien's face
After the girl didn't move, Lucien heard a faint sound in the air.
The sound of gunshots arriving slowly over a long distance, without any concealment, did not cause any waves in the lively park.
But this silent sound hit Lucien's heart fiercely.
All the blood rushed to the brain almost at this moment, and he felt the heart thumping a hundred times more intensely than before.
For a moment, he hoped that he had heard it wrong and had a wrong judgment. The girl would soon jump up to him and handed the coffee in her hand to himself.
Today will still be an ordinary and even beautiful day.
But none of these hopes happened.
He looked at the bright red blooming on the girl's chest and the bright smile on her face.
The coffee hit the ground unexpectedly, and the brown splashes dirty the corners of her skirt.
Lucien almost ran towards the girl and caught her who had fallen.
The sticky red liquid overflowed with tears from her chest. He pressed hard on the wound, but the blood continued to flow down his fingers.
He tightly circled the girl, his knuckles turned pale because of too much force.
But she closed her eyes quietly, without any response, the temperature was fading little by little.
Lucien couldn't see the sadness in his eyes, nor could he see the fear that he had never even thought of.
But he clearly saw that in the black and white world, the only color was slowly fading.
The breeze blows, and the blooming cherry trees make a rustling sound. The petals and the new green leaves on the branches are slowly falling.
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He seemed to hear the sound of a solidified door being gently opened.
Spring is here, and everything seems to have just begun.
A fleeting reflection flashed from the roof a hundred meters away, and the black shadow neatly put away the gun and disappeared on the roof.
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??: The target has been shot and the mission result is being confirmed.
The mini computer in hand displayed some kind of data analysis, and soon the red light from the screen was reflected on the man's lens.
??: The CORE gene recognition bullet has no response, and the target can be eliminated.
FOR GOD SAKE this scene is more painful than R&S before. Poor my fragile heart (╥﹏╥) when Lucien will be happy?  (×﹏×)
Hope you guys enjoy reading this translation. Let me know if there’s a mistake ^^ THANK YOU~
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otonymous · 4 years
It’s The End Of The World (MLQC Headcanon)
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Dear Nonny...
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I say that now, Nonny, but the truth is that the ONLY thing I love more than smut is angst! Mwahahaha! 🤣🤣 That being said, let’s take a one-way trip to Angst Town!  Everybody got their seatbelts on?!  LET’S GO!!! (Please note warnings below before reading 💕💕💕)
Warnings: angst, explicit language, trigger warnings (mentions of speeding, near-death experiences and flashbacks, nausea & vomiting, insomnia, slight mention of possessive behaviour, workaholism, loss of appetite and weight loss, anger and violent behaviour (not towards other people though!)) and SPOILERS (basically up to chapter 24 in the EN server; includes dates and Rumours & Secrets for the boys) 
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DEVASTATED.  This man is absolutely devastated.
Gavin has known you since high school and loved you since then
You were his dream girl — the one he thought had got away until his duties brought you back into his life.  He had vowed to protect you till the very end, had absolutely no qualms about giving his life for yours.  He made a solemn promise to himself that he would never lose you a second time
Until that fateful day when you invited him out for lunch at Lynn’s Kitchen on the grounds of your old high school
You order his favourites, spicy noodles and lemon tea; wait until his stomach is full before you open your mouth to gently broach the topic
A single glance at your face tells Gavin that something is terribly off.  He’s immediately setting his chopsticks down, asking, “What’s wrong?  You know you can talk to me about anything.  Whatever it is, I’ll help you—”
“Shaw.  We…we’ve decided to be together.  I know you’re not on good terms, and he did insist on coming today, but I thought it would be best if I told you myself…”
He cannot hear  
He cannot move  
And it isn’t until the burning sensation in his lungs catches up with him that he realizes he hadn’t even been breathing
Amber eyes, listless and dull, float from your lips to the wall decorated with Post-It notes just behind you, moving from one colourful slip of paper to another
“I hate it when people leave without saying goodbye.”
Gavin still remembers the loops and dashes of your handwriting on the Post-It note you had written so long ago, the way you dotted your i’s with hearts
And all of a sudden, he is back in his high school uniform, bloodied and bruised and free falling from the roof of the four-storey building
Except this time, he cannot hear the strains of a piano, no matter how hard he tries.  The gingko leaves around him flutter to the ground just before…
“Gavin?”  The touch of your hand on his snaps him out of his reverie.  He tries to force a smile and fails.
“I…I’m sorry.  There’s somewhere…I just remembered…I have to go….”  He hurriedly puts a few bills on the table — more than enough to cover the entire meal — and dashes out of the restaurant
Gavin hops on Sparky and just goes…riding for hours on end with no destination in mind.  He’s taken with an intense urge to go fast, as if his body were trying to outrun the feelings he doesn’t have the means of dealing with.  At one point, an overwhelming wave of nausea hits him and he stops at the side of the road, retching and retching until his stomach is as empty as his hollowed-out heart
He’s still thinking of you the entire time he’s MIA.  The last text from his phone is one sent to you, telling you not to worry about him and apologizing for the way he behaved back at the restaurant.  He’s asking if you’d still be okay with talking to him when he gets back, and of course, to contact him immediately if you need anything at all
He still feels you in the wind
Believe it or not, for a short period of time, Gavin actually develops a fear of flying: it reminds him too much of you, brings up too many memories of him holding you in his arms as you traverse the skies together.  He’s not confident he can do it anymore, partly because he thinks his Evol might suddenly give out when he’s high up in the air
The turning point comes when Gavin visits his mother’s resting place.  There, for the first time since you broke the news to him, he actually cries, and it gives him the strength to carry on
Let’s be clear: Gavin will never, ever be over you.  The two of you will remain friends though because Gavin intends to watch over you for the rest of his life (that is one promise he would never break)
With time, he gets used to seeing you with Shaw, even starts to relax a bit when he realizes that his younger brother is capable of protecting you
Someday, Gavin will marry — likely someone who was set up with him either by Minor or his colleagues (Birdcop would never take the initiative to actually meet somebody).  This person is absolutely smitten with the handsome officer and his gruff ways and cannot wait to start a family with him.  They would also have to be thick-skinned and stubborn enough to turn Gavin’s “no” into an eventual “yes”
And while Gavin would prove to be a loyal husband and doting father who would do anything for his family, a part of him would always, always, continue to burn for you.
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How do you expect this man to behave when he’s lost the only colour in his life?
Lucien would never, ever recover from this.  He doesn’t want to.  The man for whom love was never meant to happen has no need for such an emotion.  He wants nothing to do with it unless it has to do with you
The professor’s world literally returns to being a drab shadow of blacks and greys — the rainbow disappeared when his little butterfly flew into the palm of another’s hand
“Do you love him?” He’ll ask you, dark eyes almost hypnotic in their intensity when he pierces you with that gaze
You’re ashamed to find that you have to think twice before replying that you do indeed love Victor
Ba-bump, ba-bump, BA-BUMP — Lucien breaks out into a cold sweat as his heart begins to race, face becoming pale as a sheet
His shaking hands are pulled into tight fists within the pockets of his lab coat.  He’s running his finger over the cap of his pill bottle inside one of them, not wanting to take them in front of you because in spite of it all, the last thing he wants is for you to worry about him 😭😭😭
Lucien nods, placid smile a mask on his face when he says,  “I wish the two of you nothing but the best.”
“Lucien!”  You start after him when he turns to walk away.  “We…we’re still friends, right?”
For what is possibly the first time in his entire life, Lucien can’t think straight.  His mind is a mess, logical thoughts tangled up with sorrow, hurt, anger, and the sense that the world could end at that very moment and he wouldn’t even bat an eye.
He takes a deep breath, composing himself before he turns to face you again: “Of course.  You can always come to me if you ever need anything.”  It takes everything in him not to fall apart when he lays a hand on the crown of your head, savouring the heat of your body for the very last time
In the days immediately afterwards, the people around Lucien better watch out as his ability to keep cool, calm and collected is challenged: he’s giving the side-eye to his colleagues at the research institute more often then usual, and Black Swan members literally want to run the other way when they see him coming.  If they thought Ares was ruthless before then they’d better watch out now…
As if it were even humanly possible, the professor sleeps even less now: if he’s not in the lab, he’s literally wiling away the hours watching old Hollywood films
Sometimes, he’ll place his hand on the handle to the door of your apartment, closing his eyes and doing his best to pretend that he can still feel your palm in his (he knows you’re not home.  You so rarely are these days…)
Unbeknownst to you, Lucien spends his weekends revisiting the places you used to go together: sitting on the same bench at the aquarium where you kissed him without a second thought, wandering to the theme park you ran away to as a child just to watch the carousel spin round and round, trying his best to keep a smile on his face when the kids at the orphanage ask him where his “pretty lady friend” is
Lucien actually has a kite that he bought ages ago, intent on fulfilling his promise to one day fly it with you.  It sits in his apartment still.  He can’t bring himself to dispose of it.
Gives you his pen, Iridescent, as part of his wedding gift to you.  “May it always bring you luck, wherever you are and…whomever you’re with.”
Regardless of where he is, Lucien will always be keeping tabs on you.  If Victor ever trips up, you can bet that Lucien will be there to swoop in and take his place
The professor will never love another person for as long as he lives.  That’s all there is to it.
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Throws himself into his work when you break the news to him that you’ve accepted Lucien’s proposal
“If that dummy can’t see that I’m the most suitable choice for her, then let her suffer the consequences of her foolishness.” — Victor will tell himself that, but don’t believe it for even a second
Victor has always been obsessed with working, but this is on an entirely new level, even for him: the man’s been missing meals (or taking them at his desk, at most) and doesn’t leave his office until close to midnight, most days of the week
Like a watch whose gears are irreparably damaged, the LFG CEO is broken on the inside.  He has to focus on work because he knows that if he stops long enough to fully consider the consequences of having lost you, he would never climb out of the depths of his despair
Even his dad and aunt become concerned, especially when they notice that he’s lost weight: “Victor, you have employees for a reason.  Delegation is not a weakness.”
His mind often drifts to you, especially when he’s driving.  There are many times when he finds himself absentmindedly heading in the direction of your office after work before he catches himself (the man is so used to picking you up that it’s become like muscle memory, in a sense)
Weekends will find him holed up in his attic space, fingers tracing over the uneven surface of the cup you had accidentally dropped and shattered, the pieces of which he had spent an entire night glueing back together
He shuts down Souvenir for a while: Victor cannot bring himself to step foot in the kitchen because he can’t help but see your face, smiling in rapturous joy to indulge in the caramel pudding he made especially for you
He spends his nights lying wide awake in a bed that suddenly seems much too big, wondering if you would’ve chosen differently if he took the time to tell you all the things he always thought were obvious: that he respected your fighting spirit, admired the brazen way you never gave up on the things you believed in, loved every single thing about you, even the things he seemed to disapprove of
His biggest regret: that he never had the chance to tell you that you were the love of his life
He often fantasizes about what it would’ve been like to stop time before you informed him you were choosing Lucien, to exist forever with you in a single moment when you made him the happiest man alive just by sharing your time with him
He still checks your Moments account religiously, murmuring “Dummy” with the faintest hint of a smile on his face to see your ridiculous posts, but he can never bring himself to reply.  Victor’s pride won’t let him.  He would rather die than let you know that each moment spent without you makes him feel like he is suffocating
Eventually, his worried family — especially his aunt — decides that enough is enough.  They force Victor to take a vacation while trying to discreetly set him up with daughters of other wealthy and prominent families
Victor is beyond annoyed at having his personal affairs meddled with like this, but is essentially strong-armed by his aunt, who turns on the waterworks and starts sobbing about wanting to see the progeny of her dearest nephew before she passes on or withers away from want of new blood in the Li family
Victor will eventually have to marry and have kids — he needs to have someone to pass LFG on to.  It will be a long while before he does settle down though; at one point, it’ll seem like he’s content to be a bachelor for life, married to his work
He will show up for your wedding though, and you can bet the most generous gift will be from the LFG CEO
“Try not to be such a dummy from now on.  I won’t be there to set you straight and your husband may not be as patient of a man as I am.”  Those jet black eyes are wavering with emotion when he reaches out to lay a hand on your head.  But he halts midway, awkwardly pulling back because he’s realized that he doesn’t have the right to touch another man’s wife so casually 😭😭😭
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“Ahahaha!  All right, all right…you’ve got me.  You can stop playing around now, Miss Chips,” Kiro will say, hands held up in defeat when you tell him that you’ve accepted Gavin’s proposal
When he realizes you’re being serious, it’s like all the warmth and light has suddenly been sucked from the room
Those blue eyes go wide, the smile dropping from the superstar’s face.  For what seems like an interminable amount of time, Kiro just sits there staring at you, almost catatonic
When he speaks again, you’re so surprised you almost jump out of your skin: “Gavin…he’s that cop, right?  The friend you’ve known since high school?”
You nod and all of a sudden, it’s like the floodgates have been opened: Kiro’s grasping your hands in his, expression panic-stricken as his questions come a mile a minute:
“Was it something I did, Miss Chips?  I swear I’ll change!  I…I won’t eat junk food anymore!  Won’t even look at that stuff!  If you don’t like your nickname, I’ll call you by your real name, anything you want!  Or maybe it’s because my schedule is always so crazy?  I’ll cut back on my jobs, I don’t care about the money!  If you’re tired of running from the paparazzi, I’ll quit.  Just quit, stop everything — I don’t care, ok?  The only thing I care about is you!  Miss Chips?  Please don’t cry…I’m your hero, remember?  So please…please…”
A single tear rolls down his cheek — you have to look away or else your resolve would crumble
“I’m so sorry, Kiro.  I…I wanted you to be the first to know.  I wanted you to hear it from me…”
It’s like all the life has been drained from him; it actually frightens you to see him like that
“Kiro?"  You hesitantly lay a hand on his.  It’s almost cool to the touch.  Kiro gives his head a little shake, seeming to come back to himself
“I’m…I’m so sorry, Miss Chips.  I don’t know what came over me.  I didn’t mean to get hysterical.  God, what an awful way to react….”  He forces a laugh, but it is wooden and so goddamn heartbreaking to hear.  You almost wish he would scream obscenities at you instead
“He, Gavin…he’s a good man.  He’ll be good for you.  I’m happy that you’re happy, Miss Chips.”
The next day, Kiro drops off the face of the Earth: he’s MIA, no one can reach him
Everyone is panicking: his agent, Savin, and management, his legions of adoring fans all over the world, and most of all, you
That is, until he sends two text messages, one to Savin and the other to you, telling you all that he’s safe and not to worry; he’s just taking some time to work some things out for himself
In actuality, the only thing that’s happening is that Kiro is reverting back to who he originally was before you came into his life
His sun has been eclipsed by crushing sorrow and loss, the brilliance of your light and warmth forever taken from him and he is left in the cold shadow of solitary darkness
Kiro wants to be happy for you, and he hates that he can’t — this dissonance so disconcerts him that he’d rather not feel anything at all
When the superstar does eventually return to the world at large, there’s something about him that’s changed — Savin and the rest will be largely fooled by that ever-cheerful mask he puts on, but you won’t
Those blue eyes seem just a bit darker, the radiance of his being almost imperceptibly dimmed
Poor Kiro, loved the world over, would never love another person for the rest of his life.  It would always be you or nothing.
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Hurt.  Angry.  Confused.
Shaw is angry with himself for ever believing that you and him had a future together; he hates that he saw the signs that you would always, always, always choose Gavin in the end and still continued to lie to himself in spite of it
He hates that he let himself become vulnerable by falling in love with you (Shaw sees vulnerability as the biggest weakness one could have, that’s why he’s always kept himself emotionally guarded in his dealings with people)
But for whatever reason, when it came to you, he just couldn’t help but fall (“Guess brothers are hard-wired in the same way after all, no matter how different we think we are,” he’ll say with a bitter laugh)
A lengthy and most unusual storm will hit Loveland City; expect an extended light show with lots of thunder and lightning
The boy is trashing his place, throwing whatever he can get his hands on: cans of Coke and Pepsi, dishes, clothing and books
He breaks the deck of his skateboard when he smashes it against the wall, bringing down a good chunk of plaster along with it
You won’t be there to witness the destruction.  Shaw will continue to front like nothing could ever faze him when you tell him that you’ve chosen to be with Gavin.  He’ll chuckle, brows raised as he bites on the tip of his straw, saying, “Whatever.  It’s your life.  Do what you want with it.”
Then suddenly, he’s standing up to leave, hand half-raised in goodbye as he makes for the exit without so much as a glance back at you.  
“Take my umbrella.  And don’t worry about returning it.”  
Those are his last words to you.  Not long after, you spy the handle of the black umbrella sitting in the stand near the front of the café (the only one there, since it had been bright and sunny out).  And suddenly, the clouds are rolling in to blanket Loveland City in grey, sheets of rain pouring from a sky cracked in half by a fearsome bolt of lightning
Shaw walks, letting cold rain soak him to the bones to take his mind off the ice that’s already started to freeze the blood in his heart
“Don’t cry…don’t let them f*cking see you cry…" he's saying to himself, over and over again like a mantra
Starts hanging out at the Live House more than ever, losing himself in the music and packed crowds there; he can’t stand to be alone right now.
When he’s not playing bass guitar as a last minute backup for the bands, he’s literally working on his thesis at the bar, sipping on his Coke and Pepsi blend (the staff know him so well that they’re pretty much cool with him doing anything at this point LOL)
STILL blows off every person who comes to proposition him for a good time
I’m sorry, but you know it’s pretty much gonna rain on your wedding day, right?  (The poor boy can’t help it, okay?  He is SAD, SAD, SAD!)
Much like his brother, Shaw will never really get over you.  You were, after all, the first person he ever truly loved
Would likely remain an eternal bachelor, only engaging in meaningless sex but never opening his heart to anyone ever again.  One lesson was enough for him. 😭😭😭
Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Birthday R&S
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Victor’s 2021 birthday collection:
🐼 r&s ♡ l belonging date l video call l moments and texts l asmr
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[ Released on 8 January 2021 ]
[ CHAPTER ONE - Special Present ]
Victor is about to welcome his 15th birthday.
This year, the first birthday present he receives is, as usual, from Little Vick’s zoo. Standing in his room and seeing the box filled with animal plush toys, Victor frowns in slight resignation. When he was young, his parents asked him which was his favourite animal. Without putting much thought into it, he gave the panda as an answer. Since then, he’s been constantly receiving all sorts of presents featuring pictures of pandas from his parents. When he was 9 years old, he even “owned” an actual panda.
As what his father says, since it’s rare for Victor to express that he likes something, there’s definitely a need to fulfil his wish.
Even though he doesn’t dislike this gift, he finds it a little difficult to handle when the zoo sends him a huge box of souvenir plush toys since he shares the same birthday as Little Vick. Other than these, the box would also contain photographs of Little Vick’s everyday life, taken by the rearing staff. Victor would keep them, and send the plush toys to the children of relatives.
[Note] In CN, the panda’s name is 言言 (Yan Yan). But MC used the name “Little Vick” in an EN Moment post, so I’m using it too!
This year, he plans to follow the same routine. Just as he tidies up the items in the box, a knock comes at the door.
“Please come in.”
He turns his head, watching as his father walks in and leans next to the door, a coat draped over his arm. It looks like he just returned from work.
“Are you done with work?”
“Mm. Dad freed up his weekend. Since your birthday is coming, why don’t we head out together?”
Victor looks at his father’s slightly fatigued expression, and contemplates for a while.
“Okay, as long as it isn’t too noisy.”
The man casts a fleeting glance at the cardboard box in front of his son, then offers a suggestion.
“Want to see Little Vick?”
“There are a lot of people in the zoo during the weekend.”
Victor answers very quickly. As such, the man recollects the places he’s taken Victor to in the past, attempting to find a location his son would like.
“What about the countryside park?”
“Okay.” Victor agrees, then raises his head to look at him. “Dad, has Aunt been at home recently? I’m thinking of sending these plush toys to her.”
Seeing the man nod, Victor takes up the adhesive tape and re-seals the box. Watching his actions, the man sighs in his heart.
Trying to figure out what this kid likes - it’s truly a difficult question.
[ CHAPTER TWO - Growing Up Problems ]
It’s a pretty long journey to the countryside park. Victor stuffs this year’s pictures of Little Vick into his backpack, preparing to flip through them along the way.
Actually, ever since adopting it, he’s never visited the zoo to see Little Vick.
He doesn’t really know how to define the relationship between himself and that panda. His neighbours call their three dogs “Boss”, “Second Boss” and “Third Boss”. The moment they’re called, they would rush to the owner, and are as close as family. But Little Vick needs to be meticulously raised by professional staff. Even if it’s given a name, it doesn’t mean it has become someone’s pet, much less a “family member”.
Moreover, everyone knows that a little kid can’t afford to rear a panda. Even if the adoption certificate has Victor’s name on it, he hasn’t offered anything personally. This makes him feel that his connection to Little Vick is even more indiscernible.
Precisely because of this, Victor is always a little surprised whenever he flips through the album featuring its growth. In just a year, Little Vick has grown by quite a lot, and looks like an “adult” - but it’s only 6 years old this year.
The car halts before the traffic light. The man leans over to look at the photographs in Victor’s hands.
“It’s grown quite a lot again. Animals always grow up more quickly than humans.”
After a short silence between the two, Victor mutters softly.
“...I also wish to grow up quickly.”
Hearing Victor say this suddenly, the man is a little shocked, turning his head to look at him.
“Because there are many things I can’t do right now.”
The man deliberates on his choice of words. “The reason why Little Vick can grow up so quickly is because its lifespan is relatively short. But you're different - you have sufficient time to live out every stage properly.”
After the man finishes speaking, he doesn’t get a reaction from Victor for a long time. From the rearview mirror, he discovers that Victor seems to have sunk into a deep contemplation.
Could talking about such things be too heavy for his son’s birthday? The man lifts his hand to loosen his tie, planning to change the topic.
"But there’s still a chance for you to do things yourself if you want to.”
“For instance, you could try paying for Little Vic’s adoption fees.”
Seeing Victor raising his head, he continues.
“The adoption fees for Little Vick are in yearly instalments. Once you have the ability to do so, Dad won’t help you pay for them.”
Victor hesitates for a moment. “Doesn’t that still require me to wait till I’m older?”
“As long as you're able to earn money from me, it doesn’t matter how old you are. Didn’t you learn about the stock market simulator from Dad recently? I’ll let you use the profit in exchange for an equivalent value.”
Victor straightens up slightly in his seat, and asks in slight anticipation. “How much is it every year?”
"A hundred thousand yuan.”
[Note] Approximately USD$15,500
Victor lapses into silence for a while. To a kid, a hundred thousand yuan is indeed not a small number. Seeing his expression, the man prepares some words of comfort. However, he suddenly speaks.
“Okay, I’ll give it a try.”
[ CHAPTER THREE - The Moment of Meeting ]
The car stops at the entrance of the park. Within it, father-and-son look at each other in dismay.
Five minutes earlier, the two of them were notified by the carpark staff that the park has temporarily ceased operations due to some internal revisions. As such, they have no choice but to head to another place.
“Looks like we should have given them a call to check first.”
Seeing the rare expression of vexation on his father’s face, Victor retrieves a map from the storage compartment. The both of them stare at it together, and it seems that the Loveland City zoo, which is only dozens of kilometres away, is the most suitable replacement.
“Shall we take a look?”
Sensing that his father is waiting for his answer, Victor hesitates for a moment before nodding in agreement.
After registering the adoption certification, the staff of the panda area enthusiastically receives the father and son.
“Little Vick’s birthday is coming soon. It’d definitely be very happy to see the two of you.”
Walking into the warm venue, there are excited visitors everywhere. With such an atmosphere, Victor starts feeling slightly expectant too.
“The one at the front is Little Vick.”
The staff brings the two of them before a glass room. At the front is a panda which is hugging a ball and amusing itself. Victor leans closer to the glass, giving it a detailed look. Little Vick seems to have been taken cared of very well. Its fur is fluffy, it looks sturdy, and refuses to let go of its favourite toy.
The man laughs inwardly as he watches his son subconsciously draw nearer to the glass. He even thought Victor didn’t like such adorable animals - it turns out he just refused to admit it. The phone in his pocket vibrates unceremoniously, and he signals to Victor, turning around to answer the call in a corner.
When it’s time for the pandas to eat, the rearer brings a large bundle of bamboo into the glass room. Seeing the look of anticipation on Victor’s face, the rearer specially brings a small bamboo leaf close to the glass. As expected, Little Vick sets down its toy and paces over. After circling the bamboo leaf twice, it suddenly lifts up his front paws and plops onto the glass. Victor is stunned, subconsciously bending down, reaching out to attract its attention.
The staff smiles as he looks at the boy and panda. “Looks like Little Vick really likes you!”
Saying that he wasn’t pleasantly surprised would be a lie. Victor looks at its slightly curved lips, and smiles along with it.
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Should he greet it, or should he just stay like this quietly?
While he’s struggling internally to come to a decision, Little Vick slides off the glass, plopping its bottom onto the ground. Finding a comfortable position, its back faces Victor as it starts gnawing on the bamboo.
...as expected, eating is more important.
Victor hurriedly retracts his smile, straightening up to look at the back of its head. In order to alleviate the embarrassment from earlier, he broaches a new conversation topic.
“May I know,” he turns to the staff member at the side. “If it’s considered an adult now?”
“Yes, it’s already at an age where it’s seeking a spouse.”
“In that case, will it live together with its family in the future?”
“Pandas are very solitary, and Little Vick’s a boy. Even if it has children, it’d still lead a solitary life.”
As though in deep thought, Victor nods. Although these animals look charmingly naive, they aren’t as weak as imagined, and don’t need to rely fully on those around them.
As compared to them, perhaps he truly hasn’t grown up yet.
[ CHAPTER FOUR - Repaying Love ]
Returning from the call, the man sees Victor staring at the back profile of Little Vick. Even after leaving the panda area, he doesn’t speak.
“Why aren’t you talking?”
After a while, Victor responds.
“It doesn’t seem like it’d remember us.”
The man recollects the image he saw earlier. With some understanding, he nods.
“If we visit it a few more times in the future, it might remember.”
“But... so many people visit the pandas every day. I’m just one of them.”
“Victor, let Dad ask you something.” The man pauses in his footsteps and looks at him. “Without considering other factors, do you like Little Vick?”
Victor nods very quickly. The man continues with another question.
“After knowing it wouldn’t respond to you, do you still like it?”
After thinking about it for a while, Victor nods again. The man laughs slightly, bringing him towards the resting spot near the lakeside.
“Not being able to return the same emotions yet not affecting your liking towards it - isn’t this very good?”
“But it’s usually living in the zoo. We can't rear it personally. This kind of liking can’t establish any connections.” Victor seems to hesitate. “I remember you mentioning that the reason for “liking” is to establish connections with other people.”
The man pauses in his steps, turning his head to meet his son’s puzzled gaze. He sighs softly.
“What Dad tells you is not necessarily always true. You need to learn how to assess the appropriate occasion and target. You and Little Vick aren’t able to understand each other. Protecting it from afar like this isn’t a bad choice.”
Victor frowns slightly. These words are slightly confusing, and seem to contain things he has yet to understand.
“In that case, what if there’s mutual understanding?
A cool breeze brushes past. He watches as his father blinks, concealing a very small emotion in his eyes.
“A person who is willing to understand you is someone who is wiling to walk down the same path as you. If you meet that person someday, you must definitely cherish them.”
Because their original plan was to visit the countryside park, the man also brought the cake along. Since the scenery by the lakeside isn’t bad, the both of them select a bench and sit down. The man hands the cake box to Victor.
“Do you mind eating the cake a few days in advance?”
“I don’t mind.”
Victor takes apart the ribbon. Inside is a very exquisite cake, a small brand logo printed on the bottom right side of the chocolate sign. Perhaps noticing his slight pause, he quickly hears his father’s voice.
“...this year’s cake was bought.”
“It looks very nice. Thanks, Dad.”
“The zoo doesn't allow for the lighting up of candles. So we’ll blow out the candles and make a wish at home.”
“Okay, it’s all right.”
Victor carefully cuts out two slices of cake, handing one to his father. The two of them sit next to each other, eating cake while staring at the lake, neither of them speaking.
[ CHAPTER FIVE - Important Person ]
After returning home and having a bath, Victor walks towards his room with relaxed steps. While passing by his father’s bedroom, he vaguely hears him talking to someone over the phone.
It’s so late. Is he still working? Victor is about to continue walking, but his ears suddenly catch a few special words.
Weather, zoo, birthday... His father doesn’t seem to be talking about work, but about very trivial topics to someone. Just as he’s about to step away from the door quietly, his father calls out to him.
“Victor, come in.”
“It’s late and you aren’t asleep yet.”
His father sets down the phone, not giving him a reply. Victor glances at the screen which has yet to dim, and it displays that he isn’t currently in a call. His father doesn’t seem to know how to explain that “phone call”. After a moment of silence, he suddenly broaches another topic.
“Dad didn’t give you a present this year. You’re going to be 15 soon. Do you want something different?”
“You’re referring to...”
“For example, a present belonging to an adult.”
“Anything is fine?”
“Tell me what it is first.”
After giving it some thought, Victor scans his father’s room. Most of the items are either things he already owns, or things he doesn’t need in the far future. After taking a look around, his eyes fall back onto his father - to be more precise, the dark coloured tie he’s wearing.
“I want to buy a tie.” Victor pauses, then adds on. “One with a darker colour.”
Actually, there have been many occasions when he’s needed to wear a tie, and he doesn’t lack them. But most of them cater to his age, or are for school performances, and he doesn’t have one which is formal. Also, considering his mother’s preferences, the colours and patterns of the ties in the closet are very outlandish. One of them even has panda badges on it.
Perhaps thinking about the same image, his father suddenly laughs.
“Okay, you’ll pick one yourself tomorrow. But I have a condition.”
“Go ahead.”
“The reason why we didn’t light candles or make a wish this year is in hopes that you’ll say it directly when you want anything in the future. Especially when it comes to important wishes - you need to tell them to important people as soon as you can.”
“However, if it’s something I can do, I don't want to trouble someone else.”
“To some people, it isn’t troublesome.”
After saying this, he tousles Victor’s hair. Victor seems to comprehend it vaguely. In the past, he used to teach Victor how to be independent, so why is he suddenly changing his attitude?
Could it be that someone like his father has moments when he wishes to rely on someone else too?
Returning home the next day after buying the tie, Victor is once again called into his father’s bedroom. The two of them stand properly before the full-length mirror.
“The pattern of a tie is very critical, but tying a suitable knot is also very important.”
He watches as his father retrieves a tie from the closet, turning around to face him.
“Today, I’ll teach you how to tie a formal knot.”
Before being taught, Victor never expected that such a complicated knot existed. Even though he follows his father step-by-step, the final knot ends up being crooked. Refusing to give up, he removes the tie, giving it another try.
“Does this knot have a name?”
“Eldredge Knot.”
“What occasion requires such a knot?”
His father doesn’t give him a direct answer. “The more complicated the knot, the more important the occasion. Even if you were to only use it once, it’s worth preparing for it.”
Victor watches his father in the mirror. He doesn’t say more, and simply tells him to practise by himself before turning around and leaving. Victor spends an incredibly long time in front of the mirror before he finally ties it into shape.
When he turns around, wanting his father to check it, he sees the wedding photograph of his parents out of the corner of his eye. This photograph isn’t foreign to him, but he still takes a curious, careful look at it.
With this, he finally understands what his father meant by “occasion”. In the photograph, the knot the father tied is the exact same one.
[ CHAPTER SIX- A flowing love ]
One more photograph of Little Vick nibbling on bamboo appears on Victor’s desk. Even though there’s a huge “generation gap” between him and Little Vick, the way it eats seriously without being picky is worthy of acknowledgement. Victor thinks - if he can fork out the adoption fees and enable it to lead a healthy and happy life, it counts as a one-sided, reasonable expression of liking it.
Aside from studying, Victor spends a lot of time over the following days researching stocks intensively. After a couple of transactions, he manages to recoup more than his original investment. This sale enables him to accumulate enough to cover the adoption fees. With the success of the stock market simulation, his father, as agreed, deposits the money into Victor’s savings account.
“Next year, you can see Little Vick with pride.”
“It’s fine as long as I can continue providing it with a good life.”
The man sighs in his heart when he looks at Victor’s small, deliberately stern face. It appears that he’s still troubled by Little Vick not remembering him.
"However, I heard that it could have its own children soon. Could I continue adopting its children?”
The man is a little surprised, but responds seriously.
“It’s your own decision. You have to ensure that you have the ability to do so in the future.”
“I’ve done some calculations. Before I turn 25, I can repay you for all the adoption fees over the years.”
“Does this count as your wish?”
“No, it’s a plan.”
The man chokes up for a moment. Even though Victor is at an age where nothing daunts him, he rarely boasts. If he can truly walk down the path he has planned, it’s truly worthy of admiration.
There may still be much his son has to learn, but he’s wiling to believe in him. But before that, he still has to return to the previous question.
“So what's your wish?”
The self-assured mini adult suddenly grows uneasy after hearing this question.
“I wish... that you’ll see me as an adult next time.”
“Hm?” The man displays an amused expression.
“If there are certain things I can do, you can let me shoulder them for you.”
At the sight of Victor’s resolute expression, the man can’t help but laugh.
"I could consider it, but you have to first learn how to not wear your tie crookedly.”
He looks down. Without realising it, his tie has become loose, and hangs on him crookedly. He hurries to the mirror to straighten it, but still looks in the direction of his father out of the corner of his eye.
The call which didn't get through in the bedroom earlier - Victor knows who it was made to. A proper calculation of the time differences , and the gentle tone used to talk about trivial matters - he’s already heard it for many years.
Certain things can’t be re-lived. But at least, they can continue through other means.
As a person who is about to become an adult, he believes he can do it.
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Fun fact: Victor tied the Eldredge knot in his Deep Love Date T^T
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cathedreal · 3 years
en pointe. [Corpse x Female Reader]
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・❥・Corpse x Female Reader ・❥・Genre: Fluff, hurt comfort ・❥・Word count: 1.5K+ words! ・❥・Requested: Yes! By the incredible 🩰 anon! Thank you so so much for putting in this request! I was thrilled to receive it! I was a dancer for about 14 years (including ballet) and this fic made me remember how much I love being on stage. I really miss it now.  ・❥・The request: hello again! could you write something about and the reader, who’s a ballet dancer, arguing because he’s been promising to go see her perform but the show is running it’s last performance? Cheers! ~ 🩰 Request a fic/hc | Request List | Join my Discord server | Buy me a Ko-Fi
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“You promised!”
 “And I’m keeping to that promise,” Corpse replies, wrapping his arms around your frame. “Things have just been insane lately, that doesn’t mean that I forgot.”
 You sigh softly in response, your shoulders dropping. Corpse pulls you closer and you lean against his chest, your fingers tangling in his shirt to absentmindedly play with the edges of it.
 “I know, I don’t blame you,” you finally say, your lips finding his easily. “But the show is running its last performance…”
 You bite your lip, trying to hide the disappointment that wraps around your heart in thorns, squeezing enough to make it bleed. Corpse notices immediately.
 You like that he knows you so well, that you have fallen into such an easy rhythm in your relationship that gauging each other’s mood has become second nature. There is comfort in knowing that someone understands you so fully that you often don’t feel the need to explain yourself because the other already knows.
 But, in times like these, you really wish that Corpse wasn’t able to read every single expression that crosses your face, that you couldn’t see the guilt in his.
 “I haven’t forgotten,” Corpse assures you and drops a kiss on your forehead. It’s sweet yet fleeting and he soon pulls away again. 
 “You have to go,” you fill in for him and he nods, brushing through your hair one more time before moving to his office, closing the door behind him to shield you from the noise.
 You sulk for the remainder of the day and it doesn’t slip by Corpse who watches helplessly as you frown, more to yourself than to him.
 “I’m trying, Y/N,” Corpse says, reaching out to take your hand. “You don’t know how much it fucking pains me that I can’t easily go.”
 “You don’t know how much it pains me that my boyfriend can’t even come to my performances that have been going on for a damn long time even though I always support said boyfriend in everything he does.”
 It’s a low blow, you immediately want to apologise but instead you clench your teeth and breathe in and out deeply.
 “Don’t,” Corpse says when you open your mouth to apologise and you snap it shut again, guilt filling your body until you feel like you’re going to choke on it. “I deserved it.”
 “You didn’t!” you immediately protest but Corpse shakes his head again. 
 Corpse takes out his phone then and you watch incredulously as he types something, wondering what could be so much more important right now.
 You wonder if he’s on Twitter, liking some tweets of fans which he seems to prioritise more than your relationship. It’s a nasty thought but you still have it. You never claimed to be perfect.
 “What are you-“ you finally ask, needing Corpse to say something, do something to fix this mess. You want to shake him hard, urge him to finally choose you when he holds his phone up.
 Thank you for your purchase.
 “You… Oh.”
 “Yes, oh,” Corpse replies and the corner of his mouth quirks into a small smirk of self-satisfaction. You don’t know if you want to kiss it off his face or whack it with a pillow. Maybe both.
 “You have a stream that day,” you say stupidly and you wish that for once in your life you would just shut up already. Now you’ve planted that seed in his mind and he will cancel the performance. Again.
 “I know, I’m cancelling it,” Corpse says and watches with wide eyes as your bottom lip curls outwards. “The stream,” he says quickly, wrapping you back up in a hug.
 You both move back until you’re half sitting, half lying on the couch, Corpse’s cheek lying on your chest. “I’m sorry for being such a dick sometimes.”
 “You’re not-“
 “I am,” he says and looks up at you with sad eyes. “I should have come earlier but work always had my priority and I fucking regret it so much. I’m scared of suddenly becoming irrelevant and losing everything I built.”
 “I know, I know you are,” you whisper and brush through his hair reverently. “I understand, I always have.”
 Corpse shakes his head. “I’m more scared of losing you,” he finishes as if he hasn’t heard you. He takes your hand in his own, kissing your fingertips softly. Corpse takes his time and you let him, trying to keep the tears at bay. “You don’t have to understand anything. I should have been there and I wasn’t and now I’m making up for it.”
 “Thank you,” you can only croak out and lose yourself in the kiss Corpse presses to your lips.
 You don’t see Corpse before your last performance. It’s the early morning when you walk into the theatre, greeting some of your friends before you fling your stuff somewhere and put your earbuds in. You spend longer on stretches that morning, wanting your body to be loose as you go through some of the more difficult parts of your choreography meticulously. There is much more pressure now that you know Corpse is going to be in the audience and you want to impress him. You want him to be as proud of you as you are of him.
 Hair and makeup are next and you strum your fingers against your leg impatiently as you move your brush with the other hand.
 “Nervous?” Rose, one of your best friends in the company, asks. She puts her hands on your shoulders, rubbing the tension out of them sweetly. 
 “My boyfriend is coming so now I feel like more is at stake,” you reply honestly, relaxing back a little in your seat when you realise just how much you have been clenching your body because of the stress.
 Rose smiles at you through the mirror and wraps you in a hug from behind. “You’re going to do great. You’re always great. Don’t worry too much and have some fun.”
 You hold onto those words until you’re in the side wings, hopping en pointe, lowering yourself down slowly to keep your feet warm and flexible. Nervousness is clawing at your throat now, your stomach rumbling with nauseousness. 
 This is your job and yet… It always feels like so much more. It’s your passion, the one craft you have worked your ass off to master, it’s the ambition you now get to share with Corpse.
 The moment you walk on stage, every bit of nervousness washes away when you fall in fifth position easily. You are aware of the eyes on you, the lights shining just a little too brightly into your eyes and Corpse sitting somewhere in the crowd.
 Your movements are fluid, you almost feel like you’re dancing on air and you know that you look like it too from the applause when the first scene ends. Your confidence spikes and you’re no longer worried that Corpse won’t like what he sees, that he is not as impressed with you as you are with him. You know he loves it because you dance like you’re born to do only that.
 The audience is too dark to see everyone clearly with the lights blinding you but when the lights dim for a moment you catch a glimpse of curly brown hair, a mask covering half of the man’s face, and you know it’s Corpse watching you.
 Nothing else matters anymore at that moment, just the glance you share. You perform then like it’s just for Corpse, as if he’s the only person in the audience, silently cheering you on.
 When the curtain finally falls and the applause dies out, you want to run to Corpse immediately but it’s not that simple. Costumes are to be returned and there is one bobby pin poking you in the head that you crave to take out of your complicated up-do.
 It takes a while but once you can finally go, you almost fall in your haste to get outside. You take a big gulp of the cool night air and then you spot Corpse, waiting for you with a big bouquet of flowers, waving at you sheepishly.
 “I won’t be such an idiot next time,” Corpse mumbles into your ear when you finally fall into his arms, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. “I can’t believe I could have seen you do this more than once and I didn’t take that change. I feel so stupid now.” “You’re not,” you tell him, leaving a smear of red lipstick where you brush your lips against his cheek. “I can do this at home too.”
 Corpse looks at you and you can finally see his eyes up close, the awe and the yearning for more clearly written in his gaze.
 “You’ll do that?” he asks, cupping your cheek to graze his thumb over your cheekbone.
 “If you keep looking at me like that, I will.”
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kazuharem · 4 years
“One Less Star” ↠ Lucien [ANGST]
Requested by @kazuko-stuff​
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This story contains an image not yet released in EN server as well as possible triggering content. Read at your own risk.
Characters: Lucien, mentions of Victor and MC (Female)
Genre: Angst ツ, Song-fic
Word Count: 1,733
Warnings: spoiler warnings for Ch. 25 (some canon details), mentions of drug use (don’t do drugs, kids), mentions of a major character death I guess...
A/N: Uh.... I know I said Lucien angst was addictive.... but I didn’t realize it hurt this much. I also know I promised Lucien fluff, but this was too good to pass up. I’m so so sorry that I haven’t published anything in well over a month. Things have been so stressful for me and I’ve had the worst case of writer’s block. However! I am writing Helios and Lucien smut to make up for that! I also don’t know if the depictions are accurate cuz.... never done drugs.... so this was based off lots of research. Also inspired by this fanart.
Part II of this: story
Summary: The light of Lucien’s life, his little butterfly, was no longer part of his world.
Picture and story under the cut since it contains spoilers and possible triggering content.
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[I wished upon a star last night and thought of you
But must have been a dream cause you're not here
I've never been one to believe in fairy tales or fantasy
But perhaps it's time for a change of mind.
I guess there's a first for everything]
The ticking of the clock was abnormally loud in the silence. Lucien sat in the darkness, breathing ragged as he tried his best to ease the dull roar coursing through his ears. A sharp gasp broke the air as he doubled over, hunching over as he pressed a hand to his chest where stabbing pains could be felt. He fumbled with a shaking hand to reach out to the bottle of pills sitting in front of him and missed, sending them scattering across the floor. “Ugh…” Lucien’s chin dropped to his chest as he panted. Without looking, he grabbed haphazardly what he could and slammed the pills into his mouth, swallowing them dry. Not enough, Lucien thought as he leaned against his bookcase, closing his eyes. Nothing eased the sensation of the pressing pain that robbed him of breath. His pants came out, choked and stuttered.
[We fell in love, we had our fun
You always had enough dreams for both of us
I wonder what would come of us
If we could trade these ends for beginnings]
Memories ran across his closed eyes. Those of her. Black and white, like photo negatives that had no time to be developed. Unwanted. Forgotten.
Cheerful laughter rang in his ears. “Lucien, thank you so much for your help!” He could see her beam at him, her smile bright and sweet. “I couldn’t have done it without you!”
Another vision of her popped up unbidden before him, but Lucien welcomed it eagerly like a man starved. He drank in the sight of her greedily. “Okay, I will wait for you,” she spoke, eyes teary and voice trembling. “I will take care of myself...and disturb you whenever I want. You have to do the same! Take good care of yourself!”
He was suddenly bombarded with various versions of her. The her wearing his sweater curled up on the couch as she typed feverishly on her laptop. The her awashed in a blue tint as she reached up to press her lips against his even when he had warned her that he was dangerous. The her running out into the pouring rain to hug him when she had followed him to Copenhagen. The her gazing adoringly up at him, flashes of bright light dancing across her face from the sparkler that she held between them. The her dusted in flour as she dropped a dumpling into his bowl wishing him happiness and health for the new year. The her with a smile as pure and untainted and beautiful as the fresh snow as she wished that she could celebrate his birthday with him every year in the future.
The beautiful images morphed together into one of her bathed in a warm light. “I wish our love will last forever,” she whispered to him, eyes aglow with the dazzling love solely reserved for him and only him.
Lucien lurched forward, eyes flying open. He looked around wildly, but there was no sign of any comfort in his dark and desolate apartment.
He was sure that she had been there just a second ago. Hadn’t she just been whispering in his ear about taking good care of himself?
A dry sob broke out from his throat, grating and rough, when he realized that he was alone. Like he always had been.
Lucien grabbed more pills and swallowed. Not enough, not enough. The voices in his head became disembodied, haunting.
With some effort, he staggered to his feet using the bookshelf for support.
He needed more. He needed to see her, needed to hear her voice.
He panted desperately as he clung onto the wooden shelf, cold sweat pouring down his back. She couldn’t be gone, Lucien told himself as he tried to gain back some semblance of control over the swirling visions, she’s not gone. The reassurances he gave himself were instantly shattered the moment his eyes landed on the film calendar she had gifted him as a birthday present.
Lucien began to tremble violently. The date served as an unwelcome reminder for exactly what had occurred a month ago.
No. It couldn’t be. She couldn’t…couldn’t be gone.
“No,” the word left his mouth in a cracked whimper. “Please…”
No one was there to hear his broken plea.
[I'm drinking from an empty cup
The hardest part of young love was growing up
It's not enough to fill me up
Cause now there's one less star in the city]
“You…did what…?” Lucien stared at the man before him, feeling like there was no longer strength left in his body at the words that left the man’s mouth. “She…she’s-” He was physically unable to say the next words.
He wanted to grab Victor’s collar, wanted to shake him. Wanted to ask why he did what he did. Why he couldn’t fulfill such a simple request. 
“Keep her safe...and please let her be happy.”
“I trusted you,” Lucien wanted to say. “I entrusted her safety to you. You were supposed to protect her.”
“You cared for her as well. You loved her too,” Lucien wanted to accuse, wanted something-someone to blame.
But upon looking at the gaunt man in front of him, eyes sunken with pain that reflected Lucien’s own, Lucien knew that Victor had been hurting just as much as he had. The usually impeccably dressed CEO looked haggard.
Lucien swallowed hard. “Our partnership ends then. There’s no reason for us to collaborate anymore,” he was surprised his voice was still steady. “I bid you farewell, Victor.”
He reached the door of Victor’s office when Victor spoke up.
“Lucien.” Lucien paused but did not turn back. “For what it’s worth,” There was a pause. “I am sorry.”
Lucien’s hands trembled and he curled them into tight fists. “I understand why you had to do so,” he said to the door. His voice sounded like it was on the verge of cracking. He reached for the door.
“There’s a chance,” Victor stopped him again before he could leave. “There might be a chance she…could still be…alive.”
Lucien closed his eyes. Would it be foolish to cling onto this useless hope? “I’ll take my leave-”
“I’ll bring her back,” Victor’s voice had its usual determination, “I’ll do everything in my power to bring her back.”
“Goodbye, Victor,” Lucien said quietly, dismissing the other man’s words. He left before Victor could say anything else.
Lucien passed through the halls of LFG in a numb daze. He wandered the streets, not knowing where his feet were taking him.
When he arrived in front of a familiar apartment, he blinked. Pulling the keys from his pocket shakily, he unlocked the apartment he had vacated. Part of him hoping that Victor’s words were just part of a cruel joke.
Nothing greeted him. No bright smile that rivaled that of the sun. No pattering of eager footsteps rushing to hug him. Nothing but dust motes dancing in the air.
“No,” Lucien’s chest felt constrictive. “No, no,” He gasped for breath, his legs giving out on him as he collapsed against the door. “Please…no,” the words came out in a broken sob.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” his whispers hitched as sharp stabbing pains robbed him of breath. “I’m sorry…” Lucien grabbed at his chest, fingers digging into the skin. “No…” Tears slid down his cheeks, hot and scalding. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” he choked out, “I’m so sorry…”
[I can't keep living without you
But I'll wait and someday, I'll join you in the stars
But for now I can't keep thinking about you
Cause I can't find my way
Cause now there's one less star in the city]
Lucien staggered, the memory of that day leaving him reeling. “No,” he gasped, shaking his head weakly. He refused to believe the pathetic scene he had just witnessed. “No….she’s not…I’m…no…”
He stumbled across the room to his coffee table and grabbed a syringe, almost dropping it as his shaking hand fumbled desperately. Lucien reached for the tiny glass bottle next to it and plunged the needle into the bottle. Please, an inner voice begged. Please let me see her again. He took a deep breath as he stabbed the needle into his arm. Releasing a hiss, Lucien pushed down slowly on the syringe. He relished in the spread of warmth as he cast away the syringe, breathing finally slowing down.
Lucien collapsed against the window, his shuddering pants easing into deep and languid breaths. I’ll see her again, he thought dazedly as his vision started to blur. I’ll see her again in my dreams.
He caught a glimpse of himself in the gleam of the dark window.
“Look at yourself, Ares,” his reflection seemed to taunt. “Look at how weak you’ve become.���
“Be…quiet,” Lucien spat, his voice nearing a growl.
“You were foolish to think you had a future with her. Foolish to believe that she would still choose to give you trust and love even after you betrayed her. Love? Happiness? Wake up, Ares, there is no love or happiness for you,” the face in the window sneered.
There was the sound of shattering glass and Lucien watched with numb fascination as a dark liquid seemingly blossomed from his clenched fist. There was silence. Blissful and soothing.
Suddenly, there was the sound of light footsteps. He raised his head slowly and his breath caught in his throat.
It was her.
She was here.
“Lucien,” she smiled, and Lucien felt his heart swell at the sheer beauty of it, blinding and brilliant. “Did you miss me?” She stepped delicately towards him and spread open her arms.
Lucien pulled her into his arms desperately, his movements eager and clumsy. “I…missed you so much,” he croaked as his arms enveloped her. “I missed you so much that I was going crazy,” he admitted as he buried his nose into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent.
“Well, I’m here now,” She whispered, and Lucien could feel every fiber of his entire being sing with relief.
“Yes, don’t leave me, my love. Stay here with me forever, my little butterfly. I love you.”
───── ⋆⋅ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ⋅⋆ ─────
A/N Part II: I am not okay right now. I hate myself. Goodbye
Part I: Here
Part III: Here
For more of my work: 📖
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 5 (Kiro) Part 1 [Hunter Game] & [The Game Starts Now] Translation [CN]
Here’s Part 1 translation for MLQC Season 2 Chapter 5 featuring Kiro. 
-Spoilers below the cut-
[Hunter Game]
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The endless red traffic light became a little blurred in the drizzling rain, and I leaned on the steering wheel for a long time.
Since I left the hospital and returned home a few days ago, I have been searching for information about the man in black and the man with dark gray eyes through internal channels.
Five days later, there is still no positive results.
Including that mysterious hunter game, whether it is through B.S. or other gray channels, there has been no news about it.
In a modern society where information is infinitely open, the existence of that man and this game seem to be like a ghost in the fragments of memory.
But I am convinced that they are real. If I couldn’t find it, it must mean that they hid it in such a way that it can’t be explained for the time being.
The red light began to flash and I slowly stepped on the accelerator.
In the face of unknown enemies, I must make adequate preparations for emergencies.
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Anna: MC, morning.
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MC: Morning, Anna.
I greeted Anna and walked into the office. As soon as I sat down, I saw an invitation letter covered with dark lines lying quietly on the desktop.
I froze for a moment and poked my head out of the office.
MC: Has anyone entered my office?
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Minor: I stayed here all night and didn’t see anyone go in.
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Willow: Are you sleepwalking?
Minor: I have been working diligently! I’ll have you know that my eyes are rounder than a light bulb!
I ignored their continuous babbling, frowned and went back to the office, staring at the mysterious invitation letter carefully.
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MC: What is this again? I must be losing my mind.***T/N: Took some liberties with this***
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I temporarily pushed the invitation letter under a folder and responded.
Anna: Are you busy?
MC: Go ahead.
Anna: I’m here to tell you about the release of the previous Evol short film.
Anna: It’s almost as you expected. Although people are still at the peak of anxiety, it does play a positive role.
Anna: Public opinion on the Internet has gradually shifted to the direction of rational thinking and discussion, and the image of the inverted Smile Film and Television Company has also been slightly improved.
MC: That’s great….
Anna: However, for safety reasons, I think the company should be more cautious in handling Kiro’s itinerary.
MC: Don’t worry, I’ll pay attention.
After Anna left, I took out the invitation letter. I carefully observed that there was nothing suspicious around the envelope and slowly opened it.
“Dear Miss MC, you are welcomed to join this hunter game that never stops singing.”
“You don’t have to know the location, content, or anything about the game.”
“You are the game itself.”
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MC: “Hunter Game”?!
I checked the text repeatedly and my fingers became cold.
This cannot be a coincidence. Is there any omission due to the investigation in the past few days?
I inadvertently gripped the delicate letter until it wrinkled. If this is not some sick joke, then it is not so much an invitation but an arrogant and conceited provocation.
The sudden ringing of a phone pierced my ears and made me tremble.
I squeezed my palms and froze for four to five seconds before slowly picking up the phone.
On the screen, the words “Kiro” were awaited me quietly.
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Kiro: Boss?
The familiar voice came from the other side of the phone and made me slowly relax.
MC: It’s me.
Kiro: Is something wrong? Your voice doesn’t sound right.
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MC:….I’m fine! Just thinking about things.
Kiro: Such as?
MC: Such as….what are you going to do next time.
MC: You have a good nesting ground of ideas! ***T/N: Took some liberties with this line***
Kiro: Wait for me to show you the mushrooms I planted these days!
Kiro: This one on top of my head is new!
Imagining the mushroom growing on Kiro’s head, I couldn’t help laughing.
Kiro: I wrote a song at home these past few days and I will send it to you when the demo is ready.
MC: In that case, I’m looking forward to it.
Kiro: When my ban is lifted in a few days, I must have a big meal!
Kiro: Do you have anything in particular you want to eat?
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MC: If you’re not afraid of snitching on me to Savin, I choose hot pot.
Kiro let out a little laugh on the other end of the phone. I can already imagine how absolutely loyal this hot pot fan is.
Kiro: By the way, did you receive anything special recently?
My heart thudded. I looked down at the invitation letter in my hand and touched my mouth.
MC: Kiro, have you.....ever heard of a hunter game?
*something breaks*
As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the sound of glass shattering came to my ears.
Kiro: How would you know about this?!
MC: ….I received an invitation letter today. It should be considered the “special thing” you just asked about.
His voice became extremely fast, but suddenly turned sporadic. The sound of static gradually covered Kiro’s words.
MC: What are you saying? I can’t hear you clearly!
I heard a restless and strange, low frequency sound from my right and I stiffly casted my eyes on the wall.
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A silver arc stretched along the wall, making an oval that was exactly the right size for a person to pass through.
I suddenly found that I have lost my strength to move, and my head felt dizzy. In my blurred vision, a man seemed to come out from the other end of the wall.
In the last second before losing consciousness, I struggled to grasp his hand and saw a pair of dark gray eyes and a slate symbol full of thorns.
[The Game Starts Now]
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….So cold.
The cold woke me.
When I opened my eyes, I noticed that most of my body was immersed in water.
The frigid river water made my whole body very stiff. If I had slept for even a few more hours, I might have frozen to death here.
I struggled to get up and knelt on the bank to look around.
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Dark clouds occupy the entire sky and I am in, what looks like, an endless dense forest . Rain is falling lightly.
As I slowly approached the big tree by the waterside, some cold, hard object gingerly brushed my neck.
I stretched out my hand and realized that a metal collar was around my neck.
MC: What is this….
As if responding to my question, the metal collar suddenly glowed. Before my eyes,  a weird projection screen appeared.
A thorny “8” symbol appeared in the center of the screen display. The beginning and the end of the symbol didn’t seem right but from certain angles, they seem to overlap.
It looked never-ending.
Electronic voice: Dear players, welcome to the game arena of the first level of the ninth area of the Hunter Game.
Electronic voice: It is 6:07:19 in the afternoon. You can confirm the latest time at any moment by saying “Current Time.”
Some brisk male voice sounded from the metal collar. Following his introduction, a miniature map appeared on the projection screen with dozens of red dots.
Amongst them, there is a red dot flashing faintly, and its location is just by the river.
Electronic voice: The metal collar is equipped with a GPS positioning system. The flashing red dot is where you are. You can get map information at any time through the command “Open map.”
Electronic voice: The metal collar will record the points you earned, and the rewards gained will also be communicated he--
*something blows up*
An explosion interrupted his words, and faint black smoke rose slowly, diagonally in front of me. Before long, it disappeared into the rain.
Electronic voice: Hunter No. 3 died, his points were cleared.
Electronic voice: Out.
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MC: What happened? What is he saying?
My heart was beating fast, and cold sweat was slightly oozing from my back.
Electronic voice: I hope everyone can listen to the introduction before taking any action.
Electronic voice: If the metal collar is damaged by external force, it will automatically detonate, so please don’t attempt it lightly.
Electronic voice: Here, any consequences of non-compliance with the regulations will be reinforced by you.
Electronic voice: The top 3 players can advance to the next level of game play and get the first round of game rewards at the same time.
Electronic voice: If you fail to advance, there is a chance to leave safely or to challenge again.
Electronic voice: But if you are unfortunately “eliminated” in the game….
Electronic voice: You will disappear from this world.
Electronic voice: We express our sincere welcome to your arrival and wish you victory in the game.
The brisk voice stopped and the bright blue casting screen closed.
My fingers were shaking. I kept taking deep breaths, pulling at my stiff fingertips again and again.
I touched my thigh and found that the anesthesia gun and knife hidden on one side were still there.
In the last second before I lost consciousness, I saw the man with the dark gray eyes, a playful smile on his lips.
This person was not only related to the illegal drugs, but also brought me into this game. He also didn’t seem to shy away from appearing in front of me.
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MC: What a conceited person.
Although it was unexpected, I have the opportunity to get acquainted with this hunter game that lives in illusion.
I knew I was unable to remove the metal collar, so I didn’t try to destroy it, Instead, I dragged my heavy body and walked into the depths of the forest.
The most important thing now is to find a safe place, take a good rest and organize the information that was given.
On the previously displayed map, there are a few red dots that are very close to me.
Are they the other participants?
I only hesitated for a moment, then took another step.
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In the broadcast just now, that person didn’t say how to earn points but….
My pace is getting faster and faster, recalling the picture of Lu Kang running with scars on his body.
The electronic voice said that the player was out, and my scalp began to turn numb.
A bullet swiftly grazed the side of my shoe. I lost my balance, and I instantly fell to the ground.
But I didn’t have any time to hesitate. As I fell, I immediately rolled back to a trunk on the right.
MC: Cough…!!
I immediately covered my mouth with my hand, and couldn’t help but feel nauseous and wanted to retch.
??: Open map.
As a middle-aged man’s hoarse voice spoke, a bright blue light flashed from the lower left corner of my peripheral vision, which was quite obvious in the dark forest.
The heavy footsteps slowly approached where I was, and I gritted my teeth and tried to keep myself quiet.
At the same time, I took out my knife and quietly cut a small piece of clothing.
I gently inserted the piece of cloth into the gap in the trunk, making the illusion that I was still staying in place. And in the next instant, he threw a knife sharply towards the light-emitting place.
??: Shit!! ***T/N: I’m sure this is a curse word from the original CN text XD***
As the bright blue light disappeared, I quickly rolled to the other side.
*multiple gunshots*
A continuous line of gunfire rained down upon the place where I just hiding. The harsh bullets ripped through the air, and I hugged my head and ducked behind another nearby tree.
The shooting finally ended. Perhaps the man ran out of ammunition. The terrible smell of burning trees hung in the air.
The man seemed to be worried that the screen light would give away his position in advance. In order to confirm the result of shooting me down, he didn’t open the map again and walked over.
My left hand tightly wraps around my right hand to keep it from shaking too much.
I know that there is only one chance.
I stealthily grabbed my anesthesia gun, waiting for the sole opportunity.
A man who appeared to be in his forties showed up in my field of vision. He was wearing a vest with a bag on his back. He held the submachine gun on his shoulder as if he was holding a winning ticket.
Seeing the open space littered with only bullet marks, the man was clearly taken aback. When he turned around, he saw me hiding in the shadows and holding a gun.
I didn’t hesitate. The narcotic bullet hit the man’s arm instantly. He held his arm in horror, and ran while pointing the cold gun at me.
It’s a pity that he didn’t have a chance to pull the trigger. In the next second, he fell backward and collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.
Electronic voice: Hunter No. 29 attacked successfully, scored 5 points.
I was panting, trying to stand up, but found that I couldn’t move at all. I beat my thighs repeatedly, gritted my teeth and stood up.
The medicine in this anesthesia gun would bring down even an elephant within 10 seconds.
At this time, I am extremely grateful to this arrogant messenger, and thank him for leaving me a small chance of survival.
I quickly retrieved my thrown knife and checked to see that there were still bullets in the man’s submachine gun. It was a little heavy but I picked it up and ran deep into the forest without hesitation.
MC: Show location.
The screen only appeared for a moment, and then I turned it off. Fortunately, there are no other red dots nearby.
The sky is getting darker, and the screen’s light can reveal my position earlier than the electronic map.
I found a particularly huge leaf. After thinking about it, I got under the leaf and heaved violently.
The abrasions caused by the tumbling just now started to hurt. The damp weather and soaked clothes made me cold, and my stomach began to ache.
I smiled bitterly and looked into the sky through the gaps in the leaves. This hunter game is more terrifying and dangerous than I thought.
There was movement along the ground and an inexplicable feeling made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Someone is close.
-End of Part 1-
-Continue to Part 2-
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mollymauk-teafleak · 5 years
All Is Well (widomauk courtesan AU)
How Mollymauk Tealeaf came to work at the Lavish Chateau
Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment on Ao3! 
Sometimes Marion would miss it.
When she sat in her office, which she kept purposely aside from the rest of her brothel, soundproofed and even decorated in a completely clashing scheme from the rest of it all, she would sit alone with books of numbers and order forms and client lists and miss being out there. This had always been what she’d wanted, to own her own house, keep her own place, know that everything was exactly how she wanted it and that everyone who passed through her doors was safe. She had been in enough places that were… otherwise… to have it mean a lot to her.
But still, she would miss it. Never for long, never enough to regret anything, but enough.
If she had the time, if there were no jobs immediately demanding her attention, sometimes Marion would indulge the nostalgic longing that lived in the back of her mind. She would leave the accounts and books and go linger in the bar room, in the booth that was kept clear for her. The bartender would never need to be asked, within a minute there would be a flute of her favourite fruit and champagne cocktail by her hand, and the music would shift and swim in accordance with her tastes.
It was nice to watch it unfold in front of her, the games they all played, subtle, intricate little games barely perceptible to the clients or anyone who didn’t live this life. Knowing when to approach, when to lean just a little further in. When another drink was called for or when to give the server a sign in the hand language unique to the Lavish Chateau workers that the next order needed to be watered down. How to read a client’s wants and wishes, the ones they could barely admit to themselves, in slight shifts of muscle. How to subtly wave over a partner to join the conversation and the eventual revels that would happen upstairs. It was an art in itself, the foreplay and build up, as much as anything that went on in the floors above.
Marion could watch it all and fondly remember when she had been the best at it.
She chuckled to herself that night, sipping her glass, noting happily that it was peach today. You’re getting old, she admonished herself gently as the bubbles popped on her tongue, sitting here with your glory days…
She could imagine most people would think it was a terrible thing, a bitter sad irony, to be a courtesan growing old. Marion smirked in their hypothetical faces.
She came back into the room as a different song began, something softer and sweeter than before, mostly piano. And that was when she noticed the marr in her perfect view. The oddity.
Yasha had spied him too, she noticed, probably before Marion. She was a brand new hire, young and quiet but very good at her job, of course she’d already seen him and was subtly, inconspicuously making her way towards him. Marion held herself stiffer than before, ready to stand and insert herself if trouble was on the cards. Of course she wasn’t as physically intimidating as her new bouncer but she knew how to eject difficult clients.
But, as Yasha reached the figure hunched over the bar and spoke a few, stern words- the only kind of words Yasha was really capable of speaking- she didn’t move to grab him or ferry him to the door. She only looked back to Marion and it wasn’t annoyance or exasperation in her eyes.
She looked worried.
Within a heartbeat Marion was on her feet, heels clicking sharply against the floor as she crossed over. As she grew closer, she noticed several things about the stranger in quick succession, her well honed skills of observation and reading people supplying her quickly and smoothly.
He was filthy. He was young. He was thin.
And he looked terrified.
Marion sank into the stool beside him, bringing herself to his level. He was a tiefling like herself, though an unusual deep purple colour she hadn’t come across before. So not from around here. He was dressed in a dark robe, though dark by design or by the soil and dirt that clung to it, she couldn’t immediately tell.  And underneath it… well he didn’t appear to be wearing anything apart from some tattoos. Not as unusual in a brothel as it would be in some places but still, odd.
“Good evening sir,” Marion smiled as if nothing was amiss, “Are you enjoying your time here?”
He didn’t seem to have heard her at first; his pointed ears, bracketed by an impressive set of horns, didn’t even flicker. But then his cracked lips moved slightly and he murmured something softly.
Marion leaned in, frowning delicately, “M… T? Is that your name?”
“Empty,” Yasha corrected, voice soft so as to use the chatter around them as a cover, “That’s all he said to me too.”
A very bad feeling stirred in Marion’s chest, “Sir? What’s empty?”
The tiefling just gave the barest shake of his head, his curls too matted with dirt and grease to move with the motion.
“Do you need us to get you some medical attention, sir?”
Again, nothing, just a slight intake of breath like he was trying to repeat his only word but couldn’t manage. But Marion could make her own assessment.
“Call for my daughter please, Yasha, if you would be so kind?”
Yasha hesitated, looking between her boss and the young man as if worried to leave them alone.
“I’m just going to take him up to my rooms and help him get cleaned off.  We’ll be fine,” Marion assured her gently.
That answer didn’t seem to assuage Yasha any but she just nodded, “I won’t be long.”
Moving the young man was easy, there was no resistance at all in his muscles and he just half stumbled in the direction he was pointed. Now they were drawing glances, her workers picking up on the snag in the usually calm and relaxed atmosphere, but Marion gave reassuring smiles all around, answering them in their shared language of hand movements that could be so easily missed by clients. All is well.
The young man- the empty young man, as Marion was starting to think of him in her head, as horrible a name as that was- sat on the bed in her private suite, staring into thin air. Like the shadows on the wall were forming an elaborate, absorbing puppet show that only he could see.
Marion set the shower running for him and tried to gesture him to the en suite, “Shall we get you cleaned up?”
Nothing. No kind of response.
Sighing softly, Marion went over to him and guided him to his feet. The dirt clinging to him seemed to be mostly soil, there were green flecks to it if you looked closely. It was particularly crusted under his nails, as if he’d been clawing at the stuff like some kind of digging animal. The robe he wore was far too big for him, seen in close proximity, not just because of how thin he was underneath. It looked as though it was more shroud than cloak.
Marion set her jaw and helped him into the bathroom. He gave absolutely no resistance to her undressing him, like he didn’t feel the fabric against his skin. He was trans, she noted, adding that to her scant information on him. The gently warmed water falling on him drew no reaction either. Though after a moment, when she turned back to him after throwing his robe in the hamper, she could almost see less tension in his muscles, like he’d relaxed ever so slightly in the warmth.
She heard the door to her apartment open behind her. There was only one person who would ever come into her rooms without knocking.
“Mama?” Jester’s voice called, curious. Clearly Yasha had told her a little about their current mystery.
“One moment,” Marion returned, putting a hand out under the water to gently touch the man on the shoulder, not caring when rivulets of scented soap ran under the billowing sleeve of her dress, “I’ll be back soon, alright? My daughter will check any hurts you have.”
She was expecting nothing, more speaking because it would be rude not to. But he inclined his head ever so slightly, water now streaming through his filthy hair and down his face.
“Empty…” he whispered, so soft that it could just have been part of the water’s gentle voice. He sounded so young, so frightened.
Marion gave his shoulder a squeeze, feeling a slighter, smaller version of the same love and fear she held inside her for her daughter. He did look so much like her after all, he could hardly have more than a handful of years on her.
“We will fix this,” she promised, meaning it as much as she could, “And you’re safe here until we do.”
The young man didn’t say his word again and he moved back slightly, as if allowing her to go. Marion went to go but her eyes were suddenly caught on something. They fixed on the young man’s hand, fallen limply by his side. Now it was clean she could see with perfect, horrible clarity just how torn they were, how the skin of his hands was full of ragged splinters, how his knuckles had split, the awful gashes on his fingers.
And they weren’t the only wounds he had. They were simply the only fresh ones.
Every inch of his skin was covered with white, slim scars like a falling of snow. Some were nicks, some were long, all of them cleanly done with a sword that must have been as sharp as a razor.
Marion’s shout for Jester caught in her throat.
There were always spare rooms available in the Lavish Chateau. Marion didn’t have a high turnover in her staff but new faces were always welcome, provided they fit in.
Not that their new guest fit in. But he was welcome all the same.
Marion went to check on him whenever she could spare the time. When she couldn’t, there was always Yasha, who seemed to consider herself in charge of their visitor. It had started as a need to guard him, worrying that whatever violent impulses had earned him so many scars might suddenly reawaken. But now it seemed to be more protective, sitting with him while he slept for when he inevitably woke with nightmares, encouraging him to eat when he was reluctant.
Of course she was there when Marion pushed back the door after a gentle knock. She sat cross legged on the bed with the tiefling opposite her, mirroring her position. He did that a lot, copying others when he was unsure of what to do.
“How are we doing today?” Marion smiled fondly, letting the door close. Of course everyone was maddeningly curious about their guest but he needed his privacy.
“Good,” Yasha gave her a smile, “Watch…”
She faced Molly and clearly, rather formally signed to him in the house’s language. Hello. How are you?
The tiefling bit his lip and signed back to her, his own movements nervous and unsure but it was unmistakably an answer in the same language. I am fine. All is well.
Marion smiled delightedly. The difference in the young man was clear, just how much he’d improved from how he’d been a month ago. He moved on his own, his face held expressions. He still couldn’t talk but he asked for things after his own fashion. He seemed to want to be alone most of the time, the noisy brothel seemed to frighten him a little, but his hands were bandaged and his eyes were clear and present.
And now he could speak to them.
“Yasha, what a wonderful idea,” Marion patted her back fondly, “This is brilliant, it will help him so much.”
Yasha coloured a little, shocking against her pale skin, “I just thought it would be nice if he could  talk to us and if he can’t use his voice… he’s the one that’s picking it up so quickly. He’s learned that in just a few hours.”
He fidgeted a little, looking pleased by the praise. He didn’t always understand what people said to him, like it all came to him through a fog and some things would get lost along the way. But he was good at picking up on tones in people’s voices.
“Well, Mollymauk, well done to you too,” Marion smiles, happy to see him pleased.
Yasha blinked curiously, “Mollymauk? Is that what we’re calling him?”
Marion gave a delicate shrug, sitting in her reading chair, “Well, I had to call him something until he remembers his name. And people are asking about him.”
“It’s a nice name. What does it mean?”
“Well, it’s a kind of albatross,” Marion said thoughtfully, watching Molly who had retreated inside himself a little, practising the hand motions from before until they were sure and certain, “And that seemed to fit him. He’s clearly from the Coast and he just seems like he’s travelled so far. And he looks so unusual, he deserved an unusual name.”
His ears seemed to pick up at that, glancing over at the two of them and giving a small smile. A smile that looked like it might grow.
“Mollymauk,” Marion repeated, “Would that be okay with you?” She translated the name and the question into the hand gestures as she spoke. It took a while to spell out, her hands flitting through the shapes with grace and delicacy.
He tilted his head a little as he processed that, then he looked pleased, answering her with more confidence than before.
Yes. All is well.
Marion always wrote her letters to Ophelia Mardun carefully. They were good friends, lovers on a few occasions when she was back in town and the mood had taken them, but she would never be someone Marion wouldn’t watch her words with.
She was partway through the letter when the knock came at the door. She looked up and spoke a soft welcome, knowing who it would be before he entered.
A year at the Lavish Chateau had changed Mollymauk more than she’d ever have thought possible. He stood much taller than he had before, he wore his own clothes comfortably- patterned leggings and a billowing shirt under a fitted waistcoat- and his horns held bands and caps of gold. Though he’d never be anything but slender, wiry at best, he was fuller than he ever had been and a smile sat comfortably on his face like it was the norm. There were tattoos on his skin that hadn’t been there a year before and his fingers held no trace of ever having being damaged.
Though the scars everywhere else remained. Marion didn’t think they’d ever go away.
“Good afternoon, Molly,” Marion smiled easily, “Tea?”
“Yes, thank you,” he came in and sank into the chair opposite her desk, the one with the plush velvet cushions. Marion never wanted her guests to feel uncomfortable.
At first Molly’s voice had been wobbly and uncertain, just like his sign language had been the first few times. It had come back in drips a few months after his arrival. He’d remembered words here and there, a lot of it copied from Yasha or Jester or Marion, like a parrot in behaviour as well as his colouring. But once he’d mastered a few small sentences, it came to him quickly, his natural skill for quickly picking things up helping him massively. It was a nice voice in the end, gently accented, quick to laugh and joke.
Before long, Marion returned with a little clay teapot, just big enough for two, soft whorls of jasmine scented smoke emerging from the spout. She filled both their cups, not wanting it to be over brewed and bitter.  She knew Molly didn’t like that, he could be quite particular about his tea.
She’d chosen his first name for him, he’d chosen his second. It seemed to amuse him, given how the first few days he’d been here- days that seemed so long ago now- he couldn’t be persuaded to take any nourishment other than weak tea. He’d also more recently gotten into different methods of fortune telling, tarot cards being his favourite but tea leaves had been his first attempt.
Marion found that passing strange, someone with no past being determined to peer into the future. She supposed she could understand it. With one being lost to him, maybe he just wanted to reach forward and have some sense of control. She’d never asked.
He still did love his tea though.
“What’s on your mind, dear?” she asked softly, watching him blow on his tea to cool it, cupping the little clay mug protectively.
Molly didn’t look surprised that she already knew he had something to say. He’d gotten used to her rather eerie perceptiveness.
“I wanted to ask you something…” he sat back, not lifting his eyes from his tea, “Seeing as I’ve officially been here a year and all.”
Marion nodded, the significance of the day hadn’t been lost on her either.
Molly seemed to take a breath, like he was steeling himself a little, “I want to work here.”
Marion absorbed that, blinking steadily, “Mollymauk… you know I’m happy to have you here. But there’s still so much you don’t know? Yet you’ve never shown any interest in looking into it…”
“I know,” Molly said hurriedly, red eyes wide and worried, “And it’s not like I haven’t thought about it. But I don’t want to.”  
“You don’t want to? Molly, there could be a life out there waiting for you…”
Molly’s face twisted with unpleasant memories, “A life that ended with me in a grave. Whatever happened back then, I have no idea and I don’t want any idea,” he sighed softly, “All I know for sure is I’m happy right now. I’m happy here. And I want to stay here.”
Marion tilted her head gently, “There’s...there’s other places, Molly, different kinds of work, if you really wanted a fresh start. Some people wouldn’t call what we do here an honourable life or even a good life.”
He didn’t seem surprised by that, the clandestine nature of their home was obvious in a number of subtle ways and inferring from that wouldn’t be difficult, “I don’t understand that. How is it any different from the city market? People need touch and comfort as much as they need anything on those stalls and giving it to them is important. It’s fun here, it’s bright and there’s always laughter and… and it’s safe. I like that. I want to be part of it.”
Marion reached out and put her hands over Molly’s where he held the cup, “Molly, if this is really what you want then of course you can work for us. You’re already part of our family.”
Mollymauk looked relieved at that, smiling hugely, the lamplight catching on the points of his teeth, “Thank you! Thank you so much, I’ll be as good as I can possibly be, I’ll always show up on time, I’ll do whatever you need…”
She laughed brightly, wondering if she’d ever had anyone be so enthusiastic. A year ago, she never would have let someone in Mollymauk’s condition sign up to be a courtesan. But looking at him now, he was so far from the scared, flinching man who’d stumbled into her Chateau just looking for warmth and light. His thoughts were his own, his words were his own, his decisions were his own.
Marion smiled warmly and withdrew, giving him her reply in their own hand language, just for old time’s sake.
You are welcome. All is well.
If she had the time, Marion liked to come linger in the bar.
It was strange how much had changed in a year and how much hadn’t. The taste of peaches and champagne on her tongue was the same. The sound of laughter and love would always be the same. The pride she felt as she sat back in her booth and let her golden eyes slide across the scene in front of her was the same.
What was different were the faces, the clients and some of the workers. Yasha was taller where she stood by the door, a greatsword visible over her shoulder that would have been near impossible for her to heft two years ago. Beauregard, a runaway from some high ranking family she wouldn’t reveal but Marion could guess, was laughing with her daughter over at the bar.
And Mollymauk Tealeaf was in the middle of it, laughing louder than anyone, playfully perched in the lap of a lawmaster, whispering something in his ear while simultaneously signing over to Yasha an unkind but hilarious comment on the scent of his client’s breath.
Marion rolled her eyes fondly, catching his eye and signing for him to play nice. Molly grinned, completely unabashed, and gave her a wave.
He wasn’t always on time. He wasn’t the most reliable of her workers. But Marion still felt a strong love for him, the same she’d felt when he’d first sat at her bar, the feeling that reminded her so much of her love for her daughter.
That hadn’t changed. And it never would.
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Human Trafficking
Hey guys, I actually wanted to share a personal experience with this. I have actually encountered... worked with people who were slaves. 
I was 24? at the time. I got a job at a Chinese Restaurant as a server. I didn’t realize the full implications at the time, but for all intents and purposes, it appeared as if my two co-workers who worked in the back as the cooks were free. They showed up together in a very nice car that one of them owned each morning and left. No one was monitoring them. It appeared as if they were free to work and leave as they pleased.  
One of them spoke no English. The other spoke very little English. Despite this, I was very good at communicating with them and we worked together to get our message across. They were always really friendly. 
They never had days off. They showed up as I was setting everything up and they didn’t leave until the restaurant closed down for the night. Every. Single. Day. 
I started questioning them. Trying to get across that this was wrong and that they deserved days off. The man who spoke very little English proudly told me that he owned the restaurant. It was his money that was going into this establishment so he wanted to make sure it succeeded. 
I found this odd because the boss of the place had made it very clear that he was in charge of everything. That he was the owner. 
My friend who spoke very little English slowly explained to me over the course of a few weeks that he had worked for the boss for many years without a day off and that the boss had convinced him into opening this business with the money that he had worked for. The money this boss had paid him with no breaks that he’d saved up over the course of 8 YEARS. 
And while this boss was parading around pretending to be the owner of the establishment, leaving whenever he wanted and giving away a ton of free food he was not contributing to buying in any way, my friend was working seven days a week in the back and never getting any credit. He was slaving in a really hot kitchen for a restaurant that was in his name and with his money. 
I told him he needed to get rid of the boss. The man was using him. This wasn’t right. 
He told me that he was here on a Visa. He wasn’ t an American. He told me that the boss was the one who brought him to America to work and that he could easily send him back to China. He told me that he was living with a bunch of other people who were in the same boat. And he continued to insist that this was his decision to open the restaurant. 
I was upset and frustrated and angry. I knew what was going on was wrong and horrible and inhumane, but it also sounded as if it was consensual. What could I do? What could I possibly do? 
I did nothing. 
I thought this is a grown man and this is what he wants. I can’t force him to leave. I felt sick and disheartened. 
I quit the job because I couldn’t work for such a Shady man.
I went into the back and hugged my friend the cook and shook his hand and tried to explain as best I could. 
He was upset when I left and he looked lost. 
I didn’t recognize it as human trafficking even though I knew it wasn’t humane. Recognizing the different forms of human trafficking means the difference between just quitting a job because you don’t approve of how they treat people and going to the police to report it. 
I wish more than anything I had been informed enough back then to recognize it for what it was. I wish I hadn’t been so stupid. I wish I helped him instead of just... trying to convince him to leave. Because for him it wasn’t a choice. 
I knew he was being manipulated. Used. Taken Advantage of. Overworked. 
But he was older than me. He was a person who could make his own decisions. I was stupid and young and fucking naive. 
Human Trafficking doesn’t always take the form you expect it to. When I think of human trafficking, I think of people in cells or in the back of trucks or locked in rooms. I don’t think about it as my co-workers in the back room who owns their own car. 
A month or so later, the Restaurant went out of Business. 
I never saw my friend again. 
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victuurikatsu · 6 years
(Prompt inspired by the lovely humans of the @wewritevictuuri server 💕🌷)
Distance never mattered to Victor before. If there was an adventure to be had, he’s the first one to rush to what ever mode of transportation would take him there. Being a celebrated performer meant being just as versed in traveling and Victor had seen so much, and truly he was grateful for that. Time wasn’t a bother to him either, days seemed to blur together more often than none and no matter where he was he always adjusted accordingly. But that all changed when Victor was hyper aware of the time difference between Russia and Japan and the physical difference between himself and Yuuri.
He realizes just how cruel the concept is when he’s rushing back from Russia to be by Makkachin’s side. Days of doubt and fear plaguing him at all ends. Would she make it? Did Yuuri fair well in the free skate? Would they make it to the Grand Prix Final together? If not, what would he do? What if he lost both all in one go? Could he handle being alone again?
But by some divine force and ample skill, Makkachin pulls through, Yuuri performs just enough and edges his way through to the GPF. Victor can hardly contain himself, and he counts down the hours until he can reunite with him again at the airport.
Victor doesn’t let Makkachin leave his side, opting to take her through the airport and they sit in a resolved bliss together. Victor is trying to figure out the different characters flashing on the board and grateful for some English text, when the small slot besides Yuuri’s aircraft number changes from “en route to landing.”
There was so much Victor wanted to say to him. He wanted his forgiveness for leaving, he wanted to convey gratitude to him for performing just enough without him, he wanted to scold him for faltering in certain technical components from the playback he managed to consume, but most of all he wanted to tell him about the ache that lived in his heart from being apart.
Victor had never bonded with anyone like this before. He was never dependent on anyone and usually made his way through his daily routine with no issue. But being back in Yu-Topia without seeing the light from Yuuri’s desk lamp being turned on from beneath the door, without hearing his nervous pacing, without occasionally having a small knock coming from the other side to find a sheepish Yuuri with a question he’d never deny answering with a yes: “Is it okay if we spend some time together?”
Makkachin spots him first, her bark and pawing onto the glass shaking Victor from his reverie. When their eyes meet, it’s electric, it’s closure, it’s home. Victor quickly gets up, never breaking his gaze from Yuuri as they rush together to get to the end where the door that would finally reunite them do just that.
Yuuri’s steps are impatient as he waits for the automatic doors to burst open, he swears he can detect Victor’s cologne from the distance, he even lowers his face mask just to be sure. And then all at once they’re embracing, shaking even. Makkachin has taken to jumping at their sides and even that’s not enough to tear them apart. Yuuri’s embrace around Victor is stronger than he’s ever remembered and he returns the energy tenfold, before whispering to him about all the thought he’s put into what’s next. How he can push forward for him so they never have to be apart again.
When Yuuri briefly pushes him away, Victor is stunned. But a passionate plea leaves Yuuri’s lips and he can’t deny him. “Please be my coach until I retire.” and he can’t help but surmise that the day Yuuri retires won’t be for a very long time and he’s got all the time in the world to give to Yuuri. He gently kisses his knuckles, grateful to be on the same page.
But being a realistic person, Victor is aware that eventually time does run out, so he utters the wish that Yuuri never retires so it can prolong their time together into forever. Overcome with emotion, Yuuri tears up and Victor can feel the man expressing gratitude into his shoulder and something else that he can’t quite place just yet but he comforts him all the same.
Walking out with Yuuri, his arm loosely draping over him, Victor takes in as much as he can to make up for the time lost and to make up for the distance they suffered. He closes the gap indefinitely when he dozes off on Yuuri’s shoulder on the train ride home, Makkachin securely on both of their laps. It’s warm, it’s comforting, it’s with Yuuri, and Victor could not want anything more than to freeze time and be just Victor. Just Victor who was so grateful to be back in close proximity with one Katsuki Yuuri, the man who truly had him by his heart and his mercy.
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askcarlyle · 6 years
Askblog Halloween Special, Discord Edition Part 1
[As many of you are aware, our askblog collective also inhabits a TGS Discord server and occasionally participates in real-time RP threads. These scenarios run parallel to the events of the blogs and feature the same cast, but are usually not considered part of our official Tumblr timeline. Earlier this week, @askbarnum​, @askcharitybarnum​, @askstabbydeng​ and I collaborated on a Halloween special of sorts, which I am pleased to share with you now...]
-Strolls into the centre ring just as the troupe are packing up after an evening of rehearsing- 
Now I know that everyone is ready to head off, but I'd like to open up the opportunity to anyone feeling eager for an adventure. 
I have come into possession of a manor house that's supposedly haunted, it's going to be the biggest Halloween attraction in the city. I've got arrangements for tours and people in costumes. It's going to be spectacular, a huge hit with the kids. 
First I need to check out that it's a safe building so who's in the mood for a night away from home?
There's no such thing as ghosts. There is such a thing as a safety inspector, though. For the sake of avoiding lawsuits and identifying off-limits areas, I suppose I'm attending this excursion.
You seem awfully sure in that statement. C'mon Phil, where's your sense of adventure. You can't sell the unusual if you don't believe in it. 
Pats him on the back affectionately as he waltzes past towards the exit 
Pack your bags troupe. We meet back here at 8pm sharp. Not a trip for the faint hearted.
Deng Yan
watching this exchange take place. Walks up to Phillip once Barnum leaves I would have to disagree, Carlyle. Spirits are a part of our world, just not one I am afraid of. Regardless, I suppose I should be in attendance. I am intrigued to see what exactly Barnum has in mind.
tries politely to conceal a disbelieving look I respect your beliefs, of course, Miss Yan, but have yet to witness anything that would persuade me otherwise. wanders off to prepare a bag
-Eagerly checks his pocket watch, leaning against the tent entrance with a suitcase in hand, a few minutes before 8-
comes in dragging a large suitcase
Deng Yan
wanders up, arm in arm with Charity Mr Barnum. Mr Carlyle. Are we waiting for anyone else to join us this evening?
Do you suppose there will be running water?
No no, I think you're the only three who signed up. Can't think why anyone would turn down such an opportunity. 
Glances at Phil and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. 
We are staying for one night, Phil. Why is your case so big? 
And no there won't be running water. The place is yet to be renovated, authenticity and all that. I've got a few pillows and blankets in the carriage already but that's really the extent of the luxuries. There's not even a privy. It'll be just like camping, except with an element of the supernatural.
greets Charity and Deng with a small bow and helps them with their bags
Well this will be fun
...camping? I should have packed more soap.
Come along ladies, and gent. Leads the way out to the carriage and holds the door open for them You'll be fine, Phil. You don't need soap, there's unlikely a place to fill a bath tub.
rummages in suitcase and unpacks a pile of books regretfully I guess these can stay here for just one night.
How much reading were you planning on doing?
You never know.
I have to question your logic sometimes.
The classics are never out of place.
How many books are in there? Did you even pack a night shirt?
Deng Yan
Now, now. Do we really need to discuss Carlyle's sleeping attire?
Two, in fact. Options are good.
Tw....never mind. Just. Let's go. 
Herds them into the carriage, Charity sat next to Deng and himself sitting next to Phil opposite the two ladies. Then taps the roof to get them started. 
I'm so glad you decided to join us too, Chairy.
I wouldn't miss this. I love old, haunted houses
I'll be just like when we were young.
Deng Yan
When you were young? I don't recall you telling this story before. settling back into the carriage I am also very glad of your company. My Rosie said she would prefer to stay at home in the warm tonight. I cannot think why. We have stayed in far colder places than this. smiles at Charity I needed the female company.
How did you find this place, anyway, PT?
...and being in the company of such fine ladies is always a delight, of course.
I have my sources. gives Phil a wink and taps his nose knowingly 
They were selling it off extremely cheaply, no-one will purchase it because there has been so many occurrences of the supernatural. Also sixteen people were brutally murdered there. It used to be an orphanage! 
Pulls a handful of peanuts out of his pocket to snack on while they ride 
Have I really not told any stories about myself and Charity when we were children? She was quite the rebellious young girl. Always eager to sneak out. We'd go exploring in the night time and I was always seeking out abandoned places that we could run off to.
16 people?! Goodness...
Deng Yan
Why were people murdered in an orphanage?
Did no one think to check after the first murder?
Minor details. Waves his hand dismissively
Murdered. looks appalled
Deng Yan
giggles into her hand at Charity's words
Maybe the seller was exaggerating a bit?
Deng Yan
No matter. I look forward to this.
Picks up the candle lighting the inside of the carriage at night and holds it close to his face. 
It happened just over thirty years ago now. This orphanage was like no other, it was a place radiating cruelty and evil. Children preferred being sent to the workhouse to staying here. 
The matrons would beat the children for crying out for their parents, the beds were full of mould and disease spread every year leaving the children frail and ill. An awful place. 
And one night it got even worse...
shifts uncomfortably in seat and stares out window
Deng Yan
That sounds perfectly horrible.
Takes off his hat slowly and places it in his lap, leaning the candle on the top. 
Lights out was at 8 o'clock. The children were marched to bed and locked in. Heavy wooden doors with large steel locks, the only person with a key was the matron. 
That night a man broke into the facility. Some say he was a victim of abuse at the home, returning to the place he was broken. Others say he was a maniac escaped from the asylum down town. Rumour has it he only had half a face. 
Runs his fingers down his face eerily for dramatic effect 
First he sliced the throat of the matron. 
Runs a finger across his throat 
Then he took her key then locked himself in the bedroom with the children. There were fifteen to a room and he killed them all. Reports say they were tortured into the night, poor souls. Police didn't find them until the next morning. The murderer had hung himself in the centre of the room surrounded by his victims. 
To this day no one knows why it happened. Some say they can still hear the sounds of the children crying for their mothers in the hallways.
I almost regret asking
Deng Yan
That... really is awful, if there is any truth in it.
continues looking out window, paleness probably just from the reflected moonlight
Deng Yan
Mr Carlyle, are you quite well?
coughs It's unfortunate. Unfortunate if the agent felt the need to concoct such a tale just to unload the property on a buyer known for his love of sensationalism.
Or we might hear the sounds of children crying tonight....
Hangs the candle back in it's place 
Oh, the agent didn't say anything about that. He'd be an idiot if he did. I just stayed here for a few months when I was a boy. 
Watches the carriage come to a stop outside of a huge dark building, broken windows with a worn down playground. 
Oh we're here! C'mon, no time like the present. 
Cheerfully unlocks the door and climbs out to grab the bags.
Deng Yan
stares after Barnum for a moment before climbing down after him and offering a hand to Charity Are you quite sure you wish to stay here? You could take the carriage back to the circus?
remains sitting stiffly in carriage for a moment, blinking in obvious horror
Deng Yan
looks back into the carriage at Carlyle I meant you too. I wouldn't think any less of you if you chose not to stay.
has already set off towards the house
clears throat and scrambles out after Charity Safety protocols.
Deng Yan
takes her bag and follows after them
Watch out for the cobwebs!
Turns around to watch them catch up, grinning in delight, then takes out a large metal key to unlock the huge front doors with a clunk. Waltzing inside the dust covered mansion and breathing in deeply with a look of excitement. 
Bit overgrown in places but it all adds to the effect doesn't it? Terribly creepy. It'll make the perfect attraction to terrify people. I think I'll line the floors with rubber for easy cleaning. 
Dumps his suitcase carelessly
...why do you anticipate there will be that much mess?
Because there's no light in here lights candle
hands Charity a lantern to set it in
Thank you Charity. 
Picks up a lantern from the wall and lights it against hers too 
Leans close to Phil and lifts his chin with one finger to meet his gaze in the dim light. 
I anticipate because I know that I am very good at running a show. I already have several actors lined up and being fitted for outfits. People love to be frightened.
Deng Yan
wiping a trail of dust from the banister of the stairs, then blowing on her finger, watching the dust rise into the air How long did you say this place had been empty for?
shakes off the feeling of foreboding and hastily grabs another lantern, shining it into corners Long enough to develop a pest problem, it seems.
Just over thirty years. They closed down very quickly after the unfortunate events. 
Jumps a little as a rat runs over his foot, grunting and stepping back 
Blegh. Looks like you're right. I'll get pest control in tomorrow.
So where are these ghosts you promised me?
bumps into Barnum when he jumps back, having been tailing him closely during their exploration Ack.
Careful, Phil. 
Turns around to steady the younger man 
...You alright? You don't look yourself. Make sure you eat something, alright? 
Glances at Charity and cocks an eyebrow 
It's still early, and we're only in the lobby, Let's wander upstairs. We can stay in the murder room.
Ominous. Do you have to call it murder room? I think Carlyle is about to pass out
voice perhaps wavers a bit more than desirable Don't think I'm going to be hungry, thank you.
Deng Yan
I could cleanse the room, if you like.
nods slowly If that would make you feel better.
Hey, no doing anything to drive out ghosts. People will pay a fortune to come and look if there are any here. 
You ladies go on ahead, its upstairs, eight doors to the left. I'll catch up in a moment, I just need a word with Phil. 
Gently tugs Phil back towards the entrance for some fresh air.
follows, glad for a breather
Deng Yan
sighs, walking up the stairs, more dust raising with each footfall He would rather keep the souls of children entrapped in the place they were murdered?
I'm sure it's just a story
Deng Yan
I like to believe so. I can't truly imagine Barnum being that callous.
Pauses in the doorway with Phillip, rubbing circles on his back. 
Are you sure you're okay? I can send the carriage to take you back if you're not feeling up to this? Can tell the girls that you felt under the weather or something.
regains some composure taking in the crisp fall air. Shakes head and makes a derisive sound Don't be ridiculous. I know this is all just an act. It was just a bit stifling in there. So much dust.
Gives his shoulder a reassuring pat 
Alright, well just take it easy. You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you. 
Presses a kiss to his cheek then turns around to dash off after the ladies 
Come join us when you're ready.
Deng Yan
upstairs, making her away along the corridor tell me, Mrs Barnum. Is what he said true? About you sneaking out as a child? I have to confess I can't imagine you conforming to a stifling lifestyle. You are like my Rosie in that respect.
Yes I used to climb out the window and meet up with him on the beach
Deng Yan
On the beach? Very romantic.
Not in the middle of winter
Jogs to catch them up 
Nonsense, the beach is romantic all year round.
Deng Yan
turns quickly at the sounds of his footsteps and visibly relaxes seeing it's Barnum
You almost died that time you decided to go for a swim on the coldest day of the year
Grins proudly as he pushes to walk in between them 
Almost. But I didn't. You can't say you weren't impressed by my resilience.
Deng Yan
smirking Now there is a story I would like to hear. From you, Mrs Barnum, not his abridged version. pauses outside the eighth door Is this it?
Yes obviously I married you for your resilience. It's a deal, Miss Yan
stands at doorway for a few moments longer, feeling a bit more bolstered after the talk, then turns to find he is alone in the lobby ...PT? takes a few steps back inside, swinging lantern around to see Phin? heads up the stairs at a nervous clip
Just the one. 
Notices the boards nailed over the door when he runs the lantern close 
Hmm, I didn't bring a hammer. Hold this for me a moment, won't you. 
Passes the lantern to Charity before taking a few steps back and running at the door, throwing himself into it and knocking it hard enough to send the the whole door falling out of its rotting frame and landing on the floor with a loud crack. Revealing an eerie old bedroom, fifteen beds in a row along the long stretch of wall. Strange dark staining on the floorboards hard to make out in the dim light.
I really hope that's not blood
Deng Yan
It's... probably water residue.
startles at the sound of a sudden crash from further up, followed by a fresh cascade of dust. Coughs and waves away the cloud, taking a blind turn to the left and squinting down the hall
Whatever it is, I hope it hasn't weakened the floor boards. Stay here. 
Cautiously wanders into the room, careful of every step. Getting to the centre of the room and then bouncing on the creaky floorboards a few times. 
...No they're fine. Come on in.
Deng Yan
And what would we have done if you had gone crashing straight through? searching in the shoulder bag she is carrying for something
I was at least 60% sure it was fine. 
Wanders around, inspecting the beds to see if they're too mouldy to sleep in. Deciding that they are and dumping his suitcase on the ground instead 
Can I have my lantern back? It's dark.
counts off doors, though unsure whether it was 8 doors total or on both sides. Shrugs and twists the handle on the final one, stepping into a dim room that looks like a nursery
Only if you stop angering the ghosts passes lantern What happened to Phillip? Did he go home?
Takes it with a sarcastic eye roll 
I'm not making that promise. 
He was feeling a little faint so he said he'd catch us up after a little fresh air.
under breath Oh good we're all going to die
...Did you just hear a door open somewhere?
Deng Yan
stops searching her bag Yes I did actually. I am sure it's just Phillip looking for us
Clears his throat 
Of course. He probably just took a wrong turn.
Deng Yan
Shall I go and check?
That would be helpful, don't need him stumbling around in the dark by himself when we're not sure the structure is safe.
steps further in and makes out a moldering old rocking horse, not unlike the one from his own childhood. Runs hand lightly over it, setting it swaying back and forth
Deng Yan
Of course not. retreats back into the hallway Carlyle? walking a little further along the corridor Phillip?
I don't like us all splitting up like this
Waves his hand dismissively 
It'll be fine, I'm sure he's not too far away.
You just said you're not sure it's safe and you let him go walking around without a lantern
I'm pretty sure he has a lantern. And he's no idiot. I'm sure we'd hear him if he hurt himself or anything.
sets a mobile spinning in passing, smiling at the shadows of animals thrown onto the walls in the lamplight. Leaves the door open and wanders into the next room, calmer now in these surroundings hearkening back to childhood
Deng Yan
sees the open door and goes to investigate Carlyle? If this is a trick I will not be best pleased.
wanders over to examine a dollhouse, accidentally tipping over some small chairs in the dimness. Sets it aside and catches a glimpse of some bookshelves in the next room. hums a half-forgotten lullaby to himself while exploring, now more sad than frightened by the thought of any souls left forgotten here
Deng Yan
walks through the nursery and into the next room Carlyle??
Wanders right to the end of the room, finding the door to the Matrons room and pulling a small piece of wire from his pocket to try to pick it. 
She is taking her time though.
despairing sigh
holds up lantern to read the titles in the shelf Hmm, not bad. sees a flicker of movement out of corner of eye Hello? sits down at the table and opens book Well, if there are 15 of you up here, you've probably been bored to tears. Why don't I tell you a story.
If you're going to sigh and huff at me then you are more than welcome to join them. 
Successfully picks the lock and lets out a sound of triumph as he confidently steps into the pitch black room, illuminating the moulding ceilings and walls with his lantern 
I'm perfectly content to explore the interesting areas by mysel- 
Crashes through the floor with a small yelp
Safer here in the murder room...
Or not. 
Did you hurt yourself? 
rushes over
Hauls himself to sit up, squinting at the pitch blackness 
No, I think I'm fine. My lantern just went out. I'm in the room below.
Don't move you might've broken something. 60% sure the floor was safe, eh?
Charity, I'm fine. 
Shifts to his feet 
And 60% of the floor probably was safe. I just happened to step on part of the 40% that wasn't.
Once upon a time there lived a beast, cursed to end his existence in an abandoned old manor because of his own hubris. He was once a prince, but his pride led him to push aside others and use the helpless merely as a tool for entertainment and gain.
Deng Yan
looking in the doorway, seeing Phillip with the book Oh, Carlyle.... walks over to rest against the wall near him
For this, he was imprisoned and placed under a spell, along with all the occupants of the house, where they dwelled in an unaging half-life, waiting for the one.... 
looks up at the sound Miss Yan! Where is everyone? I thought we were meeting here.
Kneels down to blindly pat the ground to try to find his lantern, fingers landing on the dulled candle in a puddle of something, grimacing in annoyance realising he wouldn't be able to re-light it. 
Chairy, I can't see anything. It's really dark. Have Phil and Deng come back yet?
Deng Yan
You got the wrong room. nods towards the book Carry on, by all means
No it's just me. This is why I didn't want us going separate ways. 
realises she's alone now and the hairs on the back of her neck start to rise
The wrong room? looks around Are you sure? 
squints and looks around, in the shadows ...because they seem to think they're in the right room.
Takes a couple of cautious steps forwards until his hands touch a wall in the dark, trying to make sense of his blind surroundings 
I'm uh. Not a big fan of... 
You won't go anywhere will you? You'll stay here with me. 
Clears his throat to try to hide the waver in his voice
I have a lantern, shall I come and find you?
Deng Yan
No!...No it's fine. Don't leave. Stay here.
If you can't see, you could be getting into anything and I'm not convinced you're not injured. 
carefully walks over to where Phineas was and shines light through floorboards
Squints at the slight light, breathing a little shakily, at least able to see his own hands now
nods and continues scanning the room Yeah, all of them, just like he said. But they're not angry. And they don't want to haunt. They're waiting for someone to break their curse. 
turns to look at Deng now Didn't you say you knew how?
Deng Yan
looks around the room I might... I didn't think you believed in any of this.
feels something crawl over her shoe 
Please be just a rat
...I don't. But I know what something trapped and in pain feels like and there's plenty of that here.
Hears the sound of footsteps and shuffles slightly where he is. 
Chairy you're not...are you walking around up there? I can hear something down here. There's not supposed to be anyone in here yet. The actors don't start until we've renovated.
Do you have your supplies?
....No? Haven't moved....
Deng Yan
smiles softly, indicating her bag I do. And you're a sweetheart, you know?
shrugs A fool is someone who isn't willing to change when given reason to.
unable to stop her voice shaking Phineas? Please come back.
Takes off his hat to squeeze against his stomach 
I...changed my mind. Come and find me. 
Chairy. I think there's someone down here. It's dark, I want to leave now.
This is what you get for calling something a murder room 
backs away to the door and flees
Hears creepy sounds creaking in the room like footsteps 
Fine I...I take it back. I won't call it a murder room anymore. I won't exploit anything. We can make different Halloween plans, we can- 
Feels a hand touch his back and shrieks, turning and bolting as fast as he can into the pitch black hallway 
[To be continued.]
14 notes · View notes
no-birdstofly · 6 years
12. We were pretending to be lovers but I’m not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way
[very loose James Bond/Casino Royale AU]“Mr. Vietor, so glad to have you join us!” The old man who speaks with a wide smile is the definition of a gentleman, as far as Jon knows at least. His bowtie is perfectly knotted, his posture impeccable, his shoes so shined they reflect the lights.
Next to Tommy, he looks like a commoner. Tommy holds himself better, less like he’s trying and more like he’s never known another way. His casual half-windsor looks sleeker, his perfectly fitted dinner jacket looks richer, and the way it flows like liquid with the movement of his shoulders when he reaches out to shake the man’s hand, yet doesn’t expose his shoulder holster, makes it seem almost bespoke.
Tommy looks every inch the born and bred gentleman. The kind who could walk into a Swiss bank and surprise them with the number of digits before the decimal that his account number pulls up, the kind who has a penthouse in every major city, the kind who’s of the highest caliber, and who’s never had a rough day in his life. He looks perfectly at home in this room full of absurd wealth, all the custom suits and designer gowns.
Jon’s glad the calluses on Tommy’s hands aren’t noticeable in a handshake, that the healing bruises from his last mission are hidden under his crisp oxford shirt, and that his fake smile is convincing and warm so long as you don’t know him.
The old man introducing himself is the one who runs the game, and he’s saying something about it, how many rounds there’ll be, the breaks in between, the buy-in and all the ante amounts. Jon tunes him out in favor of taking in their surrounding and the other players, keeping an eye out for the target.
Tommy’s arm wraps suddenly around his waist, hand on his hip under his jacket. Jon tunes back in enough to hear Tommy say, “–my, um, friend, yes.”
Jon knows that slip up is purposeful, meant to make Tommy seem like he’s off guard, or embarrassed. So is his use of friend, instead of boyfriend or partner. Tommy’s playing up to the old money expectation, and this idiot is eating out of the palm of his hand. The euphemism is useless when he’s holding onto Jon like this, yet it sets the man at ease.
“A pleasure to meet you,” the man says, and offers his hand to Jon easily. His handshake is light, nondeclarative. He either doesn’t take Jon seriously, or he’s got a weak handshake. Or both, frankly.
“The pleasure is mine, sir,” Jon says performatively in perfect French, batting his eyelashes a little in the way that Lovett says looks ridiculous but everyone else seems to fall for.
“Oh, he’s a good one,” the man says, winking at Tommy.
“He is indeed,” Tommy responds, pulling Jon closer. Jon hopes the hitch in his breath isn’t noticeable.
When Tommy steers them away, still with a firm hand on his hip, Jon hisses, “Thought they weren’t supposed to know your real name, what the fuck.”
“And I thought I told you they already did,” Tommy says smoothly.
“Yeah, after you announced it to the entire hotel staff.”
“Calm down, dearest, and have some champagne,” Tommy says, grabbing a flute from a passing server’s tray and pushing it into Jon’s hand, stopping his angry gesturing. “You know I can’t bear it when we fight.”
In Jon’s ear, and presumably in Tommy’s, Lovett snorts. “He’s right, they already knew,” Lovett says. “Have a drink, Jon. You’re much more charming when you’ve had a few.”
Jon pouts, a little offended, and Tommy’s hand tightens briefly. Jon sighs and downs his champagne in a few gulps. Tommy laughs brightly and procures another from somewhere, releasing Jon from his grasp. Jon doesn’t feel any way about that at all.
“Can’t believe you’re encouraging me to drink on the job,” he mutters.
“Long as you don’t get too drunk, we’re set,” Lovett says in the earpiece. “Feel free to get as blushy and giggly as you want, it’ll make Tommy seem like less of a threat.”
“Besides,” Tommy says into Jon’s ear, putting his arm back around Jon as their target approaches, “even if you do, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”
Jon suppresses a shiver at that, and makes sure there’s a charming smile on his face as the French man he recognizes from the (extensive) file steps up to them. The man is terrifying, all sharp, controlled smiles, like a monster is hiding just below the surface, clawing to get out. Jon knows there actually is a monster, that this man is a war profiteer, that he works with terrorist organizations and has indirectly caused hundreds–if not thousands–of deaths.
Jon is thankful for Tommy’s arm around him, especially since it’s gotten tighter. They’re supposed to bring the target in for questioning, but they’re both not-so-secretly hoping he gives them a reason to shoot him first.
Well, gives Tommy a reason. Jon can shoot just fine, but he’s not armed, and that’s not his job. The only reason he’s along for this mission is because he speaks French and can provide a distraction (eye candy, according to Lovett). He goes on missions and all, he’s not a total desk jockey like Lovett sitting down in R&D, but he doesn’t have the allowances Tommy gets. He doesn’t have a blanket license to kill.
The target gives him an obvious up-and-down, and all Jon wants is to hide behind Tommy, or at the very least shudder. Instead, he forces himself to duck his head and look up at the man through his eyelashes, tapping his half-full champagne flute against his bottom lip. If they need him to play the tipsy flirt, he’s got that down pat.
“Welcome, Mr. Beach,” Le Chiffre says, refocusing on Tommy. “Or, should I say, Mr. Vietor? Apologies, I’m a little confused.”
“It’s fine,” Tommy says gregariously, shaking his hand, like Le Chiffre actually messed up and doesn’t already know his secret. Like everything’s fine. Jon’s skin crawls as Le Chiffre smiles.
“And this lovely creature is…?” he asks, the smile stretching the unsettling scar around his eye a little as he looks back at Jon.
Jon obediently reaches out a hand, with what he knows is a winning smile. He pushes for using real first names whenever possible, so there’s no slip-ups during the stress of fieldwork, and the department backed him this time. “Jonathan Cote.”
Le Chiffre’s eyebrows shoot up, and he asks Jon in French if he speaks the language. He’s pleased when Jon responds in the affirmative, and they have a brief conversation that Jon’s positive is meant to exclude Tommy and put him on the wrong foot all at once.
Tommy doesn’t walk away, though. He smiles blandly and looks unperturbed, and he keeps a claiming arm securely around Jon. Jon wonders if Lovett is feeding him a rough translation through the earpiece, running their talk through a program back at the office.
“Delighted to make your acquaintance, mon cher,” Le Chiffre murmurs, switching back to (mostly) English and giving Jon another once over before briefly glancing at Tommy. “And you, Mr. Vietor. I look forward to meeting you at the table.”
Jon makes himself smile, open mouthed and easy, as if he’s not sickened by Le Chiffre’s cold grin. Tommy lets go of Jon to shake Le Chiffre’s hand, and Jon feels suddenly cold. Like there’s a draft in the ostentatiously decorated game room.
“Drink?” Tommy asks, his hand low on Jon’s back as Le Chiffre finally walks away.
“God, yes,” Jon says in a rush, almost a groan, and it shakes a low laugh loose from Tommy’s chest. Jon joins in, glad to have something else to focus on.
Tommy orders some ridiculous martini for himself, something with too many fussy details in Jon’s opinion, and he hands Jon another glass of champagne. Or it might be cava. Jon’s not positive, but it’s pretty dry.
“What did he say?” Tommy asks, fixing his laser focus on Jon.
Jon looks around them for discretion’s sake, but of course Tommy’s already checked the area. “He, uh.” Jon laughs, looking down. “He invited me out on his yacht.”
Tommy snorts and takes a large swallow of his drink. “What’d you say?”
Jon looks up and meets his eye. “I told him I was here with the best sailor I know.”
Tommy’s expression softens a little. He leans in closer, so Jon can feel his breath on his cheek. In the middle of the room, the game handlers are calling for everyone’s attention. Tommy needs to join the other players. Jon can only think of how close he is.
He brushes a kiss against Jon’s temple and says, “I’ll see you soon,” before he downs his drink and heads off to the table.
“Good luck,” Jon croaks, and he didn’t think Tommy would hear him, but he turns his head and winks at Jon as he strolls up to enter his personalized password for the winnings.
Jon feels a little lightheaded, watching the tight, tight fit of Tommy’s pants, and he decides to switch to club soda after this drink.
“That was really smooth,” Lovett’s voice comes suddenly in his ear. “Get him all hot and bothered by speaking en francais, then swoon over his gross New England WASPy swag.”
Jon has to keep his voice down, but, “Swag?”
“You know what I mean,” Lovett grumbles.
“Uh huh,” Jon says, watching Tomy settle at the table with the other players.
“God I wish I had a video feed so I could watch you be an idiot, too.”
“Oh, is that why? Not because you want to watch him in that suit?”
Lovett’s quiet for a suspiciously long time. “It is a nice suit,” he finally concedes, and he sounds annoyed by it.
Jon buries a laugh in his champagne and watches the stretch of wool over Tommy’s biceps as he pushes chips into the pot. “Yeah, it is.”
At the first break in the game, Tommy beelines directly to where Jon’s perched on a barstool. He orders a drink and leans in close to Jon, laying a hand on his thigh. Jon swallows and tries not to make a noise.
“Come on,” Tommy murmurs, drinking his martini in a few long gulps. “I dropped the tracker, we need to go.”
There’s only thirty minutes before play resumes, so Tommy hustles him into the stairwell as Jon takes out his phone and asks, “You got him, Lovett?”
“Yup, should be pulling up… now!”
A 3D grid of the hotel’s many, many floors pops up on the screen, and they watch as the program narrows in on the blinking red light of the tracker. It rises in an elevator before it stops moving vertically and slides horizontally to what must be Le Chiffre’s room.
“Twenty-second floor,” Tommy says, pulling out his gun and chambering a round before flicking the safety back on and re-holstering it. “Let’s go.”
When they’re a few doors away from Le Chiffre, they hear shouting. “Go up to the room, now,” Tommy tells him. Jon turns to run to the elevator as Tommy strides to the room door. Just then, the elevator dings.
“Stairs!” Tommy hisses, but the voices are getting closer. Someone is about to walk out of Le Chiffre’s room.
Jon freezes, staring helplessly at Tommy. They’re going to be surrounded. Tommy rushes him just as the elevator doors are opening, pushing him back into the little alcove surrounding the nearest room door.
“Go with it,” Tommy says, and that’s all the warning Jon gets before he feels Tommy’s warm breath on his lips.
It takes him a minute to come to terms with that and realize that Tommy’s pressing his mouth to Jon’s now. He brings up his big hands to hold Jon’s face, tilting his jaw slightly to get a better angle, taking advantage of Jon’s gasp to push his tongue inside. Jon moans and clutches at his lapels, hoping the silk won’t wrinkle too badly.
“Oh,” he hears Lovett say in his ear, low and a little throaty. Lovett must be able to hear the sounds he’s making, he realizes with a jolt.
Tommy kisses down to his neck, and Jon can hear the footsteps of whoever came off the elevator getting closer. Jon knows he moved so he could look away easier, keep an eye out for their target and any danger, but Jon’s not complaining. It sounds like just one person, thankfully, and Jon rests his head back against the wall, both because then he can look out through his eyelashes at the man approaching, and because he’s a little overwhelmed.
The man is obviously armed, Jon can see the bulge of something below his jacket, not nearly as well tailored as Tommy’s. Jon moves his hands to clutch at Tommy’s neck, and Tommy meets his eyes briefly and nods the slightest amount. He dips his head to mouth at Jon’s throat.
“Get out of here,” the man says gruffly, his hand hovering near his lapel. Jon can’t place the accent, but he’d put money on Ugandan based off Le Chiffre’s recent involvement with the LRA.
“Sorry,” Jon says, and he has to put very little effort into making his voice sound breathy. The shouting from Le Chiffre’s room has quieted.
“Yeah, sorry,” Tommy says, pulling away from Jon’s neck and not sounding sorry at all. “Just got carried away, you know how it is.”
The man’s scowl deepens, and he pulls out a gun, pointing it at their heads. Tommy moves the slightest amount, like he’s just nervously shifting his weight, but he effectively shields Jon with his own body. Even as it puts Jon slightly at ease, it’s frustrating. Tommy doesn’t have body armor on, either. They’re both sitting ducks here.
Well, technically they’re better off, seeing as they’re both secret agents.
Jon slips his hand into Tommy’s coat, moving carefully so the fabric won’t rustle. He’s very thankful in the moment that they’re both left handed, so the gun is conveniently close in its holster. He’s not a terrible shot with his right, but they don’t have time for anything less than precision.
He sees Tommy’s eyebrows raise as Jon slips the gun out, still hidden by Tommy’s body. He ignores him, keeping his eyes on the man, watching for any movement. It feels like everyone in the hallway is holding their breath, and he’s glad to feel Tommy’s hand at his ribs, warm through the fine cotton of his dress shirt.
Tommy kisses him, soft and quick, both of them keeping their eyes open.
“I said go!” the man yells, taking a step closer.
Jon tenses, but then the door to Le Chiffre’s room flies open. The man looks away, his gun hand instinctively moving toward the action. Jon takes the opportunity and shoots, dropping him with a single shot.
He hears Tommy hiss in a breath, and then two more men come out, screaming about their dead comrade who’s falling to the ground. Jon barely manages to get off two more shots before they’re returning fire. He definitely hits one of them, but he’s not sure if it’s fatal. Le Chiffre’s door slams closed, trapping the other men in the hall with Jon and Tommy.
If these men are the LRA goons Jon assumes they are, they’re pissed at Le Chiffre for losing their money. Which, to be fair, was Tommy’s doing. It makes sense Le Chiffre would leave them to their own devices.
Tommy moves, quick and sure, to disarm the injured one, and then shoot him with his own gun. Jon drops into a crouch and fires back at the other guy, but he makes a run for the stairs. Tommy reaches out at a hand, and Jon instinctively hands over the gun. Jon’s a good shot, he’s required to be, but Tommy is amazing.
The survivor, who Jon IDs as the ringleader from their briefing, is just opening the stairwell door when Tommy shoots. It grazes the side of his head, causing him to duck and fall through the doorway. Tommy’s off, sprinting after him, leaving Jon to follow.
Tommy tackles the man on the steps, and they crash together down two flights and onto a landing, both their guns out of reach. Jon races down, trying to get past them to the fallen weapons. Before he can make it, Tommy has the man in a chokehold, and Jon watches as the life drains from the warlord’s eyes.
He stands, mouth agape, watching as Tommy checks the man’s pulse, shoves him away, and stands. He shakes out his arms and then straightens his jacket, like nothing’s happened. “Lovett,” he says, voice crisp, “get clean up to the stairwell between the twentieth and twenty-first floors.”
Lovett sighs loud in their ears, and Jon knows it’s because he’s relieved. “Aye aye,” he says. “Change of plans, by the way.”
“What’s that?” Tommy asks, slowly walking up to Jon. He puts his hands on Jon’s shoulders and runs them deliberately up and down his arms.
Jon is shaking from the leftover adrenaline. He’s killed before, of course he has, but it’s been awhile. He meets Tommy’s eye and nods. He’s okay, he can do this. Frankly, he doesn’t mind watching Tommy at work. Not even in the slightest. Not that he’ll ever tell Tommy that. Or Lovett.
“He doesn’t seem to have seen you based on the chatter, but new orders are to bring the asshole in alive,” Lovett says. “No matter what.”
Tommy makes a sound that’s not far from a growl. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Why, Agent Vietor, I wouldn’t dare,” Lovett says, completely deadpan.
In spite of everything, Jon laughs, the sound echoing in the stairwell. Tommy looks at him and grins, squeezing tight to his elbows.
“Clean up in twenty,” Lovett says. “I’m taking this lull as an opportunity to finally eat my fucking burrito. This time difference is insane. Do you know I missed lunch already?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tommy says, smiling fondly. “Talk to you soon.”
Lovett goes quiet in their ears, and Tommy still hasn’t moved away. Jon doesn’t know what to do. This has been a part of their cover all night, but no one’s around to see it now. At least, no one who’s still breathing.
“You okay?” Tommy asks, and Jon wonders if he’s purposely blocking the view of a dead body behind him.
Jon nods, and Tommy tilts his head down to kiss him again. Jon loses himself in it for a moment, forgetting where they are and what they’re here for. One of the lights in the stairwell flickers and it brings him back.
He pushes at Tommy’s chest. “You have to get back, the game’ll be starting back up any minute.”
“You’ll wait for the clean up crew?”
“Of course,” Jon says. “Try not to lose all our money.”
Tommy smiles, bright and sharp, and disappears through the door. Jon sags against the railing and stares at the strangled guy at his feet.
“Rough day, huh?” he says to him, and then laughs a little hysterically.
The clean up crew is early, thank god, giving Jon plenty of time to go back to their suite, shower, and change his sweat-soaked shirt before he goes back down to the game room. Tommy’s up, and he and Le Chiffre seem to be going for each other’s throats. It’s no surprise, and it’s satisfying to see Tommy’s stack of chips get higher than their target’s with every hand.
When the next break is called, Jon is nicely tipsy. Lovett’s fed him information on the LRA goons they killed, and reassured him that one of Le Chiffre’s men will be framed for the crime. Now they’re trying to think of ways to pass the time, Jon whispering answers to Lovett’s wild guesses for Twenty Questions.
“Ugh this is so much easier when you’re in the office,” Lovett says, because Jon knows he’d never say, I miss you. “We should’ve played Fuck, Marry, Kill instead.”
Jon chokes on his drink, laughing, when a warm hand slides under his jacket. He jumps, but it’s just Tommy, grinning slyly at him.
“You good?” he asks.
“Just Lovett,” Jon answers, so he gets to hear Lovett scoff indignantly in his ear.
“Let’s go,” Tommy says, taking the glass out of Jon’s hand so he can finish it himself. He steers Jon to the elevators and all the way to their room, hand hot and heavy on Jon’s lower back.
By the time Tommy twists the deadbolt, Jon is incapable of thinking about anything other than how his mouth had felt on Jon’s skin earlier.
Tommy bends to whisper into his ear. “I’ve got two hours until the next hand. You should take off your clothes.”
Jon moans lightly, and immediately starts to shrug out of his jacket.
“Huh,” says Lovett, startling a laugh out of Tommy. “Feel free to, uh, leave the earpieces in. I mean, if you want.”  
“Maybe next time, Lovett,” Tommy says dryly, removing his and holding out a hand for Jon’s.
Jon hands his over, but he can’t stop his shiver at the idea of next time.prompts are over here
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] 3rd Anniversary Love Carnival - Lucien
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Lucien’s Prologue: here
3rd Anniversary Masterlist: here
MC: Which attraction should we try first…
Looking at the splendid carnival, I’m a little spoilt for choice.
Seeing how I can’t make a decision, Lucien chuckles.
Lucien: Take your time to pick. No matter which attraction it is, I’ll experience it together with you.
MC: I’ve decided!
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Lucien: In that case, which attraction is so lucky to have been picked by MC?
Lifting my hand, I point towards the front.
MC: Let’s start today’s journey with the “Rotating Wind-and-Fire Wheel”!
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Lucien: …
I’m not sure if it’s a misperception, but Lucien’s gentle smile seems to freeze for a second.
Even though I chose this scream-inducing attraction with a high morale, my heart still feels slightly anxious when I sit down.
After all, aside from a rotating descent, each seat is also centered on a connecting point at the ends of the ride, enabling it to move 360 degrees at a high speed.
After buckling the seatbelt, I take a deep breath.
MC: Lucien, are you ready?
In contrast to my evidently nervous self, Lucien maintains his usual composure.
Lucien: Mm. I believe the safety of this facility is sufficiently comprehensive.
MC: What I mean is… you can tell me if you’re scared.
Lucien: A sizeable number of people enjoy the more exhilarating rides in the amusement park. For instance, the rollercoasters, and the Wind-and-Fire Wheel we’re on right now.
MC: …
Although I don’t know why he’s suddenly bringing this up, I nod.
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Lucien: Other than joy or happiness, people seek after fear on their own accord. When we’re in a safe environment and experience things that stimulate our “fight-or-flight response”, the brain will secrete serotonin.
The ride starts moving slowly. Lucien doesn’t seem to be affected by this, and his tone remains calm.
I’m a little confused about this sudden seminar on anthropology.
However, after putting more thought into it, a guess which doesn’t seem quite possible, yet is appropriate for this situation furtively arises.
Lucien: Aside from this, when experiencing more adrenaline-inducing rides–
Lucien’s mini lecture abruptly stops.
At the same time, without any warning, our seat starts spinning at a great speed. Along with the change in altitude, I instinctively start screaming.
MC: Ahh–!!
The sense of weightlessness and soaring into the air intertwine, and the world goes topsy-turvy. Other than the instinctive fear and anxiousness, what remains embedded in my mind is another impactful fact.
Even Lucien is scared!!
When we return to the ground, a sense of contentedness I’ve never felt before gushes out of my heart.
MC: Ah, Mother Earth, I love you.
Not caring whether I’d get ridiculed, I sigh with emotion from the bottom of my heart.
Lucien pats my back as a form of comfort, and smoothens my hair.
Lucien: How are you feeling now?
MC: As compared to this…
I straighten up, looking at Lucien seriously.
MC: Lucien, you aren’t great with such rides, are you?
Lucien: At the very least, I, with my eyes open, could see this brave lady screaming with her eyes closed during the entire process.
He doesn’t give me a straightforward answer. His calm state seems to be no different from before we rode the Wind-and-Fire Wheel.
However, his slightly tense smile, and his slightly flying fringe, gives me a different answer.
Translated comic based on this part: here
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Note: Contains references from Reading Date, which has not been released in EN!
After experiencing the severe trials of the Rotating Wind-and-Fire Wheel, I select a few more peaceful attractions.
Taking Lucien’s advice, we take a short break in a small garden in the park after taking some simpler rides.
The park is built on a man-made lake, and numerous evergreen shrubs have been planted. Even on winter days, it doesn’t appear cold or cheerless.
For some reason, there’s a sweet fragrance permeating in the surrounding air.
After sitting down on a bench, Lucien doesn’t rest with me. He tells me to wait for a while, then walks along the path to the other end of the park.
What returns with him are two freshly prepared crepes.
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Lucien: Since just now, you seemed to be looking for something. If my guess is correct, the fragrance you whiffed should be this.
MC: You noticed…
The freshly prepared fruit crepe still carries with it a faint warmth. Embellished with cream and chocolate, it looks especially delicious.
MC: Lucien, thank you!
Lucien sits down beside me, watching ripples appear on the surface of the lake.
Although it’s already late winter, the weather is especially good today. Coupled with how he’s beside me, it makes me feel even warmer.
MC: It looks like a scene from a comic.
I munch on the crepe happily, and can’t help but sigh with emotions.
Lucien: Why do you say that?
MC: Just look - don’t you typically see such scenes in comics? The female and male protagonists head out together for a date, take a break in the park, and share sweet crepes together.
The female-targeted comics I’d once read surfaces in my mind.
The thought of those scenes, which I had once yearned for, happening to me right now causes a sweetness to arise in my heart.
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Lucien: Mm. I remember. When we exchanged books the last time, those comic books you had did have such scenarios. From such a perspective, I should have bought two different flavoured crepes, and exchanged them with you while we ate.
MC: There’s need for that. Things are already very good now. After all, life can’t be the same as in comics. Being able to participate in the carnival and enjoy delicious desserts is already the best date.
I take another bite of the crepe, the soft cream spreading in my mouth, filling all of my tastebuds.
Lucien: Is that so? In contrast, I think this girl who keeps quite a number of comics has pretty high expectations of her own “male protagonist”.
While Lucien says this, he turns his head and gently kisses the corner of my mouth.
The moist and soft sensation is akin to a feather brushing past lightly.
In the winter day which brings with it a slight coldness, his temperature is exceptionally obvious. It brands itself onto my skin, and melds into my breaths.
I’m frozen to the spot, my heart thumping continuously.
I can almost imagine that if this were a comic book, I know what kind of storyboard would be used for this present scene…
There would definitely be a large patch of white, with flowers and plants bubbling and encircling the protagonists.
MC: Why are you suddenly…
The “chief culprit” who caused my face to flush red remains calm and composed. He even takes a bite of the crepe in my hand.
Lucien: Now, does it seem a little closer to a comic?
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Lucien: Oh yes, MC. There’s an attraction I want to try. Could you accompany me?
MC: What is it?
Lucien doesn’t respond. He simply takes my hand, leading me forward.
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Lucien: This.
Looking at the attraction which has caused him to pause, I blink a number of times.
MC: The Pirate Ship?
Even though we’ve already buckled our seatbelts, and the Pirate Ship has already started swaying back and forth, I still can’t help but ask Lucien a question.
MC: Lucien, did you really want to ride this? If this is revenge for pulling you to ride the Wind-and-Fire Wheel earlier, your plan would have failed. After experiencing the Wind-and-Fire Wheel, even if we’re seated at the head of the boat, I definitely wouldn’t feel afraid! Also, based on what I’ve observed, you’re not great with such rides.
Seeing my confident expression, Lucien nods.
Lucien: I don’t deny that.
The Pirate Ship sways at a gradually increasing angle. But as I said - after experiencing the Wind-and-Fire Wheel, the Pirate Ship is nothing special.
Lucien: However, there’s an experiment I wish to conduct, and it’s worth taking on a ride I’m not great at.
MC: Experiment?
Lucien: Of course, from your perspective, it could be understood as another reason.
When I’m just about to continue probing, I gradually realise that there seems to be something wrong with this Pirate Ship.
Based on my memory, the speed of the swinging Pirate Ship shouldn’t be this fast.
MC: Did you…
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Lucien: Based on my observations, the angle of the swinging Pirate Ship in this carnival is even larger than typical Pirate Ships. Put another way, its “destructive power” is even stronger.
As though agreeing with his words, the Pirate Ship sways from a vertical angle following the next swing.
MC: Ahhh–!
A similar weightlessness from the Wind-and-Fire Wheel causes me to scream even louder.
Despite experiencing a similar ride, my body didn’t get used to it as I had expected.
Instead, it exacerbates the memory from earlier, intensifying the feeling of fear.
I squeeze my eyes shut, gripping the handlebar tightly, wanting to stick myself to the seat.
When the ride ascends again, I can feel the Pirate Ship reaching a height that it has never reached before.
In my extreme nervousness, my heart clenches tightly.
Lucien: MC.
Suddenly, Lucien calls my name.
I subconsciously open my eyes to look at him.
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It’s the first time I’m seeing such a Lucien.
In my memories, his expressions are mostly flat.
But right now, Lucien is looking at me, his narrow eyes turning into handsome arcs. The corners of his lips are raised, and he’s smiling happily and broadly.
Behind him is the dark blue sky. At a place far from the ground, I see a completely different smile from Lucien.
In its brightness, I seem to sense the childishness of someone whose prank has succeeded.
In this moment, I even forget that I’m on the Pirate Ship which is about to make its descent in the next second.
When my body reminds me of this, it’s already too late to close my eyes.
The exhilaration from having my eyes open while screaming is ten times more than when my eyes are closed.
MC: Ahh—!!!
In this instance, I understand what he meant by “another reason”.
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Lucien: A little, tiny revenge?
MC: Lu–! Cien–!!!
What I get in response is a sigh from Mother Nature, as well as Lucien’s soft chuckle from the side.
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Looking around the adorably and warmly decorated cafeteria, and then the little gift that came along with the meal, I’m a little confused.
A few minutes ago, we were thinking about what to have for dinner, and we walked into this warm and adorably decorated small shop.
But we didn’t expect…
MC: I really didn’t think it’d be so “hardcore”.
I hold up the little gift, placing it in between Lucien and I.
It’s different from the small ornaments and objects with a feminine aura from my memories.
This cafeteria gives a heart-shaped Burr puzzle to patrons who order the couple set.
MC: The dishes are so delicious that they’re comparable to top-grade restaurants. Even the gifts they provide are just as hardcore. It’s amazing.
Lucien is tickled by my dead serious expression.
Lucien: Looks like the organiser has put in much effort, wanting to leave every visitor with unforgettable and happy memories.
MC: But giving visitors a heart which can’t be unlocked - what’s the owner of the shop thinking…
Without a proper strategy, I play with the Burr puzzle, and can’t help but grumble.
Lucien chuckles, taking this “heart” from my hand.
Lucien: With a little technique, it can be opened easily.
He sits slightly closer to me. Slowing down, he gives me a demonstration while explaining the technique of how to unlock the Burr puzzle.
With the movement of his fingertips and a gentle tug, the wooden lock, which was linked for a very long time, opens, revealing a tiny empty space in the heart which can be used to store things.
MC: Even though you’re already sick of this phrase, I still have to say - Lucien, you’re truly incredible.
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Lucien: If I say that I haven’t gotten sick of this phrase, would you be willing to say it to me even more times?
Lucien turns his head over slightly to look at me. In his eyes are the familiar smile and slyness I’m most familiar with.
MC: If I say it, will I get a special prize from Professor Lucien?
After hearing this, Lucien actually ponders over it.
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He narrows his eyes slightly, as though he’s facing the most complex, important, and difficult question.
Lucien: If it’s a prize…
All of a sudden, he leans over to my ear. Every gentle word brushes against my outer ear, trickling into my heart.
Lucien: Would an especially happy Lucien be enough?
MC: …Professor Lucien, that’s called being unreasonable.
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Lucien: Is that so? I even thought you’d be very satisfied with it.
Lucien blinks, pretending to be taken aback.
Just when I think of how to best turn the tables, he places the wooden mortise of the Burr puzzle, which is used to store items, in my hand.
Lucien: Want to think of what to put in here? Given its structure, I’m thinking this is a safer place to store tiny keepsakes.
MC: Yes.
I turn towards the staff at the side, asking for a few sheets of post-its and pens, and also to allowing the temperature on my face to dissipate.
After we write on our respective notes for a while, Lucien and I exchange them.
On mine, there’s a simple drawing of a man opening a lock, a handsome smile on his face.
What Lucien hands over is a sketch.
In the simple composition, in the midst of light and shadow, he impressively draws me.
The me in the picture has her head lowered, writing on the post-it note, smiling very sweetly.
MC: Now, we’re doubly satisfied!
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MC: Why is there an animal show?
I look at the signboard at a corner of the park, and can’t help but frown.
MC: Should we remind the organisers that this is disrespectful to the animals, and also inhumane?
Lucien: Under normal circumstances, that would be the case.
Lucien takes out the guidebook, turning to the page which features the animal show.
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Lucien: All the animals performing here have been rescued by the Loveland Animal Protection Organisation. During their training, there will not be any scolding or punishment. They also wouldn’t do anything against their instincts. For instance, jumping through flaming hoops. There’s a strict limit on how long they can perform, ensuring that these little fellows wouldn’t be too tired. Also, just as the guidebook says…
Lucien’s finger glides to the respective section of the guidebook.
Lucien: The profits from the carnival will all be used on animal rescue and protection. So I think supporting the “work” of these small animals is something we could do.
MC: Since you’ve put it that way, let’s go have a look!
Very quickly, along with a crisp sound of an bell, the performance begins.
A small white cat peeks its head out from the stage. After looking right and left, it leaps onto the window sill with light steps.
In the next second, plump tuxedo cats jump out from the same place, running to the railing at the other end.
Various coloured kittens start a round of “relay racing”.
MC: So cute!
Even more small animals join this relay race.
Puppies, parrots, and even charmingly adorable piglets and vivacious lambs.
MC: Lucien, how do you think they did this?
Completely absorbed in this novel performance, I can’t help being curious.
Lucien: By using food as a method of training, every small animal knows where it should run to. Staff members behind the scenes would let the next small animal enter the stage at the appropriate timing, leading to a successful performance.
MC: …that’s all?
Even though I was the one who brought up the question, receiving such an unexpectedly simple principle causes me to feel slightly empty.
MC: Truly, after knowing the principles behind things, the magic is no longer interesting…
My soft muttering doesn’t escape Lucien’s ears.
Lucien: Why don’t I give you a small gift as compensation for this “spoiler”?
The length of the performance isn’t very long. Once it’s over, Lucien walks over to the staff, and says something to him.
Lucien: MC, come here.
Curious, I follow Lucien to the empty area beside the stage.
The bell rings once again. This time, however, the “little actors” who had appeared on stage earlier are standing in a queue, walking towards me.
In the mouth of every animal is a small flower.
MC: Are these… for me?
As though answering my query, the small animals place the flowers into my open palm.
Lucien ties the flowers together, weaving them into a bracelet, and carefully wears it on my wrist.
Lucien: Even if it’s a simple principle, it can bring pleasant surprises if coupled with the thought of wanting to make you happy.
While he says this, he takes the final flower held by a small bird, wrapping it around my fourth finger, and rolling it into a ring.
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Lucien: This “magic” which has been disclosed - do you like it?
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Fireworks event: here
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whirlybirbs · 7 years
first kiss.
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summary: ben takes you, the princess he’s been assigned to guard, to the markets as his time on cardota nears it’s end. confessions are made and kisses are had. word count: 1.5k rating: T, some kisses ok? a/n: i wanted to write fluff ok here u go! also, this falls in line with my other jedi!ben pieces. if u wanna read ‘em, here’s the masterlist! 
pls dear god donate to my ko-fi, i have 8ams every morning and i am stupid broke. i actually need coffee. pls. help me.
“I can’t believe you brought me here.”
His laugh is bright -- like the sun on a warm day -- and you can’t help the contagiousness of it all. Your own smile is blooming, big and fearless, as you grip his hand and follow him through the bustling market. Ben’s glancing back, stealing encouraging looks, every few steps as you blink around in pure awe -- you could kiss him.
Market stalls bubble over with the spices and familiar staples of Cardotan delicacies. Voices raise and shout and laugh and you grin as Ben dips through a stall of jewelry and juts his thumb at the ornate jadeite pieces dangling from the roof. The stall owner gives you a smile and you stumble over the embarrassment stuck on your face as Ben is stretching and reaching to pull a necklace from a high hook.
In Cardotan, the woman chides that Ben is a nice catch. Good husband material, she says.
Tugging the scarf close to your face, you say nothing and simply nod. Your face is hot with embarrassment and Ben, meanwhile, bumps you a bit and tosses the stall owner his own credits. You give him a bit of a mortified look, cocking a hip to the side as he gives that stupid, boyish smirk of his.
“What? Why that look? It’s a gift.”
“Ben,” you shove his arm, “No.”
“Ben, yes,” Ben’s hands meet your shoulders and the padawan moves to clasp the necklace around your neck; it’s beautifully crafted with a pale green color and flowers carved into the beading, “Something from me, okay? So you don’t forget me after you move onto the next Jedi knight.”
“Ben, do you know what those beads --”
“Cost? Yes, I paid for it.”
“No --”
You could kiss him.
Ben grins at how your nose scrunches and how your face goes red. Your fingers pinch at his sides and he tugs you close, looping his arms around your shoulders. You figure if he doesn’t know the significance of the beads, then it’s fine. You’ll hide them in your room later from your mother. She doesn’t need to know your personal guard just essentially proposed marriage.
“How could I forget you?” you roll your eyes and as Ben leads you through the market towards the food stalls, he thinks maybe this is a sweet moment. His chest hammers for a moment, throat going a bit dry as he blinks down at you. You meet his big brown eyes with an amused gaze. And then, you say, “You’re insufferable. Absolutely the worst. I couldn’t forget you if I tried, Ben Solo.”
“Good,” he grins, moving to steal your hand as he begins to shoulder his way through the crowds once more.
He’s tall, standing nearly a foot taller than yourself, and sticks out like a sore thumb. His padawan robes are dark, though, and they help him blend into the rick Cardotan urban landscape a bit. Ben wiggles through the market, fingers knotted tightly in your own as your other hand clutches the scarf to your face with purpose.
If you were to be recognized? Well, it wouldn’t be the best of situations.
You try your best not to admire the clear definition of his broad shoulders beneath his robes and certainly try to worm your gaze away from his backside to the best of your ability. But, it’s hard. Ben is handsome, and with every smile he shoots you, you swear you’re closer to kissing him silly.
Ben thinks about kissing you a lot. Late at night when Snoke is in his head, you’re a distraction from it all. You keep his heart busy, beating on towards the light. You look so different in a tunic -- less regal but still so beautiful. Your thick braid sways as you walk.
He could kiss you.
Ben tugs you into a bustling restaurant; he quickly motions for a table and you’re both escorted to a small corner in the back of the establishment. Tugging your tunic, you settle to the pillow on the floor and cross your legs -- Ben does the same but with much less grace. The boy’s limbs are far too long for his body. The nineteen year old clears his throat as he’s handed a menu by the server.
“For you and your wife, sir,” the man bows, stealing a quick glance towards you and the necklace around your neck.
Ben blanches, stumbling over his words. “Oh, uh, we’re not --”
“Thank you,” you bow, cutting Ben off and stealing him a look as the waiter dashes off.
Ben blinks, eyes wide. “Married? Why would he --”
“Ben,” you sigh, pinching the bride of your nose, “I was trying to explain… The necklace.”
The teenager pales, back going stiff and lips twitching in concern. “Oh no.”
“I mean,” you shrug, “It’s just a gesture -- an old tradition. Jadite is a sacred gem here on Cardota and it’s typically associated with fertility and passion; to Cardotan’s, it is a symbol of commitment. Though, nowadays, you have to go through the courts and --”
A pause.
Ben ducks his face into his hands. “Are you going to divorce me?”
Your words fall short and you close your eyes, snorting as Ben peeks out from his own hands and grins. His voice is laced with amusement. “I can’t live without you.”
You could kiss him.
And still, for some reason, the words strike you hard in the chest -- a bit like a punch. You wish, maybe, he meant it. That he would stay forever and never leave and be by your side for the rest of your days. You fight the somber slip of emotions that swallows you whole, but Ben notices it as soon as it happens. The force laps at your soul like the kiss of a wave; he’s prying.
He surprised when he feels the same emotions that dig in his chest late at night. With each day winding away, he comes closer to leaving you. And though Luke talks about connection and how dangerous it can be, Ben swears you’re the closest thing to the light he’s ever seen. His chest aches and so he reaches out and steals your hand again.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No,” you shake your head, “I just… I don’t want you to leave is all, Ben.”
“Can I be honest?”
His voice is soft and it scares you. You nod.
“I don’t want to leave either.”
He feels your heart hammer like his own. He feels the coil of affection wind tighter in your gut just like it does in his. The force kisses his senses with the warmth of your emotions and it’s intoxicating. Your flooded with relief, a small smile lifting your lips. Ben thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. He stares a moment too long.
He could kiss you.
“Then don’t,” you say, “Stay with me.”
He moves, slipping around the table to your side and knocking knees with your own. In the corner, pressed away from the rest of the diner, he speaks like he’s not a Jedi. Like attachments are allowed and he’s in love. He is, he knows he is, but he’s pushed it away for the sake of his brain. If Luke ever figured out? He’d be kicked out. But, for you -- Ben thinks it might be worth it.
“Do you mean that?” his words are quiet, face close to yours as the scarf slips from your face and you nod. His fingers tug at your own; you swallow.
“I do,” you mumble, “I… If you would. I’d have you stay. A-And…”
Your eyes catch his lips then dart back to his big brown eyes. He looks scared, and for the first time you see Ben Solo vulnerable. Your words are warm. “And we’d be together. Because I care about you. You’re the first person to treat me like a person and not a porcelain doll. You’re brave and smart and handsome and --”
He kisses you.
His nose bumps yours and he misses your mouth a bit, but he grins so big and wide that you can’t complain, especially as his hands secure themselves to the sides of your jaw. Eyes fleet shut, digging to grip his robes and tug him closer as you both throw caution to the wind. It’s sweet and slow and gentle but you both pull away breathless and wade even deeper into the growing sea of affection. Ben’s face is pink, ears hot as he cards a hand through his mess of hair.
“So,” he breathes, lips meeting yours once again as you grin, “That necklace.”
“Are you proposing to me, Ben Solo?”
“No, god no,” he grins, “Not yet.”
Not yet.
You kiss him.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
HBO Max New Releases: January 2021
It’s a new year and everyone wants to put the vile cesspool that was 2020 behind them. Thankfully, HBO Max is coming out swinging to make the transition out of the hellyear even easier. HBO Max’s list of new releases for January 2021 is positively packed with notable film releases and even a fun HBO Max Original or two.
For starters, Search Party season 4 will arrive to HBO Max on Jan. 14. This season of the show with a now-surprising lifespan finds Dory Sief in the thrall of a deranged stalker…right after getting off on murder charges. These Brooklynites lead such fascinating lives! The other major original or note is the HBO documentary Tiger, that premieres on Jan. 10 and will delve into the complicated history of golfing legend Tiger Woods.
The real story this month, however, are the movies. Perhaps emboldened by its success with Wonder Woman 1984, HBO Max is filling up its servers with as many Warner properties that it can find. The Dark Knight trilogy, Blade, Chinatown, The Exorcist, Mad Max: Fury Road, No Country for Old Men, and Pulp Fiction all arrive on Jan. 1. Poltergeist and Stephen King’s It (1990) make things spooky on Jan. 15. Then the month closes out with, quite simply, the greatest movie of all time: The Mummy (1999). The downside here is that some of these are limited engagements, with the aforementioned WW1984, Blade, Ocean’s Eleven, and more all leaving at month’s end.
Still, January 2021 will provide plenty of filmic fun on HBO Max. Here is the full list for your perusal.
HBO Max New Releases – January 2021
January 1 12 oz. Mouse, Seasons 1-2 42nd Street, 1933 All the President’s Men, 1976 Apple & Onion, Season 1B The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman, 1974 (HBO) Batman Begins, 2005 Batman Beyond Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker, 2000 Batman: Bad Blood, 2016 Batman: Death in the Family, 2020 Batman: Hush, 2019 Batman: The Animated Series Blade, 1998 A Better Life, 2011 (HBO) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 Dog Day Afternoon, 1975 Check It Out! with Steve Brule Chinatown, 1974 Codename: Kids Next Door The Color Purple, 1985 The Conjuring, 2013 Courage the Cowardly Dog Craig of the Creek, Season 2 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, 2002 (HBO) The Dark Knight, 2008 The Dark Knight Rises, 2012 Dim Sum Funeral, 2009 (HBO) Ed, Edd n Eddy El Amor No Puede Esperar (Aka Love Can’t Wait), 2021 (HBO) Happy Feet, 2006 The Electric Horseman, 1979 (HBO) Escape from New York, 1981 The Exorcist, 1973 Flashpoint, 1984 (HBO) The General’s Daughter, 1999 (HBO) Gossip Girl Green Lantern, 2011 Green Lantern: The Animated Series Gremlins, 1984 Gremlins 2: The New Batch, 1990 The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Happily N’Ever After, 2007 (HBO) Happily N’Ever After 2: Snow White, 2009 (HBO) Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008 (HBO) He Said She Said, 1991 (HBO) Heaven Help Us, 1985 (HBO) The Infamous Future, 2018 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, 2001 (HBO) The Jellies Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, 2020 Kong: Skull Island, 2017 Little Con Lili, 2021 (HBO) Loiter Squad Ma, 2019 (HBO) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, 1983 Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015 Magic Mike, 2012 Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart March of the Penguins, 2005 Margaret, 2011 (Extended Version) (HBO) Miracle On 34th Street, 1994 (HBO) Miss Firecracker, 1989 (HBO) Mulholland Dr., 2001 Mystic River, 2003 Nitro Circus: The Movie 3D, 2012 (HBO) No Country for Old Men, 2007 The Notebook, 2004 Ocean’s 8, 2018 Ocean’s Eleven, 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, 1985 Piter, 2021 (HBO) The Producers, 1968 Pulp Fiction, 1994 Purple Rain, 1984 Ready Player One, 2018 Revenge Of The Nerds, 1984 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise, 1987 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds IV: Nerds In Love, 2005 (HBO) Rollerball, 2002 (HBO) Se7en, 1995 Shallow Hal, 2001 (HBO) Snowpiercer, Season 1 A Star is Born, 2018 Superman: Doomsday, 2007 Superman: Man of Tomorrow, 2020 Superman Returns, 2006 Swimfan, 2002 (HBO) This Is Spinal Tap, 1984 The Three Stooges, 2012 (HBO) TMNT, 2007 Tom Goes to the Mayor The Trouble With Spies, 1987 (HBO) Underclassman, 2005 (HBO) V for Vendetta, 2005 Van Wilder: Freshman Year (Extended Version), 2009 (HBO) Walk Of Shame, 2014 (HBO) Warrior, Seasons 1-2 (HBO) Willard, 1971 (HBO) Worth Winning, 1989 (HBO) You Can Count On Me, 2000 (HBO)
January 2 The High Note, 2020 (HBO)
January 4 30 Coins, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 8 Patriot’s Day, 2016 Scream, 1996 Squish, Season 1
January 9 The Alienist: Angel of Darkness, Season 2 Ben 10, Season 4A The King Of Staten Island, 2020 (HBO)
January 10 Miracle Workers, Season 2 Tiger, Two-Part Documentary Premiere (HBO)
January 12 Against The Wild, 2014 Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti, 2016 Alpha and Omega 5: Family Vacation, 2015 Alpha and Omega 6: Dino Digs, 2016 Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World, 2015 Blue Valentine, 2010 Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, 2000 Earth Girls Are Easy, 1989 An Elephant’s Journey, 2018 The Escape Artist, 1982 Get Carter, 1971 Hecho En Mexico, 2012 Hellboy: Blood and Iron, 2007 Hellboy: Sword of Storms, 2006 Hellboy: The Dark Below, 2010 Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again, 2016 The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, 1976 The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, 2013 La Mujer de Mi Hermano, 2005 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers, 2015 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Counting on Lemonade, 2014 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: The Letter Machine Rescue Team, 2014 Leapfrog: Numberland, 2012 Lost and Delirious, 2001 Love and Sex, 2000 Lovely & Amazing, 2002 The Man Who Would Be King, 1975 Meatballs, 1979 The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009 A Mermaid’s Tale, 2017 Mistress, 1992 Mother’s Day, 2012 Mud, 2013 Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki, 2016 Night is Short, Walk on Girl, 2017 No Eres Tu Soy Yo, 2011 Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure, 2019 Ollie & Moon, Seasons 1-2 Other Parents, Seasons 1-2 Pinocchio, 2012 Promare, 2019 Reservoir Dogs, 1992 Ride Your Wave, 2019 Righteous Kill, 2008 Sprung, 1997 The Spy Next Door, 2010 Tender Mercies, 1983 Thanks for Sharing, 2013 Turtle Tale, 2018 The Visitor, 2008 Vixen, 2015
January 14 Search Party, Max Original Season 4 Premiere
January 15 Stephen King’s It, 1990 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975 Poltergeist, 1982 Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Director’s Cut, Season 1 dubbed (Crunchyroll Collection) Real Time With Bill Maher, Season 19 Premiere (HBO) Roots (Mini Series), 1977 Si Yo Fuera Rico (Aka If I Were Rich), 2021 (HBO) The Wayans Bros
January 16 Eve Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO)
January 19 Everwood
January 20 At Home with Amy Sedaris, Season 3 C.B. Strike, Season 1 (HBO) C.B. Strike: Lethal White, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
January 21 Gomorrah, Max Original Season 3 Premiere Looney Tunes Cartoons, Season 1C
January 22 The New Adventures of Old Christine Painting with John, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 23 Don’t Let Go, 2019 (HBO) Person of Interest
January 24 Euphoria Special Episode Part 2: F*ck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob, Special Episode Premiere (HBO)
January 26 Babylon 5 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
January 29 ¡Animo Juventud! (Aka Go Youth!), 2021 (HBO) The Little Things What I Like About You
January 30 The Mummy, 1999 (HBO) The Mummy Returns, 2001 (HBO) Pushing Daisies The Scorpion King, 2002 (HBO)
January 31 Axios, Season 4 Premiere (HBO)
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Leaving HBO Max – January 2021
January 7 War Dogs, 2016
January 24 Wonder Woman 1984, 2020
January 31 Ad Astra, 2019 After Hours, 1985 Akeelah And The Bee, 2006 All Is Bright, 2013 America, America, 1964 Anchors Aweigh, 1945 The Arrangement, 1969 Bee Season, 2005 Before Sunrise, 1995 Before Sunset, 2004 Best Laid Plans, 1999 Bigger Than The Sky, 2005 Blade II, 2002 Blade, 1998 Blood Simple, 1984 Bridge To Terabithia, 2007 Bright Lights, Big City, 1988 The Change-Up, 2011 The Children, 2009 A Christmas Carol, 1938 Crash, 2005 (Director’s Cut) David Copperfield, 1935 Days After Your Departure, 2019 Enemy Of The State, 1998 Everybody’s All-American, 1988 Father’s Day, 1997 Friday Night Lights, 2004 Get On Up, 2014 Guys And Dolls, 1955 High Society, 1956 Jeepers Creepers 2, 2003 Jeepers Creepers, 2001 Leprechaun 2, 1994 Leprechaun, 1993 Magnolia, 1999 The Man With The Golden Arm, 1955 Mars Attacks!, 1996 Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011 Martin Lawrence You So Crazy, 1994 New Year’s Eve, 2011 (HBO) Ocean’s Eleven, 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 On The Town, 1949 The Pelican Brief, 1993 Planet Of The Apes, 2001 Risky Business, 1983 Semi-Pro, 2008 Some Came Running, 1958 Something Borrowed, 2011 Splendor In The Grass, 1961 Walk The Line, 2005 (Extended Version) When Harry Met Sally, 1989
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